ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign library Large-scale Digitization Project, 2007. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Transactions of the Board of Trustees JULY 1, 1962, TO JUNE 30, 1964 A. J. JANATA Secretary CONTENTS Meeting of July 18, 1962................................................. 1 Meeting of September 19, 1962........................................... 49 Meeting of October 17, 1962............................................. 161 Meeting of November 9, 1962............................................ 235 Meeting of December 19, 1962............................................ 263 Meeting of January 17, 1963............................................. 323 Meeting of February 20, 1963............................................ 359 Meeting of March 20, 1963............................................... 419 Meeting of April 17, 1963............................................... 455 Meeting of May 15, 1963................................................ 483 Meeting of June 19, 1963................................................. 531 Meeting of July 2, 1963.................................................. 677 Meeting of August 1, 1963............................................... 705 Meeting of September 18, 1963........................................... 745 Meeting of October 26, 1963.............................................. 849 Meeting of November 23, 1963........................................... 905 Meeting of December 18, 1963............................................ 933 Meeting of January 15, 1964............................................. 985 Meeting of February 19, 1964............................................ 1023 Meeting of March 18, 1964............................................... 1095 Meeting of April 15, 1964................................................ 1149 Meeting of May 20, 1964................................................. 1177 Meeting of June 17, 1964................................................ 1237 Index................................................................... 1347 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Members ex Officio Otto Kerner, Governor of Illinois, Springfield 62706 Ray Page, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Springfield 62706 Elected Members (Term 1959-65) Howard W. Clement, First National Bank Building, 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 60603 Theodore A. Jones, 3501 South Parkway, Chicago 60653 Harold Pogue, 705 North Oakland Avenue, Decatur 62525 (Term 1961-67) Irving Dilliard, 407 Crestwood Drive, Collinsville 62234 Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, 5538 Harper Avenue, Chicago 60637 Kenney E. Williamson, Sixth Floor, Lehmann Building, Peoria 61602 (Term 1963-69) Earl M. Hughes, 206 North Hughes Road, Woodstock 60098 Wayne A. Johnston, 135 East Eleventh Place, Chicago 60605 Timothy W. Swain, 912 Central National Bank Building, Peoria 61602 Officers of the Board Howard W. Clement, President, Chicago 60603 Anthony J. Janata, Secretary, Urbana 61803 Herbert 0. Farber, Comptroller, Urbana 61803 R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 60603 Fifty-Second Report (SEVEN ANNUAL AND FORTY-FIVE BIENNIAL REPORTS) OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOR THE TWO YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1964 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $$ URBANA Urbana, Illinois, June 30, 1964 Honorable Otto Kerner, Governor of Illinois: Sir: I have the honor to submit to you herewith, in compliance with the law, the fifty-second report of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, for the two years ending June 30, 1964. Respectfully yours, A. J. Janata, Secretary CONTENTS Board of Officers of Administration........................................................vii The Council.....................................................................xiv The University Senates..........................................................xv Officers and Directors of the University of Illinois Foundation.....................xlii Officers and Staff of the Alumni Association......................................xlii Officers and Executive Committee of the University of Illinois Dads Association... .xliii Officers and Directors of the University of Illinois Mothers Association............xliii Officers and Directors of the University of Illinois Athletic Association............xliii Board of Examiners in Accountancy.............................................xliii Board of Trustees and Officers of the State Universities Retirement System........xliv Merit Board of the University Civil Service System of Illinois.....................xliv Board of Natural Resources and Conservation....................................xliv MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Meeting of July 18, 1962........................................................ 1 Meeting of September 19, 1962.................................................. 49 Meeting of October 17, 1962.................................................... 161 Meeting of November 9, 1962...................................................235 Meeting of December 19, 1962..................................................263 Meeting of January 17, 1963.................................................... 323 Meeting of February 20, 1963................................................... 359 Meeting of March 20, 1963...................................................... 419 Meeting of April 17, 1963....................................................... 455 Meeting of May 15, 1963........................................................ 483 Meeting of June 19, 1963....................................................... 531 Meeting of July 2, 1963......................................................... 677 Meeting of August 1, 1963...................................................... 705 Meeting of September 18, 1963.................................................. 745 Meeting of October 26, 1963.................................................... 849 Meeting of November 23, 1963.................................................. 905 Meeting of December 18, 1963................................................... 933 Meeting of January 15, 1964.................................................... 985 Meeting of February 19, 1964...................................................1023 Meeting of March 18, 1964......................................................1095 Meeting of April 15, 1964.......................................................1149 Meeting of May 20, 1964.......................................................1177 Meeting of June 17, 1964........................................................1237 INDEX.......................................................................1347 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Members ex Officio Otto Kerner, Governor of Illinois, Springfield 62706 Ray Page, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Springfield 62706 Elected Members (Term 1959-65) Howard W. Clement, First National Bank Building, 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 60603 Richard A. Harewood, 733 East Seventy-fifth Street, Chicago 60619 (Resigned August 31, 1962) Theodore A. Jones, 3501 South Parkway, Chicago 60653 (Appointed December 20, 1963, to replace Mr. Harewood) Harold Pogue, 705 North Oakland Avenue, Decatur 62525 (Term 1961-67) Irving Diixiakd, 407 Crestwood Drive, Collinsville 62234 Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, 5538 Harper Avenue, Chicago 60637 Kenney E. Williamson, Sixth Floor, Lehmann Building, Peoria 61602 (Term 1963-69) Earl M. Hughes, Hughes Farms, 206 North Hughes Road, Woodstock 60098 Wayne A. Johnston, 135 East Eleventh Place, Chicago 60605 Timothy W. Swain, 912 Central National Bank Building, Peoria 61602 Officers of the Board Howard W. Clement, President, Chicago Anthony J. Janata, Secretary, Urbana Herbert O. Farber, Comptroller, Urbana R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 60603 Executive Committee Howard W. Clement, Chairman, Wayne A. Johnston, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins Standing Committees, 1963-64 The President of the University is a member, ex officio, of all standing committees. Agriculture. Earl M. Hughes, Chairman, Irving Dilliard, Wayne A. Johnston Alumni. Irving Dilliard, Chairman, Earl M. Hughes, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins Athletic Activities. Harold Pogue, Chairman, Irving Dilliard, Theodore A. Jones Buildings and Grounds. Harold Pogue, Chairman, Earl M. Hughes, Wayne A. Johnston, Theodore A. Jones, Timothy W. Swain, Kenney E. Williamson Chicago Departments. Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Chairman, Wayne A. Johnston, Harold Pogue Finance. Kenney E. Williamson, Chairman, Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins General Policy. Wayne A. Johnston, Chairman, Theodore A. Jones, Harold Pogue, Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins Nonacademic Personnel (also representatives on the Civil Service Merit Board). Timothy W. Swain, Chairman, Earl M. Hughes, Harold Pogue Patents. Timothy W. Swain, Chairman, Theodore A. Jones, Kenney E. Williamson Student Welfare and Activities. Theodore A, Jones, Chairman, Irving Dilliard, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins State Universities Retirement System Representatives. Earl M. Hughes, Harold Pogue, Kenney E. Williamson VI OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION President of the University David Dodds Henry, Ph.D., LL.D., HH.D., LittD., L.H.D., D.Sc.Ed., Ped.D., President of the University Anthony James Janata, A.B., Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Charles Everette Flynn, A.M., Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information Shannon McCune, Ph.D., Consultant to the President and to the Executive Vice-President and Provost Earl Waters Porter, Ph.D., Assistant to the President (Reports and Special Projects) George Holbrook Bargh, M.S., Administrative Assistant William Hudson Rice, B.S., Administrative Assistant (Legislative Relations) Charles C. Caveny, B.S., Assistant to the President (Chicago Office) Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Ph.D., Executive Vice-President and Provost Royden Dangekfield, Ph.D., Associate Provost, Dean of Administration, and Director of International Programs Paul Raymond Shaffer, Ph.D., Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs Martin Luther Zeigler, Ph.D., Assistant Provost and Director of Institutional Studies Gustav Jacob Froehlich, Ph.D., Director of the Bureau of Institutional Research Haslan Daniel Bareither, M.S., Director of the Central Office on the Use of Space John F. Chaney, B.S., Director of the Statistical Service Unit James Guthrie Coke, Ph.D., Director of the Office of Community Development Charles John McIntyre, Ph.D., Director of the Office of Instructional Television See also Student Counseling Service and University Honors Programs Admissions and Records Charles Wilson Sanford, Ph.D., Dean of Admissions and Records Elbert Eugene Oliver, Ph.D., Associate Dean Charles E. Warwick, Ed.D., Assistant Dean Edward T. Sanford, M.S., Director of the Undergraduate Scholarship Program John E. Bowers, A.M., Director of Testing Lowell Burdette Fisher, A.M., Ed.M., LL.D., Litt.D., Ped.D., Coordinator of School and University Articulation College of Agriculture Louis Bradley Howard, Ph.D., D.Sc, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Karl Edrick Gardner, Ph.D., Associate Dean of the College John Bennett Claar, Ph.D., Associate Director of the Extension Service Morrell Belote Russell, Ph.D., Associate Director of the Station Cecil Dale Smith, M.S., Assistant Dean of the College Haldane Wesley Bean, M.S., Assistant Director of the Extension Service Moyle Strayhorn, Ph.D., Assistant Director of the Extension Service Martha L. Dunlap, Ph.D., Assistant Director of the Extension Service William Delmer Murphy, M.P.A., Assistant Director of the Extension Service George Kenneth Brinegar, Ph.D., Assistant Director of the Station Douglas Bert Bauling, B.S., Assistant Director of the Station Armed Forces Lyle H. Lanier, Ph.D., Coordinator of Armed Forces Russell Paddock Strange, Ph.D., Lieutenant Colonel, United States Air Force, Professor of Air Science Harold L. Dorsett, LL.B., LL.M., Colonel, United States Army, Professor of Military Science John Ludvig Nielsen, B.S., Captain, United States Navy, Professor of Naval Science VII VIII BOARD OF TRUSTEES Athletics Douglas Raymond Mills, B.S., Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Raymond Eliot, A.M., Assistant Director of Athletics Institute of Aviation Leslie Aulls Bryan, Ph.D., LL.B., Director of the Institute of Aviation Board of Trustees Anthony James Janata, A.B., Secretary of the Board of Trustees Business Office Herbert Otis Farber, A.M., C.P.A., Vice-President and Comptroller Morris S. Kessler, M.S., Assistant Comptroller Lyle M. Dahlenburg, B.S., Chief Accountant Wilbur John Thom, B.S., Auditor Charles Clifton DeLong, M.S., Bursar Lester Elton Elliott, A.B., Director of Purchases College of Commerce and Business Administration Paul Martin Green, Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration and Director of the Graduate School of Business Administration Dorothy Litherland, Ph.D., C.P.A., Associate Dean of the College Richard M. Hill, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the College Case M. Sprenkle, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the College V Lewis Bassie, Ph.B., Director of the Bureau of Economic and Business Research Irwin Allen Cochrun, B.S., Director of the Bureau of Business Management Frank W. Renwick, Jr., A.B., LL.B., Director of the Executive Development Center Louis Donovan Volpp, Ph.D., Associate Director of the Graduate School of Business Administration Coordinating Placement Office Gerald Waters Peck, A.M., Coordinating Placement Officer (Urbana-Charhpaign) John Rainey Griffin, Ed.M., Assistant Coordinating Placement Officer Robert Samuel Holty, A.B., LL.B., Coordinating Placement Officer (Chicago) Dean of Students Fred Harold Turner, Ph.D., Dean of Students Edward Emerson Stafford, B.S., Associate Dean William Thomas Morgan, B.S., Security Officer John Rainey Griffin, Ed.M., Assistant Dean Vern James Hampton, M.S., Assistant Dean Robert Allen Schuiteman, Ph.D., Director of the Office of Foreign Students Bernard Lee Myerson, A.M., Assistant Director of the Office of Foreign Students See also Coordinating Placement Office Dean of Men Carl Warner Knox, Ph.D., Dean of Men Robert Merlin Cbane, Ed.D., Associate Dean Robert Hermann Ewalt, A.M., Assistant Dean Gaylord Farley Hatch, A.M., Assistant Dean Karl Frederick Ijamas, A.B., Assistant Dean James William Taylor, A.M., Assistant Dean Dean of Women Miriam Aldridge Shelden, Ph.D., Dean of Women Eunice Marion Dowse, A.M., Associate Dean Jo Ann Fley, A.M., Assistant Dean Mary Elizabeth Harrison, M.S., Assistant Dean Jean Francys Hill, M.S.W., Assistant Dean Kathryn E. Lenihan, A.M., Assistant Dean UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IX College of Education Alonzo G. Grace, Ph.D., D.Sc, L.H.D., Dean of the College of Education Charles Moore Allen, Ed.D., Associate Dean of the College and Coordinator of Uni- . versity Council on Teacher Education Rupert Nelson Evans, Ph.D., Associate Dean of the College Frank Herschel Finch, Ph.D., Coordinator of Graduate Study Raymond Edmund Williams, Ed.D., Assistant Dean of the College David Munro Jackson, Ph.D., Principal of University High School William Paul McLure, Ph.D., Director of the Bureau of Educational Research Samuel Alexander Kirk, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children College of Engineering William Littell Everitt, E.E., Ph.D., D.Eng., Dean of the College of Engineering Ross J. Martin, M.S., Director of the Engineering Experiment Station Stanley Holt Pierce, M.S., Associate Dean of the College Howard Leslie Wakeland, M.S., Assistant Dean of the College David Russell Opperman, M.S., Assistant Dean of the College John James Desmond, B.S., LL.B., C.P.A., Assistant Director of the Station Extension Division Stanley Clay Robinson, Ed.D., Dean of the Division of University Extension Neil Ford Garvey, Ph.D., Director of Correspondence Courses Robert Keith Newton, B.S., Supervisor of Engineering Extension Gerald Clayton Carter, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the Division Norman William Johnson, A.M., Director of Short Courses and Conferences and Director of Allerton House Daniel J. Perrino, M.S., Head of Extension in Music Thomas Harold Boardman, M.S., Head of Audio-Visual Aids Scott B. York, M.S., Director of Extramural Classes Walter Miller Johnson, M.F.A., Head of Extension in Visual Arts College of Fine and Applied Arts Allen Stuart Weller, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts Duane Adams Branigan, M.Mus., Director of the School of Music Robert Paul Link, M.S., Associate Dean of the College Andrew Morris Carter, M.Mus., Assistant to the Director of the School of Music Mask H. Hindsley, A.M., Director of University of Illinois Bands Everett D. Kisinger, M.Mus., Assistant Director of University of Illinois Bands Rudard Artaban Jones, M.S., Director of the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council Cecil Vincent Donovan, M.F.A., Director of the Krannert Art Museum Joseph Meyer Heikoff, Ph.D., Director of the Bureau of Community Planning Institute of Government and Public Affairs Gilbert Yale Steixer, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs Graduate College Herbert Edmund Carter, Ph.D., Acting Dean of the Graduate College Harold Ray Snyder, Ph.D., Associate Dean Marvin Frankel, Ph.D., Associate Dean Robert M. Sutton, Ph.D., Associate Dean Helen Moffett Hay, A.B., Assistant to the Dean Health Service Orville Selkirk Walters, Ph.D., M.D., Director of Health Services Laurence Mercers Hursh, M.S., M.D., Associate Director Housing Division Paul Joseph Doebel, Jr., B.S., Director of Housing Division Stanley William Rahn, A.M., Assistant Director of Housing for Counseling and Residence Operations James Edward Crawford, LL.B., Assistant Director of Housing for Undergraduate Residence Halls X BOARD OF TRUSTEES Illini Union Earl Frederick Finder, B.S., Director of Illini Union John A. Carroll, A.B., Program Director College of Journalism and Communications Theodore Bernard Peterson, Jr., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Journalism and Communications William Woodrow Alfeld, M.I.A., Assistant to the Dean Frank Ellsworth Schooley, B.S., Director of Broadcasting and Manager of Radio and Television Stations Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Martin Wagner, A.M., Director of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations College of Law Russell Neil Sullivan, A.B., L.L.M., Dean of the College of Law John W. Metzger, LL.B., Assistant Dean Legal Counsel James Joseph Costello, LL.M., Legal Counsel College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Jack Walter Peltason, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences H. Orin Halvorson, Ch.E., Ph.D., D.Sc, Director of the School of Life Sciences Gibbon Butler, Ph.D., Associate Dean Frederick William Cropp, Ph.D., Assistant Dean Francis Jacob Koenig, A.M., Assistant Dean Oskas Alfred Kubitz, Ph.D., Assistant Dean Claude Paul Viens, Ph.D., Assistant Dean Library Robert Bingham Downs, M.S., Litt.D., LL.D., D.L.S., Dean of Library Administration Lucien W. White, Ph.D., Associate Director for Public Service Departments Arnold Herman Trotier, A.M., Associate Director for Technical Departments Mary Lois Bull, A.M., Personnel Librarian Graduate School of Library Science Herbert Goldhor, Ph.D., Director of the Graduate School of Library Science Museums William Patrick Donovan, Ph.D., Curator of the Classical and European Culture Museums Donald Frederick Hoffmeister, Ph.D., Curator of the Museum of Natural History Cecil Vincent Donovan, M.F.A., Director of the Krannert Art Museum Nonacademic Personnel Aklyn Charles Marks, Ph.D., Director of Nonacademic Personnel Robert Elwood Hartz, A.M., Associate Director Ruth Eleanor Harris, B.R.E., Assistant Director College of Physical Education King James McCristal, Ed.D., Dean of the College of Physical Education Asbury Cummings Moore, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Dean Physical Plant Charles Stewart Havens, M.S., Director of the Physical Plant Donald Clay Neville, M.S., Assistant to the Director (Administration) Edward Stephen Sefcik, B.S., Assistant to the Director (Finance) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XI Ernest Lawrence Stouffer, M.Arch., Architect John Doak, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Robert S. Chamberlin, A.B., Director of the Division of Campus Development Vernon Leslie Kretschmer, B.S., Director of Auxiliary Services Thomas Paul Parkinson, M.S., Director of the Assembly Hall See also Mini Union and Housing Division Press Miodrag Muntyan, A.B., Director of the University Press Public Information Charles Everette Flynn, A.M., Director of Public Information Robert William Evans, B.S., Associate Director Claude Bachand, M.S., Assistant Director Martin R. Gagie, B.S., Assistant Director Arthur Rudolph Wildhagen, A.M., Assistant Director Joe Campbell Sutton, M.S., Editor of Illinois Alumni News Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work Mark Pendleton Hale, Ph.D., Director of the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work W. Paul Simon, M.S.S.A., Assistant Director Student Counseling Service William Michael Gilbert, Ph.D., Director of the Student Counseling Service Thomas Newell Ewing, Ph.D., Associate Director University Honors Programs Robert Eugene Johnson, M.D., Ph.D., Director of University Honors Programs Dora Elizabeth Damrin, Ed.D., Assistant Director Richard Riley Marsh, Ph.D., Assistant Director Robert Lee Schneider, Ph.D., Assistant Director College of Veterinary Medicine Carl Alfred Brandly, M.S., D.V.M., Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine Loyd Edwin Boley, D.V.M., M.S., Assistant Dean MEDICAL CENTER IN CHICAGO Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy Vice-President Joseph Sheridan Begando, Ph.D., Vice-President Admissions and Records George Robert Moon, A.M., Associate Dean of Admissions and Records Aeromedical Laboratory John Porter Marbarger, Ph.D., Director of the Aeromedical Laboratory Business Office James E. Osborn, B.S., Business Manager College of Dentistry Seymour Hershel Yale, B.S., D.D.S., Assistant Dean Graduate College Milan Vaclav Novak, Ph.D., M.D., D.Sc, Associate Dean of the Graduate College XII BOARD OF TRUSTEES Health Service Marvin J. Colbert, B.S., M.D., Director of the Health Service Joseph Henry Filip, B.S., M.D., Associate Director Hospitals Donald Joseph Caseley, A.B., M.D., Medical Director of the Research and Educational Hospitals Myron Clyde Benford, B.S., M.D., Associate Medical Director, Director of Clinics, and Director of Admissions Harry G. Higgins, M.S., Administrator Helen Winifred Dunn, M.S., R.N., Director of Nursing Illini Union Clarence C. Leverenz, B.S., Director of Union and Housing Illustration Studios Goodwin A. Hooker, B.F.A., Head of Illustration Studios Library Wilma Troxel, B.S., A.M., Librarian Medical Research Laboratory William Clarence Dolowy, D.V.M., M.S., Administrator of the Medical Research Laboratory College of Medicine Granville Allison Bennett, B.S., M.D., Dean of the College of Medicine Donald Joseph Caseley, A.B., M.D., Associate Dean William J. Grove, M.S., M.D., Associate Dean Nat E. Smith, A.B., M.D., Assistant Dean Nonacademic Personnel George Franklin McGregor, A.M., Associate Director of Nonacademic Personnel College of Nursing Mary Kelly Mullane, R.N., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Nursing College of Pharmacy George Lewis Webster, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Pharmacy Conrad Alvin Bloomquist, Ph.D., Assistant Dean Physical Plant Frank Edwin Hostettler, B.S., Associate Director of the Physical Plant See also Illini Union Public Information Max Isaac Light, B.S., Manager of Public Information Division of Services for Crippled Children Edward Francis Lis, B.S., M.D., Director of the Division of Services for Crippled Children Student Affairs Maurice Jackson Galbraith, M.S., Dean of Student Affairs Institution for Tuberculosis Research Sol Roy Rosenthal, Ph.D., M.D., Director of the Institution for Tuberculosis Research UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XHT CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION Vice-President Norman Alwyn Parker, M.S., M.E., Vice-President Harold W. Bailey, Ph.D., Assistant Vice-President Harold N. Cooley, Ed.M., Assistant Administrative Dean John L. Dillinger, Ph.D., Assistant to the Vice-President Ora Lee Railsback, Ph.D., Assistant to the Vice-President Admissions and Records Harold E. Temmer, M.S., Associate Dean of Admissions and Records Kirker Smith, A.B., Assistant Dean College of Architecture and Art Leonard James Currie, A.M., Dean of the College of Architecture and Art Harold B. McEldowney, Assistant Dean College of Business Administration Raymond W. Coleman, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Business Administration William J. Dunne, M.B.A., Acting Associate Dean Business Office James E. Osborn, B.S., Business Manager Robert E. Porter, A.B., Assistant Business Manager Dean of Students Warren Ora Brown, B.S., Associate Dean of Students Agnes G. Tandberg, A.M., Dean of Women Merton S. Zahrt, Ed.D., Assistant Dean of Students Daphne I. Rhodes, A.B., Assistant to the Dean of Women Lauretta A. Kirstein, A.M., Coordinator of Foreign Students Division of Education Victor E. Ricks, Ph.D., Director of the Division of Education College of Engineering Robert Blackburn Banks, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Engineering Rupert M. Price, A.M., Associate Dean H. Dale Walraven, A.M., Assistant to the Dean Health Service John E. Kysar, M.D., Director of the Health Service Honors Programs Arthur D. Pickett, Ph.D., Associate Director of Honors Programs Illini Union James J. Overlook, A.B., Director College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Glenn Terrell, Jr., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Ellis B. Little, Ed.D., Assistant Dean Robert L. Miller, Ph.D., Assistant Dean Library Frazer G. Poole, B.L.S., Librarian Nonacademic Personnel Lee J. Votava, B.S., Associate Director of Nonacademic Personnel XIV BOARD OF TRUSTEES Division of Physical Education Sheldon L. Fordham, Ph.D., Director of the Division of Physical Education and of Athletics Physical Plant Harry W. Pearce, B.S., Associate Director of the Physical Plant See also Illini Union Public Information Grover Shipton, B.S., Manager of Public Information Student Counseling Service Harold Klehr, Ph.D., Director of the Student Counseling Service THE COUNCIL. The University Council consists of the President; the Executive Vice-President and Provost; the deans of the colleges; the directors or deans of independently organized schools, divisions, and institutes; other University officers who report directly to the President; and five members chosen by ballot from and by the three Senates as follows: one from the Medical Center Senate, one from the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate, and three from the Urbana-Champaign Senate. David Dodds Henry, Ph.D., LL.D., HH.D., Litt.D., L.H.D., D.Sc.Ed., Ped.D., President of the University Robert Blackburn Banks, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division Joseph Sheridan Begando, Ph.D., Vice-President for the University of Illinois at the Medical Center Granville Allison Bennett, B.S., M.D., Dean of the College of Medicine Carl Alfred Brandly, M.S., D.V.M., Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine Leslie Aulls Bryan, Ph.D., LL.B., Director of the Institute of Aviation Herbert Edmund Carter, Ph.D., Acting Dean of the Graduate College Raymond W. Coleman, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Business Administration, Chicago Undergraduate Division James Joseph Costello, LL.M., Legal Counsel Leonard James Currie, A.M., Dean of the College of Architecture and Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division Royden Dangerfield, Ph.D., Associate Provost, Dean of Administration, and Director of International Programs Robert Bingham Downs, M.S., Litt.D., LL.D., D.L.S., Dean of Library Administration William Littell Everitt, E.E., Ph.D., D.Eng., Dean of the College of Engineering Herbert Otis Farber, A.M., C.P.A., Vice-President and Comptroller Sheldon L. Fordham, Ph.D., Director of the Division of Physical Education, Chicago Undergraduate Division Alonzo G. Grace, Ph.D., D.Sc, L.H.D., Dean of the College of Education Paul Martin Green, Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration and Director of the Graduate School of Business Administration Mark Pendleton Hale, Ph.D., Director of the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work Charles Stewart Havens, M.S., Director of the Physical Plant Louis Bradley Howard, Ph.D., D.Sc, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and Director of Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Lyle H. Lanier, Ph.D., Executive Vice-President and Provost Arlyn Charles Masks, Ph.D., Director of Nonacademic Personnel King James McCristal, Ed.D., Dean of the College of Physical Education Mary Kelly Mullane, R.N., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Nursing Norman Alwyn Parker, M.S., M.E., Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division Jack Walter Peltason, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XV Theodore Bernard Peterson, Jr., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Journalism and Communications Victor E. Ricks, Ph.D., Director of the Division of Education, Chicago Undergraduate Division Stanley Clay Robinson, Ed.D., Dean of the Division of University Extension Charles Wilson Sanford, Ph.D., Dean of Admissions and Records Gilbert Yale Steiner, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs Russell Neil Sullivan, A.B., LL.M., Dean of the College of Law Glenn Terrell, Jr., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division Fred Harold Turner, Ph.D., Dean of Students Martin Wagner, A.M., Director of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Orville Selkirk Walters, Ph.D., M.D., Director of Health Services George Lewis Webster, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Pharmacy Allen Stuart Weller, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts THE UNIVERSITY SENATES, 1963-64 A Senate is constituted at each campus of the University known, respectively, as the Urbana-Champaign Senate, the Medical Center Senate, and the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate. Each Senate consists of the full professors, the deans of colleges, the directors or deans of schools and institutes, and the heads and chairmen of departments (or persons acting in the foregoing positions) at the campus represented by that Senate; and, on the recommendation of the Committee on Educational Policy of that Senate, of persons of other academic rank or administrative status, as each Senate may determine by resolution. In no case, however, is any person, irrespective of academic rank or administrative status, a member of a Senate, or eligible for membership, unless he holds at least a half-time appointment and receives salary from the University for such services, as specified in his contract. Senate members of the teaching and research staffs are, upon retirement, entitled to the privileges of the floor at all meetings of their Senate. Membership on any standing committee of a Senate is open to the general faculty, and carries with it the privileges of the floor of the Senate, including that of voting, so long as such membership continues. The President, the Executive Vice-President and Provost, the Vice-President and Comptroller, the Legal Counsel, the Dean of Admissions and Records, the Vice-President for the Medical Center, and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division are ex officio members of each of the Senates. The President is the presiding officer of each Senate, but, in his absence or inability to preside, this function is exercised in the Urbana-Champaign Senate by the Executive Vice-President and Provost, in the Medical Center Senate by its Vice-President, and in the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate by its Vice-President. Each ex ofBcio member may designate a representative to act in his behalf at any Senate meeting. URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Members ex Officio David Dodds Henry, Ph.D., LL.D., HH.D., Litt.D., L.H.D., D.Sc.Ed., Ped.D., President of the University Lyle H. Lanier, Ph.D., Executive Vice-President and Provost Herbert Otis Farber, A.M., C.P.A., Vice-President and Comptroller Norman Alwyn Parker, M.S., M.E., Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division XVI BOARD OF TRUSTEES Joseph Sheridan Begando, Ph.D., Vice-President for the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago James Joseph Costello, LL.M., Legal Counsel Charles Wilson Sanford, Ph.D., Dean of Admissions and Records Members Listed in Order of Seniority Lawrence William Murphy, A.M., Litt.D., Professor of Journalism Harold Wright Holt, A.B., LL.B., S.J.D., Professor of Law Fred Harold Turner, Ph.D., Dean of Students Charles Stewart Havens, M.S., Director of the Physical Plant Thomas Erwin Phipps, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Chemistry John Nelson Spaeth, M.F., Ph.D., Professor of Forestry and Head of the Department Peter Gerald Kruger, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Joseph Francis Jackson, Ph.D., Professor of French Charles Mayard Kneier, Ph.D., J.D., Professor of Political Science Waldemar Joseph Trjitzinsky, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics John Fred Bell, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Economics Horace Montgomery Gray, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Alan Kemp Laing, A.B., B.S., Professor of Architecture David Philip Locklin, Ph.D., McKinley Professor of the Economics of Public Utilities Sherlock Swann, Jr., Ph.D., Research Professor of Chemical Engineering Francis Graham Wilson, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science Cecil Vincent Donovan, M.F.A., Professor of Art and Director of the Krannert Art Museum Gerald Marks Almy, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Associate Head of the Department John Christian Bailar, Jr., Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Roland Willey Bartlett, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Marketing Robert Bingham Downs, M.S., Litt.D., LL.D., D.L.S., L.H.D., Professor of Library Science and Dean of Library Administration Maurice Kendall Fahnestock, M.S., Research Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chairman of the Physical Environment Unit Dilman Walter Gotshalk, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy Charles Alva Keener, M.S., E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering Seichi Konzo, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Associate Head of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering David Edgar Lindstrom, Ph.D., Professor of Rural Sociology Nathan Mortimore Newmark, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of the Department David Gerald Ryan, M.S., M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Frank Bolton Adamstone, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology Roger Hammond Bray, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Fertility William Littell Everitt, RE., Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering Janice Minerva Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Nutrition and Head of the Department of Home Economics Henry Sheldon Stillwell, M.S., Professor of Aeronautical Engineering and Head of the Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Ernest Oliver Herreid, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Technology Harry Kenneth Allen, Ph.D., Professor of Economics James Holley Bartlett, Ph.D., Professor of Physics David Gordon Bourgin, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Herbert Edmund Carter, Ph.D., Professor of Biochemistry, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Acting Dean of the Graduate College Raymond Bernard Cattell, Ph.D., D.Sc, Research Professor of Psychology Thomas James Dolan, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Head of the Department Joseph Leo Doob, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Member of the Center for Advanced Study Marvin Theodore Herrick, Ph.D., Professor of English Hubert Kessler, Ph.D., Professor of Music William Addison Neiswanger, Jr., Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Economics B. Othanel Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy of Education UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XVII Harold Ray Snyder, Ph.D., Research Professor of Organic Chemistry and Associate Dean of the Graduate College Kenneth James Trigger, M.S., M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Alexander Turyn, Ph.D., Professor of the Classics and Member of the Center for Advanced Study Harold Rollin Wanless, Ph.D., Professor of Geology Harold Curtis Hand, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education Leslie Aulls Bryan, Ph.D., LL.B., Professor of Management and Director of the Institute of Aviation John Eldon Gieseking, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Chemistry Kenneth Smith Carlston, B.B.A., LL.B., A.M., Professor of Law Edward Waite Cleary, J.D., J.S.D., Professor of Law Thomas Kirk Cureton, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education for Men Max Harold Fisch, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy Bruce Rutledge Foote, B.Mus., Professor of Music Robert William Jugenheimer, Phd., Professor of Plant Genetics and Campus Director of Agency for International Development Projects Charles Anthony Knudson, Ph.D., Professor of French and Head of the Department Elmer Isaac Love, M.S., Professor of Architecture Lorenz Edward St. Clair, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology and Head of the Department and Professor of Veterinary Research Frank John Roos, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Art Charles Harold Sandage, Ph.D., Professor of Advertising and Head of the Department Fay VaNisle Tooley, Ph.D., Professor of Glass Technology Frederick Theodore Wall, Ph.D., Research Professor of Physical Chemistry William Heston McPherson, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Eugene I. Rabinowitch, Ph.D., Research Professor of Botany Karl Richards Wallace, Ph.D., Professor of Speech and Head of the Department of Speech and Theatre Allen Stuart Weller, Ph.D., Professor of Art and Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts Ralph La Verne Cook, Ph.D., Professor of Ceramic Engineering John James DeBoer, Ph.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education Gilbert Howard Fett, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering Pierce Waddell Ketchum, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Herbert August Laitinen, Ph.D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Associate Head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Alvin Leonard Lang, M.S., Professor of Soil Fertility Wallace Monroe Lansford, M.S., C.E., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Reinhold Fridtjof Larson, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Henry Jarvis Miles, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Douglas Raymond Mills, B.S., Professor of Physical Education for Men and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics William Albert Oliver, M.S., C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering Harvey Wilborn Huegy, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing Harry Gould Russell, M.S., Professor of Animal Science Extension Arnold Herman Trotier, A.M., Professor of Library Administration and Associate Director of the Library for Technical Departments Emmett B. McNatt, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Russell Neil Sullivan, A.B., LL.M., Professor of Law and Dean of the College of Law Ralph Brazelton Peck, C.E., D.C.E., Professor of Foundation Engineering Roland Mitchell Smith, Ph.D., Professor of English Edward Conrad Jordan, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Head of the Department Raymond Will Burnett, Ph.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education and Chairman of the Department Samuel Alexander Kirk, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and of Special Education, Chairman of the Department of Special Education, and Director of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children George Willard White, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Geology and Head of the Department XVIII BOARD OF TRUSTEES Harold Martin Scott, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Science Glenn Wade Salisbury, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Science and Head of the Department Barnard Hewitt, Ph.D., Professor of Speech Stewart Scott Cairns, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Clyde Wilson Kearns, Ph.D., Professor of Entomology and Head of the Department Frederic Russell Steggerda, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology Samuel Charles Kendeigh, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Carleton Abramson Chapman, Ph.D., Professor of Geology Harold William Scott, Ph.D., Professor of Geology Raymond Phineas Stearns, Ph.D., Professor of History Glenn Myers Blair, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Clifford Ladd Prosser, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology and of Zoology, and Head of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics V Lewis Bassie, Ph.B., Professor of Economics and Director of the Bureau of Economic and Business Research Gottfried S. Fraenkel, Ph.D., Professor of Entomology Walter Vincent Kaulfers, Ph.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education O. Hobakt Mowrer, Ph.D., Research Professor of Psychology Louis Bradley Howard, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Food Technology, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Joseph Albert Russell, Ph.D., Professor of Geography and Head of the Department Robert Eugene Johnson, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Physiology and Director of the University Honors Programs Lawrence Ivan O'Kelly, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology H. Orin Halvorson, Ch.E., Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Microbiology and Director of the School of Life Sciences John Lewis Heller, Ph.D., Professor of the Classics and Head of the Department Frederick Seitz, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Head of the Department Sol Spiegelman, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology Paul Marion Van Arsdell, Ph.D., Professor of Finance and Head of the Department Frank Herman Beach, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing, Emeritus, and Acting Head of the Department Loyd Edwin Boley, D.V.M., M.S., Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and Head of the Department, Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, Assistant Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Duane Adams Branigan, M.Mus., Professor of Music and Director of the School of Music W. Ellison Chalmers, Ph.D., Professor of Economics W. Leighton Collins, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Mahlon Marsh Day, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Head of the Department Milton Derber, Ph.D., Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations Frank Herschel Finch, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology and Coordinator of Graduate Study in Education John T. Flanagan, Ph.D., Professor of English Stanley Fletcher, B.Mus., Professor of Music Harry James Fuller, Ph.D., Professor of Botany (on disability leave) Phillips L. Garman, A.M., Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations Royal Alfred Gettmann, Ph.D., Professor of English Paul Martin Green, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Business Administration, Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, and Director of the Graduate School of Business Administration Ralph Early Grim, Ph.D., Research Professor of Geology Stanley Gilbert Hall, M.S., Professor of General Engineering Harold Winford Hannah, B.S., LL.B., Professor of Agricultural Law and of Veterinary Medical Law, and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Howard Stanley Hoyman, Ed.D., Professor of Health Education and Head of the Department of Health and Safety Education Laura Jewel Huelster, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education for Women and Head of the Department UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XIX William Lavaldin Hull, M.M.E., M.E., M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chester Oscar Jackson, Ed.D., Professor of Physical Education for Men and Head of the Department Henry Romanos Kahane, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish and of Linguistics Donald Lorenzo Kemmerer, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Henry Louis Langhaar, Ph.D., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Robert Winston McCloy, B.S., Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Cecil A. Moyer, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy and Head of the Department, and Director of the Center for International Education and Research in Accounting Charles Edward Nowell, Ph.D., Professor of History Charles Walter Roberts, Ph.D., Professor of English Charles Wilson Sanford, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision, and Dean of Admissions and Records James Ross Shipley, A.M., Professor of Art and Head of the Department James Ohrea Smith, A.M., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Clyde Frank Snider, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science Leonard Dilworth Walker, M.S., C.E., Professor of General Engineering (on disability leave) Gabriel Guevrekian, A.M., Professor of Architecture Edward Henry Tyner, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Fertility Irwin Clyde Gunsalus, Ph.D., Professor of Biochemistry Mark H. Hindsley, A.M., Professor of Music and Director of University of Illinois Bands Horace Wakeman Norton, Ph.D., Professor of Statistical Design and Analysis Charles John Birkeland, Ph.D., Professor of Horticulture and Head of the Department Lee J. Cronbach, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology and of Psychology Royden Dancerfield, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Associate Provost, Dean of Administration and Director of International Programs John Henry Garland, Ph.D., Professor of Geography G. Neville Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Botany and Curator of the Herbarium Perry E. Miller, Ed.D., Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision Severina Elaine Nelson, Ph.D., Professor of Speech John L. Page, Ph.D., Professor of Geography James Harlan Shores, Ph.D., Professor of Elementary Education Ray Hamill Simpson, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Lyle H. Lanier, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Executive Vice-President and Provost, and Coordinator of the Armed Forces J. McVicker Hunt, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Psychology William Emil Kappauf, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Charles K. Brichtbill, M.B.A., Professor of Recreation and Head of the Department of Recreation and Municipal Park Administration John Bardeen, Ph.D., Sc.D., D.Sc, Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Physics, and Member of the Center for Advanced Study Joseph Obtan Alberts, V.M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and Head of the Department, Professor of Veterinary Research, and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Archibald Watson Anderson, Ph.D., Professor of History of Education Paul Adams Beck, M.S., M.E., Professor of Physical Metallurgy Wayne Melville Bever, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology and Head of the Department Edward Louis Broghamer, M.E., Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Rubin Goodman Cohn, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law Ellis Danner, M.S., Professor of Highway Engineering Robert I. Dickey, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy John Fitzgerald Due, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Chairman of the Department Alfred O. Hanson, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Warren Skinner Harris, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ralph Carroll Hay, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Engineering (assigned under A.I.D. Projects to the U. P. Agricultural University, Pantnagar, India) M. Stanley Helm, M.S., E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering Kenneth B. Henderson, Ph.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education XX BOARD OF TRUSTEES John Adams Henry, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering James Denton Hogan, A.B., Professor of Art B. Connor Johnson, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Biochemistry Fred Mitchell Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing Granville Spear Keith, M.S., Professor of Architecture and Chairman of the Department Lester Touby Kurtz, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Fertility Harry Levy, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Driver Bradshaw Lindsay, M.S., Professor of Architecture Edwin Devere Luke, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ernest McIntosh Lyman, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Robert Joseph Matjrer, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Director of the Materials Research Laboratory Robert Irwin Mehr, Ph.D., Professor of Finance Andrew Vladimir Nalbandov, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Physiology and of Zoology Russell T. Odell, Ph.D., Professor of Pedology Ernest Alfred Philifpson, Ph.D., Professor of German Paul Rolland, M.Mus., Professor of Music Morell Belote Russell, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Physics and Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station Mrs. Celia Burns Stendler, Ph.D., Professor of Elementary Education Edmund Francis Toth, M.S., Professor of Architecture Heinz Von Foerster, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Biophysics Robert Johnson Webb, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Extension and Research, and Superintendent of Dixon Springs Experiment Station (assigned under A.I.D. Projects as Adviser in Farm Management at the U. P. Agricultural University, Pantnagar, India) A. Richard Williams, M.Arch., Professor of Architecture Helmut Hans Korst, Dr.techn., Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Head of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Ladislas Goldstein, D.Sc, Professor of Electrical Engineering Nelson Jordan Leonard, Ph.D., Professor of Organic Chemistry George Cunliffe McVittie, Ph.D., Professor of Astronomy and Head of the Department Lindsay MacLeod Black, Ph.D., Professor of Botany and of Plant Pathology Julian H. Steward, Ph.D., Research Professor of Anthropology and Member of the Center for Advanced Study Robben Wright Fleming, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law Miodrag Muntyan, A.B., Director of the University Press with rank of Associate Professor James Sircom Allen, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Warren Ford Doolittle, Jr., M.F.A., Professor of Art Charles Banner Hagan, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Chairman of the Department Manson Bruce Linn, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology Wilbur Marshall Luce, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology John C. McGregor, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology William Paul McLure, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision, and Director of the Bureau of Educational Research Robert Wallace Mayer, Ph.D., Professor of Finance Richard Murphy, Ph.D., Professor of Speech Harold A. Schultz, A.M., Professor of Art and Art Education Charles Moore Allen, Ed.D., Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision, Associate Dean of the College of Education, and Coordinator of the Council on Teacher Education Paul Donald Beamer, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and of Veterinary Research (assigned under A.I.D. Projects as Adviser to Dean of Veterinary Medicine at the U. P. Agricultural University, Pantnagar, India) Alfred Whaley Booth, Ph.D., Professor of Geography Jacob Gerald Cash, M.S., Professor of Dairy Science Extension John Edward Cribbett, A.B., J.D., Professor of Law Harry George Drickamer, Ph.D., Professor of Chemical Engineering and of Physical Chemistry, and Member of the Center for Advanced Study Willis Laurens Emery, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXI Edgar L. Ekickson, Ph.D., Professor of History Dwight Prescott Flanders, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Fred William Foster, Ph.D., Professor of Geography and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research John Richard Frey, Ph.D., Professor of German Karl Edrick Gardner, Ph.D., Professor of Nutrition and Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture William Michael Gilbert, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Director of the Student Counseling Service Arthur F. Hagner, Ph.D., Professor of Geology J. Thomas Hastings, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology, and University Examiner and Director of the Office of Educational Testing Harold Nathaniel Hayward, M.S., E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Measurement Program (assigned under A.I.D. Projects to the Indian Institute of Technology, India) Julius N. Hook, Ph.D., Professor of English and Counselor in Teacher Education James Edward Hulett, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Sociology Lester Ingle, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology Valentine Jobst III, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science Paul Guy Jones, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics J. William Kennedy, M.F.A., Professor of Art James S. Koehler, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Bernt Oscar Larson, M.S., C.E., Professor of General Engineering Norman Dion Levine, Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Parasitology and of Veterinary Research, and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Richard Vincent Lott, Ph.D., Professor of Pomology Ross J. Martin, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Engineering Experiment Station John Clem Miles, M.S., M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (assigned under A.I.D. Projects to Indian Institute of Technology, India) Therald Moeller, Ph.D., Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Merle Marvel Ohlsen, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Charles Egerton Osgood, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Research Professor in and Director of the Institute of Communications Research John Edwin Pearson, M.S., Professor of General Engineering and of Civil Engineering Stanley Holt Pierce, M.S., Professor of General Engineering and Associate Dean of the College of Engineering Dwight Powell, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology Paul Carmen Roberts, B.S., LL.B., Professor of Business Law Milton Otto Schmidt, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Francis Seyfarth, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Paul Raymond Shaffer, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs Chester G. Starr, Ph.D., Professor of History Merle Richard Sumption, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision Henry I. Teigler, M.D., Professor of Hygiene and Staff Physician in the Health Center Frances Olivia Van Duyne, Ph.D., Professor of Foods Hugh G. Wales, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing Nelson Wax, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory J. Nelson Young, B.S., LL.B., C.P.A., Professor of Law David Gottlieb, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology William R. Boggess, M.F., Professor of Forestry and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Philip Admen Wadsworth, Ph.D., Professor of French, and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study Bjornar Bergethon, Ed.D., Professor of Music Reid Thompson Milner, Ph.D., Professor of Food Science and Head of the Department Herbert Otis Farber, A.M., C.P.A., Vice-President and Comptroller James Mueller Robertson, Ph.D., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics David Yarrow Curtin, Ph.D., Professor of Organic Chemistry B. Vincent Hall, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology XXII BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robert Willis Harbeson, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Walter Caspar Jacob, Ph.D., Professor of Biometry and Data Processing, and Associate Head of the Department of Agronomy Rudard Artaban Jones, M.S., Research Professor of Architecture and Director of the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council M. Ray Karnes, Ph.D., Professor of Vocational and Technical Education and Chairman of the Department Oscar Lewis, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology Robert K. Mautz, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy T. Ernest Newland, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Ph.D., Professor of the Classics Burrill Phillips, M.Mus., Professor of Music Thomas Albert Read, Ph.D., Professor of Metallurgical Engineering and Head of the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering Robert Joseph Smith, A.B., B.S., Professor of Architecture William Oliver Stanley, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy of Education and Chairman of the Department of History and Philosophy of Education Henri Stegemeier, Ph.D., Professor of German John Elliot Wills, Ph.D., Professor of Farm Management Paul Martin Dauten, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Management Frank Graham Banta, Ph.D., Associate Professor of German and Chairman of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures (first semester) Earl Gerald Planty, Ph.D., Professor of Management Louis Bemis Wetmore, B.Arch., Professor of City and Regional Planning, Head of the Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture Joseph Heatly Dulles Allen, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Spanish and of Portuguese Luther Bunyan Archer, M.S., E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering David Paul Ausubel, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Norton Moore Bedford, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy Gerald Clayton Carter, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Assistant Dean of the Division of University Extension Bei Tse Chao, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and of Nuclear Engineering, and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study Arnold Clarion Condon, Ph.D., Professor of Business Education and Head of the Department Edward Hutchins Davidson, Ph.D., Professor of English Charles Achille Dietemann, M.F.A., Professor of Art Lawrence Edward Doyle, B.S., M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ernest Benton Earley, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Physiology Thelma Eaton, Ph.D., Professor of Library Science Richard Mather Forbes, Ph.D., Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry William J. Fry, M.S., Research Professor of Electrical Engineering Upson Stanley Garrigus, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Science W. Scott Goldthwaite, Ph.D., Professor of Music Bernard Maurice Goodman, B.S., Professor of Music and Artist in Residence Ray D. Hatch, D.V.M., M.S., Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology Eugene F. Hebrank, M.E., M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Robert Dickson Hill, D.Sc, Professor of Physics William Robert Horsfall, Ph.D., Professor of Entomology and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Robert Inslee Hulsizer, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Physics Joseph Alden Jackobs, Ph.D., Professor of Crop Production Harold Eugene Kenney, Ed.D., Professor of Physical Education for Men and Manager of Facilities Gilbert C. Kettelkamp, Ph.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education Frank Bristol Lanham, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Head of the Department John Raphael Laughnan, Ph.D., Professor of Botany and of Plant Genetics, and Head of the Department of Botany Edward George Lewis, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science Roger Paul Link, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology and Head of the Department, and Professor of Veterinary Research Ralph William Lorenz, Ph.D., Professor of Forestry - UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXIII Leslie Willard McClure, M.S., Professor of Advertising James M. McCrimmon, Ph.D., Professor of Humanities Sigurd Walter Melsted, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Chemistry Clifford William Mendel, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Burton Alviere Milligan, Ph.D., Professor of English William Herman Munse, M.S., Professor of Civil Engineering Alvin Ludwig Neumann, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Science Richards Clinton Osborn, Ph.D., Professor of Finance John Bishop Parrish, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Florence L. Poole, M.S.S., Professor of Social Work Howard Creighton Roberts, A.B., E.E., Research Professor in the Measurement Program Clark Shove Robinson, Ph.D., Research Professor of Physics Robert Wentworth Rogers, Ph.D., Professor of English and Head of the Department Chester Paul Siess, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Lawrence Harry Simerl, M.S., Professor of Outlook and Policy Extension Charles Pence Slichter, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study Leslie Ferris Stice, B.S., Professor of Grain Marketing Extension Soulima Stravinsky, Professor of Music John Wesley Swanson, M.A., Professor of Speech Aubrey Bryant Taylor, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology Halbert Houston Thornberry, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology Thomas Hampton Thornburn, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Atwell Rufus Turquette, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy Gilbert Raymond Waller, M.Mus.Ed., Professor of Music Charles Allen Wert, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Metallurgy Frederick Ludwig Will, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study Jerome Earl Williams, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering Earl Clifford Wolfe, A.M., Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations Frederick Dunstan Wright, M.S., Professor of Mining Engineering Edwin Clare McClintock, Jr., A.B., Professor of General Engineering Joseph Kastelic, Ph.D., Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry Samuel R. Aldrich, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Fertility Extension Leigh E. Chadwick, Ph.D., Professor of Entomology Carl Alfred Brandly, M.S., D.V.M., Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Public Health, Professor of Veterinary Research and Head of the Department, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Director of the Center for Zoonoses Research Wylie H. Davis, A.B., LL.M., Professor of Law Eugene F. Scoles, A.B., J.D., LL.M., J.S.D., Professor of Law Norman A. Graebner, Ph.D., Professor of History Hans Julius Brems, Dr. polit, Professor of Economics Francis Matthew Clark, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology Gwynne Blakemore Evans, Ph.D., Professor of English Rupert Nelson Evans, Ph.D., Professor of Vocational and Technical Education, and Associate Dean of the College of Education Edwin H. Gaylord, M.S., D.Sc, Professor of Civil Engineering Herbert S. Gutowsky, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Chemistry William Walter Hay, Mgt.E., Ph.D., Professor of Railway Civil Engineering Lee S. Hultzen, Ph.D., Professor of Speech and of Linguistics Clyde Guy Knapp, Ph.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education Philip Kolb, Ph.D., Professor of French Charles Leonhard, Ed.D., Professor of Music Paul S. Pettinga, M.Mus., Professor of Music Edwin Leroy Hansen, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Engineering Harry Samuel Broudy, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy of Education Harold G. Halcrow, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics and Head of the Department William Hutchinson Shoemaker, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, and Head of the Department Alfred William Allen, M.S., Professor of Ceramic Engineering Daniel Alpert, Ph.D., Research Professor of Physics and Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory XXIV BOARD OF TRUSTEES George Edmund Anner, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering Fred Patrick Barnes, Ed.D., Professor of Elementary Education Dorothy E. Bowen, B.Mus., Professor of Music Cletus E. Bowman, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Charles Henry Bowman, B.S., LL.B., J.D., Professor of Law John William Briscoe, M.S., Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Head of the Department Walter Herbert Bruckner, A.B., B.S., Ch.E., Professor of Metallurgical Engineering and of Civil Engineering Paul Dare Coleman, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering Hubert Victor Cordier, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radio and Television and Head of the Department Harold Augustus Decker, M.Mus., Professor of Music Don Uel Deere, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering and of Geology Earl Joseph Eckel, Ph.D., Professor of Metallurgical Engineering Robert Ferber, Ph.D., Research Professor of Economics in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, and Professor of Economics Aurelio Eugene Florio, Ed.D., Professor of Safety Education George Thomas Frampton, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law Arthur Leroy Friedberg, Ph.D., Professor of Ceramic Engineering C. Dale Greffe, M.S., M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering G. Robert Grice, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology George William Harper, Met.E., M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Harry Herbert Hilton, Ph.D., Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Allan Gibson Holaday, Ph.D., Professor of English Lloyd Girton Humphreys, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Head of the Department Frances Briggs Jenkins, Ph.D., B.L.S., Professor of Library Science R. Stewart Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology and Chairman of the Department Clyde Ervin Kesler, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Gaze Elmer Lukas, M.S., J.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy Wendell Earl Miller, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Associate Head of the Department Alvin I. Nelson, B.S., Professor of Food Processing Z. John Ordal, Ph.D., Professor of Food Microbiology Allen Ives Ormsbee, Ph.D., Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Sherman Paul, Ph.D., Professor of English and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study Lloyd James Phipps, Ed.D., Professor of Vocational and Technical Education Leo Charles Pigage, M.E., M.M.E., Professor of Industrial Engineering Edwin Caster Rae, Ph.D., Professor of Art Stanley Clay Robinson, Ed.D., Professor of Business Administration and Dean of the Division of University Extension Donald Philip Rogers, Ph.D., Professor of Botany and Curator of Mycological Collections Walter Deane Rose, B.S., Professor of Petroleum Engineering Charles Harlen Shattuck, Ph.D., Professor of English Omar Marion Sidebottom, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics W. Paul Simon, M.S., Professor of Social Work and Assistant Director of the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work George Morton Sinclair, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Carl Eric Skroder, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering Wilson Nichols Stewart, Ph.D., Professor of Botany Charles Edwin Taylor, Ph.D., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics William Edgar Thomas, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Accountancy Stewart Lawrence Tuckey, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Technology Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering and Associate Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory Nelson Dowell Wakefield, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy Charles Sebastian Walters, D.For., Professor of Wood Technology and Utilization Nugent Wedding, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing Velma Kitchell Wilson, B.Mus., A.M., Professor of Music and Counselor in Teacher Education UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXV Peter Ewald Yankwich, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Chemistry Ludwig Ernst Zirner, M.Mus., Professor of Music Thomas Newell Ewing, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Associate Director of Student Counseling Service Theodore Bernard Peterson, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Journalism and Dean of the College of Journalism and Communications Garth Johnson Thomas, Ph.D., Research Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Professor of Physiology and of Psychology Jay Waisourne Jensen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Journalism and Head of the Department Anthony James Janata, A.B., Secretary of the Board of Trustees and Executive Assistant to the President James Blaine Kitzmiller, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology and Chairman of the Department Felix T. Adler, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and of Nuclear Engineering Maurice Haskell Heins, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Albert Wattenberg, Ph.D., Research Professor of Physics Georges Armand Deschamps, Agreg. Sci. and Math., Professor of Electrical Engineering Marvin Eugene Wyman, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and of Nuclear Engineering Orville Selkirk Walters, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Hygiene, Director of Health Services, Lecturer in Psychiatry, and Medical Director of the State Universities Retirement System Phillip M. Mitchell, Ph.D., Professor of German Albert David Bailey, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering Chester Bird Baker, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics Paul Trevier Bateman, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Associate Head of the Department Max Beberman, Ed.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education Donald Eugene Becker, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Nutrition Ven Te Chow, Ph.D., Professor of Hydraulic Engineering Irwin Allen Cochrun, B.S., Associate Professor of Business Management and Director of the Bureau of Business Management Herbert Theodore Corten, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Murray Edelman, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science Herman Erickson, A.M., Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations Hans Frauenfelder, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Associate Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory Marie Hochmuth Nichols, Ph.D., Professor of Speech Donald Dean Jackson, Ph.D., Editor in the University Press with rank of Professor John David Jackson, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Norman George Philip Rrausz, B.S., LL.B., Professor of Agricultural Law Otto Erich Kugler, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Science Fred August Kummerow, Ph.D., Professor of Food Chemistry Earl Reece Leng, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics Dorothy Litherland, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy and Associate Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration Phillip Monypenny, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science Donald Witt Paden, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Kenneth Wilbur Perry, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy Robert Eldon Pingry, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and of Secondary and Continuing Education Irving Reiner, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Bernard Gordon Ricketts, Ph.D., Professor of Metallurgical Engineering Haskell Orlando Sexton, M.S., Professor of Music and of Bands Hobard Muir Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology James Newton Snyder, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Research Professor of Physics in the Digital Computer Laboratory Earl Raymond Swanson, Ph.D., Professor of Farm Management Production Economics George Warner Swenson, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor of Astronomy Martin Wagner, A.M., Professor in and Director of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Harold Donivan Webb, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering XXVI BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lucien W. White, Ph.D., Professor of Library Administration and Associate Director of the Library for Public Service Departments Julia O. Holmes, Ph.D., Professor of Nutrition Kazuhiko Nishijima, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Rudolf Haag, Dr.rer.nat, Professor of Physics Donald A. Smalley, Ph.D., Professor of English David L. Nanney, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology Shao Lee Soo, M.S., D.Sc., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ernest W. Anderson, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Extension and Leader of Extension Education and Training Peter Axel, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Daniel Sylvester Babb, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering Robert Weierter Balluffi, D.Sc, Professor of Physical Metallurgy Harold Huxford Beaty, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Engineering Colin Ross Blyth, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Robert Walter Bohl, Ph.D., Professor of Metallurgical Engineering and of Nuclear Engineering Arthur Peter Boresi, Ph.D., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Linwood James Brightbill, M.S., Professor of Architectural Engineering Nicholas Britsky, B.F.A., Professor of Art Richard Maurice Brown, Ph.D., Research Professor of Physics, of Electrical Engineering, and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory Wilbur Dahl Buddemeier, Ph.D., Professor of Farm Management Albert Victor Carozzi, Ph.D., Professor of Geology Lee Roy Chesney, Jr., M.F.A., Professor of Art Ralph Dean DeMoss, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology Jerry Stanley Dobrovolny, M.S., Professor of General Engineering and Head of the Department Richard Stevens Engelbrecht, D.Sc, Professor of Sanitary Engineering Charles W. Eriksen, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology James John Gallagher, Ph.D., Professor of Special Education and Associate Director of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children Homer L. Gammill, Ph.D., Professor of Industrial Psychology John Charles Garvey, Professor of Music and Artist in Residence Deno John Geanakoplos, Ph.D., Professor of History and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study James Wessel Gerdemann, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology Edwin Leo Goldwasser, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Jennette Rowe Gruener, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work William Joel Hall, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study John David Haltiwanger, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Harry Jr. Hardenbrook, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology Bruce Latham Hicks, Ph.D., Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory Thomas Applegate Hieronymus, Ph.D., Professor of Grain Marketing Donald Frederick Hoffmeister, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology and Curator of the Museum of Natural History Herbert Ohin Ireland, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering George Garrett Judge, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics Joseph Landin, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Leo Silvio Lavatelli, Ph.D., Professor of Physics David Lazarus, Ph.D., Professor of Physics James L. Leach, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Assistant Campus Director of Agency for International Development Projects Robert Paul Link, M.S., Professor of Architecture and Associate Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts John E. McGill, Ed.D., Professor of Elementary Education and Chairman of the Department Stewart Yarwood McMullen, M.B.A., C.P.A., Professor of Management Murray Burns McPherson, M.S., Professor of Hydraulic Engineering Dillon Edward Mapother, D.Sc, Professor of Physics UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXVII Robert Victor Mitchell, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing Walter James Moore, Ph.D., Professor of Elementary Education William Delmer Murphy, M.P.A., Professor of Agricultural Extension and Assistant Director of the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Ralph Joseph Mutti, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Marketing John Joseph O'Neill, Ph.D., Professor of Speech, Director of the Speech and Hearing Clinic, and Counselor in Teacher Education George Roland Peirce, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering Jack Walter Peltason, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences David Pines, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and of Electrical Engineering Eugene Ivan Radzimovsky, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Elwood Frank Reber, Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology and of Veterinary Research, and Assistant Campus Director of Agency for International Development Projects James Evans Robertson, Ph.D., Research Professor of Electrical Engineering Allen Victor Sapora, Ph.D., Professor of Recreation Frederick Sargent II, B.S., M.D., Professor of Physiology and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Homer C. Schmitt, B.Mus., Professor of Music and Artist in Residence Frank Ellsworth Schooley, B.S., Associate Professor of Radio and Television, Director of Broadcasting, and Manager of Radio and Television Stations Wayne Lambert Shick, B.S., Professor of General Engineering Gilbert Yale Steiner, Ph.D., Professor in and Director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs Marvin Stippes, Ph.D., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Lawrence Marmer Stolurow, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and of Educational Psychology Victor J. Stone, A.B., LL.D., Professor of Law Norman Street, Ph.D., Professor of Mining Engineering Robert Hammond Swenson, Professor of Music and Artist in Residence Michio Suzuki, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics William Neil Thompson, Ph.D., Professor of Farm Management Robert Walton Touchberry, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics Herbert Edward Vaughan, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Anestis Stavrou Veletsos, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Vincent Irving West, Ph.D., Professor of Price Statistics James William Westwater, Ph.D., Professor of Chemical Engineering Harry Rohlfs Wetenkamp, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Robert McLaughlin Whitney, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Technology Miodrag Ristic, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Louis Schneider, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology and Head of the Department Cecil Dale Smith, M.S., Assistant Dean of the College of Agriculture with rank of Professor Martha Lois Dunlap, Ph.D., Professor of Home Economics and Assistant Director of the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Folke Dovring, Ph.D., Professor of Land Economics Diego Segre, Ph.D., D.V.M., Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Public Health and of Veterinary Research, and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Estel Burdell Penrod, D.Sc, Visiting Professor of Mechanical Engineering George Kenneth Brinegar, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics and Assistant Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station Joseph Bartholomew Casagrande, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology and Head of the Department William Dennis Hawkland, LL.M., Professor of Law Ledyard R. Tucker, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Arthur Edward Barker, Ph.D., Professor of English Joseph Simon, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and of Veterinary Research Herbert Stern, Ph.D., Professor of Botany Charles Yesbra Arnold, Ph.D., Professor of Vegetable Crops XXVIII BOARD OF TRUSTEES John Edward Baerwald, Ph.D., Professor of Traffic Engineering and Director of the Highway Traffic Safety Center Harlan Daniel Bareither, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Central Office on the Use of Space Edward Howard Betts, M.F.A., Professor of Art Gokdan Ware Binkerd, M.Mus., A.M., Professor of Music Emer E. Broadbent, Ph.D., Professor of Livestock Marketing Harry Pearson Broquist, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Chemistry Bernita Jewell Davies, A.B., LL.M., Professor of Library Administration and Law Librarian C. Ernest Dawn, Ph.D., Professor of History Fred Edward Fiedler, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Ralph Talcott Fisher, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of History and Director of the Center for Russian Language and Area Studies Clinton Louis Folse, Ph.D., Professor of Rural Sociology Neil Ford Garvey, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Director of Correspondence Courses in the Division of University Extension William I. Goodman, M.P.A., M.C.P., Professor of City Planning Norman Edward Gronlund, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Harold Wesley Hake, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Halbert Edison Gulley, Ph.D., Professor of Speech and Head of the Division of General Studies John Bernard Hanson, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Physiology Alex Heller, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Pearl Z. Janssen, M.S., Professor of Foods Walter Marvin Keith, M.L.A., Professor of Landscape Architecture and Director of Robert Allerton Park Kenton A. Kendall, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Science Narbey Khachaturian, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Solomon Bernard Levine, Ph.D., Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations and Director of the Center for Asian Studies David Samuel Lieberman, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Metallurgy John Paschal McCollum, Ph.D., Professor of Vegetable Crops Richard Riley Marsh, Ph.D., Professor of Food Science in the Division of University Extension and Assistant Director of University Honors Programs Marvin Metzger, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Metallurgy David Eugene Muller, Ph.D., Research Professor of Mathematics and of Applied Mathematics in the Digital Computer Laboratory Raymond Ernest Nadeau, Ph.D., Professor of Speech Cecil Holden Patterson, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Joseph Dexter Phillips, Jr., Ph.D., Research Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research Howard B. Petty, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Entomology Hadley Read, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Extension and Extension Editor Paul Fowler Schwarzlose, M.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering Walter O'Daniel Scott, Ph.D., Professor of Crop Extension Demitei B. Shimkin, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology and of Geography, and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research James Edward Stallmeyer, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Robb Milton Thomson, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Metallurgy Harris Ward Wilson, Ph.D., Professor of English Will J. Worley, Ph.D., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Roger Raymond Yoerger, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Engineering Kimball C. Atwood, M.D., Professor of Microbiology Alonzo G. Grace, Ph.D., D.Sc, L.H.D., Professor of Education and Dean of the College of Education Roger Albert Strehlow, Ph.D., Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Adolf F. Sturmthal, Ph.D., Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations William Ross Ashby, M.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering William Werner Boone, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics John B. Claar, Ph.D., Associate Director of the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics with rank of Professor UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXIX Paul Ulanowsky, Diploma, Professor of Music Adrian Jan De Witte, M.S., Professor of Petroleum Engineering John Robert Pasta, Ph.D., Research Professor of Physics and Head of the Digital Computer Laboratory Robert Earl Kaske, Ph.D., Professor of English Robert Daniel Sard, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Ray Leighton Watterson, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology Gertrude Smith Greenwood, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of the Classics Theodore Justin Rowland, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Metallurgy Herbert Goldhor, Ph.D., Professor of Library Science and Director of the Graduate School of Library Science L. Leon Campbell, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology and Head of the Department Bernard Cyril Abbott, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology and Biophysics Jack Ashton Adams, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Giulio Ascou, Ph.D., Professor of Physics J. Myron Atkin, Ph.D., Professor of Science Education Jack S. Baker, M.S., Professor of Architecture Royall Brandis, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Frederick Calvin Brown, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Ambrose William Burger, Ph.D., Professor of Agronomy Marlyn Earl Clark, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Ernest Allen Connally, Ph.D., Professor of Architecture John Orzo Corliss, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology Ben Baugh Ewing, Ph.D., Professor of Sanitary Engineering Charles Everette Flynn, A.M., Professor of Journalism, Director of Public Information, and Assistant to the President Marvin Frankel, Ph.D., Research Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research and Associate Dean of the Graduate College Gustav Jacob Froehlich, Ph.D., Director of the Bureau of Institutional Research with rank of Professor Richard Harry Hageman, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Physiology Mark Pendleton Hale, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and Director of the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work Harold Goldstein, Ed.D., Professor of Library Science Samuel Kimball Gove, A.M., Professor in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs Lyle E. Hanson, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and of Veterinary Research, and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Joseph Meyer Heikoff, Ph.D., Professor of Regional Planning and Director of the Bureau of Community Planning Donald Renwick Hodgman, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study Alfred William Hubbard, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education for Men Norman William Johnson, A.M., Professor of Adult Education, Director of Short Courses and Conferences in the Division of University Extension, and Director of Allerton House Arnold Klute, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Physics Francis Jeremiah Kruidenier, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research Ella C. Leppert, Ed.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education King James McCristal, Ed.D., Professor of Physical Education for Men and Dean of the College of Physical Education Howard Vincent Malmstadt, Ph.D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry Arlyn Charles Marks, Ph.D., Director of Nonacademic Personnel Lawrence Eugene Metcalf, Ph.D., Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education Robert Forrest Nystrom, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry in the Radiocarbon Laboratory Fred Charles Proff, Ed.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Earl Hubert Regnier, M.S., Professor of Rural Recreation and of Agricultural Economics (assigned under A.I.D. Projects to U. P. Agricultural University, Pantnagar, India) John Gordon Replinger, M.S., Professor of Architecture Claire Lakue Richards, M.Mus., L.R.A.M., Professor of Music XXX BOARD OF TRUSTEES Elmer Louis Sauer, Ph.D., Professor of Rural Development Extension Robert E. Scott, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science George Kidd Sinnamon, M.S., Professor of Civil Engineering Donald Harvey Skadden, Ph.D., Professor of Accountancy Fred Warren Slife, Ph.D., Professor of Crop Production James Hammond Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Ivan Dale Steiner, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology David Tanenbaum, D.S.W., Professor of Social Work John C. Wheatley, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Grace Elizabeth Wilson, M.Mus., Professor of Music Ralph Stoner Wolfe, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology Arthur Ramer Wyatt, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy Stanley Porter Wyatt, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Astronomy Vernon Kenneth Zimmerman, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy Sidney A. Bowhill, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering Glenn Raymond Bradshaw, M.F.A., Professor of Art D. Alexander Brown, M.S., Professor of Library Administration and Agriculture Librarian William Gray Carnes, B.S., Professor of Landscape Architecture Paul Henry Coy, M.Arch., Professor of Architecture William Herbert Creswell, Jr., Ed.D., Professor of Health Education James O. Crosby, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese Henry Hultman Hadley, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Genetics Kenneth E. Harshbarger, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Science John Milton Holcomb, M.S., Professor of Farm Management and Finance Richard Emanuel Hult, B.S., B.F.A., Professor of Art David Munro Jackson, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision and Principal of University High School Robert Walter Johannsen, Ph.D., Professor of History and Chairman of the Department J. Robert Kelly, M.Mus., Professor of Music Ross Anthony Kelly, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics Luis Leal, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese Maurice duPont Lee, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of History Manford Edward Mansfield, B.S., D.V.M., Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene Austin McDowell, M.Mus., Professor of Music Marcus Morinigo, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish James B. Mowry, Ph.D., Professor of Horticulture Henry Lancaster Mueller, Ph.D., Professor of Speech John Ludwig Nielson, B.S., Captain, U.S.N., Professor of Naval Science, and Commanding Officer John Frederick Nims, Ph.D., Professor of English Alfred Nisonoff, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology Adrian Scheidegger, Ph.D., Professor of Petrophysics Joseph W. Scott, Ph.D., Professor of Speech, Supervisor of Dramatic Productions, and Director of the University Theatre Harry Jay Skornia, Ph.D., Professor of Radio and Television Frank Jay Stevenson, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Chemistry Claude Paul Viens, Ph.D., Professor of French and Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Gregorio Weber, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Chemistry Helen Margaret Welch, A.M., Acquisition Librarian and Professor of Library Administration Nicola Ziroli, Professor of Art Russell Paddock Strange, Ph.D., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force, Professor of Air Force Science and Head of the Department Denton Eugene Alexander, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Genetics Carl T. Arlt, Ph.D., Bailey Professor of Money, Banking, and Finance Alvin Herman Beavers, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Mineralogy Wesley Clemence Becker, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology John Black, A.M., George A. Miller Distinguished Professor of Economics Vlastimil Patrick Borecky, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of General Engineering Harold Frederick Breimyer, Ph.D., Visiting Research Professor of Economics and of Agricultural Economics UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXXI Geoffrey Bruun, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of History George Richard Carlisle, M.S., Professor of Animal Science Extension Fkank Costin, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service E. Joe DeMaris, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy and Professor and Head of the Department of Industrial Administration Bernard James Diggs, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Chairman of the Department Harold Lee Dorsett, LL.M., Colonel, U.S. Army, Professor of Military Science and Head of the Department L. Ethan Ellis, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of History Jerome D. Fellmann, Ph.D., Professor of Geography Vincenzo Consolato Antonio Ferraro, Ph.D., George A. Miller Visiting Professor of Astronomy and of Electrical Engineering Joseph S. Flores, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service John Bernard Gartner, Ph.D., Professor of Floriculture Donald Bruce Gillies, Ph.D., Professor of Applied Mathematics John J. Gilman, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and of Metallurgy Daniel Glaser, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology Harold W. Guthrie, Ph.D., Research Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research Charles Edward Hamm, Ph.D., Professor of Music Thomas Joseph Hanratty, Ph.D., Professor of Chemical Engineering Henry Harap, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Education in the Bureau of Educational Research J. Woodland Hastings, Ph.D., Professor of Biochemistry John D. Henderson, Visiting Professor of Library Science Charles Durnell Hendricks, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering Moreland Herrin, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Jerry Hirsch, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Franz Edward Hohn, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Nick Holonyak, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering Arthur Lee Hooker, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology and of Agronomy George Howard Hunter, M.Mus., Professor of Music Bertram Huppert, Dr.rer.nat., Visiting Professor of Mathematics Harold Melvin Hyman, Ph.D., Professor of History Harry Morton Johnson, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Sociology Walter Miller Johnson, M.F.A., Professor of Art and Head of Extension in Visual Arts in the Division of University Extension Karl Kafer, Visiting Professor of Accountancy Henry Felix Kaiser, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology Kubt Klein, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Russian and Acting Head of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures Louis Julius Koester, Jr., Ph.D., Research Professor of Physics Robert Hutson Kokernot, D.V.M., M.D., D.P.H., Professor of Epizootiology and Assistant Director of the Center for Zoonoses Research Alfred Herman Krebs, Ph.D., Professor of Vocational and Technical Education Ulrich Ernst Kruse, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Jack Neville Lewis, M.P.A., Visiting Professor of Agricultural Economics Leonard Linsky, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy Charles Burdick Looker, Jr., M.Arch., Professor of Architecture John Wilbur Matthews, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Engineering and of Vocational Agriculture Henry Mayer, A.M., Visiting Professor of Political Science Paul Eugene Mayes, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering Lloyd E. McCleary, Ed.D., Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision and Chairman of the Department Hugh McLean, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Russian Emmett Ezekiel Ormiston, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Husbandry Robert Ornstein, Ph.D., Professor of English Raymond Perlman, M.F.A., M.P.A., Professor of Art Donald Robert Peterson, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology in charge of Psychological Clinic Angelina Pietrangeli, Ph.D., Professor of French, Spanish, and Italian XXXII BOARD OF TRUSTEES David Geoffrey Ravenhall, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Franklin Jacob Reiss, Ph.D., Professor of Farm Management and Land Economics Alexander L. Ringer, Ph.D., Professor of Music Arthur Richard Robinson, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Howard Roepke, Ph.D., Professor of Geography Philip J. Runkel, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psychology William J. Rutter, Ph.D., Professor of Biochemistry Chih-Tang Sah, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Physics Alfred George Schiller, D.V.M., M.S., Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine Sundaram Seshu, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory Paul Hyman Silverman, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology and of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene Mete Avni Sozen, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering Mark Anderson Sprague, M.F.A., Professor of Art Rolland E. Stevens, Ph.D., Professor of Library Science Robert M. Sutton, Ph.D., Professor of History and Associate Dean of the Graduate College Anson Ellis Thompson, Ph.D., Professor of Vegetable Crops Marlow Driggs Thorne, Ph.D., Professor of Agronomy and Head of the Department Antonio Tovar, Doctorate, Professor of the Classics Joseph S. Vandemark, Ph.D., Professor of Horticulture Adolf Michael Watrach, Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene Francis William Weeks, A.M., Professor and Chairman of Business English Moyle Strayhorn Williams, Ph.D., Assistant Director of the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, with rank of Professor Henry William Wyld, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Physics Shee-Mang Yen, Ph.D., Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Edward James Zagorski, M.S., Professor of Art Earle Frederick Zeigler, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education for Men Samuel M. Adler, Visiting Professor of Art and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study Thomas O. Browning, Ph.D., Visiting Professor in the School of Life Sciences Philippe Choquard, Diploma, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Physics Tell Ertl, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Mining Engineering Harry Gerald Haile, Ph.D., Associate Professor of German and Chairman of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures Hans Holtedahl, Dr.philos., Visiting Professor of Geology Shannon McCune, Ph.D., Consultant to the President and to the Executive Vice-President and Provost, and Visiting Professor of Geography Yoshio Shimamoto, Ph.D., Visiting Research Professor of Physics in the Digital Computer Laboratory Frederick J. Simpson, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of Microbiology Retired Members Listed Alphabetically Leverett Allen Adams, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology Roger Adams, Ph.D., D.Sc, LL.D., Research Professor of Organic Chemistry Arthur G. Anderson, C.E., Ph.D., Professor of Management Chester Reed Anderson, A.M., Professor of Business English Harry Warren Anderson, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology Andrew Irving Andrews, Ph.D., Professor of Ceramic Engineering Ludwig Frederick Audrieth, Ph.D., Professor of Organic Chemistry Harold Eaton Babbitt, M.S., Professor of Sanitary Engineering Reinhold Baer, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Robert Horace Baker, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Astronomy Walter Valentine Balduf, Ph.D., Professor of Entomology Thomas Whitfield Baldwin, Ph.D., Professor of English Reuel Richard Barlow, A.M., Professor of Journalism Harland Bartholomew, D.Sc, C.E., Professor of Civic Design Frank Herman Beach, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing Thomas Eliot Benner, Ed.D., Professor of Education Dwight Granville Bennett, B.S., Research Professor of Ceramic Engineering Clarence Arthur Berdahl, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Political Science UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXXIII Lulu S. Black, A.M., Professor of Home Economics Extension and State Leader of Home Advisers Orville Thomas Bonnett, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Morphology Anne M. Boyd, B.L.S., Professor of Library Science Charles Earl Bradbury, B.P., M.F.A., Professor of Art Henry Roy Brahana, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics William Everett Britton, A.M., J.D., Professor of Law Pembroke Holcomb Brown, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Sleeter Bull, M.S., Professor of Meats Mrs. Kathryn Van Aken Burns, A.M., Professor of Home Economics Arthur Moses Buswell, Ph.D., Research Professor of Chemistry Leslie Ellsworth Card, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Science Robert Daniel Carmichael, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the Graduate College William Ernest Carroll, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Science and Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station Deane G. Carter, M.S., A.E., Professor of Agricultural Engineering Carl Herbert Casberg, B.S., M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Harold Clayton M. Case, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics William Reuel Chedsey, D.Eng., E.M., Professor of Mining Engineering George Lindenberg Clark, Ph.D., Research Professor of Analytical Chemistry Arthur Wilbur Clevenger, Ed.D., Professor of Education Arthur Byron Coble, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Mathematics Paul D. Converse, A.M., LL.D., Professor of Marketing Harrison Edward Cunningham, A.B., Director of the University Press with rank of Professor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Joseph B. Cunningham, B.S., Professor of Farm Management Charles Carey Curtis, J.D., A.M., Professor of Business Law George Harper Dell, Ph.D., C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering Donalb Eugene Dickason, A.B., Director of Nonacademic Personnel Frederick Charles Dietz, Ph.D., Professor of History Essel Ray Dillavou, J.D., Professor of Business Law Maxwell Jay Dorsey, Ph.D., Professor of Pomology Duane Taylor Englis, Ph.D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry William Nelson Espy, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Julian Robert Fellows, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Harris Francis Fletcher, Ph.D., Professor of English Louise Freer, A.M., Professor of Physical Education for Women Reynold Clayton Fuson, Ph.D., Professor of Organic Chemistry John Theodore Geissendoerfer, Ph.D., Professor of German Marcus Selden Goldman, Ph.D., Professor of English Robert Graham, B.S., D.V.M., Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and of Veterinary Research, and Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine Coleman Roberts Griffith, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Education and of Psychology William Habberton, Ph.D., Professor of History Jay Courtland Hackleman, A.M., Professor of Crops Extension Arthur Hamilton, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish and Assistant Dean of Men for Foreign Students Tom Sherman Hamilton, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Nutrition and Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station Herbert McNee Hamlin, Professor of Agricultural Education Albert James Harno, B.S., LL.B., Litt.D., LL.D., Professor of Law and Dean of the College of Law Carl Gottfried Hartman, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology and Physiology William Patrick Hayes, Ph.D., Professor of Entomology Melvin Henderson, M.S., Professor of Vocational Agriculture Ernest Theodore Hiller, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology Randolph P. Hoelscher, M.S., Professor of General Engineering Charles Frederick Hottes, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Physiology and Consulting Plant Physiologist Robert R. Hudelson, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics, Dean of the College of Agriculture, and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service XXXIV BOARD OF TRUSTEES Walter August Huelsen, M.S., Professor of Vegetable Crops Whitney Clark Huntington, M.S., C.E., D.Sc, Professor of Civil Engineering Paul Emile Jacob, Ph.D., Professor of French Paul Van Burnt Jones, Ph.D., Professor of History Garrett Lowell Jordan, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics Harvey Herbert Jordan, B.S., Professor of General Engineering and Associate Dean of the College of Engineering William Garfield Kammlade, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Science, Associate Director of the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, and State Leader of Farm Advisers Everett Edgar King, M.S., M.C.E., Professor of Railway Civil Engineering Benjamin Koehler, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology John Otto Kraehenbuehl, M.S., E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering Alonzo Plumsted Kratz, M.S., Research Professor of Mechanical Engineering Richard Roksabro Kudo, D.Sc, Professor of Zoology Paul Nissley Landis, Ph.D., Professor of English Henning Larsen, Ph.D., Litt.D., Vice-President and Provost and Professor of English Emil Wilhelm Lehmann, B.S., E.E., A.E., Professor of Agricultural Engineering Simon Litman, Dr.Jur.Pub. et Rer.Cam., Professor of Economics Ananias Charles Littleton, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy Francis Edward Longmire, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Extension F. Wheeler Loomis, Professor of Physics Merton Joseph Mandeville, Ph.D., Professor of Management Carl Shipp Marvel, Ph.D., Research Professor of Organic Chemistry John Mabry Mathews, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science Arthur Beverly Mays, A.M., Professor of Industrial Education Matthew Thompson McClure, Ph.D., Litt.D., Professor of Philosophy Norman William McLachlan, D.Sc, Professor of Electrical Engineering Russell Hancock Miles, M.Mus., Professor of Music Vern G. Milum, Ph.D., Professor of Apiculture in the Department of Horticulture Harold Hansen Mitchell, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Nutrition Lloyd Mosey, A.B., B.Mus., C.P.A., LL.D., D.Sc, Professor of Accountancy and President of the University Martin Luther Mosher, M.Agr., Professor of Farm Management William Barbour Nevens, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Cattle Feeding Rexford Newcomb, A.M., M.Arch., Professor of the History of Architecture, Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts, and Director of the Bureau of Community Planning Hale Lloyd Newcomer, Ph.D., C.P.A., Professor of Accountancy John Angus Nicholson, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy Russell Marion Nolan, Ph.D., Professor of Finance Charles Watters Odell, Ph.D., Professor of Education Ellery Burton Paine, M.S., E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering Cyrus Edmund Palmer, M.S., Professor of Architectural Engineering and Associate Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts Wayland Maxfield Parrish, Ph.D., Professor of Speech Nellie Louise Perkins, Ph.D., Professor of Home Economics Ben Edwin Perry, Ph.D., Professor of the Classics Rose B. Phelps, Ph.D., Professor of Library Science Dragan Plamenac, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Music Loring Harvey Provine, B.S., A.E., Professor of Architectural Engineering William James Putnam, M.S., M.E., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics William Horace Rayner, C.E., M.S., Professor of Civil Engineering Exnest Alexander Reed, M.S., E.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering Chris Simeon Rhode, B.S., Professor of Dairy Science William Coulter Robb, A.M., J.D., LL.M., Professor of Economics Elmer Roberts, Ph.D., Professor of Animal Genetics Florence Bell Robinson, M.L.D., Professor of Landscape Architecture Frederick Stanley Rodkey, Ph.D., Professor of History Walter Laidlaw Roosa, M.Mus., Professor of Music William Cumming Rose, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Biochemistry Robert Cooke Ross, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics Frederic Arthur Russell, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing Jesse Sampson, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXXV Otto George Schaffer, B.S., Professor of Landscape Architecture Merrill Isaac Schnebly, A.B., J.D., J.S.D., Professor of Law Sherman Schoonmaker, M.Mus., Professor of Music William Louis Schwalbe, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Ogle Hesse Sears, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Biology Fred B. Seely, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Earl Charles Seyler, M.S., Associate Dean of Admissions and Records Ray Iris Shawl, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Engineering Victor Ernest Shelford, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology E. Evelyn Smith, A.M., Professor of Institutional Management George Frederick Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry John Clyde Spitler, B.S., Professor of Agricultural Extension and Associate Director of the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Clifford Harry Springer, M.S., C.E., Professor of General Engineering George Thomas Stafford, Ed.D., Professor of Health Education, College of Physical Education Seward Charles Staley, Professor of Physical Education for Men and Dean of the College of Physical Education Marietta Stevenson (Mrs. Louis Livingston), Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and Director of the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work Charles Leslie Stewart, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Agricultural Economics Frederick Guy Straub, M.S., Met.E., Research Professor of Chemical Engineering Joseph Ward Swain, Ph.D., Professor of History Donald Reed Taft, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology Lyell Jay Thomas, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology Paul Hubert Tracy, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Technology George Philip Tuttle, B.S., Director of Admissions and Records Joseph Tykocinski Tykociner, E.E., Research Professor of Electrical Engineering Edith Usry, A.M., B.Mus., F.A.G.O., Professor of Music Walter H. Voskuil, Ph.D., Professor of Mining Engineering George Ira Wallace, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology Letitia Walsh, A.M., Professor of Home Economics Education Floyd Rowe Watson, Ph.D., Professor of Physics Jane Churchill Watt, M.Mus., Professor of Music Frederick F. Weinard, Ph.D., Professor of Floriculture George Bates Weisiger, B.S., LL.B., J.D., Professor of Law Stanley H. White, B.S., M.L.A., Professor of Landscape Architecture Roy Harold Wilcox, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Economics Carroll Carson Wiley, B.S., C.E., Professor of Highway Engineering Charles Allyn Williams, Ph.D., Professor of German David Cleveland Wimer, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Physics Phineas Lawrence Windsor, Ph.B., Litt.D., Professor of Library Science, Director of the Library School, and Director of the Library Louise Marie Woodroofe, B.P., Professor of Art Herbert Woodrow, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology William Wodin Yapp, Ph.D., Professor of Dairy Cattle Breeding Arthur L. Young, M.S., Professor of Agricultural Engineering Paul Thomas Young, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Psychology MEDICAL. CENTER IN CHICAGO Members ex Officio David Dodds Henry, Ph.D., LL.D., HH.D, Litt.D., L.H.D., D.Sc.Ed., Ped.D, President of the University Lyle H. Lanier, Ph.D., Executive Vice-President and Provost Herbert Otis Farber, A.M., C.P.A., Vice-President and Comptroller Norman Alwyn Parker, M.S., M.E., Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division Joseph Sheridan Begando, Ph.D., Vice-President for the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago Herbert Edmund Carter, Ph.D., Acting Dean of the Graduate College James Joseph Costello, LL.M., Legal Counsel Charles Wilson Sanford, Ph.D., Dean of Admissions and Records XXXVI BOARD OF TRUSTEES Members Listed in Order of Seniority The letters in parenthesis indicate the following: A, Administration; AL, Aeromedical Laboratory; D, College of Dentistry; G, Graduate College; IEEI, Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary; M, College of Medicine; N, College of Nursing; P, College of Pharmacy; R&E, Research and Educational Hospitals; SDMH, State Department of Mental Health; DSCC, Division of Services for Crippled Children. Allan Gibson Brodie, Ph.D., D.D.S., Professor of Orthodontics and Head of the Department (D) Francis Loeffler Lederek, B.S., M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology and Head of the Department (M); Otolaryngologist-in-Chief (IEEI) Eric Oldberg, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Neurology and Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery (M) Warren Henry Cole, B.S., M.D., Professor of Surgery and Head of the Department (M); Surgeon-in-Chief (R&E) Robert George Kesel, M.S., D.D.S., Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics and Head of the Department (D) George Lewis Webster, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the College of Pharmacy (P) Milan Vaclav Novak, Ph.D., M.D., D.Sc, Professor of Microbiology and Head of the Department (M); Associate Dean of the Graduate College (G) Edmund F. Foley, B.S., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) Granville Allison Bennett, B.S., M.D., Professor of Pathology and Dean of the College of Medicine (M) Roger Allen Harvey, M.S., M.D., Professor of Radiology and Head of the Department (M); Radiologist-in-Chief (R&E) John Monroe Spence, M.S., D.D.S., Professor of Operative Dentistry, Head of the Department, and Director of Audio-Visual Education (D) Parke Harvey Simer, Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy (M) Howard John Shaughnessy, B.S., Ph.D., Professor of Public Health and Head of the Department (M) Peter Clemens Kronfeld, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Head of the Department (M); Ophthalmologist-in-Chief (IEEI) Cecil Alexander Krakower, B.S., M.D., CM., Professor of Pathology and Head of the Department (M); Patholoeist-in-Chief (R&E) Maury Masslek, M.S., D.D.S., Professor of Pedodontics, Head of the Department, and Director of Postgraduate Education (D) Ladislas Joseph Meduna, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry (M) Harry Filmore Dowling, A.B., M.D., Professor of Medicine and Head of the Department (M); Chief-of-Medicine (R&E) Robert M. Kark, A.B., D.C.H., M.R.C.H., Professor of Medicine (M) Ford Kimmel Hick, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) Klaus Robert W. Unna, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology and Head of the Department (M) Max Samuel Sadove, B.S., M.D., Professor of Anesthesiology (M); Head of Anes-thesiology (R&E) Herbert Clifford Batson, Ph.D., Professor of Biostatistics (M) Beatrice Dorothy Wade, A.B., O.T.R., Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy and Head of the Department (M) Frederic A. Gibbs, A.B., M.D., Professor of Electroencephalography (M) Adolph Rostenberg, Jr., A.B., M.D., CM., Professor of Dermatology and Head of the Department (M) John Emerson Kempf, A.B., M.D., Professor of Microbiology (M) Dwight Luverne Deardorff, Ph.D., Professor of Manufacturing Pharmacy (P) Stephen Bennett Binkley, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Chemistry (M) Richard John Winzler, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Chemistry and Head of the Department (M) Ernst Rudolf Kirch, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry (P) Eli Olech, M.S., D.D.S., Professor and Director of Minor Oral Surgery (D); Clinical Professor of Surgery (M) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXXVII Ben Zion Rappaport, M.D., M.S., Professor of Medicine (M) Ralph Ferdinand Voigt, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology, Head of the Department, and Director of the Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station (P) Donald Albin Wallace, Ph.D., Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (D) Donald Joseph Caseley, A.B., M.D., Medical Director (R&E); Associate Dean of the College of Medicine (M) Carol H. Preucil, A.M., Associate Professor of Medical Social Work and Head of the Department (M) William Victor Whitehorn, A.B., M.D., Professor of Physiology (M) A. Hooker Goodwin, B.F.A., Professor of Medical and Dental Illustration and Head of the Department (A) William F. Mengert, B.S., M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Head of the Department (M) Fred Norman Bazola, D.D.S., Professor of Fixed Partial Prosthodontics and Head of the Department (D) Conrad L. Pirani, M.D., Professor of Pathology (M); Pathologist (R&E) David Irvin Abramson, M.D., Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Head of the Department, Professor of Medicine (M); Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (R&E) John Porter Marbarger, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology (M); Director of the Aero-medical Laboratory (AL) Seymour Hershel Yale, B.S., D.D.S., Professor of Radiology, Head of the Department, and Assistant Dean of the College of Dentistry (D) Mark Hummer Lepper, M.D., Professor of Preventive Medicine and Head of the Department (M) Samuel R. M. Reynolds, D.Sc, Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy and Head of the Department (M) Raymond C. Ingraham, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology (M) Beulah C. Bosselman, A.B., M.D., Professor of Psychiatry (M) Ernest A. Haggard, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry (M) Robert Durant Ray, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Head of the Department (M) Earl Wiley Renfroe, D.D.S., M.S., Professor of Orthodontics (D) Milton B. Engel, D.D.S., M.S., Professor of Orthodontics (D) Axel Gordon Anderson, D.D.S., Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Head of the Department (D); Clinical Professor of Surgery (M) Arthur J. Skupa, D.D.S., Professor of Clinical Dentistry, Director of Patient Admissions, and Director of Dental Clinics (D) Norman B. Roberg, A.B., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) Theodore Roosevelt Sherrod, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Pharmacology (M) James C. Plagge, Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy and Coordinator A.I.D. Thailand Project (M) Oscar Sugar, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Neurological Surgery (M) E. Lloyd DuBrul, D.D.S., Ph.D., Professor of Oral Anatomy (D); Professor of Anatomy (M) James Edward Gearien, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Head of the Department (P) Theodore Brockhaus Kurtz, D.D.S., Professor of Operative Dentistry and Associate Head of the Department (D) George Gee Jackson, A.B., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) John Burt Fuller, B.S., M.D., Professor of Pathology (M); Director of Hospital Laboratories (R&E) Arnold Veryl Wolf, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology and Head of the Department (M) Orville T. Bailey, M.D., Professor of Neurology (M) I. Pat Bronstein, B.S., M.D., Professor of Pediatrics (M) Joseph H. Kiefer, B.S., B.M., M.D., Professor of Urology (M) Charles G. Maurice, M.S., D.D.S., Professor of Endodontics in Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Associate Head of the Department (D) Max Samter, M.S., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) Martin I. Blake, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacy and Head of the Department (P) XXXVIII BOARD OF TRUSTEES George E. Miller, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Director of Research in Medical Education (M) Samuel Pruzansky, M.S., D.D.S., Professor of Dentistry (D) Melvin Sabshin, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Head of the Department (M) Irving Schulman, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics and Head of the Department (M) Robert B. Underwood, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Prosthodonics, Head of the Department, and Assistant Director of Dental Clinics (D) Hubert R. Catchpole, Ph.D., Research Professor of Pathology (M) Ormand C. Julian, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Surgery (M) Robert H. Ksehbiel, Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy (M) Daniel M. Laskin, D.D.S., M.S., Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Associate Head of the Department (D); Clinical Professor of Surgery (M) Max M. Montgomery, M.S., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) Wilma A. Troxel, B.S., A.M., Professor of Library Administration and Librarian of the Medical Sciences Library Kurt Stern, M.D., Professor of Pathology (M); Pathologist (R&E) Walter Samuel Moos, Ph.D., Research Professor of Radiology and Radiation Physicist (M) Hugh Thompson Carmichael, M.S., CM., M.D., Professor of Psychology (M) Verda Elizabeth James, A.B., D.D.S., Professor of Histology and Associate Head of the Department (D) Malcolm McClain Stanley, A.B., M.D., Professor of Medicine and Supervisor of Clinical Research Center (M) Thomas King Barber, M.S., D.D.S., Professor of Pedodontics and Associate Head of the Department (D); Clinical Professor of Surgery (M) Nicholas John Cotsonas, A.B., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) Louis Robert Limarzi, M.S., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) Elizabeth Ann McGrew, A.B., M.D., Professor of Pathology (M) Mary Kelly Mullane, R.N., Ph.D., Professor of Nursing and Dean of the College of Nursing (N) Marvin Cornblath, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics (M) Ralph Daniels, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry (P) James Hogue McDonald, A.B., M.D., Professor of Urology and Head of the Division (M) Adrian Michael Ostfeld, M.D., Professor of Preventive Medicine (M) Frederick Joseph Pollock, B.S., M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology (M) and (IEEI) Ira Maurice Rosenthal, A.B., M.D., Professor of Pediatrics (M) Emanuel Skolnik, B.S., M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology (M); Otolaryngologist to Cleft Palate Center (DSCC) Cedric Martin Smith, M.S., M.D., Professor of Pharmacology (M) Burton Jacob Soboroff, B.S., M.D., Professor of Otolaryngology (M) Members Elected by the Senate Listed Alphabetically Leo George Abood, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neurophysiological and of Biological Chemistry (M) Norman Roland Alpert, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology (M) William Robert Best, M.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine (M) Harry A. Bliss, A.B., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine (M) Emily Craske Cardew, R.N., M.S., Associate Professor of Nursing (N) Robert Wells Carton, A.B., B.M., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine and Attending Physician (M) Marvin J. Colbert, B.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine (M) Dominick A. Coviello, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (P) Frank A. Crane, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pharmacology (P) Bruce L. Douglas, A.B., D.D.S., A.M., M.P.H., Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Oral Medicine and the Social Aspects of Dentistry (D) Bernard Ecanow, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pharmacology (P) Cecelia Margaret Fennessy, R.N., M.S., Assistant Professor of Nursing (N) Samson Sol Flores, D.M.D., D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Prosthodontics (D) James Albert Gagnon, D.D.S., M.S., Associate Professor of Oral Anatomy and Oral Histology (D) Elsie Gerlach, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Pedodontics and Superintendent of the Children's Clinic (D) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XXXIX Rose Ann Grundman, M.S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics (P) Marjobie Houston, D.M.D., M.S., Associate Professor of Periodontics in Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (D) Henry Jeffay, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry (M) Harold A. Kaminetzky, B.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gyne- cology (M) Bennett Klavan, A.B., D.D.S., Associate Professor and Associate Head of Periodontics in Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (D) Edwin Joseph Liebner, B.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Radiology (M); Associate Radiologist (R&E) Harry Monsen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anatomy (M) Ralph William Morris, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pharmacology (P) Robert J. Ryan, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine (M) Frederick P. Siegel, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pharmacology (P) Gordon Louis Stastny, B.S., D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Endodontics in Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (D) Elaine A. Stuebner, D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Oral Surgery (D); Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (M) James A. Yaeger, D.D.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Histology (D) Retired Members Listed Alphabetically Pervical Bailey, Ph.D., M.D., D.Sc, Distinguished Professor of Neurology and Neurological Surgery and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry (M); Director of Research, Illinois Psychiatric Institute (SDMH) Olaf Bergeim, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Chemistry (M) Carroll La Fleur Birch, M.S., M.D., Professor of Medicine (M) Arthur Reuben Cooper, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Anatomy (M) Frederick Howard Falls, M.S., M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (M) Francis Joseph Gerty, B.S., M.D., Professor of Psychiatry (M) Andrew Conway Ivy, Ph.D., M.D., D.Sc, LL.D., Distinguished Professor of Physiology (M) Otto Frederick Kampmeier, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Anatomy (M) Waclaw Howard Kubacki, D.D.S., Professor of Prosthodontics (D) Carlos Isaac Reed, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology (M) Heyworth N. Sanford, B.S., M.D., Professor of Pediatrics (M) Ralph Eugene Terry, M.S., Professor of Pharmacy (P) Stanley Daniel Tylman, M.S., D.D.S., Professor of Fixed Partial Prosthodontics (D) Gerhardt von Bonin, M.D., Professor of Anatomy (M) Arnold Albert Zimmermann, Dr. es Sc, Professor of Anatomy (M) CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION Members ex Officio David Dodds Henry, Ph.D., LL.D., HH.D., Litt.D., L.H.D., D.Sc.Ed., Ped.D., President of the University Lyle H. Lanier, Ph.D., Executive Vice-President and Provost Herbert Otis Farber, A.M., C.P.A., Vice-President and Comptroller Norman Alwyn Parker, M.S., M.E., Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division Joseph Sheridan Begando, Ph.D., Vice-President for the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago James Joseph Costello, LL.M., Legal Counsel Charles Wilson Sanford, Ph.D., Dean of Admissions and Records Members Listed in Order of Seniority Ora L. Railsback, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Assistant to the Vice-President Helen M. Barton, Ed.D., Professor of Physical Education and Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women Clarence I. Carlson, B.S., Professor of General Engineering and Head of the Department Harold B. McEldowney, B.S., Professor of Architecture, Head of the Department, and Assistant Dean of the College of Architecture and Art XL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Harold W. Bailey, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Vice-President Eugene B. Vest, Ph.D., Professor of English and Head of the Division of Humanities Hollis W. Barber, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Acting Head of the Division of Social Sciences Roy B. Perkins, M.S., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Head of the Engineering Shop Laboratories Max C. Shank, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Sciences Alden D. Cutshall, Ph.D., Professor of Geography Carl Ridge Meloy, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Head of the Division of Physical Sciences Lucile Derrick, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Samuel Fox, J.D., Ph.D., Professor of Accountancy Evelyn Frank, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Paul C. Greene, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Administrative Assistant to the Vice-President William D. Grampp, Ph.D., Professor of Economics Eli A. Lipman, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Bernard J. Babler, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry Arnold C. Cobb, M.S., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Acting Head of the Department of Engineering Sciences Roy Huitema, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry Peter P. Klassen, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology Daniel J. Morris, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy Edward B. McNeil, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Acting Head of the Department Hazel C. Vardaman, Ph.D., Professor of Foreign Languages John F. Richardson, A.M., Professor of Art William Sangster, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Sciences Robert W. Karpinski, D. es Sc, Professor of Geology Albert S. Rouffa, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Sciences Jose Sanchez, Ph.D., Professor of Foreign Languages Herbert J. Curtis, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics and Head of the Division Kenneth M. Madison, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Sciences and Acting Chairman of the Department Canio Radice, A.M., Professor of Art Harold E. Temmer, M.S., Associate Dean of Admissions and Records Clarence H. Gillett, Ph.D., Professor of Management Arthur D. Pickett, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Sciences and Associate Director of University Honors Programs Samuel E. Shapiro, B.S., Professor of General Engineering William M. Schuyler, Ph.D., Professor of Foreign Languages John D. McNee, A.M., Professor of Art Victor E. Ricks, Ph.D., Professor of Education and Director of the Division of Education Kenneth G. Shopen, A.B., Professor of Art H. Dale Walraven, A.M., Professor of General Engineering and Assistant to the Dean of the College of Engineering Leonard J. Currie, M.Arch., Professor of Architecture and Dean of the College of Architecture and Art Iewin K. Feinstein, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Education Henry L. Mikolajczyk, A.M., Professor of Architecture John E. Walley, Professor of Art and Chairman of the Department Rupert Maurice Price, A.M., Associate Professor of Physics and Associate Dean of the College of Engineering Raymond W. Coleman, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Management and Dean of the College of Business Administration Glenn Terrell, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert B. Banks, Ph.D., Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Dean of the College of Engineering Margaret K. Chandler, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XLI Joseph D. Chavez, A.B., Associate Professor of Military Science and Head of the Department Sheldon L. Fordham, M.S., Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men, Director of the Division of Physical Education, and Director of Athletics Sidney F. Glassman, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Sciences Stanley L. Jones, A.M., Professor of History Harold Klehr, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Student Counseling Services John E. Kysar, B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Director of Health Service Robert L. Nicholson, Ph.D., Professor of History Frazer, G. Poole, A.B., B.L.S., Professor of Library Administration and Librarian in the Library Members Elected by the Senate Listed Alphabetically Norman R. Atwood, A.M., Instructor in English Furio Alberti, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics William R. Anderson, M.S., Associate Professor of Physics Peter R. Berrafato, M.S., Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men Leon N. Blair, B.S., Assistant Professor of General Engineering James A. Bond, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Warren O. Brown, B.S., Associate Dean of Students Edward H. Coe, C.E., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Harold N. Cooley, Ed.M., Assistant Administrative Dean in the Vice-President's Office Edward L. Deam, A.M., Associate Professor of Architecture Anthony J. DeFilipps, B.S., Associate Professor of Architecture William J. Dunne, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Management and Acting Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration Leo L. Gedvilas, M.S., Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men Arnold J. Hartoch, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Director of Publications Dee M. Holladay, A.B., B.S., Associate Professor of General Engineering Helen J. Hovde, A.M., Instructor in Speech Charles K. Hunt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry Falk S. Johnson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English Herman J. Johnson, M.S., Associate Professor of Physics Laurette A. Kirstein, A.M., Assistant Professor of English for Foreign Students and Coordinator of Foreign Students Richard C. Kohler, Ed.D., Associate Professor of General Engineering Charles J. Kristufek, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men Carl M. Larson, M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Marketing Ellis B. Little, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Ogden Livermoke, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physics Willie N. Love, Assistant Professor of English Alfonse T. Malinosky, M.B.S., C.P.A., Associate Professor of Accountancy and Assistant to the Dean of the College of Business Administration Nan E. McGehee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology Lester H. Miller, A.M., Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men Robert L. Miller, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Benedict W. Montcalm, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men Wilma W. Pesavento, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Women Carl A. Pitt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech Giles B. Robertson, A.M., Head of Public Services Division with rank of Associate Professor Albert J. Schneider, M.B.A., C.P.A., Associate Professor of Accountancy Fred W. Schroeder, M.S., Associate Professor of General Engineering Henry A. Setton, Ed.M., Assistant Professor of General Engineering Madeline T. Shalabi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education XLII BOARD OF TRUSTEES Harold M. Skadeland, A.M., Associate Professor of Physics and Acting Associate Head of the Department Kirker Smith, A.B., Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records Agnes G. Tandberg, A.M., Dean of Women Walter G. Versen, Ed.M., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men, Assistant Director of the Division of Physical Education, and Assistant Director of Athletics John W. Weldon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry Merton S. Zahrt, Ed.D., Assistant Dean of Students Retired Members Listed Alphabetically Ferris Bertrand Crum, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry Miles C. Hartley, Ph.D., B.Mus., Professor of Mathematics John Oliver Jones, M.S., Professor and Associate Dean of Physical Education Joseph Stanley Kozacka, M.S., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Donald Wayne Riddle, Ph.D., Professor of History Fred W. Trezise, C.E., M.S., Professor and Associate Dean of Engineering UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION Officers J. G. Thomas, Champaign, President Hjalmar Johnson, Chicago, Vice-President Herbert Otis Farber, Urbana, Treasurer Charles C. De Long, Champaign, Assistant Treasurer James C. Colvin, Urbana, Executive Director-Secretary Board of Directors Ex Officio Directors David Dodds Henry, Urbana, President of the University Roger B. Pogue, Decatur, President of the Alumni Association Kenney E. Williamson, Peoria, Member of the Board of Trustees Elected Directors Joseph B. Campbell, Belleville Raymond Epstein, Chicago Harry F. Glair, Flossmoor Donald R. Grimes, Chicago Vernon L. Heath, Robinson William O. Heath, Chicago Richard J. Hill, Jr., White Plains, New York William A. Marsteller, New York Stewart D. Owen, Chicago Amos H. Watts, Chicago UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Officers Roger B. Pogue, Decatur, President Gardner W. Heidrick, Decatur, First Vice-President Paul K. Bresee, Champaign, Second Vice-President Harold Hindsley, Champaign, Treasurer Staff Gene Vance, Executive Director James E. Vermette, Field Director Thomas Micklos, Field Director John G. Pace, Projects Director Joseph C. Sutton, Editor Clotilde H. Sion, Office Manager UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS XLIII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DADS ASSOCIATION Officers, 1963-64 John F. Sweetnam, Decatur, President Walter Dodson, Riverdale, First Vice-President Frank Voris, Aurora, Second Vice-President Dick S- Winget, Lawrenceyille, Third Vice-President Edward E. Eeert, Champaign, Treasurer Edward E. Stafford, Champaign, Executive Secretary Executive Committee John L. Ranney, Morton Edward L. Burch, Wilmette Del M. Rutherford, Mt. Vernon UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MOTHERS ASSOCIATION Officers, 1963-64 Mrs. Frank E. Schooley, Champaign, President Mrs. Joseph Bartulis, Riverside, First Vice-President Mrs. Harry W. Moody, Springfield, Second Vice-President Mrs. A. J. Gatawakas, Belleville, Third Vice-President Mrs. Mary Loise Filbey, Urbana, Secretary Mrs. Hurst H. Shoemaker, Urbana, Treasurer Directors Mrs. Arthur Gilkerson, Peoria Mrs. Albert Jacobs, Canton Mrs. Edward L. Burch, Wilmette Mrs. Frank K. Veasman, Oak Forest Mrs. Erling W. Lunde, Cambridge UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Faculty Representatives Leslie Aulls Bryan Henry Sheldon Stillwell Paul Marion Van Arsdell George Willard White Alumni Association Representatives George R. Catlett, Chicago Charles C. Dadant, Hamilton Charles H. Stotz, LaGrange Officers Douglas Raymond Mills, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Marc C. Norton, Champaign, Treasurer Henry Franklin Thornes, Business Manager BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN ACCOUNTANCY Board of Examiners Paul F. Johnson, C.P.A., Chicago, Chairman Charles W. Davis, LL.B., Chicago Harry I. Grossman, C.P.A., Chicago University Committee on Accountancy Horace Montgomery Gray, Ph.D., Urbana, Chairman Charles Wilson Sanford, Ph.D., Urbana, ex officio XLIV BOARD OF TRUSTEES Edward James Smith, M.S., Urbana, Clerk J. Nelson Young, B.S., LL.B., C.P.A., Urbana STATE UNIVERSITIES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Board of Trustees Member ex Officio William S. White, Springfield Members from the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Earl M. Hughes, Woodstock Harold Pogue, Decatur Kenney E. Williamson, Peoria Member from the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University Lindell W. Sturgis, Metropolis Member from the Teachers' College Board Royal A. Stipes, Jr., Champaign Officers Royal A. Stipes, Jr., Champaign, President Edward Stanley Gibala, Urbana, Secretary Herbert Otis Farber, Urbana, Comptroller William O. Heath, Chicago, Treasurer Other Officers and Consultants Rubin Goodman Cohn, Legal Adviser Dr. Orville Selkirk Walters, Medical Director A. A. Weinberg, Consulting Actuary Lybrand, Ross Brothers, and Montgomery, Auditors Depositary Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago UNIVERSITY CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM OF ILLINOIS Merit Board Timothy W. Swain, Peoria, Chairman Harold Pogue, Decatur Dr. Martin V. Brown, Carbondale Paul Stone, Sullivan Earl M. Hughes, Woodstock Kathryn G. Hansen, Urbana, ex officio, Secretary BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION William Sylvester White, A.B., LL.B., Director of State Department of Registration and Education, Chairman Roger Adams, Ph.D., D.Sc, LL.D., Research Professor of Organic Chemistry, Emeritus, University of Illinois, Urbana Robert H. Anderson, B.S., C.E., Consulting Engineer, St. Charles William L. Everitt, E.E., Ph.D., D.Eng., Dean of the College of Engineering, University of Illinois, representing the President of the University of Illinois, Urbana Delyte W. Morris, Ph.D., President, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Charles E. Olmsted, Ph.D., Professor of Botany and Chairman of the Department of Botany, University of Chicago Thomas Park, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology, University of Chicago Lawrence Louis Sloss, Ph.D., Professor of Geology, Northwestern University Henry Dan Piper, Ph.D., Professor of English and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS July 18, 1962 The July meeting of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, July 18, 1962, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. George T. Wilkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Judge Richard A. Harewood, Governor Otto Kerner, and Mr. Timothy W. Swain were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Professor Norman A. Parker, Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Dr. Joseph S. Begando, Vice-President, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Mr. C. C. Caveny, Assistant to the President, Chicago Office, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. V. L. Kretsch-mer, Director of Auxiliary Services, Mr. Harry W. Pearce, Associate Director of the Physical Plant, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 1 2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on December 19, 1961, and January 11, 1962, press proof copies of which had previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the minutes were approved as printed on pages 1215 to 1274, inclusive. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT ON SELECTED TOPICS President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: Name Alfred William Briei. Rufus Carson Cox, Jr. Joseph J. Greenberg Francis Xavier Kuhn Albert Allen Poll an s Address Evansville, Indiana Wilmette, Illinois Skokie, Illinois Elk Grove Village, Illinois Chicago, Illinois State from Which They Obtained Certificates Indiana Ohio District of Columbia District of Columbia Florida I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these certificates were awarded. APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN ACCOUNTANCY (2) The Committee on Accountancy recommends the appointment of Harry I. Grossman, Resident Partner of Altschuler, Melvin, and Glasser, Certified Public Accountants, Chicago, to the Board of Examiners in Accountancy for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1962, to succeed Mr. William Deeming whose term expired on June 30, 1962. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Dennis Aigner, Assistant Professor of Economics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,250 (D), 2. John J. Alderson, Consultant in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work with rank of Assistant Professor, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,400 (D). 3. Arthur Bolz, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Staff Physician in the Health Center and McKinley Hospital, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $12,600 (BY). 4. S. A. Bowhill, Professor of Electrical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $14,000 (A). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 3 5. Samuel G. Carmer, Assistant Professor of Agronomy, beginning July 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,700 (DY). 6. Charles S. Chihara, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,300 (B). 7. Mary Claire Griffin, Associate Professor of Business Education, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (D). 8. Teddy R. Jackson, Assistant Professor of Speech, Division of Humanities, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,000 (B). 9. Daniel Kastler, Visiting Professor of Physics, for the academic year 1962-63, at a salary of $11,000 (E). 10. Henry J. Lipkin, Visiting Professor of Physics, for the academic year 1962-63, at a salary of $10,000 (E). 11. Bernard M. Nefkens, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,200 (DY). 12. Agnar Nygaasd, Visiting Professor in the School of Life Sciences, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $12,000 (D). 13. R. Norman Peacock, Assistant Professor of Physics and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, beginning June 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $11,000 (DY). 14. Edward G. Perkins, Assistant Professor of Food Technology, for two months from July 1, 1962, on eight-tenths time, at a salary of $1,334; from September 1, 1962, on full time, at the annual salary of $10,000 (DY80; DY). 15. Burt W. Phillips, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1962, on eight-tenths time, at an annual salary of $11,500 (DY80). 16. Mrs. Josephine Phillips, Visiting Research Assistant Professor at University High School, beginning September 1, 1962, on three-fourths time, at an annual salary of $7,500 (D75). 17. Alfred G. Redfield, George A. Miller Visiting Professor of Physics, from October 1 to 31, 1962, at a salary of $2,500 (G). 18. George A. Russell, Associate Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $13,500 (A). 19. William R. Schwarz, Assistant Professor of Medical Illustration, Department of Illustration Studios, at the Medical Center, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (BY). 20. Thomas L. Swihart, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (B). 21. Robert E. Thomas, Associate Professor of Music, Division of University Extension, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (D). 22. James A. Tweedie, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, beginning August 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $12,500 (DY). 23. Charles R. Young, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Psychiatrist in the Health Center, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $14,300 (DY). On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were confirmed. SABBATICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE (4) The Head of the Department of Physiology and the Dean of the College of Medicine recommend, and I concur, that Dr. Ruven Greenberg, Associate Professor in that Department, be granted sabbatical leave of absence on full pay from January 15 to July 15, 1963. Application for this leave was received some time ago but administrative action was deferred pending receipt of additional information needed for adequate appraisal of his program of study and research. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this leave was approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE STAFF OF THE CENTER FOR ZOONOSES RESEARCH (5) The Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Director of the Illinois Center for Zoonoses Research recommends the following appointments to the staff of the Center: 4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Senior Member Mark H. Lepper, M.D., Professor of Preventive Medicine, and Head of the Department, College of Medicine, indefinite tenure. The Dean of the College of Medicine concurs. Associate Member Richard Warwick Armstrong, Research Assistant in Physiology, University of Illinois, two years. Mr. Armstrong has been employed as a Research Assistant under a grant from the National Cancer Institute for work on the ecology of cancer under the supervision of Dr. Frederick Sargent II, a Senior Member of the Center for Zoonoses Research. Mr. Armstrong is also doing graduate work and will receive the Doctor of Philosophy degree in August, 1963. His appointment is approved by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Consultants Bernard B. Bercer, Chief, Research Branch, Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control, Public Health Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Cincinnati, Ohio, two years. Leighton Eggertsen Cluff, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University College of Medicine, two years. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were approved. ADVISORY COUNCIL OF LIBRARIANS (6) The Dean of Library Administration recommends establishment of an Advisory Council of Librarians for the Graduate School of Library Science. The Council would be made up of leaders in the profession in the state of Illinois and representatives of major types of libraries. Membership would include representatives of each of the four major types of libraries (college and university, school, public, and specialized libraries) with two ex-officio members, including the Assistant State Librarian and the President of the Illinois Library Association. Representatives of libraries would serve for varying terms. The faculty of the School supports this recommendation. The following nominations are submitted, effective September 1, 1962: Public Libraries William W. Bryan, Librarian, Peoria Public Library, Peoria, three years Grace W. Gilman, Librarian, Lincoln Library, Springfield, two years College and University Libraries Victoria Hargrave, Librarian, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, two years Dr. Robert R. Hertel, Director of Libraries, Illinois State Normal University, three years School Libraries Mrs. Imogene Book, Librarian, High School and Junior College, Mt. Vernon, two years Eleanor Youngmire, Supervisor, Oak Park Elementary Schools, three years Special Libraries William S. Budington, Assistant Librarian, John Crerar Library, Chicago, two years Agnes C. Henebry, Librarian, Decatur Herald and Review, three years Ex-Officio Members de Lafayette Reid, Assistant State Librarian, Springfield William W. Bryan, Librarian, Peoria Public Library, Peoria President-elect, Illinois Library Association (while Mr. Bryan is being named in two capacities, his term as President of the Illinois Library Association will be for one year). I concur. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these appointments were approved. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 5 ADVISORY COMMITTEES FOR COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE (7) The Dean of the College of Agriculture recommends the following appointments and reappointments to advisory committees for the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station effective September 1, 1962, for three-year terms: Agricultural Economics Harold Council, Princeton Agricultural Engineering LeRoy Barnes, Assistant Chief Engineer, Oliver Corporation, 714 North Chestnut, Shelbyville Richard E. Reeves, Vice-President in charge of Engineering, Decatur Pump Company, 2750 Nelson Park Road, Decatur Agronomy Joseph B. Mountjoy, Mountjoy Hybrid Corn Company, Atlanta John F. Rundquist, Butler Animal Science Lloyd Hanna, Roseann Farms, Farmersville (Manager, Gietl Bros., Springfield) Henry A. Longmeyer, Greenfield Dairy Science Homer Curtiss, Stockton Forestry W. A. Guixicksen, President, Churchill Cabinet Company, 2119 Churchill Street, Chicago 47 M. J. Kiser, Alvin K. Starr Chester, Technical Adviser, Alton Box Board Company, P. O. Box 276, Alton Horticulture (Food Crops) John DeJong, 18160 Paxton, Lansing Victor Eckman, 3600 Fairmont Avenue, Collinsville Wayne Robbins, Campbell Soup Company, West Chicago Horticulture (Floriculture, Ornamentals) John C. Fiore, Charles Fiore Nurseries, Route 22, Prairie View The Dean of the College of Agriculture further recommends the following reappointments to the general committee for two years as members at large: Joseph Ackerman, Managing Director, Farm Foundation, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago S Paul C. Johnson, Editor, Prairie Farmer, 1230 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago 7 I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were approved. DR. HARTWELL C. HOWARD SCHOLARSHIPS (8) As reported to the Board of Trustees on February 21, 1962, the Uniyersity has received a bequest from the late Dr. Charles P. Howard of Champaign of approximately $194,000 as an endowment to establish the Dr. Hartwell C. Howard Memorial Fund, the income to be used to aid premedical and predental students. The amount of income now available for such student aid during the academic year 1962-63 is approximately $2,000; and it is estimated that the endowment will produce at least $5,000 each year thereafter. It is recommended that the following rules be established for the administration of awards: 1. All the available income shall be used for undergraduate scholarships for premedical and predental students. 2. Such scholarships shall be awarded by the University Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships on nomination of the premedical committees advisory to premedical and predental students at Urbana-Champaign and at the Chicago Undergraduate Division. 6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 3. The award shall be on the basis of financial aid and scholastic standing and following the same criteria applicable to awards of other undergraduate scholarships. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these regulations were adopted. ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES (9) The three University Senates have approved the following recommendations from the All-University Committee on Admissions. Admission of High School Seniors in the Top Quarter of Their Classes The Dean of Admissions and Records is authorized to consider for admission high school seniors in the top quarter of their classes who apply for admission to sessions beginning in June, 1964, and thereafter, on the basis of official documents from their high schools and other secondary schools, viz: a statement of six semesters of completed high school work, a statement of the courses to be taken in the last two semesters, the date of probable graduation, and an estimate of the applicant's scholastic rank in his class. Admission of Foreign Students The Office of Admissions and Records is authorized to decide which student shall be classified as "foreign" according to the following definition: A person who is a citizen or permanent resident alien of a country or political area other than the United States and has a residence outside the United States to which he expects to return and either is, or proposes to be, a temporary alien in the United States for educational purposes shall be classified as a foreign student. An alien who has permanent resident (immigrant) status in the United States and has received such classification for convenience only and maintains a residence outside the United States which he has no intention of abandoning shall be classified as a foreign student upon receipt of valid evidence (notarized certificate) from the permanent resident alien attesting to these facts. The test given by the English Language Institute, Testing and Certification Division, Ann Arbor, Michigan, shall be required of all foreign students, including transfers, who file applications for admission after September 1, 1962, except foreign students who are citizens of a country where the native language is English, or who have degrees from colleges or universities in countries where English is the native language and where all instruction was in English. A score on that examination will be received by the University of Illinois before action is taken on the student's request for admission. All prospective foreign students who receive a score below the minimum score of acceptance on the test will not be admitted to the University. The Dean of Admissions and Records may, however, upon recommendation of the college concerned, waive the requirement of test if evidence presented by the applicant clearly justifies such action. The Senate Coordinating Council has considered these actions and has advised that they are ready for presentation to the Board of Trustees. I concur in the recommendations. On motion of Mr. Wilkins, these recommendations were approved. REVISIONS IN CURRICULA College of Agriculture (10) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended revisions in the core curriculum in agriculture and the various majors related thereto, and in the agricultural science curriculum, effective September, 1962. Core Curriculum The core curriculum provides for a common program for the first two years of the undergraduate curricula in agriculture, with the exception of certain specialized curricula. All students in agriculture, except those in agricultural science, dairy technology, floriculture and ornamental horticulture, food technology, forestry, home economics, horticultural food crops, and restaurant management, pursue the same general core program for the first two years. 1. Addition of Agronomy 101, Introductory Soils, four hours, to the list of 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 7 Group I courses in agriculture from which all students in the core curriculum must complete fifteen hours. 2. Reduction of minimum required hours of agricultural courses from fifty to forty hours for all majors in the core curriculum except the major in general agriculture. The fifty-hour agriculture requirement for this major remains in effect because of its broad general nature. The reduction of ten hours in agriculture courses in the other majors will permit greater flexibility for the student and his adviser in designing programs to fit individual needs. The ten hours may be used for additional work in general education, supporting basic sciences, or other open electives. 3. Minor revisions in the majors in dairy science and agricultural mechanization: Major in Dairy Science Instead of requiring specific courses in agriculture, the revised major requires fifteen hours selected from Group I courses in agriculture, fifteen hours selected from a group of advanced-level (200 or 300) courses in agriculture, and ten hours of additional advanced-level elective courses in agriculture. This choice of courses is desirable to provide an opportunity for the student to emphasize subject-matter areas of dairy science, such as nutrition, physiology, genetics, or management. The requirement in science and supporting courses, in addition to the core requirement, is increased from six to nine hours. The minimum requirement in agricultural hours is reduced from fifty to forty hours. See 2 above. Major in Agricultural Mechanization A reduction of the minimum requirement of agriculture courses from fifty to forty hours. See 2 above. An increase in the physical science requirement by seven hours. Mathematics 114, Trigonometry, and Physics 101, General Physics, have been added as requirements. An option is also provided for the student to take Chemistry 132 or 133, Elementary Organic Chemistry, or Physics 102, General Physics. This increased emphasis in the physical sciences will enable agricultural mechanization majors to better meet future changes in agriculture through stronger basic training. An increase in the requirement of courses in the areas of business and communications from fifteen hours to eighteen hours. The majority of the graduates of this major enter businesses that are closely allied to agriculture. Therefore, training in business organization, operation, management, marketing and communications is essential. Agricultural Science Curriculum The required hours of agricultural courses for graduation in this curriculum is reduced from thirty-five to thirty with a minimum of fifteen of the thirty hours in courses at the junior-senior level. This curriculum is designed for students who plan to do graduate work in certain fields or engage in professional work requiring more science, mathematics, or engineering than included in the core curriculum. The curriculum provides an opportunity for individually planned programs of study under the supervision of faculty advisers. The reduction of five hours in required agricultural courses will allow an increase of five hours in open electives, giving the student the opportunity to use these electives to strengthen his program of basic science or supporting courses. Adding the requirement of a minimum of fifteen hours of advanced level courses in agriculture will strengthen the program. Entering freshmen must rank in the upper half of their high school graduating classes; and must maintain a 3.5 scholastic average to remain in and graduate from the curriculum. The Senate Coordinating Council indicates that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. College of Commerce and Business Administration The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends two major changes in the general curriculum in the College of Commerce and Business Administration required of all students in the college, except those majoring in teacher education. The changes 8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES tjuty 18 include an increase in the amount of time spent on general education and an increase in the number of hours required for graduation from 126 to 132 hours, excluding the general University requirements of military training and physical education. The new requirements will become effective for students enrolling after June 1, 1964. Additions Hours Electives in Economics.................................................... 3 Electives in Humanities and Social Science................................. 8 Mathematics (beyond College Algebra).................................... 7 Logic.................................................................... 3 Economic Analysis (advanced)............................................ 3 Business Statistics ......................................................i3 Total Additions......................................................27 Deletions Hours Any one of: Economics 136, American Economic History; Economics 138, European Economic History; Geography 105, Introductory Economic Geography; History 101, Ideas and Institutions in the Western World....... 3 Mathematics 111 or 112, College Algebra................................... 3 Science or Advanced Mathematics Electives................................ 4 Field of Concentration and Free Electives..................................11 Total Deletions ......................................................21 The Senate Coordinating Council has reported that this revision has been cleared with representatives of the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate. College of Education The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended revisions in the industrial education curricula and in the curriculum preparatory to teaching mentally handicapped children, effective September 1, 1962. Industrial Education Curricula There are three optional curricula available to students interested in majoring in industrial education. Option I --- designed primarily to prepare instructors of industrial arts. 1. Delete Mathematics 117, Combined Freshman Mathematics (Algebra and Trigonometry); substitute Mathematics 112, College Algebra, and Mathematics 114, Trigonometry, wherever they do not already appear as an alternate choice. This involves no change in the semester-hour requirement in mathematics. 2. Substitute Education 240, Principles of American Secondary Education, two hours, for the more specialized course, Industrial Education 381, Principles of Vocational Education, three hours, and increase the free electives by one hour. Total hours required for graduation remain the same. 3. Delete Agricultural Engineering 142, Gas Engines and Tractors, from the suggested electives. Option II --- designed to prepare vocational-industrial instructors. 1. Same as No. 1 in Option I. 2. Delete Journalism 204, Typography, two hours, as a requirement; add Industrial Education 384, General Shop Program, four hours, as a requirement, and decrease the number of electives required by two hours. Total hours for graduation remain the same. 3. Delete Industrial Education 186, Automotive Maintenance, three hours, and add Industrial Education 383, Development, Organization, and Principles of Industrial Education, three hours. Option III ---designed to prepare personnel for employment in training departments maintained by industrial plants. 1. Same as No. 1 in Options I and II. 2. Substitute Sociology 218, Technology and Social Change, three hours, for Sociology 318, Human Relations in Industry, three hours. 1962] ; UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 9 3. Delete the requirements of three hours of electiyes and add Industrial Education 383, Development, Organization, and Principles of Industrial Education, three hours. Curriculum Preparatory to Teaching Mentally Handicapped Children First Year Increase the range of alternatives which students can choose, i.e., if a student does not take Division of General Studies 131, Biological Science, he may take any two of the following: Physiology 103, 104, 105, 106; Botany 100; or Zoology 104 --- all of these being elementary courses in these fields. Psychology 100, Introduction of Psychology, moved to the second semester of the first year in order to provide more time in the second semester of the curriculum. Second Year Education 117, Exceptional Children, moved from third year to the second year. Education 201, Foundations of American Education, added to meet the requirement of the elementary education curriculum and is a substitute for Education 101, The Nature of the Teaching Profession. Third Year Add Music 240, Music for Elementary Teachers. Substitute Education 233, Classroom Programs in Childhood Education, for Education 230, Principles of Elementary Education. Add Mathematics 202, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers. Substitute Psychology 250, Psychology of Personality, for Education 237, Child Development for Elementary Teachers. Add Psychology 216, Child Psychology, as an alternative to Education 236, Child Development for Elementary Teachers. Delete Education 218, Remedial Reading in the Elementary School. Move Education 324, Mental and Educational Measurement of Exceptional Children, from the third year to the fourth year. With the revisions recommended the curriculum will qualify graduates to teach in classes for normal children in elementary schools and in classes for edu-cable mentally retarded children in elementary and secondary schools. The revisions do not affect the number of hours required for graduation. The Senate Coordinating Council indicates that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. College of Pine and Applied Arts The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended revisions in the crafts option curriculum in the Department of Art and in the music composition curriculum, effective September 1, 1962. Crafts Option in the Department of Art Substitute Art 290, Ceramic Raw Materials, and Art 291, Glaze Calculation, in the third-year requirements in the ceramic emphasis of the curriculum for Ceramic Engineering 101, Introduction, and Ceramic Engineering 102, Processes. Substitute Art 125-126, Life Drawing, Art 141-142, Still Life Painting, and Division of General Studies 142, Physical Science, in the second-year requirements in the ceramic emphasis of the curriculum for Mathematics 111 or 112, Algebra, Mathematics 114, Trigonometry, and Chemistry 101, General Chemistry. Eliminate in both the ceramic and metal emphasis of the curriculum the third-year requirements of Art 190 and 191, Recreational Crafts, and incorporate changes to permit the election of Home Economics 337, Textile Design, or additional art electives. Increase the humanities requirement from five to six hours and reduce the total art electives by one hour in the metal emphasis of the curriculum. Music Composition Curriculum Reduce Music 106, Composition, from four to two hours each semester. Music 106 is required each semester for the first two years. Reduce Music 102, 103, and 104, Theory, from four-hour courses to three-hour courses; Music 101, Theory, is now a three-hour course. Add Music 107, 10 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 18 108, and 109, Ear Training and Sight Singing, one hour each. Composition majors will take Music 101 in the first semester, 102 and 107 in the second semester, 103 and 108 in the third semester, and 104 and 109 in the fourth semester. Reduce applied music requirement from twenty-four to sixteen hours. Reduce music history requirement in the junior and senior years from twelve to six hours by selecting six hours from Music 310, 311, 312, and 313 rather than requiring all four of them as is now the case. Add Music 315, Contemporary Music, two hours, to the requirements for graduation. These changes increase the number of electives by five hours, from 20-22 to 25-27. The electives must include at least sixteen hours in humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences, in addition to the prescribed curriculum. The Senate Coordinating Council indicates that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum Preparatory to the Teaching of English The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends revisions in the curriculum leading to the Degree of Master of Arts in the Teaching of English and recommends an optional curriculum for graduate students whose undergraduate work was not in a teacher-preparation program but who wish to do graduate work in the teaching of English at the secondary school level. Revisions in Curriculum for Students with Teacher's Certificates First Semester Units Delete one unit of electives. Specify the following courses: English 445, Introduction to Advanced Graduate Study..................... Va English 387, The Structure of English, or, Rhetoric 480, The Theory and Practice of English Composition................................... VltoY$pM Second Semester Delete one unit of electives. Specify the following courses: English 446, Introduction to Advanced Graduate Study.................... i/$pD English 447, Background Materials for High School Teachers of English, or, Education 456, Curriculum Problems and Trends in Specialized Fields of Secondary Education ................................................ 1 At least one course in English must be selected from courses numbered 450 to 490, problems courses for advanced graduate students.................. 2 Candidates for the degree of Master of Arts in the Teaching of English are required to pass a final examination in the field of English and deposit a special term paper with the Executive Secretary of the Department. Option for Students Without Teacher's Certificates Each candidate for this degree should apply for admission to advanced standing in teacher education with the adviser of the program at the time of his first registration. Units English 445, Introduction to Advanced Graduate Study..................... 14 English 446, Introduction to Advanced Graduate Study..................... 1,4 English 387, The Structure of English, or, Rhetoric 480, The Theory and Practice of English Composition.................................. Vi to 54 English, at least one course must be selected from courses numbered 450 to 490, problems courses for advanced graduate students.................... 4 Education 311, Psychology of Learning for Teachers....................... y\ Education 312, Mental Hygiene and the School............................. l Two of the following courses............................................ 1 Education 301, Philosophy of Education......................... l/2 Education 302, History of American Education.................. y$ Education 303, Comparative Education.......................... y2 Education 304, Social Foundations of Education................. y least T 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 11 Education 241, Technic of Teaching in the Secondary School (to be taken without graduate credit) Education 242, Educational Practice in Secondary Education (to be taken without graduate credit) Candidates for the degree of Master of Arts in the Teaching of English must also pass a final examination required of all master's candidates in the field of English and deposit a special term paper with the Executive Secretary of the Department. The Senate has advised that the changes have been approved by the University Council on Teacher Education, the Policy Committee of the College of Education, and the Executive Committee of the Graduate College. The Senate Coordinating Council has advised that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. Prelaw Curriculum The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends that the statement of graduation requirements from the prelaw curriculum be revised to read: Students preparing for the study of law ordinarily complete the first three years of the general curriculum in liberal arts and sciences before entering the College of Law. A student who has completed ninety hours (excluding basic military training and physical education) and who has been in residence either the first two years or the last year of his prelegal work1 may count toward the Bachelor of Arts degree a maximum of thirty-two hours in the University of Illinois College of Law, subject to the restrictions on courses taken in colleges other than Liberal Arts and Sciences. A student who has completed his first ninety hours (excluding basic military training and physical education) in residence1 at the University of Illinois and who transfers to an accredited college of law other than that of the University of Illinois may count a maximum of thirty-two hours of law toward the Bachelor of Arts degree, subject to the restrictions on courses taken in colleges other than Liberal Arts and Sciences. The applicant for the degree should petition the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, who may approve the granting of the degree if all the college and University requirements have been met. The present requirements include a 3.5 average for graduation. Since the College of Law will admit students with scholastic averages below 3.5, provided that they have made acceptable scores in the Law School Admission Test, the change in the grade-point average is recommended to make the requirements in the curriculum consistent with those of the College of Law. The other change relates to quality of work in the fourth year and is recommended so that the prelaw curriculum requirements will be consistent with those of other curricula in Liberal Arts and Sciences. The Senate Coordinating Council advises that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. College of Veterinary Medicine The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended a major revision in the veterinary medical curriculum, effective September 1, 1962. The changes are a result of the re-evaluation of the present curriculum, the objective of which is to offer better preparation of veterinary medical students to meet professional needs and demands following graduation. Significant changes have occurred during the past few years and are still occurring in medical and health sciences and their application. The proposed curriculum provides improved continuity of course sequences and permits consolidation and integration of subject matter materials of related areas. Courses Added An. Sci. 201, Animal Management, 4 credit hours, 4 clock hours V.C.M. 342, Diseases of Small Animals, 2 credit hours, 2 clock hours V.P.H. 322, Veterinary Bacteriology, 5 credit hours, 9 clock hours V.P.H. 333, 343, Clinical Pathology Conference, 0 credit, 1 clock hour 1 A student who does part of his prelegal work at the Chicago Undergraduate Division must complete his junior year with at least 30 semester hours in residence on the Urbana campus to satisfy this requirement. 12 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 18 V.P.H. 345,1 Environment and Disease in Livestock Production, 2 Credit hours, 2 clock hours V.P.H. 347,1 Management and Diseases of Laboratory Animals, 2 credit hours, 2 clock hours V.P.P. 321, Physiology, 3 credit hours, 5 clock hours V.P.P. 346, Nutritional Deficiencies, 2 credit hours, 2 clock hours Courses Dropped An. Sci. 103. Market Classes and Grades of Livestock, 3 credit hours, 5 clock hours Bot. 226, Poisonous Plants, 2 credit hours, 4 clock hours Dairy Sci. 100, Introduction to Dairy Production, 3 ctedit hours, 3 clock hours Food Tech. and V.P.H. 332, Principles of Sanitation in Processing and Handling of Foods, 2 credit hours, 4 clock hours Microbiology 200, 201, Microbiology, S credit hours, 9 clock hours Courses Revised V.A. 315, Applied Anatomy, 2 credit hours, 3 clock hours V.C.M. 340, Veterinary Jurisprudence and Ethics, 3 credit hours, 3 clock hours V.P.H. 323, Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, 4 credit hours, 7 clock hours V.PJI. 324, Protozoan and Arthropod Parasites, 3 credit hours, 5 clock hours V.P.H. 327, Helminth Parasites, 3 credit hours,. S clock hours V.P.P. 323, Physiology, 3 credit hours, 6 clock hours V.P.P. 330, Pharmacology and Toxicology, 4 credit hours, 8 clock hours Courses Changed in Sequence An. Sci. 110, Plant and Animal Genetics, 3 credit hours, 4 clock hours An. Sci. 220, Feeds and Feeding, 3 credit hours, 4 clock hours An. Sci. 304, Poultry Management, 3 credit hours, 3 clock hours V.A. 315, Applied Anatomy, 2 credit hours, 3 clock hours V.C.M. 339, Radiology, 2 credit hours, 3 clock hours V.P.H. 325, General Pathology, 5 credit hours, 8 clock hours V.P.H. 326, Special Pathology, 5 credit hours, 9 clock hours The Senate Coordinating Council indicates that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur in all the foregoing recommendations. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these recommendations were approved. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS (11) The Director of the School of Life Sciences and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommend that the name of the Department of Physiology be changed to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics. I have approved this change administratively and report it for record. This report was received for record. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANTS AND MATCHING FUNDS (12) The National Science Foundation has made grants to the University for remodeling of research space in the Animal Genetics Laboratory, $14,800, and renovation and equipping laboratory facilities for research in Physiology and Biochemistry, $10,600, on condition that they are matched by funds from non-federal sources to the extent of at least 50 per cent of the direct costs of the projects. These grants have been accepted and it is recommended that assignments of the required matching funds be made from the following sources. For Remodeling of Research Space in Animal Genetics Laboratory from: Animal Science (Indirect Costs)...................................... $ 4 500 Graduate Research Unassigned Funds (Indirect Costs)................. 4 500 General Indirect Costs............................................... 6 000 Total.............................................................$15 000 1 Elective courses V.P.H., 345 and 347 are to be offered the second semester of the fourth year.- The student is to be limited to only one elective course. V.P.P. 346 is an elective course to be offered the first semester of the fourth year. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 13 For Renovation and Equipping Laboratory Facilities for Research in Physiology and Biochemistry from Indirect Costs (General)........$10 600 I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these assignments of funds were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (13) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: 1. College of Agriculture Dairy Science, fluorescent lights in Animal Sciences Laboratory.....$ 7 304 Forestry, pressure-vacuum cylinder............................... 10 000 2. College of Education, remodeling basement in Lincoln Hall for re- search space................................................ 16 000 3. College of Engineering Electrical Engineering, equipment................................. 50 000 Engineering Experiment Station, multi-channel analyzer for nuclear engineering.................................................. 20 000 4. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Botany, research facilities........................................ 4 650 Chemistry Remodeling and rehabilitation of laboratory and other areas used by the analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical divisions ............................................ 30 000 Undergraduate laboratory equipment.......................... 21 361 Geology, equipment and remodeling............................... 7 615 Zoology, revamping water supply for Vivarium.................... 4 317 5. Library Administration, 2,000 books for library at Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls...................................... 10 000 6. College of Physical Education, renovation of deck space at the Eng- lish Building swimming pool for office quarters and showers..... 8 500 7. Office of Public Information, multigraph duplicating equipment..... 3 396 8. Physical Plant Skating Rink, roof repairs........................................ 3 200 Remodeling in the English Building to provide two additional classrooms....................................................... 5 865 9. University Press, inserting machine for Mailing Center............ 15 000 10. Chicago Medical Center Medical Research Laboratory, installation of electronic air cleaners.. 4 800 Research and Educational Hospitals, equipment (magnascanner)..... 9 600 Total............................................................ $231 608 I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these appropriations were made, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACT FOR CAMPUS BUS SERVICE (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a contract with the Champaign-Urbana City Lines, Inc., for a campus bus service for students and staff along the lines of the bus service operated under a University contract last year. Specific recommendations are that: Authority be granted to continue the Mi Bus operation during the 1962-63 academic year starting September 11, 1962. The five-cent fare per passenger be continued except that those students living in Orchard Downs will be issued passes to ride free from the Downs to any point on the route; however, the passes will be honored only for a return trip 14 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 to the Downs from the corner of Nevada Street and Goodwin Avenue, or at any regular bus stop between that corner and Orchard Downs. The University be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Champaign-Urbana City Lines, Inc., for the 1962-63 academic year based on a rate of $5.15 per bus hour of operation (this includes use of the equipment and employment of necessary personnel to provide the desired bus service, and sufficient insurance to protect both the company and the University against liability for personal injuries or property damages arising out of the operation of this service). The cost of operating this service will be financed as follows: fares collected from students and staff members, and $30,000 from Housing Division Funds. Further experimentation be authorized to improve and extend the service to all parts of the campus area and to determine the extent to which the Illi Bus service can assist in the solution of the campus parking problem. The service be discontinued effective June 8, 1963, with the close of second semester examinations. A report on the trial operation of Illi Bus during 1961-62 is submitted in support of the proposed continuation of the service. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these recommendations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for remodeling in the first unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building for the Department of Biochemistry in the College of Medicine, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Mutual Contracting Company, Chicago...................... $ 35 184 Base bid.................................................$22 782 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to general contractor....................... 1 500 Additional laboratory section.......................... 10 902 Plumbing --- H. P. Reger and Company, Chicago....................... 11 020 Base bid.................................................$ 6 940 Additive alternate for additional laboratory section.......... 4 080 Heating and Refrigeration --- Utility Air Conditioning and Heating Company, Oak Park.......................................... 12 455 Base bid.................................................$ 8 485 Additive alternate for additional laboratory section.......... 3 970 Ventilating --- The Robert Irsay Company, Skokie..................... 22 838 Base bid.................................................$16 150 Additive alternate for additional laboratory section.......... 6 688 Pipe Covering --- Brand Insulations, Inc., Chicago...................... 1 310 Base bid.................................................$ 1 195 Additive alternate for additional laboratory section.......... 115 Electrical --- Wadeford Electric Company, Chicago..................... 9 386 Base bid.................................................$ 8 100 Additive alternate for additional laboratory section.......... 1 286 Laboratory Equipment --- Browne-Morse Company, Muskegon, Michigan ............................................ 45 405 Base bid.................................................$34 578 Additive alternate for additional laboratory section.......... 10 827 Total Contracts................................................. $137 598 The work will include the first phase of the rehabilitation of the Department of Biochemistry laboratory, part of the 1961-63 building program at the Medical Center; the remainder of the remodeling, approximately one-half of the labora- 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 15 tory area, will be done in the 1963-65 biennium. This phasing is necessary since all of the laboratory area can not be closed for remodeling at one time. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for the general work, making the total of his contract price $137,598. It is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Mutual Contracting Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,500, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACTS FOR DIESEL GENERATOR AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AT MEDICAL CENTER CAMPUS (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for the construction of a small building and installation of an emergency generator set and distribution system at the Medical Center, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Building --- R. V. Monahan, Chicago....................................$19 474 Installation of Emergency Diesel Generator Set and Distribution System --- Fries-Walters Co., Chicago...................................... 80 618 The emergency electrical system, when completed, will serve critical areas in the hospitals in case of failure of the electric power supply. The project is a part of the 1961-63 building program at the Medical Center. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACT FOR MODIFICATIONS OF COLDWATER SYSTEM IN DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (17) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $22,332 to the Ashland Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for modifications of the coldwater system in the second unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building. The work will consist of the installation of new house pumps and associated equipment which will approximately double the capacity of the system in the building, and will eliminate difficulty in supplying water at the required pressure to the upper floors of this fourteen-story building which has been experienced with increased building usage. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. 16 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITION TO THE LIBRARY (18) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for construction of the seventh addition to the Library, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Pathman Construction Co., Chicago........................ $496 880 Base bid................................................$440 880 Additive alternate to relocate Library tennis courts........ 47 500 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other prime contracts assigned to general contractor...... 8 500 Electrical --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana..........$ 81 140 Base bid................................................$ 67 663 Additive alternate to relocate Library tennis courts......... 13 477 Plumbing --- George S. Walker Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Decatur.... 55 660 Base bid................................................$ 47 360 Additive alternate to relocate Library tennis courts......... 8 300 Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign ................................................ 84 743 Ventilating --- F. R. Inskip and Company, Champaign.................. 69 940 Elevator --- Otis Elevator Company, Chicago.......................... 24 469 Total Contracts ................................................. $812 832 It is further recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract price $812,832. It is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with the Pathman Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $8,500, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available from state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL SPACE IN THE ARMORY (19) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of the following contracts, subject to the release of funds, for the construction of a four-story addition at the west end and a balcony on the north and south sides of the interior of the Armory, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Pathman Construction Co., Chicago........................ $421 992 Base bid................................................$418 539 Additive alternates for vinyl asbestos tile and gypsum plaster surfacing on concrete block walls......................... 3 453 Plumbing --- George S. Walker Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Decatur.... 36 700 Electrical --- Downtown Electric Company, Urbana..................... 96 325 Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control --- Ideal Heating Company, Chicago .............................................. 139 777 Ventilating --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign...................... 26 774 Elevator --- Otis Elevator Company, Chicago........................... 27 287 Total Contracts ...................;............................. $748 855 Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, subject to release. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 17 Submitted herewith is a supporting memorandum from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACT FOR POWER PLANT PIPING SYSTEM AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT (20) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contract for $178,950 to Blaw-Knox Company, Power Piping Division, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for piping system and miscellaneous equipment, and the furnishing and installation of an ash conveyor air washer to remove steam jet exhaust from Stack Number 2, for an addition to the Abbott Power Plant (Boiler No. 7). Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACT FOR REROOFING EVANS HALL (21) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $51,706 to the Petry Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Champaign, for reroofing Evans Hall. Funds are available in the Housing Division Maintenance Reserve. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACTS FOR LANDSCAPE WORK AT THE ILL1NI UNION ADDITION. STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING. LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BUILDING, AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE RESIDENCE HALLS (22) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for landscape construction work, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Twin City Landscape Service, Inc., Urbana Illini Union Addition............................................$ 8 904 82 Student Services Building....................................... 3 086 15 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls............................ 16 870 74 Henry Nurseries, Henry, Illinois --- Labor and Industrial Relations Building........................................................ 2 676 21 Funds are available in the construction budgets for these projects. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these contracts were awarded, as rec- 18 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 ommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. CONTRACT FOR LONG-RANGE PLANNING FOR THE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS DISTRICT IN CHAMPAIGN (23) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the University be authorized to enter into an agreement with the city of Champaign for the employment of Harland Bartholomew and Associates for the preparation of a long-range development plan for the area bounded by University property on the south and east, the Illinois Central Railroad right-of-way on the west, and University Avenue on the north. The University will share equally in the cost of the preparation of this plan with the city of Champaign and the Campus Businessmen's Association. The University's share of the cost will not exceed $3,000. The plan will provide an orderly development of the commercial and surrounding residential areas and should provide coordination between the University's expansion and commercial improvements (both service and residential investments). Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this agreement was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. EMPLOYMENT OF HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW AND ASSOCIATES FOR LONG-RANGE PARKING PROGRAM (24) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of the employment of Harland Bartholomew and Associates, St. Louis, Missouri, for development of a long-range parking program for the Urbana-Champaign Campus. Due to losses of on-street parking spaces and of parking facilities for University staff resulting from new building construction, and an anticipated enrollment expansion which concurrently adds to the staff, it is proposed that a program be developed for construction of additional facilities which will be realistic in terms of need and which can be financed by the University. As the Physical Plant Department does not have personnel for this type of planning, it is necessary to retain outside professional services. Based on recent studies completed in this area by the firm of Harland Bartholomew and Associates, the firm should be able to complete the work at a cost below that of other firms. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of Harland Bartholomew and Associates on the basis of cost plus ISO per cent for overhead and fees. The firm will also be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses, other than normal operating overhead, including travel, subsistence, printing, and other such charges directly related to this specific work. The total cost to the University will be limited to a maximum of $11,650. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget for 1962-63. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, authority was given as requested. LEASE OF PROPERTY AT 26 EAST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, CHAMPAIGN (25) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the second floor area (approximately 7,800 square feet) of the building at 26 East Springfield Avenue, Champaign, be leased by the University for use by the Department of Art. The proposed rental rate is $565 per month. The University will assume the 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 19 cost of power and water, interior maintenance (excluding existing air-conditioners, which the owner will maintain), janitor service, and any needed alterations for University use. The owner is willing to lease to the University until the end of the current biennium with the University having the option to renew at the same rate on a biennial basis for three additional biennia, i.e., through June 30, 1969. I recommend that the lease be authorized and that assignments of funds be made as follows: From the General Reserve for remodeling (nonrecurring)...............$ 4 600 Addition to the operating budget of the Physical Plant Department for annual rental ($6,780) and operations and maintenance ($6,345)....... 13 125 On motion of Mr. Johnston, this lease was authorized, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ILLINI UNION ADDITION (26) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $3,286.85 in the contract with Felmley-Dickerson Company, Inc., for construction of the Mini Union Addition to include construction of facilities for 250 bicycles. Funds are available in the construction budget for the Mini Union Addition. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE RESIDENCE HALLS (27) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase in the contract with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., for the construction of Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls to include motor starters for supply and exhaust fans, $4,074.34, and an additional water supply line for emergency purposes, $4,875.60. Funds are available in the construction budget for these halls. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these changes in contract were authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ILLINOIS STREET RESIDENCE HALL (28) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of Sargent and Lundy, Consulting Engineers, Chicago, for engineering services to design extension of steam and electric utilities to the Illinois Street Residence Hall. Plans and specifications for the building construction will be released for bids in August, 1962, with completion of construction scheduled for September, 1964, and design of the utility services for the buildings should be authorized now. Sargent and Lundy have designed the utilities from which the extensions will be made. Continuation of their services is recommended under the terms of the existing contract. The cost of the engineering services is estimated at approximately $30,000. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this addition to the contract was authorized. CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (29) The present contract with the architectural firm of Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, and Associates, Champaign, for consulting and architectural services expires August 1, 1962. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President 20 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Jufy 18 and Comptroller recommend continuation of the employment of this firm on a cost-plus basis for one year from August 1, 1962, on the following assignments as directed by the Physical Plant Department: Urbona-Champaign Continuation of studies on the general campus development plan. Studies of peripheral areas to coordinate campus development with studies developed by other agencies. Site selection studies for new building projects. Consultation on architectural design for new building projects. Participation in weekly planning meetings. Estimated cost of services..........................................$25 000 Medical Center Continuation of studies on the campus development plan. Further development of detailed programs and studies for various colleges and departments. Continuation of studies on projects financed from other than state funds. Estimated cost of services..........................................$10 000 Estimated total cost................................................$35 000 The terms of employment will be the same as those under the present contract, i.e., on the basis of itemized payrolls, plus 100 per cent for the firm's overhead costs and fees. Funds are available in the state appropriation for 1961-63 (for plans and specifications) from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, extension of this contract was authorized as recommended. EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS (30) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of Wilson and Anderson, Champaign, for engineering services to design the reconstruction of the Men's Old Gymnasium swimming pool and alterations and improvements to the English Building and Huff Gymnasium swimming pools. The services will include complete plans, specifications, preparation of contract documents, and office supervision. Payment will be on a cost-plus contract basis: $5.00 per hour for services of principals of the firm for time actually spent by them on the project, plus salaries and wages of other employees at the regular rate paid by the firm for time actually put into the work; plus 100 per cent of these total costs for overhead expenses of the firm and its commission. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted and recommends approval. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved. EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS FOR ANTI-TRUST INVESTIGATION (31) The Board of Trustees has authorized employment of special counsel to represent the University in connection with a suit filed February 5, 1962, in the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (Case 62 C 362) against eighteen electrical manufacturers who were involved in an electrical equipment price-fixing conspiracy which was the subject of federal anti-trust action in 1960 and 1961. The complaint seeks recovery of treble damages under the Sherman and Clayton Anti-trust Laws, for overcharges on purchases of electrical equipment by and for the University during the period of the conspiracy. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of the engineering firm of Brown, Manthei, Davis, and Mullins, Champaign, for investigative engineering services to prepare the necessary technical data needed by the special counsel in developing the University's case. Payment will be on the basis of actual costs of services of personnel used by the firm and office expenses, plus 100 per cent for overhead and fee; travel expenses and living costs of personnel while away from Champaign-Urbana will 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 21 be reimbursed on a cost basis without overhead allowance. The estimated cost of these services is $20,000 which will be charged to Physical Plant Department funds budgeted for architectural services, this account to be reimbursed from damages when recovered. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved. Mr. Johnston was recorded as not voting. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (32) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period June 1 to 30, 1962. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale American Dairy Relationship between dietary fat 412 000 00 May 18, 1962 Association and composition of blood lipids The American Society of Selection and application of air- 10 000 00 February 1, 1962 Heating, Refrigerating, measuring devices and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. The American Society of Safety with high-temperature water 10 000 00 February 1, 1962 Heating, Refrigerating, systems and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. State of Illinois Depart- Kinship systems and emotional dis- 43 627 00 June 8, 1962 ment of Mental Health turbance in children Project No. 17-103 United States Air Force A specialized type of seismic re- 28 800 00 September 1, 1962 AF-AFOSR-62-419 search United States Air Force Problems related to antennas 150 000 00 June 5. 1962 AF 33(657)8460 United States Army Theoretical problems in solid state 121 740 00 September 1,1962 DA-ARO (D) 31-124-G340 and low-temperature physics United States Atomic Grant for acquisition of equipment 8 673 00 May 18, 1962 Energy Commission to be used in nuclear science and/ NSE 29-2-62 or engineering United States Federal Storage space needs for families in 3 125 00 May 21, 1962 Housing Administration HA ( 1 fh 847 single family residences A H 4 . r m / X 11---U § United States Peace Corps PC-(W)-84 Training for teaching project in India 160 566 00 May 16, 1962 Total S548 531 00 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Illinois State Library Problems related to rural library development The educability of psycholinguistic i 35 000 00 June 4, 1962 State of Illinois Depart- 20 901 00 June 8, 1962 ment of Mental Health functions in retarded children Project 1766 United States Agricul- Weekly release during the active 4 999 92 May 17, 1962 tural Research Service season of information on insect 12-14-100-A-6-eq-52 control United States Air Force Quantitative determinations of gas- 500 00 May 18, 1962 AF 41(657)332 eous tissue nitrogen in animals exposed to various simulated altitudes United States Air Force Meson photoproduction and meson 6 825 95 May 22, 1962 AF 49(638)594 interactions using a liquid hydro- gen-deuterium-helium bubble chamber United States Army Reactions of the nitrogen oxides 8 820 00 May 18, 1962 DA-ARO (D) 31-124-G72 United States Atomic Unclassified research on electronic 150 000 00 March 1, 1962 Energy Commission high-speed digital computers AT (11-1) 415 United States Atomic Basic research relating to atomic 22 046 00 June 1. 1962 Energy Commission energy AT (11-1) 758 22 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Atomic Ribonucleic acid in the accumula- $ 10 834 00 June 1, 1962 Energy Commission tion of ions by plant cells AT (11-1) 790 United States Atomic Mechanism of biologically catalyzed 36 300 00 June 1, 1962 Energy Commission reactions and the metabolites and AT (11-1) 903 pathways in which they function United States Atomic Causes of erythrocyte auto-mosaic- 55 000 00 May 1, 1962 Energy Commission AT 1*11-1 1O3S ism United States Navy Spectral reflectance characteristics 26 3S8 00 June 12, 1962 Nonr 1834 (31) of forest vegetation VioBin Corp. Value of wheat germ oil in physical fitness programs 4 800 00 June 6, 1962 Total S382 384 87 Adjustments Made in 1961-62 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date E. T. Drewitch Twenty items: J183.17 deduct to $ 296 54 April, May, and (Plastering) J200.00 June, 1962 M. E. Hollett Three items: $118.83 deduct to 167 65 May, 1962 (Painting) S33.61 (deduct) Total S 128 89 This report was received for record. PURCHASES (33) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. I concur. Chicago Colleges and Divisions Item One gas chromatograph consisting of beta ionization system, recorder, mi-cropipette sample injection, and flow controller Department Aeromedical Laboratory Vendor Research Specialties Co., Des Plaines Cost M 385 00 delivered One photomicroscope and accessories Anatomy W. H. Kessel & Co-Chicago 4 747 48 net, One lot of laboratory supplies including assorted glassware, clamps, filter paper, rubber stoppers, and chemicals Three binocular microscopes with condensers and transformer One stereoscopic microscope with lamp and transformer Chemistry, College of Pharmacy Dental Orthodontics Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago W. H. Kessel & Co., Chicago delivered 4 641 79 net, delivered 4 342 20 net, delivered 40,000 tolbutamide tablets 0.5 Km., representing a six-month supply, to be used in the treatment and control of diabetes Pharmacy Stores The Upjohn Co., Chicago 3 168 00 delivered 20,000 tetracycline V capsules, 250 mg.; this product is a broad spectrum antibiotic used in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, and represents a three-month supply One lot of hospital furniture and equipment consisting of 18 examining tables, two formaldehyde generators, one instrument cabinet, nine stools, and four examining lights Pharmacy Research and Educational Hospitals, Clinics E. R. Squibb & Sons, Franklin Park V. Mueller & Co., Chicago 2 940 00 delivered 3 310 00 f.o.b. delivered Stainless steel flatware consisting of 424 dozen knives, 451 dozen forks, 850 dozen teaspoons, 326 dozen soup spoons, 260 dozen ice tea spoons, and 102 dozen bouillon spoons, to be used by the various food service and dietary departments at the Medical Center Medical Center Stores Oneida, Ltd., Chicago 5 591 43 net, delivered Eighty-five dozen unbleached duck laundry hamper bags Physical Plant Iden Manufacturing Co.. Inc., Chicago 4 029 00 delivered One automatic ultraviolet analyzer for the detection of protein fractions Biological Chemistry Vanguard Instrument Co., La Grange 2 800 00 delivered 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 23 Urbana-Champaign Departments Item One amino acid analyzer with preparative columns and stream divider accessory, special peptide etution accessory, and resin supply Department Animal Science Vendor Beckman Instruments, Inc., Beckman/Spinco Division, Lincolnwood Cast 215 198 80 f.o.b. delivered and installed 110 drafting tables, 68 in. long by 35 in. deep by 35H in. high Architecture Brodhead-Garrett Co., Cleveland, Ohio 8 789 00 f.o.b. delivered One centrifuge, refrigerated, with one six and one eight-place head, trunion rings, alloy cups, and stainless steel shield Botany Scientific Products Division, American Hospital Supply Corp., Evanston 2 812 40 f.o.b. delivered One metallurgical and ceramic polishing apparatus with eight-inch back panels, two twelve-inch wash bowls with complete wiring, and plumbing Two low-speed polishers with eight-inch wheels with bowl and drain, with 48 and 72 R.P.M. speeds One polishing machine with eight-inch wheel with bowl and drain with 100 to 1200 R.P.M. speeds Three polishing attachments to fit eight-inch polisher This equipment is to be used to polish specimens for the microscopy laboratory Ceramic Engineering E. H. Sargent & Co.. Chicago 2 769 50 f.o.b. delivered One pump, diffusion, mercury, nine-inch Four pumps, diffusion, mercury, six-inch One baffle, water cooled, chevron, nine-inch Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Edwards High Vacuum, Grand Island, N.Y. 4 960 00 f.o.b. Grand Island, N.Y. One liquid nitrogen trap, nine-inch Four liquid nitrogen traps, six-inch One mass spectrometer, range to 1500 (m/ej, with electron multiplier measurement of mass peaks, rapid scan, double collector instrument, and provisions for positive and negative ion Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Atlas Mess-und Analysen Technik GmbH. Bremen 10, Germany 91 467 22 f.o.b. delivered and installed One lot of laboratory apparatus, including laboratory glassware, porcelain-ware, filter papers, heating mantles, to be used in setting up a new teaching laboratory for the fall semester General Chemical Stores Wilkens-Anderson Co., Chicago 11 485 75 f.o.b. delivered Three each paper tape data preparation equipment to provide the primary source of input data for the computers located in the Coordinated Science Laboratory Coordinated Science Laboratory Friden, Inc., Peoria Heights 8 985 00 f.o.b. delivered One pulser, rise time of 0.1 microsecond, 20 amp DC filament transformer 500 watt, designed to pulse any number of loads requiring 1 megawatt peak power, peak pulse voltage 35 KV, repetition rate 20 pps maximum Coordinated Science Laboratory Burmac Electronics Co., Inc., Rockville Center, N.Y. 4 495 00 f.o.b. delivered Vacuum tubes as replacements for use in Illiac Computer, approximately one-year supply, as follows: 200 Type 6A65 400 Type 6J6 400 Type 5687 400 Type 5844 100 Type 6136 100 Type 815 Digital Computer Laboratory Baptist Electronic Supply, Jacksonville 4 106 70 f.o.b. delivered One gas chromatograph, automatic with recorder and signal switch for use in separating organic mixtures into their component parts and in the purification of radioactive mixtures in the Radiocarbon Laboratory Graduate College, Radiocarbon Laboratory Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc., Walnut Creek, Calif. 3 727 65 f.o.b. delivered 12,150 feet grounding mats, wire, copper, nine-inch mesh 163 feet grounding mats, wire, copper 21,000 connectors, thermite process Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Copperweld Steel Co., Glassport, Pa. Erico Products, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio 22 222 37 f.o.b. delivered 3 150 00 f.o.b. delivered 24 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Item Six oscilloscopes, rack mount, passband DC-450KC, vertical sensitivity 1 mv/ cm to 20 V/cm in 14 calibrated steps, sweep range 1 microsecond/cm to 5 seconds/cm, 21 calibrated sweep rates, sweep magnification 2,5,10,20, and SO times Department Electrical Engineering Research Laboratories Vendor Tektronix, Inc., Park Ridge Cost t3 930 00 f.o.b. Beaverton, Oregon Two high stability Quartz oscillators, long-term stability of S parts in 10u; output frequencies 1 MC, 100 KC, 22-30 volts input Electrical Engineering Hewlett-Packard Co., c/o Crossley Associates, Inc., Chicago 20 800 00 f.o.b. Palo Alto, Calif. Four frequency dividers and clock, frequency 100 KC; input voltage 0.5 to 5 volts Four time comparators, 0-999 microseconds in 1 microsecond steps Two readers, photoelectric, paper tape, unidirectional 300 characters per second with stop on character, handles 11/16 in. and 1 in. tape Electrical Engineering Digitronics Corp., c/o Loren F. Green & Associates, Chicago 2 919 60 f.o.b. delivered Two rack mount adapter plates Two spooler assemblies, unidirectional, for above readers One data processing system, on-line type, consisting of a computer with data input and output accessories, complete with maintenance agreement, for one year renewable Electrical Engineering Bendix Corp., Computer Division, Los Angeles, Calif. 428 098 00 f.o.b. delivered and installed Option to buy: One data input/output accessory, paper tape eight-channel type plus one year maintenance agreement One data output accessory --- printer, plus one-year maintenance agreement One tensile testing machine with recorder, five tension cells, one set of 10,000 lb. wedge grips, and one set of jaw faces H to Mb inch diameter for the study of mechanical properties of solids and the factors which affect these properties Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering Instron Engineering Corp., Park Ridge 19 224 00 f.o.b. delivered One liquid scintillation counting system, fully transistorized with automatic loading device for 200---20ml sample vials, including freezer with temperature control of $pM0.5$dG C over range --- 20 to +5$dG C, and counting efficiency of 90 per cent for carbon, and 40 per cent for tritium Physiology and Biophysics Packard Instrument Co., Inc., La Grange 12 550 00 f.o.b. delivered and installed One recorder dual chart system with both heat sensitive recording, and alternate ink-curvilinear recording, enclosed in portable cabinet, drive assembly 1, 5, 25, and 125 mm/second; four rolls chart paper Physiology and Biophysics Offner Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc., Lincolnwood 2 553 00 f.o.b. delivered One Dewar vessel, liauid helium five liter capacity, for use in low-temperature materials research to maintain samples of solids formed from condensed gases at temperatures in the range of 2 to 80 degrees Kelvin (temperatures measured from absolute zero --- -273.18 degrees C) Physics Linde Co., Chicago 3 116 00 f.o.b. delivered One crystal growing furnace, capable of operating at Inert gas atmosphere or in a vacuum with a crucible lifting mechanism and temperature programmer and controller for growing single crystals of controlled purity for solid state research in Physics Physics NRC Equipment Corp., Newton, Mass. 14 ISO 00 f.o.b. delivered Two special aluminum-silver alloy bars, 50 cm by 1.27 cm by 1.27 cm, base material to be 99.999 per cent aluminum; produced according to the specifications of the Physics Department staff; the material is to be used to measure equilibrium concentration of vacancies in aluminum-silver alloys Physics Materials Research Corp., Orangeburg, N.Y. 3 000 00 f.o.b. delivered One continuous electrophoresis appa-.ratus for use in the research studies of antibody formations in swine and anaplasmosis of cattle Veterinary Medicine Fisher Scientific Co., Chicago 4 100 00 f.o.b. delivered 1962] univi Item Print and bind 1,500 copies of Approaches to the Study of Aphasia, by Charles E. Osgood and Murray Miron, trim size 6 in. by 9 in., approximately 224 pages per copy s&srtY of ii Department University Pres -LINOIS Vendor s North Central Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn. 25 Cost $2 679 60 f.o.b. delivered Scoring service for approximately 65,000 special answer sheets used in conjunction with the testing program of the Bureau of Educational Research *1fl1fTTifiinn anitinmonf1 inf*lif nine (*q im Office of Educational Testing Instructional Measurement Research Center, Inc., Iowa City, Iowa RCA Broadcast and 7 800 00 f.o.b. Iowa City, Iowa 8 523 25 1 Cl6 VIS1OH C(JUlXJlilCIit* 1111*1 UUiIl)$pD Cdlll' era, control chassis, deflection chassis, remote control panel, television tube, 50 ft. cable, power supply, centering chassis, optical multiplexer for two 16 mm. projectors and one slide projector, 1 in. lens f/1.9, video switcher, and rack mount adapter for monitor AH0L1 UVjLIU 1.XCH. Television Communications Products Division, Camden, N J. f.o.b. delivered One duplicator, offset, with 9J4 in- by 13 in. image area, equipped with auxiliary vibrator roller, centrifugal clutch, mechanical jogger, oscillating repelex rider roller, chrome plated master cylinder and impression cylinder, double sheet eliminator, light fixture, and work organizer Stenographic Service Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Peoria 3 368 15 f.o.b. delivered Wood office furniture including desks, cabinets, and table, walnut finish, for use in the Health Service Addition to McKinley Hospital. Items to be furnished: six typewriter desks, 19 flat-top desks, one conference desk, four cre-denzas, and one pedestal table Office Supply Storeroom Jack Sheean, Bloomington 3 652 32 f.o.b. delivered One special feed elevator, 12 in. wide by 90 in. discharge at center line of head pulley Housing Division Food Machinery & Chemical Corp., Hoopeston 10 294 65 f.o.b. delivered One special grade rotary blancher One blancher control system One special inspection conveyor, 24 in. wide by 12 ft. long Twenty-six refrigerators, 9 cubic-foot capacity, white enamel finish, with nonautomatic defrost, for delivery to the Orchard Downs Apartments by August 15, 1962 Housing Division Sears-Roebuck & Co., Springfield 2 818 40 f.o.b. delivered Carpets and pads to replace present carpets in the Wedgwood Lounge of the Illini Union: One each carpet and pad, 21 ft. 6 in. wide by 30 ft. 4 in. long Two each carpets and pads, 12 ft. wide by 33 ft. 4 in. long Illini Union L. B. Herbst Corp., Chicago 3 982 80 f.o.b. delivered Two barn cleaners to be furnished and installed in Dairy Barns Dairy Science New Idea Farm Equipment Co., Sandwich 4 312 74 f.o.b. delivered and installed 3,000 feet fencing, non-climable, with three strands of barbed wire attached to inclined extension arms, with 300 H column line posts, including three six-foot gates, terminal posts, and brace assemblies, completely installed Horticulture Cyclone Fence Department, American Steel & Wire Division, U. S. Steel Corp., Bloomington 4 336 00 f.o.b. delivered and installed 10,560 feet fence chain link, six feet high, No. 9 gauge wire woven into a 2-inch mesh, with angled extension arms and three strands of barbed wire, with two 16-foot double gates, to en- Horticulture Cyclone Fence Department, American Steel & Wire Division, U. S. Steel Corp., Bloomington 23 871 40 f.o.b. delivered and installed close the Pell Farm fruit research area Furnish equipment, labor, and materials for the fine grading of the base course, the bituminous concrete surface course and bituminous concrete curbing for the parking area and service drives at Robert Allerton Park, Monticello Robert Allertoi Park l Champaign Asphalt Co., Champaign 20 698 15 f.o.b. delivered and installed One truck, 14-foot bed, less trade-in of 1956 truck, 14-foot bed, with approximate mileage of 150,000, to be used at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station Dixon Springs Experiment Station International Harvester, Springfield 3 100 00 f.o.b. delivered 26 bo; Item 6,500 feet cable, telephone. No. 22AWG. solid annealed conductors, 100 pairs, with polyethylene insulation for use in low-voltage signal service, other than telephone communications, for Abbott Power Plant, Assembly Hall, Central Food Stores, and Physical Plant Service Building IED OF TRUSTE Department Physical Plant Storeroom :es 1 Vendor Danville Electric Supply Co., Danville [July 18 Cost $3 445 00 f.o.b. delivered 15,000 gallons asphalt, 2.000 gallons road oil. 725 tons limestone chips to be used in various areas throughout the campus for small resurfacing jobs Physical Plant Storeroom Parro Construction Corp., Urbana 6 645 00 f.o.b. delivered 568 light fixtures, fluorescent (Group I) 138 light fixtures, fluorescent, strip type, one light (Group II) To be installed in main Library to replace present incandescent fixtures which are considered unsatisfactory in respect to modern lighting standards Physical Plant Danville Electric Supply Co., Danville Group I Tepper Electric Supply Co., Champaign Group II 1 14 266 40 1 251 60 (15 518 00) f.o.b. 180 light fixtures, fluorescent, 8 ft. long, 12 in. wide. "A" sound rated ballasts, prismoil louver, with 259 fixture hangers, to be used to replace incandescent fixtures in various classrooms, which are now considered unsatisfactory in respect to modern lighting standards Physical Plant Tepper Electric Supply Co-Champaign delivered 5 211 98 f.o.b. delivered One trash container, 30 cubic yard capacity, top doors to occupy 85 per cent of top area and open perpendicular to the long axis, suitable for use with truck-mounted hoist equipment for use at the new Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls Physical Plant Coleman & Associates, Rockford 2 793 00 f.o.b. delivered Three sedans, compact, four-door, 1962 model Physical Plant Storeroom University Ford Sales, Inc. Champaign Two station wagons, four-door, nine-passenger, 1962 model Fifteen sedans, standard, four-door, 1962 model To replace present vehicles in the University fleet Three compact sedans One station wagon Three standard sedans Rogers Chevrolet Co., Rantoul One station wagon One standard sedan Rossetter Motor Co.. Peoria Seven standard sedans Noble Motor Co., Danville Four standard sedans I 2 100 00 1 300 00 3 050 00 1 288 17 861 06 6 511 00 2 321 84 [17 432 07) Furniture for 76 guest rooms for the Illini Union Addition, as per layout and selection by the interior decorator for the building Illini Union Duo-Bed Corp., Chicago f.o.b. delivered 50 554 63 f.o.b. delivered On motion ot Mr. Williamson, these purchases were authorized. ACQUISITION BY CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY AT 1OO9 WEST GREEN STREET. URBANA (34) At its February, 1962, meeting, the Board of Trustees adopted a resolution declaring that the property at 1009 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois, and owned by Edith Pearl Sidell, was needed by the University for a site for residence hall buildings and related educational purposes, that the compensation to be paid for the property could not be agreed upon with the owner, and that title to the land should be acquired by the exercise of the right of eminent domain through the institution and prosecution of condemnation proceedings. The condemnation suit was tried in the Circuit Court of Champaign County, Illinois, before a jury on July 9, 10, and 11, 1962, culminating in an award by the jury of $83,250 as the fair cash market value of the property for its highest and best use on March 29, 1962 (the date the condemnation petition was filed), and judgment was entered on the verdict. The jury's award was within the range 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 27 of the testimony adduced from expert witnesses at the trial, and is between the valuations placed upon the property by the witnesses who testified for the University and those who testified for the defendant. For a period of thirty days from and after July 11, 1962, either side may file a motion for a new trial. If no such motion is filed, the court will thereafter enter a final order specifying the time within which the University must pay the amount of the verdict if it still desires to acquire title to the property. The Legal Counsel states that certain rulings of the court during the trial of the case could support the filing of a motion for a new trial. However, since the jury's verdict was within the range of the testimony as to value, and since construction on the site is scheduled to commence later this year, the Legal Counsel, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the University abide by the judgment entered upon the verdict, that no post-trial motion be filed by the University, and that, when the final order is entered, the property be acquired by the payment to the defendant of the amount awarded her by the jury in its verdict. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ON RELOCATION OF THE ALMA MATER STATUARY Mr. Pogue, for the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, submitted the following report. A request from the Board of Directors of the University of Illinois Alumni Association that the Lorado Taft Alumni statuary group be moved from south of the University Auditorium to the area in front of Altgeld Hall and the Mini Union, facing the intersection of Wright and Green Streets, was formally presented to the Board of Trustees on June 20, 1962, and was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. The Committee has previously had this matter under consideration pursuant to an informal report submitted by the Physical Plant Department. At a meeting of the Committee held on July 17, Mr. Paul K. Bresee, Treasurer of the Alumni Association and a member of its Board of Directors, appeared before the Committee in support of the Association's request. He stated that the Alumni Association Board has been discussing this matter for three or four years, and finally requested the Physical Plant Department to study all possible and appropriate sites where the statuary would be on the periphery of the campus, and preferably at some entrance point. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association held on June 2, the Board endorsed the site recommended by the Physical Plant Department as meeting the desired criteria, and voted to provide the funds for the cost of moving the statuary and the construction of a suitable base on the new site. Following public announcement of the Alumni Association's request, a number of letters were received from students objecting to the proposed relocation of the statuary, and some letters were received from alumni and others in support of the change. Copies of these letters had previously been sent to all members of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and other Trustees, and were presented for record at the meeting on July 17. The Committee recommends the relocation of the Alma Mater statuary in the area in front of Altgeld Hall and the Mini Union as proposed to the Board of Trustees on June 20, 1962. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved. MEMORIAL TO JOHN STELLE Mr. Dilliard offered the following memorial and moved its adoption: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois records with sorrow the passing on July 5, 1962, of John Stelle, former Governor of Illinois and a former ex officio member of this Board. Born in McLeansboro, Illinois, August 10, 1891, he received his education in the public schools of that city, at Western Military Academy, and at Washington 28 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 University Law School at St. Louis. At the beginning of World War I in 1917, he enlisted in the United States Army. As a First Lieutenant, he commanded Company B, 115th Machine Gun Battalion, 30th Division, and after seventeen months of service in France he returned home a Captain. While overseas, he was wounded and severely gassed in combat. In 1931 he entered public service at the state level, having been appointed Assistant State Treasurer, which post he held until 1933 then he was appointed Assistant State Auditor. He served in that post until 1935 when he took office as State Treasurer, having been elected in November, 1934. In 1936 he was elected Lieutenant Governor of Illinois and was President of the State Senate for two sessions of the General Assembly of Illinois. He served as Acting Governor for several months in 1939 and, upon the death of Governor Henry Homer on October 6, 1940, he became Governor, serving as the state's Chief Executive until expiration of that term of office on January 12, 1941. He was one of the organizers of the American Legion and served as its National Commander during 1945 and 1946. He was a frequent visitor to the University of Illinois during his years of public service and took a special interest in the affairs of the University while serving as Acting Governor and Governor of the state of Illinois. Although his service in public office, and as an attorney and industrialist in private life, will be duly reported in the histories of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of the University wishes to record in today's meeting a tribute to the late Governor John Stelle, a former colleague and a friend of the University; and the Board directs that this memorial be included in the minutes of today's meeting and that suitable copies be sent to members of his family as an expression of sympathy in their loss. The memorial was unanimously adopted. AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, AND OCTOBER MEETINGS The Board has voted to omit the August meeting, but a number of construction contracts will need to be awarded so that work can be started promptly to take advantage of favorable weather conditions, and other business which can not be deferred until the September meeting of the Board will need to be transacted in August. President Clement stated that he will call a meeting of the Executive Committee for this purpose and that all the Trustees will be invited to attend and participate in these discussions. Under the By-Laws of the Board, the September meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 19, 1962, unless changed by vote of the Board or by order of its President. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to hold the meeting on this date and at Robert Allerton Park, according to a schedule to be determined by the President and Secretary of the Board. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to hold the October meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 1962 (the date specified in the By-Laws), in Chicago. ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BOARDS OF STATE UNIVERSITIES AND ALLIED INSTITUTIONS President Clement announced that the annual fall meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions will be held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, on October 9-13, and that he is designating Mrs. Frances B. Watkins as an official representative of the Board for this meeting. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement stated that an executive session has been requested, 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 29 and was being ordered, for consideration of property acquisitions and a copyright matter, and that this session will be held immediately after luncheon. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board recessed. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members of the Board, officers of the Board, and officers of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes, with the exception of Mr. Wilkins. The Board considered the following items of business. RELEASE OF BOTANICAL CHARTS TO ARTIST FOR PUBLICATION (1) Miss Natalie H. Davis, Scientific Artist in the Department of Botany, has prepared a series of charts during the past ten years for use in botany classes. She now has the opportunity to publish eleven of these charts, nine of which were completed before 1958, plus five new charts still to be prepared. Since Miss Davis has been specifically commissioned to prepare the charts as part of her regular University duties, they belong to the University under the provision of the Statutes governing copyrights. Professor Wilson N. Stewart, Chairman of the Department of Botany, recommends that the University relinquish its publication rights in these charts to Miss Davis, including any royalties that might result from the sale of the charts. It is Professor Stewart's opinion that the royalties would be small in any case. The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller endorse Professor Stewart's recommendation. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. ACQUISITION OF THE PROPERTY AT 1 1O9 WEST ILLINOIS STREET, URBANA (36) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the property at 1109 West Illinois Street, Urbana, Illinois, at a price of $32,000. The property consists of a lot 65 feet wide and 150 feet deep with a two-story and basement frame residence. The building will be removed and the land will be part of an area to be developed for parking facilities replacing those lost when construction is started on the Illinois Street Residence Hall. The price is within appraisals. Possession will be delivered not later than October 1, 1962, and taxes will be prorated. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, purchase of this property, at the price and on the terms indicated, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Swain, Mr. Wilkins. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments made by the President; graduate fellows; resignations and declinations; leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Abbott, Bernard C, Visiting Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, July 1-September 15, 1962, $3,888.90 (6-18-62). 30 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Abildgaard, Charles R, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1962, $11,500 a year, supersedes (6-27-62). Adamstone, Frank B., Professor of Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $3,000; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Adler, Felix T., Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Summer Session of 1962, Vl time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,734 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session (6-4-62); and Professor of Physics and of Nuclear Engineering (C), Vi time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,733; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment (6-4-62). Akagi, James M., Research Associate in Microbiology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,250 (6-18-62). Altstetter, Carl J., Assistant Professor of Physical Metallurgy (C), June 16-August 31, 1962, $866.67 a month, additional and superseding (6-27-62). Anderson, Mrs. Roberta H., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,300 for the period (6-20-62). Ankudas, Milda M., Research Assistant in Microbiology (Medicine), three months from July 1, 1962, $444.44 a month (6-21-62). Anton, Thomas J., Assistant Professor in the Bureau of Community Planning (College of Fine and Applied Arts) and in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, June 16-July 31, 1962, $800 a month (6-18-62). Archer, William K., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, June 15, 1962-August 31, 1963, without salary (6-29-62). Ariens, Phyllis J., Language Therapist in Speech Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1962, 45/100 time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $400 for the period (6-8-62). Armstrong, Pauline B., Assistant Professor of Psychology, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $8,100 a year (6-11-62). Bailey, Albert D., Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,333.33 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Baldridge, Mary F., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,300 for the period (6-20-62). Banks, Edwin M., Research Assistant Professor in the Division of General Studies, June 16-August 31, 1962, $833.34 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Bardeen, William A., Research Assistant in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $900 (6-18-62). Barry, Dennis, Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), June 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $7,000 a year, supersedes (6-18-62). Becker, Richard W., Research Assistant in the Institute of Communications Research, June 18-August 11, 1962, $444.44 a month (6-8-62). Becker, Wesley C, Associate Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,777.78; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Beers, Ray F., Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), 2/s time, three months from June 1, 1962, $300 a month, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (6-29-62). Bennemann, Karl-Heinz, Research Associate in Physics (C), four months from May 1, 1962, $625 a month; and one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (6-11-62). Bernauer, Edmund M., Research Associate in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,400 (6-14-62). Bharadwaj, Rama Kant, Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-8-62). Bilokur, Borys, Assistant in Russian, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $889 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-27-62). Binning, Brian R., Research Assistant in Architecture, June 25-August 31, 1962, $444.44 a month (6-14-62). Blair, Leon N., Assistant Professor of General Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1962, June 22-August 17, 1962, $1,734 for the period (6-8-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 31 Blevins, William B., Resident Manager, Peabody Drive Residence Halls, June 11-August 31, 1962, $350 a month, supersedes (6-29-62). Bliss, Lawrence C., Associate Professor of Botany, June 16-August IS, 1962, $1,877.76; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Blum, Irving D., Associate Professor of English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1962, June 22-August 17, 1962, $1,889 for the period (6-29-62). Boggess, Mrs. Barbara S., Assistant in the Graduate School of Library Science, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $889 for the period (6-8-62). Bohl, Robert W., Professor of Metallurgical Engineering (C), one month from June 16, 1962, $1,144.44; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-27-62). Bohchers, Hans-Juergen, Research Associate in Physics (C), three months from July 1, 1962, $2,500 (6-18-62). Boresi, Arthur P., Professor of Nuclear Engineering (C), V4 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $611.11 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Bouseman, John K., Assistant in Entomology, July 1-August 15, 1962, $667.22 (6-4-62). Bowers, Kenneth, Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, 14 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $223; this is in addition to his Research Assistant-ship in Psychology on 1/2 time (6-18-62). Bradford, John, Assistant in Education (University High School), June 18-August 11, 1962, $890 (6-11-62). Bradley, Wayne E., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1962, $6,600, supersedes (6-27-62). Brady, U. Eugene, Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1962, $890, additional and superseding (6-11-62). Briscoe, John W., Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Head of the Department (C), June 16-July 31, 1962, and August 15-31, 1962, $1,400 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Brugge, John F., Research Assistant in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-8-62). Buckley, Donald W., Research Associate in Education (University High School), June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,985; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Caldwei.l, Roderick, Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,200 for the period (6-27-62). Carss, Marjorie C. H., Assistant in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1962, $1,767 (6-29-62). Cattell, Raymond B., Research Professor of Psychology, two months from July 1, 1962, $3,155.56; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Chandran, Raman Satisa, Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-8-62). Chow, Wen Lung, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), Vi time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,077.76; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on V2 time (6-18-62). Cizowski, Raymond, Registered Pharmacist in Manufacturing Pharmacy (Pharmacy), June 18, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,500 a year (6-21-62). Clark, Dorothy E., Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, 54 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,225; this is in addition to her present appointment (6-20-62). Coleman, Paul D., Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,522.22 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Cook, Ralph L., Professor of Ceramic Engineering (S), Vi time, two months from June 16, 1962, $750; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Cook, Robert L., Counselor in Speech Summer Residential Program, 17/100 time, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $150 for the period (6-14-62). Corten, Herbert T., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), June 32 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Uuty 18 16-30, 1962 and August 20-September IS, 1962, $1,277.78 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-4-62). Costin, Frank, Clinical Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, Vi time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,056; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on V2 time (6-18-62). Craig, Susann E., Theatre Therapist in Speech Summer Residential Program, 45/100 time, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $400 for the period (6-8-62). Crew, John E, Research Assistant Professor of Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $900 a month (6-29-62). Cruz, Jose B., Jr., Research Associate Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,044.44 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Davies, Michael S., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $889 for the period (6-8-62). Delevoryas, Theodore, Associate Professor of Botany, one month from June 16, 1962, $1,033.33; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). DeMarco, William, Psychologist in Speech Summer Residential Program, 45/100 time, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $400 for the period (6-8-62). De Wan, Edmund, Assistant in Education (University High School), Tune 18-August 11, 1962, $955.55 (6-8-62). Diamond, Dale M., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), June 16-August 31, 1962, $722.22 a month, supersedes; and for the academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,800 (6-27-62). Dipert, Arnold W., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,068 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-8-62). Donovan, Dennis G., Research Assistant in English, two months from June 16, 1962, $911.10 (6-27-62). Dulany, Donelson E., Jr., Associate Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,513.90; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Eaton, John L., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1962, $890 (6-29-62). Edwards, William R., Research Associate in the Illinois State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $616.66 a month (6-8-62). Eldridge, Winfield H., Associate Professor of Astronomy, two months from July 1, 1962, $911.11 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-29-62). Ellingson, John, Research Assistant in Microbiology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-27-62). Eng, Mrs. Sara, Assistant in Education (University High School), June 18-August 11, 1962, $890 (6-11-62). Epperson, Eugene, Visiting Assistant Professor of Education (University High School), June 18-August 11, 1962, $2,000 (6-11-62). Eriksen, Charles W., Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $3,166.67; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Erlenborn, James W., Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center), 3/10 time, three months from June 1, 1962, $300 a month; this is in addition to his nonsalaried appointment as Clinical Assistant in Medicine (6-18-62). Ewen, Robert B., Research Assistant in Psychology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-14-62). Fenzl, Richard N., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering (C and S), June 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $8,500 a year, supersedes (6-27-62). Fiedler, Fred E., Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $3,000; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Field, Mark G., Associate Professor of Sociology, V2 time, June 16-August 15, 1962, $722.50 a month, and full time August 16-September 15, 1962, $1,445 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-29-62). Fisher, Roger J., Research Assistant in Sociology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,200 (6-11-62). Flynn, James D., Supervisor of Counseling in the Student Rehabilitation Center, with rank of Instructor (College of Physical Education), four months from May 1, 1962, $541.66 a month (6-29-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 33 Foght, Mrs. Martha, Research Assistant in Zoology, two months from June 1, 1962, $816.66 (6-14-62). Forsyth, Arthur C, Associate Professor of Metallurgical Engineering (Civil Engineering) (S), V$ time, two months from June 16, 1962, $966.68; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Frankmann, Raymond W., Assistant Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $900 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Frauenfelder, Hans, Professor of Physics and Associate Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), June 16-July 21, 1962, and September 1-15, 1962, $1,955.55 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Freund, Eric C, Research Associate in the Bureau of Community Planning, two months from June 1, 1962, $641.75 a month (6-29-62). Friederich, Allan G., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Civil Engineering) (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,755,56; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Frost, Stanley H., Research Assistant in Geology, June 18-August 11, 1962, $889 (6-11-62). Gillfillan, Richard A., Assistant in Marketing (Agricultural Economics) (S), June 16-August 31, 1962, $416.67 a month (6-29-62). Gilpin, John B., Research Associate in Education (University High School), August 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $7,423 (6-27-62). Glaser, Daniel, Associate Professor of Sociology, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,155.56; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Godden, William G., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $2,222.24 (6-11-62). Goldwasser, Edwin L., Professor of Physics (C), July 24-August 4, 1962, $1,444.44 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Gollakota, Krishnamurty, Visiting Research Associate in the School of Life Sciences, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,200 (6-27-62). GoNzales-Ojeda, Dolores, Research Assistant in Microbiology, June 7-September 15, 1962, $444.44 a month (6-27-62). Gorski, John, Assistant Professor of Physiology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,666.66; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Govindjee, Assistant Professor of Botany, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,555.56; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Greenberg, Michael J., Assistant Professor of Zoology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,014; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-29-62). Greig, Patricia E., Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, Vi time, two months from June 16, 1962, $223; this is in addition to her present appointment and to her United States Public Health Fellowship (6-18-62). Grike, Leo J., Jr., Research Assistant in Physics (C), June 26-August 25, 1962, $467 a month (6-18-62). Guback, Thomas H., Research Assistant in the Institute of Communications Research, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-18-62). Hager, Lowell P., Research Associate Professor of Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,178; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Hake, Harold W., Professor of Psychology and Associate Head of the Department, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,533.34; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Hall, B. Vincent, Professor of Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,266.66 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Hall, William J., Professor of Civil Engineering (S), 1/2 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,388.90; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on 1/2 time (6-11-62). Haltiwanger, John D., Professor of Civil Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $2,488.88; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Handler, Paul, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,111.11 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Hartley, Thomas C, Associate Professor of General Engineering (Civil Engineering) (S), \/i time, two months from June 16, 1962, $911.12; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Heath, Edward H,, Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, Vi time, two 34 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 18 months from June 16, 1962, $700; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Heller, Floyd N., Assistant in Anesthesia (Department of Surgery) (Medicine), two months from May 1, 1962, without salary (6-8-62). Hendricks, Charles D., Jr., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,166.67 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-27-62). Henry, John A., Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, two months from July 1, 1962, $2,356; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Hirsch, Jerry, Associate Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,444.45; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Hoffmann, Joseph R., Research Associate in Education (University High School), June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,800 (6-27-62). Holland, William R., Research Associate in Anthropology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,800 (6-27-62). Horn, John, Research Associate in Psychology, three months from June 16, 1962, $533.33 a month (6-18-62). Hsiao, Theodore Ching-Teh, Assistant in Soil Fertility (Agronomy) (S), June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,138.90 (6-18-62). Hudson, Paul K., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $2,000 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-18-62). Humphreys, Lloyd G., Professor of Psychology and Head of the Department, V2 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,888.90; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on Vi time (6- 11-62). Hunt, J. M., Professor of Psychology, two months from June 16, 1962, $3,333.34; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Hunter, Ronda F., Research Assistant in Psychology, June 16-June 30, 1962, $222.22 (6-14-62). Ingle, Lester, Professor of Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,488.88; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-14-62). Ireland, Herbert O., Professor of Civil Engineering (S), Vi time, June 16-August 15, 1962, $1,222.22; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment (6-8-62). Jackson, John D., Professor of Physics (C), June 16-July 15, 1962, and August 16-September 15, 1962, $1,566.66 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Jackson, Joseph F., Professor of French, 31/100 time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $850; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Jacobs, Harry L., Associate Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,444.45; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Jakobovits, Leon A., Research Associate in the Institute of Communications Research, three months from May 15, 1962, $722.22 a month, supersedes (6- 29-62). Jegla, Thomas C, Research Assistant in Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $889 (6-18-62). Jerrard, Richard P., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,528; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Johnson, William H., Associate Professor of Animal Science (S), two months from July 1, 1962, $1,933.34; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Jordan, Wayne R., Assistant in Soil Physics (Agronomy) (S), June 11-August 31, 1962, $416.67 a month, supersedes (6-18-62). Julian, James W., Research Associate in Psychology, 2/3 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $355.56 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Kehdeigh, S. Charles, Professor of Zoology, one month from June 16, 1962, $1,489; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Keynan, Alexander, Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, 2/z time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,000 (6-22-62). Kien, Gerald A., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1962, $1,033.34 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 35 Kimura, Hiroshi, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), June 16, 1962- August 31, 1963, $516.67 a month (6-29-62). King, Mrs. Collene S., Instructor in Home Economics-Child Development, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,245 for the period (6-27-62). Kinney, Paul T., Assistant Professor of Finance, two months from June 16, 1962, $955.56 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Knake, Ronald W., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $900 (6-29-62). Kntjdson, Bonnie C, Counselor in Speech Summer Residential Program, 17/100 time, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $150 for the period (6-14-62). Koehler, James, Professor of Physics (C), June 16-July 31, 1962, and September 1-15, 1962, $1,611.11 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Konz, Marvin J., Research Assistant in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $978, supersedes (6-14-62). Kopplin, Julius O., Research Associate Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,077.78 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Korst, Helmut H., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $3,666.66; this is in addition to his present appointment (6- 18-62). Krantz, Paul, Assistant in Education (University High School), June 18-August 11, 1962, $890 (6-11-62). Kruidenier, Francis J., Professor of Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,112 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Krysan, James L., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88, supersedes (6-18-62). Kubota, Mitsuru, Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,700 (6-18-62). Kuppermann, Aron, Research Associate Professor of Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,045; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Langenheim, Ralph L., Research Assistant Professor of Geology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,734; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Larson, Vivian P., Assistant in Home Economics, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-July 14, 1962, $567 for the period (6-27-62). Lathrope, Donald E., Associate Professor of Rural Sociology (Agricultural Economics) (C), i/2 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,188.88; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Laughnan, John R., Professor of Botany, two months from June 16, 1962, $3,234; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Lazarus, David, Professor of Physics (C), June 16-July 15, 1962, and August 16-September 15, 1962, $1,277.77 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Leach, James L., Assistant Coordinator of International Cooperation Programs (Provost's Office and College of Engineering), V2 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $556 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Lehmann, John R., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,423 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-18-62). Lichtenberger, William W., Research Assistant Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,000 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Lindblad, Nero R., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1962, $6,000, supersedes (6-27-62). London, Perry, Assistant Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,166.67; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Low, Mrs. Leone, Instructor in Mathematics, Vi time, June 16-August 15, 1962, and full time, August 16-31, 1962, $1,000; this is in addition to her present appointment and to her Summer Session appointment on V$pD time (5-31-62). 36 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Lyman, Ernest M., Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,477.77 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Machne, Xenia, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1962, $1,033.34 a month; this is in addition to her present appointment (6-18-62). Majors, James S., Research Assistant in Psychology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-112). Manwell, Clyde, Assistant Professor of Physiology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,430.55; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Marquardt, William C, Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (Veterinary Medicine), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,056 a month (6-18-62). Masalski, William J., Research Associate in Education (University High School), June 16-August 11, 1962, $1,800; and for the academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,100 (6-27-62). Mast, P. Edward, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), June 16- 30, 1962, $1,077.77 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Mathieu, Jean M. V., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from July 1, 1962, $890 (6-11-62). Maurer, Robert J., Professor of Physics (C), June 16-30, 1962, and August 1-September 15, 1962, $1,800 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). McCabe, Mrs. Nancie M., Research Assistant in Chemistry, three months from June 1, 1962, $500 a month (6-11-62). McCrimmon, Mrs. Barbara J. S., Research Associate in the Bureau of Community Planning, i/2 time, one year from June 1, 1962, $2,925 (6-18-62). McDonald, Vincent J., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $2,000; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). McMurray, Walter J., Research Assistant in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $978, supersedes (6-14-62). Meissen, Marvin F., Assistant in Soil Fertility (Agronomy) (S), three months from June 1, 1962, $416.67 a month, supersedes (6-18-62). Merwtt, J. Levering, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,977.78; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Meuwese, Wilhelmus A. T., Research Assistant in Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,111.10 (6-8-62). Miller, Irving M., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1962, June 22-August 17, 1962, $1,556 for the period (6-8-62). Moore, Duane M., Research Assistant in Geology, two months from June 16, 1962, $889 (6-8-62). Morris, Charles E., Jr., Assistant in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1962, $1,934; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-29-62). Morrow, JoDean, Associate Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), June 16-July 15, 1962, and August 1-31, 1962, $1,000 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-5-62). Mueller, Eugene A., Research Associate in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1962, $10,800, supersedes (6-27-62). Mueller, Joseph, Assistant in Education (University High School), June 18- August 11, 1962, $890 (6-11-62). Mueller, Thomas j., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,250; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-5-62). Muhlstadt, William J., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (S) June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,125 (7-5-62). Munse, William H., Professor of Civil Engineering (S), Vi time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,538.90; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on Yz time (6-8-62). Murdy, William H., Research Associate in Botany, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,083.34 (6-18-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 37 Muslin, Hyman L., Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), July 1, 1962-June 30, 1963, $13,500 a year, supersedes (6-22-62). Nagata, Shuichi, Research Assistant in Anthropology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,111.10; and Research Associate in Anthropology, one year from September I, 1962, $5,850 (6-27-62). Nalbandov, Mrs. Olga G., Research Associate in Entomology, Vi time, six months from March 1, 1962, $1,800 (6-11-62). Nanney, David L., Professor of Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,477.78 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Narasinga-Rao, Kotcherlakota V., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), three months from June 1, 1962, $625 a month, supersedes (6-8-62). Nelson, James C, Assistant in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1962, $1,900 (6-29-62). Nelson, Wayne B., Assistant in Mathematics, June 16-August 31, 1962, $444.44 a month (5-31-62). Nesselroade, John R., Research Assistant in Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,111.10 (6-18-62). Newmark, Nathan M., Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of the Department (C and S), J4 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $3,666.66; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on 14 time (6-8-62). Nishijima, Kazuhiko, Professor of Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,555.55 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Nixon, James E., Resident Manager, Single Graduate Halls, June 11-August 31, 1962, $250 a month, supersedes; and one year from September 1, 1962, $3,000; for the convenience of the University he will also be furnished an apartment (6-27-62). Normandin, Diane K., Instructor in Veterinary Anatomy and Histology (Veterinary Medicine), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000 (5-31-62). Olson, Mrs. Sally, Research Assistant in Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $889 (6-18-62). Pal, Dilip K., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Community Planning, two months from June 16, 1962, $444.44 a month (6-18-62). Pankin, Kate, Assistant in Education (University High School), June 18-August II, 1962, $890 (6-18-62). Parker, Edwin B., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,724.44; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Parochetti, James, Assistant in Farm Management (Agricultural Economics) (S), two months from July 1, 1962, $911.12 (6-18-62). Pastika, Mrs. Maddalena F., Assistant in Anesthesiology (Surgery) (Medicine), two months from May 1, 1962, without salary (6-11-62). Patton, Earl D., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1962, V2 time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,000 for the period (6-18-62). Pearson, Robert E., Pharmacy Resident in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), V2 time, June 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $1,500 a year; for the convenience of the University he will also receive room, board, and uniforms (6-18-62). Pease, David W., Jr., Assistant in Education (University High School), June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,178 (6-11-62). Peterson, Karl a J., Research Assistant in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-8-62). Pierce, Helen W., Visiting Lecturer in Education, July 2-August 24, 1962, $2,000 (6-8-62). Porter, Laurellen, Assistant to the Dean of Women, two months from July 1, 1962, $475 a month; for the convenience of the University she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation valued at $31 a month (6-11-62). Pottle, Marcia S., Research Assistant in Chemistry, two months from July 1, 1962, $817 (6-18-62). Pownall, George A., Research Assistant in Sociology, two months from June 16. 1962, $1,055.56 (6-11-62). 38 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Prosser, C. Ladd, Professor of Physiology, % time, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,000; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-21-62). Puritt, Mrs. Sheila, Research Assistant in Anthropology, June 16-August 31, 1962, without salary (6-5-62). Rabin, Marvin, Visiting Lecturer in Music, 14 time, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $400 for the period (6-8-62). Rabinowitch, Eugene, Professor of Botany, two months from June 16, 1962, $3,111.12; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Raff, Lionel M., Research Associate in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,000 (6-18-62). Rajan, N. S. Sundara, Research Associate in the Radiocarbon Laboratory, two months from June 16, 1962, $600 a month (6-11-62). Rao, Chivukula R., Research Assistant in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1962, $890 (6-18-62). Reiner, Irving, Professor of Mathematics, June 16-August 31, 1962, $4,056; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Roberts, Donald M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, June 16-August 31, 1962, $811.11 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Robinson, Arthur R., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (S), V2 time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,077.78; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on V4 time (6-8-62). Rodwan, Albert S., Research Assistant in Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $444.44 a month (6-11-62). Roe, Louis, Assistant in Anesthesiology (Surgery) (Medicine), three months from April 1, 1962, without salary (6-11-62). Roeder, Robert C, Assistant in Astronomy, two months from June 16, 1962, $889 (6-14-62). Rucker, Walter, Assistant in Education (University High School), June 18- August 11, 1962, $890 (6-18-62). Rundus, Robert E., Research Associate in Education (University High School), two months from July 1, 1962, $1,800; and for the academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,100 (6-27-62). Russo, Alexander J., Assistant in the Radiocarbon Laboratory, June 1-August 15, 1962, $444.44 a month (6-8-62). Sard, Robert D., Professor of Physics (C), June 16-July 31, 1962, and September 1-15, 1962, $1,555.55 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Sargent, Frederick, II, Professor of Physiology, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,233.32; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Scheyer, Frederick D., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, June 16-August 31, 1962, $465 a month (5-31-62). Schill, William J., Assistant Professor of Education, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,889 for the period (6-28-62). Schulz, Arthur R., Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,867 for the period (6-14-62). Shannon, Donald T., Assistant Professor of Psychology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,800; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Shaw, Gaylord E., Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (Veterinary Medicine), full time, June 16-September 15, 1962, $408.33 a month; and V'i time, September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $275 a month (6-4-62). Sibinovic, Stevan M., Research Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (Veterinary Medicine), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $4,900 a year (7-2-62). Siegfried, Robert, Research Associate Professor in the Division of General Studies, June 16-August 31, 1962, $955.56 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Siess, Chester P., Professor of Civil Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $3,077.78; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Simmons, Howard J., Research Assistant in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-11-62). Simmons, Ralph O., Associate Professor of Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $966.67 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 39 Simonsen, Elaine, Assistant in Education (University High School), June 18- August 11, 1962, $888.88 (6-8-62). Sinclair, George M., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), one month from June 16, 1962, and one month from August 1, 1962, $1,400 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-4-62). Singh, H. Devendra, Research Associate in Animal Science (S), May 17, 1962- April 30, 1963, $5,850 a year, supersedes (6-22-62). SiNNAmon, George K., Professor of Civil Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $2,222.24; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Sirkis, Murray D., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,188.89 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Suchter, Charles P., Professor of Physics (C), June 16-July 15, 1962, and August 16-September 15, 1962, $1,888.88 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Slotnick, Burton, Research Assistant in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88, supersedes (6-18-62). Smith, James H., Professor of Physics (C), one month from August 1, 1962, $1,133.33; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Smith, Julius, Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1962, June 18- August 11, 1962, $1,512 for the period (6-18-62). Smith, Leone M., Instructor in Education, Summer Session of 1962, June 18- August 11, 1962, $1,400 for the period (6-18-62). Smith, Richard R., Assistant in Plant Breeding (Agronomy) (S), June 11- August 31, 1962, $416.67 a month (6-18-62). Smith, Robert M., Research Assistant in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, June 18-August 11, 1962, $477.78 a month (6-11-62). Smith, Walter L., Research Assistant in the Office of Instructional Research (Provost's Office), June 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $7,200 a year (6-27-62). Snyder, Harold R., Associate Dean of the Graduate College and Research Professor of Organic Chemistry (Liberal Arts and Sciences), two months from June 16, 1962, $3,645; additional and superseding (5-31-62). SoZEN, Mete A., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (S), Yi time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,055.56; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on Vi time (6-8-62). Stallmeyer, James E., Professor of Civil Engineering (S), V$ time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,222.22; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on 1/2 time (6-8-62). Stapleton, Harvey J., Assistant Professor of Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $800 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Steffensen, Dale M., Associate Professor of Botany, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,666.66; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Steggerda, Frederic R., Professor of Physiology, Ys time, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,138.88; this is in addition to his present appointment (6- 14-62). Steiner, Ivan D., Professor of Psychology, V5 time, June 16-August 15, 1962, $1,200; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Stippes, Marvin C, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), 1/2 time, June 16-August 9, 1962, and September 10-September 15, 1962, $600 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on Vl time (6-5-62). Stolurow, Lawrence M., Professor of Psychology, one month from June 16, 1962, $1,177.78; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-27-62). Storch, Richard H., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1962, $888.88 (6-8-62). Sturmthal, Adolf F., Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations, one month from June 16, 1962, $1,650; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-4-62). Suh, David K., Research Assistant in Psychology, one month from June 16, 1962, $444.44 (6-27-62). Suzuki, Michio, Professor of Mathematics, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,000 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). 40 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 18 Swenson, George, Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Astronomy (Engineering), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,444.44 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Sykes, John, Research Associate in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,667; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Szabo, Steven, Research Associate in Education (University High School), June 16-August 11, 1962, $1,800; and for the academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,100 (6-27-62). Tang, Chien-Hui, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (S), June 16-August 31, 1962, $500 a month, supersedes (6-18-62). Thurmon, John C, Instructor in Veterinary Clinical Medicine (Veterinary Medicine), 7/10 time, and in Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), 3/10 time, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $7,000 a year (6-27-62). Tichenor, Duane, Instructor in Education, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,334 for the period (6-8-62). Tobe, Martin L. Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,700 for the period (6-8-62). Tomczyk, John R., Assistant (Reading) in the Student Counseling Service, 1/2 time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $533 (6-22-62). Trafton, Clinton L., Research Assistant in Psychology, two months from July 1, 1962, $888.88 (6-27-62). Trjitzinsky, Waldemar J., Professor of Mathematics, two months from July 1, 1962, $3,290; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-5-62). Trott, Beverly D., Research Associate in Metallurgy (C), two months from July 1, 1962, $600; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-5-62). Tsuda, Masumi, Visiting Reasearch Assistant in Labor and Industrial Relations, one year from July 1, 1962, $4,900 (6-4-62). Tuckwood, Dwight O., Undergraduate Librarian in the Library, with rank of Instructor, two months from July 1, 1962, $7,400 a year, and one year from September 1, 1962, $8,200 (6-27-62). Tuman, Vladimir S., Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering (C), June 16-August 8, 1962, $1,066.66 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Van Holde, Kensal E., Research Associate Professor of Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,089; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Veletsos, Anestis S., Professor of Civil Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $2,666.66; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). Verdeyen, Joseph T., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1962, $833.33 a month, supersedes (6-29-62). Wallace, Donald M., Assistant in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $934 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-8-62). Wallace, William H., Assistant in Finance, two months from June 16, 1962 $444.44 a month (6-8-62). Ware, Edward E., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, two months from June 16,1962, $833.33 a month (6-18-62). Watanabe, Shosuke, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), May 16-August 31, 1962, $541.67 a month (6-8-62). Wax, Nelson, Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one month from June 16, 1962, $1,722.22; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Wayman, Clarence M., Associate Professor of Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1962, $911.11 a month, additional and superseding (6-27-62). Webb, Harold D., Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,222.22 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-18-62). Weidert, John F., Assistant Extension Editor, with rank of Instructor (E), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,400 a year (6-27-62). Weir, Morton W., Assistant Professor of Psychology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,083.33; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-8-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 41 Wheatley, John C., Professor of Physics (C), August 16-September 15, 1962, $1,277.77; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). White, Peter B., Research Assistant in Metallurgy (C), two months from July 1, 1962, $488.88 a month (6-8-62). Wijsman, Robert A., Associate Professor of Mathematics, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,722; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-31-62). Wilf, Herbert S., Research Assistant Professor of Mathematics, June 16-August 31, 1962, $944.44 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-11-62). Williams, Kenneth, Research Assistant in Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $889 (6-14-62). Willis, Edward, Assistant in Animal Science (S), June 8, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,000 a year (6-27-62). Windsor, Donald A., Research Assistant in Zoology, two months from June 16, 1962, $889 (6-18-62). Wiseman, Douglas, Research Assistant in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, June 18-August 11, 1962, $477.78 a month (6-11-62). Yen, Yao-tung, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from June 16, 1962, $933.32 (6-11-62). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Akitt, Donald P., General Telephone and Electronics Laboratories Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,500 (5-31-62). Alcalde, Victor M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pediatrics, one year from July 1, 1962, $6,000 (6-11-62). Allerhand, Adam, Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from October 1, 1962, $5,500 (6-11-62). Arnokf, William H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1962, $12,000 (6-20-62). Aronson, Neil G., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pediatrics, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (6-5-62). Aruguete, Jose, Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, June 16-August 31, 1962, $200 (5-21-62). Bagby, Roland M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from June 16, 1962, $2,666, supersedes (6-8-62). Bailey, Thomas E., Summer Quarter Fellow in Chemistry (Pharmaceutical), three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Baldwin, Fletcher N., Jr., Fellow in Law, Summer Session of 1962, June 18- August 11, 1962, $375 for the period (6-7-62). Barris, Robert G., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,700 (6-12-62). Batchelder, David N., Sprague Electric Company Teaching Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-19-62). Brooker, Elmer W., Engineering Faculty Development Fellow in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1962, $1,360 (6-12-62). Buehl, Walter M., Monsanto Chemical Company Summer Fellow in Chemical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1962, $500 (6-6-62). Burrous, Stanley E., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $1,650 (6-27-62). Campbell, Mrs. Willie M., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (6-20-62). Castellano, Charles R., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-19-62). Cherrington, Blake E., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $3,000 (6-14-62). Clarke, Richard B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $600 (6-4-62). Coates, David E., Engineering Faculty Development Teaching Fellow in Nuclear Engineering, one year from September 1, 1962, $1,900 (6-12-62). Cornet, JoAnn M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pediatrics, one year from July 1, 1962, $6,200 (6-11-62). 42 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Cutler, Janet A., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $500 (6-13-62). Deal, William C, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, one month from July 1, 1962, $540 (6-14-62). Dodd, George G., Television Shares Management Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,989 (5-31-62). Dorosz, Leon C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,400 (6-8-62). Draper, Milton, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, July 1-September 16, 1962, $375 (6-14-62). Edwards, John R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,300 (6-11-62). Elzinga, Marshall G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from June 16, 1962, $2,666 (6-8-62). Fischinger, Peter J., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, June 16-Aug- ust 31, 1962, $200 (5-21-62). Fitzgerald, James E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from June 1, 1962, $5,200 (6-4-62). Gantt, Ralph R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,300 (6-11-62). Genskow, Jack K., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $500 (6-13-62). Glader, Bertil E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,600 (6-14-62). Goode, John W., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pharmacology, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (6-2-62). Grady, Lee T., Summer Quarter Fellow in Chemistry (Pharmaceutical), three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Graller, Jack L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,400 (6-20-62). Green, Melvin H., National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,040 (6-27-62). Griffin, Patricia A., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $500 (6-13-62). Groeschel, Edward C, Jr., Campbell Soup Company Fellow in Food Technology, two months from June 16, 1962, $533.34 (6-14-62). Haeas, Linda B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from June 16, 1962, $2,666, supersedes (6-8-62). Hardy, Caroline E., Summer Quarter Fellow in Biological Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Highton, Ronald, Dental Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pedodontics, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (6-15-62). Hoffman, Edward L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,400 (6-8-62). Hoffman, Joan C, Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Holmes. Peter K., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, June 16-June 30, 1962, $116.67, and one year from July 1, 1962, $3,200 (5-31-62). Houchens, Albert F., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-14-62). Huffaker, Donald C, Engineering Faculty Development Teaching Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,000 (6-12-62). Hunt, Susan D., Summer Quarter Fellow in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Hunter, John E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-8-62). Johnson, Joyce H., University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,300, supersedes (6-16-62). Jones, Robert M., Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500, supersedes (6-1-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 43 Katague, David B., Summer Quarter Fellow in Chemistry (Pharmaceutical), three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Kenny, John W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-8-62). Kim, Sun Chun, Wright Fellow in Agriculture, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500 (6-19-62). Lee, Dong Woo, Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (6-4-62). Lee, Keun Shil, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from June 16, 1962, $2,666, supersedes (6-8-62). Lerner, Alan E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,400 (6:20-62). Lerner, Leon M., Summer Quarter Fellow in Biological Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Loevy-Taschini, Hannelore, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from July 1, 1962, $5,500 (6-11-62). Maglione, Frank D., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $700 (6-13-62). Mailman, David, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1962, $3,000 (6-14-62). Mandy, William J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, June 16-June 30, 1962, $116.67, and one year from July 1, 1962, $3,200 (5-31-62). Medenis, Rute, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pediatrics, one year from July 1, 1962, $6,200 (6-11-62). Miller, Franklin C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,400 (6-20-62). Mizukami, Hiroshi, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, six months from July 1, 1962, $1,333 (6-8-62). Monroe, Bruce M., Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-62). Morowitz, David A., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, June 16- August 31, 1962, $200 (5-21-62). Mosimann, Ella B., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $450 (6-13-62). Motil, John M., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-14-62). Myers, David D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medicine, one year from June 1, 1962, $4300 (6-15-62). Neidinger, Joseph W., Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Palmer, Jerry L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, June 16-June 30, 1962, $110, and one year from July 1, 1962, $2,800 (6-14-62). Pardini, Ronald S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (5-28-62). Pashniak, Daniel W., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $3,000 (6-14-62). Peterson, David M., Hackett Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800, supersedes (5-21-62). Pirok, Darryl J., Rappaport Fellow for the summer in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (6-15-62). Pizer, Esther R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1962, $12,000 (6-20-62). Quaintance, Lee T., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,700 (6-13-62). Rausch, Paul J., Engineering Faculty Development Teaching Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, five months from September 1, 1962, $1,000 (6-12-62). Rickhoff, William L., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $3,000 (6-14-62). 44 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Roberts, Verne L., Engineering Faculty Development Teaching Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,000 (6-12-62). Rubenstein, Daniel, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,666 (6-8-62). Russell, Robb N., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-14-62). Saeger, Kay E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from June 16, 1962, $2,666, supersedes (6-8-62). Sagers, Richard D., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, three months from June 1, 1962, $3,300 (6-11-62). Sain, Michael K., Paul V. Galvin Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (5-31-62). Samuels, Robert B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (5-28-62). Schroeder, William F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medicine, one year from August 1, 1962, $5,200 (6-8-62). Sha'afi, Ramadan I., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from June 16, 1962, $2,666 (6-8-62). Sharp, James B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medicine, one year from June 1, 1962, $6,300, supersedes (6-8-62). Shaw, Paul V., American Oil Foundation Fellow in Chemical Engineering, one year from June 1, 1962, $3,600 (6-20-62). Shoffner, James P., Summer Quarter Fellow in Chemistry (Pharmaceutical), three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Sieveking, Nicholas A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-12-62). Smith, Thomas E., Jr., Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375, supersedes (6-11-62). Spurgash, Arnold J., Summer Quarter Fellow in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Srygley, Ted F., Lois Wells Irwin Fellow in Library Science, one year from June 16, 1962, $500 (6-18-62). Stark, Fred R., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, June 16-August 31, 1962, $200 (5-21-62). Swallow, Ronald J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,666 (6-8-62). Swiatek, Kenneth R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,300 (6-11-62). Tobey, Robert A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (6-25-62). Treece, James M., Fellow in Law, in the Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $375 for the period (6-7-62). Unikel, Irving P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-8-62). Vaichulis, Eugene M., Summer Quarter Fellow in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Van Egeren, Lawrence F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,400 (6-8-62). Volner, Patsy R., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $450 (6-14-62). Wagner, Thomas J., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,700 (5-31-62). Walker, Richard E., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $500 (6-13-62). Walsh, Patricia J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,300 (6-11-62). Ward, Linda G., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $450 (6-13-62). Watson, James R., Summer Quarter Fellow in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 45 Weaver, Lelland A, C, Collins Radio Company Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (5-31-62). Weber, Dennis F., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Dentistry, four months from May 1, 1962, $5,500, supersedes (6-1-62). Welsh, Thomas L., Summer Quarter Fellow in Chemistry (Pharmaceutical), three months from June 16, 1962, $600 (5-28-62). Wiixiamsen, John A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,400 (6-12-62). Wilson, Vannie, Jr., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biochemistry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,300 (6-11-62). Wold, Finn, National Institutes of Health Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,000; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his fellowship dated October 24, 1961 (6-27-62). Wong, Carl You, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (5-28-62). Woodfin, Beulah M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $490 (6-4-62). Zarycky, Oksana M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,300 (6-11-62). RESIGNATIONS AND DECLINATIONS Abdul-Baki, Aref, Summer Fellow in Horticulture --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Alhadeff, Albert V., Instructor in Economics (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Anderson, Mrs. Ruth C, House Director of Beta House --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Bauer, Robert O., Instructor in Business Management --- resignation effective July 15, 1962. Bautz, Friedlinde, Research Assistant in Chemistry --- resignation effective May 1, 1962. Bhalerao, Vasant R., Assistant Professor of Food Technology --- resignation effective August 17, 1962. Binning, Brian R., Research Assistant in Architecture --- declination effective June 25, 1962. Borman, Karen L., Instructor in Mathematics (Pharmacy) ---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Brewer, Robert L., Instructor in Veterinary Clinical Medicine and in Veterinary Research --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Cheng, Hwei-Hsien, Research Associate in Soil Fertility --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Chicorel, Mrs. Marietta, Assistant Architecture Librarian, with rank of Instructor---- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Davis, Jim E., Instructor in Economics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Df.ran, Elizabeth Y., Research Assistant Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Dodds, Mrs. Doris, Acquisition Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective July 10, 1962. Ehernberger, Nicolette, Acquisition Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective June 23, 1962. Ernsting, Mary E., National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Fine, Ralph, Instructor in Accountancy (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Finnemore, Douglas K., Research Associate in Physics --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. French, James L., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Fulcher, Charles E., Assistant in Soil Fertility (Agronomy) ---resignation effective June 16, 1962. Gildersleeve, Hallett, Undergraduate Librarian with rank of Instructor, in the Library --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. 46 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 18 Heath, Edward H., Instructor in Physical Education for Men --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Hindhede, Uffe, Instructor in General Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Holley, Edward G., Education, Philosophy, and Psychology Librarian with rank of Assistant Professor, in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Hoover, Alice M., Chemistry Library Assistant with rank of Instructor, in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Houser, Thomas S., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine)---resignation effective July 1. 1962. Hulsey, Mrs. Elizabeth, Assistant Reference Librarian in the Library --- resignation effective July 9, 1962. Hunter, Donald J., Research Associate in Agricultural Economics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Jackson, William V., Associate Professor of Library Science --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Johnson, William H., Associate Professor of Physiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Kibler, Victor A., Assistant Professor of Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Koorajian, Samuel, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine) --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Kramer, Mrs. Elizabeth B., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Kroeger, Karl, Serials Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Kuo, Mau-Huai, Research Associate in Dairy Science --- resignation effective June 12, 1962. Lau, William F., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Lazzaro, Richard A., Summer Fellow in Art --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Linden, Carl T., Associate Professor of Medical and Dental Illustration (Medical Center, Chicago) --- resignation effective May 22, 1962. Luker, Mrs. Carol W., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Mason, Richard A., National Institutes of Health Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Mathis, George R., Instructor in Music --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Mauney, Miles H., Assistant Professor of Music --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Mayron, Lewis, Instructor in Biological Chemistry (Medicine)---resignation effective July 1, 1962. Medenis, Rute, Instructor in Pediatrics (Medicine)---resignation effective July 1, 1962. Miller, Sonia, Assistant Professor of English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1962 --- resignation effective June 22, 1962. Modi, Vinod V., Research Associate in Animal Science --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Morgan, Ramona L., Instructor in Medical and Dental Illustration (Medical Center, Chicago)---resignation effective July 1, 1962. Narasimhan, Rangaswamy, Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory--- declination effective September 16, 1962. Narasimhan, Mrs. Sita, Fellow in English --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Nelson, Carl R., Jr., Assistant Professor of Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Nessler, Joan, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Women --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Parker, Edwin B., Assistant Professor of Journalism and Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 47 Pedersen, Joanne M., Assistant in Nursing---resignation effective June 15, 1962. Phipps, Charles M., Jr., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Reidy, John W., Assistant Professor of Journalism --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Rolfe, Stanley T., Research Associate in Civil Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Schrieffer, J. Robert, Associate Professor of Physics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Scranton, Margaret J., Associate Editor with rank of Instructor, in the College of Law --- resignation effective Tune 1, 1962. Searcy, Herbert L., Cataloger with rank of Instructor, in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Simpson, Robert D., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine)---resignation effective June 1, 1962. Stewart, Edward B., Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Sutfin, Duane C, Assistant Professor of Physiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Vangor, Donald W., Pharmacy Resident in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective June 1, 1962. Werner, Joyce C, Assistant Reference Librarian in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Wilson, Charles A., Research Assistant in Soil Fertility --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Winkler, John K., Instructor in Veterinary Extension, Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine and Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics)---resignation effective August 1, 1962. Ziel, Henry R., Assistant Professor of Industrial Education --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Connally, Ernest A., Professor of Architecture --- leave of absence, without pay, September 1, 1962, through February 28, 1963, so that he may accept an appointment as Visiting Professor at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; this is in addition to his sabbatical leave, on one-half pay, beginning March 1, 1963, through February 28, 1964. Cronbach, Lee J., Professor of Education and of Psychology --- leave of absence, without pay, one month from July 1, 1962. Gage, Nathaniel L., Professor of Education and of Psychology --- leave of absence, without pay, September 1, 1962, through August 31, 1963, so that he may accept a Visiting Professorship in Education at Stanford University. Hei.lmer, Leo A., Professor of Psychology --- leave of absence, with full pay, six months from September 1, 1962, and without pay from March 1, 1963, and continuing until further notice, on account of disability. London, Perry, Assistant Professor of Psychology --- leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962, so that he may accept a Visiting Professorship at Stanford University. Nichols, Marie H., Professor of Speech --- leave of absence, without pay, September 1, 1962, through February 28, 1963, so that she may accept a Visiting Professorship at the University of Hawaii. Nikelly, Arthur G., Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Clinical Psychologist in the Health Service --- leave of absence, without pay, from July 16 to August 1, 1962, so that he may serve as a consultant to the Peace Corps in Washington, D.C. Nosker, Herbert D., Assistant Extension Editor, with rank of Instructor in Agriculture, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics --- leave of absence from June 14 through July 30, 1962, three weeks with pay, and the remainder of time to be considered annual leave. Weise, Erwin K., Associate Professor of Metallurgical Engineering --- additional leave of absence, on account of disability, from June 5, 1962, until further notice, without pay. 48 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ziegler, Raymond J., Associate Professor of Management --- leave of absence, without pay, academic year 1962-63, so that he may accept a Visiting Professorship in the Department of Marketing and Industrial Management at the University of Oregon. MEETINGS OF BOARD COMMITTEES Meetings of the Committees on Buildings and Grounds and General Policy were held following adjournment of the Board. A meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds was also held on Tuesday evening, July 17, pursuant to a call by the Chairman. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS September 19, 1962 The September meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at Robert Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois, September 19, 1962, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. George T. Wilkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner was absent. Mr. Richard A. Harewood resigned as a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois effective at the close of business August 31, 1962, and his resignation was accepted by the Governor. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Professor Norman A. Parker, Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Dr. Joseph S. Be-gando, Vice-President, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 49 50 board of trustees [September 19 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on February 21, March 17, April 18, and May 24, 1962, press proof copies of which had previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the minutes were approved as printed on pages 1275 to 1497, inclusive. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Secretary submitted the following report from the Executive Committee of its actions at a duly called meeting held on August 16, 1962. MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE On call of the Chairman, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Center, LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, August 16, 1962, beginning at 2:30 p.m. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Chairman, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins. Also present were President David D. Henry, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Morris S. Kessler, Assistant Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board. The Committee considered the following reports and recommendations submitted by the President of the University, and took the actions indicated. DEANSHIP OF COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS AT CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (1) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends the appointment of Leonard J. Currie, presently Professor and Head of the Department of Architecture at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, as Professor of Architecture on indefinite tenure and Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts at the Chicago Undergraduate Division for one year beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $20,000, on twelve months' service basis. This appointment has been recommended after consultation with the senior staff of the Department of Architecture and other officers of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, and with representatives of departments in the College of Fine and Applied Arts at Urbana, and has been endorsed by the Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. The Board of Trustees in January and February, 1961, approved recommendations relating to educational policies and plans for the organization of educational programs involved in the expansion of the Chicago Undergraduate Division into a degree-granting branch of the University, consistent -with prior legislative authorization of the same. The initial educational program as approved by the Board at that time provides for the reorganization of the existing colleges and divisions into major administrative units for the new Congress Circle campus: Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Commerce and Business Administration, Fine and Applied Arts; and Divisions of Education and Physical Education. Hence the appointment of Professor Currie as Dean is in line with implementation of an authorized program. I recommend approval of the appointment. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. CONTRACT WITH AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS----FACULTY OF MEDICINE, CHIENGMAI HOSPITAL PROJECT (2) At its April 18, 1962, meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the above project and authorized development of a contract with regard thereto. A contract with the United States of America, represented by the Agency 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 51 for International Development, and the University of Medical Sciences, of Bangkok, Thailand, covering the above project, has been negotiated as authorized and was executed on condition that it be specifically ratified by this Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. The Dean of the College of Medicine, the Vice-President at the Medical Center, Chicago, and the Legal Counsel recommend that the Executive Committee ratify the execution of the above-mentioned contract by the University. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was ratified. LEASE OF PROPERTY AT 1O14 LINCOLNSHIRE DRIVE, CHAMPAIGN (3) The National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association owns a residence at 1014 Lincolnshire Drive, Champaign, which has been used for research by the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on a project now completed. The Small Homes Council-Building Research Council desires to use this property for a study of electric heating, to be financed by the Edison Electric Institute. The National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association will lease this property and the research equipment installed in the building to the University at a rental of $250 a month. The owner will pay taxes and insurance, and the University will pay for utilities and operating expenses. The Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend lease of this property until June 30, 1963, with option of renewal until August 31, 1964, and a further option of renewal until June 30, 1965. I concur. The Executive Committee was authorized by a majority of the members of the Board, whose consent was secured individually in writing, to act on this recommendation, in accordance with the By-Laws of the Board. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this lease was authorized. CONTRACT FOR WALK CONSTRUCTION (4) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $13,132.60 in an existing contract with General Paving Company, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, for paving and improvement of campus streets and drives and construction of walks to include additional walk construction from the intersection of Green and Wright Streets, to connect to the walk improvements being constructed as part of the Illini Union addition. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANTENNA LABORATORY ADDITION TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING (5) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for the construction of an antenna laboratory as a penthouse on the addition to the Electrical Engineering Building, now under construction, to provide special laboratory facilities, and for housing mechanical equipment for the building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Pathman Construction Co., Chicago.........................$132 430 Base bid ..........................................$ 98 880 Additive alternates ................................. 5 000 Service charge for supervision of other prime contracts assigned to general contractor Construction of eccosorb anechoic chamber (echo chamber)....................... 28 550 Electrical --- G. L. Wilsky Downtown Electric, Urbana.................. 12 155 Base bid .......................................... 12 675 Less deductive alternate for work to be omitted due to construction of eccosorb anechoic chamber..... ---520 Plumbing --- Nu-Way Plumbing Service, Inc., Chicago.................. 6 986 52 board of trustees [September 19 Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control --- Ideal Heating Company, Chicago..................................................... 14 444 Ventilating --- Anderson and Litwack Company, Hillside................ 16 750 Total.............................................................$182 765 It is further recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract price $182,765. It is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Pathman Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $5,000, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. (The general contractor has agreed to reduce this service charge to $1,300, approximately 2Vi per cent of the amount of the contracts assigned to him for supervision. However, the action awarding the contract should include the amount of the service charge as $5,000, this being the bid submitted, with the understanding that a credit change order for $3,700 will be issued simultaneously with the execution of the contract to reduce the actual service charge to $1,300.) A National Science Foundation grant of $110,000 has been received for the construction of the antenna laboratory under the condition that it be matched by University funds of at least the same amount. Funds are available for the University's $110,000 share of the cost from the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released by the Governor. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of bids received, copies of which are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Watkins; No, none; absent, none. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE RESIDENCE HALLS (6) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $4,025.35 in the contract with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., for the construction of the Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls to include steam and electrical connections to serve clothes dryers and extractors to be installed in the laundry rooms. Funds are available in the project budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CENTRAL FOOD STORES (7) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $2,986.20 in the contract with the Felmley-Dickerson Company for changes and additions to the refrigeration system in the Central Food Stores Building. Funds are available in the Maintenance Reserve of the Housing Division. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. PURCHASES (8) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. I concur. Chicago Colleges and Divisions Item Department Vendor Cost One continuous liquid flow monitor con- Biological Packard Instrument 311 275 00 sisting of one flow detector, one dual Chemistry Co., Inc., delivered channel spectrometer, one rate meter. La Grange one recorder, and one high-speed readout and digital printer 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 53 Item Department Vendor Cos! One photomicrographic camera and ac- Dental W. H. Kessel & Co., $ 4 406 90 cessories Orthodontics Chicago delivered One lot of laboratory equipment and Medicine Scientific Glass 7 984 30 supplies consisting of one incubator, Apparatus, net two PH meters, one freeze-dry appa- Eik Grove Village delivered ratus, one cryostat, one centrifuge and accessories, two balances, two sets of weights, two water baths, three microscopes, and 1,100 ounces of cover glasses One operating microscope with acces- Ophthalmology W. H. Kessel & Co., 2 795 50 sories, to be used for eye surgery in Chicago delivered the Department of Ophthalmology One pleoptophor Ophthalmology Alfred P. Poll, Inc., 2 970 00 New York, N.Y. delivered One X-ray image amplifier Radiology Fred H. Lynk Co., 29 415 00 One 16 mm. projector for use with the Evanston delivered image amplifier and installed One recess steam sterilizer 24 in. by 36 Research and Wilmot Castle Co., 13 868 00 in. by 30 in. Educational Rochester, N.Y. delivered Hospitals One disc pump oxygenator for use in Research and Edward A. Olson 13 989 00 heart operations Educational Co., Inc., delivered Hospitals Ashland, Mass. One lot of hospital equipment consisting Research and Hospital Equipment 8 290 70 of: Educational Corp., delivered 24 patient room side chairs Hospitals Chicago 48 safety sides 4 triple panel screens 5 wheelchairs 2 commodes 4 examining tables 8 utility tables 12 examination lamps 6 hospital humidifiers 12 irrigator stands 12 linen hampers 6 utility carts One 11 in. by 17 in. offset press to be Stenographic Addressograph - 5 534 84 used as a central service for all de- Service Multigraph Corp., delivered partments at the Medical Center Chicago Lease of one general purpose computer Vice-President's International Business 18 995 61 system to be installed at the Chicago Office Machines Corp., Undergraduate Division Chicago Urbana-Champaign Departments Thirty-seven cameras, 35 mm., with 50 Agriculture Pfile's Camera Shop $8 269 56 mm. f2.5 lens, case, adapter and re- Extension Inc., f.o.b. tainer rings, two portra lenses, and Springfield delivered flashgun Thirty-eight projectors, slide, auto- matic, with zoom lens, two exj:ra ro- tary magazines and remote extension cord One graphotype No. 6481 and acces- Agricultural Addressograph- 3 246 55 sories Mailing Room Multigraph Corp., f.o.b. Champaign delivered 125,000 addressograph frames Agriculture Addressograph- 5 813 30 150,000 addressograph plates Extension Multigraph Corp., f.o.b. 140,000 addressograph index cards Champaign delivered Ten hand operated addressograph ma- chines, Model 30 One spectro photo meter with extreme Animal Science Perkin-Elmer Corp., 4 561 00 wave length accuracy and reproduc- La Grange f.o.b. ibility in the ultraviolet and visual delivered range for research work by the De- partment of Animal Science in the field of nutritional biochemicals in ruminants One centrifuge, refrigerated, high speed. Animal Science Ivan Sorvall. Inc., 2 522 80 with large capacity rotor for study of Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. hormones in blood and tissue of sheep delivered 24,000 square feet asphalt saturated Astronomy Philip Carey 3 267 84 matting, in. by 36 in. by 15 ft., to Manufacturing Co., f.o.b. repair flood damage of surfacing Bellwood delivered material at the radio telescope of the Vermilion River Observatory, Danville 54 board of trustees [September 19 Item Department Vendor Cost Cleaning and painting the exterior of Institute of C. L. Lindsey, $ 3 692 00 eleven buildings at the University of Aviation Urbana f.o.b. Illinois-Willard Airport job site One hydraulic press, 50 ton, 4 post, with Ceramic Denison Engineering 14 301 00 8 ton knockout, and complete set of Engineering Division, American f.o.b. tooling for research by the Depart- Brake Shoe Co., Columbus, ment of Ceramic Engineering in the Columbus, Ohio Ohio forming of a variety of ceramic oxides by dry or wet pressing techniques One lot of laboratory apparatus to be General Schaar Scientific Co., 9 713 29 used as stock in the General Chemical Chemical Chicago f.o.b. Storeroom (this is estimated to be a Stores delivered six-month supply) 314 items of laboratory chemicals to be General Mallinckrodt Chemical 6 703 73 used as stock in the General Chemical Chemical Works, Stores for the fall and winter term of Stores St. Louis, Mo. 1962-63 J. T. Baker Chemical Co., S 609 04 Chicago General Chemical Division, 5 518 20 Allied Chemical Corp., Chicago Fisher Scientific Co., 1 634 42 Chicago Quinton Co., Division of 1 135 66 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J. F. P. Jay Chemicals, 493 58 Waukesha, Wis. f.o.b. delivered One electrophoresis apparatus for re- Chemistry and Brinkmann Instruments, 4 200 00 search in the separation of compounds Chemical Inc., f.o.b. into their basic ingredients, especially Engineering Great Neck, N.Y. delivered radioactive intermediates by the bio- chemistry division of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering One multichannel pulse height analyzer Chemistry and Radiation Instrument 24 712 00 (400 channels), and compatible nu- Chemical Development Lab., Inc., f.o.b. clear radiation instrumentation, for Engineering Northlake delivered transistorized pulse counting and spectrometry Rent (with option to purchase) for one Chemistry and Philips Electronic 3 667 00 year period: Chemical Instruments, f.o.b. One goniometer assembly for spectro- Engineering Chicago Mt. graph, motor driven, arranged to Vernon, operate between pre-set limits, up or N.Y. down scale at various speeds, with cathode follower One detecting system for Molybdenum K alpha radiation consisting of one each scintillation counter, electronic circuit panel, and portable chart re- One automatic polarimeter, three cells, Chemistry and E. H. Sargent & Co., 5 26S 00 with one logarithmic recorder and Chemical Chicago f.o.b. range switch attachment for use in Engineering delivered the study of the kinetics of racemiza- tions by the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering One testing machine, 10,0001b. capacity. Civil Tinius Olsen Testing 11 950 00 with tension and compression cells Engineering Machine Co., f.o.b. and wedge action grips; the equip- Willow Grove, Pa. delivered ment will be used in research on met- als, plastics, wood, and adhesives by the Department of Civil Engineering One traffic movement recording assem- Civil Automatic Signal 3 990 00 bly consisting of radar sensing unit. Engineering Division, Laboratory f.o.b. speed and impulse translator, density for Electronics, Inc., delivered computer and classifier, all in table East Norwalk, Conn. top rack with one portable seven-pen One traffic monitoring camera system Civil Rex Metal-Craft, Inc., 3 500 00 including camera, radar speed meter. Engineering Indianapolis, Ind. f.o.b. position timing mechanism, and road- Indianapolis. side positioning equipment; providing Ind. rapid frame photography with split image record of the observed vehicle and its speed and headway measure- ments, plus five-day training course 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 55 Item Department Vendor Cost One tube, mass spectrometer type. Coordinated General Electric Co., $ 2 945 00 ZS8OO1 Science Schenectady, N.Y. f.o.b. One magnet, 5.5 kilogauss Laboratory Schenectady, N.Y. One silo, size 18 ft. by 40 ft., including Dairy Science Madison Silos, Division 2 675 00 foundation and concrete floor to be of Martin Marietta CorD.. f.o.b. furnished and erected at the Lincoln El Paso delivered Avenue Dairy Barn, Urbana and erected 1,400 connectors, taper pin printed cir- Digital Computer Viking Industries, Inc., 15 929 20 cuit, with sleeve, 54-contact special Laboratory Canoga Park, Calif. f.o.b. 2,800 keys, polarizing for above Canoga Park, Calif. One plotter, impedance, automatic, 300- Electrical Rohde & Schwarz Sales 6 020 00 2,400 MC, with 50 ohm type N con- Engineering Co., Inc., f.o.b. nectors and shorts, one four-terminal Passaic, N.J. delivered feed unit, one pair each two-terminal and four-terminal measuring cables Two card punch, printing, type 026, Electrical International Business 9 044 00 with error corrective feature and al- Engineering Machines Corp., f.o.b. ternate program feature Springfield Poughkeepsie, One card punch, sorter, type 082, with N.Y. sort suppress Two servo multipliers incorporating two Electrical Electronic Associates, Inc.. 2 567 00 ten-turn dual potentiometers Engineering Long Branch, N.J. f.o.b. Hf*l t VTYH Two magnetic oscillographs Electrical Hathaway Instruments, Ula V 1 \U 5 700 00 Engineering Inc., f.o.b. Denver, Colo. Denver, Colo. Power supply equipment as follows: Electrical Packard-Bell Computer 6 750 00 Five storage modules Engineering Corp., f.o.b. One modification kit Chicago Los Angeles, Calif. One countercurrent fractionator to be Food E-C Apparatus Corp., 4 300 00 used in research on the separation of Technology Swarthmore, Pa. f.o.b. complex organic compounds in the delivered field of lipid oxidation by the Depart- ment of Food Technology One medical table Health Services Daniels Surgical & 2 814 SO One ENT chair, motor operated Medical Supplies, f.o.b. One rest and relief stool Chicago delivered One treatment cabinet Office, conference rooms, and reception Housing Division S. Buckman Furniture 7 604 48 room furniture for the Housing Divi- & Supply Co., Spring Valley f.o.b. sion offices in the new Student Serv- delivered ices Building: 86 chairs with arms 16 side chairs 9 swivel chairs 4 desks 2 typing tables, 54 in. by 18 in. 2 tables, 42 in. by 108 in. 1 table, boat-shaped, 42 in. by 96 in. 1 table, 78 in. by 30 in. 1 table, 60 in. by 33 in. 2 tables, 24 in. by 24 in. 3 storage cabinets Furniture for 32 floor lounges in the Housing Division S. Buckman Furniture 60 044 02 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls & Supply Co., f.o.b. and furniture for the Orchard Downs Spring Valley delivered housing units to convert 25 units to married student apartments Furniture for the dining rooms and rec- Housing Division S. Buckman Furniture 25 335 07 reation rooms in the Pennsylvania & Supply Co., Avenue Residence Halls: Spring Valley (Group V) Gilbert A. Force Co., Dining rooms (Base Bid V) 700 chairs 1 637 45 8 tables, 60 In. round Chicago (26 972 52) 80 tables, 36 in. x 96 in. (Group VI) f.o.b. Recreation rooms (Base Bid VI) delivered 29 chairs 10 tables 2 settees This furniture was selected by Mr. C. E. von Ammon, the interior decorator for the buildings. 56 board of trustees [September 19 Hem Department Vendor Cost Furniture for the four formal lounges. Housing Division Office Equipment Co. $29 996 01 four head resident apartments, two of Chicago, study rooms, and one general waiting Chicago room in the Pennsylvania Avenue Gilbert A. Force Co., 1 087 88 Residence Halls: Chicago 194 chairs, upholstered Marshall Field & Co- 7 777 04 98 tables, occasional Chicago 12 settees, upholstered Burrows Co., 860 00 23 sofas, upholstered Chicago 4 bed and sofa combinations L. B. Herbst Corp., 757 80 4 beds, Hollywood Chicago (40 478 73) 4 desks f.o.b. 4 mirrors, framed delivered 4 chests Rugs for unit and public lounges in Housing Division DeSitter Brothers, 12 657 00 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Chicago f.o.b. Halls, colors: 117C and two tones of delivered beige, 40 oz. padding, four rugs and pads 14 ft. 4 in. by 31 ft., four rugs and pads 21 ft. 8 in. by 32 ft. 2 in., as speci- fied by the interior decorator 250 dozen trays, cafeteria, fiber glass, 14 Housing Division Restaurant Equipment 6 225 00 in. by 18 in. beige swirl color---part of & Supply Co., f.o.b. initial equipment at the Pennsylvania Champaign delivered Avenue Residence Halls and stock at the Central Food Stores Steel office and reception room furniture Illini Union All-Steel Equipment, 11 083 90 for the Illini Union Building Addition Inc., Aurora f.o.b. delivered and installed China to equip the banquet service and cafeteria of the Illini Union Addition Illini Union E. A. Hinrichs & Co- 40 079 79 Chicago f.o.b. and replace the china in use in the delivered banquet service and cafeteria of the present building: Carnival pattern 1,050 dozen plates 375 dozen cups 375 dozen saucers 375 dozen fruit dishes 180 dozen soup nappies 180 dozen grapefruit bowls 120 dozen ice cream shells Westwood pattern 1,461 dozen plates 375 dozen cups 375 dozen saucers 225 dozen fruit dishes 36 dozen bouillon cups 36 dozen jelly dishes 24 dozen ice cream shells 22 dozen sauce boats 40 dozen sugar bodies and covers 18 dozen creamers Room status system to be furnished and Illini Union Room Service, Inc., 11 958 00 installed in Illini Union Building Jackson, Mich. f.o.b. Addition delivered and installed Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnago Library Graphic Book Export Co. , 5 850 00 Prosveshcheniia, 1834-1917, reprint Graz, Austria edition Official United States Air Force uniform Military Clothing Sales Store, 10 840 00 items for Air Force R.O.T.C, students: Property Chanute Air Force Base, f.o.b. 1,600 pairs of black, dress, low quarter Custodian Rantoul Chanute Air Force shoes 3,000 pairs of black, cotton, stretch socks Base 100 blue neckties 100 blue flight wool caps 50 belt buckles One electrical discharge machining tool Mining, Easco Products, 9 210 00 and matching power supply with Metallurgy, Ypsilanti, Mich. f.o.b. longitudinal and cross slide table and Petroleum delivered traverse calibrated to 0,001 in. Engineering One bell jar vacuum coating system to Mining, NRC Equipment Corp., 7 150 00 evaporate metals and carbons for re- Metallurgy, Newton Highlands, f.o.b. search in metallurgy under the elec- and Petroleum Mass. delivered tron microscope Engineering 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 57 Item Department Vendor Cost One recorder, x-y, input voltages 5 mv Mining, F. L. Moseley Co.. $ 2 650 00 to 500 mv, accuracy 0.2 per cent of Metallurgy, c/o Crossley Associates, f.o.b. full scale, rack mount and Petroleum Chicago Pasadena, Engineering Calif. 252 auditorium seats with folding tablet Physical Plant Franklin-Lee Co., 7 182 00 arms and upholstered seats and backs Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. installed in 151 Electrical Engineer- delivered ing Building and installed 3,000 ft. chain link fencing, number 9 Physical Plant Hohulin Brothers, 5 075 00 guage -wire, galvanized after fabrica- Storeroom Goodfield f.o.b. tion, with gates, to enclose athletic fields at Huff Gymnasium and Wom- delivered and en's Gymnasium areas installed Sixty sheets Muntz metal, cold rolled, Physics Chase Metal Service 7 205 90 light annealed, for absorption and Division, f.o.b. shielding of radioactivity in the Phyg- Chicago delivered ics High Energy Program of Spark Chambers One slow-fast coincidence system, re- Physics Cosmic Radiation 4 710 00 solving time adjustable 0-180 nano- Labs., Inc., f.o.b. seconds, delay adjustable over a 0.3 Bellport, Long Island. delivered microsecond range, base line and N.Y. window width 0-10 volts; system in- cludes chassis, power supplies, three fast-slow coincidence units, patch cords and five plug-in units Four power supplies for teaching labo- Physics Christie Electric Corp., 7 440 00 ratories, variable voltage 18-36 V.; 250 c/o Kenneth W. f.o.b. amps d.c.; accuracy regulation plus Meyers Co., delivered or minus 5 per cent; voltage ripple 1 Chicago per cent rms; recovery time 0.1 sec- ond; input voltage 208 V., 4 wire, 3 ph., 57-63 cycles One multichannel analyzer with the Physics Radiation Instrument 19 909 00 following specifications: 400 chan- Development Laboratory, f.o.b. nels, 10* counts per channel, 8 sub- Inc., delivered groups, 4 m.c. digital rate, 4 detector Melrose Park multiscaler mode, d.c. input to a.d.c. for Mossbauer experiments, linear and log readout, tally tape readout and readin, and spectrum stripping One thallium activated sodium iodide Physics Harshaw Chemical Co.. 5 856 00 crystal in a close pack assembly with Cleveland, Ohio f.o.b. three phototubes in individual mag- delivered netic shields included as part of the assembly Machining three extremely pure alloy bars of aluminum and silver to deter- Physics Richardson Manufacturing 3 600 00 Co., delivered mine the binding energy between a Washington Park monovacancy and a silver atom in 31 f 1 Tn !n it m Gardens, Springfield ulllllllllUlli One film reader, semiautomatic for Physics Raymond Atchley 19 250 00 measuring events on 35 mm. film; Division, American f.o.b. must handle three 100 ft. rolls; view- Brake Shoe Co., Los ing screen with magnification of 20; Los Angeles, Calif. Angeles, cross hair position to appear on screen Calif. movable by hand, cross hair located (freight with a resolution of one micron on the allowed) film with accuracy of plus or minus 5 microns full scale and positioned in digitized form for card punch; motor- ized controlled film speed between 0 and 1 ft. per second; 1 combination vacuum pump and compressor; plus engineering services Two automatic film scanning systems, Physics Officine Prevost, 5 360 00 each to have three projectors for 100 Milano, Italy f.o.b. to 400 ft. rolls of 35, 50, or 70 mm. Genoa, film, automatic control of each film Italy from speeds of one cm. every four sec- onds up to 100 ft. in a few minutes Two toolmakers microscope stages including micrometer drums and linear Physics Gaertner Scientific Corp.. 6 200 00 f.o.b. scales to be used in connection with a Chicago delivered special film reader, for three dimen- sional film reading and analysis of particle tracts, and accurate measure- ment of positions of points on exposed 35 mm. films 58 board of trustees [September 19 Item Department Vendor Cost Three oscilloscopes, general purpose, Physics Tektronix, Inc., $ 2 625 00 DC-15MC, rise-time 23 microsec- Park Ridge f.o.b. onds; calibrated sweep range 0.2 mi- Beaverton, croseconds/cm to 2 seconds/cm Ore. Five power supplies, 600 to 1500 volts rjp Physics Radiation Instrument 11 727 00 t n K Five analyzers, single channel, 0.1 to 10 Development Laboratory, Inc., I.O.D. delivered volts Melrose Park Five amplifers---discriminators Five sealer-timers, seven decade Five power supplies, low voltage Five preamplifers Four mercury-pulse generators, 0-100 volts Yearly affiliation fee for educational Television- National Educational 7 500 00 television programming service for Motion Television and Radio f.o.b. the period of July 1, 1962, through Pictures Center, shipping June 30, 1963. to include videotapes. New York, N.Y. point film and television recordings for re- broadcast on WILL-TV, Channel 12 Print and bind 1,000 copies of The Ecol- University Press Phillips Bros, Inc., 4 673 85 ogy of North America, by Victor E. Springfield f.o.b. Shelford, trim size 5% in. by 10 in.. delivered approximately 576 pages per copy One spectrophotometer quartz optics, Veterinary W. H. Kessel & Co., 5 196 00 185 to 2500 mu range, and accessories Medicine Chicago f.o.b. (for research into the biochemistry of delivered infectious agents by the College of Veterinary Medicine) On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these purchases were authorized. CONTRACT FOR AIR CONDITIONING IN ENVIRONMENTAL ROOM---- 4O9 GREGORY HALL (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $5,500 to F. R, Inskip and Company, Champaign, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for installation of air conditioning equipment and furnishing and installing a dehumidifier in the environmental room in 409 Gregory Hall. Funds are available in the Physical Plant budget from operation and maintenance reserves. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, none. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION BUILDING (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of the following contracts for the construction of the College of Education Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Felmley-Dickerson Company, Urbana......................$1 852 400 Base bid....................................... .$1 807 000 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other prime contracts assigned to general contractor.................................... 27 000 Additive alternates for changes in part of second floor ceiling areas and walls on first and third floors......................................... 18 400 Electrical --- Leverenz Electric Company, Inc., Danville............... 226 353 Base bid ........................................ 225 165 Additive alternates for changes in electrical fixtures on second floor and wiring for television and intercommunication system.................... 7 1% Deductive alternates for changes in light fixtures and deleting devices in covers of motor starters in motor control centers...................... ---6 008 Plumbing --- Nu-Way Plumbing Service, Inc., Chicago................ 106 800 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 59 Heating and Air Conditioning---Healy Plumbing and Heating Company, St. Paul, Minnesota............................................ 246 800 Base bid ........................................ 233 700 Additive alternate for graphic control center....... 13 100 Ventilating --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign.................... 236 280 Base bid ........................................ 236 580 Deductive alternates for changes in diffusers....... --- 300 Elevator --- Otis Elevator Company, Chicago.......................... 63 689 Base bid ........................................ 35 337 Additive alternate for passenger elevator in north shaft......................................... 28 352 Total...........................................................$2 732 322 It is further recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract price $2,732,322. It is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Felmley-Dickerson Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $27,000 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available from state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including the schedule of bids received, copies of which are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, none. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOTS (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for construction of parking lots as follows: For a parking lot east of the Illini Union --- Champaign Asphalt Company, Champaign.......................................................$25 000 For parking lots at the Assembly Hall --- Parro Construction Corporation, Urbana........................................................... 198 800 Base bid, including paving and necessary construction for the two north quadrants......................$88 000 Additive alternate for paving and necessary construction for the southeast quadrant...................48 300 Additive alternate for paving and necessary construction for the southwest quadrant excluding the house and school which will not be vacated immediately...................................... 34 700 Additive alternates for lighting for the four quadrants.. 27 800 Funds for these projects are available from the following sources: for the parking lot east of the Illini Union, from the Illini Union Reserve; for parking lots at the Assembly Hall, from the sale of revenue bonds issued to finance the construction of this building. It is further recommended that the University of Illinois Foundation be requested to award a contract to the Champaign Asphalt Company, Champaign, for construction of a parking lot at 601, 603, and 605 East Healey Street, Champaign, as follows: Base bid .............................................................$30 000 Additive alternate to replace the existing broken sidewalks on Sixth and Healey Streets ................................................... 775 Additive alternate for the removal of stumps between the curbs and sidewalks on Sixth and Healey Streets.................................40 Total.............................................................$30 815 I concur. 60 board of trustees [September 19 On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, none. CHANGE IN CONTRACTS FOR CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS (12) At its meetings of May 24 and June 20, 1962, the Board of Trustees authorized the Executive Committee to act for the Board in negotiations with contractors for high temperature water boilers, hot water pumps and erection, for refrigeration equipment, for condenser water and chilled water circulating pumps, for cooling tower, and for switchgear and electrical equipment for the heating plant, at the Congress Circle Campus, for extensions of the periods within which their contracts may be terminated. All contractors have now agreed to extensions of said periods from September IS to December IS, 1962, provided that shipping dates and other terms and conditions of the contracts remain unchanged. The Vice-President and Comptroller, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Legal Counsel recommend that the Executive Committee, acting for the Board, approve these changes in the awards and contracts, and, in consideration therefor and in fairness to the contractors, authorize the substitution of bid bonds for the certified checks from these contractors, now being held as bid deposits. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in the contracts was authorized. EXECUTIVE SESSION The regular order of business before the Committee having been concluded, an executive session was requested, and was ordered by the Chairman, for consideration of an informal report from the Director of the Physical Plant on the current status of negotiations for certain property acquisitions. The report was for information and consultation. No action was requested or taken. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Committee adjourned. Wayne A. Johnston Frances B. Watkins A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Clerk Chairman BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. Executive Vice-President and Provost Lanier also reported on the current enrollment in the University as of September 18, 1962. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded to the following candidates who passed the standard written examination given in May, 1962, and who have fulfilled all other legal reguirements under Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Illinois Accountancy Act of 1943 as amended: 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 61 Bernard Angelo Affetto, Chicago, Illinois Albert John Allen, Decatur, Illinois Thomas Ralph Anderson, Aurora, Illinois Keith Gene Asher, Kankakee, Illinois To Anne Ballauer, Chicago, Illinois Jon Paul Barsanti, Evanston, Illinois Donald Peter Barta, Chicago, Illinois Keith Phillips Bell, Oak Park, Illinois Arthur Henry Bening, Rolling Meadows, Illinois Burrell Berry, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Paul Vincent Berwick, Chicago, Illinois Bradford John Bigalke, Marengo, Illinois Edwin Allen Borden, Elmhurst, Illinois Lloyd Alan Byerhof, Chicago, Illinois Logan Woodrow Cadwalader, Park Forest, Illinois Milburn David Cain, Antioch, Illinois Arthur Marvin Callistein, Chicago, Illinois Donald Bruce Campbell, Chicago, Illinois Clark Gilbert Carpenter, Chicago, Illinois Anthony Richard Cazolas, Chicago, Illinois Douglas Charles Chester, Lincoln-wood, Illinois Richard Thomas Clark, Elmhurst, Illinois Ralph Alexander Cobitz, Chicago, Illinois Stanford Jack Cole, Chicago, Illinois Lewis Morton Collens, Urbana, Illinois Joseph Francis Craven, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Joseph Curley, Jr., Oak Park, Illinois Weldon Kenneth Danielson, La Grange Park, Illinois Jean Joslyn Davidson, River Forest, Illinois David Alfred Dederichs, Chicago, Illinois Bernard Robert Dobrin, Chicago, Illinois Derald Clarence Doehring, Mattoon, Illinois William Joseph Dolan, Jr., Des Plaines, Illinois Thomas William Doudera, Decatur, Illinois Gerald Michael Driscoll, Oak Park, Illinois Joseph George Eisele, Park Forest, Illinois Thomas Lawrence Eovaldi, Benton, Illinois Roger Lee Felten, Chicago, Illinois Janice Jean Fields, Champaign, Illinois Richard Mayer Fischmar, Chicago, Illinois Ralph Myron Folsom, Berwyn, Illinois John William Frank, Forest Park, Illinois William Robert Galis, Des Plaines, Illinois Richard H. Gallagher, Broadview, Illinois James Bernard Gardner, Chicago, Illinois Jewell Mervin Garrison, Harvey, Illinois William John Gaynor, Evergreen Park, Illinois Evelyn Frances Gieck, Aurora, Illinois Myron Norman Goldstein, Chicago, Illinois Howard Gordon, Skokie, Illinois Delores Margaret Granite, Melrose Park, Illinois Morris Larned Greeley III, Chicago, Illinois Donald Albert Haas, Libertyville, Illinois Donald Terry Habbestad, Chicago, Illinois Kenneth Pratt Handy, Glen Ellyn, Illinois William Putman Hauworth II, Evanston, Illinois Stephen Van Hill, Evanston, Illinois John Francis Houlihan, Oak Lawn, Illinois Ronald Duane Jeffris, Gays, Illinois Carl Edward Johnson, Jr., Plainfield, Illinois John Randall Johnson, Marion, Illinois Milton Clark Johnson, La Grange Park, Illinois Robert Alan Johnson, Chicago, Illinois Herbert Lee Justinger, Elmhurst, Illinois Ernest Walter Karlenzig, Chicago, Illinois David Andrew Kelly, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Ray Kelsheimer, Urbana, Illinois Edward John Kestler, Chicago, Illinois Donald Ervin Kieso, Urbana, Illinois 62 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 19 Russell Stanley Koss, Chicago, Illinois Frank Jay Koster, Oak Park, Illinois Carl William Krell, Springfield, Illinois Harvey Burton Labko, Chicago, Illinois Gaylen Nevoy Larson, Des Plaines, Illinois Maurice Roy Lawrence, Skokie, Illinois Richard Daniel Lessner, Chicago, Illinois William Louis Levy, Chicago, Illinois Milo Odell Lia, Elmwood Park, Illinois Lester Lopata, Chicago, Illinois Terrence James MacLean, Niles, Illinois Gerard John Mader, Skokie, Illinois Jerold Shae Malina, Chicago, Illinois Ralph Joseph Mandarino, Jr., Oak Park, Illinois Robert Mann, Skokie, Illinois James Edward McAuley, Chicago, Illinois George Frederick McDowell, Rock-ford, Illinois Donald David McLean, Chicago, Illinois Robert Mednick, Chicago, Illinois Cherie Lynn Mertens, Arlington Heights, Illinois Aaron Irving Michaei.son, Chicago, Illinois Gerald Linus Mihlbachler, Springfield, Illinois Mary Penelope Mitchell, Chicago, Illinois George Eugene Moeller, Park Forest, Illinois Seymour Nagorsky, Chicago, Illinois Walter Frank Nelson, Rockford, Illinois Edward Charles Nemergut, Chicago, Illinois John Leonard Northrop, Jr., Berwyn, Illinois Harold William Peterson, Berkeley, Illinois Robert John Peterson, Chicago, Illinois Marvin Harry Pilchen, Chicago, Illinois Raymond Edwin Powers, Jr., Hillside, Illinois Robert Kraus Regal, Chicago, Illinois Robert Thomas Rehwald, Urbana, Illinois Sheldon Reitman, Chicago, Illinois Edward Louis Rosen, Lincolnwood, Illinois Ronald Joel Rothman, Niles, Illinois John Russell Erskine Ruhl, Evan- ston, Illinois John Morton Rutherford, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Richard Sidney Ruttenberg, Chicago, Illinois Darrell Edward Rutter, Lombard, Illinois Michael M. Sachs, Chicago, Illinois Theodore Raphael St. Leger, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Jacqueline Barbara Sanders, Chicago, Illinois Herbert Marshall Schaffner, Chicago, Illinois David Yigal Schwartz, Chicago, Illinois Patrick Joseph Scott, Chicago, Illinois Robert Neil Scott, Rockford, Illinois Edward Francis Sheehan, Peoria, Illinois Barry Joel Shere, Chicago, Illinois Donald Lee Simandl, Lyons, Illinois Melvin David Skolnik, Chicago, Illinois George Samuel Smith, Hazelcrest, Illinois Thomas Gibson Smith, Palatine, Illinois Donald Edward Sodaro, Evanston, Illinois Jack Francis Spencer, Chicago, Illinois Charles Albert Stewart, Villa Park, Illinois Ronald Earle Stone, River Forest, Illinois Melvyn Roy Strauss, Chicago, Illinois James Edgar Sturdyvin, Champaign, Illinois Gerard Arthur Swick, Park Ridge, Illinois Jerry Rogers Thall, Chicago, Illinois Howard Ellsworth Thompson, Elmhurst, Illinois Joseph Ernest Tomlinson, Sycamore, Illinois Warren Leonard Traxel, Chicago, Illinois John Michael Tucker, Champaign, Illinois Dennis Peter Van Mieghem, Chicago, Illinois Ronald Joseph Van Thyne, Champaign, Illinois Cornelius Verhoog, Park Forest, Illinois Edward Gary Victor, Chicago, Illinois Wilbert Edwin Virnala, Chicago, Illinois Nugent James Vitallo, Chicago, Illinois 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 63 Juliam August Voss, Jr., Naperville, Alfred Gene Weinsheim, Evanston, Illinois Illinois Robert Leslie Wainwricht, Chicago, Ralph Paul Wille, Chicago, Illinois Illinois Frederick Dorr Wolf, Northfield, Dorothy Marilyn Wargo, Chicago, Illinois Illinois The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unreyoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Ronald Altman Brooklyn, New York New York Donald Eugene Deburn Davenport, Iowa Iowa Merle Henry Gould Newburgh, Indiana Indiana Orville John Hietpas Chicago, Illinois Wisconsin Donald Eugene Knapp Arlington Heights, Illinois District of Columbia Peter M. Kopkowski Oak Lawn, Illinois Michigan James Edwin Meredith, Jr. Strafford, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Thomas Richard Prince Evanston, Illinois Mississippi Eileen Lois F. Whitted Algonquin, Illinois Wisconsin Lawrence Zalusky Skokie, Illinois District of Columbia I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these certificates were awarded. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (2) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Oliver G. Aberth, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,500 (D). 2. Cyril J. Adcock, Visiting Associate Professor of Psychology, for the first semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $4,750 (G). 3. Nicholas Ambraseys, Visiting Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, for the second semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $5,000 (E). 4. Konrad Bleuler, Visiting Professor of Physics, for three months from September 20, 1962, at a salary of $3,500 (G). 5. Oscar G. Brockett, Visiting Professor of Speech and Theatre, for the second semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $6,000 (E). 6. William J. Campbell, Visiting Associate Professor in the Bureau of Educational Research, for the first semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $5,500 (E). 7. D. Lincoln Canfield, Visiting Professor of Spanish, for the second semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $7,000 (E). 8. Jean Maurice Cardinet, Visiting Associate Professor of Psychology and in the Bureau of Educational Research, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $11,000 (DY). 9. Rosalind D. Cartwright, Associate Professor of Psychology, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $11,500 (DY). 10. John G. Chaltas, Assistant Professor of Education, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,200 (D). 11. Samuel DuBois Cook, Visiting Professor of Political Science, for the second semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $5,000 (E). 12. Elsie N. Crouthamel, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,800 (DY). 13. Peter K. Dai, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $6,500 (D). 14. Bruce L. Douglas, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $13,500 (DY). 64 board of trustees [September 19 15. John A. Easley, Jr., Visiting Associate Professor of Education, University High School, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $10,000 (D). 16. Sterling C. Ellsworth, Clinical Counselor with rank of Assistant Professor, Student Counseling Service, beginning July 23, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,950 (DY). 17. Jerry Alan Fodor, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Institute of Communications Research, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,250 CD). 18. John W. Gray, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,500 (B). 19. Pearl Mayo Gore, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,000 (D). 20. Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr., Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $10,000 (DY). 21. German Gurfinkel, Visiting Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,100 (D). 22. Wolfgang R. G. Haken, Visiting Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $12,000 (D). 23. Donald D. Hanson, Associate Professor of Architecture, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $11,000 (B). 24. E. Harnik, Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (DY). 25. Larry R. Hoffman, Assistant Professor of Botany, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $6,500 (B). 26. Fredrick J. Holhubner, Assistant Professor and Assistant State Leader of Farm Advisers, Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,750 (DY). 27. Charles W. Huver, Assistant Professor of Anatomy, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (DY). 28. Morris Kantor, Visiting Professor of Art, for the second semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $7,000 (E). 29. Isabel M, Kellogg, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, for nine months from September 1, 1962, on three-fourths time, at a salary of $4,781 (G75). 30. Blair Kling, Assistant Professor of History, beginning August 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,500 (B). 31. Hannes Laven, Visiting Professor of Zoology, for seven months from August 1, 1962, at a salary of $12,445 (G). 32. Rado Lencek, Assistant Professor of Russian, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,400 (B). 33. Richard J. Loftus, Assistant Professor of English, in the Department of English and in the Division of General Studies, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $6,800 (B33; B67). 34. Mary M. Lohr, Associate Professor of Psychiatric Nursing, College of Nursing, beginning September 24, 1962, at an annual salary of $12,000 (DY). 35. Jens Lubbert, Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, for the first semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $5,500 (G). 36. Robert M. Lumiansky, Visiting Professor of English, for the second semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $8,500 (D). 37. Edward F. Lutsch, Assistant Professor of Zoology, College of Pharmacy, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,500 (D). 38. Carlos T. Marfort, Assistant Professor of Architecture, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $10,500 (B). 39. Frank H. Moyer, Assistant Professor of Zoology, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,000 (B). 40. Henry C. Kaczkowski, Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Education, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (D). 41. John R. Postgate, Visiting Professor of Microbiology, for the first semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $4,800 (E). 42. Brian Potter, Associate Professor of Dermatology, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $15,000 (AY). 43. Harold Arch Ramsey, Visiting Associate Professor of Nutrition, Department of Dairy Science, for the academic year 1962-63, at a salary of $8,500 (G). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 65 44. Melvin Rothbaum, Associate Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations, beginning August 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $11,000 (DY). 45. Neal J. Rothman, Research Associate in Mathematics, from August 16-31, 1962, at a salary of $444 (G); and Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,000 (B). 46. Roger A. Schmitz, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,500 (D). 47. Jacob N. Shanberge, Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 48. Mahendar K. Singal, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for the academic year 1962-63, at a salary of $7,000 (E). 49. Hazel Taylor Spitze, Assistant Professor of Home Economics Education, for the first semester, 1962-63, on three-fourths time, at a salary of $2,812 (D75). 50. Jacob Stern, Assistant Professor of Industrial Education, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,000 (D). 51. R. Bruce Townsend, Visiting Professor of Law, for the first semester of 1962-63, at a salary of $5,700 (G). 52. Jerry L. Walker, Assistant Professor of Education, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,800 (D). 53. Gregorio Weber, Professor of Biochemistry, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $15,500 (A). 54. Paul M. Weichsel, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,000 (B). 55. Robert Wirtz, Visiting Research Assistant Professor, University High School, beginning September 1, 1962, on three-fourths time, at an annual salary of $7,500 (D7S). 56. Lloyd A. Witting, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 57. Cheng Yi Yang, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $6,900 (D). 58. Willard R. Zemlin, Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,225 (BY). On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were confirmed. NONSALARIED FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, 1962-1963 (3) I present the following list of appointments to the nonsalaried faculty of the College of Medicine for the academic year beginning September 1, 1962. The designation "Rush" in a title is used to identify former members of the Rush Medical College faculty who were taken over by the University in 1941 as part of the affiliation with the former Presbyterian Hospital, now Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital, by authority of the Board of Trustees. The list includes new appointments and reappointments. Professors and Associate Professors who have been on indefinite tenure in the past are being continued in that status. However, all new appointments at, or promotions to, the rank of Associate Professor are for one year (indicated by the symbol "DY"), and subsequent reappointments of such staff members will be on an annual basis. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments were approved as listed below. Summary Department 1961-62 1962-63 Anatomy....................................... 6(1)* 5(1) Biological Chemistry............................ 12 15 Dermatology................................... 23 (2) 28 (3) Medical Social Work............................ 2 2 Medicine....................................... 295 (24) 286 (27) Microbiology................................... 4(1) 5(1) Neurology and Neurological Surgery............... 12 11 (1) Obstetrics and Gynecology....................... 95 (2) 97 (2) * The figures in parentheses indicate the number of emeritus members. 66 board of trustees [September 19 Department 1961-62 1962-63 Ophthalmology................................. 64 (4) SO (4) Orthopaedic Surgery............................ 30 (2) 27 (2) Otolaryngology................................. 68 (6) 69 (8) Pathology...................................... 38 (2) 40 (2) Pediatrics...................................... 62 (6) 78 (7) Pharmacology.................................. 2 3 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.............. 3 5 Physiology..................................... 3 2(1) Preventive Medicine............................ 11 (1) 11(1) Psychiatry..................................... 123 (2) 124 (2) Public Health................................. 7 7 Radiology...................................... 27 30 (1) Surgery (including Urology and Anesthesiology).... 220 (11) 221 (11) Total...................................... 1 107 (64) 1 116 (74) Anatomy Gustave L. Zechel, Lecturer with rank of Associate Professor, Emeritus Philip Casella, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur F. Cifoixa, Clinical Assistant Professor Lawrence G. Khedroo, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank A. Vicari, Clinical Assistant Professor Biological Chemistry Max K. Horwitt, Professor Max E. Rafelson, Jr., Professor Hermann G. Mattenheimer, Associate Professor (DY)1 Richard D. Coleman, Assistant Professor Alvin Dubin, Assistant Professor Charles F. Decker, Assistant Professor Clyde C. Doughty, Assistant Professor Saeeb Gaballah, Assistant Professor Alvin J. Glasky, Assistant Professor James A. Hayashi, Assistant Professor Tohru Inouye, Assistant Professor Charles F. Lange, Assistant Professor Joseph Samachson, Assistant Professor Howard H. Sky-Peck, Assistant Professor Gordon S. Stewart, Clinical Assistant Professor Dermatology James H. Mitchell, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Leonard F. Weber, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Clark W. Finnerud, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Sydney Barsky, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Samuel W. Becker, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Alfred B. Falk, Clinical Associate Professor Paul R. Griffith, Clinical Associate Professor John B. Haeberlin, Clinical Associate Professor Irene Neuhauser, Clinical Associate Professor Milton Robin, Clinical Associate Professor Albert H. Slepyan, Clinical Associate Professor Stefan Bielinski, Clinical Assistant Professor Irving H. Distelheim, Clinical Assistant Professor Allen S. Pearl, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor The symbol DY indicates the appointment for one year from September 1, 1962, on a twelve-month service basis, and is used here to designate those who are being appointed to the rank of Associate Professor for one year only. Where the symbol DY does not appear, the appointment of a Professor or Associate Professor is on indefinite tenure. 2 Also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals. 3 Also Resident at Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital. Also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals, assigned to the Institute for Juvenile Research. Also Resident at Cook County Hospital. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 67 Louis Rubin, Clinical Assistant Professor Edwin M. Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard Yaffe, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard Oliver, Clinical Associate Irma Aleshire, Clinical Instructor Chester L. Kroll, Clinical Instructor Harold M. Spinka, Clinical Instructor Seymour Weinstein, Clinical Instructor William E. Bailey, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Bruce B. Burgess, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Jack M. Fox, Assistant Raymond M. Handler, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Wilfried L. Schmerold, Clinical Assistant Samuel W. Tonkens, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Medical Social Work Josephine G. Tayloe, Assistant Professor Nancy V. Gilsen, Assistant Professor Medicine Walter C. Alvarez, Lecturer in Medicine with rank of Professor, Emeritus Aaron Arkin, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus James B. Eyerly, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Morris Fishbein, Lecturer in Medicine with rank of Professor (Rush), Emeritus Ellis B. Freilich, Clinical Professor, Emeritus William G. Hibbs, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Frank B. Kelly, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Wilber E. Post, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Sidney Strauss, Clinical Professor, Emeritus William A. Thomas, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Albert VanderKloot, Clinical Professor, Emeritus James A. Campbell, Professor Richard B. Capps, Clinical Professor Louis Feldman, Clinical Professor Harold C. Lueth, Clinical Professor Oglesby Paul, Clinical Professor Karl H. Pfuetze, Clinical Professor Ben Z. Rappaport, Clinical Professor Theodore B. Schwartz, Professor George W. Stuppy, Clinical Professor (Rush) Willard L. Wood, Clinical Professor (Rush) William S. Hoffman, Lecturer with rank of Professor Benjamin Goldberg, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Alva A. Knight, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Frank B. Lusk, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Samuel Perlstein, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Howard M. Sheaff, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Eugene F. Traut, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Ralph W. Trimmer, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Howard Wakefield, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Melvin L. Afremow, Clinical Associate Professor Evan M. Barton, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Arthur Bernstein, Clinical Associate Professor Herbert C. Breuhaus, Clinical Associate Professor George V. Byfield, Clinical Associate Professor Thomas J. Coogan, Clinical Associate Professor Jacob W. Fischer, Clinical Associate Professor Murray Franklin, Clinical Associate Professor John S. Gbaettinger, Associate Professor Earle Gray, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Paul Heller, Associate Professor Edwin N. Irons, Clinical Associate Professor 68 board of trustees [September 19 Roy J. Korn, Associate Professor Robert O. Levitt, Clinical Associate Professor Meyer R. Lichtenstein, Clinical Associate Professor Armand Littman, Associate Professor Clayton J. Lundy, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) J. Charles McMillan, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor Milton M. Mosko, Clinical Associate Professor Jerome T. Paul, Clinical Associate Professor Isadore Pilot, Clinical Associate Professor Theodore Z. Polley, Clinical Associate Professor Eugene J. Ranke, Clinical Associate Professor Samuel H. Rosenblum, Clinical Associate Professor William Saphis, Clinical Associate Professor Armin F. Schick, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) James A. Schoenberger, Clinical Associate Professor Mitchell A. Spellbekg, Clinical Associate Professor Irving E. Steck, Clinical Associate Professor Frank E. Trobaugh, Jr., Associate Professor Lionel M. Bernstein, Associate Professor (DY) Max Berg, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) George H. Berryman, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Aaron Gunther, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Janet R. Kinney, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Sheldon E. Krasnow, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Jules H. Last, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Herman A. Levy, Lecturer with rank of Associate Professor (DY) Bertram G. Nelson, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) (DY) Lawrence Perlman, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Victor E. Pollak, Research Associate Professor (DY) Paul Ravenna, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Alfred H. Rosenblum, Lecturer with rank of Associate Professor (DY) Graham A. Vance, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Leo E. Amtman, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus John A. Gardiner, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush), Emeritus Benjamin H. Hilkevitch, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush), Emeritus Grant H. Laing, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Osmund H. Akre, Clinical Assistant Professor David Baldwin, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert J. Becker, Clinical Assistant Professor Herbert E. Bessinger, Clinical Assistant Professor Albin M. Brixey, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor David Bronsky, Clinical Assistant Professor Ralph G. Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard A. Carleton, Clinical Assistant Professor Chester Coggeshall, Clinical Assistant Professor Angelo P. Creticos, Clinical Assistant Professor John A. Detweiler, Clinical Assistant Professor Hugo O. Deuss, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor Henry D. DeYoung, Clinical Assistant Professor Peter J. Farago, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert E. Felix, Clinical Assistant Professor Benum W. Fox, Clinical Assistant Professor Donald T. Foxworthy, Clinical Assistant Professor Sanford A. Franzblau, Clinical Assistant Professor Gerhard Freund, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert C. Fruin, Clinical Assistant Professor Raymond M. Galt, Clinical Assistant Professor Morton A. Goldmann, Clinical Assistant Professor Buford Hall, Clinical Assistant Professor William J. Hand, Clinical Assistant Professor Harry L. Hunter, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank W. Jones, Clinical Assistant Professor 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 69 Philip N. Jones, Clinical Assistant Professor Benjamin M. Kaplan, Clinical Assistant Professor Ervin Kaplan, Clinical Assistant Professor Roland L. Kesler, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) Wallace W. Kirkland, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Sydney Kofman, Assistant Professor Charles H. Lawrence, Clinical Assistant Professor Bruce D. Lee, Clinical Assistant Professor William R. McCabe, Assistant Professor Jerome S. Mehlman, Clinical Assistant Professor Morgan M. Meyer, Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas Morrison, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert C. Muehrcke, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph J. Muenster, Jr., Assistant Professor John R. Necheles, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert M. Poske, Clinical Assistant Professor John Post, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) Oldrich Prec, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor Marjorie M. Pyle, Clinical Assistant Professor Alexander N. Ruggie, Clinical Assistant Professor Anthony R. Sapienza, Clinical Assistant Professor Harold Schoolman, Clinical Assistant Professor John T. Sharp, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert E. Slayton, Clinical Assistant Professor Elizabeth K. Straus, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor (Rush) Donald W. Tarun, Clinical Assistant Professor Angelo Toigo, Clinical Assistant Professor Seymour W. Weisberg, Clinical Assistant Professor Gerald A. Williams, Clinical Assistant Professor Edward J. Wiss, Clinical Assistant Professor Alexander Wolf, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles K. Wolfe, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Simon Zivin, Clinical Assistant Professor Luke J. Grimelli, Clinical Associate, Emeritus Eugene Grosz, Clinical Associate, Emeritus Robert N. Hedges, Clinical Associate, Emeritus J. Lisle Williams, Associate, Emeritus John L. Cihzan, Clinical Associate G. William Cotts, Clinical Associate Joseph A. Davis, Clinical Associate Michael M. DiGilio, Clinical Associate Carl A. Hedblom, Jr., Clinical Associate William H. Highstone, Clinical Associate Walter F. Hoeppner, Clinical Associate Louis C. Johnston, Clinical Associate William J. Kirby, Clinical Associate (Rush) Audley R. Mamby, Clinical Associate Samuel Matlin, Clinical Associate Peter S. Mayer, Clinical Associate Joseph R. Nora, Clinical Associate Donald E. O'Brien, Clinical Associate Joshua Oden, Jr., Clinical Associate Marvin S. Rosenberg, Research Associate (one year from July 1, 1962) Rigby C. Roskelley, Clinical Associate Seymour R. Salberg, Clinical Associate Ralph A. Scala, Clinical Associate Jerome F. Strauss, Jr., Clinical Associate Kasriel Tausk, Clinical Associate Raymond Teplitz, Clinical Associate Chester B. Thrift, Clinical Associate Charles S. Vil, Clinical Associate Earl A. Vondrasek, Clinical Associate 70 board of trustees [September 19 James R. Zvetina, Clinical Associate Maurice M. Aleala, Clinical Instructor Earl T. Anderson, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962) Samuel Berger, Clinical Instructor John D. Best, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' Philip E. Blatt, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* William V. Blazek, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Allen F. Bowyer, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' Joseph T. Branit, Clinical Instructor William C. Brown, Clinical Instructor Milda Budrys, Clinical Instructor Frank C. Carter, Clinical Instructor William Clay, Clinical Instructor Thomas D. Dale, Jr., Clinical Instructor Robert E. Dedmon, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962) James E. Dill, Clinical Instructor Dean F. Dimick, Clinical Instructor Peter G. Economou, Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) Charles M. Elwood, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)2 John R. Erickson, Clinical Instructor Miguel A. Escobar, Instructor (three months from July 1, 1962) William E. Fishman, Clinical Instructor George C. Flanagan, Instructor Richard P. Foth, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) Ronald E. Fox, Clinical Instructor William I. Freud, Clinical Instructor Raimonds G. Gailitis, Clinical Instructor William R. Garr, Clinical Instructor Carl A. Geeuhr, Clinical Instructor Paul K. Hanashiro, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' Donald H. Hanscom, Clinical Instructor Thomas H. Hayes, Clinical Instructor Robert N. Hedges, Jr., Clinical Instructor John P. Henry, Clinical Instructor Robert L. Herting, Clinical Instructor Allen Hoffman, Clinical Instructor Albert W. Holmes, Jr., Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962) Nathan J. Iglitzen, Clinical Instructor Mohammad Inayatullah, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962) Meilute A. Indreika, Clinical Instructor Rodney A. Jamieson, Clinical Instructor Harold L. Jensen, Clinical Instructor John C. Jones, Clinical Instructor Irene G. Kaganiec, Clinical Instructor Robert S. Kassriel, Clinical Instructor Frank B. Kelly, Jr., Clinical Instructor Eugene S. Krasnow, Clinical Instructor William J. Kristy, Clinical Instructor Jerry P. Lewis, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962) John Lockhart, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' Patricia A. McCreary, Clinical Instructor Randall L. Mann, Clinical Instructor Julio Marsi, Clinical Instructor Wayne E. Mathy, Clinical Instructor Vidvuds Medenis, Clinical Instructor Paul A. Meredith, Clinical Instructor Jerome E. Neustadt, Clinical Instructor Julius S. Newman, Clinical Instructor Robert F. O'Boyle, Instructor (three months from July 1, 1962)* Leonard Ohringer, Clinical Instructor Charles P. Perlia, Instructor William H. Phelan, Clinical Instructor 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 71 Gloucester A. Price, Jr., Clinical Instructor Peter Pulos, Clinical Instructor Anita Robbins, Clinical Instructor Dean S. Rosset, Clinical Instructor George S. Scholly, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962) Roger R. Schuessler, Clinical Instructor William K. Scupham, Clinical Instructor Vitolds R. Silins, Instructor Jay Silverman, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* Marshall J. Snapp, Clinical Instructor William R. Starr, Clinical Instructor Harry B. Stone, Clinical Instructor Marian S. Takzynski, Clinical Instructor W. Randolph Tucker, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962) Alston C. Twiss, Clinical Instructor Paul L. Winter, Clinical Instructor Arthur L. Abbott, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Arthur J. Anderson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Llewellyn B. Bigelow, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Bernard B. Blaauw, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Helen C. Bonbrest, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Jack L. Chitty, Clinical Assistant James G. Clark, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Leon I. Cohen, Clinical Assistant Thomas J. Coogan, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Donald R. Darling, Clinical Assistant (on leave of absence for military service) Rudolf Donath, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Robert B. Epstein, Clinical Assistant June R. Finer, Assistant (five months from July 1, 1962)2 Nancy Gubisch, Research Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962) William M. Hamby, Clinical Assistant Reynold T. Larsen, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Joseph Libnoch, Clinical Assistant Beryl Lovitz, Clinical Assistant James C. Lowe II, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1%2)8 Gordon D. Lucas, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Edwin B. Miller, Clinical Assistant George A. Nelson, Jr., Assistant (seven months from December 1, 1962)' Albert F. Nibbe, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Diego Norena, Research Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962) John C. Perkins, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Maurice B. Pickard, Assistant (one vear from July 1, 1962)* Norman W. Ream, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Ronald R. Reed, Clinical Assistant Elizabeth F. Richardson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Arthur H. Rosenberg, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Bohumil A. Samal, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)1 Bruce G. Saville, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Anthony M. Scardino, Clinical Assistant (on leave of absence for military service) Stanley S. Shimoda, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Joseph V. Simone, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Alan J. Sorscher, Clinical Assistant Armando Susmano, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962) Cesar Torres, Research Assistant Ramon A. Urena, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962) Jordan D. Waxman, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Howard G. Wilcox, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Edmund M. Ziolkowski, Clinical Assistant Microbiology Friedrich W. Deinhardt, Associate Professor 72 board of trustees [September 19 George F. Foester, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor Ralph H. Hubble, Lecturer with rank of Instructor William Landau, Instructor Elta W. Knoll, Assistant, Emerita Neurology and Neurological Surgery Loren W. Avesy, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Arthur Arnold, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard O. Burns, Jr., Clinical Instructor Virginia R. Sorum, Clinical Associate Nathan Zolt, Clinical Associate Eli Tobias, Clinical Instructor Philipp M. Lippe, Assistant Diego Monteverde, Assistant Goro Tsuchiya, Assistant Lyle E. Wacaser, Assistant Walter Whisler, Assistant Obstetrics and Gynecology Edward D. Allen, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Harry Boysen, Clinical Professor (Rush) Eugene A. Edwards, Clinical Professor Arthur H. Klawans, Clinical Professor (Rush) Abraham F. Lash, Clinical Professor Richard H. Andresen, Clinical Associate Professor James P. FitzGibbons, Clinical Associate Professor Alfred J. Kobak, Clinical Associate Professor Richard A. Lifvendahl, Clinical Associate Professor Fred O. Priest, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) George H. Rezek, Clinical Associate Professor Harry K. Waddington, Clinical Associate Professor John R. Wolff, Clinical Associate Professor Deane M. Farley, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) John P. Harrod, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Armand J. Mauzey, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Harry Sered, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Hugo C. Baum, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) Robert A. Beebe, Clinical Assistant Professor Sol J. Benensohn, Clinical Assistant Professor Michael H. Boley, Clinical Assistant Professor Clair M. Carey, Clinical Assistant Professor Sol T. DeLee, Clinical Assistant Professor Vincent S. DiGiulio, Clinical Assistant Professor Cecil Draa, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) George C. Finola, Clinical Assistant Professor William F. Geittmann, Clinical Assistant Professor Ralph L. Gibson, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert J. Glenner, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles J. Heiberger, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard M. Kaye, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles D. Krause, Clinical Assistant Professor Vincent A. Lavieri, Clinical Assistant Professor Rocco V. Lobraico, Clinical Assistant Professor John S. Long, Clinical Assistant Professor John W. Payne, Clinical Assistant Professor Lowell F. Peterson, Clinical Assistant Professor Frederick J. Roos, Clinical Assistant Professor Meyer D. Rutgard, Clinical Assistant Professor Seymour Sholder, Clinical Assistant Professor C. Otis Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor Manuel Spiegel, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert C. Stepto, Clinical Assistant Professor 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 73 Joseph B. Teton, Clinical Assistant Professor Vasil Truchly, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank J. Walsh, Clinical Assistant Professor Bruce P. Zummo, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph S. Angell, Clinical Instructor John F. Bartels, Clinical Instructor Kurt Bochner, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' George C. Bonektz, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)" Allan G. Charles, Clinical Instructor Donald M. Fahrenbach, Clinical Instructor Edwin L. Falloon, Clinical Instructor Harvey A. Gollin, Clinical Instructor William P. Gordon, Jr., Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* John R. Kostelny, Clinical Instructor Robert J. Lee, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* Lawrence LeVine, Clinical Instructor Joseph J. Mullen, Clinical Instructor Edwin E. Nyman, Clinical Instructor Denes Orban, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) Michael P. Pill, Clinical Instructor Richard R. Robie, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' Gabriel A. Rodriguez, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* Marvin A. Rosner, Clinical Instructor Jack A. Sampson, Clinical Instructor Lionel J. Schewitz, Clinical Instructor Robert G. Stone, Clinical Instructor Edgar B. Sylvester, Clinical Instructor Nathan Tolwinsky, Clinical Instructor Nancy C. Treadweix, Clinical Instructor George P. Vlasis, Clinical Instructor La Verne M. Wallheiser, Clinical Instructor Alvin F. Wiersma, Clinical Instructor John A. Aimone, Clinical Assistant Joseph H. Clevenger, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)1 Delos R. Cozad, Clinical Assistant Andrew V. Dahlberg, Clinical Assistant William H. Donovan, Jr., Clinical Assistant Earl S. Fuller, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' William M. Gardner, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Roger A. Goetz, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Terrence C. HaNsen, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)1 Thomas Hejna, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Mario A. Irigoyen, Clinical Assistant Elmer J. Justema, Clinical Assistant Sidney C. Kahn, Clinical Assistant Anthony N. Kenwick, Clinical Assistant Robert H. Oberhelman, Clinical Assistant Adrian R. Oleck, Clinical Assistant Robert P. Olson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Eugene D. Rothenberg, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Peter D. Scalzitti, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Irving Shipkowitz, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Kenneth M. Sussman, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Lawrence J. Sykora, Clinical Assistant Ophthalmology William F. Moncreiff, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus William F. Hughes, Clinical Professor Earle B. Fowler, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Georgiana D. Theobald, Clinical Associate Professor and Clinical Pathologist, Emeritus Carl Apple, Clinical Associate Professor 74 board of trustees [September 19 Joseph S. Haas, Clinical Associate Professor Daniel Snydacker, Clinical Associate Professor Theodore N. Zekman, Clinical Associate Professor Robert R. Herbst, Clinical Assistant Professor Gilbert Iser, Clinical Assistant Professor David B. Maher, Clinical Assistant Professor H. Isabelle McGarry, Clinical Assistant Professor G. Henry Mundt, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Edward A. Pushkin, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel M. Schall, Clinical Assistant Professor Karl J. Scheribel, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) Manuel L. Stillerman, Clinical Assistant Professor Martin J. Urist, Clinical Assistant Professor Vernon M. Leech, Clinical Associate (Rush), Emeritus Walter L. Bayard, Clinical Associate David V. L. Brown, Clinical Associate Michael E. Carroll, Clinical Associate Vivian A. Cation, Clinical Associate William E. Deutsch, Clinical Associate Leona R. Fordon, Clinical Associate Aldona A. Juska, Clinical Associate Burton M. Krimmer, Clinical Associate Arthur Light, Clinical Associate Robert H. Murphy, Clinical Associate Valdo P. Oleari, Clinical Associate Judith V. Perry, Clinical Associate Burton A. Russman, Clinical Associate Barbara Spiro, Clinical Associate Joseph Tatar, Clinical Associate Albert E. Tennenbaum, Clinical Associate Karl E. Ticho, Clinical Associate Jack Tresley, Clinical Associate Sherwin A. Fox, Clinical Instructor Irwin Menachof, Clinical Instructor Norbert J. Nowicki, Clinical Instructor David C. Whitsell, Clinical Instructor Michael Belson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)" John Cairns, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Carl Garfinkle, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Joel Kaplan, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Walter Kahn, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 David S. McDaniel, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)1 Frank Mendelblatt, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Hans J. Renpenning, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)! Allen K. Rice, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Orthopaedic Surgery Frank G. Murphy, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Carlo S. Scuderi, Clinical Associate Professor of Orthopaedics Fred Shapiro, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Horace E. Turner, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus William A. Marshall, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert P. Meany, Clinical Assistant Professor Leo F. Miller, Clinical Assistant Professor Raymond J. Pellicore, Clinical Assistant Professor Donald Ross, Clinical Assistant Professor Tawfik Y. Sabet, Research Associate James P. Ahstrom, Clinical Instructor Ramez Aouad, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962) * Thomas H. Comfort, Instructor3 Richard M. Cronin, Clinical Instructor Ronald L. DeWald, Assistant (on leave of absence for military service)* 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 75 Charles E. Gavin, Clinical Instructor William A. Hark, Clinical Instructor William F. Hejna, Instructor2 Alain F. Menguy, Instructor1 Clifford O. Nyman, Clinical Instructor Walter R. Petersen, Clinical Instructor Irwin B. Rich, Clinical Instructor Louis S. Varzino, Clinical Instructor (Rush) Riad Barmada, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Jorge O. Galante, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Robert V. Johnson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 RolLO J. Nesset, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Otolaryngology Daniel B. Hayden, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Abraham R. Hollender, Professor, Emeritus Walter H. Theobald, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Oliver E. VanAlyea, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Samuel M. Morwitz, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Richard W. Watkins, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Albert H. Andrews, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor of Bronchoesophagology Oscar J. Becker, Clinical Associate Professor Walter W. Dalitsch, Clinical Associate Professor Stanton A. Friedberg, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Kenneth C. Johnston, Clinical Associate Professor of Bronchoesophagology G. Kenneth Lewis, Clinical Associate Professor Robert B. Lewy, Clinical Associate Professor George S. Livingston, Clinical Associate Professor Maurice F. Snitman, Clinical Associate Professor Linden J. Wallner, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Louis Savitt, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Helmut Blumenthal, Clinical Assistant Professor Edward L. Chainski, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur J. Coombs, Clinical Assistant Professor Elmer A. Friedman, Clinical Assistant Professor Lois D. Greene, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard E. Marcus, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur L. Ratko, Clinical Assistant Professor Leo A. Satz, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank Wojniak, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) William A. Smiley, Clinical Associate, Emeritus I. Erlin Bartlett, Clinical Associate Bruno Blumklotz, Clinical Associate David O. Dale, Clinical Associate Joseph Gyorkey, Clinical Associate Andreas G. Kodros, Clinical Associate Roland A. Kowal, Clinical Associate Milton E. Kurth, Clinical Associate Colette Jeantet, Clinical Associate Mario D. Mansueto, Clinical Associate Joseph F. Orrico, Clinical Associate Harkishen Singh, Clinical Associate Pierce W. Theobald, Clinical Associate John A. Weidemann, Clinical Associate Robert H. Borkenhagen, Clinical Instructor Ralph A. Casciaro, Clinical Instructor George H. Conner, Clinical Instructor (on leave of absence for military service) Jose Luis Ferrer, Clinical Instructor Dino G. Maurizi, Clinical Instructor (on leave of absence for military service) Phillip I. Mozer, Clinical Instructor Thaddeus S. Pierce, Clinical Instructor Edward A. Razim, Clinical Instructor 76 board of trustees [September 19 Louis F. Scaramella, Clinical Instructor Karl H. Siedentop, Clinical Instructor Kurt Springer, Clinical Instructor Aldo C. Sirugo, Clinical Instructor Joyce A. Schild, Clinical Instructor Louis T. Tenta, Clinical Instructor Arthur I. Broder, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)" Robin Gotten Brown, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)J John N. Comito, Assistant (on leave of absence for military service)2 Roger A. Eggert, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Thomas E. Griffith, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)" Gerald E. Guemmer, Clinical Assistant Harold I. Laker, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)5 Franklin S. Massari, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Florian R. Nykiel, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Robert S. Rosnagle, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* William M. Sermonte, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Harold Small, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)! Jose Smoler, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Robert James Toohill, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Joseph P. Velek, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Pathology George M. Hass, Professor Lester S. King, Clinical Professor Charles E. Cahn-Bronner, Professorial Lecturer, Emeritus Jerry J. Kearns, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus John P. Ayer, Associate Professor (DY) Frederick C. Bauer, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor Harold A. Grimm, Clinical Associate Professor Grant C. Johnson, Clinical Associate Professor Coye C. Mason, Clinical Associate Professor Martin A. Swerdlow, Clinical Associate Professor James R, Thompson, Clinical Associate Professor Robert W. Alexander, Assistant Professor Raymond A. Clasen, Assistant Professor Reuben Eisenstein, Assistant Professor Dorothy E. Eshbaugh, Clinical Assistant Professor Werner R. Fleischer, Clinical Assistant Professor Frederic O. Floberg, Lecturer in Legal Medicine with rank of Assistant Professor Franz E. Hirsch, Lecturer with rank of Clinical Assistant Professor Robert V. Hoffman, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Albert W. Schweitzer, Clinical Assistant Professor Jonas Valaitis, Clinical Assistant Professor Paul A. Van Pernis, Clinical Assistant Professor James E. Habegger, Clinical Associate John E. Maloney, Clinical Associate Hector A. Battifora, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' Joseph C. Erwin, Clinical Instructor Joseph J. Hosek, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* Victor R. Jablokow, Clinical Instructor Irwin K. Kline, Clinical Instructor Thomas D. Mahony, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Ernest R. Pohlman, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* Seymour Rosen, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* James A. Survis, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' James T. Bolan, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Robert C. Minsek, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)! Byron Ruskin, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Mohsen Shakerin, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Roger D. Smith, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Mostafa J. Tabatabai, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)" Malcolm V. Vye, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 77 Pediatrics Alfred D. Biggs, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Craig D. Butler, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Clifford Grulee, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Archibald L. Hoyne, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Hugh McCulloch, Lecturer with rank of Professor, Emeritus Joseph Ralph Christian, Professor Joseph Greengard, Clinical Professor C. Jack Harrison, Clinical Professor (Rush) Samuel J. Hoffman, Clinical Professor Noel G. Shaw, Clinical Professor (Rush) Charles K. Stulik, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Lawrence Breslow, Clinical Associate Professor Warren R. Dammers, Clinical Associate Professor Louis J. Halpern, Clinical Associate Professor Harry Leichenger, Clinical Associate Professor Matthew M. Lewison, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Daniel J. Pachman, Clinical Associate Professor Irving B. Richter, Clinical Associate Professor Norman T. Welford, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Dorothy H. Welker, Clinical Associate Professor Woodruff L. Crawford, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Magnus H. Agustsson, Clinical Assistant Professor Rene A. Arcilla, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel H. Barron, Clinical Assistant Professor Hans G. Bucheleres, Clinical Assistant Professor Marianne P. Budzeika, Clinical Assistant Professor E. H. Christopherson, Clinical Assistant Professor Vernon Richard DeYoung, Clinical Assistant Professor John B. Hall, Clinical Assistant Professor Mildred R. Jackson, Clinical Assistant Professor Harvey Kravitz, Clinical Assistant Professor Herman B. Lander, Clinical Assistant Professor Bessie L. Lendrum, Clinical Assistant Professor Ronald B. Mack, Clinical Assistant Professor Harry T. Nagel, Clinical Assistant Professor Bruce B. Newman, Clinical Assistant Professor Homer S. Parker, Clinical Assistant Professor Mildred J. Polniaszek, Clinical Assistant Professor Klara Judith Prec, Clinical Assistant Professor Martin Sacks, Clinical Assistant Professor Irene Shmigelsky, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles E. Stepan, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles L. Swarts, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel Thomas, Clinical Assistant Professor A. A. Wolf, Clinical Assistant Professor Juan Pedro Bicoff, Clinical Instructor Bohdan Stephan Celewycz, Clinical Instructor Julia Yu Chao, Clinical Instructor Daniel G. Cunningham, Clinical Instructor Mel Warren Feinberg, Clinical Instructor Samuel Peter Gotoff, Clinical Instructor Edward Kenneth Isaacson, Clinical Instructor Clay Henry Jones, Jr., Clinical Instructor Elizabeth Keller, Clinical Instructor Dolores E. Knoblock, Clinical Instructor Victor M. Lo Priore, Clinical Instructor Jerome J. Lubin, Clinical Instructor Silvio David Morales, Clinical Instructor Kenneth S. Nolan, Clinical Instructor Stephen Pawlynskyj, Clinical Instructor Isidro Perez, Clinical Instructor 78 board of trustees [September 19 Philip Leon Wachtel, Clinical Instructor Evelyn M. Anderson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Joan M. Arboit, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Peter M. Baker, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Alice P. Blatt, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Gerald Edelstein, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Ronald Ewckson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 William Hartnett, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Marion E. Johnson, Assistant (eight months from October 1, 1962)* Bahman Joorabschi, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Raymond Kiley, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Charles Limp, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Eddie S. Moore, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Ernesto P. Namin, Clinical Assistant (ten months from September 1, 1962) Margaret H. O'Neal, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Mary V. Ramey, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Russell Y. Snow, Assistant (September IS, 1962 to June 30, 1962)' Pharmacology Chester J. Cavallito, Lecturer with rank of Professor Victor A. Drill, Lecturer with rank of Professor Harris Isbell, Lecturer with rank of Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation H. Worley Kendell, Clinical Professor Reuben R. Wasserman, Clinical Associate Professor Kate H. Kohn, Clinical Assistant Professor Roman R. Oryshkevich, Clinical Instructor Luis Salomon, Clinical Instructor Physiology Harold E. Himwich, Lecturer with rank of Professor Chester W. Darrow, Associate Professor, Emeritus Preventive Medicine Thomas G. Hull, Lecturer with rank of Associate Professor, Emeritus Jermyn F. McCahan, Clinical Associate Professor Harold W. Spies, Clinical Associate Professor Ernest B. Zeisler, Clinical Associate Professor Samuel L. Andelman, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor Joyce C. Lashof, Assistant Professor Harold H. Steinberg, Clinical Assistant Professor Agnes D. L. Goss, Clinical Instructor Raymond W. Steblay, Clinical Instructor William I. Metzger, Research Associate David M. Kessner, Clinical Assistant Psychiatry Roy R. Grinker, Clinical Professor Paul E. Nielson, Professor Vladimir G. Urse, Clinical Professor Jack Weinberg, Clinical Professor Harry R. Hoffman, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus William H. Haines, Clinical Associate Professor Arthur A. Miller, Clinical Associate Professor Donald A. R. Morrison, Clinical Associate Professor Alan K. Rosenwald, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology Stephen L. Sherwood, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurophysiology Alfred P. Solomon, Clinical Associate Professor Anne Benjamin, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Maurice Kaplan, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Robert G. McMillan, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Raymond E. Robertson, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 79 Morris M. Rosenthal, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Lester Rudy, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Alfonso Shimbel, Lecturer with rank of Associate Professor W. David Steed, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Jacob Paskind, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus James M. Alexander, Clinical Assistant Professor Sol Altschul, Clinical Assistant Professor Claresa M. Armstrong, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard M. Aronov, Assistant Professor of Psychology Howard G. Aronson, Clinical Assistant Professor E. Eliot Benezra, Clinical Assistant Professor Leon Bernstein, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard Bolin, Clinical Assistant Professor David D. Brockman, Clinical Assistant Professor James A, Buettner, Clinical Assistant Professor Helen B. Carlson, Clinical Assistant Professor David I. Cheifetz, Assistant Professor of Psychology Pauline M. Cooke, Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas N. Davis III, Clinical Assistant Professor Alberto de la Torre, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert C. Drye, Clinical Assistant Professor Sydney B. Eisen, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur S. Elstein, Assistant Professor of Psychology Frank F. Evans, Clinical Assistant Professor Lowell I. Goodman, Clinical Assistant Professor Alfred G. Green, Clinical Assistant Professor Harold A. Greenberg, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard L. Greene, Clinical Assistant Professor David P. Gross, Clinical Assistant Professor Frederick V. Gwyer, Clinical Assistant Professor John E. Halasz, Clinical Assistant Professor Louis Halperin, Clinical Assistant Professor John W. Hanni, Clinical Assistant Professor David S. Harman, Clinical Assistant Professor Irving D. Harris, Clinical Assistant Professor Elsie L. Haug, Clinical Assistant Professor Noel S. Jenkin, Clinical Assistant Professor in Psychology Louis Jensen, Clinical Assistant Professor Walter Kitt, Clinical Assistant Professor George H. Klumpner, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard C. Koenig, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert H. Koff, Clinical Assistant Professor Gustavo Lage, Clinical Assistant Professor David Levitin, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel Liebman, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard I. Lifson, Clinical Assistant Professor Joan Longini, Clinical Assistant Professor Norma Mason, Clinical Assistant Professor Warren G. McPherson, Clinical Assistant Professor Julian Miller, Clinical Assistant Professor Victor Mintek, Clinical Assistant Professor Evan G. Moore, Clinical Assistant Professor William H. Murray, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph G, Nemecek, Clinical Assistant Professor Melvin D. Nudelman, Clinical Assistant Professor Donald Oken, Clinical Assistant Professor George L. Perkins, Clinical Assistant Professor Klara G. Ranky, Clinical Assistant Professor Alan M. Robertson, Clinical Assistant Professor Henry L. Ruehr, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur Sable, Clinical Assistant Professor Marvin Schwarz, Clinical Assistant Professor 80 board of trustees [September 19 Harry M. Segenreich, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles H. Shaiova, Clinical Assistant Professor Morris A. Sklansky, Clinical Assistant Professor Jeanne Spurlock, Clinical Assistant Professor Alvin Suslick, Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas T. Tourlentes, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel A. Victor, Clinical Assistant Professor William Weisdokf, Clinical Assistant Professor Donovan G. Wright, Clinical Assistant Professor Marvin Ziporyn, Clinical Assistant Professor Hedwig C. Bakony, Clinical Instructor Marjorie C. Barnett, Clinical Instructor Gene H. Borowitz, Instructor4 Eric G. Brunngraber, Clinical Instructor in Biochemistry David W. Buck, Clinical Instructor Jose M. Castillo, Instructor Oscar Davis, Instructor* Pieter DeVrijer, Clinical Instructor David C. Garron, Instructor in Psychology Jay G. Hirsch, Clinical Instructor Marcus A. Jacobson, Clinical Instructor Jerome I. Katz, Clinical Instructor Leo V. Kempton, Clinical Instructor Arthur Kling, Clinical Instructor Charles H. Kramer, Clinical Instructor Ana Marquinez, Clinical Instructor Arthur H. Norton, Clinical Instructor Robert E. Nyquist, Clinical Instructor Daniel Offer, Clinical Instructor Frances C. Perce, Clinical Instructor in Psychology Sarah R. Peskind, Clinical Instructor in Psychology William J. Pieper, Instructor* Leonard Rack, Clinical Instructor Barbara S. Rocah, Clinical Instructor Richard K. Saskill, Clinical Instructor Donald D. Schwartz, Clinical Instructor Arlene J. Smith, Clinical Instructor Morton S. Tabin, Clinical Instructor John D. Van Pelt, Instructor in Psychology Herbert Weinstein, Clinical Instructor in Psychology John M. Whitman, Clinical Instructor Daga M. Wied, Clinical Instructor Karl L. Willrich, Clinical Instructor Arthur A. Woloshin, Clinical Instructor Gabrielle S. Woloshin, Instructor* Robert I. Yufit, Clinical Instructor in Psychology Oreste Zalis, Clinical Instructor Public Health Edward A. Piszczek, Clinical Associate Professor Herbert K. Abrams, Clinical Assistant Professor Leroy L. Fatherree, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor Clarence W. Klassen, Assistant Professor Herbert E. McDaniels, Assistant Professor Kenneth M. Morse, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor W. Franklin Dove, Research Associate Radiology Fay H. Squire, Professor (Rush) David S. Beilin, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Richard E. Buenger, Associate Professor John W. Clark, Associate Professor Samuel A. Leader, Clinical Associate Professor 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 81 Israel E. Kirsh, Associate Professor (DY) Franklin S. Alcorn, Assistant Professor Maurice L. Bogdonoff, Assistant Professor Benjamin D. Braun, Clinical Assistant Professor Arlene A. Halko, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank R. Hendrickson, Assistant Professor Julius Heydemann, Clinical Assistant Professor George G. Hibbs, Assistant Professor Billy Jay Hill, Assistant Professor Jacques Ovadia, Clinical Assistant Professor Ralph H. Baehr, Instructor" Leonard Berlin, Instructor2 Eugene K. Borchakt, Instructor2 Ernest W. Fordham, Instructor8 Frank L. Hussey, Clinical Instructor Kenneth J. Maier, Instructor Edward A. McGinnis, Instructor" Charles W. Samet, Instructor" Richard T. Bergeron, Assistant2 Anthony Chung-Bin, Assistant John T. McManus, Assistant' Edward I. Miller, Assistant2 Gladys L. Olson, Assistant2 Marvin O. Trepton, Assistant8 Harold N. Walgren, Assistant' Surgery Hillier L. Baker, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Edwin M. Miller, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Oscar E. Nadeau, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Edward J. Beattie, Jr., Professor Egbert H. Fell, Clinical Professor (Rush) Richard K. Gilchrist, Clinical Professor (Rush) Paul W. Greeley, Clinical Professor Hilger P. Jenkins, Lecturer with rank of Professor Hiram T. Langston, Clinical Professor John H. Olwin, Clinical Professor (Rush) Francis H. Straus, Clinical Professor (Rush) Philip Thorek, Clinical Professor William H. Hazlett, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Frank J. Jirka, Associate Professor, Emeritus John D. Koucky, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Will F. Lyon, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Rudolph J. E. Oden, Associate Professor, Emeritus Morris L. Parker, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Louis W. Schultz, Clinical Associate Professor of Oral Surgery, Emeritus Carl B. Davis, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor Willis G. Diffenbaugh, Clinical Associate Professor Arthur E. Diggs, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) William S. Dye, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor Earl Garside, Clinical Associate Professor Chester C. Guy, Clinical Associate Professor Burton C. Kilbourne, Clinical Associate Professor Stanley E. Lawton, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Foster L. McMillan, Clinical Associate Professor Clarence Monroe, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Lindon Seed, Clinical Associate Professor Harry W. Southwick, Clinical Associate Professor Everett L. Strohl, Clinical Associate Professor Frank V. Theis, Clinical Associate Professor Carl O. Almquist, Clinical Assistant Professor Raymond E. Anderson, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles D. Branch, Clinical Assistant Professor 82 board of trustees [September 19 C. David Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert G. Canham, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph P. Cannon, Clinical Assistant Professor James H. Cross, Clinical Assistant Professor Ward H. Eastman, Clinical Assistant Professor Melvin I. Gibbel, Clinical Assistant Professor William J. Gillesby, Clinical Assistant Professor Raymond Green, Clinical Assistant Professor Vernon L. Guynn, Clinical Assistant Professor Ronald G. Haley, Clinical Assistant Professor Russell C. Hanselman, Clinical Assistant Professor Harry G. Hardt, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor William H. Harridge, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert A. Hess, Clinical Assistant Professor Vernon Z. Hutchings, Clinical Assistant Professor Carl Ireneus, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Robert W. Jamieson, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank R. Johnson, Clinical Assistant Professor George D. Kaiser, Clinical Assistant Professor Frances E. Knock, Clinical Assistant Professor Johannes L. Koppel, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry William E. Looby, Clinical Assistant Professor Kenneth L. Matson, Clinical Assistant Professor Harold I. Meyer, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank J. Milloy, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor George A. Olander, Clinical Assistant Professor John R. Orndorff, Clinical Assistant Professor John H. Pribble, Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas Sellett, Clinical Assistant Professor Philip Shambaugh, Clinical Assistant Professor William D. Shorey, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert F. Stokes, Clinical Assistant Professor Milan M. Wasick, Clinical Assistant Professor Milton Weinberg, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Carl Y. Werei.ius, Clinical Assistant Professor Leon J. Witkowski, Clinical Assistant Professor Burton R. Bancroft, Jk., Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)s John H. Bancroft, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)' Walter L. Barker, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Eugene A. Broccolo, Clinical Instructor Donald M. Buckner, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)" Jackson E. Cagle, Jr,, Clinical Instructor James C. Carey, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)5 Mohammad A. Cheema, Clinical Instructor Noble Correll, Clinical Instructor Ehward A. Dainko, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)a Lawrence A. Fagarason, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Ernest M. Feiler, Clinical Instructor Glenn W. Fiscus, Clinical Instructor John W. Frisch, Clinical Instructor Andres Gabel, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) Gordon H. Glassford, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) Leonard Graivier, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)5 Samuel L. Hamilton, Clinical Instructor Howard H. Hamlin, Clinical Instructor Irwin Harris, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) Joseph F. Hinkamp, Clinical Instructor Loren J. Humphrey, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Johannes M. L. Jensen, Clinical Instructor John M. Kenwell, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Andrew Kirsteins, Clinical Instructor Charles J. Koucky, Clinical Instructor Arthur G. Lawrence, Clinical Instructor 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 83 Walter R. Lawrence, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)* Oscar S. Lenit, Jr., Clinical Instructor David R. Lewis, Clinical Instructor LeRoy Long, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)i Joseph R. McAndrew, Clinical Instructor Randall E. McNally, Clinical Instructor Chafick N. Mansour, Clinical Instructor James H. Mason, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)! Hassan Najafi, Clinical Instructor Roger A. Ott, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)5 Robert J. Overstreet, Clinical Instructor George L. Pastnack, Clinical Instructor Eudell G. Paul, Clinical Instructor Harold A. Paul, Clinical Instructor Martin Pepper, Clinical Instructor Edgar R. Picken, Clinical Instructor Morris M. Proffitt, Clinical Instructor John G. Raffensperger, Clinical Instructor Alfred Rasmussen, Clinical Instructor Oliver V. Renaud, Clinical Instructor Leo E. Robertson, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)" Wendell H. Schmidtke, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Richard C. Schultz, Clinical Instructor John M. Somerndike, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Richard A. Tarizzo, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) Edward S. Truppman, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)" Robert B. White, Clinical Instructor Michael F. Witanowski, Clinical Instructor Karl F. Bader, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Robert A. Beatty, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Thomas O. Brackett, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' J. Anthony Brown, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Richard G. Caldwell, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Alexander Doolas, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)s Jay D. Ellenby, Assistant (on leave of absence for military service) Robert P. Gordon, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)8 Allan L. Graham, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 John W. Hengesh, Research Assistant (on leave of absence for military service) William R. Jewel, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Olga M. Jonasson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 John A. Kozak, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Harvey J. Levin, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Fern E. Likhite, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Larry O. McKnelly, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Roger L. Mehl, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 John J. Minster, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Parviz Parsa, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)a Marvin M. Romsdahl, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Ethan B. Ruben, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 James A. Sandrolini, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Joseph D. Schmidt, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Wayne N. Swenson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Gerry R. Tuveson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Kenneth R. Vander Vennet, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Charles H. Williams, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Division of Urology Norris J. Heckel, Clinical Professor (Rush) Edwin C. Graf, Clinical Associate Professor Theophil P. Grauer, Clinical Associate Professor James W. Merricks, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) George O. Baumrucker, Clinical Assistant Professor John P. Blandy, Clinical Assistant Professor 84 board of trustees [September 19 Joseph S. Drabanski, Clinical Assistant Professor R. Ross Haeger, Clinical Assistant Professor Wiixard C. Meyer, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank B. Papierniak, Clinical Assistant Professor Colquitt O. Ritch, Clinical Assistant Professor Frederick Schacht, Clinical Assistant Professor Carl D. Berry, Jk., Clinical Instructor James A, Calams, Clinical Instructor Daniel H. Callahan, Clinical Instructor Thomas L. C. Cottrell, Clinical Instructor Engin Deniz, Clinical Instructor Alfonso Diaz, Clinical Instructor Charles F. McKiel, Jr., Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) James C. Valenta, Clinical Instructor Cyril C. Wiggishoff, Clinical Instructor Willard J, Smith, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Division of Anesthesiology Ernst T. Morch, Clinical Professor Paul W. Searles, Clinical Professor Mary M. Lyons, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emerita John L. Schmidt, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) John E. Cawley, Clinical Assistant Professor Myron J. Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor Herbert E. Natof, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph E. Remlinger, Clinical Assistant Professor Digby G. Seymour, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur T. Shima, Clinical Assistant Professor Hershell L. Keeling, Clinical Associate Howard H. Berlin, Clinical Instructor Gwen Gleave, Clinical Instructor Eileen Heckel, Clinical Instructor David Katz, Clinical Instructor John Nelson, Clinical Instructor Stanka K. Pafrikoff, Clinical Instructor Raymond F. Rose, Clinical Instructor Lester Schwartz, Clinical Instructor Vivente B. Santelices, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1962)s Maurice M. Tennant, Clinical Instructor Dan A. Valenti, Clinical Instructor Rasma V. Vitrungs, Clinical Instructor Vernon E. Wallace, Clinical Instructor Ronald F. Albrecht, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Thomas L. Ashcraft, Clinical Assistant Eleuterio Carreira, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Carleton E. Dangremond, Clinical Assistant Alberto L. Fleites, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)3 Mary E. Grace, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Floyd N. Heller, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Jaime Illel, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Yaroslav Kokorudz, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Hector R. Leon, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* William R. Melby, Clinical Assistant Charles W. Pastika, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 Maddalena F. Pastika, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Frank Raymon, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Pablo M. Rivera, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Manuel V. Rodriguez, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)' Louis Roe, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Earl A. Sabin, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Astrida I. Silins, Clinical Assistant (fourteen months from July 1, 1962) Thouraya A. Sokkar, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)* Edward T. Toyooka, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1962)2 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 85 REAPPROPRIATION OF UNEXPENDED BALANCES AS OF JUNE 3O, 1962 (4) The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the following balances and overdrafts in budget appropriations and appropriations for special projects not completed on June 30, 1962, be carried forward for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1962, in accordance with usual policy. I concur. Urbana- Champaign General administration and expense.....................#105 621 Microfilming records..........................$ 2 130 Special legal services......................... 1 811 Public Information, state fair exhibit............ 2 340 Provost, instructional television in other departments.............................. 17 864 24 145 S129 766 Agriculture........................................... 113 943 Commerce and Business Administration.................. 10 345 Education............................................ 9851 Educational testing microfilming records............... 3 717 2 732 Engineering.......................................... 45 144 Fine and Applied Arts................................. 17 822 Graduate College..................................... 38 5561 Journalism and Communications........................ 5 873 Law................................................. 731 Liberal Arts and Sciences.............................. 20 821 Geography, Illinois resources atlas.................... 1 426 22 247 Physical Education.................................... 2 2871 University Extension.................................. 36 937 Veterinary Medicine................................... 12 290 Other schools and colleges.............................. 10 468 Institute of Aviation, electronic technology............. 13 500 23 968 Library and Library School............................ 5 552 Physical Plant Regular operation and maintenance................... 45 138 Renewals and replacements.......................... 172 625 Prevailing wage rates unassigned...................... 160 930 Assembly Hall utilities............................... 240 675 619 368 Unexpended plant Admissions and Records, special equipment............ 2 967 Stenographic Service, duplicating equipment............ 3 400 Industrial Relations, building and equipment........... 29 498 Volatile Storage Building............................ 5 028 Dairy Science, minor buildings........................ 6 718 Temple Farm, improvements......................... 1 176 Dixon Springs, purchase of truck...................... 5 308 Timber testing machine.............................. 21 975 Pell Farm, improvements............................ 14 575 Horticulture, prefabricated chambers.................. 24 790 Education Administration, special equipment........... 3 100 Education, special equipment......................... 1 891 Industrial Education, special equipment............... 4 686 Teacher Placement, special equipment................. 1 203 University High School, special equipment............. 26 346 Administration Building, remodeling room 203.......... 2 504 Administration Building, remodeling room 261.......... 1 436 Agricultural building remodeling...................... 5 360 Animal Sciences Laboratory, remodeling room 362...... 5 200 Davenport Hall, remodeling meats laboratory.......... 1 535 David Kinley Hall, remodeling....................... 1 499 University High School, improvements................. 8 455 Illini Hall, prefabricated sound room.................. 7 437 Huff Gymnasium, remodeling......................... 1 120 Dixon Springs, improvements......................... 8 985 1202 West Green Street, improvements................ 1 081 1 Deduct. 86 board of trustees [September 19 Vegetable Crops Building, improvements............... 1 760 Civil Engineering, special equipment.................. 83 400 1203 West Nevada Street, remodeling................. 1 480 907 South Sixth Street, remodeling.................... 4 307 Mechanical Engineering, analogue computer............ 8 000 Physics, equipment----National Science Foundation matching grant.................................. 25 000 Physics, special equipment........................... 19 188 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, testing machine..... 17 998 Architecture, special equipment....................... 20 254 Art, special equipment............................... 16 094 City Planning and Landscape Architecture, special equipment...................................... 3 294 Music, special equipment............................ 3 381 Television cable and equipment....................... 86 100 Language Laboratory, equipment..................... 3 000 Anthropology, special equipment...................... 1 019 Chemistry, equipment---National Science Foundation matching grant.................................. 25 000 Chemistry, special equipment......................... 17 712 Geology, special equipment........................... 4 730 Physiology, special equipment........................ 1 948 Zoology, special equipment........................... 1 369 Physical Education, special equipment................. 19 049 Health and Safety Education, special equipment........ 7 782 Physical Education for Women, special equipment...... 2 041 Tennis Courts, resurfacing and improvements........... 13 870 Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, special equipment...................................... 1 731 Armed Forces, special equipment..................... 1 016 High lift tower...................................... 40 000 Classroom furniture................................. 4 200 Coat hooks......................................... 10 000 Load lugger........................................ 2 500 Armory, remodeling................................. 9 640 McKinley Hospital, nurse call system.................. 16 000 Mumford Hall, remodeling room 406-408............... 3 280 Physics Building, remodeling......................... 4 060 Law Building, auditorium renovation.................. 11 000 Botany Annex, remodeling........................... 5 408 Chemistry Annex, remodeling........................ 50 000 Gregory Drive area, hitting wall...................... 5 900 605 East Daniel Street, purchase...................... 1 000 Radio telescope site, improvements.................... 1 828 Accounting, special equipment........................ 1 285 Admissions and Records, special equipment............ 1 745 Electron Microscope Laboratory...................... 1 211 Dixon Springs, staff houses........................... 1 443 Central Receiving Station............................ 1 425 Agriculture Administration, special equipment.......... 5 028 Commerce and Business Administration, equipment and remodeling...................................... 1 196 Armory, remodeling................................. 30 058 McKinley Hospital, fire doors........................ 6 678 McKinley Hospital, renovation........................ 12 053 Dairy Manufactures Building, remodeling.............. 1 267 Dairy Round Barns, remodeling...................... 3 802 David Kinley Hall, remodeling....................... 2 481 Architecture Building, improvements.................. 13 677 Gregory Hall, room air conditioning.................. 2 379 English Building, remodeling......................... 2 087 Lincoln Hall, remodeling............................. 3 239 Natural History Building, remodeling.................. 1 937 Noyes Laboratory, remodeling........................ 22 783 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 87 Huff Gymnasium, remodeling......................... 1 60S Dixon Springs, laboratory repair and replacement....... 2 864 Quonset Building, remodeling......................... 18 906 Electrical Engineering, special equipment.............. 10 612 505 South Goodwin Avenue, remodeling............... 1 300 1207 West Oregon Street, renovation.................. 6 102 Architecture, special equipment....................... 1 693 Graduate College, flexo-writer........................ 1 395 1208 West California Avenue, retaining wall............ 1 594 Bicycle parking areas................................ 5 549 Bicycle lanes....................................... 2 403 Stadium Drive, recreational area...................... 12 079 Storm sewer improvements........................... 2 500 Visual Aids, special equipment........................ 11 9141 Library, special equipment........................... 1 145 Architectural studies for future buildings............... 43 119 Electrical Engineering, bioacoustics laboratory.......... 1 398 Lighting in classrooms, improving..................... 1 825 Minor improvements................................ 2 620 Nursery relocation.................................. 1077 Parking facilities.................................... 2 252 Remodeling and minor additions unassigned............ 17 571 Nineteen items ranging from S69 to $pD895............... 7 790 1 003 871 Total, Urbana-Champaign.............................. (2 008 942) Medical Center, Chicago General administration and expense..................... 2 282 Estimates and alterations..................... 5 633 Reserve for nonrecurring items................ 2 749 8 382 10 664 Medicine............................................. 27 741 Dentistry............................................ 3 250 Pharmacy............................................ 476 Graduate College..................................... 23 609 Nursing.............................................. 3871 Physical Education for Men............................ 2 550 Aeromedical Laboratory............................... 1 2351 Division of Services for Crippled Children................ 92 778 Research and Educational Hospitals..................... 103 2861 Library.............................................. 5 858 Physical Plant Regular operation and maintenance................... 61 876 Renewals and replacements........................... 57 051 Medical Center Steam Plant.......................... 66 788 185 715 Unexpended plant Multilith machine................................... 2 300 Stacker numbering device and folder.................. 1 895 Ophthalmology, equipment........................... 3 133 Orthopaedics Center, rehabilitating.................... 3 896 Television equipment................................ 9 221 Pedodontics, equipment.............................. 21 442 Manufacturing Pharmacy area, remodeling............. 3 350 Research and Educational Hospitals, equipment........ 30 686 Radiology, equipment............................... 3 153 X-ray film processing unit............................ 1 5191 Beckman spectrophotometer......................... 8 000 Fluoroscopic units, replacement....................... 35 000 Intercom system, replacement........................ 2 438 Surgical instruments................................. 2 155 Oximeter........................................... 2 000 Research and Educational Clinics, furniture and equipment...................................... 19 500 Nursing, furniture and equipment..................... 18 500 Heart lung machine................................. 14 000 Vacamatic sterilizer, purchase and installation.......... 18 000 1 Deduct. 88 board of trustees [September 19 Autoanalyzer, attachment............................ 1 650 Architectural studies for future buildings............... 7 599 Physiology, fume hoods.............................. 17 018 Telephone centrex, installation........................ 14 000 Forty-six items ranging from S37 to S921.............. 20 082 257 499 Total, Medical Center, Chicago.................... (505 232) Chicago Undergraduate Division General administration and expense..................... 1 4661 Art gallery.................................. 2311 Auditorium expense.......................... 1 038 Demographic statistical study................. 571 Radioisotope Laboratory...................... 1 025 Business Office, equipment inventory........... 35 1 810 344 Liberal Arts and Sciences.............................. 741 Engineering.......................................... 2 888 Graduate College..................................... 1 248 Commerce and Business Administration.................. 73 Physical Education.................................... 1381 Armed Forces........................................ 525 Library.............................................. 2861 Physical Plant Regular operation and maintenance................... 25 599 Building rentals and insurance........................ 5 587 Renewals and replacements........................... 1 693 32 879 Unexpended plant Honors Program Office, remodeling and equipment...... 3 702 Public Information Office, remodeling.................. 5 300 Biological Sciences, equipment........................ 1 562 Humanities, laboratory equipment.................... 20 364 Engineering Administration, remodeling and equipment.. 6 950 Engineering Laboratory, equipment................... 32 500 Physics, equipment.................................. 10 000 University Facilities, remodeling and equipment........ 15 9151 Snack Bar, lighting.................................. 1 217 Three items ranging from $91 to ?980................. 1 245 66 925 Total, Chicago Undergraduate Division.............. (104 384) Grand Total.................................... $2 618 558 On motion of Mr. Johnston, these reappropriations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Governor Kerner. EASEMENT TO ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY (5) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Illinois Bell Telephone Company be granted permission to install a buried cable through University parking lots in the 800 block on South Sixth Street, Champaign, provided that the Company reimburses the University for its direct expenses in granting the easement and restores the property to its present condition. This cable will serve business establishments on Daniel Street just east of Sixth Street. I concur and recommend the adoption of the following resolution. Resolution Be It, and It Hereby Is Resolved by this Board of Trustees of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of this Board of Trustees be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this Corporation such instruments of conveyance, contract, or other document or documents as to them may seem necessary or desirable in order to 1 Deduct. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 89 grant to Illinois Bell Telephone Company, an Illinois Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee," its successors and assigns, the right and easement to lay, operate, and maintain a communications cable for the transmission of telephonic signals under and through the land hereinafter described and the right of ingress to and egress therefrom. Grantee shall agree to repair any damage to property of this Corporation by the laying, construction, reconstruction, operation maintenance, renewal, or removal of said cable, and Grantee shall further agree to relocate said cable at its expense if and when said cable would interfere with any construction undertaken by this Corporation during the term of the right-of-way easement to be hereunder granted. The right-of-way easement shall terminate ninety (90) days after Grantee ceases to use said transmission line for rendition of service. The right-of-way easement shall be over the following-described property: Situated in the State of Illinois, the County of Champaign, the City of Champaign and in parts of Block 13 of J. S. Wright's Addition to the City of Champaign; and being more fully bounded and described as follows: 1. Being the East 6.0 feet of the South 5.0 feet of the NW Va of said Block 13; and 2. A strip of land 6.0 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point 171.25 feet distant East of and 169.33 feet distant South of the NW corner of said Block 13, said corner being also the SE corner of John and Sixth Streets in the City of Champaign; thence southerly along a line parallel to the East line of Sixth Street, a distance of 84.67 feet; all of the foregoing described strip being in the N Vi of the SW Va $dGf said Block 13. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. Mr. Hughes asked to be recorded as not voting. CONTRACT FOR REROUTING ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CABLE AT CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS (6) The campus plan for Congress Circle anticipates the construction of buildings at the intersection of Blue Island Avenue and Polk Street, which will be vacated. Any construction over utilities to be retained must provide for continuation of these services even during the period of construction. The Illinois Bell Telephone Company proposed that the existing cable be rerouted along Roosevelt and Halsted Streets and that the University pay the Company the amount budgeted by the University for the protection of this service during construction. Under this proposal, the Illinois Bell Telephone Company will perform the work and the University will not be obligated for payment until thirty days after the University receives conveyance of substantially all the land in this area from the Chicago Land Clearance Commission. Accordingly, the Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of this contract subject to the release of funds. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. Mr. Hughes asked to be recorded as not voting. CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AT CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS (7) The Board of Trustees has authorized agreements with the Illinois Bell Telephone Company for the rental of cable and related facilities for a television distribution system on the Urbana-Champaign campus. A similar program is planned for the Congress Circle campus. Its television programs will originate from the Library building, or will be programs taken off 90 board of trustees [September 19 the air at the Library, and during the first phase of the University's operations at Congress Circle will be distributed to one of the classroom buildings, to the Lecture Center, and to the Union Building. Comparative cost studies on rental versus construction by the University of the distribution facilities indicate that for several years it will be more economical to rent the facilities. Rental will provide flexibility for future program changes and changes in technology, an arrangement which may be contracted for a one-year, renewable basis. The total annual rental charge for three distribution channels between these buildings is $6,252. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of the necessary agreements at the appropriate time with the Illinois Bell Telephone Company for closed circuit television facilities. Funds for the rental payments will be provided in future operating budgets. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. Mr. Hughes asked to be recorded as not voting. CONTRACTS FOR AIR CONDITIONING IN SECOND UNIT OF DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for air conditioning the first floor, second unit, of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Controls --- Dearborn Plumbing and Heating Service, Inc., Chicago................................ $18 075 Base bid..................................................$18 075 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor...................................... 00 480 volt vs. 208 volt.................................... 00 Ventilating --- T. F. Hanley Corporation, Chicago....................... 37 506 Base bid..................................................$37 482 Additive alternate for 480 volt vs. 208 volt................... 24 Plumbing --- Dearborn Plumbing and Heating Service, Inc., Chicago.... 810 Electrical --- Henry Newgard and Company, Chicago.................... 1 650 Base bid..................................................$ 2 290 Deductive alternate for 480 volt vs. 208 volt................. --- 640 General --- Mutual Contracting Company, Chicago....................... 12 991 Total............................................................ $7T032 The work will consist of furnishing and installing equipment and supply systems to air condition the administrative offices of the Colleges of Dentistry and Nursing and the Office of Nonacademic Personnel and is a part of the 1961-63 building program at the Medical Center. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for heating, refrigeration, and temperature controls be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $71,032; and that an agreement be entered into with Dearborn Plumbing and Heating Service, Inc. for the assignment of these other contracts for supervision. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A schedule of the bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr, Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 91 CONTRACT FOR REMODELING IN DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $9,175 to the Mutual Contracting Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for remodeling of administration space housing the Office of Admissions and Records in the first unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building. The work will consist of rearranging partitions and improving of lighting to gain more usable space and increase the efficiency of use of this suite of offices. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING AND INSTALLATION OF FUME HOODS IN DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for the installation of fume hoods and the required remodeling for the Departments of Biochemistry and Physiology, in the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building first unit, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Mutual Contracting Company, Chicago.......................$16 740 Base bid...........................................$14 909 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor......... 1 831 Plumbing --- H. P. Reger and Company, Chicago........................ 3 420 Steam Fitting and Process Piping --- Peter H. Smith Company........... 2 967 Ventilating --- T. F. Hanley Corporation, Chicago........................ 32 990 Pipe Covering and Insulation --- Culberg Asbestos and Cork Company, Chicago........................................................... 850 Electrical --- Cole Electric Company, Inc., Chicago....................... 2 196 Laboratory Equipment --- Kewaunee Manufacturing Company, Evanston.......................................................... 10 995 Total.............................................................$70 158 The work will include furnishing and installation of fume hoods throughout the laboratories of two of the departments in the College of Medicine, namely, Biochemistry and Physiology, as a part of the 1961-63 building program at the Medical Center. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract price $70,158. It is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with the Mutual Contracting Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,831.00 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in a grant of $25,750 from the National Institutes of Health (USPH RC-1062, Biochemistry-Physiology Fume Hoods) and in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. A schedule of the bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. 92 board of trustees [September 19 CONTRACTS FOR ALTERATIONS IN THE RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS ADDITION (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for alterations on the eighth floor of the Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Consumers Construction Company, Chicago..................$ 75 900 Base bid...........................................$74 400 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor......... 1 500 Plumbing --- O'Callaghan Brothers, Inc., Chicago........................ 16 450 Heating --- T. F. Hanley Corporation, Chicago.......................... 39 149 Ventilating --- Byness, Inc., Chicago.................................... 14 910 Electrical --- Wadeford Electric Company, Chicago...................... 21 686 Laboratory Furniture --- Browne-Morse Company, Chicago.............. 21 281 Total............................................................$189 376 The work will consist of extensive remodeling of the eighth floor of the Hospitals Addition for a clinical research center to be operated by the Department of Medicine with funds supplied by the U.S. Public Health Service. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract price $189,376. It is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Consumers Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,500 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds for this work are available from U.S. Public Health Service Grant OG-21. Submitted herewith is a schedule of the bids received and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR MAINTENANCE WORK ON RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $3,162 to E. H. Chicoine Contractors, Inc., Chicago, the lowest bidder, for maintenance work on drip joints and lintels on the Research and Educational Hospitals buildings. The work will consist of grinding the mortar out of drip joints at the head of all windows and the painting of exposed portions of steel lintels. The repairs are necessary due to the rust build-up on the lintels which is causing spauling of the stonework. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CAULKING WORK ON STAFF APARTMENT BUILDING AT THE MEDICAL CENTER (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $7,965 to the Structural Waterproofing Corporation, Barrington, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for the caulking of all exterior 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 93 windows, doors, and louvers on all elevations of the Staff Apartment Building at 809 South Marshfield Avenue, Chicago. This work is necessary to prevent deterioration of brickwork and interior plaster from moisture where the original caulking has loosened, cracked, or fallen out and to give protection to metal shelf angles where exposed to the weather. Funds are available in the income from Staff Apartment operations. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR TUCKPOINTING ON ILLINOIS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE BUILDING (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $5,600 to Herman E. Iverson Tuckpointing, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for the tuckpointing of the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute building. The work will consist of tuckpointing the major portion of this building where the mortar is loose, cracked, or otherwise defective. These repairs are regular maintenance, necessary to prevent deterioration of the building structure. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. AGREEMENT WITH COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of an agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, to include the Laundry Building and the Chicago Board of Education Warehouse, which is being leased by the University for use as a Physical Plant service building, in the combined billing for electrical service in the Medical Center. The cost of this would be $4,286, and funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget and Laundry Revolving Fund. The combined billing will allow an estimated annual savings of $3,158 in electrical services for these two buildings. The basic plan for a "Multiple Service and Combined Billing" was authorized by the Board of Trustees on July 25, 1950. Until recently the University could not get combined billing for these two buildings because they are on land which was not contiguous to property on which the original point of entry of Commonwealth Edison service is located. Recently, the Medical Center Commission conveyed to the University several parcels of land which qualifies the two buildings for combined billing. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this agreement was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING SECOND FLOOR OF 7O4 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, CHAMPAIGN (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for remodeling of the second floor of the leased quarters at 704 South Sixth Street, Champaign, formerly used by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, for the relocation of the Physical Plant Department, Architectural Division, Superintendent's Section, and for the Visual Aids Section of the Division of University Extension, to the following contractors with 94 board of trustees [September 19 whom the University has standing, cost-plus contracts for the fiscal year 1962-63 for such work: C. A. Petry and Sons, Inc., Champaign...............................$16 750 00 Potter Electric Service, Inc., Urbana................................. 9 018 00 David W. Reichard, Urbana......................................... 2 900 00 Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign................. 1 568 26 Thomas Plumbing and Heating Company, Urbana..................... 1 700 00 Total..........................................................$31 936 26 An assignment of funds from the University's General Reserve (nonrecurring) is also recommended. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these contracts were authorized, as recommended, and the funds for this purpose were assigned from the University's General Reserve; this action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR ADDITION TO ABBOTT POWER PLANT (17) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for furnishing and installation of electrical equipment (Division "9-J") and for furnishing and applying thermal insulation (Division "9-K") in the addition to the Abbott Power Plant (Boiler No. 7) now under construction, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Furnishing and Installation of Electrical Equipment --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana....................$61 924 Furnishing and Applying Thermal Insulation --- Sprinkmann Sons Corporation of Illinois, Peoria.....................21 492 Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a summary of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these contracts were awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CAMPUS TREE PLANTING PROGRAM, SECOND PHASE (18) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $15,030 to Irving L. Peterson, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for the second phase of the campus tree-planting program in accordance with the plan approved by the Board of Trustees on January 11, 1962, for replacement of trees lost due to diseases. This contract is for planting trees as specified in the following areas: First Street from Stadium Drive to St. Mary's Road, and Fourth Street from Peabody Drive to St. Mary's Road. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Wilkins, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 95 CONTRACT FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ON THE PELL FARM (19) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $11,834 to Leonard C. Lust, Hammond, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for installation of a water supply system on the Pell Farm for the Department of Horticulture. The cost will be paid from the proceeds of the revenue bonds issued for the Orchard Downs housing since land formerly assigned to the Department of Horticulture was taken over for the housing project. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR PLASTERING. PLASTER PATCHING AND REPAIRING, AND ACOUSTICAL WORK (20) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a cost-plus contract to Harry F. Fisher, Urbana, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for plastering, plaster patching and repairing, and acoustical work during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, on the basis of a contractor's fee of 14 per cent of all actual job costs, as determined by itemized billing. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR REMODELING THE PROPERTY AT 1112-1114 WEST MAIN STREET, URBANA (21) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $3,500 in the contract with Shapland Construction Company for additional remodeling in the property to be used for television studios and offices at 1112-1114 West Main Street, Urbana. The contract was based on the minimum remodeling required to provide adequate quarters. The recommended addition is to replace the existing ceiling with acoustical material and related improvements in the roof structure in the west section. It is further recommended that an assignment of $3,500 be made from the General Reserve (nonrecurring) for this additional remodeling. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this increase in the contract was authorized, and an assignment of $3,500 was made, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ASSEMBLY HALL (22) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $6,500 in the contract with Felmley-Dickerson Company for construction of the Assembly Hall for installation of a removable acoustical shell for the overhead grid system. Funds are available from the proceeds of the sale of revenue bonds to finance the construction of the Assembly Hall. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this change in contract was authorized. 96 board of trustees [September 19 EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS FOR PARKING FACILITIES (23) Construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls will remove approximately 310 temporary parking spaces, primarily used by occupants of the Graduate Student Residence Halls and Student-Staff Apartments on Green Street and Goodwin Avenue, Urbana. The lots are also available to other members of the staff and to University visitors. To replace this parking (currently used to near capacity), a program has been developed to improve various University properties in the vicinity, converting the land areas into temporary parking lots similar to those being discontinued. Due to the present load of work in the University Architect's Office, it was recommended that the firm of Clark, Daily, Dietz, and Associates, Urbana, be employed to prepare topographic surveys and maps of the properties, grading plans, and plans and specifications for demolition of present improvements and construction of parking spaces. Emergency action authorizing these engineering services was requested to secure plans for construction work so that some 250 parking spaces will be available shortly after the use of the present lots is discontinued. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller request confirmation of the employment of Clark, Daily, Dietz, and Associates, Urbana, for these services on the basis of actual payroll costs plus 100 per cent for overhead and commission, and reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the firm. Payroll costs are defined to include all payments made to or on behalf of employees directly engaged in the work, including social security, workmen's compensation, unemployment taxes, and employee insurance. The cost to the University will not exceed $3,S00. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this action was confirmed. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECT FOR DIXON SPRINGS SUPERINTENDENT'S HOUSE (24) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of Thomas A. Graman, Architect and Engineer, Metropolis, Illinois, for architectural services, including the preparation of plans and specifications and supervision of construction, for a new house for the Superintendent of the Dixon Springs Experiment Station at a fee of 6y5 per cent of construction costs. I concur. Mr. Hughes moved approval of the recommendation. Mr. Pogue questioned the necessity of employing an architect, suggesting that plans for this type of house can be secured from lumber dealers at a nominal cost, or that the Physical Plant Department could design the house. Director Havens stated that the services of an architect would include supervision of construction and that assigning a staff member from the Physical Plant Department for such supervision might involve greater cost than to have the supervision performed by an architect and engineer in the Dixon Springs area. Mr. Johnston moved that the Physical Plant Department be authorized to employ the architect and engineer recommended, or to develop the design and plans itself and provide the supervision of construction by a member of its staff, or to use stock plans available from lumber dealers --- whichever method is found to be the most feasible and economical and permits taking of competitive bids as required by law. This substitute motion was accepted by Mr. Hughes and was adopted without dissent. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 97 EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS FOR CONCRETE TESTING SERVICES AT CONGRESS CIRCLE (25) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of the employment of Walter H. Flood and Company, Chicago, for concrete design, testing, and inspection work for all fifteen buildings included in the first phase of construction of the Congress Circle Campus. This work is fundamental in obtaining a unified architectural effect, since thirteen of these building will have exposed concrete structural frames with varying finishes. A firm quotation on the total cost of the work is not feasible since the exact number of tests, visits, and so forth can not be determined in advance. However, proposals were received from four firms which have had extensive experience in the concrete testing field, particularly in the execution of large and complicated projects. Based on the unit prices quoted and the architects' estimate of the number of units in each category, the proposal of Walter H. Flood and Company will result in the lowest cost, based on the following unit charges: Test Cylinders ..............................................$ 3 20 per test Batch Plant Inspection....................................... 12 00 per visit Cement Tests ............................................... 25 00 per test Aggregate Tests ............................................ 40 00 per test Radiographic Tests ......................................... 10 00 per test Welding Inspection .......................................... 6 00 per test Design Mix ................................................ 25 00 per design Rebar Test ................................................. 3 00 per test Engineering Service ......................................... 10 00 per hour It is anticipated that the total cost of the work for all buildings will be approximately $59,200. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. Submitted herewith is a supporting memorandum from the Physical Plant Department on this service, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, authority was given as requested by voice vote. Mr. Dilliard was recorded as not voting. CONTRACT FOR CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES (26) The present contract with the firm of Sasaki, Walker, and Associates, Water-town, Massachusetts, for consulting services in the area of long-range campus and landscape development expired June 30, 1962. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend renewal of the employment of this firm for consulting services until June 30, 1963 to: Review landscape and site design work on specific projects included in the University's building program for which funds are available in various project budgets. Estimated cost......................................$9 000 Advise and make recommendations on long-range campus planting plans and general campus, landscape, and grounds improvements for which funds are available in the Service-Campus Planning and Development account in the Physical Plant budget. Estimated cost.................... 2 000 I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR ORCHARD DOWNS ADDITION (27) The Board of Trustees authorized the employment of Lundeen and Hilfinger, Bloomington, as architects for the Orchard Downs Addition. The fee for the site work is 5i/4 per cent of the construction costs. On the first Orchard Downs construction, the engineering work on design and layout of streets, sewers, and utilities was done for the architects by a firm of consulting engineers at the basic minimum fee schedule of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, and the University paid the additional costs. This arrangement was intended in the contract for the 98 board of trustees [September 19 addition to Orchard Downs, but through oversight was not included in the terms recommended to the Board. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend a change in the contract to provide for the basic minimum fee payments for that part of the site work done by the consulting engineers. Based upon bids which have been received, the additional cost is $3,474.25. Funds are available in the proceeds of the revenue bond issue to finance construction of the Orchard Downs housing project. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this change in contract was authorized. PAYMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL. SERVICES (28) The Board of Trustees on September 21, 1960, authorized the employment of Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, and Associates, Champaign, and L. Lattin Smith and Associates (formerly Mielke and Smith), Chicago, for architectural services on the third phase of the residence halls for graduate students, at a fee not to exceed 6 per cent of the construction contracts, less previous payments to Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, and Associates for preliminary work. When this employment was authorized, the building for the third phase of the residence halls for graduate students was to be constructed at the southwest corner of Sixth and Chalmers Streets, Champaign; subsequently approval was given to changing to the site at the northwest corner of Fifth and Chalmers Streets. Prior to this site change, Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, and Associates had made preliminary studies and designs for the original location at a total cost of $3,953. The studies and design work for the original site will ultimately be used when construction proceeds on that site and the contract with the architects will be adjusted to allow credit for such work. In the meantime, payments made for this work should not be deducted from the fee paid the firm for the project to be located on the Fifth Street site, and it is requested that payment to the architects be on the basis of the rates authorized by the Board without deduction for the payments made for work on the site at Sixth and Chalmers Streets. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of this change in the contract. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (29) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. Urbana-Champaign Departments Item Department Vendor Cost Fertilizer as follows: Agricultural Economics Tennessee Valley $ 3 487 36 21.075 tons diammonium phosphate Authority, f.o.b. 10.75 tons granular high analysis Wilson Dam, Ala. Sheffield, phosphate Ala. 23.525 tons ammonium phosphate nitrate To be used {or ten Allerton Trust Farms Fluorescent light fixtures with poly- Physical Plant Danville Electric 3 002 42 styrene louvers as follows.' Supply Co., Danville f.o.b. 74---8 feet long for 40 watt lamps, 28 delivered ---4 feet long for two 40 watt lamps for remodeling of Davenport House to provide space for relocation of Public Information Office, Legislative Relations Office, and Russian Area Studies Staff Office On motion of Mr. Swain, these purchases were approved. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 99 Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the 1 basis of lowest acceptable bid. I concur. Chicago Colleges and Divisions Item Department Vendor Cost One preparative ultracentrifuge to be Anatomy Beckman Instruments, $ 6 325 00 used for immunobiological work Inc., delivered Lincolnwood One lot of laboratory equipment and Biochemistry E. H. Sargent & Co., 3 665 00 supplies consisting of one mechani- Chicago delivered cally refrigerated freeze-mobile, one shell freezer, and 1,920 pints of labo- ratory solvents One aniino acid analyzer with acces- Clinical Research Technicon Chromatog- 9 990 SO sories for determining glucose and Center raphy Corp., delivered blood uria nitrogen Chauneey. N.Y. One photographic camera with acces- Oral Pathology W. H. Kessel & Co., 3 380 00 sories consisting of one trinocular Chicago delivered tube, one set of paired eyepieces, and and one spare film chamber installed Radioisotopes for use as required by the Radiology E. R. Squibb & Sons, 4 160 47 Isotope Laboratory during the period Franklin Park delivered from October 1, 1962, through June 30, 1963; these isotopes are used in diagnostic procedures and therapy in the Research and Educational Hospitals One snow blower and loader Physical Plant Prairie State 3 448 30 Equipment Co., delivered Thornton One lot of white goods consisting of: Physical Plant KaroH's, Inc., S 174 00 200 dozen type 140 bleached muslin (Laundry Chicago delivered sheets, 72 in. by 108 in. Supply) 200 dozen type 140 bleached muslin pillow cases, 45 in. by 36 in. One lot of hospital linens consisting of: Physical Plant Mills Hospital 7 098 60 30 dozen standard covers (Laundry Supply Co., delivered 20 dozen laparotomy sheets Supply) Chicago 6 dozen mastoid sheets 32 dozen patient lifters 5 dozen X-Ray covers 25 dozen mayo stand covers 190 dozen wrappers Urbana-Champaign Departments 6,050 diploma covers for the period of Admissions and Star Engraving Co., $ 5 687 00 October 1, 1962, through June 30, Records Houston, Texas f.o.b. 1963 (600 for the Medical Center and delivered 5,350 for the Urbana campus) Fifty-two dictating machines, magnetic Agriculture Thomas A. Edison 10 229 00 tape, fully transistorized, complete Extension Industries, Voice- f.o.b. with dictating and transcribing ac- writer Division, delivered cessories; 100 tape magazines, 45 Peoria minute Less trade-in value of four dictating machines, cylinder type; three transcribing machines, cylinder type; one dictating cylinder shaver To be used by County Farm and Home Advisers in various county offices Sixty-four easel-flannel board combina- Agriculture Oravisual Co., Inc., 5 427 20 tions Extension St. Petersburg, Fla. f.o.b. delivered One duplicator, offset, to print two Agriculture Addressograph- 6 211 30 colors simultaneously or same color Mailing Room Multigraph Corp., f.o.b. simultaneously on both sides of sheet; Peoria delivered to print on paper from 3 in. by 5 in. to 11 in. by 14 in. equipped with work light, work organizer and receding stacker; less trade-in value of one du- plicator, offset with receding stacker Thirty-three tape recorders, portable. Agriculture Radio Doctors, 3 102 00 with carrying case, 50-12000 cps at Champaign f.o.b. 7*4 ips, 50-8000 cps at 3% ips, nutter delivered and wow under 0.20 per cent at 7H ips to be used by County Farm and Home Advisers 100 boakd of trustees [September 19 Item Department Vendor Cost Thirteen film transfers of one-half hour Agriculture WTTW Video Tape and $ 3 250 00 plus one minute spot. 16 mm. nega- Administration Film Division, f.o.b. tive, double system Bound with one Station WTTW-TV, Chicago print from video tape Chicago Professional services for the period of Cooperative Bixby, Marvine, & 10 800 00 October 1, 1962, through June 30, Extension Udell, Inc., 1963, for development and production Service in Chicago of weekly University of Illinois Mar- Agriculture and ket Buy program conducted in the Home Economics Chicago area by the Cooperative Ex- tension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics; services consist of preparation of news copy and mats. mimeographing, mailing service, and clipping service Print and bind 20,000 copies Illinois Agricultural George Banta Co., 3 206 00 Farm Record Book, Part I, approxi- Economics Chicago (Group I) mately 48 pages each, plus cover, P.D.Q. Printing Service, 600 00 trim size 8 % in. by 10% in. (Group I) Urbana (Group II) (3 806 00) Print and bind 5,000 copies Illinois Farm f.o.b. Record Book, Part II, approximately delivered 20 pages each, plus cover, trim size 8H in. by \0% in. (Group II) One automatic single crystal X-ray Chemistry and Philips Electronic 52 610 00 diffractometer consisting of two in- Chemical Instruments, f.o.b. tegrated systems; X-ray system in- Engineering Mt. Vernon, N.Y. shipping cluding: constant potential X-ray point generator and control, 50KVP-50MA; current stabilizer for diffraction unit; electronic circuit panel; portable chart recorder; equi-inclination counter dif- fractometer; proportional counter at- tachment; fine focus diffraction tube; and digital control and recording system One mass spectrometer special, time of Chemistry and Bendix Corp., 56 705 00 flight complete with accessories Chemical Cincinnati, Ohio f.o.b. Engineering delivered Surveying instruments to be used as Civil Kern Instruments, Inc., 2 526 00 teaching aids in the Department of Engineering Port Chester, N.Y. Civil Engineering: (Item I) Item I---three theodolites, engineers, Keuffel & Esser Co., 2 559 39 direction-type Chicago (Item II) f.o.b. Item II---three theodolites, repeating- delivered type, engineer All complete with tripod, covers, and electric illumination outfit Less trade-in of six used engineers trans- its complete with tripod and carrying case One camera, continuous writing fram- Civil Beckman & Whitley, Inc., 6 918 38 ing, complete with film cassette, lens, Engineering San Carlos, Calif. f.o.b. cable, carrying case, three stop sets. delivered 50 times focusing microscope, two extension tubes, plug, 7x eyepiece. power cord, capping shutter, and one electronic flash unit including re- flector, stand, and carrying case One oscilloscope with image storage Civil Hughes Aircraft Co., 3 825 50 feature and instant erase, complete Engineering VTD, c/o Cozzens f.o.b. with two preamplifiers, mobile oscil- & Cudahy, Inc., Oceanside, loscope cart, and multitracer unit Chicago Calif. Print and bind nine issues, 4,000 copies Education Braun-Brumfield, Inc., 5 688 00 per issue, Illinois Teacher of Home Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. Economics, approximately 48 pages delivered per copy, plus cover, trim size 8J in. by 11 in. One duplicator, offset, image area 10M Engineering Addressograph- 4 313 40 in. by 16J$pD in., to print on stock 11 in. Multigraph Corp., f.o.b. by 17 in. equipped with mechanical Peoria delivered jogger, work organizer, and blanket cleaner One exposure frame One helium mass spectrometer to be Electrical Vacuum-Electronics 5 315 00 used for testing vacuum tube type Engineering Corp., f.o.b. components for experimental research New Hyde Park, N.Y. delivered in Electrical Engineering 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 101 Item Department Vendor Cost One magnet system composed of six to Electrical Magnion, Inc., $ 4 785 00 eight modular air core coils, each coil Engineering Cambridge, Mass. f.o.b. 7 in. inaide diameter, 2 to 3 in. delivered wide, 4,000 gauss field over a central length of 20 in. to a spatial homoge- neity along the axis of the coils of no less than 1 per cent One air compressor, two-stage, water- Forestry Gardner-Denver Co., 3 789 95 cooled, sire 6H by 2 H by 5, complete Quincy f.o.b. with 40 H.P. motor, drive, controls, delivered and cooling system for use in Depart- ment of Forestry in research on pres- sure treatment of wood Twenty-five geology cabinets, steel, 36 Geology W. M. Putnam Co., 3 179 50 in. wide by 75 in. high by 25 in. deep. Bloomington f.o.b. each with two rows of supports to ac- delivered commodate 42 geology trays; trays are not included in this purchase One digital data recording system for Physics Datex Corp., 4 945 00 two axes of a film reading microscope Skokie f.o.b. Urbana One automatic recording spectropho- Physics Perkin-Elmer Corp., 9 940 00 tometer La Grange f.o.b. Norwalk. Conn. One solenoid, superconducting, to pro- Physics Westinghouse Electric 8 680 00 duce 50 kilogauas when immersed in Corp., f.o.b. liquid helium at 4.2$dGK; useful I.D. Peoria shipping 1 in., O.D. 4.4 in. or less, overall length point. approximately 6 in., approximately freight 12 amperes to rated field strength, prepaid homogeneity plus or minus 2 per cent; complete field change in two and one- half minutes; complete with persis- tent current switch; one power supply AC control circuit including pro- grammer, overvoltage circuit, dump- ing circuit, switch and internal pro- tection against overload and excessive temperature Transportation (railroad) and handling Physics Atomic Energy 3 481 30 charges of analyzing magnet from Commission, Brookhaven Oakland, Calif., to Upton, Long National Laboratory, Island, N.Y. Upton, Long Island, N.Y. One X-ray film processor and dryer Health Service Picker X-Ray Corp., 8 630 00 (processes and dries in seven minutes Chicago f.o.b. sheets 4 in. by 4 in. to 17 in. by 36 in. delivered and rolls to 17 in. width) One hydromixer, 25-gallon size One portable cleaning tank Furniture for the first floor waiting area Health Service S. Buckman Furniture 2 790 00 in the Health Service Addition to the Supply Co., f.o.b. McKinley Hospital as follows: Spring Valley delivered Six four-seat units Two three-seat units Two two-seat units Two combination units with two seats and table Furnish and install an audio-visual McKinley Dahlberg, Inc., 13 147 48 nurse-call system in McKinley Hospital Hospital Beloit, Wis. f.o.b. delivered and installed 380 mattresses, innerspring, 36 in. by 78 in. finished size, not less than 6J in. Housing Anderson Mattress Co., 7 087 00 Division Anderson, Ind. f.o.b. thick, not less than 152 coils delivered Sundry items for resale in Housing Divi- Housing Division Heffernan-Sherman Co., 4 927 14 sion Snack Bar for the period October Champaign f.o.b. 1, 1962, through August 31, 1963, in- delivered cluding such products as tooth paste. mouth wash, dental floss, tooth brushes, combs, nail clippers and files, shampoo, razor blades, cough drops. menthol inhalers, adhesive bandages. anadn, aspirin, chapped lip medica- tion, sanitary napkins, shoe polish and shoe laces, pens, pencils, ink, paper, index cards, rubber bands. paper clips, and mucilage 102 board of trustees [September 19 Hem Department Vendor Cost Laundry service for Pennsylvania Ave- Housing Shelton Laundry, $ 4 194 72 nue Residence Halls for the period Division Urbana f.o.b. October 1, 1962, through June 30, picked 1963 up and delivered Linens for use in guest rooms of the Illini Union Ely 8t Walker, 4 453 60 IlHni Union as follows: Chicago (Group I) Marshall Field & Co., Group 1 2 258 75 30 dozen sheets, bed, 81 by 120 type Chicago (Group II) (6 712 35) 180 f.o.b. 150 dozen sheets, bed, 72 by 120 type 180 Group II delivered 125 dozen towels, bath, white terry. 22 in. by 44 in. 150 dozen towels, hand, white terry. 17 in. by 32 in. 150 dozen wash cloths, white terry. 12 in. by 12 in. 50 dozen mats, bath, white terry, 20 in. by 30 in. Furnish labor and parts required to Illini Union Hobart Sales Agency, 2 582 88 overhaul Hobart dishwasher model Springfield f.o.b. FT-24 to include: disassembling, re- Urbana place or straighten stainless steel in- terior partitions; repair or replace all curtain hangers; replace curtains and damaged trim sections; seal all water leaks; overhaul conveyer assembly and replace all stainless steel rollers and shafts, washers, and pins; straighten all fingers and replace nylon tips; install and calibrate new thermometers; reassemble, test ma- chine, and restore to working condi- tion; this dishwasher was installed in November, 1955, with an original cost of $14,560 Stock tabulating forms for use in the Statistical Uarco, Inc., 3 890 38 Statistical Service Unit during the Service Unit Decatur f.o.b. period of January 1, 1963, through delivered December 31, 1963, to be delivered in two shipments Print and bind 1,500 copies The Mexican University Press North Central 3 183 80 Mesla, by William H. Dusenberry, Publishing Co., f.o.b. approximately 272 pages per copy. St. Paul, Minn. delivered trim size 6 in. by 9 in. 160 steel bookshelf units, each 36 in. Office Supply Jack Sheean, 4 955 20 wide by 9 in. deep by 84 in. high to Storeroom Bloomington f.o.b. be purchased for stock and for deliv- delivered eries September 2 7,1962, and January 15, 1963 174 reams paper, sulphite cover, antique Office Supply Bradner Smith & Co., 2 640 76 finish, assorted sizes, weights and Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. colors delivered Estimated six-month supply of paper, Office Supply Dwight Bros. Paper Co., 4 465 04 sulphite index, in assorted sizes, Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. weights, and colors delivered 5,000 reams paper, white onionskin, 75 Office Supply Bradner Smith & Co., 6 250 00 per cent rag, size 8 J in. by 11 in., to be purchased for stock Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. delivered Eight groups of paper goods, including Office Supply Levin Bros. Paper Co., 10 862 18 paper bags, wrapping paper, con- Storeroom, Chicago tainers, napkins, food trays, hot and Urbana, and Gershuny & Epstein, 14 202 05 cold drink cups, straws, and miscel- Chicago Inc., laneous paper and plastic items; the Divisions Chicago amounts requested are an estimated Paper Service Co., 2 047 01 twelve-month supply Chicago (27 111 24) f.o.b. delivered 101 fluorescent light fixtures with poly- Physical Plant Westinghouse Electric 2 677 85 styrene louvers and "A" soundrated Supply, f.o.b. rapid start, ballasts for 40 watt lamps Danville delivered for Animal Sciences Laboratory light- ing improvement project Furnish labor, materials, and equip- Physical Plant Champaign Asphalt Co., 3 459 00 ment to prepare sub-grade and install Champaign delivered a bituminous concrete paving on an and 86 ft. by 85 ft. recreation area at First installed Street and Gregory Drive, Champaign 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 103 Item Department Vendor Cost Furnish and plant 148 taxus cuspidata Physical Plant WandelTs Twin < C:ity $ 5 291 90 nana size 2 to 2j, and 254 taxus Landscape Service, Inc., f.o.b. media hkksi size 18 in. to 24 in. (ever- Urbana delivered green material to be used for hedge and planting on south side of Green planted Street between Wright Street and Mathews Avenue, planting to be done in the spring, 1963) On motion of Mr. Swain, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLERS REPORT OF CONTRACTS (30) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period July 1, to August 31, 1962. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date National Aeronautics and Periodic motion and stability of a $ 48 916 00 August 1, 1962 Space Administration small mass under the gravita- NsG 280-63 tional attraction of two heavy bodies National Lime Fundamental properties of calcium 18 097 20 July 1. 1962 Association with the intent to extend use of lime minerals into new fields National Roofing Causes of roofing failures 7 000 00 June 1, 1962 Contractors Association United States Agency for Render technical advice and guid- 1 719 036 00 August 2, 1962 International ance to government of Thailand Development for the purpose of developing and AID/fe-2 strengthening the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital United States Air Force Provide instruction for approxi- 215 000 00 July 1, 1962 AF 33(608) 796 mately ISO students United States Army Experimental research upon super- 130 188 00 September 1, 1962 DA-ARO (D) conducting metals 31-124-G343 United States Army Influence of ionic aggregation on 8 849 00 September 1, 1962 DA-ARO (D) rates and products of several re- 31-124-G366 actions United States Atomic Elementary particle physics 71 000 00 June 1, 1962 Energy Commission AT (11-1) 1195 United States Atomic Use charge for portion of Materials 1 128 950 00 June 1, 1962 Energy Commission Research Laboratory used in AT (11-1) 1198 commission-supported research United States Atomic Studies of rainout of radioactivity 45 325 00 June 1, 1962 Energy Commission in Illinois AT (11-1) 1199 United States Depart- Chemical and physical properties of 29 400 00 June 19, 1962 ment of Agriculture cyclopropene fatty acids in cot- 12-14-100-5791 (72) tonseed United States Depart- Prepare a manual on the protective 20 000 00 June 20, 1962 ment of Defense design of residences for reducing OCD-OS-62-209 effects of nuclear weapons United States Depart- Send an architectural or engineering 665 00 June 25, 1962 ment of Defense faculty member to University of OCD-OS-62-316 Colorado to attend a course in protective construction United States Depart- Send an architectural or engineering 750 00 June 30, 1962 ment of Defense faculty member to participate in OCD-OS-62-317 a course in protective construc- United States Depart- Send an architectural or engineering 750 00 June 25, 1962 ment of Defense faculty member to participate in OCD-OS-62-333 a course on protective construc- United States Depart- Send an architectural or engineering 915 00 June 25, 1962 ment of Defense faculty member to University of OCD-OS-62-345 California to participate in a course on protective construction United States Depart- Research in the science of materials 3 810 535 00 June 1, 1962 ment of Defense SD-131 United States Depart- More effective utilization of televi- 70 819 00 June 29, 19*2 ment of Health, sion, radio, motion pictures, and Education, and Welfare related media for educational pur- 2-20-003 poses 104 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 19 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Depart- Science concept development in the J103 355 00 September 1, 1962 ment of Health, elementary school through in- Education, and Welfare 10-026 quiry training United States Depart- Medical supervision, control, and 32 832 00 June 15, 1962 ment of Health, Edu- coordination of clinical evaluation cation, and Welfare--- studies in cancer chemotherapy National Institutes of Health PH43-62-467 United States Depart- Provide consultive services for thir- 139 520 48 June 21, 1962 ment of Labor teen groups of Japanese trade unionists United States Depart- Factors influencing consumer sav- 40 000 00 June 29, 1962 ment of Labor ing behavior United States Navy Design of a major integrated ship- 88 031 00 June 20, 1962 N 123-(953) 30S08A board antenna system United States Navy Admittance for academic credit and 3 000 00 August 7, 1962 N 228-58522 instruction of officer students United States Navy Survey of existing knowledge of 30 000 00 May 31, 1962 NObs-86688 brittle fracture phenomena United States Navy Acquisition of a high-speed elec- 350 000 00 June 15, 1962 Nonr(G)00101-62 tronic digital computer United States Navy Spectral reflectance characteristics 5 500 00 June 15, 1962 NOw 62-0609-d of painted surfaces Total a ! 118 433 68 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date States Attorney of Payment, in lieu of taxes, for serv- ? 5 072 62 June 21, 1962 DeKalb County ices rendered (Wright) States Attorney of Payment, in lieu of taxes, for serv- 3 633 21 June 12, 1962 LaSalle County ices rendered (Weber and Mc-Neilly) States Attorney of Payment, in lieu of taxes, for serv- 943 68 July 12, 1962 Moultrie County ices rendered (Hackett) Total $ 9 649 51 Leases Amount to be Paid to the affective With Whom Purpose University Date Thad L. Beyle Second-floor apartment of Burt $ 960 00 September 1, 1962 (Renewal) House (Airport) from September (annual 1, 1962, to August 31, 1963 rental) Joe L. Collins First-floor apartment of Burt House 1 020 00 September 1, 1962 (Renewal) (Airport) from September 1,1962, (annual to August 31, 1963 rental) Total $ 1 980 00 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date International Business IBM equipment: One column bi- $ 4 752 00 June and July, 1962 Machines Corp. nary device; five key punches; (annual type 047 tape to card printing rental) key punch International Harvester Rental of farm machinery: One low 193 40 May 29, 1962 Co. bed trailer (annual rental) LaSalle-Madison Hotel Rental of east portion of the twen- 10 800 00 June 30, 1962 Co. tieth floor from July 1, 1962, (annual (Renewal) through June 30, 1963 rental) New Idea Farm Rental of farm machinery: One 114 28 March 23, 1962 Equipment Co. manure spreader with hitch jack (annual and endgate attachment rental) 188 Randolph Building Rental of suite 301-03 from July 1, 3 750 00 July 1, 1962 Corp. 1962, through April 30, 1963 (for 10 (Renewal) months) B. A. Strauch Rental of 707-709 South Wright 2 400 00 July 1, 1962 (Renewal) Street, Champaign, from July 1, (annual 1962, through June 30, 1963 rental) 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 105 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Cyrus W. Vaughn Rental of 1102-A West Main Street, $ 1 920 00 July 1, 1962 (Renewal) Urbana, from July 1, 1962, (annual through June 30, 1963 rental) Total 823 929 68 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date American Iron and Welded wire fabric for reinforced ? 10 000 00 May 16. 1962 Steel Institute concrete Amstead Research Properties of refractories 30 000 00 September 1, 1962 Laboratories Commonwealth Edison Prospectus for lime-pozzolan mix- 5 000 00 July 1, 1962 Co. tures Institute of Boiler Performance of steam and hot water 33 700 00 July 1, 1962 and Radiator heating systems and related Manufacturers equipment Kretschmer Corp. Wheat germ oil and feasibility of its 2 500 00 June 6, 1962 use with athletic groups National Lime Prospectus for lime-pozzolan mix- 7 500 00 July 1, 1962 Association tures Pozzalan Products Co., Prospectus for lime-pozzolan mix- 3 125 00 July 1, 1962 Inc. tures State of Illinois Depart- Wildlife research studies 94 500 00 July 1, 1962 ment of Conservation State of Illinois Depart- Psychosomatic differentiation in in- 59 576 00 July 1, 1962 ment of Mental Health fancy Project No. 1723 State of Illinois Depart- Relation of neural metabolism to 29 500 00 July 1, 1962 ment of Mental Health function Project No. 1747 United States Air Force AF 18(603) 62 High energy bunched electron beams 5 776 17 August 14. 1962 United States Air Force Processes in the ionosphere by 6 000 00 July 17, 1962 AF 19(604) 5565 means of gyro interaction experi- ments carried out with rockets United States Air Force Analysis and design of domes, 35 000 00 June 5, 1962 AF 29(601) 4508 arches, and shells United States Air Force AF 49(638) 63 Transistor---RC network synthesis 7 272 82 July 27, 1962 United States Air Force Modulation and detection of light 4 885 53 August 14. 1962 AF 49(638) 556 at microwave frequencies United States Air Force Electron microscopy of ultrasoni- 1 452 82 June 26, 1962 AF 49(638) 763 cally irradiated muscle United States Army DA 18-064-404-CML-426 Synthesis of fluorine compounds 15 500 00 July 17, 1962 United States Army Design of a direction-finder system 89 899 00 June 28, 1962 DA 36-039-SC-S7264 United States Army Antiradiation drugs 26 011 00 July 19, 1962 DA 49-193-MD-2047 United States Army Biochemistry of the inhibitory or 20 868 00 June 26, 1962 DA 49-193-MD-2133 receptor-like substances with which influenza viruses react United States Atomic Effect of X-ray irradiation on enzy- 18 354 00 June 21, 1962 Energy Commission matic activity and nucleic acid AT (11-1) 791 metabolism in seeds and seed- lings of Zea mays United States Atomic Pattern recognition and data han- 48 840 00 June 26, 1962 Energy Commission dling problems arising in the anal- AT (11-1) 1018 ysis of bubble chamber photo- graphs of high energy particle events United States Atomic Fatigue behavior of dilute nitrogen 26 700 00 June 21, 1962 Energy Commission AT (11-1) 1046 United States Depart- General relations of changes of in- 4 140 00 June 8, 1962 ment of Health, Edu- terest and personality to changes cation, and Welfare of school performance in normal OE 2-10-050 children 106 106 BOARD OF TRUSTEE: Amount to be Paid to the [September 19 Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Depart- Counseling and guidance training $ 2 413 00 June 19, 1962 ment of Health, Edu- institute cation, and Welfare OE 2-12-081 United States Navy Restricted 357 466 00 June 19, 1962 NObsr---64723 United States Navy Nuclear disintegration schemes and 918 500 00 May 22, 1962 Nonr 1834 (OS) nuclear interactions of cosmic rays United States Navy Luminescence of marine organisms 19 742 00 July 17, 1962 Nonr 1834 (34) United States Navy Structure of individual differences 17 242 00 July 20, 1962 Nonr 1834 (39) in psychological phenomena Velsicol Corp. Heptachlor epoxide residues in meat and milk 2 000 00 July 9, 1962 Total 31 903 463 34 Adjustments Made in 1961-62 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Dale E. T. Drewitch Twenty-five items: J6SO.00 deduct $ 991 85 June and July, 1962 (Plastering) to S207.22 (Deduct) This report was received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (31) The Comptroller presented his quarterly report to the Board as of June 30, 1962. This report was received for record, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board. NOTICE OF CHANGE IN POLICIES AND PROCEDURES CONCERNING RETROACTIVE SALARY AND WAGE ADJUSTMENTS (32) The University has received official notice that retroactive salary adjustments can no longer be made. The University must, therefore, modify certain of its policies and procedures accordingly. These changes will be effective for all future negotiations and for negotiations now underway effective sixty days after the date of this action. NONACADEMIC 1. Effective Date of Prevailing Rate Changes Wage rates established in accordance with the University policy of paying prevailing rates will become effective: (1) on the date they are put into effect locally, or (2) on the first day of the month following the date official notice in writing from the Union involved that a specific rate will be in effect or is in effect locally is received by the University's Labor Relations Officer in the Office of Nonacademic Personnel --- whichever is later. (Section III, paragraph 1, page 5, of the University Policy and Rules Relating to Compensation and Working Conditions of Nonacademic Employees must be corrected.) 2. Negotiated Agreements Rates established by negotiated agreements may become effective not earlier than the first day of the month following the date on which all parties involved have indicated their willingness to accept the rates or rate schedules which become a part of the agreement. 3. Departmental Recommendations for Nonacademic Salary or Wage Amounts Determined by Other Than Prevailing Rate or Negotiated Group Agreements Such salary or wage amounts may become effective not earlier than the first day of the payroll period next following the date on which they are approved by the Office of Nonacademic Personnel. Academic Recommendations for adjustments in academic salary rates will be effective at the beginning of the first payroll period following the date of approval by the University. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 107 President Henry stated that he concurs in the recommended changes. On motion of Mr. Swain, these changes in policies and procedures were approved. ILLINOIS CITIZENS EDUCATION COMMITTEE Mrs. Watkins reported on a conference on the Junior College Development in Illinois held in Springfield, on August 28, 1962, which she attended as a representative of the Board of Trustees. The conference was organized by the Continuing Education Committee of the Illinois Citizens Education Committee. She distributed copies of the proceedings of the conference. NOVEMBER MEETING President Henry stated that the University's capital budget and building program for 1963-65 will not be ready for official action thereon by the Board of Trustees at the October meeting of the Board. State law requires filing budget estimates no later than November IS. Since the regular November meeting of the Board is presently scheduled for November 21, consideration should be given to a special meeting of the Board prior to November IS, or changing the date of the regular meeting. President Henry also stated that plans are now being made for a ceremony in November dedicating the Radio and Telescope constructed by the University near Danville, Illinois, with funds provided by the United States Navy through its Office of Naval Research. The participation of members of the Board of Trustees and other University officials is desired. Officers of the Danville Chamber of Commerce wish to assist in sponsoring the dedication with a public luncheon and program with the Chamber as host to the Trustees and other participants in the ceremony by way of expressing the appreciation of the Danville community for the installation of the Radio Telescope in that area. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board voted to change the date of the November meeting from November 21 to November 9, to be held in Danville, Illinois, at a place and according to a schedule to be determined by the President and Secretary of the Board. Mr. Clement presented the following resolution: GREETING TO MR. ROBERT ALLERTON Eighteen years ago this month, Mr. Robert Allerton offered to deed to the University his estate "The Farms" for educational and research purposes to be used as a forest, wildlife, and plant life preserve, as an example of landscape architecture, and as a public park. The offer was accepted by the Board of Trustees and the gift was formalized two years later by two indentures between Mr. Allerton and the Board of Trustees, one conveying to the University the "Woodland Property" including the homestead in which we are now meeting, and the approximately 1,685 acres of surrounding forest and garden land which is "The Robert Allerton Park," a public park, including a deed of 4,500 acres of farm land in Piatt County as an endowment for the maintenance and operation of the Park; and the other indenture conveying to the University land for use as a 4-H Club camp for 4-H Club activities. Through the years, the Park has served the public. Allerton House, after extensive remodeling to adapt it for institutional use, has been an off-campus University extension center for short courses, seminars, other educational programs, and for meetings which are in areas of University service to the state outside of classrooms and laboratories on the campuses. Mr. Allerton created this beautiful estate and built this mansion at the turn of the century. This house was his home for more than forty years, although he traveled extensively and lived elsewhere part of each year. When he decided that he wanted to live permanently in Hawaii, where he built another famous garden estate, he very generously gave "The Farms" to the University; and in 108 board of trustees [September 19 order that the "Woodland Property" --- Robert Allerton Park, so named by the Board --- would be operated at no expense to the public, he endowed it with farm lands, the income from which is used for the operation and maintenance of the Park and to some extent the House. It is very fitting that on the occasion of today's meeting of the Board of Trustees at Allerton House, the Board again record its deep appreciation on behalf of the University of Illinois and the people of the state for what Mr. Robert Allerton and his adopted son, Mr. John Gregg, have done for them and that this resolution be sent to Mr. Allerton as a greeting from the Board of Trustees. The resolution was unanimously adopted. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments made by the President; graduate fellows; resignations, declinations, and terminations; leaves of absence; retirement. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Ades, Haelow W., Consultant in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $3,000 (8-21-62). Adkins, Richard W., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $S,700 (7-3-62). Aduss, Howard, Research Associate in Dental Administration (Dentistry), 3/$ time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,800 (7-30-62). Alderson, C. Roland, Administrative Assistant in the College of Commerce and Business Administration, one year from September 1, 1962, $9,000 (8-1-62). Alexander, Richard W., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-8-62). Alfeld, William W., Instructor in Journalism, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,400 (7-9-62). Allen, Alfred W., Professor of Ceramic Engineering (C), one month from July 16, 1962, $1,333; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Allhands, Jessie, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $S,400 (8-29-62). Amon, Albert H., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Digital Computer Laboratory and Department of Psychology, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-3-62). Andersen, Sayre D., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200, supersedes (8-8-62). Anderson, Edna L., Assistant Professor of Nursing and Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the College of Nursing, two years from September 1, 1962, $10,300 a year, supersedes (7-30-62). Anderson, Mrs. Mary P., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-29-62). Anderson, William L., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $490 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Andrews, Rollin D., Ill, Project Assistant in Aquatic Biology, and in the Illinois Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $430 a month, supersedes (8-14-62); and on full time, September 1-15, 1962, and June 1-August 31, 1963, $5,160 a year, and on Vz time, September 16, 1962-May 31, 1963, $2,580 a year, supersedes (8-14-62). Antenen, Wayne W., Research Associate in Education, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, $5,400 a year (8-1-62). Anzalone, Charlene, Instructor in Physical Education for Women (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,500 (8-3-62). Arnold, Marjorie L., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,500 (8-8-62). Atlas, Amos, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,700, supersedes (8-21-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 109 Axel, Petes, Professor of Physics (C), August 1-15, 1962, $616.66; this is in addition to his present appointment (8-14-62). Babcock, Murray L., Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $9,200, supersedes (8-29-62). Bader, Robert S., Associate Professor of Zoology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,417; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Bain, Robert A., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200, supersedes (8-8-62). BaIRD, Jack R., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000, supersedes (8-14-62). Baker, Robert A., Research Associate in Music, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,200 (7-3-62). Baldwin, John E., Instructor in Organic Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-3-62). Barker, Marvin W., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,850 (7-30-62). Barker, Twiley W., Jr., Associate Professor of Political Science (Chicago Undergraduate Division), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $9,000 a year (7-9-62). Barlow, George W., Assistant Professor of Zoology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,945; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Bartha, Tamas I., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,000 (7-9-62). Bartky, Sandra S., Instructor in Philosophy (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Vi time, ten months from September 1, 1962, $2,700 (7-30-62). Barton, Furman W., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (C and S), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,600, supersedes (8-16-62). Bartram, Harlan G. H., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,500 (8-6-62). Bateman, Barbara D., Research Associate in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year (7-16-62). Bateman, Felice D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $4,000 (8-29-62). Bauman, Steven, Research Assistant in Mathematics, 1/2 time, June 16-July 1, 1962, and July 15-August 31, 1962, $222.22 a month, and on full time from July 1-15, 1962, $444.44 a month (7-16-62). Baumeister, Roger L., Instructor in Speech (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Yl time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,600 (7-9-62). Beberman, Max, Professor of Education (University High School), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $16,500 a year (7-9-62). Becker, Richard W., Research Assistant in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications), two months from June 16, 1962, $444.44 a month, supersedes (8-3-62). Bennett, Delmond N., Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre and Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1962, June 16-August 11, 1962, $1,445 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-19-62). Bentz, Wilbert G., Instructor in Hygiene and Psychiatric Social Worker (Health Service), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,500 (7-17-62). Bereiter, Carl, Assistant Professor of Education, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,778; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-25-62). Bereskin, Ben, Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,850 (8-8-62). Bekger, Jacques, Research Assistant in Zoology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,111 (7-9-62). Beringer, Mrs. Mary N., Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800 (7-30-62). Berlande, Jacques, Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (7-30-62). Bevan, Margaket M., Head Resident and Coordinator, Tried, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,800; for the convenience of the University she will receive board and room valued at $31 a month (8-3-62). 110 board of trustees [September 19 Bianchi, Dominic R., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (6-18-62). Biegler, Thomas, Research Associate in Chemistry, September 18, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,300 a year, supersedes (8-29-62). Bingham, Felton W., Research Associate in Physics (C), July 16-August 31, 1962, $625 a month, and one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-9-62). Birdwhistell, Ralph K., Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $9,500 (7-30-62). Birdzell, Ruth A., Research Assistant Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,950 (7-26-62). Blachford, Cameron W., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,400 (7-30-62). Blaylock, William C, Assistant in Spanish, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,200 (8-16-62). Blenkner, Charles L., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (8-29-62). Blevins, William B., Resident Manager of Peabody Driye Residence Halls, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,200; for the convenience of the University he will also receive board and room valued at $376 a year, supersedes (8-16-62). Bloodgood, Dean P., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800 (8-1-62). Blostein, Rhoda, Research Associate in Chemistry, 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,250 (8-27-62). Blum, Mark F., Assistant in Surgery (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (7-9-62). Blumenthal, Jerome S., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,800 (7-17-62). Boas, Glenn, Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), 2/s time, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,800 (7-17-62). Bobotek, Henry, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), September 1-November 15, 1962, $1,437.50, supersedes (8-21-62). Bodnar, Peter, Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,400 (7-30-62). Bohl, Robert W., Professor of Mining and Metallurgy (C), one month from July 16, 1962, $1,144; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Bohmer, Heinrich, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 (7-30-62). Bonney, Warren C, Associate Professor of Education, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $9,500 a year, supersedes (8-28-62). BosWORTH, R. C. L., Visiting Professor of Chemical Engineering, February 1- June 15, 1963, $5,300 (7-2-62). Bowers, John E., Director of Testing in the Office of Admissions and Records, one year from September 1, 1962, $10,500 (7-20-62). Bratton, Edward W., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400, supersedes (8-8-62). Brems, Hans, Research Professor, Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Research (Economics), July 5-September 5, 1962, $3,267; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-20-62). Bridges, Thomas W., Instructor in Music, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,775 (7-31-62). Briley, Bruce E., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,600 (7-3-62). Brokaw, Kurt J., Instructor in Advertising (College of Journalism and Communications) academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (8-15-62). Brooks, F. Leslie, Instructor in Physical Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,310 (8-21-62). Brown, Gordon E., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (8-14-62). Brown, O. Robert, Jr., Research Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,800 (6-27-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 111 Brungardt, Gilbert A., Instructor in Music, Yz time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,550 (7-9-62). Buchholz, Eugene K., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,300 (8-16-62). Buinauskas, Peter, Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), % time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,000 (8-1-62). Burkholder, Donald L., Associate Professor of Mathematics, August 16-31, 1962, $545; this is in addition to his present appointment (8-14-62). Burton, Leslie J., Instructor in Accountancy (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,400 (8-14-62). Byers, Vincent W., Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre and Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,556, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-19-62). Cairns, John F., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,600 (7-2-62). Cameron, Neil M., Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), 2/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,700, supersedes (7-30-62). Caquelin, Howard J., Assistant Counselor in the Office of Foreign Student Affairs, August 13, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,500 a year (8-8-62). Carroll, John R., Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (C), 2/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (8-3-62). Casteel, David A., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $360 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Casten, Sabine A., Instructor in Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,600 (7-9-62). Chakravarti, Susil K., Research Associate in Chemistry, two months from September 1, 1962, $525 a month (8-27-62). Chan, Shu-Park, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,300 (8-21-62). Chapdu, Robert E., Instructor in Business English, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,500 (8-8-62). Chapin, F. Stuart, Visiting Professor of City Planning and Landscape Architecture and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study, nine months from September 16, 1962, $12,000 (7-27-62). Chapman, Peter J., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,300 (8-27-62). Chu, Chih-Yu, Research Assistant in Horticulture (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,800 (7-17-62). Churchwell, Mrs. Yvonne R., Acquisition Assistant in the Library, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,550 a year (7-9-62). Cipltjauskaite, Danute, Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,800 (7-2-62). Clarke, Kenneth S., Supervisor of Recreation and Athletics, with rank of Instructor, Student Rehabilitation Center (College of Physical Education), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,250, supersedes (8-24-62). Clausen, Edward M., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (S), five months from September 1, 1962, $2,200 (8-16-62). Colacurcio, Michael J., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (8-8-62). Coleman, Harold M., Instructor in Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division), J4 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,100 (7-9-62). Conron, Michael A., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,400 (8-3-62). Cooley, Marcia J., Reference Assistant in the Library, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400 (7-9-62). Cordell, Howard W., Instructor in Library Science, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000 (6-27-62). Corliss, John O., Professor of Zoology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,778; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Cornell, Harrison K., Educational Script Writer for Television (College of Tournalism and Communications), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 "(7-9-62). 112 board of trustees [September 19 Cotter, Alice W., Assistant to the Dean of Women, August 15-31, 1962, $250 (7-9-62); and Head Resident, Allen Hall (South), ten months from September 1, 1962, $5,200; for the convenience of the University she will also receive board and room valued at $31 a month (8-3-62). Cottrell, Raymond S., Jr., Research Associate in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,950 (7-30-62). Coukoulis Mrs. Helen, Research Assistant in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,800 (8-8-62). Craig, James M., Jr., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,400 (8-3-62). Crandall, Coryl, Assistant in English, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $444.44 a month (8-8-62). Cremer, Sheldon E., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from October 1, 1962, $6,000 (7-30-62). Cudia, Dennis F., Research Assistant in Mathematics, one month from July 1, 1962, $445 (7-17-62). Cummins, Richard L., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-2-62). Curtis, Herbert J., Associate Professor of Mathematics and Head of the Division (Chicago Undergraduate Division), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $10,100 a year, supersedes (7-31-62). Dailey, Mary E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (6-18-62). Das, Arup K., Instructor in Oral Pathology (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (8-3-62). Davis, George C., Jr., Assistant in History, Summer Session of 1962, June 18- August 11, 1962, $889, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-13-62). Davis, William K., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,400 (7-11-62). Day, Norman D., Assistant Professor of Architecture, time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,140 (7-11-62). Deam, Edward L., Associate Professor of Architecture (Chicago Undergraduate Division), two years from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $9,000 a year (7-17-62). den Ouden, Gerrit, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (6-29-62). Derber, Zelda, Associate Editor in Law, with rank of Instructor, July 1, 1962- August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (7-16-62). Derbyshire, William, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from October 1, 1962, $6,500 (8-27-62). Descloux, Jean, Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $777.77 a month (6-5-62). Devine, Richard A., Research Assistant in the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council, July 9-August 31, 1962, $444.44 a month, supersedes (8-3-62). Dick, Richard I., Instructor in Sanitary Engineering (Civil Engineering) (C and S), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (8-3-62). Dixon, Margie K., Assistant in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400 (8-16-62). Djorup, Frans R, Instructor in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1962, $2,334; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Donovan, Dennis G., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,300 (8-8-62). Douglas, George H., Assistant Editor, with rank of Instructor (S and E), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,300 (7-30-62). Douthart, Richard J., Research Assistant in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $890 (7-11-62). Drummond, Harold A., Lecturer in Medical and Dental History, with rank of Associate Professor (Dentistry), 1/10 time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $1,000 a year (7-30-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 113 DuBois, William R., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-16-62). Duggan, Thomas J., Research Assistant in the Office of Community Development, two months from July 1, 1962, $445 a month (8-21-62). Dysart, Margaret, Research Associate in Cytochemistry (Pharmacy), time, one year from July 1, 1962, $4,500 (8-1-62). Eda, Keiichi, Research Associate in Chemistry, two months from July 1, 1962, $500 a month (8-21-62). Edwards, William R., Research Associate in the Illinois Natural History Survey, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,400 (8-24-62). Ehret, Thomas K., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (8-8-62). Eisen, Nathaniel H., Assistant Professor of Psychology, V$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $4,200 (8-27-62). Eldridge, Winfield H., Associate Professor of Astronomy, two months from June 16, 1962, $911.11 a month (additional and superseding) (7-16-62). Ellis, Jack A., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $600 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Ellis, Ralph J., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $560 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Ellis, Virginia, Head Resident, Allen Hall (North), ten months from September 1, 1962, $5,000; for the convenience of the University she will be furnished board and room valued at $31 a month (8-3-62). Elsey, John C, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-21-62). En at a, Eloise C, Instructor in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (8-30-62). Engandela, Victor, Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1962, $600 a month, supersedes (8-29-62); and one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200, supersedes (8-8-62). Engelbrecht, Richard S., Professor of Sanitary Engineering (Civil Engineering) (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $2,555.56 (additional and superseding) (7-9-62). Erickson, Donald V., Instructor in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $4,800 (8-14-62). Eriksen, Charles W., Professor of Psychology, on indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962; Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study, September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963; and on sabbatical leave of absence March 1-August 31, 1963; annual salary, $13,400 (7-27-62). Ewing, Ben B., Professor of Sanitary Engineering (Civil Engineering) (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $2,222.22 (additional and superseding) (7-9-62). Exline, Gerald L., Instructor in Architecture, September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, $7,500 a year (8-16-62). Falk, Barbara M., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), June 20, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,400 a year (7-17-62). Far a, Harry, Instructor in Petroleum Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,600 (8-9-62). Feldman, Sheldon, Research Associate in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications), June 16, 1962-May 31, 1963, $722.22 a month (7-3-62). Ferber, Mrs. Marianne A., Lecturer in Economics, 1/3 time, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,250 (8-29-62). Ferguson, Marie A., Assistant Professor of Psychology, in Social Sciences, and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,300 (6-18-62). Fiedler, Mary A., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), June 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,800 a year (7-25-62). Fisher, Roger J., Research Assistant in Sociology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,400 (8-21-62). Flanagan, Malachi J., Instructor in Urology (Surgery) (Medicine), 7/10 time, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,290 a year (7-17-62). Flenner, Mrs. Jacqueline W., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400 (6-11-62). 114 board of trustees [September 19 Flowers, Raymond W., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, $4,900 (7-9-62). Foght, Mrs. Martha, Research Assistant in Zoology, one year from August 1, 1962, $5,200 (8-24-62). . . Forrester, Robert A., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000 (7-11-62). Fox, Robert P., Instructor in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,200 (7-3-62). Frail, Catherine, Assistant, Counseling in the Student Counseling Service, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,300 (8-16-62). Freedman, Marvin, Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (7-9-62). Friedlander, Robert A., Instructor in History, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000 (7-3-62). Friend, George L., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-8-62). Fujii, Tozo, Research Associate in Chemistry, October 1, 1962-September 30, 1963, $6,000 (6-11-62). Fuller, Gerald R., Instructor in Agricultural Education, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,800 (8-21-62). Fumento, Rocco L., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,445, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-13-62). Gaddy, Oscar, Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (S), three months from June 1, 1962, $791.67 a month, supersedes (7-27-62); and one year from September 1, 1962, $9,500 (8-14-62). Gaides, Glen E., Instructor in Physical Science (Division of General Studies), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000, supersedes (7-30-62). Galbraith, Ruth L., Associate Professor of Textiles (Home Economics) (C and S), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $12,000 a year, supersedes (7-30-62). Gans, Mrs. Rena, Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1962, $5,400 (7-9-62). Gardner, Jeanne C, Instructor in Mathematics (Chemistry) (Pharmacy), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,400 (7-9-62). Geoghegan, Patrick M., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-14-62). Geyer, Wayne A., Research Associate in Forestry (S), August 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (8-1-62). Gibson, Anne F., Resident Assistant, Allen Hall (South), ten months from September 1, 1962, $1,600; for the convenience of the University she will also receive an apartment and meals (7-30-62). Gieselman, Robert D., Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1962, 1/5 time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $534 (7-9-62). Gilvydis, Anthony A., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, August 16-September 15, 1962, $444.44 a month (8-3-62). Gobeel, Mrs. Gertrude G., Assistant in Home Economics (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,100 (8-27-62). Goetz, Ira, Instructor in Russian, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000 (7-3-62). Goland, Philip, Research Associate in Orthodontics (Dentistry), July 1, 1962- March 31, 1963, $625 a month (7-9-62). Goldberg, Samuel Ii, Associate Professor of Mathematics, two months from July 1, 1962, $2,333.32 (additional and superseding) (7-9-62). Golden, Bernard, Research Assistant in Anthropology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and College of Engineering), three months from June 16, 1962, $1,500 (7-16-62). Golding, Sanford, Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1962, iA time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $745 (7-9-62). Goldstein, Ladislas, Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), one month from June 16, 1962, $2,077.77 (superseding and additional) (7-20-62). Gomoll, Allen W., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (Medicine), academic year beginning Septemher 1, 1962, $8,500 (7-30-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 115 Gossling, Mrs. Jennifer, Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine) and in Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,100 a year (7-27-62). Gottlieb, Carla, Associate Professor of Art, two years from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $9,500 a year (7-12-62). Gottlieb, Daniel H., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000 (8-14-62). Graff, George C, Research Assistant in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1962, $890 (7-11-62). Granirer, Edmond E., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000 (8-16-62). Graves, Charles N., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000, supersedes (8-8-62). Gridley, Roy E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (8-14-62). Gries, Elaine W., Research Assistant in the Statistical Service Unit, July 3-August 31, 1962, $408.33 a month (8-8-62). Grinnell, Mrs. Eleanor E., Head Resident, Evans Hall, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,700; for the convenience of the University she will also receive board and room valued at $31 a month (8-3-62). Groutt, Thomas W., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-8-62). Gruener, Raphael P., Research Assistant in the School of Life Sciences, June 16-August 31, 1962, $444.44 a month (7-16-62). Guback, Thomas H., Research Assistant in the Institute of Communications Research, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (7-30-62). Guckel, Mrs. Mary A. V., Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800 (8-21-62). Gulley, Halbert E., Professor of Speech, i/> time, indefinite tenure, to render service during each academic year, and Acting Head of Division of General Studies, 1/2 time, academic year, beginning September 1, 1962, $11,000 a year; and Professor of Speech, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $10,500 a year (7-25-62). Gunter. Frank E., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-30-62). Gurolnick, Carol S., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 14 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $1,300 (7-9-62). Guy, Osmond S., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,900 (7-30-62). Hadder, John C, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), August 10-31, 1962, $459 (8-1-62). Hair, Benjamin M., Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine and Acting Coordinator in the Rehabilitation Center (Medicine), Y$ time, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $12,800 a year (8-3-62). Hale, William T., Research Associate in Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $9,000 (6-27-62). Hamilton, Jean A., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,200 (8-27-62). Hamilton, Robert C, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine) and Orthopaedist in the Division of Services for Crippled Children, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $10,000 a year (8-3-62). Hamilton, Tom S., Administrative Secretary of North Central Agricultural Experiment Station Directors, 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,800 (8-14-62). Harper, Anne Y., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,200 (8-14-62). Harper, James A., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $490 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Harrison, Lucille, Assistant in the College of Nursing, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (7-30-62). Hart, Alice G., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1962, $2,668; this is in addition to her present appointment (7-9-62). 116 board of trustees [September 19 Hartley, Thomas C, Associate Professor of General Engineering (Civil Engineering) (S), one month from June 16, 1962, $911.11 (additional and superseding) (8-1-62). Hasuna, Ichiro, Research Associate in Microbiology, September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,700 a year (8-16-62). Hashimoto, Mantaro, Research Associate in Linguistics, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,850 (6-5-62). Hassler, Ida R. P., Research Assistant in Chemistry, August 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $4,900 a year (8-27-62). Hatch, Gaylokd F., Assistant Dean of Men, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,800, supersedes (8-21-62). Hatfield, William E., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,100, supersedes (8-8-62). Hauck, Mathew, Research Associate in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,500 (8-14-62). Hawkins, Helen A., Head Resident and Coordinator (Women's), Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Hall, ten months from September 1, 1962, $5,000; for the convenience of the University she will receive board and room valued at $31 a month (7-3-62). Hayashi, Masaki, Research Associate in Microbiology, June 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (7-3-62). Heagarty, Mary A., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200, supersedes (8-8-62). Healy, James H., Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,700, supersedes (8-6-62). Heffincton, Marvin D., Supervisor of Division of Intramural Activities, with rank of Assistant in Physical Education for Men, nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,150 (8-2-62). Heins, Maurice H., Professor of Mathematics, July 1, 1962-September 15, 1962, $4,333.33; this is in addition to his present appointment (8-1-62). Heins, Robert W., Assistant in Mining Engineering (C), September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $500 a month (7-30-62). Heinze, Shirley J., Instructor in Psychology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,700 (8-3-62). Helm, Alice C, Assistant in Microbiology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-14-62). Hembrough, Betty L., Assistant to the Dean of Women, y2 time, ten months from September 1, 1962, $2,000 (7-17-62). Hembrough, Frederick, Instructor in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200 (8-27-62). Henderson, Clayton W., Jr., Instructor in Music, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-3-62). Hendrix, Gertrude, Research Associate Professor of Education (University High School) academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $11,500 (7-26-62). Henne, Bertrand W., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1962, $475 a month (8-8-62). Herzog, Elaine P., Instructor in Physical Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1962, June 22-August 18, 1962, $1,334, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-20-62). Hiki, Yosio, Research Associate in Physical Metallurgy (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,200 (6-27-62). Hilker, Carl F., Jr., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,050 (8-27-62). Hill, Dietrich A., Assistant Professor of Speech, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,200 (8-14-62). Hilu, Halim M., Research Associate in Plant Pathology (S), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,500 a year (8-3-62). Hirai, Kenji, Research Assistant in the Aeromedical Laboratory (Medical Center), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,500 (6-18-62). Hirsch, Jerry, Associate Professor of Psychology, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $9,550; September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, on 2/i time, $3,183.95; and leave of absence, without pay, March 1-August 31, 1963, supersedes (8-8-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 117 Hodge, Robebt W., Visiting Lecturer in Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1962, June 22-August 18, 1962, $1,200 (7-17-62). Hoffman, Richard L., Instructor in Histology (Dentistry), time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,6S0 (8-8-62). Hoffmann, Joseph R., Research Associate in Education (University High School) and in the Control Systems Laboratory, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,100 (7-9-62). Hoffmann, Wilma, Instructor in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,600 (7-9-62). Hogan, G. Richard, Research Assistant in Zoology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $444.44 a month (7-9-62). Hogan, James J., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (S), Ya time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,500, supersedes (8-1-62). Hogg, Mrs. Losetta A., Research Assistant in Microbiology, July 1-September 15, 1962, $1,111.10 (7-16-62). Honma, Tohio, Research Associate in Physical Metallurgy (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,000 (6-27-62). Hoene, Edgar B., Research Associate in Education (University High School), i/$pD time, June 16-August 11, 1962, $667; and on V5 time for the academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,500 (7-9-62). House, James E.f Jr., Assistant in Physical Science (Division of General Studies), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,350 (7-30-62). Householder, Daniel L., Instructor in Industrial Education, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,800, supersedes (7-30-62). Houston, Marjorie, Associate Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, Ys time, $6,300 a year (7-17-62). Hulin, Charles L., Assistant Professor of Psychology, one month from August 1, 1962, $708.33 (8-1-62). Hunt, J. McV., Professor of Psychology, June 16-30, 1962, $833.33 (additional); and one year from July 1, 1962, $19,250, and beginning September 1, 1963, on indefinite tenure, to render service during each academic year, $15,500 a year, supersedes (7-9-62). Hutchinson, David, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,850 (6-11-62). Hutton, Roger S., Assistant in General Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,200 (8-14-62). Ichimaru, Setsuo, Research Associate in Physics (C), two months from July 1, 1962, $600 a month; and one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200 (7-20-62). Ida, Masakuni, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (6-27-62). Ijams, Karl F., Assistant Dean of Men, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,400 (8-14-62). Ingle, John, Research Associate in Plant Physiology (Agronomy) (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,500, supersedes (8-27-62). Irwin, Mrs. Joan E., University High School Librarian, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,400 (8-14-62). Jackson, Marian J., Instructor in Home Economics 4-H Club Work (E), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200 (8-16-62). Jacob, Monique, Research Associate in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-8-62). Jacobson, Albert S., Research Associate in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, without salary (8-6-62). Jarosch, Hans S., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,500 (7-9-62). Jasper, Elmer A., Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), Ys time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $7,740 (7-9-62). Jenkins, Frank L., Research Assistant in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1962, $889 (7-9-62). Johnson, Hunter, Visiting Composer of Music, nine months from September 16, 1962, $7,800 (7-3-62). Johnson, Peter, Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,500 a year (7-30-62). 