NOTICE: Return or renew all Library Materials! The Minimum Fee for each Lost Book is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the Hbrary from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS 200-D LIBRAFY UNIVERSriYOFlLUNOiS 1408 WEST G~iFOnRY DRIVE URBANAJLLNOib 61801 LIBRARY L161— O-1096 General Information The Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, is authorized to sell at cost, plus 10 per cent, without limit as to the number of copies to any one applicant who agrees not to resell or distribute the same for profit, any United States Government publication not confidential in character. Publications can not be supplied free to individuals nor forwarded in advance of payment. The accumulation of publications in this Office amounts to several millions, of which over five million are assorted, forming the sales stock. Many rare books are included, but under the law all must be sold regardless of their age or scarcity. Many of the books have been in stock some time, and are apt to be shopworn. In filling orders the best copy available is sent. PBICB LISTS A general price list of public documents is not available, but numerous lists have been prepared on special subjects and any of these will be furnished free, on application, if the person interested will state the subject or subjects concerning which information is desired. It will also be noted that current publications which are for sale are listed in this catalogue. WEEKLY LIST In addition to the Price lists, the Documents Office issues a Weekly list of selected United States Government publications for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Each list is arranged alphabetically by subjects, with annota- tions and prices, and may be obtained free upon application to the Superin- tendent of Documents. HOW TO orde:r publications Publications entered in this catalogue that are for sale by the Superin- tendent of Documents are indicated by a star (*) preceding the price. A dag- ger (t) indicates that application should be made to the Department, Bureau^ or Division issuing the document. A double dagger ($) indicates that the document is printed for official use. Whenever additional information con- cerning the method of procuring a document seems necessary, it will be found under the name of the Bureau by which it was published. In ordering a publication from the Superintendent of Documents, give (if known) the name of the publishing Department, Bureau, or Division, and the title, together with the classification number which is added to the entry at the extreme right ; order the Congressional documents and reports by the title, together with the document or report number and the Congress and session, e. g., H. doc. 161, 72-1. * Do not use the L. C. card number in ordering a publication. HOW to remit Remittances for the documents marked with a star (*) should be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, by coupons, postal money order, express order, or check. Currency may be sent at sender's risk. For- eign remittances should be made either by international money order or draft on an American bank. Postage stamps, foreign moneij, defaced or smooth coins, ^oill not te accepted. For the convenience of the general public, coupons that are good until used in exchange for Government publications sold by the Superintendent of Documents may be purchased from his OflS.ce in sets of 20 for $1.00. 671 672 March, 1932 Address order to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. No charge is made for postage on documents forwarded to points in United States, Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Pliilippine Islands, Porto Rico, Samoa, or to Canada, Cuba, or Mexico. To other countries the regular rate of postage is charged, and remittances must cover such postage. In computing foreign postage, add one-third of the price of the publication. TO LmRARIANS The number given at the extreme right of each entry (except for Congres- sional documents and reports) is the classification number by which the pub- lication is arranged in the Library and In the Sales Slock of the Ofl3ce of the Superintendent of Documents. It can be used as a classification number by such libraries as are using, for the Departmental publications, the arrange- ment of public documents advocated in the Cliecklist of United States public documents, 1789-1909. In using this number as a classification number in a library, it should be noted that the shilling mark (/) is useerlors in the Monthly catalogue, e. g., the number A 1.23/a : So 96/4 listed in the Monthly catalogue would be A 1.23* : So 96" in a library. LIBBART OF 00NQBE8S 0ABD8 Numbers to be used in ordering the printed catalogue cards of the Library of Congress are appended to entries for the more important publications. These are given at the left, with " L. C. card " prefixed. Do not confuse with the Documents Office classification number given at the right. Orders for these cards, remittances in payment for them, and requests for information about them should be addressed to the Librarian of Congress, not to the Superin- tendent of Documents. MONTHLY CATAIXX>UB DISTRIBUTION The Monthly catalogue is sent to public libraries free on application. Sub- scription nrice to individuals, 75c. a year, including index ; foreign subscription, $1.15 a year. Back numbers can not be supplied. Notify the Sui)erlntendent of Documents of any change of address. INDEX An Index to the Monthly catalogue is issued at the end of the fiscal year. This contains index entries for all the numbers issued from July to June, and can be bound with the numbers as an index to the volume. Persons desiring to bind the catJilogue at the end of the year should be careful to retain the numbers received monthly, as duplicate copies can not be supplied. CORRECTIONS FOR PREVlOrS MONTHIvY CATALOGUES Feb. 1932. On p. 571, 6th line from top of page, change "(S. doc. 80, 72d Cong. 1st sess.)" to read **(S. doc. 60, 72d (^ong. 1st .sess.)"; on p. 59S, 4th line from bottom of page, cliange "Feb. 1-24, 1932" to read "Feb. 1-29. 1932 " ; 3d line from bottom of page, change " 2»-49 " to read *' 29-48 " ; 2d line from l)ottom of page, change "calendar da.v Mar. 1" to read "calendar day Feb. 2i» " ; last line, change the classification numlier (at extreme right of entry) from Y 1.3 : 72/29-49 to Y 1.3 : 72/29-48. Monthly Catalogue No. 447 MARCH 1932 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Note. — Those publications of the Department of Agriculture which are for sale ■will be supplied by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. The Department is- sues a monthly list of publications which will be mailed to all applicants, enabling them to select such reports aud bulletins as interest them. Alfalfa. Hardiucss studies with 2-vear-old alfalfa plants [with list of litera- ture cited] ; by George L. Peltier and H. M. Tysdal. 1932. [2] +931-955 p. il. [Prepared by Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with Plant Industry Bureau. From Journal of agricultural research, v. 43, no. 11, Dec. 1, 1931.] t A 1.2.3/a : AI 28/22 Cotton. Determination of sample size for diameter measurements in cotton fiber studies; by O. A. Pope. 1932. [2] +957-984 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 43, no. 11, Dec. 1, 1931.] t A 1.23/a : C 829/75 Crops and markets, Mar. 1932 ; v. 9, no. 3. [1932.] p. 89-120, il. 4" [Monthly.] * Paper, 60c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 85c. L. C. card Agr 24-113 A 36.11/3 : 9/3 Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 1 and 2 ; Jan. 1 and 15, 1932. [1932.] cover-titles, p. 1-190, il. 7 p. of pi. [Semimonthly.] * Paper, 20e. single copy, $4.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $5.00. L. C. card Agr 13-1837 A 1.23 : 44/1, 2 Contents. — No. 1. Study of physiologic forms of kernel smut (Sphacelotheca sorghi) of sorghum [with list of literature cited] ; by L. E. Melchers, C. H. Ficke, and C. 0. Johnston. — Inheritance of height in broom-corn ; by John B. Sieglinger. — Dehiscence of boll of Linum rigldum and related species; by A. C. Dillman and J. C. Briusmade, jr. — Effect of temperature on rate of decay of sugar beets by strains of Phoma betae ; by C. M. Tompkins and Dean A. Pack. — Root constriction of cotton plants in San Joaquin Valley of California ; by J. W. Hubbard. — Heterothallism and hybridization in Tilletia tritici and T. levis [with list of literature cited] ; by n. H. Flor. — Vitamin A, B, C, and G content of Sultanina (Thompson seedless) and Malaga grapes and 2 brands of commercial grape juice [with list of literature cited] ; by Esther Peterson Daniel and Hazel E. Munsell. — Factors influencing changes in oxidation-reduction potential on reduction of methylene blue in milk [with list of literature cited] ; by A. C. Fay and Glenn A. Aikins. — Effect of light on reduction of methylene blue in milk [with list of literature cited] ; by Glenn A. Aikins and A. C. Fay. — No. 2. Characteristics of dispersable organic colloids in peats [with list of literature cited] ; by Wilbur L. Powers. — Decomposition of vetch green manure in relation to surrounding soil [with list of literature cited] ; by Harry Humfeld and Nathan R. Smith. — Inheritance of re- sistance to bunt, Tilletia tritici, in crosses of white federation with Turkey wheats [with list of literature cited] ; by Fred N. Briggs. — Flowering behavior of hog peanut in response to length of day ; by H. A. Allard. — Downy spot disease of pecans ; by J. B. Demaree and J. R. Cole. — Physiologic races of Ustilago levis and U. avenae on red oats [with list of literature cited] ; by George M. Reed and T. R. Stanton. — Black scorch of date palm caused by Thielaviopsis paradoxa [with list of literature cited] ; by L. J. Klotz and H. S. Fawcett. — Glossy character (gl.,) in maize and its linkage relations [with list of literature cited] ; by H. L. Thomas. — Effect of hydrogen-Ion concentration of soil on growth of bean and its susceptibility to dry root rot ; by Walter H. Burkholder. — Relation of temperature to anthesis and blossom drop of tomato, together with histological study of pistils ; by Ora Smith. Note. — This publication is published by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture, with the cooperation of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities. It is distributed free only to libraries of agricultural colleges and experiment stations, to large universities, technical schools, and to such institutions as make suitable exchanges with the Agriculture Department. Others desiring the Journal may obtain it from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, at the prices stated above. Loans. Secretary of Agriculture acting pursuant to act approved Jan. 22, 1932, creating Reconstruction Finance Corporation : How can I get a crop- production loan? [prepared in] Farmers' Seed Loan Office. [1932.] 4 p. (Form 8.) t A 51.2: 88 Millc. Effect of light on reduction of methylene blue in milk [with list of literature cited] ; by Glenn A. Aikins and A. C. Fay. 1932. [2] +85-95 p. il [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : M 599/21 Ho'tv to order publications — See information follOTving Contents 673 674 March, 1932 Official record. Index to v. 10, Official record, Jan. 1-Dec. 26, 1931. [1932.] p. 393-403, 4° ♦ Paper, 5c. A 1.33 : 10/ind. Official record. Department of Agriculture, v. 11, no. 10-13; Mar. 5-26, 1932. [1932.] p. 61-«4, 11. 4° [WtHikly.] * Pai>er, 50c. a yr. ; foreign sub- scription, $1.10. L. C. card Agr 22-146 A 1.33 : 11/10-13 Publications. United States Department of Agriculture, monthly list of publi- cations, Feb. 1032. See Information Office, Fiihlirations, p. 670. Quarantine. European corn-borer quarantine, [Notice of] quaranliue 43, re- vision of regulations [under Notice of quarantine 43 (6tb revision)], effective Feb. 5, 1932. [1932.] 10 p. il. (Plant Quarantine and Control Administra- tion. ) t A 48.5 : 43/6th rcv./932 ModilJcation of Mexican fruit-worm quarantine regulations. Amendment 2 to rules and regulations supplemental to Notice of quarantine 64, effective Mar. 5, 1932. 1932. 1 p. (Plant Quarantine and Control Administra- tion.) t A 48.5: 64/932 [Regulations of Department of Agriculture: Fiscal, Property, Administrative, with appendix, Provisions of law affecting fiscal, property, and administrative regulations of Department of Agriculture, amendments and reprints.] [1032.1 p. 445-448, 12° [These are reprints of p. 445-448 to be inserted in their proper place in the original publication, and amend the section entitled Administrative regulations of Department of Agriculture.] t A 1.19 : 924/p. 445-448 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS BUREAU Agricultural outlook for 1932; prepared by staff of Bureau of Agricultural Eco- nomics assisted by representatives of agricultural colleges and extension services and Federal Farm Board. Mar. 1932. 110 p. (Agriculture Dept Miscellaneous publication 144.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 24-277 A 1.38 : 144 Agricultural situation, brief summary of economic conditions, Mar. 1, 1932; V. 16, no. 3. [1932.] 24 p. [Monthly.] 'Paper, 5c. single copy, 25e. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 40c. L. C. card Agr 26-1797 A 36.15 : 16/3 Caibafjes. Preparation of cabbage for market; [by Charles W. Hauck]. [July, 1924, revised Jan. 1932.] [1932.] [2] +14 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1423.) * Paper. 5c. L. C. card Agr 24-748 A 1.9 : 1423/2 Community centers. Uses of rural community buildings; [by W. C. Nason]. [July, 1922. reprint 1932.] [2]-f33 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulle- tin 1274. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 22-799 A 1.9 : 1274/1-7 European corn-borer. Adjusting corn belt farming to meet corn-borer condi- tions; [by Kenneth H. Myers]. [Feb. 1932.] ii+26 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1681.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-322 - A 1.9 : 1681 Farm-nwrtgayv errdit [with list of literature cited] ; by David L. Wickens. Feb. 1932. cover-title, 102 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 288.) * Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 32-50 A 1.36: 288 Qrain. Farm-management problems in .v;hifting from sack to bulk handling of gniin in I'aciflc Northwest; by Neil W. Johnson, E. F. Landerholni, O. W. Kulilman, and T. L. Gaston. Feb. 1932. cover-title, 4(> p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 287.) [Prepared in cooperation witli Agricultural Experiment Stations of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.] * Paper, 15c. L. C. card Agr 32-328 A 1.3G : 287 Ho^T to order piibllontlonn — .See Information following Contenta March, 1932 675 Gullies, how to control and reclaim them; [by C. E. Ramser]. [Feb. 1922, revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] [2] +36 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1234.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32-509 A 1.9 : 1234/4 Laurel County, Ky. Land utilization in Laurel County, Ky. [with list of litera- ture cited] ; by C. F. Clayton and W. D. Nicholls. Mar. 1932. cover-title. 100 p. il. 3 maps. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 289.) [Prepared in cooperation with Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.] * Paper, 25c. L. C. card Agr ^2-336 A 1.36 : 289 Meat. Market classes and grades of yearling beef; by W. C. Davis. Feb. 1932. cover-title, 27 p. 1 pi. 14 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 208.) * Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 32-307 A 1.4/2: 208 ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU Cattle. Dehorning, castrating, branding, and marking beef cattle ; [by W. H. Black and V. V. Parr]. [May, 1929, reprint 1932.] ii+12 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1600.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 949, Dehorn- ing and castrating cattle.] * Pai)er, 5c. L. C. card Agr 29-1027 A 1.9 : 1600/1-3 Feeding cattle for beef; [by W. H. Black]. [Feb. 1928, slightly revised May, 1931, reprint 1932.] ii+17 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1549.) [Supersedes Farmers' bulletin 1379, Beef production in cotton belt, and Farmers' bulletin 1382, Fattening steers in corn belt.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-294 A 1.9 : 1549/3-2 Livestock are healthier than formerly, according to meat-insi)ection data ; [by J. R. Mohler]. [1931.] (Yearbook separate 1165.) [From Year- book, 1931.] % A1.10/a:1165 Horses. Breaking and training colts, [by V. G. Stambaugh ; revised by J. O, Williams and Earl B. Krantz]. [Oct. 1923, reprint 1932.] ii+21 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1368.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 667.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 24-34 A 1.9 : 1368/1-6 Poisoning of livestock by plants that produce hydrocyanic acid ; [by James F, Couch]. Mar. 1932. 4 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Leaflet 88.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-318 A 1.35 : 88 Pork on farm, killing, curing, and canning; [by K. F. Warner]. [Feb. 1921, revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] ii+34 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1186.) [Supersedes Farmers' bulletin 913, Killing hogs and curing IKjrk, and is a complete revision of previous edition of this bulletin, by F. G. Ashbrook, G. A. Anthony, and Frants P. Lund.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32-315 A 1.9 : 1186/4 Poultry. Diseases and parasites of poultry ; [by John S. Buckley, Hubert Bunj'ea, and Eloise B. Cram]. [Jan. 1931, revised May, 1931, slightly revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] ii+62 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1652.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 1337, Diseases of poultrv.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 31-17 A 1.9 : 1652/3 Poultry profits are largely dependent on high egg production : [by Joseph P. Quinn]. [1981.] 3 p. il. (Yearbook separate 1168.) [From Yearbook, 1931.] t A 1.10/a : 1168 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, Jan. 1932; [no.] 297. Feb. 1932. p. 1-13. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 40c. L. C. card Agr 7-1658 A 4.13 : 297 Same, Feb. 1932; [no.] 298. Mar. 1932. p. 15-24. [Monthly.] A 4.13 : 298 Ho^iT to order publications— See Information follo^rlns Contents §76 Makch, 1932 Squab raising; [by Alfred R. Lee]. [Sept. 13, 1915, revised May, 1930. reprint 1932.] li+21 p. il. (Agriculture Dept Farmers' bulletin 684.) • Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 25-754 A 1.9 : 6&4/6-3 Btomarh u->orms. Controlling stomach worms in sheep and lambs; [by E. M. Nighbert]. Mar. 1932. [l]+6 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Leallet 89.) ♦ Paper 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-317 A 1.35 : 89 Tick fever; [by John R. Mohler]. [Apr. 1930, slightly revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] ii+30 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1625.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 569, Texas or tick fever.] • Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 30-355 A 1.9 : 1625/2 TuterculOHis in animals. Economic benefits of eradicating tuberculosis from livestock; by John R. Mohler, A. E. Wight, and L. B. Ernest. Dec. 1929, revised Feb. 1932. [1932.] 24 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publication 66.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 29-1739 A 1.38 : 66/2 BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BUREAU Birds. How to attract birds in Middle Atlantic States; [by W. L. McAtee]. [Sept. 1917, revised Aug. 1926, slightly revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] 10 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 844.) ♦Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 22-994 A 1.9 : 844/6 Oame-Mrds. Propagation of upland game birds; [by W. L. McAtee]. [Jan. 1930, reprint 1932.] ii+61 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1613.) [This bulletin, with Farmers' bulletin 1612, Propagation of aquatic game birds, supersedes Farmers' bulletin 1521, Propagation of game birds.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 30-50 A 1.9 : 1613/1-S Oame laws for season 1931-32, summary of provisions of Federal, State, and provincial statutes; [by H. P. Sheldon and Frank G. Grimes]. [Sept. 1931, revised Oct. 1931.] [1931.] ii+52 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1684.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 6-384 A 1.9 : 1684/2 Mammals of New Mexico [with list of literature cited] ; by Veruon Bailey. Dec. 1931. cover-title, 412 p. il. 22 pi. (North American fauna 53.) ♦Paper, $1.00. L. C. card Agr 32-321 A 5.5 : 53 CHEMISTRY AND SOILS BUREAU Ethylene dichlorid. Bibliography of ethylene dichloride; by W. A. Gersdorflf. [Feb. 1932.] cover-title, 60 p. (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publica- tion 117.) ♦Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32-310 A 1.38 : 117 Freehold, N. J. Soil survey of Freehold area, N. J. ; by L. L. Lee and J. E. Tine. [1932.] cover-title, 53 p. il. map. ([Soil survey report] 33, series 1927.) [Prepared in cooperation with Department of Conservation and Development of New Jersey and New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Text and illustration on p. 2-A of cover.] ♦ Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 32-325 A 47.5 : 927/33 Insectiddal plants investigated as possible farm crops; [by W. W. Skinner]. [1931.] 2 p. (Yearbook separate 1218.) [From Yearbook, 1931.] t A 1.10/a : 1218 Nitrate bacteria, main source of soil nitrates, depend on farm practice; [by Nathan R. Smith and Charles Thorn]. [1931.] 3 p. (Yearbook separate 1208.) [From Yearbook, 1931.] t A 1.10/a : 1208 Nitrogen fixation by legumes essentially a cooperative process; [by F. E. Alli- son]. [1931.] 2 p. (Yearbook separate 1220.) [From Yearbook. 1931.] t A 1.10/a: 1220 Hovr to order pabllcationai — Sec Information (ollotvinar Contenta Makch, 1932 677 Person County, N. C. Soil survey of Person County, N. C. ; by R. C. Juruey, S. R. Bacon, and J. J. Morsan. [1931.] cover-title, 36 p. il. map. ([Soil survey report] 14, series 1928.) [Prepared in cooperation with North Caro- lina Department of Agriculture and North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] * Paper, 15c. L. C. card Agr 32-311 A 47.5 : 928/14 Stanton County, Nehr. Soil survey of Stanton County, Nebr. ; by F. A. Hayes, W. J. Morau, and R. L. Gemmell. [1932.] cover-title, 40 p. il. map. ([Soil survey report] 3, series 1929.) [Prepared in cooperation with University of Nebraska State Soil Survey Department of Conservation and Survey Division. Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] * Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 32-326 A 47.5 : 929/3 DAIRY INDUSTRY BUREAU Cattle. Dairy cattle breeds; [by Amer B. Nystrom]. [Feb. 1925, revised Jan. 1932.] [1932.] ii+30 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1443.) [Supersedes Farmers' bulletin 893, Breeds of dairy cattle.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 30-634 A 1.9 : 1443/6 Cream. Dairy earnings larger if cream is marketed while fresh and sweet ; [by William White]. [1931.] 2 p. (Yearbook separate 1204.) [From Year- book, 1931.] t A 1.10/a : 1204 Dairy-houses. Farm dairy houses, [by Ernest Kelly and K. E. Parks; revised by R. P. Hotis]. [Oct. 1921, revised Jan. 1932.] [1932.] ii+13 p. 11. (Agri- culture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1214.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 21-1212 A 1.9 : 1214/4 Milk plants. Small plants for pasteurizing milk; by Fred M. Grant and Clarence E. Clement. Mar. 1932. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 214.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-327 A 1.4/2 : 214 Silage. Making and feeding of silage ; [articles by T. E. Woodward and J. B. McNulty, George M. Rommel, E. W. Sheets, and F. R. Marshall]. [May 18, 1914, revised Oct. 1930, reprint 1932.] ii+26 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 578.) [Prepared in cooperation with Animal Industry Bureau. Date of original issue incorrectly given on this publication as July. 1918, which is date of 1st revision, issued by Animal Industry Bureau.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 18-829 A 1.9 : 578/8-2 Contents. — Manufacture and feeding valuo of silage ; by T. B. Woodward and J. B. McNulty. — Silage for dairy cattle ; by T. E. Woodward and J. B. McNulty. — Silage for horses and mules, by George M. Rommel ; revised by J. O. Williams. — Silage for beef cattle ; by E. W. Sheets. — Silage for sheep, by F. R. Marshall ; revised by D. A, Spencer. ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU Beet leaf hopper's annual migrations studied in desert breeding areas; [by P. N. Annand]. [1931.] 3 p. (Yearbook separate 1235.) [From Yearbook, 1931.] t A 1.10/a: 1235 Blue'berry maggots. Biology and control of blueberry maggot in Washington County, Me. [with list of literature cited] ; by F. H. Lathrop and C. B. Nickels. Feb. 1932. cover-title, 77 p. il. 2 pi. 12 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 275.) * Paper, 25c. L. C. card Agr 32-319 A 1.36 : 275 Book-lice or psocids, annoying household pests ; [by] E. A. Back. Feb. 1920, [reprint] 1932. 4 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1104.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 20-788 A 1.9 : 1104/1-3 Codling-moths. Experiments with insecticides for codling-moth control [with list of literature cited] ; by E. J. Newcomer and M. A. Yothers. Feb. 1932. cover-title, 29 p. il. 2 pi. 2 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 281.) * Paper, 15c. L. C. card Agr 32-329 A 1.36 : 281 HoTF to order publications — See information folIOTvingr Contents 678 Mahch, 1932 Japanese hretlc. Ropellency to Japanese beetle of extracts made from plants immune to attack; bj- F. W. Md for Apr. 1931.] t A 13.2: N 21 m/92ft/ch. 8 llitw to order piibllciitlona— See Information follovrlnar Contents Makch, 1932 679 Plant succession and grazing capacity on clay soils in southern New Mexico [with list of literature cited] ; by R. S. Campbell. 1932. [2] +1027-51 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 43, no. 12, Dec. 15, 1931.] t A 1.23/a : So 34/83 Postet's. Fire destroys game, good hunting is found in green forests, prevent forest fires; [poster]. 1932. 30X18 in. t A 13.20/1 : G 14/932 [Trees of 4 kinds are becoming important in planting on farms ; by W. R. Mattoon.] [1931.] 6 p. il. (Yearbook separate 1234.) [From Yearbook, 1931.] t A 1.10/a : 1234 Maps Mono National Forest, Calif.-Nev. [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. [1931.] 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. oblong f°, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number 18+ [1] p. t A 13.13 : M 75/931 Mount Hood National Forest, Oreg., its purposes and resources. 1931 [pub- lished 1932]. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. large 4°, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number 17+ [1] p. t A 13.13 : M 8G/931 Nezperce National Forest, Idaho [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. 1932. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. f°, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number 15 pages, t A 13.13 : N 49/932 Shasta National Forest, Calif, [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. [1932.] 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. oblong f, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number 20+ [1] p. t A 13.13 : Sh 2/932 Wallotva National Forest, Oreg., its purpose and its resources. 1931, [pub- lished] 1932. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. oblong f°, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number 24 pages, t A 13.13 : W 15/931 HOME ECONOMICS BUREAU Iron content of vegetables and fruits [with list of literature cited] ; by Hazel K. Stiebeling. Feb. 1932. cover-title, 20 p. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 205.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-306 A 1.4/2 : 205 Watermelons prove valuable source of vitamins A and C ; [by] Hazel E. Munsell. 1931. 1 p. (Yearbook separate 1232.) [From Yearbook, 1931.] t A 1.10/a : 1232 INFORMATION OFFICE Farmers' tulletins. List [no. 1] of available Farmers' bulletins and Leaflets of Department of Agriculture [Mar. 15, 1932.] [1932.] [4] p. t A 21.9/8 : 1/29 Publications. United States Department of Agriculture, monthly list of pub- lications, Feb. 1932. [1932.] 4 p. t L. C. card Agr 9-1414 A 21.6/5 : 932/2 PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU Blackberry. Brainerd blackberry ; by George M. Darrow and George F. Waldo. Mar. 1932. 4 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 220.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-316 A 1.4/2 : 220 Citrus-fruit improvement, how to secure and use tree-performance records ; [by A. D. Shamel]. [Feb. 1917, revised Dec. 1928, reprint 1932.] ii+26 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 794.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-1875 A 1.9 : 794/3-4 Cotton. Cotton improvement through type selection, with special reference to Acala variety [with list of literature cited] ; by O. F. Cook. Mar. 1932. cover-title, 62+ [1] p. 2 pi. 24 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 302.) * Paper, 30c. L. C. card Agr 32-330 A 1.36 : 302 HoTv to order publications — See inforniatiou following Contents 680 March, 1932 Cotton — Continued. IrriRation and related cultural practices with cotton in Salt River Valley of Arizona [with list of literature cited] ; by Stephen H. Hastings. Jan. 1932. (Afrrioulture Dept. Circular 200.) • Paper, 10c. L. C. card Apr 32-200 A 1.4/2 : 200 Root constriction of cotton plants in San Joaquin Valley of California ; by J. W. Hubbard. 1931. [2] +39-47 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, V. 44, no. 1. Jan. 1, 1932.] t A 1.23 ^a : C 829/76 Crown-gall. Pathogenesis in woolly-knot type of crown gall [with list of litera- ture cited]; by E. A. Siegler and R. B. Piper. 1932. [2] +985-1002 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 43, no. 11, Dec. 1, 1931.] t A 1.23/a : C 886/9 Cucumbers. Production of cucumbers in greenhouses; [by James H. Beattie]. [May, 1923, reprint with slight changes 1932.] ii+30 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1320.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 23-742 A 1.9 : 1320/1-4 Dahlias for the home; [by B. Y. Morrison]. [Nov. 1923, reprint 1932.] ii+17 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1370.) [Apr. 1925, on p. ii, is date of previous reprint.] • Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 23-1499 A 1.9 : 1370/1-9 Dewberry growing; [by George M. Darrow]. [June, 1924, revised May, 1926, reprint 1932.] ii+20 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1403.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 728, Dewberry culture.] ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 24-830 A 1.9 : 1403/2^ Drug plants under cultivation; [by W. W. Stockberger]. [June, 1915, nvised Apr. 1927, reprint 1932.] ii+38 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 663.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 20-1781 A 1.9 : 663/3-5 Fallow. Summer fallow at Ardmore, S. Dak. ; by Oscar R. Mathews and Verner I. Clark. Feb. 1932. 15 p. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 213.) • Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-314 A 1.4/2 : 213 Fig growing in South Atlantic and Gulf States, [by H. P. Gould : with contribu- tions by others]. [Mar. 1919, revised Oct. 1926, reprint 1932.] 46 p. il. . (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1031.) * Paper, 10c. j L. C. card Agr 19-359 A 1.9 : 1031/3-4 ' Flax. Dehiscence of boll of Linum rigidum and related species ; by A. C. Dill- man and J. C. Brinsmade, jr. 1932. [2] +21-27 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : F 619/5 I Ooldcnseal under cultivation ; by Walter Van Fleet. Oct. 26, 1914, reprint [1932.] 16 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmer's bulletin 613.) [Mar. 1922, on p. 1 is date of previous reprint.] * Paper, 5c. i L. O. card Agr 14-1516 A 1.9 : 613/2-10 j Grasses. Cultivated grasses of secondary importance; [by Charles V. Piper]. [Feb. 1925, reprint 1932.] ii+43 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1433. ) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 25-668 A 1.9 : 1433/1-3 Mushroom culture for amateurs; [by Vera K. Charles]. [!Mar. 1929. reprint 1932.] ii + 17 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers" bulletin 1587.) * Paper. 5<'. L. C. card Agr 29-674 A 1.9 : 1587/1-3 Plant material introduced by Division of Foreign Plant Introduction. Apr. 1-June 30, 1930; nos. 86756-88432. Mar. 1932. 51 p. (Inventory 103.) ♦ I'aper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 7-1331 A 19.12: 103 Plants. Apparatus for growing plants under controlled environmental condi- tions [with list of literature cited] ; by Robert A. Steinberg. 1932. [2] +1071-84 p. 11. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 43. no. 12. Dec. 15. 1931.1 t A 1.23/a : P 694/26 Hovr to order pnbllcatlonM — See information follo^'lnf Contents March, 1932 681 Red clover. Field tests of imported red-clover seed ; by A. J. Pieters and R. L. Morgan. Feb. 1932. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 210.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-320 A 1.4/2 : 210 Sacaton Field Station. Agricultural investigations at United States Field Station, Sacaton, Ariz., 1925-30 [with list of literature cited] ; by C. J. King and H. F. Loomis. Feb. 1932. cover-title, 64 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 206. ) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32^5 A 1.4/2 : 20G Smuts. Factors affecting development of loose smut in barley and its control by dust fungicides [with list of literature cited] ; by R. AV. Leukel. Mar. 1932. 20 p. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 293.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-333 A 1.36 : 293 Heterothallism and hybridization in Tilletia tritici and T. levis [with list of literature cited] ; by H. H. Flor. 1932. [2] +49-58 p. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : W 56/107 Study of phj'siologic forms of kernel smut ( Sphacelotheca sorghi) of sorghum [with list of literature cited] ; by L. E. Melchers, C. II. Ficke, and C. O. Johnston. 1932. [2] +1-11 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1932.] f A 1.23/a : So 68/13 Soybean hay and seed production; [by W. J. Morse]. [Oct. 1929, reprint 1932.] ii+13 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1605.) [Super- sedes Farmers' bulletin 886, Harvesting soy-bean seed.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 29-1546 A 1.9 : 1605/1-3 Strawbet-ries. Market diseases of strawberries from Southeastern States, 1926-30 ; by Neil E. Stevens. Mar. 1932. 4 p. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 219.) * Paper, oc. L. C. card Agr 32-49 A 1.4/2: 219 Sugar-beet eel-worms. Control of sugar-beet nematode by crop rotation ; [by Gerald Thorne]. [Nov. 1926, revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] [2] +21 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1514.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 27-10 A 1.9: 1514/2 Sugar-beets. Effect of temperature on rate of deday of sugar beets by strains of Phoma betae; by C. M. Tompkins and Dean A. Pack. 1932. [2] +29-37 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : Su 32/28 Verticillium wilt (hadromycosis) of cotton in San Joaquin Valley of California ; by Fred W. Herbert and James W. Hubbard. Feb. 1932. 8 p. il. (Agricul- ture Dept. Circular 211.) * Paper, 5e. L. C. card Agr 32-308 A 1.4/2: 211 PLANT QUARANTINE AND CONTROL ADMINISTRATION Mexican fruit-fli/ invasion fought by novel eradication plan; [by S. B. Fraeker], [1931.] 3 p. (Yearbook separate 1203.) [From Yearbook, 1931.] t A 1.10/a : 1203 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements: List of inter- cepted plant pests, list of pests recorded, Jan. 1, 1930-June 30, 1931, as inter- cepted in, on, or with plants and plant products entering United States terri- tory. Mar. 1932. p. 201-368. [This paging follows that of Service and regulatory announcements, Oct.-Dec. 1930, no. 105, issued in June, 1931.] t L. C. card Agr 14-383 A 48.7/2 : 930-931 Note. — This is the 37th paper of a series issued at irregular intervals and listing Intercepted plant pests. The first 12 papers were issued during 1914 and 1915 as News letters nos. 1, 4, 6, 8-12, 14, 15, 17, and 18. The next 23 papers were published as letters of information under 3 general titles, 6 being Letters of information nos. 19-24, 9 being Quarterly letters of information of the Federal Horticultural Board nos. 25—33, and 8 being Annual letters of information nos. 34—41. Of the latter group nos. 37—41 were published as part of the series of Service and regulatory announce- ments. The 36th list was published without a number under the title List of pests intercepted on imported plants and plant products during calendar year 1929. Inter- ceptions made during and since July 1, 1913, are included in these lists. The periods HoTT to order publications— See information following Contents 112067— 32— No. 447 2 682 March, 1932 Service announcements — Coutinued. covered by the aforesaid lists vary from a few days to 2 years. The present list covers a period of 18 months and ccimpletes the lists of interceptions for a period of 18 years. It Is proposed to issue the list hereafter on tlie flscal-year basis In order to avoid duplication of work in preparing the annual report and the list of intercepted pests. PUBLIC EOADS BUREAU Public roads, journal of highway research, v. 13, no. 1; Mar. 1932. [1932.] cover-title, p. 1-20, il. 4" [Monthly. Text on p. 2-4 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 10c. single copy, $1.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.50. L. C. card Agr 18-322 A 22.6 : 13/1 Progress maps Note. — These maps show the status of improvement of the Fedcral-ald system in each State, regardless of whether the construction has been done with the aid of the Federal Government, by the States, by the counties, or by the townships. A system of symbols indicates the type of Improvement of all the roads and whether the work was done with or without the assistance of the Federal Government. Sheets are of uniform size, some States requiring 2 or more, and are so issued that they may be punched and put in a loose-leaf atlas. The maps are called progress maps, and the series will be Issued periodically to show any change in improvement of the highways. Colorado. Federal aid highway system, progress map: [Colorado]; data cor- rected to June 1, 1931. Scale 1: 760,320 or 1 in. =12 m. [Washington] Oeo- logical Survey [1932] . [2 sheets] each 28.5X18.8 in. [Projection, moditied polyconic. Base map from Geological Survey State map.] ♦ 20c. per set of 2 maps. ' A 22.9 : C 71/3/E, W Eastern Colorado. ([Sheet] 36E.) Western Colorado. ([Sheet] 36 W.) Montana. Federal aid highway system, progress map: [Montana]; data cor- rected to Aug. 1, 1931. Scale 1:760,320 or 1 in. =12 m. [Washington] Geo- logical Survey [1932.] [3 sheets] each 2S.5X18.8 in. [Projec-tion, Lambert conformal conic. Base map from Geological Survey State map.] * 30c. per set of 3 maps. A 22.9 : M 76/3/C, E, W Central Montana. ([Sheet] 34C.) Eastern Montana. ([Sheet] 34E.) Western Montana. ([Sheet] 34 W.) New Hampshire. Federal aid highway system, progress map: New Hampshire, Vermont; data corrected to June 1, 1931. Scale 1: 500,000 or 1 in. =7.891 m. [Washington] Geological Survey [1932]. 28.5X18.8 in. [Projection, modiQed polyconic. Base map from Geological Survey State map.] * 10c. A22.9:N42h New York State. Federal aid highway .system, progress map: [New York]; data corrected to July 1, 1931. Scale 1 : 500,000 or 1 in. =7.891 m. [Wash- ington] Geological Survey [1932]. [3 sheets] each 18.8X28.5 in. [Projec- tion, modified polvconic. Base map from Geological Survey State map.] • 30c. per set of 3 maps. A 22.9 : N 42j'/3/E, N, W Eastern New York. ([Sheet] 4E.) Northern New York. ([Sheet] 4N.) Western New York. ([Sheet] 4W.) WEATHER BUREAU Airxcays observers. Instructions for airways observers. 1932. iv+70 p. il. (Circular N, Aerological Division, 2d edition.) * Paper, 35c. L. C. card Agr 32^6 A 29.11 : N/2 Climatic yummarjf of United States, climatic data from establishment of the stations to 1930, by Climatological Division: sec. 18, Southern California and Owens Valley. [1932.] 41 p. il. 4° [Revised edition of a unit In the series hitherto entitled Summary of climatological data for United States by sec- tions, designated sec. 13 in preceding editions.] * Paper, 10c. A 29.5/a : C 12/930 Mctcorolnqy. Monthly meteorological suininarv, Washington, D. C, Feb. 1932. [Mar. 4, 1932.] [2] p. large 8° t A 29.30: 932/2 Monthly iccathcr review, Dec. 1931; v. 59, no. 12. [Mar. 10, 1932.] cover-title, p. 449 500, il. 2 maps, 14 p. of maps, 4° • Paper, 15c. single copy, $1.50 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $2.25. L. C. card Aur 9-990 A 29.6/1 : 59/12 Ilu'tv to urdor publlcntlonn — See Informntion follofvinar Contenta March, 1932 683 Monthly tceather revieic — Continued. Note. — The Monthly weather review contains (1) meteorological contributions and bibliography, (2) an interpretative summary and charts of the weather of the month in the United States, and ou adjacent oceans, and (3) climatological tables dealing with the weather of the month. The contributions are principally as follows : (a) results of observational or research work in meteorology carried on in the United States or other parts of the world, (b) abstracts or reviews of important meteorological papers and books, and (c) notes. Special articles. — On water vapor in atmosphere over United States east of Kocky Mountains [with list of references] ; by Louis P. Harrison. — Solar radiation as meteoro- logical factor [with list of literature cited] ; by Herbert H. Kimball. — International meetings in Sept. and Oct. 1931 ; by C. F. Brooks. — Locarno meeting of [International] Meteorological Committee, Oct. 1931 ; by C. F. Marvin. — Several cloud spouts ; by Edward M. Brooks. ■Snoiv mid ice bulletin, no. 12-16, winter 1931-32 ; Feb. 29-Mar. 28, VJ:i2. IVlar. 2-30, 1932. Each [2] p. il. 4" [Weekly during winter.] * Paper, 50c. per season. L. C. card 12-1660 A 29.16 : 932/12-16 Weather. Broadcasts for benefit of aviation and commercial interests on Pacific Coast, effective Mar. 15, 1932; [prepared in] Forecast Division. Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. 4° (Circular 17, radio, 3d edition revised.) t A 29.37: 17/3 Weekly weather and crop bulletin. Mar. 1-29, 1932 ; no. 9-13, 1932. Mar. 2-30, 1932. Each 4 p. il. 4" * Paper, 50c. a yr, L. C. card Agr 24-260 A 29.7/2 : 932/9-13 Weather map. Daily weather map [of United States published at Washington, D. 0., containing forecasts for all States east of Mississippi River belonging to Washington forecast district], Mar, 1-31, 1932. [1932.] Each 19X24 in, (outside measurement), * Daily, except Sundays and holidays (DWM), $3.00 a yr., 25c. a month; daily, including Sundays and holidays (DSHM), $3.60 a yr., 30c. a month; Sunday and holiday maps only (SHM), no subscrip- tion for less than 6 months, 25c., 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $7.25 a yr. (maps can not be furnished in quantities unless the order is placed with the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, in advance of issue). A 29.18 : 932 Note. — Subscribers desiring forecasts of weather conditions outside of the Washing- ton forecast district will be referred to the district in which they are located, and all subscriptions forwarded through the Weather Bureau for proper station reference. Maps containing these forecasts are issued daily, except Sundays and holidays, at New Orleans, La., Denver, Colo., Chicago, 111., San Francisco, Calif., and other field stations, and are designated as station weather maps DD, CM, or E ; subscription price, $2.40 a yr., 20c. a month. Weather outlook, Mar. 7-Apr. 2 [1932]. Mar, &-26, 19.32. Each 1 p. [Weekly, The edition here catalogued is the one for Districts 1-3 issued from the forecast center at Washington, D, C] t A 29.38 : 932/10-13 Note. — The Weather outlooks for the various zones are prepared at, and distributed from, forecast centers of the Weather Bureau, as follows : Washington, D. C. (District 1, North and Middle Atlantic States, District 2, South Atlantic States, District 3, Ohio Valley and Tennessee) ; New Orleans, La. (District 4, East Gulf States, District 5, Southern Plains and West Gulf States) ; Chicago, 111. (District 6, Region of Great Lakes, District 7, Upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys. District 8, Northern and central Great Plains) ; Denver, Colo. (District 9, Northern Rocky Mountain re- gion, District 10, Southern Rocky Mountain and Plateau regions ; San Francisco, Calif. (District 11, Far Western States). AUCHITECT OF CAPITOL Capitol. Appropriation for Architect of Capitol for Capitol garages [supple- mental estimate of appropriation pertaining to legislative establishment, Office of Architect of Capitol, fiscal year 1933]. Mar. 15, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 274, 72d Cong, 1st sess,) * Paper, 5c. House Office Building. Appropriation for Architect of Capitol for Capitol build- ings [supplemental estimate of appropriation pertaining to legislative estab- lishment, Office of Architect of Capitol, fiscal year 1933, for operation of electrical substation of new House Office Building]. Mar. 15, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 275, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Appropriation for legislative establishment [supplemental estimate of appropriation pertaining to legislative establishment, Architect of Capitol, fiscal year 1932, for maintenance of new House Office Building, fiscal year 1933]. Mar, 10, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc, 268, 72d Cong, 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c, HoiT to order i>ul»lioatious— See information. follOTviiigr Contents 684 March, 1932 Report of architect of Capitol, fiscal year 1931. 1932. iii+53 p. (S. doc. 7, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 11-34725 ClVHi SERVICE COMMISSION Note. — The Commission furnishes its publications gratuitously to thoBe who apply for them. Appointments. State apportionment of appointments in departmental service at Washington, D. C. Jan. 1932. 10 p. (Form 2703.) t L. C. card 32-26317 CS 1.2 : Ap 6/2 Postma.'itfr.s. Information regarding postmaster positions filled through nomi- nation by the President for confirmation by Senate. Feb. 1932. 6 p. (Form 2223. ) t CS 1.6 : P &1/22/932 Veteran preference [in appointment to civil oflices under United States Govern- ment]. Feb. 1932. 9 p. (Form 1481.) t CS 1.2 :V 64/20 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Note. — In its efforts to foster, promote, anrt develop the foreign and domestic commerce, the mining, manufacturing, shipping, and fishery industries, and the transportation facili- ties of the United States, the Department of Commerce Issues many regular and special publications. The free distribution of many of the publications of the Department is confined almost entirely to Government officers, libraries, educational institutions, the press, and commercial organizations. Others may procure them, at prices stated below, from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, to whom remittances should be sent direct, as his office is not a part of the Department of Commerce. Coast pilots, inside route pilots, tide tables, current tables, and chart.s are sold by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Gardens. Subsistence gardens, some brief reports on industrial, community, and municipal projects prepared from reports received from States and local communities; prepared for President's Organization on Unemployment Relief. 1932. [l]+26p. t L. C. card 32-26200 C 1.2 : G 16/2 Employment. Spreading work, methods and plans in use, [by] William J. Barrett ; [prepared for] President's Organization on Unemployment Relief. 1932. ii+27 p. t L. C. card 32-26270 C 1.2 : W 89 Motor-boats. Numbering and recording undocumented vessels. Jan. 30, 1932. 1 p. 4° (Department circular 278, 2d edition; Bureau of Navigation.) [Supersedes 1st edition, June 17, 1918.] t C 1.4: 278/2 Regulation of motor boats. Dec. 28, 1931 [published 1932]. 4 p. 4" (Department circular 236, 15th edition; Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection Service.) t 01.4:236/15 AERONAUTICS BRANCH Air commerce hullrtin, v. 3, no. 17 and 18; Mar. 1 and 15, 1932. [1932.] p. 403-462-f [1] leaf, il. [Semimonthly.] t L. C. card 29-26634 C 23.12 : 3/17, 18 Publications. Aeronautic publications. Revised Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. ii+15 p. (Aeronautics bulletin 6.) t L. C. card 28-7351 C 23.11 : 6/6 Air way maps United States. Airway map of United States, Rlar. 1, 1932. 1932. 1 .sheet (with map on verso), oblong f°, fo'ded into 8° size. (Aeronautics bulletin 8.) t C 23.11: 8^4 CENSUS BUREAU Ari:(ynf patients under care at beginning of year in State Institutions for feeiile-minded and epileptics. 1932. iii+49 p. [Prepared under supervision of Starlie M. Grogan. chief statistician for statis- tics of States and cities, lyemuel A. Carruthers, exi>ert chief of division, and Bi'unet Mead, statistician of Federal Bureau of Prisons. The text was pre- pared l)y Harriet M. Cheney.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-27040 C 3.2 :F 32^928 Forext products. 15th census of Uniteil States [1930] : Manufacture.s, 1929, industry series, miscellaneous forest-products industries. 1932. vi-F34 p. 4" [Prepared under supervision of JjeVerne Beales, chief statistician for manu- factures, and August II. O. Rolle, in charge of work on forest products Indus- tries.] 'Paper, l.'k'. C 3.37/26 :F 76 Gainful tcorkcrs in Uniten< Ion foIIiMvinfr Contcntii March, 1932 689 Passaic River. Passaic and Hackensack rivers, N. J., surveys 1913-15, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931, and other sources ; with inset, Continuation of Hackensack River ; chart 287. Scale 1 : 20,000. Washington, Coast and Geo- detic Survey, Feb. 1932. 40.9X28.5 in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 287 Patterson Bay and Deep Cove, Chatham Strait, southeast Alaska, surveys to 1927 ; chart 8266. Scale 1 : 20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Dec. 1931. 31.1X23 in. t25c. C 4.9: 8266 San Francisco Bay, Calif., Candlestick Point to Angel Island, surveys to 1930, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931, and other sources; chart 5535. Scale 1: 20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Feb. 1932. 43.7X33.9 in, t 75c. C 4.9 : 5535 San Francisco entrance, Calif., surveys to 1927, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931, and other sources ; chart 5532. Scale 1 : 40,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Feb. 1932. 33.6X41.4 in. t 75c. C 4.9: 5532 Tlevak Narrows, s. e. Alaska, surveyed 1912; Sukkwan Narrows, s. e. Alaska, surveyed 1912; chart 8153. Scale 1:20,000. Washington, Coast and Geo- detic Survey, Jan. 1932. 11.7X21.3 in. t 25c. C 4.9: 8153 FISHERIES BUREAU Fish as food. Reducing shrinkage of frozen fish in cold storage [with bibliog- raphy] ; by James M. Lemon. 1932. ii-f 12 p. il. (Investigational report 9.) [Investigational report 9 carries the volume number 1.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card F32-5 C 6.12: 9 Fisheries service Mlletin, Mar. 1, 1932 ; no. 202. [1932.] 6 p. [Monthly.] t L. C. card F 15-76 C 6.9 : 202 Fishery products. Fishery products landed at Seattle, Wash., by United States vessels, Jan. 1932. [1932.] 1 p. 4° (Statistical bulletm 963.) t C 6.5 : 963 Fishery products landed by United States vessels at Seattle, Wash., 1931. [1932.] 2 leaves, oblong 8° (Statistical bulletin 965.) t C 6.5: 965 Landings by fishing vessels at principal New England ports, 1931. [1932.] 7 leaves, oblong 8° (Statistical bulletin 962.) t C 6.5: 962 Same, Jan. 1932, [with] summary and comparisons Jan. 1932 and 1931. [1932.] 3 leaves, 4" (Statistical bulletin 961.) t C 6.5: 961 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE BUREAU Aeronautics Trade Division. Functions of Aeronautics Trade Division ; [by] Leighton W. Rogers. 1932. [l]+8 p. narrow 12° t L. C. card 32-26195 C 18.2 : Ae 8 Business. Survey of current business. Mar. 1932 ; v. 12, no. 3. [1932.] cover- title, 56 p. il. 4'' [Monthly. Contains weekly data through Feb. 20, 1932, and monthly data through January, the date given above being the date of issue. Text on p. 2-4 of cover.] * Paper, 10c. single copy (annual supplement 25c.), $1.50 a yr. (including weekly supplement) ; foreign subscription, $2.50 (with- out weekly supplement). L. C. card 21-26819 C 18.35 : 932/3 Same, weekly supplement, Mar. 3-31, 1932. [1932.] Each 4 p. 11. 4» [Included in price of monthly Survey of current business, which see above.] C 18.36 : 932/9-13 Commerce. Monthly summary of foreign commerce of United States, Jan. 1932. 1932. 2 pts. p. 1-76 and ii-f 77-93 p. 4° * Paper, pt. 1, 10c. single copy, * pt. 2, 5c. single copy, $1.25 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.85. L. C. card 14-21465 C 18.7 : 932/7-1, 7-2 Same. 1932. [2 pts. in 1], 93 p. 4° (H. doc. 57, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) HoTT to order publications — See information follofrlng: Contents 690 March, 1932 Commerce — Conti n ued. Summary of Uuited States trade with world. 1931; [by Earnest A. Tupper]. 1932, ii+23 p. (Trade information bulletin 791; [Economic Ee- search Division].) ♦Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-20285 C 18.25 : 791 Comtnerce reports. Commerce reports, weekly survey of foreign trade, reports from representatives of Dei)artments of Commerce and State in foreijoi countries and articles itrepaivd In bureau at Washington, Mar. 7-28, 19:'.2; no. 10-13 [series 1932]. [1932.] cover-titles, p. 521-772, il. 4' [Text and illus- trations on p. 2-4 of covers.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, §4.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $6.00. C 18.5^1 : 932/10-13 Same, nos. 40-52 [series 1931], v. 4, 34th year; Oct.-Dec. 1931 [title-page and index]. 1932. [2]+xxiv p. 4° [Quarterly.] ♦ Paper, 5c. single copy, 20o. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 30c. C 18.5/1 : 931/40-52/t. p. & Ind. Cotton goods. Thilippine cotton piece goods market ; [by Hiram T. Nonos]. 19.32. ii+15 p. (Trade information bulk-tin 793.) [Hevisit)n of a part of Trade in- formation hnlktin 392, Philippine cotton j^'oods and hosiery markets, is.suixl in 1926.] • Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26302 C 18.25 : 793 Foreign exchange. Recent trend in Canadian foreign exchange [with sources of information; by Emil Sauer]. 1932. ii+19 p. (Trade information bul- letin 792; [Finance and Investment Division].) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26316 C 18.25 ; 792 Eardtrare distribution in Gulf Southwest ; by Walter A. Bowers and Walter L. Mitchell, jr. 1932. x+290 p. il. 2 maps. (Domestic commerce series 52; [Domestic Regional Division].) [Pt. 4 of Commercial survey of Gulf South- west] * Paper, 70c. L. C. card 31-26436 C 18.28 : 52 Italian colonial development: [2], Libya (Tripolitania and Cirenaica), Aegean Islands (Dodecanese) ; [by] C. C. Miller, Division of Regional Information, from reports by Mowatt M. Mitchell, Herbert S. Bursley, and Italian official sources. [1932.] 5 p. il. 4° [From Commerce reports, Feb. 22, 1932.] t C 18.5/la : It 1/3 Knitted-outerwear machinery in New York City; [by R. G. Matthews]. 1932. iv-f-31 p. (Domestic commerce series 58; [Industrial Machinery Division].) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26395 C 18.28: 58 Leather industry and trade of Netherland East Indies; [by Carl H. Boehringer]. 1932. ii+27 p. (Trade information bulletin 789; [Hide and Leather Divi- sion].) ♦ Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-262ft4 C 18.25 : 789 Louisville, Ky. Louisville grocery survey: pt. 3 A, Merchandising characteris- tics of grocery store commodities, general findings and specitic results; [by Nelson A. Miller]. 1932. vi+65 p. il. (Distribution cost studies 11.) •Paper, 20c. L. C. card 30-26117 C 18.33 : 11 Same: pt. 3 B, Merchandising characteristics of grocery store commodi- ties, piTishables ; [by Nelson A. Miller and Arthur A. KimballJ. 1932. v-f-103 p. (Distribution cost studies 12.) ♦ Pai)er, 20c. L. C. card 30-26117 C 18.33: 12 Same: pt. 4, Wholesale grocery oi)erations; [by Jolm R. Bromell]. 1932. iv+81 p. 11. (Distribution cost studies 14.) * Paper, 20c. L. C. card 30-26117 C 18.33: 14 Markets. General consumer market statistics; by Charles B. Eliot. 1932. Iv-fl93 \). 11. 4" (Domestic commerce series 50; [Domestic Regioiuil Divi- sion].) [Prepared in cooi>eration with Census Bureau. Supplement 1 to Market data handl)ook of United States, issued as Domestic commerce series 80.] * I'aper, 60c. L. C. card 32-26318 C 18.28: 68 lIu^T tu nrtlor i>ublicii4li>iiH — S«>o Infoniinditn f«>IIoiTiniK Contcnta March, 1932 691 'Tariff. Current trends in foreign tariffs and commercial policy, review of 1931; [by Henry Chalmers]. 1932. ii+21 p. (Trade information bulletin 790; [Foreign Tariffs Division].) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26283 C 18.25 : 790 Taxation. German National Government tax system [as of Jan. 1, 1932; prepared by Arthur R. Burustan, with cooperation of Walter Jaeger and Joseph H. Barkmeier]. [1932.] 3 p. 4° [From Commerce reports, Mar. 7, 1932.] t C 18.5/1 a : G 317 Wheat. International marketing of surplus wheat [with list of references cited and sources] ; by George J. Carr. 1932. iv+28 p. 11. (Trade promo- tion series 130; Foodstuffs Division.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26319 C 18.27: 130 LIGHTHOUSES BUREAU lst-9th Districts. Light list, including fog signals, Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States ; 1932, corrected to Jan. 15, 1932. 1932. [1] +544 p. [Porto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Navassa Island, and the Canal Zone are included in this publication. Map on verso of front cover.] * Paper, 70c. L. C. card 11-15353 C 9.17 : 932 15th District. Light list, lower Mississippi River and tributaries, 15th light- house district; 1932, corrected to Jan. 2. 1932. 104 p. narrow 16° [About half of the pages are blank.] * Paper, 20c. L. C. card 12-29023 C 9.29 : 932 Lighthouse service bulletin, v. 4, no. 27 ; Mar. 1, 1932. [1932.] p. 107-110. [Monthly.] t L. C. card 12-35121 C 9.31: 4/27 Notices to mariners. Notice to mariners. Great Lakes, weekly, no. 1-4, 1932; Mar. 4-25 [1932]. Couover Press, Detroit [Mar. 4-24, 1932]. Each 7 leaves or 6 leaves, t Supt. of Lighthouses, Detroit, Mich. C 9.41 : 932/1-4 Notice to mariners, weekly, no. 9-13, 1932; Mar. 2-30 [1932]. 1932. various paging. [Issued jointly with Coast and Geodetic Survey.] t L. C. card 7-20609 C 9.26 : 932/9-13 MINES BUREAU Cement in 1930; by B. W. Bagley. Mar. 23, 1932. [1] +397-432 p. [From Mineral resources, 1930, pt. 2.] * Paper, 5c. C 22.8/a : C 332/930 Coal. Carbonizing properties of Davis bed coal from Garrett County, Md., and of mixtures with Pittsburgh bed coal; by A. C. Fieldner, J. D. Davis, E. B. Kester, W. A. Selvig, D. A. Reynolds, and F. W. Jung. 1932. ii+39 p. 11. 12 p. of pi. (Technical paper 511.) [This paper presents results of work done under a cooperative agreement with the American Gas Association.] * Paper, 20c. L. C, card 32-26267 C 22.5 : 511 Friability, slacking characteristics, low-temperature carbonization assay, and agglutinating value of Washington and other coals ; by H. F. Yancey, K. A. Johnson, and W. A. Selvig. 1932. iv+94 p. il. 1 pi. 6 p. of pi. (Tech- nical paper 512.) [This report presents results of work done under a co- operative agreement with University of Washington.] * Paper, 25c. L. C. card 32-26108 C 22.5: 512 <}asoli'ne. Natural gasoline in 1930 ; by G. R. Hopkins and E. M. Seeley. Mar. 18, 1932. [1] +433-456 p. il. [From Mineral resources, 1930, pt. 2.] * Paper, 5c. C 22.S/a : G 212/930 Gold dredging. Safety practices in California gold dredging; by S. H. Ash. 1932. ii+31 p. il. (Bulletin 352.) * Paper. 10c. L. C. card 32-26266 C 22.3 : 352 Liquid-oxygen explosives [with bibliography] ; by G. St. J. Perrott and N. A. Tolch. 1932. v+88 p. il. 4 pi. 4 p. of pi. (Bulletin 349.) * Paper, 25c. L. C. card 32-26269 C 22.3 : 349 Ho'w to order iinlilicntioiiN — See inforuinlion foUoTviiis' Contents 692 March, 1932 These coupons are good until used, but are onlv to be used for orders Office. For schedule of office fees, address Clnef Clerk, Patent Office, Motion picture films of Bureau of Miixs, list of film distributing centers and Alms at each, year ending June 30, 1932. [1932.] 2 p. narrow 12" t L. C. card 24-263(H C 22.2 : M 85/7/932 Publications. New publications, Bureau of Mines, monthly 202; Feb. 29, 1932. [1932 J 3 p. t 22.7/3:202 Talc and .soapstoue In 1930; by Oliver Bowles and B. H. Stoddard. Mar. 14, 1932. [1] +303-313 p. [From Mineral resources, 1930, pt. 2.] * Paper. 5c. C 22.8/a : T 143/930 NAVIGATION BUREAU Ships. American documented seagoing merchant ve.s.sel.s of 500 gross tons and over, Feb. 1, 1932. 1932. ii+73 p. 4° (Serial 171.) [Monthly.] •Paper, lOc. single copy, 75c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.25. L. C. card l{>-26597 011.8:932/2 PATENT OFFICE Note. — The Patent Office publishes Specifications and drawings of patents In single copies. are not enumerated In this catalogue, but may be obtained for 10c. each at the Patent Office. A variety of indexes, giving a complete virw of the work of the Patent Office from 1790 to date, are publlslicd at prices ranging from 25c. to $10.00 per volume, and may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington. D. C. Tlie Rules of practice and pamphlets containing I'atent laws, General Information concerning patents, and General information about protection of trade marks, prints, and labels are furnished free of cliarRe upon application to the I'atent Office. The I'atent Office issues coupon orders in packages of 20 at $2.00 per package, or In books containing 100 coupons at $10.00 per book. These sent to the Patent Washington, D. C. Brennan, Mark O. In Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, patent appeal nu. 3050, in re Mark O. Brennan, method and means for wrapping food products ; brief for commissioner of patents. [1932.] cover-title, 10 p. 4° t C 21.10 : B 75 Decisions. [Decisions in patent and trade-mark cases, etc.] Mar. 1, 1932. p. 1-8. large 8° [From OflBcial gazette, v. 416, no. 1.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. L. C. card 23-7315 C 21.5/a 2 : 416/1 Same. Mar. 8, 1932. p. 283-290, large 8* [From Official gazette, v. 416, no. 2.] C 21.5/a 2 : 416/2 Same. Mar. 15, 1932. p. 535-542, large 8 416, no. 3.] Same. Mar. 22, 1932. p. 801-808, large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 416, no. 4.] C 21.5/a 2 : 416/4 Same. Mar. 29, 1932. p. 1037-44, large 8 416. no. 5.] Inventions. Changes in classification [of inventions], order 3207 ; Oct. 30, 1931. [1932.] 1 p. large 8" [From Official gazette, v. 412, no. 3.] t C 21.5/a 6 : 932 Kaser, Everett D. In Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, patent appeal no. 3122, in re Everett D. Kaser, for reissue of patent ; brief for commissioner of patents. [1932.] cover-Utle, 8 p. 4° X C 21.10 :K 151 Matzner, Ilyman. In Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, iiatent appeal no. 3047. in re api>lication of Hynian Matzner, improvement in indicator for radio receivers; l)rief for commissioner of patents. [1932.] cover-title, 14 p. large 8" t C 21.10 ::M 439 Mortimer, Charles W. In Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, patent appeal no. 3010. in re Charles W. Mortimer, .shingle strip; brief for commissioner of patents. [1932.] cover-title, 8 p. 4' + C 21.10 :M 844 Official yazctte. Official gazette of Patent Office, containing patents, trade- marks, designs, and Ial)els issued Mar. 1-29, 1932; v. 416, no. 1-5. [1932.] cover-titles, 12S9+[ccxl p. il. large S" [Weekly.] ♦Paper, 25c. single copy, $10.00 Q vr. ; foreign subscription, $1().00. L. C. card 4-18256 21.5 : 416/1-5 Ho'w to order pnbllcatlona — See Informntlon foIloTrlnff Content* [From Official gazette, v, C 21.5/a 2 : 416/3 [From Official gazette, v. C 21.5./a 2 : 416/5 March, 1932 693 •Official gazette — Continued. Note. — Contains the patents, trade-marks, designs, and labels issued each week, with Indexes ; also decisions of the commissioner of patents and of the United States courts In patent cases. The annual index of patents will hereafter be published in 2 parts, one on Patents, price $1.00, and the other on Trade-marks, price 50c. These indexes are not included in the regular subscription price for the Official gazette given above, but will be sent to those yearly subscribers who remit $11.50 ; foreign subscription for the same, $17.50. Same [title-page, contents, etc., to] v. 412 ; Nov, 1931. 1931. [2] leaves, large 8° * Paper, 5c. single copy, included in price of Oflacial gazette for subscribers. C 21.5 : 412/t. p. & cont. Same [title-page, contents, errata, etc., to] v. 415; Feb. 1932. 1932. [2] leaves, large 8° C 21.5 : 415/t. p. & cont. — — Same, weekly index, with title. List of trade-mark applicants published for opposition [etc., Mar. 1, 19321. [1932.] xlvi p. large 8" [From Official gazette, v. 416, no. 1,] t Paper, $1.00 a yr. C 21.5/a 4 : 416/1 Same [Mar. 8, 1932]. [1932.] xxxviii p. large 8" [From Official ga- zette, V. 416, no. 2.] C 21.5/a 4: 416/2 ■ Same [Mar. 15, 1932]. [1932.] xlvi p. large 8° [From Official gazette, V. 416, no. 3.] C 21.5/a 4 : 416/3 Same [Mar. 22, 1932]. [1932.] xxxvi p. large 8" [From Official ga- zette, V. 416, no. 4.] C 21.5/a 4 : 416/4 Same [Mar. 29, 1932]. [1932.] xliv p. large S" [From Official gazette. V. 416, no. 5.] C 21.5/a 4 : 416/5 Patents. Classification of patents issued Mar. 1-29, 1932. [1932.] Each 2 p. large 8° [Weekly. From Official gazette, v. 416, no. 1-5.] t C 21.5/a 1 : 416/1-5 [Manual of classification of patents, 1929] errata and minor correction sheets, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] 3 leaves, oblong 24° [Issued in loose- leaf form for insertion in Manual. Included in price of Manual, for which see the Monthly catalogue for Aug. 1929, p. 74.] C 21.12 : 929/errata 931 Sandwall, John G. In Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, patent appeal no. 3034, in re John Gustav Sandwall, water tube steam boiler ; brief for commis- sioner of patents. [1932.] cover-title, 7 p. 4" J C 21.10 : Sa 57 Trade-marks. Trade-marks [etc., from] Official gazette. Mar. 1, 1932. [1932.] 9-51+xiv p. il. large 8" [From Official gazette, v. 416, no. 1.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, $2.50 a yr. C 21.5/a 3 : 416/1 Same, Mar. 8, 1932. [1932.] 291-322+vii p. il. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 416, no. 2.] C 21.5/a 3 : 416/2 Same, Mar. 15, 1932. [1932.] 548-582+xiv p. H. large 8° [From Offi- cial gazette, v. 416, no. 3.] C 21.5/a 3 : 416/3 Same, Mar. 22, 1932. [1932.] S09-835+vii p. il. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 416, no. 4.] C 21.5/a 3 : 416/4 Same, Mar. 29, 1932. [1932.] 1045-79+xi p. il. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 416, no. 5.] C 21.5/a 3 : 416/5 Wean, Raymond J. In Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, patent appeal no. 3053, in re Raymond J. Wean and Leo A. Schaeffler, method of straighten- ing annealing boxes; brief for commissioner of patents. [1932.] cover-title, 8 p. 4° $ C 21.10 :W 373 PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Commerce Department. Supplement to annual List of publications [of Depart- ment of Commerce available for distribution], Feb. 29, 1932. [1932.] 4 p. [Monthly.] t C 16.6 : 932/2 RADIO DIVISION Radio service luUetin, Feb. 29, 1932; no. 179. [1932.] 32 p. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25e. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 40c. L. C. card 15-2fi255 24.3:179 HoTT to order publications— See information following: Contents 694 Makcii, 1932 STANDARDS BUREAU Bronze. Effect of fastlnp tomppratnres and of additions of Iron on bearing bronze (Cu 80: Sn 10: Pb 10) ; by C. E. Eggenscbwiler. [1932.] cover-title. p. 67-77. il. 1 pi. 4 p. of pi. (Research paper 401.) [From I'urenu of Standards journal of research, v. 8. Jan. 1932.] * Paper, 10c. C 13.22/a : 401 Cathode rays. Registration of cathode rays by thin films of metals and metal compounds; by Warren W. Nicholas [and] C. G. Malmb&rg. [1932.] cover- title, p. 61-05, il. (Research paper 400.) [From IJureau of Standards jour- nal of research, v. 8, Jan. 1932.] • Paper, 5c. C 13.22/a : 400 Com t)i err in I standards monthly, review of progress in commercial standanliza- tion and simplification, v. S. no. 9; Mar. 1932. [1932.] cover-title, p. 257- 288, il. 4° •Paper. 10c. single copy, $1.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription. $1.25. L. C. card 20-2C6,S5 C 13.21: 8/9 Concrete, Tests of integral and surface waterproofings for concrete ; by C. H. Jumper. [19.32.] cover-title, p. 1147-77, il. (Research paper 394.) [From Bureau of Standards journal of research, v. 7. Dec. 1931.] * Paper. 10c. C 13.22/a : 394 Contact potentials. On elimination of liquid contact ]M.tentials with potassium chlori(le and ammonium chloride; by G. M. Kline, ]\I. II. Meacham, [and] S. F. Acroe. [1032.] cover-title, p. 101-110, il. (Research paper 403.) [From Bureau of Standards journal of research, v. 8. Jan. 1932.] * Pajier, 5c. C 13.22/a : 4a3 Generators. Clock-controlled constant-frequency generator ; by A. B. Lewis. [1932.] cover-title, p. 141-157, 11. 2 p. of pi. (Research paper 40G.) [From Bureau of Standards journal of research, v. 8, Jan. 1932.] * Paper, lOc. C 13.22/a : 406 Journal of research. Bureau of Standards journal of research, Feb. 1932; v. 8, no. 2. 1932. [2] +159-.320 p. il. 9 pi. 12 p. of pi. map. [Monthly.] * Paper. 40c. single copv. .S3.00 n vr. ; foreign subscription. .'?3.75. L. C. card 32-2, Are spectrum of phosphorus ; by C. C. Klesa. — RIM20. Some physical jiroperfies of levuloso and Its estimation by copper reduction methods; by Richard F. .Tackson and .Toseph A. Mathews. Same, v. 7, July-Dec. 1931, papers 320-.395 [title-page, correc- tions, and contents], 1932. vli p. ♦Paper, 5c. O 13.22 : 7/t. p. & cont. Metals. Method for determining volume changes occurring in metals during casting [with bibliography]: by C. M. Saeger, jr. [and] E. J. Ash. [19.32.] cover-title, p. 37-60. il. 1 i>l. (Resoanh paper .309.) [From Btireau of Standards journal of research, v. S. Jan. 19.32.] • Paper. 10c. C 13.22/a: 399 llu\r to oril«>r piiltllrntlonn — Sco Informnllon follomrlns Contents March, 1932 695 Publications of Bureau of Standards', monthly list 82; Mar. 1, 1932. [1932.] 5 p. t C 13.15 : 82 Technical neus bulletin of Bureau of Standards, Mar. 1932; no. 179. [1932.] p. 23-31. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr. ; foreign subscrip- tion, 40c. L. C. card 25-26527 C 13.13 : 179 Ultrasonic measurements of compressibility of solutions and of solid particles in suspension; by Chester R. Randall. [1932.] cover-title, p. 79-99, il. 1 pi. (Research paper 402.) [From Bureau of Standards journal of research, v. 8, Jan. 1932.] * Paper, 10c. C 13.22/a : 402 Voltmeter. Electrostatic voltmeter ; by Warren W. Nicholas. [1932.] cover- title, p. 111-118, il. (Research paper 404.) [From Bureau of Standards journal of research, v. 8, Jan. 1932.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.22/a : 404 X-rays. International comparison of X-ray standards ; by Lauriston S. Taylor. [1932.] cover-title, p. 9-24, il. 2 p. of pi. (Research paper 397.) [From Bureau of Standards journal of research, v. 8, Jan. 1932.] * Paper, 10c. C 13.22/a : 397 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE SteamTtoat Inspection Service Jmlletin, Mar. 1, 1932 ; no. 197. [1932.] 3 p. [Monthly.] $ L. C. card 15-26679 C 15.10 : 197 Steamboats. 48th supplement to General rules and regulations [edition of 1931], circular letter. Feb. 17, 1932. 15 p. t 015.9/2:48 CONGRESS Congressional record. Congressional record, 72d Congress, 1st session, v. 75, no. 61-87; Mar. 1-31, 1932. [1932.] 5147-7458+ [54] p. il. 4° L. C. card 12-36438 X/a.72/1 : 75/61-87 Note. — The Congressional record containing the proceedings and debates of Congress is issued daily when Congress is in session, and indexes thereto are published fort- nightly. The Record is sold by the Superintendent of Documents on the following terms : Single copy, 3 cents, if not more than 24 pages, and 1 cent more for each additional 8 pages ; per month, $1.50, foreign subscription, $2.50. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Prices for the bound volumes of the Record, 71st Congress, lst-3d sessions, and prior Congresses, will be furnished on application. Send remittances to the Suporintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Stamps and foreign money will not be accepted. Same, index, with title, Congressional record index, 72d Congress, 1st session, v. 75. nos. 60-71; Feb. 29-Mnr. 12, 1932. [1932.] no. 6; 5S+i+32 p. 4° [Includes History of bills and resolutions.] X/a.72/1 : 75/60-71/ind. Same, v. 75. nos. 72-83 : Mar. 14-26, 1932. [1932.1 no. 7 ; 44+20 p. 4" [Includes History of bills and resolutions.] X/a.72/1 : 75/72-83/ind. PEIVATE LAWS Note. — The Office of Historical Adviser, State Department, receives a small supply of the private acts which it distributes free upon application. Private [act] 4-11, 72d Congress. Bomm, Js'eal D. H. R. 6347, act for relief of Xeal D. Borum. Approved Feb. 29, 1932. 1 p. (Private 5.) Deiayle, Luis H. S. 366, act for relief of Luis H. DeBayle. Approved Feb. 18, 1932. 1 p. (Private 4.) LaForge, Thomas O. H. R. 4145, act for relief of Thomas C. LaForge. Approved Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. (Private 6.) Lyons, I. L., & Co. S. 1473, act to authorize appropriation for relief of I. L. Lyons and Company. Approved Mar. 16, 1932. 1 p. (Private 10.) MacDonald, Harriet M. H. R. 3703, act granting compensation to Harriet M. MacDonald. Approved Mar. 16, 1932. 1 p. (Private 11.) Sanford, Mrs. Anna M. S. 2822, act for relief of Anna Marie Sanford, widow of Wil- liam Richard Sanford. Approved March 15, 1932. 1 p. (Private 9.) Tlow to order publications — See information folloTvingr Contents 696 Mabch, 1932 Private [act] 4-11, 72d Congress — Continued. Simpson, Liinucl L. S. 315, act for relief of Lemuel Simpson. Approved Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. (Private 8.) Spotiedhorav, benjamin. II. R. 4150. act nutborizing issuance of patents in fee to Henjamin Spottedborse and Uorse Spottedborse for lands. Approved Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. (Private 1.) PUBLIO LAWS Note. — Public acts in slip form in the first prints may be obtained from the Superin- tendent of Documents, Washington. D. C, at a subscription price of $1.00 for the present session (72d Congress, 1st session); foreign subscription, $1.25; single copies are usually 5c. Public [act] 43-65, 72d Congress. Cache National Forest. S. 457. act authorizini? addition to Cache National Forest, Idaho. Approved Feb. 25, 1932. 1 p. (Public 43.) Connecticut River. S. 2985, act granting consent of Congress to Connecticut River State Bridge Commission to construct bridge across Connecticut River [between Hartford and East Hartford, Conn.]. Approved Mar. 11, l'Jo2. 1 p. (Public 56.y Dca Lava Lake. H. R. 58GC, act to authorize construction of dam across Des Lacs Lake, N. Dali. [by Des Lacs Development Association]. Approved Mar. 18, 1932. 1 p. (Public 62.1 Dittrict of Columbia. U. R. 361, act to provide for extension of improvements on west side of Ceorgia avenue, north of Princeton place, in District of Columbia. Ap- proved Mar. 17, 1932. 1 p. (Public 60.) Equity. H. K. 5315, to amend judicial code and to deflne and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity. [Approved Mar. 23, 1932.] 5 p. (Public 65.) Federal reserve system. H. R. 9203, act lo improve facilities of Federal reserve sys- tem for service of commerce, industry, and agriculture, to provide means for meeting needs of member banks in exceptional circumstances, and for other purposes. [Ap- proved Feb. 27, 1932.] 2 p. (Public 44.) Fox River. II. R. 8238, act to extend times for commencing and completing construc- tion of free highway bridge across Fox River at Algonquin, 111. [by Illinois]. Ap- proved Feb. 29, 1932. 1 p. (Public 47.) Hawaii. H. R. 307, act to approve act numbered 256 of session laws of 1931 of Hawaii, to authorize manufacture, maintenance, distribution, and supply of electric current for light and power within districts of North Kona and South Kona, island and county of Hawaii [by L. C. Child]. Approved M:ir. 5, 19."'.2. 1 p. (Public 52.) nibbing, Minn. H. R. 375, act amending public building act approved Mar. 4, 1931, authorizing acquisition of building sites and construction of public buildings at Hib- blng, Minn., and other places. Approved Mar. 16, 1932. 1 p. (Public 58.) Homestead. H. R. 268, act to excuse certain persons from residence upon homestead lands during 1929. 19.30, 1931, and 1932, in drought stricken areas. Approved Mar. 2, 1932. 1 p. (Public 51.) Jackson, Miss. H. R. 6739, act to amend authorization contained in act approved Mar. 4, 1929, for acquisition of site and construction of building in Jackson, Miss. Approved Mar. 19, 1932. 1 p. (Public 64.) Kankakee River. H. R. 8171, act granting consent of Cimprcss to Illinois to construct free highway bridge across Kankakee River at Momcnce, 111. Approved Feb. 29, 1932. 1 p. (Public 46.) Mount MfKinley National Park. H. R. 6485, act to revise boundary of Mount Mc- Klnley National Park, Alaska. [Approved Mar. 19, 1932.] 2 p. (Public 63.) Musicians. H. R. 8235, act to clarify application of contract labor provisions of immi. gration laws to instrumental musicians. Approved Mar. 17, 1932. 1 p. (Public 61.) Pecatonica River. II. R. 8163, act granting consent of Conjn"ess to Illinois to construct free highway bridge across Pecatonica River at Harrison, 111. Approved Feb. 29, 1932. 1 p. (Public 45.) Plattsburg, N. Y. H. R. 7S99, act to authorize Secretary of Treasury to negotiate and to enter into agreement regarding south boundary or post-office site at Plattsburg, N. Y. Approved Mar. 16, 1932. 1 p. (Public 59.) Rainy River. H. R. 5004, act authorizing Vernon W. O'Connor to construct bridge across Rainy River at or near Baudette, Minn. [Approved Mar. 8, 1932.] 2 p. (Public 54.) Red River of the North. S. 3132, act to extend times for commencement and comple- tion of bridge of county of Norman and town and village of Ilalstad. Minn., and county of Traill and town of Ilerberg, N. Dak., across Red River of the North on boundary line between said States. Approved Mar. 11, 1932. 1 p. (Public 67.) Rock River. II. R. 8324, act granting consent of Congress to Illinois to construct free highway bridge across Rock River at Byron, 111. Approved Feb. 29, 1932. 1 p. (Public 49.) II. R. 8327, act granting consent of Congress to Illinois to construct free high- way bridge across Rock River at Oregon, 111. Approved Feb. 29, 1032. 1 p. (Public 50.) Trinity River. U. R. 8250, act granting authority to Texas State Highway Commis- .slon to maintain free highway bridge across Trinity River between counties of Navarro and Henderson, Tex. Approved Feb. 29. 1932. 1 p. (Public 48.) TTar Department. 8. 3514, act regulating use of appropriations for military and non- mllltary activities of War Department |so as to give preference to American goods]. Approved Mar. 8, 1932. 1 p. (Public 53.) Washinf/ton, Oeorge. S. 1R61. act authorizing George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission to print and distribute additional sets of writings of Qeorge Washington. [Approved Mar. 10, 19.32.J 2 p. (Public 65.) HoTV to order iiobllcationN — ^^ee luforiniitlon foIIo^Tliifc Contents March, 1932 697 Public [joint] resolution 10-14, 72d Congress. Agricultural credit. H. J. Res. 292, joint resolution to authorize Secretary of Agricul- ture to aid in establishment of agricultural-credit corporations. Approved Mar. 3, 1932. 1 p. (Public resolution 11.) Mississippi River. H. J. Res. 271, Joint resolution amending sec. 1 of act authorizing construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes, approved July 8, 1930, relating to Mississippi River between mouth of Illinois River and Minneapolis. Approved Feb. 24, 1932. 1 p. (Public resolution 10.) Polar expeditions. H. J. Res. 182, joint resolution authorizing appropriation to de- fray expenses of participation by United States Government in 2d polar year pro. gram, Aug. 1, 1932-Aug. 31, 1933. Approved Mar. 18, 1932. 1 p. (Public reso- lution 14.) Railroad employees. H. J. Res. 252, joint resolution to authorize Interstate Com- merce Commission to make investigation as to possibility of establishing 6-hour day for railway employees. Approved Mar. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public resolution 13.) Wheat. S. J. Res. 110, joint resolution authorizing distribution [by Federal Farm Board] of Government-owned wheat to American National Red Cross and other or- ganizations for relief of distress. Approved Mar. 7, 1932. 1 p. (Public resolu- tion 12.) CONFERENCE COMMITTEES Equity. Anti-injunction bill, conference report to accompany H. R. 5315 [to amend judicial code and to define and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity] ; submitted by Mr. Sumners of Texas. Mar. 14, 1932. 8 p. (H. rp. 793, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Anti-injunction bill, conference report to accompany H. R. 5315 [to amend judicial code and to define and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity] ; submitted by Mr. Sumners of Texas. Mar. IG, 1932. 8 p. (H. rp. 821, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print] * Paper, 5c. To define and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity, conference report on bill (H. R. 5315) to amend judicial code and to define and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity ; submitted by Mr. Norris. Mar. 14, 1932. 6 p. (S. doc. 71, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. GEORGE WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION See Washington, George, Commission for Celebration of 200th Anniversary of Birth of, p. 741. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Appropriation for legislative establishment [supplemental estimates of appro- priations pertaining to legislative establishment. House of Representatives, fiscal year 1932]. Mar. 10, 1932. 4 p. (H. doc. 267, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars of House of Representatives, 72d Congress, 1st session. Mar. 1-31, 1932 ; no. 60-86. 1932. various paging, large 8° [Daily when House of Rep- resentatives is in session.] $ Y 1.2 : 1/72-60 to 72-86 Lincoln, Abraham. Abraham Lincoln, address delivered in House of Repre- sentatives, Feb. 12, 1932, in commemoration of birth of Abraham Lincoln ; bv Burnett M. Chiperfield. 1932. ii+20 p. (H. doc. 255, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26396 Liquor laics; compiled by Elmer A. Lev?is, superintendent Document Room, House of Representatives. 1932. 72 p. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26397 Y 1.2 : L 06/14 Includes : Public law 223, 51st Congress, 1st session. [Public law (extract) 162, 57th Congress, 2d session.] Public law (extract) 350, 60th Congress, 2d session. Public law 398, 62d Congress, 3d session. Public law 308, 64th Congress, 2d session. Public law (extract) 368, 64th Congress, 2d session. Public law (extract) 380, 64th Congress, 2d session. Public resolution 57, 64th Congress, 2d session. Public law (extract) 50, 65th Congress, 1st session. Public law (extract) 254, 65th Congress, 3d session. Hoiv to order publications — See information follovring: Contents 112067— 32— No. 447 3 698 Mabch, ldd2 Liquor laws — Continued. Public law 888, 64th Conirresa, 2d seBslon. Public law (extract) 12, 66tb CoDgrcBs, 1st session. Public law 77. 65th Congress, Ist scsslou. Public law (extract) 41, 65tb Congress, Ist session. Public law 157, 65tn Congress, 2d session. Public law (extract) 243, 65tb Congress, 2d session. Public re.solution 40, 60tb Congress, 2d session. 8. J. resolution 17, amendment to United States Constitution, procUmatiun of rati- fication. Prohibition enforcement act 66, 66th Congress, 1st session. Public law (extract) 145, 67th Congress. Public law 96. 67th Congr. ss. Public law 556. 6«th Congress. Public law 751, 6Qth Congress. Public law 899. 70th Congress. Public law (extract) 1034, 70th Congress. Public law 273, 71st Public law (extract) 519, 7l8t Congress. I'ubllc law 548, 7 Ist Congress. Public law 657, 7l8t Congress. Opium and narcotic laws; compiled by Elmer A. Lewis, superintendent Docu- ment Room, House of Representatives. 1931. Il]+40 p. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-28757 Y 1.2 : Op 3/5 Includes : Public no. 221, approved Feb. 9, 1909, 60th Congress. Public no. 46, approved Jan. 17, 1914, 63d Congress. Public no. 47, approved Jan. 17, 1914. 63d Congress. Public no. 223. approved Dec. 17, 1914. 63d Congress. Public no. 254 (extract), approved Feb. 24, 1919, 65th Congress. Public no. 227, approved May 26. 1922. 67th Congress. Public no. 318 (extract), approved Sept. 21, 1922. 67th Congress. Public res. no. 96. approved Mar. 2. 1923. 67th Conjiress. I'ubllc res. no. 20, approved May 15, 1924, 68th Congress. Public no. 274. approved June 7, 1924, 68th Public no. 564, approved Jan. 22. 1927. 69th Congress. Public no. 198. approved Mar. 28, 1928. 70th Congress. Public no. 562 (extract), approved May 29. 1928. 70th Congress. Public no. 672. approved Jan. 19. 1929. 70th Congress. Public no. 357. approved June 14, 1930. 71st Congress. Public no. 502, approved July 3, 1930. 71st Congress. Public res. no. 96, approved June 26. 1930, 71st Congress. Public res. no. 130, approved Mar. 3, 1931, 71st Congress. Public res. no. 136, approved Mar. 4. 1931, 71st Congress. ' AQRICULTUBE COMMITTEE. HOUSE /^ Agricultural credit corporations, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on II. J. Res. 292, Feb. 10-12, 1932. 1932. iii+10-4 p. (Serial D.) * Paper. 10c. Y 4.Ag S/1 : C 8G Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session. Mar. 5. 1932; no. 4. 1932. 35 p. 4° t Y 4.Ag 8/1 : 72/4 Cotton. Standardization of hale coveiing for cotton, r epo rt to accompany H. R. 8559 [to provide for use of net weights in interstate and foreign commerce transactions in cotton, to provide for standardization of bale covering for cotton, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Fulmer. Mar. 8. 1932. 7 p. (H. rp. 741, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5o. L. C. card 32-26398 /^ Marketing of farm produce. Farm marketing program, hearing, 72d Congress. 1st session, Feb. 16-18, 1932. 1932. iii + lSl p. 8 pi. (Serial E.) ♦Paper, 15c. Y 4.Ag 8/1 : F 22/7 Short selling. Commodity short selling, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session. Jan. ^ 22 [-Feb. 29], 1932. 1932. [pts.*^,*^, vii]+12f>-421 p. il. (Serial B, pts. 2 and 3.) • Paper, each pt. 15c. Y 4.Ag 8/1 : C 73/2/pt. 2. 3 Wheat. Distribution of Governn)ent-o\vned wheat for relief purposes, ren of t to accompany S. J. Res. 110 [authorizing distribution by Federal Farm Boiird of Government-owned wheat to American National Red Cross and other organizations for relief of distress] ; submitted by Mr. Jones. Mar. 1, Yd\\2. 2 p. ( H. rp. 657, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. >/ Wheat distribution, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, Jan. 4-Mar. 1, 1932. 1932. ili-|-7y p. (Serial F.) ♦ Paper. 10c. Y 4..\gH/l : W .">6/!> Hovr to order pabllcatlona— See Infurinatlon (olloifvlnfr Contentn March, 1932 699 ^PPROPBIATIONS COMMITTEE, HOUSE / Gomrnment offices. Independent offices appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, hearing before subcommittee in charge of independent offices appropriation bill for 1933, 72d Cong. 1st sess. 1932. ii+740 p. 2 tab. * Paper, 75c. Y 4.Ap 6/1 : In 2/2/933 Independent offices appropriation bill, 1933, report to accompany H. R. 10022 [making appropriations for Executive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, fiscal year 1933] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Woodrum. Mar. 2, 1932. 30 p. (H. rp. G59, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ^BANKING AND CURBEXCY COMMITTED;, HOUSE National banks. Amendments to sec. 5202, Revised statutes, national bank indebtedness, and sec. 5240, Revised statutes, expenses of examination fiduci- ary powers of national banks, rei^ort to accompany H. R. 8694 [to amend sec. 5202, Revised statutes, as amended (U. S. C, title 12, ch. 2, sec. 82), relative to national bank indebtedness, and sec. 5240, Revised statutes, as amended (U. S. C, title 12, ch. 3, sec. 481-485), relative to expenses of examination of fiduciary powers of national banks and of all banks or trust companies exercising fiduciary powers in District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. Steagall. Mar. 9, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 756, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) *Paper, 5c. ■^CLAIMS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Adanus, Ross E. Ross E. Adams, report to accompany S. 2909 [for relief of Ross E. Adams] ; submitted by Mr. Swank. Mar. 5, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 701, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Addison, Emily. Emily Addison, reportj o accompany H. R. 9336 [for relief of Emily Addison] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 25, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 891, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. American-LaFrance & Foamite Coriwratioti of New York, report to accompany H. R. 7330 [for relief of American-La France and Foamite Corporation of New York, successor to American-La France Fire Engine Company (Incorpo- rated) ] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 743, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Andrews, Joe, Company. Joe Andrews Co., report to accompany H. R. 650 [for relief of Joe Andrews Company] ; submitted by Mr. Guyer. Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 682, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. B. d 0. Manufacturing Co., report t o accompany S. 565 [for relief of B. and O. Manufacturing Company] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 734, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. Barnard, Hilda. Hilda Barnard, report to accompany H. R. 5276 [for relief of Hilda Barnard] ; submitted by Mr. Bacon. Mar. 12, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 782, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Bauch, Oswald. Oswald Bauch, report to accompany H. R. 6501 [for relief of Oswald Bauch] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 22, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 854, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bauffh, R. B. R. B. Baugh, r eporJ: to accompany H. R. 10294 [to authorize Sec- retary of War to pay R. B. Baugh money due him for services rendered as member of local board of Smith County, Miss., operating during World War] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 22, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 855, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Baylin, Joseph J. Joseph J. Baylin, reporL to accompany S. 1021 [for relief of Joseph J. Baylin] ; submitted by Mr. Schafer. Mar. 21, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 852, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Bcicr, George. George Beier, rpp^^ jt fn accompany H. R. 1206 [for relief of George Beer] ; submitted by Mr. Dickstein. Mar. 8, 1932. 8 p. (H. rp. 717, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTT to order pnbllcations-^See information, follofving: Contents 700 Mahch, 1932 Belanil, Theodore ^V. Theodore W. Beland, l yport to accompany H. R. 1409 [for relief of Themlore W. I'.elund] ; sul)niitte. Y 4.C 52/1 : T 63/3 Clattcrhuck, Cuy. Ouy Clatterbnck, ruQcrt to accompany S. 409 [for relief of CJuy CJatlerhnckl ; submitted by Mr. Butler. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 730, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper. 5c. Ho^v to order pnbllcntlonn — See lnfornintl«»ii folIowliiBT ('oni«'iifM March, 1932 701 Clear, Wai-ren J. Warren J. Clear, r epor t to accompany S. 901 [for relief of Warren J. Clear] : submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 4, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 685, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Goe. Mrs. Sarah A. Sarah Ann Coe, refitt^ to accompany S. 157 [for relief of Sarah Ann Coe] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 722, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Cohinihia Casualty Co., vQjwvt to accompany H. E. 7668 [for relief of Columbia Casualty Company] ; submitted by Mr. Clark of North Carolina. Mar. 8, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 721, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Copper Ridge Mining Co., rejitirt to accompany S. 1436 [for relief of Copper Ridge Mining Company] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 11, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 773, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Creath, M. P. M. P. Creath, report to accompany H. R. BIOS [to reimburse M. P. Creath for taxes illegally assessed] ; submitted by Mr. Boehne. Mar. 14, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 799, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print.] * Paper, 5c. Crotty, Mrs. Margaret. Margaret Crotty, rejjort to accompany S. 83 [for relief of Margaret Crotty] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 17, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 824, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. Dacas. George. George Dacas, rg^ort to accompany H. R. 2530 [for relief of George Dacas] : submitted by Mr.^Miller. Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 719, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. DaJton, William. William Dalton, i;gport to accompany H. R. 1289 [for relief of William Dalton] ; submitted byMi". Miller. Mar. 8. 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 718, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Day, John H. John H. Day. r^gort to accompany H. R. 8398 [for relief of John H. Day] ; submitted by ilrTHarlan. Mar. 19, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 844, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. Dayton, Elizabeth B. Elizabeth B. Dayton, report to accompany S. 904 [for relief of Elizabeth B. Dayton] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 12, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 786, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Dove, Claude E. Claude E. Dove, regort to accompany H. R. 1834 [for relief of Claude E. Dove] ; submitted by Mr. Swank. Mar. 16, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 810, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Dunn, John L. John L. Dunn, report to accompany H. R. 973 [for relief of John L. Dunn] ; submitted by Mr. Guyer. Mar. 25, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 901, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Ellingson d Groskopf (Inc.), reCQrt to accompany S. 800 [for relief of Ellingson and Groskopf (Incorporated)] ;' submitted by Mr. Swank. Mar. 12, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 784, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Evans, John. John Evans, report to accompany H. R. 5933 [for relief of John Evans] ; submitted by Mr. Miller. Feb. 29, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 638, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Fairmont Creamery Co., report to accompany S. 945 [for relief of Fairmont Creamery Company, Omaha, Nebr.] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 19, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 845, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Farmers' Grain Co., Omaha, Nebr., r^ort to accompany S. 942 [to refund to Farmers' Grain Company, Omaha, Nebr., income taxes illegally paid to United States Treasurer] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 735, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Farmer's State Bank, Georgetown, Tex., r eport to accompany H. R. 3726 [for relief of Farmers State Bank. Georgetow^Tex.] ; submitted bv Mr. Clark of North Carolina. Feb. 29, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 635, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Fees, Don C. Don C. Fees, report to accompany S. 229 [for relief of Don C. Fees] ; submitted by Mr. BlacET Mar. 5, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 700, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTT to order publications — See information folloT^ing Contents 702 March, 1932 Finlei/, Mrs. Oermaiyie M. Gerniaine M. Finley, rgport to accompany S. 1338 [for relief of Germaine M. Finley] ; submitte*! byHr. Black. Mar. 11. 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 772, 72d Cimg. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Flagg, E. H. E. H. Flajjg, rei)ort to accompany S. 81G [lor relief of E. H. Flagg] ; submitted by Mr. MiHer. Mar. 12, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 7S5, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Fleming, William J. William J. Fleming, reuftrt to accompany H. R. 7301 [for relief of William J. F'leming] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. M>ir. 14, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 798, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper. 5c. Ford, Walter B. • W. B. Ford, retjort to accompany II. R. 7087 [for relief of W. B. Ford] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 2G, 1932. G p. (H. rp. 918, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Forsell, JI. H. Forsell, reijort to accompany II. R. 11M<>.'( [for relief of H. For sell] ; submitted by Mr. Bacon. Mar. 18, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 828, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) • Paper, 5c. Frost, Mrs. Lillian O. Lillian G. Frost, r enorf: to accompany S. 440 [for reliel of Lillian G. Frost] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 12. 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 783, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Oilbert, William L.. Clock Company. William L. Gilbert Clock Co., i iepor t to accompany H. R. 1437 [to reimburse William L. Gilbert Clock Company f«»r revenue erroneously paid] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 19. 1932. 3 ii. (II. rp. 842, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Gordon, David, Building and Construction Companij. David (iordon Building & Con.struction Co., cjiiwt to accompany S. 24S [authorizing adjustment of claim of David GordonSuilding and Construction Company] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 727, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, .'ic. Oorsuch, W. Stanley. W. Stanley Gorsuch, r£i>ort to accompany S. 1028 [for relief of W. Stanley Gor.such] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 737, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Chraf, Enoch. Lieut. Enocli Graf. r er>Qrt to accompany II. R. 4887 [for relief of Enoch Graf]: submitted by Mr. Hnrlan. Mar. 5. 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. G96, 72d Conji. 1st sess.) ♦Paper, 5c. Green, Abraham. Abraham Green, reix)r t to accompany S. 84 [for relief of Abraham Green] ; submitted by MnBlack. Mar. 16, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 817, 72d Cong. 1st sesa) * Paper, 5c. Hahnel. Oscar R. Oscar R. Hahnel, report to accompany H. R. 5561 [for relief of Oscar R. Hahnel] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 10, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 759, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Harbinson, Matthew J. M. J. Harbinson, repor t to accompany H. R. 9008 [pro- viding compensation to M. J. Harbinson "foFlnjuries sustainetl while in Gov- ernment service at and on Belknap Reservation. Mont., engaged as mounds- man] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 25, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. S90. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Haickins, Mrs. Asa C. Mrs. Asa Caswell Hawkins, ri^ort to accompany H. R. 8353 [for relief of Mrs. Asa Caswell Hawkins] ; submittal by Mr. Clark of North Carolina. Mar. 18, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 831. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ■,',• Paper, 5c. Berink, John. Joliii Ilerink, repoi't to accompany S. 943 [for relief of John Herinkl; .submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 4 p. (II. rp. 736, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Billiard, Cicero A. Cicero A. Hilliard, r epor t to accompany S. 478 [for relief of Cicero A. Hilliard] : submitted by MrTBlack. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 732, 72d Cong. 1st ♦Paper, 5c. Bines, Mrs. Minnie D. Minnie D. Ilines. report to iiccompany H. R. 6023 [for relief of Minnie D. Hines) ; submitted by"~Mr. Miller. Mar. 10. 1932. 2 p. (II. rp. 813, 72d Cong. 1st se.'*^.) ♦ Paper, 5c. IIoiT to order pnbllcntionN — .See inf«»riiin(iuii fttUuvvliitf I'untfutn March, 1932 703 Hogue, Anthony J. Anthony Hogue, rggort to accompany H. R. 3044 [for relief of Anthony Hogue] ; submitted by Mr. tittenger. Mar. 25, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 902, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hoogendom, C. H. C. H. Hoogendoru, report to accompany H. R. 6982 [for relief of C. H. Hoogendoi'n] ; submitted 'By'Mr. Black. Mar. 15, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 807, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hudson, J. B. J. B. Hudson, r epor t to accompany H. R. 2534 [for relief of J. B. Hudson] ; submitted by Mr. Miller. Mar. 8. 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 720, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Eunsinger, R. A. R. A. Hunsinger, rejioi't to accompany H. R. 4845 [for relief of R. A. Hunsinger] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 2, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 666, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Hurley, H. E. H. E. Hurley, re^eort to accompany S. 258 [authorizing adjust- ment of claim of H. E. Hurley] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8. 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 728, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Inman, Samuel B. Heirs of Samuel B. Inman, report to accompany H. R. 5211 [for relief of heirs of Samuel B. Inman] ; submitted by Mr. Bacon. Mar. 15, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 804. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Jelovac, Pete. Pete Jelovac, repoi -t to accompany H. R. 1767 [for relief of Pete Jelovac] ; submitted by Mr. Butler. Mar. 23, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 874, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Johnson, George T., d Sons. George T. Johnson & Sons, repoi 't to accompany S. 563 [for relief of George T. Johnson and Sons] ; submittecl by Mr. Swank. Mar. 25, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 895, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Johnson d Higgins, rpyt^fi- to accompany S. 252 [authorizing adjustment of claim of Johnson and Higgins] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 25, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 907, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Kennedy, Francis B. Francis B. Kennedy, report to accompany S. 253 [author- izing adjustment of claim of Francis B. Kennedy] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 11, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 770, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Knapp. Milhurn. Milburn Kn^pp, report to accompany S. 971 [for relief of Milburn Knapp] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 11, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 771, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Lake Denmark, N. J. Property damage or personal injury due to explosion at naval ammunition depot. Lake Denmark, report to accompany H. R. 9581 [to provide additional appropriation as result of reinvestigation, pursuant to act (45 Stat., p. 2047, pt. 2), for payment of claims of persons who suffered property damage, death, or personal injury due to explosions at naval am- munition depot. Lake Denmark, N. J., July 10, 1926] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 25, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 893, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lathrop, Mrs. Edith T. Edith Tolerton Lathrop, renort to nccompany S. 1205 [for relief of Edith Tolerton Lathrop, widow of Lorin A. Lathrop] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Boehne. Mar. 16, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 818, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. McCaskill, Mrs. Lottie TF. Lottie W. McCaskill, r££ort to accompany H. R. 5980 [for relief of Lottie W. McCaskill] : submitted by Mr. Clark of North Carolina. Mar. 16, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 812. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5c. McMullen, Mrs. Nellie C. Nellie McMullen, regort to accompany S. 3538 [for relief of Nellie McMuUen] ; submitted by MrT^Black. Mar. 11, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 775, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Martin, Frank. Frank Martin, reiiart to accompany H. R. 7199 [for relief of Frank Martin] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 12. 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 779, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Mary M, barge. Owners of barge Mary M, .rSBOJl to accompany S. 1216 [for relief of owner of barge Mary M] ; submitted by Mr. Butler. Mar. 8. 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 738, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [The original claim was for the relief of the estate of Mary Malley, owner of barge Mary M. William A. Malley is the present owner of the barge.] * Paper, 5c. Ho-w to order publications — See information following: Contents 704 March, 1932 Mery, Karim J. Karim Joseph Mery. rgport to accompany H. R. 7412 [for relief of Karim Joseph Mery] : submitted by Mr. Swank. Mar. 5, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 098, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Miller, R. B. R. B. Miller, report to accompany S. 159 [for relief of R. B. Miller]; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 11, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 708, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. Moran, Mrs. Annie. Annie Moran, LCiiox t to accompany H. R. 7734 [for relief of Anuie Moran] ; submitted by Mn Dickstein. Mar. 21, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 851, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Moran, John J. John J. Moran, report to accompany H. R. 8136 [for relief of John J. Moran] ; submitted by airTBlack. Mar. 25, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 889, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5o. Mulford, Hunter P. Hunter P. Mulford, ri^po rt to accompany S. 236 [for relief of Hunter P. Mulford] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 725, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Mullen, Nell. Nell Mullen, r pu j o rt to accompany H. R. 6410 [for relief of Nell Mullen] ; submitted by Mr. Baldrige. Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 744, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. National Ben Franklin Fire Insurance Co., rigport to accompany S. 1280 [for relief of National Ben Franklin Fire In.surancc Company] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 739, 72d Coni;. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Neill Orocenj Co., report to accompany H. R. 549 [for relief of Neill Grocery Company] ; submitted by Mr. Schafer. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 714, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Oakwoods, schooyier. Herbert G. Black, rmoort to accompany S. 487 [for relief of Herbert G. Black, owner of schooner OaTc woods, and Clark Coal Company, owner of cargo of coal on board said schooner] ; submitted by Mr. Guyer. Mar. 25, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 909, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. O'Neil, Edward J. Edward J. O'Neil, repor t to accompany H. R. 1203 [for relief of Edward J. O'Neil] ; submitted byMr. Dickstein. Mar, 8, 1932. 7 p. (H. rp. 716, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Parshall, Charles. Charles Parshall, rgpprt to accompany S. 278 [for relief of Charles Parshall] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 22, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp, 856, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c, Pearce, John A. John A. Pearce, report to accompany S. 1030 [for relief of John A. Pearce] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 18. 1932. 5 p. (H. rp, 832, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Peed, George M. George M, Peed, repo rt to accompany H. R, 2927 [for relief of George M. Peed] ; submitted by Rlr. Pittenger. Mar, 5, 1932, 2 p, (H. rp. 694, 72d Cong, 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c, Peters, F. M. For relief of F, M. Peters and J. T. Akers, rmyt to accompany H. R. SOO.t; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 12. 1932, 7 p. (H. rp, 788, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print. 1st print has 3 pajies.] * Paiier, 5c. Peters, W. A. W. A. Peters, re por t to accompany H. R. 5922 [for relief of W. A. Peters] ; submitted by Mr. Smith of Virginia. Feb, 29, 1932, 3 p. (H. rp. 637, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Petrolia-Fort M'orth gas-pipe line, reimi,t to accompany S. 2307 [for settlement of damage claims arising from construction of Petrolia-Fort Worth gas-pipe line! ; sul)mitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 12, 1932, 2 p. (H. rp. 790, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Plwnmer, Mrs. Rosa E. Rosa E. Plummer, rengy t to accompany H. R. 755 [for relief of Rosa E. Plummer] ; submitted by Mr. Brumm. Mar, 8, 1932, 2 p. (H, rp, 715, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Pokorny, Mrs. Anna. Anna Pokorny, r eyort to accompany S. 3147 [for relief of Anna Pokorny]; submitted by Mr. Swank, Mar, 25, 1932. 8 p. (H. rp. 896, 72d Cong, 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c, HoTT to order pablicatlonn — See Information follo\«-lnBr Contents March, 1932 705 PotomMc Electric Pmcer Co., repfijt to accompany S. 260 [authorizing adjust- ment of claim of Potomac Electric Power Company, Washington, D. C] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 729, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Reimer, J. R. J. R. Reimer, report to accompany H. R. 2935 [for relief of J. R. Reimer] ; submitted by Mr. Swank. Mar. 5, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 695, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Rio Grande Southern Railroad Co., report to accompany S. 3058 [authorizing adjustment of claim of Rio Grande -Smithern Railroad Company] ; submitted by Mr. Pitteuger. Mar. 18, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 835, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c.. Roberts, Mrs. Carrie P. Carrie Price Roberts, report to accompany H. R. 7639 [for relief of Carrie Price Roberts] ; submitteoby Mr. Black. Mar. 5, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 699, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Rollo, Frederick 8. Frederick S. Rollo, report to accompany H. R. 7326 [for relief of Frederick S. Rollo] ; submitted"^ Mr. Black. Mar. 25, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 888, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. Rough, Mrs. Laura. Laura Roush, rejDort to accompany H. R. 10377 [authoriz- ing payment of compensation to Laura Roush for death of her husband, William C. Roush] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 25, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 894, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. Russell, John B. John B. Russell, report to accompany H. R. 3629 [for relief of John B. Russell] ; submitted by Mr Miller. Mar. 18, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 830, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Schneider, Jack. Jack Schneider, report to accompany H. R. 2757 [for relief of Jack Schneider] ; submitted by ISfr. Swank. Mar. 14, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 795, 72d Gong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Schweitzer, Oust J. Gust J. Schweitzer, report to accompany H. R. 4910 [for relief of Gust J. Schweitzer] ; submitted By* Mr. Miller. Feb. 29, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 636, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Scott, Frank R. Frank R. Scott, report to accompany H. R. 7309 [for relief of Frank R. Scott] ; submitted by Mr."^lack. Mar. 12, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 780, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Semler, Lewis. Lewis Semler, report to accompany S. 224 [authorizing adjust- ment of claim of Lewis Semler] ; submitted by Mr. Miller. Mar. 8, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 724, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Shelton, J. 0. J. G. Shelton, report to accompany S. 217 [authorizing adjust- ment of claim of J. G. Shelton] ; submitted by Mr. Harlan. Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 723, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Short, Ross, Shaw & Mayhood, repoit to accompany S. 212 [for relief of Short, Ross, Shaw, and Mayhood] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 25, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 904, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Soluri, Louis. Louis Soluri, report to accompany S. 2242 [granting 6 months' pay to Louis Soluri] ; submlfled by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 18, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 833, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Spearin, George B. Estate of George B. Spearin, report to accompany H. R. 695 [for relief of estate of George B. Spearin] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 14, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 794. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Sperry Gyroscope Co. {Inc.), I'eport to accompany H. R. 9457 [for relief of Sperry Gyroscope Company (Incorporated), New York]; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 25, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 892, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Stacher, S. F. S. F. Stacher, report to accompany S. 243 [for relief of S. F. Stacher] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Mar. 28, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 924, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Standard Dredging Co., repoct to accompany S. 1274 [for relief of Standard Dredging Company] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 25, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 910, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Ho-VF to order publications — See information follo-fving Contents 706 Mabch, 1932 Stewart, John D. J. D. Stewurt. report to accompany S. 3119 [for relief of J. D. Stewart]: 8ubmitte Mr. Scliafer. Mar. 16, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 811, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Tiburzio, Prime. Primo Tiburzio, report to accompany H. R. 2917 [for relief of Primo Tiburzio] ; submitted by MF. Butler. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (II. rp. 875, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Triion, Mrs. Addie I. Addie L. Tryon and Lorin H. Tryon, report to accompany H. R. 3928 [for relief of Addie I. Trvon and Lorin H. Trymi] ; sul)niitted by Mr. Clark of North Carolina. Mar. 29, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 935, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Vasilzevic, Nick. Legal guardian of Nick Vasilzevlc, report to accompany H. R. 1780 [for relief of legal guardian of Nick Vasilzevic^- ; submitte797 [for relief of Samuel Weinsteln] ; submitted "Tiy Mr. Black. Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (II. rp. 683, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Welhfieltvr, Oustav. Gustav Welhoelter, report to accompany H. R. SCM.T [for relief of CJustav Welhoelter]: submitted "Ry Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 25, 1932, 2 p. (H. rp. 903, 72«1 Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. HoTT to order pnbllcationa— See informatloii follovrlnv Contents Mabch, 1932 707 Wells, Royce. Royce Wells, r eoprt to accompany H. R. 6382 [for relief of Koyce Wells] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 14, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 797, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., regort to accompany S. 21S [au- thorizing adjustment of claim of Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 12, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 789, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wlteatley, Orem. Orem Wheatley, Kenneth Blaine, and Joseph R. Ball, report to accompany S. 219 [authorizing adjustment of claims of Orem Wheatl^, Kenneth Blaine, and Joseph R. Ball] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Mar. 25, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 906, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wick, Lewis O. Lewis O. Wick, reMrt to accompany S. 2569 [authorizing ad- justment of claim of Lewis O. mck] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Jlar. 12, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 787, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wood, Henry 8. Henry Stanley Wood, report to accompany H. R. 1261 [for relief of Henry Stanley Wood] ; submitwri by Mr. Black. Mar. 22. 1932. 11 p. (H. rp. 873, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Worthington, John. John Worthington, rep ort to accompany H. R. 4276 [for relief of John Worthington] ; submitted by Mr. Harlan. Mar. 19, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 843, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. York, 0. R. O. R. York, report to accompany H. R. 6339 [for relief of O. R. York] ; submitted by Mr.'^BTack. Mar. 17, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 822, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Zagata, Louis. Louis Zagata, re port to accompany H. R. 7593 [for relief of Louis Zagata] ; submitted by Mr! Pittenger. Mar. 26, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 917, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. "^ DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA COMMITTEE, HOUSE Acacia Mutual Life Association. Amending charter of Acacia Mutual Life Asso- ciation, re pQr t to accompany H. R. 7357 [to amend act to incorporate Masonic Mutual Relief Association of District of Columbia, as amended] ; submitted by Mr. Palmisano. Mar. 2. 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 667, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [The name of the Acacia Mutual Life Association (formerly Masonic Mutual Relief Association of District of Columbia) is changed to Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Company by one of the amendments in S. 2775.] * Paper, 5c. Banks and banking. Regulate banks and building and loan associations in District of Columbia, re po rt to accompany H. R. 6402 [to further regulate banking, banks, trust companies, and building and loan associations in District of Columbia] : submitted by Mr. Harlan. Mar. 22, 1932. 8 p. (H. rp. 859, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Child labor. Amending act regulating employment of minors, renflit to accom- pany H. R. 9144 [to amend act to regulate employment of minors within District of Columbia, so as to permit minors to appear on stage in District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. Palmisano. Mar. 25, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 897, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Firearms, r epor t to accompany H. R. 8754 [to control possession, sale, transfer, and use of pistols and other dangerous weapons in District of Columbia, to provide penalties, to prescribe rules of evidence, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Palmisano. Mar. 11, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 767, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. OalHnger Municipal Hospital. Admission of pay patients to contagious-disease ward of Gallinger Municipal Hospital, r epor t to accompany S. 1769 ; submitted by Mr. Clark of North Carolina. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 709, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Ch-iffithrConsumers Company. Pipe lines for oil and oil products in District of Columbia, r eport , to accompany S. 2496 [to permit construction, maintenance, and use of certain pipe lines for petroleum and petroleum products in District of Columbia by Griflath-Consumers Company] ; submitted by Mr. Patman. Mar. 5, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 705, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. How^ to order publications — See Information folloTvins Contents 708 March, 1932 Indeterminate Sefttenoe and Parole Board. To t-stablisli Board of Iiuleternil- nate Sentence and Parole fur District uf Columbia land to determine its functions, and for other jiurposes], rt ujort to accompany H. U. 10273; sub- mitted by Mr. Palmisano. Mar. L'4, 1932. 8 p. (II. rp. 8S1. 72d Cong. Ibt .««oss.) [Corrected print. 1st i>rint reads incorrectly Mr. I'dack instead of Mr. Palmisano.] * Paper. 5c. Insurance. To require all insurance corporations formed in District of Colum- bia to maintain their principal offices witldn District of Columbia, r eport to accompany H. R. 8991; submitted by Mr. Ilnrlan. Mar. 1^2. 1932. 2 pT^H. rp. 860, 72d Conj?. 1st ses.s.) ♦Paper. 5c. Parka. Naming of Montgomery Blair portal, rciuurt to accompany S. J. Res. 4 ; snbnnttcd by Mr. Patman. Mar. 5, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp, 702, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper. 5c. Publie works. To require contractors on public buildings or other public works to give bond for faithful performance of contract, r^jjort to accompany II. R. 437 [to require contractor ti< whom is aw.irded any contract for public build- ings or other public works or for repairs or improvements thereon in District of Columbia to give l>ond for faitliful p< rformance of contract, for protection of per.sons furnishing labor and materials, and for other jairposesj : submitted by Mr. Palmisano. Mar. 12, 1932. 1 p. ^11. rp. 781. 72d Cong. l»t sess.) * Paper, 5c. Societies. To amend District of C«ilumbia code, r ej)OL t to accompany S. 3(5:>4 [to amend sec. 60O of act of Mar. 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1284. D. C. code, title 5, sec. 122), relative to income of educational, religious, and benevolent societies] ; submitted by Mr. Palmisano. Mar. 10, 1932. 1 p. (II. rp. 1G3, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Paper, 5c. Water-supply. Sale of water to suburban communities by District of Columbia, repojA- to accompany S. 3222 [to amend District of Cohiinbia appropriation actr>'ear ending June 30, 1918, so as to permit sale of water to Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission for distribution to Maryland) ; submitted by Mr. Patman. Mar. 22, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 858, 72d Cnng. l^i sess.) ♦Pa- per, 5c. v.-'TaUCATION COMMITTEE, HOUSE Rehabilitation of the disabled. Vocational rehabilitation, r gport to accompany H. R. 4743 [to amend act for promotion of vocational rehabilitation of per- sons disabled in industry or accompany II. H. 10794; submitted by Mr. Cochran of Missouri. Mar. 30, 1S«2. 11 p. (H. rp. 950, llovir to order iinblirattona— See Inforuiatlon follovflnv Contenta / March, 1932 709 Civil service — Continued. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Includes minority views signed by Mr. Colton and Mr. Schafer and minority views of Mr, Williamson. H. R. 10794 provides for the consolidation of Civil Service Commission, Employees' Compensation Com- mission, Personnel Classification Board, Bureau of Efficiency, and part of "Veterans' Administration into an establishment to be known as Civil Service Administration.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26451 / Government contracts. Naming of subcontractors, hearings before subcom- mittee, on- H. R. 4680, to require contractors on public building projects to ■^ name their subcontractors, material men, and supply men, and for other purposes, Feb. 17 and 18, 1932, 72d Congress, 1st session. 1932. iii+43 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.Ex 7/13 : Su 1 / Government supplies. Government purchase of American goods, hearings be- ^ fore subcommittee on H. R. 6744, H. R. 8017, H. R. 8909, H. R. 9308, etc., bills to provide for Government purchase of American goods, Feb. 15, 1932, 72d Congress, 1st session. 1932. iii+44 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.Ex 7/13 : Am 3 Government purchase of American goods, report to accompany H. R. 10743 [to require purchase of domestic supplies for public use and use of domestic materials in public buildings and works] ; submitted by Mr. Wilson. Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 882, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Natiotwl Defense Department. Department of National Defense, hearings, on H. R. 4742 and H. R. 7012, proposing establishment of Department of Na- tional Defense, to consolidate therein Department of War and Department of Navy, and for other purposes, 72d Congress, 1st session. 1932. iii+282 p. il. * Paper, 25c. Y 4.Ex 7/13 : N 21 ^ FLOOD CONTROL COMMITTEE, HOUSE Cataco Creek. Flood control of Cataco Creek, Ala., r epor t to accompany H. R. 9453 [to provide preliminary examination of Cataco Creek and its branches in Morgan County, Ala., with view to control of its floods] ; submitted by Mr. Overton. Mar. 9, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 753, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Pa- per, 5c. Com,bahee River. Preliminary examination of certain rivers in South Carolina for purposes of flood control, repor t to accompany H. R. 8603 [to provide preliminary examination of ComDahee, Big Salkehatchie, Coosawatchie, Edisto, and South Edisto rivers, S. C, with view to control of floods] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Swank. Mar. 5, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 703, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Flint Creek. Preliminary examination of Flint Creek and its branches in Morgan County, Ala., for purposes of flood control, repor t to accompany H. R. 9452 [to provide preliminary examination of Flint Creek and its branches in Morgan County, Ala., with view to control of its floods] ; submitted by Mr. Overton. Mar. 9, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 752, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Fliiit River. Flood control of Flint River, Ala. and Tenn., rPP Ol^ to accompany H. R. 9451 [to provide preliminary examination of Flint River, Ala. and Tenn., with view to control of its floods] ; submitted by Mr. Overton. Mar. 9, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 751, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lewis Creek. Preliminary examination of Lewis Creek, Ohio County, Ky., for purposes of flood control, report to accompany H. R. 94.56 ; submitted by Mr. Moore of Kentucky. Mar. 571932. 1 p. (H. rp. 704, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Mississippi River. Flood control on Mississippi River, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 4668. 1932. iii+160 p. [H. R. 4668 provides for com- pensation for lands taken, used, or destroyed by reason of setbacks or changes in levee lines on main channel of Mississippi River.] * Paper, 15c. Y 4.F 65 : M 69/7 Ho^T to order publications— See infornintion folloTving Contents 710 March, 1932 ■* FOKEION AJFTAIBS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Franci'<, Mra. Nellie. Nellie T. Francis, report to arconipany H. R. 8479 [for relief of Nellie T. Francis, widow of William T. Francis] : submitted by Mr. Maas. IMar. 3, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 677, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Internntional Geological Congress. International Geological Congress, bearings, 72<1 Congress, 1st session, on H. J. Res. 181 rauthorizing appropriation for of IGth session of International Geological Congress to l)e held in United States in 1933, Feb. 24-Mar. 15, 1932. 1932. ii+31 p. ♦ Paner, 5c. Y 4.F 76/1 : In 8/7^ International Geological Congress, report to accompany H. J. Res. 181 rauthorizing appropriation for expenses of 16th session of International Geological Congress t<» be held in United States in 1933] ; submitted bv Mr. I.inthicum. Mar. 15, 1932. 3 p. ( H. rp. 801, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. Inimiational Technical Commiitee of Aerial Legal Experta, report to accompany H. .1. Kes. 193 fproviding for annual appropriation to meeT^uota of United States toward expenses of International Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts] ; submitted by Mr. Karch. Mar. 14, 1932. 5 p. ( H. rp. 800, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) fH. J. Res. 193 amends act providing for annual appropria- tion to meet quota of United States toward expenses of the Committee by providing for annual appropriation for expenses of participation of Govern- ment of United States at meetings of the Committee.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26459 Inter pari ia/tnentary Union, repo rt to accompany H. J. Res. 320 [to authorize appropriation for American group of Interparliamentary^- Union] ; submitted by Mrs. Owen. Mar. 2, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. G6S. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Munitions. Agreement renouncing sale or export of arms, munitions, or imple- ments of war to any foreign nation, reiwt to accompany H. .1. Res. 2S2 [to propose multilateral agreement renouncing, "sale or export of arms, munitions, or implements of war to any foreign nations] ; submitted by Mr. Fish. Mar. 30. 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 941 [pt. 1], 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5c. L. C. card 32-26399 Taggart, Mrs. Emma R. II. Emma R. H. Taggart, rejiuj-t to accompany H. B. 10259 [for relief of Emma R. H. Taggart, widow of Giles Russell Taggart] ; submitted by Mr. Lichtenwalner. Mar. 29, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 936, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. y IMMIGRATION AND NATUBALIZATION COMMITTEE, HOUSE Actors. Actors under contract labor provisions of immigration laws, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 8877 [to clarify application of contract- labor provisions of immigration laws to actors]. 1932. iii-f35 p. (Hear- ing no. 72.1.8.) * Paper, 5c. Y 4.1m 6/1: Ac 8 To clarify application of contract-labor provisions of immigration laws to actors, l ypo rt to accompany H. R. 8877 ; submitted by Mr. Dickstein. Mar. 23, 1932. TyC (H. rp. 876, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Paper, 5c. Aliens. Penalty for certain aliens entering United States in violation of law, reyort to accompany H. R. 10521 [to amend act making it felony with penalty for certain aliens to enter United States under certain conditions in violation of law, so as to confer discretionary power to Secretary of Labor to grant certain aliens right to reapply for admission to United States subsequent to their departure from United States under deportation order] ; submitted by Mr. Crowe. Mar. .30, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 938, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Contract labor. Enforcement of contract-labor provisions of immigration law, r ei^ort to accompany II. R. 9598 [to authorize expenditures for enforcement of coi'itract-labor provisions of immigration law] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson of W;ishiii:ton. Mar. 2, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 660. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, Be. Ilinv t«> «»r«l»T pnltlionttonn — See Information follo^vlnfc Contentw March, 1932 711 Immigration. To exempt from quota aged parents of American citizens, hear- ings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 5308, H. R. 8174. 1932. ii+15 p. (Hearing no. 72.1.5.) * Paper, 5c. Y 4.1m 6/1 : Q 5/7 * To exempt from quota husbands of American citizen wives and to limit presumption that certain alien relatives may become public charges, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 5869. H. R. 7614, S. 2656. 1932. lv+102 p. (Hearing no. 72.1.2.) * Paper, 10c. Y 4.1m 6/1 : Q 5/8 To exempt from quota husbands of American citizens, repor t to accom- pany H. R. 10600; submitted by Mr. Dickstein. Mar. 26, 1932? T p. (H. rp. 919, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print.] * Paper, 5c. Naturalization. Relating to naturalization and citizenship status of certain children of mothers who are citizens of United States, and relating to removal of certain distinctions in matters of nationality, hearings, 72d Consr^s, 1st session, on H. R. 5489. 1932. iii+31 p. (Hearing no. 72.1.7.) * Paper, 5c. Y 4.1m 6A : C 43/2 Relative to reduction of certain fees in naturalization proceedings, hear- ings, 72d Congi-ess, 1st session, on H. J. Res. 132. H. R. 9498. 1932. iii-|-52 p. (Hearing no. 72.1.6.) * Paper, 5c. Y 4.1m 6A : F /32 INDIAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Acoma Indians. Lands for Indians of Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex., r eport to accom- pany H. R. 10419 [to permit relinquishments and reconveyances of privately owned and State school lands for benefit of Indians of Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex.] ; submitted by Mr. Chavez. Mar. 30, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 947, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Blackfeet Reservation. Hospital on Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., r£; p^itt- to accompany H. R. 4754 [for construction and equipment of hospital upon Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Mont.] ; submitted by Mr. Leavitt. Mar. 28, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 921, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5c. Cherokee Indians. Court of Claims to hear claims of Eastern Emmigrant and Western Cherokee Indians, report to accompany H. R. 9441 [to confer juris- diction on Court of Claims to hear and determine claims of Eastern or Emmigrant and Western or Old Settler Cherokee Indians against United States, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Williamson. Mar. 3, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 671, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Chippexoa Indians. Authorizing extension of contracts for prosecution of suits filed by Chippewa Indians of Minnesota against United States and now pend- ing in Court of Claims, reQost to accompany H. R. 9388 ; submitted by Mr. Smith of West Virginia. Mar. 4, 1932. 2 p. (H. i-p. 684, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Coal. Leasing coal and asphalt deposits of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, Oklahoma, i^gj^o;^ to accompany H. R. 9496 [to provide for leasing of segi-e- gated coal and asphalt deposits of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indian nations, in Oklahoma, and for extension of time within which purchasers of such deposits may complete payments] ; submitted by Mr. Cartwright. Mar. 10, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 762, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Crow Indians. Provide for expenses of Crow Indian tribal council [and author- ized delegates of tribe], r enoct to accompany H. R. 8031; submitted by Mr. Leavitt. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 878, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Farmers. Amending act employing farmers in Indian service, r epor t to accom- pany H. R. 10161 [amending act of May 25, 1918, with reference to employing farmers in Indian service] ; submitted by Mr. Howard. Mar. 30, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 946, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Grazing. Collection of penalties and fees for stock trespassing on Indian lands, reiiflftt to accompany H. R. 8918 [to authorize collection of penalties, dam- ages, and costs for stock trespassing on Indian lands] ; submitted by Mr. Leavitt. Mar. 21, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 846, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTV to order puMications^See information follotvingr Contents* 712 March, 1932 Indians. Adjust reimbursable debts of Indians, ceport to accompany H. R. 10884; subniitte^ approval of general council of Seminole tribe or nation in case of disposal of any tribal land in Oklahoma] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Loofliourow. Mar. 11, 1032. 4 p. (H. rp. 766. 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Scuitclt, J. a. J. G. Seupelt. repor t to accompany S. 2982 [for relief of J. G. Seupelt] ; submitted by Mr. Williamson. Mar. 30, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 948, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, He. Stotw, Mrs. Octavia G. Octavia Gullck Stone, re port to accompany H. R. 9331 [for relief of Octavia Gulick Stone]; subniiliTTTby Mr. Leavitt. Mar. 9, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 754, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. M'agyicr, 8. Dak. Construction of Indian liosi)itaI at Wagner, S. Dak., report to accompany H. R. 9550; submitted by Mr. Williamson. Mar. 25, 1932. 4 i». (II. rp. 890, 72d Cong. 1st .sess.) * Pap<>r, 5c. HoTT to order pnbltcatlonN — See Information follo^vrlns Content* March, 1932 713 Wichita Indians. Authorize Wichita and affiliated bands of Indians in Okla- homa to submit claims to Court of Claims, r eport to accompany S. 1719 [amending act authorizing Wichita and affiliateu oands of Indians in Okla- homa to submit claims to Court of Claims, so as to remove therefrom limit on fees to be paid attorneys for said Indians] : submitted by Mr. Cartwright. Mar. 17, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 825. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wichita Reservation. Authorizing sale of certain unused Indian cemetery re- serves in Wichita Indian Reservation in Oklahoma, re port to accompany H. R. 8691 [authorizing Secretary of Interior to sell certain unused Indian cemetery reserves on Wichita Indian Reservation in Oklahoma to pro\'ide funds for purchase of other suitable burial sites for Wichita Indians and affiliated bands]; submitted by Mr. Leavitt. Feb. 29, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 639, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wind River Reservation. Improvement of road on Shoshone Indian Reserva- tion, Wyo., report to accompany S. 3569 [to amend act of May 27, 1930, authorizing appTSpriation for reconstruction and improvement of road on Shoshone (or Wind River) Indian Reservation. Wyo.] : submitted by Mr. Leavitt. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 880, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Ze'ba, Mich. Transfer of abandoned Indian school site at Zeba, Mich., regort to accompany H. R. 208 [to authorize transfer of abandoned Indian-sclif^ site and building at Zeba, Mich., to L'Anse band of Lake Superior Indians] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Loofbourow. Mar. 30, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 945, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. iX'iNSULAR AFFAIBS COMMITTEE. HOUSE Philippine Islands. Independence for Philippine Islands, hearing. 72d Con- gress, 1st session, on H. R. 7233, Jan. 22-Feb. 12, 1932. 1932. ii+471 p. il. * Paper, 50c. Y 4.1n 7/1 : P 53/23 Philippine independence, report to accompany H. R. 7233 [to enable the people of Philippine Islands to aaopt constitution and form government for Philippine Islands, to provide for independence of same, and for other pur- poses] ; submitted by Mr. Hare. Mar. 15, 1932. 18 p. (H. rp. 806, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5e. L. C. card 32-26400 *^ INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE COMMITTEE, HOUSE Airships. Merchant airship bill, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 8681, to develop American air transport services overseas, to encourage con- struction in United States by American capital of American airships for use in foreign commerce and to make certain provisions of maritime law appli- cable to foreign commerce by airship. Mar. 10 and 11. 1932. 19.32. iii+ 64 p. ♦Paper, 5c. Y 4.1n 8/4 : Ai 7/4 Black River. Bridge across Black River at or near Pocahontas, Ark., report to accompany H. R. 9301 [to extend times for commencing and completing construction of bridge across Black River at or near Pocal'.ontas. Ark., by Arkansas State Highway Commission] ; submitted by Mr. Milligan. Mar. 29, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 927, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, "5c. Des Moines River. Bridge across Des Sloines River at or near St. Francis- ville, Mo.. r^iy)rt to accompany H. R. 93S5 [authorizing Roy H. Ctimphell. Charles H. Brown, G. H. Wilsey. and H. O. Strosnider to construct bridge across Des Moines River at or near St. Francisville. Mo.] ; submitted by Mr. Milligan. Mar. 29, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 928, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hwlson River. Bridge across Hudson River at or near Cafskill. N. Y.. jeport to accompany H. R. 10775 [to extend times for commencing and complelTTn^ construction of bridge across Hudson River at or near Catskill, N. Y.. by State of New York] ; submitted by Mr. Corning. Mar. 30, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 942, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTf to order publications— See information follofvingr Contents 112067— 32— No, 447 4 714 March, 1932 Missouri River. Bridge across Missouri River at or near Elbowoods, report to accompany H. R. 9143 [to exteud times for commencing and completing con- struction of bridge across Missouri River at or near Elbowoods, N. Dak., by North Dakota] ; submitteses, .Tan. 19-Feb. 12, 1932. 1932. iii+584 p. 1 tab. * Paper, 30c. Y 4.1n 8/4 : R 13/33 Rio Orande. Bridge across Rio Grande at Fort Hancock, Tex., r eport to accom- pany H. R. 10585 [authorizing Fort Hancock Porvenir Bridge Company to construct bridge across Rio Grande at Fort Hancock. Tex.l : submitted by Mr. Rayburn. Mar. 29, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 933, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5c. Savannah River. Bridge across Savannah River at or near Burtons Ferry, near Sylvariia, Ga., report to nccomnany H. R. 1008S [to revive and reenact act authorizing South Carolina and Georgia State highway departments to construct toll bridge across Savannah River at or near Burtons Ferry, near S.vlvania, Ga.] ; submitted by Mr. Huddleston. Mar. 29, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 929, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. yiNVATID PKN8I0N8 COMMITTEE, HOUSE Cushinff, Mrs. Knfh-erine L. Increase of pension for Katherine L. Gushing, widow of William B. Cnshlng. r ongrt to accompany H. R. 2548; submitted by Mr. Underwood. Mar. 14, 1932. 13 p. (H. rp. 792, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Pmsiovft and increase of pensions for certain soldiers, sailors and marines of Civil War and eertain widows and dependent children of soldiers, sailors, and marines of said war, report to accomp.iny H. R. 104S(; [substituted for H. R. 507 and other bills] ; suTmiit ted by Mr. Underwoml. 14, 1932. 313 p. (H. rp. 791, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 30c. riftiT to or«Ior piililionflonM — S<>o liiformntlon fi>lliit> i iik ContcntM March, 1932 715 V^EBIGATION AND RECLAMATION CXJMMITTEE, HOUSE Reclamation of land. Temporary relief of water users on irrigation projects, g^eport to accompany S. 3706; submitted by Mr. Smith of Idaho. Mar. 1, 1932. 7 p. (H. rp. 656, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. St ati field irrigation project. Rehabilitation of Stanfield project, Oreg., jfiport to accompany H. R. 8164; submitted by Mr. Butler. Mar. 9, 1932. 4^. (H. rp. 755, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ''^^JtmiCIAEY COMMITTEE, HOUSE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, Mar. 5-19, 1932 ; no. 8-10. 1932. various paging, 4° J Y 4.J 89/1 : 72/8-10 Equity. Define and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity, report to accompany H. R. 5315 [to amend judicial code and to define and limit juris- diction of courts sitting in equity] ; submitted by Mr. LaGuardia. Mar. 2, 1932. 16 p. (H. ip. 669, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26401 Defining and limiting jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 5315, to amend judicial code and to define and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity, Feb. 25, 1932. 1932. iJ+68 p. (Serial 3.) * Paper, 10c. Y 4. J 89/1 : J 97/7 *^Oovernment contracts. To establish uniform requirements for Government con- tracts, hearing, 72d Congress. 1st session, on H. R. 255, Jan. 27-Feb. 29; 1932. 1932. iii+217 p. (Serial 6.) * Paper, 25c. Y 4. J 89/1 : C 76/13 Hawaii. To amend act to codify, revise, and amend penal laws of United States, report, to accompany H. R. 300 [to amend sec. 319 of act to codify, revise, and amend penal laws of United States, approved Mar. 4, 1909, so ag to exempt Hawaii from application of said act with respect to filing of certifi- cates of marriage] ; submitted by Mr. Condon. Mar. 10, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 758, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. House of Representatives. Amend Constitution to exclude aliens in count for apportionment of Representatives, report to accompany H. J. Res. 97 ; submit- ted by Mr. Sparks. Mar. 17, 1932. 17 p. (H. rp. 823, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Includes views of minority signed by Mr. Celler and Mr. Oliver and minority views of Mr. LaGuardia.] * Paper, 5('. L. C. card 32-26402 Kidnaping, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 5657, forbidding trans- portation of any person or persons in interstate or foreign commerce, kid- naped or otherwise unlawfully detained, Feb. 26, 1932. 1932. iii-!-33 p. ( Serial 4. ) * Paper, 5c. Y 4. J 89/1 : K 54 Short selling of securities, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 4, H. R. 4604, H. R. 4638, H. R. 4639, Feb. 15-24, 1932. 1932. [pt. 1], ii+1-158 p. (Serial 5, pt. 1.) * Paper, 15c. Y 4. J 89/1 : Se 2/pt. 1 ^^ LABOE COMMITTEE, HOUSE Labor and laboring classes. Rate of wages on public works, report to accom- pany H. R. 10739 [to provide that prevailing rate of wages snaii oe paid to laborers and mechanics employed on certain public works of United States, District of Columbia, Territories, and Panama Canal] ; submitted by Mr. Connery. Mar. 23, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 877, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Regulation of wages paid to employees by contractors awarded Govern- ment building contracts, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 12, 122, 7005, 7254, and H. J. Res. 38, bills relating to rate of wages for laborers and mechanics employed on public buildings of United States and District of Columbia bv contractors and subcontractors, and for other purposes, Jan. 13- 27, 1932. 1932. iv+262 p. * Paper, 25c. Y 4. L 11 : W 12/7 HoTV to order publications — See information folloTvin^ Contents 716 Mabch, 1932 UnemiAoytiienI in United States, lieariugs before subcommittee, 72d Congress. 1st session, on H. R. 206, authorizing appropriation for relief of destitution in Unitetl States, H. R. 0011, for cooi>eration by Federal Government with the several States in relieving hardship and suffering caused by unemployment. H. R. 80S8, for cooperation by Federal Ooverumenl with the several States in relieving hardsliip and suffering caused by unemployment, Feb. 1-12, 1&32. 1932. iii+207 p. • Paper, 20o. Y 4. L 11 : Un 2 U\W8, COMMITTEE ON BEVISIO.N OF, HOUSE Revised stututcn. Repeal of obsolete sections of Revised statutes omitted from United States Code, rejiprt to accompany H. R. 9877 ; submitted by Mr. Har- lan. Mar. 25, 1932. 427 p. (H. rp. 887, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Pai>er, 25c. L, C. card 32-26403 LIBRABY COMMITTEE, HOUSE ^ya8hingtQn, Oeorge. Thanking Governor of Virginia for statues of George Washington and Robert E. Lee [to be placed in Statuary HallJ, report to accompany II. Con. Res. 24 ; submitted by Mr. Gilbert. Mar. 1, 10321 1 p. (H. rp. 640, TM Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. *^MEBCHANT MABINE, RADIO, AND FISHERIES COMMITTinB, HOUSE Alaska. Alaskan canneries, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st .session, on EL. R. 64S3. to provide for protection of fish by requiring reports on location of camieries in Alaska, and proliibiting certain salmon unlawfully caught from being brought into United States, Feb. 11-24, 1932. 1932. ii+212 p. * Paper, 20c. Y 4. M 53 : Al 1/9 Relating to Alaskan fisheries, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 497, to amend sec. 8 of chapter 3547, 34th Statutes at large, pt. 1, enti- tled Act for protection and regulation of fisheries of Alaska, approved June 26. 1906 ; Feb. 11, 1932. 1932. ii-i-28 p. ♦ Paper, 5c. Y 4. M 53 : Al 1/8 ■/ MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTED:, HOUSE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress. 4th-(5th edition, Feb. 19-Mar. 18, 1932 ; no. 4-6. 1932. various paging, 4° % Y 4.M 59/1 : 72/4-6 Carlin, Thomaa G. Thomas G. Cariin, repott to accompany IT. R. 6333 [for relief of Thomas G. Carlin] ; submitted by Mr. Fitzpatrick. Mar. 3. 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 673, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Dawson, Albert O. Albert G. Dawson, repttJlt to accompany II. R. 7191 [lor relief of Albert G. Dawson] ; submitted by Mr. Pettengili. Mar. 22. 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 857, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Dilger, Leonard L. Leonard L. Dilger, report to accompany H. R. 1927 [for relief of Leonard L. Dilger] ; submirtetrTTy Mr. Thoniason. Mar. 3, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 672, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Hohudii, George H. George II. Holman, report to accompany II. R, 2650 [for relief of George H. Ilolman] ; .submitted hy-^Ir. Johnson of Oklahoma. Mar. 4, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 086, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Johnson, .James. Jnnies Johnson, re ppi-t to accompany H. R. 4396 [for relief of James Johnson); RUl)mitted by Mr. Johnson of Oklahoma. Mar. 19. 19li2. 5 p. (H. rp. 840, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Knifjhta of Pyihinx. To authorize War Deimrtinent to lend eciupnient t«' Kniy:lits of Pythias [for use at annual eiifampnient to be held at New Haven. Conn., during July, 1932], reugrt to accompany H. R. .s024 ; submitted by Mr. Thnmason. Mnr. 16, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 808. 72d Cong. Ist sess. 1 * Paper, 5c. Meyern, Max M. Max M. Meyers. reuOJt to accompany H. R. 2922 [for relief of Max M. Meyers! ; submitted by .Mr. Petteiigil!. Mar. 15, 1*^2. 2 p. (H. rp. 803, 72(1 Cong. 1st .sess.) ♦ I'aper, Hi-. Ilo'»v to order |»nI»Hcilt l«»nK S«m" Inforiiiiil Ion foIloiriiiK Conteiitu March, 1932 717 Oster-hout, Lucius K. Lucius K. Osterhout, r epor t to accompany H. R. 9955 [for relief of Lucius K. Osterhout] ; submitted by Mr. McSwain. Mar. 30, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 944, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Sawhill, Alexander F. Alexander F. Sawhill, report to accompany H. R. 6270 [for relief of Alexander Sawhill] : submitted b^TMr. Johnson of Oklahoma. Mar. 18, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 829, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Sowinski, Stephen. Stephen Sowinski, r eport to accompany H. R. 5154 [for relief of Stephen Sowinski] ; submitted"^ Mr. Chiperfield. Mar. 21, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 847, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Tozer, William A. William A. Tozer, report to accompany H. R. 7071 [to remove charge of desertion from militarjij^cord of William A. Tozer] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Johnson of Oklahoma. Mar. 19, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 841, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. United Confederate Veterans. Loan of certain articles to United Confederate Veterans [for use at encampment to beheld at Richmond, Va., in June, 1932], report to accompany H. R. 5848; submitted by Mr. Johnson of Oklahoma. Marr21, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 853, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wallace, James. James Wallace, repo£t>to accompany H. R. 3627 [for relief of James Wallace] ; submitted by Mr. Pettengill. Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 885, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ^ NAVAL AFFAIBS COMMITTEB, HOUSE Alabama Society of Fine Arts. Silver service to Alabama Society of Fine Arts, re porl to accompany H. R. 6444 [authorizing Secretary of Navy, in his discretion, to deliver to custody of Alabama Society of Fine Arts, silver service presented to United States for United States ship Montgomery] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 648, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Anderson, Peter E. Peter E. Anderson, r eport to accompany H. R. 1177 [for relief of Peter E. Anderson] ; submitted by Mr. L»rewry. Mar. 22, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 863, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bailey, Samuel P. Samuel Puff Bailey, report ta accompany H. R. 5289 [for relief of Samuel Puff Bailey] ; submitted^ Mi*. Drane. Mar. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 644, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bennett. Robert. Robert Bennett, report to accompany H. R. 600 [for relief of Robert Bennett] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 1, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 642, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Bennett, William G. J. William Girard Joseph Bennett, report to accompany S. 860 [for relief of William Girard Joseph Bennett] ;"Ttlbmitted by Mr. Andrew. Mar. 4, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 689, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Boardman, Russell N. Russell N. Boardman and John L. Polando, renort to accompany H. R. 7939 [to authorize presentation of Distinguished-Flying Cross to Russell N. Boardman and John L. Polando] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 651, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar. 72d Congress, 1st session, Mar. 23, 1932; no. 3 [2]. 1932. 92 p. 4° t Y 4.N 22/1 : 72/2 Campus Martius Memorial Museum. Deliver to custody of Campus Martius Memorial Museum, of Marietta, Ohio, silver service for gunboat Marietta, report to accompany H. R. 1225 [authorizing Secretary of Navy, in his discre- tion, to deliver to custody of Campus Martius Memorial Museum, of Marietta, Ohio, silver service presented to United States for gunboat Marietta] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Gambrill. Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 643, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Cargill, George B. George Brackett Cargill, report to accompany H. R. 5548 [for relief of George Brackett Cargill] ; submitted by Mr. Drewry. Mar. 22, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 866, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Daindson, John E. John E. Davidson, repflet to accompany H. R. 9326 [for relief of John E. Davidson] ; submitted by Mr. Coyle. Mar. 22, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 871, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTV' to order pobllcatlons — See Information follofvlnsr Contents 718 March, 1932 Decorations of honor. Foreign decorations, authorizing officers of Navy and Marine Corps to accept, rfiit*tvi to accompany II. H. 8070 [to authorize certain officers of Navy and Marine Corps to accept such decorations, orders, and medals as have l)een tendercnl tliem by foreign Governments in appreciation of services rendered] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 1, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 654, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) • Paper, 5c. Fingar, Essie. Essie Fingar, rtoiott to accompany 11. R. 578G [for relief of Essie Fingar] ; submitted by Mr. Gambrlll. Mar. 4, 11)32. 2 p. (H. rp. 688, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. Fountain, WiiUani D. W. B. Fountain, rj^port to accompany H. U. 2028 [for relief of W. B. Fountain] ; submitted by MrT Lankford of Virginia. Mar. 19, 1932. 5 p. (II. rp. 839. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Eannas, Mrs. Florence N. Florence Northcott Hannas. i;ejK)rt to accompany H. R. 6860 [for relief of Florence Northcott Uannas, mother of Walter William Northcott] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 650, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hobson, Richmond P. Richmond Pearson llobson, r(iiiyrt to accompany H. R. 6637 (authorizing the President to present Medal of Honor to Richmond Pearson Hobson] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 649, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. June, Harold I. Harold I. June, rpptu-f to accompany H. K. 5594 [for relief of Harold I. June] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 645, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Kent, Sidney J. Sidney Joseph Kent, ceport to accompany H. R. 7385 [for i-elief of Sidney Joseph Kent] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 4. 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 687, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. LaCarte, William J. William Joseph LaCarte, report to accompany H. R. 6409 [for relief of William Joseph LaCarte] ; submitted by Mr. Drane. Mar. 22, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 867, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. MoCarn, Mrs. Ruth. Ruth McCarn, recflst to accompany H. R. 7548 [granting 6 months' pay to Ruth McCarn, motlier of John Bush Watson] ; submltte0 ; U. S. C, title 39), regulating postal rates, so as to modify law relative to rate for transient 2d-class mail matter] ; submitted by Mr. Morebead. Mar. 3, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 681, 72d Cong. 1st ses.s.) * Pai>er, oc. Post offices. To defer retluctions In class of post office and salaries of post- masters and emphtyees because of reduced postal receipts, r epor t to accom- pany H. R. 6305 [to amend act reclassifying salaries of postniasTers and em- ployees of postal service, readjusting tlieir salaries and comi»ensation on equitable basis, increasing postal rates to provide for such readjustment, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Romjue. Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (H. ri). 740, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Postage charge on notices to publishers regarding undeliverable 2d-class mat- ter, r eport to accompany H. R. 10494 ; submitted by Mr. Mead. Mar. 26, 1932. 2 p. (HTrp. 912, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Postal service. Leaves of absence to substitutes in postal service, rejH)rf to accompany H. R. 4719 [granting leaves of absence with pay to substitutes in po.stal service] ; submitted by Mr. Romjue. Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 712, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Postmasters. Equipment allowance to 3d-class postmnster.s, r^nmt to accom- pany II. R. 4602; submitted by Mr. Romjue. Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 711, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Prise oompetitions. Puzzle contests, r epor t to accompany H. R. 104G2 [to pro- hibit use of United States mails for transmis.-ion of any matter advertising puzzle contests, naming contests, prize offers, or any other form of competi- tion for prize wherein such offers are made to induce persons to compete in another contest which involves either purchase or sale of goods as requi- site of winning] ; submitted by Mr. Wood of Georgia. Mar. 26, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 920, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Registered mail, r t^'jor t to accompany II. R. 10244 [fixing fees and limits of indemnity for domestic registered mail based upon actual value and length of haul, and for ^ther purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Mead. Mar. 8, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 747, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. V-'' PRINTING COMMITTEE, HOUSE Internal revenue. Compjirative print of revenue bill of 1932 with existing law, repo rt to accompany H. Con. Res. 28 [to publish comparative print of bill (£r~R. 10236) entitled Revenue bill for 1932, as reported to House, show- ing changes to existing law, as House document] ; submitted by Mr. Steven- son. Mar. 8, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 745. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Paper, 5c. Two thousand five hundred copies of Revenue revision, 1932, r eport to accompany H. Con. Res. 27 [relative to printing of Revenue revision, 1932] ; submitted by Mr. Stevenson. Mar. 3, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 678, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. PUBUO BUILDINGS AND GBOtJNDS (X>MMITTEX, HOUSE District of Columbia. Transfer of jurisdiction over public land in District of Columbia, re uQi't to accompany S. 2498; submittetl by Mr. Dallinger. Mar. 3, 1932. 3 p. Til- ip. 079, 72d Cong. 1st ses.<».) • Paper, 5c. Haymes Brothers. Contractors and subcontractors for post oflSce buildings, reoflft to accompany H. R. 9348 [to amend act for relief of contractors and subcontractors for post ofllce and other buildings ;ind work under suix'rvision of Treasury department, as amended, so as to include Haymes Brothers] ; submitted by Mr. Smith of Virginia. Mar. 2, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 665, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Hovr to order paltllcatlona— See Information (ollo^ivlnK Contenta March, 1932 721 Lawrence, Mass. To authorize Secretary of Treasury to acquire laud at Law- rence, Mass. [adjoining post-office site], r eport to accompany H. R. 8907; submittv^'d by Mr. Lanham. Mar. 10, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 761, 72d Gong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Newark, N. J. Provide for sale of easement for railway right of way over post office and customhouse site at Newark, N. -T. [to said city], repprf to accom- pany H. R. S9S1; submitted by Mr. Lnnham. Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 676, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Sale of portion nf site of post office and customhouse building in Newark, N. .T. [to said city for use as public street], r epor t to accompany H. R. 8980; submitted by Mr. Lanham. Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 675, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Orleans Levee District. Granting lands to New Orleans, report to accompany H. R. 8779 [granting lands to board of commissioners of Orleans Levee Dis- trict in New Orleans, La., for levee and street purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Lanham. Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 674, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paiier, 5c. Public buildings and grounds, hearings, 72d, 1st session, on H. R. 8779, granting lands to board of commissioners of Orleans Levee Dis- trict in New Orleans, La., for levee and street purposes, H. R. 9348, to amend act for relief of contractoi's and subcontractors [so as to include Haymes Brothers], H. R. 8980, for sale of portion of site of post office and custom- house building in Newark, N. J., to Newark for use as public street, H. R. 8981, for sale of easement for railway right of way over post office and customhouse site at Newark, N. J. [to said city], S. 2498, to authorize transfer of jurisdiction over public land in District of Columbia, H. R. 9146, authorizing transfer of lands near Vallejo, Calif., from Housing Corporation to Navy Department for naval purposes, H. R. 8075. relating to construction of Federal building at Ponca City, Okla., H. R. 8907, to authorize Secretary of Treasury to acquire land adjoining Lawrence, Mass., post-office site. Mar. 2 and 9, 19.32. 1932. ii+22 p. (No. 3.) * Paper, 5c. Y 4.P 96/6 : B 86/140 Po7ioa City, Ok1y Mr. Leavitt. Mar. 1, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 655, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bla<;kwell, Manon F. Marion F. Blackwell, re npr t to accompany H. R. 9714 [foi relief of Marion F. Blackwell] ; submitted by Mr. Yon. Mar. 2, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 662, 72a Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Colorado. Authorize issuance of patents to lands in Colorado for certain pur- poses, rQiie»-t to accompany H. R. 10744 ; submitted by Mr. Eaton of Colorado. Mar. 25, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 900, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Ho^v to order publications— See Information foUovrlng Contents 722 March, 1932 Colorado — Continued. Authorize issuance of patents to lands in Colorado to certain persons, report to acf.-ompany H. R. 6437 : submitted by Mr. Eaton of Colorado. Mar. lYr— 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 826, 72d Con;:. 1st sess.) [Corrected print] * Paper, 5c. Crater Lake 'National Park. Add land [In Crater National Forest] to Crater Lake National Park, Orep., rfi^ort to accompany H. R. 9970; submitted by Mr. lUitlcr. Mar. 24, 1932! S p. (H. rp. 886, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) •Paper, 5c. Harding, Fla. Sale of lots in Harding townsite, Fla., report to accompany S. 476 [for relief of certain purchasers of lots in Harding tdXA-nsite, Fla., now part of Miami P.each. F'la.] : submitted by Mr. Yon. Mar. 2, 193r 18 p. il. (H. rp. 661, 72d Cong. 1st • Paper, 5c. Medford, Oreg. Acquisition of land in Medford, Oretr., for Crater Lake National Park, repoi-t to accompany H. R. 10284 [to authorize acquisition of additional land in jSTSdford, Oreg., for use in connection witii administration of Crater Lake Natifaial Park] ; submitted by Mr. Butler. Mar. 28, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 925, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Montaiui. Trau.sfer of laud to Montana, rj^j^ort to accompany H. R. 8923 [au- thorizing transfer of unused portion of United States range livestock experi- ment station. Jlont., to Montana for use as fish-cultural station, game reserve, and public recreation irround, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Leavitt. Mar. 15, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 802, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Mud Lake. Riparian owners on Mud Lake bottom, Minn., rejiort to accompany H. R. 8219 [for relief of certain riparian owners for losses sustained by them on drained Mud Lake bottom in Marshall County. Minn.] : submitted by Mr. Nolan. Mar. 9, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 750, 72d Cong. 1st se-ss.) * Paper, 5c. National parka. Construction of roads in national parks, j^iiart to accompany H. R. 6059 [to continue authorization for construction, reconstruction, and improvement of roads and trails, inclusive of necessary bridges in. and ap- proach roads to. national parks and monuments under jurisdiction of Department of Interior] ; submitted by Mr. Leavitt. Mar. 1. 1932. 3 p. (II. rp. 641, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. San Diego, Calif. Granting San Diego lands in Cleveland National Forest and Capitan Grande Indian Reservation for dam and reservoir purposes for con- servation of water, report to accompany H. R. 10405 [amending act granting San Diego lands in Cleveland National Forest and Capitan Grande Indian Reservation for dam and reservoir purposes for conservation of water, so as to include additional lands] ; submitted by Mr. Swing. Mar. 15. 1932. 7 p. (H. rp. 805, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Biuslaw National Forest boundaries, rej^ott to accompany H. R. 8548 [author- izing adjustment of boundaries of Siuslaw National Forest, Oreg.] ; submitted by Mr. Butler. Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 710, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. "^BTVEBS AND U.\Rn0RS COMMITTEB, HOUSE Detroit Riva; Wyandotte Channel, Mich., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Detroit River, Wyandotte Channel, Mich. [Mar, 9, 1931, with report of D. McCoach, Jr., etc.]. Dec. 8, 1931. 8 p. map. (Document 1, 72d Cong. 1st sess.)' t Y 4.R 52 : 72/1 Oreat Lakes ship channels, channel between Mackinac Island and Round Island, Mloh., report of Board of "Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Great Lakes ship channels, channel between Mackinac Island and Round Island, Mich. [Oct. 12, 1931, with report of D. McCoach, jr., etc.]. Dec. 8, 1931. 9 p. map. (Document 2, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y4.R52:72/2 Hovr to order pablicattonii— See Information follovrlnff Contents March, 1932 723 Inland waterway from Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, N. C, bridge across [waterway] between Fairfield and Columbia, N. C, r eport of Board of En- gineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on inland waterway from Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, N. C. [Oct. 12, 1931, with report of G. R. Young, etc.]. Dec. 8, 1931. 13 p. (Document 5, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y4.R52:72/5 Mississippi River. Mississippi River from Missouri River to Minneapolis, Qe^ creeofjniunction restraining Government from construction of lock and dam afTLfinaTWi's., in district court for western district of Wisconsin, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. v. Stanley M. Ryan, United States attorney for western district of Wisconsin, et al., in equity no. 1970. [1932.] 6 p. (Document 7, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y4.R52:72/7 • Mississippi River from Missouri River to Minneapolis, r enor t of Attoraey General on H. R. 8243, to make United States liable for all damages to prop- erty resulting from construction, maintenance, and/or operation of locks and dams in Mississippi River by United States between mouth of Missouri River and Minneapolis, Minn. [1932.] 5 p. (Document 8, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52 : 72/8 Napa River, Calif., r,eport of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on re- view of reports her^fore submitted on Napa River, Calif. [Nov. 2, 1931, with reports by E. H. Ropes and H. A. Finch, etc.]. Dec. 8, 1931. 29 p. map. (Document 6, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52 : 72/6 Newtoicn Creek, N. Y., re port of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Newtown Creek, N. Y. [Nov. 2, 1931, with report by G. M. Hoffman, etc.]. Dec. 8, 1931. 13 p. (Document 4. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52 : 72/4 St. Clair, Lake. Great Lakes ship channels, channels in Lake St. Clair, Mich., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Great Lakes ship channels, channels in Lake St. Clair, Mich. [Sept. 29, 1931, with report of D. McCoacb, jr., etc.]. Dec. 8, 1931. 10 p. 1 pi. (Document 3, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52: 72/3 •^ ROADS COMMITTEE, HOUSE •- Arlington Memorial Bridge. Roads, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 73G3, for construction of suitable approach to Arlington Memorial Bridge connecting Lee Boulevard (route 711 of Virginia) with memorial bridge, and H. R. 8583, for survey and estimate of cost of suitable southern approach to Arlington Memorial Bridge project, Mar. 1, 1932. 1932. ii+29 p. map. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.R 53/2 : Ar 5 Roads, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on general authorization bill, Jan. 18-27. 1932. 1932. iii+172 p. il. * Paper, 15c. Y 4.R 53/2 : H 35/18 RULES COMMITTEE, HOUSE Economy Committee, Hovse. Consideration of H. Res. 151, report to accom- pany H. Res. 169 [authorizing Economy Committee to make us report any time during this session of Congress] ; submitted by Mr. Pou. Mar. 10, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 757, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Equity. Amend judicial code and define and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity, r^i ^ rt to accompany H. Res. 166 [for consideration of H. R. 5315, to amend judicial code and to define and limit jurisdiction of courts sitting in equity] ; submitted by Mr. O'Connor. Mar. 4, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 691, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Mississippi River. Control of floods on Mississippi River, r eport to accompany H. Res. 167 [for consideration of H. R. 4668, to amend act for control of floods on Mississippi River and its tributaries, relative to acquisition of flow- age rights on main stem of Mississippi River between Cape Girardeau, Mo., and Head of Passes] ; submitted by Mr. Pou. Mar. 7, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 706, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTT to order publications— See information foUoTring; Contents 724 March, 1932 ' Reclamation of land. Temporary relief for water users on irrigation projects constructed and operated under reclamation law, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. Res. 15li and H. Res. 9489, Feb. 23, 1932. 1932. ii+28 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4. R 80/1 : W 29 Temporary relief of water users on irrigation projects under reclamation law, r ^Bor t to accompany H. Res. 165 [for consideration of S. 3706, for tem- porarj' relief of water users on irrigation projects constructeort to accom- pany H. R. 6713 [for estimates neces.sary for proper maintenance of Govern- ment wharf at Juneau, Alaska] ; submitted by Mr. Driver. Mar. 10, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 764, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. "^ WAB CLAIMS COMMITTEE, HOtTSE Char estoivn Sand d Stone Co., ro^ort to accompany H. R. 2214 [for relief of Charlestown Sand and Stone Company, Elkton, Md.l ; submitted by Mr. Mar- tin of Oregon. Mar. 11, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 776, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Orissom, Joseph C. Joseph C. Grissom, supplemental report to accompany H. R. 1668 [to carry out findings of Court of Claims in case of Joseph C. Grissom] : submitted by Mr. Hare. Mar. 17, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 347, pt. 2, T2d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Howard, R. S., Company, Iticorporatcd. R. S. Howard Co. (Inc.), report to accompany H. R. 3321 [for relief of R. S. Howard Company (Incorporated)] : submitted by Mr. Kerr. Mar. 24, 1932. 8 p. (II. rp. 883, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Humphries, Mrs. Florence M. Florence M. Humphries, report to accompany H. R. 10573 [for relief of Florence M. Humphries] ; submitted Ity Mr. Hop- kins. Mar. 30, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 939, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Mack Copper Co., report to accompany H. R. 7780 [to confer jurisdiction upon Court of Claims, To^ear. adjudicate, and render judgment upon claim of Mack Copper Company against I'nited Slates for damage to and cost of restoration of certain real property owned by Mack Copi>er Company which was used and orcu|iier other mili- tary purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Hare. Mar. 30, 1932. 12 p. (H. rp. 940, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) 'Paper, 5c. Iltt^v to order iiublicntionN — See InforiiiRtion followlnBT ContontM March, 1932 725 Shipley, Charles P., Saddlery and Mercantile Company. Charles P. Shipley Saddlery & Mercantile Co., report to accompany H. R. 6219 [for relief of Charles' P. Shipley Saddlery "arfffl Mercantile Company] ; submitted by Mr. Cartwright. Mar. 11, 1932. 12 p. (H. rp. 777, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wright, David A. David A. Wright, report to accompany H. R. 6424 [granting jurisdiction to Court of Claims to hear case of David A. Wright] ; submitted by Mr. Martin of Oregon. Mar. 24, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 884, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. ^AYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Internal revenue. Revenue bill of 1932, comparative print of bill (H. R. 10236) to provide revenue, to equalize taxation, and for other purposes, as reported to House of Representatives and showing proposed changes to existing law. 1932. ii+297 p. (H. doc. 265, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 25c. L. G. card 32-26404 Revenue bill of 1932, report to accompany H. R. 10236 [to provide reve- nue, equalize taxation, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Crisp, Mar. 8, 1932. 57 p. (H. rp. 708, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Includes supple- mental views.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26405 Revenue revision, 1932, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, indexed, Jan. la-Feb. 4, 1932. 1932. iii-fl237 p. il. 3 pi. * Paper, $1.00. Y 4.W 36 :R 32/39 WOELD WAE \-ETEBANS LEGISLATION COMMITTEE, H0U8H ■^ Life insurance. World War veterans' legislation, hearings before subcommittee on insurance, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H, R. 8173, to provide for renewal of 5-year level premium tenn Government insurance iwlicies for additional 5-year period without medical examination, Feb. 26, 1932. 1932. ii-1-30 p. ♦Paper, 5c. Y4.W89:In7/3 SENATE Calendar of business, Senate, 72d Congress, 1st session, Mar. 1-31, 1932; no. 49-71. 1932. various paging, large S° [Daily when Senate is in session. The legislative day of Feb. 24 extended through the calendar day Mar. 1 and the legislative day of Mar. 23 extended through the calendar day Mar. 31.] t Y 1.3 : 72/49-71 Connecticut's activities in wars of this counti'y. summary [with bibliography], compiled by Irene H. Mix; presented by Mr. Bingham. 1932. [l]-f67 p. ( S. doc. 14, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26320 President of United States. Joint resolution proposing amendment to Consti- tution of United States fixing commencement of terms of President and Vice President and Members of Congress and fixing time of assembling of Con- gress. [1932.] [2] p. (S. J. Res. 14, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 1.3: C 76/3 Same. [1932.] [4] p. T (S. J. Res. 14, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 1.3 : C 76/3/cop. 2 World Court, compilation of material relating to subject of World Court, consist- ing of indexes on subject contained in v. 64, pt. 1, of Executive journal, in- dexes to Congressional records for 67th Congress, 4th session, to and includ- ing 3d session of 71st Congress, reservations, resolutions, and amendments offered or submitted during 1st session of 69th Congress, with yea-and-nay votes thereon, protocol with resolution of adherence and reservations agreed to on Jan. 27, 1926, present pending protocols, and so-called Root hearing held before Committee on Foreign Relations on Jan. 21, 1931, compiled by L. W. Bailey ; presented by Mr. Borah. 1932. iii+156 p. (Senate executive document 1, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26263 Y 1.72/1 : 1 Hofv to order publications — See information following Contents y' J 726 Makcu, 11)32 AOBICnJLTUBE A.ND FOBEaTBY COMMITTEE, SENATE Calendar^. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Feb. 23-iSIar. 29, 1932 ; no »-ll. 1932. various paging, 4° t Y 4.Ag 8/2 : 72/8-11 Cattle. Pouitrj* and livestock quarantine, report to accompany S. J. Res. 7 [for amendment of acts of Feb. 2, 19U3, and Mar. 3, 1905, as ami'nded, to allow States to quarantine against sidpment thereto, therein, or through of live- stock, including poultry, from State or Territory or portion thereof where livestock or poultry disease is found to, which .s not covered by regula- tory action of Department of Af,'riculture] ; sul)mitle(l by Mr. McNary. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 402, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. arketing of farm produce. Amendment of agricultural marketing act, hear- ing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 3GS0, Feb. 18, 1932. 1932. iii+TS p. * Paper, 10c. Y 4.Ag 8/2 : M 34/3 Mediterranean Fruit Fly Board, report to accompany S. 266 [to provide for investigation and report of losses resulting from campaign for eradication of Mediterranean fruit fly in Florida by creating Mediterranean Fruit Fly Board]; submitted by Mr. McGill. Mar. 9, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 404, 72d Cong., 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. Muscle Shoalf. Disposition of Muscle Slioals, report to accompany S. J. Res. 15 [to provide for national defense by creation of corporation by name of Muscle Shoals Corporation of United States lor operation of Governmenl properties at and near Muscle Shoals in Alabama, to authorize letting of Mus- cle Shoals properties under certain conditions, and for other purposes] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Norris. Mar. 14, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 423, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26406 To create Muscle Shoals Corporation of United States, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. J. Res. 15, to provide for national defense by creation of corporation for operation of Government properties at and near Muscle Shoals in Alabama, to authorize letting of Muscle Shoals properties under certain conditions, and for other purposes, and S. 2164, for disposal of Muscle Shoals properties by United States, Feb. 16-24, 1932. 1932. iii-fl52 p. * Pai>er, 15c. Y 4.Ag 8/2 : M 97/9 Rai7t. Conservation of rainfall [in United States], report to accompany S. 2290; submitted by Mr. McNary. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 8. 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 403, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE, SENATE Interior Department. Interior Department appropriation bill, [liscal year] 1933, hearings before subconmiittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on II. K. 8397. 1932. ii-l-307 p. * Paper, 3Uc. Y 4.Ap 6/2 : In S/933 Interior Department apiiropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, r^yort to ac- company II. R. 8397; submitted by Mr. Smoot. Feb. 24, calendar day Mar 1, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 353, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. State Department. Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor ap- projiriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, hearinjis before .'subcommittee, 72d Con- gress, 1st session, on II. R. 9349. 1932. ii4-153 p. * Pai^er, 15c. Y 4.Ap 6/2 : St 2/933 Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Lai)or appropriation bill. [fiscal year] 1933, report to accompany II. It. 9349; submitted by Mr. Jones. Mar. 9, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 406, 72d Cong. 1st ses*:.) * Paper, 5c. nA.\KINnI>Ilratlonn— Sor informndon follo^rlngr Contentn v" Makch, 1932 727 Federal intemiedAate credit banks. To aid in marketing of debentures and . ^ other obligations of Federal intermediate credit banks, liearings before sub- (^ committee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 2409, to amend title 2 of Federal farm loan act in regard to Federal intermediate credit banks, Feb. 3 and 5, 1932. 1932. iii+53 p. 2 pi. * Paper, 10c. Y 4.B 22/3 : C 86/2 CLAIMS COMMITTEE, SENATE Cleverly, William B. Willie B. Cleverly, report to accompany S. 902 [for relief of Willie B. Cleverly] ; submitted by Mr. Howell. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 452, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Dich, Chester J. Chester J. Dick, report to accompany S. 669 [for relief of Chester J. Dick] ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 481, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Gilbert, William L., Clock Companp. William L. Gilbert Clock Co., report to accompany S. 2236 [to reimburse William L. Gilbert Clock Company for reve- nue erroneously paid] ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 465, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Harding, Mrs. Amy. Amy Harding, report to accompany S. 154 [for relief of Amy Harding] ; submitted by Mr. Howell. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 377, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hart, B. F. B. F. Hart, report to accompany S. 222 [authorizing adjustment of claim of B. F. Hart] ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 464, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Indiana. For relief of Indiana, report to accompany S. 2703 ; submitted by Mr. Howell. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 378, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. International Manufacturers' Sales Co^mpany of America, Incorporated. For ^ relief of International Manufacturers' Sales Co. of America (Inc.), hearing before subcommittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 906, Feb. 26, 1932. 1932. ii+54 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.C 52/2 : In 8/3 Johnson, George T., & Sons. George T. Johnson & Sons, report to accompany S. 563 [for relief of George T. Johnson and Sons] ; submitted by Mr. Howell. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 375, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5e. Kirkland, Maggie. Maggie Kirkland, report to accompany S. 3344 [for relief of Maggie Kirkland] ; submitted by Mr. Howell. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 454, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lindley Nurseries (Inc.), report to accompany S. 3438 [authorizing adjustment of claim of Lindley Nurseries (Incorporated)] ; submitted by Mr. Brookhart. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 382, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Little Rock College, report to accompany S. 1421 [for relief of Little Rock Col- lege, Little Rock, Ark.] ; submitted by Mr. White. Mar. 14, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 425, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Messier, A. C, Company. A. C. Messier Co., report to accompany S. 439 [for relief of A. C. Messier Company] ; submitted by Mr. White. Mar. 2, calen- dar day Mar. 3, 1932. 8 p. (S. rp. 372, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Miller, Lyman L. Lyman L. Miller, report to accompany S. 3504 [for relief of Lyman L. Miller] ; submitted by Mr. Howell. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 455, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Olsen, Harriette. Harriette Olsen, report to accompany S. 1858 [for relief of Harriette Olsen] ; submitted by Mr. Howell. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 453, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Pokorny, Mrs. Anna. Anna Pokorny, report to accompany S. 3147 [lov relief of Anna Pokorny] ; suijmitte 1 by Mr. Howell. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 8 p. (S. rp. 376, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTT to order pnb]icatioii»< — See iiiforinatiuu follovt-iiig' Coiiients 728 Mahch, 1932 Sohaffer, Daniel S., Company, Incorporated. Daniel S. Schiiffer Co. (Inc.). re- port to accompany S. 3270 [for relief of Daniel S. Schaffer Company (Incor- porated)] ; submitted by Mr. Cooldige [Coolidge]. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 374, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Schutte d Korrting Co., report to accompany S. 215 [authorizing adjustment of claim of Schutte and Koerting Company] ; submitted by Mr. White. Mar. 14, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 424. 72d Cong. 1st * Paper, 5c. Thehcrge, Mrs. Katherine R. Katherine R. Tlieberge, report to accompany S. 914 [for relief of Katherine R. Theberge] ; submitted by Mr. Logan. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 373, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Cor- rectcil print. 1st print reads incdrrectly S. 3009 instead of S. 914.] ♦ Paper, 5c. Thompson, William B. William B. Thompson, report to accompany S. 2S4 [for relief of William B. Thompson] ; submitted by Mr. White. Mar. 2, 1932. 3 p. ( S. rp. 360, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Van Camp Sea Food Co. (Inc.), report to' accompany S. 220 [authorizing ad- justment of claim of Van Camp Son Food Company (Incorporatt d) ] : sub- mitted by Mr, Capper. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 463, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Wagner, Nick. Nick Wagner, report to accompany S. 3440 [for relief of Nick Wagner] ; submitted by Mr. Logan. Mar. 11, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 416, 72d Cong. 1st ♦ Paper, 5c. WiUiam.son, Ralph E. Ralph E. Williamson, report to accompany S. 2458 [for relief of Ralph E. Williamson tor loss suffered on account of Lawton, Okla., fire, 1917] ; submitted by Mr. Coolidge. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 28, 1932. 5 p. ( S. rp. 484, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. COMMKBCE COMMITTEE, SENATE Air marking of Government buildings, rej>ort to accompany S. 421 ; submitted by Mr. Bingham. Feb. 24, calendar day Feb. 29, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 345, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Mar. 3-31. 1932 ; no. 10-14. 1932. various paging, 4° t Y 4.C 73/2 : 72/10-14 Cataco Creek. Flood control of Cataco XiJreek, Ala., report to accompany S. 4050 [to provide preliminary examination of Cataco Creek and its branches in Morgan County, Ala., with view to control of its floods] : submitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 14, calendar day Mar. 17, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 433, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Dea Lacs Lake. Dam across Des Lacs Lake, N. Dak., r cjjoi t to accompany H. R 5S66 [to authorize construction of dam across Des Lacs Lake, N. Dak., by Dos Lacs Development Association] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Feb. 24, calendar day Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 352, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Fenvnck Island. Conveyance of land on Fenwick Island, Del., for roadway purposes, report to accompany S. 283 [for conveyance of land on Fenwick Island, Sussex County, Del., for roadway purposes, to levy court of Sussex County, said land being part of Fenwick Island lighthouse reservation] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 365, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) • Paper, 5c. Flint Creek. Prelindnary examination of Flint Creek and branches, Morgan County, Ala., re por t to accompany S. 4051 [to provide preliminary examina- tion of Flint Creek and its branches in Morgan County, Ala., with view to control of its floods] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 14, calendar day Mar. 17, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 434, 72d Cong. 1st * Paper, 5c. HoTV to order pnbllcntionn — See information foIlOTi-inHr Contents March, 1932 729 Flint River. Flood control of Flint River, Ala., and Tenn., report to accom- pany S. 4052 [to provide preliminary examination of Flint River, Ala. and Tenn., with view to control of its floods] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 14, calendar day Mar. 17, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 435, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Oriffin, James lif. James M. GriflBn, repor t to accompany S. 4166 [for relief of James M. Griffin] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 6 p. (S. rp. 474, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hudson River. Bridge across Hudson River at or near Catskill, N. Y., regort to accompany S. 4122 [to extend time for construction of bridge across Hud- son River at or near Catskill, N. Y., by State of New York] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 489, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lights. Amending article 5 of act approved June 7, 1897, repor t to accompany S. 4008 [to amend article 5 of act relating to approval of regulations for preventing collisions upon certain harbors, rivers, and inland waters of United States, relative to lights for vessels being towed] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 14, calendar day Mar. 17, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 432, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Amending navigation rules for Great Lakes, rgpfirt to accompany S. 3908 [to amend title 33, chapter 4, sec. 252, paragraph (a), of navigation rules for Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters, relative to lights on lake steamers] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 10, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 411, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Mahoning River. Bridge across Mahoning River at New Castle, Pa., report to accompany H. R. 8506 [to extend times for commencing and completing con- struction of bridge across Mahoning River at New Castle, Pa., by State Highway Department of Pennsylvania] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 446, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Merchant marine. Fighting ship and cruising ship bills, hearings before sub- ''^ committee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 3501, to amend sec. 14 of shipping act, 1916, as amended by sec. 20 of merchant marine act, 1930 [1920 (U. S. C, title 46, sec. 842)], S. 3502, to amend sec. 8 of act of June 19, 1886, as amended by sec. 2^of act of Feb. 17, 1898 (U. S. C, title 46, sec. 289), Mar. 4, 1932. 1932. iii+108 p. >^ Corrected print. 1st print has 104 pages.] * Paper, 10c. Y 4.C 73/2 : Sh 6/10 Mississippi River. Improvement of Mississippi River between Missouri River and Minneapolis, hearing before subcommittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on ^ report of survey of Mississippi River between Missouri River and Minne- apolis, House document 137, Jan. 26, 1932. 1932. iii+33 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.C 73/2 : M 69/17 Missouri River. Bridge across Missouri River at or near Arrow Rock, Mo., vpnQj-t to accompany H. R. 8379 [to extend times for commencing and com- pleting construction of bridge across Missouri River at or near Arrow Rock, Mo., by St. Louis-Kansas City Short Line Railroad Company] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 443, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bridge across Missouri River at or near St. Charles, Mo., report to ac- company H. R. 8394 [to extend times for commencing and completing con- struction of bridge across Missouri River at or near St. Charles, Mo., by St. Louis-Kansas City Short Line Railroad Company] ; submitted by Mr. Van- denberg. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 444, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Monongahela River. Bridge across Monongahela River at or near Fayette City, Pa., report to accompany S. 4040 [granting consent of Congress to counties of Fayette and Washington, Pa., either jointly or severally, to construct toll bridge across Monongahela River at or near Fayette City, Pa.] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 23, calendar day, Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 451, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. How to order publications — See information folloirlns Contents 112067— 32— No. 447 5 730 March, 1932 Mothers. Amend maternity act, r epor t [and minority report] to accompany 8. 572 [to provide tliat United States sliall cooperate with States in promot- ing general healtti of rural population of United States and welfare and hygiene of mothers and children]. [2 pts.] (S. rp. 428, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [S. 572 provides for promotion of health and welfare of mothers and children only.] L. C. card 32-26407 [pt. 1.] Amond niaicriilty act, report; submitted by Mr. Jones. Mar. 14, calendar day Mar. 16, 1032. 10 p. • Paper, 5c. pt. 2. Matcruity and Infancy hygiene, minority report ; submitted by Mr. Bingham. Mar. 14, calendar day Mar. 15, 1932. 7 p. • Taper, 5c. Pearl River. Temporary railroad bridge across Pearl River, Leake County, Miss., reiiort to accompany S. 3836 [to authorize con.structiou of temporary railroad bridge across Pearl River at point in or near northeast quarter sec- tion 13, township ID north, range 8 east, Leake County, Miss., by Pearl River Valley Lumber Company] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 9, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 405, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Rock River. Bridge across Rock River at or near Prophetstown, 111., r epor t to accompany H. R. 8396 [to extend times for commencing and completing con- struction of bridge across Rock River at or near Prophetstown, 111., by Illi- nois] ; submitted by Mr, Vandenberg. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 445, 72tl Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. St. Frauds River. Bridire across St. Francis River at or near Lake City, Ark., on State highway no. 18, re port to accompany H. R. 9266 [to extend times for conmiencing and completing construction of bridge across St. Francis River at or near Lake City, Ark., by Arkansas, through its State highway depart- ment] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 449, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Bridge across St. Francis River at or near Madison, Ark., tepo rt to accompany H. R. 9264 [to extend times for commencing and completing con- struction of free hi;,'hway bridge across St. Francis River at or near Madison, Ark., on State highway numbered 70, by Arkansas State Highway Commis- sion] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 23, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 448, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. 8t. Lawrence River. Bridge across St. Lawrence River near Alexandria Bay, N. Y., r,g£ort to accompany H. R. 8696 [to extend times for conmiencing and completing construction of bridge across St. Lawrence River near Alexandria Bay, N. Y., by New York Development Association, Incorporated] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 23, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 447, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c, Tampa Bay. Tampa and IliUsboro bays, Fla., letter from chief of engineers. Army, to chairman of Committee on Commerce, Senate, submitting review of report on Tampa and Ilillsboro bays, Fla., submitted to by Secre- tary of War Dec. 12, 1927, published in House document 100, 70th Congress; presented by Mr. John.son. Dec. 17, 1931. 41 p. map. (S. doc. 22, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-28762 DISTKICr OF COLUMBIA CWMMITTEE, SENATE Acacia Mutual Life Association. Amendment of charter of Acacia Mutual Life As.';oclation, r export to accompany S. 2775 [to amend act to incorporate Masonic Mutual Ttelicf Association of Kistrict of Columbia, as amended] ; submitted by Mr. Blaine. Mar. 11. calendar day Mar. 12, 1932. 6 p. (S. rp. 421, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [The name of the Acacia Mutual Life Association (formerly Masonic Mutual Relief Association of District of Columbia) Is changed to Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Company by one of the amend- ments in S. 2775.] * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session. Mar. 14-. 1932; no. 5. 1931 [1932]. 16 p. 4° X T 4.D 63/2 : 72/5 Ho'w to order publlcntionn — See informaUon followinar Contents Mabch, 1932 731 Credit unions. Incorporation of credit unions, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st ses- sion, on S. 1153, to provide for incorporation of credit unions in District of Columbia, Jan. 15-Feb. 5, 1932. 1932. iii+51 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.D 63/2 : C 86/2 Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital. Repairs to Casualty Hospital in District of Columbia, report to accompany S. 1307 [providing for appropria- tion toward alteration ancT repair of buildings of Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital] ; submitted by Mr. Copeland. Mar. 10, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 415, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print] * Paper, 5c. Firemen's Insurance Company of Washington and Oeorgetoxon. Amend charter of Firemen's Insurance Co. of Washington and Georgetown [in District of Columbia], report to accompany S. 2958; submitted by Mr. Capper. Feb. 24, calendar dayFeb. 29, 1932. 7 p. (S. rp. 346, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Indeterminate Sentence and Parole Board. Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole for District of Columbia, jc fiport^ to accompany S. 1155 [to establish Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole for District of Columbia and to determine its functions, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Austin. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 10 p. (S. rp. 450, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) *Paper, 5c. Insurance. Headquarters and records of insurance companies organized under laws of District of Columbia, report to accompany S^ 3584 [to require all insurance corporations formed under provisions of chapter 18 of code of law of District of Columbia to maintain their principal ofl3ces and places of busi- ness within District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. King. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 8, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 401, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Motor-vehicles. Financial responsibility of motorists, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 3053, to promote safety on streets and highways of District of Columbia by providing for financial responsibility of owners and operators of motor vehicles for damages caused by motor vehicles on public highways in District of Columbia, to prescribe penalties for violation of provisions of this act, and for other purposes, Feb. 23, 1932. 1932. iii+19 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.D 63/2 : M 85/2 Potomac River. Investigation of sewage pollution of Potomac River, repor t to accompany S. Res. 44 [providing for Public Health Service investigation of District of Columbia sewage-disposal methods in Potomac River] ; submitted by Mr. Copeland. Mar. 10, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 414, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ^Prohidition enforcement, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 203, supple- menting national prohibition act for District of Columbia, Feb. 9, 1932. 1932. iii+52 p. il. * Paper, 10c. Y 4.D 63/2 : P 94/3 Real estate. Regulation of real estate brokers and salesmen in District of Columbia, r gport to accompany S. 2355 [to define, regulate, and license real- estate brokers and real-estate salesmen, to create Real Estate Commission in District of Columbia, to protect public against fraud in real-estate transac- tions, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Blaine. Mar. 10, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 413, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Schools. Appointment of public-school employees by superintendent of schools of District of Columbia, r gpor t to accompany S. 3707 [to authorize appoint- ment of public school employees between meetings of Board of Education of District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. Austin. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 480, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 6c. Securities. Prevention of fraud in promotion or sale of securities in District of Columbia, r epor t to accompany S. 3362 [to prevent fraud in promotion or sale of stock, bonds, or other securities sold or offered for sale within District of Columbia, to control sale of same, to register persons selling stocks, bonds, or other securities, to provide punishment for fraudulent or unauthorized sale of same, to make uniform law in relation thereto, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Blaine. Mar. 10, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 412, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. How to order publications— See Information following Contents / -r. / 732 Mabch, 1932 Street-railroadg. Merger of street-railway corporations in District of Columbia, rfitjort to accompany S. J. lies. 13 [to authorize merger of street-railway corpo- rations operating in District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. Austin. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 12 p. (S. rp. 475 [pt, 1], 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Street railway merger, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. J. Res. 13, to authorize merger of street railway corporations operating in District of Columbia, Feb. 2-19, 1932. 1932. iii-f 148 p. • Paper, 15c. Y 4.D C3/2 : St 8/9 Streets. Extension of improvements on west side of Georgia avenue [north of Princeton place] in District of Columbia ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Mar. 11, calendar day Mar. 12, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 422, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Weapons. Control of firearms sales, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 2751, to control possession, sale, transfer and use of pistols and other danger- ous weapons in District of Columbia, to provide penalties, to prescribe rules of evidence, and for other purposes, Feb. 26, 1932. 1932. iii-f 25 p. * Paper, 5c. Y4.D63/2:F51 EDUCATION AND LABOR COMMITTEE, SENATE l/ Labor and laboring classes. Kate of wages for laborers and mechanics em- ployed by contractors and subcontractors on public buildings, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 3847, to amend act approved Mar. 3, 1931, relat- ing to rate of wages for laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on public buildings. Mar. 17, 1932. 1932. iii-f44 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.Ed 8/3 : W 12/4 FINANCE COMMITTEE, SENATE Adjusted service certificates. Loans to veterans, rejgort to accompany S. 1251 [relating to making of loans to veterans upon their adjustetl-service certifi- cates] ; submitted by Mr. Barkley. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 488, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. .j/ Bimetallism. To establish bimetallic system of currency, hearing before sub- ^ committee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 2487, to establish bimetallic sys- tem of currency, employing gold and silver, to fix relative value of gold and silver, to provide for free coinage of silver as well as gold, and for other pur- poses, Feb. 6, 1932. 1932. pt. 1, iii+1-47 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.F 49 : B 51/pt. 1 Black, B. W. Dr. B. W. Black, [adverse] r eport to accompany S. 697 [to au- thorize reimbursement of B. W. Black for travel performed subsequent to June 7, 1924, under orders of Secretary of Treasury issued prior to that date] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 7, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 394, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Mar. 1 and 21, 1932 ; no. 8 and 9. 1932. Each 43 p. 4° t Y 4.F 49 : 72/8, 9 Veterans' legislation, legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session. Mar. 1 and 21, 1932 ; no. 4 and 5. 1932. 27 p. and 29 p. 4° t Y 4.F 49 : 72-1/4, 5 Depositions in cases arising under sec. 19 of World War veterans' act [1924, as amended], repor t to accompany S. 929; submitted by ^Ir. Smoot. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 476, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Pa- per, 5c. •^ Oovernmcnt securities. Sale of foreign bonds or securities in United States, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, pursuant to S. lies. 19, authorizing Fi- nance Conmiittee of Senate to Investigate sale, flotation, and allocation by banks, banking Institutions, corporations, or individuals of foreign bonds or securities in United States, .Tan. 4 [-Feb. 10]. 1932. 1032. pts.''2^, [xi]-f 299-2179 p. 11. 2 tab. * Paper, pt. 2, ?1.15 ; * pt. 3. 35c. ; * pt.4, 20c. Y 4.F 49 : B 64/6/pt. 2rA Life insurance. To amend stiC. 19 of World War veterans' act, 1924, as amended [so as to extend time for filing suits on Insurance contracts,] rejwrt to accompany S. 1G75 ; sul)niitted l)y Mr. Wulsli of Ma.ssachusetts. Mar. 2, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 361, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. How to uriler i>ul>lIcn(lonN — St>t> Inforinnflon follotvliiic Conlonta Makch, 1932 733 lAfe insurance — Continued. To amend sec. 300 of World War veterans' act, 1924, as amended, [ad- verse] report to accompany S. 2190 [to amend sec. 300 of World War veterans' act, 1924, as amended, so as to permit naming of trust company or bank as beneficiary of life (converted) insurance for benefit of any or all persons now Included within permitted classes] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 395, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Little, Paul. Paul Little, [adverse] repprt to accompany S. 1882 [for relief of Paul Little] ; submitted by Mr. George. Feb. 24, calendar day Mar. 1, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 357, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. McCartin, Peter C. Peter C. McCartin, [adverse] rgggrt to accompany S. 2373 [authorizing payment to Peter C. McCartin of allotments made to his children under veterans' act of 1924] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts. Feb. 24, calendar day Mar. 1, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 356, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. McLamb, John B. John B. McLamb, [adverse] r eport to accompany S. 2568 [for relief of John B. McLamb] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts. Feb. 24, calendar day Feb. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 350, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5e. Melville, John. John Melville, [adverse] r eport to accompany S. 2528 [to ex- tend benefits of World War veterans' act, 1924, as amended, to John Mel- ville] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 396, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c, Parker, Frank B. Frank B. Parker, [adverse] report to accompany S. 2292 [for relief of Frank B. Parker] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts. Feb. 24, calendar day Mar. 1, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp, 355, 72d Cong. 1st sess. * Paper, 5c. Sawyer, Stephen. Stephen Sawyer, [adverse] r eport to accompany S. 1883 [for relief of Stephen Sawyer] ; submitted by Mr. George. Feb. 24, calendar day Mar. 1, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 358, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Soldiers. Extending benefits of sec. 202 (10) of World War veterans' act, [adverse] report to accompany S. J. Res. 65 [extending benefits of sec. 202 (10) of World War veterans' act, so as to provide hospital treatment now authorized by sec. 202 (10) to all veterans honorably discharged from any term of service from any war, regardless of whether subsequent term of service terminated dishonorably] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts, Mar. 2, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 362, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Spiropoulos, John. John Spiropoulos, [adverse] report to accompany S. 1885 [granting compensation to John Spiropoulos] ; s&omitted by Mr. George. Feb. 24, calendar day Mar. 1, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 359, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Tobacco. Purchase of tobacco for inmates of Veterans' Administration homes, r epor t to accompany S. 3886 [to authorize purchase of tobacco from funds heretofore or hereafter appropriated for "Veterans' Administration for in- mates in hospitals and homes] ; submitted by Mr. George. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 473, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. War risk insurance. Including dependent sisters within classes to be entitled to automatic insurance [under war risk insurance act, adverse] renort to accompany S. 2293; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts. Feb. 24, calendar day Feb. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 348, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Whatley. Angus M. Angus M. Whatley, [adverse] ren^j-t to accompany S. 2567 [for relief of Angus M. Whatley] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Massachusetts. Feb. 24, calendar day Feb. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 349, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c, FOEEIGN KELATIONS COMMITTEB, SENATE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, Mar, 3, 1932 ; no. 5. 1932. 30 p. 4" t Y 4.F 76/2 : 72/5 HoTT to order publications — See Information foIIOTvingr Contents 734 Mabch, 1932 International Oeological CongrcMS, report to accompany S. J. Res. 82 [author- izing appropriati(»n for exi)ense8 of IGth session of International Geological Congress to be held in United States In 1933] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 30, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 490, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. IMHIGRATIOIf COMHITTEE, SENATE Musicians. For protection of musicians, report to accompany H. R. 8235 [to clarify application of contract labor provisions of immigration laws to in- strumental musicians] ; submitted by Mr. Ilatflekl, Mar. 11, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 419, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Naturalisation. Amendments to naturalization and immigration laws, report to accompany H. R. 0477 [to further amend naturalization laws, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. King. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 479, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. INDIAN AFFAIBS COMMITTEE, SENATE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, Mar. 2 and 28. 1932 ; no. 4 and 5. 1932. 27 p. and 31 p. 4° J Y 4.1n 2/2 : 72/4. 5 Chippewa Indians. Authorizing extension of contracts for prosecution of suita filed by Chipi)ewa Indians of Minnesota against United States and now pend- ing In Court of Claims, report to accompany S. 2364 [to authorize Secretary of Interior to extend or renew contracts of employment of attorneys employed to repre.sent Chippewa Indians of Minnesota in litigation arising: in Court of Claims under act of May 14, 1926 (44 Stat. 555)] ; submitted by Mr. SchalL Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 371, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Coal. Segregated coal and asphalt deposits of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indian nations, report to accompany S. 3655 [to provide for leasing of segregated coal and asphalt deposits of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indian nations, in Okla- homa, and for extension of time within which purcha.sers of such deposits may complete payments] ; submitted by ]\Ir. Thomas of Oklahoma. Mar. 2. calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 370, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Flathead Indians. To amend act of Mar. 13, 1924 (43 Stat. L., 21), to permit Flathead, Kootenai, and Upper Pend D'Oreille tribes to file suit in Court of Claims, report to accompany S. 29S6; submitted by Mr. Wheeler. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 28, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 483, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) 'Paper, 5c. Indiana. Court of Claims to hear and determine claims of certain bands, na- tions, or tribes of Indians resier, 5c. Military supplies. Secret or confidential material, apparatus, or equipment for military or naval, report to accompany S. 3173 [authorizing tlie Presi- dent to class as secret or confidential certain material, apparatus, or equip- ment lor military or naval use] ; submitted by Mr. Reed. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 4, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 389, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Paper, 5c. ly/ Pay, Army. Longevity pay of vrarrant oflicers. Array, hearing before subcom- mittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 2192, to readjust pay of certain war- rant officers and retired enlisted men, Mar. 17, 1932. 1932. ii-i-16 p. * Paper, 5c. ' Y 4.M 59/2 : L 85 Bt. Johns Bluff military reservation. Termination of contract for sale and pur- chase of St. Johns Bluff military reservation, Fla. [entered into with A. T. Williams], report to accompany S. 3602; submitted by Mr. Fletcher. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 4, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 387, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. NAVAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, SENATE Calendars. T.«gislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Feb. 23-Mar. 28. 1932; no. 5-8. 1932. various paging, large 8" t Y 4. N 22/2 : 72/5-8 PENSIONS COMMIITEE, SENATE Pensions. Granting pensions and increase of pensions for certain soldiers and sailors of Regular Army and Navy and their dependents [and certain soldiers and sailors and their widows, etc., of wars] otlier than Civil War, report to accompany H. R. 9575 [substituted for H. R. 501 and otlier bills] ; submitted by Mr. Robinson of Indiana. Mar. 21, 1932. 93 p. (S. rp. 437, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 10c. Quartermaster Corps of Arm,y. To confer to certain persons benefits of hos- pitalization and privileges of soldiers' homes, report to accompany S. 1328 [to C(mfer to certain persons who served in Quarterma.ster Corps or under juris- diction of quartermaster general during War witli Spain, Philippine insur- rection, or Cliina Relief Expedition benefits of hospitalization and privileges of soldiers' homes] ; submitted by Mr. McGill. Mar. 14, calendar day Mar. 16, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 429, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. POST OFFICES AND POST ROADS COMMITTEE. SENATE Calendars. Legislative calendar, calendar of bills, resolutions, and reports referred to Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads for its consideration and action thereon. Mar. 29, 1932; no. 3, 72d Ongress, 1st session. 1932. 15 p. 4° t Y 4.P 84/2 : 72/3 Roads. Emergency highway construction, report to accompany II. R. 9642 [to authorize supplemental ai»propria(ioiis f«)r emergency highway construction, with view to increasing employment] ; tubmitted by Mr. Hayden. Mar. 2, 1932. 8 p. (S. rp. 363, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. PRIAILEOBS AND ELECTIONS OOMMITTEB, SENATE ^ Contested elections. Senator from North Carolina, hearing, 72d Conpress, 1st session, i)ur.suant to S. Ros. CO, to hear and determine contest of George M. Prilchard airainst Joslnh W. Railey for seat in Senate from North Carolina, Jan. 16. 1932. 1932. pt. 1, ii+1^8 p. • Paper, 10c. Y 4.P 93/6 : N 81c/pt. 1 How to order pabllcatlonM— See informatloii followlnar Contents Mabch, 1932 739 , PTJBLIO BTTILDINGe AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE, SENATE Abilene, Tex. Extending limit of time within which Parramore Post No. 57, American Legion, may construct its memorial building [at Abilene, Tex.], and correcting street location, report to accompany H. R. 4515 ; submitted by Mr. Keyes. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 487, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Eihbhiff, Minn. Amending public building act, report to accompany H. R. 375 [amending public building act approved Mar. 4, 1931, authorizing acquisition of building sites and construction of public buildings at Hibbing, Minn., and other places] ; submitted by Mr. Keyes. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 4, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 384, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Jackson, Miss. Acquisition of site and construction of building in Jackson, Miss., report to accompany H. R. 6739 [to amend authorization contained in act approved Mar. 4, 1929, for acquisition of site and construction of building in Jackson, Miss.] ; submitted by Mr. Keyes. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 4, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 385, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Plattsiurg, N. Y. To authorize Secretary of Treasury to negotiate and to entei into agreement regarding south boundary of post-office site at Plattsbui'g, N. Y., report to accompany H. R. 7899; submitted by Mr. Keyes. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 4, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 386, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Ponca City, Okla. Relating to construction of Federal building at Ponca City, Okla., report to accompany S. 3086 ; submitted by Mr. Keyes. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 4, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 383, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. PUBLIC LANDS AND SUKVET8 COMMITTEE, SENATE American conservation week, report to accompany S. Con. Res. 6 [favoring desig- nation and appropriate observance of American conservation week] ; submit- ted by Mr. Wagner. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 7, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 393, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Arizona. Confirmation of selection of lands by Arizona for benefit of University of Arizona [said lands being embraced within Fort Lowell abandoned mili- tary reservation], report to accompany S. 2428; submitted by Mr. Ashurst. Mar. 2, calendar dayTlar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 366, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c . Belsvig, Mrs. Mathie. Mathie Belsvig, report to accompany S. 2259 [for relief of Mathie Belsvig] ; submitted by Mr, Walsh of Montana. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. ( S. rp. 459, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Mar. 1-22, 1932; no. 5-7. 1932. Each 31 p. or 35 p. 4° t Y 4.P 96/1 : 72/5-7 Coeur d'Alene National Forest. Inclusion of lands in Coeur d'Alene and St. Joe national forests, Idaho, r eport to accompany S. 3639 ; submitted by Mr. Nye. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. ( S. rp. 469, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Colorado. Granting lands to Colorado for benefit of Colorado School of Mines, report to accompany H, R. 231 ; submitted by Mr. Nye. Mar. 23, calendar dayllar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 471, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Colville Reservation. Homesteaders on diminished Colville Indian Reservation, Wash., r epor t to accompany S. 2983 [for relief of homesteaders on diminished Colville Indian Reservation, Wash.] ; submitted by Mr. Nye. Mar. 23, calen- dar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 466, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Fairchild, Seymour. Relief of Melissa Isabel Fairchild [widow of Seymour Fairchild], repo rt to accompany H. R. 4390; submitted by Mr. Nye. Mar. 23, calendar dayMar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 472, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Pa- per, 5c. Fallon, Nev. Conveyance of lands to Fallon, Nov., repg rt to accompany S. 3154 ; submitted by Mr. Oddie. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 8, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 400, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTv to order publlcatlons-^See Information folloirlngr Contents 740 March, 1932 Eoicard, Cassis E. Issuance to Cassle E. Howard of patent for lands, r epor t to accompany S. 1044 ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Montana. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 450, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Idaho National Forest. Adding lands to Idaho National Forest, Idaho, report to accompany S. 37S4 ; submitted by Mr. Nye. Mar. 23, calendar day Man24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 470, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Land offices. EstJibli-shing additional laud offices in Montana, Oregon, South Dakota, Idaho, New Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada [and in Utah and Wyo- ming], roaort to accompany S. 1039; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Montana. Mar. 23, calendar day 24, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 458, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lincoln County, Mont. Conveyance of land [within Kootenai National Forest] to school district no. 15, Lincoln County, Mont., r epo rt to accompany S. 2395; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Montana. Mar. 23, caTendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. ( S. rp. 457, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Mexican land grants in California, report pursuant to S. Res, 291, 70th Con- gress [to investigate charges of illegal delivery to private interests of lands ceded to United States by Government of Mexico] ; submitted by Mr. Brat- ton. Mar. 14, 1932. 8 p. (S. rp. 426, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print.] * Paper, 5c. Militia Target Range Reservation. Authorizing Secretary of War to secure title to certain private lands contiguous to and within Militia Target Range Reservation, Utah, r eport to accompany S. 3342; submitted by Mr. Smoot, Mar. 2, calendar day M^r. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 392, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Mineral lands. Vacating withdrawals of public lands under reclamation law, with reservation of rijihts, ways, and easements [so that such lands may be made subject to location, entry, and patent under general mining laws), r epor t to accompany S. 3371 ; submitted by Mr. Nye. Mar. 23, calendar day Iklar. 24, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 467, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Mount McKinlcy National Park. Revising boundary of Mount McKinley Na- tional Park, Ala.ska, r Qpor t to accompany H. R. 6485 : submitted by Mr. Nye. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 379, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. New Mexico. Issuance of patents to lands in New Mexico, r epor t to accom- pany S. 1624 [for issuance of patents upon certain conditions to lands and accretions thereto determined to be within New Mexico in accordance with decree of Supreme Court of United States entered Apr. 9, 1928] ; submitted by Mr. Bratton. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 28, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 478, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Public lands for use of Eastern New Mexico Normal School, repo rt to accompany S. 1590 [granting public lands to New Mexico for use and benefit of Eastern New Mexico Normal School] ; submitted by Mr. Bratton. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 381, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Pa- per, 5c. Provo, Utah. Sale of public lands to Provo, Utah [for protection of water- shed], report to accompany S. 081; submitted by Mr. Smoot. Mar. 2, calen- dar day Mar. 7, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 399, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Sanchez, Francis R. Confirming claim of Francis R. Sanchez, report to accom- pany S. 3592; submitted by Mr. Nye. Mar. 23. calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 408, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. School lands. Title to lands granted in aid of schools, repor t to accompany S. 3570 [to amend act confirming in States and TerriToWes title to laud granted by United States in aid of common or public schools]*; submitted* by Mr. Bratton. Mar. 11, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 420, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Sheaman, Joseph F. Issuance of unrestricted patent to Joseph F. Shi-aman, reijprt to accompany S. 2754 ; submitted by Mr. Kendrick. Mar. 2, calendar ctayMar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 307, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paiier, 5c. Hovr to order uubllcatlons — Sec informntlon foIIoM'lnar Contents March, 1932 741 Sulphur. Amending act of Apr. 17, 1926, promoting production of sulpliur upon public domain in Louisiana, so as to include New Mexico, r t^por t to accom- pany S. 3276 ; submitted by Mr. Cutting. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 397, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c, Waterton-Olacier International Peace Park. Establishment of Waterton- Glacier International Peace Park, r£pq rt to accompany H. R. 4752; sub- mitted by Mr. Walsh of Montana. Mar. 23 calendar day Mar. 24, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 460, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [This park will be formed by the adjoining areas now known as Glacier National Park in Montana and Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada.] * Paper, 5c. Wyoming. Amending sec. 5 of act approved July 10, 1890 (28 [26] Stat. 664 [222]), relating to admission into Union of Wyoming [relative to leasing of school lands granted to said State], report to accompany S. 3475; submitted by Mr. Carey. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 3, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 368, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. TERRITORIES AND INSULAR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, SENATE Philippine Islands. Independence for Philippine Islands, hearings, 72d Con- gress, 1st session, on S. 3377, to enable the people of Philippine Islands to adopt constitution and form government for Philippine Islands, to provide for independence of same, and for other purposes, Feb. 11 and 13, 1932. 1932. 111+187+471 p. 11. [Includes hearings before Committee on Insular Affairs, House, on H. R. 7233, to provide for independence of Philippine Islands, Jan. 22-Feb. 12, 1932.] * Paper, 30c. Y 4.T 27/2 : P 53/8 Philippine independence, r epor t to accompany S. 3377 [to enable the people of I'hilippine Islands to adopt constitution and form government for Philippine Islands, to provide for independence of same, and for other pur- poses] ; submitted by Mr. Hawes and Mr. Cutting. Feb. 24, calendar day Mar. 1, 1932. 12 p. (S. rp. 354, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26282 WILD LIFE RESOURCES, SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON CONSERVATION OF, SENATE Bears. Brown bear of Alaska, hearing, on protection and preservation of brown and grizzly bears of Alaska, Jan. 18, 1932, [72d Congress, 1st session]. 1932. iii+108 p. * Paper, 10c. Y 4.W 64 : Al 1 USELESS EXECUTIVE PAPERS, JOINT SELECT COMMITTEE ON DISPOSITION OF Interior Department. Disposition of useless papers in Department of Interior, report; submitted by Mr. Green. Mar. 30, 1932. 9 p. (H. rp. 937, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. WASHINGTON, GEORGE, COMMISSION FOR CELEBRATION OF 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH OF Atlas. George Washington atlas, collection of 85 maps, including 28 made by George Washington, 7 used and annotated by him, 8 made at his direction, or for his use, or otherwise associated with him, and 42 new maps concerning his activities in peace and war and his place in history ; edited by Lawrence Martin. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Wash- ington, D. C, 1932. [58] p. il. large 4° [Maps on inside of front and back covers.] * Cloth, $2.00. L. C. card Map 32-1 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 At 6 Contests. Organization and regulations of declamatory, essay, and oratorical contests of George Washington Bicentennial Commission. [3d edition.] United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Feb. 9, 1932]. 16 p. il. f° f L. C. card 32-26409 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 D 35/2/3d ed. Selections relating to George Washington for declamatory contests in elementary schools. United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, Washington, D. C. [Feb. 8, 1932]. 16 p. il. f" f L. C. card 32-26410 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 D 35 Ho-vr to order publications — See information following Contents 742 Mabch, 1932 Exhibits. George Washington Bicentennial Historical Loan Exhibition of por- traits of George Washington and liis associates, also collection of Washlngton- lana at Corcoran Gallerj' of Art, Washington, D. C, Mar, 5 througli Nov. 24, 1932. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washing- ton, D. C. [Mar. 3, 1932]. 64 p. 1 pi. 2 por. t L. C. card 32-26411 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 P 83 Flags of American liberty, 1732-1932 [description and illustrations]. C. 8. Hammond & Co., Inc., New Yorl<, 1931. 22X30.1 in. [Explanatory text re- garding flag entitled Star spangled banner has been pasted on publication.] f L. C. card 31-28763 Y 3.W 27/2 : 10 F 59 Music. Father of the land we love, written for the American people by George M. Cohan, to commemorate 200th anniversary of birth of George Washington ; painting [of George Washington on title-page] contributed by James Mont- gomery Flagg. [United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C, 1931.] 6 p. il. ft Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 F 28 Music from days of George Washington : Album of military marches. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [1931] . 8 p. il. r t Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 M 97/3 Same : [Collection of patriotic and military tunes, piano and dance music, songs and operatic airs] collected and provided witli introduction by Carl Engel, music edited by W. Oliver Strunk ; with preface by Sol Bloom. [2d edition.] United States George Wasliington Bicentennial Commission, Wash- ington, D. C. [Jan. 28, 1932]. ix-i-62 p. 11. f° [Text and imprint date on back cover.] f Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 M 97/2/2d ed. Same : Dance music ; by Alexander Reinagle and Pierre Landrin Duport. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [1931]. 6-f [2] p. 11. f° t Y 3.W 27/2 : M 97/4 Same : The toast to General W^ashington ; by Francis Hopkinson. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [1931]. 4 p. il. f° t Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 M 97/5 Music of George Washington's time; [by John Tasker Howard]. [3d edition.] United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Wash- ington, D. C. [Feb. 25, 1932]. 34+ [2] p. il. f t L. C. card 32-26412 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 M 97/6/3d ed. Pageants and plays. Blue goblet (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by James K. Knudson. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, W^ashington, D. C. [Oct. 31, 1931]. 42+ [2] p. t L. C. card 31-28764 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 B 62 Boys' George Washington, a George Washington pageant; by M. Eliza- beth Salois. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Nov. 30, 1931]. 16 p. [Illustration on front cover.] t L. C. card 31-28765 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 B 71 Building a nation (a play in one act), a George Washington play writ- ten for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Nov. 7, 1931]. 18+ [2] p. t L, C. card 31-28766 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 B 86 Crisis at Yorktown (a play in one act), a George Washington play writ- ten for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [1931]. 26+ [2] p. t L. C. card 31-28767 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 Y 8A The dominant force (a play In one act), a George Washington play writ- ten for Bicentennial Celebration In 1932 ; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Wasliingtou Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [1931]. 24 p. t L. C. card 31-28768 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 D 71 How to order pnbllcntlonii — See Information following Contenta Mabch, 1932 743 Pageants aiid plays — Continued. Father of his country, a George Washington pageant; by Esther C. and Lawrence A. Averill. United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, Washington, D. C. [1931]. 32 p. [Illustration on front cover.] t L. C. card 31-28769 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 F 26 From picture boolc towne, a George Washington pageant-play for chil- dren ; by Olive M. Price. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Nov. 18, 1931]. [2]-|-10 p. [Illustration on front cover.] f L. C. card 31-28770 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 P 58 George Washington play and pageant costume book [with list of authori- ties consulted]. [2d edition.] United States George Washington Bicenten- nial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Feb. 3, 1932]. 24 p. il. f [Text and imprint date on back cover.] t L. C. card 32-26413 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 P 69/2d ed. Contents. — Pt. 1, Costume in time of George Washington. — Pt. 2, Military uniforms and stage properties. Happiness day (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. SX 1931]. 12+ [4] p. il. t L. C. card 31-28771 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 H 21 How to produce a pageant in honor of George Washington [with bibliog- raphy], written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by Esther Willard Bates. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Wash- ington, D. C. [Dec. 15, 1931]. 30 p. [Illustration on front cover.] t L. C. card 31-28772 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 P 14/3 I follow Washington (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by R. B. Lawrence, United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31, 1931]. 22+ [2] p. t L. C. card 31-28773 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 1 1 Indian's prophecy (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932 ; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31, 1931]. 14+ [2] p. t L. C. card 31-28774 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 In 2 Living pages from Washington's diary, a candle-time reverie, a George Washington pageant; by Kathleen Read Coontz. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Nov. 30, 1931]. 32 p. il. [Another illustration on front cover.] t L. C. card 31-28775 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 L 76 Lure of the sea (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31, 1931]. 16 p. t L. C. card 31-28776 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 L 97 Many waters, a George Washington pageant, by Marietta Minnigerode Andrews ; with music arrangement by Lyman McCrary. United States George "v^^ashinjrton Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [1931]. 36 p. [Illustration on front cover.] t L. C. card 31-28777 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 M 31 Matching wits (a play in one act), a George Washington plav wTitten for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31. 1931]. 22+[2]p. il. t L. C. card 31-28778 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 M 41 Bow to order publications — See information foIIOTVlns Contents 744 Maech, 1932 Pageants and plays — Continued. Mother and son (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by K. ii. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31. 1931]. 14 + [2] p. t L. C. card 31-28779 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 M 85 Pageants and plays depicting life of George Washington and his time for Nation-wide celebration in 1932, 200th anniversary of birth of George Wasli- iiigton, fur educational, patriotic, religious, social, civic, fraternal, and dra- matic organizations. United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, Washington, D. C. [1932]. IG d. f° t L. C. card 32-26414 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 P 14/2 Redbud tree, a George Washington pageant-play for children; by Olive M. Price. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commis.sion, Wash- ington, D. C. [Nov. 18, 1931]. [2] +18 p. [Illustration on front cover.] t L. C. card 31-28780 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 It 24 That is my answer (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31, 1931]. 18+ [2] p. t L. C. card 31-28781 Y 3. W 27/2 : 12 T 32 View from the window, a George Washington play (in 3 scenes) written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by Kathleen Read Coontz. United States George Washington Bicenteunijil Commission, Washington, D. C. [1931]. 20 p. t L. C. card 31-28782 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 V 67 Vindicated (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932 ; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31, 1931]. 20 p. t L. C. card 31-28783 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 V 74 Washington danced (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932 ; by France Goldwater. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, AVashington, D. C. [Nov. 7, 1931]. 16 p. t L. C. card 31-28784 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 W 27/2 Washington goes in (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932 ; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [1931]. 18+ [2] p. il. t L. C. card 31-28785 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 W 27/3 Washington returns, a pageant in 4 episodes and 8 scenes, adaptable to cast of 100 to 500 students of primary and grammar grades and high schools; by Kathleen Read Coontz. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 20, 1931]. 78 + [2] p. il. [Another illustration on front cover.] t L. C. card 31-28786 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 W 27/4 Washington takes the risk (a play in one act), a George Wasliington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1032 ; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31. 1031]. 20 p. t L. C. card 31-28787 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 W 27/5 The Washingtons at home (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by Dwight Marfield. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Wasliington, D. C. [1931]. 12 p. t L. C. card 32-2325 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 W 27/1 How to ortlor pabllcntiona— See Inforinntlon foHotvIiiK Contents Mabch, 1932 745 Pageants and plays — Continued. Who's who in February and Through the calendar to Mount Vernon, George Washington pageant-plays for children; by Edna M. Dubois. [2d edition.] United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Wash- ington. D. C. [Feb. 4, 1932]. 24 p. [Illustration on front cover.] t L. C. card 32-26415 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 W 62/2d ed. A youth of the frontier (a play in one act), a George Washington play written for Bicentennial Celebration in 1932; by R. B. Lawrence. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 31, 1931.] 20 p. t L. C. card 31-28788 Y 3.W 27/2 : 12 Y 8/2 Posters. [George Washington as a mason; poster.] n. p. [1932]. 45.8 X 32 in. [Illustrator, Hattie E. Burdette.] t Y 3.W 27/2 : 10 W 27/2 [George Washington, reproduction of photograph of clay portrait bust bv Houdon, now at Mount Vernon; poster.] n. p. [1932]. 29.9 X 24.8 in. [Photograph by Jafle.] t Y 3.W 27/2 : 10 W 27/3 [George Washington, Uncle Sam, and an American boy ; poster.] n. p. [1932]. 29.9 X 24.8 in. [Illustrator, Hy. Hintermeister.] t Y 3.W 27/2 : 10 W 27/4 Read about George Washington, the explorer, soldier, President, states- man, farmer, engineer, know him, ask for books at your library; [poster], n. p. [1932]. 22.1 X 14.1 in. t Y 3.W 27/2 : 10 W 27/5 Programs. George Washington activities for 4-H clubs, pamphlet for 200th anniversary celebration of birth of George Washington. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Oct. 25, 1931]. 72 p. il. [Includes Selected list of publications of George Washing- ton Bicentennial Commission.] t L. C. card 31-28789 Y 3 W 27/2 : 2F 82 Programs and papers portraying personality, character, and achieve- ments of George Washington. [2d edition.] United States George Wash- ington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Jan. 28, 1932]. [6] +58 p. il. f° [These Programs, numbered from 1 to 12, were previously issued separately.] t L. C. card 32-26416 Y 3.W 27/2 : 9/l-12/2d ed. Contents. — [1] Family relationships of George Washington. — [2] Homes of George Washington. — [3] Youth and manhood of George Washington. — [41 Mother of George Washington. — [5] George Washington, the man of sentiment.— [61 George Washing- ton, the man of action in military and civil life. — [71 George Washington, the Chris- tian. — [8] George Washington, the leader of men. — [9] Social life of George Washing- ton. — [10] George Washington, the builder of the Nation. — [11] George Washington, the President (1789-97). — [12] Home making of George and Martha Washington. Suggested programs for Nation-wide celebration of 200th anniversary of birth of George Washington, Feb. 22nd through Thanksgiving day, 1932. [4th edition.] United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Wash- ington, D. C. [Feb. 1, 1932]. 12 p. f° t L. C. card 32-26417 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2P 94/4/4th ed. Sermons on George Washington, prepared at request of this commission by well known ministers of various denominations in different sections of United States. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Jan. 28, 1932]. iv+44 p. il. T t L. C. card 32-26418 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 Se 6 Suggestions for merchants and department store cooperation in Nation-wide celebration of 200th anniversary of birth of George Washington, Feb. 22 to Thanksgiving day, 1932. United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washington, D. C. [Nov. 2, 1931]. 20 p. narrow 8° t L. C. card 31-28790 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 M 53 HoTV to order pnblicatlons-^See Informatloii follo'wliis Contents 112067— 32— No. 447 6 746 Mabch, 1932 Washington, George. Character of "Washington, speech by Daniel Webster at a public dinner on 22d of February, 1832, in honor of 100th birthday of George Washington ; reprinted for George Washington Bicentennial Celebration, 1932. [2d edition.] United States George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission, Washington, D. C. [Feb. 5, 1932]. 15 p. t L. C. card 32-2G419 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2C 37/2d ed. George Washington, year by year, dates of important events relating to George Washington, 1183-1799; edited by Albert Bushnell Hart. [Gth edi- tion.] United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission, Washing- ton, D. C. [Jan. 28, 1932]. 16 p. t L. C. card 32-26420 Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 D 26/6th ed. United States Government George Washington Bicentennial Commission clip sheet, special educational issue no. 3. Washington, D. C. [no publisher, 1932]. 1 p. il. large 4° [Submitted to educators of America with request for their cot)pcration in making 200th anniversary of birth of George Washing- ton in 1932 greatest event of its kind ever held.] t Y 3.W 27/2 : 11/3 Same, educational special no. 4 and 5. Washington, D. C. [no publLsher, 1932]. [2] p. il. large 4° [Two numbers issued as one publication. Sug- gestions and activities for organizations and educational institutions for observance of 200th anniversary of birth of George Wa.shington.] t Y 3.W 27/2 : 11/4, 5 COURT OF CLAIMS American-West African Line, Inc., v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. 1^-44, p. 21-30. t J u 3.8 : Am 35/47 Ashland Iron d Mining Co. and John Russell, liquidating agent and trustee, v. United States; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. J-391, 10 p. t Ju3.9/a: As35 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company v. United States; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. Lr-^86, 3 p. t Ju 3.9/a : At 24 Bifkel Dredging Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. K-146, p. 41-46. t Ju 3.8 : B 472/4 Boss Manufacturing Company v. United States ; report of commissioner. [1932 ] no. K-44, p. 5-9. t Ju 3.8 : B 653 Brabandt, L., d Co. L. Brabandt, Paul Hye, and Ch. de Baets, doing business under firm name and style of L. Brabandt & Company, v. United States; re- port of commissioner. [1932.] no. C-1021, p. 17-18. t Ju 3.8 :B 72/4 Conrad. George B. Conrad v. United States; special findings of fact [conclu- sion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. L--185, 3 p. t Ju 3.9/a : C 763 Crist. William E. Crist v. United States; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. L-486, 2 p. t Ju 3.9/a : C 868 Dalton Foundries, Inc., v. United States ; special findings of fact [conclusi«m of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. J-238. 7 p. t Ju 3.9/a : D 175 DanielH and Fisher Stores Co. v. United States; special findings of fact [con- clusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1032. [1932.] no. F-323, 6 p. t Ju 3.9/a : D 228 De Brouchcre. A. de Brouchere v. United States ; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. G-1007, p. 15-16. t Ju3.8:D3o4 Dcvriendt Frcrcs. Edouard Devriendt and Jean Devrlendt, doing business under firm name and style of Devriendt Freres, v. United States ; report of oom- niissiouer. [1932.1 no. C-1024. p. 15-16. t Ju3.8:D499 Dcweert. Ilonrl Deweert r. United States; report of commissioner. [1032.] no. C-1023, p. 15-16. t Ju3.S:D513 IIoTT to order pnbIientlon«-^Soe liiforiuation foIIo^TliiK Contents March, 1932 747 Du Pasquier d Co. Hermann Du Pasquier, Maurice Du Pasquier, and Pierre Du Pacquier [Pasquier], doing business under firm name and style of Du Pasquier & Company, v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. C-1009, p. 15-16. t Ju 3.8 : D 925 Factors and Finance Co., Inc., v. United States ; special findings of fact [conclu- sion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. K-13, 10 p. t Ju 3.9/a : F 119 Oesnot. Jeanne LaGrange, Yvonne Josephine Henriette Ghislaine Augustine Gesnot, and Marcelle Marguerite Helene Jeanne Therese Gesnot [surviving heirs of Emile Gesnot], v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. C-1020, p. 25-26. t Ju 3.8 : G 331 Oriffin. Francis Wharton Griffin v. United States; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. K-528, 3 p. $ Ju 3.9/a : G 875/2 Helvetia Milk Condensing Co., Inc., v. United States; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] [no.] F-203, 9 p. t Ju 3.9/a : H 369/2 Highland Milk Condensing Co. v. United States ; [special findings of fact, con- clusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. E-588, 8 p. t Ju 3.9/a : H 537/2 Hirshfield. James A. Hirshfield v. United States ; special findings of fact [con- clusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. L-394, 3 p. J Ju 3.9/a : H 617/2 International Curtis Marine Tur'bine Company v. United States ; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. K^41, 7 p. $ Ju 3.9/a : In 8/9 Jussiant, C, & Co. C. Jussiant [et al.], doing business under firm name and style of C. Jussiant & Company, v. United States ; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. C-1010, p. 33-35. % Ju 3.8: J 981 C. Jussiant [et al.], doing business under firm name and style of C. Jussiant & Company, v. United States ; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. C-1325, p. 47-48. % Ju 3.8 : J 981/2 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. v. United States ; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. J-119, 7 p. t Ju 3.9/a : M 382 Melka. Leonard M. Melka v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-129, p. 5-Q. t J" 3.8 : M 486 Montgomei-y. Edward Montgomery v. United States ; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-99, p. 5-6. % Ju 3.8 :M 766/2 Pope. Allen Pope v. United States ; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. K-366. 28 p. il. $ Ju 3.9/a : P 81/2 Railway & Express Company v. United States ; [special findings of fact, conclu- sion of law, and opinion of court], decided Mar. 7, 1932. [1932.] no. K-158, 32 p. % Ju 3.9/a : R 132 Reusing. Carl Reusing v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. C-1026, p. 15-16. X Ju 3.8 : R 297 Schmidt, Eug., & Co. Magasins Eug. Schmidt & Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. C-1008, p. 15-16. X Ju 3.8 : Sch 55 SohAil. Gaston R. Schul v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. C-1025, p. 43-44. $ Ju 3.8 : Sch 81 Stahl. Carel Frederick Marie Stahl v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. E-559, p. 19-20. X Ju3.8: St 14 Van Nuland Preres. J. A. L. Van Nuland and J. J. Van Nuland, doing business under firm name and style of Van Nuland Freres, with office and place of business in Antwerp, Belgium, v. United States ; report of commissioner. [19.32.] no. C-1066, p. 27-28. X Ju 3.8 : V 339 HoTV to order publications— See Information follofvlnsr Contents 748 Mabch, 1932 Vermculcn. Am. Vermenlen v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. G-1022, p. 15-16. t Ju 3.8 : V 591 Wrif/ht d Krcmers, Inc., v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] [no.] M-142, p. 7-10. X Ju 3.8 :W 937/2 COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS Appruiaement. Customs appeal no. 3498, United States v. Gilson Brothers, tran- script of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1932.] 2 pts. cover-title, i+L'l p. and [2] leaves, 21 facsim. in envelope, t Ju 7.6 : G 428/pt 1, 2 Lenses. Customs appeal no. 3522, United States v. Strauss & Buegeleisen, tran- script of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1932.] cover- title, i-(-12 p. t Ju 7.6 : St 82/2 Paper. Customs appeal no. 3527, United States v. U. S. Envelope Co., transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court, [1932.] cover-title, i+57 p. X Ju 7.6 : Un 3 CUSTOMS COURT Reappraisements. Index to Reappraisement circulars, showing reappraisements and decisions on applications for review by Customs Court, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1931. 1932. [l]+7p. * Paper, 5c. Ju 9.4/2: 931 Reappraisements of merchandise by Customs Court [on Feb. 4-Mar, 3, 1932]; Feb. 18 and Mar. 3, 1932. [1932.] 2107-26+ [i] p. (No. 120 and 121.) •Paper, 5c. single copy, 75c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.30. L. C. card 13-2916 Ju 9.4 : 120, 121 FEDERAL RADIO COMMISSION Brahy, John H. No. 5414, special calendar, in Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, John H. Brahy (station WLBX) v. Federal Radio Commission; brief on behalf of Federal Radio Commission. [1932.] cover-title, i+13 p. X RC 1.7 : B 73 Radio broadcast stations in United States. Edition, Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. v+71 p. * I'aper, 15c. L. C. card 31-26563 RC 1.9 : 932 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Federal reserve bulletin. Mar. 1932; [v. 18, no. 3]. 1932. iv+141-202 p. il. map, 4° [Monthly.] t Paper, 20c. single copy, $2.00 a yr. ; foreign subscrip- tion, $2.60. L. C. card 15-26318 FR 1.3A : 18/3 Note. — The bulletin contains. In addition to thp rcRuIar official annoiincements, the national review of business conditions, det.iilcd analyses of business condition, research studies, reviews of foreign banking, and complete statistics showing the condition of Federal reserve banks and member l)auks. It will be sent to all member banks without cbiirge. Others desiring copies may obtain them from the Federal Keserve Board, Wasliington, D. C, at the prices stated above. Federal reserve member banks. Federal reserve inter-district collection sys- tem, March supplement to Jan. 1932 list; Mar. 1, 1932. 1932. [l]-f4 p. 4' t L. C. card 16-26870 FR 1.9: 932/1/supp. 2 Member bank call report 54, condition of all member banks [of Federal reserve system], Dec. 31, 1931. 1932. ii-f22 p. il. 4° t Fit 1.11: 64 How to order publications — See information foUoTvlnv Content* Makch, 1932 749 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Breitbart Institute of Physical Culture, Incorporated. In the matter of Breit- bart Institute of Physical Culture, Incorporated, complaint (synopsis) [re- port] findings, and order ; docket 1609, complaint, Apr. 24, 1929, decision, Sept. 21, 1931. 1932. [13+214-231 p. ([Decision] 823.) [From F. T. C. deci- sions, V. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT l.ll/a2 : 823 Chain stores. Chain stores, cooperative grocery chains, letter transmitting, in response to Senate resolution 224, 70th Congress, report relative to coopera- tive grocery chains. 1932. xxii+199 p. * Paper, 35c. L. C. card 32-26330 FT 1.2 :C 34 Same. (S. doc. 12, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) Chain stores, sources of chain-store merchandise, letter transmitting, in response to Senate resolution 224, 70th Congress, report relative to sources of chain-store merchandise. 1932. iii-f76 p. (S. doc. 30, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 15c. L. C. card 32-26321 Chain stores, wholesale business of retail chains, letter transmitting, in response to Senate resolution 224, 70th Congress, report relative to wholesale business of retail chains. 1932. x+38 p. (S. doc. 29, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26322 Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation. No. 10118, in circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit, Oct. term, 1931, Federal Trade Commission v. Paramount Fa- mous Lasky Corporation, Adolph Zukor, and Jesse L. Lasky; reply brief for petitioner. [1932.] cover-title, ii+46 p. large 8° i FT 1.5 :P 212/4 Public utilities. Utility corporations, letter transmitting, in response to Senate resolution 83 [70th Congress] monthly report on electric power and gas uiiiines inquiry, with exhibits in response to S. R. 112 [71st Congress] ; filed with secretary of Senate, May 16 and June 15, 1931. 1931. nos. 33 and 34, xxvi+1699 p. 2 pi. 2 maps, 4 tab. (S. doc. 92, pts. 33 and 34, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) [Cover gives 1932 as the imprint date.] * Paper, $1.50. L. C. card 28-26408 Royal Milling Company. Nos. 5958, 6098-6102, in circuit court of appeals for 6th circuit. Royal Milling Co. et al. v. Federal Trade Commission ; Tennessee Grain Company and Tennessee Milling Company et al. v. [same] ; Nashville Roller Mills et al. v. [same] ; Snell Milling Company et al. v. [same] ; State Milling Company et al. v. [same] ; Cherokee Mills et al. v. [same] ; brief for Federal Trade Commission. [1932.] cover-title, ii+126 p. t FT 1.5 : R 812/6 Rubinstein, Helena, Incorporated. In matter of Helena Rubinstein, Incorporated, complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1884, complaint, Dec. 12, 1930, decision, Oct. 19, 1931. [1932.] [1] +314-318 p. ([Decision] 833.) [From F. T. C. decisions, V. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT l.ll/a2 : 833 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Decisions of comptroller general, v. 11, Feb. 1932; J. R. McCarl, comptroller general, R. N. Elliott, assistant comptroller general. 1932. [1] +295-333 p. [Monthly.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, 75c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.15. L. C. card 21-26777 GA1.5/a:ll/8 GEOGRAPHIC BOARD Decisions. Decisions of Geographic Board, no. 14, decisions rendered Feb. 3, 1932. [1932.] 3 p. t L. C. card 10-26561 GB 1.5/2 : 14 HoTV to order pabIlcatlon8>^See Information foUowlngr Contents 750 March, 1932 Decisions — Continued. Same, no. 15, decisions rendered Mar. 2. 1932. [1932.] 4 p. [Includes Errata to Decisions, Apr. 4, 1928, and Decisions, no. 12-14, rendered Dec. 2, 1931-Feb. 3, 1932.] t GB 1.5/2: 15 GKJVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Opacity test sheet ; [prepare^hington. Geological Survev] edition of 1932. 38.3X14.4 in. [No text on reverse.] 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 31 M 27/2 Oklahoma, Fairfax quadrangle, lat. 30° 30'-30° 45', long. 96° 30'-96° 45'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5 X 14.1 in. 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 36 F 161 How to ordop iiii1>IicutlouM — See Inforuintlon follo^vins: Contenta March, 1932 753 Texas. Texas. Beaumont quadrangle, lat. SO'-SO" 15', long. 94°-94° 15'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 2 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X15.2 in. [Map covers only a por- tion of the sheet, the actual measurement being 16.5X7.2 in. Beaumont not in portion given on map.] f 10c. 1 19.12 : 43 B 383 Texas, Dundee quadrangle, lat. 33° 30'-33'' 45', long. 98° 45'-99°. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 10 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington, Geo- logical Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X14.6 in. [Map covers only a portion of the sheet, the actual measurement being 7.3X8.7 in. Dundee not in portion given on map.] 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 43 D 915 Texas. Junction quadrangle, lat. 30° 15'-30° 30', long. 99° 45'-100°. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.4X15.2 in. 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 43 J 952 Ftrflr/wta-Maryland, Wakefield quadrangle, lat. 38°-38° 15', long. 76° 45'-77". Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. with 10 ft. contour added on Virginia part. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X13.9 in. 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 47 W 137 West Virginia. West Virginia, Beckley quadrangle, lat. 37° 45'-38°, long. 81° 15'. Scale 1 : 62.500, contour interval 50 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X13.9 in. f lOc 1 19.12 : 49 B 38/2 West Virginia, Flattop quadrangle, lat. 37° 30'-37» 45', long. 81°-81° 15'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 50 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X14 in. t lOc 1 19.12 : 49 F 61/2 Wisconsin. Wisconsin, Gilmanton quadrangle, lat. 44° 15'-44° 30', long. 91° 30'-91° 45'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X12.6 in. f 10c. 119.12: 50 G 42 Wisconsin-Iowa, Ferryville quadrangle, lat. 43° 15'-43° 30', long. 91°- 91° 15'. Scale 1 : 62.500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X12.8 in. [Map covers only a portion of the sheet, the actual measurement being 17.5X11.2 in.] 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 50 F 418 Wisconsin-Iowa, Prairie du Chien quadrangle, lat. 43°-43° 15', long. 91°-91° 15'. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geo- logical Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X12.8 in. [Map covers only a portion of the sheet, the actual measurement being 17.5X9.3 in.] f 10c. 1 19.12 : 50 P 884 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Acadia National Park. Circular of general information regarding Acadia National Park, Me., open all year, summer season June 15-Oct. 15 [with list of literature]. 1932. cover-title, 24 p. [Illustrations on p. 1-4 of cover.] f L. C. card 21-26871 1 29.6 : Ac 1/932 Wind Cave National Park. Circular of general information regarding Wind Cave National Park, S. Dak., open all year. 1932. cover-title, 12 p. il. [Text and maps on p. 2-^ of cover.] t L. C. card 29-22012 I 29.6 : W 72/2/932 RECLAMATION BUREAU Reclamation era, v. 23, no. 3; Mar. 1932. [1932.] cover-title, p. 45-68, il. 4° [Monthly. Text and illustrations on p. 2-4 of cover.] L. C. card 9-35252 I 27.5 : 932/3 Note. — The Reclamation era is a magazine for the farmers and the personnel of the bureau. Its aim is to assist the settlers in the proper use of water, to help them in overcoming their agricultural difficulties, to instruct them in diversifying and mar- keting their crops, to inspire the employees of the bureau and chronicle engineering problems and achievements, and to promote a wholehearted spirit of cooperation, so that reclamation shall attain the greatest heights of success. The subscription price of the Reclamation era is 75c. a year, foreign subscription, $1.00, payable in advance. Subscriptions should be sent to the Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, Washington, D. C, and remittance in the form of postal money order or New York draft should be made payable to the Bureau of Reclamation. Postage stamps are not acceptable in payment of subscription. HoTF to order publications— See information folIoTringr Contents 754 Mabch, 1932 Yakima irrigation project. Plate-steel penstocks and discharge pipe for Wippel pumping plant, Yakima project. Wash., Kittitas division. [1932.] cover- title, i+11 p. 5 pi. map, 4° (Specifications 532.) [Consists of specifications, schedule, and drawings for Irrigation project, proposals to be received until Apr. 4, 1032.] t Paper, 60c. 127.8:532 Wippol pumping plant and appurtenant structures and Wippel pump lat- eral, station 21-fl.'> to station 354-49, Yakima project, Wash., Kittitas divi- sion. [1932.] cover-title, i-f30 p. 15 pi. maps, 4° (Specifications 531.) [Consists of specifications, schedule, and drawings for irrigation project, pro- posals to be received until Mar. 30, 1932.] t Paper, $1.50. 127.8:531 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION NoTK.^ — Thp bound volumes of the docislonSj^ usually known as Interstate Commerce Commission reports and Interstate Commerce Commission valuation reports, nre sold by the Suporlntendont of Documents, Washington, D. C, at various prices, dependinj; upon tli' Bize of the volume. Separate decisions or opinions arc sold on subscription, price $1.imi per volume ; foreign subscription, $1..'S0 ; single copies, usually 5c. In ordering a volumo. be sure to specify whether Finance, Traffic, or Valuation decisions nre desired. Entries for the soparafc decisions are grouped below under center heads following other Interstate Commerce Commission publications. Bauxite and Northern Railway. Before Interstate Commerce Commission, finance docket no. 3629, in matter of excess income of Bauxite & Northern Railway Company; brief in support of tentative recapture report. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f47 p. % IC 1.13/2 : In 2/81 Brakes. Decisions under safety appliance acts, in circuit court of appeals, 9th circuit, no. 6486, United States v. Northern Pacific Railway Company, appeal from district court for western district of Washington, southern division [opinion of court; decided] Dec. IS, 1931. [1932.] 3 p. t IC 1 saf. 7 : N 81/5 Decisions. Decisions of Interstate Commerce Commission, Mar.-Apr. 1931. 1931. xxxix+947 p. (Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 173.) [Contains also decision of May 5, 1931.] * Cloth, $2.50. L. C. card 8-30656 IC 1.6/1 : 173 See also, below, center heads beginning Decisions. Fuel for locomotives (charged to operating expenses), class 1 steam railways in United States, compiled from 145 reports representing 155 steam railways, switching and terminal companies not included, Jan. 1932 and 1931; [pre- pared in] Bureau of Statistics. Jan. 1932. 1 p. oblong large 8° (Statement M-230.) [Subject to revision.] t IC 1 ste. 30 : 932/1 Live Oak, Perry and Oulf Railroad. Before Interstate Commerce Commission, excess income of Live Oak, Perry & Gulf R. R. Co., finance docket 3S0S ; excess income of Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co., finance docket 3021 : brief. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f 53 p. t IC 1.13/2 : In 2/82 Opinions. See, above, Decisions — below, center head beginning Decisions. Piedmont and Northern Railway. No. 064, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Piedmont & Northern Railway Company v. Interstate Commerce Commission, Southern Railway Company et al, ; memorandum of Interstate Commerce Commission in re petition for writ of certiorari. [1932.] cover-title, 1 p. t IC 1.13/1 : P 595/4 Railroad employees. Wage statistics, class 1 steam railways in United States [including 17 .switching and terminal companies] Dec. 1931 ; [prepared In] Bureau of Statistics. 1932. 4 p. il. oblong large 8° ([Statement M-300.] ) t L. C. card A 29-382 IC 1 ste. 25 : 931/12 Same 12 months ended with Dec. 1931; [prepared in] Bureau of Statis- tics. 1932. 4 p. (jblong large 8" (Statement M-300.) t 10 1 ste. 25 : 931/1-12 Hofv to order pabllcutlona — See Information tolloivlnar Content* Maech, 1932 755 Railroads. Freight and passenger service operating statistics of class 1 steam railways in United States, compiled from 145 reports of freight service statis- tics representing 155 railways and from 141 reports of passenger service statistics representing 151 railways (switching and terminal companies not included), Jan. 1932 and 1931; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. Jan. 1932. 1 p. oblong large 8" (Statement M-210,) [Subject to revision.] t L. C. card A 29-379 IC 1 ste. 21 : 932/1 Graphical supplement to monthly reports : Coal and oil consumed by steam locomotives, class 1 railways, 1920-30 [etc. ; prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. 1932. 1 p. il. oblong large 8" ( Series 1932, no. 3. ) t IC 1 ste. 33 : 932/3 Operating revenues and operating expenses of class 1 steam railways in United States, compiled from monthly reports of revenues and expenses for 169 steam railways, including 17 switching and terminal companies, Jan. 1932 and 1931; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. Jan. 1932. 1 p. il. oblong large 8° (Statement M-100.) [Subject to revision.] t L. C. card A 28-2266 IC 1 ste. 19 : 932/1 Operating revenues and operating expenses of large steam railways, se- lected items for roads with annual operating revenues above $25,000,000, Jan. 1932 and 1931 ; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. Jan. 1932. [2] p. oblong large 8° (Statement M-150.) [Subject to revision.] t L. C. card A 29-378 IC 1 ste. 20 : 932A Operating statistics of large steam railways, selected items for Jan. 1932, compared with Jan. 1931. for roads with annual operating revenues above $25,000,000; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. Jan. 1932. [2] p. oblong large 8" (Statement M-200.) [Subject to revision.] t L. C. card A 20-380 IC 1 ste. 22 : 932/1 Revenue traflSc statistics of class 1 steam railways in United States, including mixed-train service, compiled from 147 reports representing 158 steam railways, switching and terminal companies not included, Dec. 1931 and 1930 [and] 12 months ended with Dec. 1931 and 1930; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. Dec. 1931, [published] 1932. 1 p. oblong large 8° (Statement M-220.) [Subject to revision.] t L. C. card A 29-381 IC 1 ste. 24 : 931/12 Sugar Land Railioay. Before Interstate Commerce Commission, finance docket no. 3939, in matter of excess income of Sugar Land Railway Company ; bu- reaus' brief. [1932.] cover-title, ii+45 p. t IC 1.13/2 : In 2/83 Traffic decisions. See, above, Decisions, v. 173 — below, center head Decisions {Traffic). Decisions {Traffic) NoTK. — The following decisions or opinions issued in separate form are from the Interstate Connnerce Commission reports. See also subhead Decisions on p. 754. Acids. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3640, minimum weight on acids from Bartlesville, Okla., and other southwestern points to interstate destina- tions; [decided Dec. 24, 1931]. 1932. [l]-f34r^6+[l] p. ([Opinion] 17419.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6Aa : 17419 Asphalt. No. 24299, Hogan Construction Company v. Illinois Central Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 21, 1931]. 1932. [1] +62-64 p. ([Opinion] 17421.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17421 Automohiles. No. 22177, International Motor Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 28, 1931. [1932.] p. 89-95. ([Opinion] 17428.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17428 No. 24056, Savannah TraflSc Bureau, Incorporated, for and in behalf of Chatham Motor Company et al. v. Merchants & Miners Transportation Com- pany et al.; decided Dec. 30, 1931. [1932.] p. 149-151. ([Opinion] 17442.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17442 HoTV to order publications—- See information following; Contents 756 Mabch, 1932 Automobiles — Continued. No. 24361, William A. Estaver Company, Incorporated, et al. v. Mercliauts & Miners Transportation Company; decided Dec. 30, 1931. [1932.] p. 147- 149. ([Opinion] 17441.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17441 Bananas. No. 2395G, Caruso, Rinella, Battaglia Company, Incorporated, v. New York Central Kailroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 11, 1931. [1932.] p. 689-694. ([Opinion] 17393.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1 .6/la : 17393 Bricks. Investigation and su.spension docket no. 3482, brick, enameled or glazed, other than salt glazed, in carloads, from, to, and between points in southern territory ; decided Dec. 9, 1931. [1932.] 509-570+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17373.) [From V. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC l.G/la : 17373 Broom-corn. No. 23456, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce v. Atchison, TojJeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 28, 1931. [1932.] 105- 112+[1] p. ([Opinion] 17431.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17431 Calcimine. No. 24213, Salt Lake Glas.s & Paint Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; [decided Dec. 15, 1931]. 1932. [1]+G54- 657 p. ([Opinion] 17387.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17387 Carbon black. No. 24134, Southern Carbon Company v. Akron, Canton & Yovmgstown Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 17, 1931. [1932.] p. 721- 723. ([Opinion] 17401.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17401 Cattle. No. 21564, Shaw Brothers et al. v. Apache Railway Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 16, 1931]. 1932. [1] +734-738 p. ( [Opinion] 17404.) [From V. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17404 China-clay. No. 24073, Western Shade Cloth Company x\ Chicago & North Western Railway Company; [decided Jan. 5, 1032]. 1932. [1] +226-228 p. ([Opinion] 17459.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17459 Chlorin. No. 22607, Mathieson Alkali W^orks, Incorporated, v. Ahnapee & West- ern Railway Company et al. ; decided Dee. 1, 1931. [1932.] 667-668+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17390.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.0/la : 17390 Citrus fi-uit. No. 16939, Railroad Commissioners of Florida v. Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 5. 1932. [1932.] p. 251, [1]. ([Opinion] 17461.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, oc. IC 1.6/la : 17461 Cotton-bale covering. No. 21454, Otis Gin & Warehouse Company et al. v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company et al. ; [decided Nov. 21, 1931]. 1932. [1] +496-498 p. ([Opinion] 173G2.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17362 Cotton goods. No. 23895, Smith Brothers Manufacturing Company r. Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 29, 1931. [1932.1 p. 137- 140. ([Opinion] 17439.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17439 Demurrage. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3344, notice to consignors or owners of carload freight refused or unclaimed at destination ; decided Dec. 16, 1031. [1932.] 739-753+ [1] p. ( [Opinion] 17405.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17405 Dynamite. No. 23079, Apache Powder Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec, 7, 1931. [1932.] p. 727-733. ([Opinion] 17403.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17403 Explosives. No. 23840, Illinois Powder Manufacturing Company r. Alton & Eastern Railroad Company ct al. ; decided Deo. 14, 1031. [1932.] 627- 631+ii p. ([Opinion] 17382.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17382 Fire-brick. No. 23704. Illinois Clay Products Company v. Elgin, Joliet & East- ern Railway Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 28, 11)31]. 1932. [11+96-98+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17429.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17429 Freight-cars. No. 24271, Federal Enameling & Stamping Company r. Pittsburgh, Cliartiers & Youghiogheny Railway Company; [decided Dec. 28, 1031]. 1932. [11+128-130 p. ([Opinion] 17436.) [From v. 181.] ♦Paper, 5c. IC 1.0/la : 17436 How to order pabllcntlonM — Sec Information folloirlnv Contents Makch, 1932 757 Freight rates. No. 20767, Standard Fire Brick Company v. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 7, 1931. [1932.] p. 663-666. ([Opinion] 17389.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17389 No. 23276, Oakland Chamber of Commerce v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec, 24, 1931. [1932.] p. 117-121. ([Opinion] 17433.