118 board of trustees [September 19 Johnston, Su Ann K., Assistant Extension Editor (E), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,000 (8-21-62). Jones, Robert E., Lecturer in Psychology, with rank of Associate Professor, one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-29-62). Jones, Robert L., Research Associate in Soil Mineralogy (Agronomy) (S), June 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,S00 a year, supersedes (7-20-62). Jordan, Laura J., Assistant Professor of Education, one year from September 1, 1962, $9,050 (8-14-62). Jordan, Wayne R., Assistant in Soil Physics (Agronomy) (S), September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, $416.67 a month (8-27-62). Joselyn, George B., Research Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $450 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Kahn, Sheldon M., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, $6,000 (7-9-62). Kansky, Robert J., Research Associate in Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,300 (7-2-62). Kaske, Robert E., Professor of English, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, annual salary of $13,700; from September 1, 1962, through August 31, 1963, Professor of English and Associate Member in the Center for Advanced Study, y-j time, $6,850; and on leave of absence, Yz time, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962 (7-27-62). Kass, Corrine E., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,300 (7-9-62). Kathan, Ralph, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $11,000, supersedes (8-29-62). Keith, Walter M., Professor of Landscape Architecture, Small Homes Council-Building Research Council, two months from July 1, 1962, $2,578; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-25-62). Keller, Naomi, Resident Assistant, Allen Hall (South), ten months from September 1, 1962, $1,600; for the convenience of the University she will receive an apartment and meals (8-21-62). Keller, Roy J., Counselor on the University Council on Teacher Education, l/i time, Instructor in Physical Education for Men, 14 time, and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, 14 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000, supersedes (8-21-62). Kelly, J. Robert, Associate Professor of Music, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $2,089, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-9-62). Kennedy, Thomas W., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (S), nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,300 (7-30-62). Keppler, Nancy O., Assistant in Home Economics (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400 (8-29-62). Keranen, Dolores, Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $2,400 (7-2-62). Kerr, William D., Assistant Professor of Psychology and Head of Extension Counseling, Division of University Extension, 24 time, $5,567, and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, i/$ time, $2,783, one year from September 1, 1962, supersedes (8-9-62). Kesler, Clyde E., Professor of Civil Engineering and of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C and S), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $11,700 a year, supersedes (7-31-62). Kilbride, Bernard J., Assistant Professor of Finance, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,000, supersedes (8-3-62). Killian, Pauletta L., Research Assistant in Chemistry, two months from July 1, 1962, $900 (7-25-62). Kimbrodgh, Joe A., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200, supersedes (8-8-62). Kinsey, Philip A., Kettering Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $8,500 (7-30-62). Kirsch, Judith E., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (7-3-62). Kistner, Arthur L., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400, supersedes (8-8-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 119 Kitson, John W., Instructor in Advertising (College of Journalism and Communications), 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,500 (8-15-62). Klassen, Frank H., Assistant Professor of Education, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,000 (8-21-62). Klein, Miles V., Assistant Professor of Physics (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-30-62). Knies, Earl A., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (8-8-62). Knight, Wanda J., Instructor in Textiles and Clothing (Home Economics) (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,400 (8-6-62). Koban, Charles, Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400, supersedes (8-8-62). Koch, Gerda E., Instructor in Physical Education for Women, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,600 (7-11-62). Konitzki, Joseph F., Assistant to the Director, with rank of Instructor, in the Student Rehabilitation Center (College of Physical Education), June 15-August 31, 1962, $666.67 a month (7-9-62). Korzen, William, Apprentice Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), Ys time, September 24, 1962-May 31, 1963, $275 a month (7-17-62). Kozij, Vera M., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,500 (7-30-62). Kruse, Ulrich E., Associate Professor of Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1962, $1,088.88 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-16-62). Kruus, Jaan, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,933, supersedes (8-8-62). Kysar, John E., Instructor in Hygiene and Psychiatrist in the Health Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), i/i time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000, supersedes (8-8-62). Ladd, John A., Research Associate in Chemistry, September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,850 a year (8-6-62). Land, Vera F. C, Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), September 16, 1%2-January 31, 1963, $2,300 (8-1-62). Landin, Joseph, Professor of Mathematics, 2/3 time, three months from June 16, 1962, $2,778; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Langdale-Smith, Richard, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from October 1, 1962, $5,850 (7-30-62). Lanoux, Sigeed, Research Associate in Chemistry, one month from September 1, 1962, $500 (8-6-62). Larson, Carl S., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,000 (8-21-62). Laschober, Robert R., Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering (C), Y\ time, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,450, supersedes (8-6-62). Lathrope, Donald E., Associate Professor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, y$pD time, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,188; this is in addition to his present appointments (7-25-62). Lavatelli, Leo S., Professor of Physics (C), one month from June 16, 1962, $1,188.88 (7-9-62), and one month from July 16, 1962, $1,188.88 (7-25-62), additional appointments; and for the academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $13,500; and beginning September 1, 1963, on indefinite tenure, to render service during each academic year, $11,200 a year (7-13-62). Layton, Leslie L., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $4,400 a year, supersedes; and Project Assistant in Aquatic Biology, State Natural History Survey, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,400, supersedes (8-14-62). Lazar, Richard O., Instructor in Marketing (Chicago Undergraduate Division), )4 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,900 (8-14-62). Leahey, William J., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (8-29-62). Lee, Merlin R., Research Associate in the School of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,600 (7-30-62). LeGall, Mrs. Huguette, Assistant in French, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (7-30-62). 120 board of trustees [September 19 LeGall, Jean, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-6-62). , , , Lehman, Frederic K., Research Associate in Anthropology, two months trom July 1, 1962, $1,444.44 (7-27-62). . Lehmann, John R., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), M time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $4,800, supersedes (7-30-62). Leining, Judith M., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962. $5,800 (7-3-62). . Leonard, Irving, Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), y$ time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,350, supersedes (8-14-62).. Lesemann, Ralph F., Professor of Law, on indefinite tenure, and Special Counsel, on 45/100 time, six months from September 1, 1962, $9,900 a year, supersedes (9-7-62). Levy, Lucretia, Instructor in Mathematics, 42/100 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,925 (8-29-62). Lewis, Ernest, Instructor in Audiology (Otolaryngology) (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 (7-31-62). Lewis, Robert W., Jr., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400, supersedes (8-8-62). Li, Tien En, Research Associate in Agricultural Economics (S), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,850 a year (7-20-62). Liddle, Larry B., Assistant in Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400 (8-14-62). Lindley, David H., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (6-27-62). Lister, James L., Research Associate in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,200; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Liston, Phyllis, Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-8-62). Litterick, Mrs. Elizabeth M., Resident Assistant, Pine Hall, ten months from September 1, 1962, $1,600; for the convenience of the University she will receive an apartment and meals (8-21-62). Littlewood, John M., Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (6-27-62). Loftiss, E. Walter, Assistant in Speech and Theatre, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (7-3-62). Logan, John F., Instructor in Philosophy, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-30-62). Lolans, Valentin a T., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400 (6-18-62). Lopez-Belio, Mariano, Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine), 14 time, one year from July 1, 1962, $2,160, supersedes (7-11-62). Lu, Chin-Pi, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,200 (8-16-62). Lukas, Rut a O., Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,600 (8-1-62). Lustig, Noel, Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (7-31-62). Lyman, Mrs. Elisabeth R., Research Assistant Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), % time, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,963, supersedes (8-29-62). Macnamara, Patricia E., Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (North), ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,700; for the convenience of the University she will also receive an apartment and meals, valued at $31 a month (7-2-62). Madenberg, Fred, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Medical Adviser for Men in the Health Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), \$pD time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,000, supersedes (8-8-62). Madsen, Albert G., Research Associate in Marketing (Agricultural Economics) (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,500 (8-14-62). Mansfield, Peter, Research Associate in Physics (C), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,500 a year (8-21-62). Mahtin, Alan D., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200 (7-30-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 121 Martin-Trigona, Helen, Assistant in Speech and Theatre, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (7-3-62). Mathieu, Jean M., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from July 16, 1962, $888.88 (8-21-62). Matlon, Ronald J., Instructor in Speech (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,200 (7-9-62). Matteson, Max R., Associate Professor of Zoology, Vi time, indefinite tenure, and Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Vi time, one year, to render service during each academic year from September 1, 1962, $9,500 a year, supersedes (7-31-62). . Matz, Detlef, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-2-62). Maurice, Charles G., Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), 7/10 time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $10,850 a year (7-9-62). Mayer, Leon A., Extension Specialist (Division of University Extension), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-31-62). McCabe, Nancie M., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-8-62). McCaig, Ronald J., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,800 (8-1-62). McColley, Robert M., Instructor in the Peace Corps Training Office, August 16- 31, 1962, $361.11; this is in addition to his present appointment (8-8-62). McCoy, M. Eleanor, Research Assistant Professor of Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $10,500 (6-27-62). McCrimmon, James M., Professor of Humanities and of Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $13,000; and Professor of Humanities and Head of the Division of General Studies, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $13,000 a year, supersedes (8-6-62). McDonald, James H., Associate Professor of Urology (Surgery) (Medicine), 55/100 time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $8,660 a year (7-17-62). McElroy, Donald, Associate Professor of Patient Admissions (Dentistry), i/j time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $5,300 a year (6-18-62). McFarland, Norman T., Assistant Professor of Art, j4 time, academic year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 (7-24-62). McFate, Patricia A., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-January 31, 1963, $2,600 (8-14-62). McGuire, (Miss) Douglas, Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, V$pD time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $446 (7-9-62). McMullen, Carl W., Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), June 15-August 31, 1962, $408.33 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). McNelly, Caroline A., Research Associate in Botany, October 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,500 a year (7-31-62). Meara, Naomi M., Head Resident, Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Hall, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,600; for the convenience of the University she will be furnished room and board, valued at $31 a month (5-31-62). Melvin, John W., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), V$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,850 (7-2-62). Merkelo, Henry, Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,400 (8-3-62). Messman, Howard A., Mathematics Librarian in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,500 (6-22-62). Michel, Pierre E. J., Visiting Lecturer in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,900 (7-9-62). Miller, Marion A., Assistant in Education, Summer Session of 1962, July 16-August 11, 1962, $545 (7-25-62). Milosh, Joseph E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400 (8-8-62). Miron, Murray S., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications),, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,666.66; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-17-62). 122 board of trustees [September 19 Mitchell, June D., Assistant to the Dean of Women, one month from July 1, 1962, $500 (6-11-62); and Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (South), ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,800; for the convenience of the University she will also receive board and room, valued at $31 a month (8-3-62). Miyashiro, Jane Y., Research Associate in Education (University High School), Yi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,000 (6-27-62). Mizuno, Hiroyuki, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,500 (6-27-62). Montgomery, Gerald G., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $520 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Morch, Ernst T., Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology (Surgery) (Medicine), indefinite tenure, from July 1, 1962, without salary (7-9-62). Morgan, Martha A., Research Associate in Education, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,800 (7-30-62). Moscati, Giorgio, Research Associate in Physics (C), eight months from January 1, 1963, $7,200 a year (7-11-62). Moto-oka, Tohru, Visiting Research Assistant Professor in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $8,500 (7-9-62). Mowat, Bruce, Instructor in Operative Dentistry (Dentistry), 3/$ time, one 3'ear from September 1, 1962, $4,500 (7-17-62). Moyer, Fred D., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500, supersedes (8-18-62). Munson, Karl F., Instructor in Rural Extension Recreation (E), 1/2 time, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $3,900 a year (7-9-62). Murayama, Satoshi, Research Associate in Pharmacology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500, supersedes (7-30-62). Myran, Charles, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, without salary (7-27-62). Nagurski, Irene, Instructor in Russian, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,600 (7-3-62). Nakai, Shuryo, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,850 (7-30-62). Nakamura, Yasuharu, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,200 (7-30-62). Nalbandov, Mrs. Olga G., Research Associate in Entomology, y$pD time, five months from April 1, 1962, $300 a month, supersedes (7-13-62). Nannelli, Piero, Research Associate in Chemistry, four months from September 1, 1962, $512.50 a month, supersedes (8-4-62). Narasimhan, Rangaswamy, Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one month from August 16, 1962, $722.22; this is in addition to his present appointment (8-29-62); and nine months from September 16, 1962, $7,000 (7-13-62). Nelson, Willard O., Professor of Bacteriology (Dairy Science) (C and S), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $15,500 a year; and Senior Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research (College of Veterinary Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, supersedes (8-21-62). Neufeldt, Leonard N., Research Assistant in English, one month from July 1, 1962, $445 (7-25-62). Neumann, Lorena, Instructor in Home Economics, and Assistant Editor, with rank of Instructor (C and E), two months from July 1, 1962, $541.67 a month, supersedes (8-3-62); and Assistant Editor in Agricultural Administration, with rank of Instructor (S), V2 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,400 (7-30-62). Newell, John T., Assistant Director of the University Honors Programs (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Va time, June 22-August 17, 1962, $390; this is in addition to his Summer Session appointment (7-31-62). Nicholson, Lewis E., Visiting Lecturer in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,500 (8-8-62). Nievergelt, Jurg, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from July 16, 1962, $933.34 (7-9-62). Ninomiya, Toshiyuki, Research Assistant Professor of Physical Metallurgy (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,000, supersedes (8-21-62). Nishida, Toshiro, Associate Professor of Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $10,000 (7-26-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 123 Nisonoff, Alfred, Professor of Microbiology, indefinite tenure from July 1, 1962, $16,590 a year, supersedes (8-2462). Ntailianas, H. A., Research Associate in Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (8-3-62). Offer, Dwight F., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1962, $450 a month (8-8-62). Olson, Lawrence W., Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,689, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-13-62). Onanian, Edward D., Research Associate in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Vz time, five months from September 1, 1962, $1,330 (7-17-62). Orland, George H., Research Associate in Mathematics, August 16-31, 1962, $416.66; and Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (8-21-62). Otsuki, Saburo, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), two months from September 1, 1962, $583.33 a month (7-9-62). Page, Thomas, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and in Institute of Government and Public Affairs, 1/3 time, $2,204; and Project Director of Peace Corps Training Office, 1/3 time, $1,102, February 1-May 15, 1962; and Project Director of Peace Corps Training Office, full time, May 16-June 15, 1962, $944, and full time, June 16-August 31, 1962, $2,361 (addition to present appointment) (7-17-62); and Consultant for Evaluation in Peace Corps, September 1-December 15, 1962, $3,540; and Associate Professor in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, 2A time, $3,370, and of Political Science, 1/3 time, $1,685, from January 16-June 15, 1963; on leave of absence, without salary, December 16, 1962-January 15, 1963 (8-21-62). Pahel, Kenneth, Research Assistant in Psychology, June 11-July 15, 1962, $511.34 (7-17-62); and in the Bureau of Educational Research, July 16-August 31, 1962, $444.44 a month (7-27-62). Pal, Dilip K., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Community Planning, two months from June 16, 1962, $444.44 a month (6;18-62). Palmer, John D., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-9-62). Palmer, Rex A., Research Associate in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,700 a year (8-27-62). Pappademos, John N., Assistant Professor of Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 2/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,200, supersedes (7-30-62). Parzen, Zane D., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, without salary (7-25-62). Patlogan, Sylvia, Instructor in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), J4 time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-January 31, 1963, $2,475 (7-9-62). Patterson, Harlan R., Instructor in Finance, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-31-62). Pattison, Jeffrey, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from November 1, 1962, $5,850 (6-11-62). Pawlik, Kurt, Research Associate in Psychology, y$pD time, one month from September 1, 1962, $350 (7-2-62). Penhollow, John O., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-3-62). Penniman, Marian V., Research Associate in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1903, $7,000 a year (7-16-62). Perkins, Edward G., Assistant Professor of Food Technology (S), two months from July 1, 1962, $833.33 a month, supersedes (8-1-62). Perlmutter, Daniel D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1962, i/$ time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $912, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment; and Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering (S), Vl time, two months from June 16, 1962, $911 (7-9-62). Perry, Harold J., Visiting Lecturer in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $10,700 (8-8-62). 124 board of trustees [September 19 Pflederer, Marilyn R., Instructor in Music, 83/100 time, and Counselor on the University Council on Teacher Education, 17/100 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,400 (7-2-62). Phillifpe, Mrs. Irene L., Serials Reviser in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,800 (6-27-62). Phillips, Thomas N., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $10,000, supersedes (8-15-62). Phipps, Mrs. Dorothy B., Assistant in Physical Education for Women, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,400 (7-30-62). Pietras, Raymond J., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, without salary (7-9-62). Pogue, Doris J., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (6-18-62). Porter, James A., Jr., Instructor in Veterinary Extension (Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene) (College of Veterinary Medicine and Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics), August 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $9,000 a year (8-3-62). Porter, Laurellen, Head Resident, Taft House, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,600; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive a single room and meals (7-30-62). Pranger, Robert J., Assistant Professor in the Peace Corps Training Office, August 16-31, 1962, $388.89; this is in addition to his present appointment (8-8-62). Pugsley, James H., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), 34 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $4,200, supersedes (7-30-62). Pundt, Herman G., Instructor in Architecture, September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, to render service during first semester of the academic year, $541.66 a month (8-3-62). Pytel, Ronald J., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-3-62). Rabb, Maurice, Instructor in Ophthalmology (Medicine), f$ time, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,760 (8-8-62). Raetzman, Barbara L., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), July 2, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,300 a year, supersedes (7-30-62). Railsback, Ora L., Assistant to the Vice-President of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, two months from July 1, 1962, $2,889; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-31-62). Ramseyer, Linda M., Research Assistant in Zoology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,111 (7-9-62). Ranga Rao, R., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000 (8-21-62). Rao, Pillarisetty J., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, $$s time, two months from July 1, 1962, $404.12 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Ray, Robert K., Instructor in Art, academic vear beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-1-62). Rayson, Glendon E., Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Medical Adviser for Men Health Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 1/3 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,800, supersedes (8-4-62). Reed, Mary V., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $2,400 (6-11-62). Reese, William, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-17-62). Revzen, Michael, Research Associate in Physics (C), August 16-31, 1962, $625 a month; and one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-11-62). Rheumer, George A., Assistant Professor of Geography (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,750, supersedes (8-14-62). Ribeiro, Sergio T., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (7-3-62). Rice, Sheila D., Instructor in Physical Education for Women, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-11-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 125 Richards, John R., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,800 (7-9-62). Rimawt, Walid H., Assistant Professor of Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,000 (9-4-62). Ritchie, Mrs. Florence, Head Resident, Van Doren House, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,800; for the convenience of the University she will also receive room and meals (8-3-62). Ritter, Diane S., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000, supersedes (8-29-62). Robb, Seward E., Research Assistant Professor of Management, two months from Tune 16, 1962, $1,667 (7-9-62). Roberg, Norman B., Professor of Medicine (Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $20,125 a year (7-30-62). Roberts, Elmer, Professor, Agricultural Administration (S), 36/100 time, seven months from February 1, 1962, $375 a month (7-9-62). Robinson, Derek W., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-30-62). Roeder, Robert C, Instructor in Astronomy, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-8-62). Rogers, Philip E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (6-18-62). Rogge, William M., Research Associate in Education (University High School), June 5-30, 1962, $800 a month, supersedes (7-17-62); and one year from July 1, 1962, $9,600 (8-14-62). Rose, Cronwell A., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), May 28, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,800 a year (7-17-62). Rosenfeld, Sidney, Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800 (8-21-62). Rosenkranz, Wilbur, Circulation Assistant in the Library, Vi time, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (7-30-62). Ross, Albion H., Visiting Lecturer in Journalism (College of Journalism and Communications), 1/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,025 (7-9-62). Rouffa, Albert S., Research Professor of Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 1/2 time, June 22-August 17, 1962, $1,245; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-16-62). Roy, Prabir, Instructor in Mathematics, 1/2 time, and in the Graduate College, 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,200 (8-24-62). Rotpel, Robert W., Instructor in Music, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000 (7-3-62). Rutledge, Albert J., Instructor in City Planning and Landscape Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-30-62). Rutter, William J., Research Associate Professor of Chemistry, two months from July 1, 1962, $2,445; this is in addition to his present appointment (8-27-62). Sacks, Lawrence J., Research Assistant in Chemistry, July 1-August 15, 1962, $667.50 (8-3-62). Sagi, Mrs. Ana M. M., Assistant in French, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (7-30-62). Sain, Michael K., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), Vz time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,500; this is in addition to his appointment as Paul V. Galvin Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering (8-28-62). Sanwal, Jagdish C, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,600 (8-29-62). Sarlas, Sophie H., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,500 (8-14-62). Sasago, Kenji, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,850 (7-30-62). Sassoon, Mabel I., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), July 2, 1962- August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (7-9-62). Sato, Tadashi, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,100 (7-30-62). 126 board of trustees [September 19 Sato, Takeo, Research Associate in Chemistry, three months from September 1 1962, $500 a month (5-31-62). Savage, Jerome A., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1962 $5,700 (7-30-62). Scheyer, Frederick D., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1962, $465 a month (8-8-62). Schneider, John M., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000, supersedes (8-14-62). Schnobrich, William C, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (C and S), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,100, supersedes (8-21-62). Schultz, John E., Research Assistant in Chemistry, two months from June 16 1962, $890, supersedes (7-9-62). Schwalbe, Pauline S., Assistant Professor of German, Summer Session of 1%2, 1/2 time, June 18-August 11, 1962, $778 (7-9-62). Scoggins, James L., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400, supersedes (8-8-62). Sealy, Arthur P. E., Research Associate in Psychology, T/t, time, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,500 (8-8-62). Seitz, Frederick, Professor of Physics and Head of the Department (C), two months from July 1, 1962, $5,158; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-31-62). Sen, Arun Kumar, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology (Surgery) (Medicine), 9/10 time, two months from July 1, 1962, $755 a month, supersedes; and 9/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $11,250 (7-20-62). Seubert, Burkhaed, Assistant Professor of German, Summer Session of 1962, June 18-August 11, 1962, $1,378 (7-16-62). Shackelforu, Robert C, Instructor in Economics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-11-62). Shekelle, Richard B., Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $9,000 (7-30-62). Sherman, Michael A., Assistant in Physical Education for Men, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000 (8-14-62). Shoulders, Betty K., Assistant Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,800; for the convenience of the University she will also receive meals while on duty, valued at $21 a month (8-3-62). Shuman, Frank H., Peace Corps Training Consultant, 14 time, two months from July 1, 1962, $210 a month, supersedes (7-17-62). Sidney, Mary C., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,600 (7-17-62). Simmons, J. L., Instructor in Sociology, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-9-62). Sine, Robert C, Assistant in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1962, $889 (7-11-62). Sinohara, Hyogo, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (7-3-62). Siskind, Mrs. Caroline C, Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), i/2 time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-January 31, 1963, $1,250 (7-30-62). Skornia, Lorene M., Assistant to the Dean of Women, 3/$ time, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,650 (8-29-62). Skrupskelis, Viktoria, Instructor in French, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,400 (7-31-62). Slama, Lucien P., Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200 (8-21-62). Slanker, Mrs. Barbara O., Assistant Undergraduate Librarian, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,300 (6-27-62). Smith, Carol L., Assistant to the Dean of Women (Chicago Undergraduate Division), y2 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,000 (7-31-62). Smith, George H., Jr., Instructor in Sociology (Social Sciences) (Chicago Undergraduate Division), iA time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,600 (7-31-62). Smith, Mrs. Harriet W., Geology Librarian, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,500 (6-27-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 127 Smith, Jack L., Research Associate in Animal Science (S), 3/10 time, five months from February 1, 1962, $142.50 a month; this is in addition to his appointment as Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science (8-29-62). Smith, James H., Professor of Physics (C), July 16-31, 1962, and September 1- 1S, 1962, $1,133.33; this is in addition to his present appointment (8-14-62). Smith, Mrs. Lucille M., Instructor in Speech and Theatre, for the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, $500 a month (7-30-62). Smith, Richard G., Assistant Reference Librarian, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,150, supersedes (6-27-62). Solberg, Winton U., Associate Professor of History, indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $12,000 a year (7-30-62). Sozen, Mete A., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (S), two months from June 16, 1962, $2,111.12 (additional and superseding) (7-16-62). Spear, Norman E., Visiting Lecturer in Psychology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1962, V3 time, June 22-August 18, 1962, $950 (7-9-62). Spencer, Patricia D., Research Assistant in Chemistry, September 16, 1962- August 31, 1963, $4,900 a year (7-30-62). Spinolo, Giorgio, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (6-27-62). Spirakis, Charles N., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (7-9-62). Staples, Cody E., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from October 1, 1962, $5,850 (8-6-62). Starnes, Thomas C, Jr., Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800 (8-21-62). Steckline, Dorothy M., Resident Assistant, Walnut Hal!, ten months from September 1, 1962, $1,600; for the convenience of the University she will also receive apartment and meals (8-21-62). Stein, James H., Jr., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, June 16-August 31, 1962, $1,111.10 (7-3-62). Stein, Nelson, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (8-21-62). Stenstrom, Ralph H., Education, Philosophy, and Psychology Librarian, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (6-27-62). Stephens, Newman L., Research Assistant in Pediatrics (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, $5,000 (7-25-62). Stern, Herbert, Professor of Botany, two months from June 16, 1962, $2,577.78 (7-31-62). Stewart, Mrs. Beverly J., Undergraduate Library Assistant, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400 (7-30-62). Stolurow, Lawrence M., Professor of Psychology, and of Education, in the Bureau of Educational Research, one month from July 16, 1962, $1,177.78 (7-27-62). Stout, Glenn E., Research Associate in General Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (8-15-62). Strain, Robert J., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,900 (8-14-62). Strobach, Donald R., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-6-62). Stuebner, Elaine A., Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine), without salary, and Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), $5,700, $$s time, one year from September 1, 1962, supersedes (8-29-62). Suh, David Kwang-Sun, Research Assistant in Psychology, in the Bureau of Educational Research, July 16-August 31, 1962, $444.44 a month (7-27-62). Svoe, Michael J., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-8-62). Swain, Merle D., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1962, $450 a month (8-21-62). 128 board of trustees [September 19 Swenson, George, Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), and of Astronomy, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,444.44 a month (additional and superseding) (7-25-62). . Syse, Sanford D., Instructor in Speech and Theatre, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800 (8-21-62). . Tagger, Etty S., Research Assistant in Orthodontics (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,000 (7-31-62). Tasso, Primo, Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medical Center), June 7-August 31 1962, $5,850 a year, and one year from September 1, 1962, $6,150 (7-9-62). Telling, Mrs. Fern H., Head Resident, Cedar Hall, and Coordinator of Arbor Suites, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,550; for the convenience of the University she will also receive board and room, valued at $31 a month (8-8-62). Tempest, David W., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,850 (8-4-62). Thompson, Marshall R., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (C and S), nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,300 (7-30-62). Thorogood, Elizabeth, Research Associate in the School of Life Sciences, i/4 time, March 19-June 23, 1962, $625 a month (7-27-62). Tichenor, Duane, Instructor in Industrial Education, i/i time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,000 (8-21-62). Tinkham, Robert A., Associate Professor of Industrial Education, July 15-August 11, 1962, $923; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-27-62). Toledo, Ferdinand, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-21-62). Tomasson, Richard F., Assistant Professor of Sociology, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,600; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Torok, Nicholas, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, % time, three months from June 1, 1962, $700 a month, supersedes (7-11-62); and Associate Professor of Otolaryngology (Medicine), J4 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,400 (8-1-62). Trensky, Paul I., Instructor in Russian, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-30-62). Tripfet, Mary M., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (8-8-62). Trott, B. Dale, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), 1/2 time, five months from September 1, 1962, $300 a month (8-1-62). Tsuda, Masumi, Visiting Research Assistant in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, July 30, 1962-June 30, 1963, $4,900 a year, supersedes (8-8-62). Vandi, Antonio F., Research Associate in Chemistry, three months from September 1, 1962, $565 a month (8-6-62). Van Horn, Charles, Research Associate in Education (University High School), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $10,000 a year (8-14-62). VanPelt, Lyle E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400, supersedes (8-8-62). Vasil, Indra K., Research Associate in Botany, one year from August 1, 1962, $5,850 (7-27-62). Verdeyen, Joseph T., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $10,000 (6-29-62). Verts, Bobbie J., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $570 a month, supersedes (7-9-62); and time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,104, supersedes (7-30-62). Viswanathan, Lakshmikanthrao, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from June 1, 1962, $5,850 (7-9-62). Vles, Evert J., Research Assistant in Chemistry, June 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $450 a month (8-8-62). Vogel, Wolfgang H., Research Associate in Pharmacology (Medicine), one year from August 1, 1962, $7,200 (7-25-62). von Hentig, Roland T., Assistant in Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (8-21-62). Vorbeck, Joseph F., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (8-6-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 129 Vormelker, Rose L., Associate Professor of Library Science, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $10,000 (7-31-62). Wachsman, Joseph T., Assistant Professor of Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $10,380, supersedes (8-30-62). Wainwright, William J., Instructor in Philosophy, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-30-62). Walden, James D., Instructor in Education, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,200 (8-21-62). Walker, Richard D., Research Associate in the Illinois State Library Research Center, Graduate School of Library Science, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $8,800 a year (7-9-62). Wallace, Christopher S-, Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from September 1, 1962, $733.33 a month (6-S-62). Wallace, Ruth S., Visiting Lecturer in Psychology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1962, June 22-August 18, 1962, $1,200 (7-17-62). Walraven, H. Dale, Assistant to the Associate Dean of Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 22-August 17, 1962, $2,222 (7-17-62). Wang, Shao-fu, Research Associate in Physics (C), seven months from July 1, 1962, $625 a month (7-25-62). Wanka, Friedrtch, Research Associate in Botany, one year from July 1, 1962, $5,850 (7-27-62). Warnock, John E., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1962, $530 a month, supersedes (7-9-62). Watanabe, Shosuke, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-30-62). Watson, Francis R., Research Assistant Professor of Sociology, and in the Office of Instructional Television, and Associate Staff in the Center for Zoonoses Research (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $10,400, supersedes (7-27-62). Watters, Robert D., Education, Philosophy, and Psychology Library Assistant, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (6-27-62). Weaver, Lelland A., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), V2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,500; this is in addition to his Collins Radio Company Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering (8-3-62). Webb, Richard S., Jr., Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), 9/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,650 (7-17-62). Weber, Evelyn }., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,600 (7-17-62). Wells, Mrs. Catherine N., Head Resident, Busey Hall, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,700; for the convenience of the University she will also receive board and room valued at $31 a month (8-3-62). Wenninger, Mrs. Nancy R., Chemistry Library Assistant in the Library, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,600 (7-27-62). Westerlund, Mrs. Paula S., Assistant in Physical Education for Women, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,600 (7-30-62). Westman, Lars F., Research Associate in Chemistry, July 16-31, 1962, $250 (7-27-62). Westmeyer, Paul, Assistant Professor of Education, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,850, supersedes (8-21-62). Whitman, John M., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), 3/10 time, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $3,000 a year (7-9-62). Wilfong, Anne E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (8-8-62). WiLLARD, Robert E., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one month from August 16, 1962, $466.67 (7-25-62). Wils, Fredericus C. M., Research Associate in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, Vi time, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,400 (7-17-62). Wilson, Mrs. Euline D., Assistant in English, Vi time, $2,000, and in Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering (C), Vi time, $2,200, nine months from September 16, 1962 (7-13-62). Woerner, Jack L., Assistant in Agricultural Engineering (C and S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,000 (8-21-62). 130 board of trustees [September 19 Wolfe, Martin S., Research Associate in Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,400 (6-27-62). Wolfe, Mss. Sharon, Research Assistant in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications), two months from June 1, 1962, $444.44 a month (7-9-62). Woods, Georgf. T., Associate Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Public Health, (Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene) (College of Veterinary Medicine) and of Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $13,200 a year, supersedes (7-31-62). Woodward, Ralph, Instructor in Music, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,550 (7-9-62). Woolley, Dale E., Assistant in Speech and Theatre, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (8-1-62). Wright, Charles A., Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,800 (7-2-62). Yapp, William W., Professor of Dairy Science (C and S), Vi time, five months from September 1, 1962, $388 a month (8-3-62). Young, Lorna B., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,200 (8-8-62). Young, Paul T., Professor of Psychology, Vi time, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,360 (8-8-62). Zaring, Wilson M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1962, $3,000; this is in addition to his present appointment (7-9-62). Zehme, Donald F., Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,800, supersedes (7-2-62). Zeidel, Alexander, Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (7-11-62). Zimmerman, Marie, Assistant-Counseling, in the Student Counseling Service, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,200 (8-21-62). Zinky, Franklin A., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1962, $465 a month (8-8-62). Zwoyer, Russell E., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, $7,200 (7-2-62). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in the parenthesis.) Amaral, Edwardo, Tuberculosis Institute Research Fellow in Medicine, one year from July 1, 1962, $5,000 (7-5-62). Appelbaum, Bradley E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in the Center for Handicapped Children, one year from July 1, 1962, $6,000 (7-20-62). Berg, Charles R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Dentistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 (7-19-62). Berman, Morley, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry (Medical Center), three months from June 16, 1962, $200 per month (7-5-62). Biswas, Chitra Sen, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (7-20-62). Bolton, Russell L., National Lead Company Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (5-24-62). Bottorff, Ralph S., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $4,170, supersedes (6-29-62). Brams, Emanuel O., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Medicine, one year from July 1, 1962, $5,500 (7-16-62). Christensen, James, Jr., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $450 (6-27-62). Cleary, Theresa A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000, supersedes (6-26-62). Conrad, H. Edward, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $1,667; this is in addition to his appointment as Assistant Professor of Chemistry (7-25-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 131 Davis, George C, Jr., Lilly Endowment Fellow in History, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500, supersedes (7-5-62). Davis, Robert D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $4,170, supersedes (6-29;62). Dellenback, Barbara, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry (Medical Center), three months from June 16, 1962, $200 per month (7-5-62). DeSa, Richard J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $489 (6-25-62). Elliott, Robert E., Lilly Endowment Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000 (8-9-62). Fehrenbacher, J. B., Fellow in Agronomy, seven months from October 1, 1962, $3,200 (6-26-62). Garcia-Moliner, Carmen, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,920 (7-3-62). Geison, Ronald L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (7-20-62). Giacomoni, Dario A., Upjohn Company Fellow in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,667 (7-26-62). Govindjee, Rajni, United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in the Division of Biophysics (School of Life Sciences), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (6-14-62). Halper, Ira, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1962, $3,000 (6-22-62). Heintz, Noeman V., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry (Medical Center), three months from June 16, 1962, $200 per month (7-5-62). Hoffman, Gerald K., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1962, $3,600 (6-22-62). Janado, Masanobu, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (5-28-62). Killip, Devore E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology and Education (College of Dentistry), one year from July 1, 1962, $2,250 (7-6-62). Kim, (Miss) Sun Chun, Wright Fellow in Food Technology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500, supersedes (7-5-62). Koopman, Raymond F., Jr., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-8-62). Koskinen, Pirkko, Fellow in Law, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-62). Lawder, Sue Ann, Grolier-Americana Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,000 (6-27-62). Lee, Donald J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,500 (7-20-62). Lewis, Orda S., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $4,170, supersedes (6-29-62). Lindauer, Theodore, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1962, $3,000 (6-22-62). Maktin, Duncan W., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, June 16-August 31, 1962, $833.10 (8-21-62). Mazumdar, B. N., Wright Fellow in Horticulture, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500 (6-20-62). McCall, Robert B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (7-11-62). McLain, Larry G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry (Medical Center), three months from June 16, 1962, $200 per month (7-5-62). Meyer, Evy, Louis Bothman Fellow in Ophthalmology (Medical Center), six months from March 1, 1962, $1,500 (7-6-62). Morel, John L., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,700 (7-3-62). Nee, Michael D., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,700 (6-22-62). 132 board of trustees [September 19 Nuese, Charles J., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $3,000 (6-14-62). Ohtaka, Yoichi, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from July 1,1962, $7,800 (7-9-62). Pifer, Joe H., Texas Instruments Company Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (7-26-62). Postma, Thomas E., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (6-14-62). Proctor, Robert A., Jr., Lilly Endowment Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000 (8-9-62). Sackett, David L., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow in Medicine, one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (7-9-62). Saunders, Grady F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1962, $700 (5-31-62). Seely, Oliver, Jr., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1962, $445 (6-25-62). Slater, Donald W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from June 16, 1962, $2,666.64 (6-14-62). Smith, Jack L., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, five months from September 1, 1961, $2,375, supersedes; on 7/10 time, five months from February 1, 1962, $1,662.50; this is in addition to his appointment as Research Associate in Animal Science (Agricultural Experiment Station) on 3/10 time, two months from July 1, 1962, $950, and ten months from September 1, 1962, $5,250 (8-29-62). Stahly, Donald P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, June 16-July 1, 1962, $116.66 (7-31-62). Tannenberg, Alf M., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow in Medicine, one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (6-29-62). Voy, Phyllis G., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1962, $450 (6-13-62). Welker, Neil E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from July 1, 1962, $4,500 (5-24-62). Whitman, Thomas L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (7-11-62). Williams, Charles A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $5,310, supersedes (7-3-62). Yankofsky, Saul A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,667 (7-26-62). RESIGNATIONS AND DECLINATIONS Adler, Felix T., Professor of Physics and of Nuclear Engineering --- declination effective June 16, 1962. Alderson, C. Roland, Administrative Assistant in the College of Commerce and Business Administration--- declination effective September 1, 1962. Ali, Mir A., Research Assistant in Physics --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Auth, Leo V., Jr., Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Atwood, Barbara M., Clinical Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, with rank of Assistant Professor --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Baker, Loris S., Assistant in English --- declination effective September 16, 1962. Baldino, Evangeline C, Acquisition Assistant in the Library --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Baltch, Aldona L., Assistant Professor of Medicine --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Beals, Robert J., Associate Professor of Ceramic Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Bell, Harold L., Fellow in Political Science --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Betts, Brian E., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Binning, Brian R,, Research Assistant in Architecture --- resignation effective June 25, 1962. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 133 Blakemore, Robbie G., Assistant Professor of Home Economics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Boas, Glenn, Instructor in Dentistry --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Bowald, Rosemary A., Instructor in Home Economics --- resignation effective August 31, 1962. Brott, Eugene E., Instructor in English --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Brown, Allan R., Visiting Lecturer in Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- declination effective September 16, 1962. Brown, Raymond B., Instructor in Art --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Brown, Robert C, Assistant in the Institute of Aviation --- resignation effective August 12, 1962. Burrous, Stanley E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective August 21, 1962. Cassell, Robert L. S., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Chakravarti, Susil K., Research Associate in Chemistry --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Chalus, Donald R., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Collin, Elinor E., Lecturer in Art --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Connick, Louis, Instructor in Education (University High School)---declination effective September 1, 1962. Coulos, James, Assistant in English --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Dakshinamusti, K., Research Associate in Animal Science --- resignation effective August 28, 1962. Daro, August F., Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Medicine) ---resignation effective July 1, 1962. Davis, Lorin R., Engineering Faculty Development Teaching Fellow in Mechanical Engineering --- termination effective July 1, 1962. Day, Norman D., Fellow in Architecture --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Eilert, Mrs. Mary J., University High School Librarian, with rank of Instructor in Library Administration --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Engel, James, Assistant Professor of German --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Engelsberg, Stanley J., Research Associate in Physics --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Englander, Harold R., Associate Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Fairbanks, Grant, Professor of Speech --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Finfgeld, Charles R., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (Engineering) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Foster, Harold E., Instructor in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (Veterinary Medicine)---resignation effective May 25, 1962. Friend, James, Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division)---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Fuchi, Kazuhiro, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Fulton, Robert E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Gage, Nathaniel L., Professor of Education and Psychology --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Gaither, Robert B., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Glawe, John F., Instructor in the Division of General Studies, Summer Session --- declination effective August 12, 1962. Griffin, Charles H., Professor of Accountancy --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Grossman, R. S., Fellow in Philosophy, Summer Session --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Hamlin, Roy M., Professor of Psychology --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Hatano, Shigeru, Lecturer with rank of Professor of Anesthesia (Surgery) (Medicine) ---resignation effective August 14, 1962. 134 board of trustees [September 19 Heath, Edward H., Counselor in the Student Counseling Service; Counselor, Council on Teacher Education, and Instructor in Physical Education for Men --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Hedish, Norman D., Instructor in Accountancy (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Heermans, Mary F., Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy (Medicine) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Hoffman, Catherine F., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine) ---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Horkay, A. T., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Huffaker, Donald C, Engineering Faculty Development Teaching Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- termination effective July 1, 1962. Huffnagle, Madeline A., Research Assistant in Zoology --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Hulsizer, Robert I., Jr., Professor of Physics, two months from July 16, 1962, --- declination effective July 16, 1962. Johnson, Helen, Research Assistant in Pediatrics (Medicine) --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Johnson, Keith E., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Jones, Joan M., Instructor in Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Jones, Sam T., Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology (Medicine)---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Kabler, Milton N., Assistant Professor of Metallurgical Engineering --- resignation effective August 22, 1962. Karakashian, Stephen J., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Keim, Helen L., House Director of Beta House --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Kien, Gerald A., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (Medicine) ---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Krieckhaus, Edward E., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Kurz, Donald A., Instructor in General Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division) ----termination effective September 1, 1962. Lafuse, Harry G., Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Lee, Grace L. C, Research Assistant in the School of Life Sciences --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Liay, Louis D., Head Resident and Assistant Manager, Men's Residence Halls (Housing Division) ---resignation effective July 1, 1962. Lim, Chun S., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Liston, Phyllis, Assistant in English --- declination effective September 16, 1962. Littledike, E. Travis, Instructor in Veterinary Research and in Veterinary Anatomy and Histology --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Marshall, Thomas C, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Martin, Duncan W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology --- termination effective June 16, 1962. Martin, Patricia C, Research Assistant in Physics --- declination effective September 1, 1962. McMillan, Joyce A., Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Melman, Myron, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective July 30, 1962. Metcalf, Gary E., Research Assistant in Forestry --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Miller, Allen H., Research Assistant Professor of Physics --- declination effective September 1, 1962. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 135 Montgomery, Fleming, Biology Library Assistant, with rank of Instructor --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Moore, James E., Instructor in Home Economics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Morgan, Thomas T., Assistant in Education (University High School) ---declination effective September 16, 1962. Moyar, Gerald J., Research Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Myers, Basil R., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Nordmann, Carolanne M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. O'Donnell, Robert E., Psychometrist in Student Counseling Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. O'Grady, Gerald L., Instructor in English----resignation effective September 1, 1962. Omori, Dorothy K., Instructor in Occupational Therapy (Medicine) ---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Pal, Dilip K., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Community Planning, two months from June 16, 1962 --- declination effective June 16, 1962. Peek, Levin J., Jr., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory--- declination effective September 16, 1962. Pinter, Joyce K., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine) --- resignation effective June 1, 1962. Pottle, Christopher, Research Assistant Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Research Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Phosser, Jean V., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medical Center) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Purcell, Francis P., Consultant in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, with rank of Associate Professor --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Pytel, Ronald J., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Roth, Harold A., Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine) ---resignation effective June 1, 1962. Rowe, Richard L., Assistant in F,nglish --- declination effective September 16, 1962. Rowe, William L., Instructor in Philosophy --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Ruess, Aubrey, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry (Medicine) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Scamman, W. Wike, Instructor in Pathology (Medicine)---termination effective July 1, 1962. Scheyer, Frederick D., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Schorn, Ronald A., Assistant in Astronomy --- resignation effective July 24, 1962. Seubert, Burkhard, Assistant Professor of German --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Sheinblatt, Matityahu, Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Shugrue, Michael F., Fellow in English --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Sinha, Shyamal K., Associate Professor and Assistant Coordinator of AID Programs in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology --- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Skornia, Lorene M., Assistant to Dean of Women --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Smith, Jack L., Research Associate in Animal Science --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Sueoka, Noboru, Assistant Professor of Microbiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Susima, Stanley V., Associate Professor of Pharmacy (Medical Center) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. 136 board of trustees [September 19 Swoiskin, Bernard L., Instructor in Orthodontics (Dentistry)---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Tucker, William P., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Tuman, Vladimir S., Associate Professor of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering --- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Tunnell, Curtis D., Research Assistant in Anthropology --- resignation effective June 16, 1962. Van Beaumont, Sheila L., Instructor in Physical Education --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Vormelker, Rose L., Associate Professor of Library Science --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Watada, Noritaka, Research Associate in Food Technology --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Whitfield, George D., Research Assistant Professor of Physics --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Wilczewska, Izabella M., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Wilf, Herbert S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Wilfong, Anne E., Assistant in English --- declination effective September 16, 1962. Williams, Thomas H., Assistant Professor of Accountancy --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Williams, Victor T., Research Assistant in Economic Entomology --- resignation effective August 1, 1962. Yamane, Tetsuo, Research Associate in Microbiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Yoshikawa, Hiroshi, Research Associate in Microbiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Adams, Mary, Assistant Professor of Nursing --- leave of absence, without pay, June 1 through August 15, 1962, so that she may complete her Ph.D. dissertation. Blau, Mrs. Zena S., Assistant Professor of Nursing --- leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962. Coleman, Paul D., Professor of Electrical Engineering --- leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962, so that he may accept a Visiting Professorship at Stanford University. Eriksen, Charles W., Professor of Psychology and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study --- sabbatical leave of absence, with full pay, second semester of the academic year 1962-63. Fehrenbacher, Joe B., Associate Professor of Pedology (Agronomy) ---leave of absence, without pay, eight months from October 1, 1962, so that he may complete course work on his Ph.D. degree at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. Feinstein, Amiel, Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962, so that he may devote this time to study and research. Field, Mark G., Associate Professor of Sociology --- leave of absence, without pay, first semester of the academic year 1962-63, on account of illness in the family. Heller, Alex, Professor of Mathematics --- sabbatical leave of absence, with full pay, March 1, 1963, through August 31, 1963. Hennessey, James J., Instructor in Art --- leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962, so that he may study under a Prix de Rome Fellowship abroad. Hirsch, Jerry, Associate Professor of Psychology --- leave of absence, without pay, March 1 through August 31, 1963, so that he may accept a Visiting Professorship at the University of California. Hollingsworth, J. Rogers, Assistant Professor of History --- leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962, so that he may accept a Mellon Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh, 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 137 Kohd, Victor G., Instructor in Art --- leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962, so that he may study and paint in Paris under a Guggenheim Fellowship. Lathrop, Mrs. Dorothy C, Research Assistant in Physics --- leave of absence, without pay, one month from August 1, 1962. Miller, Wendell E., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Associate Head of the Department --- leave of absence, without pay, one month from August 1, 1962. Page, Thomas, Consultant for Evaluation in the Peace Corps, Associate Professor in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs and of Political Science --- leave of absence, without pay, December 16, 1962, through January 15, 1963. Reiner, Irving, Professor of Mathematics --- sabbatical leave of absence, with full pay, March 1 through August 31, 1963. Ruina, Jack P., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- extension of leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962. Wilson, Mrs. Jean G., Research Assistant in Agricultural Entomology --- leave of absence, without pay, July 16 through August 12, 1962, on account of disability. RETIREMENT Gofpert, Harold R., Professor of General Engineering, Emeritus, effective September 1, 1962. AUGUST DEGREES CONFERRED The Secretary presented for record the following list of degrees conferred at Urbana, Illinois, as of August 13, 1962, on recommendation of the Urbana-Champaign Senate. Summary Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Master of Arts........................................................ 119 Master of Science..................................................... 269 Master of Music...................................................... 4 Master of Education.................................................. 209 Master of Social Work................................................ 1 Master of Fine Arts.................................................. 2 Master of Laws...................................................... 2 Master of Architecture................................................ 3 Master of Accounting Science.......................................... 12 Master of Television.................................................. 3 Advanced Certificate in Education...................................... 20 Total, Graduate College.............................................. (644) Degrees in Law, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Laws..................................................... 7 Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture............................. 18 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering............................ 82 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.................. 65 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences................ 32 Bachelor of Science, College of Education.............................. 36 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration... 54 Bachelor of Science, College of Journalism and Communications.......... 16 Bachelor of Architecture, College of Fine and Applied Arts.............. 4 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts................. 23 Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts.................... 3 Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts.................. 8 Bachelor of Science, College of Physical Education...................... 6 Bachelor of Science, Division of Special Services for War Veterans...... 1 Bachelor of Science, College of Veterinary Medicine..................... 1 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees......................................... (356) Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana.................................1,000 138 board of trustees [September 19 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Master of Arts In Art Education George Chris Blanas, B.F.A., B.A.E., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1954 1958 William Edward Heater, Jr., B.S., State University of New York College for Teachers (Buffalo), 1959 James Richard Hill, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956 Mary Alice Nesti, A.B., Northwestern University, 1959 Arlene Elizabeth Richards, A.B., Western Michigan College of Education, 19S5 In Economics George William Lehmann, B.S., 1961 James Merle Treece, B.S., 1959 In Education Jack Kuenne Genskow, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1961 In English Barbara Ann Bruce, A.B., Memphis State University, 1961 Jane Moe Hughes, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1953 John Kent, A.B., University of Southampton, 1956 William David Miller, A.B., 1961 Judith Weinberger Nack, A.B., University of Michigan, 1961 Edward Lee Niehus, A.B., 1961 Betty Millan Park, A.B., 1960 Constantine Santas, A.B., Knox College, 1961 Margie Schaefer, A.B., 1962 Sandra Lee Schenck, A.B., University of Wichita, 1960 Richard Walton Searles, A.B., 1958 Thomas Baker Tufts, A.B., Harvard University, 1961 Barbara Ann Bandy Walley, A.B., Northern Illinois University, 1959 Sue Ann Winger, A.B., Butler University, 1961 In French Frank Edward Baker, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1961 Constance Elizabeth Bennett, B.S., Simmons College, 1961 Josette Nedelec Saunders, B.Ed., University of Toledo, 1957 Farren Gayle Stover, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 In Greek Robert Allison Guelich, A.B., Wheaton College, 1961 In History Darrel Robert Cady, A.B., Iowa State Teachers College (Cedar Falls), 1958 Melvin Thomas Gustafson, A.B., Augustana College, 1960 John William McLure, B.S., University of Alabama, 1956 David Ronald Rabaut, A.B., Michigan State University, 1960 Kenneth James Spencley, B.Ed., University of Toledo, 1960 Armstrong Marion Starkey III, A.B., Hiram College, 1960 Gary Grant Wehlage, A.B., Augustana College (South Dakota), 1958 In Labor and Industrial Relations Charles Coty Moore, B.S., 1955 Philip Fred Pickett, Jr., A.B., Blackburn College, 1957 Douglas Earl Wolfe, B.S., 1956 In Latin Audrey Notvik Iversen, A.B., A.M., University of Minnesota, 1953, 1955 In Mathematics Carol Shigeko Abe, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1960 James Tarpley Bolding, Jr., B.S., Howard Payne College, 1954 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 139 Loretta Murray Braxton, B.S., Virginia Union University, 1955 Fred Alfred Brown, B.S., Morningside College, 1952 Milo Floyd Bryn, B.S., M.S., North Dakota State University of Agricultural and Applied Science, 1954, 1959 Edward Chu, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1951 Virginia Anne Cook, A.B., Louisiana College, 1956; M.S., Mississippi State University, 1957 John William Daniels, A.B., Howard Payne College, 1957; A.M., Appalachian State Teachers College, 1959 William Warner Darland, B.S., Central Michigan College of Education, 1958 Martin Julius Dreyfuss, B.S., City University of New York, 1941; M.S., Syracuse University, 1948 John Harrison Esbin, Jr., B.S., West Chester State College, 1959 Janice Louise Flake, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1961 Francis Gary Florey, A.B., Augustana College, 1958 Hector Bernard Foisy, A.B., St. Michael's College, 1958 Alan Gene Foster, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1955 Raymond Dana Gibson, B.S., Pennsylvania State Teachers College (Slippery Rock), 1951; M.S., Westminster College, 1956 Paul Martin Grabarkewitz, B.S., M.S., North Dakota State University of Agricultural and Applied Science, 1951, 1957 Howard Mayer Grater, A.B., A.M., University of Denver, 1949, 1956 Marvin Duane Gutzmer, B.S., M.S., North Dakota State University of Agricultural and Applied Science, 1957, 1958 Martha Baird Haines, A.B., Iowa Wesleyan University, 1948 Laura Joyce White Hill, B.S., M.S., 1951, 1956 James Grady Hobson, A.B., Ed.M., Oregon State College, 1950, 1952 Robert Layne Hocking, B.S., Idaho State College, 1958 Robert James Kansky, B.S., Florida State University, 1959 Gayle Alton Krause, B.S., Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1950 Bobby Don Langston, A.B., Howard Payne College, 1954 La Wayne Neil Morseth, A.B., Augsburg College, 1951 Billy Ray Nail, A.B., Hardin-Simmons University, 1956 Elmo Lauren Nash, B.S., University of Minnesota, 1946 Sandra Hoffman Price, B.S., 1957 Don Prock, B.S., Southwestern Institute of Technology, 1951; Ed.M., University of Oklahoma, 1959 Edward Franklin Rittenhouse, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1956, 1959 Bernard Louis Schultenover, B.S., St. Cloud State College, 1959 Verbal Merle Snook, B.S., University of Oregon, 1956 John Warren Stannard, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Oshkosh), 1957 Major Franklin Stewart, B.S., Central State College, 1958 Stanley LaVerne Urwiller, B.S., Nebraska State Teachers College (Kearney), 1958 Royal Dean Van Tassel, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956; M.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1961 Henry Waldman, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1958 Melvin Robert Woodard, B.S., State Teachers College (Mansfield, Pennsylvania), 1958 Russell Edward Zwoyer, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 In Philosophy Jarrett Ernest Brock, A.B., Rollins College, 1958 In Political Science Alma Don Sorensen, B.S., Utah State University, 1960 Harry Robert Targ, B.S., 1961 In Psychology Patricia Greig Bowers, A.B., Rosemont College, 1960 William De Marco, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1959 Thomas Joseph McHale, A.B., A.M., St. Louis University, 1957, 1960 140 board of trustees [September 19 In Social Sciences Arline Fay Carv, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1960 George Edgar Pence, A.B., McKendree College, 1961 In Spanish Martha Ann McNutt, B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1961 Eileen Annette Riccomi, A.B., 1961 Linda Ann Sollish, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1960 Nancy Adele Sturies, A.B., 1959 In Speech Ann Carolyn White Burrill, A.B., Agnes Scott College, 1936 Dikka Jane Ely, A.B., Oberlin College, 1961 Karen Andrea Halvorson, A.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, 1961 William Ernest Livingston, A.B., Humboldt State College, 1961 James Thomas McAllister, B.S., Oregon College of Education, 1960 Noble Everett Richards, Jr., B.S., Black Hills Teachers College, 1958 Sister Mary Wilma Smith, A.B., St. Ambrose College, 1954 Julie Ann Stusrud, A.B., 1961 Raymond Lee Thompson, A.B., MacMurray College, 1961 In the Teaching of English James Edwin Beatty, A.B., Wheaton College, 1953 Hillis Ray Cole, Jr., B.S., 1960 Barbara Mae Croissant, A.B., University of Dubuque, 1949 Jeanette Parquette Dodge, B.S., 1949 Irene Coffin Kutscher, A.B., Georgetown College, 1958 Donald Louis Oberle, A.B., Quincy College, 1961 Lois Anne Richman, A.B., 1958 Yvonne Frances Vish, B.S., 1959 In the Teaching of French Stephen Dale Adams, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Clara Alice Hartman, A.B., 1957 In the Teaching of Social Studies Richard Vincent Chierico, B.S., 1961 Charles Elbert Geitner, A.B., Eureka College, 1957 Paulette Burr Kling, B.S., 1959 Robert Carl Lemcke, A.B., San Francisco State College, 1958 Richard Wayne Mahood, A.B., Hamilton College, 1956 Altricia Ogden Misse, B.S., 1959 Wilma Arline Stokes, A.B., Principia College, 1959 Lawrence Daniel Weaver, A.B., Wheaton College, 1961 In the Teaching of Speech Virginia Rae Lynch, B.S., 1957 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy Lewis Clifford Buller, B.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1958 Donald Lee Mini, A.B., Sacramento State College, 1961 Ing-Min Shieh, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1958 In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Ivan Doyle Brown, B.S., State College of Washington, 1954 Robert Edward Spitzer, B.S., 1961 In Agricultural Economics Robert Willis Clark, B.S., 1956 Norman Coward, B.S., Wye College, 1961 Hans Konrad Larsen, B.S., Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, 1959 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 141 Montonori Miyazaki, B.Agr., University of Tokyo, 1954 Magne 0steras, Degree, Agricultural College of Norway, 1958 In Agricultural Education WlLLIFORD A. HOCKETT, B.S., 1952 In Agricultural Engineering Leroy Kenneth Pickett, B.S., Kansas State University, 1961 In Agronomy William Maxham Edwards, B.S., 1961 Wayne Robert Jordan, B.S., 1961 Benjamin John Miflin, B.S., University of Nottingham, 1960 Baboolal Nema, B.S., Nagpur University, 1941; Diploma, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1955 Jagannath Prasad Patel, B.S., Nagpur University, 1949; Associateship, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1954 In Animal Science Surendea Kumar Ranjhan, B.V.S., M.V.S., Agra University, 1956, 1960 In Architectural Engineering John Yoshio Fujiwara, B.Arch., 1961 In Astronomy Elaine Sweital Avner, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1960 In Biological Sciences Mirka Marie Mejze, B.S., 1961 In Botany Peter Rogers Atsatt, A.B., University of California (Santa Barbara), 1960 Elizabeth Ann Hubbard, ELS., 1960 Jacquelin Luce Wilen, B.S., 1957 In Ceramic Engineering Larry Lee Fehrenbacher, B.S., 1961 Charles Bernard Greenberg, B.S., Rutgers University, 1961 In Chemical Engineering Charles Key Edge, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1960 Joseph Peter Glas, A.B., Rockhurst College, 1960 Ira Arthur Gura, B.Ch.E., Cooper Union, 1960 In Chemistry Jose Antonio Rafael Arias Limonta, B.S., Louisiana State University, 1961 Ronald Henry Carlson, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1960 Robert Joseph Crouch, B.S., Southern Methodist University, 1961 Donald Hubert Kubicek, B.S., State University of Iowa, 1960 John Paul Petrovich, B.S., St. Mary's College, 1960 Alan Newton Scott, B.Mus., A.B., Northwestern University, 1951, 1958 In City Planning Franklin Courtney Ellis, Jr., A.B., Princeton University, 1954; M.Mus., Northwestern University, 1958 Robert William Richter, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950 Theodore Gene Wilding, B.S., Iowa State University of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts, 1957 In Civil Engineering Anthony Thomas Campanelli, B.C.E., University of Dayton, 1961 George Chun-Yi Chang, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1959 John Seward Endicott, B.S., University of Colorado, 1954 William Joseph Garcia, Jr., B.S., United States Military Academy, 1959 142 board of trustees [September 19 Jerry Watson Hale, B.S., Virginia Military Institute, 1956 Arthur Thomas Horkay, B.S., 1961 Hsun-Sheng Hsieh, B.S.E., University of Michigan, 1960 William Tin-kan Hung, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 19S9 Mahinder Kumar Jain, B.S., Banaras Hindu University, 1959 Anthony Monshium Kao, B.S., 1959 Abdel Karim Conrado, C.E., National University of Nicaragua, 1961 Joaquin Marin Dominguez, C.E., Central University of Venezuela, 1960 Bijan Mohraz, B.S., 1961 Narayan Martand Prachand, B.Eng., Nagpur University, 1959 Walter Edward Stanley, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1961 Sayed Mohamed Sultan, B.S., Ain Shams University, 1959 Elmer Whitman Wright, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1944 John Edward Zimmerman, Jr., B.C.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1961 In Commercial Teaching Imelda Pradia, B.S., Texas Southern University, 1961 Marjorie Mae Reagon, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1958 In Dairy Science P. N. Madhavan Nair, Graduate, Bengal Veterinary College, 1951 Cornelis Godefridus van Dongen, Candidate, Diploma, State Agricultural University (Holland), 1957, 1959 In Economics Dong Won Choi, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1959 John Wesley Rowe, Jr., B.S., 1958 In Education Alfred Stewart Davis, B.S., 1960 In Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Kenneth Wayne Berta, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Minnie Frances Jouett, A.B., McKendree College, 1955 Wanda Leona Matticks, B.S., Quincy College, 1958 George Stanley Mischio, A.B., New Jersey State Teachers College, 1960 Patty Harrah Pate, B.S., Western Kentucky State College, 1955 Sally Ree Suhren, A.B., DePauw University, 1960 In Electrical Engineering Vithal Vasudeo Athani, B.Eng., University of Poona, 1956; Diploma, Indian Institute of Science, 1957 Robert Grant Bachman, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960 Murray Harold Bolt, B.S., University of Manitoba, 1961 James Walton Cox, B.S., Evansville College, 1956 James Lloyd Davis, B.S., 1961 Jean-Louis-Henri-Francois Guyon de Montlivault, Diploma, ficole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, 1961 Louis John Gargasz, B.S., Grove City College, 1961 Edward Richard Gruberg, B.S., Cooper Union, 1961 Don Allen Hollingsworth, B.S., 1961 Hsung Tsao Hsu, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1959 Kenneth Leo Hull, B.S., University of Kansas, 1961 Robert William Hume, B.S., 1961 Michael Henry Johns, A.B., B.S., Columbia University, 1960, 1961 Sin Hok Lim, A.B., Bandung Institute of Technology, 1960 Albert Starratt Nolan, A.B., Union College, 1953 James Anthony Reynolds, B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958 Martha Carolyn Shultz, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1961 Martin James Siebach, B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology, 1957 Davis Stevens Tarr, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1960 John Peter Trinko, B.S., 1962 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 143 Kenneth Kai Ming Tzeng, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1959 Sim Um, B.S., 19S9 Mvson F. Uman, B.S., Princeton University, 1961 William Robert Vitacco, B.S., Marquette University, 1961 In Entomology Victor Terenuku Williams, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 In Finance Leigh Gene Beube, B.S., 1961 Ronald Leon Racster, A.B., 1958 John David Ramey, B.S., 1961 In Food Technology Tong Hyub Joh, B.S., Seoul National University, 1953 In Geology Robert William Luce, A.B., Dartmouth College, 1960 Donald Easton Orlopp, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1958 In Health Education Joseph Leo Basile, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College (Cortland), 1961 Judith Ann Christensen, B.S., New Haven State Teachers College, 1961 William James Cooke, B.S., 1961 Joseph Francis DiGennaro, A.B., Hunter College, 1961 Elizabeth Jane Hill, B.P.H.E., University of Toronto, 1961 Richard Lee Hooser, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1955 Leonard Mintz, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1961 Gary Ray Sande, A.B., Concordia College, 1961 In Home Economics Alice Gadberry Clark, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1960 Martha Willett Gaebe, B.S., 1949 Sandra June Perrott, B.S., Cornell University, 1961 In Horticulture Raymond George Duewer, B.S., 1961 James Alfred Fizzell, B.S., 1957 In Journalism William Lee Hull, B.S., 1958 Howard Dale Martz, A.B., University of Minnesota, 1959 Jack Arthur Rardin, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1954 Donald Lee Smith, B.S., 1951 In Library Science Meral Alakus, A.B., Chapman College, 1961 Gene Dale Atkins, B.S., University of Alabama, 1960 Eleanor Faye Varner Attinello, A.B., 1960 Salvatore Joseph Attinello, A.B., University of Massachusetts, 1961 Mary Winifred Barnes, A.B., Lawrence College (Wisconsin), 1930; B.S., 1932 Larry Xon Besant, B.S., 1961 Onva K. Boshears, Jr., A.B., Greenville College, 1961 Dorothy Elizabeth Burns, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1956 Jimmy Ed Clark, B.S., Texas College, 1954; B.D., Southern Methodist University, 1959 Jean Blue Corey, B.S., Johnson C. Smith University, 1957 Mary Sue Dilliard, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1957 Charlotte Ann Evans, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1958 Marilee Ann Foglesong, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Mary Lee Hanson, A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1961 Marjorie Jane Johnson, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1959 Mata-Marie Henrietta Egan Johnson, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1953 144 board of trustees [September 19 Helen Augusta Swierczek Leritz, A.B., 1927 Grace Leola Lessen, B.S., M.S., 1942, 1947 John Marshall Lindsey, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1951; LL.B., 1958 Alice Lee Norton, A.B., Wellesley College, 1947 Mary Alice Richmond, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1939; Ed.M 1952 Kathleen Elise Sanderson, B.S., Bradley University, 1961 Richard Ily Smith, A.B., 1961 Susan Irene Steiniger, A.B., Purdue University, 1961 Patricia Ernestine Greganti Strougal, B.S., 1960 Alice Leone Swaljug, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Stevens Point), 1960 Leigh Ferne Temme, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1958 Andrew Stanislaus Gustavus Turyn, B.S., 1952 David Bean Walch, B.S., Eastern Oregon College of Education, 1960 Edna Johnson Williams, B.S., Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University, 1956 In Management William Allen Jaffe, A.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1960 In Marketing John Richard Andersen, B.S., 1958 Lawrence Edward Doherty, B.S., St. Joseph College (Indiana), 1955 Jack Dan Feiden, B.S., Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1959 Robert Ernst Linneman, Ph.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1950 William Joseph Smith, B.S., 1961 Noel Birely Zabriskie, B.S., 1959 In Mathematics Charles Frederick Alexander, A.B., Drury College, 1953 Jesse Byron Allen, B.S., M.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1947, 1950 Simeon Capizzi, B.S., 1940 Anthony Alfonsas Gilvydis, B.S., University of Detroit, 1961 Chi Wong Jung, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1957; M.S., 1960 Pierre Michel Ruiz Audabram, B.S., 1961 Leon Paul Shalla, B.S., 1960 In Mechanical Engineering Richard Carl Bennett, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1959 Brian Miles Berg, B.S., 1961 Balbir Singh Chhokar, B.S., Banares Hindu University, 1953; M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1958 Adrian Charles Crook, B.S., 1961 William Henry Edwards, Jr., B.S., United States Military Academy, 1955 Raymond William Goluba, B.S., 1961 Thomas Reichley Hicklin, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1957 Waldo Dean Martin, B.S., Purdue University, 1955 Milton John Profant, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1958 Satyendra Kumar Sood, B.Eng., Birla College of Engineering, 1952 In Metallurgical Engineering Harry Albert Levin, B.S., 1961 In Microbiology Robert John Bojanowski, B.S., 1960 In Music Education Margaret Edna Bayer, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1957 Joanne Patricia Beck, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College (Fredonia), 1958 Charles Wayne Brodkorb, B.S., 1957 Jack Donald Campbell, B.Mus., Chicago Conservatory, 1958 Norbert Walter Cieslewicz, B.S., 1960 James Allen Cobb, B.S., 1956 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 145 Jay Ckenshaw Decker, B.Mus.Ed., Municipal University of Wichita, 1956 Nancy Carolyn McCandless Garth, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1959 Dave Edward Habley, B.S., 1953 Lloyd D. Higgerson, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1949 Orland Wendell Holmes, B.S., 1958 Donna Hawks Lawson, B.S., 1957 Barbara Grammer Littell, B.S., 1958 Arda Tomlinson McMullan, B.Mus.Ed., Arkansas State College, 1957 John Calvin McMullan, B.Mus.Ed., Arkansas State College, 1955 Fred Wayne Omer, B.Mus.Ed., Murray State College, 1953 Karen Lee Pritchard, A.B., Albion College, 1961 Arlin Lee Rice, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 Hugh Warner Soebbing, B.S., Quincy College, 1953 Nancy Joy Stowell, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College (Fredonia), 1958 Charles Edward Traylor, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Dennis Dean Windler, B.Mus., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1958 Charles Rehm Winking, B.S., Quincy College, 1957 In Nuclear Engineering Cyrus Hall Adams, A.B., Princeton University, 1961 Lynn Boyd Bridwell, B.S., Murray State College, 1961 William Allen Goodwin, B.S., Northwestern University, 1961 David Archer Miller, B.S., 1961 Robert Henry Norman, B.Ch.E., University of Minnesota, 1961 In Physical Education Patrick Joseph Bird, B.S., 1961 Stanley Robert Buehrer, B.S., Ohio Northern University, 1959 Jean S. Cione, B.S., Eastern Michigan University, 1953 David Robert Cooper, B.S., Illinois College, 1953 Charles Bennett Corbin, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1961 Paul William Deese, A.B., Whittier College, 1961 David Lance Engerbretson, B.S., Macalester College, 1958 Roger John Hahn, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1961 William Robert Henderson, B.S., 1959 Deloris Joan Mikesell, A.B., Eastern Washington College of Education, 1957 Paul Angelo Mole, B.S., 1960 John Wilfred Murray, B.S., Ed.M., 1951, 1957 Donald Lawrence Pape, B.S., Southeast Missouri State College, 1954 Barbara Carol Passikoff, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1961 William John Penny, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1961 John William Rades, A.B., Bridgewater College, 1961 Don Howard Rapp, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1961 Michael Arthur Sherman, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College (Cortland), 1961 James Richard Slagle, B.S., 1954 Carol Ann Thompson, B.S., A.B., Otterbein College, 1961, 1961 Raymond Louis Welsh, A.B., Hunter College of the City of New York, 1961 Edward Arthur Wren, B.S., University of Maryland, 1958 Itt Physics Lee Alan Clayberg, A.B., Bradley University, 1960 Randall Bryant Dagis, B.S., 1961 Stanley Oakman Kennedy, B.S., University of Michigan, 1956 Nick Kokkotakis, Diploma, University of Athens, 1959 William John Kubitz, B.S., 1961 John Joseph Ohslund, B.S., 1961 Grayson Howard Walker, B.S., University of North Carolina, 1961 In Physiology Avon Leo Arbo, Jr., B.S., Aurora College, 1960 Donald Morton Miller, A.B., 1960 Brent Cole Seager, B.S., Michigan State University, 1958 146 board of trustees [September 19 In Recreation Francis Colin Coaxes, Diploma, University of Otago, 1957 Thomas Lester Goodale, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College (Cortland), 1961 Walter Carl Johnson, Jk., B.S., 1958 Stanley Labanowich, B.P.H.E., University of Toronto, 1958 Eric Levy, B.S., 1959 Joseph John Petrosino, B.S., State University of New York Teachers College (Cortland), 1961 William Currie Singletary, Jr., A.B., University of North Carolina, 1961 Margaret Ann Turner, A.B., B.P.E., McMaster University, 1958, 1959 In Sanitary Engineering Donald Everett Alton, B.S., 1959 Larry Wayne Canter, B.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 1961 Mhigankamouli Ghosh, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1959 In Speech Correction Donald Dean Batts, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Delores Lillian Kelly, A.B., St. Francis College, 1933 In Teaching of Biological Sciences and General Science Dorothy Kathryne Hall, A.B., Augustana College, 1943; Ed.M., 1959 Rexford John Joslin, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Oshkosh), 1960 Richard George Melinder, B.S., 1960 Diane Merle Prater, A.B., Carthage College, 1961 Edwin Arthur Reschke, B.S., 1961 In Teaching of Geography Glenn Smith Pate, B.S., Western Kentucky State College, 1955 In Teaching of Mathematics Kenneth Gerald Brown, B.S., 1961 Angela Fakinelli Castaldi, A.B., Clark University, 1946 Robert Joseph Krajewski, B.S., 1961 Richard Edgar Wolfe, A.B., Gettysburg College, 1954 In Teaching of Physical Sciences Ronald Joseph Fisher, A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1961 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Donald Edward Cullen, B.S., 1961 Jerome Edward Jobaris, B.S., 1960 John Alva Neal, B.M.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1961 Thomas Edward Smith, Jr., B.S., 1961 In Veterinary Medical Science James Edward Fitzgerald, B.S., D.V.M., 1953, 1955 Ramesh Chandra Pathak, B.V.S., M.V.S., Agra University, 1951, 1959 In Zoology Donald Lee Batch, B.S., Illinois College, 1960 Charles Julius Engbretson, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Oshkosh), 1960 Ann Vaughan Holmes, A.B., 1959 Bennett Clay Moulder, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956 Robert William Pearson, B.S., 1950 Sonia Jean Ringstrom, B.S., 1959 Degree of Master of Music Edna Deakyne Brown, B.Mus., 1961 Eric Lionel Dalheim, B.Mus.Ed., B.Mus., Baldwin-Wallace College, 1954, 1955 Lloyd Arnold Gold, B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music, 1954 Robert Bruce Kuzminski, B.Mus.Ed., 1961 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 147 Degree of Master of Education Alice Gheenberg Adelman, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1957 Alexine Shahan Allen, A.B., 1956 Eugene Martin Anderson, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Marilynn Robinson Anderson, B.S., North Dakota Agricultural College, 1958 Florence Martin Anthony, B.S., Jackson State College, 1957 Joann Maude Lock Arnett, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1960 James Edward Arnholt, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 Joanne MaGirl Arnold, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1959 Louis Delbert Audi, B.S., 1951 Beverly Sue Bard, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1959 Ruth Long Bartleson, A.B., Augustana College, 1952 William Hardin Battershell, B.S., 1937 Carol Elaine Trimble Beazly, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 James Leo Becker, B.S., 1961 Edward John Behm, B.S., 1954 John Gordon Bidner, B.S., 1958 Edward Eldon Black, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1956 Earl Richard Boner, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Jean Marie Borg, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1950 Barbara Lee Boultinghouse, A.B., Asbury College, 1959 Goodman Taylor Bradley, A.B., Olivet Nazarene College, 1958 Marilyn Helen Breiding, B.S., 1957 Rosa Flowers Brooks, B.S., Tuskegee Institute, 1957 Ann Jennings Brunk, A.B., Wheaton College, 1959 Alice Burge, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1956 Elmo Jackson Bush, A.B., McKendree College, 1959 Genevieve Bylinowski, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1953 John Marquis Campbell, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Harry Lee Carlson, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1952 Janet Weidner Carlson, B.S., 1954 Lois Jeanne Carmody, B.S., 1949 Beverly Beekler Carrington, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1951 Cleveland Haywood Chandler, Ph.B., Xavier University, 1941 Mary Louise Chapman, A.B., Millikin Uniyersity, 1958 Ernest Arthur Cimo, Jr., B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 Doris Baugh Clements, A.B., St. Augustine's College, 1958 C. LoRAINNE KUYKENDALL CLEVELAND, B.S., 1959 Jane Cole, B.S., 1959 Wade Cyrene Collier, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1953 Treva Clayton Cratsenberg, A.B., Marycrest College, 1953 Teresa Mathews Crayne, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1958 Lucille Benck Curran, A.B., University of Colorado, 1950 Noreen Yocum Cusey, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Charles Francis Deany, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 William Eugene Dearworth, B.S., 1959 Irene Virginia Dickinson, B.S., Pennsylvania State College (Mansfield), 1951 Mary Paulina Dinmore, A.B., Brown University, 1951 John Robert Dosier, A.B., McKendree College, 1955 Levi Hollis Dozier, B.S., Bishop College, 1953 Daniel George Drabik, A.B., Wabash College, 1948 Margaret Haynes Duncan, A.B., College of St. Francis, 1955 Patricia Alice Dunphy, A.B., Loyola University, 1958 Ronald George Eisenbarth, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1957 Carl Richard Ek, A.B., 1958 Mary Anne Elson, B.S., 1958 Mae Jean Engen, B.S., 1949 Kay Virginia Ent, A.B., 1958 Ronald Charles Etherton, B.S., Purdue University, 1959 Robert Harry Evans, A.B., McKendree College, 1958 Virgil Alfred Ewing, A.B., Greenville College, 1955 Wilfred Henry Faulkner, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1954 Victor Morton Funk, B.S., 1950 148 board of trustees [September 19 Irene Elizabeth Gabor, B.S., 1960 Rufus McKinley Gant, Jr., B.S., Hampton Institute, 1950 Mary Jane Gardiner-Atkinson, B.S., 1958 Carl Sumner Gorslin, A.B., Olivet Nazarene College, 1959 Eunice Mullen Green, B.S., Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1956 Maude Thornton Hall, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1944 Jack Evan Handley, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1956 Rodney Fred Hanson, B.S., 1958 Ronald Vern Harman, B.S., Concordia Teachers College, 1955 Bertha Parker Harris, B.S., Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1933 Jerome Louis Haywood, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Joseph Carl Hazelbaker, A.B., Harding College, 1958 Francis Norman Held, A.B., Milligan College, 1956 Carolyn Dresback Henebry, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Gordon Gerlach Hill, B.S., 1951 Lowell Francis Hillen, B.S., 1957 Frances J. Hinos, A.B., Elmhurst College, 1960 Carla Christine Holmgren, B.S., Iowa State University, 1960 Coralee Dennis Holt, B.S., 1960 Peggy Jo Honn, B.S., 1958 Em Ellen Spooner Hoover, B.S., University of Georgia, 1938 Leo Carl Huffman, B.S., Bradley University, 1950 Robert Anthony Hundley, Jr., A.B., Illinois College, 1954 Gladys Hathaway Hussong, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1943 Gladys Lucille Parker Jackson, A.B., Augustana College, 1943 Mary Alice Hennessy Jacobs, B.S., 1960 Darlene Marion Jelinek, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1955 Fred Edward Johnson, B.S., 1960 Rosalie Yuvonne Johnson, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 Maureen Lair Jones, A.B., University of Michigan, 1958 Mary Cecilia Joyce, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1956 Charles Marvin Kimble, A.B., McKendree College, 1952 Michael Gene Kimmel, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1954 Nancy Casteel King, B.S., Millikin University, 1959 James Lee Koch, B.S., Greenville College, 1957 Marcella Gertrude Kort, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1958 Joan Elizabeth Kumler, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Raymond Lewis Lambert, Jr., B.S., 1961 Terryl Ardean Lash, B.S., 1959 Lawrence Michael Lavin, B.S., Kansas State College (Pittsburg), 1956 Mary Frances Lavin, B.S., 1956 Jane Ellen Lawder, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Melvin Joseph Levin, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Samuel Joseph Licocci, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Frank Michael Lipousky, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956 Dorris Catherine Lippert, B.S., 1957 Myra King Lockett, B.S., Jackson College, 1953 John Timothy Madden, B.S., Quincy College, 1957 Helen Ruth Martin, A.B., Marycrest College, 1948 Barbara Boeker Masten, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1958 Iona Mae Masten, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1944 Shelton Clarence Mayes, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1955 Marvin LeeRoy McDonald, B.S., 1958 Mary Rita Kane McGuire, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1950 Martha Anne Michael, A.B., Knox College, 1960 Carl Larsen Midjaas, A.B., A.M., Southern Illinois University, 1958, 1959 Marion Owens Milbrandt, B.S., St. Cloud State Teachers College (Minnesota), 1940 Clarence Melvin Miller, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1951 Robert James Miller, B.S., University of Missouri, 1955 Robert Lee Milligan, B.S., 1955 Robert Junior Mills, B.S., 1950 Maurice Dwight Mobley, B.S., 1957 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 149 Gilbert Leon Moulton, A.B., Harding College, 1957 Kathryn L. Mott Nelson, A.B., Marycrest College, 1954 Frances Ann Nessler, B.S., Quincy College, 1960 William George Neubauer, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Richard Paul Niedvares, B.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1958 Pauline May Niziolkiewicz, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 William Wilbur Nolte, A.B., North Central College, 1935 Thomas Edward O'Driscoll, B.S., Quincy College, 1956 Janet Rutherford Page, B.S., 1959 Raymond Allan Page, B.S., 1957 Clarence Edward Park, B.S., Arkansas State College, 1958 Steve Leroy Pavlik, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Russell Warner Pearce, Jr., B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1954 Ertha Turner Perryman, B.S., Lincoln University, 1957 John Edward Peterson, B.S., 1951 John Vincent Peterson, A.B., 1959 Betty Ballou Phelps, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1947 James Richard Ping, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Cornelia Randle Pool, A.B., McKendree College, 1960 Katina Mae Poulos, A.B., Washington University, 1960 Anne Carolyn Prock, B.S., College of St. Francis, 1956 William Francis Puckett, A.B., Eureka College, 1954 Robert Lowell Purlee, A.B., Monmouth College, 1955 Elizabeth Louise Query, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1956 Carol Cathryn Reitz, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Janet Mary Relos, A.B., Rosary College, 1954 Louisa Ruth Replogle, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1956 Etta Mae Harris Richmond, A.B., Lincoln University, 1953 Frederick Alexander Rodgers, B.S., Fayetteville State Teachers College (North Carolina), 1960 Coleman Arthur Rogers, B.S., Eastern Nazarene College, 1959 Barbara Ann Wolf Rogness, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1951 Judith Maria Roudez, B.S., 1961 Jeannette Lynn Rutherford, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1960 John Ernest Sabalaskey, B.S., 1958 Leta Maude Sanderson, A.B., Illinois College, 1949 John Joseph Sarsfield, B.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1959 Margaret Elizabeth Sauer, B.S., 1951 Raymond Jules Scarce, B.S., 1950 Jacob Schlenker, Jr., B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1950 Frederick William Sherman, B.S., Concordia Teachers College, 1954 Martha Obermark Simpson, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1947 Donald Earl Smith, B.S., 1959 Evangeline Phillips Smith, B.S., Wheaton College, 1955 Harold Arthur Smith, B.Ed., Wisconsin State College (Whitewater), 1959 Lucy Edna Smith, B.S., Alabama State College, 1955 Warren George Smith, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Superior), 1948 William Ray Snyder, B.S., University of Texas, 1959 Mabel Logue Stannard, B.Ed., Northern Illinois University, 1942 Gertrude Luedke Steffen, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Albert Stevens, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1951 Mary Parker Stillwell, B.S., 1957 George William Strein, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1938 Richard Allen Sturgeon, B.S., Greenville College, 1956 Alan Noel Swanson, A.B., 1958 Carol Jane Swartz, B.S., Purdue University, 1958 Alice Wickiser Taylor, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois University, 1940 Paul Edward Thornburgh, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Thomas Nathan Tipsword, A.B., 1950 Muriel Herron Titus, B.S., Purdue University, 1956 Raymond Richard Torry, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1955 Eleanor Stasell Tucker, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Esther Tanner Turley, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1952 150 board of trustees [September 19 Anna Wagner Vogt, B.S., Northwestern University, 1952 Newman Arthur Vosbury, B.Ed., University of Miami, 1953 Elaine Frette Walters, B.S., 1942 Georgia M. Walton, B.S., Northwestern University, 1953 Paul Duane Wasser, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1958 Joe Keith Wasson, A.B., Monmouth College, 1958 Robert Wallace Watson, A.B., McKendree College, 1949 Mildred Leffler Weaver, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1950 Lyle Sherman Wessels, B.S., 1952 Lee Duvall West, B.S., 1959 Charles Allen White, A.B., 1954 Rhea Olive Fox Wickiser, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Gary Eugene Widmar, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Melvin Curtis Wiggins, A.B., Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1933 Sylvester Lee Wilhelmi, B.S., Iowa State University, 1951 Esther Amy Williams, A.B., Ottawa University, 1961 Ross Gleason Wilsey, Jr., A.B., 1954 Grace Marie Wilson, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1953 Leonard Milnes Winans, B.S., 1961 Louise Barger Wise, B.S., Millikin University, 1955 Donald William Woodard, B.S., 1950 Barbara Mae Saxon Wyne, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1953 Robert Anton Zanello, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Degree of Master of Social Work Theodora Muriel Johnson, A.B., DePaul University, 1957 Degree of Master of Fine Arts In Design Albert Fymat, Diploma, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs, 1961 In Landscape Architecture Raymond Frederick Cain, B.F.A., 1960 Degree of Master of Architecture Michael Denis Flynn, B.Arch., Catholic University of America, 1957 Robert Alan Forrester, Diploma, Glasgow School of Architecture, 1961 Bal Baswant Phatate, B.Arch., Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, 1959 Degree of Master of Accounting Science James Edward Buncher, B.S., 1961 Brack William Duker, B.S., 1961 Richard Ervin George, Jr., B.S., 1961 Clinton Nathan Jetmore, Jr., A.B., University of Maryland, 1961 Donald Duane Kain, A.B., Augustana College, 1961 William Nelson Kassen, B.B.A., University of Texas, 1959 Carl William Krell, B.S., University of Wyoming, 1957 Harold Richard Murphy, B.S., 1961 Robert Jerome Neff, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1961 Robert Thomas Rehwald, B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1960 William Bradford Sawtell, B.S., 1961 Ronald Joseph Szweda, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1961 Degree of Master of Laws Fletcher Nathaniel Baldwin, Jr., A.B., LL.B., University of Georgia, 1958, 1961 Dellas Wayne Lee, LL.B., University of British Columbia, 1959 Degree of Master of Television Joris Daniel Hoeree, Graduate, Dominican House of Studies George Edward Toles, Jr., A.B., Wheaton College, 1961 Andre Alfons Truyman, Graduate, Dominican House of Studies 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 151 Advanced Certificate In Education Gale Robert Ballard, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1948; M.S., 1950 Ethel Ames Blythe, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960; Ed.M., 1960 Loren Clyde Browning, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1940; A.M., 1944 Mary Ann Diller, A.B., MacMurray College, 1945; A.M., 1948 Donald Dorris Dillow, B.S., Ed.M., 1949, 1957 James Robert Dyer, B.S., Washington University, 1955; A.B., Harris Teachers College, 1958; A.M., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1959 Margaret Kraft Egan, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1952; Ed.M., 1955 Ohren Nelson File, B.S., Greenville College, 1939; M.S., 1951 James Andrew Frowein, B.S., M.S., Western Illinois University, 1951, 1958 Mildred Mae Gilmore, B.S., Bradley University, 1938; Ed.M., 1960 Clinton Samuel Hacemann, A.B., Elmhurst College, 1949; Ed.M., 1952 John Franklin Hartwig, Jr., B.S., Ed.M., University of Missouri, 1957, 1958 Catherine Lee Hasenmyer, B.S., Greenville College, 1952; M.S., 1957 Merle Romayne Hilgendorf, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1950; Ed.M., 1953 Guy Raymond Jones, B.S., Ed.M., 1956, 1957 Bert Walter Nordberg, B.S., Ed.M., 1956, 1957 Hazel Lucille O'Conner, A.B., A.M., Bradley University, 1953, 1957 Lois Lavone Romig, B.S., A.M., 1942, 1949 Ann Janet Stine Schmidt, B.S., Maryland State Teachers College, 1955; Ed.M., 1960 Philip Allan Young, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1950; M.S., 1959 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture Jack Dean Decker Charles Anderson Holuowell George Gerald Doering Richard Lee Kresse Leonard Lee Eddings Owen Norman Matz, Jr. Lowell Thomas Frobish Rollin Dean Strohman, Honors Duane Edward Haning Clarence Earl Walter In Home Economics Janet Nelson Chard Rosalind Ann Rhoda BOBETTE SCHROTBERCER EcKLAND, FATMA HaNDAN SaCIR High Honors Joan Rapp Sundstedt Muriel Garvin Petrowich In Home Economics Education Charlotte Fidder Hosken In Restaurant Management Roger Adolph Groth COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Kenneth Eugene Krzyzek In Agricultural Engineering John Edward Jolley In Civil Engineering Ronald Thomas Anderson Richard Bernt Fries George James Batek Jack Hardin James Frederick Baumann Grover Wallace Hastings Albert John Bergamin Henry Curtis Martin Roy Bernard Buckner John Wauterlek Millard William Cripe, Jr. Michael Edward Winter Edward Patrick DeLorenzo Richard Frank Ziccarelli 152 board of trustees [September 19 In Electrical Engineering Dennis Robert Chamberlin Richard Jon Ehrman Rodney Dwight Elmoee klngsley o'donald fray Tai-Keung Fu Joseph Wilbert Gerhardt Jose Geanes Sellares, Highest Honors Steve Beian Heller John Bradley King Roy William Klein John Kenneth LaCost Ronald Edwin Larson Thac Phu Mac Larry Nobukatsu Matayoshi James Francis McArdle Dennis Richard Migala William Guy Miller Virgil Martin Money Jaieo Naranjo Rojas Matthew James Nazarian George Nelms Robert Nelms Romanus Ogbonna Ohuche Wilfred Charles Schuemann Donald Winfield Sibeel, Honors Joel Slutzky Kam Chuen So, High Honors Ned Munger Spencer John Lawrence Stahlke, Honors Dalia Terese Stake James Patrick Turzer Robert Eugene Warren Joseph Thomas Yuravich, Honors In Engineering Mechanics Thomas George Howell Elmer Eugene Reis, Jr. In Engineering Physics John Grant Bergman In General Engineering Ronald David Duclos Jackie Ray Faso Ralph Theodore Hocking Stanley Allan Mayer Eugene Wallace Parry In Industrial Engineering Stephen David Berry Richard Allen Brock William Aloysius Reichart Ronald Alan Sandler In Manuel Jose Alvarez Arango Augusto Arias Gomez John Francis Brady guillermo bueso Francis Richard Faislamb Lee Raymond Frandsen Charles Leon Frederickson, Honors James Willard Hammond Donald Lee Kelly Raymond William Kotrba Julio Palacios Tobon Steve Phillips, Jr. Thomas Gabor Redey James Warner Rice Ronald Mathew Spatzek Russell Axel Starkman Ralph Edmund Dale Stewart, Honors Tames Van Rkenftj In Metallurgical Engineering Frank Jerome Majeske Joseph William Phebus COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences William Lloyd Allen Hadley Philip Arkes, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Political Science Judy Sonn Arkes, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Stanley Gordon Barnett Taylor Harvey Bell Elena Berezaluce Catherine Marie Canan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in History Jenifer Moberley Cartwright Kenneth James Cherry Linda Jean Creamer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Judith Charlene Douglas Wayne Lee Downs Harry Donaldson Dyer William Kent Evanson Alan Richard Feldman Francine Mae Friedman Clifford Irving Ganan Alan Harry Gossard 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 153 James Thomas Haddon, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Elizabeth Anne Hampel Milton Thomas Hansen Judith Andrade Hill Lawrence William Homer Harry LeRoi Hubbard David Vernon Irish Ellen McFarland Johnson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Janet Elaine Johnson Adam Walter Kamaske Gary George Kermer Ronald Fredric Lantz Angela Zerdavis Lask, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Judith Ann Mathewson Susan Jean McLaughlin Roger Allen Meyer Martin Allen Minow James John Mockford Patricia Geary Nicoll Ruth Olson Nicoll Edward Lawrence Orleans Judith Ann Pabin Robert Louis Pagel Baiba Paulins Elba Cenal Pellecchia My Chuong Phan Bebe Idyl Pritam David Overby Rolston Kenneth Herman Rowen Soleiman Mohammed Tarbah Robert Lee Van Dyke, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Celine Foster Walker Alice Johnson Webber Thomas Anthony Weimer Alton John Williams Nordic Richard Winch Stephen Lee Yarbrough Wanda Lilliann Zielinski In the Teaching of English Judith Oakwood Adams Harriet Stemme Mayberry Barbara Lee Boden Doris Jean Pogue Marianna Young Lewis, Honors in Freya Judith Shapiro Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Latin Gail DeMik Laurenzo, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Spanish Nancy Rorer Sheely In the Teaching of Speech Beverly Hall Swanstrom, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering Ralph Elmer Lindemann William Gordon Lussie, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Chemistry William Addison Scott III, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Arthur William Struss In Liberal Arts Philip Catalano Kenneth Robert Conklin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics Patrick Edward Dawson Sandra Beatrice Dribin Annette Kay Haskett William Charles Heiser Samuel Lerner Nathan Marion Lofton, Jr. Irena Leipus Markvaldas James Edward Martin Frank Erling Ness Roberta Peklay and Sciences Nijole Jasenas Pupius Diana Anna Radys Robert Kevin Rice Roy Silverstein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Stephen Dennis Sparks Robert Francis Tobinski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Ray Van der Linden Lourens Hermanus Van Niekerk Kenneth Martin Viste, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sharon Kay Vitzthum Robert Allen Zebell 154 board of trustees [September 19 In Physics Andras Miklos Bardos, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum In Speech Correction Barbara Thelma Abbit In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General Science Marie Pansy Tonelli, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Chemistry John William Lampe In the Teaching of Mathematics and the Physical Sciences Patricia Cramer Pulfokd, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences COLLEGE OF LAW Degree of Bachelor of Laws Ralph Delano Beal, A.B., 1959 Peter John Novak, A.B., 1961 Chester Joseph Cross Martin Rudman Terry Orville Helmich, A.B., 1960 William Anthony Thuma, Jr., A.B, James Terry McCollum, B.S., 1956 Beloit College, 1959 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Education Benjamin Franklin Caplinger III William Frank Fierke William Reid Keeffer Leona Pridemore McCarrey Alan Michael Scarnavack In the Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Audrey Johns Marcia Elizabeth Pressman Geraldine Rio Pagel In Elementary Education Grace Wright Bennett Gladys Davis Booth Doris Royalty Brown Ruby Lorene Brown Jane Austin Combes David Dale Dumbaugh Patricia Ann Esterling Judith Lynne Foster, High Honors Verna Mae Godman, Honors Lynn Lee Furnall Graham Shabon Ann Hochstettler Mable Keller Kennedy Constance Ann Konrad Nancy Bee Love Gloria Mass Barbara Hiatt McCormick Martha Sandusky Merritt Adrienne Marilyn Miller Theresa Marie Navilio Anita Knudsen Nordahl Betty Hendrix Pruitt Nancy Jane Squiller Nellie Mardie Stone Helen Mitchell Vigil Judith Ann Wagner Johnny Lee Waterman In Industrial Education Daniel Charles Merenkov Donald Leslie Newman COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accountancy Thomas Francis Ariens George Washington Burroughs Jay Harold Chapman Joseph Walker England, Honors Walter Robert Ginther Norman Thomas Jones 19621 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 155 Howard Gordon Kaplan, High Honors Henry Martin Klausman, High Honors Russell Stanley Koss JONE JURATE KrEGZDE Robert Sherwin Krockey Harris Nasution William L. Nothman SjAFIOEDIN OESMAN Rasidi David Ira Rosenthal Richard Claude Smilgoff R. Soebagjo r. oskar soerja atmadja David Peter Stevenson Joseph John Stoffel John Robert Stuckey sumantri sumodirono Larry Ray Tinberg Ronald Joseph Van Thyne Jack Eugene Warner David Lee Young In Economics Pasquale Michael Benedetto Roger Jeffrey Green Paul John Martin Stephen Douglas Royer Lawrence George Sebastian In Finance Stuart Minor Lockwood Leon Richard Torbeck Thomas Allan Turley Michael Wexler Carolyn Anne Wilson In Industrial Administration Richard Allen Burkholder Robert Arthur Jurs In Management Raymond Walter Burhop William John Dragozetich Gerald Edward Hudson James Warren Huffman Clarence Ronald Sprecher In Marketing Duncan Brown Cooper HI Raymond Lester Dinger Richard Ellsworth Eddy Juanita Kay Jacob Catherine Leas Klick Roy Alden Rodgers, Honors Albert Melvin Smith Charles Riggs Sprowl, Jr. Joseph Francis Szekely Frank William Wahlstrom COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATIONS Degree of Bachelor of Science In Communications Richard Bernal Betty Raye Contorer Gary Lee Danna Donald Garfield James Vincent Gill Mary Ellen Goddard Joseph David Kestnbaum, Honors Hei Chu Kim Donald Eugene King Dennis Albert Klay Michael Joseph Kutchins Patricia Ruth Murphy Claudette Esther Gustava Olson William Arthur Stephenson Helen Louise Suddes James Joseph Zlogar COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Architecture Richard Borreson Cook Robert John Earle Jon Joel Ewigleben Jay Michael Leavitt Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts In Advertisina Desian Joan DeAnne Anderson, Honors Richard Walter Griese Edward Lee Hayes Robert William Pelkowski Eugene Warren Sagerman Sandra Sefansky, Honors Tom Arthur Snyder 156 board of trustees [September 19 In Art Education JoAnn Katz Farley Cynthia Esther Hosken Nancy Langham Knapp, Highest Honors Anthony Joseph Seminerio Carol Sorkin In Industrial Design Randall Peter Buhk Frederick Fay Dresback Donald Henry Gregor Donald Kenneth Krumin Robert Walter Yackel In Landscape Architecture Daniel Henderson Babbitt In Painting Louis George Aronson Ken Walter Gatzke, Honors David Edward Wahlgren Joanne Ike Wilson, Honors In the History of Art Barbara Ainslie Schick Degree of Bachelor of Music Donald Melvin Collins Kathryn Jeanne Corbin David Harold Moskovitz, High Honors Degree of Bachelor of Science In Architectural Engineering Donald Wilfred Knudson In Music Education Eddie Keith Allen Karen Doughty Byrne John William Leman Duane Clare Lundeen Kenneth Robert Marshall, Honors Dean Marable Wade Tommy Howard Wardlow COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science Jerry Verne Curless in rnysicut n.aucwwn Jacqueline Ellen Tietsort In Recreation Suzanne Martin Eigel Alyce Moy Gee Martha Forsyth Thomas Richard Sherwood Walbaum DIVISION OF SPECIAL SERVICES FOR WAR VETERANS Degree of Bachelor of Science Virgil William Burgess COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Veterinary Medicine John Bruce Arensman EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Mr. Dilliard, an executive session was ordered for consideration of the following reports and recommendations on land acquisitions and other business relating thereto. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 157 PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 4O6 EAST CHALMERS STREET, CHAMPAIGN (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the property at 406 East Chalmers Street, Champaign, Illinois, at a price of $27,000. The property consists of a lot S1.5 feet by 116.24 feet and is improved with a three-story and basement rooming house and garage. The improvements will eventually be removed and the property will be part of the site for construction of the next residence hall for single graduate students, scheduled to begin in the fall of 1963. The sale price is within the appraisals and has been reviewed with the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Possession will not be later than September 1, 1963, and taxes will be prorated. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, the purchase of this property was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. PURCHASE OF PROPERTIES (2) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of the following properties at the prices and on the terms indicated in each case: 204 North Romine Street, Urbana......................................$16 000 The property consists of a lot 52 feet on Romine Street and 82 feet deep and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. The dwelling will eventually be removed and the land will be part of an area for a new Civil Engineering Building. Possession will be delivered not later than October 1, 1962, and taxes will be prorated. The sale price is within the appraisals received by the University. 1105 West Illinois Street, Urbana...................................... 35 000 The property consists of a lot 65 feet on Illinois Street by 150 feet deep and has a two-story and basement frame residence and a remodeled garage used as apartments. 107 South Gregory Street, Urbana..................................... 28 000 The property consists of a lot 60.10 feet on Gregory Street by 143.88 feet deep and is improved with a two-story frame residence and garage. 109 South Gregory Street, Urbana..................................... 24 250 The property consists of a lot 60.10 feet on Gregory Street by 143.88 feet deep and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. The improvements on the above three properties will be removed and the land will be used to replace parking facilities which will be discontinued when construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls is started. Possession will be delivered not later than October 5, 1962, and taxes will be prorated. While the sale prices of these three properties are in excess of appraisals secured by the University, it is believed that they can not be reduced through further negotiations. However, because of the cost of condemnation proceedings, the loss of time in litigating such cases and the uncertainty as to decisions which might be reached, it has been concluded that such procedure would not be warranted in acquiring these properties. Funds for the purchase of the properties at 107 and 109 South Gregory Street, Urbana, are available from the proceeds of sale of Housing Revenue Bonds or from Housing Division Reserves. Funds for the purchase of the properties at 1105 West Illinois Street and 204 North Romine Street are available in the state appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. 158 board of trustees [September 19 Actions on the foregoing recommendations were taken separately as to the property at 204 North Romine Street, Urbana, and the three properties on West Illinois Street and South Gregory. On motion of Mr. Pogue, purchase of the property at 204 North Romine Street, Urbana, at a price of $16,000 was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. On motion of Mr. Pogue, purchase of the properties at 1105 West Illinois Street, Urbana, 107 and 109 South Gregory Street, Urbana, at the prices indicated was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE ILLINOIS STREET RESIDENCE HALLS (3) With construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls in the area between Illinois Street, Lincoln Avenue, Green Street, and Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, automobile parking facilities in that general area now providing approximately 310 spaces, designated as temporary, will be discontinued. These spaces are primarily used by residents of the Single Graduate Student Residence Halls on Green Street and of the Student-Staff Apartments on Green Street and Goodwin Avenue, with some use by academic staff and University visitors. As the result of studies made, the following replacement program is recommended: Number of Spaces 1. Improve lots at 107 and 109 South Gregory Street and at 907 West Green Street for rental at a rate of $5.00 per month to occupants of the Graduate Student Residence Halls (56 and 46 spaces, respectively)................ 102 2. Retain in the existing lot approximately 140 spaces and rent these spaces at a rate of $5.00 per month to occupants of the Student-Staff Apartments.. .(140) 3. Improve for rental at a rate of $5.00 per month to occupants of the Student-Staff Apartments, until the start of construction of the Faculty Club, the present property at 1110 West Illinois Street (25 spaces)....... 25 4. Improve and install parking meters on two lots at 1109 and 1111 West Illinois Street (capacity, 62 spaces) for rental at a rate comparable to charges in municipal parking lots to academic staff, and if these spaces are not fully occupied, open them to visitors................................ 62 5. Improve the two lots at 1103 and 1105 West Illinois Street for academic staff use on a free basis, and retain approximately 62 spaces in existing permanent lots in the immediate area for rent to academic staff at the annual rental rate of $60.00 per year................................... 62 Total............................................................. 25l The above program will leave a net loss of sixty parking spaces. It is estimated that the total cost of improvements to provide these parking facilities will be approximately $4l,000. Funds are available for the construction from the proceeds of sale of Housing Revenue Bonds or from Housing Division Reserves. Income from the parking meters and rentals will be used to retire the cost of capital improvements to remove existing houses, garages, etc., and construction. Bids for the recommended improvements will be received on October 3, 1962, and in order to complete the work prior to the time construction starts on the Illinois Street Residence Halls, it is necessary to start construction of the new parking areas as soon as possible thereafter. Accordingly, it is requested that the Executive Committee of the Board meet as soon as feasible after opening the bids to act on recommendations for awards 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 159 of these contracts. (Subsequently, it was agreed by all members of the Executive Committee that October 5 would be a convenient date for this meeting.) I concur in the foregoing recommendations. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved, and the Physical Plant Department was authorized to proceed with the implementation of this program of improvements. The Board reconvened in public session. There being no further business, a recess was taken for luncheon and an informal speaking program. POST LUNCHEON SPEAKERS Dean Stanley C. Robinson of the Division of University Extension addressed the Board on the operations of Allerton House and the programs of the Division which are carried on there. Mr. Walter M. Keith, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Director of Allerton Park, reported on the operation of the Park. Professor Donald G. Smith of the Department of Agricultural Economics also addressed the Board, reporting on the operations of the Allerton Farms, which are under the management of the Department and under his immediate supervision, and the income from which is used for the maintenance of Robert Allerton Park. Dean Robinson introduced other members of the staff of the Division of University Extension and of Allerton House: Professor Norman W. Johnston, Director of Allerton House, Eugene H. Schroth, Assistant Director of Allerton House, and Mr. Hugh Davison, Extension Specialist in Charge of Short Courses and Conferences. MEETINGS OF BOARD COMMITTEES Meetings of the Committees on General Policy and on Buildings and Grounds were held beginning at 1:30 p.m., following adjournment of the Board. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS October 17, 1962 The October meeting of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, October 17, 1962, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner and Mr. George T. Wilkins were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Professor Norman A. Parker, Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Dr. Joseph S. Begando, Vice-President, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. C. Caveny, Assistant to the President, Chicago Office, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel; and the officers of the Board, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 161 162 board of trustees [October 17 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Secretary submitted a report of the Executive Committee of its actions at a duly called meeting held on October 5, 1962. MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE On call of the Chairman, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Mini Center, LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Friday, October 5, 1962, beginning at 2:00 p.m. The following members of the Committee were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Chairman, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins. Also present were Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Member of the Board, Comptroller H. O. Farber, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board. The Committee considered the following reports and recommendations submitted on behalf of the President of the University, and took the actions indicated. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING FACILITIES (1) The Board of Trustees has approved a program for the construction of automobile parking facilities on properties either now owned by the University, or which the University is acquiring, in the vicinity of the Graduate Student Residence Halls on Green Street, and the Student-Staff Apartments on Green Street and Goodwin Avenue in Urbana, to replace parking facilities on the site of the Illinois Street Residence Halls. Bids on the construction of the new parking facilities, according to the program approved by the Board, including demolition of structures on ten properties, were received on October 3. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on the bidding, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. As reported to the Board, funds are available in Housing Division reserves which will be advanced to finance this project, and will be repaid from the income from the rentals of parking spaces. It is therefore recommended that a contract be awarded to the Champaign Asphalt Company, Champaign, in accordance with its total firm lump sum price of $48,972.45, with the right reserved to delete any division to which the University is not given possession within the required time, or is not vested with title satisfactory to the University Legal Counsel. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, none. LITIGATION INSTITUTED BY DONALD VREULS (2) The University has recently been named as an additional defendant in a suit originally filed against the city of Champaign in the Circuit Court of Champaign County (No. 61 L 347) by Donald Vreuls and his wife. The complaint alleges that Mr. Vreuls sustained injuries on May 30, 1961, during the progress of a water fight between numerous students of the University of Illinois and seeks recovery therefor from both the City and the University. The Legal Counsel states that in his opinion the University should resist the claim and the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court over the University in this proceeding. He requests that the Board of Trustees authorize him to take appropriate action to oppose and defend the claim in all respects, and to employ such special legal counsel as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in connection therewith. The President of the University concurs. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, authority was given as requested. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 163 PURCHASES (3) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The President of the University concurs. Chicago Colleges and Divisions Item Department Vendor Cost One spectrofluorometer and accessories Aeromedical Farrand Optical $ 3 466 00 consisting of one power supply, twelve Laboratory Co., Inc., delivered quartz cells, one cell adapter, and one New York, N.Y. calibration unit One spectrophotometer and accessories Clinical Research W. H. Kessel & Co., 4 980 00 consisting of one monochromator, one Center Chicago delivered lamp housing, one power supply unit, one sample changer, and one indicator unit Modernization and updating of one Radiology Packard Instrument 4 800 00 model 314X Tri-carb spectrometer Co., Inc., delivered to make it equal to current model 314EX-1 La Grange Urbana-Champaign Departments Printing of 3,000 copies special mosaic Agronomy National Survey Co., 4 040 40 soil map of Johnson County, Illinois Chester, Vt. f.o.b. One fermentor drive assembly complete Chemistry and New Brunswick Scientific ucxi vcrcu : 3 935 00 with bath heaters, stainless steel Chemical Co., Inc., f.o.b. filters, and continuous adjustable Engineering New Brunswick, N.J. delivered speed regulation; the equipment will be used for mass growth of micro- organisms under controlled condi- tions in research on the biosynthesis of proteins by the Biochemistry Division of the Department of Chem- istry and Chemical Engineering One lot of laboratory apparatus includ- General Chemical Schaar Scientific Co., S 967 80 ing two spectrophoto meters and ac- Stores Chicago f.o.b. cessories, thermometers, solution delivered bottles, vials, pipette assemblies. blendors and magnetic stirrers for stock in the General Chemical Store- room Plexiglass, sheet, rod and tube, assorted General Chemical Cadillac Plastic Co., 3 002 32 for stock Stores St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. delivered Print and fold 35 issues, 2,700 copies Television- Quality Service Press, 2 621 50 per issue, "Channel 12 Newsletter" Motion Mansfield f.o.b. for the period October 15, 1962, Pictures delivered through October 14, 1963 400 cases napkins, paper, size 12 in. x Office Supply Westervelt Paper 4 800 00 13 in., packed 12,000 per case Storeroom Co., Inc., f.o.b. Decatur delivered 400 cases tissue, cellulose, sanitary Office Supply Doeskin Products, Inc., 2 747 24 cleansing, white, size 8J in. x 9% in., Storeroom New York, N.Y. f.o.b. 36 boxes per case, 400 single sheets delivered per box (estimated twelve-month supply) Paper pads, writing type, 100 sheets Office Supply W. M. Putnam Co., 7 711 00 each, as follows: Storeroom Bloomington f.o.b. 2,000 lbs. 3 in. x 5 in., white, not ruled delivered 2,000 lbs. 4 in. x 6 in., white, not ruled 1,000 lbs. 5*4 in. * 8}4 in., white, not ruled 10,000 lbs. 8H in. x 11 in., white, not 6,000 lbs. Sii in. x 11 in., canary, not ruled 100 gross 8H in. x 11 in., white, ruled 100 gross 8 J4 in. x 11 in., canary, ruled On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Committee adjourned. Wayne A. Johnston Frances B. Watkins A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Clerk Chairman 164 board of trustees [October 17 BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. During this presentation, Mr. Ajit Prasad Jain, Member of Parliament of India and Chairman of the Board of Management of the Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University in India, who is an official guest of the University of Illinois this week, was introduced and invited to stay for the Board meeting. He was accompanied by Dr. Royden Dangerfield, Dean of Administration and Director of International Programs at the University. BIENNIAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 19 63-65 (1) The estimates of state appropriations required for operations for the University during the biennium of 1963-65 are submitted herewith. These budget estimates have been prepared by the Executive Vice-President and Provost in consultation with the University's budget Committee1 of which he is Chairman, and with the deans, directors, and other administrative officers. The estimates prepared by the colleges and institutes and other departments of the University have been carefully studied, revised, and in most cases substantially reduced. The University Council has also been consulted. I recommend that these budget estimates be approved for filing with the State Department of Finance and for presentation to the state administration and all other state agencies involved in budget procedures. President Henry then discussed the recommendations in the several categories of the budget estimates. Supporting statements were made by Executive Vice-President and Provost Lanier and Vice-President and Comptroller Farber. Mr. Williamson reported that the Finance Committee and several of the other Trustees in a special work session had previously studied the budget recommendations in consultation with the President and other University officials and that the Committee was prepared to support the recommendations as submitted. Following the presentations by the President and other University officials, and further discussion, on motion of Mr. Williamson the following budget was approved, and the President of the University was authorized to file it with the State Department of Finance and for presentation to the state administration and all other state agencies involved in budget procedures; and the President of the Board, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, and the President of the University were authorized to represent the Board in conferences with state officials concerning the budget. This action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. 1 Lyle H. Lanier, Executive Vice-President and Provost, Chairman; Herbert O. Farber, Vice-President and Comptroller; Norman A. Parker, Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division; Joseph S. Begando, Vice-President for the University of Illinois at the Medical Center; Frederick T. Wall, Dean of the Graduate College (Ex Officio Members); A. T. Malinosky, Assistant Professor of Accountancy, Chicago Undergraduate Division: J. Nelson Young, Professor of Law; Tames A. Yaeger, Assistant Professor of Histology, Medical Center (from the Senates); Gerald M. Almy, Professor of Physics and Associate Head of the Department; Robert W. Rogers, Professor of English and Head of the Department; O. Burr Ross, Professor of Animal Science and Head of the Department (from the faculty at large); Royden Dangerfield, Associate Provost and Dean of Administration; Gustav J. Froehlich, Director of the Bureau of Institutional Research (Staff Associates). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 165 BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR OPERATIONS. 1963-65 Present Budget The biennial budget of the University of Illinois includes only those funds that are appropriated by the General Assembly. These legislative appropriations are called "General Funds," and for the current biennium they will account for approximately 62 per cent of the University's expenditures for all purposes. The following is a breakdown of the 1961-63 biennial budget, showing the two sources of General Funds and their allocation over the two years of the biennium: 1961-63 Source of Funds 1961-62 1962-63 Total General Revenue (Tax) Fund...... $63 500 000 $66 200 000 $129 700 000 University Income Fund.......... 7 528 000 7 528 000 15 056 000 Total....................... $71 028 000 $73 728 000 $144 756 000' In addition to these General Funds, the University receives financial support in the form of gifts, grants, and contracts from many outside sources, including the federal government, private foundations, industry, and individual donors. Furthermore, the University operates various auxiliary enterprises that are largely self-supporting, such as residence halls, the union building, and bookstores. The income from these various sources represents about 38 per cent of the funds expended annually by the University. Since the use of such funds is limited to designated purposes, they are called "Restricted Funds" and do not require appropriation by the General Assembly. The following table presents a comparison of expenditures of the two types of funds, for the two fiscal years of the present biennium: 1961-62 1962-63 Per Per Amount cent Amount cent General Funds................ $ 71 028 000 63 $ 73 728 000 62 Restricted Funds.............. 42 063 231 37 44 989 410 38 Total.................... $113 091231 100 $118 717 410 100 From the two foregoing tables it can be seen that stale-tax funds account for only about 56 per cent ($66,200,000) of the total of expenditures anticipated by the University in 1962-63. University income provides an additional 6 per cent ($7,528,000), to bring the appropriation of General Funds to 62 per cent ($73,728,000) of the over-all total. Based upon figures for 1961-62, annual expenditures for the main types of University operations are approximately as follows, in terms of percentages: 39 per cent for instruction (mostly General Funds) 29 per cent for research (mainly Restricted Funds) 11 per cent for extension and public service, exclusive of Research and Educational Hospitals (about equally divided between General and Restricted Funds) 8 per cent for Research and Educational Hospitals (mainly General Funds) 13 per cent for self-supporting auxiliary enterprises and student aid (Restricted Funds) These percentages reflect both the direct and the indirect costs of the indicated functions. That is to say, the expenses of administration, retirement benefits, library, and physical plant have been allocated to the several classes of operations, approximately in proportion to their respective direct costs. The average cost of undergraduate instruction in 1961-62 was $1,162 per student for the Urbana-Champaign campus and $1,068 for the Chicago Undergraduate Division (two-year program only). The unit costs of graduate and professional education are considerably higher, but these students constitute less than 25 per cent of the total enrollment. It is estimated that the average over-all 1 All figures in this statement include funds for the Police Training Institute, for which a separate appropriation was received in 1961-63. Since the budget for the Institute will be included in the University's regular operating appropriation for 1963-65, the Institute's budget for 1961-63 has been consolidated here with that of the University in order to facilitate comparisons of the two sets of biennial figures. 166 board of trustees [October 17 cost per student for all types of on-campus instruction in 1961-62 was slightly more than $1,400. Special attention is called to the fact that the Research and Educational Hospitals in Chicago require about 8 per cent of the University's income for operations. Only an eighth of these costs is offset by fees collected from patients --- a situation quite different from that in certain other major universities whose hospitals are entirely self-supporting. A similar item is the provision of funds for the Division of Services for Crippled Children----$1,778,180 for 1962-63 --- within the University's regular budget for operations. It is important to recognize these components of the University's budget, since the latter is sometimes compared with those of other institutions, without knowledge or recognition of the differences due to the inclusion of heavy items for public-service activities in its legislative appropriations. Preparation of the Biennial Budget Requests for 1963-65 The biennial budget requested for 1963-65 is based upon recommendations made by the University Budget Committee, an all-University committee appointed by the President. The Executive Vice-President and Provost serves as chairman and the other members include the Vice-President and Comptroller, the Vice-President for the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division, the Dean of the Graduate College, the chairmen of the budget committees of the Senates on the three campuses, and three tnembers-at-large. The preparation of the biennial budget covered a period of approximately six months, beginning in the spring of 1962. The work began with a general request from the Chairman of the University Budget Committee addressed to deans, directors, and general administrative officers concerning the general conditions to be faced by the University during the biennium 1963-65. Estimates of enrollment were provided to all instructional departments and administrative officers, together with information concerning existing instructional loads and trends since 1954. All departments and divisions were requested to submit estimates of funds needed to handle increased enrollment, to meet the costs of operating new buildings, to overcome deficiencies in staff and expense budgets for current levels of operation, and to provide funds for essential improvements in academic programs. The analysis of needs and the development of budget estimates for 1963-65 presented unusual difficulties and uncertainties. Principally, these related to the expected opening of the new campus at Congress Circle in September, 1964 --- an opening date that has been assumed in the preparation of the 1963-65 budget request. One set of problems concerned the estimation of the dates of completion of the new buildings and of the time required to get them into condition for occupancy by the scheduled opening date. More difficult, however, was the prediction of enrollment at the new campus where students in the Chicago Undergraduate Division will be able for the first time to complete their work for baccalaureate degrees. There was also the related uncertainty as to what concurrent changes in enrollment might occur at the Urbana-Champaign campus, since no definitive basis existed for estimates of how the Urbana-Champaign enrollment would be affected by the opening of the new campus. Enrollment predictions were nevertheless made by the Bureau of Institutional Research, and the figures adjusted by the Budget Committee in the light of departmental estimates and of the availability of office, laboratory, and classroom space. The latter was calculated by the Central Office on the Use of Space and the Space Planning Office of the Physical Plant Department. It was assumed that the new campus at Congress Circle would have adequate facilities for the expected enrollment if construction could be completed by September, 1964. The Budget Committee gave careful attention to various proposals for salary increases, and attempted to estimate the extent of salary improvement that would be necessary to maintain the position of the University of Illinois among comparable universities in the United States. The increasing competition from other universities and that from industry in certain fields were important considerations in this study. When the University Budget Committee had completed its budget recommendations, they were submitted to the President of the University. After review by the President, the proposed biennial budget was presented for ap- 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 167 praisal to the University Council, consisting of the deans and directors of all administrative units. In the light of the Council's advice, the President submitted his recommendations to the Board of Trustees for action. Summary of Biennial Budget Requests for 1963-65 Including increases required by law and those required to maintain the present level of expenditure, the requests for additional funds submitted by the deans and directors, plus the increases for salary adjustments recommended by the Budget Committee, totaled $40,286,808 for the biennium. This figure is slightly lower than the over-all increase requested for 1961-63 ($41,144,325). Considering that less than 50 per cent of the latter amount was finally appropriated for 1961-63, and the fact that an extraordinary increase will be required for the Congress Circle campus in 1964-65, the total of increases requested by the deans and directors for the biennium 1963-65 is a relatively moderate one. Nevertheless, in the effort to hold the 1963-65 budget to a level required to meet urgent needs, the biennial increase finally proposed to the General Assembly is some 20 per cent below the figure representing the original college and departmental requests. As shown in Schedule A (below), an increase of $31,044,000 above the appropriations for 1961-63 (an average of $15,522,000 per year) is requested by the University for the biennium of 1963-65. This represents an increase of 21 per cent over the amount appropriated for the current biennium. The total is $175,800,000 in General Funds for 1963-65, $15,500,000 of which would come from University income and the remainder of $160,300,000 from the tax revenues of the state. Special attention is called to the sharp increase in operating costs for the second year of the biennium (1964-65), mainly due to the opening of the new campus at Congress Circle. The increases for the latter are shown separately in Schedule A, and it can be seen that it will be necessary to add $3,590,000 in 1964-65 for that purpose alone. In addition, the sum of $3,000,000 is requested for further salary adjustments for the staff on all three campuses in 1964-65, and $360,000 additional for the operation of new buildings completed at Urbana-Champaign for use in 1964-65. Thus the requested biennial budget of $175,800,000 would be divided between the two years of the biennium as follows: $84,425,000 for 1963-64; $91,375,000 for 1964-65. It is important for future planning to record that the difference of $6,950,000 would have to be added to the total appropriated for the biennium 1965-67 in order to continue in that biennium the level of operations reached during the second year of the biennium 1963-65. In the following pages, detailed explanations are given for the increases requested under each of the major sections in Schedule A (below). Later sections present analyses of the funds requested in accordance with the object classifications required under the State Finance Act, including the special breakdowns required by action of the Seventy-second General Assembly. Schedule A. Increases Requested in the 1963-65 Biennial Budget (All amounts are for two years except as noted.) Recommended Increases I. Contributions to University Retirement System.............. $ 742 900 II. To Continue for a Full Biennium Funds Required for One Year Only in the 1961-63 Biennium............................. 2 700 000 III. Salary Adjustments for All Staff: A. 1963-64 (for two years)................................ 9 000 000 B. 1964-65 (for one year)................................. 3 000 000 IV. To Provide for Increased Enrollment in 1963-64 (for two years): A. Instructional Staff (Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center) 2 740 000 B. Nonteaching Staff, Expense, and Equipment 1. Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center............... 2 060 000 2. Congress Circle..................................... 1 000 000 V. To Provide for Increased Enrollment in 1964-65 (for one year): A. Instructional Staff (Congress Circle)..................... 1 770 000 B. Nonteaching Staff, Expense, and Equipment (Congress Circle)...................................... 1 230 000 168 board of trustees [October 17 Recommended Increases VI. To Meet Increased Cost of Operation: A. Operating Costs of New Buildings in 1963-64 (for two years) (Schedule B, page 176) 1. Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center............... $ 1 571 100 2. Congress Circle..................................... 1 000 000 B. Operating Costs of New Buildings in 1964-65 (for one year) (Schedule B, page 176) 1. Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center............... 360 000 2. Congress Circle..................................... 590 000 C. Increases to Maintain Present Level of Services 1. Increases in Expense and Equipment to Meet Rising Costs and Accumulated Deficiencies........................ 1 500 000 2. Increases in Auxiliary Staff to Meet Accumulated Deficiencies (Schedule C, page 177)................... 1 073 000 VII. Improvements in Educational Programs..................... 707 OOP Total Increases........................................ $ 31 044 000 Present Biennial Budget................................ 144 756 000 Proposed Biennial Budget............................... 3175 800 000 Fund Distribution General Revenue Income Fund Total Present Budget................ S129 700 000 ?15 056 000 $144 756 000 Increase...................... 30 600 OOP 444 000 31 044 000 Proposed Budget............... $ 160 300 000 $15 500 000 $175 800 000 Explanation of Increases Requested I. Contributions to University Retirement System...............$ 742 900 The University Retirement System provides disability and retirement benefits to all permanent staff members and employees of the University, of all other state institutions of higher education, and of related organizations. The University of Illinois' share of the cost of the System is included regularly in its appropriations. An increase of $742,900 for the biennium is required to continue the benefits provided under the law, mainly because of the larger number of persons who will be on retirement. II. To Continue for a Full Biennium Funds Required for One Year Only in the 1961-63 Biennium...........................$ 2 700 000 For the current year of the biennium 1961-63 the University's budget as appropriated by the General Assembly included $2,700,000 for increases in 1962-63 above the level for 1961-62. This is shown on page 16S where the budget from General Revenue funds for 1961-62 is given as $63,500,000 while that for 1962-63 is $66,200,000. More money was required in the second year of the biennium due to increased enrollment and to further salary adjustments. This is the kind of difference discussed above concerning the larger budget requested for 1964-65 due to the occupancy of the new campus at Congress Circle and to further salary adjustments for the second year of the biennium. The increase of $2,700,000 is necessary to enable the University to continue throughout the biennium 1963-65 the level of expenditures reached during the second year of the current biennium. III. Salary Adjustments for All Staff A. 1963-64.....................................................$9 000 000 B. 1964-65.....................................................$3 000 000 Academic Staff. The University's original request for salary increases in the last biennium (1961-63) totaled $14,600,000, an amount judged to be necessary to enable the University to retain its present staff and to recruit additional faculty in the face of the increasing heavy competition from other universities and from industry. The total finally appropriated, $8,650,000, was only 59 per cent of the amount requested. Although considerable improvement in salaries was made possible by the increased appropriation, it was barely sufficient to enable the 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 169 University to hold its own in the face of increasingly sharp competition for high-quality academic personnel. The overriding condition that faces the University of Illinois, as well as other institutions of higher education, is a sharp increase in enrollment at a time when the supply of adequately-trained college teachers has shown a relative decline. In part, this has been due to increasing competition from noneduca-tional occupations; but it has been due also to the fact that the 1930's and the following war years had a relatively low birth rate. This has meant a relative deficiency of candidates for the teaching profession at a time when college enrollments have been steadily rising and when they soon will begin to accelerate at an even sharper rate due to the postwar jump in the birth rate. In addition, a steadily-rising proportion of high school graduates is seeking admission to college. The situation at the University of Illinois in the competition for faculty will be unusually difficult because of the large increase in staff required for the new campus at Congress Circle. In addition, substantial increases in graduate enrollment at Urbana-Champaign will cause increased demand for instructors in advanced courses, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. It would be especially unfortunate in these circumstances if the University were not in position to compete successfully for faculty of high quality. The increases requested for salary improvement should enable the University to hold its own among other comparable institutions; it will probably not permit any gain in standing, and certainly little if any improvement relative to other professions. Nonacademic Staff. The Director of Nonacademic Personnel has urged strongly that funds be provided to enable the University to meet the continuing increase in prevailing rates as established by collective bargaining within the community, and also to maintain the University's competitive position as regards other categories of nonacademic personnel. So far as possible, an equitable relationship must be maintained between the wages that are determined through negotiation and the salaries and wages for other groups. Of special importance are the salaries of administrative and managerial personnel, as well as those in certain technical categories, where competitive forces outside the local community influence salary scales. The University must maintain its competitive position or else lose highly-skilled personnel to other universities and to industry. The opening of the new campus at Congress Circle in Chicago will result in a sharp expansion of nonacademic divisions, which in turn will require that the University keep pace with prevailing wage and salary scales if its recruitment is to be successful. IV. To Provide for Increased Enrollment in 1963-64 A. Teaching Staff............................................$ 2 740 000 As in the biennium 1959-61, enrollment at the University of Illinois for the biennium 1961-63 exceeded considerably the estimates on which the biennial appropriations for increased enrollment were based. There was an excess of 500 students in 1960-61 over the expected enrollment, which was absorbed without additional appropriation. In 1961-62, an increase of 1,000 students had been predicted whereas the actual increase was 1,247 --- some 247 students above the number provided for in the budget. In 1962-63, an increase of 800 students had been anticipated in the biennial budget, but the estimated increase above 1961-62 is approximately 1,100 students --- 300 above the figure used in budget estimates. For the biennium 1961-63, this means that enrollment increased by about 550 students beyond the estimated total provided for in the biennial budget. Although these increases have been absorbed without budget increases for staff and other costs, this has not been done without creating deficiencies in certain areas, especially in the provision for laboratory expense and equipment in the natural sciences and engineering. A slight increase in enrollment is expected at the Medical Center campus in 1963-64, mainly in the Colleges of Nursing and Pharmacy. No increase is anticipated at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, since enrollment is now at capacity in the temporary quarters at Navy Pier. A net increase of 1,183 students has been predicted for Urbana-Champaign, distributed as follows: a decline of 255 at the freshman-sophomore level, partly offsetting the surplus noted 170 board of trustees [October 17 for the preceding biennium; an increase of 1,010 at junior-senior level; an increase of 428 at the graduate-professional level. The estimate of total funds needed has been based on the following standards: freshman-sophomore level, fifteen fuU-time-equivalent (FTE) students per full-time-equivalent instructor; junior-senior level, twelve full-time-equivalent students per full-time-equivalent instructor; graduate-professional level, seven full-time-equivalent students per full-time-equivalent instructor. Average salaries of $8,000, $9,000, and $10,000 have been assumed for these three levels, respectively, in calculating the salary funds needed. (Since a slight decrease in enrollment is predicted at the freshman-sophomore level, a corresponding deduction was made in arriving at the amount needed.) B. Nonteaching Staff, Expense, and Equipment 1. Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center..................$ 2 060 000 2. Congress Circle ........................................$ 1 000 000 It seems desirable to separate the estimate for Congress Circle from that for the other two campuses, in accordance with the breakdown shown in Schedule A (page 167). For 1963-64, the need at Congress Circle is for administrative, technical, and clerical staff that will be needed to plan for the move to the new campus. Heads of departments, for example, will be needed to recruit staff for the increased enrollment expected in 1964-65. Administrative and clerical staff must be added in the Office of Admissions and Records, the Business Office, the Library, and the Physical Plant Department. The total of $500,000 per year for the two years of the biennium is considerably below the amounts requested by the administrative officers in the various units concerned. The increased enrollment expected at Urbana-Champaign and at the Medical Center will require substantial increases in nonteaching staff and in expense and equipment budgets. The total requested will cover all kinds of "indirect costs" associated with instruction and with student services. After a careful analysis of the existing relationship between teaching and nonteaching (indirect) costs, it was determined that the latter would be approximately 75 per cent of the former if adequate provision is to be made in the budget for enrollment increases. This figure will be too low if the enrollment at advanced (especially graduate) levels increases disproportionately in the laboratory sciences. V. To Provide for Increased Enrollment in 1964-65 over the 1963-64 Level A. Teaching Staff (Congress Circle only).......................$ 1 770 000 With the opening of the Congress Circle campus in September, 1964, it has been assumed that there will be a drop in undergraduate enrollment at Urbana-Champaign, most heavily in the freshman class but also in the junior class which in the past has received a substantial number of transfer students from the Chicago Undergraduate Division. Although lacking relevant data for making definitive predictions in the new situation, the Bureau of Institutional Research estimated tentatively that the over-all decline in undergraduate enrollment at Urbana might be as high as 1,800 students. To offset this drop, however, the Bureau predicted a sharp increase in graduate enrollment that might run to more than 1,400 students. After lengthy study of both sets of predictions, and of the various conditions that might well combine to upset them, it was decided to assume that the two conflicting trends would virtually cancel each other in terms of their net impact upon budgetary requirements. So no additional funds are requested for increased enrollment at Urbana-Champaign in 1964-65. An increase of 100 students was predicted for the Medical Center, but here, too, it was decided not to request increased funds on the assumption that the increases requested for 1963-64 could be utilized so as to meet the needs for the following year. Admittedly, these assumptions and calculations might turn out to be quite inaccurate, and substantial increases in applications for undergraduate admission might occur at Urbana-Champaign in 1964-65. In that event, the budgetary provision will be seriously inadequate and some limitation upon enrollment might be necessary. With respect to Congress Circle, it is assumed that there will be an increase of 3,035 students in 1964-65, bringing the total for the new campus to approxi- 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 171 mately 7,635 students. It is estimated that 2,335 would be at freshman-sophomore level while 700 would be at junior-senior level. The latter estimate in particular might turn out to be too low, since the offering of degree programs at the Chicago Undergraduate Division might induce many students who now drop out to continue in college until graduation. Furthermore, the number of transfer students might be substantial --- a possibility given little weight in the estimates of the Bureau of Institutional Research. The instructional staff required was determined by the standards indicated above to be 156 full-time-equivalent teachers for freshman-sophomore instruction and 58 for junior-senior instruction. At the assumed average salaries of $8,000 and $9,000, respectively, the sum of $1,770,000 would be needed to provide these salaries for a single year (1964-65). B. Nonteaching Staff, Expense, and Equipment (Congress Circle) $1 230 000 The amount needed for the nonteaching costs of instruction at Congress Circle in 1964-65 was assumed to be 75 per cent of the instructional-salary costs as determined above --- in addition to the physical-plant costs, which are represented by items in section VI of Schedule A (page 168) and are discussed in a following section. The physical-plant costs for the new campus will be substantially higher per student than the present inadequate facilities at Navy Pier. Furthermore the operating costs related more directly to instruction will be higher, when expansion of organization and programs takes place. It has been assumed, therefore, that all three types of budget increases shown for Congress Circle in Schedule A will be necessary to (a) transfer the existing staff and student body to that campus, and (b) to accommodate an enrollment increase of 3,035 students. (The three types of increases relate to teaching staff, nonteaching staff and expenses, and physical-plant costs.) A check on the validity of this assumption is provided partly by a determination of the estimated cost per student under the budgetary and enrollment conditions stipulated for the Congress Circle campus for 1964-65. The total budget for the Chicago Undergraduate Division in 1962-63 is $4,900,000. This includes all direct and indirect costs of operations at Navy Pier, but does not include whatever indirect costs might be attributable to the general administrative offices at Urbana-Champaign. With an enrollment of approximately 4,600 students for the current year, the average cost per student is $1,065. From the figures shown in Schedule A, a total of $4,590,000 would be added to the 1962-63 budget for the Chicago Undergraduate Division by 1964-65 --- to bring the total figure for that year to $9,490,000. This would include direct costs of instruction, physical-plant costs, and other indirect costs of instruction. With an estimated enrollment of 7,635 students, the average cost per student in 1964-65 would be $1,243. This is only $178 per student more than the present per capita cost at Navy Pier. This figure would be somewhat increased by salary increases that might be granted to the existing staff at Navy Pier by 1964-65. Even so, the estimated average cost per student seems quite moderate for the city of Chicago in 1964-65, considering the very substantial expansion in the facilities available and the great improvement in their quality. Furthermore, the facilities to be completed in Phase I at Congress Circle can accommodate an increase possibly to 9,000 students without appreciable increases in physical-plant costs. This would tend to lower the per capita cost, as an offset to salary and other increases in cost of operation. VI. To Meet Increased Costs of Operation A. Operating Costs of New Buildings in 1963-64 1. Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center...................$1 571 100 The Seventy-first General Assembly appropriated $48,500,000 for the construction of new buildings and other capital improvements at Urbana-Champaign and the Medical Center campus. Most of these buildings will be completed and occupied in 1963. The costs of operation and maintenance (janitor service, utilities and maintenance, but not the educational programs carried out in the buildings) based upon experience with similar buildings, is estimated to be $785,550 for 1963-64 or $1,571,100 for the biennium. The amounts for each building are shown in Schedule B (page 176). 2. Congress Circle..........................................$1 000 000 172 board of trustees [October 17 The budget request for the operation and maintenance of the new buildings at the Congress Circle campus is based upon the completion and acceptance of the buildings by the University as follows: Heating Plant --- starting up operations during December, 1963 Physical Plant Building --- February, 1964 Library---February, 1964 Classroom Clusters --- April, 1964 Engineering and Sciences Laboratories --- April, 1964 Lecture Center --- June, 1964 Staff and Administration --- July, 1964 At least thirty days prior to acceptance, University operating personnel will run acceptance tests on the building equipment under the supervision of the architect's staff. This will require that the buildings be supplied with high-temperature hot water, electricity, etc., prior to acceptance, and hence operating personnel for the heating plant must be employed. As soon as the buildings are accepted by the University, moving into the buildings will commence and this will require operating and maintenance personnel, including police service. Heat, light, and power will be the principal item of increase, since starting operations of the heating plant will require electricity, and the entire 12,000-volt University distribution system will have to be tested and put into operation at that time in order to supply the buildings that are approaching completion. The period from December on is the greatest portion of the heating season, requiring maximum use of fuel. The costs to be incurred at Congress Circle in 1963-64 are estimated to total $500,000, or approximately one-fourth the annual operating cost of $2,105,000. B. Operating Costs of New Buildings in 1964-65 1. Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center.....................$360 000 The remainder of the buildings provided from the capital appropriation will be completed by July, 1964, and will require operating expenditure of $360,000, as detailed in Schedule B (page 176). 2. Congress Circle ............................................$590 000 The estimated cost of physical-plant operations at the Congress Circle campus, plus the Navy Pier drill hall, which will continue to be used for physical education instruction, is $2,105,000 a year. After deducting the present budget for the operation and maintenance of the Navy Pier campus ($1,015,000) and the funds requested for 1963-64 ($500,000), the additional cost for 1964-65 amounts to $590,000. C. Increases to Maintain Present Level of Services The deans and directors requested increases totaling slightly more than $7,000,000 for the biennium to be used to overcome accumulated deficiencies and to meet the rising costs of existing programs. Enrollment increases in excess of budgetary provision, growing complexity and an increasing rate of obsolescence of scientific equipment, rising costs of modern hospital care, growing demand for technical personnel in science and engineering laboratories --- all these factors, as well as the gradual upward drift in prices and miscellaneous wages, have combined to produce acute deficiencies and pressing needs throughout the University. 1. Increases in Expense1 and Equipment Funds...............$1 500 000 The index in commodity prices, prepared by the National Association of Purchasing Agents, has increased approximately 4 per cent in the past two years. While the prices of some commodities have remained fairly stable, others have increased more than this amount. In the 1961-63 biennial budget, the University requested $2,700,000 to meet accumulated deficiencies in expense and equipment budgets, but only about one-third of this amount was made available. The present asking, therefore, represents a deficiency existing two years ago which has not been met. As noted earlier, the University has absorbed an enrollment increase of about 550 more students than was provided for in the 1961-63 budget. In the meantime, prices have continued to rise and the postal increase effective in 1 Examples of expense items are office supplies, travel, postage, chemicals and glassware for laboratories, contractual services (i.e., telephones, IBM rentals), repairs to equipment, fuel (coal and oil), water, supplies used in plant maintenance, rentals. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 173 January, 1963, will require approximately $150,000 in additional funds for the biennium. The University's equipment appropriation of $3,200,000 is adequate to replace the existing equipment inventory only once in about every twenty to twenty-five years, while the most expensive type of equipment for scientific laboratories becomes obsolete in less than half of that time. The requested increase will help to meet the needs resulting from unanticipated increases in enrollment and also to improve the replacement-schedule for equipment. The present level of appropriations to the Physical Plant Department will permit painting of interior walls only once in eighteen years, with two wall washings in the interim. Two areas of special need are the Research and Educational Hospitals and the Division of Services for Crippled Children. Even after enforcing rigid economies, the Research and Educational Hospitals are unable to operate within the funds presently budgeted for them. They have requested an increase of $644,000 in expense and equipment budgets, of which $437,000 represent urgent and long-standing deficiencies. A major portion of the Division of Services for Crippled Children budget goes for hospital care of patients who are approved for treatment. Hospital costs have been increasing by approximately 10 per cent each year. It is estimated that $268,000 will be needed for increased costs of hospital care alone. Failure to receive this increase will mean that fewer children can be treated for physical handicaps. Requests from deans and directors totaled $3,475,930 for increases to correct deficiencies in expense and equipment budgets. The Budget Committee, after careful consideration, concluded that $1,500,000 was the minimum amount needed for this purpose. 2. Increases for Auxiliary Staff to Offset Accumulated Deficiencies ..............................................$1 073 000 The deans and directors reported an increasing deficiency in auxiliary personnel throughout the University, and several stressed this need as being more important than any other facing them. A biennial total of $3,691,262 was requested to provide administrative, technical, and clerical personnel in support of instruction, research, and public-service activities. Inadequate staff provision related to increased enrollment has been most acutely felt in the Office of Admissions and Records, the Library, the Business Office, and the various offices for student services. Many departments are also understaffed in clerical personnel due to increasing work loads without commensurate staff additions. The hospitals and clinics need more nursing and technical personnel to try to keep pace with the growing manpower requirements of modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in medicine. The Research and Educational Hospitals are hard-pressed to measure up to acceptable standards of present-day medical education and research ---so severe is the shortage of hospital personnel in all major categories. The Director has estimated that a total of 54 full-time-equivalent additional staff members are needed to overcome these deficiencies. The teaching and research laboratories in many science and engineering departments require more technical assistance in order to be most effectively used. The extensive and complex instrumentation required by modern science and technology can not be effectively utilized without adequate technical staff. The funds available in recent years have been seriously insufficient to permit these departments to expand their staffs in these areas on the scale demanded by technological development and increased enrollment. A careful study of departmental requests was made, and a list of the individual positions that seemed to be most urgently needed was compiled. A summary of the funds required to support these positions is presented in Schedule C (page 177), grouped by colleges and other divisions; The total is $536,500 on an annual basis or $1,073,000 for the biennium. VII. Increases for Improvements in Educational Programs.......($707 000) In recent years, the University's legislative appropriations have provided little support for new educational programs or for substantial improvements of existing programs. It has been necessary repeatedly to delete such items from biennial budget requests, in order to bring the totals within the limit of available 174 board of trustees [October 17 funds. As a result, the instructional departments have found it increasingly difficult to keep abreast of new developments in their fields. The extent of the University's faihwe to meet such needs is indicated by the magnitude of the askings in this category from all colleges for 1963-65: $3,640,146. The majority of these requests represent programs that should be undertaken by an institution such as the University of Illinois. But partly in view of the extraordinary costs involved in the move to the Congress, Circle campus, the Budget Committee and the other administrative officers concerned with budget preparation decided that funds would be requested for only a few programs judged to be of very high priority. So the eight programs described in the following paragraphs are proposed for initiation or substantial improvement in 1963-65. A. College of Engineering 1. Physics of the Upper Atmosphere (biennial amount)........$80 000 To strengthen the University's graduate training and research in the space and atmospheric sciences. In addition to the work in other departments --- heavily supported by Federal funds --- 2.0 full-time-equivalent physicists are needed to provide graduate instruction and research in this central area where the University has no staff at present. The salary of a clerical employee (1.0 full-time-equivalent) and funds for expense and equipment would comprise the remainder of the budget. Outside funds in at least an equal amount would be expected for the support of research in this area, including research assistant-ships for graduate students. 2. Molecular Electronics (biennial amount)....................$60 000 To provide staff for graduate instruction in solid-state devices and integrated electronics (including minituiization of circuits). This would permit the Department of Electrical Engineering to take fuller advantage, in its graduate training, of the new Materials Research Laboratory. Most of the cost would be met from federal funds, but the latter can not be used for instruction in regular courses. The budget item would permit the addition of 1.0 full-time-equivalent professor and 1.0 full-time-equivalent associate professor plus funds for expense and equipment. 3. Nuclear Engineering (biennial amount)....................$40 000 The interdepartmental program in nuclear engineering should be strengthened to take advantage of recent advances in the relatively new field of "Plasma Physics," which makes it possible to conduct fundamental studies related to the development of thermonuclear systems outside the large National Laboratories supported by the Atomic Energy Commission. The budget item would provide for the salary of a senior professor plus funds for expense and equipment needed in instruction. The greater part of the cost of the program (the laboratory facilities) would be provided from federal funds granted to the Departments of Physics and Electrical Engineering a-nd to the Coordinated Science Laboratory. B. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1. Department of Linguistics (biennial amount)...............$121 000 The University has a relatively strong graduate program in linguistics, presently administered by an interdepartmental committee. Since there is no Department of Linguistics as such, the staff consists of faculty members from the cooperating departments (Anthropology, English, the modern languages, Psychology, Speech). It is proposed to establish a small department with a core of faculty members interested in linguistics as a fundamental discipline and also responsible for service courses in certain non-Western languages. These would include elementary instruction in Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic for the support of language and area studies, mainly in the program described below. The personnel requirement would be: 1.0 full-time-equivalent professor; 3.0 full-time-equivalent assistant professors in 1963-64; 2.0 full-time-equivalent assistant professors in 1964-65; 1.0 full-time-equivalent clerk stenographer III; $1,000 for expense and equipment. In addition to the graduate program in linguistics and research in the fundamental discipline of linguistics, this department would conduct experimentation in language instruction in connection with Its conduct of instruction in non-Western languages. There would be no intention to develop instructional programs in these languages beyond the elementary level. The purpose of this 1962} UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 175 instruction would be to provide the tools necessary for the study of non-Western culture, not to train experts in foreign languages and literature. 2. A Program of Asian Studies (biennial amount).............$158 000 For more than two years the faculty and the administration have been considering the University's responsibilities for expanding work in non-Western studies. As a result of this extensive review, including the work of various committees and conferences, there is general agreement that the University should expand its relatively meager programs in the broad field of international studies. India, Southeast Asia, China, and Japan are possible areas of study --- or some combination of these four. The choice would depend partly upon the offerings at other universities in this region, partly upon the availability of distinguished scholars, and partly upon national need. Aside from the director of the program (1.0 full-time-equivalent professor), the staff would consist of 4.0 full-time-equivalent assistant professors (assigned to supporting departments in the social sciences) and a half-time secretary. A total of $30,000 would need to be added to the budget of the Library, including funds for approximately 3.0 technical library personnel (acquisitions and cataloguing). It should be noted that the teaching staff would help to provide instruction for the increased number of students in 1963-65. C. College of Medicine 1. Continuing Medical Education (biennial amount)..............$85 000 The broad purpose of this program is to furnish physicians from Illinois and elsewhere with opportunities to acquire the most modern medical knowledge and to improve their skills and thus enable them to render the best possible medical care to their patients. To achieve this objective it will be necessary for the College of Medicine to continue to support unstintingly the many existing non-University postgraduate programs, to enhance and expand existing University programs, and to establish new intramural and extramural programs of several kinds as rapidly as circumstances will permit. The intramural programs should include (a) new courses for specialists in highly technical fields, i.e., surgery and specialties of surgery, obstetrics, ophthalmology (these programs should be patterned after the successful courses in otolaryngology and bronchoesophagology now being offered annually) ; (b) new short-course programs describing "new developments" for practitioners of general medicine; and (c) patient-centered programs for small numbers of physicians working on the wards and in the clinics of the University's teaching hospitals. Extramural programs would center initially around short-course offerings scheduled at appropriate intervals in strategically-located centers within the State. Such programs would include the subject matter of the sciences basic to medicine as well as the subject matter of clinical medicine. A subsidiary but no less important aim of the program of postgraduate or continuing education of the physician is to improve the climate for medical practice in the outlying regions of Illinois and thus provide added inducements to medical graduates to choose these areas as locations in which to practice. The full achievement of this objective will take time and great effort and may involve sharp departures from the University's present program of resident training. New elective offerings to undergraduate medical students may be indicated also. These possibilities are now under consideration by appropriate administrative units and faculty committees, and the implementation of the programs agreed upon will take place as soon as funds can be provided. The staff requirements for 1963-65 would be as follows: 1.0 full-time-equivalent coordinator; .33 full-time-equivalent professional staff (part-time salaries and stipends for guest participants); 1.0 full-time-equivalent clerk-stenographer III. The remainder of the budget would consist in funds for office expense, travel, and other miscellaneous expenses. 2. A School of Associated Medical Sciences (biennial amount). .$102 000 The hospitals and other agencies in Illinois concerned with health problems are in acute need of medical technicians, medical librarians, and other technical personnel for the support of medical practice and research. This problem has been studied intensively for some time, both in the College of Medicine and in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. It has been agreed that cooperative baccalaureate programs in several areas are desirable and that 176 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 17 they should be centered administratively in a "School of Associated Medical Sciences" within the College of Medicine. Generally speaking, students would begin their work in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (either at Urbana or at the Chicago Undergraduate Division), with the terminal year or years spent in the College of Medicine. The existing program in occupational therapy would be assigned to the School for administrative purposes. Initially, two new programs are proposed: (a) a curriculum in medical technology, and (b) a curriculum in medical-records library science. Future curricula probably would include physiotherapy and x-ray technology. The annual proposed budget of $51,000 would provide salaries for the following personnel: 1.0 full-time-equivalent director; 1.5 full-time-equivalent assistant professors; 1.0 full-time-equivalent instructor; 2.0 full-time-equivalent clerk-stenographers II. D. College of Nursing A Graduate Program (M.S.) in Nursing Education (biennial amount) ......................................................$61 000 No university in the state of Illinois now offers graduate training for teachers of nursing. The need is acute, and a program can be initiated in the College of Nursing at relatively low cost. The additional personnel budget would include 2.0 full-time-equivalent associate professors (one in pediatric nursing and the other in obstetrics) and 1.0 full-time-equivalent clerk-typist III. Schedule B. Funds Requested for Operation of New Buildings, 1963-65 VI-A. 1963-64 (for two years) Amount for Urbana-Champaign Two Years Electrical Engineering Addition................................. $ 84 550 Library Addition.............................................. 71 650 Physics Addition.............................................. 196 940 Plant Sciences Building........................................ 213 380 Physical Plant Service Building................................. 250 080 University Press Addition...................................... 72 730 Digital Computer Laboratory.................................. 38 230 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex............................ 39 640 Central Receiving Station...................................... 23 050 Armory Addition.............................................. 59 150 Burnsides Research Laboratory................................. 55 840 Power Plant Addition......................................... 36 950 Remodeled Areas............................................. 14 830 Total Urbana-Champaign................................... $1 157 020 Medical Center Medical Science Addition...................................... $ 391 050 Remodeled Areas............................................. 23 030 Total Medical Center....................................... $ 414 080 Congress Circle Campus........................................ $1 000 000 VI-B. 1964-65 (for one year) Amount for Urbana-Champaign One Year Commerce Building............................................. $ 95 815 Education Building............................................. 131 020 Office-Classroom Addition........................................ 47 675 Rehabilitation Center........................................... 29 280 Water Resources Addition (State Water Survey).................... 21 340 Remodeled Areas............................................... 6 740 Total Urbana-Champaign..................................... $331 870 Medical Center Remodeled Areas............................................... $ 28 130 Congress Circle Campus.......................................... $590 000 Note: In addition to this amount, the budget for plant operation and maintenance at Congress Circle in 1964-65 will include the amount in the present budget for Navy Pier ($1,019,180) and the item of $500,000 provided for 1963-64 (see VI-A, above). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 177 Summary of Funds for Operation of New Buildings Campus 1963-64 1964-65 Total Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center. . $1 571 100 $360 000 ?1 931 100 Congress Circle....................... 1 000 000 590 000 1 590 000 Total............................ $2 571 100 $pD950 000 $3 521 100 Schedule C. Increases in Auxiliary Staff to Meet Accumulated Deficiencies Annual Urbana-Champaign Basis College of Agriculture........................................... $ 16 400 College of Commerce and Business Administration.................. 3 000 College of Education............................................ 11 600 College of Engineering........................................... 58 300 College of Fine and Applied Arts.................................. 11 000 Graduate College............................................... 9 000 College of Journalism and Communications........................ 6 600 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences............................... 90 200 College of Physical Education.................................... 41 000 Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work and Division of University Extension.................................................... 9 000 College of Veterinary Medicine................................... 10 000 Office of the Dean of Students.................................... 13 000 Medical Center College of Dentistry............................................. $ 21 300 College of Medicine............................................. 36 500 College of Nursing.............................................. 15 200 College of Pharmacy............................................ 6 500 Research and Educational Hospitals............................... 60 000 Office of the Director of Student Affairs............................ 10 000 All-University Offices and Divisions Office of Admissions and Records................................. $ 20 000 Business Office.................................................. 13 000 University Library.............................................. 32 600 Physical Plant Department...................................... 19 500 Statistical Service Unit.......................................... 22 800 Total Annual Amount........................................ $ 536 500 X2 Total Biennial Amount....................................... $1 073 000 Schedule D. Comparative Schedule of Biennial Operating Appropriations by Object Classification and Fund, 1963-65 Estimated Appropriation Appropriations Expenditures Requested General Revenue 1961-63 1961-63 1963-65 Personal Services............... $pD104 306 700 $pD104 306 700 $pD130 334 300 Contractual Services............. 10 003 500 10 003 500 12 000 000 Travel.......................... 559 000 559 000 800 000 Commodities.................... 4 201 500 4 201 500 5 500 000 Equipment...................... 2 501 500 2 506 500 3 000 000 Retirement Contributions......... 5 122 800 5 122 800 5 865 700 Permanent Improvements......... 450 000 450 000 ...... Appliances and Physical Examinations.................. 250 000 250 000 300 000 Hospital and Medical Services..... 2 300 000 2 300 000 2 500 000 Contingencies.................... 5 000 Q) ...... Total....................... $\29 700 000 3129 700 000 $pD160 300 000 University Income Fund Personal Services................ $ 6 575 000 $ 7 475 000 $ 4 875 000 Contractual Services............. 1 000 000 2 300 000 1 000 000 1 Allocated to above items. 178 University Income Fund Travel................... BOARD OF TRUSTEES Appropriations 1961-63 .......S 100 000 X Estimated Expenditures 1961-63 450 000 [October 17 Appropriation Requested 1963-65 $ 100 000 Commodities. . 800 700 000 000 1 700 000 1 100 000 800 000 700 000 Equipment............ Awards and Grants..... 550 000 650 000 594 000 Workmen's Compensation.. Student Loan Matching 5 75 56 200 000 000 000 000 000 100 000 56 000 900 000 325 000 P> 100 000 56 000 1 000 000 275 000 6 000 000 Permanent Improvements.. Refunds............... Contingencies............ Total............. It 15 056 000 $ 15 056 000 $ 15 500 000 General Revenue and Income Personal Services ........ Fund $110 11 5 3 5 881 003 65$dG 001 201 122 SSO 700 500 000 500 500 800 000 $111 781 700 12 303 500 1 009 000 5 901 500 3 606 500 5 122 800 650 000 $135 209 300 13 000 000 900 000 6 300 000 3 700 000 5 865 700 594 000 Contractual Services...... Travel Commodities . Equipment. .. Retirement Contributions. . Awards and Grants....... Workmen's Compensation.. Student Loan Matching 75 56 450 ?00 000 000 000 000 100 000 56 000 1 350 000 325 000 100 000 56 000 1 000 000 275 000 Permanent Improvements Refunds............ Appliances and Physical Examinations 2 5 250 300 005 000 000 000 250 000 2 300 000 0) 300 000 2 500 000 6 000 000 Hospital and Medical Services..... Contingencies................... Total. . $144 756 000 $144 756 000 $175 800 000 ropriations Requested by Fund, Object, and Functions, 1953-65 Instruction (including lis- Research and Physical m Extension) Plant Total 300 $103 100 000 $16 000 000 $130 334 300 000 3 450 000 6 800 000 12 000 000 000 600 000 20 000 800 000 000 4 270 000 630 000 5 500 000 Schedule E. Schedule Classi General Revenue Personal Services ... . : of App fication, Admit tratic $pD11 234 1 750 180 600 Contractual Services...... Travel ..... Commodities............ Equipment. . 150 5 865 000 700 2 400 300 000 000 450 000 3 000 000 5 865 700 300 000 Retirement Contributions. Permanent Improvements. Appliances and Physical Examinations Hospital and Medical 2 500 000 2 500 000 Contingencies........... Total . $19 780 $ 300 200 000 000 000 $116 $ 4 620 275 300 100 800 700 000 000 000 000 000 000 $23 900 000 $ 300 000 500 000 $160 300 000 $ 4 875 000 1 000 000 100 000 800 000 700 000 Income Fund Personal Services . . Contractual Services..... Travel Commodities. . Equipment..... ...... Awards and Grants....... Workmen's Compensation Student Loan Matching.. . 100 000 594 56 000 000 594 000 100 000 56 000 1 Allocated to above items. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 179 Instruction (including Adminis- Research and Physical tration Extension) Plant Total Permanent Improvements. ...... ...... $ 1 000 000 $ 1 000 000 Refunds................ ...... 275 000 ...... 27SO0O Contingencies'........... 0) (|) 0) 6 000 000 Total............... $ 600 000 $ 7 100 000 $ I 800 000 $ 15 500 000 General Revenue and Income Fund Personal Services........ 511 534 300 S107 375 000 S16 300 000 S135 209 300 Contractual Services..... 1 95Q 000 3 750 000 7 300 000 13 000 000 Travel.................. 180 000 700 000 20 000 900 000 Commodities............ 600 000 5 070 000 630 000 6 300 000 Equipment.............. 150 000 3 100 000 450 000 3 700 000 Retirement Contributions. 5 865 700 ...... ...... 5 865 700 Awards and Grants....... ...... 594 000 ...... 594 000 Workmen's Compensation 100 000 ...... ...... 100 000 Student Loan Matching... ...... 56 000 ...... 56 000 Permanent Improvements. ...... ...... 1 000 000 1 000 000 Refunds................ ...... 275 000 ...... 275 000 Appliances and Physical Examinations......... ...... 300 000 ...... 300 000 Hospital and Medical Services.............. ...... 2 500 000 ...... 2 500 000 Contingencies1........... (0 (')(0 6 000 000 Total............... ?20 380 000 J123 720 000 S25 700 000 $pD175 800 000 INSTITUTION FOR TUBERCULOSIS RESEARCH BIENNIAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1963-65 (2) The Institution for Tuberculosis Research was created by the General Assembly for the "production, distribution, and application of the bacillus Calmett-Guerin (BCG), and other methods and materials for the prevention of tuberculosis and for conducting research in tuberculosis." The responsibility for the professional operation and all other management and control of the Institution is vested in the University. The Executive Vice-president and Provost recommends a budget amounting to $194,000 for the 1963-65 biennium, an increase of $21,000 over the present biennial appropriation. The increase is requested for the following purposes: One Technician for Extending the Research in Vaccination by the Aerosol Route (without injection)...........................$ 8 000 Increase in Equipment................................................. 2 000 Salary Adjustments ................................................., 11 000 Total..............................................................$21 000 I recommend that this budget be approved for filing with the State Department of Finance and presentation to the Illinois Budgetary Commission. On motion of Mr. Swain, this budget was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting oi the Board of Trustees. 1. Stanley F. Blount, Assistant Professor of Geography, Department of Social Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1962 at an annual salary of $7,200 (D). 2. Anne L. Corbitt, Associate Professor of Library Science, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $10,000 (D). 1 Applies to all funds and is included only in the total column. 180 board of trustees [October 17 3. Donald L. Day, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,700 (DY). 4. Cecelia M. Fennessy, Assistant Professor of Nursing, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,000 (DY). 5. John E. Gedo, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1962, on one-fourth time, at an annual salary of $3,500 (DY25). 6. Jean Page Gilbert, Visiting Assistant Professor of Education, for the academic year 1962-63, at a salary of $7,200 (E). 7. Hans-Dieter Henatsch, Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacology, with rank of Associate Professor, College of Medicine, for six and one-half months from October 15, 1962, at a salary of $6,500 (G). 8. Martin R. Hurtig, Assistant Professor of Architecture and Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,200 (D). 9. H. Victoria Iverson, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Medical Adviser for Women, Health Service, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 15, 1962, on one-half time, at an annual salary of $6,000 (DY50). 10. Shishirkumar Jogdeo, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning Sept-tember 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,500 (B). 11. Yasuo Komamiya, Visiting Research Associate Professor in the Digital Computer Laboratory, Graduate College, for the academic year 1962-63, at a salary of $10,800 (E). 12. Raymond E. Lewkowicz, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $7,800 (B). 13. James McGarrell, Visiting Professor of Art, for one month from September 17, 1962, at a salary of $1,200 (G). 14. Arnold L. Miller, Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1962, on one-third time, at an annual salary of $2,600 (D33). 15. Jean Phillips, Visiting Assistant Professor of Education, for the academic year 1962-63, at a salary of $7,200 (E). 16. Harold S. Shulman, Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1962, on one-third time, at an annual salary of $3,300 (D33). 17. Jerry S. Wiggins, Associate Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,500 (A). On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these appointments were confirmed. ADMISSIONS PROCEDURES----DATES FOR ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION (4) The All-University Committee on Admissions, the Dean of Admissions and Records, and the Executive Vice-President and Provost recommend authorization of the following policy and procedures governing acceptance of applications for admission to the University. A. Specific final (deadline) dates for acceptance of applications for admission and readmission in a given term may be established by the President, upon recommendation of the Dean of Admissions and Records and after consultation with other administrative officers concerned. These dates may vary among the three campuses as special conditions warrant. "Applications for admission and readmission" shall mean that the complete file of credentials necessary for action on the application shall have been submitted. B. The Dean of Admissions and Records may accept applications after final (deadline) dates under exceptional circumstances which patently justify special consideration. C. Beginning in September, 1963, the following deadline dates on applications for admission and readmission will be established for fall registration at Urbana-Champaign: In the case of foreign students, six weeks prior to the first day of the registration period for the first semester for the fall term of each year. In the case of domestic students, two weeks prior to the first day of the registration period of the fall term of each year. In the case of foreign students seeking readmission, or foreign applicants 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 181 who hold a baccalaureate degree from a college or university in the United States, the regulation covering domestic students will apply. Adoption of such procedures is deeped necessary in the interests of orderly and systematic consideration of applications. Heretofore, many prospective students who have not previously submitted applications appear during the registration period or even later, hurriedly complete applications, and receive provisional permits which enable them to proceed with registration. Provisional permits are necessary because in most cases the applicants can not present official credentials. Following the registration period, the Office of Admissions and Records determines whether or not such applicants meet the requirements. Such special handling requires additional staff time and results in added expense. Furthermore, the effort to process new applications immediately preceding or during registration interferes with the registration of the large majority of students, old and new, whose credentials have been evaluated and approved. At the same time there should always be provision for considering the applications of prospective students who have legitimate reasons for delay in filing their applications beyond the deadline, but there would be relatively few such cases. These late applicants could reasonably be required to defer registration until after the regular registration period, if this seemed desirable in order to avoid the difficulties just mentioned. Special procedures would be established for the registration of those late applicants for admission to the Graduate College who had been selected for assistantships or other University appointments. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these recommendations were approved. REORGANIZATION OF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (S) The educational, research, and public service programs of the College of Education have heretofore been administered under nine divisions, which have had informal status, and five other administrative units --- the University High School, the Bureau of Educational Research, an Evaluation Unit attached to the Bureau, the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, and the Teacher Placement Office which also serves the University Council on Teacher Education. The Dean and the Executive Committee of the College have recommended the reorganization of the College of Education by the establishment of seven departments, each with an Executive Committee and a Chairman: Department Chairman Administration and Supervision Associate Professor L. E. McCleary Educational Psychology Professor R. Stewart Jones Elementary Education Professor John E. McGill History and Philosophy of Education Professor William O. Stanley Secondary and Continuing Education Professor R. Will Burnett Special Education Professor Samuel A. Kirk Vocational and Technical Education Professor M. Ray Karnes The University High School, the Bureau of Educational Research, and the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children will be continued as separate administrative units. By administrative approval, the Evaluation Unit has been separated from the Bureau of Educational Research and is now the Office of Educational Testing; and the name of the Teacher Placement Office has been changed to Educational Placement Office. The University Statutes provide that a new department may be created by the Board of Trustees on vote of the faculty of the college in which the department is to be located and on recommendation of the college and with the approval of the appropriate Senate and of the President. In the present case, the seven departments proposed are not new, in the sense that they will encompass new programs or units of instruction, research, or public service, but will constitute a formal reorganization, administratively, of existing programs which will be the equivalent of the prior informal divisions or units. Hence, action on the recommendation by the Urbana Senate is not indicated; nor does it appear necessary to submit these changes to the State Board of Higher Education for approval since that Board requires only that the State universities report "the establishment of a college, school, division, institute, department or other unit in any field of instruction, research, or public service not theretofore included in the program of the institution. . . ." 182 board of trustees [October 17 With the approval of the Executive Vice-President and Provost, acting for the President, the seven departments have been functioning on an informal and unofficial trial basis, under the general administration of the Dean and the Executive Committee of the College. The Dean was requested to provide for elections of executive committees for the new departments, and these committees have been consulted regarding the nominations of chairmen. The executive officers of the other units have been serving in those capacities for a number of years, and their reappointments were included in the budget for the current academic year when it was approved by the Board of Trustees: David M. Jackson, Principal of University High School; William P. McLure, Director of the Bureau of Educational Research; Samuel A. Kirk, Director of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children; and J. Marlowe Slater, Head of the Educational Placement Office. I recommend approval of the foregoing recommendations, including the appointments of the chairmen of the departments for one year from September 1, 1962. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these recommendations were approved. CHANGES IN NAMES OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS (6) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division has recommended that the name of its College of Fine and Applied Arts be changed to "College of Architecture and Art." The Dean of the College of Physical Education has recommended that the Student Rehabilitation Center and the Program of Intramural Activities be renamed the "Division of Rehabilitation --- Education Services" and the "Division of Intramural Activities," and that the executive officer of each be designated as Director. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these changes were approved. JUSTIN SMITH MORRILL HALL (7) It is recommended that the new laboratories building south of Burrill Hall, construction of which was financed by grants from the National Institutes of Heajth, the National Science Foundation, and matching state funds, be named Justin Smith Morrill Hall for Congressman and later Senator from Vermont, Justin Smith Morrill, sponsor of the Land-Grant Act. This name has been approved by the Executive Committee of the School of Life Sciences and the Executive Committee of the University Council. The University has named the Plant Sciences Building, now under construction, for Jonathan Baldwin Turner, early pioneer in the development of the concepts which underlay the initiation and growth of Land-Grant universities. The state of Illinois, which contributed greatly to the impetus for the Land-Grant movement, should also honor the sponsor of the national legislation under which the University of Illinois was founded. It is especially appropriate to take such action this year, the Centennial of the Land-Grant Act. The new building will house the Department of Entomology and will also be used by other departments in biology. The building use thus reflects the University's broad interest in research and instruction, the early emphasis upon science, and the cooperative arrangements between the state and federal governments in the encouragement of the program of Land-Grant universities. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this recommendation was approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (8) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Statistical Service Unit, Urbana, equipment............................ $ 4 885 Chicago Undergraduate Division, rental and option to purchase IBM 1620 computer system........................... 18 866 Physical Plant Horticulture Field Laboratory, improvement of lighting............ 5 100 Child Development Laboratory, air conditioning.................... S 500 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 183 The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following appropriation: Repair of fire damage to University building at 1208 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana....................................... $ 9 300 A fire of undetermined origin caused extensive damage to the University three-story, frame building at 1208 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, which provided offices for the school mathematics project under the direction of Professor Max Beberman of the College of Education. The estimated cost of repairs is $9,300. The building has 3,058 square feet of usable space so that the repairs result in an average cost of $3.40 per square foot. Since other space could not be made available for the estimated cost of the repairs proposed, the Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller have recommended an appropriation for this purpose. Total........................................................ $43 651 I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. AGREEMENT WITH COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of an "excess facilities" agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, for work in connection with improvements to the electrical service at the Medical Center at a cost of $54,132. During the 1959-61 biennium, the University began a change over of the electrical services to the Research and Educational Hospitals buildings from 4,000-volt service to a more reliable 12,000-volt service. All the work has been designed and a considerable portion completed. A final phase consists of electrical vault improvements and bringing into the campus additional feeders from the Commonwealth Edison system. The work to be done by Commonwealth Edison and paid for by the University includes only that part of the cost of Edison's work necessary for service to the University and includes changing of the transformers in vaults requiring increased capacity, furnishing and installing conduit and cables for two additional 12,000-volt feeders into the campus, rearrangement of switching equipment in four vaults, and cable rearrangement in the Edison system. When this work is completed, the possibility of an electrical outage will have been reduced to the minimum. The proposed work by the Commonwealth Edison Company will implement in part recommendations in the "Report on Electrical Distribution System, Chicago Professional Colleges Campus," dated May 3, 1950, and is consistent with the long-range plan of improvements previously approved by the Board of Trustees. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this agreement was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. CONTRACTS FOR EXTENSION OF UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of the following contracts for extension of the utilities distribution system, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Construction of Underground Steam Tunnel (Division "FF") from Gregory Hall north on the east side of Wright Street to the service drive north of the Administration Building --- Dean Evans Company, Champaign ............................................... $278 839 184 board of trustees [October 17 Installation of Plumbing for Underground Steam Tunnel (Division "GG")---George S. Walker Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Decatur 18 000 Installation of Piping in Underground Steam Tunnel and Underground Cast Iron Conduit Piping (Division "HH") --- M. J. Holleran, Inc., Chicago........................................................ 105 860 Base bid........................................... $88 260 Additive alternate for installation of a six-inch high pressure steam main from the University Library north through the new steam tunnel and east to Harker Hall ................................... 17 600 (The tunnel from Wright Street east to Harker Hall has already been constructed.) Furnishing and Applying of Thermal Insulation for Piping in Underground Steam Tunnel (Division "II")---Inland Insulation Company, Chicago .................................................. 26 500 Base bid ........................................... $17 625 Additive alternate for insulation of six-inch high pressure steam main............................. 8 875 Furnishing and Installation of Electrical Materials, including Tunnel Lighting and Power to Miscellaneous Pumps (Division "JJ") --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana.................17 411 Total....................................................... $446~610 Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of the bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. CONTRACT FOR STEAM SERVICE TO ILLINOIS EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY (11) The Department of Mental Health has requested that the University furnish steam service to the new Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary being constructed south of Taylor Street between Wood Street and Wolcott Avenue. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a contract on the same basis as the University's contracts with other consumers of steam in the Medical Center District supplied by the Medical Center Steam Company. The requirements of the Infirmary will not exceed 12,000 pounds per year maximum demand which is well within the capacity of the present Medical Center Steam Plant. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. CONTRACT FOR POWER SUPPLIES FOR THE MEDICAL CENTER CAMPUS (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $304,180 to the C and H Electrical Company, Chicago, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for new power supplies for the Research Laboratory and Library Building, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, Second Unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, and the west section of the Research and Educational Hospitals, and network ties between vaults on the Medical Center Campus. These installations are a phase of the 1961-63 improvements changing the electrical supply from an obsolete and overloaded 4,000-volt system to a new 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 185 and more reliable 12,000-volt system and include new duct work, cabling, and switchgear for the buildings listed. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of architects and engineers for the following assignments and on the terms indicated: Civil Engineering Building, Urbana-Champaign --- A. Epstein and Sons, Inc., Chicago, with the firm of Richardson, Seyerns, Scheeler, and Associates, Champaign, as associate architect, for building planning and design, on the basis of a fee of 6 per cent of the construction contract costs, fee to cover building design, preparation of plans, working drawings, specifications, contract documents, and supervision of construction. Addition to Smith Music Hall, Urbana-Champaign --- Lundeen and Hilfinger, Bloomington, on the basis of a fee of 6 per cent of the construction contract costs, fee to cover building design, preparation of plans, working drawings, specifications, contract documents, and supervision of construction. Life Sciences --- East Unit, Urbana-Champaign --- Fugard, Burt, Wilkinson, and Orth, Chicago, on the basis of a fee of 52/3 per cent of the construction contract costs, fee to cover building design, preparation of plans, working drawings, specifications, and supervision of construction. East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Addition, Medical Center --- Perkins and Will, Chicago, on the basis of a fee of 6 per cent of the construction contract costs, fee to cover building design, preparation of plans, working drawings, specifications, and supervision of construction. These firms have been recommended for the specific assignments by the Advisory Committee on the Selection of Architects and Engineers. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has also been consulted and recommends approval. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these recommendations were approved. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ON PLANS FOR COORDINATED SCIENCE LABORATORY (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $4,000 in the contract with Brown, Manthei, Davis, and Mullins, Champaign, Illinois, for additional engineering services in the preparation and revision of working drawings and specifications for mechanical and electrical work in the construction of the Coordinated Science Laboratory. Funds are available in assignments to the Coordinated Science Laboratory from indirect costs recovered under research contracts. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this change in contract was authorized. AMENDMENT OF GRANT AGREEMENT WITH FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY (15) The Federal Aviation Agency has requested a resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of "First Amendment to Grant Agreement, Project No. 9-11-026-6003, University of Illinois Willard Aiport" (Contract Seriaj No. FA3-586) pertaining to certain improvements at the University of Illinois-Willard Airport for which the Federal Aviation Agency agreed to provide one-half the funds with the state of Illinois, through its Department of Aeronautics, providing substantially the other half, except for the cost of engineering services, which were paid by the University. The purpose of the amendment is to provide for an increase in the federal grant from $97,523 to $98,636.14 (or 186 board of trustees [October 17 $1,113.14) to cover the Federal Aviation Agency's share of the additional and allowable project costs. Accordingly, I recommend adoption by the Board of the Resolution submitted herewith, and that the Board authorize its execution as indicated therein. Resolution Authorizing Acceptance and Execution of First Amendment to Grant Agreement Between the United States and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Champaign- Urbana, Illinois Whereas, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, pursuant to a request from the University of Illinois, and in order to advance the interests of the United States in civil aviation, has tendered a First Amendment to the Grant Agreement executed between the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, acting for and on behalf of the United States, and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, with its principal office in the City of Urbana, Illinois, and the State of Illinois, acting by and through its Department of Aeronautics, on December 18, 1959, and December 21, 19S9, respectively, covering a project on the University of Illinois Airport, Project No. 9-11-026-6003; and Whereas, it is necessary that the said Amendment to the Grant Agreement be duly and formally accepted by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois; and Whereas, the said Amendment to the Grant Agreement is in the words, figures, and form following: First Amendment to Grant Agreement University of Illinois Willard Airport Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Project No. 9-11-026-6003 Contract Serial No. FA3-S86 Whereas, the amount of final eligible and allowable and allowed project costs relating to the above-identified project has been determined to be $197,272.28, the Federal share of which is $98,636.14, and said Federal share exceeds the amount of the maximum obligation of the United States under the project Grant Agreement by the amount of $1,113.14; and Whereas, it is determined to be in the interest of the United States that the said Grant Agreement be amended, as authorized by Public Law 183, 81st Congress in the manner and particulars hereinafter set forth. Now, Therefore, Witnesseth: For and in consideration of the benefits which will respectively accrue to the parties hereto, it is hereby mutually agreed by and between the Federal Aviation Agency, for and on behalf of the United States, as Party of the First Part and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Department of Aeronautics, State of Illinois, as Parties of the Second Part, that the Grant Agreement on Project No. 9-11-026-6003, be and the same is hereby amended by deletion of the monetary amount "$97,523.00" appearing in numbered Paragraph 1 on Page 2 of Part I-Grant Offer, and by substitution therefore of the monetary amount of $98,636.14." In Witness Whereof, the Parties hereto have caused this First Amendment to be executed as of of.................................................., 1962. United States of America Federal Aviation Agency By.................................................................................................. Acting Chief, Airports Division, Central Region Approved:............................................................ Director, Institute of Aviation University of Illinois The Board of Trustees of (Seal) The University of Illinois Attest:................-.............................................By................................................................. Title..................................................................Title............................................................. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 187 CERTIFICATE OF CO-SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY I, ......................................................................, acting as Attorney for the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (hereinafter called the Co-Sponsor) do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing First Amendment to Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken by the Co-Sponsor relating thereto and find that the execution thereof by the Co-Sponsor has been duly authorized, and is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois and further that, in my opinion said First Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Co-Sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated at........................................-......., of............................, 1962. Title.............................................................. State of Illinois, acting by and through its Department of Aeronautics (Seal) Attest:............................................................By................................................................. Title..................................................................Title........................................................... CERTIFICATE OF CO-SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY I, ......................................................................, acting as Attorney for the State of Illinois, acting by and through its Department of Aeronautics, (hereinafter called the "Co-Sponsor"), do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing First Amendment to Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken by the Co-Sponsor, the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics, relating thereto and find that the acceptance thereof by the said Co-Sponsor has been duly authorized, and that the execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, and further, that in my opinion, said First Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the said Co-Sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated at.............................................., of .............................., 1962. Title.. Now, Therefore, in consideration of the benefit to be derived therefrom, Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved by The Board Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, with its principal office in the City of Urbana, Illinois, as follows: (1) That The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, with its principal office in the City of Urbana, Illinois, accept, and it does hereby accept the First Amendment to the Original Grant Agreement tendered to it by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, acting for and on behalf of the United States, in the words, figures, and form as hereinabove set forth, to be duly executed in its name and for and in its behalf. (2) That to accomplish the foregoing, H. O. Farber, Comptroller, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and in behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, the said First Amendment to the Grant Agreement, and that A. J. Janata, Secretary, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attest said execution and to impress thereon the Official Seal of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. On motion of Mr. Swain, the resolution was adopted and execution of the same was authorized; Mr. Johnston was recorded as not voting. PURCHASES FOR FACULTY OF MEDICINE, CHIENGMAl HOSPITAL IN THAILAND (16) The Executive Vice-President and Provost has been authorized by the 188 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 17 President of the University and the Board of Trustees to act on recommendations for purchases of equipment and supplies for higher education institutions in India, which the University is servicing under contracts with the Agency for International Development and for which funds are supplied by the United States Government, to expedite placement of orders and deliveries. It is recommended that this authorization be extended to include purchases under the AID contract for services to the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital in Thailand. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. PURCHASES (17) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. I concur. Chicago Colleges and Divisions Item Department Vendor Cost One microscope and photomicrographic Histology W. H. Kessel & Co., ? 6 213 55 accessories Chicago delivered 40,000 tetracycline V capsules, 250 mg.; Pharmacy Stores Upjohn Co., 5 340 00 this product is an antibiotic drug Chicago delivered which is used in the treatment of a variety of bacterial infections (this represents a six-month supply) Urbana-Champaign Departments Reconstruction of flood control meas- Astronomy Elton A. Wagner Co., 27 950 00 ures at the Vermilion River Observa- Danville f.o.b. tory (radio telescope) located south- site east of Danville One electrophoresis system, paper type Animal Science Fisher Scientific Co., 2 607 00 Chicago f.o.b. delivered One centrifuge, automatic, refrigerated, Botany Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 3 830 00 with two rotors and two automatic Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. pipettes, to be used in the research of delivered fractionating cells which contain radioactive constituents under sus- tained low temperature operations Two grating monochromators for sepa- Botany Chicago Apparatus Co., 4 000 00 rating soluble compounds in sepa- Chicago f.o.b. rate colored layers, to be used in delivered research projects in the Photosyn- and thesis Laboratory installed including one year free service One spectrophotometer, infrared, large Chemistry and Beckman Instruments, 4 905 00 size recording, single or double beam. Chemical Inc., f.o.b. quick scan device, for use in various Engineering Lincolnwood delivered research programs in inorganic chem- istry One centrifuge, automatic, superspeed, Chemistry and Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 2 855 00 refrigerated, with two rotors for use Chemical Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. in sustained low temperature opera- Engineering delivered tions, suitable for use with corrosive solutions for biosynthesis research Fabrication and balancing of two spe- Coordinated Minneapolis-Honeywell 3 000 00 cial gyro rotors, vacuum tight, helium filled, leak rate less than 10" STD, Science Regulator Co., f.o.b. Laboratory Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, CC/SEC; material, beryllium, spher- Minn. icity 0.000010 T.I.R., finish 5 micro inches; diameter 2.0035$pM.0035 One high vacuum evaporator system. Coordinated Varian Associates, 16 256 00 large capacity, 400 liters per second Science Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. organic and hydrocarbon free pump- Laboratory delivered ing system, vacuum range to 10~s mm Hg One magnetic core matrix stack: 256 x Digital Computer Electronic Memories, 2 780 00 32 word select, approximate core Laboratory Inc., f.o.b. dimensions 0.029 in. O.D., 0.020 in. Los Angeles, Calif. Los I.D., 0.0065 in. high, short words Angeles, divided into four planes of 64 words Calif. each, long (1024 bit) words, two- dimensional random-access operation 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 189 Item Department Vendor Cost 1,020,000 data processing cards Digital Computer International Business $ 6 013 32 60 reels without tape Laboratory Machines Corp., f.o.b. 60 reel containers Springfield delivered 100 reels, each with 2,400 ft. magnetic tape Six ribbons, black One antenna system, special, for "sum" Electrical Granger Associates, 30 780 00 mode of monopulse operation, in- Engineering Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. stalled delivered and installed One oscilloscope, dual trace, plug-in Electrical Analab Instrument Corp., 2 964 34 type preamplifiers, with Null Read- Engineering c/o Ridgway Associates, f.o.b. out feature, frequency response DC to 500 ICC Chicago delivered One universal line coupler to be used to Electrical Bendix Corp., 18 500 00 permit coupling of the G-20 Bendix Engineering Computer Division, f.o.b. computer system to non-standard Chicago Los peripheral accessory equipment Angeles, Calif. One high vacuum pumping station with Electrical Vacuum-Electronics 4 372 00 vacuum gauges and control unit for Engineering Corp., f.o.b. use in research on the surface be- Chicago delivered havior of liquids under high electric field condition by the Electrical Engi- neering Research Laboratory One autoanalyzer with two-speed pro- Home Economics Technicon Instruments 5 200 00 portioning pump and photo-tube Corp., f.o.b. colorimeter for continuous coloru- Chauncey, N.Y. Chauncey, metric analysis of calcium, inorganic N.Y. phosphates, microurea, and creatinine in research into mineral metabolism in humans and animals Laboratory services for re-balancing UICSM- Capital Film 7 866 39 sound tracks and other improvements Mathematics Laboratories, f.o.b. in the Mathematics Project film Project Washington, D.C. delivered series, which includes twenty film titles which are jointly owned by the University and the National Educa- tional Television and Radio Center One centrifuge, superspeed, refrigerated Microbiology Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 2 933 40 with two rotors, one of 1890 mtlliliter Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. capacity and one of 400 miililiter ca- delivered pacity, for research studies on the purification of subcellutar components and the separation and purification of bacterial enzymes and nucleic acids One multiple sample absorbance re- Microbiology Gilford Instrument 7 150 00 corder, monochromator and acces- Laboratories, Inc., f.o.b. sories for spectrophotometric Oberlin, Ohio Oberlin, procedures used in the characteriza- Ohio tion of bacterial enzymes and bacte- rial nucleic acid preparations One ultracentrifuge, preparative type with four rotor heads, 198,000 RPM Microbiology Spinco Division of 8 745 00 Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. x G speed, large capacity, refrigerated Inc., delivered system Palo Alto, Calif. One electrophoresis column, large ca- Microbiology LKB Instruments, Inc., 4 935 50 pacity, high separating power, stabi- Washington, D.C. f.o.b. lized and well defined experimental delivered conditions; for preparative fractiona- tion and purification of proteins, pep- tides, nucleic acids, nucleotides, and enzymes One metallograph, research microscope Mining, W. H. Kessel & Co., 8 454 70 and camera for visual examination Metallurgy, Chicago f.o.b. and photography of specimens in and Petroleum delivered bright field, dark field or polarized Engineering and light illumination, reflected or trans- installed mitted light One X-ray machine, table model, com- Mining, Siemens New York, 2 710 00 plete with cable and supports, cooling Metallurgy, Inc., f.o.b. hose, and vertical tube stand, suitable and Petroleum New York delivered for use with interchangeable target tubes Engineering Ten power supply systems, special, each Physics Technipower, Inc., 10 950 00 consisting of two modular power sup- c/o Kenneth W. f.o.b. plies 95-125VAC 50-60 cps input, 20- Meyers Co., delivered VDC output variable $pM5 per cent; Chicago two, ditto, except output voltage 10- VDC; two. ditto, 20VDC output. variable $pM 10 per cent: all 1.5 amperes 190 board of trustees [October 17 Item Department Vendor Cost One magnetic resonance stabilizer, field Physks Harvey-Wells Corp., 3 453 00 control unit, including gauss probes. Framingham, Mass. f.o.b. oscillator, lock in amplifier, power delivered supply and amplifier One field ion microscope with Polaroid Physics Central Scientific Co.. j 5 3 109 00 camera and mechanical pump Chicago f.o.b. delivered One special combination temperature Theoretical and Research, Inc., 2 947 45 and power controller Applied Minneapolis, Minn. f.o.b. One automatic programmer-reader Mechanics delivered One recorder, 6 in. strip chart, eight Theoretical and F. L. Moseley Co., 3 S2S 00 chart speeds, ten calibrated spans, 0.2 Applied c/o Crossley f.o.b. per cent accuracy with installed re- Mechanics Associates, Pasadena, transmitting potentiometer Chicago Calif. One recorder, X-Y, time driven, 11 in. by 17 in. paper, sixteen DC calibrated ranges, eight AC calibrated ranges, eight chart speeds, accuracy 0.2 per cent One metallographic microscope, camera. Theoretical and W. H. Kessel & Co., 6 876 77 and attachments Applied Mechanics Chicago f.o.b. delivered and installed One stereoscope and one compound mi- Zoology Eric Sobotka Co., Inc., 3 737 00 croscope, each with accessories, to be New York, N.Y. f.o.b. used in Zoology research programs delivered One ultracentrifuge, preparative type Zoology Spinco Division 9 503 20 with three rotors with capacities of 15 Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. milliliter, 100 milliliters, and 940 mil- Inc., delivered liliters, refrigerated, speeds up to Palo Alto, Calif. 198,000 rpm. x G 120 lessons on film and tape produced University High Encyclopedia Britannica 3 000 00 by the Encyclopedia Britannica Films School Films, f.o.b. Wilmette delivered 22 films, 16 mm., miscellaneous, color Visual Aids Films, Inc., 3 180 00 and black and white Service Wilmette f.o.b. delivered Print and bind 15,000 copies of Charting Education, George Banta Co., 2 574 00 the Universe, approximately 80 pages Elementary Chicago f.o.b. per copy, trim size 8J in. by 11 in. Education T)i vision delivered Print and bind 25,000 copies High School University Press George Banta Co., 30 082 60 Mathematics, units 1 through 4, stu- Chicago f.o.b. dent edition, approximately 708 pages Menasha, per copy, trim size 8)4 in. by 11 in. Wis. Print and bind 4,000 copies High School Mathematics, unit 1, student edition, approximately 164 pages per copy, trim size 8H in. by 11 in. One portable basketball floor for the Assembly Hall Cincinnati Floor Co., 16 500 00 Assembly Hall, 60 ft. by 120 ft., wood Cincinnati, Ohio f.o.b. construction, rubber cushioned, de- delivered signed for single-upright basketball and backstop installations; the floor will installed be completely finished and fitted Fifteen storage trucks, caster wheel mounted Furnish and install low-frequency radio Illini Union Motorola Communica- 5 740 00 paging system to include base station, tions & Electronics, Inc. f.o.b. 20 radio receivers, and 10 lapel Chicago delivered speakers and installed 80 receivers, television, hotel type, table Illini Union Lee School Supply 10 054 00 model, 19-inch screen, to be furnished Co., Inc., f.o.b. and installed in guest rooms of the Terre Haute, Ind. delivered Illini Union Building Addition and installed Paper, English finish, book, white, as Office Supply Decatur Paper House, 14 392 55 follows: Storeroom Inc., f.o.b. 800 reams, 25 by 38-60 lb. Decatur delivered 350 reams, 22H by 35-49K lb. 150 reams 25 by 38-70 lb. 702 steel office chairs, upholstered, Office Supply Milwaukee Metal 15 6S4, 87 swivel, posture, and side chairs; de- Storeroom Furniture Co., f.o.b. liveries are to be made to Urbana and Chicago delivered Chicago storerooms on three shipping dates, namely, November 15, 1962, January 7, 1963, and April 15, 1963 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 191 Item Department Vendor Cost One street sweeper, self-propelled by Physical Plant Scruggs-Drake $ 8 309 00 gasoline engine, two cubic yard ca- Equipment, Inc., f.o.b. pacity complete with two gutter Decatur delivered brushes and 49-inch wide main brush with a total sweeping swath of 8 ft. 6 in., to be used by Physical Plant Department to maintain parking lots. streets, and bicycle lanes Seventy-one parking meters, sealed, Physical Plant Duncan Parking Meter 4 230 54 single-cylinder type collection system, Co., Division of f.o.b. to be furnished and installed in the Nauter Corp., delivered Illini Union drive and the parking lot Chicago and at 601-03-05 EastHealeyStreet, O ham Dai urn installed Special replacement parts for stoker No. Physical Plant Detroit Stoker Co., 2 726 SO 5 at Abbott Power Plant, as follows: Monroe, Mich. f.o.b. 100 grate bars Monroe, 20 V% in. pins for chain Mich. 2 top support rails, side 2 rear corner support rails On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLERS REPORT OF CONTRACTS (18) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period September 1 to 30, 1962. Amount lo be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale G. and W. H. Corson, Prospectus for lime-pozzolan mix- $ 3 125 00 July 1, 1962 Inc. tures Dairy Industries Supply Study of problems relating to the 2 050 00 September 14, 1962 Association, Inc. dairy industry Edison Electric Institute Study of electrical heating 74 000 00 September 10, 1962 United States Air Force Photoproduction of mesons in liquid 47 050 00 July 1, 1962 AF-AFOSR-6-63 hydrogen bubble chamber United States Air Force Study of the dynamic soil-structure 79 377 00 September 1, 1962 AF 29 (601) 5535 interaction characteristics of real soil media United States Army Synthesis, reactions, and structures 56 311 00 September 1, 1962 DA-31-124-ARO (D)-35 of certain sulfur-nitrogen compounds United States Depart- Rule-guided behavior and strategies 121 849 00 September 1, 1962 ment of Health, Educa- in teaching tion, and Welfare OE-3-10-031 Total $pD383 762 00 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date State's Attorney of Payment, in lieu of taxes, for serv- $ 11 562 64 July 9, 1962 Piatt County ices rendered (Allerton and Warren) Leases Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom. Purpose University Date Delta Alumni of Sigma 905-905M South Fifth Street, ? 5 500 00 July 31, 1962 Phi Delta, Inc. Champaign, from September 1, (ten months 1962, to June 30, 1963 rental) Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date American Cyanamid Co. Systemic insecticides for control of insects on wheat $ 1 000 00 June 25, 1962 American Society of Steam and condensate flow in pipes 5 000 00 September 1. 1962 Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers 192 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 17 With Whom American Steel & Wire Division Purpose Behavior of deformed wire fabric in concrete A mount to be Paid to the University 1 200 00 Effective Date April 27, 1962 Bendix Corp. High temperature thermal properties of ceramic-metal combinations $ 28 656 25 September 15, 1962 Griffin Wheel Co. Improvement of cast steel railway car wheels 13 489 29 June 14, 1962 Moorman Manufacturing Co. Nutritional quality of pig starter rations 2 600 00 August 21, 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-2 Highway problems 16 500 00 August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Depart-mpnt nf Pnhlir Wnrlrs Riveted and bolted structural joints 10 000 00 August 20, 1962 IliCllL Ul $pM ULFlIL- VV Ul J$pDa and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-S State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-9 Impact on highway bridges 21 500 00 August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-10 Prestressed concrete highway bridges 29 000 00 August 20. 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-12 Soil exploration and mapping 30 ooo oo August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-46 Soil-aggregate mixtures for highway pavement 25 500 00 August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-47 Chemical stabilization of soils 6 000 00 August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-53 Vehicular speed regulation 27 ooo oo August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Depart-mpnt nf PnhliV Wnrk Equipment for roadside cover 17 500 00 August 20, 1962 IllCilL *Jl * if Ull-V VV K}I Its and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-58 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-59 Highway medians 18 500 00 August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-64 Welded highway structures 21 000 00 August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-6S Drainage laws and practices 14 000 00 August 20, 1962 State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-66 Woody ground cover 13 500 00 August 20, 1962 This report was received for record. RELEASE OF LANGUAGE-STUDY MATERIALS PREPARED UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE PEACE CORPS (19) Certain instructional materials in the Gujrati language were prepared last summer under the University's contract with the Peace Corps, principally by Mr. Purushottam J. Mistry. These consisted of ten written lesson-units with coordinated magnetic tapes. Under University regulations, and in accordance with the contract with the Peace Corps, this material belongs to the University of Illinois, but the Peace Corps and other agencies of the federal govermnent would be granted license-free use of them. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 193 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date State of Illinois Depart- Grasses and their establishment $ 11 500 00 August 20, 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Divi- sion of Highways IHR-67 State of Illinois Depart- Guide lines for appraisals 20 000 00 August 20, 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Divi- sion of Highways IHR-68 State of Illinois Depart- Traffic linkage patterns 5 000 00 August 20, 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Divi- sion of Highways IHR-69 State of Illinois Depart- Social factors and traffic 8 500 00 August 20. 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Divi. sion of Highways IHR-70 State of Illinois Depart- Impact on urban real estate values 21 000 00 August 20, 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Divi- sion of Highways IHR-71 State of Illinois Depart- Creep in structural concrete 16 000 00 August 20, 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Divi- sion of Highways IHR-72 State of Illinois Depart- Fatigue failure in concrete 17 500 00 August 20, 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Divi- sion of Highways IHR-73 State of Illinois Depart- Seal coats and surface treatments 13 000 00 August 20, 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings. Divi- sion of Highways IHR-7S State of Illinois Depart- Lime stabilization of soils 17 000 00 August 20, 1962 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Divi- sion of Highways IHR-76 United States Air Force Properties of insulating and con- 2 578 06 August 23, 1962 AF 18 (600) 689 ducting solids United States Air Force Effects of dynamic loads on soils 25 000 00 May 9, 1962 AF 29 (601) 2876 and buried structures United States Army Mechanical characteristics of poly- 19 070 00 September 10. 1962 DA U-022-ORD-3467 crystalline N10 United States Army Interpersonal and psychological ad- 32 684 00 August 31, 1962 DA 49-193-MD-2060 justment of group members United States Bureau of Study on fatigue of welded beams 30 000 00 July 1, 1962 Public Roads, Depart- and girders in structural and low ment of Commerce alloy steels CPR 11-7768 VioBin Corp. Fishmeal and fishmeal products in 1 500 00 August 1, 1962 swine nutrition Total 542 277 60 194 board of trustees [October 17 It is understood that the Peace Corps is contracting directly with Mr, Mistry for the production of some seven additional lesson-units for further training in India of the Peace Corps volunteers trained in Gujrati on this campus. Furthermore, Professor Page, the project director under the Peace Corps contract, indicates that the materials prepared last summer need substantial revision before they can be considered to be in satisfactory final form. Both he and Dean Dangerfield, Director of International Progams, state that the materials in their present form have little or no commercial value. Mr. Mistry has requested that the University of Illinois release to him the materials developed under the Peace Corps contract in order that he might improve and extend the instructional program in Gujrati, with the right to copyright and publish the materials if this seems desirable. Both Professor Page and Dean Dangerfield recommend approval of this request, with the stipulation that both the University and the Peace Corps and other agencies of the federal government would have the right to use the materials developed under the University's contract in their present form without payment of royalties or license fees. The Executive Vice-President and Provost, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel endorse this recommendation. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. GIFT OF ELECTRONIC CARILLON (20) Mr. A. R. Staley, a member of the Class of 1931, has agreed to give the University of Illinois Foundation for the University at Urbana-Champaign a "Carillon Americana" having 305 bells, the largest carillon made by Schulmerich Carillons, Inc. of Sellersville, Pennsylvania. The playing console will be installed on the second floor of the University Auditorium and the stentors will be located on the northeast tower of Memorial Stadium. Mr. Staley has made this gift as a contribution to the program of the School of Music and to the cultural life of the campus. The Carillon will be played from time to time by mechanical means and by members of the staff of the School of Music. The gift has been accepted by the Foundation and the President and is reported for record. I have already expressed appreciation on behalf of the University but the Board will also wish to record its appreciation. The Carillon is being installed and it is anticipated that the work will be completed so that the first concert can be played on Saturday, November 24, on which day a brief dedicatory ceremony will also be held in the forenoon. On motion of Mr. Pogue, acceptance of this gift by the University of Illinois Foundation and the President of the University was confirmed. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board recorded its appreciation of this gift, and the Secretary was instructed to send Mr. Staley an appropriate message on behalf of the Trustees. REPORTS TO THE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF ILLINOIS (21) The University of Illinois has submitted to the State Board of Higher Education reports on new public service activities undertaken, new courses added, and new research and public service contracts negotiated, during the period August 22, 1961, through June 30, 1962. The Board of Higher Education has requested such reports periodically, the first of these being for the period indicated which began when the Act creating that Board became effective and continuing through the end of the fiscal year 1961-62. The University has also submitted to the State Board of Higher Education a statement of the procedures it follows in the initiation, review, and approval of new units of instruction, research, and public service. Copies of these reports and statement are submitted herewith for the information of the Board and copies are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. These reports were received for record. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 195 MEMORIAL TO MRS. NELLIE VOIGHT FREEMAN Mr. Pogue offered the following resolution. The Board of Trustees records with deep sorrow the death on October 14, 1962, of Mrs. Nellie Voight Freeman of Mattoon, a former member of this Board. Mrs. Freeman (Nellie Voight) was born in Mattoon March 12, 1873. She married Dr. T. O. Freeman of that city in December, 1898, who died in October, 1932. Mrs. Freeman devoted much of her life to education and to civic affairs --- as a teacher in the public schools of Mattoon, prior to her marriage, as an officer at the local and state levels in parent-teacher associations, as an officer of the Women's Auxiliary of the Illinois State Medical Society, in the Business and Professional Women's Club of her community, and as a worker for her church. Mrs. Freeman served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois from 1933-39, and on its Committees on Buildings and Grounds, Agriculture, Chicago Departments, and Student Welfare and Activities, being Chairman of the latter Committee for five years. In all these assignments she discharged her responsibilities faithfully and effectively. The Board of Trustees desires to pay tribute to the memory of a former colleague who served her community and the state of Illinois, by incorporating this resolution in the official minutes of today's meeting and by sending copies to the surviving members of Mrs. Freeman's family as an expression of the Board's sympathy. This resolution was unanimously adopted. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments made by the President; graduate fellows; resignations, declinations, and cancellations; leaves of absence; retirements. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Adams, Robert K., Instructor in Architecture (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (10-3-62). Alexopoulos, George G., Instructor in Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), i/3 time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-January 31, 1963, $1,200 (10-2-62). Anderson, Rachel E., Assistant Editor in the University Press, V$ time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,125, supersedes (9-14-62). Andrews, James A., Instructor in Accountancy (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,200 (9-7-62). Aro, Aurelia M., Instructor in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy), 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,800, supersedes (10-1-62). Aronson, Alan R., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), Vs time, one year from September 1, 1962, $1,500 (8-29-62). Azuma, Yasuo, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,850 (9-7-62). Baker, James L. L., Research Assistant and Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000 (9-14-62). Bales, Retta E., Assistant Director of Admissions and of Clinics (Research and Educational Hospitals), one year from September 1, 1962, $9,450, supersedes (9-7-62). Bard, Beverly S., Research Assistant in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,900 (9-13-62). Beers, Ray F., Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), i/s time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,600 (8-29-62). Beevers, Leonard, Research Associate in Plant Physiology (Agronomy) (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,500 (9-7-62). Benzel, James F., Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering (S), i/$pD time, September 15, 1962-August 31, 1963, $3,300 a year, supersedes (10-3-62). 196 board of trustees [October 17 Bergeron, Clifton G., Research Assistant Professor of Ceramic Engineering (C and S), full time from September 1-15, 1962, and June 16-August 31, 1963, $6,795 a year, and Vi time from September 16, 1962-June 15, 1963, $4,705 a year, supersedes (9-11-62). Blaha, Gordon C, Instructor in Anatomy (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-29-62). Bockman, Dale E., Instructor in Anatomy (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 (9-12-62). Booth, Alfred W., Professor of Geography, Peace Corps Training Office (Provost's Office), September 1-15, 1962, $220; this is in addition to his present appointment (9-14-62). Bosma, E. Gayle C, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,900 (9-13-62).' Boyle, Mrs. Judith E., Research Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (9-13-62). Branch, Beverly, Assistant in French, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,800 (9-7-62). Brent, George W., Instructor in Prosthodontics (Dentistry), 7/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,250, supersedes (10-1-62). Broadrick, King W., Associate Professor of Speech, 2/$ time, indefinite tenure, and Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1/3 time, one year, to render service during each academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $9,100 a year; Associate Professor of Speech, full time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, supersedes (9-14-62). Brody, Mrs. Lita H., Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,600 (10-1-62). Calahan, Donald A., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), one month from August 16, 1962, $811.11; this is in addition to his present appointment (9-14-62). Carlies, Robert G., Assistant in Education and Assistant Principal of University High School, September 16, 1962-January. 31, 1963, $3,375, and Assistant in Education (University High School), February 1-June 15, 1963, $3,000, supersedes (9-27-62). Carroll, John A., Program Director of the Illini Union, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,000, supersedes nonacademic appointment (9-28-62). Cessna, Kenneth, Assistant Extension Editor, with rank of Instructor (E), September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,800 a year (10-2-62). Chandler, Hugh S., Instructor in Philosophy, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,200 (9-14-62). Churchich, Jorge E., Research Associate in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1961, $7,330 a year (9-11-62). Clausing, Arthur M., Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000 (9-13-62). Coombs, Fred S., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,400 (9-13-62). Compton, Marion, Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962 $5,300, supersedes (9-17-62). Crow, Samuel E., Extension Specialist in Firemanship Training (Division of University Extension), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,900 a year (9-26-62). Curtis, Lelia A., House Director, Beta Cooperative House, ten months from September 1, 1962, $2,200; for the convenience of the University she will receive room and board valued at $31 a month (9-27-62). Cutler, Douglas, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), October 15, 1962-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year (10-1-62). Dadmun, Stewart E., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 2/s time, four months from September 1, 1962, $200 a month (8-29-62). Dai, Peter K., Research Associate in Civil Engineering (C and S), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500, supersedes (10-2-62). Danielzadeh, Albert, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $4,900 (8-29-62). Davis, Charles S., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), \A time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,750 (9-14-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 197 Dees, Denzil E., Instructor in Veterinary Anatomy and Histology (College of Veterinary Medicine), 1/3 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,850 (9-14-62). Denmark, William L., Assistant Professor of Climatology (Horticulture) (S), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-2-62). Derrick, Luctle, Special Administrative Appointment, Office of the Vice-President (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 14 time, one month from July 1, 1962, $302.77; this is in addition to her previous appointment (10-3-62). Dimick, Robert C, Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400, supersedes (10-1-62). Dinger, Sharon, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,200 (10-2-62). Divilbiss, James L., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $11,000, supersedes (9-4-62). Dolney, Edwin L., Research Associate in Education (University High School), 14 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $1,500 (10-3-62). Eades, James L., Research Assistant Professor of Geology, one year from September 1, 1962, $9,000 (9-21-62). Elliott, Bruce D., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,600 (10-1-62). Elsey, John C, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,100 (10-3-62). Evans, Claryce L., Research Associate in Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,900, supersedes (9-14-62). Fair, Armor J., Instructor in Management (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (9-14-62). Fara, Harry, Research Associate in Petroleum Engineering (C), September 1- 15, 1962, $666.67 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (9-14-62). Farhi, Edna S., Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,900 (9-13-62). Feder, CeCILE S., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), i/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,000 (9-28-62). Fei.dman, Sheldon, Research Associate in Psychology, 1/3 time, and in the Institute of Communications Research, 2/3 time, June 16, 1962-May 31, 1963, $722.22 a month, supersedes; and Research Associate in Psychology, 1/3 time, June 1-15, 1963, $120.37 (9-7-62). Fiedler, Mary A., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,300 a year, supersedes (10-3-62). Fields, R. Joanne, Instructor in Library Science, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,120, supersedes nonacademic appointment (9-7-62). Filbey, Mary L., Assistant to the Dean of Women, 1/2 time, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (9-7-62). Flynn, James D., Supervisor of Counseling in the Student Rehabilitation Center with rank of Instructor, (College of Physical Education), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 (9-14-62). Frankmann, Mrs. Judith P., Assistant Professor of Psychology, i/$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $2,400 (9-14-62). Fraticeixi, Joanne C, Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), September 10, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (8-29-62). French, Wilbur L., Research Associate in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (10-2-62). Freund, Eric C, Research Associate in the Bureau of Community Planning, one month from September 1, 1962, $641.75 (10-3-62). Fukazawa, Kaichi, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000, supersedes (10-3-62). Gallt, Alessandro, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (9-13-62). Gibbs, Erich, Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), y$pD time, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,450 (10-2-62). Gilbert, Robert L., Instructor in Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 1/3 time, five months from September 1, 1962, $240 a month (10-3-62). 198 board of trustees [October 17 Golden, William M., Research Associate in Education (University High School), one year from September 1, 1962, $9,900 (9-11-62). Gotz, Gertrude, Assistant in Home Economics (S), in the Physical Environment Unit, and in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400 (9-28-62). Grant, Emerson W., Adjutant, Military Science, 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $600 (9-28-62). Grant, Rhoda, Research Associate in Pathology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,000 (10-2-62). Gray, Peter V., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,600 (9-27-62). Haase, Gerhard H., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1962, $1,900 (8-29-62). Hagenberger, Cheryl M., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,300 (9-13-62). Halford, Gary R., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), 66/100 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,800 (10-3-62). Harding, Mrs. Sarah K., Research Associate in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), September 15, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,850 a year (9-14-62). Hernuon, Mary S., Instructor in Home Economics (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,300 (9-14-62). Hibnick, Herbert, Special Lecturer in Pharmacy (Pharmacy), $$s time, January 2-March 16, 1963, $240 a month (9-4-62). Hildreth, Mildred L., Assistant Reference Librarian, with rank of Instructor, September 12, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,500 a year (9-17-62). Hilker, Gloria, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Medical Adviser for Women in the Health Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), T>/i time, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200, supersedes (9-14-62). Hindley, Richard D., Research Associate in Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800 (9-13-62). Hinrichsen, Colin, Research Assistant in Pedodontics (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,000 (9-27-62). Hochman, Lawrence S., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), without salary, and Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), i/i time, $3,500, one year from September 1, 1962 (8-29-62). Hodges, Thomas K., Research Associate in Agronomy (S), September 6, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,500 a year (10-2-62). Hoffman, Frederick, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (9-13-62). Hogg, Loretta A., Research Assistant in Microbiology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (10-2-62). Honma, Toshio, Visiting Assistant Professor of Physical Metallurgy (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,000, supersedes (9-7-62). Hulsizer, Robert I., Jr., Professor of Physics (C), September 1-15, 1962, $741.67; this is in addition to his present appointment (9-14-62). Ivens, Virginia, Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000, supersedes (9-7-62). Johnson, Harold J., Research Associate, 2/3 time, and Instructor, VS time, in Psychology, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,100, supersedes (9-17-62). Julian, James W., Research Associate in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,000 (9-17-62). Junker, Darrel D., Assistant in Animal Science (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,000 (10-2-62). Kahler, David T., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500 (9-14-62). Kahne, Stephen J., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, $b time, September 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, and full time, June 16-August 31, 1963, $4,650; and Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 14 time, September 16, 1962-June 15, 1963, $1,200; total salary September 1, 1962, through August 31, 1963, $5,850 (8-24-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 199 Katague, David B., Instructor in Chemistry (Pharmacy), Vi time, to render service during the academic year, September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $3,000 a year (9-26-62). Kiesleh, Donald, Instructor in Psychology, V3 time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, $1,000 (9-4-62). Killian, Pauletta L., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400 (10-1-62). Koik, Juta V., Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), J4 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $10,500 (8-29-62). Konitzki, Joseph F., Assistant to Director of the Student Rehabilitation Center with rank of Instructor, (College of Physical Education), one year from September 1, 1962, $8,000 (10-3-62). Koob, Judith L., Research Assistant in Chemistry, September 10, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,800 a year, supersedes (10-1-62). Kulis, John C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 12/100 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $900 (8-29-62). Levings, Charles S., Ill, Assistant in Plant Breeding (Agronomy) (S), two months from September 1, 1962, $450 a month (8-27-62). Lewis, L. Dean, Associate Professor of Hygiene and Staff Physician in the Health Service, Vz time, September 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $5,455 (8-29-62). Long, Chester C, Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000, supersedes (9-14-62). Loomis, F. Wheeler, Professor of Physics (C), 1/3 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200 (9-14-62). Low, Leone, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000 (9-14-62). MacNeil, Elizabeth, Assistant in Pediatrics (College of Nursing), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (8-29-62). Malhotra, Om P., Instructor in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $9,150, supersedes (9-25-62). Malter, Richard F., Psychometrist in the Student Counseling Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400 (9-4-62). Marin-Ricaud, Lourdes, Research Assistant in Anthropology, September 24, 1962-August 31, 1963, $4,900 a year (10-3-62). May, William H., Research Associate in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (9-14-62). McCamish, Joan, Instructor in Microbiology, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,500 (9-7-62). McCowen, Thomas A., Assistant Coordinator in the Office of the Coordinator of International Cooperation Programs (Provost's Office), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,300 a year (8-24-62). McDonald, Owen G., Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (8-29-62). McGuire, Edward, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $4,900 (8-29-62). McIver, James M., Research Assistant in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200 (8-29-62). McKibbin, Brian, Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), 35/100 time, September 4, 1962-August 31, 1963, $2,200 a year (10-2-62). Medrow, Robert A., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,400 (9-13-62). Meerman, Gerardine, Research Assistant in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,500 (8-27-62). Meuwese, Wilhelmus A. T., Research Associate in Psychology, 2/3 time, and Instructor in Psychology, V6 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,600 (9-4-62). Meyer, Julia, Assistant Professor of Oral Pathology (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1962, $11,500 (10-2-62). Miller, Laurence H., Bibliographer in the Library with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200, supersedes (10-3-62). 200 board of trustees [October 17 Montgomery, Clark A., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), }i time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,600 (8-29-62). Morrison, Sherman W., Instructor and Registered Pharmacist in Manufacturing Pharmacy (Pharmacy), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,900 a year (10-2-62). Muhlstadt, William J., Assistant and Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200, supersedes (8-29-62). Murty, N R., Research Associate in Botany (Photosynthesis), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,900 (10-1-62). Naikelis, Ugnys S., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800 (9-14-62). Nam, Nguyen Hoang, Research Associate in the Radiocarbon Laboratory, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,600 (8-24-62). Namtvedt, Mrs. Mary J., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,700 (8-27-62). Navarrete, Delia A., Assistant in Home Economics (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,200 (8-29-62). Narasinga-Rao, KotcherLAKota V., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (9-14-62). Narayanasamy, R., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), 2/3 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,920 (9-7-62). Neill, David M., Assistant in Electrical Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,000 (10-2-62). Newman, Gerald A., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,850 (9-13-62). Notzold, Richard A., Instructor in Veterinary Anatomy and Histology (College of Veterinary Medicine) and in Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,700, supersedes (9-7-62). Nuttall, John L., Jr., Assistant Director of International Programs (Provost's Office), eight months from January 1, 1963, $8,000 a year (10-2-62). Oetting, George D., Administrative Officer in Air Force Science, 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $600 (9-28-62). Osborn, Howard, Research Associate Professor of Mathematics, one month from August 1, 1962, $1,089; this is in addition to his present appointment (9-14-62). Pedersoli, Waldir M., Instructor in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine) and in Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), 2/3 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,850 . (9-7-62). Penev, Luben C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 12/100 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $900 (8-29-62). Perry, Mrs. Aiko Kinjo, Assistant in Home Economics (C and S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400 (8-29-62). Peterson, Donald R., Associate Professor in charge of the Psychological Clinic (Psychology), on indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $12,850 a year, supersedes (10-1-62). Pinkf.rton, Mary, Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,900 (8-29-62). Pollock, Michael L., Instructor in Physical Education for Men, 2/3 time, and Counselor on the University Council on Teacher Education, 1/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,800, supersedes (9-11-62). Propst, Frank M., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1962, $9,800 (9-7-62). Raff, Lionel M., Research Associate in Chemistry, five months from September 1, 1962, $2,750 (10-3-62). Ransford, Ralph E., Lecturer, with rank of Assistant Professor in Anatomy (Medicine), Vi time, nine months from October 1, 1962, $557 a month (9-12-62). Rao, Pillarisetty J., Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), y$ time, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $4,800 a year (10-3-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 201 Reiixy, James R., Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), Ys time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,800, supersedes (10-3-62). Reisner, Salomon H., Research Associate in Pediatrics (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 (10-2-62). Rich, Catherine L., Research Assistant in Neurology (Medicine), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,972 a year (10-3-62). Rose, Cronwell A., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,300 a year (10-3-62). Ross, June R. P., Research Associate in the State Geological Survey, one year from October 1, 1962, $6,900 (9-14-62). Ross, Robert C, Leader of Foreign Agriculture Visitors and Assistant Coordinator, International Cooperation Programs (E), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,750 (9-14-62). Rubenis, Mary E., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,350 (10-3-62). Russo, Alexander J., Assistant in the Radiocarbon Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,050 (8-24-62). Ryder, Walter R., Assistant in Industrial Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,500 (9-7-62). Saadeh, Ibrahim Q., Research Associate in Education, one year from September 1, 1962, $9,000 (9-14-62). Sacks, Lawrence J., Research Assistant in Chemistry, August 16-31, 1962, $222.50 (9-27-62). Sandberg, Mrs. Karen R., Research Assistant in Chemistry (Pharmacy), September 16, 1961-August 31, 1963, $4,900 a year (10-1-62). Sanghvi, Indravadan S., Research Assistant in Pharmacology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,000 (10-3-62). Scheidegger, Adrian E., Professor of Petrophysics (Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering) (C), September 1-15, 1962, $1,333.33 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (10-3-62). Schroer, David E., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,700 (10-2-62). Seilheimer, Richard A., Assistant in Industrial Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $6,000 (10-2-62). Shafter, Harold A., Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), 1/4 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (8-29-62). Shtohryn, Dmytro M., Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,800, supersedes (10-3-62). Shuman, Frank H., Foreign Visitor Consultant in International Cooperation Programs (Provost's Office), l/s time, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,520 (10-1-62). Siegfried, Robert, Associate Professor of Chemistry in the Division of General Studies, y2 time, and in the Department of Chemistry, i/$pD time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year $8,900 a year (10-2-62). Simonsen, Elaine, Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (10-2-62). Sinha, Mrs. Indu B., Research Assistant in Plant Pathology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,000 (8-29-62). Skora, Robert, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $4,900 (8-29-62). Smith, Garth, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine), 3/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,300 (10-2-62). Smith, James L., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (S), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000, supersedes (9-13-62). Smith, Richard K., Instructor in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 2/1 time, ten months from September 1, 1962, $2,200 (9-7-62). Sohn, David M., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), without salary, and Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), V$pD time, one year from September 1, 1962, $1,400 (8-29-62). Stambaugh, Mary K., Research Assistant in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (9-13-62). 202 board of trustees [October 17 Stein, Herbert J., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,500 (9-17-62). Stoops, Betty, Extension Specialist in Audio-Visual Aids Service (Division of University Extension), to render Service during the academic year, October 1, 1962-June 30, 1963, $888.89 a month (9-28-62). Swanson Judith E., Research Assistant in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,390 (10-2-62). Tamal, Tadasi, Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (10-2-62). Tanaka, Ryo, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (10-2-62). Taulbee, Dale B., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), i/4 time, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $750 (10-3-62). Taylor, Susan, Assistant in English (Division of English for Foreign Students), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,500 (8-27-62). Testa, Daniel P., Instructor in Spanish, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500, supersedes (10-3-62). Thomas, Maey R., Instructor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000, supersedes (9-14-62). Tomita, Masao, Instructor in Anesthesiology (Surgery) (Medicine), 2/3 time, August 29, 1962-August 31, 1963, $4,250 a year (10-2-62). Teuss, Hilman L., Jr., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000 (8-29-62). Unzicker, John D., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, 1/2 time, nine months from September 1, 1962, $2,400 a year, and full time, three months from June 1, 1963, $4,800 a year (8-29-62). Varzandeh, Massoud, Research Associate in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $9,600 (9-27-62). Vestling, Mrs. Christina M., Assistant in Library Science, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,700 (9-12-62). von Lehmden, Alice A., Research Assistant in Zoology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (9-27-62). Wallace, James D., Instructor in Philosophy, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,200 (8-24-62). Walter, John H., Research Associate Professor of Mathematics, one month from August 11, 1962, $1,000; this is in addition to his present appointment (9-14-62). Wang, Shu-Yung, Research Associate in Oral Pathology (Dentistry), 3/10 time one year from September 1, 1962, $2,760 (10-1-62). Ware, Edward E., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, 54 time, and Assistant Professor of Journalism, 14 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,200 (9-7-62). Watanabe, Takesi, Visiting Research Associate in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000 (4-23-62). Watrach, Adolf M., Professor of Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $11,000 a year, supersedes (9-7-62). Watrach, Mrs. Maeian N., Research Associate in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), 5 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,760 (10-1-62). Watson, Edward A., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,600 (9-13-62). Webb, Richard S., Jr., Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), 9/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,650 (7-17-62). Weinman, Karla P., Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $444.44 a month (9-13-62). Wilson, Euline D., Assistant in Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering (C), Yz time, and Assistant in Verbal Communication (Division of General Studies), 1/2 time, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000, supersedes (9-11-62). Winnikow, S., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000 (9-17-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 203 Wolfe, Sharon, Research Associate in the Institute of Communications Research and in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (10-3-62). Woodhall, Brian J., Research Associate in Chemistry, August 23, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year, supersedes (9-13-62). Yamauchi, Kunio, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,200 (8-27-62). Zehme, Donald F., Instructor in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,400, supersedes (9-14-62). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Afremow, Arthur M., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-21-62). Atwood, Gerald J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Medicine, July 1-September IS, 1962, $600 (7-27-62). Bailey, Mrs. Mary E. R., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-17-62). Balkan, Mrs. Esthee, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-21-62). Bartosik, Delphine B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Medicine, one year from July 1, 1962, $4,500 (7-16-62). Beauchamp, James W., Magnavox Fellow in Electrical Engineering (and Music), one year from September 1, 1962, $3,600 (9-6-62). Becker, Mrs. Alethia A. H., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-17-62). Becker, Frank O., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Medicine, one year from July 1, 1962, $6,500 (7-25-62). Beeman, Samuel D., United States Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech and Theatre, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,800 (8-21-62). Boardman, Mary S., Special Fellow in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-21-62). Bostic, Doyle L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $4,740, supersedes, (8-21-62). Brefeld, Gail L., Special Fellow in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-21-62). Brill, Winston J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, ten months from September 1, 1962, $2,667 (9-6-62). Brooker, Marie I. L., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-21-62). Browning, Edward T., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (8-10-62). Chalfant, James C., United States Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (10-2-62). Christensen, James, Jr., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $900 (9-12-62). Clarke, Gregory B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, four months from September 1, 1962, $733.34 (9-13-62). Davis, Lord? R., Engineering Faculty Development Teaching Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,000 (8-1-62). Dunkin, Michael J., Fellow in Education, February 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $750, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375, supersedes (7-17-62). Dyer, Olympia P., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-17-62). Ferguson, Julianne, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-21-62). Fierer, Mrs. Martha J. S., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-21-62). Fischer, Joel, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-17-62). 204 board of trustees [October 17 Kites, Roger C, Wright-Burlison Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,300, supersedes (9-19-62). Fitzgerald, James E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, nine months from September 1, 1962, $4,125, supersedes (8-29-62). Flynn, Mss. Marilyn L. J., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-17-62). Fujiwara, John J., John B. Felmley Memorial Fellow in Architecture, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,400 (8-21-62). Funk, Merle W., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-21-62). Gilman, Alice United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $1,900 (8-29-62). Glass, Matthews I., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $5,310, supersedes (8-3-62). Graham, Mrs. Barbara A. R., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-17-62). Habush, Sandra B., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-17-62). Hardy, Caroline E., United States Public Health Service Fellow in Biological Chemistry, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $1,900 (8-8-62). Hawkes, Robert C, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (9-19-62). Hecht, Patricia J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 1, 1962, $1,800 (7-30-62). Hembrough, Carol J. S., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-21-62). Hirsch, Esther D., Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (10-2-62). Hofmann, Lorenz, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,900 (8-10-62). Holquist, Mrs. Lydia L., United States Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech and Theatre, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $1,200 (8-22-62). Howard, Sarah J., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,400 (9-11-62). Hurley, Oliver L., United States Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $3,200 (10-2-62). Johnson, Judith A., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-21-62). Johnson, William D., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (10-3-62). Jones, Carolyn G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, August 16-31, 1962, $116.67 (8-21-62). Klattenhoff, Mary L., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (9-12-62). Kling, Paulette B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 1, 1962, $1,800 (7-30-62). Kranch, Linda L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-30-62). Landy, Arthur H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, June 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $3,222.19, supersedes (9-12-62). Lerner, Leon, United States Public Health Service Fellow in Biological Chemistry, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $1,900 (8-8-62). Levine, Susan P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from November 1, 1962, $3,600 (8-27-62). Lieber, Roslyn, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-17-62). Maglione, Frank D., Jr., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,800 (9-12-62). McCreath, David W., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-17-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 205 Melton, Mrs. Marilyn R., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (9;12-62). Michener, Elizabeth, United States Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech and Theatre, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,400 (8-21-62). Mika, Dorothy E., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-17-62). Miller, Raymond P., Raymond Concrete Pile Company Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500 (9-7-62). Morris, David R., Procter and Gamble Fellow in Chemistry, eleven months from September 16, 1962, $2,570, supersedes (7-25-62). Mosimann, Ella B., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $900 (9-12-62). Myers, David D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medicine, nine months from September 1 1962, $3,500, supersedes (8-29-62). Nishida, Mrs. Hiro I., Lauterback Memorial Fellow in Food Technology, nine months from September 1, 1962, $1,500 (9-19-62). O'Block, Fhancis R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 1, 1962, $2,000 (7-30-62). Peacock, Douglas W., National Institute of Health Teaching Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (9-24-62). Platt, Sheila C., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-21-62). Raddatz, Alan P., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-17-62). Rainsford, Dennis, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (9-12-62). Reed, Mrs. Mary R. B., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-21-62). Reiels, Daelene C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biochemistry, ten months from September 1, 1962, $2,000 (8-14-62). Rudolph, Gregory C, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-17-62). Saunders, Grady F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $2,216.64 (9-24-62). Sclafini, Patricia A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,340 (8-2-62). Seely, Oliver, Jr., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (7-24-62). Spriggs, George H., Special Fellow in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (8-21-62). Stewart, Thomas B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, four months from September 1, 1962, $1,900 (8-21-62). Teska, James A., United States Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $3,200 (10-1-62). Theiss, Paul E., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (9-13-62). Traastad, M. Jeanne, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-21-62). Volner, Patsy R., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (9-12-62). Voy, Phyllis G., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (9-12-62). Ward, Mrs. Linda R. G., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $900 (9-12-62). Weidman, Thomas A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,700 (7-30-62). Weltman, Adele M., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (8-21-62). Williams, Charles A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $5,880, supersedes (9-19-62). 206 board of trustees [October 17 Wiixick, Gordon E., National Institute of Health Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (9-10-62). Windom, Sulsa D., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800 (9-20-62). Yackel, Adolph, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (9-12-62). RESIGNATIONS. DECLINATIONS. AND CANCELLATIONS Amon, Albert H., Assistant Professor of Psychology (Digital Computer Laboratory and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Bereskin, Ben, Research Associate in Dairy Science--- cancellation effective September 1, 1962. Bikge, Wesley J., Assistant Professor of Zoology --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Bosworth, R. C. L., Visiting Professor of Chemical Engineering---declination effective February 1, 1963. Bouc, Charles A., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Brimhall, Pauline N., Associate Professor of Health Education (Home Economics) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Bruce, Eleanor A., Assistant in Home Economics --- resignation effective November 1, 1962. Celli, Vittorio, Assistant Professor of Metallurgical Engineering---resignation effective September 16, 1962. Daoud, Hanna N., Fellow in Food Technology---resignation effective September 16, 1962. Decker, Loren E., Administrative Officer in Air Force Science --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Dembski, William J., Instructor in Biological Sciences --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Depeyster, Frederic, Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery (Medicine) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Dickerson, Vincent M., Professor of Naval Science and Head of the Department--- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Divilbiss, James L., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Feuchtwang, Thomas E., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory--- resignation effective September IS, 1962. Fritz, Thomas E., Instructor in Veterinary Research and in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Glissendorf, Owen F., Assistant Editor with rank of Assistant Professor of Agriculture --- resignation effective August 20, 1962. Glucklich, Joseph, Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective September 1 1962. Gordon, Walter R., Fellow in Geology --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Gupta, Brajendra K., Fellow in Civil Engineering.--- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Hagglund, Ray R., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Heath, Mrs. Kathleen F. S., Fellow in Physical Education --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Hedish, Norman D., Instructor in Accountancy (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Isoline, Charles J., Assistant Extension Editor with rank of Assistant Professor of Agriculture --- resignation effective September 15, 1962. Janowski, Tadeusz M., Instructor in Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Jordan, David M., Consultant in Psychology, with rank of Associate Professor --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Kemp, Emory L., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 207 Kingsolver, John M., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey --- resignation effective October 11, 1962. Lee, Shun-Ku, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Lerner, Richard H., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Machne, Xenia, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (Medicine) --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Madden, Diana M., Research Assistant in Chemistry---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Mann, Dennis K., Research Associate in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine) ---resignation effective October 1, 1962. Meyers, Barbara E., Fellow in Music --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Molteni, Agostino, Research Associate in Pathology (Medicine)---resignation effective October 1, 1962. Morgan, Lezlie A., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Neill, David M., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Nevel, Donald E., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Pantone, Anton M., Clinical Associate Professor of Radiology (Medicine) --- resignation effective October 1, 1962. Patterson, Murray N., Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Patton, Willard T., Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Rajan, N. S., Research Associate in the Radiocarbon Laboratory --- resignation effective July 27, 1962. Reynolds, Harry A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medicine--- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Robinson, Irwin B., Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery and Associate Professor of Oral and Maxiilofacial Surgery --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Ronnow, Henry K., Special Fellow in Social Work---resignation effective September 16, 1962. Shenoi, B. Anantha, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Singal, Mahendar K., Visiting Professor of Mathematics --- declination effective September 16, 1962. Snoke, Myron D., Adjutant, R.O.T.C. --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Steier, William H., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Strehl, Francis W., Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine) --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Stromfeld, Robert M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy (Medicine) --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Susina, Stanley V., Associate Professor of Pharmacy (Pharmacy)---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Tung, Mrs. Sandra L., Fellow in Linguistics --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Wilms, Ernest V., Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Youngworth, Randolph J., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering --- cancellation effective September 16, 1962. LEAVES OF ABSENCE DeBoer, John J., Professor of Education --- leave of absence, with full pay, for the first semester of 1962-63, on account of illness. Kaiser, Gertrude E., Associate Professor and Assistant Leader of Extension Education and Training, in the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics --- leave of absence, without pay, November 1 through 30, 1962, so that she may engage in graduate study at the University of Chicago. 208 board of trustees [October 17 Miller, Dwight C, Associate Professor of Art --- leave of absence, without pay, one year from September 1, 1962, so that he may accept a Fulbright Research Grant for study abroad. Wetmore, L. B., Professor of City and Regional Planning and Head of the Department --- leave of absence, one-third time, without pay, September 1, 1962, through February 28, 1963, to enable him to work with the Chicago City Planning Department. RETIREMENTS Collins, William R., Chief Pharmacist and Instructor in Hospital Pharmacy --- retirement effective September 1, 1962. Hartley, Miles C, Professor of Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division)--- retirement effective September 1, 1962. OCTOBER DEGREES CONFERRED The Secretary presented for record the list of degrees conferred at Urbana, Illinois, as of October IS, 1962, on recommendation of the Urbana-Champaign Senate. Summary Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Philosophy.................................................. 153 Doctor of Education.................................................. 19 Doctor of Musical Arts................................................ 1 Doctor of Business Administration..................................... 3 Master of Arts....................................................... 27 Master of Science..................................................... 54 Master of Music...................................................... 2 Master of Education.................................................. 2 Master of Fine Arts................................................... 1 Master of Comparative Law........................................... 1 Total, Graduate College.............................................(263) Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture............................ 2 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering............................ 3 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences................. 5 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences............... 7 Bachelor of Science, College of Education.............................. 6 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration.. 4 Bachelor of Science, College of Journalism and Communications........ 1 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts................ 1 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees........................................ (29) Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana................................. 292 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Accountancy William Bernard Barrett, B.S., Arkansas Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1952; M.B.A., University of Arkansas, 1954 James William Giese, A.B., University of Washington, 1947; M.S., 1959 Wayne Melvin Higley, B.S., University of Omaha, 1958; A.B., State University of Iowa, 1958; M.S., 1960 George Clarence Mead, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1959 In Agricultural Economics Albert Gail Madsen, B.S., M.S., Utah State University, 1956, 1960 In Agronomy Russell Stanley Adams, Jr., B.S., M.S., Kansas State University, 1958, 1959 Jere Evans Freeman, B.S., University of Tennessee, 1958; M.S., 1961 Jack Corum Shannon, B.S., University of Tennessee, 1958; M.S., 1959 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 209 In Animal Science George William Breniman, B.S., M.S., Colorado State University, 1949, 1959 Harley Allen Jordan, B.S., Utah State University, 1957; M.S., Montana State College, 1959 In Botany Francis August Uecker, B.S., Quincy College, 1956; M.S., 1959 In Business James Judson Chastain, B.S., University of Utah, 1948; M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1949 Atef Mohamed Ebied, B.Com., Cairo University, 1952; M.Com., Fouad University, 1956 Frank Johnson, B.S., University of Utah, 1955; M.S., 1959 Jerome Bernard Kernan, B.B.A., University of Cincinnati, 1957; M.S., 1959 Bernard Sarachek, A.B., A.M., University of Kansas City, 1952, 1955 In Ceramic Engineering Rajnikant Baeubhai Amin, B.S., Gujarat University, 1956; B.S.(Tech.), Ba- naras Hindu University, 1959; M.S., 1960 Charles Ainsley Hall, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1960 In Chemical Engineering Tirunillayi Seshaier Govindan, B.S., University of Madras, 1955; B.S.(Tech.), M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1957, 1959; M.S., 1960 In Chemistry Donald Allen Bafus, B.S., Kansas State University, 1959; M.S., 1961 Robert Harold Baum, B.S., Cornell University, 1957 Floyd Allen Blankenshif, B.S., University of Georgia, 1957 Richard Julian Challis Brown, B.S., M.S., University of Sydney, 1957 1959 Philip John Burck, A.B., Lawrence College, 1958; M.S., 1960 William Cecil Deal, Jr., B.S., Louisiana College, 1958; M.S., 1962 Robert Clinton Fay, A.B., Oberlin College, 1957; M.S., 1960 Mary Twickler Frankhouser, B.S., University of Louisville, 1955 William Ebnest Groves, B.S., Southern Methodist University, 1957; M.S., 1959 Herman Stewart Hendrickson II, A.B., Pomona College, 1959 Melvin Duane Joesten, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1954; M.S., 1959 Soter George Kokalis, B.S., Purdue University, 1958; M.S., 1960 Marvin Joseph Konz, B.S., M.S., St. Bonaventure University, 1954, 1956 James Robert Kuszewski, B.S., Marquette University, 1959 John Allan Landgrebe, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1959 David Frank O'Brien, A.B., Wabash College, 1958 Lionel Mischa Raff, B.S., M.S., University of Oklahoma, 1956, 1957 William Herod Riley, Jr., B.S., University of Tampa, 1952; M.S., University of Florida, 1955 Wallace Larimer Rippie, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1954 Lawrence Henry Shepherd, Jr., B.S., Millsaps College, 1957; M.S., 1959 Robert Clayton Slagel, B.S., Western Michigan College of Education, 1958 Edward Frederick Steigelmann, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1957; M.S., 1962 Harold Spencer Swofford, Jr., A.B., Western Washington College of Education, 1958; M.S., 1960 David Lawrence Tuleen, B.S., Wittenberg College, 1958 In Civil Engineering Robert Nolan Bruce, Jr., B.S., M.S., Tulane University, 1952, 1953 Chunduri Venkata Chelapati, B.Eng., Andhra University, 1954; M.S., 1959 Kuen-Puo Chuang, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1956; M.S., 1959 Mohamed Aref Mahayni, B.S., University of Texas, 1958; M.S., 1959 Tonis Raamot, A.B., B.S., M.S., Columbia University, 1953, 1954, 1956 Sidney Herbert Simmonds, B.S., M.S., University of Alberta, 1954, 1956 In Dairy Science Robert Merold Cook, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1961 210 board of trustees [October 17 Larry Larue Ewing, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1958; M.S., I960 Russell Lewis Larson, B.S., M.S., South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1957, 1959 Fred William Weyter, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1956; A.M., Amherst College, 1958 Carl Arthur Zogg, B.S., M.S., 1949, 1960 In Dairy Technology George Arthur Muck, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1961 In Economics Sam Barone, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Rikuma Ito, A.B., A.M., 1956, 1959 William Hall Wallace, B.B.A., M.B.A., University of Mississippi, 1955, 1956 In Education Abdel-Hamid Fawzi Abdel-Aziz, B.Sc, Cairo University, 1945; A.M., California State Polytechnic College, 1957 Donald Gene Beane, A.B., Iowa Wesleyan University, 1951; A.M., 1958 Donald Fitzgerald, Diploma, Sydney Technical College, 1951; A.M., 1961 Frank Henry Klassen, A.B., University of Manitoba, 1953; A.M., 1960 Wilga Marie Rivers, A.B., A.M., University of Melbourne, 1939, 1948 In Electrical Engineering Richard Lee Cummins, B.S., M.S., 1953, 1959 Victor Hugo Gonzalez, Engineer, National University of Cordoba, 1954; M.S.. 1958 Kenneth Wendell Heizer, B.S., M.S., Southern Methodist University, 1950, 1951 William Frederick McGee B.A.Sc, A.M., University of Toronto, 1959, 1960 John Oein Penhollow, B.S., State University of Iowa, 1956; M.S., 1959 In English Margaret Meckes Conrow, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1954; A.M., 1956 John Henry Dorenkamp, A.B., A.M., St. Louis University, 1954, 1957 George Burnham Ferguson, B.S., M.S., State Teachers College (St. Cloud, Minnesota), 1952, 1955 Joseph George Jurich, Ph.B., A.M., University of Chicago, 1946, 1951 Raymond Albert Klopsch, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1949; A.M., 1950 William Edward Lindblad, A.B., A.M., 1951, 1955 William Ashley McQueen III, A.B., Vanderbilt University, 1949; A.M., University of New Mexico, 1952 Charles Alexander Pennel, B.S., A.M., Memphis State College, 1955, 1956 Daniel Shiver Silvia, Jr., A.B., A.M., University of North Carolina, 1956, 1958 In Food Technology Donald Robert Dickerson, B.S., M.S., 1950, 1959 Krystyna Czeslawa Kopaczyk, B.S., Wayne State University, 1953; M.S., Western Reserve University, 1956 In Geography Charles Frederick Heller, Jr., A.B., A.M., University of Kansas, 1952, 1957 Royle James Heyl, B.S., M.S., 1953, 1957 In Geology John Dallas Bredehoeft, B.S.E., Princeton University, 1955; M.S., 1957 Norbert Everett Cygan, B.S., M.S., 1954, 1956 James Lynwood Eades, A.B., A.M., University of Virginia, 1950, 1953 Donald Robert Gorman, B.S., A.B., Saint Joseph's College (Indiana), 1953, 1957 John William Hawley, A.B., Hanover College, 1954 William Hilton Johnson, A.B., Earlham College, 1956; M.S., 1961 Robert Folke Lundin, A.B., Augustana College, 1958; M.S., 1961 Odell S. McGuire, B.Geol., University of Tulsa, 1956; A.M., Columbia University, 1958 Jarmo Georg William Soderman, A.B., Columbia University, 1957; M.S., 1960 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 211 In History Ralph Dale Gray, A.B., Hanover College, 1955; A.M., University of Delaware, 1958 James Olin Richards, A.B., Georgetown College, 1958; A.M., 1960 Joseph Frederick Zacek, A.B., A.M., 1952, 1953 In Home Economics Ruby Louise Franklin Adams, B.S., M.S., Kansas State University, 1953, 1957 In Horticulture David Budd Dickinson, Jr., B.S., University of New Hampshire, 1957 In Mathematics Joseph Harold Oppenheim, B.S., University of Chicago, 1954; M.S., 1955 Robert Carter Sine, B.S., 1958; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959 In Mechanical Engineering Robert Barker Gaither, B.M.E., Auburn University, 1951; M.S., 1957 Raymond John Golik, B.S., M.S., 1953, 1959 Zuhair Naim Sarafa, Diploma, Baghdad College of Engineering, 1956; M.S.E., University of Michigan, 1957 In Microbiology Stephen Burt Friedman, A.B., University of Rochester, 1953; M.S., Syracuse University, 1955 Richard Stephen Hanson, B.S., South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1959 Masaki Hayashi, B.Agr., University of Tokyo, 1954 Robert William Kyndberg, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1954; M.S., 1958 Raymond Carlyle Valentine, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1960 In Musicology Double E Hill, B.Mus., Northwest Nazarene College, 1948; M.Mus., University of Idaho, 1954 In Physical Education James Sai.vatore Bosco, B.S., Springfield College, 1951; M.S., 1952 Eugene Valen Doroschuk, B.P.E., University of British Columbia, 1957; M.S., 1959 Francis Joseph Hayden, A.B., University of Western Ontario, 1955; M.S., 1958 In Physics Walter Bauer, A.B., University of California, 1957; M.S., 1959 Paul Martin Baum, A.B., Columbia University, 1955; M.S., 1957 John William De Ford, A.B., Carleton College, 1957; M.S., 1959 Snowden Lemuel Eisenhour, A.B., Berea College, 1956; M.S., 1958 Douglas Beach Fitchen, A.B., Harvard College, 1957; M.S., 1959 Peter Vance Gray, B.S, Union College, 1958; M.S., 1959 Don Carlos Hopkins, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957; M.S., 1959 Robert Kessler Swank, A.B., Miami University, 1943; M.S., California Institute of Technology, 1948 Arthur Bertram Cuthbert Walker, Jr., B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1957; M.S., 1958 In Physiology John Kenneth Klicka, B.S., M.S., Northern Illinois University, 1957, 1958 Allan Mark Lefer, A.B., Adelphi College, 1957; A.M., Western Reserve University, 1959 In Plant Pathology Paul Gene Caltrider, B.S., Glenville State College, 1956; M.S., West Virginia University, 1958 Dale Ivan Edwards, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956; M.S., 1960 William Louis Klarman, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957; M.S., 1960 Janeshwar Upadhyay, B.S., Bihar University, 1954; M.S., Banaras Hindu University, 1956 212 board of trustees [October 17 In Political Science Leonard Edwin Goodall, A.B., Central Missouri State College, 1958; A.M., University of Missouri, 1960 Joseph Blanton Tucker, A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1958; A.M., 1960 In Psychology Mohammad Akhtar, A.B., Islamia College, 1955; A.M., University of Karachi 1957 Lyle Ross Creamer, B.S., M.S., Kansas State University, 1953, 1959 Lowell Thomas Crow, B.S., A.M., University of South Carolina, 1957, 1959 Robert Goldstein, A.B., College of the City of New York, 1954 Edward Elles Krieckhaus, A.B., Williams College, 1954 Charles Lawrence Kutscher, A.B., Georgetown College (Kentucky), 1958; A.M., 1961 Colin Gordon McDiarmid, A.B., University of British Columbia, 1954 Darhl Max Pedersen, B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1957, 1958 Albert Sanom Rodwan, A.B., Wayne State University, 1957; A.M., 1961 Ahmad Abd-El Aziz Salama, A.B., Cairo University, 1947; Diploma, Diploma A.M., Ain Shams University, 1949, 1954, 1957; A.M., 1960 James Shaw Terwilliger, B.S., A.M., 1957, 1960 Ina Cepenas Uzgiris, B.S., A.M., 1957, 1960 Daniel James Weintraub, A.B., Dartmouth College, 1954; A.M., 1961 In Sociology Julie Ellen White, A.B., A.M., Texas State College for Women, 1945, 1950 In Spanish Daniel Edward Quilter, A.B., University of Toledo, 1955; A.M., 1956 In Speech Morris Ray Bogard, Ph.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1950; A.M., 1952 Jean Valjean Cutler, A.B., Lynchburg College, 1955; A.M., 1959 Roger Leon Meersman, A.B., St. Ambrose College, 1952; A.M., 1959 Norman Jerald Myers, A.B., Hiram College, 1957; A.M., 1959 Abe Wollock, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1947; A.M., Cornell University, 1948 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Kenneth Ronald Bockman, B.S., University of Idaho, 1958; M.S., 1961 Fritz Egbert Dohse, M.S., Louisiana State University, 1954 Shun-ku Lee, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1956; M.S., 1960 Robert Lee Thoms, B.S., M.S., University of Texas, 1955, 1957 In Veterinary Medical Science Julius Peter Kreier, D.V.M., University of Pennsylvania, 1953; M.S., 1959 Alvin Hakold Safanie, D.V.M., Cornell University, 1947; M.S., Michigan State University, 1950 In Zoology Wilbur Lile French, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1957 Degree of Doctor of Education In Education Dolores Fay Ahrens, B.S., M.S., 1951, 1954 Roger Dean Blomgren, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1947; A.M., Colorado State College of Education, 1949 Laurence Donald Brown, B.S., University of Dayton, 1953; Ed.M., Miami University, 1957 Glen Edward Gaides, B.S., M.S., 1955, 1957 Norman Stanley Gilbert, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1954; Ed.M., 1959 Tod Hamilton Herring, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1949; A.M., Ohio State University, 1952 Edward Leonard Kelly, B.S., State Teachers College (Lock Haven, Pennsylvania), 1953; Ed.M., Pennsylvania State University, 1954 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 213 19S8, 1959 Tames Leon Lister, B.S., M.S., Eastern Illinois University, Richard Trevelyn Salzer, B.S., Ed.M., 19SS, 19S6 Frances Jane Sigborn, B.Ed., National College of Education, 1951; Ed.M., University of Oregon, 1955 Leone Mary Smith, A.B., A.M., University of Auckland, 1955, 1958 Robert McNeil Smith, B.S., University of Maryland, 1957; Ed.M., 1958 Anthony Thomas Soares, B.S., Ed.M., Boston College, 1953, 1954 Louise Gavoni Soares, B.Mus., M.Mus., Boston University, 1954, 1956 Elizabeth Frances Spencer, B.S., Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1945; Ed.M., University of Missouri, 1951 Ronald Wilmer Stadt, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957; Ed.M., 1958 Alan Roman Suess, B.S., A.M., Western Michigan University, 1956, 1959 James Edward Woods, A.B., A.M., University of Minnesota, 1952, 1954 In Music Education Donald William Simmons, B.Mus.Ed., Knox College, 1950; M.S., 1954 Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts Stephen Thomas Farish, Jr., B.S., East Carolina College, 1958; M.Mus., 1959 Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Frank Miller Rachel, B.S., Oklahoma State University of Agricultural and and Applied Science, 1952; M.Com., 1961 Leon Ernest Richartz, B.S., M.B.A., 1959, 1961 Halbert Calvin Smith, Jr., B.S., Purdue University, 1956; M.B.A., Indiana University, 1959 Degree of Master of Arts In Art History Mary Ellen Young Pagel, B.F.A., 1955 In English Jean Carolyn Bendt, A.B., Northern Illinois University, 1960 Thomas Michael Bloom, A.B., 1960 Rosemary Annette Coffey, A.B., 1959 Helen Elisabeth Ostrowski, A.B., Northern Illinois University, 1960 In German Naomi Irene Stephan, A.B., Indiana University, 1961 In History John Henry Althoff, A.B., 1961 Marguerite Fallucco, A.B., 1959 James Anthony Harrington, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1954 In Labor and Industrial Relations Walter Charles Brauer III, B.S., University of Kansas, 1961 Robert Evan Cole, A.B., Hobart College, 1959 In Mathematics Frederick George Wise, A.B., 1961 In Philosophy Stanley Jack Odell, A.B., University of Kansas City, 1960 Velva Jeanne Osborn, B.S., Kansas State Teachers College (Emporia), 1939; A.M., University of Chicago, 1944 In Political Science Karen Draut Long, A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1961 Eugene Arnold Olsen, B.S., New York University, 1954 Frederick Lee Wettering, A.B., 1961 214 board of trustees [October 17 In Psychology Richard Lee Gossuch, A.B., Texas Christian University, 1959 Glenn Irwin Hatton, A.B., North Central College, 1960 Edward Andrew Holovka, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1958 Richard Edwin Martin, A.B., Pomona College, 1955; B.D., McCormick Theological Seminary, 1959 Luther James Tromater, A.B., Bethany College, 1958 In Russian Michael Hegedus, A.B., Augustana College, 1959 Richard Trickovich, A.B., 1961 In Social Sciences Homer Wessel Swenson, B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1949 In Spanish William Whitney Cressey, A.B., Trinity College, 1961 Marcia Simpson Lewis, A.B., College of Notre Dame (Maryland), 1961 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy Metwalli Badawi Amer, B.Com., Cairo University, 1957 James Conrad Jacobsen, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1957 Mohamed Onsi Mohamed, B.Com., Cairo University, 1956 James Ernest Wheeler, B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1958 In Advertising Jerry Richard Lynn, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1960 In Agricultural Economics Lawrence Alvin Duewer, B.S., 1960 Robert Christopher Hughes, B.S., 1961 In Ceramic Engineering Richard Martin Brown, B.S., 1961 Howard Wayne Hill, B.S., 1961 William Gordon Long, B.S., 1961 Valentine Morris Patarini, B.S., 1961 In Chemical Engineering David Randolph Carter, B.S., Stanford University, 1961 John Robert Collier, B.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 1961 Harold Sonny Hahn, B.Ch.E., University of Dayton, 1960 John Louis Kardos, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1961 James Lyle McCormick, B.S., Oregon State College, 1961 Jon Mikio Yatabe, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1960 In Civil Engineering Stewart Willard Johnson, B.S., South Dakota State College, 1956; A.B., University of Maryland, 1961 In Dairy Science Anna Sophie Berner, B.S., The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College (Denmark), 1961 Evan Earl Jones, B.S., Colorado State University, 1960 Padmakar Nilkanthrao Pathak, B.V.Sc, University of Saugar, 1952 Audrey Delbert Wagner, B.S., 1957 In Education Anita Louise Hermann, B.S., University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee), 1959 In Entomology Diamantia Nallini Tiyasaka Wickramasinghe, B.S., University of Ceylon, 1957 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 215 In Finance Peter John Walsh, A.B., LaSalle College, 1957 In Food Technology Edward Clarence Groeschel, Jr., B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1958 In Geology Joan Esther Gordon, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1956 In Home Economics Helen Miller House, B.S., 1943 Alice Pixley Koenecke, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Frances Miller LaFont, B.S., University of Tennessee, 1957 In Journalism William David Penniman, B.S., 1960 In Library Science Marguerite Brooks Ferguson, B.S., Southern University, 1945 Alene Cantrell Galbseath, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1935; A.M., 1939 Soong Ok Lee Yi, A.B., Ewha Womans University, 1950 In Marketing Morris David Loskove, B.B.A., Memphis State University, 1961 Richard Dale VonRiesen, B.B.A., Washburn University of Topeka, 1960 In Mechanical Engineering William Grant Yeich, Jr., B.S., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1960 In Metallurgical Engineering Bruno Grison, Ing., Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines, 1961 Hassell Marion Ledbetter, Jr., B.S., Wayne State University, 1961 Raj Kumar Malik, B.S., University of Delhi, 1958 Richard Bruce Minch, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1960 In Physical Education Donald Edwin Browning, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1961 Asher Farhi, B.S., Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1961 Abraham Israel Grossfeld, B.S., 1960 Harold Eugene Harris, B.S., 1960 Ray Olson McClung, B.S., Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1959 In Physiology Thomas Charles Bianco, A.B., St. Ambrose College, 1960 In Recreation Henry Alexander Turik, A.B., Central Washington College of Education, 1961 In Sanitary Engineering Thomas Henry Patton, Jr., B.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 1961 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Arthur Ralph Giaquinta, B.S., Northeastern University, 1960 In Zoology Marshall Burnice Bischoff, B.S., 1960 Noyce Lane Bischoff, A.B., Berea College, 1960 Bruce Benner Criley, B.S., 1960 Nancy Jo Van Cura, B.S., 1959 216 board of trustees [October 17 Degree of Master of Music Barbara Kathryn Barnett, A.B., Wellesley College, 1960 Ted Arlen Harris, A.B., William Jewell College, 19S3; B.Mus., Oklahoma Baptist University, 1961 Degree of Master of Education Edward James Finn, B.S., Lewis College of Science and Technology, 1961 Mildred Miller Rea, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 Degree of Master of Fine Arts In Landscape Architecture Donald Lumsden Walker, Jr., B.F.A., 1955 Degree of Master of Comparative Law Paul S. Fu, LL.B., Soochow University, 1960 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture David Boerner In Home Economics Melba Jean Oakley Snively COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Virgil Alfred Blythe In Civil Engineering Esteban Antonio Quintero In Engineering Physics Bruce Dee Wheeler COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences Virginia Lytle Brougher Barbara Isrealda Schrote Patrick Cogan O'Day Nancy Ann Singman, (Posthumously) In the Teaching of English Terry Janis Libman Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering William Byron Ayton In Liberal Arts and Sciences Beverly Dennen, Honors Larry Ray Mittenporf in Liberal Arts and Sciences Bonnie Louise Molander, Honors Donna Peters Kolarik in Liberal Arts and Sciences Jack Komenetzky Alvin Ronald Voelkner COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Elementary Education Nancy Townsend Clement Penelope Groves Lynn Fox Egcers Myrna Bornstein Levin Florence Beverly Goldman 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 217 In the Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Mary Agnes Bates COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accountancy Robert Udle Goldman In Finance William Dwight Deihl Robert William Thomas In Marketing Arthur Anthony Hasse COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATIONS Degree of Bachelor of Science In Communications Janice Hackbarth Gobel COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts In Advertising Design Claire Johnson Schaefer, Honors FUTURE MEETINGS OF THE BOARD By vote of the Board of Trustees, the November meeting has been changed from the third Wednesday, November 21, to Friday, November 9, so that official action by the Board can be taken on the University's building program for 1963-65 and estimates of state capital appropriations needed in time for filing of said estimates with the State Department of Finance not later than November 15, as required by law. President Clement reminded the Board that it has agreed to hold the November meeting in Danville to enable the Trustees to participate in the dedication of the University's Radio Telescope at the Vermilion River Observatory in the outskirts of Danville, the dedication to be sponsored jointly by the University and the Danville Chamber of Commerce. Official notice of the meeting and schedule will be sent by the Secretary. RECESS The Comptroller reported that bids on the Housing Revenue Bonds which will be issued to finance construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls were opened at 11:00 a.m. today and are being evaluated. He asked that action on the recommendation relating to the revenue bond issue be deferred until later in the day. President Clement stated that President Henry has requested a recess period to give representatives of the press an opportunity to ask questions and to secure further information concerning the biennial operating budget for 1963-65 which has been approved at today's meeting. At 12:05 p.m., on motion of Mr. Dilliard, the Board recessed. 218 board of trustees [October 17 When the Board reconvened, at 1:40 p.m., the same members of the Board and officers of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes. HOUSING REVENUE BONDS OF 1962. SERIES B AND C (23) Eight bids were received at 11:00 a.m. today (October 17, 1962) in the Illini Center, LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, for the sale of $2,400,000 of Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series B, and six bids were received at the same time for certain maturities of $4,300,000 Housing Revenue Bonds, Series C, to finance construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the Series B bonds be sold to Wertheim and Company, 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, New York, and L. F. Rothschild and Company, 120 Broadway, New York, New York, at a price of $2,377,392 plus accrued interest and at an effective interest rate of 3.4867 per cent; that $390,000 of Series C bonds maturing in 1965 through 1972 be sold to Smith, Barney, and Company and Associates at a price of $390,287.82 plus accrued interest and at an effective interest rate of 2.7723 per cent; and that $790,000 Series C bonds maturing in 1973 through 1982 be sold to Wertheim and Company and L. F. Rothschild and Company at a price of $791,003.30 plus accrued interest and at an effective interest rate of 3.172 per cent. These bids represent the lowest interest cost to the University. Submitted herewith are schedules of all bids received, copies of which have been filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The Vice-President and Comptroller presents a Loan Agreement (Contract No. H (402)-697) with the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency and recommends that he be authorized to execute it. In accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement, he recommends that $3,120,000 Series C bonds maturing in 1983 through 2002 be sold to the Housing and Home Finance Agency at par and accrued interest and at an interest rate of 3j4 per cent. The Vice-President and Comptroller also presents the Sixth Supplemental Housing Bond Resolution supplementing the Resolution approved December 17, 1958, and creating $2,400,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series B, and $4,300,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series C, and recommends its adoption. He further recommends that the Board (1) authorize the execution of the bonds by A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board, by facsimile signatures of the President of the Board, and by the facsimile signatures of Frances B. Watkins and Timothy W. Swain, members of the Board, and (2) ratify and confirm all actions taken or to be taken by the officers and members of the Board in connection with the sale and delivery of the bonds to the purchasers indicated above. The President of the University concurs in all the foregoing recommendations. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these recommendations were approved and the Sixth Supplemental Housing Bond Resolution supplementing the Resolution approved December 17, 1958, and creating $2,400,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series B, and $4,300,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series C, was adopted, this action being taken by the following vote of record: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. Sixth Supplemental Housing Revenue Bond Resolution A Resolution Creating and Authorizing the Issue, Authentication, and Delivery of $2,400,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series B, and $4,300,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series C, and Further Supplementing a Resolution Duly Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on December 17, 1958. Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, on due consideration and investigation, does now find and determine that it is advisable 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 219 and necessary and in the interests of the University of Illinois and the welfare of its students and faculty to construct and equip additional buildings and related facilities for the purpose of housing its students and staff; and Whereas, in order to provide such facilities it is advantageous to the University and necessary that the University borrow money and issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1961, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto; and Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on December 17, 1958, did duly adopt a resolution (herein sometimes called "Original Resolution") providing for the issuance of revenue bonds; and Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on June 23, 1959, October 21, 1959, June 14, 1960, May 17, 1961, and May 24, 1962, respectively, duly adopted First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Supplemental Resolutions for the purpose of supplementing the Original Resolution and providing for the issuance of additional revenue bonds thereunder, and Whereas, there are now issued and outstanding under the Original Resolution as supplemented by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Supplemental Resolutions thereto, $24,296,000 aggregate principal amount of Bonds designated "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds" and having the further designations of year and series in the respective principal amounts as follows: Year and Series Principal Amount 1958, Series A..............................$1,570,000 1958, Series B.............................. 1,477,000 1959, Series A.............................. 90,000 1959, Series B.............................. 1,489,000 1959, Series C.............................. 3,410,000 1959, Series D.............................. 3,410,000 1960, Series A.............................. 5,000,000 1960, Series B.............................. 5,000,000 1960, Series C.............................. 750,000 1962, Series A.............................. 2,100,000 Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois now desires to create and to authorize the issue, authentication and delivery of an additional issue of Bonds under and in accordance with the Resolution as supplemented by this Sixth Supplemental Resolution thereto which additional Bonds are to be limited to the aggregate principal amount of $6,700,000 at any one time outstanding, $2,400,000 of which shall be known as "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series B (hereinafter called "1962 Series B Bonds") and $4,300,000 of which shall be known as "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series C" (hereinafter called "1962 Series C Bonds"). Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: ARTICLE ONE Supplementary Provisions Relating to Income and the Application Thereof Section 1.1. Pledge of Revenues. The pledge of the revenues (including the revenues to be derived from the operation of Project G hereinafter mentioned) contained in Section 5.01 of the Original Resolution and Section 1.1 of each of the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Supplemental Resolutions is hereby ratified and confirmed and all revenues to be derived from the operation of Project G are hereby specifically pledged for the purposes mentioned in said Section 5.01 of the Original Resolution. Section 1.2. Supplementation of Revenues. It is hereby determined by the Board of Trustees and it is hereby covenanted that in view of the additional issue of Bonds to be outstanding it is necessary to supplement the revenues to be derived from the facilities by a further use of student tuitions which are author- 220 board of trustees [October 17 ized by law to be retained in the Treasury of the University and therefore the limitation contained in clause (b) of Section S.03 of the Original Resolution as supplemented by Section 1.2 of each of the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Supplemental Resolutions be and the same is hereby increased by an amount equal to $250,000 so that such supplementation shall henceforth be an amount not to exceed in any one fiscal year the lesser of (a) an amount which when added to the revenues to be derived from the facilities will be sufficient to meet the annual operating expenses of the facilities and to provide for the payments required to be made into the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund established for the benefit of the Bonds in subsection b) of Section 5.02 of the Original Resolution, or (b) $1,110,000 plus such additional sums as may be specified in any other resolution supplemental to the Resolution as supplemented hereby, creating or authorizing the issuance of additional Bonds. ARTICLE TWO 1962 Series B and 1962 Series C Bonds and the Issuance Thereof Section 2.1. Project G and Purpose of Issue of Bonds. The project (hereinafter designated "Project G") to be acquired, constructed, equipped and completed pursuant to this Sixth Supplemental Resolution is described in a general way as: A residence hall to be located north of Illinois Street and east of the Student-Staff Apartments, consisting of two housing buildings, one food service building and a lounge-recreation building for approximately 1210 undergraduate students, sometimes known as the Illinois Street Residence Halls, plus parking lots near the Illinois Street Residence Halls and the Graduate Residence Halls. The estimated cost of said Project G is $6,700,000 exclusive of land and exclusive of any pro rata share of the University power and heating plant serving the Project, but including the cost of extending utilities to the Project. The estimated cost of each portion of said Project G is more fully set forth in the plans and specifications therefor on file with the Comptroller of the University. It is hereby determined that in order to produce the funds necessary to construct and equip Project G that the University borrow the sum of $6,700,000 and in evidence thereof to issue its Housing Revenue Bonds hereunder in said principal amount. Section 2.2. Terms of 1962 Series B Bonds and 1962 Series C Bonds. There is hereby created and authorized two additional series of Bonds to be issued under the Resolution as supplemented by this Sixth Supplemental Resolution to be substantially in the form and of the tenor and purport hereinafter set forth and limited to the aggregate principal amount of Six Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,700,000) at any one time outstanding, Two Million Four Hundred Thousand ($2,400,000) of which shall be designated "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series B" (hereinafter called "1962 Series B Bonds") and Four Million Three Hundred Thousand ($4,300,000) of which shall be designated "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series C" (hereinafter called "1962 Series C Bonds"). The 1962 Series B Bonds and the 1962 Series C Bonds shall be issued as negotiable coupon Bonds dated October 1, 1962, registrable as to principal in the denomination of $1,000 or as fully registered Bonds without coupons, dated as of the interest payment date to which interest was last paid, next preceding the date of issue, unless issued on an interest payment date on which interest was paid, in which case they shall be dated as of the date of issue, or unless issued prior to April 1, 1963, in which case they shall be dated October 1, 1962. Each fully registered Bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. Fully registered Bonds without coupons, shall be numbered in such manner satisfactory to the Trustee as may be designated by the Comptroller and shall be issued in denominations of $1,000 or multiples thereof, shall bear interest from October 1, 1962, payable semiannually on the first days of April and October in each year until paid, commencing April 1, 1963, at the rates provided below and shall mature in the following amounts on October 1 of the following years: 1962] Year of Maturity 1965........ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1962 Series B Bonds Amount Interest Rate $ 20,000 3% I 20,000 3% 30,000 3% 30,000 3% 30,000 3% 30,000 3% 40,000 3% 40,000 3% 40,000 3% 40,000 3% 40,000 3% 40,000 3% 50,000 3M% 50,000 3 34% 50,000 334% 50,000 3J4% 50,000 3J4% 50,000 3J4% . 50,000 3M% 50,000 3}4% 60,000 3}4% 60,000 3M% 60,000 3.40% 70,000 3.40% . 70,000 3.40% 70,000 3.40% 70,000 3% . 80,000 3H% 80,000 3Y2% 80,000 3%% 90,000 3J% 90,000 IWfc 100,000 3% 100,000 3V2% 120,000 3.60% 130,000 3.60% 130,000 3.60% . 140,000 3.60% 1962 Series Amount > 40,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 60,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 110,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 130,000 130,000 140,000 140,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 160,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 210,000 230,000 250,000 221 C Bonds Interest Rate 2M% 234% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3M% 3J4% 3H% 314% 334% 3M% 3H% Ws% 3%% m% 3%% 3%% w%% 3Vs% 3%% 3%% 3%% 3%% w%% 3%% 3%% 3%% 3%% 1966 1967........ 1968 1969...... 1970..... 1971 1972 1973....... 1974 . 1975 . . 1976...... 1977 . . . . 1978 1979....... 1980 . . . 1981...... 1982........ 1983......... 1984 1985.......... 1986 1987..... 1988....... 1989......... 1990 1991........ 1992 . . . 1993 1994 1995.......... 1996 1997.......... 1998..... 1999 2000 2001 2002.......... The 1962 Series B Bonds and the 1962 Series C Bonds shall be redeemable prior to their maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees, either in whole or in part, on October 1, 1972, or on any interest payment date thereafter in the inverse order in which they mature at the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption plus a premium of the following percentages of such principal amount if redeemed during the following periods respectively: Period of Redemption Applicable Premium October 1, 1972 through April 1, 1977.............. 3% October 1, 1977 through April 1, 1982.............. 2i/2% October 1, 1982 through April 1, 1987.............. 2% October 1, 1987 through April 1, 1992.............. iyz% October 1, 1992 through April 1, 1997.............. 1% October 1. 1997 or thereafter prior to maturity..... None provided, however, that the 1962 Series C bonds maturing in the years 1997 through 2002 shall be redeemable prior to their maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees, either in whole or in part, on any interest payment date at the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption and without premium. All redemptions shall be made in the manner, upon the notice, and with the effect provided in Article Three of the Original Resolution. 222 board of trustees [October 17 Section 2.3. Payment of Principal and Interest. Both the principal of and the interest on the 1962 Series B Bonds and the 1962 Series C Bonds shall be payable in any coin or currency which, on the respective date of payment of such principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at The First National Bank of Chicago, or its successor, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or, at the option of holders at The Chase Manhattan Bank, or its successor, in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York. Section 2.4. Form of Bonds. The definitive coupon Bonds of 1962 Series B and 1962 Series C, the interest coupons to be attached thereto, and the form of fully registered Bonds without coupons of 1962 Series B and 1962 Series C, shall be in substantially the following forms with appropriate insertions, omissions and variations to evidence differences in series, number, interest rate, maturity and like matters: (Form of Coupon Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HOUSING REVENUE BOND OF 1962 (Series................) Number................................ $1,000 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, a body corporate, created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, for value received promises to pay to bearer, but only out of the Housing Revenue Bond Fund, as hereinafter provided for, and not otherwise, the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000), on October 1, 19........, and to pay interest on said sum from the date hereof until paid at the rate of...................... per cent (........%) per annum, payable April 1, 1963, and semiannually thereafter on the first days of April and October in each year until the principal amount hereof has been fully paid. Interest accruing on this bond on and prior to the maturity date hereof shall be payable on presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they subsequently become due, but no interest shall accrue on this bond after the maturity hereof unless this bond shall be presented for payment and be not then paid. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made payable in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at The First National Bank of Chicago (hereinafter called "Trustee"), or its successor in trust under the Resolution hereinafter referred to, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the option of the holder, at The Chase Manhattan Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York. This bond is one of an authorized series of .............................................. Dollars ($............................) principal amount of Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series ................, which, with the 1962 Series ................ Bonds constitute an issue of Six Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,700,000), issued or to be issued pursuant to a Bond Resolution of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois duly adopted December 17, 1958, as supplemented by First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Supplemental Resolutions thereto duly adopted June 23, 1959, October 21, 1959, June 14, 1960, May 17, 1961, May 24, 1962, and October 17, 1962, respectively (said Bond Resolution as so supplemented being herein referred to as the "Resolution"), for the purpose of providing funds for paying the cost of constructing and equipping student and staff housing and related facilities. Said Resolution, among other things, provides for the issuance of additional bonds pursuant thereto in the manner and upon the terms and conditions more fully set forth therein. The bonds of this Series are redeemable prior to maturity as a whole or in part on October 1, 1972, or on any interest payment date thereafter in the inverse order in which they mature at the option of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption and a premium as follows: three per cent (3%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1972 through April 1, 1977; two and one-half per cent (2yi%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1977 through 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 223 April 1, 1982; two per cent (2%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1982 through April 1, 1987; one and one-half per cent (lV4%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1987 through April 1, 1992; one per cent (1%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1992 through April 1, 1997; and without premium if redeemed October 1, 1997 or thereafter. (1962 Series C Bonds Only) The period at the end of the foregoing paragraph shall be deleted in the 1962 Series C Bonds and a semicolon substituted therefor and the following proviso added to the end of said paragraph. [provided, however, that the bonds of this series maturing in the years 1997 through 2002 shall be redeemable prior to their maturity at the option of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, either in whole or in part, on any interest payment date at the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption and without premium]. Notice of redemption of any or all of said bonds shall be published once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first such publication to be not less than thirty days prior to the date of redemption, such publication to be made in one daily newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and also in a financial newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, City and. State of New York, and when this bond or any of the bonds of such authorized issue shall have been duly called for redemption, interest thereon shall cease from and after the specified redemption date if redemption monies are available for the payment of all bonds called for redemption. This bond and the series of which it forms a part is issued under the authority of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and the Resolution above referred to. This bond is payable, both as to principal and interest, only from the revenues required to be credited to the Housing Revenue Bond Fund as provided in the Resolution, which revenues are to be derived from (1) the operation of the revenue producing facilities constructed, completed, and equipped with the proceeds of this bond issue, bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the Resolution and additional bonds which may hereafter be issued pursuant to the Resolution, (2) student tuitions authorized by law to be retained in the University treasury, but not in excess of $1,110,000 annually plus such additional sums as may be specified in any supplemental resolution creating or authorizing additional bonds to be issued pursuant to the Resolution as so supplemented, and (3) certain existing revenue producing buildings of the University alter the prior payment of other indebtedness to the extent set forth in the Resolution. This bond and the series of which it forms a part do not constitute an indebtedness of said University of Illinois, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, or the State of Illinois within any constitutional or statutory limitation, and neither the taxing power nor the general credit of said University, of said Board of Trustees or of the State of Illinois is pledged to the payment of this bond or the interest thereon. This bond shall pass by delivery unless it is registered as to principal in the name of the holder on the books of registration of said University kept at the office of the Trustees in Chicago, Illinois, such registration to be noted on the back hereof. After such registration no transfer hereof shall be valid unless made on such books by the registered holder in person or by attorney duly authorized in writing and similarly noted hereon, but this bond may be transferred in like manner to bearer, and thereupon transferability by delivery shall be restored and it may again from time to time be registered or transferred to bearer as before. Such registration, however, shall not restrict the negotiability of the coupons hereto appertaining, but such coupons shall be transferable by delivery merely and payable to the bearer hereof. Subject to the provisions for registration and transfer, this bond and all other bonds of this issue shall have all of the qualities of negotiable instruments, and during such time as this bond is payable to bearer, the same and each of 224 board of trustees [October 17 the coupons hereto appertaining may be negotiated by delivery by any person having possession thereof, and any holder who shall have taken this bond while so payable to bearer or any of said coupons from any person for value and without notice shall thereby acquire absolute title to this bond or to such coupons, as the case may be, free of any defenses enforceable against any prior holder and free from all equities and claims of ownership of any such prior holder, and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Trustee, and any paying agent may deem and treat the bearer of this bond, or, if registered, the person in whose name it is registered, and the bearer of any interest coupons appertaining hereto as the absolute owner hereof for all purposes and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary whether this bond or any coupon appertaining thereto be overdue or not. The bonds of this series are issuable as coupon bonds registrable as to principal only in the denomination of $1,000 and as registered bonds without coupons in the denomination of $1,000 or a multiple thereof. Each fully registered bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. The coupon bonds and the registered bonds without coupons are interchangeable for bonds of the same interest rate and maturity upon presentation thereof for such purpose by the holder or registered owner at the principal office of the Trustee in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and upon payment of charges and otherwise as provided in the Resolution. The rights and obligations of the University and of the holders of the bonds may be modified or amended at any time with the consent of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (662/?%) in principal amount of outstanding bonds in the manner, to the extent, and upon the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution; provided that no such modification or amendment shall (i) extend the maturity of or reduce the interest rate on or otherwise alter or impair the obligation of the University to pay the principal, interest or redemption premiums, if any, at the time and place and at the rate and in the currency provided therein of any bond without the express consent of the holder, or (ii) permit the creation of any mortgage or pledge or lien on the facilities, or upon any income therefrom or other funds pledged or held under the Resolution, except as permitted by the Resolution, other than the lien and pledge created thereunder, or (iii) permit the creation by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois of any preference or priority of any bond or bonds over any other bond or bonds or coupon or coupons over any other coupon or coupons, or (iy) reduce the percentage in principal amount of bonds required for the affirmative vote or written consent to an amendment or modification without the consent of the holder of this bond; all as more fully set forth in the Resolution. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby covenants with the holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants and agreements in the Resolution adopted by it, authorizing the issuance of this bond and the series of which it forms a part, and hereby irrevocably obligates itself to administer the said income and revenue derived from the operation of said facilities, as provided for in and by said Resolution, and to establish from time to time parietal rules, rents, and charges for the use of said facilities and to maintain and collect rents and charges and to withhold student tuitions, sufficient to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining said facilities, and pay the principal of and interest upon all revenue bonds which by their terms are payable from such revenues, until all of such bonds have been paid in full, both as to principal and interest. It is hereby certified and recited and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to exist, to happen, and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time, and manner, as required by law and the applicable resolutions of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and that provision has been made for setting aside the income and revenue to be derived from the operation of said facilities to be applied in the manner hereinabove set forth. In Witness Whereof, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signatures of its President and two of its members, the corporate seal of the University of 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 225 Illinois to be hereto affixed (or a facsimile thereof to be reproduced hereon), and attested by its Secretary, and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the facsimile signatures of said President and Secretary, and this bond to be dated as of the 1st day of October, 1962. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Attest:............................................................. By..................................................................... Secretary President Member Member (Form of Interest Coupon) Number...................................... $................................ On the first day of..................................~~........................, 19........ (unless the bond to which this coupon is attached has theretofore been called for payment and payment made or provided for), The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois will pay to bearer on surrender hereof, solely out of the fund specified in the bond to which this coupon is attached, the sum of ................................................ Dollars ($................................) in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at The First National Bank of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the option of the holder at The Chase Manhattan Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York, as provided in the Housing Revenue Bond of 1962, Series........, dated October 1, 1962, Number........................... Secretary President (Form of Registered Bond Without Coupons) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HOUSING REVENUE BOND OF 1962 (Series................) Number.................................... $.................................... The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate, created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, for value received promises to pay (but only out of the Housing Revenue Bond Fund as hereinafter provided for, and not otherwise) to .............................................................................., or registered assigns, on October 1, 19........, the principal sum of .................................... Dollars ($............................) and to pay interest thereon which shall be paid by check or draft mailed to the registered owner at his address as it appears on the bond registration books of the Trustee hereinafter mentioned as Bond Registrar, at the rate of ........................................ per cent (....................%) per annum, payable April 1, 1963, and semiannually thereafter on the first days of April and October in each year from the date hereof until the principal amount hereof has been fully paid. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made payable in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at The First National Bank of Chicago (hereinafter called '"Trustee"), or its successor in trust under the Resolution hereinafter referred to, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the option of the holder, at The Chase Manhattan Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York. This bond is one of an authorized series of .............................................. Dollars ($............................) principal amount of Housing Revenue Bonds of 1962, Series ..............., which, with the 1962 Series .............--- Bonds constitute an issue of Six Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,700,000), issued or to be issued pursuant to a Bond Resolution of The Board of Trustees of the University of 226 board of trustees [October 17 Illinois duly adopted December 17, 1958, as supplemented by First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Supplemental Resolutions thereto duly adopted June 23, 1959, October 21, 1959, June 14, 1960, May 17, 1961, May 24, 1962, and October 17, 1962, respectively (said Bond Resolution as so supplemented being herein referred to as the "Resolution"), for the purpose of providing funds for paying the cost of constructing and equipping student and staff housing and related facilities. Said Resolution, among other things, provides for the issuance of additional bonds pursuant thereto in the manner and upon the terms and conditions more fully set forth therein. The bonds of this Series are redeemable prior to maturity as a whole or in part on October 1, 1972, or on any interest payment date thereafter in the inverse order in which they mature at the option of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption and a premium as follows: three per cent (3%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1972 through April 1, 1977; two and one-half per cent (2y5%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1977 through April 1, 1982; two per cent (2%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1982 through April 1, 1987; one and one-half per cent (lVi%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1987 through April 1, 1992; one per cent (1%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed October 1, 1992 through April 1, 1997; and without premium if redeemed October 1, 1997 or thereafter. (1962 Series C Bonds Only) The period at the end of the foregoing paragraph shall be deleted in the 1962 Series C Bonds and a semicolon substituted therefor and the following proviso added to the end of said paragraph. [provided, however, that the bonds of this series maturing in the years 1997 through 2002 shall be redeemable prior to their maturity at the option of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, either in whole or in part, on any interest payment date at the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption and without premium]. Notice of redemption of any or all of said bonds shall be published once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first such publication to be not less than thirty days prior to the date of redemption, such publication to be made in one daily newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and also in a financial newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, and when this bond or any of the bonds of such authorized issue shall have been duly called for redemption, interest thereon shall cease from and after the specified redemption date if redemption monies are available for the payment of all bonds called for redemption. This bond and the series of which it forms a part is issued under the authority of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and the Resolution above referred to. This bond is payable, both as to principal and interest, only from the revenues required to be credited to the Housing Revenue Bond Fund as provided in the Resolution, which revenues are to be derived from (1) the operation of the revenue producing facilities constructed, completed, and equipped with the proceeds of this bond issue, bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the Resolution and additional bonds which may hereafter be issued pursuant to the Resolution, (2) student tuitions authorized by law to be retained in the University treasury, but not in excess of $1,110,000 annually plus such additional sums as may be specified in any supplemental resolution creating or authorizing additional bonds to be issued pursuant to the Resolution as so supplemented, and (3) certain existing revenue producing buildings of the University after the prior payment of other indebtedness to the extent set forth in the Resolution. This bond and the series of which it forms a part do not constitute an indebtedness of said University of Illinois, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, or the State of Mi- 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 227 nois within any constitutional or statutory limitation, and neither the taxing power nor the general credit of said University, of said Board of Trustees, or of the State of Illinois is pledged to the payment of this bond or the interest thereon. Subject to the provisions for registration and transfer contained herein and in the Resolution, this bond and all other bonds of this issue shall have all of the qualities of negotiable instruments, and shall be transferable by the registered owner at the principal office of the Trustee in the City of Chicago, Illinois, upon surrender and cancellation of this bond and thereupon a new registered bond without coupons of the same principal amount, interest rate and maturity will be issued to the transferee as provided in the Resolution, upon payment of the transfer charges therein prescribed. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Trustee and any other person may treat the person in whose name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary whether this bond be overdue or not. The bonds of this series are issuable as coupon bonds registrable as to principal only in the denomination of $1,000 and as registered bonds without coupons in the denomination of $1,000 or a multiple thereof. Each fully registered bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. The coupon bonds and the registered bonds without coupons are interchangeable for bonds of the same interest rate and maturity upon presentation thereof for such purpose by the holder or registered owner at the principal office of the Trustee in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and upon payment of charges and otherwise as provided in the Resolution. The rights and obligations of the University and of the holders of the bonds may be modified or amended at any time with the consent of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (662/5%) in principal amount of outstanding bonds in the manner, to the extent, and upon the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution; provided that no such modification or amendment shall (i) extend the maturity of or reduce the interest rate on or otherwise alter or impair the obligation of the University to pay the principal, interest or redemption premiums, if any, at the time and place and at the rate and in the currency provided therein of any bond without the express consent of the holder, or (ii) permit the creation of any mortgage or pledge or lien on the facilities, or upon any income therefrom or other funds pledged or held under the Resolution, except as permitted by the Resolution, other than the lien and pledge created thereunder, or (iii) permit the creation by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois of any preference or priority of any bond or bonds over any other bond or bonds or coupon or coupons over any other coupon or coupons, or (iv) reduce the percentage of principal amount of bonds required for the affirmative vote or written consent to an amendment or modification without the consent of the holder of this bond; all as more fully set forth in the Resolution. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby covenants with the holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants and agreements in the Resolution adopted by it, authorizing the issuance of this bond and the series of which it forms a part, and hereby irrevocably obligates itself to administer the said income and revenue derived from the operation of said facilities, as provided for in and by said Resolution, and to establish from time to time parietal rules, rents, and charges for the use of said facilities and to maintain and collect rents and charges and to withhold student tuitions, sufficient to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining said facilities, and pay the principal of and interest upon all revenue bonds which by their terms are payable from such revenues, until all of such bonds have been paid in full, both as to principal and interest. It is hereby certified and recited and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to exist, to happen, and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time, and manner, as required by law and the applicable resolutions of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and that provision has been made for setting aside the income and revenue to be derived from the operation of said facilities to be applied in the manner hereinabove set forth. 228 board of trustees [October 17 In Witness Whereof, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signatures of its President and two of its members, the corporate seal of the University of Illinois to be hereto affixed (or a facsimile thereof to be reproduced hereon), and attested by its Secretary, and this bond to be dated as the 1st day of ........................................................, 19......... THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Attest:............................................................. By..................................................................... Secretary President Member Member ARTICLE THREE Miscellaneous Section 3.1. Application of Bond Proceeds. The Board of Trustees hereby determines that Project G will become revenue producing on or about September 30, 1964 and therefore that portion of the proceeds of the 1962 Series B Bonds and 1962 Series C Bonds representing the interest accrued on such Bonds to the date of payment therefor shall, together with an amount equal to the interest to accrue on such Bonds through September 30, 1964 be deposited with the Trustee in the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund account as required by Section 6.01 of the Resolution. The balance of said proceeds of the 1962 Series B Bonds and 1962 Series C Bonds shall, as required by Section 6.01 of the Resolution, be deposited in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and shall be accounted for as one or more separate funds. The application of the funds in such accounts and the disposition thereof shall in all respects comply with all the terms and provisions of Article Six of the Resolution, subject to the terms and provisions of any contract or agreement permitted by or contemplated in said Article Six between The Board of Trustees and any original purchaser of such Bonds. Section 3.2. Exchanges of 1962 Series B Bonds and 1962 Series C Bonds. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.08 of the Original Resolution the University may, in addition to any other charges permitted to be made upon the exchange or transfer of bonds, charge to the holders of any fully registered 1962 Series B Bonds and 1962 Series C Bonds presented for exchange for coupon Bonds, the actual costs of printing new coupon Bonds for the purpose of making such exchange. However, 1962 Series B Bonds and 1962 Series C Bonds originally issued in fully registered form at the time of initial delivery thereof may be exchanged without charge for coupon Bonds by the initial purchaser of such Bonds. Section 3.3. Interpretation and construction. This Sixth Supplemental Resolution is supplemental to and is adopted in accordance with Sections 2.06 and 4.02 of the Resolution. In all respects not inconsistent with this Sixth Supplemental Resolution, the Resolution is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed, and all of the definitions, terms, covenants and restrictions of the Resolution shall be applicable to the additional Bonds authorized by this Sixth Supplemental Resolution and the proceeds thereof except as otherwise expressly provided. All of the terms and provisions of this Sixth Supplemental Resolution shall be deemed to be part of the terms and provisions of the Resolution, and the Resolution and this Sixth Supplemental Resolution shall be read, taken and construed as one and the same instrument. In executing or authenticating any Bond authorized by this Sixth Supplemental Resolution the Trustee and each officer, agent or employee of the University shall be entitled to all of the privileges and immunities afforded to them under the terms of the Resolution. Section 3.4. Resolution Effective on Passage. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 229 STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 co COUNTY OF CHAMPAIGN I ss" I .........................................., do hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and as such official have charge and custody of the minutes and records of said Board of Trustees. I further certify that the attached resolution is a true, correct and exact copy of the original resolution adopted by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at its legally convened meeting held on the 17th day of October, 1962, all as appears of record in my office. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said University this .................................................. day of .................................---............, 19......... Secretary as aforesaid. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ILLINOIS STREET RESIDENCE HALLS (24) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for the construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls (for 1,210 single undergraduate students) in the area between Illinois and Green Streets and east of the Student-Staff Apartments in Urbana, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign.............. $3 639 870 Base bid........................................ $3 669 870 Deductive alternates for omission of reflective pool in central court and substitution of top soil; replacement of all black walnut wall paneling in the food service building and the two residence hall buildings with painted plaster; substitution of enamel finish on ceilings in toilet rooms and shower rooms in the dormitory buildings for ceramic tiled ceilings ---30 000 Elevator --- Otis Elevator Company Chicago....................... 183 381 Food Service Equipment --- Century Equipment Company, Chicago............................................ 190 696 Plumbing--- Nu-Way Plumbing Service, Inc., Chicago............... 429 500 Base bid........................................ $ 436 000 Deductive alternate for omission of reflecting pool in the central court and substitution of a drain in the filled court and a storm sewer from the drain to a manhole in the court......................... ---6 500 Heating, Piping, and Refrigeration --- Borg, Inc., Chicago............ 353 730 Ventilating --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign.................. 197 844 Thermal Insulation --- General Insulation, Inc., Peoria............... 69 900 Temperature Control --- Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, Chicago...................................................... 35 961 Base bid........................................ $ 51 627 Deductive alternate for omission of the central control center....................................... ---15 666 Electrical --- Art-O-Lite Company, Inc., Galesburg.................. 407 880 Base bid........................................ $ 419 200 Deductive alternates for omission of all electrical work for the reflecting pool fountain system; all wiring and equipment from communications sound system; secondary clocks in corridors and floor lounges in the two residence hall buildings and offices in the lounge building............................... ---11 320 Total...................................................... #5 508 762 230 board of trustees [October 17 Funds will be available from the proceeds of revenue bonds to finance the construction of these halls, which are being sold today. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. EXECUTIVE SESSION At this point, on motion of Mr. Swain, an executive session was ordered for consideration of the following matters of business. PURCHASE OF PROPERTIES (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of the following properties: 1111 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, Illinois........................ $19 750 The property consists of a lot 52 feet by 132 feet and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. 1113 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, Illinois........................ 18 250 The property consists of a lot 37 feet by 132 feet and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. The improvements of the above two properties will eventually be removed and the land will be a part of the site for the construction of the Coordinated Science Laboratory. Possession will be not later than January 1, 1963, and taxes will be prorated. As a further condition of the purchase agreement with the owners, their tenants may remain until July 1, 1963. 1208 West Oregon Street, Urbana, Illinois............................. 33 600 The property consists of a lot 50 feet by 157 feet and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. The improvement will eventually be removed and the land will be a part of the site for the construction of an addition to the East Chemistry Building. Possession will be not later than July 1, 1963, and and taxes will be prorated. The sale prices are within University appraisals and have been reviewed with the Buildings and Grounds Committee which recommends these purchases. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, purchase of these properties, at the prices indicated, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY PATENT COMMITTEE (2) The University Patent Committee submits, with the concurrence of the University Research Board, the following reports and recommendations relating to patentable inventions by members of the staff. Group A. It is the judgment of the Committee that the inventions in this group have little possibility of commercial development and the recommendation in each case is that the University's rights in the invention be released as indicated. 1. Flash light source----Robert K. Swank, Graduate Student in Physics, inventor. The purpose of the flash lamp is to produce a focused spot of light of high intensity and short duration, repetitive at about one flash per second, with 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 231 all flashes of equal intensity. The features of this arrangement are low stray inductance with high light gathering efficiency and operation in an atmosphere of nitrogen. In concurrence with various members of the Department of Physics, the Committee recommends that the rights in this invention be released to the sponsoring agency, the United States Air Force. 2. Contour-tracing pattern recognizer --- Paul Weston, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, inventor. This device consists of an oscilloscope, a photomultiplier which receives light from the oscilloscope face and a special feedback circuit connecting the photomultiplier to the oscilloscope. It is impossible to exhaustively enumerate the methods which are applicable to this process. In concurrence with the head of the department and the inventor, the Committee recommends that the rights in this invention be released to the sponsoring agency, the United States Navy. 3. Agitator-incubator for aseptic culturing of virus-infected cells and tissue in liquid media --- H. H. Thornberry, Professor of Plant Pathology, inventor. The apparatus was constructed to provide the growth of isolated plant tissue cultures under aseptic conditions in a chemically defined liquid medium with controlled temperature and aeration by agitation. In concurrence with the head of the department, the Committee recommends that the rights in the invention be released to the inventor. 4. Automatic recording light-scattering instrument --- Hiroshi Mizukami, Graduate Student in Biophysics, inventor. The light-scattering instruments are designed so as to measure the ratio of the intensity of incident light I and that of scattered light from a sample cell I. In general, the angular dependence of scattered light is measured with rotating either a photomultiplier or a minor system around the cell manually. After study and report by the University of Illinois Foundation, the Committee recommends release of the rights in this invention to the sponsoring agency, the United States Public Health Service. 5. Iron core electromagnet with windings of miobium --- G. B. Yntema, Research Associate in Physics (1954), inventor. There are two potentially novel features in this design --- the use of superconducting windings and the use of iron to augment the field possible with superconducting windings. After study and report by the University of Illinois Foundation, the Committee recommends the release of the rights of the University in this invention to the inventor. 6. Methods for generating hypersonic waves in liquids --- Floyd Dunn, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, inventor. The novel features of the invention lie in the fact that the quarter wave matching sections of two methods considered enable a sufficiently high electric field gradient to be developed over the thickness of the piezoelectric plate such that the plate vibrates and thereby produces sound waves in the contiguous liquid. After study and report by the University of Illinois Foundation, the Committee recommends release of the rights of the University to the sponsoring agency, the United States Navy. 7. Non-contacting device for accurately locating the spin axis direction of a rotating object --- Howard W. Knoebel, Research Associate Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and A. T. Nordsieck, Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, inventors. The device employs two diametrically opposite photoelectric, magnetic, or electrostatic transducers which scan the surface of the rotating object and produce electrical signals in accordance with random surface texture or pattern material applied to the surface of the rotating object. After study and report by the University of Illinois Foundation, the Committee recommends that the rights of the University be released to the sponsoring agency, the United States Army Signal Corps. Group B. In the judgment of the Committee, the inventions in this group are potentially patentable and may have some value. The Committee therefor recommends that the University's rights be released to the University of Illinois Foundation for further study, development, and possible patentable application. 1. Transistorized digital-to-analog converter --- William J. Kopek, Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and Jack Stifle, Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, inventors. This device utilizes switching techniques whereby constant voltage or constant current generators are switched into or out of a coupling network, and the sum of the voltages or currents produced by these generators at the output is the analog representation of the input digital level. (Under United States Army Signal Corps Contract.) 232 board of trustees [October 17 2. Internally reflecting conf ocal resonant system --- Don F. Holshouser, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, inventor. This resonator is generally composed of two opposing reflecting elements with the active medium, either a crystal or a gas, filling the region between. It is useful for frequencies in which wavelengths are short compared to physical dimensions. (Under United States Air Force Contract.) 3. Magnetic pulse integrator --- James L. Divilbiss, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, inventor. The principle advantages of this circuit are (1) very large count ranges are possible; (2) nondestructive interrogation; (3) greater independence of setting pulse amplitude for a specified count range; (4) greater temperature independence; (5) device can be incremented both positively and negatively; and (6) count range --- i.e., the number of set pulses required to bring the output to a specified level --- can be adjusted without changing the setting pulse amplitude. (Under United States Army Signal Corps Contract.) 4. High temperature, high vacuum brazeable electrical feedthrough---- Nicholas Vassos, Electronics Technician in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, inventor. The electrical feedthrough is a molybdenum sheet and molybdenum pin isolated electrically with Corning 1720 or Corning 1723 alumina silicate glass. (Under United States Army Signal Corps Contract.) 5. Disposable tissue grinder --- Deam H. Ferris, Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and Senior Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research, inventor. The novel feature is the disposability of the device since the time involved in cleaning and sterilizing the traditional mortar and pestle or tissue grinder greatly limits their use in multiple specimens or in the field. (Under United States Public Health Service Grant.) Group C. 1. Passive element resonant leyitation servo---Howard W. Knoebel, Research Associate Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, inventor. This is a device to suspend objects in electric or magnetic fields without need of amplifiers. The principle is to use the characteristics of a resonant circuit to reverse the slope of the relationship between distance and field intensity. The technique is equally applicable to magnetic and electric field leyitation devices. The Committee has been advised by the University of Illinois Foundation that there is little likelihood of commercial development. The inventor does not wish to have the rights released to him and it is therefore recommended that the University's rights be released to the United States Army Signal Corps. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved. REQUEST FOR RETURN OF GIFT (3) Mrs. Nellie Voight Freeman of Mattoon, Illinois, a former member of the Board of Trustees, transferred a farm to the University by a deed recorded January 18, 1960, subject to the retention of a life estate in Mrs. Freeman and an additional life estate in her daughter, Mrs. Bernadine Freeman Bailey, 253 East Delaware Place, Chicago 11, Illinois. The land is located about seven miles north of Mattoon and includes approximately 218 acres. Mrs. Freeman passed away on October 14, 1962, and is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Bailey. The deed provides that the farm is to be retained by the University for not less than fifty years after the deaths of the life tenants and is to be operated as an "example of good farming practice in the community in which it is located." During such period the income is to be used for educational purposes and thereafter the University may dispose of the property, retaining the proceeds of any sale of the farm as a perpetual endowment fund for the same purposes. Prior to Mrs. Freeman's death, the University received the following request from the attorney for the two life tenants: "Because of difficulties in leasing the land for farming, since prospective tenants are not interested in leasing the land and investing in improvements to farm the land because of the title which depends upon the uncertainty of the two life estates with the remainder in the University of Illinois, Mrs. Freeman would appreciate the return of her gift by the reconveyance of 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 233 the land to her, and will express her gratitude by making other gifts to the University of Illinois." Subsequently the Legal Counsel advised the attorney that in his opinion compliance with the request for reconveyance was not within the power of the Board of Trustees as it would constitute a gift of public property without consideration other than an indefinite and unenforceable promise of future gifts. It was suggested to the attorney that the feasibility of the University joining with the life tenants in a lease to a prospective tenant be explored, but this alternative was not acceptable to the attorney, who requested that the matter be presented to the Board of Trustees for action, which request was repeated after the death of Mrs. Freeman. The Legal Counsel states that he remains of the opinion that the Board has no legal right to comply with the request for reconveyance of the property since such would constitute a prohibited gift of public property. The Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel, therefore, recommend that the request be denied but that the attorney for the life tenants be advised of the University's continuing willingness to cooperate in solving the problem of securing tenants by joining in the negotiation of leases. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing recommendation was accepted and adopted as the action of the Board. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS November 9, 1962 The November meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Wolford Hotel, Danville, Illinois, on Friday, November 9, 1962, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, and Mr. George T. Wilkins were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Professor Norman A. Parker, Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Dr. Joseph S. Begando, Vice-President, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 235 236 board of trustees [November 9 BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. BUILDING PROGRAM FOR 1963-65 (1) Submitted herewith is the proposed building program for the biennium of 1963-65, based upon the recommendations of the University Building Program Committee* and consultation with the University Council. I recommend that the Board of Trustees approve this building program for presentation to the appropriate state officials and agencies, and committees of the Seventy-third General Assembly of Illinois; and I further recommend that the President of the Board, the Chairmen of the Board Committees on Buildings and Grounds, General Policy, and Finance, and the President of the University be authorized to represent the Board of Trustees in such conferences as may be required in discussing the program with state officials and agencies. The building program and requests for state capital appropriations for 1963-65, as prepared by the Building Program Committee and recommended by the President of the University, were submitted to the members of the Board of Trustees in advance of today's meeting. The building program had also been studied in detail by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds in consultation with the President and other University officers at two meetings, on July 17 and November 8, 1962, in which other Trustees participated. President Henry, Vice-President and Provost Lanier, and Comptroller Farber again reviewed the recommendations. Following this presentation and discussion by the Trustees, on motion of Mr. Pogue, the building program and recommendations were approved, and authority was given as requested. This action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. The complete report of the Building Program Committee, including the schedules of capital funds to be requested in state appropriations for 1963-65, on which this action was taken, was filed with the Secretary of the Board for official record. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (2) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Arthur Lieber, Jr. University City, Missouri Missouri Donald Alan Nay Lombard, Illinois Indiana Alfred F. Rolfe St. Louis, Missouri Missouri I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. 1 Members of the Building Program Committee are: Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Chairman; G. M. Almy, Associate Head of the Department of Physics; Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, Medical Center; Vice-President and Comptroller H. O. Farber: Kenneth M. Madison, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division; John P. Marbarger, Professor of Physiology and Director of the Aero-medical Laboratory; Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division; Dean Russell N. Sullivan of the College of Law; Dean F. T. Wall of the Graduate College. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 237 APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Bernard Century, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 2. Richard William Tiecke, Lecturer with rank of Professor, Department of Oral Pathology, College of Dentistry, beginning September 1, 1962, on one-tenth time, at an annual salary of $1,200 (DY10). 3. Clara Beatrice Weimer, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning September 17, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (BY100). 4. Pengh-chih Constance Yang, Visiting Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, for the academic year 1962-63, at a salary of $6,500 (E). 5. Avivi I. Yavin, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning October 15, 1962, at an annual salary of $11,000 (DY). 6. James Webb Young, Visiting Professor of Advertising, College of Journalism and Communications, for one month from February 8, 1963, at a salary of $2,000 (G). On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were confirmed. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION (4) The Dean of the Division of University Extension recommends the following appointments to the Division of University Extension Advisory Committee for two years beginning September 1, 1962, unless otherwise indicated. Representatives of the University Professor Charles K. Brightbill, Head, Department of Recreation and Municipal Park Administration Professor Warren F. Doolittle, Jr., Department of Art Professor Kenneth J. Trigger, Department of Mechanical Engineering These appointees replace Professors Ross J. Martin, College of Engineering; R. Stewart Jones, College of Education; and Duane A. Branigan, Director, School of Music, whose terms have expired. Other representatives of the University on the Committee are Professors Harvey W. Huegy, Head, Department of Marketing, and George W. White, Head, Department of Geology. Non-University Representatives Russell L. Guin, President, Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc., Jackson at VanBuren, Danville, for one year William R. McIntosh, Superintendent, Rockford Public Schools, 201 South Madison Street, Rockford Gerald Plank, Director, Department of Personnel, Caterpillar Tractor Company, Joliet These appointees replace Mr. Dale Sutton, Supervisor of Personnel, Illinois Bell Telephone Company, 212 West Washington Street, Chicago 6, and Mr. Russell L. Guin, Danville, whose terms have expired. Mr. Guin is being re-appointed for one year to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Richard G. Browne who has asked to be relieved of this assignment. Other non-University representatives are Mr. Lloyd McBride, Sub-district Director, United Steelworkers of America, Granite City, and Mr. Earl I. Swords, President, Peoria Tractor Company, Peoria. Their terms expire September, 1963. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these appointments were approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (5) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: 238 board of trustees [November 9 Urbana-Champaign 1. College of Agriculture Department of Agronomy, South Farm heating system...........$ 2 800 Department of Plant Pathology, equipment....................... 5 965 Department of Forestry, pressure-vacuum cylinder and related instrumentation (an addition to $10,000 appropriated July 18, 1962)....................................................... 4 600 2. College of Education Industrial Education, equipment (surface planer and Universal grinder) ................................................... 6 900 University High School, audio-visual equipment and library expansion................................................... 7 227 3. College of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, Universal testing machine...... 25 500 Physics Betatron, prefabricated metal building................... 8 000 4. College of Fine and Applied Arts School of Music, practice pianos and organs..................... 36 000 5. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, undergraduate teaching equipment..................................... 5 266 Department of Mathematics, equipment.......................... 8 135 Department of Psychology, Comparative Laboratory furnishings and equipment ............................................. 9 322 6. Library, equipment ............................................. 21 520 7. College of Physical Education Ice Rink, ice resurfacer......................................... 8 500 8. Physical Plant Department Department of Mechanical Engineering, remodeling to increase research space and for expansion of Machine Shop............. 4 400 9. Statistical Service Unit, auxiliary equipment for the 1401 IBM Computer................................................... 5 242 10. University Extension Audio-Visual Aids Service, replacement of equipment, materials, and supplies lost in a fire (an addition to $25,000 appropriated April 19, 1961)............................................. 30 040 Total Urbana-Champaign................................... (189 417) Chicago Undergraduate Division 11. College of Architecture and Art, equipment...................... 4 540 12. Library, additional acquisitions.................................. 15 000 Medical Center 13. Physical Plant, replacement of ducts in the Medical Research Laboratory.................................................. 33 000 14. College of Pharmacy, equipment................................. 14 000 Grand Total ............................................... $255 957 I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. CONTRACTS FOR MODERNIZATION OF ELEVATORS (6) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for modernization of elevators in three buildings, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Montgomery Elevator Company, Chicago David Kinley Hall.................................................$24 398 Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Elevator Division, Chicago Mumford Hall ................................................... 30 367 Library........................................................... 29 870 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 239 It is recommended that one contract be awarded to Westinghouse for the Mumford Hall and Library jobs at a total contract price of $60,237. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 and have been released. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of the bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITION ON BURNSIDES RESEARCH LABORATORY (7) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of a third floor addition on the Burnsides Research Laboratory to provide additional usable space for seminar and office areas, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- A. F. Krall Construction Company, Inc., Decatur.............$32 343 Electrical----Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana........... 3 100 Plumbing --- Thomas Plumbing and Heating Company, Urbana.......... 1 579 Heating and Temperature Control --- David W. Reichard, Plumbing and Heating, Urbana ................................................. 5 300 Ventilating --- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign..... 4 095 Total.............................................................$46 417 Funds are available in the original financing of the project. Submitted herewith is a supporting memorandum from the Physical Plant Department including a schedule of the bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. CONTRACT FOR LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION BUILDING (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $62,701 to E. H. Sheldon Equipment Company, St. Louis, Missouri, the lowest bidder, for fixed laboratory equipment for the College of Education Building. It is further recommended that this contract be assigned to Felmley-Dickerson Company, Urbana, Illinois, the contractor for general construction work on this building, making the total of his contract price $2,795,023; and that an agreement be entered into with Felmley-Dickerson Company for the assignment of the contract with E. H. Sheldon Equipment Company to that firm without any adjusment in the original fee ($27,000) for assignment of other contracts which amount has been included in the contract price, being the amount bid as a service charge for supervision of contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. 240 board of trustees [November 9 CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING ILLINOIS SURGICAL INSTITUTE (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for remodeling and construction of an addition to the fourth floor of the Illinois Surgical Institute, a unit of the Research and Educational Hospitals, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Oman and Giden, Inc., Northfield..........................$ 63 660 Base bid ..............................................$61 300 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor............................ 2 000 Air conditioning.................................. 360 Laboratory Equipment--- Browne-Morse Company, Chicago............ 16 574 Plumbing --- Ewing Plumbing, Inc., River Forest....................... 7 500 Heating --- Louis Cutler Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago...... 20 140 Base bid ..............................................$11 400 Additive alternate for air conditioning.................. 8 740 Ventilating --- Byness, Inc., Chicago................................... 14 653 Electrical --- Divane Brothers Electric Company, Chicago............... 16 670 Base bid ..............................................$15 940 Additive alternate for air conditioning.................. 730 Total............................................................$139 197 The contracts are for remodeling of the present fourth floor and construction of an addition on the roof of the Illinois Surgical Institute for research laboratories for the Department of Orthopaedics. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $139,197; and that an agreement be entered into with Oman and Giden, Inc., for the assignment of these other contracts for $2,000 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released and from a matching National Institutes of Health Grant (RC-1069). A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith and is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING AND AIR CONDITIONING IN FIRST UNIT OF DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for remodeling and air conditioning conference and lecture rooms in the first unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Heating --- Utility Air Conditioning and Heating Company, Oak Park..$ 54 411 Base bid ..............................................$52 811 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor........... 1 600 Ventilating --- Narowetz Heating and Ventilating Company, Chicago.... 20 370 Plumbing ---- Ewing Plumbing, Inc., River Forest...................... 705 Electrical --- Midwest Interstate Electrical Construction Company, Chicago.......................................................... 13 872 General --- Simpson Construction Company, Chicago.................... 18 841 Total............................................................$"108 199 It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for heating be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $108,199; and that an agreement be entered into with Utility Air Conditioning and Heating Company for the assignment of these other contracts 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 241 for $1,600 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Wilkins. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of architects and engineers for the following assignments and on the terms indicated: Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Clinic --- Perkins and Will, Chicago, for architectural services including preliminary studies, working drawings, plans and specifications, and supervision of construction, at a fee of 6 per cent of the construction costs. Physical Plant Service Building, Medical Center --- Friedman, Alschuler, and Sincere, Chicago, for architectural services including design, working drawings, plans and specifications, and supervision of construction, at a fee of 6 per cent of the cost of construction. Paving of Oak Street, Construction of Central Trash Disposal Depot, and Construction of Parking Facilities South of Florida Avenue, Urbana-Champaign --- Clark, Daily, Dietz, and Associates, Urbana, for engineering services including surveys, estimates of cost, preparation of plans and specifications, and general supervision of construction, at a fee based on Schedule B of minimum fees of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers. These firms have been recommended for the specific assignments by the Advisory Committee on the Selection of Architects and Engineers. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has also been consulted and recommends approval. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these recommendations were approved. PURCHASES (12) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. I concur. Chicago Colleges and Divisions item ueparimem venaor L0 Electronic instruments consisting of Engineering, Crossley Associates, 3 6 764 69 eleven vacuum tube voltmeters, Chicago Inc., delivered eleven audio oscillators, and eleven Undergraduate Chicago amplifiers Division Two superspeed refrigerated centrifuges Medicine Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 5 100 00 for continuous and batch operation Norwalk, Conn. delivered with accessories One research microscope and photo- Oral Anatomy W. H. Kessel & Co., 3 359 46 micrographic accessories Chicago delivered Rehabilitation of one 200-ton refrigera- Physical Plant, Carrier Air 11 630 00 tion compressor including cleaning Medical Conditioning Co., estimated and reassembling of all compressor Center Chicago price parts, cleaning of the cooler and con- denser, and replacement of parts wherever necessary One hypothermia unit, to be used for Research and Hemathermatrol Corp., 2 550 00 the control of patient's body temper- Educational Indianapolis, Ind. freight ature in the Recovery and Operating Hospitals allowed Rooms of the Research and Educa- tional Hospitals 242 board of trustees [November 9 Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of hospital equipment consisting Research and Chicago Hospital $ 6 431 06 of 27 examining tables, one treatment Educational Supply Co., delivered table, one treatment cabinet, 24 pieces Hospitals Chicago of diagnostic equipment, one bassinet, one cast cutter, eight stools, and 12 waste cans Two sets of balanced stainless steel Physical Plant Ellison Bronze 3 916 00 metal doors, frames, and hardware Co., Inc., delivered for replacements of existing entrances Chicago at 805 South Wolcott Street and 817 South Wolcott Street, at the Medical Center, Chicago Urbana-Champaign Departments Item Department Vendor Cost Two 1963 sedans, compact, two-door. Agency for North Park Sales & 3 476 96 six-passenger, six-cylinder, nianual International Service, Inc., f.a.s. shift, equipped with right-hand drive Development Chicago San Francisco, One photosommateur Chemistry and Engis Equipment Co., Calif. 3 244 00 Chemical Chicago f.o.b. Engineering Chicago One measurement and recording system Civil Engineering Consolidated 10 001 75 consisting of: Electrodynamics Corp., f.o.b. Recording oscillograph, twelve-trace Chicago delivered capacity, speeds 0.25 to over 100 inches per second, seven galvanom- eters, trace numbering, electronic flash timing (Group A) Two amplifiers. D.C., 20 KC, single channel, frequency response flat to $pM 1 per cent (Group B) Amplifier, carrier, four-channel, 20 KC, rack mount (Group C) One computer, digital, and data storage Civil Engineering Mnemotron Corp., 14 095 00 unit, 1 to 4 simultaneous discrete in- c/o Electronic Aides, f.o.b. puts, 400 ordinates Chicago North One extra modulator set; 1-type-punch- Haven, read control unit Conn. One light bank One recording system consisting of two Civil Engineering Minneapolis-Honeywell 22 090 00 eight-channel units, YY& and 60 ips. Regulator Co., Chicago (Group A) 0-10,000 cps. FM (Group A) One magnetic oscillograph, 18-channel, Consolidated 5 430 20 with 0-500 and 0-1000 cps galvanom- Electrodynamics Corp., eters, rack mount (Group B) Chicago (Group B) 16-amplifier modules and two-rack Dana Laboratories, 6 900 00 mounts and power supplies (Group C) c/o Pivan Engineering, Chicago (Group C) (34 420 20) Fifteen steel plates, size 4 ft. by 8 ft. by Civil Engineering United States Steel 3 876 63 % in. thick, produced from one heat Corp., f.o.b. under military specifications Chicago delivered One kerr-cell camera system, 5 nano- Coordinated Electro-Optical 4 285 00 seconds to 10 microseconds exposure Science Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. time Laboratory Pasadena, Calif. delivered Print and bind 15,000 copies of The Elementary George Banta Co., 3 118 IS Universe in Motion, by J. Myron Education Chicago f.o.b. Atkin and Stanley P. Wyatt, approxi- delivered mately 96 pages per copy, trim size 8J4 in. by 11 in., to be printed by offset One counter, eight-digit, solid stage, 50 Electrical Hewlett-Packard Co., 5 975 00 me, sensitivity 0.1 volt, RMS time Engineering c/o Crossley f.o.b. base stability $pM3 parts in 10" per day, Associates, Inc., Palo with piug-in to extend range to 100 Chicago Alto, me, and with time interval plug-in Calif. with 0.1 microsecond resolution One digital recorder for use with above and with analog output installed One slicing machine, crystal, manually Electrical DoAU Rockford Co., 3 904 36 indexed, 6 in. by 12 in. table area (this Engineering Rockford f.o.b. machine is used for precision slicing of delivered wafers from semi-conductor materials such as germanium with a minimum amount of lost material; semi-con- ductor materials are used to make electronic devices such as transistors and diodes) 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 243 Item Department Vendor Cost One analog computer including chassis, Electrical Electronic $ 8 391 00 power supplies, amplifiers, pre-patch Engineering Associates, Inc., f.o.b. program system, variable function Mount Prospect Long diode generator, patch-bay installa- Branch, tion kits, pre-patch panel, and slaving N.J. One liquid scintillation spectrometer Food Technology Packard Instrument 13 190 SO with bench top electronics, one gas Co., Inc., f.o.b. fraction collector, and one supply kit La Grange delivered containing chemicals and standards and to put the spectrometer and collector installed into operation One high vacuum ultracentrifuge, pre- Food Technology Spinco Division, 8 995 00 parative type and two rotors for use in the study of lipoproteins in the Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. Inc., delivered human blood stream Palo Alto, Calif. Laboratory equipment and apparatus General Chemical Chicago Apparatus Co- 4 655 00 for stock in the General Chemical Stores Chicago f.o.b. Stores including one recording spec- delivered trophotometer, glass cutters, micro burners, rubber tubing, ring supports, rubber sheeting, hydrion paper, razor blades, and neoprene filter adapters (this is an estimated six-month supply) One lot laboratory glassware including General Chemical Chatas Glass Co., 2 564 01 flasks, distilling columns, condensers, Stores Vineland, N.J. f.o.b. stoppers, and thermometers for stock delivered in the General Chemical Stores (this is an estimated six-month supply) Computer service for the period of Oc- Physics General Motors Corp. 30 000 00 tober 5, 1962, to June 30, 1964 Research Laboratories, total Warren, Mich. estimated cost One monochromator, double pass quartz Physics The Perkin-EImer 3 815 00 prism, including beam chopper, wave- Corp., f.o.b. length range 0.2 to 5.2 microns Norwalk, Conn. Norwalk, One prism, mounted fused quartz, .60$dG, Conn. 60 by 70 mm. One data read-out system consisting of Physics Nuclear Research 10 090 00 new encoders, translators, and output Instruments, f.o.b. control electronics for precision film reader Berkeley, Calif. delivered One oscillograph, recording, 18 trace Mechanical and Consolidated 5 176 00 capacity, record speeds 0.25 to 64 Industrial Electrodynamics Corp., f.o.b. inches per sound, complete with trace Engineering Chicago delivered numbering kit, magnet block heater kit, electronic flash timing, rackmount drawer slide, take-up reel assembly, four galvanometers, and galvanom- eter driver amplifier and case One transistorized pulse height analyzer Nuclear Radiation Instrument 19 193 50 system, and two detectors with pre- Engineering Development f.o.b. amplifiers, designed to scan, on a Laboratory, Inc., delivered simultaneous basis, random voltage Melrose Park and pulses having a wide range of ampli- installed tudes and waveforms, and to sort them on an amplitude basis into one of 400 amplitude ranges One ice rink resurfacing machine, rider Physical Frank J. Zamboni & Co., 8 328 90 type, self-propelled, powered by auto- Education Paramount, Calif. f.o.b. motive type gasoline engine, designed delivered to be operated by one man to shave the ice, pick up loose snow, wash and squeegee behind the blade; machine to be capable of completely resurfac- ing a 100 ft. by 200 ft. area in 15 min- utes, for use in University of Illinois Ice Rink Forty-one prints each of three films, University High Fischer Photographic 4 980 81 "Point of View," Parts I and II, and School Laboratory, f.o.b. "Biology Plus" from AB negative, Oak Park Oak 16mm., sound, black and white movie Park film, plus required reels and cans (total footage is 117,957) Fifteen films, 16 mm., black and white Audio-Visual Walt Disney Films, 2 570 00 and color Aids Service Educational Film f.o.b. Division, delivered Park Ridge 244 board of trustees [November 9 Item Department Vendor Cos; Thirty-eight films, 16 mm., miscella- Audio-Visual Encyclopaedia $ 3 705 00 neous, color and black and white Aids Service Britannica, f.o.b. Wilmette WUmette Print and bind 2,000 copies of Problems University Press George Banta Co., 4 135 55 of Economics and Sociology, by Carl Chicago f.o.b. Menger, approximately 256 pages per delivered copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 H in. Print and bind 25,000 copies of High University Press George Banta Co.. 27 065 00 School Mathematics, Units 1 through Chicago f.o.b. 4, Students' Edition, approximately Menasha, 708 pages per copy, trim size &H in. Wis. by 11 in. Feint and bind 4,000 copies High School Mathematics, Unit 1, Students' Edi- tion, approximately 164 pages per copy, trim size 8K in. by 11 in. Print and bind 35,000 copies of Time University Press Phillips Bros., Inc., 6 851 25 Table, second semester, 1962-63, ap- Springfield f.o.h. proximately 320 pages per copy, trim delivered size SH in. by &M in. Thirty-six memo books, various sizes Office Supply Aero-Adroit, Inc., 6 592 00 4,016 ring binders, three-ring, various Storeroom, Chicago f.o.b. sizes 1,074 composition notebooks, bound. vJrDailHf allu Chicago Colleges tic 11 Vc r c Q size 5 in. by 7 in. and Divisions 132 order books, various size3 1,728 notebooks, shorthand, size 5 in. by 8 in. The above are for Office Supply Store- room and for the Chicago Medical Center Campus and is an estimated ten-to twelve-month supply Steel office furniture with option to pur- Office Supply All-Steel Equipment, 95 169 52 chase small odd lot quantities between Storeroom Inc., f.o.b. scheduled shipments, if needed, at the Aurora delivered base bid unit prices plus 6 per cent Examination booklets, SM in. by 11 in. Office Supply C. P. Lesh Paper Co., 5 785 00 white, fault ruled, 16 lb., No. 4 sul- Storeroom Indianapolis, Ind. f.o.b. phite bond, as follows: delivered 100,000 sixteen-page 300,000 eight-page 100,000 four-page One paper cutter, 42-in. capacity from Office Supply Schimanek International I, 6 450 00 back gauge to knife, complete with Storeroom Inc., f.o.b. standard accessories, six cutting Chicago delivered knives, electric motors and controls and less credit for trade-in of one 33-in. installed capacity paper cutter; the supplier will be responsible for removal of the trade-in cutter and for the installation of the new paper cutter One duplicator, offset, with maximum Public Maginn Office 2 982 00 copy area of 9) in. by 13 in., equip- Information Equipment Co., f.o.b. ped with work organizer, flexible light Champaign delivered fixture, jogger, and quick change card and magazine installed On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. THE COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (13) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period October 1 to 31, 1962. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale Hoffman-LaRoche, Factors influencing the vitamin A $ 3 000 00 October 5, 1962 Inc. nutrition of cattle, sheep, and laboratory animals State of Illinois Depart- Chromosomal abnormalities in men- 19 479 00 July 5, 1962 ment of Mental Health tal retardation Project 17-106 State of Illinois Depart- Residency training in psychiatry 55 321 00 July 5, 1962 ment of Mental Health Project 17-121 University of Virginia Statistical properties of two-phase 27 000 00 October 1, 1962 (Task order under Nonr-3623 (S-6) flow Total 3104 800 00 Adjustments Made in 1961-62 Cost-Plus Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Dale E. T. Drewitch Fourteen items: J79.36 deduct to $ 1 302 95 September. 1962 (Plastering) S532.19 This report was received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (14) The Comptroller presented his quarterly report to the Board as of September 30, 1962. This report was received for record, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (15) Mr. Williamson, for the Finance Committee, reported the following changes in investments of trust funds from April 1 through September 30, 1962: 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 245 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date International Business Four keypunches $ 288 00 September 20, 1962 Machines Corp. (per year) Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale Rohm and Haas Co. Stress problems for solid propellant I 4 500 00 September 15, 1962 (under its prime con- rockets tract with United States I Army) United States Air Force Electronic properties of nonmetallic 3 574 83 August 23. 1962 AF 18 (600) 662 crystals United States Air Force Deformation and fracture of crys- 9 866 00 September 17, 1962 AF33 (616) 8177 talline solids under dynamic loading United States Army Anti-radiation drugs 19 639 00 August 6. 1962 DA49-193-MD-2212 United States Atomic Radioactive chemistry and chemical 63 961 00 September 26, 1962 Energy Commission kinetics AT (11-1) 691 United States Atomic Elementary particle physics 70 000 00 October 12, 1962 Energy Commission AT (11-1) 1195 United States Atomic Use charge for portion of Materials 195 797 00 October 9, 1962 Energy Commission Research Laboratory used in AT (11-1) 1198 commission supported research United States Navy Welding procedures, including pre- 15 000 00 October 2, 1962 NBy-24976 heating and stress-relieving United States Navy NObs-86112 Pressure vessel design 20 000 00 September 24, 1962 United States Navy Nonr 1834(12) Properties of insulating solids 24 000 00 September 1, 1962 United States Navy Nonr 1834(18) Variety of topics in number theory 20 000 00 August 15, 1962 United States Navy Mechanism of halophilism in bac- 6 000 00 August 8, 1962 Nonr 1834 (30) teria United States Navy Dependence of dielectric properties 30 000 00 August 20, 1962 Nonr 1834 (38) on crystal structures, chemical composition, and defect concentration Total 8482 337 83 246 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 9 Endowment j Pool Sale * S 000 Chicago, Illinois, Electric Light 3} per cent 1/1/70 $ 5 128 50 3 000 Ashland Oil and Refining SF 3Y2 9/1/71 2 872 50 5 000 Chicago Park District 314 11/1/71 5 247 50 5 000 Dallas SD, Texas 3.10 12/1/73 5 078 00 1 000 Rheem Manufacturing SF 3% 8/1/75 846 73 5 000 Adrian SD, Michigan 2J$pD 6/1/81 4 432 50 200 shares Bethlehem Steel common stock 8 241 89 114 shares Borden Company common stock 7 296 61 75 shares Borg Warner common stock 2 985 39 110 shares Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric common stock 5 409 46 15 shares Northern Illinois Gas Company common stock 933 88 200 shares Pillsbury Company common stock 9 153 87 60 shares Public Service Company of Colorado common stock 5 659 99 134 shares Shell Oil Company common stock 5 029 72 150 shares Union Pacific Railroad common stock 4 618 07 50 shares William Wrigley, Jr., Company common stock 5 979 44 Exchange $ 4 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2J per cent 6/15/62 foi 4 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J 5/15/63. 4 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J$pD U. S. Treasury notes 3% 5/15/63 foi 4 000 8/15/67. Purchase $28 000 Aluminum Company of America 4J per cent 1/1/82 $ 28 292 68 150 shares Ford Motor Company common stock 14 126 29 400 shares Northern States Power common stock 13 819 37 150 shares Quaker Oats Company common stock 12 359 68 250 shares Standard Oil Company of Indiana common stock 11 662 75 Cole Living Trust Purchase $2 000 Spokane SD, Washington 3 per cent 4/1/85-72 $ 1 844 72 Dennis Children txchange $2 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2)4, per cent 6/15/62 foi 2 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J 5/15/63. Duke Purchase $6 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J per cent 2/15/63 $ 6 041 25 Matula Oral Biochemistry Purchase $1 000 Aluminum Company of America 4M per cent 1/1/82 $ 1 005 00 Merck and ( Company Lectures Sale $1 000 U. S. Treasury notes 4 per cent 5/15/63 $ 1 006 88 Miller Sale 600 shares Tampa Electric common stock $ 20 947 05 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 247 Chicago < --- Citj I of Chicago Escrow Exchanj $pD178 ge 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3}$pD per cent 8/15/62 for 178 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J 8/15/63. Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reports the following changes in investments of unexpended plant and current funds, over which he has authority as shown: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Exchange $1 000 000 U. S. Treasury notes 4 per cent 5/15/62 for 1 000 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J 5/15/63. ueposit $2 000 000 Continental Illinois National Bank special account $2 000 000 00 2 000 000 First National Bank of Chicago special account 2 000 000 00 1 000 000 Harris Trust and Savings Bank special account 1 000 000 00 Purchase $ 100 000 CIT Financial Corporation notes 1/28/63 98 116 32 200 000 General Motors Acceptance Corporation notes 1/28/63 196 232 64 300 000 General Motors Acceptance Corporation notes 4/16/63 292 687 50 200 000 Sears, Roebuck Acceptance Corporation notes 1/28/63 196 232 64 200 000 Sears, Roebuck Acceptance Corporation notes 4/16/63 195 125 00 1 700 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/31/62 1 693 283 06 2 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/21/62 2 497 066 67 700 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/28/62 697 569 45 700 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/19/62 694 620 89 1 700 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/2/62 1 691 265 34 750 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/30/62 749 265 00 1 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/27/62 1 498 926 67 600 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/62 598 873 33 1 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/1/62 1 495 198 33 1 000 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J per cent 8/15/62 1 000 000 00 Construction Funds Chicago --- Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Auxiliary (December 16, 19S3) Purchase S100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/9/62 $ 99 313 00 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1958 (December 17, 1958, and March 12 :, 1959) Purchase * 9 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/21/62 $ 8 963 88 9 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/62 8 987 08 17 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/2/62 16 876 90 10 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/23/62 9 976 72 10 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/4/62 9 956 57 10 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/62 9 981 94 4 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/18/62 3 978 51 Graduate Housing (June 23, 1959) Purchase $ 12 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/28/62 $ 11 943 72 248 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 9 Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $390 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/13/62 $ 386 199 21 309 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/62 305 513 53 318 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 314 310 40 380 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 375 622 61 834 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/15/63 823 576 85 260 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 256 921 60 Peabody Drive (October 21, 1959) Sale $ 60 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/62 $ 59 950 13 Purchase $pD173 000 U. S Treasury bills 7/15/62 $ 172 187 02 320 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/16/62 318 928 80 310 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/20/62 309 216 39 50 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/62 49 925 92 248 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 247 032 80 Orchard Downs (June 14, 1960) Sale S120 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3J$pD per cent 8/15/62 $ 120 143 75 Purchase $ 75 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/10/62 $ 74 874 46 35 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/7/62 34 936 48 40 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/22/62 39 882 87 40 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/62 39 905 00 20 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/19/62 19 943 06 27 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/13/62 26 890 80 255 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/20/62 254 440 06 280 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/25/62 279 292 22 Mini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Sale $2 571 000 U. S. Treasury U ff f * certificates 3}4 per cent 5/15/63 52 574 213 75 ? 811 000 U. S. Treasury notes 4 per cent 5/15/62 and 1 760 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2M 6/15/62 for 2 571 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3M 5/15/63. Purchase $310 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/14/62 $ 309 514 33 610 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/13/62 604 716 25 340 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/62 336 265 38 840 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 828 578 34 285 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/29/62 281 294 52 194 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/6/62 192 617 10 162 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 160 123 73 290 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/15/63 286 530 63 365 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 360 708 41 Studem t Services (May 17, 1961) Sale $ 53 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2)4 per cent 6/15/62 $ 53 490 23 40 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/13/62 39 694 76 235 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3M 5/15/63 235 308 97 Exchange $ 75 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2)4, per cent 6/15/62 and 160 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3 5/15/62 for 235 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3H 5/15/63. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 249 Purchase $ 60 000 u. S. Treasury bills 4/15/62 $ 59 948 20 115 000 u. S. Treasury bills 6/14/62 114 823 67 173 000 u. S. Treasury bills 9/13/62 171 541 74 177 000 u. S. Treasury bills 10/15/62 176 090 82 35 000 u. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 34 853 70 Pennsylvania Avenue (June 21, 1961) Sale $ 47 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2 }4 per cent 6/15/62 $ 47 434 74 25 000 u. S. Treasury notes 8/15/62 25 371 51 818 000 u. S. Treasury certificates 3H 5/15/63 818 282 00 Exchange $513 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2}4 per cent 6/15/62 and 260 000 u. S. Treasury notes 4 5/15/62 and 45 000 u. S. Treasury certificates 3 5/15/62 for 818 000 u. S. Treasury certificates 5/15/63. Purchase S500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/14/62 $ 499 078 33 325 000 u. S. Treasury bills 9/13/62 322 101 75 215 000 u. S. Treasury bills 10/15/62 213 062 43 650 000 u. S. Treasury bills 10/18/62 646 860 50 190 000 u. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 188 969 25 20 000 u. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 19 872 50 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Purchase $ 40 000 u. S. Treasury bills 7/19/62 $ 39 886 11 170 000 u. S. Treasury bills 8/16/62 169 369 87 35 000 u. S. Treasury bills 8/30/62 34 898 40 140 000 u. S. Treasury bills 9/13/62 139 172 44 130 000 u. S. Treasury bills 10/11/62 128 955 96 140 000 u. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 138 491 85 110 000 u. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 108 561 02 90 000 u. S. Treasury bills 1/15/63 88 570 00 180 000 u. S. Treasury notes 3M per cent 2/15/63 180 281 25 100 000 u. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 97 631 67 40 000 u. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 39 436 80 300 000 u. S. Treasury notes 3K 5/15/63 300 468 75 540 000 u. S. Treasury bonds 2Yi 8/15/63 536 962 50 46 000 u. S. Treasury notes 4K 11/15/63 47 063 75 Sinkint ; Funds Chicago --- Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacj ' Reserve (December 16, 1953) Exchange S194 000 u. S. Treasury bonds 2lA, per cent 6/15/62 for 194 000 u. S. Treasury notes 3% 2/15/66. Purchase * 3 000 u. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 2/15/66 $ 3 020 63 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956 (March 23, 1956) Purchase $ 34 000 u. S. Treasury bonds 24 per cent 8/15/63 $ 33 789 06 46 000 u. S. Treasury bills 9/21/62 45 900 18 5 500 u. S. Treasury bonds 3 2/15/64 5 477 66 Womer i's Residence Halls of 1956 (September 18, 1956) Purchase $ 92 000 u. S. Treasury bills 9/21/62 $ 91 800 36 4 000 u. S. Treasury bonds 2J per cent 8/15/63 3 981 25 36 000 u. S. Treasury bonds 3 2/15/64 35 853 75 45 000 u. S. Treasury notes 5 8/15/64 46 392 19 250 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 9 Men's Residence Halls of 1957 (March 12, 1957, and November 18, 1959) Purchase 3120 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/21/62 * 119 734 43 57 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3% per cent 2/15/63 57 148 60 118 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2Yi 8/15/63 117 225 63 30 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 2/15/64 29 878 13 Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958, June 23, 1959, October 21 , 1959. June 14, 1960, C 1 June 21, 1961, and May 24, 1962) Sale $ 91 000 U S. Treasury bills 2/7/63 $ 90 031 76 Purchase J454 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/20/62 $ 452 886 72 39 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/21/62 38 757 81 518 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/7/63 510 808 44 39 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3}4 Per cent 2/15/63 39 060 94 35 500 U. S. Treasury bonds 2V% 8/15/63 35 267 03 Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 24 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/21/62 $ 23 723 17 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $157 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/21/62 $ 155 486 79 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 27 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/21/62 $ 26 932 29 On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Committee's actions were confirmed, and the report was received for record. EXTENSION OF CONTRACT WITH THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (16) On April 1, 1961, a contract was entered into with the Atomic Energy Commission for a research program, "Studies of Pattern Recognition and Data Handling Problems Arising in the Analysis of Bubble Chamber Photographs of High Energy Particle Events." The research work has been conducted in the Digital Computer Laboratory. The original contract was for an eight-month period, and provided payments to the University not to exceed $99,743. Subsequently, the contract was amended to provide additional funds of $223,034 for continuation of the research program through November 30, 1962. A proposal has now been prepared requesting a total of $978,109 of additional funds for a two-year period beginning December 1, 1962. The amended contract will provide for the purchase of equipment at an estimated total cost of $558,940, which is required for assembling auxiliary units for the Digital Computer. This proposal has been approved by all recommending officers in the Digital Computer Laboratory, the Graduate College, and by the Vice-President and Comptroller. Because of the amount of funds being requested, including funds for capital expenditures, approval must also be secured from the Illinois Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Swain, this proposal was authorized. ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BOARDS OF STATE UNIVERSITIES AND ALLIED INSTITUTIONS Mrs. Frances B. Watkins and Mr. A. J. Janata reported informally on the annual meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions at the University of Michigan, October 9-13, 1962, which they attended as official delegates of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 251 REPORT ON STUDENT HOUSING jyir. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services, reported on current housing capacities for students at Urbana-Champaign in relation to the enrollment for the first semester of 1962-63. A copy of his report has been filed with the Secretary for record. FIXED-BASE OPERATION AT UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-WILLARD AIRPORT President Clement reported he has received a request from Astro, Inc. --- Aeronautical Sales, Training, and Research Organization --- of Champaign, for a hearing on its application to the University for establishment of a fixed-base operation at the University of Illinois-Willard Airport. Mr. Clement stated that he will refer this request to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for a hearing. INSPECTION OF NEW BUILDINGS The Secretary reported that Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Dilliard, and Mr. Williamson made an inspection on the afternoon of November 8 of three new buildings recently completed on the Urbana-Champaign campus: Student Services Building, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Building, and the Health Services Addition to McKinley Hospital. DEGREES CONFERRED The Secretary presented for record the list of degrees conferred at Urbana, Illinois, as of October 15, 1962, on recommendation of the Urbana-Champaign Senate, and requested authority to include them in the minutes of October 17, 1962. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these degrees were conferred, as recommended, and authority was given as requested. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments made by the President; graduate fellows; resignations; leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Abboud, Louis M., Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (10-12-62). Albright, Mrs. Lorraine H., Assistant in Home Economics (C), y$ time, $3,675, and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, V4 time, $1,225, nine months from September 16, 1962 (10-12-62). Alvarez, Julian, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,200, supersedes (10-12-62). Arai, Mary N., Visiting Instructor in Physiology and Biophysics, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $388.88 a month (10-26-62). Avizienis, Aldona, Research Assistant in Microbiology (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $5,200 a year (10-12-62). Badger, Virginia M., Assistant in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (10-1-62). Baker, C. M. Ann, Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,900 (10-19-62). Baker, Forest N., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (10-12-62). Barcelo, Raymond, Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (9-27-62). 252 board of trustees [November 9 Babkley, Mrs. Clare E., Assistant in Verbal Communication (Division of General Studies), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (10-12-62). Barry, Dennis, Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), eleven months from October 1, 1962 $7,300 a year, supersedes (10-1-62). Bess, Leon, Assistant Professor of Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division) academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,000, supersedes (10-12-62). ' Bezkorovainy, Anatoly, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-3-62). Borasky, Rubin, Electron Micrographer in the School of Life Sciences, one year from September 1, 1962, $10,200, supersedes (10-12-62). Broussard, Louis, Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division) academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,600 (10-12-62). Bryant, Robert E., Instructor in Dentistry, tys time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,650, supersedes (10-2-62). Bungert, William C, Research Associate in Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,600 (10-12-62). Calenoff, Leonid, Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), i4 time, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,200 a year, supersedes (10-1-62). Caporal, Mary L., Program Supervisor, Women's Intramurals (College of Physical Education), i/$pD time, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (10-12-62). Chan, Kwing-Seung, Research Associate in Chemistry, October 15, 1962- August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (10-16-62). Chenoweth, Mrs. Lynn I. W., Assistant in Nursing, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $5,500 a year (10-23-62). Chiu, Ren-jong, Research Associate in Botany, October 16, 1962-August 31. 1963 $7,000 a year (10-12-62). Churchich, Jorge E., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,070, supersedes (10-12-62). Clark, Mrs. Ardath M., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16 1962, $4,000 (10-12-62). Clark, John M., Jr., Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,000 (10-12-62). Clark, Shirley A., Instructor in Home Economics (C and S), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,100 (10-12-62). Cox, George, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), September 10, 1962-August 31, 1963, $7,500 a year (10-12-62). Crandall, (Mr.) Coryl, Assistant in English, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $466.67 a month, supersedes (10-12-62). Deanesly, Margaret, Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (10-1-62). DeJong, George A., Clinical Associate in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-3-62). den Ouden, Gerrit, Research Associate in Physics (C), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,500 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). dePeyster, Frederic A., Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery (Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-12-62). Dimmitt, Donald P., Instructor in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,000 (10-12-62). Doughty, Clyde, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), September 15, 1962-August 31, 1963, $10,700 a year (10-12-62). Dutta, Tushar Ranjan, Visiting Instructor in Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergradate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,800 (10-12-62) Echols, Harvey L., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,135 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). Eckner, Friedrich A. O., Lecturer in Pathology with rank of Clinical Instructor (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-8-62). Erickson, Duane E., Assistant Professor of Farm Management (Agricultural Economics) (E and S), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $9,000 a year (10-12-62). Erlenborn, James W., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-1-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 253 Ekwin, Joseph C, Assistant Professor of Pathology (Medicine), V2 time, one year from September 1 1962, $9,000, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (10-12-62). Evanson, Leonard, Instructor in Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), V4 time, September 17, 1962-August 31, 1963, $3,750 a year (10-12-62). Fagelson, David L., Clinical Assistant in Otolaryngology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-8-62). Fashing, Edward M., Assistant in Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,800 (10-12-62). Fejfar, James L., Assistant in Education, i/$pD time, and Counselor, University Council on Teacher Education, Teacher Training Counsel, Vi time, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,900, supersedes (10-19-62). Folson, Angela T., Consultant in Psychology, with rank of Assistant Professor, one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-23-62). Foote, Beverly D., Research Associate in Chemistry, i/j> time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,600 (10-26-62). Friend, Mrs. Beverly, Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-January 31, 1963, $2,600 (10-15-62). Fuller, John B., Professor of Clinical Pathology, at the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/fe-2, two years from August 16, 1962, $2,000 a month from August 16-31, 1962 and $2,050 a month from September 1, 1962-August 15, 1964; and Professor of Pathology and Director of Hospital Laboratories (Medicine), indefinite tenure from August 16, 1964, $20,500 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). Gallacher, Patrick J., Research Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (10-12-62). Gazet, John C, Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), 45/100 time, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $3,000 a year (10-23-62). Gdalman, Louis, Clinical Instructor in Pharmacy (Pharmacy), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-3-62). Grimm, Arthur, Assistant Professor of Physiology (Medicine), 1/2 time, and of Histology (Dentistry), \/i time, one year from September 1, 1962, $9,500, supersedes (10-24-62). Gyori, Gustave, Clinical Instructor in Pathology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (9-14-62). Herz, Janice R. G., Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-29-62). Hochhauser, Martin, Assistant Professor of Radiology (Medicine), 95/100 time, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $13,775 a year, supersedes (10-1-62). Hosek, Joseph J., Instructor in Pathology (Medicine) eleven months from October 1, 1962, $9,600 a year, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (10-12-62). James, Emory, Jr., Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,800 (10-12-62). Kahn, Sheldon M., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (8-3-62). Kaminski, Edward F., Instructor in Prosthodontics, y2 time, and in Fixed Partial Prosthodontics, Vi time (Dentistry), September 17, 1962-August 31, 1963, $7,500 a year (10-12-62). Kelly, Clyde B., Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (9-27-62). Kim, W. S., Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1962, $7,500 a year (10-12-62). Kolb, Mrs. Dorothy, Assistant in German, 2/3 time, $296.44 a month (10-22-62), and in English, 1/3 time, $148.22 a month (10-12-62), September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, supersedes. LaGoudes, Basil E., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,200 (10-26-62). LaVelle, Faith W., Research Associate in Anatomy (Medicine), 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,200 (10-24-62). 254 board of trustees [November 9 Leef, Gerald S., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-3-62). Lindley, Daniel A., Jr., Instructor in Education (University High School) academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,500, supersedes (10-12-62)! Liston, William T., Assistant in English, nine months from September It, 1962, $4,200, supersedes (10-12-62). Loftus, Beverly G., Assistant Editor in the Graduate College, October 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (10-16-62). Mackler, Hyman, Research Associate in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $10,500 (10-24-62). Madrilejo, Nora G., Assistant in Anesthesiology (Department of Surgery) (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (8-29-62). Malter, Richard F., Psychometrist and Assistant in Psychology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,400, supersedes (10-12-62). Marcus, David A., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (10-12-62). Markovic, Mihailo A., Research Associate in Anatomy (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,600 a year (10-12-62). Marshall, Wilbur J., Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gyne-cology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-3-62). Matz, Detlee, Research Associate in Physics (C), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,500 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). McEldowney, Harold, Professor of Architecture and Head of the Department, on indefinite tenure, Vi time, and Assistant Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts, one year, V$ time, to render service during each academic year from September 1, 1962 (Chicago Undergraduate Division), $12,650 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). McFate, Patricia A., Instructor in Humanities (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,200, supersedes (10-12-62). McMahon, Vern A., Assistant in Botany, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $444.44 a month (10-23-62). Merrill, Mary E., Assistant in English (Division of English for Foreign Students), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000 (10-12-62). Metzger, Mrs. Erika, Instructor in German, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $4,800 a year (10-24-62). Modai, David, Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), July 24, 1962-June 30, 1963, without salary (8-8-62). Mode, Elsi H., Assistant in Chemistry, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, full time, $2,000, and February 1-June 15, 1963, \/2 time, $1,000, supersedes (10-24-62). Montgomery, Clark A., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), f$ time, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,135, supersedes (10-23-62). Murray, Elliott C, Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, without salary (8-29-62). Nagata, Tetsuji, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from October 1, 1962, $5,400 (10-23-62). Newman, William H., Clinical Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-12-62). Noksen, Jeanette, Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,200 (10-12-62). Norton, Robert H., Research Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy), October 15, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,700 a year (10-26-62). Novak, Richard F., Clinical Instructor in Pathology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-29-62). Parks, Joe M., Instructor in Chemistry, Vi time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $1,800; this is in addition to his appointment as United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry (10-12-62). Patterson, Virginia N., Assistant Professor of Radiology (Medicine), 95/100 time, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $13,775 a year, supersedes (10-1-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 255 Paul, M., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, four months from October 1, 1962, $3,200 (10-12-62). Pietpokovski, Jaime, Research Assistant in Pedodontics (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (10-12-62). Plagge, James C, Professor of Anatomy (Medicine), 4/10 time, $6,400 a year, and Coordinator, University of Illinois Chiengmai Project (AID Thailand) No. 2-46-33-01-3-16, 6/10 time, $9,600, one year from September 1, 1962; and Professor of Anatomy (Medicine), on indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $16,000 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). Pulliam, William E., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,400, supersedes (10-12-62). Reed, Mrs. Barbara L., Lecturer in Recreation and Municipal Park Administration (College of Physical Education), to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, without salary, supersedes nonacademic appointment (10-12-62). Regier, Charlotte L., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,000 a year (10-12-62). Reynolds, Harry A., Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $9,000 (10-12-62). Richartz, Leon E., Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration (College of Commerce and Business Administration), ten months from November 1, 1962, to render service during the academic year, $8,000 a year, supersedes (10-19-62). Rothman, Robert J., Assistant in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (10-1-62). Ruoss, Marjorie, Assistant in Nursing, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $5,500 a year (10-23-62). Russ, Donald R., Associate Professor of Pathology, on indefinite tenure, and Acting Director of Hospital Laboratories (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $18,000 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). Sankasan, Balu, Research Associate in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), nine months from July 1, 1962, without salary (9-4-62). Schacht, Sylvia N., Assistant in English, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $444.44 a month (10-12-62). Selander, Richard B., Associate Professor of Entomology, August 16-31, 1962, $455.55; this is in addition to his previous appointment (10-12-62). Sevastikoglou, John A., Research Associate in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (10-12-62). Shapiro, Jules S., Assistant in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (10-1-62). Shekelle, Richard B., Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $9,500 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). Sherman, Marilyn J., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,400 (10-12-62). Shuman, Frank H., Foreign Visitor's Consultant and Agricultural Extension Specialist, in the International Cooperation Programs (Executive Vice- President and Provost's Office), for service under Contract ICAc-1453 in Region I, Jabalpur, M.P., India, November 1, 1962-October 31, 1964, $14,665 a year (10-24-62). Sinha, Ramesh C, Research Associate in Botany, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000, supersedes (10-12-62). Smith, George H., Jr., Instructor in Social Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 9/10 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,400, supersedes (10-12-62). Spencer, Jobie D., Research Assistant in Botany, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,900 (10-23-62). Starshak, Thomas J., Clinical Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry) and in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-29-62). Stearns, Mrs. Carole M., Instructor in Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,600 (10-12-62). Strehl, Francis W., Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine), % time, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,300 (10-2-62). 256 board of trustees [November 9 Strimling, Murton D., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-3-62). Sullivan, Frank V., Instructor in Education (University High School), l/i time, and in Industrial Education, i/$ time, academic year beginning September 1 1962, $5,200 (10-15-62). Swanson, David W., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), August 1 1962-August 31, 1963, without salary (8-29-62). Taubman, Joanne H., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), August IS 1962-August 31, 1963, without salary (8-29-62). Taylor, Richard P., Assistant in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-8-62). Titchener, Edward B., Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), 8/10 time, and Assistant Coordinator under Contract No. AID/fe-2 (Thailand Project), 2/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $10,950, supersedes (10-12-62). Toledo, Ferdinand, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,200 a year, supersedes (10-10-62). Trava, Marie F., Assistant in the College of Nursing, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,000 (10-12-62). Trevino, Luis, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Medicine) and in the Division of Services for Crippled Children, 7/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $6,300 (10-12-62). Trupin, Joel S., Assistant in Dairy Science (C and S), one year from September 1, 1962, $5,200 (10-12-62). Turck, Marvin, Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (8-29-62). Tyroler, Robert L., Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), y-j time, one year from September 1, 1962, $4,000 (10-12-62). VanNuys, John D., Clinical Assistant in Otolaryngology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (8-8-62). Vaughan, H. E., Professor of Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $14,000; and from September 1, 1963, on indefinite tenure, to render service during each academic year, $12,500 a year, supersedes (10-24-62). Walley, John E., Associate Professor of Art, on indefinite tenure, and Acting Head of the Department (Chicago Undergraduate Division), one year, to render service during each academic year, beginning September 1, 1962, $10,300 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). Wei, Lun-Shin, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500, supersedes (9-7-62). Wieczorek, Casimer, Assistant Chief Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,700 a year, supersedes 10-2-62). Wiehle, H. R., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, four months from October 1, 1962, $3,200 (10-12-62). Willis, Edward, Research Assistant in Plant Pathology (S), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $5,600 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). Wilson, Robert G., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy). i/i time, two months from October 1, 1962, $308.34 a month, supersedes 10-12-62). Winzler, Richard J., Professor of Biological Chemistry, at the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/ fe-2, three months from August 16, 1962, $2,100 a month from August 16-31, 1962, and $2,175 a month September 1-November 15, 1962; and Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), on indefinite tenure from November 16, 1962, $21,750 a year, supersedes (10-12-62). Wyatt, Marie G., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,400, supersedes (10-12-62). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Adam, William S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,700 (9-19-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 257 Allerhand, Adam, Postdoctorate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from December 1, 1962, $5,500, supersedes (10-16-62). Aronson, Neil, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pediatrics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-27-62). Atkins, Gladys, United States Public Health Service Fellow in Physiology, one year from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (10-1-62). Blain, Charlotte M., Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Anatomy, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-27-62). Brumley, Lyle E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, without salary, supersedes (9-26-62). Carbon, Michael, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Medicine, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-27-62). Carlson, Russell, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Anatomy, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Cave, Mac Donald, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,340 (9-6-62). Chambers, Mrs. Hazel M., Fellow in Sociology, nine months from September 16, 1962 $1,500, and two months from June 15, 1963, $375, supersedes (10-15-62). Diab, Ishan M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,700 (9-21-62). Duerinck, Wayne, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 1, 1962-June 8, 1963, $1,425 (9-21-62). Eisenbeeg, Sara, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,520 (9-27-62). Estolas, Josefina V., Letitia Walsh Fellow in Home Economics Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,000 (10-5-62). F-U.K, Barbara M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,040 (9-17-62). Fischinger, Peter, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Microbiology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Friedman, Robert, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $1,820.77 (9-26-62). Friedman, Theodore A., Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-27-62). Gantt, Ralph R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, nine months from October 1, 1962, $1,800 (9-26-62). Goldman, Barry, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pharmacology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Gorfinkel, Harvey J., Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (10-10-62). Gresick, Edward W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $1,955 (9-25-62). Hachtel, Barbara M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $1,955 (9-19-62). Helm, Frederic C, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-28-62). Hoffmann, Joan C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $1,900 (9-25-62). Hopper, Dorothie M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry (Epilepsy), October 15, 1962-August 31, 1963, $4,376 (8-29-62). Jakstys, Birute A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $1,955 (9-19-62). Jasinski, Donald, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pharmacology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Kant, Kenneth J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology and Biophysics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,999.44 (10-9-62). Kauffman, Frederick, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,900 (8-10-62). Kodama, Robert, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $1,425 (9-25-62). 258 board of trustees [November 9 Landes, Robert C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 1, 1962-June 8, 1963, $1,425 (9-25-62). Lark, Richard G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) jn Anatomy, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, without salary (9-17-62). Lawton, Irene, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 1, 1962-June 8, 1963, $1,425 (9-25-62). Lee, Joseph, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (10-10-62). Levin, Alan S., Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Lipson, Leon, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pharmacology nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Lott, James L., Engineering Faculty Development Research Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,285 (9-12-62). Mann, William S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,700 (8-27-62). McCloud, Mrs. Merline D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,000 (9-20-62). Mednieks, Maija I., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $1,820.77 (9-26-62). Miller, Raymond P., Raymond Concrete Pile Company Fellow in Civil Engineering, October 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $1,416.67, supersedes (10-2-62). Neidinger, Joseph, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $2,216.35 (9-25-62). Nozu, Keiichi, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, two months from November 1, 1962, $558.33 a month (10-12-62). Osmanski, C. Paul, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Dentistry, ten months from September 1, 1962, $4,583.30 (9-12-62). Parks, Joe M., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,000; this is in addition to his appointment as Instructor in Chemistry on one-half time (10-12-62). Previc, Edward, United States Public Health Service Fellow in Biochemistry, one year from September 1, 1962, $3,700 (9-25-62). Pritchard, James D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 1, 1962-June 8, 1963, $1,425 (9-25-62). Rhodes, Mitchell, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-27-62). Rose, Roger A., Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pathology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Rosene, Gordon, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, without salary (9-26-62). Samuels, Arnold, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-27-62). Scholar, Eric M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,400 (8-10-62). Silverglade, Lee B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Oral Pathology, ten months from September 1, 1962, $5,416.67 (9-19-62). Sloan, Ernest D., Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Smoler, Jose, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Oto- laryngology, one year from July 1, 1962, $5,000 (7-30-62). Snyder, Robert, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from November 1, 1962, $6,000 (10-3-62). Swiatek, Kenneth, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, nine months from October 1, 1962, $1,800, supersedes (9-26-62). Terry, Robert, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Preventive Medicine, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-27-62). Thayer, Charles C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,200 (9-18-62). Verette, Ralph M., Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375, supersedes (10-16-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 259 Victor, Thomas, Part-Time Medical Student Research Fellow in Anatomy, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (9-26-62). Videtich, David A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, September 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $1,955 (9-19-62). Walsh, Patricia J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, nine months from October 1, 1962, $1,800 (9-26-62). VVebee, Dennis F., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Dentistry, ten months from September 1, 1962, $5,416.70 (9-12-62). Wininiarski, Genevieve, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 1, 1962-June 8, 1963, $1,425 (9-25-62). Zakycky, Oksana M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, nine months from October 1, 1962, $1,800 (9-26-62). Zielinski, Mieczyslaw, Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from October 16, 1962, $4,500 (10-12-62). RESIGNATIONS Biswas, Chitsa S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science --- resignation effective October 1, 1962. Blumenthal, Jerome S., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Crow, Samuel E., Extension Specialist in Firemanship Training (Division of University Extension) --- resignation effective October 6, 1962. Falk, Barbara M., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine) --- resignation effective September 21, 1962. Fitch, Brian T., Instructor in French --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Gerber, Quentin N., Instructor in Accountancy---resignation effective September 1, 1962. Hayashi, Marie N., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Hayday, Alexander A., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. McCarty, Charles G., Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective October 12, 1962. McMullen, Carl, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine) --- resignation effective August 15, 1962. Mizukami, Hiroshi, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics --- resignation effective October 16, 1962. Parsons, Melvin O., Jr., Assistant Professor of Business Management --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Rao, Pillarisetty J., Instructor in the Natural History Survey---resignation effective October 1, 1962. Rodgers, Roy A., Fellow in Finance --- resignation effective October 27, 1962. Spillman, Charles K., Assistant in Agricultural Engineering---resignation effective January 1, 1963. Tsuchiya, Goro, Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine) --- resignation effective July 1, 1962. Vles, Evert J., Research Assistant in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Yarwood, Dean L., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science --- resignation effective October 1, 1962. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Dauten, Paul M., Jr., Professor of Management --- leave of absence, without pay, from March 1 through August 31, 1963, so that he may accept an appointment as Visiting Professor of Management at Arizona State University. Falk, Alfred B., Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology (Medicine) --- leave of absence for eleven months from October 1, 1962. McAllister, Walter G., Associate Professor of Psychology --- leave of absence, with pay, for the first semester of the academic year 1962-63, on account of disability. 260 board of trustees [November 9 Otis, Jack, Psychiatric Social Work Supervisor and Associate Professor of Hygiene --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1962, so that he may accept a position at the University of California. Robertson, James E., Research Professor of Electrical Engineering (College of Engineering) and in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- leave of absence, without pay, from July 1, 1963, through December 31, 1963. Sinha, Ramesh C, Research Associate in Botany --- leave of absence, without pay, for one month from January 1, 1963. MEMORIAL TO RALPH F. LESEMANN Mr. Dilliard offered the following resolution: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois records with deep sorrow the death on October 19 of Ralph F. Lesemann, former Legal Counsel and Professor of Law. Mr. Lesemann was born in Nashville, Illinois, on December 9, 1899. He graduated from the University of Illinois with the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in 1922 and of Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1924. He was a teacher from 1920-21 and principal from 1922-23 in the Nashville High School. In 1924 he began practicing law and was with the firm of Kramer, Kramer, and Campbell, East St. Louis, from 1924-26. He subsequently served as First Assistant United States Attorney from 1926-31, and then returned to the private practice of law as a member of the firm of Baker, Lesemann, Kagy, and Wagner, East St. Louis. On July 1, 1951, he became Legal Counsel and Professor of Law at the University, serving in that capacity until 1961 when, because of health, he asked to be relieved of these duties and was appointed Special Counsel on part time, During these eleven years he served the University with distinction and untiring devotion to the work of his office. His constructive and insightful analyses of University problems which were brought to him contributed in many ways to strengthening the University's procedures and position in matters of legal controversy, and he won numerous favorable court decisions in University litigation. His death is indeed a great loss to the legal profession, to the University, and to his community as well as to his family. The Board directs that this resolution be incorporated in the minutes of today's meeting as a memorial to Mr. Lesemann and as a public tribute to his services; and that a suitable copy be sent to the members of his family as an expression of the Board's sympathy with them in their loss. This resolution was unanimously adopted. EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Mrs. Watkins, an executive session was ordered for consideration of the following items of business: RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY PATENT COMMITTEE (1) The University Patent Committee submits, with the concurrence of the University Research Board, the following reports and recommendations relating to patentable inventions by members of the staff. The Committee at a meeting held on September 14, 1962, agreed to recommend that the rights of the University in these inventions be released to the inventors if they indicated an interest within thirty days of notice or to the sponsoring agency if the inventors indicate no personal interest. 1. Plasma field displacement isolator and circulator --- Joseph T. Verdeyen, Instructor in Electrical Engineering, inventor. It has been shown that the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a parallel-plane wave guide, which is filled with a magnetized plasma, exhibits a nonreciprocal behavior. The effect is similar to that found in a ferrite field displacement isolator. The Patent Committee has heard nothing from the inventor after advising him of the action of September 14 and, therefore, recommends release of the rights of the University to the sponsoring agency, the United States Air Force. 2. Bent logarithmically-periodic zig-zag antenna --- John William Greiser, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, inventor. These antennas are continuous structures of a single conductor formed in the shape of a planar logarithmically-periodic zig-zag which has been bent along its longitudinal axis. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 261 The radiation pattern is unidirectional, coming off the small end of the antenna (backfire) and is essentially independent of frequency in the design bandwidth. An important feature is the ability of the horizontal elements to alter the active, radiating portion of the antenna. The inventor has indicated that he will not file for a patent; and accordingly, the Patent Committee recommends release of the rights of the University to the sponsoring agency, the United States Navy. 3. Dipole propulsion and accelerator system---Shao Lee Soo, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, inventor. Systems utilizing force on a dielectric or ferroelectric particle or body, or dipole molecule or atom when such a material is placed in a non-uniform electric field. The Patent Committee has heard nothing from the inventor after advising him of the action of September 14 and, therefore, recommends release of the rights of the University to the sponsoring agency, Project SQUID of the United States Government. The Committee further recommends that the University's rights in an invention, photo current suppression ionization gauge, by Wilfred C. Schuemann, Electronics Technician II in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, be released to the University of Illinois Foundation for further study and possible patent application. This invention is an ionization gauge, which has been designed to remove the low pressure limitation, due to x-rays, which is found in conventional ionization gauges. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved. RECESS On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board recessed. DEDICATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS RADIO TELESCOPE At this point, the members of the Board of Trustees, officers of the Board, and other officials of the University joined officials and members of the Danville Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon honoring the Trustees and representatives of the Department of the Navy at a ceremony in dedication of the University of Illinois Radio Telescope constructed southeast of Danville. Following the luncheon and formal dedication program, Trustees and other guests made an inspection of the Radio Telescope. The Board remained in recess. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS December 19, 1962 The December meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Morrison Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, December 19, 1962, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. George T. Wilkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Earl M. Hughes and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Professor Norman A. Parker, Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Dr. Joseph S. Begando, Vice-President, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Mr. C. C. Caveny, Assistant to the President, Chicago Office, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 263 264 board of trustees [December 19 ADJOURNMENT OF NOVEMBER MEETING The Board of Trustees at its meeting on November 9, 1962, recessed for luncheon and the program in dedication of the Radio Telescope in Danville, but did not reconvene. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the November meeting adjourned. INTRODUCTION OF MR. RAY PAGE President Clement announced that Mr. Ray Page, Superintendent of Public Instruction-Elect, was present, having been invited to attend today's meeting as a guest of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Page was introduced by Mr. Wilkins. MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on June 20, 1962, press proof copies of which had previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Swain, the minutes were approved as printed on pages 1499 to 1973, inclusive. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Secretary presented the following report: Contracts for Equipment for Heating Plant at Congress Circle The Board of Trustees at its meetings on May 24 and June 20, 1962, awarded contracts for equipment for the heating plant to be constructed on the Congress Circle campus, but reserved the right of the University in each case to terminate the contract prior to September 15, 1962, and without cost to the University, by giving the contractor written notice of such termination. The Executive Committee was authorized to act for the Board on negotiations with contractors in exercising the University's right to terminate contracts or to extend the period during which they may be executed or terminated. The Executive Committee on August 16, 1962, extended the period in which the contracts may be executed or terminated to December 15, 1962. Taking of bids for other construction on the Congress Circle Campus has now been postponed, so that it would be to the University's advantage to extend further the dates within which the University may execute or terminate the contracts for the heating plant. The Executive Committee reports that, on recommendation of the Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the President of the University, it has authorized the extension of the period within which the following contracts may be executed, or terminated, to and including March 15, 1963. The contractors concerned have agreed to this extension. High temperature water boilers, hot water pumps, and erection --- International Boiler Works Company, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.. .$235 597 Refrigeration equipment --- T. F. Hanley Corporation, Chicago.......... 185 859 Condenser water and chilled water circulating pumps --- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, Chicago................................. 20 493 Cooling tower--- Floor Products Company, Oak Park.................. 39 230 Switchgear and electrical equipment 15 KV switchgear --- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company...... 38 200 5 KV switchgear --- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company....... 44 800 480 V substation --- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company........ 29 650 125-volt battery --- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company......... 5 794 Inverter-diverter and control panel --- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company.................................................... 8 851 The Committee has also authorized termination of the following contracts with General Electric Company in view of the Company's policy that price escalation clauses would be applicable to these contracts if extended beyond December IS, 1963. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 265 Switchgear and electrical equipment: Motor control centers.............................................$ 7 025 D-C distribution cubicles......................................... 2 531 Termination of these contracts will not seriously affect progress of the work, assuming that the University may proceed with the construction program prior to March 15, 1963, since the equipment can be obtained under other contracts. The Executive Committee action was taken on December 11 and official notices have been sent to the contractors. Executive Committee Wayne A. Johnston Frances B. Watkins Howard W. Clement C. S. Havens Chairman Clerk This report was received for record. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: Name Address CPA From Eugene Howard Deutsch Gary, Indiana Indiana Kenneth Thomas Dufon Hammond, Indiana Indiana James Lyle Johnson Macomb, Illinois Minnesota Charles Herbert Libby Oak Park, Illinois New York Clinton Arthur Prust La Grange, Illinois Wisconsin Harold Harunobu Tsukuno Elmhurst, Illinois District of Columbia I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (2) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Charlotte H. Altman, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 2. Joseph H. deRivera, Research Associate Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, for the academic year 1962-63, on one-half time, at a salary of $4,350 (ESO). 3. Paul Dolinko, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 4. Rollin O. Dunsdon, Assistant Professor in the Bureau of Business Management, beginning October 15, 1962, at an annual salary of $10,500 (BY). 5. Frieda H. Engel, Assistant Professor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, beginning September 1, 1962, on one-fourth time, at an annual salary of $2,025 (D25). 266 board of trustees [December 19 6. Duane E. Erickson, Assistant Professor of Farm Management, Department of Agricultural Economics, beginning November 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (DY). 7. David R. Evans, Associate Professor of Entomology, Physiology, and Biophysics, for one month from August 1, 1963, at a salary of $1,335 (G), and from September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $12,000 (A). 8. Lyle P. Fettig, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, beginning October 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,500 (DY). 9. Mortimer D. Gross, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, beginning October 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 10. Harold M. Hyman, Professor of History, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $15,000 (A). 11. Gust A. Ledakis, Visiting Associate Professor of Law, for the second semester, 1962-63, at a salary of $7,200. 12. Elise E. Lessing, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 13. John P. O'Neill, Assistant Professor of Child Development, Department of Home Economics, beginning February 1, 1963, at an annual salary rate of $7,000 (D). 14. Theodore R. Peck, Assistant Professor of Soils Extension, Department of Agronomy, beginning December 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,000 (DY). 15. Robert H. Pollack, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 16. Steven P. Quigley, Associate Professor in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, beginning December 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $10,000 (D). 17. Paul J. Sanazaro, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, beginning September 25, 1962, without salary (DY). 18. Lester D. Savage, Jr., Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, beginning November 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $9,000 (B). 19. Morris Scheinman, Assistant Professor of General Engineering, beginning December 1, 1962, at an annual salary of $8,400 (B). 20. Paul W. Schroeder, Associate Professor of History, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,000 (A). 21. Thomas G. Scott, Professor of Zoology, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 22. Paul H. Silverman, Visiting Professor of Zoology, for five and one-hall months from January 1, 1963, at a salary of $7,639 (E). 23. Eric W. Simon, Visiting Associate Professor of Agronomy, for six months from April 1, 1963, at a salary of $5,500 (G). 24. Marilyn van Goethem, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, beginning September 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 25. John S. Willis, Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, for nine months from December 1, 1962, at a salary of $5,635 (B). On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these appointments were confirmed. SABBATICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE (3) I recommend that Dr. Norman A. Graebner, Professor and Chairman of the Department of History, be given a sabbatical leave of absence on one-half pay for one year beginning with the second semester, 1962-63, and continuing through the first semester, 1963-64, in accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes. Professor Graebner has been offered a Fulbright award for a lectureship in American diplomatic history at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, and will also continue his research on American policies in the Far East. On motion of Mr. Swain, this leave was granted. CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY (4) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Professor Robert W. Johannsen as Acting Chairman of the Department of History for the second semester of the current academic year 1962-63, to succeed Professor Norman Graebner who will be on sabbatical leave 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 267 of absence for one year from the beginning of the second semester of this year, at an annual salary rate of $11,800. The Dean also recommends the appointment of Professor Johannsen as Chairman of the Department of History for two years from September 1, 1963, Professor Graebner having requested that he not be considered for reappoint-ment as Chairman of the Department. This recommendation is submitted after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Department and is concurred in by the Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CERAMIC ENGINEERING (5) The Dean of the College of Engineering recommends the appointment of Professor Arthur L. Friedberg as Professor of Ceramic Engineering on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Ceramic Engineering beginning September 1, 1963, to fill the vacancy which will occur with the retirement of Professor A. I. Andrews at the end of the current academic year. The salary of the position will be determined when the budget for 1963-64 is submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. The recommendation for this appointment was initiated by a special search committee1 appointed by the Dean which canvassed possible candidates both within and outside of the Department and of the University; and subsequently all members of the Department were consulted by the Dean. The Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost have also been consulted and concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. APPOINTMENT OF ASSOCIATE PROVOST FOR UNDERGRADUATE AFFAIRS (6) The Executive Vice-President and Provost recommends the appointment of Professor Paul R. Shaffer of the Department of Geology as Associate Provost, effective February 1, 1963. Initially, this would be a half-time position for the academic year, and Professor Shaffer would continue his work in the Department of Geology on a proportionately reduced schedule. As Associate Provost, Professor Shaffer would be primarily concerned with undergraduate affairs on the Urbana-Champaign campus, and with relationships between the undergraduate colleges on that campus and those on the other two campuses. His responsibilities would include problems related to undergraduate instruction, student services, regulations, housing, and other extracurricular affairs. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (7) The Dean of the College of Pharmacy recommends the appointment of Michael J. Mankowski, 32 West Randolph Street, Chicago, as a member of the College of Pharmacy Advisory Committee for a term of five years from July 1, 1962, succeeding Mr. Reed G. Henninger, Riverside, whose term has expired. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. ADMISSION TO COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES (8) The Board on June 20, 1962, approved a recommendation from the Urbana-Champaign and Chicago Undergraduate Division Senates for revision of the minimum requirements for admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to include certain subjects. 1 J. W. Briscoe, Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Head of the Department, Chairman; Alfred W. Allen, Professor of Ceramic Engineering; Ralph L. Cook, Professor of Ceramic Engineering; Harry G. Drickamer, Professor of Chemical Engineering and of Physical Chemistry; Robert J. Maurer, Professor of Physics; Victor J. Tennery, Research Assistant Professor of Ceramic Engineering. 268 board of trustees [December 19 The All-University Committee on Admissions and the two Senates concerned recommend, the Senate Coordinating Council concurring therein, addition of the following statement as a part of the minimum requirements for admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Students ranking in the upper 25 per cent of their high school graduating classes are eligible for admission with a deficiency in science, foreign language, or history. Such a deficiency must be compensated for by an equivalent amount of additional credit in the other subjects listed. It is further recommended that these changes in requirements, including those approved June 20, 1962, become effective for students enrolling in June, 1965, and thereafter. On motion of Mr. Wilkins, these recommendations were approved. CHANGE IN GRADING SYSTEM (9) On November 7, 1951, the Senate Committee on Student Discipline adopted a policy and procedures for dealing with student academic irregularities which directed that the grade of "DR." be recorded when a student is dropped from a course for dishonesty in an examination or other required work in the course. In the computation of scholastic averages, the grade of "DR" has been the equivalent of the grade of "E," indicating failure. This policy along with procedures for dealing with such cases was implemented by administrative action. Formal approval by the Board of Trustees was not deemed necessary under the 1936 University of Illinois Statutes then in effect. The three Senates have now recommended, the Senate Coordinating Council concurring therein, that the grade of "DR" be discontinued, and that a grade of "E," indicating failure, be recorded when a student is dropped from a course for dishonesty. It is the opinion of the Senate Coordinating Council that this change in the grading system is a matter of educational policy which, under the present University Statutes, also requires approval by the Board of Trustees. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. Mr. Dilliard asked if the fact that a grade of "E" was being reported for academic irregularity would be entered in the student's record and expressed the opinion that such should be the practice. President Henry stated that a report in answer to the question would be made at a subsequent meeting. UNDERGRADUATE REQUIREMENT IN GENERAL EDUCATION (10) A special All-University Committee on General Education completed a comprehensive study of the requirements and programs of the undergraduate colleges in general education (courses in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences), during the second semester of 1961-62. Over a period of several years, the Committee had studied programs in other universities and had conducted extensive discussions of the means of improving the general education of undergraduates at the University of Illinois. In addition to several proposals for improved administrative arrangements, the Committee submitted concurrently to the three Senates the following recommendation for a change in graduation requirements in general education: "Effective for all undergraduate students entering the University on or after June 1, 1964, each Senate of the University of Illinois add to the present single all-University course requirement for graduation (English composition), a minimum of six hours each in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences, respectively. Approved sequences should be distributed over at least three years." The three Senates and the Senate Coordinating Council have approved the Committee's recommendations. The deans of the colleges have also been consulted. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these recommendations were approved. The Committee has also recommended, the Senates and the Senate Coordinating Council concurring therein, that: 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 269 Faculties of the individual colleges take immediate action to establish sequences in each of the basic courses, subject to approval by the appropriate Senate Committee on Educational Policy. After three years of experience with these requirements, consideration be given to increasing the minimum in each of the three basic areas to nine semester hours and to including a reading knowledge of one foreign language. These two recommendations are to the colleges and are being reported for the information of the Board and for record. CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING (11) The Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration recommends establishment within the Department of Accountancy of a "Center for International Education and Research in Accounting" for the extension and formalizing of the Department's work in accounting on an international scale. A more complete statement of the proposal for such a Center is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. As indicated in this statement, the Center will be a part of the Department of Accountancy, will be housed in the Department on a permanent basis, and the staff of the Department will serve the programs of the Center. No additional funds are being requested at this time and it is expected that publications and conferences will be underwritten by grants from outside sources. All recommending officers have been consulted and concur in the proposal. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (12) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: U rbana-Champaign 1. College of Engineering, nuclear engineering equipment............... $15 900 2. Physical Plant... Statistical Service Unit, remodeling and expansion of Computer Room in Arcade Building to accommodate additional new 1401 computer system............................................................ 5 800 Department of Speech and Theatre in Illini Hall, additional remodeling for installing a Hearing Testing Chamber....................... 5 727 Total, Vrbana-Champaign ..................................... $27 427 Chicago Undergraduate Division 3. Physical Plant, College of Architecture and Art, remodeling of two rooms ............................................................ 4 500 Grand Total .................................................. $31 927 I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING IN THE FIRST UNIT OF THE DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for remodeling of space previously occupied by the Animal Hospital, before moving into its new quarters in the Medical Research Laboratory, converting an area formerly used for storage into research laboratories for the Departments of Pathology and Anatomy, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder. General --- Duggan-Karasik Construction Company, Skokie.........$ 36 110 25 Base bid......................................... $32 578 00 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor.... 3 532 25 270 board of trustees [December 19 Plumbing--- Ashland Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago......$ 10 387 00 Heating and Process Piping---William Adams Engineers, Inc., Chicago ..................................................... 9 934 00 Ventilating --- Corite-Reynolds Corporation, Des Plaines............ 13 710 00 Pipe Covering and Insulation --- Chicago Pipe and Boiler Covering Company, Chicago ........................................... 1 670 00 Electrical --- Fries-Walters Company, Chicago..................... 10 618 00 Laboratory Equipment --- Browne-Morse Company, Chicago........ 24 326 00 Total........................................................ $106 755 25 It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $106,755.25; and that an agreement be entered into with Duggan-Karasik Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $3,532.25 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released and from a matching National Institutes of Health Grant (RC-1068). Submitted herewith is a schedule of all bids received and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for remodeling an area of the basement of the Research and Educational Hospitals (General Hospital) for use as locker rooms and for storage of medical records, the award in each case being to the lowest responsible bidder. General --- B. R. Abbot Construction Company, Chicago................ $49 914 Base bid ................................................ $46 789 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor.......................... 1 800 Suspended ceiling, Medical Records area.............. 1 260 Air conditioning, Medical Records area................ 65 Plumbing --- Fettes, Love, and Sieben, Inc., Chicago.................... 8 443 Heating --- Phillips, Getschow Company, Chicago....................... 5 215 Base bid ................................................ $ 4 200 Additive alternate for air conditioning, Medical Records area................................................. 1 015 Ventilating --- Narowetz Heating and Ventilating Company, Chicago... 20 946 Base bid ................................................ $17 573 Additive alternate for air conditioning, Medical Records area................................................. 3 373 Electrical --- Local Electric Company, Inc., Chicago.................... 15 065 Base bid ................................................ $15 000 Additive alternate for air conditioning, Medical Records area................................................. 65 Total............................................................ $99 583 A low bid submitted by the Thunderbird Electric Company, Chicago, would have to be rejected because of the Company's admitted failure to meet the standard conditions in the Board of Trustees "Regulations Governing Procurement and Bidding at the University of Illinois." The Company has therefore been permitted to withdraw its bid, and the electrical contract is being awarded to the Local Electric Company, Inc., Chicago, as the lowest responsible bidder. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 271 The remodeling will provide locker rooms and lounge facilities for nurses and other women employees and will up-grade an area being used for filing records. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $99,583; and that an agreement be entered into with B. R. Abbot Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,800 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Submitted herewith is a schedule of all bids received and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these contracts were awarded, as recommended by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS ADDITION (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of an x-ray view room on a second floor setback of the addition to the Research and Educational Hospitals and for remodeling and extension of a special diet kitchen in the Hospitals, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder. General --- B. R. Abbot Construction Company, Chicago................$ 62 390 Base bid............................................... $59 790 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor............ 2 600 Plumbing --- Ashland Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago........ 4 640 Heating --- Louis Cutler Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago..... 16 675 Ventilating --- H. S. Kaiser Company, Elk Grove...................... 32 400 Electrical --- Wadeford Electric Company, Chicago.................... 12 568 Kitchen Equipment --- Century Equipment Company, Chicago.......... 15 587 Total........................................................... $144 260 It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $144,260; and that an agreement be entered into with B. R. Abbot Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $2,600 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A schedule of bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR ELEVATOR REHABILITATION IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for the rehabilitation of two elevators in the Research and Educational Hospitals (General Hospital), the award in each case being to the lowest bidder. 272 board of trustees [December 19 General --- Heller Construction Company, Inc., Chicago...............$ 34 203 Base bid ............................................... $30 998 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor............ 3 205 Elevator Equipment --- Trimon Elevator Company, Inc., Chicago....... $ 59 996 Electrical --- Divane Bros. Electric Company, Chicago................. 6 590 Total........................................................... $100 789 The work will include removal of present obsolete equipment, revision of roof housing and shaftways and furnishing and installing two new passenger elevators, generator field control, two-way automatic leveling, duplex collective with and without attendant. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $100,789; and that an agreement be entered into with Heller Construction Company, Inc. for the assignment of these other contracts for $3,205 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company as a service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A schedule of the bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CONDUCTIVE FLOOR TILE IN THE RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (17) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $6,320 to the C. E. Korsgard Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for installation of conductive floor tile in the surgical suites and auxiliary areas of the Research and Educational Hospitals to reduce explosion hazards and to comply with the National Fire Protection Association's "Safe Practices for Hospital Operating Rooms." Funds are available from the Physical Plant maintenance budget. The project was advertised in the "Illinois State Register." I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR MOVABLE EQUIPMENT FOR BUILDINGS AT CONGRESS CIRCLE (18) The Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract to Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill for design services, including layout, selection of materials, and fabrications for the movable equipment for the following buildings at Congress Circle: staff administration, classroom buildings, library, lecture center, and engineering and sciences laboratories. Fees for this service will be based on time-card charges for services of professional personnel at the firm's usual and customary hourly rates, plus 150 per cent for overhead and commission. The estimated total cost of such services is $88,000. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, subject to release by the Governor. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 273 Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR FARM BUILDINGS (19) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $39,450 to Casserly Construction Company, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for erection of three minor agricultural buildings to be located on the University's farms south of the main campus at Urbana-Champaign. It is also recommended that assignments of funds for construction of these buildings be made from: Dairy Science Income --- for the Free Stall Dairy Barn on Lincoln Avenue Universities Building Fund --- for the Machinery Storage and Service Building on the Pell Farm Federal Hatch Funds --- for Machinery Storage Building on the Grein Farm General Reserve, $3,800 --- to complete financing of the Grein Farm building I concur. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this contract was awarded, and the recommended assignments of funds were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. REMODELING OF QUARTERS AT 8O7 SOUTH LINCOLN AVENUE, URBANA, FOR UNIVERSITY RETIREMENT SYSTEM (20) The University has been providing office quarters for the University Retirement System of Illinois since it was established in 1941. Presently the System offices are in a remodeled frame house owned by the University at 1210 West Oregon Street, Urbana. With the normal growth of the operations of the System, the quarters now occupied are no longer adequate. Moreover, the land area at 1210 West Oregon Street will be needed as part of the site for an addition to the East Chemistry Building, scheduled for construction during the 1963-65 biennium. Space leased by the University of Illinois Foundation in a brick, commercial, building at 807 South Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, formerly used by the Department of Art, is now vacant and, with remodeling, will provide adequate quarters for the University Retirement System. The University subleases the property at a rental of $550 per month by authorization of the Board of Trustees on July 21, 1959. The Foundation's lease of the property will expire in November, 1964. The owner has agreed to a five-year extension on the same terms and conditions. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that: The Board of Trustees request the Board of Directors of the University of Illinois Foundation to extend the lease for an additional five-year period with the understanding that subleasing to the University will be continued; An assignment of $19,000 be made from the General Reserve Fund for remodeling the property; and that The remodeled facilities be assigned to the University Retirement System of Illinois. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved, and the requested assignment of funds was authorized, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR PLANT SCIENCES BUILDING (21) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller 274 board of trustees [December 19 recommend an increase of $2,999.70 in the contract with the W. E. O'Neil Construction Company, Chicago, for construction of the Plant Sciences Building (Jonathan Baldwin Turner Hall) to include installation of temperature controls for unit ventilators in the greenhouses. Funds are available in the construction budget for this project. I concur. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR ALTERATIONS IN THE RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS ADDITION (22) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $3,618.85 in a contract with Consumers Construction Company, 3748 West Montrose Avenue, Chicago, for alterations on the eighth floor of the Research and Educational Hospitals Addition. The Department of Medicine has requested a change in the autoclave which is part of the contracts for these alterations. In the original planning, it was believed that a standard type of autoclave would be suitable; however, upon further study, it was concluded that an autoclave with a high vacuum system is needed. The new autoclave proposed increases materially the sterilization process as to the temperature at which sterilization takes place and thereby kills the bacteria faster and more completely than can be done in the standard autoclave. This is very important to the germ-free research work to be done in the area being remodeled. Funds are available in a United States Public Health Service Grant (OG-21). I recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this change in the contract. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this change in contract was authorized. BICYCLE LANE ON EAST SIDE OF URBANA CAMPUS (23) The number of bicycles now on the campus, the heavy concentration of bicycles at the Natural History Building and the East Chemistry Building, and occupancy of the Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls have created a traffic hazard on the east side of the campus, particularly in Mathews Avenue, Urbana, parts of which are presently restricted to one-way traffic. Representative officials of the city of Urbana and of the University agree that a bicycle lane extending along the east side of the campus would be a greatly needed safety factor. Studies indicate that such lane should provide for two-way bicycle traffic, and that a portion of the lane should be located in Mathews Avenue. Officials of the city of Urbana regard such lane as a needed public improvement and have approved, in principle, entering into negotiations with the University for construction and maintenance of the portion of the bicycle lane that would lie within the present right-of-way of Mathews Avenue. The proposed construction would reduce the width of the street available to motor driven vehicular traffic by approximately two feet six inches, but would not reduce the number of parking meters between Springfield Avenue and Nevada Street. Construction of such a lane would include connections with existing bicycle lane systems. The total estimated cost is $35,000. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize: Negotiations with the city of Urbana for the construction and maintenance, at University expense, of a bicycle lane approximately six feet wide on the right-of-way of Mathews Avenue from the south side of Nevada Street to Springfield Avenue, in return for which the City will adopt and enforce an ordinance permitting two-way bicycle traffic within the lane and prohibiting the use of the lane by any vehicle other than bicycles which are not motor driven. The execution by the officers of the Board of an agreement or agreements with the City and such other documents as may be necessary, subject to approval of the University's Legal Counsel. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved, 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 275 and authority was given as requested, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. AGREEMENT WITH DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH FOR OPERATION OF ILLINOIS EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY (24) The Medical Director of the Research and Educational Hospitals, the Vice-President for the Medical Center, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of an agreement with the Department of Mental Health providing for the operation of the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary jointly by the University and the State Department of Mental Health to replace an existing agreement entered into by the University with the former Department of Public Welfare (now the Department of Mental Health). Relocation of the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary in a new building which the Department is constructing on a site adjacent to the Research and Educational Hospitals and which will be completed in 1964 makes it desirable to amend the existing agreement in certain respects. The principal changes in the new agreement are: reference to the Infirmary being a "constituent unit" of the "Illinois Medical Center" is deleted; administrative and financial relationships between the two parties are clarified; and the joint management group is named the "Joint Executive Committee" with its composition reconstituted and its functions redefined. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, authority was given as requested. AUTHORIZATION OF FALLOUT SHELTER LICENSES TO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (25) The federal government has under way an accelerated program of civil defense, which includes plans for fallout shelters. The government has proposed that certain facilities throughout the country be designated and equipped, at no expense to their owners, as fallout shelters. A license must be issued to the federal government by the owner for use of any facility. State and local Civil Defense officials have requested the University to grant to the federal government such licenses for various buildings at Urbana-Champaign and at the Medical Center in Chicago. The firm of Brown, Manthei, Davis, and Mullins, Consulting Engineers, Champaign, has been employed by the federal government to conduct a fallout shelter survey and determine which buildings can be used for fallout shelters and subsequently licensed at the Urbana campus. The firms of Consoer Townsend and Associates, A. Epstein and Sons, Inc., and De Leuw, Cather, and Co., Chicago, have completed studies at the Medical Center campus. Such licenses may be revoked by the University on giving ninety days' written notice, sent by registered mail, to the political subdivision and the federal government. University officials will review the proposals for designations of shelters in order to minimize interference with educational programs. To comply with the request of the federal government, it is recommended that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute a license or licenses with the United States government for fallout shelters. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. LICENSING OF RECORDED PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION IN THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS (26) The University has been requested by the United States Military Academy, West Point, to license the use of five two-hour lessons recorded on videotape from the course Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 223, Mechanical Behavior of Solids. It is proposed that a license be granted only for their use over closed-circuit television for the instruction of students at the Academy. A fee of $600 will be charged for the license, in addition to the actual cost of the re-recording to duplicate tapes. This fee is a nominal one based largely on information 276 board of trustees [December 19 received from the National Educational Television and Radio Center which indicates that it approximates the typical rate charged for similar materials. Releases will be obtained from Professor T. J. Dolan, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and from Professors H. R. Weten-kamp and T. M. Elsesser who recorded the course. The Executive Vice-President and Provost recommends granting of the license to the United States Military Academy on the basis of the above. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. COMPLIANCE REPORT REQUIRED UNDER NONDISCRIMINATION PROVISIONS OF U. S. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS (27) On March 6, 1961, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order No. 10925 requiring that a provision be inserted in all United States government contracts that the "Contractor will not discriminate between any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color or national origin." The Order also requires that the Contractor submit information and reports as may be required by the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. Shortly thereafter, the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Public Health Service, and other government agencies with which the University has many contracts all requested a Compliance Report from the University for the use of the Committee. Parts I and II of the report requested information concerning the policies and practices of the University in connection with employment. This information was submitted to the Committee on June 30, 1962. Part III of the Compliance Report requested certain personnel statistics which were not available because of the University's policy of not requiring information as to race, creed, or national origin in the application form and other personnel records of employees. Accordingly, the information was not furnished. The Committee has again requested this information and since compliance with a Federal Order is indicated, notwithstanding a University policy which precludes carrying such information in its official records, it is necessary to direct the University officers involved to obtain this information from department heads who will make a head count to determine the number of Negroes and other members of minority groups in their departments. This information will be submitted and included in the report without personal identification and no specific information will be transferred from the survey to the records of the individuals. The report containing information gathered under these conditions will then be submitted to the President's Committee. This report was received for record. PURCHASES (28) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used in these recommendations to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost 6,000 (maximum) college qualification Admissions and The Psychological Corp., $ 5 100 00 tests, including tests, answer sheets. Records New York, N.Y. f.o.b. mark sensing pencils, and grading New York, services N.Y. One complete glass distillation appara- Chemistry and Corning Glass Works, 4 589 00 tus including twenty-foot distillation Chemical Corning, N.Y. f.o.b. column with eight bubble cap plates. Engineering delivered pressure gauges, manometers and glass boiler for graphic demonstra- tions of distilling processes in chemi- cal engineering classes 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 277 Item Department Vendor Cost One counter, electronic, transistor circuit, 0-2 Omc, eight-digit One converter, frequency, 100 cps to Electrical Engineering Hewlett-Packard Company, c/o Crossley Associates, Inc., $ 3 463 21 f.o.b. delivered 500 me, plug-in unit for above counter One oscillator, backward wave sweeping, 8.2 to 12.4 kmc, power output 10 Electrical Engineering Chicago Alfred Electronics, c/o Kenneth W. Meyers Co., 2 890 00 f.o.b. raw, two frequency markers adjustable over entire range, accuracy plus or minus 1 per cent Chicago Palo Alto, Calif. Four grand pianos, 5 ft-, 2 in., ebony finish, less trade-in of three grand pianos (A) Music Emerson Piano House, Inc., Decatur (Group A) 8 895 00 Four grand pianos, 5 ft., 7 in., ebony finish, less trade-in of four grand pianos (B) Seven of which are to be installed in various rooms in Smith Music Hall and one to be installed in the Theory Riley Music, Champaign (Group B) 8 240 00 f.o.b. delivered Annex Two pipe organs, two-manual, to be furnished and installed in Smith Music Hall, less credit for trade-in of two pipe organs One ruby laser system including: power Music Physics Wicks Organ Co., Highland Electro Powerpacs, Inc., 12 990 00 f.o.b. delivered and installed 2 929 00 supply, 5,000V; two capacitor banks, 1,000 joules each; one laser mount, air blast cooled, helical tube type; two helical flash tubes; and one ruby rod yi in. by 2 in. polished Ho wave or Cambridge, Mass. f.o.b. Cambridge, Mass. better with silver reflectors One recorder, X-Y, recording speed each axis 20 in./sec: DC voltage ranges 0.5 millivolts per inch to 50 volts per inch; AC voltage ranges 0.1 to 20 volts per inch each axis; time intervals on X-axis 0,5 to 50 sec/in; chart speeds 2,4,8, 16, 24, and 32 in. per minute Theoretical and Applied Mechanics F. L. Moseley Co., c/o Crossley Associates, Chicago 3 100 00 f.o.b. Pasadena, Calif. Print and bind 10,000 copies Undergraduate Study, 1962-63, approximately 344 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. University Press Malloy Lithographing, Inc Ann Arbor, Mich. ., 5 000 00 f.o.b. delivered One inserting machine, six-station, to insert material to be mailed into envelopes ranging in size from 6 in. by 3 Hi in. to 9}4 in. by 6}4 in., capable of inserting matter up to l/& in. thick, equipped with a postage permit imprinter University Press Bell & Howell Co., Phillipsburg Division, Chicago 11 675 SO f.o.b. delivered Approximately 280 cases disposable operating room packs 175 cases disposable obstetrical packs 35 cases disposable lithotomy sheets 70 cases disposable laparotomy sheets 91 cases disposable towels Estimated supply for seven months Medical Center Stores, Chicago Convenors, Inc., Newark, N.J. 23 817 15 The prices are firm for renewal for a full ; 500,000 multiple vitamin capsules having the formula which meets the requirements of the Therapeutic Committee of the Research and Educational Hospitals; this represents a one-year supply of the capsules One scintillation photoscanner, to be year's supply at total cost of 340,829.40 Pharmacy Stores, Security Medicine Co., Chicago Chicago Radiology, Picker X-Ray Corp., 3 075 00 delivered 9 250 00 used in the diagnosis of diseases of the brain and such organs as the liver and kidney 149 hospital mattresses consisting of the following: 100 size 35 in. by 80 in. 31 size 35 in. by 75 in. 12 size 36 in. by 72 in. 3 size 36 in. by 60 in. 3 size 30 in. by 54 in. Chicago Chicago delivered Research and Educational Hospitals, Chicago The Englander Co., Inc., Chicago 3 360 80 delivered 278 board of trustees [December 19 Item Department Vendor Cost One surgical operating table with anes- Research and American Sterilizer Co., $ 2 731 00 thetic screen, sponge rubber pad and Educational Chicago delivered foot extension Hospitals, Chicago One truck cab and chassis to carry load Physical Plant, GMC Truck & Coach 3 385 CO lugger and snow plow attachment Chicago Division, Chicago delivered Ten general purpo3e oscilloscopes Engineering, Crossiey Associates, 4 811 00 Chicago Inc., delivered Undergraduate Chicago Division Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cos* Print and bind 5,000 copies of Diseases Agricultural North Central * 4 459 98 of Ornamental Plants, Dy J. L. Fors- Administration Publishing Co.. f.o.b. berg, a book of approximately 224 St. Paul, Minn. delivered pages, trim size f>% in. by 10 in., de- scribing approximately 700 diseases attacking ornamental plants and ad- vising means of controlling them One spectrophotometer with wave Botany Applied Physics Corp., 17 392 00 length marker, multispeed chart Chicago f.o.b. drive, four rectangular cells, two mi- delivered crocells and jackets, one slide wire, hydrogen lamp, phototube and acces- sory kit; the equipment will be used to measure concentrated purified vi- rus preparations quantitatively and measure changes they undergo under various treatments One analytical ultracentrifuge with op- Botany Spinco Division, 41 471 50 tical system, mask and timer, and Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. twelve-cell assemblies Inc., delivered One preparative ultracentrifuge with Palo Alto, Calif. eight rotors and hollow stem radia- tion handle to be used in the Botany Department to study large molecules governing the behavior of both nor- mal and malignant cells One microdensitometer, double beam, Botany National Instrument 7 583 SO automatic-recording, 4x and lOx ob- Labs., Inc., f.o.b. jectives, with standard accessories. Washington, D.C. delivered for research and routine analysis in and X-ray diffraction in quantitative installed measurements of optical densities or spacings One monochromator, grating, with high Chemistry and Chicago Apparatus Co., 2 520 00 intensity mercury arc light source, to Chemical Chicago f.o.b. become a part of a fluorescence spec- Engineering delivered trophotometer system used to analyze and the fluorescence of light emitted installed One refrigerator, walk-in, sectional type, Chemistry and Industrial Cork 2 982 00 10 ft. by 12 ft. by 8 ft. size to be fur- Chemical Co., Inc.. f.o.b. nished and installed in East Chem- Engineering Melrose Park delivered istry Building, for use in Introductory and Biochemistry Laboratory courses installed One gas chromatograph with separate Chemistry and Wilkens Instrument & 2 919 25 heaters, sample size 0.1 to 2.0 mil- Chemical Research, Inc., f.o.b. liliter, automatic sample collection Engineering Walnut Creek, Calif. delivered and temperature prorgammer for use in metabolic studies in biochemistry One sublimator (freeze-dryer), refrig- Dairy Science RePP Industries, Inc., 5 760 00 erated, with sterile operation and con- Gardiner, N.Y. f.o.b. tinuous indicators and controllers for delivered both shelf and condensor for use in milk synthesis research Seventy-five sets connector frames to be Digital Computer Leichner Manufacturing 3 375 00 machined, drilled, and assembled as Laboratory Co., f.o.b. specified by Digital Computer Labo- Champaign delivered ratory; this material will become part of a new high speed computer which the University of Illinois has con- tracted to build for the Atomic En- ergy Commission Four power supplies, regulated, D.C., Digital Computer Kepco, Inc., 4 221 08 0-12 volts output, 0-100 amps; 1 per Laboratory Flushing, N.Y. f.o.b. cent regulation; 24 amps A.C. input, delivered 115/208/230 volts, 50-60 cps 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 279 Item Department Vendor Cost 600 terminal boards, type 2076 (de- Digital Computer Mandec Manufacturing $ 3 827 72 signed by U. of I. staff) Laboratory Co., Inc., f.o.b. 30 male and 30 female, 47 points Chicago Chicago 96 male and 96 female, 34 points 114 male and 114 female, 26 points 24 male and 24 female, 23 points 36 male and 36 female, 20 points One electron microscope, resolving Electrical The Bendix Corp., 15 500 00 power better than 20 angstroms, ac- Engineering Cincinnati, Ohio delivered celerating voltage 50 kvf with feature and that two specimens can be inserted installed simultaneously and exchanged by a single operation outside the vacuum, plus one full year service agreement 120 relays, coaxial, shorting termina- Electrical FX R Products, 3 682 00 tion, 75 ohm 12 vdc coil, bnc con- Engineering Chicago f.o.b. nectors, operation-switching rate of 2 Danbury, cps, vswr less than 1.02 and insertion Conn. loss less than 0.1 db over the operat- ing range, spdt One chromatogram solid state scanning Food Technology Vanguard Instrument 3 700 00 system, windowless 4 pi scanner for Co., f.o.b. counting tritium (H3). carbon,14 and La Grange delivered sulphur36 with an anticoincidence and circuit installed One microdensitometer, complete with Food Technology Canal Industrial Corp., 3 900 00 integrating recorder, for use in the Bethesda, Md. f.o.b. investigations on the synergistic ef- Bethesda, fect of heated fat on a carcinogen Md. P. C- Liao Collection of Chinese Clas- Library Mrs. P. C. Liao, 7 000 00 sics, 7,200 volumes Hong Kong Share of program for the cataloging and Library Library of Congress 7 750 00 preparation of printed catalog cards for 1962 publications received from India and Pakistan under the Public Law 480 Program Author and subject catalogs of the Li- Library G. K. Hall & Co- 2 970 00 brary of the Peabody Museum of Boston, Mass. Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, 53 volumes Two cameras, professional, 16 mm., University of The H. Lieber Co., Inc., 11 041 50 plus following accessories: two vari- Illinois Com- Indianapolis, Ind. f.o.b. able speed motors, two synchronous mittee on delivered motors, 11 lenses, two compartment School case3, two ?ound blimps, two storage Mathematics cases, two footage counters, six film magazines, two torque motors, one film magazine case, two batteries. and one shoulder pod One electromagnet, reconditioned, 12 Mining, Harvey-Wells Corp., 14 805 00 in. low impedance, including one set Metallurgy, Framingham, Mass. f.o.b. pole pieces having a final diameter of and Petroleum delivered 9 in. and a gap width of 3 % in- cooling accomplished without necessity of Engineering heat exchanger; one power supply with continuously variable in a single range from 40 milliamperes to maxi- mum current; one field sweep unit One instrument for rapid and accurate Mining, Magnaflux Corp., 7 480 00 measurements of the moduli of elas- Metallurgy, Chicago f.o.b. ticity and the damping factors of solid and Petroleum delivered materials such as aluminum, brass, Engineering copper, glass, ivory, etc. Five oscilloscopes; DC-15 MC; cali- Physics Tektronix, Inc., 4 425 00 brated sweep range 0.2 usec/cm to 2 Park Ridge f.o.b. sec/cm; sensitivity 0.05 volts/cm to Eeaverton, 20 volts/cm calibrated Ore. Five polarized viewers One lathe, toolroom, precision, metal. Physics The E. L. Essley 11 069 00 12 in. swing over bed, 20 in. nomi- Machinery Co., f.o.b. nal center distance, face plate 8 in. Chicago delivered capacity variable speed drive, 5 hp motor 280 board of trustees [December 19 Item Department Vendor Cost Laboratory furniture for remodeling Plant Pathology Kewaunee Technical $ 9 595 40 rooms in Horticulture Field Labora- Furniture Co., f.o.b. tory as follows: Evanston delivered Two center laboratory benches, 8 ft. long One center laboratory bench, 17 ft. 9 in. long One instrument and analytical bal- ance bench One sink assembly One cold room laboratory bench One glasswork table Two balance tables Five display cases 16 mm. films: Audio-Visual Encyclopaedia Britannica 9 504 00 Four --- The Novel Aids Service Films, Inc., f.o.b. Twelve --- Great Dramatic Literature Wilmette Wilmette Fifty---Biology Programs (in color) One ultramicrotome including table and Zoology LKB Instruments, Inc., 4 328 10 chair, diamond knife and holder. Washington, D.C. f.o.b. specimen holders, saw, saw blades, delivered grid boxes, and plate glass strips to be used in research on correlating molec- ular structure with physical structure in cancer cells and retinal cells One vacuum evaporator, automatically Zoology Tech Sales and 2 587 48 controlled, with vacuum pumps, bell Marketing, f.o.b. jar, carbon and tungsten evaporation Indianapolis, Ind. delivered kits for preparation of thin carbon grids and shadowing for electron mi- croscope experiments Eight extractors, laundry, 15 pound dry Housing Division Laundry Dryer & 2 848 00 capacity. 208 volts, 60 cycle Equipment Co., Inc., f.o.b. St. Louis, Mo. delivered One offset duplicator, to print on flat Print Shop Midwest Equipment & 6 438 55 sheets ranging in size from 4 in. x 6 in. Litho Supply Co., f.o.b. to 17H in. x 14 in. and having print- Peoria delivered ing area of 17 in. x U in., 5000-sheet and capacity, receding stacker and two installed three-wheel dollies, less trade-in of one offset duplicator 1942 model 40,000 sheets verifax matrix Office Supply Jefferson Stationers, 2 796 00 Ninety-six cartons verifax activator Storeroom Inc., f.o.b. Springfield delivered 50,000 sets combination purchase order- Office Supply Uarco, Inc., 4 049 95 delivery invoice voucher forms; eleven Storeroom Decatur f.o.b. parts per set; approximately 8j in. x delivered 11 in. detached 30,000 sets delivery invoice voucher forms; four parts per set; approxi- mately 8J in. x 11 in. detached 5,000 sets purchase order forms for con- tinuous purchase orders; six parts per set; approximately 8 in. x 5 in. This is approximately a one-year supply of these form? One grader, motor, gasoline-engine Robert Allerton Me Elroy-Roland 4 390 00 driven, complete with 10 ft. shiftable Park Machinery Co., f.o.b. moldboard, and scarifier less credit Springfield delivered for trade-in of one grader, motor, 1952 model; grader to be used at Robert Allerton Park for road maintenance, snow removal, and various other grading projects Furnish and install underground elec- Physical Plant Illinois Power Co., 13 124 00 trical service to the Orchard Downs Champaign f.o.b. Housing Addition No, 1; this system delivered will serve 160 housing units in this and area installed Seventy parking meters, sealed, single- Physical Plant Duncan Parking Meter 4 086 80 cylinder type collection system to be Division, Nautec Corp., f.o.b. furnished and installed in parking lot Chicago delivered at 1109-1111 West Illinois Street, and Urbana; with option to purchase up installed to 100 additional meters during the period ending June 30, 1963 Additional meters up to 100 will be fur- nished at the same unit prices of #116.48 per double meters and 360.74 for single meters, f.o.b. delivered and installed 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 281 Item Department Vendor Cost 180 mercury lamps, ASA code H36-15A, 1000 watts, color-corrected, mogul Physical Plant Grand Stage Lighting Co., $ 5 454 00 f.o.b. clamp base for installation in Assembly Hall Portable stage, steel scaffold-type, com- Chicago delivered Assembly Hall Waco-Porter Corp., 11 447 00 plete with side railings, access steps, Schiller Park f.o.b. and flame-proof closure skirt; it will delivered be a three-level stage consisting of a main unit 88 ft. by 48 ft. by 42 in. high and two auxiliary sections both 8 ft. by 48 ft. long --- one 28 in. high and one 14 in. high; this portable stage will be used in the new Assembly Hall Thirteen turnstiles, portable type, hip Assembly Hall Perey Manufacturing 7 410 00 operated control, register with lock- Co., Inc., f.o.b. ing cover, complete with matching New York, N.Y. delivered ticket boxes including inspection win- dow and ticket container 1,700 fiberglass chairs, stacking and Assembly Hall The Howell Co., 17 408 00 ganging, with steel frame for the St. Charles f.o.b. arena area of the new Assembly Hall delivered Electronic instruments consisting of Engineering, Tektronix, Inc., 3 983 00 three x-y oscilloscopes, two time base Chicago Beaverton, Ore. delivered generator units, and three wide-band Undergraduate high gain pre-amplifiers, to be used Division for advanced laboratory work and research One hydraulic feed surface grinder and Physiology, Norman Machinery Co., 6 329 50 accessories College of Chicago delivered Medicine and set in place One contour vertical band saw and ac- Physiology, Do-All Midwest Co., 3 850 65 cessories College of Chicago delivered Medicine and set in place One number two horizontal milling ma- Physiology, Kearney & Trecker Corp., 14 623 00 chine and accessories, less trade-in of College of Milwaukee, Wis. delivered one Heald Model LBT horizontal mill Medicine and set with vertical attachment in place One plastics injection press and acces- Physiology, Newbury Industries, Inc., 3 632 60 sories to be used for the manufacture College of Newbury, Ohio delivered of plastic parts in the Physiology Medicine Instrument Shop One three-dimensional milling and en- Physiology, Marshall & Huschart 6 099 50 graving machine and accessories to be College of Machinery Co., delivered used to engrave and duplicate small Medicine Chicago and set metal and plastic parts in place One six-channel curvilinear oscillograph Otolaryngology, Pivan Engineering Co., 3 445 00 to be used in the study of the inner ear College of Medicine Chicago f.o.b. Schiller Park One lot of polygraph components con- Pharmacology, Grass Instrument Co., 12 572 00 sisting of: College of Quincy, Mass. f.o.b. Four 6-channel consoles Medicine Quincy. Sixteen oscillographs Mass. Sixteen driver amplifiers Eight EKG preamplifiers Eight low level preamplifiers Four signal markers One selector panel Two transducers Four FM record amplifiers Psychiatry, Precision Instrument 3 645 00 Three FM playback amplifiers College of Co., f.o.b. One direct record amplifier Medicine San Carlos, Calif. San One direct playback amplifier Carlos, To be incorporated into the Psychiatry Calif. Department's existing tape transport which is used in psycho-physiological research on infants 504 bottles lipomul I.V. 500 cc. a high Pharmacy Stores, The Upjohn Co., 2 889 43 carbohydrate nutritional supplement Chicago Chicago delivered used in the intravenous feeding of pa- tients; this is an estimated six-month supply 46 electrical panel boards Physical Plant, Cregier Electrical 5 775 00 Chicago Manufacturing Co., delivered Chicago 282 BOARD OF TRUSTEES f December 19 Item Department Vendor Cost 500 dozen bath towels, 20 in. x 40 in. Physical Plant, Karoll's, Inc., t 2 822 50 white terry weave materis tl, 500 dozen Chicago Chicago delivered wash cloths, 11 in. by 11 in., white terry weave, 7% ounce material One lot of electrical supplies as follows: Physical Plant, Graybar Electric 12 152 19 100 panel boards Chicago Co., Inc., delivered 1,400 circuit breakers Melroae Park 100 switch, units 1,000 feet of conduit 25 elbows 100 couplings 200 lock nuts 200 connectors 5,000 feet of wire 500 receptacles 200 bushings On motion of Mr. Wilkins, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (29) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period Novem- ber 1 to 30, 1962. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date The American Iron & Control of cracking in concrete re- i 7 000 00 October 1 7, 1962 Steel Institute inforced with high strength steel The Pillsbury Co. Water activity characteristics of 5 900 00 September 1, 1962 cake-mix ingredients on the per- formance of cake mixes United States Air Force Semantic and syntactic properties 20 531 00 October 2, 1962 AF-AFOSR 8-63 of many-valued and morphogram- matic systems of logic United States Air Force Negotiation and decision-making in 16 347 00 October 1, 1962 AF-AFOSR 69-63 complex organizations United States Air Force Solid film lubricant-binder phe- 35 000 00 November 1, 1962 AF 33(657) 8758 nomena United States Navy Fatigue studies on plain plate or 56 810 00 August 15, 1962 NObs-88058 welded plate specimens Total 3141 588 00 Leases A mount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale John Deere Co. Rental of farm machinery: two fur- 3 48 57 July 1, 1962 row two-way plow and power lift tractor with optional equipment Eversman Manufacturing Rental of farm machinery: one 228 60 October 15, 1962 Co. scraper, one Ieveler, and one ditcher with attachments International Business Four key punches, one card punch. 2 191 20 October and Machines Corp. one verifier November, 1962 International Harvester Rental of farm machinery, twelve 5 098 52 June, July, and Co. items: $pD35.15 to $pD1,413.21 August, 1962 MacCarthy Ford Rental of farm machinery, five 1 237 97 October, 1962 Tractor Sales, Inc. items: #48.00 to $pD670.00 Massey-Ferguson, Inc. Rental of farm machinery: one corn 541 06 October 15, 1962 National Warm Air \- \J 1 i -1 /1X It, Rental of 1014 Lincolnshire Drive, 2 500 00 September 1, 1962 Heating and Air Champaign (September 1, 1962, (for ten Conditioning Association to June 30, 1963) months) Total I 11 845 92 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Isotopes, Inc.---sub- Studv of rainout of radioactivity in % 14 935 00 August 30, 1962 contract under contract Illinois number AT(11-1) 1199 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 283 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date National Steel Corp. Fatigue behavior of welded joints in $ 28 000 00 November 8, 1962 N-A-Xtra high-strength steels Tee-Pak Foundation Various types of films as retardants 4 300 00 September 19, 1962 to deterioration of meat and meat products United States Air Force Effects of dynamic loads on soils 12 727 00 September 13, 1962 AF 29 (601) 2876 and buried structures United States Army Nutritive value of major nutrients 30 740 00 October 31. 1962 DA-49-OO7-MD-S44 of irradiated food United States Army Feasibility of designing and build- 4 156 92 September 21, 1962 DA-49-146-XZ-023 ing a soil loading system United States Army Antiradiation drugs 566 00 October 17, 1962 DA-49-193-MD-2212 United States Atomic Ribonucleic acid in the accumula- 21 373 00 November 1, 1962 Energy Commission tion of ions by plant cells AT (11-0-790 United States Navy Design and development of selected 10 000 00 July 31, 1962 Nonr-1834(15) computer components United States Navy Radio astronomy 100 000 00 August 1, 1962 Nonr-1834(22) United States Navy Plastic deformation of solids 20 500 00 August 31, 1962 Nonr-1834(26) Total 55232 362 92 Adjustments Made in 1961-62 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date E. T. Drew-itch Two items: #25.00 deduct to $ 1 015 35 September and (Plastering) $1,040.35 November, 1962 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Plus Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Thirty-six items: #68.22 deduct to $ 2 476 68 September, Octo- (Plastering) $450.00 ber, and Novem- ber, 1962 This report was received for record. REPORT OF GIFTS AND FUNDS RECEIVED FROM OUTSIDE SOURCES (30) Following is a report of gifts, grants, and contract funds received by the University during the fiscal year July 1, 1961, through June 30, 1962. This report includes funds from private donors and funds received from governmental agencies and covers all payments received during the fiscal year. A period of several months may elapse between the time an offer is received and accepted and final payment is made, which will account for the listing here of some gifts of funds, such as for scholarships and fellowships, for the academic year 1961-62 and others for 1962-63. A number of these grants and gifts were previously reported to the Board when the offers were received, and likewise the Comptroller's monthly reports have included numerous research contracts for which funds had not been received at the time of reporting. These funds are being included here in order to present a complete report of all funds received from outside sources during the fiscal period 1961-62. The contracts have all been properly executed by the Secretary and the Comptroller of the Board. All gifts and grants reported have been accepted and duly acknowledged by the President or other appropriate University officer with an expression of appreciation on behalf of the University and the Board of Trustees. Colleges and Schools at Urbana-Champaign Undergraduate Scholarships 1. Alcoa Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: scholarships in ceramic engineering ($625) ; in mining, metallurgy, and petroleum engineering ($625) ; and in civil engineering ($625)......$ 1 875 00 284 board of trustees [December 19 2. Robert Allerton, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii: for the Allerton American Traveling Scholarships in architecture, 1962-63..... 1 000 00 3. Allstate Foundation, Skokie: scholarships for extramural classes for driver education teachers conducted by the Division of University Extension..................................... 3 000 00 4. American Air Filter Company, Inc., Herman Nelson Division, Moline: scholarships in engineering, 1962-63................. 1 000 00 5. American Society for Metals Foundation for Education and Research: scholarship in metallurgical engineering, 1961-62... 500 00 6. Archer-Daniels-Midland Foundation, Minneapolis, Minnesota: scholarship in chemistry and chemical engineering, 1961-62 500 00 7. Armstrong Cork Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania: scholarship, 1961-62............................................... 290 00 8. Barber-Colman Foundation, Rockford: scholarships in engineering, 1961-62 ............................................ 2 050 00 9. Bay State Abrasive Products Company, Westboro, Massachusetts: scholarships in ceramic engineering................... 1 000 00 10. California Company, New Orleans, Louisiana: scholarship in geology, 1962-63......................................... 500 00 11. Campus Chest, University of Illinois undergraduate fund-raising organization: scholarships, 1962-63.................. 3 746 36 12. Ceco Steel Products Corporation, Chicago: scholarship in engineering, 1962-63 ....................................... 1 000 00 13. Chemstrand Company, a Division of Monsanto Chemical Company, New York, New York: scholarship in chemical engineering, 1962-63 ....................................... 1 000 00 14. Consolidation Coal Company, Library, Pennsylvania: two scholarships, 1961-62, and one scholarship, 1962-63........... 1 500 00 15. Continental Grain Foundation, New York, New York: scholarships in agriculture, 1961-62 and 1962-63.................. 2 000 00 16. Corn Products Company, New York, New York: scholarships in engineering and physical science......................... 1 500 00 17. Dads Association, University of Illinois: scholarships, 1961-62 2 040 00 18. Edmund Deuss, Chicago: for the Raymond Torr Memorial Scholarship in Journalism fund............................. 100 00 19. Ehrlich Donnan Foundation, Seattle, Washington: scholarships...................................................... 200 00 20. Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., Santa Monica, California: scholarship in aeronautical or electrical engineering, 1962-63.. 750 00 21. Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan: scholarship in mining, metallurgy, and petroleum engineering.............. 500 00 22. B. F. Drakenfeld and Company, New York, New York: scholarship in ceramic engineering, 1962-63.................. 500 00 23. Russell F. Duncan, Berea, Ohio: scholarship in engineering.. 250 00 24. Emhart Manufacturing Company, Hartford, Connecticut: scholarship in ceramic engineering, 1962-63.................. 500 00 25. Federal Land Bank of St. Louis and various Federal Land Bank Associations in Illinois: two scholarships in agriculture ($500 each), 1962-63.................................. 1 000 00 26. Ferro Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio: scholarships in ceramic engineering................................................ 500 00 27. Foundry Educational Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio: scholarship in mechanical engineering, 1961-62................... 1 000 00 28. Galesburg Builders Supply, Galesburg: for the Harry H. Gunther Scholarship in engineering, 1961-62................. 500 00 29. General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan: twenty scholarships, 1961-62...................................... 14 200 00 30. Globe-Union Foundation: scholarships in ceramic engineering 500 00 31. A. P. Green Fire Brick Company, Mexico, Missouri: scholarships in ceramic engineering.............................. 500 00 32. Harbison-Walker Charitable Fund, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: scholarship in ceramic engineering, 1961-62........... 500 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 285 33. Estate of Dr. Charles P. Howard of Champaign: an endowment to establish the Dr. Hartwell C. Howard Memorial Fund, the income to be used to aid premedical and predental students (the bequest of this estate was reported to the Board of Trustees on February 21, 1962, and rules governing use of the income from the endowment for scholarships for premedical and predental students were approved by the Board of Trustees on July 18, 1962)............................... 191 264 64 34. Illinois Association of Insurance Agents, Springfield: for the G. A. Mavon Memorial Scholarship for students who are planning careers in the field of general insurance, 1961-62.... 1 000 00 35. Illinois Clay Manufacturers' Association: scholarships in ceramic engineering ....................................... 325 81 36. Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers: scholarships, $5,000 in any field of teacher training and $3,500 in special education, 1962-63......................................... 8 500 00 37. Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs: scholarships in occupational therapy ($600) ; scholarship in the education of teachers of mentally retarded children ($632)............... 1 232 00 38. Illinois Mining Institute: scholarships in mining engineering 1 985 32 39. Illinois Occupational Therapy Association: scholarship in occupational therapy ........................................ 350 00 40. Illinois State Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations: two scholarships ($500 each), 1962-63....... 1000 00 41. Indiana Limestone Institute, Bloomington, Indiana: scholarship in architecture, 1961-62................................ 500 00 42. Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicago: scholarships in journalism ............................................. 600 00 42. Kennecott Copper Corporation, New York, New York: scholarships in chemical engineering, 1961-62..................... 2 000 00 44. Mrs. Eugene Koch, Peoria: for the Linsley F. Ter Bush Memorial Scholarship ..................................... 150 00 45. Kroger Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: six scholarships, three in agriculture and three in home economics.................. 1 500 00 46. Captain James M. Lane, Charlottesville, Virginia, former Professor of Naval Science at the University of Illinois: scholarship................................................ 400 00 47. Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana: scholarships in mechanical and electrical engineering, 1961-62............ 3 000 00 48. P. R. Mallory Company Foundation, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana: scholarship in ceramic engineering................... 250 00 49. Men's Residence Halls Association of the University of Illinois: for the Calvin S. Sifferd --- MRHA Scholarship....... 800 00 50. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota: scholarships in engineering, 1962-63............. 1 000 00 51. Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Company, St. Louis, Missouri: scholarship in architectural engineering, 1961-62...... 1 200 00 52. Moorman Manufacturing Company, Quincy: scholarships in agriculture, 1961-62 ....................................... 1 500 00 53. Mothers Association, University of Illinois: scholarships.... 1 730 00 54. Motorola, Inc., Franklin Park: scholarships in art and industrial design ............................................ 1 500 00 55. National Association of Home Builders Scholarship Foundation, Inc., Washington, D.C.: scholarships for students in a curriculum related to the home building industry, 1962-63.... 1 000 00 56. National Merit Scholarship Corporation: scholarships, 1962-63 2 475 00 These are supplemental grants from sponsors of National Merit Scholarships in recognition of National Merit Scholars enrolled at the University of Illinois but are for scholarship aid to students who were not Merit Scholars. 57. National Secretaries Association, Champaign-Urbana Chapter: scholarship, 1962-63................................... 150 00 286 board of trustees [December 19 58. Nonacademic Employees Council, University of Illinois, Urbana: scholarship for a son or daughter of a nonacademic employee at Urbana....................................... 440 00 59. Old Ben Coal Corporation, Chicago: scholarships in mining engineering, 1961-62 ....................................... 1 000 00 60. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Toledo, Ohio: scholarships in engineering...................................... 1 000 00 61. Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio: scholarships in engineering................................................ 2 450 00 62. Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corporation, New York, New York: scholarship in ceramic engineering, 1962-63.......... 500 00 63. Perine Development Corporation, Indianapolis, Indiana: scholarship for a student in the residential development option of the land economics curriculum in the College of Commerce and Business Administration............................... 500 00 64. Estate of Helen Korte Phelps: three scholarships ($250 each), known as the Korte Scholarships, second semester, 1961-62.................................................... 750 00 65. Physical Education for Women Alumnae Association: an endowment to establish a scholarship fund for students enrolled in the physical education for women curriculum...... 1 000 00 66. Presser Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: scholarship in music, 1961-62.......................................... 400 00 67. Production Credit Association: three scholarships in agriculture ($150 each), 1962-63.................................. 450 00 68. Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis, Missouri: scholarship in agriculture, 1961-62....................................... 500 00 69. Scully-Jones Foundation, Chicago: scholarship in mechanical and industrial engineering, 1961-62.......................... 300 00 70. Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Chicago: scholarships in agriculture and home economics, 1961-62....................... 5 100 00 71. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York, New York: annual stipends for five Alfred P. Sloan National Scholars, 1961-62.. 3 200 00 72. A. O. Smith Foundation, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin: scholarship in ceramic engineering, 1961-62................. 500 00 73. Stauffer Chemical Company, Victor Chemical Works Division, Chicago: three scholarships in chemistry in memory of the late August Kochs, founder of the Victor Chemical Works. . . 3 000 00 74. Student Organizations Executive Board, University of Illinois: scholarships, 1962-63................................ 2 500 00 75. Texaco, Inc., New York, New York: scholarships in engineering, 1961-62........................................... 1 200 00 76. Trane Company, LaCrosse, Wisconsin: scholarships for seniors in mechanical engineering........................... 1 500 00 77. Union Carbide Educational Fund, New York, New York: scholarships............................................... 1 495 00 78. United States Rubber Company Foundation, New York, New York: scholarship, 1962-63................................. 1 400 00 79. Universal Oil Products Company, Des Plaines: scholarships in chemical engineering, 1962-63............................ 1 500 00 80. Various donors: to the Undergraduate Scholarship Fund... 115 00 J. D. Carrier.......................................$ 10 00 Josephine Dennis, Chicago.......................... 5 00 James Vedder ..................................... 100 00 81. Western Electric Company, Chicago: scholarships in engineering, 1961-62 ........................................... 1 200 00 82. Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland: for the Westinghouse Air Arm Scholarships, 1961-62........ 1 500 00 83. Witt-Armstrong Equipment Co., Springfield: scholarship in engineering, 1961-62....................................... 450 00 84. Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, Evanston: for the Shirley K. Strout Scholarship in journalism, 1962-63...................250 00 Total, Undergraduate Scholarships......................$ 305 614 13 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 287 Miscellaneous Awards and Financial Aids to Students 85. Alschuler Philanthropic Fund, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Architecture for a student award..................$ 25 00 g6. American Society for Metals, Chicago: to the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering for student aid........................................................ 100 00 g7, Bradley and Bradley, Inc., Rockford: to the Department of Architecture for student awards........................... 200 00 88. Deeter and Ritchey, Architects, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: traveling expense award for a student in architecture........ 500 00 89. Eugene Falk, Minneapolis, Minnesota: to the Department of French to add to funds to assist outstanding students in their studies of French.......................................... 20 00 90. Kivett and Myers and McCallum, Kansas City, Missouri: to the Department of Architecture for a student award......... 200 00 91. Koppers Company, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Architecture for a student award............ 500 00 92. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, New York: for the Fred B. Seely Award in Engineering (Mr. Seely is a retired Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics).......... 100 00 93. Contributions received by the Dean of Women from numerous donors to the Women Students' Aid Fund.................. 5 812 90 Total, Miscellaneous Awards and Financial Aids to Students...........................................$ 7 457 90 Student Loans 94. Alpha Phi Omega, an honorary service organization: for the Alpha Phi Omega Student Loan Fund.....................$ 750 00 95. DuPage County Health Improvement Association, Wheaton: loan fund for students in the health education curriculum... 1 000 00 96. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Ennis, Decatur: for the Dr. and Mrs, Arthur L. Ennis Student Loan Fund....................... 550 00 97. Ford Foundation, New York, New York: for Forgivable Predqctoral Loans to Future Engineering Teachers......... 100 000 00 98. Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, Capital Chapter, Springfield: for the LeSueur H. Hendrick Memorial Fund for loans to junior and senior students in engineering....... 500 00 99. Koppers Company, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: to add to the Koppers Student Loan Fund........................... 500 00 100. Henry Strong Educational Foundation, Chicago: to add to the long-term student loan funds.......................... 3 000 00 101. Tau Delta Tau: to add to the student short-term loan fund.. 15 00 102. Tile Council of America, Inc., New York, New York: for student loans ............................................ 500 00 103. United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare under the National Defense Education Act: for student loans for all campuses.................................... 250 000 00 104. Various fraternity alumni: for the Fraternity Alumni Emergency Loan Fund......................................... 525 00 Total, Student Loans...................................$ 357 340 00 Funds for Graduate Fellowships and Research 105. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago: Roger Adams Fellowship in organic chemistry, 1961-62 ($3,000), and 1962-63 ($3,400)..................................................$ 6 400 00 106. Allied Chemical Corporation, Nitrogen and Plastics Divisions, Hopewell, Virginia: two fellowships in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1961-62...... 6 013 03 107. American Cyanamid Company, New York, New York: fellowship in chemistry, 1961-62.............................. 2 980 00 108. Armco Steel Corporation, Middletown, Ohio: fellowship in ceramic engineering, 1961-62............................... 2 200 00 288 board of trustees [December 19 109. Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, D.C.: fellowship in highway engineering, 1961-62....................... 2 000 00 110. Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New York: fellowship in physics, 1961-62................................ 2 560 00 111. Campbell Soup Company, Camden, New Jersey: fellowships in food technology ($3,500) and in plant sciences ($3,500), 1961-62................................................... 7 000 00 112. Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa: fellowship in electrical engineering, 1961-62............................. 2 000 00 113. Continental Oil Company, Ponca City, Oklahoma: fellowship in mathematics, 1961-62............................... 3 000 00 114. Corning Glass Works Foundation, Corning, New York: four fellowships, summer 1962 ($500 each plus $495 tuition and fees and $1,000 for departmental expenses)............. 3 495 00 115. Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan: fellowships in chemistry ($2,750) and in chemical engineering ($2,750), 1962-63................................................... 5 500 00 116. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware: postgraduate teaching assistantship in chemistry, 1962-63................................................... 1 700 00 117. Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York: fellowship in engineering ($1,520), in chemistry ($1,000), and in physics ($1,000), 1961-62 ......................................... 3 520 00 118. Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey: fellowship in chemistry, 1961-62................... 3 630 00 119. Ethyl Corporation, Detroit, Michigan: fellowship in chemistry, 1961-62............................................. 3 160 00 120. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio: fellowship in chemistry, 1961-62................................. 2 080 00 121. Ford Foundation, New York, New York: fellowships as part of the Foundation's Experimental Engineering Faculty Recruitment and Development Program which includes funds for predoctoral fellowships and loans...................... 106 000 00 122. General Dynamics Corporation, General Atomic Division, San Diego, California: fellowship in physics, 1962-63....... 4 000 00 123. General Electric Foundation, Ossining, New York: fellowships in chemistry ($3,080), in physics ($2,730), in electrical engineering ($2,730), and in accountancy ($5,000).......... 13 540 00 124. General Telephone and Electronics Laboratories, New York, New York: fellowships in communications, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1961-62 and 1962-63................. 5 000 00 125. Gregory Industries, Inc., Lorain, Ohio: fellowship in civil engineering, 1961-62 ...................................... 3 750 00 126. Grolier Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: the Grolier-Americana award for a graduate student in library science, 1962-63................................................... 1 000 00 127. Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc., Chicago: fellowship in mining and metallurgical engineering, 1961-62............ 3 600 00 128. International Business Machines Corporation, Yorktown Heights, New York: fellowships in social sciences and electrical engineering, 1961-62............................. 5 110 00 129. Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Roger Adams Fellowship in organic chemistry, 1962-63............ 3 400 00 130. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: fellowship in metallurgical engineering, 1961-62..... 2 600 00 131. Lead Industries Association, New York, New York: fellowships in ceramic engineering, 1961-62 and 1962-63....... 6 000 00 132. Lilly Endowment, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana: fellowships in economics ............................................. 6 000 00 133. Lubrizol Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio: fellowship in chemistry, 1962-63 ............................................ 3 000 00 134. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota: fellowships in chemistry, chemical engineering, and physics ($3,000 each), 1962-63......................... 9 000 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 289 135. Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri: two fellowships, one each in chemistry and in chemical engineering, 1961-62................................................... 6 000 00 136. Motorola, Inc., Franklin Park: Paul V. Galvin Fellowship in electrical engineering, 1961-62........................... 2 500 00 137. National Lead Company, Houston, Texas: fellowship in geology, 1962-63 ........................................... 4 400 00 138. Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation, Columbus, Ohio: two fellowships in ceramic engineering, 1961-62............ 3 600 00 139. Parke, Davis, and Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan: fellowship in biochemistry, 1961-62.............................. 3 100 00 140. Procter and Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: fellowships in chemistry ($4,040) and in chemical engineering ($2,920), 1962-63 ......................................... 6 960 00 141. Pullman Foundation on behalf of the M. W. Kellogg Company, New York, New York: M. W. Kellogg Company Summer Fellowships in chemistry, summer 1962........... 500 00 142. Pure Milk Association, Chicago: Lauterbach Memorial Fellowship in food technology, 1961-62....................... 1 500 00 143. Radio Corporation of America, Princeton, New Jersey: fellowship in electrical engineering, 1961-62.................. 2 850 00 144. Raymond Concrete Pile Company, New York, New York: A. E. Cummings Memorial Fellowship in civil engineering, 1961-62................................................... 2 100 00 145. Raytheon Company, Waltham, Massachusetts: fellowship in physics, 1961-62.......................................... 3 150 00 146. Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: fellowship in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1961-62 ......................................... 3 000 00 147. Shell Fellowship Committee of the Shell Companies Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: fellowships in chemical engineering ($2,760) and in geology ($2,760), 1961-62...... 5 520 00 148. Sinclair Research, Inc., New York, New York: fellowship in organic chemistry, 1962-63.............................. 2 500 00 149. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York, New York: fellowships for three first-year graduate students in engineering, 1961-62 ............................................. 9 620 00 150. Society of the Sigma Xi, Illinois Chapter: fellowship...... 500 00 151. Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc., New York, New York: fellowships in chemistry, 1961-62 and 1962-63.............. 6 830 00 152. Stauffcr Chemical Company, Chicago: fellowship in chemistry and chemical engineering in memory of August Kochs, founder of the Victor Chemical Works, a Division of Stauffer Chemical Company............................... 3 000 00 153. Sun Oil Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: fellowships in chemical engineering ($3,370) and in chemistry ($3,530), 1961-62................................................... 6 900 00 154. Television Shares Management Corporation, Chicago: fellowship in electrical engineering to promote the development of new teachers in electronics, 1961-62..................... 2 000 00 155. Toni Company, Division of the Gillette Company, Chicago: fellowship in chemistry, 1961-62........................... 4 000 00 156. Union Carbide Corporation and its subsidiary divisions..... 15 140 00 Chemical Industries Council: two fellowships, summer 1962....................................$1 000 00 Parma Research Laboratory: fellowship in physics, 1961-62..........................................3 360 00 Visking Company: fellowship in chemical engineering, 1961-62 ..................................... 3 720 00 Union Carbide Plastics Company: fellowship in chemistry........................................ 3 680 00 Union Carbide Metals Company: fellowship in mining, metallurgy, and petroleum engineering.... 3 380 00 290 board of trustees [December 19 157. United States Rubber Company Foundation, New York, New York: fellowship in physical and engineering sciences, 1961-62................................................... 2 910 00 158. United States Steel Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: fellowship in physics, 1961-62 and 1962-63.................. 7 200 00 159. Universal Match Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri: fellowship in chemistry and chemical engineering, 1961-62........ 2 500 00 160. Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan: fellowship in microbiology, 1962-63 ..................................... 3 982 00 161. Various donors: fellowships in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work.................................... 11 352 00 Gads Hill Center, Chicago.......................$ 1 800 00 Hull House Association, Chicago................. 4 000 00 Wieboldt Foundation, Chicago.................... 2 652 00 Woods Charitable Fund, Chicago................. 900 00 Young Men's Jewish Council, Chicago............ 1 800 00 Young Women's Christian Association of Chicago 200 00 162. Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Princeton, New Jersey: fifteen fellowships, 1961-62.............. 30 000 00 163. Zeta Phi Eta: fellowship in speech........................ 663 00 (383 515 03) 164. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago....................... 12 900 00 To the Department of Animal Science for studies in swine nutrition...............................$1 500 00 To the Department of Physiology for a study of calcium metabolism ............,................. 5 000 00 To the Department of Physiology for a study of animal gastro-intestinal tract..................... 4 000 00 To the Radiocarbon Laboratory for research...... 2 400 00 165. Allied Chemical Corporation, Hopewell, Virginia: to the Department of Animal Science for a study on ruminant nutrition with particular regard to energy and nitrogen utilization................................................ 3 000 00 166. American Bird Products, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene for a study of epidemiology and control of psittacosis and psittacoid diseases.. 2 000 00 167. American Cancer Society, Inc., New York, New York...... 22 522 00 To the Department of Microbiology for studies on viruses .....................................$19 572 00 To the School of Life Sciences for a study of hemoproteins................................... 2 000 00 To the Department of Botany for research....... 950 00 168. American Chemical Products, Inc., Ambler, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Agronomy for studies on soybeans.... 500 00 169. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.............. 79 450 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: For a study of surface phenomena in phase contacting..................................$ 7 250 00 For a study of catalipis in a stirred reactor... 4 350 00 For a study of mechanisms of radical reactions..................................... 6 200 00 For a study of diffusion mechanism: molecules in solution............................ 6 450 00 For nuclear magnetic and electron spin resonance studies of hydrocarbons................ 12 900 00 For a study of ferrocene derivatives......... 8 000 00 For research on petroleum.................. 15 000 00 For studies on mechanisms of organic reactions ..................................... 6 300 00 To the Department of Geology: For mineralogical and chemical studies of ancient sediments .......................... 6 000 00 For petrographic investigations of Silurian reefs....................................... 7 000 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 291 170. American Cyanamid Company, Princeton, New Jersey...... 2 000 00 To the Department of Agronomy for studies on field experiments with phosphoric acid...........$ 1 000 00 To the State Natural History Survey for study on systemic insecticides for control of insects on wheat.......................................... 1 000 00 171. American Dairy Association: to the Department of Food Technology............................................... 24 000 00 For a study of the relationship between dietary fat and composition of blood lipids..................$12 000 00 For an investigation of the effects of butterfat and corn oil in relation to the development of atherosclerosis.................................. 8 500 00 For a study of the relationship of milk protein to serum cholesterol Jevels......................... 3 500 00 172. American Foundation for Management Research, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Management for a study of the critical requirements of executive motivation.. 480 00 173. American Gas Association, New York, New York: to the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering for a study of the effects of alternating current on the corrosion of steels buried in soils.......................... 18 000 00 174. American Heart Association: to the Department of Food Technology for a study of B-lipoprotein liability........... 9 900 00 175. American Iron and Steel Institute, New York, New York.. 16 500 00 To the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for studies of welded wire fabric for reinforced concrete ............................$ 3 500 00 To the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for a study of behavior of higher strength steel in columns........................ 13 000 00 176. American Oil Company: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for a study on accelerated drying of farm grains 7 500 00 177. American Petroleum Institute, New York, New York: to the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering.............................................. 9 000 00 For research on seismic energy paths in velocity logging.........................................$ 5 000 00 For research on drillability and the surface energy of solids ....................................... 4 000 00 178. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.: to the Institute of Communications Research for a research project on information exchange among and connotations of psychological journals.................................. 7 221 31 179. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering...... 12 000 00 For a study of selection and application of air measuring devices .............................$ 2 500 00 For a study of safety with high temperature water systems........................................ 2 500 00 For a study of steam and condensate flow in pipes 7 000 00 180. American Steel and Wire Company, Cleveland, Ohio: to the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for a study on behavior of deformed wire fabric in concrete..... 6 800 00 181. Amsted Industries, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for research in the field of cast metals education............................. 500 00 182. Archer-Daniels-Midland Foundation, Minneapolis, Minnesota: to the Department of Food Technology for studies on fats and oils.............................................. 1 500 00 292 board of trustees [December 19 183. Armington Illinois Community Chest: to the Department of Food Technology for lipids research.................... 392 16 184. Association of American Railroads: to the Department of Civil Engineering for a study of the performance of filter material in subdrains..................................... 2 800 00 185. Association of American Railroads and American Iron and Steel Institute: to the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for a study of the cause of failures in railroad rails in service................................... 16 000 00 186. Armour Pharmaceutical Company......................... 8 290 00 To the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology for a study of pharmacological characterization of new drugs potentially useful in veterinary medicine with particular emphasis on drugs affecting the nervous system...........$ 6 440 00 To the Department of Health and Safety Education for a study of the effect of certain medications on the individual as to reaction time, steadiness, and visual acuity..................... 1 850 00 187. Bear Hybrid Corn Company, Inc., Decatur: to the Department of Agronomy for corn research...................... 5 000 00 188. Bendix Aviation Corporation, South Bend, Indiana: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for a study of thermal diffusivity and elastic moduli of ceramic-metal combinations at elevated temperatures................................... 26 276 25 189. California Chemical Company, Ortho Division, Richmond, California: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on control of diseases of turf grass................ 300 00 190. Carle Foundation, Urbana: to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics for a study of the contractile force of the heart muscle under varying situations of drug administration and myocardial ischemia.............................. 1 000 00 191. Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York: to the University High School................................... 153 000 00 Development of a new elementary school arithmetic curriculum......................................$71 300 00 Development of a new high school mathematics curriculum...................................... 81 700 00 192. Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria: to the Department of Civil Engineering for studies of the behavior of U-shaped structural members subjected to torsion and flexure........ 13 000 00 193. Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., Summit, New Jersey: to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics for a study of animal gastro-intestinal tract........................... 4 000 00 194. Climax Molybdenum Company, New York, New York: to the Department of Agronomy for studies on trace elements.. 1 500 00 195. Columbia University, New York, New York (from a Sloan Foundation grant): to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research in physical chemistry.... 1 859 51 196. Commercial Solvents Corporation, Terre Haute, Indiana: to the Department of Animal Science...................... 6 000 00 For a study on vitamins and growth factors in swine nutrition ................................$3 000 00 For a study of destruction of vitamin A in the rumen.......................................... 3 000 00 197. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation, Pasadena, California: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for research in the area of hermetic seals and electrical properties of special glasses..................................... 5 500 00 198. Container Corporation of America, Chicago: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for studies on storage of shelled corn........................................... 2 500 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 293 199. Corn Industries Research Foundation, Inc., Washington, D.C....................................................... 26 827 00 To the Department of Agronomy for a study of the breeding and genetics of high oil corn........$12 827 00 To the Department of Home Economics for studies on behavior of starches in food products.. 6 500 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for studies on metal complexes of starch.......................................... 7 500 00 200. Council of Ten and the University of Chicago: to the Department of Broadcasting for studies of institutional cooperation............................................... 750 00 201. Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association, Chicago: to the State Water Survey to study factors producing hailstorms in Illinois................................................... 6 000 00 202. Dawe's Laboratories, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Animal Science for a study on animal and poultry nutrition 2 000 00 203. Diamond Alkali Company, Cleveland, Ohio: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on soil fungicides...... 300 00 204. Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, Michigan: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research.................................................. 500 00 205. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Inc., Wilmington, Delaware................................................. 25 000 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research in chemistry ($15,000) and in chemical engineering ($5,000)............$20 000 00 To the Department of Physics for research...... 5 000 00 206. Eisner Food Stores, Champaign: to the Department of Marketing for research................................... 500 00 207. Engineering Foundation, New York, New York: to the Department of Civil Engineering for a study of structural joints --- riveted and bolted................................ 26 395 00 208. Ford Foundation, New York, New York................... 112 118 73 To the Bureau of Economic and Business Research for the savings research project of the Inter-University Committee for Research on Consumer Behavior ................................$12 500 00 To the Department of Sociology for the systematic development of new concepts and practices of delinquency prevention.................. 2 500 00 To the Department of Sociology for expansion of a study of the effectiveness of the federal correctional system and dissemination of its findings to interested professionals in the fields of criminal law and corrections........................ 22 500 00 To the Office of Community Development for a project to help define the University's role in meeting urban problems and to develop a training program for services to Illinois' rapidly urbanizing communities (a partial payment of a total grant of $125,000).............................. 60 000 00 To the Department of Electrical Engineering for research in the behavioral sciences............... 1 178 73 To the University Press to stimulate scholarly publication in the humanities and social sciences.. 13 440 00 209. Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan: to the Department of Animal Science for research into factors affecting the immunological response of the pig..................... 2 000 00 210. Foundry Educational Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for research.................................................. 250 00 294 board of trustees [December 19 211. Geigy Chemical Corporation, Ardsley, New York: to the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene for a study of canine dermatitis................................. 525 00 212. General Electric Foundation, Ossining, New York: to the Department of Mathematics for research.................. 5 000 00 213. General Motors Corporation: to the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ($500 each) for research.................................. 1 000 00 214. Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, Akron, Ohio: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for research............. 7 486 69 215. Granite City Steel Company, Granite City, Illinois: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for studies on optimum environmental conditions for the growth of swine..... 2 500 00 216. Gregory Industries, Inc., Lorain, Ohio: to the Department of Civil Engineering for a study of welded studs.......... 6 000 00 217. Griffin Wheel Company, Chicago.......................... 38 000 00 To the Department of Ceramic Engineering for a study of steel casting refractories.............$22 500 00 To the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for a study of cast steel railway car wheels......................................... 15 500 00 218. Grolier Foundation, Inc.: to the College of Education for a study of high school reading interests.................... 6 499 66 219. Hercules Powder Company, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware." to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for fundamental research .................................... 2 500 00 220. Human Ecology Fund, New York, New York: to the Institute of Communications Research for a study of the cross-cultural generality of meaning systems..................... 77 720 20 221. Illinois Agricultural Association: to the Department of Food Technology for a study of the quality of dairy products.................................................. 1 000 00 222. Illinois Archaeological Survey: to the Department of Anthropology for preliminary site examination and preliminary testing and excavation.............................. 1 091 05 223. Illinois Dairy Products Association, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Dairy Science for cream quality research.... 2 250 00 224. Illinois Farm Bureau Serum Association, Bloomington: to the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene for studies on diagnostic tests for hog cholera................. 4 000 00 225. Illinois Farm Electrification Council: to the College of Agriculture for a study of rural electrification............. 15 390 00 Contributing corporations: Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives of Springfield ......................................$7 000 00 Central Illinois Electric and Gas Company........ 425 00 Central Illinois Light Company of Springfield..... 550 00 Central Illinois Public Service Company.......... 1 250 00 Commonwealth Edison Company of Chicago...... 3 500 00 Illinois Power Company......................... 2 450 00 Interstate Power Company....................... 52 00 Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company.......... 60 00 Mt. Carmel Public Utility Company............... 60 00 Union Electric Company......................... 43 00 226. Illinois Farm Supply Company, Bloomington............... 7 400 00 To the Department of Dairy Science for studies on dairy cattle feeding and nutrition.................$ 600 00 To the Department of Animal Science for studies of swine, poultry, and nutrition................... 1 800 00 To the Department of Agricultural Engineering for a study on improvement of farm tractor maintenance ........................................... 5 000 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 295 227. Illinois Heart Association: to the Department of Food Technology for a study of the relationship of dietary components to cholesterol metabolism......................... 9 000 00 228. Illinois Liquid Fertilizer Association of Monticello: to the Department of Agronomy for studies of liquid and dry fertilizers................................................. 500 00 229. Illinois Seed Producers Association, Inc., Champaign....... 10 000 00 To the Department of Agronomy for corn research...........................................$7 500 00 To the Department of Plant Pathology for corn research......................................... 2 500 00 230. Illinois Turfgrass Foundation, Inc., Lombard: to the Department of Horticulture for studies on turf grasses........ 1 400 00 231. Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers, New York, New York: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for a study of steam and water heating........ 39 600 00 232. Jersey Production Research Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for machine design research............................... 1 072 50 233. Kearney and Trecker Corp., Milwaukee, Wisconsin: to the Department of General Engineering for research............ 1 500 00 234. Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Hinsdale: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for the development and construction of apparatus for the measurement of the magnetic susceptibility of small samples over wide temperature ranges.................................. 12 500 00 235. Kretschmer Corporation, Carrollton, Michigan: to the Department of Physical Education for Men for a study of the relative effects of wheat germ oil on physical performance tests...................................................... 1 250 00 236. Lawrenceville Garden Club, Lawrenceville, Illinois: to the Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture for a central area study project........................... 2 400 00 237. Lilly Endowment, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana: for research in the study of individual freedom........................ 34 000 00 238. Harry J. Loman Foundation, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Finance for research in insurance education................................................. 75 00 239. Malting Barley Improvement Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: to the Department of Agronomy for studies on barley variety tests....................................... 345 00 240. Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, New Jersey: to the Department of Animal Science for a study on growth stimulants for swine.......................................... 3 000 00 241. William S. Merrell Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: to the Department of Marketing for research.................... 600 00 242. Midwest Agricultural Limestone Institute, Kankakee: to the Department of Agronomy for studies on soil management research............................................ 500 00 243. Mrs. C. Philip Miller, Chicago: to the Department of Forestry for research......................................... 3 098 96 244. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (from a grant from the Ford Foundation) : to the Department of Mathematics for a study of mathematics for business....... 5 000 00 245. Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri.......... 5 600 00 To the Department of Agronomy for studies on herbicidal action of chemical compounds..........$2 500 00 To the Department of Food Technology for studies on phosphates in milk............................ 1 600 00 To the Department of Agricultural Economics for studies on the economic use of fertilizers.......... 1 500 00 296 board of trustees [December 19 246. Moorman Manufacturing Company, Quincy: to the Department of Animal Science................................... S 200 00 For a study of nutritional quality of pig starter rations..........................................$2 600 00 For a study on poultry nutrition.................. 2 600 00 247. Mark L. Morris Animal Foundation, Denver, Colorado: to the Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine for a study of a urethral substitute for the canine and feline patient.... 1 957 SO 248. Morton Chemical Company, Woodstock: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on fungicides.............. 1 000 00 249. Mosinee Paper Mills Company, Mqsinee, Wisconsin: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for studies on mulching with paper...................................... 1 000 00 250. Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Animal Science for studies on metabolism of radioactive vitamin E in the rat.. 4 305 58 251. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.: to the Highway Traffic and Safety Center for a study of motor vehicle registration and titling practices.................... 2 000 00 252. National Distillers and Chemical Corporation, New York, New York: to the Department of Agronomy for studies of the requirements of different genetic lines of soybeans..... 6 000 00 253. National Educational Television and Radio Center, New York, New York: to the Department of Mathematics for a study to determine use of film demonstration in teacher education in mathematics.................................. 37 991 92 254. National Lead Company: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research in titanium chemistry 6 413 00 255. National Lime Association, Washington, D.C.: to the Department of Geology for a study by X-ray diffraction and other methods of the reactions in the clay mineral and other mineral components of various types of soils when treated with lime for the purpose of stabilization for road surfaces.. 5 625 00 256. National Live Stock and Meat Board, Chicago: to the Department of Food Technology for studies on the biological utilization of fatty acid isomers........................... 8 500 00 257. National Roofing Contractors Association: to the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council for a study of roofing failures .......................................... 3 500 00 258. National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Chicago: to the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services for a study on the development of specifications for buildings and facilities to accommodate individuals in wheelchairs and others with severe forms of physical disability............. 4 082 50 259. National Soybean Crop Improvement Council, Decatur, Indiana: to the Department of Agronomy for a study of soil fertility requirements of different genetic lines of soybeans................................................. 7 000 00 260. National Steel Corporation, Weirton, West Virginia: to the Department of Civil Engineering for an evaluation of the fatigue behavior of welded joints in N-A-Xtra high-strength steels .................................................... 19 000 00 261. National Vitamin Foundation, Inc., New York, New York.. 13 503 08 To the Department of Animal Science for a study of vitamin E functions...........................$5 000 00 To the Radiocarbon Laboratory for a study of metabolism of radioactive vitamin A.............. 8 503 08 262. National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, Cleveland, Ohio: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for studies of heating, ventilating and air conditioning as related to warm-air furnace heating................................................... 33 042 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 297 263. New Holland Machine Company, New Holland, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for a study on rural electrification............................ 2 000 00 264. Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, Little Rock, Arkansas: to the Department of Agronomy for a study to compare ammonium phosphates with other sources of phosphate in banded and broadcast applications for corn........ 750 00 265. Earl Osborn, New York, New York: to the Institute of Communications Research to assist in the publication of a monograph on psychological factors in war and peace...... 5 160 32 266. Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation, Aurora: to the Department of Plant Pathology for fruit research................ 7S0 00 267. Chas. Pfizer and Company, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Animal Science for a study to evaluate amino acids, unidentified growth factors, vitamins, and antibiotics in swine........................................... 2 500 00 268. Population Council, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Sociology for research..................... 2 035 00 269. Portland Cement Association, Chicago..................... 47 000 00 To the Department of Agricultural Engineering for studies on farm structures...................$ 2 000 00 To the Department of Civil Engineering for a study of the strength and deformation characteristics of reinforced concrete beam-column connections subjected to axial and transverse loads.....45 000 00 270. Procter and Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: to the Department of Botany for a study of fatty alcohols to reduce transpiration and evaporation in plants.............. 13 110 00 271. Quaker Oats Company, Chicago: to the Department of Agronomy for a study of oat hybrids...................... 3 100 00 272. Reinforced Concrete Research Council: to the Department of Civil Engineering for research.......................... 7 500 00 273. Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, D.C.: to the Bureau of Community Planning for an urban and regional survey.................................................... 10 000 00 274. Rockefeller Foundation, New York, New York............ 26 286 95 To the Department of Agronomy for a study of polyploids in maize.............................$ 3 724 18 To the Bureau of Economic and Business Research for a study of government subsidies in countries in Western Europe and their influence on economic growth and stability................ 2 850 00 To the Department of Entomology for research. . 19 712 77 275. Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...... 1 350 00 To the Department of Agronomy for studies on herbicidal field testing.............................$300 00 To the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on turf disease.................................... 300 00 To the Department of Plant Pathology for studies of field testing fungicides............................. 750 00 276. Shaw Process Development Corporation, Port Washington, New York: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for foundry research......................... 4 279 90 277. Shell Chemical Corporation: to the State Natural History Survey for research on insecticides....................... 2 500 00 278. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Inc., New York, New York... 56 280 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research........................$37 305 00 To the Department of Physics for research...... 18 975 00 279. Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: to the Health Service for anti-viral chemotherapy research.................................................. 1 500 00 298 board of trustees [December 19 280. Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc., Paulsboro, New Jersey: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research on metal coordination of complexes........... 4 000 00 281. Sonic Research Foundation, Chicago: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for acoustics research........... 1 000 00 282. State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for ultrasonic research project................................................... 10 500 00 283. Stauffer Chemical Company, San Francisco, California: lo the Department of Agronomy for studies on herbicides..... 800 00 284. Tee-Pak Foundation: to the Department of Food Technology for a study on various types of films as retardants to deterioration of meat and meat products................... 3 500 00 285. Telecomputing Corporation, Los Angeles, California: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for a study of metal pyrophosphates........................................... 3 250 00 286. Texaco, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for a study on methods and machines for more efficient application of anhydrous ammonia, aqua ammonia, and slurries of dry and liquid nutrients..... 3 500 00 287. Union Carbide Corporation, New York, New York: to the Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for research...................................... 700 00 288. United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Agricultural Economics for a study of the determination, tabulation, and critical analysis of existing barriers to the marketing of sterile concentrated milk..................................................... 10 000 00 289. Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan................... 12 000 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research.........................$2 000 00 To the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on new antibiotics............................... 8 000 00 To the Radiocarbon Laboratory for a study of radioactive hydrogen in organic chemistry........ 2 000 00 290. Various donors: to the Department of Civil Engineering for a study of lime-pozzolon mixtures of soils............. 17 375 00 Burrill Construction and Supply, New Kensington, Pennsylvania................................... .$1 000 00 Connecticut Light and Power Company, Berlin, Connecticut...................................... 3 000 00 G. and W. H. Corson, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania............................................ 3 875 00 National Lime Association, Washington, D.C....... 7 500 00 Philadelphia Electric Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ......................................... 2 000 00 291. Various donors: to the University High School to continue a study on nonverbal awareness...................... 1 375 00 American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York........................................$200 00 Hamilton College, Clinton, New York.............. 175 00 Melvin Pfaelzer................................... 300 00 Gertrude Hendrix, Urbana......................... 700 00 292. Velsicol Chemical Corporation, Chicago................... 7 000 00 To the Department of Zoology for research on the toxicology of insecticides.........................$5 000 00 To the State Natural History Survey for a study of residues in meat and milk........................ 2 000 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 299 293. VioBin Corporation, Monticello........................... 6 500 00 To the Department of Animal Science: For a study of fishmeal and fishmeal products in swine nutrition ..................................$1 700 00 For a study of proteins and fats.................. 400 00 To the Department of Physical Education for Men for a study of the value of wheat germ oil in physical fitness programs......................... 4 400 00 294. Hiram Walker and Sons, Inc., Detroit, Michigan: to the Department of Animal Science for a study on the nutritive properties of dried distillers' solubles in swine nutrition.... 760 00 295. Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri (from a grant from the Ford Foundation) : to the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations for a study of public and private job placement of middle-aged and older workers.............. 3 025 00 296. Welding Research Council: to the Department of Civil Engineering for an investigation of welding procedure..... 10 000 00 297. Wisconsin-Minnesota Cooperative Bull Stud Group, Shawano, Wisconsin: to the Department of Dairy Science for a study of the effect of aging on the nuclear material of bovine spermatozoa.................................... 3 220 00 (1 440 363 77) Total, Funds for Graduate Fellowships and Research...$ 1 823 878 80 Funds for Educational, Research, Cultural, and Recreational Purposes Not Otherwise Classified 298. American Mathematical Society: to the Department of Mathematics for publication of a journal of mathematics (also financed in part by assignments from the George A. Miller Endowment) ......................................$ 1 200 00 299. Babcock and Wilcox Company, New York, New York: to the College of Engineering for engineering and technical education................................................. 1 400 00 300. Alfred Benesch and Company, Chicago: an unrestricted gift to the Department of Civil Engineering, in memory of the late V. M. Romine, an alumnus of the University of Illinois and formerly engineer of Bridge and Traffic Structures for the Illinois Division of Highways......................... 2 000 00 301. California Company, New Orleans, Louisiana: an unrestricted grant to the Department of Geology............... 500 00 302. Champaign County Health Improvement Association, Champaign: to the Department of Speech and Theatre for the purchase of a tape recorder for the Speech and Hearing Clinic.................................................... 149 21 303. Chicago Bridge and Iron Foundation, Chicago: an assistant-ship in civil engineering, 1961-62........................... 7 000 00 304. Chicago 4-H Association: to the College of Agriculture for urban 4-H Club work..................................... 4 000 00 305. Continental Can Company, Inc., New York, New York: an unrestricted grant to the College of Engineering........... 500 00 306. Ford Foundation, New York, New York: for the participation of the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics in an educational program relating to public affairs and public responsibilities.................... 6 500 00 307. Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for development of laboratory facilities............................ 10 000 00 308. Illinois Savings and Loan League, Springfield: to the Department of Finance for a Financial Institutions Seminar... 1 468 08 309. Illinois State Academy of Science: to the Physical Plant Department for expenses in connection with the Junior Academy of Science Exposition held on the "University of Illinois campus .......................................... 4 700 00 300 board of trustees [December 19 310. Illinois State Florist Association: to the Department of Horticulture for the purchase of research equipment....... 2 500 00 311. Institute of Life Insurance, New York, New York: to the College of Education for a summer workshop on education in family finance......................................... 3 250 00 312. International Business Machines Corporation: to the Digital Computer Laboratory for support of computer oriented education (this is partial payment of a total grant of $125,000) 50 000 00 313. Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants: for travel expenses for members of the faculty in connection with their participation in the program of exchange of graduate students and young faculty members with the Soviet Union... 3 402 00 314. Kappa Tau Alpha, national honorary society in journalism: for expenses for an annual journalism banquet (to be added to the endowment fund established for this purpose)....... 505 00 315. Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Hinsdale: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for a Visiting Lectureship in Chemistry (first payment of a $50,000 grant covering a five-year period)............................... 10 000 00 316. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Merriam: an unrestricted gift for a special fund to be established over a period of years...... 22 345 35 317. National Education Association: to the Bureau of Educational Research for publication of a handbook.............. 1 000 00 318. Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation, Columbus, Ohio: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for the purchase of equipment ............................................ 5 000 00 319. Purdue Research Foundation, Lafayette, Indiana: to the Office of Instructional Television (The University of Illinois is one of twenty colleges and universities serving as resource institutions for the Midwest Program on Airborne Television instruction. The funds received are primarily for salaries, travel, and office expense incurred in assisting the public schools in eastern Illinois to receive, use, and evaluate these experimental programs.)............................ 7 548 44 320. Tile Council of America, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Architecture for purchase of equipment in the area of materials and methods of construction........ 250 00 321. Various donors: to the Department of Accountancy for expenses in connection with an International Conference on Accounting Education ................................... 2 250 00 Amsted Industries Foundation, Chicago...........$ 250 00 A. B. Dick Foundation, Chicago.................. 500 00 Ernst and Ernst, Chicago........................ 1 000 00 Price Waterhouse and Company, Chicago......... 500 00 322. Various donors: to the Department of Geography for an Atlas of Illinois Resources................................ 2 775 00 Central Illinois Electric and Gas Company, Rock-ford.........................................$ 250 00 Central Illinois Public Service Company, Springfield......................................... 1 000 00 Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago........ 1 000 00 Illinois Power Company, Decatur................. 300 00 Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company, Davenport, Iowa.................................. 125 00 Union Electric Company, St. Louis, Missouri...... 100 00 323. Western Electric Fund, New York, New York: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for purchase of laboratory equipment ....................................... 895 00 Total, Funds for Educational, Research, Cultural, and Recreational Purposes Not Othervoise Classified. ..$ 151 138 08 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 301 Educational Grants Fund The Board of Trustees has established this fund and has authorized the President to make assignments from it for nonrecurring educational purposes. The income is grants from foundations, business and industrial corporations to the University in recognition of the educational costs involved in accepting fellowships and scholarships, and of the service expense in administration of research grants. Contributions deposited in this fund were received from: 324. Alcoa Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...............$ 375 00 325. Armco Foundation, Middletown, Ohio..................... 100 00 326. Budd Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania................ 425 00 327. Campbell Soup Company, Chicago, Illinois................. 3 500 00 328. Carle C. Conway Scholarship Foundation, New York, New York..................................................... 300 00 329. General Electric Foundation, Ossining, New York.......... 4 000 00 330. Hunt Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania................ 125 00 331. International Business Machines Corporation, New York, New York............................................... 5 000 00 332. Mary C. Marsh bequest, Detroit, Michigan................. 1 000 00 333. Marsteller, Inc., Chicago Illinois.......................... 25 00 334. Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, New Jersey........... 500 00 335. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Toledo, Ohio........ 500 00 336. Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio............... 1 200 00 337. Radio Corporation of America, Princeton, New Jersey...... 100 00 338. Rockefeller Foundation, New York, New York............ 4 000 00 339. H. O. Sexton, Urbana, Illinois............................ 10 00 340. Hiram Walker-Gooderham and Worts Limited, Walkerville, Ontario, Canada ......................................... 350 00 341. Woman's League, University of Illinois................... 6 00 Total, Educational Grants.............................$ 21 516 00 Contributions from County Farm and Home Bureaus 342. To the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics for partial payment of salaries and operating expenses of farm and home advisers...................$ 1 059 215 22 Gifts for Educational and Research Buildings and for Other Facilities 343. Robert Allerton: for acquisition of additional land adjoining Robert Allerton Park.................................$ 1 687 50 344. Ethel Burnsides, Paris, Illinois: for construction of the Burnsides Research Laboratory (partial payment of total gifts of $250,000)........................................ 25 014 18 345. Eastman Kodak Company, for development of plans for a new chemistry building.................................... 11 500 00 346. Moorman Company Fund, Quincy, Illinois: for buildings, equipment, and other facilities for animal breeding research 30 000 00 347. University of Illinois Foundation.......................... 48 418 67 For architectural services on addition to Electrical Engineering Building ..........................$18 918 67 For the Krannert Art Museum sculpture and acquisition of art objects (from the Krannert Foundation).................................... 28 500 00 For the construction of the Veterinary Medical Research Building ............................. 1 000 00 For construction of the Labor and Industrial Relations building.. 8 500 00 348. Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago.........$3 000 00 349. Illinois State Council of Machinists, Quincy....... 500 00 350. Magnavox Foundation, Inc., Ft. Wayne, Indiana... 2 500 00 302 board of trustees [December 19 351. Union Starch and Refining Foundation, Columbus, Indiana.......................................... 2 500 00 Gifts for this project from other donors have previously been reported. For construction of the University Club........................ 30 000 00 352. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boeschenstein.............$10 000 00 353. William E. Levis............................... 10 000 00 354. Owens-Illinois Glass Company................... 10 000 00 Total, Gifts for Educational and Research Buildings and for Other Facilities...........................$ 155 120 35 Federal Grants for Buildings and Other Facilities 355. National Institutes of Health.............................$ 490 027 00 Physiology Research Laboratory................$ 76 000 00 Zoonoses Laboratory Building.................. 81 695 00 Electrical Engineering Bioacoustics Laboratory.. 57 832 00 Life Sciences Building, First Unit (Justin Smith Morrill Hall) ................................. 274 500 00 356. National Science Foundation.............................. 184 765 00 Addition to Electrical Engineering Building......$24 464 00 Gaseous Electronics Laboratory.................. 46 736 00 Digital Computer Laboratory....................42 005 00 Entomology Laboratory Building................ 37 808 00 Natural History Building Remodeling............ 24 900 00 Scientific Equipment Program................... 5 560 00 Animal Genetics Laboratory..................... 3 292 00 Total, Federal Grants for Buildings and Other Facilities.$ 674 792 00 United States Government Grants and Research Contracts 357. Agency for International Development.....................$ 626 566 51 358. Air Force ............................................... 2 244 221 36 359. Army Chemical Corps..................................... 42 145 34 360. Army Institute .......................................... 1 720 00 361. Army Ordnance ......................................... 405 957 59 362. Army Quartermaster Corps............................... 27 269 54 363. Army Signal Corps....................................... 3 018 621 73 364. Army Surgeon General................................... 67 866 48 365. Atomic Energy Commission............................... 2 119 631 21 366. Bureau of Public Roads.................................. 29 724 09 367. Defense Atomic Support Agency.......................... 51 115 38 368. Department of Agriculture................................ 128 466 32 369. Engineering Center ...................................... 22 529 69 370. Fifth Army.............................................. 1 631 64 371. National Academy of Sciences............................. 4 846 24 372. National Aeronautics and Space Administration............ 284 634 00 373. National Bureau of Standards............................ 622 00 374. National Defense Education Act.......................... 15 068 26 375. National Science Foundation.............................. 1 605 548 62 376. Navy Bureau of Ships.................................... 689 229 40 377. Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks........................ 10 000 00 378. Office of Education....................................... 692 045 13 379. Office of Civil Defense.................................... 22 613 37 380. Office of Naval Research.................................. 1 977 889 04 381. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation......................... 51 490 17 382. Public Health Service..................................... 2 805 687 44 383. Small Business Administration............................ 24 100 00 384. Tennessee Valley Authority...............................917 02' Total, United States Government Grants and Research Contracts.........................................$16 970 323 53 1 Deduct, refund of unused funds. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 303 Research and Public Service Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies 385. Cities and Villages Municipal Problems Commission........$ 2 500 00 38& State Department of Agriculture.......................... 60 896 17 387. State Department of Conservation......................... 80 307 22 388 State Department of Mental Health........................ 25 751 55 389! State Department of Public Safety........................ 71 968 34 390 State Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division ' of Highways............................................. 351 127 74 391. State Department of Registration and Education........... 13 295 00 392. State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation................ 29 412 00 393. State Housing Board..................................... 450 00 394. State Library............................................ 26 250 00 395. State Public Aid Commission............................. 13 000 00 396. State Superintendent of Public Instruction................. 11 939 29 Total, Research and Public Service Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies.....................$ 686 897 31 Miscellaneous Gifts of Equipment and Works of Art 397. Anonymous donor: to the Institute of Aviation a DC-3, N 28 U aircraft, including electronic equipment; estimated value.....................................................$ 125 000 00 398. Professor Arthur Bestor, University of Washington, Seattle: to the University Library, his personal and professional papers. 399. Class of 1911: a bronze portrait (bust) of President Emeritus Lloyd Morey; estimated value................... 2 000 00 400. Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa: to the Department of Electrical Engineering, a five-kilowatt broadcast transmitter; estimated value.......................... 2 000 00 401. Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan: to various departments, 133 cases of "Saran Wrap," a plastic wrapping material. 402. Endevco Corporation, Pasadena, California: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, two accelerometers with cable assembly and tube; estimated value..................................................... 1 012 60 403. Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, an Adiabatic compression machine; estimated value 30 000 00 404. General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York: to the Chemistry Library, the collected works of Irving Langmuir with contributions in memoriam. 405. General Motors Corporation, Buick Motor Division: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, a 1962 Buick V-6 engine; estimated value................... 750 00 406. General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan: to the Institute of Aviation, an eight-passenger Lockheed Lodestar executive-equipped aircraft; estimated value............... 50 000 00 407. A. O. Smith Harvestore Products, Inc., Kankakee: to the Department of Animal Science, three silos plus accessory equipment; estimated value............................... 18 589 00 408. Henderson Manufacturing Company, Fisher: to the Department of Horticulture, one 18T Henderson thin-cut machine (lawn mower) ; estimated value...................... 125 00 409. Dr. David D. Henry, Urbana, to the Speech and Hearing Clinic, a Maico hearing aid, and to the Physical Plant Department, a screen house. 410. Illinois and Midwest Lawn Company: to the Department of Plant Pathology, a Jacobsen mower; estimated value..... 425 00 304 board of trustees [December 19 411. Illinois Farm Supply Company, Bloomington: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering, a Model 200 high moisture roller mill complete with three-horsepower motor; estimated value .......................................... 500 00 412. Lincoln Memorial University Press, Harrogate, Tennessee: to the Illini Union Lending Library, a print of Abraham Lincoln. 413. Packard Instrument Company, Inc., La Grange: to the Departments of Botany, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Microbiology, parts to modernize and update four Model 314A Packard spectrophotometers; estimated value......... 4 000 00 414. Paul Grady, Partner in Price Waterhouse and Company, New York, New York: to the University Library, reports of the Hoover Commissions and a collection of books about President Herbert Hoover (approximately fifty volumes). 415. Roberts and Schaefer Company, Chicago: to the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, the Dutch State Mines Heavy Medium Cyclone display equipment used at the May 1961 American Mining Congress Coal Show; estimated value.................................... 1 000 00 416. Miss Betsy Ross, Urbana: a State flag (this flag was in the home of Miss Ross' late uncle, President Arthur Cutts Willard, and was a personal gift from Governor Henry Horner to President Willard). 417. Leon Short and Son, Keokuk, Iowa: to the College of Agriculture, one Jacobsen Greensmower 22 inches; estimated value..................................................... 200 00 418. Estate of the late Isabelle Smith: a Noah Webster Grammar, 1807, bequeathed to the University in memory of Isabelle Smith's grandfather, Mr. Larkin B. Smith, a deceased resident of Illinois. 419. Union Carbide Corporation, New York, New York: To the Department of Civil Engineering, miscellaneous equipment; estimated value............................... 2 814 20 To the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, scientific equipment; estimated value.......... 3 375 00 420. WTVP, Decatur: to the Department of Broadcasting, an iconoscope and a monoscope. 421. Dr. Herbert S. Zim, Tavernier, Florida: to the Museum of Natural History, a collection of archaeological specimens; estimated value .......................................... 2 662 00 Gifts to the Krannert Art Museum............................. 97 156 00 422. Mr. Leonard Bocour, Artists Colors Inc., New York, New York: an oil on masonite, "Torah," by Jonah Kinigstein; estimated value ................................ 1 000 00 423. Mr. Phillip Bruno, Staempfli Gallery, New York, New York: Water color, "Study for Sculpture," by Sidney Gordin ; estimated value........................ 100 00 Wax pastel, "Sleeping Warrior," by Mirko (Basal- della) ; estimated value.......................... 250 00 Painting, "Still Life," by Giuseppe Napoli; estimated value ................................... 500 00 Gouache, "The Cellists," by Bernard Reder; estimated value.................................... 250 00 Water color, "Composition," by Ralph Rosenborg; estimated value ................................ 400 00 Oil on paper, "Landscape," by Ralph Rosenborg; estimated value ................................ 400 00 424. Miss Juliette Dean, Manteno, Illinois: four drawings, pencil on paper, untitled; estimated value............... 200 00 425. Ford Foundation, New York, New York: a painting, "Standing Nude Female," by Raphael Soyer; estimated value........................................... 5 000 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 305 426. Mr. George J. Goldstein, Chicago: a painting, "Portrait of a Gentleman," by Gerard Honthorst; estimated value 4 700 00 427. Mr. W. B. Greene, Barber-Greene Company, Aurora: a bronze study for Penelope, by Antoine Boudelle; estimated value........................................... 2 250 00 428. Dr. Karl A. Meyer, Chicago, prints and lithographs; estimated value ................................... 4 506 00 429. Mr. Morrie A. Moss, Memphis, Tennessee, paintings: "Portrait of Thomas Cobb," by John Hoppner; estimated value ................................ 13 500 00 "Portrait of Lady Frances Douglas"; estimated value........................................... 15 000 00 "Love or Money," by Cornells van Haarlen; estimated value ................................... 12 000 00 "Holy Family," by Frans Floris; estimated value 12 000 00 "Seascape," by Aelbert Cuyp; estimated value.....18 000 00 430. National Academy of Design, New York, New York: Painting, "Valley in New England," by W. S. Haseltine; estimated value...................... 250 00 Water color, "Sorrento," by K. Cox; estimated value........................................... 150 00 431. Mrs. Helen Norcross, Provincetown, Massachusetts: a painting, "Conversation Piece," by Victor Candell; estimated value ................................... 800 00 432. Miss Collete Roberts, Grand Central Moderns Gallery, New York, New York: a painting, "Cathedral in the Woods," by Jennette Lam; estimated value................ 700 00 433. Mr. Herman Spertus, Glencoe, a painting by Albert Bloch; estimated value ................................ 4 000 00 434. Allen Tucker Memorial, a painting, "Incoming Fog," by Allen Tucker ; estimated value................... 1 200 00 Total, Miscellaneous Gifts of Equipment and Works of Art ..........................................$ 341 608 80 Total, Colleges and Schools at Urbana-Champaign......$22 554 902 12 Colleges at the Medical Center Scholarships, Prizes, and Other Financial Aids 435. American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education: two scholarships in pharmacy..................................$ 400 00 436. Avalon Foundation: scholarships in medicine.............. 26 000 00 437. Miss Bertha Berkelhamer, Chicago: annual Dr. Ralph C. Berkelhamer Scholarship ................................ 100 00 438. Warren H. Cole Society: scholarship for a freshman student in medicine.......................................... 500 00 439. Ford Hopkins Drug Company: scholarship in pharmacy.... 200 00 440. Goldenrod Ice Cream Company, Chicago: two scholarships in pharmacy ............................................. 400 00 441. Humiston-Keeling and Company, Chicago: two scholarships in pharmacy ............................................. 400 00 442. Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Chicago: scholarships in occupational therapy.............................. 600 00 443. Lag Drug Company: scholarship in pharmacy............. 300 00 444. Estate of the late Dr. David Mortimer Olkon, an alumnus and former member of the faculty of the College of Medicine: endowment of annual scholarships to outstanding senior medical students in neurology and psychiatry (this bequest was reported to the Board of Trustees on March 17, 1962) ................................................ 6 000 00 445. Osco Drug Company, Inc.: scholarships in pharmacy....... 800 00 446. Photo Service, Inc., Des Plaines: two scholarships in pharmacy ($300 each)........................................ 600 00 306 board of trustees [December 19 447. Sargent's Drug Stores: scholarship in pharmacy........... 200 00 448. Stineway Drug Company: scholarship in pharmacy........ 200 00 449. Julius M. Thomas, Weber Pharmacy, Chicago: to renew the J. M. and E. M. Thomas Scholarship in pharmacy...... 266 67 450. Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center: scholarships in dentistry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy................. 1 000 00 451. Woman's Organization of the Chicago Retail Druggists' Association: scholarship in pharmacy..................... 250 00 452. Block Drug Company, Jersey City, New Jersey: an award in an essay competition for seniors in dentistry............. 200 00 453. Midwest Oral Rehabilitation Study Group, Chicago: an award to a graduating student who is outstanding in a particular phase of clinical dentistry.......................... 25 00 454. Dr. Stanley D. Tylman, Professor Emeritus, College of Dentistry: annual $100 awards to dental students.......... 1 000 00 455. Dr. Edward C. Wach, Associate Professor Emeritus, College of Dentistry: to establish an endowment fund, the income to provide cash prizes to fourth-year students in dentistry who are successful in a thesis competition.................. 3 000 00 456. Various donors: to purchase furnishings for a student lounge in the East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building.. 643 53 College of Pharmacy Student Council...........$ 500 00 College of Pharmacy Class of 1959.............. 100 00 College of Pharmacy Class of 1961.............. 43 53 457. American Dental Association: loans for dental students.... 3 433 50 458. Merck Company Foundation, Rahway, New Jersey: the George W. Merck Memorial Loan Fund to provide loans for interns and residents in medicine.......................... 4 000 00 459. Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center: long-term student loans ............................................... 2 000 00 Total, Scholarships, Prizes, and Other Financial Aids..$ 52 518 70 Funds for Fellowships and Research 460. Evanston Drama Club: fellowships in orthopaedic surgery......................................................$ 1 000 00 461. Samuel Higby Camp Foundation: visiting professorship in orthopaedic surgery ...................................... 1 000 00 462. National Hemophilia Foundation: summer fellowships..... 600 00 (2 600 00) 463. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago...................... 10 500 00 To the Department of Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, for research.........................$ 500 00 To the Department of Pediatrics for a study of the isolation and chemical identification of platelet stimulating factor .............................. 3 500 00 To the Department of Surgery to test various protein fractions of sheep and bovine serum for effect on tumor growth......................... 4 000 00 To the Department of Dermatology for a study to determine the antipruritic value of homochlor- cyclizine........................................ 500 00 To the Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, for a study on preparation of antibodies for production of passive immunity and to test various protein fractions of sheep and bovine serum for effect on tumor growth............... 2 000 00 464. American Academy of Pediatrics, Evanston: to the Department of Pediatrics for a study of the isolation and purification of plasma factors involved in stimulation and inhibition of thromboporesis.............................. 3 725 00 465. American Association of Anatomists: an endowment fund, the income to be used for a seminar in anatomy........... 1 220 68 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 307 466. American Cancer Society, Inc., New York, New York: to the College of Medicine.................................. 156 636 55 Department of Biological Chemistry for a study of the separation of enzymes from normal and pathological serum using cellulose ion exchangers .......................................$22 821 00 Department of Biological Chemistry for a study of the specificity of glycolytic pathway enzymes.. 18 421 00 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology for a study of the experimental dysplasia of the uterine cervix.......................................... 7 757 00 Department of Pathology for a study of the immunity of mice of inbred strains to isologous tumors induced by F, tumors.................... 11 972 00 Department of Pathology for a study of phagocytosis of herologous red cells in mice and rats with transplanted tumors........................ 5 690 00 Department of Physiology for a study of the permeability of mitochondria....................... 10 753 05 Department of Radiology for a study of temperature and oxygen effects on irradiated animals.... 13 949 50 Department of Surgery for a study of the effect of radio-frequency energy in the resistance of animals to cancer............................... 14 134 00 Department of Surgery for an investigation of cellular damage observed in human tumors treated in tissue culture with anticancer compounds...... 25 139 00 Department of Surgery for research (unrestricted) ...................................... 26 000 00 467. American Cyanamid Company, Lederle Laboratories Division, Pearl River, New York: to the Department of Medicine ($9,400) and to the Department of Preventive Medicine ($600) for an investigation of infectious diseases and related fields..................................................... 10 000 00 468. American Dental Association: to the Department of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics for a study on local anesthesia................................................ 1 000 00 469. American Heart Association: to the College of Medicine... 4 500 00 Department of Medicine for investigations on the kidney in health and disease......................$1 000 00 Office of Research in Medical Education.......... 3 500 00 470. American Medical Association Education Research Foundation: to the College of Medicine for research.............. 54 478 28 471. American Rheumatism Association Committee on Cooperative Clinics, New York University: to the Department of Medicine for a variability study........................... 1 700 00 472. Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: to the College of Medicine................................................. 1 345 00 Department of Medicine for a study of the effect of different environmental conditions and pharma-cologic agents on the vascular responses in the digits in rheumatoid arthritis.....................$1 095 00 Department of Pediatrics for a study of gout in infancy.......................................... 250 00 473. Asthmatic Children's Aid, Chicago: to the Department of Medicine for studies of factors which influence the development of bronchial asthma................................. 13 400 00 474. Chicago Dysautonomia Society, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, for a study on acetylcholine metabolism and dysautonomia............................................. 1 106 00 308 board of trustees [December 19 475. Chicago Heart Association: to the College of Medicine 21 852 84 Department of Medicine for a study of hepatic and myocardial factors in the production of digitalis toxicity ....................................$6 759 00 Department of Pediatrics for studies on the coagulation mechanism in extra-corporeal circulation.... 2 883 84 Department of Preventive Medicine for a study of the biochemical, medical, and psychological parameters of the acute pressor response in hypertensive subjects......................................... 6 622 00 Department of Surgery for a study of the dacron outflow tract for right ventricle................... 5 588 00 476. Children's Research Foundation, Chicago: to the Department of Psychiatry for research in Tay-Sachs disease...... 600 00 477. Clairol Incorporated Research Laboratories: to the Department of Dermatology for a study of time-concentration relationship in eczematous allergic reactions............... 3 500 00 478. Deerfield Area United Fund, Inc., Deerfield: to the Department of Surgery to add to the Deerfield-Bannockburn Fund for cancer research....................................... 928 95 479. Dr. Ward H. Eastman, Peoria: to the Department of Surgery for the Ward Eastman and James Hurlbut Gift Fund for cancer research................................. 100 00 480. Eureka United Fund: to the Department of Surgery for cardiovascular research .................................. 500 00 481. Employees of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago: to the Department of Preventive Medicine for research related to polio care............................................. 1 000 00 482. Marlin D. Fisher, Stronghurst: to the Department of Surgery for the Clarence Hartquist Cancer Research Fund 403 00 483. Geigy Pharmaceuticals, Yonkers, New York: to the Department of Medicine for research on the treatment of hypertension ................................................... 3 000 00 484. Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Chicago: to the Department of Surgery for cancer research............... 1 000 00 485. Ivy Cancer Research Foundation, Chicago: for cancer research.................................................. 7 005 00 486. Jeanette M. Johnson, Fort Lauderdale, Florida: to the Department of Surgery for the Clarence Hartquist Cancer Research Fund........................................... 10 00 487. Kidney Disease Foundation of Illinois, Chicago: to the Department of Medicine for a study of renal lesions induced by heterologous insulin; an example of foreign protein nephritis.................................................. 3 750 00 488. Leukemia Research Foundation: to the College of Medicine 13 500 00 Department of Biological Chemistry for a study of the biosynthesis of plasma glycoproteins...........$8 000 00 Department of Pediatrics for a study on platelet stimulating factor in leukemia.................... 5 500 00 489. Leukemia Society, Inc.: to the Department of Pediatrics for a study on the effect of human platelet stimulating factor in marros aplasia ........................................... 2 840 00 490. Mrs. Polly Levee, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Surgery for cancer research.................. 2 500 00 491. Nathan Manilow Foundation, Chicago: to the Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, for research....... 15 000 00 492. Markle Foundation: to the Department of Psychiatry for research.................................................. 6 000 00 493. Dr. George Matula, Chicago: to the Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, for an endowment fund, income to be used for research in oral biochemistry......... 11 776 00 494. Mead Johnson and Company: to the Department of Pediatrics for a study of prophylaxis of anemia of prematurity.. 6 000 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 309 495. Merck, Sharp, and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, Pennsylvania: to the College of Medicine........... 10 000 00 Department of Medicine for a study of expansion and completion of studies on "Decadron" inhalation acrosals ....................................$S 000 00 Department of Preventive Medicine for a study of the effect of therapeutic agents on some perceptual and psychometric tests in man.................... S 000 00 496. National Association for Mental Health, New York, New York: to the Department of Psychiatry.................... 9 500 00 For a study of the synthesis and breakdown of proteins, nucleic acids, etc., in neurons and glia in culture.......................................$5 000 00 For research in schizophrenia.................... 4 500 00 497. The National Foundation: to the Department of Preventive Medicine for the Respiratory Center...................... 35 000 00 498. National Fund for Medical Education: to the College of Medicine for research..................................... 4 590 00 499. George S. Oberne, Chicago: to the Department of Surgery for the Alva M. Oberne Cancer Research Fund............ 50 00 500. Pfizer Laboratories: to the Department of Anatomy for a study of experimental acute pancreatitis................... 700 00 501. Prospect Heights' Annual Appeal: to the Department of Surgery for cancer research.............................. 1 443 74 502. Riker Laboratories: to the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery for a study of anticonvulsant properties in drugs.............................................. 4 600 00 503. Roanoke Area United Funds Appeal, Roanoke: to the Department of Surgery for cancer research ($466.99) and for heart research ($280.19).................................. 747 18 504. Ross Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio: to the Department of Pediatrics for a study of hematopiesis in early infancy..... 10 000 00 505. Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Hanover, New Jersey: to the College of Medicine.......................................... 22 500 00 Department of Medicine for a study of chemical mediators.......................................$ 2 500 00 Department of Preventive Medicine for a study of hypertension and headache mechanisms.......... 10 000 00 Department of Preventive Medicine for a study of newer methods of evaluating analgesic agents in man ........................................ 10 000 00 506. Schering Corporation: to the Department of Medicine for research.................................................. 5 000 00 507. G. D. Searle and Company, Chicago: to the Department of Medicine for a study of the treatment of hypertension with diuretics and aldactone.................................... 3 000 00 508. Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Medicine for research on antiviral chemotherapy ................................... 14 818 60 509. E. R. Squibb and Company: to the Department of Medicine for a clinical study of anti-hypertensive drugs.............. 1 000 00 510. Teagle Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Psychiatry for paralysis agitans research.... 8 000 00 511. Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County: to the Department of Microbiology for a laboratory investigation into the possible synergistic relation between penicillin and isoniazid against the tubercle bacillus...................... 2 300 00 512. University of Chicago: to the Department of Medical Social Service for research...................................... 8 681 15 513. Various donors: to the Department of Fixed Partial Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, for the Mary Lloyd Somatic Prosthesis Fund.................................. 175 00 310 board of trustees [December 19 514. Various donors: to the Department of Preventive Medicine to the Arthur S. Littlefield Memorial Fund for pulmonary studies................................................... 99 00 515. Various donors: to the Department of Surgery for the Bristow Cancer Research Fund in memory of the late Chief Justice George W. Bristow of the Supreme Court of Illinois 1 448 00 516. Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company: to the Department of Preventive Medicine for a study of the treatment of diarrhea .......................................... Total, Funds for Fellowships and Research............$ Funds for Educational and Research Programs 517. American Cancer Society, Illinois Division: to the Tumor Clinic Cancer Registry for clerical salaries and office supplies.............................................. 518. Chicago Dental Assistants Association, Evanston: an unrestricted gift to the College of Dentistry.............. 519. The Commonwealth Fund, New York, New York: to the College of Medicine for a study and evaluation of medical education............................................. 520. Fund for Dental Education, Chicago: to the Department of Pedodontics, College of Dentistry, for the publication of proceedings of the conference on the teaching of manual skills..................................................... 521. W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Michigan: for the teacher education program in the College of Dentistry.. 522. Mead Johnson and Company: to establish a Pediatric Residents' Education Fund................................ 523. National Fund for Medical Education: to the College of Medicine for instructional grants..................... 524. Dr. Anthony J. J. Rourke: to the College of Medicine for its educational program............................... 525. Various donors: to the Division of Services for Crippled Children............................................. 526. Various donors: to the Department of Dermatology... Mr. Alvin K. Anderson, Chicago Dr. Carl Herzog, Duke Laboratories, Inc., South Norwalk, Connecticut 527. Various donors: to the Department of Medicine........... 1 969 08 Snoot Boot Enterprises, Busey Hall, Urbana Campus Delavan Community Chest, Delavan Princeville Community Council Fund Drive Charles Kulosky, Chicago, in memory of Martin Kulosky In memory of Landon B. Stableford 528. Various donors: to the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery .................................... 40 00 Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Annable, Western Springs, in memory of Mr. Samuel Soil Marilyn and Jacques Beardsley, Chicago; Paul F. Bovyn, Glenview; and Lily and Roy Campbell, Ontario, Canada; in memory of Ronald Johns 529. Various donors: to the Department of Occupational Therapy 500 38 Dames Club First Congregational Church, Oak Park Hinsdale Sewing Group Mrs. Virginia Meehan, Country Club Hills National Doll Collector's Club, Chicago Rogers Park Woman's Club, Chicago Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center 10 (SIS 510 039 00 97) $ 517 639 97 000 00 25 00 64 000 00 1 500 00 35 091 00 500 00 62 755 00 100 00 51 992 550 04 00 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 311 530. Various donors: to the Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, for the "Special Alumni Fund"............... 1 600 00 Dr. M. P. Breidt, Patterson, New Jersey Dr. Silas J. Kloehn, Appleton, Wisconsin Dr. John S. Kloehn, Appleton, Wisconsin Dr. Arthur B. Lewis, Dayton, Ohio University of Illinois Dental Alumni Society of Ohio Dr. Joseph J. Schachter, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Dr. Henry A. Sturman, Hartford, Connecticut 531. Various donors: to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery 1 912 14 American Limb and Orthopedic Company, Chicago Representative George W. Dunne, Chicago Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, Evanston New York University Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Thornton, Glen Ellyn Women of the Rotary Club, Chicago 532. Various donors: to the Department of Otolaryngology..... 2 180 00 Mrs. Gerald Abramovitz, Chicago Beltone Institute for Hearing Research Dr. E. L. Chainski, Lake Forest Dr. F. L. Lederer and Mrs. Lederer Mrs. H. Meilleur, Lansing Mrs. Harry Sager, Highland Park Mrs. Wendel A. Witkay 533. Various donors: to the Department of Pediatrics.......... 801 00 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown, Mundclein Mr. Lawrence J. Droghetti, Chicago Gould National Batteries, Kankakee Hearth and Garden Club, Austin Woman's Club LaSalle Steel Foundation, Inc., Chicago Mrs. Jac C. Ridinger, in memory of Johnny Kniskern Mrs. C. C. Sberna, Mundelein Various donors, in memory of Scott Lindeman Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whitaker, Mundelein Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Young, Kankakee 534. Various donors: to the Department of Surgery............ 1 584 75 Aid United Givers Harold C. Alford, Lockport Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Annable Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bernhardt Harold Cohn, Alfred Lloyd Corporation, in memory of Mrs. Sally Wolin William DeFotis, Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Galvin, Shaker Heights, Ohio, in memory of Ira Pink Dr. Claude L. Geyer Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gleesons, Chicago Mrs. Rose Glick, in memory of Mrs. Sally Wolin Emery E. Klineman, New Jersey, in memory of Ira Pink Montgomery Ward and Company, Chicago Dr. R. G. Mrazek, Berwyn Gilbert P. O'Connor, Oak Park Herbert Pallat, Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Maywood Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Sondergaard, Dwight Dr. William Requarth, Decatur Mrs. Michael Sleppin, Chicago Kermit A. Slobb, American Broadcasting Company, Chicago, in memory of Byron Speirs Various donors, in memory of April Legette 535. Watson Gailey Eye Foundation, Blqomington: to the Department of Ophthalmology, for a resident-training program 1 000 00 Total, Funds for Educational and Research Programs. .$ 233 100 39 312 board of trustees [December 19 Federal Grants for Buildings and Other Facilities 536. Public Health Service: for Medical Research Laboratory. .$ 37 500 00 United States Government Grants and Research Contracts 537. Air Force................................................$ 2 054 12 538. Agency for International Development.................... 19 743 79 539. Army Chemical Corps..................................... 40 085 00 540. Army Surgeon General................................... 138 384 44 541. Atomic Energy Commission............................... 6 750 00 542. National Science Foundation.............................. 46 311 44 543. Office of Naval Research.................................. 28 158 17 544. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation......................... 6 748 18 545. Public Health Service..................................... 2 676 095 22 Total, Funds for Educational and Research Programs. .$ 2 964 330 36~ Research and Public Service Contracts toith State of Illinois Agencies 546. State Department of Mental Health.......................$ 126 895 73 Psychosomatic differentiation in infancy.........$53 607 90 Relation of neural metabolism to function........ 22 273 28 Psychological factors in psychosomatic disease of children........................................ 2 036 68 Tissue culture of neurons....................... 44 946 90 The role of the proteins of the brain in normal and abnormal brain function.................... 4 030 97 Total, Research and Public Service Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies..........................$ 126 895 73 Gifts of Equipment and Library Materials 547. McArdle, Harrington, & McLaughlin, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: a six-volume edition titled "Brief for the Appellant in the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit No. 13267, Fritchard, Otto E., versus Liggett and Myers Tobacco Company"; estimated value....................... 250 00 548. Dr. N. B. Roberg: to the Department of Medicine, an air conditioner; estimated value.............................. 271 00 549. Mrs. Ida Mae Schroeder, Chicago: To the Department of Orthopedics, a Hoyer lifter; estimated value..................................................... 150 00 To the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, an American electric wheelchair with Blitz battery charger; estimated value .......................................... 500 00 550. Royal Metal Furniture Company; to the Business Office, two chairs; estimated value............................... 36 00 Total, Gifts of Equipment and Library Materials.......$ 1 207 00 Total, Colleges at the Medical Center..................$ 3 933 192 15 Chicago Undergraduate Division 551. Foundry Educational Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio..........$ 2 150 00 Scholarships in engineering.......................$1 400 00 Unrestricted grant in engineering................. 750 00 552. Professor O. L. Railsback, an endowment fund of scholarships in physics........................................... 1 000 00 553. National Science Foundation............................... 3 059 53 Gifts to the Mini Union: 554. Anonymous donor, one Hi-Fi Motorola.................... 738 60 555. Mr. Titus Haffa, Chicago, a Webcor stereo AM-FM radio-phonograph .............................................. 400 00 556. Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago: one portable color television set, with antenna..........................700 00 Total, Chicago Undergraduate Division................$ 8 048 13 Gifts to the University of Illinois Foundation 557. Envelope Fund Projects (formerly Mini Achievement Fund)....................................................$ 184 723 07 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 313 558 Other Gifts for Current Purposes......................... 95 734 77 559 Endowment Funds ....................................... 94 836 65 560. Funds for Physical Plant Purposes........................ 177 525 51 Total, Gifts to the University of Illinois Foundation... .$ 552 820 00 Summary Funds from Private Donors To the University For Urbana-Chatnpaign ...................................$ 3 972 889 28 For Chicago Colleges and Divisions........................ 809 454 66 (4 782 343 94) To the University of Illinois Foundation..................... 552 820 00 Total...................................................$ 5 335 163 94 Funds from United States Government Total for Urbana-Champaign (including $250,000 from National Defense Education Act for student loan programs for all campuses)...................................................$17 895 115 53 Total for Chicago Colleges and Divisions..................... 3 004 889 89 Total...................................................$20 900 005 42 Funds from Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies Total for Urbana-Champaign................................$ 686 897 31 Total for Chicago Colleges and Divisions..................... 126 895 73 Total...................................................$ 813 793 04 Grand Total............................................$27 048 962 40 This report was received for record. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments made by the President; graduate fellows; resignations, cancellations, declinations, and terminations; leaves of absence; changes in sabbatical leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Aaronson, Donald W., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Abbott, Bernard C, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $15,000 a year, supersedes (11-12-62). Adams, James M., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation (Flight), October 22, 1962-June 15, 1963, $450 a month (10-26-62). Anderson, Ernest G., Visiting Professor of Genetics (Agronomy) (S), V2 time, one month from September 1, 1962, $500 (10-31-62). Archibald, Kathleen, Research Associate in the Institute of Communications Research, i/2 time, six months from October 1, 1962, $2,000 (10-31-62). Arias, Belisario A., Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (11-8-62). Aukes, Lewis E., Research Assistant in the Office of Instructional Research (Provost's Office), one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500 (10-30-62). Bakes, Marjorie G., Assistant in Nursing, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,000 a year (10-23-62). Bartel, Donald L., Assistant in General Engineering (C), February 1-June 15, 1963, $2,050 (11-20-62). Bass, Alan R., Research Associate in Psychology, i/2 time, September 16, 1962- January 31, 1963, $300 a month (10-23-62). Bateman, Paul T., Professor of Mathematics and Associate Head of the Department, indefinite tenure from October 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $16,000 a year, supersedes (11-15-62). 314 board of trustees [December 19 Bedford, Norton M., Professor of Accountancy, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $17,000 a year supersedes (10-29-62). Bennett, Mrs. Sara A., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), seven months from February 1, 1963, $500 a month (12-5-62). Berchtold, Max, Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), October 18, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,600 a year (11-8-62). Bereskin, Ben, Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), October 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $6,850 a year (11-8-62). Blevins, Mrs. Marcia J., Reference Assistant in the Library, nine months from December 1, 1962, $5,500 a year, supersedes (11-16-62). Bogdonoff, Diana R., Assistant in Dermatology (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (11-12-62). Borowitz, Gene H., Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $13,000 a year, supersedes (10-24-62). Boxer, Robert W., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1962, without salary (11-27-62). Boyce, Ronald R., Assistant Professor in the Bureau of Community Planning (College of Fine and Applied Arts), J4 time, and of Geography (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), V4 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $9,800, supersedes (11-13-62). Brosemer, Ronald W., Instructor in Biochemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000 (10-23-62). Butler, Mrs. Barbara D., Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, November 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $450 a month, supersedes nonacademic appointment (11-8-62). Butler, (Mr.) Beverly J., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering (C and S), November 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $9,900 a year, supersedes (11-28-62). Buzdygan, Danuta U., Instructor in Pediatrics (Medicine) and in Cleft Palate Center (Dentistry), 72/100 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $5,200, supersedes (10-23-62). Carlston, John A., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Carson, Ralph S., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), nine months from December 1, 1962, $6,500 a year, supersedes (11-30-62). Cicenas, Zinnia, Assistant Chief Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), October 22, 1962-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year (10-31-62). Cizowski, Raymond, Registered Pharmacist in Manufacturing Pharmacy (Pharmacy), nine months from December 1, 1962, $7,000 a year, supersedes (11-15-62). Crank, Floyd L., Associate Professor of Education, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $8,950; and Associate Professor of Business Education and of Education, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,700 a year, supersedes (11-13-62). Crumlish, Brian J., Research Associate in the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council, two months from October 16, 1962, $1,000 a month (10-31-62). Cutler, Douglas, Research Associate in Metallurgy (C), October 25, 1962-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year, supersedes (10-31-62). Diamond, Sydney A., Assistant in Dermatology (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (11-8-62). Dondanville, Louis E., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Dougherty, Norris R., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (10-23-62). Drake, Darrell M., Research Associate in Physics (C), January 16-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year (12-5-62). Duckwall, James W., Research Associate in the Statistical Service Unit (Provost's Office), nine months from December 1, 1962, $9,000 a year (11-13-62). Elmore, Rodney D., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (S), ten months from November 1, 1962, $5,200 a year, supersedes (11-16-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 315 Erichsen, Alvin W., Research Associate in Plant Breeding (Agronomy) (S), ten months from November 1, 1962, $6,500 a year (11-16-62). Fernandez, Adolfo A., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Fetsow, Kenneth O., Clinical Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (10-23-62). Fischer-Wybregt, Susanna H., Research Associate in Pediatrics (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, $6,640 (10-29-62). Flenner, Ross H., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,000, supersedes (10-29-62). Fogel, Jerold S., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), October 29, 1962-August 31, 1963, $7,500 a year (11-12-62). Fraenkel, Gottfried S., Professor of Entomology and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Graduate College), one year from September 1, 1962, $17,700; and from September 1, 1963, indefinite tenure, to render service during each academic year, $14,500 a year, supersedes (10-24-62). Freund, Eric C, Research Associate in the Bureau of Community Planning, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,700 a year; on leave of absence, without pay, from October 22, 1962, through December 31, 1962 (11-9-62). Garcia-Moliner, Carmen, Research Associate in Microbiology, 1/2 time, ten months from November 1, 1962, $2,438 (11-12-62). Gould, Orrin E., Assistant Professor of Education, 34 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $6,263; on leave of absence, 14 time, academic year 1962-63, without pay, supersedes (11-13-62). Gray, Peter V., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $8,000 a year, supersedes (11-12-62). Greene, Paul C, Professor of Psychology, indefinite tenure, and Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Vice-President (Chicago tlndergraduate Division), ten months from November 1, 1962, $14,200 a year, supersedes (12-5-62). Hall, Mahgot L., Assistant in Education, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963. $2,000 (11-8-62). Hanson, Mrs. Dolores M., Assistant Editor in the Office of Public Information, V2 time, ten months from November 1, 1962, $3,000 a year (11-9-62). Harris, Mrs. Brigita, Research Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy), October 22, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,700 a year (11-8-62). Henebry, William F., Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (11-20-62). Hiki, Yosio, Research Associate in Physical Metallurgy (C), November 20, 1962-August 31, 1963, $8,200 a year, supersedes (12-5-62). Hubbard, John L., Jr., Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine), six months from January 1, 1963, without salary (11-20-62). Johnson, A. Beaumont, II, Clinical Associate in Neurological Surgery (Medicine), Va time, one year from September 1, 1962, $1,800 (11-8-62). Johnson, Olaf K., Clinical Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry) and in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Johnston, Su A. K., Assistant Extension Editor, with rank of Assistant in Agriculture (S and E), ten months from November 1, 1962, $5,000 a year, supersedes (11-1-62). Jordan, David M., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (12-5-62). Kamara, Allieu, Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), September 24, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,400 (11-8-62). King, Ivan R., Associate Professor of Astronomy, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, $10,000 a year for services rendered during each academic year; on sabbatical leave of absence from September 1, 1962, through February 28, 1963, on full pay, and from March 1 through August 31, 1963, salary to be paid from National Science Foundation Grant, U.S. NSF G-22005 (46-32-10-354); supersedes (11-8-62). 316 board of trustees [December 19 Kinstle, Thomas H., Research Associate in Chemistry, nine months from December 1, 1962, $6,500 a year (12-5-62). Kirk, Edward S., Instructor in Physiology and Biophysics, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963 $3,875 (10-31-62). Korn, Roy J., Associate Professor of Medicine, at the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/fe-2, for two years from November 18, 1962, $20,000 a year; and Associate Professor of Medicine (Medicine), indefinite tenure from November 18, 1964, without salary, supersedes his nonsalaried appointment (11-16-62). Kornacker, Mildred, Instructor in Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 2/i time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,867, supersedes (11-13-62). Kosman, Mary E., Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1962, $7,000 a year (11-16-62). Kosova, Leonard A., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Krauss, Dietlinde E., Research Associate in Chemistry, five months from April 1, 1963, $487.50 a month (12-5-62). Kysar, John E., Instructor in Hygiene and Assistant Director of the Health Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), v$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $7,000, supersedes (10-29-62). LaFont, Mrs. Frances M., Assistant in Home Economics (C and S), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,200, supersedes (8-29-62). Laverty, James C., Soil Salinity and Soil Management Specialist in the International Cooperation Programs, November 10, 1962-November 9, 1964, $9,020 a year for service under Contract ICAc-1453 in Region I, Agra, U.P., India, supersedes (11-6-62). Levine, Mrs. Myra E., Assistant in Nursing, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,500, supersedes (11-8-62). Linderholm, Carl E., Instructor in Mathematics, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $7,000 a year (11-13-62). Mairinger, Franz, Research Associate in Chemistry, 1/2 time, six months from December 1, 1962, $1,596 (12-5-62). Marshall, Bruce E., Research Assistant in Chemistry, November 26, 1962- August 31, 1963, $6,300 a year (11-13-62). Mautz, Robert K., Professor of Accountancy, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, $17,500 a year, supersedes (10-29-62). Meux, Milton O., Research Assistant Professor in the Bureau of Educational Research, one year from September 1, 1962, $10,000, supersedes (11-12-62). Miller, Arnold L., Assistant Professor of Psychology, $$3 time, academic year from September 1, 1962, $2,800, supersedes (11-8-62). Miller, Raymond N., Assistant in Ps3'chiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (11-20-62). Moffat, Jean E., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1962, $4,900 a year (11-20-62). Molnar, JanoS, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, $8,000 a year (11-16-62). Monin, Max, Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (10-23-62). Moody, Byron A., Research Assistant in Dairy Science (S), October 15, 1962- August 31, 1963, $5,000 a year (11-15-62). Nakamura, Kaname, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), November 10, 1962-August 31, 1963, $4,900 a year (11-16-62). Nedelsky, Leo, Research Associate in Teacher Education (Dentistry), 14 time, ten months from November 1, 1962, $3,750 a year, supersedes (11-16-62). Nelson, Patricia A., Program Director, Illini Union (Chicago Undergraduate Division), eight months from January 1, 1963, $4,800 (12-5-62). Nielsen, John L., Professor of Naval Science and Head of the Department, indefinite tenure from September 1 1962, without salary, supersedes (11-1-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 317 Pap, Lucia T. F., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Paul, M., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from February 1, 1963, $800 a month (10-29-62). Peterson, Helen C, Research Associate in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, V2 time, October 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $2,925 a year (10-31-62). PicHLER, Hanns, Instructor in the Graduate School of Business Administration (College of Commerce and Business Administration), Vi time, nine months from October 1, 1962, $3,000 a year (10-31-62). Pieper, William J., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), 14 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $2,100, supersedes nonsalaried appointment '(10-23-62). Preston, Ann, Architecture Library Assistant (Library), ten months from November 1, 1962, $5,500 a year (10-26-62). Pschorr, Helene, Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $7,000 a year (10-31-62). Racster, Ronald L., Assistant in Finance, nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,000, supersedes (7-24-62). Rao, Pillarisetty J., Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), s/s time, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $5,000 a year, supersedes (10-23-62). Rappaport, Ben Z., Professor of Medicine (Medicine), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,500, supersedes (11-14-62). Reed, Mrs. Barbara L., Lecturer in Recreation and Municipal Park Administration (College of Physical Education), to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-February 28, 1963, without salary; this is in addition to her nonacademic appointment, supersedes (11-26-62). Resh, James A., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), V<2 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $277.77 a month, supersedes (12-5-62). Ries, Donald G., Research Associate in Chemistry, ten months from November, 1, 1962, $5,850 a year (10-31-62). Roth, Cynthia M., Assistant in Physical Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $4,800 (11-21-62). Ruoss, Marjorie, Assistant in Nursing, nine months from September 16, 1962, $5,500, supersedes (12-5-62). Salomon, Lawrence, Instructor in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), l/j time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-January 31, 1963, $873 (11-12-62). Sanchez, Antonia, Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (11-27-62). Savitt, Arthur E., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (10-24-62). Schmitz, Carolyn A., Assistant in Nursing, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $5,500 a year (10-23-62). Schuemann, Wilfred C, Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $8,000 a year (10-24-62). Schumacher, Gebhard, Research Associate in the Institution for Tuberculosis Research (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1962, $625 a month (11-12-62). Scott, Edward J., Associate Professor of Mathematics, % time, $9,000, and of Agronomy (S), yfc time, $1,800, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year, supersedes (10-24-62). Secter, Irving, Assistant Professor of Clinical Dentistry (Dentistry), 7/10 time, October 8, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,950 a year, supersedes (10-24-62). Slyter, Leonard L., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,850 a year (10-24-62). Sollo, Frank W., Jr., Research Associate in the State Water Survey, i/$pD time, eight months from November 1, 1962, $6,500 (10-31-62). Sonnenkalb, Brigitta H., Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center), 3/10 time, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $3,600 a year (10-23-62). Stark, Kenneth, Assistant-Counseling in the Student Counseling Service (Provost's Office), ten months from November 1, 1962, $6,250 a year, supersedes (11-13-62). 318 board of trustees [December 19 Stewart, Mrs. Beverly J., Undergraduate Library Assistant in the Library, nine months from December 1, 1962, $5,500 a year, supersedes (11-16-62). Stolurow, Lawrence M., Professor of Psychology, to render service during each academic year, on leave of absence with pay, during the second semester, and Professor of Education, in the Bureau of Educational Research (Y basis), leave of absence with pay, from February 1 through June 15, 1963, on indefinite tenure, from September 1, 1962, $12,900 a year, supersedes (11-13-62). Swerdlow, Arnold B., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (10-31-62). Takano, Tadao, Instructor in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), V$ time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-January 31, 1963, $875 (11-12-62). Teska, Betty J., Research Associate in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, i/$ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $3,240 (11-8-62). Textor, Charles S., II, Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine), 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $1,200 (11-8-62). Thompson, Edward C, Clinical Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (11-8-62). Uecker, Francis A., Assistant Professor of Botany, September 16, 1962-January 31, 1963, $3,500 (11-1-62). Van Bortel, Dorothy G., Research Associate in Pedodontics (Dentistry), 2/s time, October 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $2,125 (11-8-62). Vandi, Antonio F., Research Associate in Chemistry, four months from October 1, 1962, $565 a month, supersedes (10-23-62). Vastine, Russell J., Jr., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Vermeulen, Mary E., Research Assistant in Microbiology, October 16, 1962-August 31, 1963, $5,200 a year (10-23-62). Vessell, Rita M., Assistant in Nursing, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $5,500 a year (10-23-62). Wachsman, Joseph T., Assistant Professor of Microbiology, July 1, 1962-August 31, 1963, $10,380 a year, supersedes (11-8-62). Walker, Crayton C, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), January 1-June 15, 1963, $477.77 a month, supersedes (12-5-62). Weissman, Herman B., Associate Professor of Physics, 2/3 time, indefinite tenure, $6,200 a year, and Acting Director of the Computer Program, 1/3 time, one year, $3,100 (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during each academic year beginning September 1, 1962, supersedes (10-24-62). Wente, Henry L., Instructor in Clinical Dentistry (Dentistry), % time, October 18, 1962-August 31, 1963, $3,000 a year (11-14-62). Wiehle, H. R., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, February 1-March 31, 1963, $800 a month (10-29-62). Wilkins, James L., Instructor in Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), V4 time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1962-January 31, 1963, $1,500 (11-5-62). Williamson, Arthur R., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1962, without salary (11-16-62). Wuttig, Manfred R. G., Research Associate in Metallurgy (C), January 15-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year (10-31-62). Yaeger, James A., Assistant Professor of Histology (Dentistry), eight months from January 1, 1963, $11,200 a year, supersedes (11-16-62). Yashon, David, Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (11-8-62). Zemlin, Willard R., Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, $$2 time, (Y basis), and 1/2 time, to render service during the academic year, one year from September 1, 1962, $8,225, supersedes (11-27-62). Ziolkowski, Edmund M., Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center), V$pD time, eleven months from October 1, 1962, $6,000 a year; this is in addition to his nonsalaried appointment (11-8-62). 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 319 GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Alkire, William H., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Anthropology, one year from October 1, 1962, $2,000 (10-18-62). Atkins, Gladys, United States Public Health Service Fellow in Physiology, one year from September 21, 1962, $2,000, supersedes (10-19-62). Beers, George, National Science Foundation Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $5,666.25, supersedes (11-13-62). Besman, Morley, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (10-11-62). Cadkin, Lawrence M., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pediatrics, October 6, 1962-June 15, 1963, $550 (10-16-62). Dellenback, Barbara, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (10-8-62). Devine, Richard A., Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation Fellow in Architecture, February 1-June 15, 1963, $1,500 (11-28-62). Edwards, John R., United States Public Health Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, nine months from October 1, 1962, $1,800, supersedes (10-24-62). Elliott, Edward L., General Electric Foundation Teaching Fellow in Accountancy, September 16, 1962-June 30, 1963, $1,000; this is in addition to his appointment as Assistant in Accountancy on ?4 time (11-13-62). Gantt, R. Raymond, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, eight months from November 1, 1962, $1,733.28, supersedes (11-7-62). Gruen, Wayne T., Automotive Safety Foundation Fellow in Civil Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1963, $750 (11-20-62). Heintz, Norman V., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (10-31-62). Johnson, Richard M., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science, October 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $1,888.88; and two months from June 16, 1963, $375, supersedes (10-26-62). Klesse, William R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from December 1, 1962, $2,666 (11-13-62). Lerner, Leon M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, eight months from November 1, 1962, $1,733.28, supersedes (11-7-62). Levin, Jacob J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Neuropharmacology, one year from November 1, 1962, $8,000 (10-26-62). Levin, Nathan W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Special) in Medicine, one year from September 26, 1962, without salary (10-17-62). Magnus, David, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (10-15-62). McCarty, Charles G., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from October 12, 1962, $3,700 (10-18-62). McDermott, James A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from August 1, 1962, $600, supersedes (10-11-62). McIntosh, Charles L., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellowship in Surgery, January 1-June 15, 1963, $400 (11-21-62). McLain, Larry, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (10-8-62). Nixon, Joseph E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, eight months from November 1, 1962, $1,667 (11-7-62). Noteboom, William D., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from October 1, 1962, $2,000 (10-18-62). Schatz, Howard, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1962, $600 (10-11-62). Seline, Helen, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from November 1, 1962, $2,400 (10-31-62). Snow, William J., General Electric Foundation Teaching Fellow in Accountancy, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,000; this is in addition to his appointment as Assistant in Accountancy on vi time (11-13-62). 320 board of trustees [December 19 Walsh, Patricia J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, eight months from November 1, 1962, $1,733.28 supersedes (11-7-62). Watson, James R., United States Public Health Service Fellow in Microbiology one year from January 1, 1963, $2,000 (10-15-62). Willoughby, Jewell B., Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1962, $2,800 (11-5-62). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, CANCELLATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Chatman, Donald G., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine) --- resignation effective October 13, 1962. Chuang, K. P., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ---- resignation effective September 1, 1962. Cicenas, Zinnia, Assistant Chief Pharmacist (Medical Center)---declination effective September 1, 1962. Day, Norman D., Assistant Professor of Architecture --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Gaetani, Sancia, Research Associate in Animal Science --- resignation effective December 14, 1962. Garcia-Moliner, Carmen, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective November 1, 1962. Georgiou, George T., Physician, Health Service (Medical Center) ---resignation effective December 1, 1962. Gray, Joseph L., Ill, Instructor in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Groves William E., Research Assistant in Chemistry --- declination effective June 16, 1962. Harris, Mrs. Brigita, Research Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy)---resignation effective November 1, 1962. Herschbach, Kornelius, Research Associate in Physics --- resignation effective January 1, 1963. Hoffmann, Rita C, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine) --- resignation effective September 9, 1962. Hutchinson, David, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective November 24, 1962. Hutton, Roger S., Assistant in General Engineering---declination effective September 16, 1962. Jacobson, Marcus A., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine)---termination effective September 1, 1962. Kampe, Dwight F., Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering---resignation effective November 16, 1962. Kieso, Donald E., Instructor in Accountancy---resignation effective March 1, 1963. Kimura, Hiroshi, Research Assistant in Food Technology---resignation effective November 22, 1962. Lawrence, Arthur G., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine)---resignation effective November 1, 1962. Leichner, E. Jeannine, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory--- resignation effective December 1, 1962. Maier, Kenneth J., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine) ---termination effective November 1, 1962. Minomura, Shigeru, Research Associate in Chemical Engineering --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Penhollow, John O., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective December 16, 1962. Pope, Shirley A., Fellow in French --- resignation effective November 10, 1962. Ramseyes, Linda M., Fellow in Zoology---resignation effective February 1, 1963. Redfield, Alfred G., George A. Miller Visiting Professor of Physics --- cancellation effective October 1, 1962. Sinha, Mrs. Indu Bala, Research Assistant in Plant Pathology---resignation effective December 1, 1962. 1962] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 321 Stout, Glenn E., Research Associate in General Engineering --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Wiehle, H. R., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective January 1, 1963. Wiehle, H. R., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- declination effective February 1, 1963. Woloshin, Gabbielle S., Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine)---termination effective October 1, 1962. Zayas, Agenor M., Assistant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Medicine) --- resignation effective October 17, 1962. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Fbeund, Eric C, Research Associate in the Bureau of Community Planning --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning October 22, 1962, and continuing through December 31, 1962. Gould, Oerin E., Assistant Professor of Education --- leave of absence, one-fourth time, for the academic year 1962-63, without pay. Manwell, Clyde, Associate Professor of Physiology --- leave of absence, without pay, for two years from September 1, 1963, so that he may spend those two years in research and studies abroad. Rapp, Marie A., Circulation Librarian, with rank of Assistant Professor, in the Chicago Undergraduate Division --- leave of absence, without pay, for four months from December 1, 1962. Roberg, Norman B., Professor of Medicine, in the College of Medicine --- leave of absence, without pay, for two years from July 1, 1963. Rudin, Cecilia M., Instructor in English, in the Chicago Undergraduate Division --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning November 2, 1962, and continuing through August 31, 1963, on account of illness. Sandace, Charles H., Professor of Advertising and Head of the Department, in the College of Journalism and Communications --- leave of absence, one-half time, without pay, from September 1, 1963, through February 29, 1964. Smith, Robert J., Professor of Architecture --- disability leave of absence, with full pay, beginning November 2, 1962, and continuing until the beginning of the second semester. CHANGES IN SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE King, Ivan R., Associate Professor of Astronomy --- from sabbatical leave for the academic year 1962-63 on one-half pay to sabbatical leave of absence from September 1, 1962, and continuing through February 28, 1963, on full pay, and from March 1 through August 31, 1963, his salary to be paid from a National Science Foundation Grant, U.S. NSF G-2200S (46-32-10-354). Stolurow, Lawrence M., Professor of Psychology and of Education, in the Bureau of Educational Research --- from sabbatical leave of absence for the academic year 1962-63 on one-half pay to leave of absence, with pay, from February 1 through June 15, 1963. DEAN MARY K. MULLANE At this point, Dean Mary K. Mullane of the College of Nursing was introduced and she addressed the Board briefly on the recent developments in education for nursing and on the state of the University of Illinois College of Nursing. JANUARY MEETING On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board voted to change the date of the January, 1963, meeting from Wednesday, January 16, to Thursday, January 17, 1963; and to hold this meeting in Springfield at a place and according to a schedule to be determined by the President and the Secretary of the Board. ANNUAL MEETING On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to change the date of the 322 BOARD OF TRUSTEES next annual meeting from Tuesday, March 12, to Wednesday, March 20, 1963. President Henry asked that the Trustees consider holding a special meeting, or meetings and conferences of Board committees, in January following the regular meeting. The dates of January 19 and 22 were suggested. It was the consensus of the Board that the Secretary of the Board, in consultation with the Committee Chairmen, canvass the Trustees to set a suitable date if the business of the University required such a meeting of the Board or of Board Committees. TRIBUTE TO MR. WILK1NS Mr. Wilkins will leave office as Superintendent of Public Instruction of Illinois on January 14, so that today's meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University is the last he will attend as an ex officio member of the Board. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board of Trustees gave Mr. Wilkins a rising vote of thanks for his services as a member of this Board. RECESS At 12:15 p.m., on motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board recessed for luncheon. Members of the Board of Trustees, officers of the Board, officers of the University, and representatives of the press were guests of officers of the First National Bank of Chicago at luncheon. Following the recess, on motion of Mr. Pogue, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS January 17, 1963 The January meeting of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in Room M-3, State House, Springfield, Illinois, on Thursday, January 17, 1963, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Prior to the meeting, the Trustees, officers of the University, and representatives of the press were guests of Governor and Mrs. Otto Kerner for luncheon at the Executive Mansion. The following members of the Board were present at the meeting: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Governor Otto Kerner, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Harold Pogue was absent on account of illness. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Professor Norman A. Parker, Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Dr. Joseph S. Be-gando, Vice-President, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. William H. Rice, Administrative Assistant (Legislative Relations), President's Office; and the officers of the Board, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 323 324 board of trustees [January \J ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD On behalf of the Board, President Clement welcomed the Governor to the meeting, and also Mr. Page, who was attending his first meeting as an ex officio member of the Board. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section S of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unreyoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Richaed Byron Cole Birmingham, Michigan Michigan James Everett Cook Skokie, Illinois Texas Myron Raymond Hass Oak Lawn, Illinois California Jerome Joseph McCarthy East St. Louis, Illinois Missouri Harold Ellsworth Quill Bettendorf, Iowa Iowa Stuart Arthur Simel East Williston, New York New York Robert L. Van De Voorde Rock Island, Illinois Iowa I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these certificates were awarded. BUDGET FOR 19 63 SUMMER SESSION AND FACULTY APPOINTMENTS (2) Submitted herewith is the budget and appointments to the faculty for the 1963 Summer Session: at Urbana-Champaign from June 17 through August 10; at the Chicago Undergraduate Division from June 21 through August 16; and at the Medical Center from June 17 through September 7. The distribution of the budgeted funds is as follows: Salaries Urbana-Champaign..............................................$ 862 919 Medical Center ................................................. H 803 Reserve......................................................... 45 278 Total, Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center................... (920 000) Chicago Undergraduate Division.................................. 144 023 Reserve......................................................... 977 Total, Chicago Undergraduate Division......................... (145 000) Total, Summer Session Salaries.................................(1 065 000) Wages, Expense, and Equipment Urbana-Champaign.............................................. 18 610 Total, Summer Session Budget.................................$1 083 610 Salaries of members of the University faculty recommended for summer session appointments are computed on the basis of the standard formula: two-ninths of the salary of the academic year for eight weeks of service, with proportionate amounts for shorter periods or for part-time service. The appointments being recommended include a number of visiting lecturers from other colleges and universities at the salaries indicated. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 325 I recommend that the appointments to the summer session staff be approved as submitted, and that the President of the University be authorized to accept resignations and make such changes and adjustments and additional appointments as are necessary in accordance with the needs of the University within the allocations of funds indicated. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments and the Summer Session budget were approved, and authority was given as requested, this action being taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dil-liard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Pogue. Urbana-Champaign Accountancy Per Cent Summer Time Salary I. Gaze E. Lukas, Professor................................. 100 $ 2 534 2 R. K. Mautz, Professor................................... 50 1 945 3. William E. Thomas, Jr., Professor........................ 100 2 712 4. Nelson D. Wakefield, Professor........................... 100 2 556 5. Arthur R. Wyatt, Professor............................... 100 2 556 6. Darwin J. Casler, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 778 7. Philip E. Fess, Assistant Professor........................ 50 1 012 8. Nancy A. Desmond, Instructor............................. 100 1 112 9. James E. Wheeler, Instructor............................. 50 534 10.----------------- ............................................. 100 2 223 ($18 962) Advertising 1. James E. Moyer, Associate Professor...................... 100 $ 2 423 ($ 2 423) Anthropology 1. Joseph B. Casagrande, Professor.......................... 50 $ 1 862 2. Demitri B. Shimkin, Professor............................ 50 1 623 3. Elaine A. Bluhm, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 556 4. Frederic K. Lehman, Research Associate................... 100 1 512 5. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 6.-----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 7.-----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 ($ 7 888) Architecture 1. John G. Replinger, Professor.............................. 100 $ 2 589 2. George M. Hodge, Jr., Associate Professor................. 50 1 311 3. Harold L. Hornbeak, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 512 4. Jack H. Swing, Associate Professor........................ 100 2 667 5. James B. Wallace, Associate Professor.................... 67 1 254 ($10 333) Art 1. Glenn R. Bradshaw, Professor............................. 100 $ 2 223 2. Nicholas Britsky, Professor............................... 67 1 586 3. C. V. Donovan, Professor................................. 67 2 238 4. W. F. Doolittle, Professor................................ 100 3 067 5. James D. Hogan, Professor................................ 67 1 734 6. R. E. Hult, Professor..................................... 100 2 223 7. Frank J. Roos, Jr., Professor.............................. 100 2 489 8. Nicola Ziroli, Professor................................... 67 1 482 9. Carleton W. Briggs, Associate Professor................... 67 1 438 10. Donald E. Frith, Associate Professor...................... 67 1 230 II. Raymond Perlman, Associate Professor.................... 67 1 482 12. Robert A. von Neumann, Associate Professor............... 67 1 334 13. .-----------------, Assistant Professor ......................... 100 1 489 14. Roger L. Majorowicz, Instructor........................... 67 845 ($24 860) 326 1. Everett D. f (See Mus (Total Sa 1. Lawrence C. 2. Dale M. Sm 3. Zane B. Care <\ BOARD OF TRUSTEES University of Illinois Bands Cisinsrer Assistant Director................... [January 17 SO $ 1 178 (25) (589) (1 757 ($ 1 178) 100 $ 1 967 100 1 978 100 1 756 50 445 50 445 ($ 6 591) 100 $ 1 778 100 1 778 100 2 Ofm iC) .......................................... Botany Bliss Associate Professor..................... th Associate Professor. . . >thers Assistant Professor AcQictant ( 1. Helmy H. B 2. Leon Richar 3. Graduate School of Business Administration z Assistant Professor..................... 1. Ralph E. Me 2. Mildred E. B 1. Paul C. Rob 2 Robert N C Business Education son Associate Professor...................... 50 100 50 ($5 556) $ 1 060 834 ($ 1 894) $ 1 356 1 034 eed, Assistant Professor (June 17 to July 13).. Business Law erts Professor................................ 1. Thomas J. I-2. Dean F. Mai 3. Roger A. Sc 4. John E. Bal 5. James L. Br Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 100 100 100 100 100 sn ($ 2 390) $ 2 356 1 600 1 667 1 445 1 645 489 rtin Assistant Professor .. ........... hmitz Assistant Professor.................... Assistant ... ..... 7 50 50 50 50 489 489 467 467 467 8 9 10 11 Assistant .. .............. 12 sn 467 13 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 33 33 33 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 445 445 297 297 297 u 15 16 18 10 ->q 21 22 23 2\ 25. Philip Kinse (366b No-$dG6 y Visiting Lecturer........................... 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 889 3 300 2 889 2 800 2 700 2 700 1 800 1 800 1 778 1 600 es Laboratory, Urbana, Illinois) 27 TO 30 31 3$dG 33 34.---------------- Visiting Lecturer............................ 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 327 35--------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 35 --------------; Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Child Development 1. Collene B. King, Instructor................................ 100 2 --------------, Assistant ................................... 50 3. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 4----------------j Assistant ................................... 25 5. ------------------, Visiting Lecturer ........................... 25 Civil Engineering 1. N. M. Newmark, Professor............................... 25 2. Edwin H. Gaylord, Jr., Professor.......................... 100 3. William J. Hall, Professor................................ 50 4. Herbert O. Ireland, Professor............................. 60 5. Narbey Khachaturian, Professor........................... 100 6. William H. Munse, Professor.............................. 50 7. Ralph B. Peck, Professor of Foundation Engineering....... 60 8. Chester P. Siess, Professor............................... 50 9. Moreland Herrin, Associate Professor...................... 60 10. Melvin T. Davisson, Assistant Professor................... 60 11. John W. Melin, Assistant Professor....................... 60 12. William C. Schnobrich, Assistant Professor................ 100 13. Samuel Sutcliffe, Assistant Professor...................... 60 14. Richard N. Wright III, Assistant Professor................ 60 15. ----------------, Instructor .................................. 100 Civil Engineering Summer Surveying Camp 1. Milton O. Schmidt, Professor and Camp Director (June 10 to August 10).......................................... 100 2. ----------------, Assistant (June 17 to July 20)............... 100 3. Albert P. Ruotsala, Visiting Lecturer (June 17 to July 20) .. 100 (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois) 4. Walter A. Scott, Visiting Lecturer (June 17 to July 20).... 100 1 300 (137 Mansfield Street, New Haven 11, Connecticut) ($ 5 925) Classics 1. John J. Bateman, Assistant Professor...................... 100 $ 1 778 2. William P. Donovan, Assistant Professor................... 75 1 167 ($ 2 945) Digital Computer Laboratory 1. Sylvian R. Ray, Research Assistant Professor.............. 75 $ 1 334 2.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 1 801) Economics 1. J. F. Bell, Professor...................................... 50 $ 2 112 2. Royall Brandis, Professor................................. 100 2 523 3. Hans T. Brems, Professor................................. 100 3 400 4. Donald L. Kemmerer, Professor........................... 100 3 267 5. Donald W. Paden, Professor.............................. 50 1389 6. Robert W. Resek, Assistant Professor..................... 50 900 7. Franklin R. Shupp, Assistant Professor.................... 100 2 000 8. Stanley W. Steinkamp, Assistant Professor................. 100 1 867 9.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 10.----------------- Assistant ................................... 50 445 ($18 348) Education 1. Fred P. Barnes, Professor................................. 100 $ 2 567 2. Glenn M. Blair, Professor................................. 100 2 412 3. Harry S. Broudy, Professor............................... 100 2 912 4. R. Will Burnett, Professor................................ 100 2 767 1 600 1 512 ($43 466) $ 1 312 456 228 228 356 ($2 580) $ 1 262 3 223 1 556 1 500 2 400 1 612 2 334 1 612 1 334 1 120 1 040 1 800 1 067 1 134 1 800 ($24 794) $ 2 750 800 1 075 328 board of trustees [January 17 5. John J. DeBoer, Professor................................ 100 2 512 6. Norman E. Gronlund, Professor........................... 100 2 245 7. Stanley G. Hall, Professor of General Engineering (July 15 to August 10).......................................... 100 1 245 8. Harold C. Hand, Professor................................ 100 3 478 9. Kenneth B. Henderson, Professor.......................... 100 2 734 10. Pearl Z. Janssen, Professor of Foods...................... 13 303 (See Home Economics)................................ (87) (2 031) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 334) 11. Walter V. Kaulfers, Professor............................ 100 2 223 12. Clyde G. Knapp, Professor...,............................ 100 2 334 13. John E. McGill, Professor................................. 100 2 300 14. Lawrence E. Metcalf, Professor........................... 100 2 312 15. Perry E. Miller, Professor................................ 100 3 223 16. Walter J. Moore, Professor............................... 100 2 334 17. T. Ernest Newland, Professor............................. 100 2 223 18. Robert E. Pingry, Professor............................... 100 2 589 19. Fred C. Proff, Professor.................................. 100 2 356 20. J. H. Shores, Professor................................... 100 2 623 21. Ray H. Simpson, Professor............................... 100 2 689 22. B. Othanel Smith, Professor............................... 100 3 412 23. W. O. Stanley, Professor.................................. 100 2 678 24. Celia B. Stendler, Professor............................... 100 2 523 25. Warren C. Bonney, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 112 26. Joe R. Burnett, Associate Professor........................ 100 1 945 27. Basil Castaldi, Associate Professor......................... 100 2 134 28. Frank Costin, Associate Professor of Psychology........... 50 1 112 29. Floyd L. Crank, Associate Professor (June 17 to July 13).. 100 967 30. Stephen P. Hencley, Associate Professor................... 100 2 134 31. Robert A. Henderson, Associate Professor................. 100 2 112 32. Charles E. Johnson, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 156 33. Kenneth M. Lansing, Associate Professor.................. 100 1 978 34. Mary E. Mather, Associate Professor...................... 75 1 400 35. Lloyd E. McCleary, Associate Professor................... 100 2 245 36. Foster McMurray, Associate Professor..................... 100 1 900 37. Elizabeth R. Melson, Associate Professor of Business Edu- cation (June 17 to July 13)............................. 100 1 167 38. W. L. Shoemaker, Associate Professor..................... 100 1 934 39. Elizabeth J. Simpson, Associate Professor.................. 75 1 558 40. John G. Chaltas, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 823 41. Thomas E. Culliton, Jr., Assistant Professor............... 100 1 789 42. William H. Evans, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 845 43. Virginia Guthrie, Assistant Professor of Home Management (July 15 to August 10)................................. 50 423 44. Frank H. Klassen, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 778 45. John R. Palmer, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 889 46. Clarence Phillips, Assistant Professor of Mathematics...... 50 789 (See Mathematics) .................................... (50) (789) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 578) 47. William J. Schill, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 889 48. Robert L. Spaulding, Assistant Professor................... 100 1 800 49. Jerry L. Walker, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 734 50. Harry F. Breen, Jr., Instructor............................ 100 1 578 51. Daniel Householder, Instructor............................. 100 1 512 52. Daniel A. Lindley, Jr., Instructor.......................... 50 723 53. James Walden, Instructor................................. 100 1 378 54. Inez E. Bishop, Assistant.................................. 50 S45 55. Ira Gross, Assistant....................................... 50 478 56. Eugene R. Irving, Assistant (July 15 to August 10)......... 100 545 57. Robert Lee Jozwiak, Assistant (July 15 to August 10)...... 100 545 58. Samuel Rosen, Assistant................................... 50 478 59. Joseph A. Twaranovica, Assistant.......................... 50 545 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 329 60.------------------. Assistant ................................... 50 61. ------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 62. -------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 63.------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 64. ------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 55------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 66 ------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 67. ------------------. Assistant (June 17 to July 13)............... 100 68. ------------------, Assistant (July 15 to August 10)............. 100 69. R. H. Eckelberry, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 (2444 Andover Road, Columbus 21, Ohio) 70. Eugene L. Gaier, Visiting Lecturer......................... 100 100 100 100 (University of Buffalo, Buffalo 14, New York) 71. H. J. Hallworth, Visiting Lecturer..................... (23 Links Drive, Solihull, Warwickshire, England) 72. Henry R. Kaczkowski, Visiting Lecturer............... (105 Gregory Hall, Urbana, Illinois) 73. M. Jean Phillips, Visiting Lecturer..................... (105 Gregory Hall, Urbana, Illinois) 74. Joyce F. Wylie, Visiting Lecturer.......................... 100 (University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 75. --- 76. --- 77. --- 78. --- 79. --- 80. --- 81. --- 82. --- 83. --- 84. --- 85. --- 86. --- 87. --- Electrical Engineering 1. George E. Anner, Professor..................... 2. L. B. Archer, Professor......................... 3. Willis L. Emery, Professor...................... 4. M. S. Helm, Professor.......................... 5. C. A. Keener, Professor......................... 6. G. R. Peirce, Professor.......................... 7. P. F. Schwarzlose, Professor.................... 8. C. E. Skroder, Professor........................ 9. Jerome Earl Williams, Professor................ 10. Roger W. Burtness, Associate Professor.......... 11. Milton H. Crothers, Associate Professor......... 12. Paul R. Egbert, Associate Professor............ 13. Edward W. Ernst, Associate Professor........... 14. Daniel F. Hang, Associate Professor............ 15. Benjamin Kuo, Associate Professor.............. 16. Millard S. McVay, Associate Professor.......... 17. ------------------, Associate Professor. 18. Philip A. Bauman, Assistant Professor.. 19. V. Gourishankar, Assistant Professor... 20. Paul K. Hudson, Assistant Professor... 21. Edwin C. Jones, Jr., Assistant Professor. 22. ----------- , Assistant Professor....... 23. Arnold W. Dipert, Instructor........... 24. John R. Lehmann, Jr., Instructor....... 100 100 50 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 100 50 50 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 2 600 2 000 2 200 2 000 1 600 2 300 200 200 200 200 000 000 000 000 1 400 1 400 1 300 1 000 1 000 800 ($151 239) 000 600 1 445 2 600 3 112 2 512 1 200 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 267 534 645 312 089 623 334 156 556 1 800 1 645 845 056 845 1 600 556 712 ($47 044) 1 330 board of trustees [January 17 English 1. Edward H. Davidson, Professor........................... 100 $ 3 378 2. Gwynne B. Evans, Professor.............................. 100 3 400 3. Bruce Harkness, Professor................................ 100 2 489 4. Roland M. Smith, Professor............................... 50 1 356 5. Harris W. Wilson, Professor.............................. 100 2 578 6. August L. Altenbernd, Associate Professor................. 100 1 912 7. Daniel Curley, Associate Professor........................ 100 1 845 8. Robert B. Lees, Associate Professor....................... 100 2 445 9. ----------------1 Associate Professor......................... 100 2 178 10. Harry F. Robins, Associate Professor...................... 100 1 823 11. Francis W. Weeks, Associate Professor of Business English. 50 1 123 12. John T. Maguire, Associate Professor of Business English.. 50 956 13. Lloyd E. Berry, Assistant Professor....................... 50 856 14. N. P. Davis, Assistant Professor.......................... 50 723 15. ----------------, Assistant Professor.......................... 50 789 16. John A. Hamilton, Assistant Professor..................... 50 723 17. Donald J. Hogan, Assistant Professor...................... 50 789 18. Statiton Millet, Assistant Professor........................ 50 778 19. Frank Moake, Assistant Professor......................... 50 895 20. Gardiner B. Stillwell, Assistant Professor.................. 50 823 21.----------------, Assistant Professor of Business English...... 50 956 22. ----------------, Assistant Professor of English for Foreign Students............................................... 100 1 667 23. Howard C. Cole, Instructor............................... 50 700 24. ----------------, Instructor .................................. 50 712 25. Mary Lynn Johnson, Instructor............................ 50 700 26. Robert K. Stone, Instructor............................... 50 656 27. Albert C. Tillman, Instructor.............................. 50 712 28. ----------------, Instructor .................................. 50 712 29. ----------------, Instructor in Business English................ 50 623 30. ----------------, Instructor in Business English................ 50 656 31. Robert Paul Fox, Instructor in English for Foreign Students 100 1 378 32. Eloise C. Enata, Instructor in English for Foreign Students 100 1 445 33. Mary A. Hussey, Instructor in English for Foreign Students 100 1 400 34. ----------------1 Assistant ................................... 50 467 35. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 36. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 37.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 38. ----------------> Assistant ................................... 50 489 39. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 40. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 41. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 42. Donald H. Reiman, Visiting Lecturer...................... 100 2 033 (Duke University, Durham, North Carolina) ($50 033) Entomology 1. William L. Downes, Assistant Professor.................... 100 $ 1 678 ($ 1 678) Finance 1. Robert A. Hedges, Associate Professor..................... 100 $ 2 045 2. T. Emerson Cammack, Assistant Professor................. 100 1 823 3. Arthur Heins, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 867 4. Frederick G. Stubbs, Assistant............................. 25 223 5. Ward Theilman, Assistant................................. 50 445 ($ 6 403) French 1. Philip A. Wadsworth, Professor........................... 50 $1 650 2. Bruce H. Mainous, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 289 3. Stanley E. Gray, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 645 4. Paul A. Mankin, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 667 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 331 5 Philip H. Stephan, Assistant Professor..................... 67 993 6 Herbert C. DeLey, Jr., Instructor.......................... 100 1 334 7. Paul E. Barrette, Instructor............................... 100 1 423 8. .-----------------, Assistant ................................... SO 445 9.------------------, Assistant ................................... SO 445 10.------------------, Assistant ................................... SO 445 11.------------------, Assistant ................................... SO 445 12. ------------------, Assistant ................................... SO 445 13. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 14 .------------- Assistant ................................... 50 445 15.-----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 16.------------------, Assistant ................................... SO 445 17. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 lg------------------1 Assistant ................................... SO 445 19 .-----------------( Assistant ................................... 50 445 20. Vasile C. Barsan, Assistant................................ 50 545 (7 Bryan Place, Charleston, Illinois) ($16 886) General Engineering 1. Robert P. Borri, Associate Professor...................... SO $ 978 2. John P. Hipskind, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 489 3. Donald E. Scheck, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 S56 4. Robert W. Bokenkamp, Instructor......................... 50 889 ($ 4 912) Division of General Studies 1. Francis A. Uecker, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences 100 $ 1 5S6 2. Reinhart A. Brust, Assistant in Biological Sciences......... 50 445 3. James Evan House, Assistant in Physical Sciences.......... 50 484 ($ 2 485) Geography 1. Fred W. Foster, Professor................................ 75 $ 2 192 2. J. L. Page, Professor..................................... 100 2 512 3. C. S. Alexander, Associate Professor...................... 75 1 434 4. Jerome D. Fellmann, Associate Professor.................. 75 1 634 5. Howard G. Roepke, Associate Professor................... 75 1 625 6. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 7. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 223 8. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 223 ($10 288) Geology 1. George W. White, Professor (July 15 to August 10)........ 100 $ 2 067 2. -----------------, Professor (June 17 to July 13)............... 100 1 289 3. Frederick W. Cropp, Assistant Professor................... 100 1 823 4. W. Hilton Johnson, Instructor............................. 100 1 400 5. Robert B. Furlong, Assistant.............................. 100 889 6. Franklin D. Patton, Assistant.............................. 100 889 7. Donald R. Coates, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 2 000 (Harpur College, Binghamton, New York) 8. Frank L. Koucky, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 2 000 (University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio) 9. Wilton N. Melhorn, Visiting Lecturer...................... 100 2 000 (Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana) ($14 357) German 1. Henri Stegemeier, Professor............................... 100 $ 2 667 2. Francis J. Nock, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 134 3. Otto Dornberg, Instructor................................. SO 700 4. Charles B. Giordano, Instructor............................ 50 667 5. Ausrele Mary Guckel, Instructor........................... 100 1 289 6. Werner Marx, Instructor................................. 100 1 423 7. Michael M, Metzger, Instructor........................ 100 1 400 332 board of trustees [January 17 8. Walter L. Robbins, Instructor............................. SO 700 9. David E. Silas, Instructor................................. 100 1 412 10. Thomas C. Starnes, Jr., Instructor......................... 100 1 289 ($13 681) Health and Safety Education 1. A. E. Florio, Professor................................... SO $1 528 2. Warren J. Huffman, Associate Professor................... 100 2 312 ($3 840) History 1. C. Ernest Dawn, Professor................................ 80 $ 1 974 2. Deno J. Geanakoplos, Professor............................ 80 2 098 3. Raymond P. Stearns, Professor........................... 80 2 632 4. James L. Bates, Associate Professor....................... 80 1 636 5. John B. Sirich, Associate Professor........................ 80 1 627 6. Clark C. Spence, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 334 7. Robert B. Crawford, Assistant Professor................... 100 1 689 8. Mary Lucille Shay, Assistant Professor.................... 100 1 912 9. Arther Lee Ferrill, Assistant.............................. 50 445 10. Richard Allen Swanson, Assistant.......................... 50 445 11. C. Harvey Gardiner, Visiting Lecturer..................... 100 3 040 (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois) 12. Ralph J. Roske, Visiting Lecturer.......................... 100 2 400 (Humboldt State College, Arcata, California) ($22 232) Home Economics 1. Pearl Z. Janssen, Professor............................... 87 $ 2 031 (See Education) ...................................... (13) (303) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 334) 2. Mildred Bonnell, Associate Professor (June 17 to July 13).. 100 1 056 3. Virginia Guthrie, Assistant Professor (June 17 to July 13).. 100 845 4. Willie Mae Mowrer, Assistant Professor................... 50 1 889 5. Mary S. Herndon, Instructor.............................. 50 700 6. Helen House, Assistant (June 17 to July 13)............... 100 589 7. ----------------,............................................. 50 944 ($ 7 110) Journalism 1. Jay W. Jensen, Associate Professor........................ 50 $ 1 528 ($ 1 528) Law 1. C. H. Bowman, Professor................................. 100 $ 3 289 2. Kenneth S. Carlston, Professor............................ 100 3 556 3. Rubin G. Cohn, Professor................................. 100 4 134 4. Wylie H. Davis, Professor................................ 100 3 556 5. George T. Frampton, Professor........................... 100 4 223 6. Harold W. Holt, Professor................................ 100 3 467 7. Eugene F. Scoles, Professor............................... 100 4 000 8. Joel F. Handler, Assistant Professor....................... 100 2 556 ($28 781) Graduate School of Library Science 1. Harold Goldstein, Professor............................... 100 $ 2 378 2. Anne L. Corbitt, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 223 3. Winifred Ladley, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 067 4. Cora E. Thomassen, Assistant Professor................... 100 1 667 5. Howard W. Cordell, Instructor............................ 100 1 334 6. -----------------1 Assistant ................................... 100 889 7.-----------------> Assistant ................................... 100 889 8.-----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 889 9. -----------------( Assistant ................................... 50 445 10. Ann M. Fox, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 1 400 (609 West Healey Street, Champaign, Illinois) 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 333 11. Margaret Oldfather, Visiting Lecturer..................... 100 1 800 (Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio) 12. Ralph H. Parker, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 2 000 (1104 South Glenwood, Columbia, Missouri) 13 ---------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 1 800 ($19 781) Management 1. M. J. Mandeville, Professor............................... 100 $ 3 156 2. Irvin L. Heckmann, Jr., Associate Professor................ 100 2 378 3. Donald L. Perry, Assistant................................ 50 445 ($5 979) Marketing 1. Fred M. Jones, Professor................................. 100 $ 2 734 2. Donald W. Scotton, Associate Professor................... 100 2 400 ($ 5 134) Mathematics 1. Colin R. Blyth, Professor................................. 50 $ 1 445 2. Henry J. Miles. Professor................................ 55 1 378 3. William A. Ferguson, Associate Professor................. 50 1 056 4. R. G. Langebartel, Associate Professor..................... 100 2 178 5. Harlan G. H. Bartram, Assistant Professor................ 100 1 889 6. George R. Blakley, Assistant Professor.................... 100 1 734 7. Clarence Phillips, Assistant Professor...................... 50 789 (See Education) ....................................... (50) (789) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 578) 8. Neal J. Rothman, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 778 9. Paul M. Weichsel, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 778 n. Gordon E. Brown, Instructor.............................. 100 1 445 11- John A. Eagon, Instructor................................ 100 1 600 12. William J. Leahey, Instructor............................. 100 1 667 13. Cin-pi Lu, Instructor.................................... 100 1 600 14. Genge h. Orland, Instructor.............................. 100 1 667 15. R. lvga Rao, Instructor................................. 100 1 556 16. Donall r. Sherbert, Instructor............................ 100 1 445 17.----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 889 18.----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 889 19,------------- Assistant ................................... 100 889 20. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 889 21.----------------" Assistant ................................... 100 889 22. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 889 23. -----------------, -ssistant ................................... 50 445 24.-----------------, Asistant ................................... 50 445 25. ----------------, As;stant ................................... 50 44S 26.-----------------, Assitant ................................... 50 445 27.-----------------, Assis,nt ................................... 50 445 28.-----------------, Assisfc.t ................................... 50 445 29.-------------------, Assistai. ............ SO 445 30. -------------------------, Assistant' './'.'" ........ [','."...,... .'. $dG','.. SO 445 31. -------------------, Assistant .................................. 50 445 32.-------------------, Assistant .'................................ 50 445 33. --------------, Assistant '\\\\\\\\\\y//////////.\\\\'.'.\[\ 33 297 34.------------------, Assistant .... 33 297 , . . , ............................. ($35 383) Mechanical ai, Industrial Engineering 1. Eugene F. Hebrank, Professor............................ 100 $ 2 534 2. William L. Hull, Professor...... 1Oq 2 756 3. Edwin D. Luke, Professor...........................'.'.' 100 2 600 4. Eugene I. Radzimovsky, Professor. 100 2 667 5. Willard E. Bair, Associate Professor"..................... 50 t 07g 6. James W. Bayne, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 089 7. Wen Lung Chow, Associate Professor..................... 5q 1 123 334 board of trustees [January 17 8. Wilbert F. Stoecker, Associate Professor................... SO 1 123 9. Ross P. Strout, Associate Professor........................ 50 956 10. Parker H. Badger, Lecturer............................... 50 934 11. Ronald H. Howell, Instructor.............................. 50 734 12. S. Ramalingam, Instructor................................. 50 745 13. Morse B. Singer, Instructor............................... 50 834 14. Gerald W. Hartke, Assistant............................... 33 326 15. James J. Stukel, Assistant................................. 50 489 ($20 988) Microbiology 1. Joan McCamish, Instructor................................ 100 $ 1 667 2. Alice C. Helm, Assistant.................................. 100 889 3. ----------------( Assistant ................................... 50 445 4. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 ($ 3 446) Music 1. Bjornar Bergethon, Professor.............................. 50 $ 1 356 2. Harold A. Decker, Professor.............................. 75 2 100 3. Bruce R. Foote, Professor.............................. 100 2 889 4. Scott Goldthwaite, Professor.............................. 1U0 2 712 5. Mark H. Hindsley, Professor.............................. 33 985 6. J. Robert Kelly, Professor................................ 100 2 312 7. Charles Leonhard, Professor............................... 100 2 956 8. A. J. McDowell, Professor................................ 100 2 223 9. Paul S. Pettinga, Professor............................... 100 2 512 10. Dragan Plamenac, Professor.............................. 100 2 956 11. Paul Rolland, Professor................................... 50 1 345 12. Haskell O. Sexton, Professor.............................. 50 1 178 13. Robert H. Swenson, Professor............................. 50 1 13 14. Gilbert R. Waller, Professor.............................. 75 17'/ 15. Grace E. Wilson, Professor............................... 75 1 "00 16. Ludwig Zirner, Professor.................................. 75 1 ?00 17. Andrew Morris Carter, Associate Professor................ 25 329 18. Robert E. Gray, Associate Professor....................... 67 1 260 19. King Kellogg, Associate Professor......................... 50 1 112 20. Everett D. Kisinger, Associate Professor................... 25 589 (See University of Illinois Bands)....................... (50 (1 178) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1767) 21. William H. Miller, Associate Professor.................... (" 956 22. Robert E. Thomas, Associate Professor....................*w I OUU 23. Edward S. Berry, Jr., Assistant Professor................. $pD> 394 24. Blaine E. Edlefsen, Assistant Professor.................. 50 778 25. Thomas L. Holden, Assistant Professor................. J 600 26. Howard Karp, Assistant Professor................... 1(]0 1 956 27. Edward J. Krolick, Assistant Professor................... " 28. Royal B. MacDonald, Assistant Professor................. J$dG0 1 667 29. Eric L. Dalheim, Instructor............................... l$dG0 ' 200 30. Clayton Henderson, Instructor............................ '* * 084 31. James B. Lyke, Instructor...................... ......... $pD ''$dG 32. Marilyn R. Pflederer, Instructor.......................... " 5;}8 33. Alan R. Thomas, Instructor............................... 10" 1 623 34. Milan Kaderavek, Assistant.............................. 50 44s 35. Jane Schleicher, Assistant................. .............. 33 $pD9/ 36. ----------------, Assistant ..................,............... }$dG$dG 8* XI Assistant '............... 100 889 if- > Assistant ................. 38. ----------------, Assistant.................................. l$dG0 39. ----------------, Assistant.................................. lo.$dG. 89 40. Ronald Fink, Visiting Lecturer....... ' V '>.;..;..... iJl 297 (Hartsburg-Emden High School, tshS, Illinois) 41. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer. ..."..................... 1Q0 f 500 42- ----------------.Visiting Lecturer.../'...................... 67 1 J 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 335 Nuclear Engineering 1. Marvin E. Wyman, Professor............................. 50 $ 1 689 2. Daniel F. Hang, Associate Professor....................... SO 1 167 3. George H. Miley, Assistant Professor...................... 50 923 4. Bernard W. Wehring, Assistant............................ 50 489 5. Dayton D. Wittke, Assistant............................... 50 489 ($ 4 757) Philosophy 1. D. W. Gotshalk, Professor................................ 122 $ 462 2. ----------------, Professor .................................. 100 3 300 3 Harry M. Tiebout Jr,, Associate Professor................. 67 1 378 4.----------------, Assistant Professor.......................... 100 1 600 5. ----------------, Assistant Professor.......................... 100 1 550 6. John F. Logan, Instructor................................. 100 1 445 ($ 9 735) Physical Education for Men 1. T. K. Cureton, Jr., Professor.............................. 100 $ 3 612 2. Alfred W. Hubbard, Professor............................ 100 2 400 3. Alan J. Barry, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 900 4. Howard J. Braun, Assistant Professor..................... 25 445 5. Ralph E. Fletcher, Assistant Professor..................... 33 689 6. William L. Hottinger, Instructor.......................... 25 369 7. Roy J. Keller, Instructor.................................. 60 800 8. Robert D. Leigh, Instructor............................... 25 322 9. Eugene C. Stauber, Instructor............................. 25 433 10. Linwood G. Bechtel, Assistant............................. 25 300 11. Peter T. Magnabosco, Assistant............................ 25 250 12. Michael A. Sherman, Assistant............................ 25 297 13. John M. Cooper, Visiting Lecturer......................... 100 3 200 (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California) ($15 01?) Physical Education for Women 1. Beulah J. Drom, Assistant Professor....................... 50 $ 873 2. Olive G. Young, Associate Professor....................... 50 928 3. Florence Patricia Cullen, Instructor........................ 50 795 4. Marjorie M. Harris, Instructor............................ 75 1 084 5. Marjorie A. Souder, Instructor............................ 50 723 6. Madeline Dasch, Assistant................................. 25 223 ($ 4 626) Physics 1.----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 $ 2 400 2. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 400 3. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 400 4. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 5. ----------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 6.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 8 601) Physiology and Biophysics 1. John D. Anderson, Associate Professor.................... 100 $ 2 323 2. Stanley G. Stolpe, Associate Professor..................... 100 1 934 3. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 4. -------------> Assistant ................................... 50 445 5. ---------------- Assistant ................................... 50 445 ($ 5 592) Political Science 1. Richard L. Butwell, Associate Professor................... 100 $ 1 934 2. Denis G. Sullivan, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 600 3. Louis H. Douglas, Visiting Lecturer....................... 100 2 600 (Department of Economics and Sociology, Area Development, Waters Hall 328, Manhattan, Kansas) ($ 6 134) 336 board of trustees [January 17 Psychology 1. Lloyd G. Humphreys, Professor........................... 50 $ 1 945 2. Jozef B. Cohen, Associate Professor....................... 100 2 034 3. W. G. McAllister, Associate Professor..................... 100 1 845 4. Raymond W. Frankmann, Assistant Professor.............. 100 1 845 5. ----------------, Assistant Professor.......................... SO 834 6. Willhem A. T. Meuwese, Instructor........................ 50 734 7. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 8. James M. Alsobrook, Visiting Lecturer..................... 50 778 (316 Gregory Hall, Urbana, Illinois) 9. Pearl M. Gore, Visiting Lecturer.......................... 100 1 556 (1005 West Nevada Street, Urbana, Illinois) ($12 016) Recreation and Municipal Park Administration 1. Charles K. Brightbill, Professor........................... 100 $ 3 734 2. Maxwell R. Garret, Associate Professor.................... 75 1 367 3. Mary V. Frye, Instructor................................. 75 1 184 ($ 6 285) Russian 1. Ralph E. Matlaw, Associate Professor..................... 100 $ 3 000 2. Victor Terras, Assistant Professor......................... 50 850 3. ----------------, Instructor .................................. 100 1 334 4. Borys Bilokur, Assistant.................................. 50 445 5. Fred Thayer, Assistant.................................... 50 445 6.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 445 7. ----------f Assistant ................................... 50 445 ($ 6 964) Sociology 1. Erich A. Ahrens, Associate Professor...................... 100 $ 1 912 2. Bernard M. Lazerwitz, Assistant Professor................. 100 1 978 3. Richard F. Tomasson, Assistant Professor.................. 100 1 667 ($ 5 557) Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese 1. J. H. D. Allen, Professor.................................. 100 $ 2 667 2. Luis Leal, Professor...................................... 100 2 334 3. Joseph S. Flores, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 289 4. Merlin H. Forster, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 667 5. S. W. Baldwin, Jr., Instructor............................. 100 1 400 6. Lucille V. Braun, Instructor............................... 50 700 7. William C. Blaylock, Assistant............................. 50 689 8. David Hernandez, Assistant............................... 75 667 ($12 413) Speech and Theatre 1. Halbert E. Gulley, Professor.............................. 50 $ 1 167 2. Lee S. Hultzen, Professor................................. 50 1 178 3. Richard Murphy, Professor............................... 100 2 689 4. Raymond E. Nadeau, Professor............................ 50 1 156 5. Severina E. Nelson, Professor............................. 50 1 256 6. John Wesley Swanson, Professor.......................... 100 2 512 7. Clara M. Behringer, Associate Professor................... 50 967 (See University Theatre)............................... (50) (967) (Total Salary)........................................ (1 934) 8. King W. Broadrick, Associate Professor................... 50 1 012 9. Kenneth Burns, Associate Professor........................ 50 945 10. Delmond N. Bennett, Assistant Professor.................. 50 778 11. Vincent W. Byers, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 645 12. Chester C. Long, Assistant Professor...................... 50 778 13. Lawrence W. Olson, Assistant Professor................... 50 867 14. Thomas O. Sloan, Assistant Professor...................... 50 834 15. Willard R. Zemlin, Assistant Professor.................... 50 823 16. Robert Noel Hall, Instructor.............................. 50 700 17. ----------------1 Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 875 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 337 Speech and Hearing Clinic 1. Naomi W. Hunter, Assistant Professor.................... SO $ 734 2. Frances L. Johnson, Assistant Professor................... 100 1 556 3. Marie O. Shere, Assistant Professor....................... 50 800 4. Jane B. Archer, Instructor................................ 100 1 145 5. E. Walter Loftiss, Assistant............................... 50 445 6. Carl E. Williams, Assistant............................... 50 445 ($ 5 125) University Theatre 1. Clara M. Behringer, Associate Professor................... 50 $ 967 (See Speech and Theatre).............................. (50) (967) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 934) 2. Genevieve Richardson, Assistant Professor................. 75 1 242 3. Webster L. Smalley, Assistant Professor................... 50 856 4 -----------------1 Assistant ................................... 25 223 5. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 223 6.-----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 223 7. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 223 8. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 223 9. --------------; Assistant ................................... 25 223 10. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 223 11. -----------------( Assistant ................................... 25 223 12. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 223 13. Alan G. Billings, Visiting Lecturer......................... 75 1 200 (56 West Delaware Avenue, Newark, Delaware) 14.-----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 875 ($ 7 147) Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1. Cletus Edward Bowman, Professor......................... 67 $ 1 645 2. Marlyn E. Clark, Professor............................... 50 1 134 3. Paul Guy Jones, Professor................................ 67 1 926 4. Clyde E. Kesler, Professor................................ 25 650 5. Henry L. Langhaar, Professor............................. 50 1 889 6. Wallace M. Lansford, Professor........................... 100 3 023 7. Omar M. Sidebottom, Professor........................... 50 1 334 8. James O. Smith, Professor................................ 75 2 384 9. Horatio M. Fitch, Assistant Professor..................... 50 912 10. Russell S. Jensen, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 800 ($16 697) Zoology 1. Hurst H. Shoemaker, Associate Professor.................. 100 $ 1 823 2. Willie Mae Campbell, Assistant............................ 50 445 3. David B. Crandall, Assistant................................ 50 445 4. Richard Rayle, Assistant.................................. 50 445 5. Daniel Stern, Assistant.................................... 50 445 6. Catherine Verhey, Assistant............................... 50 445 7. Joseph White, Assistant................................... 50 445 8. A. A. Johnson, Visiting Lecturer........................... 100 1 800 (Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas) 9. A. B. Leonard, Visiting Lecturer........................... 100 2 000 (University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas) ($ 8 293) Total, Urbana-Champaign .............................. $862 919 Departmental Wages, Expense, and Equipment Anthropology Expense............................................................$ 1 250 Cahokia Mounds ......................$500 Rock River Valley..................... 500 Ecuador............................... 250 Child Development Expense............................................................ 200 338 board of trustees [January 17 Civil Engineering Surveying Camp Wages, Expense, and Equipment..................................... 7 700 Education Wages and Expense................................................. 2 245 Honoraria.......................................................... 900 Forestry Camp Wages.............................................................. 840 Expense............................................................ 2 660 Geography Expense............................................................ 300 Recreation Expense............................................................ 1 360 Stipends for Supervisors............................................. 1 155 Total, Wages, Expense, and Equipment...........................$18 610 Medical Center College of Pharmacy Per Cent Summer Chemistry Time Salary 1. Charles L. Bell, Assistant Professor (July 29 to September 7) 100 $ 1 409 2. Dominick Coviello, Assistant Professor (June 17 to July 27) 100 1 409 3. Bernard J. Kurtin, Instructor in Physics (June 17 to July 27) 100 1 134 4. McLouis J. Robinet, Instructor (July 29 to September 7) ... 100 884 5. Bih-Jau Gau, Assistant (June 17 to July 27)................ 50 334 6. Lee Timothy Grady, Assistant (July 29 to September 7) 50 334 7. Dennis Pogany, Assistant (July 29 to September 7)......... 50 334 8. Karl A. Roseman, Assistant (June 17 to July 27).......... 50 334 9. Martin Schreibman, Assistant (June 17 to July 27)......... 50 334 10. James P. Shoffner, Assistant (July 29 to September 7)...... 50 334 ($ 6 840) Pharmacy 1. Herbert M. Emig, Associate Professor (June 17 to July 13; July 29 to August 10).................................. 100 1 734 2. Frederick Siegel, Assistant Professor (June 17 to July 27).. 100 1 550 3. Bernard Ecanow, Assistant Professor (August 12 to Septem- ber 7) ................................................. 100 1 012 4. Elfriede Bammer, Assistant (June 17 to September 7)...... 50 667 ($ 4 963) Total, College of Pharmacy............................. $11 803 Chicago Undergraduate Division Art Per Cent Summer Time Salary 1. John D. McNee, Professor................................ 100 $ 2 267 ($ 2 267) Biological Sciences 1. Kenneth M. Madison, Professor........................... 50 $ 1 200 2. Max C. Shank, Professor................................. 75 1 734 3. Sidney F. Glassman, Associate Professor................... 50 1 078 4. Ellis B. Little, Associate Professor........................ 50 945 5. James A. Bond, Assistant Professor....................... 50 778 6. John C. Hadder, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 723 7. John T. Newell, Assistant Professor....................... 50 834 8. John L. Sarkissian, Instructor............................. 50 600 9. Paul J. Taxey, Instructor................................. 50 556 ($ 9 448) Commerce and Business Administration 1. Lucile Derrick, Professor of Economics.................... 80 $ 1 992 2. W. D. Grampp, Professor of Economics.................... 100 2 367 3. Alfonse T. Malinosky, Associate Professor of Accountancy.. 50 912 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 339 4. Albert J. Schneider, Associate Professor of Accountancy---- 100 2 245 5. Daniel K. Andrews, Assistant Professor of Accountancy---- 100 1 656 6. Winifred B. Geldard, Assistant Professor of Economics..... 100 1 589 7. Carl M. Larson, Assistant Professor of Marketing.......... 100 1 756 8. Armor J. Fair, Instructor in Management.................. 100 1 445 9 Edward T. Ossman, Instructor in Accountancy............. 100 1 178 ($15 140) Engineering 1, C. I. Carlson, Professor of General Engineering............ 100 $ 2 978 2 Herman J. Johnson, Associate Professor of Physics........ 100 1 956 3. Harold M. Skadeland, Associate Professor of Physics...... 100 2 223 4. H. B. Weissman, Associate Professor of Physics.......---- 100 2 067 5. F. P. Wiesinger, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering.. 100 2 023 6. Ogden Livermore, Assistant Professor of Physics.......... 100 1 689 7. Fishel E. Moraine, Assistant Professor of Physics.......... 100 1 778 8 A. F. Silkett, Assistant Professor of Physics............... 100 1 800 q .............................. 100 1 750 ($18 264) Humanities 1. Jose Sanchez, Professor of Foreign Languages............. 67 $ 1 541 2. Arnold J. Hartoch, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages 50 1 045 3. Falk S. Johnson, Associate Professor of English............ 100 2 156 4. Moreen Jordan, Associate Professor of English............ 100 1 823 5. Robert Kauf, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. .. . 100 2 023 6. Marie E. Lein, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages.. 67 1 304 7. Zelma B. Leonhard, Associate Professor of English......... 100 1 823 8. John O. Marsh, Jr., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages 67 1 260 9. Samuel A. Weiss, Associate Professor of English.......... 100 1 823 10. Robert E. Gallagher, Assistant Professor of English........ 100 1 667 11. John H. Mackin, Jr., Assistant Professor of English........ 100 1 634 12. Kathryn H. Carlson, Instructor in English.................. 100 1 423 13. Russell E. Davis, Instructor in English..................... 100 1 378 14. Ruby V. deGryse, Instructor in Speech..................... 100 1 378 15. Eleanor K. Harris, Instructor in English................... 100 1 334 16. Conde R. Hoskins, Instructor in Speech.................... 100 1 556 17. Mary C. Sidney, Instructor in English..................... 50 623 18. Ruta O. Lukas, Assistant in Foreign Languages............. 67 682 19. Charles A. Wright, Assistant in Foreign Languages......... 100 1 067 ($27 540) Mathematics 1. Irwin K. Feinstein, Professor............................. 100 $ 2 223 2. Evelyn Frank, Professor.................................. 83 2 075 3. Herbert J. Curtis, Associate Professor..................... 83 1 871 4. Flora Dinkines, Associate Professor....................... 83 1 741 5. Kenneth H. Murphy, Assistant Professor.................. 100 1 823 6. Winifred V. Berglund, Instructor.......................... 100 1 578 7. Louis I. Gordon, Instructor................................ 100 1 512 8. U. Stanley Naikelis, Instructor............................ 100 1 289 9. Charles E. Olsen, Instructor............................... 83 1 260 10. Thomas B. Ondrak, Instructor............................. 83 1 260 11. Helen W. Sears, Instructor................................ 83 1 223 12. Laurence R. Sjoblom, Instructor........................... 83 1 149 ($19 004) Physical Education 1. Helen M. Barton, Professor of Physical Education for Women................................................ 50 $ 1 134 2. Peter R. Berrafato, Associate Professor of Physical Educa- cation for Men......................................... 50 945 3. Sheldon L. Fordham, Associate Professor of Physical Educa- tion for Men........................................... 50 1 056 4. Leo L. Gedvilas, Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men .............................................. 50 1 023 340 board of trustees [January 17 5. Benedict Montcalm, Assistant Professor of Physical Educa- tion for Men........................................... SO 834 6. Harold H. Neraoto, Instructor in Physical Education for Men 100 1 312 7. George J. Strnad, Instructor in Physical Education for Men.. SO 745 8. Ruth Thomas, Assistant in Physical Education for Women.. 50 556 ($ 7 60S) Physical Sciences 1. Joseph Bachrach, Associate Professor...................... 100 $ 2 023 2. H. J. Mueller, Associate Professor......................... 100 1 889 3. Anatql Gottlieb, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 667 4. Rosalind Klaas, Assistant Professor........................ 100 1 723 5. John F. Steiner, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 667 6. Milton Yusem, Assistant Professor........................ 100 1 500 7. Lynn Carbonaro, Instructor................................ 67 1 008 8. Shafeek Farag, Instructor................................. 100 1 378 9. Donald D. Hedberg, Instructor............................. 100 1 378 10. Louis N. Kurs, Instructor................................. 100 1 467 11. Eileen Pare, Instructor.................................... 100 1 334 12. George Sackheim, Instructor............................... 50 800 13. Frances K. Seabright, Instructor.......................... 67 1 008 14. Thomas A. Lothian, Assistant............................. 50 623 ($19 465) Social Sciences 1. Peter P. Klassen, Professor of Sociology.................. 100 $ 2 534 2. Daniel J. Morris, Professor of Philosophy................. 100 2 312 3. Shirley A. Bill, Associate Professor of History............. 67 1 304 4. Robert E. Cor ley, Associate Professor of Sociology......... 50 945 5. Allen H. Howard, Associate Professor of Psychology....... 67 1 260 6. Twiley W. Barker, Associate Professor of Political Science 100 2 000 7. Walter B. Asch, Assistant Professor of History............. 67 963 8. Vivian C. Lipman, Assistant Professor of Psychology....... 100 1 500 9. Nan E. McGehee, Assistant Professor of Psychology....... 100 1 445 10. Milton Rakove, Assistant Professor of Political Science..... 100 1 723 11. George A. Rheumer, Assistant Professor of Geography...... 67 1 297 12. Madelaine Shalabi, Assistant Professor of Education........ 100 1 556 13. Robert R. Page, Instructor in Philosophy................... 50 712 14. Richard K. Smith, Instructor in History................... 67 815 15. Charles P. Warren, Instructor in Anthropology............. 67 949 16. John B. Durant, Assistant in History...................... 67 667 17. Enid Hill, Assistant in Political Science.................... SO 556 18. Rogene Hunt, Visiting Lecturer in History................. 67 652 (5461 Everett, Chicago 15, Illinois) 19. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer in Anthropology............ 67 900 20. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer in History.................. 67 1 200 ($25 290) Total, Chicago Undergraduate Division................... $144 023 APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Mary Rue Bucher, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Psychiatry College of Medicine, beginning January 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,250 (DY). 2. Herbert S. Carlin, Chief Pharmacist and Assistant Professor of Hospital Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, beginning January 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $14,000 (DY). 3. Hans P. Laubscher, Visiting Associate Professor of Geology, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $10,000 (E). 4. William E. Neville, Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, beginning December 1, 1962, without salary (DY). On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments were confirmed. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 341 HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY (4) The Dean of the College of Agriculture recommends the appointment of Dr. Marlowe Driggs Thome, Professor of Agronomy and Head of the Department at Oklahoma State University, as Professor of Agronomy on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Agronomy beginning March 15, 1963, at a salary of $19,500 a year on a twelve-month service basis. This appointment is to fill the vacancy created by the promotion of Professor M. B. Russell, former Head of the Department, to the position of Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. A search committee1 appointed by the Dean to consider candidates for the position of Head of the Department of Agronomy invited recommendations from all members of the Department and from other sources, and submitted the names of several candidates whom the committee felt possessed the necessary qualifications for the headship position. Dr. Thorne was among the top candidates in this list, and letters of recommendation and personal interviews with persons well acquainted with his competence and effectiveness as an administrator support the Committee's recommendation. All members of the Department of professorial rank have been consulted and the recommendation is supported by the Executive Committee of the College and Station, the Dean of the Graduate College, and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval of this appointment. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this appointment was approved. PAYMENT OF UNIVERSITY FEES AND HOUSING CHARGES ON INSTALLMENTS (5) The Vice-President for the Medical Center and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of an optional installment plan effective in September, 1963, for payment of tuition, fees, and residence hall charges by students at the Medical Center; and extension of this plan with respect to payment of fees to the Chicago Undergraduate Division and to Congress Circle: 1. Tuition and fees for each quarter will be collected in three installments, one-third payable at registration, and one-third in each of the following two months. 2. Housing charges will be collected monthly in advance. 3. Students electing the installment plan for payment of tuition and fees will be assessed a $2.00 service charge; however, there will be no service charge for payment of University housing accounts in installments. This is similar to the installment plan in effect at the Urbana campus, approved by the Board of Trustees March 12, 1959. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved; and extension of this plan to include the Chicago Undergraduate Division and Congress Circle with respect to installment payment of fees when and if there is a need for the same was authorized. CHANGES IN REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION IN THE ADVERTISING CURRICULUM (6) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved a recommendation from the faculty of the College of Journalism and Communications that two courses, Journalism 204, Typography, and Journalism 211, Newswriting, be dropped as requirements for graduation in the advertising curriculum of that College, effective immediately. This change is to enable students to take more elective courses in the humanities and social sciences. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved. 1 Walter O. Scott, Professor of Crops Extension, Chairman; Denton E. Alexander, Associate Professor of Plant Genetics; Wayne M. Bever, Professor of Plant Pathology and Head of the Department; Daniel F. Dayton, Associate Professor of Plant Breeding; John R. 1-mghnan, Professor of Plant Genetics and of Botany; Sigurd W. Melsted, Professor of Soil Chemistry; Fred W. Slife, Professor of Crop Production; Frank J. Stevenson, Professor of Soil Chemistry. 342 board of trustees [January 17 NEW CURRICULUM OPTION IN HOME ECONOMICS (7) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved a recommendation from the College of Agriculture and the Department of Home Economics for authorization of a new option, foods and business, in the undergraduate curriculum in home economics. In addition to meeting the other requirements in the home economics curriculum, the following specific courses will be included in the new option: Home Economics 220, Dietetics; 231, Foods; and 330, Experimental Foods, are required. Six additional hours are to be selected from Home Economics 326, Demonstration Problems and Techniques; 331, Problems in Foods; and 375, Home Equipment. Journalism 211, Newswriting; Marketing 101, Principles of Marketing; Rhetoric 151, Business Letter Writing; and Speech 101, Principles of Effective Speaking, are required, and an additional twelve hours are to be selected from Accountancy 201, Fundamentals of Accounting; Advertising 281, Introduction to Advertising; Home Economics 240, Quantity Food Production and Service; 322, Physical Growth and Nutrition; Journalism 223, Photo-Journalism; 326, Magazine Article Writing; Management 248, Personnel Administration; Radio and Television 264, Radio and Television Performance; and Speech 111, Business and Professional Speaking. No new courses are involved in this change as all those listed are now being offered. The option is being established to meet a student demand for such a program to provide training in various phases of the foods industry. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this curriculum was approved. CURRICULUM IN MEDICAL ART (8) The three Senates recommend, the Senate Coordinating Council concurring therein, authorization, effective in September, 1963, of a new curriculum in medical art leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Art, to be conferred by the College of Fine and Applied Arts at Urbana. Requirements for admission to this curriculum will be the same as those for admission to other curricula in art. The curriculum in medical art will consist of five years of study, the first three years at Urbana-Champaign and the fourth and fifth years at the Medical Center. During the first three years, physical and biological sciences and art, particularly drawing, will be emphasized. A total of ninety-five semester hours, with a minimum scholastic average of 3.5, will be required for admission to the fourth and fifth years at the Medical Center. Study during the final two years will include work in the anatomy laboratories and in medical art studios to develop skills and techniques in all media of illustration. The standard residence requirement will be applicable: a student must earn the first ninety semester hours or the last thirty hours in residence at Urbana. In this curriculum, the last thirty semester hours prior to study at the Medical Center may be used in lieu of the last thirty hours prior to receipt of a degree. This new program involves no budgetary increases. The courses to be given are now being offered by the several departments at Urbana-Champaign and by the Department of Medical Art at the Medical Center. This new, degree-granting curriculum will replace a present certificate program in medical art now offered at the Medical Center. Degrees in medical art are being offered at three of the seven medical art schools in the United States and the University of Illinois should continue to maintain leadership in the training of medical artists for whom there is an increasing demand. Submitted herewith is a supporting statement giving the details of this new program, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. CURRICULUM IN GENERAL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (9) The three Senates recommend, the Senate Coordinating Council concurring therein, authorization, effective in September, 1963, of a new curriculum in general 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 343 medical technology leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science to be conferred by the College of Medicine. The curriculum will cover four years of study, the first three years, or ninety semester hours, to be offered in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the fourth year at the College of Medicine. Entrance requirements will be the same as those for admission to the general curriculum in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Minimum requirements for admission to the fourth year will be ninety semester hours, exclusive of the general University requirements in physical education and military training, with a minimum scholastic average of 3.0. Enrollment is expected to be moderate so that it is not anticipated additional staff will be required. One new course in veterinary medical technology must be added. There are shortages of trained personnel in all health services, especially medical record librarians and laboratory technologists; not enough are currently available to meet the staffing requirements of hospitals in Illinois. By establishing educational programs for the allied professional health groups, the University will not only train personnel in these fields but will give leadership to other existing programs thus improving their quality. I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. CURRICULUM IN MEDICAL RECORD ADMINISTRATION (10) The three Senates recommend, the Senate Coordinating Council concurring therein, authorization, effective in September, 1963, of a new curriculum in medical record administration leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science, to be conferred by the College of Medicine. The curriculum will cover four years of stud}', the first three years, or ninety semester hours, in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the fourth year in the College of Medicine. Requirements for admission to the preprofessional part of the curriculum will be the same as for admission to the general curriculum in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Requirements for admission to the fourth year will be ninety semester hours of preprofessional work in liberal arts and sciences, exclusive of the general University requirements in physical education and basic military training, with a minimum scholastic average of 3.0 and including certain specified subjects: One year of rhetoric. Rhetoric 101 and 102, Freshman Rhetoric and Composition; or one year of Verbal Communication, Division of General Studies 111 and 112; A reading knowledge of a foreign language equivalent to that resulting from four semesters of college study; each year of foreign language completed in high school will be accepted as the equivalent of one semester in college; General education sequences in the humanities and social sciences including: Physiology 103, Introduction to Human Physiology; Zoology 104, Elementary Zoology; Psychology 100, Introduction to Psychology; and Psychology 101, Human Nature and Social Relations; Physiology 234, Human Anatomy and Physiology; Electives sufficient to complete the ninety hours required. A Committee on Admissions to be appointed by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and including representatives of the College of Medicine, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Office of Admissions and Records, will select applicants for admission to the fourth year on the basis of scholastic records, aptitude, and personal qualifications for professional training in this field. Enrollment is expected to be moderate and it is not anticipated that additional staff will be required. One new course, Veterinary Medical Technology, must be added. (It should be noted that this course will also service the proposed new program in medical technology.) I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. 344 board of trustees [January 17 CONTRACTS FOR AIR-CONDITIONING EAST DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for air conditioning in the East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Simpson Construction Company, Chicago.....................$25 257 Ventilating--- Reliable Sheet Metal Works, Inc., Chicago................ 46 477 Base bid..................................................$43 777 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor.................... 2 700 Heating and Temperature Controls --- National Heat and Power Company, Inc., Chicago............................................... 24 954 Plumbing --- O'Callaghan Bros., Inc., Chicago.......................... 395 Electrical --- Hatfield Electric Company, Chicago....................... 2 763 Total Contracts ................................................. $99 846 The work will include furnishing and installing equipment and supply systems to complete the air conditioning- of the major areas in the East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for ventilating work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $99,846; and that an agreement be entered into with Reliable Sheet Metal Works, Inc., for the assignment of these other contracts for $2,700 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the ventilating contractor. Funds are available in the state capita] appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A schedule of bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Pogue. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COORDINATED SCIENCE LABORATORY, PHASE I (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for the construction of Phase I of the Coordinated Science Laboratory, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- C. A. Petry and Sons, Inc., Champaign..................... $101 495 Base bid.................................................$98 430 Additive alternates for loading dock and canopy, vinyl asbestos floor tile on second floor, and painting........... 3 065 Electrical --- G. L. Wilsky, an individual doing business as Downtown Electric, Urbana ................................................ 18 675 Plumbing --- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign...... 13 452 Heating, Piping, Refrigeration, and Automatic Temperature Control Systems --- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign... 25 581 Base bid.................................................$23 684 Additive alternate for cooling cycle for the eight-room ventilating type units..................................... 1 897 Ventilating --- retry Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Champaign.... 2 625 Total Contracts ................................................. $161 828 It is also recommended that a combined contract be awarded to the Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company in the amount of $39,033, being the total of the amounts bid by that Company on the plumbing, and on heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control systems. Departmental funds are available for the construction. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 345 Submitted herewith is a supporting statement from the Physical Plant Department, including the schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Pogue. CONTRACT FOR REROOFING DAVENPORT HALL (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract to Lloyd Hitchins, an individual doing business as Hitchins Roofing Company, Urbana, the lowest bidder, for reroofing the west section of Davenport Hall, at a total price of $36,692, being the amount of the base bid plus an additive alternate for flat seam copper roofing instead of built-up composition roofing. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Pogue. CONTRACT FOR ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract to Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana, the lowest bidder, for improvements in the electric power service in nine buildings on the Urbana-Champaign campus to correct electrical deficiencies, at a contract price of $181,021, which is the base bid for improvements in six buildings plus alternate bids on improvements in three additional buildings. The work will include improvement of transformer vauks and switchboard revisions in the Chemistry Annex, Dairy Manufactures Building, Transportation Building, Women's Gymnasium, Veterinary Clinic (Small Animal), Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory, George Huff Gymnasium, Smith Music Hall, and the English Building, and will provide for expansion and improvement of electrical power service in all these buildings. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund to take care of the base bid plus the alternates for Huff Gymnasium and Smith Music Hall. An assignment of $23,814 from the University General Reserve is requested to provide for the work in the English Building. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Pogue. CONTRACT FOR FIRST ADDITION TO DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of the first addition to the Digital Computer Laboratory, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- C. A. Petry and Sons, Inc., Champaign..................$209 144 67 Base bid......................................... $192 270 00 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other prime contracts assigned to the general contractor, including 3 per cent charge for accepted alternates ............................. 4 962 67 346 board of trustees [January 17 Additive alternates for vinyl flooring, acoustical ceilings, painting walls, painting ceilings, and installing perforated asbestos panels and insulation, all of the above work in certain rooms as covered by the plans and specifications................. 11 912 00 Electrical --- William H. Brunkow, an individual doing business as Brunkow Electric Company, Champaign........................ 52 250 00 Base bid........................................ $ 51 800 00 Additive alternates for surface mounting light fixtures in certain rooms and wiring automatic air conditioning filters ........................... 450 00 Plumbing--- David William Reichard and David Warren Reichard, a partnership doing business as David W. Reichard Plumbing and Heating, Urbana ............................................ 22 800 00 Base bid......................................... $ 19 600 00 Additive alternate for rerouting an existing storm sewer.................................... 3 200 00 Heating and Air Conditioning --- Burdick Plumbing and Heating Company, Decatur ........................................... 63 775 00 Ventilating --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign.................. 26 617 00 Base bid......................................... $ 23 678 00 Additive alternates for changes in ceiling diffusers and return air grills and installation of automatic air conditioning filters........................ 2 939 00 Total Contracts .............................................. $374 586 67 It is further recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract price $374,586.67; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with C. A. Petry and Sons, Inc., Champaign, for the assignment of these other contracts for $4,962.67, which amount is included in the contract price being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. A National Science Foundation grant of $188,900 has been received for this project. The Executive Vice-President and Provost recommends an assignment of $287,100 from Indirect Costs (General University Account) for the matching funds. Submitted herewith is a supporting statement from the Physical Plant Department, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Pogue. EASEMENT TO CITY OF URBANA FOR OPERATING AND MAINTAINING STORM SEWER (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend, and I concur, adoption of the following resolution granting the city of Urbana an easement for operating and maintaining a storm sewer on University property in the 1300 block of West Stoughton Street, Urbana, provided that the City will grant the University permission to reroute an existing storm sewer which crosses the site of the addition to the Digital Computer Laboratory. Resolution Be It, and It Is Hereby, Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of this corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized, for and in behalf of said public corporation, to make, execute, sign, acknowledge, and deliver a Grant of Utility Easement to the City of Urbana, a municipal corporation, conveying to the City of Urbana an Easement 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 347 across, under, and through the property and premises described as Lot 3 of Block 54 of Seminary Addition to the City of Urbana, Illinois, for the purposes of operating and maintaining a twenty-four inch storm sewer across, under and through said property in the location more definitively shown on that drawing prepared by the University Architect's Office, entitled Digital Computer Laboratory --- First Addition, New Storm Sewer, Sheet No. 1 of 1, dated November 27, 1962; this Easement to the City of Urbana to be limited to a strip of land across said property extending five feet on each side of the center line of said sewer, as set forth on said drawing together with ingress thereto and egress therefrom; for so long as the City of Urbana shall use said Easement for said storm sewer purposes for which it is given; the rights herein granted to revert to said public corporation whenever a storm sewer is erected or constructed to take the place of the storm sewer herein provided for; in consideration of the City of Urbana giving permission to said public corporation to re-route an existing storm sewer which crosses the building site for the proposed Addition No. 1 to Digital Computer Laboratory; and to execute, acknowledge and deliver such other papers and documents as may be necessary to effect the purposes herein set forth. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Pogue. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ILLINI UNION BUILDING (17) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $15,308.80 in the contract with the Felmley-Dickerson Company, Urbana, Illinois, for construction of the Mini Union Addition to include remodeling of the existing Commons Dining Room to match the new cafeteria dining area adjacent thereto. Funds are available in the construction budget for the remodeling. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this change in contract was authorized. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS FOR UNION AND RESIDENCE HALL FACILITIES AT MEDICAL CENTER CAMPUS (18) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of the firm of C. F. Murphy Associates, Chicago, for architectural services on the Illini Union and Residence Hall at the Medical Center, at a total fee not to exceed 6 per cent of building construction costs. Preliminary design work up to preparation of working drawings and writing of specifications will be on the basis of actual salaries of personnel employed on this assignment, plus 100 per cent for overhead and commission, but not to exceed 1 per cent of construction costs. Remaining work, after approval of preliminary design, will be done on the basis of a fee of 5 per cent of construction costs, this fee to cover working drawings, plans and specifications, and supervision of construction. It is further recommended that: C. F. Murphy Associates be authorized to employ Fred Schmid Associates as food service consultants for this project on the basis of hourly rates (drafting room time, $10.00; principal associates' time, $20.00; and principal's services; $30.00) provided that the total cost shall not exceed 10 per cent of the final cost of all food receiving, storage, preparation, and service equipment they plan, detail, or specify; plus reimbursement at cost for long-distance telephone calls, out-of-town travel expenses, and reproduction costs of blueprints and specifications. The architect will be reimbursed only to the extent of the difference between the food consultants' fee and 6 per cent of the final cost of the equipment planned and specified in the final layout. C. F. Murphy Associates be employed for interior design services on planning of all interior spaces in detail, including furniture, textiles, draperies, carpeting, and other furnishings, and preparation of complete furnishings specifications and a final cost estimate. 348 board of trustees [January 17 The fee for these services to be on the basis of reimbursement of actual salaries of technical personnel assigned to this project plus 100 percent for overhead and commission. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS FOR AERIAL MAPPING (19) Accurate topographic maps are helpful as basic planning tools in studies of long-range campus planning, particularly site selection and development. Partial topographic surveys are available for certain areas of the main campus but there are many gaps which do not permit large area or block studies for effective planning, including land acquisition, site selection, drainage, road improvements, and extension of utilities. Additional maps are particularly needed in planning expansion south of Florida Avenue as adequate maps for that area do not exist. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of the Chicago Aerial Survey Division, Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc., Franklin Park, for preparation of aerial photographic topographic maps for the Urbana-Champaign campus, at an estimated cost of $18,930, based on unit prices. Their recommendation has been reviewed with and approved by the Committee on Aerial Photography and the Department of Civil Engineering, both having had considerable experience with aerial photographs for map making, and by the Advisory Committee on the Selection of Architects and Engineers. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has also been consulted and approves the recommendation. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. REPORT ON LAND ACQUISITIONS (20) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller submit the following report of property purchases authorized by the Board and completed since the last report (January 11, 1962). Land for Campus Expansion Address Owner Cost 408 East Chalmers Street Robert Visco $pD26 000 510 East Chalmers Street John Sluder 18 500 507 East Daniel Street Vira R. Fisher et al. 65 000 905-905)4 South Fifth Street Clara O. Wikholm 31 000 907 South Fifth Street Margaret Helbling and Clotilde Sion 27 000 1013 South Oak Street Thomas A. Hagan 8 000 Urbana 408 South Goodwin Avenue and 1118 West Illinois Street Elinor Savage et al. 95 500 907 West Green Street Russell L. Ash et al. 41 000 1001 West Green Street Oscar D. and Minnie M. Wilson 42 000 1009 West Green Street Edith P. Sidell 83 250' 107 South Gregory Street Robert E. and Nora E. Creekmur 28 000 109 South Gregory Street James R. and Virginia L. Johnstone 24 250 1103 West Illinois Street Delta Alumni of Sigma Phi Delta, Inc. 35 000 1111 West Illinois Street Wesley D. Knutson 36 175 1105 West Illinois Street F. L. and R. P. Bagley 35 000 106 North Romine Street Lillian Young 32 500 204 North Romine Street Mary E. Blind 16 000 1304 West Springfield Avenue Samuel H. Young 22 000 1305 West Stoughton Street Samuel H. Young 16 000 1308 West Stoughton Street Charles B. McNelly 14 700 This report was received for record. 1 This property was acquired through condemnation proceedings in the Circuit Court of Champaign County, the price being fixed by (he jury. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 349 PURCHASES (21) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used in these recommendations to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Onespectrophotometer, infrared, double Chemistry and Beckman Instruments, $ 2 837 00 beam, double monochromator, high Chemical Inc., f.o.b. resolution for use in a student labo- Engineering Lincolnwood delivered ratory for experiments requiring the separation of two hydrogen chloride isotopes (Note: This purchase will be made f rom both Appropri ated Funds, $2,837.00, and Institutional Funds, $10,100.00, for a total of $pD12,937.00. See also page 351.) Rental of 52 feature films: 17 to be run Television- Sterling Television 7 800 00 February, 1963, through May, 1963; Motion Co., Inc., f.o.b. 35 to be run October, 1963, through Pictures Chicago Chicago May, 1964; and reruns of all during the school year 1964-65 ending June 1, 1965 Purchases ; from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of laboratory equipment and Agency for Will Scientific, ? 7 019 96 supplies International New York, N.Y. c&f Development Bangkok, (Faculty of Thailand Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) One recording system, four-channel Animal Science Beckman Instruments, 4 786 00 equipped, but wired for six-channel, Inc., Spinco Division, f.o.b. to include: two dual-channel power Palo Alto, Calif. delivered amplifiers, two mounting bins, one oscillator power supply, one wiring harness, four writer units, four re- cording systems, four preamplifiers, six input couplers, one heart rate coupler, one mobile console enclosure, one paper tray, one paper guide set, and fifty packs paper X-ray diffraction equipment including Ceramic Philips Electronic 17 675 00 constant potential X-ray generator Engineering Instruments, f.o.b. and control 50 kvp-50 ma, current Chicago delivered stabilizer, electronic circuit panel 60 cycle, single phase, 90-260 volts with 5 kva line voltage stabilizer and pulse height analyzer, portable chart re- corder, goniometer assembly, pro- portional counter, and copper target four-window X-ray diffraction tube One generator, constant potential X- Chemistry and Philips Electronic 3 995 O0 ray, and control, with tubehousing, Chemical Instruments, f.o.b. shutters, filter selector disk, milli- Engineering Chicago Mt. amphere stabilizer and rectifiers, but Vernon, excluding X-ray tube; less trade-in of N.Y. old generator One regulator, live voltage, 5 kva, for X-ray diffraction unit, with control panel and high voltage relay One lot of laboratory equipment and General Scientific Products 2 836 00 apparatus including one spectro- Chemical Division, American f.o.b. photometer with hydrogen lamp Stores Hospital Supply delivered power supply, potentiometric recorder Corp., and 10 mm. path silica cell and 1,050 Evanston ft. of assorted rubber tubing; this is an estimated three-month supply One lot of laboratory glassware and ap- General Rascher & Betzold, Inc., 8 200 00 paratus for stock in the General Chemical Chicago f.o.b. Chemical Stores, to be a six-month Stores delivered supply 350 board of trustees [January 17 Item Department Vendor Cost One stereoscopic point transfer device Civil Engineering Wild Heerbrugg $ 3 185 00 with built-in illumination for block Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. aerial triangulation in the field of Port Washington, delivered photogrammetry Long Island, N.Y. One dummy load, coaxial high power, Electrical Electro Impulse Labora- 5 000 oo liquid cooled, 200 kw, with power Engineering tory. Inc., f.o.b meter, 50 ohms, 3 H in- flanged con- Red Bank, N.J. delivered nector, for frequency range DC to 10 MC One tensile testing machine, 5,000 kilo- Mining, Instron Engineering 26 441 00 gram capacity, with programming Metallurgy, Corp., f.o.b. chassis which will continuously and and Petroleum Park Ridge delivered rapidly change the rate of specimen Engineering deformation and the direction of de- formation One shielded enclosure, electrically iso- Physics Erik A. Lindgren & 3 085 00 lated R.F., including personnel door, Associates, Inc., f.o.b. air inlet and outlet, copper power line Chicago delivered filter panel, tile floor, etc., double shielded 22 by 22 strands per in., .015 in. diameter copper mesh, size ir- regular special, approximately 10 in. by 9 in. by 8 ft. high Two line filters Two electric typewriters for electronic Physics International Business 2 534 00 computer input-output, equipped Machines Corp., f.o.b. with remote upper-lower case shift. Springfield Lexington, color shift and carriage return, key- Ky. board of special characters for data processing system Used 16 mm. motion picture equipment University of National Education 15 700 70 including: Illinois Com- Television and Radio f.o.b. Three cameras with f/2.4 zoom lens, mittee on School Center, delivered motor, sync light Mathematics Ann Arbor, Mich. Three tripods with pan heads Four 2400 ft. film magazines Two film recorders One wireless microphone One 8 in. speaker One speaker baffle One power amplifier One film splicer Nine racks Motion picture television equipment, University of Comprehensive Service 3 445 00 16 mm., including one edge number- Illinois Com- Corp., f.o.b. ing machine, three hot splicers, two mittee on School New York, N.Y. delivered synchronizers, one pair hand film re- Mathematics winds, and one magnetic attachment for synchronizer arm Print and bind 2,000 copies of The Struc~ University Press Pantagraph Printing & 3 005 38 ture of Chin Society, by Frederic K. Stationery Co., f.o.b. Lehman, approximately 2 72 pages Bloomington delivered per copy, trim size 6 in, by 9 in. Twenty-four folding portable coat and Assembly Hall Chapman-Young, Inc., 2 784 00 hat racks for use in the concourse, in St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. offices, in the dining area, and in the delivered service areas of the Assembly Hall 200 innerspring mattresses, 36 in. by 78 Housing Division The Springfield 3 658 00 in., not less than 6 in. thick, not less Mattress Co., f.o.b. than 152 coils, to replace present mat- Springfield delivered tresses which have been in use more than fifteen years in the Busey-Evans Residence Halls Pallet racks of sufficient quantity to ac- Housing Equipment Manufacturing 5 860 68 commodate 636, 40 in. by 48 in. pal- Division Inc., f.o.b. lets; racks are to be interchangeable Detroit, Mich. delivered with existing racks in Central Food Stores Thirty units (five lockers per unit) lock- Illini Union The Flxible Co.. 6 182 42 ers, self-service, coin-return checking Loudonville, Ohio f.o.b. lockers, to be installed in the Illini delivered Union Building Addition for use by students for checking books and sup- plies while at the Union 200 reams book paper, coated, for print- Office Supply Chicago Paper Co., 2 808 00 ing the catalog for the Contemporary Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. American Painting and Sculpture delivered Exhibition 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 351 Item Department Vendor Cost 40.000 tolbutamide tablets 0.5 gm. to be Pharmacy Stores, The Upjohn Co., $ 3 104 60 used in the treatment and control of Chicago Chicago delivered diabetes; this represents a six-month supply One wagon crane, 25-ton capacity, with Physical Plant McElroy-Roland 46 750 00 80-foot boom, powered by gasoline Machinery Co., f.o.b. engine, four axle, with hydraulically Springfield delivered operated outriggers, designed for one- man operation, less credit for trade-in of two crawler-type cranes, one 1939 model and one 1950 model One truck, two ton, 18200 No. gvw with Physical Plant International Harvester 3 398 00 12 ft. platform stake body and equip- Co., f.o.b. ped with ramp type lift gate to re- Springfield delivered place vehicle No. 214. a 1951 truck, with fiat bed and power gate, mileage 43,000 One spectrophotometer, infrared, dou- Chemistry and Beckman Instruments, 10 100 00 ble beam, double tnonochromator, Chemical Inc., f.o.b. high resolution for use in a student Engineering Lincolnwood delivered laboratory for experiments requiring the separation of two hydrogen chlo- ride isotopes (Note: This purchase will be made from both Institutional Funds, $pD10,100.00, and Appropriated Funds, 32,837.00, for a total of $12,937.00. See also page 349.) Summary of Purchases Recommended From Appropriated Funds................................................... $ 10 637 00 From Institutional Funds................................................... $191 553 74 Grand Total........................................................... $202 190~74 On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (22) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period December 1 to 31, 1962. Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Air Force Charged colloidal sized particles for $ 19 873 00 November 1, 1962 AF-AFOSR 107-63 propulsion United States Air Force Techniques for minimizing for- 21 754 00 October 15, 1962 AF-AFOSR 135-63 getting United States Army Microwave duplexer switching 50 000 00 January 1, 1963 DA 36-039 AMC 00066 mechanisms United States Depart- National seminar of representatives 23 863 00 November 15, 1962 ment of Health, Educa- of departments of English to en- tion, and Welfare gage in research in the teaching OE 310-058 of English and to discuss impli- cations of these undertakings Total 3115 490 00 Leases With Whom Leases Purpose Amount to be Paid by the University Effective Date International Business Machines Corp. Five key punches; one space suppress device; one type 826 typewriter printing punch; one processing unit; one card read punch; one printer; four magnetic tape units; three device codes; one binary device; one programming device; two punch read devices $ 84 372 60 August, October, and November, 1962 Contract Changes With Whom United States Air Force AF 19(604) 7473 Purpose Basic properties of gaseous plasmas Paid to the University 3 50 000 00 Effective Date November 26, 1962 United States Air Force AF 29(601) 468 Static and dynamic testing of deep structural elements 11 090 87 December 7, 1962 352 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 17 A mount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Air Force Planning of future full-scale field t 7 S43 55 December 7, 1962 AF 29(601) 544 tests United States Air Force Confidential 4 144 87 February 7, 162 AF 29(601) 1162 United States Air Force Behavior and design of deep struc- 5 253 72 December 7, 1962 AF 29(601) 2372 tural members United States Air Force Confidential 6 043 08 October 31, 1962 AF 33(600) 34763 United States Army Effects of irradiated foods included 12 305 00 November 26, 1962 DA-49-007-MD-728 in a ration fed to dogs United States Atomic Synthesis of boron-containing dyes 25 000 00 September 1, 1962 Energy Commission suitable for use in invivo experi- AT (11-1) 314 ments on mice with glio brain tumors United States Atomic Use charge for portion of Materials 251 303 00 October 1, 1962 Energy Commission Research Laboratory used in com- AT(ll-l) 1198 mission supported research United States Depart- Technical advice and assistance re- 102 000 00 October 1, 1962 ment of State. Agency auested by the government of for International India Development AIDc 1453 United States Navy Theory of group representations and 20 919 00 November 7, 1962 Nonr 1834(23) measure theory United States Navy Nonr 1834(36} Factors in group interaction 50 000 00 November 15, 1962 United States Navy Mechanism of antibody formation 30 153 00 November 21, 1962 Nonr 1834(37) in the pig Total S575 756 09 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Twenty-four items: $35.00 deduct $ 2 288 72 November and (Plastering) to #675.00 December, 1962 Summary Amount to be paid to the University............................................ $691 246 09 Amount to be paid by the University........................................... 86 661 32 This report was received for record. EDUCATIONAL DIRECTIONS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS (23) The University Study Committee on Future Programs has issued its final report, "Educational Directions at the University of Illinois," completing five years of study dealing with present-day conditions which have created special problems in education, particularly higher education, due to the rapid increase in population and new knowledge to be taught resulting from advances in science and technology. The report attempts to answer such questions as: What share of the college-age youth should the University be prepared to accept, and on what campuses ? How should choices be made if more apply than can be accommodated? What new programs and courses of study need to be added and which of the old can be dropped? What priorities in teaching, research, and service should govern use of University facilities and the engagement of faculty time? The contribution of this Committee already has been well established as a catalyst in internal deliberations. The Committee's studies, coupled with the advice and cooperation of the faculty and administration, have accelerated a variety of new procedures and policies. The report will not be placed before any group for adoption as a whole but will have the force of informal acceptance and the logic and persuasiveness of its ideas. No summary can do the report justice. The Committee has given a clear view of continuing obligations as well as new opportunities. ... It has offered specific recommendations and the rationale for them. It has also suggested priorities in educational services, a recognition that today as never before universities must 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 353 make choices. The reader will find a suggested pattern of growth and an indication of intellectual resources and values at the University of Illinois. There are some detailed recommendations, involving the need to study the process of undergraduate teaching; questions of admissions policy; the importance of maintaining a strong faculty and giving it the time and facilities to do its work; the growing international interests of the University. . . . To its credit, the Committee has not been preoccupied with minutae but rather has been concerned to lay down broad guidelines to educational policy. It is appropriate to make a formal presentation of the report to the Board of Trustees at this time because it is a significant document in the University's educational planning for the future. (No action is recommended or required.) I also take this occasion to record the appreciation of the University administration to the members of the Committee, especially to its Chairman, Professor G. M. Almy of the Department of Physics, whose work as head of the twelve-member task force representative of all three campuses of the University deserves special commendation. The members of the Committee are: Gerald M. Almy, Professor of Physics, Chairman, who has served a full five years H. Kenneth Allen, Professor of Economics John E. Cribbet, Professor of Law Lee J. Cronbach, Professor of Education, Bureau of Educational Research, and Professor of Psychology Bernard J. Diggs, Associate Professor of Philosophy Cecil A. Krakower, Professor of Pathology, Medical Center Morell B. Russell, Professor of Soil Physics, Department of Agronomy Allen S. Weller, Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts All the above have served full five-year terms. Hollis W. Barber, Professor of Political Science, Chicago Undergraduate Division, who served from 1957-59 A. Dwight Culler, Professor of English, 1957-58 Rupert M. Price, Associate Professor of Physics and Assistant Dean of Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1959-62 Robert W. Rogers, Professor of English, 1958-62 Serving from one to three semesters for members on leave were: Edward W. Cleary, Professor of Law Norman A. Graebner, Professor of History Glenn W. Salisbury, Professor of Dairy Science It should also be noted that Professor Lee J. Cronbach of the College of Education headed a subcommittee which prepared one of two appendices to the report, "The Entering Undergraduate Student," a subject discussed at the 1960 Faculty Conference. The second appendix presents individual statements from the colleges and other divisions of the University as to their recent developments and long-range plans --- statements of what the Chairman calls "educational directions at the working level." Copies of the printed report were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR ASSEMBLY HALL (24) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $3,557.37 in the contract with Felmley-Dickerson Company, Urbana, for construction of the Assembly Hall to provide for relocation of two alternators from the projection booth in the theatre quadrant to a switchgear room located below the office level. Funds are available in the construction budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this change in contract was authorized. INSTITUTE OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (25) The Director of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations recommends 354 board of trustees [January 17 the following appointments to the Institute's Advisory Committee for a term of three years, beginning with the current academic year, to fill vacancies in the management, public, and labor representation: Management Marc A. Buettell, President of Ideal Industries, Inc., Sycamore Wilson Kimmell, Vice-President and Industrial Relations Manager, LeTourneau- Westinghouse Company, Peoria Roy L. Rollins, Vice-President, in charge of Manufacturing, Purchasing, Labor Relations, Personnel, and Facility Planning, Staley Manufacturing Company, Decatur Public Samuel C. Bernstein, Assistant Director of the Illinois Department of Labor, Chicago Joseph Borus, Regional Administrator of the Bureau of Employment Security, and Regional Director of the Office of Manpower Administration in the United States Department of Labor, Chicago Region John D. Larkin, Arbitrator of Labor Disputes, Chicago Labor Lee Chapman, Grand Lodge Representative, International Association of Machinists in the Midwest Area, Springfield Buddy W. Davis, President of Local Union 3643 of the United Steelworkers, Alton I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were approved. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments made by the President; graduate fellows; resignations, cancellations, declinations, and terminations; leaves of absence; sabbatical leaves of absence; cancellation of sabbatical leave of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Agustin, Cesar C, Research Assistant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, $5,496 a year (12-17-62). Andrews, A. M., Instructor, Police Training Institute (University Extension), eight months from January 1, 1963, $7,850 a year (12-17-62). Arai, Mary N., Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, V4 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $1,750 (12-19-62). Bilger, H. R., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, November 27, 1962-August 31, 1963, to render service during the academic year, $6,500 a year (12-17-62). Binns, Lois E., Assistant Professor of Medical Social Work (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, $9,450 a year, supersedes (12-19-62). Byrne, Anne F., Research Assistant in Microbiology (Medicine), January 2-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year (12-17-62). Cutler, Mrs. Patricia P., Research Assistant in Education (University High School), seven months from November 15, 1962, $444.45 a month (12-28-62). Dauphin, Keith P., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, nine months from December 1, 1962, $4,200 a year (12-17-62). DeVries, William R., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (12-11-62). Dunn, Floyd, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (Engineering Experiment Station) and of Biophysics (Liberal Arts and Sciences), indefinite tenure from December 1, 1962, $11,600 a year, supersedes (12-5-62). Failli, Amedeo, Research Associate in Chemistry, eight months from January 1, 1963, $6,000 a year (12-17-62). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 355 Gazet, John C, Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), Ya, time, ten months from November 1, 1962, $5,000 a year, supersedes (11-16-62). Gillette, Howard K, Clinical Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry) and in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (11-8-62). Gkiffin, Robert S., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 2/s time, eight months from January 1, 1963, $2,400 a year (12-19-62). Guire, Patrick, Research Assistant in Chemistry, two months from December 1, 1962, $488.88 a month, supersedes (12-28-62). Hart, Robert R., Assistant in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (12-11-62). Ishida, Tahito, Research Associate in Chemistry, nine months from December 1, 1962, $6,300 a year (12-17-62). Israel, Patrick, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, without salary, supersedes his salaried appointment (12-17-62). Krupp, Robert H., Lecturer in Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), six months from February 1, 1963, $3,950 (12-27-62). Kulis, John C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1962, without salary, supersedes his salaried appointment (12-27-62.) Miller, Leon J., Research Engineer in Electrical Engineering (S), seven months from February 1, 1963, $8,600 a year, supersedes (12-28-62). O'Shea, John W., Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1962, without salary (12-11-62). Ouchi, Akira, Research Associate in Chemistry, five months from April 1, 1963, $500 a month (12-17-62). Paul, Oglesby, Lecturer in Medicine, with rank of Professor (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, without salary, supersedes (12-11-62). Penev, Luben C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1962, without salary, supersedes his salaried appointment (12-27-62). Pichler, Hanns, Instructor in the Graduate School of Business Administration, \/2 time, nine months from October 1, 1962, $3,000, supersedes (12-19-62). Pieper, William J., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), i4 time, six months from January 1, 1963, $3,000 a year, supersedes (12-17-62). Resek, Lois D., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, six months from January 1, 1963, $475 a month, supersedes (12-17-62). Roberts, Elmer, Professor, Agricultural Administration (S), 36/100 time, ten months from November 1, 1962, $4,500 a year (12-17-62). Robinson, Garth, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, $8,000 a year (12-17-62). Roeder, Robert C, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, six months from March 1, 1963, $541.67 a month, supersedes (12-17-62). Saari, Elaine E., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, $7,150 a year (12-19-62). Sargent, Frederick, II, Lecturer in Medicine, with rank of Professor (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1962, without salary (12-20-62). Schon, Gerald L., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, $7,500 a year (12-19-62). Shatjghnessy, Howard J., Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/fe-2, November 25, 1962-February 23, 1963, $24,613 a year; and Professor and Head of the Department of Public Health (Medical Center), indefinite tenure from February 24, 1963, supersedes (11-12-62). Shove, Gene C, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering (C and S), indefinite tenure from January 1, 1963, $11,700 a year, supersedes (12-17-62). Sims, Byrl L., Instructor in Radio and Television (Journalism and Communications), academic year beginning September 1, 1962, without salary; this is in addition to his nonacademic appointment (12-11-62). Sonnenkalb, Brigitta H., Physician in the Health Service (Office of Vice-President, Medical Center), Vi time, ten months from November 1, 1962, $2,400 a year, supersedes (12-11-62). 356 board of trustees [January 17 Torriente, Luis R., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1962, without salary (12-27-62). Von Foerster, Heinz M., Professor of Electrical Engineering (Engineering) and of Biophysics (Liberal Arts and Sciences), indefinite tenure from December 1, 1962, to render service during each academic year $15,000 a year, supersedes (12-5-62). Walker, Brian L. H., Research Associate in Food Technology (S), eight months from January 1, 1963, $6,200 a year, supersedes (12-20-62). Whitehorn, William V., Chief of Party and Professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand under Contract AID/fe-2, October 22, 1962-October 21, 1964, $19,035 a year; and Professor of Physiology (Medicine), indefinite tenure from October 22 1964, supersedes (11-12-62). Williams, Veknita, Assistant Chief Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), eight months from January 1, 1963, $8,500 a year, supersedes (12-11-62). Wilson, Robert G., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), 1/2 time, nine months from December 1 1962, $3,700 a year (12-11-62). Zalar, Richard W., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, without salary (12-19-62). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Crothamel, David A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $5,666.25, supersedes (11-14-62). Galliart, Willard H., General Electric Foundation Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (12-17-62). Lahey, James M., General Electric Foundation Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,000 (12-17-62). Nozu, Keiichi, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one month from January 1, 1963, $558.33 (12-17-62). Ramsey, Auddie L., General Electric Foundation Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,000 (12-17-62). Strahs, Gerald, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from December 1, 1962, $1,800 (12-4-62). Weber, Frank E., Campbell Soup Company Fellow in Food Technology, nine months from September 1, 1962, $2,400, supersedes (12-24-62). RESIGNATIONS, CANCELLATIONS, DECLINATIONS. AND TERMINATIONS Blandy, John P., Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology, Department of Surgery (Medicine)---cancellation effective September 1, 1962. Dalla, Franklin C, Director of the Chicago Housing Division --- resignation effective January 26, 1963. Evans, David R., Associate Professor of Entomology and of Physiology and Biophysics --- declination effective August 1, 1963. Harper, James A., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey --- resignation effective January 9, 1963. Johnson, Richard M., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Leon, Hector R., Assistant in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine) --- termination effective December 1, 1962. Loomis, F. Wheeler, Professor of Physics (Engineering) --- resignation effective January 1, 1963. Nuttall, John L., Jr., Executive Officer of Naval Science --- resignation effective January 1, 1963. Patton, Franklin D., Fellow in Geology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Rodriguez, Manuel V., Assistant in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine) ---termination effective December 1, 1962. Sokkar, Thouraya A., Assistant in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine) ---termination effective October 1, 1962. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 357 Thompson, Mrs. Maegareta O., Catalog Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective February 18, 1963. Zachman, Helen, Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Kaiser, Henry F., Associate Professor of Education (Bureau of Educational Research) and of Psychology --- leave of absence, without pay, for one month from July 16, 1963, so that he may accept an invitation to teach in the summer session at the University of Wisconsin. Karlowitch, Robert A., Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Assistant Professor --- leave of absence on J time, without pay, for three months from February 1, 1963. Keyes, Scott, Associate Professor of Regional Planning. Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture --- leave of absence, without pay, for three months from January 1, 1963, so that he may go on a mission in the Sudan for the United Nations. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Graebner, Norman A., Professor of History and Chairman of the Department --- sabbatical leave of absence on one-half pay for one year beginning with the second semester of the academic year 1962-63, and continuing through the end of the first semester of the academic year 1963-64. Kirk, Samuel A., Professor of Psychology and of Education, and Director of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children --- sabbatical leave of absence, on full pay, for six months from March 1, 1963. CANCELLATION OF SABBATICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE Thomson, Robb M., Professor of Physical Metallurgy, College of Engineering --- sabbatical leave of absence for the second semester of 1962-63 on full pay, cancelled, without prejudice. FUTURE MEETINGS OF THE BOARD President Clement announced that the February meeting of the Board will be held in Urbana on Wednesday, February 20, 1963; and that the annual meeting will be held on March 20, 1963, also in Urbana, the Board having previously voted to change the annual meeting from the second Tuesday (March 12) to the third Wednesday (March 20). EXECUTIVE SESSION An executive session was requested, and was ordered, for consideration of reports and recommendations relating to property acquisitions. On motion of Mr. Dilliard the Board recessed. When the Board reconvened in executive session, all members of the Board were present, as recorded at the beginning of these minutes, except Governor Kerner and Mr. Page, who asked to be excused. LAND ACQUISITIONS (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the acquisition of the following properties for the purposes and prices indicated: 404 East Chalmers Street, Champaign --- site for Single Graduate Students Residence Hall...................................................$29 500 The property consists of a lot 51.5 feet by 116.24 feet and a two-story and basement frame house. Possession will be delivered by February, 1963. 1308 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana --- site for expansion of Digital Computer Laboratory.............................................. 21 000 The property consists of a lot 49.5 feet by 100 feet and a one-story and basement frame house and two-car garage. Possession will be delivered by September, 1963. 358 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Funds for the purchase of these properties are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. 907 West Nevada Street, Urbana ---site for Single Undergraduate Student Residence Hall....................................................$34 000 The property consists of a lot 65 feet by 147.4 feet and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. Possession will be delivered by July 1, 1963. The house will be used as a student cooperative rooming house until such time as it is needed for building. Funds for the purchase of this property are available in the Housing Division Reserve Funds. The recommendations for these property acquisitions have been reviewed with and approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these property purchases were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS February 20, 1963 The February meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Mini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, February 20, 1963, beginning at 11:00 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner was absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Professor Norman A. Parker, Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Dr. Joseph S. Begando, Vice-President, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 359 360 board of trustees [February 20 REPRESENTATIVES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION President Clement called attention to the following provisions in the Act of the General Assembly of Illinois creating a Board of Higher Education: "the respective chairmen of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, and the Teachers' College Board; one member of each of the three foregoing Boards selected by the members thereof; and the Superintendent of Public Instruction." "The members of the Board appointed respectively by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, and the Teachers' College Board shall each hold office for two-year terms expiring on January 31 of odd numbered years. "The members of the Board shall continue to serve after the expiration of their terms until their successors have been appointed." The term of Mr. Wayne A. Johnston having expired, the Board was asked to take action in the matter of its representation. On motion of Mr. Williamson, Mr. Johnston was reelected as the member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to serve with the President of the Board on the Board of Higher Education; Mr. Johnston voted "No." BIENNIAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS FOR 19 63-65 Mr. Howard W. Clement and Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois who are also serving on the State of Illinois Board of Higher Education, submitted the following report. On October 17, 1962, the Board of Trustees adopted a budget request, for the operation of the University of Illinois in the biennium 1963-65, to be presented to the Governor and the General Assembly, and authorized the President of the Board, the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board, and the President of the University to present the request to the appropriate offices, officials, and committees. Similarly on November 9, 1962, the Board of Trustees adopted a capital budget with similar authorizations and instructions. As a part of the budgetary review process, both budgets were submitted to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. The Board has reviewed both budgets and has made recommendations concerning them. The differences between the original budgets as presented by the Board of Trustees and the recommendations of the Board of Higher Education are reflected in the tables which follow this report. In summary, for operations the Board of Trustees requested an increase of $31,044,000, which amounted to an increase of 21.4 per cent over the amount available for the 1961-63 biennium, The Board of Higher Education approved a request for an increase of $26,616,681, an 18.4 per cent increase. If the opening of the Congress Circle campus is deferred, further reductions will be made, subject to a maximum total reduction of $3,232,000 if the Congress Circle campus does not open until September, 1965. In the capital budget, the Board of Trustees approved a request of $39,865,240, which included a reappropriation of unused bond issue funds, or an increase in new funds of $33,893,740. The Board of Higher Education has approved a request of $25,368,540, including unused bond issue funds, or a net amount of new money of $18,968,540, to be increased subsequently by whatever additions to the power plant may be mutually determined as required by the new facilities approved. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 361 Comment Operating Budget The major differences between the Trustees' request for an increase in operating funds and the amounts recommended by the Board of Higher Education are in two items: salary increases and the requirements for maintaining the present level of services with increased enrollments and increased costs. The Board of Trustees, mindful of the University's position in relationship to salary levels at similar universities across the land, and resolving to improve the relative position of the University of Illinois, recommended an amount equal to 9 per cent of the academic personal service budget in the first year of the biennium and 5 per cent in the second. The Board of Higher Education recommended an increase in the academic salary budget of 6 per cent for the first year of the biennium and S per cent in the second. The Board of Higher Education, no less than the Board of Trustees, is aware of the necessity for salary improvement. The difference here is one of judgment as to rate of progress and rate of improvement. The other major difference is in the amount estimated as required for maintaining the present level of services. Here again, the difference is in judgment rather than on policy or objective, and a reconciliation of points of view should be possible in future years from studies of the specific items involved. Capital Budget The difference between the Board of Trustees' request and the Board of Higher Education's action on the capital budget may be accounted for largely in the omission of the following four building projects: At Urbana-Champaign --- office-classroom building and the addition to Smith Music Hall, and at the Medical Center, Chicago --- addition to the East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building and the Physical Plant Service Building. It may be said that variations in estimates of enrollment capacity and enrollment projections account in part for the differences in point of view as to the urgency of the two buildings eliminated at the Urbana campus. The two buildings eliminated at the Medical Center campus are, in the judgment of the administration and the Trustee members of the Board of Higher Education, of unquestioned importance to the improvement and development of that campus. Nonetheless, the sense of urgency about the need for these four structures was not shared by our colleagues on the Board of Higher Education, and further discussions will no doubt be held concerning these items in the future. Recommendation We believe that the original budget requests of the Board of Trustees were fully justified, in the light of the total needs of the University, and of the needs of the state for University of Illinois services. At the same time, we believe that the Board of Higher Education has an important role to play in the future welfare of higher education in the state of Illinois and that cooperative support from the governing boards of the state universities should be brought to the decisions of the Board of Higher Education at this time. We believe that most of the differences are in judgment, not objectives, and that these differences can be reconciled by additional studies during the next biennium, when there will be more time for interchange of ideas, consultation, and analysis of data. Further, the "master plan" studies which are now going forward under the auspices of the Board of Higher Education should be helpful in evaluations which are to be made in the future. Accordingly, in the interest of encouraging coordination in higher education in the state of Illinois, we recommend that the recommendations of the Board of Higher Education with reference to the budgets for operation of the University of Illinois and for capital projects be endorsed as reflecting the official position of the Board of Trustees. We further recommend that the representatives of the Board of Trustees and the administration of the University be authorized to present this position to the appropriate state officials and members of the General Assembly, hence modifying the original budget requests as presented in November. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the foregoing recommendations and the adjustments in the operating and capital budgets, as shown in the 362 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 tables which appear below, were approved and authority was given as requested; this action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. Increases in Operating Budget, 1963-65 T> dations, Board t University of Higher Recommended Budget Categories Requests E ducation Reductions I. Contributions to University Re- tirement System......... $ 742 900 $ 742 900 $ II. To Continue for a Full Biennium Funds Required for One Year Only in the 1961-63 Biennium. . 2 700 000 2 700 000 III. Salary Adjustments for All Staff A. 1963-64 (for two years)...... 9 000 000 6 423 424 2 576 576 B. 1964-65 (for one year)....... 3 000 000 2 743 724 256 276 IV. To Provide for Increased Enroll- ment in 1963-64 (for two years) A. Instructional Staff (Urbana and Medical Center)......... 2 740 000 2 740 000 B. Nonteaching Staff, Expense, and Equipment 1. Urbana and Medical Center 2 060 000 2 060 000 2. Congress Circle........... 1 000 000 1 000 000 i V. To Provide for Increased Enroll- ment in 1964-65 (for one year) A. Instructional Staff (Congress Circle) 1 770 000 1 770 000 i B. Nonteaching Staff, Expense, and Equipment (Congress Circle)................... 1 230 000 1 230 000 i VI. To Meet Increased Cost of Operation A. Operating Costs of New Build- ings in 1963-64 (for two years) 1. Urbana and Medical Center 1 571 100 1 571 100 2. Congress Circle........... 1 000 000 1 000 000 i B. Operating Costs of New Build- ings in 1964-65 (for one year) 1. Urbana and Medical Center 360 000 360 000 2. Congress Circle........... 590 000 590 000 i C. Increases to Maintain Present Level of Services 1. Increases in Expense and Equipment to Meet Rising Costs and Accumulated De- ficiencies .. ... 1 500 000 957 333 542 667 2. Increases in Auxiliary Staff to Meet Accumulated De- ficiencies 1 073 000 185 200 887 800 VII. Improvements in Educational Programs A. College of Engineering 1. Physics of the Upper At- mosphere ................ 80 000 80 000 1 If the opening of Congress Circle campus is deferred, further reductions will be made, subject to a maximum total reduction of $3,232,000 if the Congress Circle campus is not available until September, 1965. Capital Budget 1963-65 1963J B. UNIVERSH Budget Categories 2. Molecular Electronics..... 3. Nuclear Engineering...... College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1. Department of Linguistics.. 2 Asian Studies............ :y of Illinois Recommendations, Board University of Higher Requests Education $ 60 000 $ 60 000 40 000 40 000 121 000 121 000 158 000 79 000 85 000 363 Recommended Reductions $ ....... 79 000 85 000 C. College of Medicine 1. Continuing Medical Education .................... 2. School of Associated Medical Sciences........... 102 61 000 000 102 61 000 000 D. College of Nursing 1. Master of Science in Nursing Education............ Totals...................... $31 044 000 S26 616 681 $4 427 3191 Projects Major Buildings Urbana-Champaign Biology . ... University Requests $ 2 250 000 3 000 000 4 216 000 2 400 000 3 000 000 4 000 000 (18 866 000) 1 500 000 2 500 000 (4 000 000) dations, Board of Higher Education $ 2 250 0001 3 000 0001 4 216 000 Recomm Reduct ended ions Chemistry.................... Civil Engineering............. Smith Music Hall Addition....... Office-Classroom Building $ 2 3 400 000 000 000 Veterinary Medicine Clinic....... Subtotal............... 4 (13 000 466 000 000) (5 1 2 (4 400 500 500 000 000) 000 000 000) Medical Center Physical Plant Service Building. . . Addition to Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building.......... Subtotal......................... Total Major Buildings........ ?22 866 on 000 000 $13 $ 2 466 900 000 000 $ 9 400 000 Other Capital Needs Remodeling, Modernization, Minor Additions Funds to Supplement Outside Grants Power Plant Addition (Urbana-Champaign) ...............,.... 1 4 1 700 000 onn 000 000 200 1 650 0002 3 $ 4 50 000 000 0003 1 000 200 Planning Funds ..... 1 900 ?58 000 840 900 ?S8 000 840 1 000 000 Improvements for Protection of Life and Property Improvements to Grounds......... 440 700 394 000 46 700 Total New Projects .. ?35 4 065 799 740 500 J20 4 569 799 040 500 $U 496 700 Equipment for Buildings Built from Bond Issue............... Total................... S6S 240 $71 368 540 #14 49fi 700 Deduct Bond Fund Balances. .. 5 971 500 6 400 000 428 5004 New Appropriations.......... $33 893 740 S18 968 540s $U 925 2003 1 Reassignment of Bond Fund balances, $6,400,000. "Of this amount, $1,150,000 to come from reassigned Bond Fund balances; $479,000 earmarked for Mental Health Research Building. * Funds for necessary power plant addition and utility extension to be added. 4 Add. (Estimate of Bond Fund balance has been increased.) 364 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: Name Donald Thomas Diedrich Oscar Isadore Goldberg Howard Lester Sternberg Jack Edgar Wagar Address Rockford, Illinois St. Louis, Missouri Chicago, Illinois Barrington, Illinois State from Which They Obtained Certificates California Missouri District of Columbia Michigan The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded to the following candidates who passed the standard written examination given in November, 1962, and who have fulfilled all other legal requirements under Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Illinois Accountancy Act of 1943 as amended: Leonard Wallace Arentsen, Elmwood Park, Illinois Keith Conrad Axtell, Evanston, Illinois John William Backman, Oak Park, Illinois Philip Louis Ball, Skokie, Illinois Dale Lester Baraks, Moline, Illinois Max Avrom Bartelstein, Chicago, Illinois William Lee Beck, Clarendon Hills, Illinois Howard Robert Benditzson, Evanston, Illinois Robert Leonard Berge, Berwyn, Illinois John James Berger, Mt. Prospect, Illinois Rodney Merlin Bloom, Park Forest, Illinois Jerry Alan Blumenshine, Des Plaines, Illinois Edward John Bock, McHenry, Illinois Robert Charles Bonges, Ottawa, Illinois Harold Sheldon Bott, Jr., Kenilworth, Illinois Seymour Brandin, Chicago, Illinois John Paul Breitbach, Peoria, Illinois Michael Martin Brown, Chicago, Illinois Jerome John Bryg, Melrose Park, Illinois David Louis Buchholz, Elk Grove Village, Illinois Thomas Anthony Buettner, Chicago, Illinois George Hamilton Bunge, Chicago, Illinois Harvey Edward Campbell, Chicago, Illinois Charles Griffin Carpenter, Urbana, Illinois Marshall LeRoy Carpenter, Lombard, Illinois James Gronau Carr, Chicago, Illinois Conrad Walter Cherry, Oak Lawn, Illinois Barry Stuart Chessick, Chicago, Illinois John Angelo Cocalas, Cicero, Illinois Jordan Harvey Cohen, Chicago, Illinois Phillip Worth Crawford, Park Forest, Illinois Donald Bsownlie Cullen, Chicago, Illinois Michael William Daly, Chicago, Illinois Richard Anthony Daunoras, Glenview, Illinois Irwin Theodore David, Chicago, Illinois Phyllis Bouton Dittmer, East Peoria, Illinois Timothy Joseph Donohue, Chicago, Illinois 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 365 Robert Michael Ducay, Brookfield, Illinois Stuart Duhl, Lincolnwood, Illinois David Allen Dunniway, Morton, Illinois Carl Philip Eigelsbach, Chicago, Illinois Ronald Zecil Emmerman, Skokie, Illinois David Harold Farkas, Chicago, Illinois Donald Carl Feistnee, Chicago, Illinois Earl Ervin Felske, Chicago, Illinois John Robert Fields, Champaign, Illinois Anthony John Filosa, Melrose Park, Illinois Barry Evan Fink, Chicago, Illinois Robert John Forsberg, Naperville, Illinois Larry Lee Fredericksen, Park Forest, Illinois Harvey Gaffen, Chicago, Illinois Alexander Joseph Giannoni, Chicago, Illinois William Allen Gifford, Northbrook, Illinois Howard Calvin Goode, Chicago, Illinois Sheldon Gopin, Prospect Heights, Illinois Carl Anthony Gorski, Chicago, Illinois George Frank Gorski, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Steward Gray, Chicago, Illinois David Jay Greenberg, Niles, Illinois Charles Allan Greenstein, Chicago, Illinois Barry Bernard Gross, Chicago, Illinois Gerald Hayes Gruber, Flossmoor, Illinois Charles Harold Gunderson, Jr., Skokie, Illinois Seymour Gutzait, Chicago, Illinois Donald Duane Hackett, Jr., Forest Park, Illinois John Joseph Halligan, Springfield, Illinois William Patrick Hancock, Bloomington, Illinois Thomas Hubert Hansen, Oak Lawn, Illinois John Walter Hauch, La Grange Park, Illinois Michael George Haverty, Evanston, Illinois Forrest Duane Hayes, Chicago, Illinois Dale Irwin Hecox, Oak Park, Illinois Steven Allan Helfand, Chicago, Illinois William Roland Hinkle, Glenview, Illinois Donald Burke Horan, Chicago, Illinois Ronald Joseph Hundman, Chicago, Illinois Gerald John Jacobs, Rockford, Illinois John LeRoy Jager, Chicago, Illinois Ronald James Jaicomo, Downers Grove, Illinois Allan Louis Jandera, La Grange, Illinois Larry D. Johnson, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Howard Gordon Kaplan, Chicago, Illinois James Corbett Kelley, Sterling, Illinois Thomas Stephen Kelly, La Grange, Illinois Jerome Kessler, West Dundee, Illinois Richard Louis Kessler, Champaign, Illinois Coleman Eugene Klein, Chicago, Illinois Herman Arnold Kornatz, Chicago, Illinois Larry Lee Kupfler, Decatur, Illinois Albert Kushinsky, Niles, Illinois Michael Ronald Kutska, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Anthony Lamendella, Chicago, Illinois Harvey Irvin Lapin, Skokie, Illinois Sherwin Hayes Leff, Chicago, Illinois Howard David Lerman, Lincolnwood, Illinois William Morris Lieber, Chicago, Illinois Joanne Mary Loftus, Chicago, Illinois Frances Ratner Loman, Chicago Heights, Illinois Kenneth Walter Lossin, Worth, Illinois Myron James Loula, Dolton, Illinois Howard Allen Malis, Homewood, Illinois Edward Anthony Mallaney, Bradley, Illinois William Joseph Mammoser, Chicago, Illinois Norman Erwin Margolin, Chicago, Illinois John David Marshall, Somonauk, Illinois John Michael Maxwell, Deerfield, Illinois John Edward McEnroe, Chicago, Illinois Patrick Joseph McGuire, South Holland, Illinois Leonard Miller, Chicago, Illinois Errol Paul Mitlyng, Park Forest, Illinois 366 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 Joseph John Mordini, Norridge, Illinois Floyd Ellis Morrow, Hinsdale, Illinois Michael Herbert Moss, Chicago, Illinois Edward Thomas Murphy, Westchester, Illinois Eugene Martin Musial, Oak Park, Illinois William L. Nothman, Evanston, Illinois James Harry Obriecht, Chicago, Illinois Daniel Francis O'Connell, Chicago, Illinois Gerald William O'Connell, Chicago, Illinois David John Oestreich, Chicago, Illinois Harvey Jay Olsher, Skokie, Illinois Robert Stanley Osborn, Chicago, Illinois John Edward Owens, Chicago, Illinois Anton Stephen Petran, Chicago, Illinois Malcolm McGregor Preston, Wilmette, Illinois Richard Barney Ray, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Thomas George Reger, Chicago, Illinois Edward Michael Reicheb, Oak Lawn, Illinois James Louis Rodi, Elmhurst, Illinois Sheldon Harold Rosenberg, Pine Grove, Illinois James Paul Rowan, Naperville, Illinois John Paul Rozinsky, Chicago, Illinois Roland Frank Salmonson, Winnetka, Illinois Marshall William Samuels, Skokie, Illinois Richard Arthur Samuelson, Chicago Heights, Illinois Robert Michael Sarsany, La Grange Park, Illinois William Bradford Sawtell, Evanston, Illinois Robert Paul Schmidt, Riverdale, Illinois Dennis Raymond Schueler, Park Ridge, Illinois Patrick Joseph Scullion, Morton Grove, Illinois Daniel James Shannon, Chicago, Illinois Albert Edward Smith, Riverdale, Illinois James Hibbard Smith, Midlothian, Illinois Joel Welsch Smith, Chicago, Illinois Walter Delos Smith, Forest Park, Illinois Robert Allen Snyder, Lombard, Illinois Alfred Thomas Spada, Oak Park, Illinois Robert Edwin Spellmeyer, Elgin, Illinois Dean E. Stamos, Chicago, Illinois James Gaddis Stanforth, Chicago, Illinois Richard Leonard Starkey, La Grange, Illinois Alan Louis Steger, Forest Park, Illinois William Charles Stein, Oak Park, Illinois David Dale Stentz, Chicago, Illinois Richard Clarence Stephan, Chicago, Illinois David Lee Stocking, Rockford, Illinois Louis Eugene Striegel, Jr., Normal, Illinois Lee Paul Switzer, Chicago, Illinois Richard Francis Teerlink, South Holland, Illinois Stewart Thompson, Chicago, Illinois Theodore James Thompson, Chicago, Illinois Robert James Tomsovic, Chicago, Illinois Eabl Kay Turnipseed, Winfield, Illinois James Francis Voellinger, Belleville, Illinois Ralph John Wagner, Oak Lawn, Illinois Sheldon Jay Weinstein, Chicago, Illinois Charles Morris Weiss, Chicago, Illinois Paul Warren Wentzien, Chicago, Illinois Charles August Werner, La Grange Park, Illinois Thomas Guy West, Galesburg, Illinois Howard Joseph Wiles, Peoria, Illinois Gerald Leo Wolf, Glenview, Illinois John Jefferson Woolley, Rolling Meadows, Illinois Allan Arnold Wulfstat, Chicago, Illinois Daniel Michael Wynn, Wilmette, Illinois Alan Laurence Zable, Oak Park, Illinois Joseph John Zahaitis, Chicago, Illinois I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 367 APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (2) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. James M. Alsobrook, Jr., Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning February 1, 1963, on one-third time, at an annual salary of $2,400 (E33). 2. John H. Austin, Assistant Professor of Sanitary Engineering, in the Department of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,100 (B). 3. Roger N. Hancock, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, for four and one-half months from February 1, 1963, at a salary of $3,800 (E). 4. Walter Hirsch, Professor of Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, beginning December 1, 1962, without salary (DY). 5. Elbert R. Jaycox, Associate Professor of Apiculture, in the Department of Horticulture, beginning April 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $11,000 (DY). 6. Fritz Luty, Visiting Associate Professor of Physics, for seven months from April 1, 1963, at a salary of $9,800 (G). 7. William E. Montague, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, for four and one-half months from February 1, 1963, at a salary of $5,000 (E). 8. Harold J. Rhodes, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, beginning January 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000 (D). 9. John H. Talbott, Lecturer in Medicine with rank of Professor, beginning January 1, 1963, without salary (DY). 10. Robert A. Wise, Professor of Surgery, assigned to Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, for two years from January 7, 1963, at an annual salary of $15,000 (FY). On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these appointments were confirmed. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AT CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION AND CONGRESS CIRCLE (3) The Board of Trustees has authorized expansion of the educational program for the Chicago Undergraduate Division which includes, as major administrative units for the new Congress Circle campus during the initial stage of development, Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Commerce and Business Administration, Fine and Applied Arts (now Architecture and Art); and Divisions of Education and of Physical Education. The faculty of Commerce and Business Administration and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend changing the name of the college to College of Business Administration. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. APPOINTMENT OF DEAN OF COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AT CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (4) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends the appointment of Dr. Raymond W. Coleman, presently Professor of Economics and Management at the University of West Virginia, as Professor of Economics and Management on indefinite tenure and Dean of the College of Business Administration at the Chicago Undergraduate Division and at Congress Circle, beginning June 16, 1963, at a salary of $21,500 per year on a twelve-month service basis. The nomination for this appointment was made by an ad hoc Committee,1 and the recommendation is submitted after consultation with the faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, with the Vice-President's Advisory Council at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, and with the Dean and several department heads of the College of Commerce and Business Administration at Urbana-Champaign; and is concurred in by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Dean of the Graduate College. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. 1 Norman A. Parker, Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division, Chairman; Jack W. Peltason, Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Urbana; Dwight Flanders, Professor of Economics, Urbana; Lucile Derrick, Professor of Economics, Chicago Undergraduate Division; and Albert J. Schneider, Associate Professor of Accountancy, Chicago Undergraduate Division. 368 board of trustees [February 20 HEADSHIP OF THE DIVISION OF GENERAL STUDIES (5) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Dr. Halbert E. Gulley as Professor of Speech on indefinite tenure and Head of the Division of General Studies, effective at the beginning of the second semester, at an annual salary of $11,500. Professor Gulley has been serving as Acting Head of the Division since September, 1962, succeeding Professor James M. McCrimmon who asked to be relieved of his administrative duties so that he could devote full time to teaching and to research in the teaching of English. In submitting his recommendation, the Dean states: "Professor Gulley has been an energetic and vigorous member of the Division, and under his leadership it will continue to make progress." The recommendation has the unanimous support of the Executive Committee of the College, the Head of the Department of Speech and Theatre, and is concurred in by the Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. CHANGE IN ORGANIZATION OF DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY (6) The Department of Botany is presently administered under a chairmanship organization. On the basis of a majority vote of the members of the department of professorial rank, the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends that the form of departmental organization be changed from a chairmanship to a headship, effective September 1, 1963. The Dean also recommends that Dr. John Laughnan of the Department of Botany be appointed Professor of Botany and Professor of Plant Genetics in Agronomy, on indefinite tenure, and Head of the Department of Botany, effective September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $17,450, on a nine-month service basis. The recommendation for this appointment is submitted after consultation with the members of the staff of the Department of Botany and is supported by the Director and Executive Committee of the School of Life Sciences, the Dean of the Graduate College, and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these recommendations were approved. REVISIONS IN MAJORS AND MINORS IN THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES (7) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved recommendations from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for a major in biology sponsored by the School of Life Sciences; for changes in majors and minors in the sciences and letters curriculum; and for changes in majors and minors in music, classics, rhetoric, speech, and English. A supporting memorandum giving the details of these revisions is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. These changes are effective for students enrolling in September, 1963, and thereafter. Although Board approval is not required, the changes are nevertheless reported for official record. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these revisions were accepted for official records. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (8) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign 1. College of Agriculture Department of Food Technology, moving into and equipping Burn-sides Research Laboratory...................................$ 17 700 00 Animal Sciences Laboratory, prefabricated refrigerated controlled environmental walk-in room................................. 12 000 00 Department of Forestry, plywood shear testing machine............ 2 700 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 369 2. College of Education Department of Vocational and Technical Education, equipment..... 4 990 00 3. College of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering, equipment.................. 10 890 00 Department of Civil Engineering, equipment....................... 22 300 00 Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, machine tools............................................... 9 305 00 4. College of Fine and Applied Arts Department of Art, equipment................................... 13 000 00 5. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, equipment for teaching laboratories ........................................ 70 000 00 Language Laboratory, equipment................................. 24 750 00 0. Library, library additions (book and binding funds)............... 50 000 00 7. Physical Plant Classroom remodeling and rehabilitation.......................... 60 000 00 Remodeling buildings at 1208 West Springfield Avenue and 1116 West Illinois Street, Urbana, for the University High School Mathematics Project........................................ 3 500 00 Remodeling of College of Engineering administrative offices........ 19 290 00 Air conditioning in Civil Engineering Hall....................... 18 585 00 Remodeling of Room 50 in Electrical Engineering Building........ 27 844 79 Remodeling of rooms, including installation of new lighting, in Harker Hall, assigned to Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for staff offices.............................. 5 900 00 Remodeling in Lincoln Hall for Language Laboratory and Department of Speech and Theatre................................. 10 785 00 Remodeling in Hydraulics Research Laboratory................... 8 960 00 Welding system for sculpturing classes........................... 3 195 00 Light fixtures for Smith Music Hall.............................. 5 585 00 Remodeling in Gregory Hall for Department of Psychology laboratories .................................................... 5 300 00 Remodeling of Room 19 in the Library........................... 5 880 00 Remodeling in Men's Old Gymnasium (construction of a circuit training course and air conditioning of the Therapeutic Exercise Clinic) ................................................ 7 880 00 Painting and redecorating lounge in Women's Gymnasium.......... 3 045 00 Painting of Large Animal Clinic................................. 4 750 00 Total, Urbana-Champaign ...................................$428 134 79 Chicago Undergraduate Division 1. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, biological sciences equipment.$ 5 040 00 Medical Center 1. Pharmacy, laboratory equipment for Drug and Horticultural Ex- periment Station...........................................$ 7 220 00 2. Research and Educational Hospitals, cardiac catherization laboratory equipment.................................................. 55 000 00 Total, Medical Center.......................................$ 62 220 00 Grand Total................................................$495 394 79 I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. REVISIONS IN STUDENT SERVICE FEES (9) The Committee on Fees recommends a revision of the Student Service Fee charged on the Urbana-Champaign campus, effective September 1, 1963, according to the schedule below. 370 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 Semester......... Range I Present Proposed Above 10 hours Above 2}4 units $40 00 $40 00 Range II Present Proposed Above 5 to 10 hours Above lH to 2% units $30 00 $25 00 Range III Present Proposed Above 0 to 5 hours Above 0 to 1)4 units $25 00 $10 00 Twelve-Week Summer Term (Institutes)..... Above 8 hours Above 2 units $30 00 $30 00 Above 4 to 8 hours Above 1 to 2 units $25 00 $20 00 Above 0 to 4 hours Above 0 to 1 unit $20 00 $10 00 Eight-Week Above 5 hours Above iyi unit Above 2)4 to 5 hours Above % to 1}$pD units Above 0to2], hours Above 0 to % unit Summer Session........ $pD20 00 #20 00 $15 00 $13 00 $10 00 $ 5 00 Six-Week Winter Short Course in Agriculture and Home Economics......... Above 2 courses $15 00 $15 00 2 courses $15 00 $10 00 1 course $10 00 $ 5 00 Fee for noncredit registrations of students in residence for thesis research only: $10.00 a semester and $5.00 for the summer session, reduced from $15.00. It will be noted that the changes are in the direction of reducing the fee charged students registered for partial programs of work, many of whom --- usually school teachers --- commute to the campus for a single course. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, the recommended changes were approved. CONTRACT FOR SANITARY SEWER (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contract to Cross Construction, Inc., Urbana, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for construction of a sanitary sewer to the new College of Education and College of Commerce buildings, and to other buildings in their area, at a total price of $58,936.30, being the amount of the base bid plus additive alternates for rerouting existing sewers to the new sewer and providing granular fill for that portion of the sewer under Taft Drive. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of the bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR LANDSCAPING OF SITES OF NEW BUILDINGS AT URBANA-CHAMPA1GN (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for landscaping of areas of four new buildings recently constructed or now being completed on the Urbana-Champaign campus, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Twin City Landscape Service, Inc., Urbana, Illinois----for complete landscape work in the Assembly Hall area........................$49 009 92 J. R. Ingels, an individual doing business as Henry Nurseries, Henry, Illinois --- for complete landscaping at the Burnsides Research Laboratory, Health Service Addition to McKinley Hospital, and Physical Plant Service Building.......................................... 10 977 09 Funds are available in the construction budgets of the four buildings. I concur. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 371 On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these contracts were awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CAMPUS TREE PLANTING (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $15,926.04 to Wendell Bridges, an individual doing business as the Bray Landscape Service, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for the third phase of the campus tree-planting program in accordance with the plan approved by the Board of Trustees on January 11, 1962, for gradual replacement of trees lost by disease. This contract is for planting trees on Burrill Avenue between Springfield Avenue and Green Street; on Florida Avenue from the Illinois Central Railroad east to Fourth Street; on the south side of Nevada Street from Goodwin Avenue east to Gregory Place extended; on the east side of Wright Street from University Avenue to Springfield Avenue; along the entrance walks on the east and west sides of the Memorial Stadium between Florida Avenue and Peabody Drive and on the south side of the Stadium. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of the following firms on the terms indicated for projects at the Urbana-Champaign campus: Engineering Service for Air-Conditioning University Library --- Associated Engineers, Inc., Peoria, Illinois, at a fee of 6 per cent of construction costs of work designed and/or specified by the firm. The work will include preliminary design, working drawings and specifications, analysis of bids, and office and supplemental job supervision for air-conditioning installations in the Univer-sity Library, excluding the stacks and the new wing (the seventh addition) now under construction. The latter will be air-conditioned as a part of the present construction contract. Report on Improvements to Water Distribution System --- Warren and Van Praag, Inc., Decatur, Illinois, at a cost of actual salaries of personnel employed on the project, plus 100 per cent for overhead and commission, and reimbursement for direct costs such as lodging and subsistence, long-distance telephone calls, and transportation; maximum cost to the University is not to exceed $10,000. The firm will provide the University with: a complete report on the condition of the existing facilities --- water mains, connections, and storage; and recommendations and estimates of cost for improvements to the water supply system to provide an adequate reliable supply for the present and proposed expansion programs developed for each biennium, based on capital improvements planned for the next ten years. Funds are available for these projects in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. The recommendations have been approved by the Advisory Committee on the Selection of Architects and Engineers and the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these recommendations were approved. 372 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 BEQUEST OF IONE FISHER BEEM FOR SCHOLARSHIP IN MEDICINE (14) The University has received from the executor of the estate of the late Dr lone Fisher Beem, a graduate of the College of Medicine, Class of 1913, $10,000 representing in full payment of the following bequest: "I give and bequeath to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to be used under the direction of the Board for a scholarship fund, the income of which shall provide a scholarship for a woman medical student. The woman medical student shall be selected through the Medical School Faculty." I recommend that the fund be set up as an endowment to be known as the lone Fisher Beem Scholarship, the income to be used for award of an annual scholarship to a woman medical student in accordance with the established procedures for awards of scholarships. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (15) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. These purchases were made from Institutional Funds, which term is used to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of hospital equipment and sup- Agency for V. Mueller & Co., $ 3 530 00 plies International Chicago f.a.s. Development New York, (Faculty of N.Y. Medicine- Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) One electric sterilizer Agency for American Sterilizer Co., 2 602 00 International Chicago f.a.s. Development San (Faculty of Francisco, Medicine- Calif. Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) Eighteen radio receiver assemblies, each Astronomy The Magnavox Co., 11 835 00 consisting of two radio receivers Urbana f.o.b. mounted on a standard 5-in. relay delivered rack panel with each receiver includ- ing a plug-in radio frequency pream- plifier-converter, twelve tuned at 25 me, twelve at 40 me, and twelve at SO me. Eighteen additional converter units, six each at 25, 40, and 50 me. Eighteen additional circuit boards One fork lift truck, lp gas powered, ca- Assembly Hall M. H. Equipment, Inc., 4 909 SO pacity 2.000 pounds at 24-in. lift Peoria f.o.b. height, 37 horsepower at 2500 rpm. delivered capable of transporting full loads on grades of at least 32 degrees One lot of laboratory apparatus and General Chemical Scientific Products 78 957 31 supplies (estimated three-month sup- Stores Division, American f.o.b. ply): 400 cases of laboratory glass- Hospital Supply Corp., delivered ware including 200 cases of assorted Evanston Corning glassware and 200 cases of assorted Kimble glassware ordered in maximum discount quantities accord- ing to published fair trade prices in effect at time of shipment On motion of Mr. Williamson, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comp- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 373 troller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Item Department Vendor Cost Print and bind 2,700 copies of Biennial Agricultural Pantagraph Printing & $ 2 418 81 Report of A grictdtural Experiment Administration Stationery Co., f.o.b. Station, 1960-62, approximately 192 Bloomington delivered pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. (The final cost may exceed 32,500 depending on the exact number of pages per copy.) Complete physiograph with marker, Biological E & M Instrument Co., 5 040 00 three channels, mobile cabinet, dual Sciences, Houston, Texas f.o.b. beam neurophysiograph, electrodes, Chicago Houston, and accessories Undergraduate Texas Division Two recorders, two-channel, portable, Electrical Sanborn Company, c/o 2 790 00 dc/coupling, sensitivity 10 mv/mm. Engineering Crossley Associates, f.o.b. to 10v/mm.; smooth gain adjust- Chicago Waltham, ment ; heat rectilinear recording; Mass. chart speeds 1 mm. per second to 100 mm. per second; frequency response 0 to 125 cps One vessel, pressure, 7 ft. long by 2 ft. Forestry Nooter Corp.. 7 270 00 diameter, 800 PSI. with quick-open- St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. ing door for use in the study of pres- delivered sure treatment of wood One grinding machine, hydraulic cylin- Industrial Bentley Industrial 4 975 00 drical, 5 in. by 12 in., small capacity Education Corp., f.o.b. but very high precision to do precision external grinding Division Long Island City, N.Y. delivered 25,000 chart folders Medical Records, Crown Office Supply Co., 5 673 25 25,000 prenumbered master cards Chicago Chicago delivered 1,000 unnumbered master cards One piano, grand, 7 ft. long, ebony School of Peoria Musical 3 300 00 finish, to be delivered to Smith Music Music Instrument Co., f.o.b. Hall Peoria delivered 40,000 tetracycline V capsules, 250 mg., Pharmacy, The Upjohn Co., 6 177 00 and 1,000 vials tetracycline i.v., 500 Chicago Chicago delivered mg.; this product is an antibiotic drug which is used in the treatment of a variety of bacterial infections (this represents a six-month supply) One building, steel rigid frame type, 40 Physics-Betatron L. E. Devore Co., 9 586 00 ft. by 60 ft. size, complete with con- Decatur f.o.b. crete foundation and floor, overhead delivered and service doors, roof ventilators and and roof light panels, to be con- erected structed at site south of Physics Re- search Laboratory One building, lumber, rigid frame type, Veterinary Hazen & Franks Builders' 2 800 38 20 ft. by 50 ft., complete with con- Medicine Supply, Inc., f.o.b. crete foundation and floor, overhead Tolono delivered door and service door, to be con- and structed at Veterinary Research erected Farm, South Race Street, Urbana Two each containers, refuse, 30 cubic Physical Plant Coleman and Associates, 5 300 00 yard capacity, for use in the trash Rockford f.o.b. collection system currently being used delivered on the Urbana campus; these con- tainers are to be located at the new Physical Plant Service Building Special electric motors for Abbott Power Physical Plant General Electric Co., 7 320 80 Plant replacements: Springfield f.o.b. One 60 horsepower, 3600 rpm, 440 delivered volt, 3 phase. 60 cycle, drip-proof with transition base One 100 horsepower, 1800 rpm, 4000 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, drip-proof with transition base One 300 horsepower, 1200 rpm, 4000 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, drip-proof with transition base 374 board of trustees [February 20 Hem Department Vendor Cost Nuclear energy liability insurance pro- Nuclear The J. S. Frelinghuysen $ 4 500 00 viding liability coverage up to an Engineering Corp., annual aggregate of #250,000; excess New York, N.Y., coverage provided under license broker for the Nuclear granted by the Atomic Energy Com- Energy Liability mission from J250.O0O to 3500,000,000 Insurance Association Purchases from Institutional Funds 40.65 tons diammonium phosphate Agricultural Tennessee Valley 4 461 75 fertilizer and 21.65 tons granular high Economics Authority, f.o.b. analysis phosphate fertilizer for Al- Wilson Dam, Ala. Sheffield, lerton Trust Farms Ala. One each special harvester, forage plot, Agronomy Taylor Brothers 4 745 00 hydraulically powered and self-propelled including gasoline engine, bat- Welding, Tamaroa f.o.b. delivered tery, and tires Seven laboratory microscopes, less Anatomy, A. S. Aloe Co., 3 898 65 trade-in of two used microscopes Chicago Schiller Park delivered Two trucks, 1963 model, 20,000 lb.. Animal Science International Harvester 7 104 20 g.v.w., with 40-inch grain bed and Co., f.o.b. 26-inch fold-down stock rack, less Springfield delivered trade-in of one truck, 1955 model, and one truck, 1949 model, both with combination grain and stock beds One lot of furniture for offices of College Architecture Business Interiors, Inc., 4 485 36 of Architecture and Art consisting of and Art, Forest Park delivered four desks, six chairs, four cabinets, Chicago and two settees, one magazine table, four set in lamps, and other office accessories place One sterilizer, laboratory type, steam Botany American Sterilizer Co., 3 083 00 operated, double wall, size 20 in. by Chicago f.o.b. 36 in. for general laboratory use on delivered the sixth floor of Morrttl Hall in the Botany Department One sterilizer, laboratory type, steam Botany American Sterilizer Co., 3 083 00 operated, double wall, size 20 in. by Chicago f.o.b. 36 in. for general laboratory use on delivered the first floor of Morrill Hall in the Botany Department One gas chromatograph with eight col- Chemistry and Wilkens Instrument & 4 565 80 lection Dottles, one 20 ft. by Y% in. Chemical Research, Inc., f.o.b. column, recorder, and disc integrator. Engineering Walnut Creek, Calif. delivered to be used to separate chemical com- pounds found in the gas phase 150 cases laboratory pipettes including General Chemical Bellco Glass, Inc., 5 708 53 volumetric, measuring, sero (blood) Stores Vineland, N.J. f.o.b. ostwald and automatic types, for stock delivered in the General Chemical Stores, esti- mated to be a three-month supply Six power supply modules with optional Digital Computer N J E Corp., 9 780 00 heat sinks Laboratory Kenilworth, N.J. f.o.b. Urbana 1,000 connectors, special taper pin. Digital Computer Viking Industries, Inc., 5 250 00 printed circuit type with sleeves Laboratory Canoga Park, Calif. f.o.b. delivered One oscilloscope, digital read, rack Digital Computer Tektronix, Inc., 5 188 00 mount, 3.5 kv; one plug-in unit, Laboratory Park Ridge f.o.b. sampling dual trace; one plug-in unit, Beaverton, sampling sweep; one plug-in unit, dig- Ore. ital; one flexible extension; two ex- tension boards; two probes Authorization for a change order for Electrical Bendix Computer 14 900 00 purchase order to delete one lp-3 line Engineering Division f.o.b. printer (a discontinued printer) and Bendix Corp., delivered add lp-12 line printer for the Bendix Chicago G-20 computer system One spectrophoto-fluorometer with op- Food Technology American Instrument 8 897 70 tical unit oscillograph, photomulti- Co., Inc., f.o.b. plier tube, infrared attachment, re- Silver Spring, Md. delivered corder, polarizing attachment and ten cells for studies on the interaction of fluorescent molecules with proteins and other materials in Food Tech- nology One used IBM-526 printing summary Forestry International Business 3 210 00 punch, model 001 Machines Corp., f.o.b. Springfield delivered and installed 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 375 Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of laboratory supplies consisting Medical Center Scientific Products, S20 130 00 of five 150 case orders borosilicate Stores, Evanston delivered laboratory glassware, 2,200 gross mi- Chicago croscope slides, 113 dozen plastic bot- tles, 270 gross disposable pipets, 36 dozen cover glasses, 111 packages filter paper, 12 pipet jars, 1,000 books lens paper, and 72 glass-marking pencils One lot of laboratory equipment sup- Microbiology, LaPine Scientific Co., 3 418 00 plies, consisting of one refrigerated Chicago Chicago delivered centrifuge and accessories, 480 rolls of aluminum foil, and 480 pints of chloroform reagent One fundus camera and accessories con- Ophthalmology, House of Vision, 1 693 90 sisting of one magnifying attachment, Chicago Chicago delivered and one fixation device (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, 22,025.10, and Institutional Funds, $1,693.90; total, 33,719.00.) One spectrophotometer with micro cell Oral Pathology, W. H. Kessel & Co., 6 350 00 attachment and circulating thermo- Chicago Chicago delivered stat Accessory equipment consisting of vari- Pharmacy, Varian Associates, 2 845 00 able temperature probe, temperature Chemistry Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. controller, and low temperature kit Chicago to be installed on the nuclear mag- netic resonance spectrometer in the Department of Chemistry, College of Pharmacy One automatic blood cell counter with Physiology, Coulter Electronics 6 975 00 size distribution plotter Chicago Sales Co., Chicago Hughes Aircraft Co., delivered One oscilloscope and accessories, con- Physiology, 3 375 00 sisting of dual trace preamplifier, cart, Chicago Vacuum Tube Products f.o.b. and hinged camera mount Division, Oceanside, Oceanside, Calif. Calif. Two shipping containers for liquid ni- Physics Burns Machine Co., 12 257 00 trogen mounted on special in-plant Ottawa f.o.b. trailers, for transfer of liquid nitrogen delivered from central storage vessel at Physics Building to several laboratories in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering One cesium bromide interchange as- Physics Beckman Instruments, 3 420 00 sembly, range 11-35 microns linear Inc., f.o.b. wavelength Lincolnwood delivered One cesium iodide thermocouple for use with above interchange These items are accessory attachments for existing Physics Department re- cording spectrophotometer valued at 312,560; they will be used to study the absorption spectra and photo- conductivity of semiconducting ma- terials such as silicon and germanium Nuclear equipment consisting of five Physics, Chicago Nucleonic Corp. of 2 62S 00 sealers, three multi-detector mount U ndergrad uate America, delivered and shield and accessories Division Brooklyn, N.Y. One liquid flow spectrometer with con- Psychiatry, Packard Instrument 6 295 00 tinuous flow detector and recording Chicago Co., Inc., delivered ratemeter, to be used to measure ra- La Grange dioactivity One amino acid analyzer Psychiatry, Technicon Chromatograph 8 566 00 Chicago Corp., delivered Chauncey. N.Y. One spectrometer, semi-automatic, liq- Radiocarbon Packard Instrument 7 325 00 uid scintillation (nonrefrigerated) Laboratory, Co., Inc.. f.o.b. counting system with light tight op- Graduate La Grange delivered tical sample changer and automatic College and load device, and one liquid scintilla- installed tion flow assembly for use with above spectrometer One high-temperature radioactivity Radiocarbon Applied Physics Corp., 2 920 00 analysis system, including a vibrating Laboratory, Monrovia, Calif. f.o.b. reed electrometer, ion-chamber oven Graduate delivered and high temperature flow chamber College 376 board of trustees [February 20 Item Department Vendor Cost One offset duplicating machine, com- Committee on Addressograph- $ 4 966 38 plete with color-head to permit two- School Multigraph Corp., f.o.b. color printing simultaneously, double Mathematics Peoria delivered sheet eliminator, conveyor registra- and tion board, and standard accessories installed 119 films, miscellaneous color and black Visual Aids Coronet Films, 13 210 00 and white, 16 mm. Service Chicago f.o.b. destination Fifty-two films, 16 mm., miscellaneous Visual Aids McGraw-Hill Book Co., 5 938 64 color and black and white Service Text-Film Division, f.o.b. New York, N.Y. delivered Forty-nine films, 16 mm., miscellaneous Visual Aids Encyclopaedia Britannica 6 875 00 color and black and white, less forty- Service Films, Inc., f.o.b. nine damaged prints returned Wilmette Wilmette Print and bind 2,000 copies of Charles University Press Vail-Ballou Press, Inc.. 5 253 35 Evans, American Bibliographer, by New York, N.Y. f.o.b. Edward G. Holley, approximately delivered 364 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Print and bind 2,000 copies of Patterns University Press Pantagraph Printing & 2 726 57 of Good And Evil, by D. W. Gotshalk, Stationery Co., f.o.b. approximately 160 pages per copy, Bloomington delivered trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Print and bind 30,000 copies of Grad- University Press Wallace Press, Inc., 12 182 00 uate College Catalog, 1963-64, ap- Chicago f.o.b. proximately 336 pages, trim size 6 in, by 9 in. delivered Print and bind 50,000 copies Under- University Press Wisconsin Cuneo Press, 19 140 00 graduate Study, 1963-64, approxi- Inc., f.o.b. mately 360 pages per copy, trim size Chicago delivered 6 in. by 9 in. Six soft drink dispensers, with manual Assembly Hall Pepsi-Cola Champaign- 3 979 80 valves and casters, to dispense two Urbana Bottling Co., f.o.b. flavors from each unit Champaign delivered One each electronic training assembly Institute of Philco Corp., 4 713 10 units as follows: Aviation TechRep Division, f.o.b. Fundamentals, laboratory circuit Philadelphia, Pa. delivered analysis, and trouble shooting Voltage regulator lecture and labo- ratory circuit analysis Radio and microwave lecture and lab- oratory circuit analysis and test equipment, synchro lecture dem- onstration Plus five chassis, three amplifiers, one phase splitter, one gas tube regu- lator, and one set books for the above One electronic counter, eight-digit, 0 Institute of Hewlett-Packard Co., 5 996 50 cps to 20 me, 100 mv rms sensitivity Aviation c/o Crossley f.o.b. One frequency converter, 500 me, plug- Associates, Inc., factory in unit for above counter Chicago One oscilloscope, dual trace, 200 kc One signal generator 450 to 1230 me One rf cable assembly One video cable assembly One millivoltmeter 500 kc to 1 kmc One aircraft, 1962 model, single engine, Institute of Walston Aviation, Inc., 15 675 05 four-passenger, complete with navi- Aviation East Alton f.o.b. gation and communication radio delivered equipment, less allowance for trade- in of one aircraft, 1955 model, single engine, four passenger, with radio equipment One engine, aircraft, factory remanu- Institute of Southwest Airmotive Co., 2 635 50 factured, complete with standard ac- Aviation St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. cessories, less allowance for trade-in delivered of one used aircraft engine Thirty-five tons fertilizer mixture, or- Physical Plant Champaign County Seed 4 690 00 ganic and inorganic, analysis 15-5-5 Co., f.o.b. Champaign delivered One tractor, 1963, with seven-gang fair- Physical Plant Leon Short & Sons, Inc., 6 374 00 way mower units, dual-drive wheels. Keokuk, Iowa f.o.b. hydraulic brakes and winglift hy- delivered draulic system, less trade-in of 1957 Worthington tractor On motion of Mr. Williamson, these purchases were authorized. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 377 Item Department Vendor Cost Three mowers, Toro 76 in., professional Physical Plant Scruggs-Drake Equipment . 33 459 00 five-blade reel mower with semi-pneu- Inc., f.o.b. matic tires and heavy duty trailing Decatur delivered sulky, less trade-in of three 1958 Toro mowers Two projectors, 16 mm.f arc, sound- Physical Plant Camera Equipment 4 020 00 motion picture, with amplifier and Co., Inc., f.o.b. pedestal case, arc lamp of minimum New York, N.Y. delivered 1600 lumens output, rectifier, 2 in. lens and shutter One magnetic pick-up, installed One change-over kit for dual projection operation Two lenses, anamorphic, with mounting foracket One pump, duplex automatic return line Physical Plant Stannard Power 3 380 00 vacuum heating, complete with two Equipment Co., f.o.b. three-horsepower electric motors and controls One pump, boiler feed, 2 H in- size, four- Chicago delivered Physical Plant Pennsylvania Pump &: 3 384 00 stage, centrifugal, complete with hori- Compressor Co., f.o.b. zontally split cast iron casing, cast Easton, Pa. Easton, iron bed plate and flexible coupling; Pa. this is a replacement for one of four boiler feed pumps at Abbott Power Plant 50,000 pounds soft white lead paste (for Physical Plant National Lead Co., 9 225 00 paint), type c, in 100 pound kegs. Chicago f.o.b. with 100 kegs to be delivered in delivered March, May, July, September, and November, 1963 Two typewriters, automatic, equipped Purchasing Friden, Inc., 9 845 00 with eight-channel tape-card punch Division Peoria Heights f.o.b. and reader units, with stands, and delivered tape winders and One auxiliary tape reader installed One auxiliary tape punch 800 overcoats, used. Air Force regula- Purchasing, Bradley University, 4 000 00 tion type, wool, blue, assorted sizes Military Military Property f.o.b. Property Custodian, Air Force Peoria Custodian R.O.T.C. Unit, Peoria 195 case cups, paper, cold drink, various Office Supply Gershuny & Epstein, 3 714 12 sizes Storeroom Inc., f.o.b. Fifteen case cups, paper, hot drink, Chicago delivered various sizes 80,000 sandwich bags, waxed Ten boxes spoons, plastic Ten boxes forks, plastic Ten boxes knives, plastic 420,000 file folders, letter and legal size, tag manila, medium weight, for both Office Supply Aero-Adroit, Inc., 5 124 13 Storeroom, Chicago f.o.b. the Urbana campus and the Chicago Urbana, and delivered colleges and divisions; it is estimated Chicago that the above quantity is a ten- to Colleges and twelve-month stock at the Office Divisions Supply Storeroom Group 1 --- 21,050 reams paper, No. 4 Office Supply Hollis & Duncan Co., Inc. sulphite spirit fluid duplicator, white Storeroom, Chicago Group 2---4,386 reams paper, 25 per Urbana, and Group 1 14 677 54 cent rag bond, watermarked, white; Chicago Group 3 51 236 07 3,304 reams paper, SO per cent rag Group 4 24 651 45 bond, watermarked, white (90 565 06) Group 3 --- 76,640 reams paper, No. 4 Crescent Paper Co., sulphite mimeograph bond, white and Champaign buff; 540 reams paper, No. 4 sulphite Group 2 20 373 59 bond, white and colored Group 6 2 383 12 Group 4--- 30,500 reams paper, sulphite offset, white Group 5 --- 1,660 reams paper, machine Group 7 4 125 24 (26 881 95) Decatur Paper Co., coated letterpress enamel book paper, Decatur white Group 5 18 771 40 Group 6 --- 72 reams paper, sulphite (Total, 136 218 41) cover paper, antique finish, white and colored f.o.b. delivered Group 7 --- 126,800 sheets paper, sul- phite index white and colored 378 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (16) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of trust funds from October 1 through December 31, 1962: Endowment Pool Exchange $ 29 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2M per cent 12/15/62 and 1 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3M 11/15/62 for 30 000 U. S. Treasury notes 11/15/65 Purchase $ 64 000 Aluminum Company of America 4Ji per cent 1/1/82 * 65 026 25 Miller Temporary Endowment Sale 500 shares Bethlehem Steel common stock $ 15 300 99 Purchase $ 40 000 Federal Land Bank 4 per cent 5/22/67 $ 40 400 00 34 000 Federal National Mortgage 9/10/70 34 286 88 University of Andes Agency Purchase ; l ooo U. S. Treasury bonds 2% per cent 8/15/63 $ 1 002 50 5 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 2/15/64 5 009 38 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reports the following changes in investments of unexpended plant and current funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Sale $1 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/3/63 $1 499 600 00 Purchase $ 400 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/62 $ 399 682 22 700 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 698 337 00 1 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/29/62 1 494 700 22 650 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 648 878 06 1 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/3/63 1 493 682 23 250 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 248 231 25 400 000 CIT Financial Corporation 7/12/63 390 694 44 100 000 Sears, Roebuck Acceptance Corporation Commercial Credit Company 7/12/63 97 673 61 500 000 8/30/63 488 281 25 500 000 International Harvester Company 8/30/63 488 281 25 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Sale $ 110 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/15/63 $ 109 880 83 Exchange $ 150 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2U per cent 12/15/62 and 150 000 u. S. Treasury notes 3M 11/15/62 for 300 000 u. S. Treasury ( certificates 11/15/63 Purchase $ 850 000 u. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 $ 842 293 33 Chicago --- Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Auxiliary (December 16, 1953) Purchase $ 75 000 u. S. Treasury bills 1/17/63 $ 74 484 33 325 000 u. S. Treasury bills 4/18/63 320 350 15 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 379 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Sale $ 160 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 $ 159 744 67 Exchange * 229 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 11/15/62 for 229 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J 11/15/63 Purchase $ 300 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 $ 297 538 67 190 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 188 154 47 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 199 632 89 100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/15/63 99 648 61 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Purchase $ 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/15/63 $ 199 475 00 150 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 149 241 67 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 198 553 33 250 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 247 534 72 360 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 355 554 00 360 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/6/63 354 955 50 350 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/63 344 015 00 670 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3J per cent 8/15/63 672 721 88 280 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/63 273 052 89 720 000 U. S. Treasury notes A% 11/15/63 732 825 00 590 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 2/15/64 590 368 75 1 040 000 U. S. Treasury notes 4J$pD 5/15/64 1 063 725 00 765 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% 8/15/64 772 410 94 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Purchase $ 270 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/20/62 $ 269 163 00 Peabody Drive (October 21, 1959) Purchase $ 35 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 $ 34 940 68 25 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 24 955 28 135 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/17/63 134 345 59 100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 99 451 67 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Sale $ 150 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/18/62 $ 149 822 67 186 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 2/15/72 186 552 19 Exchange $ 116 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 11/15/62 and 70 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3J 11/15/62 for 186 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 2/15/72 Purchase * 525 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 $ 523 163 52 140 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/15/63 139 618 30 20 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/17/63 19 895 47 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/7/63 198 671 78 175 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 173 836 25 Student Services Building (May 17, 1961) Purchase * 105 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/15/62 $ 104 795 83 55 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/13/62 54 868 00 120 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/20/62 119 730 26 380 board of trustees [February 20 Sinking Funds Chicago --- Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Reserve (December 16, 1953) Purchase $ 3 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 $ 3 044 06 Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958; June 23, 1959; October 21, 1959. June 14, 1960; June 21, 1961; May 24, 1962; and October 17, 1962) Purchase $ 111000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $ 110 139 20 111 000 U.S. Treasury certificates 3}4 per cent 8/15/63 111450 94 111000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 2/15/64 111069 38 106 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% 8/15/64 107 060 00 Men's Residence Halls of 1957 (March 12, 1957, and November 18, 1959) Purchase $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 per cent 2/15/64 $ 5 015 63 Reserve for Additional 1952 Bonds (December 16, 1953) Purchase $ 18 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3% per cent 11/15/74 $ 17 932 50 Student Services Building (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 1 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/20/62 993 89 Women's Residence Halls of 1956 (September 18, 1956, and February 15, 1961) Purchase $ 4 000 U. S. Treasury notes i% per cent 8/15/64 $ 4 042 50 On motion of Mr. Swain, this report was received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (17) The Comptroller presented his quarterly report to the Board as of December 31, 1962. This report was received for record, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (18) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period January 1 to 31, 1963. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Soft Phosphate Research Factors affecting phosphate utiliza- J5 4 000 00 December 28, 1962 Institute, Inc. tion United States Agency for Consolidating facilities of the pres- 21 000 00 January 15, 1963 International ent college and experiment sta- Development tion at Njala, Sierra Leone AID-dfe-63 United States Air Force Comprehensive study of the theory 151498 00 October 1. 1962 AF-AFOSR 7-63 and circuitry of systems with mind-like behavior United States Air Force Angular distribution in effusion 24 771 00 December 1, 1962 AF-AFOSR 101-63 United States Air Force Studies in transistor RC network 56 850 00 December 1, 1962 AF-AFOSR 177-63 synthesis United States Army Organo-metallic chelate compounds 37 364 00 November 1, 1962 DA 31-124 ARO(D) 52 United States Army Electrochemistry of fused salts 19 500 00 December 4, 1962 DA 31-124 ARO(D) 55 Wisconsin Free Library Survey of library reference resources 14 298 00 January 15, 1963 Commission and facilities in Wisconsin Total $329 281 00 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date J. I. Case Co. Rental of farm machinery: one side $ 44 65 July 1, 1962 delivery rake and two implement tires and tubes 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 381 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date John Deere Co. Rental of farm machinery, eighteen $ 3 918 94 October and items: $pD27.42 to 3579.15 November, 1962 International Business Two items: modify card punch and 432 00 October and Machines Corp. install machine with ten alpha December, 1962 collating positions International Harvester Rental of farm machinery, fifteen 3 068 61 June, July, August Co. items: 35.26 to $pD687.77 and September, 1962 MacCarthy Ford Tractor Rental of farm machinery: one 31 90 October 31, 1962 Sales, Inc. cultivator New Idea Farm Rental of farm machinery, four 531 92 November, 1962 Equipment Co. items: 3114.28 to 3156.18 and January, 1963 Papec Machine Co. Rental of farm machinery: one 392 62 June 22, 1962 harvester with row crop, hay i pick-up, and crop blower attach- ments Starline, Inc. Rental of farm machinery: one 96 30 December 17, 1962 manure spreader with four tires and tubes Total 1 8 516 94 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale United States Agency for Establish Indian Institute of Tech- 3234 000 00 October 10, 1962 International nology. Kharagpur, West Bengal, Development teacher training programs in engi- AIDc-1220 neering United States Air Force Confidential 268 SO November 28, 1962 AF 29(601) 434 United States Air Force Analysis and design of domes, 7 118 96 December 13, 1962 AF 29(601) 464 arches, and shells United States Air Force Confidential 8 611 68 November 28, 1962 AF 29(601) 1185 United States Ah- Force Confidential 4 332 41 December 5, 1962 AF 29(601) 2390 United States Air Force Analysis and design of domes, 3 854 00 December 4, 1962 AF 29(601) 2591 arches, and shells United States Air Force Determining pressure in an ultra- 3 577 15 January 3, 1963 AF 40(600) 909 high vacuum chamber United States Air Force Cardiovascular effects of refeeding 17 422 00 October 1, 1962 AF 41 (657) 359 stress following starvation United States Army Anti-radiation drugs 1 730 00 December 18, 1962 DA 49-193-MD-2O47 United States Atomic Research in elementary particle 730 000 00 November 1, 1962 Energy Commission physics AT (11-1) 1195 United States Navy Multiple panel reinforced concrete 4 000 00 December 17, 1962 NBy 37633 slabs United States Navy Visual displays for aviation training 1252 00 December 28, 1962 N61339-297 Total 31 016 166 70 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Twenty-one items: J278.25 deduct $ 2 615 48 December, 1962 (Plastering) to $1,500.00 and January, 1963 This report was received for record. COMMITTEE ON INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION Graduate Student Exchange Program and Far Eastern Language Institutes (19) The Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), a group representing eleven major midwestern universities1 and formed several years ago by their 1 The Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), working to strengthen higher education through voluntary cooperation . . . avoiding duplication . . . reducing costs ... is made up of representatives of the: University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Indiana University, State University of Iowa, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, Ohio State University, Purdue University, and University of Wisconsin. 382 board of trustees [February 20 presidents to stimulate voluntary cooperation, has inaugurated a plan to encourage graduate students to move freely from one institution to another. The chief purpose of this plan is to enable a graduate student enrolled in one of the CIC universities to have the advantage, on a short-term basis, of special opportunities (such as laboratory facilities, a library collection, or working with a faculty member who is a highly qualified specialist in a particular field) available at another institution. Under this graduate student exchange program, students will transfer from one institution to another for one semester (or two quarters). Their participation in the program will be initiated and directed by faculty advisers, approval of graduate deans of both institutions involved will be necessary, and each university will retain full control over the graduate program of its students. A visiting student will be registered at his own university and will pay his fees there. He will be exempt from payment of fees at the institution to which he transfers temporarily. The central purpose of the graduate student exchange program is to avoid costly duplication of effort and expenditures whenever possible. Such exchanges will be particularly acceptable in areas where the costs of the best is high and duplication would not only be an unnecessary expense to an institution, but might result in inferior programs. It would also be applicable where resources of personnel, equipment, and materials are so limited that concentration offers the best hope for quality. Each university will determine its own methods in serving as host to CIC scholars. The exchange program will begin in September, 1963, and will run for a two-year trial period, with the expectation that graduate student exchanges will be more fully developed after that initial period. Support for CIC operations since 1958 has come chiefly from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, but since July, 1962, the eleven member institutions have provided the basic support for the CIC staff office now located at Purdue University. It may be said that as a voluntary effort by eleven of the largest universities--- both public and private --- the CIC approach is a pioneer program in providing for free exchange of graduate students. The Committee on Institutional Cooperation will also offer five rotating Far Eastern Language Institutes, the first of which will be held at the University of Michigan. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has recommended that for qualified University of Illinois undergraduate students who participate in the program, the courses taken at other institutions be considered on the same basis as though taken at this University, viz: the courses will count toward the degree at Illinois; they -will count as residence credit; for students in Liberal Arts and Sciences, they will count as though taken in the college and not as part of the thirty-two hours of electives a student is permitted to take outside the college. I request authorization of the participation of the University of Illinois in this program as outlined above. On motion of Mr. Swain, authority was given as requested. DEGREES CONFERRED IN FEBRUARY, 19 63 The Secretary presented for record the degrees conferred as of February 11, 1963, on recommendation of the Urbana-Champaign Senate and by authority of the Board of Trustees. Summary Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Philosophy.................................................. 97 Doctor of Education................................................... 4 Doctor of Musical Arts................................................ 1 Master of Arts........................................................ 42 Master of Science..................................................... 221 Master of Music...................................................... 4 Master of Education................................................... 52 Master of Fine Arts................................................... 2 Master of Accounting Science.......................................... 5 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 383 Master of Architecture................................................ 3 Master of Commerce.................................................. 1 Master of Business Administration..................................... 1 Master of Television.................................................. 1 Advanced Certificate in Education......................................4 Total, Graduate College..............................................(438) Degrees in Law, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Laws..................................................... 18 Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture............................. 67 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering............................ 286 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.................. 123 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences................ 93 Bachelor of Science, College of Education.............................. 64 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration.. 140 Bachelor of Science, College of Journalism and Communications.......... 24 Bachelor of Architecture, College of Fine and Applied Arts.............. 35 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts................. 8 Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts.................... 4 Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts................... 5 Bachelor of Science, College of Physical Education...................... 32 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees......................................... (881) Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana.................................. 1,337 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Accountancy Harold Edward Arnett, B.S., M.S., 1955, 1957 Donald Ervin Kieso, B.S., Aurora College, 1958; M.A.S., 1960 Aly Mahrous Shady, B.Com., University of Ain Shams, 1950; M.S., 1960 Mervyn Waller Wingfield, A.B., College of William and Mary, 1949; M.S., University of Richmond, 1957 In Agricultural Economics Anthony Michael Grano, B.S., M.S., Montana State College, 1957, 1958 Duane Fredrick Neuman, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1957 William Ansel Tompkins, B.S., M.S., 1954, 1959 Forrest Eugene Walters, B.S., Oklahoma State University, 1958; M.S., 1960 In Agronomy Charles Sandford Levings III, B.S., M.S., 1953, 1956 Richard Alan Pamplin, B.S., University of Akron, 1952; M.S., 1955 In Animal Science Howard Junior Brinkley, B.S., West Virginia University, 1958; M.S., 1960 Thomas Blose King, B.S., M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1949, 1950 In Astronomy Robert Charles Roeder, B.S., M.S., McMaster University, 1959, 1960 Ronald Anthony Schorn, B.S., Loyola University, 1956; M.S., 1958 In Business Zaki Mohamed Fahmy Abdallah El-Adawy, Graduate, Ain Shams University, 1953; M.S., 1960 Sherwood George Huneryager, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1958 Leslie Lloyd Donald Shaffer, A.B., University of California, 1935; M.S., 1959 In Chemical Engineering Frederick Eddy Ford, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1959; M.S., 1961 David Bruce Kirby, B.Ch.E., Clarkson College of Technology, 1958; M.S., 1961 384 board of trustees [February 20 In Chemistry Marjorie Lucille Arnold, B.S., Bradley University, 1954; M.S., 1960 Donald Bruce Borders, B.S., A.M., Indiana University, 1954, 1958 Charles Gustav Carlson, B.S., University of Alberta, 1958 Lee Mason Chambers, B.S., Marshall College, 1958; M.S., 1960 Raj Kumar Dew an, B.S., M.S., University of Delhi, 1951, 1953 Alan Ford Ellis, B.S., Westminster College (Pennsylvania), 1958 Jaime Evzaguirre Philippi, Licenciado, Catholic University of Chile, 1958 Raymond Richard Haynes, B.S., M.S., University of Toledo, 1957, 1959 Arun Kumar Khettry, B.S., M.S., University of Calcutta, 1950, 1953 Richard M. Klein, A.B., Williams College, 1959; M.S., 1962 Raymond Longhi, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1957; A.M., Dartmouth College, 1959 Nicholas Alexander Matwiyoff, B.S., Michigan College of Mining and Technology, 1959; M.S., 1962 Walter Joseph McMurray, A.B., Amherst College, 1958 Harold Wesley Moore, B.S., Colorado State University, 1959; M.S., 1961 George Louis Morgan, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1958; M.S., 1960 Robert Joseph Niedzielski, B.S., Aquinas College, 1958; M.S., 1960 Robert Edward Pearson, A.B., Carleton College, 1957; M.S., 1961 Edward Owen Sherman, Jr., B.S., Providence College, 1958; M.S., 1960 Gerald Wayne Stemke, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Julia Ming-Jen Tai, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1957; M.S., University of Oklahoma, 1959 Robert Edward Visco, B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1955, 1957 Andrew Edward Yethon, B.S., University of Alberta, 1958 In Civil Engineering Robert Harold Anderson, B.S., M.S., 1953, 1956 Stanley Langford Paul, B.S., M.S., 1955, 1956 Ricardo Yamashiro, C.E., National University of Engineering (Peru), 1959; M.S., 1960 Takeshi Yoshihara, B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1953; B.C.E., Rens- selaer Polytechnic Institute, 1956; M.S., 1961 In Communications James William Carey, B.S., University of Rhode Island, 1957; M.S., 1959 In Dairy Science James Joseph Burchall, B.S., St. John's University, 1954; A.M., Brooklyn College, 1959 George Richard Fritz, Tr., B.S., M.S., Michigan State University, 1954, 1958 Loren Keith Robinson, B.S., M.S., 1941, 1951 In Economics Byung-Tack Cho, A.B., Seoul National University, 1949; A.M., University of South Carolina, 1957 Jerry Hylton Curnutt, A.B., William Jewell College, 1959; M.S., 1961 Robert Floyd Smith, B.B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1958; M.B.A., University of Arkansas, 1959 In Education Paul Renz, B.S., A.M., Syracuse University, 1951, 1952 Martin Sylvester Wolfe, B.S., Ed.M., University of Maryland, 1950, 1951; M.S., 1958 In Electrical Engineering Cameron Wallace Blachford, B.S., University of Saskatchewan, 1953; M.S., 1959 Shu-Park Chan, B.S., Virginia Military Institute, 1955; M.S., 1957 Harvey Hunter Doemland, B.S., 1955; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1960 DeVerl Stratford Humpherys, B.S., Brigham Young University, 1955; M.S., University of Utah, 1957 Richard Marvin Joppa, B.S., Colorado State College, 1951; M.S., 1957 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 385 Manohar Lal, B.S., University of Allahabad, 19SS; Diploma, Indian Institute of Science, 19S9; M.S., 1961 Willard Thomas Patton, B.S., M.S., University of Tennessee, 1952, 1958 Robert Earl Swartwout, B.S., M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1948, 1950 In English James C. Ballowe, A.B., James Millikin University, 1954; A.M., 1956 Kathryn Floyd Douglass, B.S., A.M., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1949, 1952 Anne Therese Doyle, A.B., Regis College, 1956; A.M., 1957 Walter Eugene Edens, B.S., A.M., 1948, 1950 Arthur Leroy Kistner, A.B., A.M., 1955, 1960 James Lawrence Scoggins, A.B., University of Chattanooga, 1958; A.M., Johns Hopkins University, 1959 Robert Karl Stone, Ph.B., A.M., University of Chicago, 1947, 1950 In Entomology Calvin Franklin Soo Hoo, A.B., University of California, 1957; M.S., 1960 In Food Technology Gregory Bruce Clarke, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1959; M.S., 1961 William Jay Hoover, B.S., M.S., 1950, 1954 Brian Lawrence Walker, Higher National Certificate, City of Liverpool College of Technology, 1957 In Geology Frank Richard Karner, B.S., Wheaton College, 1957 Duane Milton Moore, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1961 William Edward Wilson III, A.B., Harvard College, 1956 In German Mirco Mitrovich, A.B., A.M., 1955, 1957 In History David Earl Robbins, Jr., A.B., Houghton College, 1947; A.M. (Education), Syracuse University, 1948; A.M. (History), 1952 Lester Newton Wilson, A.B., University of Chicago, 1952; B.S., Roosevelt University, 1953; A.M., 1955 In Horticulture Harvey Joseph Hortik, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1959 In Mathematics Hsue Chong Tung, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1955; M.S., 1959 In Metallurgical Engineering James Richard Kerr, B.S., M.S., 1952, 1954 Kevin Michael Myles, B.S, M.S., 1956, 1957 In Musicology Imanuel Willheim, Diploma, College of Saint Scholastica, 1946; M.Mus., North-western University, 1948; A.M., 1956 In Physical Education Edmund Michael Bernauer, B.S., Indiana University, 1950; M.S. (Physical Education), M.S. (Physiology), 1951, 1959 In Physiology Forrest Raymond Goodall, A.B., Colby College, 1956; M.S., 1960 In Plant Pathology Cheruvathur Iyyakku Chacko, B.S., University of Madras, 1949; M.S., Benares Hindu University, 1957 In Political Science Charles Edwin Patterson, Jr., A.B., A.M., Emory University, 1957, 1958 386 board of trustees [February 20 In Psychology Lawrence William Dachowski, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1957- A.M., West Virginia University, 1959 Kenneth Arlan Stark, B.S., 1956 In Spanish Harry Lee KirbY, Jr., A.B., A.M., 1954, 1958 In Speech Joseph Wilfred Wenzel, B.S., 1957; A.M., Northwestern University, 1958 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Charles Edward Feltner, B.M.E., North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, 1958; M.S., 1959 Nityananda Patnaik, B.S., Ravenshaw College, 1949; B.E., University of Poona, 1953; M.S., 1961 Paul Jay Rausch, B.S., M.S., State University of Iowa, 1959, 1960 Howard Bagby Wilson, Jr., B.S., A.M., University of Alabama, 1957, 1959 In Veterinary Medical Science Thomas Bonner Stewart, B.S., University of Maryland, 1949; M.S., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1953 Degree of Doctor of Education In Education Raphael Henry Braun, A.B., McKendree College, 1934; A.M., Washington University, 1942 Boyd DeVere Holtan, A.B., St. Olaf College, 1950; A.M., State University of Iowa, 1954 William Max Rogge, B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1950, 1951 In Music Education Ruthann Harrison, B.S., M.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1945, 1946 Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts Robert Allen Baker, A.B., A.M., Washington University, 1957, 1958 Degree of Master of Arts In Anthropology Judith Ann Hellawell, A.B., University College of London, 1961 In Economics Robert George Fabian, A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1960 Gordon Rednour, A.B., 1961 In English Grace Regina Brown, A.B., St. Joseph College, 1960 Barbara Ann Erlanbson, A.B., Franklin College of Indiana, 1960 Michael Sanford Greenbaum, A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1961 Thomas Dana Hill, Jr., A.B., Harvard College, 1961 Thomas Alan Maik, A.B., Wartburg College, 1961 John Dennis McBride, A.B., John Carroll University, 1959 Barry Dennis Sussman, A.B., 1961 Jean Fagan Yeliin, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1951 In French Colleen Marie Sandford, A.B., Washburn Municipal University, 1956 Paul Lawrence Thompson, A.B., Morehouse College, 1957 In Geography Kevin Robert Cox, A.B., University of Cambridge, 1961 Daniel Ira Neidorf, B.S., East Stroudsburg State College (Pennsylvania), 1961 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 387 In German Robert Fred Bell, AB., 1959 John Ternes, A.B., 1961 In History Robert Ainsworth McDaniel, A.B., 1956 Ekkehard-Teja Peter Wilke, A.B., 1962 In Labor and Industrial Relations Paul Frederick Becht, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Stevens Point), 1961 Irwin Samuel Ginsburg, A.B., College of the City of New York, 1959 Gerald Herbert Grusensky, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1961 In Linguistics Ruta Ligita Kupcis, A.B., A.M., 1958, 1961 In Mathematics Jose Araneta Albert, A.B., Ateneo de Manila, 1961 William Anderson LaBach, A.B., Transylvania College, 1959 Marcia Peterson Sward, A.B., Vassar College, 1961 Raymond Tzuu-Yau Yeh, B.S., 1961 In Philosophy Yung Wha Kim Min, A.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1958 In Political Science William James Kirsch, A.B., Evansville College, 1961 Max Garuett Manwaring, B.S. (Economics), B.S. (Political Science), University of Utah, 1959, 1959 John Barkley Means, A.B., 1960 In Psychology Gerald Louis Frincke, A.B., San Jose State College, 1960 Gerald Elmer Gruen, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Charles William Perkins, A.B., Indiana Central College, 1954; B.D., United Theological Seminary, 1957 In Sociology Harry Richard John, B.S., 1958 In Speech Richard Carl Huseman, A.B., Greenville College, 1961 Peter Andrew McCabe, A.B., Western Michigan University, 1961 James Donald Ragsdale, Jr., A.B., Howard College, 1961 Richard Gordon Smith, B.S., Purdue University, 1951 In the Teaching of English Robert Stanley Whitman, A.B., Lawrence College, 1956 In the Teaching of Social Studies Kenneth Henry Geils, A.B., Gettysburg College, 1961 Nancy Tesch Milburn, B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1955 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy Donald Charles Bruegman, B.B.A., University of Cincinnati, 1958 Charles Griffin Carpenter, B.S., Elmhurst College, 1961 Liang-Han Chen, A.B., Taiwan Normal University, 1957 Willard Harold Galliart, B.S., State University of Iowa, 1959 Hong-Chan Li, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1957 In Advertising Keith Francis Ryan, B.S., 1960 388 board of trustees [February 20 In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering James Llewellyn Myers, Jr., Pennsylvania State University, 1960 In Agricultural Economics Marvin Lee Hayenga, B.S., 1962 Richard Pryce Snodcrass, B.S., 1960 In Agricultural Engineering David Ralph Massie, B.S., 1961 Charles Kennard Spillman, B.S., 1960 In Architectural Engineering Stephen Choma, Jr., B.Arch., 1961 In Biological Sciences John Joseph Belasich, A.B., Knox College, 1948 In Botany Judy Ann Alblinger, B.S., 1962 In Ceramic Engineering Robert Jethro Baker, Jr., B.S., 1960 James Frederick Benzel, B.Cer.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1957 Edward Martin Clausen, B.S., 1961 In Chemical Engineering Kenneth Robert Jolls, A.B., Duke University, 1958; B.S., North Carolina State College, 1961 Gerald Fredrick Malling, B.S., Northwestern University, 1961 James Emmett Mitchell, B.S., West Virginia University, 1961 Andrew Christian Peterson, Jr., B.S., Oregon State University, 1960 Douglas LeRoy Relyea, B.S.E., Princeton University, 1960 David Sidney Sand, B.Ch.E., University of Minnesota, 1961 Edward Joseph Skorpinski, B.S., Northwestern University, 1961 In Chemistry J. W. Carmichael, Jr., B.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1961 John Franklin Coleman, B.S., University of Akron, 1961 Robert Paul Cory, A.B., Wabash College, 1961 Marvin Porter Dixon, A.B., William Jewell College, 1960 Robert Duane Dyson, A.B., University of Oregon, 1961 Eugene Frederic Friedman, B.S., A.B., Tulane University, 1961, 1961 Robert Thomas Havran, B.S., Marietta College, 1961 Martha Carolyn Hurd, A.B., Colorado State College, 1961 Fan-Chin Leong, B.S., Nanyang University, 1960 Richard Kenneth Olsen, A.B., Brigham Young University, 1960 William John Randall, B.S., Willamette University, 1960 Michael Ross Rosenthal, A.B., Western Reserve University, 1961 Susan Swift Schwartz, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1960 Robert Lee Stambaugh, A.B., Wabash College, 1960 Carl William Vermeulen, A.B., Hope College, 1961 George Spencer Wilson, A.B., Princeton University, 1961 Patricia Kay Young, B.S., North Park College, 1961 In City Planning Edwin Carl Adams, B.S., Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1955 Eric Conrad Freund, Professional Associate, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 1947 Allan Henry Schmidt, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1959 In Civil Engineering Edward James Cording, B.S., Wheaton College, 1960 Sheldon Whiteside Dearden, B.Aero.Eng., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1957 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 389 Ewen Stuart Fishek, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1958 Nelson Edward Funston, B.S., Kansas State University, 1961 John Clark Galloway, B.S., Tufts College, 1959 James Glenn Govaia, B.S., 1961 Asaf Nazeer Jafri, B.Eng., University of Karachi, 1959 Charles Walter Larsen, B.S., 1961 Philip George Little, B.S., Duke University, 1961 William Wayne McVinnie, B.S., 1961 Luis Fernando Meyer Canillas, B.S., Texas Technological College, 1961 Fathy Abd-El Aty Morsy, B.S., Ain Shams University, 1959 John David Mozer, B.S., University of Colorado, 1961 Guillermo Ochoa-Gomez, C.E., National University of Colombia, 1961 James Robert Payne, B.S., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1961 James Walter Rone, B.S., The Citadel, 1961 Mahmoud Tawfik Salem, B.Eng., Cairo University, 1959 Emile Abdallah Samara, B.S., 1961 Jane Hsia Shen, B.S., National Fuh Tan University, 1946 Gene Norman Slutkin, B.S., 1961 Ronald Philip Triffo, B.S., University of Manitoba, 1961 Sakol Uwanno, B.S., Chulalongkorn University, 1961 James Carroll Walls, B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1961 William Joseph Westhoff, Geophysical Engineer, Colorado School of Mines, 1955 In Dairy Science Arthur Chester Singer, B.S., 1961 In Electrical Engineering Abdelsalam Fathy Aly Abdel-Salam, B.S., Diploma, Alexandria University, 1957, 1960 Thomas Edmund Burnside, B.S., 1961 Roger Charles Conant, B.S., Purdue University, 1961 Edmund Burke Daly, A.B., St. Joseph's College (Indiana), 1961; B.S., 1962 Michael Shapland Davies, A.B., University of Cambridge, 1961 William Herman DeLuca, B.S., 1961 Johnie Myles Driver, B.S., 1961 Claude John Drong, B.S., 1962 Graham Lyman Duff, B.Eng., McGill University, 1961 Martin Fournier, B.S., Universite Laval, 1961 Ronald Charles Garavalia, B.S., 1962 Russell Duane Greiner, B.S., Iowa State University, 1950 Hulbert Chen-Shuan Hsuan, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1960 Solomon Suo-Lun Huang, B.S., 1961 Sheng-Yih Hwang, B.S., National Taiwan University, 19S9 Leland Christian Jensen, B.S., Oregon State College, 1954 Erwin Arthur Jung, B.S., 1961 Dennis S. Karjala, B.S., Princeton University, 1961 Marvin Lewis Kramer, B.S., George Washington University, 1951 Michael Moldavsky, B.S., Purdue University, 1961 Amitava Mustafi, B.Eng., University of Calcutta, 1955 Joseph Newton Owens, B.S., Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1961 Hubert Russel Plumlee, B.S., New Mexico State University, 1961 Thomas Edward Postma, B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1961 Robert Edward Reilly, B.S., B.S. (Honors), University of St. Andrews 1960 1961 Roberto Hilarion Rafael Roldan Alvarez, B.S., 1961 Michael Schoenbeeger, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1961 Robert Ellsworth Stanfield, Jr., B.S., New Mexico State University 1961 Roy Stephen Syler, B.S., 1962 Robert Charles Trendler, B.S., 1962 Robert Reynolds Wilde, B.S., 1962 Louis Wozniak, B.S., 1961 390 board of trustees [February 20 Eikichi Yamashita, Graduate, University of Electro-Communications (Japan), Yao-tung Yen, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1959 In Finance William Roger German, B.S., University of Missouri, 1960 Edward Arthur Sands, B.B.A., City College of New York, 1961 In Food Technology John Joseph Iandolo, B.S., Loyola University, 1961 Frank Edward Weber, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1957 In Geology Christopher Peter Macclesfield Heath, B.S., University of British Columbia 1960 John Arthur Hulse, B.S., University of London of Science and Technology 1960 Charan Poothai, B.S., Chulalongkorn University, 1958 Rakchai Srilenawat, B.S., Chulalongkorn University, 1955 In Health Education Suchart Somprayoon, B.Ed., Chulalongkorn University, 1959 In Home Economics Stella Yok Sing Lam Chan, B.S., Madison College, 1959 In Home Economics Education Delores Louise Parrott, B.S., 1951 In Horticulture Isaac Crumbly, B.S., Agricultural, Mechanical, and Normal College (Arkansas), 1961 In Journalism John Alexander Handley, A.B., Stanford University, 1959 William Merritt Shaffer, A.B., Knox College, 1957 In Library Science Agard Hyde Bailey, Jr., A.B., William Penn College, 1951; A.M., State University of Iowa, 1957 Barbara Marie Bullock, A.B., University of Kansas, 1961 Mary Jane Camp, A.B., A.M., 1942, 1945 Cecilia Hui-hsin Chin, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1961 Valmai Ruth Clark, A.B., A.M., University of Canterbury, 1960, 1961 David Olen Cooprider, A.B., Millikin University, 1958 Margaret Louise Crossett, A.B., Wheaton College, 1961 Clifton Forrest Giles, Jr., A.B., University of Massachusetts, 1960 Mary Helen Howard, A.B., Cornell University, 1953 Maung Maung, A.B., University of Rangoon, 1957 Joy Ngonrath, A.B., Diploma, Chulalongkorn University, 1957, 1958 Khin Khin Ohn, A.B., LL.B., University of Rangoon, 1955, 1958 James Howard Thompson, A.B., Southwestern at Memphis, 1955; A.M., University of North Carolina, 1957 Youn-mei Ting, A.B., Taiwan Normal University, 1957 In Management Allan Folkert Owen, A.B., Indiana University, 1954 In Marketing Peter John Duskey, B.S., 1961 Bruce Stewart Jewell, B.S., 1959 Jerald Juan Rucker, B.B.A., University of Cincinnati, 1957 [963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 391 In Mathematics William Walter Boyle, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1951, 1952 Yuh-ching Chen, B.Ed., Taiwan Normal University, 19S3 James Ashley Donaldson, A.B., Lincoln University (Pennsylvania), 1961 Richard Jerome Griego, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1961 Paul Clay Heigold, B.S., St. Louis University, 1957 Robert George Lange, A.B., North Central College, 1961 Lawson Lobb, B.S., Rhodes University, 1960 John Penn Mayberry, B.S., 1961 Marjorie Ann Moretz, B.S., 1961 Robert Andrew Nikels, B.S., Bradley University, 1961 William Theodore Stout, Jr., B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1961 In Mechanical Engineering William Evermann Greenshields, B.S., 1962 Albert Fay Houchens, B.S., Purdue University, 1961 Stig Robert Karlberg, Civilingenjor, Royal Institute of Stockholm, 1961 Francis David Noonan, B.S., South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1954 Daniel Walter Pashniak, B.S., Walla Walla College, 1959 Tummala Venugopala Rao, B.Eng., Andhra University, 1951; M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1959 Sameer Naim Sarafa, Diploma, University of Baghdad, 1961 Bipinchandra Kapurchand Shah, B.Eng., University of Poona, 1961 MaHendra HiraLal Shah, B.Eng., Gujarat University, 1961 Wilbert Wayne Siesennop, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1961 Satish Kumar Wadhwa, B.S., University of Delhi, 1956; B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1960 In Metallurgical Engineering Khandelwal Bhagwan Das, B.S., M.S. (Physics), Osmania University, 1953, 1956; M.S. (Physics), Purdue University, 1961 Michael Anthony Gedwill, Jr., B.S., 1956 Francis Xavier Spiegel, B.S., Loyola College, 1961 In Microbiology Diana Catherine Halaus, A.B., Milwaukee-Downer College, 1959 Sydney Joan Reeve, B.S., Cornell University, 1960 In Music Education Carol Koehn Hillman, B.S., 1958 Allen Eugene Hunter, B.S., Quincy College, 1959 Jerky Lee Proffer, B.S., Southeast Missouri State College, 1958 Beverly Ann Rasmussen, B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1955 In Nuclear Engineering Laurence Bernard Miller, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1961 Pablo Jose Rodriguez, B.S., Kansas State University, 1961 In Physical Education Linwood Gerald Bechtel, B.S., West Chester State College (Pennsylvania), 1959 In Physics William Carter Black, Jr., A.B., Pomona College, 1961 Tommy Dean Clark, B.S., 1961 Magnus George Craford, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1961 Robert William Downing, B.S., 1961 Charles Roberts Fletcher, A.B., Rice University, 1961 Robert Jerry Freiberg, B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1961 John Arvy Gardner, Jr., A.B., Rice University, 1961 Daniel Albert Grenning, B.S., Union College, 1961 392 board OF trustees [February 20 Erik Preston Harris, B.Eng.Phys., Cornell University, 1961 Walter Dwight Herrick III, A.B., Amherst College, 1961 Ralph Allan Hewes, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1961 Harry Frederick Jordan, A.B., Rice University, 1961 Michael Bruce Levitt, B.S., 1961 Henry Joseph Lubatti, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1960 Peter John Melz, B.S., Stanford University, 1961 David Ward Mortara, B.S., Purdue University, 1961 Robert Joseph Pfeifer, B.S., 1962 Joanne Elisabeth Pratt, A.B., Smith College, 1961 Francoise Roberte Fernande Proix, Ingenieur, Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles, 1961 David Eugene Richardson, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1957 William Ronald Roach, B.Eng.P., Cornell University, 1961 Gary Wendell Stupian, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1961 Karl Dean Swartz, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1961 Gary George Tibbetts, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1961 John Andrew Todoroff, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1961 William Peter Trower, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1957 Charles Edward Walker, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1961 In Physiology Marshall Gene Elzinga, A.B., Hope College, 1960 Parvin Hashemzadeh Fallah, A.B., Western College, 1960 Raphael Peter Gruener, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1961 In Plant Pathology Richard Edward Ems, Jr., B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1960 James Lee Van Etten, A.B., Carleton College, 1960 In Recreation Patricia Ann Krenzke, B.S., Valparaiso University, 1961 Donald Joseph Wirth, B.S., 1959 In Sanitary Engineering Bruce Allen Marsh, B.S., Michigan College of Mining and Technology, 1961 Cherukuri Venkata RamaRao, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1956 Michael Jakob Suess, B.S., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, 1957 In Statistics Muhammad Subhi Abdul-Kadir Abu-Salih, B.S., Diploma, American University of Beirut, 1961, 1961 Edward Peter Nellessen, B.S., 1961 In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General Science Melva Louise Highland Herum, B.S., Iowa State University, 1951 John Jay Trotter, A.B., Colorado College, 1961 Howard Earl Wheat, B.S., 1957 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Charles Anton Bouc, A.B., University of Chicago, 1951; B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960 Jiun Chen, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1956 Alan Kent Shoemaker, B.S., Purdue University, 1958 In Veterinary Medical Science Sylvian Joseph Angelo, B.V.Sc, Agra University, 1952 Frederick Black Hembrough, B.S., D.V.M., 1952, 1954 Manohar Narayan Jamdar, B.V.Sc., Bombay Veterinary College, 1945 Raj Krishan Mehta, B.V.Sc, Punjab University, 1953 Harish Lal Shah, B.S., M.S., University of Lucknow, 1952, 1954 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 393 In Zoology James Draper Lazell, Jr., A.B., University of the South, 1961 Linda Marcus Ramseyee, A.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1957 Degree of Master of Music Alejandra Cumagun Atabug, B.Mus., University of Santo Tomas, 1951; M.S., 1960 Mark Addison Cleghorn, B.Mus., Ithaca College, 1961 Melvyn Martin Libman, A.B., MacMurray College, 1961 Robert Max Newell, B.Mus., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1961 Degree of Master of Education Jacqulyn Joyce Albright, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1949 Dora Weisberg Arnove, Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1934 Cakla Coffay Ashmore, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Carl Emsley Bass, A.B., B.S., 1956, 1959 Kathryn Mary Koehler Bollock, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1960 Lawrence Boudreau, Jr., B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Phillip Bruce Boyle, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Virginia Garrison Burch, B.S., Culver-Stockton College, 1931 Anna May Clinton, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1953 Elaine Helen Cotsirilos, B.S., Northwestern University, 1961 Kenneth Boyd Cottingham, B.S., Millikin University, 1956 Patricia Anne Coulter, B.S., 1951 Edward Anthony Crum, B.S., 1933 Adrienne Engelhardt Dahncke, B.S., 1960 Constance Lee Uebner Donley, A.B., Park College, 1957 Mary Elizabeth Dueland, B.S., 1958 Albert Edward Firebaugh, B.S., Shurtleff College, 1928 William Gaither, Jr., B.S., M.S., 1954, 1955 Carol Jane Osborn Grimm, B.S., 1955 William Edward Ha worth, A.B., University of Tulsa, 1956 Donald Henry Heitler, B.Mus., B.Mus.Ed., 1960, 1961 Mary Giddings Johnson, B.S., South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1956 Charlotte Nadine Jones, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Joan Phyllis Jursinic, B.S., 1958 Larry Joe Kindle, B.S., 1959 Mary Louise Klattenhoff, B.S., MacMurray College, 1960 Carolyn Marie Konneker, B.S., 1959 Laurence Edwin Laugharn, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1942 Marcel Wilson LeDuc, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 Ralph Lewis McGee, B.S., 1961 Charles Murray Meece, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 Marjorie Stewart Messman, A.B., Diploma, University of Melbourne, 1935, 1941 Myron Allen Metropole, B.S., Northeastern University, 1960 Ella Barbara Mosimann, A.B., Bluffton College, 1931 John Binder Muhm, A.B., Olivet Nazarene College, 1954 Christy Allen Murphy, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1948 Dorothy Ann Murphy, B.S., Bradley University, 1952 Lyle Eugene Oechsle, B.S., George Williams College, 1951 Lyonel Lee Ourth, B.S., 1958 Catherine Eleanor Brown Schooley, B.S., 1935 Vijayakumari Shanmugam, A.B., A.B. (Honors), A.M., University of Mysore, 1955, 1959, 1960 David Ellsworth Sprenkle, B.S., Washington University, 1958 Ronald Larry Stagen, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Calvin Reed Teel, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1948 Phyllis Garna Voy, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1961 Jack B. Walters, B.S., Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1940 Ronald Lee Welling, B.S., 1956 Suzanne Marie Westlund, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1951 394 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 Weerayudh Wichiabajote, B.Ed., College of Education (Bangsaen Branch Thailand), 1960 Eugene Victor Wood, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1953 Marvin Wright, Ph.B., Xavier University, 1947 Adolph Yackel, A.B., Siena College, 1961 Degree of Master of Fine Arts In Design George William Sauer, A.B., Hamilton College, 1953; B.F.A., 1960 In Painting and Printmaking Henry John Heulek, A.B., University of Florida, 1961 Degree of Master of Accounting Science Rein Gutmann, B.S., 1962 Robert Richard Schmidt, B.S., 1962 Firman Pantas Asalan Siregar, A.B., Mommensen University, 1959 John Michael Tucker, B.S., 1958 Makoto Yasuda, B.S., Gakushuin University, 1960 Degree of Master of Architecture Norman Clare Hintz, B.Arch., 1962 Theodore Edward Kloss, B.Arch., 1962 Tsi-Kwong Lan, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1957 Degree of Master of Television Roger Allan Derby, B.S., 1961 Degree of Master of Commerce Paul Wesley Lawton, B.S., Washington University, 1961 Degree of Master of Business Administration Daniel Richard Vellenga, B.S., 1961 Advanced Certificate In Education Joseph Virgil Bonefeste, A.B., A.M., 1948, 1951 Tomoko Maki Furuhata, A.B., A.M., International Christian University, 1957, 1959 Kenneth Eugene Sibley, B.S., M.S., 1948, 1948 Glenellen Musgrave Woodward, B.S., M.S., 1948, 1953 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture Dennis Warren Arnold Glen Martin Broom Edward Heller Buelow, Jr. Donald Keith Cassel, Honors Kenneth LeRoy Daily Billy Dean Decker Gerald Charles Decker James Arthur DeYoung Thomas Duffy, High Honors Larry Dean Duies Carl Leroy Dyer Ray Willard Fiscus Stanley Norman Gehler William Donald Gleason, Honors Jesse Aloysius Heischmidt Roger Keith Hubele Herbert Clair Jackson II Edward Fletcher Karr Allen Dale Koker Donald Roland McDonald Howard David Miller Jerry Dee Miller Jay Paul Mitchell James Edward Mohr John David O'Neall Emil Edward Pischel 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 395 Jon Dee Proehl Keith Duane Romack John Leonard Schlafer Duane Wasner Strunk Shaonansia Ndotwa Swai Richard Arthur Turner James Lloyd Vetter Robert Keith Waltz Ronald Hubert Wilson Billy Gene Wiser Arthur Walter Zabierek In Dairy Technology Joseph Karl Anniss Patricia Louise Crater, High Honors In Floriculture Roy Thomas Gregory Jenkinson In Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture Robert John McElwain Paul Wesley Mergenthaler Olaf Norman Nesheim Ralph Lawrence Snodsmith In Food Technology Larky William Clark In Forestry .STANLEY /IKifiUK -rtbiiMUKt, nOIlUrS Harold Kent Austin guekter bruckmann Rudolph Francis Dorner Donald Bryan Freeman Lynn Evan Gray .Michael Jendsas Glenn Douglas Johnson James Michael Justen Dale Dewitt Tucker James Arthur Whittincton In Home Economics Cheryl Potter Baker Jerene Inez Christensen Anna Florence Cozza Ruth Lehto Espenscheid Nancy Ann Gobert Nancy Mae Inwood Susan Wickham Lockhart, Honors Judith Ann McGlade Anna Elizabeth Raubenheimer, Honors Michiyo Margaret Yoshida In Home Economics Education Roberta Rose Ackerman COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Earl James Archer, Jr. Vaidotas Baipsys Walter John Baran Edward Gary Baxter, High Honors Richard Melvin Brent James Norton Buchanan Roger Joseph Ciesinski Louis Alvin Dockery Jack Laverne Eden Fred Dan Fernandes, Highest Honors James Laverne Hudson Andrew Klavins, High Honors Joseph James Krenovsky Bobby Lee Langley William Joseph Loubsky, High Honors Charles Gordon McLellan Steven Don Mitchell Theodore Julian Trapp, High Honors Larry Lee Zimmerman In Aarir.ultural Enaineerina Stephen Douglas Burdette Kenneth Ray Dirks Donald Victor Fischer Arthur Edward Greiner David Joseph Olson John Leonard Schlafer David Ray Schmid In Ceramic Engineering Alan Keith Cutler horacio duarte de lemos Paul James Roeder Everett Lee Triefenbach Theodore Andrew Voruz 396 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 In Civil Robert Langley Almond, Sr. Gordon Robert Anderson Christian Andreasen Mario Asin Robert Henry Benton Nathaniel Boyd, Jr. Martin Peter Carlassare Richard Eugene Carlson James Herbert Dunphy Albert Donald Fredrickson John Charles Glennon John Edward Goggin John Michael Goodrick Dennis Charles Gould Wayne Thomas Gruen Thomas Joseph Haas George Morgan Hansen Donald Lloyd Harriger Ronald Eugene Heuer, High Honors Eilif Holen Adrian Walter Hromiak Claude Henry Hurley Richard Louis Kopecky John Janis Kruze Roger LeRoy Kuhlemeyer Paul William Larsen Engineering Ronald Joseph Lejman Raymond Overholt Linaweaver Edmund Lewis Long Charles Robert Marek Ara Minas Melkonian Douglas Craig Melton Richard Roy Metcalf Richard Albert Moore Martin Leo Murphy Michael David Murphy Farhad Naghdi Charles Petrauskas Norman Ira Robins Ellis William Sanderson Andrew Paul Schlaefli Lewis Bryant Simon Jerry Michael Spaugh, Honors Ned Franklin Tyler Marion Henry Van Der Aa, High Honors Merle Ray Wadsworth Richard Roy Whitney Wayne Roy Wolter John Charles Zander Glen Allen Zumwalt In Electrical William Pratt Andrews Charles Salter Axen Walter Baronian David Lawrence Blanchard Paul Richard Branch Albert George Brejcha Allan Joel Brockstein, Highest Honors Gary Sandy Brown James Marlyn Brown George Owen Buesking Gerald Wayne Collins, Honors Gabriel Cuervo-Salcedo, Honors Darwin Kent Decker Jerold John Deener Donald Glen Dodson Edward Ronald Dornseif, High Honors Lawrence Edward Druffel William Karl Dunwoody Thomas Trettien Edwards Robert Chambers Ellis Stephen Harold Eyer Richard Jefferson Flaherty Ronald Stephen Freeland Chester Herbert Freese Donald Lee French Edwin Joseph Gimnig, Honors Henry Dale Goltz, Jr. Ronald Melvyn Graff Marvin Warren Hacker Charles Jack Hawley Anthony Thomas Heagney Henry Harlan Hegener Roger Dale Helm Engineering Donald Max Henderson Jack Wallace Hudson Neil Reynald Humphrey Kenneth Jablinskey Vito Stanley Jakstys Richard David James Milton Joseph Janosky William Floyd Keenan Dallas Lee Kent Chong Sung Kim, High Honors Robert Charles Knittle Stanley John Kowalczyk Rolf Ernst Kowalewski James Anthony Kraft Walter Duane Krapff Edmund John Kulikauskas Hans Laping Paul Leonard Larson Amos Wai Fong Lee John Allan Lehner Norman Howard Leven Leland Charles Loquist Paul Mackovjak Bradley Kent Martin John Dennis Michel Robert Michael Mohr Charles Meredith Mullikin Michael Joe Myers Donald Lee Oliver Kenneth Edward Opal Alfred Algimantas Orentas MlNDAUGAS PETOKAS William LeRoy Porter Gary Lynn Post Raymond George Radys 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 397 Sydney James Reid William Alexander Resch Anthony Lane Richards, Honors James William Riley Arvvdas Kazys Rimas, High Honors Harold Wayne Rixie John Ted Rodell Harvey Mark Rogosin William Quentin Roose Dan Ray Scharlach Henry Schenk Harold Lee Schild Frank Schuhmann Leonard John Schultz, Honors Victor Edward Schulze, Jr. Edward Sestak Charles Asbury Smith David Morrison Smith Roger Leigh Stevens Richard Charles Sunlin, Jr. Hafez Abul-Huda Taji Raymond Joseph Thornborough Anthony Waiatj, Jr. Johannes Oscar Wernegreen Paul Jean Whiteneir, Jr. Thomas LeRoy Winders Thomas Yan Jesus Alfredo Zamora Donald Kenneth Zurschmit In Engineering Mechanics DENNIS BRUCE CARROLL, Honors Brian Robert Gain, Honors Richard Allen Wenglarz, High Honors In Engineering Physics Richard Lyle Brewer Richard James Knox Paul Dean Lee, Highest Honors Michael Lesondak h.arold uren 1v1cbride William Charles Rice Harden Henry Troue, High Honors In General Engineering bennie Douglas babb, Highest Honors Howard Edward Beyer Gresham Theis Brebach, Jr. Robert Eugene Bruns James Edward Burgess Walter Kenneth Hahn James Mayfield Henson, Highest Honors James Paul Kline Samuel Lee Leeper Kenneth Charles MacMorran Richard Stephen Marsho Sidney Michael McCombs Charles Raymond Orr John Marvin Punzak John David Raffl, Highest Honors Raymond Ruth Larry Ervin Wilson Charles Ignatius Wynne In Industrial Engineering Harold Loyd Andersen Jerome Burton Cohen Donald Allen Dudle Michael Paul Dunn Harold Robert Fenger Thomas Paul Gibbons Gerald Joy Hannah, High Honors James Philip Liautaud Dincer Olcay Thomas Michael Rasinski Allen Michael Rosenston Roland Robert Sandstrom Howard Ivan Shachter Donald Jerome Sherman Richard Arthur Siebert Stanley Fredrick Yukevich, Jr. In Mechanical Engineering Ado E. Adami John Robert Antonson William Louis Bigelow William Zachery Black III, Honors Milan Daniel Blaho Ronald William Borkowski Fred William Brunke George William Burgoyne Frank James Cihak Stephen Colburn Leonard Albert Dojnik Charles Henry Ernst William Courtney Files William Donald Fischer Donald Edward Fritz James John Grammas Billie Wayne Hatch Robert Hnilo Robert Frank Hurt George Joseph Jezek Walter Francis Johnston Charlton Hudson Jones, Highest Honors Edward Einar Jorgensen William Fred Koebbeman Robert Roman Kowalski Ronald Howard Krasnitz Arthur John Kuhn 398 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 Owen Roscoe Lawter Wayne Leonard Lundberg John Richard Marjancik Marcus Lloyd Marlin James Weston Massey, High Honors Albert Anthony Melone George Joseph Pliml Roy Francis Reid, Jr. Robert Leo Reis Richard Florian Sanford Thomas Robert Screen Dale Ray Seiber Wayne Masami Seno Phillip Barry Shain Robert Siegfried Stelzer Lawrence David Stepenske Charles Ragan Stone, Honors Roger Russell Stromsta, Honors Jerry Cletis Swalley Thomas Henry Sytko Ervin Jerry Trapa Dennis Peter Trumpinski Joseph Anthony Usiewicz Sui Kong Van Allen Lanny Daxter Wells Eugene Ernest Zavrel In Metalluraical Enaineerina John Wolfersperger Davis Joseph Mortimer Gilkison Gerald Vernon Jeskey Ralph William Leonard Stewart John Veeck In Mining Engineering Robert Frank Alm, Honors Thomas Edward Finch Donald Gene Kenneaster Neil John Richter, Honors John Arnold Shotton, Jr. Joseph Eugene Thrasher COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Henry Alston Lloyd Eugene Ambrosius, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in History Joyce Claire Anderson Bonita Louise Anslow George Barford Mary Hanson Bertha, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Finance Ronald Francis Bianchi Martin Bruce Bresler Raymond Michael Brod Lois Ann Weihe Bross Thomas Jay Burgess Richard Edward Carr Giselle Chesrow, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Latin American Studies Marsha Shavitz Cohen James Fredrick Collins Elizabeth Ann Crabtree, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Nancy Ann Culeertson Leslie Alan Dean Julia Laker Demmin Rita Louise DiSimone Eva Ehrenberg Feldman Joan Edmonds Ferguson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English Carol Ann FioRito Gere Fraker Giovanni Grandinetti Dorothy Irene Grant, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Wayne Thomas Gruen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Curtis Hacker Richard Lewis Hamrick Judith Ann Hancock Donald Stanley Hanson Carol Joyce Harris, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Paul Brian Hemstreet Marjorie Lee Hetrick Donald Joseph Hill Charles Lewis Hudson Jane Rae Hughes Bernardine Wiczes Hurwitz Rebecca Anne Huss, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in German Richard Lee Hutchison Marion Betty Issen William Ivy Jenkins Peter Leonhard Johnson Richard Dale Johnson James Edward Jonish, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Economics Shelley Kaplan Edward Donald Kearns Lois Jean Kramer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Russian Tamara Kron, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Peggy Kruger George Anthony Ksander, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 399 Frederick Lawrence Kuretski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Rhetoric Elizabeth Ramos Lim Richard Allen Lucksinger Jeanette Machino Walter Farrar Mangel ivanna martyniuk Michael Harold Masser Susan Virginia McCoy Douglas Dean McDaniel Peter Melvoin Diane Marie Milesko Susan Kaye Miller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Nekete John Mlade George Kemble Montgomery jurate narbutas Kathleen Marie Naughton, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in French Marilyn Joanne Neuman David Jackson Orr Patricia Rose Owcarz Claude Alfred Patten Michael Benjamin Price William Charles Purdy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Mary Frances Randolph Laurence Raymond Richter, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Russian Susan Lynne Rissman Carson Eddy Robinson Delmer Rogers, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Annelie Gisela Rosenberg Nils Frederick Sandstrom Robert Erwin Simak Fred Ronayne Spears Larry Duncan Spears Frederick Bruno Stanke Grant Arthur Strandberg Joan Retallack Swain, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Philosophy Thomas Stewart Swanson Janet Marilyn Wales, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carl Walter Walker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Elsie Kunst Walker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert William Warfield Donald Phillip Watanabe Mitchell Simon Weiss, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marvin Bruce Winkelmann Gary Melvin Young, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carl Leonard Zon, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science In the Teaching of English Lucia Anne Bliss Susan Thea Grossman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ann Jean Halin Judith Levin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barbara Carol Nelson Janet Marie Ratz, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Lorna Jean Schuhr Linda Kay Smith Weihl Jane Eileen Yontz, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Andree Pellegrin Thomas Battaglia In the Teaching of French In the Teaching of German In the Teaching Barbara Danielle Anderson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Howard Martin Bers Nancy Mae Bilow, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Avrum Isaac Cohen Nancy Carol Fry, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Mardonna Ann Grahn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum of Social Studies Marshall Mark Jacobson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum JoAnne Brawar Pekin Harriette Mae Renken James Coolidge Tatnall, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Barbara Kenneke Twedt, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Sylvia Ruble Zehner, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences 400 board of trustees [February 20 In the Teaching of Spanish Alan Gaefinkel Helen Hikawyj, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Speech George Edward Hurd Chard Eileen Mary Markham Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering Richard Arthur Allen Arthur Duane Bieley Alfred William Christiansen Mineo Fujii Gary Walter Granzow Tom Hiatt Jerry Robert Jargon, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David Robert Jordan George Lee William Paul Schultz In Chemistry Ronald Alfred Greinke, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Henry Fred Henneike, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Jerome McLick, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Lewis John Monti Michael Charles Mourning Marion Hugh O'Leary, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum William Carl Saxinger Sydney Alan Shain Stuart Alvin Steinberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum George Edgar Tripp In Liberal Arts and Sciences Joyce Edna Adams Paul Donald Beck Fred Erich Behr Jeanette Margaret Boam Karen Lee Buckles Thomas Noble Cofer, Jr. Stuart Lyle Cohen Phillip Joseph Cudia Birute Maria Dicpinigaitis Mladen Djuricich Shirley Ann Douglas, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Wallace Burton Dunn Robert Colvin Eggleston Robert Earl Gaines, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sharon Lynn Ginsburg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Cloyd Dale Grace Ronald Dean Grant Joyce Helmkamp Harris Joan Hempel Daniel James Hennessy Robert Seiichi Hikida William Lynn Holmes Harlan Paul Johnson Judith Ann Johnson Fred Kenneth Konrad Philip James Landis Lorinne Faith Lane, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Diana Gay Leaf David L. Levin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Cyrus Lewis Andrea Lieberman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Theodore Eugene Lind Linda Francia Lyons James Vincent McGunnigal Leila Ann Michal Marolyn Sue Miller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Kenneth Lee Modesitt, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Alfred Bing Moy Mary Jane Burnham Neibel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Mark Oberlander Mary Victoria Orlandini Dorothy Irene Payne Percy Horace Peterson Jerry Marvin Porzemsky, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gregory James Pozovich Joseph Henry Pruitt, Jr. Russell Martin Reid Marie Rose Ruzicka Caroline Susan Serven Leon Gerald Sierecki John David Sims James Michael Stewart William Anthony Storz 1963] univek Benjamin Franklin Waller, Jr. Willard William Waller Karen Margaret Wanless John Verna Winings Eileen Ayako Yamamoto David Gerson Yeidel William Botkin Zartman Darlene Zikich In Physics Kenneth Avicola, Honors in Liberal James William Smith Arts and Sciences Loren Dale Felts, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General Science Sandra Jane Brown, Honors in Lib- Catherine Wineland Jackson, Hon- eral Arts and Sciences ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Iris Dale Charvat, Honors in Lib- Richard David Kreutzer eral Arts and Sciences LeRoy William Hasselbring, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Chemistry Francis George Cardulla, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Mathematics Shirley Esta Adams Rosemary Thomas Farmer Janet Louise Palmer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum COLLEGE OF LAW Degree of Bachelor of Laws William Victor Altenberger, B.S., 1957 Norman Yale Blaz, A.B., 1960 Donald Joseph Casper, B.S., Lewis College of Science and Technology, 1959 James William Day, A.B., MacMur-ray College, 1962 Susan Rypstat Gende, A.B., 1959 Chahles Norman Goldstein, A.B., 1960 William Leonard Hulse, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Harold Leonard Jensen, B.S., 1955 John Gordon Johnson, B.S., 1960 Robert James Lenz, A.B., 1959 Richard Allen Makarski, A.B., 1960 H. Ivan Sadler, B.S., 1939 Ruth Josephine Smilgis, B.S., 1961 Arthur William Sprague Timothy Whitzel Swain II, A.B., 1961 James Edward Sykes, Ph.B., Northwestern University, 1960 Charles Robert Thomas, A.B., 1959 Howard Hyman Walker, B.S., 1961 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science Kathleen Ann Denst Marie Louise Fahling Paul Edward Halac Ralph William Iovinelli Saim Kaptan Leanne Bauman Kerchner, Honors Gail Ann Knickerbocker Joachim Adolf Lauer Paul Linas Merle Edward Lype Jay Anderson Mitchell John Andrew Mraz Carl James Scafidi Pauline Shelia Solomon Fredesick George Troppe Susan Seymour Weingarten Donna Lou Wene, Honors Katherine Burke Winterbauer In the Education of the Deaf Karen Irene Deen 402 board of trustees [February 20 In Elementary Education Patricia May Allen, High Honors Katherine Parsley Andert Hermine Gloria Androw Barbara Lee Arrington Harriet Murphy Becker Vivian Inez Bsostojt Joan Marie Christopher Cynthia Lisann Cohenour Mary Ellen Cronin Judith Haskins Duran, High Honors Myrna Millman Efrussy Bonnie Edyne Gartner Merle Dee Goldberg Judith Marcia Green Sara Parker Haferkamp Martha Hayes Labisky Janet Elisabeth Levinson, High Honors DlANNE DENISE LEWIN Joan Whitney Liston, High Honors Sylvia Cline McKinnon Rona Gail Miller Karen Pickett Randolph, Honors Masy Jo Richter Joyce Lynn Robinson Janice Sharon Rosen Thelma Bess Ruvinsky Patricia Rutter Setchell Barbara Joy Smith Sandra Jones Stallman, Honors Cheryl Bordwell Strohbehn Hester Nelson Suggs Marjorie Ann Sullins Helene Sandra Suvetor, High Honors Marcia Kay Turley Mary Jo Trader Tuttle Barbara Harriet Volk Lynne Alyne Vrankin, High Honors In Industrial Education LeRoy Brownlee James Wallace Edwards William Theodore Ingram Joseph George Kazda Harvey Steen Munter Marvin Barry Rebuck Richard Earl Schroeder Warren Noboru Suzuki COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In ArmijiM.tanrv Ronald Maier Apperson Connie LaVern Ashburn Darwin Lloyd Borden, Honors Kenneth Edward Brady Bernard John Bushman Howard Stuart Chapman, Honors John Henry Croll Michael Joseph Culumber Willard Juhnke DeFilipps, Honors Stephen Norman Engberg Sheldon David Engel, Honors Dwayne Edwin Ennis John Allen Frederick David Andrew Gotch Robert Gerard Grimley, Honors Clayton Maxwell Haferkamp William Joseph Herzing Philip Lewis Hinze Norman Louis Israel Irwin Marshall Javinsky Jack Dean Jelinek William Bright Johnson Edward Francis Kelly Roger Alan Kuhn Sherwood Lawrence Levin David Randolph Loar William Gene Lukas Gavin Alexander Mac Murdo David Aaron Mason, High Honors Robert Lee McAdams James Bert McGuire James George Merret, Jr. Robert Louis Metzler William Joseph Nix William Thomas Nowakowski John Stuart Ogden Stanley Howard Pantowich Ronald Ralph Picking Kenneth Irwin Schaner Kenneth James Schlorff Gary Jay Schwartz William Larry Shelby David M. Sidell Shfxley Ira Simon Bruce D. Solberg In Commerce and Law Harvey Bert Bass Leonard Peirce Lynn Brooks Crum In Commercial Teaching Geri Harnish, Honors Donna Mardelle Ziegler, Honors James Peter Levy 1963] uni Milton Cloud, Honors Donald Theodore Crumback Robert Montrose Flint, Jr. John Jacob Hokin Keith Herbert Johnson Paulette Joan Kaminski In Economics Wayne Stone Knight Chester Andrew Lawrence Richard Allan Rifas Gerald John Swanson Thomas Garland Thompson /n Economics and Marketing John Bernard Joyce /n Finance Robert Thomas Boling, Honors Roger Paul DeVries Robert Charles Jebelian Richard James Krakora John Thomas Lester, Honors Gary Ray Lichtenwalter, Honors Leonard Litberg Mary Kathryne Marshall, Honors David Fred Marvin Lawrence Van Newlin Edwin Burnley Powell III Lydia Schuster Rutkowski Michael John Sheahan Barney Upton Dennis William Van Duyne In Industrial Administration mark clanuhak1) Melvin Charles Brent Jerry Lee Eberhardt James Russell Gardner Siegmar Fred Gresch Ronald Keith Grimm Charles Parker Henness Jarvis Blair Johnson Leonardo Kaufman David George Lohman Fred Ellis Meyers Leo Michael Sterkowicz Frank William Sulhoff Robert Joseph Tushaus Anthony John Vacca Cornelius Robert Wiersema In Management Robert William Abraham William Roy Apperson Stephen Stoddard Buckley Carmine Corsetti John Arthur Finical Raymond F. Fortin Richard Jestes Isaacs John Wesley Kott L.YNNE bHARON KJRAWITZ, Honors William Franklin Lewis James Rae McClintock David Chetham McKee John Joseph Petterchak Lenard Charles Swanson Ronald Raymond Zehner In Marketing Howard David Anderson Larry Lee Austermiller John Robert Blair Lawrence Bert Bloom James John Brown Alan Claypool Caldwell Paul Thomas Clarey George Theodore Demeris, Jr Stephen Carter Eigel Phil Emroy Gierman, Jr. David Kent Hamrick Philip Leroy Hupfer Kenneth James Kapps r Mary Karen Kassube Robert Krakoski George Ronald Leno Robert Edwin Mountz III Gerald Richard O'Bryan Edward Joseph Pietrzyk Michael Sherwin Ratner John Marshall Robards Robert Brian Scadron Rein Frederick Schumann Walter Sidorewicz Charles Fred Stayart In Secretarial Training Sue Diane Burklund, Honors Marjorie Ann Dodd, Honors In Urban Land Economics Brian Albert Bertha Jerome Anthony Modzelewski John Michael Blakley William James Nelson 404 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATIONS Degree of Bachelor of Science In Communications Robert Benjamin David Richard Carlson Barbara Ann Clark Irene Sue Dvore James Charles Farley Ellen Joyce Filurin Ann Lee Forrest John Phillip Fortner Ronald Eugene Fox Alan Howard Gersten Maynard Hirsh Kaplan James Anthony Klosowski Philip Eugene Lambdin Kirk Maslin Duane McGoon Donald Edward Nesbitt Dennis Kent Novak Bradley Beran Palmer Sharon Primack, High Honors Grace Cecelia Rickman Michael Joseph Riley Linda Joan Sandwick Stanley Lewis Wheat Peter Carl Wittenberg COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Architecture Mikio Akagi Ronald Kent Beyer, High Honors Charles Gerald Bischoff Walter Edwin Bliss Robert William Bokenkamp James Braun Clarage Bruce Ray Dammann Richard Arthur Devine Robert Stanley Engle Vytautas Eduardas Girdvainis Edward Aloysius Grochowiak Robert Henry Hall Ronald Nelson Helms John Owen Higgins Charles Burton Hook, High Honors Albert Roy Hunt Lee Christian Jensen Hans Claus Kosel Christopher Alan Moyer Wesley Walter Nelson Andrew Lee Nordyke Charles Maris Oldham Richard Thomas Ray Jonathon Gerald Rehnberg Arnold Charles Reznik Tom Richard Ruppert Nick George Scarlatis James Edward Simon James Allen Small Narimantas Jurgis Statkus, Honors David Fredrick Tiedt Raymond William Urick Kurt Marshall Vanderhorst, Honors Wesley Murray Witt, High Honors Joe Woo, Jr. Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts In Advertising Design Robert Frank Izard Jerome Thomas Taverna Suzanne Ringler Robert William Becker Rollin James Wilson In the History of Art In Industrial Design Ned Robert Kuypers, Highest Honors In Painting Barbara Ann Efting, Honors Sandra Lee Willard Degree of Bachelor of Music Virginia Elizabeth Hommel, Highest Kim Robert Richmond, High Honors Honors Thomas Valentine Siwe Rudolph Ronald Matas Degree of Bachelor of Science In Music Education Lyndel Loren Davis, Honors William John McNeiland, Highest Karen Crane Goggin Honors Donna Dale Lambird, Highest Franklin Lloyd Post Honors 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 405 COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Robert Joseph Greco Degree of Bachelor of Science In Health Education In Physical Education Edward Andrew Bozek Kenneth George Bronson Bkuce Samuel Cacciapaglia Eugene Anthony DeGrazia, Honors Miriam Adrienne Donath-Skjorten James Paul Ellinger, Honors Hayward Philip Garrett, Honors Ralph Donald Hegener Ronald Victor Johnson Edward Robert Kein Frank Vito Lollino Jayne Alyce Meyer, Honors Bruce Alden Miller Max Gilbert Mitchell John Michael Modica, Honors Robert John Mors, Jr. Francis Michael Musil, Honors Allen Robert Natelsky Forrest Thomas Neilson Richard Steven Pawlow John Ronald Richards Dennis Stanley Rosen, Honors Richard Loren Scoville Myrna Stern, Honors Lawrence David Tickner Beverly Kampe Tiezzi, Honors Charles Benjamin Younger III, Honors William Blaine Adams, Jr. Michael Sylvester Pope In Recreation Walter Thomas Stancy James Lynn Walker SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments made by the President; graduate fellows; resignations, declinations, and terminations; leaves of absence; cancellations of sabbatical leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Alexandrou, N. E., Research Associate in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1963, $6,000 a year (1-29-63). Alexopoulos, George G., Instructor in Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), y3 time, five months from February 1, 1963, $1,200 (1-3-63). Applebee, Roger K., Research Associate in English, and Associate Director of Cooperative Research Project No. 1994, Department of English, seven months from February 1, 1963, $10,500 a year (1-28-63). Arnold, Roger T., Instructor in Ceramic Engineering (C), February 1-June 15, 1963, $3,375 (1-30-63). Atkin, J. Myron, Professor of Elementary Education, June 17-August 23, 1963, $3,195; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-1-63). Babiak, Paul P., Catalog Assistant in the Library, February 18-August 31, 1963, $5,700 a year (1-9-63). Bacon, Alfons R., Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus, in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the College of Medicine. Barenberg, Ernest J., Research Associate in Civil Engineering (C and S), February 1-June 15, 1963, $3,300, supersedes (1-30-63). Bartlett, James H., Professor of Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $1,166.67 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-1-63). Bartram, Harlan G. H., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,955.54 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session (2-2-63). Beaman, Donald R., Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), V2 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $244.44 a month (1-23-63), and Research Assistant in Physics (C), 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1962, $213.92 a month, supersedes (6-18-62). 406 board of trustees [February 20 Bernstein, Lenore J., Research Assistant in Administration (Dentistry), seven months from February 1, 1963, $5,400 a year (2-4-63). Bilgee, H. R., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory November 27, 1962-June 15, 1963, $777.77 a month, supersedes (1-10-63). Bullock, Barbara, Assistant Reference Librarian, with rank of Assistant, January 28-August 31, 1963, $5,500 a year (1-4-63). Camp, Mary J., Acquisitions Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1963, $5,600 a year, supersedes (1-29-63). Carey, James W., Assistant Professor of Journalism, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $8,400 a year, supersedes (2-1-63). Carlier, Robert G., Assistant in Education (University High School), February 1-June 15, 1963, $3,375, supersedes (1-19-63). Carnes, Walter R., Lecturer in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), Vi time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $2,700 a year, supersedes (2-1-63). Casas, Ramon E., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, without salary (1-29-63). Clark, Mrs. Valmai R., Catalog Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1963, $5,500 a year (1-16-63). Crampton, Mrs. Gertrude J., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), January 7-August 31, 1963, $6,700 a year (1-19-63). Crandall, Coryl, Assistant in English, February 1-June 15, 1963, $466.67 a month (1-29-63). Crawford, James E., Consultant to the Committee on International Center Program, $616.67 a month, January 1-February 2, 1963, and April 3-May 31, 1963; Secretary and Administrative Assistant in International Programs, $675 a month, February 3-April 2, 1963; and Supervisor of Counseling and Operations in the Men's Residence Halls, beginning June 1, 1963, $7,400 a year (1-30-63). Crossett, Margaret L., Acquisitions Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1963, $5,500 a year (1-29-63). Crumlish, Brian J. Research Associate in the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council, two months from December 16, 1962, $1,000 a month (1-23-63). Dach, Eugene W., Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (1-7-63). Dedmon, Robert E., Instructor in Medicine and in Microbiology (Medicine), five months from February 1, 1963, without salary, supersedes previous nonsalaried appointment (2-4-63). De Wan, Edmund, Assistant in Education (University High School), January 7-June 15, 1963, $477.78 a month, supersedes (1-16-63). Dickey, Robert C., Administrative Assistant in Commerce Administration, College of Commerce and Business Administration, eight months from January 1, 1963, $9,800 a year, supersedes (1-24-63). Dodd, George G., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and in Electrical Engineering (C), 2/i time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $3,350 a year, supersedes (1-29-63). Estin, Robert W., Lecturer in Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, February 1-Ju]y 31, 1963, $4,000 (1-23-63). Falicov, Mrs. Celia H. J., Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1962, without salary (1-15-63). Fasa, Harry, Instructor in Petroleum Engineering (C), $4 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $550 a month, supersedes (1-29-63). Farris, Robert E., Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering (S), full time, April 1-May 31, 1963, $666.66 a month; and Y4 time, June 1-August 31, 1963, $500 a month (2-6-63). Fass, Martin, Research Associate in Motion Picture Services (College of Journalism and Communications), January 2-August 31, 1963, $7,000 a year (1-15-63). Feldman, Sheldon, Research Associate in Psychology, VS time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $240.74 a month, and in the Institute of Communications Research, i/z time, February 1-June 30, 1963, $581.48 a month, supersedes (1-19-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 407 Gardner, Karl E., Chief of Party (College Administrator) of Survey Team going to Sierra Leone, for the Office of International Programs, $3,154 for the period February 3-April 3, 1963; and from April 3, 1963, Professor of Nutrition (Dairy Science) and Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture, $17,200 a year (1-30-63). Glen, Donald L., Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), 95/100 time, January 7-August 31, 1963, $4,680 (1-29-63). Hardin, Jack, Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (S), February 1-June 15, 1963, $488.89 a month, supersedes (1-29-63). Hasshbarger, Kenneth E., Professor of Nutrition (Dairy Science) and Associate Head of the Department of Dairy Science (C and S), indefinite tenure from February 1, 1963, $12,400 a year, supersedes (2-1-63). Heins, Robert W., Instructor in Mining Engineering (C), February 1-June 15, 1963, $666.66 a month (1-30-63). Holmes, Albert W., Jr., Instructor in Medicine and in Microbiology (Medicine), five months from February 1, 1963, without salary, supersedes previous non-salaried appointment (2-4-63). Hopkins, Charles A., Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine), one year from January 1, 1963, without salary (2-4-63). Howard, Mary H., Catalog Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1963, $5,500 a year (1-30-63). Hutchinson, David, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, February 1-June 15, 1963, $2,925 (2-5-63). Jane, John A., Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine), one year from January 1, 1963, without salary (2-4-63). Jensen, Lloyd, Assistant Professor of Political Science, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $6,500 a year, supersedes (1-19-63). Karnes, M. Ray, Education Member of Sierra Leone Survey Team (Trainer of Rural School Teachers), going to Sierra Leone for the Office of International Programs, $3,116 for the period February 3-April 3, 1963; and beginning April 3, 1963, Professor of Education, in the Bureau of Educational Research, $17,000 a year (1-30-63). Kavanagh, Jean, Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), December 24, 1962-August 31, 1963, $4,980 a year (1-7-63). Kistner, Arthur L., Instructor in English, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year, supersedes (1-30-63). Klatt, Melvin J., Instructor in Library Administration and Serials and Acquisitions Librarian (Chicago Undergraduate Division), eight months from January 1, 1963, $7,950 a year, supersedes (12-31-62). Kokkedee, J. J., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (2-1-63). Kozlow, Robert D., Research Associate in Data Processing and Systems (Librarian), and Instructor in Library Administration (Chicago Undergraduate Division), eight months from January 1, 1963, $5,850 a year (1-14-63). Krauss, Dietlinde E., Research Associate in Chemistry, June 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,850 a year, supersedes (1-29-63). LaGow, Robert L., Research Associate in Motion Picture Services (College of Journalism and Communications), eight months from January 1, 1963, $6,600 a year (1-15-63). Land, Mrs. Vera F. C, Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), February 1-June 15, 1963, $2,300 (2-4-63). Langer, Jack A., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), y$ time, January 15-August 31, 1963, $1,500 a year (1-29-63). Laschober, Robert R., Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering (C), seven months from February 1, 1963, $8,600 a year, supersedes (1-23-63). Lathrop, John F., Research Physicist in the Department of Physics (C) and in the Digital Computer Laboratory, six months from March 1, 1963, $8,000 a year, supersedes (1-30-63). Lees, Robert B., Associate Professor of English and Linguistics, and Director of Program of Linguistics (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), 2/3 time, and Research Associate Professor in the Institute of Communications Research 408 board of trustees [February 20 (College of Journalism and Communications), indefinite tenure beginning March 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $12,000 a year, supersedes (1-15-63). Lemke, Darrell H., Instructor in Library Administration and Assistant Reference Librarian (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from December 1 1962, $S,8S0 a year (12-31-62). Lewis, David G., Visiting Research Associate in Agronomy (S), nine months from March 1, 1963, $4,800 (1-14-63). Lewis, Robert O., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1962, without salary (1-3-63). Lucas, Robert A., Research Assistant in English, seven months from February 1 1963, $6,000 a year, supersedes (1-30-63). McMasters, Donald L., Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, Summer Session of 1963 June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,778 for the period (2-4-63). Mocega, Hilda E., Research Assistant in Microbiology (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, $5,000 a year (1-15-63). Morgan, Martha A., Research Associate in Elementary Education, July 1-August 23, 1963, $1,511; this is in addition to her present appointment (2-1-63). Nannelli, Piero, Research Associate in Chemistry, eight months from January 1, 1963, $6,150 a year (1-15-63). Nieto-Ramirez, Jose A., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (S), February 1-June 15, 1963, $555.56 a month, supersedes (2-1-63). Nikolai, Robert J., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year, supersedes (1-16-63). Odell, Russell T., Member of Sierra Leone Survey Team (Agricultural Research and Extension Specialist) going to Sierra Leone for the Office of International Programs, $3,025 for the period February 3-April 3, 1963; and beginning April 3, 1963, Professor of Pedology (Agronomy), $16,500 a year (1-30-63). Onanian, Edward D., Research Associate in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, 3 time, seven months from February 1, 1963, $2,485 (2-1-63). Pappademos, John N., Assistant Professor of Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 1/3 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $1,300, supersedes (1-3-63). Patlogan, Sylvia, Instructor in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 14 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, February 1-June 30, 1963, $825 (1-28-63). Pattison, Jeffrey, Research Associate in Chemistry, February 11-August 31, 1963, $5,850 a year, supersedes (2-4-63). Paul, M., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from February 1, 1963, $800 a month (10-29-63). Pearson, John E., Professor of General Engineering, 34 time, and of Civil Engineering, 14 time (C and S), indefinite tenure from March 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $12,200 a year, supersedes (1-30-63). Piorkowski, Mrs. Geraldine J., Instructor in Psychology, V5 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $222.22 a month (2-4-63). Plotkin, William H., Assistant Professor of Clinical Speech and Acting Director of the Speech and Hearing Center, Department of Otolaryngology (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1963, $10,000 a year, supersedes (1-3-63). Podore, Isadore D., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), Y$ time, January 15-August 31, 1963, $1,500 a year (1-29-63). Porter, Maurice G-, Assistant Professor of General Engineering (C and S), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $8,400 a year, supersedes (1-30-63). Postgate, John R., Visiting Professor of Microbiology, February 1-June 15, 1963, $1,066.66 a month (1-16-63). Pundt, Herman G., Instructor in Architecture, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year (1-16-63). Rajkumar, T. V., Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1963, $7,200 a year, supersedes (1-14-63). Risley, William O., Senior Research Engineer, Measurement Program (C), six months from March 1, 1963, $12,500 a year (2-4-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 409 Rone, James W,, Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (S), February 1-March 15, 1963, $488.88 a month, supersedes (1-29-63). Scoggins, James L., Instructor in English, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year, supersedes (1-30-63). Scott, Mrs. Winifred P., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), January 7-August 31, 1963, $6,300 a year (1-7-63). Secter, Irving, Assistant Professor of Clinical Dentistry (Dentistry), Y$ time, January 15-August 31, 1963, $6,800 a year, supersedes (1-29-63). Shaffer, Paul R., Professor of Geology, Vi time, indefinite tenure, and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, Vi time, March 1-August 31, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $15,000 a year, supersedes (1-19-63). Silliker, John H., Research Associate in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), December 15, 1962-August 31, 1963, $9,500 a year (1-4-63). Smith, Mrs. Lucille M., Instructor in Speech and Theatre, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (1-23-63). Sollo, Frank W., Jr., Research Associate in the State Water Survey, 1/10 time, six months from January 1, 1963, $1,300 a year, supersedes (1-10-63). Stambaugh, Mrs. Mary K., Research Assistant in Microbiology, January 21-August 31, 1963, $6,000 a year (2-6-63). Stein, Herbert J., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), Vz time to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $229.16 a month, supersedes (1-23-63). Steinbeck, Paul W., Associate Director for Civil Defense and Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant, February 1-August 31, 1963, $4,784 for the period, supersedes (1-30-63). Steward, Omar W., Instructor in Chemistry, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, February 1-August 31, 1963, $3,300 (1-23-63). Taulbee, Dale B., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), 1/4 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $750 (2-4-63). Thorne, Marlowe D., Professor of Agronomy, indefinite tenure, and Head of the Department of Agronomy (C, S, and E), beginning March 15, 1963, $19,500 a year (1-17-63). Thun, Edward H., Research Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy), January 14-August 31, 1963, $5,700 a year (1-29-63). Tillman, Paul W., Clinical Associate in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), January 15-August 31, 1963, without salary (1-23-63). Trensky, Paul I., Assistant Professor of Russian, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $6,500 a year, supersedes (2-1-63). Trott, B. Dale, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), 54 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $450 a month (1-15-63). Uecker, Francis A., Assistant Professor of Biological Science (Division of General Studies), February 1-June 15, 1963, $777.77 a month (1-16-63). Uriu, Stanley A., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, without salary (1-19-63). van der Linden, Richard R., Research Assistant in Education (University High School), December 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $444 a month (1-9-63). Watson, J. Stroud, Jr., Instructor in Architecture, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $7,500 a year (1-15-63). Weinman, Karla P., Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, February 1-June 15, 1963, $444.44 a month (1-16-63). White, George W., Professor of Geology, Summer Session of 1963, July-August 10, 1963, $3,101 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (2-4-63). Wilkin, Fred R., Jr., Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, July 1-August 23, 1963, $2,400 (2-6-63). Williams, Charles L., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), September 28, 1962-August 31, 1963, without salary (1-23-63). Willis, Judith H., Instructor in Entomology, February 1-May 31, 1963, $3,250 (1-23-63). 410 board of trustees [February 20 Winkelmann, Marvin B., Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergrad uate Division), February 1-June IS, 1963, $2,300 (2-63). Yocum, Paul S., Jr., Clinical Instructor in Ophthalmology (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, without salary (1-15-63). Young, Quentin D., Clinical Associate in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1963, without salary (2-4-63). Zogg, Carl A., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), eight months from January 1, 1963, $6,000 a year (1-15-63). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Aignek, Dennis J., Fellow in Economics, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Beak, Peter, Fellow in Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12- 28-62). Birch, John W., Fellow in Economics, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Bodnar, Peter, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Bogart, Herbert, Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12- 28-62). Bond, James A., Fellow in Biology, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12- 28-62). Bowen, Vincent E., Fellow in French, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Brandabur, Edward J., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Browne, Julia, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62), Caton, Charles E., Fellow in Philosophy, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Chihara, Charles S., Fellow in Philosophy, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). DeVillez, Edward J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from February 1, 1963, $2,666 (1-24-63). Dooley, Raymond W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, February 7, 1963-January 31, 1964, $4,000 (1- 10-63). Doty, Carol L., Katharine L. Sharp Fellow in Library Science, February 1- June 15, 1963, $250 (1-28-63). Edie, Carolyn A., Fellow in History, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Eustice, Dan J., Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Finney, Mildred I., Fellow in Geography, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Fishbein, Martin, Fellow in Psychology, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Fitzgerald, James E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, five months from January 1, 1963, $2,708.35, supersedes (1-4-63). Forster, Meklin H., Fellow in Spanish, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Fothergill, William, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Gaeel, John B., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12- 28-62). Gabel, Norman W., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from December 1, 1962, without stipend (1-7-63). Gale, Henry H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, six months from January 1, 1963, $1,500 (1-4-63). Gillespie, Robert W., Fellow in Economics, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 411 Gottheil, Feed M., Fellow in Economics, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Grelak, Robert P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, Medical Center, Chicago, eight months from January 1, 1963, $1,466.72 (1-17-63). Grucza, Leo, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Hale, Kenneth L., Fellow in Anthropology, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Hiy, William W., Fellow in Geology, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Hefteh, Gilbest, Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, three months from January 1, 1963, $200 (1-17-63). Hoffman, Larry R., Fellow in Botany, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Hurtig, Martin R., Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12- 28-62). Kaufmann, U. Milo, Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Kerste, Donald, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, Medical Center, Chicago, December 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $433.33 (12-21-62). Klein, Kurt, Fellow in Russian, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Krieger, George W., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, February 1-June 15, 1963, $900 (2-5-63). LaFave, Wayne R., Fellow in Law, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Loftus, Richard J., Fellow in English and Division of General Studies, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). McCormick, Michael R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, Medical Center, Chicago, six months from January 1, 1963, $1,500 (12-20-62). Metzcer, Michael M., Fellow in German, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Moore, A. Doyle, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Murray, Edward F., Eli Lilly Research Fellow in Microbiology, Medical Center, Chicago, one year from January 1, 1963, $6,000 (12-19-62). Myers, David D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medicine, five months from January 1, 1963, $2,208.30, supersedes (1-3-63). Nagel, Stuart, Fellow in Political Science, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Orland, George H., Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Pope, Shirley A., Fellow in French, February 1-June 15, 1963, $750, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (1-10-63). Powell, James M., Fellow in History and Division of General Studies, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Roeder, Robert C, Fellow in Astronomy, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (1-4-63). Ross, Mrs. Johnnie B. A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $3,908.75, supersedes (1-21-63). Roy, John A., Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Saxinger, William C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, seven months from February 1, 1963, $1,555.75 (2-6-63). Sayse, Robert F., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Schlesinger, Charles V., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from February 1, 1963, $2,666 (1-24-63). Sennello, Lawrence T., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, July 1, 1962-June 15, 1963, $2,500, supersedes (1-10-63). Siebert, F. Mark, Fellow in Music, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). 412 board of trustees [February 20 Swartz, Edward, B. B. Rappaport Part-Time Research Fellow in the College of Dentistry, Medical Center, Chicago, five months from January 1, 1963, $500 (1-7-63). Unzickee, Roger G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, Medical Center, Chicago, eight months from January 1, l%3 $1,800 (1-17-63). Wahl, Floyd M., Fellow in Geology, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Ward, Willis W., Fellow in Physical Education for Women, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Wasson, Richard, Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Wheatley, James H., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). Wieland, Anna M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, Medical Center, Chicago, six months from January 1 1963 $2,750 (12-20-62). Yusem, Milton, Fellow in Physical Sciences, three months from June 16, 1963, $900 (12-28-62). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS. AND TERMINATIONS Ackerman, Charles E., Assistant Professor of Floriculture (Horticulture) --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Albala, Maurice M., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine)---resignation effective February 1, 1963. Andrews, Daniel K., Assistant Professor of Accountancy (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Anner, George E., Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Banks, Edwin M., Associate Professor of Animal Behavior (Animal Science) and of Biological Sciences (Division of General Studies) ---resignation effective March 1, 1963. Best, Jay B., Associate Professor of Physiology (Medicine)---resignation effective May 1, 1963. Birch, John W., Fellow in Economics --- declination effective June 16, 1963. Brems, Hans J., Professor of Economics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Carnighan, Robert H., Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective January 31, 1963. Clausen, Edward M., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering --- resignation effective February 16, 1963. Cote, Michel G., Instructor in Veterinary Research and in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Dahlberg, Andrew V., Clinical Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Medicine) --- resignation effective January IS, 1963. Dodd, George G., Television Shares Management Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Eadie, George R., Associate Professor of Mining Engineering --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Fetvedt, Robert O., Katherine L. Sharp Fellow in Library Science --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Field, Mark G., Associate Professor of Sociology --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Fox, Robert P., Instructor in English for Foreign Students, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Frampton, George T., Professor of Law, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Gebuhr, Carl A., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine) --- resignation effective January 1, 1963. Gillespie, Robert W., Fellow in Economics --- declination effective June 16, 1963. Gray, Peter V., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective January S, 1963. Handler, Joel F., Assistant Professor of Law, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 413 Hayenga, Marvin L., Fellow in Agricultural Economics --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Heckmann, Irvin L., Jr., Associate Professor of Management, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Helm, Frederick C, Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective January 2, 1963. Jewett, Ann E., Associate Professor of Education and of Physical Education for Women---resignation effective March 1, 1963. Langhaar, Henry L., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Lees, Robert B., Associate Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. McGill, John N., Assistant Professor of Food Technology --- resignation effective February 22, 1963. Metzgee, Michael M., Fellow in German --- declination effective June 16, 1963. Orland, George H., Fellow in Mathematics --- declination effective June 16, 1963. Ranney, J. Austin, Professor of Political Science --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Schwarzlose, Paul F., Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Smith, Richard K., Instructor in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Stambaugh, Robert L., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Stark, Kenneth, Assistant-Counseling in the Student Counseling Service (Provost's Office)---resignation effective February 1, 1963. Trippet, Mary M., Assistant in English --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Wacaser, Lyle E., Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine) --- termination effective January 1, 1963. Webb, Don R., Instructor in Business Management --- resignation effective February IS, 1963. Welker, Neil E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Wiesinger, Frederick P., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Winjjikow, S., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering --- declination effective September 16, 1962. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Cronbach, Lee J., Professor of Psychology, and of Education, in the Bureau of Educational Research----leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a fellowship a]t the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, California. DeFries, John C, Assistant Professor of Genetics (Dairy Science), in the College of Agriculture and in the Agricultural Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, for eleven months from October 1, 1963, for postdoctoral study and research at the University of California at Berkeley. Runkel, Philip J., Associate Professor of Education and Associate Director, Office of Educational Testing --- leave of absence, without pay, for one month from June 14, 1963, so that he may accept an invitation to teach in the summer session at the University of Oregon. Sah, Chih-Tang, Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Physics, in the College of Engineering and in the Engineering Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, from March 1 through August 31, 1963. Tiernan, Patricia A., Instructor in Occupational Therapy, in the College of Medicine --- leave of absence, without pay, from January 7 through August 31, 1963, so that she may accept a Fulbright Scholarship at the University of Denmark, Aarhus, Denmark. Warren, Charles P., Instructor in Anthropology (Chicago Undergraduate Division)---leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a National Science Foundation Fellowship for field work in Anthropology. 414 board of trustees [February 20 CANCELLATIONS OF SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Lathrope, Donald E., Associate Professor of Social Work --- sabbatical leave of absence for the second semester of 1962-63 cancelled, without prejudice. STUDENT SENATE OFFICERS Last year officers of the Student Senate were invited to be guests of the Board of Trustees at luncheon at one of the meetings held in Urbana. President Clement announced that the Student Senate officers would appreciate the opportunity of meeting with the Board and asked the Board's wishes. It was the consensus of the Trustees that the Student Senate group should be invited to the April meeting, and the Secretary was instructed to make the necessary arrangements. FUTURE MEETINGS OF THE BOARD Mr. Clement reminded the Board that the annual meeting will be held in Urbana on Wednesday, March 20, 1963, the date of this meeting having been changed from the second Tuesday by vote of the Board. The April meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 1963, and President Clement announced that this meeting will be held in Urbana. The May meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, 1963. Mr. Williamson suggested that consideration be given to changing the date of the June meeting from the third Wednesday to Thursday, June 6, 1963, the date preceding the Commencement Exercises for the colleges of the Medical Center. Action on this suggestion was deferred, but it was the consensus of the Trustees that both dates should be held in reserve for the time being. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session was requested for consideration of recommendations relating to property acquisitions. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, an executive session was ordered, to be held after luncheon, and the Board recessed. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board reconvened at 2:00 p.m. The same members and officers of the Board and officers of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes with the exception of Mr. Ray Page who asked to be excused. PURCHASE OF PROPERTIES AT 51 EAST ARMORY AVENUE. 5 3 EAST ARMORY AVENUE, AND 1 IO4-1 JO6 SOUTH LOCUST STREET, CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS (1) The Committee on Buildings and. Grounds has approved the design of an addition to the University Press Building to be constructed north of the present Press Building east of Locust Street extended and south of Armory Avenue, Champaign. Architectural work is being completed and construction is scheduled to start in the spring of 1963 with occupancy approximately fifteen months later. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the properties at 51 and S3 East Armory Avenue and 1104-1106 South Locust Street, these properties being owned by the same individual, at a total price of $75,000 for all the parcels. The land is needed for the addition to the Press Building, further expansion of the Press functions, and other educational activities. The properties consist of: 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 415 51 East Armory Avenue --- a lot 48 feet by 120 feet improved with a two-story and basement frame house which has been converted into an apartment house of four units. 53 East Armory Avenue --- a lot 48 feet by 120 feet improved with a two-story and basement frame house which has been converted into two apartments, and a three-car garage. 1104-1106 South Locust --- a lot 40 feet by 140 feet improved with a one-story and basement duplex building, and two garages, one four-car and one one-car; access to this property is through the properties at 51 and S3 East Armory Avenue. The Board of Trustees on December 19, 1962, authorized condemnation proceedings for acquisition of these properties. However, through subsequent negotiations, a price of $75,000 has been agreed upon which is within the limit authorized by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. It also appears to be the lowest price for which the properties can be acquired without condemnation proceedings and incurring the resulting costs. The owner will sell the properties at the price indicated on these conditions: Possession of the property at 1104-1106 South Locust Street, and the land, including garages, south of the residential improvements at 51 East Armory Avenue and 53 East Armory Avenue, will be delivered to the University on or before April 30, 1963. Possession of the remaining properties at 51 East Armory Avenue and 53 East Armory Avenue, will be delivered to the University on or before Tune 30, 1963. The University will pay the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964. The owner will pay the taxes for the year 1962 payable in 1963 and will assume all expenses such as utilities and insurance, and will maintain the property in its existing condition as long as she remains in possession. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I recommend authorization of this purchase on the conditions indicated; and I further recommend that the Board rescind its action of December 19, 1962, with respect to the acquisition of these properties. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchase of these properties, at the price and on the conditions recommended, was authorized; and the Board voted to rescind its previous action of December 19, 1962, for the acquisition of these properties through condemnation. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 4O2 EAST CHALMERS STREET, CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS (2) The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has approved the design of a residence hall for single graduate students to be constructed in the block bounded by Daniel Street, Fifth Street, Chalmers Street, and Fourth Street, Champaign, Illinois. Architectural work is in process and construction is scheduled to start in the spring of 1964 with completion in time for occupancy in the fall of 1965. Representatives of the University have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 402 East Chalmers Street, included within the site. This property is a corner lot of 5,986 square feet (being 51.5 feet on Chalmers Street, by 116.24 feet on Fourth Street), improved with a three-story and basement frame dwelling converted into an eight-unit apartment house. Based on appraisals received by the University, an offer of $29,712 was made to the owner, who was advised that if he agreed to that amount, a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for purchase of the property. The offer is not acceptable to the owner, whose asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees exercise its power to obtain the property by eminent domain and authorize condemnation proceedings. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution. 416 board of trustees [February 20 Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 402 East Chalmers Street, Champaign, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot Two (2) of a Replat of Lots Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), and Twelve (12) in Block Three (3) of a Replat of Lots Five (5), Six (6) Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block One (1) and Lots Five (S), Six (6) Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Two (2) and Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Three (3) of A. T. Hall's Addition to the City of Champaign and also described as Lot Two (2) of a Replat of Lots Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), and Twelve (12) in Block Three (3) of a Replat of Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block One (1) and Lots Five (S), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Two (2) and Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Five (S), Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8), in Block Three (3) of A. T. Hall's Addition to the City of Champaign, and being a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEVi) of the Northwest Quarter (NWi,4) of Section Eighteen (18), Township Nineteen North (T-19-N), Range Nine East (R-9-E) of the Third Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Champaign, County of Champaign and State of Illinois is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for a site for residence halls buildings for single graduate students and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to Said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a pro- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 417 ceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr .Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS March 20, 1963 The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, March 20, 1963, beginning at 10:30 a.m., the date of this meeting having previously been changed by vote of the Board from the second Tuesday of March to March 20, 1963. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Irving Dilliard and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services; and officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 419 420 board of trustees [March 20 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on July 18, 1962, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Swain, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 1 to 48, inclusive. ELECTION OF TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN The Board took up the special order of business for the annual meeting; President Clement asked if the Board desired to elect a temporary chairman. Mr. Johnston nominated Mrs. Frances B. Watkins; Mr. Swain seconded the nomination. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the Board for the election of Mrs. Watkins as President, Pro Tempore. The ballot was so cast and Mrs. Watkins took the chair. ELECTION OF OFFICERS President of the Board Mrs. Watkins called for nominations for the office of President of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Pogue nominated Mr. Howard W. Clement; Mr. Johnston seconded the nomination. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the Board for the election of Mr. Howard W. Clement as President, to serve until the next annual meeting of the Board of Trustees in March, 1964, or until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. The ballot was so cast, and he was declared elected as President of the Board. Mr. Clement took the chair and expressed his appreciation of the confidence of the Board in re-electing him as its President. He also reviewed some of the significant matters of policy and decisions with which the Board was confronted during the preceding year and the actions taken. Secretary of the Board Mr. Swain nominated Mr. A. J. Janata; Mr. Johnston seconded the nomination. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the nominations were closed and Mr. Janata was elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees to serve until the next annual meeting in March, 1964, or until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. Comptroller of the Board Mr. Hughes nominated Mr. H. O. Farber as Comptroller; Mr. Pogue seconded the nomination. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the Board for the election of Mr. Farber as Comptroller of the Board of Trustees, to serve until the next annual meeting in March, 1964, or until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. The ballot was so cast and Mr. Farber was declared elected as Comptroller of the Board. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 421 Executive Committee Mr. Swain nominated Mr. Wayne A. Johnston and Mrs. Frances B. Watkins to serve as members of the Executive Committee, with the President of the Board as Chairman, for one year; Mr. Hughes seconded the nominations. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the Board for Mr. Johnston and Mrs. Watkins as members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, to serve until the next annual meeting in March, 1964, or until their successors shall have been elected. The ballot was so cast and Mr. Johnston and Mrs. Watkins were declared elected as members of the Executive Committee. Treasurer of the Board Mr. Swain nominated Mr. Robert R. Manchester, a Vice-President of the First National Bank of Chicago, as Treasurer of the Board; Mr. Hughes seconded the nomination. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the Board for the election of Mr. Manchester as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees for a two-year term, to serve until the second Tuesday in March, 1965 (March 9, 1965), or until his successor shall have been elected and qualified, in accordance with the statutory provision of a biennial term for Treasurer. The ballot was so cast and Mr. Manchester was declared elected as Treasurer. TRIBUTE TO MR. C. W. WELDON On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board recorded its appreciation of the services of Mr. C. W. Weldon as Treasurer during the past twelve years and the Secretary was instructed to send him an appropriate message on behalf of the Board. TREASURER'S BOND On motion of Mr. Swain, the amount of the Treasurer's Bond was fixed at $6,000,000. On motion of Mr. Swain, seconded by Mr. Hughes, the Finance Committee was instructed to see that the Treasurer presents a satisfactory bond in the amount specified above and to report the same to the Board. AUTHORITY TO RECEIVE MONEYS Mr. Johnston offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, that the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois be, and he hereby is, authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys, and to endorse all orders, drafts, and checks due and payable to the Board of Trustees or to the University of Illinois, and especially all drafts drawn by the Treasurer of the United States payable to the Board of Trustees or the University of Illinois. This resolution was adopted. DELEGATION OF SIGNATURES Mrs. Watkins offered the following resolution: Resolved, that the President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois are authorized to delegate the signing of their names as President and Secretary, respectively, to vouchers to be presented to the Auditor 422 board of trustees [March 20 of Public Accounts, and to warrants drawn on the Treasurer of the University, under the following conditions. The President of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to L. M. Dahlenburg and to W. D. Green in Urbana, and to J. E. Osborn, to W. E. Cowan, and to H. O. Albers in Chicago, and to Edward F. Lis and to Helen Culbertson iii Springfield, authority to sign his name as President of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the Auditor of Public Accounts; and to C. C. DeLong, to R. W. Zimmer, and to R. F. Wood in Urbana, and to J. E. Osborn, to W. E. Cowart, and to H. O. Albers in Chicago, authority to sign his name to warrants on the University Treasurer covering vouchers approved in accordance with regulations approved by the Board. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to Maude Archdeacon, to George H. Bargh, to Earl W. Porter, and to Everett G. Smith in Urbana, and to G. R. Moon, to Velma M. Davis, to Helen Wyle, to Margaret Mayer, and to Ann Feryanchik in Chicago, authority to sign his name as Secretary of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the Auditor of Public Accounts and to warrants on the University Treasurer, covering vouchers approved in accordance with regulations of the Board. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to Addalein C. Hawk and to Lean C. Ryan in Springfield, authority to sign his name as Secretary of the Board of Trustees on vouchers against the Auditor of Public Accounts approved in accordance with the regulations of the Board. These authorizations are to continue in effect until the Auditor of Public Accounts has been supplied with specimen signatures of succeeding officers of this Board. And be it further Resolved, that the First National Bank of Chicago as a designated depositary of R. R. Manchester, Treasurer of this corporation, be and it (including its correspondent banks) is hereby requested, authorized, and directed to honor checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money drawn in this corporation's name, including those drawn to the individual order of any person or persons whose name or names appear thereon as signer or signers thereof, when bearing or purporting to bear the facsimile signatures of the two following: Howard W. Clement, President, and A. J. Janata, Secretary; and the First National Bank of Chicago (including its correspondent banks) shall be entitled to honor and to charge this cooperation for all such checks, drafts, or other orders, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature or signatures thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such facsimile signature or signatures resemble the facsimile specimens duly certified to or filed with the First National Bank of Chicago by the Secretary or other officer of this corporation. And be it further Resolved, that the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to honor vouchers bearing facsimile signatures of the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois if such fascimile signatures resemble the facsimile specimens duly certified to or filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts by the Secretary. This resolution was adopted. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section S of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 423 State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Robert Henry Asbusy St. Louis, Missouri Missouri Cletus Frank Chizek South Bend, Indiana Indiana Nathan Howard Rodbaet New York, New York New York I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. HEADSHIP OF DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY (2) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Professor Clyde W. Kearns as Professor of Entomology on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Entomology beginning September 1, 1963, to replace Professor Leigh E. Chadwick (currently on sabbatical leave of absence) who has asked to be relieved of his administrative responsibilities to devote full time to teaching and research. The salary of the position will be determined when the budget for 1963-64 is submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. This recommendation is submitted after consultation with all members of the Department of Entomology and is supported by the Executive Committee of the School of Life Sciences, the Dean of the Graduate College, and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this appointment was approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Febron L. Andersen, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Parasitology, in the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, and Associate Staff in the Center for Zoonoses Research, beginning July 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,400 (BY). 2. Richard Koppe, Associate Professor of Art, in the College of Architecture and Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,800 (A). 3. William J. Moressi, Assistant Professor of Physiology, in the College of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,600 (DY). 4. William A. Peterson, Assistant Professor of Accountancy, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,300 (B). 5. Thoralf A. Skolem, Visiting Professor of Mathematics, for one and one-half months from April IS, 1963, at a salary of $3,000 (G). 6. Rolland E. Stevens, Professor of Library Science, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,700 (A). 7. Andrew Thomson, Assistant Professor of Medicine, beginning January 1, 1963, without salary (DY). 8. Moyle S. Williams, Assistant Director of Cooperative Extension Service with rank of Professor, in Agricultural Administration and Cooperative Extension Service, beginning April 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $14,500 (DY). On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were confirmed. APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (4) Submitted herewith are nominations for appointments to the Board of Directors of the University of Illinois Athletic Association, to become effective as of today and to continue until the next annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in 1964, or until the successors of these Directors have been appointed. Faculty Harold W. Hannah, Professor of Agricultural Law, Department of Agricultural Economics, and Professor of Veterinary Medical Law (reappointment; has served since 1960) 424 boakd of trustees [March 20 Paul M. Van Arsdell, Professor of Finance and Head of the Department (reappointment; has served since 1961) George W. White, Professor of Geology and Head of the Department (reappointment; has served since 1962) Leslie A. Bryan, Professor of Management and Director of the Institute of Aviation (reappointment; Director Bryan is also the University of Illinois Faculty Representative in the Western Intercollegiate Conference and his appointment as a faculty representative on the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association is an ex officio assignment) Alumni Stanley L. Bodman, Class of 1931, 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago (reappointment; has served since March, I960) George R. Catlett, Class of 1939, partner in the firm of Arthur Andersen and Company, Certified Public Accountants, 120 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3 (reappointment; has served since March, 1961) Charles C. Dadant, Class of 1941, member of the firm of Dadant and Sons, Inc., Hamilton On motion of Mr. Pogue, these appointments were approved. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE, 1963-64 (5) I recommend that the following members of the staff be given sabbatical leaves of absence during the academic year 1963-64 in accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes and on the terms and for the periods indicated. In accordance with the established procedure, the programs of research, study and travel for which leaves are requested have been examined by the University Research Board, which advises the President in such matters, and by the Executive Vice-President and Provost, who concurs. College of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Economics Leslie Fersis Stice, Professor of Grain Marketing, full year beginning July 1, 1963, one-half pay; or six months beginning February 1, 1964, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Vincent Irving West, Professor of Agricultural Economics, full year beginning September 1, 1963, one-half pay; or six months beginning February 1, 1964, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of Agricultural Engineering Edwin LeRoy Hansen, Professor of Agricultural Engineering, six months beginning July 16, 1963, full pay. Department of Agronomy Walter Caspar Jacob, Professor of Biometry and Data Processing, six months beginning September 1, 1963, full pay. Sigurd Walter Melsted, Professor of Soil Chemistry, six months beginning March 1, 1964, full pay (six months beginning September 1, 1963, without pay); leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of Animal Science Sorab Pirozshah Mistry, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, full year beginning September 1, 1963, one-half pay. Department of Dairy Science Glenn Wade Salisbury, Professor of Dairy Science and Head of the Department, six months beginning September 1, 1963, full pay. Dixon Springs Experiment Station Hubert Arthur Cate, Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension, six months beginning June 1, 1963, full pay. Agricultural Publications (Agricultural Administration) Richard Gordon Moores, Assistant Editor with rank of Assistant Professor, six months beginning September 1, 1963, full pay. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 425 College of Commerce and Business Administration Department of Accountancy Edwin Joe DeMaris, Associate Professor of Accountancy, second semester, full pay. Bureau of Economic and Business Research Joseph Dexter Phillips, Research Professor, six months beginning February IS, 1964, full pay. Department of Economics John Fred Bell, Professor of Economics and Chairman of the Department, second semester, full pay. Donald Lorenzo Kemmerer, Professor of Economics, second semester 1963-64, and first semester 1964-65, one-half pay; or second semester 1963-64, full pay. Walter Wolcott McMahon, Associate Professor of Economics, academic year, one-half pay. Paul J. Wells, Associate Professor of Economics, academic year, one-half pay. Department of Marketing Richard Donald Millican, Associate Professor of Marketing, first semester, full pay. College of Education M, Dale Baughman, Associate Professor of Education, University Council on Teacher Education, six months beginning August 1, 1963, full pay. Harry Samuel Broudy, Professor of Education, second semester, full pay. David Munro Jackson, Professor of Education and Principal of University High School, for the period September 15, 1963, to June 15, 1964, one-half pay. Philip J. Runkel, Associate Professor of Education and Associate Director of the Office of Educational Testing, six months beginning August 14, 1963, full pay-College of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Don Franklin Holshouser, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, six months beginning February 10, 1964, full pay; alternate period, six months from August 10, 1964. Heinz Von Foerster, Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Biophysics, second semester, full pay. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Eugene Ivan Radzimovsky, Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, second semester, full pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering Walter Herbert Bruckner, Research Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, second semester, full pay. Department of Physics James Sircom Allen, Professor of Physics, second semester, one-half pay. Daniel Alpert, Professor of Physics and Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory, six months beginning February 15, 1964, full pay. Giovanni De Pasquali, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, six months beginning February 1, 1964, full pay. John David Jackson, Professor of Physics, academic year, one-half pay. David Geoffrey Ravenhall, Associate Professor of Physics, academic year, one-half pay. Ralph O. Simmons, Associate Professor of Physics, second semester, full pay. Henry Williams Wyld, Jr., Associate Professor of Physics, academic year, one-half pay. Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Marvin Stippes, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, second semester, full pay. 426 board of trustees [March 20 College of Fine and Applied Arts Department of Architecture Gabriel Guevrekian, Professor of Architecture, first semester, full pay. Ralph Marlowe Line, Associate Professor of Architecture, second semester, full pay. A. Richard Williams, Professor of Architecture, second semester, full pay. Department of Art Lee Roy Chesney, Jr., Professor of Art, academic year, one-half pay. John William Kennedy, Professor of Art, first semester, full pay. John Wallace Raushenberger, Associate Professor of Art, first semester, full pay. James R. Shipley, Professor of Art and Head of the Department, first semester, full pay. Mark Anderson Sprague, Associate Professor of Art, second semester, full pay. Bureau of Community Planning Victor A. Hyde, Professor of Community Planning, six months beginning September 1, 1963, full pay. School of Music Harold Augustus Decker, Professor of Music, second semester, full pay. Kenneth Louis Gaburo, Assistant Professor of Music, academic year, one-half pay. George Howard Hunter, Associate Professor of Music, academic year, one-half pay-Dean Wallace Sanders, Associate Professor of Music, academic year, one-half pay. Graduate College Digital Computer Laboratory Lloyd Dudley Fosdick, Research Associate Professor of Physics, academic year, one-half pay, or first semester, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Donald Bruce Gillies, Research Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, first semester, full pay; second semester, without pay. College of Journalism and Communications George Gerbner, Associate Professor of Journalism and Research Associate Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, six months, beginning February 1, 1964, full pay. Charles Egerton Osgood, Professor of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Research Professor and Director of the Institute of Communications Research, full year beginning September 1, 1963, one-half pay. Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Phillips L. Garman, Professor in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations and in the Division of University Extension, six months beginning September 1, 1963, full pay. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Anthropology Oscar Lewis, Professor of Anthropology, academic year, one-half pay. Department of Botany Lawrence Carkoll Bliss, Associate Professor of Botany, academic year, one-half pay. Department of Classics John Lewis Heller, Professor of Classics and Head of the Department, second semester, full pay. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 427 Division of General Studies Lawrence John McCaffrey, Associate Professor of History, first semester, one-half pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of English Sanford Golding, Assistant Professor of English, first semester, full pay. Marvin Theodore Herrick, Professor of English, second semester, full pay. Francis Edward Hodgins, Jr., Assistant Professor of English, first semester, full pay. William Howe Rueckert, Assistant Professor of English, first semester, full pay. Arthur Lincoln Scott, Associate Professor of English, academic year, one-half pay. Department of French Stanley Everts Gray, Assistant Professor of French, second semester, full pay. Department of Geography Alfred Whaley Booth, Professor of Geography, first semester, full pay. Fred William Foster, Professor of Geography, academic year, one-half pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of Geology Albert Victor Carozzi, Professor of Geology, second semester, full pay. Carleton Abramson Chapman, Professor of Geology, first semester, full pay. Department of Mathematics Mahlon Marsh Day, Professor of Mathematics and Head of the Department, second semester, full pay. Pierce Waddell Ketchum, Professor of Mathematics, first semester, full pay. Robert Arthur Wijsman, Associate Professor of Mathematics, second semester, full pay. Department of Philosophy D. W. Gotshalk, Professor of Philosophy, academic year, one-half pay. Leonard Linsky, Associate Professor of Philosophy, second semester, full pay. Department of Physiology and Biophysics C. Ladd Prosser, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics and Head of the Department, academic year, one-half pay, or second semester, one-half pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of Political Science Francis Graham Wilson, Professor of Political Science, second semester, one-half pay. Department of Psychology Jack Ashton Adams, Professor of Psychology, academic year, one-half pay. Harold Wesley Hake, Professor of Psychology, second semester, full pay. Lawrence I. O'Kelly, Professor of Psychology, academic year, one-half pay. Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese Joseph Heatly Dulles Allen, Jr., Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, second semester, full pay, or second semester 1963-64 and first semester 1964-65, one-half pay; the latter contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Joseph S. Flores, Associate Professor of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, second semester, full pay. William Hutchinson Shoemaker, Professor of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese and Head of the Department, first semester, full pay. Department of Speech and Theatre Joseph W. Scott, Professor of Speech, Supervisor of Dramatic Productions, and Director of University Theatre, six months beginning March 1, 1964, full pay. Karl Richards Wallace, Professor of Speech and Theatre and Head of the Department, academic year, one-half pay, or second semester, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. 428 board of trustees [March 20 Department of Zoology Robert Smith Bader, Associate Professor of Zoology, first semester, full pay. College of Physical Education Aurelio Eugene Floeio, Professor of Safety Education, in the Department of Health and Safety Education, second semester, full pay. Howard Eugene Weaver, Associate Professor of Recreation and Municipal Park Administration, first semester, full pay. Olive G. Young, Associate Professor of Physical Education for Women, academic year, one-half pay. Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work David E. Tanenbaum, Professor of Social Work, full year beginning September 1, 1963, one-half pay. Office of the Executive Vice-President and Provost Morton Wagman, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Clinical Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, second semester, full pay. University Press Donald D. Jackson, Editor with rank of Professor, six months beginning March 1, 1964, full pay. Chicago Undergraduate Division Louis Chandler, Associate Professor of Physics, academic year, one-half pay. Margaret Chandler, Associate Professor of Sociology, academic year, one-half pay- Mildred I. Finney, Assistant Professor of Geography in the Social Sciences, second semester, full pay. Clarence Henry Gillett, Professor of Management, first semester, full pay. Allen H. Howard, Associate Professor of Psychology in the Social Sciences, academic year, one-half pay. Sarah Madonna Kabbes, Associate Professor of Accountancy, second semester, full pay. Peter P. Klassen, Professor of Sociology, second semester, full pay. Marie E. Lein, Associate Professor of French in the Humanities, second semester, full pay. Sonia Miller, Assistant Professor of English, second semester, full pay. Kenneth H. Murphy, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, second semester, full pay. Samuel A. Weiss, Associate Professor of English, academic year, one-half pay. Frederick P. Wiesinger, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, academic year, one-half pay. Chicago Medical Center Ira M. Rosenthal, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, six months beginning September IS, 1963, full pay. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these leaves were granted as recommended. GRADUATE PROGRAM IN NURSING (6) The Medical Center Senate and the Graduate College recommend authorization of a graduate program leading to the degree of Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) to be inaugurated at the beginning of the academic year 1963-64. The program will cover five quarters of study and will offer advanced preparation for supervisors and teachers in medical-surgical nursing, pediatrics nursing, and psychiatric nursing. Required courses will include advanced clinical nursing, related social and natural sciences, instruction in management of nursing services, and research. Students will be encouraged to elect courses in other areas of individual need or interest. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 429 Admission Requirements Completion of a program in nursing substantially equivalent to the baccalaureate degree program of the College of Nursing, University of Illinois. Minimum scholastic average of 3.S1 in undergraduate work. A license to practice as a professional nurse in at least one state or other political jurisdiction. Passing, with satisfactory grades, examinations specified by the Graduate College and the College of Nursing. Potential for professional practice in the elected field of specialization. Graduation Requirements Completion of the approved curriculum. Satisfactory completion of thesis on subject approved by professor in charge of major work and oral examination upon the thesis. Satisfaction of the requirements of the Graduate College for units and grades, or minimum grade-point average as required by the Graduate College. Study in residence for the equivalent of at least three quarters. Completion of all requirements for the degree within five calendar years after first registration in Graduate College. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. Submitted herewith is a supporting statement from the College of Nursing on the need for this program, the resources of the University of Illinois for offering the same, and the details of the proposed curriculum, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. GRADUATE PROGRAM IN HOME ECONOMICS (7) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved a new graduate program option in family and consumption economics leading to the degree of Master of Science in Home Economics. Submitted herewith are supporting memoranda giving the details of this option, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The Senate Coordinating Council indicates that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. CHANGE IN GRADING SYSTEM (8) At its meeting on December 19, 1962, the Board of Trustees approved a recommendation from the University Senates for a change in the grading system whereby the grade of "DR." (the equivalent of a grade of "E," indicating failure), formerly recorded when a student has been dropped from a course for dishonesty in an examination or other required work, shall be discontinued and a grade of "$pD" will be recorded. Following approval of this recommendation, the question was asked if the fact that a grade of "E" is being reported for academic irregularity would be entered in the student's record, and the Board was informed that a report in answer to the question would be made at a subsequent meeting. I now report that the change in practice recommended by the Senates does not include the recording of information as to the reason for which the grade of "E" is imposed as a consequence of academic irregularity. No such notation or explanation has been recorded in the case of the grade "DR." This report was received for record. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CENTENNIAL (9) The University of Illinois was established by an Act of the General Assembly of Illinois which was approved by Governor Richard J. Oglesby on February 28, 1 An average of 3.5 is the numerical equivalent of an average half way between B and C in the University's grading system of A, B, C, D, and E, with A the highest grade and E indicating failure. 430 board of trustees [March 20 1867. The first meeting of the first Board of Trustees was held in Springfield on March 12, 1867. The University opened on March 2, 1868. The name of the Illinois Industrial University was changed to "The University of Illinois" in 1885. In order that the University may undertake the formulation of plans for the observance of the Centennial of its founding, I recommend that the Board of Trustees at this time officially designate the period February 28, 1967, to March 2, 1968, as the Centennial Year and that the President be authorized to make appropriate and suitable plans for its observance. I further recommend that the class which will enroll in the fall of 1963 be designated as the "Centennial Class of the University of Illinois." On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE CERTAIN CONTRACTS (10) The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure provide that contracts involving payments by the University in one fiscal year in excess of $2,500 shall be specifically authorized by the Board of Trustees, except that when an emergency exists the President is authorized to act, but must report his action to the Board of Trustees. In the operation of the Assembly Hall, it will be necessary to enter into contracts for concerts, entertainments, and productions to be offered in the Assembly Hall. Expenditures under such contracts will be from funds received through sale of tickets or from other income of the Assembly Hall. There will be no commitment of the general University funds involved. In most cases, the fee will be the standard fee charged for the production. Problems of scheduling and negotiation for such events and timing make it difficult to secure advance approval of the Board of Trustees on such contracts. It is therefore recommended that the Vice-President and Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees be authorized to execute such contracts when approved by the President of the University. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, authority was given as requested. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ASSEMBLY HALL FURNITURE (11) The Board of Directors of the Athletic Association has approved an assignment of $5,790 for the purchase of equipment for the Athletic Association offices to be located in the Assembly Hall. Confirmation of this appropriation is requested. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this assignment of funds was confirmed. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (12) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign 1. College of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, equipment to match a $25,000 grant from the National Science Foundation...........................$ 35 100 Departments of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, to match a $25,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for construction of a low-density, high-enthalpy, hypervelocity wind tunnel......................... 35 000 2. College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, building for additional animal holding facilities................................... 2 850 3. Physical Plant Building for physiological and nutritional research of sheep for the Department of Animal Science.................................. 23 265 Buildings and equipment for a milking parlor and a milk-handling room for the Department of Dairy Science....................... 22 500 Total..........................................................$118 715 I concur. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 431 On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT AND APPROPRIATION FOR REROOFING ICE SKATING RINK (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $44,894 to Petry Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Champaign, for replacing the present wood sheathing and roofing with new metal deck, insulation, and roof surfacing and incidental roof work at the Ice Skating Rink. An assignment of $49,750 from the General Reserve is requested for this improvement. This figure includes, in addition to the contract price, architectural and engineering services, superintendence, insurance, and other administrative costs. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded; and on motion of Mr. Williamson, the requested assignment of funds was approved. These actions were taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR WIDENING AND REALIGNING OF BURRILL AVENUE BRIDGE (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $58,921.32 to Whetzel Construction Company, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for the reconstruction, including widening and realignment, of the Burrill Avenue Bridge over the Boneyard. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A proposed budget indicating the sources of funds is submitted herewith and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR EXTENSION OF UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for an extension of the utilities distribution system to provide for diversion of steam conduit and electrical manholes and duct runs to service the Materials Research Laboratory, and steam conduits to service the new buildings for the Colleges of Commerce and Business Administration and Education, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder. Construction of duct runs and manholes for diversion of utilities for Materials Research Laboratory (Division "QQ")---Cross Construction, Inc., Urbana ......................................................$48 302 Steam conduit for Commerce and Education Buildings (Division "KK") --- William Adams Engineers, Inc., Chicago............................. 35 390 Steam conduit diversion for Materials Research Laboratory (Division "RR") --- The J. A. Julian Company, Chicago........................ 56 995 Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. 432 board of trustees [March 20 On motion of Mr. Hughes, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR RESETTING OF STONEWORK ON ILLINOIS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE BUILDING (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $10,700 to Oman and Giden, Inc., Northfield, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for resetting of stonework along the ambulance drive on the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute building. The work will include removing and resetting an extensive area of Indiana limestone used as facing along the ambulance drive which has been loosened by the weather, creating a hazardous condition. Funds are available in the Physical Plant maintenance budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING VARIOUS AREAS IN ILLINOIS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE (17) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for miscellaneous remodeling in the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder. General --- Ashland Construction Company, Chicago......................$47 005 Base bid...................................................$30 9S6 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor................................ I 000 Remodeling Rooms 281 and 282.......................... 501 Remodeling Rooms 467 and 468.......................... 3 344 Electrical revisions on fourth floor....................... 857 Remodeling Rooms 460, 460A, and 460B.................. 3 378 Remodeling second floor of Neurology area.............. 6 969 Plumbing --- Ashland Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago.......... 9 776 Base bid...................................................$ 5 510 Additive alternates Rooms 460, 460A, and 460B.............................. 3 850 Second floor Neurology area............................ 416 Electrical --- Midwest Interstate Electrical Construction Company, Chicago............................................................... 21 163 Base bid...................................................$14 711 Additive alternates Rooms 281 and 282...................................... 118 Rooms 467 and 468..................................... 1 180 Electrical revisions, fourth floor......................... 1 378 Rooms 460, 460A, and 460B.............................. 587 Second floor Neurology area............................ 3 189 Total Contracts ...................................................$77 944 The work will include general remodeling in the patient care areas on the second, third, fourth, and fifth floors, including improvements in lighting, relocation of nurses' stations, and rehabilitation of toilet and bath facilities to improve patient care. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $77,944; and that an agreement be entered into with Ashland Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,000 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 433 for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR POWER SUPPLIES FOR MEDICAL CENTER CAMPUS (18) The Director of the Physical Plant and the yice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $6,288 in a contract with C & H Electric Company, Chicago, awarded by the Board on October 17, 1962, for new power supplies for buildings on the Medical Center campus. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (19) The firm of Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White, Inc., was employed for complete architectural services for the Electrical Engineering Building addition. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the work covered by that contract be expanded to include professional services for preparation of construction documents, obtaining bids, and general supervision of the contractors' work to complete the air conditioning system for the original building, at an estimated cost of $5,000. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, extension of this contract was authorized. PURCHASES (20) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department V endor Cost 175 rolls 16 mm. microfilm including Research and Great Lakes Microfilm $ 2 957 50 processing; 3 by 5 acetate microfilm Educational Co., delivered jackets to accommodate 17,500 case Hospitals, Chicago histories; mounting, indexing, label- Chicago ing, and sorting of this material Approximately 6,215 gallons of x-ray Medical Center, Illinois Solution Service, 2 250 00 solutions and maintenance service for Various Chicago delivered manually operated x-ray film proc- Departments essing units for the period beginning July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, $pD2,250.00, and Institutional Funds. $1,760.15, for a total of X4.010.15.) 434 board of trustees [March 20 Item Department Vendor Cost University of Illinois Chicago Under- Publications, Interstate Printers & ; I 8 543 SO graduate Division publications for Chicago Publishers, delivered 1963-64 consisting of: Undergraduate Danville Group A---6,000 student handbooks. Division (Groups A and C) 96 pages Group B---7,000 Profile, 24 pages The Dartnell Press, 687 SO Chicago delivered Group C---20,000 catalogs, approxi- (Group B) (9 231 00) mately 368 pages plus six-page tip insert Rental of caps, gowns, and hoods for Commencement Collegiate Cap & Gown 6 081 25 graduating students and faculty mem- Co- f.o.b. bers for the June IS, 1963, commence- Champaign, for Urbana delivered ment; the estimated number of E. R. Moore Co., 3 192 SO costumes required for the Urbana and Chicago, for Chicago f.o.b. Chicago campuses are: delivered 1,733 bachelors (9 273 75) 337 masters 267 doctors (Ph.D.) 195 doctors (M.D.) 95 doctors (D.D.S.) One oscillator, backward wave sweep- Electrical Alfred Electronics, 2 910 00 ing, 8.2 to 12.4 kmc, power output 10 Engineering Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. mw delivered One piano, grand, 7 ft. long, ebony fin- Music Emerson Piano House, 3 295 00 ish, to be delivered to Smith Music Decatur f.o.b. Hall delivered One computer, analog, demonstrator Nuclear Applied Dynamics, Inc., 5 657 85 with new equipment warranty, in- Engineering c/o Chandler Associates, f.o.b. cluding prewired console expandable Detroit, Mich. delivered to 24 amplifier-integrator system, ref- erence system, power supply, 20 ten- turn pots wirebound, two amplifier modules, integrator network, six dual stabUizers, two multipliers, one drive unit, and three reset units One plant growth laboratory, 78 in. long Plant Pathology Sherer-Gillett Co., 3 450 00 by 34 in. deep by 78 in. high, with controlled heating, cooling, and light- Marshall, Mich. f.o.b. delivered ing, to be used for the studies of two biological systems: the host plant and the parasite attaching it One building, lumber rigid frame type. Veterinary Hazen & Franks 2 923 34 20 ft. by 50 ft., complete with con- Medicine Builders Supply, Inc., delivered crete foundation and floor, overhead Tolono and door and service door, to be con- erected structed at Veterinary Research Farm, South Race Street, Urbana Print and bind 25,000 copies Under- University Press Pantagraph Printing & 8 584 00 graduate Courses, 1963-64, approxi- Stationery Co., f.o.b. mately 240 pages per copy, trim size Bloomington delivered 6 in. by 9 in. 40,000 pounds anhydrous ammonia to Dixon Springs Hi-Yield Fertilizer Co., 3 400 00 be furnished and applied on approxi- Experiment Murphysboro f.o.b. mately 500 acres of corn land at the Station delivered Dixon Springs Experiment Station at Robbs and spread Purchases from Institutional Funds One pacemaker for monitoring and con- Agency for Inter- Henley & Co., Inc., $ 2 875 00 trolling heart action in the cardiac national Devel- New York, N.Y. c&f patient opment (Faculty Bangkok, of Medicine, Thailand Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) Ten motorized variable height hospital Clinical Research Hill-Rom Co., Inc., 5 239 00 beds with accessories including safety Center, Batesville, Ind. delivered sides, intravenous rods, and mat- Chicago tresses Forty microscopes, less trade-in of Medical Center, A. S. Aloe Co., 9 135 00 thirty used microscopes Chicago Schiller Park delivered One infrared spectrophotometer with Physical Sciences, Wilkens Anderson, 5 122 00 three cells Chicago Under- Chicago delivered graduate and Division installed (Note: This purchase will be made from both Institutional Funds, ?5,122.00, and Appropriated Funds, S18.00, for a total of $pD5,140.00.) 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 435 Item Department Vendor Cost One computer, analog, basic unit in- Agricultural Electronic Associates, $ 7 882 81 cluding pre-wired console, ten opera- Engineering Inc., f.o.b. tional amplifiers, four integrators, ten Long Branch, NJ. destination potentiometers, power supply, ref- erence system, readout patching mod- ule, patch panel and kit, and service shelf One high-speed repetitive operation group One function switch group One coefficient setting potentiometer group One automatic counting system for Botany Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 3 726 73 counting solid beta by scintillation Dea Plaines f.o.b. detection, consisting of a sample delivered changer, print-out timer, gas low detector, Q-gaa cylinder, lead shield- ing, and binary sealer Seven instrumentation laboratories used Chemistry and Heath Co., 4 477 50 to teach courses for scientists in elec- Chemical Benton Harbor, Mich. f.o.b. tronics and instrumentation and research Engineering Benton Harbor, (Note: This purchase will be made f: rom both Institutional Funds. 34,477.50. and Mich. Appropriated Funds, $1,791.00, for a total of 36,268.50.) One multiple sample absorbance re- Chemistry and Gilford Instrument 4 465 00 corder for use in research work di- Chemical Laboratories, Inc., f.o.b. rected toward a study of microbial Engineering Oberlin, Ohio Oberlin, metabolism both at the whole cell and Ohio enzyme levels One spray etcher including extra work Digital Computer General Plate Makers 3 539 25 holding rack and titanium cooling Laboratory Supply Co., f.o.b. coil with controls installed. This Chicago State equipment is for producing printed College, electronic circuit boards Pa. Four power supplies, D.C., regulated: Digital Computer Kepco, Inc., c/o Lang, 4 200 00 output: 0-12 volts, 0-100 amps; 1 Laboratory Claeson & Associates, f.o.b. per cent regulation; 24 amps A.C. in- Chicago Flushing, put; 50-60 cps; size 8M in. high, 19 N.Y. in. wide, 20 in. deep behind front panel 500 cartons (3,000 sets per carton) Digital Computer Wallace Press, Inc., 4 830 00 forms, single part 14 % in. by 11 in. Laboratory Champaign f.o.b. including marginal guide strip, to be delivered shipped in lots of 20 to 80 cartons per shipment, as needed, between March and August, 1963 One magnetic core 4,096 word memory Digital Computer Indiana General Corp., 108 000 00 system, with physical and electrical Laboratory Electronics Division, f.o.b. provisions for expansion to 8,192 Kleasbey, N J. delivered word system; and option to purchase accessories within one year to expand the original equipment to a 8,192 word system (option to purchase acces- sories, 348,500.00 f.o.b. delivered) One power supply, D.C., 20 kv output, Electrical Westinghouse Electric 11 950 00 13 amp, 4160v input, 3 phase, 60 cycle Engineering Corp., f.o.b. Peoria delivered One milling machine, horizontal, tool Electrical Hardinge Brothers, Inc., 3 J35 00 room type with floor space approxi- Engineering Chicago f.o.b. mately 48 by 56, less trade-in of delivered horizontal milling machine equipment One spare parts kit Electrical Packard Bell Computer 6 854 25 One module tester for Packard Bell Engineering Corp., c/o Pivan f.o.b. PB250 Digital Computer Engineering Co., Chicago delivered Two oscillators, quartz, precision, five Electrical Hewlett-Packard Co., 5 700 00 parts in 1010 per day stability Engineering c/o Crossley f.o.b. Two power supplies, standby, for above Associates, Inc., Palo Alto, Chicago Calif. Six crystals, 5 in. diameter + 0.001 in. Electrical Valpey Crystal Corp., 6 020 00 X-cut quartz, free of optical and Engineering Holliston, Mass. f.o.b. electrical defects-to resonate in free delivered fundamental thickness mode at 1.000 MC/sec, fine-ground, crystals in- tended for use in harmonics, two only to be plated with chromium and gold coating to }/% in. of edge 436 boaed of trustees [March 20 Item Department Vendor Coif One particle size analyzer and acces- Geology W. H, Kessel & Co., $ 3 445 00 sories, consisting of the main instru- Chicago f.o.b. ment, set of 48 individual counters, delivered soft plastic cover, foot switch and and step-up transformer installed Print and bind eight issues, 1,000 copies Illinois Journal Waverly Press, Inc., 27 880 16 per issue, Illinois Journal of Mathe- of Mathematics Baltimore, Md. f.o.b. matics, approximately 160 pages per delivered copy, trim size 6$$pD in. by 10 in. One interference microscope with built- Mining, Metal- W. H. Kessel & Co., 7 163 00 in illuminator, attachable mechanical lurgy, and Chicago f.o.b. stage and accessories Petroleum delivered Engineering and installed 456 printed circuit (electrical) boards Physics Keil Engineering 3 399 90 Products, Inc., f.o.b. St. Louis, Mo. delivered Sheet-metal housings for electronic Physics Craftsman Sheet Metal, 7 930 00 counting system, consisting of 100 Inc., f.o.b. manifolds and 500 modules Franklin Park delivered 100 manifolds and 500 modules to be purchased at once, with option to purchase up to identical quantities at the same unit prices within eighteen months of first delivery One used spectrophotometer with power Physics The Perkin-Elmer Corp., 4 860 00 supply, recorder, sodium chloride and La Grange f.o.b. calcium fluoride prisms, and a vac- delivered uum thermocouple detector with po- tassium bromide window; six months new guarantee; to be used in physics research on shallow trapping levels in silver and alkali halites One Coulter Counter B with vacuum Veterinary Scientific Products 6 825 00 pump, automatic size distribution Medicine Division, American f.o.b. plotter, one gross plastic vials, and Hospital Supply Corp., delivered one bottle of saponin for 30,000 deter- Evanston minations, to be used in cancer re- search on cattle and pigs Print and bind 5,000 copies of Mass Com- University Press Edwards Brothers, Inc., 7 396 00 munications, by Wilbur Schramm, Ann Arbor, Mich. approximately 708 pages per copy. trim size 6 in. by 9 in. One lot laboratory equipment including Agency for Fisher Scientific Co., 2 844 52 one electrophoresis apparatus, one International New York, N.Y. f.a.s. densitometer, one integrator, and one Development Bombay, microscope with accessories (India) India Thirty-seven drapery units complete Assembly Hall Art Drapery Studios, 2 700 70 with hardware and installed Inc., f.o.b. Chicago delivered and installed 288 (approximately) window air-condi- Physical Plant Yeomans Distributing 44 261 90 tioning units of various cooling ca- Co., f.o.b. pacities to be furnished as required Peoria delivered during period April lt 1963, to No- vember 1, 1963 One truck, fork lift, electric-powered. Physical Plant Allied Equipment Co., 2 962 69 walking type, 2,000 pound capacity, Peoria f.o.b. complete with batteries and charger delivered One truck, 1963 model, 9,800 pounds, Physical Plant University Ford Sales, gvw, with van body; less trade-in of Champaign 1959 model truck with grain body 9,800 pound truck 1 690 00 One truck, 1963 model, 19.S0O pounds, Gregory Ford Co., gvw, with grain and stake body; less Decatur trade-in of 1959 model truck with flat 19,500 pound truck 2 578 89 bed and hoist International Harvester Cc One truck, 1963 model, 7,000 pounds, Springfield gvw, with utility body; less trade-in 7,000 pound truck 1 898 00 of 1958 model station wagon, four- (6 166 89) door f.o.b. delivered 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 437 Item Department Vendor Cost Eighteen 1963 four-door sedans, less Physical Plant Courtesy Motor Sales, Inc.. trade-in of eighteen 1961 four-door Acquatic Biology Chicago (Ford) sedans Section, State Eighteen four-door One 1963 four-door sedan police car, Natural History sedans; one police car; less trade-in of 1962 model police car Survey thirteen compacts $ 23 374 94 Thirteen 1963 four-door sedan com- State Natural University Ford Sales, pacts, less trade-in of thirteen 1961 History Survey Champaign compacts Agricultural Five station wagons 7 405 99 Three 1963 four-door station wagons, Engineering Sullivan Chevrolet Co., less trade-in of one 1961 and two 1960 Champaign four-door station wagons Four trucks 6 461 99 Two 1963 four-door station wagons Carl Chevrolet Co., Two 1963 trucks, less trade-in of 1958 Springfield and 1951 trucks One truck 2 100 00 Three 1963 carryall trucks, less trade-in (39 342 92) of one 1951 pick-up truck and one 1957 carryall (Note: This purchase will be made from both Institutional Funds, $37,484.96, and Appropriated Funds, $pD1,857.96, for a total of J39.342.92.) Summary of Purchases Recommended From Appropriated Funds............................ $ 57 599 40 From Institutional Funds........................ 364 232 41 Grand Total........................... 5U?1 Ml R1 On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (21) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period February 1 to 28, 1963. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Palatine Park District Long-range plan for public parks $ 750 00 December 11, 1962 and recreation in the district United States Army Investigation of water droplet coa- 48 000 00 November 1, 1962 DA-AMC-36-039-63-G2 lescence United States Army Influence of residual stresses and 29 000 00 February 4, 1963 DA-31-124-ARO (D)-66 heterogeneous yielding on brittle fracture United States Army Development of radio tracking tech- 7 727 00 January 17, 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2389 niques and equipment for use on rats in Malaya United States Army Use of five videotapes for instruc- 2 928 58 January 10, 1963 0.1. 63-B4915 turn of students at Military Acad- emy at West Point United States Atomic Evaluate the research reactor pro- 3 800 00 January 15, 1963 Energy Commission gram of the National Nuclear AT (11-0-1260 Energy Commission United States Depart- Differences in muscular develop- 20 968 00 December 18, 1962 ment of Agriculture ment and carcass value of beef 12-14-100-6856(44) cattle United States Depart- English programs in selected high 119 537 00 February 1, 1963 ment of Health, Educa- schools which do and do not edu- tion, and Welfare cate outstanding students in Eng- OE-3-10-075 lish United States Navy Low-cycle, high-stress fatigue be- 30 000 00 January 1, 1963 NObs-88283 havior of materials and structural components of steels typical of ship applications United States Navy Acquisition of a high-speed elec- 94 000 00 December 19, 1962 Nonr(G)-O0O21-63 tronic digital computer Total $356 710 58 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date John Heffernan Render services in the role of Piper $ 1 671 00 January 18, 1963 Holraan in the play "The Man with the Oboe" 438 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 20 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date John Deere Co. Rental of farm machinery: one lift plow f> 27 42 October 18, 1962 (annual rental) International Business Two items: two key punches 1 056 00 February, 1963 Machines Corp. (annual rental) George Maxwell One dairy barn, one hog barn, two 750 00 February 1, 1963 loafing sheds, and one paved lot (150 00 to be used in research study en- per titled "The Leukemia-Lympho- month) sarcoma Syndrome of Cattle and Swine"; February 1 through June 30, 1963 Total $ 1 833 42 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale Battle Creek Equipment Changes induced in various physical $ 1 200 00 February 1, 1963 Co. fitness measures by dynamic ex- ercisers for conditioning purposes Reinforced Concrete Multiple panel reinforced concrete 8 000 00 September 1, 1962 Research Council floor slabs State of Illinois, Relationship of neonatal hypo- 33 670 00 October 1, 1962 Department of Mental glycemia to neurological damage Health in prematurely born infants Project 17-130 United States Agency for Assisting Uttar Pradish Govern- 180 000 00 October 16, 1962 International ment in the organization and Development development of a United States AIDc-1258-3 land-grant type of university United States Army Experimental ketosis in man 27 972 00 January 31, 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2222 United States Navy Design and development of selected 30 000 00 January 14, 1963 Nonr-1834 (IS) computer components Total S280 842 00 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Twenty-nine items: $pD259.22 deduct $ 2 458 74 January and (Plastering) to S645.O0 February, 1963 Summary Amount to be paid to the University..............................................?637 552 58 Amount to be paid by the University............................................. 5 963 16 This report was received for record. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ASSEMBLY HALL NAME (22) Following discussions in newspapers of proposals for a change in the name of the University of Illinois Assembly Hall, the Student Senate on the Urbana-Champaign campus sponsored a poll of student preferences as to several new names suggested. The report of this poll has been submitted to the President of the University and copies have been sent to the members of the Board of Trustees by the Secretary. The report made no recommendation except to point out that the poll would indicate a preference, of the students who voted, for a prefix to the name "Assembly Hall." (Off campus, the present prefix is, of course, "The University of Illinois.") It will be recalled that the name "Assembly Hall" was given to this multipurpose building by the Board of Trustees when it approved the project several years ago; later, the Committee on Buildings and Grounds formally confirmed the name. Among the points made to the Committee at that time, from a staff report on the subject, were: Since the building is to serve a variety of needs, the name should reflect such multiple use. In discussions by the Board of Trustees concerning naming of University buildings, emphasis has been given to the desirability of functional names instead of names for individuals. 440 board of trustees [March 20 Chacko, Cheruvathur I., Research Assistant in Plant Pathology (S), one month from February 1, 1963, $416.67, supersedes (2-14-63); and six months from March 1, 1963, $5,850 a year, supersedes (2-8-63). Chapdu, Robert E., Instructor in Business English, Summer Session of 1963, W time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $612 for the period (2-14-63). Davis, D. Dwight, Lecturer in Anatomy (Medicine), March 18-August 30, 1963, without salary (2-27-63). de Maine, Paul A. D., Visiting Scientist in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,600 (3-6-63). Dysart, Margaret, Research Associate in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy), five months from April 1, 1963, $6,500 a year, supersedes (2- 20-63). Ericourt, Daniel, Visiting Lecturer in Music, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $3,000 for the period (3-4-63). Faulkner, Wesley W., Research Associate in Motion Picture Services (College of Journalism and Communications), February 8, 1963-April 30, 1964, $6,600 a year (2-20-63). Forbes, Audrey E., Research Associate in Pediatrics (Medicine), 2/s time, eight months from January 1, 1963, $2,500 (3-8-63). Frova, (Mr.) Andrea, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (3-1-63). Garvey, John C, Professor of Music, Summer Session of 1963, V4 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,189 for the period (3-4-63). Gavoret, J. G., Research Associate in Physics (C), September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $7,500 a year (2-26-63). Gendein, Alvan R., Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1962, without salary (2-20-63). Ghosh, Mriganka Mouli, Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (S), February 1-June 15, 1963, $488.88 a month, supersedes (2-8-63). Gieselman, Robert D., Instructor in Business English, Summer Session of 1963, 1/2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $567 for the period (2-14-63). Gliessman, David, Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 for the period (2-14-63). Grabow, Emil F., Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), six months from January 1, 1963, without salary (3-4-63). Greenfield, George B., Clinical Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), 3/10 time, six months from March 1, 1963, $4,320 a year, supersedes (2-14-63). Grubb, Eugene L., Instructor in Physical Chemistry, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $3,000, supersedes (2-27-63). Grush, Hubert L., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (S), one month from March 1, 1963, $5,200 a year, and five months from April 1, 1963, $5,500 a year, supersedes (3-6-63). Guire, Patrick, Research Assistant in Chemistry, three months from February 1, 1963, $488.88 a month (2-11-63). Haig, Robert L., Associate Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,112 for the period (2-14-63). Hanscom, Donald H., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 55/100 time, six months from March 1, 1963, $5,000 a year, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (2- 25-63). Hansen, George M., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, February 11- June 30, 1963, $500 a month (2-11-63). Harlan, James R., Senior Research Engineer, Department of Physics (C), six months from March 1, 1963, $10,100 a year, supersedes nonacademic appointment (2-20-63). Hill, William, Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,200 for the period (2-14-63). Hoelscher, Randolph P., Professor of General Engineering (C), 3/10 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $1,200 (2-22-63). Holmes, Allen H., Assistant in Education (University High School), February 1-June 15, 1963, $666.67 a month, supersedes (2-14-63). Holzer, Hellfried P., Associate Professor of Accountancy, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,223 for the period (2-14-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 441 Huang, Yen-Chien, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), February 15-August 31, 1963, $666.66 a month (2-15-63). Hundleby, John, Research Assistant Professor of Psychology, March 1-August 31, 1963, $7,950 a year, supersedes (2-15-63). Johnson, Mrs. Charlotte K., Instructor in Speech and Theatre, Vi time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $3,300 a year (2-8-63). TorGENSEN, Donald R., Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), nine months from October 1, 1962, without salary (34-63). Keen, Maria, Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,178 for the period (2-14-63). LaWWIll, Theodore, Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), six months from January 1, 1963, without salary (3-4-63). Longabaugh, Thomas B., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), March 18-August 31, 1963, without salary (2-19-63). Lord, William J., Jr., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963, y2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $845 for the period (2-14-63). Matsumoto, (Mr.) Yorimi, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, seven months from February 1, 1963, $4,900 a year (2-12-63). Metzger, Erika, Instructor in German, February 1-June 15, 1963, $2,400 (2-27-63). Michel, Pierre E. J., Visiting Lecturer in English, Summer Session of 1963, y2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $656 for the period (2-14-63). Millet, Stanton, Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,667 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (2-14-63). MiyaSHiro, Jane Y., Research Associate in Education (University High School), i/i time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $3,900 a year, supersedes (2-19-63). Moake, Frank, Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,789 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (2-14-63). Morgan, Robert E., Assistant in Civil Engineering Summer Surveying Camp, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-July 20, 1963, $750 for the period (2-22-63). Muster, H. Steen, Jr., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, February 1-June 15, 1963, $450 a month (2-8-63). Offee, Dwight F., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation, six months from March 1, 1963, $8,000 a year, supersedes (2-20-63). Ore, Fred R., Senior Research Engineer, Department of Electrical Engineering (S), six months from March 1, 1963, $10,500 a year (2-20-63). Ormiston, Emmett E., Associate Professor of Dairy Husbandry (Dairy Science) for service in India at the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U. P., under Contract ICAc-1453 with the International Cooperation Administration, from February 15, 1963, through August 31, 1963, $12,800 a year; and, Associate Professor of Dairy Husbandry (Dairy Science), in the College of Agriculture, on indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, supersedes (2-12-63). Peterson, David E., Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration (College of Commerce and Business Administration), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $4,000, supersedes (2-8-63); and in the Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,778 for the period (2-22-63). Pink, Paul, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), six months from March 1, 1963, $7,500 a year (2-25-63). Pusztaszeri, Stephen F., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, February 18-June 30, 1963, $4,900 a year (2-18-63). Roberts, Leo J., Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), six months from January 1, 1963, without salary (3-4-63). Russell, George A., Associate Professor of Physics, V4 time, indefinite tenure, and Associate Director of the Materials Research Laboratory, y$pD time, March 1-August 31, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $13,500 a year, supersedes (3-6-63). Ryan, Will G., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), six months from March 1, 1963, $8,000 a year (2-14-63). 442 board of trustees [March 20 Sectek, Irving, Assistant Professor of Clinical Dentistry (Dentistry), six months from March 1, 1963, $8,500 a year, supersedes (3-6-63). Shaughnessy, Howard J., Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine on the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/fe-2, from February 24, 1963, through March 25, 1963, $24,613 a year; and Professor of Public Health and Head of the Department, at the Medical Center, Chicago, on indefinite tenure from March 26, 1963 (2-6-63). Shipley, James R., Professor of Art, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $3,845 for the period (2-22-63). Siemens, Johk C, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering (S), seven months from February 1, 1963, $7,400 a year, supersedes (3-8-63). Slatt, Bernard, Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), eleven months from August 1, 1962, without salary (3-4-63). Stern, Mrs. Ruth S., Research Associate in Psychology, 1/3 time, February 16- August 31, 1963, $275 a month (3-1-63). Suson, Elieser B., Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), ten months from September 1, 1962, without salary (3-4-63). Triffo, Ronald P., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (S), February 1- April IS, 1963, $488.89 a month, supersedes (2-13-63). Trott, B. Dale, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), Vz time, one month from February 1, 1963, $300, and 54 time, March 1-June 15, 1963, $450 a month, supersedes (2-14-63). Uzgiris, Mrs. Ina C, Research Associate in Psychology, seven months from February 1, 1963, $6,000 a year (3-4-63). Vaiser, Albert, Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1962, without salary (3-4-63). Vickers, Pamela, Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), 1/2 time, February 19-August 31, 1963, $3,800 a year (2-20-63). Wang, Han-Chung, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), 1/2 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $266.67 a month (3-4-63). Welker, Neil E., Research Associate in Microbiology, seven months from February 1, 1963, $6,800 a year (2-11-63). Wilder, Howard L., Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1963, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (2-14-63). Wilkins, James L., Instructor in Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Yi, time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, February 1-June 30, 1963, $450 a month (2-20-63). Yang, Kwang-Shi, Research Engineer in Astronomy, six months from March 1, 1963, $8,850 a year (2-8-63). Yapp, William W., Professor of Dairy Science (C and S), Vi time, seven months from February 1, 1963, $4,656 a year (3-1-63). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Baker, Robert J., Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1963, $900, supersedes (2-11-63). Brunckhorst, Barbara L,., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, February 1-June 15, 1963, $900 (2-19-63). Busta, Francis F., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Food Technology, one year from February 1, 1963, $2,700 (2-28-63). Butler, Bartlett, Fellow in Music, February 1-June 15, 1963, $800 (2-22-63). Christensen, James, Jr., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, February 1-June 15, 1963, $1,000 (2:5-63). Gilman, Alice, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, seven months from February 1, 1963, $1,750 (2-7-63). Kaney, Anthony R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, seven months from February 1, 1963, $1,750 (2-6-63). Knopp, James A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, February 1-June IS, 1963, $1,000 (2-19-63). Laursen, Richard A., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from February 1, 1963, $2,000; this is in addition to his assistantship in Chemistry on 15/100 time (2-28-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 443 Lawder, Sue A., Grolier-Americana Fellow in Library Science, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (2-8-63). Locke, Robert F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, February 1-June IS, 1963, $2,437.52 (1-29-63). Mandy, William J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, February 1-June 15, 1963, $1,200 (2-8-63). Merkelo, Henry, Eastman Kodak Company Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1963, $1,000 (2-15-63). Mosimann, Ella B., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, February 1-June 15, 1963, $1,000 (2-5-63). Munday, John C, Jr., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, February 1-September 15, 1963, $1,666.27 (2-5-63). Palmer, Jerry L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, seven months from February 1, 1963, $1,750 (2-7-63). Powell, Franklin E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $4,407.50, supersedes (1-29-63). Sinha, Sirya P., Fellow in Law, February 1-June 15, 1963, $500 (2-19-63). Ward, Linda G., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education/February 1-June IS, 1963, $1,000 (2-5-63). RESIGNATIONS. DECLINATIONS. CANCELLATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Carlson Lee, Dorothy, Research Assistant in Physics --- declination effective September 1, 1962. Chadwick, Leigh E., Head of the Department of Entomology --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Cicenas, Zinnia, Assistant Chief Pharmacist in the Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy)---resignation effective February 7, 1963. Clarke, Robert W., Fellow in Accountancy --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Crawfohd, Isabelle M., Lecturer in Health Education --- declination effective September 16, 1962. Dachowski, Marjorie M., Clinical Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, with rank of Instructor --- cancellation effective September 1, 1962. Danielzadeh, Albert, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine) --- resignation effective January 15, 1963. Dennen, David, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine)---resignation effective February 1, 1963. Deshpande, Vithal N., Research Associate in Plant Pathology --- resignation effective March 1. 1963. Dorfmeister, John, Research Assistant in the Statistical Service Unit (Provost's Office) ---resignation effective March 1, 1963. Douglas, Stephen A., James W. Garner Fellow in Political Science --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Dunkin, Michael J., Fellow in Education --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Fluck, Dorothea I., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective February 14, 1963. Foote, Beverly D., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Forster, Merlin H., Assistant Professor of Spanish, Summer Session of 1963 ---- declination effective June 17, 1963. Gilman, Alice, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Gombos, Edward A., Assistant in Physical Education for Men --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Junker, Darrel D., Assistant in Animal Science --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Kim, Sun C, Wright Fellow in Food Technology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Lanyon, Carmen M., Teaching Fellow in Spanish --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. 444- board of trustees [March 20 LaWder, Sue A., Grolier-Americana Fellow in Library Science --- resignation effec tive February 1, 1963. Layton, Leslie L., Project Assistant in Aquatic Biology {State Natural History Survey) --- resignation effective April 10, 1963. Leal, Luis, Professor of Spanish, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Lee, Keun S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology--- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Lippe, Philipp M., Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine) --- termination effective February 1, 1963. MacPhie, Robert H., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective March 11, 1963. Mandy, William J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Margulis, Michael, Fellow in Music --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Meissner, Judy A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Merrill, Mary E., Assistant in English --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Moto-Oka, Tohru, Visiting Research Assistant Professor in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Nishida, Mrs. Hiro I., Lauterbach Memorial Fellow in Food Technology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Nixon, James E., Resident-Manager, Single Graduate Halls --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Palmer, Jerry L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Paul, M., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective March 16, 1963. Plamenac, Dragan, Professor of Music, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Purdy, Richard R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Pusztaszeri, Stephen F., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey --- resignation effective February 20, 1963. Simonsen, Elaine, Assistant in Education (University High School)----resignation effective January 1, 1963. Slotnick, Burton, Research Assistant in Physiology --- cancellation effective June 16, 1962. Smith, Richard K., Instructor in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Stambaugh, Mary K., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective February 9, 1963. Walker, Donald E., Assistant Professor of Animal Science --- resignation effective April 20, 1963. Yusem, Milton, Assistant Professor of Physical Science (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Alexander, Charles S., Associate Professor of Geography --- leave of absence, without pay, from March 1, 1965, through February 28, 1966, so that he may accept a lectureship on the faculty at the University of Cape Town. Baylor, Calvin E., County Extension Staff Member in "Shelby and McHenry Counties --- leave of absence, with full pay, for six months from March 1, 1963, for the purpose of study. Brennan, Mrs. Helen B., Assistant Professor of English and Chairman of English for Foreign Students --- disability leave of absence, with full pay, March 1, 1963, through June 30, 1963, and leave without pay from July 1, 1963. Fiedler, Fred E., Professor of Psychology --- leave of absence, without pay, September 1, 1963, through August 31, 1964, so that he may accept a Ford Foundation Faculty Fellowship. Gillette, Mrs. Nedra A., Instructor in Occupational Therapy, in the College of Medicine --- leave of absence, without pay, from April 6 through June 30, 1963, so that she may travel to England. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 445 Glaser, Daniel, Professor of Sociology --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may serve as a visiting professor at Arizona State University. Heins, Maurice H., Professor of Mathematics --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept an appointment as a Visiting Professor of Mathematics at the University of California in Berkeley. O'Connor, Dennis M., Assistant Professor of Law --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963. Price, Leonard H., Assistant Professor of Art --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, for the purpose of study at the Rochester Institute of Technology of Rochester, New York. Smoot, Ronald L., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, in the College of Engineering --- leave of absence, without pay, extended to September 1, 1963, so that he may continue to devote full time to his graduate studies under a National Science Foundation Science Faculty Fellowship. Spence, Clark C, Associate Professor of History --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a faculty fellowship for Social Science Research on Business offered him by the Ford Foundation. VanBortel, Dorothy G., Research Associate in Pedodontics, in the College of Dentistry --- leave of absence, without pay, from February 18 through March 24, 1963. Walker, Leonard D., Professor of General Engineering --- disability leave of absence, with full pay, for the second semester of 1962-63. TRIBUTE TO CLARENCE W. WELDON Following the election of Robert R. Manchester as the new Treasurer of the Board to succeed Mr. C. W. Weldon, on motion of Mr. Swain, the Board voted to enter in its records an expression of appreciation of Mr. Weldon's services as Treasurer during the past twelve years. Mr. Kenney E. Williamson now offered the following resolution: To Mr. Clarence W. Weldon: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois expresses and records its grateful appreciation of your services as an officer of this Board. In your twelve years as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees and of the University, you have had the respect and confidence of all members of the Board, past and present, and of other officers in the University Administration for your devotion to your post, for your judgment, your patience, and complete integrity in all relationships. You have served the Board and the University with distinction and with generosity of your time. The President and other administrative officers of the University desire to join the Trustees in this expression of appreciation of your service as an officer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. We look forward to your continued interest in the affairs of your Alma Mater and we extend to you and Mrs. Weldon our best wishes for the years ahead. The Board of Trustees directs that this resolution be incorporated in the minutes of today's meeting to become a part of the official public record, and that a suitable copy be given you as a permanent reminder of the esteem and affection in which you are held. The resolution was unanimously adopted. REQUEST OF ELIZABETH KROHNE Miss Elizabeth Krohne, an undergraduate student, appeared before the Board and distributed an open letter from twenty-five students addressed to the Board of Trustees concerning the case of Dr. Leo F. Koch, former Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, and requested an opportunity to address the Board on the subject. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board voted that its action be 446 board of trustees [March 20 limited to receiving the letter, a copy of which has been filed with the Secretary. FUTURE MEETINGS President Clement announced that the April meeting will be held in Urbana, as previously scheduled, on Wednesday, April 17. The May meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15. It was the consensus of the Board that this meeting be held in Chicago at the Medical Center and it was so ordered by the President of the Board. The June meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 19. On invitation of Mr. Swain and Mr. Williamson, the Board agreed to hold this meeting in Peoria and it was so ordered by the President of the Board. MEETING OF ASSOCIATION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Mrs. Watkins presented a report on the meeting of the Association for Higher Education in Chicago, March 3 to 6, which she attended as one of the representatives of the University of Illinois and also as a Regional Director of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions. RECESS On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board recessed for luncheon. During the recess, Dean Theodore Peterson of the College of Journalism and Communications addressed the Board on the programs in radio and television of the College. Mr. Frank E. Schooley, Director of Broadcasting, was also present and was introduced. Following luncheon, the Board reconvened for consideration of a committee report. The same members of the Board, officers of the Board, and officers of the University were present during this session as recorded at the beginning of these minutes with the exception of Mr. Johnston and Mr. Williamson, who had asked to be excused. PURCHASE OF FILM INSPECTION MACHINES At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held on March 14, 1961, the Board considered a number of recommendations for purchases of equipment, including two film inspection machines for the Audio-Visual Aids Service. The Board voted to refer the recommendation for the purchase of these two machines to a special committee to be appointed by the President of the Board. Mr. Kenney E. Williamson, then President of the Board, appointed as this special committee: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Chairman, Mr. Richard A. Harewood, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins. Subsequently, Mr. Timothy W. Swain was appointed to replace Mr. Richard A. Harewood on the Committee when he resigned as a Trustee. Mr. Clement now presented the following: Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Trustees on Purchase of Film Inspection Machines for Visual Aids Service To increase productivity in the servicing of rental movie units, in 1960 the Purchasing Division, at the request of the Visual Aids Service of the University of Illinois, invited sealed bids for the University's purchase of two 16 millimeter movie film inspection machines. Films which have been rented from and returned to the Visual Aids Service are inspected by such machines in order to detect any breaks or other flaws in the films. Funds for the purchase of the inspection machines are not appropriated by the state but come from film rentals paid to the University by outside organizations. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 447 The University received sealed bids from two companies: The Harwald Company, Inc., and Paulmar, Incorporated. The lower bid submitted by the Harwald Company was evaluated by the staff of the Visual Aids Service and the Purchasing Division and it was concluded by them that the equipment offered by the Harwald Company did not meet the bid specifications and the needs of the Visual Aids Service. Accordingly, a recommendation for purchase of the two Paulmar units was then presented to the Board of Trustees. The Board took no action on the recommendation because of objections raised by Mr. Grunwald, President of the Harwald Company, and a special committee of the Board of Trustees was appointed to consider the matter further. Subsequently the recommendation for the purchase was withdrawn. An analytical report on the equipment offered by the Paulmar Company and the Harwald Company in response to the bids was prepared and presented to the special committee by two members of the staff of the College of Engineering: Professor H. N. Hayward, of the Measurement Service Program of the College of Engineering, and Professor George F. Schrader, an expert in the field of time-motion study. The special committee thereafter concluded that the specifications issued for the purchase of the equipment included some requirements which were not essential to the performance of the intended function and that, while the equipment offered by the Harwald Company did not meet the specifications as listed, bids should be taken on broader specifications. Before new bids were invited, the film inspection industry offered a new type of machine which provided for the simultaneous review of more than one reel of film. It appeared that the advancement in the design might offer further savings in the operation of the film inspection function, and that the new machine should be studied. For this purpose, Mr. John R. Miles, a consulting engineer, was employed to make an independent study to determine whether the use of the new "stacked unit" type of film inspection equipment was desirable, and to compare the merits of such equipment produced by the Harwald Company and the Paulmar Company. Mr. Miles submitted his report which indicated that, in his opinion, the purchase of the stacked unit was desirable, and recommended that the equipment manufactured by the Paulmar Company be acquired. A copy of this report was submitted to both vendors. Mr. Grunwald of the Harwald Company objected to the conclusions in the Miles report and requested a further hearing before the special committee of the Board, which was held on October 17, 1962. In the course of the original bidding process, the Supervisor of the Visual Aids Service of the University reported that Mr. Grunwald had offered him a sum of money if he would submit a favorable report on the Harwald equipment. The offer was made in a private conversation and was not brought before the Board in view of the fact that at that time there was no substantiating evidence. During the hearing before the special committee of the Board on October 17, 1962, Mr. Grunwald was asked whether or not he had made such an offer and he admitted doing so, although he stated it was for the purpose of "testing" the University employee. On the basis of Mr. Grunwald's statements to the Committee, it is concluded that he offered to give a University employee something of value with an intent to influence such employee within the meaning of the University's regulations which provide that "No person on a bidders' list or who submits or intends to submit a bid shall give or offer to give, directly or indirectly, any money, article, or other things of value to any officer or employee of the University of Illinois, with an intent to influence said officer or employee of the University of Illinois." The regulations further provide that if any person makes such an offer, "all bids, submitted by him, will be rejected and the bidder will be barred from further bidding for a period of time fixed by the Purchasing or Physical Plant Department." It is recommended that the University notify Mr. Grunwald and the Harwald Company that they are barred from bidding on University business for a period of one year and that the University proceed to secure sealed bids for stacked unit film inspection equipment. At the conclusion of the presentation, and following discussion, on motion of Mr. Swain, the report was accepted and the recommendation of the Committee was adopted without dissent. 448 board of trustees [March 20 At the conclusion of the business meeting following the luncheon program, on motion of Mr. Pogue, the Board again recessed. INSPECTION OF STUDIOS OF WILL-TV During the second recess members of the Board inspected the new studios of Station WILL-TV at 302 North Goodwin Avenue, Urbana. Professor C. J. Mclntyre, Coordinator of Instructional Television, addressed the Board at the studio, illustrating his presentation with showings of educational television programs. EXECUTIVE SESSION Prior to the recess, President Clement announced that an executive session had been requested and was being ordered in the afternoon for consideration of recommendations relating to property acquisitions and patentable inventions. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the following members were present: Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; Mr. Page and Mr. Johnston had previously asked to be excused. The same officers of the University and officers of the Board were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes. LAND ACQUISITIONS (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of the following properties for the purposes and at the prices indicated: 1302 West Stoughton Street, Urbana --- as a site for the new Civil Engineering Building ..................................................$23 650 The property consists of a corner lot 48 feet by 133 feet and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. Possession will be delivered by July, 1963. 911 South Fifth Street, Champaign --- as part of the site for a residence hall for single graduate students........................................ 28 000 The property consists of a corner lot 59.24 feet by 70 feet and a two-story and basement brick dwelling and garage. Possession will be delivered by November, 1963. 411 East Daniel Street, Champaign --- as part of the site for a residence hall for single graduate students.................................... 33 000 The property consists of a lot 70.5 feet by 111.8 feet and a two-story and basement frame dwelling. Possession will be delivered by July, 1964. Funds for the purchase of these properties are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. The prices are consistent with appraisals secured by the University and recommendations for the acquisition of these properties have previously been submitted to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds which concurs. On February 20, 1963, the Board authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property at 411 East Daniel Street, Champaign, but through subsequent negotiations, a price of $33,000 has been agreed upon which is within the limits authorized by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. I recommend authorization of the purchases of these properties at the prices indicated; and I further recommend that the Board rescind its action of February 20, 1963, with respect to condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property at 411 East Daniel Street. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, purchase of these properties for the prices recommended was authorized; and the resolution of the Board authorizing condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the prop- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 449 erty at 411 East Daniel Street, Champaign, was rescinded. This action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 2O6 NORTH ROMINE STREET, URBANA, ILLINOIS (2) Representatives of the University have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 206 North Romine Street, Urbana, Illinois, required as part of the site for construction of the new Civil Engineering Building. Architectural work is in process and construction is scheduled to start in the spring of 1964 with completion in time for occupancy in the fall of 1965. The property consists of a lot 66 feet by 66 feet (4,356 square feet) and is improved with a two-story frame dwelling with basement. An offer of $21,000, based on appraisals secured by the University, was made to the owners, who were advised that if they agreed to that amount a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property. The offer is not acceptable to the owners whose asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees exercise its power to acquire the property by eminent domain and authorize condemnation proceedings for its acquisition. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 206 North Romine Street, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: The South One-half (Si/2) of Lot Five (5) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for a site for a Civil Engineering Building and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois 450 board of trustees [March 20 that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 9O9-9O9V* SOUTH FIFTH STREET, CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS (3) Representatives of the University have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 909-909i/$pD South Fifth Street, Champaign, Illinois, required as part of the site for a residence hall for single graduate students to be constructed in the block bounded by Daniel, Fifth, Chalmers, and Fourth Streets. The property consists of a lot 57 feet by 140 feet and is improved with a three-story and basement frame house. An offer of $36,000, based on appraisals secured by the University, was made to the owners, who were advised that if they agreed to that amount a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property. The offer is not acceptable to the owners whose asking price remains in excess of highest University appraisals. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees exercise its power to acquire the property by eminent domain and authorize condemnation proceedings for its acquisition. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 909 and 9091/2 South Fifth Street, Champaign, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot Ten (10) in Block Three (3) of a Replat of Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block One (1) and Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Two (2) and Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8) in Block Three (3) of A. T. Hall's Addition to the City of Champaign, Illinois, being a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE }4) of the Northwest Quarter (1,4) of Section 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 451 Eighteen (18), Township Nineteen (19) North, Range Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meredian, situated in the City of Champaign, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois; is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for a site for residence halls buildings for single graduate students and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owners have refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 13O5 WEST MAIN STREET, URBAN A (4) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of the property at 1305 West Main Street, Urbana, Illinois, at a price of $30,250, required as part of the site for construction of the Civil Engineering Building. 452 board of trustees [March 20 The property consists of a lot 66 feet by 132 feet, and a five-room brick dwelling with basement and garage. Possession will be delivered by September 1963. ' Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. The recommendation for acquisition of this property has been reviewed with the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchase of this property for the price recommended was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY PATENT COMMITTEE (5) The University Patent Committee submits, with the concurrence of the University Research Board, the following reports and recommendations relating to patentable inventions by members of the staff. 1. System for removing free electrons --- Shao L. Soo, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, inventor. The invention consists of two parts: Part one is on the removal of electrons from an ionized gas. Such removal is effected by injecting positively charged solid particles in micron or submicron size by, for instance, corona charging; and injected into ionized gases in the jet of a rocket or high temperature gas layer on an artificial satellite during re-entry. The function of removal of electrons is to reduce attenuation of radio waves by free electrons in the ionized gas layer or jet. Part two is the deliberate inclusion of solid particles in a hot gas system as in a magneto-hydrodynamic generator, to serve two functions; (1) to increase the electrical conductivity of a gas for a given temperature, and (2) to reduce the temperature drop of the mixture passing through the MHD section. It is reported that further study is required and that there is some possibility that a patent application will be filed. Accordingly, it is recommended that the rights of the University in this invention be released to the University of Illinois Foundation, with full recognition of the rights of the sponsoring agency, the Department of the Navy. 2. Liquid helium level indicator --- Cameron B. Satterthwaite, Associate Professor of Physics, and Roger P. Ries, Electronics Technician II, inventors. This device makes use of a superconducting transition which will (1) indicate by a meter or indicator light whether or not a sensing element is immersed in liquid helium or not making it possible to determine whether the liquid helium level is above or below the sensing element, or (2) in a different modification display on a meter a reading that is proportional to the liquid helium level above a certain fixed point. It is reported that further study is required and that there is some possibility that a patent application will be filed. Accordingly, it is recommended that the rights of the University in this invention be released to the University of Illinois Foundation, with full recognition of the rights of the sponsoring agency, the Department of the Army. 3. Phase and vibration simulator --- Roy B. Perkins, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, inventor. This simulator is used to generate two or more time displacement wave forms. In its simplest form, it consists of a driving member reciprocated by a crank mechanism and attached to a recording pen to describe a reference curve. The driven member describes the second curve by use of a pen attached to a spring mass component. Studies indicate that there will not be sufficient value to justify the cost of further development work on this invention; and accordingly, it is recommended that the rights of the University be released to the inventor. 4. Internally reflecting confocal resonant system --- Don F. Holshouser, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, inventor. The system is a resonator generally composed of two opposing reflecting elements with the active medium, either a crystal or a gas, filling the region between, and is useful for frequencies in which wave lengths are short compared to physical dimensions. The Board of 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 453 Trustees has released its rights to this invention to the University of Illinois Foundation, and the latter requests that a percentage of the net income which may be received from the royalties be assigned to the inventor. The Patent Committee recommends a distribution of 15 per cent of any net income to the inventor. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AprU 17, 1963 The April meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Mini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, April 17, 1963, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner was absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Professor Norman A. Parker, Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Dr. Joseph S. Be-gando, Vice-President, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President, Mr. George H. Bargh, Administrative Assistant, President's Office, Mr. Fred H. Turner, Dean of Students, Associate Provost Paul R. Shaffer, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 455 456 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates James William Feancissen Chicago, Illinois District of Columbia Frank Leonard Schoppet Bethalto, Illinois Missouri Alfred A. Weber St. Louis, Missouri Missouri I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these certificates were awarded. CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS (2) At the end of the current academic year, 1962-63, Professor J. F. Bell of the Department of Economics will have completed his third two-year term as Chairman of the Department. He has asked to be relieved of further service in this administrative assignment so that he can devote full time to teaching and research. He will be on sabbatical leave of absence during the second semester of 1963-64. With the concurrence of the Executive Committee of the Department of Economics, the Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration recommends the appointment of Professor John F.' Due as Chairman of the Department for two years beginning September 1, 1963. The salary of this position will be determined when the budget for 1963-64 is submitted to the Board for approval. The Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost also concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this appointment was approved. ASSOCIATE DEAN OF THE GRADUATE COLLEGE (3) The Dean of the Graduate College recommends the appointment of Dr. Marvin Frankel, Research Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, as Associate Dean of the Graduate College on one-half time beginning September 1, 1963. He will continue as Research Professor on one-half time. The total salary of this dual position will be $17,000 on a twelve-month service basis. The appointment of Dr. Frankel is to replace Dr. Ivan D. Steiner, Professor of Psychology, who has been serving as Associate Dean since September 1, 1961, and who has asked to be relieved of this administrative assignment so that he may devote full time to teaching and research. The appointment of Dr. Frankel as Associate Dean is concurred in by all recommending officers involved ---the Head of the Department of Economics, the Director of the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, the Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 457 DIRECTOR OF DIVISION OF EDUCATION, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (4) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends the appointment of Dr. Victor E. Ricks, presently Professor of Education in Social Sciences at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, as Professor of Education on indefinite tenure and Director of the Division of Education, beginning May 1, 1963, and continuing until September 1, 196S, at an annual salary of $14,500 on a twelve-month service basis. This appointment will establish the new Division of Education, within the new organizational framework of the University of Illinois at Congress Circle as previously authorized by the Board of Trustees (January 18 and February IS, 1961). The recommendation is submitted after consultation with the Academic Advisory Council at the Chicago Undergraduate Division and the Dean of the College of Education at Urbana, and is concurred in by the Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this appointment was approved. ACTING DEAN OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (5) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends the appointment of Rupert M. Price, Assistant Dean of Engineering and Associate Professor of Physics at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, as Associate Professor of Physics on indefinite tenure and Acting Dean of the College of Engineering, beginning May 1, 1963, on an annual appointment and twelve-month service basis, and at an annual salary rate of $16,200. This recommendation is endorsed by a search committee appointed to nominate a Dean for Engineering, and by the Academic Advisory Council at the Chicago Undergraduate Division. It is concurred in by the Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. DIRECTOR OF DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (6) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends the appointment of Sheldon L. Fordham, presently Assistant Dean of Physical Education and Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, as Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men on indefinite tenure and Director of the Division of Physical Education and Director of Athletics for two years, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $13,500 on a twelve-month service basis. This appointment will also implement the Division of Physical Education within the new organizational framework of the University of Illinois at Congress Circle, Chicago, as previously authorized by the Board of Trustees (January 18 and February 15, 1961), and will fill the vacancy created by the retirement at the end of the current academic year of John O. Jones, Associate Dean of Physical Education for Men and Director of Athletics. The recommendation is submitted with the support of a Consultative Committee appointed to nominate a Director, and after consultation with the faculty of Physical Education. It is concurred in by the Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this appointment was approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (7) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Peter J. Couri, Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, beginning March 1, 1963, without salary (DY). 458 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 2. Arthur J. Derbyshire, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, beginning March 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $15,000 (DY). 3. Guido Fhizzi, Visiting Professor of Zoology, for six and one-half months from May 16, 1963, at a salary of $10,108 (G). 4. Max M. Frocht, Visiting Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, for the academic year 1963-64, at an annual salary of $15,000 (D). 5. R. Jerald Hamilton, Associate Professor of Music, beginning September 1 1963, at an annual salary of $10,700 (D). 6. Charles E. Hamm, Professor of Music, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $11,000 (A). 7. Elio Maggio, Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine from March 25 to August 31, 1963, at a salary of $1,000 per month. 8. Willard A. Mainord, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, for four and one-half months from February 1, 1963, on one-fourth time, at a salary of $1,000 (E25). 9. William L. McDaniel, Assistant Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Dentistry, on four-tenths time, beginning March 25, 1963, at an annual salary of $4,000 (DY40). 10. William S. Miller, Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gyne-cology, beginning March 1, 1963, without salary (DY). On motion of Mr. Diltiard, these appointments were confirmed. APPOINTMENTS TO CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY (8) Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Center for Advanced Study, and with the concurrence of the Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost, I submit the following nominations for appointments to the Center for Advanced Study for the period and for the program of research or study as indicated in each case. Member (for a five-year period from September 1, 1963) H. G. Drickamer, Professor of Chemical Engineering and of Physical Chemistry. Professor Drickamer's research contributions represent a high degree of technical skill and inventiveness combined with the ability, originality, and theoretical insight to obtain results of fundamental and general significance. His work has ranged widely, from physical chemical studies of engineering processes and of molecular interactions in condensed phases to the development of high-pressure techniques and their application to a number of basic problems in solid state physics and geology. His most recent and probably most important accomplishments are concerned with the effects of very high pressure on solid state and molecular electronic structure. In particular he has developed a unique optical apparatus which permits spectroscopic measurements in the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared regions of the spectrum to pressures of 200,000 atmospheres and at temperatures of over 400$dG C. He has developed a device for measuring electrical resistance in substances subject to pressures in excess of 500,000 atmospheres. Associate Members Samuel Adler, Visiting Professor of Art, for the second semester. As artist-in-residence, to paint and to advise graduate students in painting. Bei-Tse Chao, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and of Nuclear Engineering, for one year from September 1, 1963. To conduct investigations in the field of two-phase fluid flow and heat transfer. D. J. Geanakoplos, Professor of History, for the second semester. To do research in libraries and archives of America and Europe on the relations of the Byzantine Orthodox Church with Roman Catholicism and the Russian Church, and also on the influence of Byzantine and Venetian-dominated Crete in the Renaissance of Western Europe. W. J. Hall, Professor of Civil Engineering, for one year from September 1, 1963. To complete a monograph on the brittle fracture of fabricated steel structures, and to conduct further studies in the areas of fracture mechanics and structural analysis. D. R. Hodgman, Professor of Economics, for two years from September 1, 1963. To conduct quantitative studies of commercial bank behavior, with emphasis on micro-analytic computer simulation of the commercial banking system. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 459 J, R. Kelly, Professor of Music, for one year from September 1, 1963. To compose an opera based on the conquest of Aztec Mexico by Cortez and provisionally entitled Conquistadore. Shekman Paul, Professor of English, for one year from September 1, 1963. To complete his final volume of studies of the tradition of the "American Scholar." C. P. Slichter, Professor of Physics, for one year from September 1, 1963. To conduct investigations of electron and nuclear magnetic resonance. P. A. Wadsworth, Professor of French, for one year from September 1, 1963. To complete work on his study of the writings of La Fontaine. J. H. Walter, Associate Professor of Mathematics, for one year from September 1, 1963. To continue his research into the theory of finite groups. F. L. Will, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, for the second semester. To complete his book on the Problem of Induction. Provisions for the salaries of these staff members during the period of their membership in the Center will be included in the budget of the Graduate College and the Center. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were approved. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 1963-64 (9) I recommend that the following members of the staff be given sabbatical leaves of absence during the academic year 1963-64 in accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes and on the terms and for the periods indicated. This recommendation is supplementary to the applications recommended to the Board of Trustees on March 20, 1963. (It was reported at that time that a number of applications for sabbatical leaves during 1963-64 were still under administrative consideration and that additional recommendations would be submitted at a subsequent meeting.) College of Commerce and Business Administration William Edgar Thomas, Professor of Accountancy, second semester, full pay. College of Education Cecil H. Patterson, Professor of Education, second semester, full pay. College of Fine and Applied Arts Kenneth M. Lansing, Associate Professor of Art Education, second semester, full pay. Graduate School of Library Science Donald E. Strout, Professor of Library Science, first semester, full pay. Chicago Undergraduate Division Nicholas C. Scholomiti, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, second semester, full pay. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these leaves were granted as recommended. HONORARY DEGREES (10) The University Senate at the Medical Center has recommended that the honorary degree of Doctor of Science be conferred upon: Detlev W. Bronk, former President of Johns Hopkins University and now President of the Rockefeller Institute. Dr. Bronk will give the Commencement address for graduates of the colleges at the Medical Center on June 7, 1963. The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended honorary degrees be conferred upon the following at the Commencement exercises at Urbana-Champaign on June 15, 1963: Henry Townley Heald, Doctor of Laws (LL.D.). Former Chancellor of New York University, now President and a Trustee of the Ford Foundation. Dr. Heald will give the Commencement address at Urbana-Champaign on June 15. 460 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 George Wells Beadle, Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)- Chancellor of the University of Chicago. Carl Shipp Marvel, Doctor of Science (D.Sc). Research Professor of Organic Chemistry, Emeritus, University of Illinois. Clarence Samuel Ross, Doctor of Science (D.Sc). Principal Geologist, United States Geological Survey. I concur in the recommendations of the Senates. On motion of Mr. Swain, these degrees were authorized. INVITATION TO VISIT BRITISH UNIVERSITIES (11) I request the Board of Trustees to authorize my acceptance of an invitation to attend meetings of the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth at the University of London, a conference of Vice-Chancellors of British universities and Presidents of American universities at St. Andrews University, and to visit British universities following these programs. The official visitation would be during the period from July 10 until August 1, exclusive of travel time. The invitation has been presented through the Association of American Universities. The Presidents of twelve member institutions of that Association will constitute the delegation. The members of the delegation will have unusual opportunity to receive and discuss authoritative reports on higher education in many countries and to bring back to their own institutions comparative information and insights from the experience. The travel expense will be underwritten by the Association and the mission will involve no expense to the University of Illinois. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, authority was given as requested. AMENDMENT OF POLICY FOR INVESTMENT OF FUNDS AND INVESTMENT PROCEDURES (12) On recommendation of the Finance Committee, the Board of Trustees on June 20, 1962, adopted a policy for investment of funds and investment procedures, including a resolution authorizing the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to exercise certain functions. In view of the change in the Treasurership, it is necessary to amend the resolution and it is therefore requested that the following resolution be adopted to replace the resolution which appears on page 1519 of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of June 20, 1962. Resolution Resolved, that the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation, is authorized in his discretion to sell, assign, or transfer to any assignee or transferee for or on behalf of this corporation and in its name any and all shares of capital stock or any voting trust certificates representing the right to receive shares of stock or any registered bonds or other securities of any other corporation owned by this corporation and for the purpose of effecting any such sale or transfer, R. R. Manchester, the Treasurer of this corporation, be and he hereby is authorized to execute in the name of this corporation and on its behalf all assignments which may be necessary and that A. J. Janata, Secretary of this corporation, be and he hereby is authorized to attest to the authority of R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, to execute the aforesaid documents. The Treasurer will exercise the authority granted by such resolution only after being notified by the Comptroller of the approval of the Finance Committee for the sale as provided in the established procedure. The Secretary of the Board will attest to the validity of the resolution and to the authority of the Treasurer to sign the documents. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this amendment was adopted. POLICY AND PROCEDURE CONCERNING COPYRIGHTS AND RECORDINGS (13) The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure include regulations governing patents on inventions (Sections 17 and 18, pages 59-60) and copyrights on printed material (Section 19, page 60). In both cases it is made clear that when such inventions or writings have been produced with the 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 461 use of University facilities, resources, or financial support, these productions belong to the University. In the case of patents, detailed administrative procedures and guide lines are outlined for the determination of the University's rights and for deciding what share, if any, of the net income realized from patents should go to the inventor. No such administrative procedures or guide lines are specified in the case of copyrights, although Section 10 (on the University Press, page 49) does refer to contracts with authors concerning royalties and other conditions related to the publication and copyrighting of manuscripts. No reference is made in The General Rules Concerning University Organisation and Procedure concerning recordings of lectures and other content on such media as film and magnetic tape; yet the rapid increase in the use of these media --- especially in the form of videotaped recording of instruction for presentation by television --- has raised serious questions concerning University, departmental, and faculty rights relative to the production, ownership, and use of such material. Typically, an instructor develops a set of videotaped lectures for his own course, as part of his regular departmental duties and usually with a substantial reduction in teaching load. Since he is paid to do the work, and since University facilities are used, the University's right to ownership of the recordings could hardly be questioned. After a lengthy study, the University Committee on Instructional Television has recommended policies and general procedures for the resolution of questions and issues which may arise in determination of the equitable interests involved. The Committee's proposals have been reviewed and approved in principle by the Academic Advisory Council. In the light of these studies, the Executive Vice-President and Provost recommends the following revisions in Section 19 of The General Rules Concerning University Organisation and Procedure (the new material below is in italics). Copyrights and Recordings Sec. 19. (a) The right to copyright a work or to assign this right to a publisher normally belongs to the author of the work. However, when the author is specifically commissioned by the University or one of its departments to prepare a manuscript or report, the manuscript and all rights to it shall belong to the University. (b) Research and service pamphlets and bulletins may or may not be copyrighted, at the discretion of the department issuing the work. (c) Books published by the University Press are copyrighted as provided in Section 10. (d) All rights in recordings of lectures, of demonstrations, and of other con-ten--- such as films and videotapes --- that have been produced with the use of University facilities, resources, or financial support shall belong to the University. (e) If the University uses or markets copyrighted or recorded material produced by a staff member under the conditions outlined in the second sentence of (a) and (d), and if such disposition is made on a basis that yields a net income to the University, a proportion of the net income may be assigned to the author(s) or developer(s) of the material. (f) A University Committee on Copyrights and Recordings, appointed by the President, will review the circumstances involved in each case that might arise under the principle stated in (e), and make recommendation concerning it to the President and Board of Trustees. It is expected that the Committee will be guided in its recommendations by standards analogous to those stated in Section 18 (c) (page 60) concerning patents. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these revisions were approved. CLINICAL TRAINING FOR LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE PROGRAM (14) The Chicago Public Schools have been providing a training program for "Licensed Practical Nurse" since 1948. Students in this program receive clinical training in a number of hospitals in Chicago. The Chicago Board of Education has requested the University to provide the clinical setting for ward experience in obstetrics and pediatrics in the Research and Educational Hospitals for a limited number of these practical nurse students. 462 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 Over 95 per cent of the licensed practical nurses now employed in the Research and Educational Hospitals are graduates of this program and they always have been found to be competent and well selected. Therefore, the Hospitals staff has had considerable experience with the program and considers it well organized and executed. It is proposed that the clinical training program be started May 1, and will continue for the next three years. The Medical Director of the Research and Educational Hospitals, the Director of Nursing in the Hospitals, and the Vice-President for the Medical Center have requested authority to negotiate an agreement with the Chicago Board of Education covering this training program. Formal action by the Board of Trustees is not necessary as the proposal can be approved administratively but because it is a new area of public service, it seemed appropriate to bring the matter to the Board for its information and for the record. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this program was approved. MIDWEST ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER (15) The College of Engineering has proposed establishment of a Midwest Electronics Research Center within the College of Engineering and the Engineering Experiment Station to provide for close association between University research programs and industrial research and development laboratories and to promote programs which will stimulate productive University-industrial relationships. In general, the Center's purpose would be to assist midwest electronics firms in the task of handling the greater amount of sophisticated research required for military and space programs and for new areas of civilian technology and product development. The initial activities of the Center will include a program for "Industrial Research Visitors" as well as seminars and short courses in electronics and related topics of solid state physics. The Center will also serve in the establishment of cooperative research contracts sponsored by industry, the dissemination of information and interpretative publications, and the coordination of activities leading to the organizing of company-sponsored research laboratories. Submitted herewith is a statement giving further details of the proposal, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. Approval of this program and authorization to negotiate and execute the necessary contractual agreements with industries which may be interested and selected for participation is requested. I concur, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this program was approved, in principle, and authority was given as recommended to negotiate and enter into contracts, and additional authorization was given to modify the plan before it is set up in final form to take into account such changes as may be indicated after further internal administrative consideration and consultation with the officers of the colleges and departments concerned; provided that any substantive changes shall be reported to the Board for confirmation; and provided further that final approval shall be subject to approval of the program by the Board of Higher Education. This action was taken without dissent. PRODUCTION ENGINEERING EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH CENTER (16) The College of Engineering and the Engineering Experiment Station submit a proposal for a new Production Engineering Educational and Research Center to be established within their administrative organization. The main objective of this Center will be to conduct a broad interdisciplinary program of technical assistance to industry. The rapid expansion of knowledge concerning new materials and the technology for their fabrication have created complex problems for industry, and particularly for small industries which do not haye the technical and research personnel to cope with them. The Center would assist these industries to upgrade their technical competence through organized programs for the 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 463 dissemination of knowledge concerning materials fabrication, machine structures, machine controls, automated manufacturing, and the economic-sociological aspects of industrial organization. Representatives of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering have been conferring with representatives of the Colleges of Commerce and Business Administration, Liberal Arts and Sciences (social science departments), and other engineering departments on methods of attacking problems dealing with the social as well as technical and financial aspects of modern industry. The Center would provide educational programs and "problem clinics" for groups outside the University, graduate educational programs within the University, and would conduct research. With the exception of regular graduate studies, each area of specialized education and research would be fully supported by interested companies or other agencies through contracts or grants. Submitted herewith is a statement giving further details of the proposal, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Swain, this program was approved, in principle, and authority was given as recommended to negotiate and enter into contracts, and additional authorization was given to modify the plan before it is set up in final form to take into account such changes as may be indicated after further internal administrative consideration and consultation with the officers of the colleges and departments concerned; provided that any substantive changes shall be reported to the Board for confirmation; and provided further that final approval shall be subject to approval of the program by the Board of Higher Education. This action was taken without dissent. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (17) The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign 1. College of Agriculture Department of Animal Science, repairs to the Swine Nutrition Farm $18 200 00 2. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Mathematics, equipment........................... 2 582 00 3. Physical Plant Department Agricultural Engineering Building, remodeling.................... 7 190 00 Photographic Laboratory, air conditioning........................ 8 000 00 Davenport House, air conditioning............................... 7 076 65 Total......................................................... $43 048 65 I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. SETTLEMENTS WITH ECONOMY PLUMBING AND HEATING COMPANY, INC. AND BLOOMER HEATING AND VENTILATING COMPANY (18) In December, 1949, the University entered into separate contracts with Economy Plumbing and Heating Company, Inc. (hereinafter called "Economy") and Bloomer Heating and Ventilating Company (hereinafter called "Bloomer") for the furnishing of certain materials and work in the construction of the University's Research and Educational Hospitals Addition in Chicago. The building was not completed for more than two years after the scheduled date. Economy, Bloomer, and other contractors on the project, including Patrick Warren Construction Company, the general contractor, contended that the delays were caused by the University and asserted claims for damages by reason thereof. The University 464 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April i? has consistently denied liability on such claims and has maintained that the delays were caused by the contractors. By special agreement with the University Economy (in 1954) and Bloomer (in 1953) were paid and accepted the balances due under their respective contracts, which agreement preserved the contractors' rights to assert at a later date claims for delay, and also acknowledged the University's right to deny liability thereon. On November 28, 1961, the Board of Trustees approved a settlement with Patrick Warren Construction Company which settlement included a payment for release of Warren's claims for delay. Subsequent negotiations have been conducted with counsel for Economy and counsel for Bloomer, the details of which are more fully stated in a letter from the Legal Counsel to President Henry, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary for record. Economy has now agreed to accept the sum of $6,431.25 in full payment and satisfaction of all of Economy's claims against the University, and to deliver to the University a complete release. Bloomer has now agreed to accept the sum of $3,875.00 in full payment and satisfaction of all of Bloomer's claims against the University, and to deliver to the University a complete release. These amounts represent substantial reductions in the original claims submitted by these contractors, have been arrived at on the same basis as the settlement of the Warren claims for delay approved by the Board in November, 1961, and provide a means whereby expensive and protracted litigation between these contractors and the University will be avoided. For these reasons, the Vice-President and Comptroller, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Legal Counsel recommend that a final settlement between the University and Economy, and between the University and Bloomer, on the above-mentioned basis be authorized and made, subject to the release by the Governor out of funds appropriated to the University for the construction of the Research and Educational Hospitals Addition of the sums of $6,431.25 and $3,857.00 for payment to Economy and Bloomer, respectively. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these settlements were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR INSTALLATION OF FUME HOODS IN EAST DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (19) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for furnishing and installing fume hoods in the East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Ventilating --- Anderson and Litwack Company, Hillside.............. $31 653 00 Base bid........................................... $22 338 00 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor...................... 2 346 00 Installation of eleven additional fume hoods in various rooms ................................. 6 969 00 Heating and Temperature Control --- T. F. Hanley Corporation, Chicago....................................................... 9 921 00 Base bid........................................... $ 9 000 00 Additive alternates for installation of heating and temperature controls for eleven additional fume hoods.......................................... 921 00 Plumbing ---Ashland Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago...... 3 409 00 Base bid........................................... $ 2 232 00 Additive alternates for plumbing installations for eleven additional fume hoods.......................... 1 177 00 Electrical --- Wadeford Electric Company, Chicago.................. 3 427 00 Base bid........................................... $ 2 709 00 Additive alternates for electrical installations for eleven additional fume hoods.................... 718 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 465 General --- Gerhardt F. Meyne Company, Chicago.................... 9 665 00 Base bid...........................................$ 5 640 00 Additive alternates for remodeling work required for installation of eleven additional fume hoods...... 4 025 00 Fume Hoods --- Browne-Morse Company, Chicago................... 20 595 60 Base bid........................................... $13 043 88 Additive alternate for eleven additional fume hoods... 7 551 72 Total......................................................... $78 670 60 The contracts will provide for the furnishing and installation of thirty fume hoods in chemistry laboratories on the third and four floors of the East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building to expand facilities for teaching and research. The hoods were originally designed for installation when the building was constructed, but due to insufficient funds the installation was postponed. The base bid in each case is on installation of nineteen fume hoods; alternates were taken on the installation of eleven more, all of which are needed. The base bids were low enough to permit inclusion of the eleven additional hoods. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for ventilating work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $78,670.60; and that an agreement be entered into with Anderson and Litwack Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $2,346 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the contractor for ventilating work. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR WEATHERPROOFING ROOF DECKS ON BUILDINGS AT THE MEDICAL. CENTER (20) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $4,955 to the Hascek-Melville Corporation, Maywood, for weatherproofing the tile roof decks on the Research and Educational Hospitals and the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, first unit. Bids were requested both for weatherproofing and for completely removing and replacing the roofs; considering the price differential, it is recommended that the bid for weatherproofing only be accepted. Funds are available in the Physical Plant maintenance budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS WITH DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH FOR STEAM SERVICE (21) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of amendments of four existing contracts and two additional contracts with the State Department of Mental Health for steam service from the Medical Center Steam Company to two new buildings being constructed in the Medical Center District. The Medical Center Steam Company was chartered by the state to construct and operate a central steam plant to provide service to the University and to other institutions in the Medical Center District on a contract basis. The University operates the plant under a contract with the Company. The consumers pay for the 466 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 costs of steam, maintenance of utility lines, and a pro rata share of the capital costs of the plant and of extensions of steam lines. The details of the proposed new contracts and amendments of existing contracts with the Department of Mental Health are submitted herewith and are filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts and amendments were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR OAK STREET IMPROVEMENT, PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION. AND TRASH COLLECTION DEPOT (22) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of the following contracts, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Oak Street Improvement --- General Paving Company Incorporated, Champaign, Illinois .......................................... $105 665 45 Paving of Oak Street from Florida Avenue to Stadium Drive, including concrete curb and gutter, drainage, lighting, and the completion of a five-foot sidewalk on the west side of the street. Parking Lot Construction --- Parro Construction Corporation, Urbana, Illinois....................................................... 166 891 80 Base bid for construction of a 399-space asphalt lot, complete with drainage and lighting, on the south side of Florida Avenue east of Oak Street extended........................................ $136 653 00 Additive alternate for construction of an eight-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the south side of Florida Avenue from First Street to Oak Street 4 657 80 Additive alternate for construction of an additional 96-space parking area, complete with drainage and lighting, immediately north of the existing compound and east of the parking area to be constructed under the base bid; and for construction of a concrete sidewalk on the west side of First Street from Florida Avenue south to the entrance to the existing compound............. 25 581 00 Trash Collection Depot --- General Paving Company Incorporated, Champaign, Illinois.......................................... 56 998 95 Base bid for construction of a trash depot consisting of a concrete structure with elevated ramp, two power-operated rams for compressing trash in containers, drives, drainage, lighting, and security fence...........................,.......$ 51 221 95 Additive alternate for furnishing and installing two 33-cubic yard trash containers complete........ 5 77? 00 It is further recommended that the awards to General Paving Company Incorporated be combined in one contract at a total price of $162,664.40. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A supporting report from the Physical Plant Department with a schedule of bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 467 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS SITE (23) The Board of Trustees has authorized a contract with the Chicago Land Clearance Commission for the acquisition by the University of the site for the Congress Circle Campus in Chicago. Pursuant to enabling statutes passed by the 1961 General Assembly, the city of Chicago has since succeeded to the position of the Chicago Land Clearance Commission under the contract. Under the terms of the agreement the total site was to be conveyed to the University in five stages, the first conveyance to be accomplished by June 30, 1962. The city of Chicago has experienced delays in its land acquisition program, principally by reason of litigation affecting the site, and the conveyancing schedule in the contract is no longer realistic. The City has requested an amendment to the contract to provide new dates for transfers of various portions of the site to the University, the first conveyance to be made prior to May 1, 1963. The proposed new dates have been reviewed by the Director of the Physical Plant and he states that they are compatible with the University's current construction schedule. The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant recommend that execution of the amendment be authorized. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this amendment of the contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. EASEMENTS ON CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS SITE (24) The contract by which the University is acquiring title to the Congress Circle Campus site provides that the City will convey title subject to easements for necessary underground public or private utilities. Most of the existing easements lie in city streets and alleys to be vacated prior to the conveyance to the University. These easements appear to be more extensive than they would haye been if originally granted over private property. In a few cases the utilities will require new easements on the site, principally for relocation to accommodate the University's construction and to service the University buildings. Negotiations have been conducted with the public and private utilities for the purpose of narrowing existing easements to the areas reasonably required for the utilities' function, defining the scope of required new easements, securing releases by the utilities of existing easements no longer required by them, authorizing encroachments by the University on existing easements as reflected by the University's present construction specifications, and establishing criteria for permissive encroachment by future University construction. These negotiations are continuing and may be completed prior to the regular May meeting of the Board. It would be desirable to formalize the easement arrangements as soon as possible. The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize its Executive Committee to take action for the Board in any negotiations with public and private utilities for easements relating to the Congress Circle site in Chicago, including approval of the execution of necessary easement and release documents. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these easements were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. AGREEMENT WITH COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY ON VERNON PARK SUBSTATION (25) To complete the Congress Circle Campus plan and to avoid the necessity of relocating Commonwealth Edison Company's Vernon Park Substation, and all its underground facilities in the area, the University will construct a screening wall around the Substation. As a result of discussions with Edison representatives, the Vice-President and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant recommend that an agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company be authorized, which agreement would provide for the following: 468 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 1. The University may erect on land owned by it a suitable screening around Edison's Vernon Park Substation at the Congress Circle Campus site which will preserve to Edison easy access to the Substation and its facilities in the surrounding area. 2. The University may also reface Edison's Substation building in a manner deemed appropriate by the University, so long as the refacing does not impair the utility of the building to Edison. 3. Edison will permit the University to erect and use an enclosed walkway over the Substation, subject to Edison's reasonable requirements for clearance, access, and liability. 4. Edison will pay the University $100,000 to be applied toward the cost of this project. In the placement of the screening wall, an exchange of certain land areas between the University and Edison may be indicated. When and if such exchange is desired, specific Board approval will be requested therefor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund for the Congress Circle Campus and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this agreement was authorized. HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY LOAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MEDICAL CENTER STUDENT UNION AND HOUSING FACILITY (26) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of: An application to the Housing and Home Finance Agency for a loan of $2,000,000 for construction of a new Student Union and Housing Facility at the Medical Center in Chicago, this amount representing approximately two-thirds of the estimated cost, the loan to be repaid from student fee income and operations; An issue of $1,000,000 of revenue bonds to be sold publicly to finance part of the construction cost, the bonds to be amortized from student fee income and operations; Employment of Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, as counsel for the bond issue; Advertisements for bids on the construction of the building and for the sale of bonds at times deemed most appropriate by the Vice-President and Comptroller. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved, and authority was given as requested by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR FIRST ADDITION TO ORCHARD DOWNS APARTMENTS (27) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $9,800 in a contract with Shapland Construction Company, Champaign, for construction of the first addition to Orchard Downs for modifications and installation of insulated panels in the living room window wall panels to provide for added temperature control. Funds are available in the Housing Division budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS (28) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of Richardson, Seyerns, Scheeler, and Associates, Champaign, for architectural services on the University's Research and Training Building at the Mental Health Center at a fee not to exceed 6 per cent of construction costs, which will include preliminary design, working drawings and specifications, preliminary studies for future expansion, and job supervision. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 469 Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION BUILDING (29) The Dean of the College of Education and its Executive Committee recommend that the new building for the College now under construction be officially designated as "The College of Education Building." I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this name was approved. ILLINI GROVE (30) A group of residents of Urbana-Champaign have submitted a petition addressed "To the President and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois" that Illini Grove "be maintained in its present condition as a beautiful wooded area for use by the students, faculty, and alumni of the University and the citizens of Urbana-Champaign for recreational purposes," and that in the event a change in the use of Illini Grove is contemplated, they be given an opportunity to appear at a meeting of the Board of Trustees. I submit the petition, as requested. In replying to those representing the petitioners, I have pointed out that there is no formal recommendation before the Board for the use of Illini Grove as a building site in the near future or for any change in the present use of that facility. The petition has already been answered and no further action is required. PURCHASES (31) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Item Department Vendor Cost 3,000 copies beef equipment plans Agricultural Midwest Plan Service, $ 2 684 59 2,000 copies descriptive leaflets Engineering Iowa State University, f.o.b. Ames, Iowa delivered One gas chromatograph with manual Chemistry and Wilkens Instrument & 2 709 20 temperature programming, variable Chemical Research, Inc., f.o.b. heat controls, detector collectors and Engineering Walnut Creek, Calif. delivered injectors; one continuous type re- corder and one disc integrator for use on recorder to be used in a teaching laboratory in chemistry One wavelength spectrometer with ac- Chemistry and Engis Equipment Co., Chicago 3 038 00 cessory bar, observation tube, exten- Chemical f.o.b. sion mount, spacers and glass plates Engineering delivered for use in a teaching laboratory in chemistry Three special instrumentation labora- Chemistry and Heath Co., 2 686 SO tories for use in teaching courses in Chemical Benton Harbor, Mich. f.o.b. electronics, instrumentation, and research Engineering Benton Harbor, Mich. One universal testing machine, 300,000 Civil Engineering Riehle Testing Machines, 24 330 00 pound capacity with load holding Division of AMETEK, f.o.b. mechanism, six ranges, continuous Inc., delivered type recorder, six scale ranges, and Westchester hydraulic loading and weighing sys- tem using fundamental quantities of mass and length 470 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 Item Department Vendor Cost Two duplicators, offset, having printing Library Maginn Office Equipment Co., * 5 515 00 area capacity up to 9% in. by 13 in. f.o.b. and accommodate stock sizes from Champaign delivered 3 in. by 5 in. to H in. by 17 in. with and ten ream (5,000) sheet capacity, less installed trade-in of one offset duplicator, A B. Dick Model 350 One lathe, precision, high capacity, 13 Mining, LeBlond Machine Tool 4 447 00 in. by 30 in. centers, 5 ft. 6>$pD in. bed. Metallurgy, Co., f.o.b. with standard accessories and Petroleum Oak Park Cincinnati, Engineering Ohio One machine, vertical, milling, complete Mining. Couch & Heyle, 3 981 00 with variable speed spindle drive. Metallurgy, Peoria f.o.b. power table feed, motor, controls and and Petroleum delivered extra collets and end mill adapter Engineering 211 wood laboratory tables, for the Physical Plant E. H. Sheldon 20 439 00 Physics Building, Stage II; the sizes Equipment Co., f.o.b. are as follows: St. Louis, Mo, delivered 110 30 in. by 72 in. and 60 36 in. by 72 in. installed 10 24 in. by 60 in. 15 30 in. by 60 in. 16 30 in. by 84 in. Print and bind 35,000 copies Time Table, University Press Edwards Brothers Inc., 8 905 00 first semester, 1963-64, trim size 5 Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. in. by S}4 in., approximately 344 delivered pages per copy Purchases from Institutional Funds One lot of laboratory supplies and Agency for Will Scientific of 317 995 77 equipment International New York City, Inc., New York, N.Y. c&f Development Bangkok, (Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Thailand Hospital, Thailand) Miscellaneous photographic and graphic Illustration Watland. Inc., 43 904 00 arts chemicals as requested by Photog- Studios, Chicago delivered raphy Department at Medical Cen- Medical Center ter from July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Optical goods and services for Illinois Ophthalmology American Optical Co., 132 629 64 Eye and Ear Infirmary patients, July Chicago estimated 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 One six-channel polygraph and acces- Medicine Sanborn Co., 10 251 45 sories, capable of expansion to four- Chicago delivered teen channels One automatic dual channel liquid scin- Animal Science Packard Instrument 12 550 00 tillation spectrometer, with 200 sam- Co., Inc., f.o.b. ple capacity high-speed indexing and La Grange delivered reset, completely transistorized One centrifuge, automatic, refrigerated Botany Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 3 822 70 with swinging bucket rotor, four tube Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. carriers, twelve rubber pads, rubber delivered stoppers and autoclavable polypro- pylene centrifuge tubes for use in re- search projects in botany requiring use of radioactive materials One recorder, x-y, adjustable range or Ceramic Leeds & Northrup Co., 2 706 44 adjustable zero from 1 mo. to 20 mo. Engineering Munster, Ind. f.o.b. slide-wire span, course and fine zero delivered adjustment on x axis; 100 to 1100 degrees c, linearized scale for y axis; 1 second span x axis and 4 second span y axis; resistance up to 2500 ohms; 9) in. pen and chart travel; per lifter in x axis Furnish and install barn equipment in Dairy Science Cissna Park Dairy 8 648 27 the north and south barns of the Equipment, f.o.b. Lincoln Avenue Dairy Barns, to re- Cissna Park delivered place present equipment that has and been in service for approximately forty years 2,000 connectors, printed circuit, 22 pin installed Digital Computer Cinch Manufacturing Co., 3 360 00 double sided phosphor bronze wire Laboratory Howard B. Jones f.o.b. wrapped terminals Division, delivered Chicago 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 471 Hem Department Vendor Cost One plotter, instantaneous presentation Electrical Alford Manufacturing Co., 910 964 00 automatic impedance and transfer Engineering Boston, Mass. f.o.b. characteristic, oscilloscope with a Boston, Smith chart display, and with RF Mass. equipment required to cover range of 2.5 to 1100 me. One oscilloscope, 3.5 kv, with eighteen Electrical Tektronix, Inc., 2 835 00 calibrated square wave voltages 0.2 Engineering Park Ridge f.o.b. mv to 100 volts, with one dual-trace Beaverton, plug-in unit dc to 10m, one dual-trace Ore, plug-in unit dc to 650 kc, one delayed sweep plug-in unit, one wide-band amplifier 5 cps to 17 me, one oscil- loscope camera One scanning spectrometer with grat- Electrical Jarrell-Ash Co., 5 876 00 ings, interchanging assembly, high Engineering Newtonville, Mass. f.o.b. resolution, proving ring assembly, mounting plate and power supply for delivered research studies on PN junction lasers which emit light in a very narrow region of the spectrum Remodel air conditioning system at the Electrical Nogle & Black, Inc., 5 183 00 Electrical Engineering Monticello Engineering Champaign f.o.b. Field Station delivered One gas chromatograph, dual column, Food Technology Micro-Tek Instruments, 4 734 25 temperature programmed with hy- Inc., f.o.b. drogen flame ionization detectors, to Baton Rouge, La. delivered be used in studies of food flavors in dehydrated food items One spectrochrom including ph and Microbiology Spinco Division 23 500 00 conductivity meters and four chro- Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. matographic columns, for use in the Inc., Palo Alto isolation and characterization of in- Palo Alto, Calif. Calif. dividual genetic messages One zonal ultracentrifuge, temperature Microbiology Spinco Division 14 800 00 control system, continuous flow rotor Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. and gradient pump for use in isolat- Inc., Palo Alto, ing, on a large scale, bacterial ribo- Palo Alto, Calif. Calif. somes and bacterial enzymes One biogen unit (continuous flow steri- Microbiology American Sterilizer Co., 18 100 00 lizer) to be used for continuous culti- Chicago f.o.b. vation of micro-organisms under con- delivered trolled and reproducible conditions in research on the properties of various enzymes involved in dissimilatory sulfate reductions Three liquid scintillation spectrometers M icrobiology Packard Instrument 25 150 00 completely transistorized, with dual Co., Inc., f.o.b. channels and coincidence system us- La Grange delivered ing a pair of matched multiplier phototubes in each instrument, less trade-in of two obsolete spectrometers One pulse height analyzer system, 1024 Physics Nuclear Data, Inc., 18 775 77 channel, each channel having a mag- (Betatron) Madison, Wis. f.o.b. netic core memory capable of storing delivered at least 99,999 counts Four detectors, totally depleted, manu- Physics Oak Ridge Technical 2 575 00 factured from silicon wafers, for (Betatron) Enterprises Corp., f.o.b. measurement and identification of Oak Ridge, Tenn. delivered particle mass as well as determina- tion of particle energy One tape to typewriter converter Physics Tally Register Corp., 2 840 00 One tape perforator with takeup reel for (Betatron) c/o Pivan Engineering, f.o.b. eight-level tape Chicago delivered One tape reader with takeup reel for eight-level tape One ultracentrifuge with two rotors for Zoology Spinco Division 9 607 00 research on the biological activity of Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. nucleic acid fractions from differen- Inc., delivered tiated protozoan cells Palo Alto, Calif. Print and bind 1,500 copies of Key to University Press Cushing-Malloy, Inc., 4 871 00 Trematodes in Animal and Man, by Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. Hisao P. Arai, approximately 416 delivered pages, trim size S}4 in- by 11 in. Print and bind 1,500 copies of Letters of University Press The Colonial Press, Inc., 4 338 65 the Lewis and Clark Expedition, by New York, N.Y. f.o.b. Donald D. Jackson, trim size 6H in. delivered by 9% in., approximately 736 pages Per copy 472 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (32) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of trust funds for the month of January, 1963: Endowment Pool Sale Standard Oil Company of New Jersey common $ 2% 76 a snares Purchase 2 share Monsanto Chemical Company common $ 24 78 $ 2 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 2 034 38 7 000 Aluminum Company of America 4J4 per cent 1/1/82 7 096 25 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reports the following changes in investments of unexpended and current funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Item Department Vendor Cost Lease 183 miscellaneous 16 mm. films Visual Aids Encyclopaedia Britannica $ 2 888 00 for a one-year period Service Films, Inc., f.o.b. Wilmette delivered 230 stacking chairs, upholstered over Assembly Hall S. Buckman Furniture 4 028 01 fiberglas shell for use in the new & Supply Co., f.o.b. Assembly Hall Spring Valley delivered Forty-three fixtures, stage lighting, con- Assembly Hall Kliegl Bros. Universal 23 881 00 sisting of tormentor raceways, theat- Electrical Stage Lighting f.o.b. rical border lights, and theatrical Co., Inc., delivered spotlights for the Assembly Hall New York, N.Y. 625,000 envelopes. 28 lb., brown kraft. Office Supply Business Envelope 10 350 00 gummed flap, open end, clasp, various Storeroom Manufacturers, Inc., f.o.b. sizes Melrose Park delivered 300,000 envelopes, 20 lb. brown kraft. gummed flap, open end, catalog, vari- GUS SIZca 150,000 envelopes, 20 lb. brown kraft, gummed flap, open end, coin, various sizes 950,000 envelopes, 20 lb. giant kraft. gummed flaps, various sizes An estimated ten-month supply for Office Supply Storeroom stock 115 folding tables, 30 in. by 72 in. by Physical Plant Rochelle's, Inc., 2 587 50 29 in., with tempered hardboard sur- Chicago f.o.b. face, plywood core, phenolic backing delivered sheet and angle steel edge, to be dis- tributed to various departments for use as requested 100 each (approximately) fixtures, fluo- Physical Plant Graybar Electric Co., 9 758 60 rescent, lighting, for two 40-watt Peoria f.o.b. lamps delivered 200 each (approximately) fixtures, fluo- rescent, lighting, for four 40-watt lamps 600 each (approximately) louvers, plas- tic for above fixtures 600 each (approximately) hangers for above fixtures To be purchased as required by Physical Plant during the period May 1 through December 31, 1963 Professional-artistic services to remove Physical Plant Louis Pomerantz, 4 550 00 the canvas of five portraits of ex- Evanston f.o.b. presidents, artistically repair the Evanston paintings, and replace in repaired frames No. 5 fuel oil as required by Medical Physical Plant, Apex Motor Fuel Co., 719 20 Center Steam Plant, July 1, 1963, to Chicago Chicago estimated June 30, 1964; minimum quantity to for be purchased will be 8,000 gallons. 8,000 with option of purchasing additional gallons quantities up to 450,000 gallons 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 473 Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) purchase $500 000 Ford Motor Credit Company notes 6/28/63 $492 416 67 500 000 Household Finance Corporation notes 6/28/63 492 416 67 500 000 Montgomery Ward Credit notes 6/28/63 492 416 67 600 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/31/63 598 880 00 Four-H Memorial Camp (June 20, 1962) n l> Purchase $ 6 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2J-*> per cent 9/15/72 3 S 416 88 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $300 000 TJ. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 $298 651 00 300 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 297 923 33 98 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 97 062 47 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Sale $ 50 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/15/63 $ 49 956 46 50 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 49 828 50 Purchase $113 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 $111 922 73 Illinois Street ] Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Sale $ 10 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 $ 9 988 49 Purchase $ 15 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/63 $ 14 784 00 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Purchase $270 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $268 584 30 Peabody Drive (October 21, 1959) Purchase $157 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 $156 207 89 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls Purchase $170 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 $169 588 65 115 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/21/63 114 816 64 Student Services Building (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 85 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 $ 84 817 68 Sinking Funds Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958; June 23, 1959: October 21 , 1959; June 14, 1960; June 21, 1961; May 24, 1962; and October 17, 1962) Purchase $111 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $110 139 20 111 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3}4 per cent 8/15/63 111 450 94 Men's Residence Halls of 1956 (March 23 and September 18, 1956) Purchase $ 14 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 percent 2/15/64 $ 14 000 00 1 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 8/15/64 1 008 75 Men's Residence Halls of 1957 (March 12, 1957, and November 18, 1959) Purchase ?190 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 per cent 2/15/64 $190 118 75 5 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 8/15/64 5 056 25 474 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 Women's Residence Halls of 1956 (September 18, 1956, Purchase $ 46 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 4 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 1% per cent This report was received for record. and February 8/15/64 2/15/65 15, 1961) % 46 373 3 955 75 00 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (33) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period March 1 to 31, 1963. Amount to be With Whom Purpose ra%a tu tne University apeattt Date Homewood Park Appraisal of existing park and rec- $ 600 00 March 7, 1963 District reation areas with recommenda- tions for additional facilities Eli Lilly Co. Oyulation time and active steroids in 1i\7Qifv*lr 2 330 00 March 11, 1963 Truax-Traer Coal Co. Evaluation of a coal-like substance 9 000 00 March 6, 1963 United States Air Force AF-AFOSR-272-6? JLilUWIl do ICUIlcirUlLC Quantum and solid state electronics 57 485 00 February 1, 1963 United States Air Force Problems related to optical com- 83 718 00 February 1, 1963 AF-AFOSR-390-63 munications United States Air Force Electromagnetic wave interaction 30 000 00 February 1, 1963 AF-19(628)-2391 techniques United States Air Force Processes in the ionosphere by 40 000 00 October 1, 1962 AF-19(628)-2484 means of gyro interaction experi- United States Air Force Behavior of soil and rock subjected 50 000 00 March 1, 1963 AF-29(601)-5817 to high stress levels United States Air Force Generating and utilizing coherent 85 000 00 October 1, 1962 AF-33(657)-10224 electromagnetic radiation in the submillimeter and interwave re- gion United States Air Force Electromagnetic and ferret recon- 120 000 00 December 11, 1962 AF-33(657)-10474 naissance antenna techniques United States Air Force Equilibrium solutions of nitrogen in 20 000 00 February 1, 1963 AF-33(657)-10626 columbium-base alloys United States Air Force Information processing capability 25 000 00 February 1, 1963 AF-33(6S7)-1O6S9 of signal analysis system United States Army Mechanism of action of synergists 22 200 00 February 15, 1963 DA-AMC-18-108-63(A) for toxic agents United States Army Initiation and stability of detona- 29 615 00 March 1, 1963 DA-11-022-AMC-329 tion waves United States Army Dislocations and point defects 25 000 00 February 1, 1963 DA-31-124-ARO(D)-65 United States Army Determination of free chlorine resid- 10 481 00 February 15, 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2399 uals in water United States Atomic Physical, chemical, and biological 29 492 00 February 15. 1963 Energy Commission equilibria in natural waters AT(11-1)-1264 United States Depart- Factors causing digestive disturb- 32 460 00 February 28, 1963 ment of Agriculture ances from soybeans 12-14-100-6863(71) United States Depart- Feasibility of a plastic covered 11 250 00 February 22, 1963 ment of Commerce greenhouse vegetable industry in Cc-5994 Southern Illinois United States Depart- Community decision-making and 22 291 00 February 15, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- change and their influence upon cation, and Welfare education OE-3-10-093 United States Depart- Implications of the new media for 30 524 00 February 18, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- the teaching of library science cation, and Welfare OE-3-16-010 United States Depart- Prepare a two-year post high school 14 250 00 February 25, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- curriculum guide for civil tech- cation, and Welfare nology OE-3-99-047 United States Depart- Effects of an endurance exercise 4 320 00 January 20, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- program on the serum lipids, total cation, and Welfare body fat, and selected cardio- PH-86-63-79 vascular disease variables 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 475 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Navy Physiological and biochemical fac- $ 53 324 00 November 1, 1962 Nonr-3985(0I) tors that influence the formation and germination of bacterial spores United States Navy Nonr-3985(03) Microbial ecology 39 138 00 January 1, 1963 United States Navy Pre-programmed self-instruction 33 971 00 February 1, 1963 Nonr-3985(04) and self-programmed individualized education United States Navy Mechanics of failure of glass rein- 20 000 00 February 1. 1963 Nonr-3985(05) forced plastics under compressive loads Total $pD901 449 00 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Allis-Chalmers Rental of farm machinery: One 3 109 14 January 18. 1963 Manufacturing Co. forage blower with attachments International Business I.B.M. equipment: One numeric 1 584 00 December, 1962, Machines Corp. key punch, one card sorter, two January and card punches March, 1963 International Harvester Rental of farm machinery, two 939 52 July, 1962, and Co. items: 243.07 and $pD896.45 February, 1963 Massey-Ferguson, Inc. Rental of farm machinery: One 302 02 February 27. 1963 tractor with attachments Total $ 2 934 68 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Crop-Hail Insurance Factors producing hailstorms in Illi- J5 6 000 00 February 18, 1963 Actuarial Association nois State of Illinois Depart- Fisheries research 32 500 00 February 14, 1963 ment of Conservation United States Air Force Time and temperature dependence 24 959 00 March 14. 1963 AF-33(657)-7619 of the ductile brittle transition in United States Army Evaluate the behavior of immiscible 753 19 March 8. 1963 DA-18-108-405- fluids (gases and liquids) in po- CML-517 rous solid media United States Atomic Specialized training through sum- 19 618 00 January 15, 1963 Energy Commission mer institutes in the field of nu- AT(11-1)-1127 clear science United States Atomic Field of radio chemistry 36 900 00 February 1, 1963 Energy Commission ATfl 1-1 -1149 United States Navy Methods of analysis of structural 68 000 00 March 18, 1963 Nonr-1834(03) and machine elements Total J188 730 19 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Twenty-five items: $53.53 deduct $ 3 371 32 February and (Plastering) to Jl.377.63 March, 1963 Summary Amount to be paid to the TTnivprsitv............ .... ... $1 090 179 19 Amount to be paid by the 1 TTnivprsitv . . . 6 306 00 This report was received for record. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER (34) In accordance with the By-Laws of the Board of Trustees, the Treasurer of the University has submitted a report of receipts and disbursements of University funds in his custody for the period March 1, 1962, to February 28, 1963, certified by the Comptroller. A copy of this report was sent to each member of the Board 476 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 of Trustees prior to today's meeting, and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board. This report was received for record. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; resignations, declinations, and terminations; leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Anderson, Truman 0., Assistant Professor of Medicine and of Microbiology (Medicine), six months from March 1, 1963, $9,000 a year, supersedes (3-13-63). Briggs, Carleton W., Associate Professor of Art, 27/100 time, June 21-August 9 1963, $359, additional (3-11-63). Buinauskas, Peter, Research Associate in Surgery (Medicine), 2/5 time, six months from March 1, 1963, $3,000 a year, supersedes (3-13-63). Cairns, Stewart S., Research Professor of Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $3,668; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-18-63). Curnyn, Arnold D., Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), nine months from October 1, 1962, without salary (3-4-63). Dipert, Arnold W., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,112 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (3-8-63). Dixit, Saryu Narain, Research Associate in Chemistry (Pharmacy), five months from April 1, 1963, $500 a month (4-2-63). Dudley, James, Assistant in Education, Summer Session of 1963, July 15-August 10, 1963, $545 for the period (3-28-63). Duggan, Thomas J., Assistant in Sociology, y$pD time, and Research Assistant in the Office of Community Development (Provost's Office), V2 time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $2,000, supersedes (3-28-63). Egbert, Paul R., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), 1/3 time, two months from June 16, 1963, $696, additional (3-4-63); and, in the Summer Session of 1963, t/z time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,393 for the period, additional and superseding (3-8-63). Emery, Willis L., Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,889 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (3-8-63). Ft.eeger, James L., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), six months from March 1, 1963, $6,750 a year (3-18-63). Fujii, (Miss) Sakiko, Assistant in Animal Science (S), March 15-August 31, 1963, $5,000 a year (3-7-63). Garrett, Barry B., Research Associate in Chemistry, March 16-August 31, 1963, $500 a month (4-2-63). Glen, Donald L., Research Associate in Surgery (Medicine), 95/100 time, January 7-August 31, 1963, $4,680, supersedes (3-18-63). Goldman, Elaine D., Assistant in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), February 1-June 15, 1963, $511.11 a month (3-13-63). Gunther, Gotthard, Visiting Research Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (S), 1/2 time, nine months from December 1, 1962, $4,750 a year, supersedes (3-18-63). Hamm, Charles E., Visiting Lecturer in Music, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,500 for the period (3-8-63). Hang, Daniel F., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, Vi time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,167 for the period; this is in addition to his Summer Session appointment as Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering, 1/2 time (3-8-63). Harding, Mrs. Sarah K., Research Associate in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (Veterinary Medicine), $$3 time, February 6-August 31, 1963, $4,900 a year, supersedes (2-28-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 477 Haenish, Benjamin F., Instructor in Architecture, 27/100 time, June 21-August 9, 1963, $237; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-11-63). Hay, William W., Professor of General Engineering (C), one month from June 16, 1963, $1,190; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-1-63). Hertzberg, Alvin, Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, July 1-August 23, 1963, $2,300 (3-1-63). Hesselberth, Cassius A., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, T-A time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $578 for the period (3-8-63). Hudson, Paul K., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,112 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (3-8-63). Ibuki, Kimio, Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one year from March 16, 1963, to render service during the academic year, $6,500 (3-21-63). Johnson, Evelyn L., Library Assistant, June 10-August 31, 1963, $475 a month (3-28-63). Jones, Edwin C, Jr., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,689 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (3-8-63). Kahn, Alan R., Research Associate in Otolaryngology (Medicine), five months from April 1, 1963, without salary (3-18-63). Kaufmanis, Karlis, Visiting Lecturer in Astronomy, July 22-August 23, 1963, $2,050 (3-1-63). Konead, Fred K., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), six months from March 1, 1963, $6,000 a year (3-13-63). Larson, Bernt O., Professor of General Engineering (C), full time, June 16- June 30, 1963, $655, and July 1-August 2, 1963, j/5 time, $1,311; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-13-63). Lavatelli, Leo S., Professor of Physics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $3,000 for the period (3-8-63). Linster, Richard L., Visiting Lecturer in Physics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,200 for the period (3-8-63). Mosigold, Gerald E., Instructor in Firemanship Training, Division of University Extension, five months from April 1, 1963, $6,240 a year (3-25-63). Nottall, Mildred, Assistant Professor and Assistant State Leader Home Advisers (Home Economics) (E), five months from April 1, 1963, $9,300 a year (3-11-63). Partridge, Robert W., Jr., Visiting Lecturer in Electrical Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), i/$pD time, five months from February 1, 1963, $1,500 (3-8-63). Peirce, Mrs. Helen W., Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, July 1- August 23, 1963, $2,200 (3-13-63). Phillips, Monte L., Instructor in General Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (3-13-63). Pierce, Gail, Research Associate in Elementary Education, beginning July 1 and continuing through August 23, 1963, $1,289 (3-1-63). Propst, Franklin M., Research Assistant Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and of Physics (C), five months from April 1, 1963, $816.66 a month, supersedes (3-25-63). Prothe, Wilbert C, Senior Research Engineer and Assistant to the Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), five months from April 1, 1963, $1,166.66 a month, supersedes (3-14-63). Pusztaszeri, Stephen F., Research Assistant in Chemistry, February 20-August 31, 1963, $5,160 a year (3-19-63). Ricks, Philander, Jr., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1963, $1,041.66 a month (3-1-63). Roberts, Margaret R., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, March 4- June 30, 1963, $433.33 a month (3-11-63). Ryan, David G., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), y3 time, two months from June 16, 1963, $977; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-4-63). oasner, John J., Jr., Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, six months from March 1, 1963, $6,600 a year (3-13-63). 478 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 Schweitzer, Russell, Assistant Chief Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacv (Pharmacy), March 11-August 31, 1963, $8,000 a year (3-13-63). y Scotton, Donald W., Associate Professor of Marketing, Bureau of Business Management, two months from June 16, 1963, $2,400, superseding and additional (3-8-63). Segre, Diego, Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Public Health, Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (Veterinary Medicine), and of Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), and Senior Staff Center for Zoonoses Research, two months from June 16, 1963, $2,600; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-1-63). Simon, Mrs. Ellen M., Research Associate in Zoology, 14 time, five months from April 1, 1963, $166.67 a month (3-18-63). Smith, Helen L., Visiting Lecturer in Social Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 2/3 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, February 1-June 30, 1963, $2,800 (3-13-63). Stallmeyer, James E., Professor of Civil Engineering (C), 1/3 time, two months from June 16, 1963, $844; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-4-63). Stevens, Rolland E., Visiting Lecturer in the Graduate School of Library Science, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 (3-4-63). Sudhoff, Herbert A., Executive Officer, Naval Science, 1/10 time, eight months from January 1, 1963, $600 a year (3-18-63). Vasil, Vimla, Research Associate in Agronomy (S), six months from March 1, 1963, $6,000 a year (3-14-63). Wheatley, Robert C, Visiting Lecturer in Physics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 for the period (3-8-63). Williams, David L., Assistant in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-July 13, 1963, $545 for the period (3-25-63). Wilson, Velma K., Professor of Music, 27/100 time, June 21-August 9, 1963, $390; this is in addition to her present appointment (3-11-63). FELLOWS (The following appointments were made by the President of the University.) Evenson, Donald E., Fortieth Francis J. Plym Fellow in Architecture for 1963-64. Johnson, Thomas H., Edward L. Ryerson Traveling Fellow in Landscape Architecture for 1963-64. Milbratz, William P., Twenty-Ninth Francis J. Plym Fellow in Architectural Engineering for 1963. Williams, Donald L., Edward L. Ryerson Traveling Fellow in Architecture for 1963-64. (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Bostrom, Jane P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee) in Nursing, January 2-August 10, 1963, and September 30-December 20, 1963, $200 a month (3-6-63). Bottorff, Ralph S., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $4,360, supersedes (2-28-63). Broder, Stefan I., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, five months from February 1, 1963, $1,000 (2-6-63). Bryskin, Larry, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, February 1-June 15, 1963, $300 (2-20-63). DeArmond, Mervin K., United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, one year from February 1, 1963, $6,000 (3-20-63). Gemrich, Edwin G., II, Fellow in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-62). Gilbo, Donna M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee) in Nursing, January 2-June 7, 1963, and September 30-December 20, 1%3, $200 a month (3-6-63). Litwack, Marcia D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, March 15-June 30, 1963, $670.81 (3-6-63). Roeder, Robert C, Fellow in Astronomy, June 16-August 31, 1963, $750 (3-19-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 479 Thomas, John A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, February 1-June IS, 1963, $1,000 (2-19-63). Wainio, Anna M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee) in Nursing, January 2-June 7, 1963, and September 30-December 20, 1963, $200 a month (3-6-63). Winn, Diana L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee), in Nursing, January 2-August 10, 1963, and September 30-December 20, 1963, $200 a month (3-6-63). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Allen, Aknon R., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Law --- resignation effective May 17, 1963. Carlson, Alan R., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science --- resignation effective March 28, 1963. Dooley, Raymond W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science --- resignation effective March 16, 1963. Fisher, Roger J., Research Assistant in Sociology --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Guire, Patrick, Research Assistant in Chemistry --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Ichimaru, Setsuo, Research Associate in Physics --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Kosanke, Robert M., Associate Professor of Botany --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Michel, Pierre E. J., Visiting Lecturer in English, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Moss, James W., Assistant Professor of Education, in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children --- resignation effective September 1 1963. Pasternack, Robert F., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective March 14, 1963. Peterson, Helen C, Research Associate in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Postgate, John R., Visiting Professor of Microbiology --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Rees, Mrs. Candida K., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective March 13, 1963. Resek, Robert W., Assistant Professor of Economics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Rone, James W., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering --- resignation effective March 16, 1963. Ross, Donald A., Instructor in Psychology (Psychiatry) and in the Department for Crippled Children (Medicine) ---declination effective September 1, 1962. Ruskin, Byron, Assistant in Pathology --- termination effective October 1, 1962. Samuels, Arnold, Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry --- termination effective February 1, 1963. Stager, Robert A., Fellow in Chemical Engineering --- resignation effective March 30, 1963. Steinkamp, Stanley W., Assistant Professor of Economics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Stendler, Celia. B., Professor of Education, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Tomasson, Richard F., Assistant Professor of Sociology, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Applequist, Douglas E., Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry --- leave of absence, without pay, for six months from March 1, 1964, so that he may accept a visiting professorship at Harvard University. Luscher, Edgar, Research Associate Professor of Physics, and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- leave of absence, without pay, from August 1, 1963, through August 31, 1964, so that he may spend that time in research at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Munich, Germany. 480 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 17 Scott, Robert E., Professor of Political Science --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may do research work at the Brookings Institution in Washington. Tomasson, Richard F., Assistant Professor of Sociology, and in the Division of General Studies --- leave of absence, without pay, for two years from September 1, 1963, so that he may spend that period in research at universities in Sweden. EX OFFICIO ASSIGNMENTS OF PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD President Clement announced that in view of his duties as President of the Board he is asking to be relieved of the following assignments: University of Illinois Foundation. The President of the Board of Trustees or a member of the Board designated by him is ex officio a member of the Board of Directors of the University of Illinois Foundation. Mr. Clement announced that he is designating Mr. Williamson as his replacement, to serve until further notice. University Retirement System. Mr. Clement asked that some other member of the Board be elected to replace him on the Board of Trustees of the University Retirement System of Illinois. On motion of Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue was unanimously elected as a member of the Board of Trustees of the University Retirement System of Illinois. The other previously elected representatives are Mr. Hughes and Mr. Williamson. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1963-64 President Clement called attention to the fact that standing committees of the Board are usually appointed by its President shortly after the March meeting. Tie stated that he had deferred making appointments for 1963-64 in anticipation that the vacancy on the Board, vice Judge Richard A. Harewood, would soon be filled so that the new Trustee could be included in committee assignments. He further stated that he would make the appointments in the near future after consultation with Trustees concerning their preferences. USE OF UNIVERSITY FACILITIES FOR ADDRESSES BY CANDIDATES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE President Clement requested the Committee on General Policy to review the University's current policy governing the use of campus facilities by candidates for election to public office to determine if the policy should be revised and to make a recommendation to the Board. EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session has been requested, and was being ordered, for consideration of reports and recommendations relating to property acquisitions and certain faculty appointments, and that this session would be held following a recess. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board recessed at 12:00 noon. The Board reconvened at 1:30 p.m., and the same members and officers of the Board were present at the executive session as recorded at the beginning of these minutes, with the exception of Mr. Ray Page and Mr. R. R. Manchester, who asked to be excused; the same officers of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes with the exception of Mr. George H. Bargh, Mr. Fred H. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 481 Turner, and Mr. Paul R. Shaffer. The Board considered the following recommendations for land acquisitions. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 13O7 WEST MAIN STREET. URBANA (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of the property at 1307 West Main Street, Urbana, Illinois, at a price of $29,000, required as part of the site for construction of the new Civil Engineering Building. The property consists of a lot 66 feet by 132 feet (8,712 square feet) and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted regarding this purchase and recommends approval. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, the purchase of this property, at the price recommended, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 2O8 NORTH ROMINE STREET, URBANA (2) Representatives of the University have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 208 North Romine Street, Urbana, Illinois, required as a part of the site for construction of the new Civil Engineering Building. The property consists of a lot 66 feet by 66 feet (4,356 square feet) and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. A price of $25,000, based on appraisals secured by the University, was suggested to the owner who was advised that if the price is agreed to, a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for purchase of the property. The price is not acceptable to the owner, whose asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees exercise its power to acquire the property by eminent domain and authorize condemnation proceedings for its acquisition. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution. Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 208 North Romine Street, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: The North one-half {Vi) of Lot Five (S) In Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for a site for a Civil Engineering Building and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated l>y the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said 482 BOARD OF TRUSTEES owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. APPOINTMENTS TO THE ACADEMIC STAFF President Clement recalled to the attention of the Board suggestions which have been made and discussed at meetings of Board committees that special consideration be given to appointments to the faculty and permanent tenure positions of qualified Negroes. He stated that he will appoint a special committee to consider the matter in consultation with appropriate University officers. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS May 15, 1963 The May meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, May 15, 1963, in two sessions: in the Chicago Ulini Union Building at the Medical Center, beginning at 11:00 a.m.; and in the LaSalle Hotel, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The evening session was scheduled for the award of contracts for the construction of Congress Circle and was held in the LaSalle Hotel for the convenience of the public and particularly representatives of contractors and others interested in the Congress Circle projects. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Wayne A. Johnston and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Mr. Johnston joined the meeting for the evening session and Mr. Page asked to be excused following the recess at the conclusion of the forenoon session. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando of the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Donald C. Neville and Mr. Edward S. Sefcik, Assistants to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 483 484 board of trustees [May IS BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates James Andrew Barber Hazel Crest, Illinois New York Cecil John McDowell Creve Coeur, Missouri California I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these certificates were awarded. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE (2) The Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine recommends the following appointment and reappointments to the Advisory Committee for the College of Veterinary Medicine for terms ending August 31, 1965: William J. Kuhfuss, President, Illinois Agricultural Association, Bloomington (new) Donald I. Dean, Route 3, Champaign (reappointment) A. B. McConnell, Woodstock (reappointment) I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CITIZENS COMMITTEE (3) I submit the following nominations for appointments to the University of Illinois Citizens Committee for a period of three years beginning January 1, 1963. Herbert P. Bicknell Farmer Lovington, Illinois James Brown IV Executive Director, Chicago Community Trust 10 South LaSalle Street Room 1340 Chicago 3, Illinois Francis A. Boyle Farmer McNabb, Illinois Avery Brundage Executive 10 North LaSalle Street Chicago 2, Illinois M. Wendell Carlton, D.D.S. Dentist McLeansboro, Illinois Marvin Chandler President, Northern Illinois Gas Company SO Fox Street Aurora, Illinois Mes. Sherret S. Chase Homemaker 612 South Main Street Sycamore, Illinois Charles S. Craigmile President, Belden Manufacturing Company 415 South Kilpatrick Avenue Chicago 44, Illinois Percy L. Julian President, The Julian Laboratories, Inc. 9352-58 West Grand Avenue Franklin Park, Illinois 1963] UNIVERSITY I. L. Palmer President, Marshall Field and Company 25 East Washington Street Chicago 2, Illinois James B. Parsons District Judge, United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois 219 South Clark Chicago 4, Illinois George Russell Schwarz Attorney 103 North State Street Terseyville, Illinois James G. Thomas Attorney 501 First National Bank Building Champaign, Illinois Ernest Harper Utter County Judge, Schuyler County Court House Rushville, Illinois Robert H. Voris Editor, Waterloo Republican Waterloo, Illinois Samuel W. White, Jr. President, Oliver Corporation 400 West Madison Street Chicago 6, Illinois On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (4) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Clarence C. Leverenz, Director of Union and Housing, in the Physical Plant Department, Medical Center Campus, beginning May 16, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,700 (DY). 2. Elbert Eugene Oliver, Associate Dean of Admissions and Records, for two years beginning September 1, 1963, with rank of Associate Professor on indefinite tenure, at an annual salary of $15,000 (BY, AY). 3. Kamal Nath Sharma, Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Psychology and of Physiology, beginning May 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,940 (DY). 4. Antonio Tovar, Professor of the Classics, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $13,500 (A). 5. Herbert C. Quay, Associate Professor of Psychology and Special Education, on indefinite tenure, and Research Director of the Children's Research Center, from September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $16,500 (AY, BY). On motion of Mr. Pogne, these appointments were confirmed. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY (5) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Dr. L. Leon Campbell as Professor of Microbiology on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Microbiology beginning September 1, 1963, to succeed Professor Kimball C. Atwood who has asked to be relieved of his administrative responsibilities to devote full time to teaching and research. The salary of this position will be determined when the budget for 1963-64 is submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. This recommendation is submitted after consultation with all members of the Department of Microbiology and is supported by the Executive Committee of the School of Life Sciences, the Dean of the Graduate College, and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this appointment was approved. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ADMINISTRATION (6) After consultation with the members of the two departments concerned, and with the concurrence of the Executive Committee of the College, the Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration recommends that the Department of Management and the Department of Business Law be merged into a single Department of Industrial Administration which will more nearly meet the requirements of present day education for business. The present Acting Head of the Department of Management, Professor Irvin L. Heckmann, is leaving the University to become Dean of the College of Business Administration at Creighton 486 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 University, and Professor Kenneth U. Flood, Acting Head of the Department of Business Law, has asked to be relieved of his administrative assignment to devote full time to teaching and research. The Dean also recommends the appointment of Dr. E. Joe DeMaris, Associate Professor of Accountancy, as Head of the Department of Industrial Administration for two years from September 1, 1963. The salary of this position will be determined when the budget for 1963-64 is presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Dean of the Graduate College concur in these proposals. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved. DEANSHIP OF COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (7) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends the appointment of Dr. Glenn Terrell, Jr., presently Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado, as Professor of Psychology on indefinite tenure and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Chicago Undergraduate Division for two years, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $21,000 on a twelve-month service basis. This appointment is within the new organizational framework of the University of Illinois at Congress Circle as previously authorized by the Board of Trustees. The recommendation is submitted after consultation with the Academic Advisory Council at the Chicago Undergraduate Division and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Urbana, and is concurred in by the Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDY IN LIBRARIANSHIP (8) The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends authorization of a proposal from the Graduate School of Library Science approved by the Executive Committee of the Graduate College to grant a Certificate of Advanced Study in Librarianship for those persons who wish to take specialized courses in librarian-ship beyond the master's degree but are not seeking a doctor's degree. The requirements are: (1) a master's degree from an accredited library school; (2) successful completion of at least two years' work in a library subsequent to receiving the master's degree; and (3) completion of eight units of graduate courses at the University of Illinois at least half of which shall be in the Graduate School of Library Science with grades meeting the Graduate College standards. The Senate Coordinating Council has advised that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. SUMMER SPEECH CLINICS (9) The Director of the Division of Services for Crippled Children and the Vice-President of the Medical Center Campus recommend, and I concur, that the Division be authorized to continue speech clinics during the summer of 1963 at the following institutions of higher education in Illinois on a reimbursable cost basis: Estimated Cost Augustana College, Rock Island...................................$ 9 S8S 00 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb.............................. 12 265 00 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale........................... 11 215 00 Illinois State Normal University, Normal.......................... 11 576 66 $44 641 66 A similar clinic at the University of Illinois at Urbana..............$14 305 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 487 Funds are available in the budget of the Division of Services for Crippled Children. On motion of Mr. Williamson, authority was given as requested. UNITED STUDENT AID FUNDS, INCORPORATED (10) United Student Aid Funds, Incorporated (USAF) is a private non-profit corporation established to assist needy students at institutions of higher education to obtain low-cost loans from local banks. It raises, holds, and invests reserve funds which are used to match institutional funds to underwrite these bank loans. Its national center endorses the loans; it serves other agencies interested in endorsing student loans, both private and public in character; and it offers consulting services at no cost to banks, foundations, and others interested in providing low-cost student loans. Under the plan, the first $1,000 deposited by an educational institution for this purpose is matched by USAF in an equal amount, and the total is placed in its reserve fund. Based upon this reserve of $2,000, the sum of $25,000 in student loans may be obtained by eligible students from local banks at a 6 per cent simple interest rate, such loans being endorsed by USAF. Deposits placed in the reserve by the educational institution in addition to the original $1,000 may be matched in whole or in part, and the aggregate sum creates a reserve for endorsed loans of twelve and one-half times the reserve. At any time that a deposit by an educational institution is not being used for guaranteeing loans, it may be withdrawn from USAF upon thirty days' notice. The educational institution has no responsibilities or obligations in making or collecting the loans other than to certify that the student is enrolled and is in good academic standing, and to report any change in his status. The responsibilities of making, recording, and collecting the loan are assumed by the lending bank. USAF receives grants from foundations, industrial corporations, and other sources, which make it possible to match contributions by educational institutions in whole or in part. At the present time USAF has several hundred thousand dollars which have been earmarked for this purpose. All contributions by educational institutions in excess of the basic $1,000 (which is matched dollar for dollar) will be matched to some degree if made prior to May 31, 1963. USAF advises that the Illinois Bankers Association has indicated that it will recommend to its member banks that they participate in this program. It is proposed that on a trial basis an initial deposit of $2,000 be made, which, if matched dollar for dollar, would make possible the endorsement of loans totaling $50,000. The University of Illinois has no funds which it may use for this purpose. However, the Board of Directors of the Uniyersity of Illinois Foundation has allocated $2,000 from uncommitted gifts for this purpose, and the allocation may be increased to $5,000 or more if the program works out satisfactorily. It will make available very substantial sums for student loans under conditions which can not be met by funds presently available to the University of Illinois or the University Foundation. The University must, however, be a party to setting up this program of student loans, and it is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize execution of a contract with United Student Aid Funds, Incorporated, to deposit up to $5,000 of funds allocated by the University of Illinois Foundation for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (11) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign 1. College of Engineering Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, facilities and equipment......................................................$ 7 300 00 Department of Civil Engineering, equipment...................... 5 100 00 2. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Zoology, teaching materials........................ 6 000 00 3. Library, library additions........................................ 26 000 00 488 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS 4. Physical Plant Department Remodeling in Animal Science Laboratory for Department of Dairy Science......................................................... 3 400 00 Installing electrical service in Old Agronomy Storehouse for Department of Forestry ........................................... 3 480 00 Installing water lines to Machine Shed for Department of Plant Pathology...................................................... 7 000 00 Remodeling and air conditioning in Lincoln Hall for Bureau of Educational Research ........................................... 12 240 00 Installing air conditioners in offices in Gregory Hall for College of Education...................................................... 3 330 00 Remodeling in Central Receiving buildings for Department of Civil Engineering..................................................... 6 590 00 Constructing a sidewalk in front of Women's Gymnasium.......... 4 000 00 Remodeling offices and laboratories in Natural History Building 20 240 00 Chicago Undergraduate Division 5. College of Engineering Department of Physics, equipment (matching funds for Atomic Energy Commission grant)...................................... 6 000 00 Medical Center 6. College of Pharmacy Department of Chemistry, equipment............................. 6 237 80 7. Research and Educational Hospitals Operating Rooms, equipment..................................... 4 250 00 Department of Radiology, equipment............................. 18 000 00 To supplement operating budget for 1961-62....................... 103 000 00 Total, University General Reserve............................(242 167 80) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations also recommends the following assignments of funds for the Medical Center from Indirect Costs, General: 8. Medical Research Laboratory, animal cages and equipment........ 100 000 00 Grand Total..................................................$342 167 80 On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTH ADDITION TO THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of a south addition to the Administration Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Kuhne-Simmons Co., Inc., Champaign....................$1 032 095 Base bid........................................... $1 024 900 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor................... 13 336 Installing acoustical ceilings in classrooms........ 747 Installing Venetian blinds........................ 2 018 Deductive alternates Omitting metal lath............................. --- 8 906 Omitting "critical-path method" of scheduling for job control ................................ No change Electrical --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana....................................................... 121 025 Base bid .......................................... 118 500 Additive alternate for starters for added air conditioning ......................................... 2 525 Plumbing---F. R. Inskip, an individual doing business as F. R. Inskip and Company, Champaign......................... 69 972 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 489 Heating and Air Conditioning --- Bellis and Miller, Inc., Champaign.................................................... 195 628 Base bid........................................... 153 761 Additive alternate for added refrigeration machine 41 867 Ventilating and Sheet Metal --- Petry Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Champaign.................................... 102 300 Total..................................................... $1 521 020 It is also recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work making the total of his contract $1,521,020; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., for the assignment of these other contracts for $13,336, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by the Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, subject to release by the Governor. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department including a summary of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE FIRST ADDITION TO THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BUILDING (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of the first addition to the University Press Building on Gregory Drive, Champaign, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- English Brothers Company, Champaign, Illinois.............$300 680 Base bid............................................... $294 980 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts..................................... 8 600 Deductive alternate for omitting acoustical ceiling treatment --- 2 900 Electrical---G. L. Wilsky, an individual doing business as Downtown Electric, Urbana, Illinois.............................. 74 575 Plumbing --- Dayid William Reichard and David Warren Reichard, a partnership doing business as David W. Reichard Plumbing and Heating, Urbana, Illinois......................................... 29 500 Heating --- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign, Illinois 112 539 Ventilating---Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign, Illinois.......................................................... 70 490 Total........................................................... $587 784 It is also recommended that a combined contract be awarded to Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company in the amount of $183,029, being the total of the amounts bid by that Company on the heating and ventilating work. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract $587,784; and that an agreement be entered into with the English Brothers Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $8,600, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by the Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, subject to release by the Governor. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department including a summary of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. 490 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 On motion of Mr. Pogue, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR AIR CONDITIONING STUDENT RESIDENCE HALL AT THE MEDICAL CENTER (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for air conditioning the offices, lounge, dining room, and kitchen areas in the Medical Center Student Residence Hall, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Controls --- National Korectaire Company, Chicago ............................................... $51 505 Base bid................................................. $39 674 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor.......................... 1 231 Supplement cooling capacity in dining room area........ 4 472 Air conditioning offices, Rooms 216, 216A, and 217...... 2 669 Supplement cooling capacity for lounge and recreation room............................................. 3 459 Ventilation --- Narowetz Heating and Ventilating Company, Chicago..... 10 970 Base bid................................................. 9 700 Additive alternates Air conditioning offices................................ 1 100 Supplement cooling capacity for lounge and recreation room............................................. 170 Plumbing --- Fettes, Love, and Sieben, Inc., Chicago.................... 913 Electrical --- Midwest Interstate Electrical Construction Co., Chicago..... 7 372 Base bid................................................. 6 768 Additive alternates Supplement cooling capacity in dining room area....... 144 Air conditioning offices................................ 175 Supplement cooling capacity for lounge and recreation room............................................ 285 General --- Mutual Contracting Company, Chicago....................... 10 561 Base bid................................................. 5 883 Additive alternates Supplement cooling capacity in dining room area....... 446 Air conditioning offices................................ 2 125 Supplement cooling capacity for lounge and recreation room............................................. 2 107 Total............................................................ $81 321 The work will include furnishing and installation of equipment and supply systems to air condition the lounge, dining room, recreation room, offices, and kitchen areas. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for heating, refrigeration, and temperature controls be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $81,321; and that an agreement be entered into with the National Korectaire Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,231, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the contractor for heating, refrigeration, and temperature controls. Funds are available in the Operation and Maintenance account of the University of Illinois Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Revenue Bonds, Series of 1951, which were issued to finance Chicago housing projects and remodeling of the second unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building. A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 491 On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner. LEASE WITH CHICAGO CHAPTER, AMERICAN RED CROSS, FOR DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN, CHICAGO OFFICE (15) The Chicago Office of the Division of Services for Crippled Children has occupied 4,700 square feet of space in the State of Illinois Building at 160 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois, since July 1, 1951. Due to additional space needs of the State Department of Finance, the Division has been requested to vacate the building. Sufficient space is not available in University facilities, so it is necessary to lease in a commercial building. Suitable space consisting of 4,800 square feet has been located in the building of the Chicago Chapter, American Red Cross, at 43 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois. The lessor agrees to pay for the necessary remodeling and to furnish heat, water, air conditioning, decorating, and janitor service for a rental charge of $4.25 per square foot per year, or an annual charge of $20,400. This rate is reasonable considering the location and standard of quality of the quarters. For the period July 1, 1951, through June 30, 1955, the Division made a rental payment to the state of Illinois of $12,900 per year. Subsequently, the state appropriations to the Division for contractual services were decreased by that amount and the Division has occupied the space rent free. The Director of the Division of Services for Crippled Children, the Vice-President at the Medical Center, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a lease with the Chicago Chapter, American Red Cross, for space at an annual rental of $20,400 for the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965, with the option to renew for two successive two-year periods from July 1, 1965, to June 30, 1969; with the lessor having the right to increase rent for the period July 1, 1967, to June 30, 1969, if the operating expenses of the building should increase, such increase in rent to be limited to 4.8 per cent of the total increase in operating costs of the building. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this lease was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner. ANNEXATION OF LAND BY THE URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN SANITARY DISTRICT (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of annexation of the following described area of University property by the Urbana and Champaign Sanitary District: The South 264 feet of the area bounded by Florida Avenue, First Street, St. Mary's Road, and the Illinois Central Railroad; All University-owned land between First Street and the Illinois Central Railroad, south of St. Mary's Road and north of the south line of Section 24 R8E (Shapland Road extended). The area to be annexed includes the site of the proposed Firemanship Training College and the Mental Health Center. The University is requesting legislation to transfer the Mental Health Center site to the State Department of Mental Health, which concurs in the proposed annexation. Annexation is necessary to provide for the treatment of sewage from these sources. A plat of the area including the legal description is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record as part of this recommendation. I recommend that the Secretary and the Comptroller be authorized to execute the petition and any other documents necessary to effect the annexation, subject to approval of the Legal Counsel. On motion of Mr. Swain, this annexation was approved by the fol- 492 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS lowing vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none-absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS (17) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of architectural and engineering firms for the projects and on the terms as indicated below. Berger-Kelley-Unteed and Associates, Champaign, Illinois, on Mathematics Office Building, at a fee of 6 per cent of the amount of the construction contracts, work to include preliminary planning, working drawings, specifications, and supervision of construction. Frazier, Raftery, Orr, and Fairbank, Geneva, Illinois, on restoration of Hull House Mansion and Dining Room, at a fee of actual cost of authorized renderings and actual cost of professional personnel employed on a time card basis, plus 150 per cent of time card representing overhead and commission, work to include development of exploratory designs and renderings, working drawings, specifications, and supervision of construction. The University will have the right to limit the work to development of exploratory designs and renderings at a cost not to exceed $1,500. Waldron Associates, Inc., Haddonfield, New Jersey, on critical path scheduling services for Congress Circle Campus, at fees as follows: Conducting a three-day contractor-University workshop, $1,800. Consulting services at a per diem of $200, plus travel costs to develop a skeleton network, a multiproject control system and integration with monthly progress reports and accounting payments, a transfer network (moving of equipment, library, etc., to new facilities), and updating for two monthly periods. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund, subject to release by the Governor on the two Congress Circle projects; funds for the Mathematics Office Building have already been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these recommendations were approved. CONTRACT FOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES (18) By authority of the Board, the consulting engineering firm of Brown, Manthei, Davis, and Mullins, Champaign, has been employed by the University for incidental mechanical and electrical engineering services to the Physical Plant Department in planning new construction and remodeling work on a standing contract through which change orders have been issued for specific assignments, mostly small jobs best handled by a local firm. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a new contract with Brown, Manthei, Davis, and Mullins for consulting services for a period of two years beginning July 1, 1963, on the same terms and conditions as in previous contracts: a rate of $7.50 per hour for the time of the four partners, services of other personnel to be billed at actual hourly standard rates paid by the firm, plus 100 per cent for overhead costs and commission. The cost of this consulting service will be charged against construction budgets of projects for which the firm is employed. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this recommendation was approved. PURCHASES (19) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase is each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 493 Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University), and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Approximately 270,700 sheets and 58 Medical Center John V. Doehren Co., rolls of Eastman, Ansco, and du Pont Chicago medical x-ray film to be used at the Eastman and du Pont $pD82 086 39 Medical Center and Urbana campuses Moss X-Ray & Medical during the year beginning July 1, Equipment Co., 1963, through June 30, 1964, subject Chicago to renewal for one year by mutual Ansco 29 146 24 agreement delivered (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, $93.464.69. and Institutional Funds, ?17,767.94, for a total of fill.232.63.) Approximately 385 cylinders of anes- Medical Center Air Products & 5 188 50 thetic gases to be used by various Chemicals, Inc., delivered departments at the Medical Center Forest Park during the year beginning July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement Approximately 4,200,000 cubic feet of Medical Center National Cylinder Gas 14 490 00 bulk oxygen to be used in the Re- Division of Chemetron delivered search and Educational Hospitals Corp., from July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Cicero Approximately 100,000 pounds cut dry Medical Center Liquid Carbonic, Division 5 150 00 ice and 150 fifty-pound cylinders of General Dynamics, delivered carbon dioxide to be used at the Chicago Medical Center during the year be- ginning July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement One 9 in. image amplifier with cine and Pediatrics Picker X-Ray Corp., 46 000 00 television attachments Chicago delivered Approximately 1,600 milHcuries radio- Radiology E. R. Squibb & Sons, 7 428 SO active isotopes to be used by the Division of Olin delivered Isotope Laboratory for the period Mathieson Chemical from July 1, 1963, through June 30, Corp., 1964 Franklin Park Window-washing service between July Physical Plant Alex Wasleff Building 2 616 00 1,1963, and June 30,1964, as follows: Department, Maintenance Co., two washings for the Research and Medical Chicago Educational Hospitals and Neuto- Center psychiatric Institute, and three wash- ings for the staff apartment building Laundering service of approximately Physical Bissell Laundry, Inc., 5 400 00 90,000 pounds of 8 oz. bath towels. Education, Chicago during the period of July 1, 1963, Chicago through June 30, 1965, for the De- Undergraduate partment of Physical Education at Division the Chicago Undergraduate Division Removal of rubbish, building debris. Physical Plant Anchor Scavenger Service, 2 900 00 from the University of Illinois Navy Department, Berwyn Pier for the period July 1, 1963, Chicago through June 30, 1965 Undergraduate Continuous cloth towel service of ap- Chicago Colleges American Linen Supply 21 000 00 proximately 42,000 rolls as needed and Divisions Co- during the period of July 1, 1963, Chicago through June 30,1965. at the Medical Center and the Chicago Undergraduate Division One gas chromatograph with automatic Animal Science F & M Scientific Corp., 6 111 00 attenuator, recorder, ionization at- Avondale, Pa. f.o.b. tachment, and fraction collector for delivered use in analysis of fats, tissue lipids, and derivatives of fatty materials in the Burnsides Research Laboratory One centrifuge, automatic, refrigerated, Chemistry and Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 2 885 00 with two large capacity rotors to be Chemical Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. used in a teaching laboratory for work Engineering delivered with enzymes and cellular fractiona-tion 494 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 Item Department Vendor Con One painting entitled "General Studies," College of Fine The Downtown Gallery, t 8 000 00 by Stuart Davis, selected from the and Applied Inc., f.o.b. 1963 Festival of Arts Contemporary Arts New York, N.Y. delivprpH American Painting and Sculpture exhibition One painting entitled "Paris Roofs." by College of Fine Pierre Matisse 7 600 on Loren Maclver, selected from the and Applied Gallery Corp., f.o.b. 1963 Festival of Arts Contemporary Arts New York, N.Y. delivered American Painting and Sculpture exhibition One language laboratory, thirty-two Language Carroll Seating Co., 14 300 00 student positions, all positions audio. Laboratory Chicago f.o.b. active compare, and including one delivered year full-service contract and installed One transistorized pulse-height analyzer Physics- Technical Measurements 7 075 00 system consisting of a basic 400- Betatron Corp., f.o.b. channel analyzer, one paper tape Chicago delivered printer with built-in 750 to 1200 volt high voltage power supply and rack mount adapters for the above (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, $pD7,075.00, and Institutional Funds, $pD3,300.00, for a total of 310,375.00.) Nine issues Illinois Alumni News, ap- Alumni E. W. Petty Co., 26 442 56 proximately 32,000 copies per issue. Association Effingham f.o.b. sixteen 11 in. by 17 in. pages per copy. delivered June, July, October, November, De- cember, 1963, and February, March, April, June, 1964 Three issues Illinois Alumni News, ap- proximately 90,000 copies per issue. eight 11 in. by 17 in. pages per copy. spring and fall, 1963, and spring, 1964 Print and bind 1,500 copies of Symbolic University Press Pantagraph Printing & 2 852 32 Crusade, by Joseph C. Gusfield, trim Stationery Co., f.o.b. size 6 in. by 9 in., approximately 208 Bloomington delivered pages per copy Print and bind 1,500 copies of The Origins of Teapot Dome, Progressives, University Press Vail-Ballou, Inc., 4 046 26 New York, N.Y. f.o.b. Parties, and Petroleum, 1909-21, by delivered J. Leonard Bates, trim size 6 in. by 9 in., approximately 328 pages per copy 69,500 (approximately) prints, photo, Security Office Pfiles Camera Shop, 2 618 07 glossy, clear and legible, 2H in. by Inc., f.o.b. 3H in., of student I.D. cards for Decatur delivered school year 1963-64 Furnish and install 446 fixed pedestal Physical Plant Blackwell Wielandy Co., 8 334 50 chairs with tablet arms in sixteen Department, St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. classrooms in Physics Building, Stage Architectural delivered II Division and installed Mowing equipment consisting of the Institute of R. W. Riegel, 4 230 00 following: Aviation Tolono f.o.b. One tractor, gas operated delivered One cutterbar mower, side mounted One rotary cutter Less trade-in of one tractor, 1946, complete with cutterbar, to be used at the University of Illinois-Willard Airport, Savoy Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Approximately 218,000 sterile dispos- Medical Center American Hospital % 8 365 52 able hypodermic needles in assorted Stores Supply Corp., delivered sizes to be used during the period Evanston from July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement One lot of laboratory equipment and Medical Center Aloe Scientific, 4 294 70 supplies consisting of three micro- Stores Schiller Park delivered scopes and accessories, one micro- scope body, 150 ounces microscope cover glasses, six pipet jars, fifty gross microscope slides, six stop watches, and 1,494 bottles reagent chemicals 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 495 Hem Department Vender Cost Approximately 3,600 pints whole human Blood Bank, Interstate Blood Bank, $ 40 000 00 blood (Rh positive and Rh negative), 400 pints heparini2ed blood, and 350 Chicago Inc., Chicago pints ACD siliconized blood, to be Chicago Blood Donor 40 000 00 supplied as needed by the Research Service, and Educational Hospitals for the Chicago period from July 1, 1963, through Mt. Sinai Medical 20 000 00 June 30, 1964, with the option to Research Foundation renew for one additional year by Michael Reese Research 10 000 00 mutual agreement Foundation (110 000 00) Three plastic inner rooms to be installed Clinical Research Standard Safety S 380 60 in two existing rooms in the Research Center Equipment Co., delivered and Educational Hospitals Palatine Porcelain denture teeth as reauested by Prosthodontics Harry B. Price, Inc., 3 000 00 the Prosthodontics Clinic from July Clinic Chicago delivered 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964 No. S standard fuel oil delivered to Physical Plant Apex Motor Fuel Co., 25 216 95 Navy Pier as required by the Under- Department, Chicago total graduate Division Power Plant; Chicago estimated 255,000 gallons, subject to 10 per cent Undergraduate expenditure increase or decrease Division for the maximum quantity Eighteen recorders, automatic portable Agricultural Engineering Belfort Instrument Co., 5 166 00 liquid level, curvilinear type with fully jeweled clocks, six-inch floats, Baltimore, Md. f.o.b. delivered counterweights, thirty-foot perfo- rated tapes, to comply with federal specifications One nuclear system for automatically Agronomy Nuclear Chicago Corp., 3 640 83 assaying radioactive samples with a Des Plaines f.o.b. thin end window geiger tube, scintil- delivered lation counter and windowless flow counter, complete with cables to oper- ate with a scaling instrument One microscope stand with slideways Animal Science W. H. Kessel & Co- 2 815 30 for nosepieces, collector tube, lamp Chicago f.o.b. socket, diaphragm insert and acces- delivered sories, including an apochromatic and planapochmat lens Twenty-five farrowing units, each unit Animal Science Marting Manufacturing 3 218 75 to consist of one 6 ft. by 8 ft. house, Co., f.o.b. one 6 ft. by 6 ft. outside pen with a Washington Court delivered special hardwood floor, watering House, Ohio trough, and sanitary trough, and one feeder Twenty feeding units, each unit special, Animal Science Morrow Lumber Co., 3 191 00 seven-stall, for limiting sow rations, Knightstown, Ind. f.o.b. size 12 ft. long by 6 ft. wide by 3 ft. delivered \l% in. high, units to be constructed of hardwood One frequency synthesizer (generator) Chemistry and ITT Industrial Products 5 645 00 with power supply and with fixed Chemical Division, c/o Cossens f.o.b. frequencies of 1 me, 40 me, 100 kc, Engineering & Cudahy, San 10 kc, 1 kc, and 100 c/s Chicago Fernando, One harmonic amplifier Calif. One set standard accessories One set recommended accessories One oscilloscope, sampling, 10 nano- Chemistry and Tektronix, Inc., 3 644 SO second/cm sweep time Chemical Park Ridge f.o.b. One dual trace plug-in amplifier Engineering Beaverton, One time base plug-in unit with delayed Ore. sweep 0.5 microseconds/cm to 1 second/cm One sampling sweep plug-in One dual trace plug-in Two probes One scope movable cart Thirty-two sense amplifiers Digital Computer Hamilton Standard, 2 617 60 Laboratory Broad Brook, Conn. f.o.b. destination 1500 diodes, type IN373O (RD75O) Digital Computer Raytheon Co., 2 835 00 Laboratory Franklin Park f.o.b. One microscope system including cam- Electrical W. H. Kessel and Co., u.ciivcrc-1 6 523 00 era, xenon discharge lamp, equipped Engineering Chicago f.o.b. for vertical illumination with various delivered lens and objective accessories for use in examination of PH junction lasers 496 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 Item Department Vendor Cost One heart-lung mechanical unit includ- Electrical International Medical $ 3 602 00 ing pumps, pediatric type oxygenator. Engineering Instrument Corp., f.o.b. heat exchanger and niters for research Stoneham, Mass. delivered and investigation of the central nerv- ous system by the Biophysical Laboratory of the Department of Electrical ii IJHtHl XXX Ifr One furnace, diffusion, bench size, dou- Electrical Hevi-Duty Electric Co., 3 697 00 ble shell, three circuits complete with Engineering Division of Basic f.o.b. 2 Ji in. I.D. alumina liner for research Products Corp., delivered work in the new Materials Research Watertown, Wis. Laboratory One interferometer base and precision Electrical Engis Equipment Co., 3 680 00 screw, including mirror carriage, case. Engineering Chicago f.o.b. leveling screws, telescope and assembly delivered One gas chromatograph, dual column, Food Barber-Colman Co., 10 416 51 capable of independent operation at Technology Industrial Instruments f.o.b. different temperatures, two temper- Division, delivered ature programmer units, two re- Chicago corders and two temperature ioniza- tion detector cells, to be used on analysis of fats in the Burnsides Re- search Laboratory Construct 26 ft. by 30 ft. steel frame Food Harshbarger Building 6 281 1<> addition to existing steel frame build- Technology & Supply Co., f.o.b. ing south of Horticulture Field Labo- Urbana delivered ratory and erected One anemometer, constant temperature, Mechanical and Lintronic Laboratories, 3 017 00 hot film Industrial Ithaca. N.Y. f.o.b. One analyzer, random signal Engineering Ithaca, N.Y. One microvolt potentiometer, 0 to Physics Minneapolis-Honeywell 5 430 00 111,111.0 microvolts in steps of 0.1 Regulator Co., f.o.b. microvolts and Oto 11,111.10 in steps Chicago Denver, of 0.01 microvolts, six-digit precision, Colo. thermal emfs less than 0.01 microvolt One photoelectric galvanometer One spotlight galvanometer One potentiometer, laboratory, high Physics Minneapolis-Honeywell 2 850 00 precision, capable of measurement to Regulator Co., f.o.b. 0.01 microvolts in range of 0 to 0.016 Harvey delivered volts Print and bind 5,000 copies each of the University Press Cushing-Malloy, Inc., 10 000 00 following Illini paperback titles, trim Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. size of all titles S}4 in. by 8 in.: delivered Life in a Mexican Village, by Oscar Lewis, approximately 544 pages per copy Cultural Sciences, by Florian Znani- ecki, approximately 448 pages per copy Three Presidents and Their Books, by Arthur Beator, David C. Mearns, and Jonathan Daniels, approxi- mately 144 pages per copy The Legend of Noah, by Don C. Allen, approximately 248 pages per copy The Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver, approxi- mately 128 pages per copy Print and bind 2,500 copies of The University Press Phillips Brother's, Inc., 4 140 00 Galvanized Yankees, by D. Alexander Springfield f.o.b. Brown, trim size 6 in. by 9 in., ap- delivered proximately 264 pages per copy Print and bind 2,000 copies Open Door University Press Pantagraph Printing & 3 065 35 to Learning, by Herman R. Allen, trim Stationery Co., f.o.b. size 5$pD in. by 8 in., approximately Bloomington delivered 208 pages per copy Print and bind 1,000 copies (hardbound) University Press Cushing-Malloy, Inc., 2 681 00 and 5,000 copies (paperbound) Phi- Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. losophy and Ordinary Language, edited delivered by Charles E. Caton, trim size 5H in. by 8 in., approximately 264 pages per copy 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 497 Item Department Vendor Cost One mobile radio communication sys- Division of General Electric Co., $ 3 118 11 tem i consisting of: antenna tower Rehabilitation- c/o Stewart Electronics, f.o.b. system, baae station, five mobile Education Champaign delivered units, one portable unit Services 26 000 test books for use in the Illinois Office of The Psychological Corp., i 001 40 Statewide High School Testing Pro- Educational New York, N.Y. f.o.b. gram being conducted in the Office of Educational Testing Testing delivered Laundry and dry cleaning for Air Force R O.T.C. basic uniform items as Military Nelson's Cleaners, 6 694 50 Property Champaign f.o.b. follows for the period of July 1, 1963, Custodian delivered through June 30, 1965 (total esti- mated quantities for the period) One truck, 1963 model, van type, com- Purchasing International Harvester 2 955 74 plete with body, roll up door, and Office Central Co., f.o.b. hydraulic tail gate, less trade-in of Receiving Springfield delivered one truck, van type, 1957 model Station Miscellaneous photographic films, Various Depart- Eastman Kodak Stores, 58 090 00 plates, and papers as requested by ments, Urbana Inc., f.o.b. various University departments of and Chicago Chicago delivered both the Champaign-Urbana and Chicago campuses for the period of July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Paper pads, writing type, 100 sheets Office Supply Rockwell-Barnes Co., 11 477 27 each, as follows: Storeroom Elk Grove Village f.o.b. 1,500 lbs. 3 in. by 5 in. white, not delivered ruled 2,500 lbs. 4 in. by 6 in. white, not ruled 10,000 lbs. &}4 in. by 11 in. white, not ruled 2,500 lbs. 5H in. by 8J4 in. white, not ruled 4,000 lbs. &y% in. by 11 in. canary. not ruled 250 gross SH in. by 11 in. white, ruled 150 gross %y& in. by 11 in. canary, ruled for Office Supply Storeroom stock; an estimated twelve-month supply 14,400 rolls cellophane tape and 5,328 Office Supply W. M. Putnam Co., 4 805 76 rolls paper masking tape to be used Storeroom Boomington f.o.b. for stock in the Office Supply Store- delivered room; it is estimated to be a ten- to twelve-month supply, delivered in two shipments, July and October, 1963 One air compressor, 250 cubic feet per Physical Plant Baker-Hall Equipment 8 080 00 minute capacity, rotary type, com- Department Co.. f.o.b. plete with diesel engine, mounted on Summit delivered four wheel running gear less credit for trade-in of one obsolete air compres- sor, 1942 model, manufactured by Ingersoll-Rand Co., 105 cubic feet per minute capacity Water filtering equipment consisting of Physical Plant Modern Water Equipment 3 536 79 two filter shells with attachments and Department Co., f.o.b. two sets pressure gauges filter media Freeport delivered to be used in improvement program for Huff Gymnasium swimming pool Three air-conditioning units, horizontal Physical Plant The Trane Co., 3 583 00 ceiling mounted Department Peoria f.o.b. One air-conditioning unit, factory cou- delivered pled for window mounting as a single unit Fifteen police overcoats made from 30 Physical Plant Gerber Manufacturing 4 604 24 oz. blue American "beaver cloth" Storeroom Co., Inc., f.o.b. Forty-four police uniform jackets made Mishawaka, Ind. delivered from 19 oz. American "elastique" Forty-four police uniform pants made from 19 oz. American "elastique" Forty-four police caps, winter 180 police shirts, poplin (winter) 180 police shirts "airflow" (summer) Three truckloads (6,675 gallons, ap- Physical Plant Maintenance Supply 11 214 00 proximately) synthetic floor finish to Storeroom Corp., f.o.b. be delivered in June, 1963, with op- Springfield delivered tions for one truckload delivery in October, 1963, and another truckload delivery in March, 1964 On motion of Mr. Swain, , these purchases were authorized. 498 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (20) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period April 1 to in ioai With Whom National Aeronautics and Space Administration NsG-379 Purpose World-wide investigation of the D ', and lower E regions of the ionosphere in relation to the IQSY Amount to oe Paid to the University 5 27 425 00 Effective Date February 1, 1963 United States Army DA-36-O39-AMC-02208(E) United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare OE-3-10-101 Development of techniques for ulti- 1 mate military applications in accordance with secret technical guide lines and plasma research Secondary school programs for gifted students in English, social science, mathematics, and science and elementary school programs for gifted students in scientific in- 400 000 00 275 958 00 March 29, 1963 April 15, 1963 United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare OE-3-99-073 Quiry Prepare a course of study for highway engineering aides 5 600 00 March 26, 1963 Total Si 708 983 00 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date International Ice Presentation of "Ice Capades" 70 per cent of January 22, 1963 Attractions, Inc. (seven performances) gross proceeds Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Agricultural Chemicals Evaluation of chlorinated hydro- $ 2 500 00 March 15, 1963 Division, Shell carbon compounds as insecticides Chemical Corp. United States Army Techniques for military applica- 250 000 00 March 29, 1963 DA-36-039-SC-8S122 tions United States Army Fundamental properties of high 21 525 00 March 20, 1963 DA-36-O39-SC-87232 density gaseous plasmas United States Atomic Unclassified research on electronic 500 000 00 March 19, 1963 Energy Commission high-speed digital computers AT (11-0-415 United States Navy Current problems of solid state and 30 000 00 March 28, 1963 Nonr-1834 (17) surface physics of semiconductors United States Navy Develop techniques and instru- 11 578 00 March 19, 1963 Nonr-1834 (29) mentation for measuring acoustic attentuation United States Steel Behavior of deformed wire fabric in 2 000 00 April 2, 1963 concrete Total 3817 603 00 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Dale Harry F. Fisher Six teen itemi 3: J314.77 deduct to $ 1 911 75 March and April, (Plastering) $ 750.00 1963 Summary Amount to be paid to the University............................................32 526 586 00 Amount to be paid by the University........................................... 1 911 75 This report was received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (21) The Comptroller presented his quarterly report to the Board as of March 31, 1963. This report was received for record, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 499 EMPLOYMENT OF AUDITORS (22) Mr. Williamson, for the Finance Committee, presented the following recommendation and moved its approval. The firm of Lybrand, Ross Brothers, and Montgomery was employed to audit the accounts of the University of Illinois for the year ended June 30, 1961, with the understanding that the firm would be employed for additional years, subject to annual review. The Board retained the firm for the audit for the year ended June 30, 1962. The services of Lybrand, Ross Brothers, and Montgomery have been very satisfactory. The firm proposes to complete the audit for the year ending June 30, 1963, at the prevailing hourly rates for college and university audits, plus cash expenses, with the understanding that the aggregate charges will not exceed the following amounts, which are the same as were approved for the audit for the preceding year: University of Illinois, including reports on revenue bond funds......... $22 300 University Retirement System of Illinois............................... 2 200 University of Illinois Alumni Association............................... 600 University of Illinois Athletic Association, including Retirement System.. 1 000 University of Illinois Foundation...................................... 1 500 In accordance with the usual practice, the auditing firm will submit its reports jointly to the Board of Trustees and to the Auditor General. The firm of Lybrand, Ross Brothers, and Montgomery is acceptable to the Auditor General. The Finance Committee recommends the employment of Lybrand, Ross Brothers, and Montgomery for the audit of University accounts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. This recommendation was approved without dissent. ACTION BY AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS (23) President Henry presented the following report: For the information of the Board of Trustees, I report the receipt of the following letter dated April 30, 1963, addressed to me by the General Secretary of the American Association of University Professors, confirming an earlier telegram: The Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of University Professors today voted censure upon the administration of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, by approval of a Committee A recommendation which reads: On April 7, 1960, President David D. Henry of the University of Illinois wrote a letter concurring in the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the College of Art and Sciences that Professor Leo F. Koch be suspended immediately from his academic duties. President Henry's letter also said: "His appointment will terminate at the end of the current academic year." Professor Koch was under contract through August of 1961. Subsequently, in accord with normal academic due process, Professor Koch was given a hearing before a standing committee of the faculty Senate. That hearing group found that Professor Koch had committed a breach of academic responsibility but also held that the University administration had failed to use proper procedures and thereby lessened the teacher's power to make a proper defense. The Senate committee recommended that Professor Koch be reprimanded, that the Statutes of the University be revised, and that the University make clear that the expression of views by a faculty member which might be contrary to prevailing opinion in the community is not a violation of academic responsibility. The Board of Trustees held a hearing on the case on June 14, 1960, and dismissed the teacher. Committee A concludes that the prejudgment embodied in the President's letter, the failure of the Board of Trustees, without adequate declared reason, to support the unanimous recommendation of the Senate committee and, most important, the imposition of the drastic sanction of discharge for Professor Koch's public expression of opinion constitute violations of academic due process and academic freedom. 500 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS Committee A recommends that the University of Illinois be placed upon the Association's list of Censured Administrations. While I do not feel that a full response to the Association's communication is in order at this time because there is still pending before the courts of this state litigation instituted by Mr. Koch, I take this occasion to comment on the issues cited in the AAUP action and to correct certain statements appearing therein. All of the materials upon which the following statements are based were before Committee A of the AAUP and were authorized by the University for distribution to the AAUP convention delegates. A. References to Report of the Urbana Senate Committee on Academic Freedom The Committee A recommendation adopted by the Association and quoted above states that the Urbana Senate Committee on Academic Freedom, after finding that Mr. Koch had committed a breach of academic responsibility, (1) held that the University "had failed to use proper procedures and thereby lessened the teacher's power to make a proper defense"; (2) recommended that Mr. Koch be reprimanded; (3) recommended that the Statutes of the University be revised; and (4) recommended that the University state that "expression of views by a faculty member which might be contrary to prevailing opinion in the community" does not constitute a violation of academic responsibility. (1) The procedural issms raised fry the Senate Committee. The Urbana Senate Committee on Academic Freedom did state in its report dated May 13, I960, that the actions of the administrative officers of the University were regarded as being in some respects "contrary to the standards of proper procedure in dismissal cases." However, conformity with the dismissal procedures established in the University Statutes was questioned only on the point of my informing Mr. Koch in the April 7, 1960, letter that his contract would be terminated, when the power to discharge was reserved to the Board of Trustees in the University Statutes. It is important to note that at no time in the proceedings did Mr. Koch or his attorneys assert they were being denied a full opportunity to present all of his defenses. Even the AAUP communication acknowledges that "Subsequently, in accord with normal academic due process, Professor Koch was given a hearing before a standing committee of the faculty Senate" and "The Board of Trustees held a hearing on the case on June 14, 1960. . . ." The Senate Committee's suggestion that Mr. Koch could be subject to prejudice in the final outcome of his case by certain procedural steps was directed mainly to the wording of my April 7, 1960, letter and its public release and the lack of a formal hearing prior to suspension. It is clear, as noted above, that the letter did not in any way diminish Mr. Koch's powers to present a defense, nor did it in fact compromise his position before the Board of Trustees. Both in the Board's Findings and Conclusions entered on June 14, 1960, in the Koch proceedings, and in the later September 21, 1960, report of the Board's Committee on General Policy in response to an Open Letter from certain members of the faculty, the Board of Trustees found that the exceptional circumstances existing in the Koch situation justified the public statement of charges in advance of hearing and that such public release and the language of my April 7, 1960, letter did not operate to his prejudice in the Board's consideration of his case. You will recall that your findings in the Koch matter on Tune 14, 1960, included the following: 30. This Board of Trustees further finds that the action of the President of the University in releasing to the public press on April 7, 1960, the press release . . . was rendered desirable, appropriate, and proper in view of the publicity which Assistant Professor Koch's above mentioned letter to The Daily Illini and its publication in that newspaper had received . . . and this Board of Trustees further finds that the making of said release to the public press did not violate or infringe upon Assistant Professor Koch's academic freedom or operate to his prejudice in the consideration and disposition which this Board of Trustees is making of the charges preferred against Assistant Professor Koch by the President of the University and the recommendation submitted by the latter to this Board of Trustees that action be taken by it terminating Assistant Professor Koch's appointment at and employment by the University on August 31, 1960. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 501 Whether the April 7, I960, letter was framed in terms of "dismissal" or "recommendation for dismissal" was of no real significance in this case. Further, once it was decided that charges should be submitted to the Board of Trustees, their ultimate publicity was inescapable, as was the necessity of a Board decision on the gravity of Mr. Koch's action. As to the lack of a formal hearing before suspension, Mr. Koch did not ask for one even though his department head informed him of the seriousness of his action nor did he at any time contend that the facts upon which suspension was made were in dispute. (2) The Senate Committee's recommendation for reprimand. The telegram correctly states the Senate Committee's unanimous recommendation that Koch be reprimanded. My comments on this point are contained in Part B below. (3) Revision of University Statutes. The Senate Committee's recommendation that the University Statutes on academic freedom be amended is in the process of implementation. On March 29, 1963, the Senate Coordinating Council forwarded to me its recommendations for amendments to these sections of the University Statutes, which include, among other proposals, modifications of existing hearing procedures. Informational copies of the recommendations were transmitted to AAUP under date of April 9, 1963. Pursuant to our existing Statutes I have referred these Council recommendations to the Senates at the three campuses so that each may express whatever objections it wishes to record. In the near future I will present to you for your consideration these proposed statutory amendments, any objections which may be recorded by a Senate, and my recommendations for action. (4) Senate Committee's request for clarification of academic responsibility. As to the Senate Committee's recommendation for the University to indicate that "expression of views by a faculty member which might be contrary to prevailing opinion in the community" does not violate academic responsibility, the June 14, 1960, Findings and Conclusions of the Board in the Koch proceeding, and the September 21, 1960, report of the Board's Committee on General Policy, make it abundantly clear the Board recognizes that the limits of academic freedom can not be defined by the test of conformity or nonconformity between views expressed by a member of the University's faculty and views, beliefs, and standards commonly accepted. The Board stated its position that any responsible expression of views by the faculty, even though unpopular and, possibly, untenable, is in order. Guide lines for "responsible expression" were there indicated by the Board of Trustees but it cautioned that they did not include "incitement to, or condonation or encouragement of subversion, fraud or immoral conduct, and that the application of this exception is a matter of judgment under established procedures." B. Conclusions of AAUP and Its Committee A The conclusions of the AAUP, as expressed in the approved recommendation of its Committee A, were that "academic" due process and academic freedom were violated by (1) "the prejudgment embodied in the President's letter, (2) the failure of the Board of Trustees, without adequate declared reason, to support the unanimous recommendation of the Senate Committee and, (3) most important, the imposition of the drastic sanction of discharge for Professor Koch's public expression of opinion." (1) The prejudgment issue. I have previously commented on the fact that the wording and publicity of the charges was not and could not have been the central "academic due process" question. My April 7, 1960, letter was recognized and treated by Mr. Koch, his counsel, and the Board of Trustees as a preferment of charges and a recommendation for his dismissal. There was never any dispute as to the basic facts in the Koch matter. He freely admitted (even stipulated) that he wrote the letter to The Daily Illini, that he signed it as "Assistant Professor of Biology," and that he desired the same published in that newspaper, the subscribers and readers of which were primarily, though not exclusively, University students and faculty members and townspeople of Champaign-Urbana. Under our present Statutes the President alone has the duty and responsibility for preferring charges against a member of the faculty. Once the decision is made to prefer charges and recommend discipline, there is an element of "prejudgment" by the President in the sense that he has exercised and announced his 502 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 decision on the facts before him in advance of the hearings before the Senate Committee on Academic Fredom and the Board of Trustees, to which the faculty member is entitled. This type of prejudgment exists in every disciplinary case, regardless of the language used in framing the charges or recommendations. If, as the AAUP seems to say, any prejudgment constitutes a violation of "academic" due process and academic freedom, it would be impossible to prefer charges in any case, even when there are undisputed or admitted facts which demonstrate that a faculty member has committed an offense involving the most repugnant kind of moral turpitude. The AAUP's conclusion as to prejudgment can not be explained in terms of the effect of the wording of my April 7, 1960, letter on the Board of Trustees at the time it held its hearing and reached its decision in the Koch matter. The Board's Findings and Conclusions are unequivocal on the point that my letter was being treated as a specification of charges and a recommendation for dismissal. The Board explicitly found that the charges and their publicity did not operate to prejudice Mr. Koch before them. Surely the AAUP's conclusion on prejudgment can not and should not be read as saying that the Trustees were not being honorable and truthful in making these statements. Even Mr. Koch's counsel in his arguments before the Board stated: President Henry has referred this matter to you, and I know you have come here with open minds, to listen to the evidence that you have gotten in the stipulation, to listen to whatever arguments we have brought to you, and to make your decision earnestly and fairly. I also note that the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom was not so prejudiced or influenced by my purported "prejudgment" that it regarded itself bound to support my recommendation for dismissal as the appropriate sanction for the academic irresponsibility it found inherent in Mr. Koch's activities. Nor can the AAUP's conclusion on the prejudgment issue be related to the warning in the Urbana Senate Committee's report, rendered after affording a hearing to Mr. Koch, that the letter and its publicity "may well have prejudiced the final outcome of his (Koch's) case." That Senate Committee report (May 13, 1960) with its warning was a part of the record before the Board (June 14, 1960) when it reached its decision and specifically denied the fact of such prejudice in the final outcome of his (Koch's) case. (2) The Board's failure to adopt the Senate Committee recommendation for reprimand. The AAUP Committee concluded that a violation of academic due process and academic freedom occurred by reason of "the failure of the Board of Trustees, without adequate declared reason, to support the unanimous recommendation of the Senate Committee." In both the Findings and Conclusions in the Koch proceeding and the September 21, 1960, report of the General Policy Committee it is acknowledged that the recommendations and judgment of the members of the Executive Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Urbana Senate Committee on Academic Freedom, and the President of the University were taken into consideration by the Board and substantial weight was attached to them. The September 21, 1960, report of the Board's General Policy Committee (adopted and approved by the entire Board) contains the following passage: Having concluded that Dr. Koch was guilty of conduct constituting a grave breach of his academic responsibility and duty which was clearly prejudicial to the best interests of the University, it became incumbent upon us to decide whether the action to be taken by us concerning him should be that recommended by the members of the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom, that recommended by the Executive Committee of the faculty and the Dean of the College and the President of the University, or some other action. In considering that question we were not unmindful of the recommendation of the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and the reasons which prompted it, of considerations of academic freedom and constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech, of Dr. Koch's interest, or of the reputation and welfare of the University. Each and all of these considerations weighed heavily upon us. We deemed ourselves to be under the duty and obligation to accord, and gave the most thoughtful and conscientious consideration to them. By virtue of the public office we hold, we are charged with the responsibility, 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 503 are under the sworn duty, and are vested with the final authority to decide what action should be taken in such matters. That responsibility and that duty is owed to the University's faculty, its students, their parents, the University itself, the citizens of the State of Illinois who support and maintain the University, and those who represent them in the General Assembly. We must exercise that authority in accordance with what we are convinced is in the best interests of all of them and can not abdicate it and transfer it to any group however important and however vitally interested it may be in the proper exercise of it. It was then, and still is our considered and conscientious judgment that Dr. Koch's breach of his academic and professional responsibility was "so flagrant and serious, and has been so clearly prejudicial to the best interests of the University" that it could be "properly met and dealt with only by terminating his appointment at and contract with the University," much though we regretted the necessity of taking that action. The foregoing and the portion of Conclusion 1 of the Board's Findings and Conclusions quoted under (3) below are clearly "adequate declared reason(s)" why the Board did not support the unanimous recommendation of the Urbana Senate Committee, and these reasons remain as compelling today as they were at that time of the Board's pronouncements in 1960. (3) The Board's sanction of discharge. The AAUP has further concluded that there was a violation of academic due process and academic freedom because of "the imposition of the drastic sanction of discharge for Professor Koch's public expression of opinion," and this conclusion is characterized as "most important." The Board's concern with and consideration of the sanction it decided to impose is reflected by the above quoted portion of the report of the General Policy Committee and also by the following excerpt from Conclusion 1 of the Findings and Conclusions adopted and entered by the Board on June 14, 1960, in Lhe Koch proceeding: We do not condemn Assistant Professor Koch's actions in issue here merely because he expressed in his letter views contrary to commonly accepted beliefs and standards. We condemn it because of the manner in which he expressed those views in his letter. We do not consider that letter as a "responsible" and proper expression of the views stated in it. This judgment upon our part is confirmed by the unanimous judgment of the members of the Executive Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, including the Dean of that College, the members of the University Senate Committee on Academic Freedom, at the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University, and the President of the University. We reiterate here what we have said in our foregoing findings and conclusions as constituting the reasons why we have concluded that Assistant Professor Koch's action in writing and securing the publication of his letter in The Daily Illini exceeded the limits of the protection afforded him by his academic freedom. We appreciate and commend the careful and conscientious consideration given by the members of the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom to Assistant Professor Koch's claim that the disciplinary action taken and recommended against him by the President of the University would violate his academic freedom. As we have just stated their appraisal of his letter to The Daily Illini accords with ours. As they concede in their Report, once it has been determined that Assistant Professor Koch's actions are not protected by his academic freedom, the question of what action should be taken against him because of his breach of his academic and professional responsibility and duty to the University is one which we have the responsibility, duty, and authority to determine. In our considered judgment that breach of his academic and professional responsibility, and of his duty to the University, was so flagrant and serious, and has been so clearly prejudicial to the best interests of the University, that, notwithstanding the recommendation of the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom that the action taken against him for it be limited to reprimand and not extend to discharge, we are convinced that it can be properly met and dealt with only by terminating his appointment at and contract with the University in accordance with the recommendation of the President of the University, much though we regret the necessity, resulting from his own irresponsible and improper conduct, of taking such drastic, but proper and essential, action against him. 504 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 C. Concluding Observations From the public discussion of the Koch case and the references to "academic due process" in the action of the AAUP, some have inferred that Mr. Koch was dismissed without a hearing. In accord with the Statutes of the University of Illinois, Mr. Koch had formal hearings before the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and before the Board of Trustees; further, these hearings were preceded by conferences between Mr. Koch and his department head and by a review of his case by the faculty-elected Executive Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. These points are repeated so that it will be clear to all concerned that Mr. Koch was given hearings, and that the appraisal of his case was not precipitous but stretched over several months. I want there to be no doubt, within the academic community as well as before the public, that as President of the University of Illinois, I share the concern that the tradition for academic freedom at this University should at no time be impaired to the slightest degree. The Statutes of the University and the University's long history of intellectual freedom speak for themselves. Here, and in other authoritative expressions on the subject, however, academic freedom is not disassociated from academic responsibility. The teacher has responsibilities to his students and to the University. It is a distortion of academic freedom to stretch its application to the Koch case. What may be regarded as incitement to or condonation of immoral conduct can not be treated merely as the presentation of an unorthodox point of view or an intellectual exercise in social criticism. The encouragement of youth to violate the usually accepted moral code and the laws pertaining to that code undermines the very concept of academic freedom. I fully subscribe to the position which has been unequivocally stated by the Board of Trustees in its action of June 14, 1960: We subscribe to and intend to maintain these principles (of academic freedom) unimpaired. We recognize that the limits of academic freedom can not be defined by the test of conformity or non-conformity between views expressed by a member of the University's faculty and views, beliefs, and standards generally and commonly entertained and accepted. We believe that any responsible expression of views by members of the faculty, even though unpopular and even, possibly, untenable, is in order. In determining what is "responsible expression," we accept the guidelines set down in the statutory references cited above (Statutes of the University) and the 1940 Joint Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure. In the foregoing report and observations on the action of the AAUP, restricted as they are to an analysis of that organization's view of facts surrounding the Koch proceeding and its conclusions thereon in terms of "academic due process and academic freedom," I have attempted to avoid commenting on the issues presented in the litigation being pursued by Mr. Koch against the University. Mr. Koch is now in the process of seeking review by the Supreme Court of Illinois of the January 22, 1963, decision of the Appellate Court of Illinois in favor of the University. A decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois on whether or not Mr. Koch may take such an appeal is anticipated later this year. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board accepted the foregoing report; there were no dissenting votes. Mr. Clement read the following letter received by members of the Board of Trustees from two members of the University faculty transmitting a copy of a letter addressed to the President of the University and signed by twenty-six members of the faculty, which he also read to the Board. 217 David Kinley Hall May 6, 1963 To the Members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois The signed original of the accompanying letter has been sent to President David D. Henry. We feel that each of you will want to know of its existence and the support it indicates. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 505 We believe that a large number of faculty members on the Urbana campus feel as we do. Although several who saw the letter suggested the names of others they thought would want to participate in this expression, we deliberately refrained from any effort to obtain a long list of names. It is our feeling that this expression by a limited number of faculty members who are well known in academic circles and throughout the state is sufficient to indicate that the American Association of University Professors does not speak for the entire faculty. Very truly yours, R. K. Mautz Professor of Accountancy Robert I. Dickey Professor of Accountancy 217 David Kinley Hall May 1, 1963 President David Dodds Henry 355 Administration Building (W) Dear President Henry: The recent actions of the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors and the censure resolution of the national organization indicate there are some who are critical of the action of the University in dismissing Dr. Leo Koch. We wish to disassociate ourselves from these people and their views. We feel that the action taken by the University Administration at the time of this unfortunate affair reflected a concern for the best interests of the University and was in no way a serious threat to academic freedom. We deplore the action of the American Association of University Professors, both locally and nationally. In our opinion, only those who confuse academic freedom with academic license would find the action of the University Administration offensive. In view of the varied and extreme pressures exerted upon you in your office as President of the University, we feel your own actions in this case have been honorable and forthright. We therefore take this means of expressing our support to you and the Board of Trustees. Very truly yours, H. Kenneth Allen H. W. Huegy David R. Ofperman John C. Bailar, Jr. Walter M. Keith John E. Pearson Frank H. Beach Ross A. Kelly David G. Ryan J. F. Beix Donald L. Kemmerer L. H. Simerl J. W. Briscoe (University of Illinois F. R. Steggerda Emer E. Broadbent Chapter AAUP Presi- Kenneth J. Trigger H. C. M. Case dent, 1950) Stewart L. Tuckey Robert I. Dickey R. K. Mautz Paul M. Van Arsdell Tom S. Hamilton M. L. Mosher Howard L. Wakeland Robert O. Harvey C. A. Moyer Mr. Dilliard inquired what procedure may be followed by the University in seeking removal from censure. President Henry stated that one of the steps which may have an effect and which has long been in process is the proposed amendment of the sections of the University of Illinois Statutes which deal with academic freedom and tenure. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; resignations, declinations, and terminations; leaves of absence; retirements. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Abrahams, Jerome E., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), five months from April 1, 1963, without salary (4-10-63). 506 board of trustees [May IS Anderson, Truman O., Assistant Professor of Medicine and of Microbiology (Medicine), July 1, 1963-August 31, 1965, $10,800 a year, supersedes (4-10-63) Antenen, Wayne W., Research Associate in Education Administration (College of Education), to render service during the second semester of the academir year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $5,400 a year (4-9-63). Babb, Daniel S., Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months :rom June 16, 1963, $2,400; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-8-63). Babler, Bernard J., Professor of Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division) Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $2,667 for the period (4-15-63). Bach, Gerhard L., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), six months from March 1, 1963, $4,900 a year (4-10-63). Barazani, Morris, Assistant in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division) five months from February 1, 1963, $2,500 (4-10-63). Bharadwaj, (Mr.) Rama Kant, Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1963, $889 (4-22-63). Bohm, Larry G., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, April 11- August 31, 1963, $350 a month (4-8-63). Borosage, Lawrence, Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963 June 17-July 13, 1963, $1,300 for the period (4-15-63). Bbesich, Zagorka, Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center), 3/10 time six months from March 1, 1963, $3,600 a year (4-4-63). Broghamer, Edward L., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $2,465; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-8-63). Burr, Edward E., Associate Professor of Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1962, $8,800, supersedes (4-4-63). Burton, Leslie J., Instructor in Accountancy (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,200 for the period (4-15-63). Butterworth, Mrs. Clara M., Clinical Instructor in Psychology, Department of Psychiatry (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, without salary (4-15-63). Cady, Allan B., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), six months from March 1, 1963, without salary (4-10-63). Cahalan, Harold F., Visiting Lecturer in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, 2/3 time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $750 for the period (4-19-63). Chadwick, Leigh E., Professor of Entomology, two months from June 16, 1963, $3,689; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-22-63). Chandran, (Mr.) Raman Satisa, Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1963, $889 (4-22-63). Coffey, Warren C, Assistant and Project Administrator in Elementary Education, March 22-June 15, 1963, $888 a month, supersedes (4-5-63). Cuixop, Samuel, Jr., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1963, $889 (4-22-63). Dickerson, Richard E., Research Assistant Professor of Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $2,000; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-8-63). Dobbovolny, Jerry S., Professor of General Engineering and Head of the Department (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $2,890; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-8-63). Doudna, Jo Ann M., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,400 for the period (4-15-63). Eeckhout, M. Jo, Instructor in Speech and Theatre, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (4-8-63). Ferber, Mrs. Marianne A., Lecturer in Economics, March 1-June 15, 1963, $750 a month, supersedes (4-8-63). Fitzgerald, Donald, Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,800 for the period (4-15-63). Glassman, Sidney F., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $2,156 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (4-22-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 507 Holand Philip, Research Associate in Orthodontics (Dentistry), five months from April 1, 1963, $8,000 a year (4-10-63). Goeadia, Ranjan Yogesh, Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, three months from April 1, 1963, $408.33 a month (4-12-63). Granirer, Edmond E., Research Associate in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,556; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-22-63). Griffin, Robert S., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), Ys time, two months from July 1, 1963, $250 a month, supersedes (4-10-63). Hanscom, Donald H., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), May 6-August 31, 1963, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (4-24-63). Hanson, Donald D., Associate Professor of Architecture, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,445 for the period (4-15-63). Hawkland, William D., Professor of Law, Summer Session of 1963, June 17- August 10, 1963, $3,600 for the period (4-15-63). Helms, Lester L., Research Assistant Professor of Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,800; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-22-63). Holderman, James B., Assistant Professor in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, full time from February 1-March 31, 1963, $1,467, and Yh time from April 1-June IS, 1963, $1,466, supersedes (4-8-63). Huber, Rodeeic S., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), six months from March 1, 1963, without salary (4-10-63). Hursh, Laurence M., Associate Professor of Hygiene, and Staff Physician in the Health Center and McKinley Hospital, $16,500 a year, and Associate Director of the Health Center and McKinley Hospital, $1,000 a year, April 1- August 31, 1963, supersedes (4-5-63). Jackman, Frederic L. R., Clinical Assistant in Psychology, Department of Psychiatry (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1963, without salary (4-4-63). Kahn, Sheldon M., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), March 18-August 31, 1963, $708.33 a month, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (4-8-63). Katague, David B., Instructor in Chemistry (Pharmacy), Summer Session of 1963, y2 time, July 29-September 7, 1963, $500 for the period (4-24-63). Kino, Takao, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (4-4-63). Kinzie, Marion D., Associate Professor of Hygiene on indefinite tenure, and Staff Physician in the Health Center and in McKinley Hospital, April 1- August 31, 1963, $16,500 a year, supersedes (4-5-63). Kline, Irwin K., Instructor in Pathology (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $7,000, supersedes his nonsalaried appointment (4-10-63). Klock, Paul W., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, May 1-August 31, 1963, $750 a month, supersedes (4-23-63). Krishnamurthy, Visvanatha, Research Associate in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,334; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-22-63). Krizan, Thomas F., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men (Summer Sports Fitness), J4 time, June 17-August 8, 1963, $1,233; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-8-63). Krysan, James L., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1963, $889 (4-24-63). Lee, Siu-Wah, Research Assistant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Medicine), five months from April 1, 1963, $470.83 a month (4-10-63). Mansfield, J. Victor, Associate Professor of Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,956 for the period (4-15-63). McCrimmon, Mrs. Barbara J. S., Research Associate in the Bureau of Community Planning, two months from April 1, 1963, $487.50 a month, supersedes (4-10-63). Miles, Maurice H., Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 15-August 31, 1963, $666.67 a month (4-8-63). 508 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS Montgomery, Clark A., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), three months from June 1, 1963, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (6-14-63). Mueller, Karl H., Research Associate in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine) three months from April 1, 1963, without salary (4-15-63). Nakamura, Hiroshi, Research Associate in Agricultural Economics (S), four months from May 1, 1963, $666.67 a month, supersedes (4-10-63). Nelson, James A., Associate Professor of Ceramic Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $2,356; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-8-63). Newcomer, Hale L., Professor of Accountancy, nine months from September 16 1962, $14,400, supersedes (4-8-63). Newell, John T., II, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, V2 time, and Assistant Director of University Honors Programs, V* time (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,250 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (4-15-63). Nishida, Yoshiro, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, April 16-September 30, 1963, $500 a month (4-10-63). Nurry, Bernard E., Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, July 1-August 23, 1963, $2,300 (4-8-63). Oleksy, Mrs. Mahgaret H., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, Vi time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $845 for the period (4-15-63). Orvedahl, Jesse, Research Associate in Education (University High School), June 24-August 31, 1963, $1,900 (4-10-63). Pabarcius, Algis, Assistant Professor of Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,845 for the period (4-15-63). Partridge, Robert W., Jr., Visiting Lecturer in Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,334 for the period (4-24-63). Pattison, Mrs. Valerie, Assistant in Animal Science (S), March 4-August 31, 1963, $5,000 a year (4-19-63). Perdrisat, Charles Francois, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (4-8-63). Peressini, Anthony L., Research Associate in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,645; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-22-63). Pollock, Michael L., Instructor in Summer Sports Fitness (Physical Education for Men), time, June 17-August 8, 1963, $773, supersedes (4-15-63). Pullen, Linda G., Biology Library Assistant, in the Library, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (4-8-63). Randall, Robert F., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1963, $889 (4-22-63). Ranninger, Julius, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (4-8-63). Reed, Jack A., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, V2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $545 for the period (4-16-63). Regnier, Earl H., Student Training Program Adviser, for service under Contract ICAc-1258, at Pantnagar, U. P. Agricultural University, Pantnagar, India, two years from July 8, 1963, $14,300 a year (4-15-63). Roblee, Charles L., Instructor in Firetnanship Training (Division of University Extension), four months from May 1, 1963, $7,800 a year (4-10-63). Roepke, Howard G., Associate Professor of Geography, Summer Session of 1963, V4 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $542 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (4-15-63). Ross, Albion H., Visiting Lecturer in Journalism, 13/100 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $1,200, supersedes (4-10-63). Ross, George E., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 for the period (4-15-63). Russell, JohnK., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), % time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, April 1-August 31, 1963, $1,000, supersedes (4-15-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 509 Salomon, Lawrence, Instructor in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), i/% time, five months from February 1, 1963, $1,750 (+-8-63). Schmidt, Paul J., Instructor in Ophthalmology (Medicine), \/i time, five months from April 1, 1963, $333.33 a month, supersedes (4-10-63). Seyfarth, Francis, Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), Yi time, two months from June 16, 1963, $770.32; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-22-63). Sheperd, George, Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, V$pD time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $545 for the period (4-24-63). Sidney, Mrs. Mary C, Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,245 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (4-15-63). Simmons, Jerry L., Instructor in Sociology, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,445 for the period (4-4-63). Snyder, William R., Assistant in Education, in Vocational and Technical on >4 time and in the University High School on Y$ time, February 1-June 15, 1963, $600 a month, supersedes (4-8-63). Spitze, Mrs. Hazel T., Assistant Professor of Vocational and Technical Education (College of Education), J4 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1963, $2,812 (4-4-63). Skinivasan, T. M., Research Assistant Professor of Metallurgical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (4-8-63). Stager, Robert A., Research Associate in Chemical Engineering, five months from April 1, 1963, $600 a month (4-8-63). Steward, Omar W., Research Associate in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,467; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-8-63). Storch, Richard H., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1963, $888.88 (4-24-63). Takayama, Takashi, Research Associate in Agricultural Economics (S), four months from May 1, 1963, $900 a month (4-8-63). Tang, Stephen J. Y., Associate Professor of Architecture, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,734 for the period (4-15-63). Tatsuoka, Maurice M., Associate Professor of Education (University High School), 54 time, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,542; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-17-63). Telser, Elsa B., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), six months from March 1, 1963, without salary (4-15-63). Torok, Nicholas, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology (Medicine), y$ time, one month from May 1, 1963, $1,066.66, supersedes (4-15-63). Teaina, Vincenzo, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1963, without salary (4-10-63). Wales, Hugh G., Professor of Marketing, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,734 for the period (4-24-63). Warburton, F. W., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,200 for the period (4-15-63). Weiss, Bernard J., Visiting Lecturer in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, 2/5 time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $750 for the period (4-19-63). Whitmer, Roger G., Lecturer on Materials and Methods of Construction, Department of Architecture (Chicago Undergraduate Division), VS time, five months from February 1, 1963, $1,500 (4-8-63). Wolf, William E., Assistant in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), four months from March 1, 1963, without salary (4-10-63). Wyatt, Stanley P., Jr., Professor of Astronomy, June 17-August 23, 1963, $3,445; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-22-63). Yockey, Raymond L., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), six months from March 1, 1963, without salary (4-10-63). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Abdel-Samad, Sana R., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). 510 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS Abel, William R., Xerox Corporation Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-10-63). Abu-Salih, Muhammad S., Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Adams, Ralph E., Summer Fellow in English, two months from Tune 16, 1%1 $375 (4-16-63). Agashe, Sadanand D., General Electric Foundation Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,500 (3-30-63). Altschul, D. Robert, Summer Fellow in Geography, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Anderson, Edward A., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (4-17-63). Anderson, Floyd D., Fellow in Speech, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Andrews, Alan R., Fellow in Communications, nine months from September 16 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Armstrong, Robert J., Hackett Fellow in Horticulture, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-15-63). Avner, Elaine S., Fellow in Astronomy, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Ayen, Richard J., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $900 (3-30-63). Bailey, Ronald B., Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Bain, Robert A., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Balbach, Harold E., Summer Fellow in Botany, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Bakdos, Andras M., Teaching Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (3-30-63). Barrows, John T., Summer Fellow in Electrical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-17-63). Barry, Lynette F., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Belden, C. Robert, Fellow in Landscape Architecture, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Bell, Robert F., Teaching Fellow in German, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,166, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Belzer, Edwin G., Jr., Summer Fellow in Health and Safety Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Benard, Edmund F., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (3-30-63). Berger, Jack S., Shell Companies Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (3-30-63). Bernett, William A., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (3-30-63). Berry, Thomas E., Fellow in Russian, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Boquiren, Daisy T., Summer Fellow in Botany, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Bornhofen, John O., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Bouma, Frederick J., Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Bowers, Michael T., Ethyl Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (4-19-63). Bowers, Patricia G., Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Brady, Mary A., Fellow in French, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Brancaforte, Benito, Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 511 Brand, Jerry D., The John B. Felmley Memorial Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,000 (3-30-63). Bhockstein, Allan J., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Beomels, Edward, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Broome, O. W., Jr., Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Brown, Eugene F., Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Brown, Roger L., Fellow in Communications, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Button, Allan C, Allied Chemical Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-22-63). Byars, Robert S., John A. Fairlie Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Byron, Janet L., Fellow in Linguistics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Caldwell, Peter R., Summer Fellow in French, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Carney, Joseph H., Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (3-30-63). Carr, Wayne E., General Electric Foundation Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,500 (4-10-63). Carter, Verna J., Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Casey, Bernard J., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Chen, Wellington P., Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Chua, Leon O., Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-63). Clark, Larry D., Summer Fellow in Speech, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Clark, William A. V., Fellow in Geography, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Clayton, Lee S., Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Clem, John R., United States Steel Foundation Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (4-10-63). Clendenen, Ronald L., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Cole, William R., Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Corum, James M., Teaching Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; this is in addition to his assistantship in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics on 18/100 time (3-30-63). Covert, Nadine E., Summer Fellow in French, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Cox, Kevin R., Fellow in Geography, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Criley, Bruce B., Teaching Fellow in Zoology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Crittenden, Brian S., Fellow in Education, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $750, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Crockett, Barbara A., Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,450, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Cunningham, Richard E., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Dagres, John, Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). 512 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS Daley, Lawrence J., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963 $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Danziger, Margaeet C, Lois Wells Irwin Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $500 (3-30-63). Das, Asit B., Summer Fellow in Physiology and Biophysics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Davies, Michael S., Summer Fellow in Electrical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Davis, Steven, Fellow in Philosophy, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Dawson, Nancy L., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1963 $375 (4-16-63). Deering, Richard J., International Business Machines Fellow in Economics nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (3-30-63). Den Adel, Raymond L., Teaching Fellow in Classics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,100, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-9-63). DeVito, Joseph A., Fellow in Speech, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Donohue, John T., Raytheon Company Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-10-63). Drury, Robert E., Hackett Fellow in Horticulture, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-29-63). Drysdale, William H., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Aeronautical and Astronantical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-9-63). Duckworth, Paul E., Fellow in Accountancy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Dunnigan, Elaine M., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Durand, David A., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Dwyer, Kathleen M., Hackett Fellow in Home Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Edwards, Ralph J., Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (3-30-63). Elrod, Richard B., Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Ewen, Robert B., Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Eyman, Darrell P., Gillette-Toni Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,500 (4-19-63). Feiertag, Robert H., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Fernandes, Fred D., Fellow in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Fierstien, Gary N., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Fisher, Thomas H., Allied Chemical Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-22-63). Fites, Roger C, Wright Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-1-63). Fogle, Dale A., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Foglesong, William D., Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Forbes, Delroy J., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Fourney, William L., Teaching Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Fowler Frances C, Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 513 Fradin, Frank Y., Union Carbide Corporation Fellow in Metallurgy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (3-30-63). Fsazer, William D., Fellow in Digital Computer Laboratory, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $750, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Friedman, Margaret J., Fellow in Anthropology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Fryman, Richard F., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Futaros, Roderick G., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Gagliano, Felix V., Jr., Kendric C. Babcock Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Gamble, James C, Summer Fellow in Geology, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Garfield, Ronald S., Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Geisler, Pamela A. G., Summer Fellow in Astronomy, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Gibson, William R., Fellow in Animal Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Ginther, John L., Teaching Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Gold, Lloyd A., Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,450, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Goodale, Bruce G., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Gratovich, Eugene, Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Greenberg, Allan C, Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Greenberg, Charles B., Lead Industries Association Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Grosboll, Martin P., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Gupta, Sudhindra, Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Gura, Ira, Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-9-63). Gur-Arieh, Chaim, Fellow in Food Technology, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $900, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Gutek, Gerald L., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Gutman, David, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Haak, Ronald O., Fellow in Anthropology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Hackman, J. Richard, Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Hall, Leland E., Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63); Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Hanft, Raymond W., General Atomic/General Dynamics Corporation Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (4-10-63). Hannula, Thomas A., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Haried, Andrew A., Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Harris, Erik P., Union Carbide Corporation Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (4-10-63). Harris, Ruth L., Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). 514 board of trustees [May IS Habtl, Adrienne L., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16 1961 $2,000 (3-30-63). Haskell, William L., Fellow in Physical Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Hauer, William R., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Hay, Arthur J., Sun Oil Company Fellow in Chemistry, eleven months from September 16, 1963, $2,300 (4-19-63). Heath, Christopher P. M., Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-10-63). Heggan, Jon P., Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Heiple, Clinton R., Inland Steel Company Fellow in Metallurgy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (3-30-63). Hellawell, Judith A., Fellow in Anthropology, nine months from September 16 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Henry, Arthur C, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Herceg, Joseph E., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Nuclear Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-9-63). Herlocker, David W., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Herner, James P., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (3-30-63). Hicks, George L., Jr., Teaching Fellow in Anthropology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from tune 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Hill, Stephanie O., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Hill, Thomas D., Jr., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Hirst, Virginia A., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (3-30-63). Hoeg, Carol L., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Hoffman, Martin R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-4-63). Hoffman, Ralph A., Fellow in Accountancy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Houchens, Albert F., Teaching Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Hubbard, Dorothy L., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Hubbell, John T., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Huffnagle, John D., Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Hutson, Phillip L., Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Ikeda, Hiroshi, Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Issa, Ahmad D. M., Fellow in Finance, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Jacobs, Allan E., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (3-30-63). Jansen, Peter K., Summer Fellow in German, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Johnson, Bernard R., Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (4-10-63). Johnson, Richard T., Teaching Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $450 (3-30-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 515 Johnson, Robert C, Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1963, ' $375 (4-16-63). Johnson, Wayne A., Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Tones, Gwen E., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, (3-30-63). Tones, Janice E., Summer Fellow in Geography, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Jordan, James W., Fellow in Art, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Kaplan, Leonard, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Karihdes, Anastas G., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Kelley, Eric L., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Kennedy, Edward D., Teaching Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Kepler, Jon S., Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Keyes, Paul L., Hackett Fellow in Animal Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Killby, Virginia A. A., Fellow in Zoology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Killian, Marilyn E., Summer Fellow in Music, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Kirby, Albert C, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (4-10-63). Kline, C. Janie, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Kopp, Linda M., Fellow in Russian, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,900, and two months from June 16, 1963, $475 (3-30-63). Kuehn, Elaine M., Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Kuhonta, Precioso C, Wright Fellow in Agricultural Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Lacey, James E., Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Ladd, Robert G., Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Lagerquist, Dennis R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (3-30-63). Lane, Arthur L., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Langner, Ernst H., Wright Fellow in Food Technology (Dairy Technology) nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (4-8-63). Lanier, Warren W., Jr., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Larson, Dennis L., Hackett Teaching Fellow in Agricultural Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Latko, Robert J., Union Carbide Corporation Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (3-30-63). Laughlin, Eugene J., Lilly Endowment Fellow in Finance, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,500 (3-30-63). Laxen, Richard G., Fellow in Architecture, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Lebeda, Dennis L., Hackett Teaching Fellow in Agricultural Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). 516 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 Lebermann, Kenneth W., Wright Fellow in Food Technology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-8-63). Lee, Samuel C, Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-10-63). Lehmkuhl, George D., Dow Chemical Company Fellow in Chemical Engineering nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,900 (3-30-63). Lewellen, William D., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Lewis, Marcia S., Summer Fellow in Spanish, two months from June 16, 1963 $375 (4-16-63). Li, Yiu-Chung, Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Liden, Anita E., Augustana College Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Lilje, Gerald W., Fellow in Philosophy, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Lillquist, Kenneth W., Fellow in Art, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-24-63). Losee, David L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (3-30-63). Lowe, Anthony D., Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Lucas, Kenneth R., Socony Mobil Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-19-63). Lundquist, Karen L., Teaching Fellow in Anthropology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Mahany, Richard P., Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Mallin, Leah M., Knox College Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Marshall, Russell F., Monmouth College Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Martin, Richard T., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). May, David R., Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Mayberry, John P., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Mayoh, Brian H., Continental Oil Company Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,200 (4-15-63). Maye, Troy A., Fellow in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). McArthur, Carolyn O., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). McBride, John D., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-17-63). McClellan, Guerry H., National Lead Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). McDermott, John P. J., Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). McGurk, Donald J., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). McKellar, A. C, Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). McMann, Marsha R., Teaching Fellow in Dance, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). McNatt, Jerrold L., Teaching Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $450 (3-30-63). McVinnie, William W., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Meador, Prentice A., Jr., Summer Fellow in Speech, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-17-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 517 Meeden, Glen D., Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). MeeksE, Peggy C, Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Meredith, Dale D., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Milligan, David V., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,400 (3-30-63). Mitchell, James E., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Mitchell, William T., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Mode, V. Alan, Jr., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Moore, John N., Summer Fellow in Law, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Moore, Walter P., Jr., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Mossbarger, Jerry A., Owens-Corning Fiberglas Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, eleven months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (3-30-63). Moot, William E., Teaching Fellow in Agricultural Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Neufeldt, Leonard N., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Neureuther, Andrew R., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (3-30-63). Neustein, Sylvia J., Summer Fellow in French, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Nievergelt, Jurg, Fellow in Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Niss, James F., Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). O'Connor, Linda H., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Oder, Dean A., Illinois College Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Ontman, Marilyn A., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Paradis, William O., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Patton, Franklin D., Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Payne, William H., Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Perez-Albuerne, Evelio A., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Perm an, J. Michael, Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Petersen, Harold, Jr., Esso Research and Engineering Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-19-63). Peterson, Margaret A., Summer Fellow in Art, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Petroski, Henry J., Sloan Foundation Teaching Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (3-30-63). Phillips, Robert D., Fellow in Classics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Piepmeier, Edward H., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). 518 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS Pieedos, Theodora A., Kendric C. Babcock Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Poteet, Daniel P., II, Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500 (3-30-63). Pritchard, Linda, Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Puckett, Reginald T., Lubrizol Foundation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-22-63). Quirk, Roderic P., Roger Adams Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine month-; from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Ragsdale, James D., Jr., Teaching Fellow in Speech, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Raja, K. G. Varma, Wright Fellow in Animal Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Rankin, Carolyn, Milliken College Fellow in English, nine months from Sen- tember 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Rice, Ultan M., Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Rogers, Charles A., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (3-30-63). Rohmaller, Paul L., Sloan Foundation Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-9-63). Rupley, Lawrence A., Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Sabacky, Milton J., Sinclair Oil Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-19-63). Sawyer, James A., Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-17-63). Schaefer, Douglas L., Fellow in Social Sciences, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Schield, Sandra S., Katharine L. Sharp Fellow in Library Science, one year from June 16, 1963, $500 (3-30-63). Schneider, Barbara J., Fellow in Botany, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Schrader, Lawrence E., Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16. 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Schroeder, William F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medicine, five months from March 1, 1963, $2,375, supersedes (4-15-63). Schwartz, Richard B., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Shalek, Peter D., Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Shao, Tzu-Sien, Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Sharpe, Thomas R., Dow Chemical Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,900 (4-19-63). Shea, James H., Shell Company Foundation Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (3-30-63). Shields, Dolores D., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Siefert, Thomas E., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Silberstein, Ilan, Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1964, $750, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Sims, Leslie B., Fellow in Chemistry, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $900, and two months from June 16, 1963, $540 (3-30-63). Sinclair, Kenneth E., Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Slater, John M., L. J. Norton Memorial Fellow in Agricultural Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-8-63). Smith, Don S., Summer Fellow in Law, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 519 Smith, Robert A., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Smith, Roger A., Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Smith, Thomas E., Jr., Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Solomon, Kenneth I., Fellow in Accountancy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Sorenson, Alma D., James W. Garner Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Sparkow, Rita L., Fellow in French, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Spencley, Kenneth J., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Steffen, William W., Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Stein, Allan R., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63). Stern, Daniel H., Summer Fellow in Zoology, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Stevens, Kent R., Fellow in Dairy Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Stromsta, Roger R., Teaching Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Sturgul, John R., Special Fellow in Mining Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (3-30-63). Su, Julia K., Fellow in Chemistry, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $900, and two months from June 16, 1963, $540 (3-30-63). Susman, N. Bradley, Fellow in City Planning, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Svob, Michael J., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Swanson, Paul J., Jr., Summer Fellow in Finance, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Swanson, Roger M., North Central College Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Swinson, Henry W., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Swinson, Weldon F., Teaching Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Tasch, Aloysious F., Jr., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (3-30-63). Taylor, Douglas H., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Taylor, Jane U., Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Ternes, John, Summer Fellow in German, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Tilling, James R., Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,900, and two months from June 16, 1964, $475 (3-30-63). Tilson, Lavina C, Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Torres, David, Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Tracey, Robert J., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Travers, Kenneth J., Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Treptow, Richard S., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). 520 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 Trescott, Peter C, Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Trtjitt, William J., Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (4-16-63); and Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Van Buee, Franklin D., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September lfi 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Van der Naald, Anje C, Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Varsa, Edward C, Hackett Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-1-63). Voich, Dan, Jr., Fellow in Business, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-28-63). Von Riesen, Richard D., Teaching Fellow in Marketing, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Waggener, Sara E., Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963 $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Wagnek, Robert E., Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Wallace, James T., Summer Fellow in Zoology, two months from June 16, 1963 $375 (4-16-63). Walters, John P., Procter and Gamble Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (4-19-63). Walters, William B., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Ward, William J., Ill, American Oil Foundation Fellow in Chemical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,600 (4-15-63). Wasserman, Margo A., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1%3, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Weaver, Walter L., Ill, Fellow in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Weber, Carl S., United States Public Health Service Fellow in Chemistry, one year from February 1, 1963, $4,000 (4-2-63). Weber, Frank E., Fellow in Food Technology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-30-63). Webster, Lee A., Automotive Safety Foundation Fellow in Highway Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Weinstein, Jay A., Teaching Fellow in Sociology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Weisgerber, David W., Fellow in Chemistry, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964. $900, and two months from June 16, 1963, $540 (3-30-63). Welsh, Arthur L., Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). White, John M., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800, and two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (3-30-63) -Wickramasinghe, Diamantia N. T., Fellow in Entomology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Widmann, Ruth L., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Wiley, Jack C, Summer Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Williams, Judith A. O., Fellow in Biophysics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Wilson, David W., Sprague Electric Company Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (4-10-63). Wolfson, Melville Z., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Woodmansee, Donald E., Sun Oil Company Fellow in Chemical Engineering, eleven months from September 16, 1963, $2,300 (3-30-63). Woods, Paula M., Illinois Wesleyan University Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 521 Wu Shu-yau, Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Wright, Ramil C, Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Yang, Henderson C. H., Teaching Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Yodek, Wilbur E., Summer Fellow in Architecture, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Zelnick, Stephen C, Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). Zenge. Michael W., Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,950, and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). DECLINATIONS. RESIGNATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Alleman, Mrs. Winifred, Assistant Agriculture Librarian, with rank of Instructor--- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Bagby, Roland M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology --- termination effective April 1, 1963. Barber, Dennis, Instructor in Operative Dentistry (Dentistry)---resignation effective April 1, 1963. Bauling, Douglas B., Teaching Fellow in Agricultural Engineering --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Bell, Charles L., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (Pharmacy), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective July 29, 1963. Bond, James A., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Bowman, Cletus E., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. ChabOT, Andre, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Medicine)---resignation effective May 7, 1963. Chihara, Charles S., Assistant Professor of Philosophy --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Cordell, Howard W., Instructor in Library Science --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Criley, Bruce B., Teaching Fellow in Zoology --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Diesing, Paul R., Assistant Professor of Philosophy --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. DiviLBiss, James L., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- resignation effective May 1, 1963. Dockrill, Michael L., Fellow in History --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Exum, Mrs. Dolores B., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine) ---resignation effective April 28, 1963. Feinstein, Amiel, Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Fisher, Barbara N., Research Assistant in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 16, 1962. Foght, Mrs. Martha, Research Assistant in Zoology --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Frocht, Max M., Visiting Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Gallagher, Robert E., Assistant Professor of English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Heiliger, Edward M., Librarian in the Chicago Undergraduate Division and Professor of Library Administration --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Hollon, George W., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Johnson, Charles E., Associate Professor of Education, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Madsen, Albert G., Research Associate in Marketing --- resignation effective May 9, 1963. 522 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May IS Meagher, Geokge B., Assistant in Dermatology (Medicine) ---resignation effective March 1, 1963. Mowrer, Willie Mae, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Narasinga-Rao, K. V., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective May 8, 1963. Osman, Elizabeth M., Associate Professor of Home Economics --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Ranga Rao, R., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Rubinstein, Mrs. Virginia, Serials Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor--- resignation effective April IS, 1963. Ryan, David G., Professor of Mechanical Engineering --- declination effective June 16, 1963. Scotton, Donald W., Associate Professor of Marketing, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Shea, James H., Fellow in Geology --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Skolen, Thoralf A., Visiting Professor of Mathematics --- resignation effective April IS, 1963. Smith, James O., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Swallow, Ronald J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) h Biophysics --- resignation effective February 1, 1963. Thornton, Hubert R., Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering --- resignation effective May 16, 1963. Thun, Edward H., Research Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy) ---resignation effective April 16, 1963. Weidert, John F., Assistant Extension Editor, with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective April 19, 1963. Weimer, Clara B., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry (Medicine)---resignation effective March 1, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Elazar, Daniel J., Assistant Professor in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs --- leave of absence, without pay, for one month from July 1, 1963, so that he may take advantage of a research fellowship for study in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California. Freund, Eric C, Research Associate in the Bureau of Community Planning --- extension of leave of absence, without pay, for continued service to the Illinois Board of Economic Development, from January 1 through August 31, 1963. Frith, Donald E., Associate Professor of Art --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a Danforth Fellowship for advanced study. Hennessey, James J., Instructor in Art --- additional leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may continue his studies at the American Academy in Rome under a Prix de Rome Fellowship. Karsh, Bernard, Associate Professor of Sociology, and in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, for the purpose of study at Stanford University. Kaske, Robert E., Professor of English --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning September 1, 1963, and continuing through February 29, 1964, so that he may accept a visiting professorship at Cornell University. Nichols, J. Alden, Associate Professor of History --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a Senior Fulbright Fellowship for study and research in Germany. Palmer, John D., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division) ---leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may study and do research at the University of Bristol, in England, under a postdoctoral fellowship. Perlmutter, Mrs. Shirley, Instructor in Occupational Therapy (Medicine) --- leave of absence, without pay, from June 24 through August 31, 1963. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 523 Rosen, Sidney, Associate Professor of Physical Science, in the Division of General Studies --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may serve as a Visiting Professor in Colombia, South America, under sponsorship of the Ford Foundation. Sayre, Robert F., Instructor in English --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a Fulbright lectureship for lectures and studies in Sweden. Spargo, Mrs. Gladys R., Acquisition Assistant in the Library (Chicago Undergraduate Division)---leave of absence, without pay, beginning June 17 and continuing through July 31, 1963, so that she may attend the Graduate Library School in Urbana. Spera, Frank X., Instructor in Fixed Partial Prosthodontics (Dentistry) --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning March 22 and continuing through August 31, 1963, on account of illness. Starr, Chester G., Professor of History --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a visiting professorship at the University of Washington. Thomas, Garth J., Professor of Physiology and Research Professor of Electrical Engineering --- leave of absence, without pay, from July IS through August 31, 1963, so that he may accept an invitation to teach in the Department of Psychology during the summer session at the University of Washington, Seattle. Westmeyer, Paul, Assistant Professor of Education---leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a visiting assignment as staff member in the Science Education Center of the University of Texas. RETIREMENTS Lendsum, Frederick C, Associate Professor of Medicine (Medicine)---retirement effective February 13, 1963. JUNE AND JULY MEETINGS President Clement reminded the Board that it had previously voted to hold its June meeting on Wednesday, June 19, in Peoria, and asked if any of the Trustees desired to offer suggestions concerning arrangements for the meeting. It was the consensus of the Trustees that the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees should decide upon the place and the schedule of the meeting. Consideration was also given to holding the July meeting on Tuesday, July 2, if the internal operating budget for 1963-64 can be prepared for presentation to the Board at that time. EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session had been requested and was being ordered for consideration of recommendations relating to property acquisitions and that this session would be held following a recess for luncheon. At 12:45 p.m., on motion of Mr. Swain, the Board recessed. Student representatives of the colleges and departments at the Medical Center, members of the Vice-President's Advisory Council, and members of the Medical Center Committee on Educational Policy were guests of the Board at luncheon and were introduced. Following luncheon the Board reconvened, in executive session. The same members of the Board, officers of the University, and officers of the Board were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes except for Mr. Ray Page, who asked to be excused. The Board considered the following reports and recommendations. 524 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 PURCHASE OF PROPERTIES (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the following properties for the purposes and at the prices indicated: 1114 West Oregon Street, Urbana, for temporary housing...............$34 000 A two-story and basement frame dwelling on a lot 65 feet by 157 feet; possession will be delivered by June 15, 1963. 909-909VS South Fifth Street, Champaign, as part of the site for a residence hall for single graduate students............................. 37 500 A three-story and basement frame house on a lot 57 feet by 140 feet; possession will be delivered by July 1, 1963. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the 1961-63 Bond Issue and have been released. The prices are consistent with appraisals secured by the University and with the recommendations for the acquisition of these properties which have previously been submitted to and concurred in by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. The Board of Trustees on March 20, 1963, authorized condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property at 909-909Vi South Fifth Street, Champaign. However, through subsequent negotiations, the price indicated has been agreed upon, which is within the limit authorized by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. This price also appears to be the lowest price for which the property can be acquired without condemnation proceedings. I recommend authorization of these purchases, and further recommend that the Board rescind its resolution of March 20, 1963, with respect to condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property at 909-9091/S South Fifth Street, Champaign. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchase of these properties, at the prices recommended, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 13O6 WEST STOUGHTON STREET, URBANA. ILLINOIS (2) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1306 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, Illinois. The property is a lot 44 feet by 132 feet (5,808 square feet) with a two-story and basement frame building now used as an apartment by the owner and for student rooms. The land is needed as part of the site for College of Engineering buildings, and specifically for the new Civil Engineering Building. On the basis of University appraisals, the owners have been advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $22,000, but the offer is not acceptable and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. Accordingly, the Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property At 1306 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: The West Forty-four (44) feet of Lot Nine (9) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, and all of Lot Nine (9) except the East 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 529 contract for landscaping at a fee of $150,000, which is the amount bid by that Company for a service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. This will make the total contract with the Gust K. Newberg Construction Company $32,670,839. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, subject to release by the Governor. Copies of the foregoing recommendation were distributed to the Trustees at the meeting with a supporting report from the Physical Plant Department, including a summary of bids received, a copy of which was filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The President of the University stated that he concurs in these recommendations. At the conclusion of this presentation, representatives of some of the bidders requested, and were granted permission by the Board in each case, to ask questions and to present statements. Representatives of the following firms were heard: P. Nacey Company, Chicago, with respect to awarding this Company all contracts in Division III; Corbetta Construction Company, Inc., New York, with respect to the contract for Division I (general work on the Site Development --- Lecture Center) Modine Manufacturing Company, a subcontractor, with respect to supplying equipment for Division III. Replies to the questions raised were made by Director Havens and Mr. Richard Kreutz of the firm of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, Architects and Engineers, Chicago. On May 16, the day following the Board of Trustees meeting, a telegram was received from a representative of the George A. Fuller Company, Chicago and New York, with respect to that Company's bid for the general work for the Staff and Administration Offices Building. A copy of that telegram and the reply has been filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. Copies of correspondence, subsequent to the Board of Trustees meeting, concerning the questions raised by the representatives of the Modine Manufacturing Company and the representatives of the Corbetta Construction Company, Inc., have also been filed with the Secretary for record. At the conclusion of the discussion of the questions raised, on motion of Mr. Johnston, the recommendations for the awards of the contracts as presented were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Governor Kerner, Mr. Page. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President 526 board of trustees [May IS Illinois, at a price of $20,000, required as part of the site for construction of the new Civil Engineering Building. The property consists of a lot SO feet by 132 feet (6,600 square feet) and is improved with a one-story and basement frame dwelling. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted regarding this purchase and recommends approval. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the purchase of this property at the price recommended was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. At 3:00 p.m., on motion of Mr. Hughes, the Board recessed until 7:30 p.m. EVENING SESSION Pursuant to the schedule announced in the official notice of today's meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board reconvened at 7:30 p.m. in the Illinois Room of the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago. This session was held at the LaSalle Hotel for the convenience of the public and especially representatives of the contractors interested in the awards of the Congress Circle construction contracts. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Ray Page and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando of the Medical Center, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Edward S. Sefcik and Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistants to the Director of the Physical Plant, Mr. Richard Kreutz of the firm of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, Architects and Engineers, Chicago; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. CAPITAL BUDGET AND BUILDING PROGRAM FOR 19 63-65 President Clement announced that Mr. Williamson as Chairman of the Finance Committee desired to present a resolution with respect to the University's capital budget for 1963-65 in the event that some action may need to be taken prior to the June meeting of the Board of Trustees and it is not feasible to call a special meeting of the Board. Mr. Williamson offered the following: Resolved: That the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees is empowered to take whatever action it deems necessary to modify the form of the University's capital budget request for 1963-65, as heretofore approved, to adjust the capital needs expressed in that budget to any funding arrangement which 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 527 supplies such capital from sources other than state appropriations, such as the Illinois Building Authority. This resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS At the request of the President of the University, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant presented a report he had made to the President on May 13, 1963, on the bids received on April 11 and 18, 1963, for all construction at the Congress Circle Campus with the exception of the Heating Plant and the Congress Circle Union Building. Copies of the report were distributed to all the Trustees at the meeting (and subsequently were sent to the absentees), and a copy was filed with the Secretary for record. Following this report, Director Havens presented specific recommendations made by him and the Vice-President and Comptroller for the award of contracts for construction of buildings, and other improvements, on the Congress Circle Campus including: the Staff and Administration Offices Building, Classroom Complex Building, Library Building, Site Development --- Lecture Center, Engineering and Sciences Laboratories Building, Physical Plant Building, and landscaping, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder. Director Havens announced that recommendations will be submitted later for awards of contracts for the Heating Plant and the Union Building, which will complete construction of the first phase of the Congress Circle Campus. The specific recommendations for the awards of contracts follow. General Work (Division I) for all projects --- Gust K. Newberg Construction Company, Chicago............................ $23 943 930 00 Base bid................................... $23 422 000 00 Additive alternates Assignment of other contracts to the general contractor ......................... 150 000 00 Painting various interior areas.......... 3 000 00 Painting corridors...................... 13 000 00 Substitute glass of 1 to 3 per cent light transmission for 9 to 11 per cent in the classroom complex ..................... 34 300 00 Substitute masonry wall for a chain link fence at Blue Island Avenue and at Roosevelt Road........................ 40 000 00 Substitute Morgan Street entrance for a Blue Island entrance.................... 35 000 00 Construct ramp and elevated walkway across Taylor Street.................... 143 000 00 Add suspended acoustical ceilings to certain rooms in the Staff and Administration Offices Building........................ 3 000 00 Substitute plaster finish coat construction for dry wall in Staff and Administration Offices Building........................ 33 000 00 Substitute concrete for stabilized base for areas to be paved....................... 68 000 00 528 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 15 Deductive alternate Omit certain pipe railings in the Engineering and Sciences Laboratories Building..................................... 370 00 Plumbing (Division II) for the Staff and Administration Offices Building --- Nu-Way Plumbing Service, Inc., Chicago.................................. 269 000 00 Classroom Complex --- E. Ranieri and Sons Plumbing and Heating Corporation, Chicago.............................. 172 998 00 Library --- E. Ranieri and Sons Plumbing and Heating Corporation, Chicago ......................................... 96 488 00 Site Development --- Lecture Center --- Economy Plumbing and Heating Company, Inc., Skokie......................... 498 000 00 Engineering and Sciences Laboratories --- Frank S. Bellis, Berwyn................................................... 3% 500 00 Base bid............................... $ 398 000 00 Deductive alternate for substitution of pyrex pipe for Duriron pipe............. --- 1 500 00 Physical Plant Building --- Ewing Plumbing, Inc., River Forest.................................................... 78 790 00 Heating, Piping, Refrigeration, and Automatic Temperature Control Systems (Division III) for the Staff and Administration Offices Building --- Gage Park Heating Company, Inc., Chicago................................ 464 900 00 Classroom Complex --- Frank S. Bellis, Berwyn............. 515 000 00 Library --- William A. Pope Company, Chicago.............. 162 000 00 Site Development --- Lecture Center --- P. Nacey Company, Chicago................................................... 617 000 00 Engineering and Sciences Laboratories --- P. Nacey Company, Chicago................................................... 349 300 00 Physical Plant Building ---P. Nacey Company, Chicago...... 115 000 00 Ventilating and Distribution Systems for Conditioned Air (Division IV) for all projects --- H. G. Prizant and Company, Chicago................................................... 1 285 000 00 Electric Wiring (Division V) for all projects --- Fischbach, Moore, and Morrissey, Inc., Chicago ....................... 3 150 069 00 Base bid................................... $ 3 144 000 00 Additive alternate for lighting at Taylor Street Bridge .............................. 6 069 00 Laboratory Furniture (Division VI) for the Engineering and Sciences Laboratories --- Metalab Equipment Company, Hicks- ville, New York........................................... 556 864 00 Landscape Work --- Felix Grundstrom Landscaping Company, Niles...................................................... 360 381 50 Base bid................................... $ 242 900 00 Additive alternates for providing lawn in the following areas: North of Harrison, west of Morgan..... 23 033 00 North of Harrison, east of Morgan...... 5 941 00 North of Harrison, west of Halsted...... 5 563 00 South of Harrison, west of Halsted..... 12 436 00 East of Halsted, north of Taylor........ 10 502 50 East of Morgan, north of Arthington.... 2 544 00 North of Taylor, east of Blue Island..... 7 932 00 North of Taylor, west of Halsted........ 5 204 00 West of Halsted, south of Taylor........ 18 240 00 East of Halsted, south of Taylor........ 11 354 00 Lawn in lieu of Blue Island Entrance.... 5 272 00 Landscaping for Morgan Street Entrance. 9 460 00 Total.....................................................$33 031 220 50 It is also recommended that an agreement be executed with the Gust K. Newberg Construction Company, Chicago, for the assignment to this Company of all contracts other than the general contract and the 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 529 contract for landscaping at a fee of $150,000, which is the amount bid by that Company for a service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. This will make the total contract with the Gust K. Newberg Construction Company $32,670,839. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, subject to release by the Governor. Copies of the foregoing recommendation were distributed to the Trustees at the meeting with a supporting report from the Physical Plant Department, including a summary of bids received, a copy of which was filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The President of the University stated that he concurs in these recommendations. At the conclusion of this presentation, representatives of some of the bidders requested, and were granted permission by the Board in each case, to ask questions and to present statements. Representatives of the following firms were heard: P. Nacey Company, Chicago, with respect to awarding this Company all contracts in Division III; Corbetta Construction Company, Inc., New York, with respect to the contract for Division I (general work on the Site Development --- Lecture Center) Modine Manufacturing Company, a subcontractor, with respect to supplying equipment for Division III. Replies to the questions raised were made by Director Havens and Mr. Richard Kreutz of the firm of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, Architects and Engineers, Chicago. On May 16, the day following the Board of Trustees meeting, a telegram was received from a representative of the George A. Fuller Company, Chicago and New York, with respect to that Company's bid for the general work for the Staff and Administration Offices Building. A copy of that telegram and the reply has been filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. Copies of correspondence, subsequent to the Board of Trustees meeting, concerning the questions raised by the representatives of the Modine Manufacturing Company and the representatives of the Corbetta Construction Company, Inc., have also been filed with the Secretary for record. At the conclusion of the discussion of the questions raised, on motion of Mr. Johnston, the recommendations for the awards of the contracts as presented were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Governor Kerner, Mr. Page. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OP TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS June 19, 1963 The June meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Pere Marquette Hotel, Peoria, Illinois, on Wednesday, June 19, 1963, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Governor Otto Kerner, and Mr. Ray Page were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. Professor Charles H. Bowman of the College of Law was present for a part of the meeting. 531 532 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on September 19, October 17, and November 9, 1962, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 49 to 261, inclusive. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ON CHANGE IN CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS CIRCLE The Secretary presented the following report: On recommendation of the Director of the Physical Plant and with the concurrence of the President of the University, the Executive Committee has authorized an increase of $56,000 in the contract with Gust K. Newberg Construction Company, General Contractors, Chicago, for the construction of buildings at Congress Circle to include removal of buildings I, II, III, IV, and V of parcel No. 13-216 which are part of the Hull House group. The contractor is willing to undertake this additional work to expedite construction and has submitted a quotation under the same conditions on which bids were received by the Department of Urban Renewal. It is not practicable for the Department to attempt to demolish these buildings within the period of time available without serious danger of delay to the University's construction program and also because of the possibility of complications arising between the University's contractor and the City's demolition contractor working in the same area. The City will reimburse the University for this work. The Executive Committee Mr. Wayne A. Johnston Mrs. Frances B. Watkins Mr. Howard W. Clement On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the action of the Committee was confirmed. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unreyoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Arthur Robert Betz St. Louis, Missouri Missouri John Michael Connolly Chicago, Illinois District of Columbia Wendell H. Finkbeiner Mt. Prospect, Illinois Michigan Thomas Alban Jones Western Springs, Illinois North Carolina Raymond Frances Kiewit Brookfield, Wisconsin Wisconsin Herbert G. Siepert Beloit, Wisconsin Wisconsin Ralph William Simon St. Louis, Missouri Missouri Allan Wehrmeyer Metropolis, Illinois District of Columbia Walter Joseph Zimbrich Beloit, Wisconsin Wisconsin I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 533 APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (2) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. David C. Baum, Assistant Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,500. 2 Gordon A. Baym, Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Physics, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $8,100. 3. William E. Bell, Assistant Professor of Marketing, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000. 4. Norman Blackburn, Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics, for three months from June 16, 1963, at a salary of $3,802. 5. Vlastimil P. Borecky, Visiting Professor of General Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,000. 6. Harold F. Breimyer, Visiting Research Professor of Economics and of Agricultural Economics, for one year from July 1, 1963, at a salary of $16,000. 7. Maynard J. Brichford, University Archivist in the Library, with rank of Associate Professor, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $11,000. 8. Irving Canter, Associate Professor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, for one month from August 1, 1963, at a salary of $1,222, and beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $11,000. 9. John W. Christian, Visiting Professor in the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, for one month from June 16, 1963, at a salary of $1,800. 10. Godwin C. Chu, Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research and Assistant Professor of Journalism, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,200. 11. Clark Edward Cunningham, Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $7,000. 12. Richard Davenport, Assistant Professor of Zoology, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,500. 13. Nicolaos A. Economou, Visiting Associate Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,400. 14. L. Ethan Ellis, Visiting Professor of History, for the first semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $7,500. 15. Robert N. Farvolden, Assistant Professor of Geology, beginning February 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,100. 16. Vincenzo Ferraro, George A. Miller Visiting Professor of Astronomy and of Electrical Engineering, for five months from September 1, 1963, at a salary of $6,500. 17. Albert P. Foulkes, Assistant Professor of German, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,000. 18. Hyman Gabai, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and of Education, University High School, for three months from June 1, 1963, at a salary of $4,273, and beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $13,000. 19. William Leo Gamble, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,000. 20. Harry Haile, Associate Professor of German, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,500. 21. Robert Louis Hass, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Dentist in the Health Service, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $12,000. 22. Alois R. Hastreiter, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, beginning July 1, 1963, on one-half time, at an annual salary of $6,000. 23. Peter H. Hay, Assistant Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $11,000. 24. Claude A. Hendrix, Jr., Assistant Professor of Hygiene, Staff Physician in Health Center and McKinley Hospital, in the Health Service, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $15,000. 25. Bertram Huppert, Visiting Professor of Mathematics, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $14,000. 26. Suresh C. Jain, Visiting Research Professor of Physics, for two months from June 7, 1963, at a salary of $3,200. 534 board of trustees [June 19 27. Harry M. Johnson, Visiting Professor of Sociology, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $12,000. 28. Mildred Spitler Johnson, Consultant in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, with rank of Assistant Professor, beginning April 1, 1963, on one-half time, at an annual salary of $5,000. 29. Karl Kafer, Visiting Professor of Accountancy, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $12,000. 30. Harry D. Krause, Assistant Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,500. 31. John W. Kronik, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,000. 32. Richard Francis Kuisel, Assistant Professor of History, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,500. 33. Charlotte L. Lambert, Associate Professor of Physical Education for Women, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,100. 34. Donald Alfred Markwalder, Assistant Professor of Economics, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000. 35. Hugh McLean, Visiting Professor of Russian, for the first semester of the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $4,500. 36. Duane Metzger, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, for four and one-half months from September 16, 1963, at a salary of $4,100. 37. Robert A. Miller, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, beginning July 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000. 38. Roger G. Olstad, Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Secondary and Continuing Education, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $8,500. 39. Cenap Oran, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,800. 40. Betty E. Orr, Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education, beginning September 16, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,500. 41. Harold H. Orvis, Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $18,000. 42. Frazer G. Poole, Professor of Library Administration and Librarian, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $15,000. 43. Morris Pripstein, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning September 16, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000. 44. Thomas M. Scheidel, Associate Professor of Speech and Theatre, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,000. 45. Herbert I. Schiller, Research Associate Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $13,000. 46. Rudolf Schrader, Visiting Associate Professor of Physics, beginning October 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $15,000. 47. Julian L. Simon, Assistant Professor of Advertising, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,200. 48. Rita J. Simon, Associate Professor of Sociology and Research Associate Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,200. 49. Daniel M. Slate, Research Associate Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, for two and one-half months from June 15, 1963, at a salary of $3,195. 50. Earl W. Stark, Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,500. 51. Masianna Trekell, Assistant Professor in the Department of Secondary and Continuing Education, on three-fourths time, and in the Department of Physical Education for Women, on one-fourth time, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,200. 52. Priscilla Tyler, Associate Professor of English and Counselor in Teacher Education, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,200. 53. Constantin D. Uszynski, Assistant Professor of Russian, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,300. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 535 54. Shigueo Watanabe, Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics, for the academic year 1963-64, on one-third time, at a salary of $3,000. 55. Joseph W. Wenzel, Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,800. 56. Duane H. Whittier, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $8,000. 57. Brian F. Wilkie, Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,500. 58. Martin L. Zeigler, Assistant Provost and Director of Institutional Studies, with rank of Associate Professor, in the Office of the Executive Vice-President and Provost, beginning July 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $18,500. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these appointments were confirmed. DEPARTMENT OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY (3) The Department of Food Technology, the Executive Committee, and the Dean of the College of Agriculture recommend a change in the name of the Department to Department of Food Science. This change will apply only to the name of the Department and will not change the curricula, courses, or degrees. Food Technology courses will become Food Science courses and the degrees granted will be in Food Science instead of Food Technology. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved. HOSPITAL-MEDICAL SERVICE PLAN. CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (4) Based on a recent survey of the academic staff by the Chicago Undergraduate Senate Committee on Retirement, Hospitalization, and Insurance, this Committee recommended to the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate that the Blue Cross-Blue Shield program be discontinued and that the University of Illinois Hospital and Medical Service Plan be adopted effective October 1, 1963. The Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate approved this recommendation at their meeting on April 9, 1963. The Nonacademic Employees Council of the Chicago Undergraduate Division also approved the adoption of the University of Illinois Hospital and Medical Insurance Plan. This approval was based upon the results of a questionnaire sent to all nonacademic employees by the Nonacademic Employees Council under date of April 23, 1963. The Vice-President in charge of the Undergraduate Division and the Vice-President and Comptroller concur in recommending adoption of the University of Illinois Hospital and Medical Service Plan at the Chicago Undergraduate Division effective October 1, 1963. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. WORKING CASH FUNDS, CHICAGO DIVISIONS (5) The Board of Trustees has authorized a working cash fund for the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, and petty cash funds for the Medical Center and for the Chicago Undergraduate Division. The working cash fund is used for processing vouchers drawn on state appropriations in cases when there is inadequate time to follow the normal procedures of payment through the State Auditor. Reimbursements of expenditures made from the working cash funds are by vouchers processed against state appropriations. Petty cash funds are used for the establishment of small cash funds in departments, advances to staff traveling on University business, and payment of salaries which are due but which, because of state processing schedules, were not included on regular payrolls. For the latter, reimbursement of the petty cash fund is secured through processing routine payrolls. It has been found that the amount allocated for working cash funds in Chicago has been greater than that needed and that petty cash funds have been inadequate. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following changes in these fund authorizations: 536 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 From To Medical Center Working Cash Fund.................... $100 000 $ SO 000 Medical Center Petty Cash Fund....................... 30 000 60 000 Undergraduate Division Petty Cash Fund............... 15 000 35 000 T $145 000 $145100 1 concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (6) The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Urbana- Champaign 1. Health Service McKinley Hospital, overbed tables and wall closets................. $ 5 852 2. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, equipment...... 5 146 Department of Physiology and Biophysics, equipment (to match a grant from the National Science Foundation)................... 25 707 Department of Psychology, equipment (to match a grant from the National Science Foundation)................................. 24 980 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, equipment (to match a grant from the National Science Foundation).......... 25 000 3. Physical Plant Department Remodeling rifle range and office space in Armory................... 17 680 Remodeling building at 807 South Lincoln Avenue for College of Veterinary Medicine.......................................... 5 115 Remodeling in Animal Sciences Laboratory for Department of Dairy Science....................................................... 4 385 Remodeling paleontological laboratory of Department of Geology.... 11 200 Air conditioning, and moving of houses at 606 and 6O6V2 South Mathews Avenue to 1205 West Nevada Street to provide additional land for construction of East Chemistry Building......... 59 000 Remodeling in Chemistry Annex and Noyes Laboratory for Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering................... 23 310 Remodeling in Horticulture Field Laboratory for Departments of Plant Pathology and Horticulture.............................. 20 380 Electrical service for window air conditioners in David Kinley Hall... 18 480 Remodeling and air conditioning to convert Woodshop into research space for Department of Civil Engineering..................... 47 740 Renovation of ventilation system in Chemistry Annex laboratories for Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (this assignment is in addition to $16,900 presently available).......... 28 510 Total......................................................... $322 485 I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS BY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (7) The Board of Directors of the Athletic Association has approved an assignment of $5,000 to supplement the contribution of the Athletic Association to the Grants-in-Aid Fund of the University of Illinois Foundation for athletic grants. Confirmation of this action is requested. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this action was confirmed. CONTRACTS FOR MINOR BUILDING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of cost-plus contracts with the following contractors 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 537 for minor building alterations, repairs, and construction work for the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964. General----Clarence H. Siems, doing business as Clarence H. Siems Company, Urbana Electrical --- Brunkow Electric Company, Champaign Plumbing --- Willis H. and W. C. Thomas, a partnership doing business as Thomas Plumbing and Heating Company, Urbana Heating and Ventilating --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign These contracts are for work which does not justify the cost of preparing separate drawings and specifications and of separate bidding procedures on each project. The several contractors bid on percentages to be added to actual material, labor, and subcontract costs, depending in many cases on the size of the particular division of work with specified limits of four ranges. Work will be done as ordered by the Physical Plant Department and will be paid for on the basis of the actual cost of each job plus contractors' fees. A schedule of bids taken showing the percentages to be added for work to be executed under these cost-plus contracts is submitted herewith, and a copy of the schedule is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record as the basis for the contract awards recommended. No assignment of funds is requested and each job will be covered by a contract change order charged against funds allocated for the project. It is further recommended that the Vice-President and Comptroller be authorized to approve orders under these contracts up to $25,000 on each project provided that any orders exceeding this amount shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval in advance, in accordance with previous practice and authorization. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR PLASTERING, PLASTER PATCHING AND REPAIRS, AND ACOUSTICAL WORK (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a cost-plus contract to George S. Grimmett, doing business as George S. Grimmett and Company, Springfield, the lowest bidder, for plastering, plaster patching and repairs, and acoustical work during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, on the basis of a contractor's fee of 13.9 per cent of all actual job costs as determined by itemized billing. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DAIRY HERDSMAN'S COTTAGE ADDITION (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $7,081 to C. P. Bauman and Son, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for construction of an addition to, and minor remodeling in, the Dairy Herdsman's Cottage on the South Lincoln Avenue Farm. Dairy Science Department funds are available for this improvement. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. 538 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF VETERINARY MEDICINE RESEARCH ANNEX ADDITION (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for construction of an addition to the Veterinary Medicine Research Annex, the award in each case to the lowest bidder: General --- Pathman Construction Co., Chicago........................$194 281 Base bid............................................... $186 981 Additive alternate for revisions on the first floor.......... 2 700 Additive alternate for assignment of other contracts...... 4 600 Laboratory Furniture --- Laboratory Furniture Company, Inc., Mineola, New York.............................................. 19 772 Base bid............................................... $ 18 171 Additive alternate for revisions in installation in Room 6a. 1 481 Additive alternate for installation of aluminum distilled water valves ....................................... 120 Dumbwaiter --- Otis Elevator Company, Chicago....................... 5 913 Electrical --- G. L. Wilskey, an individual doing business as Downtown Electric, Urbana ................................................ 19 505 Base bid .............................................. $ 19 02S Additive alternate for revisions in the first floor.......... 320 Additive alternate for work on monorail system.......... 110 Additive alternate for installation of electrical outlets for laboratory furniture in Room 6a..................... 50 Plumbing --- Healy Plumbing and Heating Company, St. Paul, Minnesota....................................................... 21 009 Base bid .............................................. $ 17 900 Additive alternate for revisions in the first floor.......... 561 Additive alternate for distilled water still................. 1 249 Additive alternate for distilled water piping to laboratory furniture on the second floor........................ 876 Additive alternate for connection of laboratory service fixtures in the additional laboratory furniture in Room 6a .......................................... 287 Additive alternate for distilled water piping to Room 6a... 136 Heating, Piping, and Refrigeration --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign ........................................................... 44 453 Base bid .............................................. $ 43 700 Additive alternate for installation of distilled water still... 753 Ventilating and Sheet Metal Work ---- Petry Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Champaign ........................................... 27 237 Total........................................................... $332 170 It is also recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract $332,170, and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Pathman Construction Co., Chicago, for the assignment of these other contracts for $4,600, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available from a grant to the University from the National Institutes of Health, state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, which have been released, and from indirect costs on government contracts for research related to this project. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department, including a summary of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 539 CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF REHABILITATION CENTER (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for construction of the first phase of the Rehabilitation Center Building to be erected at the northwest corner of Stadium Drive and Oak Street, Champaign, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- A. F. Krall Construction Company, Inc., Decatur............$526 030 Base bid .............................................. $496 247 Additive alternate for assignment of other contracts...... 14 000 Additive alternate for extension of basement under un- excavated areas .................................... 19 883 Deductive alternate for substituting painting for vinyl covering on wall surfaces.............................. --- 4 100 Electrical --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana......... 72 03S Base bid .............................................. $ 71 000 Additive alternate for extension of basement under un- excavated areas .................................... 1 035 Plumbing --- David William Reichard and David Warren Reichard, a partnership doing business as David W. Reichard Plumbing and Heating, Urbana ................................................ 77 800 Base bid .............................................. $ 76 000 Additive alternate for extension of basement under un- excavated areas .................................... 1 800 Heating --- Healy Plumbing and Heating Company, St. Paul, Minnesota 99 412 Base bid .............................................. $ 98 235 Additive alternate for extension of basement under un- excavated areas .................................... 1 177 Ventilating---- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign..................... 81 136 Base bid .............................................. $ 75 800 Additive alternate for extension of basement under un- excavated areas .................................... 5 336 Total........................................................... $856 413 It is also recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract $856,413 and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with A. F. Krall Construction Company, Inc., Decatur, for the assignment of these other contracts for $14,000, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. If the foregoing recommendations are approved, the Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller also recommend an increase of $3,456 in the contract with A. F. Krall Construction Company, Inc., Decatur, for the purchase and installation of lockers for dressing rooms. This change in the contract was negotiated after the receipt of bids; one-third of the cost of this installation will be paid from a federal grant for the project. Funds are available in a grant from the United States Public Health Service (Public Health Service III. 164), from private donations, and in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. I concur in the foregoing recommendations, subject to final approval of the federal grant by the United States Public Health Service. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, and the increase in the general contract was authorized, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MATERIALS RESEARCH LABORATORY, PHASE I (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $167,163 to the Pathman Construction 540 board of trustees [June 19 Co., Chicago, the lowest bidder, for Phase I construction of the Materials Research Laboratory. Phase I will consist of sheet piling the sides of the Bone-yard Creek through the site and the provision of additional supporting piles for and the construction of slabs over the Boneyard to support a three-story connecting link between the Materials Research Laboratory and the present Physics Building. The contract will also include construction of a paved delivery and service area over another part of the Boneyard Creek. Initiating Phase I at this time will meet the construction time schedule proposed in the prospectus submitted to the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and the United States Atomic Energy Commission, which agencies will participate in amortizing the costs of the laboratory. Construction on Phase II is tentatively scheduled to start in October, 1963. The Board has approved a proposal to the Illinois Building Authority to finance construction of the Materials Research Laboratory, but in the event that this first phase of the project can not be so financed, funds will be available from the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 subject to release, or from indirect costs received from materials research contracts. I concur and recommend that $210,000 from undistributed indirect costs derived from Materials Research Laboratory contracts be reserved to finance the construction of Phase I, as needed. The difference between this figure and the Pathman contract is to cover other construction costs. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACTS FOR EXTENSION OF UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, URBANA (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts, subject to availability of funds, for extensions of the utilities distribution system for additional services to the Materials Research Laboratory, the Electrical Engineering Building, the Education Building, and the Illinois Street Residence Halls, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: Steam Tunnel to Materials Research Laboratory Underground Steam Tunnel Extension --- Dean Evans Company, Champaign.................................................. $149 900 Tunnel Piping Work for Extension of Steam Service --- The J. A. Julian Company, Chicago.................................... 132 378 Base bid which included only a 12-inch low-pressure steam main and a 4-inch condensate main, the bare minimum for steam service......................$ 77 940 Additive alternate (A) for the addition of a 6-inch high-pressure steam main....................... 9 988 Additive alternate (B) for the addition of an 8-inch utility pressure steam main...................... 11 910 Additive alternate (C) for a 4-inch high-pressure underground steam conduit connecting tunnel steam to an existing high-pressure main at the Mining and Metallurgy Laboratory to enable high-pressure steam service from two directions................ 12 892 Additive alternate (D) for the addition of an 8-inch low-pressure underground steam conduit connecting tunnel steam to an existing low-pressure main at the Mining and Metallurgy Laboratory to enable low pressure steam service from two directions 19 648 Thermal Insulation for Piping System for Steam Service --- Sprinkmann Sons Corporation of Illinois, Peoria............ 17 254 Base bid...........................................$ 10 622 Additive alternates for thermal insulation for the piping to be installed under alternates included in the tunnel piping work: Alternate A.................................... 3 105 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 541 Alternate B ................................... 2 969 Alternate C.................................... 232 Alternate D ................................... 326 Electrical Work for Extension of Steam and Electric Service --- Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign......... 28 479 Total, Materials Research Laboratory............................. $328 Oil Extension of Steam Service to Electrical Engineering Building for Air Conditioning Underground Steam Piping Work --- Robert Gordon, Inc., Chicago.. $ 48 798 Base bid........................................... $ 46 798 Additive alternate for compact layers of clay topped with eight inches of top soil to prevent drowning out of clays above the steam main............... 2 000 Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Additions to Underground Facilities for Education Building Storm Sewer --- George S. Walker Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Decatur..................................................... $ 16 390 Base bid for an 18-inch storm sewer................. $ 8 290 Additive alternate for the construction of a 12-inch storm sewer to be diverted around present building construction.................................... 8 100 Water Mains --- Cross Construction, Inc., Urbana................. 3 636 Total, Education Building................................... $ 20 026 Funds are available in the construction budget and have been released. Additions to Underground Facilities for the Illinois Street Residence Halls Sanitary and Storm Sewers --- Elton A. Wagner Company, Danville $ S3 200 Water ---George S. Walker Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Decatur.. 30 524 Base bid providing for the extension of an 8-inch main with fire hydrants on the south side of Green Street from the Student-Staff Apartments east to the west side of Gregory Place and a 12-inch main on the west side of Goodwin Avenue from Green Street south to Illinois Street and an 8-inch main from the intersection of Illinois Street and Goodwin Avenue east to Gregory Place............... 28 474 Additive alternate for the substitution of ductile iron pipe for the 12-inch main in place of cast iron pipe 1 150 Additive alternate for the provision of an additional extension of the 8-inch water main under the existing steam tunnel in Goodwin Avenue if it is determined during construction that there is not sufficient clearance to go over the steam tunnel.... 900 Underground Steam Tunnel and Electrical Ductruns --- Oran L. Shoemaker and Company, Champaign........................ 108 308 Piping System for Steam Services --- George S. Walker Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Decatur................................... 77 770 Base bid .......................................... $ 52 870 Additive alternate for the installation of an 8-inch utility pressure steam main which can be used as either a low-pressure or high-pressure steam main and which will operate normally as a low-pressure steam main to reduce the pressure drop in the low-pressure steam system........................... 24 900 Thermal Insulation for Piping for Steam Services --- Sprinkmann Sons Corporation of Illinois, Peoria.......................... 14 179 Base bid .......................................... $ 7 242 Additive alternate for thermal insulation for additional 8-inch utility pressure steam main................ 6 937 542 board of trustees [June 19 Electrical Work for Steam and Electric Service --- Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign................................... U 660 Total, Illinois Street Residence Halls......................... $295 Ml Funds for the additional utilities distribution system servicing the Illinois Street Residence Halls have been requested in the 1963-65 capital appropriation to the University. In the event funds are not made available and released, a subsequent recommendation will be submitted to the Board on the funding of these projects. Attached are reports from the Physical Plant Department of these projects, including schedules of bids received, copies of which are being filed with the Secretary of the Board. I concur in the above recommendations. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for the remodeling of the surgery areas on the fourth floor of the Research and Educational Hospitals, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Mutual Contracting Company, Chicago..................... $103 153 Base bid................................................ $100 919 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor............ 2 234 Plumbing --- Peter H. Smith Company, Chicago........................ 10 666 Heating --- National Korectaire Company, Chicago..................... 56 738 Ventilating and Air Conditioning --- Manor Sheet Metal, Inc., Skokie... 20 445 Electrical --- Fries-Walters Company, Chicago......................... 38 497 Total........................................................... $229 499 The work will consist of the improvement of the surgical facilities on the fourth floor of the General Hospital and in the adjacent areas of the Hospitals Addition. With only six major operating rooms in the Hospitals Addition supplemented by a major and a minor operating room in the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute and two minor operating rooms in the General Hospital, there is a major requirement for an increase in surgical facilities. This project will provide three additional operating rooms with the necessary auxiliary facilities. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $229,499; and that an agreement be entered into with Mutual Contracting Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $2,234, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACTS FOR REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING DUCTWORK IN MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for replacement of existing ductwork in the 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 543 Virology Laboratories (Systems E2, E3, and E6) of the Medical Research Laboratory, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Mutual Contracting Company, Chicago....................... 3 699 Base bid ................................................. 1 867 Additive alternate for replacement of existing ductwork in System E6 ........................................... 1 832 Ventilating --- Zack Company, Chicago.................................. $15 549 Base bid ................................................. $5 631 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor.................... 5% Additive alternate for providing bypass connection between Systems E2, E3, and E6................................ 745 Additive alternate for replacement of existing ductwork in System E6 ........................................... 8 577 Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Controls --- North Town Refrigeration Corporation, Chicago.................................. 4 600 Base bid.................................................. 1 600 Additive alternate for providing bypass connection between Systems E2, E3, and E6............................... 4 000 Electrical --- Hyre Electric Company, Chicago.......................... 3 609 Base bid.................................................. 1 843 Additive alternate for providing bypass connection between Systems E2, E3, and E6............................... 231 Additive alternate for replacement of existing ductwork in System E6............................................ 1 535 Total........................................................ $27 457 The work will consist of replacing the ductwork on three exhaust systems from three Virology Laboratory rooms to their respective air incinerators. The new ductwork will be of stainless steel and airtight construction. The improvement will prevent the escape of disease bacteria contagious to humans and permit chemical sterilization of the exhaust systems. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for ventilation work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $27,457; and that an agreement be entered into with the Zack Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $596, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the contractor for the ventilation work. Funds for this work are available from a Board appropriation, Medical Research Laboratory, Replacement of Ducts. A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HEATING PLANT AT CONGRESS CIRCLE (17) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of the following contracts for construction of the Heating Plant at the Congress Circle campus, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General (Division I) --- Ragnar Benson, Inc., Chicago.................. $956 353 Base bid.............................................. $969 963 Additive alternate for assignment of plumbing work and ventilating and air-conditioning systems.............. 2 500 Deductive alternate for changing basement walls and floor in base bid from construction designed to withstand water pressure to regular construction and added drainage to relieve water pressure...................--- 16 110 544 board of trustees [June 19 Plumbing (Division II)---O'Callaghan Bros., Inc., Chicago........... 23 980 Piping, Miscellaneous Equipment, Thermal Insulation (Division III) --- S. J. Reynolds Company, Inc., Cicero............................. 497 675 Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Systems (Division IV)---Zack Company, Chicago .................................................. 17 500 Electrical (Division V) --- Fischbach, Moore, and Morrissey, Inc., Chicago............................................................ 143 300 Total......................................................... $1 638108 It is also recommended that the plumbing contract and the ventilating and air-conditioning systems contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract $997,833; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Ragnar Benson, Inc., Chicago, for the assignment of these other contracts for $2,500, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by the Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. Submitted herewith is a supporting report from the Physical Plant Department including schedules of all bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONGRESS CIRCLE UNION BONDS (18) Five bids were received at 11:00 a.m. June 18, 1963, in the Illini Center, LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, for the sale of $6,800,000 of Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series A. Bids were received at the same time for certain maturities of $4,000,000 Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series B, to finance construction of the Congress Circle Union Building and parking lots. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the Series A bonds be sold to White, Weld, and Company and associates, Chicago, at a price of $6,759,326, plus accrued interest and at an effective interest rate of 3.50423 per cent; that $2,780,000 of Series B bonds maturing in 1969 through 1988 be sold to Halsey, Stuart, and Company, Inc., and associates at a price of $2,780,695, plus accrued interest and at an effective interest rate of 3.48892 per cent. These bids represent the lowest interest cost to the University. A schedule of all bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record, is presented. The Vice-President and Comptroller presents a Loan Agreement [Contract No. H(402)-868] with the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency and recommends that he be authorized to execute it. In accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement, he recommends that $1,220,000 Series B bonds maturing in 1989 through 1993 be sold to the Housing and Home Finance Agency at par and accrued interest and at an interest rate of 3Vz per cent, since no equal or more favorable bid was received for these maturities. The Vice-President and Comptroller also presents the Congress Circle Union Bond Resolution authorizing $6,800,000 Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series A, and $4,000,000 Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series B, and recommends its adoption. He further recommends that the Board (1) authorize the execution of the bonds by A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board, by facsimile signatures of the President of the Board, and by the facsimile signatures of Frances B. Watkins and Timothy W. Swain, members of the Board, and (2) ratify and confirm all actions taken or to be taken by the officers and members of the Board in connection with the sale and delivery of the bonds to the purchasers indicated above. I concur in all the foregoing recommendations. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these recommendations were approved and the Congress Circle Union Bond resolution was adopted 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 545 by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. Resolution Authorizing $10,800,000 Congress Circle Union Bonds, Series A and B of 1963 $6,800,000 Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series A $4,000,000 Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series B A Resolution Authorizing and Providing foe the Issuance of Revenue Bonds for the Purpose of Paying the Cost of Acquiring, Constructing, and Equipping the Congress Circle Union Building and Parking Facilities in the City of Chicago, Illinois, by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Setting Forth the Terms Under Which Such Revenue Bonds Are To Be Issued, Providing for the Rights of the Holders Thereof, and Providing for the Acquisition, Construction, and Equipment of Such Facilities, and the Management, Maintenance, Improvement, and Operation Thereof. Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on due consideration and investigation does now find and determine that it is advisable and necessary and required for the good and benefit of the University of Illinois and the best interests of its students and faculty to construct and equip a Union Building, and to construct parking facilities on the Congress Circle campus of the University. (Said Union Building and parking facilities are hereinafter sometimes called the "building," "facilities" or "Project"); and Whereas, in order to produce the funds necessary to construct and equip said Project it is advantageous to the University and necessary that the University borrow money and issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: ARTICLE ONE Definitions Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms defined in this Article One shall for all purposes of this Resolution and of any resolution supplemental hereto, have the meanings herein specified, the following definitions to be equally applicable both to the singular and plural forms of any of the terms herein denned: The term "Authorized Officer" shall mean the President, Secretary, Treasurer or Comptroller of the Board of Trustees, or any other person authorized by resolution of the Board of Trustees, to perform the act or sign the document in question. The term "Board of Trustees" and the term "University" shall mean The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate, created and established under the laws of the State of Illinois. The term "Bonds" shall mean and include any and all bonds of all series, issued under this Resolution. The term "Comptroller" shall mean the Comptroller of the University or such other person as may at the time be the acting chief fiscal officer of the University. The terms "facilities," "Project," and "building" shall mean all facilities financed pursuant to this Resolution, the cost of which is paid in whole or in part through the issuance of Bonds. The term "fiscal year" shall mean the twelve month accounting period established by the University for its academic operations, which currently is the period from July 1 through the following June 30. The term "Net Income Available for Debt Service" shall mean at any date as of which the amount thereof is to be determined the sum of (a) the net income for the preceding fiscal year of all revenue producing facilities pledged for the payment of Bonds; plus (b) the estimated annual net income of all revenue producing facilities for the account of which Bonds have been issued and delivered but which 546 board of trustees [June 19 are under construction or for which a full fiscal year's operating experience is not available; plus (c) the estimated annual net income of revenue producing facilities not then completed, the cost of which is to be financed through the proceeds of the sale of additional Bonds at the time proposed to be issued; plus (d) the net income during the preceding fiscal year from investments of funds in the Congress Circle Union Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account. For the purpose of this definition net income shall be determined by deducting from the gross revenues or estimated gross revenues for the period in question (which revenues shall include student service charges for the use of the facilities pledged for the payment of all Bonds then outstanding and then to be issued at an amount adjusted as hereinafter provided) all operating expenses or estimated operating expenses for such period and the amounts required to be credited to the Improvement and Replacement Reserve. Also, for all purposes of this definition, student service charges shall be included in net income at an amount which is based on the reasonable estimate of anticipated student enrollment for the year for which the computation is made, that is to say that in computing Net Income Available for Debt Service for any future year, the amount of student service charges included in gross revenues shall (regardless of actual receipts for any current or preceding fiscal year) be appropriately adjusted for each such year to reflect the reasonable estimate of anticipated student enrollment for each such year but shall assume that such student service charges will remain unchanged from the then current rate per student. Other revenues and operating expenses of facilities to be constructed shall be estimated in writing by an independent consulting engineer. All computations of Net Income Available for Debt Service shall be made by the Comptroller of the University who shall certify thereto, and whose certificate shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a nationally recognized firm of independent public accountants (which accountant's certificate may state that it is made in reliance on information supplied by the University and that they have made no independent examination of the books and records of the University in connection therewith) stating that they know of no reason why such computation is incorrect. The term "operating expenses" shall mean and include all reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance of the facilities, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, salaries, wages, cost of materials, supplies, insurance, light, heat, power, reasonable repairs necessary to properly maintain such facilities (including reasonable reserves therefor), taxes (if any), fees and expenses of the depository and paying agents and any expenses required to be paid pursuant to this Resolution but excluding depreciation, provisions for the Improvement and Replacement Reserve hereinafter provided, and all general administrative expenses of the University. The term "student service charge" shall mean any student fee or portion thereof assessed against students enrolled at the Congress Circle campus of the University for the general use of the facilities (whether assessed as a separate charge or as a specific allocation of a multi-purpose fee or charge), but shall not include general student tuitions or student fees assessed for any other purpose. The term "owner" or "holder" whenever employed herein with respect to a Bond which shall be registered as to principal or fully registered without coupons shall mean the person, firm or agency in whose name such Bond shall be registered and, whenever employed herein with respect to a coupon Bond which shall not be registered as to principal or a coupon, shall mean the bearer of such Bond or coupon. The term "Paying Agent" shall mean the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago or its successors in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and shall also mean the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York or its successors in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York and shall also mean the Bank of America N.T.&S.A. in the City of San Francisco and State of California. The term "depository" and the term "Registration Agent" shall mean the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago or its successor in the City of Chicago, Illinois. The term "Resolution" shall mean this Resolution as originally adopted or as it may from time to time be supplemented, modified or amended by any resolution supplemental hereto, pursuant to the provisions hereof. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 547 ARTICLE TWO Authorization, Designation, Form, Execution, Exchange and Registration of Bonds Section 2.01. Limitation of Issue and Equality of Bonds. This resolution shall constitute a continuing agreement to secure the full and final payment in the manner herein provided for the principal and interest on all Bonds which may from time to time be delivered and issued hereunder. The aggregate principal amount of Bonds which may be so delivered and issued hereunder is not limited except as restricted by law or by the provisions hereof. All Bonds at any time issued and outstanding hereunder, regardless of series, shall be equally and ratably secured hereby without preference, priority or distinction. Section 2.02. Project and Purpose of Initial Issue of Bonds. The initial project (hereinafter called the "Project") to be acquired, constructed, equipped and completed hereunder is described in a general way as: 1. The Congress Circle Union, consisting of a four-story building and a ten-story building with a connecting link at the three lower floors and located west of Halsted Street near Polk Street in the City of Chicago, Illinois; and 2. Parking lots for approximately 2,400 cars. The estimated cost of said Project is $13,460,000, including land, and the estimated cost of each portion of said Project is more fully set forth in the plans and specifications therefor on file with the University Architect. It is hereby determined that in order to produce the funds necessary to construct and equip the Project, that the University borrow the sum of Ten Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($10,800,000) and in evidence thereof to issue its Congress Circle Union Bonds hereunder in said principal amount. It is hereby determined that the cost of the project in excess of the amount to be borrowed can be provided from appropriations made by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the construction of buildings on the Congress Circle Campus of the University. Section 2.03. Terms of Series A and B of 1963 Bonds. The Bonds to be initially issued hereunder shall be substantially in the form and of the tenor and purport hereinafter set forth and limited to the aggregate principal amount of Ten Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($10,800,000) at any one time outstanding, Six Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,800,000) of which shall be designated "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series A" (hereinafter called "1963 Series A Bonds") and the remaining Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) principal amount thereof shall be designated "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series B" (hereinafter called "1963 Series B Bonds"). The Series A Bonds and the Series B Bonds shall be issued as negotiable coupon bonds dated April 1, 1963, registrable as to principal in the denomination of $5,000 or as fully registered Bonds without coupons, dated as of the interest payment date to which interest was last paid, next preceding the date of issue, unless issued on an interest payment date on which interest was paid, in which case they shall be dated as of the date of issue, or unless issued prior to October 1, 1963, in which case they shall be dated April 1, 1963. Each fully registered Bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. Fully registered Bonds without coupons shall be numbered in such manner as may be designated by the Comptroller and shall be issued in denominations of $5,000 or multiples thereof. Bonds shall bear interest from April 1, 1963, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year until paid, commencing October 1, 1963, at the rates provided below and shall mature in the following amounts on October 1, of the following years: Maturity Dates 1969 Series A Principal Amount % 80,000 Bonds Interest Rate 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Series B Principal Amount $ 40,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 80,000 Bonds Interest Rate 5% 5% 5% 5% 3%% 1970 90 000 1971.......... 100,000 1972..... 110,000 1973............ 160,000 548 board of trustees [June 19 Maturity Dates 1974 Series A Principal Amount . $ 220,000 Bonds Interest Rate 5% s% 4H% 3M% m% *v%% 3H% iVi% 3H% 3% 33% 1.20% Series B Principal Amount $ 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 160,000 170,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 240,000 240,000 250,000 260,000 Bonds Interest Rate sy*% 3M% 3M% 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 3M% W*% 3lA% 3H% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 1975........... ..... 230,000 1976......... ..... 240,000 1977 250,000 1978...... ..... 250,000 1979 ..... . ... 260,000 1980....... ..... 270,000 1981 280 000 1982 290 000 1983 300,000 1984 310 000 1985........ . ... 330,000 1986 340 000 1987 350 000 1988.......... .... 360,000 1989 370,000 1990......... ... . 380,000 1991 ...... 400,000 1992 410 000 1993........... ..... 420,000 $6,800,000 34,000,000 The 1963 Series A and B Bonds shall be redeemable prior to their maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees, either in whole or in part, on any interest payment date on and after, but not prior to April 1, 1971, solely from surplus monies in the Congress Circle Bond Fund, after the debt service reserve provided in Section S.02 has been fully established and all provisions of Section S.02 have been met and all deficiencies made up, in the inverse order in which they mature, at the principal amount thereof, together with interest accrued to the date of redemption plus a premium equal to the following percentages of such principal amount if redeemed during the following periods respectively: Period of Redemption Applicable Premium April 1, 1971 through October 1, 1972......................... 3% April 1, 1973 through October 1, 1977......................... 2% April 1, 1978 through October 1, 1982......................... 1% April 1, 1983 and thereafter without premium. The 1963 Series A and B Bonds shall also be redeemable (under circumstances not included in the foregoing paragraph), either in whole or in part, prior to their maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees on any interest payment date on and after, but not prior to April 1, 1973, in inverse order in which they mature, at the principal amount thereof, together with the interest accrued thereon to the date fixed for redemption plus a premium of the following percentages of such principal amount if redeemed during the following periods respectively: Period of Redemption Applicable Premium April 1, 1973 through October 1, 1977......................... 3% April 1, 1978 through October 1, 1982......................... 2% April 1, 1983 through October 1, 1987......................... 1% April 1, 1988 and thereafter without premium. Section 2.04. Payment of Principal and Interest. Both the principal of and the interest on the 1963 Series A and B Bonds shall be payable in any coin or currency which on the respective date of payment of such principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York or at the Bank of America N.T.&S.A. in the City of San Francisco, California. Section 2.05. Form of Bonds. The definitive coupon 1963 Series A and B Bonds, the interest coupons to be attached thereto, the form of fully registered 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 549 1963 Series A and B Bonds without coupons, the form of registration endorsement to appear on all coupon Bonds, the form of principal payment record and the form of assignment to appear on all fully registered Bonds shall be in substantially the following forms with appropriate insertions, omissions and variations to evidence differences in number, amount, interest rate, maturity and like matters: (Form of Coupon Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CONGRESS CIRCLE UNION BOND Series............of 1963 Number.................................... $5,000 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, a body corporate, created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, for value received promises to pay to bearer, but only out of the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund, as hereinafter provided for, and not otherwise, the principal sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000), on October 1, 19........, and to pay interest on said sum from the date hereof until paid at the rate of .................................... per cent (........%) per annum, payable October 1, 1963, and semiannually thereafter on the first days of April and October in each year until the principal amount hereof has been fully paid. Interest accruing on this bond on and prior to the maturity date hereof shall be payable on presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they subsequently become due, but no interest shall accrue on this bond after the maturity hereof whether by lapse of time, call for redemption, or otherwise unless this bond shall be presented for payment and be not then paid. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made payable in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York or at the Bank of America N.T.&S.A. in the City of San Francisco, California. This bond is one of an initial authorized series of ................................~.............. Dollars ($.-------...................) principal amount of Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series............................, which with the 1963 Series............................ Bonds constitute an issue of Ten Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($10,800,000) issued and to be issued pursuant to a Bond Resolution (herein called "Resolution") of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois duly adopted June 19, 1963, for the purpose of providing funds for paying the cost of constructing and equipping a Union Building and parking facilities at the University of Illinois at Congress Circle (herein called the "Project") as set forth in the Resolution. Said Resolution, among other things, provides for the issuance of additional bonds pursuant thereto in the manner and upon the terms and conditions more fully set forth therein. The bonds of this series are redeemable prior to their maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees, either in whole or in part on any interest payment date on or after, but not prior to April 1, 1971, solely from surplus moneys in the Congress Circle Bond Fund, after the debt service reserve provided in Section 5.02 of the Resolution has been fully established and all provisions of Section 5.02 of the Resolution have been met and all deficiencies made up, in the inverse order in which they mature, at the principal amount thereof, together with interest accrued to the date of redemption plus a premium equal to the following percentages of such principal amount if resumed during the following periods respectively: Period of Redemption Applicable Premium April 1, 1971 through October 1, 1972......................... 3% April 1, 1973 through October 1, 1977......................... 2% April 1, 1978 through October 1, 1982......................... 1% April 1, 1983 and thereafter without premium. The bonds of this series are also redeemable (under circumstances not included in the foregoing paragraph), either in whole c in part, prior to their 550 board of trustees [June 19 maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees on any interest payment date on and after, but not prior to April 1, 1973, in the inverse order in which they mature, at the principal amount thereof, together with the interest accrued thereon to the date fixed for redemption plus a premium of the following percentages of such principal amount if redeemed during the following periods respectively Period of Redemption Applicable Premium April 1, 1973 through October 1, 1977......................... 3% April 1, 1978 through October 1, 1982......................... 2% April 1, 1983 through October 1, 1987......................... 1% April 1, 1988 and thereafter without premium. Notice of redemption of any or all of said bonds shall be published once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first such publication to be not less than thirty days prior to the date of redemption, such publication to be made in one daily newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and also in a financial newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, and when this bond or any of the bonds of such authorized issue shall have been duly called for redemption, interest thereon shall cease from and after the specified redemption date if redemption monies are available for the payment of all bonds called for redemption. This bond and the series of which it forms a part is issued under the authority of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and the Resolution above referred to. This bond is payable, both as to principal and interest, only from the revenues required to be credited to the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund as provided in the Resolution; which revenues are to be derived from (1) the operation of the revenue producing facilities constructed, completed, and equipped with the proceeds of this bond issue and additional bonds which may hereafter be issued pursuant to the Resolution, (2) the operation of any other revenue producing facilities which may subsequently be pledged pursuant to any supplemental resolution creating or authorizing additional bonds to be issued pursuant to the Resolution and (3) student service charges (as defined in the Resolution) for the use of the facilities. This bond and the series of which it forms a part do not constitute an indebtedness of said University of Illinois, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, or the State of Illinois within any constitutional or statutory limitation, and neither the taxing power nor the general credit of said University, of said Board of Trustees, or the State of Illinois is pledged to the payment of this bond or the interest thereon. This bond shall pass by delivery unless it is registered as to principal in the name of the holder on the books of registration of said University kept at the office of the Registration Agent in the City of Chicago, Illinois, such registration to be noted on the back hereof. After such registration no transfer hereof shall be valid unless made on such books by the registered holder in person or by attorney duly authorized in writing and similarly noted hereon, but this bond may be transferred in like manner to bearer, and thereupon transferability by delivery shall be restored and it may again from time to time be registered or transferred to bearer as before. Such registration, however, shall not restrict the negotiability of the coupons hereto appertaining, but such coupons shall be transferable by delivery merely and payable to the bearer thereof. Subject to the provisions for registration and transfer, this bond and all other bonds of this issue shall have all of the qualities of negotiable instruments, and during such time as this bond is payable to bearer, the same and each of the coupons hereto appertaining may be negotiated by delivery by any person having possession thereof, and any holder who shall have taken this bond while so payable to bearer or any of said coupons from any person for value and without notice shall thereby acquire absolute title to this bond or to such coupons, as the case may be, free of any defenses enforceable against any prior holder and free from all equities and claims of ownership of any such prior holder, and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, any paying agent, the Registration Agent and any other person may deem and treat the bearer of this bond, or, if registered, the person in whose name it is registered, and the bearer of any 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 551 interest coupons appertaining hereto as the absolute owner hereof for all purposes and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary whether this bond or any coupon appertaining thereto be overdue or not. The bonds of this series are issuable as coupon bonds registrable as to principal only in the denomination of $5,000 and as registered bonds without coupons in the denomination of $5,000 or a multiple thereof. Each fully registered bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. The coupon bonds and the registered bonds without coupons are interchangeable for bonds of the same interest rate and maturity upon presentation thereof for such purpose by the holder or registered owner at the office of the Registration Agent in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and upon payment of charges and otherwise as provided in the Resolution. The rights and obligations of the University and of the holders of the bonds may be modified or amended at any time with the consent of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (664%) in principal amount of outstanding bonds in the manner, to the extent, and upon the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution; provided that no such modification or amendment shall (i) extend the maturity of or reduce the interest rate on or otherwise alter or impair the obligation of the University to pay the principal, interest or redemption premiums at the time and place and at the rate and in the currency provided therein of any bond without the expressed consent of the holder or (ii) permit the creation of any mortgage or pledge or lien on the facilities, or upon any income therefrom or other funds pledged or held under the Resolution, except as permitted by the Resolution, other than the lien and pledge created thereunder, or (iii) permit the creation by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois of any preference or priority of any bond or bonds over any other bond or bonds or coupon or coupons over any other coupon or coupons or (iv) reduce the percentage in principal amount of bonds required for the affirmative vote or written consent to an amendment or modification without the consent of the holder of this bond; all as more fully set forth in the Resolution. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby covenants with the holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants and agreements in the Resolution adopted by it, authorizing the issuance of this bond and the series of which it forms a part, and hereby irrevocably obligates itself to administer the said income and revenue derived from the operation of said facilities, as provided for in and by said Resolution, and to establish from time to time rules, rents, student service charges and other charges for the use of said facilities and to maintain and collect rents and student service charges and other charges sufficient to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining said facilities, and pay the principal of and interest upon all bonds which by their terms are payable from such revenues, until all of such bonds have been paid in full, both as to principal and interest. It is hereby certified and recited and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to exist, to happen, and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time, and manner, as required by law and the applicable resolutions of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and that provision has been made for setting aside the income and revenue to be derived from the operation of said facilities to be applied in the manner hereinabove set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signatures of its President and two of its members, the corporate seal of the University of Illinois to be hereto affixed (or a facsimile thereof to be reproduced hereon), and attested by its Secretary, and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the facsimile signatures of said President and Secretary, and this bond to be dated as of the 1st day of April, 1963. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Attest: ........................................................... By........................................................ Secretary President Member Member 552 board of trustees [June 19 (Form of Interest Coupon) Number.................................................... $................................... On the first day of ......................................................................, 19........ (unless the bond to which this coupon is attached has theretofore been called for payment and payment made or provided for), The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois will pay to bearer on surrender hereof, solely out of the fund specified in the bond to which this coupon is attached, the sum of ......................................... ----.......................... Dollars ($................................) in any coin or currency which, oii the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the option of the holder at the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York, or at the Bank of America N.T.&S.A. in the City of San Francisco, California, as provided in the Congress Circle Union Bond of 1963, Series...................................... dated April I, 1963, Number....................................... Secretary President (Form for Registration of Coupon Bond) Date of Name of Signature of Registration Registered Owner Registrar (Form of Registered Bond Without Coupons) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CONGRESS CIRCLE UNION BOND Series................of 1963 No............................ $........-.................................. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate, created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, for value received promises to pay (but only out of the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund as hereinafter provided for, and not otherwise) to ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................ or registered assigns, on October 1, 19........, the principal sum of .............................................................. Dollars ($............................) and to pay interest thereon (which shall be paid by check or draft mailed to the registered owner at his address as it appears on the bond registration books of the University), at the rate of .................................... per cent (%) per annum, payable October 1, 1963, and semiannually thereafter on the first days of April and October in each year from the date hereof until the principal amount hereof has been fully paid. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are made payable in any coin or currency which on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York or at the Bank of America N.T.&S.A. in the City of San Francisco, California. This bond is one of an initial authorized series of .............................................- ......................................................................principal amount of Congress Circle Union Bonds of 1963, Series............, which with the 1963 Series............ Bonds constitute an issue of Ten Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($10,800,000), issued and to be issued pursuant to a Bond Resolution (herein called "Resolution") of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois duly adopted June 19, 1963, for the purpose of providing funds for paying the cost of constructing and equipping a Union Building and parking facilities at the University of Illinois at Congress Circle (herein called the "Project") as set forth in the Resolution. Said Resolution, among other things, provides for the issuance of additional bonds 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 553 pursuant thereto in the manner and upon the terms and conditions more fully set forth therein. The bonds of this series are redeemable prior to their maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees, either in whole or in part on any interest payment date on and after, but not prior to April 1, 1971, solely from surplus moneys in the Congress Circle Bond Fund, after the debt service reserve provided in Section 5.02 of the Resolution has been fully established and all provisions of Section 5.02 of the Resolution have been met and all deficiencies made up, in the inverse order in which they mature, at the principal amount thereof, together with interest accrued to the date of redemption plus a premium equal to the following percentages of such principal amount if redeemed during the following periods respectively: Period of Redemption Applicable Premium April 1, 1971 through October 1, 1972......................... 3% April 1, 1973 through October 1, 1977......................... 2% April 1, 1978 through October 1, 1982......................... 1% April 1, 1983 and thereafter without premium. The bonds of this series are also redeemable (under circumstances not included in the foregoing paragraph), either in whole or in part, prior to their maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees on any interest payment date on and after, but not prior to April 1, 1973, in the inverse order in which they mature, at the principal amount thereof, together with the interest accrued thereon to the date fixed for redemption plus a premium of the following percentages of such principal amount if redeemed during the following periods respectively: Period of Redemption Applicable Premium April 1, 1973 through October 1, 1977......................... 3% April 1, 1978 through October 1, 1982......................... 2% April 1, 1983 through October 1, 1987......................... 1% April 1, 1988 and thereafter without premium. Notice of redemption of any or all of said bonds shall be published once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first such publication to be not less than thirty days prior to the date of redemption, such publication to be made in one daily newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and also in a financial newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, and when this bond or any of the bonds of such authorized issue shall have been duly called for redemption, interest thereon shall cease from and after the specified redemption date if redemption monies are available for the payment of all bonds called for redemption. This bond and the series of which it forms a part is issued under the authority of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1961, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and the Resolution above referred to. This bond is payable, both as to principal and interest, only from the revenues required to be credited to the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund as provided in the Resolution; which revenues are to be derived from (1) the operation of the revenue producing facilities constructed, completed and equipped with the proceeds of this bond issue and additional bonds which may hereafter be issued pursuant to the Resolution, (2) the operation of any other revenue producing facilities which may subsequently be pledged pursuant to any supplemental resolution creating or authorizing additional bonds to be issued pursuant to the Resolution and (3) student service charges (as defined in the Resolution) for the use of the facilities. This bond and the series of which it forms a part do not constitute an indebtedness of said University of Illinois, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, or the State of Illinois within any constitutional or statutory limitation, and neither the taxing power nor the general credit of said University, or said Board of Trustees, or the State of Illinois is pledged to the payment of this bond or the interest thereon. Subject to the provisions for registration and transfer contained herein and in the Resolution, this bond and all other bonds of this issue shall have all of the 554 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 qualities of negotiable instruments, and shall be transferable by the registered owner at the office of the Registration Agent in the City of Chicago, Illinois upon surrender and cancellation of this bond and thereupon coupon bonds or a new registered bond without coupons of the same principal amount, interest rate and maturity will be issued to the transferee as provided in the Resolution. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, any paying agent, the Registration Agent and any other person may treat the person in whose name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary whether this bond be overdue or not. The bonds of this series are issuable as coupon bonds registrable as to principal only in the denomination of $5,000 and as registered bonds without coupons in the denomination of $5,000 or a multiple thereof. Each fully registered bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. The coupon bonds and the registered bonds without coupons are interchangeable for bonds of the same interest rate and maturity upon presentation thereof for such purpose by the holder or registered owner at the office of the Registration Agent in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and upon payment of charges and otherwise as provided in the Resolution. The rights and obligations of the University and of the holders of the bonds may be modified or amended at any time with the consent of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (662/3%) in principal amount of outstanding bonds in the manner, to the extent, and upon the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution; provided that no such modification or amendment shall (i) extend the maturity of or reduce the interest rate on or otherwise alter or impair the obligation of the University to pay the principal, interest or redemption premiums at the time and place and at the rate and in the currency provided therein of any bond without the express consent of the holder or (ii) permit the creation of any mortgage or pledge or lien on the facilities, or upon any income therefrom or other funds pledged or held under the Resolution, except as permitted by the Resolution, other than the lien and pledge created thereunder, or (iii) permit the creation by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois of any preference or priority of any bond or bonds over any other bond or bonds or coupon or coupons over any other coupon or coupons or (iy) reduce the percentage of principal amount of bonds required for the affirmative vote or written consent to an amendment or modification without the consent of the holder of this bond; all as more fully set forth in the Resolution. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby covenants with the holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants and agreements in the Resolution adopted by it, authorizing the issuance of this bond and the series of which it forms a part, and hereby irrevocably obligates itself to administer the said income and revenue derived from the operation of said facilities, as provided for in and by said Resolution, and to establish from time to time rules, rents, student service charges and other charges for the use of said facilities and to maintain and collect rents and student service charges and other charges sufficient to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining said facilities, and pay the principal of and interest upon all revenue bonds which by their terms are payable from such revenues, until all of such bonds have been paid in full, both as to principal and interest. It is hereby certified and recited and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to exist, to happen, and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time, and manner, as required by law and the applicable resolutions of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and that provision has been made for setting aside the income and revenue to be derived from the operation of said facilities to be applied in the manner hereinabove set forth. In Witness Whereof, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signature of its President and two of its members, the corporate seal of the University of Illinois to be hereto affixed (or a facsimile thereof to be reproduced hereon), and attested by its Secretary, and this bond to be dated as of the 1st day of 19 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 555 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Attest:........................................................... By...................................... Secretary President Member Member (Form of Assignment of Registered Bonds Without Coupons) For Value Received.................................................................................. hereby sell, assign and transfer unto.............................................................. the within mentioned bond together with accrued interest thereon, and all right, title and interest thereto and hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint ................................................................................................, attorney to transfer the same on the books of Registration of the University, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: ..................................................-....... Witness: .....................................................-.........................................................------------ Note: The signature to this Assignment must correspond with the name as written on the face of the within bond in every particular, without alteration or enlargement or any change whatsoever except when the registered owner is a governmental agency, in which case it may be executed in the name of any successor. Section 2.06. Bonds of Additional Series. Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in Article Four hereof and provided that the University shall not at the time be in default under any of the terms, covenants or provisions of this Resolution, additional Bonds of equal rank with the 1963 Series A and B Ronds may be issued from time to time under this Resolution having such maturities, providing for the payment of such rates of interest and having such other characteristics as shall be determined by the Board of Trustees and set forth in a resolution to be supplemental hereto; provided, however, that each issue of additional Bonds, when so issued, shall be differentiated from all previous issues by appropriate designation inscribed thereon. Section 2.07. Execution of Bonds. All of the Bonds shall be executed by the facsimile signatures of the President and any two members of the Board of Trustees and shall have the seal of the University affixed thereto (or a facsimile thereof to be reproduced thereon) and shall be attested by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, the coupons to be attached to the Bonds shall bear the facsimile signatures of the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees. In case any person who shall have signed, sealed or attested any Bond issuable under this Resolution as an officer or member of the Board of Trustees, shall have ceased to be such officer or member before the Bond so signed, sealed or attested shall have been actually delivered, such Bond nevertheless may be delivered and issued as though the person who signed, sealed or attested such Bond had not ceased to be such officer or member of the Board of Trustees. Any Bond issuable hereunder may be signed, sealed or attested on behalf of the Board of Trustees by any person who at the actual date of execution of such Bond is the proper person, although at the date of such Bond such person shall not have been an officer or member of the Board of Trustees. Section 2.08. Registration and Transfer of Bonds. The University shall keep at the office of the Registration Agent in Chicago, Illinois, books for the registration and transfer of Bonds issued hereunder, which, at all reasonable times, shall be open for inspection by the holder of any Bond issued hereunder, and upon presentation for the purpose at such office, the University will register or transfer or cause to be registered or transferred herein, as hereinafter provided, and under such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, any Bonds issued under this Resolution and entitled to be so registered or transferred. The holder of any coupon Bond issued hereunder may have the ownership of the principal thereof registered on said books of the University at the office of the Registration Agent in Chicago, Illinois, and such registration shall be noted on the Bond. After such registration no transfer shall be valid unless made on 556 board of trustees [June 19 the said books by the registered owner in person, or by his duly authorized attorney, and similarly noted on the Bond; but the same may be discharged from registration by being in like manner transferred to bearer, and thereupon trans-ferability by delivery shall be restored; and such Bond may again, from time to time, be registered or transferred to bearer as before. Such registration, however, shall not affect the transferability of the coupons, but every such coupon shall continue to be transferable by delivery merely, and shall remain payable to bearer. The University shall make no charge for such registrations and discharges from registration. Any registered Bond without coupons may be transferred at the office of the Registration Agent in the City of Chicago, Illinois, by surrender of such Bond for cancellation, accompanied by delivery of a written instrument of transfer in form approved by the Comptroller, duly executed by the registered owner of such Bond or his duly authorized attorney, and thereupon the University shall issue in the name of the transferee or transferees a new registered Bond or Bonds of like form and maturity and for a like aggregate principal sum. A registered Bond without coupons, upon request of the registered owner, may be exchanged at said office of the Registration Agent for several such Bonds, of like form and maturity but of lesser authorized denominations, in the same name and for a like aggregate principal sum, and several registered Bonds without coupons, in the same name, may, upon request of the registered owner, be exchanged at such office or agency for one registered Bond without coupons or several such Bonds, of like form and maturity, but of greater authorized denominations and for the same aggregate principal sum. Whenever any coupon Bonds in aggregate principal amount equal to one or more registered Bonds without coupons of authorized denominations, with all un-matured coupons thereto attached, shall be surrendered at such office for exchange for a registered Bond or Bonds without coupons, the University shall issue, and, in exchange for such coupon Bonds, shall deliver registered Bonds, or one registered Bond, of authorized denominations without coupons, of the same maturity and for a like aggregate principal sum. Whenever any registered Bond without coupons shall be surrendered for cancellation, accompanied by delivery of a written instrument or transfer in a form approved by the Comptroller, duly executed by the registered owner of such Bond or his duly authorized attorney, at the office of the Registration Agent in the City of Chicago, Illinois, for exchange for coupon Bonds, the University shall issue, and, in exchange for such registered Bond, shall deliver coupon Bonds for a like aggregate principal sum and like maturity, with coupons thereto attached representing interest from the interest payment date on which interest was last paid on such registered Bond without coupons. As to all registered Bonds without coupons and all coupon Bonds registered as to principal, the person in whose name the same shall be registered shall be deemed and regarded as the owner thereof, for all purposes, and thereafter payment of or on account of the principal of such Bond, if it be a registered coupon Bond, and of the principal and interest, if it be a registered Bond without coupons, shall be made only to such registered owner thereof but such registration may be changed as above provided. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Bonds to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. The University may deem and treat the bearer of any coupon Bond which shall not at the time be registered as to principal, and the bearer of any coupons for interest on such Bond, whether such Bond shall be registered or not, as the absolute owner of such Bond or coupon for the purpose of receiving payment thereof, and for all other purposes whatsoever, and the University shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary whether the Bond or coupon be overdue or not. In every case of exchange or transfer of Bonds under this Section, the surrendered Bond or Bonds shall be presented to the University for cancellation. Upon every such exchange of coupon Bonds for registered Bonds, without coupons, or of registered Bonds without coupons for coupon Bonds or for other registered Bonds without coupons, and upon any transfer of registered Bonds without coupons, the University, except as otherwise provided in any agreement between the University and any original purchaser of Bonds, may require the payment of such charge therefor as it may deem proper, not exceeding Two Dollars ($2.00) plus actual expenses, including printing costs of new bonds, in- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 557 curred in connection therewith for each Bond issued upon such exchange, payment of which, together with any taxes or other governmental charges required to be paid with respect to such exchange or transfer, shall be made by the party requesting such exchange or transfer as a condition precedent thereto. The University shall not be required to make exchanges or transfers of bonds as provided in this Section 2.08 during a period of ten (10) days next preceding any interest payment date, or for the period of ten (10) days next preceding the first publication of notice of redemption of any Bond or at any time of any Bonds which have theretofore been duly called for redemption. Section 2.09. Lost, Stolen, Destroyed or Mutilated Bonds. Upon the receipt by the University of evidence satisfactory to it of the loss, theft, destruction or mutilation of any outstanding Bond hereby secured, and of indemnity satisfactory to it, and upon surrender and cancellation of such Bond if mutilated, the University may execute and deliver, upon the lapse of such period of time as they may deem advisable, a new Bond of like tenor and maturity bearing the same or a different serial number, to be issued in lieu of such lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated Bond. Such new Bond may bear such endorsement as may be prescribed by the University and which at the time is necessary to conform to the requirements of any securities exchange or of any governmental body having jurisdiction. The University may require the payment of a sum not exceeding Two Dollars ($2.00) for each new Bond issued under this Section 2.09, plus expenses, including printing costs of new bonds, which may be incurred by the University in the premises. Section 2.10. Registration Agent. The depository in the City of Chicago, Illinois, is hereby appointed as the Registration Agent for the purpose of registering, transferring and exchanging the Bonds as in this Resolution provided and the University agrees to take all legal action necessary or proper to constitute said depository as the Registration Agent hereunder. ARTICLE THREE Redemption of Bonds Section 3.01. Publication of Notice. Whenever the University shall determine to exercise its right to redeem any Bonds issued hereunder and by their terms subject to redemption, notice of such redemption shall be published by the University in one daily newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and in a financial newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City and State of New York, not less than 30 days prior to such redemption date. Such notice shall (a) designate the time and place of such redemption; (b) if the Bonds to be redeemed are less than all of the Bonds of any series or maturity, designate the numbers, the maturity date or dates and the aggregate principal amount of such Bonds; and (c) state that on the designated date of redemption such Bonds will be redeemed by payment of the principal amount thereof (or for the portion thereof to be redeemed) and all unpaid interest accrued thereon to the date of redemption plus the applicable premium, if any, and that from and after such designated redemption date interest in respect of the Bonds (or portions thereof) so called for redemption shall cease. A copy of said notice shall be mailed by the University, postage prepaid, at least 30 days prior to the redemption date to all registered owners of Bonds so to be redeemed at their last addresses appearing on the registration books of the University, but such mailing shall not be a condition precedent to the validity of the redemption of any Bond. In case any fully registered Bonds are to be redeemed in part only, said notice shall specify the respective portions of the principal amounts thereof to be redeemed (which shall be $5,000 or any multiple thereof) and shall state that payment of the redemption price shall, except as hereinafter specifically provided, be made only upon presentation of such fully registered Bonds for surrender in exchange for a coupon Bond or Bonds or a fully registered Bond or Bonds of the same series and maturity, of authorized denominations in aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion of the principal amount thereof; and in such case, if coupon Bonds or fully registered Bonds are so to be delivered in exchange, the University shall execute and deliver to or upon the written order of the registered owner of any fully registered Bonds, a portion only of which is to 558 board of trustees [June 19 be redeemed, and at the expense of the University, a new Bond or Bonds of the same series and maturity for the principal amount of the surrendered fully registered Bond less the principal amount thereof paid on surrender. In the event of the payment of a portion of the principal amount of any fully registered Bond registered in the name of any initial purchaser in whose name Bonds of that series were first registered and named in a written order of an Authorized Officer filed with the depository and stating that the provisions of this paragraph shall be applicable thereto, or registered in the name of any subsequent holder for the benefit of whom University shall elect that the provisions of this paragraph shall be applicable thereto (which election shall be subject to the condition that such subsequent holder shall first agree not to make any sale or transfer of any Bond or Bonds registered in its name without presentation of such Bond or Bonds for transfer and exchange), then in such event the University shall make payment to such Bond holder without requiring presentation of such Bond and, in lieu of delivering a new Bond or Bonds of an aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion of the principal amount of such Bond, the University shall, in its letter transmitting payment to such Bond holder, instruct such holder to endorse such payment on such Bond and a written representation from such holder to the University that such payment has been so endorsed shall be conclusive evidence of such endorsement and payment. Section 3.02. Pro Rata Redemption Among Series. In any case of the redemption at the option of the University of less than all of the outstanding Bonds then subject to redemption, no Bonds of any series may be redeemed unless Bonds of each other series then subject to redemption are redeemed at the same time in proportion to the amount of each such Series originally issued; provided, however, that in any case of the redemption of all of the outstanding Bonds of any one or more series, as a result of or in anticipation of the refunding or refinancing of one or more such series by the application of funds derived from other borrowings or the issuance of additional Bonds hereunder, no Bonds of any other series need be redeemed unless so required in the resolution supplemental hereto, creating or authorizing any additional series of Bonds. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to restrict the redemption by the University of a portion of the Bonds of any Series out of surplus funds remaining in a Construction Fund Account held for the account of Bonds of such series in any case where the University is required or permitted to redeem such Bonds out of such surplus funds. Section 3.03. Selection of Bonds for Redemption. In case the University shall have elected to redeem less than all of the outstanding Bonds of a single series and maturity, the Bonds to be redeemed shall be selected by lot except as herein otherwise expressly provided. In each such instance the University shall, at least five days before the date upon which the first publication of the notice of redemption hereinbefore mentioned is required to be made (or the mailing of such notice in case no publication is required as hereinafter specified), draw by lot, from the outstanding Bonds of such series and maturity, in any manner deemed by it proper, the identifying numbers of the Bonds to be redeemed. In any such selection by lot each Bond of a denomination in excess of $5,000 shall be given a separate number for each $5,000 of the principal amount thereof. Section 3.04. Deposit of Funds for Redemption. Said notice having been given, as above provided, the Bonds designated for redemption shall, on the date specified in such notice, become due and payable, at the then applicable redemption price, and on or before the day preceding the date fixed for redemption the University shall deposit with the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, or its successor in the City of Chicago, Illinois, as depository, the redemption price of the Bonds called for redemption and accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. Upon such deposit having been made and on presentation, if required, of such Bonds in accordance with such notice at the place at which the same are expressed in such notice to be redeemable, with all appertaining coupons, if any, maturing after said redemption date, such Bonds shall forthwith after the making of such deposit be paid by the depository, on behalf of the University, at such redemption price. Such payment of the redemption price shall be made to the bearer of any such Bonds, unless it shall then be registered, in which case such payment shall be made to the registered owner. All unpaid interest installments represented by coupons which 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 559 shall have matured on or prior to the date of redemption specified in such notice, shall continue to be payable to the bearers, severally and respectively, and the redemption price payable to the holders of Bonds presented for redemption shall not include such unpaid installments of interest unless coupons representing such installments shall be attached to the Bonds presented for redemption. Section 3.05. Effect of Redemption. If the amount necessary to redeem all of the Bonds called for redemption as aforesaid shall have been deposited with the paying agent, for the account of the holder or holders of such Bonds on or before the day preceding the date specified for such redemption, and the notice hereinbefore mentioned shall have been duly given, and all charges and expenses of the paying agent in connection with such redemption, or otherwise hereunder, shall have been fully paid or provided for, the University shall be privileged to consider such Bonds redeemed from the holder or holders thereof, and interest on such Bonds shall cease on the date specified for such redemption, and the University shall thereupon (subject to the provisions of Article Ten hereof) be discharged from and after the redemption date specified in such notice from further liability in respect of the Bonds so called for redemption, and thereafter such Bonds shall not be entitled to any benefit of or from this Resolution. In case any question shall arise as to whether any such notice shall have been sufficiently given, or such redemption effected, such question shall be decided by the paying agent, andthe decision of the paying agent shall be final and binding upon all parties in interest. No holder of any Bond shall be entitled to any interest on money deposited for the redemption of Bonds. Section 3.06. Cancellation of Bonds. All Bonds redeemed and paid, as provided in this Article Three, shall, together with all coupons appertaining thereto, if any, be cancelled by the University and no Bonds or coupons so redeemed shall be reissued, nor shall any Bonds or coupons be issued in lieu thereof. ARTICLE FOUR Issuance of Bonds Section 4.01. Issuance of 1963 Series A and B Bonds. Series A Bonds in the principal amount of Six Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,800,000) and Series B Bonds in the amount of Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) shall be executed on behalf of the Board of Trustees and delivered to or upon the written order of the Comptroller. Section 4.02. Issuance of Additional Bonds. Subject to the conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth and provided the University shall not at the time be in default under any of the terms, covenants or provisions of this Resolution, additional Bonds of equal rank with the 1963 Series A and B Bonds may be issued from time to time under the terms of this Resolution having such maturities, providing for the payment of such rates of interest and having such other characteristics as shall be determined by the Board of Trustees and set forth in a resolution to be supplemental hereto; provided such additional Bonds shall be issued only for one or more of the following purposes: A. To provide funds necessary to pay the cost of completing the Project herein provided for in accordance with the plans and specifications now on file in the office of the Physical Plant Department, Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois; or B. Paying the cost of equipping, enlarging or improving the Project, provided that no Bonds may be issued for paying the cost of enlargements or improvements which would increase the size of the Congress Circle Union Building (as measured in gross square feet of floor space) by more than twenty-five per cent (25%) ; or C. Paying the cost of construction or improvement of parking lots or parking structures for the Congress Circle campus; provided further that the following conditions precedent are complied with at or prior to the time of issuance of such additional Bonds: (i) In the event additional Bonds are issued for the purposes indicated in clause A above to provide additional funds necessary to pay the cost of completing the Project, the Architects employed by the University for the construction of said Project have submitted a certificate to the Board of Trustees setting forth an itemized statement of the work completed to the 560 board of trustees [June 19 date of said certificate, the cost thereof and an itemized statement of the work yet to be completed and the estimated cost of the work to be completed and such certificate of estimate shall be presented to and approved by said Board of Trustees preceding the adoption of any resolution authorizing the issuance of additional Bonds for such purpose, and (ii) In the event additional Bonds are issued for the purpose of paying the cost of equipping, enlarging or improving the Project as provided in clause B and/or C above, the Net Income Available for Debt Service shall be equal to or greater than one and thirty-five hundredths (1.35) times the amount to become due in each succeeding fiscal year for the payment of principal and interest on the Bonds then outstanding hereunder and the Bonds then to be issued; provided that for any bonds issued prior to January 1, 1974, the income from student service charges shall not be based upon fall term student enrollments greater than 8,200 in 1965, 9,500 in 1966, 14,000 in 1967, 16,200 in 1968, 17,600 in 1969, 18,700 in 1970, 19,000 in 1971, 19,700 in 1972 and 20,000 in 1973 and each year thereafter, except that the most recent fall term enrollment figure may be substituted for the enrollment estimate for any year or years. All such additional Bonds shall be issued pursuant to a resolution supplemental hereto, duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, setting forth the form of such additional Bonds and the terms and conditions applicable thereto. For the purpose of this Section any computation of Net Income Available for Debt Service prepared and certified by the Comptroller, setting forth in detail the computation thereof and demonstrating that it is equal to or greater than the amount required above shall be binding and conclusive upon the Board of Trustees and the holders of all Bonds then outstanding hereunder and then to be issued. ARTICLE FIVE Provisions Relating to Income and Application Thereof Section 5.01. Congress Circle Union Bond Fund. All revenues derived from the following sources are hereby pledged and shall be held in trust for the benefit of the Bond holders for the purpose of making the payments or deposits required to be made under subsections (a), (b) and (c) of Section 5.02 of this Resolution: (1) the operation of the Project, (2) the operation of any other revenue producing facilities for the account of which additional Bonds may hereafter be issued; and (3) student service charges; and such revenues shall be deposited as collected in a general banking account of the University to the credit of a special fund which is hereby created and designated as the "Congress Circle Union Bond Fund" said account to be maintained in a bank which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Board of Trustees covenants that all revenues, income, receipts, profits, rates, rents or charges derived from the operation of such facilities shall be so credited within three working days after receipt in the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund and shall be used as provided in Section 5.02 hereof. Section 5.02. Disposition of Congress Circle Union Bond Fund. The funds in the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund shall be used in the manner and in the order hereinafter mentioned: (a) Funds in the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund representing revenues derived from student service charges shall first be used for the purpose of making the next succeeding deposit in the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account required to be made pursuant to subsection (b) below. All funds representing revenues derived from sources other than student service charges together with student service charges, if any, remaining after making the deposit in the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund of all amounts required to meet the next succeeding deposit required to be made by subsection (b) below, shall first be used to pay all current operating expenses and thereafter for the purposes specified in subsections (b), (c) and (d) below. (b) There is hereby created an account to be designated the Congress Circle Union Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account (herein sometimes called the "Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account"), which shall be main- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 561 tained with the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago or its successor in the City of Chicago, Illinois, which bank is hereby designated as the depository for said account. The University shall deposit in said Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account on or before March 1 and September 1 of each year a sum not less than one hundred thirty-five per cent (135%) of the interest becoming due on the next semiannual interest payment date plus sixty-seven and one-half per cent (fi7Vi%) of the principal payments becoming due within the next succeeding twelve months to be paid from the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund, until such time as such funds and investments (valued at the lower of cost or market), and the income and profits realized from any investments thereof, after providing for the next interest payment due on all then outstanding Bonds and for the principal payments due at the next maturity date for each series of Bonds outstanding (except that provision need be made only for one-half of the principal payments due more than six months after such deposit date), have created a debt service reserve in an amount equal to two hundred per cent (200%) of the annual amount to become due in the succeeding fiscal year for the payment of principal of and interest on all Bonds then outstanding, and thereafter in a like manner such sums semiannually as may be necessary to meet the then current debt service requirement and to maintain the aforesaid debt service reserve. Said funds shall be held and used for the payment of principal, interest and premium, if any, on the Bonds. For the purpose of this paragraph interest and principal accruing prior to the estimated completion date of the Project and deposited into the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account out of the proceeds of the Bonds or from a Construction Fund Account shall not be deemed to be interest or principal to become due on the Bonds. After setting aside funds for the payment of Bonds which have matured and for past due interest or interest coupons and for principal, accrued interest and premium, if any, on Bonds called for redemption but not paid, funds of the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account in excess of the principal and interest requirements for the next succeeding twelve (12) months may be invested by the depository from time to time by written order of the Comptroller in United States Government securities maturing not more than five (5) years from date of purchase. Funds held for interest and principal payments during the next succeeding twelve (12) months (excluding funds held for the payment of Bonds which have matured and for past due interest or interest coupons and for principal, accrued interest and premium, if any, on Bonds called for redemption but not paid) may be invested by the depository from time to time by written order of the Comptroller in United States Government securities maturing in such manner that at all times sufficient securities will mature not later than ten (10) days prior to each succeeding interest payment date to meet the interest and principal payments becoming due on each such date. (c) After setting aside all funds at the time required for the purposes specified in paragraph (a) above and all funds required to meet the next succeeding minimum deposit required to be made by paragraph (b) above, into said Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account, the University shall establish on its books a Repair and Replacement Reserve (which shall consist of two parts, an equipment reserve and a repairs reserve) to which there shall be credited on or before the close of each fiscal year commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1965, (1) the sum of $30,000 or such portion thereof as is available for transfer annually for an equipment reserve until the funds and/or investments in the equipment reserve portion of the Account shall aggregate $625,000 and thereafter such sums, but not more than $30,000 annually, as may be required to restore and maintain the balance of $625,000, and (2) the sum of $60,000 or such portion thereof as is available for transfer annually for a repairs reserve. All moneys in the Repair and Replacement Reserve may be drawn on and used by the University for the purpose of paying the cost of unusual or extraordinary maintenance or repairs, renewals and replacements, and the renovating or replacement of furniture and equipment not paid as part of normal operating expenses. Funds standing to the credit of said Repair and Replacement Reserve may be invested by the Comptroller in United States Government 562 boaed of trustees [June 19 securities until such time as funds are needed. In the event that there is any deficiency in the funds required to be deposited semiannually into the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account or there is a deficiency in the debt service reserve, as provided in paragraph (b) above, sufficient funds shall be transferred from the Repair and Replacement Reserve and deposited in the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account to eliminate such deficiency. (d) All funds remaining in said Congress Circle Union Bond Fund in any fiscal year after the full debt service reserve prescribed in subsection (b) of this Section has been provided for and after all provisions in subsections (a), (b) and (c) of this section have been met and all deficiencies have been made up, shall be deemed surplus moneys and shall be used for any of the following purposes: (1) for calling and redeeming the outstanding Bonds which by their terms are redeemable prior to maturity; (2) for purchasing Bonds in the open market, with all unmatured interest coupons thereto attached at the lowest prices reasonably attainable, but not exceeding the amount at which such Bonds at the time are redeemable; (3) for investment by the Comptroller in United States Government securities until such time as funds are needed for other purposes; (4) for unusual or extraordinary repairs, replacements, or improvements to the facilities, for which no funds can be properly provided in subsection (a) above or which are in excess of the amount available therefor in the Repair and Replacement Reserve; and (5) for any lawful purpose as the Board of Trustees may direct. ARTICLE SIX Application of Proceeds of Sale of Bonds Section 6.01. Custody and Application of Bond Proceeds. The proceeds from the sale of Bonds to be issued from time to time hereunder shall be applied only toward the cost of acquiring, constructing, equipping, enlarging, or improving facilities, all as hereinbefore provided. When received, the part of the purchase price of Bonds representing the interest accrued on Bonds to the date of payment of such purchase price, together with such portion of the proceeds of the Bonds as is determined by the Board of Trustees to be necessary to be so set apart representing interest and principal, if any, to become due on such Bonds prior to the time the facilities for the account of which such Bonds have been issued become revenue producing and funds become available therefrom, shall be deposited in the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account. The remaining part of such purchase price shall be retained by the University and accounted for as a separate fund or funds to be known as a "Construction Fund Account" and such monies shall be deposited in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The monies in each Construction Fund Account shall be applied only toward the cost of construction in the manner and subject to the terms provided in any contract or agreement between the Board of Trustees and any purchaser of Bonds or as may be provided by a resolution supplemental hereto and relating to each separate series of Bonds to be issued hereunder, but in such a manner as to assure completion of the project or improvement for the account of which such Bonds were issued free and clear of mechanic's liens and substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications therefore. Section 6.02. Investment of Construction Fund. Pending disbursement for the purpose aforesaid the Comptroller may from time to time invest all or any part of the moneys in the Construction Fund Account not to be needed within the next succeeding thirty (30) days for the purposes hereinabove set forth in bonds, or other direct and general obligations of the United States of America having a maturity date or becoming due at the option of the holder not more than three years subsequent to the date of investment therein. Interest accruing as a result of any such investments when received shall be credited to the Construction Fund Account. Section 6.03. Disposition of Surplus Funds. After completion of each construction or improvement project, the Comptroller of the University shall execute a certificate to the effect that said project has been fully completed according to the plans and specifications and the same filed in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Subject to the terms and provisions of any contract or agreement between the Board of Trustees and any original purchaser of Bonds and relating to any separate series of Bonds to be issued hereunder, if there be 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 563 funds remaining in a Construction Fund Account at the time of the filing of such certificate with the Secretary, said funds shall be withdrawn by the Comptroller and deposited in the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account. Any contract or agreement between the Board of Trustees and any original purchaser of Bonds may provide that any funds remaining in a Construction Fund Account established for the account of any series of Bonds being acquired by such purchaser be applied to the redemption of such Bonds or other Bonds then subject to redemption or to the purchase of Bonds on the open market. ARTICLE SEVEN Additional Covenants of the University The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby covenants and agrees as follows: Section 7.01. Authority for Bonds. That it is duly authorized under the laws of the State of Illinois and under all other applicable provisions of law to create and issue the Bonds herein provided for, and to pledge and apply the net income of the facilities and student service charges as herein provided; that all corporate and other action on its part for the creation and issuance of the initial issue of Bonds has been duly taken; that said Bonds when issued and in the hands of the holders thereof will be valid and enforceable obligations of the University according to the import thereof; that this Resolution is and will remain a valid Resolution to secure the payment of said Bonds and that the University has complete and lawful authority and privilege to acquire, construct, equip, operate, enlarge, improve, maintain, control and manage the facilities as herein provided. Section 7.02. Right to Use and Occupancy of the Facilities and Not to Encumber Same. That it hereby warrants that it has a valid and existing right to the use and occupancy of the facilities and the sites thereof and the right to construct, equip, operate, enlarge, improve, maintain, control and manage the facilities and it, or the State of Illinois, has indefeasible title in fee simple to the sites of the facilities subject only to current taxes not in default, except for the sites of parking lots, for which it has a valid contract for the acquisition of the sites; that it will not further encumber said property or the income therefrom and that it will not, while any Bonds are outstanding hereunder encumber the title to or pledge or agree to pay to others the income from any of the said facilities; that it will within three months after the same shall accrue pay and discharge or cause to be paid and discharged, all lawful claims and demands of mechanics, laborers and others which if unpaid might by law become liens upon the facilities or the sites thereof unless contested in good faith and by appropriate legal proceedings. Any assessment or attempt to assess property shall not be considered an encumbrance within the meaning of this section so long as the University takes proper action to prevent judgment being entered against said property. Nothing contained in this Resolution shall be construed to prevent the University from using any portion of land included in a project site, other than the specific land on which the facilities are located, for any lawful purposes so long as the use and occupancy of the facilities are not impaired. Any project site, or portion thereof, used as a parking lot may be used for purposes other than parking so long as (1) an equal or greater number of parking spaces are constructed at another location on the Congress Circle Campus to replace those parking spaces which are eliminated for such reason and the revenues to be derived from the new spaces are pledged for the benefit of the Bondholders and held and applied as in Article Five provided or (2) the Net Income Available for Debt Service for each succeeding fiscal year thereafter (after giving effect to the elimination of such parking spaces and the substitution, if any, of other spaces) shall be equal to or greater than 1.35 times the amount to become due in each succeeding fiscal year for the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds then outstanding hereunder. Section 7.03. To Pay Principal and Interest. That it will duly and punctually pay or cause to be paid the principal sum and the interest accruing on said principal, on each and every one of the Bonds secured or to be secured hereby, at the dates and places, and in the manner provided in said Bonds, and in the coupons thereunto appertaining, according to the terms thereof. Section 7.04. Taxes. That it will pay and discharge all taxes, assessments and Governmental charges which shall be imposed upon the facilities provided, 564 board of trustees [June 19 however, that the University shall not be required to pay any such tax, assessment, charge or claim so long as the University in good faith and by appropriate legal proceedings shall contest the validity thereof or its enforceability as a lien, and provided further that any such delay occasioned thereby shall not subject the facilities or any part thereof to forfeiture or sale. Section 7.05. Payment of Bondholders' Costs and Expenses. That it will pay all and singular the costs, charges and expenses including reasonable attorney fees incurred or paid at any time by the holder of any of the Bonds because of the failure on the part of the University to perform, comply with and abide by each and every of the stipulations, agreements, conditions and covenants of the Bonds and this Resolution, or either of them. Section 7.06. Construction of New Facilities, Maintenance, Repairs, Application of Income, Operation of Additional Facilities. That following the issuance of each series of Bonds under this Resolution it will cause the facilities for the account of which such Bonds were issued to be constructed with all reasonable dispatch; that it will at all time from income made available for such purpose maintain, preserve and keep all the facilities and all additions and betterments thereto and every part and parcel thereof in good repair, working order and operating condition; that it will continuously operate the facilities on a revenue producing basis; and that it will use and apply the income from the facilities only as provided in Article Five of this Resolution. Section 7.07. Student Service Charges and Rental Rates. That so long as any Bonds herein authorized to be issued shall remain outstanding it will continuously operate and maintain the facilities, will adopt such rules and regulations and fix and maintain such student service charges, rates, rents, fees, and charges for the use of said facilities as will provide revenue sufficient to provide and maintain the aforesaid Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account and the required reserves therefor, to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining the facilities and to provide and maintain the Repair and Replacement Reserve, and that it will collect and account for and apply the aforesaid income and revenues in accordance with and as provided by this Resolution. Student service charges for the general use of the facilities will be assessed against and charged to each and every student enrolled for credit in the University of Illinois at Congress Circle as a condition precedent to enrollment, except that exemptions from the payment of the student service charges may be granted under policies established from time to time by the Board of Trustees for certain limited classes of students (such as scholarship students and graduate students holding staff appointments) if the University then has unallocated funds authorized by law to be retained in the Treasury of the University in an amount equal to all student service charges for which exemptions are then being granted and if the University shall forthwith deposit into the Congress Circle Union Bond fund an amount equal to the aggregate of all such exempted student service charges; provided, however, that no such deposit need be made by the University at any time when the only effect of such deposit would be to create surplus moneys in the Congress Circle Union Bond fund, under sub-section (d) of Section 5.02 of this Resolution. Section 7.08. Record Keeping. That it will, so long as any of the Bonds issued hereunder remain outstanding and unpaid, keep proper and separate books of accounts and records in which full, true and correct entries will be made of all dealings and transactions relating to the properties, business and financial affairs of the University as related to the facilities and such records and books shall be open to inspection by the Bond holders and their agents or representatives. Section 7.09. Audit Reports and Furnishing of Same. That it will on or before one hundred fifty (150) days after the end of each fiscal year commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, cause to be prepared and will furnish to the depository and (upon written request therefor) to the holder or holders of any Bonds, certified reports of audit based on an examination sufficiently complete to comply with generally accepted auditing standards, prepared by a nationally recognized firm of independent public accountants, covering the operations of the facilities for the fiscal year next preceding, and showing the income and expenses for such period. Such audit report shall include a statement in reasonable detail of income from and expense of each separate facility and shall show the student enrollment of the University and the schedule of student service 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 565 charges. Such audit report shall also include statements of the status of each fund, reserve or account established under the terms of Article Five hereof showing the amount and source of the deposits therein, the amount and purpose of the withdrawals therefrom and the balance therein at the beginning and end of the fiscal year. There will also be included with each audit report a written opinion of the accountant that in making the examination necessary to said audit no knowledge of any default by the University in the fulfillment of any of the terms, covenants, provisions and conditions of this Resolution was obtained, or, if such accountant shall have obtained knowledge of such default a statement of the default or defaults thus discovered and the nature thereof. Section 7.10. Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance. That as long as any of said Bonds authorized to be issued hereunder shall remain outstanding and unpaid, either as to principal or interest, or both, it will maintain insurance on said facilities, including all equipment thereof, against loss or damage by fire and windstorm and all other risks included in extended coverage insurance in amounts sufficient to provide for not less than full recovery of the insurable value whenever the loss from causes covered by such insurance does not exceed eighty per cent (80%) of the full insurable value of said buildings. Such insurance policy or policies shall be payable to The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and all moneys collected on account of loss or damage covered by any such policy or policies of insurance shall be held in trust by the Board of Trustees and shall be used only for restoration of the property so damaged or, at the election of the Board of Trustees, deposited for credit to the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account. Section 7.11. That as long as the funds and investments of the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account are less than the maximum debt service reserve required to be maintained under Section 5.02 (b) of this Resolution, it will procure and maintain Business Interruption Insurance on the Congress Circle Union Building in an amount not less than two years' debt service requirements. Such insurance policy or policies shall be payable to The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and all moneys collected on account of loss covered by any such insurance shall be held in trust by the Board of Trustees and credited to the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund. ARTICLE EIGHT Events of Default Section 8.01. Events of Default. The University shall be in default herein if one or more of the following events (herein called "events of default") shall happen, to-wit: (a) Failure to make due and punctual payment of the principal of or any redemption premium on any Bond when and as the same shall become due and payable; (b) Failure to make due and punctual payment of any installment of interest on any Bond when and as such interest installment shall become due and payable, and such default shall have continued for a period of thirty (30) days; (c) Failure to make due and punctual payment or satisfaction of any payment into the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account when and as such payments shall become due and payable as in this Resolution or any resolution supplemented hereto expressed and such default shall have continued for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days; (d) If the University shall default in the observance of any other covenants, agreements or conditions on its part in this Resolution or any resolution supplemental hereto or in the Bonds contained, and such default shall have continued for a period of ninety (90) days after notice thereof given to the University by the holder of any Bond setting forth the nature of such default. If an event of default shall happen and be continuing, then and in each and every such case the holders of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds at the time outstanding shall be entitled, upon notice in writing to the University, to declare the principal of all of the Bonds then outstanding hereunder and the interest accrued thereon to be due and payable 566 board of trustees [June 19 immediately, and upon any such declaration the same shall become and shall be immediately due and payable, anything in this Resolution or in the Bonds contained to the contrary notwithstanding. All of the revenues of the facilities including all sums in the Congress Circle Union Bond Fund upon the date of the happening of any event of default and all revenues of the facilities thereafter received by the University, shall be applied by the University in the order following upon presentation of lie several Bonds and coupons, and the stamping thereon of the payment if only partially paid, or upon the surrender thereof if fully paid: First, to the payment of the costs and expenses of the holders of the Bonds in declaring such event of default, including reasonable compensation to their agents, attorneys and counsel; Second, in case the principal of the Bonds shall not have become due and shall not then be due and payable, to the payment of the interest in default in the order of the maturity of the installments of such interest, with interest on the overdue installments at the rate now or hereafter provided by law, such payments to be made ratably to the persons entitled thereto without preference or priority; Third, in case the principal of the Bonds shall have become due and shall be then due and payable, to the payment of the whole amount then owing and unpaid upon the Bonds for principal and interest, with interest on the overdue principal at the rate or rates of interest specified in the Bonds and on installments of interest at the rate now or hereafter provided by law, and in case such moneys shall be insufficient to pay in full the whole amount so owing and unpaid upon the Bonds, then to the payment of such principal and interest without preference or priority of principal over interest, or of interest over principal, or of any installment of interest over any other installment of interest, ratably to the aggregate of such principal and interest. Section 8.02. Rights of Holders of Bonds Upon Default. Subject to any contractual limitations binding upon the holders of any of the Bonds (including any other limitations herein upon the exercise of any remedy to holders holding a specific proportion or percentage of the Bonds), any holder of Bonds shall have the right, for the equal benefit and protection of all holders of Bonds similarly situated: (a) By suit at law or proceedings in equity to compel observance by the University or by any of its officers, agents, and employees of any contract or covenant made by the University with the holders of bonds and coupons as provided in this Resolution, and to compel the University and any of its officers, agents and employees, to perform any duties required to be performed for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds or coupons as provided by this Resolution, and to enjoin the University and any of its officers, agents or employees from taking any action in conflict with any contract or covenant with the holders of the Bonds and coupons as provided by this Resolution; (b) By action or suit in equity to require the University to account as if it were the trustee of an express trust; or (c) By action or suit in equity to enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the holders of Bonds. No remedy conferred hereby upon any holder of Bonds is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, but each such remedy is cumulative and in addition to every other remedy and may be exercised without exhausting and without regard to any other remedy conferred hereby. No waiver of any default or breach of duty or contract by the holder of any Bond shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent defaults or breach of duty or contract or shall impair any rights or remedies thereon. No delay or omission of the holder of any Bond to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such default or acquiescence therein. Every substantive right and every remedy conferred upon the holders of Bonds may be enforced and exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In case any suit, action or proceeding to enforce any right or exercise any remedy shall be brought or taken and then discontinued or abandoned, or shall be determined adversely to the holders of 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 567 Bonds, then, and in every such case, the University and the holders of Bonds shall be restored to their former positions and rights and remedies as if no such suit, action or proceeding had been brought or taken. ARTICLE NINE Modification and Amendment of the Resolution Section 9.01. Amendment by Consent of Bond Holders. This Resolution and the rights and obligations of the University and of the holders of the Bonds and coupons may be modified or amended at any time by resolution supplemental hereto adopted by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the affirmative vote of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66%) in principal amount of all of the Bonds then outstanding at a meeting of Bond holders held in accordance with this Article, or with the written consent without a meeting, given as provided in Section 9.04, of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66$3%) in principal amount of all of the Bonds then outstanding; provided that no such modification or amendment shall (i) extend the maturity of or reduce the interest rate on, or otherwise alter or impair the obligation of the University to pay the principal or interest or redemption premiums at the time and place and at the rate and in the currency provided therein of any Bond without the express consent of the holder of such Bond, or (ii) permit the creation by the University of any mortgage or pledge or lien on the facilities, or upon any income therefrom or other funds pledged or held hereunder, except as permitted by this Resolution, other than the lien and pledge created by this Resolution, or (iii) permit the creation of a preference or priority of any Bond or Bonds over any other Bond or Bonds or coupon or coupons, or (iv) reduce the percentages of Bonds required for the affirmative vote or written consent to an amendment or modification, without the written consent of holders of all Bonds. Section 9.02. Bond Holders Meetings. The University may at any time call a meeting of the holders of Bonds. Every such meeting shall be held at such place in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, as may be specified in the notice calling such meeting. Written notice of such meeting, stating the place and time of the meeting and in general terms the business to be submitted, shall be given by the University by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days before such meeting, to each registered owner of Bonds then outstanding, at his address, appearing upon the books of registration, and in the event there shall then be outstanding any coupon Bonds which shall not be registered as to principal such notice shall also be published by the University at least once a week for two (2) successive weeks in a daily newspaper published in the English language and having a general circulation in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and also by similar publication in a financial newspaper published in the Borough of Manhattan in the City and State of New York, the first publication to be not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the meeting; provided, however, that in any case where publication shall be required as herein before set forth the mailing of such notice shall in no case be a condition precedent to the validity of any action taken at any such meeting. Section 9.03. Attendance in Person or by Proxy. Attendance and voting of Bond holders at such meeting may be in person or by proxy. Owners of Registered Bonds may, by an instrument in writing under their hands, appoint any person as their proxy to vote at any meeting for them. In order that holders of Bonds payable to bearer or their proxies may attend and vote without producing their Bonds, the University may make and from time to time vary such regulations as it shall think proper for the deposit of Bonds with, or exhibit of Bonds to, any banks or trust companies, wherever situated, and for the issue by them, to the persons depositing or exhibiting such Bonds, of certificates in form approved by the University which shall constitute proof of ownership entitling the holders thereof to be present and vote at any such meeting and to appoint proxies to represent them and vote for them at any such meeting in the same way as if the persons so present and voting, either personally or by proxy, were the actual bearers of the Bonds in respect of which such certificates shall have been issued, and any regulations so made shall be binding and effective. Copies of such regulations shall be kept on file in the 568 board of trustees [June 19 offices of the paying agent in Chicago, Illinois, and the Secretary of the University. Any registered owner of Bonds or any holder of a certificate provided for in this Section 9.03 shall be entitled in person or by proxy to attend and vote at such meeting as holder of the Bonds registered or certified in his name, without producing such Bonds. All others seeking to attend or vote at such meeting in person or by proxy must produce the Bonds claimed to be owned or represented at such meeting, and all persons seeking to attend or vote at such meeting in person or by proxy shall, if required, produce such further proof of Bond ownership or personal identity as shall be satisfactory to the University. All proxies presented at any meeting shall be delivered to the inspectors of votes and filed with the University. Section 9.04. Amendments by Written Consent of Bond Holders. The University may at any time adopt a valid resolution amending the provisions of the Bonds or of this Resolution or of any resolution supplemental hereto, to the extent that such an amendment is permitted by the provisions of Section 9.01, to take effect when and as provided in this Section. A copy of such resolution, together with a request of the University to Bond holders for their consent thereto, shall be mailed by the University to each registered owner of Bonds and notice of the adoption thereof shall be published in the manner provided in Section 9.02 for the mailing and publication referred to in that Section (but failure to mail copies of such resolution and request shall not affect the validity of the resolution when assented to as in this Section provided). Such resolution shall not be effective unless and until there shall have been filed with the University the written consents of the percentage of holders of outstanding Bonds specified in Section 9.01. Each such consent shall be effective only if accompanied by proof of ownership of the Bonds for which such consent is given, which proof shall be such as is permitted by Section 9.03. Any such consent shall be binding upon the holder of the Bonds giving such consent and on any subsequent holder of such Bonds (whether or not such subsequent holder has notice thereof). Section 9.05. Supplemental Resolutions or Amendments Without Consent of Bond Holders. The Board of Trustees may from time to time and at any time, subject to the conditions and restrictions in this Resolution contained, but without requiring the consent of the holders of any of the Bonds, adopt a resolution or resolutions supplemental hereto, which shall thereafter form a part hereof for any one or more or all of the following purposes: (a) To add to the covenants and agreements of the University in this Resolution contained, other covenants and agreements thereafter to be observed and/or to surrender any right or power herein reserved to or conferred upon the Board of Trustees; (b) To clarify any ambiguity or to clarify, correct or supplement, any defect or inconsistent provision contained in this Resolution or any resolution supplemental hereto; and (c) To provide for the issuance of additional Bonds hereunder upon the terms and conditions in this Resolution specified. Section 9.06. Endorsement of Bonds. Bonds delivered after the effective date of any action taken as provided in this Article Nine may bear a notation by endorsement or otherwise in form approved by the University as to such action, and in that case upon demand of the holder of any Bond outstanding at such effective date and presentation of his Bond for the purpose at the office of the Comptroller of the University a suitable notation shall be made on such Bond by the University as to any such action. If the University shall so determine, new Bonds so modified as to conform to such action shall be prepared and delivered, and upon demand of the holder of any Bond then outstanding shall be exchanged at the office of the Comptroller of the University, without cost to any Bond holder, for Bonds then outstanding, upon surrender of such Bonds with all unmatured coupons, if any, appertaining thereto. Section 9.07. Exclusion of Bonds. Bonds owned or held by or for the account of the University shall not be deemed outstanding for the purpose of any vote or consent or other action or any calculation of outstanding Bonds in this Article provided for, and shall not be entitled to vote or consent or take any other action in this Article provided for. J963J UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 569 ARTICLE TEN Miscellaneous Section 10.01. Benefits of Bond Holders Limited to Parties. Nothing in this Resolution, expressed or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon, or to give to, any person, firm or corporation other than the University and the holders of the Bonds and of the coupons outstanding, any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Resolution, and any covenants, stipulations, promises and agreements in this Resolution contained by and on behalf of the University shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the University and of the holders of Bonds and of the coupons outstanding. Section 10.02. Successor Is Deemed Included in All References to Predecessor. Whenever in this Resolution or any resolution supplemental hereto either the University or the paying agent is named or referred to, such reference shall be deemed to include the successors or assigns thereof, and all the covenants and agreements in this Resolution contained by or on behalf of the University shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns thereof whether so expressed or not. Section 10.03. Discharge of Resolution. If all of the outstanding Bonds shall have matured, or shall have been duly called for redemption and the redemption date thereof shall have arrived, and if the University shall have deposited with the depository in trust, funds pursuant to this Resolution sufficient to pay and available for the payment of all amounts due on all Bonds then outstanding, including all principal, interest and redemption premiums, if any, and provision shall also be made for paying all other sums payable here-under by the University, then, notwithstanding that any Bonds or interest coupons shall not have been surrendered for payment, the pledge of the income provided for in this Resolution and all other obligations of the University under this Resolution shall cease and terminate except as hereinafter in the next succeeding paragraph provided. Any such funds held by the depository which have not been disbursed in the payment of Bonds and interest as aforesaid during the period of ten (10) years after the deposit referred to in the foregoing paragraph, shall be repaid to the University by the paying agent on written request of the University together with the schedule of the Bonds not paid or redeemed and thereupon the holder of any of the Bonds or coupons entitled to receive such payments, shall thereafter look only to the University for the payment thereof; provided, however, that the depository before being required to make such repayment, shall at the expense of the University, effect publication once a week for two successive weeks in a daily newspaper published in the English language, and having a general circulation in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and also by a similar publication in the Borough of Manhattan in the City and State of New York, a notice to the effect that said moneys have not been so applied and that after a date named in said notice, any unclaimed balance of said moneys then remaining will be refunded to the University. No Bond or appurtenant coupon shall, after maturity thereof either according to its terms or through call of such Bond for earlier redemption, be deemed to be outstanding provided that moneys in the requisite amount for the payment thereof shall have been deposited with the depository, as trust funds, and are available for payments of such Bond or coupon upon demand. Section 10.04. Execution of Documents by Bond Holders. Any request, declaration or other instrument which this Resolution may require or permit to be signed and executed by Bond holders may be in one or more instruments of similar tenor, and shall be signed or executed by Bond holders in person or by their attorneys-in-fact appointed in writing. Except as otherwise herein expressly provided, the fact and date of the execution by any Bond holder or his attorney-in-fact of such request, declaration or other instrument or writing appointing such attorney-in-fact may be proved by the certificate of any notary public or other officer authorized to take acknowledgements of deeds to be recorded in the State in which he purports to act, that the person signing such request, declaration or other instrument or writing acknowledged to him the execution thereof, or by an affidavit of a witness of such execution, duly sworn to before such notary public or other officer. 570 board of trustees [June 19 Except as otherwise herein expressly provided in this Resolution, the amount of Bonds transferable by delivery held by any person executing such request, declaration or other instrument or writing as a Bond holder, and the numbers thereof, and the date of his holding such Bonds, may be proved by a certificate which need not be acknowledged or verified, satisfactory to the University', executed by a trust company, bank, investment banker, dealer, broker or other depositary wherever situated, showing that at the date therein mentioned such person exhibited to or had on deposit with such depositary the Bonds described in such certificate. Continued ownership after the date of deposit stated in such certificate may be proved by the presentation of such certificate if the certificate contains a statement by the depositary that the Bonds therein referred to are in fact held on deposit by such depositary and will not be surrendered without the surrender of the certificate to the depositary. The University may nevertheless in its discretion require further or other proof in cases where it deems the same desirable. The ownership of registered Bonds and the amount, maturity, number and date of holding the same shall be proved by the registry books. Any request, declaration or other instrument or writing of the owner of any Bond shall bind all future owners of such Bond in respect of anything done or suffered to be done by the University hereunder in good faith and in accordance therewith. Section 10.05. Waiver of Personal Liability. No officer, agent or employee of the University shall be individually or personally liable for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Bonds; but nothing herein contained shall relieve any such officer, agent or employee from the performance of any official duty provided by law. Section 10.06. Official Publication. Any publication to be made under the provisions of this Resolution in successive weeks may be made in each instance upon any business day of the week and need not be made on the same day of any succeeding week nor in the same newspaper for any or all of the successive publications, but may be made in different newspapers. Section 10.07. Partial Invalidity. If any one or more of the covenants or agreements, or portions thereof, provided in this Resolution should be contrary to law, then such covenant or covenants, such agreement or agreements or such portions thereof, shall be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remaining covenants and agreements or portions thereof and shall in no way affect the validity of this Resolution or of the Bonds. Section 10.08. Headings and Index. Any headings preceding the texts of the several articles hereof and any table of contents appended to copies hereof shall be solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Resolution, nor shall they affect its meaning, construction or effect. Section 10.09. Covenants Not to Be Deemed Covenants of Any Present or Future Officer, Agent or Employee of University. All covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the University contained in this Resolution shall be deemed to be covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the University to the full extent authorized by law and permitted by the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and no covenants, stipulations, obligations or agreements contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any present or future officer, agent or employee of the University in his individual capacity, and no officer executing the Bonds shall be liable personally on the Bonds or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the issue thereof. No officer, agent or employee of the University shall incur any personal liability in acting or proceeding or in not acting or not proceeding in good faith, reasonably and in accordance with the terms of this Resolution and applicable law. Section 10.10. Resolution Effective on Passage. This Resolution shall become effective upon its passage. State of Illinois \ County of Champaign/ I,......................................................................................, do hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and as such official have charge and custody of the minutes and records of said Board of Trustees. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 571 I further certify that the attached resolution is a true, correct and exact copy of the original resolution adopted by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at its legally convened meeting held on the.................................. clay of.......................................................19, all as appears of record in my office. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said University of, 19 Secretary as aforesaid. Resolution Whereas, Section 7.07 of the Resolution of this Board of Trustees authorizing and providing for the issuance of $10,800,000 Congress Circle Union Bonds, Series A and B of 1963, duly adopted June 19, 1963, provides that the Board of Trustees will adopt such rules and regulations and fix and maintain such student service charges (as defined in said Resolution) rates, rentals, fees, and charges for the use of the facilities referred to therein as will provide revenue sufficient to provide and maintain the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account and the required reserves therefor and to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining facilities and to provide and maintain the Improvement and Replacement Reserve; and Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois desires to comply with the above cited provisions and to adopt certain rules and to provide for certain charges applicable to the operation of the facilities; Now, Therefore, Be It and It Is Hereby Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the officers and management of the University be and they are hereby authorized and directed in the operation of the Congress Circle Union Building and parking facilities to carry out the following rules: Rule 1. The properties of the Congress Circle Union Building and parking facilities above referred to as the "facilities" shall be continuously operated at all times when the University is in session. Rule 2. Subject to further action of The Board of Trustees the initial student service charge for the use of the Congress Circle Union Building shall be $40 per regular school semester for students in Range I (carrying above 10 semester hours of work), $25 per regular school semester for students in Range II (above five semester hours up to and including 10 hours), and $10 per regular school semester for students in Range III (above 0 and up to and including five semester hours), and shall be assessed against and charged to each and every student enrolled for credit in the University of Illinois at Congress Circle as a condition precedent to enrollment, except to the extent exemptions may be granted upon the conditions contained in Section 7.07 of the Resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds. Said fee shall be effective with the fall semester of 1964 or at such earlier date as The Board of Trustees may determine. Rule 3. Rentals, rates, fees, and charges for the use of the parking lots and the income-producing facilities within the Congress Circle Union Building shall be from time to time established and maintained in such amounts as will result in net income sufficient, together with the student service charges, to provide revenue sufficient to provide and maintain the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Account and the required reserves therefor and to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining facilities and to provide and maintain the Improvement and Replacement Reserve. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS UNION BUILDING (19) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of the Union Building at Congress Circle, Chicago, the award in each case to the lowest bidder: 572 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Junt 19 General (Division I)---Power Construction, Inc., Oak Park.........$5 624 V? Base bid...........................................$5 568 511 Additive alternate for assignment of other contracts.. 55 811 Plumbing and Fire Protection (Division II) ---M. J. Corboy Corporation, Chicago ................................................. 394 217 Heating, Refrigeration, and Automatic Temperature Controls (Division III) --- Frank S. Bellis, Berwyn........................... 534 500 Ventilating and Air Conditioning (Division IV) ---H. S. Kaiser Company, Elk Grove............................................... 632 000 Electrical (Division V)---Hoffman Electric Company, Chicago...... 719 760 Food Service Equipment (Division VI) --- Stearnes Imperial Company, Chicago ................................................ 510 068 Total.........................................................$8 414 867 It is also recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract $8,414,867; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Power Construction, Inc., Oak Park, for the assignment of these other contracts for $55,811, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds will be available through the sale of revenue bonds, and in state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund which have been released. Submitted herewith is a supporting report from the Physical Plant Department, including a summary of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING ADDITION (20) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $2,720.82 in the contract with Pathman Construction Co., Chicago, for construction of two rooms within the lecture room area of the Electrical Engineering Building Addition. Funds are available in the construction budget. I recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this change order. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. LEASES OF PROPERTY (21) Because of constitutional limitations, all leases of property by the University of Illinois expire on June 30 of each biennium. I recommend that the Comptroller and Secretary be authorized to renew at the end of each biennium all leases when there is no change in rental or it does not exceed $2,500 a year. If any increase in rental is proposed, and the total annual rental is more than $2,500 a year, a recommendation will be submitted to the Board. All leases when renewed will be listed in the Comptroller's report of contracts to the Board. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. LEASE WITH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS AND THE CITY OF CHICAGO FOR A PORTION OF THE CONGRESS CIRCLE SITE (22) The campus plan for the Congress Circle provides for closing of the existing Congress Parkway (a frontage road lying between Harrison Street and the Congress Expressway) from Morgan to Halsted Streets and the construction of a 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 573 Chicago Transit Authority Station on the Peoria Street Bridge which will be closed to vehicular traffic. Negotiations with city of Chicago, state, and federal representatives have resulted in an agreement which will provide that the City will finance and construct the CTA Station, and the University will (1) take a lease of the Congress Parkway area as a part of the campus, (2) construct a ramp from the Peoria Street Bridge to the elevated walkway, and (3) remove the improvements on the right-of-way of the Congress Parkway and landscape and maintain the area during the period of the lease. The proposed agreement is for the period expiring June 30, 1965, with an option to the University to renew the lease for consecutive two-year periods after expiration of the original term. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend approval of the agreement and lease, and that the Secretary of the Board and the Vice-President and Comptroller be authorized to execute the same upon terms and conditions, and in a form, approved by the Legal Counsel. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this lease was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Poftie, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. APPLICATION TO FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FOR FM STATION IN CHICAGO (23) The Director of Broadcasting has requested adoption of a resolution authorizing an application to the Federal Communications Commission for a new FM station in Chicago which will broadcast in the Chicago area Station WILL programs from the Medical Center Campus and later from Congress Circle. He has secured the approval of Northwestern University and Elmhurst College officials of changes in channel assignments for their stations which will be required for a frequency assignment to the new station. The Executive Vice-President and Provost and I concur and recommend adoption of the required form of resolution, a copy of which is submitted herewith. On motion of Mr. Swain, the following resolution was adopted. Resolution I, A. J. Janata, Secretary of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, hereby certify that the following is a true and exact extract from the minutes of the meeting of The Board of Trustees of the said University held in Peoria, Illinois, on June 19, 1963: "On motion made and duly seconded, and with a quorum of the Board present and duly authorized to act, it was unanimously voted by those present to approve the following resolution: "We, a duly constituted quorum of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, having legal authority to act, hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, A. J. Janata, to execute any and all legal instruments necessary to the establishment, maintenance and operation of a proposed non-profit educational FM radio station at Chicago, Illinois, including, but not limited to any and all applications or other pleadings of any sort which are now or may hereafter be required in the prosecution of such application before the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., for the construction and/or operation of said station at Chicago, Illinois." In witness whereof, I, a duly authorized official of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, have caused the seal of the University of Illinois to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand of...................................., 1963, at Urbana, Illinois. Secretary of the Board of Trustees University of Illinois USE OF UNIVERSITY FACILITIES BY THE TWIN CITY BIBLE CHURCH (24) The Board of Trustees authorized the use of University space in Gregory Hall by the Twin City Bible Church of Urbana for a two-year period, 1961-63, 574 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 while a new church building is being constructed. The former property of this church on Springfield Avenue, Urbana, was purchased by the University for campus expansion and the building was razed. Church officials have requested continued use of University facilities until completion of the new building. The University is reimbursed for any expense involved and use of University rooms is so scheduled as not to conflict with University needs for the same. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this request was approved. AUTOMOBILE PARKING REGULATIONS AND FACILITIES. URBANA-CHAMPAIGN (25) On the basis of a report and recommendations of the Committee on Motor Vehicle Regulations and the Campus Planning Committee (University administrative-faculty committees), I recommend that the Board of Trustees approve in principle the plan presented below for a long-range parking program for the University of Illinois, and the specific recommendations set forth therein, effective September 1, 1963; and that the President of the University be authorized to amend it from time to time in the light of experience and upon appropriate recommendations. Such action would be consistent with the General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure which give the President authority to make traffic and parking regulations and such changes therein as conditions may warrant, and with the action of the Board in adopting the present parking regulations and program for the Urbana-Champaign campus in June 1958. Preface to Recommendations On July 18, 1962, the Board authorized the employment of Harland Bartholomew and Associates, St. Louis, Missouri, for a study of the University's parking problem on the Urbana-Champaign campus. The Bartholomew report, entitled "Long-Range Parking Program for the University of Illinois," was made available for study by University administrative officers, faculty, and staff, in December, 1962. A representative of Harland Bartholomew and Associates presented the report at an open meeting of the faculty and staff on December 12, 1962, at which time many questions were discussed. The Committee on Motor Vehicle Regulations and the Campus Planning Committee had been assigned the task of evaluating the report and making recommendations to the President of the University. These Committees solicited criticisms of the present regulations, adopted in June, 1958, and of the Bartholomew report, and suggestions for the development of an improved parking plan for the Urbana-Champaign campus. At the December meeting, the Committees announced that all communications, recommendations, and criticisms could be sent to the Committee Chairmen prior to January 15, 1963, and that all recommendations would be considered before a tentative recommendation would be made. More than 150 letters and memoranda were received in response to the Committees' solicitation. Thereafter the Committees met weekly in full afternoon sessions for several weeks. The tentative proposal was mailed (Faculty Letter No. 52) on February 20 to all faculty and staff, and notice was given that a meeting would be held in the University Auditorium on February 28 to discuss the proposal and to answer questions. About fifty persons were present at that meeting, and a stenographic report was made of all questions and suggestions. The record of the meeting indicated there were two or three provisions which caused the greatest concern, so that opportunity was again given to present criticisms in writing. Very few responses were received. On March 12, the Committees had a final meeting at which its report was adopted and subsequently submitted to the President of the University. It is the judgment of the Committee, with which I agree, that the program proposed will provide a basis for some progress toward a partial solution of a very difficult and complex problem. The Committee on Motor Vehicle Regulations will need to have under continuous review the regulations for use of the various areas. It may be necessary to increase fees and to make other changes in the program if it becomes desirable to accelerate the pace of construction of additional parking areas. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 575 Recommendations 1. Parking lots and structures shall be constructed on land presently owned or to be acquired by the University. (Explanatory note: The two Committees are in agreement that it would be desirable if the University could provide both the land and the construction necessary for an adequate parking program. Since this does not appear to be possible, land now owned or purchased for campus expansion should be utilized for parking until it must be used for building sites. This represents a continuation of the present policy.) 2. Each member of the faculty-staff desiring to use parking space on University lots, streets, or drives shall pay an annual registration fee of $15.00. A faculty-staff member wishing to register a second car shall pay a fee of $5.00 for that car. Cars in excess of two may be registered on the payment of the $15.00 fee for each car. Anyone desiring to register a car for less than the full twelve months shall pay a registration fee of $7.50 per semester, and/or $3.75 for a Summer Session. (Explanatory note: It is intended that the registration fee be voluntary but shall apply uniformly to all members of the faculty-staff who use University land for parking at any time during the year. The $15.00 fee would cover the full twelve months. Staff on less than nine-month appointment would pay a $7.50 semester fee, or $3.75 for the Summer Session only. In addition to the right to park in unrestricted University spaces, the registration fee would entitle a faculty-staff member to a motor vehicle registration card which would entitle the member to ride free on the Illi-Bus anywhere along the Illi-Bus route.) 3. No motor vehicle shall be registered unless the certificate of title is in the name of an employee or the spouse of an employee of the University. (Explanatory note: There was some feeling among the Committees that University registration should be restricted to motor vehicles owned by the University employee with specific exceptions being made only in exceptional cases. It was deemed that this policy would afford better control of University parking spaces to insure that their use would be restricted to faculty-staff. However, a majority felt that exceptional cases would be rare and that vehicles owner-registered in the name of an employee or spouse should be entitled to University registration.) 4. Any full time faculty-staff member may rent a parking space (on a first come-first served basis) for the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday for an annual rental fee of $45.00 (in addition to the annual $15.00 registration fee). (Explanatory note: This rental would be on a voluntary basis and designed for the convenience of those who desire such a space and are willing to pay the additional fee. Such spaces would not be reserved during the evening hours (after 6:00 p.m.) and would be available after 6:00 p.m. to faculty-staff who have paid the University registration fee. No charge would be made to faculty-staff for parking in such spaces during the evening hours. It is anticipated on the basis of available spaces, that faculty-staff who return to their offices or laboratories to work after 6:00 p.m. will find a space in a University lot, or on a University street or drive, reasonably close to such offices or laboratories. Any faculty-staff member who, on the effective date of this program, is paying for a rental space will be assured that the space will continue to be assigned to him.) 5. Faculty-staff members and University departments having special need may rent a parking space by special permission of the Executive Vice-President and Provost on a twenty-four hour yearly basis for an annual rental fee of $90.00 (in addition to the annual $15.00 registration fee for individuals, or a total of $105.00 per year for individuals and departments). (Explanatory note: This provision is for those special cases in which the Provost determines that the interests of the University require that a special parking space be reserved on a twenty-four hour basis for an individual or department. A department would include such parking fee in its operating budget in the same manner that it provides for the other operating expenses of the motor vehicle.) 576 board of trustees [June 19 6. All parking spaces in service areas will be metered on a short-term basis restricted to faculty-staff and official visitors on University business. (Explanatory note: This provision is for rapid turnover use in scattered areas around the campus as is now provided on a no charge basis.) 7. All unrestricted parking spaces on University-owned streets and drives shall be metered, as the demand requires, on an 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. basis and that the use of such metered spaces be restricted to the use of faculty-staff and visitors on the basis of current motor vehicle parking regulations initially, and thereafter as the needs of the faculty-staff may require. (Explanatory note: Some portions of University streets and drives are restricted to traffic flow only and parking is not permitted. Parking, in accordance with published regulations, is permitted on other portions of streets and drives. In order to control parking use in areas of high demand and to encourage turnover rather than all-day use, it is proposed to meter such spaces on a five cents per hour, five-hour limit, for use between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. As the campus expands and faculty-staff parking needs increase in certain areas, the regulations may be changed to restrict such spaces to the use of faculty-staff. Initially, however, it appears that current regulations are adequate in those areas of minimal faculty-staff demand. It is anticipated that the metering of spaces on University streets and drives will be gradual as the need appears.) 8. The present Illi-Bus routes shall be expanded and extended to provide transportation to all parts of the campus from parking lots. University motor vehicle registration identification cards furnished to faculty-staff will serve as a pass in lieu of a cash fare. (Explanatory note: As the campus expands and new classroom and laboratory buildings are constructed in the center of campus, it is anticipated that there will be increased need for intra-campus bus transportation for faculty-staff from parking lots which are not within convenient walking distance of offices, classrooms, and laboratories, and for cross-campus trips during the working day. An expansion and extension of Illi-Bus service for these needs seems mandatory. The registration fee for faculty-staff will permit this to be done on a realistic basis as the need requires.) 9. The University will acquire as rapidly as feasible the needed sites and construct a parking structure or structures adjacent to the center campus area. (Explanatory note: The need for additional parking spaces adjacent to the present center area of the campus is acute. If the other proposals are adopted it is anticipated that the income will permit an immediate start on providing additional spaces. While there are many practical and financial problems involved in acquiring an adequate site and constructing parking structures, if a reasonable amount of income for such construction is assured steps should be taken to provide such additional spaces.) 10. The University will assume all the costs of administering the parking program to the end that all funds which are paid in the form of registrations, rentals, or meter income will be available to finance the bonds required to build the structures recommended in paragraph 9, to prepare other land for parking use, and to maintain existing lots. 11. The policies adopted and the specific parking and traffic regulations incorporated by reference herein will be re-evaluated after not more than six months of the operation of the revised program and periodically thereafter, and changes recommended to make more effective use of the parking lots and streets. 12. The Committee on Motor Vehicle Regulations shall make recommendations for implementation of the foregoing program with respect to its administration. The report of the Committees recognizes that its proposals may not be adequate to meet satisfactorily the present and future parking space needs on this campus; and also that individual opinions differ as to how such a complex and costly undertaking should be approached to serve the needs of all segments of the University community. Having considered carefully all present and foreseeable future aspects of the problem, it is believed that the proposals offer the most practical and least expensive approach to the problem at the present time. It will be noted that the proposals do not deal with the question of student 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 577 cars on campus, which is considered to be a separate problem. Only an approximate 20 per cent of the students have registered motor vehicles on campus. The primary concern has been to provide adequate services for the total student body, including the 80 per cent who do not have motor vehicles on campus. As the essential needs of the faculty-staff are met for serving the total student body, we will turn to the subsidiary problem of providing parking facilities to the extent possible for the 20 per cent of the student body who have motor vehicles on campus. Although the Committees believe that all the major policy decisions are included in its recommendations, they recognize that a number of administrative details remain to be determined before the program may be put into operation. Recommendations for the resolution of these questions may appropriately be made by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Regulations, as has been recommended, and the Campus Planning Committee will not be involved in their consideration. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the foregoing recommendations were approved, and authority was given as requested. AMENDMENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STATUTES (26) The University Senates have proposed amendments of Sections 38, Tenure of Academic Staff, and 39, Academic Freedom, of the University of Illinois Statutes and, collaterally, of Section 6, University Senates, which would necessarily be affected by any changes made in Sections 38 and 39. The Urbana-Champaign Senate approved the proposed amendments on June 13, 1961; the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate on December 5, 1961, approved but with some modifications the amendments proposed by the Urbana-Champaign Senate; and the Medical Center Senate on April 4, 1962, approved, with minor changes, the amendments as modified and approved by the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate. The University of Illinois Statutes provide: Section 6 (k), in part, that "each Senate may propose amendments to these Statutes through the Senate Coordinating Council to the President and the Board of Trustees as provided in Section 65." Section 65 provides, in part, that ". . . Any proposed amendment shall be referred to the Senate Coordinating Council for its consideration and for transmission to the other Senates for action. If the three Senates agree, the amendment shall be presented to the President for transmission to the Board of Trustees. // the Senates do not concur in the proposed amendment, the Coordinating Council shall endeavor to promote agreement of the three Senates; where agreement is not effected, m the Council shall transmit its recommendations to the President for submission to the Board of Trustees. Any Senate objecting to a proposed amendment may record its objections by forwarding them to the Board of Trustees, through the President. . . ." (italics supplied) Accordingly, and pursuant to the authority vested in it by Section 65, the Senate Coordinating Council endeavored to promote agreement of the three Senates on the proposed amendments which was not successful; and pursuant to the further authority vested in it by Section 65, the Senate Coordinating Council transmitted to the President of the University, for submission to the Board of Trustees, its recommendations for amendments to Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University Statutes. On April 2, 1963, I transmitted to all members of all three Senates the complete report of the Senate Coordinating Council presenting its recommendations for amendments to the Statutes, stating that to provide an opportunity for any of the Senates to register an objection to the recommendations (as provided for in Section 65, quoted above), I would defer presentation of the subject to the Board of Trustees until after the June meetings of the Senates. The Senates have offered no objections. On the contrary, the Urbana-Champaign Senate at a meeting on April 15, 1963, unanimously adopted a resolution: ". . . that the Champaign-Urbana Senate approves and endorses the recommendation of the Senate Coordinating Council for revision of Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University Statutes and urges their adoption by the Board of Trustees. 578 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 The Medical Center and Chicago Undergraduate Division Senates have offered no objections to the recommendations of the Senate Coordinating Council. I now present the Senates' recommendations to the Board of Trustees for study. At a subsequent time, I shall submit my recommendations with regard to the proposals. For purposes of comparison they are submitted in parallel form showing the current statutory provisions and the recommendations for proposed amendments. The President's report and the recommendations of the Senate Coordinating Council were received for record, and were referred to the Committee on General Policy for further consideration and advice to the Board. Amendments of University of Illinois Statutes Proposed by the University Senates and the Senate Coordinating Council The present University of Illinois Statutes were adopted by the Board of Trustees January 16, 1957, and became effective September 1, 1957. The following amendments have been proposed by the Urbana-Champaign, Medical Center, and Chicago Undergraduate Division Senates, and the Senate Coordinating Council. The amendments were initiated by the Urbana-Champaign Senate and were modified by the two Chicago Senates, after which the Senate Coordinating Council submitted its recommendations. Present Statutory Provisions Recommended deletions are indicated by brackets [ ]. Sec. 6. (1) Each Senate shall elect annually by ballot from its membership a Committee on Committees [consisting of not fewer than three persons. Not more than one member of this Committee of the Urbana-Champaign Senate shall be from any one college or school]. Upon nomination made by this Committee after consultation with the President, in the case of the Urbana-Champaign Senate, [and] with the Vice-President in Charge [of the Chicago Professional Colleges or with the Executive Dean of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, respectively,] each Senate shall elect committees on educational policy, academic freedom, University calendar, the library, student discipline, student affairs, and such other standing committees as it may from time to time authorize. The chairmen of the Senate committees on educational policy, academic freedom, library, and of such other committees as the three Senates may designate, shall be members of the corresponding committees of the other Senates. Recommendations of the Senate Coordinating Council Additions are indicated by italics. Sec. 6. (1) Each Senate shall establish rules of procedure in accordance with which it shall elect annually by ballot from its membership a Committee on Committees. Upon nomination made by this Committee after consultation with the President, in the case of the Urbana-Champaign Senate, or with the Vice-President in Charge, in the case of each Chicago campus Senate, each Senate shall elect committees on educational policy, academic freedom and tenure, University calendar, the library, student discipline, student affairs, and such other standing committees as it may from time to time authorize. The Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure at each campus shall be elected by the respective Senate upon nomination made in the manner hereinbefore described in this paragraph and shall consist of at least five members of the faculty other than deans or directors, with no more than two members from any one college, school, institute, division, or other administrative unit. The chairmen of the Senate committees on educational policy, academic freedom and tenure, library, and of such other committees as the three Senates may designate, shall be members of the corresponding committees of the other Senates. * (m) The academic staff (i.e., those having the rank of instructor or higher rank) at each campus shall also elect a 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 579 Faculty Advisory Committee of nine members of such academic staff, three of whom shall be elected each year for three-year terms. No more than two members, or in the case of the Medical Center no more than three, from any one college, school, institute, division, or other administrative unit of the University shall serve on the Committee at the same time. The Committee shall each year elect its own chairman at its first meeting held after the annual election of members. The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure, copies whereof shall be sent to all members of the academic staff and to the President. The Committee shall make such annual reports to the President, the Senate, and the faculty as it deems appropriate. The functions of the Committee shall be to provide for the orderly voicing of suggestions for the good of the University, for affording added recourse for the consideration of grievances, and for furnishing a channel for direct and concerted communication with administrative officers of the University, its colleges, schools! institutes, divisions, and other administrative units on matters of interest or concern to the academic staff or any member of it. In performing its functions, the Committee upon the request of the President, or any member of the academic staff, or upon its own initiative, shall make such investigations and hold such consultations as it may deem to be in the best interest of the University. A member of the academic staff shall be entitled to a conference with the Committee or with any member of it on any matter properly within the purview of the Committee. * While the faculty advisory committee is provided for here in Sec. 6 for convenience, it should be noted that it is not a Senate committee but a general University committee on each campus. Those who at the date this section of the University Statutes becomes effective are already members of an established Faculty Advisory Committee shall be the first members of the Committee as established under this section of the University Statutes, with terms coterminous with those for which they were elected. Any person of the rank of instructor or higher rank may be nominated as a 580 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 ([m]) Any action of any Senate involving matters of University-wide policy, or proposals to amend the University Statutes, shall be submitted by the Senate Coordinating Council to the other Senates for consideration and recommendation. Tenure of Academic Staff Sec. 38. (a) Unless otherwise provided in these Statutes (and in the absence of some special written agreement approved by the President of the University with the consent of the appointee) the tenure for the various members of the academic staff shall be as stated herein, except that first appointments or temporary appointments may be made for shorter periods. (1) An appointment as professor or associate professor shall be for an indefinite term. (2) An appointment as assistant professor, or to the administrative staff, shall be for a period not longer than two years from September 1 of the first year of the legislative biennium. (3) Appointments to lower ranks shall be for not more than one year. (b) The appointment of any person for a definite term does not carry any guarantee or implication that the Board of Trustees will renew the appointment at its termination, even though the appointee may have discharged his duties satisfactorily. Any appointment, if accepted, must be accepted with this stipulation. (c) Tenure may be terminated by (1) honorable retirement; (2) acceptance of resignation; (3) [discharge] for cause. (d) [Cause for discharge shall consist of conduct seriously prejudicial to the University through deliberate infraction of law or commonly accepted standards of morality, neglect of duty, Committee member by a petition signed by three members of the academic staff and filed with the Clerk or Secretary of the Senate prior to April 1 of each year. The Clerk of the Senate shall conduct the election by University mail as soon as possible thereafter. All members of the academic staff of the rank of instructor or higher rank may vote, and the three nominees receiving the highest number of votes, who are then eligible for membership on the Committee under the foregoing provisions, shall be declared elected. (n) Any action of any Senate involving matters of University-wide policy, or proposals to amend the University Statutes, shall be submitted by the Senate Coordinating Council to the other Senates for consideration and recommendation. Tenure of Academic Staff Sec. 38. (a) Unless otherwise provided in these Statutes (and in the absence of some special written agreement approved by the President of the University with the consent of the appointee) the tenure for the various members of the academic staff shall be as stated herein, except that first appointments or temporary appointments may be made for shorter periods. (1) An appointment as professor or associate professor shall be for an indefinite term. (2) An appointment as assistant professor, or to the administrative staff, shall be for a period not longer than two years from September 1 of the first year of the legislative biennium. (3) Appointments to lower ranks shall be for not more than one year. (b) The appointment of any person for a definite term does not carry any guarantee or implication that the Board of Trustees will renew the appointment at its termination, even though the appointee may have discharged his duties satisfactorily. Any appointment, if accepted, must be accepted with this stipulation. (c) Tenure may be terminated by (1) honorable retirement; (2) acceptance of resignation; (3) dismissal for due cause. (d) Due cause for dismissal shall be deemed to exist only if, with all due regard for the freedoms and protections provided for in Sec. 39 of these Statutes, a faculty member's conduct 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 581 inefficiency or incompetency. The enumeration of causes for discharge shall not be deemed exclusive, and the Board of Trustees reserves the power to discharge for other causes, but it is to be distinctly understood that this power will be exercised only under exceptional circumstances and then only tor conduct which is clearly prejudicial to the best interests of the University.] (e) [An appointee on definite tenure shall not be removed before the expiration of his term of service, nor shall an appointee on indefinite tenure be removed, without in either instance first having been presented with a written statement of the charges against him, which shall be sufficiently specific reasonably to inform him of their nature and to enable him to present his defense thereto. Charges shall be preferred by the President, or on his authority, and shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. A copy of the charges shall be transmitted to the appointee either personally or shall be mailed to the appointee at his last known post office address by registered mail within 15 days after they have been preferred. Within IS days after such service of a copy of the charges, the appointee may file with the Secretary of the Board a written request for a hearing before the Board of Trustees. Notice of the time and place of the hearing, which shall be not less than 20 days after the date of the appointee's request, shall be served upon the appointee either personally or by registered mail. The date of the hearing shall be no less than IS days from the date of the receipt of the notice of hearing by the appointee. The appointee shall have the right to appear at the hearing, with council, if he desires, to reply to the charges and to present evidence in his behalf. The Board shall not be bound by formal or technical rules of evidence in hearing and deciding the case. Prior to the preferment of charges, or while charges are pending, the appointee may be suspended by the President pending final decision of the Board upon the charges. In designating the effective date of dismissal or requested resignation, the Board shall give due consideration to the time reasonably required for the adjustment of the staff member's personal affairs.] is found to demonstrate clearly and convincingly either that: (1) he has been grossly neglectful of, or grossly inefficient in, the performance of his University duties; or that: (2) he can no longer be relied upon to perform his University duties and functions in a manner consonant with professional standards of competence and responsibility. (e) Proceedings seeking the dismissal before the expiration of his term of appointment of an appointee to the academic staff who is on definite tenure or of an appointee to the academic staff who is on indefinite tenure shall comply with the procedures described in the following provisions of this section: (1) Charges. When it shall appear to the President that cause for the dismissal of an appointee may exist, he shall consult with the Faculty Advisory Committee. The President, after such consultation, shall determine whether dismissal proceedings should be instituted. Charges looking to dismissal shall be preferred by statement in writing by the President or on his authority and shall be filed with, the Clerk or Secretary of the Senate within thirty days after the consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee. The statement shall be sufficiently specific reasonably to inform the appointee of the nature of the charges and enable him to present his defense to them. (2) Service. The Clerk or Secretary of the Senate shall cause a copy of the statement of the charges and a copy of Sections 38 and 39 of the Statutes to be delivered to the appointee personally or mailed to him at his last known post office address by registered mail within five days after they have been filed with the Clerk or Secretary of the Senate. (3) Request for Hearing. Within fifteen days after such service of a copy of the statement of charges, the appointee may file with the Clerk or Secretary of the Senate a request for a hearing before the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure of the appropriate campus; and within ten days after filing such request the appointee shall file with the Clerk or Secretary of the Senate a detailed written answer to the statement of grounds for dismissal. The Clerk or Secretary of the Senate shall promptly transmit the statement of charges, the 582 board of trustees [June 19 answer thereto, and the request for a hearing to the chairman of the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, and copies of the answer and request for a hearing to the President. (4) Notice of Hearing. Notice of the time and place of the hearing before the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, which hearing shall be not less than twenty days after the filing of the appointee's request, shall be delivered on the same date to the appointee and the President either personally or by registered mail. The date of the hearing shall be not less than fifteen days from the date of such delivery or of such mailing of the notice of hearing. (5) Hearing. At the time and place fixed the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure shall hold a closed hearing on the charges. No member of that Committee shall sit in a case that involves a member of his department, school, institute, or division, whichever represents the smallest administrative unit. Three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of the hearing, and the chairman of the Committee may appoint another member of the Committee to preside over the hearing. If vacancies occur, the Committee on Committees shall appoint as many members as are necessary to constitute a quorum. Except as hereinbefore or hereinafter provided the hearing shall be conducted according to such rules as the Committee may from time to time establish. The Committee shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence, but all findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Committee shall be supported by, and be in accord with substantial evidence. The appointee shall be entitled to be present at all sessions of the Committee when evidence is being received and to have with him an adviser of his own choice who may act as counsel. Likewise the President or some person designated by him, together with counsel if the President desires counsel, shall be entitled to be present at all sessions of the Committee when evidence is being received. Each party shall have the right within reasonable limits to question witnesses and when all the evidence has been received to make an argument in support of its position, either in person or by counsel. A full stenographic transcript shall be made of the hearing unless both parties 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 583 agree to the making of a record in a briefer form. (6) Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations. Following the conclusion of the hearing the Committee shall promptly make its explicit findings of fact on each charge, its conclusions, and its recommendations. Reasonable opportunity shall be given to each party to file a written statement setting forth objections to these findings, conclusions, and recommendations and setting forth the grounds for such objections. A copy of one party's objections shall be given to the other party. The originals of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations, and of the hearing shall be forwarded to the President and copies shall be promptly transmitted to the appointee. If ultimately the appointee requests a hearing before the Board of Trustees, the originals or copies of statement of charges filed by the President or on his authority with the Clerk or Secretary of the Senate, the request for a hearing, the answer to the statement of charges, the notice of the time and place of hearing, the transcript or briefer record of the hearing, any exhibits, received in evidence, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Committee, and any objections to such findings, conclusions, and recommendations, shall constitute the record before the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure to be submitted to the Board. The record shall be available to the Board of Trustees, to counsel for the appointee, and to counsel for the University, but shall not be available to other persons prior to the hearing before the Board. If the Committee recommends that charges be dropped and the President concurs, the case shall be considered closed. (7) Hearing by Board of Trustees. Within 30 days after transmittal of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, or, if the appointee filed no request for a hearing before that Committee, within fifteen days after the expiration of the period specified in paragraph (3) for the filing of such a request, the President may cause the charges to be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees along with the findings, conclusions, and recommendations, if any, of the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and the record of the hearing before the Committee, if one 584 board of trustees [June 19 was held. Notice of such filing of charges shall be delivered to the appointee personally or shall be mailed to him by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees by registered mail within five days after such filing. Within ten days after such delivery or mailing of notice of the filing of the charges with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees the appointee may file with the Secretary of the Board a written request for a hearing before the Board of Trustees. Notice of the time and place of the hearing, which hearing shall be not less than twenty days after the date of the filing of the appointee's request, shall be delivered to the appointee personally or mailed to him by registered mail. The date of the hearing shall be not less than fifteen days from the date of such delivery or mailing of the notice of hearing to the appointee. The appointee shall have the right to appear at the hearing, with counsel, if he desires, to reply to the charges and to present evidence in his behalf. Counsel for the University shall represent the University administration at the hearing and shall have the right to present evidence in support of the charges. The Board shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence in hearing and deciding the case. The Board will give due consideration to the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, and in all cases where a report was made by the Committee will invite a member of the Committee designated by its chairman to attend the hearing before the Board and afford him an opportunity to make a statement. If the Board concludes that the appointee should be dismissed or asked to resign, in designating the effective date of dismissal or requested resignation, the Board will give due consideration to the time reasonably required for the adjustment of the appointee's personal affairs. If a hearing is requested before the Board of Trustees, the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure may make at its discretion an appropriate report to the Senate. (8) Suspension. An appointee may be suspended only under exceptional circumstances and with pay subject to the following provisions: a) The President may suspend before the fling of any charges only after giving notice to the chairman or, in the absence of the chairman from the Uni- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 585 [(f) Any member of the faculty of the University, who claims that termination of his services would violate principles of academic freedom, shall have the right to a hearing before the Committee on Academic Freedom of the appropriate Senate prior to a hearing, if any, before the Board of Trustees. Such hearings shall be conducted in accordance with established rules of procedure. The Committee shall make findings of fact and recommendations to the President of the University. The several Committees may, from time to time, establish their own rules of procedure.] Academic Freedom Sec. 39 (a) It is the policy of the University to maintain and encourage full freedom, within the law, of inquiry, discourse, teaching, research, and publication and to protect any member of the academic staff against influences, from within or without the University, which would restrict him in the exercise of these freedoms in his area of scholarly interest. The right to the protection of the University shall not, however, include any right to the services of the University's Legal Counsel or his assistants in any governmental or judicial proceedings in which the academic freedom of the staff member may be in issue. versify, to some member of the Faculty Advisory Committee that he believes that cause for dismissal may exist; b) If the President suspends after so giving notice to the chairman or some member of the Faculty Advisory Committee, or during consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee, such suspension shall terminate within twenty days after that Committee has made its recommendations to the President unless the President initiates dismissal proceedings by the filing of charges for dismissal within that twenty-day period; and, c) If the President initiates dismissal proceedings by filing charges for dismissal, he may suspend the appointee, or may extend a previous suspension of the appointee, until the termination of those proceedings, or until the effective date of dismissal if the proceedings result in dismissal. (9) Publicity. So far as possible public statements about a case under consideration should be avoided until completion of the proceedings. Academic Freedom Sec. 39 (a) It is the policy of the University to maintain and encourage full freedom, within the law, of inquiry, discourse, teaching, research, and publication and to protect any member of the academic staff against influences, from within or without the University, which would restrict him in the exercise of these freedoms in his area of scholarly interest. The right to the protection of the University shall not, however, include any right to the services of the University's Legal Counsel or his assistants in any governmental or judicial proceedings in which the academic freedom of the staff member may be in issue. 586 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 (b) In his role as citizen, the faculty member has the same freedoms as other citizens, without institutional censorship or discipline, although he should be mindful that accuracy, forth-rightness, and dignity befit his association with the University and his position as a man of learning. (c) These freedoms do not include the right to advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government by force or violence. (d) A staff member who believes that he does not enjoy the academic freedom which it is the policy of the University to maintain and encourage, shall be entitled to a hearing, on his written request, before the Committee on Academic Freedom of the appropriate University Senate. (b) In his role as citizen, the faculty member has the same freedoms as other citizens, without institutional censorship or discipline, although he should be mindful that accuracy, forth-rightness, and dignity befit his association with the University and his position as a man of learning. (c) These freedoms do not include the right to advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government by force or violence. (d) A staff member who believes that he does not enjoy the academic freedom which it is the policy of the University to maintain and encourage, shall be entitled to a hearing, on his written request, before the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure of the appropriate University Senate. Such hearing shall be conducted in accordance with established rules of procedure. The committee shall make findings of facts and recommendations to the President and at its discretion may make an appropriate report to the Senate. The several committees may from time to time establish their own rules of procedure. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (27) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period May 1 to 31, 1963. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale State of Illinois Local Survey and appraise records series $ 4 000 00 May 1, 1963 Records Commission in Illinois local and appellate courts United States Air Force Provide equipment for research en- 360 00 May 1, 1963 AF-AFOSR-107-63A titled "charged colloidal sized particles for propulsion" United States Air Force Physics of solids 80 478 00 October 1, 1963 AF-AFOSR-328-63 United States Air Force Development of a model to simulate 100 000 00 February 16, 1963 AF 29(601)-585 free field ground motions United States Air Force Submillimeter wave receiver tech- 35 000 00 March 1, 1963 AF 30(6O2)-3046 niaues United States Army Exploratory basic research in physi- 21 500 00 July 1, 1963 D A-31 -124-ARO(D)-108 cal sciences United States Army Transmission of the common cold 63 114 00 April 1, 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2410 to volunteers under controlled United States Depart- Agricultural market planning and 25 000 00 April 25, 1963 ment of Agriculture education in resource develop- 12-05-300-53 ment programs United States Depart- Conduct a course covering Office of 22 500 00 April 22, 1963 ment of Defense Civil Defense standard fallout OCD-OS-63-61 shelter analysis curricula plus structural analysis and shelter United States Depart- Provide training to improve the 91 040 00 January 2, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- qualifications of personnel en- cation, and Welfare OE-3-12-064 gaged in or preparing to engage in the counseling and guidance of students in secondary schools United States Depart- Training specialized personnel to 3 400 00 May 6, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- work with the deaf cation, and Welfare VRA-63-103 United States Navy Radiolocation directed toward sys- 114 509 00 May 21, 1963 NObsr-89229 tem problems 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 587 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Navy Biophysical and biochemical studies $ 16 500 00 February 1. 1963 Nonr-3985 (02) on electric organs and muscle membranes of fish The Upjohn Co. IHU"UIQUkO Wl don Techniques using synthetic pro- 2 530 00 June 1, 1963 gestogens to control ovulation in domestic animals Total $579 931 00 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date International Business One keypunch $ 604 80 April 29, 1963 Machines Corp. (annual rental) International Harvester Rental of farm machinery, four 1 692 40 February and Co. items: 393.68 to $pD812.35 (annual rental) 1 750 00 March. 1963 University Place Rental of church organ by School of May 9. 1963 Christian Church Music, September 15, 1963, to (annual June 15. 1964 rental) Total $ 4 047 20 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Illinois Archaeological Survey Highway salvage program $ 962 96 May 8, 1963 "Moorman Manufacturing Co. Poultry nutrition 2 600 00 April 18, 1963 Research Council on Behavior of riveted and bolted 23 000 00 April 30, 1963 Riveted and Bolted structural joints Structural Joints of the Engineering Foundation United States Air Force AF ?9 (6011-S007 Analytical study of tunnels in rock 15 000 00 April 17, 1963 United States Air Force Interaction of dissolved interstitial 22 500 00 April 15, 1963 AF33(616)-6176 atoms with dislocations United States Army Antiradiation drugs 500 00 May 7, 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2212 United States Atomic Synthetic capacity of irradiated 3 500 00 April 26. 1963 Energy Commission ciliates AT(ll-l)-878 United States Atomic Mechanism of radiation-induced ad- 11 000 00 May 22, 1963 Energy Commission dition of tritium to carbon-carbon AT (ll-l)-890 double bonds United States Atomic Use charge for portion of Materials 85 000 00 April 17, 1963 Energy Commission Research Laboratory used in AT (11-1J-1198 commission supported research United States Atomic Studies of rainout of radioactivity 16 000 00 May 16, 1963 Energy Commission in Illinois AT (11-1)-1199 United States Navy NOhsr-RS24'? Wide aperture direct finder system 120 050 00 February 11, 1963 United States Navy Establish program for training in 7 990 00 April 15, 1963 Nonr-1244(00) military and disaster medicine United States Navy Development of radio wave direc- 460 000 00 May 15, 1963 Nonr-1834 (02) tion-finding techniques United States Navy Mechanics of failure in glass fiber 60 000 00 May 9. 1963 Nonr-2947 (02) (X) reinforced plastics Total J828 102 96 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Plus Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Twenty-two items: ?U2.19 deduct $ 1 910 96 AprilandMay, (Plastering) to S580.00 1963 Summary Amount to be paid to the University............................................SI 408 033 96 Amount to be paid by the University........................................... 5 958 16 This report was received for record. 588 board of trustees [June 19 PURCHASES (28) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid! The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University), and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants, and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cos! One automatic x-ray film processing Radiology, Westinghouse Electric $9 722 15 unit, less trade-in of used unit Chicago Corp., Chicago delivered Twenty time clocks Research and Simplex Time Recorder, 2 950 00 Educational Chicago delivered Hospitals One multi-channel pulse analyzer com- Engineering, Radiation Instrument 8 520 00 plete with spectrum stripping and Chicago Under- Development Lab.. delivered read-in of fractional values of re- graduate Inc.. corded spectra and typewriter Division Melrose Park (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, J8.S2O.OO, and Institutional Funds, J4.000.00, for a total of *12,52O.OO.) Electronic instruments consisting of Engineering, Tektronix, Inc., 7 528 22 seven dual trace oscilloscopes, two Chicago Beaverton, Ore. f.o.b. pulse generators, one signal generator Undergraduate Division Oscilloscopes Beaverton, Ore Hewlett-Packard Co., Inc. , 2 5S0 00 Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. Generators delivered (10 078 22) One electrophorator, with extra tank, Chemistry and Gilson Medical 2 650 00 two racks and lid and coils for extra Chemical Electronics, f.o.b. tank, to be used in research on protein Engineering Middleton, Wis. delivered structure in biochemistry One freeze-thaw unit complete with Civil Logan Refrigeration 2 889 17 stainless steel cabinet, controls and Engineering Co., f.o.b. % horsepower refrigeration unit Logan, Utah delivered Nine stereoscope folding mirrors, in- Civil Wild Heerbrugg 4 194 00 cluding 3x magnification, parallax Engineering Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. bars, and wooden carrying cases Port Washington, N.Y. delivered One monochromator, double prism, Mining, W. H. Kessel & Co., 4 210 00 range 200 millimicrons to 20 microns, Metallurgy, Chicago f.o.b. with slits and illumination optics with and Petroleum delivered accessories to include two sets of Engineering and dense flint glass prisms, two sets of installed sodium chloride prisms in mounting cages, and one optical bench for detectors 3,600 tons crushed rock delivered to Dixon Springs Southern Illinois 8 460 00 Dixon Springs Station during the Station Stone Co., f.o.b. period July 1, 1963, through June 30, Buncombe delivered 1964, to be used for various jobs around the Dixon Springs Station Television monitoring system complete Instructional Visual Electronics Corp., 3 564 00 with eight picture monitors, mount- Television New York, N.Y. f.o.b. ing brackets, speakers, and audio- delivered visual receiver with station selector for use in the University's Instruc- tional Television program One conversion kit 7 and IS ips, field Instructional Ampex Corp., 3 055 00 installed Television Elmhurst f.o.b. One video head assembly with 5 mil Redwood tips City, Calif. Yearly affiliation fee for Educational Television National Educational 7 500 00 Television Programming Service for Station Television and f.o.b. the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964, to include videotapes, films, Radio Center, shipping New York, N.Y. point and television recordings to rebroad- cast on WILL-TV Channel 12 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 589 Item Department Vendor Cost Eight issues, 1,300 copies per Issue, University Press George Banta Co., $ 8 000 00 Journal of English and Germanic Chicago f.o.b. philology, trim size 6 in. by 9 in., ap- delivered proximately 192 pages per copy (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds. $8,000.00, and Institutional Funds, $7,928.00, for a total of SIS.928.00.) Print and bind approximately eight issues of Illinois Studies in the Social University Press Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co., 17 212 80 f.o.b. Sciences during the period July 1, Bloomington delivered 1963, through June 30, 1965, 1,200 copies per issue, approximately 160 pages per copy Print and bind approximately six issues University Press Technipress, Inc., 13 435 80 of Illinois Studies in Language and Washington, D.C. f.o.b. Literature during the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965, 1,100 delivered copies per issue, approximately 300 to 600 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by Print and bind approximately four University Press Technipress, Inc., 10 319 80 issues of Illinois Biological Mono- Washington, D.C. f.o.b. graphs during the period July 1,1963, delivered through June 30, 1965, 1,000 copies per issue, 150 to 400 pages per copy. trim size 6% in. by 10 in. Furnish and install 524 auditorium Physical Plant, Noname, Inc., 14 671 32 chairs with tablet arms in lecture Architectural Galesburg f.o.b. rooms in the Physics Building, Stage Division delivered II and installed Furnish and install 292 upholstered Physical Plant S. Buckman Furniture 8 678 23 auditorium seats with tablet arms in Storeroom & Supply Co., f.o.b. lecture room in Altgeld Hall, and re- Spring Valley delivered moval of existing chairs and installed 90,000 gallons of liquid propane deliv- Various Petrolane Chief Gas 8 721 00 ered into bulb storage containers, and Departments Service, Inc., 40,000 pounds of liquid propane de- Urbana livered in 100 pound cylinders, in- Bulk Gas cluding fourteen 500 water gallon Pyrofax Gas Corp., 1 960 00 vessels, and service regulators re- Urbana (10 681 00) quired for proper pressure delivery to Cylinder Gas gas burning appliances and laboratory apparatus, for the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Repair of damaged rotating element for Physical Plant Ingersoll-Rand Co., 5 790 00 Model 3HMTA-8 Ingersoll Rand Chicago f.o.b. boiler feed pump and will be available Chicago as a spare element for emergency re- placement in any of the four boiler feed pumps now installed at the Abbott Power Plant (the previous spare element was put into service as a result of a recent breakdown) Purchases from Institutional Funds One gas chromatograph and accessories Chromatography, Research Specialties Co., $3 415 50 Graduate DesPlaines delivered Research, Chicago One vacuum evaporator and accessories Histology, Kinney Vacuum 2 540 70 for freeze-drying tissues and drying Chicago Division (New York f.o.b. spectrographic film Air Brake Co.). Boston, La Grange Mass. One nine-inch image amplifier with cine Medicine, Picker X-Ray Corp., 55 800 00 television attachments, less trade-in Chicago Chicago delivered of x-ray generator, tube, table, and controls One double wall laboratory sterilizer, Preventive Wilmot Castle Co., 3 405 00 16 in. by 16 in. by 24 in. Medicine, Chicago Rochester, N.Y. delivered One automatic refrigerated centrifuge Blood Bank, Fisher Scientific Co., 3 175 00 with rotor Chicago Chicago delivered 500,000 primidone tablets; this is a Pharmacy Ayerst Laboratories, 13 290 00 year's supply of the tablets and anti- Stores, Chicago delivered contvulsant drug used in the treat- Chicago ment of epilepsy 590 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Hem Department Vendor Cost Printing of Congress Circle Union Illini Union. Northern Bank Note Co., S3 774 iu Building Revenue Bonds Chicago Undergraduate Division Chicago delivered Linen service for food service depart- M' , 1S1UU Union Building American Linen Supply 13 434 00 ments at the Chicago campuses be- and Residence Co., ginning July 1, 1963, through June Hall Food Chicago 30, 196S Service, Medical Center, and Food Service, Chicago Undergraduate Division Approximately 84,000 tons of coal Physical Plant Crerar Clinch Coal Co., 656 040 00 screenings to be used by the Medical Chicago delivered Center Steam Company plant during the period beginning July 1, 1963, and ending June 30, 1965 Furnish labor and materials to erect one Agricultural Moore Farm Building Co 3 769 00 machine shed, pole-frame type, 42 ft. Economics Charleston f.o.b. wide and 70 ft. long, on the Allerton Farm No. 4 delivered One sterilizer, laboratory, 3team, ap- Animal Science American Sterilizer Co., 6 465 00 proximately 20 in. by 20 in. by 36 in., Chicago f.o.b. high-vacuum, rapid, with program- delivered ming-automatic controls (for steri- lization of experimental animal diets in a germ-free laboratory) One 400-channel analyzer including Animal Science Radiation Instrument 9 497 50 IBM automatic "Read-Out" type- Development f.o.b. writer with associated controls (this Laboratory, Inc., delivered equipment is compatible with existing Melrose Park instrumentation of the K40 whole body scintillation counter which will provide automatic recording of data; reports of animal tissue content will be available approximately twelve months earlier than through the man- ual counting system presently em- ployed) Furnish and install twenty farrowing Animal Science Big Dutchman of Illinois, 3 824 78 units, each unit to consist of one sow Lincoln f.o.b. feeder, one creep feeder, one self- delivered washing nursery waterer, one self- and washing sow waterer with lid, slotted installed floor, and mounting stands Furnish and install one automatic feed- ing unit complete with hopper motor. time clock, trough, chain, and neces- sary equipment for a completely mechanized feeding system Twenty existing farrowing units to be traded in on the above equipment Four lota (total 617 tons) wheat and/or Animal Science Clyde Crawford, 2 085 00 oat straw Dairy Science Villa Grove Veterinary H. B. Sanderson, 4 225 00 Clinical Tuscola Medicine Roy E. Rigdon, 1 700 00 Ridge Farm Ralph Traxler, Jr., 2 340 00 LaPlace (10 350 00) f U I.O.O. delivered (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, $5,042.50, and Institutional Funds, J5.3O7.5O, for a total of #10,350.00.) Fee for the use of two railway cabooses Astronomy The Illinois Central 5 289 82 to transport research equipment and Railroad, f.o.b. personnel to two remote field stations Chicago delivered in Canada from July 6 through July 28, 1963, to conduct a National Sci- ence Foundation research program to study the effects of a solar eclipse on atmospheric ionization Aviation gasoline, 220,000 gallons, 80- Institute of American Oil Co., 140 932 00 87 grade; 265,000 gallons, 91-96 Aviation Decatur f.o.b. grade; 140,000 gallons. 100-130 grade delivered Aviation turbine fuel, kerosene type. 220,000 gallons To be delivered as required by the Uni- versity of Illinois-Willard Airport for the two-year period beginning July 1, 1963 (all Quantities are estimates) 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 591 Item Department Vendor Cost One aircraft. 1963 model, factory new, Institute of Streator Air Service, $ 5 436 00 single engine, complete with naviga- Aviation Streator f.cb. tion and communication equipment. delivered less trade-in of one aircraft, 1949 model, single engine, to be used in the teaching program of the Institute of Aviation One aircraft engine for replacement in Institute of Southwest Airmotive Co., 5 850 00 DC-3 aircraft, less allowance for Aviation St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. trade-in of one aircraft engine delivered One volumatic fraction collector with Botany Vanguard Instrument Co., 3 516 00 turntable for 13 mm. siphons La Grange f.o.b. One automatic UV analyzer, including delivered recorder having dual beam operation and for use with reference cell installed One spectrograph, grating, large aper- Chemistry and Jarrell-Ash Co., 13 050 00 ture including two accessory gratings, Chemical Newtonville, Mass. f.o.b. grating holder, lens attachment, and Engineering delivered accessory bar for use in research on bindings and structure of metal com- plexes in. the Department of Chemis- try and Chemical Engineering One spectrophotometer, recording with Chemistry and Applied Physics Corp., 13 988 00 range of 175OA to 8000A, accuracy Chemical Monrovia, Calif. f.o.b. .005 at 1.0 absorption; slide wire as- Engineering delivered sembly, detector cells, hydrogen lamp and 42 rolls of chart paper, to be used in the study of changes of the spectra of proteins and their constituent amino acids in a variety of circum- stances One vacuum chamber for crossed mo- Chemistry and Richardson 16 835 00 lecular beam apparatus to be fabri- Chemical Manufacturing Co., f.o.b. cated, tested, and delivered, to be Engineering Springfield delivered used to perform fundamental research concerning the basic details of chemi- cal reactions by observing isolated reactive collisions in a vacuum One spectrophotometer, infrared, dou- Chemistry and Perkin-Elmer Corp., 18 972 00 ble beam dual grating, automatic re- Chemical Nonvalk, Conn. f.o.b. cording with spare parts and fifty Engineering delivered boxes recording paper, less trade-in of an obsolete infrared spectropho- tometer 11,904 pints acetone reagent grade; General Chemical MalHnckrodt Chemical 12 371 60 8,488 pints methyl alcohol anhydrous Stores Works, f.o.b. reagent; 6,144 pints chloroform re- St. Louis, Mo. delivered agent; 10,080 lbs. ether anhydrous reagent in one-pound cans, 2,160 lbs. ether USP in five-pound cans; an estimated one-year's supply in the General Chemical Stores, to be ship- ped on a monthly basis in quantities of one-twelfth of the above amounts 7,000 lbs. acetic acid reagent; 20,000 General Chemical General Chemical 22 218 55 lbs. hydrochloric acid reagent; 12,000 Stores Division, Allied f.o.b. lbs. nitric acid reagent; 35,000 lbs. Chemical Corp., delivered sulphuric acid reagent; 8,000 lbs. am- Chicago monium hydrochloric acid technical; 4,900 lbs. inhibited muriated acid; 8,400 lbs. acetic acid glacial; quanti- ties indicate an estimated need for the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965, to be purchased in minimum 20,000 lb. truck load quantities 2,500 connectors, taper pin printed Digital Computer Methode Electronics, 9 125 00 circuit, with 44-pin contracts Laboratory Inc., f.cb. Chicago delivered 1.000 transistors, germanium mesa type Digital Computer Texas Instruments, Inc., 5 750 00 S-166 Laboratory St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. Dallas. Texas Transistors: Digital Computer Deeco, Inc., 3 013 50 500 type 2N130S Laboratory Cedar Rapids, Iowa f.o.b. 500 type 2N1306 3000 type 2N1308 1000 type 2N1309 592 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Me 19 Item Department Vendor Cost 10,000 capacitors, monolithic, layer- Digital Computer Sprague Electric Co., $ 3 450 00 f.o.b. shipping build ceramic, 0.47 mfd, a5 volts, plus Laboratory Chicago or minus 20 per cent tolerance One power supply, D.C., 0-36 volts at Digital Computer Krohn-Hite Corp., point 2 550 00 1 amp.; line regulation $pM0.0002 per Laboratory c/o Hugh Marsland f o.b. cent or 10 microvolts; load regula- &Co., Cambridge, Mass. tion $pM0.0005 per cent or 10 micro- Chicago volts; transient response 25 nano- seconds or less; voltage protection and temperature protection complete with indicators One spectrophotometer, infrared dou- Electrical Beckman Instruments, 19 044 00 ble beam with one external source Engineering Inc., f.o.b. optical assembly and one external Lincolnwood delivered detector optical assembly, to be used in semi-conductor research on P-N junction lasers Components for electronic cursor and Electrical Wayne-George Corp., 11 640 00 automatic readout systems for spin- Engineering Newton, Mass. f.o.b. ning goniometer receiving system. delivered consisting of: six encoders, incremen- tal, miniature, optical type, negative output polarity; three dual readouts; two power supplies, output-18 volts D.C. and +600 volts D.C., three power supplies, output 4-12V, ---12V, +5V, all D.C.; and two encoders, optical type, negative output polarity, flash to interrogate, direct reading One special goniometer system for use Electrical Adams-Russell Co., Inc., 87 945 00 in electrical engineering radiolocation Engineering Waltham, Mass f.o.b. research in conjunction with a U.S. delivered Navy research contract 1,600 sets (approximately) fifty prints College of Interstate Printers & 4 800 00 per set Student Personal Data Sheets, Engineering Publishers, Inc., f.o.b. 8H in* by 11 in., as needed during Placement Danville delivered the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Office Examinations and technical grading Graduate College Educational Testing 8 262 00 service, special graduate record types, Service, f.o.b. for the period July 1, 1963, through Princeton, NJ. Princeton, June 30, 1965; based on current use N.J. plus a 10 per cent enrollment in- crease, the quantities are estimated as follows: 1,800 aptitude tests, 18 advanced tests, 826 advanced and aptitude tests Print and bind eight issues of Library Graduate School Pantagraph Printing & 16 771 40 Trends, approximately 4,500 copies of Library Stationery Co., f.o.b. per issue, approximately 96 pages per Science Bloomington delivered copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Eight issues, 2,800 copies per issue, College of Law Pantagraph Printing & 21 209 20 University of Illinois Law Forum, ap- Stationery Co., f.o.b. proximately 176 pages per issue, trim Bloomington delivered size 7 in. by 1034 in. Accessory items for Hitachi HU-11 elec- Mining, Erb & Gray Scientific, 4 491 32 tron microscope: six stereo specimen Metallurgy, La Grange f.o.b. holders, one tilting and rotating stage and Petroleum Los with built-in anticontamination de- Engineering Angeles, vices and new specimen chamber, one Calif. Wehneldt cylinder One special mass spectrometer for anal- Physics Picker X-Ray Corp., 86 600 00 ysis of trace impurities in solids, high Chicago f.o.b. sensitivity and resolution, with fa- delivered cilities for recording mass spectra or photographic plates as well as elec- tronic recording One lathe, plain bed, removable gap, Physics The R. K. LeBlond 8 271 65 17 in. by 78 in. centers, 10 ft. 3 in. Machine Tool Co., f.o.b. bed to be used by the Physics Department in the new Materials Research Oak Park Cincinnati, Ohio Laboratory One lathe, tool room, high speed, high Physics Hardinge Brothers, Inc., 7 279 50 precision, small capacity, to be used Chicago f.ob. in Materials Research Laboratory delivered 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 593 Item Department Vendor Cost 600,000 liters (estimated) high purity Physics Linde Co., U2 654 00 liquid nitrogen (lamp grade 99.9 per Chicago f.o.b. cent pure) for the biennium July 1, delivered 1963, through June 30, 1965, includ- ing one storage vessel of 5,280 gallon capacity, company owned and main- tained, to be supplied on a no charge basis; this commodity ia used in various manners, for research pri- marily in the Physics and Chemistry Departments; however, other depart- ments use liquid nitrogen for freezing specimens, preserving foods, and in gaseous electronics One spectrophotometer, recording with Physics Applied Physics Corp., 18 915 00 range of 1S60A, 0.0001 per cent scat- Monrovia, Calif. f.o.b. tered light, marker pen, power supply delivered detectors, five rolls of chart paper and detector cells for use in Physics De- partment studies of the color centers in the alkali halides One 400-channel, transistorized pulse Physics Technical Measurements 10 375 00 height analyzer with three-inch out- Corp., f.o.b. put display oscilloscope, having mul- North Haven, Conn. delivered tichannel sealer operation and both linear and logarithmic display, with provisions for plug-in paper punch system, as well as spectrum resolving equipment One alpha-numeric accounting machine Physics Burroughs Corp., 8 753 80 equipped with alpha-numeric tape Champaign f.o.b. readout delivered and installed One mass spectrometer (helium leak Physics Consolidated Electro- 4 258 00 detector) with mobile work stand. dynamics Corp., f.ab. nitrogen trap capable of holding a 24- Pasadena, Calif. delivered hour supply of liquid nitrogen, and an audio alarm system, to be used for detecting leaks in high and ultrahigh vacuum systems in the Physics Lab- oratories 2,500 cases (approximately) canine food, Veterinary Holmes Serum Co., Inc., 12 500 00 special dietary, for the period July 1, Medicine Springfield f.o.b. 1963, through June 30, 1965 delivered One vacuum evaporator, automatically Zoology MIKROS, Inc., 2 853 00 controlled with attachment for freeze Portland, Ore. f.o.b. dry apparatus and cold cathode dis- delivered charge gauge for measurement of vacuum to 2xlO~7, to be used in pre- paring specimens for use with an elec- tron microscope One composing machine, electric, office University of Varityper Corp., 3 223 00 type Illinois Com- Subsidiary of f.o.b. One steel table for the composing mittee on Add ressograph- delivered machine School Multigraph Corp., Eight type fonts Mathematics Peoria Furnish photographic laboratory serv- University of Fischer Photographic 8 619 10 ices for the period of July 1, 1963, Illinois Com- Laboratory, Inc., f.o.b. through June 30, 1965, as follows: mittee on Oak Park delivered Process 100,000 ft. 16 m.m. black and School white reversal film Mathematics Make 100,000 ft. 16 m.m. black and white reversal workprints Make color internegative and answer print from 3,000 ft. A-B Ekta- chrome original and make 3,000 ft. color prints from internegatives Construction of greenhouse facility at Dixon Springs Thane Building Service 6 746 00 Dixon Springs Station consisting of Station Co- f.o.b. the following sections: Metropolis delivered One 20 ft. by 60 ft. head house (main and structure including office area and erected storage facilities) One 30 ft. by 48 ft. greenhouse One 20 ft. by 48 ft. plastic greenhouse Two 10 ft. by 10 ft. connecting work-rooms 235 student desks, to be used in the Housing Rockford Furniture 13 747 50 housing units of Orchard Downs Division Associates, f.o.b. Addition Austin. Texas delivered 594 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Item Department Vendor Cost Furniture for 131 family housing unita Housing Associated Service and J57 241 45 f.o.b. (one-bedroom and two-bedroom) in Division Supply Co., the Orchard Downs Addition as follows; Chicago delivered 235 headboard beds with metal bed frames 131 chests, five-drawer, with plastic tops 131 tables, dining 1660 chairs, dining, with upholstered seats 131 chairs, lounge, upholstered 262 tables, end, with plastic tops 164 sofa-bed combination units with Housing The Englander Co., 29 047 68 storage drawer for the Orchard Downs Division Chicago f.o.b. Addition delivered 126 refrigerators, total capacity ap- Housing Frigidaire Sales Corp., 13 187 16 proximately 9 cubic feet, food com- Division Chicago f.o.b. partment capacity approKimately 8 delivered cubic feet, freezer chest capacity ap- proximately 1 cubic foot, with two ice trays and one hydrator, non- automatic defrost, to be installed in Orchard Downs units which are being converted from single student housing to married student housing Twelve sofas, 72 in., no arms, up- Housing L. B. Herbst Corp.. 2 830 20 holstered Division Chicago f.o.b. Twelve benches, 60 in., upholstered delivered To be used in Peabody Drive and Gregory Drive Men's Residence Halls 633-3 dozen tablecloths ranging in size lllini Union William Liddell & Co., 3 329 66 from 54 in. by 92 in. to 72 in. by 220 Food Service Inc., f.o.b. in., damask, ivy pattern, permanent New York, N.Y. delivered finish, cotton 100 dozen napkins, 22 in. by 22 in., damask, ivy pattern, permanent fin- ish, cotton Food handling equipment, aluminum. lllini Union Twin City Equipment Co 2 558 30 as follows: Food Service Champaign f.o.b. Twenty food storage containers with lids Twelve dredges Eighteen dozen pie and cake pans delivered Three dozen loaf pans Six urn cups Thirty-four dozen baking pans and roasters Six slicers 175 (15 per cent more or less) uniforms Military Murray's Uniform Co., 35 380 00 for Army Advanced R.O.T.C. stu- Property St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. dents Custodian delivered 138 (15 per cent more or less) uniforms for Air Force Advanced R.O.T.C. students For use during 1963-64 academic year; students to be measured and fitted on the Urbana campus Print and bind approximately six issues University Press Pantagraph Printing & 20 289 12 of Illinois Studies in Anthropology Stationery Co., f.o.b. during the period of July 1, 1963, Bloomington delivered through June 30. 1965, 2,000 copies per issue, approximately 500 to 900 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. One duplicator, offset, to accept stock Print Shop Addressograph- 5 561 40 11 in. by 14 in., to be equipped with Multigraph Corp., f.o.b. double sheet eliminator, automatic Peoria delivered sheet counter, chrome-plated master cylinder and impression cylinder. chain delivery, receding stacker, and equipped with a color printing head to provide for printing two colors simultaneously Photoengraving service for the Print Print Shop G. R. Grubb & Co., 34 800 00 Shop for the period of July 1, 1963, Champaign f.o.b. through June 30, 1965, to include delivered copper and zinc half-tone engravings (re-etched as necessary) zinc benday and line etchings; all cherry wood mounted and dressed for immediate press uses, including consultation. pickup and delivery services 1963 j UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 595 Item Department Vendor Cost 160 steel bookshelf units, each 36 in. Office Supply The Interior Steel $ 5 056 00 wide by 9J4 in. deep by 84 in. high Storeroom Equipment Co., f.o.b. c/o Jack Sheean, Bloomington delivered Laboratory gases as required by various Various Depke Welding 45 884 08 Urbana departments for the period Departments Supplies, Inc., f.o.b. July 1, 1963, through June 30. 1965, Danville delivered in the following estimated quantities: Oxygen --- 462,276 cubic feet Acetylene --- 59,810 cubic feet Nitrogen, High Purity Dry --- 347,456 cubic feet Nitrogen, Commercial---33,600cubic feet Helium --- 15,640 cubic feet Hydrogen --- 357,504 cubic feet Argon --- 62,280 cubic feet Compressed Air---12,760 cubic feet Approximately 500,000 pounds of dry Various Pure Carbonic Co., 20 000 00 ice for use in research laboratories as Departments Chicago f.o.b. required for the period from July 1, delivered 1963, through June 30, 1965 Gasoline, fuel oil, and solvent to be Various Cities Service Oil Co., 66 000 00 furnished to various University de- Departments Champaign partments as requested during the Russell Stewart Oil Co., 36 260 88 two-year period July 1, 1963, through Urbana June 30, 1965 Mobil Oil Co., 13 537 00 Springfield (115 797 88) f.o.b. delivered Rental service for the two-year period Various Illini Linen Service, Inc., 38 200 00 July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965, for Illini Union, Residence Halls, and Departments Urbana f.o.b. delivered Home Economics cafeteria for the following items: 100,000 coats, military collar, white 170,000 aprons, bib and waist type, white Uniform and linen rental services for Various Champaign Clean Towel 9 515 19 estimated 36,822 pieces of gowns. Departments Service, f.o.b. aprons, shirts, trousers, jackets, bed Champaign delivered and hand linens, and industrial covers for the two-year period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Laundry services for various University Various Shelton Laundry, departments for the period July 1, Departments Urbana 1963. through June 30, 1965 as Group I 165 463 64 follows: White Line Laundry, Inc Group I --- general laundry services for and Model Souders, Inc all departments except the Physical Champaign Education schools Group II 26 208 72 Group II --- laundry services for Phys- (191 672 36) ical Education schools (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropria ited Funds, J26.208.72, and Institutional Funds. J165.463.64, for a total of J191.672.36.) Roller towel rental service (dispensing Physical Plant Champaign-Urbana 33 000 00 cabinets included) for the period July Storeroom Clean Towel Service, f.o.b. 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965, Champaign delivered 60,000 (approximately) rolls, fifty yards each Two pumps, duplex, automatic return Physical Plant Nash Engineering Co., 4 942 50 line vacuum heating, large volume Chicago f.o.b. air removal, complete with two two- delivered horsepower motors and controls with each unit Furnish and install fire resistant acous- Physical Plant Harlan E. Moore & Co., 14 011 00 tical tile in 35 rooms in David Kinley Champaign f.o.b. Hall (15), Lincoln Hall (9), Chemistry delivered Annex (5), and English Building (6) and installed 900 each (approximately) fixtures, fluo- Physical Plant Tepper Electric Supply 27 901 50 rescent, lighting for two 40-watt Co., f.o.b. lamps and four 40-watt lamps Champaign delivered 1,400 each (approximately) louvers, plastic, cube and prism type for above 1.950 each (approximately) hangers. single stem, for above fixtures 596 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Item Department Vendor Cost Large lamps (incandescent, fluorescent, Physical Plant Tepper Electric Supply mercury) and photographic lamps Co.. (projection, photonash, exciter) to be Champaign ordered as required for all three cam- Large lamps S152 343 75 puses during the period July 1, 1963, B. & M. Electrical through June 30, 1965 Distributing Co., Rock Island Photographic lamps 10 320 00 (162 663 75) f.o.b. delivered 332 (approximately) batteries, wet stor- Physical Plant Montgomery Ward & 3 719 00 age, of various standard types and Co., f.o.b. sizes for automotive and laboratory Urbana delivered use to be purchased as required dur- ing the two-year period July 1, 1963, through June 30. 1965 2,400 (approximately) oil specimens to Physical Plant Faber Laboratories, 4 416 00 be analyzed for motor vehicle fleet Chicago f.o.b. operation during the period July 1, delivered 1963, through June 30, 1965 Lumber, miscellaneous, for the one-year Physical Plant Hillcrest Lumber Co., 20 028 26 period July 1, 1963, through June 30, Storeroom Champaign f.o.b. 1964, in the following estimated delivered Quantities projected on current usage: 50,000 bd. ft. No. 3 spruce 74,000 bd. ft. construction fir 13,000 bd. ft. "C" select ponderosa or sugar pine 1,550 bd. ft. fir flooring, clear, edge grain Plywood, Douglas Fir, for one-year Physical Plant Long Lumber Co., 12 712 66 period July 1, 1963, through June 30, Champaign f.o.b. 1964, as follows: delivered 125 sheets exterior A-A 185 sheets exterior A-B 1,890 sheets interior A-B 450 sheets interior A-D 250 sheets interior C-D 3,000 tons (approximately) sand, trench Physical Plant Somers-Barr Co., Inc., 3 900 00 backfill, as required from July 1, Urbana f.o.b. 1963, through June 30, 1965, to be delivered used by Physical Plant Department for various jobs around the Urbana campus 400 yards (approximately) concrete. Physical Plant Alpha Material & 6 510 00 ready mixed for two-year period July Fuel Co., f.o.b. 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965, to be Champaign delivered obtained as needed by Physical Plant Department for various jobs around the Urbana campus 18,100 (approximately) building Physical Plant Odman-Hecker & 3 910 75 blocks, concrete and haydite, for two- Co., Inc., f.o.b. year period, for use by Physical Plant Urbana delivered Department for various jobs on the Urbana campus Building materials as required by the Physical Plant Long Lumber Co., 5 134 80 Physical Plant Department in small Storeroom Champaign f.o.b. quantities, for one year from July 1, delivered 1963, as follows: 800 sheets tapered edge wallboard 229 sheets asbestos board 100 sheets pressed fibre board 100 sheets insulation board 320 sheets tempered hardboard 50 sheets tempered pegboard 6,000 tons (approximately) crushed Physical Plant Harold D. Smith 16 200 00 road stone binder, No. 8, to be used Trucking, f.o.b. by Physical Plant Department in Camargo delivered various jobs on the Urbana campus over a two-year period 1,000 tons (approximately) crushed Physical Plant Alpha Material & Fuel Co., 2 646 00 rock, class X, to be obtained as Champaign f.o.b. needed by Physical Plant Depart- delivered ment for various jobs on Urbana campus during period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 597 Item Department Vendor Cost 350 tons (approximately) road patching Physical Plant Champaign Asphalt Co., $ 3 500 00 material, sub-class 1-11 surface course Champaign f.o.b. mixture, to be used by Physical Plant Champaign Department for patching jobs on the Urbana campus over two-year period 256,000 tons (plus or minus 20 per cent) Physical Plant V-Day Coal Co., 270 000 00 coal screenings to be purchased and Danville delivered as needed to Abbott Power Republic Coal & 761 280 00 plant for the two-year period from Coke Co., July 1. 1963, through June 30, 1965 Chicago Bell & Zoller Coal Co , 204 000 00 Chicago (1 235 280 00) f.o.b. mine Freight 345 600 00 (1 580 880 00) Salt as needed during the period July 1, Physical Plant, Cargill, Inc., 17 545 00 1963, through June 30, 1965: ap- Housing Divi- La Salle f.o.b. proximately 20,000 50-lb. bags rock sion, and lllini delivered salt; approximately 3S0 tons bulk rock salt Union Toilet tissue and paper towel require- Physical Plant, Randolph Paper Co., 66 848 50 ments for Urbana and Chicago De- Urbana and Chicago f.o.b. partments for the period of July 1, Chicago delivered 1963, through June 30, 1965 (esti- mated quantities: 4,000 cases toilet tissue, 9,000 cases paper towels) Two containers, refuse, 30 cubic yard Physical Plant Coleman & Associates, 4 998 00 capacity, to be used in the refuse Rockford f.o.b. collection system on Urbana campus, delivered to be installed in Orchard Downs area for collection of refuse Eight sedans, 1963 model, four-door Physical Plant University Ford, with V-8 engine, automatic transmis- Champaign sion (Group 1) less trade-in of eight Group 1 6 870 00 1961 sedans Group 2 2 345 00 Three sedans, 1963 model, compact, Rossetter Motor Co., four-door with six-cylinder, automatic transmission (Group 2) less Peoria Group 3 892 00 trade-in of three 1961 sedans (10 107 00) One sedan, 1963 model, four-door with f.o.b. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, delivered power steering and brakes, police car (Group 3) less trade-in of one 1962 sedan On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. JULY AND AUGUST MEETINGS The Board has previously considered changing the date of its regular July meeting, and President Clement inquired if the Trustees wish to take any action at this time. He also asked if the Board desires to hold a regular meeting in August. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board voted to change the date of its regular July meeting from Wednesday, July 17, to Tuesday, July 2, 1963, this meeting to be held in Chicago. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to change the date of its August meeting from Wednesday, August 21, to Thursday, August 1, 1963, to be held in Chicago, with the understanding that if the volume of business does not justify holding a meeting of the full Board, the President will order it cancelled and will call a meeting of the Executive Committee which the other Trustees will be invited to attend. President Clement reminded the Board that its regular September meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 1963, and that this meeting should be held in Urbana. 598 board of trustees [June 19 DEGREES CONFERRED IN JUNE. 19 63 The Secretary presented for record the following lists of degrees conferred on candidates at the Medical Center campus on June 7, 1963, and on the other dates indicated, and on candidates at the Urbana-Champaign campus on June 15, 1963, in accordance with the authorization of the Board of Trustees. Summary Honorary Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Laws...................................................... 1 Doctor of Science.................................................... 3 Total, Honorary Degrees........................................... (4) Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Philosophy................................................ 146 Doctor of Education................................................. 8 Doctor of Business Administration.................................... 1 Master of Arts...................................................... 146 Master of Science................................................... 346 Master of Music..................................................... 10 Master of Education................................................. 88 Master of Social Work.............................................. 29 Master of Fine Arts................................................. 6 Master of Accounting Science........................................ 7 Master of Architecture............................................... 4 Master of Comparative Law.......................................... 1 Master of Commerce................................................. 2 Master of Business Administration.................................... 5 Advanced Certificate in Education..................................... 16 Total, Graduate College............................................ (815) Degrees in Law, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Laws.................................................... 49 Degrees in Veterinary Medicine, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science.................................................. 26 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine....................................... 31 Total, Veterinary Medicine......................................... (57) Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture............................ 170 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering........................... 339 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences................. 417 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.............. 252 Bachelor of Science, College of Education............................. 174 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration.. 296 Bachelor of Science, College of Journalism and Communications........ 53 Bachelor of Architecture, College of Fine and Applied Arts............ 68 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts............... 69 Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts................... 6 Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts.................. 40 Bachelor of Science, College of Physical Education..................... 49 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees.......................................(1,933) Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana.................................(2,858) Honorary Degrees, conferred at Chicago: Doctor of Science.................................................... 1 Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Chicago: Doctor of Philosophy................................................ 17 Master of Science.................................................... 37 Total, Graduate College............................................ (54) 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 599 Degrees in Dentistry, conferred at Chicago: Bachelor of Science.................................................. 49 Doctor of Dental Surgery............................................ 78 Total, Dentistry ................................................... (127) Degrees in Medicine, conferred at Chicago: Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy.......................... 10 Doctor of Medicine.................................................. 192 Total, Medicine ................................................... (202) Degrees in Nursing, conferred at Chicago: Bachelor of Science.................................................. 29 Degrees in Pharmacy, conferred at Chicago: Bachelor of Science.................................................. 132 Total, Degrees Conferred at Chicago................................ (545) Total, Urbana and Chicago......................................... 3,403 Degrees Conferred at Urbana HONORARY DEGREES Degree of Doctor of Laws Henry Townley Heald, M.S., D.Eng, LL.D, D.C.L., L.H.D., D.Sc. Degree of Doctor of Science George Wells Beadle, Ph.D., D.Sc. Carl Shipp Marvel, Ph.D., D.Sc. Clarence Samuel Ross, Ph.D. GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Accountancy Alfred Rappaport, B.B.A., Western Reserve University, 1954; M.S., 1961 In Agricultural Economics Hiroshi Nakamura, A.B., Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1954 LeRoy Francis Rogers, B.S., California State Polytechnic College, 1954; M.S., Oregon State College, 1958 Pedro R. Sandoval, B.S., University of the Philippines, 1946; M.S., University of Minnesota, 1956 Herbert Horst Stoevener, B.S., Cornell University, 1958; M.S., 1962 In Agronomy Jalmer John Jokela, B.S., M.S., University of Minnesota, 1947, 1951 In Animal Nutrition Chitra Sen Biswas, B.S., M.S., University of Calcutta, 1956, 1959 James David Erfle, B.S.A., M.S., University of Saskatchewan, 1957, 1959 In Biophysics Hiroshi Mizukami, A.B., International Christian University, 1957 In Botany Elmer Burton Hadley, A.B., University of California (Santa Barbara), 1958; M.S., 1960 Vern August McMahon, B.S., St. Cloud State College, 1957; M.S., 1959 Ikuko Fukuda Mizukami, A.B., International Christian University, 1957; M.S., 1958 600 board of trustees [June 19 In Business George Daoud Kanawaty, B.S., Alexandria University, 1950; M.S., 1961 Clarence Albert Sims, B.S., M.S., 1942, 1946 Don Robert Webb, B.S., M.S., University of Missouri, 1952, 1958 In Ceramic Engineering Hubert Richard Thornton, B.S., M.S., Alfred University, 1954, 1957 In Chemical Engineering Billy Monroe Riggleman, B.S., West Virginia University, 1959; M.S., 1961 Paul Van Shaw, B.S., M.S., University of Nebraska, 1957, 1960 Clyde Quitman Sheely, Jr., B.S., Mississippi State University, 1959; M.S., 1961 Robert Anton Stager, B.A.Sc, A.M., University of Toronto, 1959, 1960 In Chemistry Robert Hanen Carnighan, A.B., Kenyon College, 1959 John Timothy Donoghue, B.S., M.S., University of Massachusetts, 1958, 1960 James Loran Foght, B.S., University of Akron, 1958; M.S., 1960 Carlton Dan Foote, A.B., Central College, 1957 Patrick Edward Guire, B.S., University of Arkansas, 1958 Alexander Keith Jameson, B.S., B.E.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1956, 1957, 1957 Thomas Herbert Kinstle, A.B., Bowling Green State University, 1958 Bruce Holmes Klanderman, A.B., Calvin College, 1959; M.S., 1961 Thomas William Koenig, B.S., Southern Methodist University, 1959; M.S., 1961 David Lee Lydy, A.B., Indiana University, 1958 Charles Dean Mitchell, A.B., Monmouth College, 1957; M.S., 1961 Beulah Marie Woodfin, A.B., Vanderbilt University, 1958; M.S., 1960 In Civil Engineering Peter Kuang-Hsun Dai, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1957; M.S., 1960 George Watkins Greenwood, B.S., University of Maine, 1951; M.S., 1960 Goin Neil Harper, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959; M.S., 1961 Pedro Jimenez Quinones, B.S., University of Puerto Rico, 1952; M.S., 1957 Kamran Majidzadeh, Diploma, Teheran University, 1959; M.S., 1960 John Donald Peters, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1960 Hedley Edmund Herbert Roy, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1955; M.S., 1960 Mortimer Daniel Vanderbilt, B.S., Ohio University, 1957; M.S., 1961 Richard Earl Woodring, B.S., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1954; M.S., 1956 In Communications Jean Praninskas, A.B., New York University, 1948; A.M., University of Michigan, 1950 In Dairy Technology Michael Edgecombe Stiles, B.S., M.S., University of Natal, 1957, 1959 In Economics Michael Edward De Prano, A.B., Northwestern University, 1955 Joseph Van Fenstermaker, B.S., A.M., Kent State University, 1958, 1959 Adolph Emanuel Mark, A.B., De Paul University, 1950; A.M., University of Michigan, 1954 Edward Donald Onanian, A.B., Brown University, 1958; A.M., 1961 In Education Dale Eugene Kaiser, B.S., M.S., 1954, 1960 Thomas Eugene Spencer, A.B., A.M., Ball State Teachers College, 1954, 1957 Ruth Cameron Webb, A.B., Drew University, 1948; A.M., Syracuse University, 1949 In Electrical Engineering Don Robert Allen, B.S., University of Michigan, 1948; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1950 Jack Roger Baird, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 601 Keith George Balmain, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 19S7; M.S., 1959 Edward Paul Bialecke, Jr., B.S., M.S., 1956, 1958 ToHN Charles Elsey, B.S., University of Utah, 1956; M.S., Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, 1960 Iames Bernard Gerakdo, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1960 Robert William Kafka, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Stephen James Kahne, B.E.E., Cornell University, 1960; M.S., 1961 Paul William Klock, B.S., University of Missouri, 1957; M.S., 1958 Robert Henry MacPhie, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1957; M.S., 1959 James Harwood Pugsley, A.B., Oberlin College, 1956; M.S., 1958 Sergio Telles Ribeiro, Eng., Technical Institute of Aeronautics (Brazil), 1957; M.S., 1961 Fred Jerome Rosenbaum, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1960 Richard Robert Shively, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1957 Robert Joseph Strain, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 In English Carolyn Sue Faulk, A.B., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1955; A.M., 1957 Clyde Leroy Grimm, Jr., B.S., A.B., 1952, 1955; A.M., University of Arizona, 1957 Charles Koban, A.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1958; A.M., Columbia University, 1960 Kenneth Lee Ledbetter, A.B., Central College, 1956; A.M., 1957 Gene Emerson Morokoff, A.B., Beloit College, 1949; A.M., University of North Carolina, 1951 Joan Evelyn Schulz, B.S., M.S., Northern Illinois University, 1952, 1954; A.M., 1958 Emily Stipes Watts, A.B., A.M., 1958, 1959 In Entomology John Fredric Anderson, B.S., M.S., North Dakota Agricultural College, 1957, 1959 Ronald Harmon Meyer, B.S., M.S., 1951, 1956 William Charles Moye, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958; M.S., 1960 James Walker Sanford, B.S., 1958 In Finance David Edwin Peterson, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1961 Sharda Nand Singh, B.Com., Patna University, 1947; A.M., University of Calcutta, 1950; M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1958 In Food Technology Demetrios Spyridon Sgoutas, Diploma, University of Salonika, 1954 In French Charles Aloysius Baker, Jr., A.B., A.M., Boston College, 1955, 1956 Ruth Ringland Rains, B.S., A.M., 1948, 1956 Joseph Gardner Weber, A.B., Princeton University, 1953; A.M., 1957 In Geography Richard Warwick Armstrong, A.B., A.M., University of Auckland, 1957, 1959 Dilip Kumar Pal, A.B., A.M., University of Calcutta, 1947, 1949; A.M., Yale University, 1955 In Geology Robert Norman Farvolden, B.S., M.S., University of Alberta, 1951, 1958 Peter Fenner, B.S., City College of New York, 1959; M.S., 1961 Henri Eugene Gaudette, A.B., University of New Hampshire, 1959; M.S., 1962 George Edward Heim, Jr., B.S., M.S., University of Michigan, 1956, 1957 Paul Warren Hughes, B.S., Oregon State College, 1948; M.S., University of Arizona, 1950 Neal Ray O'Brien, A.B., DePauw University, 1959; M.S., 1961 Ira Edgar Odom, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1956; M.S., 1958 John Beaufort Tubb, Jr., B.S., Southwestern Louisiana Institute, 1959; M.S., 1961 602 board of trustees [June 19 In Horticulture Richard Lawrence Lower, B.S., 1956; M.S., Purdue University, 1961 In Library Science Richard Dean Walker, A.B., A.M., Indiana University, 1955, 1957 In Mathematics Simmie Samuel Blakney, A.B., Tougaloo College, 1950; M.S., 1955 Marvin Willard Grossman, A.B., Queens College, 1959; M.S., 1960 John Henry Harris, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Ronald Joseph Miech, A.B., M.S., 1959, 1961 Surendranath Patnaik, B.S., Utkal University, 1951; M.S., Benares Hindu University, 1953 Walter Abraham Rosenkrantz, A.B., B.S., University of Chicago, 1957 1957 M.S., 1959 Sanford Roy Schubert, B.S., M.S., University of Chicago, 1959, 1959 Francis Chi-Yu Tang, B.S., University of Hong Kong, 1957; M.S., University of South Carolina, 1960 Russell Arthur Welker, A.B., M.S., 1956, 1957 In Mechanical Engineering Alva LeRoy Addy, B.S., South Dakota School of Mining and Technology, 1958; M.S., University of Cincinnati, 1960 Stephen Robert Davis, B.S., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1950; M.M.E., University of Delaware, 1955 A-Ben Huang, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1957; M.S., 1961 In Metallurgical Engineering Kalinath Mukherjee, B.Eng., University of Calcutta, 1956; M.S., 1959 In Microbiology Wen-Tah Hsu, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1954 Tamiko Kano-Sueoka, A.B., Kyoto University, 1956; A.M., Radcliffe College, 1960 In Musicology Alan Stanley Curtis, B.Mus., Michigan State College, 1955; M.Mus., 1956 In Philosophy James Sayer Minas, A.B., Wayne State University, 1950 In Physical Education Annelis Strange Hoyman, Certificate, Nathalie Zahles Teachers College (Denmark), 1942; Certificate, Denmarks H0jskole Legemsdvelser (Denmark), 1943; M.S., 1952 Roy Jacob Keller, B.S., Winona State Teachers College, 1953; M.S., State College of Washington, 1955 In Physics John Robert Ehrman, A.B., Oberlin College, 1956; M.S., 1958 David Markowitz, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1956; M.S., 1958 Franklin Moore Propst, B.S., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1957; M.S., 1959 David Alan Simkin, A.B., Cornell University, 1957; M.S., 1959 John Warren Wilkins, B.S., Northwestern University, 1959; M.S., 1960 In Physiology John Francis Brugge, A.B., Luther College, 1959; M.S., 1961 Robert John Simpson, A.B., Houghton College, 1950; M.S., 1960 Daniel Samuel Zaharko, B.P.E., University of British Columbia, 1953; M.S., 1955 In Plant Pathology William Leonard Hagan, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1960 In Political Science Dwight Marcus Carpenter, A.B., A.M., University of Wichita, 1954, 1957 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 603 Eugene Emerson Evans, B.S., University of Maryland, 1955; A.M., 1957 Thomas Remeikis, A.B., A.M., 1957, 1958 In Psychology Sherman Leon Guth, B.S., Purdue University, 1959; A.M., 1961 Jerry William Koppman, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1959; A.M., 1961 Burton Marvin Slotnick, A.B., 1958 Lee Nancy Kaufman Slotnick, A.B., Queens College, 1958; A.M., 1960 Richard Alan Steffy, A.B., Albright College, 1958; A.M., 1960 In Spanish Tames Lawrence Walsh, A.B., University of Nevada, 1952; A.M., Mexico City College, 1958 In Speech Hugh Pettis Munro, B.S., A.M., University of Alabama, 1958, 1959 Charles Joseph Stewart, B.