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17433 Fruit. No. 23209, Hancock Fruit Company et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 14, 1931. [1932.] p. 621-626. ( [Opinion] 17381.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17381 Fuel-oil. No. 23952, Hall Garage Company v. Chicago & North Western Rail- way Company et al. ; decided Dec. 30, 1931. [1932.] p. 155-161. ( [Opinion] 17444.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5e. IC 1.6/la : 17444 No. 24071, Oil Heat, Incorporated, et al. v. Canton Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 28, 1931. [1932.] p. 113-116. ([Opinion] 17432.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17432 No. 24081, Danville Oil Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 19, 1931]. 1932. [1] +12-16 p. ([Opinion] 17416.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, gc. IC 1.6/la : 17416 Glauber's salt. No. 23981, North Carolina Hosiery Manufacturers' Traffic As- sociation V. Boston & Maine Railroad et al. ; decided Dec. 17, 1931. [1932.] p. 717-720. ([Opinion] 17400.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17400 Orapefruit. No. 24251, Gentile Brothers Company v. Seaboard Air Line Rail- way Company et al. ; decided Dec. 28, 1931. [1932.] p. 12&-127. ([Opinion] 17435.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17435 Iron. No. 16451, Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 5, 1932]. 1932. [l]+252- 258 p. ( [Opinion] 17462.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17462 Lumber. No. 21694, S. J. Peabody Lumber Company v. Pennsylvania Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 30, 1931. [1932.] p. 135-136. ([Opinion] 17438.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17438 No. 23913, Tilghnian Lumber Corporation v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 23, 1931. [1932.] p. 75-81. ([Opinion] 17425.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17425 No. 24070, Klamath Moulding Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 23, 1931. [1932.] p. 71-74. ([Opinion] 17424.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17424 No. 24218, Yellow Pine Company of Florida, Incoriwrated. v. Florida East Coast Railway Company et al.; decided Dec. 29, 1931. [1932.] p. 167-170. ([Opinion] 17446.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17446 No. 24272, Standard Lumber Company, Incorporated, v. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 29, 1931]. 1932. [1]+162- 167 -fii p. ([Opinion] 17445.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17445 Mica. No. 24192, Richmond Mica Corporation v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] 195-198+ [1] p. ( [Opinion] 17454.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17454 Oats. No. 22859, Northern Oats Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 28, 1931, [1932.] p. 99-104. ([Opin- ion] 17430.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17430 Oclier. No. 24279, Tamms Silica Company v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Rail- way Company et al.; [decided Dec. 31, 1931]. 1932. [1] +212-216+ [1] p. ( [Opinion] 17456.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17456 Paper. No. 23690, South West Box Company v. Arkansas Valley Interurban Railway Company et al, ; decided Dec. 17, 1931. [1932.] p. 711-712. ([Opinion] 17398.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17398 Ho^v to order publications— See Information foIloTvlng: Contents 758 Mabch, 1932 Passenger rates. Investigation and susi)on8ion docket no. 3526, commutation passenger fares between points in New Jersey and New Yorit City via Dela- ware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad; decided Dec. 22, 1931. [1932.] 21-33+[lJ p. ([Opinion] 17418.) [From v. 181.] •Paper, 5c. IC l.G/la : 17418 Peaches. No. 24391, Carolina Shippers' Association, Incorporated, v. Chesa- peake & Oliio Railway Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 4, 1931]. 1932. [1] +432-434 p. ([Opinion] 17354.) [From v. 179.] 'Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17354 Peanuts. No. 20455, Gordon Candy Company et al. v. Atlantic Coast Line Rail- road Company et al. ; decided Dec. 8, 1931. [1932.] 609-61S+iii p. ([Opin- ion] 17379.) [From V. 179.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17379 No. 24180, Johnson Biscuit Company et al. f. Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] 191-104 -f[l] p. ([Opinion] 17453.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17453 Pipe. No. 23903, Krupp Foundry Company et al. v. Central Railroad Company of New Jersey et al. ; decided Dec. 15, 1931. [1932.] p. 681-G88. ( [Opinion] 17392.) [From v. 179]. • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17392 Radio receiving sets. No. 24027, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company et al. v. Chicago Great Western Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 18, 1931]. 1932. [1] +754-756 p. ([Opinion] 17406.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17406 Rails. [Fourth section application no. 14474] rates on iron or steel highway guard rails, in carloads, from southern producing points; [decided Dec. 17, 1931]. 1932. [l]+82-84+ii p. ([Opinion] 17426.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC1.6/la : 17426 Ruliber. No. 23974, McClaren Rubber Company v. Eastern Steamship Lines, Incorporated, et al. ; decided Dec. 29, 1931. [1932.] p. 141-146. ([Opinion] 17440.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17440 Bait. No. 24137, Western Salt Company v. Atchi.son, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- way Company et al. ; decided Dec. 24, 1931. [1932,] p. 131-134. ([Opinion] 17437.) [From v. 181.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17437 Band. No. 17789, Missouri Gravel Company v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 15, 1931. [1932.] 619-020+[l] p. ([Opinion] 17380.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17380 Bchool-hnoks. No. 24154, American Book Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 15, 1931], 1932. [l]+650-<553 p. ([Opinion] 173S6.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17386 Sewer-pipe. No. 22717, John W. Moore Construction Company v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rnilway Company et al.; decided Doc. 16, 1931. [1932.] 707-710+ii p. ([Opinion] 17397.) [From v. 179.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17397 ■ No. 24258, Cannelton Sewer Pipe Company v. Alton & Eastern Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 21, 1931. [1932.] 17-20+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17417.) [From V. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17417 Btone. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3603, stone from Missouri points to Kellogg. III.; decided Dec. 21, 1931. [1932.] 1-4+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17414.) [From V. 181.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17414 Bwcct-clover seed. No. 24345, Mangelsdorf Seed Company v. Atchison, Toi)eka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided Dec. 18, 1931. [1932.] p. 757- 750. ([Opinion] 17407.) [From v. 179.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17407 Bwcet potatoes. No. 24127, Traffic Bureau, Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce, for L. E. Lichford, v. Norfolk & Western Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 15. 1931. [1932.] p. 695-698. ([Opinion] 17394.) [From v. 179.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17394 Bwine. No. 24.300. F. 0. Vogt & Sons. Incorjioratod, v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company et al.; [deosition. [1932.] cover-title, i-f 8 p. X J 1.13:0 686/7 Colorado. No. — , original, in Supreme Court. Oct. term, 1931, ex parte, Colo- rado, on motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus to district court for district of Colorado ; brief for respondent in support of response to rule. [1932.] cover-title, i-|- 25 p. X J 1.13: C719/16 Sanip ; response to rule to show cause why leave to file petition for writ of mandamus should not he srranteil. [1932.] cover-title, 11 p. t J 1.13:0 719/15 Hofv to order jinblicatlonM — See Information folIOTrliiK Contents March, 1932 761 Commercial Credit Compo^ny, Incorporated. No. — , in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, United States v. Commercial Credit Company, Inc.; petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5tli circuit. [1932.] cover- title, i +21 p. t J 1.13 : C 736/12 Coroira-do Oil and Gas Company. No. 341, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue, v. Coronado Oil and Gas Company, on writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia ; supplemental brief for petitioner on reargument. [1932.] cover-title, i+ 8 p. $ J 1.13 : C 816/16 Corriveau, Wilfred. No. — , in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, United States v. AVilfred Corriveau ; petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 1st circuit. [1932.] cover-title, i+9 p. t J 1.13 : C 817/3 Vouthotti, F.. Incorporated. No. 645, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, F. Couthoui, Inc., r. United States, on i)etition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims ; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+10 p. t J 1.13 : C 837/3 Couvrette, Harry H. In Court of Claims, no. M-131, Harry H. Couvrette v. United States ; defendant's brief. [1932.] p. 23-46. t J 1.13 : C 837/4 Curtiss, Glenn H. No. D-837, in Court of Claims, Glenn H. Curtiss et al. v. United States ; defendant's brief, objections to plaintiffs' requested findings, defendant's requested findings of fact, reply to plaintiffs' brief. [1932.] cover-title, 11+331-504 p. il. 2 pi. I J 1.13 : C 947/6 Cutcliff, W. J. No. 745, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, W, J. Cutcliff v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+6 p. ? J1.13:C&71 Czarlinsky, Carl. No. 687, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Carl Czarlinsky v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 10th circuit; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+7 p. t J 1.13 :C 995/3 Darnell, R. J.. Incorporated. No. 5900, in circuit court of appeals for 6th cir- cuit, commissioner of internal revenue v. R. J. Darnell, Incorporated, petition to review order of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for petitioner. [1932.] cover-title, ii+18 p. t J 1.13 :D 251/2 Dauie, David. In Court of Claims, no! L-106, David Danbe v. United States; defendant's request for findings of fact and corrected brief. [1932.] p. 25-40. t J 1.13 : D 263 DcBonis, Domhiic. No. 759, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Dominic DeBonis v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of apijeals for 6th circuit ; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+11 p. $ J 1.13 : D 352 Edicards, Thomas C. No. 790, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Thomas C. Edwards v. United States, on certificate from Court of Claims ; joint motion to advance. [1932.] cover-title, 2 p. $ J 1.13 : Ed 98/3 Ikiircloth, John Q. No. 695, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, John G. Fair- cloth V. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of apix-als for 4th circuit ; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover- title, i+12 p. J J 1.13 : F 16/3 Federal Real Estate and Storage Company. In Court of Claims, no. M-183, Federal Real Estate and Storage Company and Hugh J. Phillips [its presi- dent] V. United States ; motion by United States to dismiss plaintiff's petition [and memorandum in support of motion]. [1932.] p. 8-17. $ J 1.13 : F 317/12 Flannery, J. Rogers, d Co. Nos. — , in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue, v. J. Rogers Flannery & Company ; [same] v. Flannery Bolt Company; [same] v. Vanadium Metals Company; petition for writs of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit and brief in support thereof. [1932.] cover-title, ii+31 p. t J 1.13 :F 614/7 HoTF to order publication!! — See information follofrlngr Contents 112067— 32— No. 447 7 762 Mabch, 1932 Fbanncry Bolt Company. In circuit court of appeals for 3(1 circuit, nos. 4611-1^ Oct. term, 1U31, Flaniiery Bolt Co. vh. commissidiur of internal revenue; J. Rogers Flannery & Co. v>t. [same] ; Vanadium Metals Co. vs. (same; pro- ceedings in circuit court of appeals]. [1932.J p. 54-57. % J 1.13 :F 614/8 Foster, Mrs. Florence A. No. 6182, in circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit, Mrs. Florence A. Foster v. commi.ssioner of internal revenue, on petition for review of decision of Board of Tax Appeals; brief fur respondent. [1932.1 cover-title, ii +26 p. t J 1.13: F 817 Oann, David B. Nos. 4687-89, in circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit, Oct. term, 1931, David B. Gann v. commissioner of internal revenue ; Georgia K. Gann v. [same] ; C. W. Sager v. [same], on petition."? for review of decisions of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii+32 p. large 8° t J 1.13 : G 155 Gihxon, Cluirles T. No. 751, in Supreme Court. Oct. term, 1931. Charles T. Gibson v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for Sth circuit; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover- title, i+6 p. $ J 1.13 : G 357/2 Qlohe-ExccUior Oak Tanning Company. In Court of Claims, no. K-^14, Globe- Excelsior Oak Tanning Company v. United States; defendant's re. [same] ; no. 1738.5 Congressional, Planters Cotton Oil Co. v. [same] ; no. 17357 Congressional. Farmers & Ginners Cotton Oil Company v. [same : no. 17354 Congressional, Warren Cot- ton Oil & Manufacturing Co. v. same ; no. 17442 Congressional, Planters Mfg. Co. V. same ; no. D-1095 Congressional, Lelaud Oil Works v. same ; no. D-llOO Congressional, Port Gibson Oil Works v. same ; no. 17441 Congressional, Brookhaven Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co. v. same; no. 17495 Congressional, Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. v. same ; motion to vacate and set aside or to pennit defendant to withdraw from stipulation, or in alteriiative, to vacate and set aside, or construe and relieve defendant from or permit it to withdraw from parts of stipulation, and memorandum of argument and authorities in support of motion]. [1932.] p. 1-30. % J 1.13 : H 668/2 Inland Pump Manufacturing Company. In Court of Claims, no. L-38S, Inland Pump Manufacturing Company v. United States; defendant's exceptions to commissioner's report. [1932.] p. 13-18. $ J 1.13 ; In 5/4 International Business Machines Corporation. In equity no. — . in district court for southern district of New York. United States v. International Busi- ness Machines Corporation [et al.] ; petition. [1932.] cover-title, 31 p. t J 1.13 : In 8/66 Jefferson Electric Manufacturing Company. In Court of Claims, no. K-94, Jefferson Electric Manufacturing Company v. United States ; defendant's brief. [1932.] p. 47-66. t J 1.13 ; J 359/5 Jennings d Co., Incorporated. No. 6636, in circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit, Jennings & Co., Inc., v. commissioner of internal revenue, upon peti- tion to review order of Board of Tax Appeals ; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f-22 p. $ J 1.13 : J 444 Keller, Samuel. Nos. 4694-95, in circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit, com- missioner of internal revenue v. Samuel Keller; [same] r. Jacob Perbohner, petitions for review of decisions of Board of Tax Appeals ; brief for petitioner. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f 21 p. large 8° t J 1.13 ;K 281 L. W. F. Engineering Company, Incorporated. In Court of Claims, no. F-322, Ernest C. Whitbeck, receiver of L. W. F. Engineering Company (Inc.). v. United States; defendant's brief and argument. [1932.] p. 255-289. % J 1.13 : L 1/3 Lang, Frederick 8. No. 730, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Frederick S. Lang V. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit ; memorandum for United States and motion to advance. [1932.] cover-title, 4 p. t J 1.13 :L 251 Latty, 8. D. No. 6085, in circuit court of appeals for 6th circuit, Lillian T. Latty, executrix of S. D. Latty. v. commissioner of internal revenue, petition to review order of Board of Tax Apiieals ; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f24 p. $ J 1.13 : L 357 Lee, Katherine J. No. 5606. in Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1932. Katherine Jane Lee et al. v. United States ; brief for United States. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f 24 p. t J 1.13 :L 513/5 McFee, A. F. No. 685. in Supreme Court, Oct. term. 1931, A. F. MeFee, indicted as A. F. McPhee, r. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit; brief for United States in oiiposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+11 p. $ J 1.13 : M 167 McGraio, P., Wool Company. No. 712, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, P. McGraw Wool Company r. Unitetl States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Customs and Patent Appeals ; brief for United States in opposi- tion. [1932.] cover-title, i-t-14 p. t J 1.13 :M 178/5 Mahoning Coal Railroad. Nos. 768-771, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Mahoning Coal Railroad Company and New York Central Railroad Company V. United States ; Mahoning Coal Railroad Company v. [same : same] r. C. F. Routzahn, as collector of internal revenue for 18th district of Ohio; Ho^v to order publications — See information follovring Contents 764 Makch, 1932 Mahonhifj Coal liailronil — < 'ontiniU'd. isaiuej r. United States, on petition for writs of certiorari to circuit court of api)«>als for 6th circuit ; brief for resjwndents in opposition. [1932.] cover- title. ii+2l p. % J 1.13 :M 279 Martin, James V. No. E-lu4, in Court of Claims, James V. Martin v. United States; defendant's plea in bar and brief thereon. [1032.] cover-title, 1+7-78 p. il. t J 1.13:M364./10 No. E-3S5, in Court of Claim.s, James V. Martin v. United States; de- fendant's plea in bur and brief thereon. [11)32.] cover-title, 1 + 7-78 p. 11. 10 pi. t J 1.13 : M 364/11 ifalthUfiMcn, JJiard A. No. 740, in Supreme Court, (>ct. term, 10:il, New York Trust Company, trustee [for Kranl A. Mattliiesst'ii] under trust indenture dated Dec. 24, 1921, by and betwet'ii Conrad Henry Mattliiossen and said New York Trust Company i\ commissioner of internal revenue, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit: brief for respondent in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+11 p. t J 1.13 : M 433/9 Map, Stern d Co. No. 4594, in circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit. May, Stern & Company' t\ commissioner of internal revenue, petition for review from Board of Tax Appeals; reiily brief of respondent on rehearinir. [1932.1 cover-title, 8 p. t J 1.13 : M 451/12 Mills Xovclty Company. No. 042, in Supreme Court, Oct. term. 1931, Mills Novelty Company v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims ; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+9 p. I J 1.13 : M 629/5 Molter, Mrs. Carrie E. No. 509, in circuit court of appeals for 10th circuit, commissioner of internal revenue v. Mrs. Carrie E. Molter, on petition to review decision of Board of Tax Appeals, district of Kansas; brief for peti- tioner. [1932.] cover-title, ii+23 p. t J 1.13 :M 738/2 Nash. Richard. No. 737, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Richard Nash and Philip DeStefano v. I'nited States, on petition for writ of certiorari to cir- cuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+9 p. t J 1.13 : N 175 Ohmcr Fare Reyistcr Comimny. No. — , in circuit court of ai^peals for 6th cir- cuit, Louis J. Iluwe, individually and as collector of internal revenue for 1st district of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, v. Ohmer Fare Register Company, Dayton. Ohio ; brief for ai)pellant. [1932.] cover-dtle, ii+54 p. % J 1.13: Oh 4/2 Oliver, Gene G. No. 658. in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Gene G. Oliver v. United States, on iMitition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of api)eals for 7th circuit; brief for Ignited States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title. i+19 p. t J 1.13:014/6 Oivenji. ilary R. No. 5538, in Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1931. Gary Robert Owens v. United States, appeal from Supreme Court of District of Columbia; brief of appellee. [1932.] cover-title. 7 p. t J 1.13 : Ow 2/8 Oxford I'aiter Company. In Court of Claims, no. .7-440, Oxforellee. United States. [1932.] cover-title, li+58 p. t J 1.13 : P 277/17 Hoiv to ordi'r iiulilleiit Ioiim — ^ce inforinnt ion foIloTrinar Contents March, 1932 765 Payne, Zeb. No. 698, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Jules C. L'Hote et al. [in case of claim of Zeb Payne for compensation for fatal injuries to Richard Payne, his son] v. Letus N. Crowell, deputy commissioner, United States Compensation Commission, et al., on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit; memorandum for respondent Letus N. Crowell, deputy commissioner. [1932.] cover-title, 4 p. i J 1.13 : P 293/2 Peavy-Wilson Lum'ber Compani/. Nos. 537-539, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue, v. Peavy-Wilson Lum- ber Company; [same] v. Peavy-Moore Lumber Company; [same] v. Peavy- Byrnes Lumber Company ; memorandum reply on behalf of petitioner to mo- tion to dismiss certiorari and brief in support thereof. [1932.] cover-title, 2 p. t J 1.13 : P 329/13 People's Outfitting Company. In Court of Claims, no. K-78, People's Outfitting Company v. United States; defendant's request for findings of fact, conclu- sion of law, and brief. [1932.] p. 50-70. % J 1.13 :P 39/9 Peoples Pulpit Association. In equity, no. 4686, in circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit, Peoples Pulpit Association v. George E. Q. Johnson, appeal from district court for northern district of Illinois, eastern division ; brief for appellee. [1932.] cover-title, ii-j- 21 p. large 8° t J 1.13 :P 39/10 Pettis, Mrs. Lizzie A. No.4628, in circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit, com- missioner of internal revenue v. Fletcher Savings and Trust Company, execu- tor, Lizzie Ada Pettis, petition for review of decision of Board of Tax Ap- peals; brief for petitioner. [1932.] cover-title, i+17 p. large 8° t J 1.13 : P 454 Pharr, J. X., <£ Sons, Limited. No. 6273, in circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit, J. N. Pharr & Sons. Ltd., v. commissioner of internal revenue, petition for review of decision of Board of Tax Appeals (district of 'Louisiana) ; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f41 p. $ J 1.13 :P 495/2 Phelps, W. L. Nos. 756-758, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Martha Briggs Phelps, executrix of W. L. Phelps, v. David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue ; Northern Trust Company, trustee under will of Clinton Briggs, v. [same] ; Martha Briggs Phelps v. [same], on petitions for writs of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit ; brief for respondent in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+12 p. J J 1.13 :P 518/4 Philipshorn, Martin M. No. 643, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Martin M. Philipsborn v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+13 p. t J 1.13 : P 539/6 Planters Cotton Oil Company, Incorporated. No. 672, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Planters Cotton Oil Company, Inc., of Waxahachie, Tex., et al. v. George C. Hopkins, collector uf internal revenue, on petition for writ of certiorari to circvdt court of appeals for 5th circuit; memorandum for re- spondent. [1932.] cover-title, 3 p. $ J 1.13 : P 694/5 PoGOno Pines Assembly Hotels Company. No. — , original, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, ex parte Pocono Pines Assembly Hotels Company ; memo- randum in behalf of Court of Claims on motion for leave to file petition for vprit of prohibition or writ of mandamus. [1932.] cover-title, 4 p. $ J 1.13 : P 751/8 Rabinotcitz, Isadore. In circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit. Mar. term, 1932, no. 4726, Isadore Rabinowitz v. United States; supplemental brief for United States. [1932.] 9 p. t J 1.13 : R 113/3 Radio Corporation of America. In equity, no. 793, in district court for district of Delaware, United States v. Radio Corporation of America et al. ; amended and supplemental petition. [Revised edition.] [1932.] cover-title, 91 p. % J 1.13 : R 118/8/932 Hovr to order publications — See Information folloTring Content.^ 761) March, 1932 Rrdinytou, WiUiam II. No. 471S>, in circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit, Oct. term, 1931, HaroM T. (iriswoltl, W. W. S. Carpenter, and Laird Bell, executors of Willijun II. Kodingion, r. commissioner of internal revenue, on p(>tition for review of lit-clsion of Board of Tax Api>eals; meuiorandom. [1932.] cover-title, 2 p. large 8" t J 1.13 : R 248/2 Reeves Brothers Company. No. 16150 law, in circuit c<»urt of appeals for 6th circuit, Carl Roulzahn, collector of internal revenue, v. Reeves Brothers Company; supplemental brief for appellant. [1932.] cover-title, 7 p. t J 1.13 : R 259/6 Rhodes. Fnd B. In Court of Claims, no. K— 431, Fred B. Rhodes v. United States; defendant's exceptions to commissioner's report and findings. [1932,] p. 57-88. t J 1.13 : R 346/13 Richardson. WiUiam K. No. 622, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, William King Richardson v. United States, on petition foi- writ of certiorari to Court <«f Claims; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.J cover-title, i-f4 p. X J 1.13 :R 397/4 Ruth Mildred, schooner. No. — , in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, United States V. two-masted auxiliary schooner, Ruth Mildred, length 82 ft., beam 21.5 ft., depth 8.1 ft., official no. 222218; i>etition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit. [1932.] cover-title, i+9 p. % J 1.13 : R 932/2 United States circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit. United States against two-masted auxiliary schooner, Ruth Mildred, length 82 ft., beam 21.5 ft., depth 8.1 ft., official no. 222218; [transpposition. [1032.] cover-title, i-}-14 p. J J 1.13: Sea 42 Sconj/ers, J antes W. No. 713, In Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1031, James W. Sconyers v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit; brief for United States in opposition. [1032.] cover-title, i-f 6 p. t J 1.13 : Sco64 Shore, Frank. No. 715, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Frank Shore v. T''nited States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of Dis- trict of Columbia; memorandum for United States. [1032.] cover-title, i+6 p. t J 1.13 :Sh 78/4 Shreveport Orain and Elevator Company. No. 807, In Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1031, United States v. Shreveport Grain & Elevator Company, on appeal from district court for western district of Louisiana; statement of jurisdic- tion. [1032.] cover-title, 3 p. X J 1.13 :Sh 84/3 Sioux Citii Stock Yards Company. No. 0346, tax review, in circuit court of appeals for Sth circuit. Sioux City Stock Yards Company r. commissioner of internal revenue, on petition to review decision of T.oard of Tax .\ppeals; brief for respondent. [1032.] cover-title, ii +24 p. X J 1.13: Si 73 Smith, George O. No. 604, in Supreme Court, Oct. term. lO.'Jl, United St^ites r. George Otis Smith, on certificate from Court of Apjx'als <»f District of Colum- bia ; brief of amici curiae. [1032.] cover-title, i-|-'-'2 p. X -1 M^^ : Sm 57/6 Southern Shipyard Corporation. No. J-4X»6, in Court of Claims, Southern Shipyard Cori)oration v. United States; defendant's brief. [1032.] ••over- title, iii-f2:iO-326 p. X J 113: So 88/115 Stapf, Leo. No. 730, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1031, Ignited States ex rel. Leo Slapf v. Edward ("orsl, ctimmissioner of immigration at iH>rt of New York, on |)etition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of apix'als for 2d circuit ; su;:wsl ion of iil)ateinent. [lO:}'-'.] cover-title, 3 p. X J1.13:St27 HovT to ordor pnhliontlonH— See Infnrniatiitn folloirina: Content* M.'^CH, 1932 767 Stearns, R. H., Company. In Court of Claims, no. L.-1S7, R. H. Stearns Com- pany V. United States; defendant's request for findings of fact in addition to those reported by commissioner. [1032.] p. 7-11. t J 1.13 : St 31/10 Stickney, Herman 0. In Court of Claims, no, M-115, Herman O. Stickney v. United States; defendant's exceptions to report of commissioner. [1932.] p. 13-15. % J 1.13 : St 51/2 Strother, D. J. F. No. 3214, in circuit court of appeals for 4th circuit, D. J. F. Strotlier v. commissioner of internal revenue, on petition to review decision of Board of Tax Appeals; petition for rehearing. [1932.] cover-title, 4 p. { J 1.13 : St 89/9 Swift d Co. No. 568, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, United States v. Swift & Company et al., appeal from Supreme Court of District of Columbia ; brief for United States. [1932.] cover-title, ii +80 p. t J 1.13 : Sw 55/36 • Same; reply brief for United States. [1932.] cover-title, i+25 p. $ J 1.13 : Sw 55/37 Taylor, John V. No. 693, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, John Vance Taylor V. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 4th circuit ; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, 1+9 p. $ J 1.13 : T 215/5 Tonningsen, John. No. 6603, in circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit, John Tonningsen and Pauline Tonningsen v. commissioner of internal revenue, upon petition to review order of Board of Tax Appeals ; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii+20 p. J J 1.13 :T 616/2 Trombetta, James. No. 696, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, James Trom- betta V. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit ; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover- title, i+4 p. $ J 1.13 : T 75 Tyson, J. G. No. 709, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, J. G. Tyson v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit ; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+5 p. t J 1.13 : T 988 WeJch Insurance Agency. No. 733, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Welch Insurance Agency v. Edwin A. Brast. collector of internal revenue, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 4th circuit ; brief for respondent in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+12 p. $ J 1.13 : W 446/2 Williams, Thomas. Nos. 5429, 5430, in Court of Appeals of District of Colum- bia, Thomas Williams v. David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue ; Henry K. S. Williams v. [same], appeals from Board of Tax Appeals; brief for appellee. [1932.] cover-title, ii +28 p. t J 1.13 :W 675 JVilliams Investment Company. In Court of Claims, no. L-307, Williams In- vestment Company v. United States; defendant's brief. [1932.] p. 141- 174. t J 1.13 : W 676/14 Wilson, Alice. No. 611, in circuit court of appeals for 10th circuit, commissioner of internal revenue v. Alice Wilson, on petition for review of decision of Board of Tax Appeals ; brief for petitioner. [1932.] cover-title, i+21 p. % J 1.13 : W 691 Winsl(yw, Samuel, Skate Manufa<^turing Company. No. 671, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, George Endicott, trustee in bankruptcy of Samuel Winslow Skate Manufacturing Company, v. United States, on petition for writ of cer- tiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+7 p. J J 1.13 : W 732/9 Wonder Bakeries Company, Incorporated. In Court of Claims, no. K— 197, Won- der Bakeries Company. Inc.. formerly Ward Brothers Company, Inc., suc- cessor to Gary Baking Company, Inc., v. United States ; defendant's exceptions to report of commissioner, request for findings of fact, and brief. [1932.] p. 37-66. t J 1.13 : W 845 Ho^v to order publication!!! — See Information following Contents 768 March, 1932 LABOR DEPARTMENT CHILDREN'S BUREAU Infant care [with Selected books of Interest to mothers ; revised by Martha M. Eliot]. [Revised cdirion.] 1932. vi + 138 p. il. (Bureau publication 8, re- vi^*od Nov. V.y.U.) • Pai>er, 10c. L. C. CJird L 32-27 L 5.20 : S/6 Temporary shelter for homeless or transient per.sons and travelers aid ; by Glenn Steek'. 1932. ii+-lG p. il. [From Tublieation 209, Social statistics In child welfare and related fields, annual report for registration area for 1930.] • Paper, 10c. L 5.20/a : Sli 44 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Employtnent agencies. Monthly report of activities of Federal employment \ oflBces and State and municipal employment services cooperating with United States Employment Service, Jan. 1932. 1932. ii+9 p. t L. C. card L 24-62 L 7.11 : 932/1 Industrial employment information bulletin. Industrial employment informa- tion bulletin, Jan. 1932 ; v. 12, no. 1. [1932.] 35 p. 4° [Monthly.] t L. C. card L 21-17 L 7.8 : 932/1 Same, Feb. 1932 ; v. 12, no. 2. [1932.] 35 p. 4" [Monthly.] t , L 7.8 : 932/2 LABOR STATISTICS BUREAU Association of Governmental Officials in Industry of United States and Canada. Association of Governmental Officials in Industry of United States and Can- ada (formerly Association of Governmental Labor Officials), ISth annual convention. Boston, Mass., May l.H-22, 1931. Jan. 1032. xi+177+v p. il. (Bulletin 503; Miscellaneous series.) * Paper, 35c. L. C. card 15-27231 L 2.3 : 5G3 Same. (H. doc. 120, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) Boots and shoes. Wages and hours of labor in boot and shoe industry, 1910- 30. Feb. 1932. iii+87+vi p. (Bulletin 551 ; Wages and hours of labor series. ) * Paper, 20c. ^ L. C. card L 15-76 L 2.3 : 551 Same. (H. doc. 92, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) Building permits in principal cities of United States. Jan. 1032. [1932.] 16 ] p. il. [From Monthly labor review. Mar. 1932.] t L 2.6/a : B 868/31 ' Emplovmcnt. Fluctuation of employment in Ohio in 1930, and comparisons with previous years; by Frederick E. Croxton and Fred C. Croxton. [1932.] [From Monthly labor review, Mar. 1932.] t L 2.6/a : Em 73/14 Trend of employment, Jan. 1032. 1932. [l]+20 p. il. [Monthly.] t L. C. card L 23-234 L 2.9 : 93^/1 Monthly labor revietc, v. 34, no. 3; Mar. 1932. 1932. viii+501-752 p. il. * Paix^r, 15c. single copy, $1.50 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $2.25. L. C. card 15-26485 L 2.0 : 34/3 Spbcial articles. — Displacement of Morse operators In commercial tolp>;raph of- fices. — Fluctuation of employment In Ohio In 1930, and comparisons with previous ycars^ by Frederick E. Croxton and Fred C. Croxton. — (icrman decree of 1)< c. 8. 19;{1. reducing prices, wages, etc.; [by Wm. E. Boltz].^ — Conciliation work of nepartmcut of Labor, .Tan. 10.'?2; by Hush L. Kerwin. — (tencral survey of wapes In .Austria; [by Ernest L. Harris]. — ^(ieneral survey of wages in Greece, 1931; [by Edwin A. Plltt. C. Franklin Yeayer, and Charles J. IM.^ar]. — General survey of waKea in Switzerland, 1930 and 1931; (by Gibson G. niake, Hugh F. Kamsay, J. Tuck Sherman, Albert W. Scott, and Frederick W. Baldwin]. — Statistics of immigration for December and year, 11)31; by J. .T. Kunna. — Bildiography : I'ubllc old-age pensions in United States, refer- ences, 1i)'Jft-31" (omiilled l)y Edna L. Stone. NuTK. — The Monthly labor nvlew is the medium through which the Bureau publlsli its regular monthly reports on such subjects ns prices, wages, industrial disputes, iiii employment conditions, as also the results of original Investigations too brief for bul let in purposes, notices of labor legislation by the States or by Congress, and Federal IIofT to «>rder pnbllcntionn — See Informntion foIloTrlnar Content* March, 1932 769 Monthly lahor review — Continued. court decisions affecting labor, which from their importance should be given attention before they could ordinarily appear in the bulletins devoted to these subjects. One free subscription will be given to all labor departments and bureaus, vs'orkmcn's compensa- tion commissions, and other offices connected with the administration of labor laws and to organizations exchanging publications with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Others desiring copies may obtain them from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, at the prices stated above. Old age. Number of aged in public and in private institutions, 1930, report for registration area of social statistics ; by Glenn Steele. [1932.] p. 253-261. [From Monthly labor revievr, Feb, 1932. Reprinted by Children's Bureau.] t L 2.6/a : Ag 32/3 Prices. Prices, wholesale and retail, Jan. 1932. 1932. [1]+11 p. 11. [Monthly.] t L 2.6/a 2 : 932/1 Wholesale prices of commodities, December and year, 1931. 1932. ri]+14 p. [Monthly.] t L. C. card L 22-229 L 2.8 : 931/12 Same, Jan. 1932. 1932. [1]+19 p. [Monthly.] t L 2.8: 932/1 Same, Feb. 1932. 1932. [1]+19 p. [Monthly.] t L 2.8: 932/2 Safety codes. Safety codes for prevention of dust explosions, National Fire Protection Association and Department of Agriculture, sponsors; American standard, approved by American Standards Association. Dec. 1931, [pub- lished] 1932. vii+87-fv p. il. 16 p. of pi. (Bulletin 562; Safety code series.) * Paper, 15c. L. C. card L 32-28 L 2.3 : 562 Same. (H. doc. 118, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) WOMEN'S BUREAU LaJyor laws and legislation. History of labor legislation for women in 3 States [Massachusetts, New York, and California] ; by Clara M. Beyer. [Reprint of pt. 1] 1932. vi+137 p. (Bulletin 66-1.) [Originally combined with Chronological development of labor legislation for women in United States, by Florence P. Smith, which will be issued as Bulletin 6&-II.] * Paper, 15c. L. C. card L 32-37 L 13.3 : 66/2/pt. 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COPYRIGHT OFFICE Copyright. [Catalogue of copyright entries, new series, pt. 1, group 1, Books, V. 28] no. 147-152 ; Mar. 1932. Mar. 1-29, 1932. p. 2185-2264. [Issued sev- eral times a week.] L. C. card 6-35347 LC 3.6/1 : 28/1-147 to 1-152 Note.- — Each number is issued in 4 parts: pt. 1, group 1, relates to books; pt. 1, group 2, to pamphlets, leaflets, contributions to newspapers or periodicals, etc., lectures, sermons, addresses for oral delivery, maps ; pt. 1, group 3, to dramatic compositions, motion pictures ; pt. 2, to periodicals ; pt. 3, to musical compositions ; pt. 4, to works of art, reproductions of a work of art, drawings or plastic works of scientific or technical character, photographs, prints, and pictorial Illustrations. Subscriptions for the Catalogue of copyright entries should be made to the Superin- tendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.. instead of to the Register of Copyrights. Prices are as follows: Paper, $10.00 a yr. (4 pts. unbound), foreign subscription, $12.00 ; pt. 1, groups 1 and 2, and pt. 3, each $3.00 a yr., foreign subscription, pt. 1, group 1, $3.65, pt. 1, group 2, $3.60, pt. 3, $3.50 ; pt. 1, group 3, pt. 2, and pt. 4, each $2.00 a yr., foreign subscription, pt. 1, group 3, $2.25, pts. 2 and 4, each $2.20 ; single numbers (except Book leaflets which are 5c. each), 50c; annual indexes, each, for complete calendar year, $2.00. Same, pt. 1, group 3, Dramatic compositions, motion pictures, v. 4, no. 11. 1932. iii +351-382 p. [Monthly.] LC 3.6/1 : 4/3-11 Same, pt. 3, Musical compositions, v. 26, no. 11. 1932. v+1337-1465 p. [Monthly.] LC 3.6/3 : 26/11 HoTV to order ptibllcatlons — See information folloTvingr Contents 770 Mabch, 1932 DOCUMENTS DIVISION Report. Annual i-eport of chief, survey of the more Important accessions of Division of Documents during fiscal year 1931 ; by Henry Furst. 19312. [lJ+26 p. [From Report of librarian of Congress, 1931.] t LC 7.1 : 931 State puhlicationst. Monthly check-list of State publications, v. 22, no. 11; Nov. 1931. [1932.] cover-title, p. 8G7-931. [Text on p. 2 and 4 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 10c. single copy, $1.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.25. L. C. card 10-81*24 LC 7.6: 931/11 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS Aeronautic>i. Bibliography of aeronautics, 1930; [by Paul Brockett]. 1932. iv+2(il p. [This work covers the aeronautical literature published from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1930.] • Paper, oOc. L. C. card 21-26313 Y 3.N 21/5 : 7/930 Fire protection. Elimination of fire hazard due to back fires [with list of ref- erences] ; by Theodore Theodor-^eu and Ira M. Freeman. 1931 [published 1932]. cover-title, 9 p. il. 4° (Report 409.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-2G421 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/409 Landing gear. Drop and flight tests on NY-2 landing gears, including measure- ments of vertical velocities at landing [with list of references] ; by W. C. Peck and A. P. Beard. 1931 [published 1932]. cover-title, 15 p. il. 4' (Report 406.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 15c. L. C. card 31-28754 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/406 Leading-edge loads. Method for computing leading-edge loads [with list of ref- erences] ; by Richard V. Rhode and Henry A. Pearson. 1931 [published 1932]. cover-title, 12 p. il. 4° (Report 413.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-28756 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/413 Wind tunnels. The 7 by 10 foot wind tunnel of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics [with list of references] ; by Thomas A. Harris. 1931 [pub- lislied 1932]. cover-title. 9 p. il. 4° (Report 412.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26422 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/412 Theory of wind-tunnel wall interference [with list of references] ; by Theodore Theodorsen. 1931 [published 1932]. cover-title, 11 p. il. 4° (Re- port 410.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-28755 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/410 Wings. Characteristics of Clark Y wing model equippetl with several forms of low-drag fixed slots [witli list of references] ; by Frey Secretary of Navy, June 29, 1928. Apr. 1, 1929 [reprint] 1932. iii+8 p. t L. C. card 32-26423 N 1.2 : Su 1/2/rep. IIow to urder pabllcatluuM — Sec Informutiou folIoiiTlnar Content* March, 1932 771 ENGINEERING BUREAU Bulletin of engineering information 74 ; Mar. 1, 1932. 1932. iii+37 p. il. 1 pi. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 22-26665 N 19.9/2: 74 MARINE CORPS Orders. Marine Corps order 41; Feb. 9, 1932. [1932.] 4 p. $ N 9.9/3: 41 MEDICINE A^B SURGERY BUREAU Naval medical bulletin. United States naval medical bulletin, published quar- terly for information of Medical Department of Navy, v. 30, no. 2, Apr. 1932 ; [prepared in] Division of Publications. 1932. vi-|-151-295 p. il. 1 pi. 6 p. of pi. * Paper. 25c. single copy, 75c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.10. L. C. card S-5o095 N 10.11/1 : 30/2 Special articles. — Carbon monoxide and its relation to aircraft [with bibliography] ; by Joel J. White. — Traumatic air embolism in submarine escape training [with bibliog- raphy] ; by B. Polak and H. Adams. — Analysis of accidents occurring in training with submarine lung [with list of references] ; by A. R. Behnke. — Renal calculus, report of operative cases ; by V. H. Carson. — Summary of present status of radiation therapy [with list of references] ; by O. B. Spalding. — Case duration; by Lena Willige. — Tumor of pituitary body with positive Aschheim-Zondek test, report of case [with list of references] ; by Julian Love. — Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis occurring during general anesthesia, preliminary notice ; by O. Wildman. — Schonlein.Henoch disease, report of case [with bibliography] ; by L. R. Newhouser. — Acute lymphatic leukemia, report of case ; by B. N. Ahl.- — Simple colorimetric method for determination of potassium iodide in blood and urine [with list of references] ; by H. \V. Patton. — [Notes on preventive medicine for medical officers, Navy, including] Ammonium ortho-idoxy-benzoate in treatment of arthritis, report of cases showing action and toxic effect of drug, including case of fatal poisoning, with general comment on subject and review of fatal case [with list of references], by W. H. Bell and Paul Richmond, jr. ; [Health conditions in American Samoa, report of health department, year ended June 30, 1930, pt. 2, by W. W. Hargrave, concluded]. NAVIGATION BUREAU Circular letters. Bureau of Navigation circular letter 0-32 ; Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. iii+28 p. 4° [Reprint of certain Bureau of Navigation circular letters.] $ N 17.20 : 932/0 Electricians. Instructions for use in preparation for rating of electrician's mate 3c, course in 10 assignments. Edition of 1931. 1931. viii+367 p. il. 1 tab. (Navy training courses.) t N 17.25 : El 2/5/assi.l-lO HYDEOGBAPHIO OFFICE Note. — The charts, sailing directions, manuals, etc.. of tUe Hydrographic Office are sold by the office in Washington and also by agents at the principal American and foreign seaports and American lake ports. Copies of the General catalogue of mariners' charts and books and of the Hydrographic- bulletins, reprints, and Notice to mariners are sui>- plied free on application at the Hydrographic Office in Washington and at the branch offices in Boston, New York, Philadt-lphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, Galveston. San Francisco, San Pedro. Calif., San Juan. P. R., Captain of the Port, Panama Canal, Portland (Oreg. ), Seattle, Honolulu, T. H., Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Detroit. Sault Ste. Marie, and Duluth. Africa. Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 156, Africa pilot, v. 2, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (June 2, 1924) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [l]+32 leaves, t N 6.8 : 156/924-8 Asia. Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 122, Asiatic pilot, v. 1 [corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (June, 1918) to Jan. 1, 1932]. 1932. [l]-|-33 leaves, t N 6.8 : 122/918-4 Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 123. Asiatic pilot, v. 2, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Jan. 18, 1930) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [l]+24 leaves. + N 6.8 : 123/930-3 How to order publications— See Information foIloTringr Contents 772 March, 1932 AaUi — Coiitiiuietl. yuitplement to Ilydrographic Office publication 124, Asiatic pilot, v. P., corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Oct. 19, 1929) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. ll]+15 leaves, t N G.8 : 124/929 3 Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 125. Asiatic pilot, v. 4, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (June 1, 1925) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [11+38 leaves, t N G.S : 125/925-8 Supplement to Hydrographic Offiie publication 12G, Asiatic pilot, v. 5, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Jan. 24, 1925) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [1] +20 leaves, t N G.S : 126/925-8 Atlantic Ocean. Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 134, East Atlantic pilot, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and oth»'r .sources from date of publication (Dec. 8, 1928) to Jan. 1. 19.32. 193i2. [1] +14 leaves, t N 6.8 : 134/928-i Australia,. Supplement to Hydrographic Office puiilication 1G7, Australia pilot. V. 1, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Aug. 9, 1930) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. 11] +3 leaves, f N G.8 : 167/930-2 Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 169, Australia pilot, y. 3. corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Apr. 19, 1930) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [l]+20 leaves, t N 6.8 : 169/930-3 Baltic Sea. Supplement to Hydrograpliic Office publication 142, Baltic pilot. V. 1, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Nov. 1, 1930) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [l|+8 leaves, f N 6.8 : 142/930-2 Bengal, Bay of. Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 160, Bay of Bengal pilot, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (May 7, 1923) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [1] +30 leaves, t N 6.8 : 160/923-10 British Columbia. Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 175, Briti-^h Columbia pilot, v. 1, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other .sources from date of publication (Nov. 4, 1029) to Jan. 1. 1932. 1932. [1] +8 leaves, t N G.S : 175/929 3 Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 170, British Columbia pilot. V. 2, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Jan. 18, 1930) to Jan. 1, 19:V2. 1932. [1] +5 leaves, t N 6.8 : 176/930-3 Central America. Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 130, Central America and Mexico pilot (east coast), corrections and additiIlciiublicatiou IGtJ, Pacific Islands pilot, V. 2, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and otlier sources from date of publication (Mar. 15, 192tJ) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [11+28 leaves, t N (J.8 : lGG/926-7 Scandinavia. Supplement to Hydrographic Offire publiontion 141, Scandii-.avia pilot, V. 2, corrections and additions frojn Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Oet. 2l5. 1929) to .Tan. 1, 1932. 1932. [1] + 11 leaves, t N G.8 : 141/929-3 Tide calendars. Tide calendar [for Baltimore (Fort Mcllenry) and (..'ape Henry], Apr. 1932. 1932. 1 p. 4" [Monthly.] t N 6.22/2 : 932/4 Tide calendar [for Norfolk Navy Yard and Newport News, Va.], Apr. 1932. 1932. 1 p. 4" [Monthly.] t N 0.22/1 : 932/4 West Indies. Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 128, West Indies pilot, V. 1, corrections and additions from Notiies to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Mar. 10, 1927) to Jan. 1, 3932. 1932. [1] +54 leaves, t N 6.8 : 128/927-6 Supplement to Hydrographic Office publication 120, West Indies pilot, V. 2, corrections and additions from Notices to mariners and other sources from date of publication (Feb. 9. 1929) to Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. [1] + 19 leaves, t N 6.8 : 129/929-4 Aviation charts Galveston, rea?.-Corpus Cliristi, Tex.; aviation chart y-244. Scale 10 naut. m.=1.5 in., 10 stat. ni. = 1.3 in., natural scale 1: 500.00- graphic Office, Feb. 1932. 32.7X10 in. [Contains text and illustrations on reverse.] f 40c. N 6.27 : V-244 'New Y Memoranda. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts memoranda 353 ; Feb. 1, 1932. Feb. 1932. 33 p. [Monthly. Issued in loose-leaf form for insertion in Bureau of Supplies and Accounts memoranda, 1931.] t N 20.7/1 :3ri IIo^v to ordfr publicatloim — See Information following Content* I March, 1932 777 PAN AMERICAN UNION Note. — The Pan American Union sells its own monthly Bulletin, booklets, and other publications, at prices usuallj' lansing from 5c. to $2.50. The price of any edition of the Bulletin is 25c, a single copy, the English edition is $2.50 a year, the Spanish edition $2.00 a year the Portuguese edition $1.50 a year ; there is an additional charge of 75c. a year on each edition for countries outside the Pan American Union. Beginning with Jan. 1925, the I'an American Union began the publication of 4 series, in Spanish arid Portuguese, on the following subjects : Agriculture ; Education ; Finance, industry and commerce ; Public health and social welfare. The Si>anish series is issued monthly and the Portuguese bimonthly. They are not published in English. The subscription price is 50c. for 12 issues of any one of these series ; single copies of any series, 5c. Address the Pan American Union, Washington, D. C. Brazil [foreign trade of Brazil for 1930] latest reports from Brazilian official sources. [1932.] [1]+10 p. (Foreign trade series no. 88, 1932.) j Pa- per, 5c. L. C.-card 23-6435 PA 1.19 : S8 Bulletin {English edition). Bulletin of Pan American Union, Mar. 1932; [v. 66, no. 3]. [1932.] iv+153-228 p. il. [Monthly. For price, see note above under center head.] L. C. card 8-30967 PA 1.6 : e 66/3 Same. (H. doc. 63, pt. 3, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ■ {Portugiirese edition). Boletim da Uniao Pan-Americana, Margo, 1932, edigao em portuguez; [v. 34, no. 3]. [1932.] iv -{-121-180 p. il. [Monthly. For price, see note above under center head.] L. C. card 11-27014 PA 1.6 : p 34/3 {Spanish edition). Boletin de la Uni6n Panamericana, Marzo, 1932,. edicion espaiiola; [V. 66, no. 3]. [1932.] iv -f 153-228 p. il. [Monthly. For price, see note above under center head.] L. C. card 12-12555 PA 1.6 : s 66/3 Same, v. 65 [edici6n espauola] ; Enero-Diciembre, 1931 [frontispicio e Indice]. [1932.] [1] -f 14 p. PA 1.6 : s 65/t. p. & ind. Education. La educaci6n integral de niilo. [1932.] ii-flO p. il. (Serie sobre educaci6n no. 79, Enero de 1932.) [Del Boletin de la Union Panamericana, Enero, 1932. Traducido de Journal of National Education Association, Wash- ington, Marzo, 3931.] t Paper, 5c. ; subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. PA 1.13 : s 79 Mental hygietie. Aspectos da hygiene mental na educagao especializada ; [por Edgar A. Doll]. [1932.] 8 p. ( Serie sobre educagao no. 38, Janeiro de 1932. ) [Do Boletim da Uniao Pan-Americana, Janeiro, 1932. Traduzido das Actas da 54a, sessao annual da American Association for Study of the Feeble- Minded, realizada em Washington, D. C, de 5 a 7 de Maio de 1930.] t Paper, 5c. ; subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. PA 1.13 : p 38 Procter d Gamble Factory, Ivorydale, Ohio. A fabrica [Procter e Gamble] de Ivorydale e o seu piano de protecgao obreira ; [por Beulah Amidon]. [1932.] ii-fl4 p. il. (Serie sobre saude publica e previsao social no. 37, Janeiro de 1932.) [Do Boletim da Uniao Pan-Americana, Janeiro, 1932. Extrahido de Survey graphic, de Abril de 1930.] t Paper, 5c.; subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. PA 1.15 : p 37 Tobacco. A cura do fumo; [por W. W. Garner]. [1932.] ii-f-14 p. il. (Serie sobre agricultura no. 41, Dezembro de 1931.) [Do Boletim da Uniao Pan- Americana, Dezembro, 1931.] t Paper, 5c. ; subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. PA 1.12 : p 41 PANAMA CANAL Note. — Although The Panama Canal makes its reports to, and is under the supervision of, the Secretary of War, it is not a part of the War Department. Panama Canal record, v. 25, no. 31-35 ; Mar. 2-30, 1932. Balboa Heights, C. Z. [1932]. p. 433-500. [Weekly.] L. C. card 7-35328 W 79.5 : 25/31-35 Note. — The yearly subscription rate of the Panama Canal record is 50c. domestic, and $1.00 foreign (single issue 2c.), except in the case of Government departments HovF to order publications — See information folloTfing: Contents 112067— 32— No. 447 8 778 March, 1932 Panama Canal record — Continued. and bureaus, Members of Congress, repreeentatlves of foreign Governments, steamship lines, chambers of commerce, boards of trade, and university and public libraries, to whom the Record Is distributed free. The word " domestic " refers to the I'nited States, Canada, Canal Zone, Cuba. Guam, Hawaii, Manua, Mexico, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Republic of Panama. Tutulla, and the Vir;:in Islands. Subscriptions will commence with the first issue of the Itecord in the month in which the subscriptions are received, unless otherwise requested. Remittances should be made payable to Dis- bursing Clerk, The Panama Canal, but should be forwarded to the Chii-f of Office, The Panama Canal, Washington, D. C. The name and address to which the Record Is to be sent should be plainly written. I'ostage stamps, foreign money, and defaced or smooth coins will not be accepted. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT EXECUTrVE OFFICE Executive orders. Supplement 21 [tol Executive orders relating to Panama Canal [Mar. S. ]n04-Dec. 31, 1921, annotated 1921]. [Panama Canal Press. Mount Hope, C. Z., Mar. 4, 1932.] p. 43:^-434. [Exwutive orders relating to Panama Canal published by The Panama Canal. This supplement includes Executive order dated Feb. 2, 1932.] t W 79.11/8 : 921/supp. 21 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Report of Hoaltli Department of The Panama Canal, calendar year 1930, J. F. Siler, chief liealth officer. Panama Canal Press, Mount Iloi^e, C. Z., 1931. 120 p. il. 2 pi. t L. C. card 9-22388 W 70.12/1 : 930 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Air mail. Increa.sed air-mail rate to Mexico; [issued by] 2d assistant Post- master General. Mar. 30, 1932. 1 p. oblong 24° t P 3.2 : Ai 7/28 Envelopes. Printod-envelope requisitions; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 7, 1932. 1 p. oblong 32° t P 4.2 : En 8/44 Mail matter. Illegal inclosures in 3d and 4th class matter; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. oblong 24° t P 4.2 : II G/2/932 Shortpaid letters and post cards for Canada and Newfoundland (includ- ing Labrador) ; [issued by] 2d assistant Postmaster General. Feb. 29. 1932. 1 p. oblong 32° t P 3.2 : L 56/3 Motiey-orders. Errors in money orders issued for payment in Philippine Islands; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 11, 1932. 1 p, oblong 32° t P 4.2 : P 53/2/932 Stolen money-order forms: [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. 4° t P 4.2: M 74/5:« Stolen monov-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 7, 1932. 1 p. 4° t P 4.2 : M 74/534 Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 8, 1932. 1 p. 4° t P 4.2 : M 74/535 Stolen, money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 14, 1932. 1 p. 4° t I' 4.2 : M 74/5:U5 Stolen money -order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 15, 1932. 1 p. 4° i P 4.2 : M 74/537 Stolen money-order forms; [issued In] 3d assistant Pt»stma.ster General. Mar. 17, 1932. 1 p. 4° t P 4.2 : M 74/5.3S Stolen money-order forms; [issued liv] 3d assistant Postnuister General. Mar. 21, 19;{2. 1 p. 4" t P 4.2 : M 74/5.39 HoiT to order pnbllt'ntlonn— Si'»" luforiiiiitiiin foIlo^TinK Contenin March, 1932 779 Money-orders — Continued. Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 23, 1932. 1 p. 4" t P 4.2 : M 74/540 Stolen monev-order forms ; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 29, 1932. 1 p. oblong 24° t P 4.2 : M 74/541 Stolen money-order forms ; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 30, 1932. 1 p. small 4° t P 4.2 : M 74/542 Plants. Plants and plant products addressed to places in Arkansas; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Feb. 27, 1932. 1 p. oblong 24° t P 4.2 : P 69/7/932 Plants and plant products addressed to places in Mississippi; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 5,^ 1932. 1 p. oblong 48° t P 4.2 : P 69/6/932 Postage. Amendment to Postal laws and regulations [of United States, edition of 1924] : Increased postage rate on 2d-class matter, other tlian daily news- papers, mailed to Canada and Newfoundland, to become effective May 1, 1932. Mar. 18. 1932. 1 p. narrow f° (Order 2305.) [Includes Order 2275, Mar. 12, 1932, and Order 2260, Mar. 1, 1932, as amended.] t P 1.19/2 : 2305 Increased postage rates on 2d-class matter mailed to certain foreign countries [regulations issued by Postmaster General, with accompanying in- structions by 3d assistant Postmaster General.] Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. narrow large 8° (Order 2260.) [For Order 2260, as amended, see above.] t P 1.19/2 : 2260 Postage-due stamps [for use in collection of deficient postage and other pur- poses for which due stamps are required; issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 15, 1932. 1 p. oblong 32° t P 4.2 : P 84/23 Postage stamps. Arbor day commemorative postage stamp ; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 17, 1932. 1 p. t P 4.2 : Ar 1 Postal bulletin, v. 53, no. 15843-869; Mar. 1-31, 1932. [1932.] various paging, r [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, $2.00 a yr. L. C. card 6-5810 ■ P 1.3 : 53 * Postal guide. United States official postal guide, 4th series, v. 11, no. 9; Mar. 1932, monthly supplement. [1932.] cover-title, 61 -f [2] p. [Includes Changes 153-165 affecting United States official postal guide for July, 1931, and Insert 745 to Postal laws and regulations of United States, edition of 1924. Text on p. 2-4 of cover.] * Official postal guide, with supplements, $1.50. foreign subscription, $1.75, .July issue, $1.00; supplements published monthly (11 pamphlets), 50c., foreign subscription, 75c. L. C. card 4-18254 P 1.10/1 : 931/9 Registered mail. Failure to obtain return receipts for domestic registered and insured mail; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Mar. 7. 1932. 1 p. t P 4.2 : R 31/4 AIR MAIL SERVICE Maps Routes. Air mail routes, Feb. 15, 1932 [map showing routes in United States]. Scale 300 m.=7 in. [1932.] 4.2X7 in. t P20.7:Un3 INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SERVICE DIVISION Steamboats. Schedule of steamers appointed to convey mails from United States to foreign countries, also to Territory of Hawaii and to possessions of United States, schedule of air mail routes available for dispatch of articles mailed in United States to and in foreign countries, Apr. 1932. [Mar. 22, 1932.] 12 p. f° [Monthly.] *.Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 75c. L. C. card 25-26231 P 8.5 : 932/4 HoTF to order publications — See information foUoTvingr Contents 780 March, 1932 RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE M(Jil roHtcx. Schi'dule of nuiil routes, no. 119, Mar. 24, 1932, loth division, Rail- way Mail Service, comprisinj: main lines of Pennsylvania Railroad System from New York, N. Y., via Pittsburgh, Pa., to Chicago, 111., and St. Louis, Mo., and c(»llateral lines that may be designated. Iron City Printing Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa. [Mar. 24, 1932 J. 110 p. narrow 8° t P 10.12/15 : 119 Schedule of mail routes, no. 137, Mar. 17, 1932, 12th division. Railway Mail Service, comprising Louisiana and Mississippi. Louisiana Printing Com- pany, New Orleans, La. [Mar. 17, 1932]. 66+ [1] p. narrow S" t P 10.12/12 : 137 Schedule of mail routes, no. 426, Mar. 4, 1932, 8th division. Railway Mail Service, comprising Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. San Francisco P. O. [Mar. 10, 1932]. 144 p. narrow 8° X P 10.12/8: 426 ■ Schedule of mail routes, no. 489, Feb. 23, 1932, 3d division. Railway Mail Service, comprising District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia (except peninsula of Maryland and Virginia). [1932.] 152 p. narrow 8" X P 10.12/3 : 489 TOPOGRAPHY DIVISION Note. — The Division of Topography has prepared rural-delivciy maps of countirs in which rural delivery is completely established. They are published in two forms, on^ givint? siinijly the rural free delivery routes starting from a single given post office, and sold at 75 cents each ; the other, tlie rural free delivery routes in au entire county, sold at 50 cents each. A uniform scale of 1 inch to 1 mile Is used. The rural-delivery county maps are printed from the latest negatives. It is impracticable for the Department to keep maps corrected to date at all times. Editions are not issued, but blue print copies are produced in response to special calls addressed to the Disbursing Clerk, Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. These maps should not be confused with the post route maps, for which see Monthly catalogue for February, 1932, page 051. PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES Alaska. Executive order, partial restoration of public land for airport, Alaska. Feb. 25, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5806.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : Al 12/46- Executive order, withdrawal of coal lands, Alaska. Feb. 29, 1932. 1 p. 4* (No. 5813. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : Al 12/4T Executive order, withdrawal of coal lands, Alaska. Mar. 9, 1932. 1 p. 4* (No. 5815.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : Al 12/48 Arkansas. Executive order, revocation of withdrawal of public lands pending resurvey, Arkansas. Mar. 10, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5820.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : Ar 48/6 Bandclier National Monument, N. Mcx., proclamation. [Feb. 25, 1932.] 2 p. 4* ( (No. 1991.1 ) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.7 : B 221 Bonded tcarch oases. Merchandise in bonde;e and Mis- cellaneous collections are distributed without chaiKc to public libraries, educational eBtablishments, learned societies, and specialists in this country and abroad; and are supplied to other institutions and Individuals at the prices Indicated. Remit tances should be made payable to the ' Smithsonian Institution.' The Smithsonian report volumes and How to order pablicntlon«^See Information foIloKvins Contents March, 1932 783 the papers reprinted in separate form therefrom are distributed gratuitously by the Institution to libraries and individuals throughout the world. Very few ot the Report volumes are now available at the Institution, but many of those of which the Smith- sonian edition is exhausted can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. The Institution maintains mailing-lists of public libraries and other educational establishments, but no general mailing-list of individuals. A library making application to be listed for Smithsonian publications should state the number of volumes which it contains and the date of its establishment, and have the endorsement of a Member of Congress." The annual reports are the only Smithsonian publications that are regularly Issued as public documents. All the others are paid for from the private funds of the Institution, but as they are usually regarded as public documents and have free transmission by mail they are listed in the Monthly catalogue. CJieyenne Indiana. Narrative of southern Cheyenne woman : by Truman Michelson. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Mar. 21, 1932. [2] + 13 p. (Publication 3140; Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 87, no. 5.) t Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26325 SI 1.7 : 87/5 Protective adaptation. Effectiveness in nature of so-called protective adapta- tions in animal kingdom, chiefly as illustrated by food habits of Nearctic birds [with bibliography] ; by W. L. McAtee. Washington, Smithsonian In- stitution, Mar. 15, 1932. [2]-f201 p. (Publication 3125; Smithsonian mis- cellaneous collections, v. 85, no. 7.) t Paper, 75c. L. C. card 32-26324 SI 1.7 : 85/7 Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 82 [title-page and contents]. Wash- ington, Smithsonian Institution, 1931. vi p. (Publication 3132.) t Price on application. SI 1.7 : 82/t. p. & cont. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Manuscripts. List of manuscript collections in Library of Congress to July, 1931; by Curtis Wiswell Garrison. 1932. [1] +123-249 p. [From Report, 1930, v. 1.] t L. C. card 32—7818 SI 4.1/a : G 193/3 Report. Annual report of American Historical Association, 1930: v. 1, Pro- ceedings. 1931. 260 p. * Cloth, 75c. L. C. card 4-18261 SI 4.1 : 930 Contents. — Proceedings of 45th annual meeting of American Historical Associa- tion, Boston and Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 29-31, 1930. — Proceedings of 26th annual meeting of Pacific Coast Branch of American Historical Association, Stanford Univer- sity. Calif., Dec. 29—30, 1930. — Notes from archives of Scotland concerninsr America; by ,T. Franklin Jameson. — List of manuscript collections in Library of Congress to July. 1931 ; compiled by Curtis Wiswell Garrison. — General Indox ; compiled by Sarah Stock Murray. Same. (H. doc. 818, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY Report on Astrophysical Observatory, year ended June 30, 1931. 1931. [1] + 117-124 p. il. [From Smithsonian Institution report, 1931.] t L. C. card CA 17-1079 SI 1.1/a : As 898/1/931 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART Washington, George. George Washington Bicentennial frieze, painted by group of members of National Society of Mural Painters to commemorate 200th anniversary of birth of George Washington. 1932. 14 p. t L. C. card 32^26303 SI 6.2 : W 27 NATIONAL MUSEUM Note. — The publications of the National Museum comprise an annual report and three scientific series, viz., Proceedings, Bulletins, and Contributions from national herbarium. The editions are distributed to established lists of libraries, scientific institutions, and specialists, any surplus copies being supplied on application. The Proceeding's are usually brief technical papers and the Bulletins generally monographs based on the Museum col- lections in biology, geology, and anthropology. No sets of any of these series can now be furnished. Beginning with v. 66, the binding of volumes of Proceedings in either paper or cloth was discontinued. The separate papers will be sent .to depository libraries and to others desig- nated to receive them, as issued, and a title-page and index will be published for each volume so that the volume may be bound if desired. Ho^v to order publications — See Information follovring: Contents 784 March, 1932 Cares. Ancient caves of Szechwan Province, China; by David Crockett Gra- ham. r.»32. cover-title, 13 p. il. 10 p. of pi. (Proceedings, v. 80, art. 16; no. 2910.) t SI 3.0: 2916 Copcttod crustaceans of Chesapeake Bay ; by Charles Branch Wilson. 1932. cover-title, 54 p. il. 5 p. of pi. (Proceedings, v. 80, art. 15; no. 2915.) t SI 3.6 : 2915 Dcxiyn areas in Oceania, based on specimens in National Mu.seum ; by Herbert W. Krieu'or. 1981. cover-title, i+53 p. 33 p. of pi. and map. (Proceedings, V. 79, art. 30; no. 2896.) t SI 3.6: 2896 J)ncutlve agreement series 32 after Treaty series 842. now to ordiT piililti'ntlonn — Soc Informntlon follo^vlnar Conten<« Makch, 1932 785 Diplomatic list, Mar. 1932. [1932.] cover-title, ii+46 p. 24" ([Publication 298.]) [Text on p. 2 of cover.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 65c. L. C. card 10-16292 S 1.8 : 932/3 Executive agreement series. See, above, note under center head, State Depart- ment. Foreign service. Schedule of stationery, forms, and miscellaneous supplies fur- nished to American foreign service. Corrected Jan. 1932. [1932.] 5 p. 4" $ S 1.2 : St 2/8/932 Inte>*national Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, report relative to appropriation for expenses of participation by United States in 7th Interna- tional Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy [to be hold in Madrid in 1933]. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 30, 1932. 3 p. (S. doc. 74, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Load-line. Recipi'ocal recognition of load-line certificates, arrangement between United States and Denmark, effected by exchange of notes ; signeil Jan. 16, 1932. 1932. [2] -1-4 p. (Executive agreement series 29 ; [Publication 288].) * Paper, oc. L. C. card 32-26326 S 9.8 : 29 Note. — Those who desire to file the Executive agreement series with the Treaty series should flle Executive agreement series 29 after Treaty series 842. Reciprocal recognition of load-line certificates, arrangement between United States and Germany, effected by exchange of notes; signed Sept. 11 and Dec. 16, 1931. 1932. [2] +4 p. (Executive agreement series 31 ; [Pub- lication 293].) [Note from German Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Biilow) to American Ambassador (Sackett) is in German and English.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26299 S 9.8 : 31 Note. — Those who desire to file the Executive agreement series with the Treaty series should flle Executive agreement series 31 after Treaty series 842. Reciprocal recognition of load-line certificates, arrangement between United States and Iceland, effected by exchange of notes ; signed Jan. 16, 1932. 1932. [2]-f3p. (Executive agreement series 30; [Publication 289].) * Paper, oc. L. C. card 32-26174 S 9.8 : 30 Note. — Those who desire to flle the Executive agreement series with the Treaty series should flle Executive agreement series 30 after Treaty series 842. Permanent International Association of Road Congresses, 6th International Road Congress, Washington, D. C, [Oct. 6-11] 1930, proceedings of congress. 1931. iv+339 p. il. f (free only to libraries upon application to Public Roads Bureau). Press releases, weekly issue no. 127-130; Mar. 5-26, 1932. [1932.] p. 227-320. (Publication 299, 301, 303, and 304.) [Weekly issue no. 130 includes list of Publications of Department of State during quarter beginning Jan. 1, 1932. See also note above under center head, State Department.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, $1.50 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $2.50. L. C. card 29-26868 S 1.25 : 127-130 72efir(-s?er of Department of State, Jan. 1, 1932. 1932. viii-f392-|-[2] p. ([Pub- lication 287.] ) * Paper, $1.25. L. C. card 9-22072 S 1.6 : 932 Salem, Gearge J. Arbitration of claim of George J. Salem, agreement between United States and Egypt; signed Jan. 20, 1931. 1932. [2] +4 p. (Executive agreement series 33 ; [Publication 297].) [English and French.] * Paper, 5e. L. C. card 32-26293 S 9.8 : 33 Note. — Those who desire to flle the Executive agreement series with the Treaty series should flle Executive agreement series 33 after Treaty series 830. Treat If information, bulletin 29. Feb. 29, 1932 ; compiled by Treaty Division. 1932. iv+21 p. ( [Publication 300.] ) [Monthly. The period covered is the calendar month preceding the date given.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 75c. L. C. card 29-27547 S 9.7 : 29 HoTV to order pnblicatloMS — See information follovflngr Contents 786 March, 1932 MIXED CLAIMS COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND GEIIMANY Benford, Ira M. American commissioner, decision 78, in matter of fixinp rea- sonable fees for attorneys or agents under authority of sec. 9 of settlement of war claims act of 1928; docket uos. 10140-141, Ira Martin Benford, claim- ant, Peter Haumer, attorney. [1932.] ii-f 515-524 i). t L. C. card 28-26898 S 3.31/7 : 78 Thayer, FranoUs. American commissioner, decision 77, in matter of fixing rea- sonal^le fees for ittlorneys or agents under authority of sec. 9 of settlement of war claims act of 1928; docket no. 15G08, Francis Thayer, claimanl, Harold H. Neflf and Underwood & Kilpatrick, attorneys, 1932, ii+50i>-514 p. t S 3.31/7 : 77 SUPREIO: COTTRT Edicards, Thovuis C. Certificate, Oct. term, 1931, no. 790, Thomas C. Edwards vs. United States, on certilicate from Court of Claims, [1932.] cover-title, i4-17 p. t Ju 6.7: Ed 98 IJoumal] Mar. 14-28, 1932; [slips] 69-80. [1932.] leaves 220-265, t Ju 6.5 : 931 Opinions. [Cases adjudged in Supreme Court, at Oct term, 1931.] [Issued sejiarately.] t Clerk of Court. 19, 20. Letus N. Crowell, as deputy commlsslonor for 7th compensation district of United States Employees' Compensation Commission, rs. Ch'arlefl B^n80n ; Lj'tns N. Crowell, as deputy commissioner for Ttli compensation district of United States Employers' "Compensation Commission, and J. B. Knudseu t«. [sitmej. on writs of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit: Feb. 23, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 24 + 24 p. Ju 6.8/la : B 443 179. Herbert S. Daniel, trustee of I'eters Trust Comi)any, bankrupt, vs. Guaranty Trust Company of New York, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 8th circuit; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 6 p. .lu 6.8/la :P 442 217, William Stevens vs. vessel. White City, her engines, tackle, apparel, etc., on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit ; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 6 p. Ju 6.8/la : St 47 311. St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co. vs. Sophia (". Bachmann, on certiorari to circuit court of api)eals for 4th circuit; Feb. 23, 1931:. n. p. [1932). 5 p. Ju 6.8/ la : Sa 24/6 333, Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company i«. O. L. Bunn, doing business as Bunn Electric Company et al., appeal from Supreme Court of Mississippi ; Mar. 14. 1932. n. p. [1932]. 7 p. Ju 6.8/la : H 253 337. Western Distributinj: Company vs. Public Service Commission of Kansas et al.. appeal from district court for district of Kansas ; Feb. 29 1932. n. p. [1932]. \). Ju 6.8/la : W 525/7 339. Southern Pacific Company vs. United States, on writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 5 p. Ju 6.8/la : So 88/4 355. Frank Collis Bowers, as executor of Frank K. Bowers, formerly collector [of internal revenue], vs. Lawyers Mortgage Company, on writ of ci^rtlorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 6 p, Ju 6.8/la: L 449 356. United States vs. Home Title Insurance Company, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 4 p. Juti.S/la: H 752/2 ::{57. Packer Corporation vs. Utah, on appeal from Supreme Court of Utah ; Feb. 23, 19:52. n. p. [1032]. 5 p. Ju 6.S/la:P127 878. David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue, vs. Chicago Portrait Cnmpany, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit ; Feb. 23. 1932. n. p. [19:52]. l.-» p. Ju 6.S 'la : (" 432/ft 411. Galveston Wharf Company et al. i«. Galveston, Harrlsburg & San .\ntonIo Railway Tompanv et a'., on writ of certiorari to Supreme Court of Texas; Mar. 14, 193-J. n. p. [1932]. 6 p. Ju 0.8,'ln : tJ 139/2 413. Aetna Casualty and Surety Company vs. Phoenix National Bank and Trust Company of Lexington, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of njjpeals for 6ih circuit; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 5 p. Ju 6.8 la : .Xe 98/2 426. David Burnet, •commissioner of internal revenue, vs. Charles P. I^eininger. on writ of certiijrari to circuit court of appeals for 6th circuit ; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. (19321. 4 p. Ju6.S/la:L533 429. D. (ilnslHTg & Sons, Inc., vn. Joseph Popkin, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of api)i'als for 2d circuit; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 4 p. Ju 6.8/la :G 435 482. William E. Lamb vs. Sterling B. Cramer et al.. on writ of certiorari to circuit court of apixals for 5th circuit; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1931'.) 4 p. Ju 6.8/la :L 16» 433. William R. Lamb vs. William A. Schmltt, receiver, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of ai)peals for 6th circuit; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 4 p. Ju0.8/la : L 169/2 How to order iiubllcatlouH — See Inforiuatlon folIo'f'rlnK Contents March, 1932 787 Opinions — Coutiuued. 453. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company vs. Hannah R. Temple, administratrix of Joseph R. Temple, on writ of certiorari to Supreme Court of South Carolina; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 4 p. Ju 6.8/la : At 63/7 457. Patrick J. Hurley, Secretary of War, et al., vs. R. Foster Kincaid, sr., on cer- tiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit ; Feb. 23. 1932. n. p. [1932]. 6 p. Ju 6.8/la :K 573 468. Robert M. Leach, executor [of William E. Walker] vs. Malcolm E. Nichols, formerly collector of internal revenue, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 1st circuit; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 4 p. Ju 6.8/la : W 154 469, 470. George L. Shearer vs. David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue ; Wil- liam A. W. Stewart vs. [same], on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit ; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 5 p. Ju 6.S/la : Sh 31 477. Boston and Maine Railroad vs. Fred Armburg, on writ of certiorari to mu- nicipal court of city of Boston, county of Suffolk, Mass. ; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 4 p. Ju 6.8/la : B 657/4 504. Eastern Airport Transport, Inc., vs. South Carolina Tax Commission and W. G. Query, J. P. Derham, and Frank C. Robinson, appeal from district court for eastern district of South Carolina; Mar. 14, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 3 p. Ju 6.8/la : Ea 77/2 Official reports of Supreme Court, v. 2S4 U. S., no. 3; Ernest Knaebel, reporter. Preliminary print. [1932.] cover-title, v-(- 195-311 -f ill p. [Cases adjudged in Supreme Court at Oct. term, 1931 (opinions, Nov. 24, 1931-Jan. 4, 1932, in part, and memoranda of other decisions to Jan. 25, 1932). This number contains table of cases reported in v. 284, pts. 1-3. From United States reports, v. 284.] * Paper, 15c. single copy, 75c. per vol. (6 nos. to a vol., subscription price, $1.50 for 12 nos.) ; foreign subscription, 5c. added for each pamphlet. Ju 6.8/la : 284/3 Same, no. 4; Ernest Knaebel, reporter. Preliminary print. [1932.] cover-title, iv+[l] -[-312-421+111 p. [Cases adjudged in Supreme Court at Oct. term, 1931 (opinions, Jan. 4, concluded-Jan. 25, and memoranda of cases decided with and without opinion, Feb. 15, 1932). This number contains table of cases reported in v. 284, pts. 1-4. From United States reports, v. 284.] Ju 6.8/la : 284/4 Zimmermann, Rosa, von. Petition and transcript of record, Oct. term. 1931, no. 704, United States vs. Barnim Kombst, Gertrude Luckhardt, Ilka Wichmann [heirs and next of kin of Rosa von Zimmermann] et al., on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims. [1932.] cover-title, i-f 22 p. % Ju 6.7 : Z65 TARIFF COMMISSION Boots and slioes, report to the President on differences in costs of i>roduction of boots and shoes in United States and in principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to provisions of sec. 336 of title 3 of tariff act of 1930; with appendix, proclamation by the President. 1932. v+24 p. (Reiwrt 31, 2d series.) [The principal competing countries are Switzerland, Czecho- slovakia, and the United Kingdom.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26294 TC 1.9 : 31 Feldspar, crude and ground, report to the President on differences in costs of production of feldspar, crude and ground, in United States and in principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to provisions of sec. 336 of title 3 of tariff act of 1930; with appendix, proclamation by the President. 1932. iv+13 p. (Report 37, 2d series.) [Canada is the principal competing country.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26331 TC 1.9 : 37 Gauge glass tubes, report to the President on differences in costs of production of gauge glass tubes in United States and in principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to provisions of sec. 336 of title 3 of tariff act of 1930. 1932. iv-f-6 p. (Report 36, 2d series.) [United Kingdom is the principal competing country.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26173 TC 1.9 : 36 Glass. Cylinder, crown, and sheet glass, report to the President on differences in costs of production of cylinder, crown, and sheet glass, in United States and in principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to provisions of Hovr to order publications — See Information follcwlngr Contents 788 March, 1932 Gla88 — Continued. sec. 336 of title 3 of tariff act of 1930; with appendix, proclamation by the President 1932. v-f24 p. (Report 33, 2d series.) [Belgium is tlie princi- pal couiiJeting country.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-20290 TC 1.9 : 33 Lumber, report to the President on differences in costs of production of lumber and timber of flr, spruce, pine, hemlock, or larch in Uniteer, 10c. L. C. card 32-20424 TC 1.8: 932 TAX APPEALS BOARD Decisions. Reports, v. 25, no. 3 and 4 ; Mar. 4 and 18, 1932. [1932.] [x]+3C0- 762 p. [Contain decisions promulgated Jan. 26-Feb. 29, 1932.] • Paper, $1.50 per vol. L. C. card 24-27411 Y 3.T 19 : 5/25-3 to 25HI Note. — The decisions of the Tax Appeals Board have been placed on a subscription basis and are to be issued in small pamphlets until a sufficient number have been pub- lished to make a volume. The price of advance pamphlets will be S1.50 per volume. Lat»T, bound volumes, containing table of contents and index, will be issued, the price of these being given at time of publication. Reports of Board of Tax Appeals, v. 22, Feb. 1-Apr. 30, 1931 ; Mabel M. Owen, reporter. 1932. lxiv+1512 p. ♦ Cloth, $2.50. L. C. card 26-26250 Y 3.T 19 : 6/22 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Certificates of indebtedness. United States of America, Treasury certificates of indebtedness, dated and bearing interest from Mar. 15, 1932, series TO-10.^2, 31/6 per cent, due Oct. 15, 1932, series TM-1933, 3% per cent, duo Mar. 15, 1933. Mar. 7, 1932. 1 p. 4° (Department circular 458: Public Debt [Service].) t T 1.4/2 : 458 United States of America, 2 per cent Treasury certificates [of indebted- ne.«isl, 1st series, dated and bearing interest from Mar. 15, 1932, due Mar. 15. 1933, redeemable prior to maturity, at option of holder, on 00 days' advance notice. [Mar. 5, 1932.] 2 p. 4" ([Department circular 456; Public Debt Service.]) t T 1.4/2 :4r.o Finance. Daily statement of Treasury compiled from latest proved report* from Trea-sury oflices and depositaries. Mar. 1-31, 1932. [1932.] Each 4 p. or 3 p. f* [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] t L. C. card 15-3303 T 1.5 : 932 Public debt. Statement of public debt of United States, Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] [2] p. narrow f [Monthly.] t L. C. card 10-21268 T 9.9 : 931/12 Same, Jan. 31, 1932. [1932.] [2] p. narrow f [Monthly.] t T 9.9 : 932/1 HoTT to order pablicatlons— See Information foIlo^vliiK Content* Makch, 193-2 789 Treasury decisions under customs, iuternal revenue, industrial alcoiiol, narcotic, and other laws, including decisions of Customs Court and Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, V. 61, no. 9-13 ; Mar. 3-31, 1932. [1932.] various paging, 1 pL [Weekly. Department decisions numbered 45484-535, al)stracts 19308- 740, narcotics 11, Tariff Commission Notices dated Mar. 7 and 28, 1932, Tariff Commission Notice 70, later Tariff Commission Notices 52, 64-66, and 68, and miscellaneous (disbarments and suspensions, etc.).] * Paper, 5c. single copy, §1.50 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $2.50. L. C. card 10-30490 T 1.11/2 : 61/9-13 War Finance Corporation. Report of Secretary of Treasury on War Finance Corporation (in liquidation) covering period from Jan. 1. 1931, to Dec. 31, 1931. Mar. 12, 1932. 3 p. (H. doc. 269, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26425 BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION Receipts and expenditures. Combined statement of receipts and expenditures, balances, etc., of United States, fiscal year 1931. 1932. 467 p. 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. 3047.) * Paper, $1.00. L. C. card 10-11510 T 9.1 : 931 Same. (Treas. Dept. doc. 3047; H. doc. 45, 72d Cong. 1st sess.> BUDGET BUREAU AgricuUure Department. Provision i)ertaining to appropriation to aid in estab- lishment of agricultural-credit corporations, [proposed provision pertaining to existing appropriation to enable Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect provisions of joint resolution to authorize Secretary of Agriculture to aid in establishment of agricultural-credit corporations]. Mar. 30, 1932. 3 p. (H. doc. 288, 72d Gong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Air Mail Serviee. Contract air mail service, supplemental estimate of appro- priation for Post Office Department for contract air mail service [to restore night-flying service schedules between San Diego, Calif., and Salt Lake City, Utah]. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. doc. 67, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. District of Columbia. Appropriation for unemployment relief, District of Columbia, [supplemental estimate of appropriation for District of Columbia, fiscal year 1933, to be immediately available for unemployment relief to resi- dents of District of Columbia, and also amendment to estimate contained in budget for fiscal year 1933, for municipal center. District of Columbia, re- ducing amount]. Mar. 17, 1932. 3 p. (H. doc. 277, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Appropriations for buildings and grounds, public schools, District of Columbia, drafts of proposed provisions pertaining to existing appropriations for buildings and grounds, public schools. District of Columbia, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, and amendment of estimate of appropriation for buildings and grounds, public schools. District of Columbia, contained in budget for 1933. Mar. 19, 1932. 3 p. (H. doc. 280, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Supplemental estimate for disi>ensaries. District of Columbia, supple- mental estimate of appropriation for District of Columbia, fiscal year 1933, for maintenance of Health Department dispensaries. Mar. 29, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 285, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Engineer Department. Immediate appropriation for river and harbor works, request that Congress give consideration to immediate appropriation of funds for [Engineer Department] for maintenance and iinprovement of existing river and harbor works in order that we may avoid unemployment and dislo- cation which will rise from such delay. Mar. 14, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 272, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Ho'w to order publications— See Inforiuation folloTvingr Contents 790 March, 1932 House of Representatives. Appropriation for logisUitive establishment, salaries, etc. [sur)pleinental estimates of appropriations pertaining to legislative estab- lisiiraent. House of Representatives, fiscal year 11)33]. Mar. IS, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 278, 72d Cong. 1st .sess.) * Paper, 5c. Vary Department. Appropriation for public works. Navy Department [supple- mental provision to estimate of appropriations for public works. Navy De- partment, contained in budt'ot for 19IW, to enable Secretary of Navy to use $1,000,000 of naval hospital fund for purpose of proceeding with construction of naval hospital at Philndolj.hia, Pa.] Mar. 12, 19.32. 2 p. (H. doc. 270, 72d Gong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. • Patent Office. Supplemental estimate of appropriation for printing and binding. Patent Office [ti.'^ca! year 1032]. Mar. 25, 1032. 2 p. (H. doc. 284, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Post Office Department. Contingent expenses. Post Office Department, supple- mental estimate of appropriation for contingent expenses. Post Office Depart- ment [for teleRraphino;]. Mar. 2, calendar day Mar. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. doc. 68, 72(1 Cons. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. State Department. Second polar year program, Department of State, supple- mental estimate of appropriation for Department of State, fiscal year 1932, to remain available until .lune 30, 1934, for 2d polar year program as au- thorized by public resolution approved Mar. 18, 1932, and draft of proiwsed provision pertaining to existing appropriation for expenses ttf representation at formal presentation of statue of Lelf Ericsson as gift to people of Iceland. Mar. 19, 1932. 3 p. (H. doc. 282. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Veterans' Administration. Proposed legislation regarding annuity payable to James C. Burke, proposed addition to language of item for military and naval compensation. Veterans' Administration, contained in l)udget for fiscal year 1933. Mar. 19, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 281, 72d Cong. Ist sess.) * Paper, 5c. rEa)ERAL ST.\XDAHD STOCK CATAIXXIUE BOARO Government supplies. Federal standard stock catalogue: sec. 2. pt. 6, class 20, Submarine-material. Aug. 1931 [published 1932]. 87 p. 4° [Issued in loose- leaf form for insertion in binder.] * Paper, 25c. T 51.7/7 : 20 Same : sec. 2, pt. 6, class 58, Railway, dock, and yard-equipment, including fire-fighting apparatus. Dec. 1931 [published 1932]. 40 p. 4° [Loose-leaf form.] * Paper, 15c. T 51.7/7: 58 Same: sec. 2, pt. 6. class 66, Machinery and equipment. Jan. 1932. 23 p. 4° [Loose-leaf form.] •Paper, 10c. T 51.7/7: 66 Same: sec. 2, pt. 6, Q-Quartermaster Corps (Army) supplement to class 41, Tools. Dec. 1931. 19 p. 4° [Loose-leaf form.] ♦ Paper, 5c. T 51.7/7 : 41/2/8UPP. Same: sec. 3. pt. 7, group N, division aa. Wheat [with bililiography]. Nov. 1931 [publisheerative work with ytate health departments, v. 13. no. 3; Mar. 20. 1932. 1932. [l] + lOl-133-fiv p. [Monthly.] * I'aper. 5c. single copy. 50c-. a yr. : foreign subscription, 75c. 1-. C. card 23-26719 T 27.26: 13/3 Special auticle. — Whole human blood agar for growth of gonococcus ; |by] Uusseil D. Herrold. TREASURER OF UNITED STATES Paper tnoncy. Monthly statement, paper currency of each denomination out- standing Feb. 29, 1932. Mar. 1, 1932. 1 p. oblong 24° t T 40.8 : 932/2 VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION Medical buUetin of Veterans' Administration, v. 8. no. 3, Mar. 1932; Martin Ceoley, editor. 1932. ix+179-255 p. [Monthly.! * Paper, 15e. single coi>y. $1.50 a yr. ; foreign subscription, !?2.15. L. C. card 25-2G6T2 VA 1.9 : 8/3 Special articles. — Third or chronic 'tage of epidemic encephalitis, with illustmtivc cases [and with list of references; hy] John 11. Baird. — Dispensary care of disnbl-Ml ex-st-rvice men [with list of references; byj I'hllip B. Matz. — Undulant fever [w^'h list of references; by] M. T. Mooreheud. — Miissive collapse of hiiii; [with list of rcf.'! ences ; by] L. R. Jones. — Extrapleural rlioraeoplasty, report of 4 cases; [by] Wllliinn M. Gay. — Thalamic syndrome [with list of relereuces ; by] Mlt'U<'l Steinberg. — Dent restoration in gunshot wounds of supci lor maxillary ; [by] William D. Lanier. Jr. Spontaneous pneumothorax with unusual features; [by] H. M. Stewart. — Generaliz. subcutaneous emphysema; [by] D. A. Baker. — Polycythemia vera, report of case [with list of references ; by] Arthur 1'. Chadbourne. — Mitral stenosis with resultant complete hemiplegia; [by] Louis L. Burstein. — Addison's disease improved by suprarenal ex- tract; [by] Mark A. Brown. — Recreational therapy for the mentally 111 [with list of references; by] Frank E. Le.«lie. — Duties of head nurse in cbarge of ward; [by] Geuevii F. Shaw. WAR DEPARTMENT Army regulations. Note. — The Army regulations are issued in pamphlet form for insertion In loose-leaf binders. The names of such of the more important administrative subjects as may seem appropriate, arranged in proper sequence, are numbered in a single series, and each name so numbered constitutes the title and number of a pamphlet containing cer- tain administrative regulations pertaining thereto. Where more than one pamphlet is reoulr'd for the administrative regulations pertaining to any such title, additional pamphlets will he issued in a separate sub-serirs. 30-1840. Quartermaster Corps: National cemeteries: Jan. 15. 1932. [1»32.] 4 p. [Supersedes AU 30-1840. Dec. 30, 192(5.] • Pai>er, 5c. W1.6 1 : 30-1840 3.">-1360. Finance Department : Pay accounts of olllccrs, warrant officers, .\rniy nur>^' - and contract surgeons, Changes 1 ; Mar. 4, 1932. [1932.] 2 p. t W 1 .6 /2 : 35-1 :{60/5 'ch 1 35-5520. Same : Allotments of pay. Changes 1 ; Jan. .SO, 1932. 1932. 1 p. t W 1.0/2 : .15-5520 /5/ch '. 310-105. Military publications: A. O. O. blank forms, allowance, distribution, an list of; Mar. 14, 1932. [1932.) 3 p. [Supersedes AR 310-105, July 1927.) • I'apor. 5c. W 1.0 '1 : 310-105 tM)B-145. Commissioned oincers : Transfers, details, and assignments. Changes 2; F^ 1, 1932. 1932. 1 p. [Supersedes AU tSOfV-Un. Changes 1. Jan. - 1981.) t W 1.0/2 : OO.I-l 45/3 /ch 740-10 Quallflcatlon In arms: Dec. 28, 1931. (1932.) 18 p. • Pajx r. 5c. W l.O'l :740-in llo^v to (irdor pn Itllcn (Ioiim .S<'«' iiir III., district; W. C. Weeks in charge. 1932. [11+1208-85 p. [The imprint date on the cover is given as 19.31. Exti'act Z from annual report of chief of engineers. 1931.] t W 7.1/la : 43/4-1 Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in 2d Chicago, 111., dis- trict ; W. G. Caples in charge. 1931. [11+1551-80 p. [Extract JJ from an- nual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : C 43/45 Choctaichatehee River, Fla. and Ala., report on survey of Choctawhatchee River, Fla. and Ala., with view to prevention and control of its floods. Feb. 5, 19.32. 40 p. 4 maps. (H. doc. 242, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 10c. Cincinnati, Ohio. Report uiion improvement of rivers and harbors in Cincin- nati. Ohio, district ; K. G. Powell in charge. 1931. [1] +1390-95 p. [Extract FF from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : C 49/39 IIovv t<> order pnblicntlonN^— See infornintlon foIIoTVlnR ContentH March, 1932 797 Colu7nJ)ia River, Oreg., report on preliminary examination and survey of Colum- bia River at St. Helens, Oreg. Jan. 27, 1932. 24 p. map. (H. doc. 235, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paiier, 5c. L. C. card 32-26426 Detroit, Mich. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Detroit, Mich., district; D. McCoach, jr., in charge. 1931. ii+1581-163S p. [Ex- tract KK from annual report of chief of en£;ineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : D 484/24 District of Columbia. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Washington, D. C, district; J. D. Arthur, jr., in charge. 1931. [l]-|-482- 521 p. [Extract I from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : W 278/24 Diiluth, Minn. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Duluth, Minn., district: P. C. BuUard in charge. 1931. [1] +1413-52 p. [Extract HH from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : D 889/24 Fisher, Fort. Fort Fisher. N. C, report on studies and investigations of beach erosion at Fort Fisher, N. C. [with report made by Beach Erosion Board in cooperation with North Carolina Department of Conservation and Develop- ment]. Jan. 5, 1932. 19 p. 2 pi. 7 maps. (H. doc. 204, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paiier, 10c. Fox River, Wis., report on preliminary examination of Fox River, "Wis., with view to control of its floods, Jan. 6, 1932. 24 p. map. (H. doc. 212, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Galveston. Tex. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Galveston, Tex., district: Milo P. Fox in charge. 1931. [1] +1028-1131 p. [Extract R from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : G 139/24 Grand Caillou. Batjou. Bayous Grand Caillou and Le Carpe, La., report on preliminary examination and survey of Bayou Grand Caillou, La., and Bayou Le Carpe, between Bayou Grand Caillou and intracoa.stal waterway. Jan. 5, 1932. 20 p. map. (H. doc. 206, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Surveys of Bayou Pelton and Caillouet Canal, La., are included.] * Paper, 5c. Guyandot River, TT. Va., report on Guyandot River, W. Va.. covering navigation, flood control, power development, and irrigation. Dec. 10, 1931. 29 p. 6 p. of pi. 2 maps. (H. doc. 150, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hatcaii. Report upon river and harbor improvement in district of Hawaii; R. W. Crawford in charge. 1931. [1] +1989-2004 p. [Extract SS from an- nual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1 Aa : H 31/26 Huntington, W. Va. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Hunt- ington, W. Va., district; Fred W. Herman in charge. 1932. [1] +1369-90 p. [The imprint date on the cover is given as 1931. Extract EE from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : H 926/9 International boundary icaters [operations of international boards of control, etc.]. 1931. [1] +2255-72 p. [Extract XX from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : In 8/5 Jacksonville, Fla. Reiwrt upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Jackson- ville, Fla., district : L. V. Frazier in charge. 1931. [1] +737-838 p. [Extract N from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : J 139/24 Juneau, Alask-a. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Juneau, Alaska, district : Malcolm Elliott in charge. 1931. [1] +1973-89 p. [Extract RR from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : J 953/11 Kansas City, Mo. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Kansas City, Mo., district; Theodore Wyman, jr., in charge. 1932. [1] +1242-68 p. [The imprint date on the cover is given as 1931. Extract Y from annual report of chief of engineer.*. 1931.] t W 7.1/la : K 133/24 HoTT to order publications — See information follOTVin^ Contents 798 March, 1932 J Kodiak Harbor, Alaska, report ou preliminary examiuation and survey Kodiak Harbor, Alaska. Jan. G, 1932. 18 p. map. (H. doc. 208, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-2G427 Kootenai River, Idaho, report on preliminary examination of Kootenai River, Idaho, with view to control of its floods. Dec. 10, 1931. 34 p. 1 pi. map. ( H. doc. 157, 72d Cong. Ist sess. ) ♦ Paper, 10c. Los Angeles, Calif. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Los Angeles, Calif., district; W. H. Lauagan in charge. 1931. [1] +1726-43 p. [Extract MM from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : L 890/24 Louisville, Ky. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Louisville, Ky., district; W. A. Johnson in charge. 1931. [1] +1395-1413 p. [Extract GG from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : L 932/24 Manistee River, Mich., report on Manistee River, Mich., covering navigation, flood control, power development, and irrigation. Dec. 10, 1931. 51 p. il. 4 maps. (H. doc. 159, 72d Cong. 1st .sess.) ♦ Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-28791 Ma!iart uixtn river and harbor improvement in district of Porto Rico; R. T. Ward in charge. 1931. [1] +2004-15 p. [Extract TT from annual rci)ort of chief of enRinoers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : P 838/25 Providence, R. I. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbor.* in Provi- dence, R. I., district; Charles J. Taylor In charge. 1931. [1] +90-159 p. [Extract C from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la :P 948 '12 PuyuUup River, Wasli. Puyallup River, Wash., report on Puyallup Ri^ Wasli.. covering navigation, flood control, power development, and Dec. 10, 1931. 45 p. 1 pi. 3 maps. (H. doc. 153, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) •Pa- per, 10c. L. C. card 31-28794 Pu.vnllui> River, Wash., npnit ,,n survey of Puyallup River, Wa?h., wim view to control of its floods. Dec. 10, 1931. 37 p. 3 pi. 2 maps. (II. doc. 154, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 10c. Rock Island, III. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Rock Islatid, III., district; Glen E. Edgerton in charge. 1931. [1] +1220-31 p. [Extract W from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : R 59/24 Rol inson Channel, N. 0., report on preliminary examination and survey of Rollinson Channel leading from Pamlico Sound to Hatterns, N. C. Jan. 8, 1932. 14 p. map. (II. doc. 218, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. 8t. Louis, Mo. Rciwrt upon improvement of rivers and harbors in St. Louis, Mo., district; William A. Snow in charge. 1931. [11+1191-1201 p. [Ex- tract U from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la: Sa 210/24 8t. Paul. Minn. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in St. Paul, Minn.. di.strict; Wildurr Willing in charge. 1931. [11+1231-42 p. [Extract X from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t "NV 7.1/la : Sa 2 p/24 Sacramento, Caif. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Sacra- mento. Ciilif.. district; J. R. D. Matheson in cliar?e. 1931. ii+1789-1815 p. [Extract 00 from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : Sa 14/3 Ban Francisco, Calif. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in San Franei.sco, Calif., district: R. S. Thomas in charge. 1932. [1] 4-1743-88 p. [The imprint date on the cover is given as 1931. Extract NN from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.1 t W 7.1/la : Sti 5 fr/46 Savannah, Oa. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Savannah, Ga.. district; D. L. Weart in charge. lO.-^l. [11+698-737 p. [Extract M from annual reix)rt of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1 /la: Sit 94/24 Seattle, Waxh. East waterway, Seattle Harbor. Wash., report on preliminary examination and .survey of east waterway, Seattle Harbor. Wash. .Tan. 6, 193J. 19 p. map. (H. doc. 211, 72d Cong. 1st ses.«?.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26431 Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Seattle, Wash., dis- trict ; John S. Rutler in cliarge. 1931. iii+1910-73 p. [Extract QQ from annual report of chief of engineers. 1931.1 t W 7.1 la : Sc 18/24 Starlings Creek, Va.. report on preliminary examination and survey of Starlings Creek. Accomac County, Va. Dec. 11, 1931. 12 p. map. (II. doc. i:>*5. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Burfcj/s for navigation, flood control, power, and Irrigation [fl.scal year 19311. 1931. [11+2015-19 p. [Extract UU from annual report of chief of engi- neers. 1931.1 t W 7.1 /la : Su 79/3 Tacoma Harbor, H'o-s/i., report on preliminary examination and survey of Ta- conia Harbor, Wash., including several waterways at head of Commencement Bny. Wash. Dec. 11. 1931. 22 p. map. (H. doc. 167. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. L. C. card 31-28795 Ilnw ia nrilor itiililltMitlonn — S<><> lnforiiiu4l«>n fnllo^vliiK Conten4a March, 1932 801 ^ kksburg. Miss. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Vicks- burg, Miss., district; Thomas B. Larkin in charge. 1931. [1] +1131-66 p. [Extract S from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t * WT.iyia: V 663/24 Weymouth Fore River, Mass., report on preliminary examination and survey of Weymouth Fore River, Mass., from Hingham Bay to Weymouth Fore River bridge. Jan. 6, 1932. 24 p. map. (H. doc. 207, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. Wilmington, Del. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Wilming- ton, Del., district ; R. P. Howell in cliarge. 1931. [1] +372-443 p. [Extract G from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : AV 6SS/24 i Wilmington, N. C. Report upon improvement of rivers and harbors in Wil- mington, N. C, district; R. A. Wheeler in charge. 1931. [1] +600-665 p. [Extract K from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.iyia : W 689/24 . Yellow Creek, Ky., report on preliminary examination of Yellow Creek and other tributaries of Cumberland River in and about Middlesboro, Ky., with view to control of their floods. Jan. 8, 1932. 12 p. il. (H. doc. 216, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. I Youngs Bay and Youngs River, Oreg., report on preliminary examination and survey of Youngs Bay and Youngs River, Oreg. Jan. 6, 1932. 15 p. map. (H. doc. 209, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ALASKA ROAD COMMI8SIONEKS BOARD Report. Report upon construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and trails, Alaska [fiscal year 1931, pt. 1] ; Board of Road Commissioners for Alaska [in charge]. 1932. [1] +2272-84 p. [The imprint date on the cover is given as 1931. Extract BBB from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931. For pt. 2, see following entry.] t W 74.1 : 931/1 Same, pt. 2, with title, Report upon consti'uction and maintenance of military and post roads, bridges and trails, and of other roads, tramways, ferries, bridges, trails, and related works in Alaska, 27th annual report, [fiscal year] 1931 : pt. 2, Operations ; Board of Road Commissioners for Alaska [in charge]. Juneau, Alaska [no publislier] 1931. 86 p. 3 pi. 4 p. ,. of pi. 9 maps. [Part 1 was printed as a part of the annual report of chief I of engineers, 1931, for which see above.] t W 74.1 : 931/2 CALIFOKNIA Di^BRIS COMMISSION i Report of California Debris Commission [fiscal year 1931]. 1931. [1]-|-2019- t 34 p. [Extract VV from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.1 t W 50.1 : 931 * MISSISSIPPI KIVEB COMMISSION Report of Mississippi River Commission [fiscal year 1931]. 1932. [l]+2034- 2202 p. [The imprint date on the cover is given as 1931. Extract WW from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t L. C. card 6-13873 W 31.1 : 931 1 NEW YORK HARBOR SUPERVISOR Report. Supervision of harbor of New York, N. Y. [fiscal year 1931] ; R. D. I White, supervisor. 1931. [1] +221.5-28 p. [Extract AAA from annual re- i port of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : N 42 yh/39 NOBTHEBN AND NOETHWESTEBN LAKES SURVEY Note. — Charts of the Great Lakes and connecting waters and St. Lawrence River to the international boundary at St. Regis, of Lake Champlain, and of the New York State canals are prepared and sold by the U. S. Lake Survey Office, Old Customhouse, D(-troit, Mich. Charts may also be purchased at the following U. S. engineer offices : 710 Army Building, New York, N. Y. ; 486 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. ; 540 Federal Building, Buflfal.', N. Y. ; and Canal Office^ Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. A catalogue (with index map), show- ing localities, scales, prices, and conditions of sale, may be had upon application at any of these offices. . A descriptive bulletin, which supplements the charts and gives detailed information as to harbors, shore lines and shoals, magnetic determinations, and particulars of changing Ho'^T to order puljllcations— See information follovFing Contents 802 March, 1932 I conditions affecting navlKation, is issued free to chart purchasers, upon request. Thi, builetin is revised annually and issued at the opening' of naviKation (in April), and sup- plements thereto are published monthly during the navigation season. Complete sets of charts and publications may be s-eu at the U. S. enpineer offices in Dnluth, Minn., Milwaukee, Wis., Chicago, Hi., Grand Rapids, Mich., Cleveland, Ohio, and O.swego, N. Y., but they are obtainable only at the sales offices above mentioned. Report. Survey of northern and northwestern lakes : James W. Bagley in charge. 1932. [l]-f224G-55 p. [The imprint date on the cover is given as 1931. Extract YY from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] f L. C. card G-7112 W 7.1/la : N 811/39 KIMJTKS AND H.\KB0U8 BOABO River atid harbor improvements, general, and report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors [fiscal year 1931]. 1931. [1] +3-28 p. [Extract A from annual report of chief of engineers, 1931.] t W 7.1/la : R 524/21 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance circulars. Changes 2 [to] Finance circulars A ; Jan. 19, 1932. 1932. 1 p. t W 97.5/3 :A/ch. 2 Changes 2 [to] Finance circulars F; Jan. 31. 1932. [1932.] 6 p. 4° $ W 97.5/3 :F/cli. 2 Changes 7 [to] Finance circulars B; Jan. 19, 1932. [1932.] 4 leaves. % W 97.5/4 : 7 MILITIA BUREAU National Guard. Official National Guard register, 1931. Sept. 30, 1931, [pub- lished] 1932. iii-f 1231 p. • Paper, $1.25. L. C. card 22-26684 W 70.5 : 931 PORTO RICO Governor. 31st annual report of governor of I'orto Rico, message from Presi- dent of United States transmitting 31st annual report of governor of Porto Rico, including reports of heads of the several departments of Government of Porto Rico [and those of executive secretary, auditor, and chief of Bureau of Commerce and Industry, fiscal year 1931]. 1932. iii+98 p. (H. doc. 26, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card &-35095 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL OF ARMY I Circulars. Changes 34 and 35 [to] Circular 2, 1928; Dec. 31, 1931 and Jan. 27, 1932. [1932.] Each 1 p. [Mimeographed, accompanied by printed pages to be inserted in their proper places in the original publication. Lists of the accompanying changes are found on p. 1 of each of the Changes here cata- logued.] t W. 77.4/3 : 2/ch. 34. 35 Circular 1 [1928]. t otor transportation ; Circular 1-10, Dec. 12, 1928.] W 77.4/3 : 1-10/2-2 SIGNAL OFFICE Orders 1-5; Jan. 1-24, 1932. 1932. Each 1 p. 12" t W 42.10 : 932/1-5 WAB POLICIES COMMISSION Dorunicnts by War Policies Commission, additional documents in connection with study made by commission. 1932. v+71 p. (H. doc. 271, 72d Cong. Ist sess.) • Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-28432 Report. War Policies Commis.sion [final recommendation of commission]. Mar. 7, 1932. 6 p. (H. doc. 204, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26281 1-10. Motor transportation; July 31. 1930. [Reprint 1932.] 2.5 p. [Supersede* IIo'w \.o order iiubllcatlona-^See Infornintlon fulloviiitc ("untents o I General Information The Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, is authorized to sell •at cost, plus 10 per cent, without limit as to the number of copies to any one applicant who agrees not to resell or distribute the same for profit, any United states Government publication not confidential in character. ' Publications can not be supplied free to individuals nor forwarded in advance ■of payment. The accumulation of publications in this Office amounts to several millions, of which over five million are assorted, forming the sales stock. Many rare books are included, but under the law all must be sold regardless of their age •or scarcity. Many of the books have been in stock some time, and are apt to ■be shopworn. In filling orders the best copy available is sent. PEICE LISTS A general price list of public documents is not available, but numerous lists have been prepared on special subjects and any of these will be furnished free, on application, if the person interested will state the subject or subjects concerning which information is desired. It will also be noted that current publications which are for sale are listed in this catalogue. WEEKLY UST In addition to the Price lists, the Documents Office issues a Weekly list of selected United States Government publications for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Each list is arranged alphabetically by subjects, with annota- tions and prices, and may be obtained free upon application to the Superin- tendent of Documents. HOW TO OEDBSl PUBLICATIONS Publications entered in this catalogue that are for sale by the Superin- tendent of Documents are indicated by a star (*) preceding the price. A dag- ger (t) indicates that application should be made to the Department, Bureau, or Division issuing the document. A double dagger (t) indicates that the document is printed for official use. Whenever additional information con- cerning the method of procuring a document seems necessary, it will be found under the name of the Bureau by which it was published. In ordering a publication from the Superintendent of Documents, give (if known) the name of the publishing Department, Bureau, or Division, and the title, together with the classification number which is added to the entry at the extreme right; order the Congressional documents and reports by the title, together with the document or report number and the Congress and session, e. g., H. doc. 161, 72-1. Do not use the L. C. card number in ordering a publication. HOW TO BEMIT Remittances for the documents marked with a star (*) should be made to the Superintendent of Documents, WasMngton, D. C, by coupons, postal money order, express order, or check. Currency may be sent at sender's risk. For- eign remittances should be made either by international money order or draft on an American bank. Postage stamps, foreign money, defaced or smooth coins, will not le accepted. For the convenience of the general public, coupons that are good until used in exchange for Government publications sold by the Superintendent of Documents may be purchased from his Oflace in sets of 20 for $1.00. 803 804 April, 1932 Address order to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. No charge is made for postage on documents forwarded to points in United States, Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Samoa, or to Canada, Cubii, or Mexico. To other countries the regular rate of postage la charged, and remittances must cover such postage. In computing foreign postage, add one-third of the price of the publication. TO T-mRARIANS The number given at the extreme right of each entry (except for Congres- sional documents and reports) is the classification number by which the pub- lication is arranged in the Library and In the Sales Stock of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. It can be used as a classification number by such libraries as are using, for the Departmental publications, the arrange- ment of public documents advocate-1610 A 1.9 : 1606/1-3 Refrigeration in h;indllng, processing, and storing of milk and milk products; by John T. Bowen. Mar. 1932. 59 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publication 138.) [Prepared in cooperation with Dairy Industry Bureau.] ♦ Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32-355 A 1.38 : 138 ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU Beef calf. Its growth and development ; [by E. W. Sheets]. [Aug. 1920, revised June, 1924. reprint with slight cliange.s 1932.] ii+29 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmer.**' bulletin 1135.) ♦Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 24-736 A 1.9: 1135/3-5 Ho'VT to order pnblientiuuM — See iuforiuntlon folIo^TlnK Contents April, 1932 807 Cattle scab and methods of control and eradication; [by Marion Imes]. [Dec. 1918, revised Oct. 1927, slightly revised Mar. 1932.] [1932.] 30 p. 11. (Agri- culture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1017.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 19-152 A 1.9 : 1017/3 Cockleburs (species of Xanthium) as poisonous plants [with bibliography] ; by C. Dwight Marsh, Glenwood C. Roe, and A. B. Clawson. Sept. 18, 1924 [reprint 1932]. 24 p. 4 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Department bulletin 1274.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 24-730 A 1.3 : 1274/1-2 Duck raising; [by Alfred R. Lee and Sheppard Haynes]. [Dec. 1915, revised Apr. 1932.] [1932.] ii+22 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 697.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 23-407 A 1.9 : 697/6 Horses. Breeds of light horses, [by H. H. Reese; revised by J. O. Williams]. [June, 1918, revised June, 1931, reprint 1932.] ii+14 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 952.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 25-622 A 1.9 : 952/7-2 Feeding horses; [by G. A. Bell and J. O. Williams] . [Dec. 1918, revised June, 1927, reprint 1932.] ii+18 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulle- tin 1030.) [Date of original issue incorrectly given on p. ii as Dec. 1916.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 19-358 A 1.9 : 1030/4-5 Mule production ; [by J. O. Williams]. [Aug. 1923, revised Mar. 1929, slightly revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] ii-|-28 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bul- letin 1341.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 23-1233 A 1.9 : 1341/5 NuttalVs death camas (Zygadenus nuttallii) as poisonous plant; by C. Dwight Marsh, A. B. Clawson, and Glenwood O. Roe. Feb. 1926 [reprint 1932]. 14 p. il. 2 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Department bulletin 1376.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 26-300 A 1.3 : 1376/1-2 Poultry. Farm poultry raising; [by M. A. Jull]. [Apr. 1927, slightly revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] ii-|-28 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1524.) [Supersedes Farmers' bulletin 287, Poultry management.] * Paper, 5c L. C. card Agr 27-312 A 1.9 : 1524/5 Incubation and brooding of chickens; [by M. A. Jull and A. R. Lee], [Jan. 1928, reprint 1932.] ii-(-28 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Fanners' bulle- tin 1538.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletins 1363 and 1376.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-12 A 1.9 : 1538/1-5 Service announcements. Sei-vice and regulatory announcements. Mar. 1932 ; [no.] 299. Apr. 1932. p. 25-35. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 40c. L. C. card Agr 7-1658 A 4.13 : 299 BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BUREAU Birds. Usefulness of birds on farm; [by W. L. McAfee], [Dec. 1931, reprint 1932.] ii-M4 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1682.) * Paper, 5c, L. C. card Agr 32-52 A 1.9 : 1682/1-2 Game. Laws and regulations relating to game, land fur-bearing animals, and birds in Alaska. 1932-33. Apr. 2, 1932. cover-title, 36 p. il. (Alaska Game Ck)mmission. Circular 9.) [Regulations contained herein should not be re- lied upon as correct after July 1, 1933.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 26-862 A 5.10/4 : 9 Game-birds. Propagation of aquatic game birds: [by W. L. McAtee]. [Jan. 1930, reprint with slight change 1932.] ii-|-41 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1612.) [This bulletin, with Farmers' bulletin 1613. Propa- gation of upland game birds, supersedes Farmers' bulletin 1521, Propagation of game birds.] * Paper, lOe. L. C. card Agr 30-58 A 1.9 : 1612/1-2 HoTV to order publications— See Information folIoTring Contents SOS April, 1932 Starlings. European starling in United States; [by E. R. Kalmbach]. [Dec. 1928, revised June, 1031. reprint 1932.] iI+27 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1571.) •Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-1871 A 1.9: 1571/^2 CHEMISTRY AND SOILS BUREAU Cocoa hy-products and their utilization as fertilizer materials [with list of literature cited] ; by G. P. Walton and R. F. Gardiner. Aug. 1926, [reprint] 1932. cover-title, 44 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Department bulletin 1413.) [Formerly issued by Soils Bureau.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 2G-1153 A 1.3 : 1413/1-2 Derris. Digest of literature of Derris (Deguelia) species used as insecticides, 1747-1931; by R. C. Roark. Apr. 1932. cover-title, 80 p. (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publication 120.) [Date of issue given on p. 1 as Mar. 1932.] • Paper, 15c. L. C. card Agr 32-340 A 1.38 : 120 Dixon County, Nebi: Soil survey of Dixon Coianty, Nebr., by A. W. Goke and L. A. Brown; [report written by F. A. Hayes]. [1932.] cover-title, 35 p. il. map. ([Soil survey report] 4, series 1929.) [Prepared in cooperation with University of Nebraska State Soil Survey Department of Conservation and Survey Division. Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] ♦ Paper. 1.5e. L. C. card Agr 32-337 A 47.5 : 929/4 OasoHnc. Safe use and storage of gasoline and kerosene on farm ; [by Harry E. Roethe]. [Feb. 1932.] ii + 14 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulle- tin 1678.) [Prepared in cooperation with Agricultural Engineering Bureau, Agricultural Economics Bureau, and National Fire Protection Association.] • Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-332 A 1.9 : 1678 Orecji 7)ianuritig. Decomposition of vetch green manure in relation to sur- rounding soil [with list of literature cited] ; by Harry Humfeld and Nathan R. Smith. 1932. [2] -1-113-120 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural re- search, V. 44, no. 2, Jan. 15, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : M 319/7 Hydrogen-imi concnxt ration. Effect of air drying on hydrogon-ion concentra- tion of soils of United States and Canada [with list of literature cited] ; by Ernest H. Bailey. Mar. 1932. 44 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bul- letin 291.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32-346 A 1.S6 : 291 Johnson County, Kans. Soil survey of Johnson County, Kans. ; by E. W. Knobel and R. H. Davis. [1932.] cover-title, 32 p. il. 2 p. of pi. map. ( [Soil .survey report] 17, series 1928.) [Preitared in cooperation with Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] * Pai^er, 15c. L. C. card Agr. 32-580 A 47.5 : 928/17 Leather, hides, and skins. Home tannins; of leather and small fur skins ; [by R. W. Frey. I. D. Clarke, and F. P. Veitch]. [Aug. 1923, revised Nov. 1930. reprint 1932.] ii-f28 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1334.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 23-1021 A 1.9 : 1334/4-2 Lemon-oil. and composition of California lemon and orange oils [with list of literature cited] ; by II. D. Poore. Mar. 1932. 31 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 241.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-352 A 1.36 : 241 Marion Comity, Orcg. Soil survey of Marion County, Oreg. ; by E. F. Torgerson and T. W. Glassey. [1932.] cover-title, 46 p. il. 1 pi. map. ([Soil survey report] 32, series 1927.) [I'repared in cooperation with Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. Text and illustration on p. 2—1 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 20o. L. C. card Agr 32-347 A 47.5 : 927/32 Peat. Characteristics of dispersable organic colloids in peats [with li.^^t of liter- ature cited] ; by Will)ur L. Powers. 1932. [21-f97-lll p. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 2, Jan. 15, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : P 329/3 How to order pabllcntlonM— Sec Information foIloTrlnir ContentM I April, 1932 809 Wmnebago County, Wis. Soil survey of Winnebago County, Wis. ; by A. C. Anderson, W. J. Geib, H. H. Hull, and Merritt Whitson. [1932.] cover-title, 34 p. il. map. ([Soil survey report] 31, series 1927.) [Prepared in coopera- tion with Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey and University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture. Text and illustration on p. 2-4: of cover.] * Paper, 20c, (incorrectly given on publication as 5c.). L. C. card Agr 32-351 A 47.5 : 927/31 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK OFFICE Film strips of Department of Agriculture. [Oct. 1930, revised Feb. 1932.] 1932. [214-10 p. narrow 8° (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publication 91.) *Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-344 A 1. 38 : 91/2 DAIRY INDUSTRY BUREAU Cheese. Varieties of cheese, descriptions and analyses [with Sources of ana- lytical data], by C. F. Doane and H. W. Lawson ; revised by K. J. Matheson. Mar. 1918, revised Feb. 1932. 1932. cover-title, 6S p. (Agriculture Dept Bulletin 608.) * Paper, 15c. L. C. card Agr 28-676 A 1.3 : 608/3 Milk. Cooling milk & cream on farm, [by J. A. Gamble ; revised by R. P, Hotis]. [May, 1918, revised Nov. 1929, slightly revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] ii-t-13 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 976.) * Paper, 5o. L. C. card Agr 29-1758 A 1.9 : 976/6 Production of clean milk; [by Ernest Kelly and C. J. Babcock]. [Aug. 1914, revised Apr. 1931, slightly revisetl Feb. 1932.] [1932.] ii-fl8 p. iL (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 602.) [Includes list of Agriculture De- partment publications relating to sanitation in milk production.] *Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr. 31-474 A 1.9 : €02/8 Milk utensils. Care of mUk utensils on farm ; [by R. J. Posson and Ralph P. Hotis]. [Sept. 1931, reprint 1932.] ii-flO p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farm- ers' bulletin 1675.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 1473, Washing and steri- lizing farm milk utensils.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 31-910 A 1.9 : 1675/1-2 Silos. Homemade silos; [by Helmer Rabild and K. E. Parks]. [Revised Aug. 1922, reprint with slight changes 1932.] 56 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farm- ers' bulletin 855.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 23-258 A 1.9 : 855/2-5 ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU Baffwor-m, injurious shade-tree insect; by L. O. Howard and F. H. Chittenden. Jan. 15, 1916 [reprint 1932]. 12 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 701. ) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 16-216 A 1.9 : 701/1-10 Clover flower-midges. Control of clover-flower midge; [by] C. W. Creel and L. P. Rockwood. June, 1918, slightly revised Feb. 1932. 1932. 12 p. IL (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 971.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 1&-530 A 1.9 : 971/2 Clover leaf weevil and its control; [by W. H. Larrimer]. [May, 1926, reprint 1932.] [2] (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1484.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 26-876 A 1.9 : 14S4/1-2 Cutxcorms and their control in corn &. other cereal crops; [by W. B. Walton]. [June, 1916, corrected Dec. 1922, reprint 1932.] 8 p. il. (Agriculture Dept Farmers' bulletin 739.) * Paper, 5e. L. C. card Agr 20-1366 A 1.9 : 739/2-10 Grasshoppers. How to control grasshoppers in cei-eal and forage crops; [by J. R. Parker, W. R. Walton, and R. L. Shotwell]. [Apr. 1932.] ii-|-14 p. iL (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1691.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 747, Grasshopper control in relation to cereal and forage crops.] * Paper, 6c. L. 0. card Agr 32-349 A 1.9 : 1691 Hovr to order publications — See Information foUoTrins Content* 810 Apbil, 1932 Melon aphid and its control; [by F. H. Chittenden and W. H. White]. [June. 1926, reprint 1&32.] ii+17 p. 11. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1499.) [Reviijion of Farmers' bulletin 914, Control of melon aphis.] • Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 26-81>5 A 1.9: 1499/1-5 Miridae. Feeding punctures of mlrids and other plant-sucking insects and their effect on cotton ; by W. V. King and W. S. Cook. Apr. 1932. 12 p. 3 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 296.) •Paper, 5c L. C. card Agr 32-350 A 1 36 : 296 Totacco budicoi-vi and its control in Georgia and Florida tobacco-growing region; [by A. C. Morgan and F. S. Chamberlin]. [June, 1927, reprint 1932.] ii+10 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1531.) [Sui)ersedes Farmers' bulletin 819, Tobacco budworm and its control in southern tobacco districts.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 27^64 A 1.9 : 1531/1-2 Wheat jointtcorm and its control; [by] W. J. Phillips. Oct 1918, [reprint] 1932. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1006.) • Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 18-963 A 1.9 : 1006/1-6 EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE Agricultural colleyes. Workers in subjects pertaining to agriculture in State agricultural colleges and experiment stations, 1931-32; [compiled] by Mary A. Aguew. Apr. 1932. iv+131 p. (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publi- cation 134.) •Pai)er, 25c. L. C. card Agr 25-1482 A 1.38 : 134 Experiment station record. Experiment station record, v. 66, no. 5: Apr. 1932. [1932.] cover-title, p. 401-500. [Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] ♦Paper, 10c. single copy, 75f. per vol. (2 vols, a yr.) ; foreign subscription, §1.25 per vol. L. C. card Agr 9-832 A 10.6: 66/5 Note. — Mainly made up of abstracts of reports and publications on agricultural science which have recently appeared in all countries, especially the United States. Kxtra numbers, called abstract numbers, are issued, 3 to each volume. These are made up almost exclusively of abstracts, that is, they contain no editorial notes and only a limited number of current notes. Same, v. 66, no. 6; Apr. 1932, abstract number. [1932.] cover-title, p. 501-600. [Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] A10.G:GG/6 ALASKA AQMOULTtJKAL EXPERIMENT 8TATI0NS Pubtiodtions. List and analytical index of publications of Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Jan. 1898-July, 1931 ; prepared by Elizabeth H. Lang- dale. Apr. 1932. cover-title, 56 p. (Circular 3.) • Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32-348 A 10.10/4 : 3 HAWAn AGBIOULTUKAL EXPEIRIMEXT STATION Pir/eon pea (Cajanus indicus), its improvement, culture, and utilization in Hawaii [with list of literature cited] ; by F. G. Krauss. Mar. 1932. cover- title, 46 p. il. 1 pi. (Bulletin 64.) [Revision of Bulletin 46, Pigeon pea (Cajanus iiidicus), its culture and utilization in Hawaii.] * Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 32-581 A 10.9/3 : 64 EXTENSION SERVICE Extension Service rcvieir, v. 3, no. 4; Apr. 1932. [10.'^2.] cover-title, p. 49-64, il. 4" [Monthly. Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] •Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 75c. L. ( ". <;i 1(1 Alt :]0-359 A 43.7 : 3/4 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Insecticides. Notices of judgment under insecticide act 1216-20. Apr. 1932. p. 109-112. t L. C. card Agr 12-2226 A 46.7 : 121&-1220 How to order publlcntlonii — See information follo^rina: Contenta April, 1932 811 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, tea no. 6 : Standards under tea act, effective May 1, 1932. Apr. 1932. 1 p. t L. C. card Agr 28-396 A 46.14 : 6 FOREST SERVICE Conifeis. Growing & planting coniferous trees on farm; [by C. R. Tiliotson]. [July, 1925, reprint 1932.] ii+38 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulle- tin 1453.) [Includes list of Agriculture Department forestry bulletins, of interest to farmers.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 21-21 A 1.9: 1453/Ji^ Forest loorker, Mar. 1932; [v, 8, no. 2]. [1932.] ii+^ p. il. [Bimonthlj.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 35c. L. C. card Agr 24-838 A 13.19 : 932/2 Longleaf pine primer; [by W. R. Mattoon]. [May, 1926, revised Mar. 1930, reprint 1932.] [2] +34 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' buUetin 1486.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 30-636 A 1.9 : 1486/2-2 Summer homes in national forests of Oregon and Washington; by Fred W. Cleator. 1932. ii+14 p. il. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-331 A 13.2 : Su 6 Western larch. Properties of western larch and their relation to uses of the wood [with list of literature cited] ; by R. P. A. Johnson and M. I. Bradner. Mar. 1932. cover-title, 93 p. il. 14 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 285.) * Paper, 35c. L. C. card Agr 32-356 A 1.36 : 285 Wood. Strength-moisture relations for wood [with list of literature cited] ; by T. R. C. Wilson. Mar. 1932. cover-title. 88 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 282.) * Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 32-^39 A 1.36 : 282 Maps Columbia National Forest, Wash., its purposes and resources. 1932. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. large 4°, folded into narrow 8° size and .so printed as to number 18 pages, t A 13.13 : C 72/932 G-unnison National Forest, Colo, [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. [1932.] 1 sheet (with map on verso), 11. large 4°, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number 14+ [1] p. t A 13.13 : G 95/2 San Bernardino National Forest, Calif, [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. 1932. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. large 4", folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number 17+ [1] p. t A 13.13 : Sa 5 be/932 Tusayan National Forest, Ariz, [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.] ; prepared by regional forester, Albuquerque, N. Mex. 1932. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. f, folded into narrow 12° size and so printed as to number 12 pages, t A 13.13 : T 87 Weiser National Forest, Idaho [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. [1932.] 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. f°, folded into narrow 8" size and so printed as to number 15 pages, t A 13.13 : W 43 Wenatchee National Forest, Wash., its purposes and resources. 1932. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. large 4". folded into narrow 8" size and so printed as to nuriiber 15 pages, t A 13.13 : W 48/3/932 HOME ECONOMICS BUREAU Midday meals for preschool children in day nurseries and nursery schools [with list of literature cited] ; by Mary E. Sweeny and Charlotte Chatfield. Apr. 1932. cover-title, 47 p. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 203.) [Prepared in cooperation with Merrill-Palmer School, Detroit. Mich.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32-334 A 1.4/2 : 203 HoTV to order publicatlons-^See information follo'triner Contents 812 April, 1932 Bofwol lunches; [by Caroliue L. Huut]. [Mar. 1916, revised May, 1924, reprint 1931.*.] 11+22 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 712.) • Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 22-786 A 1.9 : 712/4-« Starch. Some pbysical properties of starch pastes which affect their stiffening power on fabrics [with list of literature cited] ; by Margaret S. Furry. Mar. 1932. 18 p. 11. 1 pi. 2 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 284.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. G. card Agr 32-343 A 1.36: 284 Vitamin A, B, C, and G content of sultaniua (Thompson seedless) and Malaga grapes and 2 brands of commercial grape juice [with list of literature cited] ; by Esther Peterson Daniel and Hazel E. Munsell. 1932. [21+59-70 p. iU [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : G 767/12 INFORMATION OFFICE Publications. List of available publications of Department of Agriculture, Jan. 2, 1932 (arranged alphabetically by subjects) ; compiled by John O. Riley. 1932. iv+94 p. narrow 8° (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publication 60, issued Nov. 1929, revised Jan. 1932.) t L. C. card Agr 32-587 A 1.38 : 60/3 United States Department of Agriculture, monthly list of publications, Mar. 1932. [1932.] 4 p. t L. C. card Agr 9-1414 A 21.6/5 : 932/3 PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU Bacterial spot disease of peach and other stone fruits [with list of literature cited] ; by John C. Dunegan. Jan. 1932. cover-title, 54 p. il. 3 pi. 4 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 273.) * Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 32-341 A 1.3G : 273 Barley. Susceptibility of barley to leaf rust (Puccinia anomala) and to pow- dery mildew (Erysiplie graminis hordei) ; by E. B. Mains and Mary L. Mar- tini. Apr. 1932. 34 p. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 295.) 'Pa- per, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-354 A 1.36 : 295 Bermuda grass. Eradication of Bermuda grass; [by Albert A. Hansen]. [Sept. 1918, revised Dec. 1924, reprint 1932.] ii+9 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 945.) ♦Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr li^953 A 1.9 : 945/4-7 Blister rust. Protect white pine from blister rust ; by J. F. Martin. Apr. 1928. revised July 28, 1931, slightly revLsed Feb. 1932. [1932.] [8] p. il. narrow 8° (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publication 22 rev.) t A 1.38: 22/3 Broom-corn. Inheritance of height in broomcorn ; by John B. Sieglinger. 1932. [2] +13-20 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 1. Jan. 1, 1932.] t A 1.23/a :B 791 Cranberries. Managing cranberry fields; [by George M. Darrow, Henry J. Franklin, and O. G. Malde]. [May, 1924, rei)riut 1932.] ii+21 p. il. (Agri- culture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1401.) [Prepared in cooperation with Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station and Wisconsin Cranberry Exi)criment Station.] ♦ Pai^er, 5c. L. C. card Agr 24-531 A 1.9 : 1401/1-2 Cronartium comptoniae, sweetfern blister rust of pitch pines [with list of literature cited] ; by Perley Spaulding and J. R. Hansbrough. Apr. 1932. 22 p. 11. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 217.) ♦Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 32-345 A 1.4/2: 217 Douglas fir. Decay and other losses In Douglas fir in westeni Oregon and Washington [with list of literature cited] ; by J. S. Boyce. Apr. 1932. cover- title, 00 p. il. 11 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 286.) ♦ Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 32-579 A 1.36 : 286 II-146 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 2, Jan. 15, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : P 331/11 Plant material introduced by Division of Foreign Plant Introduction, July 1- Sept. 30, 1930; nos. 88433-89210. Apr. 1932. 35 p. (Inventory 104.) * Paper, 5c. L. 0. card Agr 7-1331 A 19.12 : 104 Posters. Corn diseases : A, Diplodia seedling blight, B, Gibberella seedling blight; [poster]. A. Hoen & Co. [Baltimore, Md., 1932]. 12X7.2 in. (Plant disease poster 14. ) * 5c. A 19.26 : 14 Same : A, B, Healthy germinating kernels, C, D, B, Germinating kernels infected with Cephalosporium, F, G, H, Germinating kernels infected with Fusarium; [poster]. A. Hoen & Co. [Baltimore, Md., 1932]. 12X7.2 in. (Plant disease poster 15.) * 5c. A 19.26: 15 Potatoes. Market diseases of fruits and vegetables : Potatoes [with list of literature cited] ; by George K. K. Link and Glen B. Ramsey. Feb. 1932. cover-title, 63 p. 13 pi. 2 p. of pi. (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publica- tion 98.) * Paper, 30c. L. C. card Agr 32-353 A 1.38 : 98 Why potatoes run out; [by E. S. Schultz]. [Nov. 1924, revised Dec. 1927, reprint 1932.] ii+21 p. 11. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1436.) * Paper, 5c. L. 0. card Agr 25-406 A 1.9 : 1436/2-5 Pruning; [by L. C. Corbett]. [Nov. 14, 1903, reprint with changes 1932.] ii+ 30 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 181.) [Letter of transmit- tal and lists of contents and illustrations omitted from this reprint.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 22-378 A 1.9 : 181/4-6 Rice. Prairie rice culture in United States; [by Charles E. Chambliss]. [Feb, 1920, reprint 1932.] 27+ [1] p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1092. ) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 20-962 A 1.9 : 1092/1-7 Soyiean utilization ; [by W. J. Morse]. [Jan. 1930, revised Mar. 1932.] [1932.] ii+28 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1617.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 30-55 A 1.9 : 1617/8 Ho-vr to order publications — See information follo-wingr Contents 117757— 32— No. 448 2 814 April, 1932 Timothy; [by Morgan W. Evans]. [June, 1918, reviseil May, 1923, reprint with changes 1932.] ii-r22 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Fanners' bulletin 990.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 18-832 A 1.9 : 990/2-3 Tomatoes. Greenhouse tomatoes; [by James H. Boattie]. [Dec. 1924. revised Aug. 1930, reprint 1932.] ii+26 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulle- tin 1431.) * PaiM'r, 5c. L. C. card Agr 30-1112 A 1.9 : 1431/3-2 Trees. Propagation of trees and shrubs; [by Guy E. Terkes]. FApr. 1929, slightly revised Feb. 1932.] [1932.] ii-f52 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1567.) ♦Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 29-905 A 1.9: 1567/2 Vegetables. Home storage of vegetables; [by James H. Seattle]. [Aug. 1917, reprint with slight changes 1932.] 23 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 879.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 17-918 A 1.9 : 879/1-11 Wheat. Inheritance of resistance to bunt, Tilletia tritici, in crosses of white federation with Turkey wheats [with list of literature cited] ; by Fred N. Rrifrgs. 1932. [2] +121-126 p. il. [Prepared in cooperation with California Agricultural Experiment Station. From Journal of agricultural research, V. 44, no. 2, Jan. 15, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : W 56/108 PLANT QUARANTINE AND CONTROL ADMINISTRATION Nursery stock. General requirements for interstate trade in nursery stock State laws and regulations in effect Jan. 1, 1932, for information of concerns doing business outside their own State ; compiled by Maude A. Thompson. 1932. 30.5X25 in. [Wall chart. Revision of Table 1, General require- ments for interstate trade in nursery stock.] t A 48.9 :N 93 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, Oct.-Dec. 1931 ; no. 109. Mar. 1932. p. 137-171, il. 2 maps. [Quarterly.] f L. C. card Agr 14-383 A 48.7 : 109 PUBLIC ROADS BUREAU West (U. S.). Report of survey of traffic on Federal-aid higliway sj'Stems of 11 Western States, 1930, by Bureau of Public Roads and highway depart- ments of Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ne- vada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 1932. ii+85 p. 11. and portfolio of 13 maps, t L. C. card Agr 32-586 A 22.2 : W 52 Progress maps NoTB. — These maps show the status of improvement of the Federal-aid system in each State, regardless of whether the construction has been done with the aid of the Federal Government, bj' the States, by the counties, or by the townships. .\ system of symbols indicates the type of improvement of all the roads and whether the work was done with or without the assistance of the Federal Government. Sheets are of uniform size, some States requiring 2 or more, and are so issued that they may be punclied and put in a loose leaf atlas. The maps are called progress maps, and the series will be Issued periodi- cally to show any change in improvement of tlie highways. Delaware. Federal aid highway system, progress map: Delaware, Maryland; data corrected to Oct. 1. 1931. Scale 1 : 500,000 or 1 in.=7.891 m. [Washing- ton] Geological Survey [1932]. 18.SX28.5 in. [Pn)jection. modified polyconlc. Base map from Geological Survey State mnp.] ♦ 10c. A 22.9 :D 37/3 Maine. Federal aid highway svstem, progress map: [Maine] ; data corrected to June 1, 1931. Scale 1 : 500.000 or 1 in. =7.891 m. [Wa.shington] Geological Survey [1932]. [2 sheets] each 20.1X28.5 in. [Projection, modified poly- conlc. Rase map from Geological Survey State map.] ♦20c. per set ot 2 maps. A 22.9 : M 28/3/N, S Northern Maine. ([Slieet] IN.) Southern Maine. ([Sheet] IS.) North Carolina. Federal ailioation.s— See information following Contents 816 April, 1932 Telegraph codes. Weather cude [special iust ructions for enciphering telegraphic reports from station]. (1932.] [3] p. large 8° [For use in con- nection with Weather code, 1931, Publication 1047.] t A 29.2 : W 37/6/931-2 Weather. Dis-tribution of went her information, forecasts, and warnings by radio for benefit of navigation on Groat Lake;*; [prepnred in] Forecast Divi- sion. Apr. 15, 19.'i2. G p. 4" (Circular 15, radio, revised.) [This Circular supersedes editions dated Apr. 1, 192C, 1927, 1928, 1929, July 1, 1930, and Apr. 1, 1931.] t Ai9.37:15/7 Weekly weather and crop bulletin, Apr. 5-26, 1932; uo. 14-17, 1932. Apr. 6-27, 1932. Each 4 p. il. 4° • Pai)er, 50c. a vr. L. C. card Agr 24-260 A :i9.7/2 : 932/14-17 ^Vcather map. Daily weather map [of United States iiublished at Washington, D. C, containing forecasts for all States east of Mississippi River belonging to Washington forecast district], Apr. 1-30, 1932. [1932.] Each 19x24 in. (outside measurement). ♦Daily, except Sundays and holidays (DWM), $3.00 a yr., 25c. a month; diiily, including Sundays and holidays (DSHM), $3.60 a yr., 30c. a month; Sunday and holiday maps only (SHM), no subscrip- tion for less tiian months, 25c., 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $7.25 a yr. (maps can not be furnished in quantities unless the order is placed with the Superintendent of Document.s, Washington, D. C, in advance of issue). A 29.18 : 932 Note. — Subscribers desiring forecasts of weather conditions outside of tlie Washing- ton forecfist district will be referred to the district in which they are locatPd, and all subscriptions forwarded through the Weather Bureau for proper station reference. Maps containing these forecasts are issued daily, except Sundays and holidays, at New Orleans, La., Denver, Colo., Chicago, 111., San Francisco, Calif., and other field stations, and are designated as station weather maps DD, CM, or E; subscription price, $2.40 a yr., 20c. a month. Weather outlook, Apr. 4-May 7 [1932 J. Apr. 2-30, 1932- Each 1 p. [Weekly. The edition here catalogued is the one for Districts 1-3 issued from the fore- cast center at Washington, D. C] t A 29.38 : 932/14-18- NoTE. — The Weather outlooks for the various zones are prepared at, and distributed from, forecast centers of the Weather Bureau, as follows : Washington, D. C. (District 1, North and Middle Atlantic States, District 2. South Atlantic States. District 3, Ohio Valley and Tennessee) ; New Orleans, La. (District 4, East Gulf States, District 5, Southern Plains and West Gulf States) ; Chicago, 111. (District 6. Region of Great Lakes, District 7, Upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys. District 8, Northern and central Great Plains) ; Denver, Colo. (District 9, Northern Itocky Mountain region. District 10, Southern Rocky Mountain and Plateau regions) ; San Francisco, Calif. (District 11, Far Western States). ARCHITECT OF CAPITOL Capitol. Supplemental estimate of appropriation, legislative establi.shmeut, sup- plemental estimate of appropriation pertaining to legislative establishment, OflSce of Architect of Capitol, fiscal year 19X3 [for care and maintenance of' street lighting system in Capitol plaza area]. Apr. 4, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 291, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5e. House Office Building. Appropriation iJcrtaining to legislative establishment. Office of Architect of Capitol, supplemental estimate of appropriation pertain- ing to legislative establishment. Office of Architect of Capitol, fiscal year 1932' [for repairs to elevators in House Office Building]. Apr. 15, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 312, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Senate Office Buildiny. Supplemental estimate of appropriation, Office of Archi- tect of Capitol, supi)lemental estimate of appropriation pertaining to legisla- tive establishment, Office of Architect of Capitol, fiscal year 1933 [for new roof on Senate Office liuilding). Apr. 6, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 202, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. CIVIL SEBVICE COMMISSION Note. — The Commission furnishes its publications gratuitously to those who apply for them. Transfers. Information concerning transfers. Mar. 1932. 4 p. (Form 305.) t L. C. card 31-26403 CS 1.22 : 932 IIovT to order publication*— See Information ffoIIowInK- Content* April, 1932 817 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Note. — In its efforts to foster, promote, and develop the foreign and domestic commerce, the mining, manufacturing, shipping, and fishery industries, and the transportation facili- ties of the United States, the Department of Commerce issues many regular and special publications. The free distribution of many of the publications of the Department Is confined almost entirely to Government officers, libraries, educational institutions, the fress, and commercial organizations. Others may procure them, at prices stated below, rom the Superintendent of Documents. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, to whom remittances should be sent direct, as his office is not a part of the Department of Commerce. Coast pilots, inside route pilots, tide ta-bles, current tables, and charts are sold by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Organization. OflBcial duties. 1932. 11 p. [From Congressional directory, Jan. 1932. Reprinted for use in replying to inquiries concerning organization and functions of Department of Commerce.] t C 1.2 : Or 3/3/932 Steamboats. Examination and certification of foreign passenger steam vessels of British India, inspected under laws of that country. Mar. 9, 1932. 2 p. 4° (Department circular 296; Steamboat Inspection Service.) [Supersedes Department circulars 290, July 17, 1924, and 291, May 4, 1925.] t C 1.4 : 296 AERONAUTICS BRANCH Air commerce bulletin, v. 3, no. 19 and 20; Apr. 1 and 15, 1932. [1932.] p. 463- 522+ [2] leaves, il. [Semimonthly.] f L. C. card 29-26634 C 23.12 : 3/19, 20 Airport Drainage and Surfacing Conumittee. Report of Committee on Airport Drainage and Surfacing, representing Aeronautics Branch, Department of Commerce, American Engineering Council, [and] American Road Builders' Association, Dec. 1. 1931. 1932. ii+38 p. 11. t L. C. card 32-26485 C 23.2 : D 78 Airway wAips Albuquei-que [N. Mew.] ; United States airway map upper 1-13. Scale 10 m.= 1.3 in., scale 1 : 500,000. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C, Mar. 1932. 20.2X45.8 in. t 40c., Coast and Geodetic Survey. 23.10/3:1-13 Atlanta, Ga., to Greensboro, N. C. ; airway map 128. Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1 : 500,000. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C, Mar. 1932. 43.8X10.2 in. t 35c., Coast and Geodetic Survey. C 23.10/1 : 128/2 JPrescott [Ariz.] ; United States airway map upper 1-12. Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1 : 500,000. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C, Feb. 1932. 20.2X45.8 in. t 40c., Coast and Geodetic Survey. C 23.10/3 : 1-12 CENSUS BUREAU Ammunition. 15th census of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929, indus- try series, ammunition and related products, explo.sives, firearms, fireworks. 1932. iv-|-12 p. 4° [Prepared under supervision of LeVerne Beales, chief statistician for manufactures, and James O. Reid, in charge of work on chemicals and allied products group of industries.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 31-28178 C 3.37/26 : Am 6 Axmiings. 15th census of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929, industry series, awnings, tents, sails, and canvas covers ; bags, other than paper, not made in textile mills ; belting, other than leather and rubber, not made in textile mills ; cloth sponging and refinishing ; dyeing and finishing textiles ; flags and banners ; haircloth ; horse blankets, fly nets, and related products ; house-furnishing goods, not elsewhere classified ; nets and seines ; regalia, badges, and emblems; upholstering materials, not elsewhere classified; waste. 1932. vi+34 p. 4° [Prepared under supervision of LeVenie Beales, chief statistician for manufactures, and Arthur J. Leek, in charge of work on textiles and their products group of industries.] * Paper, 15c. C 3.37/26 : Aw 5 Carriages. 15th census of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929, industry series, carriages, wagons, sleighs, and sleds, and materials ; carriages, wagons, sleighs, and sleds ; carriage, wagon, sleigh, and sled materials. 1932. iv-|-8 p. HoTT to order pnbllcation.s — See Information follcwing: Contents 818 April, 1932 Curriages — Continued. 4" [Prepared under supervision of LeYerne Beales, chief statistician for manufactures, and George W. Fuller, in charge of work on tliese industries.] • Paper, 5c. C 3.37, 26 : C 23/2 Cereals, Prepared, lijth census of United States [1930] : Manufactures. 1929, industry series, cereal preparations, feeds, prepared, for animals and fowls, flour and other grain-mill products. 1932. iv+20 p. 4" [Prepared under su|)ervisioii of LeVern<' Beale-^, chief statistician for manufactures, and Frederick J. Wildman, in charge of work on food and kindred products group of industries.] • Paper, 10c. C 3.37/26 : C 33/2 Clothing. 15th census of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929, industry series, wearing apparel, clothing (except work clothiuu), men's, yuutbs'. and bo.ys', not elsewhere classified ; clothing, men's, buttonholes; clothing, work (including sbeep-lined and blanket-lined work coats, but not including shirts), men's ; clothinfr, women's, not elsewhere classified ; collars, men's : corsets and allied garments ; furnishing goods, men's, not elsewhere classified ; fur goods; gloves and mittens, cloth or cloth and leather combined, made from purchased fabrics; handkerchiefs; shirts; suspenders, garters, and other elastic woven goods, made from purchasetl webbing. 1932. vi — 50 p. 4" [Prepared under supervision of LeVerne Beales, chief statistician for manu- factures, and Arthur J. Leek, in charge of work on textiles and their products group of industries.] ♦Paper, 15c. C 3.37/26 : W 37 Connectimit. 15th census of United States. 1930: Construction industry, 1929, State series, Connecticut, statistics for State, counties, and principal cities. [Revised edition.] 1932. 36 p. il. 4° [Prepared under supervision of Alansoii D. Morehouse, in charge of census of construction, and Mrs. I. Mansfield Spasoff, as.sociate statistician.] * Paper, 10c. L. 0. card 31-28378 C 3.37/21 : C 76/2 Cotton. March report of cotton consumed, on hand, imported, and exported, and active cotton spindles. Apr. 14, 1932. oblong 32° [Preliminary report. This publication is issued in postal card form.] t C 3.21 : 931-932/8 Cotton goods. 15th census of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929. indus- try series, cotton goods, cotton small wares, l:ice goods. 1932. iv-i-2G p. 4° [Prepared under supervision of LeVerue Beales, chief statistician for manu- factures, and Arthur J. Leek, in charge of work on textiles and their products group of industries.] ♦ Paper, 10c. C 3.37/26 :C 82 Cotton.^ced received, crushed, and on hand, and cottonseed products manufac- tured, shippellcations-^See Information follovring Contents 820 April, 1932 New Mexico. 15th census of United States, 1930: Agriculture, New Mexico, statistics by counties, 3d series, type of farm. 1932. 29 p. 11. 4° [Prepared under sui>ervision of William Lane Austin, chief statistician for agriculture, assisted by F. F. Elliott.] ♦ Paper, 5<\ C 3.37/14 : N 42 m Ohio. 15th censu.s of United States, 1930: Drainage of agricultural lands, Ohio, statistics for State and counties. 1932. 14 p. il. 4" [Prepared under supervision of William Lane Austin, chief statistician for agriculture, as- sisted by B. S. Clayton, specialist In drainage.] ♦ Paper, 5c. C 3.37/25: Oh 3 Oils. 15th census of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929, industry series, oils, not made in petroleum refineries, e.ssential oils; oil, cake, and meal, cottonseed: oil, cake, and meal, linseed; oils, not elsewhere classified. 1932. iv+ll p. 4" [Prepared under supervision of LeVerne Beales, chief statis- tician for manufactures, and James Or Reid, in charj^e of work on chemicals and allied products group of industries.] ♦ Paiwr, 5e. C 3.37/26 :OiO Paint. 15th census of Uniten. 15th cen.sus of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929, industry .series, wood distillation and charcoal manufacture. 1932. iv4-5 p. 4' [Prepared under supervision of LeVerne Beales, chief statistician for IImw a1>Ilf>«iil>llcatloiiH — See Informntlon folIoTTlnr Confentn April, 1932 827 Woolson, Lionel M. In Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, patent appeal no. 2995, in re Lionel M. Woolson, Internal combustion engines; brief for commissioner of patents. [1932.] cover-title, 7 p. 4° i C 21.10 :W 887 PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Commerce Department. Supplement to annual List of publications [of Depart- ment of Commerce available for distribution], Mar. 31, 1932. [1932.] 4 p. [Monthly.] f 016.6:932/3 RADIO DIVISION Radio service bulletin, Mar. 31, 1932; no. 180. [1932.] 25 p. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a year. ; foreign subscription 45c. L. C. card 15-26255 C 24.3 : 180 STANDARDS BUREAU Al'CoTwl. Heats of combustion of methyl and ethyl alcohols [with bibliogi-aphy] ; by Frederick D. Rossini. [1932.] cover-title, p. 119-139, il. (Research paper 405.) [From Bureau of Standards journal of research, v. 8, Jan. 1932.] * Paper, 10c. C 13.22/a : 405 Bags. Glassine bags. Mar. 14, 1932. vi-f 10 p. il. (Simplified practice recom- mendation R107-31.) [Title on cover is: Glassine bags, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Oct. 15, 1931.] * Paper, 5c. 013.12/1:107 Bottles. Carbonated beverage bottles. Mar. 14, 1932. v+16 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R123-30.) [Title on cover is: Carbonated beverage bottles, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recom- mendation became effective Sept. 1, 1930.] * Paper, 10c. C 13.12/1 : 123 Commercial products. National directory of commodity specifications, classi- fied and alphabetical lists and brief descriptions of specifications of national recognition ; prepared by Clarence W. Ingels. [Revised edition.] 1932. vi+548 p. large 8° (Miscellaneous publication 130.) [Supersedes Miscel- laneous publication 65.] * Cloth, $1.75. L. C. card 32-26521 C 13.10 : 130 Commercial standards monthly, review of progress in commercial standardiza- tion and simplification, v. 8, no. 10; Apr. 1932. [1932.] cover-title, p. 289-316 il. 4° * Paper, 10c. single copy, $1.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.25. L. C. card 20-26685 C 13.21 : 8/10 Electric railway material. Packaging of overhead electric railway material. Mar. 8, 1932. vi+12 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R65-31.) [Title on cover is : Packaging of overhead electric railway material, elimina- tion of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation be- came effective Oct. 1, 1931.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1 : 65 Foundry patterns of wood (color system for). 2d [edition]. Mar. 22, 1932. ix+8 p. 1 pi. (Commercial standard CS19-32.) [Title on cover is : Foundry patterns of wood (color system for), recorded standard of the industry. Effective date for new production, Feb. 10, 1930.] * Paper, 10c. C 13.20 : 19/2 Journal of research. Bureau of Standards journal of research, v. 6, Jan.-June, 1931, Research papers 259-328. 1931. vii-f 1158-f [1] p. il. 29 pi. 64 p. of pi. [Each Research paper is printed separately in advance and also as a part of a monthly number of the Journal of research. For contents of v. 6, see Monthly catalogues, Jan.-June, 1931, respectively, where contents have been given for single numbers of the Journal of research as issued.] * Cloth, $2.75. C 13.22 : 6/bound ed Same, Apr. 1932; v. 8, no. 4. 1932. [21+445-547 p. il. 2 p. of pi. [Monthly.] * Paper, 40c. single copy, $3.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $3.75. L. C. card 32-26493-26499 C 13.22 : 8/4 Contents. — RP427, Optical requirements of airplane mapping ; by I. C. Gardner. — RP428, Note on moving boundary metbod for measuring transference numbers, pyc- nometer for determining volume cbange occurring at an electrode and its application to HoT»- to order publications — See information folloTvingr Contents 828 April, 1932 Journal of research — Continued. cathode of silver chloride In solution of potassium chloride ; by B. R. Smith. — RP429. Fleld-lntcnslty measurements at frequencies from 285 to 5,400 kilocycles per second ; by S. S. Klrby and K. A. Norton. — Rr4.'i0, Photographic emulsion : Silver ion and hydro- gen ion conc'-ntrations and sensitivity; b\' Burt IJ. Carroll and Donald Hubbard. — [RI*431] Cai>acitance and power factor of mica capacitor as measured at Bureau of Standards and National Physical Laboratory ; by Uarvi-y L. Curtis, C. Matilda Sparks, L. liartRboru, and N. l<\ Aslbury. — Ul'43:i, It-olation and di-terniination of normal heptane and of methylcyclohcxane In a midcontinent petroleum (Including determina- tion of phase (xiuilibrium diagram for condensed system normal heptane-methylcyclo- hexane) [with bibliography] ; by Mildred M. Illcks Bruun and Johannes H. Bruun. — RP433, Spectral erytnenilc reaction of untanned human skin to ultra-violet radiation [with bibliography] ; by W. W. Coblentz, K. Stair, and J. M. Ilogue. Knit underwear (exclusive of rayon). Feb. 27, 1932. iii+49 p. 11. (Ck)mmer- cial standard CS33-32.) [Title on cover i^^: Knit underwear (exclusive of rayon), recorded standard of the industry. Effective date for new production, Jan. 1. 1932.] * Pai)er, 15c. C 13.20 : 33 Publications of Bureau of Standards, monthly list S3; Ai)r. 1, 1932. [1932.] 6 p. t C 13.15 : 83 Standardization. Bibliography on standardization ; [compiled by Anne L. Baden]. Ai)r. 1932. [1]+ 19 p. (Mi?*cellaneous publication 13G.) [Supple- mentary to lists printed in Standards yearbook, 192S, 1929, 1930, and 1931.] ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26470 C 13.10: 136 Technical notes bulletin of Bureau of Standards, Apr. 1932; no. 180. [1932.] p. 33-41. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr. ; foreign subscrip- tion, 45c. L. C. card 25-26527 C 13.13 : 180 Victors' manual of Bureau of Standards, brief account of its history, functions, and laboratory facilities; [by Hugh G. Boutell]. Feb. 27. 1932. ii + 14 p. il. narrow 12° (Miscellaneous publication 134.) [SuiH-rsedes Miscellaneous publication 93.] t L. C. card 32-26433 C 13.10 : 134 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE Bteatnboat Inspection Service bulletin, Apr. 1, 1932; no. 198. [1932.] 2 p. [Monthly.] % L. C. card 15-26679 C 15.10 : 198 CONGRESS Congressional record. Congressional record, proceedings and debates of 1st session of 72d Congress, v. 75, pt. 1 and 2 ; Dec. 7, 1931-Jan. 19, 1932. [Per- manent edition.] 1932. [1] +1-2304 p. il. 4" * Price will be quoted when set is completed. L. C. card 12-36438 X 686-687: 72/1 Note. — In this permanent bound edition, the paging differs from that of the dallv niiniliors, the text being revised, rearranged, and printed without break. The boumi volumes of the Record are sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices will b'- furnished on application for the proceedings and debates of the 71st Congress, Ist-.'-ld sessions, and prior Congresses. Send remittances for the bound volumes to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Stamps and foreign money will not be accepted. Congressional record. 72d Congress, 1st session, v. 75, no. 88-111; Apr. 1-30,19.32. [1932.] 7459-9000+ [50] p. il. 4° X a. 72/1 : 75/88-111 Note. — The Congresslimal record containing the proceedings and debates of Congres- Is Issued dally when Congress Is In session, and indexes thereto are published fort nightly. Tile Record Is sold by the Superintendent of Documents on the following terms Single copy, 3 cents, if riot more than 24 nages, and 1 cent more for each additional "- pages; per month, $1.50, foreign siibscrlj)tinn, $2.r>t). Subscriptions are payable i advance. Prices for the bound volumes of the Record. 71st Congress, lst-3d sessions and ]>rlor Congresses, will be furnished on application. Send remittances to tht- Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Stamps and foreign money will not be accepted. How <(> order iMiliIicntioiis — Soo iiiforiiintiou following Contentit April, 1932 829 Congressional record — Continued. Same, index, \Yitli title, Congressional record index, T2d Congress, 1st session, v. 75, nos. 84-94; Mar. 28-Apr. 9, 1932. [1932.] no. 8; 54+32 p. 4" [Includes History of bills and resolutions.] X/a.72/1 : 75/84-94/iud. Same, v. 75, nos. 95-105; Apr. 11-23, 1932. [1932.] no. 9; 50+37 p. 4" [Includes History of bills and resolutions.] X/a.72/1 : 75/95-105/ ind. PKIVATB LAWS NoTB. — The Office of Historical Adviser, State Department, receives a small supply of the private acts which it distributes free upon application. Privatu [act] 12-14, 72d Congress. FairchUd, Seymcur. H. R. 4390, act for relief of Melissa Isabel Faircbild [widow of Seymour FairchUd]. Approved Apr. 16, 1932. 1 p. (Private 14.) Leach, Dock. H. R. 2285, act for relief of Dock Leach. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Private 12.) : -i , Moncravie, Mrs. Elkabeth. H. R. 3559, act for relief of Elizabeth Moncravie. Ap- proved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Private 13.) PUBLIC LAWS Note. — Public acts in slip form in the first prints may he obtained from the Superin- tendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, at a subscription price of $1.00 for the present .session (72d Congress, 1st session); foreign subscription, $1.25; single copies are usually 5c. ; no. 95, Interiw Department, below, is 10c. Public [act] 6&-101, 72d Congress. Abilene, Tex. H. R. 4515, act extending limit of time within which Parramore Post Numbered 57, American Legion, may construct its memorial building [at Abilene, Tex.], and correcting street location. Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public 88.) Black Biter. H. R. 9301, act to extend times for commencing and completing con- struction of bridge across Black River at or near Pocahontas. Ark. [by Arkansas State Highway Commission]. Approved Apr. 22, 1932. 1 p. (Public 100.) Cataco Creek. H. R. 9453, act to provide preliminary examination of Cataco Creek and its branches in Morgan County, Ala., with view to control of its floods. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public 85.) Coal. S. 3655, act to provide for leasing of segregated coal and asphalt deposits of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indian nations, in Oklahoma, and for extension of time within which purchasers of such deposits may complete payments. [Approved Apr. 21, 1932.] 3 p. (Public 94.) . , . , .. Criminal correspondence. S. 2682, act to amend sec. 5 of criminal code [relating to criminal correspondence with foreign Governments, so as to correct errors in wording of code]. Approved Apr. 22, 1932. 1 p. (Public 96.) District of Columbia. H. R. 9974, act to authorize appointment of public-school employees between meetings of Board of Education. Approved Apr. 22, 1932. 1 p. (Public 101.) S. 1769, act to authorize pay patients to be admitted to contagious-disease ward of Gallinger Municipal Hospital. Approved Apr. 14, 1932. 1 p. (Public 72.) S. 2078, act to amend act to amend act to punish false swearing before trial boards of Metropolitan Police Force and Fire Department of District of Columbia. Approved Apr. 16. 1932. 1 p. (Public 89.) S. 2496, act to permit construction, maintenance, and use of certain pipe lines for petroleum and petroleum products in District of Columbia [by Griffith-Con- sumers Companv]. Approved Apr. 14, 1932. 1 p. (Public 73.) S. 3222, act to amend District of Columbia appropriation act, year ending June 30, 1918 [so as to permit sale of water to Washington Suburban Sanitary Commis- sion for distribution to Maryland]. [Approved Apr. 14, 1932.] 2 p. (Public 74.) S. 3634, act to amend sec. 600 of act of Mar. 3. 1901' (31 Stat. 1284, D. C. code, title 5, sec. 122) [relative to income of educational, religious, and benevolent socie- ties]. Approved Apr. 20. 1932. 1 n. (Public 91.) Flint Creek. H. R. 9452, act to provide preliminary examination of Flint Creek and its branches in Morgan County, Ala., with view to control of its floods. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (PubUc 84.) Flint River. H. R. 9451, act to provide preliminary examination of Flint River, Ala. and Tenn., with view to control of its floods. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public 83.) Hudson River. H. R. 10775, act to extend times for commencing and completing con- struction of bridge across Hudson River at or near Catskill, N. Y. [by State of New York]. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public 87.) Interior Department. H. R. 8397. act making appropriations for Department of In- terior, fiscal year 1933. [Approved Apr. 22, 1932.] 46 p. (Public 95.) La Fayette, Ga. H. R. 132, act to authorize Secretary of War to erect 1 marker for graves of 15 Confederate soldiers killed in action and buried in La Fayette Cemetery at La Fayette, Ga., in lieu of separate markers as now authorized by law. Ap- proved Apr. 16, 1932. 1 p. (Public 90.) Mahoning River. H. R. 8506. act to extend times for commencing and completing con- struction of bridge across Mahoning River at New Castle, Pa. [by State Highway Department of Pennsylvania]. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public 79.) HoTv to order publications — See Information follovt-ms- fontenta 117757— 32— No. 448 3 ¥ 830 April, 1032 Public [act] 66-101. 72d Conpress — Continued. Mtagitsippi River. IT. R. 0066, act tn extend times of rommenclng and comphtiiiL' constructloo of bridijo acro.«s MifisisHlppl River at or near 10th street in Bettendorf, Iowa [by B. F. Pet-k, G. A. Shallbers, C. I. Jcsephson, .1. \V. Bettendorf, A. J. Bus sell, and J. L. Herhtl. Approved Apr. 22. ]9:'.2. 1 p. (Public 98.) 8. 3237, act to legalize bridge across Mississippi Rivir at Grand Rapids, Minn. [being constructed by .Minnesota]. Approved Mar. U'5, 19:i2. 1 p. (Public 66.) MisKOurl River. H. R." 8370, act to extend times for commencing and completing con structlon of bridge across Missouri IMver at or near Arrr)w Rock, Mo. [by St. Loui- Kansas City Short Line Railroad Company]. Approvi-d Apr. 15, 1932. 1 i (Public 76.) H. R. 8394 act to extend times for commenclnK and completlntr construction rf bridge across Missouri River at or near St. Charles. Mo. [by St. Louis-Kansas Clt.v Short Line Railroad Company]. Approved Apr. 15, 1032. 1 p. (Public 77.) H. R. 9143, act to extend times for commencing and completing construction of bridge across Missouri River at or near Ellwwoods, N. Dak. [by North Dakota]. Approved Apr. 22, 1932. 1 p. (Public 99.) Monongaheln River. H. R. 10365, act granting consent of Congress to counties of Fa> ette and Washington, Pa., either jointly or severally, to construct toll bridge acros- Monongahela River at or near Fayette City, Pa. [Approved Apr. 15, 1932.] 2 r (Public 86.) Neio Mexico. S. 1590. act granting public lands to New Mexico for use and benefit of Eastern New Mexico Normal School. Approved Mar. 31. 1932. 1 p. (Public 69.) Orleane Levee District. H. R. S779, net granting lands to board of commissioners of Orleans Levee District in New Orleans, La., for levee and street purposes. Approved Apr. 22, 1932. 1 p. (Public 97.) Pearl River. S. 3836, act to authorize construction of temporary railroad bridge across Pearl River at point In or near northeast quarter section 11. township 10 north, range 8 east, Leake County, Miss, [by Pearl River Valley Lumber Company]. Ap- proved Apr. 8. 1932. 1 p. (Public 71.) Reclamation of land. S. 3706, act for temporary relief of water users on irrigation projects constructed and operated under reclamation law. [Approved Apr. 1, 1932.] 3 p. (Public 70.) Rock River. H. R. 8396, act to extend times for commencing and completing construc- tion of bridge across Rock River at or near Prophetstown, 111. [by Illinois]. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public 78.) St. Francis River. H. R. 9264, act to extend times for commencing and completing construction of free highway bridge across St. Francis River at or near Madison, Ark., on State highway numbered 70 [by Arkansas State Highway Commission]. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public 8l.) — ' — H. R. 9266, act to extend times for commencing and completing construction of bridge across St. Francis River at or near Lake Cify. Ark. [by Arkansas, through its State highway department]. Approved Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (Public 82.) St. Lawrence River. II. R. 483. act to amend act of Mar. 2, 1S97, authorizing c< i structlon and maintenance of bridtre across St. Lawrence River [at or near Uogan- burg, N. Y., by Northern New York Railroad, so as to permit leasing, etc, of saiii bridge by Malone, N. Y., and Cornwall, Canada]. Approved Apr. 15, 1032. l p. (Public 75.) [The Northern New York Railroad was merged with the New York Central Railroad on Oct. 28, 1897.] H. It. 8606. act to extend times for commencing and completing construction of bridge across St. Lawrence River near Alexandria Bay. N. Y. [by New York Develop ment Association, Incorporated]. Approved Apr. 15, 1032. 1 p. (Public 80.) San Francisco Bay. S. •■i282. act to extend times for conimcnciug and completing con- struction of bridge across bay of San Francisco from Rincon Hill district in Sail Francisco by wav of Goat Island to Oakland [by California]. Approved Mar. L'O. 1032. 1 p. (Public «7.) Wichita Indians. S. 1719, act amending act authorizing Wichita and afBliatcd bands of Indians in Oklahoma to submit claims to Court of Claims [so as to remove therefrom limit on lees to be paid attorneys for said Indians]. Approved Apr. 21, 1932. 1 p. (Public 02.) WicMta Reservation. S. 3409, act authorizing Secretary of Interior to sell certain unused Indian cemetery reserves on Wichita Indian Reservation in Oklalioma to provide funds for purcnase of other suitable burial sites for Wichita Lidians nni! affiliated bands. Approved Mar. 28, 1932. 1 p. (Public 68.) Wind River Reservation. S. 3569, act to amend act of May 27, 1930, authorizhiL: npproprl.ition for reconstruction and improvement of road on Shoshone [or Winu River] Indian Reservation, Wyo. Approved Apr. 21, 1932. 1 p. (Public 93.) Public [joint] resolution 15 and 16, 72(1 Congress. Diftrict of Columltia. S. J. Res. 4, Joint resolution for naming of Montgomery Blair portal. Approved Apr. 14, 1932. 1 p. (Public resolution 16.) S. .T. Kes. 47. joint resolution for in>|irovement of Clievy Chase circle with fountain and appropriate landscape treatment. Approved Apr. 8, 1932. 1 p. (Public resolution 16.) CONFERENCE COMMITTEES Afrriculture Department. Appropriations, Department of Agriculture, [fiscal year] 1933, conference report on bill (H. R. 7f>12) nuiking appropriations for Department of Agriculture; submitted by Mr. McNary. Apr. 4, calendar dny Apr. 5, 1932. 4 p. (S. doc, 79, 72d Conp. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. HoiT to order pnbllcatlona— See Infornintlon (olIoiriiiK Coiiuten,tn I April, 1932 g31 OfflK-ej-s, Navy. Appointment as ensigns in the line of Navy of all midship- men who graduate from Naval Academy in 1932, conference report to accom- pany H. R. 8083; submitted by Mr. Vinson of Georgia. Apr. 29, 1932. 3 p (H. rp. 1168, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. GEORGE WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 4 See Washington, George, Commission for Celebration of 200th Anniversary of Birth of. p. 865, ''^HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Appropriations. Supplemental estimate of appropriation, legislative establish- ment, House of Representatives [fiscal year 1932, for stenographic reports of committee hearings]. Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 311, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars of House of Representatives, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 1-30, 1932; no. 87-110. 1932. various paging, large 8° [Daily when House of Representatives is in session] $ Y 1.2 : 1/72-87 to 72-110 Disabled American Veterans of World War. Proceedings of 11th national con- vention. Disabled American Veterans of World War. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., June 22-27, 1931. 1932. ix-t-242 p. 1 por. 2 p. of por. (H. doc. 50, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 20c. Prayers offered by chaplain. James Shera Montgomery, at opening of daily ses- sions of House of Representatives during 70th and 71st Congresses, 1927-31. 1932. iv+215 p. (H. doc. 239, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 20c. L. C. card 32-26538 W^CCOTTNTS COMMITTEE, HOUSE McKinley. Henry C. Jessie McKinley, report to accompany H. Res. 178 [to pay Jessie McKinley, daughter of Henry "tr~^IeKinley, 6 months' compensation and additional amount to defray funeral expenses of said Henry C. McKin- ley] ; submitted by Mr. Warren. Apr. 5, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1007, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Williamson, Milton G. Henrietta Moye Williamson, report to accompany H. Res. 180 [authorizing payment of funeral expenses and compensation to Hen- rietta M. Williamson, widow of Milton C. Williamson, late employee of House] : submitted by Mr. Warren. Apr. 5, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1006, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. AGBICULTUBE COMMITTEE, HOUSE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 1, 1932; no. 5. 1932. 37 p. 4" t Y 4.Ag 8/1 : 72/5 '^Livestock marketing, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session. Mar. 10 and 11, 1932. 1932. " iii-F83 p. (Serial G.) * Paper, 10c. Y 4.Ag 8/1 : L 75/2 Zappone, Almerico. A. Zappone, report to accompany H. R. 10124 [for relief of A. Zappone] ; submitted by Mr. Jones. Apr. 25, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1128, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. APPEOPRIATIONS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Appropriations. Legislative appropriation bill, fiscal year 1933, report to accom- pany H. R. 11267 ; submitted by Mr. Sandlin. Apr. 11, 1932. tS" p. (H. rp. 1036, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. 1^* — Legislative establishment appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, hearings before subcommittee in charge of legislative establishment appropriation bill for 1933, 72d Congress, 1st session. 1932. iiHr-157 p. 1 tab. * Paper, 15c. Y 4.Ap 6/1 : L 52/933 Ho^ to order publications— -See information follo^vlngr Contents i 832 April, 1932 District of Columbia. District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, bearings before Bubcommittee in charge of District of Columbia appro- priation bill for 1933, 72d Congress, 1st session. 1932. ii+1224 p. 'Paper, $1.10. Y 4.Ap G/1 : D 63/933 District of Columbia appropriation bill, fiscal year 1933, r enm -t to ac- company H. R. 1136\; submitted by Mr. Cannon. Apr. 14, 1932. 4l p. (H. rp. 1055, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Pai)er, 5c. Navy Department. Navy Department and naval service appropriation bill, fiiical year 1933, i:ei)ort to accompany H. R. 11452; submitted by Mr. Ayres. Apr. 18, 1932. 42 p. lU. rp. 1081. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. y- Navy Department api>ropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, hearing before subcommittee in charge of Navy Department appropriation bill for 1933, 72d Congress, 1st session. 1932. ii+880 p. 13 tab. 'Paper, $1.00 Y 4.Ap 6/1 : N 22/4/933 J BANKING AND CUBBENCT COMMITTEE, HOUSE Federal home loan banks. Creation of system of Federal home loan banks, / hearings before subcommittee, 72d Congress, session, fin H. R. 7620, to W create Federal home loan banks, to provide for supervision thereof, and for other purjwses, Mar. 16^0, 1932. 1932. 11+427 p. ♦ Paper, 25c. Y 4.B 22/1 : H 75 Federal intermediate credit banks. Amend title 2 of Federal farm loan act [in regard to Federal intermediate credit banks], rgpoit to accompany H. R. .8931; submittetl by Mr. Steagall. Apr. 25, 1932. "r'p. (H. rp. 1125, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. National banks. To amend national banking act and Federal reserve act and to provide guaranty fund for depositors in banks, n^ppr t to accompany H. R. 11362; submitted by Mr. Steagall. Apr. 1!), 1932. 13 p. (H. rp. 1085, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [H. R. 11362 creates the Federal Bank Liquidating Board.] ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26539 Prices. Restoring and maintaining purchiising power of dollar, re^icrt to ac- company H. R. 11499; submitted by Mr. Goldsborough. Apr. 22, 1932. 3 p. (H. i-p. 1103, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Stabilization of commodity prices, hearings before subcommittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 10517. increasing and stabilizing price level of commodities. Mar. 16-29. 1932. 1932. pt. 1, iii4-l-457 p. il. 1 pi. • Paper. 30c. Y 4.B 22/1 : C 73/2/pt. 1 \^ CLAIMS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Alper, Mrs. Irene B. Irene Brand AU^er, report to accompany H. R. 9223 [for relief of Irene Brand Alper] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 4, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1004, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Ames, William II. William H. Amos, rmurt to accompany IT. R. 1S42 [for relief of William H. Amos] ; submitted Tly Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 11, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 1031, 72d Gong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Army. Claims of military perstmnel for damages and loss of private property, reLiort to accomjiany H. R. 8401 [to authorize settlement of individual claims of military personnel for damages to and loss of private property incident to training, practice, operation, or maintenance of Army] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 28, 19.32. 22 p. (H. rp. 1148, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bermi, Sadie. Sadie Bermi, reflprt to accompany H. R. 7040 [for relief of Sadie Bernii]; submitted by Mr. Schafer. Apr. 29, 1032. 2 p. (H. rp. 1163. 72d Cong. 1st 'Paper, 5c. Bess, Peter. Peter Bess, report to accompany H. R. 657 [for relief of Peter Bess] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 8. 1032. 