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1958; A.M., 1960 Preston Heath Tuttle, A.B., A.M., 1934, 1956 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Donald Frederick Adams, B.S., 1957; M.S., University of Southern California, 1960 Philip Earl Bennett, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 John Elliott Bower, Jr., B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1956; M.S., 1957 Robert Davis Cook, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1960 Ronald John Placek, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Darbari Lal Sharma, A.B., A.M., University of Panjab, 1944, 1947 Ernest Victor Wilms, B.S., University of Manitoba, 1958; M.S., 1960 In Zoology Majid Ahmed Al-Radhawy, License, Higher Teachers College (Iraq), 1954; M.S., Kansas State University, 1958 Margaret Pratt Dysart, A.B., Winthrop College, 1956; M.S., 1958 Clyde Elliott Robbins, B.S., M.S., 1954, 1957 Frederick Horace Whittaker, A.B., Otterbein College, 1951; M.S., University of Georgia, 1956 John Lester Zimmerman, B.S., M.S., Michigan State University, 1953, 1959 Degree of Doctor of Education In Education Arthur Leroy Bruning, B.S., M.S., South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1957, 1959 Robert William Culp, B.S., Bradley University, 1948; M.S.W., 1952 James Lawrence Fejfar, A.B., University of South Dakota, 1951; A.M., University of Chicago, 1955 Robert Duane Hartman, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1953, 1956 Edward William Keen, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1948; Ed.M., University of Missouri, 1954 In Music Education Henry Edward Busche, A.B., Indiana Central College, 1934; M.Mus., University of Michigan, 1945 Warren William Lutz, B.Mus., 1949; A.M., University of Kentucky, 1950 Calvin Earl Weber, B.S., M.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1950, 1951 Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Clifford Mark Nelson, B.S., M.Com., 1959, 1961 Degree of Master of Arts In Anthropology Selma Adler, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1957 604 board of trustees [June 19 Hakvey Russell Bernard, A.B., Queens College, 1961 Horace Leedom Lefferts, Jr., A.B., Colgate University, 1961 In Art Education William Stanley Cookson, B.F.A., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1957 In Dance Janis Lee Stockman, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 19S8 In Economics Hilma Jean Ivey, A.B., Illinois College, 1961 Daniel Brian Peters, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1962 Richard Kent Vedder, A.B., Northwestern University, 1962 In English James Russell Burd, B.S., 1961 Bruce Augustus Butterfield, A.B., Knox College, 1962 Samuel Luther William Chell, A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1962 Robert Martin Foys, B.S., Loyola University, 1962 Myrna Jo Handley, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1961 Edward Francis Hudaverdi, A.B., MacMurray College, 1962 Otis Bigelow Johnson, A.B., Miami University, 1962 Robert Anthony Lucas, A.B., John Carroll University, 1961 Robert Purks Maccubbin, A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1961 Karen Lynn McDavitt, A.B., Monmouth College, 1962 Donald Thomas Reilly, A.B., Youngstown University, 1962 Donald Elmer Sheehan, B.S., United States Military Academy, 19S6 Julia Ausrele Skirmuntas, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1961 Henry Ward Swinson, A.B., Northwestern University, 1962 Stephen James Teller, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1962 Mary Lynn Veach, A.B., Duke University, 1962 James Halley Whipple III, A.B., Hope College, 1962 Tessa Sha Wong, Diploma, Chung Chi College, 1955 In French Glenda Jean Brown, A.B., University of Oregon, 1961 Nadine Elizabeth Covert, A.B., 1961 Sian Humphreys, A.B., University of Durham, 1961 Matthew Francis Mauro, A.B., St. John's University, 1961 Patrick David Persaud, A.B., 1962 Marjorie Ann Snell, B.S., A.B., Central Missouri State College, 1959, 1959 Claire Chantal Spriet, A.B., 1962 In Geography Janice Edith Jones, A.B., University of Sydney, 1958 Peter Gathura Kingori, Diploma, Makerere College, 1955 In German Christel Wachsmuth Bell, A.B., Indiana University, 1961 Walter Richard Foote III, A.B., 1961 Margrit Wulff, Teacher's Certificate, University of Kiel, 1961 In Greek Edward Wesley Walton, A.B., Carthage College, 1960 In History Kenneth Edwin Borrowdale, A.B., 1962 Henry LaMar Eaton, B.S., 1959 Helene Rudoff Henry, A.B., University of Chicago, 1958 Genevieve Laloux Jain, Lie. es Lettres, University of Lille (France), 1954 In Labor and Industrial Relations Robert James Derby, B.S., Bradley University, 1953 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 60S Alan John Gibbs, B.S., 1960 Wendell Wayne Murphy, B.S., 1961 In Linguistics Joseph Wayne Daggett, A.B., University of Maine, 1962 James Maurice Foster, B.S., 1962 Martha Caroline Woodell, B.Mus., A.B., Ouachita Baptist College, 1961, 1961 In Mathematics Donald Wayne Adlong, A.B., Hardin-Simmons University, 1957 Howard Anton, A.B., Lehigh University, 1960 George St. Clair Beers, B.S., M.S., University of Florida, 19SS, 1960 Derald Dean Boline, B.S., Kansas State Teachers College, 1958 Doyle Leroy Bostic, B.S., Southeastern State College, 1957 Ralph Sinclair Bottorff, A.B., Iowa State Teachers College, 1960 Stephanie Brewster Taylor Brewer, A.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1961 Gary Bennett Brinton, B.S., University of Missouri, 1959 Roger Lyle Brockmeyer, A.B., State College of Iowa, 1958 Irene Vaughn Brown, B.S., Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal College (Arkansas), 1955 Joe Kermit Bryant, B.S., A.M., California State Polytechnic College, 1959, 1961 David MacPherson Clarkson, A.B., Williams College, 1949; A.M., Wesleyan University, 1957 David Allen Crothamel, B.S., University of Scranton, 1957; Ed.M., Pennsylvania State University, 1960 Robert Duane Davis, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958, 1959 Keith Albert Failon, B.S., 1960 Matthews Irving Glass, B.S., University of Baltimore, 1950 Kathryn Mary Goering, B.S., Midland College, 1958 Andrew John Guerrieko, A.B., New Jersey State Teachers College (Montclair), 1960 Henry Philias Guillotte, B.Ed., Rhode Island College of Education, 1959 Robert Ludwig Holmen, B.S., North Dakota State Teachers College (Minot), 1959 Allen Harold Holmes, A.B., Carleton College, 1959 Lawrence Carl Howard, Jr. B.S., Western Carolina Teachers College, 1954 Edward Morrill Jacobs, B.S., M.S., State University of New York College of Education (Brockport), 1957, 1960 Louise Henrietta Johnson, A.B., Augsburg College, 1949; A.M., Colorado State College, 1961 Charles Louis Kerner, Jr., B.S., West Chester State College, 1950; Ed.M., Temple University, 1956 Jerre Francis Kilroy, B.S., M.S., State University of New York College of Education (Albany), 1957, 1960 Norbert James Kuenzi, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Eau Claire), 1959 Miriam Arline Latshaw, A.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1959 Wen-Lan Liu Lee, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1955 Orda Swan Lewis, A.B., Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences, 1957 Frances Joan Masser, B.S., 1962 William Robert McLean, B.S., United States Merchant Marine Academy, 1952 William Anton Miller, B.S., M.A.T., Michigan State University, 1956, 1961 Margaret Anne Miquelon, A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College, 1956; A.M., Miami University, 1960 Harry Gene Moore, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1957 Edwina Latta Myers, A.B., A.M., Adams State College of Colorado, 1959, 1961 Sam Self Narkinsky, B.S., 1961 Dorothy Aiko Yamasaki Ono, B.Ed., University of Hawaii, 1951 John Demetrios Paliouras, A.B., Alfred University, 1960 Mary Prasch Palmer, B.Ed., Wisconsin State College, 1959 Jerry Wayne Phillips, B.S., Oakland City College, 1959 Franklin Eugene Powell, B.S., Florida State University, 1959 Robert Adaik Prall, B.S., Midland College, 1955 606 board of trustees [June 19 Karl Clair Rautenkranz, A.B., Oregon State University, 1962 Johnnie Belle Ashford Ross, A.B., Miles College, 1955 Sister Claudette Burkel, B.S., De Paul University, 1962 Donald Lee Stancl, A.B., Knox College, 1962 James Henry Stein, Jr., B.S., 1961 John Kirker Stephens, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1962 Don Leon Voils, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1960 William Franklin Ward, B.S., Iowa State University, 1958 Charles Alonzo Williams, A.B., Miles College (Alabama), 1960 Floyd Earl Willmore, B.S., Brigham Young University, 1960 Melvin Cleo Withneix, B.S., North Dakota State Teachers College (Vallev City), 1951; M.S., University of North Dakota, 1958 Bing Kuen Wong, A.B., Kansas State College (Pittsburg), 1961 In Philosophy Charles Bernard Fethe, A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1962 In Political Science Leon Fern, B.S., Bradley University, 1959 In Psychology Robert B. Ewen, A.B., Cornell University, 1961 Ronald Scott Krug, B.S., I960 Jerome Donald Maurath, A.B., 1959 Wendell Chandler Shackelford, A.B., Southern Methodist University, 1961 Irving Phillip Unikel, B.S., 1961 In Social Sciences Shirley Leibbrandt Stiles, A.B., University of Natal, 1957 In Sociology Man Singh Das, B.S., University of Allahabad, 1955; B.D., Serampore College, 1958; M.T., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1960; A.M. (Education), Morehead State College, 1961 James William Harris, A.B., 1960 Emil Oestereicher, A.B., 1960 Louis Rowitz, B.S., 1959 Judith Bayer White, B.S., 1959 In Spanish Robert Brody, A.B., Rutgers University, 1962 Virginia Christine Burbridge, A.B., University of Delaware, 1962 Susan Anne Calkins, A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1961 Lucie Welles Clark, A.B., Stanford University, 1953 Marcia Hathorne Grohne, A.B., 1960 Gerald Wegener Petersen, A.B., Brigham Young University, 1961 Edna Nicie Sims, A.B., 1962 Deneith Louise Wilson, A.B., Baker University, 1961 In Speech Phillips Randolph Biddle, B.S., Portland State College, 1961 Janet Amber Clark, A.B., University of Delaware, 1961 Lydia Landis Holquist, A.B., Rockford College, 1957 Sarah Jane Howard, A.B., Phillips University, 1962 Elizabeth Louise Michener, B.S., 1960 Esther Greene Rowitz, B.S., 1962 George Everett Tuttle, Jr., B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 In the Teaching of English Marcia Suzanne Kuhn, A.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1962 Barbara Anne McCall, A.B., George Washington University, 1953 In the Teaching of German Beverly Paul Boardman, A.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1959 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 607 Esther Margaret Jankovics, A.B., 1961 IrMGARD Jochum, A.B., 1962 In the Teaching of Latin Byron Thomas Bekiares, A.B., 1961 In the Teaching of Social Studies Daniel Washburn Cain, A.B., 1953 Virginia Lee Colson, B.S., Kent State University, 19S6 Timothy Harold Little, A.B., Grinnell College, 1962 Philip Stephen Piszek, A.B., 1961 Constance Martha Rogier, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1959 Paul William Steinbeck, Jr., A.B., 1960 In the Teaching of Speech Elma Kum Chinn Luke, B.Ed., University of Hawaii, 1961 Milnor Kum Lynn Luke, B.Ed., University of Hawaii, 1961 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy James Frederic Antonio, B.S., Miami University, 1961 Robert Edward Gentry, B.S., 1949 Kenneth Hile St. Clair, B.S., 1956 In Advertising Myron David Berman, B.S., 1961 In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Francis Henry Bergonz, B.S., 1956 James Ronald Clements, B.S., University of Alabama, 1961 William Anthony Meyer, B.S., 1960 Edwin Francis Perlman, B.S., 1953 In Agricultural Engineering Earl Alfred Hudson, B.Agr.E., Cornell University, 1961 William Ralph Nave, B.S., University of Tennessee, 1954 Robert Earl Reints, Jr., B.S., 1960 In Agronomy Albert Thomas Halm, B.Sc, University College of North Wales, 1960 In Animal Science David Hiram Baker, B.S., 1961 In Architectural Engineering Walter Thomas Moske, B.Arch., 1962 John Eugene Nunemaker, B.Arch., 1962 In Astronomy Malcolm Isaac Raff, A.B., Gettysburg College, 1961 In Biological Sciences Gary Alan Mitchell, B.S., 1962 Lewis Joel Myles, B.S., 1961 In Biophysics Ramadan Issa Sha'afi, B.S., 1962 In Botany Maarib Darwish Lutfi Bakri, B.S., 1961 Ishemat SoerianegarA, Eng., University of Indonesia, 1961 Karen von Dessonneck, A.B., Stanford University, 1961 608 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 In Ceramic Engineering George Anthony Pecoraro, B.S., 1962 In Chemical Engineering Jack Solomon Berger, B.Ch.E., Cooper Union, 1961 Evelio Adolfo Perez-Albuerne, B.Ch.E., Villanova University, 1961 William Jessup Ward III, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1961 In Chemistry Richard Dale Bankert, B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1961 Bobbye Kaye Whitenton Baylis, B.S., Duke University, 1961 Elizabeth Maria Bilson, License, Sorbonne, 1960 Edward Bromels, B.S., Purdue University, 1961 Jack Che-Man Chang, A.B., Asbury College, 1961 Carol Lee DeWitt, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Sue Fullerton Eilers, B.S., 1961 June Rose Gray, B.S., University of Rangoon, 1960 Joseph Horace Incremona, B.S., State University of New York College of Education (Albany), 1961 Arthur Lonne Lane, A.B., Harvard College, 1961 Richard Gregg Lett, B.S., Michigan State University, 1961 Kenneth Ross Lucas, B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1961 Maurice Charles Norton, A.B., St. Paul Seminary, 1952; B.S., 1961 David Alvin Payne, A.B., Chico State College, 1961 Reginald Turner Puckett, B.S., University of Richmond, 1961 Milton Jerome Sabacky, A.B., Coe College, 1961 Hilda Ann Schwartz, B.S., Bucknell University, 1962 Oliver Seely, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1961 Gerald Eugene Sipes, A.B., Indiana Central College, 1961 Thomas Martin Warne, Jr., A.B., Yale University, 1961 Pax Samuel Pin Wei, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1960 In City Planning Gopal Krishna Kanhere, B.Arch., University of Bombay, 1959 Carl John Schenk, B.S., Valparaiso University, 1960 Erwin Lewis Williams, B.Arch., University of Nebraska, 1961 In Civil Engineering Mohammad Ali Akbarian, Diploma, Teheran University, 1960 Edmund Frederick Benard, B.S., University of the Witwatersrand, 1961 Robert George Bening, B.S., University of Missouri, 1955 Daniel Mason Brown, B.S., Duke University, 1961 Norman Kent Brown, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1958 Samuel Pickens Collins, Jr., B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 Roger Lee Corinth, B.S., 1958 Olin Lamar Dixon III, B.C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1955 Albert Francis Dorris, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1959 James Aaron Eddings, B.S., Clemson Agricultural College, 1962 Norberto Luchangco Faustino, B.S., Mapua Institute of Technology, 1961 Mohamed Kamel Gamal El-Din, B.C.E., Cairo University, 1959 Sudhindra Gupta, B.Eng., University of Calcutta, 1956 Ronald Ernest Hudson, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 Chandan Mal Jain, B.Eng., University of Rajasthan, 1961 Krishan Kumar Jain, B.S., University of Delhi, 1954; B.Eng., University of Roorkee, 1957 Theodore Dale Johnson, B.S., 1962 Vasant Ramchandra Kale, B.Eng., Benares Hindu University, 1958 Azer Kehnemuifur, B.S., Robert College, 1962 Lawrence Joseph Kramer, B.C.E., University of Dayton, 1962 David Miller Lee, B.C.E., University of Delaware, 1962 Ralph Leibe, B.Eng., McGill University, 1960 John William Leonard, B.S., Tufts University, 1962 Edward Jonq-Tsuey Liu, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1959 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 609 Yu-Chiao Lo, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1959 Leonard Anthony Lopez, B.S., Tufts University, 1962 Ward Royce Malisch, B.S., 1961 Walter Lyle Meyer, B.S., 1962 Loesakdi Nanthivachrinte, B.S., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), 1960 James Edward Nebraska, B.S., Ohio University, 1962 Jerry Frank Parola, B.S., 1962 Raouf Abdul Ridha, B.S., University of Baghdad, 1959 George Rogers Robertson, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 Claudio Sanchez Ramos, Civil Engr., National University of Colombia, 1961 Leslie Howard Savage, B.S., Virginia Military Institute, 1958 Robert Eugene Shewmaker, B.S., 1962 Carlos Szapsik Simenstein, Civil Engr., National Autonomous University of Mexico, 1961 Drew Anthony Tiedemann, B.S., 1962 John Henry Vickers, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1957 Robert Joe Westberg, B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1955; B.C.E., Rens- selaer Polytechnic Institute, 1958 Robert Hilton Wortman, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1957 David Donald Young, B.Eng., McGill University, 1960 Mehdi Shaghaghi Zarghamee, B.C.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1962 In Dairy Science John Arthur Bines, B.S., Wye College, University of London, 1961 Zefhaniah Owiro, B.S., 1962 In Dairy Technology Nicholas P. Melachouris, Graduate, Highest Agricultural School (Athens), 1958 In Economics John Michael Boie, B.S., 1962 Lawrence Arthur Boland, B.S., Bradley University, 1962 Robert Charles Cirese, B.S., DePaul University, 1960 Charles Henry Cline, B.S., 1960 Sanford Monzel Martin, Jr., A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1961 Aaron David Metz, B.S., 1958 Richard Wayne Truelick, B.S., 1962 In the Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Rita Borri Reiman, B.S., 1959 In Electrical Engineering Sadanand Dinkar Agashe, B.Eng., University of Bombay, 1961 Ali.en Marshall Barnett, B.S., 1962 Rodolfo Betancourt del Rio, Licenciado, Institute of Technology and Higher Studies of Monterrey (Mexico), 1962 James Dale Boyd, B.S., 1962 Direk Charoenphol, B.E.E., Clarkson College of Technology, 1961 Nicholas DelVecchio, B.S., Tufts University, 1962 Phillip Harris Doppelt, B.S., 1961 Richard Henry Eckhouse, Jr., B.E.E., Cornell University, 1962 John Paul Fallon, B.S., Tufts University, 1962 Melvin Ivan Gasper, B.S., State University of Iowa, 1962 Sujoy Kumar Guha, B.Tech., M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1961, Dennis Calvin Hall, B.S., 1962 Doean David Hershberger, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1945; A.B., Goshen College, 1946 Raymond John Hoaglin, B.S., Arizona State University, 1962 Gary Fredrick Hoech, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1961 Jay Housholder, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1962 Edward Hudock, B.S., University of Michigan, 1952 610 board of trustees [June 19 Donald Aloysius Kasnak, B.S., 1962 Ronald Lloyd Klein, B.S., 1962 Komandur Ramu Krishnan, B.Eng., Nagpur University, 1962 Clark Nelson Kurtz, B.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 195Q Wing Chiu Leung, B.S., 1962 Bernardo Levy, Licenciado, Institute of Technology and Higher Studies of Mon terrey (Mexico), 1962 John Robert Linford, B.E.S., Brigham Young University, 1960 Joseph George McCarthy, B.S., 1962 Archie Charles McKellar, B.S., University of Alberta, 1958 John Michael Motil, B.S., University of Alberta, 1960 Donald Stewart Parry, B.S., Purdue University, 19S5 Edwin Lewis Post, B.Eng., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1962 William Lee Rickhoff, B.S., Valparaiso University, 1961 Robb Nichols Russell, B.S. (Engineering), B.S. (Electrical Engineering) Trinity College, 1960, 1961 Steven Browning Sample, B.S., 1962 Alberto Mayer Sasson McKeown, B.S., 1961 Harold Shichman, B.S.E., University of Michigan, 1962 Ram Shankar Shukla, B.Eng., M.Eng., University of Jabalpur, 1957, 1960 John Lucian Spellman, B.S., 1962 Sheo Prasad Srivastava, B.S., M.S., Benares Hindu University, 1951, 1953 Thomas John Ulaszek, B.S., 1962 Takao Utsumi, B.S., University of Tokyo, 1956 Paul Francis Virobik, B.S., 1962 Richard James Wallstrom, B.S., 1959 Richard Michael White, B.S., 1962 Robert Edward Willard, B.S., 1962 William Allan Wulf, B.S., 1961 In Entomology John Duane Unzicker, B.S., 1962 In Food Technology Frank Theodor Burgheimer, B.S., Cornell University, 1962 In Geology Mohamed Taha El-Ashry, B.S., Cairo University, 1959 Jack Roger Palomino Cardenas, Ing.Geol., National University of San Marcos (Peru), 1961 In Health Education Michael Herbert Mostow, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1962 Zander Ponzo, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1962 In Home Economics Sara Umberger Douglas, B.S., Kansas State University, 1961 Audrey Gronert Gieseking, B.S., 1961 Corinne Petrusia Marie Greschuk, B.S., University of Alberta, 1961 June Louise Hefter, B.S., 1960 Quei-Shiow Hwang, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1960 Nancy Lee Overpeck Keppler, B.S., University of Miami, 1960 In Home Economics Education Glenna Jean Blunier, B.S., 1961 In Horticulture Bhola Nath Mazumdah, B.S., Benares Hindu University, 1948 In Journalism Ira Lee Baker, A.B., Wake Forest College, 1936; A.M., Columbia University, 1952 In Library Science Mary Joyce Baker, A.B., Simpson College, 1962 Anna Marie Bosely, A.B., West Virginia University, 1962 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 611 Mary Hudson Brickey, A.B., 1962 Margot Gowdy Brockmeyer, A.B., Cornell College, 1958 Carol Lee Doty, B.S., Wheaton College (Illinois), 1954 Lucy Emily Grimm, A.B., Dickinson College, 1961 Saundra Beth Harry, B.S., University of Omaha, 1957 Lorraine Ethel Hartwick, A.B., Augustana College, 1958 Sandra Ott Herzinger, A.B., Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1960 Clayton Douglas Highum, B.S., Mayville State Teachers College, 1956; M.S., State Teachers College (St. Cloud, Minnesota), 1960 Patricia Ann Hudson, B.S., 1958 Evelyn Leona Johnson, A.B., Augustana College, 1953 Mary McAnulty Landon, A.B., North Texas State University, 1961 Julia Yun-chu Tang Lee, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1956 Wei-Cheng Lee, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1955; M.S., Southern Illinois University, 1962 Ruth Godfrey Lindahl, A.B., 1958 Geraldine Marilyn Long, A.B., Asbury College, 1958 Sara Fister MacAlpine, A.B., Syracuse University, 1931 Cloe Lois Bedford Osborn, B.S., A.M., 1938, 1957 Margaret Karen Palmer, A.B., Washington University, 1961 Johnnie Louise Phillips, B.S., Loyola University, 1961 Alberta Louise Richetelle, B.S., New Haven State Teachers College, 1961 Wilbur Kirkwood Rosenkranz, B.S., 1962 John Bartholomew St. Leger, A.B., A.M., University of Richmond, 1956, 1961 Rozella Blood Smith, A.B., M.S., University of Wichita, 1932, 1933 Mary Ellen Soper, A.B., 1955 Ted Filo Srygley, A.B., University of Florida, 1960 Matilda Thompson Starns, A.B., University of Oklahoma, 1941 Karen Elaine Sutherland, A.B., Carroll College, 1962 Samuel Curtiss Tefft, A.B., Grinnell College, 1962 Elizabeth Scrogham Vierling, B.S., 1962 Marilyn Ruth Voegele, A.B., University of Colorado, 1958 Lucille Mathena Wert, A.B., Morningside College, 1942; B.S., Simmons College, 1945 Patricia Jean Wilson, A.B., 1962 In Management Edward Thomas Graening, B.S., Evansville College, 1958 Robert Roy Wehrle, B.S., 1958 In Marketing Joseph Wells Skehen, B.S., 1960 In Mathematics Robert Jeffery Alexander, B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1961 Robert Edward Comley, B.S., M.S., State University of New York College of Education (Albany), 1955, 1957 Charles Good Denlinger, A.B., Elizabethtown College, 1961 Gordon Kendrick Dicker, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1947; M.S. (Physics), 1952 David Joseph Gries, B.S., Queens College, 1960 Terrence Joseph Hobin, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1961 Karen Estelle Krull, A.B., Carthage College, 1961 Pressley Warwick Millar, A.B., Brown University, 1961 Philip Newcomb Nanzetta, B.S., North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, 1962 Barbara Jean Pardini, B.S., 1960 Thomas George Ralley, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1961 William Albert Sanders, A.B., Rockford College, 1962 Paul Hanson Tingleff, B.S., 1961 Gary Roger Tippett, B.S., Bradley University, 1961 Robert Greig Ward, A.B., DePauw University, 1955 612 board of trustees [June 19 In Mechanical Engineering Gene Frederick Ahlquist, B.S., 1962 Harry George Beckenholdt, B.S., St. Louis University, 1962 Robert Winfred Bunton, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1961 Charles Raymond Castellano, B.S., University of New Hampshire, 1961 Probir Kumar Chatterjea, B.S., Bihar University, 1954; B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1958 Kwang-Yeh Chen, Graduate, National Amoy University, 1946 Teng Hsueh Chuang, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1960 Robert Eugene Eilers, B.S., 1961 Raafat Mahmoud Hussien El-Barrad, B.S., Ain Shams University, 1952 Floyd Corliss Hayes, B.S., 1962 Clinton Percival Rhicard, B.S., Norwich University, 1957 Joe Edward Sanders, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1956 James Martin Sigler, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 James Joseph Stukel, B.S., Purdue University, 1959 Daniel William Sutherland, B.S., University of Colorado, 1961 Bard Clark Teigen, B.S., Montana State College, 1962 In Metallurgical Engineering Patricia Mae Bunn, A.B., St. Joseph College (Connecticut), 1960 Jon Otto Nelson, B.S., Purdue University, 1961 Robert Paul Zerwekh, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1961 In Microbiology Sondra Roberta Stein, B.S., 1962 In Mining Engineering Dilip Kumar Sen, B.S., University of Calcutta, 1942; Diploma, Indian School of Mines, 1948 In Music Education James Zuill Bailey, B.S., East Carolina College, 1962 Michael Donald Bennett, B.Mus., University of Arizona, 1960 Terry Jay Brennan, B.Mus., MacMurray College, 1962 Glen Roy Danielson, B.Mus.Ed., Milton College, 1959 Michael John Delaney, A.B., Elmhurst College, 1957 Bonzie Mae Gilbert, B.Mus., Baldwin-Wallace College, 1957 Terry Hamilton Howard, B.S., Ithaca College, 1961 James Brown Lyke, B.S., State University of New York College of Education (Fredonia), 1954; A.M., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1959 Laurence Alfred Mack, B.Mus.Ed., Northwestern University, 1962 Eddie Spencer Meadows, B.S., Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University, 1962 Marthan Dusch Roberts, B.Mus., MacMurray College, 1951 Byron Leon Roderick, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1962 Gaylord Dean Spotts, B.S., 1956 William Harper Trexler, B.S., 1960 Arlene Joanne Verbeski, B.Mus., 1961 James Ronald Von Feldt, B.Mus.Ed., University of Wichita, 1962 Benjamin Edmund Williams, B.S., 1957 Benjamin Wilson Woodruff, Jr., A.B., University of South Carolina, 1961 In Nuclear Engineering Bernard Hugh Cherry, B.S., 1962 Kin Ying Cheung, B.S., University of Michigan, 1961 Nelson Sutton DeMuth, Jr., B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1961 John Philip Kutz, B.S., 1962 William Joseph Westhoff, Geophysical Engr., Colorado School of Mines, 1955; M.S. (Civil Engineering), 1963 Saiyid Mohammed Naqi Zaidi, B.S., Aligarh Muslem University, 1950; M.S., University of Colorado, 1956 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 613 In Physical Education James Harold Bishoff, B.S., 1962 Raymond Fritziof Carson, A.B., Augustana College, 1961 William Leas Haskell, A.B., University of California (Santa Barbara), 1960 Kathleen Frances Heath, A.B., Marylhurst College, 1953 In Physics John Laurence Anderson, Jr., B.S., Eastern Kentucky State College, 1961 Andras Miklos Bardos, Matura, Budapest, 1956; B.S., 1962 Wiluam Eeic Baylis, B.S., Duke University, 1961 Eugene William Beier, B.S., Stanford University, 1961 Cheuk-Kin Chau, A.B., MacMurray College, 1962 Frederick Yi-Tung Cho, B.S., University of California (Los Angeles), 1962 Donald John DeSmet, B.S., 1962 Ronald Hart Durrett, B.S., 1962 Charles Arthur Ebner, A.B., Cornell University, 1962 Jose Granes Sellares, B.S., 1962 David Gordon Hamblen, A.B., Williams College, 1962 Robert William Hosken, B.E.E., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1961 Brian Charles Koleto, B.S., 1962 Alfred Adam Kugler, B.S., McMaster University, 1962 Tae Journ Lie, B.S., Seoul National University, 1958 William Robert Lieb, B.S., 1962 John Hood Lowenstein, A.B., Harvard College, 1962 Jerrold Lloyd McNatt, B.S., Wheaton College, 1962 Edgar Eugene Morris, B.S., Ottawa University, 1961 Miles Anthony Nelson, B.S., 1962 Kaung Nyunt, B.S., University of Rangoon, 1959 William Douglas Phelps, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1961 Robert Francis Pierret, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1962 Charles Gordon Robbins, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961 David Allan Robinson, B.S., Stanford University, 1961 Fredrich Adam Rohatsch, B.S., 1962 Jeffrey David Rosendhal, A.B., Williams College, 1962 Alexander Shapiro, B.S., McGill University, 1961 John Ernest Smith, Jr., B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961 Victor G. Stotland, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962 Roy Cannon Thatcher, B.S., Stanford University, 1961 Theresa Shu-yi Wang, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1960 David Walter Wilson, B.S., 1961 Marvin John Woodring, B.S., Montana State College, 1959 In Physiology James Melvin Freed, B.S., McPherson College, 1961 Keun Shil Lee, B.S., Yonsei University (Korea), 1959 Jerry Royce Reel, A.B., Indiana State Teachers College, 1960 James Michael Waligora, B.S., 1961 Harve Clark Wilson, A.B., Indiana University, 1961 John Drennan Wilson, A.B., Carleton College, 1960 In Plant Pathology James Arthur Bauling, B.S., 1961 In Radio and Television Robert Oral Endres, B.S., 1962 Mary Alice Mayer, A.B., Clarke College, 1962 In Recreation David Lee Gossard, B.S., 1961 James LeRoy Thomas, A.B., Cornell College, 1959 In Sanitary Engineering Sambhunath Ghosh, B.Eng., University of Calcutta, 1956 Richard Paul Kaptain, B.S., 1954 614 board of trustees [June 19 Louis William Lefke, B.S., 1958 Donald Wayne Neibel, B.S., 1961 Charles Hayden Smith, B.S., 1955 In Speech Correction Judith Ann Cook, A.B., Mundelein College, 1962 In the Teaching of Biological Sciences and General Science Lawrence Bernard Brueggeman, B.S., 1952 Robert Keith Hanson, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 In the Teaching of Chemistry Keith Melvin Leedy, B.S., 1962 Marvin Francis Meissen, B.S., 1958 In the Teaching of Mathematics David Kydd Batchelor, B.S., South Dakota State College, 1962 Fremont Chester Ferchen, B.S., Niagara University, 1950 David Paul Liebchen, B.S., Capital University, 1962 Kenneth Lee McCord, B.S., Nebraska State Teachers College (Kearney), 1950 Inez Wheeler Westgate, A.B., Radcliffe College, 1961 Ronald Todd Wright, B.S., 1959 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Carson Thurston Brown, B.S., 1962 Peter Janzen, B.S., University of Alberta, 1961 Ernest Vance Lenzi, B.S., 1962 John David Martin, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1961 Tom Max Mulcahy, B.S., 1961 Wallace William Noll, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1953 Claudio Edmondo Todeschini, B.S., University of Capetown, 1959 William Alan Van Der Sluys, B.S., Michigan College of Mining and Technology, 1961 Edward Ming Chi Wu, B.S., 1960 In Veterinary Medical Science Michel G. Cote, Certificate, School of Veterinary Medicine of Quebec, 1960 Bronislaw Mendlowski, Vet.Physician, Veterinary College of Edinburgh, 1944 Harry Aaron Reynolds, Jr., A.B., Gettysburg College, 1952; D.V.M., University of Pennsylvania, 1956 James Brannon Sharp, Jr., D.V.M., University of Georgia, 1956 Lal Madho Singh, B.V.Sc. and A.H., Agra University, 1960 In Zoology Rollin David Andrews III, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1955 Russell Paul Balda, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Oshkosh), 1961 William Stewart Brooks, A.B., Ripon College, 1960 Lois Steben Haertel, B.S., 1961 Harold William Lunt, A.B., University of California (Santa Barbara), 1956 James Wayne Tate, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1960 Donald Kraft Underhill, A.B., University of Minnesota, 1959 Degree of Master of Music David Lyman Albee, B.Mus.Ed., Evansville College, 1961 Jon Ward Bauman, B.Mus., University of Colorado, 1961 Barbara Rainwater Foster, B.F.A., M.F.A., University of Georgia, 1958, 1960 Edward Glen Hull, B.Mus., Syracuse University, 1962 Albert Dunning King, B.Mus., Houghton College, 1961 Kenneth Robert Marshall, B.Mus., B.S., 1961, 1962 Alan Miller Porter, B.Mus., Mount Union College, 1961 William Donald Rankin, A.B., B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1961, 1961 David Robert Whaley, B.Mus.Ed., Drake University, 1961 Ronald Alvin Worstell, B.Mus., 1961 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 61S Degree of Master of Education Cynthia Janice Allen, B.S., 1959 LORNA Jean Anderson, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Tohn Edward Arnold, A.B., University of Tulsa, 1960 Robert James Beck, B.S., 1960 Tames Douglas Bemis, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 Jeralp Edward Binkley, B.S., 1958 Harold Emanuel Blehm, B.S., University of Maryland, 1959 Robert James Briggs, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1960 Charles Ned Brown, A.B., McKendree College, 1958 Donald Alan Bush, B.S., 1961 John McTaggart Bustard, B.S., 1960 Arnold Norbert Cajet, B.S., 1957 Alphonse Duane Cerasoli, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1961 Tames Christensen, Jr., A.B., Barrington College, 1951; A.B., Millikin University, 1962 Grace Lottie Chynoweth, B.S., Michigan State University, 1957 Louise Lienesch Clem, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1949 Waltz Vernon Conner, A.B., University of Kentucky, 1952 Hurlie Dameron Coose, B.S., University of Missouri, 1960 Marvin Arthur Damron, B.S., 1958 Joan Davis, A.B., 1962 Wayne La Verne Deal, A.B., Greenville College, 1958 Richard Charles Devecchio, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Norman Stanley Douglas, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1956 Gerald Uldrich Fain, A.B., State College of Iowa, 1956 Joseph Jeffery Finley, B.S., Bishop College, 1951 James William Foran, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 LeRoy John Frederichs, B.S., 1959 Susan Jean Kahl Funkhouser, B.S., 1959 Anita Elder Gaffney, B.S., 1961 Delwin Lee Gericke, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 Jerry Lee Gifford, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Marcia Glasgow, B.S., 1961 Florence Roberts Goedde, A.B., Washington University, 1956 Jerry Lee Greer, B.S., Central Missouri State College, 1960 Martha Jacobs Harkin, A.B., Syracuse University, 1961 Martha Huxtable Harris, B.S., 1962 William Edward Haworth, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1959 Edward Earl Hayes, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1955 Dwight George Heckert, B.S., 1962 Margaret Mary Heischmidt, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 Betty Black Henry, B.S., 1959 Lauren Edward Hollinberger, B.S., Iowa State University, 1957 Roy Hulfachor, B.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1954 Frank Lucien Jambois, B.S., 1958 John David Johnson, B.S., 1959 Yoshiko Nakahiro Kanazawa, A.B., University of California, 1957 Mary Teresa Kelly, B.S., Marquette University, 1954 Roberta Johnston Kemmerer, A.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1950 William Joseph Koubek, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1958 Bill Wynne Lash, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 Charles Edward Laws, B.S., Northwestern University, 1958 Donald Lynn Luddeke, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1958 Agnes Ione Majernik, A.B., College of St. Francis, 1959 Sandra Lou Maxwell, B.S., Greenville College, 1961 Barbara Ann Mayer, A.B., Knox College, 1958 Donald Earl McCollem, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1961 Howard Franklin McManus, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1936 Lee Otis Mieure, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1952 Lewis Edward Moncrief, B.S., 1946 Richard Thomas Mormino, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 616 BOARD OF TRUSTEES f June 19 Donald Richard Neff, B.S., Ohio State University, 1957 In Young O, A.B., Seoul National University, 1955 Ethel Illk Oakwood, B.S., 1931 Diane Rae Prentice, B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1955 Hal Eugene Prichard, B.S., Millikin University, 1959 Hugh Raines, B.S., George Peabody College for Teachers, 1958 Herbert John Rapley, B.Gen.Ed., University of Omaha, 1955; B.S., University of Maryland, 1958 ' Anna Mae Trizna Repke, B.S., College of St. Francis, 1960 Philip Carlton Rice, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1960 David Walter Ritchie, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois University, 1939 Philippa Warburg Rogge, A.B., B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1948, 1950 Safija Sarich, B.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1954 Elaine Helen Schmitt, B.S., Bradley University, 1955 Barbara Jeane Schob, B.S., 1959 Nancy Jean Schreiber, B.S., 1962 Pauline Parker Schriber, B.S., 1932 Marcia McKee Sedgwick, A.B., Monmouth College, 1952 Margaret Ellen Shallcross, A.B., Beloit College, 1961 Mary Ingram Stayton, B.S., 1958 Dorothy Claire Faust Stephens, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1961 Betty Jo Suhr, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 Donald Ray Swallow, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Edwin McMunn Swengel, A.B., 1938 Robert Wayne Tucker, B.S., Culver-Stockton College, 1958 Linda Gavan Ward, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1962 Thomas Franklin Warren, A.B., Augustana College, 1961 Martin Truman Whited, B.S., 1954 William Ross Zbinden, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Degree of Master of Social Work Esther Stark Balkan, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1960 Mildred Green Berman, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1961 Mary Susan Boardman, A.B., Carleton College, 1959 Elizabeth Chubb Brown, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1957 Sondra Marie Brunke, B.S., Loyola University, 1954 Barry Jeffrey Cane, A.B., University of California (Los Angeles), 1961 Nan Christine Chapin, A.B., Carleton College, 1955 Julianne Ferguson, A.B., Augustana College, 1960 Merle Wilbur Funk, A.B., Wartburg College, 1956 Beatrice Gershowitz, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1960 Barbara Ann Royer Graham, A.B., Willamette University, 1961 Charles Albert Handley, Jr., B.S., Michigan State University, 1959 Daphne Chalmers-Francis Joy, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1961 Helen Bjellaness Lindquist, B.S., University of Minnesota, 1947 Charlotte Elizabeth May, B.S., 1960 David William McCreath, B.S., Iowa State University, 1957; B.D., McCormick Theological Seminary, 1961 Dorothy Emily Mika, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1961 Una Lee Manuel Patton, A.B., MacMurray College, 1959 Sylvia Dorecia Suddeth Ragland, A.B., Lincoln University, 1955 Phyllis Ellen Rauth, A.B., DePauw University, 1957 Mary Roberta Barr Reed, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1961 Marcelene May Reich, A.B., Heidelberg College, 1960 Henry Kristian Ronnow, A.B., Macalester College, 1959 Gregory Charles Rudolph, A.B., Loras College, 1960 Robert Edward Schacht, B.S., Greenville College, 1961 Sylvia Jo Schlueter, B.S., 1959 Martha Jane Shupack, A.B., Adelphi College, 1959 George Herman Spriggs, A.B., Alma College, 1956; B.D., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1959 Bruce Chaffee Turner, A.B., Millikin University, 1961 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 617 Degree of Master of Fine Arts In Landscape Architecture Kehchi Shinoda, B.S., Chiba University (Japan), 1960 In Painting and Printmaking John Robert Ceayne, B.F.A., 1960 Richard Alan Lazzaro, B.F.A., Kent State University, 1961 Judith Ann Stewart, B.F.A., Syracuse University, 1961 \gnes Bradley Taugner, B.F.A., 1954 Karl Heinz Wolter, B.F.A., Syracuse University, 1961 Degree of Master of Accounting Science Hilding Dale Carlson, B.S., 1962 David Lawrence De Motte, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1962 Frank Jay Koster, B.S., 1962 Harris Nasution, B.S., 1962 Allan Seymour Rosenbaum, B.S., University of Colorado, 1962 Stanley Irwin Rosenthal, B.S., 1962 R. Arifin Wirakusumah, B.S., 1962 Degree of Master of Architecture William Kase Davis, B.Arch., 1960 Robert James Schill, B.Arch., 1962 Lakshmi Chand Sharma, B.Arch., University of Delhi, 1960 Chih-Chun Tien, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1960 Degree of Master of Comparative Law Gregoria Soan Ong, A.B., University of the Philippines, 1954; LL.B., University of Manila, 1958 Degree of Master of Commerce Edward Thomas O'Meara, B.S., Washington University, 1957 Neil Sarah, B.Econ., University of Adelaide (Australia), 1961 Degree of Master of Business Administration Stephen Earle Benson, A.B., Augustana College, 1961 Richard Max Burton, B.S., 1961 Danny Joseph Laughhunn, B.S., 1961 Thomas Edward Mesetz, B.S., 1961 Randal McCrillis Smith, B.S., 1961 Advanced Certificate In Education Richard Keith Cherry, B.S., Ed.M., 1950, 1959 Richard Dix Doles, B.S., M.S., Butler University, 1956, 1962 Josefina Villanueva Estolas, B.S., Far Eastern University (Philippines), 1958; A.M., University of Nebraska, 1961 Mary Christine Felty, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958; Ed.M., 1960 John Martin George, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1948, 1950 Emmitt Charles Jeffress, B.S., Ed.M., 1952, 1958 Mary Lorraine Lamb, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1952; M.S., 1956 Richard Lee McCannon, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1950, 1954 Henry Charles Meyer, B.S., Ed.M., 1950, 1951 Edward Migielicz, B.S., Southeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1944; M.S., 1950 Alvin Harris Moeller, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1953; Ed.M., 1958 Evelyn Mae Moyle, B.S., M.S., Northern Illinois University, 1951, 1954 Willis Calvert Rardin, Jr., B.Ed., Eastern Illinois University, 1947; M.S., 1950 Jewell Butler Willoughby, B.S., Ed.M., University of Louisville, 1956, 1962 Norma Roever Zimmer, B.S., Ed.M., 1941, 1957 618 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 In Music Education Howard DeWitt Johnson, B.Mus.Ed., M.Mus.Ed., Municipal University of Wichita, 19S7, 1958 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture Gary Michael Abernathy Herbert Eldo Adams Anthony Akinola Agboola Lanny Earl Anderson Samuel Robert Atai Robert Gale Baker Peter James Barry, Honors Maurice Walter Bell Allen Robert Bollman Stephen Michael Broman Jerry Raymond Brookhart Hakvey Al Carley Thomas Wayne Clark, Honors Dale Eugene Cochran William Robert Cole, High Honors Robert John Condon Joseph Michael Corbin William Clarence Crabbs Walter Clarence Crackel Daniel John Doedtman Charles Bowebs Doubet Patrick Arthur Duffy Dale William Fathauer, Honors John Owen Findlay William Hedrick Fugate Jerry Dean Gard Gerald David Gehlbach Thomas John Gelwicks David Glenn Gilchbist Chester Lee Goodrich Lynn Irvin Gosnell Eldon Francis Gould Dan Wesley Gouwens Russell Thomas Hainline James Jacob Hammond Paul George Harms Robert Leroy Hatch Jerry Lee Hoffman Dennis Lee Hohlbaugh William Mark Hull David Lee Inskeep David Martin Jahn Henry Aloysius Kattner Thomas Stephen Kavelman David Stevenson Killey George Otto Krahn Edward Harper Leonard Roger William Loudon Morris David Luck Clint William Magill, High Honors James Louis Manthe Ronald Vaughan Mays Donald Ray McCormick Cedric Seymour McCulloch LaVerne James McGinnis Larry Gene Melhouse William Robert Mullins James Warren Munton Dave Lee Mussulman, Honors Leon Berton Perkinson Max Arnold Peterson, High Honors Francis Clyde Pierson Robert Joseph Reber, High Honors Richard Gene Rehn Martin Gerald Rink Roger Joseph Roney Wayne Leroy Sampson, Honors Donald Gene Sargeant Gerald Thomas Schelling Dale Eldon Schroeder, Honors Melvin Kenton Schuh Bryce Arlen Sides Robert Allen Sinclair Kenneth Leslie Smith Donald James Snodgrass Ronald Lee Stickler, Honors Edward Francis Stokes John Sharon Teuscher Kenneth Deane Thomas, Jr. Daniel Eugene Vogler Roger David Wenberg Cbaig Owen Wesner William Henry Wilson John David Witzig Frank James Wooding James Paul Woods Charles Stewart Zeigler Mark Daniel Zimmerman Thomas Edward Cain Gary Duane Flickinger Dennis Theodore Gordon In Dairy Technology Paul Reid Hocking Kenneth Edward Roberts George Loren Schaufelberger In Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture Michael James Healy, Honors Theodore Ernest Kupferschmid Merle Louis Krause, Jr. Larry Gene Rose Leo Wilhelm Quirk, Honors In Food Technology 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 619 Ronald Thomas Andersen John Allen Billingsley Michael Edward Hittmeier Merrill Ray Kaufmann Robert Anthony Kundrot In Home Elizabeth Elaine Armstrong, High Honors Rebecca West Beeler Sandra Pavlovic Boland Beverly Jean Bollman Mary Margaret Clark Flo Ella Corzine Nina Elizabeth Eastman Sandra Lee Frew Gay Antonie Galle Dena Jill Gallehue Nancy Mason Gregory Ruth Ann Groppel Mareta Lou Hayes Janet Lee Irick, High Honors Rebecca Joan Kepley, Honors Mary Lynne Kirchner, Honors Deanna Carole Kirschbaum Mary Sue Knuppel Doris Jean Lum Lynda Kay Middendorf Judith Louise Mohan Elizabeth Cunningham Moulton Kolleeta Yvonne Moyes In Forestry Ronald Lee Laechelt, Honors Richard Lee Liston, Honors Donald Rex Payton Hobart Henry Riley Economics Nellie McLaughlin Nicholson Margaret Herzer Olson Joanne Dorothea Paulsen, High Honors Joanne Elizabeth Petty, High Honors Judith Ann Prochnow Sharon Frances Reifsteck Ruth Helen Reints Suzanne McGill Ross Lynn Lucille Schaefer Sue Ann Schierholtz Rita Lauterbach Schlueter, Honors Barbara Ann Schumacher Pauline Louise Seefeldt Sally Joanne Shipp Judith Kay Smith Camille Janet Stagg Hyo Chung Suh Jean Marie Sutrina Bonnie Marie Swanson Janet Hajek Vancata Carolyn Rose Virus, High Honors Marlene Sue Yontz In Home Margaret Coogan Blanford Jane Brissenden Karen Cremieux Browne Vera Ruth Dean, High Honors Sharon Elaine Earnest Brenda Fisher Ferguson Sandra Jane Gass Economics Education Phyllis Ann Gilmore Joyce Cook Goggin Harriett Jean Gross Nancy Jean Hartman Sue Ann Ramsay, Honors Asdis Maureen Rewerts, Honors Judy Sue Whittaker In Restaurant Management Eleanor Sternaman Curry Anthony Joseph Zeppetella Karl Peterson West COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering James Michael Adell Larry Scott Bender, Highest Honors Alexander Henry Cavenaile Robert Pang Chen Walter Stephen Craigle William Hofmann Drysdale, Honors Gerald Quick Gustafson William Edward Hartung, High Honors Stephen Campbell Henderson George Francis Herbst Brian Dennis Hickey Frank William Huber James Campbell Tones William Joseph Karger Donald Joseph Koetting Bernard Frederick Krueger Robert Vincent Kunzmann William Theophile Lewerenz, Honors Michael Gene Marion Larry Phillip McGinness Harold Evan Meisterling William Henry Nottingham Raymond Samuel Oliver Glenn Gilbert Ormbrek 620 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Joseph Palermo Kent Arnold Pinter, Honors Roy Timothy Schemensky, High Honors Jeffrey Herman Schmidt Neil Barry Siecel Richard Haines Watson, Honors Walter Leslie Weaver, Honors In Agricultural Engineering Mervin George Aden Ronald George Stasell Richard Glenn Carlson, Honors Bernard Robert Tennes Patrick Arthur Duffy Jerry Roland Weieel In Ceramic Charles Martin Aslasken James Raymond Friedrichs Richard Sharpless Harmer III David Charles Johnson Harold Sheldon Kanost David Herbert Lindstrom Lawrence Lee Martin Thomas Joseph Milliken Engineering Jerry Allen Mosbarger Jerome Robert O'Donnell William Howard Payne Robert Paul Radtke Ralph Edward Rose Clifford Gerald Ruderer, Honors Robert Alan Vernetti George Micheal Anselmo Don Paul Armstrong Raymond Arthur Beazley David Nathan Bilow Jerry Dee Brand Bernard John Casey, High Honors Ronald Lee Day Richard Young Emerson Richard Kingo Fuchino Dennis Howard Furby Wilfred Giltner Woodrow Harry Gump Richard Lynn Holmes Daniel Wham Hoyt Donald Eugene Janka George Fred Jennings Odd Harald Johnsrud Richard John Kolodziej ngineering Jack Howard Kotter Paul Frederick Kramer William Anthony Kreutzjans Martin Leiter Steve Peter Limbers Gerald Lee Martoglio Gerald Lawrence Peters Richard Louis Plambeck John James Sadzewicz Conrad Otto Saltenberger Spyros Hak Sillas Dennis William Stolldorf Larry Dale Stroup Carl Edward Turnquist James Melvin Vasconcelles Dennis Bernard Warner Jay Louis Werth In Electrical Stanley Casimir Antosz Francis Olwell Archer, Jr. Robert Baldacci John Elliott Bamberger, High Honors Mark George Barmann Paul Anthony Boeing Kenneth James Breeding John Russell Bunting Wilfred Clifton Cadwell Duane Gregory Carlson, Highest Honors Robert John Cattoir, Highest Honors Gary Wayne Chesney Ronald Lee Chisenhall Richard Walter Ciesla Arthur John Collmeyer, High Honors David Allan Connolly Stephen Harlan Curry Dhimat Ratilal Desai William John DeVey, Jr. Kirby Trent Dixon, Honors Donald Louis Dominic Engineering Gary Joseph Drinan John Paul Dyben John Theodore Ehler III Richard Allen Erlandson Calvin Ray Evans Dale Harry Fencken Rafael Fernandez-Sein, High Honors Gary Norman Fierstien, Highest Honors Dale Arthur Fogle, Highest Honors Thomas Edward Ford, High Honors James William Galvin Gerald Lee Giacomino Elliot Howard Goldman Dennis Berton Grantham Douglas Michael Grimes Richard Claude Griswold Eduardo Gutierrez Leon Fredrich Joseph Haber, High Honors Eugene Lawrence Haggerty John Richard Hajostek Arthur Harris Hardy, Jr. Richard Louis Hauser 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 621 Raymond Lawrence Hawkins Lubomvr Peter Hawryluk James Phillip Herner, Highest Honors Ralph William Holm Ronnie Allan Hoyt, Highest Honors William Barnum Jenkins Richard Alan Johnson Wayne Edward Jowasky James Joseph Kaspar Paul Alphonse Kassel Lynn Oris Resler Ahmad Mohammad Khorshid George Jerry Kohout Paul Michael Kolesar Michael Edward Larkin Richard Gale Leeds Roger Blaine Licon Raymond Lucien Loiselle, High Honors Edward Abraham Mark, Honors David Anthony Markey Francis John Martin Ralph Edmund Martin Joseph Henry McConaghie, Jr. David Ernest McCormick Edwin Raymond McCullough, Honors William Paul McDowell, Honors David Warren Meinert Kenneth John George Miller, Jr. Ralph Edwin Moorhouse John Edward Moroney Gerald Edwin Mueller James William Mueller Robert Eugene Munson Frank James Nachman Andrew Richard Neureuther, Highest Honors Daniel Joseph Newton Werner Ronald Olle William Edward Olson James Allen Pampe Jon Henry Payne David Elliot Perkins Eugene Gerald Peterson Howard Cooper Peterson Phillip George Pflueger Donald John Powers David Allan Preves William Wayne Robinson Harry Thomas Roche Jack Allen Rosenthal Gerald Laurence Roski William Lee Schallhammer Thomas Frank Scygiel James Richard Skaggs Joseph Julius Smith Henry Armstrong Spellman, Honors Thomas Andrew Stuart Allen David Sypherd Michael Stuart Tamkin Robert John Tertel Irwin Evan Tuckman Terry Ben Tvaroh Richard Lee Votoupal Emory Albert Wakat, Jr. George Harry Warren George Robert Willenborg Roger Rawhy Yaminy, Honors Thomas Michael Zimmer Thaddeus John Zurawski, Jr. In Engineering Mechanics John Learned Ford David Howick Russell Elmer Robert Giese, Jr. William George Steiner Richard Dixon Gillis, Honors Warren Allen Thurson Henry Frederick Johnson George Helm Ursin Julius Myron Rothschild Edward Michael Bohn Dennis Dee Brunnenmeyer Wade Monroe Carll William Edward Collins Harold Alan Davis David Ropp Earles, Honors Robert Charles Eckardt Kenneth Edward Evans, Jr., Honors Donald Urban Gubser, Honors Robert Eugene Hetrick, High Honors In Engineering Physics Altan Mustafa Ozen Vytautas Victor Palciauskas, Honors Arvydas Paul Paulikas David George Schaeffer, Highest Honors Maurice Leon Schiff James Frederick Shunk, Honors Robert Curtiss Strauss Thomas Anthony Tumolillo Barry Leslie Werner, High Honors Larry Allen West Conrad Anthony Wilgus Jose Katz-Masson, High Honors WlESLAW LUDWIK LlCHODZlEJEWSKI Jerry Edward Minnear In General Engineering Dennis Winfred Anderson Champ Wilburn Davis, Jr. Warren James Broll Thomas Ernest Dow 622 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Boyd Lew Harrold Gerald Keiji Kita John Robert Korngiebel John Graham Laurenson Wallace Jay Lovelace Constance Jeanette Mayer Thomas Robert Metzger Charles Kennedy Meyers Michael Robert Phillips Inno Rasina Michael Edward Sherman Leonard Douglas Shuck Herbert Jay Singer Larry Gordon Stapp Darrell Eugene Stoll Robert Paul Stromberg David Ivan Tatman James Kenneth Taylor Charles Henry Thomas Edward Carl Wahl Robert Archie Watson Richard Duane Wilen Kenneth Dwayne Woods In Industrial Engineering Charles Everett Alm, Honors Manuel Jose Alvarez Arango Hart Alden Fisher Thomas Gardner Richard Wallace Higgins Wayne Glenn Johnson Raymond Joseph Kelly Larry Wallace Kroff Melvin Stanley Lelko Richard Michelsen James Philip Miller Julio Palacios Tobon Charles Earle Perrin Robert Allan Ravas Ben Jay Rosenthal Richard Earl Thompson Robert Kirk Ulman Mark Edward Westerland In Mechanical Engineering James Alben Bauer Charles Stephen Beshore Burdette Leslie Boers George Thurm Brockman, Honors Neil Franklin Brown Paul Royce Brown Thomas Joseph Bubula Benicio Ignacio Dussan Villaveces Robert James Frye Neal Fredrick Gilleran Donald Lawrence Gimbel Robert Arthur Glomb Edward Robert Gross Bruce Alan Hayes Carlos Herrera Trevino Christopher Chi-Min Hsiao Mark Richard Jezisek Mohammed Kalim Robert Andrew Kartman George Thomas Kartsounes Robert Joseph Latko, Honors Maurice Kent LeBegue Brian John Lewis Kenneth Frank Lindgren Peter John Linnert Jack George Maichel Robert Gerald McKinney Jorge Enrique Morales-Becerra Marcos Francisco Nakagawa James Philip Netzel Shin Hyuk Park Dennis Gaylord Peterson Richard Lehn Rogers Harprit Singh Sandhu Hossein Sarrafpour John Anthony Satti Michael Allan Schlueter L. D. Shotts Theodore Franklin Smith Ross Nels Stahl Edward John Stehno Charles Henry Stoll, High Honors Ronald Robert Tanton Charles Taylor Thompson Richard Edmund Toth John Arnold Trimble Gary Lee Upton Fred James Vahlkamp Paul Eugene Valentino Richard Glenn Wilkin Kenneth John Will Larry Wong Jonas Zubinas In Metallurgical Engineering Dennis Scott Acuncius Raymond Carl Roeschlein Albert Nolan Ashurst Jerry Lee Schuster Michael Norman Cohen Sylvester Scott Todd Jay Herd Albert Thomas Wendt Lowell Martens Hoffman Manoutchehr Heidari In Mining Engineering 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 623 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts David Wallace Adams Joan Adams John Phil Albright Frank Paton Allen Kathleen Edler Allison William Allen Allison Judith Miriam Alperin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Speech William Louis Alton Joyce Louise Anderson William Anthony Armstrong Ann Aronson Richard Landon Ashworth Judith Elizabeth Augustine Robert Frederick Aye John Richard Frederick Baer Carl David Bailey Glenn Russell Baird Myrna Lynn Baker Floride Helen Barnes Stanley Barnett Frederick Newcomb Bates Donald Foss Bauer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Judith Jutta Baus John Patrick Becktel Eileen Rachel Bell Judith Sara Bell, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English Donna Nowack Benway Carol Ann Beranich Richard Stephen Bergailo Emil Alan Berzenski Doral Lee Bierly Elmars Bilsens Howard Gary Blackstone Charlene Annette Blake Leonard Earl Blakesley, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Anthony Joseph Bohnak Andrew Walter Bonior Nicholas Joseph Bosen Terry Kent Botsford Lloyd Roy Bradley Karen Irene Brown William Harold Burger Melinda Gene Burkhart Louise Marie Busch Robert Frank Cadigan Constance Asper Cameron Harriet Ann Cavanah Patricia Gravitter Christian Dale Arthur Cini, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science and Sciences John William Clancy Lynn Dewey Clapper Gerald Neil Cleaver Harold Richard Cohen Maxine Leah Cohen Nancy Edes Cohen Allan Lee Coie Lynne Coleman Polly Condit Mary Elizabeth Coney Robert Mackenzie Craig George Larry Crane Marshall Jean Crawford Walter Andrew Dahl Marion Frances Dart, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History John Michael Dauter Lloyd Douglas Davis John Edward Deal Maija Debels Margaret Ann Decker Jerry R. Dell La Verne Jaros Dellinger, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Jeanette Marie Demkovich Peter Angelo Demos Marcia Lynn Dittmann, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Donald Cameron Dobbins Oliver Peter Doe, Jr. Richard Francis Doyle Harold Frederick Driscoll, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Heidi Susan Eastman Evelyn Mae Ebbert Michael H. Eiserman Carol Sawyer Ernst Arthur Andrew Eubank, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ethel Hamlin Fahidy Ciro Phillip Farina John Alfred Farr Martin Michael Fischbein Marjorie Ann Fishman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English Jill Susan Flyer William Charles Foote, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Lee Phillip Forman Leslie Joan Frankel John Gabriel Fraser, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Freund Friedman Donald Richard Froelke Sally Jean Frye Carol Ann Garlovsky Gail Monica Garmony 624 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Ilona Kutas Gehbner Carolyn Harris Giaquinta, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Dixon Gillis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gerald Edward Glogowski Susan Lee Goldberg Michael Jerry Goldstein Thomas John Gordon Richard Stuart Gore William Gerard Graf Barbara Kay Grant Juris Graudins Joan Uebelhack Grenning Lowell Dean Groninger, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barry Sherwin Grossman Hinda Carol Halpern Larry Richard Hancock Philip Gaffney Hanson Robert Stanley Hart, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sandra Lee Hart Margaret Roberta Heiss Sandra Joy Heller James Thompson Hendrick, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Economics Theodore Hershberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Susan Jean Hill, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Stephen Charles Hirsch Miles Huntley Hodges James Michael Holquist, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Russian Sharon Rae Hovey Geriann Bell Hull Conrad Eugene Huss Mark Richard Isaacs Pamela Rae Iversen Virginia Carol Jensen Carol Anne Jersey, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences James Walter Jerz Michael Dewitt Johnson Donna Jean Jorstad, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Speech Joyce Anne Jucius, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sandra Linda Kagan Linda Rochelle Kaine John Patrick Kane III Judith Merle Kaplan Stephen Victor Karlson Vernon Lee Karnatz, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Stephen Harvey Katz David Alan Kee Edwin Walter Kemmerer Patrick John Kenneally Grenville Clark King Lawrence I. Kipperman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Nancy Jean Klein Mary Kendall Kleis Thomas Walter Knecht Joan Marie Koffarnus Bernadette Kathryn Kopczak William Allen Krajec Kenneth Bentley Kramer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Murray Joel Krelstein Wayne Frank Kubik Nolan Al Lameka, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Harriet Marcia Landy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ronald Wayne Langacker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in French Charles Leslie Lansford, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gerald E. Larson Lawrence George Larsson Chester Walter Laskowski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Wayne Leiken Michael David Leroy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Jean Richard Lewis Tom J. Lewis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Larry Byron Lichtenstein Bernard Samuel Lipnitzky David Otis Livingston Allan Paul Loek Andrea Lunde, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English Robert Monte MacConnell Lois Amanda Madori Raymond Walter Mahoney Cynthia Johnson Manaugh Ralph Benson Mandell Stephen Daniel Makchetti Michael Milton Marisic Donald Eugene Martin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Philip Hartwell Martin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Political Science Richard Warren Masur, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences George Peter Matheos Harry Weber McCulloch III John Wilson McKee III, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Actuarial Science 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 625 Barbara Jo McLaren Elizabeth McLeod Judith Margaret McManus Alan Conrad Mendelson Rita Eleonor Merkelis Maecia Jane Messman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in German Lynnea Marie Miericke, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barbara S. Migala Robert Henry Miller Tim Charles Miller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Alan Milligan Sharon Kay Mitchell, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in English Ruta Nele Mockus Nancy Nina Moore Joseph Bode Mountjoy, Jr. Marcia Jean Murphy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences William Thomas Murphy Nancy Fleck Myers Adryan Charlene Naktin Donnell Louis Nantkes, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gerard Gordon Nelson Marlene Julia Neruda Patricia Jean Nold James Dunlap Nowlan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science James Hanlon O'Meara Thomas Ray Osborn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Physics Howard Wayne Osborne Martha Eden Ostermeier Richard Mathews Pakichi jone aukse paplenas Charles Harvey Patti Julie Nona Peeples Barbara Caryl Pelton Linda Lou Peterson Stephen Wesley Peterson Joan Rae Phillips Marilyn Kay Piech Joel Lee Piell evangeline prisuta Clara Elfrieda Prothe, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in German Anthony Frank Provenzano Ernest Jeffrey Quinn Judith Evelyn Rabold Gerald Henry Rahn Arthur Samuel Raznick Sandra Jean Reese John Harvey Rice, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Jarvis Underhill Rich William Lawrence Rich, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ralph David Ricks Brenda Jordan Riley Jack Perry Rimland Michael Harvey Robins Robert Porter Robinson Ronald Paul Romberg Sol Rosen Gretchen Fischbach Rosengren Samuel Rosenkrantz Dennis Patrick Ryan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Raymond Jerome Sanford Carole Marlene Schalk James Harris Schwartz Dorothy Anna Shipley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science William Nolan Shriner Ryma Vansauskas Simaitis Gilbert Stanley Simon Bruce Howard Singman Ira Harry Sloan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Henry Gilbert Small, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joel Aaron Smith Judith Jane Smith Nancy Ellen Smith Carolyn Lee Sparks, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Judith Lyn Spellmeyer Larry Milton Spence Richard Howard Spencer Martha Claire Sperry Edward Mark Springer Steven Peter Stamatis Barbara Sue Stanley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Eugene Stauffer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology Jocelyn Joan Stein Helen Janney Sterrett Gary Warren Stevens, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English Michael David Stoddard Richard Louis Storinger, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Eugene Stout Joan Lynn Summers John Lawrence Swanson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Economics Judith Bota Tar Hitomi Tatsui William Wallace Taylor, Jr. Jonathan Thomas 626 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 William Joseph Tunilla, Jr. Linda Louise Turner, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marcia Renee Unger John Arthur Unroe Adrianne Nudelman Varhula Barry Laurence Vishny Laura Janson Waddick Carol Ruth Waldfogel Joan Mary Walther Mary Katherine Wanninger Dennis Bernard Warner Sheldon Robert Waxman Janet Carol Weaver Jay Allen Weinstein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology James Marshall Weiskopf William Ramey Wike Susan Finley Wikoff Carolyn Ann Wiley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Dick Lankston Williams Judith Susan Williams Gordon Peter Wilson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences James Richard Wilson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Stanley David Wilson Joan Adele Winzler Betty Lee Casey Withers, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Janet Lou Wolf Lawrence Charles Wolfley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in English Florence Ellie Wood Wesley Theodore Wooley, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in History Natalia Maria Worona Nikki Ethelyn Yerby, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David Merrill Young Thomas Michael Zimmes Pamela Roof Zimmerman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Russian Janet Carolyn Barker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Judith Ellen Bond Carol Lynne Breeze, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gwen Joyce Buck, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carolyn Jane Carroll Janet Rae Chisholm, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carol Mitzen Christenholz, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Betty Ann Claassen Alta Marie Cools, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Jane Swengel Creason, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences June Ellen Dickinson Marjorie Anna Gard Mary Lynn Gragg Nancy Kay Greene Mary Elyn Gregory, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Beth Dorene Hankin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Dorothea Joan Jacobson Judith Marion Johnson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Sylvia Marie Johnson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Renee Cecelia Kowalski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Bonnie Mae Lamkin Barbara Allen Lewis In the Teaching of English Shelley Ruben Lipowich, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Mary Ann Maloney, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Mary Ann McCartan Georgia Lee McKinney Milena Marie Medvesek Patricia Ann Moller Dixie Lee Nelson Judith Ellen Olmsted, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carolyn Roberts Perez, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Lorraine Mary Powell Ronald Allen Raben, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joan Carmel Romanyak, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gloria Jean Senkus, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Sandra Lee Showalter, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Elizabeth Ann Stuppy Lenore Oseff Tennenhouse, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Diane Lesinski Teska, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Mary Elizabeth Van Derck, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marilyn Kay Webb, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Barbara Ann Weber Verity Ann Whitley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Ellen Gayneix Widdows Nancy DoClos Widmann Jean Conroy Williams, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Diana Mae Wurster, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of French Donna Landers Arbogast Jueate Izokaitis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Gbetchen Margaret Koehler Yvonne Belmans Koster Sandra Lee MacDougall Lyn-Marie Nelson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barbara Jean Reis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joyce Elizabeth Sholl, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Daniel Rodney Simone Laurel Elizabeth Vesely In the Teaching of German Mary Theresa Dresch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Rosemary Jean Elsasser, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Evelyn Margaret Getz, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Elizabeth Bodine Helms, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Ingrid Martha Kastning, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Jeralyn Jewett King, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Lottie Faltin Nast Shirley Kathryn Smith, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Jo Ann Wooldridge, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of Latin V/LAKA IVUIH O1UK1U, 11UUUI& 111 Liberal Arts and Sciences Lynn Kristoffersen Woerner In the Teaching of Russian April Irene Appelquist, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching i Joan Patricia Agrella, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marcia Jean Chambers James Robert Erickson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Robert Cordell Funk, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Virginia Kaye Gaspich Diane Michele Gleason Mildred Irene Gresch Owen VanNess Hein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Susan Elizabeth Hotchkiss, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Arlene Ann Monroe, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum of Social Studies Martha Ann Lackey, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Rosalyn Levin DoNNAMAE LEVINSON Linda Mann, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marilyn Joan Means Donald Wayne Nordtvedt Edythe Anne Randolph, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Susan Gail Schultz, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Janon Tucker Shelby Janet Louise Shuman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teach Julia Ann Buck, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum ing of Spanish Laurel Ann Cappa, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum 628 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Sandra Dee Clayman Patrick Henry Dust Margot Ellen Fisher Donna Rohe Nevius Carol Angela Benson Patricia Ann Curtis Elizabeth Frank Judith Menke Garneau Linda Joyce Grazulis Marianne Joan Scharf, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Marilyn Frances Triebel In the Teaching of Speech Barbara Jane Hermling, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Charlotte Catherine Wiser Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering Arthur William Aldac, Jr., Honors Cam. Ya Man in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Lee Edward Brecher, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Eugene Jay Cone, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David Elmer Earls, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Charles Allen Garber, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences William John Holly, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Allen Arthur Kozinski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum In Chemistry Robert Bruce Matheson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Thomas Joseph Ohlemiller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Shanti Mohan Rajan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Bharat Ramniklal Shah Richard Frederick Sutton, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum James Floyd Tonjum Alex Jay Vogel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Martin Burton Barancik, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Jane Marlene Binkele, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joseph William Bruckman Glen Alvin Carls, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Haelan Eugene Claris Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Clarke Joseph Halfman Alan Bruce Hoffman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum John Edward Kaufman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Lewis Michael Koppel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Joseph Belsley Miles, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum and with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Mark Lloyd Miller Martha Karen Miller Gary Leroy Mowder Philip Edward Nicpon Carl William Sigel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum James Anthony Spudich, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Theodore Gustav Waech, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Eugene Lo Wei, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Jon Edward Weinzierl Robert August White In Liberal Arts and Sciences Charles Wesley Adams Caul Edward Allison Flavia Gabrielle Agnello Ronald Gail Altig 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 629 Sheldon Altschul Susan Applegate William Alexander Ayer, Jr. Bonnie Baymiller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Donald Edward Bedford Samuel Edward Benjamin, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gerald Martin Berke Jonathan Milton Berkson Henry Michael Bernstein Carol Susan Biss, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Samuel Forest Boggess, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Loselei Joy Borland Sara Mae Bourque Kenneth Alan Bowen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics Marvin Eugene Braasch Frederick Len Bracken John David Bradburn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David N. Broadbent Kenneth LeRoy Broga Francis Emmett Burke Robert Eric Burrows Judith Annette Burt Russell Gene Butterworth Robert Lee Camp John Walter Carveth, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Psychology Donald Thure Cerling, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sandra Kay Chaney Hartley Ames Chelin Nellie Chueng-Wah Choi Richard Rual Clark William Hoyt Clark, Jr. Lawrence Elias Couch Howard Lee Creinin Marjorie Anne Cubbage Michael Joseph Daniel Michael Joseph De Lio Monty Lucille Dixon Edward Dawson Dolly Dale Leonard Drolet, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Harvey Drucker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ira Will DuBrow, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Victor Buka Eichler Dorothy Alita Evans, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Steve Fantl Murray Jack Favus Carolyn Lois Fellheimer George Wesley Freeman Nancy Kathryn Gamlin Elaine Beverly Garrett Robert Everett Gernant Arnold Sidney Goldstein Michael Cowl Gordon, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Frank David Grosshans, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Glenn Ray Haas Peggy Jean Habermehl Eugenie Louise Frank Harris Patricia Kay Heiniger Lucille Marie Hoffman Daniel Sellick Hosken Sara Jane Huff Donald Wayne Huntley Conrad Eugene Huss Robert Bryce Hutchison Richard Lee Jackson Susanne Lee Jackson William Paul Jansen Robert George Jobst, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Estelle Sarah Jones Lois Ruth Kahn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Zoology Martin Roy Kaplan James Ambrose Kearns Marcia Tuckey Koch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marshall Kolodenko Mildred Anna Kosner Sylvia Rebecca Kowaleski Kenneth Robert Kozy Martin Alan Kramen James Sigurd Kulseng-Hansen Jacob Wan-tat Lam Helen Landsman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Charles Pittman Lawless, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marvin S. Levin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Mathematics Howard Bruce Levy Katharine Broaddus Lieb Merle Sandra List Connie Mae Lundeen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Microbiology Melvin Allan Magidson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Stephen Malkus Karen Arlene Mason Gary Lee McClung Melody Meyerson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joseph Michalcik Gregory Edward Miller Robert Allan Minarcine Dennis Ewald Moellman Stephen Andrew Mooney Michael Reeder Morrell 630 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Linda Lee Mueller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology David Howard Munzell Patricia Ellen Neil Michael John Nolan Loretta Jean Obenchain David Edward Oelke, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Gordon Lindsay Oliver Shoshana Olech Oref Jean Passovoy Paley Paul Donald Parmet Joyce Constance Pershing, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Alan Peters Ira Joel Piel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Charles Mat Pils Edward Robert Quinn Gerald Thomas Reedy Sheila Sandra Rockwell Robert Alan Rosen Robert Paul Rosenberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marshall Donald Rosman Elisabeth Sue Rowand, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology Howard Allen Rutiezer Arline Ruth Sachs Harvey Barry Sarnat Thomas Gerald Schapanski Renold Edward Schilke, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences James Edwin Searl, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Entomology Susan Arline Seely Frank Elliot Shapiro Mitchell Ben Sheinkop, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Zoology Karen Lynne Shotwell Ronald Simon In Physics Gilbert Lewis Singer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Margaret Ann McLaren Smith Nino Sorgente Penelope Spelman Sidney Michael Stahl Kathryn Marie Stanley Ronald Jay Stone John Robert Stroehlein Richard Louis Swallow Deryck Leighton Stewart Taylor Richard David Templer Nancy Jane Temples Paul John Tenczar Richard Paul Terando John Ronald Thielges Patricia Ann Tingley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Zoology Allen George Trueman Zalman Philip Usiskin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Walter Julius Utz Mary Claudia Walsh David Alan Waltrip Joan Kay Wedberg Lawrence Scott Weprin Larry Curtis White Carolyn Wicks David Otto Willenborg Sterling Boone Williams, Jr. James Eugene Williamson Robert Lewis Winkler, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Mathematics William Lane Witt, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Neil Wayne Wolf, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Thomas Paul Yates Lawrence Harvey Zaiden Edward James Zimbroff William Edmund Zumstein Rudolph Leroy Engman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Lewis Joseph Milton, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Glenn Ellis Moore, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum James Robert Place, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum David Eugene Stanfel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Susan Christine Tideman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Carole Joyce Alexander Judith Dee Berg Patrick Edward Boland Laurel Sara Chertow In Speech Correction Lynne Florence Drew, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Linda Ruth Junge 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 631 Holly Kapple, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Letitia Susan Lamp, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Betsy Levin Carol Anne McKeone, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Meredith Gail Meyers Barbara Starkey Munson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marna Jean Myers Phyllis Rochelle Podolsky, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Judith Harriet Sundquist In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General Science Kay Lynn Bakes, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Rhoda Ellen Boros David Joseph Brusick Janet Mary Burkland Joyce Annette Deerinc Ila Joy Entman Valerie Lawrence Heemstra, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Elizabeth Ann Kendzior, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of Chemistry Gerald William Leibforth, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gerald Lee Kreitner Patricia Ann Riccetti, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Wayne Edward Rogoski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum William Dale Unverferth Louise Anna Wolf In the Teaching Marlene Adrienne Artstein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Beverly Barbara Biss, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Ruth Mary Fesser Kathleen Osborne Hahn Jo Lavera Kennedy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences William Joseph Kessler Kathleen Mae Mundy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of Mathematics and the Physical Sciences John Michael Heneghan Annette Rose Piontek Terrance Lee Huff COLLEGE OF LAW of Mathematics Norma Jean Schafer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Susan Lynn Scribner, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Judith Zikas Somers, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Rosemary Frances Stolfa, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Robert Henry Adcock, A.B., Wabash College, 1960 Jean Appleman, A.B., 1960; High Honors Eugene Lee Armentrout, A.B., North Central College, 1960 David Boerner, B.S., 1962 Kenneth Stanley Bsoun, B.S., 1960; Honors Walter Stephen Claggett, A.B., 1960 Degree of Bachelor of Laws Gary Lee Clark, A.B., St. Ambrose College, 1960 Henry Thomas Coghill, Jr., A.B., Michigan State University, 1959 David Charles Coleman, A.B., 1960 Lawrence Edgar Eaton, Jr., B.S., 1952 Gary Ladimer Ecklund, A.B., Wheaton College, 1958 632 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Charles Emile Ehlert, A.B., Yale University, 1960 Samuel Louis Erwin, A.B., 1957 Allan Sidney Feingold, A.B., 1961 James Monroe Fox, A.B., Augustana College, 1960 Sherwin Murray Goldberg, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1958 Bruce George Hillstrom, A.B., De- Pauw University, 1960 Fred Leonhardt Hubbard, B.S., 1961 James Michael Huck, Jr., B.S., 1960 Peter Harry Huizenga, A.B., Hope College, 1960 Ronald Gene Klein, B.S., 1961 Carla Kay Kogan, A.B., 1960 Roger Earl Lageschulte, A.B., Wart-burg College, 1960 Richard Gordon Lambert, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Michael Lee Lapin, A.B., 1961 Neal Craig Lawson, A.B., North Central College, 1960 Leah Schrotberger Lee, A.B., 1960; High Honors Joseph Lord Long, B.S., 1958 Theodore John Lorek, Jr., B.S., 1960 Edward Stanely Malecki, Jr., A.B., 1961 David Edward McCracken, Jr., B.S., 1960 Douglas Millard III, A.B., Lawrenrp College, 1960 e Jerome Mirza, B.S., Illinois Weslevan University, 1960 Marco Joseph Muscarello, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1960 Richard Bruette Opsahl, A.B. Luther College, 1959 Ronald Lee Otto, A.B., 1960 Arnold Edwin Perl, A.B., 1961 Frederick Gilbert Pink, Honors David Shagam John Cameron Stephenson, A.B., Westminster College, 1959 Robert Frederick August Stocke Edward Frank Sutkowski, B.B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1961 Frank Anthony Ward II, A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1960 Robert Laverne Watson, B.S., Milli- kin University, 1962 George Ivan Whitney, A.B., 1960 Donald Leroy Wilber, A.B., Millikin University, 1962 Errol Zavett, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1960 William Lee Zessar, B.S., 1953 Max Edward Zollner, A.B., Knox College, 1960 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Education Norman Eugene Art Lydia Sue Bach Lorena Divan Barnes, High Honors Alvin Lyle Boyd Arlene Irvine Davis Dale Edward Ewen Fred O. Flener Lanis Mae Fuerst Virginia Agett Kaye Connie Ann Mingee Jill Marie Lamb Nance sukran atay ozoglu James Richard Poling Judith Ann Rosenbach ESPERANZA FLORDELIZ SaNDOVAL Marie Louise Schlichting William David Shafer Susan Averill Shaw Tehila Avesbuch Sheinblatt Jon Richard Steen Frances Elaine Stuckey Zalman Philip Usiskin, Highest Honors John Thomas Van Brandeghen Roy Lee Wachter LeeAnn Rae Withnell In the Education of the Deaf Mary Ann Claassen Janet Gwin Gillum Janice Elaine Filip, Honors Carolyn June Sondee Linda Lou Franks, Honors In the Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Jean Abbott Gertrude Bohner Lorelei Kay Bowman, High Honors Elaine Marlene Budach Mary Ellen Cowan Ann Judith Davis, High Honors Lesley Ellen Duboe Maureen Fern Feldman Beverly Nelson Mellskog Barbara Ruth Silverman, Honors Carol Ann Stern Marcia Kay Umstot 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 633 In Elementary Education Sandra Turney Addy Joan Elaine Andersen Bonnie Kay Armstrong Nancy Carol Barrett Mary Caroline Bartlett Judith Moyes Bauman Mary Ann Bergmann Karen Lynne Bickel, Honors Bonnie Jean Boness Carol Ann Borre, Honors Rita Jean Brandt Barbara Ann Breitenbach Sally Wabel Broughton, Highest Honors Jacqueline Anne Butler Kathleen Dorothy Campbell Marylee Chval Carole Povlo Clark, High Honors Fern Cobb Constance Louise Collins Sandra Leilani Cunningham Janice Elaine Dahlstrom Ellen Wendy Davidson, Honors Susan Jo DesJardins Florence Dorothy Dix Fern Helene Edidin Judy Faye Fehrenbacher Arlene Cohen Feinberg Suzanne Longton Fletcher, Honors Jayne Phipps Freeman, High Honors Jane Velma Fullerton Judy Schreiner Fulmer, Honors Jean Laverne Gaecke, Honors Sharlene Peggy Garfien Roberta Lee Gerard Geokgianne Carol Gieseke Brona Helen Glickman Julia Deutsch Goldstein Janet Robertson Grimes Carolyn Groner Carol Ann Grote, High Honors Kathy Jane Haefelin Ellen Katheryn Hagelow Betsy Creviston Hall Nancy Kathryn Harlan Jody Ann Harris, High Honors Suzanne Henson Jerry Lee Hoffman Patricia Scott Holloway Wendy Jane Horn, High Honors Jane Alice Howard Frankee Dee Hutler Joyce Jacobs Gail Belle Johnson Marlys Zander Johnson Karen Bohart Kasnak, Highest Honors Hazel Randall Kelley Nancy Jean Kepner Kay Marie Klaus Maxine Shari Klemptner Joanne Nannette Klier, Honors Joyce Lynn Kukla Margaret Schultz Laivinieks Katherine Bertha Lawrence Joan Ferriss Lefke Janet Adelle Leftwich Barbara Sue Levenfeld Sandra Lee Lilegdon Hannah Loeb Dianne June Loquist Patricia Cain Ludlam Virginia Maxey Marsh Wilma Josephine Marshall Belva Joan Martin, High Honors Patricia Lane McGrath Donna Harrison Merson Kathleen Margaret Michalski Jacqueline Vita Migdal Francine Harriet Minowitz Therese Ann Muller Virginia Trout Myer Helen Marie Neumann Mary Thomas Nordwall, Honors Lynn Karen Novak Jean Ann Paychl Corliss Payne Jacklyn Maxine Petchenik Naomi Rachelle Pickard Roberta Lois Pines Joyce Ray Preston Donna Lee Rachlin Jean Mary Rafferty Pauline Rassogianis Marjorie Ann Reilly Ann Mutter Reisner Joy Phyllis Rickert Cynthia Dee Rickey Marjorie Ellen Robinson Elizabeth Anne Savage, Honors Helen Matteson Schotanus, High Honors Linda June Schroeder Suzette Marie Schultz Sandra Bonnie Schwartz Lyndra McClain Seely Stephanie Anne Sheets Ruth Elaine Shupe Sue Carol Shurts Virginia Margaret Sigel Idell Joan Silberg John Nicholas Simon Marilyn Clare Slaby Judy Mae Spikre Amelia Stefanos, Honors Kathleen Ann Stevens Dianne Fishlove Stone Elaine Barbara Stone Gloria Ann Stuebe Eleanor Elizabeth Swain, Honors Vivian Ann Uzzardo Sandra Karyl Van Houten 634 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Sharkon June Womack Jeanette Loesch Zandell Marlene Joy Walulis Sharon Lois Winkel Barbara Ann Wolfson In Industrial Education Fernando George Arenas, Jr. Bruce Edward Marshall Arthur Daniel Avery James Edward Gilbert, High Honors John B. Gotta Baldeo Ramlachan Jack Burton Selicovitz Ronald Craig Smith COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accountancy Richard Neal Abrams David Ingvar Anderson Paul Raymond Anderson, Honors Richard Ernest Bartle Glen LaVern Benoy, Jr. Seymour Berebitsky Victor Herbert Bezman, Honors Henry Frank Blada Thomas Bendelow Brown, Jr. Kenneth Stanley Brunsman Robert Arthur Burton Benny Marvin Chaney Gerald David Chiss, Honors Alan Duane Cornue James Edwin Croushore III Lawrence William Dettmer Paul Edward Duckworth, High Honors William John Dufner Joseph Earle Ernsteen Bruce Warren Fisher Allen Robert Freedman Barry Alan Friedman, Honors Thossten Lennart Gardner Gerald Alan Goldman Carol Kasanda Gruen Raleigh Terry Guice Marvin Leroy Haas Thomas Carter Harkess, High Honors Ralph Arthur Hoffman, High Honors Abby Helene Israelow James Kent Jeanblanc, High Honors Edward Daniel Jenkins Jack Allen Joynt Stephen Daniel Kalus Shelby H. Kanarish Marshall Lee Kerschner John Edward Kessler, High Honors Richard Lee Keyser Kenneth Lee Klein Albert Richard Koenig James Mitchell Koltveit, Honors Loren Bernard Kramer Leonard Raymond Kroll Eugene Stephan Kucia Charles Ruder Laff Ronald Eugene Larsen Paul Francis Lawless Thomas Daniel Leddy Stephen Michael Lewis Dean Jay Lindsey Thomas Rudolph Litvay Don Galen Lockhart, Honors Michael Joseph Londrigan Michael Raymond Looney, High Honors John Nathaniel Lowell Allan Bruce Manweiler Roy Otto Matthes Lloyd Milton McClure, High Honors Donald Lee Meier Eugene Leon Mennel Jerry Richard Michaels Martha Molitor Harold Ray Morehead Eugene Louis Mueller, Jr. Gary Dean Muzzy Martin Lewis Nathan James Richard Neece Douglas Frederick Nelson Edwin John Nemec Alan Paul Olschwang, High Honors Robert Lee Olsen Darrell Joseph Oyer John Arthur Parrish Simon Reed Pearlman Ronald Gordon Peterson Charles Ray Pigg Mukray Joel Pollack, Honors Marion Randolph Prince Ira L. Pritzker, High Honors Jerry Lane Randolph Marvin Roy Raney James Howard Ray Ferdinand Herbert Reichelt John Lyman Riley Ronald Carl Robertson, Honors Terrence George Rogier Stuart Robert Rubin Hugh Ruddock Kristi Maria Salm Joseph Michael Scheriger Ronald Morley Schwartz Jerry Lee Seiler, High Honors David Bruce Selig Myron David Shapiro 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 635 Judith Paula Snyder Thomas Dennis White Kenneth Ira Solomon, High Honors Ronald John Witek, High Honors Richard Ronald Solomon Wayne Wesley Wolf, Honors David George Walters, Honors Steven Edward Wollack Barry Louis Weinstein Richard Allen Zieff Jack Wemhoener Michael Arthur Zuckerman In Accountancy and Economics Terry Michael Schlade, Honors In Accountancy and Finance Jaroslaw Roman Martyniuk In Accountancy and Marketing Michael James Liberta, Jr. In Commerce and Law John Haskett Davies Stephen Eric Sward John Primm Jacoby, Honors Thomas Milton Turner Albert Herman Krusemark Casl Lee Vacketta Lorin Mitchell Spak In Commercial Teaching Stuart Arnold Dinken Carole Susan Kober Carolyn June Dodson Carol Ann Newmann Linda Lou Gill Nancy Josephine Nolan Judith Maureen Irwin Eugene Michael Shifrin Nancy Gibson Johnson Nancy Ray Tetzlaff, Honors In Commercial Teaching and Finance Arthur Lee Junkins, Honors In Economics Harry Block, Honors Patrick Edward Rea Douglas Roy Carmichael, Honors Judi Ann Riss, High Honors Jerry Lee DeGarmo, High Honors Robert Henry Schmidt John Fredrick Ficks Frank Joseph Schmieder Francis Gregory Heras Jeffrey Schubert Robert Ackerman Johnson David Stephen Spencer, Honors Richard Don Joseph James Fredrick Stull Joseph Peter LaCava Daniel Berchman Sweeney Fredrick Max Meinel Thomas Webb Tatnall, High Honors Donald William Ramey In Finance Stephen LeRoy Allison Sanford Mintz Donald Alfred Walstein Bangs Frank Henry Mynard Robert Cordell Cerne Judith Joann Polo Stuart Ray Citron Allan Norman Reisner Richard Stephen Cusac Alan Marshall Resser Clarence Lee Gerdes David Martin Robbin Marion Herbert Giesecke William Bandlow Rypstat Edgar Lee Green Gerald Ernest Schultz Leroy Bernard Hazen Frank John Schweitzer Richard Wine Heinmiller Warren Harry Schwiesow Joel Stephen Hirsch Donald Gene Smith William Arrasmith Hunt George Edward Smith Arthur Raymond Kingery Stuart Alan Stern, Honors David William Lembke Richard Lynn Stumm David N. Lezeau Richard John Vicars Paul Nim-Chi Liang William Leslie Welch Paul Lester Lieberman David James Winter John Eastman Littlemeyer 636 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 In Finance and Marketing Byron Alan Brook In Industrial Administration George Thomas Carroll, Jr. James Carl Stallman Michael Herbert Greenberg Craig Lloyd McRae William David Robb Richard William Ambrose James Thomas Ceotty John Harry DeJong Thomas Leonard De Waelsche James Martin Downey Karen Elaine Dryer Terry Alan Dunavan John Alexander Duncan Ronald Benjamin Entzminger Jerome Spencer Goldstein Ronald Paul Gross, Honors Philip Joseph Hackl John Henry Harrison William David Herb Joseph William Hobbs James Harrison Hofer John Robert Weis Eldon William Whittaker In Management Thomas McIntyre Hough Jeffrey David Howell, High Honors Douglas Eric Jackson Daniel Glen McKinney Marilyn Joan Michal Charles Ray Miller John Clinton Moore Neil Michael Nelson Melvin Charles Romani Robert Frank Sebastian Dwight Earl Shank Susan Jean Skoff David Leo Solmundson James Edwin Thayer Richard Wayne Wallace Douglas Ernest White In Management and Marketing Michael John Fallaw Frank Carl Gaides Fbiedel Manfred Acker Albert Roy Baines III Stephen Yale Barkan James David Barr Larry Wesley Barton Stephen Lowell Baum James Godfrey Blankenburg Katherine Louise Brown Donald Anthony Buescher Ronald Joseph Bulin Lawrence John Craelius Ronald Floyd Craig John Howard Danko Dennis Robert Dibos David John Downey David Lee English Dennis Michael Flaherty M argot Ann Flinn Joan Katherine Formanek Raymond Paul Fritzsche Ronald Harry Genenz, Honors Charles Lester Getman Thomas Ehler Goettsche Joel Warren Greenberg Kenneth Jacob Grosch John Frank Hanson Robert Arthur Hurst Alan Harvey Jacobs Mary Dean Jenkins John Andrew Jirgenson Melissa Rose Kamille Michael Daniel Kolodziej Kenneth Martin Konecnik In Marketing Maxine Judith Kuklin Gloria Marie Lazazzesa Marvin Lerman Charles William Litzen Robert James Luehring Kenneth Smith Mackenzie Donna Jean Matson David Lee Maupin Robert Joseph Mayer Eric Hans Medrow Ronald Theodore Mikrut William Roger Nemecek Kenneth Allen Rawson Charlotte Petty Reeder Dale LeRoy Rothenberger Richard Ralph Royer Earl Martin Sabes Roger Frank Schauer William Cordell Schweizer Richard Eugene Scott Charles Daniel Shauger Robert Joel Siegel Janet Mae Slomka William George Small Albert Cully Taylor Michael Tepper James Adrian Verhoeven John Charles Webber, Honors Joel David Weisman Richard Joseph Whitehead Barbara Ann Wielgosz Kenneth Albert Wojcieszak 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 637 Judith Francine Hood Joan Ellyn Neumann In Secretarial Training Linda Jean Peterson Terry Anne Shuix In Urban Land Economics Dale Carter Altmin Michael Robert Kien Charles Richard Balkin Frank Paul Moschella COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATIONS Degree of Bachelor of Science In Communications Robert Edward Adams Brian Robert Bland Gegrg Joachim-Friedrich Blome Helen Louise Burgett Michael Robert Carter Harrison Leon Church Judith Kay Cone Christine Elizabeth Czurylo Ronald Neil DeCook Darrough Blaine Diamond Jean Ann Even John Griffith Fornof Susan Joyce Gelfand James Douglas Hancock Edith Florence Hanson, High Honors Larry Wayne Harnly, Honors Carol Jean Heck Janece Burke Holmes John Carroll Hudson Lawrence Vern Jagnow Charles Frank Janovsky Jeannette Louise Johnston Jewel Ann Jones Robert Merle Kahn Betty Kallos Ann Hyde Kalman Jerry Lee Kalman Larry Michael Klingman Valentinas Leopold Krumplis Karen Sue Lucas Kaliopee Cleo Malagaris Judith Charlotte Marks Dennis DeCourcey McCann Jerome Andrew Moch George Michael Morvis Donald Gene Munson Paula Jean Peters Donald Robert Pukala Karen Wise Rosenberg Geraldine Marion Ruksza Gary Alan Sather Ruth Carol Schoenbeck David Conner Shaul Marilyn Ann Skor Gretchen Slick Georgia Smith Howard Roy Solomon Dorothy Degenkolb Wetzel Sandra Lois Wexler Susan Mary Wietlispach Susan Lee Williams Barbara Lin York Donald Lee Zukowski COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Architecture Neil Donald Anderson James Shigetose Aoki George William Bloome Louis Otto Bolwahnn Jean Paul Budinger James Francis Carberry Henry Stow Chapman, Honors Jerald Lynn Clark Douglas William Cockfield Frank John Comber Donald Joseph Crnich Vaidotas Daukantas James Nick Economos Robert Richard Engelke Graham Glen Engelman, High Honors Edward Michael Fine Lonnie LeMarr Frye James Lee Gibson Barry Alan Goldberg Marvin Gunnar Grahn Anthony James Griffin Leon Sylvester Harlan, Jr. Barnabas Peter Joseph Harrington, High Honors Nick Honcharuk, Jr. Stuart Kalman Jacobson Jens Andrew Jensen William Stanley Jessup Richard Lee Johnson, High Honors Thomas Shigeru Katsuyoshi Kenneth Clyde Kelley Robert Dale Kleinschmidt Harry Steven Kroeger Richard Granville Laxen, High Honors Gary Scott Likins Evan Russell Lloyd Henry R. Lopez Lawrence Joseph Lundy 638 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Franklin Roosevelt Mango John Thomas Maher Arthur Richard Marks Kent Alfred Marthaler Terrence Andrew McCormick, Highest Honors George Henry Mills Marshall Joseph Moretta Leslie Ira Nathan Warren Jay Neiman Richard Duane Odle James Malcolm Peterson Abul Hasem Abdur Rahman Ilmar Reinvald Arthur Charles Rommel Barbara Diann Rowe Larry Morton Schechter Thomas Ralph Schmenk Wayne William Shaw Andrew Jerome Smith Stanley Edward Sopala Paul Joseph Straka William Ray Thompson Wallace James Toscano Gerald Joseph Veverka Ernest Peter Wasilevich Michael Thomas Williams, Honors Myron Joseph Wimmer, Jr. Richard Stanford Wintergreen David Walter Zeunert Thomas Jon Rosengren, High Honors Constantine George Zissimopoulos Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts In Advertising Design Kenneth Alan Montone, Honors James Stanley Murray, Honors Bill Dee Sanders Barbara Sue Smith Joan Pauline Wahrer John Michael Chious Kenneth Eugene Crouse Jervis William Hill Sheridan Arthur Lee Edward Lyons, Jr. Janice Louise Bertram Melvin Whitsett Carter Judy Diane Gene Mary Lee Isel, High Honors Lynn Smith Jaenke Joan Abby Mall, Honors Leslie Louise Marks In Crafts Floyd Dale Roush In the History of Art Kathryn Jo Kalb, Honors Esther Maggos In Art Education Charlotte Louise Nesmith Marjorie Lee Novelle, Honors Susan Smalla Perkinson Barbette Joan Rothschild Toni Lynn Sathe Isabel Amelia Walters Jean A. Albrecht David Richard Butler Donald Gene Falk Bruce Paul Fink Ronald Victor Hess Lawrence Emmerson House II Robert Charles Lampertius In Industrial Design Manfred Georg Nikolaus Harvey Richard Ostresh John Bruce Rea Francis Benington Reckitt, Jr. Norvid Roos Henning Jorge Speyer Dean Edward Wilson Bruce John Conroy Daniel Alan Day Carl Ludwig Goetz Thomas Homer Johnson In Landscape Architecture William Harvey Ray John William Ripley Bernard Charles Rosauer Rachel Minna Baron Tracy Gay Byrom, Honors Judy Lynn Carlson Carol Ann Comiskey William Sherman Downey, Jr., Honors Juanita La Verne Gammon Margaret Ruth Giller Marilyn Iris Golub In Painting Phyllis Mary Halperin, High Honors Cecilia Amele Krcmar, Honors Sandra Lynn Leshner Ronald Edward Linden Janet Bar Litney Alvin Demar Loving, Jr. Spencer Lynn Namyst Leonard James Petersen Pamela Jane Petry 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 639 SUSANNE LUCIENNE PmLIPPSON, High DANIEL LEONARD ZlEMBO Honors Murray Zimiles, Honors Marilyn Lucille Wilson, Honors In Sculpture Thomas John Tasch, Honors Degree of Bachelor of Music John Raymond Bielenberg William Russell Skidmore, High Margaret Abbott Ksander, High Honors Honors Collette Marie Sroka, Highest Michael Richard Rogers, Highest Honors Honors Robert Scott Tyler Degree of Bachelor of Science Frank Lynn Ballif Albert Charles Edward Bateson August Carl Chidichimo Ella Isabel Flores William Thomas Gelman In City Planning Roy Toru Kato Melvin Joseph Schneidermeyer, Honors Clifford Glenn Strassenburg In Music Education Carolyn June Beaty Coralea Gabriel Berg John Raymond Bielenberg Patricia Kay Cheney Kathleen Joyce Cline, High Honors Donald Melvin Collins Janice Deane Corum, Highest Honors Beverley Gene Davis Jo Ellen Dutton, Highest Honors Susan Ent Frederick Dean Fairchild Lila Dawn Fairchild, Honors James Harvey Felts Melvin LeRoy Flood Harvey Albert Hermann, Jr. Aaron Lee Johnson Jakette Lynne Johnson William Dean Kisinger, Honors Terry Ridgely Klaus Joel Paul Klein, Honors Delmar Arthur Lohr, High Honors Brenda Brown McNeiland, Highest Honors Jane Ellen Myrick, Highest Honors James D. Nelson, High Honors Carol Lou Oyster, High Honors Kim Robert Richmond, High Honors Robert John Ruckrigel, Honors Wesley John Schumacher Mary Ellen Simonin Judith Ann Tracy, Highest Honors Marla Kovacevich Wheatland Phyllis Lea Worthington COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Health Education Janet Joyce Devine In Physical Leta Ann Ackerman Wayne Stanley Ambrose Barbara Fay Arnold Larry Leon Balabanow Harry James Barrette William George Burwell John Joseph Collins Ione Ruth Cribb Theodore Joseph DeRousse, Jr. Robert Clifford Donoho, Honors Judith Louise Edlund Janet Elsie England Sandra Lee Fairchild Dennis Luther Harris, Honors Patricia Ann Hostetter Delmar Joe Stauffer Education Leslie Gee Howard Ann Brandenburger Imboden Jerold Earl Kahle Edward Frank Kral, Jr. Marlene Joy Lance Charles Ralph Leonard David George McGann Arthur Raymond Michaely Penelope Ann Pope Luke Leon Reckamp Mary Ellen Saer Ronald Louis Sanders Richard Frank Schulze James Earl Simpson Alan Keva Smiley 640 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Robert Ray Starnis Kenneth Harold Strand Nancy Diane Thomson Jacqueline Mae Walters Donald Keith Witzig Kenneth Walter Zimmerman In Recreation Francis Dean Borror Robert Braun Daniel Barbara Louise Danley Letitia Anne Edwards Alan David Greenberg Marcia Manette Mendelson, Honors Jan Truman Munch Genevieve Berkowitz Painter, Honors Sharon Gail Traynor Thomas Daniel Tuttle Susan Leslie Zalkind COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Veterinary Medicine Ralph Anthony Baer Paul Lee Caron Beverly Yvonne Cockrell Robert Dykeman Davis Martin Paul DeAngelis Albert Steven Dorn Jimmy Jay Estes Joseph John Foerner, Jr. Richard Eugene Fredrickson Billy Ray Garlich Raymond Thomas Huston Alan Kent Kremer David Winston Law Ramon Wesley Medernach Larry Eugene Millis Robert LeRoy Morrissey Timothy Russell O'Brien John Andrew Pickrell, Honors Larry Dale Rollins Felix Robert Sava Walter Lee Sessions Charles William Smith James Hale Sokolowski Chester Charles Swanson Oscar Gary Swanstrom Kent Dewey Truckenbrod Degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Joan Martin Arnoldi Norbert Leo Arnoldi Curt Herman Barthel Wesley Gerhardt Bieritz Robert Worthy Bishop Richard Lee Bryant, Honors Walter William Dalitsch, Jr. Barbara Peterson Deeb John Otis Dickinson Dennis Wilson Duffield Harold William Gehrig Larry Stuart Goodwin Sandra Theresa Grontkowski Carl James Guariglia Elmer Charles Hendricks, High Honors Roger Sylvan Jaenke Jimmy Barthel Jones Theodore Roosevelt Kinne Kendall Ralph Knutstrom Rudolph Kodras James Richard Lamar Glen Franklin Lehr James Grattan Logsdon, Jr. Kathleen Mary Murphy Wesley Truman Osthus Raymond Bernard Reeves William Joseph Schafer Robert Paul Schmidt Arnold Ray Smith Ronald Allen Swanson Richard Franklin Wallin Degrees Conferred at Chicago HONORARY DEGREES Degree of Doctor of Science Detlev W. Bronk, Ph.D. GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Anatomy Gordon Charles Blaha, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1957; M.S., 1961 Dale Edward Bockman, B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1956; A.M., Los Angeles State College, 1958 Sara Eisenberg, M.S., University of Mexico, 1960 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 641 In Biological Chemistry Albert Baba Danielzadeh, B.S., M.S., Loyola University, 1956, 1958 David Allen Dennen, B.S., M.S., 1953, 19555 Edward John McGuire, A.B., Blackburn College, 1958 Tarakad Venkateswar Rajkumar, A.B., University of Madras, 1953; M.S., University of Kerala, 1955; M.S., De Paul University, 1959 In Chemistry (Pharmaceutical) Madhukant Mansukhlal Doshi, B.S., University of Bombay (India), 1956, 1957; M.S., University of Michigan, 1958 Lee Timothy Grady, B.S., 1959 Milton Joseph Kornet, B.S., Purdue University, 1957 Jacob Lehrfeld, B.S., 1956 Oreste LeRoy Salerni, B.S., M.S., Duquesne University, 1957, 1959 Fred Allen Turner, B.S., M.S., 1955, 1958 Thomas Laurence Welsh, B.S., 1959 In Microbiology Ronald Alan Zussman, B.S., Loyola University, 1957; M.S., 1959 In Physiology Henry Lawrence McCrorey, B.S., M.S., University of Michigan, 1949, 1950; M.S., 1959 Ernest John Sukowski, B.S., Loyola University, 1954; M.S., 1959 Degree of Master of Science In Anatomy Lyle Eugene Brumley, A.B., Grinnell College, 1961 Mac Donald Cave, A.B., Susquehanna University, 1961 Erica Bachem Friederici, B.S., Northwestern University, 1948 Robert Peter Scapino, B.S., D.D.S., 1959, 1962 Thomas Allen Weidman, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1955 In Biological Chemistry Emil Athineos, A.B., University of California, 1958 Filor Kaloust Chordikian, B.S., American University of Beirut (Lebanon), 1957 Alan Scott Levin, B.S., 1961 Maija Ida Mednieks, B.S., 1958 In Chemistry (Pharmaceutical) Peter Noel Cope, A.B., Northwestern University, 1959 In Histology (Dental) Samuel Bernard Galkin, D.D.S., Temple University, 1958 (In Absentia) C. Paul Osmanski, D.D.S., University of Buffalo, 1960 Dennis Francis Weber, D.D.S., Marquette University, 1957 In Microbiology Robert Lee Baldwin, Jr., B.S., Howard University, 1957 In Oral Pathology Arup Kumar Das, M.B., B.S., University of Calcutta, 1953 In Oral Surgery Lawrence Sherwood Hochman, B.S., D.D.S., 1957, 1959 John Roland Westine, D.D.S., 1955 In Orthodontics Richard Earl Emrich, B.S., D.D.S., Ohio State University, 1953, 1961 John Peirce Howland, B.S., D.D.S., 1955, 1957 Yasuo Kakuda, D.D.S., Loyola University, 1956 Joseph C Konie, B.S., D.D.S., 1955, 1957 642 board of trustees [June 19 Nicholas Konjevich, B.S., D.D.S., 1959, 1961 Donald James O'Donoghue, B.D.S., University of Queensland (Australia), 1959 Elisha Roscoe Richardson, B.S., Southern University, 1951; D.D.S., Meharrv Medical College, 1955 Earl Nelson Seavall, D.D.S., Creighton University, 1961 David Frank Zak, D.D.S., Loyola University, 1956 In Pharmacology Leon Irwin Bender, B.S., 1959 Ona Etjgenija Mickevicius Zukauskas, B.S., Mundelein University, 1959; MD 1962 ' ' In Pharmacy Daniel Aloysius Nona, B.S., 1958 Robert Granville Wilson, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1946 1947; B.S., 1961 In Physiology Donald Jackson Boon, B.S., Purdue University, 1959 In Surgery Richard George Caldwell, A.B., M.D., University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, 1955, 1960 Jean-Claude Gazet, M.D., B.S., Guys Hospital (England), 1951 Brian McKibbin, M.B., Ch.B., University of Leeds (England), 1955 Parviz Parsa, A.B., Texas Technological College, 1954; M.D., Baylor University 1960 Robert Paul Rosswtck, M.B., B.S., University of London (England), 1955 James Anthony Sandrolini, B.S., M.D., 1955, 1957 COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dentistry Conferred June 8, 1962 allen wendell anderson Guna Mara Anderson Helmut Adam Awender Kenneth Edward Bala, with Honors James Allen Berens Richard Jerome Berkowitz, B.S., Drake University, 1960 Howard Theodore Block Harold Wiluam Bonus Melvin Burach Borg Leslie Joseph Braun, Jr. Peter Emanuel Castritsis, B.S., 1959 Richard Jay Chroman Nelson Thomas Crowell Michael Joseph Davey Donald Joseph DeChristopher Maurice Dickman, B.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1953 John Paul England Lewis Erskine Frazier Thomas Blair Frazier, A.B., Monmouth College, 1960 Jerry Dean Gardner Gary Allen Gasbarra Carl Richard Gilmore, A.B., Beloit College, 1960 Leon Floyd Harres James Charles Hickey, B.S., Capital University, 1957; D.D.S., 1961 Charles Eric Johnson William Nils Johnson Richard Duke Jones Jerome Frederick Katz Albert Henry Krause George Birkland Maxwell, Jr., A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1960 Robert Kay Mick Emory Russell Nelson, A.B., Northwestern University, 1960 Walter Edward Olson, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1955 Irwin William Pearlman Darryl John Pirok Robert Joseph Pokorny Gary Alan Quick Emil Leroy Rigg, D.D.S., 1961 Farel Arthur Rosenberg Kenneth Paul Rottman, B.S., Tulane University, 1958 Sheldon Arnold Rudnick Alan Jay Shapiro, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1960 Jerry Lee Todd, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Thomas Newman Vaughn, D.D.S., 1961 Donald Philip Weissman Samuel Stuart Wexlek Bruce Lee Wolff Ramon Mathew Zoller, Jr., B.S., 1959; with Honors 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 643 Gerald Maurice Reed Conferred September 8, 1962 Degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery Conferred June 8, 1962 Edwin Thomas Jach, B.S., 1954, 1960; M.S., 1958 Jerome Frederick Katz Lawrence Mask LeVine, A.B., 1958 Jay Loyd Luhtala John Albert Spickerman, B.S., Lawrence College, 1958 Frederick John Wittber Conferred June 7, 1963 Gary Dean Anderson Arno Wilhelm Bartz Maurice Man Kwong Bau Eliot Becker, B.S., 1961 Ronald Darrell Berglund Leslie Joseph Braun, Jr., B.S., 1962 Joel Leon Burman, B.S., 1959 Peter Emanuel Castritsis, B.S., 1959, 1962 Harry Oliver Channon, A.B., Knox College, 1958; B.S., 1961 Herbert Hugh Chapman, B.S., 1961 George Phillip Choisser Myron Jules Cohen, B.S., 1959, 1961 William James Cohen, B.S., 1961 Dean Clarence Cooper, B.S., 1959, 1961 Lee Irwin Copeland, B.S., 1961 John Paul England, B.S., 1962 Robert David Essak Donald Louis Fisher, A.B., North Central College, 1956 Wayne James FitzPatrick, A.B., Millikin University, 1960; B.S., 1961 Joseph Duane Francis, B.S., 1961 Melvin Micheal Glick, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1959; B.S., 1961 Ronald Lee Goldstein, B.S., 1959 Leon George Gombis John Edward Grady, B.S., Elmhurst College, 1953; B.S., 1961 Charles Sidney Greene, B.S., University of Chicago, 1958; B.S., 1961 John Clayton Harbeck, B.S., 1961 William Leroy Hylander, B.S., 1961 Wayne Edward Kmiec, B.S., 1961 John Edward Knox, with Honors Douglas Dale Koch Michael Harry Kontos, A.B., North Central College, 1959; B.S., 1961 Steven Yoshikazu Kumamoto Lloyd Anthony Kwok Michael LaPorta, B.S., 1961 Robert Alan Lipschultz, B.S., 1961 Harry Aloysius Louie, B.S., 1961 Jack Arnold Marks, B.S., 1959,1961 Daniel Joseph Martisius Arthur Gene Mazzier, B.S., 1961 Lawrence Louis Melaik Edward Lawrence Michalec, B.S., 1961 Robert Patrick Moffett, B.S., 1961 Arthur Mow, A.B., College of the Pacific, 1959 David Jay Myers, A.B., 1959 Howard Harold Polk, B.S., 1961 Ronald Jay Popper, A.B., 1959 Donald Joseph Provenzale, B.S., Loyola University, 1959 George Richard Ramsey Murry William Randell, B.S., 1961 Gerald Maurice Reed, B.S., 1962 Robert Charles Reuss, B.S., 1961 John LeRoy Reyher, B.S., 1961 Larry Lee Richards, B.S., 1961 Edward Frank Sarsha, B.S., 1961 Gene James Sbalchiero, B.S., Mon- mouth College, 1959 Richard Frank Schmitz, B.S., 1955, 1961 Roy Alan Shellow, B.S., 1961; with Honors Eugene Brownlow Short Marvin Joseph Sommerfeld, B.S., 1961 Alan Marvin Stevens, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1957 Kenneth William Stiegel Paul Harvey Stines, B.S., 1961 Jerry Leroy Stoneking, B.S., 1961; with Honors Edward Morton Swartz John Takeshi Takekoshi, A.B., LaSierra College, 1958; B.S., 1961 Richard Casey Talbot, B.S., Purdue University, 1955; B.S., 1961 George Casimir Thomas, Jr., B.S., 1961 Dale Joseph Vercellotti, A.B., North Central College, 1958; B.S., 1961; with Honors Thomas Donald Wesley, B.S., De Paul University, 1955 Kenneth Lee Winter, B.S., 1961 Bruce Lee Wolff, B.S., 1962 Ramon Mathew Zoller, Jr., B.S., 1959, 1962; with Honors 644 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Linda Karen Kahn Emily Dodson Krueck, with Honors Susan Phyllis Shackter Lazar Susan Camilla Lustfield Meredith Marie Macenheimer Conferred June 7, 1963 Rayna Jean Michael Susan Hart Packard Patricia Loraine Sadlon Louise Evelyn Toppe, with Honors Gladys Joyce Zirbel Degree of Doctor of Medicine Conferred September 8, 1962 Bernard David Brooks Huch Edward Cummins, B.S., 1958 Ronald Joseph Ciskoskl, B.S., Warren Duane Dodd, A.B., Em- St. Mary's College, 1958 manuel Missionary College, 1957 Conferred Neil Roger Aaronson, B.S., 1959 Neil Stuart Agruss Jose Aruguete, A.B., North Central College, 1959; with Honors Norman Leonard Aves, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 Edward Harris Axelrod, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1959 Valerie Rose Bandelin, B.S., 1953 Robert Allan Behmer, B.S., Elmhurst College, 1959 Charles Edwin Bell, A.B., Washington University, 1959 Klaus Erich Biallowons Paul Joseph Biedenharn, A.B., Washington University, 1959 Robert Allan Bielinski Irwin Lionel Bliss Donald Jackson Boon, B.S., Purdue University, 1959 Peteris Bormanis, A.B., Northwestern University, 1959 Dee Charles Boswell, B.S., 1959 Joseph David Boyd Thomas Henry Brendel Marvin Bernard Brooks Lawrence Bryskin Earl Scott Buchele, A.B., McKendree College, 1954 Dale Forrest Burton Carlos Boyd Godfrey Campbell, B.S., M.S., 1955, 1957 William Delos Carlock, A.B., 1960 Allen Bruce Carlson Robert Allan Carrara Richard Glenn Chenoweth, B.S., 1957 Thomas William Clark Seymour Ira Cohen, B.S., 1958 Arnold Marvin Cohn, A.B., Northwestern University, 1959 Fred Vail Colby, B.S., 1957 Phillip Alexander Collins, A.B., Xavier University, 1959 Bernard Leonard Coniglio, Jr., A.B., Virginia Military Institute, 1959 David Henry Cope June 7, 1963 John Medford Corboy Ned Nathaniel Cowan Richard Henry Culhane, B.S., St. Louis University, 1958 James Eugene Damon, A.B., Rockford College, 1959 Jay Leonard Daskal, B.S., 1959 Dennis Paul Daut Francis O'bryan Davis Norman Eugene Dearnbarger, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 Terrence Constant Demos, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1959 Diamond Donald Dettore John Gilbert Dietrich, B.S., 1959 John Michael Dluhy, B.S., 1959 Henry Daniel Drayer Burdett Sheridan Dunbar Lawrence Frederick Dunkelberger Joseph Arthur Dupont Charles Theodore Egli, B.S., Wheaton College, 1959 Peter Case Evanson Robert Evehakes Ronald Allan Feingold Bruce Duane Fick, B.S., 1959 Peter John Fischinger Bernard Patrick Flaherty, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1959 Donald Joseph Fleischli, with Honors Robert Paul Foresman Peter Leigh Forsberg, B.S., Wheaton College, 1959 John Roscoe Foster, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 David Alexander Gallo David Harold Garfield Arthur Edward Gatenby James Theodore Gladish, B.S., 1959 Mitchell Sherwin Golbus, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, I960 Marshall David Goldin Arnold Burton Grauer Donald Lee Griffin Larry Charles Gunn 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 645 Daniel Gutierrez Robert Alan Guziec Jerome Avrum Hamburger Donald Elmer Hardbeck, B.S., Shurtleff College, 1957 Clarence Richard Hart, A.B., Loras College, 1959 Charles William Hase Albert Dipong Haverkamp, A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1959 Gilbert Morris Hefter, A.B., University of California, 1959 Roger Cline Hendricks, B.S., 1959 Charles Golden Hendrickson, B.S., 1959 Leo Merrill Henikoff, Jr., with High Honors Daniel Joseph Herman Philip Edward Hill, B.S., Iowa State College, 1959 Travis Lee Hindman Paul Thomas Hohe, A.B., Knox College, 1959 Ralph David Holmsten, B.S., Wheaton College, 1958 Richard Lee Hughes, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Paul Viviak Humbert Jon Irwin Isenberg Donald Robert Jasinski Edward Stephen Jennings, Jr., B.S., Loyola University, 1959 Roger Eugene Jinkins James Theodore Johnson Dale Keith Jones, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Jerrold Marvin Kaplan Lawrence Kayton Kenneth Roland Keer Ronald Leon Kelsey, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1958; with Honors Robert McCurdy Kennedy, A.B., Oberlin College, 1959 Donald Lee Kerste, B.S., Northwestern University, 1959 Marvin Herman Klapman, A.B., 1959 Joy Warner Knipmeyer, A.B., Asbury College, 1956; M.S., 1958 Donald John Kozil Arthur Ellis Kroft, B.S., 1959 Philip Anthony LaSpina, B.S., 1958 Joseph Henry Lee, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1958 Edward Neil Levin Ralph Joseph Levin, with Honors Sherwin Zelman Levin Richard Barry LeVike Arthur Gerald Lipman, B.S., 1959 Michael Paul Lipsich Phillip Marvin Loeb Leon Gerson Lome James Richard Luchs Marshall Donald Lustgarten Michael Maechi Judith Lee Marsden, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1959 Charles Elbert Mason, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1959 Roger Alan Maupin, B.S., 1959 Joseph Howard Mauritzen Bart Richard Mayron James Adelbert McDermott, B.S., Wheaton College, 1958 Michael Allan Messenger, A.B., Ripon College, 1959 Stuart Ronald Meyers Alan Paul Mintz, B.S., University of Chicago, 1959 David Arthur Morowitz Alan Howard Morris James Joseph Needles, A.B., Washington University, 1958 Norman Joseph Nemoy Kerry Jon Newman Nicholas Peter Ninos, A.B., B.S., Bradley University, 1958, 1959 Stewart Ira Odell Lawrence Gehl Oder Robert Charles Papp Ray Jean Pensinger Joseph Thomas Pinckard III, A.B., University of Kansas, 1959 Thomas Hugh Pinkstaff, A.B., Greenville College, 1959 Jersold Polterock, B.S., 1959 Henry Herschbiel Reeves James Calvin Reid Lawrence Keith Richards Mack David Richey Jerry Lee Roberts Gehrig Mac Robinson David Leiff Roseman Joel Sandor Rosen, B.S., 1959 Stephen Bernard Ruskin Edward Joseph Saad Lawrence Merle Sampson Martin Westbrook Schaefer John David Schmale, B.S., Wheaton College, 1959; with Honors Ronald Michael Schmidt Merle Joseph Schrodt, A.B., 1959 Charles Andrew Setterstrom, B.S., Wheaton College, 1959 Sharon Ruth Frankel Siegel, B.S., 1959 Robert Frederick Siegert, B.S., 1959 Burton Errol Silver, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1959 Marvin Lee Skoglund, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1959 Charles Slavik Robert Lee Smith David Sheldon Solomon Samuel Solomon, B.S., 1959 Jerry Gorton Spenney Richard Lyle Sperling J. Bruce Stadwiser, A.B., 1959 646 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Fred Richard Stark, A.B., 1959 Robert Alan Stone Alan John Stutz, A.B., Beloit College, 1959 Philip Arthur Swanson, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 John Frederick Tauber, B.S., 1958; M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1959 Charles Douglas Taylor Daniel Einar Thor Jerald Tornheim Gary Lawrence Turpin, A.B., Illinois College, 1959 Paul Cornelius Vanderbilt Charles Mindaugas Vygantas Barry Robert Weiss Robert Allen Weissman John Dana Welch Mark Alan Wellek Charles Fredrick White Harry Whiteley, A.B., University of Chicago, 1956 Lorin Dixon Whittaker, Jr., B.S., Raymond Golden Wilkerson, Jr., A.B., University of Chicago, 1955 Roger Arpad Williams Burton Frank Willis Eric Birger Wilson Joseph Alphonse Zalar, Jr. COLLEGE OF NURSING Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Conferred December 14, 1962 Janice Eichorn Miller Conferred March 16, 1963 Roberta Berek Elaine Jean Dlouhy Mary Lou Byers Janet Irene Phon, with Honors Conferred June 7, 1963 Barbara Thomas Alexander Dorothy Bell Janet Luan Boultinghouse Sandra Rose Ciotola Parsla Agita Drullis Lou Ann Dunham Janet Ruth Ericksen Josephine Ann Guinta Kaurryne Lana Kayman Eustachia Diane Knoedler Janet Ori Lobatz June Edith Maguire Ann Elizabeth McFarland Frances Janet McGuire Arlene Judy Miller Bette Rose Ozmon Grace Taylor Putnam, with Honors Carole Jean Robertson Lynn Ann Robertson Betty June Rothacker Marilu Scocgin Mary Mildred Smith Carol Agnes Vogel Sally Ann West COLLEGE OF PHARMACY The Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Conferred August 11, 1962 Gene Paul Bernardoni Allen Martin Immergluck Robert Dean Carpenter Egon Kahn David Julius Gertz Conferred March 16, 1963 Robert John Anderson, Jr., A.B., Knox College, 1954 Conferred June 7, 1963 John Mark Abramic Stanley Donald Adamczyk Gilbert William Adelstein Irwin Axelrod Nanci Sue Beilman Gerald Edward Bejnarowicz Gregory Bogan Bishop Donald Lynn Blank Bartholomew Martin Bldjstrup, A.B., Monmouth College, 1959 Joseph Lawrence Borski James Albert Bouchard Ronald Frank Brach Wesley Neil Breeze Ralph Edward Brown Robert Leonard Bulinski John August Carolan Marvin Earl Causey Allen Ronald Cohn Dennis Earl Cole James Edward Coltman James Albert Conkoy, with Honors 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 647 John James Csiha Noel Patrick Cusick Gerald George Czaja Paot. DeFrees Charles Jack DeMory Thomas Edward Dickerhofe Anna Dolly Didzbalis George Scott Douglas Judith Johnson Douglas Robert Allen Drozt Judith Helen Ducat Robert Dee Dunworth Donald George Edwards, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1953; with Honors Richard Stephen Egan Beverly Ann Elliott Robert Leslie Fein Melvyn Howard Fogel Philip Fogel Stuart David Gandell Edward Gar Ging Gin Toby Ann Glicken, with High Honors Leonard Stanley Grabowski, with Honors Barbara Alice Grams Murray Marshall Hale Bradley Tucker Hales, with High Honors Edward George Halstead Perry Victor Halushka, with Honors George Dewey Heinz, Jr. Henry Howard Henschen, Jr. Herbert Elmer Hibnick, A.B., Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1950, 1956; B.S., M.S., Purdue University, 1951, 1953 Norman Leroy Hines Adrian Keith Irving Clifford Alan Isackson Harold Isenberg, B.S., 1959 Kenneth Paul Jesunas Paul Melvin Jurisch Allen Arnold Kagan Larry Alan Kahrl Robert Elmer Kamm Allan Ira Kaplan Stuart David Karlin Shelby Earl Kavin Alan Edward Kelley Nancy Jeanne Kelly Donald James Knox Walter John Knuepfer II Richard Alvin Knutson William James Korzen Richard Hamre Kuhlman Michael Henry Larson Richard Joseph Lesak Joseph Peter Levato Mitchell Glenn Link delegation of signatures At its annual meeting on March 20, 1963, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois adopted a resolution authorizing its President Delphine Monica Lupinski Edward Mel Maekel Joyce Beverly Martinek Theodore Harry Marzorati, with Honors Jeanette Angela Matesi Thomas Anthony McGovern Bernard Martin Mensik, Jr. Gary Alden Mercer Frederick John Merchant Thomas Fred Michel David Frederic Millikan Gerald Sheldon Mosak Paul Moy Robert James Murphy James Charles Murray Rosemaeie Cecilia Narducci Sylvester Norris James Francis Novak Franklin Davis Nussbaum Allyn Kay O'Byrne James Edward Osborne Henry Eric Paetsch Larissa Alexandra Pohorecki Walter Joseph Pollack Marilyn Monson Principe Peter Charles Puleo Wendland Quan William James Rezabeck Theodore Jonas Roseman George Dominic Rotchford Sister Alfred Marie Russell, A.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1934; M.S., Howard University, 1936; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1947 Irving Sheldon Sandack Laurence Roy Schaer David Kirk Sheagren Dale Edward Simek Richard John Sokatch, B.Mus., M.Mus., University of Michigan, 1945, 1948 Allan Gerald Spies Richard Stuart Spiwak Thomas Henry Stancey SlGMUND STEINFINK Sidney William Stern Gail Marilyn Stoll William Henry Stone, with Honors Robert Duane Tackitt Glenn Louis Tetrev Robert Edward Thurn George Martin Trampe Roy Lynn Webb Richard Clem Werner Edward Ellis Williams Kathleen Mary Woods George Edward Wright 648 board of trustees [June 19 and Secretary to delegate the signing of their names to vouchers to be presented to the Auditor of Public Accounts and to warrants drawn on the Treasurer of the University under the conditions specified in the resolution. The Secretary requests that this resolution be amended to include authorization of Virginia J. Hendrix and Catherine C. Cacioppo to sign his name as Secretary of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the Auditor of Public Accounts and to warrants on the University Treasurer, covering vouchers approved in accordance with regulations of the Board. On motion of Mr. Swain, the resolution of March 20, 1963, was amended as requested. LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS President Clement called attention to a letter dated June 13, 1963, received by all members of the Board of Trustees from the President of the University of Illinois Chapter of the American Association of University Professors concerning the action of censure taken at the annual meeting of the Association. The following is an extract of the paragraphs in the letter pertinent to this matter: "Those of us from this campus who were delegates to the Annual Meeting of the A.A.U.P. in San Francisco and those of us who were recently elected officers of the Urbana Chapter are deeply concerned about the effects of the censure and earnestly hope that events during the coming months will warrant removal of the censure at the next Annual Meeting in St. Louis. We believe that the great majority of the faculty share these views. "In behalf of my colleagues, let me express the hope that the President and the Board of Trustees will be able to achieve an accommodation and understanding with the national officials of the A.A.U.P. so that Committee 'A' on Academic Freedom and Tenure will recommend removal of censure at the next Annual Meeting. "The Urbana Chapter of A.A.U.P. has had a cordial and constructive working relationship with the University Administration for some years. We hope and expect that this relationship will continue unimpaired. "Yours sincerely, Richard C. Wilcock President" President Clement has replied to this letter on behalf of the Trustees, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; resignations, declinations, and terminations; leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Adelman, Gary S., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,667 for the period (6-4-63). Aramaki, Seiya, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (5-31-63). Arnett, Edward M., Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,700 for the period (5-28-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 649 Aston, Katharine O., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963, \/i time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $723 for the period (5-29-63). Baibd, Jack R., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), three months from June 1, 1963, $833.33 a month, supersedes (5-28-63). Baker, C. M. Ann, Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, three months from June 1, 1963, $650 a month, supersedes (5-31-63). Baker, Ronald L., Instructor in Business English, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,000 (5-31-63). Baldwin, Gary N., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-4-63). Barton, Furman W., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, Vs time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $676 for the period (6-4-63). Bates, Cyril P., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $1,350 (5-21-63). Bauling, Frederick G., Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963, 2/3 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,200 for the period (5-6-63). Beeby, John L., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (5-6-63). Bennett, Delmond N., Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, Vi time, and Coordinator of the Summer Residential Program, Vi time, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,556 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-28-63). Benzel, James F., Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering (S), three months from June 1, 1963, $550 a month, supersedes (5-31-63). Bianchini, Albert C, Associate Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963, V2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $934 for the period (5-6-63). Bilokur, Borys, Assistant in Russian, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-28-63). Blachford, Cameron W., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,445 for the period (5-23-63). Bocdanska, Halina, Research Associate in Animal Science (S), September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (5-28-63). Bonbrest, Helen C, Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $5,150 (5-6-63). Bradley, Wayne E., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1963, $7,200 (5-17-63). Bsandis, Royall, Professor of Economics, Summer Session of 1963, Vi time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,262 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-23-63). Briscoe, John W., Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, 14 time, July 15-August 10, 1963, $374 for the period (5-23-63). Browski, Loretta A., Assistant in Physical Education for Women (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,000 (5-31-63). Brugge, John F., Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, three months from June 1, 1963, $408.32 a month, supersedes (5-31-63). Campbell, A. Norman, Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,067 for the period (5-16-63). Capps, Joan P., Instructor in Mathematics, Vi time, and in the Computer Program, Vt, time (Vice-President's Office, Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,400 (5-31-63). Carter, Harry H., Jr., Instructor in Music, 1/ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,650 (5-13-63). Chen, Yuh Ching, Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $88? for the period (6-4-63). Chinnov, Igor V., Visiting Lecturer in Russian, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 for the period (5-29-63). Chow, David Kuo-Kjen, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from June 16, 1963, $466.66 a month (5-28-63). 650 board of trustees [June 19 Christian, John W., Visiting Professor of Metallurgy (C), one month from June 16, 1963, $1,800 (5-31-63). m Clifford, John J., Research Associate in Education (University High Schooli one year from September 1, 1963, $11,000 (5-31-63). '' Cook, Robert L., Counselor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Pr0 gram, Summer Session of 1963, 17/100 time, June 17-August 10, 1963 %\V\ for the period (5-22-63). Costello, George A., Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Summer Session of 1963, 1/2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $945 for the period (5-6-63). Courtney, Harley, Instructor in Accountancy, 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,500 (5-15-63). s Cowin, John W., Instructor in Physical Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, % time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,334 for the period (5-14-63). Crank, Floyd L., Associate Professor in the Bureau of Educational Research July 14-August 10, 1963, $967, additional (5-6-63). Crow, Merwin R., Instructor in Hygiene and Psychiatric Social Worker in the Health Service, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (5-13-63). Crow, W. D. L., Research Associate in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,600 a year (5-28-63). Dalton, Yvonne Y., Assistant in English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-16-63). Darwish, David, Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,250 for the period (5-28-63). DeMaris, Edwin J., Associate Professor of Management, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,334 for the period (6-4-63). Denlinger, Charles G., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-4-63). Dennis, J. Richard, Research Associate in Education (University High School), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,400 (5-31-63). Dennis, Mrs. Nancy J., Assistant in Physical Education for Women (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,300 (5-31-63). Detwiler, Betty C, Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,445 for the period (6-4-63). Dilley, Clyde A., Research Associate in Education (University High School), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,900 (5-31-63). Djorup, Frans M., Jr., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, two months from July 1, 1963, $708.33 a month, supersedes (5-13-63). Drago, Russell S., Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,023 for the period (5-16-63). Ecklund, Robert E., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $7,200 (5-22-63). Enke, Ernest L., Instructor in Accountancy, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,500 (5-22-63). Ernst, Edward W., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, y2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,312 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-23-63). Ernst, Richard L., Instructor in Economics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,300 (5-22-63). Exline, Gerald L., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (5-6-63). Fellmann, Jerome D., Associate Professor of Geography, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,178 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-16-63). Ferguson, William A., Associate Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,112 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-4-63). Ferrell, Ray E., Jr., Assistant in Geology, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (5-16-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 651 Fermer, Elmer E., Research Associate in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,000 (5-22-63). Ferris, Donald R., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 for the period (5-23-63). Flenner, Ross H., Senior Research Programmer in the Digital Computer Laboratory, three months from June 1, 1963, $875 a month, supersedes (5-22-63). Flummerfelt, Joseph R., Instructor in Music, Vz time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,650 (5-13-63). Foght, James L., Research Assistant in Chemistry, April 1-June 15, 1963, $488.89 a month, supersedes (5-6-63). Futita, Toshio, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (5-28-63). Gans, Rena, Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1963, $5,700 (5-17-63). Gantt, Clarence L., Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1963, $1,333.33 a month (5-9-63). German, Victor F., Research Assistant in Chemistry, four months from May 1, 1963, $448.33 a month, supersedes (S-16-63). Gerstner, Robert, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 24-August 15, 1963, $1,867, additional (5-17-63). Gladney, Frank Y., Instructor in Russian, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,000 (5-31-63). Gomoll, Allen W., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1963, $944.45 a month, additional (5-23-63). Gourishankar, Vembu, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,689 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-23-63). Greenberg, Nahman H., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $15,500, supersedes (5-8-63). Griffey, Ann V., Counselor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1963, 17/100 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $150 for the period (5-22-63). Gruner, Barbara J., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1963, $5,500 (5-17-63). Guldner, Ruth C, Acquisition Assistant in the Library, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (5-16-63). Hale, Jonathan, Counselor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1963, 17/100 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $150 for the period (5-22-63). Halko, Arlene A., Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology (Medicine), Vs time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,800, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (5-31-63). Hansell, Sven H., Instructor in Music, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,900 (5-22-63). Harmer, Richard S., Ill, Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,400 (5-8-63). Hayward, Harold N., Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, one year from May 12, 1963, $19,621, supersedes (5-13-63). Heim, George E., Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,780 (5-28-63). Heller, Floyd N., Instructor in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), % time, May 10-August 31, 1963, $828.33 a month, supersedes non-salaried appointment (5-24-63). Henne, Bertrand W., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, two months from June 16, 1963, $475 a month (5-16-63). Hesselberth, Cassius A., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,156 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-23-63). Hetherington, Jack H., Research Associate in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $800 a month (5-22-63). 652 board of trustees [June 19 Hochhauser, Martin, Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology (Medicine) 1/10 time, three months from June 1, 1963, $120.84 a month, supersedes (5-23-63). Hohn, Franz E., Associate Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963 June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,400 for the period (6-4-63). Hunt, Charles K., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Summer Session o' 1963 June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,156 for the period (5-16-63). Ingalls, Robert L., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from Seo-tember 1, 1963, $8,500 (5-6-63). v Iversen, Mrs. Audrey N., Classics Librarian, with rank of Instructor (Library) one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (5-31-63). Jacobson, Albert S., Research Associate in Education (University High School), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (5-31-63). Jennings, C. A., Visiting Lecturer in Speech and Theatre, Vz time, and in University Theatre, Vi time, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963 $1,750 for the period (5-6-63). Joiner, Charles A., Visiting Lecturer in Political Science, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 for the period (5-28-63). Jones, Robert M., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), y2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,700 (5-13-63). Karlstrom, Paul E., Instructor in General Engineering (C), Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $1,700 (5-6-63). Katz, Morris W., Visiting Lecturer in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, V2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,000 for the period (64-63). Kaufman, Marguerite S., Assistant Architecture Librarian, with rank of Instructor (Library), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (5-14-63). Kellogg, Mrs. Isabel M., Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy (Medicine), yi time, four months from June 1, 1963, $354.17 a month (5-31-63). Killian, Thomas J., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,180 (5-28-63). Kinney, Paul T., Assistant Professor of Finance, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,011.11 a month, additional (5-28-63). Koch, Mrs. Anita, Assistant in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1, 1962, $5,150, supersedes (5-17-63). Koester, Paul W., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 for the period (5-16-63). Kulis, John C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 24/100 time, four months from May 1, 1963, $150 a month, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (5-31-63). Landry, Joseph P. F., Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, three months from May 16, 1963, $1,333.32 (5-6-63). Lang, Melvin, Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,000 for the period (5-6-63). LeBel, Norman A., Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2250 for the period (5-28-63). Lee, Choochon, Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $934 (5-16-63). Lehmann, John R., Jr., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,423 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-23-63). Leon, Hector R., Assistant in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), seven months from December 1, 1962, without salary (5-8-63). Lieman, Daniel S., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from June 16, 1963, $933.32 (5-28-63). Lindblad, Nero R., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1963, $7,500 (5-17-63). Linderholm, Carl E., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,556 for the period (6-4-63). Lopez-Belio, Mariano, Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine), V4 time, four months from May 1, 1963, $180 a month, supersedes (5-6-63). Lynch, Asta V., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $5,150 (5-16-63). 1963] university of Illinois 653 Mainous, Bruce H., Associate Professor of French, Summer Session of 1963, i/i time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,145 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-4-63). Mandy, William J., Research Associate in Microbiology, three months from June 1, 1%3, $625 a month (5-22-63). Martens, Gert, Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), i/S time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,600 (5-8-63). Martin, William O., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,800 for the period (5-16-63). Mason, Robert M., Housefather in Speech and Theatre---Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1963, 23/100 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $200 for the period (5-22-63). McDonald, Bruce E., Research Associate in Animal Science (S), August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (5-29-63). McMasters, Donald L., Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $8,000 (5-28-63). McMurray, Carl D., Research Associate in Political Science, April 1-May 7, 1963, $1,008 (5-6-63). McQuiety, Mary E., Assistant in Physical Education for Women (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,200 (5-31-63). Mendel, Clifford W., Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,667 for the period (6-4-63). Moeller, Kelvin K., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (5-28-63). Moore, Charles A., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, two months from June 16, 1963, $450 a month (5-16-63). Morgan, Bruce W., Instructor in Economics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,500 (5-29-63). Mosillo, Francis A., Assistant Professor of General Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,489 for the period (5-14-63). Mueller, Eugene A., Research Associate in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1963, $11,700 (5-17-63). Mueller, Henry F., Research Associate in the State Water Survey, Yz time, one year from July 1, 1963, $4,625 (5-17-63). Mueller, Thomas E., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), Vz time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,425 (5-28-63). Munson, Karl F., Instructor in Rural Recreation Extension (Agricultural Economics, and Cooperative Extension Service) (C and E), June 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $9,500 a year, supersedes (5-13-63). Munter, H. Steen, Jr., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, two months from June 16, 1963, $450 a month (5-16-63). Muslin, Hyman L., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $13,500 (5-13-63). Nachtmann, Francis W., Associate Professor of French, Summer Session of 1963, i/2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $934 for the period (6-4-63). Neiswanger, W. A., Professor of Economics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $3,445 for the period (5-23-63). Nelson, Clifford M., Jr., Assistant in Geology, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-5-63). Nessler, Francis A., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,200 for the period (5-6-63). Newmark, Nathan M., Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, Vi time, June 17-July 13, 1963, $631 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-23-63). Nishikawa, YosHiHiRO, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (4-22-63). Orland, George H., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, V5 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $834 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-4-63). Paden, Mrs. Elaine P., Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,200 (5-31-63). 654 boasd of trustees [June 19 Page, Kenneth C, Electron Microscope Engineer in the Electron Microscope Facility (School of Life Sciences), four months from May 1, 1963, $1,041.66 a month (5-2-63). Panepinto, Joan C, Instructor in Music, academic year beginning September 1 1963, $6,500 (5-26-63). Pabnas,(Mr.) Itzchak, Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (5-31-63). Peacock, Nancy K., Research Assistant in the Graduate College, May 13-August 31, 1963, $429.17 a month (5-16-63). Penev, Luben C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 24/100 time, four months from May 1, 1963, $150 a month, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (5-31-63). Perlman, Raymond, Associate Professor of Art, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,223 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-4-63). Peters, J. William, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,345 for the period (6-4-63). Peterson, Harold A., Supervisor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,289 for the period (5-23-63). Pieper, William J., Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), V3 time, July 1, 1963- August 31, 1964, $7,000 a year (5-13-63). Pike, Nelson C, Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,900 for the period (5-16-63). Pines, David, Professor of Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $2,000 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-17-63). Pritner, Calvin L., Assistant Theatre Therapist in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1963, 45/100 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $400 for the period (5-22-63). Quay, Herbert C, Associate Professor of Special Education (Education) and of Psychology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), on indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963; and Research Director of the University of Illinois Children's Research Center (Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office), two years from September 1, 1963, $16,500 a year (5-14-63). Rafuse, Robert W., Jr., Instructor in Economics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,300 (5-22-63). Ralley, Thomas G., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-4-63). Ramaiah, Kommineni, Research Associate in Chemistry, two months from July 1, 1963, $508.33 a month (5-22-63). Reilly, James R., Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), s/s time, two months from July 1, 1963, $425 a month, supersedes (5-29-63). Resek, Lois D., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,300 (5-17-63). Rife, Harold, Instructor in Business Administration (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,434 for the period (6-4-63). Roberts, Margaret R., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,000 (5-17-63). Roeder, Paul J., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (S), three months from June 1, 1963, $1,440 (5-28-63). Rossi, Harriett, Instructor in Nursing, one year from September 1, 1962, $7,650, supersedes (5-16-63). Ruderer, Clifford G., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (S), three months from June 1, 1963, $1,335 (5-23-63). Rust, Ray D., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from July 1, 1963, $934 (5-28-63). Salinger, Richard, Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education, one year from September 1, 1963, $11,000 (5-13-63). Savage, Jerome A., Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1963, 2/3 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $845 for the period (6-4-63). Schauble, Joseph H., Research Associate in Chemistry, June 16-August 31, 1963, $1,334, supersedes (5-14-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 655 Scheyer, Frederick D., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, two months from June 16, 1963, $465 a month (5-163). Schiappa, Ferdinando B., Assistant in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), three months from April 1, 1963, without salary (5-8-63). Schick, Guy A., Instructor in Economics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,634 for the period (5-23-63). Seabright, Mrs. Frances K., Instructor in Physical Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, Vi time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $756 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-14-63). Sherbert, Donald R., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, i/i time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $723 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-4-63). Sidebottom, Omar M., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963, U time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,001 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-6-63). Sims, Arthur L., Research Assistant in the Graduate College and in the State Water Survey, May 13, 1963-June 30, 1964, $9,000 a year (5-22-63). Singh, H. Devendra, Research Associate in Animal Science (S), four months from May 1, 1963, $487.50 a month (5-14-63). Sklar, Lawrence, Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,600 for the period (5-16-63). Sleigh, Robert C, Jr., Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,825 for the period (5-16-63). Smith, Edward B., Instructor in Music, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,050 (5-6-63). Smith, Julius, Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, i/i time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $789 for the period (6-4-63). Sollo, Frank W., Jr., Research Associate in the State Water Survey, 2/10 time, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,000 (5-17-63). Stallmeyer, James E., Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, 2/3 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,690 for the period (5-23-63). Stark, Kurt, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (5-28-63). Stearns, Raymond P., Professor of History, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $3,289 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-16-63). Steffens, Georgia, Recreation Director in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1963, Ys time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $175 for the period (5-23-63). Stengel, Sally A., Instructor in Medical Illustration (Vice-President's Office at the Medical Center), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,000 (5-28-63). Strain, Robert J., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), three months from June 1, 1963, $866.67 a month, supersedes (5-28-63). Strange, Russell P., Professor of Air Force Science and Head of the Department, on indefinite tenure, from March 1, 1963, without salary (5-13-63). Surwill, Benedict J., Jr., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,000 for the period (5-16-63). Sward, Marcia P., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-4-63). Swieca, Jorge A., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (5-8-63). Tartt, Mrs. Laura C, Instructor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (4-24-63). Terras, Victor, Assistant Professor of Russian, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,700 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-29-63). Terreault, Bernard, Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $934 (5-16-63). Terrell, Glenn, Jr., Professor of Psychology, on indefinite tenure, and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), two years from September 1, 1963, $21,000 a year (5-15-63). 656 board of trustees [June 19 Thayek, Frederick D., Ill, Assistant in Russian, Summer Session of 1963 June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-28-63). Thiel, Gerald E., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16 1963, $934 (5-16-63). Thier, Herbert D., Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education one year from September 1, 1963, $11,400 (5-22-63). Thompson, William R., Assistant in the Graduate School of Library Science Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (5-16-63). Tiebout, Harry M., Jr., Associate Professor of Philosophy, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,067 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-16-63). Tiecke, Richard, Lecturer in Oral Pathology with rank of Professor (Dentistry) Vs time, three months from June 1, 1963, $600, supersedes (5-14-63). Torok, Nicholas, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology (Medicine), j4 time, three months from June 1, 1963, $1,066.66 a month, supersedes (5-28-63). Turik, Henry A., Instructor in Rural Recreation (E), June 15, 1963-August 31 1964, $6,300 a year, supersedes (5-28-63). Tussing, Richard C, Instructor in Business Management (Bureau of Business Management), three months from June 1, 1963, $625 a month (5-23-63). VanDyke, Patricia A., Counselor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1963, 17/100 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $150 for the period (5-22-63). Wakae, Masami, Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-4-63). Waller, Robert A., Instructor in History (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), V$ time, and in Teacher Training Counseling (Education), 2/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (5-28-63). Webb, Harold D., Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, 1/2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,256 for the period (5-23-63). Weber, Gerald I., Instructor in Economics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,300 (5-22-63). Will, Frederick L., Professor of Philosophy, Summer Session of 1963, l& time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $413 for the period (5-16-63). Williams, Ernest B., Clinical Associate in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), three months from June 1, 1963, without salary (5-23-63). Willett, Maurita F., Assistant Professor of English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,612, additional (5-17-63). Witsken, John R., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from June 16, 1963, $933.32 (5-28-63). Wolfe, Martin S., Research Assistant Professor of Education (University High School), two months from June 16, 1963, $1,878, additional (5-23-63). Yeh, Robert, Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $934 (5-16-63). Yon, Mustafa K., Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), Vi time, four months from May 1, 1963, $220.83 a month, supersedes (5-8-63). Zettas, James P., Clinical Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), three months from June 1, 1963, without salary (5-23-63). Ziegler, Russell A., Visiting Lecturer in Advertising (Journalism and Communications), to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1963-February 28, 1964, $4,337.50 (5-23-63). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Abdul-baki, Aref A., Summer Fellow in Horticulture, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-30-63). Akin, Finis D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740 (4-25-63). Anderson, Lynn R., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Psychology, June 16-September 7, 1963, $900 (4-25-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 657 Aeons, Harriet D., University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,300 (3-29-63). Asik Joseph R., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Aspnes, David E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Banna, Nabil R., University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,300 (3-29-63). Barry, Lynette F., George A. Miller Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,600; and two months from June 16, 1964, $400, supersedes (5-2-63). BenaRD, Edmund F., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500, supersedes (5-6-63). Benoit, Catherine, University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,300 (3-29-63). Bernett, William A., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Bertland, Alexander U., II, United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $800 (5-20-63). Billington, John A., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,025 (5-6-63). Boers, Burdette L., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (5-16-63). Bolles, Theodore F., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Brammer, Linda R., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Brigcs, Jerry L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740 (4-25-63). Bsittain, Thomas M., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Bromels, Edward, National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Brosamler, Gunnar, Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Brosemer, Ronald W., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,556; this is in addition to his appointment as Instructor in Biochemistry (5-28-63). Brown, Frederick S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, February 1-August 15, 1963, $1,444.43 (5-27-63). Brown, Mrs. Sharon L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-26-63). Buffington, Sidney C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310 (4-25-63). Butterworth, Douglas S., Fellow in Anthropology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (3-30-63). Carlson, Loren G., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,700 (5-6-63). Carney, Joseph H., Sigma Xi Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $500, supersedes (5-3-63). Carraway, Keemit L., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63) ; and National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (5-1-63). Carter, Robert L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (5-17-63). Chalfant, James C, United States Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (5-7-63). Clark, Herbert J., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Psychology, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). 658 board of trustees [June 19 Collier, Charles P., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathe matics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Cooper, Jeftery M., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathe matics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Cote, William E., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Geolosv June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Sy' Cotter, Stanley, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310 (4-25-63). Coverdale, Charles E., E. I. du Pont Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,200 (4-19-63). Cralley, John C, National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Zoology June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Criley, Bruce B., Summer Fellow in Zoology, one month from July 16 1963 $187.50 (4-24-63). ' Cutts, Richard, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310 (4-25-63). Dagres, John, George A. Miller Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,600; and two months from June 16, 1964, $400, supersedes (5-2-63). Davis, Emile M., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Dentistry at the Medical Center, three months from April 1 1963, $542 a month (3-19-63). Degnan, Judith A., University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,300 (3-29-63). De Vlieger, Daniel, Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-17-63). Donegan, Rosa M., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Draper, Milton A., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Drucker, Harvey, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,800 (5-24-63). Dunn, Howard E., Phillips Petroleum Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-19-63). Ebner, Charles A., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Edgerton, Stephenie G., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-17-63). Ekdahl, Francis E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-25-63). Elias, Chester G., Jr., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,025 (5-6-63). Feistel, Gerald R., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Finley, Judith A., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (5-2-63). Fisher, Barbara N., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-16-63). Fisher, Farley, National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Flynn, Charles M., Jr., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Forsman, Roderick G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (5-16-63). Franklin, Gus L., Ill, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Frazer, William D., Fellow in Digital Computer Laboratory, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $750, supersedes (5-2-63). Freed, James M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1963, $444.32 (5-23-63). Friedman, Robert B., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 659 Fung, Alice S. C, Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Gaardek, Bard, Fellow in Law, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Garland, Roy E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-25-63). GericKE, Wolfgang, Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Goodman, Alan B., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Gordon, Alan, National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Gossum, Sandra A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Grimes, George V., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Grotzinger, Laurel A., Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (5-2-63). Gundersen, Larry E., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-20-63). Gur-Arieh, Chaim, Fellow in Food Technology, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $900, supersedes (5-2-63). Gutman, David, National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Habas, Linda B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,666.66 (5-23-63). Haggstrom, Gus W., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Haley, Kenneth W., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemical Engineering, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Hall, Edna J., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Hall, Jean, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Hall, Richard S., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Hannula, Thomas A., Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-1-63) ; and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400, supersedes (5-17-63). Harper, Goin N., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Civil Engineering, June 16-August 10, 1963, $680 (5-16-63). Harrison, Willard W., C. S. Marvel Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-22-63). Hartmen, Richard R., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310 (4-25-63). Hay, Arthur J., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Herber, William J., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740 (4-25-63). Heuer, Ronald E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Geology, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Hoch, James A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,200 (5-24-63). Hollington, M. A., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16 1963 $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). Holmen, Robert L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, $4,835, supersedes (5-6-63). Hoyt, Ronnie A., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Hummel, Floyd A., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). 660 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Hurley, Oliver L.( United States Office of Education Fellow in Education ninp months from September 16, 1963, $3,600 (5-7-63). Imhof, Violet I., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry nine months from September 1, 1963, $1,800 (S-16-63). Incremona, Joseph H., Rohm and Haas Company Fellow in Chemistry ninp months from September 16, 1963, $1,900 (4-19-63). Jobes, Robert W., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-25-63). Jones, Alan K. G., Fellow in Business Administration, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (3-30-63). Jones, Mack, Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (5-2-63). Josephson, Charles H., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Jung, Robert W., Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Kahn, Walter J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology at the Medical Center, three months from April 1, 1963 $1,650, supersedes (3-27-63). Karlin, Marvin W., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-25-63). Keener, Ronald L., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry June 16-August 10, 1963, $680 (5-16-63). Keith, Harold D., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Kelleher, James J., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Kelly, Thomas J., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (5-2-63). Kenny, Margaret A., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Kieckhefer, Barbara J., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Botany, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Kiergan, Stephen E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Kirkby, Larry L., Monsanto Chemical Company Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-19-63). Knaupp, Jonathan E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Knopp, James A., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-20-63). Kominek, Leo A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,200 (5-24-63). Koob, John D., Fellow in Botany, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63) ; and Summer Fellow in Botany, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Koop, James V., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Kopp, Linda M., Fellow in Russian, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1963, $475, supersedes (5-31-63). Kranch, Linda L., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-20-63). Kubis, John J., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Kunze, Barbara A., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (3-30-63). LaBach, William A., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mathematics, June 16-August 10, 1963, $680 (5-16-63). Larson, Carl S., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, June 16-August 10, 1963, $680 (5-16-63). Laryea, Jemima U., University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,300 (3-29-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 661 Latta, Thomas M., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (S-16-63). Lehmann, Gerald A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-25-63). Line, William F., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Lister, Basil M., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740 (4-25-63). Loos, James S., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Lucas, John F., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740 (4-25-63). Lynch, Richard W., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemical Engineering, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Martin, Lawrence L., Edward Orton Jr. Foundation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,600 (5-29-63). Martin, Preston K., Standard Oil Company (of California) Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-19-63). Martin, Sanford M., Jr., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Economics, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). McCokmick, James L., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemical Engineering, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). McDowell, Leland K., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). McGeary, David F. R., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Geology, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). McGlamery, Marshal D., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Agronomy, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). McKaughan, Larry S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (5-17-63). Miller, Donald M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1963, $444.34 (5-23-63). Miller, Larry L., Eli Lilly Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-19-63). Mischke, Richard E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Mishkin, David J., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Economics, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Moehlis, Ronald D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Monnard, Richard F., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Morris, Alan H., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, March 18-June 8, 1963, $200 (4-4-63). Morris, Charles G., II, National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Moss, Steven A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740 (4-25-63). Muesing, Richard A., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-16-63). Mulholland, Royal W., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Murphy, James T., Fellow (Intern) in Government and Public Affairs, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,025 (5-6-63). Murray, Cecil P., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310 (4-25-63). Myers, David D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, June 1, 1963-June 30, 1964, $7,041.66 (5-24-63). Nelson, Norman N., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Newman, L. Michael, National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Psychology, June 16-August 10, 1963, $680 (5-16-63). 662 board of trustees [June 19 Odell, Stanley J., Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from Tune 16 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Oehmke, Richard W., Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-19-63). O'Neill, William P., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Orr, Margery A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Osborn, Thomas R., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Paige, James P., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Palmer, Richard A., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry June 16-August 24, 1963, $850 (5-16-63); and August Kochs Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (4-19-63). Parr, Christopher A., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (4-26-63). Patten, Joseph, Summer Fellow in Labor and Industrial Relations, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-26-63). Perkins, William E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1963, $444.34 (5-23-63). Petrovich, John P., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Piepmeier, Edward H., Chemical Industries Council Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (4-24-63). Pifer, Joe H., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Plevan, Robert E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemical Engineering, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Pogany, Dennis, Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Porter, James A., Jk., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from June 16, 1963, $6,000 (5-24-63). Portugal, Franklin H., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Pratt, Larry D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Pubcell, Keith F., Chemical Industries Council Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (4-24-63). Randall, William J., Monsanto Chemical Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Raz, Amiram, Wright Fellow in Food Technology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (4-15-63). Rehm, Allan S., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mathematics, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Ripka, William C., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Roach, William R., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Rosenberg, Harry C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-25-63). Rosenberg, Richard L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Ruth, Robin C, United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-20-63). Ryan, Robert P., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $700 (5-7-63). Ryan, Sheila P., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Ryckman, David B., United States Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,800 (5-7-63). Saeger, Kay E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,666.66 (5-23-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 663 Sagebs, Richard D., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $2,445; this is in addition to his present appointment as Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry (5-28-63). Sain, Michael K., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Electrical Engineering, June 16-August 17, 1963, $765 (5-16-63). Samuel, Wiluam S., Jr., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-25-63). Sandford, Paul A., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-16-63). Saunders, Grady F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,200 (5-24-63). Schimbor, Richard F., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Scott, Alan N., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 7, 1963, $1,020 (5-16-63). Sell, Maurice G., Jr., Procter and Gamble Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-26-63). Sensabaugh, Richard G., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Shiek, John S., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Shoffner, James P., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Singh, Amarjit H., Teaching Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1962, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1963, $350, supersedes (5-5-63). Sirbasku, David A., University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,300 (4-1-63). Sister Mary K. Fellin, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,600 (4-25-63). Sister Mary St. Margaret Pumphret, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Smith, Alton L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Smith, John E., Jr., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Smith, Theodore F., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (5-16-63). Soja, Dokothy M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-27-63). Son, Jaime S., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (4-30-63). Spicer, Larry D., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Spinosa, Frank, Special Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (4-24-63). Stancl, Donald L., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Stephens, John K., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Stoll, Charles H., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Stone, Alexander P., Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Stone, Mary A., Teaching Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (3-30-63). Stromsta, Roger R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000, supersedes (5-17-63). Strunk, Richard D., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (5-16-63). Suconick, Naomi, Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (3-30-63). 664 board of trustees [June 19 Sussmann, Rosalina, National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chem istry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Swallow, Ronald J., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Biophysics, one year from February 1, 1963, $3,200 (4-16-63). Tasch, Aloysious F., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400, supersedes (5-17-63). Taylor, Bert A., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mathematics June 16-August 10, 1963, $680 (5-16-63); and National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2400 (4-25-63). Thomas, John D., Summer Fellow in Speech, two months from June 16, 1963 $375 (4-16-63). Thompson, Stephen I., Summer Fellow in Anthropology, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Tomasson, Richard F., Fellow in Sociology, three months from June 16, 1963, $900; this is in addition to his appointment as Assistant Professor of Sociology and in the Division of General Studies (5-13-63). Treacy, David P., Summer Fellow in Communications, two months from June 16 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Trimble, Ralph W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (5-17-63). Trowbridge, George C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310 (4-25-63). Uddin, David E., University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,300 (3-29-63). Underhill, Donald K., Summer Fellow in Zoology, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-17-63). Vaichulis, Eugene M., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Van Der Voorn, Peter C, National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Vaughan, Robert W., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Vayo, Harris W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, two months from June 16, 1963, $444.34 (5-23-63). Vergin, Marcia A., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-20-63). Virus, Carolyn R., University Fellow at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,300 (3-29-63). Wagner, Curtis A., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Walker, Leigh E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Walsh, John B., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Watanabe, Renate G., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $1,800 (4-25-63). Weimer, Richard C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310 (4-25-63). West, Hoyal B., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310 (4-25-63). Wilkinson, Jack W., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,880 (4-25-63). Wilson, George S., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-August 24, 1963, $850 (5-16-63). Wilson, John E., Parke, Davis Company Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $700 (4-26-63). Wilson, Paul R., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Winterbauer, William L., Jr., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-25-63). Wiseman, Douglas E., United States Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,000 (5-7-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 665 Wolfe, Barry E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (5-17-63). Wollersheim, Janet P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (5-17-63). Woodfin, Beulah M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, May 1-August 15, 1963, $1,956 (5-24-63). Wozniak, Louis, National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Electrical Engineering, June 16-August 10, 1963, $680 (5-16-63). Wrzeszcz, Owen E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740 (4-25-63). Wylder, Joseph G., Jr., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170 (4-25-63). Yamashiroya, Herbert M., Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (4-16-63). Yen, Sian L., Fellow in Linguistics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (5-23-63). RESIGNATIONS. DECLINATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Baldino, Mrs. Evangeline, Acquisition Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective June 22, 1963. Blyth, Colin R., Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Borchers, Gertrude L., Professor of Nutrition --- resignation effective July 16, 1963. Bridges, Thomas W., Instructor in Music --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Butwell, Richard L., Associate Professor of Political Science, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Carlson, C. L, Professor of General Engineering, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. Crow, Merwin R., Instructor in Hygiene and Psychiatric Social Worker in the Health Service --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Davis, Nuel P., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Demaree, Robert G., Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Office of Instructional Research --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Dickinson, Marsha, Research Assistant in Political Science --- resignation effective June 8, 1963. Eagon, John A., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Enata, Eloise C, Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Fraticelli, Joanne C., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine) ---resignation effective May 23, 1963. Harper, Anne Y., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research --- resignation effective June 1, 1963. Hill, Enid, Assistant in Social Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. House, James E., Assistant in the Division of General Studies, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Hunt, Rogene S., Visiting Lecturer in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. Jogdeo, Shishirkumar S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Johnson, Margaret L., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine) --- resignation effective Tune 8, 1963. Jones, Barclay &., Fellow in Nuclear Engineering --- resignation effective Tune 16, 1963. Kahne, Stephen J., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Koenig, Thomas W., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry--- resignation effective May 21, 1963. Langebartel, Ray G., Associate Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. 666 board of trustees [June 19 Larson, Carl M., Assistant Professor in Marketing, Summer Session of 1963 resignation effective June 21, 1963. Linderholm, Carl E., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Lothian, Thomas A., Assistant in Physical Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division) , Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Machin, John H., Jr., Assistant Professor of English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Mandy, William J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective June 1, 1963. Makis, Theodore A. J., Professor of Physics --- resignation effective June 1, 1963 Matlaw, Ralph E., Associate Professor of Russian and Head of the Department --- resignation effective September 1, 1963; and Associate Professor of Russian, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Mayoh, Brian H., Continental Oil Company Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. McCabe, Nancie M., Research Assistant in Chemistry --- resignation effective June IS, 1963. McGuibe, Edward, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine) --- resignation effective May 15, 1963. Mendel, Gisela, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine)---resignation effective May 1, 1963. Muhlstadt, William J., Assistant in Ceramic Engineering --- resignation effective May 1, 1963. Munday, John C, Jr., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Onanian, Edward D., Research Associate in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research --- resignation effective June 22, 1963. Otis, Jack, Associate Professor of Hygiene and Psychiatric Social Work Supervisor in the Health Service --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Patton, Franklin D., Assistant in Geology, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Pinkerton, Mary, Research Assistant in Chemistry --- resignation effective June 9, 1963. Porter, James A., Jr., Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Rakove, Milton L., Assistant Professor of Political Science (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21. 1963. Rohrs, Leonard J., Professor of Air Force Science and Head of the Department --- resignation effective March 1, 1963. Rosenkranz, Wilbur K., Circulation Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Rothman, Neal J., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Rurik, Eleanor, Registered Pharmacist (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective June 24, 1963. Sackheim, George I., Instructor in Physical Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. Schnobrich, William C, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Shaw, Paul V., American Oil Foundation Fellow in Chemical Engineering --- resignation effective April 1, 1963. Spaulding, Robert L., Assistant Professor of Education --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Spence, Clark C, Associate Professor of History, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Steben, John D., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics --- resignation effective June 1, 1963. Stonecipher, A. Keith, Instructor in Civil Engineering---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Strom, Charles R., Teaching Fellow in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. |963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 667 Tsuss, Hilmak L., Jr., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy) .--- resignation effective May 10, 1963. Ulloa, Margot, Professor of Operative Dentistry (Dentistry)---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Vasil Inbra K., Research Associate in Botany --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Vestling, Carl S., Professor of Biochemistry --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Vinci, Anthony J., Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Staff Physician in the Health Center and McKinley Hospital --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Weichsel, Paul M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963 --- decimation effective June 17, 1963. White, Joseph, Assistant in Zoology, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Wilson, Robert G., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy, Research and Educational Hospitals (Pharmacy) ---resignation effective June 15, 1963. Winiarski, Genevieve C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology --- termination effective March 16, 1963. Zarghamee, Mehdi S., Fellow in Civil Engineering --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Criegee, Lutz, Research Assistant Professor of Physics----leave of absence, without pay, for one month from July 1, 1963, so that he may travel to Europe. Hall, Cleo, Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension and Assistant State Leader of Home Advisers --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from July 1, 1963, so that she may complete a dissertation and other work toward a Ph.D. degree in Adult Education at the University of Chicago. Karlowich, Robert A., Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Assistant Professor --- leave of absence on three-fourths time, without pay, extended from May 1 through June 11, 1963. KhaCHATURian, Narbey, Professor of Civil Engineering, in the College of Engineering --- leave of absence, without pay, for twelve months from September 1, 1963, for the purpose of study and research at the University of California, at Los Angeles, on a National Science Foundation Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship. Lathrope, Donald E., Associate Professor of Social Work --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a temporary professional assignment in New York City with a project sponsored by the President's Committee on Youth Crime and Delinquency. Levine, Solomon, Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations --- leave of absence, without pay, from September 1, 1962, through July 11, 1963 (supersedes previous leave). Lewis, Walter H., Associate Professor of Architecture --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, for the purpose of accepting a temporary, professional assignment outside the University, working for the United States Savings and Loan League. Lichtenberger, W. Wayne, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Assistant Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may serve as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, at Berkeley. Loftus, Beverly G., Assistant Editor in the Graduate College --- leave of absence, without pay, from July 5 and continuing through July 26, 1963. Nims, John F., Professor of English --- leave of absence, without pay, from March 1 through August 31, 1964, so that he may accept a position as a Visiting Professor at Harvard University during that period. Powell, James M., Assistant Professor of History in the Division of General Studies --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may serve as Visiting Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Wisconsin, at Milwaukee. 668 board of trustees [June 19 Pundt, Herman G., Instructor in Architecture --- leave of absence, without pay for the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, for the purpose of doing graduate study at Harvard University. Reese, Mary C, Associate Professor of Social Work --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, for the purpose of study at Smith College School for Social Work. Schmitt, Homer G, Professor of Music and Artist in Residence --- leave of absence on account of illness, with full pay, from April 19 through August 31, 1963. Smith, Robert ]., Professor of Architecture --- disability leave of absence, with full pay, extended to March 14, 1963. EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session has been requested and was being ordered for consideration of reports and recommendations relating to patentable inventions and property acquisitions; and that this session would be held after luncheon recess. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board recessed. During the recess, a number of prominent citizens of Peoria were guests of the Board at luncheon and were introduced. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members of the Board and officers of the University were present as reported at the beginning of these minutes. The Board took up consideration of the following items of business. RECOMMENDATION OF THE UNIVERSITY PATENT COMMITTEE (1) The University Patent Committee submits, with the concurrence of the Chairman of the University Research Board, the following recommendation relating to an invention by members of the staff. Over the past five years, ten patentable inventions have been developed in the Antenna Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engineering. The inventors are Robert L. Carrel, former Research Assistant and Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (1955-60); R. H. DuHamel, former Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (1947-50, 1952-56); D. E. Isbell, former Antenna Technician in Electrical Engineering (1957-59); John D. Dyson, Associate Professor of Electrical Enginering; and Paul E. Mayes, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering. The rights of the University in these inventions have been transferred to the University of Illinois Foundation. The Foundation has applied for and obtained patents on certain of the inventions and has negotiated with the JFD Electronics Corporation, Brooklyn, New York, for the marketing of an antenna, which to some degree is based upon or includes certain novel features stated in all the inventions involved. It appears that income on licenses will be received from the JFD Electronics Corporation. Based on information from the Department of Electrical Engineering concerning the degree of contribution of the inventors to the final product, the Patent Committee recommends that: All income received on these antenna patents be pooled; and patent and development expenses incurred by the Foundation, past and future, be reimbursed or paid from such pooled sum. After allowing for all expenses, 20 per cent of the amount thus received be allocated for payment to the inventors and 80 per cent be retained by the University of Illinois Foundation for its chartered purposes. For the present, the sum allocated to the inventors be distributed: Robert L. Carrel, one-ninth; R. H. DuHamel, one-ninth; John D. Dyson, two-ninths; D. E. Isbell, two-ninths; and Paul E. Mayes, three-ninths. It should be recognized, when approving the distributions to the inventors, that in all likelihood there will be additional inventions in the future further contributing to the improvement of the antenna being developed and marketed and that, accordingly, changes in or additions to the percentage distribution to the inventors may be necessary. The Patent Committee therefore recommends approval by the Board of 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 669 Trustees of the stated percentage of allocation between the inventors and the University of Illinois Foundation and the percentage distribution of the sum allocated to the inventors, with the right of future revision as may be required to maintain the equities of the inventors involved. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. PURCHASE OF PROPERTIES (2) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase, at the prices indicated, of the following properties needed to complete acquisition of a site for a graduate students residence hall: 409 East Daniel Street, Champaign.................................... $38 000 A three-story and basement frame rooming house on a lot 57 feet by 173.25 feet. The owner will give immediate possession to the land required for construction south of the existing improvement and will give possession of the remaining part not later than July 1, 1965. 402 East Chalmers Street, Champaign.................................. 35 000 A three-story and basement frame house on a corner lot 51.5 feet on Chalmers Street, by 116.24 feet. Possession will be delivered to the University no sooner than February 1, 1964, nor later than September 1, 1964, dependent on the scheduled start of construction of the residence hall. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the 1961-63 Bond Issue and have been released. The prices are consistent with the recommendations for the acquisition of these properties which have previously been submitted to and concurred in by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. The Board of Trustees, on February 20, 1963, authorized condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property at 402 East Chalmers Street, Champaign, because the asking price was in excess of University appraisals. Through subsequent negotiations, the price indicated has been agreed upon, and it is within the limit authorized by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. This price also appears to be the lowest at which the property can be acquired without condemnation proceedings. I recommend authorization of these purchases; and further recommend that the Board rescind its resolution of February 20, 1963, with respect to condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property at 402 East Chalmers Street, Champaign. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchases of these properties, at the prices recommended, were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 13O4 WEST STOUGHTON STREET. URBANA, ILLINOIS (3) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1304 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, a lot 40 feet by 132 feet (5,280 square feet) with a two and one-half story and basement frame building now used for apartments and for student rooms. The land is needed as part of the site for College of Engineering buildings, and specifically for the new Civil Engineering Building. The owners were advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $23,140, based on University appraisals, but the offer is not acceptable and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: 670 board of trustees [June 19 Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 1304 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the foHowing-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: The East Twenty-two (22) Feet of Lot Nine (9) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, and the West Eighteen (18) Feet of Lot Ten (10) in Block Fifty-one (51) in the Seminary Addition to Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois: is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for expansion of the facilities of the College of Engineering, as a site for a Civil Engineering Building addition, and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Gement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 671 Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 1 1O3 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, URBANA, ILLINOIS (4) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1103 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, a lot 49.5 feet by 132 feet (6,534 square feet) with a two-story and basement stucco house used as a residence by the owner and student rooms. The land is needed as part of the site for construction of the next unit of the Coordinated Sciences Laboratory. The owners were advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $28,800, based on University appraisals, but the offer is not acceptable and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 1103 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: The East One-half (i/$pD) of Lot Five (5) and the West One-quarter (V4) of Lot Six (6) in Block Five (5) in the Urbana Railroad Company's Addition to the City of Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois: is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for use as part of the site for construction of the next unit of the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right 672 board of trustees [June 19 of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing resolution was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 1 1O3'/i WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. URBANA, ILLINOIS (5) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 11O3VS West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, a lot 30 feet by 132 feet (3,960 square feet) improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling. The land is needed as part of the site for construction of the next unit of the Coordinated Sciences Laboratory. The owners were advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $17,500, based on University appraisals, but the offer is not acceptable and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 11031/4 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: The East Thirty (30) Feet of the West One-half (Vi) of Lot Five (5) in Block Five (S) in the Urbana Railroad Company's Addition to the City of Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois: is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for use as part of the site for construction of the next unit of the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use, that funds hare been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 673 this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing resolution was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none, absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 12O6 WEST OREGON STREET. URBANA, ILLINOIS (6) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1206 West Oregon Street, Urbana, a lot 57 feet by 157 feet (8,949 square feet) with a three-story and basement frame dwelling now used as an apartment and student rooms. The land is needed as part of the site for the new East Chemistry Building Addition. The owners were advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $36,000, based on University appraisals, but the offer is not acceptable and the asking price of $40,000 is in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: 674 board of trustees [June 19 Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 1206 West Oregon Street, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: All of Lot Eight (8) except the West Fifty (50) Feet of said Lot Eight (8) and all of Lot Nine (9) except the East Thirty-eight (38) Feet of said Lot Nine (9) in Block Two (2) of Nina B. Bronson's Subdivision of the East One-half (i/$) of the Southwest Quarter 04) of the Northeast Quarter (\/A) of Section Eighteen (18), Township 19 North, Range 9 East, of the 3rd Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois: is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for use as part of the site for the new East Chemistry Building Addition, and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 675 On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing resolution was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 13O3 WEST STOUGHTON STREET, URBANA, ILLINOIS (7) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1303 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, a lot 66 feet by 100 feet (6,600 square feet) improved with a one-story, two-apartment-unit frame dwelling. The land is needed as part of the site for the proposed Mathematics Building. The owners were advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $16,000, based on University appraisals, but the offer is not acceptable and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 1303 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot Two (2) in Block Fifty-four (54) of the Seminary Addition to the City of Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois: is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for use as part of the site for the proposed Mathematics Building, and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois 676 BOARD OF TRUSTEES to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, mid It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing resolution was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 3O7 EAST DANIEL STREET, CHAMPAIGN. ILLINOIS, AND APPROPRIATION FOR REMODELING (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of the property at 307 East Daniel Street, Champaign, at a price of $38,000, for the replacement of a women's cooperative house located at 1210 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, Illinois, which is needed for office space. The property consists of a lot 64 feet wide by 146 feet deep and is improved with a two and one-half story and basement frame dwelling used as an apartment and student rooming house. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. The price is within $200 of the appraised value of the house but represents a decrease of approximately $4,000 in the price previously asked by the owner. It is further recommended that $12,000 be assigned from general indirect costs for the remodeling of 307 East Daniel Street, Champaign, Illinois. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchase of this property, at the price recommended, and the requested assignment of funds were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS July 2, 1963 The July meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday, July 2, 1963, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner was absent. Mr. Ray Page was not present when the meeting convened, but joined the Board later. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services, Mr. Morris S. Kessler, Assistant Comptroller, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr.. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 677 678 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on December 19, 1962, and January 17, 1963, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 263 to 358, inclusive. ASSIGNMENTS OF FUNDS FROM STATE APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1963-65 President Clement announced that the Chair would entertain a motion to the effect that: all assignments of funds and contract awards made today, which are to be payable from appropriation bills passed by the Seventy-third General Assembly of Illinois but not yet signed by the Governor, are subject to such bills becoming law and, where required, subject to release of the funds by the Governor. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Governor Kerner, Mr. Page. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 19 63-64 (1) The complete, itemized, operating budget for 1963-64 covering all divisions of University work, with a condensed analysis and summaries, is submitted for official action. The budget is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1963, for academic and administrative appointments beginning September 1, 1963, and for nonacademic personnel appointments beginning July 1, 1963. The budget has been prepared by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller in accordance with procedures approved by the President. It is based upon recommendations of the deans, directors, and other administrative officers, and has been reviewed by the President and the University Council. I recommend that this budget, covering the allocation of the estimated operating income from all sources for the year beginning July 1, 1963, be approved, subject to final approval of the University's biennial state appropriations for 1963-65; and that the President of the University be authorized, in accordance with the needs of the University and the equitable interests involved and within total income: (a) to accept resignations, (b) to make such additional appointments as are necessary subject to the provisions of the University Statutes and the Policy and Rules Relating to Compensation and Working Conditions of Nonacademic Employees, and (c) to make such changes and adjustments in items included in the budget as are needed, all such changes to be covered in the Vice-President and Comptroller's quarterly financial reports, or in reports to the Board by its Secretary, provided that assignments for new projects or programs and for nonrecurring capital expenditures in excess of $2,500 shall be presented to the Board for approval. The President of the University, the Executive Vice-President and Provost, and the Vice-President and Comptroller presented the budget, discussing the significant policy recommendations as set forth in the condensed analysis and summaries. A copy of the latter document was filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. Mr. Williamson as Chairman of the Finance Committee reported that the Committee had met with the President of the University and other University officials in a special work session on Monday evening. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 679 July 1, and reviewed the budget in detail. All three members of the Committee (Mr. Williamson, Mr. Swain, and Mrs. Watkins) were present at this meeting; other members of the Board participating in this work session were Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, and Mr. Pogue. Others attending the Committee meetings were the officers of the Board: Mr. Manchester, Mr. Farber, and Mr. Janata; and officers of the University, as recorded at the beginning of these minutes. Following presentation of the budget and discussion by members of the Board, on motion of Mr. Swain, the budget was approved, authority was given as requested in the President's recommendations, and the appropriations required in the budget were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. A complete budget is included as a supplement to these minutes. BUDGET OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOR 1963-64 (2) The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics submits, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association, the budget for the Association for 1963-64 which is summarized as follows with comparative figures for the preced- ingyear: 1962-63 1963-64 Income............................................ $1 114 175 $1 165 535 Appropriations.................................... 1 108 280 1 159 730 Excess of Income Over Appropriations............ 5 895 5 805 The budget has been examined and approved by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller. I recommend that this budget be approved and that the President of the University be authorized to make such changes and adjustments, including approval of new appointments and acceptances of resignations, as are necessary and recommended by the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association within the total income realized. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this budget was approved. Mr. Dilliard asked that the record show that this action also covers appointments and reappointments of the head coaches and other staff of the Athletic Association which are subject to final approval by the Board of Trustees. At this point, Mr. Page joined the meeting. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (3) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and tmrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision $dGf the laW: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Roy Gordon Duff Dubuque, Iowa Iowa Vincent Raymond Michael Evansville, Indiana Missouri Kyrre Hurum Olsen Shorewood, Wisconsin Wisconsin Emil Meredith Phillips, Jr. Wood Dale, Illinois Arkansas I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. 680 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 2 ADVISORY COMMITTEES FOR COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE (4) The Dean of the College of Agriculture recommends the following appointments and reappointments to advisory committees for the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station effective September 1, 1963, for three-year terms: Agricultural Economics Edwin R. Lamb, Superintendent of Cattle Department, Producers Livestock Marketing Association, National Stock Yards, East St. Louis Richard L. Maloney, Ridgway Agricultural Engineering George W. Endicott, Ridgeview Farm, Villa Ridge Joseph H. Heimann, Manager, Clinton County Electric Cooperative, Inc., 475 North Main Street, Breese Agronomy Paul Montavon, 90S West Taylor, DeKalb Lowell Tison, Rural Route 3, Eldorado Animal Science Ernest E. Brown, General Manager, Corn Belt Hatcheries of Illinois, Inc., Gibson City Dairy Science John C. Alison, Alison Farms, Rural Route 2, Quincy Harold E. Hartley, Rural Route S, Centralia J. George Smith, Oswego Horticulture (Food Crops) Mathew Schwartz, Centralia John Surgeon, Nujent and Schapanski Orchard and Cold Storage, 111 North Canal Street, Grafton Horticulture (Floriculture, Ornamentals) James Brandt, 1419 Grant Avenue, Danville Cahl Klehm, Chas. Klehm and Sons Nursery, 6 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights Charles Tosovsky, Home Nursery Greenhouses, Inc., Edwardsville The Dean of the College of Agriculture further recommends the following reappointments to the general committee for one more year as members at large: Joseph Ackerman, Managing Director, Farm Foundation, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 5 Paul C. Johnson, Editor, Prairie Farmer, 1230 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago 7 I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (5) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Gary S. Adelman, Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,500. 2. Marvin C. Carbonneau, Assistant Professor of Horticulture, beginning July 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,600. 3. Maynard M. Cohen, Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, beginning September 1, 1963, without salary. 4. Rudolph Kodras, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, College of Veterinary Medicine, and of Veterinary Research, Agricultural Experiment Station, beginning June 17, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,500. 5. George W. Meyerholz, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Extension, Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, in the College of Veterinary Medicine and in 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 681 the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, beginning June 16, 1963, at an annual salary of $11,600. 6. Charles W. Mignon, Jr., Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,000. 7. Harry L. Munsinger, Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,500. 8. D. V. Reddy, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, for the academic year 1963-1964, at a salary of $7,500. 9. Gilbert Wright, Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,300. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were confirmed. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION AT THE CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (6) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends that a new position with the title of Assistant Vice-President be established and that Associate Dean H. W. Bailey of the faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences be appointed to this position for two years beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $18,300. The Assistant Vice-President would perform such functions as might be assigned to him by the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division. Among other duties, he would be responsible for studies of space utilization, enrollment projections, and staff needs. He would also supervise the preparation of official publications of the Division, including college bulletins and other announcements. This recommendation has been reviewed and approved by the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. SCHOOL OF ASSOCIATED MEDICAL SCIENCES (7) The University Senate at the Medical Center recommends that (1) there be established within the College of Medicine a School of Associated Medical Sciences with a Director who will also serve as either Assistant Dean or Associate Dean of the College of Medicine; (2) the two new curricula in Medical Record Administration and General Medical Technology, previously recommended by the Senate and approved by the Board of Trustees on January 17, 1963, and such other curricula of this class as may hereafter be established, be administered by the School of Associated Medical Sciences; and that (3) the existing curriculum in Occupational Therapy be changed from its present departmental status in the College of Medicine to a curriculum in the School of Associated Medical Sciences. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. CONTRACT WITH DEPARTMENT OF STATE. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. FOR SERVICES TO SIERRA LEONE (8) In the summer of 1962, a team from the government of Sierra Leone and the United States Agency for International Development Mission in that country visited the University of Illinois and conferred with University officials concerning the need for a land-grant type of institution in Sierra Leone. Subsequently, at the request of the AID, the University of Illinois sent a survey team1 under the direction of Associate Dean Karl E. Gardner of the College of Agriculture to Sierra Leone to study the feasibility of a proposed union of two existing 1 Karl E. Gardner, Associate Dean of College of Agriculture, and Professor of Nutrition, in the Department of Dairy Science, Chief of Party; Russell T. Odell, Professor of Soil Pedology in the Department of Agronomy; M. Ray Karnes, Professor of Education in the Bureau of Educational Research; James E. Crawford, Supervisor of Counseling and Operations in the Men's Residence Halls. 682 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 institutions, the Njala Training College for Teachers and the Njala Agricultural Experiment Station, as a nucleus for the new institution and to make recommendations. The Sierra Leone Cabinet approved the report of this survey team and the University has now been asked to submit a proposal for a contract for educational services to that country in the building of the new institution somewhat along the lines of what the University has been doing in India. The project is a long-term one and plans have been drawn in terms of a ten-year program. Submitted herewith is a memorandum prepared by the Director of International Programs which presents the program in greater detail. A copy of the memorandum is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. As indicated therein, it is anticipated that the University will be offered a contract in the near future and AID officials have asked that it be executed promptly. I request authorization to execute this contract, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education, since contract payments to the University in any one year may exceed $250,000, the limit set by the Board of Higher Education for institutional commitments of this kind without reference to that Board. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, authority was given as requested. AMENDMENT OF GENERAL RULES CONCERNING UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE (9) The Dean of the College of Physical Education has recommended authorization of a recreational program for faculty and staff of the University and their families, the program to be financed initially by a fee charged participants to pay the direct costs of the program. It involves the use of University facilities by faculty and staff families, and present regulations limit the use of recreational facilities to students and staff. Accordingly, it is recommended that Section 21 of the "General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure" be amended by renumbering the present Section 21 (c) as Section 21 (d), and by adding the following as a new Section 21 (c): "(c) Subject to the approval of the appropriate University authorities, University premises and facilities may be made available for use by members of the faculty and staff and their families provided such use does not interfere with the regular student educational programs of the University." I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this amendment was approved. AMENDMENT OF RULES RELATING TO THE PAYMENT OF SALARIES (10) The application of the ruling of the Attorney General relating to retroactive salary adjustments has been clarified. Originally, the University interpreted the ruling to mean that in most cases adjustments in salaries and wages could be effective only in the month in which they could be included on the usual payroll. Consequently, the Board adopted a rule that salary adjustments could be effective only in the month following the month in which notice of approval was received by the Business Office. It has now been determined that such adjustments can be made effective upon the date when notice of change is received even though the adjustment is made in the subsequent payroll period. Accordingly the Director of Nonacademic Personnel and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the Board approve the following rules relating to the effective date of salary changes: Nonacademic 1. Effective Date of Prevailing Rate Changes Wage rates accepted in accordance with University policy of paying prevailing rates, as set forth in Section III, paragraph 1, of the University Policy and Rules Relating to Compensation and Working Conditions of Nonacademic Employees, will become effective (1) on the date they are put into effect locally, or (2) on the first working day following the date appropriate University representatives receive (and verify), from one or more of the parties to 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 683 the agreement establishing a change in rates, official notice in writing that a specific rate is effective locally, whichever is later. (The section of the University Policy and Rules as noted above must be corrected.) 2. Negotiated Agreements Wage rates established by negotiated agreements may become effective (1) on the first working day following the expiration of a collective agreement being renegotiated, provided the parties have reached agreement upon, and signed a new agreement prior thereto, or (2) on the first working day following the date on which all parties involved have indicated their willingness in writing to accept all conditions, including the rates or rate schedules, which become a part of the agreement, whichever is later, subject to approval of the Merit Board. 3. Departmental Recommendations for Nonacademic Salary or Wage Amounts Determined by Other Than Prevailing Rate or Negotiated Group Agreements Such salary or wage amounts may become effective not earlier than the first day of the payroll period next following the date on which they are approved by the Office of Nonacademic Personnel; except that in those cases where a specific date on which a change in duties and responsibilities or working conditions can be clearly determined to have occurred, such salary or wage amounts may become effective as early as the first working day following the date on which they are approved by the Office of Nonacademic Personnel. Academic Such salary amounts may become effective not earlier than the first day of the payroll period next following the date on which they are approved; except that in those cases where a specific date on which a change in duties and responsibilities can be clearly determined to have occurred, such salary amounts may become effective as early as the first day of business following the date on which they are approved. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this amendment of rules was authorized. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (11) The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve for 1962-63 to the extent funds are available; otherwise, from General Reserve for 1963-64: Urbana- Champaign 1. Physical Plant Department Air conditioning building at 1210 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana... $ 4 000 (This building is a two-story, basement and attic frame residence formerly used as a cooperative house for women students, and is next to the University High School. It is being converted into office and research space for the High School.) Air conditioning building at 51 East Armory Avenue, Champaign, for the College of Education....................................... 3 000 (This building is a two-story and basement frame house, converted into an apartment house of four units. It is one of the properties acquired in the area to provide land for the future addition to the University Press Building.) Remodeling Room 27S and construction of a corridor in Davenport Hall for the Department of Agronomy.......................... 10 770 Air conditioning offices in Huff Gymnasium for the College of Physical Education...................................................... 7 980 2. Allerton House, maintenance projects and water tank replacement..... 38 500 Total, Urbana-Champaign ........................................ $64 250 Chicago Undergraduate Division 1. Remodeling and equipment.......................................... $18 513 Grand Total ..................................................... $82 763 I concur. 684 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 2 On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR ADDITION TO DRUG AND HORTICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for an addition to the Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station at Lisle, Illinois, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- A. M. Zari and Company, Inc., Oak Park...................$ 94 456 Base bid................................................ $86 264 Additive alternates Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor.............................. 750 Distilled water system............................... ISO Climate control for two compartments................ 100 Installation of elevator.............................. 7 092 Emergency generator ................................ 100 Ventilating --- Hedmark Heating Company, Inc., Glen Ellyn............ 32 514 Base bid................................................ $29 090 Additive alternate for climate control for two compartments 3 424 Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control --- Hedmark Heating Company, Inc., Glen Ellyn....................................... 110 559 Base bid ............................................... $88 495 Additive alternates Distilled water system............................... 13 895 Climate control for two compartments................ 7 368 Emergency generator................................ 801 Plumbing --- Bruno Francis Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago.. 13 360 Electrical --- Wadeford Electric Company, Chicago.................... 26 173 Base bid................................................ $19 880 Additive alternates Distilled water system............................... 116 Climate control for two compartments................. 473 Installation of elevator............................... 182 Emergency generator................................ 5 522 Total........................................................... $277 062 The contracts are for construction of a greenhouse with adjoining headhouse and full basement. The greenhouse is designed for experimental work where temperatures and humidities can be controlled. The headhouse and basement will contain a workshop and a laboratory with provisions for the installation of plant growing rooms. The facilities are for the Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology in the College of Pharmacy. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $277,062; and that an agreement be entered into with A. M. Zari and Company, Inc. for the assignment of these other contracts for $750 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released and from a matching National Institutes of Health Grant (RC-1063). A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 685 CONTRACT FOR LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $8,138 to the Laboratory Furniture Company, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for furnishing and installation of laboratory equipment in two rooms in the Research and Educational Hospitals Addition to provide research laboratories and space for diagnostic catheterization for the Department of Medicine. Funds are available in a United States Public Health Service Grant, PHS-07572-01. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPING THE PHYSICS BUILDING AREA (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $7,050.78, to the Twin City Landscape Service, Inc., Urbana, the lowest bidder, for landscaping the area of the Physics Building, except for the area adjacent to the Boneyard Creek. Funds are available in the construction budget for this building. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. AGREEMENTS WITH ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY AND NORTHERN ILLINOIS WATER CORPORATION FOR REROUTING UTILITIES ON THE SITE OF THE PROPOSED CIVIL ENGINEERING BUILDING (15) Construction of a new Civil Engineering Building will require the relocation of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company's main inter-city conduit, cables, and associated equipment located on the site of the building. In consideration of the proposed long-range development plans for the area north of Springfield Avenue, the Illinois Bell Telephone Company proposes to reroute its facilities completely out of the area to eliminate future interference with the long-range expansion. The University's share of the cost to reroute the Illinois Bell Telephone Company's conduit, cables, and equipment will be $27,030. Construction of the building will also require the relocation of the Northern Illinois Water Corporation's sixteen-inch main, which is the University's main source of water supply, from the east side of Romine Street to the west side of Romine Street. The main also reinforces the Company's system along Springfield Avenue, and should be relocated during the month of August when the University's demand for water is at a minimum. The estimated cost of relocation is $7,623, but the University will be expected to pay the actual cost of the work. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the Secretary of the Board and the Vice-President and Comptroller to execute the following, upon terms and conditions and in a form approved by the Legal Counsel: An agreement with the Illinois Bell Telephone Company for the rerouting of conduit, cables, and directly associated equipment from the Civil Engineering Building site at a cost of $27,030. An agreement with the Northern Illinois Water Corporation for the relocation of its sixteen-inch main from the Civil Engineering Building site at the actual cost to the Corporation, estimated to be $7,623. Funds are available to finance the projects through the University Stores and Services Fund which will be reimbursed by the State Building Authority when bonds are sold. I concur. 686 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 On motion of Mr. Swain, these agreements were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; present but not voting, Mr. Hughes; absent, Mr. Kerner. EASEMENT TO NORTHERN ILLINOIS WATER CORPORATION (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that an easement be granted the Northern Illinois Water Corporation in order to relocate the Northern Illinois Water Corporation's sixteen-inch main, which is the University's main source of water supply, from the east side of Romine Street to the west side of Romine Street. It is necessary to relocate this water main to provide a site for the proposed Civil Engineering Building. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution; and that the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the necessary documents subject to approval of the same by the Legal Counsel. Resolution Be It, and It Hereby Is Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of this Board of Trustees be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this Corporation such instruments of conveyance, contract, or other document or documents as to them may seem necessary or desirable in order to grant to Northern Illinois Water Corporation, an Illinois corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee," its successors and assigns, the right and easement to construct, reconstruct, operate, maintain, repair, alter, replace, move and remove a sixteen-inch (16") water line and other equipment appurtenant thereto, under, through and across the land hereinafter described and the right of ingress to and egress therefrom. Grantee shall agree to repair any damage to property of this Corporation by the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repairing, alteration, moving and removing of said water line which is caused by its negligence. The right-of-way easement shall remain in full force and effect from the date granted and for so long thereafter as said water transportation line is continued in service and has not been abandoned and discontinued. Upon termination of the easement Grantee shall peaceably surrender possession of said premises to this Corporation and full and complete title then shall remain in this Corporation free and clear of said easement. The right-of-way easement shall be over the following described property: Situated in the State of Illinois, the County of Champaign, the City of Urbana in the SW Va SE V4 of Section 7 T19N R9E of the 3rd P.M. and being a strip of land 10.0 feet wide whose center line is described as follows: Beginning at a point 108.0 feet west of the centerline of Romine Street and 19.1 feet north of the centerline of Main Street, both in the said City of Urbana, thence southerly along a line parallel to the centerline of said Romine Street, a distance of 402.6 feet to a corner, said corner being 39.0 feet distant south of the centerline of Stoughton Street in said City of Urbana; thence easterly along a line parallel to the centerline of said Stoughton Street, a distance of 75.0 feet to a point on the west property line of said Romine Street. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE ON CARTER-PENNELL FARM (17) The Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that an easement be granted on the Carter-Pennell Farm in Vermilion County to the Allied Gas Company in order to provide a pipeline to serve the Village of Rankin. The Company will pay $2.00 a rod for the easement and $2.00 a rod for crop damages, for a total of approximately $960.00. I concur and submit a formal resolution for adoption by the Board. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 687 Resolution Be It, and It Is Hereby, Resolved, by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the Comptroller and Secretary of this public corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized, for and in behalf of this public corporation, to make, execute, sign, acknowledge and deliver, to Allied Gas Company, an Illinois corporation, its successors and assigns, a Grant of Easement and Right of Way for the purpose of laying, maintaining, operating, renewing, replacing and removing a single line gas main and any necessary gas facilities appurtenant thereto, together with the right of access thereto for said purposes, in, upon, under, along and across the following described property: That part of the North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 23 North, Range 14 West of the Second Principal Meridian, lying between the center line of State Route No. 49 and a line drawn 50 feet East of and parallel with said highway center line, in Butler Township, Vermilion County, Illinois. ALSO That part of the North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 23 North, Range 14 West of the Second Principal Meridian, lying between the center line of an existing public highway (which extends East and West along the North line of said Section 12) and a line drawn SO feet South of and parallel with said highway center line, in Butler Township, Vermilion County, Illinois; to have and to hold in perpetuity or for so long as said Grant of Easement and Right of Way is used for said purposes, but said Grant to cease and determine and all rights granted thereunder to revert to said public corporation Grantor if Grantee or its successors or assigns should ever cease to use said rights for the purposes herein set forth; Grantee to place said gas main at an approximate depth of 30" below the surface of the grant, to repair or replace, in a workmanlike manner and at no expense to Grantor or any tenant of Grantor, all fences which may be damaged, all tile which may be cut, and any existing roadway crossings which may be interrupted by, the installation, maintenance, operation, replacement or removal of said gas main, to install suitable markers over the gas main at existing fence line crossings, and to pay reasonable compensation for all damages caused to crops and real and/or personal property upon the said premises by the installation, maintenance, operation, removal, replacement or removal of said gas main; in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration to be paid to said public corporation prior to delivery of said Grant of Easement and Right of Way, and, on behalf of said public corporation, to make, execute, sign, acknowledge and deliver any and all other documents and papers which may be necessary to accomplish the purposes herein set forth. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (18) The present contract with Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, and Associates, Champaign, for consulting architectural services expires August 1, 1963. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend continuation of the employment of this firm on a cost-plus basis for one year from August 1, 1963, on the following assignments and as directed by the Physical Plant Department: Urbana-Champaign Continuation of studies on the general campus development plan. Studies of peripheral areas to coordinate campus development with studies developed by other agencies. Site selection studies for new building projects. Consultation on architectural design for new building projects. Participation in weekly planning meetings. Estimated Cost of Services........................................ $30 000 688 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 2 Medical Center Continuation of studies on the campus development plan. Further development of detailed programs and studies for various colleges and departments. Continuation of studies on projects financed from other than state funds. Estimated Cost of Services........................................ $10 OOP Estimated Total Cost............................................. $40 000 The terms of employment will be on the basis of itemized payrolls, plus 110 per cent for the firm's overhead costs and fees. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations for 1961-63 and will be reappropriated for the biennium 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was authorized. LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY (19) With construction of the Student Rehabilitation Center Building and relocation of the existing coal storage pile, the Illinois Central Railroad Company has requested permission to construct and use a driveway off Stadium Drive for access to the railroad right-of-way across University-owned land. The Company plans to construct a twenty-foot wide concrete driveway and entrance and will regrade and replace the eight-foot sidewalk on each side of the proposed driveway. It will be available for use by the University for access to and egress from the Student Rehabilitation Center Building and other areas when construction is completed. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board authorize the Secretary of the Board and the Vice-President and Comptroller to execute a license agreement with the Illinois Central Railroad Company for the purpose indicated and in a form approved by the Legal Counsel. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, execution of said license agreement was authorized; Mr. Johnston asked to be recorded as not voting. PAPERBACK BOOKSTORE IN ILLINI UNION (20) The availability of paperback books of quality, presenting a wide range of subjects, and the demand for them has increased to the point that an adequate stock of these books is now an essential part of the intellectual and cultural resources of a modern campus. In November, 1962, a committee was appointed, with Robert B. Downs, Dean of Library Administration, Chairman, to determine whether student needs were being adequately serviced and to consider the establishment of a University-operated paperback bookstore or book center. The conclusions of the committee were as follows: 1. The University of Illinois is far behind other comparable universities in providing bookstore facilities for its students, faculty, and staff. 2. Although one of the local commercial bookstores in the University business district is expanding its operations to include a large stock of paperback books, and another store has a fair selection of paperbacks, neither the present nor the proposed commercial operations will be adequate to serve the University's needs. 3. In addition to the opportunity to purchase books, there should also be the opportunity for leisurely browsing and reading, and the selection of stock should include many titles which are not normally found in a commercial bookstore. 4. There is at present no satisfactory local outlet for University of Illinois Press books, and these should be stocked in a paperback bookstore. 5. There should be established in the Mini Union a book center limited to high-quality paperback editions of American and foreign works with an initial stock of 7,000 to 8,000 titles. Following the report of the Committee, an analysis of the use of space in the Illini Union was made and it is concluded that the area now occupied by the Pine Lounge, the Browsing Room, and the Wedgwood Lounge in the west wing 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 689 of the first floor of the original building -would be a suitable location for a paperback book center. It is believed that the area will lend itself to the establishment of an attractive integrated reading center in an educational and cultural atmosphere which can provide the required paperback facilities and concurrently provide a needed expansion of the Browsing Room. The center can be established with minimum alterations. The total capital cost including display equipment, furniture, and building alterations, is estimated at $42,000. It is therefore recommended that a paperback book center be established in the Illini Union, to be operated as a department of the Illini Union, with the University Library advising in the selection of appropriate book titles to be stocked and the capital cost to be financed through the Illini Union reserve funds. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. HOSPITAL-MEDICAL-SURGICAL INSURANCE POLICIES FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF (21) Bids have been received on the hospital-medical-surgical insurance programs for staff and students for the period beginning September 1, 1963, with the right reserved to renew such insurance annually thereafter upon mutual agreement between the insurance carrier and the University. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends award of a contract to the Federal Life Insurance Company, the lowest bidder, at the rates indicated below. Staff Insurance The premiums for participants in the staff programs will be the same for each campus: Annual Premium Annual Premium to be Paid to be Paid to Company by Insured Employee.................................. $ 42 12 $ 44 00 Employee and Dependents................... 112 80 116 00 Student Insurance The accidental death and dismemberment benefits under the current program are limited to required field trips off campus. An option was included in the bid for providing this coverage to the students on a twenty-four-hour basis for the entire semester regardless of the student's activity for an additional premium of sixty cents per student per semester, or forty-five cents per quarter. The current program now provides a hospital room and board allowance of $14.00 per day at all hospitals, with the exception of McKinley Hospital, where the allowance is $11.00 per day. The additional premium for increasing the daily benefit at McKinley Hospital to $14.00 per day is thirty-seven cents per student per semester. Alternate I in the bid provides a $300.00 maximum Surgical Schedule in lieu of the current $225.00 at Urbana, and a flat deductible of $150.00 between the base plan benefits and the major medical benefit in lieu of a 50 per cent deductible with a maximum deductible of $372.50. Alternate II provided a $200.00 deductible between the base plan and the major medical plan, and is less advantageous than Alternate I. Fees to be paid by students at the three campuses are as follows: Chicago Medical Urbana Undergraduate Center Semester Semester Quarter Student................................. ?10 00 $ 9 00 $6 00 Spouse.................................. 12 50 12 00 9 00 Child................................... 9 00 8 00 6 00 The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the program for the Urbana students provide the benefits under Alternate I, including the $14.00 per day hospital room and board allowance at McKinley Hospital, and that accidental death and dismemberment coverage on a twenty-four-hour basis be provided on all campuses. The Vice-Presidents for the Medical Center and the Chicago Undergraduate Division concur. 690 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 Premium Per Semester to be Paid to Company Premium Per Quarter to be Paid to Company Urbana Undergraduate Medical Center Student.......... ............. $ 9 20 $7 20 $6 00 Spouse .... ............. 12 10 9 75 9 00 Child.......... ............. 8 63 6 95 6 00 The excess over the cost of the coverage is to defray the administrative costs of the three programs and the cost of operating McKinley Hospital in excess of the amounts provided in the insurance policy. The additional cost of the twenty-four hour accidental death and dismemberment benefits at Urbana-Champaign and the Medical Center can be absorbed for the current biennium from balances accumulated in the administrative allowance with no change in the student fee. At the Chicago Undergraduate Division, it is necessary to increase the student fee from $8.00 to $9.00 a semester. The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend that the service fee at that campus be reduced by $1.00 for all students (from $17.00 to $16.00 for full-time students) so there will be no increase in total fees. The service fee will be distributed 32 per cent to Union Building operations and 68 per cent to Union Building replacement. I concur in the above recommendations. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (22) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One automatic tissue processor with Agency for Inter- Technicon International, $2 599 00 accessories consisting of one water national De- Ltd., c&f bath, twelve 24-hour discs, two week- velopment Chauncey, N.Y. Bangkok, end time delays, sixty receptacles and (Faculty of Thailand three paraffin baths Medicine --- Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) One six-channel polygraph and acces- Agency for Inter- E & M Instrument Co.. 5 840 00 sories national De- Inc., f.o.b. velopment Houston, Texas Houston, (Faculty of Texas Medicine --- Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) Services of research vessel "R. V. In- Geology Great Lakes Research 20 000 00 land Seas" for twenty days during Division, Institute of the period June 17, 1963, to August Science and Technology, 31, 1963 Ann Arbor, Mich. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government; contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants, and grants from corporations and other donors; and University revolving funds authorized by law. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 691 Purchases front Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One shear-test machine equipped with Forestry Riehle Testing Machines, $2 880 00 maximum load indicator and constant Division of Ametek, f.o.b. speed motor, to be used in precise Inc.. delivered measurement of tensile force in East Moline pounds required for shear failure of standard plywood specimens 462 movable tablet arm classroom chairs Physical Plant S. Buckman Furniture 6 202 07 with metal frame, plastic seat and Storeroom & Supply Co., f.o.b. back, book rack, and plastic writing Spring Valley delivered Binding (books, serials and newspapers) Library Bergemeier Book for au University libraries, viz. Binding, Inc f Urbana, Chicago Medical Center, Chicago and Chicago Undergraduate Division, Medical Center 10 000 00 for the two-year period July 1, 1963, Chicago Undergraduate through June 30, 1965 Division 5 000 00 Arthur Hertzberg &: Craftsmen, Inc., Chicago Urbana 100 000 00 (115 000 00) Purchases from Institutional Funds 225 stainless steel mouse cages and tops Medical Research Dehler Manufacturing 2 958 75 Laboratory, Co., Inc , c/o Animal delivered Chicago Cage Specialties Co., Oak Park One pH and blood gas analyzer and Medicine, Instrumentation 2 597 18 accessories to be used for the measure- Chicago Laboratory, Inc. delivered ment of partial pressure of oxygen Boston, Mass. and carbon dioxide in blood One system for converting an automatic Pharmacology Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 2 683 95 sample changer to a low background (College of Chicago delivered automatic sample changer Medicine) 2.500 vials methicillin sodium; this rep- Pharmacy Stores, Broadway Medical 10 085 00 resents a three-month supply of this Chicago Supply, delivered item Chicago One high-power pulsed oscillator, 12KC Mining, Metal- Arenburg Ultrasonic 3 327 00 to 220MC, thirteen coil ranges lurgy, and Laboratory, Inc., f.o.b. Two precision attenuators Petroleum Jamaica Plains, Mass. Jamaica One overload eliminator balancing network One set cables and adapters Engineering Plains, Mass. Two preamplifiers One oscilloscope, DC to 95 MC, with Mining, Metal- Tektronix, Inc., 3 189 50 sweep-delay feature, plug-in preamplifier, probe and adapter, dual- lurgy, and Park Ridge f.o.b. Petroleum Beaverton. trace plug-in unit Engineering Ore. One power supply One mounting frame One pulse generator One portable scope cart One oscilloscope dual-beam, independ- Psychology Tektronix, Inc., 3 595 00 ent sweep systems and delay sweep. Park Ridge f.o.b. 4 kv accelerating potential Beaverton, Two preamplifiers, plug-in type, 0.2 cps to 40 kc Two mounting frames Ore. One power supply minus 90 vdc to plus 135 vdc Two differential amplifier One dual trace unit One control system One pulse generator One waveform generator One fast-rise generator One indicator unit One storage freezer, low temperature. Veterinary Nance Refrigeration, 2 627 42 to be used in storing reference serums Medicine Urbana f.ob. Motion picture equipment including University of Magnasync Corp., Vlbll V tl d-1 3 033 10 distributor control panel and cabinet. Illinois Com- North Hollywood, fob. interlock distributor, six motor at- mittee on Calif. delivered tachments, six relays, 50 ft. interlock School cable, one flexible cable, and one re- Mathematics mote control attachment for recorder Furnish and install theatre draperies Assembly Hall Peter H. Albrecht Co., 31 783 00 and stage skirts for the Assembly Milwaukee, Wis. f.o.b. Hall; furnish storage boxes for dra- delivered peries and stage skirts and Installed 692 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 Item Department Vendor Cost Furnish polacolor film of various types. Photographic Eastman Kodak Stores, $ 8 467 20 dip kits, and mounts for period July Laboratory Inc.. f o.b. 1, 1963, through June 30. 1965, to be Chicago delivered supplied as required by the Photo- graphic Laboratory Furnish processing services as required Photographic Champaign Blueprint, 6 612 94 for 16 mm. and 35 mm. color films. Laboratory Champaign f.o.b. prints, enlargements, and slides, and delivered duplicating color slides, for period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Furnish professional photographic ma- Photographic Eastman Kodak Stores, S 620 50 terials including transfer papers, off- Laboratory Inc., f.ob. set masters, activator, additives, Chicago delivered pin-bar masters, conditioners, and films for period July 1, 1963, to June 30, 1965 Furnish graphic arts supplies including Print Shop Roberts & Porter, Inc., 6 535 50 pre-sensitized grainless aluminum off- Chicago f.o.b. set plates, developer, film and print delivered paper, to be supplied as required by the Print Shop for the period July I, 1963, through June 30, 1965 824 storm sash, aluminum, complete Physical Plant Illini Window Co. 15 244 00 with weatherstripping and necessary Division, Harlan E. f o.b. hardware to be furnished and in- Moore & Co., delivered stalled in the Orchard Downs Hous- Champaign and ing project; 504 units to be installed installed in the original Orchard Downs and 320 to be installed in the First Addi- tion to Orchard Downs On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (23) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period June 1 to 30, 1963. , ,, , ju, lyoo. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date National Aeronautics Underlying processes and tech- J106 105 00 December 1, 1962 and Space niques of low-pressure measure- Administration ment NsG376 National Aeronautics Line integrals, surface integrals, 15 323 00 June 16, 1963 and Space volumes, centroids, and moments Administration of inertia for a class of shells of NsG 434 revolution and for a larger class of shells United States Air Force Deformation and fracture of crys- 20 134 00 June 1, 1963 AF 33 (657)-10822 talline solids under dynamic load- United States Air Force ing Theoretical investigation of dy- 5 000 00 June 1, 1963 AF33 (657)-11715 namic characteristics of skin- stiffener panels United States Army Theoretical problems in solid state 60 870 00 September 1, 1964 DA-31-124-ARO(D)-114 and low temperature physics United States Atomic Radioisotopic studies of reticulo- 11 481 00 May 17, 1963 Energy Commission endothelial phagocytosis in rela- AT (11-1)-1282 tion to normal and neoplastic growth, and to immune phenom- ena United States Depart- Production of spore dust to control 35 170 00 May 22, 1963 ment of Agriculture Japanese beetle infestations 12-14-100-6883(71) United States Depart- Organo complexes of transition 31 475 00 June 11, 1963 ment of Agriculture metals as homogeneous catalysts 12-14-100-6894(71) for hydrogenation of soybean oil United States Depart- Curricula content for Technical 61 614 00 June 1, 1963 ment of Health. Edu- Education cation, and Welfare OE-3-10-117 United States Depart- Language and area center in Russian 55 070 00 July 1, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare OE-3-13-036 Total 2402 242 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 693 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date State's Attorney of Payment, in lieu of taxes, for serv- $ 3 688 60 May 28, 1963 Champaign County ices rendered (Student-Staff Apartments, second unit) State's Attorney of Payment, in lieu of taxes, for serv- 26 854 96 May 28, 1963 Champaign County ices rendered (forty-three tracts) Total 330 543 56 Contract Changes Amount lobe Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Association of American Causes of failures in railroad rails in $19 500 00 November 2, 1962 Railroads service United States Army Quantitative determination of point 62 785 00 June 7, 1963 DA-36-039-SC-87280 and areal precipitation by radar echo measurements United States Atomic Studies of rainout of radioactivity 78 000 00 June 10, 1963 Energy Commission in Illinois AT (11-1J-1199 United States Navy Nuclear disintegration schemes and 630 000 00 May 31, 1963 Nonr-1834 (05) nuclear interactions of cosmic United States Navy Spectral reflectance characteristics 8 653 00 May 31, 1963 Nonr-1834 (31) of forest vegetation United States Navy Nonr-3134 (00) Ultrasound in biology and medicine 2 982 00 May 28, 1963 Total $801 920 00 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Seventeen items: $61.71 deduct to $ 2 064 45 May and June, (Plastering) J400.00 1963 Total $ 2 064 45 Summary Amount to be paid to the University............................................$1 204 162 00 Amount to be paid by the University...........................................$ 32 608 01 This report was received for record. CONTRACT FOR MINOR BUILDING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS (24) The Board of Trustees on June 19, 1963, authorized award of a cost-plus contract for minor building alterations, repairs, and construction work for the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964, to Clarence H. Siems, Urbana, Illinois. Mr. Siems has since stated that a serious illness in his family will prevent him from performing the work and has requested that he be permitted to withdraw his bid. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that Mr. Siems' request be granted, that the Board of Trustees rescind its action of June 19, 1963, authorizing execution of a contract with Clarence H. Siems, doing business as Clarence H. Siems Company, and recommend award of a cost-plus contract for minor building alterations, repairs, and construction work for the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964, to the Dean Evans Company, Champaign, Illinois, the next lowest bidder. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES FOR DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY (25) The Director of Purchases, with the concurrence of the Vice-President and Comptroller, recommends authorization of a lease-purchase agreement with International Business Machines Corporation (through the Springfield, Illinois, office) 694 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 for equipment and accessories to up-date and expand the IBM 7090 computer system in the Digital Computer Laboratory which will include conversion of IBM 7090 to 7094 System, one IBM 1401 computer assembly, and accessories to provide additional input-output channel. Agreement would provide for a monthly rental of $11,024.00, option deposit of $4,857.94, and a purchase price of $492,419.00 if the University exercises the option to purchase, depending upon the availability of funds from a federal grant and from indirect costs received under government contracts. The prices are net free on board, delivered at Urbana after an educational discount of 60 per cent. A supporting memorandum is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this purchase was authorized. AMENDMENT OF HOUSING REVENUE BOND RESOLUTIONS (26) The Housing Revenue Bond Resolution approved by the Board December 17, 1958, the First Supplemental Housing Revenue Bond Resolution approved June 23, 1959, and the Second Supplemental Housing Revenue Bond Resolution approved October 21, 1959, provide in the form of bonds that the bonds will be executed by the facsimile signature of the President and signed by the two members of the Board. Subsequent to the adoption of these resolutions, the General Assembly passed the Uniform Facsimile Signature of Public Officials Act which provides that facsimile signatures can be used on any bond, so long as there is one manual signature. All the bonds are signed manually by the Secretary of the Board. The Housing and Home Finance Agency has requested that coupon bonds be issued in exchange for fully registered bonds, and new bonds have to be printed. In order that the two members of the Board may have their facsimile signatures printed on the bonds in lieu of signing the bonds manually, the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the form of bonds of these three issues be amended to provide for their facsimile signatures. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has heretofore issued its Housing Revenue Bonds of 1958 Series A and B, its Housing Revenue Bonds of 1959 Series A, B, C, and D, under and pursuant to a Resolution (the "Resolution") duly adopted December 17, 1958, as supplemented by First and Second Supplemental Resolutions respectively, adopted June 23, 1959, and October 21, 1959; and Whereas, said Resolution provides that Bonds issued thereunder shall be signed by the President and any two members of The Board of Trustees and shall have the seal of the University affixed thereto (or a facsimile seal or signatures as permitted by law); and Whereas, it is now permitted by law that Bonds of this Board of Trustees be signed by the facsimile signatures of the President and two members of the Board but the forms of the Housing Revenue Bonds of 1958 and 1959 set forth in the Resolution and the said First and Second Supplemental Resolutions thereto recite that they have been executed by the facsimile signature of the President and signed by two of its members; and Whereas, this Board of Trustees now desires to cause Bonds which are to be issued in exchange for outstanding Housing Revenue Bonds of 1958 and 1959 to be executed by the facsimile signatures of its President and two of its members. Now, Therefore, Be It and It Is Hereby Resolved that all Bonds of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois issued or to be issued in exchange for outstanding Housing Revenue Bonds of 1958 Series A and B, and Housing Revenue Bonds of 1959 Series A, B, C, and D, may be executed by the facsimile signatures of the President and two members of the Board of Trustees and the officers of the Board of Trustees are hereby authorized and directed to make such changes in the final paragraph of the form of the Bond as shall be consistent with the manner in which it is executed and delivered. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 695 Resolved Further that if the Bonds are executed by facsimile signatures of the President and two members of this Board of Trustees, the following language is hereby authorized and approved for the text of the final paragraph of each of the Bond forms: "In Witness Whereof, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signature of its President and two of its members, the corporate seal of the University of Illinois to be hereto affixed (or a facsimile thereof to be reproduced hereon), and attested by its Secretary, and this bond to be dated as of of........................, 19......." On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES COMMISSION LEGISLATION Mr. Dilliard moved that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois take approving notice of the passage by the Illinois Legislature of the new FEPC bill clarifying the relations between the Illinois FEPC and the state government of Illinois, and its subdivisions and other tax-supported units of government in Illinois, and that the Board of Trustees further pledge cooperation and support in fair employment practices, aims, and purposes in accordance with existing University policies. This motion was adopted. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; resignations, declinations, cancellations, and terminations; leaves of absence; changes in sabbatical leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Biswas, Mrs. Chitra, Assistant in Dairy Science (S), two months from July 1, 1963, $433.33 a month, supersedes (6-14-63). Bohm, Larry G., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1963, $368 a month, supersedes (6-6-63). Borchart, Eugene K., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), six months from July 1, 1963, $12,000, supersedes (6-6-63). Cicenas, Zinnia, Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), three months from June 1, 1963, $625 a month (6-6:63). Dickinson, John O., Instructor in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine) and in Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), 2/5 time, three months from June 1, 1963, $425 a month; and ?4 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,100 (6-13-63). Dunphy, Edward J., Assistant in Soil Fertility (Agronomy) (S), two months from July 1, 1963, $416.67 a month, supersedes (6-6-63). Fello, Michael A., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), July 1, 1963- August 31, 1964, $7,350 a year (6-8-63). Foster, Merlin J., Research Programmer in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from July 1, 1963, $1,454.54, supersedes nonacademic appointment (6-7-63). Gillespie, Robert W., Assistant Professor of Economics, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,910; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-6-63). Groff, Franklin H., Assistant-Counseling in the Student Counseling Service, one month from June 1, 1963, $527.92, supersedes (6-6-63). 696 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 2 Hahn, Jerome ]., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), July 1, 1963-Aueust 31 1964, $10,500 a year (6-6-63). ' Harms, Alfred G., Research Associate in Agricultural Economics (S), Va time February 1-June 15, 1963, $2,531.25 (6-3-63). Hodgman, Donald R., Professor of Economics, two months from June 16, 1963, $3,334; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-6-63). Huber, Thomas L., Research Associate in Animal Science (S), July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,100 a year (6-8-63). Jackson, Joseph F., Professor of French, 31/100 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $850; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-6-63). Kornacker, Mrs. Mildred, Instructor in Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,289 for the period (6-14-63). Kung, Mary R. W., Microanalyst in Chemistry, yA time, June 16-August 31, 1963 $312.50 a month, supersedes (6-13-63). Lambert, Robert J., Research Associate in Agronomy (S). July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $7,000 a year, supersedes (6-6-63). Larson, Carl M., Assistant Professor of Marketing (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,756; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-6-63). Lauchhunn, Danny J., Assistant in the Graduate School of Business Administration (College of Commerce and Business Administration), June 10-September 9, 1963, $666.67 a month (6-6-63). Mackin, John H., Jr., Assistant to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,689; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-17-63). Mason, James H., Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), Vt time, two months from July 1, 1963, $4,700 a year (6-14-63). McCormick, Donald B., Visiting Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,136 for the period (6-13-63). McCoy, Raymond A., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963. June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,100 for the period (6-13-63). McManus, John B., Research Assistant in the Statistical Service Unit, June 16-August 31, 1963, $428.33 a month (6-4-63). Meissen, Marvin F., Assistant in Soil Fertility (Agronomy) (S), three months from June 1, 1963, $416.67 a month, supersedes (6-14-63). Merrill, Mary E., Assistant in English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-10-63). Mukherjee, Kalinath, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), three months from June 1, 1963, $666.67 a month, supersedes (6-10-63). Orlopp, Donald E., Special Research Assistant in the State Geological Survey, seven months from July 1, 1963, $6,600 a year (6-12-63). Patterson, Harlan R., Assistant Professor of Finance, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (6-6-63). Perry, George T., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), four months from May 1, 1963, without salary (5-31-63). Radice, Canio, Professor of Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 21-August 16, 1963, $2,289; this is in addition to his present appointment (5- 31-63). Ribeiho, Sergio T., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from July 16, 1963, $1,444.44 (5-31-63). Robb, Seward E., Research Assistant Professor of Management, i/i time, June 18-August 9, 1963, $833, supersedes (6-6-63). Rohatsch, Fred A., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, two months from June 16, 1963, $933.32 (6-4-63). Rowe, James A., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), four months from May 1, 1963, without salary (5-31-63). Rucker, Walter E., Research Associate in Education (University High School), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (5-31-63). Shively, Richard R., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, June 16-July 31, 1963, $1,083.33 (5-31-63). Shugrue, Michael F., Assistant Professor of English, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,300 a year (5-31-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 697 Siegfried, Robert, Associate Professor of Chemistry (Division of General Studies), Summer Session of 1963, y2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $989 for the period (6-13-63). Simon, Ellen M., Research Associate in Zoology, V6 time, June 16-August 31, 1963, $222.22 a month, supersedes (6-14-63). Simonelli, Leonardo, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from August 1, 1963, $7,200 (6-6-63). Snyder, Harold R., Research Professor of Organic Chemistry (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) and Associate Dean of the Graduate College, two months from June 16, 1963, $3,777.76; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-13-63). Stein, Sondra R., Research Associate in Microbiology, June 16-August 31, 1963, $583.33 a month (6-6-63). Stippes, Marvin C, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963, Ya time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,934 for the period (6-13-63). Strand, Kenneth H., Assistant in Physical Education for Men (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600; also $500 to be received from the Athletic Association (5-31-63). Thode, E. Wayne, Visiting Lecturer in Law, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $3,000 for the period (6-14-63). Thoits, Charles F., Ill, Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, two months from July 1, 1963, $580 a month, supersedes (6-6-63). Tirva, Algis A., Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (College of Engineering) and in the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council (College of Fine and Applied Arts), June 16-August 31, 1963, $488.88 a month (6-8-63). Tovar, Antonio, Professor of the Classics, one month from August 1, 1963, $1,500 (6-4-63). Turnbaugh, Roy C, Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-July 14, 1963, $1,000 for the period (6-13-63). van Biljon, L., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, June 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $5,416.65 (6-4-63). Vestling, Carl S., Professor of Biochemistry, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $3,400 for the period (6-13-63). Wales, Janet M., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, June 1-August 23, 1963, $408.33 a month, supersedes (6-13-63). Wanka, Friedrich, Research Associate in Botany, five months from July 1, 1963, $487.50 a month (6-8-63). Webb, Richard S., Jr., Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), 24 time, two months from July 1, 1963, $531.25 a month, supersedes (6-14-63). Wetmore, Louis B., Professor of City Planning and Landscape Architecture, Summer Session of 1963, \/2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,789 for the period (6-13-63). Wunderle, Steven L., Research Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, one month from June 1, 1963, $415 (6-13-63). Yankofsky, Saul A., Research Associate in Microbiology, June 16-August 31, 1963, $500 a month, supersedes his appointment as United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology (6-8-63). Zahorszky, Uwe Ingomar, Research Associate in Chemistry, June 16-August 31, 1963, $508.33 a month; and for one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (6-8-63). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Anderson, Sonia R., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $467 (5-28-63). Arnold, Marjorie L., Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee in Chemistry, June 16-August 31, 1963, $541.66 a month (6-20-63). Baker, Sheila E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (5-16-63). Blostein, Rhoda, Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee in Chemistry, June 16-August 31, 1963, $270.83 a month (6-20-63). 698 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 Brill, Winston J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,200 (5-24-63). Brosamler, Gunnar, Continental Oil Company Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,200, supersedes; and Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (6-3-63). Cadkin, Lawrence M., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biochemistry three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Caldarelli, David D., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Carney, Joseph H., Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500, supersedes; this is in addition to his Sigma Xi Summer 1963 Fellowship (5-31-63). Chochola, Ronald G., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Christensen, James, Jr., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (6-14-63). DuBrow, Ira W., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pathology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Duker, Nahum J., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-8-63). Dvorak, Paul F., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biochemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-18-63). D'Zurilla, Thomas J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (6-3-63). Embeita, Maria J., Summer Fellow in Spanish, two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (4-16-63). Farmer, Melvin L., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,200 (6-11-63). Fitzgerald, James E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, June 1, 1963-June 30, 1964, $7,041.66 (5-24-63). Frandzel, Joel, Dental Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biochemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-14-63). Frederiksen, Carl H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (5-17-63). Friedman, Theodore A., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Fryman, Richard F., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1963, $500, supersedes (6-10-63). Gibbons, Maby F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-27-63). Glas, Joseph P., Diamond Alkali Summer Fellow in Chemical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-27-63). Golden, Irwin L., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Goldman, Barry, Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, three months from June 16, 1963, $200 (5-16-63). Goldstein, Arnold S., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biochemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Gorfinkel, Harvey J., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Hancock, E. Brady, Dental Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Histology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-14-63). Harprinc, Linda, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-27-63). Harris, Gerald E., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Helm, Frederic C., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biochemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Henneike, Henry F., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,800 (6-19-63). Holmes, Peter K., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, seven months from July 1, 1963, $1,866.69 (5-24-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 699 Jacobson, Lewis A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100; and United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-27-63). Kahle, Glenn W., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,600 (5-16-63). Kaiser, David A., Dental Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pedodontics, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-14-63). Kindt, Thomas J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100; and United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-28-63). Klama, Dale J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (5-16-63). Krug, Ronald S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (6-3-63). Kuenzi, Norbert J., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1963, $1,327.50 (6-14-63). Kuhonta, Precioso C, Wright Fellow in Agricultural Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $600, supersedes (5-31-63). Landstrom, Donald L., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biochemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Lawrence, Sandra L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-27-63). Lukancic, Mildred J., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Magnus, David P., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pharmacology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Macleod, Robert M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,666 (6-4-63). Marx, Robert D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (6-3-63). McDaniel, Richard T., Dental Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Microbiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-14-63). McGurk, Donald J., Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (6-3-63). McMann, Marsha R., Teaching Fellow in Dance, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375, supersedes (6-4-63). Milner, Larry S., Tobacco Industry Research Fellow in Anatomy at the Medical Center, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-8-63). Moore, James L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, February 1-August 15, 1963, $1,444.43 (5-27-63). Murray, Cecil P., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740, supersedes (6-6-63). Musliner, Walter J., Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (6-3-63). Nixon, Joseph E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,600 (6-14-63). Oster, Mark O., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $467 (5-27-63). Peck, Arnold M., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow in Anatomy, three months from December 16, 1963, $200 (5-6-63). Polsky, Robert N., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pathology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Power, Garrett, Fellow in Law, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $375 (6-8-63). Rain, Don W., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Electrical Engineering, one year from June 1, 1963, $3,700 (6-14-63). Ressman, Richard B., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biochemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Rhodes, Mitchell L., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). 700 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 RobinsoNj Marie L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100; and United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-27-63). Rogeness, Graham A., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, three months from June 16, 1963, $200 (5-6-63). Samuels, Arnold H., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biological Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $300 (5-16-63). Sarnat, Harvey B., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Anatomy, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Schroeder, William F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from August 1, 1963, $5,700 (6-14-63). Schuffler, Michael D., Medical Student Summer Fellow in Biochemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-8-63). Schulte, Richard H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (6-3-63). Sennello, Lawrence T., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,500 (6-14-63). Shaafi, Ramadan I., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,666 (6-4-63). Shallat, Ronald F., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pediatrics, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Sharp, James B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from June 1, 1963, $6,300 (6-14-63). Slater, Donald W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, June 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $2,820 (5-24-63). Sloan, Dennis E., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Strobach, Donald R., Postdoctoral Fellow Trainee in Chemistry, June 16- August 31, 1963, $500 a month (6-20-63). Taylor, Douglas H., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375, supersedes (6-6-63). Thomas, John A., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $445 (5-20-63). Thomasson, Walter N., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Civil Engineering (Radiological Health), nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,700 (5-29-63). van Dyck, Peter C, Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). Vetterling, John M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,200 (5-29-63). Victor, Thomas A., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, three months from June 16, 1963, $200 (6-6-63). Voils, Don L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1963, $1,470 (6-14-63). Williamsen, John A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,000 (6-3-63). Willmore, Floyd E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1963, $1,470 (6-14-63). Wolfson, Ronald L., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biochemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Youngerman, William D., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Surgery, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-3-63). Zbaraz, David, Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Pathology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-6-63). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS. CANCELLATIONS. AND TERMINATIONS Ahrenkiel, Richard K., General Atomic/General Dynamics Corporation Fellow in Physics --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 701 Arnold, Marjorie L., Research Associate in Chemistry--- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Arnold, Roger T., Instructor in Ceramic Engineering --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Berger, Bennett M., Associate Professor of Sociology --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Chapman, Peter J., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Creese, Walter L., Professor of Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Davidson, Raymond A., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Dinkines, Flora, Associate Professor of Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Elsey, John C, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- resignation effective July 16, 1963. Friedman, Robert B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry --- termination effective June 16, 1963. Gatdes, Glen E., Instructor in Physical Science, Division of General Studies --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Glenn, John R., Instructor in Art --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Gordon, Louis I., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 21, 1963. Hall, Benjamin D., Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry and of Biochemistry----resignation effective September 1, 1963. Heftel, Daniel L., Instructor in Psychology and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division)---resignation effective July 1, 1963. Hopkins, Edward L., Instructor in the Bureau of Community Planning --- resignation effective July 20, 1963. Huang, Eugene Y., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Huffnagle, Madeline A., Research Assistant in Zoology --- resignation effective June 1, 1963. Jones, Robert A., Acquisition Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Jordan, Moreen C, Associate Professor of English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. Killian, Pauletta L., Research Assistant in Chemistry --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Kuppermann, Aron, Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Lee, Dong W., Fellow in Civil Engineering---resignation effective June 16, 1963. Minnis, Joanne E., Fellow in English --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Morello, Mary R., Assistant to the Director of the Office for Foreign Students --- resignation effective July 8, 1963. Mueller, Thomas J., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Newman, Duane E., Research Associate in the Natural History Survey---- resignation effective July 6, 1963. Nikoulin, Mrs. Dilara, Instructor in Russian---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Paulson, Ronald, Associate Professor of English --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Pecoraro, George A., Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Pink, Paul, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine)---resignation effective June 26, 1963. Roy, Hedley E. H., Fellow in Civil Engineering --- cancellation effective June 16, 1963. Ruina, Jack P., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. 702 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 Schulte, Henby F., Instructor in Journalism and Assistant to the Dean of the College of Journalism and Communications --- resignation effective July 1 1963. Shaner, G. David, Assistant Professor of Art --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Siegfried, Robert, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Division of General Studies --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Sjoblom, Lawrence R., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. Slama, Lucien P., Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Strobach, Donald R., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Strout, Donald E., Professor of Library Science --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Suresh, Kuppahalli S., Research Associate in Chemistry (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Thompson, Wayne N., Professor of Speech (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Thompson, William R., Assistant in the Graduate School of Library Science, Summer Session of 1963 --- declination effective June 17, 1963. Vestling, Mrs. Christina M., Assistant in Library Science --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Wacner, Lewis E., Professor of Economics --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Walls, Mrs. Wanda J., Instructor in Textiles and Clothing (Home Economics) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Weber, Evelyn, Research Associate in Chemistry---resignation effective June 16, 1963. Yankofsky, Saul A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Yokoyama, Masahiro, Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Argoudelis, Christos, Assistant Professor of Food Technology, in the Agricultural Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, during the month of August, 1963, to be combined with his vacation for travel abroad. Barry, Alan J., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a postdoctoral fellowship at Lankenau Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for a study of the techniques employed there in the study of human work capacity. Leonard, James W., Associate Professor of Finance --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may serve as a Visiting Associate Professor at Michigan State University. CHANGES IN SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Fosdick, Lloyd D., Research Professor of Physics, in the College of Engineering and in the Digital Computer Laboratory---sabbatical leave of absence for the second semester of 1963-64 with full pay; and leave of absence without pay from September 1, 1964, through February 28, 196S, supersedes previous sabbatical leave of absence granted him for the first semester of 1963-64. O'Kelly, Lawrence I., Professor of Psychology---sabbatical leave of absence for the first semester of 1963-64 with full pay, supersedes sabbatical leave of absence previously granted him for the full year on one-half pay. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS President Clement announced that the Board will hold its next meeting on August 1, 1963, in Chicago, Illinois, with the understanding that if the volume of business does not justify calling a meeting of the full Board, he will cancel the meeting and call a meeting of the Executive Committee. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 703 The regular September Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 1963, in Urbana. The date of the regular October meeting would be Wednesday, October 16, 1963. The 1963 annual meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions which some of the Trustees may wish to attend will be held at Pennsylvania State University beginning October 16, and the Trustees may wish to consider changing the date of its October meeting. The Secretary was instructed to poll the members of the Board regarding their choice of alternate dates and places for the meeting, with the understanding that the President may order a change in the date if it appears feasible. EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement stated that an executive session was being requested for consideration of reports and recommendations relating to property acquisitions and appointments to the staff; and that no meetings of Board Committees have been scheduled. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board voted to go into executive session. The Board considered the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 1113 WEST ILLINOIS STREET, URBANA, ILLINOIS (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of the property at 1113 West Illinois Street, Urbana, at a price of $37,000, which is consistent with University appraisals. The property is a lot 65 feet by ISO feet (9,750 square feet) and is improved with a two and one-half story and basement frame dwelling. The land is within the area needed as a site for the Center for Performing Arts. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted regarding this purchase, and recommends approval. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the purchase of this property, at the price recommended, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 2O6 NORTH ROMINE STREET. URBANA. ILLINOIS (2) The Board of Trustees on March 20, 1963, authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property at 206 North Romine Street, Urbana. Through subsequent negotiations, and prior to filing suit, a price of $25,000 has been agreed upon for the purchase of this property, which is within the limit authorized by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. It also appears to be the lowest price for which the property can be acquired without condemnation proceedings and incurring the resulting costs. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I recommend authorization of this purchase, and further recommend that the Board rescind its action of March 20 with respect to condemnation proceedings. 704 BOARD OF TRUSTEES On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board rescinded its action of March 20 authorizing condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of this property, and authorized its purchase at a price of $25,000; this action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dil-liard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS (3) The Federal Aviation Agency has indicated its interest in proceeding with the installation of an Instrument Landing System (ILS) on the NW/SE runway at the University of IUinois-Willard Airport. This installation can be on land within Airport boundaries, or on land which the F.A.A. has under lease. The ILS installation will be at no cost to the University since it is a part of the improvements to the Interstate Airways System. The estimated investment of $165,000 will improve the safety facilities of the Airport in bad weather. The F.A.A. policy is to install Approach Lighting Systems (ALS) with an Instrument Landing System wherever practicable. The Agency requests, as a part of its proceeding with the ILS system, that the University formally express its intention of acquiring necessary property rights to permit the ALS installation eventually. The rights needed are approximately nineteen acres of fee title and avigation easements over approximately one hundred and fifteen acres, all land lying off the east and west ends of the NW/SE runway. It is anticipated that the University will soon receive $39,000 from the federal government for its share of the cost of property acquisition in extending the N/S runway. These funds should be adequate to provide for the additional property rights necessary for the ALS installation. The Director of the Institute of Aviation recommends that the University: (a) request that the NW/SE runway be designated as the instrument runway and, (b) assure the Federal Aviation Agency that it is the intention of the University, subject to statutory and constitutional limitations binding upon it and to the availability of funds which may lawfully be used for such purpose, to proceed to acquire the necessary land and/or avigation rights on the NW/SE runway to meet the requirements for an instrument runway and provide facilities for an Approach Lighting System. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; present but not voting, Mr. Johnston; absent, Mr. Kerner. At this point, on motion of Mr. Dilliard, the executive session was extended for consideration of personnel matters; and all University personnel, except members of the Board of Trustees, officers of the Board, the President, the Executive Vice-President and Provost, and the Legal Counsel of the University were excused from the meeting. At the request of Mr. Pogue, the President and Executive Vice-President and Provost reviewed certain administrative decisions relating to the status of faculty and administrative personnel. Following this review and discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that no matter of Board policy was involved. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS August 1, 1963 The August meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, August 1, 1963, beginning at 9:00 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Diliiard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner and Mr. Ray Page were absent. Also present were Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant (representing Director C. S. Havens), Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 705 706 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on February 20, 1963, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 359 to 417, inclusive. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT AND PROVOST OF THE UNIVERSITY In the absence and on behalf of President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier presented the following reports and recommendations. APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN ACCOUNTANCY (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends the appointment of Charles W. Davis, Resident Partner of Hopkins, Sutter, Owen, Mulroy, and Wentz, Lawyers, Chicago, to the Board of Examiners in Accountancy for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1963, to succeed Mr. William W. Emery, whose term expired on June 30, 1963. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE (2) The Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine recommends the following additional new appointments and reappointments to the Advisory Committee for the College of Veterinary Medicine for terms of three years beginning September 1, 1963. New Appointments Dr. Merrill W. G. Ottwein, Rural Route 2, Edwardsville Dr. Ottwein received the D.V.M. degree from the University in 1956, and is one of the College's most able alumni. He is keenly interested in the University, the College, and in advancement of the profession. Dr. Harold E. Held, 1254 South Carroll Street, Freeport Dr. Held received the D.V.M. degree from Iowa State University in 1942, and has been a leader, both professionally and in civic affairs, in the community in which he resides. Dr. Held is well thought of by his colleagues in the profession and has demonstrated excellent judgment and a progressive attitude. Mr. Geokge Brauer, Oakford Mr. Brauer is a livestock farmer; his appointment is recommended by the Illinois Swine Improvement Association. Reappointments Dr. O. Norling-Christensen, Wilmette Dr. C. A. Krakower, Head of the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Chicago Mr. R. V. McKee, Washburn I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENTS TO CENTER FOR ZOONOSES RESEARCH (3) On recommendation of the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Director of the Center for Zoonoses Research, the following appointments to the staff of the Center have been approved and are reported for record. Senior Memberships (indefinite tenure) Charles S. Alexander, Associate Professor of Geography, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 707 Fred W. Foster, Professor of Geography, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois Manford E. Mansfield, Professor of Veterinary Extension and of Veterinary Research, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, University of Illinois William C. Marquardt, Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and of Veterinary Extension, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois Robert J. Webb, Professor of Agricultural Research and Extension, and Superintendent of Dixon Springs Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois Harry Wright, Medical Director, Quadri-County Department of Health, Metropolis Associate Membership (for one year from September 1, 1963) Gilbert P. Waldbauer, Professor of Entomology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois Consultants (for three years from September 1, 1963) Carl M. Johnson, Director, Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, Panama, Republic of Panama Fred D. Maurer, Colonel, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Maurice S. Shahan, Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory, Greenpoint, Long Island, New York On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were confirmed. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (4) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Robert R. Allen, Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,000. 2. Carl T. Arlt, Bailey Professor of Money, Banking, and Finance, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $20,000. 3. Alfred J. Banner, Assistant Professor of Housing and Home Furnishings, in the Department of Home Economics, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $6,800. 4. Frank H. Beach, Professor of Marketing, Emeritus, and Acting Head of the Department of Marketing, in the College of Commerce and Business Administration, on three-fifths time, for one year beginning September 1, 1963, at a salary of $8,000. 5. John H. Behrens, Assistant Extension Editor, with rank of Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, for one year from July 15, 1963, at a salary of $12,000. 6. John Black, George A. Miller Distinguished Professor of Economics, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $15,000. 7. Cesar Grana, Visiting Associate Professor of Sociology, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $12,000. 8. Harold W. Guthrie, Research Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $14,000. 9. Robert H. Kokernot, Professor of Epizootiology and Assistant Director of the Center for Zoonoses Research, beginning August 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $18,000. 10. Gilbert Osofsky, Assistant Professor of History, in the Division of Social Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $6,750. 11. Chei-Min Paik, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, in the Graduate School of Business Administration, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,500. 12. John K. Simon, Assistant Professor of French, on two-thirds time, and Assistant Professor of English, on one-third time, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,500. 708 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 13. Mary E. Sullivan, Consultant with rank of Associate Professor, in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $11,750. 14. Earle F. Zeigler, Professor of Physical Education for Men, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $12,000. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments were confirmed. CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY (5) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Professor Bernard J. Diggs as Chairman of the Department of Philosophy for two years beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $13,000. The present Chairman, Professor Frederick L. Will, has asked to be relieved of this administrative assignment so that he may devote full time to teaching and research. This recommendation is submitted on nomination by a search committee,1 and after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Department, and is concurred in by the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. GRADUATE PROGRAM LEADING TO THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN BIOLOGY (6) On recommendation of the School of Life Sciences and with the concurrence of the Executive Committee of the Graduate College, the Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended establishment of a graduate program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, for training graduate students in coordinated interdepartmental areas of biology. Admission Requirements A grade-point average of at least 3.7S for the last sixty hours of work. Students entering the program must meet the admission requirements of the approved area of specialization and in addition have some general training in botany, microbiology, and zoology, with at least a year of college physics, chemistry through organic, and mathematics through analytic geometry. Requirements for the Degree College requirements: All students are required to fulfill the general requirements of the Graduate College, including residence, languages, preliminary and final examinations, and the thesis. Individual programs: A student who elects to major in a particular area of biology and who satisfies the admission requirements in that area will pursue a program of graduate study planned in consultation with his major professor and subject to the approval of the area committee. Administration of the Program Major programs in specific areas must be approved by the Executive Committee of the School of Life Sciences, which consists of the Director and the heads or chairmen of the departments. No major program shall be approved until it has been discussed with the departments concerned in that particular area. Responsibility for the supervision of programs in a major area will rest with an area committee. This committee will consist of an appropriate number of staff members appointed by the Director of the School. Qualified students may elect as major adviser any staff member participating in the major curriculum. Doctoral committees are recommended by the chairman of an area committee and transmitted through the Director's Office to the Dean of the Graduate College. 1 George T. Frampton, Professor of Law, Chairman; Bernard J. Diggs, Professor of Philosophy; Max H. Fisch, Professor of Philosophy and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study; Norman Kretzmann, Assistant Professor of Philosophy; and Frederick L. Will, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 709 Catalog Entry A student may receive a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology with a major in one of the approved areas of specialization. Applicants for admission must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.75 for their last sixty hours of work and must meet the admission requirements of the approved area of specialization; in addition, they should have some general training in botany, microbiology, and zoology, with at least a year of college physics, chemistry through organic, and mathematics through analytic geometry. Individual programs are planned in consultation with the faculty adviser and are subject to approval by an area committee. Thesis research may be carried out with the direction of any of the participating staff members under the appropriate departmental research course listings. Students in the program are eligible for assistantships and fellowships in the appropriate department of their major adviser. Inquiries concerning the program should be sent to the Director of the School of Life Sciences, 131 Burrill Hall. The Board of Trustees has previously approved a recommendation from the Senate for a graduate program leading to the degree of Master of Science in the Biological Sciences. Submitted herewith is a supporting statement concerning the proposal for the new degree, a copy of which is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur in the recommendation of the Senate for the new program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education; and I further recommend that the title of the master's degree be changed to Master of Science in Biology to be consistent with the title of the Doctor of Philosophy degree. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved. UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (7) On recommendation of the Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture and the College of Fine and Applied Arts, the Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved certain revisions in the undergraduate curriculum in landscape architecture which do not require approval by the Board of Trustees, but included is a recommendation that the name of the degree be changed from Bachelor of Fine Arts in Landscape Architecture to Bachelor of Landscape Architecture. The master's degree will be changed to Master of Landscape Architecture. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (8) The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign 1. Physical Plant Department Moving and air conditioning of houses at 606 and 6064 South Mathews Avenue to 1205 West Nevada Street, to clear land required as a part of the site for construction of a new chemistry laboratory building............................................. $23 434 00 Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture, remodeling two rooms in Mumford Hall for additional office space........ 3 585 00 Chicago Undergraduate Division 1. Equipment for Central Stenographic Services..................... 6 500 00 Total......................................................... $33 519 00 I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appropriations were made by the 710 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [AugUSt 1 following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. PURCHASE OF LLOYD F. NICKELL LIBRARY (9) The Dean of Library Administration recommends the purchase of the library of the late Dr. Lloyd F. Nickell of Champaign at a price of $45,000. The library is a collection of eighteenth-century English literature which he assembled over a period of years while living in England. Dr. Nickell, who died about a year ago, was an alumnus of the University of Illinois Class of 1909. A supporting statement from the Dean of Library Administration is submitted herewith and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board. The Library will assign $15,000 from its funds budgeted for acquisitions for 1963-64 and an assignment of $30,000 from Indirect Costs --- General funds is requested to provide the balance needed. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this purchase was authorized and the requested assignment of funds was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR PLUMBING FOR UNDERGROUND STEAM TUNNEL TO MATERIALS RESEARCH LABORATORY (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $10,170, to the Burdick Plumbing and Heating Company, Inc., Decatur, Illinois, for plumbing installations in the underground steam tunnel extension to the Materials Research Laboratory. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations for 1961-63 from the Universities Building Fund and have been reappropriated for 1963-65. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR CAMPUS BUS SERVICE (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a contract with the Champaign-Urbana City Lines, Inc., for a campus bus service for students and staff along the lines of the bus service operated under a University contract last year. Specific recommendations are that: Authority be granted to continue the Mi-Bus operation starting September 10, 1963, until November 30, 1963. The five-cent fare per passenger be continued except that those students living in Orchard Downs will be issued passes to ride free from the Downs to any point on the route; however, the passes will be honored only for a return trip to the Downs from the corner of Nevada Street and Goodwin Avenue, or at any regular bus stop between that corner and Orchard Downs. The Mi-Bus service be utilized to provide transportation for faculty and staff registering vehicles in accordance with the new University parking regulations to become effective September 1, 1963. The University be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Champaign-Urbana City Lines, Inc., for the period beginning September 10, 1963, and ending November 30, 1963, based on a rate of $5.15 per bus hour of operation (this includes use of the equipment and employment of necessary personnel to provide the desired bus service, and sufficient insurance to protect both the company and the University against liability for personal injuries or property damages arising out of the operation of this service). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 749 Walter John Fredrick Wadman, Warren LeRoy White, Chicago, Glenview, Illinois Illinois Mark Craven Walker, Jr., Chicago, Henry Edward Wierenca, Cicero, Illinois Illinois Gerald Michael Walsh, Chicago, Edward Allen Williams, Chicago, Illinois Illinois Harold Richard Warman, Arlington Dennis Wilbert Williamson, Skokie, Heights, Illinois niinnU ROBIlHnofsVEN WEAVER> R0Ckf$dGrd' Elwvn Charles Winland, John Herbert Wellman, Jacksonville, , Mt ?TOSV%*> I1Un$dGisj T Illinois Ronald John Witek, Oak Lawn, Donald John Werner, Champaign, Illinois Illinois Wayne Wesley Wolf, La Grange William Fredrick Werth, Evanston, Park, Illinois Illinois Steven Edward Wollack, Skokie, Thomas Dennis White, Champaign, Illinois Illinois Howard Yefsky, Chicago, Illinois The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: Slate from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates William Paul Ausman Lawrenceville, Illinois Alabama Merlin Murray Bailey Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana Walter P. Boyd Phoenix, Arizona Arizona Charles Vincent Doherty Chicago, Illinois Pennsylvania Earl William Druehl Davenport, Iowa Iowa Robert Earle Hearnes Charleston, Missouri Missouri George Frederick Heller Wilmette, Illinois Indiana Paul Allen Hendrix Cape Girardeau, Missouri Missouri John Adolph Nesbit Belleville, Illinois Missouri Bob R. Ritchhart Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana Donald Maurice Ureel Western Springs, Illinois Michigan I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these certificates were awarded. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION (2) The Dean of the Division of University Extension recommends the following appointments to the Division of University Extension Advisory Committee for two years beginning September 1, 1963. Representatives of the University Professor Van Miller, College of Education Professor Phillip Monyfenny, Department of Political Science These appointees replace Professor Harvey W. Huegy, Head, Department of Marketing, and Professor George W. White, Head, Department of Geology, whose terms have expired. Other representatives of the University on the Committee are: Professor Charles K. Brightbill, Head, Department of Recreation and Municipal Park Administration; Professor Warren F. Doolittle, Jr., Department of Art; and Professor Kenneth J. Trigger, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. 712 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 RENEWAL OF LEASES AT NAVY PIER FOR CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (13) The University's leases with the city of Chicago for portions of Navy Pier and the adjacent Drill Hall and parking facilities for the University of Illinois Chicago Undergraduate Division expired June 30, 1963. As a result of negotiations with city officials it has been determined that the University may again renew the leases on the same terms on which the leases were renewed in 1960 and subsequently amended, except for the following changes which have been agreed to by the City: a. All provisions of the lease for the facilities used by the University on Navy Pier, excluding the provision for parking facilities in the vicinity of the Drill Hall, will be extended to January 1, 1965, with the University having the option to renew the lease on a month-to-month basis thereafter for a period of six months. The rental will be $161,340 per year, a reduction of $5,760 to cover the deletion of parking facilities to be transferred to the Drill Hall lease. b. All provisions of the lease for the Drill Hall will be extended to June 30, 1965, with the University having the option to extend this lease thereafter for three successive periods of one year each. Said lease will be amended to include the parking facilities in the vicinity of the Drill Hall being deleted from the Navy Pier lease. The rental will be $31,000.08 per year, an increase of $5,760 to cover the use of the parking facilities not previously a part of this lease. The University's planning for the construction of the Congress Circle Campus anticipates beneficial occupancy by February 1, 1965, with completion in the spring. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the Secretary of the Board and the Vice-President and Comptroller to execute renewals of the leases for the Navy Pier facilities on the terms set forth above. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these leases were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY LOAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE GRADUATE RESIDENCE HALL (14) The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant recommend authorization of: An application to the Housing and Home Finance Agency for a loan not to exceed $2,500,000 for construction of a single graduate residence hall to be located at the northwest corner of Chalmers Street and Fifth Street, Champaign, with a capacity of approximately 465 students. The estimated cost is $2,650,000; A revenue bond issue of $2,650,000, with at least $150,000 to be sold publicly and the remainder (not more than $2,500,000) to be sold to the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Interest and principal on the revenue bonds will be provided from rental income; Employment of Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, as counsel for the bond issue; and Advertisements for bids on the construction of the residence hall and for the sale of the bonds at times deemed most appropriate by the Vice-President and Comptroller. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved, and authority was given as requested by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 713 ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES BUILDING (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $13,066.51 in the contract with Oman and Giden, Inc., Northfield, for the construction of the Medical Sciences Addition to install thirty-five cup sinks and associated piping and twelve utility service enclosures in the third floor laboratories. These items were required and shown on the preliminary drawings but were unintentionally omitted in the preparation of the contract drawings. The architects state that the amount requested for the work involved is reasonable. Funds for this work are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ORCHARD DOWNS. FIRST ADDITION (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $13,460 in the contract with Shapland Construction Company, Champaign, Illinois, for additional paving for three bicycle storage areas and paving adjacent to the entrances at the fourteen buildings in the First Addition to Orchard Downs. Funds are available in the construction budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. CONTINUATION OF ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION CONTRACT FOR RESEARCH IN ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS (17) In June, 1962, the University entered into a contract with the Atomic Energy Commission to carry out research in elementary particle physics. Funds in the amount of $871,000 have been provided to reimburse the University for all direct and indirect costs incurred during the period June 1, 1962, through September 30, 1963. A proposal has been prepared requesting $1,415,403 to support and expand this research project for a twelve-month period beginning October 1, 1963. Because of the substantial increase in the funds requested from the Atomic Energy Commission, the proposal must also be submitted to the Board of Higher Education for approval. The proposal has been approved by the Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, the Secretary of the University Research Board, and the Vice-President and Comptroller. I recommend authorization of the application, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved, and authority was given as requested. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (18) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. 714 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Furnishing of labor, material, equip- Physical Plant Belding Engineering Co., J12 340 00 ment, and supervision to move two West Chicago f.o.b. houses from 606 and 606)4 South delivered Mathews Avenue, Urbana, to 1205 West Nevada Street, Urbana Purchases from Institutional Funds One recorder, two-channel ink-writing Agency for Brush Instruments, $2 783 60 recording system with a sensitivity of International Division of Clevite f.a.3. 10 millivolts per millimeter; one Development Corp., New strain gage preamplifier for use with (India) Cleveland, Ohio York the above recorder, and accessories for both instruments Print 11,385 housing revenue, Mini Comptroller's Northern Bank Note 4 438 48 Union, and Health Center bonds, Office Co.. f.o.b. $pD1,000.00 denominations with semi- Chicago delivered annual coupons with machine signing services Soil-bearing test service for Congress Physical Plant, Walter H. Flood & Co 5 000 00 Circle Union Building construction Chicago Chicago Asphalt primer, type pa-1 as- Physical Plant Tomac, Inc., 7 519 00 phalt, E-3 road oil, limestone aggre- Storeroom Danville f.o.b. gate and sealer, for use by the Physi- delivered cal Plant in the 1963 street reseating program on the Urbana campus On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Renewal of agreement for general pur- Computer Pro- International Business S20 748 00 pose computer system now installed gram, Library, Machines Corp., at the Undergraduate Division for Chicago Chicago period of August 15, 1963, through Undergraduate June 30, 1964 Division (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, $20,748.00, and Institutional Funds, S840.00, for a total of $21,588.00.) One lot of laboratory supplies including Pharmacy, Chicago Apparatus Co., 4 762 43 assorted glassware, filter paper, rub- Chicago Chicago delivered ber stoppers, and chemicals; one-year supply One lot of lounge furniture, consisting Physical Plant, S. Buckman Furniture 8 761 39 of 76 chairs, three chaise lounges, one Medical & Supply Co., delivered ottoman, thirteen tables, and 120 Center Spring Valley settees One controlled environmental room, of Animal Science Hotpack Corp., Chicago 9 312 50 modular construction, fiberglass in- f.o.b. sulated, prewired and complete with delivered refrigeration system having water cooled compressor; room will be used for preparation of biological material which requires lower than room tem- peratures 180 hog gates, panel type, and accessory Animal Science V.C.V. Farm Supply, 7 044 75 materials to replace gates and fencing Lebanon f.o.b. at the Swine Nutrition Farm delivered and installed One truck. 1963 model, gross vehicle Dixon Springs International Harvester 3 283 00 weight 23,000 pounds; V-8 engine; Experiment Co., f.o.b. chassis only, less trade-in of one Station Springfield delivered truck, 1951 model, model L-180 In- ternational with fold-down bed and hoist, mileage 120.000 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 715 Item Department Vendor Cost One duplicator, magnetic recording tape, half-track, 60 inches per second. Language Rawdon Smith $ 3 971 48 Laboratory Associates, Inc., f.o.b. four-channel, three-duplicates, fre- Washington, D.C. delivered quency response 50 to 12,000 cycles One metal-cutting machine, band type, Physical Plant Hoffman-Marquard 6 038 00 hydraulically operated feed table, to Machinery Co., f.o.b. be used by Physical Plant Depart- St. Louis, Mo. delivered ment machine shop for maintenance work and special metal work for other departments on Urbana campus One sweeper, power, heavy duty, self- Physical Plant G. H. Tennant Co., 5 014 69 propelled with scrubbing attachment Chicago f.o.b. to be used by Physical Plant Depart- delivered ment for cleaning shop areas and cor- ridors of new Physical Plant Services Building One radial drilling machine, complete Physical Plant Miller Industrial Supply, 3 420 00 with oversize table and power feed to Decatur f.o.b. be used by Physical Plant Depart- delivered ment machine shop for maintenance work and special job work for other departments on the Urbana campus One shear, power squaring with six foot Physical Plant Balko Tool & Machine 7 259 00 extension squaring gauge to be used Co., f.o.b. by the Physical Plant Department Chicago delivered tin shop on heavy gauge steel and stainless steel on various jobs for de- partments on the Urbana campus One power apron brake, bending metals Physical Plant Ward Machinery Co., 3 365 00 of length 8 ft. 1 in., to be used by the Chicago f.o.b. Physical Plant Department tin shop delivered to handle heavier gauge steels than can presently be handled in the shop Services of engineer for inspection and Physical Plant General Electric Co., 7 500 00 supervision of overhaul of General St. Louts, Mo. Electric turbine-generators and other associated equipment at the Abbott Power Plant for the period August 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Eighty units wood book shelf units, Physics Standard Wood 6 562 50 size 12 in. deep by 36 in. wide by 82 Products Corp., f.o.b. in. high, each unit to be complete with New York, N.Y. delivered back and finished end panels Wood office furniture for faculty offices Physical Plant Lycoming Furniture 12 077 62 in new interior addition to the Industries, Inc., f.o.b. Armory: Williamsport, Pa. delivered Sixty-six L-desks consisting of 60 in. by 30 in. desk and 36 in. by 18 in L return One clerical L-desk consisting of 60 in. by 24 in. desk and 38 in. by 18 in. L return One conference desk, double pedestal, 74 in. by 38 in. One conference table, 72 in. by 34 in- Wood office chairs, upholstered, for fac- Physical Plant Milwaukee Chair Co., 6 287 09 ulty offices in new interior addition to Milwaukee, Wis. f.o.b. Armory: delivered Sixty-seven swivel chairs Seventy-two side chairs, no arms One secretarial posture chair Lounge furniture for the new office Physical Plant S. Buckman Furniture quarters and classrooms in the inte- & Supply Co., rior addition to the Armory: Spring Valley Group I Group I 6 960 00 Forty settee-table combination units Weger Institutional Design, Two sofas, upholstered Lansing, Mich. One chair, fully upholstered, with Group II 3 299 60 arms (10 259 60) Two tier corner tables, 34 in. by 34 f.o.b. in. top Group II Forty lounge chairs, upholstered delivered Purchases from Institutional Funds Publication of Chicago Undergraduate Dean of Students, Community Publications, J21 050 76 Division weekly newspaper Chicago Chicago Under- Inc., delivered Illini for the academic years 1963-64 graduate Chicago and 1964-65; consisting of 3,600-4,500 Division eight-page issues and 1,200-4,500 twelve-page issues 716 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Item Department Vendor Cosi One multi-channel photographic poly- Surgery, College Sanborn Co., $10 633 00 graph system and accessories of Medicine, Chicago Chicago delivered One blood flowmeter and probe Surgery, College Medicon, Division of 3 095 00 of Medicine, Quality Precision delivered Chicago Products, Inc., Los Angeles. Calif. Twelve project-o-charts Ophthalmology, New Era Optical Co., 3 956 20 Two vertometers Chicago Chicago delivered 40,000 paper trash bags Physical Plant, Levin Bros. Paper Corp., 4 371 20 Chicago Chicago delivered 200 dozen muslin sheets, 72 in. by 108 Physical Plant, Ipco Hospital Supply 4 118 00 in. Chicago, Laundrv Corp., Chicago delivered Construct 14 ft. by 26 ft. addition to Agronomy Shabbona Lumber & 4 357 38 house at Northern Illinois Agronomy Supply, f.o.b. Research Center, DeKalb, to include Shabbona delivered foundation, and all electrical, heat- and ing, and insulation work to conform erected to design of original building; the addition will consist of two bedrooms with closets Two silos, size 12 ft. by 35 ft., including Animal Science Madison Silos, Division 3 390 00 foundation and concrete floor to be of Martin Marietta f.o.b. furnished and erected at Urbana Corp., delivered El Paso and erected 70,000 gallons (approximately) stand- Institute of Hughes Oil Co., 6 384 00 ard, commercial, no. 5 fuel oil, to be Aviation Champaign f.o.b. furnished as required for heating the delivered Terminal Building at University of Illinois-Willard Airport during the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 196S One laboratory glassware washer, fully Botany Better Built Machinery 4 650 00 automatic with spindle headers which Corp., f.o.b. direct a high speed jet water stream New York, N.Y. delivered into the glassware One spectrophotometer, automatic, dou- Chemistry and Perkin-Elmer Corp., 5 265 00 ble beam, ultraviolet, with ranges: Chemical La Grange f.o.b. UV J9O-390MU and visible 350- Engineering delivered 750MU, auxiliary readout system, repetitive scanning accessory, and temperature controlled cell mount One integrating x-ray goniometer Chemistry and Picker X-Ray Corp., 3 172 00 One straumanis film cassette Chemical Chicago f.o.b. One clamp for multiple films Engineering delivered Print and bind 3,000 copies of Depart- Chemistry and Pantagraph Printing & 4 146 85 ment of Chemistry and Chemical Engi- Chemical Stationery Co., f.o.b. neering History 1951-61, approxi- Engineering Bloomington delivered mately 144 pages per copy, trim size 8)4 in. by 11 in. Five storage tubes, recording, electrical Coordinated Raytheon Co., 5 625 00 readout, resolution 1,000 lines mini- Science Franklin Park f.o.b. mum, capable of repeating stored Laboratory delivered 60,000 taper pins Digital Computer American Pamcor, Inc., 2 804 40 Laboratory St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. delivered Six cables, coaxial. 20 wire, each 175 ft. Digital Computer IBM Corp., 3 793 50 Jong, to be used to complete a hookup Laboratory Springfield f.o.b. of the IBM 7094 computer in the delivered Digital Computer Laboratory with the film measuring projectors in use in physics research programs Scoring service for approximately 73,000 Office of Measurement Research 8 760 00 special answer sheets used in testing Educational Center, Inc., f.o.b. program of the Bureau of Educational Testing Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Research City, Iowa Installation of three-phase electrical Electrical Illinois Power Co., 10 923 00 power at BondviUe Road Field Sta- Engineering Danville f.o.b. tion of the Department of Electrical delivered Engineering to include the following: and Extension of three-phase service to installed the field station from a location approximately four miles north 75 KVA self-regulating transformers as reQUired 25 KVA step-up bank at the proposed site 25 KVA step-down at the present site 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 717 Item Department Vendor Cost One lot laboratory equipment and ap- General Chemical E. H. Sargent & Co., $ 7 800 00 paratus including twenty-four bal- Stores Chicago f.o.b. ances, twelve transformers, seven delivered cases plastic bottles, and 432 pieces of assorted plastic laboratory apparatus; estimated to be a three-month supply One recording microphotometer for the Physics National Spectrographic 8 225 00 determination of optical density of Laboratories, Inc.. f.o.b. photographic plates, to be used in a Cleveland, Ohio delivered research program in the Department of Physics under a contract with the Atomic Energy Commission One testing machine, universal tension Physics Labquip Corp., 8 100 00 and compression for the study of an- Chicago f.o.b. harmonic defects in crystals delivered Thirty-six electronics laboratory tables, Physics Walrus Manufacturing 5 799 00 72 in. by 36 in. by 38 in. high, wood, Co., f.o.b. with 12 in. deep shelf above top and Decatur delivered full depth shelf below Twelve general physics laboratory tables, 72 in. by 36 in. by 38 in. high. wood, no shelves One potentiometer, six-dial, microvolt. Physics M inneapolis-H oney well 5 300 00 ranges 0 to 111,111.0 in steps of 0.1 Regulator Co., f.o.b. microvolt, and 0-11,111.10 in steps Harvey delivered of 0.01 microvolt One galvanometer, photoelectric, ther- mal emf 0.003 microvolt or less Film badge service for the period July Physics Volk Radiochemical 7 724 60 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965, for Co., f.o.b. determination of exposure to radio- Skokie delivered active materials, to all personnel so involved, under the direction and authority of the University Health Physicist as follows: 200 beta-gamma film badges every two weeks 2 0 beta-gam ma film badges every week for nine months (September 15-June 15) 5 beta-gamma finger (ring) badges every two weeks 55 neutron-beta-gamma film badges every two weeks One analyzer, single channel, one seven- Physics Radiation Instrument 3 960 00 decade electromech sealer and power Development f.o.b. supplies, comprising a solid state Laboratory, delivered modular nuclear counting system for Melrose Park use in the teaching laboratory in Stage II of the new Physics Building One recording system, ink-rectilinear, Physiology and Orfner Division of 6 270 00 four-channel, wired for eight-channel, Biophysics Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. complete with power supplies, am- Inc., c/o Pivan Schiller plifiers, ink system, and couplers Engineering Co., Chicago Park One centrifuge with eight positions, Physiology and Aloe Scientific 2 560 00 portable, refrigerated, including trun- Biophysics Division of Brunswick f.o.b. nion carrier, metal shield and conical Corp., delivered head, to be used in research projects St. Louis, Mo. in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics One recording assembly, ink rectilinear, Psychology Beckman Instruments, 8 335 75 six-channel, wired for eight, high gain, Inc., f.o.b. including all required power supplies, Palo Alto, Calif. delivered amplifiers, pens, ink system, racks and enclosures, and couplers, and one year's maintenance, including instal- Storage building, 20 ft. by 50 ft., to be Veterinary Alexander Lumber Co., 2 874 93 constructed at the Veterinary Re- Medicine Champaign f.o.b. search Farm, South Race Street, delivered Urbana, complete with concrete and foundation and floor, lumber rigid erected frame design, plywood exterior, eight windows and two overhead doors 1,400 pairs shoes, dress, low quarter, Purchasing and Clothing Sales Store, 9 231 60 black, Air Force regulation Military Chanute Air Force f.o.b. 2,520 pairs socks, cotton, black, stretch. Property Base, Illinois Chanute Air Force regulation Custodian Air Force Base 718 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [AugUSt 1 Item Department Vendor Cost Print and bind 2,500 copies of British University Press Rogers Printing Co., $ 3 540 00 Politics in the Suet Crisis, by Leon Chicago f.o.b. Epstein, approximately 224 pages per delivered copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Print and bind 2,500 copies High School University Press Edwards Brothers, Inc., 8 277 00 Mathematics, Units 1-4, Teachers' Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. Edition, approximately 757 pages per delivered copy, printed on one side only, trim size 8H in. by 11 in. Print and bind 12.000 copies High School University Press George Banta Co., 8 329 97 Mathematics, Unit 6, Students' Edi- Chicago f.o.b. tion, approximately 458 pages per Menasha, copy, trim size SH in. by 11 in. Wis. Print and bind 10,000 copies of High University Press George Banta Co., 3 498 00 School Mathematics, Unit 7, Students' Chicago f.o.b. Edition, approximately 168 pages per Menasha, copy, trim size 8H in. by 11 in. Wis. Print and bind 11,000 copies High School University Press George Banta Co., 5 651 00 Mathematics, Unit 8, Students' Edi- Chicago f.o.b. tion, approximately 264 pages per delivered copy, trim size 8H " by 11 in. Print and bind 5,000 copies High School University Press George Banta Co., 3 427 00 Mathematics, Unit 9, Students' Edi- Chicago f.o.b. tion, approximately 388 pages per delivered copy, trim size 8M in. by 11 in. Forty-six films, movie, 16 mm., miscel- Visual Aids Encyclopaedia Britannica 3 780 00 laneous, color and black and white. Service Films, Inc., f.o.b. less return of old editions and damaged prints Ninety-six films, 16 mm., miscellaneous, Wilmette Wilmette Visual Aids Coronet Films, 6 777 50 color and black and white, less ninety- Service Chicago f.o.b. six old editions and damaged prints returned delivered Motion picture production equipment Agricultural Behrend's, Inc., 3 903 OS including camera, shutter, galvanom- Administration, Chicago f.o.b. eter and optical system, sound track Extension delivered recording amplifier, lamps, wind screen, cables and connectors, film magazines, carrying trunk, zoom lens, microphones, changing bag, tripods, carrying case, light meter, blooping tape, sound reader, and portable auto power supply unit One floor machine, self-propelled, to be Assembly Hall Bush Brothers, Inc., 4 018 00 used for cleaning of concrete con- Champaign f.o.b. course of Assembly Hall as well as delivered walkways, aisles of the arena, and the arena floor Two each spotlights, carbon arc, com- Assembly Hall Grand Stage Lighting Co., 3 580 00 plete with lamp housing, lens mecha- Chicago f.o.b. nism, and base, capable of projecting Toledo, light with a color temperature of Ohio 5700$dG Kelvin and a luminosity of 13,000 lumens, to be operated from the perimeter of the Assembly Hall and when high intensity, small diam- eter spots of light are required on performances in the center area of the hall 300 dozen bowls, salad, 7J in. in diame- Housing E. A. Hinrichs & Co., 2 613 00 ter. 2 in. deep, approximate weight Division Chicago f.o.b. 12 pounds per dozen, for general use delivered in the Housing Division food centers Fifteen planting boxes, special Housing Brewer Woodwork, 5 550 00 Division Urbana f.o.b. delivered Doors, folding, woven of Northern bass Housing Harlan E. Moore & Co., 10 502 10 wood slats as follows: Division Champaign f.o.b. 252 pairs for openings 9 ft. 4 in. by 7 ft 7 in delivered 126 pairs for openings 8 ft. 8 in. by 7 ft. 7 in. Six rugs, all wool, Chinese fret design, Illini Union Sacketts Furniture Store, 2 885 00 colors to be selected, as follows: Champaign f.o.b. three 8 ft. by 18 ft.; two 8 ft. by 29 ft.; delivered one 8 ft. by 22 ft. 225 folding leg tables. 72 in. long by 32 Illini Union Rochelle's, Inc., 6 525 00 in. wide by 29 in. high, with plastic Chicago f.o.b. laminate top, to be used in the new delivered addition to the Illmi Union 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 719 Item Department Vendor Cost Three cash registers equipped to have lllini Union The National Cash $ 7 650 45 the following required features: re- Bookstore Register Co., f.o.b. inking device, solonoid key operation. Danville delivered cork lined cabinet, locked up group totals, tear 08 receipt, visible detail strip showing last ten transactions. seven accumulating totals, 999.99 keyboard, receipt and detail strip, automatic change feature with dis- penser and grand total to be controlled by separate key 248 storage cabinets, 18 in. deep Office Supply All Steel Equipment, 9 659 11 Thirty storage cabinets, 24 in. deep Storeroom Inc., f.o.b. Six wardrobe cabinets, 18 in. deep Aurora delivered Nine wardrobe cabinets, 24 in. deep Approximately 200 tons 50 per cent Physical Plant Acid Products Co., Inc., 17 496 00 sodium hydroxide commercial grade Decatur f.o.b. Approximately 160 tons sulphuric acid* delivered 66$dG, electrolytic grade The above quantities are an estimated two-year supply and orders will be placed during this period in amounts as required for water treatment operation at the Abbott Power Plant Automotive and industrial lubricants Physical Plant Russell Stewart Oil Co.. 9 158 47 as required by the Physical Plant Urbana f.o.b. Storeroom during the two-year period delivered from July, 1963, through June, 1965 6,600 pounds grass seed for use in seed- Physical Plant Kahn Brothers Co., 3 870 90 ing new lawns during the fall of 1963 Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. delivered 6,000 diodes, type TI-255 Digital Computer Laboratory Deeco, Inc., 4 351 20 Cedar Rapids, Iowa f.o.b. delivered 235 mattresses, innerspring 4/6, full size Housing Sealy Mattress Co., 9 047 50 235 box springs to fit above mattresses Division Chicago delivered For use in the new housing units in Orchard Downs Addition Eighty-four sets bowling pins, plastic lllini Union Brunswick Corp., 3 356 64 coated, ABC approved, to be used in Hinsdale f.o.b. lllini Union bowling lanes; guaranteed delivered usage of 5,000 lines per set Steel office chairs as follows: Office Supply Milwaukee Metal 28 698 12 341 swivel arm chairs, upholstered Storeroom Furniture Co., f.o.b. Sixty swivel chairs, no arms, up- Chicago delivered holstered 246 side arm chairs, upholstered 444 side chairs, no arms, upholstered 272 typist posture swivel chairs, up- holstered 40,000 sheets Verifax Matrix Office Supply Jefferson Stationers, Inc. 2 844 00 Ninety-six cartons Verifax activator Storeroom Springfield f.o.b. Four film inspection machines, 16 mm.. Visual Aids Paulmar, Inc., UCU VC1 Cli 9 261 00 double unit, stacked, variable speed. Service Chicago f.o.b. capacity of 400 to 2,000 feet per each delivered 16 mm. film reel and (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, 39,261.00, and installed . Institutional Funds, J9.261.00, for a total of J18.522.00.) 240 parking meters, sealed, single- Physical Plant Duncan Parking Meter, 14 052 60 cylinder type collection system, to be Division of Nautec f.o.b. furnished and installed in various Corp., delivered parking areas about the Urbana Chicago and campus, with an option to purchase, installed as required, an additional quantity up to 300 during the period ending June 30, 1964 On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (19) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period July 1 to 31, 1963. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date National Sand and Site development problems related $ 6 000 00 September 1. 1963 Gravel Association to sand and gravel pit operations re-use 720 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Amount to be With Whom Purpose Paid to the University Effective Date United States Air Force Theory of functions of a complex $ 25 263 08 June 1, 1963 AF-AFOSR-460-63 variable United States Air Force Fabrication and installation of 4-ft. 205 000 00 July 1, 1963 AF 29(600-6101 diameter dynamic gas loading facility United States Army Course of instruction in water re- 60 341 00 June 17, 1963 DA-11-O32-CIVENG-63-56 sources planning United States Army Compounds to be synthesized and/ 27 500 00 March 20, 1963 DA-18-108-AMC-108- or evaluated and biological evalu- (A) ation techniques (sub-contract with FMC Corp.) United States Atomic Wholesomeness evaluation of radia- 143 933 00 June 1, 1963 Energy Commission tion substerilized food products AT(ll-l)-1302 United States Atomic Determine the coefficient of friction 37 027 00 May 15, 1963 Energy Commission for pairs of 17-4 ph stainless steel. AT(29-l)-789 20 degrees involute spur gears of (sub-contract with 96 pitch, 96 teeth in each gear Sandia Corp.) United States Depart- Appraise farmers' group or pool 4 150 00 June 27, 1963 ment of Agriculture buying of feed ingredients in 12-04-100-28 selected localities in Illinois United States Depart- Chemical investigations of cyclo- 45 737 00 June 26, 1963 ment of Agriculture propenoids to develop means of 12-14-100-7150(72) eliminating or physiologically in- activating the cyclopropenoids in cottonseed products United States Depart- Survey of the development and use 9 095 00 June 25, 1963 ment of Health Edu- of television recorded materials, cation, and Welfare films, and other simulated ma- OE-3-16-028 terials for application to teacher education in extending profes- sional laboratory experiences United States Depart- Conduct a demonstration program 30 000 00 May 1, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- for the early detection of oral cation, and Welfare malignancies PH-86-63-144 United States Federal Factors that influence the quality 21 850 00 June 19, 1963 Housing Administration of site design of multifamily hous- HA ()fh-872 ing projects and investigation of single-family housing United States Office of Gamma ray penetration of various 66 527 00 June 7, 1963 Civil Defense structural geometries OCD-OS-63-66 United States Office of Conduct civil defense training and 57 390 00 June 12, 1963 Civil Defense conferences and courses through OCD-OS-63-128 extension United States Navy Acquisition of a Bendix LP-12 14 900 00 June 19, 1963 Nonr(G)-00062-63 printer Total $754 713 08 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date International Business One keypunch $ 604 80 June 5, 1963 Machines Corp. LaSalle-Madison Hotel Rental of east portion, twentieth 21 600 00 July 1, 1963 Co. floor, LaSalle Hotel, Chicago. (S900.00 (Renewal) from July 1, 1963, to June 30, per month) 1965, for use by Mini Center Missouri Avenue Rental of room 212, 338 Missouri 1 020 00 July 1, 1963 Realty Co. Avenue, East St. Louis, from (S42.50 (Renewal) July 1, 1963, to June 30 1965, for per month) use by Extension Division 188 Randolph Building Rental of suite 301-03, 188 Ran- 9 000 00 July 1, 1963 Corp. dolph Tower, Chicago, from July (S375.OO (Renewal) 1, 1963, to June 30, 1965, for use per month) by Agricultural Extension Division Sangamon Home Savings Rental of property at 400 South 1 440 00 July 1, 1963 Association Grand Avenue, West, Springfield, (S60.00 (Renewal) from July 1, 1963, to June 30, per month) 1965, for use by Extension Division Total $pD33 664 80 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 721 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale Isotopes, Inc. Study of rainout of radioactivity in $21 930 00 June 14, 1963 (sub-contract under Atomic Energy Commission Illinois (ll-D-1199) Texas Technological College (sub-contract Development of radio wave direction-finding techniques 13 152 00 May 27, 1963 under United States Navy Nonr 1834(02) Total ? 41 082 00 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date American Cyanamid Co. Insecticides for control of insects $ 1 500 00 June 3, 1963 American Society of Safety with high temperature water 6 300 00 June 20, 1963 Heating, Refrigerating, systems and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. American Society of Selection and application of air- 7 400 00 June 20, 1963 Heating, Refrigerating, measuring devices and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. American Society of Steam and condensate flow in pipes 8 200 00 June 20, 1963 Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning EnBineers Inc National Aeronautics Thermal contact resistance in a 30 010 00 June I, 1963 and Space vacuum environment Administration NsG-242-62 National Lime Extend the use of lime minerals into 21 762 50 July 10, 1963 Association new fields and continue research in lime stabilization of soils State of Illinois Fisheries research 32 500 00 June 11. 1963 Department of Conservation State of Illinois Wildlife studies 100 439 00 June 24, 1963 Department of Conservation United States Air Force Determinants of monitoring be- 20 500 00 May ), 1963 AF 41(609)-1481 havior in complex tasks United States Army Influence of ionic aggregation on 7 687 20 June 12, 1963 DA-ARO(D)- rates and products of several 31-124-G366 reactions United States Atomic Unclassified research on electronic 50 000 00 June 15, 1963 Energy Commission high-speed digital computers AT (11-1)-415 United States Atomic Basic research relating to atomic 23 181 00 June 15, 1963 Energy Commission energy AT (ll-l)-758 United States Atomic Effect of X-ray irradiation on enzy- 25 000 00 June 10. 1963 Energy Commission matic activity and nucleic acid AT (U-l)-791 metabolism in seeds and seedlings of zea mays United States Atomic Chemical reactions of energetic 22 000 00 June 15, 1963 Energy Commission atoms produced by nuclear recoil AT (11-1)-891 or by heterogeneous flash photol- United States Depart- ysis Counseling and guidance training 750 00 June 5, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- institute cation, and Welfare OE-3-12-064 Total $357 229 70 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher (Plastering) Six items: $pD25.00 to 3600.00 $ 1 792 06 June, 1963 Summary Amount to be paid to the University . $1 111 942 78 Amount to be paid by the I Tniversitv...................... $ 76 538 86 This report was received for record. 722 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE ON THE TREASURER'S BOND (20) The Finance Committee reports that it has received from Robert R. Manchester, Treasurer of the University, a bond in the amount of $6,000,000 with the Continental Casualty Company as surety. The bond has been approved by the Legal Counsel of the University and by the Business Office. The Finance Committee has accepted the bond and reports its receipt for record. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the action of the Committee was confirmed. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (21) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of endowment funds for the months of February, March, April, and May, 1963: Endowment Pool Sale 240 shares TT I* Ingersoll Rand common $ 16 990 22 Exchange $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 per cent 2/15/64 and 85 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2J 8/15/63 for 185 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3% 11/15/71 100 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 8/15/66 and 30 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% 11/15/65 for 130 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 2/15/80 Purchase 500 shares 90/100 share Goodyear Tire and Rubber common Standard Oil Company of California common $ 16 702 58 62 19 $ 25 500 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 25 653 28 Ceramic Engineering Sale 500 shares Avnet Electronics Corporation common $ 10 211 91 Dennis Children Exchange $ 2 000 U. S. Treasury 3J per cent 5/15/63 for certificates 2 000 U. S. Treasury 3Ji 5/15/64 certificates Miller Sale 500 rights Consolidated Edison Company $ 187 42 30/100 share Standard Oil Company of California common 20 04 29/50 share International Paper common 16 45 Wallace Exchange $ 6 500 U. S. Treasury bonds 2J per cent 8/15/63 for 6 500 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 2/15/80 Chicago --- Pharmacy Scholarship Colo oaie 10 shares Jewel Tea Company common $ 496 40 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reported the following changes in investments of current and unexpended plant funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Sale $1000 000 U.S. Treasury 3 M per cent 8/15/63 $1011487 84 certificates 500 000 U. S. Treasury 3J< 5/15/63 500 546 88 certificates 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 723 Exchange $ 500 000 U. S. Treasury 3% 2/15/63 for certificates 500 000 U. S. Treasury 3% 2/15/64 certificates Purchase $1 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/28/63 $1 497 537 22 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 199 768 33 1 000 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/28/63 996 200 00 500 000 General Electric Credit Corporation 9/13/63 491 062 50 1 000 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/2/63 998 210 42 1 000 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/31/63 996 345 56 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/20/63 497 963 33 500 000 Beneficial Finance Company 10/30/63 491 559 03 500 000 General Motors Acceptance Corp. 10/30/63 491 468 75 1 400 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/1/63 1 390 526 50 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 515 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 $514 161 87 265 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 263 753 54 537 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 534 391 97 450 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/13/63 448 012 00 400 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/63 398 138 22 60 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/15/63 59 642 30 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 290 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 $287 890 25 100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/13/63 99 287 50 135 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/63 134 056 20 300 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/15/63 297 928 83 55 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/12/63 54 544 80 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Sale $ 10 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 $ 9 991 81 170 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 169 894 22 Purchase $ 248 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/12/63 $344 330 21 50 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/19/63 49 424 11 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) oale $ 13 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $ 12 954 66 1 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 998 21 Purchase $ 120 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/18/63 $119 742 40 120 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 119 468 00 139 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/13/63 138 385 93 120 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/63 119 483 00 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) aale $ 180 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3M per cent 2/15/63 $180 281 25 300 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3M 5/15/63 300 421 88 Purchase $ 179 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/14/63 $178 860 78 134 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 133 722 62 10 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 9 965 00 75 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 74 926 06 146 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/13/63 145 150 93 225 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/18/63 223 641 50 724 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [AtlgUSt 1 Peabody Drive (October 21, 1959) Purchase $ 84 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 $ 83 604 90 90 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/18/63 89 766 25 71 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 70 666 14 238 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/24/63 237 361 37 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Sale $ 115 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/21/63 $114 926 66 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/7/63 199 652 89 Purchase $ 130 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 $129 419 62 105 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 104 462 95 43 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/13/63 42 767 56 130 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/63 129 103 87 105 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/15/63 104 280 11 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 70 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/14/63 $ 69 871 67 12 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/63 11 958 15 50 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/18/63 49 869 67 15 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/16/63 14 951 88 67 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/13/63 66 705 05 Chicago --- Dentistry-Medicine- Pharmacy r Auxiliary (December 16, 1953) Purchase $ 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/18/63 $198 526 00 Sinking Funds Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958; June 23 and October 21, 1959; June 14, 1960; June 21, 1961; and May 24 anc 1 October 17, 1962) Sale $ 39 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/22/63 $ 38 531 83 Purchase $ 450 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $448 957 50 14 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/15/63 13 807 15 599 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/22/63 590 536 80 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 144 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $143 810 96 160 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/29/63 157 689 96 Men's Residence Halls of 1956 (March 23 and September 18, 1956) Purchase $ 3 000 U. S. Treasury 3J4 per cent 2/15/64 $ 3 013 54 certificates 14 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 13 967 57 Men's Residence Halls of 1957 (March 12, 1957, and November 18, 1959) Purchase $ 218 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $217 491 33 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 26 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $ 25 959 01 11 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/22/63 10 854 26 Women's Residence Halls of 1956 (September 18, 1956, and February 15, 1961) Purchase $ 36 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $ 35 916 60 5 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3H per cent 8/15/64 5 050 00 Chicago --- Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Reserve (December 16, 1953) Exchange $ 197 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 2/15/66 for 197 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 2/15/80 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 725 Purchase 4 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 $ 4 037 50 2 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 2/15/80 1 991 25 Report of the Finance Committee The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of endowment funds for the month of June, 1963: Endowment Pool Purchase $ 66 500 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 $ 66 645 47 Cole Living Trust Purchase $ 2 000 State of California bonds 3 per cent 11/1/85 $ 1 920 90 Garner Purchase 90/100 share Dow Chemical Company common $ 59 36 Goldstine Purchase 7 shares Walgreen Company common $ 307 13 Wallace Purchase $ 500 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 2/15/80 $ 500 03 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reported the following changes in investments of current ; ind i un- expended plant funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Purchase $1 000 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/27/63 $998 977 22 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/15/63 497 418 75 400 000 Sears Roebuck Acceptance Corporation 12/11/63 393 250 00 500 000 Household Finance Corporation 12/30/63 491 468 75 500 000 Ford Motor Credit Corporation 12/30/63 491 468 75 Executive Development Center Building (June 20, 1962 ) Purchase $ 10 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3M per cent 8/15/68 $ 9 993 75 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 390 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/15/63 $388 114 46 189 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/12/63 187 873 24 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 75 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/12/63 $ 74 461 69 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Purchase $ 120 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/63 $118 927 09 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Purchase $ 139 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/15/63 $138 332 53 65 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/12/63 64 611 17 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Purchase $ 43 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/12/63 $ 42 691 37 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Purchase $ 39 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/19/63 $ 38 706 72 726 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [AugUSt 1 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ SO 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/18/63 $ 49 877 29 30 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/15/63 29 857 42 On motion of Mr. Swain, the actions of the Committee were confirmed. DEANSH1P OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (22) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommends the appointment of Dr. Robert B. Banks, presently Director of Research and Professor of Engineering at the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Graduate School of Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand, as Professor of Fluid Mechanics on indefinite tenure and Dean of the College of Engineering for two years, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary rate of $21,000, on a twelve-month service basis. This appointment is within the new organizational framework of the University of Illinois at Congress Circle authorized by the Board of Trustees on January 18 and February 15, 1961. Associate Professor Rupert M. Price of the Department of Physics has been serving as Acting Dean and will continue to serve until September 1. This recommendation was submitted after consultation with the Academic Advisory Council at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, and with the Dean and several department heads of the College of Engineering at Urbana-Champaign. It is concurred in by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Dean of the Graduate College. On behalf of the President of the University, I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. UNIT VENTILATORS FOR CLASSROOM COMPLEX BUILDING AT CONGRESS CIRCLE Mr. Pogue, for the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, presented the following report: At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on May IS, 1963, when contracts for construction of Congress Circle were being awarded, a representative of a manufacturer of unit ventilators inquired why an alternate bid on the heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control installations in the construction of the Classroom Complex Building at Congress Circle was not accepted since the alternate provided for a reduction in price. It is a standard practice to include alternates in bid documents as a safeguard in case base bids are in excess of engineering estimates of cost of the preferred type of equipment and construction, and the University reserves the right to accept or reject the alternates. Since bids on construction of Congress Circle in all cases were well within estimates, it was not necessary to select alternates on the basis of cost savings alone. Officials of the company whose representative had raised the question requested a hearing. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds held a hearing on July 1, 1963, attended by representatives of the manufacturers concerned and Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, Architects and Engineers, all of whom addressed the meeting. Examples of the unit ventilators were available for inspection. After giving due consideration to the presentations made at this hearing, the Committee concluded that, due to the special conditions and requirements of the Classroom Complex Building, no changes should be made in the contract with respect to unit ventilators as awarded by the Board of Trustees on May 15, 1963. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this report was accepted by the Board, without dissent. LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES President Clement presented a letter he received from President John F. Kennedy concerning the civil rights problem faced by this Nation --- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 727 and with special reference to equal educational opportunities and equal opportunities for employment --- with the request that the letter be discussed with Mr. Clement's colleagues on the Board. Copies of President Kennedy's letter and of Mr. Clement's reply had been sent to all Trustees in advance of today's meeting, and copies have been filed with the Secretary of the Board. The subject of the letter was discussed and University policies relating thereto were discussed. HULL HOUSE RESTORATION President Clement announced that Major Lenox R. Lohr, President of the Museum of Science and Industry and Chairman of the University of Illinois Citizens Committee, has accepted the post of General Chairman of the Jane Addams Memorial Fund of the University of Illinois campaign for the restoration of Hull House. Mr. C. E. Flynn reported informally on the status of the fund-raising campaign. MEDICAL CENTER UNION Dr. Joseph S. Begando made an informal report on the status of the campaign for funds for the Medical Center Union Building. He announced that Mr. Donald R. Grimes of the Class of 1928, and President of the Independent Grocers Alliance, has accepted the post of Chairman of the Committee to raise funds for this building. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS President Clement announced that the next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 1963, in Urbana, at a place and according to a schedule to be arranged by him and the Secretary of the Board. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board voted to change the date of the regular October meeting from the third Wednesday to Saturday, October 26, 1963, to be held in Urbana. Consideration was also given to changing the date of the regular November meeting from the third Wednesday. It was the consensus of the Trustees that Tuesday, November 26, 1963, be tentatively reserved for that meeting, subject to a final decision later. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; resignations, cancellations, declinations, and termination; leaves of absence; changes in sabbatical leaves of absence; cancellation of sabbatical leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Abbasi, Abdul Sattah, Research Assistant in Pediatrics (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $6,000 (7-S-63). Andeesen, Sayre D., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). Armstrong, Beulah M., Associate Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,956 for the period (7-1-63). Bailey, William E., Assistant in Dermatology (Medicine), six months from July 1, 1963, $429.17 a month (6-24-63). 728 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Balmain, Keith G., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), two months from July 1, 1963, $875 a month, supersedes (6-24-63). Barkley, Mrs. Clare E., Assistant in the Division of General Studies, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (7-5-63). Batten, George W., Jr., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-1-63). Bennemann, Kakl-Hedjz, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (6-24-63). Berlande, Jacques, Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,200 (7-5-63). Bialecke, Edward, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), two months from July 1, 1963, $666.67 a month, supersedes (6-24-63) ; and one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (7-1-63). Boardman, Richard P., Research Assistant in Medical Education (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1963, $550 a month (6-24-63). Bowman, Mrs. Mary A., Engineering Library Assistant in the Library, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (7-1-63). Bozone, Billie R., Assistant Reference Librarian in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,800 (7-1-63). Brawner, David H., Assistant in History, Summer Session of 1963, June 17- August 10, 1963, $889 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-28-63). Brooker, Elmer W., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (C), four months from September 1, 1963, $555.56 a month (7-1-63). Brower, Mrs. Elizabeth, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (7-1-63). Buchholz, Eugene K., Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,500 (7-5-63). Caldwell, Roderick, Visiting Lecturer in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,823 for the period (7-1-63). Caixahan, Joseph P., Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), V2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,600 (7-5-63). Camey, Mrs. Louise M., House Director-Delta Cooperative, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,300; for the convenience of the University, she will also be furnished room and board valued at $31 a month (6-24-63). Campbell, James L., Instructor in Music, Summer Session of 1963, June 17- August 10, 1963, $423 for the period (7-1-63). Corley, Robert E., Associate Professor of Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Vi time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $944, additional to present appointment and to Summer Session appointment on Yz time (6-24-63). Crandall, Coryl, Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). Crawford, Wiluam R., Ill, Research Assistant in Medicine Administration (Medicine Education) (College of Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (6-21-63). Crew, John E., Research Assistant Professor of Physics (C), one month from July 1, 1963, $1,000 (6-24-63). Crow, W. D. L., Research Associate in Chemistry, November 18, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,600 a year, supersedes (7-1-63). Dawkins, William P., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1963, $6,000 (6-19-63). deMaine, Margaret M., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (6-6-63). DePalma, Rudolph, Research Associate in Oral Medicine, and Social Aspects of Dentistry (Dentistry), Vs time, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,950 (7-1-63). Eeerle, Margaret A., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,300 for the period (6-28-63). Ehrman, John, Research Associate in Physics (C), three months from June 1, 1963, $700 a month, supersedes (6-24-63). Ellis, Virginia, Head Resident, Allen Hall (North), ten months from September 1, 1963, $5,250; for the convenience of the University, she will also 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 729 receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). Eng, William, Associate Professor of Architecture, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,223 for the period (7-3-63). Fereill, Arther L., Assistant in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (7-1-63). Filbey, Mary L., Assistant to the Dean of Women, J4 tune. nme months from September 16, 1963, $3,300 (7-3-63). Fitch, Horatio M., Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,823 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-17-63). Flenner, Ross H., Senior Research Programmer in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one year from September 1, 1963, $10,500 (7-1-63). Ford, Neil M., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, June IS-August 31, 1963, $450 a month, supersedes (6-21-63). Gallacher, Patrick J., Research Assistant in English, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 (6-28-63). Garvey, John C, Professor of Music, Summer Session of 1963, 2/3 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,586 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-1-63). Garvin, Frank G., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (7-1-63). Gaudette, Henri E., Research Associate in Geology, one year from September 1, 1963 $7,500 (6-24-63). Geiger, David S., Research Associate in Physics (C), Y2 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (7-5-63). Geldard, John F., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (6-24-63). Gelder, Harvey M., Visiting Lecturer in Mathematics and in Education (University High School), one year from September 1, 1963, $14,300 (6-17-63). Giordano, Charles B., Instructor in German, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,334 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-28-63). Goldman, Lloyd N., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). Good, Joan E., Instructor in Speech and Theatre, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,150 (6-24-63). Greenwood, Mrs. Gertrude S., Visiting Professor of the Classics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $12,000 (6-8-63). Gridley, Roy E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). Grinnell, Mrs. Eleanor E., Head Resident, Evans Hall, ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,950; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). Guffey, George R., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). Guimond, James, Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). Gurfinkel, German, Visiting Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1963, 2/5 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $720 for the period (7-1-63). Haggerty, John J., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (7-1-63). Hamilton, John A., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,445 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-3-63). Hamilton, Tom S., Administrative Secretary of North Central Experiment Station Directors (S), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,800 (6-24-63). Handler, Mrs. Ellen L, Research Associate in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, \/A time, June 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $2,400 a year (6-27-63). 730 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [AugUSt 1 Harris, Marvyn R., Instructor in French, academic year beginning September 1 1963, $6,600 (7-1-63). Hawkins, Helen A., Head Resident, Saunders Hall, ten months from September 1, 1963, $5,300; for the convenience of the University, she will be furnished room and board valued at $31 a month (6-24-63). Hayashi, Makoto, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), August IS 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (6-28-63). Heiles, William H., Instructor in Music, academic year beginning September 1 1963, $5,000 (5-23-63). Hencley, Stephen P., Associate Professor of Administration and Supervision (College of Education), June 16-August 15, 1963, $2,134, supersedes Summer Session appointment (6-13-63). Henderleiter, W. M., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, Y(, time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,075 for the period (6-26-63). Herder, Harry J., Jr., Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (6-3-63). Hill, Ordelle G., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963 $4,400 (7-1-63). Hill, Roger G., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, s/6 time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,279 for the period (6-26-63). Hodges, Charles E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). Hodges, Thomas K., Assistant Professor of Horticulture (C and S), July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,600 a year, supersedes (6-14-63). Huang, Yen-Chien, Research Associate in Metallurgy (C), June 12-August 31, 1963, $666.66 a month, supersedes (7-1-63). Hunter, Marilyn G., Assistant in Education, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,090 for the period (6-28-63). Inhaber, Herbert, Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1963, $934 (6-24-63). James, Judson L., Instructor in Political Science, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (6-24-63). Jensen, Russell S., Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1963, Vi time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $900 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-17-63). Johnson, A. Beaumont, II, Clinical Associate in Neurological Surgery, Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,800 (6-26-63). Johnson Robert C, Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). Johnson, Weldon A., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), June 16-August 31, 1963, $625 a month (6-26-63). Joshi, Mrs. Padmini T., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-28-63). Kaderavek, Milan R., Instructor in Music, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (5-23-63). Kappauf, William E., Professor of Psychology, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $3,134 for the period (6-28-63). Kavin, Hymie, Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $6,000 (6-26-63). Kellogg, King, Associate Professor of Music, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $2,223 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-1-63). Kemp, John S., Assistant Coordinator, School-University Articulation (Office of Admissions and Records), and Research Assistant in Education (College of Education), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (6-8-63). Killian, Donald G., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period (6-28-63). Kingery, Ross A., Assistant Editor, College of Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,200 (7-1-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 731 Klassen, Peter P., Professor of Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 21-August 16, 1963, $2,534, additional (6-24-63). Klassen, Waldemar, Research Associate in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (6-6-63). Klug, Michael A., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (7-1-63). Kohlmeyer, Frederick, Assistant Professor of Economics, one year from July 1, 1963, $11,000, supersedes (7-3-63). Kokatnur, Mohan G., Research Associate in Animal Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,700 (6-8-63). Kyuno, Eishin, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,200 (6-24-63). La Velle, Faith W., Research Associate in Anatomy (Medicine), V$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,200 (6-28-63). Leach, James L., Assistant Coordinator, International Cooperation Programs (Provost's Office), y2 time, July 1-August 31, 1963, $583.33 a month, additional (7-1-63). Leslie, James D., Research Associate in Physics (C), three months from June 16, 1963, $625 a month, supersedes (6-2S-63). Levitov, Edith S., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,200 a year, supersedes (6-14-63). Lies, Mrs. Katherine H., Research Assistant in Chemistry, June 10-August 31, 1963, $445 a month (7-5-63) ; and one year from September 1, 1963, $5,340 (7-10-63). Liggett, John P., Extension Specialist in Civil Defense (Division of University Extension), August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $9,600 a year (7-1-63). Lissitz, Robert W., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), June 24, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,150 a year (6-14-63). Long, Charles A., Instructor in Zoology, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,000 (7-1-63). Lower, William D., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (7-1-63). Macnamara, Patricia E., Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (North), ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,900; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals furnished while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). Maduros, Bill P., Clinical Associate in Medicine (Medicine), three months from June 1, 1963, without salary (7-1-63). Martin, Millicent V., Assistant Professor of Child Development, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,445 for the period (6-24-63). Maetin-Trigona, Mrs. Helen, Assistant in Speech and Theatre, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,800 (6-19-63). Martirano, Salvatore J., Visiting Composer of Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $8,500 (6-6-63). McClintock, Norman E., Visiting Lecturer in Education, Summer Session of 1963, July 15-August 10, 1963, $1,000 for the period (6-24-63). Meara, Naomi M., Head Resident, Blaisdell Hall, ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,900; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). Metcalf, Charles W., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), June 22-August 31, 1963, without salary (7-1-63). Meyerholz, George W., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Extension, Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine) (E and C), June 16, 1963-August 31, 1965, $11,600 a year (6-17-63). Miller, Jerald, Instructor in Periodontics, Department of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), i/$pD time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,600 (6-28-63). Miller, William H., Associate Professor of Music, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,912 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-1-63). Mims, R. Sue, Head Resident, Taft Hall, ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,700; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). 732 BOAED OF TRUSTEES [AugfUSt 1 Mitchh.l, June D., Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (South), ten months from September 1, 1963, $5,100; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). Morris, John R., Extension Specialist in Civil Defense, Division of University Extension, August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $10,200 a year (7-1-63). Mueller, Joseph E., Research Associate in Education (University High School) one year from September 1, 1963, $11,000 (6-8-63). Najafi, Hassan, Research Associate in Surgery (Medicine), 7/10 time, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,000, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (6-26-63). Neal, Richard H., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), June 10-August 31, 1963, without salary (6-28-63). Nedelsky, Leo, Research Associate in Teacher Education (Dentistry), 14 time one year from September 1, 1963, $3,750 (7-1-63). Nelson, Wilfred H., Research Associate in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,100 a year (7-1-63). Nichols, Glenn O., Assistant in History, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $889 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-28-63). Nolan, Grace M., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, % time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,260 for the period (6-26-63). Novar, Leon, Visiting Lecturer in Political Science (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, 1/2 time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $750 for the period (6-26-63). Okada, Katuki, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), August 15, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (6-28-63). Olsen, Charles E., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,512 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-26-63). Perlmutter, Mrs. Shirley, Instructor in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), Ys time, June 3-August 31, 1963, $3,930 a year, supersedes leave of absence and previous appointment (6-24-63). Pineo, Clifford W., Research Associate in Education (University High School), one year from September 1, 1963, $11,500 (6-8-63). Porter, Laurellen, Head Resident, Triad, five months from September 1, 1963, $500 a month; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). Praninskas, Mrs. Jean, Assistant Professor of English, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $6,700 a year (7-1-63). Puritt, Paul, Research Assistant in Anthropology, two months from June 1, 1963, $444.44 a month (6-24-63). Rains, Mrs. Ruth R., Assistant Professor of French, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $6,900 a year (7-1-63). Ramaiah, Kommineni, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (6-6-63). Reber, Robert J., Research Assistant in Animal Science (S), June 5-August 31, 1963, $5,000 a year; and one year from September 1, 1963, $5,200 (6-14-63). Remeikis, Nijole, Instructor in Endodontics, Department of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,600 (6-28-63). Ribeiro, Sergio T., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-1-63). Riedy, Mrs. Sonia C, Assistant to the Director of Foreign Student Affairs, August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (7-5-63). Ringer, Patricia, Mini Union Browsing Room Librarian in the Library, with rank of Assistant, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,800 (7-1-63). Ringlek, Ellin J., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-1-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 733 Ritchie, Mrs. Florence, Head Resident, Van Doren Hall, ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,950; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). Roberts, Donald M., Associate Professor of Economics, y$ time, and of Mathematics, ">/i time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $10,000 a year (7-5-63). Rogers, Philip E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (7-1-63). Russo, Alexander J., Assistant in the Radiocarbon Laboratory, two months from June 16, 1963, $525 a month (6-17-63). Sandberg, Mrs. Karen R., Research Assistant in Chemistry (Pharmacy), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (7-1-63). Sanders, Walter J., Assistant Professor of Mathematics and of Education (University High School), one year from September 1, 1963, $11,000 (6-13-63). Sasner, John J., Jr., Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, one month from September 1, 1963, $550 (6-8-63). Schill, William J., Assistant Professor of Education, Summer Session of 1963, */i time, and in the College of Education, 1/2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,889 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-28-63). Scholomiti, N. C, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, % time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,325 for the period (6-26-63). Sears, Helen W., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,467 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (6-26-63). Sexton, Haskell O., Professor of Music, Summer Session of 1963, ?4 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,767 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-1-63). Shaw, Paul D., Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology (C and S), one year from July 1, 1963, $9,000, supersedes (7-5-63). Shindo, Hideyo, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (6-24-63). Skornia, Lorene M., Assistant to the Dean of Women, .)4 time, nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,400 (7-3-63). Smith, George H., Jr., Instructor in Social Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, 2/3 time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $889 for the period (6-26-63). Sohn, David M., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), without salary, and Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), i/$pD time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,750 (6-28-63). Spellman, Mrs. Mary S., Commerce and Sociology Library Assistant in the Library, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (7-5-63). Sprenkle, Case M., Assistant Professor of Economics and Assistant Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, Summer Session of 1963, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,934 for the period (6-13-63). Srinivasan, Rangaswamy, Research Associate in Chemistry, eight months from January 1, 1964, $6,100 a year (6-6-63). Stoops, Betty, Extension Specialist in Visual Aids Service (Division of University Extension), one month from July 1, 1963, $888.89; and nine months from September 1, 1963, $933.33 a month (6-24-63). Tagger, Michel, Instructor in Endodontics and in Periodontics, Department of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (6-28-63). Talbot, George A., Lecturer in Social Science and Sociology (Division of General Studies and Department of Sociology), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (7-1-63). Tanaka, Ryo, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), six months from April 1, 1963, $625 a month, supersedes (6-24-63). 734 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Telling, Mrs. Fern H., Head Resident, Cedar Hall, and Coordinator of Arbor Suites, ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,650; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). Terrell, Glenn, Jr., Professor of Psychology and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), one month from August 1, 1963, $1,750 (6-24-63). Testa, Mrs. Janice M., Instructor in French, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,600 (7-1-63). Textor, Charles S., II, Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine), 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,200 (6-28-63). Thodey, A. R., Assistant in Agricultural Economics (S), July 22-August 31, 1963, $602.50 (7-3-63). Thomson, Joseph W., Research Assistant in English, three months from June 16, 1963, $1,750 (6-21-63). Tichenor, Duane, Instructor in Education, Summer Session of 1963, 1/2 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $667 for the period (6-28-63). Tiecke, Richard, Lecturer in Oral Pathology, with rank of Professor (Dentistry), Vs time, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (6-28-63). Trippet, Mary M., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (7-31-63). Tufts, Thomas B., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (7-31-63). Vedral, Mrs. Rose H., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, % time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,260 for the period (6-26-63). Via, John, Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (7-1-63). Vogel, Wolfgang H., Research Associate in Pharmacology (Medicine), one year from August 1, 1963, $8,500 (6-27-63). Wang, Han-Chung, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,500 (6-10-63). Wells, Mrs. Catherine N., Head Resident, Busey Hall, ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,950; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (6-24-63). WeNtworth, Rupert A. D., Research Associate in Chemistry, June 24- August 31, 1963, $583.33 a month; and one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (6-24-63). Zaharko, Daniel S., Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, two months from June 16, 1963, $1,090.90 (6-17-63). Zbick, Raymond, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), three months from June 1, 1963, without salary (6-28-63). Zwier, Marcta D., Psychologist in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1963, 45/100 time, June 17-August 10, 1963, $400 for the period (7-1-63). FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Akitt, Donald P., Sperry-Gyroscope Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,500 (6-20-63). Alcalde, Victor M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pediatrics, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-2-63). Ansbro, John F., Ford Foundation Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Physiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (6-18-63). Arnoff, William H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $12,000 (6-20-63). Aust, Richard B., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,650 (6-11-63). Bagby, Roland M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,666 (7-3-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 735 Bincel, Audrey S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $1,833.33 (7-9-63). Bogart, Elizabeth A., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (6-11-63). Brandt, Richard C, National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (4-2S-63). Buczkowski, Zbigniew, Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (7-5-63). Carmichael, J. W., Jr., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,200 (6-11-63). Chapman, Peter J., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, June 16- August 31, 1963, $500 a month (6-24-63). Clarke, Richard B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $489 (5-27-63). Cory, Robert P., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,500 (6-18-63). Conger, Anthony J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (6-3-63). D'Agostino, Anthony N., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (7-9-63). DeWitt, Walter G., Ill, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,500 (6-14-63). Dorosz, Leon C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,000 (6-20-63). Draper, Milton A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (7-8-63). Duerinck, Wayne C., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, June 9-30, 1963, $75; and one year from July 1, 1963, $2,300 (7-9-63). Eyman, Darrell P., Esso Research and Engineering Company Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $550 (7-9-63). Ford, Thomas E., International Business Machines Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,500 (6-21-63). Friedman, Robert B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biochemistry, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $1,820.77 (7-3-63). Glader, Bertil E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,900 (7-9-63). Godu, Jacques A. J. C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, June 16-30, 1963, $250 (6-28-63). Goodman, Harry E., National Science Foundation Fellow in Pharmacy, one year from June 17, 1963, $4,000 (6-28-63). Gossum, Sandra A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170, supersedes (6-19-63). Graller, Jack L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,000 (6-18-63). Grossie, James A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,000 (6-20-63). Halper, Ira S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,600 (6-18-63). Hasdy, Caroline E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,600 (7-8-63). Hendricks, Richard A., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Cardiology, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (5-28-63). Higgs, William J., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Psychology, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,000 (6-14-63). Hoffman, Edward L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,000 (6-21-63). Hoffmann, Joan C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,500 (7-8-63). Hoit, Michael, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (6-20-63). Huber, Floyd M., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Plant Pathology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,000 (7-10-63). 736 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Hurst, David O., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (6-18-63). Irgens, Roar L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, seven months from July 1, 1963, $1,866.69 (5-24-63). Jao, Rodolfo L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Internal Medicine, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,000 (7-2-63). Johansen, Carlyle E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (6-20-63). Kaminsky, Muriel, National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Fellow in Anthropology, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,058 (6-11-63). Kaufman, Richard V., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (6-20-63). Kearns, Thomas J., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (6-24-63). Kefalides, Nicholas A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Medicine, one year from July 1, 1963, $8,000 (6-13-63). Kenny, Margaret A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $1,820.83 (7-8-63). Kerst, Karlene, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1963, $444.34 (6-19-63). Koopman, Raymond F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (6-21-63). Lawton, Irene, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, June 9-30, 1963, $75 (7-9-63); and one year from July 1, 1963, $2,300 (7-10-63). Lefkowitz, Lewis B., Jr., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Internal Medicine, one year from July 1, 1963, $7,500 (7-8-63). Lerner, Alan E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,000 (6-20-63). Levy, William H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (6-20-63). Lieb, William R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Biophysics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,875 (6-24-63). Lilje, Gerald W., Fellow in Philosophy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375, supersedes (6-26-63). Litwack, Marcia D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biochemistry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,300 (7-3-63). Loevy, Hannelore, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,000 (6-18-63). Lowe, John T., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,500 (6-18-63). Maglione, Frank D., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $850 (6-14-63). Mandy, William J., Postdoctral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, two months from July 1, 1963, $625 a month (6-24-63). Marcum, Howard B., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (6-18-63). Marshall, John A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,400 (6-18-63). Martin, Preston K., United States Rubber Company Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (6-28-63). Mayfield, Ernest D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,600 (7-16-63). McGurk, Donald J., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $600, supersedes (6-10-63). McQueen, Ralph D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, three months from June 1, 1963, $1,260 (6-28-63). Medenis, Mrs. Rute, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pediatrics, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,700 (7-2-63). Melton, Marilyn R., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (6-14-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 737 Mek, Sanford B., Fellow (Trainee) in Otolaryngology, one year from July 1, 1963, $7,000 (7-2-63). Merkelo, Henry, Radio Corporation of America Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,700 (6-19-63). Merrill, Timothy N., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Medicine, June 17-August 23, 1963, $600 (7-8-63). Middaugh, Richard L., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,200 (6-18-63). Miesel, John, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (6-18-63). Monroe, Bruce M., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (6-18-63). Mukhesji, Partha N., Fellow in Sociology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (6-6-63). Mullen, Louis E., General Electric Foundation Fellow in Accounting, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (6-20-63). Nador, Frank, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $12,000 (6-20-63). Nance, Jon R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Physics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,200 (6-18-63). Neidikger, Joseph W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,800 (7-9-63). O'Brien, Margaret A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $1,820.77 (7-8-63). O'Connor, Brian R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,700 (6-18-63). Payne, William H., Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,600, supersedes (6-19-63). Perkins, John C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Infectious Disease (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $7,500 (7-8-63). Pickens, William F., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,000 (7-10-63). Pierret, Robert F., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (6-18-63). Pinckert, Richard E., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (6-18-63). Pizer, Esther R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $12,000 (6-20-63). Purcell, Keith F., Union Carbide Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (5-6-63). Rankin, Carolyn, Millican College Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, supersedes (6-27-63). Reedy, Stanley G., Medical Student Summer Quarter Fellow in Biological Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (6-11-63). Reilly, Matthew J., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemical Engineering, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,000 (6-17-63). Robbins, Paul C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolism), June 28-September 15, 1963, $1,000 (7-8-63). Rosenbloom, Carl, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, ten months from September 1, 1963, $1,916.60 (7-9-63). Rouk, Donald J., General Electric Foundation Fellow in Accounting, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,000 (6-26-63). Sample, Steven B., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,250 (6-18-63). Shier, George D., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,700 (6-18-63). Silverglade, Lee B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Oral Pathology, two months from July 1, 1963, $1,083.32 (7-2-63) ; and ten months from September 1, 1963, $5,833.33 (7-3-63). 738 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 Simone, Joseph V., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pediatrics, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-2-63). Slater, Donald W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, June 16, 1963-September 1, 1964, $3,407.50, supersedes (7-1-63). Smith, Austin M., General Electric Foundation Fellow in Accounting, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,000 (6-20-63). Smith, Jack L., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, two months from July 1, 1963, $533.33 a month (6-24-63); and United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow in Animal Science, ten months from September 1, 1963, $6,400 a year (7-5-63). Smoler, Jose, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Oto-laryngology, one year from July 1, 1963, $5,500 (6-13-63). Stanko, Joseph A., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry one year from June 16, 1963, $2,500 (6-18-63). Steinhardt, Mary D., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,200 (6-18-63). Szilvassy, Ivan P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from July 1, 1963, $5,500 (6-20-63). Turk, Charles E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (6-20-63). Turner, L. P., United States Rubber Company Summer Fellow in Chemistry two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (6-28-63). Vermeulen, Carl W., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Biochemistry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,500 (7-12-63). Vice, John L., Graduate College Fellow in Microbiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (6-18-63). Volner, Patsy R., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (6-14-63). Ward, Linda R., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, two months from June 16, 1963, $500 (6-14-63). Wayland, Bradford B., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, June 15, 1963-June 16, 1964, $3,200 (7-11-63). Weber, Evelyn, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, June 16-August 31, 1963, $550 a month (6-24-63).# Whitaker, Sidney M., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (6-18-63). Wilson, John E., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,200 (6-18-63). Wilson, Robert G., National Science Foundation Fellow in Pharmacy, one year from June 18, 1963, $3,000 (6-28-63). Wrzeszcz, Owen E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,310, supersedes (6-19-63). Young, Philip D., National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Fellow in Anthropology, one year from June 1, 1963, $4,500 (6-11-63). Zarycky, Oksana M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biochemistry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (7-3-63). RESIGNATIONS. DECLINATIONS, CANCELLATIONS, AND TERMINATION Adams, Mary, Assistant Professor of Nursing --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Agustin, Cesar C., Research Assistant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Medicine) --- resignation effective August 15, 1963. Anderson, John F., Teaching Fellow in Entomology --- cancellation effective June 16, 1963. Ayers, Mrs. Charlotte S., Serials Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective June 27, 1963. Bach, Gerhard L., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine) --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Berger, Jacques, Instructor in Zoology--- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Berglund, Winifred V., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. Bishop, Inez E., Assistant in Education, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 739 Biswas, Debajit K., Research Associate in Animal Science---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Bryskin, Larry, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry --- termination effective February 1, 1963. Chenoweth, Mrs. Lynn, Assistant in Nursing --- resignation effective June 7, 1963. Christensen, James, Jr., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education --- cancellation effective June 15, 1963. Chu, Godwin C, Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Detwiler, Betty C, Instructor in Mathematics --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Donoghue, John T., Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective May 1, 1963. Erichsen, Alvin W., Research Associate in Plant Breeding (Agronomy), in the Agricultural Experiment Station --- resignation effective August 1, 1963. Fay, Alice M., Assistant Professor of Nursing---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Fierstein, Gary N., Summer Fellow in Electrical Engineering --- cancellation effective June IS, 1963. Foulk, Mrs. Dorothy A., Law Library Assistant, with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Frank, Evelyn, Professor of Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. Garfield, Ronald S., Fellow in Spanish --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Glen, Donald L., Research Associate in Surgery (Medicine)---resignation effective July 1, 1963. Grosboll, Martin P., Summer Fellow in Chemical Engineering --- cancellation effective June 16, 1963. Haverkamp, Mrs. Carol A., Assistant in Nursing --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Healy, James H., Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Herum, Floyd L., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics and in the Agricultural Experiment Station --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Hildreth, Mildred, Assistant Reference Librarian, with rank of Instructor---- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Hill, Stephanie O., Fellow in Music --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Howell, Ronald PL, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Summer Session of 1963 declination effective June 17, 1963. Jacobson, Lewis A., United States Public Health Service Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry --- cancellation effective June IS, 1963. Klassen, Peter P., Professor of Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 21, 1963. Kona, Mrs. Martha, Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor (Medicine) --- resignation effective July 26, 1963. Kugler, Alfred, Fellow in Physics --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Landis, Martha, Illini Union Browsing Room Librarian, with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Lasslo, Andrew, Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Instructor --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Lawder, Sue A., Grolier-Americana Fellow in Library Science---resignation effective June IS, 1963. Logan, John F., Instructor in Philosophy --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Mallin, Leah M., Knox College Fellow in Music --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Mandy, William J., Research Associate in Microbiology --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. McCarthy, Joseph G., Fellow in Electrical Engineering --- cancellation effective June IS, 1963. McCarty, Charles G., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry----resignation effective June 28, 1963. 740 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 McDermott, John P. J., Teaching Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Mick, Roger M., Assistant Professor of Psychology (Social Science) and Counselor in Student Counseling Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective July 18, 1963. Molbo, Doris, Instructor in Nursing --- resignation effective July 10, 1963. Munse, William H., Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1963 resignation effective June 17, 1963. Narayanasamy, R., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Instructor in Electrical Engineering---resignation effective September 1, 1963. O'Neill, William P., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Chemistry--- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Pauly, Theodore J., Instructor in Dentistry---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Pietrokovski, Jaime, Research Assistant in Pedodontics (Dentistry) ---resignation effective July 1, 1963. Read, Helen J., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine)---resignation effective August 20, 1963. Reese, William, Research Associate in Physics --- resignation effective July 16 1963. Segovia, Jose L. De, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Stewart, Mrs. Beverly J., Undergraduate Library Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective June 18, 1963. Susman, Newton B., Teaching Fellow in Landscape Architecture --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Toussaint, Eunice, History and Political Science Librarian, with rank of Assistant Professor --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Wales, Hugh G., Professor of Marketing, Summer Session of 1963 --- resignation effective June 17, 1963. Wenninger, Mrs. Nancy, Chemistry Library Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Wilson, Betty R., Extramural Loans Librarian in the Library, with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Woodfin, Beulah M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry --- cancellation effective June 16, 1963. Zimmerman, John L., Fellow in Zoology --- cancellation effective June 16, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Bardeen, John, Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Physics, and Member of the Center for Advanced Study --- leave of absence, without pay, March 1, 1964, through August 31, 1964, so that he may accept a position as Visiting Professor of Physics at Yale University. Birch, John W., Assistant Professor of Economics --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept a Visiting Professorship at Tulane University in New Orleans. Djorup, Frans M., Jr., Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning June 1, 1963, and continuing through August 31, 1964, so that he may accept an invitation to spend next year at the Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, New Jersey. Fettig, Lyle P., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, in the College of Agriculture and in the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics --- leave of absence, without pay, for two months from June 15, 1963. Frith, Donald E., Associate Professor of Art --- leave of absence, without pay, granted him for next year is cancelled, without prejudice. Johnson, Charles E., Associate Professor of Education --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may serve as a Visiting Professor at the University of Puerto Rico. Mayer, Leon A., Extension Specialist in the Division of University Extension --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning July 29 and continuing through 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 741 August 11, 1963, so that he may complete the final two weeks of study in summer school at the University of Illinois. Nikeixy, Arthur G., Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor of Hygiene --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning July IS and continuing to August 1, 1963, so that he may serve as a Consultant to the Peace Corps in Washington, D.C. Page, David, Associate Professor of Education, University High School --- leave of absence, without pay, for two years beginning August 1, 1963, so that he may serve as Senior Staff Member with Educational Services Incorporated in Watertown, Massachusetts. Shelden, Miriam A., Dean of Women --- leave of absence on account of sickness, with full pay, for the period July 1 to September 1, 1963, or as much of that period as may be required. CANCELLATION OF SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Hvde, Victor A., Professor of Community Planning---sabbatical leave of absence granted him for six months from September 1, 1963, is cancelled, without prejudice. McMahon, Walter W., Associate Professor of Economics----sabbatical leave of absence on one-half pay granted him for the academic year 1963-64 is cancelled, without prejudice. CHANGES IN SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Lewis, Oscar, Professor of Anthropology --- sabbatical leave of absence granted him for the academic year 1963-64 on one-half pay has been changed to sabbatical leave during the first semester on full pay. Osgood, Charles E., Research Professor of Communications Research, Director of the Institute of Communications Research, and Professor of Psychology --- sabbatical leave of absence during 1963-64 changed from a full year at one-half pay to the first semester on full pay. Stice, Leslie F., Professor of Grain Marketing Extension (Agricultural Economics), in the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics --- sabbatical leave of absence granted him for the academic year 1963-64 on one-half pay has been changed to leave of absence, without pay, from July 1 through December 31, 1963, and sabbatical leave with full pay from January 1 through June 30, 1964. West, Vincent I., Professor of Price and Statistics (Agricultural Economics), in the College of Agriculture and in the Agricultural Experiment Station --- sabbatical leave of absence granted him for the academic year 1963-64 on one-half pay or six months from February 1, 1964, on full pay, has been changed to leave of absence, without pay from September 1, 1963, through February 29, 1964, and sabbatical leave with full pay from March 1 through August 31, 1964. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session has been requested for consideration of reports and recommendations relating to property acquisitions. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, an executive session was ordered, following a brief recess. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members, officers of the Board, and officers of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes. The Board considered the following matters of business. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 1 2O6 WEST OREGON STREET, URBANA. ILLINOIS (1) The Board of Trustees on June 19, 1963, authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of property at 1206 West Oregon Street, Urbana, Illinois. Through subsequent negotiations, and prior to filing suit, a price of $38,000 742 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 1 has been agreed upon for the purchase of this property, which is within the limit authorized by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. It also appears to be the lowest price for which the property can be acquired without condemnation proceedings and incurring the resulting costs. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I recommend authorization of this purchase, and further recommend that the Board rescind its action of June 19 with respect to condemnation proceedings. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchase of this property at the price recommended was authorized, and the resolution adopted by the Board on June 19, 1963, was rescinded; these actions were taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF MOVABLE EQUIPMENT (2) As reported previously to the Board of Trustees, the Universities Building Fund (proceeds from funds secured from the sale of the State Bond Issue) may not be used to purchase movable equipment. The Board authorized a request to the Seventy-third General Assembly in the amount of $4,779,500 for movable equipment for buildings financed by the State Bond Issue. The buildings include the following: Urbana-Champaign Addition to the Physics Building Addition to the Library Physical Plant Service Building Addition to the Electrical Engineering Building Turner Hall (Plant Sciences Building) Addition to the Armory Chicago Medical Center Addition to the Medical Sciences Building The General Assembly did not appropriate such funds to the University from the General Revenue of the state, but rather declared the movable equipment "to be in the public interest," which authorizes the Illinois State Building Authority to borrow funds to purchase the equipment and to lease it to the University. Some of the above listed buildings can be occupied in the fall of 1963 if movable equipment is available but purchase orders must be placed promptly to insure such availability. The Illinois Building Authority has not yet developed its procedures to a point which will enable it to borrow funds in time to permit the fall occupancy of these buildings. In consultation with the Illinois Building Authority, a procedure has been developed wherein the University of Illinois Foundation can secure short-term financing from the First National Bank of Chicago to buy approximately $900,000 of the equipment needed for the buildings that will be ready for use this year. The Foundation would buy the equipment, lease it to the University of Illinois for a rental adequate to pay the Foundation's fiscal expenses, and, when the Building Authority is in a position to borrow money for movable equipment, it could then purchase the equipment from the Foundation and lease it to the University. The First National Bank of Chicago has agreed to loan the Foundation up to $900,000, the estimated cost of the equipment required, at an interest rate of 2Vi per cent per annum. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends approval of this arrangement and requests authorization to execute a lease with the University of Illinois Foundation for movable equipment, the annual rental to be an amount equal to 2y$pD per cent per annum of the cost of the equipment and the term of which lease 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 743 would not extend beyond June 30, 1965. Funds for the payment of such rental are available in the General Reserve of the University. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved, and authority was given as requested by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. DilHard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS September 18, 1963 The September meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, September 18, 1963, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. Mr. C. W. Sanford, Dean of Admissions and Records, was present at the beginning of the meeting. 745 746 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 18 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on March 20 and April 17, 1963, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 419 to 482, inclusive. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. Dean of Admissions and Records C. W. Sanford presented a report on the enrollment for 1963-64 and then left the meeting. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded to the following candidates who passed the standard written examination given in May, 1963, and who have fulfilled all other legal requirements under Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Illinois Accountancy Act of 1943 as amended. John Blair Alvarez, Chicago, Illinois Robert Charles Armbruster, Aurora, Illinois James Theodore Arnold, Mount Prospect, Illinois Ronald Emil Bailitz, Chicago, Illinois Richard Ernest Bartle, Blue Island, Illinois Francis William Bauer, Chicago, Illinois David Alan Beiricer, Clarendon Hills, Illinois Donald Harvey Bentsen, Barrington, Illinois Alan Berkovitz, Chicago, Illinois Hubert Lloyd Bernheim, Chicago, Illinois Victor Herbert Bezman, Chicago, Illinois Richard Earl Brandwein, Chicago, Illinois Frank Anthony Briody, Chicago, Illinois James Jay Buck, Jr., Peoria, Illinois William Eldan Buford, Chicago Heights, Illinois James Ellsworth Burk, Oak Park, Illinois Ernest Eugene Call, Chicago, Illinois Dennis Jay Carlin, Chicago, Illinois Robert Wilbur Caudill, La Grange, Illinois Howard Stuart Chapman, Chicago, Illinois Gerald David Chiss, Chicago, Illinois William Richard Chroszy, Jr., Berwyn, Illinois Richard Brockman Cohen, Chicago, Illinois Lawrence Matthew Cohn, Chicago, Illinois George Timothy Colleran, Chicago, Illinois Eugene Anthony Costabile, Chicago, Illinois Eugene John Coveney, Oak Lawn, Illinois Don Robert Daseke, Elk Grove Village, Illinois Willard Juhnke DeFilipps, Chicago, Illinois Virgil Bruno Del Ghingaro, Chicago, Illinois John James Desmond, Urbana, Illinois Thomas Arnold DeWinter, Park Forest, Illinois Merrill David Dieken, Champaign, Illinois Raymond Curtis Dockweiler, Urbana, Illinois Anne Marie Donahue, Evanston, Illinois Paul Edward Duckworth, Newman, Illinois Charles Arthur Dunkel, Chicago, Illinois Von Leland Elbert, Villa Park, Illinois Roland Ray Emerson, Berwyn, Illinois 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 747 Stephen Norman Engberg, Chicago, Illinois Edward Albert Encel, Morton Grove, Illinois Sheldon David Engel, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Earle Ernsteen, Chicago, Illinois Robert Douglas Farr, Park Ridge, Illinois Robert James Feller, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Edgar Fleming, Fairfield, Illinois Norbert Anthony Florek, Chicago, Illinois Allen Robert Freedman, Chicago, Illinois Irving Freireich, Hickory Hills, Illinois Rodney John Freitag, Chicago, Illinois Ronald Joseph Frisch, Chicago, Illinois Bernard Robert Gassman, Northbrook, Illinois Richard Ervin George, Jr., Addison, Illinois Harry Goldhirsh, Chicago, Illinois Arnold David Goldstein, Chicago, Illinois Richard Arnold Goodman, Chicago, Illinois Gerald Louis Governile, Chicago, Illinois Richard Glen Graf, Chicago, Illinois Charles Donald Gustafson, Arlington Heights, Illinois Philip Marc Guzzetta, Glenview, Illinois Donald Lindus Hadley, Hillside, Illinois James Allan Hagan, Chicago, Illinois Frederic Louis Hahn, Highland Park, Illinois James Edward Haller, Skokie, Illinois Thomas Carter Harkess, Lombard, Illinois John Parker Harness, Chicago, Illinois Maky Elizabeth Haugh, Chicago, Illinois Jay Edmund Hechtman, Evanston, Illinois Ray Edward Hettinger, Aurora, Illinois John Douglas Hewitt, Urbana, Illinois David Edward Hilquist, Park Ridge, Illinois Jack Himel, Des Plaines, Illinois John Patrick Hines, Chicago, Illinois Paul Edward Hipple, Charleston, Illinois Ralph Arthur Hoffman, Chicago, Illinois Walter Scott Huff, Jr., Peoria, Illinois William David Hughes, Chicago, Illinois Michael Dennis Hunt, Chicago, Illinois Kathryn Mary Iliff, Sycamore, Illinois Richard Izen, Chicago, Illinois Richard Daniel Jacobson, Chicago, Illinois Kenneth LeRoy Johnson, Park Forest, Illinois Wayne Anton Johnson, Urbana, Illinois Elias Gus Kalomiris, Chicago, Illinois Donald Jerome Kamin, Chicago, Illinois Shelby H. Kanarish, Skokie, Illinois Jerold Karel, Chicago, Illinois Richard John Kasten, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Walter Michael Kelly, Jr., Oak Park, Illinois Michael Alan Kleiman, Chicago, Illinois Theodore Herman Kohl, Chicago, Illinois John Anthony Kopecky, Lake Villa, Illinois Loren Bernard Kramer, Chicago, Illinois Harold Kenneth Kroeger, Chicago, Illinois Harvey Norman Kupfer, Chicago, Illinois Charles Ruder Laff, Lincolnwood, Illinois Benjamin Earl Linsky, Chicago, Illinois Don Galen Lockhart, Champaign, Illinois Michael Raymond Looney, Chicago, Illinois Anthony Mario Mandolini, Niles, Illinois Craig Lee Marion, Rockford, Illinois David Aaron Mason, Chicago, Illinois Lloyd Milton McClure, Beardstown, Illinois William Griffith McMillan, Chicago, Illinois John Joseph Menas, Chicago, Illinois William Edgar Mercer, Neponset, Illinois Edmund Robert Meyer, Jr., Palatine, Illinois Roger John Modder, Chicago, Illinois James Sydney Morris, Chicago, Illinois Stuart Andrew Morris, Chicago, Illinois 748 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 18 Edward James Mudra, North Riverside, Illinois . Robert William Muhs, Skokie, Illinois John Henry Mulhern, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Alvin John Mvnstesman, Jr., Western Springs, Illinois Harold Richard Murphy, Decatur, Illinois Bernard Aloysius Naborowskl, Chicago, Illinois Ira Stanley Nathan, Chicago, Illinois Edwin John Nemec, Western Springs, Illinois Thomas James Nessinges, Chicago, Illinois Louis Harlin Newtson, Mount Prospect, Illinois Paul Arthur Norberg, Chicago, Illinois Patrick Mary O'Connor, Chicago, Illinois Alan Paul Olschwang, Chicago, Illinois Edward Thomas Ossman, Des Plaines, Illinois Michael Neil Owen, Park Forest, Illinois Richard Franklin Page, Glenview, Illinois Simon Reed Pearlman, Chicago, Illinois Arthur Donald Perrone, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Ronald Carl Peters, Chicago, Illinois William Edward Peterson, Collinsville, Illinois Frank King Phelps, Oak Lawn, Illinois Lawrence Charles Prazak, Riverside, Illinois Ira L. Pritzker, Peoria, Illinois Rodney Andrew Rawls, Chicago, Illinois Robert Dale Ready, Riverdale, Illinois Arthur Robert Reeland, Chicago, Illinois Jerome Philip Rehaut, Chicago, Illinois Robert William Reninger, Niles, Illinois Jerald Fred Richman, Chicago, Illinois Richard George Roberts, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Ronald Carl Robertson, Elmhurst, Illinois Theodore Heavenrich Robinson, Chicago, Illinois John Harrison Saxton, Peru, Illinois Margaret Evelyn Schabow, Bensenville, Illinois Kenneth Irwin Schaner, Chicago, Illinois Terry Michael Schlade, Chicago, Illinois Jerry Lee Seiler, Urbana, Illinois Paul Frederick Jefferson Sellers, Orlando, Florida Jerry Ellis Serlin, Chicago, Illinois Myron David Shapiro, Chicago, Illinois William Joseph Sharpitis, Cicero, Illinois Thomas Eugene Shepperd, Champaign, Illinois Nicholas Charles Shortino, Carpentersville, Illinois Robert Fletcher Shuck III, Chicago, Illinois William Frederick Skemp, Chicago, Illinois Kenneth Ira Solomon, Chicago, Illinois Orpheus Javaras Sopranos, Chicago, Illinois Frederick Louis Sfecht, Chicago, Illinois James Arthur Stark, Northbrook, Illinois Edward Stegman, Aurora, Illinois Maurice Albert Steiner, Chicago, Illinois Scott Frederic Sternfield, Chicago Illinois George Richard Stevens, Cicero, Illinois Harry Effinger Stewart, Champaign, Illinois Robert Lee Stone, Champaign, Illinois Mason Dennis Sullivan, Oak Park, Illinois Donald Edward Swartz, Naperville, Illinois Donald Odean Teigen, Chicago, Illinois Kenneth Russell Todd, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Harry Wing Tong, Chicago, Illinois David Edwin Trimble, Brookfield, Illinois Joe Arden Trine, Urbana, Illinois Richard Wayne Truelick, Chicago, Illinois Gust Sam Vallas, Chicago, Illinois Verl Robert Van Dyke, Forest Park, Illinois James Sutton Van Pelt, Jr., Washington, D.C. Walter John Fredrick Wadman, Glenview, Illinois Mark Craven Walker, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Gerald Michael Walsh, Chicago, Illinois Harold Richard Warman, Arlington Heights, Illinois Robert Raven Weaver, Rockford, Illinois John Herbert Wellman, Jacksonville Illinois Donald John Werner, Champaign, Illinois William Fredrick Werth, Evanston, Illinois Thomas Dennis White, Champaign, Illinois OF ILLINOIS 749 Warren LeRoy White, Chicago, Illinois Henry Edward Wierenca, Cicero, Illinois Edward Allen Williams, Chicago, Illinois Dennis Wilbert Williamson, Skokie, Illinois Elwyn Charles Winland, Mt. Prospect, Illinois Ronald John Witek, Oak Lawn, Illinois Wayne Wesley Wolf, La Grange Park, Illinois Steven Edward Wollack, Skokie, Illinois Howard Yefsky, Chicago, Illinois The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates William Paul Ausman Lawrenceville, Illinois Alabama Merlin Murray Bailey Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana Walter P. Boyd Phoenix, Arizona Arizona Charles Vincent Doherty Chicago, Illinois Pennsylvania Earl William Druehl Davenport, Iowa Iowa Robert Earle Hearnes Charleston, Missouri Missouri George Frederick Heller Wilmette, Illinois Indiana Paul Allen Hendrix Cape Girardeau, Missouri Missouri John Adolph Nesbit Belleville, Illinois Missouri Bob R. Ritchhart Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana Donald Maurice Ureel Western Springs, Illinois Michigan I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these certificates were awarded. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION (2) The Dean of the Division of University Extension recommends the following appointments to the Division of University Extension Advisory Committee for two years beginning September 1, 1963. Representatives of the University Professor Van Miller, College of Education Professor Phillip Monyfenny, Department of Political Science These appointees replace Professor Harvey W. Huegy, Head, Department of Marketing, and Professor George W. White, Head, Department of Geology, whose terms have expired. Other representatives of the University on the Committee are: Professor Charles K. Brightbill, Head, Department of Recreation and Municipal Park Administration; Professor Warren F. Doolittle, Jr., Department of Art; and Professor Kenneth J. Trigger, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. 750 board of trustees [September 18 Non-University Representatives Curt E. Eckert, Eckerts, Inc., Rural Route 1, Belleville C. Groeteke, Illinois State Representative, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Room 228, United Mine Workers Building, Fourth and Monroe Streets, Springfield W. G. Young, President, Case Manufacturing Company, Robinson These appointees replace Russell L. Gmn, President, Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc., Danville; Lloyd McBride, Sub-district Director, United Steel-workers of America, Granite City; and Earl I. Swords, President of Peoria Tractor Company, Peoria, whose terms have expired. Other non-University representatives are William R. Mclntosh, Superintendent, Rockford Public Schools, 201 South Madison Street, Rockford; and Gerald Plank, Director, Department of Personnel, Caterpillar Tractor Company, Joliet. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Samuel M. Adler, Visiting Professor of Art and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study, for four and one-half months from February 1, 1964, at a salary of $7,000. 2. Joseph Agassi, Associate Professor of Philosophy, for three years beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $11,500. 3. Rene Amon, Assistant Professor of Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,250. 4. Richard C. Anderson, Research Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,500. 5. Robert B. Ash, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,000. 6. David J. Bordua, Associate Professor of Sociology, beginning March 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,500. 7. Esther Louise Brown, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,000. 8. Geoffrey Bruun, Visiting Professor of History and in the Division of General Studies, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $20,000. 9. Alvin G. Burstein, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,500. 10. John C. Clarke, Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,300. 11. Augustus I. Dhar, Assistant Professor of Physics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,600. 12. Martin L. Eichman, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, beginning September 2, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,600. 13. John J. Gilman, Professor of Physics and of Metallurgy, in the Department of Physics and the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $18,500. 14. Gene S. Gilmore, Assistant Professor of Journalism, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,200. 15. Frank Goldby, Visiting Professor of Anatomy, College of Medicine, for nine months from September 1, 1963, at a salary of $13,995. 16. Henry Harap, Visiting Professor of Education, Bureau of Educational Research, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $13,200. 17. John D. Henderson, Visiting Professor of Library Science, Graduate School of Library Science, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $5,700. 18. Margaret M. Heyman, Assistant Professor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, beginning September 1, 1963, on one-fifth time, at an annual salary of $2,000. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 751 19. George A. Hinds, Professor of Architecture, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,000. 20. Hirohide Hinomoto, Assistant Professor of Industrial Administration, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,200. 21. Paul T. Hoffman, Visiting Associate Professor of German, for the first semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $5,000. 22. Joanne Holden, Assistant Professor of Nursing, from September 30, 1963, through December 21, 1963, on three-tenths time, at a salary of $900. 23. Nick Holonyak, Jr., Professor of Electrical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $15,000. 24. James C. Horger, Visiting Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, College of Education, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $9,000. 25. John L. Hudson, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,800. 26. Joan M. King, Assistant Professor of Nursing, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000. 27. Frank B. Knight, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for one year from September 1, 1963, at a salary of $8,500. 28. Joseph R. Larsen, Jr., Assistant Professor of Entomology, in the Department of Entomology and the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, for two months from July 1, 1963, at a salary of $2,000, and from September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000. 29. Arnold Learner, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,500. 30. Jack N. Lewis, Visiting Professor of Agricultural Economics, for one year from September 1, 1963, on one-half time, at a salary of $7,200. 31. Henry Mayer, Visiting Professor of Political Science, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $7,000. 32. Guy B. Maynard, Jr., Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Staff Physician, in the Health Center and McKinley Hospital, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $17,000. 33. Virginia M. Ohlson, Associate Professor of Nursing, beginning September 1, 1963, on one-fifth time, at an annual salary of $2,060; beginning January 1, 1964, on full time, at an annual salary of $10,300. 34. Hershel Parker, Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,000. 35. Pramod Pathak, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for one year from September 1, 1963, at a salary of $8,500. 36. Sheldon J. Plages, Visiting Associate Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $14,700. 37. Richard L. Prairie, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,400. 38. Ronald A. Rohrer, Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,800. 39. Mahendar K. Singal, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for one year from September 1, 1963, at a salary of $7,000. 40. Edith D. Stanley, Research Assistant Professor of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000. 41. Ronald W. Sterkel, Associate Professor of Art, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,500. 42. Galen D. Stucky, Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, beginning January 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,800. 43. Gaisi Takeuti, Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics, for one year from September 1, 1963, at a salary of $10,000. 44. Anne E. Trask, Assistant Professor in the Bureau of Educational Research, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,000. 45. Leonard P. Ullman, Visiting Associate Professor of Psychology, for one year from September 1, 1963, at a salary of $10,650. 752 board of trustees [September 18 46. Jo Anne Whitakeb, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, assigned to the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, for two years from August 16, 1963, at an annual salary of $17,000. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these appointments were confirmed. APPOINTMENT OF STAFF ASSOCIATE IN THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE (4) I have approved the appointment of Colonel Clair M. Worthy, U.S.A., Professor and Head of the Department of Military Science, who is retiring from active service in the Army, as Staff Associate in the Office of the President and Associate Director of the Citizens Committee, beginning October 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $7,500 on a twelve-month service basis and request confirmation of this action. Colonel Worthy will have responsibility for local hospitality to distinguished guests, both from abroad and from other universities in this country. Because of his background and experience, he will be able to deal graciously with important visitors, and will make a real contribution both to saving staff time and to improving our handling of visitors. In addition, Colonel Worthy will work with the Director of the Citizens Committee in making arrangements for meetings and follow-up activities, as well as handling the event at the time of the meeting. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this appointment was confirmed. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING DEAN OF THE GRADUATE COLLEGE (5) On recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Graduate College, and with the concurrence of the Executive Vice-President and Provost, I have appointed Dr. Herbert E. Carter, Professor of Biochemistry and Head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, as Acting Dean of the Graduate College, beginning September 1, 1963, at an additional salary at an annual rate of $1,000 for this administrative service. He will succeed Dr. F. T. Wall, who has asked to be relieved of this administrative assignment in order to devote full time to teaching and research. Confirmation of this action is requested. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was confirmed. NONSALARIED FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 1963-1964 (6) I present the following list of appointments to the nonsalaried faculty of the College of Medicine for the academic year beginning September 1, 1963. The designation "Rush" in a title is used to identify former members of the Rush Medical College faculty who were taken over by the University in 1941 as part of the affiliation with the former Presbyterian Hospital, now Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital, by authority of the Board of Trustees. The list includes new appointments and reappointments. Professors and Associate Professors who have been on indefinite tenure in the past are being continued in that status. However, all new appointments at, or promotions to, the rank of Associate Professor are for one year (indicated by the symbol "DY"), and subsequent reappointments of such staff members will be on an annual basis. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these appointments were approved as listed below. Summary Department 1962-63 1963-64 Anatomy........................................ 5 (1)* 5 (1) Biological Chemistry.............................. 15 13 Dermatology..................................... 28 (3) 28(2) Medical Social Work.............................. 2 4 Medicine......................................... 286 (27) 305 (29) Microbiology..................................... 5(1) 6 Neurology and Neurological Surgery................ 11 (1) 17 (1) Obstetrics and Gynecology......................... 97 (2) 100 (4) Ophthalmology................................... 50 (4) 56 (4) The figures in parentheses indicate the number of emeritus members. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 753 Department 1962-63 1963-64 Orthopaedic Surgery.............................. 27 (2) 30 (2) Otolaryngology................................... 69 (8) 74 (9) Pathology........................................ 40 (2) 46 (2) Pediatrics........................................ 78 (7) 85 (5) Pharmacology.................................... 3 3 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation............... 5 4 Physiology....................................... 2 (1) 2 (1) Preventive Medicine............................... 11 (1) 11(1) Psychiatry....................................... 124 (2) 136 (2) Public Health.................................... 7 6 Radiology........................................ 30 (1) 25 (1) Surgery (including Urology and Anesthesiology)...... 221 (11) 233 (13) Total...................................... 1 116 (74) 1 189 (77) Anatomy Gustave L. Zechel, Lecturer with the rank of Associate Professor, Emeritus Philip Casella, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur F. Cifoixa, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank A. Vicari, Clinical Assistant Professor Dwight D. Davis, Lecturer Biological Chemistry Max K. Horwitt, Professor Max E. Rafelson, Jr., Professor Hermann G. Mattenheimer, Associate Professor (DY)1 Richard D. Coleman, Assistant Professor Alvin Dubin, Assistant Professor Clarence F. Decker, Assistant Professor Alvin J. Glasky, Assistant Professor James A. Hayashi, Assistant Professor Tohru Inouye, Assistant Professor Charles F. Lange, Assistant Professor Joseph Samachson, Assistant Professor Howard H. Sky-Peck, Assistant Professor Hyogo Sinohara, Research Associate Dermatology Leonard F. Weber, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Clark W. Finnerud, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Alfred B. Falk, Clinical Associate Professor Paul R. Griffith, Clinical Associate Professor John B. Haeberlin, Clinical Associate Professor Irene Neuhauser, Clinical Associate Professor Milton Robin, Clinical Associate Professor Albert H. Slepyan, Clinical Associate Professor Sidney Barsky, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Samuel W. Becker, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Stefan Bielinski, Clinical Assistant Professor Irving H. Distelheim, Clinical Assistant Professor Allen S. Pearl, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Lours Rubin, Clinical Assistant Professor Edwin M. Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor 1 The symbol DY indicates the appointment for one year from September 1, 1963, on a twelve-month service basis, and is used here to designate those who are being appointed to the rank of Associate Professor for one year only. Where the symbol DY does not appear, the appointment of a Professor or an Associate Professor is on indefinite tenure. * Also Resident at Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital. 3 Also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals. 4 Also Resident at Hines Veterans Administration Hospital. 5 Also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals and Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary. 5 Also Resident at Research and Educational Hospitals, assigned to the Institute for Juvenile Research. 7 Also Resident at Cook County Hospital. 754 board of trustees [September 18 Bernard Yaffe, Clinical Assistant Professor Irma Aleshire, Clinical Instructor Chester L. Kroll, Clinical Instructor John D. McGrae, Jr., Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Harold M. Spinka, Clinical Instructor Seymour Weinstein, Clinical Instructor Bruce B. Burgess, Assistant Sydney A. Diamond, Assistant Harvey J. Fagelson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Jack M. Fox, Assistant Raymond M. Handler, Assistant2 Wilfried L. Schmerold, Clinical Assistant Joseph R. Shannon, Assistant (eleven months from August 1, 1963)2 Medical Social Work Nancy V. Gilson, Assistant Professor Dorothy N. Murphy, Assistant Professor Renee E. Hack, Instructor Lois A. McFadden, Instructor Medicine Walter C. Alvarez, Lecturer in Medicine with rank of Professor, Emeritus Aaron Arkin, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus James B. Eyerly, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Louis Feldman, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Morris Fishbein, Lecturer in Medicine with rank of Professor (Rush), Emeritus Ellis B. Freilich, Clinical Professor, Emeritus William G. Hibbs, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Frank B. Kelly, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Wilber E. Post, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Sidney Strauss, Clinical Professor, Emeritus William A. Thomas, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Albert VanderKloot, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Willard L. Wood, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Evan M. Barton, Clinical Professor (Rush) James A. Campbell, Professor Richard B. Capps, Clinical Professor Paul Heller, Professor Harold C. Lueth, Clinical Professor Karl H. Pfuetze, Clinical Professor Theodore B. Schwartz, Professor George W. Stuppy, Clinical Professor (Rush) Benjamin Goldberg, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Alva A. Knight, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Frank B. Lusk, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Samuel Perlstein, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Howard M. Sheaff, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Eugene F. Traut, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Ralph W. Trimmer, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Howard Wakefield, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Melvin L. Afremow, Clinical Associate Professor Arthur Bernstein, Clinical Associate Professor Herbert C. Breuhaus, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) George V. Byfield, Clinical Associate Professor Thomas J. Coogan, Clinical Associate Professor Jacob W. Fischer, Clinical Associate Professor Murray Franklin, Clinical Associate Professor John S. Graettinger, Associate Professor Earle Gray, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Edwin N. Irons, Clinical Associate Professor Robert O. Levitt, Clinical Associate Professor Meyer R. Lichtenstein, Clinical Associate Professor Armand Littman, Associate Professor 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 755 Clayton J. Lundy, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) J. Charles McMillan, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor Milton M. Mosko, Clinical Associate Professor Jerome T. Paul, Clinical Associate Professor Isadore Pilot, Clinical Associate Professor Theodore Z. Polley, Clinical Associate Professor Eugene J. Ranke, Clinical Associate Professor Samuel H. Rosenblum, Clinical Associate Professor William Saphir, Clinical Associate Professor Armin F. Schick, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) James A. Schoenberger, Clinical Associate Professor Mitchell A. Spellberg, Clinical Associate Professor Irving E. Steck, Clinical Associate Professor Frank E. Trobaugh, Jr., Associate Professor Max Berg, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Lionel M. Bernstein, Associate Professor (DY) George H. Berryman, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Angelo P. Creticos, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Aaron Gunther, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) William J. Hand, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Janet R. Kinney, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Sheldon E. Krasnow, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Jules H. Last, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Bertram G. Nelson, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) (DY) Lawrence Perlman, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Robert M. Poske, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Marjorie M. Pyle, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Paul Ravenna, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Paul J. Sanazaro, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) John T. Sharp, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Graham A. Vance, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Gerald A. Williams, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Leo E. Amtman, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus John A. Gardiner, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush), Emeritus Benjamin H. Hilkevitch, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush), Emeritus Grant H. Laing, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Osmund H. Akre, Clinical Assistant Professor David Baldwin, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert J. Becker, Clinical Assistant Professor Herbert E. Bessinger, Clinical Assistant Professor Albin M. Brixey, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Ralph G. Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard A. Carleton, Assistant Professor Chester Coggeshall, Clinical Assistant Professor Nicholas V. Costea, Assistant Professor (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) John A. Detweiler, Clinical Assistant Professor Henry D. DeYoung, Clinical Assistant Professor Michael M. DiGilio, Clinical Assistant Professor Dean F. Dimick, Clinical Assistant Professor Peter J. Farago, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert E. Felix, Clinical Assistant Professor Benum W. Fox, Clinical Assistant Professor Donald T. Foxworthy, Clinical Assistant Professor Sanford A. Franzblau, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert C. Fruin, Clinical Assistant Professor Raymond M. Galt, Clinical Assistant Professor Morton A. Goldmann, Clinical Assistant Professor Buford Hall, Clinical Assistant Professor Harry L. Hunter, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank W. Jones, Clinical Assistant Professor Philip N. Jones, Clinical Assistant Professor Benjamin M. Kaplan, Clinical Assistant Professor Ervin Kaplan, Clinical Assistant Professor 756 board of trustees [September 18 Roland L. Kesler, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) Wallace W. Kirkland, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Sydney Kofman, Assistant Professor Charles H. Lawrence, Clinical Assistant Professor Bruce D. Lee, Clinical Assistant Professor Jerome S. Mehlman, Clinical Assistant Professor Morgan M. Meyer, Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas Morrison, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert C. Muehrcke, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph J. Muenster, Jr., Assistant Professor John R. Necheles, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph R. Nora, Clinical Assistant Professor John Post, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) Oldrich Prec, Clinical Assistant Professor Sophie J. Presley, Clinical Assistant Professor Alexander N. Ruggie, Clinical Assistant Professor Seymour R. Salberg, Clinical Assistant Professor Anthony R. Sapienza, Clinical Assistant Professor Harold Schoolman, Clinical Assistant Professor Harold A. Shafter, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert E. Slayton, Clinical Assistant Professor Donald W. Tarxjn, Clinical Assistant Professor Andrew Thomson, Assistant Professor Angelo Toigo, Clinical Assistant Professor Seymour W. Weisberg, Clinical Assistant Professor Edward J. Wiss, Clinical Assistant Professor Alexander Wolf, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles K. Wolfe, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Simon Zivin, Clinical Assistant Professor Hugo O. Deuss, Lecturer William S. Hoffman, Lecturer Herman A. Levy, Lecturer Oglesby Paul, Lecturer Alfred H. Rosenblum, Lecturer Frederick Sargent, II, Lecturer Elizabeth K. Straus, Lecturer (Rush) John H. Talbott, Lecturer Luke J. Grimelli, Clinical Associate, Emeritus Eugene Grosz, Clinical Associate, Emeritus Robert N. Hedges, Clinical Associate, Emeritus J. Lisle Williams, Associate, Emeritus Frank C. Carter, Clinical Associate John L. Cirzan, Clinical Associate G. William Cotts, Clinical Associate Joseph A. Davis, Clinical Associate George A. DeJong, Clinical Associate Ramon H. Garcia-Camilo, Research Associate (one year from July 1, 1963) Carl A. Hedblom, Jr., Clinical Associate Robert L. Herting, Clinical Associate William H. Highstone, Clinical Associate Walter F. Hoeppner, Clinical Associate Nathan J. Iclitzen, Clinical Associate Louis C. Johnston, Clinical Associate Irene G. Kaganiec, Clinical Associate William J. Kirby, Clinical Associate (Rush) Eugene S. Krasnow, Clinical Associate Audley R. Mamby, Clinical Associate Wayne E. Mathy, Clinical Associate Samuel Matlin, Clinical Associate Peter S. Mayer, Clinical Associate Paul A. Meredith, Clinical Associate Clark A. Montgomery, Clinical Associate Bill P. Maduros, Clinical Associate 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 757 Donald E. O'Brien, Clinical Associate Joshua Oden, Jr., Clinical Associate Gloucester A. Price, Jr., Clinical Associate Anita Robbins, Clinical Associate Rigby C. Roskelley, Clinical Associate Ralph A. Scala, Clinical Associate Jerome F. Strauss, Jr., Clinical Associate Kasriel Tausk, Clinical Associate Raymond Teplitz, Clinical Associate Chester B. Thrift, Clinical Associate Charles S. Vil, Clinical Associate Earl A. Vondrasek, Clinical Associate James R. Zvetina, Clinical Associate Earl T. Anderson, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) Alan R. Aronson, Clinical Instructor Frank O. Becker, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Samuel Berger, Clinical Instructor Bernard B. Blaauw, Jr., Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)8 William V. Blazek, Instructor (on leave of absence for military service) (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Jeb Boswell, Clinical Instructor (two months from July 1, 1963) Allen F. Bowyer, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) Robert W. Boxer, Clinical Instructor Joseph T. Bsanit, Clinical Instructor William C, Brown, Clinical Instructor Milda Budrys, Clinical Instructor Ramon E. Casas, Clinical Instructor James G. Clark, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)2 William Clay, Clinical Instructor Thomas D. Dale, Clinical Instructor Robert E. Dedmon, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) (also in Microbiology) Louis E. Dondanville, Clinical Instructor Norris R. Dougherty, Clinical Instructor Peter G. Economou, Instructor Adolfo A. Fernandez, Clinical Instructor William E. Fishman, Clinical Instructor George C. Flanagan, Instructor Richard P. Foth, Clinical Instructor Ronald E. Fox, Clinical Instructor William I. Freud, Clinical Instructor Raimonds G. Gailitis, Clinical Instructor William R. Garr, Clinical Instructor William M. Hamby, Clinical Instructor Paul K. Hanashiro, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) Donald H. Hanscom, Clinical Instructor Robert N. Hedges, Jr., Clinical Instructor John P. Henry, Clinical Instructor Albert W. Holmes, Jr., Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) (also in Microbiology) Mohammad Inayatullah, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) Meilute A. Indreika, Clinical Instructor Rodney A. Jamieson, Clinical Instructor Harold L. Jensen, Clinical Instructor John C. Jones, Clinical Instructor Robert S. Kassriel, Clinical Instructor Frank B. Kelly, Jr., Clinical Instructor William J. Kristy, Clinical Instructor Jerry P. Lewis, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) Joseph Libnoch, Clinical Instructor Thomas B. Longabaugh, Clinical Instructor James C. Lowe, II, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Gordan D. Lucas, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) 758 board of trustees [September 18 Patricia A. McCreary, Clinical Instructor Julio Marsi, Clinical Instructor Vidvuds Medenis, Clinical Instructor Charles W. Metcalf, Clinical Instructor Edwin B. Miller, Clinical Instructor Richard H. Neal, Clinical Instructor George A. Nelson, Jr., Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Jerome E. Neustadt, Clinical Instructor Julius S. Newman, Clinical Instructor Leonard Ohringer, Clinical Instructor Charles P. Perlia, Instructor George T. Perry, Clinical Instructor William H. Phelan, Clinical Instructor Peter Pulos, Clinical Instructor Elizabeth F. Ruben, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Marvin S. Rosenberg, Instructor (fourteen months from July I, 1963) Dean S. Rosset, Clinical Instructor James A. Rowe, Clinical Instructor Bohumil A. Samal, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Bruce G. Saville, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* George S. Scholly, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) Roger R. Schuessler, Clinical Instructor William K. Scupham, Clinical Instructor Vitolds R. Silins, Instructor Joseph V. Simone, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Marshall J. Snapp, Clinical Instructor William R. Starr, Clinical Instructor Harry B. Stone, Clinical Instructor Marian S. Tarzynski, Clinical Instructor Joanne H. Taubman, Clinical Instructor W. Randolph Tucker, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) Alston C. Twiss, Clinical Instructor Russell J. Vastine, Jr., Clinical Instructor Paul L. Winter, Clinical Instructor Richard W. Zalar, Clinical Instructor Donald W. Aaronson, Clinical Assistant Arthur L. Abbott, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Arthur J. Anderson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)s Allan B. Cady, Clinical Assistant Joseph C. Chisholm, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)3 Thomas J. Coogan, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Jack C. Cooxsey, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)3 Margaret Deanesly, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Joseph S. Gonnella, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)1 Nancy J. Gubisch, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Burt B. Hamrell, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Leonard J. Hertko, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Charles J. Horky, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Roderic S. Huber, Clinical Assistant Thomas M. Kh.bridge, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Charles W. Koivum, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Leonard A. Kosova, Clinical Assistant Reynold T. Larsen, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Robert D. Leasure, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* James Lumeng, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Albert F. Nibbe, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Diego Norena, Research Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963) Lois F. O'Grady, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Ross G. Olson, Assistant (eight and one-half months from October 12, 1963)' Lucia T. F. Pap, Clinical Assistant Donald E. Rager, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Norman W. Ream, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' John W. Riley, III, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 759 Arthur E. Savitt, Clinical Assistant John A. Sbarbaro, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Coleman R. Seskind, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Stanley S. Shimoda, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)" Alan J. Sorscher, Clinical Assistant Lynne L. Stettbacher, Research Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963) Armando Susmano, Research Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963) Luis R. Torriente, Clinical Assistant Park W. Wagers, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Jordan D. Waxman, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Isaac Weiszer, Assistant (eight months from November 5, 1963)' Howard G. Wilcox, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)1 Raymond L. Yockey, Clinical Assistant Edmund M. Ziolkowski, Clinical Assistant Microbiology Friedrich W. Deinhaedt, Associate Professor Ralph H. Hubble, Lecturer Robert E. Dedmon, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) (also in Medicine) Albert W. Holmes, Jr., Instructor (one year from July 1,1963) (also in Medicine) William Landau, Instructor Elta W. Knoll, Assistant, Emerita Neurology and Neurological Surgery Loren W. Avery, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Harold C. Voris, Clinical Professor (DY) Arthur Arnold, Clinical Assistant Professor Jack Drori, Clinical Assistant Professor Virginia R. Sorum, Clinical Associate Nathan Zolt, Clinical Associate Richard O. Burns, Jr., Clinical Instructor Eli Tobias, Clinical Instructor Belisario Arias, Assistant3 Robert Beatty, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Thomas E. Brackett, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Charles A. Hopkins, Assistant* John L. Hubbard, Assistant* John A. Jane, Assistant2 Ronald A. Pawl, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Walter Whisler, Assistant* David Yashon, Assistant2 Obstetrics and Gynecology Edward D. Allen, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Eugene A. Edwards, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Harry Boysen, Clinical Professor (Rush) Arthur H. Klawans, Clinical Professor (Rush) Abraham F. Lash, Clinical Professor Richard H. Andresen, Clinical Associate Professor James P. FitzGibbons, Clinical Associate Professor Alfred J. Kobak, Clinical Associate Professor Richard A. Lifvendahl, Clinical Associate Professor Fred O. Priest, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) George H. Rezek, Clinical Associate Professor Harry K. Waddington, Clinical Associate Professor John R. Wolff, Clinical Associate Professor Deane M. Farley, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) John P. Harrod, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Armand J. Mauzey, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Alfons R. Bacon, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Harry Sered, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Hugo C. Baum, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) Robert A. Beebe, Clinical Assistant Professor 760 board of trustees [September 18 Sol J. Benensohn, Clinical Assistant Professor Michael H. Boley, Clinical Assistant Professor Clair M. Carey, Clinical Assistant Professor Allan G. Charles, Clinical Assistant Professor Peter J. Couri, Clinical Assistant Professor Sol T. DeLee, Clinical Assistant Professor Vincent S. DiGiulio, Clinical Assistant Professor Cecil Draa, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) George C. Finola, Clinical Assistant Professor William F. Geittmann, Clinical Assistant Professor Ralph L. Gibson, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert J. Glenner, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles J. Heiberger, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard M. Kaye, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles D. Krause, Clinical Assistant Professor Vincent A. Lavieri, Clinical Assistant Professor Rocco V. Lobraico, Clinical Assistant Professor John S. Long, Clinical Assistant Professor Wilbur J. Marshall, Clinical Assistant Professor William S. Miller, Clinical Assistant Professor John W. Payne, Clinical Assistant Professor George Pepper, Clinical Assistant Professor Lowell F. Peterson, Clinical Assistant Professor Michael P. Pill, Clinical Assistant Professor Frederick J. Roos, Clinical Assistant Professor Meyer D. Rutgard, Clinical Assistant Professor Seymour Sholder, Clinical Assistant Professor Peter Siegel, Clinical Assistant Professor C. Otis Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor Manuel Spiegel, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert C. Stepto, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph B. Teton, Clinical Assistant Professor Vasil Truchly, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank J. Walsh, Clinical Assistant Professor Bruce P. Zummo, Clinical Assistant Professor Denes Orban, Clinical Associate Lionel J. Schewitz, Clinical Associate Joseph S. Angell, Clinical Instructor John F. Bartels, Clinical Instructor Donald M. Fahrenbach, Clinical Instructor Edwin L. Falloon, Clinical Instructor Earl S. Fuller, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* William M. Gardner, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Thomas Hejna, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) John R. Kostelny, Clinical Instructor Lawrence LeVine, Clinical Instructor Joseph J. Mullen, Clinical Instructor Edwin E. Nyman, Clinical Instructor Gabriel A. Rodriguez, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Marvin A. Rosner, Clinical Instructor Eugene D. Rothenberg, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Jack A. Sampson, Clinical Instructor Irving Shipkowitz, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Robert G. Stone, Clinical Instructor Lawrence J. Sykora, Clinical Instructor Edgar B. Sylvester, Clinical Instructor Nathan Tolwinsky, Clinical Instructor Nancy C. Treadwell, Clinical Instructor George P. Vlasis, Clinical Instructor La Verne M. Wallheiser, Clinical Instructor Alvin F. Wiersma, Clinical Instructor John A. Aimone, Clinical Assistant Derald E. Brackmann, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 761 Joseph H. Clevenger, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Delos R. Cozad, Clinical Assistant William H. Donovan, Jr., Clinical Assistant Frederick M, Gawecki, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)5 Terrence C. Hansen, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Mario A. Irigoyen, Clinical Assistant Elmer J. Justema, Clinical Assistant Sidney C. Kahn, Clinical Assistant Anthony N. Kenwick, Clinical Assistant John H. Mattox, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Robert H. Oberhelman, Clinical Assistant Adrian R. Oleck, Clinical Assistant Robert P. Olson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Richard G. Patterson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Bernard E. Ruder, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Peter D. Scalzitti, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Kenneth M. Sussman, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Toshiro Tateiwa, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)! Ophthalmology William F. Moncreiff, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus William F. Hughes, Clinical Professor Carl Apple, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Earle B. Fowler, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Georgiana D. Theobald, Clinical Associate Professor and Clinical Pathologist, Emerita Joseph S. Haas, Clinical Associate Professor Daniel Snydacker, Clinical Associate Professor Theodore N. Zekman, Clinical Associate Professor Robert R. Herbst, Clinical Assistant Professor Gilbert Iseb, Clinical Assistant Professor Burton M. Krimmer, Clinical Assistant Professor David B. Maher, Clinical Assistant Professor H. Isabelle McGarry, Clinical Assistant Professor Valdo P. Oleari, Clinical Assistant Professor Edward A. Pushkin, Clinical Assistant Professor Burton A. Russman, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel M. Schall, Clinical Assistant Professor Karl J. Scheribel, Clinical Assistant Professor (Rush) Manuel L. Stillerman, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph Tatar, Clinical Assistant Professor Karl E. Ticho, Clinical Assistant Professor Martin J. Urist, Clinical Assistant Professor Howard L. Wilder, Assistant Professor Vernon M. Leech, Clinical Associate (Rush), Emeritus David V. L. Brown, Clinical Associate Michael E. Carroll, Clinical Associate Vivian A. Cation, Clinical Associate William E. Deutsch, Clinical Associate Leona R. Fordon, Clinical Associate Aldona A. Juska, Clinical Associate Arthur Light, Clinical Associate Judith V. Perry, Clinical Associate Barbara Spiro, Clinical Associate Albert E. Tennenbaum, Clinical Associate Jack Tresley, Clinical Associate Sherwin A. Fox, Clinical Instructor Ernst J. Holland, Clinical Instructor Norbert J. Nowicki, Clinical Instructor David C. Whitsell, Clinical Instructor Paul S. Yocum, Clinical Instructor Moh'd A. Asgar, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)5 Michael Belson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' 762 board of trustees [September 18 Arnold D. Curkyn, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)$dG Richard Ey, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Carl Garfinkle, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)" Emil F. Grabow, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)$dG Donald R. Jorgensen, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)5 Theodore Lawwill, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963) David S. McDaniel, Assistant (six months from July 1, 1963)B Frank I. Mendelblatt, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)s Hans J. Renpenning, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)$dG Allen K. Rice, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)1 Leo J. Roberts, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)$dG Phillip I. Rossmann, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Bernard Slatt, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)B Albert Vaiser, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)5 Orthopaedic Surgery Frank G. Murphy, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Carlo S. Scuderi, Clinical Associate Professor in Orthopaedics Fred Shapiro, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Horace E. Turner, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus William A. Marshall, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert P. Meany, Clinical Assistant Professor Leo F. Miller, Clinical Assistant Professor Raymond J. Pellicore, Clinical Assistant Professor Donald Ross, Clinical Assistant Professor Tawfik Y. Sabet, Research Associate Karl H. Mueller, Research Associate James P. Ahstrom, Clinical Instructor Ramez Aouad, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963) * Ronald L. DeWald, Instructor (on leave of absence for military service)3 Jorge O. Galante, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Charles E. Gavin, Clinical Instructor Robert C. Hamilton, Clinical Instructor William A. Hark, Clinical Instructor William F. Hejna, Clinical Instructor Robert V. Johnson, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)" William H. Newman, Clinical Instructor Clifford O. Nyman, Clinical Instructor Walter R. Petehsen, Clinical Instructor James P. Zettas, Clinical Instructor Virginia M. Badger, Assistant* Riad Barmada, Assistant3 Don A. Fischer, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Thomas W. McNeill, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)" Robert J. Rothman, Assistant8 Jules Shapiro, Assistant* Otolaryngology Daniel B. Hayden, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Abraham R. Hollender, Professor, Emeritus Walter H. Theobald, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Oliver E. VanAlyea, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Albert H. Andrews, Jr., Clinical Professor of Bronchoesophagology Oscar J. Becker, Clinical Professor Stanton A. Friedberg, Clinical Professor G. Kenneth Lewis, Clinical Professor George S. Livingston, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Samuel M. Morwitz, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Richard W. Watkins, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Walter W. Dalitsch, Clinical Associate Professor Robert B. Lewy, Clinical Associate Professor Maurice F. Snitman, Clinical Associate Professor Linden J. Wallner, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Louis Savitt, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 763 Helmut Blumenthal, Clinical Assistant Professor Edward L. Chainski, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur J. Coombs, Clinical Assistant Professor Elmer A. Friedman, Clinical Assistant Professor Lois D. Greene, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard E. Marcus, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur L. Ratko, Clinical Assistant Professor Leo A. Satz, Clinical Assistant Professor John A. Weidemann, Clinical Assistant Professor William A. Smiley, Clinical Associate, Emeritus I. Erlin Bartlett, Clinical Associate Bruno Blumklotz, Clinical Associate David O. Dale, Clinical Associate Joseph Gyorkey, Clinical Associate Andreas G. Kodros, Clinical Associate Roland A. Kowal, Clinical Associate Milton E. Kurth, Clinical Associate Colette Jeantet, Clinical Associate Mario D. Mansueto, Clinical Associate Joseph F. Orsico, Clinical Associate Karl H. Siedentop, Clinical Associate Pierce W. Theobald, Clinical Associate Alan R. Kahn, Research Associate Robert H. Borkenhagen, Clinical Instructor Ralph A. Casciaro, Clinical Instructor Jose Luis Ferrer, Clinical Instructor DiNO G. Maurizi, Clinical Instructor Phillip I. Mozer, Clinical Instructor Edward A. Razim, Clinical Instructor Thaddeus S, Pierce, Clinical Instructor Louis F. Scaramella, Clinical Instructor Joyce A. Schild, Clinical Instructor Kurt Springer, Clinical Instructor Aldo C. Sirugo, Clinical Instructor Louis T. Tenta, Clinical Instructor Blaine L. Block, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Ronald J. Blumenfeld, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Arthur I. Broder, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Robin C. Brown, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)" John N. Comito, Assistant* Roger A. Eggert, Assistant (fourteen months from July I, 1963) Robert S. Fagelson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* David L. Fagelson, Clinical Assistant Jerry E. Friedman, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Thomas E. Griffith, Assistant (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Gerald E. Guemmer, Clinical Assistant Keith M. Holmes, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Donald L. Jerome, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)" Harold I. Laker, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Franklin S. Massari, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Florian R. Nykiel, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* John P. McPherson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* S. Bruce Mer, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* William M. Sermonte, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Jose Smoler, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Robert J. Toohill, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)3 John D. VanNuys, Clinical Assistant Joseph P. Velek, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Pathology George M. Hass, Professor Lester S. King, Clinical Professor Charles E. Cahn-Bronner, Professorial Lecturer, Emeritus 764 board of trustees [September 18 Jerry J. Kearns, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Frederic C. Bauer, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor Harold A. Grimm, Clinical Associate Professor Coye C. Mason, Clinical Associate Professor Martin A. Swerdlow, Clinical Associate Professor James R. Thompson, Clinical Associate Professor John P. Ayer, Associate Professor (DY) Grant C. Johnson, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Jacob N. Shanberge, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Robert W. Alexander, Assistant Professor Raymond A. Clasen, Assistant Professor Reuben Eisenstein, Assistant Professor Dorothy E. Eshbaugh, Clinical Assistant Professor Victor R. Jablokow, Clinical Assistant Professor Albert W. Schweitzer, Clinical Assistant Professor Friederich A. O. Eckner, Lecturer Frederic 0. Floberg, Lecturer Franz E. Hirsch, Lecturer Maurice Lev, Lecturer James E. Habegger, Clinical Associate John E. Maloney, Clinical Associate Hector A. Battifora, Instructor2 Eugene J. Goldman, Instructor (one year from August 1, 1963)* Gustave Gyori, Clinical Instructor Francisco S. Hernandez, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Joseph J. Hosek, Clinical Instructor Marilyn J. O'Brien, Clinical Instructor Bernard Peison, Clinical Instructor James C. Pritchard, Clinical Instructor Seymour Rosen, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Mohsen Shakerin, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)! James A. Survis, Clinical Instructor Charoen Suwanwilai, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Mostafa J. Tabatabai, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* James T. Bolan, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Philip S. Coogan, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 John R. Dainauskas, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)! William T. Gogan, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Allen I. Lipsey, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Jose R. Manaligod, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Roger D. Smith, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Malcolm V. Vye, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)! Pediatrics Alfred D. Biggs, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Craig D. Butler, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Hugh McCulloch, Lecturer with rank of Professor, Emeritus Joseph Greengard, Clinical Professor C. Jack Harrison, Clinical Professor (Rush) Samuel J. Hoffman, Clinical Professor Joseph R. Christian, Professor Herbert j. Grossman, Professor Noel G. Shaw, Clinical Professor (Rush) Charles K. Stulik, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus Lawrence Breslow, Clinical Associate Professor Warren R. Dammers, Clinical Associate Professor Louis J. Halpern, Clinical Associate Professor Harry Leichenger, Clinical Associate Professor Matthew M. Lewison, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Daniel J. Pachman, Clinical Associate Professor Irving B. Richter, Clinical Associate Professor Norman T. Welford, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Dorothy H. Welker, Clinical Associate Professor 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 765 Harry D. Mosies, Associate Professor (DY) Woodruff L. Crawford, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Magnus H. Agustsson, Clinical Assistant Professor Rene A. Arcilla, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel H. Barron, Clinical Assistant Professor Hans G. Bucheleres, Clinical Assistant Professor Marianne P. Budzeika, Clinical Assistant Professor Andre Chabot, Clinical Assistant Professor E. H. Christopherson, Clinical Assistant Professor Vernon R. DeYoung, Clinical Assistant Professor John B. Hall, Clinical Assistant Professor John S. Hyde, Clinical Assistant Professor Mildred R. Jackson, Clinical Assistant Professor Harvey Kravitz, Clinical Assistant Professor Melvin A. Krugly, Clinical Assistant Professor Herman B. Lander, Clinical Assistant Professor Bessie L. Lendrum, Clinicaj Assistant Professor Michael A. Limosani, Clinical Assistant Professor Ronald B. Mack, Clinical Assistant Professor Harry T. Nagel, Clinical Assistant Professor Bruce B. Newman, Clinical Assistant Professor Homer S. Parker, Clinical Assistant Professor Mildred J. Polniaszek, Clinical Assistant Professor Klara Judith Prec, Clinical Assistant Professor Martin Sacks, Clinical Assistant Professor Irene Shmigelsky, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles E. Stepan, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles L. Swarts, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel Thomas, Clinical Assistant Professor A. A. Wolf, Clinical Assistant Professor Bohdan S. Celewycz, Clinical Instructor Julia Yu Chao, Clinical Instructor Daniel G. Cunningham, Clinical Instructor Mel W. Feinberg, Clinical Instructor Janice R. Herz, Clinical Instructor Edward K. Isaacson, Clinical Instructor Clay H. Jones, Jr., Clinical Instructor Dolores E. Knoblock, Clinical Instructor Elizabeth Keller, Clinical Instructor Victor M. LoPriore, Clinical Instructor Silvio D. Morales, Clinical Instructor Kenneth S. Nolan, Clinical Instructor John William O'Shea, Clinical Instructor Stephen Pawlynskyj, Clinical Instructor Isidro Perez, Clinical Instructor Philip L. Wachtel, Clinical Instructor Arnold A. Shkolnik, Clinical Instructor Oscar L. Cisneros, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Joseph M. Cullen, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)! Ronald G. Eriksen, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)1 Janet F. Forstner, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* William T. Hartnett, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Marion E. Johnson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Bahman Joorabchi, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Frieda Juchheim, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Raymond J. Kiley, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Charles A. Limp, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Eddie S. Moore, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Ernesto P. Namin, Clinical Assistant Adolfo A. Perez, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)1 Masy V. Ramey, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Robert G. Rosenberg, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Chandrakant P. Shah, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' 766 board of trustees [September 18 Roseanne Vitullo, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)3 Somchao Yingvorapant, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Paul J. Ziegler, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Pharmacology Chestek J. Cavallito, Lecturer Victor A. Drill, Lecturer Harris Isbell, Lecturer Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation H. Worley Kendell, Clinical Professor Reuben R. Wasserman, Clinical Associate Professor Kate H. Kohn, Clinical Assistant Professor Roman S. Oryshkevich, Clinical Instructor Physiology Chester W. Darrow, Associate Professor, Emeritus Harold E. Himwich, Lecturer Preventive Medicine Thomas G. Hull, Lecturer with rank of Associate Professor, Emeritus Jermyn F. McCahan, Clinical Associate Professor Harold W. Spies, Clinical Associate Professor Samuel Andelman, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Joyce C. Lashof, Assistant Professor Harold H. Steinberg, Clinical Assistant Professor Agnes D. L. Goss, Clinical Instructor Paul W. Tillman, Clinical Associate Ernest B. Williams, Clinical Associate Quentin D. Young, Clinical Associate William I. Metzger, Research Associate Psychiatry Roy R. Grinker, Clinical Professor Paul E. Nielson, Professor Vladimir G. Urse, Clinical Professor Jack Weinberg, Clinical Professor Walter Hirsch, Clinical Professor (DY) Harry R. Hoffman, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush), Emeritus William H. Haines, Clinical Associate Professor Donald A. R. Morrison, Clinical Associate Professor Alan K. Rosenwald, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology Stephen L. Sherwood, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurophysiology Alfred P. Solomon, Clinical Associate Professor Anne Benjamin, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Noel S. Jenkin, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology (DY) Maurice Kaplan, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Robert G. McMillan, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Raymond E. Robertson, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Morris M. Rosenthal, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Lester Rudy, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) W. David Steed, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Jacob Paskind, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Charlotte H. Altman, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology Sol Altschul, Clinical Assistant Professor Claresa M. Armstrong, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard M. Aronov, Assistant Professor of Psychology Howard G. Aronson, Clinical Assistant Professor E. Eliot Benezra, Clinical Assistant Professor Haskell E. Bernstein, Clinical Assistant Professor Leon Bernstein, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard Bolin, Clinical Assistant Professor David D. Brockman, Clinical Assistant Professor 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 767 James A. Buettner, Clinical Assistant Professor David I. Cheifetz, Assistant Professor of Psychology Pauline M. Cooke, Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas N. Davis III, Clinical Assistant Professor Alberto de la Torre, Clinical Assistant Professor Pieter DeVrijer, Clinical Assistant Professor Paul Dolinko, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology Robert C. Drye, Clinical Assistant Professor Sydney B. Eisen, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur S. Elstein, Assistant Professor of Psychology Frank F. Evans, Clinical Assistant Professor David C. Garron, Assistant Professor of Psychology Harold A. Greenberg, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard L. Greene, Clinical Assistant Professor David P. Gross, Clinical Assistant Professor Mortimer D. Gross, Clinical Assistant Professor Frederick V. Gwyer, Clinical Assistant Professor John E. Halasz, Clinical Assistant Professor Louis Halperin, Clinical Assistant Professor John W. Hanni, Clinical Assistant Professor David S. Harman, Clinical Assistant Professor Irving D. Harris, Clinical Assistant Professor Elsie L. Haug, Clinical Assistant Professor Patrick Israel, Clinical Assistant Professor Louis Jensen, Clinical Assistant Professor David M. Jordan, Assistant Professor George H. Klumpner, Clinical Assistant Professor Richard C. Koenig, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert H. Koff, Clinical Assistant Professor Gustavo Lage, Clinical Assistant Professor Elise B. Lessing, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology David Levitin, Clinical Assistant Professor Bernard I. Lifson, Clinical Assistant Professor Joan Longini, Clinical Assistant Professor Norma Mason, Clinical Assistant Professor Warren G. McPherson, Clinical Assistant Professor Victor Mintek, Clinical Assistant Professor Evan G. Moore, Clinical Assistant Professor William H. Murray, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles Myran, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph G. Nemecek, Clinical Assistant Professor Melvin D. Nudelman, Clinical Assistant Professor Donald Oken, Clinical Assistant Professor Frances C. Perce, Clinical Assistant Professor George L. Perkins, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert H. Pollack, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology Klara G. Ranky, Clinical Assistant Professor Alan M. Robertson, Clinical Assistant Professor Henry L. Ruehr, Clinical Assistant Professor Arthur Sable, Clinical Assistant Professor Sheldon K. Schiff, Assistant Professor (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Marvin Schwarz, Clinical Assistant Professor Harry M. Segenreich, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles H. Shaiova, Clinical Assistant Professor Jeanne Spurlock, Clinical Assistant Professor Alvin Suslick, Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas T. Tourlentes, Clinical Assistant Professor Samuel A. Victor, Clinical Assistant Professor William Weisdorf, Clinical Assistant Professor Donovan G. Wright, Clinical Assistant Professor Marvin Ziporyn, Clinical Assistant Professor Alfonso Shimbel, Lecturer Hedwig C. Bakony, Clinical Instructor 768 board of trustees [September 18 Marjoeie C. Barnett, Clinical Instructor Eric G. Brunngraber, Clinical Instructor in Biochemistry David W. Buck, Clinical Instructor Clara M. Butterworth, Clinical Instructor in Psychology Jose M. Castillo, Instructor Marvin Freedman, Instructor' Alvan R. Gendein, Instructor' Jay G. Hirsch, Clinical Instructor Jerome I. Katz, Clinical Instructor Leo V. Kempton, Clinical Instructor Arthur Kling, Clinical Instructor Charles H. Kramer, Clinical Instructor David A. Marcus, Clinical Instructor Ana Masquinez, Clinical Instructor Raymond N. Miller, Instructor" Max Monin, Instructor8 Elliott C. Murray, Instructor' Arthur H. Norton, Clinical Instructor Robert E. Nyquist, Clinical Instructor Daniel Offer, Clinical Instructor Zane D. Parzen, Clinical Instructor Sarah R. Peskind, Clinical Instructor in Psychology Leonard Rack, Clinical Instructor Barbara S. Rocah, Clinical Instructor Donald A. Ross, Clinical Instructor in Psychology Richard K. Saskill, Clinical Instructor Donald D. Schwartz, Clinical Instructor Arlene J. Smith, Clinical Instructor David W. Swanson, Clinical Instructor Morton S. Tabin, Clinical Instructor John D. Van Pelt, Instructor in Psychology Daga M. Wied, Clinical Instructor Karl L. Willrich, Instructor Robert I. Yufit, Clinical Instructor in Psychology Oreste Zalis, Clinical Instructor Alexander Zeidel, Instructor6 Edward J. Baranowski, Assistant* Allen S. Bernsten, Assistant* William R. DeVries, Research Assistant William F. Henebry, Assistant1 Robert J. Innes, Assistant* Elsa B. Telser, Research Assistant Lawrence Van Egeren, Assistant* Public Health Edward A. Piszczek, Clinical Associate Professor Herbert K. Abrams, Clinical Assistant Professor Clarence W. Klassen, Assistant Professor Herbert E. McDaniels, Assistant Professor Kenneth M. Morse, Lecturer W. Franklin Dove, Research Associate Radiology John W. Clark, Professor Fay H. Squire, Professor (Rush) David S. Beilin, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Richard E. Buenger, Associate Professor Samuel A. Leader, Clinical Associate Professor Israel E. Kirsh, Associate Professor (DY) Franklin S. Alcorn, Assistant Professor Maurice L. Bogdonoff, Assistant Professor Benjamin D. Braun, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank R. Hendrickson, Assistant Professor 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 769 Julius Heydemann, Clinical Assistant Professor George G. Hibbs, Assistant Professor Billy Jay Hill, Assistant Professor Jacques Ovadia, Clinical Assistant Professor Lawrence D. Scott, Assistant Professor Frank L. Hussey, Clinical Instructor John T. McManus, Instructor Edward I. Miller, Instructor Gladys L. Olson, Instructor Marvin O. Trepton, Instructor Harold N. Walgren, Instructor Anthony Chung-Bin, Assistant Robert R. Hast, Assistant Richard L. Phillips, Assistant2 Richard P. Taylor, Assistant* Surgery Hillier L. Baker, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Edwin M. Miller, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Oscar E. Nadeau, Clinical Professor, Emeritus Francis H. Straus, Clinical Professor (Rush), Emeritus Edward J. Beattie, Jr., Professor Egbert H. Fell, Clinical Professor (Rush) Richard K. Gilchrist, Clinical Professor (Rush) Paul W. Greeley, Clinical Professor Hiram T. Langston, Clinical Professor Foster L. McMillan, Clinical Professor John H. Olwin, Clinical Professor (Rush) Harry W. Southwick, Clinical Professor Philip Thorek, Clinical Professor William H. Hazlett, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Frank J. Jirka, Associate Professor, Emeritus John D. Koucky, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Will F. Lyon, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Rudolph J. E. Oden, Associate Professor, E.meritus Morris L. Parker, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus Louis W. Schultz, Clinical Associate Professor of Oral Surgery, Emeritus Carl B. Davis, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor Frederic A. DePeyster, Clinical Associate Professor Willis G. Diffenbaugh, Clinical Associate Professor Arthur E. Diggs, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) William S. Dye, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor Earl Garside, Clinical Associate Professor Chf.ster C. Guy, Clinical Associate Professor Burton C. Kibourne, Clinical Associate Professor Stanley E. Lawton, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Clarence Monroe, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) Lindon Seed, Clinical Associate Professor Everett L. Strohl, Clinical Associate Professor Frank V. Theis, Clinical Associate Professor (Rush) William J. Gillesby, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) William H. Harridge, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) George A. Olander, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) John R. Orndorff, Clinical Associate Professor (DY) Carl O. Almquist, Clinical Assistant Professor, Emeritus Raymond E. Anderson, Clinical Assistant Professor Charles D. Branch, Clinical Assistant Professor C. David Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert G. Canham, Clinical Assistant Professor Joseph P. Cannon, Clinical Assistant Professor James H. Cross, Clinical Assistant Professor Ward H. Eastman, Clinical Assistant Professor Melvin I. Gibbel, Clinical Assistant Professor 770 board of trustees [September 18 Raymond Green, Clinical Assistant Professor Vernon L. Guynn, Clinical Assistant Professor Ronald G. Haley, Clinical Assistant Professor Russell C. Hanselman, Clinical Assistant Professor Harry G. Hardt, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Robert A. Hess, Clinical Assistant Professor Vernon Z. Hutchings, Clinical Assistant Professor Carl Ireneus, Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor Robert W. Jamieson, Clinical Assistant Professor Frank R. Johnson, Clinical Assistant Professor George D. Kaiser, Clinical Assistant Professor Andrew Kirsteins, Clinical Assistant Professor Frances E. Knock, Clinical Assistant Professor Johannes L. Koppel, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry William E. Looby, Clinical Assistant Professor Kenneth L. Matson, Clinical Assistant Professor Harold I. Meyer, Clinical Assistant Professor William E. Neville, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert J. Overstreet, Clinical Assistant Professor Martin Pepper, Clinical Assistant Professor John H. Pkibble, Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas Sellett, Clinical Assistant Professor Philip Shambaugh, Clinical Assistant Professor William D. Shorey, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert F. Stokes, Clinical Assistant Professor Milan M. Wasick, Clinical Assistant Professor Milton Weinberg, Js., Clinical Assistant Professor Carl Y. Werelius, Clinical Assistant Professor Robert B. White, Clinical Assistant Professor Michael F. Witanowski, Clinical Assistant Professor Leon J. Witkowski, Clinical Assistant Professor Hilger P. Jenkins, Lecturer Jerome E. Abrahams, Clinical Instructor Burton R. Bancroft, Jr., Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Walter L. Barker, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Eugene A. Broccolo, Clinical Instructor Donald M. Buckner, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Richard G. Caldwell, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Noble Correll, Clinical Instructor Myles P. Cunningham, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Edward A. Dainko, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)2 William F. Dippel, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)7 Douglas G. A. Eadie, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Lawrence A. Fagarason, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Ernest M. Feiler, Clinical Instructor Glenn W. Fiscus, Clinical Instructor John W. Frisch, Clinical Instructor Andres Gabel, Clinical Instructor Gordon H. Glassford, Clinical Instructor Samuel L. Hamilton, Clinical Instructor Joseph F. Hinkamp, Clinical Instructor Johannes M. L. Jensen, Clinical Instructor Olga M. Jonasson, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Michel N. Jurayj, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' John M. Kenwell, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Charles J. Koucky, Clinical Instructor Walter R. Lawrence, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)1 Oscar S. Lenit, Jr., Clinical Instructor David R. Lewis, Clinical Instructor Robert O. Lewis, Clinical Instructor Joseph R. McAndrew, Clinical Instructor Randall E. McNally, Clinical Instructor Chafick N. Mansour, Clinical Instructor 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 771 A. Gilman Middleton, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' KatHaleen M. Mogan, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Eudell G. Paul, Clinical Instructor Harold A. Paul, Clinical Instructor Parviz Parsa, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Alceu L. S. Pedreira, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Edgar R. Picken, Clinical Instructor Morris M. Proffitt, Clinical Instructor John G. Raffensperger, Clinical Instructor Oliver V. Renaud, Clinical Instructor Leo E, Robertson, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Rudolph W. Roesel, Clinical Instructor Marvin M. Romsdahl, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)* Wendell H. Schmidtke, Clinical Instructor (fourteen months from July 1, 1963) Ethan B. Ruben, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' James A. Sandrolini, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Richard C. Schultz, Clinical Instructor Dayle O. Snyder, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' John M. Somerndike, Jr., Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' E. Wilson Staub, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Arnold B. Swerdlow, Clinical Instructor Richard A. Tarizzo, Clinical Instructor Kenneth R. Vander Vennet, Instructor (one year from July 1, 1963)' Arthur R. Williamson, Clinical Instructor Karl F. Bader, Jr., Assistant (on leave of absence for military service) Mark F. Blum, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Robert S. Callaghan, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 J. Anthony Brown, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)3 Thomas E. Cronin, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Alexander Doolas, Assistant (on leave of absence for military service) Ardean J. Ediger, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Jay D. Ellenby, Assistant (on leave of absence for military service) James H. Freel, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Elliot G. Goldin, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Robert P. Gordon, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)1 Allan L. Graham, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* John W. Hengesh, Research Assistant (on leave of absence for military service) William R. Jewell, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* William T. Johnstone, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Harvey J. Levin, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Fern E. Likhite, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Warren L. Lowry, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Larry O. McKnelly, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Roger L. Mehl, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' John J. Minster, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Ernest A. Norehad, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Osmar P. Steinwald, Jr., Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Wayne M. Swenson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Michael S. Taekman, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Nicholas L. Tilney, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' Gerry R. Tuveson, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)' James R. Waltz, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Wilfred E. Watkins, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Jehoom Yang, Assistant (one year from July 1, 1963)* Division of Urology Norris J. Heckel, Clinical Professor of Urology (Rush) Edwin C. Graf, Clinical Associate Professor of Urology Theophil P. Grauer, Clinical Associate Professor of Urology James W. Merricks, Jr., Clinical Associate Professor of Urology (Rush) George O. Baumrucker, Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology Joseph S. Drabanski, Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology R. Ross Haeger, Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology 772 board of trustees [September 18 Willard C. Meyer, Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology Frank B. Papierniak, Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology Colquitt O. Ritch, Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology Frederick W. Schacht, Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology Carl D. Berry, Jr., Clinical Instructor in Urology James A. Calams, Clinical Instructor in Urology Daniel H. Callahan, Clinical Instructor in Urology Thomas L. C. Cottrell, Clinical Instructor in Urology Engin Deniz, Clinical Instructor in Urology Alfonso Diaz, Clinical Instructor in Urology Charles F. McKiel, Jr., Clinical Instructor in Urology Willard J. Smith, Instructor in Urology (one year from July 1, 1963)* James C. Valenta, Clinical Instructor in Urology Cyril C. Wiggishoff, Clinical Instructor in Urology John A. Kozak, Assistant in Urology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Gary A. Storey, Assistant in Urology (one year from July 1, 1963)' Division of Anesthesiology Ernst T. Morch, Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology Paul W. Searles, Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology Mary M. Lyons, Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology (Rush), Emerita John L. Schmidt, Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology (DY) John E. Cawley, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Myron J. Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Herbert E. Natof, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Joseph E. Remlinger, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Digby G. Seymour, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Arthur T. Shima, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Vernon E. Wallace, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Hershell L. Keeling, Clinical Associate in Anesthesiology Howard H. Berlin, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Gwen Gleave, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Eileen Heckel, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology David Katz, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Stanka K. Paprikoff, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Raymond F. Rose, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Lester Schwartz, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Vivente B. Santelices, Instructor in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)' Vincenzo Traina, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Dan A. Valenti, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Rasma V. Vitrungs, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Raymond Zbick, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology Ronald F. Albrecht, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Francisco M. Alves, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Thomas L. Ashcraft, Clinical Assistant in Anesthesiology Felicisimo N. Buenafe, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Eleuterio Carreira, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Carleton E. Dangremond, Clinical Assistant in Anesthesiology Roland W. DeYoung, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)' Hector R. Leon, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Rafael Machado, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Nora G. Madrilejo, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)3 William R. Melby, Clinical Assistant in Anesthesiology Antonio M. Novo, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)' Maddalena F. Pastika, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Cyrus Pirnazar, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Pablo M. Rivera, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Louis Roe, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963) Ferdinando B. Schiappa, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* Astrida I. Silins, Clinical Assistant in Anesthesiology Emma C. Ting, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 773 Edward T. Toyooka, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)' Charles H. Williams, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)2 Donald H. Williams, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* William E. Wolf, Assistant in Anesthesiology (one year from July 1, 1963)* COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS (7) The Seventy-third General Assembly of Illinois enacted a bill, approved by the Governor on August S, 1963, for "An Act relating to the establishment of County Agricultural and Home Economics Extension Councils and County Extension Boards to cooperate with the University of Illinois College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service and the United States Department of Agriculture in conducting educational programs in agriculture, home economics, and subjects relating thereto in the several counties, and authorizing the levy of an annual tax therefore." This law authorizes counties to raise funds for support of these programs by taxation if approved by referendum, or to assign funds for the purpose from general revenues of the county and to pay such funds to the University of Illinois. The law also gives the Board of Trustees of the University additional authority in carrying out the programs of cooperative extension. Distinctive features of this law are: (1) recognition by the Legislature of the County Extension Councils; (2) establishment of Extension Boards to serve as liaison groups between the County Councils and County Boards of Supervisors (or Commissioners); (3) specific delegation of the University of Illinois as an agency eligible to receive county funds in the support of Cooperative Extension programs in the counties; and (4) removal of the limitation of $5,000 on funds which County Boards of Supervisors or Commissioners may allocate from county tax funds in support of the Cooperative Extension programs in counties where the population exceeds certain numbers. In the past, the Board of Trustees has delegated administration of the activities of the Cooperative Extension Service through the President to the Director of the Cooperative Extension Service and, although there are no major policy or operational changes involved in the implementation of this new county extension law, it is deemed advisable for the Board to reaffirm its previous delegation of responsibility. The Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service requests approval by the Board of Trustees of the following: Delegation of Authority to the Director of Cooperative Extension to Carry Out the Provisions of the County Cooperative Extension Law The recently enacted County Cooperative Extension Law authorizes the Board of Trustees to provide for the creation of county extension councils and boards. Heretofore the University has administratively created and supervised similar councils. The Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service recommends that pursuant to the County Cooperative Extension Law, the Director of the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, under the President of the University, be directed and authorized to establish county extension councils and multi-county councils, to establish procedures for their operation substantially as provided in the Extension Council Guide, a copy of which has been approved by the President and is filed with the Secretary of the Board, to create county extension boards, and to carry out the other provisions of said Act on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. A copy of the Extension Council Guide is submitted herewith. I concur. The Secretary reported that since some preliminary steps to initiate the implementation of this program needed to be taken prior to September 1, 1963, the Executive Committee of the Board was consulted and gave interim authorization, subject to further action by the Board of Trustees. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board delegated authority to the Di- 774 board of trustees [September 18 rector of Cooperative Extension to carry out the provisions of the County Cooperative Extension Law. CONTRACT FOR GAS SERVICE FOR HEATING PLANT AT CONGRESS CIRCLE (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a contract with the Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Company, Chicago, for gas service under the Interruptible Boiler Fuel Service, Classification No. V-3. The fuel for the Heating Plant at the Congress Circle Campus has been planned for gas (Interruptible Boiler Fuel Service) during the summer months and oil during the winter months when gas is not available under this contract. The Service Classification recommended for the purchase of gas is No. V-3. This recommendation has been reviewed and concurred in by Sargent and Lundy, Consulting Engineers for the Heating Plant. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; not voting, Mr. Johnston; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR HEATING PLANT AT CONGRESS CIRCLE (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of an agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago; for the electrical service at the Congress Circle Campus, and that the University pay Commonwealth Edison Company the standard excess facility charges of $12,920. The planning for Congress Circle Campus construction requires installation of electrical service from Commonwealth Edison Company at the Heating Plant, 1100 South Morgan Street, Chicago. Commonwealth Edison will supply electricity at 69 KV transformed to supply the University at 12 KV and 4 KV. The provision for 4 KV service (for the operation of large motors in the Heating Plant) is basically the reason for the excess facility charges of $12,920. Sargent and Lundy, Consulting Engineers for the Heating Plant, estimated that the cost for supplying separate transformers to provide 4 KV service would be approximately $40,000. By the acceptance of the excess facility charges, the University will save approximately $27,000. The demand and energy charges are the same as presently experienced at the undergraduate campus at Navy Pier, on a twenty-four month demand basis. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION AT ABBOTT POWER PLANT ADDITION (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $29,826 to Robert Gordon, Inc., Chicago, the lowest bidder, for miscellaneous piping and equipment at the Power Plant Addition --- Boiler No. 7. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. A supporting statement, including a schedule of all bids received, is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded by the fol- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 775 lowing vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $73,941 to Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign, the lowest bidder, this being the amount of the base bid plus alternates, for air conditioning the Electrical Engineering Building. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. A schedule of bids received is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. AGREEMENT WITH NORTHERN ILLINOIS WATER CORPORATION FOR EXTENSION OF WATER SERVICE ON SOUTH FARMS (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize its Secretary and the Comptroller to execute the following upon terms, conditions, and form approved by the Legal Counsel: An agreement with the Northern Illinois Water Corporation for the extension of water service from the Water Corporation's 8-inch main in the right-of-way of Route 45 at the intersection of the A T & T Road and Route 45 east to the South First Street Road and north approximately 600 feet, on a cost basis but not to exceed $11,760, for the main extension. In addition the University will pay on a cost basis for easements, meter vault, meter and service connection, and fire hydrants, or a total estimated cost of $15,433. A grant of right-of-way easement over the south 600 feet of the west 33 feet of the southwest quarter of section 30 township 19 north, range 9 east of the third principal meridian. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Be It, and It Hereby Is Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of this Board of Trustees be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this Corporation such instruments of conveyance, contract, or other document or documents as to them may seem necessary or desirable in order to grant to Northern Illinois Water Corporation, an Illinois corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee," its successors and assigns, the right and easement to construct, reconstruct, operate, maintain, repair, alter, replace, move and remove a water line, which is not less than eight inches (8") in diameter, and other equipment appurtenant thereto, under, through and across the land hereinafter described and the right of ingress to and egress therefrom. Grantee shall agree to repair any damage caused to property of this Corporation by the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repairing, alteration, moving and removing of said water line. The right-of-way easement shall remain in full force and effect from the date granted and for so long thereafter as said water transportation line is continued in service and has not been abandoned and discontinued. Upon termination of the easement Grantee shall peaceably surrender possession of said premises to this Corporation and full and complete title then shall remain in this Corporation 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 777 ties for women. As a result, no additional permits to enter could be issued to undergraduate women unless additional housing facilities were found. The Director of Housing, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of the leasing of the following properties on the terms and for the periods indicated for use as housing for undergraduate women students: 1007 South Fifth Street, Champaign, first semester of 1963-64, at a rental of $2,475, with option to renew for the second semester at the same rate. This property will provide rooms and cooking privileges for twenty undergraduate women plus a house director. 1112 West California, Urbana, first semester of 1963-64, at a rental of $2,485, to accommodate thirty-four undergraduate women plus a house director. 107 West California, Urbana, for one year from September 1, at a rental of $18,000. This property is a new apartment building containing twelve two-bedroom apartments which will provide housing for forty-four undergraduate women plus a house director. The rentals charged the occupants of these properties will be sufficient to cover the rental plus the operating costs. A majority of the Board members authorized in writing the Executive Committee to approve these leases, and the Executive Committee authorized the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board to execute the leases. This report is submitted for record. Wayne A. Johnston Frances B. Watkins Howard W. Clement A. J. Janata Chairman Clerk ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR ILLINOIS STREET RESIDENCE HALLS (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $10,418 in the contract with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign, for construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls for furnishing and installing three walk-in coolers and one walk-in freezer in the food service area, which were not included in the original contract. Funds are available in the project budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ILLINI UNION ADDITION (16) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $6,259.76 in the contract with Felmley-Dickerson Company, Inc., Urbana, for construction of the Mini Union addition to include additional remodeling work in the Commons dining room on the ground floor which will complete the improvements in this area. Funds are available in the construction budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. CONTRACT FOR CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES (17) The present contract with the firm of Sasaki, Walker, and Associates, Inc., Watertown, Massachusetts, for consulting services in the area of long-range campus and landscape development expired June 30, 1963. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend continuation of the employment of this firm for consulting services until June 30, 1965, to: Review and advise on landscape and site design work initiated by the Division of Campus Development on specific projects included in the University's building program. Advise and make recommendations on long-range campus planting plans. Furnish objective review and comments concerning general campus landscape and grounds improvements. The estimated total annual cost is $5,000. 778 board of trustees [September 18 Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. REAPPROPRIATION OF UNEXPENDED BALANCES AS OF JUNE 3O, 1963 (18) The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the following balances and overdrafts in budget appropriations June 30, 1963, be carried forward for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1963, in accordance with usual policy. I concur. Urbana- Champaign General administration and expense.................... 5 64 755 Executive Vice-President and Provost, instructional television in other departments...... $14 224 Vice-President and Comptroller, microfilming records................................ 614 Legal Counsel, special legal services.......... 1 3411 Public Information, state fair exhibit......... 1101 13 387 $ 78 142 Agriculture.......................................... 77 652 Commerce and Business Administration................. 5 604 Education........................................... 12 723 Engineering......................................... 834 Engineering technology curriculum committee. . 13 600 Technician need study...................... 4 538 18 138 18 972 Fine and Applied Arts................................ 13 627 Graduate College.................................... 19 809 Journalism and Communications....................... 14 880 Law................................................ 453 Liberal Arts and Sciences............................. 48 397 Census tracts, Champaign County........... 2 090 Anthropology, field training program......... 993 Geography, Illinois resources atlas........... 1 426 4 509 52 906 Physical Education................................... 4 O571 University Extension................................. 46 308 Veterinary Medicine.................................. 11 650 Other schools and colleges............................. 6 040 Institute of Aviation, electronic technology............ 12 080 18 120 Libraries and Library School.......................... 11 6331 Physical Plant Regular operation and maintenance.................. 175 173 Renewals and replacements.......................... 207 364 Assembly Hall utilities.............................. 100 000 482 537 Unexpended plant Admissions and Records, special equipment........... 7 206 McKinley Hospital, overbed tables and closets......... 5 852 Agriculture Administration, special assignment......... 5 028 Agricultural Engineering, special equipment........... 2 200 Animal Science, prefabricated refrigeration walk-in-room 12 000 Dixon Springs, purchase of truck..................... 3 258 Burnsides Laboratory, equipment and moving......... 8 448 Food Science, special equipment..................... 1 200 Forestry, pressure-vacuum cylinder................... 8 627 Forestry, plywood shear testing machine.............. 2 700 Forestry, special equipment......................... 3 100 Bevier Hall, electrical service........................ 7 740 Pell Farm, improvements........................... 19 616 Education Administration, special equipment.......... 2 089 Elementary Education, special equipment............. 1 317 Vocational and Technical Education, special equipment 4 780 University High School, special equipment............ 6 476 Civil Engineering, equipment (National Science Foundation matching grant)............................ 35 100 1 Deduct. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 779 Civil Engineering, special equipment................. 50 587 Civil Engineering, Universal testing machine.......... 25 500 Electrical Engineering, analogue computer............ 10 612 Electrical Engineering, special equipment............. 3 768 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, analogue computer.......................................... 8 000 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (National Science Foundation matching grant)...................... 35 000 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, special equipment..................................... 9 437 Nuclear Engineering, special equipment............... 7 272 Physics, special equipment.......................... 2 609 Architecture, special equipment...................... 3 996 Art, special equipment.............................. 20 347 Music, special equipment........................... 10 711 Graduate College, flexo-writer....................... 1 322 Television cable and equipment...................... 12 926 Language Laboratory, equipment.................... 24 970 Chemistry, equipment (National Science Foundation matching grant)................................ 25 172 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, special equipment 42 249 English, special equipment.......................... 2 220 Geology, special equipment.......................... 2 296 Physiology, equipment (National Science Foundation matching grant)................................ 25 707 Psychology, equipment (National Science Foundation matching grant)................................ 24 980 Zoology, special equipment.......................... 6 015 Physical Education, special equipment................ 10 588 University Extension, special equipment.............. 2 040 University Press, inserting machine for Mailing Center. . 3 000 Library, special equipment.......................... 13 102 Electrical Engineering, building equipment............ 2 319 Physical Plant, load lugger.......................... 1 262 Architectural studies for future buildings.............. 25 916 Improving lighting in classrooms..................... 52 913 Minor improvements............................... 1 744 Parking facilities................................... 1 108 Remodeling and minor additions unassigned........... 16 496 704 South Sixth Street, remodeling................... 4 390 Volatile Storage Building............................ 3 909 Dixon Springs, staff houses.......................... 1 386 Dairy Science, milk handling room................... 22 500 Dairy Science, minor buildings....................... 15 961 Physical Plant, sheep metabolism unit................ 21 873 Physics Betatron, prefabricated metal buildings........ 8 000 Central Receiving Station........................... 1 425 Arcade Building, remodeling......................... 3 209 Armory, remodeling................................ 7 886 Arcade Building, air conditioning.................... 8 000 English Building, remodeling........................ 3 054 McKinley Hospital, nurse call system................ 15 081 Agricultural Engineering Building, remodeling......... 1111 Animal Sciences Laboratory, remodeling room 345..... 3 400 Animal Sciences Laboratory, remodeling room 420..... 4 385 Agronomy Storehouse, electrical service............... 3 480 Dairy Barn, free stalls.............................. 16 750 Horticulture Field Laboratory, remodeling............ 25 150 David Kinley Hall, electrical service.................. 18 480 Gregory Hall, air conditioning....................... 3 330 Lincoln Hall, remodeling room 24.................... 12 125 Civil Engineering Hall, air conditioning............... 10 773 Civil Engineering Hall, remodeling................... 15 223 Wood Shop, remodeling............................. 47 740 780 board of trustees [September 18 Smith Music Hall, lighting.......................... 5 560 Armory Rifle Range, renovation..................... 17 680 Chemistry Annex, remodeling....................... 67 350 Gregory Hall, remodeling room 446.................. 4 380 Harker Hall, remodeling............................ 1 886 Illini Hall, prefab sound room....................... 1 361 Lincoln Hall, remodeling............................ 10 474 Natural History Building, remodeling................. 33 377 Noyes Laboratory, remodeling....................... 23 773 Men's Old Gymnasium, remodeling................... 7 250 Skating Rink, roof repairs........................... 38 079 Veterinary Clinic, painting.......................... 1 746 Library, remodeling room 19........................ 2 124 807 South Lincoln Avenue, remodeling................ 7 954 Dixon Springs, improvements........................ 4 610 Dixon Springs, laboratory repairs and replacements.... 2 864 1208 West Springfield Avenue, remodeling............. 2 637 Central Receiving Station, remodeling................. 6 590 Hydraulics Research Laboratory, remodeling.......... 8 950 Quonset building, remodeling........................ 1 862 1205 West Nevada Street, relocation and remodeling. . . 59 000 26 East Springfield Avenue, remodeling............... 1 150 1207 West Oregon Street, renovation................. 3 318 907 South Sixth Street, remodeling................... 4 273 Bicycle parking areas............................... 2 445 Bicycle lanes...................................... 1 946 Stadium Drive recreational area..................... 12 079 Women's Gymnasium, sidewalks..................... 3 155 Storm sewer, improvements......................... 2 500 Orchard Street, machine shed........................ 6 994 Animal Science, farm improvements.................. 16 092 Thirty-seven items ranging from $8 to $903........... 13 935 1 278 936 Total, Urbana-Champaign....................... (2 116 629) Medical Center, Chicago General administration and expense.................... 3 131 Estimates and alterations........................... 3 867 6 998 Aeromedical and Physical Environment................ 1 058 Medicine............................................ 16 208 Dentistry........................................... 3 471 Pharmacy........................................... 1 038 Graduate College.................................... 19 885 Nursing............................................. 2 5661 Physical Education for Men........................... 2 000 Division of Services for Crippled Children............... 305 055 Research and Educational Hospitals.................... 47 5621 Library............................................. 4541 Physical Plant Regular operation and maintenance.................. 38 221 Renewals and replacements.......................... 105 113 Medical Center Steam Plant........................ 82 672 226 006 Unexpended plant Medical Research Laboratory, electronic air cleaners, installation..................................... 1 154 Physical Plant, ducts, replacement................... 30 384 Physical Plant, room 125, partitioning................ 1 193 Orthopaedics Center, rehabilitation................... 1 359 Television equipment............................... 5 468 Dental Admitting Clinic, remodeling................. 2 034 Chemistry, special equipment........................ 6 238 Drug and Horticulture Station, special equipment...... 7 181 Pharmacy, special equipment........................ 6 966 Manufacturing Pharmacy area, remodeling............ 1 699 Research and Educational Hospitals, special equipment 65 540 1 Deduct. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 781 Vacumatic sterilizer, purchase and installation......... 2 703 Research and Educational Clinics, furniture and equipment .......................................... 7 068 Spectrophotometer, purchase........................ 8 000 Hospital Residence, special equipment................ 2 400 Research and Educational Nursing, furniture and equipment.......................................... 2 541 Research and Educational Nursing, special equipment.. 2 400 Research and Educational Operating and Recovery-Rooms, special equipment........;............... 4 250 Research and Educational Pathology, special equipment 1 400 Fluoroscopic units, purchase......................... 30 435 Intercommunication system, replacement............. 2 289 Research and Educational Radiology, special equipment 21 548 Architectural studies for future buildings.............. 7 599 Telephone centrex system, installation................ 8 840 Twenty-six items ranging from $74 to $819............ 11 583 242 272 Total, Medical Center, Chicago................... (773 409) Chicago Undergraduate Division General administration and expense.................... 6 100 Auditorium expense................................ 529 Demographic statistical study....................... 2491 6 380 Liberal Arts and Sciences............................. 13 269 Engineering......................................... 9 749 Architecture and Art................................. 4 3101 Graduate College.................................... 2 405 Business Administration.............................. 1 074 Physical Education................................... 1 669 Armed Forces....................................... 667 Library............................................. 5 540 Physical Plant Regular operation and maintenance.................. 14 720 Building rentals and insurance....................... 8 103 22 823 Unexpended plant Computer program, special equipment................ 7 571 Engineering, laboratory equipment................... 11 271 Physics, special equipment (Atomic Energy Commission matching grant)................................ 6 000 University facilities, equipment and remodeling........ 11 6021 Snack Bar, lighting................................. 1 217 Six items ranging from $98 to $720................... 2 462 16 919 Total, Chicago Undergraduate Division............ (76 185) Grand Total................................... $2 966 223 On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these reappropriations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR PUBLICATION OF PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL (19) The Dean of the College of Medicine and the Vice-President for the Medical Center recommend authorization of a contract between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Dr. Arnold Wolf (author), and the Williams and Wilkins Company (publisher), 428 East Preston, Baltimore, Maryland, for publication of a programmed book, Introduction to Body Fluid Metabolism, prepared as a scholarly contribution by Dr. Arnold Wolf, Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology in the College of Medicine, with the assistance of technical programming experts provided by the Office of Research in Medical Education. The proposed tripartite contract for publication of this work will provide for an equal division of royalties between Dr. Wolf and the University. This arrange- 1 Deduct. 782 board of trustees [September 18 ment has been approved by the Executive Vice-President and Provost, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this contract was authorized. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (20) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and from University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchase from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Two silos, size 14 ft. diameter by 35 ft. Animal Science Madison Silos, Division $ 3 635 00 high, including foundation and con- of Martin-Marietta f.o.b. crete floor to be furnished and erected Corp., delivered at the University Beef Farm, Urbana El Paso and Purchases from Institutional Funds erected One tachistoscope, three-channel, with Psychology Scientific Prototype $ 3 236 00 a total of five time interval generators, Manufacturing Co., f.o.b. one for each channel, and two to con- New York. N.Y. delivered trol durations between channels Print and bind 5,000 copies. Unit 5 Stu- University Press Braun & Brumfield, 3 478 00 dents' Edition, High School Mathe- Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. matics, trim size 8J-$pD in. by 11 in., delivered approximately 300 pages per copy 2,325 signs, parking lot, complete with Physical Plant Illinois State Penitentiary, 6 604 00 aluminum back and scotchlite face Pontiac f.o.b. 6,300 numerals, one in. high, scotchlite Pontiac 2,000 letters, one in. high, scotchlite 1,000 numerals, two in. high, scotchlite 600 letters, two in. high, scotchlite For the new parking program 294 shelves, plywood, size 1 ft by 6 ft. Physical Plant, Brewer Woodwork, 3 622 00 by % in. Architect's Urbana f.o.b. 216 shelves, plywood, size 1 ft. by 4 ft. Division delivered Dy % in. To be made from Ji-in. standard hard- wood plywood with birch or maple veneer, walnut strip edging H-la. thick on three sides, walnut finish, to be used as book shelves in offices of the Armory addition One replacement rotor support and other Physical Plant York Corp., 2 890 04 related repair parts for the Burrill Chicago f.o.b. Hall air compressor unit, which is York, part of the air conditioning system for Pa. the building including the system for the constant temperature rooms used in research On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and from University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One infrared spectrophotometer and Pharmacy- The Perkin-Elmer Corp., $ 6 237 50 accessories Chemistry, La Grange delivered \.niutgu (Note: This purchase is made from both Appropriated Funds, ?6,237.5O, and Institutional Funds, $30.50, for a total of 36,268.00.) Ultrasonic cleaning equipment Research and Zimmer-Ramsay 3 950 00 Educational Associates, delivered Hospitals, Chicago Chicago 6,575 diploma covers; this is the total Admissions and The Welch Scientific 7 364 00 requirement for Urbana and the Med- Records Co., f.o.b. ical Center for the period of Septem- Chicago delivered ber 25, 1963, through June 30, 1964 4,392 ring binders, three ring, various Office Supply Standard Stationery 6 486 48 sizes Storeroom Supply, f.o.b. Chicago delivered Furnish and apply asphalt and aggre- Physical Plant Parro Construction 3 377 00 gate for seven small parking lots, an Corp., f.o.b. alley, and a service drive on the Urbana delivered Urbana campus, and provide seal and coating for Orchard Street area with- applied in Orchard Downs housing area of the Urbana campus (Note: This purchase is made from both Appropriated Funds, $3,377.00, and Institutional Funds, $1,320.00, for a total of J4.697.00.) One lathe, tool room type, 13 in. by 42 Physical Plant R K. LeBlond Machine i 792 27 in. centers, with 14H in. swing over Tool Co., f.o.b. bed and complete with collets and Oak Park Cincinnati, motor Ohio One grinder, surface, hydraulic, 10 in. Physical Plant The Jaekson-Fotsch 4 127 00 by 16 in. to be used by the Physical Co., f.o.b. Plant Department's machine shop for Chicago delivered general toolroom work Print and bind 6,000 copies of 1963-64 University Press Cushing-Malloy, Inc., 2 762 00 Student Directory, trim size 5H in. by Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. 8H in., approximately 296 pages per delivered copy Labor, equipment, and material to re- Physical Plant Coatings Application 3 019 00 pair and coat 215,000 sq. ft. of the Storeroom Corp., f.o.b. roof of the Mechanical Engineering St. Louis, Mo. installed Laboratory with a glass fabric ma- terial similar to that now on the roof Purchases from Institutional Funds One automatic gas chromatograph and Biological Wilkens Instrument & $ 4 136 44 accessories Chemistry, Research, Inc., delivered Chicago Walnut Creek, Calif. One continuous liquid flow detector Biological Packard Instrument 2 750 00 Chemistry, Co., Inc., delivered Chicago La Grange One ultracentrifuge with two fixed-angle Biological Spinco Division, Beckman 9 542 00 rotors Chemistry, Instruments, Inc., delivered Chicago Palo Alto, Calif. One flame photometer attachment for Clinical Research Technicon Instrument 2 900 00 the Clinical Research Center's auto- Center, Co., f o.b. analyzer Chicago Chauncey, N.Y. Chauncey, N.Y. One photomicroscope and accessories Illustration W. H. Kessel & Co., 3 766 30 Studios, Chicago delivered Chicago One lot of laboratory supplies and equip- Medicine, LaPine Scientific Co., 3 670 00 ment consisting of one spectrophotom- Chicago Chicago delivered eter and power supply, 20 dozen plastic bottles, si* plastic carboys, 48 rolls aluminum foil, 12 glass funnels, 24 bottles oil of cedar, six plastic palls, one pipette rinser, 200 ft. plastic tubing, three dozen slide boxes, 200 oz. microscope cover glasses, 50 gross microscope slides, 192 sponges, 144 vials heparinized capillary tubes 784 board of trustees [September 18 Item Department Vendor Cost Labor and material to construct a tile Agricultural Clyde I Williams, $ 15 936 20 drainage system on Allerton Trust Economics Homer fob Farm No 6 delivered installed One gas chromatograph with electron Agronomy Wilkens Instrument & 2 802 30 capture detector, columns, injectors. Research Inc , Lob niters, and tubing complete with re- Walnut Creek Calif delivered corder and disc integrator, to be used to determine the residues in the soil resulting from the application of weed killers One furnace, high temperature, with Ceramic Bickley Furnaces Inc 7 832 95 pneumatic motor, safety system and Engineering Philadelphia Pa fob sighting bracket, to be used in the delivered study of the effect of firing (heating) in the range of 3.500 to 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit on the optimization of properties of refractories One recorder, tape, FM portable, with Chemistry and Minneapolis Honeywell 5 600 00 four record channels and four play- Chemical Regulator Co , fob back channels, dynamic braking on Engineering Harvey delivered all modes of operation, electronic phase lock from tone wheel for speed control, calibration unit for adjusting the Instrument while in place, speeds of 30, 15, 3%, and 1 % in per second signal to noise ratio never less than (Note This purchase is made from 1 both Appropriated Funds, $pD1,210 and Institutional Funds $5,600, for a total of $pD6,810 ) Three spectrophotometers, power sup- General Chemical Schaar Scientific Co , 7 250 00 ply, hydrogen lamp, test tube holders Stores Chicago fob temperature regulation assembly, 48 delivered autotransformers and 2,850 ft of plastic laboratory tubmg for stock in the General Chemical Stores, this is an estimated three month supply One lot of laboratory apparatus and General Chemical E H Sargent & Co 93 103 09 supplies estimated to be a three Stores Chicago fob month supply delivered One earner system (power amplifiers). Civil Engineering Consolidated 3 972 00 four-channel to furnish additional Electrodynamics fob driving power for existing recording Chicago Pasadena oscillograph system Calif One shadow box mount 100 racks circuit card relay files for Digital Computer Applied Development 2 905 00 standard relay rackmounts for 30 22- Laboratory Corp, fob pin connectors at 9/16 in centers to Monterey Park Calif Monterey mount 3 9-in board with foot dimen- Park sions of 0 IS hi connectors not in- Calif cluded delete guide foot spacers and stainless steel rods 50,000 diodes, silicon Digital Computer Texas Instruments Inc 7 000 00 Laboratory St Louis, Mo fob Dallas Texas' System of five power supply units, d c , Digital Computer NJE Corp c/o Ridgway 7 650 00 silicon controlled rectifier design, out- Laboratory Associates Inc , fob put voltage 2 to 20 volts continuously. Chicago delivered 20 volts d c 600 amps d c. output, current of one supply minimum 50 amps, and maximum 120 amps. One special receiving system, including Electrical Smyth Research 13 699 00 a two-frequency receiver, 360 me. Engineering Associates, fob preamplifier, and two-frequency sig- San Diego, Calif San Diego nal generator Cahf One preset electronic timer, with in- Nuclear Central Engineering 2 618 00 crements down to 0 1 seconds Engineering Sales Co , fob Three scalerB, 6 decade, with 10 volt Lombard delivered positive polarity One cabinet for mounting the above equipment as a unit One coincidence system, comprised of Nuclear Central Engineering 4 335 00 three coincidence channels with plug- Engineering Sales Co, fob in units and three linear amplifiers Lombard delivered for use in a study of the beta spectrum from fission 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 785 Item Department Vendor Cost One lathe, toolroom engine type, 18 in. Physics Hardinge Brothers, $ 7 375 00 between centers, 12-in. awing over Inc., f.o.b. bed with variable spindle speeds and Chicago delivered variable power feed Seven single crystals of highest purity Physics Semi-Elements, Inc., 3 300 00 anhydrous lanthanum trichloride to Saxonburg, Pa. f.o.b. be used in measurements of electron delivered spin relaxation times One amplifier, vibrating reed type, with 10 c.p.s. response and gain of 2 by 10, Physics Applied Physics Corp., Chicago 3 550 00 f.o.b. stability of 1 by 10" amperes zero delivered drift per hour Two electrometers, vibrating reed type. Physics Applied Physics Corp., 4 090 00 ten input ranges of 1 millivolt to 30 Chicago f.o.b. volts, capable of detecting 10"" am- delivered peres, 5 by 10~lfl coulombs and .02 millivolts Two multiple resistor switches for use with above with three input resistors of 10, low, and 10" ohms Nine microscopes, phase contract with Physiology and W. H. Kessel & Co., 4 176 45 revolving nosepieces, condenser car- Biophysics Chicago f.o.b. rier with rack and pinions, square Zoology delivered stages with built-on mechanical stages without graduation, but including in- clined binocular bodies; less trade-in of three obsolete microscopes (Note: This purchase is made from both Institutional Funds, $4,176.45, and Appropriated Funds, $2,691.96, for a total of $6,868.41.) Four oscilloscopes, dual-beam, sensi- Physiology and Tektronix, Inc., 4 200 00 tivity 200 microvolt/cm to 20 v/cm; Biophysics Park Ridge f.o.b. d.c.-coupled, both beams, differential Beaverton, input at all sensitivities; calibrated Ore. sweep 1 microsecond/cm to S sec/cm; x-y curve tracing with two beams; range of d.c. to 100 kc. increasing to dx. to 1 me. Four recorder assemblies, each to be Physiology and Beckman Instruments, 9 810 00 two-channel, expandable to six-chan- Biophysics Inc., Spinco Division, f.o.b. nel, ink curvilinear recording, 2 per Lincolnwood delivered cent linearity, 2 microvolt/mm input. d.c. to ISO c/s frequency response; 200 packs recording paper 18,300 pounds of clams, soft shell (Mya Veterinary Maryland Clam Co., 11 300 25 Arenaria), shucked but intact, packed Medicine Inc., f.o.b. in number 10C enamel cans, and re- Easton, Md. delivered frigerated for delivery in four ship- ments to the Quartermaster Corps Radiation Center in Natick, Mas- sachusetts One laboratory glassware washer, fully Veterinary Better Build Machinery 3 036 00 automatic with spindle headers which Medicine Corp., f.o.b. direct a high-speed jet water stream New York. N.Y. delivered into the glassware Print and bind six issues of Illinois Home Economics Cushing-Malloy, Inc., 3 450 00 Teacher of Home Economics, 4,000 Education Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. copies per issue, approximately 48 Ann Arbor, pages per copy, trim size B)4 in. by Mich. 11 in. University's share of program for the Library Library of Congress, 6 500 00 acquisition, cataloging, and prepara- Washington, D.C. tion of printed catalog cards for pub- lications received from India and Pakistan under the Public Law 480 Program covering the period July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964 Tabulating forms for use on IBM-type Statistical Moore Business Forms, 2 776 65 407 accounting machines and IBM- Service Unit Inc.. f.o.b. type 1403 printers in the following Danville delivered sizes and quantities: 70,000 sets, overall size 14J$pD in. wide by 11 in. long 120,000 sets, overall size 10} in. wide by 11 in. long 75,000 sets, overall size &}4 in. wide by 11 in. long Print and bind 1,500 copies of National University Press Braun-Brumfield, Inc., 3 861 00 Party Platforms, 1840-1960. by Kirk Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. Porter and Donald B. Johnson, ap- delivered proximately 656 pages per copy, trim size 7M in. by 10 in. 786 board of trustees [September 18 Item Department Vendor Cost Thirty-one films, 16 mm. miscellane- Visual Aids Coronet Films, $ 3 915 00 ous, color and black and white Service Chicago f.o.b. delivered Thirteen films, 16 mm. color, "Your Visual Aids Modern Learning Aids, 2 730 00 Career" series Service Chicago f.o.b. delivered 64 air filters in 65 ft. continuous lengths Assembly Hall Air Filter & Equipment 2 706 00 and in widths of 3 ft.. 4 ft, and 5 ft.. Co- f.o.b. to be used in air filtering machines in Chicago delivered various areas of the Assembly Hall 125 dozen sheets, bed, 63 in. by 108 in., Housing Division Karoll's. Inc., 2 917 50 type 140 Chicago f.o.b. 125 dozen pillowcases, 42 in. by 36 in., type 140 delivered 30 cases containers, pint size, with lids Office Supply Levin Brothers Paper 13 905 25 621 cases cups, hot and cold drink and Storeroom Corp., f.o.b. souffle, various sizes Chicago delivered 110 cases lids, various sizes, for above cups 110 cases straws, soda and malt 100 cases caps, paper, self adjusting 120,000 sandwich bags, waxed For Office Supply Storeroom stock; this is a ten to twelve-month supply Tape, magnetic recording, acetate base. Office Supply Melvin Electronics, 3 624 96 as follows: Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. 2,400 rolls 1200 ft. each delivered 432 rolls 600 ft. each Fifty-five panelboards, necessary panel- Physical Plant Westinghouse Electrical 4 268 76 board trim, and 324 circuit breakers Supply, f.o.b. for the Physical Plant Storeroom Danville delivered stock to be used for remodeling and upgrading of various electrical sys- tems around the Urbana campus; this is an estimated six-month supply One camera, high speed, 16 mm. 100 ft. Agricultural Behrend's, Inc., 3 760 00 capacity, 150 to 6,000 pictures per Engineering Chicago f.o.b. second, with timing light, automatic delivered cutoff at end of film, record oscillo- graphic trace and picture image si- multaneously, two 50 mm, F 2.0 lenses, two-sided rotating prism, shutter speed 1/30,000 second at 6,000 pictures/second One control unit One exposure meter One lens, 35 mm. F 2.0, picture image Furnish and install: Agronomy Thomas A. Edison 9 408 00 Twenty dictating machines, fully Industries, f.o.b. transistorized, desk model, com- Peoria delivered plete with dictating accessories and Twelve transcribing machines, fully installed transistorized, desk model, com- plete with transcribing accessories Less trade-in of ten dictating ma- chines and six transcribing ma- One planchet counting system, with Agronomy Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 6 053 50 automatic low background and time Des Plaines f.o.b. printout, consisting of the following delivered components: one sample changer, one printing timer, one sealer, sample pans and one betareference standard radioisotope One program system control center con- Ceramic Barber-Colman Co., 3 534 99 sisting of program selector assembly; Engineering Industrial Instruments f.o.b. timer assembly; plug-in line cords, Division, delivered plugs, and sockets; strip chart 12-in. Chicago potentiometer recorder; and silicon controlled rectifier power unit, 3KVA output at 25 amps, maximum One radio frequency unit with matching Chemistry and Varian Associates, 3 500 00 probe, one crystal for modifying Chemical Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. above for study of lithium, and one Engineering delivered probe insert for above crystal, to be used to study the nuclei of lithium and phosphorous (Note: This purchase is made from both Institutional Funds $3,500.00, and Appropriated Funds, *2,32<S.$dG5, for a total of $5,826.95.) 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 787 Item Department Vendor Cost One spectrophotometer with range of Chemistry and Applied Physics Corp., $ 15 175 00 1750 to 8000 angstroms repetitive Chemical Monrovia, Calif. f.o.b. scan, program timer, mercury arc as- Engineering delivered sembly, thermostable absorption cell compartment, absorptivity recorder and wavelength marker pen for quali- tative and quantitative studies of any ultraviolet or visible absorbing ma- terial in studies of kinetics and struc- ture determinations of purine type compounds One ultracentrifuge, preparative, re- Chemistry and Spinco Division, 9 797 00 frigerated, and with vacuum system Chemical Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. complete with high-capacity angle Engineering Inc., delivered head rotor and high-capacity swing- Palo Alto, Calif. ing bucket rotor, to be used in sepa- rating a lipoprotein component from the electron-transport complex Two X-ray generators and controls, 60 Chemistry and Philips Electronic 9 275 00 kvp., 50 ma., adaptable for X-ray Chemical Instruments, f.o.b. spectrograph with tubehousing, shut- Engineering Chicago delivered ters, filter selector discs and rectifiers, but excluding X-ray tubes, less trade- in of five X-ray generators with tubes Two X-ray diffraction tubes (one copper and one cobalt target) One film illuminator and measuring device Five track and bracket assemblies One lot chemical solvents to be used as General Chemical F. P. Jay Chemicals, Inc., 5 010 77 standard stock in the General Chem- Stores Waukesha, Wis. f.o.b. ical Stores for the fall and winter term delivered of 1963-64 435 items laboratory chemicals to be General Chemical J. T. Baker Chemical Co., 9 406 44 used as stock in the General Chemical Stores Chicago Stores for the fall and winter term of Mallinckrodt Chemical 6 742 78 1963-64 Works. St. Louis, Mo. General Chemical Division , 4 446 57 Allied Chemical Corp., Chicago Fisher Scientific Co-Chicago Quinton Co., Division of 2 537 70 1 882 08 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J. F. P. Jay Chemicals, Inc., 596 10 Waukesha, Wis. (25 611 67) delivered One microwave sweep oscillator, 8,2 to Coordinated Hewlett-Packard Co., 3 090 00 12.4 GC, 10 MW output, with power Science c/o Crossley Associates, f.o.b. leveler; to be used in the Coordinated Laboratory Inc., Palo Alto, Science Laboratory in conjunction Chicago Calif. with federal research projects One X-ray diagnostic system consisting Dental General Electric Co., 62 075 00 of power supply and tube, cine fluo- Radiology, X-Ray Department, delivered roscope, and body section radio- Chicago Milwaukee, Wis. graphic equipment, to be used in the study of the effect of speech and mastication on the jaw joint 5,000 transistors, 15 volt, epitaxial, Digital Computer Motorola Semiconductor 3 250 00 mesa PNP, germanium, switching Laboratory Products, Inc., f.o.b. Chicago Phoenix, Ariz. 1,000 hours special engineering services Electrical Leichner Manufacturing 7 000 00 for design and fabrication of special Engineering Co., f.o.b. electronic equipment for ultrasonic research Champaign Champaign One lathe, toolroom, precision, high Electrical Hardinge Brothers, Inc., 7 798 00 speed, 11-in. swing over bed and 18- Engineering Chicago f.o.b. in. distance between centers, with delivered collets, chucks, taper turning attach- ment, and micrometer carriage stop One ultra-microtome with stereomicro- Entomology Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 3 427 50 scope attachment for use in general Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. laboratory work in the Entomology delivered Depart ment 788 board of trustees [September 18 Hem Department Vendor Cost One heiotherm apparatus for use in Food Science American Instrument t 7 682 50 studies of growth and metabolic re- Co., Inc., f.o.b sponses of psychrophilic microorgan- Barrington Silver isms using a given inoculum or cell Spring, suspension Md. One manometer, special, multiple tube. Mechanical and Carl F. Gast Co., 3 397 00 portable, back lighted, suitable for Industrial St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. photographic recording techniques, Engineering delivered to be used to measure several pres- sures simultaneously on equipment placed in an existing wind tunnel Furnish engineering, materials, and Mechanical and Worthington Corp., 15 475 00 labor to fabricate a steam jet ejector Industrial Chicago f.o.b. unit, capacity to be S lb/hr 100$dG F. Engineering delivered dry air, over-all dimensions not to exceed 43 ft. 3 in. in length and 9 ft. 6 in. hi width (Note: This purchase is made from both Institutional Funds $15,475.00, and Appropriated Funds J15.475.00. for a total of J30.950.00.) Furnish engineering, materials, and Mechanical and Nooter Corp., 4 216 50 labor to fabricate a test chamber, 6 ft. Industrial St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. 1 in, diameter by 6 ft. long Engineering St. Louis, mo. (Note: This purchase is made from both Institutional Funds, $4,216.50, and Appropriated Funds. ?4,216.50, for a total Of $pD8.433.00.) One electrophoresis apparatus with slit- Microbiology The Perkin-Elmer Corp. 8 843 00 cylinder lens system for schlieren and La Grange f.o.b. interference measurements, Polaroid delivered land-camera back, internal power supply and self-contained refrigera- tion system One tape-to-plotter conversion system Physics Microdyne, Inc., Wheeling 5 082 00 fob delivered One each, single crystals, silver and Physics Semi-Elements, Inc., 3 476 00 gold, 99.999 per cent purity, large Saxonburg, Pa. f.o.b. enough so that six specimens may be Saxonburg, obtained from each single crystal with Pa. orientations and lapping 19,500 cc. high purity helium gas* at Physics Gaseous Isotopes Sales, 3 240 00 standard temperature and pressure, Monsanto Chemical Co, f.o.b. supplied in three containers, each of Mound Laboratory, Miamisburg, 6,500 cc. Miamisburg, Ohio Ohio One high-speed digital magnetic tape Physics Control Data Corp., 50 000 00 unit consisting of four magnetic tape Melrose Park f.o.b. drives which shall be electrically and Minneapolis, mechanically compatible with the Minn. connections provided for interconnec- tion of a Control Data Corporation 1607 to CDC types 1604 and 160-A computers, located at the University of Illinois, to be factory reconditioned with a new unit warranty, including all maintenance and parts for a period of ninety days from date of accept- ance Care and maintenance of dogs and cats Psychology Dr. Russell Beaumont, 3 500 00 in a special private animal room, 250 Veterinarian, f.o.b. sq. ft., completely weatherproofed, Urbana delivered air conditioned, and heated, with a maximum permissible temperature range of 70$dG to 80$dG F; facilities must be capable of handling a maximum of 16 dogs and 24 cats simultaneously; however, the average daily number will be five dogs and five cats, for the period October 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965, as part of a special neuro- physiological research project spon- sored by the United States Public Health Service and the Corn Products Institute of Nutrition Two recorders, oscillograph, direct re- Psychology Spinco Division. Beckman 8 925 50 cording with interchangeable pre- Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. amplifiers, two channels wired for Lincolnwood delivered six channels, high sensitivity One ditto, except four channels, wired for six channels Twenty-two films, 16 mm., miscellane- Visual Aids Encyclopaedia 3 360 00 ous black and white and color, less Service Britannica Films, Inc., f.o.b. return of damaged prints Wilmette Wilmette 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 789 Item Department Vendor Cost print and bind 10.000 copies of Robert AUerton House Neely Printing Co., Inc., $ 2 965 00 AUerton Park brochure, trim size 9 in. Chicago f.o.b. by 12 in., approximately forty pages delivered per copy One spectrophotometer, recording Chemistry and Applied Physics Corp., 12 480 00 range 1750-8000 A with ten rectangu- Chemical Monrovia, Calif. f.o.b. lar cylindrical, and semi-micro cells Engineering delivered for use in the separation and purifica- tion of cell membrane proteins of Escherichia Coli One stained glass window panel, French Krannert Art French & Co.. Inc., 6 400 00 thirteenth century, size 69 H >n- high Museum New York. N.Y. f.o.b. by 27J$pD in. wide, from Semur-en- delivered Auxois, consisting of two circular medallions topped by a lunette; the medallions are flanked on four sides by fleur-de-lis and surrounded by wine-leaf border Furnish and install seventy-four aux- Physical Plant, Crossroads Interiors, 4 967 10 iliary sun control draperies, complete Architect's Urbana f.o.b. with hardware, in the Student Serv- Division delivered ices Building and installed Two aircraft, used, 1963 model, Cessna Institute of Walston Aviation. Inc., 3 276 00 150, complete with all standard equip- Aviation East Alton f.o.b. ment plus Narco superhomer naviga- delivered tion equipment, rotating light beacon. ammeter and 35 ampere generator; less credit for trade-in of one aircraft, model L-18 Lockheed, twin engine. complete with communication and navigation equipment On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (21) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period August 1 to 31, 1963. ' Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date National Academy of Development of appropriate meth- $ 65 000 00 June 1, 1963 Sciences --- Highway ods for evaluating the effective- Research ness of stabilizing agents HR 63-4-1 National Academy of Physical factors influencing resist- 72 500 00 March 1, 1963 Sciences --- Highway ance of concrete to deicing agents Research HR 63-6-5 National Aeronautics and Experimental test of general rela- 180 000 00 July 1, 1963 Space Administration tivity NsG-443 National Aeronautics and Investigate electron density and 155 540 00 August 1, 1963 Space Administration collision frequency in the lower NsG-504 regions of the ionosphere United States Air Force Provide instruction for approxi- 65 100 00 July 1, 1963 AF33-(608)-923 mately 84 students United States Army Mechanism of action of various 41 429 00 June 10, 1963 DA-18-108-AMC-183(A) psychotomimetic agents United States Army Acquisition of dynamometer 3 470 00 June 29, 1963 OI-l 1-070-003-09998 United States Depart- Acceleration of intellectual develop- 73 981 00 July 1, 1963 ment of Health, Education, and Welfare ment in early childhood OE-4-10-008 United States Depart- Archeological survey and site sal- 6 000 00 June 25, 1963 ment of the Interior--- vage of the Shelbyville reservoir National Park Service area and Henderson River flood 14-10-0529-2743 control project United States Navy N228-61998 Instruction of officer students 5 500 00 June 25. 1963 Total 2668 520 00 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Joseph C. Munch, Payment in lieu of taxes, for services $ 1 070 78 April 9. 1963 States Attorney of rendered (Hackett property) Moultrie County 790 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 18 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Commercial National Rental of rooms 718-722, seventh $ 6 480 00 July 1, 1963 Bank of Peoria floor, Central National Bank (J270.00 (renewal) Building premises, Peoria, from per month) July 1, 1963, to June 30, 1965, for Division of Services for Crip- pled Children G. W. and Mattie Lee Rental of two-room suite, second 195 00 July 1, 1963 Filberth floor, 719 Main Street, Mount (J65.00 (renewal) Vernon, from July 1, 1963, to per month) September 30, 1963, for Division of Services for Crippled Children Cyril J. Hovey, Jr. Rental of three-room suite, first 2 400 00 July 1, 1963 (renewal) floor, 414 East Main Street, (S100.00 Olney, from July 1, 1963, to June per month) 30, 1965, for Division of Services for Crippled Children V. W. Hurlbert Rental of four rooms, first floor, 602 2 640 00 July I. 1963 (renewal) South Broadway, Urbana, from ($110.00 July 1, 1963, to June 30, 1965. per month) for Division of Services for Crip- pled Children International Business Thirteen items: one calculator; one 37 252 80 March, April, July, Machines Corp. interpreter; one reproducer; and August, 1963 twenty-five keypunches; two tele- phone signal units; one card prov- ing punch; one memory unit; one overlap feature for 1401; one data channel; one data channel con- sole; one nondata select trap Herman Lippold Rental of two-room suite, first floor, 1 920 00 July 1. 1963 223 South Broad Street, Carlin- (S80.00 ville, from July 1, 1963, to June per month) 30, 1965, for Division of Services for Crippled Children Henry S. Miller, Agent Rental of suite 602, sixth floor, 101 3 960 00 July 1, 1963 (renewal) South Fifth Street, Springfield. (2165.00 from July 1, 1963, to June 30, 1965, for Division of Services for per month) Crippled Children National Warm Air Rental of 1014 Lincolnshire Drive, 3 500 00 July 1, 1963 Heating and Air Champaign, from July 1, 1963, to (1250.00 Conditioning Association August 31, 1964, for Small Homes per month) (renewal) Council-Building Research Council 119 North Church Rental of four-room suite, second 6 120 00 July 1, 1963 Street Building Corp. floor, 119 North Church Street, (X255.OO (renewal) Rockford, from July 1, 1963, to per month) June 30, 1965, for Division of Services for Crippled Children Jacob E. and Gladys Rental of premises at 1105 South 13 200 00 July 1, 1963 W. Reisch Sixth Street, Springfield, from (S550.00 (renewal) July 1, 1963, to June 30, 1965, for per month) Division of Services for Crippled Children Security Abstract & Rental of six-rooms, second floor, 10 6 240 00 July 1. 1963 Title Co. West Washington Street, Belle- (S260.00 (renewal) ville, from July 1, 1963, to June per month) 30, 1965, for Division of Services for Crippled Children Sycle & Keefe, Inc. Rental of three-rooms, first floor, 3 000 00 July 1 1963 1510 North Main Street, Bloom- (?125.00 ington, from July 1, 1963, to June per month) 30, 1965, for Division of Services for Crippled Children Charles D. Taylor Rental of space, first floor, 516-520 3 000 00 July 1, 1963 South McKinley Street, Harris- (S125.00 burg, from July 1, 1963, to June per month) 30, 1965. for Division of Services for Crippled Children Theo Wells Rental of concrete-block building, 200 00 June 1, 1963 608 West Tenth Street, Metropo- lis, from June 1,1963, to June 30, 1963, for zoonoses research Theo Wells Rental of concrete-block building. 400 00 July 1. 1963 (renewal) 608 West Tenth Street. Metropo- (J200.00 lis, from July 1, 1963, to August per month) 31, 1963, for zoonoses research Total * 90 507 80 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 791 Contract Changes Amounl to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date American Gas Association Corrosion of steels buried in soils {10 000 00 January 16, 1963 Dawe's Laboratories, Inc. Amino acids in poultry nutrition 1 000 00 July 8, 1963 Illinois Archaeological Survey Archaeological salvage work 1 665 00 August 15, 1963 The Institute of Boiler Performance of steam and hot water 35 740 00 July 1, 1963 and Radiator heating systems Manufacturers Moorman Manufacturing Co. Pig starter rations 2 600 00 July 31, 1963 National Aeronautics Electron content and variations in 119 083 00 July 1, 1963 and Space the upper ionosphere q in lnio v ici l iun NsG-24-59 State of Illinois Depart- Highway problems 16 500 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-2 State of Illinois Depart- Riveted and bolted structural joints 11 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-5 State of Illinois Depart- Impact on highway bridges 25 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-9 State of Illinois Department of Public Works Prestressed reinforced concrete 29 500 00 May 29, 1963 highway bridges and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-10 State of Illinois Depart- Soil exploration and mapping 30 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-12 State of Illinois Depart- Soil-aggregate mixtures for highway 25 200 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works pavement and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-46 State of Illinois Depart- Chemical stabilization of soils 7 500 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-47 State of Illinois Depart- Vehicular speed regulation 27 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-53 State of Illinois Depart- Equipment for roadside cover 18 500 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-58 State of Illinois Depart- Highway medians 20 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-S9 State of Illinois Depart-man ?\S a,,, 1|! .* \Knplo Welded highway structures 26 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment oi ru duc w orKs and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-64 State of Illinois Depart- Drainage laws and practices 16 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-6S 792 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 18 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date State of Illinois Depart- Woody ground cover $\3 500 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-66 State of Illinois Department rvf Ptihlir* Wnrka mem oi riiuiic ituiib Grasses and their establishment 12 000 00 May 29, 1963 and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-67 State of Illinois Depart- Guide lines for appraisals 3 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-68 State of Illinois Depart- Traffic-linkage patterns 6 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-69 State of Illinois Depart- Social factors and traffic 10 100 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-70 State of Illinois Depart- Impact on urban real estate values 20 000 00 May 29. 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-71 State of Illinois Department of Public Works Creep in structural concrete 17 500 00 May 29, 1963 and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-72 State of Illinois Depart- Fatigue failure in concrete 17 500 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-73 State of Illinois Depart- Seal coats and surface treatments 14 500 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division oi Highways IHR-75 State of Illinois Depart- Lime stabilization of soils 17 000 00 May 29, 1963 ment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways IHR-76 United States Air Force Dynamic characteristics of skin- 11 712 00 August 9, 1963 AF33(6S7)-11715 stiffener panels United States Army Anti-radiation drugs 24 948 00 June 28. 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2047 United States Navy NObs-86ll2 Pressure vessel design 7 000 00 July 23, 1963 Total J597 048 00 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Twelve items: $117.85 deduct to $ 440 89 July, 1963 (Plastering) J287.59 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date George S. Grimmett Thirty-three items: $25.00 to $ 8 415 00 July and August, (Plastering) $3000.00 1963 Summary Total amount to be paid to the University................... $1 265 568 00 Total amount to be paid by the University. ... ....... 100 434 47 This report was received for record. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 793 QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (22) The Comptroller presented his quarterly report to the Board as of Tune 30, 1963. This report was received for record, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (23) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of endowment funds for the month of July, 1963: Endowment Pool Purchase $ 65 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 $ 65 043 75 Miller Temporary Endowment Sale 500 rts Consolidated Edison $ 187 42 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reported the following changes in investments of unexpended plant and current funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Purchase $1 000 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/26/63 $994 855 00 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 175 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/17/63 $173 588 87 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 78 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/17/63 $ 77 373 01 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Sale $ 6 000 U. S. Treasury bills Purchase $ 45 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/63 12/12/63 ? 5 $ 44 996 415 50 40 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Sale $ 65 000 U. S. Treasury bills Purchase $ 120 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/63 10/17/63 $ 64 $119 945 035 83 40 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Sale $ 8 000 U. S. Treasury bills 45 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2% per cent Purchase $ 75 000 U. S. Treasury bills 25 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/18/63 8/15/63 9/12/63 10/24/63 $ 7 44 $ 74 24 993 971 643 800 22 88 75 63 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Purchase $ 68 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/19/63 $ 67 628 87 Student Services Building (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 40 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/19/63 $ 39 781 69 794 board of trustees [September 18 Sinking Funds Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958; June 23 and October 21, 1959- June 14, 1960; June 21, 1961; and May 24 and October 17, 1962) Purchase $ 46 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/19/63 $ 45 497 78 (The following transactions took place in previous periods, but they have not yet been reported.) Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959) Purchase ? 22 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/21/63 $21847 41 25 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/19/63 24 726 11 Women's Residence Halls of 1956 (September 18, 1956, and February 15, 1961) Sale $ 1 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 8/15/64 ? 1 010 91 On motion of Mr. Williamson, this report was accepted for record. CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS LAND TRANSFERS TO AND FROM COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY (24) At its April 17, 1963, meeting, the Board of Trustees authorized an arrangement with Commonwealth Edison Company whereby that company will contribute to the cost of certain work to be done by the University in erecting a screening wall around Commonwealth Edison's Vernon Park Substation in the area of the Congress Circle Campus and in refacing parts of the southerly portion of the substation building. At that time it was recognized that transfers of land between the University and Commonwealth Edison might be required to accomplish the work. It has now been determined that the proper placement of the University's screening wall requires the acquisition by the University of approximately 106 square feet of land from the Commonwealth Edison Company at the northeast corner of its Vernon Park Substation which that Company is willing to sell to the University. It has also been determined that the refacing of the southerly portion of the substation wall will cause the same to encroach upon the University's property by approximately 106 square feet and Commonwealth Edison Company has requested that this area be sold to them. The Department of Urban Renewal of the city of Chicago has approved the sale of this land to Commonwealth Edison, as required by the University's contract with the City. A sales price of $1,008 per square foot (the price at which the University acquired its property from the City) has been negotiated for each of the proposed transfers. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the foregoing purchase and sale transactions with Commonwealth Edison Company be authorized. Funds for the purchase are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur and recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Be It, and It Hereby Is Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and Secretary of this Corporation are authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge, and deliver, in the name and on behalf of this Corporation, a quitclaim deed and such other instruments of conveyance, contract, or other documents, and to provide such evidence of insurance of title, as to them may seem necessary or desirable in order to convey and quitclaim to Commonwealth Edison Company, an Illinois corporation, its successors and assigns, this Corporation's interest in and to the following described property, consisting of approximately 106 square feet located in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois, upon payment by said Commonwealth Edison Company to this Corporation of the sum of $106.85 as the consideration therefor: A tract of land in the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 39 North, Range 14 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, described as follows: 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 795 Beginning at a point on the West line of South Peoria Street (60 feet wide) which is 226.62 feet South of the North line of Lot 12 in the Subdivision of Block 2 of Canal Trustees' Subdivision in said Section 17 (3366. 00N. - 562. 53W.); thence North 90$dG OO'-OO" East along the Grid Coordinate line 3366.00 North, a distance of 0.64 feet to the Grid Coordinate Line 561.89 West (3366. 00N.-561.89W.); thence South 00$dG OO'-OO" West along the Grid Coordinate Line 561.89 West, a distance of 74.31 feet to the Grid Coordinate Line 3291.69 North (3291.69N. -561.89W.); thence South 90$dG OO'-OO" West along the Grid Coordinate Line 3291.69 North, a distance of 103.22 feet to the Grid Coordinate Line 665.11 West (3291.69N. -665.11W); thence North 00$dG OO'-OO" East along the Grid Coordinate Line 665.11 West, a distance of 104.78 feet to the Grid Coordinate Line 3396.47 North (3396.47N.-665.11W); thence North 90$dG OO'-OO" East along the Grid Coordinate Line 3396.47 North, a distance of 0.31 feet to the West line of Lots 1 to 12, both inclusive, in the Subdivision of Block 2, aforesaid (3396.47N. - 664.80W.); thence South 00$dG 03'-09" West along the West line of said Lots 1 to 12, both inclusive, a distance of 104.61 feet to the North line of West Vernon Park Place (3291.86N.-664.90W.); thence North 89$dG 52'-14" East along the North line of West Vernon Park Place, a distance of 102.31 feet to the West line of South Peoria Street (3292.09N. -562.59W.); thence North 00$dG O2'-39" East along the West line of South Peoria Street, a distance of 73.91 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 106 Square Feet, more or less. Note: The coordinates given in parentheses following the description of each point are based upon the University of Illinois, Congress Circle, Rectangular Coordinate System. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dillard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. EASEMENTS AND LICENSES RELATING TO CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS (25) The University's contract with the city of Chicago for the acquisition of the Congress Circle Campus site provides that certain public streets through and adjoining the campus will remain open and contemplates that the University will receive easements across some of these streets for pedestrian bridges and underpasses and for University utility lines. The city of Chicago has passed appropriate ordinances authorizing the grant of these easements to the University. Receipt of the formal easement documents is expected in the near future. The acquisition contract also provides for the closing of other public streets and alleys, but permits the City to convey title to the University subject to necessary easements for underground utilities. Many of the existing city and public utility lines to remain on the site are situated in areas that were public streets and alleys which were vacated by ordinances of the city immediately prior to the conveyances to the University. These vacation ordinances reserve easements to the City and to utility companies to enable them to operate, maintain, replace, and renew existing service facilities at their present locations in the vacated streets and alleys, such easements to terminate upon the abandonment or release of the facilities or upon their relocation outside the vacated street or alley. In addition, the vacation ordinances for the streets and alley surrounding the Commonwealth Edison Company's Vernon Park Substation reserve to that company the right of access to the substation. The easements reserved in the vacation ordinances are in favor of the city of Chicago for its water, sewer, and fire alarm system lines; the Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Company for its gas lines; the Commonwealth Edison Company for its electric lines (and access to its substation as noted above) ; and the Illinois Bell Telephone Company for its telephone lines. Descriptions of the specific locations of the utility lines in the vacated streets and alleys are being developed, and when these are available it is contemplated that the City and the various utilities will relinquish their rights in the portions of the vacated streets and alleys not required for the maintenance of the existing lines to remain in place. 796 board of trustees [September 18 In addition to the above easements reserved in the vacation ordinances, the City and the various utility companies will require new easements from the University so that certain utility lines can be relocated or routed over the site to accommodate the University's construction. For that portion of its fire alarm system that will be located in the University's utility tunnel, the City will require a license from the University. The locations of these new easements and licenses have been developed by the University's architects and engineers in cooperation with the City and each of the utilities involved. Also it may become desirable to grant new easements at the time the City and public utilities relinquish some of the areas covered by the vacation ordinances. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that, with respect to the portion of the Congress Circle Campus site now owned by the University, easements or licenses be granted to the city of Chicago for its water, sewer, and fire alarm lines, to Commonwealth Edison Company for its electric lines and access to its Vernon Park Substation, to Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Company for its gas lines, and to Illinois Bell Telephone Company for its telephone lines. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Be It, and It Hereby Is Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and Secretary of this Corporation are authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this Corporation such instruments of grant, conveyance, contract, or other documents as to them may seem necessary or desirable in order to grant to the grantees and for the purposes hereinafter designated, easements or licenses under, through, and across those parcels of real estate, located in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois, conveyed to this Corporation by City of Chicago, a municipal corporation of the State of Illinois, (a) by a certain deed dated April 19, 1963, recorded May 3, 1963, with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, as Document 18786647 and filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Cook County, as Document LR 2089129, and (b) by a certain deed dated July 18, 1963, recorded August 1, 1963, with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, as Document 18871166. Said grantees and purposes are as follows: (1) City of Chicago, a municipal corporation of the State of Illinois for the purpose of accommodating its underground water, sewer and fire alarm system lines and facilities, together with appropriate access thereto; (2) Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, an Illinois corporation, for the purpose of accommodating its underground gas lines and facilities, together with appropriate access thereto; (3) Commonwealth Edison Company, an Illinois corporation, for the purpose of accommodating its underground electric lines and facilities, together with appropriate access thereto, and for the purpose of providing said grantee suitable ingress and egress to said grantee's property adjoining or within said parcels of real estate; and (4) Illinois Bell Telephone Company, an Illinois corporation, for the purpose of accommodating its underground telephone lines and facilities, together with appropriate access thereto. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. STATE LEGISLATION AFFECTING THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS (26) There is presented for the information of the Board a list of Acts of the Seventy-third General Assembly of Illinois in its regular session of 1963 directly affecting the University, including the appropriations to the University. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 797 I. Acts Relating to the Operating and Capital Budgets of the University Senate Bill 1025. Appropriates $168,890,681 to provide for the operation of the University during the biennium of 1963-6S: From the General Revenue Fund..............$153 390 681 From the University Income Fund............. 15 500 000 House Bill 965. Appropriates $192,000 for operation of the Institution of Tuberculosis Research. Senate Bill 1177, Declares certain building projects to be in the public interest pursuant to the Illinois Building Authority Act. Included are the following University of Illinois projects: Equipment for buildings constructed from Universities Building Fund........................$ 4 799 500 Land acquisition Urbana-Champaign............ 1 000 200 Planning funds to complete architectural studies for Congress Circle........................... 900 000 Civil Engineering Building.................... 4 216 000 Veterinary Medicine Clinic.................... 4 000 000 $ 14 915 700 Senate Bill 1226. Appropriates $5,108,840 to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois from the General Revenue Fund for permanent improvements: Remodeling, rehabilitation, and modernization of existing buildings.............................$ 2 900 000 Improvements to protect life and property...... 258 840 Extension of utilities.......................... 1 950 000 Senate Bill 1221. Reappropriates $74,400,000 from the Universities Building Fund to the Board of Trustees for capital improvements started in 1961-63. Includes new items of $2,000,000 for an addition to the Biology Building and $3,000,000 for an addition to the East Chemistry Building. Senate Bill 1233. Appropriates sums to various State Agencies to pay rentals to the Illinois Building Authority. Included was $1,790,000 for the University of Illinois. II. Other Legislation House Bill 137. Amends Sections 2 and 8 of the Fair Employment Practices Act. Provides that "employer" includes and means the state of Illinois and any political subdivision. Provides for oral argument before the Commission on review. House Bill 665. Prohibits the sale of alcoholic liquor within 1,500 feet of the campus of any state university. Exempts places of business selling beer only, which are in operation on the effective date of the act. House Bill 735. Appropriates $80,000 to the Department of Agriculture to study the treatment and control of diseases of swine and livestock. Authorizes the Director of Agriculture to establish a swine disease control committee and requires the department to arrange for such research to be carried on and conducted by the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Illinois. House Bill 829. Amends the School Code to increase the number of teachers scholarships awarded per high school. Increases number of county scholarships from one to two per county. Provides for the use of both types of scholarships at any of the state universities. House Bill 842. Changes various provisions in the University of Illinois Retirement System Act including an increase in the maximum retirement annuity from 60 to 70 per cent, for those persons beyond age sixty with thirty-four or more years of service. The increase is at the rate of 14 per cent for each year of employment beyond age sixty. 798 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 18 House Bill 1148. Amends an act regulating the Illinois Industrial University. Changes the name of the act to "An Act in Relation to the Regulation of the University of Illinois" and updates provisions to conform with present program of the University. Clarifies authority of the Board of Trustees to determine nature of military program offered. House Bill 1181. Authorizes the Teachers College Board to establish a branch of Northern Illinois University in the northern half of the state to provide vocational and technical training and to make provisions for furnishing of extension services by the University, subject to the approval of the State Board of Higher Education. Senate Bill 353. Amends Section 14 of and adds Section 14a to an Act in relation to state finance. Provides that upon the death of a state employee, his heirs shall be entitled to receive the sum for any accrued vacation period as would have been paid to such employee had he survived. Senate Bill 421. Amends Section 13 of an Act relating to state finance. Repeals the required itemization of appropriations based on each function and activity of state agencies. Senate Bill 434. Amends Section 35.6 of the Civil Administrative Code. Provides that all postage stamps purchased from state funds must be procured by the Department of Finance and perforated for identification purposes. Senate Bill 594. Appropriates $96,500 to the Illinois Racing Board from the Agriculture Premium Fund for the purposes of research on equine diseases, the establishment of a development center, and for naming scholarships for study on equine diseases to students at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. Senate Bill 731. Authorizes the University of Illinois and Southern Illinois University Boards of Trustees and the Teachers College Board to transfer jurisdiction of property to the Illinois Building Authority with the approval of the Governor. Senate Bill 754. Declares the construction of a Materials Research Laboratory for use by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to be in the public interest. Senate Bill 802. Provides for the establishment of County Agricultural and Home Economics Extension Councils and County Extension Boards to cooperate with the University of Illinois College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service in conducting educational programs in agriculture. Authorizes extension of tax to finance same. Senate Bill 858. Extends powers of University of Illinois Police Department (at Urbana) to include same powers as policemen in cities, and sheriffs. Senate Bill 1043. Conveys certain real estate (Neuropsychiatric Institute) in Chicago to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Senate Bill 1044. Conveys certain real estate (site for Mental Health clinic) in Champaign County by the Board of Trustees of the University of Minos to the state of Illinois. Senate Bill 1094. Amends Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of an Act to provide for the identification of state-owned vehicles to provide that the words "State of Illinois" in letters three inches high shall appear on the front doors of all state vehicles not specifically exempted from the Act, with the words "For official use" in letters two inches high to appear immediately below. Senate Bill 1098-99. Amends Section 14 of an Act in relation to state finance to authorize State universities to permit their employees to accept reduced compensation and receive in lieu thereof the payment of premiums on annuity contracts. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 799 Senate Bill 1161. Amends Sections 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 of Illinois Building Authority Act to extend duties of the Authority and provide for the keeping of rental records. Provides that bonds must mature within forty years and increases maximum interest rate from 4 per cent to S per cent. Senate Bill 1173-74. Amends Section 1 of the Retailers Occupation Tax Act and Section 2 of the Use Tax Act. Deletes provisions that tax may be added to rental cost of personal property. Subjects sale of school books to the taxes. This report was received for record. CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1963-65 (27) The Seventy-third General Assembly appropriated funds for land, buildings, and other capital improvements at the University of Illinois for the biennium 1963-65: From the General Revenue Fund for: Remodeling, rehabilitation, and modernization of existing buildings $2 900 000 Improvements to protect life and property........................ 258 840 Extension of utilities........................................... 1 950 000 Total...................................................... $5 108 840 From the Universities Building Fund for: Reappropriation of $74,400,000 for capital improvements started in 1961-63; including new items of $2,000,000 for an addition to the Biology Building and $3,000,000 for an addition to the East Chemistry Building. I recommend that the Board appropriate these funds for the purposes indicated as the funds become available, including the transfer from Contingencies to individual projects of such amounts as may become necessary within the total sum appropriated. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appropriations and assignments of funds were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; resignations, declinations, and cancellations; leaves of absence; cancellations of sabbatical leaves of absence; retirements. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Abdella, Mrs. G. A. Christina, Assistant in French, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $466.67 a month (8-3-63). Addy, Alva L., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $9,000 (7-24-63). Alexander, John R., Jr., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (8-23-63). Allhands, Jessie, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,600 (8-26-63). Altenbernd, A. Lynn, Associate Professor of English and Executive Secretary of the Department of English, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $10,100 a year (7-18-63). Anand, Satish Chandra, Research Associate in Agronomy (S), five months from September 1, 1963, $6,500 a year (8-7-63). Anast, Basil P., Assistant Professor of Parasitology, Department of Medicine (Medicine), Y% time, two years from September 1, 1963, $6,880 a year (7-26-63). 800 board of trustees [September 18 Andermann, Robert E., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1 1963, $5,700 (7-25-63). Anderson, Rachel E., Assistant Editor in the University Press, yS time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,125 (7-18-63). Anderson, Robert W., Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $11,500 (7-29-63). Anderson, William L., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey (Graduate College), eleven months from August 1, 1963, $6,580 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Andrews, Richard D., Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), one month from August 1, 1963, $550 (7-25-63). Archer, William K., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, one year from September 1, 1963, $10,000, supersedes (8-5-63). Arlon, Ary J., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,000 (7-18-63). Arnold, Marjorie L., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (8-12-63). Athineos, Emil, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (7-25-63). Azuma, Yasuo, Research Associate in Food Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,200 (8-26-63). Banks, Richard T., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-29-63). Banks, Robert B., Professor of Fluid Mechanics, indefinite tenure, and Dean of the College of Engineering, two years (Chicago Undergraduate Division), from September 1, 1963, $21,000 a year (7-26-63). Barnard, Herbert M., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, V2 time, and Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Vi time (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,650 (8-14-63). Bateman, Barbara, Research Assistant Professor in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (8-8-63). Bateman, Felice D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,600 (8-26-63). Bauer, Rudolf P., Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1963 $6,300 (8-5-63). Bayer, Rudolf, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, August 8-September 15, 1963, $466.67 a month (8-5-63). Baym, Mrs. Nina Z., Instructor in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (8-26-63). Beevers, Leonard, Assistant Professor of Horticulture (C and S), September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,600 a year (8-20-63). Bekiares, Byron T., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,600 (8-19-63). Bereskin, Ben, Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,200 (8-20-63). Berg, Charles R., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (8-23-63). Bernal, Emilia, Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (8-12-63). Betz, Thomas W., Research Assistant in Zoology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-3-63). Bhan, Suraj, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), seven months from February 1, 1964, $7,000 a year (8-19-63). Biegler, Thomas, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-26-63). Billings, Alan G., Instructor in Speech and Theatre, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,800 (6-24-63). Bischoff, Mrs. Noyce L., Research Assistant in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (7-10-63). Blaylock, William C, Assistant in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1963, $6,500, supersedes (8-23-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 801 Bliss, Rachel, Associate Professor of Nursing, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $10,400 a year, supersedes (8-7-63). Bobren, Howard M., Research Assistant Professor of Psychology, in the Department of Psychology and in the Institute of Communications Research, one year from September 1, 1963, $10,000 (8-26-63). Bohm, Larry G., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey (Graduate College), one year from September 1, 1963, $4,416 (8-8-63). Bosweix, Jeb, Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), IX time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (8-21-63). Bourgin, Rose C., Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-26-63). Bowers, Kenneth, Clinical Counselor in the Student Counseling Service with rank of Instructor (Provost's Office), % time, one year from September 1, 1963, $S,625 (8-21-63). Brady, Leonard E., Instructor in Organic Chemistry, 7/10 time, and Research Associate in Organic Chemistry, 3/10 time, nine months from September 16, 1963, $7,200 (8-26-63). Brancaforte, Mrs. Charlotte L., Assistant in German, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,000 (8-3-63). Brent, George W., Instructor in Prosthodontics (Dentistry), Vk time, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,000 (7-17-63). Bresich, Zagorka, Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center), 1/10 time, June 17-August 31, 1963, $1,200, supersedes (7-25-63). Brodie, Barbara, Instructor in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-18-63). Brodie, Bruce, Associate Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $10,700 a year (7-26-63). Brody, Mrs. Lita H., Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,200 (8-26-63). Brokaw, Kurt J., Instructor in Advertising, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,600 (8-23-63). Bronsky, David, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,200 (8-12-63). Browns, Herschel L., Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), 4/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,400 (8-12-63). Brun, Herbert J., Visiting Research Associate in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $8,000 (8-23-63). Bryant, Robert H., Instructor in Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (8-12-63). Burke, James A., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-18-63). Burmeister, John L., Instructor in Inorganic Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,000 (8-12-63). Burnett, Mrs. Jacquetta H., Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (7-17-63). Butler, Jackie D., Instructor in Turf Extension (Horticulture) (C, S, and E), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,600, supersedes (8-19-63). Byng, Dennis E., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-26-63). Campbell, James L., Instructor in Music, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,550 (7-26-63). Carbonneau, Marvin C, Assistant Professor of Floriculture Extension (Horticulture) (C and E), July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,600 a year, supersedes (8-19-63). Carlsen, Tomiko, Research Assistant in Oral Pathology (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (8-7-63). Carroll, John R., Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (C), i/z time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,900 (7-18-63). Casteel, David A., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey (Graduate College), eleven months from August 1, 1963, $5,300 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). 802 board of trustees [September 18 Caveny, Charles C, Assistant to the President in charge of the Chicago Office of the President, with rank of Professor, September 1, 1963, and continuing on a month-to-month basis until further notice, $1,500 per month (7-8-63). Chacko, Cheruvathur I., Research Associate in Plant Pathology (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (8-20-63). Chao, Bei Tse, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, V4 time, and of Nuclear Engineering, V& time, (C), on indefinite tenure; and Associate Member Gf the Center for Advanced Study, Vz time, one year, from September 1, 1963, and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 2/?, time, and of Nuclear Engineering, VS time, (C), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $16,000 a year (8-8-63). Chapman, Peter J., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,600 (7-17-63). Churchwell, Mrs. Yvonne R., Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,400, supersedes (8-19-63). Clark, Shirley A., Assistant Professor of Family Relationships (Home Economics) (C and S), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,700 (7-17-63). Coddington, Mrs. Bertha M., Commerce and Sociology Librarian in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,300 (8-12-63). Cole, Howard C, Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1963, June 17-August 10, 1963, $1,400 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session (7-17-63). Coombs, Fred S., Research Associate in Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,000, supersedes (8-27-63). Coston, Charles J., Research Associate in Chemical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (8-26-63). Coukoulis, Mrs. Helen, Research Assistant in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,300 (8-14-63). Crawford, Arden L., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,600 (8-19-63). Crumlish, Brian J., Research Associate in the Small Homes Council---Building Research Council, August 16, 1963-May 31, 1964, $1,000 a month (8-8-63). Das, Sumitra, Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine), August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,760 a year (8-8-63). Dauphin, Keith P., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey (Graduate College), eleven months from August 1, 1963, $4,320 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Davis, Charles S., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), i/$ time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,500 (8-12-63). DeFries, John C, Assistant Professor of Dairy Science (C and S), two years from September 1, 1963, $9,600 a year, on leave of absence for eleven months from October 1, 1963 (7-18-63). Denmark, William L., Assistant Professor of Climatology (Horticulture) (S), two years from September 1, 1963, without salary (8-20-63). DeTurk, Phillip E., Instructor in City Planning and Landscape Architecture, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $6,000 a year (8-12-63). DeWitt, Mrs. Carol L., Assistant in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-10-63). Diamond, Mrs. Anita M., Assistant Supervisor of Testing in the Student Counseling Service (Provost's Office), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (8-23-63). Dimmitt, Donald P., Instructor in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (7-22-63). Dixon, Mrs. Margie K., Assistant in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (7-13-63). Dodds, Bernard F., Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (7-17-63). Donovan, Dennis G., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600, supersedes (8-14-63). Dua, Ramji Dass, Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-17-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 803 Dudley, James, Instructor in Elementary Education, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-22-63). Dumas, D. Gilbert, Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,000 (7-17-63). Dunphy, Edward J., Assistant in Biometry and in Soil Fertility (Agronomy) (C and S), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,300 (8-14-63)., James G., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), two years from September 1, 1963, $10,100 a year (7-26-63). Edwards, William R., Research Associate in the Illinois Natural History Survey (Graduate College), eleven months from August 1, 1963, $8,000 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Ellis, Jack A., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey (Graduate College), eleven months from August 1, 1963, $7,500 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Ellis, Ralph J., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey (Graduate College), eleven months from August 1, 1963, $6,840 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Engel, Mrs. Frieda H., Assistant Professor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,125 (8-7-63). Erwin, Joseph C, Assistant Professor of Pathology (Medicine), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (8-21-63). Farris, Robert E., Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering (S), August 16- September 15, 1963, full time, $8,000 a year, and from September 16, 1963, through August 31, 1964, J4 time, $6,000 a year, supersedes (8-26-63). Feltner, Charles E., Research Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,600 a year, supersedes (8-12-63). Feltskog, Elmer N., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400, supersedes (8-14-63). Ferris, Donald R., Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $11,000 (8-26-63). Fink, Gilbert L., Supervisor of Special Services and Occupational Therapy, with rank of Instructor, Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services (College of Physical Education), two months from July 1, 1963, $7,000 a year, and for one year from September 1, 1963, $7500 (7-15-63). Fischer, Freda S., Assistant Research Programmer in the Digital Computer Laboratory, 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,500 (7-12-63). Ford, Robert M., Assistant Professor of Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (8-23-63). Foster, Merlin J., Research Programmer in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (8-27-63). Fox, Mrs. Ann M., Instructor in Library Science (Graduate School of Library Science), 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,000 (7-24-63). Frank, Evelyn, Professor of Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 16-August 31, 1963, $3,112 (7-19-63). Freund, Eric C, Assistant Professor in the Bureau of Community Planning, two years from September 1, 1963, $9,500 a year (7-26-63). Friedman, Mrs. Dorothy M., Research Associate in Education (University High School), five months from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (7-17-63). Friend, George L., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600, supersedes (8-23-63). Fuller, Gerald R., Assistant Professor of Vocational and Technical Education, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,050 (7-29-63). Gallagher, Robert E., Associate Professor of English, indefinite tenure, 1/2 time, and Assistant Director of University Honors Programs, one year, Vi time (Chicago Undergraduate Division), from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,500 a year (7-24-63). Gallios, John, Instructor in Pedodontics (Dentistry), 2/$pD time, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,840 (8-26-63). Gantt, Clarence L., Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), two years from September 1, 1963, $16,000 a year (8-7-63). 804 board of trustees [September 18 Garcia-Moliner, Carmen, Research Associate in Botany, V5 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,650 (8-12-63). Geanakoplos, Deno J., Associate Member of Center for Advanced Study, for the second semester of 1963-64, and Professor of History, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $14,000 a year (8-8-63). Geil, Wilma J., Music Library Assistant in the Library, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (7-22-63). Gerstner, Otto, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1 1963, $7,500 (8-23-63). Gobbel, Mrs. Gertrude G., Instructor in Child Development (Home Economics) (C and S), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,000 (7-22-63). Goldberg, Bruce C.f Instructor in Philosophy, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,200 (6-8-63). Gooch, Jay D., Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C) one year from September 1, 1963, $11,000 (7-29-63). Goodisman, Jerry, Instructor in Physical Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,200 (8-12-63). Goodwin, Nancy-Lee, Head Resident, Taft Hall, ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,700; for the convenience of the University she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (8-19-63). Gracie, Gordon, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (C), two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,000 a year (7-25-63). Grady, John E., Instructor in Histology (Dentistry), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,750 (6-28-63). Gray, Eva W., Instructor in Mathematics, 14 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $1,600 (8-26-63). Graziani, Dino F., Research Assistant in Pathology (Medicine), July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,600 a year (7-16-63). Gridley, Roy E., Research Assistant in English, two months from June 16, 1963, $889 (7-18-63). Griffin, Robert S., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 2/5 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (8-12-63). Guckel, Henry, Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,200 (7-15-63). Gulstad, Mrs. Wilma R., Serials Assistant in the Library, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,800 (7-18-63). Gunnar, Rolf M., Associate Professor of Medicine (Medicine), Vi time, September 15, 1963-August 31, 1964, $4,000 a year, supersedes (8-12-63). Gustowska, Mrs. Irena, Research Assistant in Pediatrics (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, $5,150 (7-25-63). Haag, Rudolf, Professor of Physics (C), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $15,700 a year, supersedes (8-12-63). Haase, Gerhard H., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 14 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,900 (8-21-63). Hagstrom, Annie, Instructor in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,000 (7-18-63). Hall, William J., Professor of Civil Engineering (C), indefinite tenure, to render service during each academic year, and Associate Member of Center for Advanced Study, one year, from September 1, 1963, $14,500 a year; and Professor of Civil Engineering (C), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year (8-5-63). Hammond, Samuel B., Research Associate in Psychology, V2 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,500 (8-26-63). Handler, Paul, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, J4 time, and of Physics, 14 time, (C), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $12,200 a year, supersedes (8-12-63). Hanson, Mrs. Dolores M., Assistant Editor in the Office of Public Information, \/i time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (7-29-63). Haque, Riaz-ul, Instructor in Microbiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (7-25-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 805 Hakdenbhook, Harry Jk., Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $14,400 a year (7-26-63). Hasuna, Ichiro, Research Associate in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500, supersedes (8-23-63). Hatch, Ray D., Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, and of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology (College of Veterinary Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $13,950 a year (7-26-63). Hayashi, Masaki, Research Assistant Professor of Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,200, supersedes (8-23-63). Helbling, Saka Y., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), July 15-August 31, 1963, $475 a month (8-7-63). Helm, Alice, Assistant in Microbiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-21-63). Helper, Lloyd C, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine) and of Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), two years from September 1, 1963, $10,300 a year (8-20-63). Henne, Bertrand W., Assistant (Flight) in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,410 (8-19-63). Hennes, James D., Assistant in the Office of Instructional Television (Provost's Office), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600 (8-22-63). Herndon, Mary S., Instructor in Household Equipment (Home Economics) (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-8-63). Hesselmann, Paul R., Assistant Health Physicist, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (8-2-63). Hewitt, John R., Instructor in Advertising, 1A time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,250 (8-14-63). Hiki, Yosio, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (7-17-63). Hilker, Carl F., Jr., Assistant (Flight) in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-19-63). Hochhauser, Martin, Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology (Medicine), 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,560 (8-8-63). Hodgman, Donald R., Professor of Economics, 2/3 time, indefinite tenure, and Associate Member of Center for Advanced Study, V3 time, two years from September 1, 1963, and Professor of Economics, full time, indefinite tenure, beginning September 1, 1965, to render service during each academic year, $15,500 a year (8-8-63). Hoffman, Gerald K., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), y$pD time, July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $2,400 a year (8-12-63). Hogan, James, Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,300, supersedes (8-5-63). Horwitz, Olga, Research Associate in Oral Pathology (Dentistry), 2/5 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,200 (7-18:63). Houghton, Florence M., Instructor in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-18-63). Huang, Samuel J., Research Associate in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,100 a year (7-26-63). Hunt, James G., Instructor in Industrial Administration (College of Commerce and Business Administration), Yi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,500 (6-6-63). Hunt, J. McV., Professor of Psychology, one year from July 1, 1963, $20,150; and Professor of Psychology, indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year (7-25-63). Hurtig, Martin, Assistant Professor of Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,500 a year (8-7-63). Hutton, Wilbert H., Jr., Kettering Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $9,500 (8-26-63). Imhulse Donald W., Instructor in Business English, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,200 (8-12-63). ItataNi, Hiroshi, Research Associate in Chemistry, September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $7,200 a year (8-23-63). 806 board of trustees [September 18 Jackson, Daniel K., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1963 $S,800 (7-18-63). Jacob, Monique, Research Associate in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500, supersedes (8-23-63). Jansen, Peter, Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1963 $5,800 (6-6-63). Jean, William H., Instructor in Finance, academic year beginning September 1 1963, $8,000 (7-17-63). Jenks, Richard D., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), full time for five months from September 1, 1963, $2,500, and 2/3 time for seven months from February 1, 1964, $2,333.33, supersedes (8-23-63). Jenne, William, Research Associate in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,500 (8-26-63). Johnson, Peter, Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-12-63). Johnson, Richard M., Instructor in Political Science, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,000 (7-29-63). Johnson, Walter M., Professor of Art (College of Fine and Applied Arts), 1/1 time (Vi time during the academic year), indefinite tenure, $5,000 a year, and Head of Extension in Visual Arts (Division of University Extension), 3/s time (1/2 time during the academic year and full time during the summer), two years from September 1, 1963, $7,222 a year, supersedes (8-16-63). Johnson, Weldon A., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (College of Pharmacy), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,750 (8-26-63). Jokela, Jalmer J., Assistant Professor of Forestry (C and S), two years from September 1, 1963, $9,500 a year, supersedes (8-20-63). Jones, Barclay G., Instructor in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,500 (8-19-63). Jones, Robert L., Research Associate in Soil Mineralogy (Agronomy) (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (7-25-63). Joselyn, George B., Research Assistant in the State Natural History Survey, eleven months from August 1, 1963, $6,000 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Jozwiak, Robert L., Instructor in Elementary Education, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-22-63). Kaczkowski, Henry R., Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $9,300 (8-26-63). Katague, David B., Instructor in Chemistry (Pharmacy), Y2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,000 (8-12-63). Keller, Karl B., Research Engineer in Physics (C), July 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,000 a year (8-19-63). Kelly, J. Robert, Professor of Music, indefinite tenure, to render service during each academic year, and Associate Member in the Center for Advanced Study, one year, from September 1, 1963, $11,100 a year; and Professor of Music, on indefinite tenure from September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year (8-8-63). Kent, Mrs. Joaxn G., Acting Binding Librarian in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1. 1963, $6,800, supersedes (8-26-63). Khedroo, Lawrence G., Clinical Assistant Professor of Anatomy (Medicine), 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,000 (8-21-63). Kim, Mrs. Eun Kyung, Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (7-10-63). Kindelsperger, Ronald D., Instructor in Pedodontics (Dentistry), j4 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,400 (8-26-63). Kirkwood, Billy D., Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $11,500 (7-29-63). Klein, Ktjkt, Acting Head of Department of Russian, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $500; this is in addition to his appointment as Assistant Professor of Russian (5-28-63). Kline, Tilde S., Clinical Instructor in Pathology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (8-12-63). Knies, Earl A., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600, supersedes (8-14-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 807 Koertge, Henry H., Sanitary Engineering Associate in the Health Service, one year from September 1, 1963, $10,000 (8-20-63). Kohlmeyer, Mrs. Helen B., Research Associate in Economics, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,980 (7-22-63). Koik, Jut A V., Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center), 20/100 time, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medicine), 5/100 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,500 (8-12-63). Komamiya, Yasuo, Visiting Research Associate Professor in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1963, $10,800 (7-10-63). Konitzki, Joseph F., Assistant to Director of Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services, with rank of Instructor (College of Physical Education), two months from July 1, 1963, $8,000 a year, and for one year from September 1, 1963, $8,S00 (7-15-63). KoUskolekas, Costas, Research Associate in Agricultural Entomology (Agricultural Experiment Station and Illinois Natural History Survey), September 1, 1963-February 29, 1964, $6,100 a year (8-19-63). Kozicki, Richard J., Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (7-13-63). Krishnamurthy, Visvanatha, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,000 (7-22-63). Krone, Henry V., Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $10,300 (7-29-63). Kulis, John C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $900 (8-12-63). Kung, Mrs. Mary R. W., Microanalyst in Chemistry, $i time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,870 (8-26-63). Kypta, Linton S., Senior Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $15,000 (7-29-63). Ladd, John A., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500, supersedes (8-12-63). Lamak, Wtlmer A., Lecturer in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $9,300 (7-25-63). Lambin, Henry J., Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,750 (8-26-63). Lansbury, Peter T., Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $5,700 (8-12-63). Lansing, Kenneth M., Associate Professor of Art (College of Fine and Applied Arts), Yi time, and of Elementary Education (College of Education), Vi time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $10,000 a year (7-26-63). Larrance, LaVerne R., Instructor in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (7-18-63). Larson, Bernt O., Professor of General Engineering (C), August 4-19, 1963, $655, additional (8-27-63). Lawrence, Lionel L., Assistant in Speech and Theatre, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-14-63). LeBeau, Leon J., Associate Professor of Microbiology on the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/fe-2, August 5 through 31, 1963, $12,210 a year, and from September 1, 1963, through August 31, 1965, $13,200 a year; and, Associate Professor of Microbiology (Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1965, supersedes (7-1-63). Levy, Lucretia, Instructor in Mathematics, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $1,800 (8-19-63). Lindell, Philip W., Serials Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,100, supersedes (8-26-63). Linderholm, Carl E., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,000 (8-23-63). Loevy, Hannelore (Taschini), Instructor in Anatomy (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (7-18-63). Long, Chester C, Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,500 a year (7-17-63). Long, Keith M., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,800 (7-18-63). 808 board of trustees [September 18 Lopata, Howard I., Assistant in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (8-7-63). Lord, William J., Jr., Associate Professor of Business Administration (College of Commerce and Business Administration), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $9,300 a year (8-12-63). Lott, James L., Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,400, supersedes (8-23-63). Lowe, Mrs. Leone, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,200 (8-5-63). Lu, Mes. Chin-Pi, Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,200 (8-23-63). Lukas, Victor T., Research Assistant in the Statistical Service Unit (Provost's Office), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (8-14-63). Lunde, Lorinne L., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (7-5-63). Madden, John J., Research Associate in Microbiology, September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,100 (8-26-63). Madenberg, Fred, Assistant Professor of Hygiene, in the Health Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $1,200 a year (7-18-63). Magnabosco, Peter T., Assistant in Physical Education for Men, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,750 (6-14-63). Maksic, Dragutin, Associate Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $10,700 a year (7-26-63). Mangan, Kenneth, Research Associate in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (7-26-63). Manning, John P., Associate Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $10,700 a year (7-26-63). Marston, Howard, Research Associate in Education (University High School), 54 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (8-23-63). Martin, Mrs. Beverly B., Cataloger in the Library of Medical Sciences, with rank of Instructor (Medical Center), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (8-5-63). Marx, Werner, Assistant Professor of German, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,150 a year (7-29-63). Masterton, Don A., Assistant Professor of Art, Department of Administration (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,812, additional (7-18-63). Matern, Susan C, Instructor in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1. 1963, $6,300 (7-18-63). Matstjmoto, Hideo, Research Associate in Pathology (Medicine), Ys time, ten months from August 1, 1963, $5,000 a year (8-7-63). Matsumoto, Yorimi, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, four months from September 1, 1963, $429.17 a month (6-24-63). Matteson, Max R., Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Associate Professor of Zoology, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,700, supersedes (8-26-63). Matthew, Guy R., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (8-20-63). McCoy, M. Eleanor, Research Assistant Professor of Education (University High School), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $10,800, supersedes (8-5-63). McDaniel, William L., Assistant Professor of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), \/2 time, two years from September 1, 1963, $5,000 a year, supersedes (8-26-63). McGreevey, Julia A., Instructor in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (7-18-63). McKinnon, Dana G., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600, supersedes (8-14-63). McLaughlin, Thomas G., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (8-23-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 809 McLean, Robert L., Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,500 (8-26-63). McLellan, Rex B., Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (7-17-63). McMurry, Laura M., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (7-10-63). Meerman, Geradine, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (7-26-63). Mehr, Robert I., Professor of Finance, on indefinite tenure, to serve as Special Consultant to the Vice-President and Comptroller devising criteria and procedures for implementation of the Staff Salary Annuity Program, two months from July 1, 1963, $3,412, additional (7-25-63). Mellody, Margaret, Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,350 (7-26-63). Meredith, Gerald M., Research Associate in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (8-26-63). Merkelo, Henry, Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), Vs time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $1,000; this is in addition to his appointment as Radio Corporation of America Fellow in Electrical Engineering, supersedes (8-21-63). Merrill, Mary E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (8-26-63). Meyer, Julia, Associate Professor of Oral Pathology (Dentistry), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $12,500 a year (7-22-63). Meyerson, Bernard L., Assistant Director of the Office of Foreign Student Affairs, one year from September 1, 1963, $10,000 (8-19-63). Miller, Arthur A., Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,800 (8-7-63). Miller, Carol, Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (6-6-63). Miller, Irving M., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, i/2 time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $778 for the period (7-17-63). Miller, Jerald, Instructor in Periodontics, Department of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry), 2/5 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,200, supersedes (8-26-63). Miller, Julian A., Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine), 3/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (8-7-63). A'Iillet, Stanton, Assistant Professor of English, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,700 a year (7-18-63). MiLLOY, Frank J., Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine), Vi time, July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $2,000 a year, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (7-18-63). Mims, Rosemarie S., Head Resident, Allen Hall South, ten months from September 1, 1963, $4,800; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation, supersedes (7-26-63). Mini, Mrs. Patricia D., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,200 (7-10-63). Montague, William E., Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $9,000 (8-26-63). Montgomery, Clark A., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), yi, time, four months from May 1, 1963, $3,068 a year, supersedes (6-14-63). Montgomery, Gerald G., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey, eleven months from August 1, 1963, $6,840 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Moore, Charles A., Assistant (Flight) in the Institute of Aviation, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-19-63). Morton, Richard B., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,200 (7-26-63). Moses, Norman, Instructor in Prosthodontics (Dentistry), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,500 (7-25-63). Moses, Richard H., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,800 (7-18-63). 810 board of trustees [September 18 Mukherjee, Kalinath, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (Q one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (7-17-63). Nagata, Shuichi, Research Associate in Anthropology, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (8-5-63). Naito, Hieoshi, Research Associate in Animal Science (S), September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (8-19-63). Nakai, Shuryo, Research Associate in Food Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,200 (8-23-63). Nakamura, Kaname, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-29-63). Nanousi, Sophie C, Spectroscopist in Chemistry, August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964 $5,150 a year (8-26-63). Narasimhan, Rangaswamy, Visiting Research Assistant Professor in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1963, $944.44 a month (7-10-63). Neu, Irene D., Visiting Lecturer in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $10,000 (7-18-63). Neumann, Lorena, Assistant Editor, with rank of Instructor (C and S), two months from July 1, 1963, $566.67 a month, supersedes (8-8-63). Newman, Albert, Assistant (Intern) in the Student Counseling Service (Provost's Office), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (8-23-63). Nishida, Toshiro, Associate Professor of Food Science, College of Agriculture, Vs time, and Agricultural Experiment Station, j4 time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $10,500 a year, supersedes (8-12-63). Nisonoff, Alfred, Professor of Microbiology, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $17,580 a year (7-29-63). Noble, Bruce J., Instructor in Physical Education for Men, nine months from September 16, 1963, $6,000 (7-8-63). Norton, Robert H., Research Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (8:7-63). Ntailianas, Harilaos A., Research Associate in Food Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,800 (8-26-63). Oleksy, Mrs. Margaret H., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,689 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session (7-17-63). Ore, Donald E., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), f$ time, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,400 (7-25-63). O'Reilly, Michael F., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,000 (8-23-63). Otte, Karl H., Instructor in Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-25-63). Owens, Rhodell E., Lecturer in Recreation (College of Physical Education), 1/4 time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,100, supersedes (8-20-63). Page, Benjamin F., Instructor in the Graduate School of Library Science, Vz time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,000 (7-12-63). Page, Robert R. Instructor in Philosophy (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,423 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-17-63). Paul, Sherman, Professor of English, V2 time, indefinite tenure, and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study, Vt time, one year from September 1, 1963, and Professor of English, full time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $16,700 a year (8-8-63). Peck, Theodore R., Assistant Professor of Soils Extension (Agronomy) (E), two years from September 1, 1963, $8,500 a year (8-23-63). Pedersen, William, Jr., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (7-26-63). Penchina, Claude M., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (8-21-63). Penev, Luben C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $900 (8-12-63). Pennisi, Louis L., Associate Professor of Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, §$pD time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,741 for the period (7-17-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 811 Penrod, Darrell D., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,800, supersedes (8-19-63). Pershing, Roscoe L., Research Associate in Agricultural Engineering (S), Vs time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (8-19-63). Peskin, Sidney, Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), without salary, and Instructor in Oral Surgery (Dentistry), \A time, one year from September 1, 1693, $3,750 (8-19-63). Phillips, Thomas N., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), two years from September 1, 1963, $10,300 a year (7-26-63). Pietras, Raymond J., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), two months from July 1, 1963, $708.33 a month, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (7-16-63); and 3/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,750 (8-12-63). Pike, John R., Instructor in Finance, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,000 (7-17-63). Pinto, Joseph D., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (8-19-63). Placek, Mrs. Cynthia B., Assistant Editor, with rank of Assistant (College of Veterinary Medicine), i/$pD time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,440 (7-25-63). Pollak, Victor E., Research Associate Professor of Medicine (Medicine), 17/100 time, two months from July 1, 1963, $208.33 a month, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (7-18-63); and on 17/100 time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $2,500 a year (8-21-63). Ponzo, Peter, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering, Vi time, and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, }i time, nine months from September 1, 1963, and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), full time, three months from June 1, 1964, $10,000 (8-16-63). Prevo, Mrs. Dorothea M., Instructor in Nursing, y$ time, September 23, 1963-March 21, 1964, $400 a month (7-18-63). Pusztaszeri, Stephen F., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,160 (8-3-63). Rajkumar, Tarakad V., Research Associate in Chemistry, ten months from November 1, 1963, $6,S00 a year (8-26-63). Ramaiah, Kommineni, Research Associate in Chemistry, July 22-August 31, 1963, $508.33 a month, supersedes (7-26-63). Ramaley, Louis, Research Associate in Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (8-12-63). Ransford, Ralph E., Lecturer in Anatomy (Medicine), Vl time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,013 (7-25-63). Raubenheimer, Anna E., Instructor in Home Economics (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,100 (8-23-63). Reiland, John C, Research Assistant in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,333.28 (8-22-63). Reilly, James R., Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), Y$ time, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,580, supersedes (8-23-63). Reiner, Mrs. Irma, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,200 (8-26-63). Remeniuk, Eudokia, Clinical Instructor in Pathology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (7-25-63). Resh, James A., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering, 14 time, and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, V4 time, nine months from September 1, 1963, and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), full time, three months from June 1, 1964, $10,000 (8-16-63). Rhodes, Mrs. Daphne I., Assistant to the Dean of Women (Chicago Undergraduate Division), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (8-19-63). Ries, Donald G., Research Associate in Chemistry, three months from September 1, 1963, $508.33 a month (8-26-63). Robinson, Derek J. S., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,000 (8-23-63). Robinson, Garth, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,400 (7-25-63). 812 boakd of trustees [September 18 Rodriguez, Eduardo, Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (8-19-63). Rogge, William M., Research Assistant Professor of Education (University High School), one year from July 1, 1963, $11,000 (7-29-63). Rosen, Samuel, Assistant in the Division of General Studies, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,350 (8-3-63). Ross, Robert C., Leader, Foreign Agriculture Visitors, and Assistant Coordinator, International Cooperation Programs (Office of International Cooperation Programs), y2 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,750 (7-17-63). Rummel, Marion L., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, % time, June 21-August 16, 1963, $712 for the period (7-17-63). Russell, John K., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), Ya time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,825, supersedes (8-19-63). Safanie, Alvin H., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology (College of Veterinary Medicine) and of Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), two years from September 1, 1963, $12,100 a year (7-17-63). Sagi, Mrs. Ana M. M., Assistant in French, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-3-63). St. James, Warren D., Visiting Lecturer in Political Science (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,700 for the period (8-26-63). Sanghvi, Indsavadan S., Research Assistant in Pharmacology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (7-26-63). Sargent, Frederick, II, Acting Head of Department of Physiology and Biophysics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $500; this is in addition to his appointment as Professor of Physiology and Member of the Senior Staff of the Center for Zoonoses Research (5-18-63). Sarkissian, John L., Instructor in Biology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,200 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (7-17-63). Sarlas, Sophie H., Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1963. $5,700 (8-26-63). Sarner, Harvey, Lecturer in Dentistry, with rank of Instructor (Dentistry), 1/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $800 (8-12-63). Sasago, Kenji, Research Associate in Food Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,200 (8-23-63). Sassoon, Harry, Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), and Assistant Radiologist in the Research and Educational Hospitals, one year from September 1, 1963, $12,000 (8-8-63). Scavone, Daniel, Visiting Lecturer in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $750 for the period (8-26-63). Schier, Rudolf, Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (6-6-63). Schiller, Alfred G., Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $13,950 a year (7-26-63). Schiller, Andrew, Associate Professor of English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,956 for the period (7-17-63). Schloss, Beet P., Visiting Lecturer in Political Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1963, June 21-August 16, 1963, $1,500 for the period (7-17-63). Schmitz, Richard F., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (7-18-63). Schkoer, David E., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,700 (8-23-63). Schulte, Henry F., Instructor in Journalism (College of Journalism and Communications), Vz time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,750 (8-19-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 813 Seitz, Frederick, Professor of Physics and Head of the Department (C), two months from July 1, 1963, $5,156, additional (8-21-63). Seshu, Mrs. Lily H., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,700 (8-26-63). Seth, Shanti K., Research Associate in Microbiology, October 15, 1963-August 31, 1964, $7,000 a year (8-12-63). Sooutas, Demetrius, Research Associate in Food Technology (S), August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (7-173). Sharma, Kamal N., Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Psychology and Physiology, eight months from September 1, 1963, $8,940 a year (8-26-63). Shaughnessy, Joseph B., Assistant Professor of Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (8-12-63). Shimony, Zvi, Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (8-26-63). Shotwell, Joan S., Instructor in Physical Education for Women, Yi, time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,250 (7-18-63). Sia, (Miss) Ming Be, Instructor in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,600 (7-18-63). Silverman, Loretta E., Instructor in Engineering --- Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), i/j, time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,000 (8-7-63). Singh, Sankatha P., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,000 (8-23-63). Skaperdas, Dominic O., Senior Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $14,200 (7-29-63). Slichter, Charles P., Professor (C), V2 time, indefinite tenure, and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study, Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, and Professor of Physics (C), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $21,000 a year (8-8-63). Slyter, Leonard L., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,200, supersedes (8-20-63). Small, Erwin, Instructor in Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,100 (7-26-63). Smith, John H., Instructor in Accountancy, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,500 (5-20-63). Smith, Pinkney C, Instructor in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,200 (7-26-63). Smith, Sara W., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (6-10-63). Sohn, David M., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), without salary, and Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), l/$pD time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,750 (6-28-63). Sfence, Paul H., History and Political Science Librarian in the Library, with rank of Instructor, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,650 (8-3-63). Srinivasan, V. R., Research Assistant Professor in the School of Life Sciences, one year from September 1, 1963, $10,000 (7-24-63). Stein, Herbert J., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, Yi time, nine months from September 1, 1963, $254.16 a month, and full time, three months from June 1, 1964, $508.33 a month; and Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1/2 time, nine months from September 1, 1963, $254.17 a month (8-23-63). Stein, Sondra R., Research Associate in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (8-5-63). Stifle, John E., Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $11,000 (7-29-63). Storm, Gerald L., Field Ecologist in the Illinois Natural History Survey, and Graduate College, eleven months from August 1, 1963, $5,760 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Strubbe, James M., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (8-20-63). Stusrud, Julie A., Assistant in the Division of General Studies, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-14-63). 814 board of trustees [September 18 Sumino, Koji, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (7-17-63). Summers, Margaret A., Instructor in Nursing, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (8-19-63). Sussman, Hans G., Research Associate in Oral Pathology (Dentistry), y$ time one year from September 1, 1963, $6,400 (7-26-63). Sutton, Peggy R., Research Assistant in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,100 (8-19-63). Swartz, Robert J., Instructor in Philosophy, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (6-8-63). Tagger, Etty S., Research Assistant in Orthodontics (Dentistry), seven months from September 1, 1963, $338.31 (7-25-63). Taylor, James W., Assistant Dean of Men, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,600 (8-26-63). Tempest, David W., Research Associate in Chemistry, one month from September 1, 1963, $487.50 (8-2-63). Teng, Cheng Yee, Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 45/100 time, ten months from September 1, 1963, $3,000 a year (8-12-63). Ternay, Andrew L., Jr., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (7-26-63). Thoits, Charles F., Ill, Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey (Graduate College), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,960 (8-16-63). Thomas, Charles R., Assistant Director, Systems and Programming Development, Statistical Service Unit (Administration --- Provost's Office), one year from September 1, 1963, $10,600, supersedes nonacademic appointment (8-19-63). Thurmon, John C, Instructor in Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), and in Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,900, supersedes (8-20-63). Tichenor, Duane, Research Associate in Vocational and Technical Education, f$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,650 (8-26-63). Torok, Nicholas, Associate Professor of Otolaryngoiogy (Medicine), j>$pD time, nine months from September 1, 1963, $12,800 a year (8-7-63). Trahern, Joseph B., Jr., Instructor in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,300 (8-12-63). Trainor, Claramay, Instructor in Art, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,700 (7-18-63). Treacy, David P., Instructor in Journalism (College of Journalism and Communications) Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,750 (8-19-63). Trimble, Russell F., Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $10,100 (8-8-63). Trogdon, Ray L., Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $11,650 (7-29-63). Trott, Mr. Beverly D., Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), Va time, ten months from September 1, 1963, $450 a month, and full time, two months from July 1, 1964, $600 a month (7-17-63). Trudgill, Peter W., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (7-26-63). Tsang, Floris Yung, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-26-63). Turck, Marvin, Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), 35/100 time, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,400 a year (8-12-63). Uchimaru, Fumihiko, Research Associate in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $6,100 a year (8-12-63). Unzicker, John D., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, 1/2 time, nine months from September 1, 1963, $1,980, and full time, three months from June 1, 1964, $1,320 (8-19-63). Vaichulis, Eugene M., Instructor in Microbiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (7-25-63). Vandemark, Noland L., Professor of Physiology, Department of Dairy Science (C and S), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $16,500 a year, supersedes (8-5-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 815 Velez-Vasquez, Enrique, Research Assistant in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (7-26-63). Verts, Bobbie J., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey (Graduate College), eleven months from August 1, 1963, $4,254 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Via, John A., Assistant in English, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,200, supersedes (8-14-63). VisWANAthan, L., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (7-26-63). Voris, David C, Clinical Associate in Neurosurgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (8-21-63). Voth, Brian W., Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $10,000 (7-29-63). Wachsman, Joseph T., Associate Professor of Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $11,550, and Associate Professor of Microbiology, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, without salary (8-5-63). Wadsworth, Philip A., Professor of French, V4 time, indefinite tenure, and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study, V3 time, one year from September 1, 1963, and Professor of French, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $15,850 a year (8-8-63). Wagman, Arthur B., Assistant in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (8-7-63). Walker, Brian L. H., Research Associate in Food Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (8-23-63). Walker, Donald L., Jr., Instructor in City Planning and Landscape Architecture, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,000 a year (8-12-63). Wall, F. T., Professor of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $25,000 a year, supersedes (7-23-63). Waller, Edna I., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, four months from September 1, 1963, $1,100 (8-21-63). Walter, John H., Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1/3 time, indefinite tenure, and Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study, 2/3 time, one year from September 1, 1963, and Associate Professor of Mathematics, full time, indefinite tenure, from September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $10,500 a year (8-8-63). Warnock, John E., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, eleven months from August 1, 1963, $6,860 a year, supersedes (8-8-63). Watrach, Mrs. Marian N., Research Associate in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), Ys time, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,290, supersedes (8-3-63). Watson, J. Stroud, Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-26-63). Weaver, Lelland A., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), 14 time academic year, $1,350, and to do research on 34 time for academic year, $4,050 from September 1, 1963, supersedes (8-26-63). Webb, Robert J., Adviser to Farm Manager at Pantnager, U.P. Agricultural University, Pantnager, India, for service under Contract ICAc-1258, October 1, 1963 through May 31, 1964, $16,060 a year; and Professor of Agricultural Research and Extension, and Superintendent of the Dixon Springs Experiment Station, indefinite tenure, one month from September 1, 1963, and from June 1, 1964, $14,600 a year, supersedes (7-29-63). Weber, Charles, Instructor in Accountancy, Va time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $1,300 (6-24-63). Weber, Evelyn, Research Associate in Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (8-26-63). Weinman, Karla P., Research Assistant in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-21-63). 816 board of trustees [September 18 Welkek, Neil E., Research Associate in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (8-6-63). Will, Frederick L., Associate Member of the Center for Advanced Study, second semester of 1963-64, and Professor of Philosophy, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $15,850 a year (8-8-63). Willasd, Robebt E., Assistant Research Engineer in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (8-23-63). Witz, Klaus G., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (8-23-63). Wollersheim, David, Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,000 (8-22-63). Wunderle, Steven L., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, eleven months from August 1, 1963, $4,980 a year (8-8-63). Yamada, Shigeharu, Visiting Assistant Professor in the Digital Computer Laboratory, nine months from September 16, 1963, $10,000 (7-10-63). Yavin, Avivi I., Assistant Professor of Physics (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $9,700 (7-25-63). Yesulaitis, Mrs. Mary P. C, Assistant in the Division of General Studies, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (8-19-63). Young, Mrs. Lorna B., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (7-10-63). Yu, Mary Fa Tuan, Research Assistant in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (8-19-63). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Aaron, Howard B., Sloan Foundation Fellow in Metallurgy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (7-29-63). Bach, Gerhard L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Internal Medicine, one year from July 1, 1963, $5,000 (7-8-63). Barrett, Mrs. Sondra G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,300 (7-8-63). Bartosik, Delphine B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Internal Medicine, one year from July 1, 1963, $5,650 (7-8-63). Bentz, Marilyn G., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Bifano, Jacqueline, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, ten months from September 1, 1963, $1,916.60 (7-10-63). Blatt, Philip E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Internal Medicine, one year from July 1, 1963, $8,000 (7-8-63). Brenman, Sheila L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-16-63). Broder, Stefan I., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, July 1-September 15, 1963, $500 (7-11-63). Brooker, Marie L., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Cardenas, Mary J., United States Public Health Service (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (7-16-63). Clark, Larry W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,500 (7-16-63). Cole, Robert E., Keio-Illinois Exchange Fellow in Labor and Industrial Relations, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,020 (7-29-63). Ceouch, Robert J., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,000 (7-12-63). Cunningham, Carol C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (7-16-63). Dagley, Stanley, National Science Foundation Senior Foreign Scientist Fellow in Chemistry, one year from August 16, 1963, $15,000 (7-22-63). Davis, Emile M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Histology (Dental), one year from July 1, 1963, $6,500 (7-8-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 817 Dellenback, Barbara K., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, three months from June 16, 1963, $200 (7-12-63). DePinto, John A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,500 (8-16-63). Dyer, Olympia P., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Dyhr, Peter, Fellow in Law, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (7-18-63). Eaton, John L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-16-63). Fellheimer, Carolyn L., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Finch, Freya L., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Findlay, Mildred M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (7-16-63). Fischer, Joel, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Fisher, Barbara N., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,200 (7-16-63). Fites, Roger C, Wright-Burlison Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,300, supersedes (8-12-63). Flattum, Roger F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-16-63). Gale, Henry H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,900 (7-8-63). Galluzzi, V. Nicholas, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $999.75 (7-26-63). Gantt, R. Raymond, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biochemistry, three months from July 1, 1963, $650 (7-11-63). Geison, Ronald L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,600 (7-16-63). Gerbeck, Claire M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (7-8-63). Gibb, Mary C, Knox College Fellow in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (7-11-63). Gilman, Alice, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (8-1-63). Godu, Jacques A. J. C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (7-22-63). Gross, Ira, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology), nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (7-17-63). Gunther, Jay K., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from August 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-22-63). Gutierrez, Norma B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-5-63). Habush, Sandra B., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Halfman, Clarke, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,600 (7-29-63). Hansen, John R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-16-63). Harpring, Linda, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,300 (7-16-63). Hecht, Patricia J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology), nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (7-17-63). Heintz, Norman V., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, three months from June 16, 1963, $200 (7-9-63). Hembrough, Carol J., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). 818 board of trustees [September 18 Hoekman, Theodore B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from June 16, 1963, $2,666 (7-12-63). Holler, Ronald F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology), nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (7-17-63). Iandolo, John J., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Food Technology, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,500 (7-26-63). Jackson, Susanne, United States Children's Bureau Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Johnson, Joyce H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (7-8-63). Jonas, Jim, Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from August 16, 1963, $6,000 (7-25-63). Joyce, Nancy E., General Foods Fund Fellow in Home Economics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (7-16-63). Kahn, Walter J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, two months from July 1, 1963, $1,100 (7-19-63). Kampwirth, Thomas J. J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology), nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (7-17-63). Kerley, Gerald I., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from July 1, 1963, $1,800 (8-12-63). Kodama, Robert M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,300 (7-8-63). Kokjer, Kenneth J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,666 (8-16-63). Kominek, Leo A., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Microbiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,200, supersedes (7-22-63). Krandel, Pauline, Special Fellow in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Lain, Richard F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,666 (8-16-63). Lee, Donald J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Animal Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,600 (7-16-63). Lehn, Lloyd L., American Society of Tool Manufacturing Engineer Fellow in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,300 (7-16-63). Levy, Howard B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (8-22-63). Lieb, William R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Biophysics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, supersedes (7-10-63). Lieber, Roslyn, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Lippert, Elizabeth L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (7-16-63). Loken, Julie L., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Lukenbach, Elvin R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,800 (7-24-63). Marlin, Marjorie J. M., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-19-63). McGuire, Miss Douglas, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology), nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,000 (7-17-63). McLeister, Elizabeth O., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (6-18-63). McQueen, Ralph D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, two months from July 1, 1963, $840, supersedes (7-11-63). Miller, Marilyn T., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, six months from July 1, 1963, $3,000 (7-8-63). Moberg, Gary P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,666 (8-16-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 819 Moss, Steven A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,286.25, supersedes (7-10-63). Mueth, Rita A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,820 (8-16-63). Nance, Jon R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,200 (8-21-63). Nelson, Wayne B., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,700 (8-13-63). Newton, Stephen B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,800 (7-29-63), Niblack, John F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (7-16-63). Niemyski, Dorothy E., United States Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (7-26-63). Nihei, Yasumitsu, Keio-Illinois Exchange Fellow in Labor and Industrial Relations, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $750; and two months from June 16, 1963, $375 (7-24-63). Ohren, Beverly A. K., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). O'Neill, William P., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from August 16, 1963, $3,500 (8-22-63). Palmer, Jerry L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,200 (8-1-63). Peterson, Lance G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-16-63). Phillips, Robert D., Teaching Fellow in the Classics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,600; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500, supersedes (7-12-63). Portugal, Franklin H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $1,820.77 (7-17-63). Rayl, Martin, Texas Instrument Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (8-12-63). Redenbo, James M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,666 (8-16-63). Reiels, Darlene C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, July 1-September 15, 1963, $500 (8-2-63). Rettig, Michael F., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,800 (7-24-63). Roberts, Leo J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,000 (7-15-63). Ruth, Robin E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,200 (7-16-63). Samuels, Robert B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Technology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,500 (7-18-63). Saxinger, William C., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,820 (8-16-63). Schaaf, Doris M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, June 17-September 17, 1963, $200 (7-17-63). Schatz, Howard, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (7-12-63). Stahly, Donald P., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Microbiology, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,000 (7-22-63). Stalder, Mary J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,800 (8-1-63). Swiatek, Kenneth R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biochemistry, one year from July 1, 1963, $2,400 (7-3-63). Toft, David O., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,666 (8-16-63). Traastad, M. Jeanne, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Twaranovica, Joseph A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology), nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (7-17-63). 820 board of trustees [September 18 Van Arendonk, Arthur M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100 (7-16-63). Vold, Barbara S., Fellow in Botany, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375, supersedes (8-26-63). Washington, Ernest D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology), nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (7-17-63). Wieland, Anna M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, six months from July 1, 1963, $2,750 (7-8-63). Wilson, G. Edwin, Jr., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (8-16-63). Woodfin, Beulah M., United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, June 24-August 31, 1963, $1,092.10 (7-25-63). Wylder, Joseph G., Jr., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,740, supersedes (7-26-63). Yang, Henderson C. H., Fellow in Physics, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500, supersedes (7-16-63). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, AND CANCELLATIONS Albright, Jack L., Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry (Dairy Science) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Allen, Don R., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Ambrose, James E., Assistant Professor of Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Andrews, Rollin D., Ill, Project Assistant in Aquatic Biology in the Graduate College and in the State Natural History Survey --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Babiak, Paul P., Catalog Assistant in the Library --- cancellation effective February 18, 1963. Bagby, Roland M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Baker, C. M. Ann, Research Associate in Physiology --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Bechtel, Linwood G., Instructor in Physical Education for Men --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Beckman, Mrs. Sherry M. L., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine) --- resignation effective July 27, 1963. Bennett, Mrs. Sara A., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Bilger, H. R., Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Blostein, M. L., Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Bungert, William C, Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education (University High School) ---declination effective September 1, 1963. Burkman, Allan M, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Butler, Barbara D., Research Assistant in Physiology --- declination effective September 16, 1963. Clark, Ardath M., Assistant in English --- declination cffectiye September 16, 1963. Coddington, Bertha M., Serials Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Curry, E. Thayer, Professor of Speech --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Dai, Peter K., Instructor in Civil Engineering---declination effective September 1, 1963. Davis, Stephen R., Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Denham, Elam L., Assistant Professor of Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. DeVillez, Edward J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology and Biophysics --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 821 Dick, Richard I., Instructor in Civil Engineering --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Engandela, Victor J., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine) ---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Faehi, Edna S., Research Assistant in Physiology --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Fernandes, Fred D., Fellow in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Fraser, Constance, Assistant Professor of Medical Social Work and Crippled Children (Medicine) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Grant, Emerson W., Adjutant, R.O.T.C, and Associate Professor of Military Science----declination effective September 1, 1963. Griffin, Mary C, Associate Professor of Business Education --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Griffith, Mary E., Assistant in Education (University High School) ---declination effective September 16, 1963. Grossmann, Erwin E., Lecturer in Ophthalmology, with rank of Assistant Professor (Medicine)---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Guimond, James, Assistant in English --- declination effective September 16, 1963. Gupta, Kinkar P., Research Associate in Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Gupta, Sudhindra, Fellow in Civil Engineering --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Habas, Linda B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Hachtel, Barbara M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Harkin, Duncan A., Research Associate in Forestry --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Harkness, Bruce, Professor of English and Executive Secretary of the Department --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Harper, Anne Y., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Harvey, Robert O., Professor of Finance --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Heidorn, Mrs. Patricia A., Architecture Library Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective August 21, 1963. Hornbeck, Peter L., Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. House, James E., Jr., Assistant in Physical Science in the Division of General Studies --- declination effective September 16, 1963. Ingle, Caroline A., Research Associate in Botany --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Kafka, Robert W., Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Kavanagh, Jean, Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine)---resignation effective July 1, 1963. Kepler, Jon S., Fellow in History --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Kline, Christiane J., Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Kruus, Jaan, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Lanyon, P. D., Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Lehmann, John R., Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Liston, William T., Assistant in English --- declination effective September 16, 1963. Lockhart, Helen R., Assistant Professor of Medical Social Work (Medicine) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. London, Perry, Associate Professor of Psychology --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Lower, William D., Assistant in English --- declination effective September 16, 1963. 822 board of trustees [September 18 Martin, David M., Assistant in English --- declination effective September 16, 1963. Nambury, C. N. V., Research Associate in Pharmacy Chemistry (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Nance, Jon R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Physics --- cancellation effective June 16, 1963. Navarrete, Delia A., Assistant in Home Economics --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Neill, David M., Assistant in Electrical Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Neilson, Mrs. Nancy V., Spectroscopist in Chemistry --- resignation effective August 16, 1963. Neuman, Roberta, Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective July 16, 1963. Ninomiya, Toshiyuki, Research Assistant Professor of Physical Metallurgy --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Olson, Charles E., Jr., Assistant Professor of Forestry --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Onanian, Edward D., Research Associate in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Obr, Margery A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Pessall, Neil, Research Associate in Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering--- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Phillips, Robert L., Jr., Instructor in Landscape Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Pratt, Larry D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective August 13, 1963. Pugsjley, James H., Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Raetzman, Mrs. Barbara L., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine) --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Schafer, Dorothea, Instructor in German --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Schumacher, Gebhard, Research Associate in the Institute for Tuberculosis Research----resignation effective July IS, 1963. Shimkin, Demitri B., Professor of Anthropology, Summer Session of 1963 --- cancellation effective June 17, 1963. Smith, Garmond S., Assistant Professor of Animal Science --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Smith, Jack L., United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow in Animal Science --- resignation effective October 1, 1963. Smith, James L., Assistant in Civil Engineering --- resignation effective August 10, 1963. Smith, Robert S., Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Smythe, Dallas W., Research Professor of Communications --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Tamai, Tadasi, Research Associate in Physiology --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Thier, Herbert D., Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Thomas, Su Ann ]., Assistant Extension Editor in Agriculture, with rank of Assistant --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Trupin, Joel S., Assistant in Dairy Science --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Wales, Janet M., Research Assistant in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research---resignation effective August 21, 1963. Walker, Richard D., Research Associate in Illinois State Library Research Center --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Wanka, Fredrich, Research Associate in Botany --- resignation effective August 16, 1963. White, Robert A., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 823 Wolfe, Martin S., Research Assistant Professor of Education (University High School)---declination effective September 1, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Baird, Jack R., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, from July 15 through August 31, 1963, so that he may do work at the University of Colorado. Brown, Richard M., Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and of Electrical Engineering and of Physics --- leave of absence, without pay, from July 8 through August 17, 1963, so that he may attend a summer study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology sponsored by the Navy. Calahan, Donald A., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, in the College of Engineering and in the Engineering Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may accept the position of Visiting Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. Davis, Nuel P., Assistant Professor of English --- leave of absence, without pay, for the first semester of the academic year 1963-64, so that he may work on a manuscript of his research on the scientists Lawrence, Fermi, and Oppenheimer. Fink, Charles M., County Extension Staff Member in Henry County, Illinois --- leave of absence, with full pay, for six months from February 1, 1964, for the purpose of study. Golembiewski, Robert, Assistant Professor of Management --- leave of absence, for the academic year 1963-64, with pay of $2,550 from the Lilly Endowment, Inc., Freedom Study Fund, for the first semester, and leave without pay for the second semester so that he may serve as a Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Industrial Administration at Yale University. Jackson, David M., Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision, and Principal of University High School --- leave of absence for nine months from September 15, 1963, through June 15, 1964, on 1/2 pay, changed to leave of absence without pay from September 16, 1963, through January 31, 1964, and leave with full pay from February 1 through June 15, 1964. Karsh, Bernard, Associate Professor of Sociology and in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, previously granted him, is hereby cancelled. Liljequist, Jon L., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, in the Chicago Undergraduate Division --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may complete studies for an advanced degree. Manwell, Clyde, Associate Professor of Physiology --- leave of absence, without pay, for two years from September 1, 1963, previously granted him, is hereby cancelled. McMahon, Walter W., Associate Professor of Economics --- sabbatical leave of absence for the academic year 1963-64, on one-half pay, has been reinstated. Oppenlander, (Miss) Renate, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, from August 18 through 31, 1963, so that she may travel abroad. Perlmutter, Mrs. Shirley, Instructor in Occupational Therapy, in the College of Medicine --- leave of absence, without pay, to begin July 27 and continuing through August 31, 1963. This supersedes her previous leave of absence beginning on June 24, 1963. Sah, Chih Tang, Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Physics, in the College of Engineering and in the Engineering Experiment Station --- extension of leave of absence, without pay, from September 1, 1963, through January 31, 1964, so that he may continue his work at the Fairchild Semiconductor Research and Development Laboratory. Smoot, Ronald L., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, in the College of Engineering---additional extension of leave of absence, without pay, beginning September 1 and continuing through November 30, 1963, so that he may continue his graduate studies under the National Science Foundation Faculty Fellowship. 824 board of trustees [September 18 CANCELLATIONS OF SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Alpert, Daniel, Research Professor of Physics and Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- sabbatical leave of absence for six months from February 15, 1964, is cancelled, without prejudice. McIntyre, Charles J., Coordinator of Instructional Television and Associate Professor of Education --- sabbatical leave of absence for six months from January 1, 1964, is cancelled, without prejudice. Osgood, Charles E., Research Professor of Communications Research, Director of the Institute of Communications Research, and Professor of Psychology --- sabbatical leave of absence for the first semester of 1963-64 is cancelled, without prejudice. RETIREMENTS Lundman, A. Tress, Assistant Professor of Verbal Communication, in the Division of General Studies --- retirement effective September 1, 1963. AUGUST DEGREES CONFERRED The Secretary presented for record the following list of degrees conferred at Urbana, Illinois, as of August 12, 1963, on recommendation of the Urbana-Champaign Senate. Summary Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Master of Arts..................................................... 97 Master of Science.................................................. 275 Master of Music................................................... 9 Master of Education............................................... 238 Master of Social Work.............................................. 4 Master of Fine Arts................................................ 3 Master of Accounting Science........................................ 8 Master of Architecture............................................. 8 Master of Commerce............................................... 1 Master of Business Administration................................... 1 Master of Comparative Law......................................... 1 Master of Extension Education...................................... 2 Advanced Certificate in Education................................... 26 Certificate of Advanced Study in Librarianship........................ 1 Total, Graduate College.......................................... (674) Degrees in Law, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Laws.................................................. 14 Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture............................ 19 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering............................ 87 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.................. 59 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences................ 48 Bachelor of Science, College of Education............................. 32 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration... 56 Bachelor of Science, College of Journalism and Communications......... 7 Bachelor of Architecture, College of Fine and Applied Arts.............. 8 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts................ 9 Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts................... 3 Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts.................. 3 Bachelor of Science, College of Physical Education..................... 4 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees..................................... (335) Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana................................ 1,023 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Master of Arts In Art Education Kay Jane Vozenilek, B.F.A., University of Illinois, 1962 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 825 In Art History Jerry William McRoberts, A.B., Iowa State Teachers College, 1956 In Economics Thomas Patrick Callanan, A.B., Fordham University, 1962 John Walter Dorfmeister, B.S., 1962 Dennis Harold Erickson, A.B., North Park College, 1962 George Lowell Hill, A.B., 1962 Zeinhom Mahmoud Mohamed Kabis, B.Com., Cairo University, 1960 Peter Harold Niehoff, A.B., Lawrence College, 1962 James Fredrick Niss, B.S., 1955 James Arthur Phillips, A.B., University of California (Santa Barbara), 1962 Robert Allan Piskie, B.S., 1961 Theodore Emmanuel Quast, Jr., A.B., University of North Carolina, 1961 Roger Andrew Sedjo, A.B., 1961 Thomas Henry Tuchscherer, B.S., 1962 Richard Dale Winkelman, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1961 In Education Margherite Elaine McClellan Quick, B.S., Central Connecticut State College, 1961 In English Martha Regina Bell, A.B., Emory University, 1962 David Otto Berger, B.S., Concordia Teachers College, 1962 Mary Catherine Burpee, A.B., DePauw University, 1962 Michael Douglas Butler, A.B., Stanford University, 1962 Clara Jean Lueker Carmean, A.B., 1960 John Robert Gregg, Jr., A.B., Hanover College, 1962 Martha Duke Hartman, A.B., Pan American College, 1959 Candace Stephenson Helgeson, B.S., Wisconsin State College (La Crosse), 1943 Peter Edward Martin, A.B., Principia College, 1962 Peggy Currey Meerse, A.B., Doane College, 1961 Alma Louise Middleton, A.B., 1961 Helen Bertha Niederwimmer, A.B., Wartburg College, 1957 Kenneth Joseph Oberembt, A.B., St. John's University, 1962 Major Dan Ragain, A.B., Eastern Illinois University, 1962 Patricia Gail Raymond, A.B., Northern Illinois University, 1961 Louis Anthony Renza, A.B., Trinity College, 1962 Patricia Anne Rieger, A.B., 1953 Joan Antoinette Arcieri Trezek, A.B., Marquetle University, 1962 Katherine Bache Trower, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1956 John Jerome Von Kerens, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1958 Mary Ann Zack, A.B., Marquette University, 1962 In French Annabel Vogt Allen, A.B., 1962 Davey Lee Dunn, A.B., Illinois College, 1956 Carl Herbert Johnson, A.B., Marietta College, 1962 Renee Teh-Hsin Chin Lo, A.B., College Misericordia, 1962 Robert Glenn Robertson, A.B., University of North Carolina, 1961 Gail Francine Troyka, A.B., DePauw University, 1962 In Geography Frank Joseph Jankunis, A.B., University of Georgia, 1962 In German Dorothy Edith Ternes, A.B., Eastern Michigan University, 1960 Otto Walter Tetzlaff, A.B., Northern Illinois University, 1962 In History Daniel William Barthell, A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1960 Karen Priscilla Blatt, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 George Harry Demetrakopoulos, A.B., Michigan State University, 1962 826 board of trustees [September 18 Davib Blessman Hill, A.B., DePauw University, 1960 Kenneth Glenn Madison, A.B., 1962 James Benedict Martin, A.B., DeMazenod Scholasticate, 1943 In Labor and Industrial Relations Jacob Michael Eisner, A.B., Adelbert College, 1962 Edward H. Ghearing, A.B., Hanover College, 1958 William Kimbaix Graham, A.B., Willamette University, 1961 Toshio Nagashima, B.Econ., University of Tokyo, 1955 Gary Gay Petersen, A.B., University of California (Los Angeles), 1961 Rodney Mayer Sweet, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1962 William Frederick Weitzel, Jr., A.B., Wheaton College, 1961 In Latin Roger Lyne Beck, A.B., Oxford University, 1961 Wilhelm Dominikus Eck, A.B., 1962 In Mathematics Merline Devine McCloud, B.S., Fort Valley State College, 1954 Martha Schuhmann, A.B., Oberlin College, 1962 In Philosophy Lewis Morton Collens, B.S., 1960 In Political Science Judith Elaine Alver, A.B., 1962 Raymond Stewart Dodds, B.Econ., University of Sydney, 1948 In Psychology Doyle Weldon Bishop, A.B., University of Colorado, 1961 Homer Herbert Johnson, A.B., Knox College, 1957; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1959 Michael Elbert Ogle, A.B., William Jewell College, 1961 Richard Hans Schulte, A.B., Michigan State University, 1960 Lawrence Francis Van Egeren, B.S., St. Norbert College, 1960 In Spanish Cynthia Jane Burns, A.B., University of Tennessee, 1962 Gloria Ceide-Echevarria, A.B., University of Puerto Rico, 1950 Timothy Joseph Rogers, A.B., University of New Hampshire, 1959 In Speech Ella Adelaide Doyle, B.S., Memphis State University, 1962 Paul George Elbrecht, A.B., Texas Technological College, 1958 Gloria Joan Fisher, A.B., MacMurray College, 1962 Doris Green Giles, A.B., MacMurray College, 1946 Robert Charles Hawkes, B.S., Springfield College, 1947 Stephen Arnold Kaye, A.B., University of Washington, 1961 Walter Francis Kelly, A.B., University of Miami, 1962 Thomas Warren Lackman, A.B., University of Delaware, 1962 Lionel Houston Lawrence, A.B.(Hon.), Queen's University, 1962 Diane Elizabeth LeLito, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1962 Brenda Joanne Robinson, A.B., University of the Pacific, 1962 Richard Wesley Thiede, B.S., Eastern Michigan College, 1961 Guy William Thompson, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 J. Robert Wills, Jr., A.B., College of Wooster, 1962 In Statistics Robert William Gossrow, A.B., Knox College, 1962 In the Teaching of English Barbara Ann Brown, A.B., 1962 Naomi Ruth Claassen, A.B., Wheaton College, 1958 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 827 Melinda Roberta Doman, B.S., Loyola University, 1962 Jesse Black Sommer, Jr., B.S., 1958 In the Teaching of Social Studies Raymond Bradford, Jr., A.B., Evansville College, 1957 Gary Arthur Dworak, A.B., 1962 Patricia Harney Smoot, B.S., 1962 In the Teaching of Spanish Carol Lee Heim, B.S., 1961 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy Shawki El-Husseini Mohamed Massoud Farag, B.Com., Ain Shams University, 1960 Fayez Salim Nourallah, B.Com., Cairo University, 1959 In Agricultural Economics Kenneth Lee Becker, B.S., 1961 Sudama Swaeup Gouh, B.S., Nagpur University, 1954; M.S., Agra University, 1956 Gordon Lewis Gullakson, B.S., 1962 Rama Shanker Misra, B.S., Agra University, 1949; Assoc, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1957 AKKrPEDDr Venkata Kutumba Sastri, A.B., A.M., University of Madras, 1951, 1954; Diploma, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 1957 In Agricultural Education Robert Ed Coots, B.S., 1959 John Henry Feddersen, B.S., 1958 Cecil Lafayette Strickland, B.S., Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1960 In Agricultural Engineering Larry Wilson Cofer, B.S., University of Arkansas, 1961 Manubhai Pragji Naik, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1961 In Agronomy Roger Carl Fites, B.S.A., Purdue University, 1961 Richard Ross Smith, B.S., 1962 In Animal Science James Lee Cox, B.S.A., Purdue University, 1961 Bennie Bert Doane, B.S., Oklahoma State University, 1950 In Architectural Engineering Ronald Nelson Helms, B.Arch., 1963 James George Hrouda, B.Arch., 1961 Frank Lacka, Jr., B.Arch., University of Toronto, 1961 Jay Michael Leavitt, B.Arch., 1962 Ronald Kent Sawyer, B.Arch., 1962 Wilbur Elmer Yoder, B.S., Rhode Island School of Design, 1962 In Biological Sciences Alfred Thomas Johnson, A.B., Northwestern University, 1957 Samuel Lerner, B.S., 1962 In Biophysics Stephen Arthur Hawley, A.B., Knox College, 1961 In Botany Eugene Richard Modjeski, B.S., 1962 In Chemical Engineering Robert Edward Plevan, B.Ch.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1961 828 board of trustees [September 18 Ik Chemistry Edward Ashley Anderson, B.S., Queens College (New York), 1959 Charles Frederick Hosler, Jr., B.S., University of Michigan, 1961 David Oliver Hurst, B.S., Wheaton College, 1962 Christiane Janie Kline, B.S., University of Delaware, 1962 In City Planning John Addison Fondersmith, A.B., University of Maryland, 1961 Alan Charles Richter, B.S., University of Missouri, 1961 Roger Lee Suddleson, B.Arch., Kent State University, 1961 In Civil Engineering Lance Boichot, B.S., University of Miami, 1961 Eugene Munson Brisach, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1960 Mel Castillo, B.S., University of New Mexico, 19S8 Cesar Augusto Corretjer, B.S., University of Puerto Rico, 1962 Gerasimos Michael Criticos, B.Eng., American University of Beirut, 1962 Frank Enrique De Greiff, C.E., National University of Columbia, 1962 Jayantkumar Paragji Desai, B.Eng., Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda 1962 Behrooz Faeshi, B.S., American University of Beirut, 1962 Paul Stevenson Ford, A.B., Monmouth College, 1961 On-Yin Fung, B.Eng., McGill University, 1959 David Frederick Gingerich, B.S., Kansas State University, 1962 Jose Guemez-Garcia, C.E., National University of Mexico, 1962 Jack Hardin, B.S., 1962 Barry Jack Margolese, B.Eng., McGill University, 1962 Jacobo Merenfeld Dulberg, C.E., Central University of Venezuela, 1960 William Ray Miller, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 Kristian Nyhus, B.S., University of Alberta, 1956 Donald Joseph Palladino, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 James Wyatt Peck, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 James Joseph Powers, B.S., 1959 Allen Nathan Reeves, B.S., Washington University, 1962 Giri Rao Royachoti, B.Eng., University of Madras, 1951 James Ronald Salley, B.S., 1962 Prayaga Subrahmanya Sarma, A.B., Andhra University, 1956; B.Sc, Ranchi University, 1961 Suresh Dayabhai Shroff, B.S., 1962 James Lee Smith, B.S., 1961 Virgilio Edmundo Vivas Melean, B.S., Oklahoma State University, 1957 Phiroze Khushroo Wadia, B.Eng., University of Bombay, 1961 In Commercial Teaching Linda Selders Alderson, B.S., 1954 Barbara Lee Allen, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Robbie Lee Redmond, B.S., Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1954 In Economics John Oscar Bosnhofen, B.S., 1961 Dasrell Albert Christie, B.S., Jamestown College, 1962 Virginia Lee Smith Owen, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1962 Johann Hanns Pichler, Doctor, Graduate School of Business Administration and Economics (Vienna), 1960 Stanley Vanagunas, B.S., 1962 In Education Esther Diane Hirsch, B.S., 1960 Peggy Rae Sutton, A.B., Purdue University, 1962 In the Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Mary Yvonne Griffin, B.S., 1959 William Scott Jenks, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1957 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 829 In Electrical Engineering John Texeira Barrows, B.S., Brown University 1961 Roger Solem Bredek, B.S., 1962 Romeo Tajanlangit Calud, B.S., University of the Philippines, 1955 Robert Spencer Carter, B.E.E., University of Delaware, 1962 David Lawrence Dibell, B.S., Grove City College, 1962 Hernando Duran Castro, B.S., 1961 Leonard Forbes, B.S., University of Alberta, 1962 Charles Calvon Highsmith, B.S., 1955 John Wesley Hill, B.S., 1961 Charles Robert Kime, B.S., State University of Iowa, 1962 Lloyd George Knowles, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1961 Frank Dieter Kot, B.S., 1962 John Edwin Lewis, B.S., Grove City College, 1962 Marold Herman Lohrenz, B.S., 1959 Shigenori Matsushita, B.S., University of Tokyo, 1959 Robert John McAulay, B.Sc., University of Toronto, 1962 William Wise Patterson, B.S.E., Princeton University, 1962 Luzern Arthur Richter, B.M.E., General Motors Institute, 1962 Kenneth Svane Schroder, B.S., 1962 Erwin Edward Schulze, Jr., B.S., 1962 Norman Harkey Smith, B.S., 1950 Rudolph Francis Trost, B.S., St. Louis University, 1962 Ronald William Unnerstall, B.S., Washington University, 1959 In Finance John William Allen, B.S., 1958 Robert Lewis Condon, B.S., 1959 In Forestry Jerold Thomas Hahn, B.S., 1962 In Geology Paulo Miranda de Figueiredo Filho, Diploma, Universidade de Rio Grande do Sul, 1960 Stanley Harold Frost, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1961 Alan Granger Goodfield, A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1961 Kathryn Gronberg O'Brien, B.S., 1958 In Health Education Carlton Merwin Fancher, B.S., State University of New York College of Education (Cortland), 1962 David Walter Lehmann, A.B., Ripon College, 1962 Madeline Dasch Skinner, A.B., Hunter College of the City of New York, 1962 In Home Economics Jane Louise Bonander, B.S., Carthage College, 1961 Janis Kay Finley, B.S., 1959 Gertrude Gustafson Gobbel, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1949 Marion Louise Illa, B.S., University of Minnesota, 1954 Sharon Kay Randel, B.S., Kansas State University, 1962 Sister Marianne Brock, A.B., St. Francis College, 1956 Lois Fern Thompson, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1961 In Horticulture Balwant Singh, B.Sc, M.S., Agra University, 1952, 1953 In lournalism Claude Francis Bachand, A.B., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, 1962 Richard Bennett Bayley, B.S., 1961 Roger Langham Brown, A.B., University of Cambridge, 1960 Arlene Ann Brueggeman, A.B., Fresno State College, 1961 Rollie Farley Henkes, B.S., Iowa State University, 1958 Michael Bert Shelly, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1962 830 board of trustees [September 18 In Library Science Lola Allene Bane, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1938; A.M., 1939 Margaret Amend Bradow, B.S., State University of Iowa, 1954 Sally Thompson Burg, A.B., A.B.(L.S.), University of Michigan, 1937, 1938 John Kerns Burritt, A.B., Wartburg College, 1949 Elizabeth Anne Carlson, B.S., University of Wyoming, 1961 Irma Margaret Falck, B.S., University of South Dakota, 1933 Mohsen Mostafa Farid, A.B., Cairo University, 1958 Betty Toba Feldman, A.B., Washington University, 1961 David Neil Forsythe, A.B., Muskingum College, 1962 Ruth Carol Guldner, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1961 Edward Frederick Hess, Jr., B.S., Northwestern University, 1941; LL.B., 1947 Illah Deanna Hjort, B.S., University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee), 1960 Willis McCracken Hubbard, A.B., Monmouth College, 1962 Hui-fang Wu Hung, B.Ed., Taiwan Normal University, 1960 Marcia Marks Jetton, A.B., 1958 Thomas Leonard Kilpatrick, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Hyun Kee Kim, A.B., A.M., Ewha Women's University, 1959, 1961 Regina Sun Koo, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1959 Eileen Wei-lee Lai, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1958 Rita Ellen Lindemann, A.B., 1962 Carol Frances Luke, B.S., St. Louis University, 1961 Helen Pulley McReynolds, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1942 James Joseph Michael, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1961 John Leslie Richards, B.S., 1958 Patricia Helen Ringer, A.B., Kansas State Teachers College (Emporia), 1960 Harry Paul Schrank, Jr., B.S.C., Ohio University, 1949 Bobbie Davis Smith, A.B., Eureka College, 1955 Mary Schweikert Spellman, A.B., 1961 Catherine Yuh-Ching Wang, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1961 Pamela Scamman Warren, A.B., Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1962 John Marvin Weller, A.B., Knox College, 1962 Sharon Farmer Willis, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1960 Ethel Banks Willoughby, B.S., Tuskegee Institute, 1940 Lucy Jean Wright Wilson, A.B., Middlebury College, 1960 Kyung Hi Yu, B.S., Central Missouri State College, 1960 Helen Zachman, A.B., Geneva College, 1947; B.S., Syracuse University, 1948 In Management William Ernest Michener, Jr., B.S., University of Kansas, 1954 In Marketing Richard Paul Evans, B.S., 1957 In Mathematics Marcia May Armstrong, A.B., Sweet Briar College, 1962 David Ervin Blair, B.S., Beloit College, 1962 Robert Earl Gaines, B.S., 1963 Richard Samuel Hall, A.B., Albion College, 1962 Rodney Lee Hamburg, B.S., 1960 Leland Kitchin McDowell, B.S.(E.E.), B.S.(Appl. Math.), North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, 1962, 1962 Kuk-Mi Kim Pac, B.S., Rikkyo University, 1953 William Weitzman, B.S., 1961 Betty Jones Whitten, B.S., 1962 In Mechanical Engineering Gale Yancey Anderson, B.S., Brigham Young University, 1959 Donald Leonard Bartel, B.S., 1961 Alexander Johnston III, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 Milton Alfred Kruse, Jr., B.S., University of Miami, 1962 SusHil Kumar Malik, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1962 Han Chuan Moy, B.S.(C.E.), B.S.(M.E-), University of Wisconsin, 1959, 1961 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 831 Peter Allen Perkins, B.S., Bradley University, 1963 Vemula Pandu Ranga Rao, B.Eng., Andhra University, 1961 Czeslaw Mateusz Rodkiewicz, Diploma, Polish University, 1950 Walter Ronald Ryder, B.S., 1961 Kyin Soe, B.S., 1962 Ronald James Vodicka, B.S., Northwestern University, 1956 In Metallurgical Engineering Howard Berton Aaron, B.Met.E., Cornell University, 1962 Denes Istvan Bardos, B.S., 1962 Emmanuel de Lamotte, Eng.Physicist, State University of Liege, 1962 In Mining Engineering Rodda Raghunadha Reddy, B.S., Benaras Hindu University, 1956 In Music Education Charles Stephen Allfree, B.S., 1957 Wayne Harold Bradtke, B.S., 1960 Gerald David Buckler, B.Mus.Ed., Wartburg College, 1962 Kristan Everett Crane, B.Mus.Ed., Murray State College, 1959 Warren William Frank, B.S., Eastern Montana College of Education, 1961 Jack Paul Hansen, B.S., 1960 Bruce Dudley Hoagland, B.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1959 John David Lowery, B.S., East Carolina College, 1959 Myron Donald McLain, Jr., B.S., 1957 Warren Scott Meland, B.S., 1962 Howard Morton Miller, B.S., Temple University, 1962 Dorcas Ann Newton, B.S., 1962 William Dean Oyen, B.S., 1958 Richard Wendell Perry, B.Mus.Ed., Murray State College, 1959 Susan Boone Perry, B.Mus.Ed., Murray State College, 1959 Douglas William Reeve, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1961 Jean Rowse, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1962 Madeline Sarah Sauerbier, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Judy May Schnell, B.Mus.Ed., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1962 Sister Mary Laurelle Berkes, A.B., B.Mus., College of St. Francis, 1937, 1957 William Clarence Smiley, B.Mus.Ed., Jackson State College, 1962 Chelsea Tipton, B.S., Virginia State College, 1955 Edward William Volz, B.Mus.Ed., Northwestern University, 1955 Eugene Leon Yingling, B.S., 1959 In Nuclear Engineering Mirza Azfar Beg, B.S., B.Eng., Aligarh Muslim University, 1955, 1959 Arthur Wallace Deyo, A.B., Taylor University, 1962 Pratap Kilachand Doshi, B.S., University of Rangoon, 1961 Harold Albert Kurstedt, Jr., B.S., Virginia Military Institute, 1961 Norman Clark Pate, B.S., 1961 Alberto Rodriguez Marciales, Eng., Central University of Venezuela, 1959 In Physical Education Marshall Douglas Banks, A.B., Morehead State College, 1962 Lester Jay Brod, B.S., 1962 Howard Arthur Burns, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1957 Mary Louise Caporal, B.S., Western Michigan University, 1959 Anthony Richard Cillo, B.S., Rutgers University, 1952 Sondra Jo Curry, B.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1958 Alfreda Farina, B.S., Boston University, 1960 Jerry Wayne Goeglein, B.S., Valparaiso University, 1962 Sandra Joan Hagberg, B.S., Wisconsin State College (La Crosse), 1959 Douglas Allan Hodge, B.S., University of Idaho, 1962 Edith Johnson, B.S., Southern University, 1951 John Edgar Lambert, B.S., 1962 Richard Frederick MacPherson, B.S., Springfield College, 1958 832 board of trustees [September 18 Susan Carol Naylor, B.S., University of Kansas, 1962 Jean Helen Pekara, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1962 Barry Elroy Stern, B.S., Springfield College, 1962 George Alexander Terzian, B.S., 1960 Lawrence Warshawsky, B.S., Springfield College, 1958 Ronald George Wiggett, A.B., Rhodes University, 1951; B.Ed., University of Stellenbosch, 1961 Joanne Wilson, B.P.E., University of British Columbia, 1962 In Physics Stephen Taylor Falk, B.S., Yale University, 1962 Ralph Stephen Kroes, A.B., Maryknoll College, 1953; B.S., Stanford University 1962 James Stavest Loos, B.S., University of North Dakota, 1962 David Wayne Mantik, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1962 David Leslie Wright, B.S., Wheaton College, 1962 In Recreation Richard S. Allebach, Jr., B.S., Ursinus College, 1962 Marvin Dean Heffington, B.S., 1960 Michael Edward Howard, A.B., San Jose State College, 1962 Eugene Maxwell Kirby II, B.S., 1962 Joel Aaron Lerner, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1962 Martha Jane Loomis, A.B., Michigan State University, 1957; awarded posthumously Joan Marie Mayer, B.S., State University of New York College of Education (Cortland), 1960 Elizabeth Ann Miller, B.S., George Williams College, 1948 Martha Lee Peters, B.S., Ohio State University, 1941 Leonard Glenn Roberts, A.B., San Jose State College, 1958 Judith Clark Solomon, A.B., Boston University, 1962 In Sanitary Engineering Edward Lee Thackston, B.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 1961 In the Teaching of Biological Sciences and General Science Marlena Kay Baldridge, B.S., 1962 Patricia Masaye Nakayama, B.S., 1962 Augustine Ikechukwuka Okonkwo, B.S., Kansas State Teachers College, 1960; A.B., William Jewell College, 1961; M.S., Kansas State Teachers College, 1961 Elaine Geraldine Rosen, B.S., 1959 Elizabeth Anne Stoltz, A.B., Greenville College, 1962 Dorothy Mae Pierre Thompson, B.S., Grambling College, 1957 In the Teaching of Chemistry Paul Shea Cohen, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1960 In the Teaching of Mathematics Constance Leona Fulkerson, A.B., Beloit College, 1931 Arthur William Hammar, B.S., 1961 Karl Cornell Kelley, B.S., 1962 Adrienne Marie Madura, B.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1961 Glenn Robert Mahler, A.B., Montclair State College, 1962 Sister Mary Venard McCoppin, A.B., DePaul University, 1956 Gloria Jo Snopko, B.S., Elmhurst College, 1961 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics John Joseph Healey, B.C.E., Manhattan College, 1962 Wesley Ernest Hosken, B.S., 1962 Kim Odell Stein, B.S., 1962 Karl Kent Stevens, B.S., Kansas State University, 1961 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 833 In Veterinary Medical Science Amos Powers Wilson, D.V.M., Kansas State University, 1943 In Zoology David Bruce Crandall, A.B., Greenville College, 1961 Stanley Lee Etter, B.S., 1961 Edwasd Owen Moll, B.S., 1961 Jerome John Paulin, B.Ed., Wisconsin State College (Whitewater), 1962 James William Waddick, B.S., 1962 Degree of Master of Music Ada Michelman Bliesener, B.Mus., B.Mus., American Conservatory of Music, 1931, 1933 Edward George Brewer, B.Mus., A.B., Oberlin College, 1960, 1960 Robert Harold Brown, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1959; M.S., 1960 Barbara Elaine Goldman Cogan, B.Mus., 1961 James Elliot Dapogny, B.Mus., 1962 Mary Ann Hoffmann, B.S., State University of New York College of Education (Pottsdam), 1954 Marilyn Ruth Dare Switzer, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1961 Grace Nannette Wieck, B.Mus., University of Louisville, 1961 Michael William Zenge, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1962 Degree of Master of Education Jewell Marie Wise Adams, B.S., Quincy College, 1949 Frederick Joseph Adelman, A.B., San Diego State College, 1956 Margaret Estella Ahland, B.S., Culver-Stockton College, 1954 Walter LeRoy Aldrich, A.B., Shurtleff College, 1957 John Harry Alexander, B.S., 1958 Edward Lee Allen, A.B., 1962 Robert Bradford Anthony, B.S., 1960 Helen Jean Artis, B.S., Tougaloo College, 1958 Maxine Lee Ayres, B.S., 1960 Kenneth Arthur Baker, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Mary June Barker, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Norma Haldene Bean, B.S., 1955 Kenneth O. Bell, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1957 Orel Lindsay Bell, B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1949 Freda Stafford Bender, B.S., Ohio State University, 1936 Mary Ann Allison Bergschneider, B.S., Northwest Missouri State College, 1957 Robert Angelo Best, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1948 Kenneth Reginald Biba, B.S., 1960 Patricia Musick Binzer, A.B., Quincy College, 1951 James Joseph Blaha, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Betty Louise Bloomfield, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1958 Dorothea Lomax Long Blue, B.S., 1961 Joanne Marie Boehm, A.B., Mundelein College, 1955 Ivan Nye Booher, B.S., 1954 Robert Thomas Bordenave, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1951 William MacGregor Bridgeland, B.S., 1960 Gary Wayne Brown, B.S., 1962 Herman Eugene Brown, A.B., Stowe Teachers College, 1951 Warren Pierce Brown, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1958 Jerry Thomas Brownfield, B.S., Eureka College, 1955 Judith Peterson Burd, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1961 Sybil Sue Burgin, B.S., 1961 Betty Jane Burns, A.B., Michigan State College, 1942 Stanley Herbert Campbell, B.S., Lincoln University, 1956 Adelbert Forest Carpenter, A.B., 1960 Earl Howard Carr, B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1957 George Lewis Carson, B.S., Muskingum College, 1953 Robert John Cassidy, B.S., 1959 834 board of trustees [September 18 Diana Kay Chiles, B.S., 1960 Dorothy Dirks Clark, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 Clarence Ray Colclasure, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Harold Coleman, A.B., 1962 George Carley Connor, Jr., A.B., Antioch College, 1961 Lonnie Gene Cordelle, A.B., Upper Iowa University, 1959 Mary Josephine Corrigan, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Betty Jane Coventry, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1953 Helen Louise Crawford, B.S., Greenville College, 1951 M. Elizabeth Crutchfield, B.S., Murray State College, 1942 Carolyn Turner Cubit, B.S., Southern University, 1956 Robert Ellis Cudney, B.S., Quincy College, 1957 Dennis Alan Dahl, B.S., 1961 Joan Anderson Davis, A.B., 1960 Lydia Komnick Davis, B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1959 James Clarence Descourouez, B.S., 1960 Eugene Dale Dill, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1960 Barbara Ann Douthit, B.S., 1961 Alice Mary Conover Edgar, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Loryann Malvina Eis, A.B., Augustana College, 1960 Hollis Leroy Eyestone, B.S., 1954 Roland Falconer, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1949 Harry David Flumbaum, A.B., Georgetown College, 1960 Brendan John Flynn, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1955 Jane Murray Flynn, B.S., Greenville College, 1959 Rosamond Louise Lavely Flynn, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1953 Sylvia Wineland Frank, B.S., 1959 Billie Joe Fullerton, A.B., David Lipscomb College, 1955 Clinton Zenis Garbs, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1950 Charleen Miller Garrison, A.B., McKendree College, 1959 Marjorie Joanne Gavin, B.S., Bradley University, 1962 Robert Irwin Goodwin, B.S., 1960 Kenney Earl Gray, B.S., Mississippi State University, 1962 Von Hays Gregory, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Gaynell Marie Grubb, B.S., 1962 Robert Calvin Gurley, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Louise Jeanne Hagen, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1950 Ernest Mark Hanson, Jr., B.S., 1961 Donald Lloyd Harvey, B.S., University of Colorado, 1939; B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1941 James Temple Hashbarger, B.S., 1954 Glenn Warren Hayes, B.S., 1961 Susie Elizabeth Hayes, B.S., 1960 Ann Stanley Healey, A.B., 1960 Leo Barron Hicks, Sr., B.S., Lincoln University, 1956 Donald Ray Hish, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Jack Hobbs, B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1957 Margaret Johnson Hodge, B.S., University of Idaho, 1962 Irlene Ammann Honselman, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Patricia Lou Hooks, B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1957 Ralph Elwyn Hubbard, A.B., Aurora College, 1954 Lileen Ruppel Hunt, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1959 Paul H. Hunt, B.S., Millikin University, 1958 Margaret Lucille Hustead, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Helen Lusk Javior, A.B., 1956 William Ryan Jenkins, A.B., Knox College, 1955 Roger Allen Jensen, A.B., McKendree College, 1958 Millie Busby Joda, B.S., 1955 Jerry Glenn Johnson, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Neil Alfred Johnson, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Oshkosh), 1956 Raymond Thomas Jones, A.B., Shurtleff College, 1952 Warren Eugene Jordan, Sr., A.B., Bob Jones University, 1957 Paul Richard Keiser, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 835 Lohene Gehlbach Kendall, B.S., 1960 Donald Edward Kenney, B. S., 1961 Patricia Marie Kidwell, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Robert John Koleno, B.S., 1961 Phyllis Tatsuko Kubota, B.S., Northwestern University, 1962 Guy McDowell Lahr, Jr., B.S., Shurtleff College, 1953 Mary Ruth Douglas Lahr, A.B., McKendree College, 1953 Richard Lawrence Langenfeld, B.S., 1958 Donald Floyd Larson, B.S., 1957 Nina Phyllis Lewis Laster, B.S., Lincoln University, 1954 Robert Eugene Lawson, B.S., 1960 Robert Wesley Leach, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Winford Carl Legate, B.S., 1957 Charles Robert Leininger, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1961 Jacob David Lifshin, B.S., 1962 Raymond Wayne Livingston, A.B., 1951 JEANETTE LEE LoHBAUER, B.S., 1961 Bernard Long, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Gary D. Lonnon, B.S., Millikin University, 1960 Pauline Thomas Luthi, B.S., Purdue University, 1936 Ronald Jon Lutz, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1961 Charlotte Elizabeth Lyon, B.S., Michigan State University, 1953 Marjorie Jeanne Macy, B.S., 1948 Thomas Francis Marry, Jr., A.B., St. Ambrose College, 1951 Reinhold Gustav Mattes, B.S., 1962 Ralph Philbrook Mayall, B.S., 1948 George William McArdle, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Margaret Steen McBroom, B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1950 Gerald Leo McCoy, B.S., Mankato State College, 1960 Mary Cassidy McCoy, B.S., 1961 Robert Francis McFadden, A.B., Lewis College, 1962 Patricia Boyer McKay, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1960 Mesel Lena McLaurin, B.S., Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1948 Sheila Ann McMillan, B.S., 1960 Ronnie Ray McNeal, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Edwin Dale Mellon, B.S., 1950 Marilyn Ruth Block Melton, B.S., 1954 Mildred Madalyn Micucci, B.Ed., National College of Education, 1955 William Carl Mitze, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Ruth Eleanor Moline, B.S., Kansas State University, 1959 Ronald Peter Monge, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 Alan Claire Moore, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 Edward Wesley Moore, B.S.(L.A.S.), B.S.(Educ), 1942, 1956 Phyllis Evans Moose, B.S., 1942 Ronald William Moreland, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1962 Charles Hadley Morine, B.S., 1955 Paul Edward Morris, B.S., Quincy College, 1950 Lyle Warren Morrow, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 William Harlan Moutray, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 Blanche Grieve Nash, B.S., Montana State College, 1960 Harold Randall Nelson, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1957 Hope Brown Nelson, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1949 Janice Anderson Nuss, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Raymond Joseph O'Donnell, B.S., Michigan State University, 1951 Earline McPherson Oliver, A.B., McKendree College, 1957 Loraine Branson Olson, A.B., Culver-Stockton College, 1937 Melvin Ross Partridge, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Maxine Marilyn Patterson, A.B., Fisk University, 1950 Robert Lee Patterson, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1957 Freda Johnson Phillips, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1950 Joanna Beggs Pittman, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1953 Margaret Doelling Podesta, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Gerald Bernard Podlin, B.S., 1959 836 board of trustees [September 18 Robert Ernest Porter, B.S., 1961 Lloyd Dale Provow, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 David Joseph Pucel, B.S., Stout State College, 1962 Coulter Stephani Pustmueller, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1954 Betty Brewner Quick, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1950 Leroy Franklin Rader, B.S., Western Illinois University, I960 Rebecca Eunice Raffe, A.B., James Millikin University, 1951 Dennis Thomas Rainsford, A.B., 1956 Kathryn Ann Ransom, B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1958 David Eugene Rayhill, B.S., Millikin University, 1958 Jack Ray Reeder, A.B., Eureka College, 1957 Larry Hayden Reynolds, B.S., Michigan State University, 1959 Florence Smith Richards, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1953 Bernice Arlene Richmond, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Virginia Lee Rocke, A.B., Colorado College, 1951 Leila Elizabeth Roady Rowden, A.B., Illinois College, 1938 Edward A. Rowley, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Eau Claire), 1958 Thomas Frank Russo, B.S., 1960 Samuel James Ryerson, B.S., Millikin University, 1958 Wendell Emerson St. John, B.S., 1960 Mary Rita Samlin, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Paul Walter Sarewich, B.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1958 Donald Lee Schaefer, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 Phillip Herman Schmidt, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1958 Jimmie Joe Schmitt, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Robert Eugene Schnelle, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 John Fredric Scholfield, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1958 Anne Murray Schott, A.B., College of St. Catherine, 1941 Charles Wesley Schrader, B.S., 1958 John David Sechrest, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1949 John Keith Sellers, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1951 Kenneth Alan Shaw, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1961 Charles Franklin Sides, B.S., Texas Christian University, 1959 Dorr Lester Simer, B.S., 1959 Sister Mary Mercy Connor, A.B., St. Ambrose College, 1955 Sister Mary Jeannette McGrath, B.S., Loyola University (Illinois), 1957 Sister Mary Pauletta Overbeck, Ph.B., Loyola University (Illinois), 1958 Sister Mary Andrea Smith, A.B., San Diego College for Women, 1958 Verna Ruhman Slater, B.S., 1959 Herbert Jacquemin Sliger, B.S., 1950 Robert Anton Soucek, B.S., Northwestern University, 1947 Joseph Albright Springer, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1954 Margaret Alkire Stark, B.S., 1961 Connie La Verne Stephens, B.S., Lincoln University, 1957 Ralph Merle Stivers, B.S., 1943 Alvah Lee Stone, Jr., B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1955 Sidney Strauss, B.S., 1962 John Donahue Sweeney, B.S., 1957 Rodney Oliver Symes, Jr., B.S., University of Chattanooga, 1960 Donald Eugene Taylor, B.S., Southeast Missouri State College, 1958 Ruth Alice Bradley Theis, B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1956 Robert Lee Thorstenson, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1956 Eugene Francis Tomaszek, B.S., Loyola University (Illinois), 1955 Robert Gordon Turner, A.B., Knox College, 1947 Irma Edith Unz, A.B., North Central College, 1925; A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1936 Arvalyn Bremer Van Etten, A.B., 1961 Nick George Veremis, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1954 Patsy Ruth Volner, A.B., Centre College, 1954 Ruth Weigant Volz, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Marilyn Kay Taylor Von Lanken, B.S., Millikin University, 1958 Paul Dale Walker, B.S., 1958 Edsel Webb, A.B., Harris Teachers College, 1957 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 837 Ferne Stogdill Weher, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 Clark Richard White, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1960 Frances Ruth McCokmick White, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 Wayne Rex Whitlatch, B.S., 1960 Ruth E. Johnson Whitmarsh, B.S., Carthage College, 1951 Loren Ifohd Wickert, B.S., 1958 Alfred J. Wilson, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Vivian Antoinette Wilson, B.S., Hampton Institute, 1962 John Henry Wirtz, B.S., 1956 William Jacob Wittmeyer, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1958 Rae Pray Wright, B.S., Purdue University, 1959 George Joseph Yard, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 Carolyn Moore Zeisset, A.B., Westmar College, 1962 Degree of Master of Social Work Gail Lucille Brefeld, B.S., 1959 Marilou Huddleston Burnett, A.B., Oklahoma State University, 1950 Thomas Andrew Burns, A.B., LL.B., Ed.M., 1941, 1947, 1957 Agnes Oaks Steffy, A.B., Albright College, 1961 Degree of Master of Fine Arts In Painting and Printmaking Robert Edward Andermann, B.F.A., 1952 Richard Thomas Fairfield, B.F.A., Bradley University, 1961 John Louis Vogt, B.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute, 1961 Degree of Master of Accounting Science Clark Dean Hollingsworth, A.B., Coe College, 1962 Richard Vincent Johnson, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1962 Folke Gustav Karling, Diploma, Stockholm School of Economics, 1961 William Theodore Middendorf, B.B.A., University of Notre Darne, 1962 Rasidi, B.S., 1962 R. Oskar Soerja Atmadja, B.S., 1962 SUMANTRI SUMODIRONO, B.S., 1962 Arlan Dean Willock, B.S., 1959 Degree of Master of Architecture David Peter Brors, B.Arch., 1961 Robert MacDonald Ford III, B.Arch., University of Washington, 1962 William Kyle Greenock, Diploma, Royal College of Science and Technology, 1962 Robert Phillip Holmes, B.Arch., North Dakota State University, 1961 Carl Ka Woo Mark, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1957 Joseph Bernard Shaughnessy, Jr., B.Arch., University of Notre Dame, 1956 Jerry William Spencer, B.Arch., University of Nebraska, 1957 Robert Lawley Wright, B.Arch., Oklahoma State University, 1962 Degree of Master of Commerce Karl Leo Greiter, B.S., 1961 Degree of Master of Business Administration John Howard Williams, A.B., 1962 Degree of Master of Comparative Law Pirkko Kaarina Koskinen, LL.B., Helsinki University, 1956 Degree of Master of Extension Education Webster Ellsworth Bay, B.S., University of Missouri, 1954 Brahma Deo Pandey, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Banares Hindu University, 1952, 1954, 1961 838 board of trustees [September 18 Advanced Certificate In Education William E. Augustus, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1949; EAM., University of Colorado, 1950 Hilde Marie Bloch, A.B., Millikin University, 1943; A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1951 Dan Tom Bourbulas, A.B., A.M., 1953, 1954 Edward Raymond Brogly, B.S., M.S., Northern Illinois University, 1953, 1958 Eva Filchak Brown, B.S., Millikin University, 1948; Ed.M., 1955 John Allen Col well, A.B., Augustana College (South Dakota), 1957; M.S., 1962 Joseph Carroll Deaton, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1941; M.S., 1949 Dale Dean Downs, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956; Ed.M., 1961 Frank Dufour, B.S., M.S., 1949, 1950 Adrian Williams Ernst, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1951; Ed.M., 1955 Mary Jane Ford, B.S.E., Arkansas State Teachers College, 1948; M.S., 1955 Michele Grant, B.S., Lincoln University, 1952; Ed.M., 1955 Robert Leon Haman, B.S., Southeast Missouri State College, 1953; Ed.M., 1959 Howard Paul Haug, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1943; M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1960 William Marvin Isom, B.S., M.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1952, 1954 Harold Snoddy Jester, B.S., 1930; A.M., State University of Iowa, 1943 Robert Gene Kidd, B.S., M.S., 1952, 1958 Burton Leonard Leavitt, A.B., Albion College, 1952; M.S., Hunter College of the City of New York, 1954 Thomas Edward McCloud, B.S., Fort Valley State College, 1955; M.Mus.Ed., Vandercook College, 1962 Kathryne Ruth Nisbet, B.S., M.S., Millikin University, 1952, 1957 John Edwin Robertson, B.S., M.S., 1949, 1955 Erthel Elmo Rose, A.B., Morehead State College, 1954; Ed.M., 1960 Alfred Joseph Somers, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957, 1958 Carl Mulford Tausig, Jr., Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1949; A.B., DePauw University, 1950; A.M., University of Chicago, 1954 Roland Bernard Wickiser, B.Ed., M.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1943, 1955 In Music Education Alma Marjorie Jones Smith, B.Mus., DePauw University, 1932; M.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1954 Certificate of Advanced Study in Librarianship Eldon Charles Hart, A.B., Brigham Young University, 1938; B.S., A.M., 1939, 1940 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture Kenneth Dean Brazle Jeffrey Harold Gillespie Joseph Everrett Hodges John Thomas Hoyme Wilford Eugene Leasure Don Howard Livingston Larry James Lowe John Ronald Moulton Wayne Howard Oberle Doyling Gene Patterson John Michael Pitzer Dwight Russell Robinson Richard Lee Schultz Rodney Cordell Smith Kenneth Charles Spratt In Food Technology Larry Ralph Wantland In Forestry Stephen John Hanover In Home Economics Karen Etta Holzhauser Mary Ray Moser 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 839 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Kenneth Richard Cherniawsky Darrell Wayne Cummings Ted Joseph Kusner Ermel James McElwee, Jr. Marshall Dwain Richardson John Arnold Seavey Richard Edwin Slovacek In Agricultural Engineering Charles Wayne Anderson Doyle Julian Hortin In Ceramic Engineering Orville Ray Penrod In Civil Engineering Keith Paul Fortin James Albert Goff Kurt Peter Hamann Robert Gerald Krimmel Richard Joseph McPherson Dale Dean Meredith, Highest Honors Nareshchandra Mafatlal Modi Donald Dean Oglesby Ronald James Saballus Robert Roger Shafer Guillermo Manuel Torres Joseph George Tsivoledakis William Grant Westall Gary Lee Wood Patrick Joseph Yonikas Richard M. Zare In Electrical Enaineerina Amado Julio Acosta Castro James Charles Ague John Daniel Arend Suhas Prataprao Bagwe Thomas William Dahlgren Norman Kirk Dornseif, Honors William Arthur Eschner Gerald Frederick Frank, High Honors Leo George Gensler George Goebel Ronald Carl Hallendorff Melvin Dale Hassebrock Ivan Pavlov Ivanov Samuel Chungshu Kuo Harry Robert Lane Virgil George Leenerts Eugene Scott Leherissey Thomas Richard Mihm Charles Jerome Nix Richard William Raymond Henry Carlton Rowe Carroll Ernest Scheer Thomas Wilbur Sigborn Thomas Michael Smith Larry Zane Soges Kenneth Austin Thompson James Robert Van Cleave Dietrich Vedder, Highest Honors Paul Glennon Weingand, Honors Roy Eugene Wheeler, High Honors Thomas James Wojcik In Engineering Mechanics Alan Bruce Whitman, High Honors In General Engineering Donald John Akers Norman Frank Bosek Philip Arthur Deckowitz Charles Randall Hinson Warren Alfred JNielsen Philip Edmond O'Donnell Thomas William Osika In Industrial Engineering Robert Rueben Gershon Paul Dean Goodwin T. Joseph Thomas Curtis Bradley Vevang In Mechanical Engineering Richard Bruno Adams Alberto Bueso-Taquechel Thomas Chew Harry Grant Clark Leonard Ray Cutler John Michael DeAno Kenneth Thomas Honsik Raymond Kenneth Jurvich Robert Joseph Krane Hyacinth Ohakwe Ohaya Michael Craige Pinney Louis William Sandow Robert Lee Shelby Donald Frederick Spurling, Honors Robert Henry Vandermolen Sherrill Lee Wohlwend 840 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 18 In Metallurgical Engineering Ralph Allen Mendelson Anthony Charles Schaffhausf.r COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts John Richard Allison Jane Ellen Anderson George Edward Behr Thomas John Benda Helene Faith Bernick Mariam Weed Bethel Frederick Lee Blanford Herman Brandau Arnold David Breyer Robert Laurence Buck Anthony Roland Burrell Ekika Rott Dillon Paul Radkoff Ek Thomas Paul Farr Jack Allen Fish Arleen Elynne Freeman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liane Judith Fretzin Barry Bruce Glashagel Larry Allen Guerrero Walter David Guller William Edward Michael Hackleman David Mamoru Hayano Michael Louis Hochberg Gunther Johann Holst, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in German Margie Ann Humm David Jerome Jackson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Philosophy Gerard Alain Jodon de Villeroche and Sciences Mary Ellen Kasten Carol Jean Kopay Karlynn Ruth Lance Frederick Daugherty Litvin Victor Thomas Lukas Marilyn Ann Metheny Alan LeRoy Metz Maija Dumpis Michejda, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sydney Joel Mishkutz Mary Frances Mullane Geraldine Sharpe Newton Charles Orloff IZIDA VlKTORIJA PeTRAVICIUS Theodore Eugene Plucinski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Zoology Steven Earl Price Melinda Dale Rutherford Patricia Leona Sabal Nancy Dayton Sidhu Michael Allan Silverton Shirley Mae Sims Margot Stern Roger Franklin Stevenson Allan Jay Wallace Leslie Kae Wenker Blair Whitney, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English Gary Sherwin Wild Martha Jean Wollenweber Anne Learmonth Young In the Teaching of Social Studies Masy Judith Hackman, Honors in Stephen Stanley Hodyke Liberal Arts and Sciences Marion Beth Stafford Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering Daniel Paul Hedden, Honors in Jih Hsin Yang Liberal Arts and Sciences Randy Lee Stotler Antonio Vidal Lamilla, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum In Chemistry Arthur Edward Held, Honors in Stephen Arthur Young, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences Lloyd Martin Holm, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 841 In Liberal Arts Luis Mariano Albert John Robert Antosiak Carol Peternel Becker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Stephen Arnold Blischke Richard William Boeving Bob Elliot Bogolub, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Louis Braun Gerald Anthony Caravelli David Chang Richard Laurence Coen Jon Willis Culton Darvin Dale Drenkhahn William Lester Etheridge Kenneth Barry Fine, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Edwin Albert Fischer Edward Jerome Gallagher David Michael Graham Omar Sulieman Hammuda Phillip Clarence Heemstra and Sciences Kenneth Robert Heineman Morton Jay Kanter, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Theodore John Kaye Judith Kay Kramzar Roger Joseph Lederer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ronald Leigh Luken Walter Clarence Lynge, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Robert Nimrod Miner Victor Joseph Pellegrini, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Jay Raymond Powell Lester Theodore Richter, Jr. John Phillip Ruys Paul Franklin Sanford, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ronald David Stance Elaine Beverly Trousil Elmer Lee Tyrey In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General Science Bonnie Adrienne Lau Helen Sue Speiser In the Teaching of Mathematics Pearl Lydine Hannula, Honors in Stanley James Schaumburg Liberal Arts and Sciences with Eleanor Ann Swift High Distinction in the Curriculum Claude Richard Kramer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum COLLEGE OF LAW Degree of Bachelor of Laws Vernon Dale Ashmore, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Robert Alan Hayes, B.S., 1961 John Eli Juergensmeyer, A.B., 1955; A.M., Ph.D., Princeton University, 1957, 1960 Paul Joseph Knapp, A.B., 1961 Lawrence Herman Liberman, B.S., 1960 Craig Eugene McGuire, B.S., 1962 Richard Edwin O'Leary, A.B., 1955 Paul Leslie Pratt, A.B., Illinois College, 1962 Nolan Kent Sims, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 William Van Horn Smith, A.B., 1961 Walter Robert Stewart, A.B., University of Maryland, 1959 Salvatore Rosario Strazzante, A.B., 1962 Harry John Westfall, A.B., 1960 Leo Wotan, Jr., B.S., 1960 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science Glenn Dee Bateman Babette Spragg Dickelman Roger Allyn Fox In Education Fabio Restrepo Lopez Gerald Francis Smith Susan Randall Vaughn In Elementary Education Wanda Wells Brodie, High Honors Velma DeLois Brown Mary Kennedy Brown Alma Cruse Bruhn 842 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 18 Carol Lawrence Clapper Louise Higgins Cleveland James Harlyn Ellis Gita Warshawsky Fisher Idabelle Fulton Edna Jackson Horne Mildred Ann Langford Jolene Mary Marcacci Marguerite Andrews McDaniel Marilyn Niccum McDevitt Janice Sue Meizlesh Charles Leonard Montgomery Ellen Dugan Pascucci Marcia Brown Pullin, Honors Rose Ann Sarginson Judith Ann Schaffenacker Patricia Kolar Schmidt Janet Mary Stumpf Joyce Margaret Stumpf Phyllis Wiest Thompson, Honors In the Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Bonnie Sue Campbell Shirley Ann Jenks COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science William Lee Bauer William Richards Cash Donald Leroy Dean Dennis Michael DeEmo Glenn William Dodd Roy Robert DuSell Charles Marius Massett Paul John Meginnis II Ronald Lee Meitzler Jeanne Lillian Ehlers Donald Blair Brown David William Gaffron Charles Curtiss Kaufman Kenneth Joseph Bokor Clinton Eugene Braly William Alan Foisy Delbert Lee Kyger In Accountancy Michael Morgan Ochsenschlager Frederick Joseph Sulich James Bernard Szalczynski Larry Dean Taylor Donald Eugene Vagner Raymond Joseph Vilutis Melvin Robert Waldman Marion Charles Walton In Commercial Teaching Janice Kay Kessler In Economics Jack Edward Lundy Raymon Frank Whitney In Finance Richard Paul Mochel Lawrence Abbott Myers Stephen Reynolds Yost Joseph Charles Strance Daniel Anthony Angelus Dennis Joseph Green David Lawrence Gurczewski Robert Leonard Bartz Robert Wade Blaesing William Edmunds Bugg Elaine Alice Coorens Stanley Paul Copeland Richard Rex Fisher William Erving Geever John Golde Barry Lee Gordon In Industrial Administration In Management Merle Gene Hurelbrink Robert Henry Osterman Stanley Thomas Ripskis In Marketing Joyce Ann Hites Ward Seyfarth Johnson Harvey Alan Leva Clyde Richard Lortz Karen Sue Olson Antonia Risk John Gerald Ruble Gary Arthur Snell Robert John Zawacke COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATIONS Degree of Bachelor of Science In Communications LlNNEA JO ASPLIND ROGER VoN DELLINGER Paul Milton Davis Paul Mazmanian 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 843 Joan Lorraine Koza Gary Kenneth Wolf Herbert Lyle Ross COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Architecture Raymond Maurice Broady George Moy Lida Budko Ronald Mayer Spiegel John Harry Larson August Peter Wisnosky, Jr. Albert Maurycy Michejda Jerry Dee Moore Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts In Advertising Design Eugene Richard Fowler In Art Education Nancy Tracy B. Crockett Elinor Ann Nielsen, High Honors Deborah Adams Davis In Industrial Design James Gilbert Hansen Charles Latimer Werly Jerry Alan Nichols In Painting Lorna Jane Bell Mary Margaret Parker, Honors Degree of Bachelor of Music Amaryllis Anne Fletcher, Highest Susan Staunton Whaley, High Honors Honors Brenda Brown McNeiland, Highest Honors Degree of Bachelor of Science In City Planning Arnold Elmer Gassman In Music Education Joanne Crapuchettes Bartel Janet Warner Hogen COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Physical Education Phillip Erskine Jones In Recreation Phyllis Susan Cohen Linda Sue Towner James Edward Hohm FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS The Board has previously voted to change the date of the regular October meeting from the third Wednesday to Saturday, October 26, to be held in Urbana, according to a schedule to be arranged by the President and the Secretary. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to change the date of the November meeting from the third Wednesday to Saturday, November 23, according to a schedule to be arranged by the President and the Secretary. At this point, Mr. Williamson asked to be excused from the meeting. 844 board of trustees [September 18 ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BOARDS Mrs. Watkins reminded the Trustees that the annual meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions will be held at Pennsylvania State University, October 14 to 18, 1963. She stated that she is planning to attend and asked that other Trustees plan to do so. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session had been requested, and was being ordered, for consideration of recommendations relating to property acquisitions and patentable inventions; and that this session would be held after a luncheon recess. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board recessed. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members, officers of the Board, and officers of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes with the exception of Mr. Williamson, who joined the meeting later. The Board proceeded to consider the following additional reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 2O8 NORTH ROMINE STREET URBANA. ILLINOIS (1) The Board of Trustees on April 17, 1963, authorized condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property at 208 North Romine Street, Urbana, Illinois, required as part of the site for construction of the new Civil Engineering Building. A price of $29,000 has been agreed upon for the purchase of this property, which is $250 above the amount authorized by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds but appears to be the lowest price for which the property can be acquired without condemnation proceedings and the resulting cost thereof. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of this purchase, and that the Board rescind its action of April 17, 1963, with respect to condemnation proceedings. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these recommendations were approved, viz: the purchase of this property, at the price indicated, was authorized; and the Board rescinded its resolution of April 17, 1963, authorizing the acquisition of the property through condemnation proceedings. These actions were taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 1 1O5 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. URBANA (2) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1105 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, a lot 69 feet by 132 feet (9,108 square feet) with a two-story and basement frame house. The land is needed as part of the site for construction of the next unit of the Coordinated Science Laboratory. The owners were advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $20,000, based on University appraisals, but the offer is not acceptable, and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 845 Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 1105 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot Four (4) in Block Five (S) and the West three (3) feet of Lot Five (5) in Block Five (S) of the Urbana Railroad Company Addition to the City of Urbana also called Urbana Railroad Addition to the Town now City of Urbana and all of the West One-half (W Vz) except the East Thirty (30) feet thereof of Lot Five (5) in Block Five (5) of the Urbana Railroad Company Addition to the City of Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois. is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for use as part of the site for construction of the next unit of the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use, that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefore determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf 846 board of trustees [September 18 of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefore, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Following adjournment of the Board, on call of the Chairman, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois met at the request of the President of the University to consider a special item of business which had been submitted to him too late for presentation to the full Board. The following, constituting all members of the Executive Committee, were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Chairman, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, and Mrs. Frances B. Watkins. President David D. Henry and the other officers of the University were present, including, for the business of this meeting, Dean William L. Everitt of the College of Engineering, and Mr. John J. Desmond, Assistant Director of the Engineering Experiment Station. THE MIDWEST ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER At the request of President Henry, Mr. Costello, Legal Counsel, presented the following report and recommendation: On April 17, 1963, the Board of Trustees approved, in principle, the establishment of the Midwest Electronics Research Center and granted authority to negotiate contracts for the Visiting Industrial Associates Program under the Midwest Electronics Research Center. This action was subject to the approval of the State of Illinois Board of Higher Education which was subsequently granted on July 2, 1963. Article 6 of an "Agreement for a Resident Program of Visiting Associates from Industry" contained the following language: "All inventions, discoveries, and developments resulting from the work of the research program in which the Visiting Industrial Associate is participating, whether or not patentable, shall be and become the property of University; provided, however, that in the event the Visiting Industrial Associate is the inventor or co-inventor of such invention or inventions, Company shall be granted appropriate preferential treatment to be determined by University after taking into consideration the extent of the contribution of the Visiting Industrial Associate and to the extent permitted by contractural commitments by University to sponsors of the on-going research." In negotiations with industry, it has been determined that this language is generally unacceptable and that a predetermination of "preferential treatment" is required as a part of the contract. It has been determined that the following language would be more acceptable to industry; therefore, the Dean of the College of Engineering recommends that approval be given to this revision in the contract. "All inventions, discoveries, and developments resulting from the work of the research program in which the Visiting Industrial Associate is participating, 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 847 whether or not patentable, shall be and become the property of University; provided, however, that in the event a Visiting Industrial Associate is the inventor or co-inventor of such invention or inventions, title shall vest in University and to the extent permitted by contractural commitments by University to sponsors of the on-going research, Company may retain a royalty free, non-exclusive license with the additional right to sub-license to a supplier or other company where the purpose of said sub-license is for the manufacturing or developing of products for the sole use of the Company. The right to sub-license for purposes other than the sole use of the Company requires advance request by Company and approval by University in writing." AH University officers concerned have been consulted and have approved, with Legal Counsel reserving the right to draft the precise language to be used. President Henry stated that he concurs. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. The Executive Committee adjourned. Wayne A. Johnston Frances B. Watkins A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Clerk Chairman MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS October 26, 1963 The October meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Saturday, October 26, 1963, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner was absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant, Professor John E. Baerwald of the Department of Civil Engineering and University Traffic Engineer, Mr. Ambrose Richardson, Consulting Architect; and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board. 849 850 board of trustees [October 26 BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: Sta(e from wkh They Name Address Obtained Certificates William Anthony Kane Palatine, Illinois Montana Eugene Francis McAllister Davenport, Iowa Iowa Thomas Joseph Schopp Ladue, Missouri Missouri On motion of Mr. Williamson, these certificates were awarded. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (2) The Director of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children recommends the following appointments to the Advisory Committee of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children for terms as indicated, beginning September 1, 1963. Representatives of the University Professor Rupert Evans, Associate Dean, College of Education, two years Professor Lloyd G. Humphreys, Department of Psychology, three years (reap-pointment) Professor Louis Schneider, Department of Sociology, is the other representative of the University. His term expires in 1964. Representatives of the Department of Mental Health and Children's Services Dr. William Sloan, State Department of Mental Health, Springfield, three years Dr. Donald Brieland, Director of Children's Services, is the other representative from the Department of Mental Health. His term expires in 1964. Representatives of the Department of Public Instruction Dr. John H. O'Neill, Assistant Superintendent, State Department of Public Instruction, three years Mr. Vernon F. Frazee, Director, Division of Special Education, State Department of Public Instruction, two years The Board of Trustees on July 16, 1952, approved the plan for the organization of the Institute which includes an Advisory Committee consisting of three representatives from the University, two from the Department of Public Welfare (now Department of Mental Health), and two from the Department of Public Instruction, each appointed for a three-year term. The Dean of the College of Education and the Executive Vice-President and Provost endorse these nominations. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 851 Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Judith Agassi, Assistant Professor of Sociology, in the Division of General Studies, on two-thirds time, for one year from September 1, 1963, at a salary of $5,000. 2. Jean R. Boatright, Staff Physician, Health Center and McKinley Hospital, and Assistant Professor of Hygiene, beginning September 16, 1963, at an annual salary of $17,000. 3. Louis D. Bosnes, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology, in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, on one-fourth time, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $3,000. 4. Tell Ertl, Visiting Professor of Mining Engineering, for four and one-half months from February 1, 1964, at a salary of $7,200. 5. Jane Farley, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1963, without salary. 6. Harold Feinberg, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, on one-tenth time, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $1,200. 7. John C. Frye, Professor of Geology, beginning September 1, 1963, without salary. 8. Robert W. Glenn, Staff Physician, Health Center and McKinley Hospital, and Assistant Professor of Hygiene, beginning September 16, 1963, at an annual salary of $14,000. 9. Arnold W. Guess, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,000. 10. Sheppard G. Kellam, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1963, without salary. 11. Calvin A. Kuenzel, Visiting Associate Professor of Law, for four and one-half months from February 1, 1964, at a salary of $6,500. 12. Harold H. Niebel, Clinical Associate Professor of Oral Pathology, College of Dentistry, beginning September 1, 1963, without salary. 13. Jeanette Schulz, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, beginning September 1, 1963, without salary. 14. Adolfs Sprudzs, Law Library Assistant with rank of Assistant Professor, beginning October 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,200. 15. Robert E. Stake, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Associate Director of the Office of Educational Testing, College of Education, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $13,500. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these appointments were confirmed. CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ART AT THE CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (4) The members of the faculty of professorial rank in the Department of Art at the Chicago Undergraduate Division have voted to recommend a change in the form of the organization of the Department from one organized with a head to one organized with a chairman. The Dean of the College of Architecture and Art and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division have approved this recommendation. The Dean and the Vice-President also recommend the appointment of Professor John E. Walley, who has been serving as Acting Head of the Department for the past year, as Professor of Art on indefinite tenure, and Chairman of the Department of Art at the Chicago Undergraduate Division for two years from September 1, 1963. No change in salary is involved. This appointment is recommended after consultation with the appropriate members of the faculty of the Department of Art, and is concurred in by the Executive Vice-President and Provost, and the Acting Dean of the Graduate College. I concur in the above recommendations. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these recommendations were approved. DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES (5) The faculty of the Department of German has requested that its name be 852 board of trustees [October 26 officially changed t9 "Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures," which more clearly describes its operations, for it teaches Gothic and Old Icelandic as well as German with its older forms (Old and Middle High German) and offers courses in modern Scandinavian literature. The recommendation is concurred in by the Executive Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. RESIGNATION OF DEAN J. W. PELTASON (6) I report the resignation of Dean J. W. Peltason of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Professor of Political Science, effective July 1, 1964. Dean Peltason has accepted the Deanship of the College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences at the University of California at Irvine. This report was received for record. APPROPRIATION BY THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (7) The Board of Directors of the Athletic Association of the University of Illinois has approved an assignment of $6,000 from surplus funds of the Association for the expenses of the University of Illinois football band to Madison, Wisconsin, November 15-16, 1963. Confirmation of this action is requested. On motion of Mr. Swain, this assignment of funds was confirmed. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (8) The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign Physical Plant Department Remodeling of the building at 1308 West Springfield Avenue for use as office space by the Digital Computer Laboratory...........$ 3 460 00 Remodeling to provide adequate space for a new program in plant physiology research: Room 107, Vegetable Crops Building........................ 11 630 00 Room 204, Floriculture Building............................ 16 740 00 Remodeling in the Administration Building and in the Mini Union to provide office quarters for relocation of personnel in the President's and Provost's Office, and for relocation of the Board of Trustees Office; and moving of equipment........................ 5 865 00 Total..........................................................$37 695 00 I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend employment of the following architectural and engineering firms for the services and on the terms as indicated below. Projects at Urbana-Champaign Project Firm Fee Steam and electric distribu- Sargent and Lundy, Same as present tion system extension Chicago Sargent and Lundy contract (The present Sargent and Lundy fee is based on a current expense charge for engineering and drafting at actual salaries and wages, plus 50 per cent of the 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 853 stenographic and clerical services and travel expenses and miscellaneous expenses at actual cost and a fixed fee charge of ljj per cent of the mutually agreed estimate of the cost of the project to completion exclusive of charges included above and the University's engineering supervisory and overhead costs. If a resident field engineer is requested, the service will be billed at actual salary plus 15 per cent, plus traveling and field expenses.) Project Firm Fee Storm and water main Wilson and Anderson, Schedule A of minimum extension to serve Civil Urbana fees of Illinois Engineering Building and Society of Profes- East Chemistry Building sional Engineers Addition Remodeling food service Fred Schmid Associates, $15 per hour of pro- areas in Illini Union Chicago fessional employees Building plus out of pocket expenses Air-conditioning study Sargent and Lundy, Salaries of engineers for Urbana campus Chicago plus 100 per cent for overhead and commission; plus clerical services and other expense to be billed at actual cost Projects at the Medical Center, Chicago Remodeling in the Den- Richardson, Severns, Salaries of engineers tistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Scheeler, and Associates, plus 100 per cent for Building Champaign overhead and com- mission ; but not to exceed $47,000 Remodeling in the Fugard, Burt, Wilkinson, Salaries of architects, Hospital and Orth, Chicago plus 100 per cent for overhead and commission, but not to exceed $43,000 Funds for all the projects except the Illini Union are available in state capital appropriations. Funds are available from the proceeds of the revenue bond issue for the Illini Union Services. The Advisory Committee on the Selection of Architects and Engineers and the Committee on Buildings and Grounds have previously considered these recommendations and concur. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these recommendations were approved. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITION TO EAST CHEMISTRY BUILDING (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of the first addition to the East Chemistry Building, the award in each case being to the lowest acceptable bidder: General --- Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign...............$2 224 160 Base bid ............................................$2 219 000 Additive alternates for Service charge for assignment of other contracts to the general contractor......................... 69 000 Installation of underground condenser water tank... 2 300 Deductive alternates for Substituting the Mills Company partitions for those specified..................................... --- 45 290 Eliminating factory glazing on windows........... --- 7 400 Substituting kitchen unit for kitchenette........... --- 6S0 854 board of trustees [October 26 Substituting ceramic tile for structural glazed tile.. --- 9 800 Substituting Wood Conversion Company acoustical tile.......................................... --- 3000 Elevator --- Westinghouse Electric Corporation Elevator Division, Chicago........................................................ 124 856 Plumbing---Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign.... SOS 590 Base bid.............................................$ 449 890 Additive alternate for replacing 8 inch sanitary sewer in California Avenue ............................... 6 000 Deductive alternate for substituting kitchen unit for kitchenette....................................... --- 300 Heating, Piping, Refrigeration, and Automatic Temperature Control --- Healy Plumbing and Heating Company, St. Paul, Minnesota.... 652 770 Base bid.............................................$ 627 800 Additive alternates for Installation of underground condenser water storage tank......................................... 11 700 Installation of liquid nitrogen line................. 12 200 Substituting plastic pipe for tin lined pipe.......... 970 Change pipe and valves from brass to tin lined brass 100 Ventilation and Distribution Systems for Conditioned Air --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign.................................... 297 442 Pipe Covering and Insulation --- Mechanical Insulation Company, Inc., Kewanee...................................................... 141 2S0 Electrical----William H. Brunkow, doing business as Brunkow Electric Company, Champaign....................................... 458 970 Base bid.............................................$ 459 000 Deductive alternate for substituting kitchen unit for kitchenette....................................... --- 30 Laboratory Equipment --- E. H. Sheldon Equipment Company, Mus- kegon, Michigan............................................... 964 064 Base bid ............................................$1 207 000 Deductive alternates for Substituting Isoshel bench tops....................--- 58 000 Substituting Colorlith for Colorseran on inner fume hood surfaces................................--- 33 936 Substituting fume hoods manufactured by E. H. Sheldon Equipment Company.................--- 151 000 Total..........................................................$5 369 102 It is also recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract $5,369,102; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign, for the assignment of these other contracts for $69,000 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available from the state capital appropriations to the University from the University's Building Fund, subject to release, and from a grant of $1,600,000 from the National Science Foundation and a grant of $750,000 from the National Institutes of Health. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of all bids received, copies of which are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I recommend the awards of contracts, as indicated, subject to the release of the state funds. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 855 CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MATERIALS RESEARCH LABORATORY, PHASE II (11) Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on the construction of the Materials Research Laboratory, Phase II, including a schedule of the bids received, a copy of which is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The First National Bank of Chicago has agreed to loan the University of Illinois Foundation $4,500,000 at 2% per cent interest over a twelve-year period to finance that portion of the total cost which will be repaid by the Atomic Energy Commission and Advanced Research Projects Agency. The total cost of the building, including architectural costs and Phase I of the construction previously approved by the Board, is estimated at $4,750,000. The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Executive Vice-President and Provost recommend that $250,000 of the costs for Phase I and architectural services, temporarily financed from indirect costs, be provided from funds which are available in state capital appropriations. The Vice-President and Comptroller also recommends that the construction bids be assigned to the University of Illinois Foundation, that the site be leased to the Foundation for a period of thirty years, that the Foundation be requested to borrow funds for construction from the First National Bank of Chicago, and lease the property back to the University for biennial periods at rental sufficient to cover interest, principal, and other costs to the Foundation. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution for Materials Research Laboratory, Phase II Be It, and It Hereby Is, Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and Secretary of this public corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized for and in the name of, and on behalf of, this public corporation: (1) to sign, execute, and deliver an agreement with and to University of Illinois Foundation, a not for profit corporation of the State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as "Foundation," which agreement shall provide that this public corporation will lease certain hereinafter described property owned by it in Urbana, Illinois, to Foundation; that Foundation will borrow money for the purpose of constructing, and will construct, on said property a building and facilities for use as a Materials Research Laboratory; that Foundation will sublease said premises, including the building and facilities thereon, to this public corporation at a rental sufficient to pay Foundation's indebtedness incurred in connection with the construction and equipping of said building and facilities; and that upon completion of the repayment of said indebtedness from said rentals title to said property, including all improvements and facilities thereon, shall be vested in this public corporation; (2) to enter into a lease with Foundation providing for the leasing by this public corporation to Foundation of the following described property, viz: "Situated in the State of Illinois, the County of Champaign, the City of Urbana and being a part of the Ny5 of the NE4 NE4 $dG$pD Section 18 Township 19 North and Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian and being more fully bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner of the East property line of Goodwin Avenue in said City of Urbana, said corner being 301.31 feet distant South of and 1236.9 feet distant west of the N.E. corner of said Section 18, and being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Easterly along a line perpendicular to the East property line of said Goodwin Avenue a distance of 372.12 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Southerly along a line parallel to the East property line of said Goodwin Avenue a distance of 278.0 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Westerly along a line perpendicular to the East property line of said Goodwin Avenue a distance of 372.12 feet to a corner on the East property line of said Goodwin Avenue, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Northerly along the East property line of said Goodwin Avenue, a distance of 278.0 feet to the place of 856 board of trustees [October 26 beginning, and being further described as the South 35.69' of the East 560' of Lot 1, the South SStiy of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the South 35.69' of the West 52.12' of Lot 6, all in Block 6 of the Urbana Rail Road Addition to the City of Urbana; and the West 184.12' of Lot 2, the East 188.0' of Lots 3 and 4, the North 62.81' of the East 142.0' of Lot 5, the North 62.81' of Lot 6, the North 62.81' of the West 78.12' of Lot 7, all in W. M. Goodwin's Addition to the City of Urbana; containing 2.375 acres, more or less." for a term of, thirty years commencing on the first day of November A.D. 1963 and extending to and including the 31st day of October A.D. 1993, or until the indebtedness incurred by Foundation in connection with the construction and equipping of said building and facilities has been paid and liquidated, whichever shall first occur; in consideration of Foundation's constructing thereon a building and facilities for use as a Materials Research Laboratory pursuant to plans and specifications therefor as now on file in the office of the University Architect of this public corporation and for which bids have been received as hereinafter set forth, and in consideration of Foundation's reimbursing this public corporation for architectual and engineering fees incurred in connection with said construction and the plans and specifications therefor, and in consideration of Foundation's subleasing said premises and the building and facilities thereon to this public corporation upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and providing further that in the event this public corporation should become in default under the terms of said sublease or fail to exercise any option for renewal of the term of said sublease under the terms and conditions therein set forth that thereupon Foundation shall have the full and unrestricted right to the use and possession of said premises and the building and facilities thereon for the remainder of the original term of said lease and the right to assign said lease or sublet said premises with the building and facilities thereon to others for the remainder of the original thirty year term of said lease ; (3) to enter into a sublease agreement with Foundation when the construction of said building and facilities has been completed, providing for the subleasing by Foundation to this public corporation of said premises including the building and facilities thereon, under which sublease this public corporation will agree to pay a rental sufficient to meet all current installment payments becoming due and required to be paid by Foundation during the term of said sublease on Foundation's indebtedness incurred in connection with the construction of said building and facilities; said sublease to run from the date of the closing of Foundation's permanent loan secured for the financing of said improvements and extend to June 30 of the first subsequent odd-numbered year thereafter, and which permanent loan it is contemplated will be repayable in forty quarterly installments of approximately One Hundred Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($112,500) each with interest at an effective net interest rate of 2% per cent due each quarter on the unpaid balance; and which sublease shall contain options giving to this public corporation the right to renew said sublease for successive two year periods from July 1 of each odd-numbered year to June 30 of the next succeeding odd-numbered year by giving written notice to Foundation between the first and fifteenth day of July in each year when such renewal is to be made, until said sublease is finally terminated by the payment and liquidation of the above mentioned indebtedness; (4) to commit this public corporation to act as agent for Foundation in the supervision of construction and administration of contracts therefor and change orders thereto, and the administration and service of said indebtedness, and in making payments of and disbursements from and of funds made available by the creditor of Foundation for the purpose of said construction and acquisition of facilities; and (5) to sign, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any and all other documents and instruments deemed necessary or desirable by said Comptroller and said Secretary to accomplish the purpose herein set forth. Be It, and It Hereby Is, Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the bids received on September 24 and October 1, 1963, for the construction of Materials Research Laboratory, Phase II, and all rights thereunder, including but not limited to, the right to contract with the bidder, a copy of a schedule of which bids has been filed with the Secretary of this Board of 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 857 Trustees for record, be and they hereby are, assigned to Foundation; and this Board of Trustees recommends to the Board of Directors of University of Illinois Foundation that contracts for construction of Materials Research Laboratory, Phase II, be awarded by Foundation as follows: General --- Johnson, Drake, and Piper, Incorporated, Terre Haute, Indiana Base bid........................................... $2 236 00 Additive alternate for service charge for assignment of other contracts to the general contractor....... 60 000 Deductive alternate for omitting panels and steel members in back of precase grills.................... ---2 500 $2 293 500 Plumbing --- The Economy Plumbing and Heating Company, Inc., Skokie........................................................ 337 777 Heating, Process Piping, Refrigeration and Pneumatic Tube --- Borg, Inc., Chicago, based on York absorption machine................. 381 000 Ventilating --- The Robert Irsay Company, Skokie................... 346 853 Pipe Covering and Insulation --- Culberg Asbestos and Cork Company, Chicago ................................................ 83 450 Temperature Control --- The Johnson Service Company, Urbana Base bid ........................................... $ 57 425 Additive alternate for central control panel........... 27 400 84 825 Electrical --- G. L. Wilsky, an individual doing business as Downtown Electric, Urbana Base bid ........................................... $ 428 325 Additive alternate for master air conditioner control panel........................................... 100 Deductive alternate for omitting telephone trough..... ---7 200 421 225 Laboratory Equipment --- The Walrus Manufacturing Company, Decatur...................................................... 75 400 Fume Hoods --- The Laboratory Furniture Company, Mineola, New York......................................................... 44 200 Elevators and Elevator Equipment --- The Otis Elevator Company, Chicago...................................................... 54 908 $4 123 138 This Board of Trustees further recommends to the Board of Directors of University of Illinois Foundation that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for general work, making a total for such contract a price of $4,123,138, and that an agreement be entered into by Foundation with Johnson, Drake, and Piper, Incorporated, for the assignment of these other contracts, for $60,000, which amount is included in the aforesaid contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF lOO-FOOT ANTENNA RESEARCH TOWER (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $26,980, to English Brothers Company, Champaign, the amount of their base bid and a deductive alternate substituting Douglas fir for yellow pine for construction of a 100-foot Antenna Research Tower south of Bondville, Illinois, for the Department of Electrical Engineering, subject to completion of acquisition of title to the land required. Funds are available from a research contract with the United States Navy. I concur. 858 board of trustees [October 26 On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANTENNA MODEL PATTERN RANGE (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of an antenna model pattern range to be constructed south of Bondville, Illinois, for the Department of Electrical Engineering, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder, subject to completion of acquisition of title to the land required. General --- Lynne Meyer, doing business as Lynne Meyer Company, Champaign................................................... $29 830 00 Electrical --- Potter Electric Service, Inc., Urbana.................. 4 737 00 Plumbing --- Willis H. Thomas and Wren C. Thomas, doing business as Thomas Plumbing and Heating Company, Urbana............ 2 175 00 Funds are available from a research contract with the United States Navy. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. WATER RESOURCES CENTER (14) The Acting Dean of the Graduate College recommends that a Water Resources Center be established at the University of Illinois and that it be administered by the Graduate College. The Executive Vice-President and Provost concurs in this recommendation. The Center will encourage and coordinate university-wide planning and implementation of interdisciplinary programs for research and graduate education in water resources. The interests of the Center will encompass current and future programs of water resources within the various academic departments of the University and cooperating agencies, including the State Water Survey and the other state surveys. The administration of water resources programs will continue to be the responsibility of the academic departments and cooperating agencies. The Center will administer funds assigned or granted to it. It will review proposals and allocate such funds to the cooperating departments and agencies for the development of programs on water resources. As a unit of the Graduate College, the Center will review grant proposals made to outside agencies or to University sources for the support of water resources programs and will recommend appropriate action on such proposals. Finally, for purposes of information, coordination, and referral, the Center will maintain a current file of all water resources programs of the University and the cooperating agencies. The Center will be administered by an Executive Committee through a Director. The Dean of the Graduate College will appoint the members of the Executive Committee, which consists of the Directors of the Agricultural and the Engineering Experiment Stations, a representative of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and two members representing other participating units and agencies. The Dean of the Graduate College, with the advice of the Executive Committee, will appoint a Director of the Center who will then become a member of the Executive Committee and serve as its secretary. The Executive Committee will give policy and broad program direction to the work of the Center and will establish a standing technical advisory committee and other groups as needed to consider specific problems or activities related to water resources programs. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 859 SUPPLEMENTAL ANNUITIES FOR RETIRED UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL (15) The University Retirement System of Illinois was created by an Act of the General Assembly of Illinois approved June 21, 1941, and began operating on September 1, 1941. Since then, it has provided the retirement, disability, death, and survivor benefits for all members of the faculty and other employees of the six state-supported institutions of higher education, the state scientific surveys, and certain auxiliary state agencies such as the System itself. All benefits accruing to the personnel covered by the System are defined by state law; and any changes in benefits are pursuant to legislative action. Prior to the establishment of the University Retirement System, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois established a program and policies, which became operative September 1, 1925, providing for payment of retirement and death benefits from University funds. AH personnel who retired prior to September 1, 1941, have received their benefits from this University of Illinois System, and those still living continue to receive their retirement benefits from University funds. Retirement benefits, then as now, were based upon salaries paid during the last several years of active service and the period of such service. It is apparent that the retirement annuities determined by salaries which were being paid in 1941 are wholly inadequate when measured by present costs of living. The same is true, although perhaps in most cases to a somewhat lesser extent, of annuities being paid to those who retired after September 1, 1941, under the University Retirement System of Illinois prior to the increases in benefits established by the amendments to the Act made by the General Assembly in 1959. While the University may supplement the annuities of those who retired under the University of Illinois System established in 1925, and which is under the sole jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, action to improve the benefits of those who retired under the University Retirement System of Illinois requires specific authorization of the General Assembly. The Seventy-second General Assembly of Illinois established a precedent for supplemental annuities of employees after retirement by an Act providing for additional annuities for teachers in the State Teachers and the Chicago Teachers Retirement Systems, the constitutionality of which law has been upheld by the Supreme Court of Illinois. Under that law, retired teachers are permitted to purchase additional annuities to bring their total retirement benefits to a maximum of $50 a year for each year of service but in no event in excess of $2,250 per year. For such supplemental benefits the individual is required to make a payment of $5 for each year of credited service at the time of retirement into a separate fund to which fund the state also contributes. The supplemental benefits are payable only out of that fund. Since University of Illinois personnel who retired prior to September 1, 1941, are under a retirement system which was established and has been operated solely by the University, the Board of Trustees may act to supplement the benefits of such retired personnel without state legislation; and the precedent cited above justifies such action as a matter of policy. Seven members of the University faculty and other employees who retired prior to September 1, 1941, and who are still living, are eligible to purchase supplemental annuities if the formula used for those who retired under the State and Chicago Teachers Systems is applied. The totals of the annuities of these seven retired staff members would thus be supplemented by $4,510 per year. Initial payments required of them would total $1,021.26, resulting in a net cost of $3,48874 during the first year. Based on the life expectancy of these individuals, the total program would cost approximately $17,116 to be paid over a period of years. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the Board approve the establishment of such a program of supplementary retirement benefits on a basis comparable to that provided by the Seventy-second General Assembly for retired personnel under the State Teachers and the Chicago Teachers Retirement Systems, and authorize the payment into such separate fund such amounts as may be necessary to pay the net cost of said supplemental annuities from funds received for reimbursement for the indirect costs of operation of research and service contracts. This proposal has been considered by the Committee on General Policy which recommends approval. I concur. 860 board of trustees [October 26 On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved, and the assignment of funds required for supplemental annuities was authorized; this action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. UNITED STUDENT AID FUNDS. INCORPORATED (16) The Board has authorized a contract with the United Student Aid Funds, Incorporated, whereby deposits made with that agency by the University guarantee loans obtained by its students from banks in their home areas. Of the $5,000 authorized, $2,000 was advanced in May, 1963, by the University of Illinois Foundation to the University, which was then deposited with USA Funds and, when matched by an equivalent amount by the USA Funds, made possible loans aggregating $50,000. This amount was completely loaned within a few weeks. Authorization is requested to accept an additional $10,000 from the Foundation for this purpose and to deposit it with the USA Funds as required, which will result in a total authorization of $15,000. While USA Funds can give no assurance at present as to what amount, if any, can be assigned by it to match the University contribution, each dollar of the deposit, consisting of the University advance and USA Funds matching funds, is used by USA Funds to guarantee $12.50 in loans obtained by students from their local banks. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, authority was given as requested. BEQUESTS OF DR. L. C. H. E. ZEIGLER. DECEASED (17) The will of the late Dr. L. C. H. E. Zeigler of Chicago includes two bequests to the University, each approximately $3,000, one to the University without restriction and the other for the Research and Educational Hospitals. The attorneys for the estate have requested adoption of a resolution by the Board of Trustees authorizing acceptance of these bequests. The following resolution is submitted. Resolution Whereas, L. C. H. E. Zeigler, a resident of Chicago, Illinois, departed this life on the 17th day of March, 1961, leaving a Last Will and Testament and Codicil which have been duly admitted to probate in Cook County, Illinois, said Last Will and Testament containing provisions for bequests as follows: University of Illinois --- Chicago Research and Educational Hospitals and Illinois State University. Now, Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby, Resolved, by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, that the said bequests be and the same are hereby accepted by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the uses and purposes therein set forth; and Be It Further Resolved that C. C. DeLong, as Bursar of the University of Illinois, be and he is hereby authorized to accept payment on behalf of said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and to execute and deliver to John O. Root, William Culbertson, Henry C. Crowell, Ernest C. Christiansen, and Stanley Staiger, Executors of the Last Will and Testament and Codicil of said L. C. H. E. Zeigler, Deceased, the receipt of said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in satisfaction thereof. Dr. Zeigler's will includes the lists of some 450 legatees and devisees. His bequests to the University are under the names of "Illinois State University" and "University of Illinois --- Chicago Research Hospitals," each being approximately $3,000, or a total of $6,000. The above resolution authorizes acceptance of both. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this resolution was adopted. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (18) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 861 The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One lot electronic instruments and ac- Agency for General Radio Co., $2 925 50 cessories, including resistors, volt- International West Concord, Mass. f.o.b. meters, oscillators, and signal gener- Development West Concord, ators, to be used at the Indian Insti- (India) Mass. tute of Technology in Kharagpur, India Thirty microscopes, laboratory type, Agency for Bausch & Lomb, Inc., 8 $dG34 60 with standard optics and accessories, International Rochester, N.Y. f.a.s. mounted in a case, for export to Developmnet New York India under the United States AID (India) program at the Uttar Pardesh University Polygraph and accessories to be used to Agency for Grass Instrument Co., 5 640 00 record physiological data International Quincy, Mass, f.a.s. Development (Thailand) Agricultural New York Furnish and erect one silo, size 16 ft. Bertram Construction, 3 375 00 by 60 ft., poured concrete, including Economics Grafton, Wis. f.o.b. foundation, at the University of Illi- delivered nois Wright Farm No. 4 located at and Malta, Illinois; the silo is to be used erected for corn silage in connection with livestock feeding research being con- ducted by the Agricultural Econom- ics Department of the College of Agriculture Fertilizer as follows: Agricultural Tennessee Valley 4 217 93 17.60 tons diammonium phosphate Economics Authority, f.o.b. 18,275 tons granular high analysis Wilson Dam. Ala. Sheffield, phosphate Ala. 22.4S tons ammonium phosphate ni- trate To be used for ten Allerton Trust Farms; the Allerton Farm tenants will reimburse the University for one- half the total cost Furnish materials and labor to con- Robert Allerton Universal Tank & Iron 18 580 00 struct a water tower, 75 ft. high, with Park Works, Inc., f.o.b. water tank. 30.000 gallons capacity. Indianapolis, Ind. delivered complete with all necessary piping, and paint, and insulation, and dismantle erected existing 12,000 gallon tank and 50 ft. tower at Robert Allerton Park On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One lot scientific apparatus and sup- Physical Science, LaPine Scientific Co., $4 415 00 plies consisting of one refractometer, Chicago Chicago delivered 500 plastic bottles, thirty bags, corks, Undergraduate forty packages test paper, eight cases Division chemicals, seventy cases laboratory glassware, 5,000 rubber bulbs, ten gross graduate cylinders 862 board of trustees [October 26 Item Department Vendor Cost One ultrasonic cleaner and supplies Research and Zimmer-Ramsay $ 4 299 70 Educational Associates, delivered Hospitals Chicago One lot of laboratory apparatus and Agronomy Schaar Scientific Co., 11 750 00 equipment including balances, spec- Chicago f.o.b. trophotometers, furnaces, PH meters. delivered centrifuge and accessories, heaters. ovens, and laboratory hardware, to be used to equip the Agronomy sec- tion of the new Plant Sciences Build- ing One polarizing microscope, research Agronomy W. H. Kessel & Co., 2 712 00 type, regulating transformer with Chicago f.o.b. ammeter, with attachable graduated delivered polarizing mechanical stage and ac- cessories One vacuum X-ray spectrographic unit, Agronomy Philips Electronic 23 761 00 complete, including supervised in- Instruments, f.o.b. stallation and consisting of constant Chicago delivered potential X-ray generator and con- trol current stabilizer, electronic cir- cuit panel, goniometer assembly, vacuum spectrographic attachment, electronic recorder, scintillation coun- ter attachment, water cooler system and accessories, plus six months' full warranty excepting X-ray tubes One spectrograph for ultraviolet and Chemistry and Applied Research 4 200 00 visible regions including power source Chemical Laboratories, Inc., f.o.b. and excitation stand, one hundred Engineering Westchester delivered feet of 35 mm. film, two magazines, daylight developing kits, and chem- Additional equipment to expand and Physics Heath Co., 7 216 65 upgrade the laboratory work in Phys- Benton Harbor, Mich. f.o.b. ics courses 343 and 344 electronic Benton circuits, consisting of thirty-six power Harbor, supplies, eighteen voltage reference Mich. sources, eighteen laboratory meters, eighteen three-inch oscilloscopes, thir- ty-six substitution boxes, six volt- ohm milliamperes, seven generators, six voltmeters, thirty-six chassis and parts kits, fifty amplifier parts group. and eighteen tool sets (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, $7,216.65, and Institu- tional Funds, $4,452.39, for a total of ; $pD11,669.04.) Assignment of library binding contract Library Hertzberg-New Method, 100 000 00 (books, serials, and newspapers) for Inc., the University Library for the period Jacksonville July 1, 1963, through June 30, 1965 Sixty-three hanging wall closets, with McKinley Hill-Rom Co., Inc., 3 181 50 double doors, wood, 66 in. high by Hospital Batesville, Ind. f.o.b. 22 in. wide by 7 in. deep, to be wall delivered mounted for use in the patient rooms in McKinley Hospital Three ovens, mechanical convection, Agronomy Fisher Scientific Co., 11 433 25 two autoclaves, steam heated, one Chicago f.o.b. laboratory mill, two furnaces, muffle delivered type, and one water bath, constant temperature for new equipment in Plant Sciences Building Two balances, one macro and one semi- Agronomy E. H. Sargent & Co., 3 390 00 micro, for new equipment in the Chicago f.o.b. Plant Sciences Building delivered Purchases from Institutional Funds One automatic recording spectropho- Biological Perkin-Elmer Corp., $ 5 898 00 tometer and accessories " Chemistry, Chicago Norwalk, Conn. delivered One refrigerated centrifuge and acces- Biological Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 2 695 00 sories Chemistry, Norwalk, Conn. delivered Chicago One ultra high-speed preparative cen- Biological Spinco Division, Beckman 8 192 00 trifuge with two rotors and one tube Chemistry, Instruments, Inc., delivered slicer Chicago Palo Alto, Calif. Fermentation equipment, consisting of Biological New Brunswick 6 461 50 one fermentor, two drying ovens, and Chemistry, Scientific Co., Inc., delivered two shakers Chicago New Brunswick, N.J. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 863 Item Department Vendor Cost One automatic ultraviolet analyzer Biological Vanguard Instrument Co., 32 800 00 Chemistry, La Grange delivered Chicago One spectrophotofluorometer with ac- Clinical Research American Instrument Co., 7 275 50 cessories of eight cells, two cell a- Center, Inc., delivered dapters, one polarizer, and one recorder Chicago Barrington One photomicroscope and accessories Dental W. H. Kessel & Co., 4 223 00 Radiology, Chicago delivered Chicago Rental of approximately sixty-nine Library, Chicago Lutter & Maremont Co., 3 995 00 hours of computer time on various Undergraduate Inc., electronic computers for data proc- Division Chicago essing during the period of November 1, 1963, through June 30, 1964 One lot of laboratory equipment and Medical Center. LaPine Scientific Co., 3 467 00 supplies consisting of one centrifuge. Chicago Chicago delivered three ovens, twelve stopwatches, and thirty-eight dozen rolls of aluminum foil Twenty-five refrigerators and eight Medical Center, Frigidaire Sales Corp., 5 205 75 freezers for laboratories Chicago Chicago delivered One lot of scientific equipment and Medical Center, A. Daigger & Co., 8 118 32 supplies consisting of one ultracen- Chicago Chicago delivered trifuge, twelve pipette baskets, 1,056 plastic bottles, 270 packages corks, 500 ounces microscope cover glasses, 200 vials capillary tubes, ninety-six rolls aluminum foil, and six stop- watches Steel laboratory furniture consisting of Medical Center, Browne-Morse Company, 2 724 29 four tables, nineteen stools, and Chicago Muskegon, Mich. twelve cabinets; wood laboratory (steel furniture) furniture consisting of thirty-one ta- Kewaunee Manufacturing (6 609 10) bles, twenty stools, two cabinets. Co., 9 333 39 three wall cases, and four glassware Evanston pegboards (wood furniture) Sixty-six animal cage racks, 410 drop- Medical Research Production Steel Co. 52 144 00 ping pans. 300 medium sized animal Laboratory. of Illinois, delivered cages, and 500 guinea pig cages; right Chicago Broadview reserved to increase or decrease quan- tities by 15 per cent without penalty 200 stainless steel rat breeder cage tops Medical Research Jos. T. Ryerson & Son, 4 560 00 200 stainless steel rat breeder cage bot- Laboratory, Inc.. delivered toms Chicago Chicago Right reserved to increase or decrease quantities by 15 per cent without penalty One ultra high-speed centrifuge, three Medical Research Spinco Division, Beckman 8 941 20 rotors, thirty-six tubes, and twenty- Laboratory Instruments, Inc., delivered four tube caps Chicago Palo Alto, Calif. One lot of laboratory equipment and Medicine, Aloe Scientific Co., 5 880 00 supplies consisting of two spectro- Chicago Schiller Park delivered photometers, 274 packages of filter paper, twelve pails, 200 gross finger cots, 400 books lens paper, twenty- four pipetters, two pipette rinsers. 500 gross slides, and sixty gross pi- pettes One lot of laboratory equipment Medicine, Aloe Scientific Co., 9 164 10 Chicago Schiller Park delivered One automatic gamma scintillation Medicine, Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 9 960 80 system and dual-channel analyzer Chicago Chicago delivered with time and count printout One lot of laboratory equipment and Medicine, E. H. Sargent & Co., 3 600 00 supplies consisting of four balances. Chicago Chicago delivered 522 plastic bottles, 124 bags of corks, 192 rolls of aluminum foil, and 100 ounces of cover glasses One polygraph and accessories for re- Medicine, Sanborn Co., 2 693 00 cording heart action and blood pres- Chicago Chicago delivered sure One vapor pressure osmometer and accessories Pharmacy, Chicago Mechrolab Inc., Mountain View, Calif. 2 621 00 f.o.b. Mountain View, Calif. 864 board of trustees [October 26 Item Department Vendor Cost One replacement recording apparatus Psychiatry, Spinco Division, Beckman $ 2 781 20 for an existing automatic blood pres- Chicago Instruments, Inc., delivered sure recording system in the Depart- Palo Alto, Calif. ment of Psychiatry; this apparatus will also make it possible to record skin temperature and electrocardio- grams 400 dozen infant diapers, 15 in. by 21 Physical Plant. Will Ross, Inc., 2 516 00 in., and 600 dozen infant diapers, 21 in. by 40 in. Furnish and install one farrowing house. Chicago Milwaukee. Wis. delivered Animal Science Honegger's & Co., Inc., 5 411 66 size 26 ft. by 66 ft., including foun- Fairbury f.o.b. dation and concrete work, complete delivered with slat flooring for farrowing crates. and galvanized farrowing stalls, feeders. installed waterers, pig brooders with thermo- stat control air-intake system, and all necessary wiring and electrical service One basic X-ray small angle scattering Ceramic Siemens America, Inc., 3 635 00 camera goniometer, and accessories, Engineering New York, N.Y. f.o.b. used for the detection and measure- delivered ment of nucleation and crystal growth in oxide glass systems of minute sizes One goniometer assembly system in- Chemistry and Philips Electronic 16 595 00 cluding a change gear, one constant Chemical Instruments, f.o.b. potential generator including current Engineering Chicago delivered stabilizer, one electronic circuit panel including a scintillation counter at- tachment and electronic recorder, and one line voltage regulator, for X-ray diffraction equipment to be used in X-ray studies X-ray diffraction equipment consisting Chemistry and Siemens America Inc., 14 347 00 of: one constant potential generator Chemical New York, N.Y. f.o.b. 20 KV to 60 KV, one diffractometer. Engineering delivered one single crystal device, one hori- zontal tube stand, one molybeden target tube, one copper target tube; plus installation One constant temperature room, ap- Civil Hotpack Corp., 3 695 00 proximately 47 ft. by 73 ft. by 79 ft., Engineering Chicago f.o.b. with a temperature range of 4$dGC to delivered 60$dGC, for research studies on the effect of the curing of various paving materials at different temperatures One generator, sweep signal, x-band. Coordinated Alfred Electronics, 3 500 00 8.2 to 12.4 kmc, with levelled output Science c/o Carter Electronics, f.o.b. of + O.S db. calibrated output power Laboratory Inc., Chicago Varian Associates, delivered One electron beam evaporating unit Coordinated 4 985 00 complete with 2000 watt power sup- Science Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. ply, ten spare filaments and two Laboratory Palo electrical feedthroughs for study of Alto, evaporated film of tantalum, nio- Calif. bium, and alumina One centrifuge, superapeed, automatic, Dairy Science Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 2 575 00 refrigerated, large capacity with one Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. 400 milliliter capacity rotor for study delivered of the manner in which certain micro- organisms produce or synthesize var- ious compounds of biochemical interest One complete feed storage, grinding. Dairy Science Mix-Mill Inc., 4 577 38 and blending system with four com- Bluffton, Ind. f.o.b. partments and approximately thirty- delivered two ton storage capacity; system to and be complete including foundation erected and erection at the University Dairy Farm, Urbana Labor and materials for updating of Digital Computer Vermont Research Corp., 10 300 00 magnetic drum memory system of Laboratory Springfield f.o.b. Illiac II from fixed heads to aerody- Springfield, namic (floating) heads Vt. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 865 Item Department Vendor Cost 3,000,000 sets --- single part tabulating Digital Computer Uarco, Inc., $ 9 360 00 forms, 14H in- by 11 in., including Laboratory Decatur f.o.b. marginal guide strip on each aide; delivered the quantity is the estimated re- quirement for one year for the 7090 computer; the forms are to be snipped at various times during the period as required One amplifier, pulse-power, with 20:1 Electrical Velonex, Division of 3 268 26 step-down plug-in unit, peak power output 20 KW, peak current output Engineering Pulse Engineering, Inc., f.o.b. Santa Clara, Calif. delivered 100 amps, output pulse droop less than 5 per cent, pulse width 1 to 10 microseconds One evaporator, high vacuum with ulti- Electrical Consolidated Vacuum 6 854 00 mate blank-off pressure 1 by 10-', Engineering Corp., f.o.b. counter balanced hoist for bell jar. Chicago delivered stainless steel base plate, straight through pumping path, and extra power supply, to be used in research on p-n laser junctions Print and bind: Elementary George Banta Co., 14 971 91 20,000 copies Charting the Universe, Education Chicago f.o.b. trim size 8M in. by 11 in., 96 pages delivered per topy 20,000 copies The Universe in Motion. trim size 8>$pD in. by 11 in., 104 pages per copy 20,000 copies Gravitation, trim size 8 J in. by 11 in., 104 pages per copy 7,000 copies Charting the Universe, Teacher's Guide, trim size 8}$pD in. by 11 in., 72 pages per copy 7,000 copies The Universe in Motion, Teacher's Guide, trim size 8H in. by 11 in., 104 pages per copy One lot laboratory glassware, micro General Research Apparatus, Inc., 8 517 56 size, to include standard tapers, a- Chemical Franklin Park f.o.b. dapters, liebig type condensers, dis- Stores delivered tillation columns, flasks, funnels, and stirring apparatus Film badge service for the period No- Physics Nuclear Chicago Corp., 7 210 00 vember 1, 1963, through June 30, Des Plaines f.o.b. 1965, for determination of exposure to delivered radioactive materials to all personnel so involved, under the direction and authority of the University Health Physicist as follows: 220 beta-gamma film badges every two weeks 26 beta-gamma film badges every week for nine months, September 18 to June 18 5 beta-gamma finger (ring) badges every two weeks 55 neutron-beta-gamma film badges every two weeks One double pass grating monochrom- Physics The Perkin-Elmer Corp., 3 615 00 ator, with prisms to provide radiation La Grange f.o.b. of a single narrow wavelength region delivered at the exit slit when "white light" sources are focused on the entrance slit and be compatible with existing equipment Fabricate three special rotating peri- Physics Lawrence Radiation 8 625 00 scopes with magnetic oxide coating Laboratory. University f.o.b. on the rotating drums, with mag- of California, delivered netic reading and writing heads at- Berkeley, Calif. tached to the frame of the drums, similar to those originally produced at the U. S. Atomic Energy Com- mission supported Lawrence Radi- ation Laboratory, University of California Eight plastic scintillators, all edges Physics Pilot Chemicals, Inc., 3 200 00 polished, 48 in. by 25 in. by % in. Watertown, Mass. f.o.b. thick delivered Thirty-five issues, 3,500 copies each. Television Fleming Printing Co., 3 220 00 Channel 12 Newsletter, for Station Champaign f.o.b. WILL, two pages (one sheet), 8K delivered in. by 11 in., printed both sides 866 board of trustees [October 26 Hem Department Vendor Cost Lease eighteen films, 16 mm. color, for Visual Aids Walt Disney 16 mm. $ 4 645 00 ten-year period, and purchase one Service Films, f.o.b. film, 16 mm., color Park Ridge delivered One counter to measure density of McKinley Coulter Electronic 3 830 00 solutions, count and determine the Hospital Sales Co- f.o.b. size of blood cells, complete with Chicago delivered vacuum pump, aperture tube, ma- nometer, stand, and one automatic dilutor for use with above; equipment to be used in general hospital blood Print and bind 18,000 copies Illinois Agriculture George Banta Co., 2 680 73 Farm Record Book, Part I Administration Chicago f.o.b. delivered 12 301 50 750 cases napkins, paper, size 12 in. by Office Supply Levin Brothers Paper 13 in., packed 12,000 per case Storeroom Corp., f.o.b. 300 cases napkins, paper, size 12 in. by Chicago delivered 16H in., packed 7.500 per case For Office Supply Storeroom stock; an estimated ten to twelve months' supply 700 cartons tile, acoustical, fissured Physical Plant Brinkoetter Tiling Co., 7 614 05 mineral type, incombustible, to be Decatur f.o.b. stocked by the Physical Plant Store- delivered room for use in jobs on the Urbana campus Eight air handling units each with a Physical Plant The Trane Co., 5 445 00 ventilating capacity of 4000 cubic Peoria f.o.b. feet per minute with filter units and delivered heating coils; units are required for proper use of laboratory space in Chemistry Annex during the winter 11wU l>119 One spectrophotometer, atomic absorp- Animal Science The Perkin-Elmer Corp., 5 960 00 tion, including burner, photo-multi- La Grange f.o.b. plier detector, digital readout, control delivered box, cathode ray lamps and mounting brackets, to be used for analysis of mineral content in animal tissue and ration ingredients One lot of component parts for the Coordinated Varian Associates, 27 746 00 ultra high vacuum equipment con- Science Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. sisting of vacuum chambers, flanges, Laboratory Palo gaskets, ion gauge controls, power Alto, supplies, feed throughs, elbows, tees. Calif. bake out units, viewing parts, and special nuts and bolts, to be used to build additional vacuum capacity around existing equipment 40,000 diodes, type 1 N 995 Digital Computer Hughes Aircraft Co., 3 440 00 Laboratory Chicago 20,000 units Sylvania Electric 3 400 00 Products, Inc., (6 840 00) Chicago f.o.b. 20,000 units delivered One electrophoresis diffusion instrument Food Science Spinco Division, Beckman i 21 340 00 capable of simultaneous and inde- Instruments. Inc., f.o.b. pendent operation of three cells com- Palo Alto, Calif. delivered plete with three diffusion cells and rack assemblies One lot of laboratory equipment and General Chemical E. H. Sargent & Co., 9 285 00 apparatus consisting of ten analyti- Stores Chicago f.o.b. cal balances, two photometers, 1,752 delivered assorted polyethylene bottles, 144 test tube supports, and sixty pairs disposable polyethylene gloves; this equipment is for stock in the General Chemical Stores (a three months' supply) and for the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 40,000 tolbutamide tablets, 0.5 gm, a Pharmacy, The Upjohn Co., 2 928 00 drug used in the control of diabetes; Chicago Chicago delivered this is a six months' supply of the item One chromatography-radioactivity a- Radiocarbon Applied Physics Corp., 7 727 50 nalysis system, including a gas chro- Laboratory Monrovia, Calif. f.o.b. matograph for isothermal or temper- delivered ature programming, one high tem- perature flow chamber with a rigid coaxial line, and one recorder 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 867 Item Department Vendor Cost 160 steel bookshelf units, each 36 in. Office Supply The Interior Steel $ 5 196 80 wide by 9J$ in. deep by 84 in. high Storeroom Equipment Co., f.o.b. Bloomington delivered Furnish and install padding and carpet- Physical Plant De Sitter Brothers, 5 079 90 ing on the main floor and balcony of Chicago f.o.b. the Recital Hall in Smith Music Hall delivered and installed Furnish and install four electric door Physical Plant JED Products Co., 4 483 00 operators, two right hand and two Royal Oak, Mich. f.o.b. left hand, at the southeast and south- delivered west entrances of the Pennsylvania and Avenue Residence Halls installed Eighty-eight temperature control items Physical Plant Johnson Service Co., 2 674 80 to be used by the Physical Plant De- Urbana f.o.b. partment in the installation of con- delivered trol equipment for ventilation in the Chemistry Annex On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (19) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period September 1 to 30, 1963. Amount to be 1 to 30, 1963. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale State of Illinois Psychiatric residency training pro- $ 50 000 00 July 15, 1963 Department of gram Mental Health Project 17-121 State of Illinois Assessment of parent child-rearing 35 366 00 September 1, 1963 Department of practices in clinic and nonclinic Mental Health families Project 17-157 United States Symphony orchestra tour of Latin 178 203 00 June 14, 1963 of America America United States Army Chemistry and mechanism of action 12 976 00 August 1, 1963 DA49-193-MD-2481 of potential anti-viral agents United States Sequential social sciences courses 250 000 00 September 15, 1963 Department of for the secondary schools Health, Education, and Welfare OE-4-10-058 United States of Establish and develop Njalla Col- 1 039 913 00 August 16, 1963 America Agency for International Development lege at Njalla, Sierra Leone AID-afe-132 United States of Render technical advise and assis- 153 520 00 September 6, 1963 America Agency for tance to the Ministry of Agri- International culture of the Government of Development Jordan AID-nesa-64 Total $1 719 978 00 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Allan Sherman Perform an engagement at the As- $i\ 500 00 August 29. 1963 Enterprises, Inc. sembly Hall, September 28, 1963 State's Attorney of Payment in lieu of taxes, for ser- 1 451 50 August 22, 1963 Douglas County vices rendered (Hackett) State's Attorney of Payment in lieu of taxes, for ser- 3 634 77 August 1, 1963 La Salle County vices rendered (Weber) State's Attorney of Payment in lieu of taxes, for ser- 12 587 67 August 21, 1963 Piatt County vices rendered (Allerton and Warren) Total J29 173 94 Leases Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Sherman McCord Rental of second-floor apartment $ 960 00 September 1, 1963 of Butt house (Airport) from Sep- (annual tember 1, 1963, to August 31, rental) 1964 868 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 26 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Peter E. Meyer Rental of first-floor apartment of $1 020 00 September 1, 1963 Burt house (Airport) from Sep- (annual tember 1, 1963. to August 31, 1964 rental) Total $1 980 00 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date City of Chicago Rental of Navy Pier building from {242 010 00 July 1, 1963 July 1. 1963, to December 31, (13 445 00 1964 per month) City of Chicago Rental of Drill Hall adjacent to 62 000 16 July 1, 1963 Navy Pier from July 1, 1963, to (2 583 34 June 30, 1965, for Student Ac- per month) tivity Building Mrs. Eunice C. Creamer Rental of room 200, 627 % South 3 840 00 July 1, 1963 and Mr. Newton M. Wright Street, Champaign, from (160 00 per Cunningham July 1, 1963, to June 30, 196S, month) for Provost's Office Dixon National Bank Rental of room 20, 101 First Street, 400 00 September 1, 1963 Duron, from September 1, 1963, (40 00 per to June 30, 1964, for Extension month) Division Kathleen F. Gallivan Rental of second floor northwest 129 60 July 1, 1961 storage room, 26 East Spring- field Avenue, Champaign, from July 1, 1961, to June 30, 1962, for Department of Art Albert N. Gregerson Rental of property at 1112 West 2 485 00 September 1, 1963 and Beatrice E. California Avenue, Urbana. from Gregerson September 1, 1963, to January 31, 1964, for Housing Division International Business One item: conversion of eight-tape 4 020 00 March 4, 1963 Machines Corp. units from model number II to model number V Mrs. Rosemund Lowry Rental of property at 1007 South 2 475 00 September 1, 1963 Fifth Street, Champaign, from September 1, 1963, to January 31, 1964, for Housing Division Riley J. McCulley Rental of property at 107 West 18 000 00 September 8, 1963 California Avenue. Urbana, from September 8, 1963. to August 31, 1964, for Housing Division B. A. Strauch Rental of space at 707-709 South 2 400 00 July 1, 1963 Wright Street, Champaign, from (200 00 per July 1, 1963, to June 30, 1964, for Commerce and Business Ad- month) ministration University of Illinois Rental of Hott Memorial Center, 24 000 00 July 5, 1963 Foundation Monticello, from July 1, 1963, to (6 000 00 June 30, 1965, as an extension of semiannually Robert Allerton Park plus interest) University of Illinois Rental of Goodwin Avenue apart- 114 280 00 July 1, 1963 Foundation ments located at Southeast cor- (14 285 00 ner of Green Street and Goodwin per quarter) Avenue, Urbana, from July 1. 1963, to June 30, 1965, for Hous- ing Division University ot Illinois Rental of 129 North Race Street, 20 424 00 July 1, 1963 Foundation Urbana, from July 1, 1963, to (851 00 per June 30, 1965, for Psychology month) Department Cyrus W. Vaughn Rental of 1102-A West Main Street, 1 920 00 July 1, 1963 Urbana, from July 1, 1963 to (160 00 per June 30, 1964 for Education and month) University High School Total S498 383 76 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effidivt With Whom Purpose University Date Amstead Research Properties of refractories ?30 000 00 August 12, 1963 Laboratories 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 869 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Bendix Corp. High-temperature thermal proper- $ 3 035 00 October 1. 1963 ties of ceramic-metal combina- tions Griffin Wheel Co. Improvement of cast steel railway car wheels 14 787 69 July 1, 1963 United States Air Force Determinants of monitoring be- 10 951 00 July 26, 1963 AF 41 (609)-H81 havior in complex tasks United States Research in science of materials 1 691 400 00 May 31, 1963 Department of (Materials Research Laboratory) Defense SD-131 United States Navy Survey of existing knowledge of 30 000 00 June 5, 1963 Nobs-86688 brittle fracture phenomena United States Navy Current problems of solid state and 30 000 00 August 1, 1963 Nonr-1834(17) surface physics of semiconductors United States Navy Luminescence of marine organisms Nonr 1R34 /34 25 055 00 July 22, 1963 United States Navy Mechanism of antibody formation 35 027 00 July 25, 1963 Nonr-1834 (37) in the pig United States Navy Dependence of dielectric properties 30 000 00 July 23, 1963 Nonr-1834 (38) on crystal structures United States Navy Structure of individual differences 18 593 00 July 19, 1963 Nonr-1834 (39) in psychological phenomena United States Navy Heat stable enzymes 10 214 00 July 1, 1963 Nonr-1834 (40) United States of Consolidating facilities of the pres- 4 000 00 February 5, 1963 America, Agency for ent college and experiment sta- International tion at Njalla, Sierra Leone Development AID-afe-63-A-l VioBin Corp. Fish meal and fish meal products 1 500 00 August 1, 1963 in swine nutrition Total $1 934 562 69 Adjustments Made in 1962-63 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date Harry F. Fisher Four items: #50.00 deduct to $ 590 92 August, 1963 (Plastering) #670.40 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date George S. Grimmett Twenty-five items: $350.00 deduct $5 000 00 August and & Co. (Plastering) to 31.400.00 September, 1963 Summary $3 656 520 69 Amount to he naid bv the Universitv 533 148 62 This report was received for record. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (20) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of endowment and other funds for the month of August, 1963: Ceramic Scholarship Fund Sale $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury Notes S% 11/15/64 $ 5 007 03 Exchange $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds IVi 8/15/63 for 5 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Purchase % 5 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 4 8/15/72 $ 5 018 75 Duke Fund Sale $ IS 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 $ 15 021 09 Exchange ? 15 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds IVi 8/15/63 for 15 000 U. S. Treasury Notes i% 11/15/64 870 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 26 Kinky Fund Sale $ 1 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 $ l 001 41 Exchange % 1 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds V/i 8/15/63 for 1 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Purchase % 1 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 4 2/15/80 $ l 001 56 Noyes Fund Sale $ 10 000 U. S. Treasury Notes m 11/15/64 $ 10 014 06 Exchange $ 10 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 8/15/63 for 10 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 11/15/64 Purchase $ 10 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 4 2/15/80 $ 10 015 63 Chicago --- Beneficial Interest in Trust Exchange ? 178 000 U. S. Treasury Ctfs 8/15/63 for 178 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Purchase $ 3 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3 11/15/64 $ 3 007 50 8 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 2% 2/15/65 7 935 00 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reported the following changes in investments of current and unex- pended plant funds, over which he has i authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Sale ? 67 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3M 11/15/64 $ 67 094 22 Exchange ? 67 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds iy<i 8/15/63 for 67 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 11/15/64 Agency Funds University of Andes (June 20, 1962) Sale $ 1 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 % 1 001 41 Exchange $ 1 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 2H 8/15/63 for 1 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase ? 265 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 12/12/63 $ 262 194 39 Chicago --- Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963) Purchase $ 550 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 9/19/63 $ 547 844 00 220 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 10/10/63 218 675 97 340 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 11/14/63 336 876 53 315 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 12/19/63 311 132 33 260 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 1/15/64 256 043 67 895 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 4/15/64 873 404 15 7 610 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 7/15/64 7 356 942 16 Chicago --- Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Auxiliary (December 16, 1953) Purchase $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 1/16/64 ? 98 304 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 871 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 212 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 12/12/63 $ 209 769 41 23 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 1/2/64 22 677 43 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Sale $ 670 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 $ 670 837 50 Exchange $ 670 000 U. S. Treasury Ctfs 3)4 8/15/63 for 670 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Purchase $ 384 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 12/12/63 $ 379 959 68 30 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 1/2/64 29 579 25 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Purchase $ 141 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 11/14/63 $ 139 840 28 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Sale $ 495 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 $ 495 618 75 Exchange S 495 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 2V2 8/15/63 for 495 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Purchase $ 193 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 10/17/63 $ 191 929 71 193 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 11/14/63 191 412 58 Pennsylvania Avenue (June 21, 1961) Purchase ? 18 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 10/15/63 $ 17 887 15 67 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 10/17/63 66 627 29 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase ? 7 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 10/15/63 $ 6 956 11 Sinking Funds Chicago --- Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963) Purchase J 196 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 9/19/63 $ 195 231 68 810 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 7/15/64 783 064 81 Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958; June 23 and October 21 , 1959; June 14, 1960; June 21, 1961; and May 24 and October 17, 1962) Sale $ 146 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 $ 146 205 31 Exchange $ 35 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds IVi 8/15/63 and 111 000 U. S. Treasury Ctfs 3Y2 8/15/63 for 146 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Purchase $ 796 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 9/19/63 $ 793 873 95 442 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 2/6/64 434 510 92 323 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 7/15/64 312 444 63 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 284 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 9/19/63 $ 283 062 01 141 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 11/29/63 139 782 07 6 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 1/30/64 5 907 38 22 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 8/31/64 21 214 71 872 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 26 Men's Residence Halls of 1956 (March 23 and September 18, 1956) Sale $ 44 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 $ 44 061 88 Exchange $ 44 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 8/15/63 for 44 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Purchase $ 44 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 9/19/63 $ 43 887 09 37 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 8/15/64 37 080 94 Men's Residence Halls of 1957 (March 12, 1957, and November 18, 1959) Sale $ 118 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 $ 118 000 00 Exchange $ 118 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 2V2 8/15/63 for 118 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 Purchase $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 8/15/64 ? 100 281 25 93 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 2% 2/15/65 91 953 75 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 27 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 9/19/63 $ 26 922 17 31 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 1/30/64 30 494 18 Women's Residence Halls of 1956 (September 18, 1956, and February 15, 1961) Sale $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 11/15/64 $ 100 140 63 Exchange $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 8/15/63 for 100 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3H 11/15/64 Purchase $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury Bills 9/19/63 $ 99 743 39 32 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 2/15/65 31 610 00 50 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 5/15/65 50 875 1 I" 00 i On motion of Mr. Williamson, this report was received for record. REPORT ON "A MAJOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN FOR THE CHAMPAIGN-URBANA AREA" (21) In March, 1961, "A Major Street and Highway Plan for the Champaign-Urbana Urban Area" was presented to local government and University officials and other interested parties of the community. This report had been prepared for the Illinois Division of Highways by the firm of Harland Bartholomew and Associates, St. Louis, Missouri. The Plan has been studied extensively by various units concerned in the University and a report of University reactions has subsequently been made to both the cities of Champaign and Urbana. A copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. The city of Champaign has officially approved and adopted the report for future planning. The city of Urbana is in the process of doing so. It is now recommended that the Board of Trustees approve in principle "A Major Street and Highway Plan for the Champaign-Urbana Area" for planning purposes, and the University's participation in the planning organization to be established for this area, which organization is required by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962. At the request of President Henry, the foregoing recommendation was presented by Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant Department, and Dr. John E. Baerwald, Director of Highway Traffic Safety Center and Professor of Traffic Engineering. Professor Baerwald discussed the plan in detail, illustrating his presentation with slides. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the recommendations were approved. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 873 DEGREES CONFERRED IN OCTOBER The Secretary presented for record the following list of degrees conferred at Urbana as of October 15, 1963, on recommendation of the Urbana-Champaign Senate. Summary Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Philosophy......,........................................... 167 Doctor of Education................................................... 10 Doctor of Musical Arts................................................ 2 Master of Arts....................................................... 24 Master of Science..................................................... 55 Master of Music...................................................... 2 Master of Education................................................... 4 Master of Accounting Science.......................................... 1 Advanced Certificate in Education...................................... 1 Total, Graduate College..............................................(226) Degrees in Veterinary Medicine, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science................................................... 3 Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture............................. 2 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering............................. 7 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences................... 7 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences................ 3 Bachelor of Science, College of Education............................... 2 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration... 5 Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts.................... 1 Bachelor of Science, College of Physical Education...................... 1 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees......................................... (31) Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana.................................. 297 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Agronomy Ram Dew an Sinha, B.S., Pataa University, 1951; M.S., 1961 In Animal Nutrition Hemmige Narasimhachar Bhagavan, Diploma, Indian Institute of Science, 1957; B.S., University of Mysore, 1958 In Animal Science William Foster Dean, Jr., B.S.A., M.S., University of Arkansas, 1956, 1957 Wayne Merkill Durdle, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959; M.S., 1961 John Allen Resko, A.B., St. Charles Seminary, 1955; M.S., Marquette University, 1960 Robert Ewing Smith, B.S., M.S., McGill University, 1955, 1957 In Botany Fakhri Abdul Latif Bazzaz, Licence, Teachers Training College (Baghdad, Iraq), 1953; M.S., 1960 Charles Lindley Kemp, A.B., M.S., University of British Columbia, 1957, 1960 Barbara Jean Kieckhefer, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1959; M.S., 1961 Richard Regis Runge, B.S., M.S., 1953, 1954 In Business Robert Edward Coffey, A.B., Principia College, 1953; M.B.A., Northwestern University, 1958 Arthur Adelbert Done, B.S., M.B.A., University of Utah, 1955, 1956 Marvin Gene Newport, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957; M.S., 1961 874 board of trustees [October 26 In Ceramic Engineering Roy Edward Bickelhaupt, B.S., 19S0; M.Met.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 19S9 Richard Joseph Herbst, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1960 In Chemical Engineering Ritchie Deane Mikesell, B.S., M.S., Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1955, 1958 In Chemistry William Scott Chilton, B.S., Duke University, 1955 Victor Frederick German, B.S., University of Richmond, 1958 Robert Louis Gerteis, B.S., Municipal University of Wichita, 1958; M.S., 1961 Wei-Tse Hsieh, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1956; M.S., 1960 Cynthia Santos Juan, B.S., University of the Philippines, 1958; M.S., 1961 William George Koch, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1947; A.M., Montana State University, 1953 Chun-Yen Lai, B.S., M.S., National Taiwan University, 1954, 1957 John Robert Marquart, B.S., University of Arizona, 1955; M.S., 1961 Charles Gordon McCarty, B.S., M.S., University of Wichita, 1957, 1959 Richard Adlin Meyer, B.S., M.S., Northeastern University, 1956, 1958 Edward LaPorte Safford, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1958; M.S., 1960 Joseph Herman Schauble, B.S., M.S., Western Illinois University, 1954, 1956 John Edward Schultz, A.B., Westminster College, 1958 Roger Searle, A.B., Oberlin College, 1958 Charles Kendall Steinhardt, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1957 John Clifford Summers, A.B., Augustana College, 1958 Gerald Jay Tennenhouse, B.S., M.S., Wayne State University, 1959, 1960 Floris Yung Tsang, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1960 James Ronald Van Hise, B.S., Walla Walla College, 1959 In Civil Engineering Richard Hugh Bigelow, B.S., Michigan State College, 1941; M.S., North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, 1955 William Finch Carroll, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1957; M.S., 1961 Allen Frederick Dill, B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1946; B.C.E., M.C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1949, 1950 Atef Ahmed El Sayed El-Assal, B.C.E., Cairo University, 1956; M.S., 1961 Peter Gergely, B.Eng., McGill University, 1960; M.S., 1962 Gordon Gracie, B.A. Sc, University of Toronto, 1952 John Thomas Hanley, B.S., M.S., Dartmouth College, 1947, 1948 Alfred Joseph Hendron, Jr., B.S., M.S., 1959, 1960 James Otis Jirsa, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1960; M.S., 1962 Nat Wetzel Krahl, A.B., B.S., The Rice Institute, 1942, 1943; M.S., 1950 John Henry Lamb, Jr., B.S., M.S., 1956, 1959 Ahmed Khairy Noor, B.C.E., Cairo University, 1958; M.S., 1961 William James Nordell, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Louis George Petro, B.C.E., Clarkson College of Technology, 1949; M.C.E., Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1954 Richard Boykin Pool, B.S., University of South Carolina, 1942; M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1952 Charles Matthew Radler, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1957; M.S., 1962 John Cornelius Siemens, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1957; M.S., 1958 Silvio Joseph Spigolon, B.S., University of Mississippi, 1951, 1956 William Hamilton Walker, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1956; M.S., 1958 In Classical Philology Elvis Otha Wingo, A.B., Mississippi College, 1955; A.M., 1956 In Communications Robert Joseph Gwyn, B.F.A., A.M., University of Texas, 1948, 1953 Jack Schwartz, A.B., Temple University, 1954; A.M., University of Chicago, 1958 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 875 Ankanahalli Venkatappa Shanmugam, A.B.. A M., A.M., University of Mysore, 1955, 1957, 1958 Yasumasa Tanaka, A.B., Gakushuin University, 1954; A.M. 1961 William Weksel, A.B., Queens College, 1958; A.M., 1959 In Dairy Science Joel Sunrise Trupin, B.S., M.N.S., Cornell University, 1954, 1956 In Economics Robert Wilford Beckstead, B.S., M.B.A., University of Utah, 1955, 1956 Robert Edward Coleberd, Jr., A.B., William Jewell College, 1953; M.B.A., Cornell University, 1957; A.M., 1961 John William Eilert, A.B., Wheaton College, 1950; M.S., Northern Illinois University, 1958 Robert Ferdinand Severson, Jr., B.S., A.M., 1958, 1960 Arthur Lloyd Welsh, B.S.C., A.M., Ohio University, 1958, 1960 In Education Milton Leon Adler, B.S., Rutgers University, 1951; M.S., City College of New York, 1952 Wayne Wallace Antenen, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1953, 1957 Elmer Earl Ferrier, A.B., University of Michigan, 1950; A.M., University of Alabama, 1953 Gerald Lew Larson, B.S., M.S., Indiana University, 1956, 1957 Dale Edward Mattson, A.B., Colorado College, 1959; A.M., 1961 Robert Richard Reilly, B.Mus.Ed., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1957; A.M., 1961 James Richard Robarts, A.B., Ed.M., University of Florida, 1957, 1958 In Electrical Engineering Maif.r Lionel Blostein, B.Eng., M.Eng., McGill University 1954 1959 James Peter Bobis, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Bruce Edwin Briley, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Max Stuart Casler, B.S., M.S., 1950, 1951 Dale M. Diamond, B.S., University of Utah, 1957; M.S., 1961 William Donald Frazer, B.S.E., Princeton University, 1959; M.S., 1961 Henry Guckel, B.S., University of Buffalo, 1958; M.S., 1960 Cassius Albert Hesselberth, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1958 Jaan Kruus, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1959; M.S., 1961 Ramakrishna Narayanasamy, B.Eng., University of Madras, 1956; M.S., 1960 Matthew Joseph Remec, B.S., 1956; M.S. (E.E."), M.S. (Math.), University of Wisconsin, 1957, 1958 James Albert Resh, B.S., Michigan State University, 1959; M.S., 1961 In English Michael Joseph Colacurcio, Jr., A.B., A.M., Xavier University, 1958, 1959 Mary Jean DeMarr, A.B., Lawrence College, 1954; A.M., 1957 Robert William Lewis, Jr., A.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1952; A.M., Columbia University, 1958 Joseph Edmund Milosh, Jr., A.B., St. Edward's University, 1958; A.M., 1960 In Entomology Francisco Pacheco, Ing.Agr., National School of Agriculture (Mexico), 1952; M.S., University of Massachusetts, 1955 In Food Science Francis Fredrick Busta, A.B., M.S., University of Minnesota, 1957, 1961 Henry Pridgen Fleming, B.S., M.S., North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, 1954, 1958 Edward Clarence Groeschel, Jr., B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1958; M.S., 1962 Chaim Gur-Arieh, B.S., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, 1960; M.S., 1962 876 board of trustees [October 26 In French Robekt Joseph Hardin, A.B., A.M., North Texas State College, 1950, 1956 Louise Marie Jefferson, A.B., Hunter College, 1947; A.M., 1957 In Geology Paul David Fullagar, A.B., Columbia University, 1960 Elizabeth Jean Hanagan, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1954; A.M., University of Wyoming, 1957 Constantine Thomas Manos, B.S., City College of New York, 1958; M.S., 1960 Rubini Soeria-Atmadja, B.S., M.S., University of Indonesia, 1957, 1958 Daniel Andrew Textoris, A.B., Western Reserve University, 1958; M.S., Ohio State University, 1960 In History Elizabeth Chidester Duran, A.B., College of the Pacific, 1952; A.M., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1956 John Edward Hodge, B.S., College of Charleston, 1959; A.M., 1960 George William Pilcher, A.B., University of Dayton, 1957; A.M., Oklahoma State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, 1959 Lewis Milton Robinson, A.B., Westmont College, 1951; A.M., 1956 Keith La Verne Sprunger, A.B., Wheaton College, 1957; A.M., 1958 Robert Alfred Waller, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1953; A.M., 1958 In Horticulture John Edward Love, B.S., M.S., Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1958, 1960 In Library Science Herbert Lyman Searcy, A.B., Eastern Kentucky State College, 1946; A.M., Ohio State University, 1948; M.S., 1954 In Mathematics Earl Owen Embree, B.S., Morgan State College, 1950; M.S., 1952 Clinton Ross Foulk, A.B., University of Kansas, 1951; A.M., 1958 Vytas Brutus Gylys, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1951; M.S., Northwestern University, 1953 Adnan Farhan Ifram, B.S., American University of Beirut, 1959; M.S., 1961 George Thomas Rublein, B.S., St. Mary's University of San Antonio, 1957; M.S., 1958 James Edward Skeath, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1958; A.M., 1960 Harris Westcott Vayo, A.B., Culver-Stockton College, 1957; M.S., 1959 Robert Martin Vogt, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1958 In Mechanical Engineering William James Battin, B.S., Swarthmore College, 1950; M.S.E., Princeton University, 1955 Arthur Marvin Clausing, B.S., Valparaiso University, 1958; M.S., 1960 John Bruce Miles, B.S., M.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1955, 1957 Chor-Weng Tan, B.S., Evansville College, 1959; M.S., 1961 Robert Allan White, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1959 In Metallurgical Engineering Robert Jay Block, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1956; M.S., Columbia University, 1958 In Microbiology Roar Leif Irgens, B.S., 1957 William John Mandy, B.S., Elmhurst College, 1958; M.S., University of Houston, 1962 Saul Allen Yankofsky, B.S., 1959 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 877 In Philosophy Sandra Schwartz Bartky, A.B., A.M., 1955, 1959 Don Davis Roberts, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1956; A.M., 1958 In Physical Education Kenneth Stevens Clarke, B.S., George Williams College, 1953; M.S., 1957 James Stanford Skinner, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1960 In Physics Barry Louis Berman, A.B., Harvard College, 1957; M.S., 1959 Robert Darrow Fouchaux, A.B., B.S., Lehigh University, 1956, 1956; M.S., 1958 Gordon Leon Kane, A.B., University of Minnesota, 1958; M.S., 1961 James David Leslie, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1957; M.S., 1960 Fred Marcus Lurie, B.S., University of North Carolina, 1952; M.S., 1957 Kong Ki Min, A.B., Amherst College, 1957; M.S., 1959 Charles Herbert Neuman, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1958; M.S., 1960 In Physiology John Edward Greenleaf, B.S., 1955; A.M., New Mexico Highlands University, 1956; M.S., 1962 John Anthony Nicolette, A.B., Dartmouth College, 1956; M.S., 1960 Donald Theodore Pals, A.B., Calvin College, 1956; M.S., 1960 In Political Science Thad Lewis Beyle, A.B., A.M., Syracuse University, 1956, 1960 Robert Don Heidorn, A.B., Lawrence College, 1959; A.M., 1960 Lois Morrell Pelekoudas, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Eau Claire), 1956; A.M., 1958 In Psychology Ronald Bass, A.B., Washington University, 1953; A.M., 1959 Lawrence Raymond Boulter, A.B., University of British Columbia, 1959 Franklin Howard Groff, B.S., 1956 James William Julian, A.B., Michigan State University, 1955; A.M., 1960 Joseph Levin, A.B., Hebrew University (Jerusalem), 1951 Halsey Hulburt Matteson, A.B., A.M., 1959, 1962 Irvin Moelis, A.B., 1957 Daniel Craig O'Connell, A.B., Ph.L., A.M., S.T.L., St. Louis University, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1960 In Sociology Thomas Joseph Duggan, A.B., Ph.L., A.M., St. Louis University, 1957, 1958, 1959 Philip Wobber Marden, A.B., Rutgers University, 1955; A.M., 1960 George Allen Pownall, B.S., M.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1952, 1957 John Ray Stkatton, A.B., A.M., 1957, 1959 Barbara Ruth Williams, A.B., Austin College, 1954; A.M., 1957 In Speech Larry Dale Clark, B.S., Southwest Missouri State College, 1956; A.M., University of Missouri, 1961 William Scott Craig, A.B., College of Wooster, 1956; A.M., 1957 Theodore Herstand, A.B., A.M., State University of Iowa, 1953, 1957 Robert Kennedy Simpson, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1950; M.S., 1955 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Nelson Robert Bauld, Jr., B.S., M.S., West Virginia University, 1958, 1960 Lee Roy Calcote, B.S., M.Eng., Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1948, 1952 James Martin Doyle, B.S., M.S., Iowa State University, 1956, 1960 James Lafe Hill, B.S., University of Oklahama, 1959; M.S., 1962 Ralph Marland Verette, B.S., M.S., Purdue University, 1960, 1961 I Chih Wang, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1956; M.S., 1960 878 board of trustees [October 26 In Veterinary Medical Science Robert Frank Locke, D.V.M., Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas 1942; M.P.H., University of Michigan, 1948 Degree of Doctor of Education In Education James Ferris Billingsley, A.B., A.M., University of Michigan, 1949, 1954 Delores May Curtis, B.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1951; M.S., 1957 Wesley Lloyd Face, B.S., Northern State Teachers College (South Dakota), 1951; M.S., Stout State College, 1956 Daniel Lee Householder, B.S., M.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1954, 1957 Virginia Rose Moore, B.S., M.S., Central Missouri State College, 1949, 1950 John Joseph Twombly, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois University, 1934; A.M., Northwestern University, 1941 James Douglas Walden, B.Ed., Wisconsin State College (LaCrosse), 1951; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1954 In Music Education Janet Louise Van Matre Meyer, B.S., M.S., 1949, 1951 Marilyn Ruth Pflederek, B.Mus., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1951; M.S., 1955 Bennett Reimek, B.S., State University of New York College of Education (Fredonia), 1954; M.S., 1955 Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts James Avery Hoffmann, B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music, 1951; B.Mus., M.Mus., Yale University, 1952, 1953 Frank Robert Shallenberg, B.Mus., B.Mus.Ed., Phillips University, 1953, 1953; M.Mus., 1957 Degree of Master of Arts In Art History Deborah Ann Jones, A.B., Elmira College, 1962 In Economics Eugene Stanley Buino, B.S., DePaul University, 1962 Lawrence Arthur Rupley, A.B., Manchester College, 1962 In English Anne Tropp, A.B., Cornell University, 1961 In French Christina von Hulphershausen Abdella, A.B., 1962 Darryl Bruce Wilson, A.B., Augustana College, 1959 In History Richard Wheeler Callender, A.B., 1959 Michael Francis Foley, Jr., A.B., American International College, 1961 James Harry Forse, A.B., State University of New York College of Education (Albany), 1962 Paul David Hebert, A.B., Knox College, 1961 Frederick Edward Laurenzo, A.B., Houghton College, 1961 James Russsell McCosh, A.B., 1953; B.D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1956 Glenn Osmond Nichols, A.B., Franklin and Marshall College, 1961 Jerome Richard Rosenberg, A.B., Knox College, 1959 In Labor and Industrial Relations Philip Graber, B.S., 1961 George Robert Ittel, A.B., Amhurst College, 1960 Allan David Silberman, A.B., Miami University, 1957 In Mathematics Richard Karl Coburn, B.S., Utah State University, 1943 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 879 In Political Science Louis Silverstein, B.B.A., College of the City of New York, 1962 In Psychology Stephen Lewis Carmean, A.B., 1960 John Edward Hunter, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1961 Eva Dell Maurer, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1959 In Spanish Arthur Joe Piana, A.B., 1943 Alice Luellen Watson, A.B., Marietta College, 1961 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy Samuel Lee Barnett, B.S., Miami University, 1961 Donald Glennon Hohe, B.S., Washington University, 1958 In Advertising David Paul Winkelmann, B.S., 1961 In Agricultural Economics Harry Joseph Bourn, B.S., 1962 Charles Edward Harshbarger, Jr., B.S., 1962 In Agricultural Engineering Gary Lee Stahl, B.S., 1962 Jack Lynn Woerner, B.S., Washington State University, 1961 In Agronomy Dakrell Wayne Nelson, B.S., 1961 Charles Duane Sopher, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1961 In Ceramic Engineering Ronald William Knake, B.S., 1962 In Chemical Engineering Klane F Forsgren, B.E.S., Brigham Young University, 1961 Kenneth William Haley, B.S., Stanford University, 1961 Dean LeRoy Ulrichson, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1962 In City Planning Donald Edgak Bailey, B.B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1953 Raymond Clifford Robinson, Jr., B.Arch., Kent State LJniversity, 1961 In Civil Engineering Ronald Keith Brewer, B.S., 1962 Robert Nance Leslie, B.S., 1962 In Commercial Teaching Louis Howard Fleck, B.S., 1953 In Dairy Science Donald Clarence Beitz, B.S., 1962 In Dairy Technology Muhsin Mohammed Ali Al-Shabibi, B.S., University of Bagdad, 1957 In Education Margaret Elizabeth Costlow Dyson, B.S., South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1940 Lawrence Thomas Frase, A.B., University of Miami, 1960 Devore Eugene Killip, B.S., D.D.S., 1945, 1947 Roger Esmond Martin, A.B., 1958 880 board of trustees [October 26 In Electrical Engineering Kenneth Leroy Seib, B.S., Evansville College, 1960 Marvin Lee Wahl, B.S., 1962 In Finance Fred Richard Diez, B.S., Elmhurst College, 19S8 Ahmad Dauod Mohammad Issa, B.S., 1962 Ik Food Science Samuel Anthony Palumbo, B.S., Loyola University, 1961 Vincent Theodore Rieck, B.S., 1962 In Geology Gregory Thomas Spanski, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1961 Cynthia Roseman Wright, A.B., Augustana College, 1960 In Home Economics Martha Jean Kielhorn Gaines, B.S., 1962 Jeanne Louise Hafstrom, B.S., 1958 Jane Elizabeth Humphrey, B.S., 1961 Delia Armida Navarrete, Graduate, University of Honduras, 1958 Anna Elizabeth Raubenheimer, B.S., 1963 Kay Marilyn Webel, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1961 In Horticulture Edward Law Rose, B.S., 1962 In Journalism Russell Lee Herron, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 In Library Science Najaf Ali Khan, B.S., Panjab University, 1956 In Management Roger Duane Roderick, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1960 In Marketing Frank Lupi, B.S., 1961 In Mathematics Kyaw Mya Thein, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1961 In Metallurgical Engineering Albert Gustav Jordan, B.S., Purdue University, 1962 Wei Tong Shieh, Grad., Taiwan Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology, 1955; B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1961 In Physical Education Robert Wayne Grueninger, B.S., Springfield College, 1962 In Physics John G. Huber, B.S., Stanford University, 1962 In Sanitary Engineering Millard Wayne Hall, B.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 1962 Walter Neill Thomasson, B.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 1962 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Elmer Eugene Reis, Jr., B.S., 1962 Laxman Sakharam Sane, B.Eng., M. Eng., University of Poona, 1953, 1961 Sosrowinarso Sosrodiningrat, Doctor, Institute of Technology (Bandung), 1955 In Veterinary Medical Science Saheb Singh Ahluwalia, B.S., M.S., Agra University, 1952, 1959 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 881 In Zoology David Leon Stocum, A.B., Susquehanna University, 1961 Degree of Master of Music Dixie Rodehaver Bielenberg, B.Mus., 1961 Carolyn Sue Jackson, B.Mus., Indiana University, 1962 Degree of Master of Education Robert Edward Burns, A.B., Blackburn College, 1957 Marjorie Waller Carter, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1951 Kenneth Lee Graham, B.S., Memphis State University, 1960 David Monk, B.S., Diploma, University of Sydney, 1955, 1956 Degree of Master of Accounting Science Gary Neil Ervin, B.S., 1962 Advanced Certificate In Education Frank Ardeen Bridgewater, B.S., M.S., 1946, 1950 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Home Economics Kathryn Janet Collins In Home Economics Education Janet Akin Faro, Honors COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering William Stanley Eberhart In Civil Engineering John Andrew Sandeen David Lee Traver, High Honors In General Engineering Todd Sheldon Parkhurst In Electrical Engineering Alan Lee Fensin Eugene Clarence Pudil In Engineering Physics Philip Ernest Sticha COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences William Frederic Beckman Doris Paul Hunter James Richard Hammond David Eugene Schob Patricia Ann Hornick Howard Blough Williamson In the Teaching of Social Studies Milton Paul Novak 882 board of trustees [October 26 Degree of Bachelor of Science In Liberal Arts and Sciences Dale Brian Engquist Paul Earl Hefner, Jr. Burton Gitles COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Elementary Education Stephanie Cherry Balter Marlene Scharf Engberg COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accountancy Stephen Blansett Hill, High Honors In Commercial Teaching Adele Lynn Herdt In Finance Howard Jerome Siegel In Marketing Albert Jaye Till In Secretarial Training L. Pauline Vaughan COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Music Lynne Woods, Honors COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Recreation Patricia Marie Kortkamp COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Veterinary Medicine William Edward Fabian Norman Steven Silverstein Chahles William Salzman SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; cancellations, declinations, resignations, and terminations; leaves of absence; cancellation of sabbatical leave of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Adams, William C, Instructor in Physical Education for Men, time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,800, supersedes (9-12-63). Alexandrou, Nicholas E., Research Associate in Chemistry, five months from September 1, 1963, $508.33 a month (9-26-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 883 Ali, Israr, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (10-3-63). Allen, John W., Assistant in Economics, i/$ time, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,275, and Assistant in Finance, Vi time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,050, supersedes (10-2-63). Allerhand, Adam, Instructor in Physical Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (9-4-63). Alsobrook, James M., Jr., Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, ft time, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,880 (9-26-63). Anderson, Lynn R., Instructor in Psychology, i/3 time, and Research Associate in Psychology, 1/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,400 (9-5-63). Anderson, William L., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, 1/2 time, seven months from November 1, 1963, $1,919.19, and full time, one month from June 1, 1964, $548.33, supersedes (9-27-63). Antony, Kizhakevaliaveedu S., Assistant in Physics, Department of Chemistry (Pharmacy), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (9-23-63). Applebee, Roger K., Associate Director of Cooperative Research Project No. 1994, Department of English, one year from September 1, 1963, $10,500 (9-26-63). Arlt, Mrs. Phyllis B., Instructor in Speech and Theatre, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,520 (9-26-63). Aro, Aurelia M., Instructor in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy), 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,950, supersedes (9- 20-63). Ast, Mrs. Maria E., Instructor in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,000 (9-4-63). Atlas, Amos, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,700 (9-13-63). Bain, William H., Instructor in Educational Administration (College of Education), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (8-31-63). Baker, Harold A., Visiting Lecturer in Law, September 12, 1963, and continuing until further notice but not beyond January 31, 1964, $1,000 a month (9- 30-63). Bakri, Maarib, Assistant in Botany, l/i time, and Research Assistant in Botany, V2 time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,100 (10-1-63). Banehjee, Amal C, Research Assistant in Agricultural Entomology (C), V2 time, nine months from September 1, 1963, $216.67 a month, and full time, three months from June 1, 1964, $433.33 a month (8-31-63). Barker, Ronnie C., Research Assistant in Chemistry, September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $4,945 (9-27-63). Bartky, Sandra S., Instructor in Philosophy (Chicago Undergraduate Division), V2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,000 (9-4-63). Bash, Gobinda L., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,800 (9-26-63). Batjling, Douglas B., Instructor in Agricultural Engineering (C and S), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (9-26-63). Baym, Gordon A., Research Assistant Professor of Physics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,100, supersedes (9-23-63). Bazzaz, Fakhri, Visiting Assistant Professor of Botany, nine months from September 16, 1963, $6,700 (9-25-63). Beavers, Joseph E., Assistant Professor and Adjutant of Military Science, August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $600 a year (8-19-63). Beck, Charles E., Consultant in Psychiatry, Health Service, one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (9-25-63). Bell, Mrs. Christel W., Assistant in German, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,300, supersedes (9-27-63). Benzel, James F., Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering (S), full time, September 1-15, 1963, and Vi time, September 16, 1963-May 31, 1964, $2,000, supersedes (9-19-63). Bernstein, Ira H., Research Associate and Instructor in Psychology, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,000 (9-20-63). 884 board of trustees [October 26 Blumenthal, Mrs. Shirlee, Instructor in English, first semester of academic year, September 1, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,600 (9-4-63). Bogdanska, Mrs. Halina, Research Associate in Animal Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500, supersedes (9-20-63). Bos, William G., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1 1963, $6,300 (9-19-63). Brehman, George E., Jr., Assistant in Educational Administration, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,500 (9-20-63). Brooks, F. Leslie, Instructor in Physical Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (9-26-63). Broom, Glen M., Assistant Extension Editor, with rank of Instructor (E) September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,133.30, supersedes (9-3-63). Brown, Richard M., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (C), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $7,000 a year, supersedes (10-2-63). Cameron, Edmund S., Instructor in Inorganic Chemistry, yS time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,200 (9-9-63). Carper, Mrs. Gladys, House Director, Temporary Housing at 1112 West California Avenue, Urbana, September 8, 1963-January 23, 1964, $900; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive room and meals at Busey Dining Rooms while the dining rooms are in operation (10-3-63). Carr, Kenneth R., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), 14 time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $675 (10-1-63). Carraway, Coralie A., Research Assistant in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,400 (9-11-63). Carsello, Carmen J., Counselor (Reading Improvement Laboratory), Student Counseling Service, and Instructor in Education (Chicago Undergraduate Division), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,200 (9-27-63). Carter, Herbert E., Acting Dean of the Graduate College, beginning September 1, 1963, and continuing until further notice, $1,000 a year; this is in addition to his present appointment as Professor of Biochemistry and Head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; supersedes (9-3-63). Champ, David G., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (9-3-63). Chapman, Mrs. Marguerite R., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (9-20-63). Chapman, Peter J., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000, supersedes (9-26-63). Cheifetz, David I., Assistant Professor of Nursing, 14 time, September 30-December 20, 1963, and March 23-June 12, 1964, total salary $1,550 a year; this is in addition to his appointment as Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry (Medicine), without salary (10-3-63). Claggett, W. Stephen, Assistant in Agricultural Law (Agricultural Economics) (E), two months from October 1, 1963, $511.12 a month (10-5-63). Clausing, Arthur M., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $9,000, supersedes (9-26-63). Coleman, Philip Y., Instructor in English, Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,500 (9-20-63). Colsman, Donna L., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), August 26, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,200 a year (9-4-63). Compton, Marion E., Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,600, supersedes (9-17-63). Cooley, Harold N., Assistant Administrative Dean in the Vice-President's Office (Chicago Undergraduate Division), two years from September 1, 1963, $14,000 a year, supersedes (9-4-63). Cornell, Harrison K., Educational Script Writer in Broadcasting and Television-Motion Pictures (College of Journalism and Communications), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (9-4-63). Cottrell, Frances B., Assistant in Botany, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200, supersedes (9-27-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 885 Crawford, James E., Assistant Director of Housing for Undergraduate Residence Halls (Physical Plant and Office of Dean of Students), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000; for the convenience of the University, he will also receive room and board; supersedes (9-4-63). Cremer, Bennett J., Staff Physician in the Health Service, September 9, 1963-June 30, 1964, $14,000 a year (10-2-63). Croy, Lavoy I., Assistant in Crop Physiology (Agronomy) (S), full time, September 1-15, 1963, $233.33, and V4 time, September 16 1963-August 31, 1964, $1,34171, supersedes (9-4-63). Davies, Michael S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,500, supersedes (8-31-63). Davis, E. E., Visiting Instructor in Psychology, 2/3 time, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (9-26-63). Deam, Edward L., Associate Professor of Architecture (Chicago Undergraduate Division), indefinite tenure from October 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $12,600 a year, supersedes (10-3-63). DeFotis, William, Assistant Professor of General Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,300, supersedes (9-4-63). De Marco, William, Visiting Instructor in Psychology, Vi time, nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,000 (9-19-63). Derbyshire, William, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500, supersedes (9-20-63). Detert, David G., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,600 (9-3-63). DeVito, Robert A., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), August 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, without salary (9-19-63). Dhawan, Devindra, Research Associate in Chemistry (Pharmacy), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,600 (9-20-63). Dixit, Saryu N., Research Associate in Chemistry (Pharmacy), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,360 (9-4-63). Doty, Dabney B., Instructor in General Engineering (C), Vi time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $750 (9-4-63). Downing, Robert W., Research Physicist, College of Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000, supersedes (9-4-63). Eberspach, Guenter, Instructor in German, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (9-26-63). Ehrman, John R., Research Assistant Professor of Physics (Digital Computer Laboratory), two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,500 a year (9-26-63). Eisen, Nathaniel H., Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1/2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,500 (9-24-63). Elkins, Harry R., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (9-7-63). Engel, Milton B., Professor of Orthodontics (Dentistry), Vs time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $9,600 a year, supersedes (9-27-63). Faber, L. Penfield, Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (9-20-63). Fara, Harry, Research Associate in Mining, Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering (C), Va time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,249.81 (10-1-63). Feder, Cecile S., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,100 (9-4-63). Feinberg, Arnold, Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600, supersedes (9-4-63). Feldman, Sheldon, Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications), 1/2 time, and of Psychology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,000 (10-3-63). Ferber, Mrs. Marianne A., Lecturer in Economics, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $4,000 (9-26-63). Fischer-Wybregt, Susanne H., Research Associate in Pediatrics (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,640 (10-3-63). 886 board of trustees [October 26 Fisherman, Elmer W., Clinical Associate in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (9-25-63). Fleeger, James L., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,750 (9-4-63). Fleischer, Werner JR., Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology (Medicine) % time, eight months from October 1, 1963, $600 a month (8-21-63). Flenner, Mrs. Jacqueline W., Research Programmer in the Digital Computer Laboratory, September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,500 a year (9-26-63). Ford, Neil M., Research Associate in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (10-1-63). Fowler, Wyman B., Jr., Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), nine months from December 1, 1963, $8,000 a year, supersedes (9-25-63). Frankmann, Mrs. Judith P., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Vis time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,500 (9-20-63). Garrett, Barry B., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,300 (9-19-63). Gdalman, Louis, Clinical Instructor in Pharmacy (Pharmacy), September 3, 1963-August 31, 1964, without salary (9-20-63). George, T. V., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,400, supersedes (9-3-63). Gerardo, James, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $10,000 (9-26-63). Ghosh, Bin ay Kumar, Research Associate in Chemistry (Pharmacy), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,500 a year (9-20-63). Gillfillan, Richard A., Assistant and Extension Marketing Specialist in Agricultural Economics (E), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,415 (9-4-63). Glissendorf, Owen F., Assistant Editor, with rank of Assistant Professor (S), October 7, 1963-August 31, 1965, $9,300 a year (9-26-63). Goland, Philip, Research Associate in Orthodontics (Dentistry), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $10,000 a year, supersedes (10-3-63). Goldman, Elaine D., Assistant in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,800 (9-4-63). Gore, Mrs. Pearl M., Assistant Professor of Psychology, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,300 a year, supersedes (9-19-63). Graber, Mrs. Doris A., Lecturer in Political Science (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 2/5 time, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,900 (9-4;63). Granirer, Edmond E., Instructor in Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,000 (9-4-63). Grant, E. Rhoda, Research Associate in Pathology (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $8,500 a year, supersedes (9-27-63). Greenfield, George B., Clinical Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), 15/100 time, September 15, 1963-August 31, 1964, $2,220 a year, supersedes (9-27-63). Greenlee, Mrs. Nancy A., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,300 (9-11-63). Grimm, Clyde L., Jr., Assistant Professor of English, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,000 (9-19-63). Guevara, Pedro A., Jr., Instructor in Prosthodontics (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (9-27-63). Gunther, Richard I., Instructor in Fixed Partial Prosthodontics (Dentistry), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,250, supersedes (9-27-63). Gupta, Om Prakash, Assistant Professor of Radiology (Dentistry), October 1, 1963-August 31, 1965, $10,500 a year (9-27-63). Hafele, Joseph C, Assistant in Physics (C), 1/2 time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,150, and Research Assistant in Physics, 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,810, supersedes (9-4-63). Hair, Benjamin M., Clinical Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (9-27-63). Hall, Darl M., Associate Professor, Leader of Extension Studies, Cooperative Extension (E), September 15, 1963-March 14, 1964, Va time, $1,290 (9-26-63). Hamilton, Herbert, Research Assistant Professor of Sociology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), without salary, and in the Bureau of Community 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 887 Planning, 55/100 time, and in the Institute of Communications Research, 45/100 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,200 (9-19-63). Hamlin, Roy M., Professor of Psychology, 17/100 time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $2,100 (9-23-63). Hancock, Roger N., Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $7,600 (9-26-63). Hanson, Mrs. Dolores M., Assistant Editor in the Public Information Office, % time, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $4,500 a year, supersedes (10-2-63). Harbaugh, Terence E., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1963, $6,000 (9-4-63). Hebting, Charles, Instructor in Operative Dentistry (Dentistry), $$=, time, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,400, supersedes (9-20-63). Heffington, Marvin D., Instructor in the Division of Intramural Activities (College of Physical Education), October 1, 1963-June 15, 1964, $6,450 a year, supersedes (9-26-63). Heinze, Shirley J., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry and Department of Otolaryngology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,500 (8-28-63). Hendron, Alfred J., Jr., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (C), two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,100 a year (9-27-63). Hewitson, Richard E., Instructor in Chemistry (Pharmacy), V$ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,000 (9-20-63). Hinely, Mrs. Jan Ann L., Instructor in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (9-4-63). Hirai, Kenji, Research Assistant in Aeromedical Laboratory (Medical Center, Chicago) one year from September 1, 1963, $5,700 (8-26-63). Hoelscher, Randolph P., Professor of General Engineering (C), 3/10 time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,800 (9-26-63). Holmes, Robert P., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (9-4-63). Hoover, Mrs. Jeanette J., Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center, Chicago), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,800 (9-19-63). Houck, Russell L., Assistant in Biology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,800 (9-4-63). Hudson, Mrs. Janette C, Assistant in German, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,100 (10-5-63). Huggins, Raymond W., Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,000 a year (9-20-63). Hultzen, Lee S., Professor of Speech and Linguistics, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $11,000 a year, supersedes (9-26-63). Humphreys, Robert L., Assistant in Animal Science (S), November 6, 1963-August 31, 1964, $4,670.83 (9-20-63). Irgens, Roar, Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,800 (9-3-63). James, Joseph A., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Pharmacy), July 22, 1963-August 31, 1964, $7,200 a year (8-31-63). Janes, Robert W., Associate Professor of Sociology, five months from October 1, 1963, $858.33 a month, supersedes (9-19-63). Januszko, Danuta, Clinical Instructor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, without salary (10-2-63). Jones, Robert E., Lecturer in Psychology, with rank of Associate Professor, VS time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,650 (9-26-63). Jordan, Laura J., Assistant Professor of Special Education (Institute for Research on Exceptional Children), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,600 (9-4-63). Jordan, Mrs. Louise C, Research Assistant in Microbiology, August 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,364.63 (9-5-63). Kahn, Walter J., Instructor in Ophthalmology (Medicine), Ys time, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,720 (9-20-63). 888 board of trustees [October 26 Kaiser, Henry R, Professor of Educational Psychology (College of Education), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $16,000 a year; and Professor of Psychology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), without salary (9-26-63). Katz, Evelyn W., Research Assistant Professor of Psychology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), and in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications), V$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,000 (9-20-63). Kellerhouse, Leland E., Jr., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, without salary (9-23-63). Kellogg, Mrs. Isabel M., Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy (Medicine), Ya, time, September 1-October 10, 1963, $531.25 a month, supersedes (8-26-63). Keppler, Mrs. Nancy O., Assistant in Home Economics (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,900 (9-11-63). Keranen, Dolores, Instructor in the Humanities (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,200 (10-3-63). Kim, Serena, Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, four months from September 1, 1963, $900 (9-3-63). Klapman, Howard J., Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (10-2-63). Klehr, Harold, Associate Professor of Psychology, indefinite tenure, and director of Student Counseling Service, one year (Chicago Undergraduate Division), from September 1, 1963, $13,700 a year, supersedes (8-26-63). Kolb, Mrs. Dorothy, Assistant in German, September 16, 1963-january 31, 1964, $2,500 (10-2-63). Kotler, Nancy K., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), l/$pD time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1963-january 31, 1964, $1,300 (9-4-63). Kott, Nancy, Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, September 16, 1963-December 31, 1963, $1,137.50 (9-20-63). Krehbiel, Robert H., Professor of Anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine, Chieng-mai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/fe-2, for the day August 1, 1963, and resuming service August 19, 1963, continuing through August 31, 1963, $16,195 a year, and for the period September 1, 1963, through August 17, 1965, $16,989 a year; and Professor of Anatomy (Medicine), indefinite tenure from September j, 1965 for the academic year (9-5-63). Kumarich, Dan, Instructor in Operative Dentistry (Dentistry), ji time, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,400, supersedes (9-27-63). Kysar, John E., Director of Health Service and Assistant Professor of Hygiene (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 7/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $13,500, supersedes (9-4-63). Labanowich, Stanley, Supervisor of Recreation and Athletics, with rank of Instructor, Division of Rehabilitation-Education Service (College of Physical Education), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,250 (9-26-63). Laitinen, Herbert A., Professor of Analytical Chemistry, and Associate Head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $20,300 a year, supersedes (9-24-63). Land, Vera F. C, Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,800 (10-3-63). Lee, Mrs. Leah S., Research Assistant in Law, six months from September 1, 1963, $3,450, and Research Assistant in the Graduate College, six months from March 1, 1964, $3,450 (9-17-63). Lee, M. Raymond, Assistant Professor of Biological Science (Division of General Studies) 2/3 time, and Zoology, i/? time, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,200 a year, supersedes (9-3-63). Lerner, Barbara A., Instructor in Psychology, Department of Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $7,000 a year (9-19-63). Lerner, Leon, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,150 a year (10-3-63). Liveeman, Robert D., Instructor in Physical Education for Men, Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,400 (9-12-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 889 Loeses, Cornelius J., Instructor in Geography (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,750 (9-4-63). Loftiss, Eugene W., Research Assistant in Speech and Theatre, nine months from September 1, 1963, $4,844.45 (9-27-63). Lukens, Shirley A., Instructor in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (9-4-63). Macell, Jack, Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), Vi time, August 29, 1963-February 29, 1964, $2,000 (9-20-63). Maglione, Frank D., Jr., Supervisor of Counseling, with rank of Instructor, Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services (College of Physical Education), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,000 (9-26-63). Mahaffey, Mrs. Anna K., Instructor in Business Education (College of Commerce and Business Administration), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,200, supersedes (9-26-63). Mann, Lindsay A., Research Assistant in English (Graduate College), September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, and Assistant in English (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), February 1-June 15, 1964, $4,600 (10-2-63). Mason, James H., Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), i/> time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,900, supersedes (9-4-63). Matthews, Mrs. Dorothy E., Instructor in English, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (9-26-63). Matthias, William, Jr., Extension Specialist in the Division of University Extension, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (9-3-63). McDonald, Owen G., Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Medicine), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (9-4-63). McGurk, Florence F., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $5,500 a year (9-11-63). McQueen, R. David, Instructor in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine) and in Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), one year from September 1, 1963, $10,500 (9-27-63). Metropole, Mrs. Sonia, Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), 2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,733.34, supersedes (9-23-63). Meyer, Ewy, Research Associate in Ophthalmology (Medicine), \/i time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,200 (9-27-63). Miller, Arnold L., Assistant Professor of Psychology, i/$ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,900 (9-26-63). Mirza, Mahmmod Beg, Instructor in Mining Engineering (C), Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,400 (10-3-63). Miyasato, Fujihiko, Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, without salary (9-3-63). Moffat, Jean E., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (9-4-63). Morel, John L., Administrative Intern in the President's Office, 54 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,500 (10-7-63). Morgan, Lezlie A., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,540 (9-5-63). Morshed, H., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,300 (9-20-63). Motto, Harry L., Research Associate in Soil Chemistry (Agronomy) (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,500 (9-43). Mowat, Bruce, Instructor in Operative Dentistry (Dentistry), 2 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,620, supersedes (9-27-63). Mrotek, Sharon F., Assistant in Speech (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,400 (9-4-63). Nagata, Tetsuji, Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,100 a year, supersedes (9-27-63). Naiman, Mrs. Sandra M., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the first semester of the academic year, September 1, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,700 (9-4-63). Nieto-Ramirez, Jose A., Research Associate in Civil Engineering (C), September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $3,500 (9-3-63). 890 board of trustees [October 26 Nilsson, Anna, Research Associate in Animal Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (9-20-63). Nona, Daniel A., Instructor in Pharmacy (Pharmacy), V$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,500 (9-20-63). Northcote, R. S., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one year from January 13, 1964, $7,945 (9-5-63). Oates, Geoffrey D., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), 2/s time, August 30, 1963-August 31, 1964, $3,000 (9-20-63). O'Connor, John T., Assistant Professor of Sanitary Engineering (Civil Engineering) (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,500 (9-3-63). Offer, Dwight F., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation, one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000 (9-4-63). Omori, Dorothy K., Instructor in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), four months from September 1, 1963, $6,700 a year (9-4-63). Oran, Cenap, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (C and S), second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $3,900 for the period (9-25-63). Ore, Donald E., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), }i time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,800, supersedes (9-27-63). Page, Benjamin F., Instructor in the Graduate School of Library Science, y$ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,000 (7-12-63). Palciauskas, Raymond, Instructor in Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,500 (9-4-63). Palmer, Rex A., Research Associate in Chemistry, one month from September 1, 1963, $558.33 (9-20-63). Parnas, Mrs. Hanna G., Research Assistant in Microbiology, August 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,625 (9-5-63). Patterson, Lane E., Field Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, September 1-15, 1963, $300 a month (9-13-63). Patterson, Virginia N., Assistant Professor of Radiology (Medicine) and Assistant Radiologist in the Research and Educational Hospitals, October 1, 1963-August 31, 1965, $15,660 a year, supersedes (9-20-63). Pattison, Jeffrey, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500 (10-2-63). Pattison, Valerie, Research Assistant in Botany, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150 (9-17-63). Pedersoli, Waldir M., Instructor in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), 2/3 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,850 (9-20-63). Phelan, J. F., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,000 (9-20-63). Pike, John R., Assistant Professor of Finance, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $8,000, supersedes (9-26-63). Price, Rupert M., Associate Professor of Physics, indefinite tenure, and Associate Dean of Engineering, one year, from September 1, 1963 (Chicago Undergraduate Division), $16,200 a year, supersedes (9-4-63). Racster, Ronald L., Assistant in Finance, full time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, and Vi time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $3,150, supersedes (10-2-63). Raffeld, William F., Instructor in Speech (Chicago Undergraduate Division), i/i time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,120 (9-4-63). Rahn, Stanley W., Assistant Director of Housing and Coordinator of Residential Services (Physical Plant and Dean of Students Office), one year from September 1, 1963, $12,000; for the convenience of the University he will also receive one meal a day; supersedes (9-4-63). Reid, H. Gordon, Associate Professor of Hygiene, Health Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $15,400 a year, supersedes (9-4-63). Rhie, Young H., Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,400 (9-4-63). Richardson, George, Research Assistant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Medicine), August 15, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,200 a year (8-26-63). Robertson, Giles B., Head of Public Services Division in the Library with rank of Associate Professor (Chicago Undergraduate Division), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, $10,400 a year, supersedes (9-27-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 891 Robinson, Stanley C, Professor of Business Administration, on indefinite tenure, without salary, and Dean of Division of University Extension, from October 1, 1963, and continuing through August 31, 1965, $18,000 a year, supersedes (9-27-63). Rodriguez, Eduardo, Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500, supersedes (9-11-63). Roosa, William B., Instructor in Anthropology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,400 (9-27-63). Rubinstein, Daniel, Assistant in Botany, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (9-19-63). Sabel, Charles L., Instructor in Psychology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 83/100 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,750 (9-4-63). Sanzone, George J., Research Engineer in Chemistry (Mass Spectrometer), 2/i time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (9-3-63). Schacht, Mrs. Sylvia N., Assistant in English, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,100 (10-2-63). Schilleh, Jonathan W., Coordinator of Music Communications (School of Music), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,500 (9-3-63). Schmidt, Paul J., Instructor in Ophthalmology (Medicine), V4 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,300 (9-4-63). Schuyler, Noah R., Visiting Lecturer in Economics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Vi time, September 1, 1963-February 29, 1964, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, $2,000 (9-4-63). Seilheimer, Richard A., Assistant in Industrial Engineering (C), September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $3,100 (9-25-63). Seth, Shanti K., Research Associate in Microbiology, ten months from November 1, 1963, $7,000 a year, supersedes (9-26-63). Shapiro, Brenda, Instructor in Clinical Speech, Department of Otolaryngology (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $7,000 a year (10-3-63). Sherman, Michael A., Instructor in Physical Education for Men, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,550, supersedes (9-12-63). Shubert, Harry A., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,500, supersedes (9-4-63). Shulman, Harold S., Assistant Professor of Psychology, i/i time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,950 (9-20-63). Sibinovic, Mrs. Sarah K. H., Research Associate in Center for Zoonoses Research, 2/3 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,100 (9-4-63). Simon, Ellen M., Research Associate in Zoology, 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (9-26-63). Simpson, Mrs. Alice A., Assistant in the Center for Zoonoses Research, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,160 (9-12-63). Singal, Mahendar K., Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500, supersedes (10-2-63). Skartvedt, Romayne, Assistant in the Graduate School of Business Administration (College of Commerce and Business Administration), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (9-4-63). Sloan, Richard H., Assistant in Physical Education for Men, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,200 (9-12-63). Sloniger, Carl R., Assistant in Physical Education for Men, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,700, supersedes (9-12-63). Smith, Mrs. Anita C, Associate Editor in the Graduate School of Library Science, 1/2 time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,675 (9-25-63). Smith, Garmond S., Assistant Professor of Animal Science (C and S), V5 time, two years from September 1, 1963, $4,600 a year (9-7-63). Smith, Mrs. Margaret A., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,600 (10-3-63). Spaeth, Virginia A., Assistant in Biology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,800 (9-4-63). Stein, Herbert J., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, Vi time, and Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1/2 time (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,750, supersedes (9-20-63). 892 board of trustees [October 26 Stitzel, Robert D., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), V$ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $1,310 (9-27-63). Stoia, Gail M., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), September 3, 1963-August 31, 1964, $7,000 a year (10-3-63). Sugiura, Masahiro, Research Associate in Botany, one year from September 1 1963, $6,100 (9-19-63). Sullivan, Edward E., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16 1963, $4,200, supersedes (9-19-63). Sussman, Hans G., Research Associate in Oral Pathology (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, $8,000, supersedes (9-27-63). Takayama, Takashi, Research Associate in Agricultural Economics (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $10,800 (9-25-63). Talbot, Joseph E., Jr., Instructor in Hygiene and Medical Adviser to Men (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Ys time, one year from September 1, 1963, $7,600 (9-5-63). Tatsuoka, Maurice, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology (College of Education), Vs time, and in the University High School, Ys time, one year from September 1, 1963, $11,850, supersedes (9-4-63). Taylor, Donald P., Assistant Professor of Nematology (Plant Pathology) (C and S), two years from September 1, 1963, $10,000 a year, supersedes (9-4-63). Tomaschke, Harry E., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $7,400, supersedes (10-1-63). Torres, Cesar, Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), seven months from September 1, 1963, without salary (10-3-63). Trahern, Joseph B., Jr., Assistant Professor of English, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,300 a year, supersedes (9-26-63). Trousil, Elaine B., Research Assistant in Microbiology, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $4,766.63 (9-20-63). Trudgill, Peter W., Research Associate in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,500 a year, supersedes (9-26-63). Uzgiris, Ina C, Research Associate in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100 (9-20-63). Venezky, Diane A., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,160 (8-26-63). Vermeulen, Mrs. Mary E., Research Assistant in Microbiology, four months from October 1, 1963, $1,733.32 (10-5-63). Versen, Walter G., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men (Chicago Undergraduate Division), two years, and Assistant Director of the Division of Physical Education and Assistant Director of Athletics, one year, from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,400, and $1,000 for over-time from the Athletic Association for services to it, supersedes (9-7-63). Versluis, Donald G., Assistant (Flight) in the Institute of Aviation, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,100 (9-5-63). Vission, Richard S., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,400 (9-4-63). Walker, William H., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (C and S), two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,000 a year, supersedes (10-2-63). Waller, Robert A., Assistant Professor of History (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), 1/3 time, and Counselor in Teacher Training Counseling (College of Education), 2/3 time, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $7,500 a year, supersedes (9-26-63). Walraven, H. Dale, Professor of General Engineering, indefinite tenure, and Assistant to the Dean of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, one year, from September 1, 1963, $13,000 a year, supersedes (9-4-63). Wang, Shu Yung, Clinical Associate Professor of Oral Pathology (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (9-27-63). Warren, Mrs. Irvina P., Research Associate in Medical Social Work (Medicine), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,200 (9-27-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 893 Waterman, Jack E., Executive Officer and Associate Professor of Naval Science, August 1, 1963-August 31, 1965, $600 a year (9-26-63). Watts, Mrs. Emily S., Instructor in English, V$ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,550 (9-26-63). Weichsel, Paul M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $9,500 a year (9-26-63). Weirauch, Donald F., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (C), Vi time, September 16, 1963-June 15, 1964, $2,250, and full time, June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,250 (8-31-63). Weissman, Irving, Consultant in Radiology (Health Service), \i time, two years from September 1, 1963, $5,400 a year (10-2-63). Werch, Mrs. Agnes S., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $8,250 a year (10-3-63). Wiedenmayer, Felix, Research Assistant in Geology, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $4,720.87 (9-27-63). Wiggins, Mrs. Nancy A., Instructor in Psychology, i/§ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $2,000 (9-19-63). Willis, Mrs. Judith, Instructor in the School of Life Sciences, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,500 (9-20-63). Wood, Jean M., Instructor in Nursing, to render service during the academic year, 1963-64, beginning October 7, 1963, $7,000 a year (9-27-63). Woodard, Mrs. Margaretha W., Visiting Lecturer in Biology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,750 (9-4-63). Wright, Robert L., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (9-20-63). Yamamoto, Toshio, Research Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, i/$pD time, nine months from September 1, 1963, $1,980, and full time, three months from June 1, 1964, $1,320 (9-27-63). Young, Mrs. Biloine W., Instructor in Televised Instruction, Elementary Education, and in the Office of Instructional Television (College of Education, and Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,000 (9-27-63). Yu, Kyung Hi, Research Assistant in Food Science (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,200 (9-27-63). FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Adam, William S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,600 (9-20-63). Anderson, Philip A., Lilly Endowment Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,000 (9-16-63). Anker, Jane A., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Atkins, Gladys, United States Public Health Service Fellow in Physiology, six months from September 21, 1963, $1,100 (9-27-63). Baldwin, Jon M., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (6-11-63). Barrett, Irene M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Tiainee) in Nursing (Psychiatric), nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (9-12-63). Beeby, Gary ]., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-26-63). Bernstein, Jerrold, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, nine months from October 1, 1963, $2,999.97 (9-18-63). Binns, William H., Jr., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Dentistry, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $5,541.63 (9-12-63). Browning, Edward T., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Charron, Rodney E., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-26-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 895 Johnson, Judith A., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (8-13-63). Johnson, Norma J., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Zoology, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-17-63). Kapple, Holly, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-26-63). Kauffman, Frederick C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,416.66 (8-13-63). Kline, Dale R., Lilly Endowment Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,000 (9-13-63). Kopp, James V., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Microbiology, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-17-63). Kuenzi, Norbert J., National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,882.50 (9-30-63). Kupperman, Phyllis P., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-26-63). Landy, Arthur H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,820 (8-16-63). Line, William F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $1,820.77 (9-12-63). Losee, David L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Physics, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 supersedes (9-12-63). Lowenstein, John H., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (6-18-63). Mangel, Walter F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,666 (8-16-63). Mann, William S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,250 (8-13-63). Marks, Colleen J., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (8-26-63). Mather, Lauren R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,350 (9-18-63). McLain, Larry G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, three months from June 16, 1963, $600 (7-12-63). Melberg, Frederick T., Jr., David Kinley Fellow in Business Administration, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (9-19-63). Mertz, John C, United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Zoology, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-17-63). Mizuno, Yoshihiro, Keio-Illinois Exchange Fellow in Labor and Industrial Relations, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500, and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (8-27-63). Morris, David R., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from August 16, 1963, $2,700 (8-30-63). Munday, John C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,666 (8-16-63). Norton, Robert H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, September 23, 1963-June 30, 1964, $1,772 (9-12-63). Olsen, Richard K., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 16, 1963, $4,700 (9-17-63). Osmanski, C. Paul, United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow (Special) in Pathology, one year from July 1, 1963, without salary (9-18-63). Oterholm, Anders, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,800 (7-29-63). Otieno, Olero S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 15, 1963-June 30, 1964, $1,741.64 (9-25-63). Overby, Lacy R., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one-fourth time, August 1, 1963-February 29, 1964, $1,400 (8-27-63). Pardini, Ronald S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,500 (9-19-63). Paul, Gordon L., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (9-16-63). Peacock, Douglas W., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (9-17-63). 896 board of trustees [October 26 Perkins, William E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,583.30 (9-18-63). Pershe, Edward R., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Civil Engineering, one year from September 16, 1963, $3,500 (9-17-63). Plaut, Hannah M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Nursing (Psychiatric), nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (9-12-63). Podolosky, Judith, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Rainsford, Dennis T., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-23-63). Rosene, Gordon L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, one-half time, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,770 (9-17-63). Rothman, Howard H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,666 (8-16-63). Roughead, William G., Jr., National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,800 (9-30-63). Sandford, Paul A., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,500 (9-30-63). Scapino, Robert P., United States Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow (Special) in Oral Anatomy (Dentistry), one year from June 18, 1963, without salary (9-18-63). Seday, Ann J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Nursing (Psychiatric), nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,400 (9-12-63). Seely, Oliver, Jr., United States Public Health Service (Trainee) in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (9-24-63). Seikku, Antti R. O., Fellow in Law, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (9-19-63). Shapiro, Jules S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Orthopaedic Surgery, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,000 (8-26-63). Shea, James H., Shell Company Foundation Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,100, supersedes (9-20-63). Sobel, Solomon, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Medicine, August 5, 1963-June 30, 1964, $5,435.50 (9-3-63). Spence, Clark C., Postdoctoral Fellow in History, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $10,500 (8-31-63). Stevens, Kent R., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Dairy Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (9-9-63). Stiefel, Hylene M., National Institute of Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Suchinski, Joyce, United States Public Health Service (Trainee) in Nursing (Psychiatric)---Undergraduate, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (9-12-63). Taylor, Douglas H., Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, 16/100 time, nine months from September 16, 1963, $750 (9-18-63). Terry, Richard B., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (9-5-63). Thurman, Ronald G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,416.66 (9-12-63). Tkacik, Arnold, Lilly Endowment Postdoctoral Fellow in Psvchology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,000 (9-13-63). Unzicker, Roger G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,250 (8-13-63). Van Vleet, John F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (7-16-63). Verhey, Mrs. Catherine A., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (9-17-63). Voils, Don L., National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,310 (9-30-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 897 Wagner, Neal R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,800 (9-17-63). Weber, Bruce A., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,800 (8-26-63). Williams, Ann M., Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (9-5-63). Willmore, Floyd E., National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,310 (9-30-63). Zielinski, Mieczyslaw, Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, six months from October 16, 1963, $2,250 (9-5-63). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS. CANCELLATIONS. AND TERMINATIONS Allerhand, Adam, Postdoctorate Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Anderson, Mary P., Research Assistant in Chemistry --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Andrews, Richard D., Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Bickelhaupt, Roy E., Research Assistant Professor of Ceramic Engineering --- resignation effective September 22, 1963. Blostein, Rhoda, Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Brown, Donald E., Associate Professor of Journalism --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Browne, Julia, Fellow in Art --- resignation effective June 16, 1963. Busta, Francis F., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Food Technology --- resignation effective October 1, 1963. Dagres, John, George A. Miller Fellow in History --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. De Feo, Vincent J., Assistant Professor of Anatomy (Medicine)---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Dinger, Sharon L., Research Assistant in Physiology----resignation effective September 1, 1963. Feltner, Charles E., Research Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics----resignation effective September 1, 1963. Fisher, Barbara N., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Fley, Jo Ann, Assistant Dean of Women --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Feazer, William D., Fellow in Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Gur-Asteh, Chaim, Fellow in Food Technology --- cancellation effective September 16, 1963. Hamilton, Robert C, Orthopaedist in the Division of Services for Crippled Children and Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine)---declination effective September 1, 1963. Herbst, Richard J., Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Hirst, Virginia A., Fellow in English --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Hryekewicz, Boris W., Research Assistant in Small Homes Council-Building Research Council --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Irgens, Roar, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology--- cancellation effective September 1, 1963. Johnson, Margaret L., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine) ---declination effective September 1, 1963. Kaiser, Henry F., Professor of Psychology and of Educational Psychology (Bureau of Educational Research)---declination effective September 1, 1963. Katague, David B., Instructor in Chemistry (Pharmacy)---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Kelsey, Patricia A., Instructor in Occupational Therapy (Medicine)---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Kitson, John W., Instructor in Advertising --- declination effective September 1, 1963. 898 board of trustees [October 26 Kosmalla, Norbert, Instructor in German --- declination effective September 1 1963. Mahany, Richard P., Fellow in History --- resignation effective September 16 1963. Malhotra, Om P., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology--- resignation effective October 1, 1963. McKibbin, Brian, Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine)---termination effective August 17, 1963. Miles, Feed D., Professor of Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Nishida, Yoshiro, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Norton, Robert H., Research Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology (Pharmacy) ---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Omori, Dorothy K., Instructor in Occupational Therapy (Medicine)---declination effective September 1, 1963. Pattison, Mrs. Valerie, Assistant in Animal Science --- resignation effective August 27, 1963. Penchina, Claude M., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering --- cancellation effective September 1, 1963. Peterson, Lewis V., Producer and Supervisor of Television-Motion Pictures --- resignation effective September 1, 1963; retirement effective March 1, 1964. Remec, Matthew J., Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Roberts, Margaret R., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey --- resignation effective September 12, 1963. Rose, Cronwell A., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine) --- resignation effective August 3, 1963. Roslansky, John D., Assistant Professor of Zoology --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Roth, Cynthia M., Assistant in Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Sarkissian, John L., Instructor in Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division) ---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Sassoon, Mabel I., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine) ---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Sporleder, Donald E., Assistant Professor of Architecture --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Steinhardt, Mary D., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry--- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Stevens, Kent R., Fellow in Dairy Science --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Strain, Robert J., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective September 18, 1963. Sudhoff, Herbert A., Executive Officer and Assistant Professor of Naval Science --- resignation effective August 1, 1963. Swago, Andrew W., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering---resignation effective September 1, 1963. Swanson, Judith E., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Talbot, George A., Lecturer in Social Science and Sociology, Division of General Studies and Department of Sociology --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Toledo, Fernando, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective October 1, 1963. Vermeulen, Mrs. Mary E., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective October 1, 1963. Waller, Mrs. Edna I., Project Assistant in the Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Weichsel, Paul M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- declination effective September 1, 1963. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 899 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Cleary, Edward W., Professor of Law --- disability leave of absence, with full pay, from September 1, 1963, and continuing until February 1, 1964. Cribbet, John E., Professor of Law --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1963-64, so that he may accept a position as Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, Drummond, Harold A., Lecturer in Medical and Dental History, with rank of Associate Professor, College of Dentistry --- leave of absence without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, so that he may travel abroad. Fu, Mrs. Helena Suen, Instructor in Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963. Hendron, Alfred J., Jr., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering --- leave of absence for two years from September 1, 1963, for military service. Holderman, James B., Assistant Professor in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs --- leave of absence, without pay, for the first semester of the academic year 1963-64, so that he may serve as Social Studies Consultant for the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Paul, Sherman, Professor of English and Associate Member of Center for Advanced Study --- leave of absence from the Department of English, without pay, during the current academic year (September 1, 1963. through August 31, 1964), in view of the fact that he has received a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation grant to supplement his appointment as an Associate Member, on one-half time, of the Center for Advanced Study. Perlmutter, Mrs. Shirley, Instructor in Occunational Therapy, College of Medicine --- extension of leave of absence, without pay, beginning September 1 through December 31, 1963. Rudfn, Cecilia M., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- extension of leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1963, on account of illness. Stippes, Marvin C, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering and Engineering Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, for the second semester of 1963-64, so that he may accept a position as Visiting Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Washington. Wachowski, Theodore J., Clinical Professor of Radiology, College of Medicine, and Associate Radiologist, Research and Educational Hospitals --- leave of absence, without pay, for six months from September 1, 1963, so that he may travel and do work in association with his appointment as President of the American College of Radiology. Ziolkowski, Edmund, Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center, Chicago) --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning September 1, and continuing through October 20, 1963, because of the temporary press of other responsibilities. CANCELLATION OF SABBATICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE Stippes, Marvin C, Professor of Theoretical and x<\pplied Mechanics, College of Engineering, and Engineering Experiment Station --- sabbatical leave of absence for the second semester of the academic year 1963-64 is hereby cancelled, without prejudice. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS President Clement reminded the Trustees of their previous action changing the date of the regular November meeting from the third Wednesday to Saturday, November 23, 1963, to be held in Urbana, and inquired if the Board desires to consider any other date. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Trustees that the meeting should be held on November 23 as now scheduled. The regular December meeting of the Board is scheduled for Wednesday, December 18, and President Clement announced that the Trustees have the annual invitation from the officers of the First National Bank of Chicago to hold the meeting at the Bank. 900 board of trustees [October 26 MEETING OF ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BOARDS Mrs. Watkins reported informally and briefly on the 1963 annual meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions at which she, Mr. Dilliard, and the Secretary, Mr. Janata, represented the Board of Trustees of the University. Mr. Dilliard also commented on this meeting. Mrs. Watkins stated that she would send a formal, written report to all the Trustees later and a copy would be filed with the Secretary. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session has been requested and would be ordered for consideration of reports and recommendations relating to property acquisitions; and that this session will be held immediately after luncheon recess. At 11:15 a.m., on motion of Mr. Swain, the Board recessed. INSPECTION OF PHYSICS BUILDING During the recess, the Trustees and officers of the University visited the new Physics Building for an inspection. Professor G. M. Almy, Associate Head of the Department of Physics, Professor Robert J. Maurer and Associate Professor George A. Russell, of the Department, conducted the inspection tour. GUESTS OF HONOR AT LUNCHEON Following inspection of the Physics Building, the Trustees returned to the Ulini Union for luncheon. State Senator Everett R. Peters, and State Representatives Charles W. Clabaugh, Edwin E. Dale, and Leo Pfeffer were guests of honor of the Board at luncheon. Presidents Clement and Henry expressed on behalf of the Trustees and other officers of the University appreciation of the services of the Senator and Representatives to the University during the session of the Seventy-third General Assembly of Illinois. The guests of honor responded briefly. SITE FOR UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARY Mr. Ambrose Richardson, Consulting Architect, presented sketches of a preliminary study of a new undergraduate library building at Urbana-Champaign showing how such a building could be constructed below grade in the quadrangle between the Auditorium and the Stock Pavilion and connected with the University Library. He illustrated his presentation with slides. On recommendation of President Henry and on motion of Mr. Swain, this proposal was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and report. DESIGN OF CHILDREN'S RESEARCH CENTER Mr. Richardson presented the proposed design for the Children's Research Center to be constructed in the area which has been set aside for the Mental Health Building. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this design was approved. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board reconvened in executive session at 1:30 p.m. and the same Trustees and officers of the University were present as recorded at the 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 901 beginning of these minutes with the exception of Mr. Ray Page who asked to be excused and Mr. John A. Baerwald and Mr. Ambrose Richardson, whose services were not required. The Board proceeded to consider the following reports and recommendations submitted by and on behalf of the President of the University. VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS BY THE CITY OF URBANA (1) The Committee on Buildings and Grounds of the Board of Trustees has recommended payment to the city of Urbana of $147,345 for the vacation of Rotnine Street between Springfield Avenue and Main Street; Stoughton Street between Romine Street and Mathews Avenue; and the alleys in the two blocks bounded by Springfield Avenue, Mathews Avenue, Main Street, and Romine Street. Such vacations by the City would have the effect of vesting in the University title to the areas vacated. The areas will be vacated in two parts, namely Romine Street and the west part of the alley in the block bounded by Stoughton, Romine, Main, and Mathews, conditioned upon the payment of $92,895.00; and Stoughton Street and the alley in the block bounded by Stoughton, Romine, Springfield, and Mathews, conditioned upon a payment of $54,450. The latter vacation will take place after the University's completion of acquisition of contiguous land. The city of Urbana has since requested that prior to enactment of the city ordinances that would vacate the streets and alleys subject to payments being made, the Board of Trustees take action to authorize such payments. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the proposal to the City for vacation of the areas and authorize payments of the amounts required by the City when the ordinances are passed. Funds are available from the state capital appropriations to the University for the 1963-65 biennium. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved, and authority was given as requested by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. PURCHASE OF FARMLAND SOUTH OF BONDV1LLE (2) In 1957, lease arrangements were completed for the use of a forty-one-acre tract, four miles south of Bondville, Illinois, as a site for a radio direction-finding facility for the Department of Electrical Engineering. This land was purchased by a private company and leased to the University with the lease cost paid from a research contract with the United States Navy. The University has the option to buy the site at any time before the expiration of the lease in 1972 at a cost not to exceed $18,245. Two tracts totaling 210 acres are now required for immediate expansion of the research facility and additional land will be required in the future to control construction of fences, metal buildings, and possibly high-growing crops, all of which interfere with the research program. The total land required, including the forty-one acres now leased to the University, is approximately 480 acres. Negotiations have been under way for acquisition of the two tracts of land required for immediate expansion: Tract A --- Approximately 130 acres north of the original forty-one acres described as: The North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Two, except a strip one rod wide off the full south end thereof, containing 88.78 acres more or less, and the North Half of the East Half of the Northwest quarter of said Section Two, except one square rod in the Southeast corner thereof, containing 41.48 acres more or less, all in Section Two Township 18 North, Range 7 East, of the Third Principal Meridian, in Champaign County, Illinois. The owner will sell for $90,000 but retaining for three crop years the right of occupancy of not less than eighty acres of land. 902 board of trustees [October 26 Tract B --- Approximately eighty acres east of the original forty-one acres described as: The South Half (SV4) of the Northeast Quarter (NEV4) of Section 2, Township 18 North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian. The owner will sell for $64,000 and give immediate possession to the University. The prices are the lowest prices for which the properties can be acquired without condemnation proceedings and the resulting costs thereof. Funds are available from undistributed indirect costs received under Navy contracts. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board authorize the purchase of the above two properties at the prices and terms outlined above. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these purchases were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Billiard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 6O3 EAST DANIEL STREET, CHAMPAIGN. ILLINOIS (3) The Board has authorized and the University is in the process of acquiring by condemnation the property at 60S East Daniel Street, Champaign (commonly referred to as the Cosmopolitan Club). The adjoining property at 603 East Daniel Street, Champaign (commonly referred> to as the Thunderbird Restaurant property) is also required for the University's campus expansion and is under common ownership with the Cosmopolitan Club. Officials of the University have carefully reviewed the various alternatives available to the University with regard to the acquisition of the Thunderbird property and have concluded that: (1) funds are now available which can be budgeted for this purpose; (2) if it is necessary to institute condemnation proceedings on this property, it would be desirable to consolidate such proceedings with the pending Cosmopolitan Club condemnation; and (3) the acquisition of the property at this time would be in the best interests of the University. The Thunderbird property consists of a lot 43.68 feet frontage on Daniel Street by 73 feet deep, and is improved with a restaurant occupying most of the land area. The original building was a three-story and basement frame rooming house to which has been added a frame dining room two stories high, a one-story masonry side entrance, and a second-story addition at the rear of the property used as a dining room. The basement has been remodeled into a "rathskeller." The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the acquisition of this property by negotiation at a price not to exceed $100,000. They further recommend that if the University is unable to acquire the property by negotiation, the Board authorize the Executive Committee to adopt a resolution for institution of condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of this property. This resolution was distributed to the members of the Board of Trustees, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the foregoing recommendations were approved and authority was given as requested; this action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF FARMLAND IN LA SALLE COUNTY (4) In 1955, Miss Laura Weber gave to the University 640 acres of farmland in La Salle County. Included in the gift is a 160-acre farm in Waltham Township, north of Utica. On November 21, a 160-acre farm which adjoins this farm will be sold at public auction by the administrator of an estate. It is desirable for the 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 903 University to acquire this farm, or at least eighty acres of it, in order to implement the functions being performed on the Weber property. The Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Comptroller or an agent selected by him be authorized to submit not exceeding $700 an acre for the west eighty acres (which are immediately south of the University property) and not to exceed $650 an acre for the east eighty acres and not to exceed $675 an acre for the entire farm. Approximately $50,000 is available in the fellowship account established from the income of the Weber farms. This income is unrestricted except that it must be used for the benefit of the College of Agriculture. The Dean of the College recommends that this sum be transferred to endowment funds if the property is acquired. The remainder of the purchase price can be financed from working capital funds of the Weber farms and Wright farms. The Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture has been consulted and approves the recommendation. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this purchase was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS November 23, 1963 The November meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Saturday, November 23, 1963, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner and Mr. Ray Page were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 905 906 board of trustees [November 23 TRIBUTE TO PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES When the meeting convened, President Clement asked all present to stand in a silent tribute to the late President John F. Kennedy. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevqked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Martin Greenman Skokie, Illinois ' District of Columbia Thomas Elwood Heney, Jr. Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Fred Ephraim Schoenburg Skokie, Illinois District of Columbia Brian Owen Shannon Chicago, Illinois Indiana Glen Wilson Vantrease Gary, Indiana Indiana Harvey Emil Wetzel Homewood, Illinois Wisconsin I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (2) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Charles Milton Garverick, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, beginning February 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,400. 2. Lowell Dean Hill, Assistant Professor of Marketing Extension, Department of Agricultural Economics, beginning November 11, 1963, at an annual salary of $10,000. 3. Sushil Dua Sharma, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology and of Physiology, for one year from September 1, 1963, one-third time, at a salary of $2,600. 4. Robert M. Tomlinson, Assistant Professor of Vocational and Technical Education, College of Education, beginning February 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,600. 5. John C. Toth, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, College of Education, beginning September 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $8,500. 6. Charles E. Warwick, Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records, with rank of Assistant Professor, beginning March 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $13,000. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were confirmed. DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS (3) On recommendation of the Executive Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended establishment of a Department of Linguistics to provide a much-needed focus for the various aspects of linguistic study now conducted at the Urbana-Champaign 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 907 campus. At present a graduate program is offered in linguistics leading to the degree of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. This program is administered by an interdepartmental committee whose chairman serves as the program director. The Department will offer two main curricula with certain possible additions: (a) graduate programs in descriptive linguistics and historical linguistics, and graduate interdisciplinary programs in psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics, and experimental phonetics; and (b) instruction in non-Western languages to be instituted later, eventually providing at least two years of elementary Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic, and selected southeast Asian languages such as Burmese or Indonesian. The Department will also offer graduate programs of instruction and research leading to degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics, with the possible addition of a one-year certificate for foreign teachers of English who can afford only one year of graduate training in this country. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the new Department would recognize the prior claim of the existing language departments to continue to offer courses of a linguistic nature which draw their material from the languages they teach and which are a part of the training at all levels of teachers of such languages. Submitted herewith is a supporting statement concerning the proposal for the new Department, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The University received funds in its 1963-65 legislative appropriation for the establishment of a Department of Linguistics and for the kind of expansion of the program outlined above. I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING (4) On recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Graduate College, the Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended establishment of a graduate program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering to meet the great demand for agricultural engineers with the Doctor of Philosophy degree from colleges and universities, state and federal government agencies, industries which serve agriculture, and many of the food industries. The program will fulfill all the standard requirements of the Graduate College for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It provides for a major in agricultural engineering with a minor or minors in other graduate departments of engineering, mathematics, physics, including soil physics, or other disciplines in the physical sciences. The program, including the specific courses, is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The Board of Trustees in 1948 approved a recommendation from the Senates for a graduate program leading to the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this recommendation was approved. DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND REVISION OF CURRICULUM IN CITY PLANNING (5) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved recommendations from the College of Fine and Applied Arts that: (1) the name of the Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture be changed to Department of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, (2) the title of the curriculum in city planning be changed to curriculum in urban planning, (3) the curriculum be revised to increase the total number of semester hours required for graduation from 122 to 132, exclusive of the general University requirements in military board of trustees [November 23 training and physical education, and (4) the name of the degree be changed from Bachelor of Science in City Planning to Bachelor of Urban Planning. The master's degree will be changed to Master of Urban Planning. Submitted herewith is a supporting memorandum giving the details of the proposed revision of the city planning curriculum, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. The present city planning curriculum was established in 1953 and was revised in 1957. The proposed changes provide a more flexible program, full compliance with the general education requirements approved by the Senates and the Board of Trustees, and will also provide improved professional and supporting course work. Professional courses will be concentrated in the junior and senior years since many of the students enrolled in this curriculum are transfers from other curricula. The proposed degree of Bachelor of Urban Planning is recognized by the American Institute of Planners as evidence of a professional education and qualifies the graduate for membership in professional organizations. The proposed program will add three new courses not now offered and will drop one course and part of another. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. All these changes are to become effective September 1, 1964. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these recommendations were approved. REVISIONS IN THE CURRICULUM PREPARATORY TO THE TEACHING OF RUSSIAN (6) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved a recommendation from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Council on Teacher Education for certain revisions in the curriculum preparatory to the teaching of Russian leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of Russian, to become effective immediately. Submitted herewith is an extract from the report of the Committee on Courses and Curricula of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences giving the details of these revisions, including the specific requirements in education courses, teachers' major and minor in Russian, approved sequences in other courses, and recommended electives, a copy of which is filed with the Secretary of the Board. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECT FOR THE DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY SECOND ADDITION (7) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of A. Epstein and Sons Inc., Chicago, for architectural services for the second addition to the Digital Computer Laboratory, at a fee of 5i4 per cer>t of the total construction cost, with the understanding that supervisory services will be limited to office supervision, checking of drawings, approval of materials, and periodic visits to the project. Funds are available from United States government contracts. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. CONTRACTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS AT THE NATURAL HISTORY BUILDING (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for remodeling in the Natural History Building, the award in each case to the lowest bidder: General --- English Brothers Company, Champaign.................... $190 760 Base bid .............................................. $185 300 Additive alternates for: Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor................................ 3 000 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 909 Substitution of rubber floor covering for vinyl asbestos in the lecture room..................................... 1 110 Addition of terrazzite on entrance stairs................. 1 350 Electrical --- William H. Brunkow, an individual doing business as Brunkow Electric Company, Champaign.......................... 19 717 Plumbing --- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign..... 5 190 Heating and Air Conditioning --- F. R. Inskip, an individual doing business as Inskip Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Company, Champaign...................................................... 9 125 Ventilating --- F. R. Inskip, an individual doing business as Inskip Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Company, Champaign.. 15 885 Total........................................................... $240 677 Since one contractor is the lowest bidder on both heating and air-conditioning work and on ventilating work, it is also recommended that these two awards be combined in a single contract for a total amount of $25,010. It is also recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work making the total of his contract $240,677; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with English Brothers Company, Champaign, for the assignment of these other contracts for $3,000, which amount is included in the contract price being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 and have been released. Submitted herewith is a supporting memorandum from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of all bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $10,041 to the Otis Elevator Company, Chicago, for modernization of the Electrical Engineering Building freight elevator. Funds are available in the construction budget of the Electrical Engineering Building addition. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR CAMPUS BUS SERVICE (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend extension of the present contract with the Champaign-Urbana City Lines, Inc. for the campus bus service for students and staff until January 31, 1964. The present contract which was authorized by the Executive Committee of the Board on August 1, 1963, will expire November 27. When studies, now under way, of a more comprehensive campus transportation program are more advanced, bids will be taken and a further report will be made to the Board. In the meantime, it is desired to continue providing bus transportation for students and staff as approved by the Executive Committee of the Board when the present contract was authorized. Submitted, herewith, is a copy of the recommendation for the campus bus service now in operation as approved on August 1, 1963, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board as a part of this record. On motion of Mr. Swain, extension of this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, 910 board of trustees [November 23 Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR STEAM SERVICE TO AN OUT-PATIENTS HEALTH SERVICE BUILDING IN THE MEDICAL CENTER DISTRICT (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a contract with Union Health Service, Inc., for steam service from the Medical Center Steam Company Plant to an Out-Patients Health Service Building being constructed in the Medical Center District, North of Polk Street between Marshfield Avenue and Ashland Avenue, said contract to be on the same basis as the University's contracts with other consumers of steam in the Medical Center District supplied by the Company in accordance with its corporate powers and responsibilities. The requirements of this Out-Patients Health Service Building will not exceed 2500 pounds per hour maximum demand, which is within the capacity of the present plant and distribution system. I concur On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved, and authority was given as requested, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR CONDUCTIVE FLOOR TILE, SURGICAL SUITES, RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS AND HOSPITAL ADDITION (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the award of a contract to the Johnson Floor Company, Inc., Berwyn, for the installation of conductive floor tile in certain designated surgical suites in the Research and Educational Hospitals and the Hospital Addition on the Medical Center Campus on the following terms: Base bid ............................................................. $4 250 Additive alternates: Work in corridor serving Rooms 285, 289, 292, General Hospital..... 505 Work in corridor serving Rooms 406, 408, 409, Hospital Addition.... 940 Work in corridor serving Rooms 46, 48, 50, Hospital Addition....... 830 Work in corridor serving Rooms 431, 435, 438, Hospital Addition.... 440 Total............................................................. $7 055 The work will be installation of conductive floor tile in operating rooms and auxiliary areas for the reduction of explosion hazards and to comply with the National Fire Protection Association's "Safe Practices for Hospital Operating Rooms." Funds are available in the Physical Plant maintenance budget. A schedule of bids received is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACTS FOR ALTERATIONS IN DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommended award of contracts for alterations on the eighth floor attic of the first unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Ashland Construction Company, Chicago................... $34 342 Base bid ................................................ $32 742 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor................ 1 600 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 911 Plumbing --- Ashland Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago........ 2 835 Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control --- Crown Temperature Engineers, Inc., Chicago.......................................... 8 947 Ventilating --- A C Company, Chicago................................. 13 998 Electrical --- Fries Walters Company, Chicago......................... 12 987 Total............................................................ $73 109 The contracts will provide for complete rehabilitation of the eighth floor attic, previously a storage area, to provide additional quarters for the center for the study of medical education which represents an extension of the work now being conducted by the Office of Research in Medical Education. This remodeling will add six new offices, study carrels, a teaching laboratory workshop, a classroom-conference room, and other auxiliary space. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $73,109; and that an agreement be entered into with Ashland Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,600 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds are available in a grant from the Commonwealth Fund. A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith, and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ILLINOIS STREET RESIDENCE HALLS (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $16,665.01 in the contract with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc. for construction of the Illinois Street Residence Halls to provide for installation of acoustic ceiling tile in lieu of plaster for sound control in the corridors, unit lounges, and elevator lobby areas of all floors in the five-story building and of the second through eleventh floors in the high-rise building. Funds are available in the construction budget for the project. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this change in contract was authorized. PURCHASES (15) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and from University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One microphotometer, console com- Agronomy Jarrell-Agh Co., #57 634 46 parator, for two four by ten inch Elmhurst f.o.b. spectrographic plates and equipped delivered with an electronic device for retaining the minimum per cent transmission value of a scanned spectral line until released, and one spectrographic unit, direct reading and photographic, complete with accessories comprised of: two pair tungsten electrodes and one four mm excitation unit 912 board of trustees [November 23 Item Department Vendor Cost One automatic polarimeter, two cells Animal Science E. H. Sargent & Co- $3 000 00 and recorder accurate to 0.1 per cent, Chicago f.o.b. for use in determining the rotation of delivered various compounds with low optical activity (Note: This purchase is from both Institutional Funds, 32,995.00, and Appropriated Fund s. J3.000.00, for a total of JS.99S.00.) One spectrophotometer, infrared, with Chemistry and Beckman Instruments, 5 670 00 linear wave number chart presenta- Chemical Inc., f.o.b. tion for use in a teaching course Engineering Lincolnwood delivered Three receivers, HF communication. Electrical Collins Radio Co., 4 113 00 2-30 MC continuous coverage; type Engineering Cedar Rapids, Iowa f.o.b. of reception USB or LSB, AM and CW delivered Two microwave oscillators, frequency Electrical Alfred Electronics, c/o 5 780 00 range 8.2 to 12.4 GC;$pM1 per cent Engineering Carter Electronics, f.o.b. accuracy; 10 mw minimum output. Inc., Palo Alto, continuously adjustable to 0; with Chicago Calif. leveler amplifier Five oscilloscopes, dual trace, with null- Electrical Analab Instrument 4 975 00 readout features; sensitivity 0.1 mv/ Engineering Corp., c/o Bard f.o.b. cm, bandwidth DC to 500 KC Associates, Inc., Cedar La Grange Grove, NJ. 2 975 00 Five function generators with four si- Electrical Exact Electronics, Inc., multaneous outputs (sine, square. Engineering c/o Bard Associates, f.o.b. ramp, and triangle waveforms), fre- Inc.. Hillsboro, quency range 0.001 to 10,000 cps. La Grange Ore. main output adjustable from 5 to 25 volts, P-P with adjustable DC ref- erence level Eleven vacuum tube voltmeters, ranges Electrical Hewlett-Packard Co.. 2 750 00 1.0 mv to 300 volts full scale, 12 Engineering c/o Crossley Associates, f.o.b. ranges; 10 cps to 4 MC; accuracy$pM Chicago Love land. 5 per cent at 4MC; long term sta- Colo. bility less than 0.5 per cent error 50 cps to IMC One sweep frequency generator, fre- Electrical General Radio Co., 3 250 00 quency range 0.7 to 230 MC, plus Engineering Oak Park f.o.b. bandspread ranges for 450KC and West 10.7MC; calibration accuracy$pM0.5 Concord, per cent at output voltage less than Mass. 0.3 volts; drift not greater than 0.3 per cent for five hours One inductance measuring assembly Electrical General Radio Co., 3 230 00 consisting of bridge and two 200 volt- Engineering Oak Park f.o.b. ampere power supplies (one DC and West one AC), a cabinet type rack, and Concord, necessary connecting cables; meas- Mass. ures nine frequencies from 50 cps to 15.75 KC Four wave analyzers, frequency range Electrical Hewlett-Packard Co., 7 200 00 20 cps to 50 kc, linear graduations 1 Engineering c/o Crossley Associates, f.o.b. division per 10 cycles, accuracy $pM 1 Inc., Palo per cent -+ 5 cps, voltage range 30 Chicago Alto, microvolts to 300 volts, automatic Calif. frequency control 19,275 pounds steel, hot rolled and cold Theoretical and Steel Warehousing 2 856 13 drawn, in 16 foot lengths, for use for Applied Division, Jessop Steel f.o.b. experiments and research projects Mechanics Co., delivered within the College of Engineering Chicago Print and bind 35,000 copies Time Table, University Press George Banta Co., 7 882 00 second semester, 1963-64, trim size Chicago f.o.b. 5}4 in. by 8H in., approximately delivered 336 pages per copy One truck, 1964 model, 20.000 lb. stand- Physical Plant International Harvester 7 559 33 ard minimum GVW, complete with Co., f.o.b. dump body, hydraulic dump hoist, Springfield delivered and front end loader; without trade-in Purchases from Institutional Funds One lot of electronic test equipment Aeromedical Tektronix, Inc., 3 635 00 consisting of two oscilloscopes and Laboratory, Park Ridge f.o.b. three plug-in preamplifiers Chicago Beaverton, Ore. One high-speed refrigerated centrifuge Biological Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 3 462 00 and accessories Chemistry, Norwalk, Conn. delivered Chicago 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 913 Item Department Vendor Cost X-ray film processing equipment con- Dental General Electric Co., $ 3 027 07 sisting of one film drier, one refriger- Radiology, Chicago delivered ated tank, one mixing valve, one film Chicago processor, one stapler and staples, one leader, and one storage bin One lot of laboratory equipment and Medical Center A. Daigger & Co., 3 234 20 supplies consisting of one portable re- Stores. Chicago delivered frigerated centrifuge, one horizontal Chicago head, one angle head; twelve metal shields, fifty boxes of filter paper. twenty-four pro-pipettes, 350 oz. mi- croscope cover glasses Inverted camera microscope and acces- Oral Pathology, W. H. Kessel & Co., 4 6S4 51 sories Chicago Chicago delivered One liquid scintillation spectrometer Pharmacology, Packard Instrument 12 500 00 Chicago Co., Inc., delivered La Grange One ultra high-speed centrifuge with Psychiatry, Spinco Division, 8 082 00 two rotors Chicago Beckman Instruments, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif. delivered One spectrometer system, nuclear mag- Agronomy Varian Associates, 20 640 00 netic resonance wide-line process ana- Park Ridge f.o.b. lyzer, complete with control console delivered and all electronic components, in- cluding a graphic recorder, permanent magnet with sweep coils and acces- sories One radar test unit (used). X-band to Institute of Allen Aircraft Radio, 9 250 00 include signal generator, power moni- Aviation Inc., f.o.b. tor, spectrum analyzer, and echo box Elk Grove Village Chicago One aircraft radar system, X-band to include transmitter-receiver, shock- mounts, synchronizer, indicator, con- trol unit, and antenna One flaw detector, ultrasonic, universal. Civil Krautkramer Ultrasonics, 6 733 00 including detector, calibration and Engineering Inc.. f.o.b. test block, cables, couplant, thickness Stratford, Conn. Stratford, indicator, equipment for measure- Conn. ment of elastic constants, and one set of transducers Eight shock absorbers, hydraulic, ca- Civil Ellis-Fluid Dynamics 3 160 00 pable of stopping a moving load of 20 Engineering Corp., f.o.b. pounds with an initial contact ve- Chicago delivered locity of 20.85 ft. per second, with a maximum duty cycle of 300 opera- tions per hour One liquid scintillation spectrometer. Dairy Science Packard Instrument 8 000 00 fully transistorized and including a Co., Inc., f.o.b. stable high voltage supply with step- La Grange delivered wise control and precise resettability; two channel with pulse height dis- crimination and independent gain control on each, fully reconditioned with a new instrument warranty One gas chromatograph, isothermal, Entomology Packard Instrument Co., 3 732 00 with dual plug-in argon ionization or La Grange f.o.b. electron capture detectors capture delivered detectors capable of independent and /or simultaneous column operation One microscope, phase contrast, with Entomology W. H. Kessel & Co., 3 764 00 combination binocular-monocular Chicago f.o.b. photo tube and tube length com- delivered pensator, and accessories One microscope, polarizing, with varia- Geology W. H. Kessel & Co., 3 992 00 ble camera length, tube for vertical Chicago f.o.b. illumination, plastic cover and acces- delivered sories (Note: This purchase is from both Institutional Funds, J3.992.00, and Appropriated Funds, $3,512.00, for a total of $7,504.00.) One television tape recorder, transis- Instructional Ampex Corp., 12 210 16 torized, portable, and capable of re- Television Elmhurst f.o.b. cording and playback of standard delivered EIA television signals or closed cir- cuit industrial signals, takes two-inch tape, one and one-half hours contin- uous recording 914 board of trustees [November 23 Item Department Vendor Cost One gas chromatography system in- Microbiology Packard Instrument 317 643 00 cluding dual column oven, electrom- Co., Inc., f-o.b. eter, power supply, dual recorders. La Grange delivered continuous flow detectors, tri-carb spectrometer, data printer, and dual precision log-linear ratemeter, to be used for measuring radioisotopes in various effluents derived through gas chromatography One oscilloscope, storage type, with 8 Physics Tektronix, Inc., 2 700 00 by 10 cm display area, 3.5 kv acceler- Park Ridge f.o.b. ating voltage, storage time one hour. Beaverton, erase time one-fourth second Ore. One dual trace sampling plug-in unit One sampling sweep plug-in unit Three electronic instrumentation labo- Division of Heath Co., 2 970 00 ratory assemblies, each consisting of University Benton Harbor, f.o.b. one each: universal power supply, Extension Mich. Benton voltage reference source, transistor- Harbor, ized power supply, lab meter, three- Mich. inch oscilloscope, resistance and ca- pacitance substitution boxes, volt- ohm-milliameter, sine-square wave generator, vacuum tube voltmeters, experimental chassis and parts, am- plifier parts, and small tool set Accessories for existing electron micro- Veterinary Perkin-Elmer Corp., 3 550 00 scope: one anti-contamination device. Medicine La Grange f.o.b. one specimen exchange mechanism, Norwalk, two click-stop lens aperture assembly. Conn. one click-stop objective lens focusing system, one exposure meter---auto- timei-shutter assembly One electron microscope, guaranteed Zoology Perkin-Elmer Corp., 33 346 00 resolution better than 7 angstroms, La Grange f.o.b. double condenser lens, accelerating delivered voltages 50, 75, and 100 KV, magni- fication 400 to 250,000 times, with cold-stage unit to minus 160 degrees C with liquid N2, spare assembly, and includes delivery, installation, in- struction, and two-year service con- tract Continuous tabulating forms for one Statistical Shelby Salesbook Co., 14 869 50 year beginning January 1, 1964, and Service Unit Champaign f.o.b. ending December 31, 1964, to be de- delivered livered in two equal shipments Janu- ary 1 and July 1, 1964 Option to buy additional tabulating forms as needed in excess of the mini- mum quantities specified The forms are standard stock forms used on data printers of the Statistical Service Unit 70,000 pounds white lead paste, soft. Physical Plant National Lead Co., 13 615 00 Type C, in 100 pound kegs, to be de- Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. livered as needed and requested from delivered January, 1964, through November, 1964 Two sets parking gates, automatically Physical Plant Parklane Co., Inc., 7 352 10 controlled and operated by coins or Department Clinton, Mich. f.o.b. coded cards, to be furnished and in- delivered stalled complete with all necessary and components ready to be connected to installed electrical circuits furnished by the University Labor, material, and supervision to in- Physical Plant George S. Grimmett 12 940 00 stall acoustical tile on ceilings of cor- Department &Co., f.o.b. ridors, lounge areas, drinking fountain Springfield delivered areas, and elevator entrance areas in and Babcock and Carr Halls of the Penn- installed sylvania Avenue Residence Halls complex on the Urbana campus Automobiles and trucks, 1964 models, Physical Plant Courtesy Motor Sales, 31 246 00 as follows: Department Inc., Twenty-seven sedans, four-door, less Chicago trade-in of five 1962 standard and Rosetter Motor Co., 13 150 00 nineteen 1961 compact sedans Peoria One sedan, four-door, police car, less Gregory Ford Co., 4 147 87 trade-in of 1963 model police car Decatur One sedan, four-door, without trade- Carl Chevrolet Co., 6 051 39 in Springfield 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 915 Hem Department Vendor Cost Fifteen station wagons, nine passen- Sullivan Chevrolet Co., $ 1 552 34 ger, less trade-in of one 1962 and Champaign fourteen 1961 model station wagons International Harvester 4 302 82 One carryall vehicle, leas trade-in of Co- (60 450 42) 1961 carryall vehicle Springfield f.o.b. One carryall vehicle, without trade-in delivered Two trucks, one-half ton pickup, less trade-in of one 1958 and one 1959 one-half ton trucks One truck, one-half ton pickup, with- out trade-in Un motion ot Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (16) The Comptroller presented his quarterly report to the Board as of September 30, 1963. This report was received for record, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (17) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period October 1 to 31, 1963. Amount lo be fata to me $pD.J)ectme With Whom Purpose University Date Morris Animal A clinical pathologic study of ba- $ 3 900 00 August 19, 1963 Foundation besia canis (piroplasmosis) in the intact and splenectomized dog Morris Animal Feline hemobarton-ellosis 4 111 25 September 11, 1963 Foundation United States Air Force Information, communication. 47 520 00 October 2, 1963 AF-AFOSR-480-64 many-valued logic, and meaning United States Air Force Provide flight instruction for 11 551 16 September 19, 1963 AF01(611)-1377 twenty-one students United States Air Force Basic properties of gaseous plasmas 50 000 00 August 1, 1963 AF19(628)-3307 United States Army Plan and conduct a conference on 11 994 00 September 26, 1963 DA-ll-022-AMC-890(R) direct aeronomic measurements in the lower inonosphere United States Army Elucidate the complete histology of 50 100 00 October 17, 1963 DA-18-064-AMC-1V 7 (A) the mosquito, Aedes aegypti United States Depart- Evaluation of training and recruit- 70 419 00 September 11, 1963 ment of Labor, Office of ment problems for selected tech- Manpower, Automa- nical occupations in short supply tion, and Training Total j!249 595 41 Amount lo be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date National Attractions. Presentation of "My Fair Lady" 75 percent of October 1, 1963 Inc. (four performances) gross proceeds after taxes and certain settlements State's Attorney of Payment in lieu of taxes, for services $ 5 704 23 September 18, 1963 DeKalb County rendered (Wright) State's Attorney of Additional payment in lieu of taxes, 497 20 October 14, 1963 Piatt County for services rendered (Allerton and Warren) Total $ 6 201 43 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date International Business One item: one model 1-557 alpha- $ 1 680 00 September 18, 1963 Machines Corp. betic interpreter Theo Wells Rental of office space at 608 West 600 00 September 1, 1963 (renewal) Tenth Street, Metropolis, from ($100.00 per September 1, 1963, through Feb- month) ruary 29. 1964, for zoonoses research Total $ 2 280 00 916 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 23 Contract Changes Amount to bt Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale United States Air Force Deformation and fracture of crys- $ 23 000 00 September 16,1963 AF33(657)-10822 talline solids under dynamic loading United States Army Instruction in water resources plan- 1 975 00 October 10, 1963 DA-11-O32-CIVENG- ning 63.56 United States Army Interpersonal and psychological ad- 32 048 00 October 2. 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2060 justment of group members United States Army Manual of viruses and non-bacterial 6 724 00 October 7, 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2323 agents causing respiratory ill- nesses in man United States Atomic Research on the nature of materials 100 000 00 October 1, 1963 Energy Commission for October AT(11-1)-1198 United States Depart- Sciences concept development in 16 423 00 October 2, 1963 ment of Health, Edu- the elementary school through in- cation, and Welfare quiry training OE-3-10-026 United States Navy Development of a gas chromatog- 8 613 00 September 26, 1963 Nonr-14S9(06) raphy technique for determina- tion of adrenocostical steroids and investigate the effects of stresses on tissue metabolism United States Navy Properties of insulating solids Nonr-1834(12) 20 000 00 September 23. 1963 United States Navy Plastic deformation of solids 21 000 00 October 7, 1963 Nonr-1834(26) University of Virginia Statistical properties of two-phase 27 000 00 October 1, 1963 Task order under flow Nonr-3623(S-6) VioBin Corp. Value of wheat germ oil in physical fitness 4 800 00 September 5. 1963 Total $261 583 00 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Dale George S. Grimmett Fifteen items: $25.00 to $800.00 $ 2 280 00 September and & Co. October. 1963 (Plastering) Total $ 2 280 00 Summary Amount to be paid to the University $511 178 41 Amount to be paid by the University 10 761 43 This report was received for record. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (18) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of en- dowment and other funds for the month of September, 1963: Pool Sale 600 shares Mississippi River Fuel common $ 23 739 02 Purchase 600 shares Northern States Power common $ 22 048 14 Exchange $ 4 000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3% 8/15/67 for 4 000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 4 8/15/73 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reported the following changes in investments of current and un- expended plant funds, over which he has authority as indicated: 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 917 Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) j-'urcnase $ 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 500 000 Commercial Credit notes 500 000 Montgomery Ward Credit notes 500 000 International Harvester Cr. 10/15/63 $ 11/29/63 1 12/26/63 3/16/64 4/15/64 5/15/64 498 489 495 490 488 487 685 56 719 17 500 00 572 92 649 31 029 51 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase % 150 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/16/64 $ 148 256 42 Chicago --- Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963) Purchase $ 197 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/24/63 $ 196 358 38 Illini Union and Health Center Construction (December 21, 1960) Sale $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/17/63 $ Purchase $ 55 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/16/64 $ 4 54 988 60 364 41 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Purchase $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/16/64 $ 98 844 39 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Purchase $ 65 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/16/64 $ 64 248 85 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Sale $ 36 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/17/63 $ 35 941 35 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Purchase $ 95 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/14/63 $ 94 506 83 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase ? 10 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/14/63 $ 9 948 04 Sinking Funds Chicago---Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Reserve (December 16, 1953) Purchase $ 4 500 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 2/15/80 $ 4 466 25 Reserve for Additional 1952 Bonds (December 16, 1953) Purchase $ 26 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3% 11/15/74 $ 25 723 75 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 7 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/64 $ 6 790 03 t Un motion ol Mr. Williamson, this report was received tor record. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (19) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations and assignments of funds from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Ckampaign 1. College of Education University High School, equipment............................... $ 4 850 918 board of trustees [November 23 2. College of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, equipment...................... 8 850 Highway Traffic Safety Center, traffic study vehicle and related equipment....................................................... 14 900 Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, expense of moving into former Physics Laboratory................ 15 500 Nuclear Engineering Committee, equipment....................... 9 600 3. College of Fine and Applied Arts School of Music, equipment...................................... 5 667 4. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Botany, equipment................................ 6 343 Department of Entomology, equipment............................ 9 000 Department of Geology, air conditioners.......................... 2 760 Department of Speech and Theatre, equipment.................... 7 250 5. Library Educational and Behavioral Sciences Library, equipment and moving costs............................................................ 21 481 Library, catalog equipment....................................... 15 200 6. Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office University Honors Programs, equipment......................... 3 973 7. Physical Plant Department Remodeling in Davenport Hall for Department of Plant Pathology 19 885 Installation of a new transformer and power distribution system for the research laboratory of Department of Agricultural Engineering 13 525 Remodeling in Agricultural Engineering Building................. 4 015 Remodeling and air conditioning in Engineering Administration offices........................................................... 12 865 Remodeling in Hydraulics Laboratory for Department of Civil Engineering..................................................... 10 770 Modernization of lighting in the Gallery in Architecture Building.. 5 040 Remodeling for a darkroom for Department of Botany............ 3 550 Lighting and cooling the North Greenhouse for the Department of Botany ...................................................... 9 941 Remodeling in Library........................................... 5 200 Modernization of lighting in University Library and in departmental libraries......................................................... 40 000 Air conditioning of administrative offices for the Armed Forces in the Armory..................................................... 11 805 Remodeling of house at 1205 West Oregon Street, Urbana, for University Honors Programs (this is a former residence purchased by the University several years ago).............................. 8 880 Modernization of electrical distribution and supply systems in various buildings .................................................. 100 000 Total, Urbana-Champaign ................................... $370 850 Chicago Undergraduate Division 8. Library, supplementary book funds............................... $ 30 000 9. College of Architecture and Art, equipment....................... 4 583 10. Physical Plant Department Remodeling for College of Architecture and Art.................. 5 000 Total, Chicago Undergraduate Division....................... $ 39 583 Medical Center 11. Illustration Studios, equipment................................... $ 12 783 12. Research and Educational Hospitals, equipment................... 5 500 13. Physical Plant Department Remodeling in Research and Educational Hospitals................ 10 700 Total, Medical Center....................................... $ 28 983 I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appropriations and assignments of funds were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dil- 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 919 Hard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. EASEMENT TO COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY AND ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY (20) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that an easement be granted the Commonwealth Edison Company and the Illinois Bell Telephone Company for electric and telephone service to the addition to the Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station in DuPage County, at Lisle, Illinois, now under construction. I concur, and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Granting of Easement to Commonwealth Edison Company and Illinois Bell Telephone Company Upon, Along, Over, and Under the Site of the Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of this Board of Trustees be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this Corporation such instruments of conveyance, contract, or other document or documents as to them may seem necessary or desirable in order to grant to Commonwealth Edison Company and Illinois Bell Telephone Company, both Illinois corporations, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee," its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, the right, permission, and authorization to construct, maintain, relocate, and renew equipment consisting of poles, pole structures, push poles, anchors, guys, stubs, conduits, wires, cables, and other necessary electrical facilities, upon, along, over, and under said property and to transmit and distribute by means of said equipment, electricity to be used for heat, light, power, telephone, and other purposes, and also to trim from time to time such trees, bushes, and saplings as may be reasonably required incident to the grant herein given, together with the right of ingress to and egress from said property at all times for any and all such purposes; Grantee shall agree to repair any damage to property of this Corporation and to pay for any damages which may be caused to property of this Corporation by the laying, construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, renewal, or removal of said facilities. The right-of-way easement shall terminate ninety (90) days after the Grantee ceases to use said facilities for rendition of service. The right-of-way easement shall be located upon, over, and under said part of the property of said Grantor described as follows: A strip of land Ten (10) feet wide, the Easterly line of said strip of land being described as follows: That part of Lot Two (2) of Assessment Plat No. Three (3) according to the plat thereof recorded March 30, 1935, in Book 20 of Plats on Page 91 as Document No. 357009 in the Recorder's Office, Du Page County, Illinois, described by commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 1, Township 38 North, Range 10, East of the Third Principal Meridian; and running thence South 0$dG 12' East along the East Line of said Section 1, 1270.05 feet to a corner of said Lot Two (2) ; thence south 84$dG 13' West along a South line of said Lot, 346.5 feet for a place of beginning: Thence South 6$dG 10' East along an Easterly line of said Lot Two (2) to terminate with the North line of Lacey Road (as now established) ; said strip of land, as described, being a part of the Grantors lands described in that certain Document No. 478301 recorded May 23, 1954, in Book 447, at Pages 450 to 456, inclusive of Deeds, at the Recorder's Office, Du Page County, Illinois. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page; not voting, Mr. Hughes. APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT TO PRESIDENT AND TO EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT AND PROVOST (21) I recommend the appointment of Dr. Shannon McCune, presently Civil 920 board of trustees [November 23 Administrator in the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, as Consultant to the President and to the Executive Vice-President and Provost beginning February 1, 1964, or as soon thereafter as may be mutually convenient, the effective date to be determined when he can arrive at the University, at an annual salary of $18,000 on a twelve-month service basis. The duties of the position will be on assignment by the President and the Executive Vice-President and Provost, initially in internal administration. The Consultant as a representative of the offices of the President and the Provost, will work with the deans of the several colleges at Urbana-Champaign, at the Medical Center, and at the Chicago Undergraduate Division in planning and implementation of educational programs. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. AMENDMENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STATUTES Mr. Johnston, for the Committee on General Policy, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: On June 19, 1963, the President of the University transmitted to the Board of Trustees the actions of the Senates, with reference to proposed changes in the Statutes of the University which deal with academic freedom and tenure. By action of the Board, the recommendations were referred to the General Policy Committee for study and report. The General Policy Committee has reviewed the proposals and discussed them with the President and the Legal Counsel. The Committee finds itself in agreement with some of the proposals, but has modifications to suggest in others. It appears to the Committee that communication with the Senates might be expedited through informal conference with their representatives. Accordingly, it is recommended that the President of the University be requested to arrange a meeting on this subject, as soon as practicable, to be attended by the General Policy Committee and the President of the Board, the Chairman and one other member of each Senate Committee on Academic Freedom (to be designated by the Chairman or the Committee), the Chairman and Secretary of the Senate Coordinating Council (or their alternates), and the President of the University and such consultants as he may designate. This resolution was adopted. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; cancellations, declinations, resignations, and terminations; leaves of absence; retirements. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Ades, Harlow W., Consultant in Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (11-1-63). Adkins, Richard W., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), to render service during the academic year beginning November 1 1963, $7,000 (11-6-63). Ahhenkiel, Richard K., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from November 1, 1963, $1,022.24 (11-5-63). Albright, Elsie F., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), October 3, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,000 a year (10-12-63). Alexander, Harlan G., Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, without salary (11-7-63). Aspen, Anita J., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), October 7, 1963-August 31, 1964, $7,000 a year (11-6-63). Axelrad, David R., Visiting Lecturer in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), October 15, 1963-January 31, 1964, $3,850 (10-21-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 921 Bales, Retta E., Assistant Director of Admissions and Clinics, Research and Educational Hospitals (Admissions and Clinic Administration), one year from September 1, 1963, $9,950, supersedes (10-28-63). Bay, Mrs. Ancilla S., Microanalyst in Chemistry, September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $4,983.30 (10-15-63). Beaman, Donald R., Research Assistant Professor of Metallurgy (C), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $9,000 a year, supersedes (10-16-63). Benford, Myron G, Associate Medical Director, Director of Admissions and Director of Clinics (Research and Educational Hospitals) (Admissions and Clinic Administration), one year from September 1, 1963, $14,000, supersedes (10-28-63). Bennett, Wilma, Bibliographer, with rank of Instructor (Library), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,800 a year (10-12-63). Borecky, Vlastimil P., Visiting Professor of General Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1963, $10,000, supersedes (10-12-63). Brandon, Stanley D., Assistant in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), nine months from October 1, 1963, without salary (10-21-63). Braunfeld, Peter G., Assistant Professor of Education and of Mathematics, ten months from November 1, 1963, $12,000 a year (11-4-63). Bremer, Mary G., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,600 (10-15-63). Breuer, Stephen W., Research Associate in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,100 a year (10-12-63). Brewer, John M., Research Associate in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,150 a year (11-1-63). Bridger, Clyde A., Lecturer in Health and Safety Education (College of Physical Education), nine months from September 16, 1963, without salary (10-21-63). Bryant, Paul T., Editor in the Engineering Experiment Station, with rank of Instructor, with permission to devote 25 per cent time during each year to the work of the American Society for Engineering Education, for ten months from November 1, 1963, $12,500 a year, supersedes (10-11-63). Cantwell, Frederick F., Research Assistant in Chemistry, Vi time, October 21, 1963-January 31, 1964, $782.78; this is in addition to his appointment as Assistant in Chemistry on VS time (10-29-63). Carlson, Sybil B., Assistant in Elementary Education (College of Education), October 1, 1963-June 15, 1964, $3,966.70, supersedes (10-29-63). Churchich, Jorge E., Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,800 (10-31-63). Crum, Robert J., Clinical Instructor in Prosthodontics (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (11-1-63). Decker, Joseph, Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), ten months from September 1, 1963, without salary (10-17-63). Deeb, Mrs. Barbara P., Research Associate in the Center for Zoonoses Research (College of Veterinary Medicine), J4 time, September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $4,575 a year (10-12-63). Degenford, James E., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,150 a year, supersedes (10-15-63). DeWan, Edmund J., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), October 14, 1963-August 31, 1964, $4,540.90 (10-31-63). Dill, Allen F., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering (C and S), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $10,500 a year, supersedes (10-11-63). Dorsett, Harold L., Professor of Military Science and Head of the Department, indefinite tenure from October 1, 1963, without salary (10-12-63). Dua, Ramji Dass, Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), September 27, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year, supersedes (10-7-63). Dunphy, James V., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), Vi time, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $5,000 a year (10-24-63). Falicov, Mrs. Celia J., Instructor in Psychology, Department of Psychiatry (Medicine), Ys time, October 15, 1963-August 31, 1964, $3,900 a year (10-21-63). Fedder, Edwin H., Visiting Lecturer in Political Science, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,222.22 a month (10-10-63). 922 board of trustees [November 23 Flueck, John A., Instructor in Economics (Chicago Undergraduate Division) 1/2 time, September 1, 1963-February 29, 1964, $1,400 (10-21-63). Flummerfelt, Joseph R., Instructor in Music, 2/3 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $4,890, supersedes (10-15-63). Friedman, Mrs. Felice C, Assistant in Nursing, September 30, 1963-June 15 1964, $555.55 a month (10-17-63). Gardner Karl E., Chief of Party, Adviser to Principal (Campus Office of A.I.D. Projects), for service under Contract US AID/AFE 132 at the Njala College, Sierra Leone, October 5, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,672.92 a month; and Professor of Nutrition (Dairy Science), indefinite tenure, and Associate Dean of College of Agriculture, February 1, 1964-August 31, 1965 $18,250 a year, supersedes (10-10-63). Gilbo, Dona M., Assistant in Nursing, January 2-June 15, 1964, $666.66 a month (10-17-63). Gombos, George, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, $8,750 a year, supersedes (10-21-63). Gotz, Gertrud, Assistant in Home Economics (S), one year from September 1 1963, $5,600 (10-15-63). Gritz, Norman J., Instructor in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Vi time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $1,250 (10-12-63). Groves, David T., Research Associate in Dairy Science (S), ten months from November 1, 1963, $6,600 a year (11-9-63). Guckel, Mrs. Mary V., Instructor in German, i/$pD time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,000 (10-9-63). Gustafson, Donald H., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, without salary (10-17-63). Haleem, Mohammed A., Research Associate in Chemistry, ten months from November 1, 1963, $6,100 a year (11-7-63). Hamer, John L., Assistant in Pediatrics (Medicine), ten months from September 1, 1963, without salary (11-5-63). Handler, Ellen I., Research Associate in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, y$pD time, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,600, supersedes (10-21-63). Hansman, Robert H., Research Associate in Geology, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $7,200 a year (10-12-63). Harms, Alfred G., Research Associate in Agricultural Economics (S), 54 time, November 16, 1963-March 31, 1964, $2,531.25 (10-18-63). Harrison, Robert M., Research Associate in Soil Chemistry (Agronomy) (S), October 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (10-21-63). Hart, David M., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,600 (10-10-63). Harvie, Douglas C, Instructor in Mathematics, i/3 time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $222.22 a month (10-10-63). Hassinger, Mrs. Gail S., Assistant in Nursing, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,000 (10-17-63). Helbling, Sara Y., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,850 (10-21-63). Hembrough, Frederick, Instructor in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $8,100 a year, supersedes (10-12-63). Hoar, Victor M., Assistant in English, full time from September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,100, and 2/3, time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,400, supersedes (10-17-63). Horberg, Barbara E., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), first semester of academic year beginning September 16, 1963, $2,200 (10-21-63). Horii, Satoshi, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,100 (10-24-63). Isaacs, Thelma J., Instructor in Chemistry (Chicago Undergraduate Division), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,200 (10-24-63). Javaheri, Hooshang, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), September 27, 1963-August 31, 1964, without salary (10-12-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 923 Jedliczka, Zofia, Assistant in Pediatrics (Medicine), V4 time, and Pediatrician (Division of Services for Crippled Children), y2 time, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $5,600 a year, supersedes (10-17-63). Kachru, Braj B., Research Associate in Linguistics, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,100 a year (10-31-63). Kapche, Robert W., Clinical Assistant in Psychology (Department of Psychiatry) (Medicine), one year from October 1, 1963, without salary (10-17-63). KaRNES, M. Ray, Teacher Training Adviser (Campus Office of A.I.D. Projects) for service under Contract US AID/AFE 132 at Njala College, Njala, Sierra Leone, October S, 1963-February 4, 1964, $1,766.11 a month; and Professor of Vocational and Technical Education, indefinite tenure, and Chairman of the Department, February 5, 1964-August 31, 1965 (College of Education), to render service during each academic year, $14,450 a year, supersedes (10-13-63). Katague, David B., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), September 8, 1963-August 31, 1964, $5,150 a year (10-22-63). Kesler, Richard P., Research Assistant in Farm Management (Agricultural Economics) (S), full time for three months from November 1, 1963, $2,000; \/2 time for five months from February 1, 1964, $1,666.65; and 2/3 time from July, 1964, $888.90 (10-17-63). Kozlow, Robert D., Research Associate in Data Processing and Systems (Librarian) and Instructor in Library Administration (Chicago Undergraduate Division), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100, supersedes (11-1-63). Kraatz, James, Research Assistant in Education (University High School Mathematics Project), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,200 (10-17-63). Kronthal, Alfred, Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, without salary (10-17-63). Kuhl, Mrs. Dorothy, Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (10-17-63). LaGow, Joyce B., Assistant in Animal Science (S), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $4,766.63 (10-29-63). Latta, Carla H., Assistant in Elementary Education (College of Education), nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,500, supersedes (10-24-63). Learner, Arnold, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $8,500, supersedes (11-6-63). Leoniiard, Zelma B., Visiting Lecturer in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Yn time, for first semester of the academic year beginning September 16, 1963, $3,000 (10-21-63). Lewis, David G., Visiting Research Associate in Agronomy (S), one month from December 1, 1963, $533.34 (10-22-63). Lucas, Robert A., Research Assistant in English, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,000 (10-17-63). Mandrea, Eugene, Clinical Assistant in Dermatology (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, without salary (10-21-63). Mann, Randall L., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (10-12-63). Maurath, Jerome D., Intern in the Student Counseling Service, ten months from November 1, 1963, $4,291.70, supersedes (10-31-63). McCamish, Joan, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, two years from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $8,000 a year, supersedes (10-10-63). McGuire, Janice G., Research Assistant in Microbiology, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $4,950 (10-17-63). McGurk, Florence F., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $4,354.14, supersedes (10-15-63). Mier, Mrs. Sally J., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), October 21, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,600 a year (11-6-63). Miller, Raymond P., Research Associate in Civil Engineering (C), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $6,300 (10-29-63). Miller, Mrs. Rosemary J., Resident Manager of Graduate Residence Halls, one 924 board of trustees [November 23 year from September 1, 1963, $600; in addition she will be provided a furnished apartment in the Graduate Halls (10-12-63). Mrotek, Sharon F., Assistant in Speech (Chicago Undergraduate Division) nine months from September 16, 1963, $4,600, supersedes (10-17-63). Mullins, William N., Assistant in Education (University High School), nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,800 (10-15-63). Nadel, Alfred J., Assistant in Ophthalmology (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, without salary (10-17-63). Nelson, Wilfred H., Research Associate in Chemistry, October 21, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,100 a year, supersedes (10-25-63). Okuyama, Daitaro, Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), eleven months from October 1, 1963, without salary (10-12-63). Oppenlander, Renate, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,300 (11-6-63). Pankowski, Dalas J., Instructor in Vocational and Technical Education (College of Education), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,200 (10-12-63). Parzen, Zane D., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), 3/10 time, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $3,000 a year, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (10-21-63). Patel, Roda K., Research Assistant in Pediatrics (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, $5,150 a year (10-17-63). Pellicore, Raymond J., Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), i/$pD time, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,000, supersedes non-salaried appointment (11-7-63). Perdrisat, Charles F., Research Associate in Physics (C), eleven months from October 1, 1963, $8,000 a year, supersedes (10-18-63). Phillips, Josephine, Research Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, 2/10 time, and of Education (University High School), 3/10 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,350, supersedes (10-12-63). Pieper, William J., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), 1,4 time, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $3,500 a year, supersedes (10-21-63). Powers, Richard J., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, without salary (10-21-63). Prairie, Barbara B., Research Assistant in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $5,041.63 (10-24-63). Ragade, Indukanth S., Research Associate in Chemistry, eight months from January 1, 1964, $6,100 a year (11-7-63). Raz, Amiram, Assistant in Food Science (C), September 1-September 15, 1963, $233.33 (10-24-63). Reed, Kenneth W., Assistant in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, $4,666.60 (11-5-63). Robinson, T. Thacher, Instructor in Mathematics, 2/3 time, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $2,400 (10-12-63). Ross, Mrs. June P., Research Associate in Geology, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $7,200 a year (11-7-63). Rowlands, Mary R., Research Assistant in the School of Life Sciences, September 23, 1963-August 31, 1964, $4,835.32 (10-15-63). Sagen, H. Bradley, Assistant Director of Bureau of Institutional Research, with rank of Assistant Professor (Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office), and Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology (College of Education), two years from September 1, 1963, $9,300 a year, supersedes (11-1-63). Salomon, Lawrence, Instructor in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), y$ time, five months from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (10-12-63). Saltzman, Stanton W., Instructor in Radio and Television (College of Journalism and Communications), academic year beginning September 1, 1963, without salary; this is in addition to his nonacademic appointment (10-12-63). SanHamel, Jane M., Assistant in Nursing, nine months from September 16, 1963, $5,500 (10-17-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 925 Sanzone, George J., Research Engineer (Mass Spectrometer) in Chemistry, i/3 time, one year from September 1, 1963, $6,500, supersedes (10-28-63). Schramm, Arthur R., Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, without salary (11-7-63). Schwartz, Susan S., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, $4,750 (10-15-63). Scruggs, William, Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, $6,450 a year, supersedes (10-17-63). Seaton, Scott, Instructor in Architecture, Vi time, to render service during the first semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,500 (10-21-63). Shimony, Zvi, Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), September 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,000 a year, supersedes (10-12-63). Shirai, Taishiro, Research Associate in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, ten months from October 1, 1963, $5,550 (10-12-63). Shulman, Morton, Instructor in Anesthesiology, Division of Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, without salary (11-6-63). Silverman, Loretta E., Instructor in Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the academic year, October 7, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year, supersedes (10-21-63). Spencer, Ann B., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), November 15, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,950 a year (11-6-63). Stone, Peter, Instructor in Anthropology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 9/10 time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,200 (10-11-63). Stroom, Lowell M., Instructor in Architecture, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $7,500 (10-12-63). Swoiskin, Bernard L., Research Associate in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), 1/5 time, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $1,500 a year (10-12-63). Tefft, Mrs. Gloria B., Assistant Editor in Agriculture, with rank of Instructor, and Instructor in Agricultural Economics (S), one year from September 1, 1963, $6,100, supersedes (10-21-63). Thompson, Edward C, Clinical Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (11-1-63). Thompson, Marshall R., Instructor in Civil Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1963, $7,000, supersedes (10-15-63). Troughton, Terence E., Field Biologist in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, four months from November 1, 1963, $1,900 (10-24-63). Walker, James M., Research Associate in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, $12,000 (10-21-63). Walsh, Thomas G., Clinical Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry) one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (11-1-63). Webb, Robert J., Adviser in Farm Management (Campus Office of A.I.D. Projects), for service under Contract AIDc-1258 at the U. P. Agricultural University, Pantnager, India, eight months from November 1, 1963, $16,060 a year; and Professor of Agricultural Research and Extension, and Superintendent of Dixon Springs Experiment Station, indefinite tenure from July 1, 1964, $14,600 a year, supersedes (10-14-63). Whitmer, Roger G., Lecturer on Materials and Methods of Construction, Department of Architecture (Chicago Undergraduate Division), l/$ time, five months from September 1, 1963, $1,500 (10-12-63). Whitney, Greene R., Research Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, $6,150 a year, supersedes (10-17-63). Wilson, Eleanore, Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, three months from October 1, 1963, $900 (10-17-63). Wolf, Mrs. Linda M., Instructor in Anthropology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), V$ time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,200 (10-16-63). Wolfe, Sharon, Research Associate in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications), V$ time, and in Psychology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), VS time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $3,600 (10-10-63). 926 board of trustees [November 23 Yahiro, Ernest I., Instructor in Pediatrics (Medicine) and Pediatrician (Division of Services for Crippled Children), i/§ time, one year from September 1, 1963, $1,800, supersedes (10-21-63). FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Alkiee, William H., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Anthropology, one year from October 1, 1963, $2,200 (10-25-63). Anderson, Sonia R., Parke Davis and Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,250 (10-7-63). Ansbro, John F., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Antonio, James F., General Electric Foundation Fellow in Accounting, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,000 (10-4-63). Beauchamp, James W., Magnavox Fellow in Electrical Engineering (and Music), one year from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (10-15-63). Becker, Alethia Ann H., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (10-1-63). Belmore, Barbara, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (10-2-63). Biddulph, David M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, ten months from September 1, 1963, $3,250 (9-26-63). Bobitt, John R., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, three months from October 1, 1963, $200 (10-4-63). Bremser, Albert H., National Lead Company (Titanium Division) Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,450 (10-2-63). Brighton, Carl T., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, September 16, 1963-June 30, 1964, without salary (9-24-63). Broder, Stefan I., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, ten months from September 1, 1963, $1,900 (9-12-63). Brown, Sharon L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,751.88, supersedes (10-8-63). Brunckhorst, Barbara L., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-24-63). Cadkin, Lawrence M., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry, October 1, 1963-June 15, 1964, $550 (10-2-63). Caldarelli, David D., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (10-1-63). Campana, Joseph A., Fellow in Business Administration, nine months from September 1, 1963, $3,600 (10-4-63). Carlson, Russell R., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Anatomy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Carroll, John M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from September 1, 1963, $5,500 (10-2-63). Cave, MacDonald, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, ten months from September 1, 1963, $200 a month (10-4-63). Cho, Frederick Yi-Tung, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $999.75 (10-3-63). Chochola, Ronald G., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (10-4-63). Conaway, C. Clifford, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,400 (9-30-63). D'Agostino, Anthony, Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pharmacology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). DiBiagio, Elmo L., Raymond Concrete Pile Company Fellow (in memorial to A. E. Cummings) in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (10-18-63). Dick, Richard I., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $4,000 (9-10-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 927 Dixon, Dixie L., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (10-31-63). Dvorak, Paul F., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Frank, Ira M., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Psychiatry, eight months from October 16, 1963, $533.33 (10-9-63). Fuss, Carolyn S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, ten months from September 1, 1963, $1,750 (9-27-63), Gaucher, George M., Smith, Kline, French Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $6,416.63 (10-31-63). Genskow, Jack K., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,700 (9-24-63). Goldman, Barry, Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pharmacology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Gossum, Mrs. Sandra A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $3,718.75, supersedes (10-8-63). Green, Dorothy R., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (10-15-63). Hall, Millard W., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Civil Engineering, one year from September 16, 1963, $3,500 (10-16-63). Hartl, Adrienne L., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500, supersedes (10-7-63). Hayes, Susanne J., United States Children's Bureau Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (10-15-63). Hetntz, Norman V., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (10-10-63). Hendricks, Richard A., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Medicine, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (10-14-63). Hovey, Sharon R., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (9-24-63). Jakstys, Mrs. Birute A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,350 (9-26-63). Jensen, JoAnn L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee) in the College of Nursing, September 30, 1963-June 12, 1964, and September 28-December 17, 1964, $200 a month (10-4-63). Jones, Mrs. Lethonee A. H., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (10-25-63). Kaney, Anthony R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,000 (8-16-63). Kassel, Stephen H., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pathology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Kirby, John S., Douglas Aircraft Company Fellow in Aeronautical and Astro-nautical Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,100; and September 16, 1964-January 31, 1965, $1,100 (10-24-63). Kxesse, William R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, December 1, 1963-September IS, 1964, $2,110.61 (10-25-63). Korsowee, Allan J., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Medicine, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Kostner, Mary C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee) in the College of Nursing, September 30, 1963-June 12, 1964, and September 28-December 17, 1964, $200 a month (10-3-63). Krieger, George W., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-23-63). Levin, Nathan W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Special) in Medicine, September 26, 1963-January 25, 1964, without salary (10-17-63). Levy, Howard B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000, supersedes (10-17-63). Magnus, David P., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pharmacology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). McIntosh, Charles, Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Surgery, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). 928 board of trustees [November 23 Moehlis, Ronald D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,574, supersedes (10-9-63). Monahan, Maurice L., National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (9-30-63) Mueller, Karl H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Orthopaedic Surgery, one year from July 1, 1963, $6,000 (9-24-63). Murray, Ruby H., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (8-13-63). Noteboom, William D., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Physiology, one year from October 1, 1963, $2,200 (10-16-63). O'Leary, Keith p., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-24-63). Overby, Lacy R., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, 14 time, seven months from August 1, 1963, $1,400 (8-27-63). Owen, Barbara L., United States Children's Bureau Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (10-15-63). Parks, Joe M.f United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, five months from September 1, 1963, $3,666.65 (10-12-63). Patton, Thomas H., Jr., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Sanitary Engineering, one year from September 16, 1963, $2,700 (9-17-63). Peters, Catherine A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee) in Nursing, September 30, 1963-June 12, 1964, and September 28-December 17, 1964, $200 a month (10-3-63). Platt, Sheila C., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (10-3-63). Polsky, Robert N., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pathology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Prairie, Richard L. Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, eleven months from October 1, 1963, $7,333.26 (10-31-63). Raisys, Vidmantas A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, ten months from September 1, 1963, $1,916.66 (10-1-63). Rose, Roger A., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, three months from October 1, 1963, $200 (10-1-63). Ryan, Robert P., Vocational Rehabilitation Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,400 (10-4-63) . Ryckman, David B., United States Office of Education Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $3,400 (10-4-63). Sanders, Pieteb, Fellow in Law, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (10-16-63). Sarnat, Harvey B., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Anatomy, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Schaaf, Doris M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (10-2-63). Schatz, Howard, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-7-63). Schechter, Howard, Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, three months from October 1, 1963, $200 (10-1-63). Schlaf, Rodger, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (10-1-63). Scholar, Eric M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, ten months from September 1, 1963, $2,000 (8-31-63). Schuffler, Michael D., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Shallat, Ronald F., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pediatrics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Silver, Richard A., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Otolaryn-gology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (10-4-63). Sloan, Dennis E., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Soja. Dorothy M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,200 (9-24-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 929 Squier, Beverly J., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (10-2-63). Strahs, Gerald, United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $2,700 (10-10-63). Taylor, Howard P., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pharmacology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Taylor, James W., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, $3,200 (11-5-63). Thomas, John A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,200 (10-8-63). Tornheim, Mrs. Patricia, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, ten months from September 1, 1963, $1,950 (9-20-63). Tornquist, Mrs. Janet A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee) in Nursing, September 30-December 20, 1963, $200 a month (10-3-63). Tuteur, Peter G., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Medicine, eight months from October 16, 1963, $533.33 (10-15-63). Van Dyck, Peter C, Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Vergin, Marcia A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,200 (9-23-63). Victor, Thomas A., Part-time Medical Student Research Feliow in Pathology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Volner, Patsy R., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, September 16, 1963-January 31, 1964, $1,000 (10-14-63). Ward, Jack A., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Zoology, one year beginning September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-30-63). Weinhold, Mrs. Jean K., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Nurse Trainee) in Nursing, September 30, 1963-June 12, 1964, and September 28- December 17, 1964, $230 a month (10-3-63). Weissman, Sidney H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, October 21, 1963-June 15, 1964, $66.66 a month (10-22-63). White, Joan F., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, nine months from October 1, 1963, $4,500 (9-26-63). Wicks, Albert J., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500 (9-30-63). Wiggins, Thomas M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (10-2-63). Windmueller, Louise E., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,800 (10-7-63). Windom, Sulsa D., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000 (9-23-63). Wolfson, Ronald, Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Biological Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Woodford, Wayne P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, ten months from September 1, 1963, $1,850 (9-20-63). Zbaraz, David, Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pathology, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (9-30-63). Zeilenga, Suzanne G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, nine months from September 30, 1963, without salary (10-2-63). RESIGNATIONS. DECLINATIONS, CANCELLATIONS. AND TERMINATIONS Barry, Dennis R., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective October 22, 1963. Basu, Gobinda L., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective October 21, 1963. Beaunfeld, Peter G., Research Assistant Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. Caliahan, Gary D., Microanalyst in Chemistry---resignation effective September 21, 1963. Chua, Leon O., Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective November 8, 1963. 930 board of trustees [November 23 Crumpacker, Daniel, Associate Professor of Military Science and Head of the Department (Chicago Undergraduate Division)---declination effective September 1, 1963. Davis, Thomas N., Ill, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Medicine) --- termination effective October 1, 1963. Dhar, Augustus I., Assistant Professor of Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division)---resignation effective October 1, 1963. Donegan, Rosa M., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Farley, Jane C, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology (Medicine) --- termination effective October 1, 1963. Fetters, Joseph I., Head in Firemanship Training --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. Gleser, Goldine C, Research Associate Professor of Education in the Bureau of Educational Research --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Guillou, John C, Associate Professor of Hydraulic Engineering (Civil Engineering)--- resignation effective October 1, 1963. Harmer, Richard S., Ill, Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering --- cancellation effective September 1, 1963. Hutson, Richard E., Assistant in English --- declination effective September 16, 1963. Jones, Alan K. G., Fellow in Business Administration --- resignation effective September 16, 1963. Kamara, Allieu, Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine (Medicine) --- declination effective September 1, 1863. McMullen, Stewart Y., Professor of Management --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Morgan, Martha A., Research Associate in Elementary Education --- resignation effective December 1, 1963. Mukherji, Partha N., Fellow in Sociology --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. Pulliam, William E., Assistant in Education (University High School) --- declination effective September 16, 1963. Pusztaszeri, Stephen F., Research Assistant in Chemistry --- resignation effective September 1, 1963. Schrader, Rudolf, Visiting Associate Professor of Physics --- declination effective October 1, 1963. Sharp, James B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Sciences --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. Stephens, John K., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. Storey, David A., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Marketing (Agricultural Economics) --- resignation effective November 20, 1963. Wang, I. Chih, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Will, Raymond L., Research Assistant in the Center for Zoonoses Research --- cancellation effective September 9, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Bowen, Barbara C, Assistant Professor of French --- disability leave of absence for the month of September, 1963, with full pay; and from October 1, 1963, through January 31, 1964, leave without pay. de Charms, Desiree, Music Library Assistant in the Library, with rank of Instructor--- leave of absence, without pay, for three months from February 1, 1964, so that she may travel abroad. De Maris, Edwin J., Professor of Industrial Administration and Head of the Department, and Professor of Accountancy---sabbatical leave of absence granted him for second semester, 1963-64, is hereby cancelled, without prejudice. Glenn, NoRyAL D., Assistant Professor of Sociology --- leave of absence, without pay, during the second semester of 1963-64, so that he may accept an appointment as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Texas. Ormsbee, Allen I., Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 931 in the College of Engineering --- leave of absence, without pay, for the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, so that he may serve as a Visiting Professor at the University of California in Los Angeles. Thomson, Robb M., Professor of Physical Metallurgy, in the College of Engineering--- leave of absence, without pay, for three months from February 1, 1964, so that he may serve as Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo. Varzandeh, Massoud, Research Associate in Radiology (Medicine)---leave of absence on account of disability, without pay, from September 9, 1963, and continuing until further notice. RETIREMENTS Cramer, Ralph E., Research Associate Professor of Engineering Materials, in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (College of Engineering) --- retirement effective October 15, 1963. Menefee, Sherman G., Associate in Dairy Chemistry---retirement from active University service effective on the date that Mr. Menefee attains age fifty-five. Peterson, Earl D., Farm Adviser for Montgomery County---retirement from active University service effective September 1, 1963. Swanson, John W., Professor of Speech --- retirement effective September 1, 1964. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS President Clement announced that the next two meetings will be held, as scheduled, on December 18, 1963, and January 15, 1964, and that the December meeting will be held at the First National Bank of Chicago on invitation of its officers. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to hold the January meeting in Chicago. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an Executive Session has been requested and was being ordered for consideration of staff appointments and would be held after a brief recess. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board recessed. When the Board reconvened in Executive Session, the same members and University officers were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes, with the exception of Mr. Swain who asked to be excused. The President of the University presented the following recommendation. DEANSHIP OF THE GRADUATE COLLEGE (1) A recommendation for the appointment of Dr. Frederick Seitz, Professor and Head of the Department of Physics, as Dean of the Graduate College to succeed Dean F. T. Wall, who has resigned the deanship, will be submitted to the Board of Trustees at its December meeting. I shall also recommend that the Board establish a new position of "Vice-President for Research" and that Dr. Seitz be appointed to that office. In the meantime, I request approval of this recommendation so that I may submit a formal offer to Professor Seitz; I also request authorization to announce that his appointment will be recommended to the Board if acceptance is assured. The full details of this appointment will be submitted to the Board with the formal recommendation at its December meeting. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these recommendations were approved. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board adjourned. STUDENT GUESTS OF THE BOARD Following adjournment, a group of twenty-five undergraduate students 932 BOARD OF TRUSTEES who are. officers in the Student Senate and in other student organizations were guests of the Board at luncheon. A number of them also attended the Board meeting. FOOTBALL GAME WITH MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Mr. Dilliard requested that the minutes of today's meeting record that he did not at any time after the assassination of President Kennedy on Friday, November 22, approve of the plan to play the football game with Michigan State University at East Lansing, on Saturday, November 23, and that he proposed postponement, as was subsequently arranged, to Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1963. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS December 18, 1963 The December meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Board of Directors' Room of the First National Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, December 18, 1963, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Governor Otto Kerner was absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Cos-tello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant, Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. Mr. C. W. Weldon, former Treasurer of the Board, was a guest at the meeting. 933 934 board of trustees [December 18 BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Billy Kenneth Cheek Springfield, Illinois Texas Laurence Firman Haskett Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana Wayne Alfred Kauth Chicago, Illinois Wisconsin Paul Lawrence Mack Warson Woods, Missouri Missouri Robert Bruce Pickens Naperville, Illinois Pennsylvania I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. DEANSHIP OF THE GRADUATE COLLEGE AND VICE-PRESIDENT FOR RESEARCH (2) On the unanimous recommendation of a committee appointed to make nominations for the position of Dean of the Graduate College, and after consultation with the Executive Committee of the College, I recommend the appointment of Dr. Frederick Seitz, Professor and Head of the Department of Physics, as Dean of the Graduate College. I recommend further --- after consultation with the Academic Advisory Council and the Executive Committee of the Graduate College--- that the Board establish a new position with the title "Vice-President for Research," and that Dr. Seitz also be appointed to that office. The great expansion in the University's research activities in recent years --- especially through support provided by outside agencies --- has created a growing need for greater administrative attention to the problems related to the coordination of these activities with other University functions. In his role as Vice-President for Research, Dr. Seitz would: (a) study the needs of the University for the support of research in all areas; (b) assist faculty members and departments in securing the resources needed for their research; (c) conduct a continuing appraisal of the impact of outside support of research upon graduate study and upon the remainder of the University's research program; (d) make policy recommendations to the President concerning the quality, balance, and long-range directions of the University's overall research program. It seems highly desirable to associate these important tasks closely with those presently assigned to the Dean of the Graduate College. Under the University's Statutes, the Dean of the Graduate College now has important responsibilities for research administration, primarily in relation to the functions of the University Research Board and certain special research units located in the Graduate College. Furthermore, most of the research programs conducted in other colleges and divisions are closely related to the education of graduate students, and are most fruitful when associated with graduate study. In order to assure that close coordination and mutual reinforcement be maintained among these research and educational activities, it seems best to create the kind of dual position proposed for Dr. Seitz. The total salary for the combined positions will be $29,600 for the calendar year (eleven months of service and a month of vacation with pay). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 935 Dr. Seitz is now on leave from the University to serve as President of the National Academy of Sciences, and this position requires that he be in Washington much of the time. Because of his commitments to the Academy, it is unlikely that he will be available for full-time service at the University before 1965 --- although it is definite that during the academic year 1964-65 he would be able to devote at least half of his time to the position of Dean and Vice-President. It is therefore recommended that the President of the University be authorized to determine the effective date and other terms of the appointment, in consultation with Dr. Seitz and other University officers concerned, and to make interim provisions for the administration of the Graduate College --- these actions to be reported to the Board. Submitted herewith is the copy of Faculty Letter No. 62, July 16, 1963, issued by the Office of the President, listing the personnel of the Nominating Committee for the Deanship of the Graduate College and giving the full text of the letter of instructions to that Committee. In its report nominating Professor Seitz, the Committee has stated: "Although several highly qualified candidates might be identified, the response of the faculty and the general feeling of the members of the Committee indicate that the most outstanding person in the country is Dr. Frederick Seitz, now on leave of absence as Head of our Department of Physics, and currently President of the National Academy of Sciences. "Many suggestions came from the staff indicating that Dr. Seitz was most highly regarded. The Committee reached the unanimous decision that he would be our first recommendation to you, and that we would seek no additional candidates until a decision had been reached as to Dr. Seitz's willingness to accept the position, and his acceptability to the administration and to the Executive Committee of the Graduate College. We therefore recommend him for your consideration. "It is unnecessary to described Dr. Seitz's qualities and achievements. They are so universally recognized that we feel that everyone is well acquainted with them. He has had administrative experience both in the Department of Physics and in his position as President of the National Academy. We feel that Dr. Seitz will add to the prestige of the University and the Graduate College, and we have found no one who did not indicate a willingness to work with him and to support him in every way." On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved. CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES (3) Professor Frank Banta, who has been serving as Chairman of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures for several years, has asked to be relieved of this administrative responsibility so that he can devote full time to teaching and research, and I recommend that his request be granted. The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Associate Professor Harry G. Haile as Chairman of the Department effective at the beginning of the second semester of 1963-64 and continuing until August 31, 1965, and that he be given additional salary at the rate of $1,000 per year for this administrative responsibility. The recommendation is made after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Department and is concurred in by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Dean of the Graduate College. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY (4) Professor Louis Schneider, who has been serving as Head of the Department of Sociology for several years, has asked to be relieved of this administrative responsibility so that he can devote full time to teaching and research, and I recommend that his request be granted. The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Professor Daniel Glaser as Head of the Department beginning September 1, 1964, the salary to be determined later when the budget for 1964-65 is submitted to the Board for approval. The recommendation is made after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Department and is concurred in 936 board of trustees [December 18 by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Dean of the Graduate College. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Page, this appointment was approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (5) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Nathan S. Caplan, Assistant Professor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, on one-fourth time, beginning November 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $2,500. 2. Philippe Choquard, Visiting Professor of Physics, on one-half time, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $4,000. 3. Robert F. Locke, Clinical Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, beginning December 1, 1963, without salary. 4. Edward C. A. Runge, Assistant Professor of Soil Classification Extension in Agronomy, beginning November 1, 1963, at an annual salary of $9,500. 5. Frederick J. Simpson, Visiting Professor of Microbiology, second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $7,000. 6. Carl R. Woese, Associate Professor of Microbiology, beginning February 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were confirmed. DEPARTMENT OF SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES (6) The Department of Russian has recommended, and the Executive Committees of the Division of Humanities and of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences concur, that the name of the Department be changed from Department of Russian to Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this recommendation was approved. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION FOR ORCHARD PLACE HOUSING (7) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $13,125.50 to Clancy Construction Company, Urbana, the lowest bidder, for construction of two new collector sewer systems in the Orchard Place housing area to provide flow channels in the existing and new manholes and to divert the adjacent laundry outlet to the Orchard Downs system. Funds are available from Housing Division Operations. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STEAM SERVICE TO THE REHABILITATION-EDUCATION BUILDING. URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CAMPUS (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract of $15,724.00 to Gallaher and Speck, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for the extension of steam service to the new Rehabilitation-Education Building, now under construction at the corner of Oak Street and Stadium Drive. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 937 CONVEYANCE OF LAND TO DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend conveyance of title to the state of Illinois to the property needed as a site for a Department of Mental Health Clinic to be constructed on University land adjacent to the Children's Research Center which will be constructed by the University in the area south of the Agricultural Experiment Station farmlands and adjoining First Street extended. The Department of Mental Health is constructing laboratories and clinics throughout the state. Urbana-Champaign was selected as a site in this area for one of these clinics in order to coordinate its services with research and training facilities at the University of Illinois. The clinic to be constructed by the Department of Mental Health will qualify toward matching funds for a federal health research facilities grant for the Children's Research Center. An Act of the General Assembly of Illinois authorized the transfer of a site for a Mental Health Clinic to the state of Illinois. The Legal Counsel has prepared the following resolution to accomplish this transfer and I recommend its adoption. Resolution Whereas by an act of the Seventy-third General Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled, "An Act to authorize the conveyance of certain real property located in Champaign County, Illinois, by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to the State of Illinois" (SB 1044, approved August 13, 1963), The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is authorized to convey and quit claim all right, title, and interest in and to the real property hereinafter described and located in Champaign County, Illinois, to the State of Illinois, and which real property consisting of two parcels hereinafter described shall upon such transfer be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Mental Health and shall be used as a site for a Mental Health Clinic: Now, Therefore, Be It, and It Hereby Is, Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and Secretary of this public corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge, and deliver, in the name and in behalf of, this public corporation, and under its corporate seal, a Quit Claim Deed and such other documents in connection therewith as said Comptroller and Secretary may deem necessary or desirable in order to convey to the State of Illinois title to the real property consisting of two parcels and described as follows, viz: Situated in the State of Illinois, the County of Champaign, and being a part of the Southeast One-quarter (SE14) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Nineteen North (T 19 N) and Range Eight East (R 8 E) of the Third Principal Meridian, and being also a part of the Southwest One-quarter (SW14) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Nineteen North (T 19 N) and Range Nine East (R 9 E) of the Third Principal Meridian, and being more fully bounded and described as follows: Parcel A Beginning at a point on the West property line of South First Street Road, said point being 53.6 feet distant North of, and 56.76 feet distant East of the SW Corner of the NW V4 SW V4 of said Section 19, said point being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Northerly along the West property line of said South First Street Road, a distance of 320.0 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Westerly along a line parallel to the North line of the SE v$pD SE Va of said Section 24, a distance of 730.88 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Southerly along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 24, a distance of 320.0 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Easterly along a line parallel to the North line of said SE \i SE Vi of Section 24, a distance of 730.88 feet to the place of beginning, containing 5.37 acres, more or less, and Parcel B Beginning at a point on the South line of said Section 24, said point being 363.0 feet distant west of the Southeast corner of said Section 24; thence Northerly along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 24, a distance of 946.41 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence West- 938 board of trustees [December 18 erly along a line parallel to the North line of said SE Vi SE ?4 of Section 24, a distance of 420.0 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Northerly along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 24, a distance of 300.0 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Westerly along a line parallel to the North line of said SE ?4 SE \$pD of Section 24, a distance of 374.52 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; Thence Southerly along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 24, a distance of 770.89 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Southeasterly, a distance of S1S.9S feet to a corner on the South line of said Section 24, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence Easterly along the South line of said Section 24, a distance of 600.0 feet to the place of beginning, containing 19.44 acres, more or less, but subject to an existing easement over the South 20.0 feet thereof for the operation and maintenance of an electrical distribution line or system. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ASSEMBLY HALL (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $7,211.16 in the contract with Felmley-Dickerson Company for construction of the Assembly Hall to modify the tile drainage system under the playing floor, the north and south circular walls, and the filter beds under the lower tiers of seats at the east and west sides of the arena. Funds are available in the construction budget. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $22,481.99 in the contract with Gust K. Newberg Construction Company, Chicago, for construction of buildings at Congress Circle to provide for changes in the communications system and additional conduit in classrooms and offices. Funds are available in the construction budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Page, this change in contract was authorized. BEQUEST OF FRED H. BURT TO COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE (12) The will of the late Dr. Fred H. Burt of Chenoa, for many years a practicing veterinarian, provides a bequest: "The sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to the University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, to be used in the veterinary department in memory of Fred H. Burt." Dean C. A. Brandly and the Executive Committee and other staff of the College of Veterinary Medicine have advised that the bequest be used to establish a loan fund. While the bequest by itself would have limited long-range value in helping students, this fund deposited with United Student Aid Funds, Incorporated, would establish a reserve that would allow loans aggregating at least $75,000 to students in the College of Veterinary Medicine from their local banks. If all loans are repaid, the original sum would eventually be returned to the University. Such use of the bequest is approved by the Legal Counsel and the United Student Aid Fund, Incorporated, has agreed to accept the fund, to match at least the first $1,000, to set it up as a reserve separate from the other general U.S.A. Fund established by the University of Illinois, and to administer it exclusively for students in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Accordingly, authorization is requested to deposit the $5,000 received under the bequest with the United Student Aid Funds, Incorporated, to establish a loan reserve under the conditions described. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this recommendation was approved. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 939 RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS PROGRAM (13) The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends that effective September 1, 1964, the University of Illinois substitute for the requirement of compulsory military training for male freshmen and sophomores, voluntary basic programs in Air Force and Army R.p.T.C. No other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (14) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One vehicle, personnel carrier, four cyl- Agency for Kaiser Jeep Corp., $ 2 522 35 inder, four-wheel drive, left-hand International Government Products f.a.s. drive, with standard accessory equip- Development--- Division, New ment for use in the U.S. Agency for Sierra Leone Toledo, Ohio York, International Development Sierra N.Y. Leone project Four antenna towers, galvanized steel, Electrical Rohn Systems, Inc., 4 710 00 self-supporting, 80 ft. high, delivered Engineering Peoria f.o.b. and installed at the Electrical Engi- delivered neering Bondville site and installed On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One eight-channel photographic poly- Pediatrics, Sanborn Co., $ 6 335 00 graph and accessories Chicago Chicago delivered (Note: This purchase is from both Appropriated Funds. $6,335.00. and Institutional Fund Is, $3,988.50, for a total of J10.323.S0.) Eight motorized, variable height hos- Research and Hill-Rom Co., Inc., 4 207 60 pital beds with accessories, including Educational Batesville, Ind. delivered safety sides, intravenous rods, and Hospitals, mattresses Chicago Six oscilloscopes, dual trace, basic unit, Electrical Hewlett-Packard Co., 6 785 00 20mc Engineering c/o Crossley Associates, f.o.b. One amplifier, plug-in, differential Inc., Palo Five amplifiers, plug-in, dual trace Chicago Alto. Six amplifiers, plug-in time base Calif. One frequency counter, 10 cps to 100 Physics Hewlett-Packard Co., 2 690 70 me, in-line (nixie) readout, rack c/o Crossley Associates. f.o.b. mount, 1 msec gate time, 100 mv Inc., delivered sensitivity, stability S parts in 10* Chicago per week 940 board of trustees [December 18 Item Department Vendor Cost One bandsaw, vertical, maximum ca- Physical Plant Armstrong-Blum $ 2 752 20 pacity 23 in. by 18 in., metal work- Manufacturing Co., f.o.b. ing, to be used by the Physical Plant Chicago delivered metal shop for general maintenance work on the Urbana campus One truck chassis, 1964 model, 43,000 Physical Plant Coleman & Associates, 5 155 00 gross vehicle weight, V-8 engine. Storeroom Rockford without trade-in Container Carrier One refuse container frame consisting of heavy duty winch, hydraulic hoist. International Harvester Co- 8 185 69 rollers and hydraulic stabilizing jack Springfield legs to be mounted on above truck Chassis chassis (13 340 69) delivered Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One ultra-microtome with table and Histology, LKB Instruments, Inc., $ 4 080 00 one set of specimen holders Chicago Washington, D.C. f.o.b. Chicago 9 706 00 Forty-two modular settees consisting of Medical Center, Rochelle's, Inc., two two-seat units, eleven three-seat Chicago (for Chicago delivered units, twenty-four four-seat units. various clinics) two two-seat units with table, and three three-seat units with table One lot of laboratory equipment and Medical Center Aloe Scientific 7 999 50 supplies consisting of three laboratory Stores, Division, delivered carts, one oven, 230 stools, nine lan- Chicago Schiller Park tern slide files, twelve pipette baskets twenty-four dozen slide boxes, ninety- six rolls aluminum foil, and 700 ounces cover glasses One automatic laboratory analyzer Medical Technicon Instruments 3 848 50 Physiology, Corp., delivered Chicago Chauncey, N.Y. One lot of accessories for an automatic Medicine, Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 6 418 00 gamma counting system Chicago Chicago delivered One lot of laboratory equipment and Microbiology, Aloe Scientific Division, 8 799 50 supplies consisting of twelve incu- Chicago Schiller Park delivered bators, four water-baths, four clinical centrifuges and accessories, and forty- eight laboratory carts One analog computer and accessories Otolaryngology, Systron-Donnor Corp., 3 785 00 Illinois Eye and c/o Carter Electronics, f.o.b. Ear Infirmary, Inc., Concord, Chicago Chicago Calif. One monochromator and accessories Pharmacognosy W. H. Kessel & Co., 3 669 00 and Pharmacol- Chicago delivered ogy, Chicago One six-channel polygraph with acces- Pharmacology, Spinco Division, Beckman 6 056 00 sories Chicago Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. Palo Alto, Calif. Schiller Park 504 bottles lipomul I.V.; this is a three- Pharmacy Stores, The Upjohn Co., 2 948 40 month supply of this item, a high Chicago Chicago delivered carbohydrate dietary supplement used in pre- and post-operative care Calculators, full keyboard, desk type, Agronomy Monroe Calculating 11 048 00 in the following quantities with the Machine Co., features required: Groups 2, 3, 6 Group 1 --- One automatic square SCM Corp., 11 360 00 root extracting Groups 4, 7 Group 2 --- One memory for repeti- Friden, Inc., 2 275 00 tive keyboard amounts, with recall Groups 1, 5 (24 683 00) Group 3 --- Twelve automatic multi- factor multiplication (A x B x C) with twenty-one place lower dial Group 4 --- Eleven automatic single entry squaring Group 5 --- One fully automatic with dual keyboard Group 6 --- One semi-automatic with split lower dial, with lock for each section Group 7 --- One semi-automatic with three dial capacity (8 x 8 x 16) Less trade-in allowance on three cal- culators (Note: This purchase is from both Institutional Funds, $24,295.00, and Appropriated Funds, {388.00, for a total of J24.683.00.) 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 941 Hem Department Vendor Cost Twelve typewriters, standard electric, Agronomy International Business $ 3 470 00 13 in. carriage, 86-character key- Machines Corp., f.o.b. board, less trade-in value of five used electric typewriters Springfield delivered One oscilloscope, dual beam, with sweep Chemistry and Tektronix, Inc., 4 471 50 delay of 0.1 microsecond/era to 50 seconds/cm, complete with plug-in Chemical Park Ridge f.o.b. Engineering Beaverton, operational amplifier, log adapter, Ore scope-cart with casters, recording camera with bezel, hood, and adapter One fourteen-channel interval timer Civil Engineering Computer Measurements 3 425 00 Co- f.o.b. Chicago delivered 1,300 connectors, taper pin printed cir- Digital Computer Methode Electronics, 4 745 00 cuit, with 44-pin contacts Laboratory Inc., Chicago f.o.b. Chicago Item 1---3,000 transistors type 2N706A Digital Computer Motorola Semiconductor 2 550 00 Item 2---1,000 transistors type 2N1 309 Laboratory Products, Inc., f.o.b. Chicago Phoenix, Item 1 Ariz. Electronic Components 654 93 for Industry Co., f.o.b. St. Louis, Mo. delivered Item 2 (3 204 93) One multi-channel analyzer, which is a Electrical Nuclear Data, Inc., 7 715 50 digital storage oscilloscope composed Engineering Madison, Wis. f.o.b. of a 1024 channel magnetic core delivered memory, with built-in controls for displaying the stored data on an ex- ternal cathode ray oscilloscope Item 1---Ten vacuum tube voltmeters, Electrical Hewlett-Packard Co., 1 600 00 10 cps to 4mc Engineering c/o Crossley Associates, f.o.b. Item 2---Three low frequency oscil- Chicago shipping lators, 1 cps to 100 kc Items 2 and 3 point Item 3---Two square wave generators, Ballantine Laboratories, 2 500 00 1 cps to lmc Inc., c/o Lang Claeson f.o.b. & Associates, Boonton, Chicago Item 1 N.J. One spectrophotometer system, with Entomology W. H. Kessel & Co., 5 125 40 quartz optics, and a built-in scale in Chicago f.o.b. wave-lengths of from 185 mi to 2,000 delivered mu, including the following com- ponents: one monochromator, lamp housing power supply unit, thermo- stated sample changer and indicator Unit 35,000 pounds soft shell clams (mya Veterinary Maryland Clam Co., 22 662 50 arenaria), shucked but intact, packed Medicine Inc., f.o.b. in number 10 C enamel cans, to be Easton, Md. delivered delivered as needed as follows: 6,000 lbs. January 22, 1964 9,000 lbs. July, 1964 10,000 lbs. January, 1965 10,000 lbs. June, 1965 Photography print processing system, Photography Eastman Kodak Co., 16 758 go consisting of: Rochester, N.Y. f.o.b. Group 1 --- Continuous paper proces- Group 1 Rochester, sor with electric dryer, roll paper N.Y. holder, roll paper cutter, all complete with feed assemblies, tanks Log Etronics, Inc., 6 400 17 Alexandria, Va. f.o.b. and reels Group 2 delivered Group 2 --- High resolution electronic (23 158 97) contact printer, automatic roll paper transport and counter Furnish and install heating and cooling Institute of Nogle & Black, Inc., 5 107 00 equipment in the Aircraft Mainte- Aviation Champaign f.o.b. nance Stockroom Building at the delivered University of IlUnois-Willard Airport; and equipment to consist of three oil- installed fired, forced air furnaces, one three- ton cooling condenser, and all neces- sary ducts, pipes, and controls 942 board of trustees [December 18 Item Department Vendor Cost Books, examination, trim size 834 in. by Office Supply C. P. Lesh Paper Co- $ 5 890 00 11 in., 16 lb.. No. 4 sulfite stock sad- Storeroom Indianapolis, Ind. f.o.b. dle stitched, faint ruled, as follows: delivered 100,000 sixteen-page 300,000 eight-page 100,000 four-page Group 1 --- Office Supply Uarco, Inc., 4 714 00 60,000 sets combination purchase Storeroom Decatur order-delivery invoice voucher, Group 1 eleven part, approximately 834 in. Recording & Statistical 942 00 by 11 in. detached size Co- (5 656 00) 20,000 sets delivery-invoice voucher, Danville f.o.b. four part, approximately 834 in. Group 2 delivered by 11 in. detached size 20,000 sets delivery-invoice voucher, five part, approximately 834 in. by 11 in. detached size Group 2 --- 22,000 sets bid proposal form, ap- proximately 834 in. by 11 in. detached Print and bind 1,500 copies Regional University Press Technipress, Inc., 3 291 50 Development of the Wabash Basin, by Washington, D.C. f.o.b. Ronald R. Boyce, approximately 224 delivered pages per copy, trim size 6% in. by 10 in. Six panelboards, lighting, forty-four Physical Plant Walker Electric Supply 2 725 54 pieces of trim and tubs for panel- Co., Inc., f.o.b. boards, and 277 circuit breakers (to Terre Haute, Ind. delivered be used by the Physical Plant as a six- month supply to be stored in the Physical Plant Storeroom for use in various lighting jobs on the Urbana campus) 800 yards (approximately) concrete. Physical Plant Champaign Builder's 12 937 50 ready mixed, for six-month period Supply Co., f.o.b. January 1, 1964. through June 30, Champaign delivered 1964, to be obtained by the Physical Plant for various jobs on the Urbana campus 1,400 each (approximately) fixtures, Physical Plant Tepper Electric 44 473 50 fluorescent, lighting for two 40-watt Supply Co., f.o.b. lamps and four 40-watt lamps Champaign delivered 2,500 each (approximately) louvers, plastic, cube and prism type for above fixtures 1,400 each (approximately) hangers. single stem, for above fixtures; Fixtures and accessories to be purchased as required for the Physical Plant Storeroom during the period January 1, 1964, through December 31, 1964 One truck, 1964 model, two-ton, equip- Physical Plant International Harvester 3 599 00 ped with van body and hydraulic Co., f.o.b. power lift gate, less trade-in of a Springfield delivered truck, 1955 model, two-ton, with same equipment One lot of unitized laboratory furniture Physical Plant E. H. Sheldon 3 987 23 consisting of two fume hoods, one Storeroom Equipment Co.. f.o.b. sink unit, ten base units with drawers, Muskegon, Mich. delivered and six wall storage units, to be used to equip a laboratory in the Metal- lurgy and Mining Building Nuclear energy liability insurance pro- Nuclear J. S. Frelinghuysen Corp., 4 500 on viding liability coverage up to an Engineering New York, N.Y., annual aggregate of $250,000; excess representing Nuclear coverage provided under license Energy Liability granted by the Atomic Energy Com- Insurance Association mission from $250,000 to S500.000.000 Blanket crime insurance for five years Bursar and James S. Kemper Co., 10 410 07 at limits of $350,000 covering "The Accounting Chicago, Board of Trustees of the University representing American of Illinois" at a cost of $8,713.12, and Motorists Insurance blanket crime insurance for five years Co. at limits of $100,000 covering the University related agencies and stu- dent organizations at a cost of $1,696.95, or a total of $10,410.07 On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 943 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (IS) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period November 1 to 30, 1963. Amount to be d*- rrw-rwwiff wi w Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Babcock & Wilcox Research Center National Aeronautics Study in photothermoelasticity $ 2 600 00 October 1. 1963 Selected radiation and propagation 28 930 00 April 1, 1963 and Space problems related to antennas and Administration NTsfi-395 probes in magneto-ionic media National Aeronautics Electron density and collision fre- 118 150 90 October 1, 1963 and Space quency in the lower ionosphere Administration NsG-511 Peace Corps PC-(W)-263 Peace Corps Project in Sierra Leone 68 934 00 October 1, 1963 Measurement of volunteer attitude 20 684 00 October 1, 1963 PC-(W)-270 swings in accordance with ex- pectations State of Illinois Role of proteins in brain function 34 390 00 July 1, 1963 Department of Mental Health Project 17-153 United States Air Force Charged colloidal sized particles for 49 829 00 November 1, 1963 AF-AFOSR-107-64 propulsion United States Air Force Wall turbulence 30 224 00 November 1, 1963 AF-AFOSR-547-64 United States Air Force Negotiation and decision-making in 24 972 00 November 15, 1963 AF49(638)-1291 complex organizations United States Army Ionospheric research 39 323 00 November 14, 1963 DA3 6-039 AMC-03703 (E) Total $418 036 90 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale International Business Four items: One type 26 key punch $ 177 20 October and Machines Corp. and alterations November, 1963 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Illinois Archaeological Testing and excavation at the $ 1 441 75 October 17, 1963 Survey Minier site State of Illinois Depart- Psychosomatic differentiation in in- 63 174 00 July 12, 1963 ment of Mental Health fancy Project 1723 State of Illinois Depart- Relation of neural metabolism to 31 427 00 May 21, 1963 ment of Mental Health function Project 1747 Tee-Pak Foundation Various types of films as retardants 4 300 00 August IS, 1963 to deterioration of meat and meat products United States Agency for Assist Uttar Pradesh Government 294 217 00 October 25, 1963 International in the organization and develop Development ment of a United States land- AIDc-1258 grant type of University United States Agency for Technical advice and assistance re- 449 054 00 October 29, 1963 International quested by the government of Development India AIDc-1453 United States Air Force Internal friction techniques in the 672 40 October 23, 1963 AF49(638)-672 study of diffusion and phase changes in metals United States Atomic Ribonucleic acid in the accumula- 22 000 00 November 1, 1963 Energy Commission tion of ions by plant cells AT(ll-l)-790 United States Bureau of Fatigue of welded beams and girders 30 000 00 July 1, 1963 Public Roads, Depart- in structural and low alloy steels ment of Commerce CPR11-7768 944 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 18 Amount to be Paid to the With Whom Purpose University Effective Date United States Navy Design of a major integrated ship- $ 87 200 00 September 6, 1963 N123(953)3O5O8A board antenna system United States Navy Design and development of selected 40 000 00 August 31. 1963 Nonr-1834(15) computer components United States Navy Properties of dielectric and semi- 20 000 00 September 11, 1963 Nonr-1834(19) conducting solids Total $1 043 486 15 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Plus Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Dale George S. Grimmett and Seventy-three items: S346.79 de- $ 1 028 86 October and Company duct to JSOO.OO (Plastering) November, 1963 This report was received for record. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (16) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of en- dowment and other funds for the month of October, 1963: Pool Purchase $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 $ 4 990 63 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reports the following changes in investments of current and un- expended plant funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Purchase $400 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/31/63 $399 409 78 600 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/14/63 598 040 00 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $115 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/13/64 $113 684 72 Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963, Chicago) Purchase $ 55 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/20/64 $ 54 365 50 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Auxiliary (December 16, 1953, Chicago) Purchase $100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/23/64 $ 99 118 00 225 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/23/64 220 882 00 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Sale $ 40 000 U. S. Treasury certificates 3 J per cent 11/15/63 $ 40 012 50 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Sale $157 000 U. S. Treasury notes 4,% per cent 11/15/63 $157 245 31 Orchard Downs Apartments (June 14, 1960) Purchase $110 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/12/63 $109 431 91 Orchard Downs Apartments Addition (May 24, 1962) Purchase $ 92 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/12/63 $ 91 524 87 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 945 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Purchase $100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/12/63 $ 99 480 44 Student Services Building (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 30 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/12/63 $ 29 844 14 Sinking Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959) Purchase $225 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/19/64 $221 346 00 On motion of Mr. Williamson, this report was received for record. REPORT OF GIFTS AND FUNDS RECEIVED FROM OUTSIDE SOURCES (17) Following is a report of gifts, grants, and contract funds received by the University during the fiscal year July 1, 1962, through June 30, 1963. This report includes funds from private donors and funds received from governmental agencies and covers all payments received during the fiscal year. A period of several months may elapse between the time an offer is received and accepted and final payment is made, which will account for the listing here of some gifts of funds, such as for scholarships and fellowships, for the academic year 1962-63 and others for 1963-64. A number of these grants and gifts were previously reported to the Board when the offers were received, and likewise the Comptroller's monthly reports have included numerous research contracts for which funds had not been received at the time of reporting. These funds are being included here in order to present a complete report of all funds received from outside sources during the fiscal period 1962-63. The contracts have all been properly executed by the Secretary and the Comptroller of the Board. All gifts and grants reported have been accepted and duly acknowledged by the President or other appropriate University officer with an expression of appreciation on behalf of the University and the Board of Trustees. Colleges and Schools at Urbana-Champaign Undergraduate Scholarships 1. Aerojet-General Corporation, Azusa, California: scholarship in ceramic engineering, academic year 1962-63.................$ 500 00 2. Alcoa Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: scholarships in ceramic engineering ($625), metallurgical engineering ($625), and civil engineering ($625), academic year 1963-64........... 1 875 00 3. Robert Allerton, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii: renewal of Allerton American Traveling Scholarships in architecture, academic year 1963-64 ............................................... 1 000 00 4. Allstate Foundation, Skokie: scholarships for driver education teachers in extramural courses given by the Division of University Extension .......................................... 3 000 00 5. Alumni Association, University of Illinois: scholarship in music...................................................... 18 00 6. American Society for Metals Foundation for Education and Research, Metals Park, Ohio: renewal of scholarship in metallurgy, academic year 1962-63................................. 500 00 7. Anonymous donor: to the Department of Civil Engineering for scholarship aid......................................... 2 000 00 8. Armstrong Cork Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania: renewal of scholarship, academic years 1962-63 and 1963-64............ 330 00 9. Barber-Colman Company, Rockford: scholarships in engineering..................................................... 3 915 00 10. Bay State Abrasive Products Company, Westboro, Massachusetts : undergraduate scholarships in ceramic engineering as a memorial to O. S. Buckner................................. 500 00 946 board of trustees [December 18 11. Borden Company Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: for the Borden Home Economics Scholarship Award and the Borden Agricultural Scholarship ($1,500 each).............. 300000 12. California Company, New Orleans, Louisiana: renewal of undergraduate scholarship in geology....................... 500 00 13. Campus Chest, University of Illinois: undergraduate scholarships, academic year 1963-64............................... 1 680 00 14. Chemstrand Company, New York, New York: scholarship in chemical engineering ...................................... 500 00 15. Chicago Farmers: scholarship for a senior in agriculture, academic year 1962-63...................................... 500 00 16. Columbian Enameling and Stamping Company, Inc., Terre Haute, Indiana: scholarship in ceramic engineering, academic year 1962-63 .............................................. 500 00 17. Companion Shepherd Dog Club, Oak Park: three scholarships for students in the College of Veterinary Medicine..... 1 500 00 18. Consolidation Coal Company, Library, Pennsylvania: scholarship for senior student in chemistry and chemical engineering, academic year 1962-63...................................... 500 00 19. Corn Products Company, New York, New York: scholarships, academic year 1962-63................................ 1 200 00 20. Crossley Associates, Inc., Chicago: scholarships in electronics or physics, academic year 1963-64....................... 300 00 21. Dads Association, University of Illinois: scholarships, academic year 1962-63........................................ 2 040 00 22. Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., Santa Monica, California: scholarship for an outstanding and deserving senior student in aeronautical or electrical engineering, academic year 1963-64 750 00 23. Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan: scholarship in and metallurgical engineering, academic year 1963-64........ 500 00 24. Federal Land Bank of St. Louis and various Federal Land Bank Associations in Illinois: two $500 scholarships in agriculture, academic year 1963-64.............................. 1 000 00 25. Ferro Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio: scholarships in ceramic engineering................................................ 750 00 26. First Federal Savings and Loan Association, Champaign: scholarship for sophomore, junior, or senior in College of Commerce and Business Administration, academic year 1962-63.................................................... 500 00 27. Foundry Educational Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio: scholarship in mechanical engineering............................. 1 475 00 28. Galesburg Builders Supply, Galesburg: for the Harry M. Gunther Scholarship, academic year 1962-63................. 500 00 29. Frank E. Gannett Newspaper Foundation, Inc., Rochester, New York: scholarship in College of Journalism and Communications to be awarded to a junior for use during his senior year ............................................... 500 00 30. General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan: General Motors College Scholarship Plan and General Motors National Scholarship Plan.................................... 13 205 00 31. Harbison-Walker Charitable Fund, Inc., Chicago: scholarship in ceramic engineering..................................... 500 00 32. Joseph Harrington, Jr., Wenham, Massachusetts: the Dunlap Harrington Memorial Scholarship Award................... 50 00 33. Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago: scholarship as a memorial to Thomas Arkle Clark........................... 600 00 34. Estate of Dr. Charles P. Howard, Champaign: income from the Dr. Hartwell C. Howard Memorial Fund, endowment to aid premedical and predental students...................... 1 770 03 35. Illinois Association of Insurance Agents, Springfield: for the G. A. Mavon Scholarship Fund for students planning careers in general insurance, first semester 1962-63.................. 500 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 947 36. Illinois Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi: scholarship, academic year 1963-64 .............................................. 270 00 37. Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, Mount Pulaski: two scholarships---one in any field of teacher training ($5,300) and one in special education ($3,500)........................ 8 800 00 38. Illinois Farm Supply Company, Chicago: scholarships in agriculture and in commerce and business administration, academic years 1962-63 and 1963-64............................ 3 600 00 39. Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Chicago: scholarship in occupational therapy ($2,200) and for general scholarships ($1,000)................................................... 4 200 00 40. Illinois Health Improvement Association, Springfield: renewal of scholarship for students in health education........ 300 00 41. Illinois Mining Institute, Urbana: scholarships in the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering 1 150 97 42. Illinois Production Credit Association, Jacksonville: the Production Credit Association Scholarship in Agriculture....... 600 00 43. Illinois State Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, Chicago: scholarships, academic year 1962-63 1 000 00 44. Industrial Minerals of Canada Limited: scholarships in ceramic engineering ......................................... 500 00 45. Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicago: scholarship in journalism................................................. 675 00 46. Kennecott Copper Corporation, New York, New York: scholarship in chemical engineering............................. 1 000 00 47. Kroger Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: three scholarships in agriculture and three in home economics ($250 each)........ 1 500 00 48. Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana: scholarships, academic year 1962-63..................................... 3 000 00 49. P. R. Mallory and Company, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana: scholarship in ceramic engineering.......................... 250 00 50. Men's Residence Halls Association, University of Illinois: Calvin S. Sifferd --- MRHA Scholarship..................... 200 00 51. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota: scholarships in engineering, academic year 1963-64.................................................... 1 000 00 52. Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Company, Decatur: scholarships..................................."............ 600 00 53. Moorman Manufacturing Company, Quincy: scholarship in agriculture, academic year 1962-63.......................... 1 500 00 54. Mothers Association, University of Illinois: scholarships---- 1 890 00 55. Motorola, Inc., Chicago: scholarship in art................. 1 000 00 56. National Association of Home Builders, Washington, D.C.... 2 000 00 Renewal of scholarship in field of home building industry.........................................$ 1 000 00 Scholarships to aid qualified and deserving students to spend a summer (ten weeks) in the NAHB Research Institute Laboratory to further their education by close contact with actual technological research and development programs in the field of home building .................................. 1 000 00 57. National Merit Scholarship Corporation: scholarships, academic year 1963-64 (supplemental grant in recognition of National Merit Scholars enrolled at the University of Illinois but to be used for scholarship aid to students who were not Merit Scholars)............................................ 700 00 58. National Secretaries Association, Champaign-Urbana Chapter, Urbana: scholarships, academic year 1963-64............... 150 00 59. Old Ben Coal Company, Chicago: scholarship in mining engineering................................................ 1 000 00 60. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Toledo, Ohio: scholarships in engineering...................................... 1 000 00 948 board of trustees [December 18 61. Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio: scholarship in engineering ............................................ 2 860 00 62. Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corporation, New York, New York: scholarship, academic year 1963-64.......................... 270 00 63. Estate of Helen Korte Phelps, Chicago: five scholarships (Korte Scholarships), academic years 1962-63 (three scholarships) and 1963-64 (two scholarships)....................... 2 500 00 64. Pi Kappa Lambda: scholarship in music in memory of Frederic B. Stiven............................................. 1 60000 65. Presser Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: scholarship in music, academic year 1962-63............................ 400 00 66. Procon, Incorporated, Des Plaines: scholarships in engineering, academic year 1962-63............................. 500 00 67. Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis, Missouri: scholarship in agriculture ............................................. 500 00 68. Research and Engineering Professional Employees Association, Whiting, Indiana: scholarship in engineering, physical science, or physical science teaching, academic year 1962-63.. 500 00 69. Sahara Coal Company, Inc., Chicago: scholarship in mining engineering................................................ 250 00 70. Scully-Jones and Company, Chicago: J. A. Scully Scholarship in engineering, academic year 1962-63....................... 300 00 71. Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Chicago: scholarships in agriculture ($4,200) and home economics ($900) academic year 1962-63.................................................... 5 100 00 72. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: annual stipends for five Alfred P. Sloan National Scholars, academic year 1962-63..................................... 6 300 00 73. A. O. Smith Foundation, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin: scholarship in ceramic engineering, academic year 1962-63........ 1 000 00 74. Square D Company, Detroit, Michigan: scholarships, academic year 1962-63......................................... 1 200 00 75. Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco, California : scholarship in chemical engineering................. 750 00 76. Stauffer Chemical Company, Chicago: scholarship in memory of the late August Kochs, founder of the Victor Chemical Works, academic years 1962-63 and 1963-64................. 6 000 00 77. Tee Pak Foundation, Chicago: two scholarships, academic years 1961-62 and 1962-63.................................. 1 000 00 78. Texaco, Inc., New York, New York: scholarships, academic year 1961-62 .............................................. 1 400 00 79. Union Carbide Educational Fund, New York, New York: scholarships in engineering, academic year 1962-63........... 1 685 00 80. Universal Oil Products Company, Des Plaines: scholarship in chemical engineering, academic year 1963-64.............. 1 000 00 81. University of Illinois Student Organizations: scholarships, academic year 1963-64..................................... 2 500 00 82. Various donors: to add to Raymond Torr Memorial Scholarship in Journalism......................................... 100 00 83. Western Electric Fund, New York, New York: scholarships in engineering, academic year 1962-63....................... 1 200 00 84. Witt-Armstrong Equipment Company, Springfield: scholarship in engineering, academic year 1962-63.................. 450 00 85. Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation: for the Shirley K. Strout Scholarship in journalism..................................250 00 Total, Undergraduate Scholarships.....................$ 124 959 00 Miscellaneous Awards and Financial Aids to Students 86. Deeter and Ritchey, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: to assist architectural students and student organizations.............$ 800 00 87. Illinois Society of Architects: award in architecture........ 250 00 88. Kivett and Myers and McCallum, Kansas City, Missouri: to the Department of Architecture for a student award........ 200 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 949 89. Various donors: for prizes in architecture................. 1 375 00 Bradley and Bradley, Inc...........................$100 00 Koppers Company, Inc.............................. 500 00 Agnes V. Marggraf................................. 100 00 Synod of Illinois.................................... 675 00 90. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, New York: for the Fred B. Seely Award in engineering mechanics (Mr. Seely is a retired Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) 100 00 91. Contributions received by the Dean of Women from numerous donors: Women's Student Aid Fund................... 7 239 00 92. University of Illinois Foundation: for student aid........... 176 497 88 Total, Miscellaneous Awards and Financial Aid to Students...........................................$ 186 461 88 Student Loans 93. Agricultural Institute, St. Louis, Missouri: for the Robert R Hudelson Student Fund.................................$ 200 00 94. Alpha Phi Omega, Champaign: for the Alpha Phi Omega Student Loan Fund........................................ 145 00 95. Bloomington-Normal Mini Club: for long-term student loans 502 45 96. Campus Chest, University of Illinois: to establish a long-term loan fund............................................ 560 00 97. Champaign Kennel Club: for the College of Veterinary Medicine student loan fund................................ 200 00 98. Herb Edwards, Milford, Michigan: for students loans in memory of Mrs. Iola G. Gardner........................... 25 00 99. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Ennis, Decatur: for the Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Ennis Student Loan Fund.................. 500 00 100. Ford Foundation, New York, New York: for forgivable loans to doctoral students in engineering (future engineering teachers) ............................................ 100 00 101. Illinois Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary, Des Plaines: for the College of Veterinary Medicine student loan fund ............................................... 300 00 102. Koppers Company, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: for the Koppers Company Student Loan Fund for architecture students.................................................. 500 00 103. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mini Club: for long-term student loans..................................................... 1 013 50 104. Henry Strong Educational Foundation, Chicago: to add to the long-term student loan funds.......................... 2 000 00 105. United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare under the National Defense Education Act: for student loans for all three campuses......................... 233 000 00 106. United Student Aid Funds, Incorporated: for long-term student loans ............................................ 200000 107. University of Illinois Foundation.......................... 200000 Establishment of a loan fund for College of Law students........................................$ 1 000 00 For long-term student loans..................... 1 000 00 Total, Student Loans.................................$ 243 045 95 Funds for Graduate Fellowships and Research 108. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago: for the Roger Adams Fellowship in chemistry, academic year 1963-64.............$ 3 400 00 109. Allied Chemical Corporation, New York, New York: two fellowships in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, academic year 1962-63, payment being in common stock of American Viscose Corporation............... 6 012 04 110. American Oil Company, Whiting, Indiana: for an American Oil Foundation Fellowship in chemical engineering, academic year 1962-63..................................... 4 897 50 950 board of trustees [December 18 111. American Oil Foundation, Chicago: fellowship in chemical engineering, academic years 1962-63 ($2,500) and 1963-64 ($5,375).................................................. 7 875 00 112. American Physiological Society, Washington, D.C.: fellowship in physiology......................................... 340 00 113. American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers, Detroit, Michigan: fellowship in mechanical and industrial engineering, academic year 1963-64....................... 2 570 00 114. Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, D.C: fellowship in highway engineering, academic year 1962-63........ 2 000 00 115. Chemical Industries Council: fellowships in chemistry and chemical engineering, summer of 1963..................... 1 000 00 116. Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa: renewal of an instructor-fellowship in electrical engineering, academic year 1962-63 ............................................. 2 000 00 117. Continental Oil Company, Ponca City, Oklahoma: fellowship in mathematics, academic years 1962-63 and 1963-64 6 000 00 118. Corning Glass Works Foundation, Corning, New York: renewal of a fellowship in chemistry and chemical engineering, academic year 1962-63................................ 284000 119. Diamond Alkali Company, Cleveland, Ohio: fellowship in chemical engineering, summer of 1963...................... 600 00 120. Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., Santa Monica, California: fellowship for a graduate student in aeronautical engineering 2 200 00 121. Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan: fellowships in chemistry and chemical engineering, academic year 1963-64.. 6 000 00 122. Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey: fellowship in chemistry, academic year 1962-63.... 3 670 00 123. Ethyl Corporation, Detroit, Michigan: fellowship in chemistry, academic year 1962-63............................... 3 340 00 124. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio: for the C. S. Marvel Fellowship in chemistry, academic year 1963-64 3 500 00 125. Ford Foundation, New York, New York................... 55 380 00 Fellowship in business administration and economics .......................................$ 32 870 00 Legislative internships in the General Assembly of Illinois..................................... 22 510 00 126. General Dynamics Corporation, San Diego, California: fellowship in physics, academic year 1963-64............... 4 000 00 127. General Electric Foundation, Ossining, New York: fellowships in chemistry, physics, engineering, accounting, and finance ($5,000 each)...................................... 20 000 00 128. General Foods Fund, Inc., New York, New York: fellowships in home economics, academic year 1963-64............ 6 000 00 129. Haloid Xerox, Inc., Rochester, New York: renewal of a fellowship in solid state physics, academic year 1962-63..... 2 600 00 130. Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Dayton, Ohio: fellowship in botany ................................................ 7 500 00 131. Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc. (formerly Illinois Seed Dealers Association) : for the W. L. Burlison Distinguished Fellowship in agronomy, academic years 1962-63 and 1963-64 1 000 00 132. Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc., Chicago............ 