1 p. (H. rp. 1022, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) 'Paper, 5o. HoiT to order pnbllcntlonn — Soe infornintlun fulIoiTlnR Contrnta V nr, April, 1932 833 Bethel Cemetery Co., Presbyterian Church, Harold S. Stubbs, et al., r epor t to accompany H. R. 2217 [for relief of Bethel Cemetery Company, Presbyterian Church, Harold S. Stubbs, George Morgan, Edwai'd Stapp, William .T. Howard, David J. Seacord, Mary L. Mclntire, Emma E. Foard, Herbert C. Hannigan, Sisters of St. Baisl, Edward Bedwell, and Rachel A. Loveless 1 ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 11, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1032, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Bourrie, Joseph E., Company. Joseph E. Bourrie Co., r eqo^- t to accompany H. R. 10113 [authorizing adjustment of claim of Joseph E. Bourrie Com- pany] : submitted by Mr. Schafer. Apr. 29, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1166, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Brayshaio, M. M. Dr. M. M. Brayshaw, r^Efijt to accompany H. R. 3607 [for relief of M. M. Brayshaw] ; submitted by Mr. Swank. Apr. 15, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1075, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Casey, Mrs. Escha TF. Escha Whittington Casey, report to accompany H. R. 6381 [for relief of Escha Whittington Casey] ; 'submitted by Mr. Swank. Apr. 15, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1077, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Castle, Wilmot, Company. Wilmot Castle Co., report to accompany S. 221 [authorizing adjustment of claim of Wilmot Castle Company] ; submitted by Mr. Schafer. Apr. 1, 1932, 3 p. (H. rp. 985, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Central Romana {Inc.), report to accompany H. R. 9338 [authorizing Court of Claims to hear and determine claim of Central Romana (Incorporated), and to render judgment for just compensation] ; submitted by Mr. Miller. Apr, 15, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1073, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Clark, Mrs. Laura J. Laura J. Clark, report to accompany H. R. 8800 [for relief of Laura J. Clark] ; submitted by Mr. Swank. Apr. 1, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 983, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Davis, Clarendon. Estate of Clarendon Davis, report to accompany H. R. 9606 [for relief of estate of Clarendon Davis] ; subrnitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 17, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 1084, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Dawley, Mary E. Mary E. Dawley, report to accompany H. R. 1905 [for relief of Mary E. Dawley] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 4, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 997, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5e. Dongji Itwestment Co. (Ltd.), report to accompany H. R. 2872 [for relief of Dongji Investment Company (Limited)]; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1019, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print.] * Paper, 5c. Drake, Lyman D., jr. Lyman D. Drake, jr., report to accompany H. R. 4973 [for relief of Lyman D. Drake, jr.] ; submitteaby Mr. Black. Apr. 4, 1932. 12 p. (H. rp. 999, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Drake, Ne^s D'A. Nels D'Arcy Drake, report to accompany S. 1096 [for relief of Nels D'Arcy Drake] ; submitted by MrT Clark of North Carolina. Apr. 15, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1071, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Edicards, Clyde W. Clyde W. Edwards, report to accompany H. R. 5801 [for relief of Clyde W. Edwards] ; submitted' by Mr. Christgau. Apr. 25, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1120, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) *Paper, 5c. Edicards, Martha. Martha Edwards et al., report to accompany H. R. 811 [for relief of Martha Edwards, Norfolk Protestant Hospital, and Julian L. Rawls] ; submitted by Mr. Ramspeck. Apr. 15, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1072, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Fain, Frank A. Frank A. Fain, report to accompany H. R. 9435 [for relief of Frank A. Fain] ; submitted by Mr? Clark of North Carolina. Apr. 29, 1982. 5 p. (H. rp. 1165, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Farmers and Merchants National Bank, Gilmer, Tex., report to accompany H. R. 2597 [for relief of Farmers and Merchants NatioTi31 Bank, Gilmer, Tex,] ; submitted by Mr. Swank. Apr. 4, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp, 998, 72d Cong, 1st sess.) * Paper, 5e. HoTV to order publications — See information follo'wins Contents 834 April, 1932 Finney, Adrian M. Adrian M. Finney, rejioit to accompany H. R. 5950 [for relief of Adriam (Andriuu) M. Finney and others] ; submitted by Mr. Christfe'fiu. Apr. 15, lD;i2. 5 p. (H. rp. 1069, 72< I Cong. Ist sees.) •Paper, 5c. Forest Sei-vice. Certain employees of Forest Service, report to accompany S. 968 [for relief of certain employees of Forest Service!; submitted by Mr. Schafer. Apr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 987, 72d Cong. 1st se-ss.) ♦Paper, 5c. Fox, Mary E. Mary Elizabeth Fox, r^jjBirt to accompany H. R. 3727 [for relief of Mary Elizabeth Fox] ; submitted by Mr. Swank. Apr. 25, 1932. 3 p. tH. rp. 1119, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Fracapane, Dominic. Dominic Fracapane, rcBOjt to accompany H. R. 1567 [to reimburse Dominic Fracapane for injuries sustained in accident with Gov- ernment-owned motor truck] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 29, 1932. 2 p. 11. (H. rp. 1100, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Oardintr, Estelle M. Estelle M. Gardiner, reijort to accompany H. R. 5270 [for relief of Estelle M. Gardiner] ; submitted by Mr. Lozler. Apr. 12, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1041, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Oollan, Mrs. Ada B. O. Ad;i B. (Gould) Gollan, rej)ort to accompany H. R. 36^ [for relief of Ada B. (Gould) Gollan] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 27, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1137, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Oran^er, Charles T. Charles T. Granger, report to accompany H. R. 7055 [for relief of Charles T. Granger] ; submitted 6y Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 25. 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1122, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Qreen, Mrs. Lissie M. Lissie Maud Green, report to accompany H. R. 6618 [for relief of Lissie Maud Green] ; submitted by Mr. Clark of North Carolina. Apr. 15, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1070, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Corrected print. 1st print reads incorrectly Lizzie Maud Green instead of Lissie Maud Green.] * Paper, 5c. Griffin, James M. James M. Griffin, report to accompany S. 4166 [for relief of James M. Griffin] ; submitted by Mr. Christgau. Apr. 23, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp, 1111, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hildreth, C. N., jr. C. N. Hildreth, jr., report to accompany H. R. 11461 [for relief of C. N. Hildreth, jr.] ; submitted I5'y Mr. Black. Apr. 25, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1123, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Hin€S, Mrs. Mary B. Mary B. Hines, report to accompany H. R. 7757 [for relief of Mary B. Hines] ; submitted by Mr. Guyer. Apr. 4, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1002, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Pai>er, 5c. Junction City, Ark. First National Bank, Junction City, Ark., report to ac- company H. R. 8216 [for relief of First National Bank, Junction City, Ark.] : submitted by Mr. Boohne. Apr. 1, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 982. 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Kirkland, Weymouth. Weymouth Kirkland and Robert N. Golding, r eport to accompany H. K. 10107 [for relief of Weymouth Kirkland and RoberT N. Golding]; .submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 26. 1932. 8 p. (H. rp. 1132, 72'1 Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Ktunclcs. Horace O. Horace G. Knowles, report to accompany H, R. 4040 [for relief of Horace G. Knowles] ; submitted byMr. Bacon. Apr. 29, 1932. 4 p. (II. IT- 111>1. 72d Cong. 1st ses.s.) * Paper, 5c. Lake Denmark, N. J. Naval ammunition depot. Lake Denmark, N. J., July 1" 1920, report to accompany H. R. 5444 [to provide additional appropriation :i result otreiiivesti^'ation, pursuant to act (45 Stat., p. 2047, pt. 2). for pay ment of claims of persons who suffered property damage, death, or iiersonal injury due to explosions at naval ammunition dei>ot. Lake Denmark, N. J., July 10, 192G] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 4, 1932. 7 p. (II. rp. 1001, 72(1 Cong. •Paper, Tx-. HoTT to order publlcatlonn Sec tnfuriuntlon followiiifc Contentn April, 1932 835 Lake Denmark, N. J. — Continued. Property damage or personal injury due to explosion at naval ammuni- tion depot, Lake Denmark, report to accompany H. R. 5444 [to provide addi- tional appropriation as result of reinvestigation, pureuant to act (45 Stat., p. 2047, pt. 2), for payment of claims of persons who suffered property dam- age, death, or personal injury due to explosions at naval ammunition depot, Lake Denmark, N. J., July 10, 1926] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 8, 1932. 9 p. (H. rp. 1020, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. •Lindley Nurseries {hw.), ve\jQxX to accompany S. 3438 [authorizing adjustment of claim of Lindley Nurseries (Incorporated)]; submitted by Mr. Baldrige. Apr. 14, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1060, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lipuiski, M. X. M. N. Lipinski, report to accompany H. R. 3810 [for relief of M. N. Lipinski] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 18, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 1080, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ■Litfte Rock College, report to accompany S. 1421 [for relief of Little Rock Col- lege. Little Rock, A"rk:] ; submitted by Mr. Miller. Apr. 23, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1108. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. LoJxrt, Mrs. Mary J. Mary Josephine Lobert, reuact to accompany H. R. 7761 [fur relief of Mary Josephine Lobert] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 29, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1164, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Loiter Vein Coal Co., re po. rt to accompany H. R. 6143 [for relief of Lower "Vein Coal Company] : submitted by Mr. Harlan. Apr. 15, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1076, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. MvKee. Howard. Howard McKee, recijrt to accompany H. R. 6275 [for relief of Howard McKee] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 11, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1033. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Mahoney, Mrs. Florence. Florence Mahoney, report to accompany H. R. 3036 [for relief of Florence Mahoney] ; submitted by Mr. Schafer. Apr. 28, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1150, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. MercJuints d Fanners Bank, Junction City, Ark., report to accompany H. R. 9476 [for relief of Merchants and Farmers Bank, Junction City, Ark.] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Boehne. Api-. 1, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 984, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Miller. Lyman L. Lyman L. Miller, repo rt to accompany S. 3504 [for relief of Lyman L. Miller] : submitted by Mr. Miller. Apr. 23, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1110, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Moore. John. John Moore, report to accompany H. R. 5947 [for relief of John Moore] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 25. 1932. 7 p. (H. rp. 1121, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. XD'Brien, Mrs. Delia. Delia O'Brien, rt^jwrt to accompany H. R. 7128 [for relief of Delia O'Brien] : submitted by MrT^Butler. Apr. 12, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1043, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Officers, Army. Relief of certain disbursing officers of Army, settlement of claims approved by War Department, report to accompany H. R. 8403 ; sub- mitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 28, 1932: I2 p. (H. rp. 1149, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Olsen, Harriette. Harriette Olsen, report to accompany S. 1858 [for relief of Harriette Olsen] ; submitted by Mr. Schafer. Apr. 23, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1109, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. O'Shea. Jerry. Jerry O'Shea, report to accompany S. 3536 [for relief of Jerry 0"Shea] ; submitted by Mr. ScEa'fer. Apr. 1, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 988, 72d Cong. Ist sess.) * Paper, 5c. Pitkanen. John. John Pitkanen, report to accompany H. R. 4067 [for relief of John Pitkanen]; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 29, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1162, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. How to order publlcatlonS'^See information folloTVins Contents 836 Aphil, 1932 Recrl, Sard S. Sard S. Reed, iv uprt to accorapany H. R. 5261 [for relief of Sard S. Reed J ; submitted by Mr. Swiink. Apr. 4. iri.T2 2 n ( H. rp. 1000, 72(i Cong. 1st s<'.ss.) • Paper, 5c. Rouse, Mrs. Nanci/ H. Nancy II. lit-u.-r cl ul., ui'vu i" aixoiuiany S. 1357 [for relief of Nancy II. Ronse, Clara II. Siiuinonf, W. II. Hays, Ilallie H. Hamil- ton, and Bradford I*. Hays] : 9ulmiltt«'d by Mr. Clark of North Carolina. Apr. 18, 1932. 8 i». (11. rp. 489, pt. 2, 72d Cong. Lst sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Rycrson, Joseph T., d Son, Incorporated. Joseph T. Rycr.son »& Son Qnc), re- PQiiUo accompany II. R. 10170 [authorizing adjustment of claim of Joseph T. Ryer.sou and Sua (Incorporated)]; submitted by Mr. Miller. Apr. 29, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 11G7, 72d Cong. sess.) * Paper, 5c. Sheldon, Wil iam. William Sheldon, report to accompany H. R. 2810 [for relief of William .Sheldon] : submilted by STfTMiller. Apr. 15, 1932. 2 p. • (H. rp. 1074. 72d Cong. Ist sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Bollom, Alfred. Alfred Solium, repoft to accompany H. R. 10732 [to adjudi- cate claim of Alfred SoUom] ; submitted by Mr. Pittenger. Apr. 11, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1034. 72d Cong, .sess.) * Paper, 5c. BmttMrd, Mrs. Frances. Frances Southard, report to accompany H. R. 7038 [for relief of Frances Southard] ; .submitted by Mr. Schafer. Apr. 8, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1021, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Stern, Benjamin. Benjamin Stern, report to accompany II. R. 8513 [for relief of Benjamin Stern, and Melville A. Stern and Benjamin Stern, as executors under last will and testament of Louis Stern, and Arthur H. Hahlo, as executor under last will and testament of Isaac Stern, for compensation and in settlement of their damages and loss sustained by virtue of lease, in writ- ing, dated Sept. 12, 1919, between said parties and United States, bv Daniel C. Roper] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 20, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 10S6, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Stewart, Bi-nest. Ernest Linwood Stewart, renort to accompany H. R. 589 [for relief of Ernest Linwood Stewart] ; submitted by Mr. Sehafer. Apr. 29, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1159, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Stiles, William T. William T. Stiles, rpjjorf to accompany S. 249 [authorizing adjustment of claim of William T. Stiles] ; submitted by Mr. Guyer. Apr. 23, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1107, 72d Cong. 1st ♦ Paper, 5c. Sumner, Charles W. Charles W. Sumner, repoji to accompany H. R. 913 [for relief of Charles W. Sumner] ; submitted by Mr. Boehne. Apr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 979, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Tampion Marine Iron ^yorks, retiort to accompany II. J. Res. 104 [for relief of Tampico Marine Iron Works] ; .submitted by Mr. Ramspeck. Apr. 23, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 1112, 72d Cong. 1st s^ess.) ♦Paper, 5c. Thcberge, Mrs. Kathenne R. Katherine R. Theberge. repftrt to accompany S. 914 [for relief of Katherine R. Theberge] ; submitted by Mr. Sehafer. Apr. 1, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 986, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Van Camp Sea Food Co. (Inc.), reuoxL to accompany S. 220 [authorizing ad- justment of claim of Van Camp Sea Food Company (Incorporated)]; sub- mitted by Mr. Sch:;fer. Apr. 23, 1932. 3 p. (II. rp. HOC. 72d Cong. Ist sess.) • Paper, 5c. WaltJiers, Ocorgc V. Gei>rge Charles Walthers, report to accompany H. R. 11477 [for relief of George Charles Walthers] : submitted by Mr. Sehafer. Apr. 21, 1932. 10 p. (II. rp. 10S7, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paixr, 5c. Wheeler, Edioard li. Edward B. Wheeler, ropprt to accomjiany II. R. 677S [authorizing reimbursement of Edward B. Wheeler and Slate Investment Company for loss of lands in Mora grant, N. Mex.] ; submitted by Mr. Boehne. Apr. 1, 1932. 3 p. (II. rp. 9S1, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Wilkinii, Frank. Frank Wilkins. report to accompany II. R. 2531 [for relief of Frank Wilkinsl ; submitted by MTTTlark of North Carolina. Apr. 15, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp, 1068, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paix'r, 5c. Tiow to order pnMlontloim — See Informntlon folIOTTlnir Contents April, 1932 837 Worsham, Ludson D. L. D. Worsham, re port to accompany H. R. 3905 [for relief of L. D. Worsham] ; submitted by Mr. Boelme. Apr. 1. 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 980, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, oc. '^COINAGE, WEIGHTS, AND MEASUBES COMMITTEE, HOUSE Post, Wiley. Authorizing award of gold medals to Wiley Post and Harold Gatty, reijort. to accompany S. J. Res. 33 [to authorize the President to award gold medals to Wiley and Harold Gatty in recognition of their achieve- ment in making airplane flight around the world in less than 9 days] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Somers [of New York]. Mar. 31, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 954, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5c. J^ilver. Effect of low silver, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. Res. ^ 72, to investigate cause and effect of present depressed value of silver, Mar. 7-11, 1932. 1932. [pt. 1], ii-f 159 p. 11. * Paper, 10c. Y 4.C 66 : Si 3/4 /pt. 1 ^DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COMMITTEE, HOUSE Boundary. Commission to fix boundary line between District of Columbia and Virginia and confirming certain property rights, r eport to accompany H. R. 10488 ; submitted by Mr. Smith of Virginia. Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. i-p. 1017, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Crmtaincrs. Frozen-food containers,, rppm-t to accompany H. R. 461 [to amend sec. 18 of act to establish standard weights and measures for District of Columbia, to define duties of superintendent of weights, measures, and mar- kets of District of Columbia, and for other purposes, relative to size of con- tainer in which ice cream and similar frozen foods may be sold] ; submitted by Mr. Palmisano. Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1023, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Schools. Appointment of public school employees, report to accompany H. R. 9974 [to authorize appointment of public-school employees between meetings of Board of Education] ; submitted by Mr. Gasque. Apr. 4, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 993, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5e. Securities. To supervise and regulate sale of securities within District of Columbia, r epor t to accompany H. R. 9065 ; submitted by Mr. Bowman. Apr. 30, 1932. 7 pr'(H. rp. 1175, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ygtreet-rail roads. Merger of street railway corporations, hearings before sub- V/ committee on public utilities, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. J. Res. 154, to authorize merger of street-railway coi-porations operating in District of Columbia, Jan. 27-Feb. 18, 1932. 1932. ii+92 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.D 63/1 : St 8/9 Merger of street railways in District of Columbia, report to accompany H. J. Res. 154 [to authorize merger of street-railway corporations operating in District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. Black. Apr. 9, 1932. 10 p. ( H. rp. 1030, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5e. Streets. Extension and widening of Michigan avenue, r ejort to accompany H. R. 10489 ; submitted by Mr. Patman. Apr. 8, 1932. 2 pT^H. rp. 1018, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. V ECONOMY COMMITTEE, HOUSE District of Columbia. To suspend further operations in connection with con- struction of heating plant in West Potomac Park. ];gport to accompanv H. R. 11208; submitted by Mr. McDuffie. Apr. 8, 1932. l^p. (H. rp. 1027, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5e. Finance. To effect economies in National Government, r eport to accompany H. R. 11597 ; submitted by Mr. McDuffie. Apr. 25, 1932. 27 p. (H. rp. 1126, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26540 How to order publications — See information following Contents 838 April, 1932 Intrrtintionnl Water Commifoiion, United States and Mexico. To Inter- national Water Commission and to transfer its functions to International Boundary Commission, rejjort to accompany H. R. 11206; submitted by Mr. McDuffle. Apr. 8, 10.32. 1 p. (H. rp. 1025, 72a Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Taper, 5c. Public printing. To reduce expenditures during fiscal year 1933 by reducing sums available for printing and binding and stationery, and for other pur- poses, report to accomi)any H. R. 11205 ; submitted by Mr. MiDuffie. Apr. 8, 1932. 2 t*r (H. rp. 1024, 72d Cong. 1st ♦ Paper, 5c. Steamboat Inspection Service. To consolidate and coordinate Steamboat Inspec- tion Service and Bureau of Navigation [in bureau to be known as Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat In.«;pection], report to accompany H. R. 11207; submitted by Mr. McDuffle. Apr. 8, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1026, 72d Cong. Ist sess.) ♦ Paper, oc. # EXECnONS COMMITTEB NO. 2, HOU8E Contested elections. Charles O'Connor v. Wesley E. Disney, arguments and hearings in contested election case of Charles O'Connor v. Wesley B. Disney, 1st Congressional district of Oklahoma, 72d Congress, 1st session. 1932. ii+83 p. ♦ Paper, 10c. Y 4.E1 2/2 : Oc 5 ■' BSPEKDITURE8 IN EKEXIUTIVE DEPARTMENTS COMMITTEE, HOUSE / Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, Apr. 9, 1932; no. 7. 1932. 24 p. 4° t Y 4.Ex 7/13 : 72/7 ivil service. Consolidation of ix^rsonnel agencies, hearings on H. R. S389, to consolidate and coordinate certain governmental activities affecting civil service of United States, 72d Congress, 1st session. 1932. iii+99 p. [H. R. 8389 provides for the consolidation of Civil Service Commission, Employees' Compensation Commis.sion, Personnel Classification Board, and part of Vet- erans' Administration into an establishment to be known as Civil Service Administration.] * Paper, 10c. Y 4.Ex 7/13 : P 43 Public Works Administration. Establish Public Works Administration, r^gort to accompany H. R. 11011 [to establish Public Works Administration and transfer to and consolidate and coordinate therein all public works activities of Government] ; submitted by Mr. Cochran of Misfjouri, Apr. 4, 1932. 7 p. (H. rp. 989, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Includes minority views.] * Paper, 5c. Public Works Administration, hearings on H. R. 6665 and H. R. 6670, bills to establish Public Works Administration and to transfer to and consolidate and coordinate therein all public works activities of Government, 72d Con- gress, 1st session. ia32. iii+227 p. ♦ Paper, 15c. Y 4.Ex 7/13 : P 96/2 ■^ FLOOD CONTROL COMMITTEE), HOUSE Colorado River. Palo Verde, Calif.. reBCu;t- to accompany H. R. 11183 [for emergency relief of Palo Verde Valley, Calif., from overflow and destruction by Colorado River flomls] ; submitted by Mr. WiLson. Apr. 15, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1062, 72d Cong. 1st [Corrected print. 1st print reads Incor- rectly H. R. 11182 instead of H. R. 11183.] ♦ Paper, 5c. Foreign affairs committee, house Jnternntional Congress of Architects, rej^ort to accompany 11. R. 9892 [to provide that United States extend to fxiroTgn Governments invitation to par- tici])ato in Intirnaticmal Congress of Architects to l»e held in United States during calendar year 1933, and to authorize appropriation to assist in meet- ing expenses of session] ; submitted by -Mr. Llnthicuni. Apr. 22, 1932. 3 p. (11. rp. 1105, 72d Cong. 1st ♦ Paper, 5c. Munitions. Agreement renouncing sale or export of arms, munitions, or im- plements of war to any foreign nation, minority rejuirt to accompany H. J. Res. 282 [to propose multilateral agrecnu'ut ronouiuT^ig sale or export of How - 1093, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, !3c. 'Y^ Railroads. Regulation of railroad holding companies, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 9059. to amend sec. 5 of interstate commerce act, as amended, relating to consolidation and acquisition of control of carriers by railroad, Feb. 17-Mar. 24, 1932. 1932. ili+287 p. * Paper, 20c. T4.In 8/4 :R 13/34 HoTV to oril<'r iiiiblicatiuuN — St-e Inforniutlon follo'»vIngr Contentu April, 1932 841 Rio Orande. Bridge across Rio Grande at Boca Chica, Tex., report to accom- pany H. R. 11246 [authorizing Boca Chica Bridge Company ^fo construct bridge across Rio Grande at Boca Chica, Tex.] ; submitted by Mr. Rayburn. Apr. 26, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1134, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Stonington, Conn. Conveyance of land to borough of Stoniugton, Conn., repoi-t to accompany H. R. 10683 ; submitted by Mr. Lonergan. Apr. 21, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. lOM, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. V INVAUD PENSIONS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Pensions and increase of pension to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and certain widows and dependent children of soldiers and sailors of said war, r eport to accompany H. R. 11290 [substituted for H. R. 517 and other bills] ; submitted by Mr. Underwood. Apr. 12. 1932. 248 p. (H. rp. 1038, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 15c. V*ilRI6ATT0N AND RECLAMATION COMMITTEJE^, HOUSE Farmers' Irrigation District. Liquidating Indebtedness of Farmers' Irrigation District, Nebr., r£iio4't to accompany H. R. 10748 [for liquidating bonded and other outstanding indebtedness of Farmers' Irrigation District, Nebr.] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Smith of Idaho. Apr. 21, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1089, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. >/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, HOUSE Admiralty. Amend suits in admiralty act, r eport to accompany H. R. 7238 [to amend sec. 5 of suits in admiralty act] ; submitted by Mr. Montague. Apr. 7, 1932. 5 p. (H. i-p. 1012, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Badges. Prohibit misuse of oflBcial badges, r eport to accompany H. R. 10590; submitted by Mr. Sumners of Texas. Apr. 1271932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1044, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, Apr. 2-30. 1932; no. 11-13. 1932. Each 84 p. or 86 p. 4° $ Y 4. J 89/1 : 72/11-13 Crime and criminals. Fixing time when sentences of Federal prisoners shall begin to run, report to accompany H. R. 10599 [to fix date when sentence of imprisonment shall begin to run, providing when allowance to prisoner of time for good conduct shall begin to run, and further to extend provisions of parole laws] ; submitted by Mr. Sumners of Texas. Mar. 31, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 960, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Criminal cori'espondence. Amend sec. 5 of criminal code, report to accompany S. 2682 [to amend sec. 5 of criminal code, relating to criminalcorresiwndence with foreign Governments, so as to correct errors in wording of code] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Sumners of Texas. Apr. 12, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1045, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Criminal law. To bring down to date Federal criminal conformity act, report to accompany H. R. 10589 [to amend sec. 289 of criminal code] ; submitted tjy Mr. Sumners of Texas. Mar. 31, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 959, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. )/^ Disabled American Veterans of World War. To incorporate Disabled American Veterans of World War, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 4738. 1932. ii+27 p. (Serial 7.) * Paper, 5c. Y 4. J 89/1 : D 63/15 District Courts. Tei-ms of court at Orlando, Fla., report to accompany H. R. 4709 [for establishment of term of district courFTor southern district of fe Florida at Orlando, Fla.] ; submitted by Mr. Dominick. Apr. 13, 1932. 2 p. f (H. rp. 1053, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Times and places of holding court in North Dakota, repact to accompany H. R. 9306 [to amend sec. 99 of judicial code (U. S. C, title 28, sec. 180), as amended] ; submitted by Mr. Dominick. Apr. 13, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp, 1052, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. k HofT to order publications — rSee Information follovrins Contents 842 April, 1932 District Courts — f'oiitinued. To truusfer Lincoln County from Columbia to Winchester division of middle judicial district of Tennessee, repQ.rt to accompany H. R. 10277 ; sub- mittetl by Mr. Browning. Apr. 4, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 994, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. District of Columhia. Providing for additional justice of Court of Appeals of District of Columl)ia, report to accompany H. R. 11336; submitted by Mr. Browning. Apr. 14, 1932": T p. (H. rp. 1057, 72d Cong. 1st ses.s.) * Pai)er, 5-. yFederal Industrial Commussion. Create Federal Industrial Commission, hear- ts iugs, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 5317, Mar. 2, 1932. 1932. iii+44 p. ( Serial 8. ) * Paper, 5c. Y 4. J 89/1 : In 2/7 Qovernment officials and employees. Amend sec. 129 of criminal code, report to accompany H. K. 11057 [to amend sec. 129 of criminal co accompany H. R. 10625 [to permit United States to be made party defendant in certain cases, for clearing title to land in Lenawee County, Mich., mortgage on which was purported to have been given to United States by Joseph W. Brown and Cornelia T. Brown, his wife] ; submitted by Mr. Michener. Apr. 12, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1042, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. McNeill- Allman Construction Co. (Inc.). report to accompany H. R. 6435 [au- thorizing relief of McNeill-Allnian Construction Company (Incorporateil), of W. E. McNeill, Lee Allman, and John Allman. stockholders of McNeill-AIlman Construction Company (Incorporated), and W. E. McNeill, dissolution agent of McNeill-AlIman Construction Company, to sue in Court of Claims] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Dominick. Apr. 13, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1051, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Medicinal liquors, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 293, H. R. 5608, H. R. 5859, H. R. 8077, H. R. 10524. H. J. Res. 28, H. J. Res. 211, relating to prescribing of medicinal liquors, Apr. 6, 1932. 1932. ii+44 p. (Serial 9.) * Paper, 5c. Y 4. J 89 '1 : M 46 Ho^ir to order pabllcatlons— See Information (olloTrlnar Contents J April, 193-2 843 Penal institutions. Making crimes of certain acts and omissions of Federal prison employees, r epor t to accompany H. R. 10640 [to provide for punish- ment of certain crimes against United States] ; submitted by Mr. Sumuers of Texas. Mar. 31, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 961, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Public property. Damage to property of United States, repor t to accompany H. R. 11084 [to amend sec. 35 of criminal code of United States] ; submitted by Mr. Sumners of Texas. Apr. IS, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1079, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Keal estate. Private sale of real estate, repor t to accompany H, R. 6678 [amending sec. 1 of act of Mar. 3. 1893 17r~Stat. L. 751), providing for method of selling real estate under order or decree of any United States court] ; submitted by Mr. Condon. Apr. 15, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1064, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Short seUi}iff of securities, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, ou H. R. 4, H. R. y 4604, H. R. 4638, H. R. 4639, Mar. 4 [and 5], 1932. 1932. [pts. 2, 3, iv]+159- 235 p. il. 'Serial 5, pts. 2 and 3.) [Part 3 is a corrected print.] * Papei; each pt. 5c. Y 4. J 89/1 : Se 2/pt.2,3 Virgin Islands. Extending admiralty laws to Virgin Islands, report to accom- pany S. 418 ; submitted by Mr. Montague. Apr. 22, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1099, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. -/labor committ:ee, housr Labor and laboring classes. Rate of vrages on public works, re^^jxL to accom- pany H. R. 11200 [to provide that prevailing rate of wages shall be paid to laborers and mechanics employed on certain public works of United States, District of Columbia, Territories, and Panama Canal] ; submitted by Mr. Connery. Apr. 9, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1028 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ' LIBEAHY COMMITTEE, HOUSE District of Columbia. Meridian Hill Park, r eport to accompany H. J. Res. 305 [for improvement of Meridian Hill Park in District of Columbia by accepting armillary sphere designed by C. Paul Jennewein to be placed in such park] ; submitted by Mr. Gilbert. Apr. 9, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1029, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Roosevelt, Theodore. Memorial to Theodore Roosevelt, report to accompany S. 290 [to establish memorial to Theodore Roosevelt in IsTational Capital] ; submitted by Mr. Luce. Apr. 15, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1063, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [S. 290 authorizes the acceptance from Roosevelt Memorial Associa- tion of ioialostan Island in Potomac River, said island to be known as Roose- velt Island and administered as natural park.] * Paper, 5c. ' MEECHAXT MABINE, RADIO, AND FISHERIES COMMITTEE, HOUSE Alaska. Protection of fish in Alaska, report to accompany H. R. 6483 [to pro- vide for protection of fish by requiring reports on location of canneries in Alaska, and prohibiting certain salmon unlawfully caught from being brought into United States] ; submitted by Mr. Davis. Apr. 21, 1932. 11 p. (H. rp. 1088, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Includes minority views.] * Paper, 5c. Lighterage. Gambling ship bill, report to accompany S. 2883 [to prevent use of vessels for transporting out of United States ports persons or cargo to vessels anchored, stationed, or standing 3 or more miles offshore for illegal pur- poses] ; submitted by Mr. Davis. Apr. 14, 1932. 8 p. (H. rp. 1058, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Includes minority views signed by Mr. Kading.] * Paper, 5c L.C card 32-26542 — Gambling ships, hearings before subcommittee on navigation laws, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 408 and S. 2883 [l)ills prescribing regulations for carrying on business of lighter service from any of ports of United States to stationary ships or barges located offshore, and for purpose of promoting safety of navigation]. Mar. 29, 1932. 1932. ii+73 p. * Paper, 10c. Y 4.M 53 : G 14 HoiT to order imblications — See information folloTVingr Contents / 844 April, 1932 Lights. Amending navigation rules for Great Lakes, rejjort to accompany S. 390S [to amend act to regulate navigation on Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters, relative to lights on lake steamers] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Davis. Apr, 23, 1932. 2 p. (II. rp. 1117, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Merchant marine. Extend, etc., payments due construction loan fund, rQ^HiTt to accompany H. J. Res. 328 [authorizing Shipping Board to extend, rearrange, or hold in abeyance payments due construction loan fund under certain conditions] ; submitted by Mr. Lehlbach. Apr. 23, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1115, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Radio stations. Amend radio act of 1927, report to accompany H. R. 11155 [to amend radio act of Feb. 23, 1927, as amended (U. S. C, supp. 5, title 47, sec.. 85), so as to make only citizens of United States eligible for to oper- ate radio stations] ; submifte order itultllcntionn-^Soe tnfununtlon (ullo^vliiir Contentn April, 1932 847 O'Neil, John. John O'Neil, r eport to accompany H. R. 5989 [for relief of John O'Neil, alias John William O^il] ; submitted by Mr. Gambrill. Apr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 967, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Parker, Olen H. Olen H. Parker, report to accompany H. R. 9473 [for relief of Olen H. Parker] ; submitted by SlrTDrewry. Apr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 972, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paiier, 5c. Rives, Willium C. WiUiam C. Rives, reiwrt to accompany S. 2058 [for relief of William C. Rives] ; submitted by MfTBlirdick. Apr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 975, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Roloff, Joh7i H. John Huntz Roloff. report to accompany H. R. 9272 [to correct rating of John Huntz Roloff] ; submiFfed by Mr. Burdick. Apr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 971, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bmellow, Mon-is. Transfer of Morris Smellow, report to accompany H. R. 8180 [authorizing the President to transfer and appoint Morris Smellow to grade of passed assistant paymaster, with rank of lieutenant, in Supply Corps, Navy] ; submitted by Mr. Gambrill. Apr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 969, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ^PATENTS C0MMITTE3E, HOUSE ./Vopyriglit. General revision of copyright law, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st ^ session, Feb. 1-Mar. 14, 1932. 1932. iv+574 p. 8 p. of pi. * Paper, 50c. Y 4.P 27/1 : C 79/19 ■ Revision of copyright law, report to accompany H. R. 10976 [to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright and to codify and amend common- law rights of authors in their writings] ; submitted by Mr. Sirovich. Apr. 5, 1932. 43 p. (H. rp. 1008, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26452 s/ POST OFFICE AND POST ROADS COMMITTEE, HOUSE /^ Air mail, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 8390 and 9841, Mar. 1-23, 1932. 1932. iii+207 p. * Paper, 15c. Y 4.P 84/1 : Ai 7/8 Parcel post. Exi)erimental parcel post pick-up service, report to accompany H. R. 11152 [to amend sec. 207 of act approved Feb. 28, 1925, as amended, to promote parcel post service] ; submitted by Mr. Morehead. Apr. 21, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1090, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Parcel post, r eport to accompany S. 621 [to repeal sec. 7 of postal act, approved May 29, 1928, giving authority to Postmaster General to re-form classification, weight limit, rates, and zones of parcel ]5ost] ; submitted by Mr. Morehead. Apr. 21, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1092, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Stamped envelopes, r^gort to accompany H. R. 8576 [to regulate manufacture and sale of stamped envelopes] ; submitted by Mr. Haines. Apr. 19, 1932. 4 p. (H. rp. 1083, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Includes minority views signed by Mr. Lamneck.] * Paper, 5c. s/ PBINTING OOMMITTE3E5, HOUSE Prices. Hearings on stabilization of price level of commodities, reuort to accom- pany H. Res. 188 [for printing additional copies of hearings on bill (H. R. 10517) for increasing and .stabilizing price level of commodities] ; submitted by Mr. Stevenson. Apr. 11, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1035, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GBOUNDS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Dover, N. J. To exchange Federal building site in Dover, N. J., reuort to accompany H. R. 11337; submitted by Mr. Carley. Apr. 21, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1091, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. How to order pnblication tt See information following' Contents 848 Apuii., 1932 PVUI-IC LANDB CXJMMITTEB, HOUSE Arizona. Conveyance to United States of lands in Arizona, r£port to accom- pany H. R. 10920 [to authorize conveyance to United States of lands iu Arizona for use of United States in maintaining air-navigation facilitie?] ; submitted by Mr. Evans of Montana. Apr. 27, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1136, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [The lands to be conveyed are known as Red Rock and Seligman fields and are now occupied by Commerce Department.] * Paper, 5c. Provide for confirmation of selection of lauds by Arizona f-'r benefit of U'nivcrsity of Arizona [said lauds being embraced within Fort Lowell aban- doneti militarv reservation], report to accompany S. 2428; submitted by Mr. Chavez. Apr.' 1.3, 1932. 2 p. jTi. rp. 1049, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Pap«jr, 5c. Fallon, iYei'. Conveyance of lands to Fallon, Nev.. report to accompany S. 3154 ; submitted by Mr. Arentz. Apr. 27, 1932. 2 p. (M. rp. 1140, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5e. Homestead. Extend period of time during which final prdof may be offered by homestead entrvmen, report to accompany H. R. 9591 ; submitted by Mr, Evans of Montana. Apr. 127~l932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1040, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. International Peace Ga7-(len, Jncorijorated. Transfer .sehoy United States in aid of schools, rcuuit to accompany S. 3570 [to amend act contirming in States and Territories title to land granted by United States in aid of (•(•ninion or pul>lii' sciiools] : snbniilled l)y Mr. Colton. Mar. 31. 1932. 3 p. (U. r|). 95G, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hum- to orilt'r piiltlifiitioiiM — See inforuintloii follo'v^'lng: ContentM ^ April, 1932 849 Sprouse, Clive. Clive Sprouse and Robert F. Moore, rejiprt to accompany H. R. 10756 [for relief of Clive Sprouse and Robert F. Iiloore] ; submitted bj' Mr. Col ton. Apr. 27, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1146, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Thornton, Charles R. Authorizing Secretary of Interior to grant patent to lands to Charles R. Thornton, report to accompany S. 2144 ; submitted by Mr. Evans of Montana. Apr. 27, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1139, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. y RIVERS AND HARBORS COMMITTEE, HOUSE yTampa Bay. Tampa and Hillsboro bays, Fla., hearings, 72d Congress, 1st ses- v sion, on subject of improvement of Tampa and Hillsboro bays, Fla., Mar. 23, 1932. 1932. ii+18 p. * Paper, 5e. Y4.R52:T15 y ROADS COMMITTEE, HOUSE corge Washdngton Mcentennial hightcaij. Roads, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 9596, to designate memorial highway to be known as George Washington bicentennial highway, Apr. 14, 1932. 1932. [1]+11 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.R 53/2 : G 29/2 V RULES COMMITTEE, HOUSE Appropriations. Economies in National Government, rej2oj:t to accompany H. Res. 203 [making in order amendments to be offered by Committee on Economy to H. R. 11267, legislative appropriation bill] ; submitted by Mr. Bankhead. Apr. 25, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1127, 72d Cong. Ist sess.) * Paper, 5c. Resolution making in order certain amendments to H. R. 11267, legisla- tive appropriation bill, [to be olfered by Economy Committee] re]X)rt to ac- company H. Res. 190; submitted by Mr. Cox. Apr. 12, 1932. 1 p." (H. rp. 1046, 72d Cong, 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Muscle Shoals. Leasing of Muscle Shoals, report to accompany H. Res. 205 [for consideration of H. R. 11051. to provide"T6r leasing and other utilization of Muscle Shoals properties in interest of national defense and of agricul- ture] : submitted by Mr. Bankhead. Apr. 29, 1932. 1 p. (H. rp. 1169, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * P.iper, 5c. Tariff. Consideration of H. R. 6662 with amendment of Senate, r eport to ac- company H. Res. 195 [relative to concurrence of House in Senate amendment to H. R. 6662, to amend tariff act of 1930, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Pou. Apr. 27, 1932. 1 p. (PI. rp. 1135, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Pa- per, 5c. /territories COMMITTEE, HOUSE y/ Alaska, to repeal certain provisions of Alaska dry law, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 499, Jan. 26-Feb. 16, 1932. 1932. ii+70 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.T 27/1 : Al 1/56 Hawaii. Care of lepers in Hawaii, rej2orl to accompany H. J. Res. 361 [to authorize surgeon general of Public Health Service to make survey as to existing facilities for protection of public health in care and treatment of leprous persons in Hawaii, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Par- sons. Apr. 19, 1932. 5 p. (H. rp. 1082, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5c. L. C. card 32-26544 ^ Use of lapsed Federal-aid funds for building military roads in Hawaii, V hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 5877, Mar. 15 and 22. 1932. 1932. ii+35 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.T 27/1 : H 31/37 '^WAR CLAIMS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Cocke, William J. William J. Cocke, r epor t to accompany H. R. 6283 [for relief Of William J. Cocke] ; submitted by Mr. Cartwright. Apr. 14, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1056, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Dietrich, Edwaj'd. Edward Dietrich, adverse rgpnrt to accompany H. R. 3347 [for relief of Edward Dietrich] ; submitted by Mr. Martin of Oregon. Apr. 13, 1932. 2 p. (H. rp. 1054. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTV to order pnlillcations — See information follo'wingf Contents / 860 April, 1932 Eapolucci, Mrs. Annie M. Annie M. Eopolucci, r eport to accompany H. R. 5150 [for relief of Annie M. EoiX)lucci] : submitted l)y Mr. Martin of Oregon. Apr. 13, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1050, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Lone, John I. John I. Lowe, re port to accompiiny H. R. 3G2G [for relief of John I. Lowe]; submitted by Mr. Hare. M:ir. 31. 11>32. 5 p. (H. rp. 955» 72d Cong. 1st st^s.) * Paper, 5c. McElrath, WiUiam If. William W. McElrath, i:£i»<)rt to accompany H. R. 9915 [to coulor jurisdiction upon Court of Claims to hear, adjudicate, and enter judgment on claim of William W. McElrath against United States for com- pensation for use or manufacture of invention of William W. MoElrath cov- ered by reissue letters patent issued by Patent Office on 19th of February, 1924] r submitted by Mr. Martin of Oregon. Apr. 27, 1932. 4 i>. (H. rp 1143, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) 'Paper, 5c. Union Shipping & Trading Co. (Ltd.), report to accompany S. 2531 [for relief of Union Shipping and Trading Company (Limited)] ; submitted by Mr. Pat- man. Apr. 6, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1011. 72tl Con;,'. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ' WAYS AND MEIANS CoMMn^TEE, HOUSE Calendars. Calendar of assignments for hearings on payment of adjusted com- pensation certificates, no. 1-12; Apr. 11-26, 1932. 1932. various paging, 4° t Y 4.W 3C : 72/l-12/H.R.l,etc. Calendar of bills and resolutions referred to Committee on Ways and Means, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 7. 1932 ; no. 2. 1932. 32 p. 4» t Y 4.W 36 : 72/2 "^ WORLD WAR veterans' LEGISLATION COMMITTEE, HOUBE Army emergency officers' retired list. Amend World War veterans' act, 1924, as amended [so as to provide for apportionment of retired pay of emergency officers under certain circumstances], report to accompany H. R. 7440: sub- mitted by Mr. Fuller. Apr. 23, 1932. 6 p. (H. rp. 1118, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26545 Chanquet, Sophie. Authorizing sale of interest in lands devised to United States by Sophie Chanquet, report to accompany S. 694 ; submitted by Mr. Luce. Apr. 22, 1932. 2 p. (fi. rp. 1104, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hospitals. World War veterans' legislation, hearings before subcommittee, 72d Congress, on hospitalization of veterans in private hospitals. Feb. 2-23, 1932. 1932 iii+103 p. 1 pi. map. ♦ Paper, 10c. Y4.W89:H79/» Life insurance. Amend World War veterans' act, 1924, as amended, regiu-t to accompany H. R. 8173 [to provide for renewal of 5-year level premium term Government insurance policies for additional 5-year period without medical examination] ; submitted by Mr. Cooper of Tennessee. Apr. 27, 1932. 3 p. (H. rp. 1144, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26546 SENATE Calendar of business, Senate, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 1-30, 1932; no. 72-03. 1932. various paging. lari:e 8' [Daily when Senate is in session. The legislative day of Mar. 23 extended through the calendar day Apr. 1 and the legislative day of Apr. 29 extended through the calendar day of Apr. 30.] t Y 1.3: 72/72-93 Capital of United States. Washington, the National Capital [with bibliographi- cal list] ; prepared by H. P. Caenimerer. 1932. xxv-|-736 p. il. 1 pi. 4^^ (S. doc. 332, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) * Cloth, !?3.00. L. C. card 32-26479 Contested elections. Senator from Minnesota, ix?tition of Einar H«)idale con- testing election of Thomas D. Schall as Senator from Minnesota for term be- ginning Mar. 4, 1931, and for other relief: presented liy Mr. Walsh of Mon- tana. 10.32. [n-fll p. (S. doc. 81. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTV to order publication*-— See Information folIowlnK Contents / April, 1932 851 CrtMy, Albert M. Charges against official acts of Judge A. M. Cristy, of Ha- waii, lettei* from Rudolph Bukeley to Senator Kenneth McKellar, transmit- ting certain information concerning charges against Judge A. M. Cristy; presented by Mr. McKellar. 1932. [l]+4_' p. (S. doc 77, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26547 District of Columbia. Annual reports of public utility companies of District of Columbia, year ended Dec. 31, 1931. 1932. iii+llB p. (S. doc. 66, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 15c. L. C. card 14-30633 Employees. Supplemental estimate, legislative establishment. Senate, 1933, sup- plemental estimate of appropriation pertaining to legislative establishment. Senate, fiscal year 1933 [for additional telephone operators]. Apr. 19, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 314, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Nogales, Ariz. Flood control at Nogales, Ariz.-Mexico, letter from Secretary of State to Senator Carl Hayden, transmitting report submitted by L. M. Lawson, American commissioner on International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, in regard to possible construction of works for flood control in vicinity of Nogales. Ariz., and Nogales, Mexico; presented by Mr. Hayden. 1932. v4- 18 p. 11 pi. 3 maps. (S. doc. 44, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26456 /ageiciiltube and fobestey committee, senate Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 11-25, 1932; no. 12-14. 1932. Each 43 p. 4° $ Y 4. Ag 8/2 : 72/12-14 Federal Farm Board. To control salaries under agricultural marketing act, hearings before subcommittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 2493, to amend sec. 2 of agricultural marketing act, relating to salaries of members and en*- ployees [of Federal Farm Board and of cooperative associations, etc., to which loans are made by Board], Mar. 19 and 21, 1932. 1932. iii+110 p. * Paper, 10c. Y 4. Ag 8/2 : Sa 3 Loans. Tornado relief in South, report to accompany S. J. Res. 131 [to provide assistance in rehabilitation of certain storm-stricken areas in United States and in relieving unemployment in such areas, namely in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, and Kentucky] ; submitted by Mr. Bankhead. Apr, 4, calendar day Apr. 5, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp- 508, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Speculation. To provide for investigation into cost of maintaining present sys- tem of future trading in agricultural products, r eport to accompany S. J. Res. 108 [to authorize and direct Secretary of Agriculture to investigate cost of maintaining present system of future trading in agricultural products and to ascertain what classes of citizens bear such cost, and specifically to investi- gate system of dealing in wheat futures and cotton futures and profits and losses resulting from short selling of wheat and cotton] ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Apr. 4. 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 499, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. y APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE, SENATE Interior Department. Interior Department appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, renaut to accompany H. R. 8397 ; submitted by Mr. Smoot. Apr. 7, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 514, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Interior Department appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, supplemental ^ hearings before subcommittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 8397. 1932. ii+128 p. * Paper, 10c. Y 4. Ap 6/2 : In 8/933-2 State Department. Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor ap- propriation bill, [fiscal year] 1933, reiio** to accompany H. R. 9349 ; submitted by Mr. Jones. Apr. 11, 1932. 12 p. (S. rp. 547, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Pa- per, 5c. Hon- to order publications — See information folloTVIng Contents 852 April, 1932 ^-BANKINO AND CUKBBNOY COMMITTEE, SEITATE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 15, 1932; no. 2. 1932. 15 p. 4° t Y 4. B 22/3 : 72/2 Federal intermediate credit banks, r cuor t to accompany S. 2409 [to amend title 2 of Federal farm loan act in rogardlo Fetleral intermediate credit banks] ; submitted by Mr. Steiwer. Apr. 18, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 570, 72d Cong. Ist sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Federal reserve b(inks. Operation of national and Federal re.serve banking sys- tems, reijort [and minority views] to accompany S. 4412 [to provide for safer and more effective use of assets of Federal reserve banks and of national banking associations, to regulate interbank conti'ol, to prevent undue diver- sion of funds into speculative operations, and for other purposes]. [2 pts.] (S. rp. 584, 2 pts., 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [S. 4412 creates the Federal Open Market Committee and the Federal Liquidating Corporation.] L. C. card 32-26548 [pt. 1.] Roport ; submitted by Mr. Glass. Apr. 22, 193*2. 16 p. ♦Paper. 5c. pt. 2. Minority views; submitted by Mr. Norbeek. Apr. 29, calindar duy Apr. 30, 1032. 7 p. [Corrected print.] * Paper, 5c. National banks. Taxation on national bank shares, report to accompany S. 4291 [to amend sec. 5219, Revised statutes, as amendchT; submitted by Mr. Norbeck. Apr. 26, calendar day Apr. 30, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 025, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26549 "^ CLAIMS COMMITTEE, SENATE Bayer, Frank. Frank Bayer, r^jjjort to accompany H. R. 5272 [for relief of Frank Bayer]; submitted by Mr. Capper. Apr. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 524, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bellotos, G. B. C. B. Bellows, regort to accompany H. R. 615 [for relief of C. B. Bellows] ; submitted by :\rrTCapper. Apr, 25, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 608, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bennett, Charles C. Charles C. Bennett, repo rt to accompany S. 1673 [for relief of Charles C. Bennett] ; submitted by5lr. Howell. Apr. 25, calendat day Apr. 28, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 616, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Casey, George E. George E. Casey, report to accompany H. R. 4808 [for relief of George E. Casey] ; submitted bSHHr. Brookhart. Apr. 11, calendar day Apr. 14, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 559, 72d Cong. 1st soss.) * Paper. 5c. Corcoran, John J. John. J. Corcoran, rept>rt to accompany S. 903 [for veWeS. of John J. Corcoran] ; submitted by mt. Townsend. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. S, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 532. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Davis, Samuel C. Samuel C. Davis, roport to accompany S. 1705 [for relief of Samuel C. Davis] ; submitted by T^. Townsend. Mar. 23, calendar day Apr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 490, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Englar, Francis. Fi-ancis Engler, report to accompany H. R. 20S6 [for relief of Francis Engler] ; submitted byAlr. Townsend. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 8 p. (S. rp. 535, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Fekete, Stei'e. Steve Fekete, report to accompany H. R. 5259 [for relief of Steve Fekete] ; submitted by arrT^hite. Apr. 11. calendar day Apr. 14, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 558, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. Firemen's Fund Insurance Co., i^eBprt to ac- company H. R. 3373 [for relief of Fireman's Fund In-^jurance Company] ; sub- mitted by .Mr. Capi>er. Apr. 7. 19.32. 4 p. ( S. rp. 521, 7LM Con-. 1st ."sess.) * Paper, 5c. Francis, Mrs. Nellie. Nellie Francis, i»p«Tt to accompany S. 3386 [for relief of Nellie Francis, widow of William T. Francis] ; submitted by Mr. Townsend. Apr. 7. calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 531, 72d Cong. 1st soss.) ♦ Paper. 5c. Ho'w to order pnl»llcntloii« — Soe Infonnntlon foIlA'WlnHr Content* April, 1932 853 Franzel, Peter P. Estate of Peter Paul Franzel. rejTfiijt to accompany S. 1586 [for relief of estate of Peter Paul Franzel] ; submitted by Mr. Bailev. Apr, 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 518, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Gonzales, Albert. Albert Gonzales, repoi:t to accompany S. 1594 [for relief of Albert Gonzales]; submitted by Mrr-^oolidge. Apr. 29, 1932. 6 p. (S. rp. 619, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5e. Grina Bros., report to accompany H. R. 1231 [for relief of Grina Brothers] ; submitted by Mr. Brookliart. Apr. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 525, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Grounds, Hamilton. Hamilton Grounds, report to accompany S. 660 [for relief of Hamilton Grounds] ; submitted by MT*. White. Apr. 11, calendar day Apr. 14, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 556, 72^1 Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hollis, Mrs. Alvina. Alvina Hollis, report to accompany H. R. 1768 [for relief of Alvina Hollis] ; submitted by MrrBtookhart. Apr. 7. 1932. 6 p. (S. rp. 526, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lamhin, Charles. Charles Lamkin. rieport to accompany H. R. 2704 [for relief of Charles Lamkin] ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 610, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lelide & Schoenhut, report to accompany H. R. 1202 [for relief of Lehde and Schoenhut] ; submitted by Mr. Townsend. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 534, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Mirahelli, Pasqiiale. Pasquale Mirabelli, report to accompany H. R. 4453 [for relief of Pasquale Mirabelli] : submitteff^Fy; Mr. Logan. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 613, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Mission, Tex. First State Bank & Trust Co. of Mission, Tex., report to accom- pany H. R. 3953 [for relief of First State Bank and Trust Company of Mission, Tex.] ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Apr. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 522, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Moran, Carroll K. Carroll K. Moran, reg0£t to accompany H. R. 4270 [for relief of Carroll K. Moran] ; submitted I^Tklr. Townsend. Apr, 25, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 612, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5c. Moynilian, J. P. J. P. Moynihan, report to accompany H. R. 8691 [for relief of J. P. Moynihan] ; submitted bv MfTTapper. Apr. 25. calendar day Apr. 28, 1932, 2 p. (S. rp. 611, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c, Plainer, Alton B. Alton B. Platner, report to accompany H, R, 4329 [for relief of Alton B. Platner] ; submitted by TCrfr Capper. Apr. 7, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 523, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Ross, G. Carroll. G. Carroll Ross, report to accompany H. R. 1554 [for relief of G. Carroll Ross] ; submitted -by Mf. Capjper. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 609, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Shirley, W. J. W. J. Shirley, report to accompany H. R. 3265 [for relief of W. J. Shirley] ; submitted by Mr.' Brookhart. Apr. 11. calendar day Apr. 14, 1932. 2 p, (S. rp, 560, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Spearin, George B. Estate of George B. Spearin, report to accompany S. 1271 [for relief of estate of George B. Spearin] ; submined by Mr. Coolidge. Apr. 11, calendar day Apr. 14, 1932. 3 p. (S, rp. 561, 72d Cong, 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Sullivan, Mrs. Helen P. Helen Patricia Sullivan, report to accompany H. R. 3909 [for relief of Helen Patricia Sullivan] ; submiTOd by Mr. White. Apr. 11, calendar day Apr. 14, 1932. 6 p. (S. rp. 557, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wall, George W. G. W. Wall, re^Qit to accompany H. R. 882 [for relief of G. W. Wall] ; submitted by ]\fi\ Townsend. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 533, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTT to order pnWicatloiiB— See information follorringr Content* / y 854 April, 1932 Wight, Mrs. Clara E. Clara E. Wight, to accompany H. R. 3580 [for relief of Clara E. Wight] ; .submitted bj- Mr. White. Apr. 11, caleudar day Apr. 14. 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 555, 72d Cong, sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wills Point, Tex. State National Bank of Wills Point, Tex., reiKJrt to accom- pany H. R, 2594 I for relief of State National Bank of Wills I'oint, Tex. J ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Apr. 7, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 519, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. M^irkkula, Mrs. Senelma. Senelma W^irkkula, rejjort to accompany H. R. 1770 [for relief of Senelma Wirkkula, also known as Selma Wirkkula, Alice Marie Wirkkula, and Bernice Elaine Wirkkula] ; submitted by Mr. Logan. Apr. 7, 1932. 9 p. (S. rp. 520, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [H. R. 1770 provides for relief of Senelma Wirkkula only.] * Paper, 5c. ' OOHMEBCB COMMITTEE, BENATB Amelia Island. Disposal of portion of Amelia Island lighthouse reservation, Fernandina, Fla., i:g£ort to accompany S. 4195 [to authorize Fernandina, Fla., under certain conditions, to dispose of portion of Amelia Island light- house reservation] ; submitted by Mr. Fletcher. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 31, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 493, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Black River. Bridge across Black River at or near Pocahontas, Ark., i :epQr t to accompany H. R. 9301 [to extend times for commencing and completing con- struction of bridge across Black River at or near Pocahontas, Ark., by Arkansas State Highway Commission] ; submitted by Mr. Vaudenberg. Apr. 4, calendar day Apr. 6, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 511, 72d Cong., 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 7-28, 1932; no. 15-18. 1932. Each 47 p. 4" X Y 4.C 73/2 : 72/15-18 Coasting-trade. Intercoastal shipping act, 1932, hearings before subcommittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 3G43, amending shipping act, 1916, as amended, for purijose of further regulating common carriers by water in interstate com- merce of United States engaged in transportation by way of Panama Caual, Apr. 8, 1932. 1932. iv+127 p. [Corrected print.] » Pai>er, lOe. Y 4.C 73/2 : Sh 6/11 Regulating carriers by water, rijioi^t to accompany S. 4491 [amending shipping act, 1916, as amended, for purpose of further regulating common car- riers by water in interstate commerce of United States engaged in transporta- tion by way of Panama Canal, by providing for filing with Shipping Board of actual rates, etc., to be charged all shippers] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 2S, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 615, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ■Colorado River. Emergency relief of Palo Verde Valley, Calif, [from overflow and destruction by Colorado River floods], report to accompany S. 4443; sub- mitted by Mr. Johnson. Apr. 25, calendar Say Apr. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 614, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Employment Service. National and State employment service, hearings, 72d Congiess, 1st session, pursuant to S. 2087, to provide for establishment of national employment system and for cooperation with States in promotion of such ."system, Mar. 24-31, 1932. 1932. iii-|-170 p. [S. 2087 provides for cre- ation in Labor Department of a bureau to be known as the United States Employment Service and the abolition of the Employment Service now exist- ing in Labor Department. Corrected print. 1st ]irint has 171 pages.] ♦Paper, 10c. Y 4.C 73/2 : Em 7/2 National and State employment service, r epor t to a«ionipany S. 2GST [to provide for establishment of mitit)nal employment system and for cooixn-ation with States in promotion of such system] ; submitted by Mr. Copeland. Apr. 22, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 589 [pt. 1], 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26550 Uofv to order pnblicatloua— See tutormatlon folloTviiiK Content* April, 1932 855 Halibut. Northern Pacific halibut fishery, report to accompany H. R. 8084 [for protection of northern Pacific halibut fishery] ; submitted by Mr. Johnson. Apr. 11, 1932. 6 p. (S. rp. 549, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lo'bsters. Conservation and regulation of interstate transportation of lobsters, • hearing before subcommittee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 2370, Mar. 1, 1932. ^ 1932. iii+102 p. [Corrected print. 1st print has 105 pages.] ♦ Paper, 10c. Y 4.C 73/2 : L 78 Mississippi River. Bridge across Mississippi River at or near 10th street in Bettendorf, Iowa, rejgort to accompany H. R. 9066 [to extend times for com- mencing and completing construction of bridge across Mississippi River at or near 10th street in Bettendorf, Iowa, by B. F. Peek, G. A. Shallberg, C. I. Josephson, J. W. Bettendorf, A. J. Russell, and J. L. Hecht] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Apr. 11, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 550, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Missouri River. Bridge across Missouri River at or near Elbowoods, N. Dak., re^Q^t to accompany H. R. 9143 [to extend times for commencing and com- pleting construction of bridge across Missouri River at or near Elbowoods, N. Dak., by North Dakota] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Apr. 4, calendar day Apr. 6, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 510, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bridge across Missouri River at or near Farnam street, Omaha, Nebr., re£oj;t to accompany S. 4401 [to extend times for commencing and completing construction of bridge across Missouri River at or near Farnam street, Omaha, Nebr.. by Omaha-Council Bluffs Missouri River Bridge Board of Trustees] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 27, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 604, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bridge across Missouri River at or near O'Hem street. South Omaha, Nebr., recQit to accompany H. R. 10159 [to extend times for commencing and completing construction of bridge across Missouri River at or near O'Hem street. South Omaha, Nebr., by Omaha, Nebr., and Council Bluffs, Iowa, and counties of Douglas, Nebr., and Pottawattamie, Iowa] ; submitted by Mr. Van- denberg. Apr. 4, calendar day Apr. 6, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 513, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Bridge across Missouri River at or near Randolph, Mo., r epor t to accom- pany S. 2967 [to extend times for commencing and completing construction of bridge across Missouri River at or near Randolph, Mo., by Kansas City South- ern Railway Company] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 618, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Morris, Caroline. To remove cloud on title of land in Corpus Christi, Tex. [and to convey same by quitclaim deed to Caroline Morris], rg poy t to accompany S. 3830; submitted by Mr. Sheppard. Apr. 7, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 515, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5e. PuMic Health Service. Authorizing telephone service in Government-controlled buildings on Public Health Service stations, recent to accompany S. 4252 : submitted by Mr. Johnson. Mar. 23, calendar day Mar. 31, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 492, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Radio statio-iis. To amend act of Feb. 23, 1927, as amended (U. S. C, title 47, sec. 85) [so as to make only citizens of United States eligible for licenses to operate radio stations], repflij to accompany S. 4286; submitted by Mr. John- son. Apr. 11, calendar day Apr. 15, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 567, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. St. Lawrence River. Bridge across St. Lawrence River at or near Hogausburg, N. Y., report to accompany H. R. 483 [to amend act of Mar. 2, 1897, author- izing construction and maintenance of bridge across St. Lawrence River at or near Hogansburg, N. Y., by Northern New York Railroad, so as to permit leasing, etc., of said bridge by Malone, N. Y., and Cornwall, Canada] ; submit- ted by Mr. Vandenberg. Mar. 23, calendar day Apr. 1, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 497, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [The Northern New York Railroad was merged with the New York Central Railroad on Oct. 28, 1897.] * Paper, 5c. Ho^v to order publications— See inforiuation folloTTiiig" Contents y 856 April, 1932 Savannah River. Bridge across Savannah River at or near Burtons Ferry, near Sylvanla, Ga., reCQTt to accompany H. R. 10088 [to revive and reenact act authorizing South Carolina and Georgia State highway departments to <-(iii.sini(t toll Itridjro arross Savaniiali lliver al <>r near Burtons Ferry, near Sylvania, Ga.] ; submitted by Mr. Vandenberg. Apr. 4, calendar day Apr. 6, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 512, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Smiths Creeh; Wilmington, N. C, letter from chief of engineers, Army, to chairui:in of Committee on Commerce, Senate, submittinir review of report on Smiths Creek, in vicinity of Wilmington, N. C, submitted to Congress Jan. 18, 3928; presented by Mr. Jolinson. Dec. 17, 1931. 14 p. map. (S. doc. 2.3, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. Virgin Islands Amending merchant marine act as applied to Virgin I^ands, report to accompany S. 3950 [to amend sec. 21 of act to provide for promo- tion and maintenance of American mercliant marine, to repeal certain emer- gency legislation and provide for disposition, regulation, and use of property acquired thereunder, as applied to Virgin Lslands] ; submitted by Mr. Jolm.soii. Mar. 23. calendar day Mar. 31, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 491, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [S. 3950 relates to extending coastwise laws of United States to Virgin Islands.] ♦ Paper, 5c. >^DI8TRI0T OF OOI-UMBIA COMMITTEE, SENATE Alleys. Closing of certain alleys in District of Columbia, i;eport to accompany S. 3929 [to authorize commissioners of District of ColumMTT to close certain alleys and to set aside land owned by District of Columbia for alley pur- poses] ; submitted by Mr. Kean. Apr. 22, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 587, 72d Cong, 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 14, 1932; no. 6. 1931 [1932]. 19 p. 4" t Y 4. D 63/2 : 72/6 /Child labor. Use of children in theatrical productions, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 3448, to amend act to regulate employment of minors within District of Columbia, Mar. 15, 1932. 1932. iii+91 p. * Paper, 10c. Y 4.D 63/2 : C 43/2' Children. Qualifications for relief under act providing home care for dependent children in District of Columbia, report to accompany S. 4038 [to amend sec. 1 of act to provide home care for dependent childi'en in District of Columbia, so as to lengthen required period of residence in District of applicant for assistance before aid may be provided] ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Apr. 4. 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 500, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Firearms. To control sale of firearms in District of Columbia, reuort to accom- pany H. R. 87.'")4 [to control possession, sale, transfer, and use of pistols and other dangerous weapons in District of Columbia, to provide penalties, to prescribe rules of evidence, and for other purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Capper. Apr. 19, 1932. 11 p. (S. rp. 575, 72(1 Cong, l.-^t sess.^ * Paper, He. Lawyers. Qualifications of practitioners of law in District of Columbia, leoQTt to accompany S. 3223 ; submitted by Mr. King. Apr. 11. calendar day Apr. 13, 1932. 11 p. (S. rp. 55.4, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Motor-vehicles. Issuance of Congressional automobile tags to certain oflJcials of Congress, rep4M;t to accompany S. 4123 [to amend District of Columbia trafl^c acts, as amended] ; submitted by Mr. Copeland. Apr. 19. 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 572, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. National Society of Colonial Dames of America. Tax exemption of property used by Colonial Dames of America In District of Columbia, reagrt to accompany S. 570: submitted l)y Mr. Tydings. Apr. 22, 19:^2. 4 p. (S. rp. 590, 72d rv>ng. 1st .sess.) ♦Paper, 5c riumhivtj. Regulation of i)lnmbing and gas fitting In District of Columbia, report^to accompany S. 3400 [to amend act to regulate plumbing and gas fitting in District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. Austin. Apr. 7, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 510, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Ho^T to order pnbllcntlonii— See inforination foIloTvInf Contentn April, 1932 857 Public works. Contracts for construction and repair work of District of Colum- bia, recfixt to accompany S. 3472 [to amend act approved June 26, 1912, mak- ing appropriations for expenses of District of Columbia, fiscal year 1913, so as to liberalize certain restrictions connected with contracts for construction and repair work] ; submitted by Mr. Austin. Apr. 7, 1932. 3 p. (S. i-p, 517, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Street-railroads. Merger of street-railway corporations in District of Columbia, minority re^rt to accompany S. J. Res. 13 [to authorize merger of street- railway corporations operating in District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. Capper and Mr. Blaine. Apr. 4, calendar day Apr. 5, 1932. 11 p. (S. rp. 475, pt. 2, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. streets. Closing of certain streets and alleys in District of Columbia, report to accompany S. 4106; submitted by Mr. Kean. Apr. 19, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 577, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Closing of streets in District of Columbia, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st > session, on S. 3532, to authorize commissioners of District of Columbia to ^ readjust and close streets, roads, highways, or alleys in District of Columbia rendered useless or unnecessary. Mar. 11, 1932. 1932. iii+42 p. il. * Paper. 5c. Y 4.D 63/2 : St 8/10 Extension and widening of Michigan avenue in District of Columbia, re port to accompany S. 4039; submitted by Mr. Kean. Apr. 4, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 501, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. — "— To close Quintana place in District of Columbia, report to accompany S. 3911 [to authorize commissioners of District of Columbia to close Quintana place, between 7th street and 7th place northwest] ; submitted by Mr. Kean. Apr. 18, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 576, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Taxipabs. Financial responsibility of taxicab owners, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 99, to amend sec. 8 of act making appropriations for District of Columbia, fiscal year 1914, Mar. 2, 1932. 1932. iii-f45 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.D 63/2 : T 19/3 Financial responsibility of taxicab owners in District of Columbia, renflft to accompany S. 99 [to amend sec. 8 of act making appropriations for Dis- trict of Columbia, fiscal year 1914] ; submitted by Mr. Kean. Apr. 29, cal- endar day Apr. 30, 1932. 6 p. (S. rp. 624, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. ^'^UCATION AND LABOR COMMITTEE, SENATE Jjabor and laboring classes. Rates of wages paid for labor on public buildings, r eport to accompany S. 3847 [to amend act approved Mar. 3, 1931, relating to rate of wages for laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on public buildings, so as to provide that prevailing rate of wages shall be paid to laborers and mechanics employed on certain public works of United States and District of Columbia] ; submitted by Mr. Cope- land for Senator Metcalf. Apr. 4, calendar day Apr. 6, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 509, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. / FINANCE COMMITTEiE, SENATE ■Calendar of assignments for hearings on revenue bill of 1932, Apr. 6-22, 1932: no. 1-12. Apr. 6-22, 1932. 1932. various paging, 4° $ Y 4.F 49 : 72/1-12/H. R. 10236 Jjife insurance. Suits on veterans' insurance contracts, hearing before sub- committee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 2324, to extend time for allowing suits on insurance contracts under sec. 19 of World War veterans' act, 1924, as amended, S. 2440, to amend sec. 19 of World War veterans' act, 1924, as amended (relating to suits on insurance claims), and S. 3591, to amend World War veterans" act, 1924, as amended. Mar. 16, 1932. 1932. ii-f 20 p. ♦Paper, 5c. Y4.F49:V64/5 How to order publications — See information following: Contents J 858 April. 1932 ^ FOREIGN REI^ATIONS COMMITTEE, SENATE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, Apr. 28, 1932; no. 6. 1932. 30 p. 4° X Y4.B"76/2:72/ft Narcotics. Interniitional convention for limiting manufacture and regulating distribution of narcotic drugs [resiilution of ratification, with reservations and understandings, to accompany Executive G. 72d Congress, 1st session; submitted by Mr. Borah J. Mar. 30. legislative day Mar. 23, 1932. 1 p. (Senate executive report 2, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [In executive session. In- junction of secrecy removed Mar. 31, 1932. For Senate exe2, 72d Cong> 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Passports. Increasing passport fees, report to accompany H. K. 9393; sub- mitted by Mr. Borah. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 27, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. OOS, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. Slocum, Mrs. Anne B. Anne B. Slocum. rejjort to accompany S. 3191 [for relief of Anne B. Slocum, widow of ClarenceRice Slocum] : submitted by Mr^ Borah. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 27, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. (501, 72d Cong.. 1st sess.) ♦Paper, 5c. "^ IMMiaRATION COMMITTEE, SENATE Calendars. Legislative calendar. 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 12 and 26,. 3932 ; no. 3 and 4. 1932. Eacli 8 p. 4' t Y 4.1m 6/2 : 72/3, 4 Contract lahor. Enforcement of contract-labor provisions, r epor t to acconlpany II. R. 9508 [to autiiorizo cxpcnditun s for enforcement of contract-labor pro- visions of immigration law] ; submitted by Mr. Reed. Mar. 18, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 571, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Immigration visas. Review of visa refusals, report to accompany S. 34 [to pro- vide for review of action of consular officers in refusing immigration visas] ; submitted by Mr. King. Apr. 4, 1932, 2 p. (S. rp. 504, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Naturalization of alien ccmscientious objectors, hearings before subcommittee^ 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 3275. to permit naturalization of alien con- scientious objectors, Mar. 22 and 20, 1932. 1932. ii+97 p. * Paper, 10c. Y 4.1m G/2 : Al 4/lt V INDIAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, SENATE Blackfeet Reservation. Defining and regulating power sites upon Biackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., rejiout to accompany S. 277; submitted by Mr. Wheeler. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 530, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legi.slative calendar, 72d Congress, Apr. 5 and 25, 1932; no. 6 and 7.. 1932. 31 p. and 32 p. 4° t Y 4.1n 2/2 : 72 (5, T Chippewa Indians. Amend act authorizing Chippewa Indians of Minnesota to submit claims to Court of Claims, uiiioi't to accompany S. 3879; submitted by Mr. Schall. Apr. 7, 1932. 4 p. (S. ri). 528, .72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper. 5c. Choctaw Indians. Providing for Choctaw and Chickasaw enrollments, hearing, 72d Congress, session, on S. 2268, authorizing and directing Secretary of Interior to enroll on tribal rolls of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations all Choc- taw and Chickasaw claimants whose names apiH>ar in citizenship cases here- inafter mentioned and who were duly and legally enrolled by Federal court, and heirs now living of all such claimants, born prior to closing of said tribal rolls by act of Congress, Mar. 30. 19.32. 1932. ii-f 48 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.1n 2/2 : C 45/4 HoiT to order pnltllcntlona — See Information follo'wlnv Content* / April, 1932 859 Click, John E. John E. Click, rppm-t to accompany S. 4372 [foi* relief of Jolin B. Click] ; submitted by Mr. Frazier. Apr. 29, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 621, 72(i Cong. 1st ses9. ) * Paper, 5c. Colorado River Reservation. ExiKmditures from Colonido River tribal funds for reimbursable loans, re^Qrt to accompany S. 3864; submitted by Mr. Ash- urst. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 538, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Crow Indians. Exi^enses of CroAv and Fort Peck tribal councils, re port to ac- company H. R. 8031 [to provide for expenses of Crow raid Fort Peck Indian tribal councils and authorized delegates of such tribes] ; submitted bv Mr. Wheeler. Apr. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 623, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paiier, 5c. Flathead Indians. Addition of names of certain persons to final roll of Indians of Flathead Indian Reservation, Mont., repoii t to accompany S. 2393 ; sub- mitted by Mr. Wheeler. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. ( S. rp. 537, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Indians. Attorney general of Wisconsin to examine Government records in relation to claims of Wisconsin Indians, report to accompany S. J. Res. 125 ; submitted by Mr. La FoUette. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932. 2 p. ( S. rp. 607, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Relief of certain tribes or bands of Indians in Washington, Idaho, and Montana, r epor t to accompany S. 1523 : submitted by Mr. Frazier. Apr. 7> 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 527, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Survey of conditions of Indians in United States, hearings before sub- committee, 71st Congress, 3d session, pursuant to S. Res. 79 and 308, 70th Cong., and S. Res. 263 and 416, 71st Cong., directing Committee on Indian Affairs, Senate, to make general survey of condition of Indians of United States, continuing until end of regular session of 71st Congress Senate reso- lution numbered 79 authorizing general survey of Indian conditions. 1932. pt. 21, v+ 11319-12082 +xiv p. [These hearings were held in California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington State.] * Paper, 70c. Y 4.1n 2/2 : In 2/3/pt.21 Lac du Flambeau Reservation. Sale of lands on Lac du Flambeau Reservation, Wis., re|)ort to accompany H. R. 8637 [to authorize sale, on competitive bids, of unalTotFed lands on Lac du Flambeau Indian Reservation, Wis., not needed for allotment, tribal, or administrative purposes] ; submitted by Mr. La Fol- lette. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 606, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Osage Indians. Osage Nation of Indians of Oklahoma, report to accompany S. 2352 [amending act authorizing Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment in civilization fund claim of Osage Nation of Indians against United States] ; submitted by Mr. Thomas of Oklahoma. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 27, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 605, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Pine Ridge, 8. Dak. Consolidated public high school, Pine Ridge, S. Dak., re^ nort to accompany S. 2340 [to provide funds for cooperation with school board of Shannon County, S. Dak., in construction of consolidated high- school building at Pine Ridge, S. Dak., to be available to both white and Indian children] ; submitted by Mr. Norbeck. Apr. 18, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 569, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Reclamation of land. Deferment and adjustment of construction charges [for years 1931 and 1932] on Indian irrigation projects, r eport to accompany S. 3675 ; submitted by Mr. Kendrick. Apr. 11, calendar day .Spr. 12, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 552, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Seminole India)us. Procedure in disposal of Seminole tribal land, r eport to accompany H. R. 10362 [to require approval of general council of Seminole tribe or nation in case of disposal of any tribal land in Oklahoma] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Thomas of Oklahoma. Apr. 7, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 529, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Ho'^v to ortler pnWioations — See information follovring' Contents 860 April, 1932 Sherburne Mercantile Co., report to accouipauy H. R. 4143 [for relief of Sher- burne Mercantile Companyl ; submitted by Mr. Wheeler. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 622, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Tlinyit Indians. Authorizing; Tliugit and Uaida Indians to bring suit in Court I of Claims, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on y. HOG, authorizing Tlingit «/ and Haida Indians of Alaska to bring suit in Court of Claims, and conferring jurisdiction upon said court to hear, examine, adjudicate, and enter judgment upon anv and all claims which said Indians may liave, or claim to have, against United States, Mar. 23, 1932. 1932. ii+2y p. ♦ Paper, 5c. Y 4.1n 2/2 : T 64 Zeha, Mirh. Transfer of abandoned Indian-school site and building at Zeba, Mich., to L'Anse band of Lake Superior Indians, report to accompany II. i;. 208; submitted by Mr. Frazier. Apr. 29. 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 620, 72d Cong. Ist sess.) ♦Paper, 5c. '* INTEBSTATE COMMEBCB COMMITTEE:, SENATE J / / Calend, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paiwr, 5c. •* JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, SENATE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Api". 4r-25, 19o- : no. 14-16. 1932. Each 45 p. 4" t Y4. J89/2: 72/14r Id Court commissioners. Commissioners to hoar war-risk insurance cases in dis- trict courts of South Carolina, r epoi 't to accompany S. 3145 [providing for appointment of commissioner to iieilV cases arising under contracts of war- risk insurance in district courts for eastern and western districts of South Carolina] ; submitted by Mr. Bratton. Apr. 1^, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 573, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Courts of United States. Granting authority to Supreme Court to prescribe rules of practice and procedure in certain cases, i ;gport to accompany S. 4020 [to give Supreme Court authority to prescribe rules of practice and procedure with resiiect to jiroceedings in criminal cases after verdict] ; submitted by Mr. Hastings. Apr. 29, calendar day Apr. 80, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 627, 72d Cong. 1st .sess.) * Paper, oc. District Courts. Limithig jurisdiction of Federal courts, hearings before sub- committee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 937, to amend 1st paragraph of sec. 24 of judicial code, S. 939, to limit jurisdiction of District Courts, and S. 3243, to amend sec. 24 of judicial code, as amended, with respect to juris- Hoiv to order pabllcatlons— 'See tuforjuutiou tollowiuK Content* April, 1932 861 District Courts — Continued. diction of District Courts over suits relating to orders of State administrative boards, Mar. 18 and 19, 1932. 1932. iii+139 p. * Paper, 10c. Y 4. J 89/2 : J 97/2 To transfer Lincoln County from Columbia division to Winchester divi- sion of middle district of Tennessee, r ep ort to accompany H. R. 10277 ; sub- mitted by Mr. Robinson of Indiana. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 26, 1932. 1 p. ( S. rp. 595, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Judges. Providing for additional district judges for district of New Jersey, r ^ort to accompany S. 1335 [to provide for appointment of additional dis- trict judge for district of New Jersey] ; submitted by Mr. Hebert. Apr. 4, calendar day Apr. 5, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 507, 72d Gong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Jurisdiction. Limiting jurisdiction of District Courts [by taliing away juris- diction on account of diversity of citizenship], r eji^rt to accompany S. 939; submitted by Mr. Norris. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 24 p. (S, rp. 530, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Juvenile delinquency. Transportation of certain juvenile offenders, r eport to accompany S. 3938 [to provide for transportation of certain juvenile oSTSITners to States under law of which they have committed offenses or are delin- quent] ; submitted by Mr. Hastings. Apr. 29, calendar day Apr. 30, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 626, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Lenawee County, Midi. Permitting United States to be made party defendant in certain cases, r eport to accompany S. 4148 [to permit United States to be made party defendant in certain cases, for clearing title to land in Lenawee County, Mich., mortgage on which was purported to have been given to United States by Joseph W. Brown and Cornelia T. Brown, his wife] ; sub- mitted by Mr. Bratton. Apr. 19, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 574, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. /ilkerson, James H. Nomination of James H. Wilkerson, hearings before sub- committee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on nomination of James H. Wilkerson to be circuit judge, 7th circuit. Mar. 25 and 29, 1932. 1932. pts. 3, 4, [iv]-|- 211-266 p. * Paper, each pt. 5c. Y 4. J 89/2 : W 65/pt. 3, 4 MHJTAEY AFFAIKS COMMITTEE, SENATE Andersonville, Ga. Right of way to Georgia State Highway Department [through part of national cemetery reservation at Andersonville, Ga.], r eport to accompany H. R. 7788 ; submitted by Mr. Reed. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 541, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Bourke, Charles E. Charles E. Bourke, tepo rt to accompany S. 3179 [for relief of Charles E. Bourke] ; submitted by Mr. Cutting. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 544, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Cooh, William S. William S. Cook, r eDorJ : to accompany S. 1562 [for relief of William S. Cook] ; submitted by Mr. Hastings. Apr. 22, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 588, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Davis, Dan. Dan Davis, r f.p o yt to accompany S. 1385 [for relief of Dan Davis, alias Jack McDonnell] ; submitted by Mr. Cutting. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 545, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Henry, Basil N. Basil N. Henry, repor t to accompany H. R. 1029 [for relief of Basil N. Henry] ; submitted by Mr. Dickinson. Apr. 22, calendar day Apr. 23, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 593, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Moffett, Rolando B. Rolando B. Moffett, report to accompany S. 3577 [for relief of Rolando B. Moffett] ; submitted by Mr. Sheppard. Apr. 22, calendar day Apr. 23, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 591, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Moncravie, Mrs. Elizabeth. Elizabeth Moucravie, re^Qii-to accompany H. R. 3559 [for relief of Elizabeth Moncravie] ; submitted by Mr. Barbour. Mar. 23, calendar day Apr. 1, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 494, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HoTT to order publicatious — See iuformation folloTring: Contents 117757— 32— No. 448 5 862 April, 1932 Reed, Thomas E. Thoma.s E. Reed, rgpoit to accompany S. 4190 [for relief of Thomas E. Reed, otherwise known as Thomas GriflSths] ; submitted by Mr, Logan. Apr. 22, calendar day Apr. 23, 1932. 3 p. ( S. rp. 592, 72^1 Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Sherman, William M. William M. Sherman, r eport to accompany S. 3334 [for relief of William M. Sherman] ; submitted by Mr. Fletcher. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 543, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. South Dakota. Purchase of land in South Dakota for camp sites or rifle ranges for National Guard of that State, r^o r t to accompany S. 1752; .submitted by Mr. Slieppard. Mar. 23, calendar dayXpr. 1, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 495, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Suriya, Manot. Manob Suriya, ronoct to accompany S. J. Res. 134 [authorizing Secretary of War to receive for instniction at Military Academy, West Point, Mancb Suriya, citizen of Siam] ; submitted by Mr. Reed. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 2 \,. (S. rp. 542, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Tabei; Edgar H. Edgar H. Taber, repert to accompany S. 2434 [for relief of Edgar H. Taber] ; submitted by Mr. Carey. Apr. 25, 1932. 5 p. (S. rp. 594. 72d Cong. 1 st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. United Confederate Veterans. Loan of War Department equipment to United Confederate Veterans [to be used at encampment to be held at Richmond. Va.. in June, 1932], rgcflct to accompany H. R. 5848; submitted by Mr. Reed. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 540. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. NAVAI. AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, SENATE Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 1, 1932; no. 9. 1932. 27 p. large 8° t Y4.N 22/2 : 72/9 Ofpoers, Uavy. Providing for appointment as ensigns in the line of Navy of all midshipmen who graduate from Naval Academy in 1932, report to accompany H. R. 8083 [providing for appointment as ensigns in the line of Navy of all midshipmen who graduate from Naval Academy] ; submitted by Mr. Hale. Apr. 7, calendar day Apr. 8, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 539, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. '^ PATENTS COMMITTEE, SENATE American Telegraphone Company. Renewal and extension of letters patent, hearing, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 1301, to renew and extend certain letters pateiit [issued to G. S. Tiffany, inventor, to American Telegraphone Company, assignee]. Mar. 10, 1932. 1932. iii4-43 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.P 27/2 : L 56 / PENSIONS COMMITTEE, SEINATE Qrand Army of the Republic. Aid Grand Army of the Republic in its Memorial day services, May 30, 1932, rjppnrJ- to accompany S. 4235 ; submitted by Mr. Robinson of Indiana. Apr. 11, 1932. 1 p. (S. rp. 551, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. V POST OFFICES AND POST ROADS COMMITTEE, SENATE Envelopes. Regulation of manufacture and sale of stamx)ed envelopes, reliant to accompany S. 4080; submitted by Mr. Oddie. Apr. 11, caUndar day Apr. 13, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 553, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Mail matter. Penalty for sending threatening communications through mail, rejjort to accompany H. R. 96; submitted by Mr. McKellar. Mar. 23. calendar j day Apr. 1, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 498, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. ^ Meyer, Charles 0. C. O. Meyer, repor t to accompany S. 2990 [for relief of C. O. Meyer] ; submitted by Mr.. Byrnes. Apr. 4, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 505, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Sample, B. J. Relief of B. J. Sample, i:cuort to accompany S. 2991; submitted j by Mr. Byrnes. Apr. 4, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 506, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper,' 5c. How to f>rr itnlillciitlonii — See infnrnintlon folIoiTinK Contentn April, 1932 863 •'PKIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE, SENATE Bankliead, John H. Senator from Alabama, rgflifft [and minority views] ta accompany S. Res. 199 [declaring John H. Bankhead to have been elected Senator from Alabama for term beginning Mar. 4, 1931]. [2 pts.] (S. rp. 568, 2 pts., 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) [pt. 1.] Report; submitted by Mr. George and Mr. Brattor. Apr. 18, 1932. 96 p. • Paper, 10c. pt. 2. Minority views; submitted by Mr. Hastings. Apr. 21, 1932. 59 p. * Paper, 5c. Contested-elections. Senator from Alabama, hearings, 72d Congress, pursuant / to S. Res. 467, 71st Congress, relative to impounding ballots and ballot boxes / used in general election of Senator from Alabama, Nov. 4, 1930, and authoriz- ing consideration of contest, and S. Res. 485, 71st Congress, to hear and: determine contest of J. Thomas Heflin against John H. Bankhead for seat in Senate from Alabama, Apr. 8-16, 1932. 1932. pt. 3, iii+267^62 p. [Page numbers 267-444 which appeared in pt. 2 are duplicated in pt. 3, but there is no duplication in text] * Paper, 15c. Y 4.P 93/6 : Al 1 b/pt.3 y PUBLIC BtriLDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE, SENATE Orleans Levee District. Granting lands to New Orleans, r eport to accompany H. R. 8779 [granting lands to board of commissioners of Orleans Levee District in New Orleans, La., for levee and street purposes] ; submitted by Mr. Keyes. Apr. 11, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 548, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. '^PUBLIC LANDS AND SURVEYS COMMITTEE, SENATE Blackfeet highway. Concurrent police jurisdiction over Blackfeet highway in Montana, i: epQr t to accompany H. R. 8914 [to accept grant by Montana of concurrent police jurisdiction over rights of way of Blackfeet highway, and over rights of way of its connections with Glacier National Park road system on Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana] ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Montana. Apr. 11, calendar day Apr. 14, 1932. . 3 p. (S. rp. 563, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Calendars. Legislative calendar, 72d Congress, 1st session, Apr. 5-26, 1932; no. 8-11. 1932. Each 38 p. or 40 p. 4° $ Y 4.P 96/1 : 72/8-11 Chelan National Forest. Adjustment of boundaries, of Chelan National Forest, Wash., rpppr f to accompany S. 3711 ; submitted by Mr. Nye. Apr. 4, 1932. 4 p. (S. rp. 503, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Pstper, 5c. Colorado. Issuance of patents for lands in Colorado, r epor t to accompany H. R. 10744; submitted by Mr. Nye. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 26, 1932. 4 p. ( S. rp. 600, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. Crater Lake National Park. Acquisition [from Risers, Inc.] of building, furni- ture, and equipment in Crater Lake National Park, Oreg., repor t to accom- pany S. 4070 ; submitted by Mr. Steiwer. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 26, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 596, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Add land [in Crater National Forest] to Crater Lake National Park, Ores.. T-£pnrt to accompany H. R. 9970 ; submitted by Mr. Steiwer. Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 26, 1932. 3 p. (S. rp. 597, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Fort Hall Reservation. Extending provisions of desert land law to ceded lands of Fort Hall Indian Reservation, repo rt to accompany H. R. 5484 [extending^ provisions of act to provide for sale of desert lands in certain States and Territories, and acts amendatory thereof , to ceded lands of Fort Hall Indian Reservation] ; submitted by Mr. Nye. Apr. 11, calendar day Apr. 14, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 562, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Homestead. Allowing credit in connection with homestead entries to widows of persons who served in certain Indian wars, report to accompany S. 2654 ; submitted by Mr. Bratton. Apr. 22, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 586, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. HovF to order publications — See Information following Contents y 864 April, 1932 Homistiail — ( 'oiitiiiiietl. Amending sec. 1 of stock-raising homestead act, as amended, rgnQft ■ accompjiny S. 4495 [amending sec. 1 of act to provide for stock-raisit homesteads, as amended, so a.s to piMmit entry on lands within limits geological structure of producing oil or }:as field under certain conditions] .submitted by Mr. Carey. Aj)r. iio, calendar day Apr. 28, 1932, 2 p. (S. rp G17, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Amending sec. 2288, Revised statutes, respecting taking for highway pur- ))(>.ses of lands entered upon under homestead or preemption laws, r aitorr t' accompany S. 3852; .submitted by Mr. Bratton. Apr. 22, 1932. 3 p. (S. r; 585, 72d Cong. Ist sess. ) ♦ Paper, 5c. Extending period of time during which final proof may be offered '■■' homestead entrymen, rcocid; to accompany H. R. 9591 ; submitted by Mr. Nv Apr. 25, calendar day Apr. 26, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 599, 72d Cong. 1st .ses!- * Paper, 5c. Restoring homestead rights in certain cases, reporf to accompany > 4029 ; submitted by Mr. Nye. Apr. 21, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 578, 72d Cong. 1 sess. ) * Paper, 5c. International Peace Garden, Incorporated. Transfer of school lauds in North Dakota to International Peace Garden (Inc.), report to accompany S. 441 tj : submitted by Mr. Nye. Apr. 21, 1932. 2 p. (STTprSSO, 72d Cong. 1st sess. > * Paper, 5c. Loum: Ban Diego, Calif. Granting San Diego, Calif., lands in Cleveland National For est and Capitan Grande Indian Reservation for dam and reservoir purpose- hearing before subeoniinitlee, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. 1715, nraendi) act granting San Di<'go hinds in Cleveland National Forest and Capitan Ho'w to order pnbllcntlonii— See Information foIIoTrlnur Contents I April, 1932 865 San Diego, Calif. — Continued. Grande Indian Reservation for dam and reservoir purposes for conservation of water, so as to include additional lands, Mar. 9, 1932. 1932. iii+58 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.P 96/1 : Sa 5/2 Granting San Diego, Calif., lands in Cleveland National Forest and Capitan Grande Indian Reservation for dam and reservoir purposes, repor t to accompany H. R. 10495 [amending act granting San Diego lands in Cleveland National Forest and Capitan Grande Indian Reservation for dam and reser- voir purposes for conservation of water, so as to include additional lands] ; submitted by Mr. Steiwer. Apr. 21, 1932. 7 p. (S. rp. 582, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Thornton, Charles R. Granting patent to lands to Charles R. Thornton, reQiUit to accompany S. 2144 ; submitted by Mr. Walsh of Montana. Apr. 11, calen- dar day Apr. 14, 1932. 2 p. (S. rp. 566, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. / EULES COMMITTEi:, SE2ifATE ei.sions Commitfee, Senate. For standing committee on veterans' affairs, hearings, 72d Congress, 1st session, on S. Reg. 26, changing name of Commit- tee on Pensions to Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and defining its jurisdic- tion, and S. Res. 112. to amend Rule 25 of standing rules of Senate by creating Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation, Mar. 22 and 26, 1932. 1932. iii-r20 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.R 86/2 : V 64 Senate proceedings. Broadcasting of Senate proceedings, hearing, 72d Con- gress, 1st session, on S. Res. 28, to appoint select committee to investigate ^ practicability of broadcasting proceedings of Senate, and S. Res. 71. to pro- vide for equipment of Senate Chamber for broadcasting proceedings of Sen- ate. Mar. 22. 1932. 1932. iii-f 24 p. * Paper, 5c. Y4.R86/2:B78 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. COMMISSION FOR CELEBRATION OF 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH OF Conventions. List of conventions to be held in city of Washington during 1932 : [compiled by greater National capital committee of Washington Board of Trade]. 1932. li+7 p. [From Tentative program of United States and District of Columbia George Washington Bicentennial Commissions.] t Y 3.W 27/2 : 2 C 76 Washington, George. United States Government George Washington Bicenten- nial Commission clip sheet, no. 15 and 16. Washington, D. C. [no publisher, 1931]. [2] p. il. large 4° [Two numbers Issued as one publication. An- other copy of no. 16 was issued separately. Submitted to editors of news- papers with request that they use this material freely to make 200th anni- versary of birth of George Washington in 1932 greatest event of its kind ever held in America.] t Y 3.W 27/2 : 7/15, 16 COURT OF CLAIMS Aleock, John L., d Co. John L. Alcock, doing business under firm name and style of John L. Alcock & Company, v. United States ; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Apr. 4, 1932. [1932.] no. J-567, 16 p. t Ju 3.9/a : Al 18 American Tohacco Company vs. United States ; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. J-236, p. 1-3. t Ju 3.8 : Am 35/48 Anarguros, S. S. Anargyros v. United States ; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-58, p. 13-15. t Ju 3.8 : An 14 Board of Trade Building, Inc., v. United States ; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. L-511, p. 7-8. t Ju3.8:B63 Bristol. Arthur L. Bristol v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-330, p. 5-6. t Ju 3.8 : B 776/3 HoTV to order publications — See infornintion folloT^-ing Contents 866 April, 1932 Camp Fire Club of America r. United States; evidence for plaintiff. [1932.] no. Lr-162, p. 15-102. t Ju3.8:C15,3 Camp Sales Corporation. Camp Sales Corporation v. United States; report of commis-siouer. [1932.] no. Lr-75, p. 29-33. t Ju 3.8 :C 15/4 Camp Sales Corporation v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. Lr-76. p. 11-13. t Ju 3.8 :C 15/5 Caraleiffh Phosphate and Fertilizer Works v. United States; report of commis- sioner. [1932.] no. L-228, p. 5-9. t Ju3.8:C176 Cases. May calendar, 1932. 1932. 51 p. [Part of tlie pages are blank.] t Ju 3.5 : 932/5 Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Itailicay Company v. United States; re- port of eommissiouer. [1932.] no. K-474, p. 41-60. t Ju 3.8 : C 432/57 Cohen, Goldman d Co. v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] [no.] 1^244. p. 1-19. t Ju 3.8 : C G6/3 Coontz. Robert E. Coontz v. United States; report of commissioner. 1932. no. M-236, 1 p. $ Ju 3.8 : C 783 Cranston Worsted Mills v. United States; report of commis.sioner. [1932.] no. L-229, p. 7-9. t Ju 3.8 : C 852/2 Creek Nation v. United States, reply of Interior Department, filed Jan. 30, 1932; call papers. [1932.] no. 1^168, p. 15-171. t Ju 3.8 :C 861/4 Crow Nation or tribe of Indians of Montana vs. United States; evidence for plaintiff. [1932.] no. H-248, p. 405-^76. t Ju 3.8 :C 885/4 Dyson. Lillie H. Dyson, executrix of Charles W. Dyson v. United States; re- port of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-61, p. 5-6. t Ju3.8:D995 Ferguson. H. G. Ferguson t\ United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. Lr-82, p. 13-16. t Ju 3.8 : F 381 Frecport Texas Company [et al.] v. United States; special fintlings of fact [con- clusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Apr. 4, 1932. [1932.] no. K-452, 15 p. t Ju 3.9/a : F 877 Fresno Orape Products Corporation v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. L-161. p. 7-8. t Ju3.8:F892 Gardner, J. Willis, Tntst. St. Louis Union Trust Company, trustee J. Willis Gardner Trust v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-ol p. 17-24. t Ju3.8:G174 Hale. Peter G. Hale v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. 1^23, p. 5-6. t Ju 3.8 : H 1 Heath. Samuel, Cotnpany. Samuel Heath Company v. United States; report n. commissioner, [1932.] no. K-299, 4 p. t Ju3.8:H351 Himniclhcrger-Harrison Lumber Company v. United States; report of coram;- .^ioner. [1932.] no. 1^343, p. 31-36. t Ju 3.8 : H 5 Hodgson Oil Refining Co. v. United State.^j, and 10 other cases against same de- feiidant, memorandum on motion to set aside stipulation; [per curiam order] decided Mar. 28, 1932. [1932.] no. 17381 Congressional, 3 p. t Ju 3.9/a : H 668 Holmes Manufacturing Co., Inc., v. United States; report of commissioner. 1932. no. M-391, p. 5. t Ju3.8:H730 ■lahnke. Eduard G. Jahuke v. United States; special findings of fact [conclu- sion of law, and opinion of court], decided Apr. 4, 1932. [1932.] no. Lf-124, 5 p. t Ju3.9/a: Jilt > fohnson d Higgins of California v. Unitinl States ; special findings of fact [con- clusion of Inw. and opinion of court], decided Apr. 4, 1932. [1032.] no. K-89, 8 J., t J u 3.9/a : J 639/2 How to order publlcutluun— See iufurutntiun follu^vliis Content* April, 1932 867 Kieckhefer Paper Company. John W. Kieckhefer and Rae F. Bell, as liquidators of Kieckhefer Paper Co., v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-50, p. 15-24. t Ju 3.8 : K 541 Lorillard, P., d Co. P. Lorillard and Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-42, p. 13-15. % Ju 3.8 :L 891/2 Manassas Produce Company. Earl Compton, trading as Manassas Produce Company, v. United States; evidence for plaintiff and defendant. [1932.] no. M-272, p. 11-16. t Ju 3.8 : M 311 Montague. R. L. Montague v. United States; special findings of fact [conclusion of law, and opinion of court], decided Apr. 4, 1932. [1932.] no. K-363, 5 p. t Ju 3.9/a : M 76 Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co. v. United States: report of commissioner. [1932.] [no.] Lr-327, p. 15-21. t Ju3.8:N224 Oxford Paper Company v. United States ; supplemental opinion on motions filed by plaintiff and defendant, decided Mar. 21, 1932. [1932.] no. J-446, 2 p. ? Ju 3.9/a : Ox 2/3 Rules of procedure in cases before commissioners appointed under act of Feb. 24, 1925, and acts supplementary thereto, effective July 1, 1929, amended Mar. 31, 1931. [Reprint 1932.] cover-title, 8 p. 16" t Ju 3.10 : 931/1-2 Shoshone tribe of Indians of Wind River Reservation, in Wyoming, v. United States; evidence for defendant. [1932.] no. H-219, p, 361^56. t Ju 3.8 : Sh 82/2 Waite Hardivare Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] [no.] L-255, p. 5-9. $ Ju 3.8 :W 134/5 Wallace. Josh Wallace v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. L-316, p. 7-9. t Ju 3.8 : W 155/5 Wentz. Edward B. Leiseni-ing et al. [as executors of Daniel B. Wentz] v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] [no.] L-221, p. 23-31. t Ju 3.8 : W 488 Wolfe. Alfred S. Wolfe v. United States; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. M-80, 2 p. $ Ju 3.8 : W 832 Zahn, Charles A., Company. Charles A. Zahn Co. v. United States ; Charles J. Zahn and Ernst Bartel, acting for and on behalf of all parties interested in collection and distribution of assets of Charles A. Zahn Co., and Charles J. Zahn [et al.], in their own individual rights as stockholders of Charles A. Zahn Co. v. [same] ; report of commissioner. [1932.] no. K-188. L-118 and M-71, p. 7-11. $ Ju 3.8 : Z 13 COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS Agricultural implements. Customs appeal no. 3524, United States v. Sheep Shearers Mdse. & Comm. Co., transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1932.] cover-title, i+ 94 p. $ Ju7.6:Sh36 Hand-bags. Customs appeal no. 3530, United States v. John Wanamaker- Philadelphia (Inc.), transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1932.] cover-title, i-|-9 p. $ Ju 7.6 : W 181/6 CUSTOMS COURT Reappraisements of merchandise by Customs Court [on Mar. 14r-Apr. 6, 1932J ; Mar. 24 and Apr. 7, 1932. [1932.] 2127-50+[ii] p. (No. 122 and 123.) * Paper, 5c. single copv, 75c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.30. L. C. card 13-2916 Ju 9.4 : 122. 123 HoTT to order publications — See Information folloifvins Contents 868 April, 1932 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Court of ApiKnJx. Traiisciipt of record, Jan. term, 1932, no. 5(539, special calendar, Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary of Interior, vx. United States ex rel. Chestatee Pyrites & Chemical Corporation, appeal from Supreme Court of District of Columbia. [1932.] cover-title, i+33 p. * DC 9.5 : C 426/2 EMERGENCY BOARD (LOUISIANA AND ARKANSAS RAILWAY AND LOUISIANA, ARKANSAS AND TEXAS RAILWAY, 1932) XoTK.- ricitid by fho Prosidont In prnflnm.nfion of Mar. 10, 1032, under provisions of sec; lU of railway labor act approved May 20, 1920. Report of Emergency Board appointed Mar. 10, 1932, under sec. 10 of railroad labor act, in re Louisiana & Arkansas Railway Co., Louisiana, Arkansas & Texas Railway Co., common carriers engaged in interstate commerce, and certain of their employees represented by Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Order of Rail- way Conductors, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, railway employee- department American Federation of Labor, federated shopcrafts, Local Lo<1l'< no. 24, Colored Railway Trainmen. [1932.] 12 p. t MB1.24:9;iL' FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Ship-huilding. Apprentice training for shipyard trades, study of selection of apprentices and their progress in training; [by B. H. Van Oot]. Jan. 1932 ix-f37 p. il. (Bulletin 160; Trade and industrial series 46.) [Includes lisi of publications of Federal Board for Vocational Education relating to trad' and industrial education.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 32-203 VE1.3:10(' Vocntional education and vocational rehabilitation. Revised Apr. 1, 1932. 1932. ii-}-26 p. il. narrow 8° f L. C. card E 32-93 VE 1.2 : Ed 8 J FEDERAL RADIO COMMISSION Davidson, James E. No. 5528, in Court of Appeals of District of Columbi.i. James E. Davidson (station WBCM) v. Federal Radio Commission; briif on behalf of Federal Radio Commission. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f 21 p. % RC 1.7 : D 2^ ' Raddo broadcast stations in United States, supplement 1, containing alteratioi and corrections to edition dated Jan. 1, 1932. Apr. 1. 1932. 4 p. t L. C. card 31-26563 RC 1.9 : 932/Pupi>. 1 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Federal reserve bulletin, Apr. 1932; [v. 18. no. 4]. 1932. iv-f 203-284 p. il. map, 4" [Monthly,] f Paper, 20c. single copy, $2.00 a yr. ; foreign sub- scription, $2.G0. L. C. card 15-26318 FR 1.3/1 : IS t Note. — The bulletin contains, in addition to tlio rojjular official nnnouncoments, Ihe national roview of buslnes.s conditions, detailed annly.-es of business conditions, research studies, reviews of foreign banking, and complete statistics showing the condition of Fr (leral reserve bankB and member banks. It will be sent to all member banks without charge. Others desiring copies may obtain them from the Federal Reserve Board, Waslilngton, D. C, at the prices stated above. Federal reserve mnnhcr hanks. Federal reserve intcr-district collection system, April supplement to Jan. 1932 list ; Apr. 1, 1932. 1932. [11-f 5 p. 4" t L. C. card 16-*J(;s7o FR 1.9 : 932/]/supp. 3 How to order pablicatlona— See Information following Contents April, iy32 869 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Alexander-Martin Company. In matter of Alexander-Martin Company, A. H. Martin and W. R. Alexander [ofBcers of corporation], complaint and order; docket 1926, complaint Mar. 11, 1931, order, Nov. 14. 1931. [1932.1 [l]+30(>- 364 p-. ([Decision] 839.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 15.] ^^ Paper, 5c. FT l.ll/a2 : 839 Chain stores, chain-store leaders and loss leaders, letter transmitting, in re- sponse to Senate resolution 224, 70th Congress, report relative to chain-store leaders and loss leaders. 1932. xii+57 p. (S. doc. 51, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26453 Consolidated Book Publishers, Incorporated. In matter of Consolidated Book Publishers, Incorporated, supplemental findings as to facts and conclusion ; docket 1538, Oct. 2, 1931. 1932. [1] +292-298 p. ([Decision] 829.) [From F. T. C. decisions, V. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 829 Cotton-seed. Investigation of cottonseed industry, letter transmitting, in re- sponse to resolutions, information i-elative to investigation of charges thai certain corporations, operating cottonseed-oil mills, are violating anti-trust laws with respect to prices for cottonseed and acquiring ownership or control of cotton gins; filed with secretary of Senate, Sept. 23, 1931. 1932. ix-f 6209-7993 p. il. map. (S. doc. 209, pt. 7, 71st Cong. 2d sess.) * Paper, $1.60. L. C. card 31-26821 Globe Supply Company. In matter of B. Rosenberg, individual trading as Globe Supply Company, complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1963, complaint, July 7, 1931, decision, Oct. 5, 1931. [1932.] p. 309-313-1. ([Decision] 832.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 832 Knapik d Erichson. In matter of Thomas Kuapik and George W. Erickson, copartners trading as Knapik & Erickson, complaint (synopsis) [report] find- ings, and order ; docket 1750, complaint, Jan. 24, 1930, deiision, Oct. 26, 1931. [1932.] p. 337-342-2. ([Decision] 836.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 836 Knickerbocker Watch Company. In matter of Knickerbocker Watch Company, complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1960, complaint, June 17, 1931, decision, Sept. 28, 1931. [1932.] p. 287-291. ([Decision] 828.) [From F. T. C. decisions, V. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 828 Lenape Hi/dranlic Pressing and Forging C07npany. In matter of Lenape Hy- draulic Pressing and Forging Company, complaint and order : docket 1964, complaint, July 10, 1931, order, Oct. 24, 1931. [1932.] p. 319-322. ([De- cision] 834.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 834 Netv Science Institute. In matter of John G. Homan, trading under firm name and style of New Science Institute, complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1677. complaint. May 31, 1929, decision, Oct. 26, 1931. [1932.] p. 323-336. ([Decision] 835.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 835 Para Paint and Varmish Company. In matter of Para Paint & Varnish Com- pany, [amended] complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1932, complaint, June 1, 1931, decision, Oct. 5, 1931. [1932.] p. 303-308. ([Decision] 831.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 831 Public utilities. Utility corporations, letter transmitting, in response to reso- lution, monthly report on electric power and gas utilities inquiry ; filed with secretary of Senate, July 15, 1931. 1931. no. 35, viii+439 p. il. 2 maps. (S. doc. 92, pt. 35, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) [Cover gives 1932 as the imprint date.] * Paper, 30c. L. C. card 28-26408 Textileather Corporation. In matter of Textileather Corporation, complaint and order ; docket 1585, complaint. Mar. 22, 1929, order, Oct. 5, 1931. [1932.] p. 29&-302. ([Decision] 830.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 15.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 830 Ho^T to order poblicntions — See information foIIOTrlngr Contents 870 April, 1932 Vivaudou, V., Incorporated. V. Vlyaudou, Inc., v. Federal Trade CJommission ; circuit court of appeals, 2d circuit, Nov. 2, 1931, no. 3 [opinion of court]. [1932.] 7 p. (F. T. C. [court decision] 125.) • Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 3 : V 836 JVarroi, Northam Corporation. No. 11855, In circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit, Northam Warren Corporation v. Federal Trade Commission, on peti- tion to review and set aside order of Federal Trade Commission ; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, i +34 p. large 8° t FT 1.5 :W 254 Whirlic-ind Carburetor Company. In matter of Whirlwind Carburetor Co., also trading as Whirlwind Manufacturing Co., Filing O. Weeks, individually and as president and treasurer of Whirlwind Carburetor Co., and P. C. Sorenson, individually and as secretary of Whirlwind Manufacturing Co., complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1931, complaint. Mar. 27. 1931, decision, Nov. 12, 1931. [1932.] p. 351-359. ([Decision] 838.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 15.] ♦ Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 838 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE DOCUMENTS OFFICE Document catalogue. Catalogue of public documents of 69th Congress, and of all departments of the Government, July 1, 1925-June 30, 1927. 1932. no. 18, iv+2461 p. large 8° • Cloth, $4.75. L. C. card 6-12151 GP 3.6 : 18 Same. (H. doc. 813, 69th Cong. 2d sess.) Laws, Federal and State, opinions of Attorney General, decisions of courts, list of publications for sale by superintendent of documents. Feb. 1932. [2] +26 p. (Price list 10, 23d edition.) t L. C. card 26-26488 GP 3.9 : 10/23 Monthly catalogue. United States public documents (with prices), no. 447; Mar. 1932. 1932. vi+671-802 p. * Paper, 10c. single copy, 75c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $1.25. L. C. card 4-18088 GP 3.8/1 : 932/9 Weekly list of selected United States Government publications, Apr. 6-27, 1932. [1932.] Each 4 p. t L. C. card 2S-26554 GP 3.17 : 932/14-17 Note. — The Weekly list is an advertising list of United States Government publica- tions for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Some of the publications for free distribution arc also listed. The list Is arranged alphabetically by subjects, with anno- tations and prices. It may be obtained free of charge upon application to the Superin- tendent of Document.s, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Weights and measures. Standards of weight and measure, tests of metals, thermometers, concrete, iron, electricity, light, clay, radiotelegraphy. metric system, list of publications for sale by superintendent of documents. Dec. 1931, [published] 1932. [2]+87+[l] p. (Price list G4, 18th edition.) t L. C. card 26-26256 GP 3.9 : 64 ^18 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Note. — The decisions of the Depnitmont of the Interior are issued in signatures, bilng published later in bound volumes. Subscribers may deposit $1.00 with the Superintendent of DocuuK'nts and rective the contents of a volume of the decisions in separate parts aa they are i.ssued ; foreign subscription, $1.25. Prices for bound volumes furnished upon application to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Chestatce Pyrites and Chemical Corporation. No. 5639, in Court of ApiM?:ils of District of Columbia. Jan. term, 1932, Ray Lyman Wilbur, as Secretary of Interior, v. United States ex rel. Chestatee Pyrites & Chemical Corporation; brief of appellant. [1932.] cover-title, i+34 p. t 1 1.55 :C 426/8 Employees. Regulations governing appointments in field services of Depart- ment of Interior, Jan. 11. 1932. 1932. vi+31 p. t 1 1.2 :F 45/2 Hofv to order pabllcnttona— See Information follo^lna: Content* April, 1932 871 EDUCATION OFFICE Civil engineering. Guidance leaflets: Civil engineering [with list of refer- ences; by Walter J. Greenleaf]. [Reprint] 1932. ii+10 p. (Leaflet 11.) [This leaflet issued under the title Guidance is the same as the corresponding publication previously called Careers.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 32-213 1 16.44 : 11/2 Dentistry. Guidance leaflets : Dentistry [with bibliography; by Walter J. Greenleaf]. [Reprint] 1932. ii+10 p. (Leaflet 7.) [This leaflet issued under the title Guidance is the same as the corresponding publication pre- viously called Careers.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card L 32-210 1 16.44 : 7/2 Education. Record of current educational publications, Oct.-Dec. 1931 ; edited by Martha R. McCabe. 1932. v+143 p. (Bulletin 4, 1932.) [Quarterly.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card E 12-227 1 16.3 : 932/4 Electrical engineering. Guidance leaflets: Electrical engineering [with list of references; by Walter J. Greenleaf]. [Reprint] 1932. ii+12 p. (Leaflet 12.) [This leaflet issued under the title Guidance is the same as the corresponding publication previously called Careers.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 32-214 1 16.44 : 12/2 Journalism. Guidance leaflets : Journalism [with list of references ; by Walter .J. Greenleaf]. [Reprint] 1932. ii+6 p. (Leaflet 8.) [This leaflet issued! under the title Guidance is the same as the corresponding publication pre- viously called Careers.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 32-211 1 16.44 : 8/2 Law. Guidance leaflets: Law [with bibliography; by Walter J. Greenleaf]. [Reprint] 1932. ii+14 p. (Leaflet 5.) [This leaflet issued under the title Guidance is the same as the corresponding publication previously called Careers.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card L 32-209 1 16.44 : 5/2 Ldbrarians. Guidance leaflets : Librarianship [with list of references ; by Walter J. Greenleaf]. 1931 [reprint], ii+10 p. (Leaflet 9.) [This leaflet issued under the title Guidance is the same as the corresponding publication previously called Careers.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 32-212 1 16.44 : 9/2 Mechan'ical engineering. Guidance leaflets : Mechanical engineering [with list of references; by Walter J. Greenleaf]. [Reprint] 1932. ii+12 p. (Leaflet 13.) [This leaflet issued under the title Guidance is the same as the cor- responding publication previously called Careers.} * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 32-215 1 16.44 : 13/2 Pharmacy. Guidance leaflets: Pharmacy [with list of references; by Walter J. Greenleaf]. [Reprint] 1932. ii+16 p. (Leaflet 14.) [This leaflet issued under the title Guidance is the same as the corresponding publication pre- viously called Careers.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 32-216 1 16.44 : 14/2 School life, v. 17, no. 8; Apr. 1932. [1932.] cover-title, p. 141-160, il. 4» [Monthly except July and August. Text and illustration on p. 2-A of cover.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. (10 months) ; foreign subscription, 75c.; for 50 copies or more sent in bulk to one address, 35c. a yr. each. L. C. card E 18-902 1 16.26/1 : 17/8 Teachers, Training of. Opportunities for preparation of teachers of excep- tional children ; by Elise H. Martens. 1932. iii+42 p. (Bulletin 21, 1931.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 32-208 1 16.3 : 931/21 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Note. — The publications of the United States Geological Survey consist of Annual re- ports, Monographs, Professional papers, Bulletins, Watei'-supply papers, topographic maps (some of which bear descriptive texts), base and contour and other maps of the United States and of the States, folios of the Geologic atlas of the United States, and the How to order pnbllcationH — See information follo^vingr Contents 872 April, 1932 World atlas of coiumprcial geolopy (pt. 1, out of print). Practically all of them are sale publicalions; the exceptions are indicated by the dagger (t). The maps and folios and the World atlas of commercial geology, pt. 2, are Buld by the Geological Survey at Wash- ington, D. C. A discount of 40 per cent is allowed on any order for maps or folios that amounts to $5.00 at the retail price. This discount applies to an order for either maps or folios alone or for maps and folios together. Ucmittauct- for pulilicatiou.s should be made by money order payable to the Director of the Ceological Survey. Washington, D. C. Orders for other publications that are for sale should be sent to the Superin- tendent of Documents, Waslilngton, D. C. For topographic maps see p. 873-874. Atlantic Coastal PUiin. Surface water supply of United States. 1929: pt. 2, South Atlantic slope and eastern Gulf of Mexico basins; Nathan V. Grover. chief h.vdraulic eneineer, J. J. Dirzulaitis, E. D. Burchard, W. R. Kiuc, and C. E. McCashin, district engineers. 1932. ^i + 178 p. il. (Water-supply paper 682.) [Prepared in cooperation with Virginia and North Carolina.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card GS 9-363 110.13:682 Same. (H. doc. 624, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) Bonanza, Colo. Geology and ore deposits of Bonanza mining district. Colo, [with bibliography], by W. S. Burbank ; with section on history and produc- tion, by Charles W. Henderson. 1932. ix+166 p. il. 16 pi. (3 are in pocket). 16 p. of pi. 3 maps (1 is in pocket), 4° (Professional pav)er 169.) [Pre- pared in cooperation with Colorado Metal Mining Fund.] * Paper. $2.00. li. C. card GS 32-76 1 19.16 : 169 Same. (H. doc. 816, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) Crystal cavities. Crysital cavities of New Jersey zeolite region; by Waldcmar T. Schaller. 1932. viii-f90 p. il. 1 pi. 32 p. of pi. (Bulletin 832.) 'Paper, 45c L. C. card GS 32-36 119.3:832 Same. (H. doc. 106, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess.) Oulf Coastal Plain. Surface water supply of United States, 1930: pt. 8, West- ern Gulf of Mexico basins ; Nathan C. Grover, chief hydraulic engineer, C. E. Ellsworth, district engineer. 1932. v-f]31 p. il. (Water-supply paiier 703.) [Prepared in cooperation with Texas.] * Paper, 25c. L. C. card GS 10-346 1 19.13 : 703 Same. (H. doc. 72, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) Hudson Baij. Surface water supply of United States, 1929: pt. 5. Hud.sou Bay and upper Mississippi River basins; Nathan C. Grover. chief hydraulic engineer, W. A. Lamb, S. B. Soul6. C. L. Batchelder, H. E. Grosbach, and H. C. Beckman. district engineers. 1932. v-f 147 p. il. (Water-supply paijcr 685.) [Prepared in cooperation with North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin. Illinois, and Missouri.] ♦ Paper, 25c. L. C. card GS 10-344 1 19.13 : 685 Same. (H. doc. 627, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) Missouri River. Surface water supply of United States, 1929: pt. 6, Missouri River basin ; Nathan C. Grover, chief hydraulic engineer. W. A. Lamb, Robert Follansbee, C. G. Paulsen, J. B. Spiegel, and H. C. Beckman, district engineers. 1932. ix-f290 p. il. (Water-supply paper 6*^6.) [Prepared in cooperation with Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Missouri, and Kansas.] * Pai^er, 50c. L. C. card GS 10-383 1 19.13 : 686 Same. (H. doc. 628, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) Pacific States. Surface water supply of United States, 1930: pt. 12, North Pacific sloper Columbia River basin ; Nathan C. Grover, chief hyilraulic engineer, G. L. Parker, W. .\. Lamb, and C. G. Paulsen, district engineers. 1932. vii + 196 p. il. (Water-supply i)ai(er 707.) [Prepared in cooperation with Washing- ton, Montana, and Idaho.] * Paper, 35c. L. C. card GS 10-167 119.13:707 Same. (H. doc. 76, 72d Cong. 1st Publications issued in Mar. 1932; list 289. [Ift32.] 8 p. [Monthly.] t 1 1914/4 : 289 Hovr to order itiiblioHlioiiK — See infornintina follo\^-|iiic Content)* April, 1932 873 St. Laurence River. Surface water supply of United States, 1930: pt. 4, St, Lawrence River basin ; Nathan C. Grover, chief hydraulic engineer, S. B. Soul6, H. E. Grosbach, J. H. Morgan, Berkeley Johnson, Lasley Lee, A. W. Harrington, and H. B. Kinnison, district engineers. 1932. v+125 p. il. (Water-supply paper 699.) [Prepared in cooperation with Wisconsin, Illi- nois, Ohio, New York, and Vermont.] * Paper, 25c. L. C. card GS 10-294 1 19.13 : 699 ■ Same. (H. doc. 68, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) Watei' (underground). Outline of methods for estimating ground-water sup- plies; by Oscar Edward Meinzer. 1932. ii-f 99-144 p. (Water-supply paper 638 C.) * Paper, 10c. 1 19.13 : 638-C Topographic maps Note.- — The Geological Survey is making a series of topographic maps that will eventually cover the whole United States, also Alaska and Hawaii. The individual maps are projected to represent quadrangle areas rather than political divisions, and each map is designated by the name of some prominent town or natural feature In the area mapped. The scales most commonly used are 1 : 31,680. 1 : 62.500. and 1 : 125,000, cor- responding, approximately, to % mile, 1 mile, and 2 miles to 1 inch. The area covered differs with the latitude, but the average area is 58, 230, or 920 square miles, respectively, for these three scales. Topographic maps are printed on uniform-size paper, about 20 by I6V2 Inches, and the maps of the quadrangle areas represented thereon are about 17^ inches long and 12 to 15 inches wide, according to latitude. For some areas of particular importance special large-scale maps are published. A general description of topographic maps and a list of the symbols used are printed on the reverse of each sheet. More than two-flfths of the area of the country, excluding Alaska, has been mapped, every State being represented. Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Mary- land, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and West Virginia are completely mapped. Maps of the regular size are sold by the Geological Survey at 10c. each, but a discount of 40 per cent is allowed on any order which amounts to $5.00 at the retail price. The discount is allowed on an order for either maps or folios alone, or for maps and folios together. California. California, Delta Farms quadrangle, lat. 36° 15'-36° 22' 30", long. 120° 07' 30"-120'' 15'. Scale 1:31,680, contour interval 5 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17,2x14 in. 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 4 D 388/2 California, east Elk Hills quadrangle, lat, 35° 15'-35° 22' 30", long. 119° 22' 30"-119° 30', Scale 1: 31,680, contour interval 5 and 20 ft. changing on 400 ft, contour, [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.2x14.2 in. 1 10c, 1 19,12 : 4 El 5/4 Idaho, Bayhorse quadrangle, lat, 44°-i4° 30', long, 114°-114° 30', Scale 1 : 12.500, contour interval 100 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932, 17,5 X 12,6 in, 1 10c, 1 19,12 : 11 B 342 Illinois. Illinois, Edwardsville quadrangle, lat, 38° 45'-S9°, long. 89° 45'-90°. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft, [Washington, Geological Survey] edi- tion of 1932, 17,5X13.7 in, 1 10c, 1 19,12 : 12 Ed 98 Illinois, Mackinaw quadrangle, lat. 40° 30'-40° 45', long. 89° 15'-89° 30'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 10 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edi- tion of 1932. 17,5X13,4 in, 1 10c. 1 19,12 : 12 M 213 Kentucky. Kentucky, Fordsville quadrangle, lat. 37° 30'-37» 45', long. 86° 30'- 86° 45'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geolosical Survey] edition of 1932. 17,5X14 in. tlOc. 1 19,12 : 17 F 759 - Kentucky-Indiana, La Grange quadrangle, lat, 38° 15'-38° 30', long, 85° 15'-85° 30'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X13.8 in. 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 17 L 137 Maine, Caribou quadrangle, lat. 46° 45'-47°, long. 68°-68° 15'. Scale 1:'62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5 X 12 in. 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 19 C 191 Neto Hampshire, Rumney quadrangle, lat. 43° 45'-44°, long. 71° 45'-72°. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5 X 12.7 in. 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 29 R 866 Is^orth Dakota, Flora quadrangle, lat, 47° 45'-48°, long, 99° 15'-99° 30'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft, [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932, 17.5 X 11.8 in. 1 10c, 1 19.12 : 34 F 661 Ho-VT to order pnbllcatlona — See information (olloTrlngr Contents 874 April, 1932 Oklahoma, Ripley quadrangle, lat. Se'-Se" 15', long. 96' 45'-97°. Seal 1 : G2,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition •>: 1932. 17.5X14.2 in. 1 10c. 119.12 : 36 R 481! Oregon, Tliree Sisters quadrangle, lat. 44''-44'' 30', long. 121' 30'-122\ Scale 1:12,500, contour interval 100 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X12.7 in. 1 10c. 119.12:37X413 Pennsylvania, Townville quadrangle, lat. 41" 30'-41*' 45', long. 79° 45'-80''. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edi- tion of 1932. 17.5 X 13.2 in. 1 10c. 1 19.12 : 38 T 666 Texas. Texas, Manning quadrangle, lat. 31°-31° 15', long. 94° 30'-94° 45'. Scale 1 : 02,500, contour interval 20 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.4X15.1 in. [Map covers only a ix)r tion of the sheet, the actual measurement being 8.6X15.1 in. Manning nut i: portion given on map.] tlOc. 1 19.12 : 43 M 3l'i Texas, Orange quadrangle, lat 30°-30° 15', long. 93° 30'-93° 45'. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 2 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington. Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X15.2 in. [Map covers only a por- tion of the sheet, the actual measurement being 17.5X3.8 in.] t 10c. 1 19.12 : 43 on Texas, Paint Rock quadrangle, lat. 31° 30'-31° 45', long. 99° 45'-100°. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X15 in. [Map covers only a portion of the .sheet. Paint Rock not in portion given on map.] t 10c. 1 19.12 : 43 P 168 Texas. Rule qiiadranfrle. Int. 33°-83° 15', l.m;,'. JK)" 4r,'-l00°. Scal>- 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington, Geo- logical Survey] edition of 1931. 17.5X14.8 in. [Map covers only a portion of the sheet, the actual measurement being 8.8X7.4 in.] t 10c. 1 19.12 : 43 R so: Texas, Valley Wells quadrangle, lat. 28° 15'-28° 30', long. 99° 30'-99° 45'. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1982. 17.5X15.5 In. [Map covers only a portion of the sheet, the actual measurement being 7.7X11.4 in.] t 10c. 1 19.12 :43 V 243, •- Wwcowsm-Minnesota, Alma quadrangle, lat. 44° 15'-44° 30', long. 91° 45'-92°. Scale 1 : 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. Preliminary edition. [Washington. Geological Survey] edition of 1932. 17.5X12.6 in. t 10c. 1 19.12 : 50 Al 61 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Crater Lake Natkmal Park. Circular of general information regarding Crater Lake National Park, Oreg., open early spring to late fall [with list of literature]. 1932. cover-title, ii-{-34 p. 11. map. [Other illustrations on p. 2-4 of cover.] t L. C. card 29-23225 I 29.6 : C 85/2/932 Haioaii NatUytuil Park. Circular of general information regarding Hawaii National Park, oi>en all year [with list of literature]. 1932. cover-title ii+22 p. map. [Illustrations on p. 1-4 of cover.] t L. O. card 29-28703 1 29.6 : H 31/932 Lassen Volcanic National Park. Circular of general information regarding Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif., season June 1-Sept. 15 [with list of literature]. 1932. cover-title, ii+22 p. 11. [Text and Illustrations on p. 2-1 of cover.] t L. C. card 29-22789 I 29.6 : L 33/2/932 Mount McKitdcy National Park. Circular of general Information regarding Mount McKinley National I'ark, Alaska, season June 10-Sept. 15 [with list of literature]. 1932. cover-title, il-f30 p. 11. [Other illustrations on p. 2-4 of cover.] t L. O. card 80-26482 1 29.6 : M 86/7/932 Ho'VT to order pablipntlnnn— — See information followlns Content* April, 1932 875 Sequoia 'National Park. Circular of general information regarding Sequoia National Park and (Jeneral Grant National Park, open all year [with list of literature]. 1932. cover-title, ii + 50 p. il. 2 maps. [Other illustrations on p. 2-4 of cover.] t L. C. card 29-22795 1 29.6 : Se 6/932 RECLAMATION BUREAU 'I Hoover Dam. Bulkhead and stoney gates and hoists for Hoover Dam, Boulder Canyon project, Ariz.-Calif.-Nev. n. p. [1932]. cover-title, i + 22 p. 52 pi. 4° (Specifications 533.) [Consists of invitation for bids, schedules, specifi- cations, and drawings for irrigation project, proposals to be received until May 2, 1932.] t Paper, $3.00. I 27.8 : 533 Plate-steel outlet pipes, Hoover Dam, power plant, and appurtenant works, Boulder Canyon project, Ariz.-Calif.-Nev. [W. H. Kistler Stationery Co., Denver, Colo., Apr. 15, 1932.] cover-title, i+31 p. 53 pi. 10 maps. 4° (Specifications 534.) [Consists of specifications, schedules, and drawings for irrigation project, proposals to be received until June 15, 1932.] t Paper, $3.50. 1 27.8 : 534 Reclamation era, v. 23, no. 4; Apr. 1932. [1932.] cover-title, p. 69-88, il. 4" [Monthly. Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] L. C. card 9-35252 1 27.5 : 932/4 Note. — The Reclamation era is a magazine for the farmers and the personnel of the bureau. Its aim is to assist the settlers in the proper use of water, to help them In overcoming their agricultural difficulties, to instruct them in diversifying and mar- keting their crops, to inspire the employees of the bureau and chronicle engineering problems and achievements, and to promote a wholehearted spirit of cooperation, so that reclamation shall attain the greatest heights of success. The subscription price of the Reclamation era is 75c. a year, foreign subscription, $1.00, payable in advance. Subscriptions should be sent to the Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, Washington, D. C, and remittance in the form of postal money order or New York draft should be made payable to the Bureau of Reclamation. Postage stamps are not acceptable in payment of subscription. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Note. — The bound volumes of the decisions, usually known as Interstate Commerce Commission reports and Interstate Commerce Commission valuation reports, are sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, at various prices, depending upon the size of the volume. Separate decisions or opinions are sold on subscription, price $1.00 per volume ; foreign subscription, $1.50 ; single copies, usually 5c. In ordering a volume, be sure to specify whether Finance, Traffic, or "Valuation decisions are desired. Entries for the separate decisions are grouped below under center heads following other Interstate Commerce Commission publications. Deei^ions. Decisions of Interstate Commerce Commission, Apr.-June, 1931. 1931. xli-f937 p. (Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 174.) * Cloth, $2.50. L. C. card S-30656 IC 1.6/1 : 174 — — See also, below, center heads beginning Decisions. Fin31, Interstate Commerce Com- merce Commission v. New York, New Haven A: Hartford Railroad Com- pany et al. ; petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia and brief iu support thereof. [1932.] cover-title, ili-f46 p. t IC 1.13/1 : N 42y/22 Opinionn. See, above. Decisions — below, center heads beginning Deciisions. Oregon-Wanhington Railroad and Naviffation Compani/. No. 820. in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Interstate Commerce Commission, publn, utilities commissioner of Oregon, and Public Utilities Commission of Idaho v. Oregon- Wasliington Railroad &. Navigation Company et al., on appeal from dis- trict court for district of Oregon; statement of jurisdiction. [1932.] cover- title. 4 p. I IC 1.13/1: Or 8/5 Perifthables. In re charges for protective service to perishable freight [Pacific Fruit Express Company and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co., system lines]. 1932. cover-title, [154] leaves+[ll] folded leaves, il. ob- long large 8° (I. C. C. docket 20769.) * Paper, $1.35. IC lste.2 : C 37/2 Piedmont and Northern Railtoay. No. 664, iu Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Piedmont & Northern Railway Company v. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion, Southern Railway Company, et al. ; brief for Interstate Commerce Commission. [1932.] cover-title, iii+53 p. t IC 1.13/1 : P 595/5 Railroad accidents. Summary of accident investigation reports, no. 50, Oct.- Dec. 1931; [prepared in] Bureau of Safety. 1932. iii-f33 p. [Quarterly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 15c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 25c. L. C. card A 20-942 IC lacci.7 : 50 Summary of accidents reported by steam railways. Dec. 1931 [and 12 months ending with Dec. 1931, with quarterly summaries by roads and States, Oct.-Dec. 1931; prepareenses for KJ7 .or, 5c. K^ 1.6/la :F-4737 Eoscoe, Snyder and Pacific Railway. Finance docket no. 3903, excess income of Roscoc, Snyder and Pacific Railway Company: decided Feb. 1, 1932. [11»32.1 p. 383-410. (F-4754.) [B^r-.m v. 180.] ♦Paper, 5<-. ICl.(;/la:F-4754 IloTV to ordrr pabltcatlons — See Inforoiatlun foIlotvInK Contents April, 1932 879 Gt. Paul and Kansas City Short Line Railroad. Finance docket no. 9063, St. Paul & Kansas City Short Line Railroad Company bonds ; [decided Jan. 13, 1932.] 1932. [11+272-275 p. (F-4735.) [From v. 180.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-4735 Finance docket no. 9086, St. Paul & Kansas City Short Line Railroad Company bonds; decided Jan. 27, 1932. [1932.] p. 309-312. (F-4740.) [From V. 180.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-4740 Seaboard Air Line Railuay. Finance docket no. 9080, Seaboard Air Line Railway Company receivers' assumption of obligation and liability ; decided Jan. 18, 1932. [1932.] p. 345-349. (F-4748.) [From v. ISO.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-4748 Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway. Finance docket no. 9019, Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Company acquisition; decided Jan. 13, 1932. [1932.] p. 265-268. (F-4733.) [From v. 180.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-4733 Texas and 'New Orleans Railroad. Finance docket no. 9027, Texas & New Orleans Railroad Company et al. construction ; [decided Dee. 30, 1931.] 1932. [l]+2ia-222 p. (F-4724.) [From v. 180.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-4724 Tri-State Telephone and Teleffraph Companif. Finance docket no. 8923, Tri- State Telephone & Telegraph Company proposed control; decided Dec. 30, 1931. [1932.] p. 229-239. (F-4726.) [From v. 180.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-4726 Western Neio York and Pennsylvania Railway. Finance docket no. 9051, West- ern New York & Pennsylvania Railway Company et al. acquisition and opera- tion : [decided Jan. 22, 1932]. 1932. [1] +334-336 p. (F-4744.) [From v. 180.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-4744 Winter Garden Belt Railway. Finance docket no. 8762, Winter Garden Belt Railway Company proposed construction ; decided Feb. 16, 1932. [1932.] p. 479-486. (F-4770.) [From v. 180.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-4770 Decisions {Traffic) Note. — The following decisions or opinions issued in separate form are from the Inter- ■state Commerce Commission reports. See also subhead Decisions on p. 875. A-080 -t- iii p. ([Opinion] 17391.) [From v. 179.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17391 Billis of ladiuy. No. 23993, Federated Metals Corporation v. Terminal Railroad As-sociation of St. Louis et al. ; decided Dec. 18, 1931. [1932.] p. 85-88. ([Opinion] 17427.) [From v. 181.] ♦Paper, 5c-. IC 1.6/la : 17427 BoUim. No. 24();i9, Haynes Brothers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; [decided Jan. 12, 1932]. 1932. [1] +342-344 p. ([Opinion] 17470.) [From v. 181.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.8/la : 17470 Boxes. No. 24125, Loo;^e-Wiles Biscuit Company et al. v. Baltimore & Ohiu Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 12, 1932. [1932.] 445-450+[l] p. ([Opinion] 17479.) [From v. 181,] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17479 Brioks. Fourth section application no. 12878, brick from Elk City, Kans., to; decided Feb. 4, 1932. [1932.] 715-717+[1] p, ([Opinion] 17534.) [From V. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17534 Investigation and suspension docket no. 3482, brick, enameled or glazed, other than salt glazed, in carloads, fr. 765-768. ([Opinion] 17540.) [From V. 181.] •Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17540 No. 23305, Georgia Southern Freight Bureau, for account of Croom Broth- ers, V. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 13, 1932. [1932.] 465-473+ii p. ([Opinion] 17482.) [From v. 181.] •Paper, 5c. 10 1.6/la : 17482 — — No. 24281, Merry Brothers Brick & Tile Company v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company et al.; decided Jan. 15, 1932. [1932.] 513-517 + [11 p. ([Opinion] 17489.) [From v. 181.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 174S9 Broom-corn. No. 23811, S. A. Ripple & Brothers et al. v. Atcliison, Toi>eka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; [decided Feb. 4, 1932], 1932. [1]+718- 730+ii p. ([Opinion] 17535.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17536 Building materia s. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3614, building ma- terial from, to, and between stmthern r>c»ints; decided Dec. 2:^. 1931. [1932.] 785-802+[l] p. ([Opinion] 17413.) [From v. 179.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17413 Canned food. No. 21122, Stokely Brothers & Company v. Aberdeen & Rockflsh Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 22. 1932]. 1932. [11+544-5-18 p. ([Opinion] 17495.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.0/la : 17495 Cattle. No. 24128, W. C. Kenyon & Sons v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company et al.; decided Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] p. 187-190. ([Opinion] 17452.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17452 Cement. No. 23S98, lola Cement Mills Traffic Association et al. v. Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Feb. 3. 1932. [1932.] 677-6.S3+ii p. ([Opinion] 17527.) I From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17527 Chains. No. 24504, (Jates Ilanhvare Company r. Missouri-Kansas-Texas Rail- road Company; [decided Dec. 18. 1931). 1932. [1] +724-720 p. ([Opinion] 17402.) [From v. 179.] ♦ Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 17402 ChloriiJ of lime. No. 24124, Karaston Rug Mills et al. r. New York (Vntral Railroad Company et al.; decided Jan. 15, 1932. [1932.] p. 507-512. ([Oidnlon] 17-1S8. ) | From v. 181.] • Paper. .''.<•. IC 1.0/1 a : 17488 HoiT to order pvbllcatloua— St-e inforiuntlon fullo^vlnK Contents April, 1932 881 Cigarettes. No. 24161, Tobacco Merchants Association of United States et al v. Aberdeen & Rockflsh Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] p. 199-211. ([Opinion] 17455.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17455 Coal. Fourth section applications nos. 14242, 14247, and 14334, coal and coal briquettes to southern territory; decided .Tan. 26, 1932. [1932.] 525-532+ii p. ([Opinion] 17492.) [From v. ISl.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17492 No. 21509, L. V. Austerschmidt et al. v. Alton & Eastern Railroad Com- pany et al. ; decided Jan. 21, 1932. [1932.] p. 599-602. ( [Opinion] 17507. ) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17507 No. 23141. Southern Cotton Oil Company v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company et al. ; decided Dec. 8, 1931. [1932.] p. 699-703. ([Opinion] 17395.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17395 No. 24068, Depai-tmont of Institutions «Sc Agencies, New Jersey, v. Central Railroad Company of New Jersey et al. ; decided Jan. 6, 1932. [1932.] p. 319-329. ([Opinion] 17466.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17466 No. 24457, Minneapolis Bridge Company v. Great Northern Railway Com- pany : decided Feb. 2, 19.32. [1932.] p. 697-698. ([Opinion] 17531.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17531 Cotton. No. 17000, rate structure investigation, pt, 3, cotton ; [decided Jan. 11, 1932.] 1932. [1] +474-491 +iv p. ([Opinion] 17483.) [From v. 181 (vol- ume number is incorrectly given on p. 474 as 180).] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17483 Cotton -seed oil. Investigation and su.spension docket no. 3629, cottonseed oil from southwestern points to California; decided Jan. 20, 1932. [1932.] 651-656+[l] p. ([Opinion] 17522.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17522 Cotton-waste. No. 24017, American Cotton Waste & Linter Exchange v. Chicago & North Western Railway Company et al. : [decided Jan. 12. 1932]. 1932. [l]-f43a-432+ii p. ([Opinion] 17474.) [From v. 181.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17474 Demurrage. No. 22934, North Pacific Millers' Association et al. v. Chicago. Mil- waukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Feb. 6. 1932]. 1932. [1] +750-755 p. ([Opinion] 17537.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17537 Drain-tiles. No. 19583, United Clay Products Corporation v. Abilene & South- ern Railway Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 7, 1931]. 1932. [1] +658-662 p. ([Opinion] 17388.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17388 Dried blood. No. 24400, El Paso Freight Bureau et al. v. International-Great Northern Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Feb. 2, 1932]. 1932. [l]+684- 686 p. ( [Opinion] 17528.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17528 Electric switches. No. 23882, American Electric Switch Corporation v. Penn- sylvania Railroad Company; [decided Jan. 16, 1932]. 1932. [1] +564-566 ^. ([Opinion] 17499.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. 10 1.6/la: 17499 ExceUior. No. 22972, Boston Excelsior Company v. Atlantic Coast Line Rail- road Company et al. ; decided Jan. 23, 1932. [1932.] 537-543 +ii p. ([Opin- ion] 17494.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17494 No. 24374, California Pine Box Distributors v. Southern Pacific Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 27. 19.32]. 19.32. [1] +618-620 p. ([Opinion] 17513.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, .5c. IC 1.6/la : 17513 Food for cattle. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3635, feed from Twin Cities to points on Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad and con- nections; decided Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] 65-68+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17422.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17422 How to order publications — See information folio-wing Contents 882 April, 1932 Freight rates. Ex parte uo. 96, through routes and joint rates between Inland' Waterways Corporaticn and other common carriers; decided Feb. 2, 1932. [1932.] 675-6764-[l] p. ([Opinion] 17526.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 1752ft No. 21772, interstate rates between points in Missouri; decided Jan. 5, 1932. [1932.] 259-297 +v p. ([Opinion] 17403.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 6c. IC 1.6/la : 17463 Fruit. No. 24044, Anniston Trafllc Bureau v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 31, 1931]. 1932. [1] +182-180+11] p. ([Opinion] 17451.) [From v. 181.] * Pai>er, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17451 Fruit wrappers. No. 23799, California Fruit "Wrapping Mills, Incorporated, ». Great Northern Railway Company et al. ; decided Jan. 25, 1932. [1932.] 559-563+[l] p. ([Opinion] 17498.) [From v. 181.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17498 Furniture. No. 23272, Harrison Hardware & Furniture Company v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 30, 1931. [1932.] p. 179- 181. ([Opinion] 17450.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17450 Ola^s. No. 23939, Adamston Flat Glass Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 30, 1932. [1932.] p. 635-638. ([Opinion] 17517.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17517 Olass globes. No. 24443, O. A. Smith Agency, Incorporated, v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Feb. 2, 1932]. 1932. [1] +6W-696 p. ([Opinion] 17530.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17530 <7rape«. No. 23407, Wolverine Frurt & Produce Exchange et al. v. Ann Arbor Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 13, 1932. [1932.] 437-440+[l] p. ([Opinion] 17477.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/ la : 17477 Hay. No. 18884, Nashville Grain Exchange v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; decided Jan. 26. 1932. 1932. p. 595. ([Opinion] 17505.) [From V. 181.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17505 No. 24225, Robinson-Ransbottom Pottery Company v. New York Central Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 30, 1932. [1932.] p. 63{>-641. ([Opinion] 17518.) [From v. 181.] ♦Paper, 5c. IC 1.0/ la : 17518 Lead. No. 24528, Federated Metals Corporation v. Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany et al.; decided Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] p. 177-178. ([Opinion] 17449.) [From V. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17449 Linseed-oil. No. 24406, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Company et al. ; decided Feb. 10, 1932. [1932.] 775-778+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17542.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17542 Logs. No. 22971, Chattanooga Handle Company v. Atlanta & West Point Rail- * road Company et al. ; decided Jan. 12, 1932. [1932.] p. 435-436. ( [Opinion] 17476.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17476 Loud apeakera. No. 21417, Sampson Electric Company v. Reading Company et al.; [decided Jan. 14, 1932]. 1932. [1] +492-493 p. ([Opinion] 17484.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17484 Lumher. No. 24266, Pulaski Veneer Corporation v. Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany et al.; decided Feb. 2, 1932. [1932.] p. 687-693. ([Opinion] 17529.) [From V. 181.] • Paper, 5c. IC l.G/la : 17529 Malt-extract. No. 24205, Powdered Malt Corporation v. Pennsylvania Railroad Company et al.; [decided Jan. 8, 19321. 19.'^2. [l]+330-332 p. ([Opinion! 17467.) [From V. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5<\ IC 1.6/la : 17407 Misrouting. No. 24587, Traffic Bureau, Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce, v. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 30, 1932]. 1932. [l]+642-G44 p. ([Opinion] 17519.) [From v. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17519 How to order publication* — See Informntlon followlns Content* April, 1932 883 Motor transportation. No. 23400, coordination of motor transportation ; decided Apr. 6, 1932. [1932.] p. 263-^30, il. ([Opinion] 17534.) [From v. 182.] * Paper, 10c. 10 1.6/la : 17584 OU-ioell supplies. No. 15741, Parkersburg Rig & Reel Company v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company et al. ; decided Dec. 18, 1931. [1932.] 571-595+iv p. ([Opinion] 17374.) [From v. 179.] ♦Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17374 Overalls. No. 24285, TraflSc Bureau, Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce, v. Southern Railway Company et al. ; [decided Feb. 12, 1932]. 1932. [l]+788- 790 p. ([Opinion] 17544.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17544 Pears. No. 24480, Gwin, White & Prince, Incorporated, v. Southern Pacific Company et al.; [decided Jan. 14, 1932]. 1932. [l]+4W-^95p. ([Opinion] 17485.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17485 Peas. No. 24278, Frederick Opolinsky & Son v. Railway Express Agency, In- corporated : decided Feb. 4. 1932. [1932.] 713-714+ii p. ([Opinion] 17533.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17533 Pelts. No. 24207, International Commerce Corporation v. Southern Pacific Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 23, 1931]. [1932.] [l]+122-124+ii p. ([Opinion] 17434.) [From t. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17434 Petroleum products. No. 23100, Union Oil Company of California et al. v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company et al. ; decided Jan. 16, 1932. [1932.] p. 549-555. ( [Opinion] 17496.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. 10 1.6/la : 17496 Pipe. No. 24466, South Chester Tube Company v. Reading Company et aL ; decided Jan. 28, 1932. [1932.] p. 613-618. ([Opinion] 17512.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. 10 1.6/la : 17512 Plaster. No. 18693, Standard Gypsum Company v. Union Pacific Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 11. 1932. [1932.] 345-369+ii p. ([Opinion] 17471.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17471 Poles. No. 23876, W. P. Brown & Sons Lumber Company, Incorporated, v. Mobile & Gulf Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 8, 1932]. 1932. [1] + 298-300 p. ([Opinion] 17464.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17464 Potatoes. No. 23445, Hemdon Fruit Company v. Michigan Central Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Feb. 4, 1932]. 1932. [l]+670-674+ii p. ( [Opin- ion] 17525.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. 10 1.6/la : 17525 No. 24322, Birmingham Ice & Cold Storage Company et al. v. Chicago & North Western Railway Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 15, 1932]. 1932. [1] +518-521 p. ([Opinion] 17490.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. 10 1.6/la : 17490 Rods. No. 24016, American Chain Company, Incorporated, et al. v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 30, 1932. [1932.] p. 657-663. ([Opinion] 17523.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17523 Salt-cake. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3611, salt cake from, to, and between southern points; decided Feb. 10, 1932. [1932.] 769-774+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17541.) [From v. 181. The imprint date is given incor- rectly as 1931 instead of 1932.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17541 Sand. No. 21939, sand, gravel, and crushed stone from Indiana and Illinois points to destinations in Illinois; decided Jan. 12, 1932. [1932.] 373-429+ iii p. ([Opinion] 17473.) [From v. ISl.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17473 Sewer-pipe. No. 24519, Robinson Clay Product Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 21, 1932. [1932.] p. 577-578. ([Opinion] 17503.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17503 Sheep. No. 24288, Union Sheep Company v. Southern Pacific Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 14, 1932]. 1932. [1] +370-372 p. ([Opinion] 17472.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17472 Ho-^v to order publications— See information foUoTrlngf Contents 884 April, 1932 Blag. No. 22596, National Slag Company of al. v. Atlantic City Railroad Company et al. ; dedded Feb. 2, 1932. [1932.] 699-712+iii p. ([Opinion] 17532.) [From V. 181.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC1.6/la : 17532 Stackin-g charges. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3596, allowances for stacking fresh fruits and vegetables at New York, N. Y. ; [decided Dec. 19,1931]. 1932. [1] +780-784+ [1] II. ([Opinion] 17412.) [From v. 179.] • Paper, 5e. IC 1.6/la : 17412 Bteel. No. 23891, J. D. Crosby Company v. Pennsylvania Railroad Comi)any et al. ; decided Dec. 17, 1931. [1932.] p. 713-710. ([Opinion] 17399.) [From V. 179. J * Paper, 5c. IC 1.0/la : 17399 Steel stampings. No. 23602, W. K. M. Company, Incorporated, v. Cleveland, Cin* cinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company et al. ; [decided Dec. 17, 1931]. 1932. [1] +704-706 p. ([Opinion] 17396.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5<-. IC 1.6/la : 17396 Stone. No. 23026, Alabama Marble Company v. Louisville i^ Nashville Rail- road Company et al. ; decided Jan. 20, 1932. [1932.] 627-634 +ii p. ([Opin- ion] 17516.) [From V. 181.] * Paper. 5c. IC l.G/la : 17516 Strawboard. No. 23872, United Paperboard Company, Incorporated, v. Minne- apolis & St. Louis Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 26. 1932]. 1932. [1] +596-598+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17506.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17506 Siceet-clover seed. No. 24088, Rudy-Patrick Seed Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. ; decided Jan. 19, 1932. [1932.] p. 571-573. ([Opinion] 17501.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17501 Swine. No. 21232, J. P. Strader et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- way Company et al. ; decided Dec. 7, 1931. [1932.] p. 635-641. ([Opinion] 17384.) [From v. 179.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17384 Switching charges. No. 22627, Sonken-Galamba Corporation v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 5, 1932. [1932.] 229-250+ii p. ([Opinion] 17460.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17460 — — No. 23475, Terminal Refrigerating Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Comiiany et al. ; decided Jan. 13, 1932. [1932.] 441-144+ii p. ([Ojiinion] 17478.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17478 2Hle. No. 24310, Heinz Roofing Tile Company v. Akron, Canton & Youngstown Railway Company et al. ; decided Feb. 10, 1932. [1932.] 1-4+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 17547.) [From v. 182.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17547 Tobacco. No. 23700, Cobb-Gwynn Tobacco Company, Incorporated, v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Companv et al. ; decided Jan. 9, 1932. [1932.] p. 333- 335. ([Opinion] 17468.) [From v. 181.] ♦Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17468 Trackage. No. 22881, Chamber of Commerce of Sapulpa, Okla., v. St. Louis- San Francisco Railway Company et al. ; decided Jan. 11, 1932. [1932.] p. 457-464. ([Opinion] 17481.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17481 Train-control devices. No. 13413, in matter of automatic train-control devices; [decided Jan. 11, 1932]. 1932. [1] +336-341 + [1] p. ([Opinion] 17469.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17469 Waxed-paper wrappers. No. 23193, Saniwax Paper Company v. Ann Arbor Railroad Company et al. ; [decided Jan. 16, 1932]. 1932. [1] +556-558 p. ([Opinion] 17497.) [From v. 181.] • Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17497 Wheat. No. 23617, Boworsock Mills & Power Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railwav Companv; decide.l Jan. 11, 1932. [1932.] p. 451-466. ([Opinion] 17480.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 17480 No. 24387, Southwestern Milling Company, Incorporated, r. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company et al. ; decided Jan. 16. 1932. [1982.] p. 507-570. ([Opinion] 17500.) [From v. 181.] ♦Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 17500 Huw to order publlcntlonai — See Information follo^tvlngr Contents April, 1932 885 Wood. No. 24014. Southeiu Desk Company v. Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany et al. ; decided Dec. 31, 1931. [1932.] p. 217-221. ([Opinion] 17457.) [From V. 181.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.0/la : 17457 Wrapping paper. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3618, paper and pulpboard from Riclimond, Va., to eastern trunk-line territory ; decided Jan. 14, 31132. [1932.] 501-506-f[l] p. ([Opinion] 17487.) [From v. 181.] * Paper, 5e. IC 1.6/la : 17487 Decisions {Valuation) Note. — The following detition for review of decision of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. [1932.1 cover-title, ii+30 p. t J 1.13 : B 322/2 Bedford Mills, Incorporated. In Court of Claims, no. K-92, Be. 03-95. t J1.13:KS68/3 Krause, John O. In Court of Claims, no. M-55, Joliii O. Krause v. United States; defendant's l)rief. [1932.] p. 37-43. t J 1.13 : K 868/5 Lunsfonl, Abtier. No. 0(J70, in circuit court of uiipi'als lor 6tli circuit, Margaret A. Ltinsford, administratrix of Abner Lunsford, t". coinnjissjioner of internal revenue, on iK>tlt4(»n to review order of lioard of Tax Api^als; bri»'f for re- spondent. [1932.] cover-title, i +14 p. t J 1.13 :L 973/4 Martin, James V. No. I'l-446, in e Nance v. United Stattt;, appeal from district court for western district of Louisiana. Ben C. Dawkins, judge; brief on behalf of United States. [1932.] cover-title, i + 55 p. t J 1.13 : N 1IS3/9 National Metal .Moulding Company. In Court of Claims, no. 11-415, National Metal Moulding Company v. United States; defendant's brief. [ia^2.1 p. 75-88. t J 1.13: N 213/75 Newport Netpfi Shiphuilding and Dry Dock Company. In Court of Claims, no. 30373, M'est Vin/inia, N<'V\iK)rt News Shipbuilding & Drydock Company v. United States; defendant's exceptions to report of commissioner. [1932.] p. 201-242. t J lia : >»' 42 «p/18 In Court of (Maims, no. 30374, Maryland. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Conii)aiiv i'. Unitetl .States; defendant's exceptions to report of commissioner. [I!i32.1 p. 81-11(5. t J 1.13 : N 42 zp/16 How to order vabllcatloiiM— !>«« Infurnaatlou fulluwlnv Contenta April, 1932 891 Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company — Continued. In Court of Claims, no. 30375, Charleston, NewiJort News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company v. United States; defendant's exceptions to report of commissioner. [1932.] p. 61-92. % J 1.13 : N 42 zp/17 North American Oil Consolidated. No. 575, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, North American Oil Consolidated r. David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit ; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, lit +45 p. $ J 1.13 : N 811/44 North German Lloyd Steamship Company. No. — , in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931,Philip Elting, collector of customs, port of New York, v. North German Lloyd; petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit. [1932.] cover-title, [l]-fl2 p. t J 1.13 : N 811/45 United States circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit, no. 129. Oct. term, 1931, North German Lloyd v. Philip Elting, collector of customs, port of New York, appeal from district court for southern district of New York ; [opinion of court] decided Jan. 11, 1932. [1932.] p. 41-44. % J 1.13 : N 811/43 Paris Gas and Light Company. No. 823, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Hugo AVourdack [president of Paris Gas & Light Company and Danville Light, Power & Traction Company] v. Louis J. Becker, collector of internal revenue, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 8th circuit ; brief for respondent in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i+12 p. t J 1.13 : P 218/6 Park, Angus. In circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit, estate of Angus Park, William G. Park, executor, v. commissioner of internal revenue, on appeal from Board of Tax Appeals ; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii+23 p. large 8° t J 1.13 : P 219/8 P'^ivij-Wilson Lumber Company. Nos. 537-539, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, David Burnet, conlmissioner of internal revenue, v. Peavy- Wilson Lum- ber Company; [same] v. Peavy-Moore Lumber Company; [same] v. Peavy- Byrnes Lumber Company, on writs of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit; memorandum in reply to respondent's brief. [1932.] cover- title, i+5 p. I J 1.13 : P 329/14 Planters Cotton Oil Company, Incorporated. No. 672, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Planters Cotton Oil Company, Inc., of Waxahachie, Tex., et al., v. George C. Hopkins, collector of internal revenue, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover- title, ii+17 p. % J1.13:P6&4/6 Pokorny Estate, Incorporated. In Court of Claims, no. L-29, Pokorny Estate, Inc., V. United States; defendant's brief. [1932.] p. 67-75. $ J 1.18 : P 756 Pokorny Realty Company. In Court of Claims, no. L-30, Pokorny Realty Com- pany V. United States; defendant's brief. [1932.] p. 75-94. $ J 1.18 : P 756/2 Rail Joint Company. Transcript on review, circuit court of appeals, 2d circuit, commissioner of internal revenue versus Rail Joint Company, on petition to review decision of Board of Tax Appeals. [1932.] cover-title. i-f35 p. large 8° t J 1.18 :R 131 Railroad mergers, letter transmitting, in response to resolution, certain infor- mation relative to recent railroad mergers and policy of Department of Jus- tice with respect thereto. Apr. 25. calendar day Apr. 26, 1932. 8 p. ( S. doc. 86, 72(1 Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26552 Reid Ice Cream Corporation. In circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit, Reid Ice Cream Corporation v. commissioner of internal revenue, on petition to review order of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover- title, i+28 p. large 8" t J 1.13 : R 272/5 HoTT to order publications— See information folloTringr Contents 892 April, 1932 Rhodes, Fred B. In Court of Claims, no. K^31, Fred B. Rhudes v. United States; defendant's counterclaim. [1932.] p. 109-116. t J 1.13 : R 346/14 Ruth Mildred, svhooncr. No. 795, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, United States t\ two masteil auxiliary schooner Ruth Mildred, etc., on writ of certio- rari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit ; brief for United States. [1932.] cover-title, il +21 p. t J 1.13 :R 932/4 Bansonw, Frederick A. In circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit, commissioner of internal revenue v. Frederick A. Siinsome, on i)etition to review decision of Board of Tax Api)eals; brief for petitioner. [1932.] cover-title. ii-|-24 p. largf 8' t 3 1.13 : Sa 58/11 BolioeUkopf Aniline and Chemical Works, Incorporated. No. J-570, in Court of Claims, Schoeilkopf Aniline «Sc Chemical Works, Inc., and Jacob F. Schoell- kopf [et al.], surviving trustees in liquidation of said Schoeilkopf Aniline & Chemical Works, Inc., v. United States; supplemental brief for United States. [193i:.J cover-title, iii-f 137-160 p. % J 1.13 : Sch62/2 Shugruc, Charles J. No. 2670. in circuit court of appeals for 1st circuit, Oct. term. 1931, Old Colony Trust Company et al. administrators [of Ch;ules J. Shugrue], r. commissioner of internal revenue, petition for review of decision of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii-|-26 p. large 8° t J 1.13 : Sh 87 Biggins, H. A. No. 4763, in circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit, Warren Na- tional Bank, executor of H. A. Siggins, v. commissioner of internal revenue, on petition for review of decision of Board of Tax Appeals ; brief for re- spondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii-f 38 p. t J 1.13 : Si 23/6 Smith, John W. No. 4717, in circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit, Earl F. Smith, administrator of John Wesley Smitli, v. commissioner of internal revenue, petition for review of decision of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for resiwndent. [1932.] cover-title, 1+24 p. large 8° • t J 1.13 : Sm 61/28 Smith, Marshall L. In Court of Claims, no. Li-462, Marshall L. Smith v. United States; defendant's request for findings of fact and brief. [1932.] p. 13- 19. t J ll'i : S"i '52/3 Stickney, Herman 0. In Court of Claims, no. M-115, Herman O. Stickney v. United States; defendant's brief. [1932.] p. 23-30. t J 1.13: St 51/3 Btrouse, Eli. No. 3278, in circuit court of appeals for 4th circuit. Eli Strouse v. commissioner of internal revenue, on petition to review decision of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii+17 p. t J 1.13 : St 89/10 Taylor, John V. No. 693, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, John Vance Taylor V. United States, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 4th cir- cuit; memorandum for United States. [1932.] cover-title, 2 p. + J 1.13 : T 215/6 Texas and Pacific Railway. No. 634, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Texas & Pacific Railway Company v. United States, on writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States. [1932.] cover-title, ii+29 p. $ J 1.13 :T 312/19 Toledo Orain and Milling Company. No. 6054, in circuit court of appeals for 6th circuit, Toledo Grain and Milling Company v. commissioner of internal revenue, petition to review order of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for re- spondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii + 16 p. t J 1.13 :T 575/6 Trust no. 5833 (real estate subdivision trust). No. 762, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931. StKMirity-First National Bank of Los Angeles, successor to Security Trust & Savings Bank, trustee. Trust no. 5533, r. Galen H. Welch, collector of internal revenue for 6th district of California, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit ; brief for respondent in opposition. [19.32.] cover-title, il + 14 p. t J1.13:Se20/3 llo^' to order publlcntionN — Sec information folloTviuK Content* April, 1932 893 VncasmUe Manufacturing Company. No. 792, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Uncasville Manufacturing Company v. commissioner of internal revenue, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; memorandum for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, 1+4 p. $ J 1.13 : Un 1/5 Ward, Shirley C. No. 6616, in circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit, John Shirley Ward and Chandler P. Ward, executors of Shirley C. Ward, v. com- missioner of internal revenue, upon petition to review order of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii+36 p. t J 1.13 : W 217 Weaver, Chester N. No. 6653, in circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit, Chester N. Weaver v. commissioner of internal revenue, on petition to review order of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii4-28 p. t J 1.13 : W 379/3 White, Willard W. Nos. 6672-73, in circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit, Willard W. White v. commissioner of internal revenue; Arthur P. Pollard v. [same], on petitions to review orders of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, ii+35 p. $ J 1.13 : W 586/6 Wood, Rolert W. A. No. 848, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, 169 bales containing wool, marked CC-1-169, Robert W. A. Wood, claimant, v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit ; brief for United States in opposition. [1932.] cover-title, i-j-12 p. J J 1.13 : W 85/23 Woolford Realty Company, Incorporated. No. 582, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, Woolford Realty Company, Inc., v. J. T. Rose, collector of internal revenue, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit ; brief for respondent. [1932.] cover-title, iii-f 41 p. % J 1.13 : W 884/2 Zimmermann, Rosa von. No. 704, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1931, United States V. Barnim Kombst, Gertrude Luckhardt, Ilka Wichmann [heirs and next of kin of Rosa von Zimmermann], and Howard Sutherland, Alien Property Custodian, on writ of certiorari to Court of Claims ; brief for United States. [1932.] cover-title, ii-j-28 p. t J 1.13 :Z 65/4 LABOR DEPARTMENT CHILDREN'S BUREAU Legal aid; by Glenn Steele. 1932. [l]+8 p. [From Publication 209, Social statistics in child welfare and related fields, annual report for registration area for 1930.] * Paper, 5c. L5.20/a:L522 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Industrial emplornnent information 'bulletin, Mar. 1932; v. 12, no. 3. [1932.] 36 p. 4» [Monthly.] t L. C. card L 21-17 L 7.8 : 932/3 LABOR STATISTICS BUREAU Buildings. Building permits in principal cities in 1931. 1932. [2] +28 p. [From Monthly labor review, Mar. and Apr. 1932.] t L 2.6/a : B 868/33 Note. — No building permit bulletin (formerly issued in tbe Bulletin series of the Labor Statistics Bureau) will be published for 1931. All information customarily given in the bulletin except detailed data by cities is contained in this pamphlet. Building permits in principal cities of United States, Feb. 1932. [1982.] 16 p. il. [From Monthly labor review, Apr. 1932.] t L 2.6/a : B 868/32 Employment. Trend of employment, Feb. 1032. 1932. [l]-fl6p. [Monthly.] t L. C. card L 23-234 L 2.9: 932/2 Same, Mar. 1932. 1932. [2]-fl8p. 11. [Monthly.] t L 2.9: 932/3 Hotv to order publications — See information foIIoTvinar Contents 117757— .32— No. 448 7 894 April, 1932 International Labor Oflice; [by Prentiss B. Gilbert]. 1932. [11+4-12 p. [From Monthly labor review, Jan. 1932.] t L2.6/a:In8/3 Mer. 15c. L. C. card 15-10608 N A 1.1 : 931 Same. (S. doc. 35. 72d Cong. 1st se.s.s. » NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS Airplanes. Preliminary investigation of modifications to conventional air- planes to give nonstalling and .short-landing characteristics [with list of references] ; by Fred E. Weick. 1932. cover-title, 16 p. il. 4° (Report 418.) iCText and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26533 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/41S Hvdrod}f)iamics. Application of practical hydrodynamics to airship design [with list of references] ; by Ralph H. Upson and W. A. KlikoCf. 1931 [pub- lished 1932]. cover-title, 20 p. il. 4" (Report 405.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] • Paper, 15c. L. C. card 31-28796 ¥ 3.N 21/5 : 5/405 Performance tests. Effect on airplane performance of factors that must be considered in applying low-drag cowling to radial engines [with list of references] ; by William H. McAvoy, Oscar W. Schoy, and Alfred W. Young. 1932. cover-title, 19 p. il. 4» (Report 414.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 20c. L. C. card 32-2G457 Y 3.X 21/5 : 5/414 ■ General formulas and charts for calculation of airplane performance [with list of references] ; by W. Bailey Oswald. 1932. cover-title. 50 p. il. 4° (Report 408.) [Prepared by California Institute of Technology. Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] * Paper, 25c. L. C. card 32-20531 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/408 Propellers. Tests of nacelle-propeller combinations in various positions with reference to wings: pt. 1, Tliick wing, N. A. C. A. cowled nacelle, tractor propeller [with list of references] ; by Donald H. Wood. 1932. cover-title, 30 p. il. 4° (Report 415.) [Text and illu.stration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26532 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/415 Wings. Theory of wing sections of arhitrai-y shape [with list of references] ; by Theodore Theodorsen. 1931 [published 1932]. cover-title, 13 p. il. 4° (Report 411.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] * Paper. 10<". L. C. card 31-28758 Y 3.N 21/5 : 5/411 NAVY DEPARTMENT €ourt-mgraphy has prepared rural-delivery maps of counties in which rural delivery is completely established. They are published in two forms, one giving simply the rural free delivery routes starting from a single given post office, and sold at 75 cents each ; the other, the rural free delivery routes in an entire county, sold at 50 cents each. A uniform scale of 1 inch to 1 mile is used. The rural-delivery county maps are printed from the latest negatives'. It is impracticable for the Department to keep maps corrected to date at all times. Editions are not issued, but blue-print copies are produced in response to special calls addressed to the Disbursing Clerk, Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. These maps should not be cunfnsed with the post route maps, for which see Monthly catalogue for February, 19.32. page C51. PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES Alaska. Executive order, reserving lands and buildings for use of Department of Justice, Alaska. Apr. 7, 1932. 1 p. 4" (No. 5832.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 :A1 12/49 California. Executive order, temporarily withdrawing certain lands pending definite location of right of way for transmission line. California and Nevada. [Apr. 13, 1932.] 5 p. 4° ([No. 5836.]) * Paper. 5c. Pr 31.5 : C 128/48 < Executive order, withdrawal of public lands for military purposes, Cali- fornia. Mar. 28, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5827.) ♦ Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : C 128/47 Colorado. Executive order, revocation of withdrawal of public lands pendim: resurvey, Colorado. Mar. 21, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5823.) ♦Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : C 719/4U Consuls. Executive order, amendment to Tariff of United States consular fees. Apr. 13, 1932. 1 p. 4" (No. 5837.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5: P 761/-'! ^ Customs Service. Executive order, extension of limits of certain customs ports of entry. Apr. 13, 1932. 1 p. 4" (No. 5835.) ♦Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 :C 969 Dartt, Mrs. Ruth B. Executive order, appointment of Mrs. Ruth Bascot Dartt. Apr. 4, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5831.) •Paper, 5e. Pr 31.5 :D 257 Finance. Reduction of governmental expenditures, message transmitting cer- tain information relative to reduction of governmental expenditures. Apr. 4, 1932. 3 p. (S. doc. 70, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-20553 Foreign setn-icc. Kxoculive order, leaves of absence, foreign service [amendin Instructions to diplomatic officers of United States, Mar. 8, 1927, and Con sular regulations of 1896]. Mar. 26, 1932, 1 p. 4" (No, 5825.) • Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 :F 761/28 Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Colo., proclamation. [Mar. 17, 1932.] 2 p. 4" ([No. 1994.]) ♦Paper, 5c. Pr 31.7:0 798 HoiT to ord«r pnblloatlona— See Information foIloTrlna: Contents « April, 1932 905 Indians. Veto message relating to claims of certain bands or tribes of Indians in Oregon, message returning without approval bill (S. 826), conferring jurisdiction upon Court of Claims to hear and determine claims of certain bands or tribes of Indians residing in Oregon. Apr. 29, 1932. 2 p. (S. doc. 89, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Interior Department. Executive order, appointments under war minerals re- lief act. Apr. 4, 1932. 1 p. 4^ (No. 5830.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : C 499/37 Minnesota. Executive order, withdrawal of public lands for classification, Minnesota. Apr. 8. 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5833.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : M 666/5 Xatlonal forests. Executive order, Roosevelt National Forest, Colo. Mar. 28, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5826.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : R 67T Executive order, Siuslaw National Forest, Oreg. [Apr. 23, 1932.] 2 p. 4" ( [No. 5841.] ) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : Si 91/2 Executive order, transfer of lands from Jefferson to Lewis and Clark. National Forest, Mont. Apr. 8, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5834.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : L 585 Nevada. Executive order, withdrawal of public lands for naval ammunition depot, Nevada. Mar. 30, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5828.) * Paper. 5c. Pr 31.5 :N 411/14 New Mexico. Executive order, revocation of withdrawal of public lands pending resurvey, New Mexico. Apr. 21, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5840.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : N 42 m/4T Executive order, withdrawal of public lands for resurvev. New Mexico, Mar. 30, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5829.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : N 42 m/46 Oregon. Executive order, withdrawal of public lands in aid of legislation, Oregon. Apr. 18, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5838.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : Or 3/30 Pensions. Veto message relating to granting i)ensions to soldiers and sailorg of Regular Army and Navy, message returning without approval H. R. 9575, act granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of Regular Army and Navy, and so forth, and certain soldiers and sailors of wars other than Civil War. and to widows of such soldiers and sailors. Apr. 27, 1932. 2 v. (H. doc. 322. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Vestal, Ralph A. Executive order, appointment of Ralph A. Vestal. Apr. 19, 1932. 1 p. 4° (No. 5839.) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.5 : V 638 Wool. Bonded caiTpet wool and drawback exportations. proclamation. [Apr. 14,1932.] 2 p. 4° ([No. 1996.]) * Paper, 5c. Pr 31.7 : C 224 RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION Report. Reconstruction Finance Corporation, letter transmitting 1st quarterly report [Feb. 2-Mar. 31, 1932]. Mar. 23, calendar day Apr. 1, 1932. 6 p. (S. doc. 75, 72d Cong. l.«t sess.) [Corrected print.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-26454 SHIPPING BOARD Imports and exports ot commodities by United States coastal districts and foreign trade regions, Aug. 1931 ; [prepared in] Bureau of Research. [Feb. 13,1932.] 10 leaves, oblone large 8° (Report B. R. 275.) [Monthly. Figures subject to revision.] t SB 7.5/275 : m 931/8 Linen. Docket no. 75. Lesem Bach & Company v. International Mercantile Marine Company and Red Star Line (Societe Anonyme de Navigation Belge- Americaine) ; [decided Feb. 10, 1932; report and order of board]. [1932.) [1] +232-233 + [1] p. [Report from Shipping Board reports, v. 1.] t SB 1.10/a : B 122 HoYT to order pTiblleatlonB^See informjttlom foIloTrliiflr Contents 906 April, 1932 Mount Shasta, stcanifihip. No. 2681, in circuit court of appeals for 1st circuit, Oct. term, lO.'il, United States [owner of steamship Mount Shasta] v. Palmer & Parker Compan.v and Bowery & East River National Bank, appeal from district court for district of Massachusetts; brief for United States. [1932.] cover-title, iv+108 p. large 8° t SB 1.13 : M 863 Ships. Ocean iroinj,' merchant fleets of principal maritime nations, 2,000 gross tons and over, as of Oct. 1, 1931 (does not Include Great Lakes vessels) ; [prepared in] Bureau of Research. [1931.] [1]4-13 leaves, oblong large 8' (Report B. R. IKX).) [Quarterly. Figures subject to revision.] t SB 7.5.^1100 : 931/2 SHIPPING BOARD MERCHANT FLEET CORPORATION Merchant marine bulletin, v. 5, no. 9 [10] ; Apr. 1932. n. p. [11)32]. 20+12] p. 11. large 8° [Monthly. Publication suspended with current issue.] t SB 2.16: 5/10 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Note. — In a recent price-list, tiie Smithsonian Institution publishes this notice : "Appli- cants lor ttie publications in this list are requested to state the grounds for their requests, as the Institution is able to supply papers only as an aid to the researches or studies in which they are espeoiallv interested. These papers are distributed gratis, except where price is given, and should be ordered by the publication numbers arranged in sequence. The serial publications of the Smithsonian Institution are as follows: 1, Smithsonian contributions to itnowledge ; 2, Smithsonian miscellaneous collections ; 3, Smitlisonian annual reports. No sets of these are for sale or distribution, as most of the volumes are out of print. The papers Issued in the series of Contributions to knowledge and Mis- cellaneous collections are distributed without charge to public libraries, educational establishments, learned societies, and specialists in this country and abroad ; and are supplied to other institutions and individuals at the prices indicated. Remittances should be made payable to the ' Smithsonian Institution.' The Smithsonian report volumes and the papers reprinted in separate form therefrom are distributed gratuitously by the Institution to libraries and individuals throughout the world. Very few of the Report volumes are now available at the Institution, but many of those of whicli the Smith- sonian edition is exhausted can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. The Institution maintains mailing-lists of public libraries and other educational establishments, but no general mailing-list of individuafs. A library making application to bo listed for Smithsonian publications should state the number of volumes which it contains and the date of its establishment, and have the endorsement of a Member of Congress." The annual reports are the only Smithsonian publications that are regularly issued as Eublic documents. All the others are paid for from the private funds ot the Institution, ut as they are usually regarded as public documents and have t'rf>e transmission by mail they are listed in the Monthly catalogue. Eastman, Seth. Seth Eastman, master painter of North American Indian ; by David I. Bushnell, jr. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Apr. 11, 1932. [2] +18 p. il. 1 por. 14 p. of por. and pi. (Publication 3136; Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 87, no. 3.) t Paper, 30c. L. C. card 32-26458 SI 1.7: 87/3 Explorations and field-work of Smithsonian Institution in 1031. Washington. Smithsonian Institution, 1932. [5] +190 p. il. (Publication 3134.) t L. C. card 13-35550 SI 1.2 : Ex 7/931 Co.vTENTs. — Search for new solar observatory site; by C. G. Abbot. — Studying fossils in England, Austria, and Hungary; by R. S. Bassler. — Fossil hunting in Mon- tana and Wyoming; by Charles W. Gilmore. — Dry-dredging in eastf-rn central New York; by G. Arthur Cooper. — Geological studios in Europe; by Charles Elmor Ros- ser. — Further mineral collecting in Mexico ; by W. F. Fosbag. — Explorations for fossil horses in Idaho; by Norinnn II. 1?«)S8.^ — U.iin forest and desert in Hispniiiola ; by Alexander Wetmore." — Collecting live animals in Hritish (lUlana ; by W. M. Mnnn. — Collecting in caves and kitchenmiddens of Jamaica : by Gcrrit S. Miller, jr. — Mullusk explorations in Florida Keys; bv I'aul ISartsili. — e'ollecting flies in Gasp6 Peninsula of eastern Quebec; by J. M. Aldrich. — Ci)llecting grasse.-; in Texas. Louisiana, and northeastern Mexico; by .7. R. Swallen. — AnthropoTogicnl work in Abiska ; by AleB Urdlifka. — Archc.doglcai investigations in northern .Maska ; by Henry H. I olllns, Jr. — Culture sequences in Haiti; by Herbert W. Krieger. — Hunting baskets In Arizona; "iby Noll M. Judd. — Prehistoric cave in Texas; bv Frank M. Setzler. — Important archeo- loglcal site in eastern Arizona; bv Frank H. H. Roberts, jr. — Arclieologlcal reconnais- sance In Missouri Valley; by William Duncan Strong. — Cave culture of; by Wlnslow M. Walker. — Reconnnlssanco of northern Louisiana mounds; by Winslow M. Walker. — Field studies among Iroquois trllies ; by J. N. U Hewitt. — Anthropological studies in Gklahoma. Iowa, and Montana ; by Truman MUlu Isoii. — Recording Indian music ; by Frances Densmore. IToiv to order |»nl>IIoatlonii — See liiforiiintlon follo'wintf Contents April, 1932 907 Protective adaptation. Effectiveness in nature of so-called protective adapta- tions in animal kingdom, chiefly as illustrated by food habits of Nearctic birds, by W. L. McAtee, errata. [Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1932.] [2] p. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 85, no. 7 [errata].) t SI 1.7 : 85/7/errata ASTROPHYSIGAL OBSERVATORY Annals of Astrophysical Observatory [with bibliographical references] ; by C. G. Abbot, L. B. Aldrich, and F. E. Fowle. 1932. v. 5, ix+295 p. 11. 3 pi. 8 p. of pi. large 4° ([Smithsonian Institution.] Publication 3121.) t L. C. card 7-29548 SI 1.12 : 5 ETHNOLOGY BUREAU Fox Indians. Notes on Fox Wapanowiweni [with list of works cited] ; by Truman Michelson. 1932. v-fl95 p. 11. (Bulletin 105.) [Part of the Bulletin is given in the Indian text with English translation.] * Paper, 35c. L. C. card 32-26481 SI 2.3 : 105 Same. (H. doc. 822, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) Karuk India^ns. Karuk Indian myths; by John P. Harrington. 1932. v-f-34 p. il. (Bulletin 107.) [Part of the Bulletin is given in the Indian text with English translation.] ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-20482 SI 2.3 : 107 Same. (H. doc. 100, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) NATIONAL MUSEUM Note. — The publications of the National Museum comprise an annual report and three scientific series, viz., Proceedings, Bulletins, and Contributions from national herbarium. The editions are distributed to established lists of libraries, scientific institutions, and specialists, any surplus copies being supplied on application. The Proceedings are usually brief technical papers and the Bulletins generally monographs based on the Museum col- lections in biology, geology, and anthropology, l^o sets of any of these series can now be furnish'.d. Beginning with v. 66, the binding of volumes of Proceedings in either paper or cloth was discontinued. The separate papers will be sent to depository libraries and to others desig- nated to receive them, as issued, and a title-page and index will be published for each volume so that the volume may be bound if desired. Xematoid ioorms. Review of nematodes of genus Hastospiculum, with descrip- tions of 2 new species [with list of references] ; by B. G. Chitwood. 1932. cover-title, 9 p. 3 p. of pi. (Proceedings, v. 80, art. 19; no. 2919.) t SI 3.6 : 2919 STATE DEPARTMENT Note. — With the publication of the first number of the printed Press releases on Oct. 5, 1929, the Department of State inaugurated a new publication program. The daily mimeographed releases are made available to the public weekly in printed form ; also, all publications (except laws, Executive orders, proclamations, and treaties) are num- bered consecutively in the order in which they are sent to press. Publications of a similar character are brought within well-defined series, and each series publication bears a series number in addition to its publication number. Laws, Executive orders, and proclamations are issued in separate series and are numbered within each series in the order in which they are signed. Treaties are issued in a separate series and are num- bered in the order in which they are proclaimed. Indexes to the Press releases are supplied semiannually, as of December 31 and June 30. The Department of State includes in the Press release series, each quarter, a complete list of its publications for the pre- ceding quarter. The list below frequently includes certain relevant publications issued by other agencies of the Government under" requisition of the Department of State and certain relevant Congressional documents. Arbitration. General treaty of inter-American arbitration, general treaty of interamerican arbitration, signed by plenipotentiaries of 20 American repub- lics at International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbi- tration, Washington, Jan. 5, 1929 [with Senate resolution of ratification]. Jan. 26, 1929. 9+[l] p. (Confidential; Senate executive AA, 70th Cong. 2d sess.) [Injunction of secrecy removed Jan. 19, 1932.] $ Y 1.70/2 : AA HoTT to order publications— See Information foUo^vius Contents 908 April, 1932 Comul)*. Foreign consular oflQces in United States, Ai»r. 1. 1932. 1932. ili-|- 58+[l] p. ([Publication 310.]) [Quarterly.] • rai)er, 10c. L. C: card 32-26478 81.34:932/2 Regarding consular agents of American States, certiflef secrecy removed Jan. 28, 1932.] t Y 1-70/2 : FF Narcotics. Intirnational convention for limiting manufacture and regulating distribution of narcotic drugs, convention for limiting manufacture and regu- lating distribution of narcotic di-ugs. dated July 1.?. 1931. and signed by pleidpotentiaries of United States and 43 other countries represented at con- ference for limitation of manufacture of narcotic drugs, held at Geneva. May 27-July 13, 1931, with protocol of signature [and with report of delegation of United States to conference]. Mar. 4. 1932. 61 p. (Confidential : Senate executive G, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) [Injunction of secrecy removed Mar. 31, 1932. For resolution of ratification, with reservations and understandings, see Foreign Relation^ Comniittee. Senate, Norcotirs, p. S5S.] t Y 1.72/1 : G IIo^v to ordor iMibllcations — Soe Information follovrlna: Content* April, 1932 909 Pan American Sanitary Conference. 9th Pan American Sanitary Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, report relative to appropriation for participation by United States in 9th Pan American Sanitary Conference, at Buenos Aires, Argentina. Apr. 11, calendar day Apr. 12, 1932. 4 p. (S. doc. 80, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Parcel post. Agreement between Post Office Department of United States and German Postal Administration for collect-on-delivery parcel-post service ; [signed Washington, Jan. 5, 1932, Berlin, Dec. 22, 1931, approved Feb. 9, 1932]. 1932. [1]+11 p. [EngUsh and German.] t Post Office Department, L. C. card 32-26492 S 9.5/3 : G 31/2 Passports. Notice to bearers of passports ; revised to Mar. 19, 1932. 1932. iii+46 p. narrow 16° (Passport series 2; [Publication 302].) * Paper, 5c. S 1.27 : 2/5 Press releases, weekly issue no. 131-135; Apr. 2-80, 1932. [1982.] p. 821-401. (Publication 306, 309, 312, 818, and 315.) [See also note above under center head. State Department.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, $1.50 a yr. ; foreign sub- scription, $2.50. L. C. card 29-26868 S 1.25 : 181-135 Prisoners of war. International convention relating to treatment of prisoners of war, certified copy of international convention, with English translation thereof, relating to treatment of prisoners of war, signed Geneva, July 27, 1929, by respective plenipotentiaries of United States and 45 other countries represented at international conference held at call of Swiss Government for purposes of revising Geneva convention of 1906 for amelioration of condition of the wounded and sick of armies in the field and of formulating code relat- ing to treatment of prisoners of war. Dec. 15, 1930. 31 p. (Confidential; Senate executive E, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) [Injunction of secrecy removed Jan. 7, 1932. English translation only.] t Y 1.71/3 : E PuWcations of Department of State, list cumulative from Oct. 1, 1929; Apr. 1, 1932. 1932. [2] +11 p. ([Publication 305.] ) [Quarterly.] f L. C. card 30-26444 S 1.30 : 932/2 Treaties. Subject index of Treaty series and Executive agreement series, July 1,1931. 1932. v+214 p. ( [Publication 291.] ) * Paper, 60c. L. C. card 32-26434 S 9.2 : In 2 Treaty information, bulletin 30, Mar. 31, 1932; compiled by Treaty Division. 1932. iv+26 p. ([Publication 308.]) [Monthly. The period covered is the calendar month preceding the date given.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 75c. L. C. card 29-27547 S 9.7 : 30 Vassiliadis, Stclio. Claim of Stelio Vassiliadis, report relative to claim of Stelio Vassiliadis, former vice consul of Spain at Kiev, Russia, for expenditures made by him, Mar. 1, 1918-Feb. 1920, in representing interests of United States in absence of American consul. Apr. 21, 1932. 2 p. (S. doc. 85, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Wounded. International convention for amelioration of condition of the wounded and sick of armies in the field, certified copy of international con- vention, with English translation thereof, signed Geneva, July 27, 1929, by re- spective plenipotentiaries of United States and 46 other nations, for ameliora- tion of condition of the wounded and sick of armies in the field, revising Red Cross convention of July 6, 1906, so as to meet the need therefor as shown by experiences in World War. Dec. 15, 1930. 20 p. (Confidential; Senate executive F, 71st Cong. 3d sess.) [Injunction of secrecy removed Jan. 7, 1932. English translation only.] t Y 1.71/3 :F SUPREME COURT Commercial Credit Company, Incorporated. Transcript of record, Oct. term, 1931, no. 734, United States vs. Commercial Credit Company, Inc., on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit. [1932.] cover-title, ii+ 48 p. 6 p. of facsim. t Ju 6.7 : C 736 HoTT to order publications— See Information folIoTrlngr Contents 117757— 32— No. 448 8 910 April, 1932 Hall, Arthur F. Oct. term, 1931, no. — , David Burnet, cummissioner of internal revenue, v. Arthur F. Hall ; order extending time within which to apply for writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia. 1932. 1 p. t Ju6.7:H14 [Journal] Apr. 11-28, 1932; [slips] 81-96. [1932.] leaves 266-310. t Ju 6.5: 931 Opinions. [Cases adjudged in Supreme Court at Oct. term, 1931.] [Issued separately.] t Clerk of Court. 168. Amos Shrivcr t«. Woodbine Savings Bank of Woodbine, Iowa, appeal from Supreme Court of Iowa; Apr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 8 p. Ju 6.8/la : Sh 86 270. Pacific Co., Ltd., vs. Charles Gr Johnson, State trea.surer of California, appeal from Supreme Court of California; Apr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932.) 7 + 5 p. Ju 6.8/la :P 119/2 341. David Burnet, commissioner of internal revenue, t-«. Coronado Oil and Gas Company, on writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia ; Apr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 3 + 4 + 6p. Ju 0.8/la : C 816 430, 444. Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc., as owners of motorboat, Linseed King, etc., i« Hilda M. llicks, as administratrix, etc., et al. ; Vera Alexander, adminis- tratrix, etc., et al. va. Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc., on writs of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; .\pr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 8 p. Ju 6.8/la : L 052 454. Cl.iiborne-Annapolis Ferry Company vs. United States, Chesapeake Beach Kallwav Company, and Interstate Commerce Commission, appeal from Supreme Court of District of Columbia; Apr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 6 p. Ju 6.8/la : C 521 463. New State Ice Company vs. Ernest A. Liebmann, appeal from circuit court of appeals for 10th circuit; Mar. 21, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 84-25 p. Ju 6.8/la : N 42s 466. United States vs. Daniel M. Lefkowitz and Pauline Pari.«, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit ; Apr. 11. 1932. n. p. [1932]. 8 p. Ju G.8/la : L 521 487—489. Canada Malting Company, Ltd., vs. Paterson Steamships, Ltd. ; British Em- pire Grain Company, Ltd., is. [same]; Henry K. Starnes vs. [same], on certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; Apr. 11. 1932. n. p. [1932]. 6 p. Ju 6.8/la :C 16 506, 507. American Trading Company vs. H. E. Heacock Co. ; Wm. A. Rogers, Ltd., and American Trading Company vs. [same], on writs of certiorari to Su- preme Court of Philippine Islands; Mar. 21. 1932. n. p. [1932]. 8 p. [Corrected copy.] Ju O.S/la : Am 35/0 513. United States vs. O. B. Limehouse, on appeal from district court for eastern district of South Carolina; Apr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 2 p. Ju 6.8/la : L 629 514. D. B. Heinor, collector of internal revenue, 23d district of Pennsylvania, vs. John H. Donnan, et al. etc., on certificate from circuit court of appeal.* for 3d circuit; Mar. 21, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 11 + 16 p. Ju G.8/la : D 718 528. Peirce Coombes vs. Milton E. Getz, on writ of certiorari to Supreme Court of California; Apr. 11. 1932. n. p. [1932]. 8 + 3 p. Ju 6.S/la : C 781 546. Wallace S. Handy, collector of internal revenue for district of Delaware, vs. Delaware Trust Company, executor of William du Pont, et al., on certificate from circuit court ot appeals for 3d circuit; Mar. 21, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 1 p. Ju O.S/la: D927 57G, John T. Callahan vs. United States, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit ; Apr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 2 p. Ju 6.8/la : C 13 590. Herman 0. Hagner and Julia C. Ilagner vs. United States, on writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia; Apr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932], 4 p. Ju t).8/la : II 123 617. W. Yale Smiley vs. Mike Holm, as secretary of state of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn., on writ of certiorari to Supreme Court of Minnesota; Apr. 11, llt.Ti. n. p. [1932]. 12 p. Ju6.Sla:Sm44 621. United States vs. William Randolph Scharton, appeal from dictriet court for district of Massachusetts; Apr. 11, 1932. u. p. [1932]. 3 p. Ju 6.8/la: Sch 17 731. Samuel S. Kocnig, John J. Knewitz, and William L Ward vs. Edward J Fivnn, secretary of state of Stale of New York et al., on writ of certiorari to "Supreme Court of State of New York ; Apr. 11, 1932. a. p. 1 1932], 2 n. Ju t5.8/la : K 819 805. John J. Carroll vs. Charles U. Becker, secretary of state of Missouri, Jeffer- son City, Mo., on writ of certiorari to Supreme Court of Missouri ; .Vpr. 11, 1932. n. p. [1932]. 1 p. Ju C.8/la : C 23'') Official report.^ of Supremo Court, v. 284 U, S., no, H; Ernest Knnebel. reporter. Prt'limiiiary |)rint. [1U32.] cover-title, v4-421-o70+x p. [Cases adjudged in Sui)reine Ctnirt at Oct. term, 1031 f opinions. Jan. 2(>-Fel). IH. 1932, and memorandn of other decisions to Mar. 2S, VXV2). This nuraher con- tains table of reported in v. 284, pts. 1-5. Fi'om United States reports. V. 284,1 ♦ Paper, 15c, single copy, THc, iior vul, (6 nos, to a vol,, subscription price, $1.50 f<^r 12 no«, ) ; foreign sub.scriptlon, 5c. added for eacli pamphlet. .Tufl.S/la: 284/5 How fo orilor pulillnitloiiii — .See informntloii fiillowinK Contenfn April, 1932 911 Ruth Mildred, schooner. Transcript of record, Oct. term, 1931, no. 795, United States vs. two-masted auxiliarj- schooner Ruth Mildred, etc., on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit. [1932.] cover-title, i-f-48 p. t ■ Ju 6.7 : R 932 Shreveport Grain and Elevator Company. Transcript of record, Oct. term, 1931, no. 807, United States vs. Shreveport Grain & Elevator Company, appeal from district court for western district of Louisiana. [1932.] cover-title, i+18 p. J Ju 6.7 : Sh 84 TARIFF COMMISSION Vegetables. Fresii vegetables, report to the President on differences in costs of production of certain fresh vegetables in United States and in principal competing countries, as ascertained pursuant to provisions of sec. 336 of title 3 of tariff act of 1930, tomatoes in their natural state, peppers in their natural state, peas, green or unripe, beans, snap or string, green or unripe, lima beans, gi-een or unripe, eggplant in its natural state, cucumbers in their natural state, oiira. 1932. ix+175 p. il. (Report 39, 2d series.) [Mexico is the principal competing country for green peas, fresh tomatoes, and snap beans, and Cuba is the principal competing country for eggplant, cucumbers, okra, peppers, and lima beans.] * Paper, 15c. L. C. card 32-26484 TC1.9:39 TAX APPEALS BOARD Decisions. Reports, v. 25, no. 5 ; Apr. 8, 1932. [1932.] vii+764-955 p. [Con- tains decisions promulgated Mar. 1-22, 1932.] * Paper, $1.50 per vol. L. C. card 24-27411 Y 3.T 19 : 5/25-5 Note. — The decisions of the Tax Appeals Board have been placed on a subscription basis and are to be issued in small pamphlets until a sufficient number have been pub- lished to make a volume. The price of these advance pamphlets will be $1.50 per volume. Later, bound volumes, containing table of contents and index, will be issued, the price of these being given at time of publication. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Certifieates of indebtedness. United States of America, Treasury certificates of indebtedness, dated and bearing interest from May 2, 1932, series B-1933, 2 per cent, due May 2, 1933. Apr. 25, 1932. 1 p. 4° (Department circular 460; Public Debt [Service].) t T 1.4/2: 460 Federal aid to States ; extract from Report of Secretary of Treasury on state of finances, fiscal year 1931. 1932. ii-f 563-569 p. t Tl.l/a:F31/2 Finance. Daily statement of Treasury compiled from latest proved reports from Treasury offices and depositaries, Apr. 1-30, 1932. [1932.] Each 4 p. or 3 p. f [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] t L. C. card 1.5-3303 T 1.5 : 932 Money. Stock and circulation of money in United States; extract from Report of Secretary of Treasury on state of finances, fiscal year 1931. 1932. ii+547- 550 p. t T 1.1/a : M 746/3 Values of foreign moneys, Apr. 1, 1932. 1932. 1 p. 4° (Department circular 1, Director of Mint.) [Quarterly.] t T 1.4/2 : 1/932-2 Public debt. Public debt ; extract from Report of Secretary of Treasury on state of finances, fiscal year 1931. 1932. iv-f 15-18-^40-56-j-500-540 p. il. t T 1.1/a : D 354/2 Statement of public debt of United States, Feb. 29, 1932. [1932.] [2] p. narrow f [Monthly.] t L. C. card 10-21268 T 9.9 : 932/2 How to order poblieations— See information folloT*-ing' Contents 912 April. 1932 Treasury decisions under customs, internal revenue, industrial alcohol, narcotic, and other laws, including decisions oi" Customs Court and Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, v. 61, no. 14-17; Apr. 7-28. 1932. [1932.] various paging. [Weeicly. Department decisions numbered 45n36-606, abstracts in741-2010rt, internal re\ enno decisions 4332-3G. Tariff (Jommission Notice dated Apr. 2n, 1932, Tariff Commission Notice 71, later Tariff Commission Notices Ul, 69, and 70, and nii.scellaneous (disbarments and suspensions, etc.).] * Paper, fie. single copy, $1.50 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $2.50. L. C. card 10^ 30490 T 1.11/2 : 61/14-17 Treasury note^. United States of America, 3 per cent Treasury notes, series A-1934. dated and bearing interest from May 2. 1932, due May 2, 1934. Apr. 25, 1932. 1 p. 4° (Department circular 461; Public Debt [Service].) t T 1.4/2 : 461 BUDGET BUREAU Naval petroleum reserves. Litijjration in connection with oil lands, estimate of appropriation, fiscal year 1932, to enable Chief Executive to continue litiga- tion in connection with joint resolution directing Secretary of Interior to institute proceedings touching sections 16 and 36, township 30 south, range 23 east, Mount Diablo meridian [within exterior limits of naval reserve num- bered 1 in California]. Apr. 4, 1932. 2 p. (H. doc. 290, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) • Paper, 5c. Ban Ysidro, Calif. Construction of gates at international boundary, San Ysidro, Calif., draft of proposed provision pertaining to item for Treasury Depart- ment [Bureau of Customs], fiscal year 1933, relative to construction of gates at international boundary at port of San Ysidro, Calif. Apr. 19, 1932. 2 p. (S. doc. 83, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. FEDEEAL STANDARD STOCK CATALOGUE DOABD Oovemment supplies. Federal standard stock catalogue: sec. 2. pt. 6, class 45, Pipe-fittings. Apr. 1932. 247 p. 4° [Issued in loose-leaf form for insertion in binder.] * Paper, 50c. T 51.7/7: 45 Same: sec. 2, pt. 6, class 72 [Boots, shoes, leather and rubber-clothing]. Feb. 1932. p. ll-12f, 4° [Loose-leaf form. Substitute for corresponding sheet issued Mar. 1931.] * Paper, 5c. T 51.7/7 : 72/p. 11-1 2f Same: sec. 3, pt. 7, group C, division a. Butter [with bibliography]. Nov. 1931 [published 1932]. 16 p. 4» [Loose-leaf form.] * Paper, 5c. T 51.7/9 : C-a Same: sec. 3, pt. 7, group C, division d. Cheese [with bibliography]. Dec. 1931 [published 1932]. 22 p. 4° [Loose-leaf form] •Paper. 10c. T 51.7/9 :0-ai-32J lesson 2-8. solutions, sec. 4, cut sheet. 1931. Each 1 p. t W 3.71 : 40-5/2, etc./solutions/sec. 4 • Same : Extension course of Metlical Field Service School, subcourse 40-8, Sanitation of camps and stations (1931-32] lesson 1-5, solutions, sec. 4, cut sheet. 1931. Each 1 p. J W 3.71 : 40-8/1, etc./.«<.lutions/sec. 4 Same : Extension course of Medical Field Service School, subcourse 40-9, Veterinary sjinitation [1931-32] lesson 9. [1931] 2 p. t W 3.71 : 40-9/9 Same: Extension course of Medical Field St*rvice School, subcour.'^ 40-10, Medical aspects of chemical warfare fl931-.32] lesson 1-2, 4-5. solu- tions. 1931. Each 1 p. or 2 p. t W 3.71 : 40-10/1, etc/solutions Same : Extension course of Quarteimaster Corps School, subcourse 30-10, Utilities [1931-32] lesson 3, 5, 7-8, 12. and 14. 1931. Each 1 p. or 2 p. [Solutions to lessons 2, 5, 9, 11, and 13 are included] t W 3.72 : 3t>-10/3, etc. Same: Extension course of Si}:nal School, subcourse 30-1, Wire com- munication, line construction [l{>31-32] lesson 4-5. U, and 11. [19.11.] Each 1 p. or 2 p. il. [Solutions to lessons 7-8. and 11 are included.] t W 3.73 : 30-1/4, etc. Same, examination. [1931.] t W .3.73 : 30-1/1-11/exam. Same, examinatioa, solutions. [1931.] 3 p. t W 3.73 : 30-l/l-ll/solution8 Same, examination, solutioTis, sec. 4. cut sheet. [1931.] 2 p. J W 3.73 : 30-1/1-1 1/solutions/sec. 4. Same : Extension course of Signal School, subcourse 30-5, Si^ial com- pany and signal troop combat orders [1931-32] lesson 2. 1931. 1 p. J W 3.73 : 30-5/2 Same: Extension course of Signal School, subcourse .30^6. Signal supply [1931-32] lesson 1-3, 5. S-9, solutions. 1931. Each 1 p. or 2 p. t W 3.73 : 30-C/l. etc/solutions Same: Extension course of Signal School, 30-9, Training man- agement, unit training, 1931-32, introduction and lesson 1. 3, and 6 [cor- rected to include Changes no. 1. Jan. 29, 1932J, and lesson 2. [1031-]32. various pagin'.,', i I. t W 3.73 : 30-9/l/corr..etc. • Same: Extension course of Signal School, .subcourse 40-1, Tactical sigiial communication, infantry and cavalry divisions [1931-32] lesson 1 and 2. so"u- tions. 1931. Each 1 p. i W 3.73 : 40-l/l.etc./solution8 Same : Extension course of Signal School, subcourse 40-2, Signal Corps staff duties [1931-32] lesson 7, solutions. [1931.] 2 p. il. t W 3.73 : 40-2/7/solution8 Same, lesson 3-G, and 9, solutions, sec. 4, cut sheet. 1931. Each 1 p. or 2 p. t W 3.73 : 40-2/3,etc./solutions/sec.4 Same: Extension course of Signal School, subcourse 40-3, Signal depot organization and administration [1931-32] lesson 2-4, .«;ulutions. 1931. Each 1 p. ■+" W3.73:40-3/2.etc./solutions Same: subcourse. Map and aerial photograph reading, pt. 1, Map reading [1931-32] lesson 2, solutions. [1931.] 2 p. $ W 3.5i>, 2 : 931 32/pt.l-2/solutioii8 Same: subcourse. Map and aerial photograph reading, pt. 2. Aerial plioto- graph reading [1931-32] lesson 3, solutions, corrected to include Changes no. 1 [Jan. 5, 1932]. [1932.] 2 p. 2 maps, t W 3.5()/'2 : 931-32/pt.2-3/solutions/corr. Ho^T to order publications'— $ev Information folIo^Tins Contrata April, 1932 921 Officers, Army. Officers of Army stationed in or near District of Columbia, Apr. 1, 1932. 1932. iv+4S p. [Quarterly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 20c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 30c. L. C. card 9-35107 W 1.11 : 932/1 V. 8. Army recruiting neics, bulletin of recruiting information issued by direc- tion of adjutant general of Army. v. 14, no. 7 and 8 ; Apr. 1 and 15, 1932. [Recruiting Publicity Bureau, Governors Island, N. Y., Apr. 1 and 15. 1932.] Each 16 p. il. 4° t Recruiting Publicity Bureau, Governors Island, N. Y. L. C. card War 22-1 W 3.45 : 932/7.8 ENGINEER DEPARTMENT Amnicon River, Wis., report on Amnicon River, Wis., covering navigation, fllootl control, power development, and irrigation. Dec. 10, 1931. 25 p. 7 p. of pi. and maps. (H. doc. 164, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Baptism River. Baptism and Manitou rivers, Minn., report on Baptism and Manitou rivers, Minn., covering navigation, flood control, power development, and irrigation. Feb. 16. 1932. 44 p. il. uiaii. i H. doc. 250, 72d Cnng. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 5o. Colum-bia River, between mouth of Williamette River and point one mile above Vancouver, Wash., report on preliminary examination and survey of Colum- bia River between mouth of Willamette River and point one mile above Vancouver, Wash. Feb. 16, 1932. 32 p. map. (H. doc. 249, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper. 5c. L. C. card 32-26555 Port Pierce Inlet, Fin., report on preliminary examination and survey of Fort Pierce Inlet. Fla. Feb. 17, 1932. 42 p. map. (H. doc. 252, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Gooseberry River, Minn., report on Gooseberry River. Minn., covering naviga- tion, flood control, power development, and irrigation. Jan. 28, 1932. 16 p. 6 p. of pi. and maps. (H. doc. 238, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Illinois River, III., report on Illinois River. 111., covering navigation, flood con- trol, power development, and irrigation. 1932. vii+lOS p. 2 pi. 2 maps. (H. doc. 182. 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 15c. L. C. card 32-26556 Inland vsatericays. Waterway from Choctawhatchee Bay to West Bay, Fla., report on preliminary examination and survey of waterway from Choctaw- hatchee Bay to West Bay. Fla. Feb. 26. 1932. 32 p. map. (H. doc. 259, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Pai^er, 5c. Jefferson River. Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin rivers, Mont. (Three Forks basin), report on Jefferson, Madi.son. and Gallatin rivers. Mont. (Three Forks basin), covering navigation, flood control, power development, and irrigation [with bibliography]. 1932. v+161 p. 2 pi. 5 maps, 1 tab. (H. doc. 193, 72d Cong. 1st sess. ) * Paper, 25c. Kalamazoo River. Mich., report on Kalamazoo River, Mich., covering navigation, flood control, power development, and irrigation. Jan. 15, 1932. 55 p. il. 3 pi. 6 maps, 1 tab. (H. doc. 224, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 15c. Mississippi River below Cape Girardeau, Mo., report on examination and sur- vey of Mississippi River below Cape Girardeau. Mo., covering existing levees, construction of new levees, and with view to determining effects upon lands lying between river and adjacent hills by reason of overflow. 1932. vii+147 p. 4 maps. (H. doc. ISS, 72d Cong, let sess.) ♦Paper, 15c. L. C. card 32-26557 Officers. Statement showing rank, duties, and addresses of officers of Corps of Engineers, Army, Apr. 1, 1932. 1932. [l]-|-36 p. 4" [Semiannual.] * Paper, lOc. L. C. card War 14-114 W 7.7 : 932/1 Ogdenshurg Harbor, N. Y., report on preliminary examination and sur\'ey of, and review of reports on Ogdensburg Harbor, N. Y. Mar. 8, 1932. 44 p. map. (H. doc. 266, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 5c. Hovr to order pnbllcatlons — See information foIIoTvlng Content* 922 April. 1oint on e.stablislied Government pier- head line opposite piers of St. Louis-San I?"1"ancisco Railwav Co. Feb. 17, 1032. 30 p. 2 maps. (H. doc. 253, 72d Cong. 1st sess.j • Paijer, lOe. L. C. card 32-20558 at. Marys Kirer, Ohio, report on preliminary examination of St. Marys Kiver, Ohio, with view to control of its floods. Dec. 11, 1931. 10 p. map. (U. doc. 100, 72d Cong. 1st sees. ) • Paper, 5c. Solnwit River, Alaska, report on survey of Salmon River, Alaska, with view to prevention and control of its floods. Jan. 15, 1932. 12 i». map. (H. doc. 228, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) * Pai)er, 5c. Tarrytown Harbor, N. Y., report on preliminary examination and survey of Tarrytown Harbor, N. Y. Mar. 3, 1932. 18 p. map. (H. doc. 262, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) ♦Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32-20559 NOETHEaJiN AND NORTH WEfc-T^OJ LAJiKS SLKVEY Note. — Charts of tlie Great Lakes and conuectiLg waters and St. Lawrence River to the international boundary at St. Regis, of Lalje Chaniplain. and of the N»w York State canals are prepared and sold by the U. S. Lake Survey Oflice, Old Customhouse, Detroit, Mich. Charts may also be purchased at th*- following U. S. engineer offices : "Id Army Building, New York, N. Y. ; 486 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. ; 540 Federal Building, Buffalo, N. Y. ; and Canal Office, Sault Ste. Marie. Mich. A catalogue (with inilex map), sliow- ing localities, scales, prices, and condition!; of salt, may be had upon upplicatiou at any of these offices. A descriptive bulletin, which supplements the charts and gives detailed information as to harbors, shore lines and shoals, magnetic determinations, and particulars of changing Cijnditi<»ns affecting navigation, is issued free to chart purchasers, upon reuuest. The bulletin Is revised annually and issued at the opening of navigation (in April), and sup- plements thereto are publi.sheJ monthly during the navigation season. Complete sets of charts and publications may be seen at ihe I". S. engineer offices In Duluth, Minn., Milwaukee, Wis., Chicago, 111 . Gran'l Rapids. Mich., Cleveland, Ohio, and Oswego, N. Y., but they are obtainable only ;it the sales offices above mentioned. Great Lakes. Bulletin 41 [to supplement information given upon charts of Great Lakes] ; etlited by O. C. Hattery. Apr. 1932. 474 p. il. 2 tab. 4° t L. C. card 8-35459 W 33.3: 41 Note. — Includes a special article, Compass and magnetism of the earth in Lake region ; by Thomas Russell. RIVERS AND HAKBOKS BOARD Port charges. Supplement to Port and terminal charges at United States pons, Miscellaneous series 1, 1931 issue. 1932. [1]+114 leaves. ([Miscellaneous series 1, supplement.]) [Prepared in cooperation with Operations Bureau, Shipping Board.] * Paper, 15c. W 7.22 : 1/2/supp. Portland, Oreg. Ports of Portland and Astoria, Oreg.. and Loug^•iew and Van- couver, Wash. : pt. 1, Port of Portland, Oreg. Revised 1931. 1932. viii-|-162 p. il. 3 pi. 4 p. of pi. 6 maps, 3 tab. (Port series 11 [pt. 1].) [Prepared in cooperation with Operations Bureau, Shipping Board.] ♦ Paiwr, 50c. L. C. card 32-26405 W 7.21 : 11/pt. 1 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Fituince circulars, t Note. — Finance circulars contain Instructions and information of a relatively perma- nent character pertaining to the performance of the technical duties of finance and disbursing officers and of proi)erty and contract auditors. Though bearing a date, they are issued In a single lettered series without regard to calendar year, each to contain subject matter of related character. Each circular is designated by a letter and li published In a nunilx'red series of separate pamnhleis classified according to subject matter. Clianges to Finance circulars are published In a single numerical series, applicable to all pamphlets, without regard to calendar year. Wh> n any portion of a numlwred Finance circular has been emlKidied in a lettered circular, that portion of the numbered circular will be rescinded. B-10. Technical duties of finance and disbursing officers: Accounting for pay of civilian emplovees and retirement deductions therefrom- Feb. 29, 1932. (193"J. I 3 p. (Supersedes Finance circular B-10, Jan. 23, 1929.] W 97.5/3 : B-10/2 How to order pabllcatloii«^Se« information tollo^lns Content* April, 1932 923 MILITIA BUREAU National Chuard regulations. ''■ L. C. card War 26-7 Note. — The National Guard regulations are issued in pamphlet form for insertion in loose-leaf binders. They are being printed as they are prepared and approved regardless of the serial numbers of the several pamphlets, and rescind the regiilations published in National Guard regulations, 1922, National Guard regulations in force Jan. 1. 1926. and all subsequent regulations published as changes thereto, and are the only National Guard regulations now in force. 59. Preparation of National Guard pav rolls and pay and mileage vouchers and model remarks; Feb. 4, 1932. [1932.] 23 p. [Supersedes NGR 59, Oct. 25, 1930.] W 70.7/4 : 59/3 ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Ordtwnce provision system. Ordnance catalogue (ordnance provision system) : Group B, Major items ; Mar. 28. 1932. [1932.] 4 p. (Standard nomenclature list B-1.) [Supersedes Standard nomenclature list B-1, Nov. 14, 1930, and changes thereto.] t W 34.23:3-1/5 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL OF ARMY Circulars. Changes 32 and 36 [to] Circular 2, 1928 ; Nov. 2, 1931, and Feb. 26, 1932. [1931-32.] Each 1 p. [Mimeographed, accompanied by printed pages to be inserted in their proper places in the original publication. Lists of the accompanying changes are found on p. 1 of each of the Changes here catalogued.] t W 77.4/3 : 2/ch.32, 36 Circular 1 [1928]. t 1-3. Contracts. Changes 1 ; Jan. 2. 1932. 1932. 1 p. W 77.4/3 : 1-3/2/ch.l 1-5. Storage and issue of supplies, Changes 1 ; Jan. 2, 1932. 1932. 1 p. W 77.4/3 : 1-5/3/ch.l 1-6. Requisitions, Changes 1 ; Jan. 2. 1932. [1932.] 4 p. W 77.4/3 : 1-6/2/ch.l 1-11. Rail transportation. Changes 3; Jan. 2, 1932. [1932.] 3 p. [Supersedes Circular 1-11, Changes 2, Jan. 2, 1930.] W 77.4/3 : l-ll/ch.3 SIGNAL OFFICE Circular 1 [1932.] t 1-5. Procurement of supplies and equipment; Jan. 2, 1932. [1932.] 13 p. [Super- sedes Circular 1-5, Jan. 2, 1931, and changes published in Supply letter 125, OCSigO, 1931.] W 42.4 : 932/1-5 1-6. Distribution of supplies and equipment; Jan. 2, 1932. [1932.] 15 p. [Super- sedes Circular 1-6, Jan. 2, 1931. and changes therein published in Supply letter 125, OCSigO, 1931, and in Supply letter 125-A, OCSigO, 1932.] W 42.4 : 932/1-6 1-13. General subjects; Jan. 2, 1932. [1932.] 16 p. [Supersedes Circular 1-13. Jan. 2. 1931, and changes therein published in Supply letter 125, OCSigO, 1931, and Supply letter 125-A, OCSigO, 1932.] W 42.4 : 932/1-13 Orders 6 ; Mar. 12, 1932. 1932. 1 p. 12° t W 42.10 : 932/6 Supplies. Siemal Corps supplv catalogue. [1931, reprint] 1932. iii+334 p. t W 42.2 : Su 7/2/932 HoTT to order publications — See inforiuation following Contents General Information The Supeiintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, is authorized to sell at cost, plus 10 per cent, without limit as to the number of copies to any one applicant who agrees not to resell or distribute the same for profit, any United States Government publication not confidential In character. Publications can not be supplied free to individuals nor forwarded in advance of payment. Tbe accumulation of publications in this Office amounts to several millions, of which over five million are assorted, forming the sales stock. Many rare books are included, but under the law all must be sold regardless of their age or scarcity. Many of the books have been in stock some time, and are apt to be shopworn. In filling orders the best copy available is sent. PRICE LISTS A general price list of public documents is not available, but numerous lists have been prepared on special subjects and any of these will be furnished free, on application, if the person interested will state the subject or subjects concerning which information is desired. It will also be noted that current publications which are for sale are listed in this catalogue. WEEKLY LIST In addition to the Price lists, the Documents Office issues a "Weekly list of selected United States Government publications for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Each list is arranged alphabetically by subjects, with annota- tions and prices, and may be obtained free upon application to the Superin- tendent of Documents. HOW TO OBDEB PUBLICATIONS Publications entered in this catalogue that are for sale by the Superin- tendent of Documents are indicated by a star (•) preceding the price. A dag- ger (t) indicates that application should be made to the Department, Bureau, or Division issuing the document. A double dagger (t) indicates that the document is printed for official use. Whenever additional information con- cerning the method of procuring a document seems necessary, it will be found under tlie name of the Bureau by which it was published. In ordering a publication from the Superintendent of Documents, give (if known) the name of the publishing Department, Bureau, or Division, and the title, together with the classification number which is added to the entry at the extreme right ; order the Congressional documents and reports by the title, together with the document or report number and the Congress and session, e. g., H. doc. 161, 7:J-1. Do not use the L. C. card number in ordering a publication. HOW TO BEMIT Remittances for the documents marked with a star (*) should be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, by coupons, postal money order, express order, or check. Currency may be sent at sender's risk. For- eign remittances should be made either by international money order or draft on an American bank. Postage stamps, foreign money, defaced or smooth coint, vnil not he accepted. For the convenience of the general public, coupons that are good until used in exchange for Government publications sold by the Superintendent of Documents may be purchased from his 0£B.ce in sets of 20 for $1.00. 925 926 May, 1932 Address order to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. No charge is made for i)osta;xe on documents forwarded to points in United States, Alaska, Guani, Hawaii, Pliillpiiine Islands, Porto Rico, Samoa, or to Canada, Cuba, or Mexico. To other countries the regular rate of postage ia cliarged, and remirtances must cover such postage. In computing foreign postage, add one-third of the price of the publication. TO LIliaARIANS The number given at the extreme right of each entry (except for Congres- sional documents and reports) is the classification number by which the pub- lication is arranged in the Lil)rary and in the Sales Stock of Ihe OflSce of the Su|ierintendent of Documents. It can be used as a classification number by such libraries as are using, for the Departmental publications, the arrange- ment of iiubllc ilocuments advocated in the Checklist of United States public dort to accompany S. 4286" to read " rejiort to accomiiaiiy S. 4289"; 9th line from bottom of page, Insert after "sess.)" the phrase " IReport n'ads incorrectly S. 4286.]." Monthly Catalogue No. 449 MAY 1932 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Note. — Those publications of the Department of Agriculture which are for sale will be supplied by the SupfM-intendont of Dovumeuts, Washington, D. C. The Department issues a monthly list of publications which will be mailed to all applicants, enabling them to select such reports and bulletins as interest them. Apples. Growth record of fertilized apple trees grown in metal cylinders [with list of literature citedl : by R. D. Anthony and W. S. Clark, jr. 1932. [21+245-266 D. 11. FFroui Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 3, Ftb. 1, 1932.] t ^ 1.23/a : Ap -52/50 Cattle. [Bureau of Animal Industry] order 336 [amendments 1 and 2] ; May 4 and 9, 1932. 1932. Each 1 p. [Consist of orders concerning quarantine of cattle, etc.] t A 4.5 : 336/amdt. 1, 2 Factors influencing blood-sugar level of dairy cattle [with list of litera- ture cited] ; by R. E. Hodgson. W. H. Riddell, and J. S. Hughes. 1932. [2] +357-365 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 4, Feb. 15, 1932.] f A 1.23/a : B 623/3 Cotton-seed. Germination of cottonseed at low temperatures ; by C. A. Ludwig. 1932. [2] +367-380 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 4, Feb. 15, 1932.] t A 1.23/a : G 829/77 Crops and markets. May, 1932; v. 9, no. 5. [1932.] p. 153-184, 11. 4° [Monthly.] * Paper. 60c. a vr., foreign .subscription, $1.10. L. C. card Agr 24-113 A 36.11/3: 9/5 Jouinal of agricultural research. Journal of agricultural research, v. 43, July 1-Dec. 15, 1931 [tltle-pacre, content;?, errata and authors' emendations, and index.] 1932. v+1115-29 p. * Paper, 5c. A 1.23 : 43/t. p. & ind. Same, v. 44, no. 5 and 6: Mar. 1 and 15, 1932. [1932.] cover-titles, p. 381-539, il. 2 p. of pi. [Semimonthly.] * Paper, 20c. single copy, $4.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $5.00. L. C. card Agr 1.3-1837 A 1.23 : 44/5, 6 Contexts. — No. 5. Some factors associated with breeding of Anopheles mosquitoes [with list of literature cited] ; by G. H. Bradley. — Life history of rabbit stomach worm, Obeli^coirles cuniculi Lwith lit of liteiatuie citection entitJed Property regulations of Dei)artnient of Agriculture.] t A 1.19 : 924/p. 203 11-217 R Tomato (jail. ElToct of environment on nematode of tomato gall [with list of literature cited]; by Linus H. Jones. 1932. [2] +275-285 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 44, no. 3, Feb. 1, 1932. ]t A 1.23/a:T 591/20 Yearbo'k. Yearbook of agriculture, 1932; Milton S. Eisenhower, editor, Arthur P. Chew, associate editor. 1932. iv-j-975 p. il. * Cloth, $1.00. L. C. card Agr 7-1035 A 1.10 : 932 Co.vTENTS. — Year in agriculture, Secretary's report to the President [1931]. — What'i now in agriculture. — Farm mechanization. — Our land use problem. — Farm data in 1930 census. — How to use farm credit. — New uses for farm products. — Fertilizer devel- opments. — Living standards on farm. — Agricultural statistics. — Index. ■ Same. (H. doc. 241, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) Yeast. Effect of yeast and casein supplements to corn and soybean rntloBS when fed to rats and swine [\Aith list of literature cited] ; by Charles L. Shrewsbury, Claude M. Vestal, and Si.t^'fred M. Hauge. 1932. [2]+2d to farm lands.] ♦ Papt^r, 10 •. L. C. card 32-26727 Rice. Factors affecting price of riee ; liy Carlos E. Campbell. Apr. iu;v2. cover-title, 50 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 297.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 3ii-5S4 A 1.36 : 297 Beed markctiny bints for farmer; [by George C. Edlcr]. [Oct. 1921, revised Jan. 1931, sliglitly revised Mar. 1932.] [1932.] 32 p. il. (Agriculture Dept Farmers' bulletin 12:{2.) ♦Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 21-1031 A 1.9: 1232/5 Hoiv to order pnblicatlona— Soo inforiiiiitiun foIIovrluK Content* May, 1932 929 Maps United States. [County outline map of United States.] n. p. Jan. 1931. 16.2X 25.7 in. * 10c. A 36.37 : Un 3/931 ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU Beef production and quality as affected by grade of steer and feeding grain supplement on grass ; by W. H. Black, K. F. Warner, and C. V. Wilson. Jan. 1931 [reprint 1932.] cover-title, 44 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bul- letin 217.) [Prepared in cooperation with West Virginia Agricultural Ex- periment Station.] * Paper, 15c. L. C. card Agr 31-33 A 1.36 : 217/1-2 Cattle. Wintering beef cattle in Appalachian region ; [by] W. H. Black. May. 1927 [reprint 1932]. 12 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Department circular 408.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 27-413 A 1.14/2 : 408/1-2 Directory of Bureau of Animal Industry ; corrected to Feb. 16, 1932. 1932. ii+69 p. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 10-511 A 4.14 : 932 Dourine of horses; [by John R. Mohler and H. W. Schoening]. [Aug. 1920, revised Dec. 1929, slightly revised Mar. 1932.] [1932.] ii+10 p. il. (Agri- culture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1146.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 20-1742 A 1.9 : 1146/6 Goats. Milk goats, [by Edward L. Shaw; revised by C. G. Potts]. [Feb. 1918, revised Dec. 1927, reprint 1932.] ii+33 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 920.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 26-1724 A 1.9 : 920/4-<5 Ooose raising; [by Alfred R. Lee]. [Feb. 1917, slightly revised Apr. 1932.] [1932.] ii+14 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 767.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-650 A 1.9 : 767/8 Hemorrhagic septicemia, shipping fever of cattle; [by Henry J. Washburn], [Oct. 1918, revised June, 1929, reprint 1932.] ii-i-6 p. II. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' buFetin 1018.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 29-1025 A 1.9 : 1018/4-3 Horses. Breeds of draft horses, [by G. A. Bell ; revised by J. O. Williams and S. R. Speelman]. [Nov. 1914. revised Oct. 1930, reprint 1932.] ii+14 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 619.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-380 A 1.9 : 619/8-3 Larkspur or poison weed ; [by C. Dwight Marsh, A. B. Clawson, and Hadleigh Marsh]. [July, 1918, revised Oct. 1929, reprint 1932.] ii+13 p. il. (Agri- culture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 988.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 531.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 23-317 A 1.9 : 988/3-1 Raibit parasites and diseases ; [articles by Benjamin Schwartz and W. B. Shook]. [Dec. 1928, slightly revised May, 1932.] [1932.] ii-f30 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1568.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 28-1885 A 1.9 : 1568/3 Contents. — Principal causes of rabbit ailments. — Rabbit parasites and their control; by Benjamin Schwartz. — Bacterial and other diseases ; by W. B. Shook. Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, Apr. 1932 ; [no.] 300. May, 1932. p. 37-47. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 45c. L. C. card Agr 7-1658 A 4.13 : 300 Sheep. Raising sheep on temporary pastures ; [by F. R. Marshall and C. G. Potts]. [Mar. 1921, revised Apr. 1932.] [1932.] ii+14 p. il. (Agricul- ture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1181.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 21-305 A 1.9: 1181/6 Ho-w to order publications — See Information folIoTvingr Contents 930 May, 1932 Turkey raising; [by Morley A. Jul! and Alfred it. Lee]. [Apr. 1U24, revised Mar. l'J32. [1932.] ii+22 p. il. (Agriculture Dopt. Farmers' bulletin 1409.) * Paper, 10c. 1m C. card Agr 29-1647 A 1.9: 1409/6 Udder diseases of daiiT cows; [by Hubert Buuyea]. [May, 1924, revised Dec. 1921;, slightly reviseared in cooperation with Mary- land Geological Survey and Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station. Text and illustration on p. 2-4 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 20c. L. (,;. card Agr 32-594 A 47.5: 928/18 Cedar County, Nebr. Soil survey of Cedar County, Nebr. ; by R. C. Roberts, A. W. Goke, F. A. Hayes, W. H. Buckbannan, R. L. Gemmell, K. H. Lovald, and E. A. Niescliinidt. [11)32.] cover-title, 32 j). il. map. ([Soil survey re- liort] 16, series 1928.) [Prepared in cooperation with University of Ne- bra.ska State Soil Survey Department of Conservation and Sorvey Division. Text and illustratitm on p. 2-A of cover.] ♦ Pai)er, 2()c. L. C. card Agr 32-583 A 47.5: 928/16 Hides and skins. Country hides and skins, skinning, curing, and marketing; [by R. W. Frey, F. P. Veitch, R. W. Hickiniin, and C. V. WhalinJ. [Aug. 19J9, reviiied Nov. 1926, reprint 1932.] [2] +50 p. il. (A.uricultuie Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1055.) [Prei)are A 10.9/1 : 931 EXTENSION SERVICE Extcmion Scrvue ret'ieio, v. 3, no. 5; May, 1932. [1932.] cover-title, p. 65-80, 11. 4" [Monthly. Text and illustrations on p. 2—4 of cover.] * Pai>er, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, 75c. L. i\ card Agr 30-359 A 43. 7 : 3/5 Report of e.xtcnsion work in agriculture and home economics in United States, 1S)31. May, 1932. cover-title. 136 p. il. [Supt^-sedes annual reports entitled Report of director of FIxtension Service, last Issu^mI for fiscal year 1930, and Cooperative extension work, last issued for calendar year 1929.] • Paper, 10c. L. C. card Agr 32-607 A 43.1 : 931 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Food. Notices of judgment under food and drugs act 1S551-650. May, 1932. p. 379-428. t L. C. card Agr 8-878 A 46.6 : 18551-18650 Same 18651-700. May 9, 1932. p. 429-^87. t A 46.6 : 18051-18700 Same 18701-725. May, 1932. p. 489-502. t A 46.6 : 18701-18725 Same 18726-750. May, 1932. p. 503-523. t A 46.6: 18726-18750 Same 18751-850. May, 1932. p. 525-571. t A 46.6: 18751-18850 Insecticides. Notices of judgment under Insecticide act 1221-25. May, 1932. p. 115-119. t L. C. card Agr 12-2226 A 46.7 : 1221-1225 Poisons. Notice of judgment under caustic poison act 2. May, 1932. 1 p. t L. C. card Agr 31-470 A 46.9 : 2 FOREST SERVICE Camping. Good manners in the forest, put your fire out, good siwrtsman, can)i)er, or tourist, whf^n he goes into national forest [observes 8 listed rules]. [1932.] [4] p. il. narrow 16° t A 13.2 : M 31/2/932 Directory, Forest Service, Apr. 1932. 1932. ii+34 p. [Semiannual.] t L. C. card Agr 21-224 A 13.8/2 : 932/1 Forest fit'cs. It might have been you! story of a forest fire. [1932.] 2 p. il. 4", folded into narrow 16° size, t A 13.2 : F 51/19 Forest ucrkrr. May, 1932; [v. 8, no. 3]. [1932.] [2]-fl4 p. 11. [Bimonthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a vr. ; foreign subscription, 35c. L. C. card Agr 24-8:^8 . A 13.19: 932/3 Windtircnk as farm asset; [by Carlos G. Bates]. [Jan. 1924, revised July, 1J)24, reprint 1032.] 16 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1405.) [Revision of Farmers' bulletin 788.] ♦Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 24-283 A 1.9: 1405/2-5 Maps Crook Xotional Forest, Ariz, [resources and recreation featuri's, roads, trails, etc.] : prepared by regional forester, Albuciuenpie, N. Mex. 1932. 1 sheet (wilh mil]) on verso), il. oblong f, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number 12 pages, t A 13.13:0 88 INFORMAIIOX OFFICE Puhlirntinns. United States Depaitment of AuM-iculnire, nmnthly list of i)Ultll- cations. Apr. 1932. 11932.] 4 p. t L. C. card Agr 9-1414 A 21.6/5 : 932/4 IIo'»T eii|. (Oit. 1920. revised .Ma.v. liHlt. reprint 11):^2.1 ii+14 p. 11. (Agri- culture Dept. Farmers" bulletin 1106.) ♦ I'aper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 29-968 A 1.9 : 11G6/2-3 Pucrinia triticina. Studies on physiologic specialization in Puccinia triticina [with list of literature citedl ; by C. O. Johnston and E. B. Mains. May, 1932. 23 p. il. (Af;riculture Dept. Technical bulletin 3i:>.) 'Paper, IGc. L. C. card Agr 32-599 A 1.36: 313 Roue dineascs, their causes and control, [by Alma M. Waterman; revised by Freeman Weiss]. [Feb. 1928, revi.sed Mar. 1932.] [1932.] ii+21 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers' bulletin 1547.) [Prepared in cooperation with Department of Botany, Brown University.] * Paper, .")C. L. C. card Agr 28-309 A 1.9 : 1547/2 Straicberry varieties in United States; [by Georp- M. Darrow and George F. Wald.v the townsliips. .\ system of s.vml)0l8 Indicates the type of improveiuent of all the roads and whether tlie work was done witli or witliout the :l^•sislanc•e of the Federal (Joveniment. Sheets ;ire of uniform size, some States re'iuiriuR L' or more, and are so issui-d tliat tliey may be punched and put in n loose leaf atlas. '1 he nuips iiri' called pro.^ress maps, and the series will be Issued periodi- cally to show any chan;;!' iu improveim nt of tlie liish\v;iys. Connecticut. Federal aid hiiihway system, progress map: Connecticut, Massa- chusetts. Rhode Island; data corrected to June :M). 1931. Scale 1 : rrtKl.OOO or 1 in. =7.891 m. [Washin.Lrton] Geological Survey |19:V2|. 18.7X28.5 in. [Pro.lection, mod 'tied iiolvcoiiie. Base nuip from (Jeoloi^ical Survey State map.] * 10c. .\ 22.'. i": < ' 70/a HoVT to order i>ubIicntluuN — See Infttriiialion fttllu^rinK ContoiitN May, 1932 935 West Virginia. Federal aid highway system, progress map : [West Virginia] ; data corrected to Oct. 1, 1931. Scale 1 : 500,000 or 1 in.=7.891 m. [Washing- ton] Geological Survey [1932]. [2 maps] each 2S.5X18.S in. [Projection, modified polvconic. Base map from Geological Survey State map.] * 20c. per set of 2 maps. A 22.9 : W 52 v/3/E, W Eastern West Virginia. ([Sheet] SE. i Western West Virginia. ([Sheet] 8W.) Wisconsin. Federal aid highway system, progress map: [Wisconsin]; data corrected to Oct. 1, 1931. Scale 1 : 500,000 or 1 in. =7.891 m. [Washington] Geological Survey [1932]. [3 sheets] each 28.5X18.8 in. [Projection, modi- tied polvconic. Base map from Geological Survey State map.] * 30c. per set of 3 maps. A 22.9 : W 75/3/NE, NW, S Northeastern Wisconsin. ([Sheet] 15NE.) Northwestern Wisconsin. ([Sheet] 15NW.) Southern Wisconsin. ([Sheet] 15S.) SOLICITOR OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Work. Office of Solicitor for Department of Agriculture; by Elton L. IMarshall. May, 1932. 7 p. [From Missouri bar journal, Apr. 1931.] * Paper, 5c. A 33.2 : So 4 WEATHER BUREAU Corn.' Weekly corn and wheat region bulletin, May 3-31, 1932; no. 4-8, 1932. Chicago, 111., May 4-June 1, 1932. Each [4] p. il. 4° * Paper, 30c. per sea- son (April-September). A 29.43 : 932/4^ Cotton. Weekly cotton region bulletin, no. 4-S [season of 1932] ; May 3-31, 1932. New Orleans, La., May 4- June 1, 1932. Each [2] p. il. 4° * Paper, 30c. per season (April-October). A 29.39 : 932/4-8 Meteorology. Monthly meteorological summary, Washington, D. (1, Apr. 1932. [May 4, 1932.] [2] p. large 8° t A 29.30: 932/4 Monthly weather review. Monthly weather review, v. 59, 1931 [title-page, cor- rections and additions, index, etc.]. 1932. xi p. 4° * Paper, 5c. A 29.6/1 : 59/t. p. & incl. ■ Same, Feb. 1932; v. GO, no. 2. [May 9, 1932.] cover-title, p. 43-81, 11. 11 p. of maps, 4° * Paper, 15c. single copy, $1.50 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $2.25. L. C. card Agr 9-990 A 29.6/1 : 60/2 NorE. — The Monthly weather review contains (1) meteorological contributions and bib io:;Taphy, (2) an interpretative summary and charts of the weather of the mouth in the United States, and on adjacent oceans, and (3) climatolosical tables dealing with the weather of the month. The contributions are principally as follows : (a) rt^sults of observational or resea'ch work in meteorology carried on in the United States or other parts of the world, (b) abstracts or reviews of important meteorologi- cal papers and books, and (c) notes. Special articles. — Rational theory of cup anemometer; by Charles F. Marvin.— Wet-bulb depression as criterion of forest-fire hazard ; by J. R. Lloyd. — A. Wagner's ciimatologie der freien atmosphare, abstract by J. C. Ballard. — The colder the air the thinner the ice ; by W. J. Humphreys. Weather. Weekly weather and crop bullef n. May 3-31, 1932 ; no. 18-22, 1932. Mav 4-June 1, 1932. Each 4 p. il. 4° * Paper, 50c. a yr. L. C. card Agr 24-260 A 29.7/2 : 932/18-22 Weather map. Daily weather map [of United States published at Washing- ton, D. C, containing forecasts for all States east of Mississippi River l)elonging to Washington forecast district]. May 1-31, 1932. [1932.] Each 19X24 in. (outs de measurement). * Daily, except Sundays and holidays (DWM), $3.00 a yr.. 25c. a month; daily, including Sundays and holidays (DSHM). ?3.60 a yr., 30c. a month; Sunday and holiday maps only (SHM), no subscription for less than 6 months, 25e., 50c. a yr. ; foreign subscription, $7.25 a yr. (maps can not be furnished in quantities unless the order is placed with the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, 'n advance of issue). A 29.18: 932 Note. — Subscribers desiring forecasts of weather conditions outside of the Washing- ton forecast district will be referred to the district in which they are located, and all HoTsv to order publications — See information following' Contents 123108— 32— No. 449 2 936 May, 1932 Weather map — Continued. Biibscriptious forwarded through tlie Weather Bureau for proper station reference. Maps coutulniug these forecasts are issued daily, except Sundays and holidays, at New OrK-ans, La., iJenver. l"olo., Chicago, III., Sau Fiaut-lsco. Calif., and other flel< e<]itions.l t C 1.4: 286/6 AERONAUTICS BRANCH Air rommrrcr buUrtin, v. 3, no. 21 and 22; May 2 and 10. 19.32. [1932.1 p. 52;{-5S6. [Semimonthly.] t L. C. card 29— 2(;(].!4 ('23.12:3^21,22 Airpryrt rating reguliitioiis, effeitive as imieiidcd .Inly 1. V.Y.Vl. 1932. ii+:iO p il, (Aenminitics luilletin 1(J.) + L. C. card 31— l.'JCiK) C 23.1 1:16/4 llIi<-iil Ioiin Set- I ii furiiiat ier, 10c. C 3.37/26 : Ag 8 Agrimilture. 15th census of United States, 1930 : Agriculture, general statistics, summary for United States, 1929 and 1930. 1932. v+111 p. il. 4° [Pre- pared under supervision of William Lane Austin, chief statistician for agri- culture.] *Paper, 15c. L. C. card 32-28571 C 3.37/15 : Uu 3 Alcohol. 15th census of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929, industry series, alcohol, ethyl, and distilled liquors; baking powders, yeast, and other leavening compounds; blacking, stains, and dressings; bluing; candles; cleaning and polishing preparations ; glue and gelatin ; grease and tallow, not including lubricating greases; ink, printing; ink, writing; liquors, vinous; mucilage, paste, and other adhesives, except glue and rubber cement ; salt. 1932. vi+32 p. 4° [Prepared under supervision of LeVerne Beales, chief statistician for manufactures, and James O. Reid, in charge of work on chemicals and allied products group of industries.] *Paper, 5c. C 3.37/26 : Al 1 Artists' materials. 15th census of United States [1930] : Manufactures, 1929, industry series, artists' materials; carbon paper and inked ribbons; hand stamps and stencils and brands ; pencils, lead ; pens, fountain and stylo- graphic ; pen points, gold, steel, and brass ; stationery goods, not elsewhere classified. 1932. vi+15 p. 4" [Prepared under supervision of LeVerne Beales, chief statistician for manufactures, and George W. Fuller, in charge of work on miscellaneous industries group.] *Paper, 10c. C 3.37/26: Ar 7 How to order publications — See information folloTving Contents 938 May, 1932 Conncctiout. 15th census of United States, 1930: Occupation statistics, Con- necticut. 1932. 45 p. 4" I Prepared by Alba M. Edwards, under general .su|)ervision of Leon E. Truesdrll, chief statistician for po[)ulation.] *Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-27278 C 3.37/31 : C 76 Copper. 15th census of United States [19301 : Manufactures, 1929, industry series, copper, tin, and sheet-iron work, including galvanized-iron work, not el.sewhere classified; electroplating; fire extinguishers, chemical; gas and electric fi.vtures, lanii»s, lanterns, and refiectors ; stamped ware, enameled ware, and metal stamping, enameling, japanning, and lacquering. 1932. iv-f19 p. 4° (Prepared under su[)ervision of IjC Verne lieales, chief statis- tician for manufactures, and William W. Sawyer, in charge of work on non- ferrous metals and their products group of industries.] ♦Paper, 10c. C 3.37/2(5 : C 79 Cotton. April report of cotton consumed, on hand, imported, and exported, and active cotton spindles. May 14, 1932. oblong 32° [Preliminary report. This publication is issued in postal card form.] t C 3.21 : 931-932/9 Cottonseed received, crushed, and on hand, and cottonseed products manufac- tured, shipped out, on hand, and exported for 9 months ending Apr. 30, 1932 and 1931. May VI, 1932. oblong 32° [Exports of cottonseed products are for 8 months ending Mar. 31. Preliminary report. This publication is issued in postal card form.] t C 3.2.1 : 931-932/9 Delavxirc. 15th census of United States, 1930: Census of distribution, whole- sale distribution. State series, Delaware. 1932. 21 p. il. 4° [Prepared under supervision of Robert J. McFall. chief statistician for distribution, and Theodore N. Beckman, expert in charge of wholesale distribution, assisted by Nathanael H. Bngle and C. E. Warner, jr., experts in marketing.] *Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-2(5315 C 3.37/23 : D 37 ■ 15th census of United States [1930] : Construction industry. State series, Delaware. 1932. 23 !>. il. 4° [Prepared under supervision of Alanson D. Morehouse, in charge of census of construction, and Mrs. I. Mansfield Spasoff, associate statistician.] ♦Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-28378 C 3.37/21 : D 37 Financial statistics of cities having population of over .30,(XK>, 1930 (fiscal year ending Jan. 31, 1931, or fiscal period closing prior thereto), total revenues, governmental-cost payments, indebtedness, assessed valuation of property, and levies of general property taxes. 1932. 47 p. ♦Paper, 10c. L. C. card 24-26245 C 3.29: (^i9/93a Note- — This summary of the 310 cities having a population of over 30.000 as de- termined by the ••numeration as of Apr. 1, 1930, will be followed by n detailed report giving the financial statistics which will show the total and per capita receipts from revt-nui'S. total and per capita payments for operation, maintfuaiice, and inti-rest, and tola! ontla.vs. total and per capita indi'btedncss. total and iter capita asscs.sed valuation of property, total and per capita tax levies, tax rates, and other financial Items. Leather, census of ITnited States [1930] : Manufactures. 1929. industry series, leather and its manufactures, leather, (anned. currieer. lOe. ('3.37/31 :L93; IIoM tit order iMiblicatlonN — See Inforiuntlun (olIo\^'lnK' Contenta May, 1932 939 Maine. 15th census of United States [1930] : Census of distribution, wholesale distribution, State series, Maine. 1932. 26 p. il. 4° [Prepared under super- vision of Robert J. McFall, chief statistician for distribution, and Theodore N. Beckman, expert in charge of wholesale distribution, assisted by Nathanael H. Bngle and C. E. Warner, jr., experts in marketing.] *Paper, 10c. C 3.37/23 : M 28 15tli census of United States, 1930: Population bulletin, families, Maine. 1932. 18 p. 4°. [Prepared under supervision of Leon E. Truesdell, chief statistician for iDopulation.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-28622 C 3.37/10 :M 28 Mich iff an. 15th census of United States [1930] : Construction industry, State series, Michigan. 1932. 40 p. il. 4". [Prepared under supervision of Alanson D. Alorebouse, in charge of census of construction, and Mrs. I. Manslield Spasoff, as.sociate statistician.] * Paper, 10c. C 3.37/21 :M 58 Missonri. 15th census of United States [1930] : Construction industry. Stare series, Missouri. 1932. 37 p. il. 4" [Prepared under supervision of Alanson D. Morehouse, in charge of construction, and Mrs. I. Mansfield Spasoif, asso- ciate statistician.] * Paper, 10c. C 3.37/21 : M 69o Nevada. 15th census of United States [1930] : Census of distribution, wholesale distribution. State series, Nevada. 1932. 15 p. il. 4° [Prepared under super- vision of Robert J. McFall, chief statistician for distribution, and Theodore N. Beckman, expert in charge of wholesale distribution, assisted by Nathanael H. Engle and C. E. Warner, jr., experts in marketing.] * Paper, 5c. C 3.37/23 : N 41 New Jersey. 15th census of United States [1930] : Construction industry. State series. New Jersey. 1932. 50 p. il. 4° [Prepared under supervision of Alan- son D. Morehouse, in charge of census of construction, and Mrs. I. Mansfield Spasoff, associate statistician.] * Paper, 10c. C 3.37/21 : N 42j Ohio, loth census of United States [1930] : Census of mines and quarries, 1929, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa. 1932. ii-1-16 p. 4° [Prepared under supervision of F. E. Berquist, statistician for mines and quarries, assisted by Edward B. White.] * Paper, 5c. li. C. card 32-26534 C 3.37/33 : Oh 3 OkJahoma. 15th census of United States, 1930 : Occupation statistics, Oklahoma. 1932. 33 p. 4° [Prepared by Alba M. Edwards, under general supervision of Leon E. Truesdell, chief statistician for population.] * Paper, 10c. C 3.37/31 : Ok 4 Population. 15th census of United States, 1930: Population, v. 3, pi. 1, reports by States, showing composition and characteristics of population for counties, cities, and townships, or other minor civil divisions, Alabama-Missouri. 1932. vii-t-1389 p. il. 4" [Prepared under supervision of Leon E. Truesdell, chief statii^tician for population, assisted by Olive M. Riddleberger, assistant chief statistician.] * Cloth, $3.25. L. C. card 31-26946 C 3.37/5 : P 81/v.3,pt.l Tennessee. 15th census of United States, 1930 : Occupation statistics, Tennessee. 1932. 50 p. 4° [Prepared by Alba M. Edwards, under supervision of Leon B. Truesdell, chief statistician for population.] * Paper, lOc. C 3.37/31 :T 25 Utah. 15th census of United States, 1930: Agriculture, Utah, statistics by counties, 3d series, type of farm. 1932. 27 p. il. 4° [Prepared under super- vision of William Lane Austin, chief statistician for agriculture, assisted by F. F. Elliott.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 31-27053 C 3.37/14 : Ut 1 15th census of United States, 1930: Construction industry, St;ite series, Utah. 1932. 22 p. il. 4'' [Prepared under supervision of Alanson D. More- house, in charge of census of construction, and Mrs. I. Mansfield Spasoff, asso- ciate statistician.] * Paper, 10c. C 3.37/21 : Ut 1 HoTV to order publications — See information folloTcing' Contents 940 May, 1932 Utah — Continued. 15tli census of United Stutes. 1930: Population bulletin, families, Utah. 1932. 22 p. 4° [Prepared under supervision of Leon E. Tniesdell, chief statistician for population.] ♦Paper, 10c. C3.37/10:Utl Virginia. IGth census of United States, 1930: Occupation statistics, Virginia. 1932. 36 p. 4" [Prepared by Alba M. Edwards, under general supervision of Leon E. Truesdell, chief statistician for population.] • Paper, 10c. C 3.37/31 : V 81 Washington State. 15th census of United States, 1930: Occupation statistics, W.ishington. 1932. 42 p. 4° [Prepared b.v Alba M. Edwards, under general supen-ision of I^on E. Truesdell, chief statistician for population.] • Pai)er. 15c. C 3.37/31 : W 27 WiKConsin. 15tli census of United States, 1930: Occupation statistics, Wisconsin, 1932. 35 p. 4° [Prepared by Alba M. Edwards, under supervision of I^on E. Truesdell, chief statistician for population.] ♦ Paper, 10c. C 3.37/31 : W 75 Wyoming. 15th census of United States [1930] : Census of distribution, whole- sale distribution. State series, Wyoming. 1932. 16 p. 11. 4" [Prepared under supervision of Robert J. McFall. chief statistician for distribution, and Theo- dore N. Becknian, expert in charge of wholesale distribution, assisted by Nathanael H. Engle and C. E. Warner, jr., experts in marketing.] • Paper. 5c. C 3.37/23 : W 9G COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Note. — Tho monthly N'otire to mariners, formerly issued by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, has been consolidated with and made a pnrt of the Notice to mariners issued by the Lighthouses Bureau, tlius makinj? it a Joint publication. The charts, coast pilois. Inside route pilots, tide tables, and current tables of the Coast and Geodetic Survey are Sold at the office of the Survey in Washington, and also by one or more sales agents in each of the important American seaports. Coa^t and Geodetic Survcij huUetin, Apr. 30, 1932; no. 203. [1932.] 11 p. [Monthly.] t L. C. card 15-26512 C 4.20: 203 Coast pilots. Supplement to United States coast pilot, Atlantic Coast, section A. St. Croix River to Cape Cod, 2d (1927) edition. Apr. 7, 1932. [1] + — leave.-?, t C 4.6/1 : A/2/supp. 932 Same, section C, Sandy Hook to Cape Henry. 3d (1930) edition. Mar. 8, 1932. [1] +13 leaves, t C 4.6/1 : C/3/8upp. 932 United St.itos ctmst pilot, Alaska: pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay; [prepand by William D. Patterson]. 8th edition. 1932. vI+492+[l] p. 11. 3 maps. (Serial 545.) t Cloth, 75c. L. C. card 32-20629 C 4.7/2 : 932 Current tablet, Pacific Coast, North .\meriea and Philippine Islands, [calendar] year 19:v3. I!t32. 117 p.+5 folded leaves, il. ( 542.) [Of the waters of the Philippine Islands only San Pernardino Stniit is included in tliis publi- cation. Includes list of pui)licatidetic Survey, [calendar year] 19:50; by Daniel L. Hazard. 1932. [l]+33 p. (Serial .544.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card 5-3:.3(W C 4.26 : 930 Iln^T t(t <>rr |inIiII<-ntlniiH — See Informntion foIloT«'inir Coutenta May, 1932 94:1 Charts Alitak Bay. Part of Alitak Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska, south coast, Cape Alitak to Moser Bav ; chart 8575. Scale 1 : 20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1932. 42.8X33.8 in. t 75c. C 4.9: 8575 Brazos River entrance, Tex., surveys to 1897, surveys by U. S. Engineers to Julv 1931 : chart 525. Scale 1 : 10,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1932. 2S.4X3S.9 in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 525 Chesapeake Bay, Va., Wolf Trap to Smith Point, surveys 1895-1911, with addi- tions from earlier surveys, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931 ; chart 1223. Scale 1:80,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1932. 31.2 X 38.9 in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 1223 Coos Bay, Oreg., .surveys to 1928, surveys by U. S. Engineers to Dec. 1931; chart 59S4. Scale 1 : 20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1932. 29.5X38.3 in. t 75c. 4.9:5984 Florida. Amelia Island to St. Augustine, surveys to 1924, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1925, and other sources; with inset, St. Augustine Harbor and approaches ; chart 1243. Scale 1 : 80,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1932. 44.8X31.9 in. t 75c. C 4.9: 1243 Hudson River. Hudson River. N. Y., Poughkeepsie to Hudson, surveys to 1905, survevs by U. S. Engineers to 1931, and other sources; chart 283. Scale 1:40,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1932. 40.8X30.1in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 283 Hudson River, N. T.-N. J., Fort Washington Point to Yonkers, surveys to 1930, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1930 ; chart 747. Scale 1 : 10,000. Wash- ington, Coa'st and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1932. 44.4X25.1 in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 747 Kenai Peninsula. Alaska, south coast. Gore Point to Anchor Point, surveys to 1930 and Geological Survey maps: chart 8531. [Scale 1:80,000.] Washing- ton, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1932. 42.8X32.7 in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 8531 Lony Island Soinid. Long Island Sound, western part, Conn.-N. Y., surveys to 1931, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931, additional topography from other sources ; chart 1213. Scale 1 : 80,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey, Apr. 1932. 30.4X40.4 in. t 75c. 4.9:1213 North shore of Long Island Sound, Conn.-N. Y., Greenwich Point to New Rochelle, surveys to 1931, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931, and other sources ; with inset. Continuation of Coscob Harbor ; chart 222. Scale 1:20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1932. 33.2X42.7 in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 222 Mare Isla7}d Strait, Calif., original surveys to 1927, surveys by U. S. Navy to Jan. 1932 : chart 5525. Scale 1 : 10,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Sui-vey, Apr. 1932. 35.1X23.1 in. t 50c. C 4.9: 5525 Narragausett Bay, R. I., surveys 1861-1929, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931 ; chart 353. Scale 1 : 40.000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1932, 46X30.5 in. t 75c. 4.9:353 North Carolina, Currituck Beach to Wimble Shoals, surveys to 1927, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1929, and other sources ; chart 1229. Scale 1 : 80,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1932. 46.1X32.4 in. t 7.5c. 4.9 : 1229 Palawan. Northwestern Palawan, P. I., surveys to 1931 and other sources; chart 4316. [Scale 1:100,000.] Manila, P. I., Coast and Geodetic Survey, Dec. 1931. 44.6X31.2 in. t 75c. 4.9:4316 Philippine Islands, northern part, Manila Bay to Taiwan, surveys to 1931 and other sources; chart 4705. [Scale 1 : 800,000.] Manila, P. I., Coast and Geo- detic Survey, Jan. 1932. 43.5X28.1 in. t 75c. 4.9:4705 Ho-»v to order publications — See informatiou follo-*vingr Contents 942 May, 1932 Plymouth, Mass. Harbors of Plymouth, Kin;;ston, and Duxbury, Mass., suneys to 15>17, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1930, and other sources; chart 24.'). Stale l:a>,()0<>. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survev, Apr. 1932. 38.3X 27.5 in. t 750. C 4.9 : 245 Ban Dieyo Hay, Calif., surveys to 1928, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931, U. S. Navy to 1930, and other sources ; chart 5107. Scale 1 : 20,000. Wash- ington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1932. 37.4X33.3 in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 5107 San Francisco Bay, Calif., surveys to 1930, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931, and other sources; chart 5r)30. Scale 1 : 80,000. Washington, Coast and Geo- detic Survey, Apr. 1932. 41.3X33.9 in. t 75c. C4.9::.530 Snettisham, Port. Port Snettisham, s. e. Ala.ska, surveys in 1S88; chart .s227. Scale 1:40.000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1932. 26.4 > 23.1 in. t 2r)c. C 4.9 : 8227 Tampa Bay and St. Jo.seph S«iund, Fla., Gulf Coast, surveys to 1927. surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1931, and other sources; chart 1257. Scale l:8ii,0(K>. Wa.shington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1932. 40.2X32.7 in. t 75c. C 4.9 .1257 Tillamook Bay, Orcg., surveys to 1927, surveys from U. S. Engineere to Feb. 1932, and other sources; chart 6112. Scale 1 : 20,000. Washingtc n. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Apr. 1932. 32.3 X 20 in. t 50c. C 4.9: 6112 FISHERIES BUREAU Alaska. Fisheries of Alaska, 1931. [1932.J 4 leaves, 4" (Statistical bulletin 978.) t C0.5:9Ts Aquatic plants. Controlling vegetation in fish ponds with sodium arsenitf [with list of literature cited] ; by Eugene W. Surber. 1932. ii-f39 p. il (Investigational report 11.) [Investigational rei)ort 11 carries the volume number 1.] ♦ Paper, 10c. L. C. card F32-9 C 6.12 : 11 Canned fishery jn-oducts and by-products of United States and Alaska. 1931. []932.] 9 leaves, 4" (Statistical bulletin 977.) t C 6.5 : 977 Cold storage holdings of fish, Apr. 15, 1932. [1932] 2 leaves, 4° (Statistical bulletin 984.) (Statistics furnished by Agricultural Economics Bureau.] t C 6.5 : 984 Fisheries of United States and Ala^^ka, 1930. [1932.] 6 leaves, oblong 8° ( Sta tistlcal bulletin 980. ) t C 6.5 : 980 Fish'Ties service bulletin, Max 2, 19S2; no. 204. [1932.] 7 p. [Monthly.] t L. C. card Fli>-76 C 6 9 : 204 Fishery products. Fishery products landed at Seattle, Wash., by Uiiiteort.s. Mar. 1932, [with I siuninary and comparisons, 1932 and J931. [1932.] 3 leaves, 4° (Sta- tistical bulletin 982.) t C 6.5: 982 Same, Apr. 1932, |withj summary and comparLsons Apr. 1932 and 1931. [1932.] 3 leaves, 4° (Statistical bulletin 985.) t C 6.5: 985 Landings by fl.shing vessels at 3 princi[)al New England ports. 1931. [1932.] 4 leaves, oblong 8° (Statistical bulletin 979.) t ('6.5:979 Production of cured fis>hery jirodu'ts in marine and bike sections of United Stales and Ala.ska, 19.''.0. [1932.] 3 leaves large 8° and T (Statis- tical bulletin 981 ) t C 6.5: 081 Production of Iresli, frozen, and smoked jiarkasred fishery jn-oducts In United States, 1931. [1932.] 1 p. oblong 12" ( Statistical bulletin 975.) t C 6.5 : 975 IIuYV til 4>r(I«>r iiiiltliciillunn — Sor iiifuriiintidn folIo^vlnK' Contenta May, 1932 943 Herring. Fluctuations in supply of herring. Clupea pallasii. in Prince Williiim Sound, Alaska [with bibliography] : by George A. Rounsefell and Edwin H. Dahlgren. 1932. 11] +263-291 p. 11. 2 pi. large 8" (Bulletin 9.) [From Bulletin, v. 47.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card F32-7 C 6.3/2 : 9 South Atlantic States. Fisheries of South Atlantic and Guli States, 1930. [1932.] 5 leaves, oblong 8° (Statistical bulletin 976.) t C 6.5: 976 Trawling. Winter trawl fishery off Virginia and North Carolina coasts [with bibliography] ; by John C. Pearson. 1932. ii+31 p. il. (Investigational report 10 ) [Investigational report 10 carries the volume number 1.] * Paper, icic. L. C. card F32-11 C 6.12 : 10 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE BUREAU Business. Survey of current business. May, 1932; v. 12, no. o. [1932.] cover- title, 56 p. il. 4° [I\Ionthly. Contains weekly data through Apr. 23, 1932, and monthly data through March (incorrectly given on title-page as Feb- ruary), the date given above being the date of issue.] * Paper, 10c. single copy (annual supplement, 25c), $1.50 a yr. (including weekly supplement) ; foreign subscription, $3.25 (without weekly supplement). L. C. card 21-26819 C 18.35 : 932/5 Same, weekly supplement, May 5-26, 1932. [1932.] Each 4 p. il. 4° [In- cluded in price of monthly Survey of current business, which see above.] C 18.36 : 932/18-21 Commerce. ^Monthly summary of foreign commerce of United States, Mar, 1932. 1932. 2 pts. p. 1-76 and ii +77-94 p. 4" * Paper, pt. 1, 10c. single copy, * pt. 2, 5c. single copy, $1.25 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $2.00. L. C. card 14-21465 C 18.7 : 932/9-1, 9-2 — Same. 1932. [2 pts. in 1], 94 p. 4° (H. doe. 59, 72d Cong. 1st sess.) Commerce reports, weeklj^ survey of foreign trade, reports from representatives of Departments of Commerce and State in foreign countries and articles pre- pared in bureau at Washington, May 2-30. 1932; no. 18-22 [series 1932]. [1932.] cover-titles, p. 241-552, il. 4° [Text and illustrations on p. 2-4 of covers.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, $4.00 a yr. ; foreign subscription, $6.00. C 18.5/1: 932/18-22 Forest resources and lumber industry of Soviet Russia ; [compiled from con- sular reports based on Soviet publications]. 1982. ii+H p. (Trade infor- mation bulletin 798.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26537 C 18.25 : 798 Grocery trade. Cost control by wholesale grocers ; by John R. Bromell. 1932. iv+35 p. (Domestic commerce series 63.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26469 C 18.28 : 6a Iron. French iron and steel industry and trade, with chapter on the Saar; [by Thomas Butts]. 1932. ii+60 p. (Trade information bulletin 800; [Iron and Steel Division].) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32-26621 C 18.25 : SOO LIGHTHOUSES BUREAU lst-2d Districts. Atlantic Coast of United States, local light list, including lights, fog signals, buoys, and dayniarks. New England coast, Maine to Massa- chusetts, 1st and 2d lighthouse districts; 1932, corrected to Jan. 15, 1932. 1932. [1] +1-63+83-177 p. * Paper, 25c. C 9.42: 932 JftJiSth Districts. Atlantic Coast of United States, local light list, including lights, fog signals, buoys, and daymarks. Cape May to Cape Lookout, includ- ing Delaware and Chesapeake bays and North Carolina sounds, 4th and 5th lighthouse districts; 1932, corrected to Jan. 15, 1932. 1932. 1-6+163- 306+320-422 p. * Paper, 30c. C 9.44 : 932. HoTT to order publications — See inforiuation follovring' Contents 944 Mat, 1932 6th-7th Districts. Atlantic Coast of United States, local light list, including lights, fog signals, buoys, and dayniarks, Cai>e Lookout to Dry Tortugas, 6th and 7th lighthouse districts; 193l>, corrected to J:in. 15, 1932. 193J. 1-7+305-403+415-470 p. * Paper, 30c. C 9.49: 931; 10th~]2th Districts. Light list, including fog signals, buoys, and dayniarks, Great Lakes, United States and Canada ; 1932, corrected to Mar. 1. 1!)32. 281 p. il. [Map on verso of front cover,] * Paper, 30c. L. C. card 12-29082 C 9.30 : 93:; Lighthouse service bulletin, v. 4, no. 29; May 2, 1932. [1932.] p. 115-118, il. [Monthly.] t L. C. card 12-35121 C 9.31 : 4/29 Notices to imiriners. Notice to mariners. Great Lakes, weekly, no. 10-13, 1932 ; May G-27 [1932]. Conover Press, Detroit [May 5-26, 1932]. various paging, t Supt. of lighthouses, Detroit, Mich. C9.41 : 932/10-1:: Notice to mariners, weekly, no. 18-21, 1932; May 4-25 [1932]. 1932. various paging. [Issued jointly with Coast and Geodetic Survev.] t L. C. card 7-20609 C 9.26 : 932/18-21 MINES BUREAU Coal in 1930; by F. G. Tryon, L. Mann, and H. O. Rogers. May 4. 1932. ii+599-773 p. il. [From Mineral resources, 1930, pt. 2.] * Paper, 15c. C22.8/a:C 631/9311 Oasolinc. Transportation of gasoline by pipe line [with selected bibliographv] ; by C. P. Bowie. 1932. ii+24 p. il. 1 pi. 2 p. of pi. map. (Technical paper 517.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32—26623 C 22.5 : 51 7 Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Nevada in 1930. mine report ; bv V. <". Ileikes. May 20, 19.32. [1] +515-554 p. IFrom Mineral resources. 1930. pt. 1.] ♦Paper, 10c. C 22.8/a : G 503/8/9:;ii LecKl in 1930, general report; by Elmer W. Pehrson. May 3, 1932. [l]+470- 514 p. [From Mineral resources, 1930, pt. 1.] * Paper, 5c. C 22.8 /a : L 469/2/930 Mine accidents. Accident experience and cost of accidents at Washington metal mines and quarries; by S. H. Ash. 1932. ii+35 p. (Technical paper 514.) 'Paper, 10c. L. C. card 32—26628 C 22.5: 514 Falls of roof and coal in mines oi>erating in Sewickley coal bed in Mo- nongalia County, W. Va. ; by J. W. Paul and J. N. Geyer. 1932. ii+31 p. U. (Tefhnical pai>er 520.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32—26591 C 22.5: 520 Mine ventilatioti. Natural ventilation of Michigan copper mines ; by G. F> McElroy. 1932. iii+40 p. il. 2 pi. (Technical paper 516.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 32—26590 C 22.5 : 516 Motion-picture films. Bureau of Mines, senuannual list. Apr. 1932. [1932.] 4 p. t L. C. card 24—26304 C 22.26: 932 Oscillators. Construction of master mwhauical oscillator for testing seismic recorders and other allied apparatus; i)y F. W. Lee and G. A. Irland. 1932. ii + 17 p. il. 1 pi. 6 p. of pi. (Teihnical paper 518.) 'Paper. 5c. L. C. card .32—26535 C 22.5: 518 PtthlicationJi. New publications, Bureau of Mines, monthly list 204 : Apr. 30, 1932. [1932.] 4 p. t C 22.7/3: 204 Zinc in 1930, gt'neral report; by Elmer W. Pehrson. Apr. 25, 1932. [1]+431- 477 p. [From Mineral resources, 1930, pt. 1.] 'Paper, 6c. C 22.8/a : Z 66/980 NAVIGATION BUREAU Navif/ation latos of United States, 1931, 1932. xxxiil+468 p. • Cloth. $1.00. L. C. card 32—26536 C 11.6 : 931 IIovT to order pnblicatlonri — See In