600000 Fellowships in architectural engineering........$ 2 000 00 Renewal of fellowships in mining and metallurgical engineering, academic year 1962-63........ 4 000 00 133. International Business Machines Corporation, Yorktown Heights, New York: fellowships in mathematics and social sciences (economics) ..................................... 5 110 00 134. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania : fellowship in metallurgical engineering, academic year 1962-63 ............................................. 320000 135. Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana: fellowship in organic chemistry ........................................ 3 000 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 951 136. Lubrizol Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio: renewal of a fellowship in chemistry, academic year 1963-64................... 3 000 00 137. Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana: for the Magna- vox Fellowship in music and engineering.................. 4 325 00 138. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota: renewal of three fellowships in chemistry, chemical engineering, and physics, academic year 1963-64........ 9 000 00 139. Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri: three fellowships in chemistry, chemical engineering, and geology 8 000 00 140. Motorola, Inc., Chicago: renewal of the Paul V. Galvin Fellowship in electrical engineering, academic years 1963-64 and 1964-65 .............................................. 2 500 00 141. National Lead Company.................................. 4 800 00 Baroid Division, Houston, Texas: renewal of a fellowship in geology, academic year 1963-64...$ 2 800 00 Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Division, Niagara Falls, New York: renewal of a fellowship in ceramic engineering, academic year 1963-64...... 2 000 00 142. Carl M. Noble: fellowship................................ 100 00 143. Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation, Columbus, Ohio: fellowships in ceramic engineering, academic year 1962-63. . 3 800 00 144. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Toledo, Ohio: fellowship in ceramic engineering, academic year 1962-63..... 2 500 00 145. Parke, Davis, and Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan: renewal of a fellowship in biochemistry, academic year 1962-63..... 3 100 00 146. Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma: fellowship in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, academic year 1962-63............................ 3 000 00 147. Procter and Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: renewal of fellowships in chemical engineering ($2,920) and chemistry ($3,570), academic year 1963-64........................... 6 490 00 148. Pure Milk Association, Chicago: renewal of Lauterback Memorial Fellowship in the Department of Food Science, academic year 1962-63.................................... 1500 00 149. Radio Corporation of America, Princeton, New Jersey: fellowship in electrical engineering, academic year 1962-63.. 4 050 00 150. Raymond Concrete Pile Company, New York, New York: renewal of the Raymond Concrete Pile Company Fellowship, memorial to A. E. Cummings, academic year 1962-63........ 2 100 00 151. Raytheon Company, Waltham, Massachusetts: renewal of a fellowship in physics, academic year 1962-63............... 3 150 00 152. Roche Anniversary Foundation, Montclair, New Jersey: for the Hoffman-La Roche Fellowship in organic chemistry, 1963-64................................................... 6 000 00 153. Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: fellowship in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, academic year 1962-63........................ 3 000 00 154. Shell Companies Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: fellowship in chemical engineering, academic year 1963-64.. 2 920 00 155. Shell Fellowship Committee of the Shell Companies Foundation, Inc.: renewal of a fellowship in geology, academic year 1962-63 ............................................. 3 180 00 156. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York, New York: fellowships for first-year graduate students in engineering, academic year 1962-63........................................ 9 390 00 157. Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: postdoctoral fellowship in biochemistry.......... 20 000 00 158. Society of Sigma Xi, Illinois Chapter: fellowship......... 500 00 159. Sprague Electric Company, North Adams, Massachusetts: renewal of a fellowship in solid state physics, academic year 1962-63................................................... 3 500 00 160. Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco, California : renewal of a fellowship in chemistry, academic year 1962-63................................................... 2 670 00 952 board of trustees [December 18 161. Sun Oil Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.............. 8 245 00 Fellowship in chemistry, academic year 1962-63..$ 4 170 00 Fellowship in chemical engineering, academic year 1962-63 .................................. 4 075 00 162. Television Shares Management Corporation, Chicago: fellowship in electrical engineering to promote the development of new teachers in electronics, academic year 1962-63....... 2 000 00 163. Texas Instruments, Incorporated, Dallas, Texas: fellowship in physics, academic year 1962-63......................... 2 666 00 164. Toni Company, Chicago: Gillette-Toni Fellowship, academic year 1962-63 ............................................. 400000 165. Union Carbide Corporation and its subsidiary divisions..... 17 190 00 Union Carbide Metals Company, Niagara Falls, New York: renewal of a fellowship in the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, academic year 1962-63.............$ 3 380 00 Parma Research Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio: renewal of a fellowship in physics, academic years 1962-63 and 1963-64...................... 6 720 00 Union Carbide Plastics Company, Bound Brook, New Jersey: renewal of a fellowship in chemistry, academic year 1962-63.................... 3 370 00 Visking Company, Chicago: fellowship in chemical engineering, academic year 1962-63.......... 3 720 00 166. United States Rubber Company Foundation, New York, New York: fellowship, academic year 1962-63................... 3 020 00 167. United States Steel Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: fellowship in physics, academic year 1963-64............... 2 000 00 168. Various donors: fellowships in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work................................... 15 680 00 Chicago Community Trust......................$ 3 100 00 Hull House Association........................ 4 000 00 Wieboldt Foundation .......................... 3 580 00 Woods Charitable Fund, Inc.................... 5 000 00 169. Victor Chemical Company, Stauffer Chemical Division, Chicago: August Kochs Fellowship in chemistry, academic years 1962-63 and 1963-64................................. 6 000 00 170. Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Princeton, New Jersey: fellowships............................. 16 000 00 171. Zeta Phi Eta: fellowship in speech........................ 476 90 172. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago....................... 8 900 00 To the Department of Animal Science for studies on the influence or arsenicals on reproductive performance ..........................$ 1 500 00 To the Radiocarbon Laboratory for research.... 2 400 00 To the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene for a study of the activation of shipping fever.......................................... 5 000 00 173. Alcoa Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania............... 4 000 00 To the College of Fine and Applied Arts for an industrial design program......................$ 1 000 00 To the Department of Agricultural Engineering for studies on farm structures................. 3 000 00 174. American Bird Products, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene for a study of epidemiology and control of psittacosis and psittacoid diseases 3 500 00 175. American Cancer Society, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Microbiology for a study of virus growth and genetics ............................................. 25 236 00 176. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.............. 80 950 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for studies of: Flow field packed bed..........................$ 5 400 00 Catalipis in a stirred reactor................... 6 522 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 953 Surface phenomena in phase contacting......... 9 652 00 Mechanisms of radical reactions................ 6 470 00 Nuclear magnetic and electron spin resonance studies of hydrocarbons........................ 12 000 00 Ferrocene derivatives ......................... 8 000 00 Petroleum..................................... 20 000 00 Mechanisms of organic reactions............... 6 574 00 Vacuum ultraviolet photochemistry of hydrocarbons........................................ 6 332 00 To the Department of Geology for petrographic investigations of silurian reefs................. 7 304 00 177. American Cyanamid Company............................. 6 000 00 To the Department of Agronomy for studies of field experiments with phosphoric acid..........$ 2 000 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for antibiotic studies............... 2 000 00 To the Health Service for research............. 1 000 00 To the State Natural History Survey for a study on systemic insecticides for control of insects on wheat......................................... 1 000 00 178. American Dairy Association, Chicago: to the Department of Food Science.......................................... 20 500 00 For an investigation of the effects of butterfat and corn oil in relation to the development of atherosclerosis.................................$ 8 500 00 For a study of the relationship between dietary fat and composition of blood lipids............. 12 000 00 179. American Gas Association, New York, New York: to the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering for studies of the effects of alternating current on the corrosion of steels buried in soils...................... 22 000 00 180. American Heart Association, New York, New York: to the Department of Food Science for studies of B-lipoprotein liability of atherosclerosis................................. 9 900 00 181. American Iron and Steel Institute, New York, New York: to the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics... 17 000 00 Studies of welded wire fabric for reinforced concrete.......................................$ 10 000 00 Studies of existing research on control of cracking in concrete reinforced with high strength steel bars ..................................... 7 000 00 182. American Oil Company, Whiting, Indiana: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for a study of accelerated drying of farm grains.................................... 15 000 00 183. American Physiological Society, Washington, D.C.: to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, an unrestricted research grant ........................................... 1 000 00 184. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering...... 20 000 00 Studies of selection and application of air measuring devices..................................$ 7 500 00 Studies of safety with high temperature water systems........................................ 7 500 00 Studies of steam and condensate flow in pipes... 5 000 00 185. American Steel and Wire Company, Cleveland, Ohio: to the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for study of behavior of deformed wire fabric....................... 4 200 00 186. Amsted Industries, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for a study of steel casting refractories 39 000 00 187. Association of American Railroads, Washington, D.C.: to the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for studies of causes of failures in railroad rails in service together with their prevention............................... 19 500 00 954 board of trustees [December 18 188. Avnet-Shaw Corporation: gift of 500 shares stock in Avnet Electronics for research in ceramic engineering............ 10 211 91 189. Battle Creek Equipment Company: to the Department of Physical Education for Men for studies of physical fitness measures................................................. 600 00 190. Bear Hybrid Corn Company, Inc., Decatur: to the Department of Agronomy for corn research...................... 2 500 00 191. Bell Telephone Laboratories: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for support of research programs of a Bell Telephone Laboratories employee and a fellow in electrical engineering..................................... 2 000 00 192. Bendix Aviation Corporation, South Bend, Indiana: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for a study of thermal diffusivity and elastic moduli of ceramic-metal combinations at elevated temperatures................................... 28 656 25 193. Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York: to University High School for development of a new elementary school arithmetic curriculum .................................... 31 250 00 194. Case and Company, Inc.: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for development of standard time valve ............................................... 1 750 00 195. Caterpillar Tractor Company, East Peoria: to the Department of Civil Engineering for analytical and experimental studies of behavior of U-shaped structural members subjected to torsion and flexure.............................. 750 00 196. Shemagro Corporation, Kansas City, Missouri: to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for studies of application of soil pesticides................................... 800 00 197. Chicago Bridge and Iron Foundation, Hinsdale: research assistantship in civil engineering, 1962-63.................. 3 500 00 198. Commercial Solvents Corporation, Terre Haute, Indiana: to the Department of Animal Science for a cooperative study on vitamins and growth factors in swine nutrition........... 3 000 00 199. Corn Industries Research Foundation, Inc., Washington, D.C.: to the Department of Home Economics for studies on the behavior of various starches in food products....... 6 500 00 200. Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association, Urbana: for a study by the State Water Survey of factors producing hailstorms in Illinois......................................... 6 000 00 201. Dawe's Laboratories, Inc., Chicago: to the Department of Animal Science for a study on the role of amino acids in poultry nutrition ......................................... 1 000 00 202. John Deere Planter Works, Moline: to the Department of Agronomy for studies on corn orientation.................. 500 00 203. Diamond Alkali Company, Cleveland, Ohio: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on fruit fungicides.... 750 00 204. Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan: grant to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering to accompany fellowships, academic year 1963-64.............. 500 00 205. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware................................................. 34 000 00 To the Department of Agronomy for studies on weed control ...................................$ 1 000 00 To the Health Service for research on antiviral influenza....................................... 8 000 00 Grants-in-aid for fundamental research in: Chemistry...................................... 15 000 00 Chemical Engineering .......................... 5 000 00 Physics......................................... 5 000 00 206. Edison Electric Institute: to the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council for a study of electric heating... 39 500 00 207. Engineering Foundation, United Engineering Trustees, Inc.: to the Department of Civil Engineering for studies of structural joints .............................................. 32 500 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 955 208. Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey: grant-in-aid to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering .................................... 3 500 00 209. F. S. Services, Inc., formerly Illinois Farm Supply Company, Bloomington.............................................. 7 400 00 To the Department of Agricultural Engineering for a study of improvement of farm tractor maintenance....................................$5 000 00 To the Department of Animal Science for swine, poultry, and nutrition research.................. 1 800 00 To the Department of Dairy Science for studies on dairy cattle feeding.......................... 600 00 210. Ford Foundation, New York, New York................... 169 500 00 To the Office of Community Development for studies to help define the University's role in meeting urban problems and to develop a training program for service to Illinois' rapidly expanding urbanizing communities (a partial payment of a grant of $125,000.00)............................$55 000 00 To the Bureau of Economic and Business Research for a workshop on research methods for directors of such bureaus....................... 22 000 00 To the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations for a research and training program in cooperation with the Institute of Management and Labor Studies at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (a partial payment of a grant of $350,000.00 to be paid over a five-year period)......................... 70 000 00 To the Department of Sociology for a research award for work in the systematic development of new concepts and practices of delinquency prevention...................................... 2 500 00 To the University of Illinois Press to stimulate scholarly publications in the humanities and social sciences (a partial payment of a grant of $40,000.00)...................................... 20 000 00 211. Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan................. 14 000 00 To the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for development of laboratories.....$10 000 00 To the Department of Agronomy for research on ecological crop studies.......................... 2 000 00 To the Department of Agronomy for research on soybean cytogenetics......................... 2 000 00 212. Foundry Educational Foundation: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for research........ 250 00 213. Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation, Middleport, New York: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on fungicides................................................ 1 000 00 214. Geigy Chemical Corporation: to the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene for a study of canine dermatitis 160 00 215. General Electric Foundation, Ossining, New York: graduate research and study grant in mathematics................... 5 000 00 216. General Motors Corporation, LaGrange: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for support of research activities of a General Motors Fellow............................... 750 00 217. German Academic Exchange Service: to the Department of Psychology for studies of motivation....................... 596 56 218. Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Horticulture for studies in floriculture 3 000 00 219. W. R. Grace and Company, Baltimore, Maryland: to the Department of Animal Science for a cooperative study on non-protein nitrogen in sheep nutrition.................... 2 500 00 220. Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, Akron, Ohio: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for research............. 12 82 956 board of trustees [December 18 221. Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago: to the Department of Architecture for the development of the lake front in Chicago....................... 1 000 00 222. Griffin Wheel Company, Chicago: to the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for studies of improvement of cast steel railway car wheels....................... 13 489 29 223. Haloid Xerox Corporation: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for research in electrostatics and small particle physics................................................... 5 000 00 224. The Horseradish Growers of East St. Louis: to the Department of Horticulture for studies on horseradish............ 500 00 225. Illinois Agricultural Association, Bloomington: to the Department of Agricultural Economics for studies on economic aspects of changes in the market structure of the dairy industry in Illinois.......................................... 500 00 226. Illinois Agricultural Association, through Country Life Insurance Company and Country Mutual Insurance Company, subsidiaries of the Association: to the Department of Marketing for a class study to provide students with realistic experience in planning and conducting a market research study..................................................... 700 00 227. Illinois Archaeological Survey: to the Department of Anthropology for the highway salvage program............... 730 20 228. Illinois Association of Insurance Agents: to the Bureau of Business Management for marketing studies............... 2 000 00 229. Illinois Council on Education in Politics: to the Department of Political Science for student research................... 175 00 230. Illinois Farm Electrification Council: to the College of Agriculture for a study of rural electrification............. 16 890 00 Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives, Springfield....................................$ 3 500 00 Central Illinois Electric and Gas Company, Rockford...................................... 425 00 Central Illinois Light Company, Peoria......... 550 00 Central Illinois Public Service Company, Springfield........................................... 1 250 00 Chicago 4-H Association, Chicago.............. 5 000 00 Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago...... 3 500 00 Illinois Power Company, Decatur.............. 2 450 00 Interstate Power Company, Savana............ 52 00 Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company, Chicago 60 00 Mount Carmel Public Utility, Mount Carmel 60 00 Union Electric Company, St. Louis, Missouri.... 43 00 231. Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc............................. 10 000 00 To the Department of Agronomy for corn research projects ................................$ 7 500 00 To the Department of Plant Pathology for corn research projects ............................. 2 500 00 232. Illinois Heart Association, Springfield: to the Department of Food Science for studies of the relationship of dietary components to cholesterol metabolism...................... 9 926 00 233. Illinois Turf grass Foundation, Inc., Oak Park: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on turf grass research.................................................. 1 400 00 234. Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers, New York, New York: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for a study of steam and water heating....... 33 700 00 235. Mead Johnson Research Center, Evansville, Indiana: to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics for a clinical study of pharmacological depression of eccrine sweating... 3 813 00 236. Kretschmer Corporation, Carrollton, Michigan: to the Department of Physical Education for Men for a study of the relative effects of wheat germ oil on physical performance tests...................................................... 2 500 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 957 237. Laird Norton Company: to the Department of Economics for a history project...................................... 32 000 00 238. Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana.............. 42 680 00 To the Health Service for a study on the use of Haldrone in infectious mononucleosis...........$ 350 00 To the Department of Animal Science for studies toward controlling ovulation time with the aid of orally active steroids........................... 2 330 00 To the Department of Economics for the Committee for the Study of Individual Freedom 40 000 00 239. Lumber Dealers Research Council, Washington, D.C.: to the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council for a three-part component study and for research on sectional- ized houses.............................................. 3 312 SO 240. Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana: to the School of Music and the Department of Electrical Engineering for construction of equipment to be used in the study of electrically-generated sounds ................................. 5 675 00 241. Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, New Jersey: to the Department of Animal Science for a study of growth stimulants for swine.......................................... 3 000 00 242. Merck, Sharp, and Dohme Research Laboratories, Rahway, New Jersey: to the Department of Animal Science for studies on animal nutrition................................ 2 000 00 243. Midwest Agricultural Limestone Institute, Kankakee: to the Department of Agronomy for studies on soil management research.................................................. 500 00 244. Mrs. C. Philip Miller: to add to the Sinnissippi Forest Trust Fund in support of forestry research................ 3 098 96 245. Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri......... 3 400 00 To the Department of Agronomy for studies on the herbicidal action of chemical compounds.....$ 2 500 00 To the Department of Food Science for studies on phosphates in milk.......................... 900 00 246. Moorman Manufacturing Company, Quincy: to the Department of Animal Science for............................... 5 200 00 A study on nutritional quality of pig starter rations........................................$ 2 600 00 A study on poultry nutrition.................... 2 600 00 247. Mueller Farms Sod Nursery, Ontarioville: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on turf research....... 400 00 248. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C........... 17 692 00 To the Department of Physics for research$ 15 692 00 To the Traffic Safety Center for studies of motor vehicle registration and titling practices.. 2 000 00 249. National Association of Horseradish Packers, Eau Claire, Wisconsin: to the Department of Horticulture for studies on horseradish ........................................... 250 00 250. National Council of Legal Clinics: to the College of Law for studies of professional responsibilty.................... 12 600 00 251. National Electronics Conference: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for research........................ 380 00 252. National Hog Cholera Fund: to the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene for hog cholera research..... 1 138 99 253. National Lead Company, Titanium Division, South Amboy, New Jersey: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research in the field of titanium chemistry.. 3 250 00 254. National Lime Association, Washington, D.C.: to the Department of Geology...................................... 16 793 02 Studies of fundamental properties of calcium...$ 9 048 60 Study by x-ray diffraction and other methods the reactions in the clay mineral and other mineral components of various types of soils when treated with lime for the purpose of stabilization for road surfaces ................................. 7 744 42 958 board of trustees [December 18 255. National Livestock and Meat Board, Chicago: to the Department of Food Science for studies of biological utilization of fatty acid isomers..................................... 8 500 00 256. National Safety Council: to the Traffic Safety Center for studies of motor vehicle laws at railroad grade crossings... 1 000 00 257. National Soybean Processors Association, Chicago: to the Department of Agronomy for a study on soil fertility requirements of different genetic lines of soybeans........... 7 000 00 258. National Steel Corporation, Weirton, West Virginia: to the Department of Civil Engineering for evaluation of fatigue behavior of welded joints in N-A-Xtra high strength steels..................................................... 19 000 00 259. National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for a study of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning as related to warm air furnace heating........ 21 152 00 260. New Holland Machine Company, New Holland, Pennsylvania : to the Department of Agricultural Engineering for a study on rural electrification............................... 2 000 00 261. Niagara Chemical Division, FMC Corporation, Middleport, New York: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on fungicides..................................... 575 00 262. Northern Illinois Breeding Co-op, Hampshire: to the Department of Dairy Science for studies on artificial breeding.. 8 587 89 263. Northrup-King and Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on corn leaf blight.................................................... 300 00 264. Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, Squibb Division, New Brunswick, New Jersey: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies on the control of fruit diseases....... 750 00 265. Chas. Pfizer and Company, Inc., Brooklyn, New York: to the Department of Animal Science for a study on swine feeding................................................... 2 500 00 266. Pillsbury Company: to the Department of Food Science for studies on cake mixes..................................... 5 900 00 267. Portland Cement Association, Chicago: to the Department of Civil Engineering for study of the strength and deformation characteristics of reinforced concrete beam-column connections subjected to axial and transverse loads......... 10 000 00 268. Prairie Farm Dairy, Inc., Carlinyille: to the Department of Agricultural Economics for studies on economic aspects of changes in market structure of the dairy industry in Illinois 1 000 00 269. Pure Milk Association, Chicago: to the Department of Agricultural Economics for studies on the southern Illinois federal milk marketing order............................. 350 00 270. Reinforced Concrete Research Council: to the Department of Civil Engineering for multiple panel reinforced concrete floor slabs ............................................... 8 000 00 271. Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, D.C.: to the Department of Agricultural Economics for a study of economic aspects of the pesticide problem in the United States 18 750 00 272. Rockefeller Foundation, New York, New York: to the Department of Philosophy for support of research on the biography of Charles Sanders Peirce...................... 2 050 00 273. Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Plant Pathology........................ 1 050 00 For studies on fungicides......................$ 750 00 For studies on turf disease..................... 300 00 274. St. Regis Paper Company: to the Department of Art for advertising design studies................................ 500 00 275. Shell Chemical Corporation, Chicago: to the State Natural History Survey for a general evaluation of series of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds as insecticides......... 2 500 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 959 276. Shell Development Company, Modesto, California: to the Department of Plant Pathology for studies of foliage fungicide evaluation under Illinois conditions................... 7S0 00 277. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Inc., New York, New York... 69 000 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research......................$ 32 200 00 To the Department of Physics for research..... 36 800 00 278. A. O. Smith Harvestore Products, Inc., Kankakee: to the Department of Animal Science for studies on carcass evaluation................................................ 3 77S 00 279. Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, Forest Hills, New York: to the Institute of Communications Research for a study of the cross cultural generality of meaning systems ............................................. 49 076 36 280. Socony Mobil Oil Company, Paulsboro, New Jersey: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research in the field of metal coordination complexes....... 4 000 00 281. Sod Growers Association of Illinois, Urbana: to the Department of Plant Pathology for a study on the diseases of turf and lawn grass...................................... 1 850 00 282. Soft Phosphate Research Institute, Inc.: to the Department of Animal Science for a study of factors affecting phosphate utilization................................................ 4 000 00 283. Sonic Research Foundation, Chicago: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for acoustics research.............. 1 000 00 284. State University of Iowa: to the Department of Electrical Engineering for an ultrasonic research project............ 7 000 00 285. Tee-Pak Foundation: to the Department of Food Science for a study on various types of films as retardants to deterioration of meat and meat products..................... 4 356 40 286. Telecomputing Corporation, Los Angeles, California: to the Department of Ceramic Engineering for a study of metal pyrophosphates .................................... 2 000 00 287. Truax-Traer Coal Company: to the Department of Agronomy for agronomic evaluations of a coal-like substance known as Leonardite..................................... 3 000 00 288. Union Carbide Corporation............................... 750 00 To the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for research.......................$ 500 00 To the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for research....................... 250 00 289. United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: to the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children for studies on the diagnosis and remediation of psycholinguistic disabilities............. 8 088 50 290. United States Industrial Chemical Company, Tuscola: to the Department of Agronomy for studies on soils......... 2 825 00 291. United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: to the Department of Agricultural Economics for a study of the determination, tabulation, and critical analysis of existing barriers to the marketing of sterile concentrated milk...................................................... 10 000 00 292. Universal Oil Products Company, Des Plaines: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for fundamental research .................................... 500 00 293. University of Illinois Foundation: to the Illinois Archaeological Survey ........................................... 450 00 294. University of Illinois Foundation.......................... Ill 40 To the Department of Marketing for research.. .$ 11 40 To the Department of Physical Education for Men for studies of exercise therapy............ 100 00 295. University of Minnesota: to the Department of Mathematics for study of mathematics for business (this grant is from a Ford Foundation grant to the University of Minnesota).. 2 500 00 960 board of trustees [December 18 296. Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan................... 11 530 00 To the Department of Animal Science for studies on progestogens ...............................$ 2 530 00 To the Department of Agricultural Engineering for studies on the development of equipment for the more effective application of soil fungicides 1 000 00 To the Department of Plant Pathology for microbiological studies .............................. 800000 297. Various donors: to the College of Agriculture for research in rural electrification..................................... 3 500 00 298. Various donors: to the Department of Civil Engineering for studies of lime pozzolan mixtures and lime stabilization of soils...................................................... 20 350 00 Burrill Construction and Supply................$ 1 000 00 Commonwealth Edison Company................ 5 000 00 G. and W. H. Corson.......................... 3 125 00 National Lime Association..................... 7 550 00 Poz-O-Pac Company of America............... 250 00 Pozzolan Products Company, Inc................ 3 425 00 Connecticut Light and Power Company......... 1 000 00 299. Various donors: to the Department of Food Science for the Lipid Symposium to accompany the dedication of the Burn-sides Research Laboratory................................ 4 400 00 American Meat Institute, Chicago..............$ 500 00 Anderson, Clayton and Company Foods Division, Dallas, Texas ................................. 100 00 Armour and Company, Oakbrook............... 500 00 Campbell Soup Company, Camden, New Jersey.. 500 00 Glidden Company, Cleveland, Ohio............. 200 00 Hunt Foods and Industries, Inc................. 100 00 Illinois Heart Association, Springfield.......... 500 00 Mead Johnson and Company, Evansville, Indiana 300 00 Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri 100 00 Procter and Gamble Company, Cleveland, Ohio.. 500 00 Special Dairy Industry Board, Washington, D.C. 1 000 00 Wilson and Company, Chicago.................. 100 00 300. Various donors: to the University High School to continue a study on non-verbal awareness.......................... 2 833 75 Gertrude Hendrix, Urbana.....................$ 1 800 00 William L. Hendrix, Milford, New Hampshire.. 400 00 Institute of Intercultural Studies, Inc., New York, New York.............................. 300 00 David A. Page................................ 33 75 Melvin Pfaelzer............................... 300 00 301. Velsicol Chemical Corporation, Chicago.................... 2 400 00 To the State Natural History Survey for a study of heptachlor epoxide residues in meat and milk. .$ 2 000 00 To the Department of Zoology for research on the toxicology of insecticides................... 400 00 302. VioBin Corporation, Monticello........................... 2 700 00 To the Department of Animal Science for a cooperative study of fishmeal and fishmeal products in swine nutrition..............................$ 1 500 00 To the Department of Physical Education for Men for a study of the value of wheat germ oil in physical fitness program..................... 1 200 00 303. Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri: from a Ford Foundation grant to the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations for a study of public and private job placement of middle aged and older workers......................... 17 702 44 304. Welding Research Council, United Engineering Trustees, Inc., New York, New York............................... 17 500 00 To the Department of Civil Engineering for an investigation of welding procedure..............$ 11 500 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 961 To the Department of Physics for studies of the corrosion and passivity of metal................ 6 000 00 305. Whirlpool Corporation, Benton Harbor, Michigan: to the Department of Food Science for studies on the storage of leafy vegetables using different gases, relative humidity and temperature, and variables................................. 2 000 00 306. Wisconsin-Minnesota Cooperative Bull Stud Group, Shawano, Wisconsin: to the Department of Dairy Science for a study of the effect of aging on the nuclear material of bovine spermatozoa ...................................... 3 335 00 307. Yale University: to the Department of Psychology for research in psychiatry...................................... 15 580 00 Total, Funds for Graduate Fellowships and Research. .$ 1 723 133 68 Funds for Educational, Research, Cultural, and Recreational Purposes Not Otherwise Classified 308. American Cyanamid Company, Wayne, New Jersey: for faculty support grants in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for 1962 and 1963 ($3,000 each). .$ 6 000 00 309. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago: to the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene to help defray the costs of preparing a motion picture on leptospirosis.............. 1 500 00 310. Alpern Foundation, Inc.: to the Krannert Art Museum for a painting ............................................... 1 500 00 311. American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island: to the Department of Mathematics for support of the Journal of Mathematics .......................................... 1 350 00 312. American Psychological Association: to the Institute of Communications Research for support of a faculty and research assistant .......................................... 4 225 00 313. American Society for Engineering Education: for Junior Academy of Science exposition fund....................... 1 00 314. Anonymous donor: to the Krannert Art Museum for purchase of an art object.................................... 150 00 315. Babcock and Wilcox Company, New York, New York: to the College of Engineering an unrestricted grant for engineering and technical education............................ 1 800 00 316. C. E. Brehm, Mt. Vernon: to the Department of Animal Science for purchase of three polled heifers............... 6 500 00 317. California Company, New Orleans, Louisiana: to the Department of Geology, an unrestricted grant................. 500 00 318. Chemstrand Company, New York, New York: a grant-in-aid to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering................................................... 500 00 319. Committee on Institutional Cooperation: to the Department of Psychology for a conference........................... 940 00 320. Continental Can Company, New York, New York: to the College of Engineering to develop closer student-faculty relations.................................................. 500 00 321. Mrs. Hugh E. Cooper, Jr., Peoria: an addition to the Wensel Morava Scholarship endowment........................... 250 00 322. Corning Glass Works Foundation, Corning, New York: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, an unrestricted grant ....................................... 1 000 00 323. Professor O. M. Dickerson, San Diego, California: to establish an endowment, the income to be used to support publications in American history by members of the Department of History or graduate students working for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.................................= .. 48 658 50 324. Easter Seal Research Foundation: to the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children for a conference on brain impairment in children.................................... 3 000 00 962 board of trustees [December 18 325. Glidden Company, Cleveland, Ohio: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for the Glidden Lecture in Chemistry........................................ 500 00 326. Edward B. Haywood, Hammond Public Library: to the Library School for tel-a-story project..................... 70 00 327. Illinois Foundation Future Fanners of America, Springfield: for the Public Information project for vocational agriculture including the Future Farmers of America.......... 3 000 00 328. Illinois State Conference Building and Construction Trades: to the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations for the Patrick F. Sullivan memorial library collection.............. 500 00 329. Institute of Life Insurance, New York, New York: to the College of Education for a summer workshop on education in family finance......................................... 2 500 00 330. Jersey Production Research Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma: to the Department of Electrical Engineering, an unrestricted grant..................................................... 1 000 00 331. Kappa Tau Alpha, national honorary society in journalism: for expenses of an annual journalism banquet (to be added to the endowment fund established for this purpose)........ 65 00 332. Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Hinsdale................. 23 500 00 For the C. F. Kettering Foundation Visiting Professorship in Chemistry........................$ 10 000 00 To the Department of Botany for purchase of scientific instruments for the Photosynthesis Laboratory........................................ 13 500 00 333. Keuffel and Esser Company: to the Department of Civil Engineering, an educational grant......................... 210 00 334. Mount Holyoke College: to University High School for library enrichment ....................................... 100 00 335. Ellis L. Phillips Foundation: to the Department of Geology for teaching ............................................. 9 075 52 336. Purdue Research Foundation, Lafayette, Indiana: to the Office of Instructional Television.......................... 9 426 75 (The University of Illinois is one of twenty colleges and universities serving as resource institutions for the Midwest Program on Airborne Television instruction. The funds received are for salaries, travel, and office expense incurred in assisting the public schools in eastern Illinois to receive, use, and evaluate these experimental programs.) 337. Readers Digest Association, Pleasantville, New York: to the College of Journalism and Communications for the Readers Digest Research-Travel Fund to broaden the scope of student instruction by making possible allocations for travel to out-of-town areas for newspaper reporting or magazine writing experience.................................. 1 000 00 338. Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco, California : to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, an unrestricted grant........................... 1 000 00 339. Sullivan Chevrolet Company, Champaign: to the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services for expenses of disabled students participating in the national wheelchair games..... 400 00 340. Universal Oil Products Company: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, an unrestricted grant 500 00 341. University of Illinois Foundation.......................... 4 613 00 To the Bureau of Economic and Business Research for a publication by a retired member of the faculty.................................$ 1 500 00 To the Department of Accountancy for publications ........................................ 1 500 00 To the Krannert Art Museum for art exhibits.. 1 563 00 To the Department of Speech and Theatre for a teaching aid................................. 50 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 963 342. Upjohn Company: to the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and unrestricted grant for spectro-photometer............................................... 2 000 00 343. Various donors: to the College of Agriculture to support the centennial symposium on protein nutrition and metabolism...................................................... 3 250 00 Central Soya, Fort Wayne, Indiana.............$ 2S0 00 Hales and Hunter Company, Chicago........... 500 00 Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana 500 00 Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, New Jersey 1 000 00 Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri 1 000 00 344. Various donors: for the International Conference on Accounting Education held in October, 1962.................. 11 100 00 Amsted Industries Foundation, Chicago........$ 250 00 Arthur Andersen and Company................ 1 000 00 Anonymous donor ............................ 100 00 Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria........... 500 00 Alexander Grant and Company................. 250 00 International Harvester Foundation, Chicago 1 000 00 Price Waterhouse Foundation, New York, New York.......................................... 5 000 00 Touche, Ross, Bailey, and Smart, Chicago...... 500 00 United States Steel Foundation, Inc............. 2 500 00 345. Various donors: to the Department of General Engineering for the Junior Engineering Technical Society.............. 9 605 00 346. Various donors: to the Department of Geography for an Atlas of Illinois Resources................................ 450 00 Northern Illinois Gas Company, Bell wood.......$ 250 00 Professor Fred Foster and Mr. James A. Bier.. 200 00 347. Various donors: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Fund .............................................. 1 400 00 Sporlan Valve Company, St. Louis, Missouri. ...$ 500 00 Trane Company, LaCrosse, Wisconsin.......... 400 00 Vilter Foundation, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.. 500 00 348. Various donors: for the Isabel Bevier Lectureship in Home Economics................................................ 50 00 349. Various donors: to the James Webb Young Fund for education in advertising........................................ 6 50 Dimshee and Company, Publishers..............$ 1 00 Mrs. C. Dennis Schick, Urbana................. 5 50 350. Wenner-Green Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.: to the Institute for Communications Research to cover travel expenses in Yugoslavia, August 1-19, 1963........... 3 000 00 351. Wisconsin Free Library Commission: to the Library Research Center for survey of library reference resources in Wisconsin............................................. 14 298 00 Total, Funds for Educational, Research, Cultural, and Recreational Purposes Not Otherwise Classified. ..$ 180 994 27 Educational Grants Fund The Board of Trustees has established this fund and has authorized the President to make assignments from it for nonrecurring educational purposes. The income is grants from foundations, business and industrial corporations to the University in recognition of the educational costs involved in accepting fellowships and scholarships, and of the service expense in administration of research grants. Contributions deposited in this fund were received from: 352. Alcoa Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...............$ 500 00 353. Armco Foundation (NSPE Scholarship)................... 100 00 354. H. D. Braley............................................. 5 00 355. Budd Company, Detroit, Michigan......................... 665 00 964 board of trustees [December 18 356. Carle C. Conway Scholarship Foundation, New York, New York..................................................... S2S 00 357. Creole Foundation, New York, New York................. 500 00 358. International Business Machines Corporation, New York, New York ............................................... 5 000 00 359. Kennecott Copper Corporation, New York, New York...... 1 000 00 360. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, New York, New York..................................................... 500 00 361. Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio............... 1 285 00 362. Radio Corporation of America, Princeton, New Jersey...... 100 00 363. Rockefeller Foundation, New York, New York............. 5 500 00 364. Hiram Walker and Son, Inc., Detroit, Michigan........... 700 00 The following contributions were received from sponsors of National Merit Scholarships in recognition of National Merit Scholars enrolled at the University of Illinois but were unrestricted and have been deposited in the Educational Grants Fund: 365. Glidden Company, Cleveland, Ohio........................ 100 00 366. Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Hinsdale................. 100 00 367. National Distillers and Chemical Foundation, Inc., New York, New York......................................... 600 00 368. Northern Illinois Gas Company, Aurora................... 285 00 369. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 170 00 370. Sante Fe Foundation, Inc., Chicago........................ 50 00 371. Swift and Company Foundation, Chicago.................. 200 00 372. Titmus Optical Company, Inc., Petersburg, Virginia........100 00 Total, Educational Grants............................$ 17 985 00 Contributions from County Farm and Home Bureaus 373. To the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics for partial payment of salaries and operating expenses of farm and home advisers...................$ 1 050 138 58 Gifts for Educational and Research Buildings and for Other Facilities 374. Ethel Burnsides, Paris, Illinois: for construction of the Burnsides Research Laboratory (partial payment of total gifts of $250,000).........................................$ 25 002 63 375. University of Illinois Foundation: for architectural services on addition to Electrical Engineering Building.............649 97 Total, Gifts for Educational and Research Buildings and for Other Facilities...........................$ 25 652 60 Federal Grants for Buildings and Other Facilities 376. National Institutes of Health..............................$ 739 372 00 Justin Smith Morrill Hall......................$383 864 00 Burnsides Research Laboratory................ 336 600 00 Electrical Engineering Bioacoustics Laboratory.. 18 908 00 377. National Science Foundation.............................. 909 514 00 Addition to Electrical Engineering Building$ 40 470 94 Scientific Equipment Program................. 50 387 79 Purchase of Electronic Data Processing Equipment .......................................... 700 000 00 Gaseous Electronics Laboratory................ 13 264 00 Justin Smith Morrill Hall...................... 132 192 00 Animal Genetics Laboratory.................... 11 508 00 Horticulture Field Laboratory Renovation....... 10 600 00 Digital Computer Laboratory................... 6 330 431 Zoology Laboratory ........................... 2 107 30" Total, Federal Grants for Buildings and Other Facilities.........................................$ 1 689 357 00 1 Deduct, refund of unused funds. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 965 United States Government Grants and Research Contracts 378. Advanced Research Projects Agency......................$ 106 883 70 379 Agency for International Development..................... 724 896 86 380. Air Force ............................................... 1 788 628 34 381. Area Redevelopment Administration....................... 7 000 00 382. Army Chemical Corps..................................... S 69S 73 383. Army Institute .......................................... 3 340 SO 384. Army Medical Corps..................................... 452 862 33 385. Army Ordnance ......................................... 61 381 81 386. Army Research Office..................................... 203 062 61 387. Army Quartermaster Corps............................... 4 031 67 388. Army Signal Corps....................................... 1 509 878 38 389. Army Surgeon General.................................... 105 376 74 390. Atomic Energy Commission............................... 2 934 110 31 391. Bureau of Public Roads................................... 28 937 63 392. Children's Bureau ....................................... 24 926 00 393. Defense Atomic Support Agency.......................... 50 621 54 394. Department of Agriculture................................ 95 213 29 395. Department of the Interior................................ 2 300 00 396. Department of Labor..................................... 72 264 84 397. Engineering Center ...................................... 19 141 93 398. Federal Housing Authority................................ 3 125 00 399. Fifth Army.............................................. 1 636 66 400. National Academy of Sciences............................ 1 123 34 401. National Aeronautics and Space Administration............ 430 391 00 402. National Defense Education Act.......................... 61 599 74 403. National Institutes of Health............................. 11 250 00 404. National Science Foundation.............................. 3 300 724 42 405. Naval Electronics Laboratory............................. 68 261 18 406. Navy Bureau of Ships.................................... 494 766 59 407. Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks......................... 5 000 00 408. Office of Education....................................... 777 276 07 409. Office of Civil Defense.................................... 36 376 69 410. Office of Naval Research................................. 2 652 413 48 411. Peace Corps ............................................. 92 914 79 412. Public Health Service.................................... 3 504 636 75 413. Small Business Administration............................ 8 150 00' 414. Social Security Administration............................ 31 224 00 415. Tennessee Valley Authority............................... 432 15 416. Vocational Rehabilitation Administration.................. 122 246 96 Total, United States Government Grants and Research Contracts.............................................$19 787 803 03 Research and Public Service Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies 417. Cities and Villages Municipal Problems Commission.......$ 22 500 00 418. State Department of Agriculture.......................... 73 131 30 419. State Department of Conservation......................... 108 829 88 420. State Department of Mental Health....................... 37 727 28 421. State Department of Public Safety........................ 71 797 09 422. State Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways ............................................ 340 852 64 423. State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation................ 45 216 00 424. State Housing Board..................................... 500000 425. State Library ............................................ 35 000 00 426. State Public Aid Commission............................. 13 000 00 427. State Superintendent of Public Instruction................ 45 997 77 Total, Research and Public Service Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies .....................................$ 799 051 96 1 Deduct, unused balance returned to government. 966 board of trustees [December 18 Miscellaneous Gifts of Books, Equipment, and Works of Art 428. Continental Can Company, Chicago: to the Department of Food Science: Carrier concentrator, pilot plant, and heat pump system; estimated value ..........................................$ 25 000 00 Sharpies super clarifier; estimated value................... 1 500 00 429. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hancock, Tuscola: to the School of Music, a harp and auxiliary equipment; estimated value.... 2 200 00 430. Stanley G. Harris, Chicago: to the College of Agriculture, a shorthorn bull; estimated value......................... 4 000 00 431. Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, California: to the Department of Electrical Engineering, a selection of Hewlett-Packard electronic instruments, including an RF harmonic wave analyzer with a motor drive unit; estimated value ............................................. 1 095 00 432. Kistler Instrument Corporation, Clarence, New York: to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, electronic pressure measuring equipment for use in Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory; estimated value........... 810 00 433. A. R. Staley: to the School of Music, a Carillon Americana, 305 bells; estimated value............................. 43 835 00 434. University of Illinois Foundation: To the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services: Two typewriters; estimated value............................... 305 00 Thirteen Perkins braille writers with cases; estimated value 1 312 12 To the Library, the Book of Genesis of the Gutenberg Bible; estimated value.................................... 15 000 00 435. Dr. Herbert S. Zim, Tavernier, Florida: to the Museum of Natural History, archaeological materials; estimated value.. 203 00 Gifts to the Krannert Art Museum............................ 36 100 00 436. American Academy of Arts and Letters, Childe Hassam Fund, New York, New York: a woodcut and wash print, "Death of a Poet," by Lorca; estimated value.............. 250 00 437. Professor and Mrs. Thomas E. Benner, Urbana: a Korean celadon vase, Koryo Dynasty; estimated value............. 500 00 438. Himan Brown, New York, New York: Painting, "Woman in Chains," by Benjamin Kopman; estimated value ............................................. 3 500 00 Painting, "Three Figures," by Alton Pickins; estimated value 5 000 00 439. Herbert Chase, Chase Gallery, New York, New York: a painting, "Space Between," by Ray Prohaska; estimated value..................................................... 1 200 00 440. Ford Foundation, New York, New York: Painting, "Persian Series #9," by Walter Barker; estimated value..................................................... 1 800 00 Oil, collage, stone, canvas on plywood, "Jurassic Frieze," by Lee Gatch; estimated value............................... 3 420 00 Painting, '"62 Summer Series No. 5," by Kyle Morris; estimated value ............................................. 1 800 00 Brass, "Sunaegis," by Bernard Rosenthal; estimated value.. 5 000 00 Mixed media on masonite, "East of Tonapah," by Louis Siegriest; estimated value................................ 1 260 00 441. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton R. Gaylord, Rockford: a painting, "The Honorable Lady Susan Poulet," by Jeremiah Davieson (1695-1745); estimated value.............................. 2 500 00 442. Mack Gilman, Gilman Galleries, Chicago: Painting, "Old Bickel Quarry," by Garfield Seibert; estimated value............................................. 500 00 Water color on paper, "Antigua No. 14," by Richard Wilt; estimated value ..................,....................... 250 00 443. George Goldstein, Chicago: a painting, "Portrait of a Nobleman," by Jean Louis Tocque (1696-1772); estimated value.. 7 000 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 967 444. Mr. and Mrs. Morton G. Schamberg, Highland Park: a painting, "Sienna Interior," by Arthur Osver; estimated value..................................................... 1 60000 445. Harry G. Sundheim, Jr., Chicago: a drawing by Wilfredo Lam; estimated value..................................... 400 00 446. Professor John Wesley Swanson, Champaign: a lithograph by Dostoievsky; estimated value..........................120 00 Total, Miscellaneous Gifts of Books, Equipment, and Works of Art ..............................................$ 131 360 12 Total, Colleges and Schools at Urbana-Champaign..........$25 959 943 07 Colleges at the Medical Center Scholarships, Prises, and Other Financial Aids 447. American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education: scholarships in pharmacy..................................$ 400 00 448. Estate of Dr. lone Fisher Beem: for the lone Fisher Beem Scholarship to a woman medical student (the bequest of this estate was reported to the Board of Trustees on February 20, 1963) ................................................ 10 000 00 449. Miss Bert Berkelhamer, Chicago: for the Dr. Ralph C. Berkelhamer Scholarship award........................... 100 00 450. Chicago Retail Druggists' Association: scholarship in pharmacy ..................................................... 300 00 451. Warren H. Cole Society: scholarship for freshman in medicine.................................................. 500 00 452. College of Medicine Class of 1963: four $100 scholarships for seniors in the College of Medicine..................... 400 00 453. Gazzolo Drug and Chemical Company: scholarships for pharmacy students ....................................... 400 00 454. Gqldenrod Ice Cream Company: two undergraduate scholarships in the College of Pharmacy.......................... 400 00 455. Humiston-Keeling and Company, Chicago: two scholarships in the College of Pharmacy............................... 400 00 456. Lag Drug Company: scholarship in the College of Pharmacy 300 00 457. McKesson and Robbins, Inc.: scholarships in the College of Pharmacy............................................ 300 00 458. Osco Drug Company, Inc.: scholarships in the College of Pharmacy, academic year 1962-63......................... 800 00 459. Photo Service, Inc.: scholarship in pharmacy.............. 300 00 460. Jerome D. Solomon Memorial Foundation: an endowment to establish the Jerome D. Solomon Memorial Scholarship, the income to be used for a scholarship to be awarded annually to a student in the College of Medicine............. 20 000 00 461. Paul Stratton, Chicago: scholarships in the College of Pharmacy................................................ 496 40 462. J. M. Thomas, Chicago: for the J. M. and E. M. Thomas Undergraduate Scholarship in Pharmacy.................. 200 00 463. Walgreen Benefit Fund: for a Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Scholarship Award to a junior in the College of Pharmacy.. 300 00 464. Dr. Rudolf E. Wilhelm, Detroit, an alumnus: to the Rachelle S. Yarros Fund for a scholarship in medicine.............. 150 00 465. Women's Auxiliary of the University of Illinois at the Medical Center: scholarships in the Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy............................. 1 000 00 466. Women's Organization of Chicago Retail Druggists' Association : scholarship in the College of Pharmacy........... 300 00 467. Block Drug Company, Jersey City: for an award for the best essay by a senior dental student...................... 200 00 468. Dr. Edward C. Wach, Associate Professor, Emeritus: for cash prizes to fourth-year students in dentistry who are successful in an annual thesis contest...................... 992 19 469. American Dental Association: to the fund for Dental Education Student Loan Fund................................ 1 176 00 968 board of trustees [December 18 470. Bristol Laboratories: to establish a loan fund for interns and residents in the hospitals associated with the College of Medicine ............................................. 10 000 00 471. International College of Dentists : for student loans........ 300 00 472. Merck Company Foundation, Rahway, New Jersey: for the George W. Merck Loan Fund to provide loans for interns and residents in medicine................................. 4 000 00 473. Lulu Maude Moore: for establishment of a long-term student loan fund......................................... 205 00 474. Organization Fund of the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago: for student Joans.................... 1 000 00 475. Women's Auxiliary of the University of Illinois at the Medical Center: for long-term student loans....................2 000 00 Total, Scholarships, Prises, and Other Financial Aids......$ 56 919 59~ Funds for Fellowships and Research 476. Evanston Drama Club, Evanston: fellowship in orthopaedic surgery...................................................$ 500 00 477. Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, New York: two research fellowships for medical students........................... 1 200 00 478. Ford Foundation, New York, New York: for fellowships for student research on reproductive biology............... 8 000 00 479. Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana: fellowship in microbiology .......................................... 600000 480. Tobacco Industry Research Committee, New York, New York: fellowship ........................................ 600 00 481. Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County: fellowship in the Department of Medicine....................... 5 000 00 482. American Cancer Society, New York, New York.......... 131 907 00 To the Department of Radiology for research on therapeutic lymphangiography .................$ 9 380 00 To the Department of Surgery for: Institutional research grant.................... 30 000 00 Study of cellular damage in animal and human tumors exposed in vitro and in vivo to anticancer compounds.................................... 22 818 00 Tumor clinic cancer registry................... 5 000 00 To the Department of Physiology for a study of the permeability of mitochondria............... 11 460 00 To the Department of Biochemistry for: Study of the specificity of glycolytic pathway enzymes....................................... 17 428 00 Study of the separation of enzymes from normal and pathological serum using cellulose ion exchangers ...................................... 23 833 00 To the Department of Pathology for a study of immunity of mice of inbred strains to isologous tumors induced by Fl tumors.................. 11 988 00 483. American Heart Association............................... 6 000 00 To the College of Medicine for research in medical education .............................$ 5 000 00 To the Department of Medicine for investigations on the kidney in health and disease........ 1 000 00 484. American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation: to the Department of Medicine for studies on pituitary gonadotrophins.................................. 1 000 00 485. American Rheumatism Association: to the Department of Medicine for variability studies........................... 1 000 00 486. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Boggs, Paris: to the Department of Surgery for the Bristow Cancer Research Fund........... 10 00 487. Borg-Warner Corporation, Chicago: to the Department of Chemistry for research in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.............................................. 500 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 969 488. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks and Lt. Col. and Mrs. Milton Carr, San Leandro, California: to the College of Medicine for the Elizabeth Murdock Livingston Memorial Fund for studies in the prevention or cure of hepatitis............... 5 00 489. Edward Bullard, Chicago: to the Department of Surgery, in memory of his daughter, for cancer research............ 1 000 00 490. Mrs. Winifred Carpenter, Portland, Oregon: to the Department of Surgery for the Bristow Cancer Research Fund.... 10 00 491. Casey Community United Fund, Casey: to the Department of Surgery for........................................... 4 100 00 Cancer research ..............................$ 2 050 00 Heart research ............................... 2 050 00 492. Chicago Dermatological Society: to the Department of Dermatology, in memory of Dr. Marcus Caro, a former member of the faculty, for research....................... 15 00 493. Chicago Dysautonomia Society, Inc.: to the Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology for studies of acetyl- choline metabolism in dysautonomia....................... 1 000 00 494. Chicago Heart Association................................ 8 622 00 To the Department of Preventive Medicine for studies of biochemical, medical, and psychological parameters of the acute pressor response in hypertensive subj ects ..........................$ 6 622 00 To the Department of Surgery for studies of externalization through prosthesis of pulmonary and systemic arterial circulation................ 2 000 00 495. Children's Research Foundation: to the Department of Psychiatry for research in Tay-Sachs disease.............. 600 00 496. Dr. Warren H. Cole, Chicago: for a living trust for research in the College of Medicine......................... 4 000 00 497. Commonwealth Foundation, New York, New York: to the College of Medicine for study and evaluation of medical education................................................. 64 000 00 498. John N. Crouse Dental Endowment Fund: to the Department of Dental Radiology for longitudinal studies of dental health status of young adult males........................ 1 100 00 499. Deerfield Bannockburn United Fund: to the Department of Surgery for cancer research............................... 750 00 500. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company: for studies of antiviral chemotherapy ................................... 17 000 00 501. Dr. Ward H. Eastman, Peoria: to the Ward Eastman and James Hurlbut Gift Fund for research in surgery.......... 100 00 502. Eureka United Fund: to the Department of Surgery for heart research ........................................... 231 25 503. Employees of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago: to the Department of Preventive Medicine for research in polio care...................................................... 97 75 504. Geigy Pharmaceuticals, Yonkers, New York: to the Department of Pharmacology for a study of the action of autono- mic drugs on the central nervous system.................. 4 000 00 505. Bequest of Lizzie Gilman: an endowment, the income to be used for research in the field of mental illness (the bequest was reported to the Board of Trustees on May 24, 1962)... 45 244 62 506. Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc., Nutley, New Jersey: to the Division of Anesthesiology of the Department of Surgery for support of basic research............................. 7 000 00 507. Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Chicago: to the Department of Surgery for cancer research................ 1 000 00 508. Mead Johnson and Company: to the Department of Pediatrics for a study of prophylaxis of anemia of prematurity.. 6 000 00 509. Joint Committee on Tuberculosis Medical Research: to the Department of Pediatrics for pulmonary function studies in infants with respiratory disease........................... 4 250 00 970 board of trustees [December 18 510. Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, New York: to the Department of Medicine for a study of infectious diseases and related fields ............................................ 10 000 00 511. Leukemia Research Foundation, Inc.: to the Department of Biological Chemistry for a study of biosynthesis of plasma glycoproteins............................................. 5 500 00 512. Licensed Beverage Industry: to the Department of Pharmacology for studies to determine if ethyl alcohol is metabolized in the intact animal to the same "acetaldehydro-genic" compound that has been detected previously in malonate-inhibited homogenates of rat liver............... 1 600 00 513. Lions International Club, Norris City: to the Department of Surgery for the Norris City Cancer Research Fund..... 200 00 514. Markle Foundation: for the John and Mary R. Markle Scholar Award in Medical Science for research in the Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry (this is the first installment of a $30,000 grant to be paid over a five-year period)................................................... 12 000 00 515. National Association for Mental Health: to the Department of Psychiatry for................................... 5 050 00 Research in the synthesis and breakdown of proteins, nucleic acids in neurons and glia in culture........................................$ 1 250 00 Research in schizophrenia...................... 3 800 00 516. National Foundation, New York, New York............... 27 473 00 To the Department of Medicine for a study of meiotic abnormalities in mammals..............$ 20 873 00 To the Department of Pediatrics for a study of congenital defects special treatment center...... 6 600 00 517. Parke, Davis, and Company: to the Department of Pediatrics for cytogentic studies in aplastic anemia............... 9 500 00 518. Riker Laboratories, Inc.: to the Department of Pharmacology for studies of drug induced relaxation of decerebrate rigidity................................................... 1 430 00 519. Roanoke Area United Fund, to the Department of Surgery for:...................................................... 828 00 Cancer research...............................$ 552 00 Heart research................................ 276 00 520. Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Hanover, New Jersey: to the College of Medicine....................................... 18 500 00 To the Department of Preventive Medicine for a study of hypertension and headache mechanisms.$ 10 000 00 To the Department of Pharmacology for a study of neuropharmacology ........................ 6 000 00 To the Department of Medicine for a study of chemical mediators ............................ 2 500 00 521. Schering Corporation, Bloomfield, New Jersey: to the Department of Medicine for studies of treatment of infections caused by gram negative bacteremia............... 7 500 00 522. G. D. Searle and Company: to the Department of Pediatrics for growth hormone studies............................... 6 750 00 523. Teagle Foundation, Inc., New York, New York: to the Department of Psychiatry for paralysis agitans research... 8 000 00 524. United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation 9 531 00 To the Department of Anatomy for studies of immunochemical characteristics of nerve tissue..$ 3 656 50 To the Department of Pediatrics for studies of symptomatic hypoglycemia in the neonate, patho-genesis --- late sequelae ........................ 5 875 00 525. University of Chicago: to the Department of Medical Social Work for research....................................... 8 991 10 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 971 526. University of Illinois Foundation......................... 16 800 00 To the College of Dentistry for research.......$ 1 800 00 To the College of Medicine for research........ 15 000 00 527. David Wilson Family, Franklin: to the Department of Surgery for studies of chemotherapy of cancer of the stomach..................................................307 50 Total, Funds for Fellowships and Research................$ 481 803 72 Funds for Educational and Research Programs 528. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago: graduate education in pharmacology.............................................$ 2 000 00 529. American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation: reallocation by the Dean of the College of Medicine................................................. 48 1S9 74 530. Mrs. Fremont A. Chandler, New York, New York: to the Chandler Research Fund for guest lectures in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery............................. 200 00 531. Chicago Community Trust: to the William Allen Pusey Fund for purchase of dermatological books and periodicals in the Library of Medical Sciences........................ 1 000 00 532. Chicago Doll Collectors Club: to purchase a reclining sleep chair for use of parents remaining overnight because their children are critically ill.................................. 139 00 533. Mrs. Elsie Chiz, Midlothian: to the Patient Drug Fund.... 100 00 534. Commonwealth Fund: for remodeling and equipment of office for study of medical education...................... 139 500 00 535. Donald G. Daus: to the College of Medicine, an unrestricted gift...................................................... 8 00 536. Fund for Dental Education, Inc., Chicago: to the College of Dentistry for publication of the proceedings of the conference on the teaching of manual skills................... 2 050 00 537. Mead Johnson and Company: for the Pediatric Residents' Education Fund.......................................... 500 00 538. W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Michigan: to the College of Dentistry for a teacher-education program...... 36 000 00 539. National Foundation, Cook County Chapter: for the salary of a junior laboratory mechanic for maintaining respiratory equipment in the Rehabilitation Center of the Research and Educational Hospitals .................................... 4 800 00 540. National Fund for Medical Education: an instructional grant..................................................... 49 515 00 541. Physicians and Dentists Foundation: to the Research and Educational Hospitals .................................... 825 00 542. South Shore Service League: for the Orthopaedic Children's Assistance Fund to provide comfort and entertainment to the children on orthopaedic service in the Research and Educational Hospitals................................ 500 00 543. Various donors: to the Division of Services for Crippled Children.................................................. 61 199 90 544. Various donors: to the Department of Medicine........... 1 082 65 Girls of Busey Hall, Urbana...................$ 222 65 Delavan Community Chest..................... 360 00 Charles Kulosky, Chicago...................... 5 00 In memory of Landon Stableford.............. 495 00 545. Various donors: to the Department of Occupational Therapy.................................................. 340 00 Women's Auxiliary of the University of Illinois at the Medical Center..........................$ 300 00 Mrs. Ralph E. Anderson, Chicago.............. 25 00 Mrs. Robert Shephard, Paris................. 5 00 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs........... 10 00 972 board of trustees [December 18 546. Various donors: to the Department of Orthodontics........ 1 350 00 Dr. Arthur B. Lewis..........................$ 150 00 Dr. George D. Sturman........................ 200 00 University of Illinois Orthodontic Alumni Society........................................ 1 000 00 547. Various donors: to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery 3 920 00 American Limb and Orthopaedic Company, Chicago.......................................$ 10 00 William J. DeCock, Escanaba, Michigan........ 300 00 Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, Chicago........... 945 00 In memory of Cheryl Kraemer................. 48 00 Women of the Rotary Club of Chicago.......... 2 227 00 Dr. Horace E. Turner, Chicago................ 15 00 New York University.......................... 375 00 548. Various donors: to the Department of Otolaryngology..... 2 025 00 Dr. Edward L. Chainski........................$ 25 00 Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Lederer.................... 2 000 00 549. Various donors: to the Department of Pediatrics.......... 1 244 10 Downers Grove United Fund, Inc...............$ 79 35 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Gross in memory of their son, Henry.............................. 1 000 00 Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Harris, in memory of their niece, Mary Ann Karamitsos................... 25 00 In memory of Scott Lindeman................. 62 25 Friends of Bonnie McCarville.................. 20 00 Employees of Morrison General Electric Company .......................................... 10 00 J. D. Scott of the Holy Trinity Evangelical] Church of Glenview...........................j- 35 00 Town and Country Restaurant.................J Miss Alice Sinnot and others at the Morrison General Electric Company, in memory of Baby Stenson........................................ 12 50 550. Various donors: for student aid.......................... 2 859 69 Dr. Lester D. Kaplin...........................$ 50 00 Dr. W. H. Kubacki............................ 1 000 00 Lewis Elbert Martin Memorial Fund........... 1 259 69 College of Pharmacy Alumni Association...... 250 00 University of Illinois Organization Fund, Medical Center .................................... 300 00 551. Various donors: to the Department of Surgery............ 1 843 50 Dr. Warren H. Cole...........................$ 25 00 In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Crabtree.......... 60 00 Mr. A. F. French in memory of Dr. Frank L. Meleney....................................... 25 00 Mrs. Henry T. Martin in memory of Mr. Martin 110 00 Friends of Joseph Miller....................... 90 00 Friends in memory of Mrs. Marilyn Napier..... 368 00 Princeville Community Council................. 250 00 Gilbert P. O'Connor........................... 200 00 Dr. William Requarth......................... 500 00 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Skokie Valley Post 3854........................................... 7 50 In memory of Mrs. Jessie Watts................ 108 00 Mrs. Esther Yampolsky........................ 50 00 Anonymous donor ............................. 50 00 552. Watson-Gailey Eye Foundation, Bloomington: to the Department of Ophthalmology for a resident training program 2 000 00 553. Winesingers: to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery for purchase of a television set............................ 148 47 554. Women's Auxiliary of the University of Illinois at the Medical Center: to the Research and Educational Hospitals to help defray the expenses in connection with the Volunteer Program.................................................. 250 00 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 973 555. E. R. Squibb and Company: to the Department of Medicine, funds for domestic and foreign travel related to studies in hematology...............................................500 00 Total, Funds for Educational and Research Programs. .$ 364 060 05 United States Government Grants and Research Contracts 556. Agency for International Development.....................$ 352 128 18 557. Air Force ............................................... 9 451 44 558. Army Surgeon General................................... 154 048 04 559. Atomic Energy Commission............................... 27 417 00 560. National Science Foundation.............................. 44 034 85 561. Office of Naval Research.................................. 34 364 44 562. Public Health Service..................................... 2 976 812 10 563. Vocational Rehabilitation Administration................... 7 445 24 564. Various Agencies for educational grants...................200 00 Total, United States Government Grants and Research Contracts.........................................$ 3 605 901 29 Research and Public Service Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies 565. Department of Mental Health.............................$ 148 116 24 Residency training in psychiatry................$ 16 116 70 Chromosomal abnormalities in mental retardation 7 081 53 The relationship of neonatal hypoglycemia to neurological damage in prematurely born infants 2 195 54 Relation of neural metabolism to function...... 27 638 15 Study of tissue culture of neurons.............. 1 223 10 The role of proteins of the brain in normal and abnormal brain functions....................... 27 921 45 Psychosomatic differentiation in infancy........ 65 923 42 Dental treatment of residents of Healy School.. 38 08 Refund to donor............................... --- 21 73 Total, Research and Public Service Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies...............................$ 148 116 24 Gifts of Equipment and Library Materials 566. Anonymous donors; estimated value.......................$ 2 359 00 Jewelry alcohol torch..........................$ 12 00 Remington electric shaver...................... 20 00 Remington roll-a-matic electric shaver.......... 20 00 Turbo-jet dental unit........................... 850 00 Suction apparatus facudent-densco............. 367 00 McKesson compressor ........................ 400 00 Aerotor....................................... 600 00 Universal controls............................. 50 00 X-ray illuminator ............................. 40 00 567. Corn Products Company: a file, elevator-diebold super; estimated value .......................................... 1 500 00 568. Mrs. R. Henner: to the Department of Otolaryngology, a Leitz trinocular microscope; estimated value............... 1 407 00 569. Horder's, Inc.: a tapewriter-dymo-mite; estimated value... 60 00 570. Dr. L. S. King: to the Library of Medical Sciences, five books; estimated value.................................... 105 00 571. M. A. Manger: to the Allergy Clinic of the Research and Educational Hospitals, a Miconaire electrostatic filter; estimated value ............................................. 100 00 572. R. M. Metal Products Company: three welders; estimated value..................................................... 105 00 573. Dr. R. C. Muerche: air conditioner; estimated value....... 300 00 574. Dr. W. F. Peterson: micrometer Zeiss ocular; estimated value..................................................... 25 00 575. Picker X-Ray Corporation: to the Research and Educational Hospitals, a body phantom dosimeter; estimated value 500 00 576. Ritter Company: fifteen rotor handpieces; estimated value. . 6 600 00 974 board of trustees [December 18 577. Miss D. Swanson: three falcon transistor radios; estimated value..................................................... 89 85 578. Western Electric Company: to the Department of Radiology, seventeen X-ray cassettes; estimated value..........600 00 Total, Gifts of Equipment and Library Materials.......$ 13 750 85 Total, Colleges at the Medical Center..................$ 4 670 551 74 Colleges at the Chicago Undergraduate Division 579. Amsted Industries, Inc., Chicago: to the Foundry and Pattern Laboratory for financial aid for students interested in the foundry industry.....................................$ 250 00 580. Foundry Educational Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio: scholarships in engineering.......................................250 00 Total, Colleges at the Chicago Undergraduate Dizfision $ 500 00 Gifts to the University of Illinois Foundation 581. Envelope Fund Projects (formerly Illini Achievement Fund)....................................................$ 270 418 22 582. Other Gifts for Current Purposes......................... 92 503 95 583. Endowment Funds ....................................... 642 919 04 584. Funds for Physical Plant Purposes........................ 78 521 91 Total, Gifts to the University of Illinois Foundation$ 1 084 363 12 Summary Funds from Private Donors To the University For Urbana-Champaign ..................................$ 3 450 731 08 For Chicago Colleges and Divisions........................ 917 034 21 To the University of Illinois Foundation..................... 1 084 363 12 Total...................................................$ 5 452 128 41 Funds from United States Government For Urbana-Champaign (including $233,000 from National Defense Education Act for student loan program for all campuses)...............................................$21 710 160 03 For Chicago Colleges and Divisions.......................... 3 605 901 29 Total...................................................$25 316 061 32 Funds from Contracts with State of Illinois Agencies For Urbana-Champaign ....................................$ 799 051 96 For Chicago Colleges and Divisions.......................... 148 116 24 Total...................................................$ 947 168 20 Grand Total ...........................................$31 715 357 93 On motion of Mr. Johnston, this report was received for record. CHANGE IN NAME OF ASSEMBLY HALL President Clement read the following letter received by members of the Board of Trustees from the Governor of Illinois: Office of the Governor Springfield Otto Kerner November 30, 1963 Governor Honorable Howard IV. Clement University of Illinois Board of Trustees 355 Stratford Road Des Plaines, Illinois Dear Mr. Clement : As a tribute to the late President Kennedy, I request that, at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, you consider naming the new assembly hall on the Champaign campus in his honor. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 975 It is fitting and proper that this unique and magnificent structure bear the name of John F. Kennedy, because he brought to the Presidency a love of athletics and the arts --- two vital facets of our life for which the assembly hall was erected. Sincerely, Otto Kerner Governor On motion of Mr. Swain, this request was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and advice to the Board. Mr. Dilliard suggested that the Committee secure student opinion on the proposal. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointment of fellow; resignations and cancellations; leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Abdel-Latif, Ata, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, without salary (11-7-63). Ainsworth, William A., Visiting Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), October 21, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,000 a year (11-20-63). Albuquerque, Edson X., Instructor in Pharmacology (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Bagwell, John T., Jr., Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,200, supersedes (11-15-63). Bezkorovainy, Anatoly, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Century, Bernard, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Chavez, Joseph D., Associate Professor of Military Science and Head of the Department (Chicago Undergraduate Division), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, without salary (11-21-63). Dahms, Robert E., Clinical Instructor in Urology (Surgery) (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Derbyshire, Arthur J., Associate Professor of Speech (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary; this is in addition to his appointment as Research Associate Professor of Otolaryn-gology (Medicine) (11-18-63). Detert David, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), eight months from January 1, 1964, $4,000, supersedes (11-29-63). Doane, Warren, Assistant in Radiology (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, without salary (11-27-63). Eggleton, Reginald C, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), nine months from December 1, 1963, $9,600 a year, supersedes (11-26-63). Ferdman, Nadine, Research Assistant in Chemistry, eight months from January 1, 1964 $3433.36 (12-3-63). Fetrow, Kenneth O., Clinical Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Fleites, Alberto L., Assistant in Anesthesiology (Surgery) (Medicine), November 5, 1963-June 30, 1964, without salary (11-27-63). Frankel, Marvin, Professor of Economics, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, without salary; this is in addition to his appointment as Research Professor in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, on V$ time, and Associate Dean of the Graduate College, on Vi time (11-18-63). Gillette, Howard E., Clinical Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry), and in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (11-13-63). 976 board of trustees [December 18 Goldberg, Mrs. Norma B., Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology (Surgery) (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63) Grush, Hubert L., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C) eight months from January 1, 1964, $4,000, supersedes (11-29-63). Harrison, Robert M., Research Associate in Soil Chemistry (Agronomy) (S) November 8, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year, supersedes (11-20-63). Hart, Masy L., Acquisition Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,325 (12-3-63). Henderson, John D., Visiting Professor of Library Science (Graduate School of Library Science), 2/3 time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $3,800, supersedes (11-20-63). Jermo, Betty L., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Research and Educational Hospitals), College of Pharmacy, nine months from December 1, 1963, $7,850 a year (12-3-63). Johnson, Olaf K., Clinical Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry) and in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963 without salary (11-13-63). Kirschenbaum, M. Barry, Clinical Instructor in Dermatology (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Kraatz, James, Research Assistant in Education (University High School, Mathematics Project), one year from September 1, 1963, $5,150, supersedes (11-11-63). Krehbiel, Robert H., Professor of Anatomy on the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/fe-2, for the day August 1, 1963, and resuming service August 19, 1963, and continuing through August 31, 1963, $17,814 a year, and for the period September 1, 1963-August 17, 1965, $18,688 a year; and Professor of Anatomy (Medicine), indefinite tenure for the academic year beginning September 1, 1965, supersedes (11-9-63). MacLeod, Roderick, Research Associate in Botany, ten months from November 1, 1963, $6,500 a year (11-29-63). Mason, James H., Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), Ya time, nine months from December 1, 1963, $7,350 a year, supersedes (11-18-63). Menachof, Irwin, Clinical Instructor in Ophthalmology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Milewski, Joseph, Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center, Chicago), 3/10 time, ten months from November 1, 1963, $3,400 a year (11-20-63). Miquel, Mrs. Anne-Marie, Research Assistant in Chemistry, eight months from January 1, 1964, $3,433.36 (11-26-63). Nasatir, Shelley H., Assistant in Radiology (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, without salary (11-27-63). Norton, Mrs. Winifred, Visiting Instructor in Library Science (Graduate School of Library Science), Vi time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,500 (11-20-63). Ohlsen, Merle M., Professor of Educational Psychology (Education), indefinite tenure from March 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $13,600 a year, supersedes (12-3-63). O'Neill, John J., Professor of Audiology, Department of Otolaryngology (Medicine), indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, without salary; this is in addition to his appointment as Professor of Speech and Director of the Speech and Hearing Clinics (Liberal Arts and Sciences) and Counselor on the University Council on Teacher Education (Education) (11-18-63). Oppenheimer, Mrs. Zelda V., Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), October 22, 1963-January 31, 1964, $555.55 a month (11-18-63). Pepper, George, Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center, Chicago), 15/100 time, November 1, 1963-August 31, 1964, $1,800 a year; this is in addition to his appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Medicine), without salary (11-20-63). ReddY, Redlarepaka Ramchandra, Research Assistant in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, $4,500 (11-26-63). 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 977 Reimer, Bennett, Assistant Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education (College of Education), i/$pD time, and of Music (College of Fine and Applied Arts), Vi time, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,250, supersedes (11-14-63). Ritter, Diane S., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, $6,800 a year, supersedes (11-12-63). Schuyler, Noah R., Visiting Lecturer in Economics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Vi time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $2,000 (11-19-63). Shaughnessy, Howard ]., Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine on the Faculty of Medicine, Chiengmai Hospital, Chiengmai, Thailand, under Contract AID/fe-2, for the day October 11 1963, and resuming service October 23, 1963, and continuing through April 13, 1964, $25,437 a year; and Professor of Public Health arid Head of the Department (Medicine), indefinite tenure, f$ time, for the period October 12-22, 1963, and beginning April 14, 1964, $18,500 a year, supersedes (11-9-63). Siegel, Peter, Physician in the Health Service (Medical Center, Chicago), 15/100 time, ten months from November 1, 1963, $1,800 a year; this is in addition to his appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Medicine), without salary (11-20-63). Simpson, Kenneth H., Clinical Instructor in Urology (Surgery) (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Smith, Alexander T., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), eleven months from October 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). Starshak, Thomas J., Clinical Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dentistry) and in Surgery (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (11-13-63). Wheeler, James E., Instructor in Accountancy, % time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $1,950, supersedes (11-12-63). Wilmot, Mrs. Candace, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,200 (11-15-63). Witting, Lloyd A., Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (12-3-63). FELLOW (The following appointment made by the Dean of the Graduate College was approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Bassel, Byron A., Jr., Postdoctoral Fellow in Microbiology, seven months from December 1, 1963, $3,500 (11-11-63). RESIGNATIONS AND CANCELLATIONS Agustsson, Magnus H., Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Medicine) --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. Anand, Satish C, Research Associate in Agronomy --- resignation effective December 19, 1963. Brooker, Elmer W., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering---resignation effective November 13, 1963. Fischer, Don A., Assistant in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine) --- resignation effective October 1, 1963. Dworschak, Friedrich, Research Associate in Physics --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. Gupta, Om Prakash, Assistant Professor of Radiology (Dentistry) --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. Hamilton, Robert C, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Orthopaedist in the Division of Services for Crippled Children --- resignation effective July 1, 1963. Hassler, Mrs. Ida P., Research Assistant in Chemistry---resignation effective October 1, 1963. Mattison, Donald C, Jr., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry) --- resignation effective November 9, 1963. Olson Ross G., Assistant in Medicine (Medicine) --- cancellation effective October 12, 1963. 978 board of trustees [December 18 Seymour, Digby G., Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology (Surgery) (Medicine) --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. Viswanathan, Lakshmikanthrao, Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. Wang, Mrs. Venetia, Bibliographer in the Library with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective January 13, 1964. Wann, Elbert V., Research Associate in Vegetable Crops --- resignation effective December 1, 1963. Wente, Henry L., Instructor in Clinical Dentistry (Dentistry) --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Banta, Frank G., Associate Professor of German and Chairman of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1964, so that he may accept an appointment as Professor in the German Department of Indiana University. Kaiser, Henry F., Professor of Educational Psychology (College of Education) and of Psychology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) ---leave of absence, without pay, from September 1, 1964, and continuing to February 1, 1965, so that he may accept the L. L. Thurstone Distinguished Fellowship in Psychometrics at the University of North Carolina. Marx, Werner, Assistant Professor of German --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1964, so that he may accept a teaching position in a national school or an American-sponsored school abroad under the United States Government. Ross, O. Burr, Professor of Animal Science and Head of the Department --- leave of absence, without pay, beginning November 4 and continuing through December 15, 1963, so that he may be a Member of Joint Indo-American Review Team (Agricultural Research and Education), a Rockefeller Foundation assignment. LETTER FROM SECRETARY OF THE STATE UNIVERSITIES RETIREMENT SYSTEM President Clement read a letter from the Secretary of the State Universities Retirement System expressing appreciation of the new office quarters provided for it by the University. APPOINTMENT TO THE MERIT BOARD OF THE UNIVERSITY CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM OF ILLINOIS President Clement called attention to the vacancy in the representation of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on the Merit Board of the University Civil Service System of Illinois, due to the resignation of Judge A. Harewood as a Trustee, and asked if the Board wished to take any action. Mrs. Watkins nominated Mr. Earl M. Hughes. Mr. Johnston moved that the nominations be closed, and this motion was adopted. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Hughes was elected to serve with Mr. Timothy W. Swain and Mr. Harold Pogue on the Merit Board of the University Civil Service System of Illinois as representatives of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH MEETINGS President Qement announced that the next three meetings of the Board are scheduled for January 15, February 19, and March 10, 1964. The Board has previously voted to hold the January meeting in Chicago. It was the consensus of the Board that the February meeting should be held as scheduled on February 19, and in Urbana. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 979 On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to change the date of the annual meeting from the second Tuesday, March 10, to the third Wednesday, March 18, 1964, to be held in Urbana. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session has been requested and was being ordered for consideration of patentable inventions and property acquisitions. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board recessed. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members and officers of the Board and of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes. The Board considered the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY PATENT COMMITTEE (1) The University Patent Committee submits, with the concurrence of the University Research Board, the following reports and recommendations relating to patentable inventions by members of the staff. 1. Liquid helium cooled tilting stage for an electron microscope --- J. A. Venables, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, inventor. The invention is a very low temperature stage for an electron microscope provided by the use of nitrogen as a cooler so that specimen contamination is not a problem. It was developed under an Atomic Energy Commission contract. Federal law provides that in such an event, the Commission has the sole discretion as to the disposition of the invention. The Commission has advised the University that it does not wish to apply for a patent. It is the opinion of Professor G. M. Almy of the Department of Physics and the Atomic Energy Commission that this invention has limited possibilities for commercial value and the Patent Committee concurs with this opinion. The inventor has requested that the invention be released to him. Accordingly, the Patent Committee recommends the release of the rights of the University in the invention to the inventor subject to any contractual obligations that the University may have to the United States government. 2. Production and application of acoustic waves resulting from pulsed RF discharges in gases --- Ladislas Goldstein, Professor of Electrical Engineering, M. R. Roux, former Research Assistant in the Gaseous Electronics Laboratory, and J. A. Dayton, Jr., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, inventors. This discovery consists of the production of ordinary sound waves and pseudo-sound waves in low-pressure gasses by the breakdown of such gasses by high powered pulsed micro wave signals. The Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering is of the opinion that this invention has little likelihood of commercial value. The Patent Committee concurs in this opinion and recommends that the rights of the University be leased to the inventors subject to any contractual obligations that the Univer- : sity may have to the United States government and with the further stipulation that if the inventors do not exercise their rights to file for a patent within a I reasonable period that all rights of the University be transferred to the govern- i ment. '. 3. Two-slit optical interferometer --- J. B. Gerardo, Graduate Assistant in the < Gaseous Electronics Laboratory, inventor. This device provides a means of ; shifting the phase of the light impinging in one of the slits thereby shifting the fringe pattern. ' The Head of the Electrical Engineering Department is of the opinion that this invention will prove to have little commercial value. The Patent Committee '; concurs in this opinion and recommends that the rights of the University be released to the inventor subject to any contractual obligations that the University may have to the United States government and with the further stipulation that 980 board of trustees [December 18 if the inventor does not exercise his rights to file for a patent within a reasonable period that all rights of the University be transferred to the government. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 2O5 SOUTH GOODWIN AVENUE, URBANA (2) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the property at 205 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, Illinois, at a price of $30,500 which is within the appraisals received. The property consists of a lot 46 feet by 60 feet (2,760 square feet) and is improved with a two-story and basement brick veneer residence. This lot is the last remaining parcel not owned by the University in the area bounded by Green Street, Goodwin Avenue, Mathews Avenue, and Western Avenue. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted and supports the recommendation. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchase of this property, at the price indicated, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 6O3 EAST DANIEL STREET, CHAMPAIGN (3) On October 26, 1963, the Board of Trustees authorized the purchase of the property at 603 East Daniel Street, Champaign, commonly referred to as the Thunderbird Restaurant property, by negotiation at a price not to exceed $100,000. The Board also authorized the Executive Committee to adopt a resolution for institution of condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property if negotiations for the purchase were not successful.1 The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller report that they have not succeeded in negotiating purchase of the property at a price they can recommend. Accordingly, they request authorization of condemnation proceedings for acquisition of this property along with the adjoining property at 605 East Daniel Street, Champaign, commonly referred to as the Cosmopolitan Club, which the University is also seeking to acquire through condemnation. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund. I concur, and the following resolution is offered: Resolution Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to wit: The East Half of the North Seventy-three (73) feet of Lot Four (4) in Block One (1) of A. T. Hall's Addition to the City of Champaign, Illinois, situated in the City of Champaign, in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois: is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for a vehicular parking area for staff members of the University of Illinois in the conduct of the educational functions of the University of Illinois and for other educational purposes conducted and to be conducted, and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois, and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its 1 The negotiations for purchase of this property were still under way until shortly before today's meeting of the Board so that the Executive Committee had no occasion to act in the matter. --- Secretary's Note. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 981 duty to the people of said State and for public use; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land but that said owners have refused to sell and convey said land to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continue to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the Compensation to be paid by it for said land can not be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said land and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Swain the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 13O6 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, URBANA (4) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1306 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana. The property is a lot 66 feet by 100 feet (6,600 square feet) with a two and one-half story and basement frame building now used for apartments and student rooms. The land is needed as part of the site for the Digital Computer Laboratory Building Second Addition. On the basis of University appraisals, the owner has been advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $39,500. This offer is not acceptable, and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. Accordingly, the Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property. 982 board of trustees [December 18 The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted and supports the recommendation. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution. Resolution Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot Eight (8) in Block Fifty-four (54) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois: is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for a site for an addition to the Digital Computer Laboratory and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owner of said land for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owner of said property and he and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owner for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owner thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owner thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between him and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owner thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceedings. 1963] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 983 On motion of Mr. Williamson, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner. ACQUISITION OF FARMLAND IN LA SALLE COUNTY (S) The Board of Trustees on October 26, 1963, authorized the purchase of one hundred and sixty acres of farmland in La Salle County adjoining a farm of the same size which is part of the farmlands given to the University by Miss Laura Weber. The land was sold at public auction by the administrator of the estate. The University was represented at the sale by Mr. R. B. Taylor of Newark, whose services were secured by the Department of Agricultural Economics. The Vice-President and Comptroller reports that the University was the successful bidder at a price of $560 an acre, or $89,600, and that the land has been purchased. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this report was received for record. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board adjourned. Following adjournment, members of the Board and officers of the Board, officers of the University, and representative delegations of the staff at the Medical Center and at the Chicago Undergraduate Division were guests of officers of the First National Bank of Chicago at luncheon. Following the luncheon, the Committees on General Policy and Buildings and Grounds held work sessions. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS January 15, 1964 The January meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Sheraton-Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, January 15, 1964, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Theodore A. Jones, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Irving Dilliard and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Acting Provost Jack W. Peltason, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Dr. C. W. Sanford, Dean of Admissions and Records; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 985 986 board of trustees [January 15 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on May 15, 1963, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 483 to 529, inclusive. APPOINTMENT OF THEODORE A. JONES TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES President Howard W. Clement announced that Governor Otto Kerner on December 20, 1963, appointed Mr. Theodore A. Jones to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Richard A. Harewood, now a Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County, for the term expiring in March, 1965.1 Mr. Clement introduced Mr. Jones, who took his place with the Board. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Mr. Clement appointed Mr. Jones to the following standing committees: Athletic Activities, Buildings and Grounds, General Policy, Patents, and Student Welfare and Activities (Chairman) to serve until the annual meeting of the Board in March, 1964, or until successors to standing committees have been appointed. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Cerificates Melvin Davidson Evergreen Park, Illinois District of Columbia Robert Bruno Fromm Chicago, Illinois District of Columbia Dwight Albert Johnson Western Springs, Illinois California John Francis Keller Skokie, Illinois Wisconsin Jerry John Perpich Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Ronald Edward Teehan Ottawa, Illinois Wisconsin I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these certificates were awarded. 1 A certificate from the Secretary of State of Illinois of the Governor's appointment of Mr. Jones and copies of the Governor's letters relating to this appointment have been filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 987 APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (2) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Danuta Ehklich, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning November 1, 1963, without salary. 2. Stanley Friedman, Associate Professor of Entomology, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $12,000. 3. Hans Holtedahl, Visiting Professor of Geology, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $6,875. 4. Hugh H. Hussey, Clinical Professor of Medicine, beginning December 1, 1963, without salary. 5. Devore E. Killip, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, Department of Postgraduate and Teacher Education, College of Dentistry, on three-fifths time, beginning January 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $5,400. 6. J. K. Mackenzie, Visiting Professor of Metallurgy, Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, for two months from November 10, 1963, at a salary of $3,000. 7. Julius D. Manson, Visiting Associate Professor of Dentistry, Department of Postgraduate and Teacher Education, College of Dentistry, on four-fifths time, for four months from January 1, 1964, at a salary of $2,800. 8. Edna E. Rapheal, Assistant Professor of Nursing, for the winter quarter, January 6, 1964, through March 20, 1964, at a salary of $600. 9. Gary E. Ricketts, Assistant Professor of Animal Science, beginning January 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,000. 10. Yoshio Shimamoto, Visiting Research Professor of Physics, in the Digital Computer Laboratory, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $5,850. 11. Udita N. Singh, Visiting Professor of Mathematics, on one-third time, for the academic year 1963-64, at a salary of $4,000. 12. Merlin Taber, Associate Professor in the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $12,000. 13. Thomas Timusk, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning May 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,200. 14. Edward Wasiolek, Visiting Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Russian, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $4,750. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appointments were confirmed. BUDGET FOR 19 64 SUMMER SESSION AND FACULTY APPOINTMENTS (3) Submitted herewith is the budget and appointments to the faculty for the 1964 Summer Session: at Urbana-Champaign from June 15 to August 8; at the Chicago Undergraduate Division from June 19 to August 14; and at the Medical Center from June 22 to September 12. The distribution of the budgeted funds is as follows : Salaries Urbana-Champaign..............................................$ 992 567 Medical Center ................................................. 12 397 Reserve......................................................... 45 036 Total, Urbana-Champaign and Medical Center..................(1 050 000) Chicago Undergraduate Division................................. 177 293 Reserve......................................................... IS 007 Total, Chicago Undergraduate Division......................... (192 300) Total, Summer Session Salaries................................(1 242 300) Wages, Expense, and Equipment Urbana-Champaign..............................................$ 15 410 Total, Summer Session Budget................................$1 257 710 988 board of trustees [January 15 Salaries of members of the University faculty recommended for summer session appointments are computed on the basis of the standard formula: two-ninths of the salary of the academic year for eight weeks of service, with proportionate amounts for shorter periods or for part-time service. The appointments being recommended include a number of visiting lecturers from other colleges and universities at the salaries indicated. I recommend that the appointments to the summer session staff be approved as submitted, and that the President of the University be authorized to accept resignations and make such changes and adjustments and additional appointments as are necessary in accordance with the needs of the University within the allocations of funds indicated. Urbana-Champaign Accountancy Per Cent Summer Time Salary 1. Norton M. Bedford, Professor............................ 100 $ 3 889 2. Robert I. Dickey, Professor............................... 100 3 734 3. Kenneth W. Perry, Professor............................. 100 2 778 4. Vernon K. Zimmerman, Professor......................... 100 2 889 5. Robert E. Schlosser, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 478 6. William A. Peterson, Assistant Professor.................. 100 1 845 7. Nancy A. Desmond, Instructor............................ 100 1 156 8. Robert W. Clarke, Assistant.............................. 50 475 9.----------------.............................................. 100 2 000 ($ 21 244) Advertising 1. Tames E. Mover, Associate Professor...................... 100 $ 2 534 ($ 2 534) Agricultural Economics 1. D. E. Lindstrom, Professor of Rural Sociology (June 15 to July 11) ............................................... 100 $ 1 223 ($ 1 223) Anthropology 1. Joseph B. Casagrande, Professor.......................... 50 $ 2 000 2. John C. McGregor, Professor............................. 100 2 934 3. Edward M. Bruner, Associate Professor................... 100 2 778 4. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 5.---------------- Assistant ................................... 50 467 6.---------------. Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 9 580) Architecture 1. Granville S. Keith, Professor.............................. 100 $ 4 067 2. Linwood J. Brightbill, Professor........................... 100 3 156 3. George M. Hodge, Jr., Associate Professor................ 50 1 452 4. Stephen J. Y. Tang, Associate Professor.................. 100 3 000 5. Carlos T. Marfort, Assistant Professor.................... 100 2 378 6. Herman G. Pundt, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 778 7. Gerald L. Exline, Instructor.............................. 100 1 667 ($ 17 498) Art 1. Charles A. Dietemann, Professor.......................... 67 $ 1 808 2. Edward J. Zagorski, Professor............................ 100 2 756 3. George N. Foster, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 067 4. Donald E. Frith, Associate Professor..................... 100 1 978 5. Billy M. Jackson, Associate Professor..................... 67 1 260 6. James H. Lynch, Associate Professor..................... 100 2 045 7. Ronald W. Sterkel, Associate Professor................... 100 2 112 8. James B. Wallace, Associate Professor.................... 67 1 304 9. Frank Gallo, Assistant Professor......................... 67 993 10. John A. Roy, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 578 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 989 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 11. Ary J. Arlon, Instructor.................................. 67 889 12. Frank E. Gunter, Instructor.............................. 67 963 13. Victor G. Kord, Instructor................................ 67 934 14. Richard H. Moses, Instructor............................. 67 860 15. Claramay Trainor, Instructor............................. 67 845 16. Sharon Lumsden, Assistant............................... 50 467 (See Elementary Education)............................ (50) (467) (Total Salary) ........................................ (934) 17. Minerva Pinnell, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 2 600 (Department of English, Denison Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas)............................ ($25 459) University of Illinois Bands 1. Guy M. Duker, Assistant to the Director................... 33 $ 789 ($ 789) Botany 1. G. Neville Jones, Professor............................... 100 $ 2 889 2. James F. Nance, Associate Professor..................... 100 2 545 3. ----------------, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 778 4. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 5.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 6. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 8 613) Graduate School of Business Administration 1. W. J. Lord, Associate Professor.......................... 100 $ 2 067 2. Daniel M. Slate, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 556 3. Helmy H. Baligh, Assistant Professor..................... 100 2 056 4. Chei-Min Paik, Assistant Professor........................ 100 1 889 ($ 8 568) Business Education 1. Ralph E. Mason, Associate Professor..................... 50 $ 1 120 2. Elizabeth R. Melson, Associate Professor.................. 50 1 200 (See Vocational and Technical Education).............. (50) (1 200) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 400) 3. Mildred E. Reed, Assistant Professor (June 15 to July 11).. 100 834 4. Anna K. Mahaffey, Instructor............................. 50 578 ($ 3 732) Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 1. James W. Westwater, Professor.......................... 100 $ 3 334 2. Dean F. Martin, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 712 3. Daniel D. Perlmutter, Assistant Professor................. 100 2 000 4. Leonard E. Brady, Instructor............................. 100 1 600 5. F. Leslie Brooks, Instructor.............................. 100 1 667 6. John L. Burmeister, Instructor............................ 100 1 556 7.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 512 g. ----------------; Assistant ................................... 50 512 9. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 10. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 11.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 12. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 13. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 14.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 15. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 16. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 17.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 18.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 19.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 20. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 21. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 990 board of trustees [January 15 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 22.----------------, Assistant ................................... SO 489 23.----------------, Assistant................................... SO 467 24.----------------, Assistant ................................... SO 467 25.----------------, Assistant ................................... SO 467 26.----------------, Assistant ................................... SO 467 27. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 3 556 28. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 3 300 29. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 3 000 30.----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 800 31. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 667 32. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 400 33. ----------------1 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 400 34. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 300 35.----------------? Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 200 36.----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 000 37. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 1 600 ($ 49 830) Child Development 1. Millicent V. Martin, Assistant Professor................... 100 $ 1 556 2. Robert B. Smith, Assistant Professor of Music............. 50 878 (See Music) ............................................. (878) (Total Salary) ........................................... (1 7S6) 3. Collene B. King, Instructor............................... 100 1 312 4. ----------------> Assistant ................................... 50 467 5. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 6.----------------.Assistant ................................... 25 234 7. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 8. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 9. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 ($ 5 616) City Planning and Landscape Architecture 1. Louis B. Wetmore, Professor............................. 33 $ 1260 2. Thomas C. Hazlett, Assistant Professor................... 33 689 ($ 1 949) Civil Engineering 1. N. M. Newmark, Professor............................... 25 $ 1 317 2. Edwin H. Gaylord, Jr., Professor......................... 100 3 312 3. William J. Hall, Professor................................ 50 1 612 4. Moreland Herrin, Professor............................... 70 1 680 5. Herbert O. Ireland, Professor............................. 70 1 820 6. William H. Munse, Professor............................. 50 1 667 7. Ralph B. Peck, Professor of Foundation Engineering...... 50 2 056 8. Chester P. Siess, Professor............................... 50 1 667 9. Melvin T. Davisson, Associate Professor.................. 70 1 463 10. Steven J. Fenves, Associate Professor..................... 70 1 649 11. William L. Gamble, Assistant Professor................... 70 1 245 12. Stanley L. Paul, Assistant Professor....................... 70 1 260 13. Samuel Sutcliffe, Assistant Professor...................... 70 1 307 14. Richard N. Wright III, Assistant Professor............... 70 1 432 15. German Gurfinkel, Instructor.............................. 70 1 307 16. ----------------, Instructor .................................. 100 1 900 ($26 694) Classics 1. John J. Bateman, Assistant Professor...................... 100 $ 1 867 2. William P. Donovan, Assistant Professor.................. 100 1 645 ($ 3 512) Digital Computer Laboratory 1. ----------------, Assistant Professor......................... 75 $ 1 746 2. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 ($ 2 680) 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 991 Per Cent Summer Economics Time Salary 1. H. K. Allen, Professor................................... 100 $ 3 889 2. H. M. Gray, Professor.................................... 100 3 389 3. R. W. Harbeson, Professor............................... 100 2 867 4. Janet L. Weston, Associate Professor..................... 100 2 000 5. Dennis J. Aigner, Assistant Professor..................... 67 1 334 6. Robert W. Resek, Assistant Professor..................... 67 1 349 7. Case M. Sprenkle, Assistant Professor..................... 50 1 078 8. Robert W. Rafuse, Jr., Instructor......................... 100 1 845 9. Gerald I. Weber, Instructor............................... 67 1 230 10.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 500 11.----------------.Assistant ................................... 50 500 12. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 13. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($20 915) Educational Administration and Supervision 1. Fred P. Barnes, Professor of Elementary Education....... 100 $ 2 645 2. Harold C. Hand, Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education.............................................. 50 1 811 (See Secondary and Continuing Education)............. (50) (1 812) (Total Salary) ........................................ (3 623) 3. Lloyd E. McCleary, Professor............................. 100 2 667 4. John E. McGill, Professor of Elementary Education........ 50 1 272 (See Elementary Education)............................ (50) (1 273) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 545) 5. ----------------, Associate Professor......................... 100 2 134 6. Stephen P. Hencley, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 289 7. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 545 8.----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 400 9. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 400 ($ 18 163) Educational Psychology 1. Glenn M. Blair, Professor................................ 100 $ 2 467 2. Norman E. Gronlund, Professor.......................... 100 2 334 3. R. Stewart Jones, Professor............................... 100 2 723 4. William E. Kappauf, Professor of Psychology............. 100 3 245 5. Clyde G. Knapp, Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education.............................................. 100 2 389 6. O. Hobart Mowrer, Professor of Psychology.............. 50 1 789 7. T. Ernest Newland, Professor............................ 100 2 223 8. Merle M. Ohlsen, Professor.............................. 100 3 023 9. Cecil H. Patterson, Professor............................. 100 2 712 10. Robert E. Pingry, Professor of Mathematics and of Sec- ondary and Continuing Education....................... 100 2 712 11. Ray H. Simpson, Professor............................... 100 2 800 12. Warren C. Bonney, Associate Professor................... 100 2 178 13. Wilfred L. Shoemaker, Associate Professor................ 100 2 023 14. Alfred L. Brophy, Jr., Assistant Professor................ 100 1 845 15. William H. Evans, Assistant Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education .................................. 50 978 (See Elementary Education)............................ (50) ( 978) (Total Salary) ......................................... (1 956) 16. Raymond W. Frankmann, Jr., Assistant Professor of Psy- chology................................................ 50 945 (See Psychology) ..................................... (50) ( 945) (Total Salary)......................................... (1 890) 17. Charles M. Garverick, Assistant Professor................. 100 1 867 18. John C. Toth, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 889 19. Jerry L. Walker, Assistant Professor of Secondary and Con- tinuing Education ..................................... 50 867 (See Secondary and Continuing Education)............. (50) ( 867) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 734) 992 board of trustees [January 15 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 20. -----------------, Assistant ............................... SO 500 21. Ray L. Debus, Visiting Lecturer.......................... 100 2 300 (Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia) 22. Gabriel Delia Piana, Visiting Lecturer..................... 100 1 100 (Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City 1, Utah) 23. James C. Horger, Visiting Lecturer....................... 100 2 000 (Educational Projects and Guidance Building, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 24. Henry R. Kaczkowski, Visiting Lecturer.................. 100 2 067 (109 Educational Projects and Guidance Building, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 25. Roger C. Olstad, Visiting Lecturer........................ 50 945 (1203 West Oregon Street, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 26. Betty E. Orr, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 112 (129 Educational Projects and Guidance Building, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 27. M. Jean Phillips, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 1 778 (111 Educational Projects and Guidance Building, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) ($ 53 811) Electrical Engineering 1. George E. Anner, Professor.............................. 100 $ 3 178 2. L. B. Archer, Professor................................... 100 2 756 3. M. S. Helm, Professor................................... 100 2 689 4. C. A. Keener, Professor.................................. 100 3 289 5. G. R. Peirce, Professor................................... 100 2 689 6. P. F. Schwarzlose, Professor.............................. 100 2 534 7. C. E. Skroder, Professor.................................. 100 2 356 8. Jerome Earl Williams, Professor.......................... 100 2 645 9. William G. Albright, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 067 10. Roger W. Burtness, Associate Professor................... 100 2 778 11. Milton H. Crothers, Associate Professor................... 100 2 467 12. Paul R. Egbert, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 245 13. Benjamin Kuo, Associate Professor....................... 100 2 334 14. Millard S. McVay, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 734 15. Philip A. Bauman, Assistant Professor.................... 100 1 689 16. V. Gourishankar, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 778 17. Paul K. Hudson, Assistant Professor...................... 75 1 700 18. Roger C. Conant, Instructor............................... 50 556 19. Michael S. Davies, Instructor............................. 50 556 20. Arnold W. Dipert, Instructor............................. 100 1 223 21. Kenneth A. Backer, Assistant............................. 50 489 22. John A. Johnson, Assistant............................... 50 534 23. Dennis S. Karjala, Assistant.............................. 50 534 24. John J. Mele, Assistant................................... 50 489 25. Donald J. Powers, Assistant.............................. 50 489 26. Joseph J. Shidle, Assistant................................ 50 489 27. I rwin E. Tuckman, Assistant.............................. 50 489 28. ---------------- ............................................. 100 2 000 ($ 49 776) Elementary Education 1. R. Will Burnett, Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education ............................................. 50 $ 1 489 (See Secondary and Continuing Education)............. (50) (1 489) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 978) 2. John E. McGill, Professor................................ 50 1 273 (See Educational Administration and Supervision)....... (50) (1 272) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 545) 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 993 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 3. Walter J. Moore, Professor............................... 100 2 378 4. J. Harlan Shores, Professor.............................. 100 2 700 5. Celia B. Stendler, Professor (June IS to July 11)........... 100 1 262 6. Orrin E. Gould, Associate Professor of Secondary and Con- tinuing Education ..................................... SO 989 (See Secondary and Continuing Education)............. (50) ( 989) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 978) 7. Charles E. Johnson, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 267 8. Theodore Manolakes, Associate Professor................. 100 2 167 9. -----------------, Associate Professor......................... 100 2 089 10. John G. Chaltas, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 878 11. William H. Evans, Assistant Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education ................................. SO 978 (See Educational Psychology).......................... (50) ( 978) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 956) 12. Clarence Phillips, Assistant Professor of Mathematics...... 50 833 (See Mathematics) .................................... (50) ( 834) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 667) 13. James Dudley, Instructor................................. 100 1 445 14. Robert L. Jozwiak, Instructor............................. 50 723 15. William C. Bungert, Assistant............................. 50 567 16. Eugene Irving, Assistant.................................. 50 567 17. Sharon Lumsden, Assistant................................ 50 467 (See Art) ............................................. (50) (467) (Total Salary) ........................................ ( 934) 18.-----------------, Assistant (June 15 to July 11)................ 100 567 19. ----------------, Assistant (July 13 to August 8).............. 100 567 20.-----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 21. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 22. Donald R. Ferris, Visiting Lecturer....................... 100 2 445 (217 Elementary Education Center, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 23. -----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 100 24. -----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 100 25. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 1 400 26. ------.----------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 1 400 27. Lorene Quay, Visiting Lecturer........................... 50 1 050 (1726 West Haven Drive, Champaign, Illinois) 28. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 1000 ($ 37 824) English 1. Edward H. Davidson, Professor.......................... 50 $ 1 889 2. Julius N. Hook, Professor................................ 100 3 123 3. B. A. Milligan, Professor................................. 50 1 550 4. Robert Ornstein, Professor................................ 100 3 112 5. Donald Smalley, Professor................................ 50 1 634 6. Roland M. Smith, Professor.............................. 100 2 823 7. Harris W. Wilson, Professor............................. 50 1 400 8. A. Lynn Altenbernd, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 245 9. Robert L. Haig, Associate Professor...................... 50 1 189 10. John T. Maguire, Associate Professor of Business English.. 50 1 034 11. Frank Moake, Associate Professor........................ 100 2 000 12. Harry F. Robins, Associate Professor...................... 50 989 13. Jack C. Stillinger, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 378 14. -----------------, Associate Professor......................... 50 967 15. Herbert Bogart, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 623 16. Edward J. Brandabur, Assistant Professor................. 50 812 17. John C. Clarke, Assistant Professor....................... 50 812 18. John A. Hamilton, Assistant Professor.................... 50 745 19. U. Milo Kaufmann, Assistant Professor................... 50 812 20. Stanton Millet, Assistant Professor........................ 75 1 450 994 board of trustees [January 15 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 21. Richard H. Wasson, Assistant Professor.................. 50 812 22. Brian F. Wilkie, Assistant Professor...................... 50 834 23.----------------, Assistant Professor......................... 50 845 24.----------------, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 689 25. Eloise C. Enata, Instructor............................... 100 1 489 26. Jan Ann Hinely, Instructor............................... 50 756 27. Mary A. Hussey, Instructor............................... 100 1 512 28. Maria Keen, Instructor................................... 100 1 245 29. Albert C. Tillman, Instructor............................. 50 745 30. ----------------, Instructor in Business English............... 50 656 31. ----------------, Instructor in Business English............... 50 656 32. ----------------, Instructor in Business English............... 50 600 33. Wilmer A. Lamar, Lecturer............................... 100 2 067 34. ----------------( Assistant ................................... 50 489 35.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 36.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 489 37.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 38. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 512 39. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 512 40. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 512 41.----------------( Assistant ................................... 50 512 42. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 500 ($ 52 975) Entomology 1. Gilbert Waldbauer, Assistant Professor.................... 100 $ 1 689 (? 1 689) Finance 1. Robert W. Mayer, Professor.............................. 100 $ 3 045 2. Robert I. Mehr, Professor................................ 100 3 634 3. Harlan R. Patterson, Assistant Professor.................. 100 1 667 4. Frederick G. Stubbs, Jr., Assistant........................ 25 234 5. Paul J. Swanson, Jr., Assistant............................ 50 467 ($ 9 047) French 1. Charles A. Knudson, Professor............................ 50 $ 1 956 2. Philip Kolb, Professor.................................... 50 1 639 3. Bruce H. Mainous, Associate Professor.................... 50 1 200 4. Francis W. Nachtmann, Associate Professor............... 100 2 112 5. Paul Barrette, Assistant Professor........................ 100 1 556 6. Edwin Jahiel, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 834 7. Barbara Bucknall, Instructor.............................. 50 712 8. M. Roy Harris, Instructor................................ 100 1 467 9. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 10. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 11.----------------.Assistant ................................... 50 467 12. --------------~, Assistant ................................... 50 467 13. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 14. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 15. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 16.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 17. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 18. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 19. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 20. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 21. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 22.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 23. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 24.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 19 948) 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 995 Per Cent Summer General Engineering Time Salary 1. Robert A. Jewett, Associate Professor..................... 50 $1000 2. Robert W. Bokenkamp, Instructor......................... SO 934 3. Monte L. Phillips, Instructor............................. 100 1 445 4. Harrison Streeter, Instructor............................. 100 1 734 ($ 5 113) Division of General Studies 1. Walter H. Draper, Assistant Professor.................... 100 $ 1 556 2. John F. Glawe, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 534 3. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 3 557) Geography 1. Alfred W. Booth, Professor.............................. 100 $ 3 134 2. John L. Page, Professor.................................. 100 2 612 3. Howard G. Roepke, Professor............................. 25 578 4. Charles S. Alexander, Associate Professor................ 100 2 134 5.----------------, Assistant ................................... 75 700 6. ----------------( Assistant ................................... 50 467 7. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 10 092) Geology 1. George W. White, Professor (July 13 to August 8)......... 100 $ 2 134 2. Paul R. Shaffer, Professor (June 15 to July 11)........... 100 1 778 3. Frederick W. Cropp, Assistant Professor.................. 100 1 934 4. W. Hilton Johnson, Assistant Professor................... 100 1 556 5. F. Michael Wahl, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 945 6. Ray E. Ferrell, Assistant................................. 100 934 7. Robert B. Furlong, Assistant.............................. 100 934 8. Franklin D. Patton, Assistant............................. 100 934 9. Elton L. Couch, Visiting Lecturer......................... 100 1 500 (Eureka College, Eureka, Illinois) 10. Frank L. Koucky, Visiting Lecturer....................... 100 2 000 (Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio) ($ 15 649) Germanic Languages and Literatures 1. John R. Frey, Professor.................................. 100 $ 3 089 2. Ernst A. Philippson, Professor........................... 100 3 200 3. Harry Haile, Associate Professor......................... 100 2 112 4. ----------------, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 556 5. Pauline Schwalbe, Assistant Professor.................... 100 1 689 6. Gunter Eberspach, Instructor............................. 100 1 400 7. Charles Giordano, Instructor.............................. 100 1 423 8. Christel Bell, Assistant.................................... 50 512 9. Richard D'Alquen, Assistant.............................. 50 512 10. Klaus D. Hanson, Assistant............................... 50 467 11. Siegfried Mews, Assistant................................ 50 467 12. Drayton G. Miller, Assistant.............................. 50 512 13.----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 ($ 17 173) Health and Safety Education 1. Howard S. Hoyman, Professor........................... 75 $ 2 817 2. Warren J. Huffman, Associate Professor.................. 50 1 234 ($ 4 051) History 1. Robert W. Johannsen, Professor........................... 50 $1445 2. C. Ernest Dawn, Professor................................ 100 2 623 3. Norman A. Graebner, Professor.......................... 100 3 556 4. Harold M. Hyman, Professor............................. 40 1 334 5. Paul W. Schroeder, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 223 996 board of trustees [January 15 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 6. Robert M. McColley, Assistant Professor................. 100 1 567 7. Robert A. Waller, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 667 8. Arther Lee Ferrill, Instructor............................. 100 1 156 9.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 10. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 11.----------------.Assistant ................................... 50 467 12. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 13 ----------------f Assistant ................................... 50 467 14.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 15. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 16. Walter Arnstein, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 2 500 (Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois) 17. Donald Kagan, Visiting Lecturer.......................... 100 2 100 (Cornell University, Ithaca, New York) ($23 440) History and Philosophy of Education 1. Walter V. Kaulfers, Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education.............................................. 100 $ 2 223 2. B. Othanel Smith, Professor.............................. 100 3 634 3. W. O. Stanley, Professor................................. 100 2 812 4. Joe R. Burnett, Associate Professor....................... 100 2 167 5. Foster McMurray, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 012 6. John R. Palmer, Associate Professor of Secondary and Con- tinuing Education ..................................... 100 2 012 7. -----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 500 g.----------------1 Assistant ................................... 50 500 9. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 500 10. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 3 520 11. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 200 12. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 200 ($ 24 280) Home Economics 1. Willis C. Kauffman, Associate Professor (June 15 to July 11) 100 $ 956 2. Glenna H. Lamkin, Assistant Professor (July 13 to August 8) 100 845 3.-----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 512 4. ---------------- Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 1112 ($ 3 425) Industrial Administration 1. E. J. DeMaris, Professor................................. 50 $ 1 445 2. Paul C. Roberts, Professor................................ 50 1 406 3. B. F. Kirkpatrick, Associate Professor.................... 50 1 012 4. ----------------( Associate Professor,........................ 100 2 556 5. James G. Hunt, Instructor................................. 50 667 6. D. J. Laughhunn, Assistant............................... 50 578 ($ 7 664) Journalism 1. Jay W. Jensen, Associate Professor....................... 50 $ 1 639 2. John H. Schacht, Associate Professor..................... 25 598 ($ 2 237) Law 1. Edward W. Cleary, Professor............................. 100 $ 4 889 2. John E. Cribbet, Professor................................ 100 4 778 3. Victor J. Stone, Professor................................ 100 3 045 4. J. Nelson Young, Professor.............................. 100 4 778 5. Wayne R. LaFave, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 667 6. David C. Baum, Assistant Professor....................... 100 2 334 7. Harry D. Krause, Assistant Professor..................... 100 2 334 8. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 3 000 ($ 27 825) 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 997 Graduate School of Library Science Per Cent Summer Time Salary 1. Harold Goldstein, Professor............................... 100 $ 2 545 2. Frances B. Jenkins, Professor............................. 100 2 989 3. Rolland E. Stevens, Professor............................. 100 2 378 4. Winifred C. Ladley, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 223 5. Ann M. Fox, Instructor.................................. 100 1 334 6 ----------------1 Assistant ................................... 100 934 7.----------------( Assistant ................................... 100 934 8.----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 9. William Chait, Visiting Lecturer.......................... 100 2 000 (2931 Ensley Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45414) 10. Lura E. Crawford, Visiting Lecturer...................... 100 1 800 (919 Ontario Street, Oak Park, Illinois) 11. John D. Henderson, Visiting Lecturer..................... 100 2 534 (329 Library, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 12. Rae Elizabeth Rips, Visiting Lecturer...................... 100 2 000 (630 Merrick, Detroit 2, Michigan) 13. Charles L. Trinkner, Visiting Lecturer..................... 100 1 800 (2022 Peacock Drive, Pensacola, Florida) 14. Heartsill H. Young, Visiting Lecturer..................... 100 2 000 (1706 San Gabriel, Austin 1, Texas) ($ 26 405) Linguistics 1. Robert B. Lees, Associate Professor....................... 100 $ 2 889 2. Lee S. Hultzen, Professor................................. 50 1 223 (See Speech and Theatre).............................. (50) (1 222) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 445) 3. Henry R. Kahane, Professor.............................. 50 1 650 (See Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese).................. (50) (1 650) (Total Salary) ........................................ (3 300) ($ 5 762) Marketing 1. H. W. Huegy, Professor.................................. 100 $ 4 089 2. Donald W. Scotton, Associate Professor................... 100 2 400 ($ 6 489) Mathematics 1. Franz E. Hohn, Professor................................ 100 $ 2 667 2. P. W. Ketchum, Professor............................... 100 3 267 3. H. J. Miles, Professor.................................... 50 1 304 4. W. A. Ferguson, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 200 5. Howard Osborn, Associate Professor..................... 100 2 334 6. J. W. Peters, Associate Professor......................... 50 1 234 7. H. G. Bartram, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 956 8. Hiram Paley, Assistant Professor......................... 50 912 9. Clarence Phillips, Assistant Professor..................... 50 834 (See Elementary Education)............................ (50) (833) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 667) 10. J. R. Alexander, Jr., Instructor............................ 50 834 11. J. W. Armstrong, Instructor.............................. 100 1 556 12. Gordon E. Brown, Instructor.............................. 100 1 445 13. Otto Gerstner, Instructor................................. 100 1 667 14. Edmond E. Granirer, Instructor........................... 50 778 15. William J. Leahey, Instructor............................. 100 1 712 16. George H. Orland, Instructor............................. 50 856 17. Jagdish C. Sanwal, Instructor............................. 100 1 734 18. David E. Schroer, Instructor............................. 100 1 712 19. Sankatha P. Signh, Instructor............................. 100 1 334 20. Klaus G. Witz, Instructor................................ 50 834 21. Pramod K. Pathak, Visiting Lecturer...................... 100 1 889 (310 Altgeld Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 998 board of trustees [January 15 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 22. Mahendar K. Singal, Visiting Lecturer.................... 100 1 667 (241 lllini Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 23.----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 24.----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 25. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 26. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 27. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 28. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 29. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 30.----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 31. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 32. ---------------, Assistant ................................... 100 934 33. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 34. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 35. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 36.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 37. ----------------1 Assistant ................................... 50 467 38. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 39.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 40. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 41. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 42. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 43. ----------------( Assistant ................................... 50 467 44. ----------------> Assistant ................................... 33 312 45. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 33 312 ($ 49 827) Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 1. C. Dale Greffe, Professor................................. 100 $ 3 267 2. Eugene F. Hebrank, Professor............................ 100 2 667 3. William L. Hull, Professor............................... 50 1 478 4. Edwin D. Luke, Professor................................ 100 2 756 5. James W. Bayne, Associate Professor..................... 100 2 267 6. Ross P. Strout, Associate Professor....................... 100 2 000 7. Robert G. Hering, Assistant Professor.................... 50 1 145 8. Parker H. Badger, Lecturer.............................. 100 1 987 9. S. Ramalingam, Instructor................................ 50 778 10. Morse B. Singer, Instructor............................... 50 867 11. B. W. Spencer, Assistant.................................. 50 489 12. James J. Stukel, Assistant................................. 50 512 ($ 19 204) Microbiology 1. F. M. Clark, Professor................................... 100 $ 2 567 2. Joan McCamish, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 778 3. Alice Helm, Assistant.................................... 100 934 4. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 5.----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 6. ---------------- Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 6 680) Music 1. Bruce R. Foote, Professor................................ 100 $ 3 067 2. Scott Goldthwaite, Professor.............................. 100 2 867 3. Charles E. Hamm, Professor.............................. 100 2 445 4. Charles Leonhard, Professor.............................. 100 3 134 5. A. J. McDowell, Professor................................ 100 2 334 6. Claire L. Richards, Professor............................. 100 2 445 7. Alexander L. Ringer, Professor........................... 100 2 712 8. Paul Rolland, Professor.................................. 50 1 423 9. Haskell O. Sexton, Professor............................. 100 2 534 10. Robert H. Swenson, Professor............................ 50 1 167 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 999 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 11. Gilbert R. Waller, Professor.............................. 100 2 489 12. Grace E. Wilson, Professor............................... 67 1 571 13. Ludwig Zirner, Professor................................. 75 2 084 14. James Louis Bailey, Associate Professor................... 100 1 956 15. Andrew Morris Carter, Associate Professor............... 25 558 16. L. Thomas Fredrickson, Associate Professor.............. 100 1 889 17. Robert E. Gray, Associate Professor....................... 75 1 517 18. Robert J. Hamilton, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 378 19. Thomas L. Holden, Associate Professor................... 33 630 20. Colleen J. Kirk, Associate Professor...................... 75 1 609 21. Everett D. Kisinger, Associate Professor.................. 100 2 589 22. Edward J. Krolick, Associate Professor................... 33 630 23. Robert E. Thomas, Associate Professor.................... 100 2 100 24. Edward S. Berry, Jr., Assistant Professor................. 25 437 25. Richard J. Colwell, Assistant Professor.................... 50 1 000 26. James B. Lyke, Assistant Professor....................... 50 834 27. F. Mark Siebert, Assistant Professor...................... 50 823 28. Robert B. Smith, Assistant Professor..................... 50 878 (See Child Development)............................... (878) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 756) 29. Malcolm Bilson, Instructor................................ 100 1 489 30. Eric L. Dalheim, Instructor............................... 100 1 289 31. Sven H. Hansell, Instructor............................... 50 767 32. Robert W. Ruppel, Instructor............................. 50 812 33. Virginia Farmer, Assistant................................ 50 467 34. Gail Johnson, Assistant................................... 50 467 35. Charles Rowden, Assistant................................ 33 312 36. Jane E. Schleicher, Assistant.............................. 33 312 37. George Frock, Visiting Lecturer........................... 33 400 (3044 Boxdale, Memphis 18, Tennessee) 38. Hunter Johnson, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 1 800 (202 Theory Annex, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 39. Virginia Nanzetta, Visiting Lecturer....................... 25 234 (23 Dunellen Drive, Urbana, Illinois) 40. Sadie Rafferty, Visiting Lecturer.......................... 100 2 500 (c/o Mrs. Gladys Cole, 204 Lindsey Lane, Tyler, Texas) 41. James Robertson, Visiting Lecturer........................ 50 1 150 (School of Music, Wichita University, Wichita, Kansas) 42. Marilyn Sherman, Visiting Lecturer....................... 25 311 (905 South Second Street, Champaign, Illinois) 43. Edmund C. Williams, Visiting Lecturer................... 25 234 (303 Sunnycrest, Champaign, Illinois) 44.----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 500 45.----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 934 46. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer ........................... 100 934 47. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 467 48. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 33 312 ($ 67 791) Nuclear Engineering 1. Felix T. Adler, Professor................................. 25 $ 934 2. Marvin E. Wyman, Professor............................. 25 900 3. George H. Miley, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 989 4. Barclay G. Jones, Instructor............................... 100 1 889 ($5 712) Philosophy 1. Bernard J. Diggs, Professor.............................. 12y$ $ 362 2. Frederick L. Will, Professor.............................. 12i/2 441 3.---------------, Professor .................................. 100 2 889 4. Joseph Agassi, Associate Professor........................ 100 2 556 1000 board of trustees [January IS Per Cent Summer Time Salary 5. O. A. Kubitz, Associate Professor......................... 100 2 012 6. Charles E. Caton, Assistant Professor..................... 100 2 000 7. Bruce C. Goldberg, Instructor............................. 100 1 378 ($ 11 638) Physical Education for Men 1. C. O. Jackson, Professor.................................. 100 $ 3 478 2. T. K. Cureton, Jr., Professor.............................. 100 3 789 3. Alfred W. Hubbard, Professor............................ 100 2 512 4. Earle F. Zeigler, Professor............................... 100 2 778 5. Howard J. Braun, Assistant Professor..................... 25 456 6. Ralph E. Fletcher, Assistant Professor.................... 33 719 7. Roy J. Keller, Assistant Professor......................... 60 894 8. William L. Hottinger, Instructor.......................... 60 994 9. Donald E. Leas, Instructor................................ 25 306 10. Robert D. Leigh, Instructor............................... 25 367 11. Bruce J. Noble, Instructor................................ 100 1 334 12. Michael A. Sherman, Instructor........................... 25 309 13. Peter T. Magnabosco, Assistant............................ 50 528 14. A. Celeste Ulrich, Visiting Lecturer....................... 100 2 500 (Box 295, Route 7, Greensboro, North Carolina) ($ 20 964) Physical Education for Women 1. Martha A. Aly, Assistant Professor....................... 50 $ 745 2. Beulah J. Drom, Assistant Professor...................... 75 1 392 3. Florence Patricia Cullen, Instructor....................... 50 828 4. Marjorie M. Harris, Instructor............................ 50 773 5. Annelis S. Hoyman, Instructor............................ 25 364 6. Dorothy B. Phipps, Assistant.............................. 50 623 ($ 4 725) Physics 1. ------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 $ 512 2. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 512 3. ------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 512 4.------------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 600 5. ------------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 600 6. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 600 ($ 9 336) Physiology and Biophysics 1. John D. Anderson, Associate Professor.................... 100 $ 2 434 2. Stanley G. Stolpe, Associate Professor..................... 100 2 089 3. -----------------1 Assistant ................................... 50 467 4. ------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 5.------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 6. ------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 7. ------------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 6 858) Political Science 1. Edwin Hersh Fedder, Visiting Lecturer.................... 100 $ 2 223 (325 Lincoln Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois) 2. John H. Hallowell, Visiting Lecturer...................... 100 3 734 (Department of Political Science, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina) 3. David M. Wood, Visiting Lecturer........................ 100 1 778 (Department of Political Science, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri) ($ 7 735) Psychology 1. Lloyd G. Humphreys, Professor.......................... 50 $ 2 056 2. Frank Costin, Professor.................................. 50 1 167 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1001 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 3. Jozef B. Cohen, Associate Professor....................... 100 2 14S 4. W. G. McAllister, Associate Professor..................... 100 1 889 5. Donald T. Shannon, Associate Professor................... 100 1 889 6. Raymond W. Frankmann, Assistant Professor........... 50 945 (See Educational Psychology).......................... (50) ( 945) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 890) 7. Ira Bernstein, Instructor.................................. SO 556 8. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 9.---------------- Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 11 581) Recreation and Municipal Park Administration 1. Charles K. Brightbill, Professor........................... 100 $ 3 956 2. Allen V. Sapora, Professor............................... 100 2 823 3. Adah D. Parker, Instructor.........................'...... 50 784 ($ 7 563) Secondary and Continuing Education 1. R. Will Burnett, Professor................................ 50 $ 1 489 (See Elementary Education)............................ (50) (1 489) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 978) 2. John J. DeBoer, Professor................................ 100 2 589 3. Harold C. Hand, Professor............................... 50 1 812 (See Educational Administration and Supervision)...... (50) (1 811) (Total Salary) ........................................ (3 623) 4. Kenneth B. Henderson, Professor......................... 100 2 878 5. Lawrence E. Metcalf, Professor........................... 100 2 389 6. Orrin E. Gould, Associate Professor...................... 50 989 (See Elementary Education)............................ (50) ( 989) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 978) 7. Jerry L. Walker, Assistant Professor...................... 50 867 (See Educational Psychology).......................... (50) ( 867) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 734) ($ 13 013) Slavic Languages and Literatures 1. Kurt Klein, Assistant Professor........................... 100 $ 2 067 2. Victor Terras, Associate Professor........................ 50 1 023 3. Constantin Uszynski, Assistant Professor.................. 100 1 623 4. Borys Bilokur, Assistant.................................. 100 934 5. .-----.-----------( Assistant ................................... 50 467 6. ---.-------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 7. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 7 048) Sociology 1. E. A. Ahrens, Associate Professor........................ 100 $ 1 978 2. David J. Bordua, Associate Professor..................... 50 1 167 3. ------------- Instructor .................................. 100 1 489 ($ 4 634) Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese 1. W. H. Shoemaker, Professor.............................. 100 $ 3 778 2. Henry R. Kahane, Professor.............................. 50 1 650 (See Linguistics) ...................................... (50) (1 650) (Total Salary) ........................................ (3 300) 3. -------------1 Professor .................................. 100 2 556 4. Merlin H. Forster, Assistant Professor.................... 100 1 778 5.----------------, Assistant Professor.......................... 100 1 556 6. Warren L. Meinhardt, Assistant........................... 50 667 7. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 75 700 8. ---------------- Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 13 152) 1002 board of trustees [January IS Per Cent Summer Special Education Time Salary 1. James J. Gallagher, Professor............................. 100 $ 1 423 (June 15 to July 11) 2. Barbara Bateman, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 667 3. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 2 200 4,----------------1 Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 1 200 5. ----------------> Visiting Lecturer............................ 100 1 200 6. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 600 ($ 8 290) Speech and Theatre 1. Barnard W. Hewitt, Professor............................ 50 $ 1 556 2. Lee S. Hultzen, Professor................................. 50 1 222 (See Linguistics) ...................................... (50) (1 223) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 445) 3. Henry L. Mueller, Professor.............................. 50 1 112 4. Raymond E. Nadeau, Professor........................... 50 1 389 5. Severina E. Nelson, Professor............................. 100 2 600 6. John Wesley Swanson, Professor.......................... 100 2 645 7. Clara M. Behringer, Associate Professor.................. 50 1 034 (See University Theatre)............................... (50) (1 034) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 068) 8. Kenneth Burns, Associate Professor....................... 50 978 9. Otto A. Dieter, Associate Professor....................... 50 945 10. Karl A. Windesheim, Associate Professor.................. 50 1 000 11. Chester C. Long, Assistant Professor...................... 50 834 12. Lawrence W. Olson, Assistant Professor.................. 50 945 13.---------------, Assistant Professor......................... 50 906 14. Earl W. Stark, Assistant Professor....................... 100 1 667 15. Willard R. Zemlin, Assistant Professor.................... 50 900 16. Joan E. Good, Instructor.................................. 50 573 (See Speech and Hearing Clinic)....................... (50) (572) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 145) 17.----------------.............................................. 50 1223 18. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer ........................... 50 875 ($ 22 404) Speech and Hearing Clinic 1. Naomi W. Hunter, Assistant Professor.................... 100 1 556 2. Frances L. Johnson, Assistant Professor................... 100 1 645 3. Joan E. Good, Instructor.................................. 50 572 (See Speech and Theatre).............................. (50) ( 573) (Total Salary) ........................................ (1 145) 4. James N. Talley, Assistant................................ 50 467 5. ---------------- Assistant ................................... 50 467 ($ 4 707) University Theatre 1. Clara M. Behringer, Associate Professor................... 50 $ 1 034 (See Speech and Theatre).............................. (50) (1 034) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 068) 2. Mary H. Arbenz, Assistant Professor..................... 50 934 3. Genevieve Richardson, Assistant Professor................. 75 1 342 4. Bernhard R. Works, Assistant Professor.................. 75 1 334 5. Lionel H. Lawrence, Assistant............................ 75 700 6. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 7. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 g. ----------------1 Assistant ................................... 25 234 9. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 10. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 11. ----------------.Assistant ................................... 25 234 12. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 13. ----------------, Assistant ................................... 25 234 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1003 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 14. ----------------f Assistant ................................... 25 234 15. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 75 1 166 16.----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 875 ($ 9 491) Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1. Cletus Edward Bowman, Professor........................ 83 $ 2 149 2. Paul Guy Jones, Professor................................ 50 1 545 3. Clyde E. Kesler, Professor................................ 25 706 4. Wallace M. Lansford, Professor.......................... 100 3 178 5. Omar M. Sidebottom, Professor........................... 67 1 956 6. James O. Smith, Professor............................... 75 2 517 7. Charles E. Taylor, Professor.............................. 25 706 8. Thaddeus M. Elsesser, Associate Professor................ 50 1 012 9. Robert E. Miller, Associate Professor..................... 50 1 056 10. Frederick G. Bauling, Assistant Professor................. 17 312 11. George Costello, Assistant Professor...................... 50 1 056 12. Russell S. Jensen, Assistant Professor..................... 50 956 13. John W. Murdock, Assistant Professor.................... 50 889 ($ 18 038) Vocational and Technical Education 1. M. Ray Karnes, Professor................................ 50 $ 1 606 2. Arnold C. Condon, Professor of Business Education....... 50 1 589 3. Donald G. Lux, Associate Professor...................... 100 2 378 4. Mary E. Mather, Associate Professor...................... 100 1 912 5. Elizabeth R. Melson, Associate Professor of Business Educa- tion................................................... 50 1 200 (See Business Education).............................. (50) (1 200) (Total Salary) ........................................ (2 400) 6. Elizabeth J. Simpson, Associate Professor................. 100 2 223 7. Robert M. Tomlinson, Assistant Professor................. 100 2 134 8. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer............................ 50 1200 ($ 14 242) Zoology 1. F. B. Adamstone, Professor.............................. 100 $ 3 000 2. Hurst H. Shoemaker, Associate Professor................. 100 1 889 3. Charles A. Long, Instructor............................... 100 1 112 4. Donald L. Batch, Assistant................................ 50 500 5. Thomas W. Betz, Assistant............................... 50 467 6. Paul S. Killmer, Assistant................................ 50 467 7. Richard E. Rayle, Assistant............................... 50 467 8. Daniel H. Stern, Assistant................................ 50 467 9. James T. Wallace, Assistant.............................. 50 467 10. Joseph J. White, Assistant................................ 50 467 11. A. A. Johnson, Visiting Lecturer.......................... 100 1 800 (Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas) ($ 11 103) Total, Urbana Champaign ............................. $992 567 Departmental Wages, Expense, and Equipment Anthropology Expense Arizona.................................................. $ '50 Ecuador.................................................. 250 Mexico.................................................. 250 Child Development Expense................................................... 400 Education Wages and Expense...................................... 2 245 Honoraria............................................... 900 1004 board of trustees [January 15 Per Cent Summer Time Salary Forestry Camp Wages..................................................... 1 600 Expense................................................... 3 900 Operation and Maintenance (Camp Rabicleau)............... 2 300 Geography................................................... 300 Recreation and Municipal Park Administration Expense................................................... 1 360 Stipends for Supervisors................................... 1 155 Total, Wages, Expense, and Equipment................. $ 15 410 Medical Center College of Pharmacy Chemistry 1. Charles L. Bell, Assistant Professor (June 22 to August 1) 100 $ 1 500 2. Dominick Coviello, Assistant Professor (August 3 to Sep- tember 12) ............................................ 100 1 483 3. Bernard J. Kurtin, Instructor in Physics (June 22 to Aug- ust 1) ................................................. 100 1 167 4. McLouis J. Robinet, Instructor in Physics (August 3 to September 12) ......................................... 100 934 5. Norman L. Hines, Assistant (June 22 to August 1)......... 50 350 6. Morton J. Kanter, Assistant (August 3 to September 12)... 50 350 7. Shashi P. Mehta, Assistant (August 3 to September 12).... 50 350 8. Dennis Pogany, Assistant (June 22 to August 1)........... 50 350 9. Martin Schreibman, Assistant (June 22 to August 1)....... 50 350 10. Kenneth M. Solovy, Assistant (August 3 to September 12).. 50 350 ($ 7 184) Pharmacy 1. Bernard Ecanow, Associate Professor (July 20 to August 14) 100 $ 1 100 2. Herbert M. Emig, Associate Professor (June 22 to July 17) 100 1 234 3. Frederick Siegel, Associate Professor (June 22 to July 17).. 100 1 123 4. Harold J. Rhodes, Assistant Professor (August 17 to Sep- tember 12) ............................................ 100 1 056 5. Sen-Maw Fang, Assistant (August 3 to September 12)...... 50 350 6. Song-ling Lin, Assistant (June 22 to July 13).............. 50 350 ($ 5 213) Total, Medical Center................................... $ 12 397 Chicago Undergraduate Division Architecture 1. Don A. Masterton, Associate Professor of Art............. 50 $ 1 089 2. Robert K. Adams, Instructor.............................. 50 823 3. Roger G. Whitmer, Lecturer.............................. 50 1 000 4. Howard T. Fisher, Visiting Lecturer...................... 100 2 667 (1060 Sheridan Road, Winnetka, Illinois) ($ 5 579) Art 1. John D. McNee, Professor................................ 100 $ 2 334 ($ 2 334) Biological Sciences 1. Kenneth M. Madison, Professor.......................... 50 $ 1 289 2. Sidney F. Glassman, Professor............................ 50 1 156 3. A. S. Rouffa, Professor................................... 100 2 667 4. William Sangster, Professor.............................. 50 1 289 5. Max C. Shank, Professor................................. 75 1 800 6. Ellis B. Little, Associate Professor........................ 25 500 7. James A. Bond, Assistant Professor....................... 50 834 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1005 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 8. John C. Hadder, Assistant Professor...................... SO 917 9. John T. Newell, Assistant Professor....................... SO 889 10. Halina J. Presley, Assistant Professor..................... 50 889 11. Sara R. Drower, Instructor............................... 50 556 12. Margaretha Woodard, Visiting Lecturer................... 50 750 (Rural Route 1, Valparaiso, Indiana) ($ 13 536) Business Administration 1. Samuel Fox, Professor of Accountancy................... 100 $ 2 623 2. W. D. Grampp, Professor of Economics................... 100 2 500 3. Alfonse T. Malinosky, Associate Professor of Accountancy 50 1 000 4. Albert J. Schneider, Associate Professor of Accountancy... 50 1 234 5. Daniel K. Andrews, Assistant Professor of Finance........ 100 1 678 6. William J. Dunne, Assistant Professor of Management..... 25 623 7. Carl M. Larson, Assistant Professor of Marketing......... 100 1 867 8. Lawrence Lipkin, Assistant Professor of Accountancy...... 100 1 600 9. Oscar Miller, Assistant Professor of Economics............ 100 1 712 10. Edward T. Ossman, Instructor in Accountancy............. 100 1 356 ($ 16 193) Education 1. Madelaine Shalabi, Associate Professor................... 100 $ 1 889 ($ 1 889) Engineering 1. Arnold C. Cobb, Professor................................ 100 $ 2 667 2. Algis Pabarcius, Assistant Professor...................... 100 1 956 3. Raymond Palciauskas, Instructor.......................... 100 1 889 ($ 6 512) General Engineering 1. C. I. Carlson, Professor................................... 100 $ 3 045 ($ 3 045) Humanities 1. Arnold J. Hartoch, Associate Professor of Foreign Lan- guages................................................. 67 $ 1 534 2. Moreen Jordan, Associate Professor of English............ 100 1 956 3. John O. Marsh, Jr., Associate Professor of Foreign Lan- guages................................................. 67 1 349 4. Ernest S. Willner, Associate Professor of Foreign Lan- guages................................................. 67 1408 5. Louis Broussard, Assistant Professor of English........... 100 1 612 6. Guinevere L. Griest, Assistant Professor of English........ 100 1 778 7. W. C. Jackman, Assistant Professor of English............ 100 1 889 8. Teddy R. Jackson, Assistant Professor of Speech.......... 100 1 889 9. John H. Mackin, Jr., Assistant Professor of English........ 100 1 723 10. Kathryn H. Carlson, Instructor in English................. 100 1 512 11. Janice M. Crews, Instructor in Speech..................... 100 1 689 12. Joseph L. Gray, Instructor in Foreign Languages........... 67 890 13. Lucy Hegie, Instructor in English......................... 100 1 512 14. Dolores Keranen, Instructor in English.................... 100 1 156 15. Irving S. Olsen, Instructor in Foreign Languages.......... 67 949 16. Henry B. Russell, Instructor in Foreign Languages........ 67 890 17. Nancy A. Tomasek, Instructor in Foreign Languages....... 67 830 18. Basil E. LaGoudes, Assistant in English................... 100 1 023 19. Vera F. C. Land, Assistant in Foreign Languages......... 67 712 20. Ronald J. McCaig, Assistant in English.................... 100 1 112 ($ 27 413) Mathematics 1. Irwin K. Feinstein, Professor............................. 83 $ 1 963 2. Flora Dinkines, Associate Professor....................... 100 2 223 3. Furio Alberti, Assistant Professor........................ 100 1 834 1006 board of trustees [January 15 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 4. Winifred Berglund, Instructor............................ 100 1 623 5. W. M. Henderleiter, Instructor............................ 83 1 112 6. Roger G. Hill, Instructor................................. 83 1 31S 7. U. Stanley Naikelis, Instructor............................ 100 1 423 8. Grace M. Nolan, Instructor............................... SO 778 9. Charles E. Olsen, Instructor.............................. 83 1 297 10. Thomas B. Ondrak, Instructor............................ 83 1 297 11. Marion L. Rummel, Instructor............................. 83 963 12. Helen W. Sears, Instructor............................... 83 1 278 13. Laurence Sjoblom, Instructor............................. 83 1 204 14. Leo Ziomek, Instructor................................... 83 1 204 ($ 19 514) Physical Education 1. Peter R. Berrafato, Associate Professor of Physical Educa- tion for Men........................................... SO $ 989 2. Leo L. Gedvilas, Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men .............................................. 50 1 067 3. Benedict Montcalm, Assistant Professor of Physical Educa- tion for Men.......................................... 50 878 4. George J. Strnad, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men .............................................. 50 789 5. Robert J. Beck, Assistant in Physical Education for Men... 50 556 6. Loretta A. Browski, Assistant in Physical Education for Women................................................ 100 1 112 7. James Descourouez, Assistant in Physical Education for Men................................................... 50 556 8. Thomas F. Russo, Assistant in Physical Education for Men 50 556 ($ 6 503) Physical Sciences 1. Carl R. Meloy, Professor of Chemistry.................... 100 $ 3 112 2. R. W. Karpinski, Professor of Geology.................... 100 2 489 3. Joseph Bachrach, Associate Professor of Chemistry........ 100 2 089 4. H. J. Mueller, Associate Professor of Chemistry........... 100 1 956 5. Samuel Schrage, Associate Professor of Chemistry......... 100 2 089 6. Anatol Gottlieb, Assistant Professor of Chemistry.......... 100 1 778 7. John F. Steiner, Assistant Professor of Chemistry......... 100 1 778 8. John W. Weldon, Assistant Professor of Chemistry........ 100 1 945 9. Sabine A. Casten, Instructor in Chemistry................. 100 1 334 10. John W. Cowin, Instructor in Chemistry................... 67 1 126 11. Shafeek Farag, Instructor in Chemistry.................... 75 1 067 12. Donald D. Hedberg, Instructor in Chemistry............... 100 1 467 13. Elaine Z. Herzog, Instructor in Chemistry................. 100 1 467 14. Thomas A. Lothian, Instructor in Chemistry............... 100 1 334 15. G. I. Sackheim, Instructor in Chemistry................... 100 1 689 16. Frances K. Seabright, Instructor in Chemistry............. 83 1 297 ($ 28 017) Physics 1. Herman J. Johnson, Associate Professor................... 100 $ 2 067 2. H. B. Weissman, Associate Professor..................... 33 778 3. Harold M. Skadeland, Associate Professor................ 100 2 445 4. Ogden Livermore, Assistant Professor..................... 100 1 756 5. Fishel E. Moraine, Assistant Professor.................... 100 1 845 6. A. F. Silkett, Assistant Professor......................... 100 1 867 7. James W. Wilbur, Instructor.............................. 100 1 534 8. Robert H. Krupp, Visiting Lecturer....................... 100 1 845 ($ 14 137) Social Sciences 1. Hollis W. Barber, Professor of Political Science........... 100 $ 3 112 2. Alden D. Cutshall, Professor of Geography................ 100 2 756 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1007 Per Cent Summer Time Salary 3. D. J. Morris, Professor of Philosophy..................... 100 2 445 4. Twiley W. Barker, Jr., Associate Professor of Political Science................................................ 100 2 156 5. Robert E. Corley, Associate Professor of Sociology........ 100 2 112 6. Milton Rakove, Associate Professor of Political Science 100 1 889 7. Vivian C. Lipman, Assistant Professor of Psychology...... 100 1 612 8. Nan E. McGehee, Assistant Professor of Psychology....... 100 1 612 9. Mildred Kornacker, Instructor in Sociology................ 50 689 10. Robert R. Page, Instructor in Philosophy.................. 100 1 512 11. William B. Roosa, Instructor in Anthtropology............ 67 949 12. Pinkney C. Smith, Instructor in History................... 67 919 13. Charles P. Warren, Instructor in Anthropology............ 67 1 008 14. -----------------( Visiting Lecturer in History................. 67 1 400 15. -----------------, Visiting Lecturer in History................. 67 1 300 16.-----------------, Visiting Lecturer in Psychology.............. 67 1 250 17.-----------------, Visiting Lecturer in History................. 67 1 200 18. -----------------, Visiting Lecturer in History................. 67 1 100 19. ----------------, Visiting Lecturer in History................. 67 1 000 20. -----------------, Visiting Lecturer in History................. 67 900 21. ------------, Visiting Lecturer in History................. 67 800 22. -----------------, Visiting Lecturer in Political Science......... 50 900 ($ 32 621) Total, Chicago Undergraduate Division.................. $177 293 On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments and the summer session budget for 1964 were approved, and authority was given as requested; this action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner. At this point, Mr. Page asked to be excused from the meeting to go to another meeting in which he was also officially involved. DEPOSIT REQUIREMENT FOR STUDENTS (4) The Board of Trustees has approved a Progressive Admissions Program for undergraduate students, which became effective in September, 1961. Such a plan was necessary because available facilities and staff were inadequate to meet increases in enrollment in all undergraduate programs. To administer the plan effectively, the Board also approved a requirement of a non-refundable deposit of $30 on tuition and fees from new undergraduate domestic students, to be made before a permit to enter is issued, as a means of obtaining a serious commitment from students that they intend to enroll. Approximately 91 per cent of those who have made this deposit during the past three years have registered. Prior to the inauguration of the deposit plan approximately 68 per cent of those who received permits registered. It is now obvious that available facilities and staff will be inadequate to meet anticipated increases in enrollment in all undergraduate and graduate programs. Therefore, to insure the maximum use of facilities by the University, and to insure continuing students of appropriate class schedules, the Committee on Fees presents the following recommendations: 1. The requirement of a non-refundable deposit of $30 on tuition and fees of all students who are registered during a given semester and who wish to register for the following semester except those who have received or who have been assured of exemption from tuition and fees as a result of an undergraduate scholarship or a graduate award of a fellowship, assistantship, or tuition and fee waiver. Doctoral candidates who have passed the preliminary examination are also exempt from the payment of this deposit. The procedure to be followed, using the first semester of a given year as an example, will be: 1008 board of trustees [January IS a. Students who are registered during the second semester and who wish to register for the first semester of the next year will confer during the second semester with an adviser and request tentative class assignments. b. Class assignments will be finalized by the Office of Admissions and Records and class schedules will be mailed to students during the summer. At that time the student will be asked to make the deposit on tuition and fees. c. Upon receipt of the deposit the student will be notified that the University assures him of the schedule mailed to him and will definitely hold a place for him. 2. The requirement of a non-refundable deposit of $30 on tuition and fees of all students who are registered at the Chicago Undergraduate Division during a given semester and who wish to register on the Urbana campus for the following semester. The same procedures would apply as indicated under 1 above. 3. The requirement of a non-refundable deposit of $30 on tuition and fees of all new College of Law students. 4. The requirement of a non-refundable deposit of $30 on tuition and fees of all readmitted students. 5. The requirement of a non-refundable deposit of $30 on tuition and fees of all new domestic graduate students. Graduate students assured of the award of a fellowship, assistantship, or tuition and fee waiver will be permitted to confirm their intention to enroll without payment of the advance deposit. It is further recommended that the Office of Admissions and Records be authorized, in cooperation with the Business Office, to establish for each campus the semesters or sessions for which the deposit on tuition and fees is required beginning with the first semester of 1964-65; to establish the dates for deadlines on the acceptance of the deposit on tuition and fees; and to implement all other aspects of this deposit plan. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these recommendations were approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (5) The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the following appropriations from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign 1. College of Fine and Applied Arts --- School of Music, replacement of pianos ..........................................................$24 300 2. College of Physical Education, replacement of netting in the Armory for the protection of persons during golf and baseball practice........ 4 500 Total...........................................................$28 800 I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (6) The Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, the Executive Vice-President and Provost, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the acquisition of a computing system for the College. The College has had a very small installation of punch card data processing equipment for several years. However, in order to have appropriate equipment for both teaching and research purposes, especially at the graduate level, it is necessary to update this equipment and provide a computer system which will be a representative and adequate facility on which instructional, research data processing, and simulation procedures can be performed. In the study of equipment to be used, full cognizance has been given to the basic need, educational goals to be obtained, existing equipment on the Urbana 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1009 campus which could be used for the proposed work, and the relative costs involved. The IBM 1620 system has been selected because of its capacity to satisfy the basic computer needs of the College and it is completely compatible with existing electronic data processing equipment in the Statistical Service Unit and the high speed-large capacity IBM 7094-1401 computer system in the Digital Computer Laboratory. It is recommended that an IBM model 1620 computer system with ancillary equipment be acquired from the IBM Corporation as follows: purchase of Model 1620 Computer System complete with one central processing unit, one card read punch, one core storage unit, one tape control unit, and three magnetic tape drive units, at a price of $104,638; contract for maintenance service costs for the computer at $4,032 a year; and rental of ancillary equipment including one each accounting machine, card sorter, verifier, and calculating punch, and three key punch units at a cost of $3,986.40 a year. The prices quoted by the International Business Machines Corporation include a 60 per cent educational discount. I concur and recommend an appropriation of $104,638 from the University General Reserve for the purchase of the equipment. The annual rental and maintenance costs will be provided for in the College budgets for 1964-65 and subsequent years. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the purchase of this equipment was authorized, and the requested assignment of funds was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS IN SEVEN BUILDINGS (7) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $147,789 to Roy R. Anderson, William R. Chance, and Orville R. Zobrist, a partnership doing business as Ace Sprinkler Company, East Peoria, the lowest bidder, for installation of sprinkler systems in seven buildings: Davenport Hall, west unit, exclusive of southwest wing; Civil Engineering Hall; Mumford Hall, basement; Lincoln Hall, basement and stage; English Building, east unit; Law Building, part of basement; and Natural History Building, north unit. Funds are available in the 1963-65 state capital appropriations to the University for Protection of Life and Property and in the Universities Building Fund, and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR STEAM SERVICE TO DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES IN THE MEDICAL CENTER DISTRICT (8) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a contract with the Department of Children and Family Services for steam service from the Medical Center Steam Company plant to a small office building which is being constructed in the Medical Center District west of Damen Avenue between Taylor and Grenshaw Streets, said contract to be on the same basis as University contracts with other consumers of steam in the Medical Center District supplied by the Company. The requirements for this building will not exceed 2,S00 pounds per hour maximum demand, which is within the capacity of the present plant and distribution system. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this contract was authorized by the fol- 1010 board of trustees [January IS lowing vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR STEAM SERVICE TO DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH CHILD DEVELOPMENT BUILDING (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a contract with the Department of Mental Health for steam service from the Medical Center Steam Company plant to a Child Development Building which is being constructed in the Medical Center District south of Taylor Street between Damen and Hoyne Avenues, said contract to be on the same basis as University contracts with other consumers of steam supplied by the Company. The requirements of this Child Development Building will not exceed 10,000 pounds per hour maximum demand, which is within the capacity of the present plant and distribution system. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS FOR THE FLORIDA AVENUE RESIDENCE HALL (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, and Associates, Champaign, and Fugard, Burt, Wilkinson, and Orth, Chicago, for architectural services for the proposed Florida Avenue Residence Hall at a fee of 54 Per cent of the construction contracts; and if there is a duplication of buildings, a fee of 4 per cent for the first building to be duplicated and a lower, negotiated fee if any other buildings are duplicated. Costs will be paid from the proceeds of a revenue bond issue when the bonds are sold and will be financed temporarily from the Stores and Services Trust Account. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. EMPLOYMENT OF COST CONSULTANTS ON CONGRESS CIRCLE LECTURE CENTER (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of McKee-Berger, Mansueto, Inc., 300 West Washington, Chicago, for development of an estimate of the cost of the general work on the construction of the Lecture Center at Congress Circle, at a rate of $12 per hour, with a maximum cost of $4,500. Funds are available in the construction budget for Congress Circle. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. PUBLICITY SERVICES FOR THE ASSEMBLY HALL (12) The Director of Auxiliary Services and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of a contract for the services of Mr. Herbert J. Dotten, Park Forest, Illinois, for preparation of promotional material, and for professional counsel, with respect to promotional media for programs in the Assembly Hall from January 1 to April 30, 1964, and from September 1, 1964, to May 30, 1965, at a rate of $1,250 per month. Mr. Dotten handles publicity and promotion for several state fairs throughout the midwest, which requires his time from May to September. Consequently, he is not interested in continuous work for the University, but the contract period indicated coincides with the schedule of public events in the Assembly Hall. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1011 The cost of these services will be charged to the operating budget of the Assembly Hall. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ASSEMBLY HALL (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $4,291.16 in the contract with Felmley-Dickerson Company, Urbana, for construction of the Assembly Hall. The additional cost is for extended operation of well points during excavation of earth in the center portion of the Assembly Hall. Funds are available in the project budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this change in contract was authorized. MIDWEST UNIVERSITIES CONSORTIUM INCORPORATED (14) The Ford Foundation has made a grant of $3,500,000 to Indiana University, Michigan State University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Wisconsin for the organization and operation of a "Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Incorporated." The four universities will organize and incorporate the new Consortium to receive and administer the Ford Foundation grant. The Consortium will enable the four uniyersities to enter as a group into contracts for overseas operations, thus increasing the abilities of the university members to render more effective educational and technical services abroad; to augment the supply of personnel for international services for overseas work and utilize their knowledge and experience for campus teaching and research programs, thus increasing knowledge about significant problems in less developed areas; to offer an internship program for graduate students to assist in the work of the universities' overseas projects; to provide research grants for faculty and graduate students at overseas project sites; and to enrich regular campus teaching and research programs through seminars and printed materials based on the knowledge accumulated in the projects abroad. The four universities will be represented on a Council of Institutional Members which will elect a Board of Directors, which, in turn, will elect an Executive Director. The Executive Director will be charged with the administration of the affairs of the Consortium and will be responsible to the Board of Directors. Under the Consortium, each university will conduct its own international activities, but each will be assisted by the Consortium. The Ford Foundation grant will make possible programs which heretofore it has not been possible for the universities to carry on because of insufficiency of funds. The creation of the Consortium will enable the four universities to undertake tasks beyond the resources of any one of them. Improvement in overseas operations will result from the pooling of manpower resources, and from the full exchange of information by the four universities. The member universities will underwrite the office expenses of the Consortium, including salaries of the Executive Director and his staff, by paying an annual membership fee of $20,000. I recommend that the Board of Trustees formally approve participation of the University of Illinois in this program, and that officers of the University be authorized to take such steps as may be necessary to provide for its representation in the Consortium and for its incorporation. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved, and authority was given as recommended. GRANT FOR EXPANSION OF NON-WESTERN PROGRAMS (15) The Ford Foundation has made a grant of $800,000 for a period of five years to the University of Illinois for expansion of its non-Western programs. The grant will help the University establish an International Comparative Studies Center and assist in the development of an Asian Study Center and in strengthening the Latin-American Studies Center. The fund will also help in the recruitment of additional faculty members and will provide travel expenses for overseas research. 1012 board of trustees [January IS Details of administrative organization and of curricula or of programs developed under the grant will be subject to the standard approvals as required. I recommend acceptance of this grant. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this grant was accepted. BEQUEST OF JAMES M. LOVELLETTE (16) The University has received a bequest of $5,000 from the estate of the late James M. Lovellette of Chicago. I recommend that this bequest be accepted and that it be used for the benefit of students at the Medical Center. The First National Bank of Chicago, executor of the estate, has requested that the following resolution be adopted: Resolution Whereas, James M. Lovellette, a resident of Chicago, Illinois, departed this life on November 20, 1962, leaving a last will and testament which has been duly admitted to probate in Cook County, Illinois, and which contains provisions for a bequest as follows, said bequest having been confirmed in a Circuit Court decree entered 12/16/63 in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois; Article Sixth (28) The sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to the University of Illinois, as a Memorial Fund in memory of the late Dr. Count Lovellette, who died in the service of our country in 1918; Now, Therefore, be it, and it is hereby, resolved by this Board of Trustees of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the said bequest be and the same is hereby accepted by the said public corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth and Be it further resolved that C. C. DeLong as Bursar of said public corporation be and he is hereby authorized to accept payment on behalf of said public corporation of said bequest, and to execute and deliver to the First National Bank of Chicago as Executor of the last will and testament of the said James M. Lovellette, deceased, the receipt of the said public corporation in satisfaction thereof. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the foregoing resolution was adopted. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (17) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Print and bind 30,000 copies Under- University Press George Banta Co., Jll 089 40 graduate Study, 1963-64, trim size 6 Chicago f.o.b. in. by 9 in., approximately 368 pages delivered per copy Purchases from Institutit jnal Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Two linear amplifier power supply Coordinated The Technical $1 554 30 groups, 1000 watts CW, 208V, 50/60 Science Material Corp., f.o.b. cycle operation, frequency output 2 Laboratory Marmaroneck, N.Y. delivered to 32 me. input drive for full output. 0.1 watt output impedance SO to 600 On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were approved. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1013 Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. Purchases from Abbrobriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of photographic equipment con- Architecture and Malelo Camera, $ 2 S00 26 sisting of enlargers, cameras, paper Art, Chicago Chicago cutter, exposure meters, developing Undergraduate Norman-Willett, 1 857 75 equipment, etc. Division Chicago Standard Photo Supply, 350 00 Chicago (4 708 01) Construct metal building, 18 ft. by 32 Dairy Science Harshbarger Building 2 590 65 ft., one story, surface mounted, with & Supply Co., f.o.b. single slope roof, at University Dairy Urbana delivered Farm between existing mix mill and structure and silo erected Construct one-story, steel prefabricated Dairy Science Harshbarger Building 6 335 16 building, at University Dairy Farm, & Supply Co., f.o.b. Urbana, with dimensions 24 ft. wide, Urbana delivered 60 ft. long, 12 ft. high to eaves, to be and used to shelter dairy cattle erected Three oscilloscopes, dual trace, DC to Electrical Analab Instrument Corp. 3 135 00 500 KC, with null readout plug-in Engineering c/o Bard Associates, f.o.b. unit, 1 per cent accuracy La Grange Cedar Grove, Three oscilloscopes, with internal grati- Electrical Fairchild Du Mont N.J. 4 662 95 cule, dual trace, sweep range of 0.05 Engineering Laboratories, f.o.b. microseconds to 2 seconds/cm, and Chicago Urbana delayed sweep of 20 nanoseconds to 5 seconds/cm One 16 mm. motion picture camera and Illustration Behrend's Inc., 11 124 94 accessories Studios, Chicago delivered Medical Center Print and bind 20,000 copies Time Table Summer Session George Banta Co., 2 711 00 for summer session of 1964, trim size Chicago f.o.b. 5 in. by SJ in., approximately 136 delivered pages per copy Print and bind 10,000 copies Under- University Press Braun & Brumfield, 2 970 00 graduate Courses, 1963-64, trim size 6 Inc., f.o.b. in. by 9 in., approximately 236 pages Ann Arbor, Mich. delivered per copy Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Electronic testing equipment consisting Aeromedical Hewlett-Packard Co., $ 4 849 50 of one distortion analyzer, one digital Laboratory, c/o Crossley f.o.b. voltmeter, one electronic frequency Medical Center Associates, Inc., Loveland, function generator, one VHF signal Chicago Colo. generator, and one electronic counter and Palo Alto, Calif. Data processing equipment consisting Aeromedical International Business 89 968 00 of one processing unit, one card-read Laboratory, Machines Corp., f.o.b. punch, one core storage, one magnetic Medical Center River Forest factory tape control unit, and one magnetic tape unit 340 cases of paper containers and paper General Stores, Levin Bros. Paper Co., 4 400 85 specialties for use during one-year Medical Center Chicago delivered period and Chicago Undergraduate Division One ergometer and one mounting table Medicine, Medtron Associates, 2 640 00 Medical Center Inc., f.o.b. Chicago New York, N.Y. 40,000 paper garbage bags, double wall Physical Plant, Chukerman Paper Co., 4 157 60 construction, dimensions 14 in. by Chicago Chicago delivered 14% in. by 44) in. Envelopes, white wove commercial, Various depart- Columbia Envelope 5 799 00 plain and window, as follows: ments, Urbana Co., f.o.b. 1.000,000 No. 10, size 4 in. by $dGK and Chicago Melrose Park delivered 500,000 No. (,%, size 3 Vs in. by 6}4 250,000 No. 9, size 3 V, in. by 8 % in. 1014 board of trustees [January 15 Item Department Vendor Cost 342.000 file folders, letter and legal size. Office Supply Standard Stationery $ 3 800 96 tag manila, medium weight, for both Storeroom, Supply, f.o.b. the Urbana and Chicago branches; Urbana and Chicago delivered this is an estimated ten to twelve Chicago months' supply Group 1 --- 25,000 reams paper, No. 4 Office Supply Dwight Brothers Paper sulphite spirit fluid duplicator, white Storeroom, Co., Group 2 --- 8,622 reams paper, 25 per Urbana and Chicago cent and 50 per cent rag bond, water- Chicago Group 3 61 157 43 marked, white and colored Decatur Paper House, Group 3 --- 95,928 reams paper, No. 4 Inc., sulphite mimeograph bond, white and Decatur colored Group 1 16 787 50 Group 4 --- 45,810 reams paper, sulphite Group 4 53 527 30 offset, white and colored Group 7 14 610 00 Group 5 --- 1,645 reams paper, machine Ilollis & Duncan Co., coated, letterpress enamel book pa- Chicago per, white Group 6 2 721 18 Group 6 --- 242 reams paper, sulphite Group 8 9 934 40 cover paper, antique finish, white and Group 9 4 267 98 colored West Virginia Pulp & Paper. Group 7 --- 1,500 reams paper, English Chicago finish book paper, white Group 5 19 956 70 Group 8 --- 10,300 reams paper, onion- Midland Paper Co., skin and manifold paper, white and Chicago canary Group 2 24 062 37 Group 9 ---124,600 sheets paper, No. 1 (207 024 86) sulphite index white and colored f.o.b. delivered Two environmental growth chambers Agronomy Percival Refrigeration 6 675 00 for use in the research on the growth & Manufacturing f.o.b. of corn plants under varying condi- Co., Inc., delivered tions; each chamber is to be 66 in. Boone, Iowa long by 30 in. wide by 52 in. high, and will provide controlled conditions for temperature, light, and humidity One time-temperature program control Ceramic Barber-Colman Co., 2 773 60 system consisting of control center, Engineering Industrial Instruments f.o.b. strip chart potentiometer recorder. Division, delivered rectifier power unit, current limiter. Chicago current transformer, soak timer, and interrupter slope timer One dichograph, a recording instrument Chemistry and Baird-Atomic, Inc., 27 500 00 for measuring the circular motion of Chemical Cambridge, Mass. f.o.b. light in the visible and ultraviolet Engineering delivered region of molecules One spectrophotometer, recording with Chemistry and Applied Physics Corp., 20 740 00 75OoA grating having 0-1 + 1-2 ab-sorbance for use in research on elu- Chemical Engineering Chicago f.o.b. delivered cidation in chemical bonding in com- plex compounds One X-ray generator and control, 5KV en \ji A Chemistry and Picker X-Ray Corp.. Chicago 3 915 00 fob JU JVJA One tube, X-ray diffraction, four- Engineering delivered window To be used with existing X-ray equip- ment One precession camera Chemistry and Charles Supper 3 520 00 One Weissenberg camera, non-integrat- Chemical Co., Inc., f.o.b. ing Engineering Watertown, Mass. delivered Both to be complete with goniometer head, layer line screens, beam trap, collimator, base mount plate and oii container; they are to be mounted on top of existing X-ray equipment and used to take X-ray pictures at differ- ent angles One magnetic core matrix stack (trans- Digital Electronic Memories, 15 400 00 fer memory) Computer Inc.. c/o Withers, f.o.b. Laboratory Ropek, & Cahill, Inc.. Hawthorne, Chicago Calif. One oscilloscope, DC to 450 KC, sweep Electrical Tektronix, Inc., 2 735 00 range 1 microsecond to Hi second/cm One oscilloscope, DC-30 MC with 100 Engineering Park Ridge f.o.b. Research Beaverton, times multiplier Laboratory Ore. One dual trace plug-in amplifier One wide-band plug-in amplifier One fast-rise amplifier One scope cart Four probes 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1015 Item Department Vendor Cost One recorder, 19-in. chart, mobile, with Electrical Alden Electronic & $ 3 081 02 marking amplifier and power supply, Engineering Impulse Recording f.o.b. one each % second and Ho second Research Equipment Co., Inc., Westboro. drive assembly, paper feeds of 3.6 in. Laboratory Westboro, Mass. Mass. and 12 in. minute, dynamic balanc- ing, and twelve rolls chart paper One potentiometer, six-dial, ranges 0 to Physics Minneapolis-Honeywell 4 000 00 111, 111.0 and 0 to 111,111.10 mi- Regulator Co., f.o.b. crovolts in steps of .01 microvolts Harvey Denver, Colo. One spectrometer, reconditioned, 100 Plant Packard Instrument 7 541 00 sample capacity, dual channel, auto- Pathology Co., Inc., f.o.b. matic liquid scintillation system. La Grange delivered complete with a new system warranty One offset duplicator to print on stock Vocational and Maginn Office 3 814 20 from 3 in. by 5 in. to 11 in. by 17 in. Technical Equipment Co., f.o.b. with maximum printing area of 10J4 Education Champaign delivered in. by 16J in., equipped with work and organizer, flexible light fixture, and installed automatic blanket cleaning attachment Print and bind 1.500 copies Hydro- University Press Pantagraph Printing & 2 455 55 geology, edited by Albert V. Carozzi. Stationery Co., f.o.b. approximately 160 pages per copy, Bloomington delivered trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Print and bind 3,000 copies Pride and University Press Pantagraph Printing & 4 800 67 Power, by Vernon Van Dyke, ap- Stationery Co., f.o.b. proximately 288 pages per copy, trim Bloomington delivered size 6 in. by 9 in. Six panelboards, lighting Physical Plant Springfield Electric 3 237 78 Eighteen panelboards, power Supply Co., f.o.b. 278 circuit breakers and miscellaneous Urbana delivered trim As stock for the Physical Plant Store- room for electrical jobs on the Urbana campus Campus charter intracampus bus service Physical Plant Champaign-Urbana 90 998 00 for students, faculty, staff, and other City Lines, Inc., estimated authorized passengers, for the period Chicago expenditure February 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965 (Note: This purchase will be from both Institutional Funds, J90.998.00. and Appropriated Funds, J18.200.00, for a total of J109.198.00.) Twelve automobiles, 1964 models, se- Physical Plant Rhodes Chevrolet, dans, four door, V-8 engine, auto- Farmer City matic transmission, less trade-in of Twelve automobiles 10 399 04 1962 models with six-cylinder engines Rossetter Motor Co., One automobile, 1964 model, station Peoria wagon, nine passenger, V-8 engine, One station wagon 895 00 automatic transmission, less trade-in of 1962 model One automobile. 1964 model, police Courtesy Motor Sales, Inc. One police car 1 056 04 car, less trade-in of 1963 model police (12 350 08) f.o.b. car delivered On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (18) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period December 1 to 31, 1963. Amount lo be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale United States Air Force Techniques for minimizing forget- $ 30 373 00 December 1, 1963 AF49(638)-1292 ting United States Defense Confidential 230 000 00 December 6, 1963 Atomic Support Agency DA-49-146-XZ-218 United States Depart- Materials and methods of teaching 6 918 00 December 1, 1963 ment of Health, Educa- preprofessional courses in edu- tion, and Welfare cational psychology OE-4-10-075 United States Navy Toxic and lethal substances from 5 000 00 October 22. 1963 Nonr(G-00022-64) burned normal human skin 1016 board of trustees [January 15 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Office Preparation of guide for design and $ 39 660 00 June 7, 1963 of Civil Defense modification of public garages to OCD-OS 63-98 meet emergency requirements for public shelters Total $311 951 00 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date International Business Two items: $604.80 to $pD20,438.40 821 043 20 September and Machines Corp. November. 1963 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Air Force Provide flight instruction to twenty- $3 300 33 December 9, 1963 AF01(611)-1377 one students United States Atomic Research on electronic high-speed 50 000 00 November 1. 1963 Energy Commission digital computers for month of AT (11-1)-415 November. 1963 United States Atomic Research on electronic high-speed 50 000 00 December 1. 1963 Energy Commission digital computers for month of AT (11-1)-415 December, 1963 United States Atomic Effect of X-ray irradiation on enzy- 20 000 00 November 1, 1963 Energy Commission matic activity and nucleic acid AT (11-1)-791 metabolism in seeds and seedlings of Zea mays United States Atomic Research in elementary particle 100 000 00 November 15, 1963 Energy Commission physics AT (11-1)-1195 United States Atomic Use charge for portion of Materials 100 000 00 November 15, 1963 Energy Commission Research Laboratory used in AT (11-1)-1198 commission supported research Total $323 300 33 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date George S. Grimmett Thirty-five items: $107.57 deduct $ 2 853 26 November and & Co. to $765.84 December. 1963 (Plastering) Summary Amount to be paid to the University............................................. $635 251 33 Amount to be paid by the University............................................ 23 896 46 This report was received for record. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (19) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of endowment and other funds for the month of November, 1963: Chicago --- Stebinger Memorial Library Fund Sale 6 shares Continental Oil Company common stock $ 337 38 Merriam Special Purchase 460 shares Atlantic Refining Company common stock $ 24 950 72 Pool Purchase $ 10 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 $ 9 965 63 7/100 shares Commonwealth Edison common stock 3 20 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reports the following changes in investments of current and unexpended plant funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1017 Purchase $ 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/16/64 $ 496 684 17 1 500 000 First National Bank of Chicago Certificates 6/1/64 1 500 000 00 500 000 First National Bank of Chicago Certificates 6/15/64 500 000 00 500 000 CIT Financial Corporation notes 6/29/64 487 675 35 500 000 GMAC notes 6/29/64 487 675 34 500 000 General Electric Credit Corporation notes 6/29/64 487 675 35 300 000 Beneficial Finance Co. notes 7/15/64 292 605 21 1 000 000 Continental Illinois National Bank Certificates 9/1/64 1 000 000 00 500 000 Harris Trust Certificates 9/1/64 500 000 00 1 000 000 Continental Illinois National Bank Certificates 11/12/64 1 000 000 00 400 000 Harris Trust Certificates 11/12/64 400 000 00 Withdrawals $ 900 000 Harris Trust Special Account $ 900 000 00 2 000 000 Continental Illinois National Bank Special Account 2 000 000 00 2 000 000 First National Bank of Chicago Special Account 2 000 000 00 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 275 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/13/64 $ 272 667 31 13 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/12/64 12 846 53 Chicago --- Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963) Purchase ? 116 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/5/64 $ 114 722 45 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Sale $ 83 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 5/15/65 $ 83 000 00 Purchase $ 189 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 5/15/65 $ 189 000 00 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Sale $ 35 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/12/63 $ 34 877 34 510 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 5/15/65 510 000 00 Purchase $ 563 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 5/15/65 $ 563 000 00 Orchard Downs (June 14, 1960) Purchase S 141 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/13/64 $ 139 803 97 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Sale $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/14/63 $ 4 996 60 Purchase $ 98 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/16/64 J 97 471 07 46 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 5/15/65 46 000 00 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Purchase $ 59 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/16/64 $ 58 673 17 1018 board of trustees [January 15 Student Services Building (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 8 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/16/64 $ 7 947 87 This report was received for record. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; cancellations, resignations, and terminations; leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Agassi, Mrs. Judith, Assistant Professor of Sociology and in the Division of General Studies, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, March 1-August 31, 1964, $7,500 a year, supersedes (12-13-63). Bucher, Mary R., Assistant Professor of Sociology (Psychiatry) (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1964, $10,500 a year, supersedes (12-20-63). Caelsen, Tomiko, Research Assistant in Oral Pathology (Dentistry), eight months from January 1, 1964, $6,500 a year, supersedes (12-3-63). Dunne, William J., Acting Associate Dean of College of Business Administration (Chicago Undergraduate Division), J4 time, $10,200 a year from December 1, 1963, through August 31, 1964; and Assistant Professor of Management, V4 time, for service during each academic year, $2,800 a year, December 1, 1963-August 31, 1965, supersedes (11-20-63). Eckert, Willford J., Acting Head of Firemanship Training (Division of University Extension), eight months from January 1, 1964, $8,750 a year, supersedes (12-9-63). Eilian, Hekmatollah, Assistant in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (12-16-63). Erickson, John R., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, without salary (12-9-63). Evans, Lester J., Consultant in Education for the Health Professions (Office of Vice-President at the Medical Center), 1/2 time, one year from February 1, 1964, $12,500 (12-16-63). Ferriix, Arther L., Instructor in History, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,600, supersedes (12-3-63). Fort, Milton L., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, without salary (12-9-63). Fowler, Wyman B., Jr., Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), November 27, 1963-August 31, 1964, $8,000 a year, supersedes (12-13-63). Gallagher, James J., Associate Director of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children for the period from December 1, 1963, through August 31, 1964, $13,300 a year; this is in addition to his appointment as Professor of Special Education (College of Education) (11-20-63). Geanakoplos, Deno J., Professor of History, two months from June 16, 1964, $3,111.10 (12-9-63). George, T. V., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), eight months from January 1, 1964, $6,066.64, supersedes (12-9-63). Haggard, Ernest A., Professor of Psychology (Psychiatry) (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1964, $18,500 a year, supersedes (12-20-63). Hamilton, Robert C, Clinical Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine), 3/10 time, one year from July 1, 1963, $3,000 (12-9-63). Kanazawa, Kay K., Research Associate in Physics (C), nine months from December 1, 1963, $5,850, supersedes (12-9-63). Kim, Serena, Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, January 1-April 15, 1964, $857.50 (12-17-63). Knecht, Charles D., Instructor in Veterinary Clinical Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine), January 16-August 31, 1964, $9,500 a year (12-13-63). Matsumoto, YoRimi, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, one month from January 1, 1964, $429.17 (12-19-63). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1019 Miyashiro, Jane Y., Research Associate in Education --- Mathematics Project (University High School), V5 time, seven months from February 1, 1964, $2,216.69, supersedes (12-17-63). Oram, Robert W., Circulation Librarian and Assistant Director for Public Service Departments, and Associate Professor of Library Administration, on indefinite tenure from January 1, 1964, $12,500 a year (12-17-63). Peltason, Jack W., Acting Provost of the University, two months from Janu-uary 1, 1964, additional salary of $1,000; this is in addition to his appointment as Professor of Political Science and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (12-17-63). Penchina, Claude M., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), nine months from December 1, 1963, $8,000 a year (12-9-63). Quiambao, Teresita B., Serials Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,208.31 (12-9-63). Raether, Manfred, Research Associate Professor of Physics (College of Engineering), \/i time, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1963, to render service during each academic year, $5,500 a year; and Research Associate Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (Graduate College), Vi time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, $5,500 a year, supersedes (11-29-63). Rodgers, Donald E., Assistant in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,266.69 (12-19-63). Scott, Alan N., Instructor in Organic Chemistry, six months from February 1, 1964, $3,300 (12-19-63). Scott Winifred P., Assistant in Occupational Therapy (Medicine), 2/3 time, November 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $4,325 a year, supersedes full-time appointment (11-27-63). Steinrisser, Fortunat, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), five months from April 1, 1964, $666.67 a month (12-13-63). Thompson, William N., Professor of Farm Management and Policy (Agricultural Economics) (S), J4 time, indefinite tenure from October 1, 1963, and Assistant to the Dean of the College of Agriculture, 1/4 time, four months from October 1, 1963, $15,200 a year; and Professor of Farm Management and Policy (Agricultural Economics), College of Agriculture on 1/5 time and Agricultural Experiment Station on 2/5 time, indefinite tenure from February 1, 1964, $15,200 a year, supersedes (12-4-63). Wahl, Philippe, Research Associate in Chemistry, eight months from January 1, 1964, $7,000 a year (12-9-63). Wilson, Eleanore, Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, three months from January 1, 1964, $900 (12-17-63). Winchell, H. H. Forsyth, Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (12-19-63). Wolnak, Bernard, Research Associate in Orthodontics (Dentistry), 1/5 time, ten months from November 1, 1963, $2,000 (12-9-63). FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Baker, Robert, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, six months from January 1, 1964, $1,100 (12-17-63). Clark, William R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,050 (11-19-63). Conway, Anna M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, six months from January 1, 1964, $500 (12-6-63). DeLoach, William B., Fellow in English, February 1-June 15, 1964, $375 (12-3-63). Downey, Harry F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, February 1-June 15, 1964, $999.75 (11-20-63). Eisenman, Theodore S., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow in Medicine, three months from January 1, 1964, $200 (12-10-63). Jackson, Richard L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, eight months from November 1, 1963, $1,866.64 (12-2-63). Kirk, Donald E., Collins Radio Company Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering, November 1, 1963-June 15, 1964, $2,083 (11-19-63). 1020 board of trustees [January 15 Levin, Nathan W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Special) in Medicine, eight months from January 26, 1964, without salary (11-5-63). Maisch, Weldon F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, three months from November 1, 1963, $750 (12-2-63). McLain, Larry G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $600 (10-10-63). Romsdahl, Marvin M., United States Public Health Service Senior Clinical Trainee in Surgery, one year from July 1, 1963, without salary (11-6-63). Seline, Helen C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, eight months from November 1, 1963, $2,000 (12-6-63). Taylor, Marshall B., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow in Medicine, four months from January 1, 1964, $200 (12-4-63). Watson, James R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Predoctoral) in Microbiology, one year from January 1, 1964, $2,000 (12-10-63). ZErLENGA, Suzanne G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, six months from January 1, 1964, $1,020 (12-2-63). RESIGNATIONS, CANCELLATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Arcilla, Rene A., Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Medicine) --- resignation effective November 1, 1963. Baker, Harold A., Visiting Lecturer in Law --- termination effective December 1 1963. Conaway, C. Clifford, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology --- resignation effective December 1, 1963. Deeb, Barbara P., Research Associate in the Center for Zoonoses Research --- resignation effective December 26, 1963. Dorosz, Leon C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology---resignation effective November 1, 1963. Gardner, Mrs. Jeanne C, Instructor in Mathematics (Pharmacy Chemistry) (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. Gratovich, Eugene, Fellow in Music --- cancellation effective February 1, 1964. Holtzapple, Jay, Fellow in Music --- cancellation effective February 1, 1964. Hough, Jack L-, Professor of Geology --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Hubbard, Dorothy L., Fellow in Music --- cancellation effective February 1, 1964. Kott, Nancy, Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College --- resignation effective December 1, 1963. Kouskolekas, Costas, Research Associate in Agricultural Entomology, in the Agricultural Experiment Station and in the State Natural History Survey --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. Lain, Richard F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics --- cancellation effective November 16, 1963. Mahony, Thomas D., Instructor in Pathology (Medicine) --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. McGuire, Douglas, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology) --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Minhas, Kareem B., Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Medicine) --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Steinbeck, Paul W., Associate Director in Civil Defense and Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant --- cancellation effective September 1, 1963 (transferred to nonacademic appointment). LEAVES OF ABSENCE Ferris, Deam H., Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (College of Veterinary Medicine) of Veterinary Research (Agricultural Experiment Station), and Senior Staff Center for Zoonoses Research---- leave of absence without pay, for one year beginning February 1, 1964, so that he may undertake an assignment for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in a study of arthropod borne virus diseases. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS President Howard W. Clement announced the schedule of the next 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1021 three meetings of the Board: February 19 at Urbana; March 18, the annual meeting, at Urbana; April IS, place to be determined. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board adjourned. Following adjournment and luncheon, Dean of Business Administration Raymond W. Coleman, Dean of Engineering Robert Banks, and Dean of Architecture and Art Leonard J. Currie, all of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, were guests of the Board and were introduced by Vice-President Norman A. Parker. Each of them addressed the Board on the program of his college. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS February 19, 1964 The February meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, February 19, 1964, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, and Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Theodore A. Jones and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Acting Provost Jack W. Peltason, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Dr. Shannon McCune, Consultant to the President and to the Executive Vice-President and Provost, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President (Reports and Special Projects), Mr. V. L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 1023 1024 board of trustees [February 19 MESSAGE TO MISS FRAN MYERS Mr. Irving Dilliard called attention to the absence from the press table of Miss Fran Myers, University Editor of The News-Gazette, who is ill, and asked that the Secretary send her, on behalf of the Trustees, an expression of their sympathy with her in her illness and best wishes for her speedy recovery. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: , , . , State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates James William Checksfield Webster Groves, Missouri Missouri Frederick Patrick Crowe South Bend, Indiana Indiana Eugene Phillip Ellenberger Highland Park, Illinois Ohio Marjorie June Chicago, Illinois Ohio Helen Hoadley Ritz Des Plaines, Illinois Indiana I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these certificates were awarded. INSTITUTE OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (2) The Director of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations recommends the following appointments to the Institute's Advisory Committee for a term of three years, beginning January 1, 1964, to fill vacancies in all three categories: Management Frank H. Cassell, Assistant to the Vice-President of Administration, Inland Steel Company Public Edwin C. Berry, Executive Director, Chicago Urban League Labor V. Q. La Page, Regional Director of Region 8 of the Allied Industrial Workers of America I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were approved. COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (3) The faculty of the College of Physical Education wishes to establish an Advisory Committee. The Dean recommends the following appointments to the Committee beginning February 1, 1964, for the rotating terms indicated: Mrs. E. C. Ebersbacher, 219 North Washington Street, Shelbyville, Illinois. Immediate past Parent-Teacher Association officer (one year) Dr. Feed V. Hein, Department of Health Education, American Medical Association, 535 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois (one year) 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1025 R. J. Hildreth, Associate Managing Director, Farm Foundation, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois (one year) George Lindsley, Chief of State Hospital Bureau, State Department of Public Health, Springfield, Illinois (one year) Colonel Theodore P. Bank, President, Athletic Institute, Room 805, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Illinois (two years) Louis Irons, Department of Public Instruction, The Office Building, Springfield, Illinois (two years) Harold Judy, Sports Editor, Danville Commercial News, Danville, Illinois (two years) Alfred Slicer, Director, State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 623 East Adams Street, Springfield, Illinois (two years) Arthur Beuhler, Director of Health and Physical Education, Board of Education of Chicago, 228 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois (three years) Mrs. John T. Even, 1439 Downer Place, Aurora, Illinois. Past President of Illinois Chapter of American Association of University Women (three years) John Griffith, Publisher, Athletic Journal, 1719 Howard Street, Evanston, Illinois (three years) James Lewis, Superintendent, Argo Public Schools, Argo, Illinois (three years) I concur in the recommendations. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENTS TO CENTER FOR ZOONOSES RESEARCH (4) On recommendation of the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Director of the Center for Zoonoses Research, the following appointments to the staff of the Center have been approved and are reported for record. Senior Memberships, indefinite tenure beginning February 1, 1964: William R. Boggess, Professor of Forestry, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois Glen C. Sanderson, Associate Wildlife Specialist and Acting Head of Section of Wildlife Research, Illinois State Natural History Survey Associate Membership, for two years beginning February 1, 1964: Paul R. Schnurrenberger, Chief Public Health Veterinarian, Illinois Department of Public Health, 500 State Office Building, Springfield, Illinois Consultant, for three years beginning February 1, 1964: Telford H. Work, Chief, Virology Section, United States Public Health Service, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Georgia On motion of Mr. Williamson, these appointments were confirmed. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (5) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Thomas O. Browning, Visiting Professor in the School of Life Sciences, beginning February 1 and continuing through July 15, 1964, at a salary of $9,534. 2. Robert A. Eubanks, George A. Miller Visiting Professor of Civil Engineering, for the academic year 1964-65, at a salary of $16,000. 3. Hilary J. Harrington, Visiting Associate Professor of Geology, for the academic year 1964-65, at a salary of $11,500. 4. Ronald C. Hirschfeld, Visiting Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and of Geology, on one-half time, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $2,000. 5. Bernard Lilienthal, Visiting Professor of Dentistry, for six months from January 1, 1964, at a salary of $6,690. 6. Mary F. Meuser, Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Social Work, beginning January 6, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,700. 7. Frank W. Renwick, Jr., Director of Executive Development Center, College of Commerce and Business Administration, beginning February 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $16,000. 1026 board of trustees [February 19 8. Adrian F. Richards, Associate Professor of Geology, on nine-tenths time, and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, on one-tenth time, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,500. 9. Bernard I. Spinrad, Visiting Professor of Nuclear Engineering, for the second semester of 1963-64, without salary. 10. Donald Tuomi, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning January 1, 1964, without salary. 11. Jack T. Turner, Professor and Associate Dean of Business Administration, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $18,000. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appointments were confirmed. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS (6) The Dean of the College of Engineering recommends the appointment of Dr. Gerald M. Almy of the Department of Physics as Professor of Physics on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Physics beginning September 1, 1964, to succeed Professor Frederick Seitz who has been appointed Dean of the Graduate College. The salary of this position will be determined when the budget for 1964-65 is recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval. The nomination for this appointment was unanimously recommended by a special search committee1 and is concurred in by the Acting Provost and the Dean of the Graduate College. All members of the Department of Physics of professorial rank were also consulted both by the search committee and by the Dean prior to the initiation of the recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING (7) A search committee2 appointed in September, 1963, to recommend a Head of the Department of Marketing in the College of Commerce and Business Administration (Urbana) to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the former Head, Professor H. W. Huegy, who asked to be relieved of his administrative duties3 to devote full time to teaching and research, has assembled information about possible candidates. After the Committee had been at work for some time and had brought prospective candidates to the University for interviews, members of the Department requested a meeting to consider changing the administrative organization from a headship to a chairmanship. In accordance with University statutory provisions, the Dean called a meeting of the members of the Department of professorial rank and they voted seven to four in favor of the chairmanship organization. The Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration has transmitted the results of this vote to the President of the University with his recommendation: that no change be made and that the Department continue to be organized with a Head. The recommendation is supported unanimously by the Executive Committee4 of the College. The Dean's report supporting his recommendation is submitted herewith and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. 1 Ernest M. Lyman, Professor of Physics, Chairman; Daniel Alpert, Research Professor of Physics and Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory; Harry G. Drickamer, Professor of Chemical Engineering and of Physical Chemistry, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Engineering Experiment Station, and Member of the Center for Advanced Study; Donald Ginsberg, Associate Professor of Physics; Edward C. Jordan, Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering; Leo S. Lavatelli, Professor of Physics; and Robert D. Sard, Professor of Physics. * Professors J. F. Bell, Department of Economics, Chairman; Richard M. Hill, Department of Marketing; Robert Ferber, Bureau of Economic and Business Research; Lloyd DeBoer, Department of Marketing; and Robert Mautz, Department of Accountancy. 8 In the meantime, Professor Frank H. Beach of the Department of Marketing, who retired at the end of the academic year 1962-63, has continued in active service on a part-time basis, serving as Head of the Department of Marketing. ?Professors H. K. Allen, Department of Economics; Robert Ferber, Bureau of Economic and Business Research; Vernon Zimmerman, Department of Accountancy; Donald Skadden, Department of Accountancy; Joseph Letterer, Graduate School of Business Administration; Walter McMahon, Department of Economics; Dean Paul M. Green, Chairman, ex officio. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1027 The Acting Provost and I concur in the Dean's recommendation that the headship form of organization be retained. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board approved the recommendation that the headship form of organization of the Department of Marketing be retained. GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS FOR 1964-65 (8) The Graduate College has requested the commitment of funds for University Fellowships for 1964-65 so that fellowship offers can be made by April 1, 1964, in accordance with the standard practice. Specifically, an assignment of $335,000 of recurring funds is requested of which $20,000 would be for the Medical Center and $315,000 for Urbana-Champaign, which will provide for a total of 175 fellowships at annual stipends of $1,800. An increase in the stipend from $1,500 to $1,800 has been approved by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and confirmation of this action is requested. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these actions were confirmed. CURRICULUM IN ARCHITECTURE AT CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (9) The Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate has approved a recommendation from the College of Architecture and Art for a curriculum in architecture leading to the degree of Bachelor of Architecture, to be implemented at the beginning of the academic year 1964-65. Submitted herewith is a supporting statement describing the new curriculum, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. Establishment of this new curriculum is in accordance with the educational policies and plans for the organization of educational programs involved in the expansion of the Chicago Undergraduate Division into a degree-granting branch of the University, consistent with prior legislative authorization of the same, as approved by the Board of Trustees in January and February, 1961. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that this curriculum is ready for approval by the Board of Trustees. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. CONTRACT FOR CAMPUS TREE-PLANTING PHASE 4 (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $22,578.94 to Twin City Landscape Service, Inc., the lowest bidder, for the fourth phase of the campus tree-planting program at Urbana-Champaign. This contract is for planting trees on the west side of Mathews Avenue from Springfield Avenue to Nevada Street; on the east side of Mathews Avenue adjacent to the Mechanical Engineering Building; on both sides of Sixth Street from Armory Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; on the south side of Gregory Drive from Oak Street to First Street; on the west side of Oak Street from Stadium Drive to Florida Avenue; on both sides of St. Mary's Road from the west University property line to Fourth Street; and adjacent to the Illinois Central Railroad right-of-way from Stadium Drive south to the existing planting at the Physical Plant Service Building. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR LANDSCAPING OF SITES AT THREE NEW BUILDINGS IN URBANA-CHAMPAIGN (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller 1028 board of trustees [February 19 recommend awards of contracts to Twin City Landscape Service, Inc., Urbana, for landscaping of the areas of three new buildings recently constructed or now being completed at Urbana-Champaign, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: College of Commerce and Business Administration West........... $12 120 28 College of Education Building..................................... 7 626 49 Orchard Downs, First Addition.................................... IS 236 71 Funds are available in the construction budgets of the three buildings. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES FOR TELEVISION STUDIOS (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of an agreement with the Illinois Power Company for electrical services to the Television Studios at 1114 West Main Street, Urbana, at the standard Utilities Service Classification Rate No. 21, including Rider A. Service was originally initiated under a rate for which no formal contract was necessary. It has since been determined that the demand for electricity is such that a savings of approximately $100 per year can be effected by entering into the proposed contract. Funds for the annual estimated cost of $7,000 are available in the Physical Plant operating budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION FACILITIES FOR CHILDREN'S RESEARCH CENTER (13) It is anticipated that closed circuit television facilities between the Herman M. Adler Clinic to be constructed by the State Department of Mental Health and the Children's Research Center to be constructed by the University will be desirable for research through the observation of activities in various buildings of the Clinic. The Illinois Bell Telephone Company will install television conduit and cable between the buildings at no cost to the University if the University issues a letter stating that it intends to lease the transmission facilities at the prevailing rates authorized by the Interstate Commerce Commission if and when closed circuit television equipment is installed. The Company will also install telephone cable at the same time without additional charge; however, if only telephone cable is installed, it must be done at University expense, so that the letter referred to will save the University an estimated $9,000 in the cost of the telephone cable. Installation of underground television cable by the University would cost an estimated $17,000 at this time; the cost would be higher after the buildings, landscaping, walks, and drives have been completed. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of any necessary agreements at the appropriate time with the Illinois Bell Telephone Company for closed circuit television facilities. On motion of Mr, Williamson, authority was given as requested; Mr. Hughes asked to be recorded as not voting. CONTRACT FOR INCINERATOR IN DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend a contract for $14,474 to the C. O. Henriksen Company, Chicago, the 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1029 lowest bidder, for construction and installation of an incinerator in the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building. This improvement is a part of the 1963-65 building program and funds are available in the state capital appropriations for the same. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. AGREEMENT WITH FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY AND GRANT FOR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS AND ACQUISITION OF LAND (IS) In 1961 the University purchased air rights at the south end of the north-south runway and land-in-fee on the north end of the north-south runway at the University of Illinois-Willard Airport in accordance with an agreement with the Federal Aviation Agency to provide clear zones on the north-south runway for a prospective instrument runway. The Federal Aviation Agency subsequently decided to put the installation on the northwest-southeast runway and is now making an instrument landing system installation on that runway. The Federal Aviation Agency has offered the University a grant of $92,443 to: (1) reimburse the University for costs of acquiring the land and air rights on the north-south runway; (2) install high intensity lights; (3) purchase the necessary air rights and land on the northwest-southeast runway; (4) install marking on instrument runway; (S) install perimeter fencing on the approach lighting system site; and (6) remove obstructions. In order to accept this grant, the University must agree to acquire approximately twenty acres of land in fee simple and air rights over approximately one hundred and ten acres at the ends of the northwest-southeast runway. The land will be used for the future installation of an approach lighting system and clearance zones, which adds to the utility and safety of the airport operations and is usually installed as an integral part of the instrument landing system. The State Department of Aeronautics has agreed to pay the matching costs of these improvements, to the extent of $44,000, from state appropriations released for improvements at the University of Illinois-Willard Airport. The entire cost of the land to be acquired is reimbursable from the federal grant and the appropriation to the State Department of Aeronautics. The Director of the Institute of Aviation and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend acceptance of the grant and authorization of the Director of the Institute of Aviation to negotiate for the acquisition of the land, recommendations for the purchase of which will be submitted to the Board. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Accepting, Adopting, and Authorizing Execution of Acceptance of Grant Offer of the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency Constituting Grant Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the United States Whereas, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, for and in behalf of the United States, has extended to The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois a formal Grant Offer, dated December 19, 1963, pursuant to the Project Application of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois submitted to the Federal Aviation Agency, dated September 27, 1963, all as hereinbelow set forth, and all relating to the development of the University of Illinois-Willard Airport; the same bearing FAA Project No. 9-11-026-C404; and Whereas, pursuant to and for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of the Federal Airport Act (60 Stat. 170; Public Law 377, 79th Congress), it is necessary that said Grant Offer be duly and formally accepted by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Whereas, such Grant Offer and such Acceptance thereof, duly executed, together shall constitute the Grant Agreement between The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the United States relating to said airport-development project; and Whereas, the said Grant Offer is in the words, figures, and form following: 1030 board OF trustees [February 19 Federal Aviation Agency Grant Agreement Part I ---Offer Date of Offer: December 19, 1963 University of Illinois-Willard Airport Project No. 9-11-026-C404 Contract No. FA-CE-2919 To: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics, Co-Sponsors, (herein referred to as the "Sponsor") From: The United States of America (acting through the Federal Aviation Agency, herein referred to as the "FAA") Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has submitted to the FAA a Project Application dated January 26, 1961, and the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics, and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois have submitted to the FAA a Project Application dated September 27, 1963, for projects for development of the University of Illinois-Willard Airport (herein called the "Airport"), which Project Applications as approved by the FAA are hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and Whereas, the FAA has approved a project for development of the Airport (herein called the "Project") consisting of the following-described airport development: Reimburse for N and S clear zone acquisition; acquire NW and SE clear zones and ALS site in SE approach to NW/SE (ILS) runway; install high-intensity lighting system for NW/SE runway; install instrument-runway marking on NW/SE runway; install perimeter fencing on ALS site; remove obstructions. all as more particularly described in the property map and plans and specifications incorporated in the said Project Applications; Now therefore, pursuant to and for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Federal Airport Act, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1101), and in consideration of (a) the Sponsor's adoption and ratification of the representations and assurances contained in said Project Application, and its acceptance of this Offer as hereinafter provided, and (b) the benefits to accrue to the United States and the public from the accomplishment of the Project and the operation and maintenance of the Airport as herein provided, THE FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES, HEREBY OFFERS AND AGREES to pay, as the United States share of the allowable costs incurred in accomplishing the Project, SO per centum thereof, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the United States' share of the allowable costs incurred in accomplishing the installation hereunder of the high-intensity lighting system on the NW/SE designated instrument landing runway and the acquisition of the 3200' x 400' site for an Approach Light System in the SE approach thereto shall be 75 per centum thereof. This Offer is made on and subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this Offer shall be $92,443.00. 2. The Sponsor shall: (a) begin accomplishment of the Project within ninety days after acceptance of this Offer or such longer time as may be prescribed by the FAA, with failure to do so constituting just cause for termination of the obligations of the United States hereunder by the FAA; (b) carry out and complete the Project without undue delay and in accordance with the terms hereof, the Federal Airport Act, and Sections 550.7 and 550.8 of the Regulations of the Federal Aviation Agency (14 CFR 550) in effect as of the date of acceptance of this Offer; which Regulations are hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"; (c) carry out and complete the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications and property map, incorporated herein, as they may be revised or modified with the approval of the FAA. 3. The allowable costs of the project shall not include any costs determined by 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1031 the FAA to be ineligible for consideration as to allowability under Section 550.4(a) of the Regulations. 4. Payment of the United States share of the allowable project costs will be made pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Section 550.9 of the Regulations. Final determination as to the allowability of the costs of the project will be made at the time of the final grant payment pursuant to Section 550.9(d) of the Regulations: Provided, that, in the event a semi-final grant payment is made pursuant to Section 550.9 (c) of the Regulations, final determination as to the allowability of those costs to which such semi-final payment relates will be made at the time of such semi-final payment. 5. The Sponsor shall operate and maintain the airport as provided in the Project Application herein and specifically covenants and agrees, in accordance with its Assurance 4 in Part III of said Project Application that in its operation and the operation of all facilities thereof, neither it nor any person or organization occupying space or facilities thereon will discriminate against any person or class of persons by reason of race, color, creed or national origin in the use of any of the facilities provided for the public on the airport. 6. The FAA reserves the right to amend or withdraw this Offer at any time prior to its acceptance by the Sponsor. 7. This Offer shall expire and the United States shall not be obligated to pay any part of the costs of the Project unless this Offer has been accepted by the Sponsor on or before March 15, 1964, or such subsequent date as may be prescribed in writing by the FAA. 8. It is recognized by the parties hereto that on February 11, 1963, Part 550 of the Regulations of the Federal Aviation Agency (14 CFR 550) was deleted and superseded by Part 151 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (27 FR 12348). Therefore, it is understood and agreed that Paragraphs 2(b), 3, and 4 of this Grant Offer are hereby deleted and the following Paragraphs 2(b), 3, and 4 are substituted in their place and stead: "2(b) carry out and complete the Project without undue delay and in accordance with the terms hereof, the Federal Airport Act, as amended, and Sections 151.45, 151.47, 151.49, 151.51, 151.53, and 151.55, of the Federal Aviation Regulations (27 FR 12348) in effect as of the date of acceptance of this Offer; which Regulations are hereafter referred to as the 'Regulations';" "3. The allowable costs of the project shall not include any costs determined by the FAA to be ineligible for consideration as to allowability under Section 151.41(b) of the Regulations." "4. Payment of the United States' share of the allowable project costs will be made pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 151.57, 151.59, 151.61, and 151.63 of the Regulations. Final determination as to the allowability of the costs of the project will be made at the time of the final grant payment pursuant to Section 151.63 of the Regulations: Provided, that, in the event a semi-final grant payment is made pursuant to Section 151.63 of the Regulations, final determination as to the allowability of those costs to which such semi-final payment relates will be made at the time of such semi-final payment." 9. It is understood and agreed that each contract awarded for construction work under this project is subject to the provisions of the Work Hours Act of 1962, Public Law 87-581. It is further understood and agreed that each such contract will contain stipulations requiring the contractor or subcontractor to pay wages to all laborers and mechanics employed on the work in conformance with the provisions of the Act and that the Sponsor may withhold or cause to be withheld from the contractor or subcontractor so much of the accrued payments as may be considered necessary to pay laborers and mechanics employed by any such contractor or subcontractor on the work the full amount of wages required by the contract and such sums as may administratively be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractor or subcontractor for liquidated damages as provided by the Act. It is also understood and agreed that, in the event of failure of any contractor or subcontractor to pay any laborer or mechanic employed or working on the site of the work all or part of the wages required by the contract, the FAA may, after written notice to the Sponsor, withhold from the Sponsor so much of the accrued payments or advances representing unpaid wages and liquidated damages. 10. By this acceptance hereof, the Sponsor hereby covenants that to the extent it 1032 board of trustees [February 19 has or may have either present or future control over each area identified on the Exhibit "A" as "clear zone," and unless exceptions to or deviations from the following obligations have been granted to the Sponsor in writing by the FAA, it will clear said area or areas of any existing structure or any natural growth which constitutes an obstruction to air navigation within the standards established by the Federal Aviation Agency Technical Standard Order N18; and the Sponsor further covenants that it will control the subsequent erection of structures and control natural growth to the extent necessary to prevent the creation of obstructions within said standards. 11. It is understood and agreed that the following is substituted for the provisions of Paragraph 3, Part III, Sponsor's Assurances of the said Project Application: "The Sponsor will not grant or permit any exclusive right for the use of the airport forbidden by Section 308 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 and will otherwise comply with all applicable laws, and with the policies of the Federal Aviation Agency with respect to the conduct of aeronautical activities on the airport as set forth in the statement of policy published in the Federal Register of July 25, 1962 (27 F.R. 7054). In furtherance of this covenant, but without limiting its general applicability and effect, the Sponsor specifically agrees that, unless authorized by the Administrator, it will not, either directly or indirectly, grant or permit any person, firm or corporation, the exclusive right for the conduct of any aeronautical activity on the airport, including but not limited to, charter nights, pilot training, aircraft rental and sightseeing, aerial photography, crop dusting, aerial advertising and surveying, air carrier operations, aircraft sales and services, sale of aviation petroleum products whether or not conducted in conjunction with other aeronautical activities, repair and maintenance of aircraft, sale of aircraft parts, and any other activities which because of their direct relationship to the operation of aircraft can be regarded as an aeronautical activity: Provided, that the Sponsor may grant such exclusive right that is permitted under any surplus property instrument of transfer pursuant to which surplus property was conveyed to the Sponsor by the United States pursuant to the Surplus Property Act of 1944, (61 Stat. 678), as amended." 12. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that (a) As respects that part of this project consisting of the N and S clear zone acquisition covered by the aforesaid Project Application dated January 26, 1961, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois stands in the status of sole Sponsor and the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics does not have a financial interest therein. Insofar as this project concerns the said development, the FAA recognizes the existence of an agency relationship for certain project purposes created by an Agreement of Limited Agency entered into for and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on January 26, 1961, as principal, and for and on behalf of the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics on January 31, 1961, and currently ratified and confirmed by the said Department's incumbent Director, as agent; the said Board of Trustees and the said Department agree that they will not amend, modify, or terminate the said Agreement of Limited Agency without the prior approval in writing of the FAA; and (b) As respects that part of this project consisting of the above-described construction work and acquisition of an ALS site and the off-site portions of the NW and SE clear zones covered by the aforesaid Project Application dated September 27, 1963, the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois are Co-Sponsors, and the said Department has made available from funds appropriated to it the sum of $44,000 to defray the Sponsor share of accomplishing the said development. Insofar as this project concerns the said development, the FAA recognizes the existence of an agency relationship for certain project purposes created by an Agency and Participation Agreement entered into for and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, as principal, and for and on behalf of the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics, as agent, on September 27, 1963; the said Board of Trustees and the said Department agree that they will not amend, modify or terminate the said Agency and Participation Agreement without prior written approval of the FAA. 13. It is understood and agreed that the Exhibit "A" Property Map bearing latest 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1033 revision date of "10-31-63" attached to and incorporated in the aforesaid Project Application dated September 27 1963 shall be an official Exhibit "A" Property Map for purposes of this project, and that, accordingly, the Exhibit "A" Property Map bearing latest revision date of "1/18/61" shall be considered to be of historical-record significance only and to be superseded by the said "10-31-63" revision. 14. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the United States shall not make, nor shall it be obligated to make, final grant payment hereunder or any payment representing the United States' share of the respective costs of acquiring Areas R, S, and T, as the same are delineated on the aforesaid Exhibit "A", until the Sponsor shall have submitted evidence satisfactory to the FAA of fee simple title satisfactory to the FAA in and to the said Areas R, S, and T, or of the respective costs of acquiring Tracts 1, 2, 3, and 4, as the same are delineated on the aforesaid Exhibit "A", until the Sponsor shall have submitted evidence satisfactory to the FAA of easement interests satisfactory to the FAA in and over each of said Tracts 1, 2, 3, and 4. 15. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that, insofar as the above-described construction work is concerned, this Grant Offer is issued on the basis of preliminary plans; the Sponsor hereby covenants and agrees that on or before April IS, 1964, it will submit final plans and specifications therefor. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the project construction work shall not be advertised or commenced until such final plans and specifications have been so submitted and have been approved by the FAA. It is further understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that any reference herein or in the aforesaid Project Application dated September 27, 1963, to plans and specifications shall mean such final plans and specifications as shall have been so submitted and approved. 16. It is hereby understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the United States shall not make, nor shall it be obligated to make any payment representing the United States' share of the costs of accomplishing the project obstruction-removal work until the Sponsor has submitted evidence satisfactory to the FAA that such work has been completed and that the Sponsor held a property interest or other right permitting it to go on the land concerned and perform such work. 17. The Sponsor hereby covenants and agrees that the installation of perimeter fencing around the ALS site shall not be commenced until the Sponsor has submitted evidence satisfactory to the FAA of fee simple title satisfactory to the FAA in and to Areas R, S, and T, as the same are delineated on the aforesaid Exhibit "A". 18. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the State of Illinois Department of Aeronautics hereby covenant and agree that they will use their good offices to obtain at as early a time as feasibly may be, the Amendment of the Airport Approach and Zoning Plans and corresponding regulations of the County of Champaign, Illinois dated November 16, 1944, to conform with the approach plans, areas and profiles as shall be applicable upon the completion of this project. The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of the Project Application incorporated herein shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponsor, as hereinafter provided, and said Offer and Acceptance shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by the Federal Airport Act, constituting the obligations and rights of the United States and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the Project and the operation and maintenance of the Airport. Such Grant Agreement shall become effective upon the Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and shall remain in full force and effect throughout the useful life of the facilities developed under the Project but in any event not to exceed twenty years from the date of said acceptance. United States of America Federal Aviation Agency By Henry L. Newman Director, Central Region Part II--- Acceptance The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements con- 1034 board of trustees [February 19 tained in the Project Application and incorporated materials referred to in the foregoing Offer and does hereby accept said Offer and by such acceptance agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. Executed this ................ day of................................................, 19 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Seal) By.......................................................... Title........................................................ Attest................................... Title......................................................................... Certificate of Sponsor's Attorney I,................................................................acting as Attorney for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (herein referred to as the "Sponsor") do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken by said Sponsor relating thereto, and find that the Acceptance thereof by said Sponsor has been duly authorized and that the execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, and further that, in my opinion, said Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated of..................................., 19........ Title........................................................ The State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics does hereby accept said Offer and by such acceptance agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. Executed thisday of................................................, 19................. State of Illinois (Seal) Department of Aeronautics Attest............................................................ By..................................................................... Title................................................................. Title.....................................-......-.................... Certificate of Co-Sponsor's Attorney I, ........................................................................, acting as Attorney for the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics, do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing Grant Agreement and proceedings taken by the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics relating thereto and find that the acceptance thereof by the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics has been duly authorized and that the execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois and further that, in my opinion, said Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated at........................................this of......................................, 19......... Title.. Now, Therefore, upon consideration of said Grant Offer and all of the terms, provisions, conditions, and exhibits therein and thereto, Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as follows: 1. That The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois accept, and it does hereby accept the Grant Offer extended to it by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, for and in behalf of the United States in the words, figures, and form as hereinabove set forth and that it shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the United States by causing the Acceptance thereof, in the words, figures, and form as hereinabove set forth, to be duly executed in its name and for and in its behalf. 2. That to accomplish the foregoing, H. O. Farber, Comptroller, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute, for and in behalf of The Board of 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1035 Trustees of the University of Illinois, the said Acceptance of the said Grant Offer, and that A. J. Janata, Secretary, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attest said execution and to impress thereon the Official Seal of the University of Illinois. 3. That the Project Application, dated September 27, 1963, executed and submitted to the Federal Aviation Agency by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, relating to FAA Project No. 9-11-026-C404, including all the statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements, contained therein, be and the same is hereby ratified and adopted. 4. That the Agency and Participation Agreement, attached thereto and by reference made a part thereof, entered into on the 27th day of September, 1963, by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and by the State of Illinois, Department of Aeronautics, be and the same is hereby confirmed and ratified. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner; not voting, Mr. Johnston. ESTATE OF ANNA M. GUL1CK, DECEASED (16) On June 4, 1963, the Probate Court of McLean County, Illinois, entered an order admitting to probate a will dated September 17, 1954, and a codicil thereto dated December 1, 1960, as the Last Will and Testament of Anna M. Gulick, deceased. The University is not a beneficiary under these instruments. The June 4, 1963, order also denied probate to a document dated September 2, 1960, purporting to be Mrs. Gulick's last will and testament, under which certain property is disposed of to individuals and the residuary estate is placed in trust with the income to be divided equally among the University of Illinois, Northwestern University, and Illinois Wesleyan University. The latter institution is a beneficiary under both instruments but would take a greater share under the documents admitted to probate by the June 4, 1963, action of the Probate Court. The Legal Counsel states that preliminary investigation indicates that the September 2, 1960, instrument favoring the University may, in fact, be the last will of the decedent. He states further that, because of limitations on the extent of evidence admissible in the probate court, the validity of the documents admitted to probate should be determined in a separate proceeding filed in the Circuit Court of McLean County, Illinois. He recommends that the University join with Northwestern University in instituting a suit to contest the documents admitted as Mrs. Gulick's will, and requests authority to employ such special legal counsel as he may deem necessary or appropriate to assist in the prosecution of the same. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (17) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and from University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Institutiotial Funds Item One lot of radiation counting equipment consisting of one amplifier-analyzer, one sealer-timer with high voltage supply, one scintillation high-voltage power supply, one gamma scintillation detector, one well assembly with photomultiplier tube and metal shield, and one dual purpose timer Department Vendor Cost Agency for Baird-Atomic, Inc., $ 5 134 75 International Cambridge, Mass, f.a.s. Development New (Faculty of York, Medicine --- N.Y. Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) 1036 board of trustees [February 19 Item Department Vendor Cost Fertilizer as follows: Agricultural Tennessee Valley $ S 608 80 43.05 tons diammonium phosphate Economics Authority, f.o.b. 19.45 tons high analysis phosphate Wilson Dam, Ala. Sheffield, 3.00 tons ammonium phosphate ni- Ala. trate To be used for ten Allerton Trust Farms; the Allerton Farm tenants will reimburse the University for one- half of the total cost One amplifier, electron-beam para- Electrical Zenith Radio Corp., 7 000 00 metric, center frequency 413 me, Engineering Chicago f.o.b. signal bandwidth 40 me, noise figure delivered 1.5 db or less over 30 mc-2.0 db or less over 40 me, gain 20 db minimum One recorder, x-y 11 in. by 17 in., with Electrical Electro Instruments, 3 775 00 plug-in differential input module and Engineering Inc., f.o.b. plug-in logarithmic converter module Research T-aViorntrif v St. Louis, Mo. destination One electron gun system, rated at 5fcw, Electrical Tech Sales and Marketing, 7 610 00 lOkv, SOOrna, including power supply. Engineering Indianapolis, Ind. f.o.b. gun, two-feed throughs, and polarity Research Berkeley, reversing switch Laboratory Calif. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were confirmed. Purchases Recommended Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of x-ray and darkroom equip- Health Service, Winfield, Inc., ?13 000 00 ment Chicago Chicago delivered and installed Print 30,000 copies of Chicago Under- Chicago Interstate Printing 9 250 00 graduate Division catalog, 1964-65, Undergraduate & Publishing Co., delivered 6 in. by 9 in., 160 pages plus six-page Division Danville tipped insert and cover, supply for one year One computer, analog, fully transis- Chemistry and Electronic Associates, 6 042 50 torized, with plug-in expansion fea- Chemical Inc., f.o.b. tures built in, computer time 20, 50, Engineering Long Branch, N.J. delivered 100, and 200 millisecond steps $pM 5 per cent, vernier scale expansions of 2.5 at 1.0 minimum, reset time 10 milli- seconds $pM 5 per cent Two tape recorders, two channel, speeds School of Music Radio Doctors, 4 988 20 TH and 15 in. per second, 30 to 18,000 Champaign f.o.b. cps frequency $pM 2 db 15 ips eight delivered microphones One net, baseball practice, 130 ft. square, Physical Bailey & Himes, Inc., 3 895 50 with 15 ft. high walls and tent-type Education Urbana f.o.b. roof, to be used for indoor baseball for Men delivered and golf practice in the University of Illinois Armory One audiometer with output switch and Speech and Grason-Stadler Co., Inc., 3 379 23 matched earphones, frequency range Theatre West Concord, Mass. f.o.b. 100 to 10,000 cycles per second con- delivered trolled in three manners: (a) 2-decade range, (b) 2-octave range, and (c) neutral, signal interruption controlled at a rise and fall time of 25 milli- seconds Nineteen catalog card cabinets, sixty Library Gaylord Brothers, Inc., 13 110 00 trays each, wood, with label holders Syracuse, N.Y. f.o.b. and large ring pulls delivered Print and bind 35,000 copies of Time University Press Wisconsin Cuneo 7 758 00 Table, First Semester, 1964-65, trim Press, Inc., f.o.b. size 5J*$pD in. by 8J-$pD in., approximately Chicago delivered 352 pages per copy Print and bind 80,000 copies Under- University Press R. R. Donnelley & 26 168 20 graduate Study, 1964-65, trim size Sons Co., f.o.b. 6 in. by 9 in., approximately 368 Chicago delivered pages per copy Print and bind 40,000 copies of Gradu- University Press Pantagraph Printing & 14 857 00 ate College Catalog; 1964-65, trim Stationery Co., f.o.b. size 6 in. by 9 in., approximately 328 Bloomington delivered pages per copy 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1037 Item Department Vendor Cost Print and bind 1,500 copies of The University Press Vail-Ballou Press, Inc., $ 3 050 91 Papers of William Hick ling Prescott, New York, N.Y. f.o.b. edited by C. Harvey Gardiner, trim delivered size 63> in. by 9$pD$pD *n'i approximately 496 pages (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropria ted Funds, JS3.050.91, and Institutional Funds. J3.050.91, for a total of 36,101.82.) One tractor, 1964, with five-gang front- Physical Plant Leon Short & Sons, Inc., S 754 00 mounted mower units, dual-drive Keokuk, Iowa f.o.b. front wheels, rear steering, hydraulic delivered lift system; less trade-in of 1959 Worthington tractor Purchases : from Institutional Funds One hundred dental manikins to be used Applied Materia Columbia Dentoform $ 3 185 00 in teaching the undergraduate dental Medica and Corp., f.o.b. student technique with dental instru- Therapeutics, New York, N.Y. New York, ments Chicago N.Y. One research recorder and accessories Medicine, Electronics for 7 355 00 Chicago Medicine, Inc., delivered White Plains, N.Y. Polarizing photomicroscope equipped Orthodontics, W. H. Kessel & Co., 6 484 30 for phase and brightfield microscopy Chicago Chicago delivered One spectrophotometer Pharmacy, E. H. Sargent & Co., 2 970 00 Chicago Chicago delivered Dental laboratory service for the Pros- Prosthodontics Twentieth Century 9 998 76 thodontics Clinic, consisting of the Clinic, Dental Laboratory, delivered processing of artificial teeth in plastic Chicago Inc., and the furnishing of removable par- Chicago tial denture castings, for the period March 1, 1964, through June 30, 1964, renewable for one year by mutual agreement One fifteen-passenger station wagon Physical Al Abrams Motor Sales, 6 709 20 coach with standard heavy duty Education and Inc., delivered coach construction, V-8 283 h.p. Athletic Chicago engine, super-hydramatic four-speed Activities, transmission, power brakes, power Chicago steering, Saf-T-Track differential, Undergraduate dual heaters and defrosters, heavy Division duty frame reinforcements, electric wipers and washers, tinted glass, roof baggage rack and tarpaulin, and undercoating One audio tape duplicating system with Agriculture Allied Electronics, 3 666 66 full-track heads Extension Chicago f.o.b. One table top cabinet Editor's Office delivered One spectrophotometer, programmed, Agronomy Research Specialties Co., 4 523 00 double beam with grating mono- Richmond, Calif. f.o.b. chromator, one automatic readout delivered attachment and sample turntable for general use in Turner Hall Twenty-five microscopes, inclined, mo- Agronomy LaPine Scientific Co., 7 150 00 nocular, standard teaching Chicago f.o.b. Twenty-five stereomicroscopes, student, delivered for three dimensional viewing Twenty-five illuminators, for student microscopes One gas chromatograph with hydrogen Agronomy Wilkens Instrument & 3 125 73 generator, recorder, disc integrator. Research, Inc., f.o.b. syringes, pressure regulator and Walnut Creek, Calif. delivered columns for use by the Department of Agronomy in Turner Hall One spectrometer system EPR with Chemistry and Varian Associates, 56 050 00 dual channel recorder and accessories, Chemical Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. for structure determinations of sub- Engineering delivered stances containing unpaired electrons One spectrum analyzer, special, single Chemistry and Boonshaft & Fuchs, 12 825 00 channel d.c. analog power and cor- Chemical Inc., f.o.b. relation computer; power spectra 0.01 Engineering Hatboro, Pa. delivered to 100 cps, bandwidth 0.02 to 200 cps, integration time 10 to 1000 seconds; correlation computer integration time 10 to 1000 seconds One analyzer, spectrochrome, for use in Chemistry and Spinco Division, 23 809 00 research on the separation of biologi- Chemical Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. cally active molecules, especially pro- Engineering Inc., delivered teins and nucleic acids Palo Alto, Calif. 1038 board of trustees [February 19 Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of laboratory apparatus and General Chemical LaPine Scientific Co., $ 3 360 00 equipment including a refrigerated Stores Chicago f.o.b. centrifuge and accessories, 48 gas delivered cylinder clamps. 36 scalpels, 96 pair dissecting scissors, 144 spatulas, 312 ring supports, and 288 polyethylene centrifuge tubes; the apparatus items are for General Chemical Stores stock and are estimated to be a three-month supply One spectrophotometer, tungsten lamp. General Chemical Chemical Rubber Co., 2 662 10 hydrogen lamp, power supply and ap- Stores Cleveland, Ohio f.o.b. paratus including 504 test tube delivered brushes, 216 polyethylene wash bot- tles, 400 feet black rubber tubing, and 300 feet assorted sizes of red rubber vacuum tubing; these items are for stock in the General Chemical Stores and are estimated to be a two-month supply One ultrasonic impact grinder, paral- Chemistry and Raytheon Co., CAS 3 272 50 lelogram suspension, power input 250 Chemical Division, f.o.b. watts at 115 volts, power output 100 Engineering, Chicago delivered watts, frequency 22 to 28 KC Glassblowing Laboratory One counter, frequency period, digital Coordinated Computer Measurements 2 759 16 with frequency range module and Science Co., c/o Pivan f.o.b. frequency-period module: 0-25 me, Laboratory Engineering Co., delivered 1 microsecond to 100 seconds gate Chicago time, period measurement of 0.1 microsecond to 1000 seconds, 10 to 10s periods 480 connectors, strip, micro-miniature. Digital Computer ITT Cannon Electric, 2 559 40 50 mil. Laboratory Inc., f.o.b. Anaheim, Calif. delivered One oscilloscope, with sampling probe Digital Computer Tektronix. Inc., 3 500 00 dual trace plug-in unit and timing Laboratory Park Ridge f.o.b. plug-in unit, 2 mv to 200 mv/cm Beaverton, calibrated sensitivity, 1 nanosec/cm Ore. to 100 microsec/cm calibrated sweep speed, with miniature direct sampling probes 3,000 transformers, special for transfer Digital Computer Wabash Magnetics, Inc., 5 500 00 memory systems Laboratory Wabash, Ind. f.o.b. delivered One spectrophotometer, double beam. Electrical Perkin-Elmer Corp., 25 514 00 recording, with gratings, rack Engineering La Grange f.o.b. mounted, including detectors for use delivered in research on P-N laser junctions One residual gas analyzer for continous Electrical Consolidated 4 461 00 analysis of gas remaining in evacuated Engineering Electrodynamics Corp., f.o.b. systems for use by the Electrical Research Chicago delivered Engineering Research Laboratory Laboratory One centrifuge, preparative, refrigerated Food Science Spinco Division, 8 680 40 and with vacuum system complete Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. with rotor lid and handle, tubes, tube Inc., delivered caps and wrenches; the instrument will be used in the study of the Palo Alto, Calif. physical-chemical state of milk pro- teins in their natural environment One nuclear sample changing and count- Horticulture Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 3 969 69 ing system (35 sample capacity) con- Chicago f.o.b. sisting of one automatic sample delivered changer, one gas regulator, one print- ing timer, Q-gas and cylinder, gas flow counter, lead shield, and decade sealer One wafering (cutting) machine, table Mining, Micromech Manufacturing : 3 455 00 5jj in. by 12 in., with magnetic Metallurgy, Corp., f.o.b. chuck, orientation fixture, and cool- and Petroleum Union, N J. delivered ant system Engineering 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1039 Item Department Vendor Cost Labor, machine time, and materials for Physics Lawrence Radiation 412 380 00 the construction of parts and acces- Laboratory, University f.o.b. sories for three SMP (scanning and of California, Berkeley, measuring projectors) machines, pro- Berkeley Calif. duced at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission supported Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at the Univer- sity of California One automatic helium re-purifier and Physics Arthur D. Little, Inc., 30 787 70 liquefier system to modify and in- Cambridge, Mass. f.o.b. crease production from an average of Cambridge, 250 liters per week to approximately Mass. 1,000 liters of helium per week Paper pads, writing type, 100 sheets Office Supply W. M. Putnam Co., 10 575 74 each: Storeroom Bloomington f.o.b. 1,150 lbs. 3 in. by 5 in., white and delivered colored, not ruled 2,500 lbs. 4 in. by 6 in., white, not ruled 3,500 lbs. 5% in. by 8J in., white, not ruled 14,000 lbs. &}4 in. by 11 in., white and canary, not ruled 400 gross 8H in. by 11 in., white and canary, ruled The above is for stock in the Office Supply Storeroom and is estimated to be a twelve-month supply Lounge furniture for the Browsing Illini Union L. B. Herbst Corp., 2 577 60 Room and the Wedgwood Lounge in Chicago f.o.b. the Illini Union: sixteen lounge delivered chairs, six arm chairs, four occasional tables 42 in. square Furnish fixtures and equipment for the Illini Union Loughman Cabinet Co., 19 169 00 Paper Back Book Center in the Illini St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. Union delivered Print and bind 2,000 copies of Magazines University Press Pantagraph Printing & 6 570 30 in the Twentieth Century, Second Edi- Stationery Co., f.o.b. tion, by Theodore Peterson, trim size Bloomington delivered 6 in. by 9 in., approximately 512 pages per copy Air-conditioning units, window type of Physical Plant Central Illinois various cooling capacities to be fur- York Company, nished as required during the period Springfield March 1, 1964, to November 1, 1964, Group I 14 500 00 at Urbana and Chicago: 100 (approximately) Group I, 10,000 Yeomans Distributing *? Company, BTU/HR. capacity Peoria 70 (approximately) Group II, 14,000 Groups II, III, and IV 35 009 72 BTU/HR. capacity (49 509 72) 60 (approximately) Group III, 16,000 f.o.b. BTU/HR. capacity delivered 39 (approximately) Group IV, 28,000 BTU/HR. capacity Steel laboratory furniture for use in re- Physical Plant Laboratory Furniture 3 825 00 modeling laboratory in the Vegetable Co., Inc., f.o.b. Crops Building Mineola, N.Y. delivered Lounge furniture for Physics Building: Physical Plant S. Buckman Furniture 4 031 40 twenty tables, six settees, twenty- & Supply, f.o.b. seven arm chairs Spring Valley delivered Foreign workmen's compensation and Bursar's Rollins Burdick Hunter 3 900 00 employers liability insurance Division, Co.. estimated Contracts Chicago, premium Office representing Insurance Co. of North America On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (18) The Comptroller presented his quarterly report to the Board as of December 31, 1963. This report was received for record, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board. 1040 board of trustees [February 19 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (19) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period January 1 to 31. 1964. .... Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Air Force Matrix representations of boundary $20 000 00 December 1, 1963 AFI9(628)-3819 value problem solutions United States Air Force Clean surface studies on semicon- 37 720 00 January 6, 1964 AF30(602)-3325 ductors United States Army Basic elements of design of an im- 109 614 00 December 30, 1963 DA-36-039-AMC- proved radio direction-finding and 372O(E) radio-location system for the MF- HF-VHF range United States Atomic Fission product levels and metabo- 25 789 00 December 1, 1963 Energy Commission lism in food producing animals AF(11-1)-1339 United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Relief of performance anxiety 4 939 00 December 9, 1963 OE4-10-080 Total $198 062 00 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Allis-Chalmers Rental of farm machinery: two $ 733 05 June and July, 1963 Manufacturing Co. items, 3168.49 and $564.56 John Deere Co. of Rental of farm machinery: two 761 40 November 27, 1963 Moline items, 348.57 and 3712.83 Eversman Rental of farm machinery: one 334 40 December 7, 1963 Manufacturing Co. leveler, two scrapers, and attach- ments Farm Equipment Sales Rental of farm machinery: one 70 00 December 6, 1963 Co. tilrovator with attachments International Harvester Rental of farm machinery: sixteen 7 190 97 September, Co. items. 326.17 to 31,315.12 October, and December, 1963 MacCarthy Ford Tractor Rental of farm machinery: five 1 620 04 July and December, Sales, Inc. items, 362.42 to $734.30 1963 George Maxwell One dairy barn, one hog barn, two 2 550 00 December 1, 1963 (renewal) loafing sheds, and one paved lot ($150.00 per to be used in research study en- month) titled "The Leukemia Lympho- sarcoma Syndrome of Cattle and Swine," July 1, 1963, through November 30, 1964 New Idea Farm Rental of farm machinery: three 283 91 July and Novem- Equipment Co. items, $45.90 to $148.70 ber, 1963 Starline, Inc. Rental of farm machinery: one 140 00 December 9, 1963 barn cleaner with accessories Total $13 683 77 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale Agency for International Technical advice and assistance re- $449 054 00 October 15, 1963 Development quested by the government of AIDC-1453 India Morris Animal Babesia-Canis (piroplasmosis) in 900 00 December 19, 1963 Foundation the intact and splenectomized dog United States Army Nucleophilic attack of aromatic 1 428 71 December 26, 1963 DA-11-022-ORD- rings by organometallic com- 874(X) pounds United States Army Electrochemistry of fused salts 19 803 00 December 4, 1963 DA-31-124-ARO(D)-55 United States Army Microwave duplexer switching 50 000 00 December 17, 1963 DA-36-039-AMC- mechanisms 00066(E) United States Army Determination of free chlorine re- 7 444 00 December 10, 1963 DA-49-193-MD-2399 siduals in water United States Atomic Determine the nature and number 5 824 99 December 20, 1963 Energy Commission of lattice imperfections intro- AT(11-1)-182 duced into crystalline solids by nuclear irradiation at liquid helium temperature 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1041 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale United States Atomic Research on electronic high-speed 3450 640 00 January 15, 1964 Energy Commission digital computers AT(11-1)-41S United States Atomic Mechanism of biologically catalyzed 4 270 00 December 16, 1963 Energy Commission reactions and the metabolites and AT(ll-l)-903 pathway in which they function United States Atomic Research in elementary particle 900 000 00 January 15, 1964 Energy Commission AT(11-11-1195 physics United States Atomic Determine the coefficient of friction 2 085 00 November 29, 1963 Energy Commission for pairs of 17-4 ph stainless steel, AT(29-l)-789 20 degrees involute spur gears of (sub-contract with 96 pitch, 96 teeth in each gear Sandia Corp.) United States Navy Low-cycle, high-stress fatigue be- 30 000 00 December 31, 1963 Nobs-88283 havior of materials and structural components of steels, typical of ship applications United States Navy Nonr-1834 (22) United States Navy Radio astronomy 100 000 00 July 31, 1963 Numerical analysis, switching cir- 13 279 00 January 9, 1964 Nonr-1834(27) cuit theory, and the use of com- puters for the study of computer circuits Total $2 034 728 70 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom George S. Grimmett & Co. (Plastering) Purpose Twenty-four items: $78.56 deduct to $2,845.00 Amount $ 4 369 85 Dale December, 1963, and January, 1964 This report was received for record. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Comptroller (20) The Comptroller reported the following changes in investments of certain funds, over which he has authority as indicated, for the month of December, 1963: Endowment Funds Miller (June 20, 1962) Purchase 158/200 share Commonwealth Edison common stock $ 14 96 Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Purchase $ 200 000 Beneficial Finance notes due 7/15/64 $195 285 42 500 000 Sears Roebuck Acceptance Corporation notes 486 685 07 due 8/14/64 600 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 2/27/64 595 534 00 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 95 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 3/12/64 $ 94 265 33 Chicago --- Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963) Purchase $ 127 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 2/13/64 $126 314 48 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 55 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 2/13/64 % 54 663 64 165 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 3/19/64 163 596 40 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Purchase ? 98 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 3/12/64 $ 97 140 40 1042 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 19 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Purchase 5 103 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 3/19/64 J102 123 81 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Purchase $ 65 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 2/13/64 $ 64 676 08 Pennsylvania j Purchase ; 10 ooo 102 000 <Vvenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) U. S. Treasury bills due 2/13/64 U. S. Treasury bills due 3/12/64 $ 9 940 101 208 50 93 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 10 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 2/13/64 28 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 3/12/64 $ 9 940 27 782 50 84 Sinking Fund Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Sale $ 142 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 2/20/64 Purchase $ 142 000 U. S. Treasury bills due 3/19/64 $141 125 140 730 28 52 On motion ot Mr. Williamson, this report was received tor record. AGREEMENTS WITH ILLINOIS BUILDING AUTHORITY (21) The Illinois Building Authority, created by the General Assembly in 1961, is a separate public corporation empowered to construct such buildings and facilities as the General Assembly shall declare to be in the public interest. The Authority is to finance such construction by the issuance and sale of bonds, serviced and retired from revenues solely derived from the lease of such facilities to state agencies and institutions, including the University. The Illinois Building Authority Act provides that rentals under such leases are to be paid solely from appropriations for that purpose by the General Assembly and from any revenues derived from the operation of the leased premises. In 1963 the General Assembly declared the following University of Illinois buildings and projects to be in the public interest, thereby indicating that the funding of these projects was to be by the Illinois Building Authority. 1. Construction of Civil Engineering Building, Urbana-Champaign... $ 4 216 000 2. Acquisition of land for building sites, Urbana-Champaign......... 1 000 200 3. Plans and planning to complete architectural studies, Congress Circle, Chicago ................................................... 900 000 4. Equipment for University of Illinois buildings constructed from Universities Building Fund...................................... 4 799 S00 5. Construction of Veterinary Medicine Clinic and Hospital, Urbana-Champaign .................................................... 4 000 000 Total........................................................ $14 915 700 The General Assembly also appropriated to the University of Illinois $1,790,000 for the payment of rentals on the leases for these buildings and projects to be executed by the University with the Illinois Building Authority for the 1963-65 biennium. Under the Act the University will transfer jurisdiction and title to land it now owns and on which the Civil Engineering Building and the Veterinary Medicine Hospital and Clinic Buildings will be located to the Illinois Building Authority. The leases will provide that rental is payable only out of appropriations made for such purposes by the General Assembly or from revenues derived from the operation of the facilities. Each lease will contain biennial renewal clauses to coincide with the anticipated continuing appropriations by the General Assembly. When the rental payments under the lease total the amounts indicated for each project, plus administrative, legal, interest, and debt retirement costs of the Authority, title to the properties will be conveyed to the University. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1043 The Vice-President and Comptroller, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Legal Counsel recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the necessary documents for these purposes, and that the following resolution be adopted. I concur. Resolution Whereas the Illinois Building Authority, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois created by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, is empowered to acquire by purchase or otherwise, construct, complete, remodel, maintain, and equip any and all buildings and other facilities as the General Assembly by law declares to be in the public interest; and Whereas in accordance with the Illinois Building Authority Act the Seventy-third General Assembly of the State of Illinois has declared the following University of Illinois projects to be in the public interest: Construction of Civil Engineering Building, Urbana-Champaign, Acquisition of land for building sites, Urbana-Champaign, Plans and planning to complete architectural studies, Congress Circle, Chicago, Equipment for University of Illinois buildings constructed from Universities Building Fund, Construction of Veterinary Medicine Clinic and Hospital Building, Urbana-Champaign, and Whereas The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois, will be requested by the Illinois Building Authority to enter into leases, transfer jurisdiction of real estate, and take other actions to carry out and complete the above projects in accordance with the Illinois Building Authority Act; Now, Therefore, be it and it is hereby resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as follows: Section 1. That the Illinois Building Authority be and it hereby is requested to provide the foregoing projects and facilities for and on behalf of the University of Illinois. Section 2. That the Comptroller and Secretary of this Board of Trustees be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this corporation such instruments of conveyance, lease, contract, or other document or documents as are necessary or appropriate in order to provide for the carrying out of the foregoing projects and facilities by the Illinois Building Authority. Section 3. That during any period in which this Board of Trustees is not in session, its Executive Committee be empowered to act for the entire Board and on its behalf involving any action between this Board and the Illinois Building Authority concerning real estate related to the foregoing projects and facilities. On motion of Mr. Swain, authority was given as recommended, and the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. TRANSFER OF PROPERTY FOR ADDITION TO WATER RESOURCES BUILDING (22) Section 62 of Chapter 127 of the Illinois Revised Statutes provides that the functions and duties formerly exercised by the State Water Survey are vested in the Department of Registration and Education and shall continue to be exercised at the University of Illinois in buildings provided by the Trustees. In 1963 the General Assembly declared it to be in the public interest that the Illinois Building Authority construct an Addition to the Water Survey Building in Champaign on behalf of the Department of Registration and Education. Section 4 of the Illinois Building Authority Act, as amended, provides: "Any department, board, commission, agency, or other officer of this State or the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board of Trustees 1044 board of trustees [February 19 of Southern Illinois University or the Teachers College Board may transfer jurisdiction of or title to any property under its or his control to the Authority when such transfer is approved, in writing, by the Governor as being advantageous to the State." The Department of Registration and Education has requested the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to transfer to the Illinois Building Authority jurisdiction and title to property now owned by the University and on which the Addition to the Water Survey Building is to be constructed. The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant recommend that such request be complied with on condition that title to the property revert to the University of Illinois when the Department of Registration and Education has completed the rental payments required by its lease with the Illinois Building Authority. I concur and recommend the adoption of the following resolution.1 On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved and the resolution submitted was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. STATEMENT BY MR. HOWARD W. CLEMENT, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD Publication of an article by a University Professor of the Classics on the subject of the federal government has resulted in nationwide publicity and public reaction which have been major concerns of every member of the Board of Trustees. In view of this widespread public reaction and because of many inquiries by citizens to individual Board members, the matter, although not on the agenda or officially before this Board at this time, must receive attention. We have expressed our concerns to the President and he advises me that he has prepared a statement on the matter for presentation at this time. STATEMENT BY DR. DAVID D. HENRY, PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY During the past week, a member of the faculty in Classics at the University of Illinois has been involved in nationwide publicity concerning an article on the federal government which he published. Mr. Revilo Oliver, in this article, wrote on a subject beyond his University responsibilities, as a private citizen, for a non-university journal. Ordinarily, the University takes no notice of a professor's comment or conduct as a citizen. His right to dissent, to express unorthodox views, and to criticize is not only recognized, it is protected by the tradition of academic freedom at the University of Illinois, in the academic world, and by the Statutes governing the University. That Mr. Oliver's views are not shared by this academic community is certain. I believe my colleagues agree, as I said earlier, that his unsupported accusations, and his unreasoned and vitriolic attack on the character and patriotism of President Kennedy are beyond the bounds of good taste in public comment and the normal proprieties of public 1 This resolution was rescinded by the Board of Trustees on March 18, 1964, and therefore is not printed in these minutes. A revised resolution was adopted on March 18, 1964, and appears in the minutes of that meeting. --- Secretary's Note. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1045 debate. Mr. Oliver's expression raises questions as to whether he has complied with the expectations for professional responsibility. Some, outside the University community, do not understand that academic freedom and its corollary, academic responsibility, have evolved for the protection of both the student and the teacher, and are essential to the search for truth. When, as in the case of Mr. Oliver's article, massive public reaction occurs there is a tendency for those not familiar with the concepts of academic freedom, and the reasons for its existence, to formulate judgments based on issues and standards which do not apply in the academic environment. I would make clear, however, that observance of professional standards is expected, but by custom this is a matter for professionals to consider. Earlier I indicated that there was nothing concerning Mr. Oliver's statement before me as President. Under the procedures of the University, there is still nothing before me. However, I plan to ask the Urbana Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure to review the situation and give me their advice. MOTION OF MRS. FRANCES B. WATKINS, MEMBER OF THE BOARD I move that the Board endorse the President's statement. It makes three points clear: 1. Mr. Oliver did not speak for the University, its faculty, the administration, or this Board; 2. The University strongly supports the principles of academic freedom and established procedures which require that no action be taken without an opportunity for prior faculty consultation; 3. That the administration and the Board are now seeking faculty advice. This motion was unanimously adopted. MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on June 19, 1963, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Trustees. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 531 to 676, inclusive. APRIL BOARD MEETING On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board voted to hold the April meeting at the Chicago Undergraduate Division at Navy Pier on Wednesday, April 15, 1964. RECESS On motion of Mr. Pogue, the Board recessed to await a report from Chicago on the bids on the Housing Revenue Bonds to finance construction of the Graduate Residence Halls. When the Board reconvened, the same members of the Board, officers of the University, and officers of the Board were present as recorded in the beginning of these minutes. 1046 board of trustees [February 19 HOUSING REVENUE BONDS OF 19 64, SERIES A AND B (23) Bids were received at 11:00 a.m., February 19, 1964, for the sale of $1,440,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series A, and $2,660,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series B, to finance construction of the Graduate Residence Halls Unit 3, The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the Series A Bonds be sold to F. S. Smithers and Company, New York, and Associates at a price of $1,437,681.60 plus accrued interest and at an effective interest rate of 3.6564 per cent which represents the lowest interest cost to the University, and that $1,480,000 of Series B bonds maturing in 1966 through 1993 be sold to F. S. Smithers and Company and Associates at par plus accrued interest and at an effective interest rate of 3.564 per cent. The Series B Bonds are awarded on the basis of the lowest interest cost to the University for the largest number of bonds bid upon. A tabulation of the bids received is presented and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The Vice-President and Comptroller presents a Loan Agreement (Contract No. H(402)-1795) with the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency and recommends that he be authorized to execute it. In accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement, he recommends that $1,180,000 Series B Bonds maturing in 1994 through 2003 be sold to the Housing and Home Finance Agency at par and accrued interest and at an interest rate of SS/i per cent. The Vice-Presjdent and Comptroller also presents the Seventh Supplemental Housing Bond Resolution supplementing the Resolution approved December 17, 1958, and creating $1,440,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series A, and $2,660,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series B, and recommends its adoption. He further recommends that the Board: (1) authorize the execution of the bonds by A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board, by facsimile signatures of the President of the Board, and by the facsimile signatures of Frances B. Watkins and Timothy W. Swain, members of the Board; and (2) ratify and confirm all actions taken or to be taken by the officers and members of the Board in connection with the sale and delivery of the bonds to the purchasers indicated above. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these recommendations were approved and the Seventh Supplementary Housing Bond Resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. Seventh Supplemental Housing Revenue Bond Resolution A Resolution Creating and Authorizing the Issue, Authentication, and Delivery of $1,440,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series A, and $2,660,000 Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series B, and Further Supplementing a Resolution Duly Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on December 17, 1958. Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, on due consideration and investigation, does now find and determine that it is advisable and necessary and in the interests of the University of Illinois and the welfare of its students and faculty to construct and equip additional buildings and related facilities for the purpose of housing its students and staff; and Whereas, in order to provide such facilities it is advantageous to the University and necessary that the University borrow money and issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes 1963, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto; and Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on December 17, 1958, did duly adopt a resolution (herein sometimes called "Original Resolution") providing for the issuance of revenue bonds; and Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on Tune 23, 1959, October 21, 1959, June 14, 1960, May 17, 1961, May 24, 1962, and October 17, 1962, respectively, duly adopted First through Sixth Supplemental Resolutions for 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1047 the purpose of supplementing the Original Resolution and providing for the issuance of additional revenue bonds thereunder, and Whereas, there are now issued and outstanding under the Original Resolution as supplemented by the First through Sixth Supplemental Resolutions thereto, $30,638,000 aggregate principal amount of Bonds designated "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds" and having the further designations of year and series in the respective principal amounts as follows: Year and Series Principal Amount 1958, Series A............................. $1,550,000 1958, Series B............................. 1,457,000 1959, Series A............................. 80,000 1959, Series B............................. 1,474,000 1959, Series C............................. 3,370,000 1959, Series D............................. 3,267,000 1960, Series A............................. 4,960,000 1960, Series B............................. 4,970,000 1960, Series C............................. 710,000 1962, Series A............................. 2,100,000 1962, Series B............................. 2,400,000 1962, Series C............................. 4,300,000 Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois now desires to create and to authorize the issue, authentication and delivery of an additional issue of Bonds under and in accordance with the Resolution as supplemented by this Seventh Supplemental Resolution thereto which additional Bonds are to be limited to the aggregate principal amount of $4,100,000 at any one time outstanding, $1,440,000 of which shall be known as "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series A" (hereinafter called "1964 Series A Bonds") and $2,660,000 of which shall be known as "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series B" (hereinafter called "1964 Series B Bonds"). Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: ARTICLE ONE Supplementary Provisions Relating to Income and the Application Thereof Section 1.1. Pledge of Revenues. The pledge of the revenues (including the revenues to be derived from the operation of Project H hereinafter mentioned) contained in Section 5.01 of the Original Resolution and Section 1.1 of each of the First through Sixth Supplemental Resolutions is hereby ratified and confirmed and all revenues to be derived from the operation of Project H are hereby specifically pledged for the purposes mentioned in said Section 5.01 of the Original Resolution. Section 1.2. Supplementation of Revenues. It is hereby determined by the Board of Trustees and it is hereby covenanted that in view of the additional issue of Bonds to be outstanding it is necessary to supplement the revenues to be derived from the facilities by a further use of student tuitions which are authorized by law to be retained in the Treasury of the University and therefore the limitation contained in clause (b) of Section 5.03 of the Original Resolution as supplemented by Section 1.2 of each of the First through Sixth Supplemental Resolutions be and the same is hereby increased by an amount equal to $110,000 so that such supplementation shall henceforth be an amount not to exceed in any one fiscal year the lesser of (a) an amount which when added to the revenues to be derived from the facilities will be sufficient to meet the annual operating expenses of the facilities and to provide for the payments required to be made into the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund established for the benefit of the Bonds in subsection (b) of Section 5.02 of the Original Resolution, or (b) $1,220,000 plus such additional sums as may be specified in any other resolution supplemental to the Resolution as supplemented hereby, creating or authorizing the issuance of additional Bonds. 1048 board of trustees [February 19 ARTICLE TWO 1964 Series A and 1964 Series B Bonds and the Issuance Thereof Section 2.1. Project H and Purpose of Issue of Bonds. The project (hereinafter designated "Project H") to be acquired, constructed, equipped and completed pursuant to this Seventh Supplemental Resolution is described in a general way as: A residence hall, consisting of two housing buildings and a connecting lounge, to be located at 909 South Fifth Street in Champaign, Illinois, for approximately 465 single graduate students, sometimes known as Graduate Residence Halls #3; plus acquisition by purchase of eight improved properties located on Fifth Street and Chalmers Street, immediately south of Graduate Residence Halls #3, to be used as student residence halls and apartments for approximately 68 students. The estimated cost of said Project H is $4,100,000 exclusive of land on which Graduate Residence Halls #3 is to be located. The estimated cost of each portion of said Project H is more fully set forth in the plans and specifications therefor on file with the Comptroller of the University. It is hereby determined that in order to produce the funds necessary to construct and equip Project H that the University borrow the sum of $4,100,000 and in evidence thereof to issue its Housing Revenue Bonds hereunder in said principal amount. All redemptions shall be made in the manner, upon the notice, and with the effect provided in Article Three of the Original Resolution, provided that if registered 1964 Series A Bonds and 1964 Series B Bonds without coupons are to be redeemed in part only, such redemption shall be made in amounts of $5,000 or a multiple thereof and in selecting Bonds for redemption by lot the Trustee shall make such selection in such manner as may be deemed by it proper to the end that all 1964 Series A Bonds and 1964 Series B Bonds remaining outstanding after giving effect to such partial redemption shall be in denominations of $5,000 or multiples thereof. Section 2.2. Terms of 1964 Series A Bonds and 1964 Series B Bonds. There is hereby created and authorized two additional series of Bonds to be issued under the Resolution as supplemented by this Seventh Supplemental Resolution to be substantially in the form and of the tenor and purport hereinafter set forth and limited to the aggregate principal amount of Four Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,100,000) at any one time outstanding, One Million Four Hundred Forty Thousand ($1,440,000) of which shall be designated "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series A" (hereinafter called "1964 Series A Bonds") and Two Million Six Hundred Sixty Thousand ($2,660,000) of which shall be designated "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series B" (hereinafter called "1964 Series B Bonds"). The 1964 Series A Bonds and the 1964 Series B Bonds shall be issued as negotiable coupon Bonds dated April 1, 1964, registrable as to principal in the demonination of $5,000 or as fully registered Bonds without coupons, dated as of the interest payment date to which interest was last paid, next preceding the date of issue, unless issued on an interest payment date on which interest was paid, in which case they shall be dated as of the date of issue, or unless issued prior to October 1, 1964, in which case they shall be dated April 1, 1964. Each fully registered Bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. Fully registered Bonds without coupons shall be numbered in such manner satisfactory to the Trustee as may be designated by the Comptroller and shall be issued in denominations of $5,000 or multiples thereof, shall bear interest from April 1, 1964, payable semiannually on the first days of April and October in each year until paid, commencing October 1, 1964, at the rates provided below and shall mature in the following amounts on October 1 of the following years: 1964] Year of Maturity 1966 . UNIVERJ 1964 Serie: Amount $ 20,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 320,000 5ITY OF ILLINOIS s A Bonds Interest Rate 3y2% 3Y2% m% 3X% Wi% 3Y%% 3lA% 3X% 3J4% 3% 11A% 3V2% 3H% 3Vi% 3X% 3Vi% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.70% 3.70% 3.70% 3.70% 3.70% 3.70% 3%% 1964 Series Amount > 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40.000 40,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 100,000 1O0,000 100,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 130,000 1049 B Bonds Interest Rate 3Yi% 3lA% 3X% 3H% 3Yi% 3lA% 3Y%% 3X% 334% 3X% 3Y%% 3H% 3Y2% 3Y2% 3Vi% 3Yi% 3Y2% 3Yi% 3Y%% 3Y2% 3Yi% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.70% 3%% 3% 3*A% 3Vt% 3%% 3%% 3Vs% 3%% 1967.......... 1968 . 1969 1970... 1971....... 1972......... 1973.... 1974.... 1975 .. 1976...... 1977 1978.... 1979.... 1980 1981 1982.... 1983 1984 1985 ..... 1986... 1987.... 1988... 1989 1990 . 1991........... 1992........... 1993 . 1994 1995... 1996... 1997.... 1998... 1999... 2000... 2001 2002........ 140,000 3Vs% 2003........... 150,000 3%% The 1964 Series A Bonds and the 1964 Series B Bonds shall be redeemable prior to their maturity at the option of the Board of Trustees, either in whole or in part, on April 1, 1974, or on any interest payment date thereafter in the inverse order in which they mature at the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption plus a premium of the following percentages of such principal amount if redeemed during the following periods respectively: fertoa oj Keaenipnon jippucaoie fremium April 1, 1974 through October 1, 1978....... ...... 4% April 1, 1979 through October 1, 1983....... ...... 3% April 1, 1984, through October 1, 1988....... ...... 2% April 1, 1989 through October 1, 1993....... ...... 1*4% April 1, 1994 through October 1, 1998....... ...... 1% April 1. 1999 or thereafter prior to maturity. ...... None All redemptions shall be made in the manner, upon the notice, and with the effect provided in Article Three of the Original Resolution. Section 2.3. Payment of Principal and Interest. Both the principal of and the interest on the 1964 Series A Bonds and the 1964 Series B Bonds shall be payable in any coin or currency which, on the respective date of payment of such 1050 board of trustees [February 19 principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at The First National Bank of Chicago, or its successor, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or, at the option of holders at The Chase Manhattan Bank, or its successor, in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York. Section 2.4. Form of Bonds. The definitive coupon Bonds of 1964 Series A and 1964 Series B, the interest coupons to be attached thereto, and the form of fully registered Bonds without coupons of 1964 Series A and 1964 Series B, shall be in substantially the following form with appropriate insertions, omissions and variations to evidence differences in type of bond, series, number, denomination, interest rate, maturity and like matters: (Form of Coupon Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HOUSING REVENUE BOND OF 1964 (Series................) Number.............................. $5,000 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, a body corporate, created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, for value received promises to pay to bearer, but only out of the Housing Revenue Bond Fund, as hereinafter provided for, and not otherwise, the principal sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000), on October 1, 19........, and to pay interest on said sum from the date hereof until paid at the rate of.................... per cent (........%) per annum, payable October 1, 1964, and semiannually thereafter on the first days of April and October in each year until the principal amount hereof has been fully paid. Interest accruing on this bond on and prior to the maturity date hereof shall be payable on presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they subsequently become due, but no interest shall accrue on this bond after the maturity hereof unless this bond shall be presented for payment and be not then paid. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made payable in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at The First National Bank of Chicago (hereinafter called "Trustee"), or its successor in trust under the Resolution hereinafter referred to, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the option of the holder, at The Chase Manhattan Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York. This bond is one of an authorized series of .............................................. Dollars ($............................) principal amount of Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series ....., which together with the 1964 Series .......... Bonds constitute an issue of Four Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,100,000), issued or to be issued pursuant to a Bond Resolution of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois duly adopted December 17, 1958, as supplemented by First through Seventh Supplemental Resolutions thereto duly adopted June 23, 1959, October 21, 1959, June 14, 1960, May 17, 1961, May 24, 1962, October 17, 1962, and February 19, 1964, respectively (said Bond Resolution as so supplemented being herein referred to as the "Resolution"), for the purpose of providing funds for paying the cost of construction and equipping student and staff housing and related facilities. Said Resolution, among other things, provides for the issuance of additional bonds pursuant thereto in the manner and upon the terms and conditions more fully set forth therein. The bonds of this Series are redeemable prior to maturity as a whole or in part on April 1, 1974, or on any interest payment date thereafter in the inverse order in which they mature at the option of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption and a premium as follows: Four per cent (4%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1974 through October 1, 1978; three per cent (3%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1979 through October 1, 1983; two per cent (2%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1984 through October 1, 1988; one and one-half per cent (1V2%) of the principal 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1051 amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1989 through October 1, 1993; one per cent (1%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1994 through October 1, 1998; and without premium if redeemed April 1, 1999 or thereafter. Notice of redemption of any or all of said bonds shall be published once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first such publication to be not less than thirty days prior to the date of redemption, such publication to be made in one daily newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and also in a financial newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, and when this bond or any of the bonds of such authorized issue shall have been duly called for redemption, interest thereon shall cease from and after the specified redemption date if redemption monies are available for the payment of all bonds called for redemption. This bond and the series of which it forms a part is issued under the authority of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1963, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and the Resolution above referred to. This bond is payable, both as to principal and interest, only from the revenues required to be credited to the Housing Revenue Bond Fund as provided in the Resolution, which revenues are to be derived from (1) the operation of the revenue producing facilities constructed, completed, and equipped with the proceeds of this bond issue, bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the Resolution and additional bonds which may hereafter be issued pursuant to the Resolution, (2) student tuitions authorized by law to be retained in the University treasury, but not in excess of $1,220,000 annually plus such additional sums as may be specified in any supplemental resolution creating or authorizing additional bonds to be issued pursuant to the Resolution as so supplemented, and (3) certain existing revenue producing buildings of the University after the prior payment of other indebtedness to the extent set forth in the Resolution. This bond and the series of which it forms a part do not constitute an indebtedness of said University of Illinois, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, or the State of Illinois within any constitutional or statutory limitation, and neither the taxing power nor the general credit of said University, of said Board of Trustees or of the State of Illinois is pledged to the payment of this bond or the interest thereon. This bond shall pass by delivery unless it is registered as to principal in the name of the holder on the books of registration of said University kept at the office of the Trustees in Chicago, Illinois, such registration to be noted on the back hereof. After such registration no transfer hereof shall be valid unless made on such books by the registered holder in person or by attorney duly authorized in writing and similarly noted hereon, but this bond may be transferred in like manner to bearer, and thereupon transferability by delivery shall be restored and it may again from time to time be registered or transferred to bearer as before. Such registration, however, shall not restrict the negotiability of the coupons hereto appertaining, but such coupons shall be transferable by delivery merely and payable to the bearer hereof. Subject to the provisions for registration and transfer, this bond and all other bonds of this issue shall have all of the qualities of negotiable instruments, and during such time as this bond is payable to bearer, the same and each of the coupons hereto appertaining may be negotiated by delivery by any person having possession thereof, and any holder who shall have taken this bond while so payable to bearer or any of said coupons from any person for value and without notice shall thereby acquire absolute title to this bond or to such coupons, as the case may be, free of any defenses enforceable against any prior holder and free from all equities and claims of ownership of any such prior holder, and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Trustee, and any paying agent may deem and treat the bearer of this bond, or, if registered, the person in whose name it is registered, and the bearer of any interest coupons appertaining hereto as the absolute owner hereof for all purposes and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary whether this bond or any coupon appertaining thereto be overdue or not. The bonds of this series are issuable as coupon bonds registrable as to 1052 board of trustees [February 19 principal only in the denomination of $5,000 and as registered bonds without coupons in the denomination of $5,000 or a multiple thereof. Each fully registered bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. The coupon bonds and the registered bonds without coupons are interchangeable for bonds of the same interest rate and maturity upon presentation thereof for such purpose by the holder or registered owner at the principal office of the Trustee in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and upon payment of charges and otherwise as provided in the Resolution. The rights and obligations of the University and of the holders of the bonds may be modified or amended at any time with the consent of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66?%) in principal amount of outstanding bonds in the manner, to the extent, and upon the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution; provided that no such modification or amendment shall (i) extend the maturity of or reduce the interest rate on or otherwise alter or impair the obligation of the University to pay the principal, interest or redemption premiums, if any, at the time and place and at the rate and in the currency provided therein of any bond without the express consent of the holder, or (ii) permit the creation of any mortgage or pledge or lien on the facilities, or upon any income therefrom or other funds pledged or held under the Resolution, except as permitted by the Resolution, other than the lien and pledge created thereunder, or (iii) permit the creation by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois of any preference or priority of any bond or bonds over any other bond or bonds or coupon or coupons over any other coupon or coupons, or (iv) reduce the percentage in principal amount of bonds required for the affirmative vote or written consent to an amendment or modification without the consent of the holder of this bond; all as more fully set forth in the Resolution. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby covenants with the holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants and agreements in the Resolution adopted by it, authorizing the issuance of this bond and the series of which it forms a part, and hereby irrevocably obligates itself to administer the said income and revenue derived from the operation of said facilities, as provided for in and by said Resolution, and to establish from time to time parietal rules, rents, and charges for the use of said facilities and to maintain and collect rents and charges and to withhold student tuitions, sufficient to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining said facilities, and pay the principal of and interest upon all revenue bonds which by their terms are payable from such revenues, until all of such bonds have been paid in full, both as to principal and interest. It is hereby certified and recited and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to exist, to happen, and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time, and manner, as required by law and the applicable resolutions of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and that provision has been made for setting aside the income and revenue to be derived from the operation of said facilities to be applied in the manner hereinabove set forth. In Witness Whereof, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signatures of its President and two of its members, the corporate seal of the University of Illinois to be hereto affixed (or a facsimile thereof to be reproduced hereon), and attested by its Secretary, and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the facsimile signatures of said President and Secretary, and this bond to be dated as of the 1st day of April, 1964. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Attest:............................................................. By..................................................................... Secretary President Member Member 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1053 (Form of Interest Coupon) Number.......................................... $........................... On the first day of ............................................................. 19........ (unless the bond to which this coupon is attached has theretofore been called for payment and payment made or provided for), The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois will pay to bearer on surrender hereof, solely out of the fund specified in the bond to which this coupon is attached, the sum of..................................-........ Dollar ($.....................................-.-).in any C9m or currency which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at The First National Bank of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the option of the holder at The Chase Manhattan Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York, as provided in the Housing Revenue Bond of 1964, Series, dated April 1, 1964, Number................................... Secretary President (Form of Registered Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HOUSING REVENUE BOND OF 1964 (Series ................) Number............................ $.................... THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, a body corporate, created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, for value received promises to pay (but only out of the Housing Revenue Bond Fund as hereinafter provided for, and not otherwise) to .........................................., or registered assigns, on October 1, 19........, the principal sum of.............................. Dollars ($..............................) and to pay interest thereon (which shall be paid by check or draft mailed to the registered owner at his address as it appears on the bond registration books of the Trustee hereinafter mentioned as Bond Registrar), at the rate of ..........................................per cent (..................%) per annum, payable October 1, 1964, and semiannually thereafter on the first days of April and October in each year from the date hereof until the principal amount hereof has been fully paid. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are hereby made payable in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at The First National Bank of Chicago (hereinafter called "Trustee"), or its successor in trust under the Resolution hereinafter referred to, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, or at the option of the holder, at The Chase Manhattan Rank, in the Borough of Manhattan and City and State of New York. This bond is one of an authorized series of ........................................... Dollars ($..............................) principal amount of Housing Revenue Bonds of 1964, Series ............, which together with the 1964 Series ............ Bonds constitute an issue of Four Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,100,000), issued or to be issued pursuant to a Bond Resolution of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois duly adopted December 17, 1958, as supplemented by First through Seventh Supplemental Resolutions thereto duly adopted June 23, 19S9, October 21, 1959, June 14, 1960, May 17, 1961, May 24, 1962, October 17, 1962, and February 19, 1964, respectively (said Bond Resolution as so supplemented being herein referred to as the "Resolution"), for the purpose of providing funds for paying the cost of construction and equipping student and staff housing and related facilities. Said Resolution, among other things, provides for the issuance of additional bonds pursuant thereto in the manner and upon the terms and conditions more fully set forth therein. The bonds of this Series are redeemable prior to maturity as a whole or in part on April 1, 1974, or on any interest payment date thereafter in the inverse 1054 board of trustees [February 19 order in which they mature at the option of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption and a premium as follows: Four per cent (4%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1974 through October 1, 1978; three per cent (3%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1979 through October 1, 1983; two per cent (2%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1984 through October 1, 1988; one and one-half per cent (lV$pD%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1989 through October 1, 1993; one per cent (1%) of the principal amount thereof if redeemed April 1, 1994 through October 1, 1998; and without premium if redeemed April 1, 1999 or thereafter. Notice of redemption of any or all of said bonds shall be published once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first such publication to be not less than thirty days prior to the date of redemption, such publication to be made in one daily newspaper printed in the English language and published and of genera! circulation in the City of Chicago, Illinois, and also in a financial newspaper printed in the English language and published and of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, and when this bond or any of the bonds of such authorized issue shall have been duly called for redemption, interest thereon shall cease from and after the specified redemption date if redemption monies are available for the payment of all bonds called for redemption. This bond and the series of which it forms a part is issued under the authority of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to issue and sell revenue bonds under the provisions of paragraphs 48.1 through 48.7 of Chapter 144 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1963, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and the Resolution above referred to. This bond is payable, both as to principal and interest, only from the revenues required to be credited to the Housing Revenue Bond Fund as provided in the Resolution, which revenues are to be derived from (1) the operation of the revenue producing facilities constructed, completed, and equipped with the proceeds of this bond issue, bonds heretofore issued pursuant to the Resolution and additional bonds which may hereafter be issued pursuant to the Resolution, (2) student tuitions authorized by law to be retained in the University treasury, but not in excess of $1,220,000 annually plus such additional sums as may be specified in any supplemental resolution creating or authorizing additional bonds to be issued pursuant to the Resolution as so supplemented, and (3) certain existing revenue producing buildings of the University after the prior payment of other indebtedness to the extent set forth in the Resolution. This bond and the series of which it forms a part do not constitute an indebtedness of said University of Illinois, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, or the State of Illinois within any constitutional or statutory limitation, and neither the taxing power nor the general credit of said University, of said Board of Trustees or of the State of Illinois is pledged to the payment of this bond or the interest thereon. Subject to the provisions for registration and transfer contained herein and in the Resolution, this bond and all other bonds of this issue shall have all of the qualities of negotiable instruments, and shall be transferable by the registered owner at the principal office of the Trustee in the City of Chicago, Illinois, upon surrender and cancellation of this bond and thereupon a new registered bond without coupons of the same principal amount, interest rate and maturity will be issued to the transferee as provided in the Resolution, upon payment of the transfer charges therein prescribed. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Trustee and any other person may treat the person in whose name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary whether this bond be overdue or not. The bonds of this series are issuable as coupon bonds registrable as to principal only in the denomination of $5,000 and as registered bonds without coupons in the denomination of $5,000 or a multiple thereof. Each fully registered bond without coupons shall be of a single maturity. The coupon bonds and the registered bonds without coupons are interchangeable for bonds of the same interest rate and maturity upon presentation thereof for such purpose by the holder or registered owner at the principal office of the Trustee in the City of 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1055 Chicago, Illinois, and upon payment of charges and otherwise as provided in the Resolution. The rights and obligations of the University and of the holders of the bonds may be modified or amended at any time with the consent of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (662/3%) in principal amount of outstanding bonds in the manner, to the extent, and upon the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution; provided that no such modification or amendment shall (i) extend the maturity of or reduce the interest rate on or otherwise alter or impair the obligation of the University to pay the principal, interest or redemption premiums, if any, at the time and place and at the rate and in the currency provided therein of any bond without the express consent of the holder, or (ii) permit the creation of any mortgage or pledge or lien on the facilities, or upon any income therefrom or other funds pledged or held under the Resolution, except as permitted by the Resolution, other than the lien and pledge created thereunder, or (iii) permit the creation by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois of any preference or priority of any bond or bonds over any other bond or bonds or coupon or coupons over any other coupon or coupons, or (iy) reduce the percentage in principal amount of bonds required for the affirmative vote or written consent to an amendment or modification without the consent of the holder of this bond; all as more fully set forth in the Resolution. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby covenants with the holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants and agreements in the Resolution adopted by it, authorizing the issuance of this bond and the series of which it forms a part, and hereby irrevocably obligates itself to administer the said income and revenue derived from the operation of said facilities, as provided for in and by said Resolution, and to establish from time to time parietal rules, rents, and charges for the use of said facilities and to maintain and collect rents and charges and to withhold student tuitions, sufficient to pay the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining said facilities, and pay the principal of and interest upon all revenue bonds which by their terms are payable from such revenues, until all of such bonds have been paid in full, both as to principal and interest. It is hereby certified and recited and declared that all acts, conditions, and things required to exist, to happen, and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time, and manner, as required by law and the applicable resolutions of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and that provision has been made for setting aside the income and revenue to be derived from the operation of said facilities to be applied in the manner hereinabove set forth. In Witness Whereof, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has caused this bond to be executed by the facsimile signatures of its President and two of its members, the corporate seal of the University of Illinois to be hereto affixed (or a facsimile thereof to be reproduced hereon), and attested by its secretary, and this bond to be dated as the 1st day of ...................................................................., 19......... THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Attest:............................................................. By..................................................................... Secretary President Member Member ARTICLE THREE Miscellaneous Section 3.1. Application of Bond Proceeds. The Board of Trustees hereby determines that Project H will become revenue producing on or about September 30, 1965 and therefore that portion of the proceeds of the 1964 Series A Bonds and 1964 Series B Bonds representing the interest accrued on such Bonds to the 1056 board of trustees [February 19 date of payment therefor shall, together with an amount equal to the interest to accrue on such Bonds through September 30, 1965, be deposited with the Trustee in the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund account as required by Section 6.01 of the Resolution. The balance of said proceeds of the 1964 Series A Bonds and 1964 Series B Bonds shall, as required by Section 6.01 of the Resolution, be deposited in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and shall be accounted for as one or more separate funds. The application of the funds in such accounts and the disposition thereof shall in all respects comply with all the terms and provisions of Article 'Six of the Resolution, subject to the terms and provisions of any contract or agreement permitted by or contemplated in said Article Six between The Board of Trustees and any original purchaser of such Bonds. Section 3.2. Exchanges of 1964 Series A Bonds and 1964 Series B Bonds. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.08 of the Original Resolution the University may, in addition to any other charges permitted to be made upon the exchange or transfer of bonds, charge to the holders of any fully registered 1964 Series A Bonds and 1964 Series B Bonds presented for exchange for coupon Bonds, the actual costs of printing new coupon Bonds for the purpose of making such exchange. However, 1964 Series A Bonds and 1964 Series B Bonds originally issued in fully registered form at the time of initial delivery thereof may be exchanged without charge for coupon Bonds by the initial purchaser of such Bonds. Section 3.3. Interpretation and Construction. This Seventh Supplemental Resolution is supplemental to and is adopted in accordance with Sections 2.06 and 4.02 of the Resolution. In all respects not inconsistent with this Seventh Supplemental Resolution, the Resolution is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed, and all of the definitions, terms, covenants and restrictions of the Resolution shall be applicable to the additional Bonds authorized by this Seventh Supplemental Resolution and the proceeds thereof except as otherwise expressly provided. All of the terms and provisions of this Seventh Supplemental Resolution shall be deemed to be part of the terms and provisions of the Resolution, and the Resolution and this Seventh Supplemental Resolution shall be read, taken and construed as one and the same instrument. In executing or authenticating any Bond authorized by this Seventh Supplemental Resolution the Trustee and each officer, agent or employee of the University shall be entitled to all of the privileges and immunities afforded to them under the terms of the Resolution. Section 3.4. Resolution Effective on Passage. This Resolution shall become effective upon its passage. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE GRADUATE RESIDENCE HALLS. UNIT 3 (24) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend awards of contracts for construction of the third unit of the Single Graduate Student Residence Halls, to be located on the north side of Chalmers Street and the west side of Fifth Street in the block bounded by Chalmers, Fifth, Daniel, and Fourth Streets, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- McCarthy Bros. Construction Company, St. Louis, Missouri $2 095 934 Base bid........................................... $2 154 949 Additive alternate for service charge for assignment of other contracts to the general contractor....... 17 000 Deductive alternates for: Deletion of exterior window washing and wall maintenance staging and equipment.............. --- 5 500 Substituting vinyl asbestos tile for carpeting in corridors in dormitory units..................... --- 17 400 Substituting concrete block partitions for plastered walls in dormitory units......................... --- 4 250 Substituting wood double hung windows for stainless steel windows.............................. --- 48 865 Electrical --- Leverenz Electric Company, Inc., Danville............... 255 275 Base bid........................................... $ 268 066 Deductive alternate for deletion of bed lights......... --- 12 791 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1057 Plumbing --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign..................... 344 385 Heating, Piping, and Refrigeration --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign......................................................... 327 385 Ventilation --- R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign.................... 51 243 Temperature Control --- Powers Regulator Company, Skokie......... 56 000 Thermal Insulation --- General Insulation, Inc., East Peoria........... 55 499 Total......................................................... $3 185 721 It is recommended that a combined contract be awarded to R. H. Bishop Company, Champaign, in the amount of $723,013, being the total of the amounts bid by that Company on the plumbing, heating, piping, and refrigeration, and ventilation work. It is also recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract $3,185,721; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with McCarthy Bros. Construction Company, St. Louis, Missouri, for the assignment of these other contracts for $17,000, which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds will be available from proceeds of revenue bonds to finance the construction of these halls, which are being sold today. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant on this project, including a schedule of all bids received, copies of which are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. DEGREES CONFERRED IN FEBRUARY, 19 64 The Secretary presented for record the degrees conferred as of February 10, 1964, on recommendation of the Urbana-Champaign Senate and by authority of the Board of Trustees. Summary Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Philosophy................................................. 112 Doctor of Education.................................................. 5 Doctor of Musical Arts............................................... 1 Master of Arts....................................................... 57 Master of Science.................................................... 243 Master of Music..................................................... 10 Master of Education.................................................. 55 Master of Fine Arts.................................................. 1 Master of Accounting Science......................................... 2 Master of Architecture................................................ 5 Master of Extension Education........................................ 1 Advanced Certificate in Education..................................... 5 Total, Graduate College............................................. (497) Degrees in Law, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Laws..................................................... 11 Degrees in Veterinary Medicine, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science................................................... 3 Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture............................ 62 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering............................ 308 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.................. 161 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences............... Ill 1058 board of trustees [February 19 Bachelor of Science, College of Education.............................. 80 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration.. 131 Bachelor of Science, College of Journalism and Communications......... 18 Bachelor of Architecture, College of Fine and Applied Arts............. 35 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts................ 26 Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts................... 5 Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts.................. 5 Bachelor of Science, College of Physical Education..................... 38 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees........................................ (980) Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana.................................1 491 GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Accountancy Orville Russell Keister, Jr., B.S., M.B.A., Ohio State University, 1958, 1959 Sybil Lenora Collins Mobley, A.B., Bishop College, 1945; M.B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1961 John William Wagner, B.S., A.M., University of Maryland, 1956, 1961 In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Henry George Timmer, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1961 In Agronomy Theodore Ching-Teh Hsiao, B.S., Cornell University, 1955; M.S., University of Connecticut, 1960 Robert John Lambert, B.S., M.S., University of Minnesota, 1952, 1958 Dean George Swan, B.S., M.S., University of Wyoming, 1952, 1954 In Animal Nutrition Henry John Adam Likuski, B.S., M.S., University of Alberta, 1958, 1959 In Botany Daisy Tupas Boquiren, B.S., University of the Philippines, 1958 In Business Wayne Allan Meinhart, B.S., M.S., 1954, 1959 Howard Lowell Miller, A.B., Northwest Nazarene College, 1953; M.S., University of Wyoming, 1959 Feliksas Palubinskas, B.S., M.B.A., DePaul University, 1957, 1959 Charles Glenn Walters, B.S., M.S., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1955, 1957 In Ceramic Engineering Kaissar Menassa Hanna, B.S., M.S., University of Cairo, 1953, 1957 In Chemical Engineering Richard John Ayen, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1960; M.S., 1961 Walter Martin Buehl, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959; M.S., 1961 In Chemistry Edmund Stephen Berchert, Jr., B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958; M.S., 1960 Raymond Clyde Burrows, A.B., Kenyon College, 1957; M.S., 1958 Samir Sami Deeb, B.S., American University of Beirut, 1957; M.S., Colorado State University, 1959 Harold Bernard Hayes, A.B., Bellarmine College, 1957; M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1959 Edmund Thompson Holmes, A.B., Coe College, 1959 Leonard Vincent Interrante, A.B., University of California (Riverside), 1960 Joyce Ann Stair McMillan, B.S., University of Arkansas, 1959; M.S., 1961 Fredrick Louis Minn, A.B., 1957 Yorke Edward Rhodes, Jr., B.S., M.S., University of Delaware, 1957, 1959 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1059 Feed Tivin, A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1958; M.S., 1960 David James Tracy, A.B., Villa Madonna College, 1959; M.S., 1961 Paul Tschampel, B.S., M.S., University of Arizona, 1957, 1959 Christen Daniel Upper, B.S., State College of Washington, 1958 In Civil Engineering Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Hady, B.C.E., Ein Shams University, 1956; M.S., 1961 Iqbal Ali, B.S., University of Madras, 1944; B.Eng., Osmania University, 1948; M.S., 1956 William Barry Bedesem, B.S., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1959; M.S., 1960 Elmer Whitmoke Bhooker, B.S., M.S., University of Alberta, 1955, 1958 Hanka Wanda Sobczak Chryssafopoulos, C.E..M.E. and E.E., University of Rio Grande do Sul, 1951, 1953; M.S., 1954 Mordechai Haim Diskin, B.Eng., University of Sydney, 1952; M.Sc, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1959 Laurence Robert Hall, B.S., Queen's University, 1958; M.S., 1960 Badr El-Din Sourour Ismail, B.Sc, Cairo University, 1956; M.S., 1961 Jose Antonio NiETO-RAMfREZ, C.E., National Autonomous University of Mexico, 1959; M.S., 1961 John Asher Replogle, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1958 In Communications David Richmond, A.B., M.S., Ohio University, 1947, 1953 In Economics John David Huffnagle, A.B., A.M., Kent State University, 1957, 1960 In Education Gerald Scott Hasterok, B.S., M.S., 1952, 1954 Genevieve Reitzell Langston, B.S., Eureka College, 1938; A.M., Teachers College, Columbia University, 19S6 In Electrical Engineering Ralph St. Clair Carson, B.S., Indiana Institute of Technology, 1945; M.S.E., University of Michigan, 1952 Wai-Kai Chen, B.S., M.S., Ohio University, 1960, 1961 Thycodam Varkkey George, B.S., University of Madras, 1956; M.S., 1959 James Joseph Hogan, B.E.E., University of Dayton, 1959; M.S., 1961 John Richard Lehmann, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1958 Naresh Chandra Mathur, A.B., University of Delhi, 1955; D.I.I.Sc, Indian Institute of Science, 1958; M.S., 1961 Peter James Ponzo, B.A.Sc, A.M., University of Toronto, 1957, 1959 Don Warren Rain, B.S., Purdue University, 1958; M.S., University of Connecticut, 1961 Manoel Sobral, Jr., E.E., Technological Institute of Aeronautics (Brazil), 1958; M.S., 1962 Herbert Joseph Stein, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Carl Chang-Tao Wang, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 In English Fordyce Judson Bennett, A.B., Greenville College, 1945; A.M., 1960 Thomas Edgar Boyle, A.B., University of Richmond, 1952; A.M., 1958 Philip Yates Coleman, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1952; A.M., 1957 Thomas Barry Gilmore, Jr., A.B., A.M., University of Michigan, 1954, 1955 Edward Rich Levy, A.B., Millikin University, 1951; A.M., 1952 Donald Rackin, A.B., Rutgers --- The State University, 1954; A.M., Columbia University, 1955 In Entomology Costas Alexander Kouskolekas, Diploma, Aristotelian University of Salonika, 1951; M.S., University of Missouri, 1958 In Finance Leonard Jay Santow, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1959 Ward Theilman, B.S., 1958 1060 board of trustees [February 19 In Food Science Robert Shinnosuke Kittaka, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1959 Frank Edward Weber, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1957; M.S., 1963 In Geology Brian Williams Carss, B.S., University of Durham, 1959; M.S., 1962 In History Jacquelin Collins, A.B., A.M., Rice University, 1956, 1959 Erich Hugo Heintzen, Diploma, Concordia Theological Seminary, 1932; A.M 1947 In Horticulture John Edward Fucik, B.S., M.S., 1949, 1957 In Marketing Ronald Ralph Gist, B.S., M.S., University of Missouri, 1958, 1959 Richard Allen Scott, B.S., 1953; M.B.A., University of Arizona, 1960 In Mathematics John Andrew Berton, A.B., A.M., 1955, 1957 Dorothy Ann Bollman, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957; M.S., 1959 Herbert Henry Diekhans, B.S., A.M., University of Alabama, 1950, 1951 Lyle Hicks Lanier, Jr., A.B., A.M., 1956, 1957 Ernest Edward Shult, A.B., A.M., Southern Illinois University, 1958, 1961 Robert Jay Thomas, A.B., Oberlin College, 1952; M.S., Indiana University, 1954; M.S., 1958 In Mechanical Engineering Richard Wayne Adkins, B.S., M.S., 1951, 1959 Leon Walter Florschuetz, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Richard William Heimburg, B.M.E., Syracuse University, 1959 In Metallurgical Engineering Donald Robert Beaman, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1961 John Richard Parsons, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1958; M.S., 1960 Edward Charles van Reuth, B.S., M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1955, 1960 In Microbiology Robert Allen Tobey, B.S., Michigan State University, 1959 In Mining Engineering Lawrence Adler, A.B., New York University, 1946; B.S., Columbia University, 1949; M.S., University of Utah, 1953 In Physical Education Cedric Warren Dempsey, A.B., A.M., Albion College, 1954, 1956 In Physics Richard Keith Ahrenkiel, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1960 Stuart Bermon, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1958; M.S., 1959 Paul David Goldan, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1955; M.S., 1958 Joseph Carl Hafele, B.S., M.S., 1959, I960 Kenneth Lee Kliewer, B.S., M.S., University of Minnesota, 1957, 1959 William Lauchlin McMillan, B.S., M.S., University of Arkansas, 1958, 1961 Howard Kent Rockstad, A.B., St. Olaf College, 1957; M.S., 1959 Harry Edward Tomaschke, B.S., Michigan State University, 1956; M.S., 1958 In Physiology William Keller Brown, B.S., Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1955; M.D., Louisiana State University School of Medicine, 1957 Edward David Lash, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1959; M.S., 1961 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1061 In Psychology Herbert James Clark, A.B., University of Michigan, 1959; A.M., 1961 Donald Joseph Kiesler, A.B., Bellarmine College, 1958 Owen Maller, B.S., 1952; A.M., Southern Methodist University, 1955 In Sanitary Engineering Lloyd Roosevelt Robinson, Jr., B.S., M.S., University of Kansas, 1953, 1958 In Sociology Henry George Bobotek, B.S., A.M.(Statistics), A.M.(Sociology), 1951,1957,1958 William Charles Jenne, B.S., Illinois State University, 1953; A.M., 1958 In Spanish Florence Lillian Yudin, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1958; A.M., 1960 In Speech Prentice Avery Meador, Jr., A.B., David Lipscomb College, 1960; A.M., 1961 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Walter Rosamond Carnes, B.A.E., M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1949, 1954 Edward Dewitt Gurley, B.M.E., M.S., North Carolina State College of the University of North Carolina (Raleigh), 1957, 1960 Dareell Delano Penrod, B.S., Northwestern University, 1959; A.M., Washington State University, 1961 In Veterinary Medical Science Ralph David McQueen, B.S., D.V.M., 1952, 1954 In Zoology Peter Stanley Chrapliwy, A.B., A.M., University of Kansas, 1953, 1956 Thomas Cyril Jegla, B.S., Michigan State University, 1958; M.S., 1960 Iyad Abdul Wahab Nader, Licence, Higher Teachers College (Iraq), 1954; M.S., 1958 Dwain William Parrack, A.B., Texas Technological College, 1950; M.S., University of New Mexico, 1956 Degree of Doctor of Education In Education Assene Ogenius Boykin, B.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1942; A.M., University of Chicago, 1950 Thomas Franklin Hull, B.S., M.S., Purdue University, 1951, 1957 Frank Victor Sullivan, B.S., Friends University, 1953; A.M., Colorado State College, 1957 In Music Education Eunice Louise Boardman, B.Mus.Ed., Cornell College, 1947; A.M., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1951 Martha Pearman, B.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1939; M.Mus., Northwestern University, 1943 Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts Ralph Woodward, B.S., University of Idaho, 1940; M.Mus., Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, 1948 Degree of Master of Arts In Art Education Rosemary Gahan Mah, B.S., Nazareth College, 1961 In Dance Janet Sue Chiles, A.B., Lake Erie College, 1959 Joan Skinner Shotwell, A.B., Bennington College, 1946 1062 board of trustees [February 19 In Economics Michael Carl Barth, A.B., State University of New York Harpur College, 1962 Delmar Gene Good, A.B., Goshen College, 1962 Thomas J. Ising, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962 Leon Ledyard Tucker, A.B., Oberlin College, 1962 In Education Sybil Baltis Carlson, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1960 Marriner David Merrill, A.B., Brigham Young University, 1961 In English Judith Lang Kutcher, A.B., 1962 Frank David Leone, A.B., City College of New York, 1962 Joanne Elizabeth Minnis, A.B., Kent State University, 1962 Stephen Victor Myslinski, A.B., State University of New York College of Education (Albany), 1962 Margaret Lynn Neumann, A.B., North Texas State University, 1962 Mary Kehoe Wagner, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 19S9 In French Shirley Ann Pope, A.B., University of Chatanooga, 1961 In Geography Raymond Warren Waxmonsky, B.S., University of Idaho, 1960 In German Vida Angele Tamosiunas, A.B., 1961 In History Dominic Lawrence Candeloro, A.B., Northwestern University, 1962 Allan Carl Greenberg, A.B., Cornell University, 1962 Elaine Ksuse Kuehn, A.B., Augustana College, 1962 David Edward Meerse, A.B., Doane College, 1961 Richard Leroy Saunders, Jr., A.B., Northwestern University, 1962 Donald Eugene Shepardson, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1961 In Labor and Industrial Relations Yoshitaka Fujita, A.B., Keio University, 19SS Thomas Edward Lewis, A.B., Blackburn College, 1962 Earl Keith Madsen, A.B., University of Wyoming, 1960 Yukitaka Tobari, B.Econ., University of Tokyo, 1956 In Latin George Henry Berkhofer, A.B., University of Michigan, 1961 Stanford Edward Cashdollar, Jr., A.B., University of Tennessee, 1962 In Linguistics Lawrence Elwayne Nogle, B.S., 1963 In Mathematics David Harry Johnson, A.B., Augustana College, 1962 Patricia Eleanor Joyce, A.B., Hunter College of the City of New York, 1962 Robert Reed McConnell, A.B., Lawrence College, 1962 Glen Dale Meeden, A.B., Eastern Baptist College, 1962 Michael Benjamin Price, A.B., 1963 Roberta Arlene Stillman, A.B., Cornell University, 1962 Ronald Clyde Weger, A.B., William Jewell College, 1962 In Political Science Mack Henry Jones, A.B., Texas Southern University, 1962 Edwin Philip Morgan, A.B., Southern Methodist University, 1962 Richard Ambrose Wilkey, A.B., North Central College, 1962 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1063 In Portuguese Fredric Isham Schoen, A.B., 1962 In Psychology Michael Stuart Black, A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1958 Robert Lee Linn, A.B., University of California (Los Angeles), 1961 In Russian Frederick Daniels Thaver III, A.B., 1962 In Social Sciences David Marvin Martin, A.B., Augustana College, 1961 George Frederick Pinnev, B.S., Iowa State University, 1949 In Spanish Sylvia Jean Brann, B.S., Kansas State College (Pittsburg), 1959 Robert Eugene Calvin, A.B., University of North Carolina, 1952 Gary Eugene A. Scavnicky, A.B., Youngstown University, 1962 Elizabeth Frances Senicka, A.B., Miami University, 1962 Grace Tomiko Togashi, A.B., College of Puget Sound, 1962 Frank Blair Wilcox, B.S., Utah State University, 1961 In Speech Ilona Kutas Gerbner, A.B., 1963 Howard Allan Hoffman, A.B., Milton College, 1962 Joyce Ilene McCurley, B.S., 1962 Frankie Claire Owen, A.B., Mississippi Southern College, 1961 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy George Henry Brieske, B.Ed., Wisconsin State College (Whitewater), 1958 John LaVere Dawson, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1953 WlLLARD JUHNKE DeFiLIPPS, B.S., 1963 Abbas Mahdy El-Sherazy, B.Com., Cairo University, 1957 Hesham Khatib, A.B., Damascus University, 1960 Tsang Zeng Shaw, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1955 VVisahn Tengamnuay, B.Com., Higher Diploma (Accountancy), LL.B., University of Thammasat (Thailand), 1953, 1955, 1956 In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Albert George Bennett, Jr., B.S., Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, 1959 Robert Lee Brown, B.S., 1962 Richard Eugene Gardner, B.S., 1960 Allen Dana Harper, B.S., 1956 Balbir Singh, B.S., 1961 In Agricultural Economics Earl Clayton Bantz, B.S., 1940 Richard Allen Gillfillan, B.S., 1962 Bengt Sture Harald Gustafsson, B.S., Royal Agricultural College, 1956 Daulat Singh, B.S., M.S., Agra University, 1954, 1956 In Agricultural Engineering Alvin Cornell Bailey, B.S., Michigan State University, 1962 In Agronomy Richard Howard Andersen, B.S., University of Maryland, 1956 Edward Jerome Englerth, Jr., B.S., University of North Dakota, 1958 David Maurice Peterson, B.S., University of California (Davis), 1962 In Animal Science Patrick Joseph Caffrey, B.Agr.Sci., M.Agr.Sci., University College (Dublin), 1960, 1962 1064 board of trustees [February 19 Alvin Leo Melliere, B.S., 1961 Ratan Hormusji Sagar, B.V.Sc, University of Bombay, 19S4 In Architectural Engineering Richard Arthur Devine, B.Arch., 1963 Robert Lee-Ling Yuan, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1960 In Astronomy Gary Charles Goodman, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1960 Leonard Schusterman, B.S., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1961 Leo Vern Standeford, B.S., M.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1958, 1959 In Biology Shakon Ann Sitch, A.B., North Dakota State Teachers College (Minot), 1962 In Botany Iris Dale Charvat, B.S., 1963 Judith Alice Lesnaw, B.S., 1962 Louisa Yang, A.B., College of Notre Dame (Maryland), 1961 In Chemical Engineering David Vernon Boger, B.S., Bucknell University, 1961 Paul Dennis Hass, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1958 William Terry Mitchell, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1962 William Oliver Paradis, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1962 In Chemistry Charles Taft Baker, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1961 Michael Thomas Bowers, B.S., Gonzaga University, 1962 Jerry Bob Brammer, A.B., North Texas State University, 1962 Anna Dmitrenko, A.B., State University of New York Harpur College, 1961 (Posthumously) David Alan Durand, B.S., Wheaton College (Illinois), 1962 Robert Hicks Feiertag, A.B., Monmouth College, 1961 Barbara Newman Fisher, B.S., Juniata College, 1962 Richard Leroy Fisher, B.S., Juniata College, 1961 David Webb Herlocker, A.B., Knox College, 1962 Ronald Lewis Keener, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1962 Catherine Barbara Savage, B.S., Creighton University, 1959 Richard Scior Treptow, A.B., Blackburn College, 1962 Mark Leroy Unland, A.B., MacMurray College, 1962 Yung-HSIU Chen Wang, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1960 Otto Ralf Weinert, Chemist-Pharmacist, University of Chile, 1948 Matthew Ronald Yunaska, A.B., Thiel College, 1962 In Civil Engineering Rolando Aguilar-Gonzalez, C.E., National University of Mexico, 1959 Charan Burapharatana, B.S., M.S., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), 1960, 1962 Lii-Ming Chou, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1960 Robert Evans Crawley, B.S., Purdue University, 1960 Ronald Walter Drucker, B.C.E., Cooper Union, 1962 Arnold Stuart Feinberg, B.S., 1962 Raymond William Haag, B.S., University of Manitoba, 1961 Judith Lavinia Hamilton, A.B., Smith College, 1961 Jagadish Ramachandra Joshi, B.Eng., Gujarat University, 1959; M.Eng., University of Roorkee, 1960 Michael Lee Kiefer, B.S., 1962 Dennis John Leary, B.S., Northeastern University, 1962 Darrell George Lohmeier, B.S., 1962 John Bohan O'Shea, B.S., 1962 Mohammad Hosain Pazand, C.E., Teheran University, 1960 Richard Ernst Pinckert, B.S., Washington University, 1962 Maynard Alfred Aloysius Plamondon, B.S., University of New Hampshire, 1962 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1065 Keith Edward Robinson, B.A.Sc, University of British Columbia, 1962 Ereol David Rodda, B.S., M.S., 1951, 1960 Harold Ernst Rutenschroer, Jr., B.S., University of Tennessee, 1962 Gerard Sakamoto, B.S., University of Hawaii, 1962 Muthuswamy Shanmugam, B.Eng., University of Madras, 1960 Nabil Abdalla Shoeb, B.Eng., Cairo University, 1960 James William Sturrock, B.S.E., University of Michigan, 1958 Ta-shen Su, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1961 Nguyen Thanh Toan, Diploma, National Technical Center (Viet Nam), 1962 Robert Shu-Chen Wang, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1959 Guenther Otto Wilhelm, B.C.E., City College of New York, 1962 Charoen Wongprecha, B.Eng., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), 1962 Khachornsakdi Wongprecha, B.Eng., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), 1962 Manuel Xanthakis, B.S., 1961 In Commercial Teaching George Henry Wiemers, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1961 In Dairy Technology Joseph Albert Ohren, B.S., 1959 In Economics Hamdy Hessien Hessien Afifi, B.Com., Cairo University, 1950 Roger Jeffery Green, B.S., 1962 In Education Sally McCoy, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1948 In Electrical Engineering Kenneth Louie Baker, B.S., 1961 Walter Baronian, B.S., 1963 Allan Joel Brockstein, B.S., 1963 James Walter Carlin, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962 Gary Wayne Chesney, B.S., 1963 Gabriel Cuervo-Salcedo, B.S., 1963 Robert Thomas Daly, B.E.E., Marquette University, 1963 Edward Ronald Dornseif, B.S., 1963 John Joseph Gordon, B.M.E., General Motors Institute, 1961 Theodore William Johnson, B.S., 1962 Chester George Jones, B.M.E., Syracuse University, 1960 Shung-wu Lee, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1961 John Allan Lehner, B.S., 1963 Tadao Murata, Graduate, Tokai University, 1962 Andrew Richard Neureuther, B.S., 1963 Yokishwar Kumar Puri, A.B., Panjab University, 1956; B.S.(Electrical Engineering), Benares Hindu University, 1960 Edward Sestak, B.S., 1963 Richard Alan Woerner, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1962 In Entomology Janina Wojciechowska, B.S., 1961 In Finance Robert Thomas Boling, B.S., 1963 Kenneth Michael Stevens, B.S., 1962 In Home Economics Mary Judith Stalder, B.S., University of California (Davis), 1961 In Home Economics Education Karen Lee Bossert Roberts, B.S., 1961 In Horticulture Jack Willard Buxton, B.S., 1962 1066 board of trustees [February 19 In Library Science Robert Kent Hirst, A.B., University of Kansas, 1962 Helen Scruggs Horvath, A.B., Washington University, 1953; A.M., 1957 Wan-wan Jerng, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1955 Anna Henderson Lavatelli, A.B., Scripps College, 1938 Clayton Martin Miller, Jr., A.B., 1962 Baiba Paulins, A.B., 1962 Mahlon Neale Peterson, A.B., Augustana College, 1962 Teresita Barrameda Quiambao, B.S., University of Santo Tomas, 1960 Annelie Gisela Rosenberg, A.B., 1963 Nancy Yochem Stephens, B.S., 1962 Chieko Tachihata, A.B., University of Hawaii, 1958 Martha White Tarbah, A.B., Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods College, 1957 Soleiman Mohammad Tarbah, A.B., 1962 Thomas Larry Welch, A.B., Sacramento State College, 1962 Peng Yao, A.B., A.M., National Chengchi University, 1949, 1958; M.S., Southern Illinois University, 1962 In Management Jon David Charleston, A.B., Colorado College, 1953 John Thomas Coughlin, A.B., Marquette University, 1962 In Marketing Nessim Yanni Nessim, B.Com., Cairo University, 1958 John Frederick Trost, B.S., 1962 In Mathematics Stuart Harry Anderson, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1954 Gary Nelson Baldwin, B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1961 Jeffery Mackenzie Cooper, A.B., Haverford College, 1962 Thomas Andrew Hannula, B.S., 1962 Thomas John Kearns, B.S., University of Santa Clara, 1962 Donald Frank Koenig, B.S., 1956 Chi Yeung Lo, B.S., University of Hong Kong, 1960 Elio Marzullo, B.S., 1960 Charles William Neville, B.S., Yale University, 1962 Robert Kevin Rice, B.S., 1962 James Allen Scherer, B.S., 1958 John Louis Schudel, A.B., St. Joseph's College (Indiana), 1962 Young Kuk Shin, B.S., Korean Military Academy, 1960 William Daly Skees, A.B., St. Benedict's College, 1961 Daniel Benson Temple, B.S., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, 1962 Marilyn Ann Wang, B.S., University of Michigan, 1962 James Allen Weed, A.B., College of Idaho, 1960 In Mechanical Engineering Albert Sage Boyers, B.S., Purdue University, 1962 Tran Kiem Canh, Diploma, National Technical Center (Viet Nam), 1962 Ronald Kee Young Chao, B.S., University of Tokyo, 1962 Gerald McKee Colver, B.S., Bradley University, 1962 David Frank Conde, B.S., Ohio University, 1959 Allen James Ebens, B.S., Bradley University, 1962 William Donald Fischer, B.S., 1963 James Gill Freyder, B.S., 1956 Donald Stanley Hansen, B.S., Newark College of Engineering, 1957 Frederick William Heckenkamp III, B.S., 1957 Dao Kim, Diploma, National Technical Center (Viet Nam), 1962 Kraijhit Lapcharoen, B.S., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), 1960 Donald Kershaw Lawrence, B.S., 1962 Lloyd Louis Lehn, B.S., 1962 James Weston Massey, B.S., 1963 Roy Walter Michel, B.M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1962 Alois Allan Tirva, B.S., 1959 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1067 In Metallurgical Engineering Joseph Mortimer Gilkison, B.S., 1963 Robert Alan Hoffman, B.Met.E., New York University, 1961 Ch'i-fan Lin, B.S., Tunghai University, 1959 In Microbiology Alice Gilman, B.S., 1962 Judith Doris Levitt, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1962 In Music Education Dalvin Lee Boone, B.Mus., Texas Technological College, 1960 George Paul Galvan, B.Mus., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1958 In Nuclear Engineering Kon Fong Walter Lee, B.S., New York University, 1962 William Gordon Lussie, B.S., 1962 Robert James Mullin, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1959 Douglas Houston Petrie, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1962 Robert Warren Roussin, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1962 Genn Saji, B.S., Yokohama National University, 1961 In Physical Education Robert Leonard Hitchen, B.S., 1950 Robert Keig Stallman, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1962 In Physics William Russell Abel, B.S., 1962 Robert Thomas Andrews, B.S., 1962 Robert Aprahamian, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1962 Muzaffer Atac, Diploma, Ankara University, 1957 Kenneth Avicola, B.S., 1963 Robert Frank Bass, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1960 Richard Joseph Becherer, B.S., Boston College, 1962 Marvin Blecher, A.B., Columbia University, 1962 John Joseph Boguta, A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1962 Thomas Lynch Bohan, B.S., University of Chicago, 1960 Ronald Ray Bourassa, A.B., Rice University, 1962 Richard Charles Brandt, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1962 Ronald Louis Cappelletti, B.S., Fairfield University, 1962 Jon Ross Carlson, B.S., Montana State College, 1962 Stedman Eugene Cary, B.S., University of Colorado, 1961 Joel Alan Cohen, A.B., Harvard University, 1962 George Edward Danielson, Jr., B.S., Principia College, 1961 Michael Faiman, A.B., Peterhouse (Cambridge), 1956 Wayne Robert Fenner, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1962 Alan Gordon, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962 Donald Frank Grether, A.B., Miami University, 1962 William Verne Hassenzahl, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1962 Jon Thomas Holder, B.S., Lamar State College of Technology, 1962 Floyd Allen Hummel, A.B., Cornell University, 1963 Herbert Inhaber, B.S, McGill University, 1962 Jeffrey Lannin, B.S., Purdue University, 1962 Gary Hamilton Lunsford, B.S., Duke University, 1962 Ted Mar, B.S., University of British Columbia, 1962 Jose Evangelista de Carvalho Moreira, Graduate, Ceara University, 1960 Thomas Ray Osborn, A.B., 1963 Timothy Reed Pryor, B.Eng.Sc, Johns Hopkins University, 1962 Juan Rubio-Bernal, Licenciatura, Madrid University, 1960 Truman Clifford Rutt, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 Peter Frank Schultz, B.S., University of "Wisconsin, 1962 Kin Sein, B.S., 1962 1068 board of trustees [February 19 Benjamin Marvin Smith, B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1962 John William Staples, A.B., Wabash College, 1962 Robert Alan Troester, A.B., University of Michigan, 1962 Lynn James Verhey, A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1962 William Henry Weihofen, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1962 George Thomas Wenning, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1962 Jerald Jean Wray, B.S., Kansas State University, 1962 Byron Arlen Young, B.S., Stanford University, 1962 In Physiology Wayne Max Levin, A.B., Ithaca College, 1962 Sharon Kay Riggs, A.B., Southwestern College, 1962 In Plant Pathology Floyd Milton Huber, B.S., Indiana State Teachers College, 1961 In Radio and Television Darrell Eugene Cunningham, B.S., Arkansas State College, 1960 James John Onder, B.F.A., Ohio University, 1962 In Recreation Robert Emil Bohl, B.S., 19S2 Jean-Marc Dion, Baccalaureate, Universite Laval, 1960 In Statistics Armand Seri, B.S., M.S., University of Wichita, 1958, 1960 In the Teaching of Biological Sciences and General Science Joen June Gallentine Flener, B.S., 1962 Jerry Lee Jackson, B.S., 1962 Tack Westrate Shouba, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1962 Peter Gibbons Traver, A.B., 1957 In the Teaching of Mathematics David William Brown, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956 Eli Newell, B.S., Jackson College, 1953 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Gordon Walter Bigg, B.S., University of Alberta, 1961 Grant Wesley Reichard, B.S., 1961 Dariush Shadman, B.S., 1962 Victor Terkun, B.S., 1962 In Veierinary Medical Science Sartaj Singh Ahluwalia, B.V.Sc. and A.H., Agra University, 1956 Dennis Keith Mann, B.S.(Liberal Arts and Sciences), B.S.(Veterinary Medicine), D.V.M., 1951, 1958, 1960; M.P.H., Tulane University, 1963 Ivan Paul Szilvassy, Diploma, Hungarian University of Scientific Agriculture, 1948 Degree of Master of Music Hervey Kasten Hicks, B.S., 1958 Rose Marie Jones, A.B., Franklin College, 1944; M.S., 1953 Karyl June Louwenaar, B.Mus., Wheaton College, 1962 Arthur Lindon Maddox, B.Mus., University of Kansas City, 1963 David Harold Moskovitz, B.Mus., 1962 Virginia Griffith Nanzetta, B.Mus., Converse College, 1962 Peter Frank Schuetz, B.S., 1959 Robert Scott Ward, B.Mus., 1962 James Gordon Wilson, B.Mus., Miami University, 1961 Richard Bruce Wursten, B.S., Utah State University, 1961 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1069 Degree of Master of Education Isabelle Milton Adams, B.S., Florida Normal and Industrial Memorial College, Eldora Love Adkins, A.B., Spellman College, 1950 Robert Dale Bender, A.B., Blackburn College, 1961 Barbara Lee Brunckhorst, A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College, 1953 Rosiland Lucille Busenhart, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1943 John Raymond Cain, B.S., 1959 Robert Dexter Cone, B.S., 1959 Neal Jennings Coyle, B.S., Kansas State College, 1957 Arden Lowell Crawford, A.B., Eureka College, 1950 Alice Catherine Crocker, B.S., University of Oregon, 1961 Helen Louise Dunn, B.S., A.M., 1938, 1948 Charles Roger Ezard, A.B., Illinois College, 1959 Otto Fafoglia, Jr., B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1958 Mary Anne Fries, B.S., 1961 Thomas Michael Gardner, B.S., 1959 Hayward Philip Garrett, B.S., 1963 Larry Wayne Garrison, B.S., 1959 Elizabeth Ashman Gillette, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1958 Jean Lucy Gover, B.S., St. Louis University, 1956 Katie Mae Haire, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1958 Lloyd Harry Hedges, A.B., Antioch College, 1960 Sheila Ann Henry, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Janice Bloomquist Hodyke, A.B., Augustana College, 1948 Raymond Harold Hubbartt, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Ralph William Iovinelli, B.S., 1963 Bessie Kallas, B.S., 1961 Dorotha Martinie Keefe, B.S., 1959 Mary Frances Kenney, B.S., 1962 Robert Eugene Knilans, B.S., Wisconsin State College (La Crosse), 1958 Howard Herschel Lambert, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Susan Wickham Lockhart, B.S., 1963 Jean Ann Markese, B.S., 1960 Judith Kaye McCoy, B.S., Drake University, 1959 Stuart Bayes McKenty, B.S., 1959 Mary Dailey Metzger, A.B., Syracuse University, 1961 Flora Lane Mildred, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1958 Andrew Joseph Mosca, B.S., Lewis College, 1962 Ruth Porter Navid, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1958 Carolyn Lucille O'Neill, B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1941 William Paarlberc, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1960 Joseph Sunderland Palmer, A.B., A.M., Wheaton College, 1944, 1950 Pearl Youngberg Palmer, A.B., Wheaton College, 1943 Gary Lee Pfroender, B.S., Central College, 1958 Lillian Margaret Powers, B.S., 1958 Donald Robert Prather, B.S., 1957 Betsy Margaret Resmondo, B.S., George Peabody College for Teachers, 1953 Mattie Hines Richard, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1952 Walter Wade Sheets, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1957 Kenneth Edward Sinclair, A.B., University of Sydney, 1962 Ronald Dean Stablein, B.S., 1959 JUANITA GLASCOCK STABLER, B.S., 1935 James Richard Ward, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Sulsa Delano Windom, A.B., Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1962 Mary Clements Young, B.S., 1961 Sara Janet Zimmerman, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1955 Degree of Master of Fine Arts In Painting and Printmaking Barbara Polan Kaplan, B.F.A., 1961 1070 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 19 Degree of Master of Architecture Alexander Macgregor, Diploma, Edinburgh College of Art, 1960 Shing-Jack Ng, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1957 Ronald Eugene Schmitt, B.Arch., 1962 Jack Michael Stephens, B.Arch., 1962 Edward Peters Womack, B,S., University of Cincinnati, 1962 Degree of Master of Accounting Science Ronald Maier Apperson, B.S., 1963 Connie LaVern Ashburn, B.S., 1963 Degree of Master of Extension Education Calvin Earl Baylor, B.S., 1950 Advanced Certificate In Education George Richard Abraham, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Superior), 1953; M.S., 1960 Vernon Roscoe French, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1952; Ed.M., 1955 Roland Hugh Jean, B.S., M.S., Western Illinois University, 1956, 1957 Charles Edgar Rayborn, A.B., Shurtleff College, 1947; A.M., 1951 Jean Schubert Richards, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1956; M.S., 1959 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture Frank Churchill Ahlstrom Arnold Lyle Brooks Robert William Cutright John Edmund Daily Norman Francis Delaney, Honors Charles William Donnel Ralph Thomas Heinhorst Norvan Wayne Henrichs Gregory Myers Leigh Michael Lynn Lippincott Michael Leon Mason Curtis Lynn Maxwell Donald Turner Nelson Barry Alan Olson Charles Victor Peterson James Lee Rakestraw, Honors Wallace Grant Ramsay Floyd Keith Roberts Larry Lee Rus John Edward Shepherd, High Honors Lee Reynolds Steur Glenn George Stone John Edward Subat John Michael Sullivan Carroll Rhea Turner William Eugene Weber James Dale Welton James Thomas Wormley Bernard Joseph Zant JoMar Clare Alwes In Dairy Technology Joseph Dale Fortna In Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture John Raymond Hall III James John Koval Kenneth Lee Knoles Bruce Delbert Eder Orville Lawrence Krumdick Donald Harold Baumgartner Roger Lee Blair, Honors George Nelson Brooks John Raymond Carlson Andy Carl Djerf Norman Lee Gagliardo Hugh Harvey Holland In Food Science Francis Herschel Webster In Forestry James Aloysius Klus Larry Duane Martoglio Carroll Paul Pedersen Jerry Dean Rawlinson William Dean Sears Charles Albert Stewart 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1071 In Home Economics Mary Lou Drahos Geraldine Ann Komperda Brenda Elizabeth Hayer, High Michel Langdon Honors Fern Aaronell Nitzberg Diana Ruth Henry Mariana Whitmore In Home Economics Education Joanne Eileen Beare Sharon Webb Howell, High Honors Carolyn Rogers Hester Carol Joyce Prior In Restaurant Management Charles Richard Williams COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Barrett Jay Buchmueller Thomas Arthur Burns Dale Leon Connolly Robert Eugene Cusey James Duncan DeLaurier, Honors Wayne Edward Hanlon Mohammad Aslan Haque Richard Lawrence Hurwitz Gerlina Louise Keltner John Stephen Kirby, High Honors Karl Henry Kuhlmann Charles Dennis Lacina Ronald Edward Pekny Gerald Michael Paul Petak Thomas Prince Ross, Jr. Ronnie Gene Rusch Bernard Mathew Sinderman, Honors Raymond Lee Thompson Richard Clarence Tymick Paul Glenn Vogt Robert Eugene Willis George Richard Zielinski, Jr. Richard Wayne Hook Curt Martin Kruse In Agricultural Engineering John Phillip Lloyd, High Honors Lee Reynolds Steur In Ceramic Engineering Bruce Edward Dunworth James Dexter Hull Donald James Liedberg Raymond Leo Manyik Peter Joseph Marchiando Kenneth Edwin Meiners Gary Melvin Meyer James Lee Moore Stephen Stanley Otrosa Fred Ekic Richter Russell William Rothrock, Jr. Lloyd Charles Schwanebeck In Civil Engineering Joseph Glenn Albers Paul David Andresen John Stanley Antczak Thomas Edward Arrico, Honors Donald Richard Aukamp Richard Edward Baer James Joel Baker David Erwin Baumgartner Robert Gordon Boehm George Allan Brunner John Thomas Coletta Ralph James Converse Mackenzie Leo Davis Lynn William Elder Rodney James Fetterolf Emil Charles Frein John Frederick Groo James John Gruenholz, Honors James Richard Hann Frank James Hatfield Raymond Lee Hauschild Richard Keith Hopper Charles Fred Hunt David Lewis Klingebiel Bernhard Hubert Klingenberg Michael Patrick Laughlin, Jr. Gary Wayne Maxwell John Paul McGrew Ferdinand David Mehlick, Jr. Geosce Joseph Mehlick, Honors Dale Winfield Miller Steven Cranston Mugg William Masaru Nakamura Turkel Negis Paul Faulke Nelson Theodore Walter Nelson, Jr. Paul Francis O'Shea William Sanford Plank, Highest Honors David Lynn Potter 1072 BOARD Donald Harley Potter Michael Earle Reynolds Donald Raymond Rich Robert Anthony Rogina Eugene Richard Roloff Richard Leon Ruddell Charles Eric Sandberg, Honors Charles David Sanders John Leo Saner, Honors Walter Michael Seiler Gerald Francis Snyder Richard Orville Sonnenberg Maynard Paul Suhre Larry Michael Sur, Highest Honors James LeRoy Trotter Kenneth Ronald Tunstall Donald Robert Vonnahme Francis Wayne Ward Richard Allen Wiseman, Honors Robert Steve Ziemek In Electrical Engineering George Barry Arnold Larry David Balden Dennis Lee Balzarini Klaus Jurgen Barthel Louis Paul Biskup Ward LeRoy Bivens Wendell Jack Bouknight Cary Jones Boyd, Jr. Ronald Albert Brandow Glen Leon Brewer Edward Charles Bross James Jay Burcham Alberto Bursztyn-Vaimberg Milton M. T. Chang, Highest Honors Amos Junior Chenoweth Charles Dan Chenoweth Ronald Henry Cieslak John Michael Curley Robert Henry Czerlanis Sam Mordochat Daniel Allen Loy Davidson Arthur Lee Dewey Bernard Martin Doden George Robert Doerner Roland Edward Dukes John Wesly Elam Ernesto Facchini-Ferro Ransom Shaver Fields Curtis Byron Frank Harold John Gallagher Ira Stewart Gerson Samuel Anthony Guccione William James Haggerty Michael David Harris Lee Edward Harvey Joseph Charles Hemmer, Highest Honors Donald Edwin Henry Robert Frank Herbold James Michael Holmberg David Roger Howarter Raymond Lee Hunt Joseph Jellen Duane Ellwood Johnson Kenneth Leo Kielar George Arthur Kim George Edward Knuth James Phillip Kraus Paul Elliott Kreimeier John Kruk, Jr., Honors Thomas Edward Kruse Kenneth John Kuzas Ronald Louis Lach Werner Yee Lain Alfred Yung-Fook Lau Edward John Layer Conrad Lenzo Peter Mun-Lau Leong Aloys Herman Litteken Leonard Joseph Litvan, Jr. Robert Allen Lloyd Stanley Lotterman Dennis James McCarthy Jerry Donald McKenzie James Kay McKinney Michael Baird McMurry Necati Molyer Kenji Nakagawa Lyn Fingal Peterson Richard Charles Peterson, Honors Robert Richard Podowski Michael Francis Poskozim Jerry Richard Powell Ury Priel, Honors John Richard Rezek Donald Charles Rockwell, High Honors Marvin Carson Rogers, Jr. Arnold Stephen Rosenbaum, Honors Theodore Stanley Rzeszewski, Honors Michael William Saad, Highest Honors William Warren Sawyer Kurt Fritz Schenk Ramirez, Honors John Winfield Schindler Maurice Gerard Scholten Kevin Strickland Schultz Andrew Wilkin Seacord II Richard Edward Sims Richard Raymond Smith Edward Thaddeus Snyder Carl Sterner Soneson Kenneth Richard Steiner Stanley Neil Stoltz Dennis Roy Thompson Jerome Benno Toller James Warren Townsend Charles Walton Tromblee Gerald Albert Van Daele George Edward Veatch, Jr., Highest Honors 1964] universii William James Warner Ronald Louis Wenda Ronald Alfred Werner, Highest Honors Gregory Philip White Leroy Ernest Wiiki John Milton Williams Glen H. K. Young Edward Michael Zychowski, Jr. In Engineering Mechanics Ronald Eugene Ehlert Gary Paul Freese, Honors James Edwin Robertson In Engineering Physics Richard Milton Bernstein Ronald DeBoer Faulstich Dogan Kaya David Sander Kupperman Bruce Luxford Jeffrey David Mich Jack Curtis Mooberry James Martin Potter Richard Neal Price Ivan Simic Ival Lee Toepke Henderson Chik-Hing Yeung, Honors In General Engineering Joseph Martin Cablk William Richard Evans Ronald James Harris Charles Franklin Hedblom, Jr., Honors Robert D. Leonard, Jr. Robert Herman Meyer Richard Haywood Miller, Jr. In Industrial John Joseph Nonneman, High Honors William Keene Oliver Robert Alfred Pavelick Dale Howard Renken Frank Joseph Tomecek Dale Warren Weaver Robert Alan Zakes In Industrial Engineering Leon Dario Abad Arango Robert Micheal Atols Stanley Harold Browne Ralph Reynold Gould George Raymond Huenemeier Kailash Chander Kapoor Gary Allen Karnes Charles Martin Kruse Thomas George Leydon John Paul Lixvar Gerald Irvin Malik Robert Dale Malinowski Robert Alan Mann John Martin Mego Stanley Louis Murphy George Bruce Rugge Russell Monroe Sherman Rodney Walton Sturm Louis Victor Vieceli In Mechanical Engineering Walter Joseph Baran, Jr. Clyde Allen Baumgardner Kenneth Joseph Bergsma William John Bestow Charles Harry Bogue Ronald Allan Cole Donald Lee Coroneos Michael Raymond Crean, Jr. Robert Lynn Crum John Alderman Dystrup Thomas Lane Edwards Daniel Edward Fitzjarrald, Honors Robert Dale Fredericksen Donald Dowd Fulton Howard Edward Gerge Robert Lee Gritton David Lee Guertin Robert Harold Henninger Leslie Gordon Johnson Robert Maxwell Jones Michael Edwin Kent, Honors William Walter Koelm Ronald Frank Kulak Albert Kupferschmidt Henry Guenther Lukas Richard Raye Lundstrom William Joseph Miller Raymond Milo Ronald Benjamin Neuman Douglas Irving Norman Robert James Novotney Donald William Pacer James Robert Pesek Anthony Michael Pietramale Michael Piontek Michael Healy Pleck, Highest Honors Lawrence Stanley Podwika David Norman Polaski Warner William Riley Harold Edmund Schisler Allen Burton Schwartz Darold Myles Shirwo Tlan Silberstein, Highest Honors 1074 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 19 Aivars Slucis Ronald Henry Upper Robert Albert Stueber Henry Arthur Van Proyen Wayne Louis Uecker In Metallurgical Engineering James Francis Cunningham Alexander Hrechko, Jr. Charles Curtis Dollins, Highest Douglas Charles Ruhmann Honors Richard Louis Terchek Pedro Jose Gutierrez In Mining Engineering Lance Gale Herning John Stephen Miller Alan Dale Krug Larry Edwin Smith COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Home Economics Roberta Verna Rimpila, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Liberal Arts Arthur Robert Allan Robert Owen Baeder Sotirios Angel Barber Mary Dana Beckett, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science David Charles Bekermeier Brian Lynn Bloch Beverly Converse Bretz Patricia Camerus Brown, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Grazina M. Budrys Michael Joseph Burnett, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in English Duane Anthony Buttell, Jr. Neil Richard Carlson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology John Ross Clickener Lenard Joseph Cohen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Alan Jay Cohler Virginia Decie Craddock, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Virginia Yvonne Craig, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Russian Robert Ludwig Dallach, Jr. Richard John David William Reller DeSollar II Bruce Wilder Diershaw Diane Marie Durkin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ronald Lee Eisenberg George Henry Engel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Zoology James Matthew Flammanc Lois Renee Forman Willard Edward Fox and Sciences Rudy Walter Frank Florence Marie Gault Nancy Miles Gillfillan Charles Edward Glennon Jerry Jay Gorchow Alvin Morton Greene Richard Andrew Greene John Joseph Greven Mary Jane Guard, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Danute Egle Gudaitis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Marie Louise Habbegger Gary LeRoy Haddock Richard Lionel Hagen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Wayne Hancock Evelyn Pearl Hartman Joseph John Hasman Thomas Mark Hayes James Ronald Henson Judith Gail Heveran, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barry Jay Hoffman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Leila Eunice Hucko, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science David Robert Huehner Margaret Nella Huntley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Mark Alan Ivener David Ellsworth Johnson Judith Narland Jordan Robert Thomas Kalkowski Norman Kelin Kirk Randall Kennedy Carol Mae Kerchenfaut, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in History Richard Maxwell Kirby 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1075 Barbara Dawn Koepan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Russian Claire Deborah Kudish Merrilin Joanne La Forte Lynette Elaine Lancholf Byron Gustav Larson Joseph Patrick Lavite Jerome Lazar Pegeen Jocelyn Linn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences JoAnn Katherine Loerakker George John Ludington III June Florence Lundergan John Douglas Lynch Pamela Faye Mackenroth Marilyn Ann McCord, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Philosophy Michael Eugene Mercer Maria Pelypenko Merkelo, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Russian Lewis Nolen Miles Sandra Elizabeth Miller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Dan Ralph Murphy Karen Martha Murray, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Arthur Gustav Nelson Linda Ann Nielsen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Bruce Henry Olsen Janice Barenfanger Onder Mary Katheeine Osborn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Garry Ovson Philip James Owen John Pavlidis Carl Allen Peterson William Sanford Plank, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Alison Carol Rettger, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Lionel Robin Julian Rubenstein Carolyn Marie Sands Larry Alan Sarnowski Minas Savvas, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Martin Joel Schachner Allan Herbert Schaffer Carol Libby Schechter Karen Sue Scheirman Marjory Ray Schonfeld Allen Michael Schwab, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences George Martin Sebring Kenneth Joseph Shaffer Nagwa Khadr Shoeb De Los Calvin Sincock Giedre Maria Statkus Richard Conrad Stein Judith Alice Steinberg Jayson Bruce Strode Diana Claire Tarvin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in English Sally Ruth Trejbal Sally Theresa Valette Paul John Vana Russell Rogers Van Cleve Melvin Marvin Vuk Norma Grace Elizabeth Walker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Spanish William David Ward Miriam Ruth Weisdorf Miriam Ruth Weissman Mark Hopkins Weston Timothy Michael Whalen Albert James Wicks, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Barbara Ann Zagorski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Elyse Susan Zukerman In the Teaching of English Susan Schneider Barr, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Susan Fern Berger Marian Iris Brown, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Glenn Leon Glauser Charlene Sarossy Graham, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joan Theresa Harding, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Penelope Lynn Johnson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Shirley Ann Kessler Patsy Ellen Kochenderfer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Elizabeth Kay Lewke Marilyn Jane Mayer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Barbara Kay Rothschild, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Donna Slotin Gail Clare Spilky, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Margretta Lena Turner Yvonne Joy Twietmeyer 076 BOARD OF 1 [ary Louise Voss ) Gard Webber, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences rRUSTEES [February 19 Patricia Alice Wood, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of French Patricia Ann Boughton, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carla Minette Ginze, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of German Adelheid Maria Roth, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of Latin Anne Elizabeth Just, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Social Studies Maud Gunnel Anderson Trevor Ellis Bissey Harlene Selma Fuenfer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Philip Heuman Sheila Smith Huehner John Alex Katsaros, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences James Stanley Leming Michael Anthony Murray Fredericka Lina Rtchardson In the Teaching of Spanish carole stephanie balchunas Grace Lynn Crockarell Bland Gail Cassel McKelvey Judith Gail Urban In the Teaching of Speech Sharon Ann Tracy Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering Vernon Joseph Bogner Richard Henry Goheen Loren Thomas Jeter Charles Winston Keith Allen Henry Kranz David Harold Priebe Daniel Edward Quane Thomas Robert Stein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Donald Gene Steiner Eugene Edward Sterbis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Terrance Lee Stringer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Frederick George Troppe In Chemistry Alfred Eiji Asato, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Stanton Lane Boyer Beverly Bruce Daszkiewicz Andrew Joseph Fischinger Gunther Michael Fless Howard Paul Klein Marilyn Jane Magnuski, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Liberal Arts and Sciences James Charles Adamek Mary Jane Arnholt David Wayne Barrington John Russell Bateman Richard Allen Berg Frederich Charles Boch William Dean Bond Elizabeth Rose Bowen Roger Harold Carlson Howard Eldon Carolus John David Catching Ronald William Church William Henry Connor, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Edward Michael Craft Henry Lincoln Crone Thomas William Cusick, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Marcia Ann Daehn Gary Samuel David, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Microbiology Richard Brent DeMink 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1077 John Wayne Denson Roger Henry Dusberger Diana Rae Ferrell Max Garb Gregory Alan Gergans, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Susan Craft Gilbert, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Psychology Richard Patrick Gilson Barbara Gail Golz Sterling Gale Grace Bonita Joyce Grach gunter guckel Beverly Joy Gunderson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Thomas Donald Henson Barbara Jean Hill Robert Raymond Hollerbach Joan Joyce Jakawich Michael Graham Johnson Patricia Lee Drake Johnson Daniel Arthur Kammler Eva Kasparek John William Klinke Carl Rudolph Knable, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Dick Gary Korich Michael Edward Krakow Nadja Bee Lancaster, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Alicrobiology Karen Louise Landsea Chiu Woon Leung Burton Lee Levin Walden Sharp Lewis, Jr. Alice Ling Teisuolis Casimir Mikulskis Harvey Sheldon Morowitz LeRoy Bing Chang Moy John Edgar Murphy William Dewey Norsworthy James Lawrence Parker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Donald Robert Paveska Michael Noel Payne, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Susan Holland Roberts Nancy Lou Roth Kenneth S. Sachs Richard William Schroeder, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Wayne Kenneth Shockley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Susan Mae Smerda Carol Anne Spears George Charles Svihla Joel Tabachnick Nicholas Wasilkoff David Lester Wessel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gary Lynn Williams Deanna Ruth Zebell Anthony Stanley Zoars In Physics George Efthimios Tzouras, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Speech Correction Leslie Liddicoat Blaesing, Honors Patti Hope Fishman in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General Science Jo Anne Barry, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Paula Brockstein Melvin Eugene Ehrhardt, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marsha Rochelle Hahn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Bruce Anton Jensen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Margaret Rose Marek, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Diane Jean Rosen Sylvia Pauline Simberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Herman Zeschke In the Teaching of Chemistry Barbara Hunt Dunn, Honors in Lib- William Roy Heftel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Dis- eral Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum tinction in the Curriculum Linda Leonard Lamme In the Teaching of Geography 1078 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 19 In the Teaching of Mathematics Diane Germaine DeHainaut, Honors Jeanne Beverly Sample, Honors in in Liberal Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts and Sciences with Barbara Drahos Mark High Distinction in the Curriculum Natalie Nicholas, Honors in Liberal Norman Matthew Sula Arts and Sciences Ronald Ray Colwell In the Teaching of Physics COLLEGE OF LAW Degree of Bachelor of Laws Allen Lee Dougherty, B.S., 1961 Henry Bernard Geise, B.S., Quincy College, 1959 Joseph Visgil Giffin, B.S., 1957 Charles William Helmig, B.S., 1960 Ronald Eugene Holloway, B.S., 1961 John William Huffman, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 Carl Joseph Sinder, B.S., 1961 Robert Bruce Thomson, Jr., A.B., Illinois College, 1963 James Ronald Watson, B.S., 1954 Craig Rankin Webber, B.S., 1958 William Charles Wright, A.B., San Jose State College, 1957 Iona Louise Dyson James Louis Eldridge Richard Harold Falk George Robert Hart Margaret Louise Hassler, Honors Frances Rosalie Holste Janet Stauter Kemper Joan Lapasinski Krysinski COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Education Edwin Allen Metzl Berenice Osorio de Velez Margarita Maria Pisarevas Anne Lois Schwab Richard Michael Stanton Jane Stauter Lawrence William Stinson Arthur Lee Vincent In the Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Satia Yvette Marshall In Elementary Education Polly Ann Andrews Susan Mary Baumbach Judith Virginia Bednae Lowella Smith Biddle Lee Ann Binder Susan Turitz Block Judith D'Ambrosio Bollier June Evelyn Brown Karen Hansen Cameron Barbara Ann Crowther Iris Claire Dorenfest Carol Jean Duran Marilyn Schmarak Ernsteen Marsha Ilene Facktor, Honors Joan Diane Frank Natalie Kushner Frankenberg Myra Ullmann Freiman Carolyn Elaine Gohr Leah Barbara Gomberg Karol Selvidge Gruen ' Elaine Hedy Grundke Janis Henkle Blanche Cecilia Hoover Sarah Martha Hopson Frances Roberta Israelstam Barbara Iris Jacobson Karen Schmelzer Jepson Harlene Hope Kallick, High Honors Joyce Ann Kapik, High Honors Sue Scott Klingenberg Eva Ann Knecht Marlene Beatrice Kooperman Nancy Lou Krogstad Myrna Rae Leibman Gail Ruth Lome Iris Lillian Miller Fern Alyce Nelson, Honors Marlene Judith Nico Sharon Pawlow Novick Anna Mae Oertel, High Honors Lynn Etta Padgitt Barbara Ann Pawlan Sharon Ann Peterson, Highest Honors Janet Helen Pfau, High Honors Sharon Sybil Port 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1079 Charna Joan Rush, Honors Carole White Schneider Gary George Schroeder Dayle Leslie Schwartz, Honors Merle Nita Silverstein Rosalind Dolores Silverstein Rochelle Stern Phyllis Weiner Adrien Enid Weiss Vivian Ellen Ann Zhitomirsky In Industrial Education John Joseph Chmelina Dennis Charles Krzemien Bruce Cunningham Creamer Lennaht Raymond Ohman Weldon Earl Garrelts Richard Allen Weihl Clifford Anthony Kiehl Fred Sterling Wise, Honors COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accountancy George Steven Alt Donald John Bergen Clark Lees Bernard Joseph Edward Black Gary Emmert Boeke Marvin Joel Dickman, High Honors Thomas Joseph Duffy Truman Harold Esmond, Jr. David Bruce Flax Michael Larry Friedman Allen Lee Ginsberg Albert Ferdinand Goeppinger Peery Ephriam Goldberg Edward Goldsand David Campbell Hastings Robert Clarence Henk Larry Dale Hopper Gerald Karl Jankowski Robert Joseph Jirovec John Joseph Kamerer Burton Robert Kaplan Melvin Jules Klein Robert Raymond Landowski Rita Carolyn Lewis James Allan Markstrom Richard Edward Martin John Cameron Meier Prudencio Agoyaoy Nono, Jr. William Max Rexroad, Honors Ronald Evan Roberts Richard Allen Romer Gerald Lang Salamon, Honors Fred Eugene Sauter Charles Russell Scott Bernard Henry Shapiro, High Honors Thomas Eugene Shepperd August Anthony Wanka Robert Frederick Wiley James Douglas Williams Richard Wong In Commerce and Law Joseph Vincent Florini William Gary Winget Robert Gene Granda In Commercial Teaching Ann Louise Kindt, Honors Donald Bruce Tremper Phillip Daniel McLouth Brian Hawkinson Buyers William Leitch Holder John Michael Kirtley Gerald Dai Sun Low Robert Oscar Malm Roger Louis Franks James Noel Heiligenstein Philip Earl Kucera In Economics Keith Martin Pockross Kenneth Charles Schmitz Fred William Schonlau Stuart Ira Weinstein In Finance John Francis Podjasek, Jr. Larry Joe Roberts Lee Henry Schinker In Industrial Administration Fermin Aguilar James John Hudek David Hugh Cameron James Emmett Stuebe William Dennis DeCardy James Edward Trautman Paul Robert Fagerman Brian Joseph Vancata 1080 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 19 Richard William Babcock George Dunn Coghlan Eugene Howard Cohen Michael Peter Croll John McDowell Curtis Delfino Vincent D'Ambrosio Robert James Defenbaugh Ralph Galen Downer Joe Edgar Fleming, Jr. Joseph Edward Hayes James Frederick Heise Steven Arthur Hoeppner William Alan Klink In Management David Kobes Larry Charles Long Bonnie Marinkovich Jerry Earl Pierce Joseph James Riha Joseph Victor Rund, Jr. Calvin Darrell Shook Patricia Ann Slagley Joseph Thomas Sommer Lynn Edward Sundstrom Thomas Adam Wiltrakis James Florian Zientara In Management and Marketing James Nathan Jackson, Honors in Marketing Russell William Abraham John Chambers Bridgwater III David Logan Buell Patrick Michael Douglass Stephen Arthur Foerster Donald Foster Folger Larry Morgan Friedrich Paul Robert Gill John Patterson Glass III Jack Allan Gretzema William Allan Haggerty John George Jesse Bruce Connor Johnson, Jr. Bruce Taylor Larson Jeffrey Z. Levine Terence Robert McBurney David Allen Meyers In Marketing Leonard Richard Olson Dennis Lee Prewitt Donald Frank Rippberger James Elwyn Rorah Frederick Robert Schaeffer, Honors Frank Joseph Scortino Frederic Bruce Shurts Richard Charles Shurtz Vernon Carl Sinn Carl Oscar Skilbred Charles Julian Taylo William John Tomsik Thomas Paul Venkus Brian Lee Wallen Edward Henry Wirtz, Jr. Kenneth Zohrer Alan James Gertenrich Leslie Wayne Laibly In Urban Land Economics Howard Lee Weinstein COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATIONS Degree of Bachelor of Science In Communications Samuel Marvin Aronson Thomas Joseph Bash Yale Stuart Bkody Jerome Stewart Burdick Bonnie Illene Dictor Ruth Kiddoo Dondanville, High Honors Grant Gary Jacobsen Kenneth Richard Jakle Roy Louis Karon Alan Roy Morris Gary Allan Olson Nancy Dudeen Perona Bernard Frank Roscetti Thomas Richard Stahler David Graham Vanselow Thomas Reynolds Watson Stephen Earl Wead Garrett Henry Winter III COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Architecture Warren Allen Allabastro John Thomas Blount Loren Martin Benson Jacques Renard Bollier 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1081 K.ONSTANCIJA BRAZDYS Larry Lee Cannon, Highest Honors Edwin McLean Denson Ronald Edward DeTella Donald William Dobrinske Lee Albert Duran Howard Steven Ellegant Gregory Edmund Heimos Marvin Irvin Herman Howard John Iber Robert Harvey Jacobs David Lee Kal Manfred Camillo Keil Ryland Wayne Koets Jerome Anthony Kowalski Harry Nobuo Kugisaki Alan Harold Larson Lawrence John Leverenz Harold Tin Kei Ma Thomas Francis Mrakava Barry Lee Newdelman James Peter Pung John L. Rishling, Honors Max Paul Ruppeck, Honors Joseph Ernest Seymour Judith Lee Simon, High Honors Leonid Skorochod James Emanual Staif Joseph Stanley Szymankowski Albert Hideo Tsutsui Frank Erich Zitzlaff Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts Van H. Austin John Michael Carney Franklin Russel Kalaskie James Edward Kelly, Jr. Sau.y Ann Greenberc In Advertising Design Eileen Cohn Read William Henry Schmadebeck Frank Brian Zelip In Art Education Joel McClendon Price In Industrial Design George Gregory Brophy Thomas Leon Rafinski Robert Edwin Drapeau John Joseph Risko Gerald Edward Mate William Henry Schultz John Andrew Mikulski, Honors Anson Sims, Honors Hector Ignatius Munoz Frank Allen Ward Jerry David Norris Robert John Welch In Painting Kenneth AIichael Anderson, High Judith Schiemann Hahn, Honors Honors John Stevenson Read Linda Jane Ellis Michael Thomas Stack, Honors Degree of Bachelor of Music Eleanor Diane Gould Dennis Ralston Marshall, Highest Larry Thomas Kerkhoff, Honors Honors John Stanley Lyon Roger Palmer Stonelake, Honors Degree of Bachelor of Science In Music Education Carolyn Chapman Cech James Chris Stutsman Sharon Elizabeth Coats, Honors Carolyn Joan Wright, High Honors Dale Francis Hopper COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science Robert David Arnold Michael Alan Berger Carol Tait Brown John Joseph Burns Dominic Louis Caccavari In Physical Education Gary Marshall Cortright John Patrick Emerich Joseph Charles Halac Harold Zachary Holmes, Jr. Sharon Lois Johnson 1082 board of trustees [February 19 Ronna Edelcup Kaplan Hope Kunin Scwhartz Caroline Cecelia Lanham John Lawrence Schoof George Alan Leonardi Fredrick Eugene Schooley Richard Keith Mueller Thomas Paul Sokalski Joseph Robert Niezgoda James John Spreitzer Lois Junko Oyama Myron Eugene Taliaferso, Jr. Frank Edwin Preo Leonard Joseph Tulipano Wayne Frederick Rabold Richard Walters George Morris Reed James Francis Weniges Raffaele Salatino John Alan Wheatland Joyce Ann Sanquist Martha Helen Zeissler In Recreation Alan Rice Caskey Norman H. Marcus Anthony Ludwig Florio Robert Dale Scharbert Katharine Pilcher Kral Frank William Strainis COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Veterinary Medicine Curtiss Hale Giller Dennis Lee Messamore Robert Duane McDavitt SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; cancellations, resignations, declinations, and terminations; leaves of absence; cancellation of sabbatical leave of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Adams, James M., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100 (1-16-64). Adler, Donatella G., Research Assistant Professor of Physics (C), six months from January 1, 1964, $750 a month (1-16-64). Anderson, Lynn R., Instructor in Psychology, 2/3 time, and Research Associate in Psychology, 1/3 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, $2,550, supersedes (12-26-63). Bauling, Douglas B., Instructor in Agricultural Engineering (S), 1/2 time, and Assistant Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, i/$pD time, seven months from February 1, 1964, $8,000 a year, supersedes (1-31-64). Beckenholdt, Willard D., Research Assistant in Agricultural Administration (C), Vi time, and Assistant in Agricultural Administration (C), 1/2 time, January 6-August 31, 1964, $3,527.42, supersedes (1-16-64). Berkson, Gershon, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, without salary (1-10-64). Best, William R., Associate Professor of Medicine (Medicine), 1/2 time, indefinite tenure from January 1, 1964, $7,333 a year, supersedes (1-10-64). Bitzer, Donald L., Adviser on Use of High-Speed Computers and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, for service under Contract AIDc-1220, from January 17 through July 18, 1964, $17,000 a year; and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Va time, indefinite tenure from July 19, 1964, and Research Associate Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, ?4 time, from July 19 through August 31, 1964, $15,300 a year, supersedes (1-2-64). Borchart, Eugene K., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1964, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (1-2-64). Briney, Robert R., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1964, without salary (1-10-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1083 Brown, Gordon R, Instructor in Mathematics, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $7,000 a year, supersedes (1-2-64). Bubenzer, Gary D., Instructor in Agricultural Engineering (C and S), seven months from February 1, 1964, $8,000 a year (1-27-64). Burns, Harris, Jr., Research Associate in Chemistry, eight months from January 1, 1964, $6,600 a year (1-16-64). Carr, Kenneth R., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), Vi time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $675 (1-15-64). Chatman, Donald G., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), January 20- August 31, 1964, $6,000 a year (1-24-64). Clemencon, Heinz, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,300 (1-27-64). Clevenger, I. Carol, Head Resident, Noble Hall, five months from February 1, 1964, $2,400; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation, valued at $31 a month (1-22-64). Crowder, James R., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), reducing his appointment from full time to H time, supersedes (12-26-63). Davenport, Mrs. Janice C, Research Assistant in Zoology, eight months from January 1, 1964, $3,433.36 (1-21-64). Dean, Charles W., Assistant in Sociology, i/$pD time, and Research Assistant in the Institute of Communications Research, y$pD time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (1-16-64). Economou, Steven G., Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery (Medicine), indefinite tenure from January 1, 1964, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (1-17-64). Faka, Harry, Research Associate in Mining Engineering (C), 2/z time, February 1-June IS, 1964, $1,999.98 (1-24-64). Fisher, Mrs. Barbara N., Research Assistant in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,208.59 (1-23-64). Francis, Frank C, George A. Miller Visiting Lecturer in the Graduate School of Library Science, one month from March 1, 1964, $3,000 (1-22-64). Freid, Marvin A., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), eight months from November 1, 1963, without salary (12-26-63). Friedman, Mrs. Dorothy M., Research Associate in Education (University High School, Mathematics Project), February 1-June 15, 1964, $3,600 (1-10-64). Grady, John E., Instructor in Histology (Dentistry), }i time, eight months from January 1, 1964, $4,500 a year, supersedes (1-16-64). Griffiths, Edward K., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, without salary (1-2-64). Hafele, Joseph C, Research Associate in Physics (C), seven months from February 1, 1964, $4,550, supersedes (1-20-64). Hafstrom, Jeanne L., instructor in Family Economics, Department of Home Economics (E and S), eight months from January 1, 1964, $8,000 a year, supersedes nonacademic appointment (1-6-64). Hawkins, Helen A., Acting Assistant Dean of Women, five months from February 1, 1964, $3,500, supersedes (11-18-63). Hayward, Harold N., Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, for service under Contract AIDc-1220, from May 12, 1964, through June 30, 1964, $20,521 a year; and, beginning July 1, 1964, Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), indefinite tenure, and Director of the Measurement Program (S), on academic year basis; his appointment on a salaried basis will begin September 1, 1964, supersedes (1-20-64). Henne, Bertrand W., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation, seven months from February 1, 1964, $7,700 a year, supersedes (1-20-64). Hennes, James D., Research Associate in the Office of Instructional Television (Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office), December 1, 1963-June 15, 1964, $4,550, supersedes (12-26-63). Hoffman, Frederick, Instructor in Mathematics, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, $7,000 a year, supersedes (1-2-64). 1084 board of trustees [February 19 Inman, Franklin P., Jr., Research Associate in Microbiology, nine months from December 1, 1963, $7,500 a year (1-10-64). Jensen. Harald P., Jr., Research Assistant in Anthropology, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,266.69 (1-17-64). Johnson, Robert A., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, February 1-June IS 1964, $2,100 (1-16-64). Karjala, Dennis S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), VS time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,250, supersedes (1-15-64). Kelly, Elizabeth K., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), seven months from February 1 1964, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (1-17-64). Kerpelman, Larry C, Clinical Instructor in Psychology, Department of Psychiatry (Medicine), nine months from December 1, 1963, without salary (1-16-64). Kolesnyk, Petro, Catalog Assistant in the Library, eight months from January 1, 1964, $3,800 (1-2-64). Kozlow, Robert D., Assistant Professor of Library Administration (Chicago Undergraduate Division), February 17-August 31, 1964, $8,200 a year, supersedes (1-8-64). Krober, Marvin S., Research Assistant in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,004.19 (1-15-64). Kulis, John C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (1-2-64). Kung, Sidney H. L., Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), Ya time, to render service for five months from January 15, 1964, $2,547.58, supersedes (12-26-63). Kurahasi, Kengo, Research Associate in Psychiatry (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1964, $6,500 a year (1-27-64). Lamiot, John D., Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), one year from July 1, 1963, without salary (12-26-63). Langsjoen, Ralph J., Assistant Professor of Hygiene, and Staff Physician in the Health Center and McKinley Hospital, seven months from February 1, 1964, $15,000 a year (1-16-64). Lehman, Frederic K., Assistant Professor of Anthropology and of Linguistics, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $7,200 a year, supersedes (1-24-64). Leifeste, Bertha V., Visiting Lecturer in Education (Chicago Undergraduate Division), $i time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,800 (1-24-64). Long, Robert S., Assistant in Microbiology, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (1-20-64). Malone, Anthony J., Instructor in Pedodontics (Dentistry), Y$ time, eight months from January 1, 1964, $1,600 a year (1-31-64). Markovic, Mihailo A., Research Associate in Anatomy (Medicine), i/i time, and Research Associate in Radiology (Dentistry), l/a time, nine months from December 1, 1963, $7,600 a year, supersedes (1-2-64). Martirano, Salvatore J., Assistant Professor of Music, academic year beginning September 1, 1964, $9,000 (1-22-64). Matsui, Hideo, Instructor in Psychiatry (Medicine), January 15-August 31, 1964, $7,000 a year (1-10-64). McCune, Shannon, Visiting Professor of Geography, for seven months from February 1, 1964, without salary; this is in addition to his appointment as Consultant to the President and to the Executive Vice-President and Provost (2-3-64). Mendelsohn, Mark J., Research Associate assigned to the Cleft Palate Training Program (Dentistry), Vs time, eight months from January 1, 1964, $1,500 a year (1-31-64). Metzger, Duane G., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications) and Assistant Professor of Anthropology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), February 1-June 15, 1964, $4,100 (1-22-64). Mrazek, Rudolph G., Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery (Medicine), indefinite tenure from January 1, 1964, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (1-17-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1085 Mueller, Eugene A., Research Associate in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, y2 time, five months from February 1, 1964, $2,625, supersedes (1-7-64). Myers, Thomas P., Research Assistant in Anthropology, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,266.69 (1-23-64). Neal, John A., Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), 2/3 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $1,800, supersedes (1-24-64). Nettl, Bruno, Visiting Lecturer in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $9,500 (1-22-64). Nihei, Yasumitsu, Research Assistant in Labor and Industrial Relations, for one month from February 1, 1964, $466.67 (1-23-64). Ohlson, Virginia M., Associate Professor of Nursing, on Vs time for winter quarter, payable January 1 through April 30, 1964, $2,060 a year, and on y$pD time for spring quarter, payable May 1 through August 31, 1964, $5,150 a year; Associate Professor of Nursing, on indefinite tenure, to render service during each academic year, beginning September 1, 1964, supersedes (1-10-64). Pace, James, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), J4 time, seven months from February 1, 1964, $2,712.50, and Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), Vi time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $634.10, supersedes (1-15-64). Parks, Joe M., Visiting Assistant Professor of Biophysics, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, February 1-June 15, 1964, $944.44 a month (1-22-64). Pekas, Darold, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1964, $5,150 a year (1-15-64). Penev, Luben C, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), ten months from November 1, 1963, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment (1-2-64). Perry, George T., Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), Vi time, eight months from January 1, 1964, $5,000 a year, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (1-27-64). Pershing, Roscoe L., Research Associate in Agricultural Engineering (S), eight months from January 1, 1964, $4,102.64, supersedes (1-16-64). Pickens, Leon F., Assistant in Physical Education for Men (Chicago Undergraduate Division), February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,500, and $300 for overtime from the Athletic Associate for services to it, total salary $2,800 (1-24-64). Pochyly, Donald F., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), six months from January 1, 1964, without salary (1-8-64). Roan, Vernon P., Jr., Instructor in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (C), 34 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $2,250 (1-16-64). Rosen, Seymour, Instructor in Pathology (Medicine), six months from January 1, 1964, $508.34 a month, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (1-3-64). Rosenberg, Ronald, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), 9/10 time, January 1, 1964-August 31, 1965, $14,850 a year, supersedes (1-2-64). Rubinstein, Mrs. Alicia S., Research Assistant in Oral Pathology (Dentistry), eight months from January 1, 1964, $429.17 a month (1-8-64). Ruelle, Robert, Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, January 15-June 15, 1964, $2,355.91 (1-23-64). Shipton, Grover E., Manager of Public Information (Chicago Undergraduate Division), seven months from February 1, 1964, $9,400 a year, supersedes nonacademic appointment (1-27-64). Smith, Annabel L., Instructor in the Catalog Department of the Library (Chicago Undergraduate Division), January 27-August 31, 1964, $6,100 a year (1-31-64). Sobral, Manoel, Jr., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), seven months from February 1, 1964, $10,000 a year, supersedes (1-22-64). Solway, Jack, Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine) nine months from December 1, 1963, without salary (1-2-64). Stephens, Mrs. Nancy A., Architecture Library Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,266.69, supersedes (1-8-64). Stoops, Jeanette M., Head Resident, Saunders Hall, five months from February 1, 1964, $2,400; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (1-24-64). 1086 board of trustees [February 19 Todd, Charles W., Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, to render service for five and one-half months from January 1, 1964, $9,778 (1-10-64). Tzouras, George, Assistant in Physics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), February 1-June IS, 1964, $3,000 (1-21-64). Unti, Eugene, Clinical Instructor in Prosthodontics (Dentistry), eight months from January 1, 1964, without salary (1-2-64). Uzgiris, Ina C, Research Associate in Psychology, seven months from February 1, 1964, $6,600 a year, supersedes (1-10-64). Venables, John A., Research Assistant Professor of Physics (C), six months from March 1, 1964, $9,200 a year, supersedes (1-22-64). Vermeulen, Mrs. Mary E., Research Assistant in Microbiology, seven months from February 1, 1964 (1-23-64). Vogel, Wolfgang H., Instructor in Pharmacology (Medicine), eight months from December 1, 1963, $708.25 a month, supersedes (1-10-64). Walker, Mrs. Eunice, Education Library Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,208.38 (12-26-63). Wall, Frederick T., Professor of Chemistry, for two months beginning June 16, 1964, $5,555.54; this is in addition to his present appointment (1-22-64). Wei, Lun-Shin, Assistant Professor of Food Science, in the Agricultural Experiment Station on j4 time, and in the College of Agriculture on y$pD time, seven months from February 1, 1964, $8,200 a year, supersedes (1-22-64). Welland, Mrs. Marie-Louise, Instructor in Mathematics, Department of Chemistry (Pharmacy), to render service for six months from January 1, 1964, $5,700 a year (1-2-64). Yaeger, James A., Associate Professor of Histology (Dentistry), indefinite tenure from January 1, 1964, $13,000 a year, supersedes (1-2-64). FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Barrington, E., United States Public Health Service Fellow in Oral Pathology, one year from September 4, 1963, without salary (1-3-64). Cho, Frederick Yi-Tung, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology and Biophysics, five months from February 1, 1964, $1,110.85 (1-2-64). Chua, Leon O., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (1-20-64). Collier, Charles P., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,170, supersedes (1-2-64). Feldman, Ross, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, six months from January 1, 1964, $1,500 (12-20-63). Gemrich, Edwin G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, five months from February 1, 1964, $1,200 (1-20-64). Gold, Lloyd A., Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,450, supersedes (1-2-64). Graham, Allan L., United States Public Health Service Senior Clinical Trainee in Surgery, one year from July 1, 1964, without salary (1-3-64). Grosboll, Martin P., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1964, $600 (1-2-64). Gruener, Raphael P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, February 1-June 15, 1964, $999.72 (1-15-64). Halfman, Claeke, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Food Science, ten months from November 1, 1963, $2,083.33, supersedes (12-12-63). Hedin, Mrs. Darlene R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, six months from January 1, 1964, $1,200 (12-27-63). Hemmer, Joseph C, Ramo-Wooldridge Fellow in Electrical Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1964, $940 (1-2-64). Jorgensen, Donald R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, six months from January 1, 1964, $2,750 (12-20-63). Kulla, James P., Fellow in Microbiology, three months from January 1, 1964, $500 (1-6-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1087 McCord, Marilyn, Fellow in Philosophy, February 1-June 15, 1964, $750; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (1-24-64). McVinnie, William W., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,500; and two months from June 16, 1964, $375, supersedes (12-16-63). Mendelblat, Frank I., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, six months from January 1, 1964, $3,000 (12-20-63). Minster, John J., United States Public Health Service Senior Clinical Trainee in Surgery, one year from July 1, 1964, without salary (1-3-64). Nykiel, Florian, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Oto-laryngology, eight months from December 1, 1963, $6,500 (1-2-64). Portney, Gerald L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, six months from January 1, 1964, $1,500 (12-20-63). Tabor, Nell B., Grolier-Americana Fellow in Library Science, February 1-June 15, 1964, $500 (12-31-63). Todorovic, Radmilo, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, January 16-June 30, 1964, $2,750 (12-31-63). Watson, John A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry, six months from January 1, 1964, $1,150 (1-2-64). Weber, Carl S., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from February 1, 1964, $4,200 (1-24-64). Weimer, Richard C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,642.50, supersedes (1-2-64). Weisgerber, David W., Fellow in Chemistry, February 1-June 15, 1964, $900 (1-2-64). Young, Donald E., Texas Instruments Fellowship in Electrical Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1964, $940 (12-6-63). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, CANCELLATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS An, Iqbal, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Ashmore, Constance M., Serials Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Atkins, Gladys, United States Public Health Service Fellow in Physiology --- termination effective January 1, 1964. Berglund, Winifred, Instructor in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 19, 1964. Bhan, Suray, Research Associate in Metallurgy --- cancellation effective Februarv 1, 1964. Bluhm, Elaine A., Assistant Professor of Anthropology --- resignation effective September 1, 2964. Byron, Janet L., Fellow in Linguistics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Cahill, Paul F., Manager of Public Information (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Castaldi, Basil, Associate Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision--- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Cropp, Frederick W., Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Assistant Professor of Geology --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Culbertson, Don S., Chief of Data Processing in the Library, with rank of Assistant Professor (Chicago Undergraduate Division)---resignation effective March 7, 1964. Curme, Gregory L., Assistant Professor of Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- declination effective January 1, 1963. Davis, Lucille H., Assistant in Nursing --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Feinberg, Arnold, Research Assistant in Civil Engineering---resignation effective February 1, 1964. Fischer-Wybregt, Mrs. Susanne H., Research Associate in Pediatrics (Medicine) --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. Fleeger, James L., Research Associate in Dairy Science --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Friedland, Joan M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. 1088 board of trustees [February 19 Gilman, Alice, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology--- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Greenlee, Mrs. Nancy A., Assistant in Education --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Heftel, Daniel L., Instructor in Psychology and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- declination effective September 1, 1963. Janes, Robert W., Associate Professor of Sociology --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Jones, Robert M., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Kauffman, Willis C, Associate Professor of Home Economics, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Kozlowski, Helen S., Psychometrist in the Student Counseling Service and Assistant in Psychology (Chicago Undergraduate Division)----declination effective September 1, 1963. Kuehn, Elaine M., Fellow in History --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Langsjoen, Ralph J., Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Staff Physician in the Health Center and McKinley Hospital --- declination effective February 1, 1964. Little, Ellis B., Associate Professor in the Division of Biological Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1964 ---declination effective June 19, 1964. Loftus, Mrs. Beverly G., Assistant Editor in the Graduate College --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Long, Charles A., Instructor in Zoology, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Martin, Nancy L., Instructor in Nursing --- declination effective September 1, 1963. McFate, Patricia A., Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division) --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. McGurk, Donald J., Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Miller, Dwight C, Associate Professor of Art --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Penniman, Mrs. Marian V., Research Associate in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Penrod, Darrell D., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Placek, Mrs. Cynthia B., Assistant Editor in Veterinary Medicine Administration --- resignation effective March 18, 1964 at the close of business. Rain, Don W., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Electrical Engineering--- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Rowlands, Mrs. Mary R., Research Assistant in the School of Life Sciences --- resignation effective December 15, 1963. Sanders, Charles W., Associate Professor of Art --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Sherman, Michael A., Instructor in Physical Education for Men, Summer Session of 1964---resignation effective June 15, 1964. Snitman, Maurice F., Clinical Associate Professor of Otolaryngology (Medicine) --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. Stein, Herbert J., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Instructor in Electrical Engineering --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Stitzel, Robert D., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry) --- resignation effective January 9, 1964. Taub, Abraham H., Research Professor of Applied Mathematics and Head of the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Taubman, Joanne H., Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine) --- resignation effective January 13, 1964. Tillman, Albert C, Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Tuckman, Irwin E., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. VanDemark, Noland L., Professor of Physiology (Dairy Science) (C and S) --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1089 Vergin, Marcia A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Versluis, Donald G., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation --- resignation effective January 1, 1964. Vorbeck, Joseph F., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Warren, Charles P., Instructor in Anthropology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 19, 1964. Watts, Mrs. Emily S., Instructor in English --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Weber, Frank E., Fellow in Food Science---resignation effective February 1, 1964. Westmeyer, Paul, Associate Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Bluhm, Elaine A., Assistant Professor of Anthropology --- leave of absence, without pay, for the second semester of the current academic year, 1963-64. Fara, Harry, Research Associate in Mining Engineering (College of Engineering) --- leave of absence, without pay, for one month from December 1, 1963. Frye, M. Virginia, Instructor in Recreation (College of Physical Education) --- leave of absence, without pay, for the second semester of 3963-64, so that she may devote full time to doing graduate study during that period. Holmes, Mrs. Julia O., Professor of Nutrition (Home Economics), in the College of Agriculture and in the Agricultural Experiment Station --- disability leave of absence with full pay for six months from November 11, 1963; and leave of absence without pay thereafter until further notice. Ketchum, Pierce W., Professor of Mathematics --- leave of absence, without pay, during the second semester of the current year, 1963-64. Kirk, Samuel A., Director of the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, Professor of Psychology, Professor of Special Education and Chairman of the Department --- leave of absence, without pay, for the period February 1 through June 30, 1964, so that he may accept a temporary assignment as Director of the Division of Handicapped Children and Youth in the United States Office of Education. Sampson, Joan M., Champaign County Home Adviser, in the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics --- leave of absence for six months from August 1, 1964 with full pay, and for three months from February 1, 1965, without pay. Will, Frederick L., Professor of Philosophy --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year beginning September 1, 1964, so that he may accept an offer from Cornell University to serve as a Visiting Professor of Philosophy there. CANCELLATION OF SABBATICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE Simmons, Ralph O., Associate Professor of Physics, in the College of Engineering--- sabbatical leave of absence, with full pay, for the second semester of 1963-64, is hereby cancelled. EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Mr. Williamson, an executive session was ordered for consideration of the following items of business. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 121O WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE. URBANA (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees request the Illinois Building Authority to purchase for the University the property at 1210 West California Avenue, Urbana, at a price not to exceed $100,000, in accordance with the Illinois Building Authority Act. The property consists of a lot approximately 78.5 feet wide by 184 feet (14,522 square feet) deep and is improved with a three-story and basement brick apartment building with ten apartment units. The land area is adjacent to the new Morrill Hall and will ultimately be used for expansion of the biological sciences complex. Until the land is needed for building construction, the property can be used for temporary offices plus parking. 1090 board of trustees [February 19 The price is within appraisals and has been reviewed with and approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. Possession will be delivered not later than September 1, 1964. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 11 O5 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. URBANA (2) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of the property at 1105 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, needed for the next unit of the Coordinated Science Laboratory, at a price of $23,000, and the assignment of $23,000 from funds received as reimbursement for indirect costs on Coordinated Science Laboratory contracts (Indirect Costs General). The Board of Trustees on September 18, 1963, authorized condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property. However, through subsequent negotiations, the owner has agreed to accept $23,000 which is within the limit previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, with the understanding that the owner will give possession of the land required for construction on or before April 1, 1964, and will give possession of the house and garage on or before September 1. 1964. I recommend authorization of this purchase and assignment of funds, and further recommend that the Board rescind its resolution of September 18, 1963, with respect to condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchase of this property on the terms indicated and the requested assignment of funds were authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. SETTLEMENT OF CONDEMNATION SUIT FOR PROPERTY AT 1 1O3 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, URBANA (3) On June 19, 1963, the Board of Trustees authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property at 1103 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, and a condemnation suit was subsequently filed in the Circuit Court of Champaign County (Case No. 63-L-319). Immediately prior to the selection of the jury, the owners indicated a willingness to accept $29,500 for the property, which is $700 above the price previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for acquisition by negotiation, and to deliver possession to the University on or before April 1, 1964, subject to the right to remove the conversion unit in the furnace, kitchen cabinets, and bathroom fixtures prior to that date. The Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel recommend acceptance of the settlement offer and the assignment of $29,500 from funds received as reimbursement for indirect costs on Coordinated Science Laboratory contracts (Indirect Costs General). I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation and the assignment of funds were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1091 SETTLEMENT OF CONDEMNATION SUIT FOR PROPERTY AT 11O3'/i WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, URBANA (4) On June 19, 1963, the Board of Trustees authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property at 1103y$pD West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, and a condemnation suit was subsequently filed in the Circuit Court of Champaign County (Case No. 63-L-324). Immediately prior to the selection of the jury, the owners indicated a willingness to accept $17,500 for the property, the price previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for acquisition by negotiation, and to deliver possession to the University on or before April 1, 1964, subject to the right to remove the house prior to that date. Since the house will have to be removed prior to construction, this provision in the purchase contract will be to the University's advantage. The Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel recommend acceptance of the settlement offer and the assignment of $17,500 from funds received as reimbursement for indirect costs on Coordinated Science Laboratory contracts (Indirect Costs General). I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation and the assignment of funds were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. SETTLEMENT OF CONDEMNATION SUIT FOR PROPERTY AT 13O3 WEST STOUGHTON STREET. URBANA (5) On June 19, 1963, the Board of Trustees authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property at 1303 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, and a condemnation suit was subsequently filed in the Circuit Court of Champaign County (Case No. 63-L;325). Immediately prior to the selection of the jury, the owners indicated a willingness to accept $17,300 for the property, which is $50 above the price previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for acquisition by negotiation, and to deliver possession to the University on or before March 15, 1964. The Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel recommend acceptance of the settlement offer. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr, Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. SETTLEMENT OF CONDEMNATION SUIT FOR PROPERTY AT 13O4 WEST STOUGHTON STREET. URBANA (6) On June 19, 1963, the Board of Trustees authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property at 1304 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, and a condemnation suit was subsequently filed in the Circuit Court of Champaign County (Case No. 63-L-320). Immediately prior to the selection of the jury, the owners indicated a willingness to accept $24,700 for the property, the same price previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for acquisition by negotiation, and to deliver possession to the University on or before March 15, 1964, subject to the right to remove the furnace, storm windows and plumbing fixtures prior to that date. The Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel recommend acceptance of the settlement offer. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund- I concur. 1092 board of trustees [February 19 On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. SETTLEMENT OF CONDEMNATION SUIT FOR PROPERTY AT 13O6 WEST STOUGHTON STREET, URBANA (7) On May 15, 1963, the Board of Trustees authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property at 1306 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, and a condemnation suit was subsequently filed in the Circuit Court of Champaign County (Case No. 63-L-323). Immediately prior to the selection of the jury, the owners indicated a willingness to accept $25,300 for the property, the same price previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for acquisition by negotiation, and to deliver possession to the University on or before March 15, 1964. The Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel recommend acceptance of the settlement offer. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. ACQUISITION OF THE PROPERTY AT 13O6 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. URBANA (8) The Board of Trustees has authorized condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property at 1306 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana. The Legal Counsel on January 15, 1964, reported to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds the willingness of the trustee-owner to recommend to the beneficiaries of the trust that $42,500 be accepted for the property if this price were offered by the University. The Committee voted to reject the proposal and the owner was so advised. Condemnation proceedings were filed in the Circuit Court of Champaign County (Case No. 64-L-30). The trustee-owner now has formally submitted the same proposal as a compromise offer to settle the case without the necessity of completing the condemnation proceedings at a price of $42,500 subject to entering into a contract on or about the first of March, 1964, and the right to retain pos-sion through June 30, 1964. This price is in excess of the amount previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for acquisition by negotiation and is approximately $9,000 above the median appraisal received. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that this settlement offer be rejected and that acquisition by condemnation be completed. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board voted to reject the settlement offer. ADDITIONAL LAND FOR CONGRESS CIRCLE (9) The University's present contract with the city of Chicago, Department of Urban Renewal, for acquisition of land for the Congress Circle Campus does not include the block bounded by the Dan Ryan Expressway, Roosevelt Road, Halsted and Grenshaw Streets, although the City has included that area in its redevelopment plan. There are eleven parcels of property in this block, including the Central National Bank and the Twelfth Street Department Store. The entire block is available for acquisition and it is desirable that the University purchase the additional land now. As a result of negotiations with the Department of Urban Renewal, the City has agreed to sell to the University the entire block for $700,000 and to raze all 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1093 buildings with the exception of the Central National Bank Building which is relatively new and modern. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for the Universities Building Fund for this purchase. If this additional land is acquired, it is proposed that the Central National Bank Building be retained and remodeled to provide temporary student union facilities --- such as lounge areas, food service, and bookstore --- pending completion of a new student union, and subsequently for general storage and temporary staff office facilities for a period not to exceed ten years. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend authorization of an amendment of the University's contract with the city of Chicago for the acquisition of land for the Congress Circle Campus to provide for the purchase of the additional block indicated at a price of $700,000. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has previously been consulted and supports this recommendation. The sale price has been approved by the Federal Urban Renewal Administration. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 1 1O9 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. URBANA (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the property at 1109 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, at a price of $29,210, the owner to retain possession to July 1, 1964, and to have the right to remove the furnace on or before delivery of title to the University. The property is a lot S6Vi feet by 132 feet and is improved with a two-story frame dwelling. The land area is needed as part of the site for the expansion of the Coordinated Science Laboratory. The price is within the range of appraisals previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for a negotiated purchase. Funds are available from indirect costs received as reimbursement on Coordinated Science Laboratory contracts and from general indirect costs reimbursements. An assignment of funds from these sources is also recommended. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these recommendations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kerner. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF RESIDENT AT RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (11) On December 27, 1963, the Medical Director of the Research and Educational Hospitals terminated the employment of Dr. Arthur I. Broder as a full-time resident at the Research and Educational Hospitals on the basis of his admitted violation of regulations prohibiting private practice and his subsequent falsification to the head of his department concerning his participation therein. The Medical Director's action was taken after notice and hearing given to the individual, who thereafter delivered written notification to the Vice-President for the Medical Center that an appeal was desired and requested a hearing before the Board of Trustees. The individual has been advised that his request would be treated as a petition addressed to the discretion of the Board to grant a review of his case and I now present the same for that purpose. The Medical Director's action in terminating the employment was taken upon the recommendation of each of the Head of the Department of Otolaryngology (to which the resident had been assigned), the Administrative Council of that Department, the Hospital Council, and the Executive Committee of the Research and Educational Hospitals. The Vice-President for the Medical Center has reviewed the matter and does not recommend modification of the action taken by the Medical Director. 1094 BOARD OF TRUSTEES The employment of residents at the Research and Educational Hospitals is considered to be an administrative function delegated to the Medical Director. In the case before you there is no dispute regarding the facts, the individual having admitted the charges of participating in an operation at a private hospital and subsequently falsely denying to the Head of the Department of Otolaryngology that he had done so. His principal contention has been throughout that the sanction imposed in terminating his employment in the last year of his residency is unnecessarily severe. The action taken by the Medical Director followed the recommendation not only of the department directly involved but also of the entire administrative organization of the Research and Educational Hospitals. The Vice-President in charge of the Medical Center campus has supported the termination. Mindful of the appraisals and recommendations noted above, and mindful that even should one dissent from the decision of the Department Head and the Director of the Hospitals, these officers could not properly, under present rules, be directed to take a course of action against their professional judgment. I recommend that the Board decline to exercise its discretion to review this case. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board voted to decline to exercise its discretion to review this case. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board adjourned. Following adjournment, Professors E. C. Jordan, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Wendell E. Miller, Associate Head, George E. Anner, Willis L. Emery, and Director Ross J. Martin of the Engineering Experiment Station, were guests of the Board at luncheon. Professor Jordan and Director Martin addressed the Board, discussing the growth of the Department of Electrical Engineering since World War II and some of the research programs now under way. Following the luncheon, the Trustees visited the Electrical Engineering Building Addition and the Gaseous Electronics Laboratory. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS March 18, 1964 The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, March 18, 1964, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The date of this meeting had been changed by vote of the Board from the second Tuesday, March 10, to the third Wednesday, March 18. President Howard W. Clement called the meeting to order and asked the Secretary to call the roll. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Theodore A. Jones, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins. Governor Otto Kerner and Mr. Kenney E. Williamson were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Dean Jack W. Peltason of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Former Acting Provost, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Dr. Shannon McCune, Consultant to the President and to the Executive Vice-President and Provost, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President (Reports and Projects), Mr. Vernon L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 1095 10% board of trustees [March 18 ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Board took up the special order of business for the annual meeting and Mr. Clement called for the election of officers. President of the Board Mr. Johnston nominated Mr. Clement; Mr. Pogue seconded the nomination. Mr. Clement asked the Board to elect a temporary chairman for this election. On motion of Mr. Johnston, Mr. Page was elected Chairman, Pro Tempore, by acclamation and took the chair. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the nominations were closed and the Secretary was ordered to record the unanimous ballot of the Board for the election of Mr. Howard W. Clement as President. The ballot was so cast, and Mr. Clement was declared elected as President of the Board, to serve until the next annual meeting of the Board in March, 1965, or until his successor shall have been elected. He took the chair and addressed the Board briefly, summarizing the issues which have confronted the Board and the developments of University programs to which the Board has been a party since he was first elected as President of the Board in 1962. Secretary of the Board Mr. Swain nominated Mr. A. J. Janata; Mrs. Watkins seconded the nomination. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the nominations were closed, and Mr. Janata was declared elected Secretary of the Board, to serve until the next annual meeting of the Board in March, 1965, or until his successor shall have been elected. Comptroller of the Board Mr. Pogue nominated Mr. H. O. Farber; Mr. Swain seconded the nomination. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Secretary was instructed to record the unanimous ballot of the Board for the election of Mr. Farber as Comptroller. The ballot was so cast and Mr. Farber was declared elected Comptroller, to serve until the next annual meeting of the Board in March, 1965, or until his successor shall have been elected. Executive Committee Mr. Pogue nominated Mr. Wayne A. Johnston and Mrs. Frances B. Watkins to serve as members of the Executive Committee, with the President of the Board as Chairman; Mr. Swain seconded the nominations. On motion of Mr. Swain, the nominations were closed and the Secretary was instructed to record the unanimous ballot of the Board for the elections of Mr. Johnston and Mrs. Watkins to the Executive Committee. The ballot was so cast and Mr. Johnston and Mrs. Watkins were declared elected members of the Executive Committee, to serve until the next annual meeting of the Board in March, 1965, or until their successors shall have been elected. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1097 DELEGATION OF SIGNATURES Mr. Johnston offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, that the President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois are authorized to delegate the signing of their names as President and Secretary, respectively, to vouchers to be presented to the Auditor of Public Accounts, and to warrants drawn on the Treasurer of the University, under the following conditions. The President of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to L. M. Dahlenburg, to R. N. Parker, and to E. M. Snyder in Urbana, to J. E. Osborn, to W. E. Cowart, and to H. O. Albers in Chicago, and to Edward F. Lis and to Helen Culbertson in Springfield, authority to sign his name as President of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the Auditor of Public Accounts; and to C. C. De Long, to R. W. Zimmer, and to R. F. Wood in Urbana, and to J. E. Osborn, to W. E. Cowart, and to H. O. Albers in Chicago, authority to sign his name to warrants on the University Treasurer covering vouchers approved in accordance with regulations approved by the Board. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to Virginia J. Hendrix, to Catherine Cacioppo, to Earl W. Porter, to George H. Bargh, and to Everett G. Smith in Urbana; and to G. R. Moon, to Velma M. Davis, to Helen Wyle, to Margaret Mayer, and to Mrs. Antoinette Gyorke in Chicago, authority to sign his name as Secretary of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the Auditor of Public Accounts and to warrants on the University Treasurer, covering vouchers approved in accordance with regulations of the Board. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is also authorized to delegate to Addalein C. Hawk and to Lean C. Ryan in Springfield, authority to sign his name as Secretary of the Board of Trustees on vouchers against the Auditor of Public Accounts approved in accordance with the regulations of the Board. These authorizations are to continue in effect until the Auditor of Public Accounts has been supplied with specimen signatures of succeeding officers of this Board. And be it further Resolved, that the First National Bank of Chicago as a designated depositary of R. R. Manchester, Treasurer of this corporation, be and it (including its correspondent banks) is hereby requested, authorized, and directed to honor checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money drawn in this corporation's name, including those drawn to the individual order of any person or persons whose name or names appear thereon as signer or signers thereof, when bearing or purporting to bear the facsimile signatures of the two following: Howard W. Clement, President, and A. J. Janata, Secretary; and the First National Bank of Chicago (including its correspondent banks) shall be entitled to honor and to charge this corporation for all such checks, drafts, or other orders, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature or signatures thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such facsimile signature or signatures resemble the facsimile specimens duly certified to or filed with the First National Bank of Chicago by the Secretary or other officer of this corporation. And be it further Resolved, that the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to honor vouchers bearing facsimile signatures of the President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois if such facsimile signatures resemble the facsimile specimens duly certified to or filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts by the Secretary. The resolution was unanimously adopted. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1964-65 The President of the Board appointed the following standing committees to serve during the year 1964-65, or until their successors have been appointed following the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees in March, 1965. 1098 board of trustees [March 18 The President of the University is a member, ex officio, of all standing committees. Agriculture Earl M. Hughes, Chairman Wayne A. Johnston Harold Pogue Alumni Theodore A. Jones, Chairman Earl M. Hughes Mrs. Frances B. Watkins Athletic Activities Harold Pogue, Chairman Irving Dilliard Mrs. Frances B. Watkins Buildings and Grounds Harold Pogue, Chairman Irving Dilliard Earl M. Hughes Wayne A. Johnston Timothy W. Swain Kenney E. Williamson Chicago Departments Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Chairman Wayne A. Johnston Theodore A. Jones Finance Kenney E. Williamson, Chairman Theodore A. Jones Timothy W. Swain General Policy Wayne A. Johnston, Chairman Theodore A. Jones Harold Pogue Timothy W. Swain Mrs. Frances B. Watkins Kenney E. Williamson Nonacademic Personnel Also representatives on the Civil Service Merit Board Timothy W. Swain, Chairman Earl M. Hughes Harold Pogue Patents Timothy W. Swain, Chairman Irving Dilliard Theodore A. Jones Student Welfare and Activities Irving Dilliard, Chairman Theodore A. Jones Mrs. Frances B. Watkins State Universities Retirement System Representatives Earl M. Hughes Harold Pogue Kenney E. Williamson State Board of Higher Education Representatives Howard W. Clement Wayne A. Johnston MASTER PLAN FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN ILLINOIS Mr. Johnston offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: The action of the Board of Higher Education on March 3, 1964, in approving a provisional Master Plan for Higher Education in Illinois is hereby endorsed by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. This Board and the officers of the University have long urged that comprehensive planning for higher education in Illinois be undertaken on a professional basis. The provisional plan is undergoing revision, at the direction of the Board of Higher Education, and the Trustees do not have the precise language of the revised plan and its official interpretation before them. However, it is the view of the Board of Trustees that the basic recommendations are consistent with the history of higher education in this state and with the main lines of professional opinion on the problems of higher education. The main items of the provisional plan take into account the existing strengths of the institutions and provide flexible machinery for growth with effective planning and coordination. Moreover, the premises and guidelines are sound and the definition of the tasks incisive and accurate. The construction inventory --- including scope, costs, and priorities --- requires further analysis; it appears to be inadequate for the tasks outlined. The estimates on operating costs are conservative. These reservations on the adequacy of the proposed financing, however, do not modify the essence of the plan and the 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1099 Board of Trustees commends the provisional recommendations to the attention of the people of the state. This resolution was unanimously adopted. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded to the following candidates who passed the standard written examination given in November, 1963, and who have fulfilled all other legal requirements under Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Illinois Accountancy Act of 1943 as amended. Charles Richard Baerson, Skokie, Illinois Archie Joseph Bakay, Evanston, Illinois Gerald Todd Ball, DeKalb, Illinois Frederick Henry Balluff, Jr., Broadview, Illinois Joseph William Beard, Chicago, Illinois Roger Leighton Beck, Chicago, Illinois Jon Linn Beesmann, Chicago, Illinois Robert George Duncan Bennett, Skokie, Illinois Isidoro Berkman, Chicago, Illinois Donald Hugh Bernstein, Chicago, Illinois James Edwin Brands, Park Forest, Illinois Landon Jay Brazier, Chicago, Illinois John DeVere Brockhouse, Park Ridge, Illinois James Barry Brody, Chicago, Illinois Frank La Verne Brokaw, Skokie, Illinois Robert Boruch Bromberg, Chicago, Illinois Margaret-Mary Gorny Butsback, Chicago, Illinois Ronald Joseph Carlson, Aurora, Illinois Richard John Carroll, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Stephen Carroll, Chicago, Illinois Paul Benton Carter, Park Forest, Illinois Jerry Edwin Chancellor, Chicago, Illinois Leon Roy Cheesbrough, Chicago, Illinois Horn Chen, Chicago, Illinois Charles Delbert Christensen, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Robert Sterling Clow, Naperville, Illinois Martin David Cohen, Lincolnwood, Illinois Sidney Henry Cohen, Chicago, Illinois Edward John Coman, Jr., Chicago, Illinois James Samuel Cox, Park Forest, Illinois Donald Eugene Craft, Rockford, Illinois David Bruce Dahl, Skokie, Illinois William Joseph DeKoker, Rockford, Illinois Robert Joseph DeLaCruz, Chicago, Illinois William Robert DeLano, Park Ridge, Illinois David Lawrence DeMotte, Villa Park, Illinois Joseph John Devereux, Chicago, Illinois William Robert Douglas, Skokie, Illinois Gilbert David Druker, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Charles Dubow, Chicago, Illinois David Willard Dusendschon, Danville, Illinois Richard John Egan, Northbrook, Illinois Maurice Monte Egert, Chicago, Illinois Rudolph Patrick Engstrom, Villa Park, Illinois 1100 board of trustees [March 18 Thomas George Ehrico, Highland Park, Illinois Victor Miles Evans, Siluis, Illinois Larky Douglas Ewald, Rochelle, Illinois Jerry Dayne Farr, Henry, Illinois David Allen Felts, Villa Park, Illinois David Robert Felts, Decatur, Illinois Yvon Evelyn Fermazin, St. Charles, Illinois Richard Matthew Figuea, Chicago, Illinois Kenneth Norman Finfer, Chicago, Illinois Bruce Harold Fossler, Evanston, Illinois Richard Ives Fremgen, Wheaton, Illinois Donald Charles Freund, Crystal Lake, Illinois Barry Alan Friedman, Chicago, Illinois Martin Bernard Friedman, Des Plaines, Illinois Ronald Allen Friedman, Chicago, Illinois Gerald Frishman, Chicago, Illinois Maribelle Gannon, Chicago, Illinois Raymond Walter Garrigan, Chicago, Illinois Lawrence Gerber, Chicago, Illinois James Louis Glasscock, Park Ridge, Illinois Alan Joel Glazer, Chicago, Illinois David Glickstein, Chicago, Illinois Earl Donald Goldenberg, Chicago, Illinois Stuart Russell Goldsand, Chicago, Illinois Roger Edwin Gorlicki, Chicago, Illinois Paul James Griffiths, Palatine, Illinois John Miller Groom, Evanston, Illinois Raymond Martin Grothaus, Chicago Heights, Illinois Edwin John Gunlock, Chicago, Illinois Ronald Ray Guthoff, Normal, Illinois Wayne William Haack, Cicero, Illinois Raymond Aloysius Hafertepe, Stone Park, Illinois Richard James Hall, Downers Grove, Illinois Geoffrey William Hands, Lake Forest, Illinois Richard Dee Hanks, Decatur, Illinois David Paul Hartman, Chicago, Illinois Sean Joseph Hastings, Chicago, Illinois John James Haughey, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Edwin Haupt, Chicago, Illinois Frank Kenneth Heap, Evanston, Illinois Allen Roy Hochfelder, Chicago, Illinois Paul Herman Hoffmeister, Chicago, Illinois Arnold Sherwin Horwich, Skokie, Illinois James Paul Huber, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Frank Hugery, Chicago, Illinois Larry Dean Inhelder, Chicago, Illinois Warren Allen Ireland, Hinsdale, Illinois Norman Louis Israel, Chicago, Illinois James Kent Jeanblanc, Franklin Grove, Illinois Robert Joseph Jirovec, Cleveland, Ohio Alan Harry Johnson, Evanston, Illinois Michael Irving Kaplan, Chicago, Illinois Richard Lee Keyser, Champaign, Illinois Ronald Dean Kindwall, Evanston, Illinois Harold Norman Klopman, Chicago, Illinois James Bernard Knoll, Park Forest, Illinois Robert Edwin Kolb, Riverside, Illinois James Mitchell Koltveit, Rock Island, Illinois Martin Jerry Kozak, Chicago, Illinois David Charles Krakauer, Highland Park, Illinois Paul Friestad Kries, Westchester, Illinois Ronald Daniel Kubacki, Oak Park, Illinois Dennis Wade Kueber, Homewood, Illinois Lawrence Francis Kunkler, Villa Park, Illinois Jeffrey Mayer Kuznitsky, Chicago, Illinois Robert Joseph Ladecky, Chicago, Illinois David Lee Landsittel, Chicago, Illinois George Henry Lane, Chicago, Illinois Lyle Joseph Laveau, Park Forest, Illinois 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1101 Theodore Max Lawrence, Harris-burg, Illinois John Bernard Lechner, Chicago, Illinois Henry Gerald Lee, Springfield, Illinois Miller Benton Lee, Mount Prospect, Illinois Billy Lee Legg, Springfield, Illinois Howard Leon, Chicago, Illinois Marvin Ira Levine, Chicago, Illinois Lester Walter Lincke, Riverdale, Illinois Joanne Josephine Lipinski, Chicago, Illinois William Burke Livey, Morton, Illinois Edwin Arnold Lohmeier, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Joseph Loobey, Lincoln, Illinois David James Lyons, Chicago, Illinois Martin Leo Madenberg, Chicago, Illinois Donald Emery Malcom, Belleville, Illinois Neal Alan Mancoff, Chicago, Illinois Lawrence Manelis, Skokie, Illinois Raymond Peter Marschak, Chicago, Illinois Leslie Robert Maksiiallsay, Rock-ford, Illinois Robert Leo Marti, Highland, Illinois Bruce William Matson, Roselle, Illinois Robert Lee McAdams, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Ignatius McCabe, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Edward Stephen McGowan, Bloom-ington, Illinois Sherman James Miller, Peoria, Illinois James Curt Mingle, Pekin, Illinois Donald Warren Moody, Elmhurst, Illinois Joseph Francis Mooney, Park Forest, Illinois George Newell Morgan, Elgin, Illinois Lloyd Barry Morgan, Chicago, Illinois Allen Ray Morris, Park Forest, Illinois Larry Dean Mulcahy, Evanston, Illinois Louis Gene Munin, Chicago, Illinois Enid Nader, Chicago, Illinois Clark Morrow Nelson, La Grange, Illinois James Newell O'Connor, Zion, Illinois John Joseph Owens, Chicago, Illinois Martin James Paluga, Chicago, Illinois Stanley Howard Pantowich, Chicago, Illinois Robert James Pausig, Rockford, Illinois Carl Lyle Peterson, Lombard, Illinois Thomas Edward Peterson, Chicago, Illinois Morton B. Philip, Chicago, Illinois John Ashbel Porter, Bellwood, Illinois William Crego Prescott, Rockford, Illinois Richard Edward Pyburn, Downers Grove, Illinois Richard Malcolm Radway, Chicago, Illinois Lawrence Sherwin Revsine, Chicago, Illinois Donald Leo Reynolds, Jr., Evanston, Illinois Madeline Jeanette Roberts, Chicago, Illinois William Edward Robinson, Franklin Park, Illinois Gordon Lee Rosenberger, Chicago, Illinois Richard Joseph Roth, Olney, Illinois Jerald Leon Rothchild, Lincolnwood, Illinois Sanford Rubens, Chicago, Illinois John Lee Rumsfield, Park Ridge, Illinois Timothy John Ryan, Chicago, Illinois Edwin Joseph Rydel, Chicago, Illinois Mandel Toby Schenk, Chicago, Illinois Erwin Jacob Schmidt, Oak Park, Illinois Gary Jay Schwartz, Chicago, Illinois Roy Irwin Schwartz, Chicago, Illinois Samuel Allen Schwartz, Chicago, Illinois William August John Schwartz, Chicago, Illinois David Bruce Selig, Chicago, Illinois Gerald J. Senescu, Chicago, Illinois Lester Shapiro, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Joseph Sheehy, Chicago, Illinois Lloyd Edward Shefsky, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Albert Skalitzky, Oak Lawn, Illinois Janet Wood Skoglund, Lincolnwood, Illinois William Keith Smutny, Chicago, Illinois Richard Ray Snyder, Oak Park, Illinois 1102 BOARD OF Joseph Henry Sobieski, Chicago, Illinois Richard Charles Spingola, Chicago, Illinois Gustav Alfred Strassburger, Chicago, Illinois Edward Leon Streit, Crystal Lake, Illinois Joseph Roger Tardif, Berkeley, Illinois Stephen Martin Taxe, Chicago, Illinois James Orrin Teeter, Westchester, Illinois Richard Donald Telkamp, Lake Zurich, Illinois Melvin George Thomas, Chicago, Illinois Ian Thomson, Evanston, Illinois John Cullen True, Chicago, Illinois Neal Robert Tyson, Chicago, Illinois Terry Douglas Uddenberg, Chicago, Illinois Charles William Voigts, Joliet, Illinois John Thomas Walsh, Chicago, Illinois James Joseph Ward, Park Ridge, Illinois Raymond Marion Weeks, Aurora, Illinois Van Eman Wells, Mount Prospect, Illinois Irving William Wendt, Chicago, Illinois Merrill Joel Wertheimer, Chicago, Illinois Donald Dean White, North Riverside, Illinois James Winikates, Chicago, Illinois Harold Don Wirth, Peoria, Illinois John Hubert Wolter, Hinsdale, Illinois Dale Edward Wright, Western Springs, Illinois Richard Eugene Yanke, Sr., Elm-hurst, Illinois Frank Mortimer Young, Oak Park, Illinois James Nicholas Zaloudek, Downers Grove, Illinois Richard Huebner Zeder, Wilmette, Illinois The Committe on Accountancy also recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section S of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: cint. frnm u/hirh Thpv i late from Which I hey Name Address Obtained Certificates Ronald Joseph Harlow New York, New York New York Thomas Andrew Kincanon Centralia Illinois Virginia Glen Richard Ostdiek Morton Grove, Illinois Nebraska George Hallett Shelton Wilmette, Illinois Louisiana Russell Urquhart Wilmette, Illinois New York 1 concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (2) Submitted herewith are nominations for appointments to the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association of the University of Illinois, to become effective as of today and to continue until the next annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in 1965, or until the successors of these Directors have been appointed. Faculty Paul M. Van Arsdell, Professor and Head of the Department of Finance in the College of Commerce and Business Administration (reappointment; has served since 1961). George W. White, Professor and Head of the Department of Geology (reappointment; has served since 1962). Leslie A. Bryan, Professor of Management and Director of the Institute of Aviation (reappointment; Director Bryan is also the University of Illinois Faculty Representative in the Western Intercollegiate Conference, and his appointment as a faculty representative on the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association is an ex officio assignment). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1103 H. S. Stillwell, Professor and Head of the Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (new appointment). Alumni Association George R. Catlett, Class of 1939; partner in the firm of Arthur Andersen and Company, Certified Public Accountants, 120 South LaSalle Street, Chicago (reappointment; Mr. Catlett has been serving on the Board since March, 1961). Charles C. Dadant, Class of 1941, Member of the firm of Dadant and Sons, Inc., Hamilton (reappointment; Mr. Dadant has been serving on the Board since March, 1963). Charles H. Stotz, Class of 1939, Executive Secretary, West Suburban Young Men's Christian Association, La Grange (new appointment). On motion of Mr. Pogue, these appointments were approved. HONORARY DEGREES (3) The University Senates have recommended that honorary degrees be conferred upon the following and on the occasions indicated. Adlai Ewing Stevenson, United States Representative to the United Nations, and former Governor of Illinois, the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, to be conferred at the Honors Day Convocation on May 1, 1964, at which Ambassador Stevenson will give the Honors Day address. Virgil Melvin Hancher, President of the State University of Iowa, the degree of Doctor of Arts, to be conferred at the Commencement Exercises for graduates of the colleges at the Medical Center in Chicago on June 11, 1964, at which President Hancher will give the Commencement address. W. Albert Noyes, Jr., Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Retired, at the University of Rochester; former Head of the Department of Chemistry, former Dean of the Graduate School, and former Acting Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Rochester; and now Professor at the University of Texas, the degree of Doctor of Science, to be conferred at the Commencement Exercises at Urbana-Champaign on June 13, 1964. Dr. Noyes will deliver the Commencement address on June 13. He is the son of the late Dr. William Albert Noyes, Sr., who was Head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from 1907-26. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, distinguished architect, former Director of the School of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology, now retired, the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts, to be conferred at the Commencement Exercises at Urbana-Champaign on June 13, 1964. I concur in the recommendations of the Senates. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these degrees were authorized, as recommended. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (4) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Paul Chung, Assistant Professor of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, on two-fifths time, for six months from February 1, 1964, at a salary of $2,200. 2. Robert O. Crummey, Assistant Professor of History, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,400. 3. Anthony J. Diekema, Assistant Dean of Admissions and Records, Medical Center, beginning August 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $12,000. 4. Robert W. Edwards, Assistant Professor of Architecture, beginning March 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,000. 5. Margaret Y. George, Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $3,500. 6. Emily S. Girault, Assistant Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,600. 7. William J. Greek, Clinical Assistant Professor of Public Health, College of Dentistry, beginning February 1, 1964, without salary. 8. J. Francis Hartmann, Research Professor of Neurobiology, College of Medicine, for one year from September 1, 1964, without salary. 1104 board of trustees [March 18 9. Hans Hennecke, Visiting Associate Professor of Germanic Languages, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $5,000. 10. Solomon B. Levine, Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations, 45 per cent time, on indefinite tenure, and Director of the Asian Studies Program, 55 per cent time, from March 1, 1964, through August 31, 1965, at an annual salary of $14,300. This appointment is a change in status to formalize his assignment as Director of the Asian Studies Program which he has been administering on a temporary basis since September 1, 1963. 11. William A. Longacre II, Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, for the second semester of 1963-64, at a salary of $3,750. 12. Alun O. Morris, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for one year from September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,500. 13. Joseph P. Murtha, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, on one-half time, and Director of the Water Resources Center, Graduate College, on one-half time, beginning March 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,200. This appointment is a change in status to include his assignment as Director of the Water Resources Center in the Graduate College, recently established by the Board of Trustees. 14. John A. Tesk, Assistant Professor of Engineering Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning February 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,250. 15. Wilmot A. Thornton, Assistant Professor of Zoonotic Ecology, Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, and Associate Member of the Center for Zoonoses Research, beginning May 15, 1964, at an annual salarv of $10,500. 16. Colin G. Webb, Assistant Extension Editor with rank of Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, and Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, for one year from March 1, 1964, at a salary of $10,000. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were confirmed. DEANSHIP OF THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES (5) On nomination of a special committee1 appointed for this purpose, and after consultation with the Executive Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, I recommend the appointment of Dr. Robert W. Rogers, Professor and Head of the Department of English, as Professor of English on indefinite tenure and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences beginning July 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $23,500 on a twelve-month service basis. The appointment as Dean will be from July 1, 1964, through August 31, 1965, which is consistent with the statutory provisions of biennial tenure of deans, such appointments usually coinciding with the fiscal biennium. The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Acting Dean of the Graduate College support this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. DEANSHIP OF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (6) Following consultations with a search committee' appointed to make recommendations of candidates for the position of Dean of the College of Education and with the Executive Committee of the College, I recommend the appointment of Dr. Rupert N. Evans, presently Professor of Vocational and Technical Education and Associate Dean of the College, as Dean of the College of Education beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $20,000 on a twelve-month service basis. Dr. Evans will continue to hold the rank of Professor on indefinite tenure. The appointment as Dean is for one year from September 1, 1964; and thereafter 1 Professors Max H. Fisch, Department of Philosophy", Chairman; Edward H. Davidson, Department of English; Ralph T. Fisher, Jr., Department of History; Donald R. Hodgman, Department of Economics; Herbert A. Laitinen, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; and John R. Laughnan, Department of Botany. Professors J. Thomas Hastings, Department of Educational Psychology and Office of Educational Testing, Chairman; R. Will Burnett, Department of Secondary and Continuing Education; Lloyd G. Humphreys, Department of Psychology; John E. McGill, Department of Elementary Education; Joseph B. Casagrande, Department of Anthropology; and B. Othanel Smith, Bureau of Educational Research. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1105 subsequent appointments as Dean will be for two-year periods consistent with the standard, statutory biennial tenure for college deans. The appointment of Professor Evans will fill the vacancy which will be created by the retirement of Dean Alonzo G. Grace at the end of the current academic year. The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Acting Dean of the Graduate College concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Page, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES (7) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Dr. Lew R. Micklesen, presently Visiting Professor at the University of Colorado, as Professor on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $17,000. This appointment will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Professor R. E. Matlaw, and is submitted after consultation with all appropriate members of the faculty of the Department. It is concurred in by the Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AT THE CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (8) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Chicago Undergraduate Division and the Vice-President for the Division recommend the appointment of Dr. (Mrs.) Ruth B. Marcus, presently a National Science Foundation Fellow (on leave of absence as Associate Professor at Roosevelt University), as Professor of Philosophy on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Philosophy at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000 on a nine-month (academic year) service basis. This appointment is unanimously recommended by a special search committee1 and is submitted after consultation with appropriate members of the Department. The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Acting Dean of the Graduate College concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AT THE CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (9) The Dean of the College of Architecture and Art and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Donald D. Hanson, presently Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at Urbana, as Associate Professor of Architecture on indefinite tenure and Chairman of the Department of Architecture at the Chicago Undergraduate Division for one year, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $13,100 for services during each academic year. This appointment will fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Professor H. B. McEldowney, Head of the Department and Assistant Dean of the College, at the end of the second semester. The recommendation is submitted after consultation with the appropriate members of the faculty of the Department of Architecture and is concurred in by the Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. "Stanley L. Jones, Professor of History; Kenneth M. Madison, Professor of Biology; Mrs. Sandra L. Bartky, Instructor in Philosophy; all at the Chicago Undergraduate Division; and Bernard J. Diggs, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at Urbana. 1106 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 18 SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE, 19 64-65 (10) I recommend that the following members of the staff be given sabbatical leaves of absence during the academic year 1964-65 in accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes and on the terms and for the periods indicated. In accordance with the established procedure, the programs of research, study, and travel for which leaves are requested have been examined by the University Research Board, which advises the President in such matters, and by the Executive Vice-President and Provost, who concurs. ,, . . . College of Agriculture Administration Cecil D. Smith, Assistant Dean of the College of Agriculture with rank of Professor, six months beginning July 1, 1964, full pay. Department of Agricultural Economics Norman G. P. Keausz, Professor of Agricultural Law, six months beginning August 1, 1964, full pay. Department of Agricultural Engineering Wendell Bowers, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering, six months beginning October 1, 1964, full pay. Donald G. Jedele, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay, or six months beginning January 1, 1965, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of Agronomy Samuel R. Aldrich, Professor of Soil Fertility Extension, six months beginning July 1, 1964, full pay. Robert Dale Seif, Associate Professor of Biometry, six months beginning September 1, 1964, full pay. Department of Dairy Science Robert W. Touchberry, Professor of Genetics, six months beginning February 1, 1965, full pay. Meyer J. Wolin, Associate Professor of Bacteriology, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of Horticulture Frank W. Owen, Associate Professor of Horticulture, six months beginning September 1, 1964, full pay. Department of Plant Pathology Arthur L. Hooker, Professor of Plant Pathology and of Agronomy, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. College of Commerce and Business Administration Department of Accountancy Gerald D. Brighton, Associate Professor of Accountancy, first semester, full pay. Donald H. Skadden, Professor of Accountancy, second semester, full pay. Department of Economics Dwight P. Flanders, Professor of Economics, second semester, full pay. Horace M. Gray, Professor of Economics, second semester, full pay. William A. Neiswanger, Professor of Economics, second semester, full pay. Department of Finance Robert A. Hedges, Associate Professor of Finance, second semester, full pay. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1107 College of Education David P. Ausubel, Professor of Educational Psychology, Bureau of Educational Research, first semester, full pay. Kenneth B. Henderson, Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education, second semester, full pay. Henry F. Kaiser, Professor of Educational Psychology, Bureau of Educational Research, and Professor of Psychology, six months beginning March 1, 1965, full pay. Merle M. Ohlsen, Professor of Educational Psychology, first semester, full pay. College of Engineering Coordinated Science Laboratory Daniel Alpert, Director of Coordinated Science Laboratory and Professor of Physics, six months beginning January 1, 1965, full pay. Richard M. Brown, Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Research Professor of Physics and of Electrical Engineering, six months from October 1, 1964, full pay, or full year from September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of Electrical Engineering William R. Ashby, Professor of Electrical Engineering, six months from September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Georges A. Deschamps, Professor of Electrical Engineering, first semester, full pay. Ladislas Goldstein, Professor of Electrical Engineering, first semester, full pay. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering George W. Harper, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, second semester, full pay. Department of Physics Felix T. Abler, Professor of Physics and of Nuclear Engineering, second semester, full pay. Frederick C. Brown, Professor of Physics, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Rudolf Haag, Professor of Physics, first semester, one-half pay. James S. Koehler, Professor of Physics, second semester, full pay. Ralph O. Simmons, Associate Professor of Physics, second semester, full pay. College of Fine and Applied Arts Department of Architecture Granville S. Keith, Professor and Chairman of Department of Architecture, second semester, full pay. Harold C. Young, Associate Professor of Architecture, first semester, full pay. Department of Art Glenn R. Bradshaw, Professor of Art, first semester, full pay. Nicholas Britsky, Professor of Art, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay, or second semester, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. James D. Hogan, Professor of Art, second semester, full pay. Nicola Ziroli, Professor of Art, first semester, full pay. Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture Walter M. Keith, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Director of Robert Allerton Park, first semester, full pay. School of Music Dorothy E. Clark, Associate Professor of Music and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, second semester, full pay. Hubert Kessler, Professor of Music, second semester, full pay. Everett D. Kisinger, Associate Professor of Music and Assistant Director of University Bands, second semester, full pay. 1108 board of trustees [March 18 Jack H. McKenzie, Associate Professor of Music and of Bands, first semester, full pay. Soulima Stravinsky, Professor of Music, second semester, full pay. Ludwig E. Zirner, Professor of Music, second semester, full pay. College of Journalism and Communications Department of Advertising Hugh W. Sargent, Associate Professor of Advertising, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Institute of Communications Research Charles E. Osgood, Research Professor and Director of the Institute of Communications Research and Professor of Psychology, first semester, full pay. Department of Journalism Glenn Hanson, Associate Professor of Journalism, second semester, full pay. Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Walter H. Franke, Associate Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay, or six months from September 1, 1964, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Milferd Lieberthal, Associate Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations, six months from September 1, 1964, full pay. Harry C. Triandis, Associate Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations and of Psychology, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. College of Law George T. Frampton, Professor of Law, second semester, full pay. Eugene F. Scoles, Professor of Law, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay, or second semester, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Botany Wilson N. Stewart, Professor of Botany, second semester 1964-65, and first semester 1965-66, one-half pay, or first semester 1965-66, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering John C. Bailar, Jr., Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, second semester, full pay. Theodore L. Brown, Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, full year, one-half pay. John M. Clark, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, full year beginning February 1, 1965, one-half pay; or second semester 1964-65, full pay. Richard S. Juvet, Jr., Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Kensal E. Van Holde, Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Department of English Walter J. Chamberlin, Assistant Professor of Business English, second semester, full pay. William M. Curtin, Assistant Professor of English, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Donald Joseph Hogan, Assistant Professor of English, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1109 William H. McBurney, Associate Professor of English, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Jack Stillinger, Associate Professor of English, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of Entomology Clyde W. Kearns, Professor and Head of the Department of Entomology, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of Geology Ralph E. Grim, Research Professor of Geology, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures P. M. Mitchell, Professor of German, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of History Ralph T. Fisher, Jr., Professor of History and Director of Center for Russian Language and Area Studies, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of Mathematics Colin R. Blyth, Professor of Mathematics, first semester, full pay. William W. Boone, Professor of Mathematics, first semester, full pay. Joseph L. Doob, Professor of Mathematics and Member of the Center for Advanced Study, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Franz E. Hohn, Professor of Mathematics, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of Microbiology John W. Drake, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of Philosophy Charles E. Caton, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, second semester, full pay. Harry M. Tiebout, Jr., Associate Professor of Philosophy, first semester, full pay. Department of Physiology and Biophysics Howard S. Ducoff, Associate Professor of Physiology, full year beginning August 1, 1964, one-half pay. Robert E. Johnson, Professor of Physiology and Director of the University Honors Programs, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Department of Psychology Raymond B. Cattell, Research Professor of Psychology, January 1 through April 30, 1965, full pay. William E. Kappauf, Professor of Psychology, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay, or second semester, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Leigh M. Triandis, Associate Professor of Psychology, second semester, one-half pay. Department of Speech and Theatre Webster L. Smalley, Assistant Professor of Speech and of Radio and Television, second semester, full pay. 1110 board of trustees [March 18 College of Physical Education Department of Physical Education for Men Alfred W. Hubbard, Professor of Physical Education for Men, second semester, full pay. Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work Jennette R. Gruener, Professor of Social Work, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Donald E. Lathrope, Associate Professor of Social Work, first semester, full pay. Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office James F. Kamman, Clinical Counselor and Supervisor of Testing with rank of Associate Professor, Student Counseling Service, full year Deginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Chicago Undergraduate Division Daniel K. Andrews, Assistant Professor of Finance, second semester, full pay. Louis A. Berman, Associate Professor of Psychology and Counselor, Student Counseling Service, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay, or six months beginning September 15, 1964, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Louis Broussard, Assistant Professor of English, second semester, full pay. Sidney F. Glassman, Professor of Biological Sciences, first semester, full pay. Rosalind A. Klaas, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, second semester, full pay. Vivian C. Lipman, Assistant Professor of Psychology, first semester, full pay. Algis Pabarcius, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, second semester, full pay. Chicago Medical Center Norman R. Alpert, Associate Professor of Physiology, six months beginning January 1, 1965, full pay. Clarence A. Johnson, Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry, six months beginning January 1, 1965, full pay. Edith K. MacRae, Associate Professor of Anatomy, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay. Akira Omachi, Associate Professor of Physiology, six months beginning January 1, 1965, full pay. Earl W. Renfroe, Professor of Orthodontics, full year beginning January 1, 1965, one-half pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. Natalie R. Seltzer, Assistant Professor of Medical Social Work, full year beginning September 1, 1964, one-half pay; or six months beginning January 1, 1965, full pay; full-year leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these leaves were granted, as recommended. APPOINTMENTS TO CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY (11) Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Center for Advanced Study, and with the concurrence of the Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost, I submit the following nominations for appointments to the Center for Advanced Study for the period and for the program of research or study as indicated. Members For Five-Year Terms Beginning September 1, 1964 Sol Spiegelman, Professor of Microbiology (new appointment). Professor Spiegelman was born December 14, 1914, in New York City and received his undergraduate education at College of the City of New York. He received the Ph.D. degree in cellular physiology from Washington Uni- 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1111 versity in 1943. He served as Instructor and Assistant Professor in Bacteriology in the Washington University School of Medicine, 1945-48, was a Special Fellow of the United States Public Health Service 1948-49, and came to the University of Illinois as Professor of Bacteriology (later Microbiology) in 1949. Professor Spiegelman has received several recognitions and awards, including the Pasteur Award of the Illinois Society of Micro-biologists in 1963 and selection as one of two United States biologists invited by the Pope to attend an international conference in the Vatican in 1961. He is a member of many scientific societies and has served on several committees of the National Institutes of Health. He recently delivered the Jesup Lectures at Columbia University, an honor bestowed on a select group of scholars. John Bardeen, Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Physics (reappoint-ment). Joseph L. Doob, Professor of Mathematics (reappointment). Julian H. Steward, Research Professor of Anthropology (reappointment). Associate Members Alfredo Ang, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, for one year from September 1, 1964; to develop basic mathematical approaches to general behavioral theories of nonlinear solids, including hardening plasticity and thermoplasticity. Arthur E. Barker, Professor of English, first semester; to complete a study of the theological context and the psychological, ethical, and poetic implications of John Milton's theory of religious experience. Margaret Chandler, Professor of Sociology, Chicago Undergraduate Division, for the academic 5'ear 1964-65; to make a statistical analysis and interpretation of research data being collected currently in Japan concerning Japanese industry and industrial management. Evelyn Frank, Professor of Mathematics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, for the academic year 1964-65; to prepare a scholarly treatise on numerical continued fractions. Georgiana Jagiello, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Center, for the academic year 1964-65; to study meiotic divisions of the human spermatocyte and oocyte in normal and pathological states. J. Robert Kelly, Professor of Music, first semester; an extension of his Associate Membership to complete an opera to be entitled "The White Gods" based on the conquest of Aztec, Mexico, by Cortez. David Lazarus, Professor of Physics, for one year from September 1, 1964, on one-half time in the Center; to study the processes surrounding the formation and motion of point defects in solids with particular emphasis on their role in diffusion studies, nuclear magnetic resonance, internal friction, and microvolt potentiometry. Lee A. Rubel, Associate Professor of Mathematics, first semester; to study the Riemann Hypothesis and to attempt to generalize the Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions, one of the major tools in mathematical analysis. Sundaram Seshu, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, for the academic year 1964-65; to carry on research in the fields of self-repairing machines and sequential machines. Michio Suzuki, Professor of Mathematics, first semester; to carry on studies aimed at the ultimate goal of classifying all the finite simple groups. Nelson Wax, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, for the academic year 1964-65; to study the theory of driven nonlinear oscillators and to complete a study of asymptotic coding bounds and decipherability in codes. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these appointments were approved. APPROPRIATION FOR RESIDENCES AT D1XON SPRINGS EXPERIMENT STATION (12) The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an appropriation of $14,000 to remodel two residences at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station, one of which will be in lieu of a new 1112 board of trustees [March 18 residence for the Superintendent for which the Board of Trustees approved the employment of an architect on September 19, 1962. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT AND APPROPRIATION FOR AIR-CONDITIONING INSTALLATION IN LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BUILDING (13) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $38,753 to the Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for completion of air conditioning installations in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Building, subject to an appropriation of funds for this work. The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations has approved in principle funds for the project. The Physical Plant Department has estimated that $41,700 will be needed for the contract now being recommended plus other costs. I recommend award of this contract and assignment of $41,700 from the General Reserve. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded, and the requested assignment of funds was approved, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR LABORATORY EQUIPMENT IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $3,335 to the Metalab Equipment Company, Chicago, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for furnishing and setting in place laboratory equipment in the Research and Educational Hospitals. This work is being done to complete remodeling for teaching and patient care in the Department of Pediatrics in the addition to the Hospitals. Funds are available in state capital appropriations to the University. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR PAINTING HEATING PLANT AT CONGRESS CIRCLE (15) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $11,788 to William S. Alt and Son, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for finish painting of the heating plant under construction at Congress Circle. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. CLAIM FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION (16) In 1961 a contract was awarded to F. R. Inskip, doing business as F. R. Inskip and Company, for air-conditioning installations in the construction of the Physics Building and the work is now completed. The contractor has asserted 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1113 that he is entitled to additional compensation under the contract on the ground that actions taken by the University required him to do work that was different from or not specified in the contract documents, and thereafter he filed suit in the Circuit Court of Champaign County claiming damages in the amount of $31,443.93. Negotiations have proceeded with respect to the work in question, and the contractor has now agreed to accept the sum of $5,950 in full payment and satisfaction of all of his claims against the University under the contract. The Vice-President and Comptroller, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Legal Counsel are of the opinion that said amount is reasonable in view of the work performed and recommend that a final settlement between the University and the contractor be approved and authorized on the basis stated. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Page, this settlement was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING BUILDING STORM SEWER DIVERSION (17) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $16,459.25 to Clancy Construction Company, Urbana, the lowest bidder, for construction of a storm sewer diversion around the Civil Engineering Building site, a necessary improvement incidental to construction of the new building. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION (18) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $15,412.50 in the contract with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., for construction of the Administration Building Addition to include installation of condensate piping between the mechanical equipment room in the east basement of the addition and the proposed location of the cooling towers on the roof of the Administration Building West. Funds are available in the construction budget for this project. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this change in contract was authorized. ESTATE OF ANNA M. GULICK, DECEASED (19) On February 19, 1964, the Board approved joining with Northwestern University in instituting a suit to contest the documents admitted to probate as the Last Will and Testament of Anna M. Gulick. Subsequent negotiations involving the University, Northwestern University, the decedent's heirs, the executor of the estate appointed by the Probate Court, and legatees and beneficiaries under the various documents have resulted in a proposal that the University accept $8,750 in full settlement of all rights it may have in the estate. The Legal Counsel states that in his opinion the settlement proposal is reasonable in view of the nature of the legal questions involved, the size of the estate, and the expenses that would necessarily be incurred if the University proceeded with the litigation. He recommends that acceptance of the settlement proposal be authorized. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this recommendation was approved. 1114 board of trustees [March 18 EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN (20) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of the following firms for the services and at the fees indicated: Delbert R. Smith, Scott L. Seaton, and Milan A. Olach, a partnership doing business as Smith, Seaton, and Associates, Urbana, for miscellaneous architectural services on remodeling or other project work which does not justify separate architectural contracts. The contract will terminate June 30, 1965. The fee for services on any specific project shall not exceed $5,000 without prior approval of the board. The firm will be paid the time card costs of professional employees plus 100 per cent for overhead and commission. Payments will be from funds budgeted for the construction of remodeling projects assigned to the architect. Carroll-Henneman and Associates, Urbana, for engineering services for modernization of electrical supply and distribution systems in Noyes Laboratory, Davenport Hall, and the Natural History Building. The fee will be in accordance with Schedule "A" of mechanical and electrical fees of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers. The work will include field investigations, cost estimates, plans and specifications, and general supervision of construction. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends an assignment of $10,000 from the General Reserve for the cost of these services. An appropriation for the actual remodeling work will be requested after bids have been taken. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR PLANNING AT CONGRESS CIRCLE, CHICAGO (21) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of the following architectural and engineering firms for the projects and at the fees indicated: Site Development and Coordinating Services for Phase II of Congress Circle --- Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, Chicago, at actual cost of services of technical personnel employed, plus 150 per cent of such costs for overhead and commission. Technical personnel will include partners and all others assigned to the project exclusive of general office employees. The University will reimburse the firm for other expenses incurred at actual costs, including travel, subsistence, and fees of special consultants when authorized. These terms are the same as those in the contract for site development and coordinating services for Phase I. Heating Plant Addition --- Sargent and Lundy, Consulting Engineers, Chicago. This fee will be on the same basis and terms as the standard charges for previous work. Funds for these services estimated to cost approximately $390,000 are available from the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted and supports these recommendations. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS FOR PLANS AND PLANNING TO COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES, CONGRESS CIRCLE, CHICAGO (22) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1U5 recommend that the Illinois Building Authority be requested to purchase, acquire, and lease to the University plans and planning to complete architectural studies at Congress Circle, Chicago, including specifications and bid documents, from the following firms for the buildings, and at fees indicated as a per cent of the estimated cost of construction, all in accordance with the Illinois Building Authority Act and under terms approved by the Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant. Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, Chicago --- Classroom Units: 3.375 per cent, or a fee of 4Vi per cent for services through construction Architecture Building: 4.5 per cent, or a fee of 6 per cent for services through construction Engineering and Science Office Building: 4.125 per cent, or a fee of Wi per cent for services through construction Engineering and Science Laboratory Addition: 3.75 per cent, or a fee of 5 per cent for services through construction Library Addition: 3.75 per cent, or a fee of 5 per cent for services through construction Harry Weese and Associates, Chicago --- Physical Education Building: 4.125 per cent, or a fee of 5V2 per cent for services through construction Completion of the above studies was declared to be in the public interest by the General Assembly in 1963, and the funding will be by the Illinois Building Authority through the sale of bonds. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. LEASES WITH THE ILLINOIS BUILDING AUTHORITY (23) The Board of Trustees on February 19, 1964, authorized the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board to execute the necessary documents to permit the Illinois Building Authority to proceed with certain University projects which the Seventy-third General Assembly of the state of Illinois had declared to be in the public interest. The Illinois Building Authority has since forwarded to the University forms of the leases which it requests be used for these projects, and it is requested that the Board of Trustees take specific action to approve the same. Copies of said lease forms are presented herewith and are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The leases relate to the following University projects and are on the terms indicated: indicated: Project A. Movable Equipment B. Civil En- Legislative Declaration $ 4 799 500 Amount of IB A Bonds $ 4 912 032 Rent Due May 1, 1964 $ 751 541 Annual Rent Due September 1, 1965, and Each Year Thereafter $486 290 Total Rental Payments $ 7 559 601 gineering Building.. C. Land for 4 216 000 4 351 411 479 090 306 340 7 831 250 Building Sites..... D. Planning Congress 1 000 200 1 032 302 113 656 72 675 1 857 856 Circle Campus. . 900 000 928 901 102 272 65 395 1 671 752 Total... $10 915 700 $11 224 646 $1 446 559 $930 700 $18 920 459 1116 board of trustees [March 18 Funds for the rental payments under the leases during the current biennium, 1963-65, are available from appropriations made by the General Assembly. The Vice-President and Comptroller, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Legal Counsel recommend that the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board of Trustees be given specific authorization to execute these leases in substantially the form presented in this meeting and that the following resolution be adopted. I concur. Resolution Whereas in accordance with the Illinois Building Authority Act, the Seventy-third General Assembly of the State of Illinois has declared it to be in the public interest that certain buildings and other facilities be provided for and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Whereas the Illinois Building Authority has requested the University of Illinois to enter into the following leases in order to provide said buildings and facilities; Now, therefore, be it and it is hereby resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as follows : Section 1. That The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby authorizes the Comptroller and Secretary of this Board of Trustees to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this corporation leases with the Illinois Building Authority in substantially the forms presented to this meeting for the following buildings and facilities: A. Equipment for University of Illinois buildings constructed from the Universities Building Fund requiring an initial rental payment May 1, 1964, of $751,541, annual rental payments September 1, 1965, and each year thereafter of $486,290, with total rental payments of $7,559,601. B. Construction of a Civil Engineering Building at Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, requiring an initial rental payment May 1, 1964, of $479,090, annual rental payments September 1, 1965, and each year thereafter of $306,340, with total rental payments of $7,831,250. C. Land for building sites in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, requiring an initial rental payment May 1, 1964, of $113,656, annual rental payments September 1, 1965, and each year thereafter of $72,675, with total rental payments of $1,857,856. D. Plans and planning to complete architectural studies, Congress Circle, Chicago, requiring an initial rental payment May 1, 1964, of $102,272, annual rental payments September 1, 1965, and each year thereafter of $65,395, with total rental payments of $1,671,752. On motion of Mr. Swain, authority was given as recommended, and the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION OF PROPERTY FOR ADDITION TO WATER RESOURCES BUILDING (24) The Board of Trustees on February 19, 1964, authorized the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to transfer to the Illinois Building Authority certain property for an addition to the Water Resources Building. The Illinois Building Authority has since requested that the Board of Trustees and the Department of Registration and Education jointly transfer said real estate and jurisdiction thereof to the Illinois Building Authority pursuant to the Illinois Building Authority Act so that the addition to the Water Resources Building can be constructed thereon. The Seventy-third General Assembly has declared the construction of such addition for and on behalf of the Department of Registration and Education to be in the public interest. The Department of Registration and Education has agreed that said real 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 11.17 estate and jurisdiction thereof is to be returned to the University when the terms of the Department's lease with the Illinois Building Authority have been complied with. The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant recommend that the resolution adopted on February 19, 1964, regarding this transaction be rescinded and that the following resolution be adopted. I concur. Resolution Whereas the Seventy-third General Assembly of the State of Illinois has declared it to be in the public interest that the Illinois Building Authority construct an Addition to the Water Survey Building in Champaign, Illinois, for and on behalf of the Department of Registration and Education of the State of Illinois; and Whereas for that purpose it will be necessary for the Illinois Building Authority to acquire the real estate and jurisdiction thereof upon which said Addition to the present Water Survey Building will be located; and Whereas The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois with its principal office in Urbana, Illinois, has been requested by the Director of the Department of Registration and Education to join with that Department in transferring to the Illinois Building Authority jurisdiction of the real estate for the construction of the Addition to the Water Survey Building. Now, therefore, be it and it is hereby resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as follows: Section 1. That the Comptroller and Secretary of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois be and they are authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this corporation an instrument of transfer of jurisdiction of the following described property to the Illinois Building Authority, to wit: Situated in the State of Illinois, the County of Champaign, the City of Champaign, in the NE Va NW Va of Section 18, Township 19 North, Range 9 East of the third principal meridian; being a part of Block 1 of J. S. Wright's addition to the City of Champaign and being more fully bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of said Block 1, said corner being the intersection of the East property line of Sixth Street and the South property line of Springfield Avenue, both in the City of Champaign, and being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence easterly along the South property line of said Springfield Avenue, a distance of 106.3 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with an iron pipe monument; thence southerly along a line parallel to the East property line of said Sixth Street, a distance of 71.0 feet to a corner; thence easterly along a line parallel to the South property line of said Springfield Avenue, a distance of 1.3 feet to a corner; thence southerly along a line parallel to the East property line of said Sixth Street, a distance of 61.0 feet to a corner, said corner being marked with a cross cut in the concrete pavement; thence westerly along a line parallel to the South property line of said Springfield Avenue, a distance of 107.6 feet to a corner on the East property line of said Sixth Street, said corner being marked with a cross cut in concrete; thence northerly along the East property line of said Sixth Street, a distance of 132.0 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.32 acres, more or less; in such terms as will permit said Illinois Building Authority to construct thereon an Addition to the present Water Survey Building and lease the same to the Department of Registration and Education of the State of Illinois. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the resolution adopted February 19, 1964, regarding this transaction was rescinded and the above resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. 1118 board of trustees [March 18 TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION OF PROPERTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERING BUILDING (25) The Illinois Building Authority has requested the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to transfer the real estate and jurisdiction thereof which constitutes the site of the Civil Engineering Building to be constructed by the Authority for the University under a lease agreement heretofore authorized by the Board. At the October 26, 1963, meeting, the Board authorized the acquisition of a portion of the site from the city of Urbana with appropriated funds. The Vice-president and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant request authorization to complete such acquisition from general contract reserves instead of appropriated funds. The Vice-President and Comptroller, the Director of the Physical Plant, and the Legal Counsel also recommend the adoption of the following resolution to authorize the transfer requested by the Illinois Building Authority. I concur. Resolution Whereas the Seventy-third General Assembly of the State of Illinois has declared it to be in the public interest that the Illinois Building Authority construct a Civil Engineering Building in Urbana, Illinois, for and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Whereas for that purpose it will be necessary for the Illinois Building Authority to acquire the real estate and jurisdiction thereof upon which said Civil Engineering Building will be located; and Whereas The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois with its principal office in Urbana, Illinois, has been requested by the Illinois Building Authority to transfer the real estate and jurisdiction thereof for the construction of the Civil Engineering Building. Now therefore, be it and it is hereby resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as follows: Section 1. That the Comptroller and Secretary of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois be and they are authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this corporation an instrument of transfer of jurisdiction of the following described property to the Illinois Building Authority to wit: Tract 1: Lot Three (3), Lot Four (4), Lot Five (5), Lot Six (6), Lot Seven (7), and Lot Eight (8) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois; and also Tract 2: That portion of Romine Street and Alley situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois vacated by an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of a Street and an Alley" adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois on the twentieth day of January, A.D., 1964 and bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest (NW) corner of Lot Five (S) in Block Fifty-one (SI) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign and State of Illinois, and thence West (W) sixty-six feet (66') along the South (S) line of Main Street extended to a point, thence South (S) along a line parallel to the West (W) property line of Lots Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Fifty-one (Si) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana Two Hundred Eighty and Five Tenths feet (280.5'), more or less, to a point on the North (N) property line of Stoughton Street extended West (W), Sixty-six feet (66') West (W) of the Southwest (SW) corner of said Lot Six (6), and thence East (E) Sixty-six feet (66') along the North (N) property line of Stoughton Street extended West (W) to the Southwest (SW) corner of said Lot Six (6) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, thence North (N) One Hundred Thirty-two feet (132') more or less, along the West (W) property line of said Lot Six (6) to the Northwest corner (NW) of said Lot Six (6), thence East (E) One Hundred Ninety- 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1119 eight feet (198') more or less, along the North (N) property line of Lots Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana to the Northeast (NE) corner of said Lot Eight (8), thence North (N) Sixteen and One Half feet (I61/2') more or less, to the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot Three (3) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, thence West (W) along the South (S) property line of Lots Three (3), Four (4), and Five (5) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana One Hundred Ninety-eight feet (198') more or less, to the Southwest (SW) corner of said Lot Five (5) in Block Fifty-one (51) of Seminary Addition to Urbana, thence North (N) along the West (W) property line of said Lot Five (5) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, One Hundred Thirty-two feet (132'), more or less, to the Northwest (NW) corner of said Lot Five (5) in Block Fifty-one (51) of Seminary Addition to Urbana, the point of beginning; subject to easements to the City of Urbana, Illinois upon and under the above described tract for the maintenance and repair of all sewers and drains which are located on or under the surface of any part of the above described tract and subject to easements to all public utilities, their successors and assigns to operate, maintain and renew and reconstruct their facilities as now operated and maintained in, over, or under the above described tract. Being the site upon which the Illinois Building Authority is to construct and complete the Civil Engineering Building. On motion of Mr. Page, authority was given as recommended, and the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CIVIL ENGINEERING BUILDING. PHASE 1 (26) Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department of the bids received on February 21 and February 28, 1964, for construction of the Civil Engineering Building, Phase 1, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. In accordance with the Illinois Building Authority Act, the Seventy-third General Assembly of the state of Illinois declared the expenditure of $4,216,000 for the construction of a Civil Engineering Building at Champaign-Urbana which will be financed by the Illinois Building Authority to be in the public interest. The funds for construction will be provided by the issuance and sale of bonds by the Illinois Building Authority, which bonds will be serviced and retired from revenues from the lease of the facility to the University, and for which lease rental payments the University has received an appropriation. Additional funds are available from a grant from the National Institutes of Health. The Board has heretofore authorized the transfer of jurisdiction of the building site to the Illinois Building Authority and the execution of a lease oi the property back to the University. The lease provides that the Illinois Building Authority will construct the building and the construction bids received should now be assigned to the Authority and recommendations made as to the awards. Accordingly, the Vice-President and Comptroller, the Director of the Physical Plant Department, and the Legal Counsel recommend the adoption of the following resolution. I concur. Resolution Be It, and It Hereby Is, Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the bids received on February 21 and February 28, 1964, for the construction of Civil Engineering Building, Phase 1, and all rights thereunder, including but not limited to, the right to contract with the bidder, be and they hereby are, assigned to the Illinois Building Authority; and this Board of Trustees recommends to the Illinois Building Authority that contracts for construction of a 1120 board of trustees [March 18 Civil Engineering Building, Phase 1, be awarded by the Illinois Building Authority as follows: Division I General --- Pathman Construction Company, Chicago Base bid.......................................... $1 983 793 Additive alternates for: I A. Assignment of other contracts.............. 45 000 IB. Storage mezzanine........................ 4 000 IC. Change in finish of aluminum louvers....... 750 ID. Change in finish of aluminum fascia........ 2 200 IE. Add dumbwaiter .......................... 3 500 IG. Changing to gray plate glass............... 500 IH. Change in finish for aluminum windows.... 7 000 Deductive alternate for: IF. Substituting Adams and Westlake windows for those specified in base bid............... ---14 000 $2 032 743 Division II Electrical --- G. L. Wilsky, an individual doing business as Downtown Electric, Urbana Base bid.......................................... 345 325 Additive alternates for: IIC. Installing public address system............ 1 800 IID. Wiring for added mezzanine.............. 500 IIF. For adding "Message Available" system. ... 5 900 Deductive alternates for: IIB. Substitute day brite fixtures for those specified.................................. ---8 000 HE. Substitute fuse type main switch board for breaker type .............................. ---11 000 334 525 Division III Plumbing Work --- Economy Plumbing and Heating Company, Inc., Skokie Base bid..................................................... 231 869 Division IV Heating and Air Conditioning Work --- Ideal Heating Company, Chicago...................................................... 377 777 Division V Ventilating Work---Mellish and Murray Company, Chicago Base bid.......................................... 251 800 Additive alternate for: VA. Increased air conditioning capacity......... 800 Deductive alternate for: VF. Prefabricated boiler stack in lieu of steel stack. ---2 700 249 900 Division VI Temperature Control Work --- Johnson Service Company, Urbana Base bid..................................................... 39 000 Division VII Laboratory Equipment Work --- Duralab Equipment Corporation, Brooklyn, New York Base bid.......................................... 248 500 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1121 Deductive alternates for: VIIB. Substitute Alberene stone tops for serpentine tops.................................. ---4 718 VIIC. Substitute Labline environment rooms for hot pack rooms............................ ---27 500 216 282 Total........................................................ $3 482 096 The Board of Trustees further recommends to the Illinois Building Authority that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for general work, making a total for such contract $3,482,096, and that an agreement be entered into with the Pathman Construction Company, Chicago, for the assignment of these other contracts for $45,000 which amount is included in the aforesaid contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. PURCHASES (27) The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Institutional Funds and purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University). The former term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government; contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants, and grants from corporations and other donors; and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Pressure reaction vessel for performing Biological American Instrument $ 2 968 00 chemical reactions under pressure Chemistry, Co., Inc.. delivered Chicago Barrington One spectrophotometer and accessories Biological Fisher Scientific Co., 5 588 30 Chemistry, Chicago delivered Chicago Research services for a study of effi- Office of Research American Institute for 20 316 00 cient use of medical manpower in Medical Research, Education, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chicago One indicating type automatic differ- Medical Phoenix Precision 4 377 00 ential retractometer Physiology, Instrument Co., Inc., f.o.b. Chicago Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago 300 mouse cages with tops Medical Research Hoeltge. Inc., 3 180 00 Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio delivered Chicago One lot of metal furniture for work- Medicine, Chicago Desks, Inc., 8 437 60 shop, study areas, library, and of- Chicago delivered fices, in the Department of Medical , and Education, to consist of eleven work installed tops with base cabinets up to 26 ft. in length, twenty-one desks, and six files Thirty microscopes less trade-in of Illini Bookstore, Aloe Scientific Division. 5 670 00 thirty used microscopes Chicago Schiller Park delivered 1122 board of trustees [March 18 Item Department Vendor Cost Linens consisting of 250 dozen sheets, Physical Plant, Kansas City White Goods, $6 735 50 850 dozen towels, 500 dozen wash Chicago Kansas City, Mo. cloths, 76 dozen pads. 200 dozen 150 dozen sheets pillow cases, 50 dozen dish cloths, 500 dozen bath towels 50 dozen bed pan covers 200 dozen pillow cases 50 dozen bed pan covers Haag Brothers, 2 491 20 Skokie 100 dozen sheets 100 dozen surgical towel! i 40 dozen pads Will Ross, Inc.. 1 182 50 Milwaukee, Wis. 500 dozen wash cloths 250 dozen towels 50 dozen dish cloths Mills Hospital Supply, 115 20 Chicago 36 dozen pads (10 524 40) delivered 279 CO fire extinguishers and 266 Congress Circle Walter Kidde & Co., Inc., 8 498 54 water-pressurized fire extinguishers Chicago for Congress Circle campus One gas chromatograph, dual column, Agricultural Wilkens Instrument & 5 946 05 with flame and thermal conductivity Engineering Research Inc., f.o.b. detectors, temperature programmer, Walnut Creek, Calif. delivered recorder with integrated disc, hydro- gen generator and one 10 milliliter gas-tight syringe, to be used in studies of spray residues from herb- icides and pesticides on farm land Services for depreservation, prepar- Institute of Aero Services, Inc., 2 634 00 ation for ferrying, and ferrying services of two federal surplus C47 air- Aviation Tucson, Ariz. f.o.b. delivered planes from Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona, to the University of IUinois-Willard Air- port One D.C. milliammeter, 1-ma to 10 Institute of Hewlett-Packard Co., c/o 2 565 00 amps Aviation Crossley Associates, Inc. f.o.b. One current probe, 1 rav/ma + 1% at Chicago shipping 1 KC; point One digital voltmeter, four-digit, ac- curacy $pM 0.05% $pM 1 digit One audio distortion analyzer, 20 cps to 20 KC (Item 4) All for student instruction One oscilloscope, dual-trace sampling. Botany Tektronix, Inc., 3 434 00 with timing unit and passive probes. Park Ridge f.o.b. 2 mv/cm to 200 mv/cm calibrated Beaverton, sensitivity, bandwidth 1 kmc Ore. One gas chromatograph, single column Chemistry and Wilkens Instrument & 2 639 57 double oven type, with fiame-ioni- Chemical Research, Inc., f.o.b. zation detector, thermal conductivity Engineering Walnut Creek, Calif. delivered detector, wheatstone bridge and oven with inlet splitter, to be used for the investigation of the role of long chain aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes as they effect the chemiluminescent quantum yield of bacterial enzyme One accessory system to expand the Chemistry and Varian Associates. 4 115 00 EPR spectrometer system originally Chemical Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. approved for purchase on February 19, 1964 Engineering delivered One x-ray generator and control, 5 kv, Chemistry and Philips Electronic 4 950 00 50 ma Chemical Instruments, f.o.b. One tube, x-ray diffraction, four-win- Engineering Chicago delivered iwW , LillL 1ULUQ One preparative centrifuge, refrigerated, vacuum type with one high Chemistry and Spinco Division, Beckman 9 751 00 Chemical Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. capacity angle rotor head and one Engineering Palo Alto. Calif. delivered swinging bucket rotor, for use in the purification and separation of crys- talline particle inclusions by the Biochemistry Division of the De- partment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering One signal converter and generator. Chemistry and Procedyne Associates, Inc. , 2 783 50 output both sinusoidal and step- Chemical New Brunswick, N.J. f.o.b. signal, two-pen variable speed elec- Engineering delivered tronic recorder, frequencies 1-cps to 1-cph, ranges 1-5 mllliamps and 10- 50 milliamps 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1123 Item Department Vendor Cost Two oscilloscopes, time base "A" 0.1 microseconds/cm to 5 seconds/cm, time base "B" 2 microseconds/cm to i second/cm Six scope probes One wide-band plug-in unit DC-14 me One dual trace plug-in unit DC-15 me Coordinated Science Laboratory Tektronix, Inc., Park Ridge $ 3 537 00 f.o.b. Beaverton, Ore. One recorder, data tape, four simultaneous data record channels at selectable speeds of 30, IS, Z>%, or 1 % inches per second plus one voice record and playback channel at same selectable speeds and four simultaneous playback channels at selectable speeds of 30 or 1 % inches per second Coordinated Science Laboratory M inneapolis- H oneywell Regulator Co., Chicago 8 795 00 f.o.b. delivered 166 sheets glass epoacy laminate, 2 oz. copper clad on both sides, coated with protective plastic and sealed in polyethylene bags Fifty sheets glass epoxy laminate, 2 oz. copper clad on one side, coated with protective plastic and sealed in polyethylene bags Digital Computer Laboratory The Mica Corp., Chicago 2 726 28 f.o.b. delivered 5,000 transistors type SM-1660 (selected 2N967) Digital Computer Laboratory Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., Chicago 3 000 00 f.o.b. Phoenix, Ariz. 1,500 diodes, type 1N373O Digital Computer Laboratory Raytheon Co., Franklin Park 2 835 00 f.o.b. delivered 2,000 connectors, printed circuit. 0.078-22 pin, double sided phosphor bronze wire wrap terminals Digital Computer Laboratory Cinch Manufacturing Co., Chicago 3 360 00 f.o.b. Chicago t ,900 transformers, special for memory systems, per Digital Computer Laboratory specifications Digital Computer Laboratory Wabash Magnetics, Inc., Wabash, Ind. 3 180 00 f.o.b. delivered Furniture for various lounge areas in the new College of Education Building as follows: twenty-six arm chairs, six sofas, twenty-eight side chairs, nine tables Education Marshall Field & Co., Chicago 5 028 60 f.o.b. delivered Classroom furniture for use in the elementary education laboratory classrooms and other classrooms in the new College of Education Building as follows: 283 fiberglass chairs with ganging feature and large folding writing surface, ninety-five fiberglass stacking chairs, thirty trapezoidal tables, eleven rectangular tables, four half round tables, five teachers desks Education Mackin Sales Co., Momence 11 317 05 f.o.b. delivered and set in place One television tape recorder, transistorized, portable, and designed to record and play back standard EIA television signals or closed circuit industrial signals One set extra video heads Education Ampex Corp., Elmhurst 12 210 16 f.o.b. delivered Lounge furniture for the new College of Education Building consisting of the following: five upholstered sofas, eight upholstered lounge chairs, seventeen occasional tables, two coffee tables Education Weger Institutional Designs, Lansing, Mich. 5 709 66 f.o.b. delivered One antenna model support tower system including a transmitting antenna polarization mount Electrical Engineering Antlab, Inc., Worthington, Ohio 14 815 00 f.o.b. delivered One wide-range receiving system for the study of antenna patterns, used, with frequency range of 30 me to 100 gc, with automatic frequency and automatic gain controls, thirty-day new equipment warranty on receiver, less backward wave oscillator Electrical Engineering Scientific-Atlanta, Inc., Atlanta, Ga. 5 200 00 f.o.b. Atlanta. Ga. 1124 board of trustees [March 18 Item Department Vendor Cost One ultra-high vacuum system con- Electrical ULTEK Corp., $ 15 468 50 sisting of ion pump and control, in- Engineering Palo Alto, Calif. f.o.b. ternal heater and control titanium Research delivered sublimation pump and control, three Laboratory sorption pumps, three liquid nitrogen containers, bakeout heater, bakeable roughing valve, bell jar joist, stain- less steel frame, 6-inch isolation valve, cryogenic shroud, base-plate and well, pyrex bell jar, rotary mo- tion triggered discharge gauge and control, and 2 kva power supply One plasma jet heater capable of oper- Mechanical and Giannini Scientific Corp., 5 475 00 ating at power levels from 2 kw to Industrial Western Springs f.o.b. 80 kw continuously with low contam- Engineering delivered ination of the jet flame by electrode erosion and capable of operating on nitrogen, argon, helium, and simu- lated air (Note: This purchase will be made from both Institutional Funds, $5,475.00, and Appropriated Funds. J5.475.00, for a total of J10.95O.0O.) One gas chromatograph, including com- Microbiology Wilkens Instrument & 4 402 75 bination flame and electron-capture Research, Inc., f.o.b. detector, dual differential electrom- Chicago delivered eter linear temperature programmer, effluent splitter and dual channel re- corder, to be used for biological anal- yses of sugar derivatives and sulphur compounds One crystal growing furnace modified Mining, NRC Equipment Corp., 10 120 00 for continuous operation at 1,700" Metallurgy, and Newton Highlands, f.o.b. centigrade, including two sight parts Petroleum Mass. delivered for research work on metallic carbide CI"V3tELls Engineering Helium gas, approximately 600,000 Physics Air Reduction Co., 36 000 00 cubic feet, for the period April 1, St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. 1964, through June 30, 1965 delivered One computer of average transients, Physiology and Mnemotron Division of 9 966 00 four Inputs, input impedance 20.000 Biophysics TMC. f.o.b. ohms, maximum signal input + 3 Minneapolis, Minn. delivered volts, 400 analysis points of address, and analysis times 31.5 milliseconds to 16 installed seconds, memory capacity 10M One flowmeter, dual channel, electro- Theoretical and Beta Corp. of St. Louis, 4 250 00 magnetic, plus an option to buy two Applied St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. additional accessory channels if the Mechanics delivered initial tests of the basic equipment warrant expansion of the operational capacity Four electronic instrumentation lab- Industrial Heath Co., 4 500 00 oratories Education Benton Harbor, Mich. f.o.b. Six workbench cabinet units for above Eenton Harbor, Mich. 50,000 pounds anhydrous ammonia to Dixon Springs Hy-Yield Fertilizer Co., 3 875 00 be furnished and applied on approxi- Experiment Murphysboro f.o.b. mately 500 acres of corn land at the Station delivered Dixon Springs Experiment Station, and Simpson spread Furniture for Orchard Downs apart- Housing Division Associated Service & 40 282 78 ments: 180 beds, 180 chests, 145 Supply Co., f.o.b. dining tables, 200 side chairs, 180 Chicago Gardner. lounge chairs, 356 end tables Mass. Furniture for Illinois Street Residence Housing Division Joerns Furniture Co., 82 647 12 Halls, Graduate Residence Halls, and Stevens Point, Wis. f.o.b. family housing units in Orchard delivered Downs: 176 student desks with trapezoidal tops, 650 student desks with rectangular tops, 592 single beds China, fully vitrified, for the Illinois Housing Division E. A. Hinrichs & Co., 35 545 88 Street Residence Halls and for Cen- Lincolnwood f.o.b. tral Food Stores stock: 910 dozen delivered dinner plates, 9)4 in.; 1,300 dozen salad plates, 6% in-i 339 dozen cups. 7Ji oz.; 590 dozen saucers, 5% in.; 1,544 dozen soup nappies, 6% in.; 1,907 dozen sauce dishes, 5 in.; 360 dozen cups, special mug 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1125 Item Department Vendor Cost Furnish and install carpeting in tbe Pine Lounge and Browsing Room of Illini Union Chicago Carpet & Fabric Co., $ 4 500 00 f.o.b. Illini Union (North) Chicago delivered and installed 1,000 stacking chairs with upholstered IUini Union S. Buckman Furniture & 20 942 60 seats and backs for the Illini Union Supply Co.. f.o.b. Spring Valley delivered Steel office furniture to provide for an- Office Supply Weber, Hilmer, & 146 220 66 ticipated requirements for new build- Storeroom Johnson, Inc. ings under construction at Urbana (distributor), and at the Medical Center and for Chicago storeroom stocks Group A The Globe Wernicke Co. (manufacturer), Cincinnati, Ohio Group B 7 795 99 (154 016 65) f.o.b. delivered Wood office furniture for administra- Office Supply Rogard's, 4 642 86 tive offices in the new Education Storeroom Champaign f.o.b. Building: eleven desks, six credenzas. delivered one office table, two conference ta- bles, ten conference arm chairs Print and bind 5,000 copies of Black University Press North Central 2 390 70 Hawk: An Autobiography, by Donald Publishing Co., f.o.b. Jackson, approximately 176 pages, St. Paul. Minn. delivered trim size S| in. by 8 in. Print and bind 2,500 copies Urban Land University Press Pantagraph Printing & 7 418 40 Use Planning, by Stuart Chapin. Jr., Stationery Co.. f.o.b. trim size 7 in. by 9 % in., approxi- Bloomington delivered mately 482 pages per copy Fifteen tons fertilizer, high nitrogen Physical Plant Kahn Brothers Co., 4 567 05 content fertilizer, analysis 38-0-0 Chicago f.o.b. delivered One refuse packer, hydraulically oper- Physical Plant Coleman & Associates, 7 301 00 ated, with a capacity of 150 cubic Rockford f.o.b. yards per hour delivered One refuse container, 33 cubic yard capacity, modified to operate with above refuse packer Purchases from Appropriated Funds Two each controlled-environment plant College of Liberal Sherer-Gillett Co., 18 6J0 00 growth chambers with walkway, Arts and Marshall, Mich. delivered complete with one humidifying sys- Sciences. and tem consisting of water vaporizer Congress Circle installed solenoid-actuated; two electronic hu- midity dual controls; two dehumid- ifying systems consisting of heating and cooling coils; and two each two- pen wet and dry bulb recording re- corders, to be delivered and installed in the Engineering Science Building at Congress Circle Electronic language laboratory equip- College of Liberal Watland. Inc., 62 561 00 ment for installation at Congress Arts and Chicago delivered Circle Classroom Building in eight Sciences, and rooms, consisting of 105 student Congress Circle installed booths complete with headset micro- phones and dial positions; two lan- guage consoles, one sixty-position and one fifteen-position; console switchracks; power supply unitB; program cabinets; twenty reel-to- reel program machines and two re- mote record series; and including dismantling, relocation, and inte- grating into new system of existing language laboratory now located at Navy Pier 1126 board of trustees [March 18 Item Deportment Vendor Cost Furnish and install thirteen pieces of Physics, Congress Alta Products Co., $ 136 37 machine equipment, complete with Circle Chicago accessories, at Congress Circle Cam- Adams & Nelson, 390 00 pus, consisting of the following: one Chicago each precision toolmakers' lathe, tur- Barrett-Christie Co., 341 00 ret milling machine, band saw, bench Chicago grinder, electric treating furnace, Don G. Beck Co., 4 507 37 surface grinding machine, disc Sander, Chicago drill press, power hacksaw, arbor Boyd Wagner Co., 1 081 61 press, precision filing machine, sur- Chicago face plate and stand Brown & Sharpe 5 210 00 Manufacturing Co., Providence, R.I. Grand Tool & Supply Co., 309 60 Chicago Monarch Machine Tool Co., 11 765 00 Oak Park delivered and installed (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds. $22,138.19, and Institutional Funds, $1,602.76, for a total of $23,740.95.) One lawn sprinkler system Physical Plant, Andrew McCann, 3 155 00 Chicago Chicago installed Six recorders, tape, two-track, 3% and Education Bilbo Electronics, Inc., 6 706 50 7J4 in- Per second, standard rack Springfield f.o.b. mount professional studio quality, 30 delivered to 15,000 cps Twelve plug-in microphone pre-amp-lifiers Eighteen dissecting microscopes, with Entomology Lukas Microscope Service, 6 636 60 inclined binocular bodies and three Skokie f.o.b. objective revolving nosepieces, for a delivered maximum magnification of 90X; less trade-in of twenty obsolete micro- scopes One cooling tower, furnished and set in Mechanical and Binks Manufacturing Co., 4 185 00 place with capacity of 700 gallons per Industrial Chicago f.o.b. minute water flow, approximately 15 Engineering delivered degree temperature rise, 85 degree and set leaving water temperature, and 75 in place degree wet bulb temperature; tower to be capable of withstanding 40 pounds per square foot snow load and 100 miles per hour wind load Eight pianos, grand, ebony finish, vari- Music Peoria Musical Instrument ous sizes; less trade-in of nine grand Co., pianos of similar type and size Peoria Four pianos 9 200 00 Emerson Piano House, Inc. Decatur One piano 3 995 00 Riley Music, Champaign Two pianos 3 962 00 Clifford V. Lloyde Piano Co., Champaign One piano 1 890 00 (19 047 00) f.o.b. delivered Film tank service and approximately Radiology Philip A. Hunt Chemical 9 140 90 402 cartons of x-ray solutions for two Corp., delivered automatic x-ray film processing units Chicago for the period beginning July 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement One instructional apparatus, including Theoretical and Scott Aviation Corp., 3 120 83 a turbofan project with power sup- Applied ply, smoke generator and nozzle, and Mechanics Boca Raton, Fla. f.o.b. delivered one force moment balance project for study of fluid dynamics Rental of caps, gowns, and hoods for Committee on Collegiate Cap & Gown Co. ,6 750 00 faculty members and graduating stu- Commencement Champaign dents for the June 13, 1964, Com- E. R. Moore Co., 3 192 50 mencement; estimated number of Chicago costumes required for the Urbana (9 942 50) and Chicago campuses: 1,833 bach- f.o.b. elors, 362 masters, 317 doctors delivered (Ph.D.), 195 doctors (M.D.), 95 doc- tors (D.D.S.) 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1127 Item Department Vendor Cost Print and bind 35,000 copies of Under-graduate Courses, 1964-65, trim size University Press R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Inc., $10 400 00 f.o.b. 6 in. by 9 in., approximately 240 Chicago delivered pages per copy Print and bind 800 copies of Index University Press Cushing-Malloy, Inc., 4 683 00 Verborum in Ciceronis Rhelorica, by Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. Kenneth M. Abbott, approximately 1,184 pages delivered One tractor, 1964, with power steering. Physical Plant Economy Implements, Inc. , 3 100 00 four-speed reversing transmission. Urbana f.o.b. three-point hitch assembly, all weath- delivered er steel cab with electric windshield wipers, heater, and defroster, power take off unit, and V-type snow plow with hydraulic ram type lift system; less trade-in of 1952 utility tractor and V-type snow plow One lot of steel laboratory furniture Physical Plant Laboratory Furniture Co., 3 132 00 consisting of the following items: Inc., f.o.b. twenty base units, two two-student Mineola, N.Y. delivered tables, one student physics table, four alberene stone sinks, one car- bonized birch pegboard, and five wall storage cabinets with sliding glass doors, to be used in the remodel- ing of a laboratory in the Floriculture Building Eleven automobiles, 1964 model, four- Physical Plant Courtesy Motor Sales, Inc. door sedans with automatic trans- Chicago (Ford) missions and V-8 engines, less trade- Six automobiles 6 230 00 in of eight 1962. two 1961 model University Ford, four-door sedans with automatic Champaign (Ford) transmission and six cylinder engines. Three automobiles 3 276 00 and one 1961 model compact, four- Rhodes Chevrolet, door sedan with automatic trans- Farmer City (Chevrolet) mission and six cylinder engine Two automobiles 2 800 00 (Total 12 306 00) f.o.b. delivered On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (28) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period February 1 to 29, 1964. Amount to be i to zy, iyo-t. Amount to be With Whom Purpose Paid to the University Effective Dale Association of Iron and Shelling of crane wheels $42 526 00 November 6, 1963 Steel Engineers Chicago Copper & Preparation and evaluation of fer- 2 500 00 January 6, 1964 Chemical Co. roelectric barium titanate The Hammond Lead Reaction kinetics and solution mech- 2 500 00 February 7, 1964 Products Co. anisms in glaze-body systems Lincoln Park District Appraisal of the recreation areas and 700 00 October 10, 1963 facilities of city and park districts Superintendent of Conduct demonstration and experi- 123 453 00 November 22, 1963 Public Instruction mental projects in the field of ed- ucation of gifted children Superintendent of Conduct centers, experimental pro- 126 098 00 January 14, 1964 Public Instruction jects, and institutes in the field of education of gifted children United States Air Force Matrix isolation and mass spectro- 48 388 00 January 1, 1964 AF-AFOSR-588-64 metric studies of species produced in a shock tube United States Air Force Experimental aspects of the polaron 26 176 00 February 1, 1964 AF-AFOSR-599-64 United States Air Force Cardiovascular effects of refeeding 24 936 00 December 1, 1963 AF41(609)-2185 stress United States Atomic Studies on (1) binding of radionu- 25 257 00 December 1, 1963 Energy Commission clide metals in the chromosomes of AT(11-1)-1342 plant cells; (2) genetic consequen- ces of this binding; (3) maize meristem activity and base analog effects on mutation in corn 1128 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 18 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date United States Theory of expectations applied to $ 37 907 00 February 1, 1964 Department of musical listening Health, Education and Welfare OE-4-10-105 United States Navy Modes of fracture of composite ma- 40 521 00 January 14. 1964 NOw 64-0178-d terials United States Navy Nonlinear discrete and sample-data 14 999 00 January 15, 1964 N123-(953)35240A control systems Total $515 961 00 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Ice Capades, Inc. Presentation of "Ice Capades" 70 per cent of December 6, 1963 (seven performances) gross proceeds Space Craft, Inc. (sub- Electron density and collision fre- $ 12 756 00 January 17, 1964 contract with National quency in the lower regions of the Aeronautics and ionosphere Space Administration, NSG-504) State's Attorney of Payment for services rendered by 28 716 00 January 23, 1964 Champaign County local governmental units (108 properties located in Champaign County) State's Attorney of Payment for services rendered by 3 214 00 January 23, 1964 Champaign County local governmental units (Student- Staff Apartments) Total $44 686 00 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date International Business Rental of office machines, four $ 5 750 00 September, Machines Corp. items: $76.80 to J4.71J.60 October, and November, 1963 International Harvester Rental of farm machinery, two 2 452 00 October 7, 1963 Co. items: $335.00 and $2,117.00 Mrs. Rosemund Lowry Rental of premises at 1007 S. Fifth 2 475 00 February 1, 1964 (renewal) Street, Champaign, from Feb- ruary 1, 1964, to June IS, 1964 for student housing (one semester) MacCarthy Ford Tractor Rental of farm machinery: one trac- 670 00 July 17, 1963 Sales, Inc. tor and one loader with attachments Massey-Ferguson, Inc. Rental of farm machinery, eight 1 139 00 December, 1963 items: $2.50 to $863.75 George Skaiidas, Rental of one building at 2004 Third 3 000 00 July 1, 1963 Elizabeth McGarry, Avenue, Rock Island, from July 1. 1963, to June 30. 1965, for Divi- (125.00 per and Sam F. Skafidas month) (renewal) sion of Services for Crippled Children University of Illinois Rental of entire second floor of 5 296 00 September 1, 1963 Foundation (renewal) building at 606J East Green (240.71 per (sublease with Bailey Street, Champaign, September 1, month) & Himes, Inc.) 1963. to June 30, 1965, for radio station WILL University of Illinois Rental of premises at 704 South 18 907 00 July 1, 1963 Foundation (renewal) Sixth Street, Champaign, from ($708.33 for July (sublease with Hayes July I, 1963. to June 30, 1965, for Physical Plant Department and and August, Building Account) 1963; $795.00 Audio-Visual Aids for balance of period) University of Illinois Rental of second floors at 601, 603, 14 400 00 July 1. 1963 Foundation (renewal) and 605 East Green Street, Cham- ($600.00 per (sublease with Chester paign, from July 1, 1963, to June month) E. Keller, receiver for 30, 1965, for Architectural Divi- Corrubia property) sion University of Illinois Rental of second floor at 611 and 613 6 380 00 September 1, 1963 Foundation (renewal) East Green Street, Champaign, ($290.00 per (sublease with Tom from September 1, 1963, to June month) and Josephine Merlo) 30, 1965, for Audio-Visual Aids Total $60 469 00 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1129 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Agricultural Chemicals Evaluation of a series of chlorinated $ 2 500 00 December 20, 1963 Division hydrocarbon compounds as insecticides Merck & Co., Inc. Growth stimulants in swine 3 000 00 July 1, 1963 Soft Phosphate Research I not! tuff" TtlP Phosphate utilization 4 000 00 January 29. 1964 United States Air Force Electromagnetic wave interaction 29 997 00 December 18. 1963 AF19(628)-2391 techniques United States Air Force High temperature resistant inorganic 1 200 00 February 4. 1964 AF33(657)-7422 structural adhesives with metals United States Air Force Electromagnetic and ferret recon- 210 000 00 October 31. 1963 AF33(657)-10474 naissance antenna techniques United States Army Experimental tetosis in man 30 914 00 January 31, 1964 DA-49-193-MD-2222 United States Army Chemistry and mechanism of action 34 999 00 January 7, 1964 DA-49-193-MD-2481 of potential antiviral agents United States Atomic Genetic/isotopic studies using the 23 230 00 January 1, 1964 Energy Commission microbial degradation of terpenoid AT(ll-l)-903 compound United States Atomic Pattern recognition and data han- 327 737 00 January 1. 1964 Energy Commission dling problems arising in the anal- ATU1-O-1018 ysis of bubble chamber photo- graphs of high energy particle events United States Atomic Pattern recognition and data han- 47 263 00 January 7, 1964 Energy Commission dling problems arising in the anal- AF(ll-l)-1018 ysis of bubble chamber photo- graphs of high energy particle events United States Atomic Kinetic isotope effects and related 35 640 00 February 1, 1964 Energy Commission chemical kinetic problems AT(11-1)-1142 United States Atomic Elementary particle interactions in 150 000 00 January 7. 1964 Energy Commission the high energy region. AT(11-1)11195 United States Atomic Understanding the nature of mate- 217 000 00 January 3, 1964 Energy Commission rials, predominantly solids AT(11-1)-1198 United States Atomic Understanding the nature of mate- 1 076 000 00 January 17, 1964 Energy Commission rials, predominantly solids AT(U-1)-U98 United States Navy Evaluate the effects of subfactors as 1 310 00 February 3, 1964 NObs-77137 weld geometry undercutting and welding conditions on fatigue be- havior of Hy-80-steels United States Navy Develop techniques and instrumen- 11 994 00 December 6, 1963 Nonr-1834(29) tation for measuring acoustic attenuation Total $2 206 784 00 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date George S. Grimmett & Seventeen items: #129.69 deduct to $1 818 00 January and Co. 3580.00 February, 1964 (Plastering) Summary Amount to be paid to the Amount to be paid by thi This report w; ..... $2 722 745 00 k T Iniversitv . 106 973 00 is received for record. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (29) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of en- dowment funds for the month of January, 1964: Pool Purchase $ 30 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 2/1S/80 $ 30 110 87 21 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 8/15/72 21 205 47 24/100 shares Monsanto Chemical Co. 13 44 1130 board of trustees [March 18 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reports the following changes in investments of current and unexpended plant funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Purchase $1 000 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/27/64 $994 729 17 500 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/26/64 497 566 11 600 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/30/64 594 133 33 500 000 Ford Motor Credit Corp. notes 9/15/64 486 222 22 200 000 Household Finance Corp. notes 9/15/64 194 488 89 100 000 Harris Trust Certificates 3% percent 11/12/64 100 000 00 of Deposit Exchange $ 500 000 U. S. Treasury ZY2 per cent 2/15/64 for Certificates of Indebtedness due 500 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 8/13/65 Construction Funds Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building Auxiliary (December 16, 1953) Purchase $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/23/64 $99 115 28 25 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 24 780 63 75 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 74 341 87 Sale $ 75 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 $ 74 358 41 Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 30 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/15/64 $ 29 724 36 78 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 77 342 24 Chicago --- Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963) Purchase $ 70 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/19/64 $ 69 568 18 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 17 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 $16 859 51 Orchard Downs (June 14, 1960) Purchase $ 67 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 $ 66 446 32 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Purchase $ 70 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/12/64 $ 69 671 39 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Purchase $ 60 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 $ 59 498 33 Sinking Funds Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958; June 23 and October 21, 1959; June 14, 1960; June 21, 1961; and May 24 and October 17, 1962) Purchase $ 704 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/31/64 $688 641 06 12 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/31/64 11738 20 62 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2% per cent 2/15/65 61 399 38 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 6 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/31/64 $ 5 88108 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1131 Men's Residence Halls of 1956 (September 18, 1956) Purchase $ 14 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2% per cent 2/15/65 $ 13 855 65 2 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% 5/15/65 2 002 50 Women's Residence Halls of 1956 (September 18, 1956, and February 15, 1961) Purchase $ 35 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 2/15/66 $ 34 770 31 14 000 U. S. Treasury notes 4 8/15/66 14 035 00 Men's Residence Halls of 1957 (March 12, 1957, and November 18, 1959) Purchase $ 81 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 5/15/65 $ 81 025 31 123 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2Y% 2/15/65 121 750 78 On motion of Mr. Swain, this report was received for record. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS FOR LONG-RANGE STUDIES. URBANA-CHAMPAIGN (30) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of Harrison and Abramovitz, New York, New York, for architectural studies on long-range campus planning at Urbana-Champaign on special assignments as required. Compensation will be on a time cost basis for technical personnel at usual and customary hourly rates plus 150 per cent to cover overhead and profit. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Williamson. PUBLISHED STATEMENTS OF PROFESSOR REVILO P. OLIVER President Henry presented the following communications which were previously sent to the members of the Board of Trustees. To the Members of the Board or Trustees: On February 19 I reported to you that Mr. Revilo Oliver's widely publicized comments on President John F. Kennedy and the Federal Government had stimulated a massive public reaction which, in my view, required official notice. You will recall that I stated that ordinarily the University takes no notice of a professor's comment or conduct as a citizen. His right to dissent, to express unorthodox views, and to criticize is protected by the tradition of academic freedom at the University of Illinois, in the academic world, and by the Statutes governing the University. I also indicated, however, that observance of professional standards is expected, even within the protection of academic freedom, and that, in my view, Mr. Oliver's expressions on public affairs raised questions as to whether he has complied with these expectations. I indicated further that since, by custom, the consideration of such questions is a matter for professionals, I would ask the Urbana-Champaign Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure to review the situation and give me their advice. The Board of Trustees, by formal action, endorsed my statement as making the following points: "1. Mr. Oliver did not speak for the University, its faculty, the administration, or this Board; 2. The University strongly supports the principles of academic freedom and established procedures which require that no action be taken without an opportunity for prior faculty consultation; 3. That the administration and the Board are now seeking faculty advice." 1132 board of trustees [March 18 I now submit the report from the Urbana-Champaign Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, unanimously adopted by that group, as follows: March 6, 1964 President David D, Henry 355 Administration (W) Dear President Henry : In your letter of February 21 addressed to the Chairman of our Committee you asked the Committee to review the "expressions on public affairs" contained in your statement to the Board of Trustees and to give you our advice "---as to whether University action of any kind concerning them or toward Professor Oliver because of them is indicated." We commend you for asking the faculty, as represented by this Committee, to give you its counsel, but your request poses a difficult question for the Committee. On the one hand we wish to be helpful to you and to support the policy that administrative officers of the University consult with the faculty before making decisions on issues of concern to the academic community; but on the other hand we are confronted with the fact that our current University statutes do not appear to give our Committee, or any other faculty body, the authority to consult with the President in situations of this kind. Furthermore the Committee on academic freedom must by provisions in our University statutes afford a hearing to any staff member who feels that his academic freedom is being jeopardized; and also conduct a hearing and make recommendations when asked by a staff member against whom charges have been filed by the President, when such charges relate to the academic freedom of the staff member. It can be argued therefore that any judgment made by this Committee in response to your request would impair the ability of the Committee to act impartially when and if asked by the staff member to conduct a hearing on his behalf. Despite these considerations the Committee has decided that it should respond to your request. To do otherwise would create the impression that the academic community at the University of Illinois is not concerned and that though the President wished to have the counsel of the faculty he could not get it. We know the academic community at the University of Illinois is concerned, and we refuse to accede to the unhappy and anomalous conclusion that the President has no right to confer with a responsible faculty committee about problems of great concern to the University and on which he must make decisions. We wish there were clear channels for such consultation and we would note in passing that when the proposed statutory revisions become effective such channels will exist. The exercise of academic freedom rights and privileges by a faculty is not without its price to a university, but the benefits greatly outweigh the costs. The public frequently does not realize why academic freedom is such a cherished value, and is so zealously guarded, by the academic community of scholars. In the furtherance of a university's educational objectives of exploring new fields, developing and transmitting new ideas, pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge, in short, in the search for the eternal verities, administrative restraint on the scholar searching for these truths must be avoided. If, in the exercise of this protected freedom of research and expression, and despite the statutory admonition that a professor is expected to observe professional standards of "accuracy, forthrightness, and dignity befitting his association with the university and his position as a man of learning," abuses of this privilege occur, restraints on such abuses must normally be provided by the adverse judgment of the individual's professional colleagues. He must withstand the full glare of critical professional judgment and condemnation for unprofessional, undignified, unsupported, or offensive utterances. He must have the right to be as ungloriously wrong, and suffer the professional consequences thereof, as to be gloriously right and receive the acclaim of his professional colleagues therefore. Thus when abuses occur, and the public image of a great university is somewhat tarnished as a result thereof, it must be recognized that the larger gain is in the brighter image of the university presented to the scholarly world of an institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning, and one willing to pay the price for strict adherence to this ideal. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1133 In view of these considerations, therefore, our Committee advises you: 1. That it approves your statement to the Board of Trustees on February 19, 1964. 2. That action of any kind concerning these expressions or toward Professor Oliver because of them is not indicated. Bruce L. Hicks Robert W. Johanksen Driver B. Lindsay Charles H. Bowman Elwood F. Reber Harold W. Hannah E. B. McNatt, Chairman Urbana-Champaign Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure It should be noted that my February 19, 1964, statement to the Board of Trustees, which the Committee has approved, contains the following paragraph: "That Mr. Oliver's views are not shared by this academic community is certain. I believe my colleagues agree, as I said earlier, that his unsupported accusations, and his unreasoned and vitriolic attack on the character and patriotism of President Kennedy are beyond the bounds of good taste in public comment and the normal proprieties of public debate." I concur in the advice of the Committee. 1 would add that I deplore the nature and manner of Mr. Oliver's comments which to so many appear to violate the canon that a faculty member in exercising his freedom of speech as a citizen should be mindful "that accuracy, forthright-ness, and dignity befit his association with the University and his position as a man of learning." This appraisal is widely shared but I do not believe that it is adequate grounds for my filing disciplinary charges against Mr. Oliver. David D. Henry President On motion of Mr. Johnston, the President's report was approved by the Board. Mr. Dilliard voted "No" and asked that the following explanation of his vote be included in the record: March 18, 1964 Mr. President : The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois has before it at this time the most difficult, complex, distasteful, and embarrassing problem that has confronted the Board in the nearly four years since I was elected a Trustee. From coast to coast the good name of the University of Illinois has been associated inevitably with an outrageous attack on the loyalty of an assassinated President who, as it happens, almost lost his life in the heroic service of our country in World War II. After the first attack and since we took action concerning it at our February 19 meeting, the same member of the University's faculty has leveled a similar assault on the integrity of the Chief Justice of the United States. In each case the publication appeared in a magazine connected with the John Birch Society. As a citizen of Illinois, as well as a member of this Board, I support fully the fundamental principle of academic freedom, founded on the historic American guarantee of freedom of mind and speech, with the widest possible latitude for every University of Illinois scholar to inquire and expound, in the light of his intelligence and of his learning, and according to his conscience. I also recognize, and, in so far as it may be my official duty to do so, I encourage the separate role of the university scholar as a participating citizen in a society of many differing attitudes and opinions. At the same time, I regard the academic man's search for truth, with its scrupulous documentation of supporting evidence as the indispensable hallmark of accurate and trustworthy research by the university teacher and scholar. Freedom of inquiry is both cherished and right and unshirkable responsibility. Nowhere is this more true than on a university faculty dedicated to the education of citizens and the advancement of knowledge. 1134 board of trustees [March 18 I appreciate, in the statement before us the careful thought and earnest deliberation on the part of the President of the University and of its Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure. However, the statement does not go far enough for me in three major respects: First, it does not declare with sufficient fervor for me the devotion of the University of Illinois to free inquiry and expression. Second, it does not sufficiently for me disavow and disassociate the University of Illinois from the disgraceful reflections against the martyred President and the sitting Chief Justice of the United States who is now conducting an investigation of that still shocking tragedy. Third, it does not assert with sufficient force for me that a University of Illinois scholar, be his field Greek and Latin or current history and contemporary political science, has an obligation to back up his conclusions with weighed and tested facts. If there is proof let it be forthcoming in the spirit and method of true academic inquiry and scholarship. If proof is not forthcoming let that be established for all to see. I know of no way to vote for the resolution before us and at the same time express what are to me these most important considerations which I have just enumerated. The vote I will cast is not in any way a criticism of the quality or sincerity of the statement before us. I admire both the quality and the sincerity. Neither will my vote constitute in any way an opinion in advance on any proceeding that may or may not arise later. And so with reluctance and for the reasons stated I will vote no. I request that this account of my position be a part of the record of the vote I cast in order that there be no misunderstanding. Irving Dilliard SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; resignations, declinations, cancellations, and terminations; leaves of absence; appointment changes in Athletic Association staff approved by the President. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Allen, John W., Assistant in Economics, i/$pD time, $1,137.51, and Research Assistant in Finance, i/$pD time, $1,050, February 1-June 15, 1964, supersedes (2-5-64). Alsobrook, James M., Jr., Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, for two months from February 1, 1964, $653.33 a month, and for five months from April 1, 1964, 2/3 time, $490.00 a month, supersedes (3-3-64). Atac, Muzaffer, Research Assistant in Physics (C), seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,500 (2-6-64). Bakri, (Miss) Maarib, Research Assistant in Botany, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100 (2-6-64). Barthel, Harold O., Associate Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (C), 1/2 time, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,212; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-7-64). Bartky, Sandra S., Instructor in Philosophy (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Y(, time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,500, supersedes (2-27-64). Basu, Gobinda L., Research Associate in Chemistry, December 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,800 a year (2-7-64). Bauer, Edward E., Professor of Civil Engineering (C), nine months from September 16, 1963, $10,000, supersedes appointment dated July 24, 1963 (2-64). Benkert, Kyle G., Instructor in Architecture (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 1/2 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,000 (2-27-64). Bezkorovainy, Georgy, Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (C), February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,300, supersedes (2-6-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1135 Bhan, Suraj, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), \t> time, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,500 (2-7-64). Blaylock, William C, Assistant Professor of Spanish, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $3,350; and for the academic year beginning September 1, 1964, $6,700, supersedes (3-3-64). Blumenthal, Shirlee, Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,600 (2-24-64). Bokenkamp, Robert W., Instructor in General Engineering (C), i/z time, two months from June 16, 1964, $934; this is in addition to his present appointment, and to his Summer Session appointment on V$pD time (2-7-64). Borowski, Joseph F., Assistant in the Graduate School of Library Science, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (2-18-64). Boyer, Paul, Research Assistant in Geology, June 15-June 30, 1964, $233.33 (2-6-64). Boyer, Stanton L., Research Assistant in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,004.19 (2-24-64). Boyle, Mrs. Judith E., Research Assistant in Education (University High School Mathematics Project), 1/2 time, eight months from January 1, 1964, $1,716.64, supersedes full-time appointment (2-6-64). Brandt, Kenneth D., Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), six months from January 1, 1964, without salary (2-14-64). Burges, Anthony W., Instructor in Geography (Chicago Undergraduate Division), y$ time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $1,500 (2-27-64). Burns, Kenneth, Associate Professor of Speech and Theatre, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,956 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on y$pD time (2-11-64). Cantwell, Frederick F., Assistant in Chemistry, 1/2 time, and Research Assistant in Chemistry, V2 time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (2-24-64). Card, Leslie E., Professor of Animal Science (S), one month from February 1, 1964, $500 (2-3-64). Carper, Mrs. Gladys, House Director, Alpha House, five months from February 1, 1964, $1,150; for the convenience of the University, she will also receive room and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (2-21-64). Carr, Kenneth R., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), 17/100 time, $450, and Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C) (Research), Vi time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, supersedes (2-7-64). Carson, Raymond F., Graduate Resident Assistant, Weston Hall, 14 time, February 1-June 30, 1964, $225, and Assistant in Physical Education for Men, ?4 time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,575, supersedes (2-4-64). Casler, Darwin J., Assistant Professor of Accountancy, 1/2 time, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,000; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-4-64). Chandran, Raman S., Research Assistant in Entomology, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,300, supersedes (2-6-64). Chapdu, Robert E., Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1964, ]/z time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $645 for the period (2-20-64). Chen, Wai-Kai, Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), \/z time, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,050 a year, supersedes (2-11-64). Cohen, Leonard S., Research Assistant in Chemical Engineering (S), one month from February 1, 1964, $541.67, supersedes (2-7-64). Cole, Dennis E., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), seven months from February 1, 1964, $7,000 a year (2:8:64). Considine, Richard H., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1964, without salary (2-3-64). Crackel, Walter C., Research Assistant in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology (College of Veterinary Medicine), February 10-August 31, 1964, $3,121.86 (2-25-64). Crowder, James R., Research Assistant in the Coordiated Science Laboratory (C), seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,616.69, supersedes (2-21-64). 1136 board of trustees [March 18 Davis, Earl E., Visiting Instructor in Psychology, February 1-June 15, 1964 $3,300, supersedes (2-7-64). Dawson, David A., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, six months from March 1, 1964, $2,400 (2-17-64). Day, Mrs. Phyllis M., Assistant in Education (University High School), February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,650 (2-6-64). Diehl, Dorothy M., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, four months from March 1, 1964, $1,140 (2-24-64). Doty, Dabney B., Instructor in Vocational and Technical Education, U time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $750 (2-3-64). DuBois, William R., Assistant in English, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (2-18-64). El-Ashey, Mohamed T., Research Assistant in Geology, June 16-June 30, 1964, $233.33 (2-6-64). Fair, Armor J., Instructor in Management (Chicago Undergraduate Division), June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,556; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-4-64). Felton, Richard P., Instructor in Business English, Summer Session of 1964, y-i time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $656 for the period (2-20-64). Ferber, Mrs. Marianne A., Lecturer in Economics, February 1-June 15, 1964, $888.89 a month (2-11-64). Ferdman, Nadine, Research Assistant in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,004.19, supersedes (2-21-64). Folsom, Angela T., Consultant in Psychology, y$ time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $3,000 a year (2-11-64). Friedland, Sigmund W., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), eight months from January 1, 1964, without salary (2-3-64). Fumento, Rocco L., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964, i/2 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $889 for the period (2-20-64). Gardner, Karl E., Chief of Party and Adviser to the Principal of the Njala University College, for service under Contract USAID/AFE 132 at the Njala College, Sierra Leone, for one month beginning February 1, 1964, $1,672.92; and Professor of Nutrition (Dairy Science), indefinite tenure, and Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture, beginning March 1, 1964, and continuing through August 31, 1965, $18,250 a year, supersedes (2-12-64). Garlinghouse, Burton A., Visiting Lecturer in Music, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,500 for the period (2-20-64). Georgoulis, Evangelos A., Clinical Assistant in Medicine (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1964, without salary (2-14-64). Gilbert, David B., Visiting Instructor in Music (Flute), February 1-June 15, 1964, $3,010.15 (3-3-64). Goldan, Paul D., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), seven months from February 1, 1964, $8,500 a year (2-27-64). Gridley, Roy E., Assistant in English, vi time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $767, supersedes full-time appointment (2-7-64). Gkiego, Richard }., Research Assistant in Mathematics, June 16-August 15, 1964, $933.32 (2-3-64). Gritz, Norman J., Instructor in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 54 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $1,875 (2-17-64). Gruner, Barbara J., Research Assistant in Plant Pathology (C), January 16-August 31, 1964, $3,256.96 (2-12-64). Guithek, Harold D., Chief of Party and Adviser on Agricultural Communications for service under Contract USAID/NESA-64 J, in the Ministry of Agriculture, Amman, Jordan, December 23 through December 30, 1963, and January 4, 1964, through December 31, 1965, $12,000 a year; and Extension Editor, with rank of Associate Professor of Agriculture, on indefinite tenure beginning December 31, 1963, and continuing through January 3, 1964, at a salary of $10,900 a year, and beginning January 1, 1966, at a salary to be determined in the budget for 1965-66, supersedes (1-2-64). Haile, Harry, Associate Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,334 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (2-20-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1137 Haley, Mrs. Pamela V., Instructor in Medical Social Work (Medicine), V4 time, six months from March 1, 1964, $4,300 a year, supersedes (2-4-64). Halford, Gary R., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), V3 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $1,966.92, supersedes (2-6-64). Hart, Hymen H., Assistant in English, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,200, supersedes (2-18-64). Hartdacen, Gerald E., Instructor in History (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Yl time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $1,300 (2-27-64). Hay, Ralph C, Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Adviser to Dean of Agricultural Engineering Technology, for service under Contract AlDc-1258 at the U. P. Agricultural University, Pant Nagar, U. P.; India, for five months from February 1, 1964, $16,000 a year; and Professor of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, indefinite tenure from July 1, 1964, supersedes (2-18-64). Hinds, Frank C, Assistant Professor of Animal Science (C and S), seven months from February 1, 1964, $9,400 a year, supersedes (2-6-64). Hoffman, Allen, Clinical Instructor in Medicine (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (2-26-64). Hudson, Janette C, Assistant in Germanic Languages, February 1-June IS, 1964, $2,100 (2-25-64). Hung, Mrs. Winifred H., Acquisition Assistant in the Library, seven months from February 1, 1964, $338.31 (2-11-64). Ibuki, Kimio, Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, March 16-June 15, 1964, $2,166.66 (2-25-64). Jaeger, Robert T., Instructor in Architecture (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 1/2 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,000 (2-27-64). Jones, Lawrence E., Research Assistant in Psychology, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100 (2-7-64). Kachru, Braj B., Research Associate in Linguistics, October 16, 1963-August 31, 1964, $6,100 a year, supersedes (2-7-64). Kawatra, M. P., Research Associate in Physics (C), three months from June 1, 1964, $750 a month (2-21-64). Kieserman, David H., Assistant in the Division of General Studies, February 1- June 15, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (2-18-64). Killian, Thomas J., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,300, supersedes (2-6-64). Kingery, Ross A., Associate Editor of Engineering Publications, College of Engineering, one year from September 1, 1963, $9,200, supersedes (2-3-64). Klassen, Frank H., Teacher Training Adviser, for service under Contract USAID/AFE at the Njala University College, Sierra Leone, for two years from March 1, 1964, $12,100 a year, supersedes (2-26-64). Krause, Albert H., Jr., Counselor in Student Affairs, Housing, Medical Center, Chicago, 15/100 time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $600 (2-24-64). Krizan, Thomas F., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men, J4 time, June 16-August 6, 1964, $1,325; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-4-64). Lankard, David R., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (C), seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,500 (2-3-64). Lathrap, Donald W., Assistant Professor of Anthropology, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,878; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-7-64). Leary, Dennis J., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (C), one month from February 1, 1964, $600 (2-27-64). Leggett, A. J., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1964, $8,000 (2-21-64). Levy, Edward R., Instructor in English, 2/3 time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $3,467, supersedes (2-28-64). Liston, William T., Assistant in English, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,200, supersedes (2-20-64). Liu, William Y., Serials Assistant in the Library, February 11-August 31, 1964, $3,050.27 (2-11-64). 1138 board of trustees [March 18 Lockhart, John, Assistant in Psychiatry (Medicine), one year from September 1 1963, without salary (2-14-64). Loftus, Richard J., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964, \A time, June IS-August 8, 1964, $834 for the period (2-20-64). Madison, James M., Instructor in Marketing (Chicago Undergraduate Division), V$pD time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $1,550, supersedes (2-27-64). Maganini, Robert J., Clinical Instructor in Surgery (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1964, without salary (2-11-64). Martia, Dominic F., Assistant in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division) February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,200 (2-21-64). Marx, Werner, Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,589 for the period (2-11-64). Matsumoto, Hideo, Research Associate in Pathology (Medicine), four months from February 1, 1964, $6,100 a year, supersedes (2-18-64). Matsumoto, Yormi, Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,004.19 (2-7-64). Matuzek, Mrs. Ida S., Head Resident, Busey Hall, January 26-March 15, 1964, $480 a month; for the convenience of the University she will also receive an apartment and meals while the dining rooms are in operation (2-11-64). McQuiston, Ian B., Research Assistant in Geology, June 16-June 30, 1964, $233.33 (2-6-64). Melhorn, Wilton N., Visiting Lecturer in Geology, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,000 for the period (2-20-64). Miles, Maurice H., Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), six months from March 1, 1964, $8,500 a year, supersedes (2-7-64). Miller, Arnold L., Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1/2 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $4,350 a year, supersedes (2-7-64). Mueller, Henry L., Professor of Speech and Theatre, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,223 for the period, supersedes his previous Summer Session appointment (2-11-64). Mulvihill, Richard J., Instructor in Physical Education for Men, 1/2 time, two months from June 16, 1964, $589; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-4-64). Niederman, Sara C, Instructor in English (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 1/2 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $1,800 (2-24-64). Oppenheimer, Zelda V., Assistant in Foreign Languages (Chicago Undergraduate Division), February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,500 (2-10-64) Ortolano, Thomas R., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,800 (2-3-64). Pantone, Anton M., Clinical Associate Professor of Radiology (Medicine), 14 time, five months from February 1, 1964, $316.67 a month (2-11-64). Parker, Adah D., Instructor in Recreation and Municipal Park Administration, Summer Session of 1964, J4 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,176 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on i/$pD time (2-24-64). Paul, Florence, Research Assistant in Animal Science (S), seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,033.31, supersedes (2-17-64). Penny, William J., Instructor in Physical Education for Men, Ys time, two months from June 16, 1964, $733; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-4-64). Pfeifer, Robert J., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), V$pD time, seven months from February 1, 1964, $1,545.81; and Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), Vi time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,084.10, supersedes (2-24-64). Pollock, Michael L., Instructor in Physical Education for Men, $<i time, two months from June 16, 1964, $840; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-4-64). Pu, Mrs. Lena Chang, Research Assistant in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1964, $933.32 (2-4-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1139 Racster, Ronald L., Assistant in Finance, Vi time, $1,050, and Research Assistant in Finance, Vi time, $1,050, February 1-June 15, 1964, supersedes (2-6-64). Racade, Indukanth S., Research Associate in Chemistry, January 27-August 31, 1964, $6,100 a year, supersedes (2-11-64). Rayniak, Mrs. Eleanor R., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy), February 10-August 31, 1964, $7,400 a year (2-27-64). Read, Mrs. Margaret K., Assistant Editor in the Graduate College, February 17- August 31, 1964, $5,500 a year (2-26-64). Reilly, Robert C, Assistant in Mathematics (Chicago Undergraduate Division), February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,400 (2-21-64). Robinson, T. Thachee, Instructor in Mathematics, February 1-June 15, 1964, $3,600 (3-3-64). Rodriguez, Manuel V., Assistant in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), January 24-June 30, 1964, without salary (2-27-64). Rogers, Donald P., Professor of Botany, Summer Session of 1964, June 15- August 8, 1964, $3,112 for the period (2-20-64). Russell, Ronald L., Research Assistant in the Center for Zoonoses Research (College of Veterinary Medicine), five months from February 1, 1964, $2,414.60 (2-25-64). Ryan, David G., Professor of Mechanical Engineering (C), V4 time, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,523; this is in addition to his present appointment (2-7-64). Sabel, Charles L., Instructor in Psychology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,850, supersedes (2-27-64). Salomon, Lawrence, Instructor in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), V.\ time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,000 (2-8-64). Samachson, Joseph, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry (Medicine), 24/100 time, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,000 a year, supersedes nonsalaried appointment (3-3-64). Satoh, Mitsuo, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1964, $8,000 (2-7-64). Savory, Paul B., Instructor in Radiology (Medicine), seven months from February 1, 1964, without salary (2-26-64). Schloesser, Eckart, Research Associate in Plant Pathology (S), six months from March 1, 1964, $6,100 a year (2-20-64). Schmitt, Ronald E., Assistant in Architecture, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100 (2-1-64). Schwarz, Enrique, Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology, and Assistant Radiologist (Research and Educational Hospitals), College of Medicine, 1/10 time, seven months from February 1, 1964, $1,520, supersedes (2-4-64). Shaffer, Paul R., Professor of Geology, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-July 25, 1964, $2,667 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (2-20-64). Sharma, Sushil Dua, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, 2/3 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $5,200 a year, supersedes (2-11-64). Smith, Helen L., Visiting Lecturer in Social Sciences (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $4,250 (2-17-64). Sprenkle, Case M., Assistant Professor of Economics and Assistant Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, yi time, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,078; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on Vi time (2-4-64). Stein, Herbert J., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $4,500 (2-12-64). Stewart, Donald C, Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964, 1/2 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $789 for the period (2-20-64). Stillerman, Joseph J., Research Associate in Dentistry (Dentistry), Vs time, eight months from January 1, 1964, $1,500 a year (2-18-64). 1140 board of trustees [March 18 Storm, Gerald L., Field Ecologist in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, 2/3 time, four months from February 1, 1964, $312 a month, supersedes (3-3-64). Takano, Tadao, Instructor in Art (Chicago Undergraduate Division), % time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,500 (2-24-64). Tsaioff, Victor N., Assistant in Radiology (Medicine), one year from September 1, 1963, without salary (2-3-64). Tuttle, Preston H., Instructor in English, 1/3 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,267 (2-26-64). Vannoy, Joseph S., Research Assistant in Psychology, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (2-24-64). von Lehmden, Alice A., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,616.69 (2-3-64). Wesley, Thomas D., Instructor in Dentistry (Dentistry), V2 time, January 13- August 31, 1964, $3,750 a year (2-11-64). Westemeier, Ronald L., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, five months from February 1, 1964, $2,166.65 (2-26-64). White, George W., Professor of Geology, Summer Session of 1964, July 27- August 8, 1964, $1,067 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (2-20-64). Whitmer, Roger G., Lecturer on Materials and Methods of Construction (Chicago Undergraduate Division), 1/3 time, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $1,500 (2-7-64). Wolfe, Sharon, Research Associate in the Institute of Communications Research (College of Journalism and Communications), and Research Associate in Psychology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $2,700, supersedes (2-11-64). Yudin, Florence L., Assistant in Spanish, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (2-28-64)., Joseph, Instructor in Sociology (Chicago Undergraduate Division), to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 1963-64, $3,000 (2-27-64). Zewadski, Robert M., Instructor in Business English, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $589 for the period (2-20-64). Zukauskas, O. Eugenija M., Assistant in Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery (Medicine), six months from January 1, 1964, without salary (2-14-64). FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Adams, George-Ann, Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Speech, seven months from February 1, 1964, $1,200 (2-18-64). Brown, Frederick S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, February 1-June 15, 1964. $1,100 (2-12-64). DeArmond, M. Keith, United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, in the Graduate College, seven months from February 1, 1964, $3,791.62 (2-7-64). Friedland, Joan M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,100 (2-4-64). Furumoto, Howard H., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from January 16, 1964, $6,000 (1-28-64). Galluzzi, V. Nicholas, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology and Biophysics, five months from February 1, 1964, $1,110.85 (12-31-63). Holmes, Peter K., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, five months from February 1, 1964, $1,333.35 (1-30-64). Hutson, Phillip L., Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1963, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $250, supersedes (2-3-64). Kemp, Marwin K., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $1,400 (1-31-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1141 Knopf, James A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $1,575 (2-12-64). Komatsu, Ryuji, Keio-Illinois Exchange Fellow in Labor and Industrial Relations, February 1-June 15, 1964, $750 (2-4-64). Laursen, Richard A., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, six months from February 1, 1964, $1,100 (2-1-64). Leir, Charles M., Hoffman-LaRoche Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, February 1- June 15, 1964, $1,050 (2-18-64). Maisch, Weldon F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, five months from February 1, 1964, $1,250 (1-28-64). Musliner, Walter J., Hoffman-LaRoche Fellow in Chemistry, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,100 (2-14-64). Nielsen, Linda A., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science, February 1- June 15, 1964, $750 (2-1-64). Ning, Robert Y., Hoffman-LaRoche Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, February 1- June 15, 1964, $1,100 (2-18-64). Painter, Genevieve, Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Recreation and Municipal Park Administration, February 1-June 15, 1964, $900 (2-12-64). Silverglade, Lee B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Oral Pathology, December 6, 1963-June 30, 1964, $4,254, supersedes (12-16-63). Taylor, Paul L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from February 1, 1964, $5,500 (2-3-64). Wantland, Larry, Lauterbach Memorial Fellow in Food Science, four months from February 1, 1964, $833.32 (2-12-64). Wilde, Carroll O., National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,155 (2-12-64). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, CANCELLATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Anner, George E., Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Arlon, Ary J., Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Balluffi, Robert W., Professor of Physical Metallurgy --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Bardos, Andras M., Teaching Fellow in Physics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Bungert, William C, Assistant in Elementary Education, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Colwell, Richard J., Assistant Professor of Music, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Crews, Janice M., Instructor in Speech (Chicago Undergraduate Division), Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 19, 1964. Crumlish, Brian J., Research Associate in the Small Homes Council-Building Research Council --- resignation effective February 16, 1964. Diamond, Dale M., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory --- termination effective December 1, 1963. Djohup, Frans M., Jr., Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Edwards, William R., Research Associate in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Fleming, Robben W., Professor of Law --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Fox, Ann M., Instructor in the Graduate School of Library Science, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Gallo, Frank, Assistant Professor of Art, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Giordano, Charles, Instructor in Germanic Languages and Literatures, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Gruner, Barbara J., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College --- termination effective January 1, 1964. Guckel, Henry, Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory --- resignation effective April 21, 1964, 12:00 noon. 1142 board of trustees [March 18 Gunter, Frank E., Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June IS, 1964. Hall, William J., Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1964--- declination effective June 15, 1964. Hamilton, Jean A., Research Associate in Chemistry --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Harrison, Willard W., C. S. Marvel Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective February 19, 1964. Hill, Mrs. Roberta B., Research Associate in Nutritional Biochemistry, Department of Animal Science --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Hoekman, Theodore B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Hocan, James J., Instructor in Electrical Engineering---resignation effective March 1, 1964. Jacobs, Allan E., Fellow in Physics --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Jermo, Betty L., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy (Pharmacy) --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Kahn, Walter J., Instructor in Ophthalmology (Medicine) --- resignation effective February 10, 1964. Kueese, William R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Kodras, Rudolph, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, College of Veterinary Medicine, and of Veterinary Research, Agricultural Experiment Station --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Kord, Victor G., Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964---declination effective June IS, 1964. Lister, Basil M., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. McVay, Millard S., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June IS, 1964. Moses, Richard H., Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June IS, 1964. Munday, John C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Murray, Ruby H., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work --- cancellation effective February 1, 1964. Nilsson, Anna, Research Associate in Animal Science --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Oran, Cenap, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering --- cancellation effective February 1, 1964. Peck, Ralph B., Professor of Foundation Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Pflederer, Marilyn R., Instructor in Music and Counselor in Teacher Education --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Phillips, Burrill, Professor of Music --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Phillips, Monte L., Instructor in General Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June IS, 1964. Rankin, Carolyn, Milliken College Fellow in Education --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Redenbo, James M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Reese, Mrs. Mary C, Associate Professor of Social Work --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Ross, O. Burr, Professor of Animal Science and Head of the Department --- resignation effective March 17, 1964. Soja, Dorothy M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Steinrauf, Larry K., Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Szilvassy, Ivan P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Trousil, Elaine B., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective February 10, 1964. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1143 van der Linden, Richard R., Research Assistant in Education --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Wahl, F. Michael, Assistant Professor of Geology, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June IS, 1964. Wicks, Albert J., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Gunther, Gotthard, Visiting Research Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering --- leave of absence, without pay, from April 16 through July 31, 1964, so that he may accept an invitation to teach in Germany during the coming spring and summer. Low, Mrs. Leone Y., Instructor in Mathematics --- leave of absence, without pay, from March 1 through August 31, 1964. Nagel, Stuart S., Assistant Professor of Political Science --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1964, so that he may accept a fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Palo Alto, California, in conjunction with a grant he has received from the American Council of Learned Societies for research. Schlosser, Robert E., Associate Professor of Accountancy----leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1964, so that he may undertake a professional assignment with the firm of Price Waterhouse and Company in its training program. Steiner, Ivan D., Professor of Psychology --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1964, so that he may accept an appointment as Visiting Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin. Tovar, Antonio, Professor of the Classics --- leave of absence, without pay, for the second semester of the academic year 1964-65, for the purpose of travel abroad and teaching at the University of Madrid. Voss, Jerrold R., Assistant Professor of City Planning, in the Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture ---- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1964, so that he may accept an appointment as Adviser to the Bandung Institute of Technology, Division of City and Regional Planning in Bandung, Indonesia, under the auspices of the Center for Urban Studies of Harvard University and United Nations Technical Board. APPOINTMENT CHANGES IN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION STAFF APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT Baker, L. W., appointed Assistant Football Coach, February 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,500 (vice William L. Tate). Fletcher, Ralph E., Assistant Football Coach, retired from active service March 1, 1964; will continue as Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Hart, Jack W., appointed Assistant Football Coach, March 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,500 (vice Ralph E. Fletcher). Tate, William L., Assistant Football Coach, resigned February 8, 1964. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session has been requested and was ordered for consideration of recommendations relating to property acquisitions and to patentable inventions, this session to be held after luncheon. He also announced that the Honorable Robert C. Weaver, Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Dean Allen S. Weller of the College of Fine and Applied Arts, and Professor Louis B. Wetmore, Head of the Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture, would be guests of the Board at luncheon, and that Dr. Weaver would address the Board briefly. On motion of Timothy W. Swain, the Board recessed. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members 1144 board of trustees [March 18 of the Board, officers of the Board, and officers of the University as recorded at the beginning of these minutes were present, except for Mr. Page, who asked to be excused. The Board considered the following items of business. PURCHASE OF LAND FOR RADIO DIRECTION-FINDING FACILITY (1) Since April, 1957, the University has been leasing a forty-one acre tract of land four miles south of Bondville, Illinois, as a site for a radio direction-finding facility used by the Department of Electrical Engineering for research under a contract with the United States Navy. The lease provides for payments of annual rentals and liquidated damages, such payments being made from contract funds. The lease also includes an option to purchase the land at a price not to exceed $18,245. On October 26, 1963, the Board authorized purchase of 210 acres adjacent to the original forty-one acre tract for immediate expansion of the radio direction-finding facility which land has now been acquired. The United States government has provided all the necessary funds for operation, equipment, rental payments, and liquidated damages. The United States Navy has now requested the University to purchase the forty-one acre tract as a contribution to the research program. The legal description of this tract is: The South half (SV$pD) of the East half (Ey$) of the Northwest quarter (NW/i) of Section two (2), and a strip of land sixteen and one-half (I6I/2) feet wide providing access to the aforementioned forty (40)-acre tract from the paved road along the East side of said Section two (2), and said access strip to be located along the South edge of the North half (Ni) of the Northeast quarter (NEi) of Section two (2), and the East sixteen and one-half (I6V2) feet of the South sixteen and one-half (W/2) feet of the Northeast quarter (NE14) of the Northwest quarter (NW14) of Section two (2), all in Township eighteen (18) North, Range seven (7) East of the Third Principal Meridian, and containing forty-one (41) acres more or less in the county of Champaign, and State of Illinois. The Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Chairman of the Research Board, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the purchase of this tract from funds in the Contract Research Reserve. I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the necessary documents to complete this acquisition. On motion of Mr. Swain, the purchase of this land, as recommended, was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Billiard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain. Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 13O1 WEST STOUGHTON STREET, URBANA, ILLINOIS (2) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1301 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, Illinois, a corner lot 66 feet by 100 feet, with a two and one-half story and basement frame house. The land area is needed as part of the site for expansion of the Digital Computer Laboratory. The owner's representative was informed that a recommendation would be made to the Board for the purchase of the property at a price of $28,500, based on University appraisals, but the offer is not acceptable and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller therefore recommend that condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property be authorized. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted and supports this recommendation. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1145 Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 1301 West Stoughton Street, Urbana, Illinois Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared- by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following-described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot One (1) in Block Fifty-four (54) of the Seminary Addition to the City of Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for use as part of the site for expansion of the Digital Computer Laboratory, and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land can not be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land can not be agreed upon between them and this Board of Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefor, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said proceeding. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. 1146 board of trustees [March 18 PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 13OI WEST STOUGHTON STREET, URBANA. ILLINOIS (3) Director Havens reported that University representatives contemplate further negotiations for the acquisition of this property through purchase, rather than through condemnation proceedings as authorized by the Board, and requested instructions. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the purchase of this property, at a price not to exceed $32,500, was authorized with the understanding that if the negotiations are successful and the property is purchased for this price, the condemnation proceedings will not be instituted. This action was taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Wat-kins; no, none; absent, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY PATENT COMMITTEE (4) The University Patent Committee submits, with the concurrence of the Chairman of the University Research Board, a series of recommendations relating to inventions. That the rights of the University in the following inventions be released to the University of Illinois Foundation for further study, development, and possible patent application, subject to any rights that the United States government may have in each particular case : 1. Series-fed logarithmically-periodic folded dipole antenna --- Keith G. Balmain, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, inventor; developed without the use of government funds. This is an antenna capable of covering a very wide range of frequencies with uniform characteristics. The novel feature of the invention is the use of folded dipole antenna elements connected in series with the wire (or wires) of a feeder. 2. Transit automatic fare system --- Michael Blurton, Research Assistant in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, inventor; developed without the use of government funds. This is a system of automatic passenger-operated fare collection and statistical data recording for bus transit, rail transit, or commuter railroad use. 3. Electrostatic impact probe for measurement of the mass flow of solid particles in a gas-solid suspension --- Robert C. Dimick, Research Assistant in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, inventor; developed with the use of funds from a subcontract with the Project SQUID, Prime Contract No. Nonr-3623 (S-6) with the United States Navy. This invention consists of a probe for measuring the mass flow of solid particles suspended and transported by gas flow in a pipe or duct. Other uses for this probe would be to monitor the mass flow in the pneumatic transport of powdered coal or powdered materials used in manufacturing processes and to determine how well antistatic protection measures were working in the transport of explosive air-powdered grain mixtures in flour and feed mills. 4. Log-periodic cavity-slot antenna---Paul E. Mayes, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, and V. A. Mikenas, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, inventors; developed with the use of funds from the United States Air Force, Contract No. AF 33(657)-10474. This invention was designed to meet the need for broadband antennas which do not protrude above a large conducting surface, for use in high-speed aircraft and missiles and for some applications on the earth's surface. 5. Reduced-length dipole and monopole antennas and antenna arrays --- Paul E. Mayes, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, and David T. Stephen-son, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, inventors; developed with the use of funds from the United States Navy, Contract No. N123(953)30508A. This invention relates to a method of reducing the length of dipole and mono-pole antennas and, thereby, also reducing the size of certain antenna arrays which use dipole or monopole elements. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1147 6. Log-periodic series-type folded dipole array --- Raj Mittra, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Marvin L. Wahl, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, inventors; developed with the use of funds from the United Air Force, Contract No, AF 33(657)-10474. It has been considered desirable to design a free-space model of a wideband antenna which has an impedance in the neighborhood of 300 ohms, such that it could be matched directly to a standard 300 ohm' line. A possible solution to this problem is the series loading of elements on the transmission line which, in effect, raises the input impedance of the antenna to a value larger than the characteristic impedance of the feed line itself. 7. Letter rack antenna --- Raj Mittra, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Marvin L. Wahl, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, inventors; developed with the use of funds from the United States Air Force, Contract No. AF 33 (657)-10474. The antenna is a composite system consisting of a trough structure, which is coupled to another system made up of a series of loops, series loading an unbalanced transmission level. The heart of the present design is the coupling of the two systems, and the resulting antenna is considered to be a new device. Its important features are (a) flush mounting in aircraft bodies or flush with the ground, and (b) very broadband design (log-periodic). That the rights of the University in the following inventions be released to the sponsoring agencies, since the possibility of commercial value is remote: 8. Automatic area compensator of constant stress cycling ---C. E. Feltner, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and J. A. Jackobs, Engineering Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, inventors; developed under research sponsored by the United States Air Force, Contract No. AF 33(6S7)-8177. This invention is highly specialized and will probably be rarely used except in situations such as were encountered in carrying out the contract research. 9. Electro-optical modulation of radiation pattern, photo-electric devices, and electro-optical method of light modulation --- Gabor K. Ujhelyi, Research Assistant in the Digital Computer Laboratory, and Sergio T. Ribeiro, Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, inventors; developed under research sponsored by the United States Navy, Contract No. Nonr-1834(15). These inventions are in the area of lasers, in which the Government is very interested at the present time. The Navy is eager that applications be filed for patents; however, it is the opinion of the Director of the research and of the Committee that neither the University nor the Foundation should undertake the development of these devices at this time. That the rights of the University in the following inventions be released to the inventor or inventors, since the possibility of commercial value is remote and since the United States government is not involved: 10. Short method for blood glucose determination --- Clarence A. Johnson, Sophie J. Presley, Jerome T. Paul, and Eugene J. Ranke, all from the Departments of Medicine and Biological Chemistry of the University at the Medical Center, inventors. The purpose of this study is to present a rapid, simple, and reliable colorimetric method for the determination of blood glucose, that may be used with or without the spectrophotometer; it represents a modification of the fluoran reaction. 11. Improved magnesium aluminate refractory compositions --- Tracy A. Willmore, Research Associate Professor of Ceramic Engineering, and Alfred W. Allen, Professor of Ceramic Engineering, inventors; developed under research supported by the Amsted Research Laboratory. This invention relates to the improvement of the high temperature properties (transverse strength, in particular) of refractory materials fabricated from magnesium aluminate. The Head of the Department of Ceramic Engineering states that it appears that only the sponsor could receive the principal commercial benefits, if any arise. I concur. 1148 BOARD OF TRUSTEES On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President Following adjournment of the Board, the Committee on General Policy and Committee on Buildings and Grounds met for work sessions. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS April 15, 1964 The April meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the administrative offices of the Chicago Undergraduate Division at Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, April 15, 1964, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Theodore A. Jones, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Ray Page, and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Norman A. Parker, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Harold N. Cooley, Assistant Administrative Dean in the Vice-President's Office, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 1149 1150 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on July 2 and August 1, 1963, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Swain, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 677 to 743, inclusive. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Edward Joseph Burns Oak Park, Illinois Michigan Philip Leroy Defliese Garden City, New York New York Robert Emmett Farrell Lisle, Illinois California Lewis Everett Graf Fairfield, Iowa Iowa Carl Scott Heltzel Chicago, Illinois Texas John Leonard Hennessy Lake Forest, Illinois Connecticut Francis Peltier Mayo Madison, Wisconsin Wisconsin Arthur Garlisch Wesson Milwaukee, Wisconsin New York I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these certificates were awarded. HONORARY DEGREE (2) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended the conferring of the honorary degree of Doctor of Music on Marian Anderson, concert and opera singer. During the season of 1964-65, Miss Anderson will make her farewell appearances as a performing artist. Since her professional career was launched in the United States in the early 1930's, she has sung to millions of music lovers both in this country and abroad. She has given recitals at the University of Illinois on two occasions. The degree will be conferred at the Commencement Exercises at Urbana-Champaign on June 13, 1964. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this degree was authorized. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Nelda E. Alger, Assistant Professor of Zoology, beginning June 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 2. Edmund G. Anderson, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, beginning June 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $13,000. 3. R. Warwick Armstrong, Assistant Professor of Geography, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $8,000. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1151 4. Robert K. Bing, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, six months from March 1, 1964, without salary. 5. Mary M. Burdette, Assistant Professor of Music, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,500. 6. Bert E. Elwert, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Chicago Undergraduate Division, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $9,000. 7. Edward Futterman, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning January 1, 1964, without salary. 8. Mitchell L. Gray, Visiting Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, College of Veterinary Medicine, and in Veterinary Research, Agricultural Experiment Station, March 16, 1964, to January 31, 1965, at an annual salary rate of $14,500. 9. Neville C. Hunsaker, Visiting Professor of Mathematics, two and one-half months from June 16, 1964, at a salary of $3,250. 10. Yoshi-hiko Ichikawa, Research Associate Professor of Physics and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $13,500. 11. Robert H. Kargon, Assistant Professor of History, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $7,500. 12. Genya Kishi, Research Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $13,500. 13. Minerva Pinnell, Assistant Professor of Art, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,500. 14. Mary J. Sheehan, Assistant Professor of Nursing, beginning March 23, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,700. 15. John C. Stubbs, Assistant Professor of English, one-half time, for the 1964 Summer Session, at a salary of $767. 16. John Thompson, Associate Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Latin-American Studies, two months from June 16, 1964, at a salary of $2,446; Associate Professor of Geography, one-half time, and Director of the Center for Latin-American Studies, one-half time, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 17. Alexander Vucinich, Professor of Sociology, three-fifths time, and Professor in the Russian Language and Area Studies Center, two-fifths time, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $17,000. 18. Adam R. Zak, Associate Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,500. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these appointments were confirmed. HEADSHIP OF DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY (4) The Acting Dean of the Graduate College recommends the appointment of Dr. John R. Pasta as Research Professor of Physics on indefinite tenure and Head of the Digital Computer Laboratory beginning May 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $20,000 on a nine-month service basis. The nomination of Dr. Pasta, currently Research Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois, as Head of the Digital Computer Laboratory to succeed Dr. A. H. Taub, who is leaving the University to accept a position at the University of California at Berkeley, was initiated by a special search committee,1 and is concurred in by the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this appointment was approved. 1 Acting Dean H. E. Carter, Graduate College, Chairman; P. T. Bateman, Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Mathematics; H. S. Gutowsky, Professor of Physical Chemistry; W. C. Jacob, Professor of Biometry and Data Processing and Associate Head of the Department of Agronomy; D. E. Muller, Research Professor of Mathematics and of Applied Mathematics in the Digital Computer Laboratory; K. C. Smith, Research Assitsant Professor of Electrical Engineering; L. R. Tucker, Professor of Educational Psychology; M. E. Van Valken-burg, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Associate Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory. 1152 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 BUSINESS MANAGERS OF CHICAGO COLLEGES AND DIVISIONS (5) The Vice-President and Comptroller has recommended that when the Congress Circle Campus is activated, Mr. James E. Osborn, presently Business Manager at the Medical Center, be transferred to the position of Business Manager of the University of Illinois at Congress Circle, and this change in his status will be included in the budget for 1964-65. To fill the vacancy created by this transfer, the Vice-President and Comptroller now recommends the appointment of Mr. David W. Bonham, presently Assistant to the Auditor, as (1) Assistant to the Business Manager at the Medical Center beginning September 1, 1964, and continuing through January 31, 1965, at an annual salary rate of $13,500; and (2) Business Manager at the Medical Center from February 1, 1965, through August 31, 1965, at an annual salary rate of $15,000, This appointment includes a change in his status from the nonacademic staff to an administrative position. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these recommendations were approved. FLIGHT INSTRUCTION FEE (6) The Director of the Institute of Aviation has recommended that the fee for flight instruction be increased from $350 to $375 due to increasing costs of the training program. The present fee of $350 was established three years ago. The Executive yice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend approval. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this change in fee was authorized. EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS (7) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of the following firms for the projects and on the terms indicated : Fugard, Burt, Wilkinson, and Orth, Chicago --- Central National Bank Building remodeling, Congress Circle The fee will be on the basis of time card cost of services of professional personnel, plus 150 per cent for overhead and commission, provided that the maximum fee will not exceed 10 per cent of the cost of construction. Clark, Diete, Painter, and Associates, Urbana --- Engineering design and drawing work on parking lots to be constructed during 1964-65 in Urbana-Champaign The fee will be based on Schedule B of the standard fees of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers related to the cost of construction. Warren and Van Praag, Inc., Decatur --- Water main extensions on the South Campus, Urbana-Champaign The fee will be based on Schedule B of the standard fees of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds and the Advisory Committee on the Selection of Architects and Engineers support these recommendations. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (8) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends the following appropriations from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign 1. Admissions and Records, equipment.................................$10 550 2. College of Agriculture Dixon Springs Experiment Station, water system and fire protection.. 20 000 Agriculture Administration, equipment for a new student lounge...... 2 000 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1153 3. College of Education, equipment.................................... 14 000 4. College of Engineering Engineering Publications, equipment................................ 7 895 Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, equipment........................................................ 13 100 5. College of Fine and Applied Arts Department of Art, equipment..................................... 9 730 6. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, equipment...... 39 284 7. Library Supplementary book funds......................................... 136 000 Public Service Departments, equipment............................. 19 825 8. University Extension Hott Memorial Center, equipment.................................. 5 200 9. College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, veterinary pathology building at the Veterinary Research Farm........................... 6 270 10. Physical Plant Department Air conditioning in the Agricultural Engineering Building.'........... 3 400 Remodeling in Mumford Hall for a student lounge................... 7 540 Remodeling in Bevier Hall for Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics.................................. 3 640 Remodeling in the Mechanical Engineering Building for the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering...................... 12 400 Installation of night illumination for the Mirko sculpture at Krannert Art Museum ..................................................... 3 500 Remodeling in the City Planning Library............................ 2 480 Installation of floor tile in McKinley Hospital....................... 4 465 Remodeling in the Natural History Building for the Department of Zoology.......................................................... 25 180 Remodeling for the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering ............................................................... 48 760 Remodeling for the College of Veterinary Medicine.................. 28 760 Remodeling of building at 205 South Goodwin Avenue for the Office of Instructional Television......................................... 6 120 Total, Urbana-Champaign .........................................$430 099 Medical Center 11. College of Pharmacy, equipment.................................... 19 975 12. Research and Educational Hospitals, equipment...................... 54 670 13. Physical Plant Department Remodeling in the Research and Educational Hospitals Addition for the Department of Occupational Therapy............................ 5 400 Total, Medical Center.............................................$ 80 045 Grand Total......................................................$510 144 I concur. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACT FOR ELEVATOR RECONSTRUCTION IN METALLURGY AND MINING BUILDING (9) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $56,655 to English Brothers Company, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for reconstruction of the elevator shaft and installation of a new elevator in the Metallurgy and Mining Building. This building, formerly the Laboratory of Physics, is being remodeled for the use of the Department of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering. 1154 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 Funds are available in state capital appropriations for 1963-65 and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING IN FIRST UNIT OF DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (10) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for remodeling of two lecture rooms in the first unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder. General --- Mueller Construction Company, Chicago..................... $39 842 Base bid................................................. $22 174 Additive alternates: Remodel Lecture Room 221................................ 14 475 Acoustical work: Lecture Room 423....................... 598 Lecture Room 221.................................... 605 Service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor......................................... 1 990 Electrical --- Fries Walters Company, Chicago........................... 14 350 Base bid................................................. $10 600 Additive alternate for new lighting in Lecture Room 221..... 3 750 Plumbing --- Ashland Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago.......... 704 Heating and Air Conditioning --- Crone Associates, Inc., Chicago......... 13 250 Base bid................................................. $13 100 Additive alternate to remove radiators and extend ductwork in Lecture Room 221...................................... ISO Ventilation --- Moto Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Corporation, Chicago ......................................................... 21 500 Base bid................................................. $21 200 Additive alternate for extension of ductwork in Lecture Room 221 ............................................... 300 Total............................................................ $89 646 The remodeling will consist of upgrading lecture rooms 423 and 221. Specifically, it will provide air conditioning, new lighting, new chalkboards, acoustical ceilings, and improvements for visual aid teaching. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $89,646; and that an agreement be entered into with Mueller Construction Company for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,990 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds for this work are available from the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65. A schedule of all bids received is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1963-PUBLIC LAW 88-129 (11) Public Law 88-129, the Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1963, authorizes a program of financial aid to students in medicine and dentistry. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1155 A participating institution is required to provide one-ninth of the federal contribution to the loan fund. A student may be loaned up to $2,000 in one academic year (September to June) or $2,666 for any year enrolled in excess of the normal academic year consisting of approximately nine months. Persons who enter as first-year students after June 30, 1963, are to be given preference. Loans are to be made only to a student in need of the amount to pursue a full-time course of study. Loans are to be repaid in equal or graduated periodic installments over the ten-year period which begins three years after the student ceases to pursue a full-time course of study. Additional repayment time is available for active duty performed as a member of a uniformed service or for service as a volunteer under the Peace Corps Act. The maximum deferment for these reasons is six years; the maximum for each is three years. The liability to repay the unpaid balance will be cancelled upon the death of the borrower, or if he becomes permanently or totally disabled. Loans bear interest, on the unpaid balance, computed only for periods during which the loan is repayable, at the rate of 3 per centum per annum or the going federal rate at the time the loan is made, whichever is greater. Loans are to be made without security or endorsement, except in the case of minors. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare has now requested institutions wishing to participate to file applications for funds to be used the last quarter in 1963-64 and the 1964-65 year not later than March 31, 1964. It is estimated that $55,000 could be utilized during the last quarter in 1963-64 and that $372,500 will be required during 1964-65. Estimates of need were prepared by the Deans of the College of Medicine and Dentistry and the Dean of Student Affairs in accordance with guidelines supplied by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Since the amount finally available to the University for use during the periods indicated is uncertain, it is requested that the Comptroller be authorized to execute the necessary documents to secure a grant not to exceed $427,500; and that an appropriation be made to provide an amount equal to one-ninth of that received from the federal government, but not exceeding $6,111 for the 1963-64 year and $41,388.88 for the 1964-65 period. Funds to be made available to the University from the National Defense Education Act will be reduced next year as medical and dental students will no longer qualify for loans from this source. The reduction in the University matching fund requirement for the N.D.E.A. program will be applied to the Health Professions Educational Assistance Act, thereby reducing the requirement for additional funds by approximately $18,000. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, authority was given as requested, this action being taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. INVITATION TO VISIT UNIVERSITIES IN WEST GERMANY (12) I request the Board of Trustees to authorize my acceptance of an invitation to attend meetings of the rectors of the universities in West Germany and to visit some of the universities following these programs. The official visitation is scheduled for the period from June 23 until July 3, exclusive of travel time. The invitation has been presented through the Association of American Universities. The presidents of twelve member institutions of that Association will constitute the delegation. The members of the delegation will have unusual opportunity to exchange information with the leaders of higher education in West Germany and to discuss common problems and international relationships. The mission will involve no travel expense to the University of Illinois. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this request was approved. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (13) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comp- 1156 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 troller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in one category: purchases from Institutional Funds. This term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost Twenty-nine resistance wire strain gauges One portable strain indicator One self-balancing dial Indicator Two ten-channel switching and balancing units Agency for International Development, India Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton, $ 3 391 00 Export Division, f.a.s. Waltham, Mass. New York, N.Y. One spectrophotometer, ultraviolet, including monochrometer, photomulti-plier, detector, and power supply for use in analyzing samples exposed to ultra sound Electrical Engineering Beckman Instruments, Inc., Lincolnwood 3 300 00 f.o.b. delivered Print and bind 2,000 copies Proceedings of the V1CSM Conferences on the Role of Applications in a Secondary School Mathematics Curriculum, approximately 384 pages per copy, trim size 8H in. by 11 in. Mathematics Project Malloy Lithographing, Inc.. Ann Arbor, Mich. 2 660 00 f.o.b. delivered One control system for crystal growing furnace; system consists of: recorder, control relay, magnetic amplifier, feedback unit, rayotube detector, timer, enclosure and interwiring Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering NRC Equipment Corp., Newton, Mass. 3 511 00 f.o.b. delivered 650 chairs, wood, for use in student rooms in the Illinois Street Residence Halls Housing Division Gilbert A. Force Co., Chicago 17 070 70 f.o.b. delivered On motion of Mr. Jones, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants and grants from corporations and other donors, and from University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Abbrobriated Funds One multiple sample absorbance recorder Biological Chemistry, Chicago Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc., Oberlin, Ohio $ 4 590 00 f.o.b. Oberlin, Ohio Ten microscopes, less allowance for trade-in of five used microscopes Microbiology, Chicago Scientific Products Division, American Hospital Supply Corp. Evanston 2 832 50 delivered One lot of new x-ray equipment consisting of one urological table, one x-ray generator, and two x-ray tube units; relocation and modification of existing equipment; less trade-in of ceiling tube hangar with surgical light mount Medical Center, Chicago General Electric Co., X-Ray Department, Chicago 12 000 00 delivered and set in place One water still with 500-gallon storage tank Physical Plant, Chicago Barnstead Still & Sterilizer Co., Boston, Mass. 6 903 00 delivered 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1157 Item Department Vendor Cost Ten woodworking production ma- Physical Plant, Adams & Nelson, $ 890 00 chines, consisting of belt sander. Congress Circle Chicago lathe, grinder-buffer, drill press 20 in. Anderson & White 18 50 and drill press 15 in., horizontal boring machine, two spindle, oscil- Supply Co., Chicago lating spindle sander, disc sander. Balko Tool & Machine Co. , 1 210 00 oilstone tool grinder, and wood Chicago workers' vise A. L. Fader Co., 3 550 00 Chicago Oliver Machine Co., 1 637 00 Chicago (7 305 50) delivered and :in j msi'diieu (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds. S6.886.00. and Institutional Funds, J419.50, for a total of $7,305.50.) One constant temperature room, mod- Civil Engineering Scientific Products 7 715 00 ular construction, 6 ft. wide by 10 ft. Division. American f.o.b. long by 7 ft. high, for studies of Hospital Supply Corp., delivered incubation of sewage cultures and Evanston studies of air pollution One eight-channel electroeneephalo- Neurology and Grass Instrument Co., 5 645 00 graph Neurological Quincy f.o.b. Surgery Chicago One monochromator, high intensity Physics Matheson Scientific, Inc., 2 804 00 with ultraviolet grating with vari- Chicago f.o.b. able slits and accessories delivered Print, gather, and fold for mailing: Alumni E. W. Petty Co., 22 837 36 Eight issues Illinois Alumni News, Association Effingham f.o.b. 33,500 copies per issue, sixteen delivered pages per copy, 11 in. by 17 in. Two issues Illinois Alumni News, 90,000 copies per issue, eight pages per copy, 11 in. by 17 in. Print and bind 2,500 copies of Politics University Press North Central 3 619 95 as a Symbolic Form, by Murray Edel- Publishing Co., f.o.b. man, approximately 224 pages per St. Paul, delivered copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Minn. One tractor-shovel with four-wheel Physical Plant McElroy-Roland 18 769 00 drive, rubber-tired wheels, 1 cubic yard bucket, snow blower, V-type Machinery Co., f.o.b. Springfield delivered snowplow and one-way snowplow, less trade-in of one 1960 International Harvester crawler tractor with three- way grapple type bucket Furnish and install 135 upholstered Physical Plant Mini Supply, Inc., 3 931 75 auditorium chairs with folding tablet Decatur f.o.b. arms in lecture room in new Edu- delivered cation Building and installed Purchases from Institutional Funds One cephalometer consisting of x-ray Cleft Palate B. F. Wehmer Co., 9 980 00 examination table, three x-ray tube Clinic Chicago f.o.b. heads, two transformers, and one Chicago control console factory One lot of metal lounge furniture, nine Dental Clinic Milwaukee Metal 4 567 62 two-seaters, thirty-one three-seaters, Furniture Co., delivered and five four-seaters Chicago One tape transport with eight-track Dental Radiology Precision Instrument Co., 7 450 00 record and reproduce heads, an erase c/o Pivan Engineering Co., f.o.b. head, and eight channels of FM and Chicago Palo Alto, direct record and reproduce electron- Calif. One polygraph complete with four Dental Radiology Privan Engineering Co., 5 956 00 channels, wired for eight, and recti- Chicago f.o.b. linear heat recording Chicago Seven dental vacuum power units Fixed Partial Central Vacuum Corp., 2 585 00 Prosthodontlcs Oak Park delivered. set in place, and installed 175 dozen laboratory coats, assorted Medical Center Whitehouse 5 821 19 sizes Stores Manufacturing Co., Chicago delivered One seven-channel capacity standard Pharmacology, Mnemotron Division of 6 295 00 H in. tape recorder with four chan- Chicago Technical Measurement f.o.b. nels of analog electronics Corp., North Haven, Minneapolis, Minn. Conn. 1158 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 Item Department Vendor Cost One spectrophotometer with photomul- Medical Research, Matheson Scientific, Inc., $ 3 135 00 tiplier Chicago Chicago delivered One operation microscope equipped for Otolaryngology V. Mueller & Co- 3 547 50 photography Chicago delivered Display fixtures and cabinets Pathology Marshall Field & Co., 7 509 86 Contract Division, delivered Chicago and installed One lot of dental equipment consisting Pedodontics Siemens Medical of 15 400 00 of seven dental chairs and dental America, Inc., delivered units Union, N.J. and installed One lot wood laboratory furniture as Congress Circle Hamilton Manufacturing 4 984 00 follows: nine base cabinet units, six Co., delivered storage cases, two utility and lab- Two Rivers, Wis. and oratory tables, one storage-display installed cabinet, one pegboard mount, two table top units Furnish, uncrate, and set in place Congress Circle Keuffel & Esser Co., 43 496 49 drafting equipment consisting of Chicago and Northfield eighteen drafting tables with refer- Charles Bruning Co., Inc. , 2 806 86 ence desks; ten cabinets complete Chicago with 156 plastic instrument trays; (46 303 35) 120 student mechanical drawing delivered, tables; seventeen drawing tables, uncrated. 43H in. by 84 in., with drawers; 166 drafting chairs and stools; ninety- and set in place two steel blueprint filing cases; one lot drawing instruments consisting of scriber sets, electric razors, ten sets plastic curve sets, divider sets; thirty-six drafting table lamps Furnish and erect 815 units steel Congress Circle Reb Steel Equipment Co., 28 219 20 shelving; 179 steel storage cabinets; Chicago twenty-three steel wardrobe cab- Ail-Steel Equipment Co., 6 546 14 inets; and ninety-seven steel book- Inc., stacks with end panels, in thirteen Chicago buildings at Congress Circle, Chicago Interior Steel Products Cc >., 4 503 82 Chicago (39 269 16) f.o.b. delivered and erected Thirty steel herbarium cases Biology, Interior Steel Products Co ., 4 263 00 Congress Circle Chicago delivered and set in place One studio piano and one grand piano Music, Lyon & Healy, for use at Congress Circle Congress Circle Chicago Studio piano 649 50 Baldwin Piano & Organ Co., Chicago Grand piano 3 056 25 (3 705 75) delivered and set in place Furnish and install one automated Physics, Bryon Ellis Associates, 6 119 90 high-vacuum evaporator complete Congress Circle Chicago delivered with base plate, electrical feed- and throughs, power supply, bell jar, and installed other accessories Furnish and install sixty-two roll-out Admissions and Steelograph, Inc., filing units, consisting of two tier, Records and Chicago five tier, seven tier, and five tier with Health Service, Group A 9 145 20 tray Congress Circle Group B 2 953 62 (11 418 60) f.o.b. delivered and installed 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1159 Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of examining room equipment Health Service, Aloe Co.. Division of $ : 21 52 12 Congress Circle Brunswick, Schiller Park American Hospital 297 00 Supply Corp., Evanston Debs Hospital Supplies, In* Chicago Hospital Equipment Corp., c, 351 73 722 80 Chicago V. Mueller & Co., 2 030 90 Chicago (5 523 9S) delivered Six pieces of painting equipment con- Physical Plant, Bachli Paint Co., 1 638 04 sisting of spray pump air compressor. Congress Circle Chicago infra-red portable light units, paint Gunk Chicago Co., 1 597 57 conditioner unit, and stripping tank River Forest (3 235 61) f.o.b. J1JJ UC11VC1CU (Note: This purchase will be made from both Institutional Funds, {1,638.04, and Appropriated Funds, $1,597.57, for a total of $3,235.61.) Furnish labor and materials to con- Agronomy Barenfanger Construction 3 150 00 struct pole-type storage building, 32 Co., f.o.b. ft. wide by 62 ft. long, with roof and Vandalia delivered sides of 26 gauge galvanized steel. and one 16 ft. wide by 12 ft. high sliding erected door, four 12 ft. wide by 12 ft. high sliding doors, and 5 ft. crushed rock floor and approach, building to be constructed at the Brownstown A- gronomy Research Station near New- ton, to be used by the Department of Agronomy to store farm machin- ery and other farm equipment One astro photometer, complete with Astronomy Astro-Mechanics, Inc., 7 225 00 optical and photometric systems and Austin, Texas f.o.b. a 7 in. by 7 H in. viewing screen delivered One lathe, glass working, with acces- Chemistry and Bethlehem Apparatus 7 714 22 sories for use in high precision ma- Chemical International Co., Inc., f.o.b. chining of glass items in glass-blowing Engineering Hellertown, Pa. delivered One recorder, XY, with curve follower, Chemistry and E I Sales, 4 050 00 log converter, combination general Chemical St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. purpose and time base module, re- Engineering San Diego, corder kit, and two maintenance Calif. manuals One spec tro photometer system, in- Chemistry and Matheson Scientific, Inc., 5 662 08 cluding monochromator with quartz Chemical Chicago f.o.b. optics, micro cell attachment with Engineering delivered magnetic stops, and heatable cell holder with accessories One mixer, small batch size (3 cubic ft.) Civil Engineering Barber-Greene Co., 4 120 00 for production of hot and cold bitum- Aurora f.o.b. inous pavement mixes for use in delivered Civil Engineering pavement behavior One precision stereocomparator for the Civil Engineering Wild-Heerbrugg 44 850 00 stereoscopic measurement of picture Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. coordinates and parallaxes in photo- Port Washington, delivered grammetric stereopairs, the science Long Island, N.Y. and art of obtaining reliable measure- ments by means of photography Furnish and install approximately 189y& New Commerce Sackett's Furniture Store, 3 500 00 yards of all wool carpet with pad Building Champaign f.o.b. delivered and installed 9,000,000 sets single part tabulating Digital Computer Laboratory Wallace Business Forms, 26 820 00 forms, continuous construction, size Champaign f.o.b. 14$pD6 in. by 11 in. delivered 61,000 resistors. }$pD watt, composition, Digital Computer Allen Bradley Co., 2 783 00 fixed, 5 per cent tolerance, Mil. R.ll Laboratory Chicago f.o.b. style RC07 Milwaukee, Wise. 100,000 pins, taper, 24-22 wire size, Digital Computer American Pamcor, Inc.. 4 674 00 insulation diameter range .065 to .080 Laboratory St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. in., crimp type maximum installed delivered extension .432 in., overall length .550 in., gold finish 1160 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 Item Departixenl Vendor Cost Furnish and install vertical filing sys- College of Steelograph, Inc., $ 4 875 10 tem, letter size, consisting of one 15 Education Chicago f.o.b. ft. range of five sections and one 12 Building delivered ft. range of four sections, each with and two rows of files 8 ft. high, and one installed counter section 6 ft. in length, 42 in. high, complete with plastic counter top Television equipment: College of Camera Equipment Co., Group 1: two tuners; six 23 in. mon- Education Inc.. itors with speaker enclosures and Administration New York, N.Y. ceiling mounts Groups 1 and 2 4 572 00 Group 2: three dual 8 in. picture mon- f.o.b. itors, rack mounted New York Group 3: seven audio jack panels. N.Y. ' twenty-two audio patch cords C-C Teleservices. Inc., Group 4: three video patch panels. Chicago ten video patch plugs, eight video Group 3 752 36 patch cords, eight video distribu- f.o.b. tion amplifiers, three power sup- delivered plies, two amplifier mounting Radio Corp. of America, frames, four audio premplifiers. Camden, N.J. two audio program amplifiers, one Group 4 7 814 50 monitor amplifier, two amplifier f.o.b. mounting shelves, one audio mixer delivered consolette, eight pul3e distribution amplifiers (13 138 86) One polar recorder, pen response func- Electrical Antlab, Inc., 3 625 00 tion linear and square-root, synchro Engineering Worthington, Ohio f.o.b. ratios 1:1 and 36:1, reading turntable delivered diameter 13 in., sensitivity for full scale linear 1 microvolt square-root 10 microvolts Labor and materials to alter the ex- Electrical Nogle & Black, Inc., 5 464 00 sisting air-conditioning system in the Engineering Champaign f.o.b. research building at the Bondville delivered Road Field Station and installed One batch fermentor and drive assem- Microbiology New Brunswick 4 926 00 bly including one $$pD h.p. motor, var- Scientific Co.. f.o.b. iable speed controls, heater, pumps. New Burnswick, N. J. delivered and antifoam system One field ion microscope, including a Mining, Central Scientific Co., 2 828 50 high-speed Polaroid camera Metallurgy, and Chicago f.o.b. Petroleum delivered Engineering One duplicator, offset, for stock maxi- Physics Maginn Office Equipment 3 583 70 mum size 11 in. by 17 in., equipped Co., f.o.b. with work organizer, ink roller wash- Champaign delivered up attachment, automatic etch at- and tachment, blanket cleaning attach- installed ment, chain delivery and receding stacker, less trade-in on one dupli- cator, offset, AB Dick model 3S0 One chromatogram scanning system. Physiology and Packard Instrument Co., 2 975 00 completely automatic, for strip chro- Biophysics Inc.. f.o.b. matograms and thin layer chro- La Grange delivered matography plates, with 4 pi scan- ning to count radiation from both sides of strips simultaneously One integrated laser modulator, gen- Theoretical and Electro-Optical 2 720 27 erator, and accessories for giant laser Applied Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. pulsing and ultra-high speed photography Mechanics Monrovia, Calif. delivered One centrifuge, refrigerated with Zoology Aloe Scientific Division 2 549 32 twenty-place head and shields for of Brunswick Corp., f.o.b. general laboratory work St. Louis, Mo. delivered 100 bunk beds, wood, for Illinois Street Housing Division Joerns Furniture Co., 9 477 00 Residence Halls (SS6) Stevens Point, Wis. f.o.b. Furnish and install carpeting and pad- Housing Division Sackett's Furniture Store, ding in Illinois Street Residence Halls: Champaign 390 % yards in the Main Lounge in Item 1 Tile Specialists, Inc., Buildings B and C Champaign Seventy yards in Residence Apart- Item 2 3 283 36 ments, in Buildings A and B, and 344 yards in Reference Library (8 481 31) and Seminar Rooms in Building f.o.b. FS delivered and installed 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1161 Item Department Vendor Cost 140 refrigerators, 9 cubic ft. capacity, Housing Division Kelvinator Division, $ 13 139 00 white enamel finish, non-automatic American Motors f.o.b. defrost, complete with two ice trays, Sales Corp., delivered hydrator storage, and sliding chiuer Chicago drawer, to be installed in Orchard Downs Family Housing Units 150 ranges, electric, white enamel fin- Housing Division Athen Stove Works, Inc., 11 850 90 ish, 20 in. wide, 220 volts, with therm- Chicago f.o.b. ostatically controlled oven, four burn- delivered ers---one 8-inch and three 6-inch, broil pan, two nickle-plated oven racks, storage drawer, and six ft. long electric cord and plug to be installed in Orchard Downs Family Housing Units Conversion of twenty ball return units Mini Union Brunswick Corp., 28 130 00 to increase the speed of pinaetters in Bowling Division, f.o.b. the Illini Union bowling lanes Hinsdale delivered and installed. less cash discount, net 30 Manuscript copy made by the scribe Library Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, 2 650 00 Ralph Crane of Sir Henry Manway- Los Angeles, Calif. ring's A Briefc Abstract Exposition and Demonstration of All Termes, Farts and Things Belonging to a Shippe, and the Practick of Navigation, 1626 Air Force uniforms and accessories: Military Property Clothing Sales Store, 4 335 30 90 pair boots, combat, black Custodian Chanute Air Force Base f.o.b. 180 caps, garrison, blue Chanute 360 shirts, mans, 1505 Air Force 360 trousers, mans, 1505 Base 90 pair shoes, low quarter, black 450 pair socks, wool, black 360 pair socks, cotton, black Photographic laboratory services as Motion Picture Calvin Productions, Inc., 37 220 00 requested for the period of April 20, Service Kansas City, Mo. f.o.b. 1964. through June 30, 1965, as es- delivered timated below: Process and workprint of up to 50,000 feet of 16 mm. B&W reversal Make color internegatives and answer print from AB Ektachrome origi- nal up to 6,500 ft. Make color prints from internegatives, sound, up to 550,000 ft. Make optical sound tracks from 16 mm. magnetic film up to 75,000 ft. One process camera, 96 in. bellow ex- Print Shop W. A. Brown 7 060 00 tension, vertical and horizontal mo- Manufacturing Co., f.o.b. torized lensboard movements, 313 Chicago delivered in. by 31 % in. ground glass, range of enlargement three times, range of reduction seven times One set of four-pulsed xenon camera lamps and power supply One precision electrical reset timer Print and bind 2,000 copies of Slavery University Press North Central 3 199 15 and Jeffersonian Virginia, by Robert Publishing Co- f.o.b. McColley, approximately 224 pages st. Paul. Minn. delivered per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Renewal of leases for two years (through Visual Aids Service Encyclopaedia Britannica 5 776 00 April, 1966) of 183 miscellaneous 16 Films, Inc., f.o.b. mm. films Wilmette delivered 1,600 gallons paint, traffic marking Physical Plant J & D Supply Co., 3 930 50 2,000 pounds moisture proof glass beads Springfield f.o.b. for highway pavement marking in delivered various areas on the Urbana campus Furnish all necessary labor and materi- Physical Plant George S. Grimmett & Co., 10 460 00 als to remove existing cork and wood Springfield f.o.b. flooring in designated areas of the delivered first, second, and third floors of the and original Illini Union Building and installed replace with rubber tile on the first floor and cork tile on the second and third floors 1162 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 Item Department Vendor Cost Blanket group accident and sickness University Angelo S. Betzelos, $ 3 316 21 insurance for youth i groups---other Extension representing Aetna estimated than University students---attending Division Casualty Co. annual the Allerton 4-H Memorial Camp and premium groups residing on campus to attend short courses, work shops, clinics, and other programs sponsored by the University of Illinois On motion of Mr. Jones, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (14) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period March 1 to 31, 1964. Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date W. R. Grace & Co. Ultrafine ceramic particles $ 20 000 00 February 1, 1964 Peace Corps PC-(W)-27O Measurement of volunteer attitude 20 684 00 October 31, 1963 swings in accordance with Peace Corps expectations State of Illinois Four projects: isolation and char- 58 600 00 July 1, 1963 Department of acterization of entero-viruses of Agriculture swine; role of escherichia coli in enteritus of swine; agalactis syn- drome in gilts and sows; pneu- monias in swine State of Illinois Depart- Evaluation of the performance of 5 000 00 February 1, 1964 ment of Conservation small dams Superintendent of Public Training programs for specialists 81 296 00 February 24, 1964 Instruction working with gifted children United States Air Force Properties of solid solutions in 108 199 00 March 16. 1964 AF-AFOSR-633-64 metals United States Air Force Indices relating the physical prop- 31 303 00 January 27, 1964 AF29(601)-6319 erties and the engineering be- havior of rock United States Army Radar study of convective precipi- 70 000 00 February 29, 1964 DA28-043AMC-00032 (E) United States Army tation Refractometric analysis of water in 23 200 00 January 1, 1964 DA-49-193-MD-2S4S body fluids United States Depart- Shaping logical behavior in six- and S 778 00 February 24, 1964 ment of Health, Edu- seven-year olds cation, and Welfare OE-4-10-128 United States Depart- Variables related to outcomes of 6 512 00 February 1, 1964 ment of Health, Edu- test interpretation cation, and Welfare OE-4-10-140 United States Navy Micromechanical mechanisms in 35 475 00 January 1, 1964 Nonr-398S(06) organic solids Total $466 047 00 Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date University of Rochester Measurement of volunteer attitude $ 9 580 00 December 31, 1963 sub-contract under swings in accordance with Peace PC-(W)-270 Corps expectations Leases Amount to be With Whom Purpose Paid by the University Effective Date Allis Chalmers Rental of farm machinery: two $ 733 00 June 14, 1963 Manufacturing Co. tractors with accessories John Deere Co. Rental of farm machinery: two 737 00 August and items, ?170.45 and $566.62 December, 1963 International Business Rental of office machines: four 87 246 00 January and Machines Corp. items, J2.256.OO to $66,769.32 March, 1964 Midland Ford Tractor Rental of farm machinery: four 1 516 00 February, 1964 Co. items, $21.90 to $564.19 New Idea Farm Rental of farm machinery: one 117 00 January 16, 1964 Equipment Co. manure spreader with extras Total $90 349 00 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1163 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Crop-Hail Insurance Factors producing hailstorms and $ 9 000 00 February 5, 1964 i Actuarial Association rainfall influences on crop yields in Illinois United States Air Force Generating and utilizing coherent 84 986 00 November 1, 1963 AF33(6S7)-10224 electromagnetic radiation in the sub-millimeter and interwave region United States Air Force Diffusion and imperfections in 290 00 January 30, 1964 l AF49(638)-880 metals United States Army Initiation and stability of detona- 34 947 00 March 18, 1964 DA-11-022-AMC-329 tion waves United States Army Development of polymers for use at 460 00 March 4. 1964 DA-11-022-ORD-2956 high temperatures United States Navy Variety of topics in number theory Nonr-1834(18) 20 000 00 August 15, 1963 United States Navy Theory of group representations 6 678 00 September 15, 1963 Nonr-1834(23) and measure theory United States Navy Biophysical and biochemical studies 16 500 00 February 1, 196-1 t Nonr-3985(02) on electric organs and muscle membranes of fish Total J172 861 00 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Dale George S. Grimmett & Co. Twenty-two items: $185.50 deduct $2 012 00 February and (Plastering) to S700.00 March, 1964 Summary Amount to be paid to the University {638 908 00 Amount to be paid by the University $pD101 941 00 This report was received for record. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (15) The Finance Committee reported the following ; changes in certain investment funds for the month of February, 1964: Endowment Pool Sale 100 shares Kennecott Copper common $ 7 949 64 7 shares Midwestern Gas Transmission common 125 96 5 shares Standard Oil Company of New Jersey common 399 84 800 shares Weyerhauser Company common 26 989 20 Purchase 200 shares Ford Motor Company common $ 10 613 52 68/100 shares General Motors common 53 46 300 shares Standard Brands common 22 639 SO Ford Foundation International Programs $ 50 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/30/64 $ 49 142 63 50 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2YS per cent 2/15/65 49 562 50 50 000 U. S. Treasury notes ty% 5/15/65 50 515 63 80 000 U. S. Treasury notes Wi 2/1S/66 79 562 50 80 000 U. S. Treasury notes 4 8/15/66 80 150 00 100 000 U. S. Treasury notes ty% 2/15/67 99 078 13 100 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% 8/15/67 99 343 75 130 000 U. S. Treasury bonds i% 5/15/68 129 614 06 130 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3% 8/15/68 128 578 13 1164 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April IS Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reports the following changes in investments of current and i m- expended plant : funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Purchase $ 750 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/26/64 $756 570 00 University of Andes (June 20, 1962) Purchase $ 2 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/31/65 $ 1 930 80 City of Chicago (June 20, 1962) Purchase $ 3 500 U. S. Treasury bonds 2% per cent 2/15/65 $ 3 470 47 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 150 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/14/64 $148 760 42 235 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/18/64 232 258 33 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 46 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/14/64 $ 45 655 64 Illinois Street 1 Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Sale $ 590 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 3 percent 2/15/64 $591 420 39 Purchase $ 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/13/64 $199 853 33 323 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/20/64 322 553 19 130 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/12/64 129 761 67 250 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 248 678 47 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Purchase $ 144 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/14/64 $142 813 40 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Purchase $ 55 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 $ 54 709 26 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/16/64 $ 4 975 81 Sinking Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959) Purchase $ 201 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/31/64 $196 686 76 Chicago--- Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Reserve (December 16, 1953) r $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 8/15/72 $ 4 973 44 Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958; June 23 and October 21, 1959; June 14, I960; June 21, 1961; May 24 and October 17, 1962) Purchase $ 443 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/19/64 $441 273 78 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 262 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/31/64 $256 915 31 36 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/31/65 34 733 64 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1165 Student Services (May 17, 1961) Purchase } 27 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/19/64 $ 26 891 76 31 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/31/64 30 352 01 4 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 2% per cent 2/15/65 3 975 00 On motion of Mr. Williamson, this report was received for record. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER (16) In accordance with the By-Laws of the Board of Trustees, the Treasurer of the University has submitted a report of receipts and disbursements of University funds in his custody for the period March 1, 1963, to February 29, 1964, certified by the Comptroller. A copy of this report was sent to each member of the Board of Trustees prior to today's meeting, and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board. This report was received for record. SALE OF MOVABLE EQUIPMENT TO ILLINOIS BUILDING AUTHORITY (17) The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on March 18, 1964, authorized the execution of a lease with the Illinois Building Authority for movable equipment to be financed by the Authority. Agreements have been reached with the Authority as to procedures for purchasing, handling, and identifying this equipment. The Illinois Building Authority has requested the University of Illinois to purchase, identify, and place into the proper buildings movable equipment covered by the above-mentioned lease. At the end of each month, the Illinois Building Authority will reimburse the University of Illinois for expenditures incurred that month. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois authorize the sale of equipment to the Illinois Building Authority under such a procedure. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. SALE OF PROPERTY TO THE ILLINOIS BUILDING AUTHORITY (18) Pursuant to the authorization of the Board at its March 18, 1964, meeting, and with the approval of the Illinois Building Authority, the University of Illinois has acquired from the city of Urbana land required as part of the site of the new Civil Engineering Building, said land being Romine Street between Main Street and Springfield Avenue and part of the alley between Main and Stoughton Streets. By reason of vacation of this street and alley by the City and payment by the University for the same, title to the vacated areas is vested in the University. This property is part of that scheduled for acquisition by the Illinois Building Authority under its land acquisition lease to the University, and it is now necessary for the Board of Trustees to authorize the sale of this property to the Illinois Building Authority. The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant recommend authorization of the sale of this land to the Illinois Building Authority at its acquisition cost and the adoption of the following resolution. I concur. Resolution Be It, and It Is Hereby, Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and Secretary of this corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed, to execute, acknowledge, and deliver, in the name, and in behalf of, this corporation, and under its Corporate Seal, a Warranty Deed and such other documents in connection therewith as said Comptroller and Secretary may deem necessary or desirable in order to convey to the Illinois Building Authority, a body corporate 1166 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 and politic of the State of Illinois, duly organized and existing pursuant to "An Act to create the Illinois Building Authority and to define its powers and duties," approved August 15, 1961, as amended, title to the following described property, viz: That portion of Romine Street and Alley situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois vacated by an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of a Street and an Alley" adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois on the twentieth day of January, A.D., 1964 and bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest (NW) corner of Lot Five (5) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois, and thence West (W) Sixty-six feet (66') more or less, along the South (S) line of Main Street to the Northeast (NE) corner of Block Fifty-two (52) of said Seminary Addition thence South (S) along the East (E) line of Block Fifty-two (52) and Fifty-three (53) of said Seminary Addition, Five Hundred Sixty-three feet (563'), more or less, to the Southeast (SE) corner of said Block Fifty-three (53), thence East (E) Sixty-six feet (66') more or less, to the Southwest (SW) corner of Block Fifty-four (54) of said Seminary Addition, thence North (N) Four Hundred Fourteen and one-half feet (414.5'), more or less, along the West line of said Block Fifty-four (54) and Block Fifty-one (51) to the Northwest (NW) corner of Lot Six (6) of said Block Fifty-one (51), thence East (E) One Hundred Ninety-eight feet (198'), more or less, along the North (N) property line of Lots Six (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8) of said Block Fifty-one (51) to the Northeast (NE) corner of said Lot Eight (8), thence North (N) Sixteen and one-half feet (16.5') more or less, to the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot Three (3) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana, thence West (W) along the South (S) property line of Lots Three (3), Four (4), and Five (5) in Block Fifty-one (51) of the Seminary Addition to Urbana One Hundred Ninety-eight feet (198') more or less, "to the Southwest (SW) corner of said Lot Five (5), thence North (N) along the West (W) property line of said Lot Five (5), One Hundred Thirty-two feet (132') more or less, to the Northwest (NW) corner of said Lot Five (5) in Block Fifty-one (51) of Seminary Addition to Urbana, the point of beginning; subject to easements to the City of Urbana, Illinois upon and under the above described tract for the maintenance and repair of all sewers and drains which are located on or under the surface of any part of the above described tract and subject to easements to all public utilities, their successors and assigns to operate, maintain and renew and reconstruct their facilities as now operated and maintained, in, over, or under the above described tract; for, and in consideration of, the payment by said Illinois Building Authority of the sum of Ninety-two Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-five Dollars ($92,895.00) to this corporation. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON GENERAL POLICY ON REVISIONS OF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STATUTES Mr. Williamson, for the Committee on General Policy, presented the following report and recommendations for revisions of Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University of Illinois Statutes dealing with tenure of academic staff and academic freedom which have been proposed by the University Senates and the Senate Coordinating Council. This report was adopted by the Committee at a meeting held on April 14, 1964. Mr. Williamson served as temporary Chairman of the Committee in the absence of Mr. Johnston. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1167 At its June 19, 1963, meeting the Board of Trustees received and referred to your Committee on General Policy for consideration and study the recommendations of the Senates and the Senate Coordinating Council for amendments in Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the existing University of Illinois Statutes. After reviewing the same with the President, the Committee found itself in substantial agreement with the Coordinating Council's proposals, but concluded that further discussion of certain portions was indicated. Thereafter, on the recommendation of your Committee, in November of 1963 the Board approved a procedure whereby the President was requested to arrange conferences between the Committee on General Policy, the President of the Board, the Chairman and one other member of each Senate Committee on Academic Freedom, the Chairman and Secretary of the Senate Coordinating Council, the President of the University and such staff consultants as he might designate. Two such conferences were held, one on January 29, 1964, and the other on April 13, 1964, the date of this Report. The expressions were of material assistance to your Committee in formulating the recommendations contained in the Report which recommendations your Committee believes represent the consensus of the Conferees. Under Section 65 of the University Statutes, the modifications in the original proposals would be treated as statutory amendments proposed by the Board which require the advice of the Senates. Under these circumstances, and to provide maximum time for consideration by Senate members prior to their next meetings, your Committee is at this time filing this Report in summary form, together with its recommendations. It is anticipated that a detailed supplementary Report will be presented in due course. Your Committee strongly endorses and recommends the adoption of the statutory amendments as proposed by the Senate Coordinating Council, except for four paragraphs [Sections 38 (d), 38 (e) (7), 38 (e) (8), and 39 (b)] in which certain additions or deletions are being recommended in this Report. Section 38 (d) of the Council's revision defines due cause for dismissal and the modifications recommended by your Committee are intended to clarify that conduct clearly demonstrating professional incompetence or irresponsibility may constitute cause for dismissal, whether it occurs in the classroom laboratory, or elsewhere. Your Committee's proposals with respect to Section 38 (e) (7) are deemed to be a logical extension of matters in the record which the Board may consider in dismissal proceedings, and a further definition of the relevant factors to which the Board will give due consideration in designating the effective date of a dismissal. The modifications recommended by your Committee in Section 38 (e) (8) are based primarily on the advice from the Legal Counsel that state appropriations may not be expended as salaries to individuals who do not have an employment status and who do not perform personal services for the University. Substantial changes in Section 39 (b) are proposed by your Committee to create a more precise understanding that, when he speaks or writes, a faculty member should be mindful of the admonitions for accuracy, forthrightness, and dignity, but "if he fails to heed these admonitions on an occasion when he is exercising his freedom of speech as a citizen, such failure shall not, of itself constitute due cause for dismissal but, after consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee, the President may take official cognizance of such failure." Accompanying this Report is an Appendix in which there is presented, in columnar form, the existing University Statutes, the revisions proposed therein by the Senate Coordinating Council, and (under the heading "Modification of Senates' Version Being Considered by Board Committee") the modifications in the four paragraphs of the Council's revision recommended by your Committee and summarized above. Accordingly, in line with the comments and recommendations in this Report, it is moved that the following resolution be adopted by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: "Be It Resolved that the proposals for statutory revision as proposed by the Senate Coordinating Council and transmitted by the President on June 19, 1963, be tentatively approved, except as noted below, and "Be It Further Resolved that the recommendations of the Committee on General Policy of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in its 1168 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 April 14, 1964, report on 'Revision of Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University Statutes Proposed by Senate Coordinating Council' be considered amendments to the University Statutes proposed by the Board of Trustees, and that the advice of the University Senates be sought thereon as provided in Section 65 of the University Statutes." Committee on General Policy On motion of Mr. Williamson, this report was adopted and the recommendations of the Committee were approved without dissent. The Appendix showing the changes approved was filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows; declinations, resignations, and terminations; leaves of absence; cancellation of sabbatical leave of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Amjadi, Hormoz, Assistant in Psychiatry, College of Medicine, eight months from January 1, 1964, without salary (3-20-64). Andermann, Robert E, Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964, 2/3 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $845 for the period (3-11-64). Anderson, James P., Research Assistant in Anthropology, January 1-June 15, 1964, $2,566.69 (3-5-64). Arnold, Joseph P., Research Associate in Vocational and Technical Education, College of Education, $$3 time, March 1-June 15, 1964, $1,563.36, supersedes (2-27-64). Asbun, Wady L., Research Associate in Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine four months from May 18, 1964, $600 a month, (3-6-64). Ball, M. A., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1964, $8,000 (3-11-64). Barbour, Ian M., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1964, $8,500 (3-11-64). Bardos, Andras M., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,020 (3-9-64). Barsow, Joseph M., Adviser on Campus Planning and Architect at the Njala University College, Sierra Leone, for service under Contract USAID/AFE-132, for the period March 23 through July 22, 1964, $19,615 a year (3-25-64). Bassel, Mrs. Alix I. R., Research Associate in Botany, February 16-August 31, 1964, $6,500 a year (3-17-64). Belford, Mrs. Geneva G., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, ]/2 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $850 for the period (3-19-64). Boresi, Arthur P., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1964, 14 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $828 for the period (3-5-64). Brown, Gordon E., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,556 for the period, supersedes (3-5-64). Burke, James A., Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964, 2/3 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $964 for the period (3-11-64). Byng, Dennis E., Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964, 2/i time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $964 for the period (3-5-64). Carson, Ralph S., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), six months from March 1, 1964, $5,250, supersedes (3-4-64). Clifford, John J., Research Associate in Education (Mathematics Project, University High School), Y&, time seven months from February 1, 1964, $4,812.50, supersedes (3-6-64). Cook, Joel S., Visiting Lecturer in the University Theatre, Summer Session of 1964, VA time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,166 for the period (3-5-64). Crittenden, Brian S., Instructor in History and Philosophy of Education, College of Education, YA time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $3,000 (3-9-64). Dart, Edward D., Lecturer in Architecture, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vi time, five months from February 1, 1964, $1,250 (2-27 $pDf) 1170 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April IS McGurk, Florence F., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, three months from April 1, 1964, $500 a month, supersedes (2-25-64). Mok, Chi-Hung, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), one year from September 1, 1964, $9,000 (3-6-64). Monfort, Thomas N., Instructor in Veterinary Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, 2/3 time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $562.50 a month (3-23-64). Mosley, Alan R., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 22- August 21, 1964, $959.53 (3-16-64). Nicholson, Mrs. Marilyn J., Research Assistant in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, March 2-August 31, 1964, $6,600 a year (2-27-64). Page, Thomas, Associate Professor of Political Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, \/i time, and Associate Professor in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Vi time, on indefinite tenure from March 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $9,850, supersedes (3-20-64). Pardee, William D., Assistant Professor of Crop Extension (Agronomy) (S and E), five months from April 1, 1964, $10,450 a year, supersedes (3-4-64). Perelmuter, Samuel, Instructor in Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 54 time, six months from March 1, 1964, $2,025, supersedes (3-11-64). Pfaller, Mrs. Shirley B., Research Assistant in Chemistry, six months from March 1, 1964, $2,749.98 (3-27-64). Phipps, Thomas E., Professor of Physical Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1963, $12,400, supersedes (3-6-64). Places, Mrs. Cynthia B., Assistant Editor in Veterinary Medicine Administration, with rank of Assistant, College of Veterinary Medicine, Vi time, March 4-August 31, 1964, $1,376 a year (3-10-64). Plusquellec, Paul L., Assistant in Geology, Summer Session of 1964, June 15- August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (3-12-64). Powers, Claudia A., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, February 17-March 20, 1964, $300.70 (3-19-64). Pownall, George A., Research Assistant in Law, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,733.32 (3-9-64). Rafuse, Robert W., Jr., Assistant Professor of Economics, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1964-65, $8,300 a year, supersedes (3-23-64). Randall, Robert F., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (3-2-64). Ranhotra, G. S., Research Associate in Animal Science (S), five months from April 1, 1964, $541.67 a month (3-26-64). Richartz, Leon E., Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,027.78 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-17-64). Robinson, Philip C, Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, four months from March 1, 1964, $1,200 (3-19-64). Rosenblum, Michael, Instructor in English, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vi time, February 1-June 15, 1964, $1,300 (3-20-64). Russell, John K., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1964-65, $2,550, supersedes (2-26-64). Sanderson, Trevor R., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 22-August 21, 1964, $959.53 (3-16-64). Sarlas, Sophie H., Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964, 2/3 time, June 15- August 8, 1964, $845 for the period (3-11-64). Schneider, John M., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (C), five months from April 1, 1964, $3,959.60, supersedes (3-16-64). Sgoutas, Demetrius, Research Associate in Food Science (S), five months from April 1, 1964, $583.33 a month, supersedes (3-17-64). Sibinovic, Mrs. Sarah K. H., Research Associate in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, College of Veterinary Medicine, 2A time, five months from April 1, 1964, $2,500, supersedes (3-18-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1171 Storch, Richard H., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from Tune 16, 1964, $1,108 (3-2-64). Swiatek, Kenneth, Research Assistant in Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine, five months from April 1, 1964, $429.17 a month (3-10-64). Thompson, William N., Chief of Party and Adviser to Principal of Njala University College, for service under Contract USAID/AFE at the Njala University, Sierra Leone, for two years from March 1, 1964, $20,000 a year; and Professor of Farm Management and Policy, Department of Agricultural Economics, indefinite tenure from March 1, 1966, supersedes (3-6-64). Tigekman, Stanley, Lecturer in Architecture, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vi time, five months from February 1, 1964, $1,250 (2-27-64). Tolani, Ambika J., Research Associate in Psychiatry, College of Medicine, seven months from February 1, 1964, without salary (3-6-64). Troughton, Terence E., Field Biologist in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, four months from March 1, 1964, $1,900 (2-26-64). Ullmann, Leonard P., Associate Professor of Psychology, indefinite tenure from March 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $10,650 a year, supersedes (3-17-64). Zeh, Heinz-Dieter, Research Associate in Physics (C), one month from March 12, 1964, $800 (3-20-64). FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Allen, Robert R., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Allerhand, Adam, Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, June 16, 1964-Tanuary 31, 1965, $5,437.50 (2-12-64). Arlon, Ary, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Baldwin, John, Fellow in Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Blakley, G. R., Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Breen, Harry F., Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Browne, Julia, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Carey, James W., Fellow in Journalism, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Casothers, Zane B., Fellow in Botany, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Cole, Howard C, Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Copack, Paula B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, September 15, 1964-June 30, 1965, $1,900 (3-10-64). Dalton, William O., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $1,575 (3-3-64). Davenport, Richard, Fellow in Zoology, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64), DeLey, Herbert, Fellow in French, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Edlefsen Blaine E., Fellow in Music, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Farrell, Peter, Fellow in Music, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Foulkes, Peter, Fellow in German, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Fumento, Rocco L., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Gable, Norman W., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Special) in Psychiatry, one year from December 1, 1963, without salary (1-14-64). Gilden, Carl, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, three months from June 16, 1964, $600 (3-10-64). Goldinc, Sanford, Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). 1172 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 Gunter, Frank, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64), Hall, Juanita L., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Education, February 1-June IS, 1964, $900 (3-2-64). Halverson, Richard A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, January 1-June IS, 1964, $366.66 (1-10-64). Heins, A. James, Fellow in Finance, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Hinomoto, Hirohide, Fellow in Industrial Administration, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Hoffmann, Joan G, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, three months from April 1, 1964, $725, supersedes (3-13-64). Hogan, Donald J., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Kaplan, Herbert H., Fellow in History, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Kauf, Robert, Fellow in Foreign Languages, Chicago Undergraduate Division, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Kord, Victor, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Kretzmann, Norman, Fellow in Philosophy, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Kronik, John W., Fellow in Spanish, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Kuisel, Richard F., Fellow in History, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Lencek, Rado L., Fellow in Russian, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). LeVine, Robert D., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Psychiatry, January 1-June IS, 1964, $366.66 (1-10-64). Long, Charles A., Fellow in Zoology, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Lu, Chin-Pi, Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Markwalder, Don, Fellow in Economics, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Melnik, Seymour J., Medical Student Alternative Quarter Fellow, March 1-May 31, 1964, $200 (2-27-64). Miller, Carol, Fellow in German, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Miller, Marilyn T., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Ophthalmology, six months from January 1, 1964, $3,250 (1-15-64). Moses, Richard, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Munsinger, Harry, Fellow in Psychology, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Murray, Edward F., Eli Lilly (Research) Fellow in Microbiology, one year from January 1, 1964, $6,000 (2-3-64). Norman, Wesley P., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Anatomy, two-fifths time, March 30-June 6, 1964, $333 (3-10-64). Nykiel, Florian, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Oto- laryngology, December 1, 1963-July 1, 1964, $541.66 a month, supersedes (1-20-64). Osofsky, Gilbert, Fellow in History, Chicago Undergraduate Division, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Pachmuss, Temira, Fellow in Russian, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Pappademos, John N., Fellow in Physics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Ray, Robert K., Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Sanders, Thomas G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, February 1-June IS, 1964, $1,050 (3-3-64). Savage, Jerome, Fellow in Art, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Schmitz, Roger A., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Shugrue, Michael F., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1173 Simmons, J. L., Fellow in Sociology, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Simok, John K., Fellow in English and French, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Sloan, Thomas O., Fellow in Speech, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Smalley, Webster, Fellow in Speech, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Steinkamp, Stanley W., Fellow in Economics, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Sullivan, Denis, Fellow in Political Science, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Swartz, Robert J., Fellow in Philosophy, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Taylor, Lucile N., Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Recreation and Municipal Park Administration, February 1-June IS, 1964, $900 (3-2-64). Testa, Daniel P., Fellow in Spanish, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Textoris, Daniel, Fellow in Geology, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Tomasson, Richard F., Fellow in Sociology, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Trahern, Joseph B., Jr., Fellow in English, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Tucker, Patricia, Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1964, $900 (3-17-64). Vetterling, John M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from February 1, 1964, $5,500, supersedes (3-12-64). White, Mrs. Joan F., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, one year from July 1, 1964, $6,300 (2-17-64). Whitsel, Barry L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Pharmacology, six months from January 1, 1964, $1,700 (12-17-63). RESIGNATIONS. DECLINATIONS. AND TERMINATIONS Backer, Kenneth A., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 ---declination effective June 15, 1964. Belden, Carl R., Fellow in Landscape Architecture --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Bifano, Jacqueline, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry --- termination effective March 21, 1964. Butterworth, Douglas, Fellow in Anthropology --- resignation effective February 1, 1964. Chapdu, Robert E., Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Criegee, Lutz, Research Assistant Professor of Physics --- resignation effective March 16, 1964. Cronbach, Lee J., Professor of Educational Psychology, Bureau of Educational Research, College of Education; and Professor of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Dolney, Edwin L., Research Associate in Education, University High School --- resignation effective March 1, 1964. Farmer, Melvin L., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective April 1, 1964. Friedman, Robert B., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry --- termination effective March 21, 1964. Fumento, Rocco L., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Hecht, Patricia J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Education (School Psychology)---resignation effective March 16, 1964. Hurst, David O., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective March 16, 1964. 1174 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 15 Katague, David B., Research Assistant in Psychiatry, College of Medicine --- resignation effective March 8, 1964. Kuo, Benjamin, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June IS, 1964. Lin, Song-lin, Assistant in Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Summer Session of 1964 ---declination effective June 22, 1964. Manwell, Clyde, Associate Professor of Physiology --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Meyer, Ewy, Research Associate in Ophthalmology, College of Medicine --- termination effective March 1, 1964. Monin, Max, Instructor in Psychiatry, College of Medicine --- termination effective November 1, 1963. O'Connor, Dennis M., Assistant Professor of Law --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Rosenbloom, Carl, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry --- termination effective March 21, 1963. Shannon, Donald T., Associate Professor of Psychology, Summer Session of 1964 ---declination effective June IS, 1964. Sieren, David J., Assistant in Botany, Summer Session o! 1964 --- declination effective June IS, 1964. Spellman, Mrs. Mary, Commerce and Sociology Library Assistant --- resignation effective April 1, 1964. Stephens, Mrs. Nancy A., Architecture Library Assistant---resignation effective May 1, 1964. Swiatek, Kenneth, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Biological Chemistry --- termination effective February IS, 1964. Taylor, Howard P., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Pharmacology --- termination effective December 31, 1963. Tuckwood, Mrs. Jo Ann, Library Science Librarian and Assistant Professor of Library Administration --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. van Dyck, Peter C, Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology --- termination effective December 31, 1963. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Greenberg, Michael J., Assistant Professor of Zoology --- leave of absence, without pay, from March 1 through August 31, 1965, so that he may accept a National Science Foundation Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship in connection with his sabbatical leave of absence for the first semester of the academic year 1964-65. Gunther, Gotthard, Visiting Research Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering --- change in termination date of his leave of absence, without pay, from August 31, 1964, to July 31, 1964. Hirsch, Jerry, Professor of Psychology --- leave of absence, with full pay, effective March 18 through May 13, 1964, on account of sickness. Kretzmann, Norman, Assistant Professor of Philosophy --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept an offer to serve as a Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy at Wayne State University. Schour, Isaac, Professor and Head of the Department of Histology, and Dean of the College of Dentistry --- administrative leave of absence, with full pay, for three months from September 1, 1964, so that he may participate as an educational consultant and Research Professor at a decisive stage of development of the new dental school of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Steiner, Gilbert Y., Professor and Director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs --- leave of absence, without pay, for nine months from September 16, 1964, so that he may serve as Visiting Professor of Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley. Wachowski, Theodore J., Clinical Professor of Radiology, College of Medicine, and Associate Radiologist in the Research and Educational Hospitals --- extension of leave of absence, without pay, from March 1 through August 31, 1964, so that he may complete his assignments as President of the American College of Radiology. CANCELLATION OF SABBATICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE Gerbner, George, Associate Professor of Journalism and of Communications---- 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1175 sabbatical leave of absence for the second semester of the current academic year 1963-64, is hereby cancelled. ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BOARDS OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES President Clement informed the Board that Mrs. Watkins, as a Regional Director of the Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities, has been asked to attend a meeting of the Association at the University of Nevada in May of this year. On motion of Mr. Swain, her participation in this meeting was authorized. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS President Clement made the following announcements. The May meeting will be held in Urbana as scheduled on Wednesday, May 20, 1964. The biennial meeting of the University of Illinois Citizens Committee will be held the following day and it is hoped that as many of the Trustees as can do so will stay over for that meeting. He suggested that the Board meeting be held on Wednesday evening, beginning at 8:00 o'clock, to shorten the time between the two meetings and unless there were objections, this schedule would be followed. There being no dissent, it was so ordered. The June meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17, 1964, and President Clement stated it will be held in Urbana, according to a schedule to be arranged by the President and the Secretary in consultation with the President of the University. The Board then considered the date of the July meeting. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the date of this meeting was changed from July IS, the third Wednesday, to Wednesday, July 22, to be held in Urbana. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION President Clement also announced that the University will be host to the Illinois Board of Higher Education at its May meeting on May 4 and 5. The meeting will be held at the LaSalle Hotel. Plans for the meeting include a visit to the Congress Circle site. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement stated that an executive session has been requested and is being ordered for consideration of recommendations relating to land acquisitions and that this meeting was to be held after luncheon. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the Board recessed. ADDRESSES BY MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY During the recess and following luncheon, Director Sheldon Fordham of the Division of Physical Education and Director of Athletics, Director Victor E. Ricks of the Division of Education, and Dean Glenn Terrell of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, addressed the Board on the state of their respective administrative units and plans for the future. When the Board reconvened, the same members, officers of the Board, and officers of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes. The Board considered the following reports and recommendations. 1176 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 11O1 WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE. URBANA (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the property at 1101 West California Avenue, Urbana, at a price of $51,000, the owner to retain possession until June 30, 1965. The property is a corner lot, 65 feet on California Avenue and 151 feet on Gregory Place (9,815 square feet), and is improved with a two and one-half story and basement frame dwelling, used as a. room and boarding house. It will be required as part of the site for the expansion of the Center for the Performing Arts. Funds are available from temporary family housing reserves. The Committee on Building and Grounds has been consulted and supports this recommendation. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the purchase of this property, at the price recommended, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 5O8 SOUTH GOODWIN AVENUE AND 1117 WEST ILLINOIS STREET, URBANA (2) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of the contiguous properties at 1117 West Illinois Street and 508 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, at a total price of $95,000. The land area is irregular with a 65 foot fronting on Illinois Street and 198 foot fronting on Goodwin Avenue (13,912 square feet) and is improved with two six-unit apartment buildings. The land is required as part of the site for the Center for the Performing Arts. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted and concurs in this recommendation. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, the purchase of this property, at the price recommended, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS May 20, 1964 The May meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union South, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, May 20, 1964, beginning at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Theodore A. Jones, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins. Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Governor Otto Kerner, Mr. Ray Page, and Mr. Kenney E. Williamson were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Yice-President Norman A. Parker and Dean Glenn Terrell, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President, Mr. Shannon McCune, Consultant to the President and to the Executive Vice-President and Provost, Mr. Vernon L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 1177 1178 board of trustees [May 20 BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON GENERAL POLICY Supplementary Report on Amendments of Statutes, May 1, 1964 Mr. Jones, for the Committee on General Policy, presented the following report: Revisions of Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University Statutes Proposed by Senate Coordinating Council On April IS, 1964, the Board of Trustees received and approved the Committee on General Policy's April 14, 1964, recommendations and summary report concerning revisions of Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University of Illinois Statutes previously proposed by the University Senates and the Senate Coordinating Council. The April 14, 1964, Committee report recommended certain modifications of the statutory amendments forwarded by the Senates, and the Board's action of April IS included the adoption of the following resolutions: "Be It Resolved that the proposals for statutory revision as proposed by the Senate Coordinating Council and transmitted by the President on June 19, 1963, be tentatively approved, except as noted below, and "Be It Further Resolved that the recommendations of the Committee on General Policy of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in its April 14, 1964, report on 'Revision of Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University Statutes Proposed by Senate Coordinating Council' be considered amendments to the University Statutes proposed by the Board of Trustees, and that the advice of the University Senates be sought thereon as provided in Section 65 of the University Statutes." In line with the second of the above resolutions, arrangements are in process for transmittal of the amendments proposed by the Board of Trustees on April 15, 1964, to the University Senates for advice. Your Committee's April 14, 1964, report and recommendations, and the Appendix thereto outlining the development of the statutory revisions, will be included in the materials forwarded to the Senates, but that report was in summary form since there was not sufficient time between the April 14 meeting of the Committee with the President and Senate representatives and the April IS meeting of the Board to prepare a more detailed statement. The Committee on General Policy believes that the further exposition in this supplementary report may be of assistance to the Senate members in developing advice to the Board of Trustees on the proposed amendments. There will be no opportunity for the Board of Trustees to consider or act upon this supplementary report prior to its next meeting on May 20, 1964, but it is being forwarded to the President at this time with the suggestion that it be included, as a Committee document only, in the materials transmitted to the Senates. Those areas where the statutory amendments proposed by the Board of Trustees differ from those recommended by the Senate Coordinating Council are specifically noted in this supplementary report. Procedural Aspects The statutory revisions initiated by the Senates and tentatively approved by the Board of Trustees provide for the establishment of a general University committee at each campus (to be known as the "Faculty Advisory Committee"), nominated and elected by the academic staff. The stated functions of the Faculty Advisory Committee (Section 6) "shall be to provide for the orderly voicing of suggestions for the good of the University, for affording added recourse for the consideration of grievances, 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1179 and for furnishing a channel for direct and concerted communication with administrative officers of the University, its colleges, schools, institutes, divisions, and other administrative units on matters of interest or concern to the academic staff or any member of it." The fact that consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee will be available both to members of the academic staff and to administrative officers is regarded as a significant clarification of the appropriate channels for such communication. Also, it is noted that the Senate's existing Committee on Academic Freedom will be renamed as a "Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure." In a dismissal situation, the President would be required to consult with the Faculty Advisory Committee of the appropriate campus before filing charges, but the determination of whether or not proceedings are to be instituted after such consultation is left with the President. If proceedings are instituted, charges are filed with the Senate, and the appointee is privileged to request a preliminary hearing on them before the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure. This Senate Committee will receive evidence, hear arguments, and make findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Thereafter, the case may be closed, or the President may proceed to file the charges with the Board of Trustees. The appointee may also request a hearing before the Board, at which a member of the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure may be in attendance and is to be given an opportunity to make a statement. The record made at the previous hearing before the Senate Committee will be submitted to the Board, additional evidence may be taken and, under Section 38 (e) (7), "the Board will give due consideration to the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, and the remainder of the record before said Committee . . ." The modifications proposed by the Board of Trustees on April IS, 1964, included the addition of the italicized portion of the above phrase as a technical clarification of matters appropriately considered by the Board in a dismissal proceeding. The ultimate findings of fact and the final decision as to the appointee's dismissal or retention will be made by the Board, as is the case under the existing University Statutes. Public statements about a case under consideration are to be avoided so far as possible. In designating the effective date of any dismissal or request for resignation, the Board is to give "due consideration to all relevant factors including, without limitation, the gravity of the appointee's conduct in question, the services to be rendered to the University by the appointee during any intervening period, and to the time reasonably required for the adjustment of the appointee's personal affairs." President Henry has stated to your Committee that he views time to adjust personal affairs as one of many factors to be considered in designating the effective date of a dismissal or requested resignation, and that the character of the appointee's conduct would also appear to be relevant to this point. The Legal Counsel has stated that under existing Illinois law state appropriations for personal services may not be used to pay salary unless services are, in fact, performed. Accordingly, the modifications in Section 38 (e) (7) proposed by the Board of Trustees at its April IS, 1964, meeting added the italicized portion of the above phrase as being a further definition of the factors to which the Board will give due consideration in designating the effective date of a dismissal or requested resignation. In large measure, the Senate Coordinating Council's procedural suggestions tentatively approved by the Board of Trustees on April IS, 1964, follow existing administrative practice in dismissal cases, but considerably more detail is furnished than is found in the present University Statutes. The major procedural innovations which will now be formalized are (1) the necessity of the President's consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee as a condition precedent to the filing of charges for dismissal, and (2) the establishment of detailed requirements of notice and procedures for the hearing before the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure. Consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee will furnish an opportunity for the President to have direct communication with a formally designated faculty group before preferring charges, but he would not be prevented from also conferring with the appropriate college or department as he has done in the past. All parties concerned would appear to be benefited by the new procedural details for the preliminary hearing before the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure. That Committee has the opportunity to consider the ap- 1180 board of trustees [May 20 pointee's answer to the charges, to receive evidence, and to hear arguments presented by each side. Under existing University Statutes, the appointee against whom charges are filed is already entitled to a hearing before this Senate Committee but the tentatively approved revisions will formalize the Committee procedures for such hearing. A new requirement is that the appointee must file an answer to the charges if he requests a hearing before the Committee. It is noted that, by reason of the times specified for notices and hearings before the Senate Committee and the Board, a minimum of sixty-five days will elapse between the time the President files charges with the Senate and the commencement of the hearing before the Board of Trustees. This minimum contemplates consultation, hearing, consideration, and decision by the President and the Senate Committee on the first day at each stage of the proceedings. It is apparent that, in practice, such immediate disposition will not be possible, and that the interval between the filing of charges and the Board hearing will substantially exceed sixty-five days. Substantive Matters The amendments to the Statutes proposed by the Board of Trustees in its April 15, 1964, action contain some substantive changes in the revisions initiated in the Senates and received by the Board in June of 1963. The most significant of these are in the Board's proposed modifications in the Coordinating Council's Section 38 (d) definition of "due cause for dismissal" and the new Section 38 (e) (8) relating to suspensions. Additionally, the Board has proposed a substantial amendment to Section 39 (b) dealing with a faculty member's role as a citizen, which Section was not the subject of a recommendation by the Coordinating Council. 1. Due Cause for Dismissal Existing Section 38 (d) reads as follows: "(d) Cause for discharge shall consist of conduct seriously prejudicial to the University through deliberate infraction of law or commonly accepted standards of morality, neglect of duty, inefficiency or incompetency. The enumeration of causes for discharge shall not be deemed exclusive, and the Board of Trustees reserves the power to discharge for other causes, but it is to be distinctly understood that this power will be exercised only under exceptional circumstances and then only for conduct which is clearly prejudicial to the best interests of the University." The Coordinating Council rewrote the definition of due cause for dismissal with considerable changes in language and emphasis. The amendments to Section 38 (d) proposed by the April IS, 1964, actioii of the Board of Trustees adopt the basic approach and concepts of the Council's version but would modify the Council's language slightly to read (the matter deleted from Council version shown within brackets with lines through the deletions, and matters added to Council version shown by italics) : "(d) Due cause for dismissal shall be deemed to exist only if [, with all duo regard for the freedoms and protections provided for in- Section 30 of these Statutes,] a faculty member's conduct is found to demonstrate clearly and convincingly either that (1) he has been grossly neglectful of, or grossly inefficient in, the performance of his University duties, or that (2) he can [no longer] not be relied upon to perform his University duties and functions, or otherwise to conduct himself, in a manner consonant with professional standards of conduct, competence, and responsibility." The phrase "with all due regard for the freedoms and protections provided in Section 39 of these Statutes" has been eliminated to avoid possible confusion in interpretation between Section 38 (d), in which the causes for dismissal are defined, and Section 39, in which is stated the University's policy to encourage, promote, and maintain academic freedom within the limits therein set forth. A reference to "freedoms and protections provided for in Section 39" would necessitate a similar reference to the "responsibilities" required by that Section. It is clear that certain responsibilities set forth in Section 39 are of a nature that violation of them will result in dismissal. For example, Section 39 (c), in which no change has been recommended, must be interpreted as meaning that to advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government by force or violence is unprofessional conduct, per se, and that one indulging in such advocacy will be dismissed. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1181 On the other hand, other parts of Section 39, particularly Section 39 (b) dealing with the role of a faculty member as a citizen, invite debate as to whether they are admonitory in nature or postulate standards for dismissal for cause. Since the new Section 38 (d) orients due cause for dismissal to the question of the faculty member's professional competence or responsibility, it is felt that a specific cross-reference in it to Section 39 might tend to confuse, rather than to clarify, and that clarification should occur as an amendment to Section 39 (b) as discussed below. Accordingly, the Committee on General Policy's recommendation to delete the phrase in question was prompted by its conviction that freedoms, protections, responsibilities, and obligations delineated in Section 39 will always be given "due regard" when the conduct of a faculty member is in question, and that a reference to them in Section 38 (d) would serve no constructive purpose. The language added to the Council's version of Section 38 (d) by the Board of Trustees' action on April IS, 1964, was designed to clarify that conduct clearly demonstrating professional incompetence or irresponsibility may constitute cause for dismissal, whether it occurs in the classroom, laboratory, or elsewhere. It was felt that without the addition of the words "or otherwise to conduct himself" and "conduct," as proposed by the Board's April 15, 1964, action, the paragraph might be interpreted to mean that dismissal proceedings could be initiated only for classroom or laboratory deficiencies that directly relate to the individual's ability to perform within the classroom or research context. As modified, there should be no uncertainty that, consistent with previous statements by the Board of Trustees, extramural activities of a teacher may be of such a nature and of such seriousness as to demonstrate his professional unfitness. Your Committee views Section 38 (d) as recommended by the Board to be an affirmation of the fact that one who is professionally competent and responsible can rely on security of employment at the University of Illinois, and that the central issue in any dismissal proceeding will remain such professional competency and responsibility, rather than the effect of particular conduct upon the public image of the University. 2. Amendments to Section 39 (b) As noted above, the action of the Board of Trustees on April IS, 1964, proposed a modification of Section 39 (b), with respect to which no recommendation had been made by the Senate or the Senate Coordinating Council. Section 39 (b) in the existing Statutes reads: "(b) In his role as citizen, the faculty member has the same freedoms as other citizens, without institutional censorship or discipline, although he should be mindful that accuracy, forthrightness, and dignity befit his association with the University and his position as a man of learning." Extended discussions have occurred regarding the nature of the matters a faculty member is to be "mindful" of under existing Section 39 (b). By some they are regarded as ideals of scholarly conduct and expression which 39 (b) admonish a faculty member to strive to achieve. By others they are viewed as standards of professional conduct and expression which the factulty member must observe under pain of University discipline. Contributing to the uncertainty is the fact that, while the old section 39 (b) refers to "institutional censorship or discipline," the University Statutes do not provide for any censorship or discipline other than dismissal for cause. It was the view of your Committee, confirmed by the Board's action on April 15, 1964, that clarification of Section 39 (b) was in the best interest of the University and its faculty. Accordingly, the following is the text of Section 39 (b) now being transmitted to the Senates for advice: "(b) In his role as a citizen, the faculty member at the University has the same freedoms as other citizens, but his special position as a member of a learned profession associated with an educational institution carries with it a special obligation to recognize that the public may judge his profession and the University by his conduct or his utterances. When he speaks or writes, a faculty member should be mindful of the admonitions that accuracy, forthrightness, and dignity befit his association with the University and his position as a man of learning. If a faculty member fails to heed these admonitions on an occasion when he is exercising his freedom of speech as a citizen, such failure shall not, of itself, constitute due cause for dismissal but, after consultation with the 1182 board of trustees [May 20 Faculty Advisory Committee, the President may take official cognizance of such failure." It will be observed that the Section has been recast to note the faculty member's institutional identification in the eyes of the public, and to clarify that, when a faculty member is exercising his freedom of speech as a citizen, the provisions relating accuracy, forthrightness, and dignity are admonitory. As rewritten, Section 39 (b) is believed to provide further definition and assurances of the freedoms enjoyed by a faculty member in his role as a citizen, but it also authorizes the President to take "official cognizance" of such exercises of these freedoms as markedly fail to meet acceptable standards of accuracy, forthrightness, and dignity. For example, the President --- after consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee --- might publicly deplore inaccurate, intemperate, undignified, or irresponsible utterances of a faculty member, and emphasize that such views were not to be attributed to the University of Illinois. The reference to freedom from "institutional censorship or discipline" has been eliminated and has been replaced by an assurance that failure to heed the stated admonitions will not, of itself, constitute due cause for dismissal --- the only discipline defined in the remainder of the Statutes. It would be the interpretation of your Committee, however, that persistent and willful failures to observe these admonitions might become a pattern of conduct deemed to violate professional standards to an extent that would indicate the initiation of proceedings for dismissal for due cause under the new Section 38 (d). 3. Suspension Pending Dismissal The new Section 38 (e) (8) in the proposals received from the Senate Coordinating Council sets forth conditions for the suspension of an appointee in connection with contemplated or actual filing of charges for dismissal. The Council version included a statement that an appointee might be suspended "only . . . with pay." President Henry has supported this provision before your Committee, urging strongly that a faculty member's salary be continued until the Board's final disposition of a dismissal proceeding, if possible, even if suspension during the intervening period is considered necessary and justified because of special circumstances. He has stated that, in his judgment, the amount of dollars paid during any suspension period would be relatively insignificant when weighed against the undesirability of requiring a faculty member to prepare his defense against unresolved charges during a time in which he is not receiving his salary. President Henry has further cautioned that, when a suspension without pay is involved, the basic issue of professional responsibility tends to become confused with the lesser issue of compensation. The Legal Counsel advises, however, that the Illinois constitutional prohibitions against payment of extra compensation and gifts of public funds, the statutory limitations on appropriations for personal services, and the various enactments concerning the suspension of other state employees (either as a disciplinary measure or while dismissal proceedings are pending), all demonstrate the public policy and law of this state to be that suspensions of state employees should be without pay, and that state appropriations for personal services may not be expended as salaries to individuals, including faculty members, who do not have employment status or who do not perform services. In expressing his opinion that, in the absence of permissive legislation, suspensions of state employees with pay would probably not be upheld by the Illinois courts, the Legal Counsel has stated there appear to be no reported Illinois cases squarely deciding the point. President Henry has suggested that, under these circumstances, it may be advisable for the University Statutes to deal with the subject of suspensions pending dismissal without specifying whether such suspensions are to be with or without pay, thereby providing flexibility of application if future court decisions or legislation provide clarification of the legal question. The Board's April IS, 1964, action, therefore, deletes the words "with pay" from the Council's version of Section 38 (e) (8). Also, under the Coordinating Council's version of Section 38 (e) (8), suspension was authorized "only under exceptional circumstances." Any instance in which a suspension is being considered can be said to be an "exceptional circumstance" and, since a subjective judgment by the President would be involved in any event, the Board of Trustees' amendments proposed at the April IS, 1964, 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1183 meeting substitute, for the "exceptional circumstances" phrase, a provision which would permit suspension "by the President only when he considers such suspension clearly necessary and justified." It is observed that suspension will not be automatically applied when dismissal charges are being considered or filed and that, in an appropriate case, the President might reassign a faculty member's duties rather than invoke a suspension, on the same theory that permits the Board to take into account the nature of an appointee's intervening services in determining the effective date of a dismissal. In your Committee's conferences with members of the administrative staff and Senate representatives, there occurred discussions concerning the position of a faculty member who might be suspended without pay and thereafter be exonerated at the hearing on his dismissal charges. The Legal Counsel has pointed out that in those cases where the courts have determined that a suspension has been improperly invoked, it has been held that the suspended employee may recover his unpaid salary for the period he was improperly suspended. Accordingly, the Board has added a new subparagraph (4) to the Council's version of Section 38 (e) (8) under which provision is made for the restoration of salary to a faculty member who might be prevented from performing his duties by reason of a suspension which does not result in a dismissal. Your Committee is not aware of any instance in the history of the University wherein a faculty employee has been deprived of his compensation during a period while dismissal charges against him were unresolved but, even if this should occur in a future case, the amendment to Section 38 (e) proposed by the Board of Trustees would permit the appointee to recover any suspended salary if there is a subsequent determination that due cause for his dismissal did not exist. In the Coordinating Council's version of Section 38 (e) (8) there was also a technical inconsistency between the time that the President must file charges under Section 38 (e) (1) after consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee (thirty days) and the time that his suspension order will terminate after consultation with that Committee unless charges are filed (twenty days). To eliminate this inconsistency, and upon the Legal Counsel's advice as to the legality of suspensions with pay pending hearing or discharge, the action of the Board of Trustees on April 15, 1964, proposed that Section 38 (e) (8) of the Coordinating Council's version be altered to read as follows (the matter deleted from Council version shown within brackets with lines through the deletions, and matters added to Council version shown by italics): "(8) Suspension. An appointee may be suspended [only under exceptional cir cumstancOD and with pay] by the President only ivhen he considers such suspension clearly necessary and justified, subject to the following provisions: a) the President may suspend before the filing of any charges only after giving notice to the chairman or, in the absence of the chairman from the University, to some member of the Faculty Advisory Committee that he believes that cause for dismissal may exist; b) if the President suspends after so giving notice to the chairman or some member of the Faculty Advisory Committee, or during consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee, such suspension shall terminate within [twenty] thirty days after that Committee has made its recommendations to the President unless the President initiates dismissal proceedings by the filing of charges for dismissal within that [twenty] thirty-day period; [ftttd] c) if the President initiates dismissal proceedings by filing charges for dismissal, he may suspend the appointee, or may extend a previous suspension of the appointee, until the termination of those proceedings, or until the effective date of dismissal if the proceedings result in dismissal; and d) if dismissal proceedings are not filed against a faculty member who has been suspended or, if filed, do not result in a dismissal, the faculty member shall be entitled to receive the full amount of his agreed compensation as though no suspension had occurred." Summary The Committee on General Policy wishes to express its appreciation for the considerable effort and conscientious attention directed to the proposed revisions of Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University Statutes by each of the Senates, their respective Committees on Academic Freedom, the Senate Coordinating Council, and the President and other members of the administrative staff. All have con- 1184 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 tributed materially to the development of what your Committee views as a major improvement in the formal expression of standards and procedures in the fortunately rare situation where there may appear to be due cause for dismissal of a faculty member, or where a faculty member may have so far departed from the canons of accuracy, forthrightness, and dignity as to justify the taking of official cognizance thereof by the President. The Trustees are acutely aware of their position of public trust and their obligation to discharge faithfully their duty to maintain the University's position of leadership in the field of higher education. They have in the past and will continue in the future to support responsible exercise of academic freedom by the faculty, and duly recognize its importance as a factor in achieving and maintaining the status the University now enjoys. It does the public no service if responsible thought and inquiry are stultified or suppressed at a university by a possibility that expressions of an unpopular position may result in an arbitrary or capricious dismissal, and the proposed Statutes are further guarantees that such will not occur at the University of Illinois. At the same time, in the view of your Committee the Statutes as proposed will also afford the University adequate protection against unprofessional conduct. During your Committee's deliberations there were discussions of the fact that the University Statutes do not refer to any form of "institutional discipline" in relation to the academic staff other than dismissal for due cause as defined in Section 38 (d) [the official cognizance authorized in proposed Section 39 (b) is not considered to be a form of discipline]. It was observed that the omission of reference to lesser degrees of discipline might be misinterpreted as meaning that the Trustees were not concerned about negligence, inefficiency, or irresponsibility in lesser degrees than those deemed to be due cause for dismissal under Section 38 (d). Such is not the case, but since these matters were not dealt with in the Coordinating Council's proposals, and since complete involvement of the Senates in discussions on these points would be essential, your Committee concluded that any attempt to develop formal provisions concerning lesser offenses and sanctions short of dismissal would unduly delay final action on the statutory revisions already considered by the Senates. It is suggested, however, that at an appropriate time the Board or the Senates might well consider whether or not these matters should become the subject of further statutory revisions. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this report was adopted, without dissent. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates Robert Seaborn Holmes Milwaukee, Wisconsin Wisconsin James Louis Katz Niles, Illinois Wisconsin William Wilfred Werner Downers Grove, Illinois Michigan I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these certificates were awarded. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (2) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Arnold M. Barban, Assistant Professor of Advertising, in the College of Journalism and Communications, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,000. 2. William W. Bartley III, Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy, for the 1964 Summer Session, at a salary of $2,550. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1185 3. William D. Bigcs, Visiting Professor of Metallurgy and of Civil Engineering, for four and one-half months from February 1, 196S, at a salary of $6,000. 4. Marvin P. Bryant, Associate Professor of Bacteriology, in the Department of Dairy Science, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $14,500. 5. Jackson J. Campbell, Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000. 6. Laura H. Chapman, Assistant Professor of Art, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,500. 7. Edmond R. Cole, Research Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, in the Department of Surgery, beginning April 1, 1964, without salary. 8. Robert M. Crane, Assistant to Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $14,500. 9. George O. de Tarnowsky, Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, beginning May 1, 1964, without salary. 10. George C. Feng, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,500. 11. John B. Haney, Associate Director, with rank of Associate Professor, Office of Instructional Resources, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning July 20, 1964, at an annual salary of $14,500. 12. Bruce Harkness, Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Professor of English, beginning June 15, 1964, at an annual salary of $18,000. 13. James E. Heath, Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, for two months from June 16, 1964, at a salary of $1,778; and beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,000. 14. Edward R. Holley, Jr., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,100. 15. Kenneth I. Howard, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology, in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning April 1, 1964, without salary. 16. Albert Kaspin, Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 17. Vernita M. Kay, Associate Professor of Nursing, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,300. 18. Howard F. Koeper, Associate Professor of Architecture, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 19. Eberhard F. Krimmel, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,000. 20. Ralph J. Langsjoen, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Staff Physician in the Health Service and McKinley Hospital, beginning July 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000. 21. David W. Levinson, Professor of Metallurgy, Department of Materials and Mechanics, College of Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,750. 22. Peter B. Maggs, Assistant Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,500. 23. William H. C. Maxwell, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,800. 24. Boleslaw Mazur, Associate Professor of Fixed and Partial Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,200. 25. N. Norby Nielsen, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,000. 26. Hugh O. Nourse, Associate Professor of Economics, in the Department of Economics and in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, beginning August 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $12,750. 27. Jeffrey O'Connell, Associate Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000. 28. Giuliano Petergnani, Research Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,000. 1186 board of trustees [May 20 29. Mary Elizabeth Reeves, Dean of Women, Medical Center, and Assistant Professor of Psychology, College of Pharmacy, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 30. Robert C Retherford, Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $14,500. 31. Florence E. Sherbon, Associate Professor of Nursing, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000. 32. Peter Suedfeld, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, for one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $8,250. 33. George W. Summers, Associate Professor of Business Administration, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $12,000. 34. Irving Thalberg, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Chicago Undergraduate Division, for the second semester of 1964-65, at a salary of $4,500. 35. Myron Uretsky, Assistant Professor of Accountancy, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $9,000. 36. Harry G. Wenzel, Jr., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,800. 37. Kenneth M. Yoss, Professor of Astronomy, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $13,000. Appointments of Noncitizens to Indefinite Tenure Positions The following recommendations for appointments on indefinite tenure of non-citizens were reviewed by a committee consisting of the Executive Vice-President and Provost, the Acting Dean of the Graduate College, and the dean of the college concerned in accordance with the policy and procedure authorized by the Board of Trustees for consideration of such appointments. The Committee has concurred in the recommendations. 38. Alexandra Ionescu Tulcea, Associate Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,000. 39. Cassius Ionescu Tulcea, Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000. 40. Manfred E. Reichmann, Professor of Botany, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,500. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appointments were confirmed. DIRECTOR OF THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT UNIT (3) The Deans of the Colleges of Engineering and of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Acting Dean of the Graduate College, recommend the appointment of Dr. Bruce A. Hertig as Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering on one-half time and in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics on one-half time, and Director of the Physical Environment Unit in the Graduate College, for one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $12,000 on a twelve-month service basis. The Executive Vice-President and Provost concurs. This appointment is to fill the vacancy which will be created by the retirement on September 1, 1964, of Professor M. K. Fahnestock. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. CHAIRMANSHIP OF DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY (4) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Professor Paul Silverman as Chairman of the Department of Zoology beginning July 1, 1964, and continuing through August 31, 1965. This appointment is to fill the unexpired term of Professor James B. Kitz-miller, who has been serving as Chairman of the Department since 1957 and who has asked to be relieved of the administrative duties as Chairman, The recommendation has been submitted after consultation with the members of the Department of Zoology of professorial rank, the Executive Committee of the Department, and the Director of the School of Life Sciences. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost also concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1187 ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS AT CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (5) In approving the expansion of the educational program at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, the Board authorized the establishment of six major administrative units: Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Commerce and Business Administration (later changed to Business Administration), Fine and Applied Arts (later changed to Architecture and Art); and the Divisions of Education and Physical Education. The Board also authorized the establishment of departments within the four colleges, to be designated later. The Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate has recommended, the Vice-President for the Division and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concurring therein, the designation of the following departments: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, English, French, Geography, Geology, German, History, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Russian Languages, Sociology and Anthropology, Spanish, and Speech and Theatre. College of Engineering: Energy Engineering, Information Engineering, Materials and Mechanics, Physics, and Systems Analysis and Design. College of Business Administration: no departmental organization, but with areas of concentration in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, and Marketing. College of Architecture and Art: Architecture, Art. Some of these departments have already been formally designated by the Board in approving appointments to headships or chairmanships but they are being reported here as a complete presentation for the record. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (6) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Dr. John 0. Corliss, presently Professor of Zoology at Urbana, as Professor of Biological Sciences on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Biological Sciences in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $17,000 on an academic year service basis. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (7) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Dr. Alden D. Cutshall, presently Professor of Geography in the Division of Social Sciences, as Professor of Geography on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Geography at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000 on an academic year service basis. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (8) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Dr. 1188 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 Daniel C. McCluney, Jr., presently Associate Professor of German Languages and Literatures at Stanford University, as Professor of German on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of German in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $14,000 on an academic year service basis. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (9) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Edwin R. Fissinger, presently Assistant Professor of Music in the Division of Humanities, as Assistant Professor of Music and Head of the Department of Music in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Chicago Undergraduate Division for one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $10,000 on an academic year service basis. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (10) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Dr. Hollis W. Barber, presently Professor of Political Science, as Professor of Political Science on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $15,000 on an academic year service basis. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY. CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (11) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Dr. Isadore E. Farber, presently Professor of Psychology at the State University of Iowa, as Professor of Psychology on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Psychology at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $18,000 on an academic year service basis. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS AND MECHANICS, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (12) The Dean of the College of Engineering and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Dr. Ernest F. Masur, presently Professor of Engineering Mechanics at the University of Michigan, as Professor of Materials and Mechanics on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department in the College of Engineering at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $16,000 on an academic year service basis. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1189 This recommendation is submitted after consultation with all senior staff in the materials and mechanics area of the College and is concurred in by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Acting Dean of the Graduate College. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Jones, this appointment was approved. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE, 19 64-65 (13) I recommend that the following members of the staff be given sabbatical leaves of absence during the academic year 1964-65 in accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes and on the terms and for the periods indicated. This recommendation is supplementary to the applications recommended to the Board of Trustees on March 18, 1964. Marvin Stippes, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, first semester, full pay. Richard B. Selander, Associate Professor of Entomology, first semester, full pay; leave contingent upon receipt of supplementary financial aid. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these leaves were granted, as recommended. CENTER FOR ASIAN STUDIES (14) The Dean and the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Executive Committee of the Division of Social Sciences recommend that there be established in the College a Center for Asian Studies to implement a program previously established for which funds have been provided in state appropriations for the current biennium (1963-65) and for further support of which the University has received a grant from the Ford Foundation covering a period of five years. A supporting, definitive statement about the organization and functions of this Center is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS IN ART (15) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended the following proposal from the College of Fine and Applied Arts for a change in the requirements for admission to the curriculum in art: All students entering the University after June 1, 1965, to proceed at the junior level in any art curriculum (registered at junior level art courses) must have earned a cumulative average of at least 3.25 for all university work, based on the grading system of the University of Illinois. This change is necessary to control enrollments in the curriculum in the Department of Art and the proposed change is directed primarily to transfer students. A program of limitations of the number of freshmen admissions is already in effect and has, in general, proved satisfactory. The proposal was previously concurred in by the All-University Committee on Admissions and has also been approved by the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. CURRICULUM IN MILITARY SCIENCE (16) The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends approval of a military science curriculum which has been set up to meet the requirements of a voluntary 1190 board of trustees [May 20 Reserve Officers' Training Corps program, eliminating branch material subjects and substituting a general military science program. This revised curriculum is necessary if the voluntary program is to succeed, because, in order to interest the students, it must provide realism, challenge (both intellectually and physically), and incentive. It is important the maximum credit be offered towards satisfying the requirements for a baccalaureate degree by substitution of non-military University courses for military courses. A complete statement of the United States Army military science curriculum and the courses to be included has been filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. This proposal is submitted with the concurrence of the Department of the Army, an ad hoc Committee on Implementation of Voluntary Reserve Officers' Training Corps and Coordination of Related Actions, and of the Committee on Military Affairs. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this revised curriculum was authorized. CURRICULUM IN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY (17) The Medical Center Senate recommends authorization of a curriculum in orthopaedics leading to the degree of Master of Science. This program will provided advanced training in scientific investigation and teaching for students preparing for careers in teaching and research and will provide the degree candidate with opportunities beyond those available to residents in training for specialties. The degree requirements are: Prerequisites will include the degree of Doctor of Medicine and at least one year of internship. The candidate must also meet the general requirements for admission to the Graduate College. Nine units of graduate work, including a minimum of one unit in a graduate course in a related basic science discipline. Attendance at one seminar per quarter for three quarters in one of the basic sciences, including anatomy, biological chemistry, microbiology, pathology, physiology, public health, biometrics and statistics, and pharmacology. Attendance at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery seminar during the entire period of graduate study. A thesis conforming to Graduate College requirements. A supporting document from the Medical Center Senate descriptive of the program and giving the details of the courses included is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval, subject to further action by the Board of Higher Education. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION HEALTH SERVICE COURSES AND STAFF (18) The Director of the Health Service at the Chicago Undergraduate Division has recommended that the names of the courses offered by the medical staff of the Health Service there and the professorial titles of the staff be changed from "Hygiene" to "Health Science." With the concurrence of the Director of the Health Services and other administrative officers concerned, this change has been approved for all campuses and is reported for record. This report was received for record. SUMMER SPEECH CLINICS (19) The Director of the Division of Services for Crippled Children and the Vice-President for the Medical Center recommend that the Division be author- 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1191 ized to continue speech clinics during the summer of 1964 at the following institutions of higher education in Illinois on a reimbursable cost basis: Estimated Cost Augustana College, Rock Island................................. $11 961 00 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb............................ 14 844 00 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale......................... 10 585 00 Illinois State University, Normal................................ 13 316 33 $50 706 33 A similar clinic at the University of Illinois at Urbana............ $14 361 00 Funds are available in the budget of the Division of Services for Crippled Children. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. CHICAGO CIRCLE (20) The city of Chicago on April 17, 1964, adopted the following ordinance: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: Section 1. The name by which the interchange between John Fitzgerald Kennedy Expressway, Dwight D. Eisenhower Expressway, and Dan Ryan Expressway shall be known as "Chicago Circle." Section 2. The Commissioner of the Department of Streets and Sanitation is authorized and directed to place the proper signs bearing the name set forth in Section 1 at said interchange. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Alderman Keane moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily to permit immediate consideration of and action on the foregoing proposed ordinance. The motion Prevailed. Alderman Keane moved to Pass the proposed ordinance. The motion Prevailed, by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas --- Alderman Parrillo, Metcalfe, Holman, Despres, Miller, Bohling, Condon, Lupo, Buchanan, Danaher, Zelezinski, Healy, J. P. Burke, Krska, Sheridan, Chew, Murray, Fitzpatrick, Campbell, Yaksic, Janousek, Tourek, Collins, Marzullo, Zydlo, Sain, Tomaso, T. F. Burke, Ronan Keane, Brandt, Sande, Laskowski, Massey, Cullerton, Shapiro, Kaplan, Scholl, Goldberg, Bauler, Rosenberg, Fifielski, Kerwin, O'Rourke, Wigoda, Sperling --- 46. Nays --- None. In view of this official change in name of the intersection of the three expressways, I recommend the Board of Trustees change the name of the new campus for the University of Illinois now under construction at Congress Circle to the "University of Illinois at Chicago Circle." On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this change in name was approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (21) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations, the Executive Vice-President and Provost, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the following appropriations from the University General Reserve: Urbana-Champaign 1. College of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, equipment, to match a grant from the National Science Foundation for research in analytical photo-grammetry................................................... $ 5 000 2. College of Journalism and Communications WILL Radio Station, equipment................................ 34 741 3. Physical Plant Department Resurfacing two tennis courts at Romine Street and University Avenue....................................................... 4 980 Resurfacing the indoor track in the Men's Old Gymnasium Balcony.. 2 670 Remodeling for and installation of transmitting equipment for WILL Radio Station ................................................ 13 300 1192 board of trustees [May 20 4. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: School of Life Sciences, equipment, to match a grant from the National Science Foundation for undergraduate instruction in biology....................................................... 20 000 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, equipment, to match a grant from the National Science Foundation for undergraduate instruction........................................... 33 000 Department of Geology, equipment, to match a grant from the National Science Foundation for undergraduate instruction...... 39 470 Total............................................................. $153 161 I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COORDINATED SCIENCES LABORATORY BUILDING. PHASE II (22) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of Phase II of the Coordinated Science Laboratory Building, the award in each case to the lowest bidder: General --- Johnson, Drake, and Piper, Incorporated, Terre Haute, Indiana........................................................ $251 000 Base bid ............................................. $239 000 Additive alternates: Service charge for assignment of other contracts to the general contractor ................................ 4 100 Increasing depth of basement........................... 2 200 Wood block flooring in machine shops................... 1 600 Retaining wall along walk............................. 1 900 Replacing and widening present brick and concrete walk.. 2 200 Electrical --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana......... 58 678 Base bid ..........;.................................. $ 62 900 Alternate for increasing depth of basement.............. no change Deductive alternate for furnishing and installing fused secondary distribution section in unit substation in lieu of breakers................................... ---4 222 Plumbing--- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign..... 26 740 Base bid .............................................$ 26 315 Increasing depth of basement........................... 150 Constructing manhole at sewer connection............... 275 Heating and Air Conditioning --- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign .............................................. 47 640 Base bid ............................................. $ 47 640 Alternate for increasing depth of basement.............. no change Ventilating --- R. H. Bishop, Company, Champaign.................... 14 934 Base bid ............................................. $ 14 934 Alternate for increasing depth of basement............. no change Total...................................................... $398 992 It is recommended that a combined contract be awarded to Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign, in the amount of $74,380, being the total of the amounts bid by that Company on the plumbing and the heating and air-conditioning work. It is also recommended that all contracts other than the general contract be assigned to the contractor for general work, making the total of his contract $398, 992; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with Johnson, Drake, and Piper, Incorporated, Terre Haute, Indiana, for the assignment of these other contracts for $4,100 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1193 Funds are available from the Research Contracts Reserve. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of all bids received, copies of which are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOTS FOR COMMERCE AND EDUCATION BUILDINGS (23) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $17,600, the base bid plus all alternates, to Champaign Asphalt Company, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for construction of two parking lots, with a capacity of eighty-seven cars, in vacant areas south and east of the new buildings for the College of Commerce and Business Administration and the College of Education. Funds are available in the construction budgets for these buildings. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR REROOFING ALLERTON HOUSE (24) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $28,120, the base bid, plus an alternate for new lightning protection, to Lloyd Hitchins, an individual doing business as Hitchins Roofing Company, Urbana, the lowest bidder, for reroofing the slate areas of Allerton House. Funds are available in the Allerton House maintenance account. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this contract was awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO AGRICULTURE LIBRARY IN MUMFORD HALL (25) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for remodeling the Agriculture Library in Mum-ford Hall which will provide for expansion and other improvements, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- C. A. Petry and Sons, Inc., Champaign..................... $10 065 Base bid................................................. $8 590 Additive alternates: For service charge for assignment of other contracts for supervision........................................... 500 Installation of vinyl asbestos floor covering in Rooms 127 and 128 ............................................. 975 Electrical --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana.......... 3 800 Piping and Refrigeration --- Petry Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Champaign................................................ 4 725 Total....................................................... $18 590 It is also recommended that all contracts, other than the general contract, be assigned to the contractor for general work making the total of his contract $18,590; and it is further recommended that an agreement be entered into with C. A. Petry and Sons, Inc., for the assignment of these other contracts for $500, 1194 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that firm for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. In addition to the construction contracts, the total costs include purchase of book shelves, and architectural and engineering fees. The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends that the Board authorize the assignment of $40,000 for this work from the University's General Reserve. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of all bids received, copies of which are being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, and the request for the assignment of funds was approved, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR PARTICLE ACCELERATOR FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH LABORATORY (26) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend purchase of a particle accelerator for the Materials Research Laboratory from the High Voltage Engineering Corporation, Burlington, Massachusetts, the lowest bidder, at a cost of $210,815. The purchase price will include: Basic accelerator ................................................... $138 035 Beam spreading lens system.......................................... 8 600 Beam switching system............................................... 42 000 Beam pulsing system................................................. 20 000 X-ray target........................................................ 2 180 Total........................................................... $210 815 Funds are available in the contract budget. Award of the contract is subject to the approval of the Atomic Energy Commission. I concur. On motion of Mr. Dilliard, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR PATHOLOGICAL INCINERATOR IN MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY (27) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $12,120 to the C. O. Henriksen Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for a new pathological incinerator in the Medical Research Laboratory at the Medical Center. The work will include removing the present pathological incinerator, which has deteriorated from heavy usage, and replacing it with a new 300 pound/hour incinerator with fully automatic controls. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR WEATHERPROOFING ROOF DECK AT RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (28) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $2,825 to the Consumers Roofing and Insulating Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for roof deck weatherproofing at the Research and Educational Hospitals. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1195 The work will consist of weatherproofing an existing tar and gravel roof and a portion of promenade tile roof in one area to remedy leakage. Funds for this work are available from the Physical Plant Department budget. The project was advertised in the "Illinois State Register." I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS ADDITION (29) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $4,62176 to the Kewaunee Manufacturing Company, Evanston, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for furnishing and setting in place laboratory equipment in Room 1212 in the Research and Educational Hospitals Addition. The work will include converting an existing office area into a research laboratory for staff and students in the Department of Pediatrics. Funds are available from Contract Research Reserve-Department. 1 concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. CONTRACT FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING AT CHICAGO CIRCLE (30) The University is purchasing the Central National Bank at 728 West Roosevelt Road, on or about July 1, 1964. This building will require separate electrical service from the Commonwealth Edison Company, since it is not economical to run service from the heating plant. Commonwealth Edison will supply electricity at the bank building at 2.16KV transformed to 120/240 volts and 2.74KV transformed to 240 volts, at a monthly facilities rental service charge of $71.00 plus excess metering charges for a combined billing at a monthly rental of $46.20. The nonrecurring cost for excess facilities to supply electricity at a second point is $4,274. It is estimated that the savings effected by combined billing will amortize the excess facilities cost of $4,274 in one year's time. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller therefore recommend authorization of an agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, for the electrical service at the new Chicago Campus, and that the University pay Commonwealth Edison Company the standard excess facility charges of $4,274. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this agreement was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. MAJOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN FOR THE CHAMPAIGN-URBANA AREA (31) The Board of Trustees has approved in principle a Major Street and Highway Plan for the Champaign-Urbana area and authorized the University's participation in the planning organization required by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1962. The Illinois Division of Highways has now requested each agency involved 1196 board of trustees [May 20 in this improvement program to adopt a formal resolution authorizing participation therein. A resolution prepared by the Division is submitted herewith. I recommend that: the Board adopt the said resolution, and that the Secretary of the Board be authorized to issue certified copies of said resolution to such public agencies and other parties as may require the same, and to file a certified copy with his record of the minutes of today's meeting. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved, and the resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS (32) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of Sargent and Lundy, Consulting Engineers, Chicago, at a cost not to exceed $10,000, for analyzing the economics of purchase versus generation of power and steam for the University at Urbana-Champaign. Funds are available for this study. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds also recommends approval. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EAST CHEMISTRY, FIRST ADDITION (33) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $5,191.79 in the contract with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign, for construction of the East Chemistry Building Addition to provide for the elimination of inverted syphons in the storm drainage system and provision of a gravity flow system. Funds are available in the construction budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hughes, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHICAGO CIRCLE CAMPUS (34) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $13,236.01 in the contract with Gust K. Newburg Construction Company, Chicago, for modifications of the closed circuit television and communications systems at Chicago Circle. Funds are available in the construction budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this change in contract was authorized. ADDITIONS TO CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CHICAGO CIRCLE UNION BUILDING (35) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend increases in contracts for the construction of a Student Union Building at Chicago Circle to provide for extensions of utilities services to the two adjacent Hull House Buildings: Power Construction, Inc., Oak Park.................................$ 793 04 Frank S. Bellis, Berwyn............................................ 15 460 94 Hoffman Electric Company, Chicago................................. 399 95 Total......................................................... $16 653 93 The architects for the restoration of Hull House investigated ways and means of providing the necessary services and found that the most economical would be from the Student Union, the closest source to the campus system. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1197 The architects for the Union Building and for Hull House state that the contractors' proposed charges for the work involved are reasonable. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contract changes were authorized. INCREASED INTERCITY TELEPHONE FACILITIES (36) The University now has eight WATS (Wide Area Telephone Service) lines at Urbana and two WATS lines at Chicago serving both the Navy Pier and the Medical Center. These lines permit a call to be made to any point in the state without incurring a toll charge. Each day an average of over 800 calls from Urbana and 200 calls from Chicago are made over these ten WATS lines. However, only 25 per cent of all attempts to secure a line succeed on the first try, indicating that the number of lines are not adequate to handle the traffic demand. As a result, toll calls are being made around the WATS lines resulting in monthly toll charges of $1,400 in Urbana and $450 in Chicago. The Telephone Company has recently made available a new service --- TELPAK --- which, in brief, is a sharing of channels of communication by public agencies. The state of Illinois is a heavy user of TELPAK and has unused channels which are available to the University. As a result, it is possible to install tie lines between certain points at a cost much lower than under any previous rate schedule. The Telephone Company has analyzed the calls made over the WATS lines with particular attention to their point of termination, and it is the opinion of its staff that the University's intercity communication service would be greatly improved by eliminating three of the eight WATS lines at Urbana and installing seven tie lines between Urbana and Chicago and three tie lines between Urbana and Springfield. (While the number of calls to Springfield is not proportionately large enough to warrant three lines, the duration of these calls is three to four times that of calls to other points.) The Telephone Company's proposal would result in the University having seventeen intercity communication paths available at one time as compared with ten at the present time. The proposal also provides for an additional tie line between Navy Pier and the Medical Center. In terms of fixed rental charges, the proposed service would not cost as much as the present WATS lines. However, calls to Chicago over the tie lines result in message unit charges of 44 cents per call. On the basis of the present number of calls to Chicago, the total cost of the proposed service would be the same, or slightly lower, than the present ten WATS lines. However, there would be a one-time installation charge of $300. The proposal has been discussed with representatives of all campuses who recommend that the Illinois Bell Telephone Company be authorized to eliminate three of the present eight WATS lines at Urbana; and to install seven tie lines between Urbana and Chicago, three tie lines between Urbana and Springfield, and one additional tie line between Navy Pier and the Medical Center. This proposal was submitted by the Vice-President and Comptroller. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. Mr. Hughes asked to be recorded as not voting. CITATION FOR LENOX R. LOHR (37) I recommend the conferring of a Trustees Citation on Major Lenox R. Lohr, President of the Museum of Science and Industry of Chicago, in recognition of his many public services, and particularly his services to the University of Illinois as Chairman for many years of the Citizens Committee, and more recently as Chairman of the Committee on the Jane Addams Memorial Fund campaign. An appropriate occasion for the conferring of the Citation would be the biennial meeting of the Citizens Committee to be held at Urbana on May 21. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. The Citation which was presented to Major Lohr on the following day is as follows: 1198 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois To Lenox R. Lohr In Recognition of Distinguished Public Service The City of Chicago, the State of Illinois, and the Nation are the beneficiaries of his talents for the popular communication of knowledge, of his intense devotion to civic improvement, and of his capacity for leadership in achieving the tasks undertaken. Highlights of his career include distinguished service as an Army Officer in World War I and in the Corps of Engineers for several years thereafter; skillful organization and expert management of "A Century of Progress Internationa] Exposition," the Chicago World's Fair of 1933-1934; President of the National Broadcasting Company from 1935 to 1940; Director of the Illinois Civil Defense Agency, 1950 to 1953; President of the Chicago Railroad Fair, a masterly pageant of the development of our country's transportation system, 1948-1949; President of the Centennial of Engineering, 1952; Chairman of the Illinois Commission of Higher Education from 1954 to 1959, which was the precursor of current developments in planning for higher education in this State; Chairman of the Metropolitan Fair and Exposition Authority from 1955 to 1957; and a quarter of a century of concentration of talent and work in developing his central interest --- The Museum of Science and Industry, a great and unique educational institution in its own right. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois would add this citation to his many other honors, and would have him accept with it a grateful expression of appreciation of his special services to the University --- as a member of its Citizens Committee since it was created in 1942 and as Chairman of the Committee for the past twenty years; and, more recently, as Chairman of the Jane Addams Memorial Fund campaign for the restoration and preservation of Hull House. Given at the University of Illinois May 21, 1964. RECOGNITION OF SERVICES OF DR. ALONZO G. GRACE, DR. JACK W. PELTASON, AND DR. FREDERICK T. WAUL (38) Three members of the faculty who have served as deans of colleges will leave the University this year. Because of their key roles in the formulation of recommendations for the Board of Trustees, it is appropriate that the record of the Board contain an expression of appreciation for effective, faithful, and important service and of good wishes for their future endeavors. The appreciation and good wishes of the colleagues of these gentlemen go with them in their new activities and relationships, with the hope, also, that their friendship ties to the University of Illinois will remain firm. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the following statements were adopted, to be included in the record of today's meeting; and the Secretary was authorized to prepare appropriate copies to be sent to the three members of the faculty. Dr. Alonzo G. Grace Professor of Education and Dean of the College of Education Dr. Alonzo G. Grace, Dean of the College of Education since 1960, will retire September 1, 1964. Dean Grace was Associate Dean of Education at New York University from 1952-60. He was Chairman of the Department of Education and Professor of Administration at the University of Chicago for a year before going to New York University in 1951 as Professor of Education. From 1938-48 he was Commissioner of Education and Secretary of the Board, Connecticut State Board of Education, and lecturer in the Yale University Graduate Department of Education. In 1948-50 he was in Berlin, Germany, as Director of Education and Cultural Relations, Office of Military Government, later the Office of the High Commissioner, American Zone of Occupation, and later the Republic of Western Germany. The four years during which Dr. Grace has been Dean of the College of Education have been marked by many important changes within the College. A new building has been planned and built, departmental and committee reorganiza- 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1199 tion has been effected, curriculum revisions in a number of areas have been completed and others have been initiated, a new program of alumni relationships has been started, research activity has been greatly enlarged, and new faculty members for vacancies and new positions have been successfully recruited. Relationships with the school systems of the state, with agencies of state and national government and neighboring institutions in teaching education are cordial and professionally productive. A number of programs have come into national and international recognition. Dr. Grace has carried out his duties as Dean faithfully, planfuliy, and with imagination. The work of the College and the University has been greatly enhanced and strengthened through his contributions and his general leadership. The stature of the College and its faculty, the scope of its service and the importance of that service to the state and the nation are at a new high level. This distinction belongs to many people, but the calm, sound, and experienced leadership of Dean Grace has been a central influence in the remarkable record of these four years. Dr. Jack Walter Peltason Professor of Political Science and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Jack W. Peltason came to the University of Illinois as Assistant Professor of Political Science September 1, 1951. His previous teaching experience was at the University of Missouri, Princeton University, and Smith College. By virtue of his scholarly work, his reputation for effective teaching and the wide regard of his colleagues for his capacity for academic leadership, Dr. Peltason was a natural choice for the Deanship when a vacancy occurred in September, 1960. Dean Peltason will leave the University this summer to become Dean of the College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences of the Irvine Campus of the University of California. In presiding over the largest college of the University, Dr. Peltason has established new relationships with the other colleges and the other campuses of the University while working in many ways to improve and develop the academic achievement of his own unit. His interest in undergraduates is reflected in new arrangements for counseling, for communication with students, and for supervising and improving teaching in the introductory courses. He has encouraged academic excellence at every point and brought strong support to the graduate work of the departments. He has worked to build new programs, particularly in non-Western studies, and assisted in finding new resources for them. In University-wide matters, Dr. Peltason has been a thoughtful and wise adviser, with a broad view of the welfare of the institution as a whole and a deep conviction as to the central social importance of higher education. Dr. Peltason has played an important role in advancing interinstitutional cooperation by joining with his fellow deans in developing new cooperative programs under the auspices of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation. Within the state, he served with distinction as a member of the "Master-Plan" Committee on Collegiate Programs of the Illinois Board of Higher Education. The work of the College is broader, stronger, and more effectively organized because of Dean Peltason's administration and the University as a whole has profited greatly from his imaginative leadership. Dr. Frederick Theodoke Wall Professor of Physical Chemistry Dr. Frederick T. Wall was appointed Dean of the Graduate College on August 1, 1955, and served until September 1, 1963, when he returned to full-time teaching and research in physical chemistry. On September 1, 1964, he will become Professor of Chemistry, University of California Santa Barbara Campus, after twenty-seven years at the University of Illinois. Dr. Wall's earlier academic experience was at the University of Minnesota, where he also earned his baccalaureate and doctor's degrees, and at the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Wall's prominence as a scientist was established before he undertook the Deanship of the College, and his continuing achievements in his field led to his election to the National Academy of Sciences in 1961. He received the Ameri- 1200 board of trustees [May 20 can Chemical Society Award in Pure Chemistry in 194S and the University of Minnesota Outstanding Achievement Award in 1959. During Dr. Wall's administration of the Graduate College, the University's reputation for the quality and scope of its research grew nationally and internationally. His election in 1961 to the Presidency of the Association of Graduate Schools of the Association of American Universities was a recognition both of his leadership and the increased eminence of the University's graduate and research program. The example of Dr. Wall's own scholarly work and his recognized insight into the merit of the work of others inspired confidence in his judgment in the decisions he was called upon to make as Chairman of the Research Board and in the appointments and awards for which he was primarily responsible. Hence, in executing his responsibilities, he encouraged the creative work of the faculty and enhanced their scholarly productivity. The University-wide fellowship competition and the program of faculty summer fellowships, now adopted and admitted by other universities, were instituted under Dean Wall's planning and administration. The Center for Advanced Study was initiated under his guidance and he brought strong support to making the Digital Computer Laboratory a world-renowned center. In all ways, Dean Wall has stood for and encouraged high standards and academic excellence through his achievements and service and he has won the admiration and respect of his colleagues both at the University of Illinois and throughout the country. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (39) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in one category: purchases from Institutional Funds. This term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States Government, contracts with private corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of laboratory equipment in- Agency for Standard Scientific $ 4 763 20 cluding two microscopes, accessories International Supply Corp., f.a.s. for centrifuge, pipet washer, two bal- Development- New York, N.Y. New York ances, and one dialyzer for the Vet- India erinary College, Mhow, India Universal testing machine, torsion Agency for Tinius Olsen Testing 29 000 00 testing machine, metal hardness International Machine Co., f.a.s. tester, impact testing machine. Development--- Willow Grove, Pa. New York multi-purpose block and cylinder India tester, and an automatic cement tester, all complete with accessories for the U.P. Agricultural University, Pant Nagar, India One quartz spectrophotometer, photo- Agency for Beckman Instruments, Inc., 4 604 51 electric model, with a range of from International Fullerton, Calif. f.a.s. 210 to 1000 millimicrons, and acces- Development--- New York sories consisting of absorption cells, India gas filament lamps, and electronic tubes One lot of miscellaneous welding tools Agency for Contractors Trading & 3 314 60 to Include welding and cutting out- International Equipment Corp., f.a.s. fits, two arc welders and accessories, Development---- New York, N.Y. New York to serve the dual purpose of teaching Sierra Leone aids and construction tools at Njala College in Njala, Sierra Leone One lot of miscellaneous woodworking Agency for New World Research 5 189 30 tools to include four band saws, one International Corp., c&f planer, one jointer, one sander, one Development- New York, N.Y. Freetown, router, one grinder, and 200 sanding Sierra Leone West belts, to serve the dual purpose of Africa teaching aids and construction tools at Njala College in Njala, Sierra Leone 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1201 Item Department Vendor Cost One lot of miscellaneous tool supplies Agency for New World Research $ 8 509 56 including hydraulic jacks, mechanics International Corp., c&f tools, masons tools, carpenters tools, Development--- New York, N.Y. Freetown, blacksmiths tools, sheet metal worker Sierra Leone West tools, plumbers equipment, and elec- Africa tricians tools One lot of miscellaneous machine tools Agency for Brodhead-Garrett Co., 7 479 00 to include one lathe, one milling ma- International Cleveland, Ohio f.a.s. chine, one drill preBs, one metal Development---- New York working shaper, and one power hack Sierra Leone One oscilloscope, sampling, with timing Electrical Tektronix, Inc., 3 330 00 and dual trace sampling plug-in Engineering Park Ridge f.o.b. units, 0.35 nanoseconds rise-time, Beaverton, one nanosecond to 100 microseconds/ Ore. cm calibrated sweep speed X2 to X100 time expander, i.e., constant dots/cm (note: nanosecond equals one billionth of a second) Remodel a stall area in the large barn Veterinary Hazen & Franks Builders 4 063 00 at the Veterinary Research Farm on Medicine Supply, Inc., f.o.b. South Race Street for use as a lab- Tolono delivered oratory room, remodeling work to and include construction of concrete erected floor, interior walls, and necessary doors, windows, electrical circuits and lighting, heating, and work benches and storage shelves, to be used for research in studying transmissible diseases of swine On motion of Mr. Pogue, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University) and purchases from Institutional Funds. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost 46,000 eleven-part purchase order Business Office, Allied/Egry Business ? 2 854 98 forms, 10,000 delivery invoice- Medical Center Systems, delivered voucher forms, 5,000 receiving report Chicago forms, and 200 third-copy delivery- invoice voucher forms 120 greenhouse special plant carts Drug and Jos. T. Ryerson & Son, 8 880 00 Horticultural Inc., delivered Experiment Chicago Station One lot of standard glazed stoneware Drug and Bivens & White Co., 5 115 00 jars as follows: Horticultural Oak Park delivered 1,000 one-gallon capacity with holes Experiment near the bottom Station 1,000 one-gallon capacity without holes 750 three-gallon capacity with holes near the bottom 750 three-gallon capacity without holes 20,000 chart folders, 20,000 prenumb- Medical Records, Crown Office Supply Co., 5 136 70 ered master cards, and 2,000 un- Chicago Chicago delivered numbered master cards Approximately 60,000 microfilm jackets Research and Great Lakes Microfilm Co ., 6 480 00 and processing of approximately 600 Educational Chicago delivered rolls of microfilm for the period from Hospitals July 1. 1964, through June 30, 196S. subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement Approximately 3250 millicuries of ra- Research and E. R. Squibb & Sons, 11 401 85 dioactive isotopes to be used by the Educational Franklin Park delivered Isotope Laboratory for the period Hospitals from July 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement 1202 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 Item Department Vendor Cost One 16 in. by 16 in. by 24 in. steam Research and Wilmot Castle Co., J 3 758 00 pressure instrument sterilizer Educational HosDitals Elmhurst delivered and installed One hoist mechanism to be installed on Physical Plant, Stepp Equipment Co., 3 996 00 a University truck to be used in the Medical Center Chicago delivered handling and hauling of refuse and and material handling containers installed Statistical analyses and consultative Vice President's Health Information 4 968 oo services of health and medical factors Office, Medical Foundation, in Illinois, the upper midwest, and Center Chicago the nation, as they relate to future planning in all the health professions at the University of Illinois at the Medical Center 444 each wall hung cigarette urns and Chicago Circle Bolotin, Inc., 194 floor smoker stands Chicago Wall hung urns Gilbert A. Force Co., 9 546 00 Chicago Smoker stands 3 181 60 (Note: This purchase will be made from both Appropriated Funds, J9.S46.00. and Institutional Funds. J3.181.60, for a total of J12.727.60.) Four 45 cu. ft. reach-in refrigerators Biology, Edward Don & Co., 3 456 00 Chicago Circle Chicago delivered onrl and installed One 50 kw induction furnace for College of Inductotherm Corp., 11 092 00 Chicago Circle to replace existing Engineering, Rancocas, N.J. delivered arc furnace located at Navy Pier Chicago Circle and set which is to be traded in in place Furnish and install 1,468 acoustical Physical Plant, General Fireproofing Co., 89 772 00 lockers and 62 fixed panels Chicago Circle Chicago delivered and installed Print and bind 3,000 copies of Faculty Graduate College Pantagraph Printing & 2 981 40 Publications, 1963, approximately Stationery Co., f.o.b. 152 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Bloomington delivered Fifty-one original photographic prints Krannert Art Cole Weston. 2 750 00 by Edward Weston Muesum Carmel, Calif. f.o.b. delivered Wood library furniture to expand the Library Blackwell Wielandy Co., 2 983 1)0 Education Library Room in the Main St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. Library: six tables, two card catalog delivered cabinets (sixty trays each), eleven stools, two dictionary stands One solenoid, super-conducting, for Physics Magnion, Inc., 5 150 00 generating fields up to at least 30 Burlington, Mass. f.o.b. kilogauss, 2 in. I.D.. 3.5 in. O.D., delivered active coil winding length 8 in.. guaranteed uniformity of at least 2.5 per cent over the central 4 in. of coaxial length Construct a rigid frame building, 30 ft. Veterinary Hazen & Franks 5 970 00 by 50 ft. by 8 ft., including concrete Medicine Builders Supply, Inc., f.o.b. foundation and floor, ten box stalls Tolono delivered with dutch doors, electrical service. and water service and drains at the Vet- erected erinary Research Farm on South Race Street, to be used as an experi- mental animal building, replacing the existing barn on Pennsylvania Avenue which will be removed from its present site Print and bind 1,500 copies Italian University Press The North American 3 752 11 Tragedy in the Renaissance, by Press, f.o.b. Marvin T. Herrick, approximately MUwaukee. Wis. delivered 320 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Print and bind 1,500 copies On the Compositional Genetics of "The Com- University Press Pantagraph Printing & 4 604 24 Stationery Co., f.o.b. edy of Errors," by T. W. Baldwin, Bloomington delivered approximately 295 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. Furnish and install steel library shelving Physical Plant Estey Corp., 12 476 00 and double tier stacks in the Agri- Storeroom Red Bank. N.J. f.o.b. culture Library in Mumford Hall delivered and installed 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1203 Item Department Vendor Cost Furnish and install 350 upholstered Physical Plant IUini Supply, Inc., $ 9 600 00 auditorium chairs with tablet arms Decatur f.o.b. in College of Commerce and Business delivered Administration Building and installed Purchases from Institutional Funds Twenty-four pieces of machinery equip- Architecture and AAA Saw & Tool S3 520 84 ment consisting of sabre saw kit, Art. Chicago Service & Supply Co., electric hammer, drill presses, miter Circle Chicago gauges, jointer, tool grinder, wood Chicago Supply & Tool Cc .., 497 00 lathe, abrasive belt finishing machine, Chicago radial saw, abrasive disc finishing Lee Machine Tool Co., 951 72 machine, band saw, arbor press, and Chicago norton screw jacks (4 969 56) delivered and installed Photographic equipment (154 items) Chicago Circle Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc., 875 84 consisting of cameras, enlargers. Chicago printers, easels, developing and fixing Helix, 779 80 tanks, safe lights, special lenses, film Chicago holders, trays, dryers, mounting Malelo Camera Co., 6 341 88 press, clock timers, tripods, paper Chicago cabinets, print washer, mixing fau- Norman-Willetts Co., 428 50 cets, carriers, slide viewers, light Chicago tables Standard Photo Supply Co., 707 40 Chicago Watland's Camera Shops, 222 54 Chicago (9 355 96) delivered Seventeen domestic refrigerators and Chicago Circle Frigidaire Sales Corp., 3 095 38 three domestic freezers Elk Grove Village delivered and installed 404 waste receptacles Chicago Circle Atco Corp., 6 726 60 Chicago delivered One jeep truck, one sweepster rotary Physical Plant, Galassi Motor Sales, Inc., 3 945 00 broom, and one 96 in. reversible snowplow One snowblower Chicago Circle Chicago delivered Physical Plant, R. H. Lyons Equipment 3 736 00 Chicago Circle Co., delivered Chicago and installed Forty-six tri-step wash systems, nine Physical Plant. Daniels Supply Co., four-step wash-wax systems, fifty-two Chicago Circle Chicago janitor carts, four waste collectors Wash systems 3 905 40 Wash-wax systems 966 60 Stearnes-Imperial Co., Chicago Janitor carts 2 078 96 Edward Don & Co., Chicago Waste collectors 72 08 (7 023 04) delivered Intravenous fluids and administration Pharmacy Abbott Laboratories, 76 832 01 sets for use in the Research and Edu- North Chicago delivered cational Hospitals for the period from July 1, 1964, through June 30. 1965, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement One lot of laboratory supplies consisting Medical Center A. S. Aloe Co., 26 250 00 of 1,200 vials of heparinized capillary Stores Schiller Park delivered tubes, 2,350 gross microscope slides. 30 plastic pipet jars, 576 plastic bottles, and approximately 1,050 cases of borosilicate laboratory glass- ware Window washing service between July Physical Plant, Alex Wasleff Window 1 320 00 1, 1964. and June 30, 1965; for the Medical Center Cleaning Co., Research and Educational Hospitals, Chicago the Neuropsychiatric Institute, and the Staff Apartment Building (Note: This purchase will be made from both Institutional Funds, $1,320.00, and Appropriated Funds, $1,296.00, for a total of 32,616.00.) Print and bind 4,500 copies of Funda- Institute of The Interstate Printers & 3 105 75 mentals of Aviation and Space Tech- Aviation Publishers, Inc., f.o.b. nology, approximately 164 pages per Danville delivered copy, trim size 8 in. by 11 in., for use in training programs 1204 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 Item Department Vendor Cost One microtome with mechanical ad- Botany Ivan Sorvall. Inc., t 3 444 50 vance, stereomicroscope, pivoting Norwalk, Conn. f-o.b. telescopic mount, collet-type holder. delivered glass knives, and accessory box con- taining spare parts, for general lab- oratory work in the Botany Department One centrifuge, high-speed, refriger- Chemistry and Ivan Sorvall, Inc., 2 695 00 ated, without rotors and including Chemical Norwalk, Conn. f.o.b. one GSA head, for general laboratory Engineering delivered use in biochemistry One gas chromatograph with dual name Chemistry and Micro-Tek Instruments, 3 070 00 ionization and thermal conductivity Chemical Inc., f.o.b. detector for graduate class work Engineering Baton Rouge, La. delivered One special dry box, hermetically Chemistry and Herring Corp., 4 842 00 sealed, consisting of one each solid Chemical Van Nuys, Calif. f.o.b. metal left end, fluorescent skylight, Engineering delivered glove port covers, stand, rack and shelf assembly, and dri-train, for use in handling and preparation of lith- ium, magnesium, beryllium, and aluminum which are pyrophoric in the presence of oxygen and water One spectrophotometer system, in- Chemistry and W. H. Kessel & Co.. S 778 00 cluding monochromator with quartz Chemical Chicago f.o.b. optics, micro cell attachment with Engineering delivered magnetic stops, and heatable cell holder with accessories One preparative centrifuge, centrifugal Chemistry and Spinco Division, 10 579 00 forces to 198,000 x gravity, refriger- Chemical Beckman Instruments, f.o.b. ated, vacuum type with one type 50 Engineering Inc.. delivered rotor, one type SW39L rotor with Palo Alto, Calif. radiation handle, and one type SW25.2 rotor, to be used in the analy- sis of phage and antibody proteins by the biochemistry division of the De- partment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering One preparative centrifuge, refriger- Chemistry and Spinco Division, Beckman 9 747 00 ated, vacuum type with high-capa- Chemical Instruments, Inc., f.o.b. city fbced-angle rotor, one type 30 Engineering Palo Alto, Calif. delivered rotor, and one radiation handle for a type 39L rotor One gas chromatograph equipped with Chemistry and Micro-Tek Instruments, 2 670 00 thermal conductivity cells with kovar Chemical Inc., f.o.b. filaments for use in graduate labora- Engineering Baton Rouge, La. delivered tories Fabricate post-tensioning components Civil Engineering Stressteel Corp., 4 294 00 and welded assemblies for the dy- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. f.o.b. namic load generator consisting of delivered 112 bearing plates and 76 steel bars, 29 ft. 9 in. long, lji in. diameter Fabricate machine components, eight Civil Engineering Atterol Tool Corp., 14 400 00 of each assembly, for dynamic load Chicago f.o.b. generator to consist of welding, ma- delivered chining, and chemical plating of var- ious assemblies, material to be furnished by the vendor One lot of wood office furniture for in- College of Weber, Hilmer, & Johnson. 9 992 55 stallation in the departmental suites Commerce and Chicago f.o.b. of the new College of Commerce and Business delivered Business Administration Building, to Administration consist of eleven desks, nine creden- zas, four cabinets, two conference tables, eight swivel chairs, forty-one arm chairs, and eight side chairs without arms Eight power supplies, 0-20 volts, 2 amps Digital Computer LAMBDA Electronics 2 634 28 at S0$dGC, regulation .015 per cent Laboratory Corp., c/o Bard f.o.b. Four power supplies, 0-40 volts, 2.1 Associates, Inc., destination amps at 50$dGC, regulation .015 per La Grange cent Four rack adapters One soldering machine, dual wave, Digital Computer Dee Electric Co., 5 910 00 automatic, comprised of fluxing sta- Laboratory Chicago f.o.b. tion, pre-heater, dual-wave solder delivered fountains, conveyor, and control panel 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1205 Item Department Vendor Cost Two typewriters, electric, for computer Digital Computer International Business $ 3 483 SO input-output Two connectors for coupling to computer system One type font, in addition to those sup- Laboratory Machines Corp., Springfield f.o.b. Lexington, Ky. plied with typewriters Calculators, full keyboard, desk type, Educational SCM Corp., as follows: Psychology and Champaign Six automatic single entry squaring Animal Science Groups A, B, and C 15 465 00 (Group A) Nine back transfer for transferring Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc., results and keyboard entries to Champaign storage dials (Group B) Groups D and E 2 133 00 Two duplex storage with automatic Friden, Inc., constant multiplier (Group C) Two automatic multifactor multipli- Champaign Group F 1 760 00 cation (AxBxC) with twenty-one lower dials (Group D) (19 358 00) One memory for repetitive keyboard amounts, with recall (Group E) Two fully automatic with dual key- board (Group F) Less trade-in allowance on four used calculators One converter system, high-speed, Electrical Adcom Corp., 3 200 00 analog-digital, including operational Engineering Skokie f.O.b. amplifier, analog sample-and-hold delivered circuitry, output register, and self- contained power supply One milling machine, horizontal, uni- Electrical Hardinge Brothers, Inc., 6 258 00 versal, high-speed, high-precision. Engineering Chicago f.o.b. with collets, chucks, and other acces- delivered sories, to be used by the Department of Electrical Engineering for micro- wave component research One monochrotnator, special model. Electrical The Perkin-Elmer Corp., 9 602 50 with linear wave length gratings of Engineering Norwalk, Conn, f.o.b. modular design delivered One klystron tube, millimeter wave Electrical Butler Roberts 2 650 00 type, mechanically tunable from 66 Engineering Associates, Inc., f.o.b. to 76 Gc, power out 100 mw minimum Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. delivered from 66 to 76 Gc, 200 mw minimum at 71 Gc One accessory equipment to augment Electrical Control Data Corp., 106 080 00 and expand the configuration of the Engineering Oak Park f.o.b. G-20A computer system located in Minneapolis, the Department of Electrical Engi- Minn. neering, including console, line printer, card reader/punch, central processor, card printer, compiler. magnetic tape unit, paper tape unit, memory unit One nuclear measurement system for Forestry Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 6 895 99 the determination of moisture and Des Plaines f.o.b. density in soil, consisting of a port- delivered able sealer, a depth moisture gauge, and a combination density and mois- ture surface gauge 500 module chassis and 1,000 side Physics Craftsman Sheet Metal, 2 787 00 plates for use by Digital Computer Inc., f.o.b. Laboratory for design and construc- Franklin Park delivered tion of a high-speed computer under a federal government contract One solenoid, super-conducting, rated Physics Winchester Electronic 4 550 00 field intensity at center 30,000 gauss. Laboratories, f.o.b. field uniformity over 2 in. axial Winchester, Mass. delivered length, one part in 10* and one power supply for above, 0-25 amp DC output One attenuation comparator, frequency range S to 310 mc/sec., complete with oscilloscope with sweep range of 10- Physics MATEK, Inc., 6 250 00 Providence, R.I. f.o.b. Providence, 1000 microseconds, and sweep delay R.I. of 0-100 microseconds; pulse ampli- tude to 900 volts, pulse width 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 microseconds; and with provision for operation with auto- matic readout 1206 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 Item Department Vendor Cost Twelve power supplies, transistorized Physics Heath Co., $ 3 990 72 Twelve power supplies, regulated, vari- Benton Harbor, Mich. f.o.b. able voltage delivered Twelve oscilloscopes, wide band, 5 in. Twelve vacuum tube voltmeters Twelve generators, sine-square wave One oscilloscope, dual beam, calibrated Physics Tektronix, Inc., 5 938 50 sweep rate of 0.1 microsecond to 5 Park Ridge f.o.b. seconds per cm, range DC to 22 MC Beaverton One oscilloscope, high-speed. 24 kv Ore. accelerating potential, sensitivity of 25 mv to 400 v per cm Two portable scope charts One viewing hood One bezel One integral induction melting unit, 50 Mechanical and Brown Boveri Corp., 12 000 00 kilowatt, with 600-volt water cooled Industrial New York, N.Y. f.o.b. capacitors, for instructional purposes Engineering delivered in the Foundry Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical and In- dustrial Engineering One single crystal accessory device, an Mining, Siemens America, Inc., 2 625 00 attachment to an existing diffractom- Metallurgy, New York, N.Y. delivered eter for the study of crystals, con- and Petroleum sisting of a 360-degree mounting ring Engineering into which a standard goniometer head is mounted An additional 2,000 copies of Magazines University Press Pantagraph Printing & 2 910 00 in the Twentieth Century, second edi- Stationery Co., f.o.b. tion, by Theodore Peterson, approx- Bloomington delivered imately 512 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in., to be printed and bound at same time as 2,000 copies approved for purchase by the Board of Trus- tees February 19, 1964 Print and bind 1.000 copies of The Ecol- University Press Cushing-Malloy, Inc., 3 164 00 ogy of North America, by Victor E. Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. Shelford, trim size b% in. by 10 in., delivered approximately 632 pages per copy Print and bind 1,500 copies of Tables of University Press Malloy Lithographing, Inc., 1 500 (10 Transitional Frequencies of English Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. Phonemes, by Lee S. Hultzen et al.. delivered approximately 229 pages per copy, trim size 6 in. by 9 in. (Note: This purchase will be made from both Institutional Funds, $1,500.00, and Appropriated Funds, Jl.457.00, for a total of S2.957.O0.) Print and bind 5,000 copies each: University Press Cushing-Malloy, Inc., 10 812 00 Constitutional Problems Under Lin- Ann Arbor, Mich. f.o.b. coln, by James G. Randall, approx- delivered imately 632 pages per copy Viva Mexico! by Charles M. Flan- drau, approximately 320 pages per copy Comic Theory in the Sixteenth Cen- tury, by Marvin T. Herrick, ap- proximately 256 pages per copy Mexican Government in Transition, by Robert E. Scott, approximately 352 pages per copy Forty-two films, miscellaneous color Visual Aids International Film 5 605 00 and black and white Service Bureau, Inc., f.o.b. Chicago destination 162 films, miscellaneous color and black Visual Aids Coronet Films, 18 884 25 and white, payment to be in three Service Chicago f.o.b. yearly installments delivered Ninety films, miscellaneous titles as Visual Aids Encyclopaedia Britannica 13 906 32 follows: fifty-nine color, thirty-one Service Films, Inc., f.o.b. black and white Wilmette Wilmette 101 films, 16 mm., miscellaneous color Visual Aids McGraw-Hill Book Co., 15 998 85 and black and white, payment to be Service Text-Film Division, f.o.b. in three equal yearly installments New York, N.Y. delivered 900 dining chairs; 124 dining tables, 36 Housing Division Weber, Hilmer, & 31 571 55 in. by 72 in.; forty-six dining tables. Johnson, f.o.b. 48 in. round, for the dining room of Chicago delivered the Illinois Street Residence Halls 189 chairs, wrought iron, with special Housing Division Weber, Hilmer, & 6 289 56 slip seats, for use in the Snack Bar of Johnson, f.o.b. the Illinois Street Residence Halls Chicago delivered 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1207 Item Department Vendor Cost Innerspring mattresses as follows: 170 36 in. by 78 in. Housing Division Sackett's Furniture Store, $ 12 789 00 f.o.b. 100 36 in. by 80 in. 180 54 in. by 78 in. Champaign delivered 180 box springs, 54 in. by 78 in. To be used in the double deck beds in the Illinois Street Residence Halls, Orchard Downs Apartments, and as replacement mattresses in the Busey- Evans Residence Halls Fifty mobile delivery cabinets constructed of anodized aluminum and Housing Division Bucks County Enterprises, Inc., 9 504 00 f.o.b. with epoxy sealed joints, size 71>$pD in. high, 21H in. wide, and 28 in. deep Quakertown, Pa. delivered (front to back), each cabinet designed to accommodate forty pans 16 in. by 28 in. Silver plated flatware, triple plate quality, bright butler finish, with two Housing Division Edward Don & Co., Chicago 11 921 50 f.o.b. extra deposits of silver on tips and delivered backs of bowls and tines, in the fol- lowing quantities: 550 dozen knives, dinner, 9 in., solid handles on stainless steel base 500 dozen forks, utility 60 dozen forks, salad 300 dozen teaspoons, 5 oz. 300 dozen spoons, bouillon Furnish and install hardware and drap- Housing Division WilHamsburg Drapery eries in the Illinois Street Residence Co., Inc., Halls as follows: Chicago Fifty-two pairs. Building A (men) Group 1 4 425 72 and Building B (women) unit Group 2 7 117 13 lounges (Group 1) Group 3 1 307 90 Eleven pairs, Building B ground floor Indecor, corridor windows and offices Chicago (Group 2) Group 4 2 323 80 Six pairs snack bar, seminar room. Edwin Raphael Co., Inc.. and reference library (Group 3) Holland. Mich. Seventeen pairs recreation rooms and head resident apartments (Group Group 5 13 654 20 (28 828 75) r i 4) 656 pairs, student rooms, Buildings I.O.O. delivered A and B (Group 5) Furnish and install hardware and drap- Housing Division Drexel Venetian Blind 3 278 26 eries in the Illinois Street Residence Laundry, f.o.b. Halls dining room, linen casement East St. Louis delivered fabric, unlined, in the following sizes: and Twelve pair 24 ft. wide by 64 ft. long installed Three pair 12 ft. wide by 32 ft. long One pair 6 ft. wide by 24 ft. long 1,300 mattresses, 36 in. by 79 in., not Housing Division Anderson Mattress Co., 30 784 00 less than 4>$pD in. thick, core to be of Anderson, Ind. f.o.b. latex foam, covering to be 8 oz. aca delivered ticking, for use in the Illinois Street Residence Halls Bed linen items to equip the Illinois Housing Division American Textile Street Residence Halls: Distributors, 98 dozen combination mattress pad Philadelphia, Pa. and cover (Item 1) Item 1 2 688 14 625 dozen sheets, size 63 in. by 108 Kansas City White Good s in., thread count 140 (Item 2) Manufacturing Co., 62S dozen pillow cases, 42 in. by 36 Kansas City, Mo. in., thread count 140 (Item 3) Item 2 11 950 00 2,500 only, blankets, size 62H in. by Item 3 2 731 25 90 in., 90 per cent wool, 10 per cent Homer Woolen Mills Co. nylon (Item 4) Eaton Rapids, Mich. Item 4 9 000 00 (26 369 39) f.o.b. delivered 1,250 pillows, bed, 20 in. by 26 in. Housing Division Karoll's, Inc., 2 750 00 finished size, filled with not less than Chicago f.o.b. 1 pound 14 ounces new feathers, for delivered the Illinois Street Residence Halls 1,570 study lamps, complete with Housing Division Excel Manufacturing 11 775 00 shades, for use in the student rooms Corp., f.o.b. in the Illinois Street Residence Halls Muncie, Ind* delivered 1208 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 Jlent Department Vendor Cost One lot of lamps and sand urns for use Housing Division Gilbert A. Force Co., t 3 552 51 in the lounge areas of the Illinois Chicago f.o.b. Street Residence Halls as follows: delivered Fifty-two floor lamps 106 table lamps Four desk lamps Four sand urns Two roaster ovens, triple deck, 60 in. Housing Division L. B. Herbst Corp., 3 551 62 by 45 in. by 16% in., each deck fitted Chicago f.o.b. with one intermediate removable delivered shelf, light, and removable rack, for installation in the Illinois Street Res- idence Halls food service areas One mixer, food, eighty-quart capacity, Housing Division Hobart Manufacturing Co ., 2 559 60 with bowl splash cover, oil dropper. Springfield f.o.b. and the following accessories for the delivered Illinois Street Residence Halls: Two eighty-quart stainless steel bowls Two bowl trucks Three stainless steel wire whips Six slicer and shredder plates Two food warmers, four compartments Housing Division Edward Don & Co- 5 698 00 each, 22 in. by 30H in. high, fitted with stainless steel slides, adjustable Chicago f.o.b. delivered and removable, for the Illinois Street Residence Halls Approximately 125 uniforms for Army Military Property Bendone Manufacturing 30 673 75 Advanced R.O.T.C. students; uni- Custodian Corp., f.o.b. form to include: coat, trousers, cap, New York, N.Y. delivered two shirts, belt, tie, gloves, and trench coat Approximately 150 uniforms for Air Force Advanced R.O.T.C. students; uniform to include: coat, trousers. cap, two shirts, belt, tie, gloves, top coat, and braid 630 (approximately) steel library book- Office Supply S. Buckman Furniture & 22 579 20 shelf units, 36 in. wide by $dG J4 in. deep Storeroom Supply, f.o.b. by 84 in. high, complete with closed Spring Valley delivered back and finished end panels to pro- vide for anticipated requirements for new buildings under construction on the Urbana campus and for Office Supply Storeroom stock; approxi- mately 500 of the estimated total to be delivered in June. August, Decem- ber, 1964, February and June, 1965, with the balance to be ordered for interim shipments as required 720,000 envelopes, 28 lb. brown kraft. Office Supply Graham Paper Co., 11 980 80 gummed flap, open end, clasp, various sizes Storeroom St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. delivered 270,000 envelopes, 20 lb. brown kraft. gummed flap, open end, catalog, var- ious sizes 30,000 envelopes, 28 lb. brown kraft. gummed flap, open end, coin, size 3Hin. bySH in. 1,200,000 envelopes, 20 lb., grant kraft, gummed flap, various sizes The above is an estimated ten-month supply of envelopes One photo enlarger for negatives, 35 Photography Log Etronics, Inc., 10 319 40 mm. to 4 in. by 5 in. Alexandria, Va. f.o.b. One lens, 105 mm., f 5.6 Alexandria, One lens, 135 mm., f 3.5 Va. One negative carrier 2)4= in. square, and one ditto 4 in. by 5 in. Furnish and install in the new Print Print Shop Graphic Arts Equipment 4 700 00 Shop Building one remelt furnace, Co., f.o.b. two-ton crucible capacity with com- Chicago delivered plete metal drainage, equipped with and one under-mold, four scrap trucks. installed and one eight-inch skimmer One truck, 1964 model, 9,800 lb. gross Purchasing Springer Motor Sales, 3 349 00 vehicle weight, with V-8 engine, four- Rantoul f.o.b. speed synchromesh transmission, van delivered body 9 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, 7H ft. high, and hydraulic tail gate lift 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1209 Item Department Vendor Cost Laboratory furniture as follows: Physical Plant Metalab Equipment Co., $ 3 867 90 Four storage cabinets Hicksville, N.Y. f.o.b. Nine standard sectional base units delivered Five sink units and necessary service fixtures and valves Eighty-four ft. (approximately) stone for bench tops and back splash trim Two chemists desks For stock to be installed as required Approximately 127,000 board feet lum- Physical Plant Savoy Lumber & 19 967 67 ber and 425 pieces clear fir flooring to Materials Co., f.o.b. be used by the Physical Plant De- Savoy delivered partment during the period July 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965, as re- quired for work on the Urbana campus Approximately 2,875 sheets plywood to Physical Plant Thompson Lumber Co., 14 017 00 be used by the Physical Plant De- Champaign f.o.b. partment as required during the delivered period July 1, 1964, through June 30. 1965, for various work on the Urbana campus Building materials as required by Phys- Physical Plant Thompson Lumber Co., 5 487 20 ical Plant in small quantities (approx- Champaign f.o.b. imate) during the period July 1, 1964, delivered through June 30, 1965, as follows: 900 sheets tapered edge wallboard 179 sheets asbestos board 100 sheets insulation board 100 sheets pressed fibre board 320 sheets tempered hardooard 125 sheets tempered pegboard 1,100 yards (approximately) ready Physical Plant Odman-Hecker & Co., 17 897 50 mixed concrete for delivery to job site for use by the Physical Plant De- Urbana f.o.b. delivered partment in various work on the Urbana campus during the period July I, 1964, through June 30, 1965 Fifteen sedans, 1964 model, four-door, Physical Plant Rhodes Chevrolet, V-8 engine, automatic transmission. Farmer City less trade-in of 1962 model vehicles Group 1 14 506 00 of same type, except with 6 cylinder Gioup3 999 00 engines Group 4 900 00 Two station wagons, 1964 model, nine- Sullivan Chevrolet Co., passenger, V-8 engine, automatic Champaign transmission, less trade-in of 1962 Group 6 3 062 02 model vehicles of same type Courtesy Motor Sales, Inc., One police car, 1964 model, four-door, Chicago (Ford) V-8 engine, automatic transmission, Group 5 2 940 00 power steering, power brakes, less University Ford, trade-in of 1963 model vehicle of Champaign same type (communications equip- Group 2 1 940 00 ment to be transferred from old to (24 347 02) new vehicle by the University) f.o.b. One sedan, compact, 1964 model, six- delivered cylinder engine, automatic trans- mission, less trade-in of 1962 model vehicle of same type One police car, 1964 model, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, two-way ra- dio, public address unit, and beacon Two utility vehicles, 1964 model, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, less trade-in of 1961 and 1962 model ve- hicles of the same type (Note: This purchase will be made from Institutional Funds, J23.348.02, and Appropriated Funds, $999.00, for a total of $24,347.02.) Twenty automobiles, 1964 models, four- Physical Plant Courtesy Motor Sales, 36 980 00 door sedans, with V-8 engine, auto- Inc., f.o.b. matic transmission, and standard Chicago delivered equipment On motion of Mr. Pogue, these purchases were authorized. 1210 board of trustees [May 20 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (40) The comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period April 1 to 30, 1964. Amount to be Amount to oe Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale Agency for International Prepare for publication a Resources $ 25 000 00 February 6, 1964 Development Handbook outlining problems AID/cad-349 and procedures in establishing and operating an agricultural college The PiUsbury Co. Effect of water activity character- S 900 00 March 16, 1964 istics of flour on the performance Space Technology Electrical propulsion study of vari- 10 000 00 September 4, 1963 Laboratories ations in specific charge of a Sub-contract under gtycerol type working fluid with AF33(657)-10999 variation in temperature, conduc- tivity, and viscosity Special Dairy Industry Influence of the major fatty acids 20 500 00 February 1. 1964 Board in milk fat on serum cholesterol Superintendent of Conduct demonstrations, experi- i iso oo March 13, 1964 Public Instruction mental projects, and institutes in the field of education of gifted children United States Air Force Conduct the gyro resonance experi- 25 000 00 February 1, 1964 AF19(628)-3900 ment in a rocket to determine the possibility of controlling ino- spheric characteristics United States Air Force High-intensity charged particle 74 834 00 February 1. 1964 AF33(61S)-1459 sources United States Air Force Research in system theory 51 430 00 May 1, 1964 AF49<638)-1383 United States Army Development of techniques for mili- 1 266 667 00 April 1, 1964 DA-28-043 tary applications in accordance AMC-0O73(E) with Confidential Technical Guidelines United States Army Publication of a bibliography on the 10 444 00 March 1, 1964 DA-49-193-MD-2S71 wholesomeness of irradiated foods United States Army Nutritive value of the major nu- 42 864 00 March 1, 1964 DA-49-193-MD-2572 trients of irradiated foods United States Depart- Provide training to improve the 94 245 00 January 2, 1964 ment of Health, Edu- qualifications of personnel en- cation, and Welfare gaged in counseling and guidance OE-4-12-040 of students within grades 7 through 12 United States Depart- Implications and feasibility of the 66 863 00 March 30, 1964 ment of Health, Edu- application of newer media to cation, and Welfare staff, space, and curriculum prob- OE-4-16-008 lems at a rapidly growing urban United States Depart- Identification and organization of 104 539 00 July 1, 1964 ment of Health, Edu- the major topics and literatures cation, and Welfare in philosophical foundations of OE-5-10-004 education United States Depart- Investigate the chronic effects of a 5 526 00 March 15, 1964 ment of Health, Edu- walking and running exercise pro- cation, and Welfare gram on lower limb circulation PH-108-64-42 in middle-aged and older men Total $1 804 962 00 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date John Deere Co. Rental of farm machinery, ten $ 3 479 00 September 3, 1963 items: S57.75 to $701.87 International Business Rental of office machines, four 199 387 00 March, 1964 Machines Corp. items: J576.OO to J189.60S.00 Total $pD202 866 00 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale FMC Corp. Compounds to be synthesized and/ $ 37 750 00 April 3, 1964 Sub-contract under or evaluated and biological eval- DA-I8-1O8-AMC-1O8(A) uation techniques 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1211 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Moorman Manufacturing Co. Poultry nutrition $ 2 600 00 April 7, 1964 Research Council on Behavior of riveted and bolted 21 000 00 January 1, 1964 Riveted and Bolted structural joints Structural Joints of the Engineering Foundation United States Air Force AF29(601)-4993 Evaluation of tunnel liners 1 069 00 March 11, 1964 United States Air Force Information processing capability 25 000 00 February 1, 1964 AF33(657)-10659 of signal analysis system United States Army Influence of tomato constituents on 449 00 February 18, 1964 DAW-129-QM-1709(N) flavor of irradiated meat United States Atomic Obtaining one millimeter source of 2 613 00 February 28. 1$dG64 Energy Commission C.W. microwaves and associated AT(ll-I)-392 components United States Navy Pre-programmed self-instruction 46 579 00 March 11, 1964 Nonr-3985(04) and self-programmed individual- ized education Total J137 060 00 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date George S. Grimmett Twenty-three items: ?50.05 deduct $ 2 345 00 March and & Co. to S700.00 April, 1964 (Plastering) Summary Amount to be paid to the Universitv ................ ... ......Jfl 942 022 00 Amount to be paid by the University 205 211 00 This report was ; received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (41) The Comptroller presented his quarterly report to the Board as of March 31, 1964. This report was received for record, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board. EMPLOYMENT OF AUDITORS Mr. Swain, for the Finance Committee, presented the following: For many years, the University has been employing certified public accounting firms for annual audits of the University of Illinois for five-year assignments. The five-year cycle worked out well. Beginning with the audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1958, the Board of Trustees authorized the employment of Ernst and Ernst for a three-year period. It was felt that the shorter cycle would enable broader participation of public accounting firms interested in the assignment and, without experience with such a cycle, there was no reason to believe it might not be effective. At the conclusion of the contract with Ernst and Ernst, representatives of that firm reported their experience indicated that a longer period was desirable. The size and complexity of the University records are such that the auditing firm spent excessive amounts of time in the early years of its assignment in becoming familiar with the records and their relationships. In order to secure more experience with the three-year cycle, Lybrand, Ross Bros., and Montgomery was employed for a three-year period beginning with the audit of the year ended June 30, 1961. Its three-year assignment was completed with the audit of the year ended June 30, 1963. This firm also reported its experience indicates that the three-year cycle is too short to realize the most effective utilization of the auditing firm's services. Staff members of the Business Office also report that the three-year cycle requires excessive staff time in assisting the auditors. The Finance Committee therefore authorized the Comptroller to determine the interest of Lybrand, Ross Bros., and Montgomery in continuing the audit for 1212 board of trustees [May 20 an additional two-year period. The firm has submitted a proposal for the audit of the University and its allied organizations as follows: (Preced' The University of Illinois, including all revenue bond $$ea s tees) funds............................................. $24 300 $22 300 State Universities Retirement System................... 2 300 2 000 The University of Illinois Alumni Association.......... 650 600 The University of Illinois Athletic Assocation, including the Retirement System......................... 1 100 1 000 The University of Illinois Foundation................... 1 800 1 500 The Comptroller believes the fees are reasonable in view of the increased volume of financial activities, not only in regular operations but also on construction, and the increased cost of auditing services that has occurred over the last three years. In accordance with the usual practice, the auditing firm will submit its reports jointly to the Board of Trustees and to the office of the Auditor General. The proposal has the approval of the office of the Auditor General, in accordance with customary procedures. The Finance Committee recommends the employment of Lybrand, Ross Bros., and Montgomery for the audit of University accounts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. SALARY OR ANNUITY PROGRAM Mr. Swain, for the Finance Committee, presented the following: For many years the Internal Revenue Code offered employees of certain organizations an income tax benefit if a part of their compensation was in the form of a non-forfeitable annuity contract paid for by the employer. Increased attention was paid to this provision when its implications were clarified by the enactment of the Technical Amendments Act of 1958 which modified the Internal Revenue Code. Under the Internal Revenue Code, the amount paid by the employer for such an annuity is not considered to be taxable income to the employee in the year in which the employer makes such payment. It will represent taxable income to the employee when he receives payments from the annuity, which normally will be after retirement and at a time when his total income is smaller, resulting in a lower tax bracket. In 1963, the General Assembly amended the Illinois statutes relating to state employees to permit an adjustment in an employee's earnings and the application of the amount of the adjustment to the purchase of an annuity contract for the employee. Section 166(c), Chapter 127, of the Illinois Revised Statutes, as so amended, reads: "Each employer as defined in Section 15-106 of the 'Illinois Pension Code,1 approved March 18, 1963, as amended, pertaining to the State Universities Retirement System, may permit any employee covered by that System to accept a reduction in earnings or forego an increase in earnings in consideration for which the employer shall pay the amount of the adjustment in earnings to an insurance company or companies selected by the employer to be applied as a premium on an annuity contract under which the employee's rights are non-forfeitable except for failure to pay future premiums. The selection of the insurance company or companies and the purchase of the annuity contracts shall not be subject to 'An Act in relation to state purchasing and contracts,' approved July 11, 1957, as amended. "Each employer may adopt rules to implement this Act including, but not by way of limitation, (a) the method of filing an election to accept an adjustment in earnings and revocation of the election, (b) the effective date of an election, (c) changes in the amount of the adjustment in earnings, and (d) selection of the insurance company or companies from which the annuity contracts are to be purchased." Dr. Robert I. Mehr, Professor of Finance and a member of the Urbana- 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1213 Champaign Senate Committee on Retirement, Hospitalization, and Insurance, at the request of the University administration, studied the problem of establishing criteria for the selection and approval of insurance companies which the Board of Trustees could consider in offering to acquire annuities for staff members, and has recommended the following set of standards (a copy of his report has previously been submitted to the Finance Committee): 1. The company must have had at least $750 million of life insurance in force in Illinois as of December 31, 1962. 2. The company must have collected at least $20 million of premium in Illinois during 1962. 3. The company must have a net yield on investment in excess of the average for the industry in each of the years 1960 through 1962. 4. The company must be willing to work closely with the University in product design. Four companies meet these standards. Prudential Insurance Company of America and Continental Assurance Company offer group contracts. The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company offer individual contracts in addition to these four. Dr. Mehr recommends that the Teachers' Insurance Annuity Association also be approved for individual contracts serviced by mail. This company was organized by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, but is now a separate entity and is now self-sustaining. It operates a companion, but separate, corporation, the College Retirement Equities Fund. Eligibility for insurance and annuities in the Association is limited to employees of colleges, universities, independent schools, and other non-profit, tax-exempt educational and scientific organizations that meet the TIAA requirements. Currently, over 1,200 organizations are cooperating with TIAA, of which approximately one-half are colleges and universities. Because of its efficient operations, and designation as an insurance carrier for college faculty members, a number of University of Illinois faculty presently own TIAA contracts purchased for them by other institutions. It would be to their advantage, in some cases, to continue this relationship, rather than to start a new contract with a new company. Accordingly, Dr. Mehr recommends approval of TIAA-CREF as the fifth company authorized to do business under this arrangement. Obviously, the University can not do business with all insurance companies. Some restriction is necessary. The smaller the number of insurance companies involved, the more effective can be the liaison between the University, the insurance company, and the staff member. Application of the standards recommended results in only five companies being approved, but it is believed that within these five companies, sufficient variation of programs is available to serve the needs of the faculty. The Salary or Annuity program has been presented to and discussed with the Senate Committee on Retirement, Hospitalization, and Insurance on each campus and the Employees Advisory Committee to the Board of Trustees of the State Universities Retirement System. The Finance Committee recommends the adoption of the following rules by the Board of Trustees as contemplated by the Illinois statute, and further recommends that the appropriate University officials be authorized to publicize and implement the same. Rules Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to Implement Provisions of Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 127, Section 166(c) 1. Any employee of the University who is a participant in the State Universities Retirement System and who desires to make an election to accept an adjustment in earnings pursuant to Section 166(c) of Chapter 127 of the Illinois Revised Statutes shall do so by executing and filing with the University a document in a form approved by the Vice-President and Comptroller and by the Legal Counsel. In the event that more than one such election is filed by an employee, the election bearing the latest date shall be deemed to supersede all previous elections, but no employee may file more than one election in any calendar year. Any such election 1214 board or trustees [May 20 so filed may be revoked at any time by the employee upon filing a written revocation with the University. 2. The initial effective date for any employee's adjustment in earnings here-under shall be July 1, 1964. 3. The following insurance companies are selected as those from which the University may purchase the annuity contracts referred to in said Section 166(c) of Chapter 127 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, and the amount of the adjustment in each employee's earnings shall be paid to one or more of said companies to be applied as a premium on an annuity contract or contracts under which such employee's rights are non-forfeitable except for failure to pay future premiums: The Continental Assurance Company The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Prudential Insurance Company of America Teachers' Insurance Annuity Association 4. These rules may be amended or supplemented by the Board of Trustees from time to time. On motion of Mr. Swain, these recommendations were approved, and the proposed rules were adopted. INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (42) Mr. Swain, for the Finance Committee, presented the following changes in investments of endowment funds for the month of March, 1964: Pool Purchase $ 5 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 2/15/80 $ 4 925 00 20/100 share Eastman Kodak common stock 25 63 Miller Sale 200 shares Abbott Laboratories common stock $ 24 379 21 1,000 shares Tampa Electric common stock 25 007 28 Purchase: $ 50 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 10/15/69 $ 49 906 25 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reported the following changes in investments of current and un- expended plant funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Purchase $ 250 000 U. S. Treasury bills 3/26/64 $249 672 36 850 000 U. S. Treasury bills 4/30/64 845 992 92 700 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/30/64 691 052 36 500 000 Commercial Credit promissory notes 7/30/64 439 057 29 300 000 Household Finance promissory notes 9/15/64 293 929 17 Construction Funds Assembly Hall (June 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/16/64 $ 98 783 39 Illini Union and Health Center (December 21, 1960) Purchase $ 160 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/11/64 $158 685 87 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Purchase 3 55 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/11/64 % 54 530 80 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1215 Orchard Downs (June 14, 1960) Purchase $ 102 000 S 000 U. S. Treasury bills U. S. Treasury bills 6/11/64 7/16/64 $101 4 162 24 946 90 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Purchase $ 70 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/14/64 $ 69 599 62 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Purchase $ 95 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/14/64 $ 94 459 74 Student Services Building (May 17, 1961) Purchase S 26 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/14/64 $ 25 852 14 On motion ol Mr. bwain, this report was received for record. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (43) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend an increase of $3,154.13 in the contract with Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Urbana, for construction of the south addition to the Administration Building to provide for modifications in the electrical work and an increased number of lighting fixtures on the third floor, west end, of the new unit. Funds are available in the project budget. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this change in contract was authorized. EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL COUNSEL (44) A suit has been filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County (63 C 18217) by the Harwald Company, Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of film inspection equipment. The Company was barred from bidding on University business for one year by action of the Board of Trustees on March 20, 1963. The complaint seeks damages for injuries to the plaintiff's reputation and business alleged to have been caused, in part, by reason of the March 20, 1963, Board action, an alleged failure by some of the defendants to exercise due diligence in the pursuit of their various functions at the University, and by actions of some defendants in connection with an opinion given to the University by an engineering firm as to the quality and utility of certain film inspection machines. The named defendants include, among others, the University and three of its employees. Each of the employees has stated that he was performing his University duties on all occasions referred to in the complaint and has requested the University to provide counsel to defend his legal rights in the matter. The Legal Counsel recommends that he be authorized to take such steps as are necessary or appropriate, including the employment of special legal counsel, to defend the University and its employees in the proceedings. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved, and authority was given as requested. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS President Clement announced that the next two meetings will be held in Urbana, Illinois, on June 17 and July 22, 1964. He asked if the Board desired to consider the question of a meeting in August. It was the consensus of the Board that this decision should be deferred until a later meeting. ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BOARDS Mrs. Watkins presented a report on the meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges held at the University of Nevada on May 14 and 15, which she attended as a representative 1216 BOABD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 of the Board of Trustees and as a member of the Association's Executive Committee. REPORT ON ADMISSIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBAN A FOR SEPTEMBER. 19 64 President Henry and Executive Vice-President and Provost Lanier reported on the enrollment demand at Urbana, and Vice-President Parker on the enrollment demand at the Chicago Undergraduate Division. Because of the lack of housing accommodations, faculty, and academic space, coupled with an unprecedented number of applications for admission, many qualified applicants will be denied admission to the University of Illinois at Urbana next September. Present indications are that the Chicago Undergraduate Division can accommodate only two-thirds of the qualified applications for admission in September, 1964. A summary of the President's report was issued as a public announcement and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows made by the President; appointments of fellows made by the Dean of the Graduate College; declinations, resignations, and terminations; leaves of absence; sabbatical leaves of absence; retirements. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Amer, Ayoub, Research Associate in Radiology, College of Dentistry, March 16- August 31, 1964, $700 a month (4-9-64). Andrews, James H., Research Associate in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, two months from July 1, 1964, $775 a month (4-13-64.) Arlt, Mrs. Phyllis B., Instructor in Speech and Theatre, i/i time, two months from June 16, 1964, $782.22; this is in addition to her present appointment (4-2-64). Babiak, Paul P., Catalog Assistant in the Library, five months from April 1, 1964, $5,700 a year, supersedes (4-1-64). Bauer, Anthony M., Research Assistant in City Planning and Landscape Architecture, two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (3-24-64). Bharadwaj, Rama Kant, Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (4-16-64). Bradley, Wayne E., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, one year from July 1, 1964, $7,200 (4-2-64). Brady, U. Eugene, Jr., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,000 (4-16-64). Carter, Verna J., Library Assistant in the Library, one year from September 1, 1964, $5,700 (4-14-64). Cece, Joseph D., Clinical Instructor in Medicine, College of Medicine, five months from April 1, 1964, without salary (4-16-64). Chandran, Raman Satisa, Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (4-17-64). Cheng, Chin-chuan, Instructor in Linguistics, Ya time, academic year 1964-65, $5,300 (4-9-64). Chitty, Jack L., Clinical Instructor in Medicine, College of Medicine, six months from March 1, 1964, without salary (4-6-64). Chu, Shih-fan, Research Assistant in Economics, two months from June 16, 1964, $934 (4-2-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1217 Chorchwell, Charles D., Bookstacks Librarian in the Library, with rank of Instructor, June 15-August 31, 1964, $625 a month, supersedes (4-17-64). Clayton, George T., Adviser for preregistration for entering freshmen in Architecture, 1/3 time, June 16-August 4, 1964, $900; this is in addition to his appointment as Associate Professor of Architecture (3-20-64). Cohen, Gerald, Clinical Instructor in Medicine, College of Medicine, five months from April 1, 1964, without salary (3-26-64). Cowin, John W., Instructor in Chemistry, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,689 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (4-21-64). Dasso, Jerome J., Instructor in Finance, academic year 1964-65, $9,500 (4-20-64). Dewey, Bruce R., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), Vi time, academic year 1964-65, $3,000 (4-17-64). Dickerson, Robert H., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1964, $8,000 (4-6-64). Ernst, Edward, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,377.77 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-20-64). Gans, Rena, Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, one year from July 1, 1964, $6,000 (4-2-64). Gardner, Karl E., Chief of Party, and Adviser to Principal at the Njala College, Sierra Leone, for service under Contract USAID/AFE 132, from February 1 through March 9, 1964, $20,075 a year, and at the Campus Office of AID Projects from March 10 through March 15, 1964, $18,250 a year; and Professor of Nutrition (Dairy Science), indefinite tenure, and Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture, March 16, 1964, through August 31, 1965, $18,250 a year, supersedes (3-26-64). Govindjee, Mrs. Rajni, Research Associate in Botany, six months from March 1, 1964, $6,500 a year (4-9-64). Hanson, Donald D., Associate Professor of Architecture and Chairman of the Department of Architecture, Chicago Undergraduate Division, June 16-August 31, 1964, $3,639; this is in addition to his present appointment as Associate Professor of Architecture, Urbana (4-17-64). Hielscher, Frank H., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $977.76 (4-8-64). Hoar, Victor M., Jr., Assistant in English, February 1-June 15, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (4-16-64). Holladay, Dee M., Associate Professor of General Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, nine months from September 16, 1963, $8,800, supersedes (3-26-64). Huitema, Roy, Professor of Chemistry, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, $2,800 for the period (4-21-64). Isaacs, Kenneth S., Research Associate in Psychiatry, College of Medicine, V2 time, five months from April 1, 1964, $6,000 a year, supersedes (4-13-64). Koelling, Alfred C, Instructor in Botany, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,334 for the period (4-4-64). Lkrner, Leon M., Research Associate in Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine, four months from May 1, 1964, $625 a month, supersedes (4-6-64). Levitov, Edith S., Research Assistant in Psychiatry, College of Medicine, four months from May 1, 1964, $583.33 a month, supersedes (4-2-64). Lewis, Oscar, Professor of Anthropology, two months from June 16, 1964, $4,111.10; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-20-64). Liem, Karel F., Visiting Lecturer in Zoology, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,700 for the period (4-20-64). Lindblad, Nero R., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, one year from July 1, 1964, $8,400 (4-2-64). Linster, Richard L., Visiting Lecturer in Physics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,300 for the period (4-20-64). 1218 board of trustees [May 20 Locke, Robert F., Consultant in Immunology, Medical Research Laboratory, Medical Center, Chicago, 1/10 time, March 15-August 31, 1964, $1,500; this is in addition to his appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, without salary (4-2-64). Loiseaux, Pierre R., Visiting Lecturer in Law, Summer Session of 1964, Tune 15-August 8, 1964, $3,000 (4-6-64). Madden, John J., Research Associate in Microbiology, five months from April 1 1964, $541.67 a month, supersedes (2-26-64). Magrill, Rose M., Assistant in the Graduate School of Library Science, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (3-24-64). Matlin, Samuel, Clinical Associate in Medicine, College of Medicine, and in Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, four months from May 1, 1964, without salary, supersedes previous nonsalaried appointment (4-16-64). Matthews, Mrs. Elizabeth W., Visiting Lecturer in the Graduate School of Library Science, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,800 for the period (4-14-64). McGurk, Florence F., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, one year from July 1, 1964, $6,000 (4-2-64). McNee, John D., Professor of Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, V2 time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,167 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (3-24-64). Michel, Thomas F., Registered Pharmacist in Hospital Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, March 22-August 31, 1964, $7,200 a year (4-14-64). Micklesen, Lew R., Professor and Head of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, one month from August 16, 1964, $1,888.89; this is in addition to his appointment dated March 25, 1964 (3-31-64). Miles, Henry J., Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, 55/100 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,434 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on Vi time (4-1-64). Month, Melvin, Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1964, $8,000 (4-6-64). Morimoto, Taketoshi, Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,100 (4-16-64). Moser, Mrs. Karen D., Research Assistant in Animal Science (S), April 6-August 31, 1964, $2,094.43 (4-10-64). Mueller, Eugene A., Research Associate in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, V2 time, one year from July 1, 1964, $6,300 (4-2-64). Mueller, Henry F., Research Associate in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, Vl time, one year from July 1, 1964, $4,625 (4-2-64). Mullen, Jess, Assistant (Architecture) in the Library, three months from June 1, 1964, $1,400, supersedes (4-16-64). Philcox, Michael E., Research Associate in Geology, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,100 (3-26-64). Pierret, Robert F., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $977.76 (4-14-64). Piggott, Robert W., Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor, three months from June 1, 1964, $508.34 a month (4-20-64). Pink, Robert J., Clinical Assistant in Medicine, College of Medicine, six months from March 1, 1964, without salary (4-9-64). Pitt, Carl A., Adviser for Continuing and Advanced Enrollment, Division of Education, Chicago Undergraduate Division, June 22-August 14, 1964, $2,045; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-21-64). Radice, Canio, Professor of Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division, June 19-August 14, 1964, $2,400; this is in addition to his present appointment (3-26-64). Rafuse, Robert W., Jr., Assistant Professor of Economics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,845 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (4-16-64). Raheja, Krishan Lal, Research Assistant in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, April 16-August 31, 1964, $2,100, supersedes (4-16-64). Raman, Aravamudhan, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $583.33 a month; and one year from September 1, 1964, $7,000 (4-23-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1219 Rao, M. R. Raghavendra, Visiting Scientist in Chemistry, five months from April 1, 1964, $3,750 (4-2-64). Richardson, John F., Professor of Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, VI time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,167 for the period (3-24-64). Ross, Herbert L., Instructor in Business Education, College of Commerce and Business Administration, 1/2 time, academic year 1964-65, $3,600 (4-20-64). Royster, Richard S., Assistant Professor of General Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, nine months from September 16, 1963, $8,200, supersedes (3-26-64). Sandy, Leslie W., Associate Coordinator of School-University Articulation, Office of Admissions and Records, one year from September 1, 1964, $10,500 (4.17-64). Schield, Mrs. Sandra S., Extramural Loans Librarian in the Library, with rank of Assistant, June 15-August 31, 1964, $1,166.67 (4-10-64). Schwartz, Susan S., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, one year from July 1, 1964, $6,000 (4-2-64). Shulman, Harold S., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,100 for the period (4-1-64). Shult, Ernest E., Research Associate in Mathematics, June 16-August 31, 1964, $2,250 (4-1-64). Sims, Arthur L., Research Assistant in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, one year from July 1, 1964, $9,600 (4-2-64). Sollo, Frank W., Jr., Research Associate in the State Water Survey and in the Graduate College, 2/10 time, one year from July 1, 1964, $3,000 (4-2-64). Sosa, Gustavo, Clinical Instructor in Medicine, College of Medicine, five months from April 1, 1964, without salary (4-16-64). Spellberg, Richard D., Research Assistant in Medicine, College of Medicine, July 15, 1964-June 30, 1965, $5,400 a year (4-23-64). TttJCZAR, Theodore R., Clinical Instructor in Surgery, College of Medicine, six months from March 1, 1964, without salary (3-26-64). Tichenor, Duane, Research Associate in Vocational and Technical Education, College of Education, to render service during the second semester of the academic year 1963-64, $3,100, supersedes (4-10-64). Tipler, Paul, Research Associate in Physics (C), four months from May 1, 1964, $3,800 (4-9-64). Wagner, Merlee N., Assistant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, College of Medicine, five months from April 1, 1964, $6,300 a year (4-2-64). Weber, Herbert, Assistant in Physical Education for Men, 1/2 time, and Research Assistant in Physical Education for Men, 1/2 time, April 1-June 15, 1964, $1,166.66, supersedes; and Research Assistant in Physical Education for Men, full time, two months from June 16, 1964, $933.32 (4-20-64). Webster, Francis H., Research Assistant in Food Science (S), three months from June 1, 1964, $1,300.02, supersedes (3-24-64). Wheatley, Robert C, Visiting Lecturer in Physics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,100 for the period (4-21-64). Wicks, Eugene C, Adviser for preregistration of entering freshmen in Art, 1/3 time, June 16-August 4, 1964, $600; this is in addition to his present appointment as Assistant Professor of Art (3-20-64). Williamson, Harold, Jr., Instructor in Economics, academic year 1964-65, $9,200 (4-20-64). Wilson, Mrs. Eleanore, Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, three months from April 1, 1964, $900 (4-17-64). Wilson, Velma K., Adviser for preregistration of entering freshmen in Music, 17/100 time, June 16-August 4, 1964, $410; this is in addition to her present appointment (3-20-64). Wolter, Janet M., Clinical Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, five months from April 1, 1964, without salary (4-1-64). FELLOWS (The following appointments were made by the President of the University.) Chapman, Henry S Edward L. Ryerson Traveling Fellow in Architecture for 1964-65. 1220 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 Keune, Russell V., Forty-first Francis I. Plytn Fellow in Architecture for 1964-65. Moyer, Frederic D., Thirtieth Francis J. Plym Fellow in Architectural Engineering for 1964. Thomsen, Charles H., Edward L. Ryerson Traveling Fellow in Landscape Architecture for 1964-65. (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Allen Christopher M., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Anderson, Charles A., Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Anderson, Dean F., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Anderson, Floyd D., Fellow in Speech, nine months from September 16, 1964 $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Anderson, William D., Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Andrews, Alan, Fellow in Communications, nine months from September 16, 1964 $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-24-64). Armstrong, Robert J., Hackett Fellow in Horticulture, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Auten, Lawrence J., Knox College Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,500 (4-1-64). Baker, Leroy E., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Banister, Eric W., Fellow in Physical Education, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Barnett, Leland B., Teaching Fellow in Zoology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64), Behan, Donald F., Continental Oil Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200 (4-22-64). Belden, Carl R., Fellow in Landscape Architecture, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Bell, Harold L., James W. Garner Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Bergmann, Gerald E., National Science Foundation Trainee II in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $5,600 (4-1-64). Bernett, William A., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Bilson, Malcolm, Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Boixes, Theodore F., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Bornhofen, John O., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Bowers, Michael T., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Bradford, Lyle L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,310 (4-17-64). Brasted, Lee K., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Bremer, Nolan R., H. W. Wilson Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,000 (4-1-64). Bremser, Albert H., National Lead Company (Titanium Division) Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,650 (4-1-64). Brockstein, Allan J., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Bromels, Edwabd, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Bromley, Roger, Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1221 Bross, James B., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,310 (4-17-64). Brown, Eugene F., Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Bruinette, Konstant E., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Buettner, Grace M., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). Bunger, Melody P., Fellow in Creative and Performing Arts (Music), nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Butterworth, Douglas S., Fellow in Anthropology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Byars, Robert S., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Cahill, Michael E., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Astronomy, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-15-64). Carley, Yvonne F., General Foods Fellow in Home Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $3,000 (3-23-64). Caslin, James W., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Carlson, Neil R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-20-64). Carns, William E., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,100 (4-1-64). Carr, Wayne E., General Electric Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,500 (4-1-64). Carter, Orwin L., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Casper, Dennis J., Fellow in Philosophy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Ceide-Echevarria, Gloria, Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Chacko, George K., Wright Fellow in Food Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Chamot, Dennis, Walter B. Brown Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Chappell, John S., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Chartoff, Joe, Fellow in Accountancy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Cherney, Joseph M., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). Chua, Leon O., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Clem, John R., United States Steel Foundation Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,100 (4-1-64). Clendenen, R. L , Fellow in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Cole, Robert E., Keio-Illinois Exchange Fellow in Labor and Industrial Relations, seven months from February 1, 1964, $2,170, supersedes (3-31-64). Collins, Arnetta R., Fellow in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Cook, Gerald W., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Chemical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-3-64). Coulson, James H., Fellow in Civil Engineering, February 1-June 15, 1965, $900; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Cowell, Mary J., Fellow in Dance, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Crawford, David E., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). 1222 board of trustees [May 20 Criner, Douglas E., Teaching Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Dalbey, Marcia A., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1964 $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). D'Alquen, Richard J. E., Fellow in German, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450, supersedes (4-23-64)! Danziger, Edmund J., Jr., Fellow in History, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Davis, Martin L., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-17-64). Deacon, Tom D. E., Teaching Fellow in French, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Deering, Richard J., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964 $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Dees, Jerome S., Teaching Fellow in English, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Deller, Richard W., Sloan Foundation Fellow in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,100 (4-1-64). Dollinger, Michael B., International Business Machines Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Dollins, Charles C, National Science Foundation Trainee I in Metallurgy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Doornink, Dean G., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,400 (4-1-64). Draayer, Donald R., Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Drake, George W. J., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Drury, Robert E., Fellow in Horticulture, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Drysdale, William H., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). Dunlap, William H., Hackett Teaching Fellow in Agricultural Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Durand, David A., Lubrizol Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-22-64). Eckert, Donald D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,310 (4-17-64). Eddy, Robert R., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). Edwards, Ralph J., Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Edwards, Thomas E., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Aeronautical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Eilrich, Gary L., Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Ely, Richard W., Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Emerson, Michael W. C, National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $3,300 (4-16-64). Erwin, William H., Fellow in Architecture, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-46). Etter, William C, National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,900 (4-22-64). Fabijanic, Paul M., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Failon, Keith A., Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Feeney, James W., Fellow in Sociology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1223 Fereeix, Ray E., Jr., National Lead (Baroid Division) Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $375 (4-1-64). Ferris, Robert F., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Flaate, Kaare S., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Forbes, Delroy J., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Fourney, William L., Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Fradin, Frank Y., J. F. Ervin Foundation Fellow in Metallurgy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,400 (4-9-64). Franklin, Michael L., Roger Adams Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Freund, Lambert B., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Friedman, Eugene F., United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow in Chemistry, one year from March 1, 1964, $2,000 (3-24-64). Frost, Stanley H., Shell Company Foundation Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-6-64). Fryman, Richard F., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Gallagher, Joseph P., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Gano, James E., Eli Lilly and Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-22-64). Gardner, Gene M., Katherine L. Sharp Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Garrett, Michael B., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Gebhardt, Sue P., Fellow in Art, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Gehi.bach, Mrs. Sally J., General Foods Fellow in Home Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Geisler. Pamela A., Fellow in Astronomy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Gerber, Homer C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). Getz, Benette, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Gibson, William R., Fellow in Animal Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Givens, Roger W., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Gooding, Frederic, Jr., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). Goodwin, William A., Fellow in Nuclear Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Gordon, Donald J., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Gordon, Michael D., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Gore, Ernest S., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Greenaway, William K., Bradley University Fellow in Sociology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Guess, Suan, Illinois Wesleyan University Fellow in Art, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-10-64). Gupta, Jogindar P., Fellow in the Creative and Performing Arts (Architecture), nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). 1224 board of trustees [May 20 Gustafson, William C, National Science Foundation Trainee II in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). Hafley, Norman C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). Hall, Leland E., Kendric C. Babcock Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Hall, Marion A., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800- and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Hall, Richard S., Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Halverson, Roy K., Teaching Fellow in Communications, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Hammel, Arnold D., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Hanft, Raymond W., General Atomic Dynamics Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Hannula, Thomas A., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,200 (4-1-64). Harper, Harriet L., Fellow in Creative and Performing Arts (Speech), nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Hartwell, George E., Jr., Dow Chemical Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,900 (4-22-64). Haskell, William L., Fellow in Physical Education, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Hauck, Richard B., Teaching Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Hauer, William R., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Hawkins, Patricia J., Fellow in Creative and Performing Arts (Music), nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Hay, Arthur J., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Haynie, Richard L., Teaching Fellow in French, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Heath, Christopher P., Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Hecht, Robert J., Union Carbide Corporation Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,100 (4-1-64). Heggan, Jon P., Therese Garner Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Henry, Arthur C, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Herceg, Joseph E., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Nuclear Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). Herner, James P., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). Hershberger, Lotus D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). Heussman, John W., Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Hill, Roberta B., United States Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow in Animal Science, six months from March 1, 1964, $3,400.02 (3-18-64). Hite, Gerald E., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Hobin, Terrence J., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Hoffman, Martin R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1225 Holt, Clarence M., Jr., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Hornyik, Karl, Fellow in Nuclear Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Houchens, Albert F., Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Hoyt, Ronnie A., National Science Foundation Trainee II in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,950 (4-6-64). Hsia, Kelly Yu, Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Hunter, William R., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Issa, Ahmad Dauod Mohammad, Fellow in Finance, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Iverson, Shirley L., Fellow in Russian, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200 (4-1-64). Janzow, Edward F., National Science Foundation Trainee II in Nuclear Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). Jefers, William Q., National Science Foundation Trainee II in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). Johnson, Charles W., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). Johnson, Milo R., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,900 (4-10-64). Johnson, Richard T., Teaching Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Johs, Hilbert, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). Jones, Gwen E., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200 (4-1-64). Jones, Janice E., Fellow in Geography, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Jones, Kenneth A., National Science Foundation Trainee II in Metallurgy, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). Jones, Mack H., John A. Fairlie Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Jones, Robert H., Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16, 1964, $2,900 (4-10-64). Jordan, James W., Fellow in Art, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Jorgensen, Paul G, North Central College Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Kalinowski, Joseph J., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-3-64). Kellogg, Rosalind W., Fellow in Anthropology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Kemple, Marvin D., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Killby, Virginia A. A., Fellow in Zoology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Killpatrick, Allen, Millikin University Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,500 (4-1-64). Kim, Thomas J., Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Kirby, Albert C, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,200 (4-1-64). Kirsch, William J., Kendric C. Babcock Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964 $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Klot, Steven E., Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Koob, John D., Fellow in Botany, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). 1226 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 20 Kostelkicek, Richard J., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Kkantz, Paul G., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Kreider, Stanley, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1964, $5,310 (4-17-64). Keysan, James L., Fellow in Entomology, nine months from September 16, 1964 $2,200 (4-1-64). Kuehl, Jean A., Fellow in Biology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Kuypers, David S., Teaching Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Laber, Douglas, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Lacerquist, Dennis R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,200 (4-1-64). Langner, Ernest H., Fellow in Dairy Technology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Larson, Myra J., Fellow in Zoology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Lebeck, Alan O., Teaching Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Lee, Peter Shu-ti, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Leir, Charles M., Sinclair Refining Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-22-64). LeMay, Harold E., Jr., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Lendrum, Lester M., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Lenkszus, Frank R., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Levey, James R., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Lilienthal, Paul A., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-17-64). Lloyd, John P., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Agricultural Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Lofgren, Alice L., Fellow in French, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Loken, Julie L., Fellow in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Losee, David L., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,200 (4-1-64). Loyd, Laymond B., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). Lucas, Kenneth R., C. S. Marvel Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-22-64). Lueschen, William E., Hackett Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Lunde, Karen A., Teaching Fellow in French, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Lustig, Jeremy, Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). MacDougall, Carolyn S., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Maddox, Joseph V., Fellow in Entomology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Markham, Douglas D., Teaching Fellow in German, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1227 Matz, Charles F., Fellow in Botany, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). MaYBERRY, John P., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). McArthur, Carolyn M., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). McCormick, James L., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, September 16, 1964- January 31, 1965, $1,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). McDonald, Robert A., Fellow in Art, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). McGlamery, Marshal D., Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Mech, William P., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). MedrOW, Robert A., National Science Foundation Trainee II in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,325 (4-9-64). Meek, Charles C, National Science Foundation Trainee I in Nuclear Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Meinecke, Fred K., Fellow in Linguistics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Messer, Wayne R., Robert F. Carr Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, February 1- June 15, 1965, $1,000 (4-1-64). Michael, Frederick W., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Miesel, John L., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Miller, Ronald E., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Metallurgy, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,900 (4-9-64). Milligan, David V., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,400 (4-1-64). Mishkin, David J., Lilly Endowment Fellow in Economics, one year from June 16, 1964, $2,500 (4-1-64). Mitchell, James E., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, September 16, 1964- January 31, 1965, $1,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Monahan, Maurice L., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Morley, Larry J., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). Mrstik, Vincent, Jr., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Musliner, Walter J., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Muu, Le Trong, Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Myers, Sharon L., Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Nanzetta, Philip N., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Neufeldt, V Alfred, Teaching Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Nievergelt, Jurg, Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Ning, Robert Y., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Niss, James F., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Nunnally Nelson R Fellow in Geography, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). O'Block, Francis R, United States Office of Education Fellow (Trainee) in Education, one year from February 1, 1964, $2,400 (3-20-64). O'Brien, Timothy J., Fellow in Agronomy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). 1228 board of trustees [May 20 Oishi, Roy K., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Ostrander, Linda W., Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 196S, $450 (4-1-64). Ottaway, Mark C. C., Fellow in Journalism, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Overby, Lacy R., Postdoctoral Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, six months from March 1, 1964, $1,200 (4-7-64). Owen, Audrey M., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Ozanne, Jerry M., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Palen, Joseph W., Shell Company Foundation Fellow in Chemical Engineering, eleven months from September 16, 1964, $3,200 (4-1-64). Pattengill, Merle D., Walter Brown Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-7-64). Patterson, Garry J., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Patton, Franklin D., Fellow in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Paulson, Gary C, National Science Foundation Trainee II in Ceramic Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $4,600 (4-1-64). Pershing, Roscoe L., Teaching Fellow in Agricultural Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Peterson, Sally J., Fellow in Speech, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Phillips, Jack L., Monmouth College Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Phillips, Robert D., Teaching Fellow in Classics, nine months from September 16, 1964; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Pierdos, Theodora, Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Pifer, Joe H., Eastman Kodak Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Platanitis, Alexander G., General Electric Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,500 (4-1-64). Pleck, Michael H., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Plevan, Robert E., Fellow in Chemical Engineering, September 16, 1964- January 31, 1965, $1,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Pochan, John M., Walter B. Brown Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Podbelsek, Allan R., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). Puckett, Reginald T., Allied Chemical Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-22-64). Purcell, Keith F., Gillette-Toni Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,500 (4-22-64). Quirk, Roderic P., Union Carbide Chemical Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,100 (4-22-64). Racster, Ronald L., Fellow in Finance, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Raja, K. G. Varma, Fellow in Animal Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965. $450 (4-1-64). Rayl, Martin, Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Raz, Amiram, Teaching Fellow in Food Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,950; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Rich, Daniel L., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1229 Richardson, Judith E., Wright Fellow in Home Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Richardson, Raymond E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). Ringenbekc, Richard R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-23-64). Roberts, Charles E., Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,000 (4-20-64). Robertson, C. Warren, Shubert Fellow in Playwriting (Speech and Theatre), nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,500 (4-14-64). Rokus, Josef W., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Roley, Paul L., Kendric C. Babcock Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Root, Ronald B., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Chemical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-10-64). Rosenthal, Michael R., Socony-Mobil Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-22-64). Roth, Kenneth R., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Rubin, David L., Teaching Fellow in French, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Saam, William F., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,400 (4-13-64). Sabacky, Milton J., Rohm and Haas Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,900 (4-22-64). Safiuddin, Mohammed, Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Schaejbe, Frederick W., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Schoenbeck, Franklyn C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). Schwartz, Paul M., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Seinfeld, Meri, Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Sell, Maurice G., Jr., Procter and Gamble Company Summer Fellow in Chemical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1964, $400 (3-16-64). Sestieri, Valeria, Teaching Fellow in Italian, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Shalek, Peter D., Teaching Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, September 16, 1964-January 31, 1965, $900 (4-1-64). Sharpe, Thomas R., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Shirey, Richard N., Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Shoeb, Nagwa K., Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Shucard, Stephen C, Teaching Fellow in Classics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-17-64). Siddiqui, Islam A., Wright Fellow in Plant Pathology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-9-64). Sinclair, Kenneth E., Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Sinderman, Bernard M., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-15-64). Skierski, Theodore C., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,400 (4-1-64). Smashey, John L., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). 1230 board of trustees [May 20 Smiley, Marilynn J., Fellow in Music, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Smith, Allan J., Fellow in Urban Planning, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 196S, $450 (4-1-64). Smith, Edward D., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964 $2,400 (4-1-64). Smith, George H., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). So, Kam-Chuen, Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Solomon, Diane, Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Spencley, Kenneth, Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Spinosa, Frank, Teaching Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Steele, David L., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200 (4-1-64). Steiner, William G., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Stone, Robert G., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Storch, Kay E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Physiology, one year from June 16, 1964, $2,666.66 (4-1-64). Sturgul, John R., National Science Foundation Trainee II in Mining Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Swanson, Joel L., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-17-64). Swetman, Graham D., Fellow in Business Administration, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Szentkiralyi, Andras, Fellow in Creative and Performing Arts (Music), nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Szurszewski, Joseph H., Fellow in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Takizawa, Bill H., Teaching Fellow in Geography, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Tasch, Aloysious F., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-1-64). Tetz, Guenther, Fellow in Creative and Performing Arts (Art), nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Thodey, Alan R., Wright Fellow in Agricultural Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Thomas, Charles G., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Tilling, James R., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-10-64). Tower, Roger E., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Chemical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Tracey, Robert J., Paul V. Galvin Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,500 (4-1-64). Travers, Kenneth J., Fellow in Education, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Treptow, Richard S., August Kochs Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-22-64). Truitt, Catherine C, Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Unland, Mark L., Sun Oil Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,400; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-22-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1231 Vander Hart, David L., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). Van der Naald, Anje, Fellow in Spanish, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Van Der Voorn, Peter C, Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Vedder, Richard K., Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Vesely, William E., Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Nuclear Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-1-64). Vogenthaler, John L., Fellow in History, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Vold, Barbara S., Fellow in Botany, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Waineo, Douglas K., Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Wallace, Linda, Wheaton College Fellow in English, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). WaNTLAND, Larry R., Hackett Fellow in Food Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (4-1-64). Ward, William J., Ill, Fellow in Chemical Engineering, September 16, 1964-January 31, 1965, $1,000 (4-1-64). Wedekind, Gilbert L., National Science Foundation Trainee III in Mechanical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,300 (4-21-64). Weikel, Mary A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). Werner, Ronald A., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-3-64). Wickersheim, Robert D., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-7-64). Wilson, Thomas D., James W. Garner Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-1-64). Wilton, Donald R., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-9-64). Winans, Roger M., Teaching Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Wollman, Jack B., Fellow in Accountancy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Wkight, Gary N., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Nuclear Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-17-64). Wu, Shu-yau, Fellow in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64)., Raymond J., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-3-64). Young, Donald E., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-16-64). Zarghamee, Mehdi S., Fellow in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Zemanek, Janice R., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-1-64). Zumdahl, Steven S., Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-1-64). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Bartram, Harlan G., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964; and Assistant Professor of Mathematics--- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Bauman, Philip A., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 ---declination effective June 15, 1964. Bergeron, Richard T., Instructor in Radiology, College of Medicine --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Blevins, Mrs. Marcia C, Assistant Reference Librarian with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. 1232 board of trustees [May 20 Broussard, Louis, Assistant Professor of English, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 19, 1964. Campbell, Marilyn, Instructor in Audiology, College of Medicine --- resignation effective May 1, 1964. Casten, Sabine, Instructor in Chemistry, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964---declination effective June 19, 1964. Cox, George, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine --- termination effective February 1, 1964. Cullen, F. Patricia, Instructor in Physical Education for Women --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. D'Alquen, Richard J. E., Assistant in Germanic Languages and Literatures, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Drysdale, William H., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Duckworth, Paul E., Fellow in Accountancy --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Fitzgerald, James E., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science----resignation effective April 1, 1964. Flood, Kenneth U., Associate Professor of Business Administration ---- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Gholson, Charles A., Assistant in Soil Fertility --- resignation effective April 28, 1964. Greenberg, Michael J., Assistant Professor of Zoology --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Handler, Joel F., Assistant Professor of Law --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Harpring, Linda, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry----resignation effective September 16, 1963. Hawkland, William D., Professor of Law --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Hutchinson, John W., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Jewett, Robert A., Associate Professor of General Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. King, Ivan R., Associate Professor of Astronomy --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Kokkedee, Jacobus Jean Jacques, Research Associate in Physics --- resignation effective April 19, 1964. Lindsey, John M., Assistant Law Librarian with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Lipman, Vivian C, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 19, 1964. Martin, Dean F., Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. McCaffrey, Lawrence j., Associate Professor of History in the Division of General Studies --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Meloy, Carl R., Professor of Chemistry, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964---resignation effective June 19, 1964. Miller, Robert A., Research Associate in Horticulture --- resignation effective May 16, 1964. Mischke, Richard E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Physics --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Moyer, James E., Associate Professor of Advertising, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Nash, William V., Bookstacks Librarian with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Neumann, Alvin L., Professor of Animal Science --- resignation effective July 1, 1964. Nishida, Mrs. Sakiko, Research Assistant in Nutritional Biochemistry --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1233 O'Connor, Brian R., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective April 16, 1964. Pair, Chei-Min, Assistant Professor of Business Administration --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Paludan, Marsha M., Teaching Fellow in Dance --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Parnas, Mrs. Hanna G., Research Assistant in Microbiology --- resignation effective May 1, 1964. Peltason, Jack W., Professor of Political Science and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Peelmutter, Daniel D., Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering---resignation effective September 1, 1964. Resek, Robert W., Assistant Professor of Economics, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Roberts, Donald M., Associate Professor of Economics, College of Commerce and Business Administration, and of Mathematics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences --- resignation effectiye September 1, 1964. Sagen, H. Bradley, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Institutional Research, Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office; and Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology---resignation effective June 16, 1964. Schad, Carol J., Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine --- resignation effective May 1, 1964. Schlosser, Robert E., Associate Professor of Accountancy, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effectiye June 15, 1964. Schmitz, Roger A., Fellow in Chemical Engineering --- declination effective June 16, 1964. Smith, Dale M., Associate Professor of Botany --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Taylor, Douglas H., Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Tkensky, Paul I., Assistant Professor of Russian --- resignation effective September, 1, 1964. Veletsos, Anestis S., Professor of Civil Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Wadsworth, Philip A., Professor of French and Associate Member of Center for Advanced Study --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Weber, Gerald I., Instructor in Economics, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. White, Joseph ]., Assistant in Zoology, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Yaffe, Bernard, Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology, College of Medicine---resignation effective March 19, 1964. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Butwell, Richard, Associate Professor of Political Science --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may serve as a consultant to the Rockefeller Foundation in a new program designed to facilitate the development of outstanding departments in the various social sciences at two key Southeast Asian universities. Crawford, Robert B., Assistant Professor of History --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a Social Science Research Council grant awarded him for study and research. Dixon, Robert D., Instructor in Mathematics --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a position at the Dayton campus of Ohio State University for that period. Frith, Donald E., Associate Professor of Art --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may take advantage of a Danforth Foundation Grant awarded him for advanced study at Alfred University. Gammill, Homer L., Professor of Industrial Psychology, Division of University Extension and Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations --- relieved of his regular duties on the campus for a five-week period from July 8 to August 15, 1964, to study management development theories and practices in Great Britain. Kling, Blair B., Assistant Professor of History --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a Faculty Research Fellowship from the American Institute of Indian Studies for study abroad. 1234 board of trustees [May 20 Lasher, Sim, Instructor in Mathematics, Chicago Undergraduate Division --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a National Science Foundation Fellowship for graduate studies at the University of Chicago. Moyer, Frederic D., Instructor in Architecture --- leave of absence, without pay, for the first semester of 1964-65, so that he may accept an appointment as the Thirtieth Francis J. Plym Fellow in Architectural Engineering. Nagel, Stuart S., Assistant Professor of Political Science --- change in his leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, to include acceptance of an invitation to be a Senior Specialist at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii from May 1 through August 31, 1965, in addition to his fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Palo Alto, California. Peltason, Jack W., Professor of Political Science and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences --- leave of absence, without pay, for the month of August, 1964. Peressini, Anthony L., Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a position on the mathematics staff at Oregon State University for that period. Pesavento, Mrs. Wilma W., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Women, Chicago Undergraduate Division --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65. Remeikis, Mrs. Nijole, Instructor in Endodontics, Department of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Dentistry --- leave of absence, without pay, for two months from June 1, 1964. Rohrer, Ronald A., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Coordinated Science Laboratory --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from September 1, 1964, so that he may accept a National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Fellowship offered him for study and research at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Savage, Jerome, Instructor in Art --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a Guggenheim Fellowship for study and work in England in his field of art. Scholomiti, Nicholas C., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Chicago Undergraduate Division --- disability leave of absence, with full pay, for the second semester of the academic year 1963-64. Shank, Max C, Professor of Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a Fulbright award for work abroad. Spahgo, Mrs. Gladys R., Acquisition Assistant in the Library, Chicago Undergraduate Division --- leave of absence, without pay, from June 15 through August 7, 1964, so that she may attend summer school at the University of Illinois in Urbana. Streeter, Harrison, Instructor in General Engineering, College of Engineering --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may do graduate work at the State University of Iowa. Swenson, George W., Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, and Research Professor of Astronomy, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept an appointment as Visiting Scientist at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Wille, Jane, Consultant in Social Work, with rank of Associate Professor --- leave of absence, without pay, for two months from July 1, 1964. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Cattell, Raymond B., Research Professor of Psychology --- sabbatical leave of absence on full pay changed from the first semester of 1964-65 to January 1 through April 30, 1965, has been approved. Scholomiti, Nicholas C, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Chicago Undergraduate Division --- sabbatical leave of absence for the second semester of the academic year 1963-64 is hereby cancelled, without prejudice. He will be on disability leave of absence. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1235 RETIREMENT Bray, Roger H., Professor of Soil Fertility, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station --- retirement effective June 1, 1964. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session has been requested and was being ordered for consideration of property acquisitions. On motion of Mr. Hughes, the Board recessed. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members, officers of the Board, and officers of the University were present as listed at the beginning of these minutes. The Board considered the following items of business. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 5O7 EAST JOHN STREET, CHAMPAIGN (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees request the Illinois Building Authority to purchase for the University the property at 507 East John Street, Champaign, at a price of $65,000 --- in accordance with the Illinois Building Authority Act. The property consists of a lot approximately 66 feet wide by 168.75 feet deep (11,138 square feet) and is improved with a two and one-half story and basement frame rooming house. The land area will be used for parking. Possession will be delivered not later than July 1, 1964. The price is within appraisals. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has also recommended the purchase. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. ACQUISITION OF 13O6 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. URBANA (2) The Board of Trustees has authorized the acquisition of the property at 1306 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, which is needed for expansion of the Digital Computer Laboratory. The owner refused to sell at a price within the limits of University appraisals and the Board subsequently authorized condemnation proceedings. Suit was filed in the Circuit Court of Champaign County (Case No. 64-L-30). The owner has now agreed to sell for an award of $39,809.27 for the property with the understanding that possession will be delivered to the University on or before June 10, 1964. The settlement price is $309.27 above the amount previously approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds of the Board as a purchase price. The Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel recommend acceptance of this settlement proposal. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this settlement proposal was accepted, and purchase of the property was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES AT 6O5 AND 6O3 EAST DANIEL STREET, CHAMPAIGN (3) The Board of Trustees has authorized condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the properties at 605 and 603 East Daniel Street, Champaign, both 1236 BOARD OF TRUSTEES owned by the same party. The jury trial for the condemnation of the property at 60S East Daniel Street (Case No. 61-L-17S) was set for May 11, 1964; the trial for the acquisition at 603 East Daniel Street (Case No. 63-L-429) had been tentatively scheduled for the week of May 18, 1964. Immediately prior to selection of the jury for the trial on the 605 East Daniel Street property, the owner indicated willingness to settle both cases for a total award of $193,000, for the two properties on the following basis: For the property at 60S East Daniel Street, formerly the Cosmopolitan Club property: 1. The value will be fixed at $60,000, payable on possession, which will be delivered to the University on or before July 10, 1964. 2. The owner will remove all improvements prior to the specified possession date. 3. The University will afford access for the owner's vehicles over this lot to the rear of the adjoining property at 603 East Daniel Street until the specified possession date of said adjoining property. 4. The University will reserve three parking spaces on this lot to accommodate the vehicles of the owner used in his business until the specified possession date of the adjoining property, but the University will not be responsible for enforcing observance of the reservation of these spaces. For the property at 603 East Daniel Street, known as "The Thunderbird": 1. The value will be fixed at $133,000, payable on possession, which will be delivered to the University on or before June 30, 1965. 2. The owner will remove all improvements prior to the specified possession date. Funds are available in state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund. The Director of the Physical Plant, the Vice-President and Comptroller, and the Legal Counsel recommend approval of the proposed settlement and I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the settlement proposed was accepted, and the purchase of the two properties, at the prices indicated, was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 5O9 EAST JOHN STREET, CHAMPAIGN (4) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Board of Trustees request the Illinois Building Authority to purchase for the University the property at 509 East John Street, Champaign, at a price of $53,500 --- in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Building Authority Act. The property consists of a lot approximately 58 feet wide by 168.75 feet deep (9,788 square feet) and is improved with a two and one-half story and basement frame rooming house. The land area will be used for parking. Possession will be delivered not later than August 10, 1964. The price is within appraisals. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has been consulted and also recommends the purchase. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page, Mr. Williamson. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS June 17, 1964 The June meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union South, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, June 17, 1964, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Theodore A. Jones, Mr. Ray Page, Mr. Harold Pogue, Mr. Timothy W. Swain, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, and Mr. Kenney E. Williamson. Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, and Governor Otto Kerner were absent. Also present were President David D. Henry, Executive Vice-President and Provost Lyle H. Lanier, Vice-President Joseph S. Begando, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago, Director C. S. Havens of the Physical Plant, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. Earl W. Porter, Assistant to the President, Mr. Shannon McCune, Consultant to the President and to the Executive Vice-President and Provost, Mr. Vernon L. Kretschmer, Director of Auxiliary Services, Mr. Donald C. Neville, Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant; and the officers of the Board, Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. Dean Russell N. Sullivan of the College of Law was present during a part of the meeting. 1237 1238 board of trustees [June 17 MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the supplement to the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on July 2, 1963, and the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on September 18, October 26, and November 23, 1963, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Swain, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 1 to 411, inclusive, and on pages 745 to 932, inclusive. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board took up consideration of the following reports and recommendations from the President of the University. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Henry presented a report on selected topics of current interest, copies of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board. ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1964-65 (1) The complete, itemized, operating budget for 1964-65 covering all divisions of University work, with a condensed analysis and summaries, is submitted for official action. The budget is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1964, for academic and administrative appointments beginning September 1, 1964, and for nonacademic personnel appointments beginning July, 1964. The budget has been prepared by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller in accordance with procedures approved by the President. It is based upon recommendations of the deans, directors, and other administrative officers, and has been reviewed by the President and the University Council. It has also been reviewed by the Finance Committee of the Board. I recommend that this budget, covering the allocation of the estimated operating income from all sources for the year beginning July 1, 1964, as amended and approved by the Finance Committee, be approved by the Board, and that the President of the University be authorized, in accordance with the needs of the University and the equitable interests involved, and within total income: (a) to accept resignations, (b) to make such additional appointments as are necessary subject to the provisions of the University Statutes and the Policy and Rules Relating to Compensation and Working Conditions of Nonacademic Employees, and (c) to make such changes and adjustments in items included in the budget as are needed, all such changes to be covered in the Vice-President and Comptroller's quarterly financial reports, or in reports to the Board by its Secretary, provided that assignments for new projects or programs and for nonrecurring capital expenditures in excess of $2,500 shall be presented to the Board for approval. A copy of the complete budget and of the condensed analysis and summaries had previously been sent to each member of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Williamson, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the Committee had met on June 16, 1964, and had recommended some changes, and that the budget as now being presented to the Board was amended accordingly. Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, and Mrs. Watkins also participated in the meeting of the Committee. The President of the University, the Executive Vice-President and Provost, and the Vice-President and Comptroller then discussed the budget and the presentation of the policy recommendations as set forth in the condensed analysis and summaries. A copy of this document has been filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. Following discussion by members of the Board, on motion of Mr. Williamson, the budget was approved, authority was given as requested 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1239 in the President's recommendations, and the required appropriations were made, this action being taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. The complete budget appears as a supplement to these minutes. BUDGET OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOR 1964-65 (2) The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics submits, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association, the budget for the Association for 1964-65 which is summarized as follows with comparative figures for the preceding year: 1963-64 1964-65 Income............................................. $1 165 535 $1 297 860 Appropriations...................................... 1 159 730 1 292 445 Excess of Income................................... 5 805 5 415 The budget has been examined and approved by the Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller. I recommend that this budget be approved and that the President of the University be authorized to make such changes and adjustments, including approval of new appointments and acceptances of resignations, as are necessary and recommended by the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association within the total income realized. A copy of the budget is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. On motion of Mr. Swain, this budget was approved. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (3) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Names Address Obtained Certificates Rosario Bernard LaRose River Forest, Illinois District of Columbia Robert Newman Olivette, Missouri Missouri Arthur Henry Peters Belleville, Illinois Missouri Ralph John Sierra, Jr. Santurce, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these certificates were awarded. ADVISORY COUNCIL OF LIBRARIANS (4) The Dean of Library Administration recommends the following appointments to the Advisory Council of Librarians for terms of three years beginning September 1, 1964. Public Libraries Eleanor Plain, Librarian, Aurora Public Library, Aurora, to succeed Grace W. Gilman, Director, Lincoln Library, Springfield, whose term is expiring. (The other representative of Public Libraries is William W. Bryan, Librarian, Peoria Public Library, Peoria, whose term will expire in 1965.) College and University Libraries George M. Bailey, Executive Secretary, Association of College and Research Libraries, Chicago, to succeed Victoria Hargrave, Librarian, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, whose term is expiring. (The other representative of College and University Libraries is Dr. Robert D. Hertel, Director of Libraries, Illinois State University at Normal, whose term will expire in 1965.) 1240 board of trustees [June 17 School Libraries Rachel Wilkes, Librarian, High School and Junior College, Centralia, to succeed Mrs. Imogene Book, Librarian, High School and Junior College, Mt. Vernon, whose term is expiring. (The other representative of School Libraries is Eleanor Youngmire, Supervisor, Oak Park Elementary Schools, whose term will expire in 196S.) Special Libraries Lorraine Ciboch, Research Librarian, Teletype Corporation, Skokie, to succeed William S. Budington, Assistant Librarian, John Crerar Library, Chicago, whose term is expiring. (The other representative of Special Libraries is Agnes C. Henebry, Librarian, Decatur Herald and Review, whose term will expire in 1965.) I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appointments were approved. APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN ACCOUNTANCY (5) The Committee on Accountancy recommends the appointment of Elmer Waldo Mauritz of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Company, Certified Public Accountants, Chicago, to the Board of Examiners in Accountancy for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1964, to succeed Mr. Paul F. Johnson, whose term expires June 30, 1964. I concur. On motion of Mr. Jones, this appointment was approved. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (6) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. Michael Barr, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,100. 2. I. David Berg, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,200. 3. Richard E, Block, Associate Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,800. 4. Victor A. Bloomfield, Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,500. 5. Robert C. Boston, Assistant Manager of Television Station, one-half time, and Supervisor of Television Services with rank of Instructor, one-half time, at an annual salary of $11,000. 6. Sidney D. Braun, Visiting Professor of French, four and one-half months from September 16, 1964, at a salary of $6,875. 7. Donald E. Carlson, Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,100. 8. Robert W. Carroll, Associate Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 9. George A. Chambers, Assistant Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,500. 10. John C. Chato, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,500. 11. Norman S. Endler, Research Assistant Professor of Psychology, four months from May 1, 1964, at a salary of $4,300. 12. Betty Glad, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Coordinator of Extension in International Affairs, Division of University Extension, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,600. 13. Gordon Z. Greenberg, Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,500. 14. Robert W. Hellwarth, Visiting Associate Professor of Physics and of Electrical Engineering, for the academic year 1964-65, at a salary of $16,000. 15. Theodore Herstand, Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,200. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1241 16. Edward F. Hess, Jr., Assistant Law Librarian with rank of Assistant Professor, beginning October 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,200. 17. Conrad A. Istock, Assistant Professor of Zoology, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,000. 18. Frederic M. Jenkins, Assistant Professor of French, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,700. 19. Thomas C. King, Chief of Training Section, Office of Research in Medical Education, four-fifths time, and Associate Professor of Surgery, one-fifth time, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $17,500. 20. Guy Laprevotte, Visiting Assistant Professor of French, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $7,500. 21. Noelle Laprevotte, Visiting Assistant Professor of French, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $7,500. 22. Rudolph A. Marcus, Professor of Physical Chemistry, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $18,000. 23. Donald Lee Miller, Assistant Professor of Music, School of Music and Division of University Extension, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,000. 24. John Myhill, Visiting Research Professor of Mathematics, in the Digital Computer Laboratory, Graduate College, for one year from June 16, 1964, at a salary of $19,000. 25. Stanley M. Nealey, Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,000. 26. Ernest T. Parker, Associate Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 27. Iain C. Paul, Research Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry, from May 1, 1964, through June 15, 1964, and from July 16, 1964, through August 31, 1964, at a salary of $2,834; and beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,500. 28. Theodore A. Payens, Visiting Professor of Food Science, Agricultural Experiment Station, from December 21, 1964, through June 19, 1965, at an annual salary of $7,485. 29. William H. Pirkle, Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,800. 30. Kenneth Preiss, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and of Nuclear Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,500. 31. John T. Rader III, Assistant Professor of Economics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $10,750. 32. Heydar Radjavi, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,300. 33. Minakshisundaram Rajagopalan, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for the academic year 1964-1965, at a salary of $8,500. 34. David L. Rosenberg, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, beginning April 1, 1964, without salary. 35. Walter K. Schoenholz, Assistant Professor of Virology, Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene and Center for Zoonoses Research, beginning August 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 36. Otto Eugene Schoen-Rene, Visiting Professor of English, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $15,000. 37. Robert L. Sprague, Research Psychologist in Children's Research Center, and Assistant Professor of Psychology, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $11,000. 38. William B. Van Groenou, Visiting Assistant Professor of Industrial Administration, for the academic year 1964-1965, at a salary of $8,000. 39. Robert F. Welsh, Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $7,500. 40. Robert W. Woody, Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $8,100. 41. Stanley Young, Visiting Associate Professor of Industrial Administration, one year from September 1, 1964, at a salary of $11,000. Appointments of Noncitizens to Indefinite Tenure Positions The following recommendations for appointments on indefinite tenure of non- 1242 board of trustees [June 17 citizens were reviewed by a committee consisting of the Executive Vice-President and Provost, the Acting Dean of the Graduate College, and the dean of the college concerned in accordance with the policy and procedure authorized by the Board of Trustees for consideration of such appointments. The Committee has concurred in the recommendations. 1. Janez Peklenik, Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $12,650. 2. George A. Sm, Professor of Physical Chemistry, beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $16,000. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these appointments were confirmed. DIRECTORSHIP OF THE ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY (7) The Acting Dean of the Graduate College recommends the appointment of Dr. Robert M. Sutton, Professor of History and Associate Dean of the Graduate College, as Director of the Illinois Historical Survey on one-half time, effective September 1, 1964, to succeed Mrs. Marguerite Jenison Pease, who is retiring this year. Professor Sutton will continue as Associate Dean of the Graduate College on one-half time during 1964-65. His area of specialization is state and local history and in conjunction with his administrative duties, he has continued to teach courses in the history of Illinois and to do research in that area. The Executive Vice-President and Provost concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Page, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, URBANA (8) The Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics recommends the appointment of Dr. Robert O. Nesheim, presently Manager of the Livestock Feed Research Department of the Quaker Oats Company, as Professor of Animal Science on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Animal Science beginning July 15, 1964, at an annual salary of $19,500 on a twelve months' service basis. This appointment is to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Professor O. Burr Ross, who is leaving the University of Illinois to be Vice-President for Agricultural Sciences and Dean of the College of Agriculture at Oklahoma State University. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur in this recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Swain, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN, URBANA (9) The Dean of the College of Physical Education recommends the appointment of Dr. Earle F. Zeigler as Professor on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Physical Education for Men beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $14,500 on an academic year service basis. The appointment of Professor Zeigler, presently a member of the faculty, as Head of the Department was initiated by a special search committee.1 He will succeed Professor Chester O. Jackson, who has been serving as Head of the Department since 1958 and who has asked to be relieved of the administrative duties as Head so that he can devote full time to teaching and research. 1 C. K. Brightbill, Professor and Head of the Department of Recreation and Municipal Park Administration, Chairman; T. K. Cureton, Professor of Physical Education for Men; Laura J. Huelster, Professor and Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women; H, E. Kenney, Professor of Physical Education for Men and Manager of Facilities, College of Physical Education; Douglas R. Mills, Professor of Physical Education for Men and Director of Athletics; T. J. Nugent, Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men and Director of the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1243 The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH AND THEATRE, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (10) The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Dr. R. Victor Harnack, presently Associate Professor of Speech at the University of Colorado, as Professor of Speech on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Speech and Theatre at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $14,500 on an academic year service basis. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION (11) The Dean of the College of Engineering and the Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division recommend the appointment of Dr. Robert E. Machol, presently Vice-President for Systems of Conductron Corporation, as Professor on indefinite tenure and Head of the Department of Systems Analysis and Design in the College of Engineering at the Chicago Undergraduate Division beginning September 1, 1964, at an annual salary of $17,500 on a twelve months' service basis. The Acting Dean of the Graduate College, and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this appointment was approved. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE, 19 64-65 (12) I recommend that the following members of the staff be given sabbatical leaves of absence during the academic year 1964-65 in accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes and on the terms and for the periods indicated. This recommendation is supplementary to the applications recommended to the Board of Trustees on March 18 and May 20, 1964. Beulah A. Hunzicker, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, College of Agriculture, first semester, full pay. Hiram Paley, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, first semester, one-half pay. Nicholas C. Scholomiti, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, second semester, full pay. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these leaves were granted, as recommended. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS IN THE COLLEGE OF LAW (13) The Urbana-Champaign Senate recommends several changes in requirements for admission to the College of Law, effective June 1, 1965. The major change is for a minimum admission requirement of a bachelor's degree from an approved undergraduate college. The changes recommended have flexibility to facilitate the change-over to the new admission requirement and to deal with exceptional cases. The revisions will bring the College of Law in line with the requirements of other major law schools in this country. Submitted herewith is a complete statement of all changes proposed, including the present and the new requirements, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. 1244 board of trustees [June 17 The Senate Coordinating Council has indicated that no other Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval. Dean Russell N. Sullivan of the College of Law was present at the meeting and discussed in some detail the reasons for the proposed change. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved. AMENDMENTS OF UNIVERSITY STATUTES (14) At its April 15, 1964, meeting the Board of Trustees stated its tentative approval of revisions in Sections 6, 38, and 39 of the University Statutes originated by the Senates, with the exception of certain modifications thereof proposed by the Board, and directed that the advice of the University Senates be sought on the modifications. On May 19, 1964, the Chicago Undergraduate Division Senate expressed its approval of the modifications proposed by the Board. On May 25, 1964, the Urbana-Champaign Senate defeated a motion to adopt the Board's modifications and passed motions which (a) requested an opportunity for further consultation with the Board of Trustees (or a committee thereof) for the purpose of arriving at a consensus which would reflect the principles of the amendments adopted by the three Senates; (b) designated a Committee of the Senate for such purpose; and (c) suggested that the Board invite the corresponding Committees on Academic Freedom from the other Senates to join in such consultations. On June 3, 1964, the Medical Center Senate also defeated a motion to approve the Board's proposed modifications and passed motions requesting further consultations in essentially the manner suggested by the previous action of the Urbana-Champaign Senate. In accordance with the request of the Urbana-Champaign and the Medical Center Senates, I recommend that (1) further consultation be arranged with the designated committees, including the Committee on Academic Freedom of the Chicago Undergraduate Division; (2) the liaison committee of the Senate Coordinating Council also be requested to participate in the consultation as provided for in Section 7(d) of the University Statutes;1 and that (3) the matter be referred to the Committee on General Policy for further action. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the President's recommendations were approved. CONSOLIDATION OF OFFICE OF INSTRUCTIONAL RESEARCH AND OFFICE OF INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION INTO AN OFFICE OF INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN (15) The Executive Vice-President and Provost recommends that an Office of Instructional Resources be established to replace the Office of Instructional Research and the Office of Instructional Television at the Urbana-Champaign campus. The new Office will assume the responsibilities presently assigned to its two predecessors and will in addition provide a wider range of instructional services to faculty members, departments, and colleges. The Office of Instructional Resources will be broadly concerned with the improvement of the instructional program --- especially at the undergraduate level --- through assisting the faculty in the increased use of newer techniques and media and through studies of the influence upon academic achievement of other factors in the University environment within and outside the classroom. The need to improve the quality of collegiate instruction in the face of mounting enrollment, and probably without commensurate increases in faculty and funds, makes it imperative to use as fully and as effectively as possible the 1 Section 7(d) of the University Statutes provides that: "The Council shall appoint not more than three of its members to act as a liaison committee advisory to the Board of Trustees (through the President), the President, and the respective Senates, in matters of special and extraordinary concern to the University. The special function of this committee shall be to aid in maintaining harmonious relations among such officers and units of the University. The Committee shall act only upon the express request of the Board of Trustees, the President, any one of the three Senates, or the Senate Coordinating Council." 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1245 newer instructional resources such as television, programed instruction, films, graphic presentation, and other audio-visual techniques. The Office of Instructional Resources will assist faculty members in the use of these media and in evaluating their effectiveness. In addition to studies of instructional methods and course content, the new Office will sponsor research on the relationship of academic achievement and choice of vocation to the characteristics of students (geographic, educational, psychological, and socio-economic), to characteristics of instructors, and to characteristics of the extracurricular environment. The Director of the Office of Instructional Resources at Urbana-Champaign will administer that Office under the general supervision of the Executive Vice-President and Provost. He will also have University-wide staff responsibility for coordinating such functions on all campuses of the University, and for advising the Executive Vice-President and Provost concerning policies and plans in this area. It is recommended also that Professor Charles J. Mclntyre, at present Di--ector of the Office of Instructional Television, be named Director of the Office of Instructional Resources at Urbana-Champaign, with the additional responsibilities just described. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these recommendations were approved. CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE STUDIES (16) In consultation with the departments concerned, the Acting Dean and the Executive Committee of the Graduate College recommend that there be established in the Graduate College a Center for International Comparative Studies. The Center will supplement programs previously established and for which funds have been provided in state appropriations for the current biennium (1963-64). The earlier programs and the new Center will also be supported over a period of five years by a grant received from the Ford Foundation. The purpose of the proposed Center will be to provide a framework within the University for stimulating and supporting comparative research of a functional and problem-oriented nature along cross-cultural, cross-national, and cross-regional lines. Its central function will be to develop means of encouraging such research and criteria for supporting it, including appropriate arrangements for released time for faculty research and for financing overseas travel for research scholars. Preference for support will be given to research programs that involve the training of graduate students. A detailed description of the functions of the Center is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. The officers on the three campuses concerned have been consulted. The Director of International Programs and the Executive Vice-President and Provost concur in the recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. CENTER FOR INSTRUCTIONAL RESEARCH AND CURRICULUM EVALUATION (17) The College of Education recommends that the name of its present Office of Educational Testing be changed to "Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation," effective September 1, 1964. The new name would denote more accurately the interests and activities of the staff members of the Office of Educational Testing. Its functions have always been broader in scope than educational testing per se, and the proposed designation would emphasize the major purposes for which educational and psychological tests are used in educational research. The proposed Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation would have a relatively small permanent staff --- as the Office of Educational Testing now has --- but it would have the cooperation of many faculty members in departments throughout the College of Education, and in other colleges, who are interested in curricular innovation or in the improvement of teaching. The Center would provide the technical assistance needed for testing the effectiveness 1246 board of trustees [June 17 of curriculum changes in various school or college subjects, and for determining the teaching methods best suited to the presentation of such materials to students The Acting Dean of the Graduate College and the Executive Vice-President and Provost recommend approval of the change in name and expansion in program of the Office of Educational Testing. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved. ESTABLISHMENT OF A SURVEY RESEARCH LABORATORY (18) The Acting Dean of the Graduate College recommends that a Survey Research Laboratory be established by the University of Illinois as a separate unit of the Graduate College. The functions of the Survey Research Laboratory will be to: (1) plan, conduct, and process survey operations for University research projects; and, to carry out this function, to create an operating survey organization with facilities for maintaining and interviewing probability samples of the population of the state of Illinois; (2) conduct and promote research in survey methods; (3) provide a means for training undergraduate and graduate students in survey methods; and (4) act as a data repository for survey and other data on the state of Illinois. Such a laboratory will serve to coordinate and facilitate the large number of University projects which currently use survey methods and will promote research on questions which cap only be answered through the use of surveys. Its need stems from the growing use of the survey method as a tool of investigation employed in many different areas of the University. Knowledge of the use of this tool and of the associated facilities has become essential if undergraduate and graduate students in most of the social sciences and related applied fields are to receive a well-rounded education. Until now, the University has possessed no central laboratory for maintaining survey operations, for collecting survey data, or for storing research data in a form readily available to faculty members and students. This type of laboratory exists at the Universities of Michigan and Wisconsin, but there is none at present in the state of Illinois. The operations of the Survey Research Laboratory will be conducted by faculty members who hold departmental appointments. Primary administrative responsibility will rest with a Director and an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will consist of those faculty members directly responsible for the major sections of the Laboratory (sampling, field operations, coding, and data storage), together with additional appointees from the faculties of the various departments of the University of Illinois most dependent upon the facilities of the Laboratory for their research activities. These additional faculty appointees will be named by the Dean of the Graduate College on recommendation of their department heads. The Director will be appointed biennially by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the President, after nomination by the Dean of the Graduate College with the concurrence of the Executive Committee of the Laboratory. The Director of the Laboratory will serve as a member of the Executive Committee. It is intended that the groundwork of the Laboratory will be laid during the forthcoming summer and academic year. During this period, a so-called master sample of the population of Illinois will be developed and field force of interviewers will be established and trained in all areas encompassed by the master sample. During this same period, plans would be completed for a perpetual data repository. Such repository would seek to develop an inventory of data needed in studies carried out by University faculty, and would maintain data relating to the business conditions and welfare of the State of Illinois. A major function of the Laboratory will be to educate graduate and undergraduate students in survey techniques. Students will be given an opportunity to work under general faculty supervision and will be involved closely with the operational phases of a survey project. In addition, graduate students will be able to carry out dissertation projects using the resources of the Survey Research Laboratory. Faculty members will offer departmental courses drawing upon the resources of the Laboratory. It is anticipated that the Survey Research Laboratory will be ready for regular operations by September, 1965. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1247 This proposal has been approved by the Executive Committee of the Graduate College, the University Research Board, and the Executive Vice-President and Provost. I concur. On motion of Mr. Jones, this recommendation was approved. HOSPITAL-MEDICAL-SURGICAL INSURANCE POLICIES FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF (19) Bids have been received on the hospital-medical-surgical insurance programs for staff and students for one year from September 1, 1964, with the right reserved to renew such insurance annually thereafter upon mutual agreement between the Carrier and the University. A schedule of the bids is submitted herewith and a copy is being filed with the Secretary. The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends award of a contract for the same benefits as the current program to the Continental Assurance Company, 310 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, the lowest bidder, at the following rates: Staff Insurance Monthly Premium to be Paid to Present Company Contract Employee............................................. $3 64 ($3 51) Employee and Dependents.............................. 9 59 (9 40) Student Insurance Premium Per Semester Premium Per Quarter to be Paid to Company to be Paid to Company Chicago Undergraduate Urbana Division Medical Center Student............ $ 9 38 ($9 20) $7 34 ($7 20) $5 50 ($5 50) Spouse............. 12 34 ( 12 10) 9 94 ( 9 75) 7 44 ( 7 30) Child or Children. . . 8 80 ( 8 63) 7 08 ( 6 95) 5 30 ( 5 20) The excess over the cost of the coverage will be adequate to defray the administrative expenses of the programs. Since the bids are only slightly more than under the present contract, no increase in the fees charged to students and staff is necessary. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was authorized. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (20) The Executive Vice-President and Provost and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the following appropriations from the University General Reserve: (7rbana-Champaign 1. College of Fine and Applied Arts: Department of Art, equipment...................................... $ 4 526 2. Physical Plant Department: Remodeling in the Mining and Metallurgy Laboratory and moving costs for the Department of Art...................................... 5 377 Remodeling for School of Music at 1205 West Nevada Street, Urbana, to provide practice rooms....................................... 8 375 Remodeling for School of Music at 12051/2 West Nevada Street, Urbana, to develop classroom and office space for piano instruction. 10 100 Remodeling at 1007 and l0O7i/2 South Wright Street, Champaign, for use as a Center for Linguistics and various area studies groups... 11 040 Remodeling in the Natural History Building to provide research space for graduate students and in Harker Hall to provide space for courses in the School of Life Sciences........................... 17 580 Remodeling on the second floor of the Mining and Metallurgy Laboratory to provide office space for the Nuclear Engineering Program.. 19 270 Total.............................................................. $76 268 I concur. 1248 board of trustees [June 17 On motion of Mr. Swain, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DYNAMICS TEST LABORATORY (21) The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of the Dynamics Test Laboratory for the Department of Civil Engineering, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Kuhne-Sitnmons Company, Inc............................. $173 340 Base bid .............................................. $176 960 Deductive alternates for: Omission of laboratory cabinets......................... ---3 200 Omission of ceramic wall and floor tile in two rooms...... ---410 Electrical --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana........... 16 342 Plumbing --- Willis H. Thomas and W. C. Thomas, a partnership doing business as Thomas Plumbing and Heating Company, Urbana....... 7 855 Heating and Air Conditioning --- F. R. Inskip, an individual doing business as Inskip Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Company, Champaign...................................................... 5 656 Ventilating --- F. R. Inskip, an individual doing business as Inskip Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Company, Champaign.......... 4 981 Total........................................................... $208 174 It is also recommended that a combined contract be awarded to F. R. Inskip, an individual doing business as Inskip Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Company, Champaign, in the amount of $10,637 being the total of the amounts bid by that Company on heating and air conditioning and on ventilating work. Funds are available from the Universities Building Fund and from the Research Contract Reserve. The latter source will be reimbursed if a construction grant is received from the National Science Foundation. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department on this project, including a schedule of all bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Page, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF UTILITY EXTENSIONS TO EAST CHEMISTRY BUILDING (22) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $36,879 to the J. A. Julian Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for extension of steam service to the East Chemistry Building Addition. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 and have been released. I concur. On motion of Mr. Pogue, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr, Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR COOLING TOWERS FOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (23) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for construction of cooling towers on the Admin- 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1249 istration Building for air conditioning the new addition, the present building, and providing additional capacity for future air conditioning of other buildings in the immediate area, the award in each case to the lowest bidder. General --- Kuhne-Simmons Company, Inc., Champaign................ $ 59 624 Base bid............................................... $60 000 Deductive alternates for: Omission of job office................................... ---165 Omission of temporary sign.............................. ---136 Omission of temporary power............................ ---75 Electrical --- Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., Urbana............ 12 890 Plumbing --- F. R. Inskip, an individual doing business as Inskip Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Company, Champaign........... 6 860 Heating --- Bellis and Miller, Inc., Champaign.......................... 63 551 Total........................................................... $142 925 Funds are available in state capital appropriations to the University from the Universities Building Fund, subject to release. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR MINOR BUILDING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS (24) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and the Comptroller recommend authorization of cost-plus contracts with the following contractors for minor building alterations, repairs, and construction work for the period July 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965. General --- Dean Evans Company, Champaign Electrical --- William H. Brunkow, an individual doing business as Brunkow Electric Company, Champaign Plumbing --- Willis H. and W. C. Thomas, a partnership doing business as Thomas Plumbing and Heating Company, Urbana Heating, Piping, Refrigeration, and Automatic Temperature Control Systems --- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign Ventilation and Distribution Systems for Conditioned Air --- Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign It is also recommended that a combined contract be awarded to Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Champaign, for heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature controls and for ventilation and distribution systems for conditioned air, since this Company submitted identical bids for each category of work. These contracts are for work which does not justify the cost of preparing separate drawings and specifications and of separate bidding procedures on each project. The several contractors bid on percentages to be added to actual material, labor, and subcontract costs, depending in many cases on the size of the particular division of work with specified limits of four ranges. Work will be done as ordered by the Physical Plant Department and will be paid for on the basis of the actual cost of each job plus contractors' fees. A schedule of bids taken showing the percentages to be added for work to be executed under these cost-plus contracts is submitted herewith, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record as the basis for the contract awards recommended. No assignment of funds is requested and each job will be covered by a contract change order charged against funds allocated for the project. It is further recommended that the Vice-President and Comptroller be authorized to approve orders under these contracts up to $25,000 on each project provided that any orders exceeding this amount shall be submitted to the Board 1250 board of trustees [June 17 of Trustees for approval in advance, in accordance with previous practice and authorization. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, these contracts were awarded, and authority was given as requested, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT FOR PLASTERING. PLASTER PATCHING AND REPAIRS, AND ACOUSTICAL WORK (25) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of a cost-plus contract to George S. Grimmett, doing business as George S. Grimmett and Company, Springfield, the lowest bidder, for plastering, plaster patching and repairs, and acoustical work during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, on the basis of a contractor's fee of 13.9 per cent of all actual job costs as determined by itemized billing. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this contract was authorized by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING IN DENTISTRY-MEDICINE-PHARMACY BUILDING (26) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award of contracts for remodeling in the first unit of the Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, the award in each case being to the lowest bidder: General --- Heller Construction Company, Inc., Chicago................. $25 252 Base bid ................................................ $23 459 Additive alternate for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to this contractor.................... 1 793 Laboratory Equipment --- Duralab Equipment Corporation, Chicago...... 27 974 Plumbing --- Reid Mechanical Contractors, Inc., Chicago................ 8 222 Heating and Process Piping --- Ashland Plumbing and Heating Company, Chicago.......................................................... 7 964 Ventilating --- Hedmark Sheet Metal Company, Inc., Glen Ellyn........ 19 595 Pipe Covering and Insulation --- W. J. Donahoe Company, Chicago...... 1 455 Electrical --- Midwest Interstate Electrical Construction Company, Chicago 7 220 Total............................................................ $97 682 This work will include rehabilitating the west half of a student laboratory (Biochemistry Room 304) by installation of new partitions, laboratory furniture, improvement of the lighting level and mechanical ventilation, installation of resilient flooring, and painting. The remodeling is a continuation of remodeling in this area which was completed during the 1961-63 biennium. It is further recommended that all contracts other than the contract for general work be assigned to the contractor for that work, making the total of his contract price $97,682; and that an agreement be entered into with Heller Construction Company, Inc., for the assignment of these other contracts for $1,793 which amount is included in the contract price, being the amount bid by that Company for service charge for supervision of other contracts assigned to the general contractor. Funds for this work are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65. Submitted herewith is a schedule of all bids received and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were awarded, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1251 jlr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. EXTENSION OF EASEMENT AT CARTER-PENNELL FARM (27) The Central Illinois Public Service Company has an easement for electric power transmission lines along the public roads adjoining the University's Carter-Pennell farm near Rankin in Vermilion County. The Company needs to install a heavier line and requests an easement to install three anchor wires on University property. The area of the easement is about one-seventh of an acre. Two of the anchors will be on non-tillable land, and most of the area around the third anchor can be farmed. The Company will pay $150 for the easement. The Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Vice-President and Comptroller consider this compensation adequate and recommend adoption of the following resolution granting an easement. Resolution Be It, And It Hereby Is Resolved by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the Comptroller and the Secretary of this Board of Trustees be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and on behalf of this Corporation such instruments of conveyance, contract, or other document or documents as to them may seem necessary or desirable in order to grant to Central Illinois Public Service Company, an Illinois corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee," its successors and assigns, the right to construct, operate, patrol, and maintain a transmission line, including poles, anchors and necessary fixtures and wires attached thereto, over and upon the land hereinafter described, for the transmission of electrical energy and communication such line to form a part of an electrical transmission and telephone system to be owned and operated by the said Grantee its successors, or assigns, extending from the lands owned by the said Grantee and the structures thereon in Vermilion County, Illinois, to other lands and structures located beyond the lands hereinafter described, and also to remove or trim all brush and trees on the said land within Fifty Feet (50') of the said transmission line, together with the right of access to the said land. Any damage to any property of the Grantor, its assigns or tenants, caused by the employees of the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall be promptly paid by the said Grantee, its successors or assigns. The land of the Grantor over which this grant is given and the location of the line to be constructed thereon, are described as follows: TRACT I: The North One Hundred Feet (N. 100') of that part of the Southwest Quarter (SW VO of the Northeast Quarter (NE Va) of Section Eleven (Sec. 11) which lies East of Brook Creek and the West Four Hundred Twenty Five Feet (W. 425') of that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE14) of the Northeast Quarter (NE14) of Section 11 which lies North of the North line of Carter's Second West Addition to the Original Town of Rankin, Illinois, all in Township Twenty-Three North (T.23.N.), Range Fourteen West (R.14.W.) of the Second Principal Meridian (2nd P.M.), Vermilion County, Illinois. This grant is made to grant the right to place One (1) anchor Nine Hundred Sixty-five Feet (965') North of the South line of the Northeast Quarter (NEV4) of the said Section 11 and 1350 feet West of the East line of the said Section 11. Also, One (1) anchor to be placed 1070 feet North of the South line of the Northeast Quarter (NE14) of the said Section 11 and 1320 feet West of the East line of the said Section 11. Also, Two (2) anchors to be placed 1210 feet, more or less, North of the South line of the Northeast Quarter (NE14) of the said Section 11 and 1140 feet West of the East line of the said Section 11. TRACT II: The North Twenty-Five Feet (N. 25') of the West One Hundred Fifty Feet (W. 1500 of the Northwest Quarter (NWi/Q of the Northwest Quarter (NW14) of Section Twelve (Sec. 12) in Township Twenty-Three North (T.23.N.), Range Fourteen West (R.14.W.), of the Second Principal Meridian 1252 board of trustees [June 17 (2nd P.M.), Vermilion County, Illinois, which lies South of the South line of the Public Highway which extends East and West along the North line of the said Section 12. This grant also includes the right to place One (1) pole One Foot (1') South of the South line of the above mentioned Public Highway and 142 feet East of the center line of State Highway Route #49. One (1) anchor to be placed 20 feet South of the said pole. The Grantee herein agrees to move, at its own expense, the anchors listed above, upon request of Grantor, and due to relocation of said Brook Creek bed, to a location which is mutually agreeable between Grantee and Grantor. This easement to cease to be in effect if said transmission line is abandoned. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Page, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner. EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS (28) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend the employment of Sodemann and Associates, Champaign, Illinois, for engineering services in planning the paving of Peabody Drive east of Goodwin Avenue in front of the Veterinary Medicine Building at the standard fee based on Schedule B of the minimum fees of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers. Funds are available in the Physical Plant budget. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds and the Advisory Committee on Architectural and Engineering Services have been consulted and recommend approval. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, this recommendation was approved. EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL COUNSEL (29) The Legal Counsel has been authorized to employ special counsel in the vicinity of Du Quoin, Illinois, to represent the University in a case before the Court of Claims filed by Ora Metcalf, an employee of Marshall Browning Hospital in Du Quoin, and in which case (by an amended complaint) the University is being sued for $5,000 for an alleged loss of hearing resulting from a demonstration conducted by the University Extension Division. I request confirmation of this authorization. On motion of Mr. Swain, the President's action was confirmed. DIXON SPRINGS AGRICULTURAL CENTER (30) The Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics reports a reorganization of the Dixon Springs Experiment Station, and, recommends changing its name to "Dixon Springs Agricultural Center of the University of Illinois." I have approved the recommendations and report my action for the record. A text of the reorganization plan is submitted herewith, and a copy is filed with the Secretary of the Board for the record. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the President's actions were confirmed. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (31) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendation of the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case was recommended on the basis of the lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in one category: purchases from Institutional Funds. This term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States governrnent, contracts with private corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. 1964] univ Purchases Item One lot of laboratory equipment and supplies for export to Thailand ERSITY OF ILLi: r from Institution Department Agency for International Development (Faculty of Medicine-Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) NOIS al Funds Vendor LaPine Scientific Co., Chicago 1253 Cost $3 043 61 f.a.s. New York. N.Y. One lot of laboratory equipment and supplies including constant temperature water baths, pipette and washing accessories, balance, microscope, ovens, and assorted laboratory accessory items Agency for International Development (Faculty of Medicine-Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) Schaar Scientific Co., Chicago 3 079 35 f.a.s. New York, N.Y. Two electrocardiographs and accessories consisting of six transducers, two preamplifiers, one accessory kit, and twenty-four rolls of recording paper Agency for International Development (Faculty of Medicine-Chiengmai Hospital, Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, Calif. 5 083 20 f.o.b. Waltham, Mass. One lot of laboratory equipment and supplies including mimeoBCopes and optical accessories, laboratory glassware, water still, and laboratory accessories Thailand) Agency for International Development (Faculty of Medicine-Chiengmai Hospital, Thailand) LaPine Scientific Co., Chicago 3 894 23 f.a.s. New York, N.Y. Un motion ot Mr. Johnston, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest acceptable bid. The recommendations are presented in two categories: purchases from Appropriated Funds (i.e., from state appropriations to the University); and purchases from Institutional Funds. The latter term is used here to designate funds received by the University under contracts with the United States government, contracts with private corporations and other organizations, from foundation grants, and grants from corporations and other donors, and University revolving funds authorized by law. Purchases from Appropriated Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One 70 mm., x-ray camera to be fur- Radiology, North American Philips $3 165 00 nished and installed on an x-ray im- Medical Co., Inc., delivered age amplifier in the Department of Center Evanston and Radiology installed Furnish, deliver, and set in place in Chicago Circle Milwaukee Chair Co., 129 190 39 buildings at Chicago Circle, 3,065 Milwaukee, Wis. delivered office chairs consisting of 940 wood and set armchairs. 814 upholstered side in place chairs, 671 upholstered swivel chairs, 211 posture chairs, 80 upholstered chairs without arms, and 349 wood conference chairs, upholstered seat Furnish and install 263 pieces of steel Library, E & I Cooperative 25 033 Si office furniture consisting of 46 desks, Chicago Circle Service, Inc., delivered 12 tables, 7 credenzas, 46 files, 122 Garden City, N.Y. and set chairs, 26 stools, and 4 typing stands. in place all for use in the Library Building at Chicago Circle Furnish and set in place optical labora- Physics, Engis Equipment Co., 45 042 59 tory equipment complete with auxil- Chicago Circle Chicago iary accessories, consisting of one Gaertner Scientific Corp., 4 055 00 spectrograph, medium quartz; two Chicago wave length spectrometers; one inter- (49 097 59) ferometer; one abbe refractometer; delivered one raman spectrograph and installed 1254 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Item Department Vendor Cost Furnish and install a double beam infra- Physics, Beckman Instruments, $ 25 283 xn red spectrophotometer for use in wave Chicago Circle Inc., delivered length range 2.5 to 50 microns (4000 Lincolnwood &nd to 200 cm*1) with a high resolution installs and accuracy in the entire range, for the Department of Physics at Chicago Circle Furnish and deliver drafting equipment Chicago Circle National Survey * 461 25 consisting of one theodolite, four op- Instruments, Inc., tical transits, one soil augur, one Chicago optical level, one lot twenty-two Frederick Post Co., 2 734 04 drafting machines, one stadia rod, for Chicago departments at Chicago Circle (7 195 29) delivered and installed Three gasoline-powered material han- Chicago Circle West Coast Machinery S 273 50 dling trucks and one electric-powered Co- delivered material handling truck Stockton, Calif. Eighty wood ladders, thirty-six stage Chicago Circle A To Z Equipment Co., 163 60 platforms, twenty-two extension Chicago planks, eight steel safety ladders, two Chicago Ladder & 278 80 aluminum safety ladders, four alu- Scaffold Co., minum step ladders, for use at Chicago Chicago Circle The Patent Scaffolding Co 3 125 41 Chicago (3 567 81) delivered Furnish, deliver, and set in place 116 Physical Plant, Herman Miller, Inc., 24 106 00 lecterns in Classroom Complex, Engi- Chicago Circle Chicago delivered neering and Science Laboratories, and and set Lecture Center at Chicago Circle in place One industrial tractor and accessories Physical Plant. Artim Equipment 3 700 00 Chicago Circle Co., Inc., delivered Hammond, Ind. One lot of grounds maintenance equip- Physical Plant, George A. Davis, Inc., 1 966 90 ment consisting of: one power Chicago Circle Chicago sweeper, two professional type power Gravely of Chicago. 2 945 00 mowers, two two-wheel tractors, two Melrose Park battery powered sweepers, one roller, Illinois Lawn Equipment, 2 526 00 one renovator, one lawn mower sharp- Inc., ener, four grass trimmers, one power Orland Park sprayer, two reel-type lawnmowers, McMaster-Carr Supply 337 20 two rotary mowers, four electric hedge Co., trimmers, six garden hose reels, four- Chicago teen sprinklers Roseman Tractor 1 373 00 Equipment Co., Evanston G. H. Tennant Co., 6 643 82 Chicago (IS 791 92) delivered Furnish, deliver, and set in place thir- Physical Plant, Chicago Precision Supply teen pieces of machine equipment, Chicago Circle Corp., consisting of one grinder, one pipe Schiller Park and bolt threading machine, one saw. Four vises 142 49 one jointer, one shaper, one tenoner. A. L. Fader & Co., one drill press, and six machine and Chicago pipe vises Jointer Shaper 1 900 00 750 00 Grand Tool & Supply Co., Chicago Two vises 100 00 Clifford Peterson Tool Co. Chicago Grinder 300 90 Threading Machine 688 40 Balko Tool & Machine Co. f Chicago Tenoner 930 00 Drill Press 260 00 Olsen Tool Corp., Chicago Saw 83 815 (5 909 94) delivered and set in place (Note: This purchase will be from both Institutional Funds, $502.49, and Appropriated Funds, $5,407.45, for a total of J5.909.94.) 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1255 Item Department Vendor Cost Furnish, erect, and install 674 double- Physical Plant, Lyon Metal Products, $ 10 136 02 tier steel lockers, 12 in. by 18 in. by Chicago Circle Inc., delivered 72 in., and 76 enclosure panels for Chicago and Chicago Circle Engineering and Sci- installed ence Laboratories One transmitter, AM, 5 kw, complete Radio Station Radio Corp. of America, 34 861 70 with all necessary transmission lines, Camden, N.J. f.o.b. branching and phasing equipment. delivered and control units, less trade-in of old transmitter equipment One truck, fork lift, gasoline operated. Physical Plant R. E. Common Equipment 9 849 00 84 in. collapsed height, 12,000 pound Co., f.o.b. capacity, less trade-in of twenty-year- Peoria delivered old fork lift truck, to be used by the Physical Plant in jobs on the Urbana campus Furnish and install 238 upholstered au- Physical Plant The Franklin-Lee Co., 7 021 00 ditorium type chairs with tablet arms Chicago f.o.b. in the lecture room of the Library delivered addition and installed Furnish and apply asphalt and lime- Physical Plant Parro Construction Corp., 9 969 00 stone chips to be used for resurfacing Storeroom Urbana f.o.b. and sealing streets, drives, and park- delivered ing lots on the Urbana campus, as and follows: 6,350 gallon (approximately) applied M.C.O. asphalt primer; 270 ton (approximately) 5/8 limestone chips; 17,000 gallons (approximately) PA-1 asphalt; 480 ton (approximately) limestone chips University police clothing, including Physical Plant Gerber Manufacturing 5 127 60 fitting of items as follows: 392 shirts; Storeroom Co., f.o.b. 7 overcoats, reefer style; 46 uniform Mishawaka, Ind. delivered jackets; 96 uniform trousers; 72 caps Hospital and medical professional lia- Research and Arthur Gottschalk, 40 884 00 bility insurance for three years at Educational Peoria, total limits of $200,000/500,000 covering Hospitals, representing Lumbermens three- the Chicago and Urbana risk; pre- Health Services. Mutual Casualty Co. year mium is payable on an annual install- Veterinary premium ment basis of $12,127 for Chicago and Medicine S1.197 for Urbana Veterinarian liability insurance, $5,000 per claim, $15,000 aggregate; annual installment of $304 Purchases from Institutional Funds Item Department Vendor Cost One electron microscope and image in- Aeromedical The Perkin-Elmer Corp., ; 537 190 00 tensifier system, less trade-in of one Laboratory, La Grange delivered used microscope Medical and Center installed One photomicroscope and accessories Anatomy, Matheson Scientific, Inc., 5 674 49 Medical Center Chicago delivered Twenty dental air turbine units Fixed Partial Star Dental Manufacturing 4 608 00 Prosthodontics Co., Inc., delivered Philadelphia, Pa. One flow detector, one flow monitor, Pharmacology Packard Instrument 7 900 00 and one 11 in. recorder (Medicine) Co., Inc., delivered One spectrophotometer with acces- Medicine Matheson Scientific, Inc., 6 263 00 sories Chicago delivered One lot of laboratory supplies, including Physiology, Matheson Scientific Co., 5 377 40 two refrigerated centrifuges, eighty Medical Chicago delivered bottles of petroleum ether reagent. Center eighty bottles of acetone reagent. eighty bottles of methyl alcohol ab- solute reagent, eighty bottles of xylene reagent, eighty cans of ether anhy- drous reagent, five cases of wash bot- tles, twenty-four pro-pipettes Dental laboratory service for the Pros- Prosthodontics Major-Monroe Dental 19 436 16 thodontics Clinic consisting of the Clinic, Laboratory, delivered processing of artificial teeth in plastic Medical Chicago and the furnishing of removable par- Center tial denture castings, for the period beginning July 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965, and may be renewed for one year by mutual agreement 1256 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Item Department Vendor Cost Porcelain denture teeth as requested by Proathodontics D. L. Saslow Co., Inc., $ * 672 68 the Prosthodontics Clinic from July Clinic, Chicago delivered 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965 Medical Center One lot of approximately 243,000 sterile Medical Center Colonial Hospital 22 378 94 disposable hypodermic syringes and Stores Supply Co., delivered 199,000 hypodermic needles; this rep- Chicago resents the estimated requirement from July 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement Approximately 480 cases sterile dispos- Medical Center Converters, Inc., 40 973 76 able operating room packs Stores Newark, N.J. delivered 300 cases sterile disposable obstetrical packs 60 cases sterile disposable lithotomy sheets 120 cases sterile disposable laparotomy sheets 156 cases sterile disposable towels This represents a twelve months' supply, subject to renewal for one year by mutual agreement 504 bottles (500 CC each) lipomul I.V., Pharmacy Stores, The Upjohn Co., 2 889 43 a high carbohydrate dietary supple- Medical Chicago delivered ment used in pre- and post-operative Center care; this is an estimated six months' supply One unit dose dispensing system con- Hospital Ampoules, Inc., 9 502 SO sisting of one hypule filling and seal- Pharmacy Hudson, Ohio delivered ing machine, five hypule applicators, one cupule sealing machine, and one dropule pipetting jig Furnish and erect one silo, 18 ft. by 60 Agricultural Bertram Construction, 4 040 00 ft., poured concrete, including foun- Economics Grafton, Wis. f.o.b. dation at the University of Illinois delivered Wright Farm No. 4 located at Malta, and to be used for corn silage for livestock erected feeding research being conducted by the Department of Agricultural Eco- One titrator, dual, recording with one Animal Science E. H. Sargent & Co., 2 932 00 2.5 ml burette and one combination Chicago f.o.b. electrode, for use in the nonaqueous delivered titration of CO2 in primene by the Department of Animal Science One spectrophotometer, infrared, re- Animal Science Perkin-Elmer Corp., 4 993 00 cording, including three cells for liquid La Grange f.o.b. sampling, four boxes chart paper, two delivered pen heads, five sodium chloride win- dows, and two demountable cell mounts, for general laboratory work in the Department of Animal Science One 12215 constant potential x-ray gen- Chemistry and Philips Electronic 4 640 00 erator and control, 50 KV-50 MA, Chemical Instruments, f.o.b. adaptable for x-ray spectrograph with Engineering Chicago delivered tube housing, shutters, filter selector disc, and rectifiers One microscope, photo stand with built- Chemistry and W. H. Kessel & Co., 5 772 49 in automatic camera and accessories Chemical Chicago f.o.b. Engineering delivered One spectrometer, electron spin reso- Chemistry and Alpha Scientific 4 S4S 00 nance type for class instruction in the Chemical Laboratories, Inc., f.o.b. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Two cameras, x-ray, with 77 mm. cam- Engineering Berkeley, Calif. delivered Chemistry and Picker X-Ray Corp., 3 190 00 era diameter plus accessories, non- Chemical Chicago f.o.b. integrating Engineering delivered Fabricate machine components consist- Civil Nooter Corp., 42 400 00 ing of a decay chamber, a soil con- Engineering St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. tainer, and a base plate, for the delivered Dynamic Load Generator to be built by the Civil Engineering Department for soil studies under a United States Air Force contract Lounge furniture for use in the Faculty College of Weber, Hilmer, & Johnson, 7 486 39 Lounge of the new Commerce Building Commerce and Business Chicago f.o.b. delivered Administration 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1257 Item Department Vendor Cost Furnish services and materials for pho- University of Zapel Studios, Inc., $ 14 635 50 tographic optical effects and titles as requested for the period from June Illinois Committee on School Chicago f.o.b. delivered 19, 1964, through June 30, 1965 Mathematics Film Project Two basic electronic chassis Including Coordinated Computer Measurements 5 509 16 power supply, eight digit readout with Science Co., c/o Pivan f.o.b. memory, automatic decimal point, Laboratory Engineering, delivered and mode indicator, 1 me crystal Chicago oscillator and related circuitry One plug-in frequency range module One plug-in function module Two linear power amplifiers Coordinated The Technical Materiel Corp., Mamaroneck, N.Y. 6 714 96 f - V Laboratory I.O.D. Nyack, N.Y. 350 special transistors, Federal No. Digital Computer Radio Corp, of America, 4 217 SO 2N2O1S Laboratory Chicago f.o.b. 350 special transistors, Federal No. 2N148S delivered One lathe, high precision, complete with Digital Computer Hardinge Brothers, Inc., 7 072 00 collets and accessories to be used by Laboratory Chicago f.o.b. the Digital Computer Laboratory for delivered research in integrated circuits 200,000 microdiodes Digital Computer Hughes Aircraft Co., 56 200 00 25,000 high-speed transistors Laboratory Chicago f.o.b. 30,000 medium-speed transistors Microdiodes Newport Beach, Calif. Motorola Semiconductor 40 750 00 Products, Inc., f.o.b. Chicago Phoenix, Transistors Ariz. One milling machine, horizontal uni- Digital Computer Hardinge Brothers, Inc., 5 745 25 versal, with complete set of collets Laboratory Chicago f.o.b. and accessories to be used by Digital delivered Computer Laboratory in machining of components for integrated circuits 123,000 resistors, metal oxide film, Ji Digital Computer Corning Glass Works, 12 858 00 watt at 70$dGC, 2 per cent tolerance. Laboratory Chicago f.o.b. tinned copper leads Bradford, Pa. 1,200 connectors, electronic. 44 contact. Digital Computer Methode Electronics, 4 380 00 taper pin Laboratory Inc., Chicago f.o.b. Chicago One jigmil, precision boring and milling Physics Luther & Pedersen, 55 570 00 machine, 48 in. horizontal travel. Inc., f.o.b. table size 35 in. by 48 in., complete Chicago delivered with preselected automatic speed changing mechanism for use by the Physics Department in precision jig boring and medium duty precision milling on large surfaces One oscilloscope dual-trace, 0-50 me, Physics Tektronijt, Inc., 2 585 00 signal delay feature, sweep range 0.1 Park Ridge f.o.b. microsecond/cm to 5 seconds/cm, 7 Beaverton, nanoseconds rise time Ore. One scope-cart, portable, on rollers Rebuild one universal milling machine Physics Indianapolis Machinery 4 350 00 and rental of a replacement milling Co., Inc., f.o.b. machine during the period of rebuilding Indianapolis, Ind. delivered One oscilloscope, sampling type Physics-Betatron Tektronix, Inc., 3 520 00 One timing plug-in unit Park Ridge f.o.b. One dual trace plug-in unit Beaverton, One scope-cart, mobile Ore. Two probes Fifteen modular system power supplies. Physics-Betatron Edgerton, Germeshausen, 18 750 00 each self-contained, solid state, pro- & Grier, Inc., f.o.b. viding six independent DC voltages Boston, Mass. Salem, for operating high-speed solid state Mass. logic circuits 1258 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Item Department Vendor Cost Three lots (596 tons total) straw, wheat, Veterinary Roy E. Rigdon, and/or oats Clinical Ridge Farm Medicine, 100 tons $ i 700 00 Dairy Science, Ray Snyder, Animal Science Lincoln 300 tons 5 175 00 H. B. Sanderson, Tuscola 196 tons 3 528 00 (10 403 00) f.o.b. delivered 11,904 pints acetone reagent grade; General Chemical Mallinckrodt Chemical 13 247 12 8,488 pints methyl alcohol anhydrous Stores Works, f.o.b. reagent; 6,144 pints chloroform rea- St. Louis, Mo. delivered gent; 10,080 pounds ether, anhydrous reagent in 1 pound cans; 2,160 pounds ether U.S.P. in five-pound cans; 4,608 pints benzene reagent A.C.S.; an estimated one-year supply in the General Chemical Stores to be ship- ped on a monthly basis in quantities of approximately one-twelfth of the amounts shown Fifteen cases, card catalog, fifteen tray, Library Bro-Dart Industries, 2 670 35 wood, complete with top cornice units Newark, N.J. f.o.b. and leg base units delivered Two dictionary stands, wood, size 24 in. wide by 15 in. deep by 43H in. high Thirty-one typewriters, manual, 12 in. Library Blum's Office Machines, 6 170 IS carriage, 92 character, including four Champaign f.o.b. dead keys delivered anQ installed Library furniture and shelving for the Library The Buckstaff Co., Physical Education Library and the Oshkosh, Wis. Rare Book Room in the seventh ad- Group A 17 312 12 dition to the Library as follows: delivered 234 chairs, sixty-one tables, four The Franklin-Lee Co., desks, two counters, miscellaneous Chicago library equipment (Group A) Group B 7 600 00 Eleven card catalog cases (Group B) delivered Fifty-six ranges of wood shelving (Group C) C. S. Brown & Co.. Wauwatosa, Wis. Seventeen exhibit cases (Group D) Group C 14 264 00 ilali.TBfaii aenvereQ and installed Michaels Art Bronze Co. Covington, Ky. Group D 8 109 00 delivered (47 285 12) (Note: This purchase will be made from both Institutional Funds, $30,948.61, and Appropriated Funds, J16.336.51, for a total of J47.285.12). Furniture for student rooms in Orchard Housing Joerns Furniture Co., Downs: Division Stevens Point, Wis. Group 1 Group 1 65 006 20 600 single beds S. Buckman Furniture 200 student desks with trapezoidal & Supply, tops Spring Valley 235 student desks with rectangular Group 2 11 524 50 tops Group 2 (76 530 70) 450 study chairs f.o.b. delivered 1,560 gallons paint, interior, to be used Housing Bacon & Van Buskirk 3 831 70 by Housing Division paint crew in Division Glass Co., f.o.b. maintenance and redecorating jobs Champaign delivered in campus housing units maintained by the Housing Division in Urbana Four cash registers, heavy duty. Housing The National Cash 11 014 20 equipped with the following features: Division Register Co., f.o.b. change computation buttons for Danville delivered twenty-five cents, fifty cents, and $1.00, six-department totals, one tax total, two cashier totals with indi- vidual locks, one non-resetable audi- tor total, automatic transaction and customer counter, removable change trays and automatic change dis- pensers; less trade-in of one cash wiristpr with rhanQp. mechanism 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1259 Item Department Vendor Cost Lounge furniture for use in the various Housing Weber, Hilmer. ; % 48 609 17 lounges and the snack bar of the Division & Johnson, Illinois Street Residence Halls Chicago Gilbert A. Force Co., Chicago Office Equipment Co. 2 681 55 7 400 25 of Chicago, Chicago (58 690 97) fob delivered jl3 library chairs with arms brushed Office Supply S. Buckman Furniture 4 136 96 chrome frames, naugahyde uphol- Storeroom & Supply Co., f.o.b. stery Spring Valley delivered 2,244 wastebasketg, metal, various sizes Office Supply Aero-Adroit, Inc., 3 556 11 ' and colors, for Office Supply Store- Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. room stock to meet the anticipated delivered requirements for the buildings under construction at Urbana 5,328 ring binders, three-ring, various Office Supply Aero-Adroit, Inc., 6 161 76 sizes, for Office Supply Storeroom Storeroom Chicago f.o.b. stock; an estimated ten to twelve delivered months' supply Professional services to produce a thir- Office of G & G Film Corp., 7 500 00 teen and one-half minute sound-on- Public Champaign f.o.b. film color movie, including ten release Information delivered prints, devoted to the subject of the nature and organization of a modern university library; film to be used to help in recruiting students for careers in librarianship Print and bind 1,500 copies of Advances University Press Malloy Lithographing, 3 662 00 in Neuroendocrinology, by Andrew V. Inc., f.o.b. Nalbandov, approximately 540 pages Ann Arbor, Mich. delivered per copy, trim size b% in. by 10 in. Furnish and install one duplicator, off- University Press Addressograph-Multigraph 5 565 63 set, to accommodate 11 in. by 14 in. Print Shop Corp., f.o.b. stock, equipped with an attachment Peoria delivered to permit printing of two colors simul- and taneously, chain delivery and reced- installed ing stacker 678 chairs, classroom, square metal Physical Plant S. Buckman Furniture 11 621 06 frame, upholstered seat and back with & Supply Co., f.o.b. foam rubber padding, for classrooms Spring Valley delivered in the new Commerce Building Labor, material, and supervision to in- Physical Plant Harlan E. Moore 10 035 00 stall acoustical tile in corridors of & Co., f.o.b. Garner and Weston Residence Halls Champaign delivered at Urbana and installed Services of engineer for inspection and Physical Plant General Electric Co., 15 000 00 supervision of overhaul of turbine- St. Louis, Mo. generators and other associated equip- ment at the Abbott Power Plant, as required for the period July 1, 1964, through June 30, 1965 450 chairs, movable, tablet arm type, Physical Plant S. Buckman Furniture 8 239 50 for classroom use in the new Com- & Supply Co., f.o.b. merce Building Spring Valley delivered Three truckloads (approximately 6,990 Physical Plant Huntington Laboratories, 11 393 70 gallons) synthetic floor finish to be Inc., f.o.b. delivered to the Physical Plant Store- Decatur delivered room, one load to be delivered in July, 1964, with options for one load in October, 1964, and another option for one load for delivery in March, 1965 282 fixtures, fluorescent, six reflector Physical Plant Graybar Electric Co., 6 984 54 fixtures, fourteen strip fixtures, and Inc., f.o.b. 142 hangers for installation by Phys- Peoria delivered ical Plant personnel on Urbana campus On motion of Mr. Johnston, these purchases were authorized. 1260 board of trustees [June 17 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (32) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period May 1 to 31 1964 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date The McGraw Wildlife Tolerance studies on Tilapia fishes $ 1800 April 1, 1964 Foundation United States Air Force Comprehensive study of the theory 90 658 May 1, 1964 AF-AFOSR-7-64 and circuitry of systems with mind-like behavior United States Air Force Sands subjected to dynamic and 22 000 March 13. 1964 AF29(601)-6369 rapid loading to high-stress levels United States Army Surface and fracture energies of 52 045 April 7, 1964 DA-ARO-D-31-124- solids GS43 United States Navy Investigation of photoplasticity 24 300 May 1, 1964 Nonr-3985(07) techniques and subsequently ex- amine the elasticplastic states of stress and strain of the tip of a crack Total J190 803 Leases Amount to be Paid by the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date Allis-Chalmers Rental of farm machinery: one $ 469 April 13, 1964 Manufacturing Co. tractor Massey-Ferguson, Inc. Rental of farm machinery: one 20 April 7, 1964 No. 6 wagon Total $ 489 Contract Changes Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Date National Aeronautics and Flow-mechanism and heat transfer $ 90 000 March 1, 1964 Space Administration in separated flows NsG13-S9 National Aeronautics and Underlying processes and tech- 101 860 December 1, 1963 Space Administration niques of low pressure measure- NsG376 ment State of Illinois Depart- Fisheries research 32 500 April 27, 1964 ment of Conservation United States Air Force Analysis of severe thunderstorms 5 99S April 23, 1964 AF19-(604)-4940 United States Air Force Basic physics of shock wave phe- 2 287 April 23, 1964 AF19(604)-7411 nomena United States Army Alloys of the transition elements 655 April 24, 1964 DA-11-022-ORD-1175 United States Army Electrochemistry of fused salts 349 April 23, 1964 DA-11-022-ORD-1987 United States Army Dislocations and point defects 807 April 23, 1964 DA-11-022-ORD-2691 United States Army Protection against corrosion 954 April 24, 1964 DA-11-022-ORD-3442 United States Army Dislocations and point defects 35 000 April 20, 1964 DA-31-124-ARO-D-65 United States Atomic Mechanism of radiation-induced ad- 11000 May 1, 1964 Energy Commission dition of tritium to carbon-carbon AF(ll-l)-890 double bonds United States Atomic Chemical reactions of energetic 21 028 April 15, 1964 Energy Commission atoms produced by nuclear recoil AT(11-1)-891 or by heterogeneous flash photolysis United States Atomic Pattern recognition and data han- 200 000 April 24, 1964 Energy Commission dling problems arising in the anal- AT(ll-l)-1018 ysis of bubble chamber photographs of high-energy particle events United States Atomic Studies of rainout of radioactivity 53 000 June 1. 1964 Energy Commission in Illinois AF(11-1)-1199 United States Atomic Physical, chemical, and biological 21 647 February 15, 1964 Energy Commission equilibria in natural waters AT(11-1)-1264 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1261 Amount to be Paid to the Effective With Whom Purpose University Dale United States Depart- Medical supervision, control, and ment of Health, Edu- coordination of clinical evaluation $ 7 535 April 14. 1964 cation, and Welfare PH43-62-467 studies in cancer chemotherapy United States Federal Factors that influence the duality 23 227 April 22, 1964 Housing Administration of site design of multi-family HA(....)fh-872 housing projects and investiga- tion of single-family housing United States Navy Fatigue studies on plain plate or 56 000 March 25, 1964 Nobs-88058 welded plate specimens United States Navy Nobsr-89229 Radiolocation directed toward system problems 200 102 May 4, 1964 Told S863 946 Adjustments Made in 1963-64 Cost-Pius Contracts With Whom Purpose Amount Date George S. Grimmett Twenty-one items: {305.86 deduct $ 2 833 April and May, & Co. to J825.O0 1964 (Plastering) Summary Amount to be paid to the University............. ....... $1 054 749 Amount to be paid by the University........ 3 322 This report was received for record. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee submits the following report: Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois June 1, 1964 On call of the Chairman, and pursuant to due notice, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the offices of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, Architects, 30 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois, on Monday, June 1, 1964, beginning at 4:00 p.m. The following, constituting all members of the Committee, were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Chairman, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mrs. Frances B. Watkins. Also present were, from the University: Mr. Earl M. Hughes of the Board of Trustees, President David D. Henry, Vice-President and Comptroller H. O. Farber, Mr. C. S. Havens, Director of the Physical Plant, Mr. James E. Osborn, Business Manager for the Chicago Colleges, Mr. J. Fred Knight, Purchasing Agent at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, Mr. James J. Costello, Legal Counsel, Mr. C. E. Flynn, Assistant to the President and Director of Public Information, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board and Clerk of the Committee; and from the firm of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill: Mr. Walter A. Netsch, Jr., Mr. Fred W. Kraft, and Mr. Ralph Youngren. The purpose of the meeting was to consider recommendations for the purchase of classroom and lecture room seating and tables for the buildings under construction at Chicago Circle. Mr. Farber and Mr. Havens made introductory statements concerning the bids taken on the classroom and lecture room furniture. A tabulation of the proposals received was distributed to the members of the Committee and a copy was filed with the Clerk of the Committee for the record. The bid proposals were on three groups of equipment: (A) classroom seating, (B) lecture room seating, and (C) lecture center tables. Mr. Netsch and Mr. Youngren presented the recommendations of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill and exhibited samples of all of the items of equipment on which bids were received. The Executive Committee acted separately on each group. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, the Committee voted to authorize the purchase of the classroom seating from the General Fireproofing Company, Youngstown, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois, at a total price of $91,357.48. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Committee voted to authorize the purchase of lecture room seating from Herman Miller, Inc., Zeeland, Michigan, and Chicago, Illinois, for a total price of $126,530.70. 1262 board of trustees [June 17 On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Committee voted to authorize the purchase of the continuous lecture center tables from Herman Miller, Inc., at a price of $7,680 These actions were taken by votes of record as follows: Aye, Mr. Clement! Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Watkins, no, none; absent, none. The Committee adjourned. Wayne A. Johnston Frances B. Watkins A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement, Chairman Clerk INVESTMENT REPORT Report of the Finance Committee (33) The Finance Committee reported the following changes in investments of endowment funds for the month of April, 1964: Cole Living Trust Sale $ 2 000 State of California 3 per cent 11/1/85 $ 1785 80 2 000 New York City 3.60 7/1/80 1946 00 2 000 Spokane S/D 81 3 1/1/85-72 1 796 80 Purchase $ 4 000 Federal Land Bank 4)i per cent 2/20/78-73 $ 3 955 00 110 shares Pacific Gas & Electric 6 per cent 1st Pfd 3 478 75 Dickerson Sale 276 rights American Telephone and Telegraph $ 575 80 Purchase 6 shares American Telephone and Telegraph comm. $ 600 00 Garner Sale 6/10 share Royal Dutch Petroleum (20-G) $ 25 20 Ceramic-Metal Reactions Sale 500 shares Avnet Electronics Corporation common $ 8 250 08 Pool Sale 1 right American Telephone and Telegraph $ 1 96 Purchase $ 8 000 U. S. Treasury bonds 4 per cent 2/15/80 $ 7 860 00 46 shares American Telephone and Telegraph comm. 4 600 00 Report of the Comptroller The Comptroller reports the following changes in investments of current and unexpended plant funds, over which he has authority as indicated: Current Funds Restricted Group (June 20, 1962) Purchase $ 300 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/30/64 $ 297 018 67 1 000 000 First National C/D* 9/29/64 1 000 000 00 100 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/30/64 98 284 42 500 000 Montgomery Ward Credit notes 10/15/64 489 881 94 1 000 000 First National C/D* 10/30/64 1 000 000 00 Construction Funds Assembly Hall G"ne 23, 1959, and March 17, 1962) Purchase $ 50 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/13/64 $ 49 424 75 Certificates of Deposit of the First National Bank of Chicago. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1263 Chicago --- Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963) Purchase $ 295 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/14/64 $ 294 208 66 306 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/18/64 304 155 84 Chicago---Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Auxiliary (December 16, 1953) Purchase j 125 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/23/64 $ 123 913 06 Graduate Housing (February 19, 1964) Purchase j 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 5/14/64 $ 199 297 00 215 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/18/64 213 512 20 220 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/15/64 217 870 40 220 000 U. S. Treasury bills 8/13/64 217 237 04 220 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/17/64 216 384 12 150 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/15/64 147 239 75 220 000 U. S. Treasury bills 10/31/64 215 367 29 200 000 U. S. Treasury bills 11/30/64 195 141 50 185 000 U. S. Treasury bills 12/31/64 179 918 05 175 000 U. S. Treasury bills 1/31/65 169 596 68 150 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/28/65 144 919 83 565 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 5/15/65 564 293 75 1 071 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 8/13/65 1 067 987 81 Illinois Street Residence Halls (October 17, 1962) Purchase $ 80 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/18/64 $ 79 539 82 Orchard Downs and SG-2 (June 14, 1960) Purchase $ 65 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/16/64 ? 64 437 75 Orchard Downs Addition (May 24, 1962) Purchase $ 53 000 U. S. Treasury bills 7/16/64 ? 52 541 55 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (June 21, 1961) Purchase } 58 000 U. S. Treasury bills 6/18/64 $ 57 669 37 Sinking Funds Chicago --- Congress Circle Union (June 19, 1963) Purchase ? 1 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/28/65 $ 968 21 Housing Revenue Bonds (December 17, 1958; June 23 and October 21, 1959; June 14, 1960; June 21, 1961; May 24 and October 17, 1962; and February 19, 1964) Purchase $ 74 000 U. S. Treasury bills 9/17/64 % 72 804 53 74 000 U. S. Treasury bills 2/28/65 72 520 59 72 000 U. S. Treasury notes 3% per cent 8/13/65 71 820 00 On motion of Mr. Williamson, this report was received for record, and the Committee's actions were confirmed. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING LABORATORY (35) With the approval of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, the former Metallurgy Laboratory adjacent to the Ceramics Building which has been assigned to the nuclear engineering program has been renamed Nuclear Engineering Laboratory and this matter is being reported for record. This report was received for record. NAMING OF RESIDENCE HALLS (36) The Housing Division recommends the following names for the Illinois Street Residence Halls and the Graduate Student Residence Halls on Green Street: 1264 boakd of trustees [June 17 Illinois Street Residence Halls, Women's Building --- Ruth A, Wardall Hail Ruth A. Wardall, 1877-1936; Professor and Head of the Department of Home Economics, 1921-36. Ruth A. Wardall was born July 28, 1877, at Tolono, Illinois. She was an Alumna of the University of Illinois, receiving the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in 1903 and Master of Arts (in Home Economics) in 1907. She served as Professor and Head of the Department of Home Economics at the University of Illinois from September, 1921, until April, 1936, when she resigned because of ill health She died in July, 1936, Prior to coming to Illinois, Miss Wardall had served as Head of the Departments of Home Economics at South Dakota State College, Ohio State University, and at the State University of Iowa. She achieved national recognition in her work as a teacher of home economics and as an administrator. She is especially remembered for her high ideals, her fine professional and personal character, and her loyalty to the University. Illinois Street Residence Halls, Men's Building --- Edgar Jerome Townsend Hall. Edgar Jerome Townsend, 1865-1955; Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics, 1905-29; Dean of the former College of Science, 1905-13. Edgar J. Townsend was born February 2, 1865, in Litchfield, Michigan. He graduated from Albion College with the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in 1890 and received the degree of Master of Philosophy from the University of Michigan in 1891. Nine years later he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Gottingen. Dr. Townsend joined the faculty of the University of Illinois as Assistant Professor of Mathematics in 1893. In 1895 he became an Associate Professor and Professor in 1905. He served as Head of the Department of Mathematics from 1905 until he retired in 1929. During the period 1905-13 he was also Dean of the former College of Science and at various times served for short periods as Acting President of the University during absences of President Edmund J. James. His life at Illinois started during the period when John Milton Gregory, the retired first Regent of the University, was still living and ended shortly before the present President of the University began his administration. Professor Townsend died July 8, 1955. Graduate Student Residence Halls ---Arthur Hill Daniels Hall. Arthur Hill Daniels, 1865-1940; Professor of Philosophy, 1899-1934; Dean of the Graduate School, 1919-33; Acting President, 1933-34. Arthur H. Daniels was born in East Medway (now Millis), Massachusetts, October 19, 1865. He graduated from Olivet College, Michigan in 1887 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts and received the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity from Yale University in 1890 and of Doctor of Philosophy from Clark University in 1893. He came to the University of Illinois in 1893 as an Instructor in Philosophy, became an Assistant Professor in 1895 and Professor in 1899. He was Head of the Department of Philosophy for many years. His other administrative duties included those of Acting Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for four different periods; Assistant Dean and Acting Dean of the Graduate School; and from 1921-1933 Dean of the Graduate School. He served as Acting President of the University for one year from July, 1933 and retired in 1934. He died in April, 1940, leaving a record of distinguished and dedicated service to the University of Illinois. The recommendations of the Housing Division are supported by the departments concerned, viz., Home Economics, Mathematics, and the Graduate College. As is customary, the Executive Committee of the University Council has also been consulted, and concurs. I recommend approval. Mr. Pogue reported that the Committee on Buildings and Grounds had reviewed these recommendations and supports them. On motion of Mr. Pogue, the recommendations were approved. NAMES OF BUILDINGS AT CHICAGO CIRCLE (37) The Vice-President for the Chicago Undergraduate Division and his Aca- 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1265 demic Advisory Committee recommend that buildings under construction at Chicago Circle be named as follows: Classroom Buildings --- Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Lorado Taft, Daniel Burnham, Jane Addams, Ulysses S. Grant, and Thomas Jefferson. Functional names are not feasible since these buildings all serve the same purpose. The names have been selected from a long list of statesmen and contributors to the arts and to social progress identified with the history of Illinois and of Chicago. Administration and Staff Building----University Hall Lecture Center --- Lecture Center Mini Union--- Mini Union Engineering and Science Laboratories --- Science and Engineering Laboratories I recommend approval. Mr. Pogue reported that the Committee on Buildings and Grounds had reviewed these recommendations and supports them. On motion of Mr. Swain, the recommendations were approved. MEMORIAL TO FRANCES MYERS BAUER Mr. Swain read the following and moved its adoption: Resolution Whereas, since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Fran Myers Bauer who has covered the meetings of the Board for her newspaper, The News-Gasette, has passed on; and Whereas, her record shows that she was a great friend of the University and a dedicated newspaper woman over many years and one who has ably reported our proceedings for approximately forty years; Now Therefore Be It Resolved in recognition of her contribution to our great University and her great interest in the University of Illinois, we, the Board of Trustees, hereby express our deep sorrow upon her passing as she will be greatly missed by all of us. This resolution was unanimously adopted. DEGREES CONFERRED IN JUNE. 19 64 The Secretary presented for record the following lists of degrees conferred on candidates at the Medical Center campus on June 11, 1964, and on the other dates indicated, and on candidates at the Urbana-Champaign campus on June 13, 1964, in accordance with the authorization of the Board of Trustees. Summary Honorary Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Fine Arts.................................................. 1 Doctor of Music..................................................... 1 Doctor of Science.................................................... 1 Total, Honorary Degrees........................................... (3) Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Philosophy................................................ 162 Doctor of Education.................................................. 20 Doctor of Musical Arts............................................... 1 Master of Arts....................................................... 146 Master of Science.................................................... 390 Master of Music..................................................... 10 Master of Education................................................. 107 Master of Social Work............................................... 44 Master of Fine Arts.................................................. 8 Master of Laws...................................................... 1 Master of Architecture............................................... 7 Master of Accounting Science......................................... 19 Master of Business Administration.................................... 17 1266 board of trustees [June 17 Master of Comparative Law.......................................... 1 Master of Extension Education....................................... 2 Advanced Certificate in Education..................................... 19 Advanced Certificate in Music Education.............................. 1 Total, Graduate College............................................. (955) Degrees in Law, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Laws.................................................... 59 Degrees in Veterinary Medicine, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science.................................................. 41 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine........................................ 39 Total, Veterinary Medicine......................................... (80) Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred at Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture............................ 211 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering........................... 365 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.................. 634 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences............... 316 Bachelor of Science, College of Education............................. 219 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration.. 289 Bachelor of Science, College of Journalism and Communications......... 69 Bachelor of Architecture, College of Fine and Applied Arts............. 62 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts................ 59 Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts................... 3 Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts.................. 30 Bachelor of Arts, College of Physical Education....................... 1 Bachelor of Science, College of Physical Education..................... 62 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees........................................(2,365) Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana.................................(3,462) Honorary Degrees, conferred at Chicago: Doctor of Arts....................................................... 1 Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Chicago: Doctor of Philosophy................................................. IS Master of Science.................................................... 38 Total, Graduate College............................................. (S3) Degrees in Dentistry, conferred at Chciago: Bachelor of Science.................................................. 50 Doctor of Dental Surgery............................................ 83 Total, Dentistry ................................................... (133) Degrees in Medicine, conferred at Chicago: Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy........................... 14 Doctor of Medicine................................................... 182 Total, Medicine ................................................... (196) Degrees in Nursing, conferred at Chicago: Bachelor of Science.................................................. 42 Degrees in Pharmacy, conferred at Chicago: Bachelor of Science.................................................. 48 Total, Degrees Conferred at Chicago................................ (473) Total, Urbana and Chicago.........................................(3,935) Degrees Conferred at Urbana HONORARY DEGREES Degree of Doctor of Music Marian Anderson, D.Mus., D.F.A. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1267 Degree of Doctor of Fine Arts Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, D.Eng., LL.D. Degree of Doctor of Science William Albert Noyes, Jr., D. es. Sc, Doctorat Honoris Causa, University of Paris; D.Sc. GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Accountancy Arthur David Karlin, B.S., New York University, 1961; M.S., 1962 In Agricultural Economics Darrel A. Nash, B.S., Colorado State University, 1958; M.S., Montana State College, 1960 In Agronomy Harry Lee Motto, B.S., Purdue University, 1957; M.S., 1959 Eugene Glen Siemer, B.S., M.S., Colorado State University, 1950, 1961 William Joel Starnes, B.S., Purdue University, 1958 Frank Duane Whisler, B.S., M.S., West Virginia University, 1957, 1958 In Animal Science Riemond Henry Rippel, Jr., B.S., M.S., Southern Illinois University, 1959, 1960 In Biophysics Daniel Rubinstein, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1960 Ronald Joseph Swallow, B.S., 1956 In Botany Margaret Kain Balbach, A.B., Emmanuel College, 1946; A.M., Radcliffe College, 1950 Donald Alvin Levin, B.S., M.S., 1960, 1962 Thomas Norwood Taylor, A.B., Miami University, 1960 In Business Shawki Hussien Abdallah, B.Com., M.Com., Cairo University, 1952, 1958 Sami Mohamed Abdella, B.Com., Cairo University, 1957; M.S., 1962 Nazir Ahmad Ansari, B.Com., M.Com., Banaras Hindu University, 1955, 1957 Jack Craig Routson, B.S., M.S., University of Colorado, 1947, 1948 Daniel Alan Wren, B.S., M.S., University of Missouri, 1954, 1960 In Ceramic Engineering James Frederick Benzel, B.Cer.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1957; M.S., 1963 Charles Krumbach Russell, B.S., M.S., 1951, 1953 In Chemical Engineering Richard Bert Aust, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1960; M.S., 1962 Leonard Selwyn Cohen, B.S., Tufts University, 1957; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959 Richard Larry Merson, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1960; M.S., 1962 In Chemistry Sonia Ruth Anderson, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1961 Gilbert Witten Burton, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1958 Shirley Shiao-ling Chen, B.S., National Taiwan University, I960; M.S., Ohio University, 1961 Melvin Lee Farmer, A.B., Harvard College, 1960 Willard Wayne Harrison, A.B., A.M., Southern Illinois University, 1958, 1960 Warren Wood Lanier, Jr., B.S., University of Georgia, 1959; M.S., 1961 1268 board of trustees [ June 17 Thomas Melville Latta, A.B., Princeton University, 1960; M.S., 1962 Brian Russ O'Connor, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960 Alan Newton Scott, B.Mus., A.B., Northwestern University, 1951, 1958; M S 1962 Allan Rudolph Stein, B.S., University of Alberta, 1960 Jacob John Uebel, A.B., Carthage College, 1959; M.S., 1961 Jack Alan Winstead, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1954; M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1959 In Civil Engineering Amos Atlas, B.S., Ingenieur, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1951, 1952-M.S., 1958 Ronald Eugene Bucknam, A.B., B.S., Tufts University, 1958, 1959; M.S., 1960 Jorge Isaac Bustamante, Civil Engineer, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 1956; M.S., 1957 Bernard Anthony Donnellan, B.E., University College (Dublin), 1955; MS University of Alberta, 1959 Stewart Willard Johnson, B.S., South Dakota State College, 1956; A.B., University of Maryland, 1961; M.S., 1962 Vangalampalayam Chellappagounder Kulandaiswamy, B.Eng., Andhra University, 1951; M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1956 Walter Parker Moore, Jr., A.B., B.S., Rice Institute, 1959, 1960; M.S., 1962 Sundaresa Ramaseshan, B.Eng., University of Madras, 1957; M.S., 1961 Dennis Henry Sapp, B.S., M.S., 1955, 1959 Donald Roy Sherman, B.S., M.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1957, 1960 In Communications Herbert Goodrich, B.S., City College of New York, 1948; A.M., Pennsylvania State University, 1950 Thomas Henry Guback, A.B., Rutgers, the State University, 1958; M.S., 1959 In Dairy Science Evan Earl Jones, B.S., Colorado State University, 1960; M.S., 1962 Frank Alwin Verley, B.S., University of Connecticut, 1959; M.S., 1960 In Economics George Franklin Currie, A.B., Wilberforce University, 1949; A.M., 1951 Warren Clayton Hall, Jr., B.S., A.M., University of Missouri, 1954, 1955 Arlyn James Larson, Ph.B., A.M., University of North Dakota, 1955, 1956 Eugene Albert Philipps, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1960 Larry Gene Sgontz, A.B., College of Wooster, 1958; A.M., 1961 Fa-Chun Shen, LL.B., National Wu-Han University, 1944; A.M., University of California (Los Angeles), 1951 Thomas Martin Stevenson, Jr., A.B., A.M., Southern Illinois University, 1956, 1959 In Education George Brabner, Jr., A.B., Yale University, 1948; M.S., 1953 Brian Stephen Crittenden, A.B., A.M., University of Sydney, I960, 1962 Kazutaka Furuhata, A.B., A.M., University of Tokyo, 1954, 1956 John Lincoln Ginther, B.Ed., University of Toledo, 1957; Ed.M., 1962 Gerald Lee Gutek, A.B., A.M., 1957, 1959 William Thomas Hale, A.B., Bates College, 1953; Ed.M., 1954 Sayed Ahmed Osman, A.B., Cairo University, 1952; M.S., 1961 Paul Liming Schwada, B.S., Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1938; Th.B., Olivet Nazarene College, 1941; A.M., University of Chicago, 1943 In Electrical Engineering Herbert Marvin Barnard, B.S., M.S., Texas A & M University, 1955, 1960 Kenneth Edward Batcher, B.S., Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 1957; M.S., 1962 Shih-mei Cheng, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1957; M.S., 1961 James Edward Degenford, B.S., M.S., 1960, 1961 Ralph Richard Hodges, Jr., B.S., M.S., 1955, 1957 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1269 Matthew Kabrisky, B.E.E., M.E.E., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1951, 1952 Robert Keith Likuski, B.S., University of Alberta, 1959; M.S., 1961 John Philip McClure, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 Hwa-sung Hsieh Na, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1958; M.S., 1961 James Richard Pace, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1960 John Matthew Schneider, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1960 Harry Alfred Shubert, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1958 Soe Myint Win, B.S., M.S., 1957, 1958 In English Ronald Eugene Buckalew, A.B., College of Wooster, 1957; A.M., 1959 Pauline Sue Drawver, A.B., A.M., University of Oklahoma, 1939, 1940 George Robert Guffey, B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1958; A.M., 1960 Helen Ellis Haworth, A.B., Rollins College, 1949; A.M., 1952 Mary Alice Heagarty, A.B., Seton Hill College, 1958; A.M., 1960 Robert Carl Johnson, A.B., Monmouth College, 1959; A.M., 1960 Ronald Conant Johnson, A.B., A.M., 1952, 1957 Margaret Clare Schlaeger, A.B., A.M., 1955, 1957 In Entomology ReiNHArt Albert Brust, B.S., M.S., University of Manitoba, 1959, 1960 Earl Alfred Stadelbacher, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1956 In Food Science Masanobu Janado, B.Agr., Miyazaki University, 1958; M.Agr., Kyoto University, 1960 Murray Jaye, B.S.A., University of Georgia, 1959; M.S., 1961 In Geography William Arthur Valentine Clark, A.B., A.M., University of Canterbury, 1960, 1961 James Robert McDonalp, A.B., Antioch College, 1955; A.M., 1956 In Geology Peter Alexander Carr, A.B., University of Toronto, 1959 Reginald Hugh Grice, A.B., A.M., University of Cambridge, 1949, 1954 Samuel Seh-shue Leung, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1957; M.S., 1960 William Allison Meneley, B.Eng., M.S., University of Saskatchewan, 1956, I960 James Herbert Shea, B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1958, 1960 In History David Roger Wrone, B.S., A.M., 1958, 1959 In Horticulture Nail H. Ozerol, Agr.Engr., Ankara University, 1956; M.S., 1960 In Library Science Mohamed Mohamed El-Hadi, A.B., Cairo University, 1957; M.S., 1960 Laurel Ann Gbotzinger, A.B., Carleton College, 1957; M.S., 1958 Jessie Carney Smith, B.S., Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina, 1950; A.M., Michigan State University, 1956; A.M., George Peabody College for Teachers, 1957 In Mathematics Edward Stuart Eby, B.S., M.S., 1956, 1957 Stanley Phillip Gudder, B.S., Washington University, 1958; M.S., 1960 Ann Harris Ihrig, A.B., A.M., 1960, 1960 Jingyal Pak, B.S., Kent State University, 1956; M.S., 1959 James Frederick Phelan, B.S.. United States Naval Academy, 1940; M.S., 1950 Lena Chang Pu, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1960 Allan Stanley Rehm, B.S., M.S., 1958, 1959 1270 board of trustees [June 17 Keith Aylwin Rowe, A.B., University of Toronto, 1953; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1956 Wilson Eugene Singletary, B.S., Black Hills Teachers College, 1952; M S Oklahoma State University, 1960 " ' In Mechanical Engineering Mehdi Nejad Bahadori, Diploma, Teheran University, 1956; M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1959 Daniel Gene Barbee, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1961 John Otto Becker, B.S., M.S., 1960, 1961 Chien Fan, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1954; M.S., 1958 Stephan Anthony Konz, B.S., M.B.A., University of Michigan, 1956, 1956; M.S., State University of Iowa, 1960 Juin Sheng Yu, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1957; M.S., Kansas State University, 1961 In Metallurgical Engineering John Arthur Ytterhus, B.S., M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1954, 1955 In Microbiology Peter Karl Holmes, A.B., Bowdoin College, 1956; A.M., Wesleyan University 1958 In Mining Engineering Robert Walter Heins, B.S., M.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1949, 1950 Giuseppe Enrico Ratti, Doctor in Mining Engineering, Polytechnical School of Turin, 1959 In Nuclear Engineering Robert Louis Hirsch, B.S., 1958; M.S.E., University of Michigan, 1959 In Physical Education Florence Patricia Cullen, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1945; A.M., State University of Iowa, 1954 Bruce Jack Noble, B.S., A.M., Michigan State University, 1956, 1957 John Talbot Powell, Diploma, Loughborough Training College, 1948; M.S., 1957 Karl George Stoedefalke, B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1952, 1956 In Physics David Charles Ailion, A.B., Oberlin College, 1956; M.S., 1958 Frank Andrew Franz, B.S., Lafayette College, 1959; M.S., 1961 David Walter Hafemeister, B.S., Northwestern University, 1957; M.S., 1960 Kay Keiji Kanazawa, B.S., University of California (Los Angeles), 1957; M.S., 1959 Herbert Wayne Kuehne, B.S., M.S., 1954, 1956 David Nieman Pipkorn, B.S.E., Princeton University, 1958; M.S., 1960 James David Simpson, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959; M.S., 1961 Nelson Stein, B.S., City College of New York, 1957; M.S., 1958 Wayne Earl Tefft, A.B., University of Kansas, 1956; M.S., 1958 Taek-Soon Yoon, B.S., M.S., Seoul National University, 1953, 1955; M.S., Southern Illinois University, 1956 In Physiology Edward Joseph DeVillez, B.S., Xavier University, 1959; M.S., University of Miami, 1961 Marshall Gene Elzinga, A.B., Hope College, 1960; M.S., 1963 In Plant Pathology David Serge Wysong, B.S., M.S., Colorado State University, 1959, 1961 In Political Science Alvin David Sokolow, B.S., A.M., 1956, 1958 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1271 In Psychology Thomas Joseph D'Zurilla, A.B., Lafayette College, 1960; A.M., 1962 j0hn Edward Hunter, B.S., University of New Mexico, 1961; A.M., 1963 Geraldine Joan Komosa Piorkowsh, B.S., A.M., 1958, 1961 Petes Hans Schonemann, Vordiplom, University of Munich, 1956; Hauptdiplom, University of Gottingen, 1959 John Henky Thompson, A.B., Fresno State College, 1960 In Sanitary Engineering Nilav Chaudhuri, B.Eng., University of Calcutta, 1953; M.Eng., Jadavpur University, 1961 Calvin Po Chuen Poon, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1958; M.S., University of Missouri, 1960 In Sociology Bruce Kent Eckland, B.S., A.M., 1957, 1960 In Spanish Marion Perry Holt, A.B., Wofford College, 1949; A.M., Vanderbilt University, 1950 In Speech Turner Wilson Edge, A.B., University of Delaware, 1955; A.M., Cornell University, 1957 George Albin Remington, A.B., A.M., 1946,1952 Haddon William Robinson, A.B., Bob Jones University, 1951; M.Th., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1955; A.M., Southern Methodist University, 1960 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics William Benjamin Bickford, B.S., M.S., Kansas State University, I960, 1961 Ronald Bert Carr, B.S., Oregon State University, 1960; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1963 Robert Millard Jones, B.S., M.S., 1960, 1961 John Algimantas Kasuba, B.S., Rutgers, the State University, 1960; M.S., 1961 Alphia Eugene Knapp, B.S., M.S., Kansas State University, 1951, 1961 Verne Louis Roberts, B.S., University of Kansas, 1960; M.S., 1961 George Earl Sliter, B.C.E., Manhattan College, 1960; M.S., 1962 George Takashi Taoka, B.S., Oregon State College, 1958; M.S., 1960 Dale Bruce Taulbee, B.S., M.S., Michigan State University, 1958, 1960 In Veterinary Medical Science James Edward Fitzgerald, B.S., D.V.M., M.S., 1953, 1955, 1962 Edwin Ivan Pilchard, D.V.M., Michigan State University, 1947; M.S., 1959 In Zoology Jacques Berger, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1955; M.S., 1958 Degree of Doctor of Education In Education Donald Wayne Buckley, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1946; Ed.M., 1953 David Franklin Byrne, B.S., M.S., 1948, 1949 James Dudley, A.B., M.S., Southern Illinois University, 1951, 1957 Robert L. Evans, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1950; M.S., 1951 Walter James Foley, B.Ed., Ed.M., Chicago Teachers College, 1957, 1961 Dale G. Hardman, B.S., Brigham Young University, 1943; A.M., University of Chicago, 1951 Robert Lee Jozwiak, B.S., Miami University, 1953; Ed.M., 1957 William Matthias, Jr., A.B., Eureka College, 1950; Ed.M., 1952 Carolyn Mae Neal, A.B., A.M., San Francisco State College, 1951, 1960 Robert Andrew Pringle, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1950; A.M., 1955 George Wesley Pruitt, B.S., University of Missouri, 1955; Ed.M., 1958 Michael Edward Sestak, B.S., M.S., Western Illinois University, 1952, 1953 Ronald William Simcox, A.B., Aurora College, 1956; Ed.M., Miami University, 1959 1272 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Arthur Robert Williamson, B.Ed., Keen Teachers College (New Hampshire1! 1951; A.M., Ball State Teachers College (Indiana), 19S7 ;' In Music Education Wayne Orion Aurand, A.B., State College of Iowa, 1948; M.Mus., University of Michigan, 1949 William Vernon Estes, A.B., George Pepperdine College, 1951; Ed.M., University of Missouri, 1957 Robert Francis King, Jr., B.S., Ohio State University, 1945; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music, 1950 Thomas Elbert Neice, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1950; M.S., 1958 Warren Henry Schuetz, B.S., M.S., 1948, 1949 Robert Clifford Smith, B.S., M.S., 1952, 1955 Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts William Hunter Heiles, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1958; M.Mus., 1961 Degree of Master of Arts In Anthropology Marguerite Marie Verley, A.B., 1959 In Art Education Sharon Lappin Lumsden, B.F.A., 1957 In Art History Virginia Ann Lambert Bodine, B.S., Bradley University, 1962 In Classics Henry Eugene Charles, A.B., 1960 Philip Clarence Dust, A.B., Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary, 1959; B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1961 In Economics Arthur Eugene Abrassart, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1963 Keith Herbert Johnson, B.S., 1963 Charles Randolph Williams, A.B., Southern University, 1961 In Education Daniel Charles Eierdam, A.B., 1959 Nuanpen Kosolsreth, A.B., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), 1954; Ed.M., College of Education (Bangkok), 1960 George William Krieger, A.B., City College of New York, 1961 Marqa Gerrib Webee, A.B., 1961 In English Leslie Edward Burns, A.B., University of Chicago, 1962 Viktors Geislers, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1962 Marie Christine Hennedy, B.S., St. John's University, 1962 Michael Andrew Hollington, A.B., University of Cambridge, 1963 Peter Leonhard Johnson, A.B., 1963 Albert David Law, Jr., A.B., Wayne State University, 1962 Linda Pritchard, A.B., University College of Wales, 1963 Gail Ann Thomas Reeve, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1961 Leon Francis Seltzer, A.B., Temple University, 1962 Sermchitr Sinhaseni, A.B., A.M., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), 1955, 1959 Naomi Suconick, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1963 Gerald Francis Tietz, B.S., 1960 Ruth Louise Widmann, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1963 In French Peter Richard Caldwell, A.B., Washburn University, 1961 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1273 Elizabeth Ann Crabtree, A.B., 1963 Judith Ann Diver, A.B., Purdue University, 1%2 David Lee Rubin, A.B., University of Tennessee, 1962 Andree Peixegrin Slack, A.B., 1963 Ann Lucinda Walbridge, A.B., Shimer College, 1962 Constance Kay Wolter, A.B., Lindenwood College, 1963 In Geography David Myron Tenky, A.B., 1962 In German Barbara Jane Bloomer, A.B., St. Olaf College, 1956 In History Victor Bahmet, A.B., 19S7 Judith Hewett Beisner, A.B., Millikin University, 1962 John Edward Bell, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1958 Nancy Lou Dawson, B.S., Kent State University, 1961 Richard Blake Elkod, A.B., Lincoln University (Missouri), 1963 Robert August Jungmann, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1958 Zabuloni Kabaza, A.B., Wheaton College, 1963 Thomas James Kral, A.B., Carleton College, 1963 My Chuong Phan, A.B., 1962 Thomas Burton Rainey, Jr., A.B., University of Florida, 1962 Ronald Deane Rietveld, A.B., Wheaton College (Illinois), 1959; B.D., Bethel Theological Seminary, 1962 Marlin Timothy Tucker, A.B., David Lipscomb College, 1963 Suchitra Vuthisathira, A.B., Clark University, 1962 Michael Winters Whalon, A.B., Bowdoin College, 1963 In Labor and Industrial Relations Yozo Dosho, A.B. in Law (Political Science), A.B. in Law (Public Law), University of Tokyo, 1955, 1957 Henry William Heunemann, A.B., Seton Hall University, 1958 Karl John Klein, A.B., Aurora College, 1962 Warren R. Nielsen, B.S., University of Utah, 1962 Herbert Theodore Rosby, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Stevens Point), 1961 Howard Joseph Runyan, Jr., A.B., Grinnell College, 1955 In Linguistics Mitzi Susan Gropper, A.B., Harpur College, 1962 Ronald Wayne Langacker, A.B., 1963 In Mathematics Finis Dudley Akin, B.S., Memphis State College, 1958 Joseph Austin Applebaum, A.B., Columbia University, 1963 Sharon Lee Brown, B.S., General Beadle State Teachers College, 1955 Sidney Clair Buffington, A.B., State College of Iowa, 1960 Charles Patrick Collier, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Stevens Point), 1959 Stanley Cotter, A.B., A.M., University of California (Berkeley), 1956, 1957 Richard Cutts, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Stevens Point), 1960 Francis Edwin Ekdahl, B.S., Northern Michigan College, 1960 Gus Lee Franklin III, B.S., Eastern Kentucky State College, 1959; M.S., Indiana University, 1960 Roy Evan Gahland, B.S., Millersville State College, 1953 Sandra Sisson Gossum, B.S., Murray State College, 1960 George Vincent Grimes, A.B., St. Joseph's College (Pennsylvania), 1955 Jean Hall, B.S., University of London, 1959 Marie Therese Hank, A.B., St. Mary's College (Indiana), 1962 Richard Roman Hartman, B.A.E., B.S., A.M., University of Minnesota, 1944, 1951, 1961 William Joseph Herber, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1958; M.S., University of Washington, 1959 1274 board of trustees [June 17 Robert Walter Jobes, B.S., University of Southern Mississippi, 1956 Charles Harlan Josephson, A.B., Augustana College (South Dakota), 1954 Zaven Albert Karian, A.B., American International College, 1962 Marvin William Karlin, B.S., University of Arizona, 1953; Ed.M., University of California (Los Angeles), 1955 Jonathan Elmer Knaupp, B.S., Oregon State University, 1960 Gerald Adrian Lehmann, B.S., M.A.T., Michigan State University, 1955, I960 John Frank Lucas, B.S., Wisconsin State College (Stevens Point), 1960 Ronald Dean Moehlis, A.B., State College of Iowa, 1959 Richard Fredrick Monnard, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1960 Steven Alford Moss, B.S., M.S., University of Utah, 1957, 1959 Cecil Paul Murray, B.S., Pennsylvania State College (California), 1960 Norman Neibuhr Nelson, B.S., Eastern Oregon College, 1959 James Park Paige, A.B., Hastings College, 1960 Harry Clarence Rosenberg, A.B., A.M., Colorado State College, 1956, 1957 Richard Lewis Rosenberg, A.B., Rutgers the State University, 1959 William George Roughead, Jr., B.S., M.S., Illinois State University at Normal 1958, 1958 Sheila Phyllis Ryan, B.S., Le Moyne College, 1960 Sister Mary Kristin Fellin, A.B., Mount St. Scholastica College, 1955 Sister M. St. Margaret Pumphret, A.B., Regis College, I960 Alton Loyd Smith, B.S., Middle Tennessee State College, 1958 Neal Richard Wagner, A.B., University of Kansas, 1962 Richard Charles Weimer, B.S., Pennsylvania State College (California), 1960 Hoyal Burnice West, A.B., Berry College, 1955; A.M., George Peabody College for Teachers, 1958 Jack William Wilkinson, B.S., Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1960 Owen Edward Wrzeszcz, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1960 Joseph George Wylder, Jr., B.S., Western Illinois University, 1959 In Philosophy Kuang Tm Fan, A.B., 1961 Keith Edward Halbasch, B.S., Northwestern University, 1962 In Political Science Richard Elliot Anderson, B.S., 1957 Yung Ho Park, A.B., Montana State University, 1960 In Psychology Richard Allen Avner, B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1961 Alfred Bruce Carlson, A.B., Vanderbilt University, 1960 Diran Dermen, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1960 William Joseph Higgs, A.B., University of Nebraska, 1960 Raymond Pierre Kesner, B.S., Wayne State University, 1962 Charles Henry Madsen, Jr., A.B., Brigham Young University, 1958 Robert Booth McCall, A.B., DePauw University, 1962 William Franklin McDonald, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1958 L. Michael Newman, B.S., Wayne State University, 1962 In Russian Tamara Persidski Kulikauskas, B.F.A., 1961 Peter Fowler Hopkins Priest, A.B., 1962 Laurence Raymond Richter, A.B., 1963 Anna Tymoszenko, A.B., 1961 Kenneth Bernell Wurzburger, A.B., 1962 In Social Sciences Patrick Edward Rea, B.S., 1963 Douglas Lloyd Schaefer, B.S., Northwestern University, 1963 In Sociology James Rogers Conrad, A.B., 1962 Bryan Sidney Green, A.B., University of Exeter, 1958 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1275 EfrOSINi Pergioudaki John, A.B., MacMurray College, 1957 Helen Constantine Lambrakis, A.B., 1958 In Spanish Vito Nicholas Benivegna, B.S.S., Fairfield University, 1957 Edward Eros Borsoi, B.S., University of Bridgeport, 1959 German Dario Carriixo Sarmiento, Licenciado, Universidad Pedagogica de Colombia, 1960 Modesto Mario Diaz Hernandez, A.B., Colby College, 1962 Alan Garfinxel, A.B., 1963 Milo Charles Pierce, A.B., Michigan State University, 1958 Ruth Mary Rogers, A.B., University of Kansas, 1962 Jane Urban Taylor, A.B., Northwestern University, 1962 Gail Jeanette Thorstenson, A.B., Monmouth College, 1962 Thomas Washington, Jr., A.B., 1961 Joan Marian Zonderman, A.B., Rutgers, the State University, 1962 In Speech George-Ann Adams, A.B., Denison University, 1962 Makgo Georgia Calamaras, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1962 Linpa Jean Evans, A.B., 1962 Harry Noel Gilbert, A.B., La Verne College, 1958 Richard Masato Kataoka, A.B., 1962 David Harry Kieserman, A.B., New Jersey State Teachers College (Montclair), 1958 Anthony Eric Lincoln, A.B., Carleton College, 1959 Joan Louise Safran, A.B., Barat College of the Sacred Heart, 1963 Sister Mary Lucille Collins, A.B., St. Xavier College, 1962 In the Teaching of English Lynn Vitek Baker, A.B., Lake Forest College, 1963 In the Teaching of Social Studies Howard Martin Bers, A.B., 1963 In the Teaching of Speech William Ross Atchison, B.S., Pennsylvania State College (Clarion), 1961 Rose Ann Lemak, A.B., Elmhurst College, 1961 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy Oscar Whitfield Broome, Jr., A.B., Duke University, 1962 Talaat Abdel-Rahman El-Shazly, B.Com., Cairo University, 1960 Shashana Herschler Schaar, B.S., Millikin University, 1961 Kenneth Ira Solomon, B.S., 1963 Volker Wittmann, Diploma, Technical University of Darmstadt, 1961 In Advertising Alan Donald Fletcher, A.B., University of Georgia, 1962 Rogelio Pasimio Olivares, A.B., Ateneo de Manila, 1959 Eleanor Madge Strickland, A.B., University of Georgia, 1963 Philip Harry Wenz, B.S., 1962 In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Fred Dan Fernandes, B.S., 1963 Ralph Barry Gilbert, B.S., 1962 Thomas James McDaniel, B.S., 1962 Curtis Franklyn Vail, B.S., 1962 William Veljovich, B.S., 1962 In Agricultural Economics Gottfried Ablasser, Diplotn-Ingenieur, University of Vienna, 1962 Carlos Vender-Droguett, Ingeniero Agronomo, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 1960 1276 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [JtUie 17 In Agricultural Engineering Douglas Bert Bauling, B.S. (Agricultural Science), B.S. (Agricultural Enei- neering), 1962, 1962 Douglas LeRoy Bosworth, B.S., Iowa State University, 1962 Roscoe Louis Pershing, ELS., Purdue University, 1962 In Agronomy Anthony Akinola Agboola, B.S., 1963 Edward James Dunphy, B.S., 1962 Ralph Jerome Edwards, B.S., 1955 Gerald Kidder, B.S., University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1961 Michael Anthony Kirkman, B.S., University of Nottingham, 1961 William Oliver McIlrath, B.S., 1959 Clyde Frank Smith, B.S., 1960 In Animal Science Richard Lee Huston, B.S., 1961 Ernest Durward Mayfield, Jr., B.S., Southwest Texas State College, 1961 Donald Lester Meyer, B.S., 1961 Virgil Marlowe Rosendale, B.S., 1957 Gerald Thomas Schelling, B.S., 1963 In Architectural Engineering David Glenn Champ, B.Arch., 1962 Stuart Kalman Jacobson, B.Arch, 1963 Richard Granville Laxen, B.Arch., 1963 James Edward Simon, B.Arch, 1963 In Biology Sandra Lou Bressler, B.S., Albright College, 1960 Frank Hill Hedges III, B.S., University of Miami, 1962 Sister Marion Johnson, A.B., St. Francis Xavier College for Women, 1960 Jerrold Howard Zar, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1962 In Biophysics William Robert Klesse, B.S., 1962 Howard Harrison Rothman, B.S., City College of New York, 1961 In Botany Kenneth Robert Dooley, B.S., Purdue University, 1961 Dale Brian Engquist, B.S., 1963 Judith Ann Reighasd, B.S., Otterbein College, 1962 Edward Spencer Wise, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1936 In Ceramic Engineering Charles Martin Aslaksen, B.S., 1963 Lawrence Lee Martin, B.S., 1963 Jerry Allen Mosbarger, B.S., 1963 William Howard Payne, B.S., 1963 Paul James Roeder, B.S., 1963 In Chemical Engineering Ronald Lee Clendenen, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1960 Richard Wallace Lynch, B.S., University of California (Berkeley), 1962 Matthew John Reilly, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1962 In Chemistry Herman David Axelrod, B.S., University of California (Los Angeles), 1963 Allan Clifford Buchholz, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1962 Fu-ming Chen, B.S., Tunghai University, 1960 Joseph Charles Deck, B.S., Duquesne University, 1960 Thomas Patrick Doherty, A.B., Municipal University of Omaha, 1962 Joe Douglas Druliner, B.S., University of Arizona, 1962 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1277 Robert William Green, B.S., University of California (Los Angeles), 1956 Ronald Ervin HackleRj B.S., Indiana University, 1962 Linda Lou Kranch, B.5., Elizabethtown College, 1962 Ronald Frederick Lambert, B.S., Columbia University, 1962 Harold Eugene LeMay, Jr., B.S., Pacific Lutheran College, 1962 Jane Yoshie Miyashiro, A.B., University of Hawaii, 19S8; A.M., Radcliffe J College, 1959 Bruce Malcolm Monroe, A.B., Wabash College, 1962 James Lee Moore, B.S., University of Washington, 1959 Richard Arthur Muesing, B.S., Mankato State College, 1960 Linda Hardy O'Connor, B.S., Bucknell University, 1961 Darryl Keith Reach, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1963 Marie Louise Robinson, A.B., Albion College, 1963 Carol Ann Rurak, B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1962 Donald Carl Thorstenson, A.B., Monmouth College, 1962 William Lochridge Wells, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1962 In City Planning Herbert Raymond Haar, Jr., B.S.C.E., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1949 Bir Bal Malik, B.Arch., Indian Institute of Technology, 1958 In Civil Engineering Gordon Francis Anderson B.S., University of Alberta, 1962 Don Paul Armstrong, B.S., 1963 Daniel George Barney, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1961 Joseph Anthony Beben, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1957 Charles DeForrest Bigelow, B.S., University of Texas, 1954 Jerry Dee Brand, B.S., 1963 Robert Leon Carter, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1963 Bernard John Casey, A.B., St. Joseph's College (Indiana), 1962; B.S., 1963 Owen Sinclair Cecil III, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1963 David Arthur Clarke, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958 Bruce Mitchell Cowan, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1961 Bo Fsanklyn Craddock, B.S, United States Military Academy, 1958 Le Trieu Dau, Engr. Diploma, French Naval Academy, 1957 David Clement Esch, B.S., Wisconsin State College and Institute of Technology, 1963 Mohammed Javad Eskandani, B.S., University of Tennessee, 1961 Delroy Jeftah Forbes, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1964 Jay Clifford Franz, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1959 Richard Holt Gates, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1960 John Charles Glennon, B.S., 1963 Wayne Thomas Gruen, B.S., A.B., 1963, 1963 Mohamed Fayik Abd El-Razzak Howeedy, B.C.E., Cairo University, 1959 Claude Henry Hurley, B.S., 1963 Youssef Khatoun, B.S., University of Texas, 1963 Orlando Arthur Krueger, B.S., 1951 John Young Lai, B.S., University of the Philippines, 1962 Dong Woo Lee, B.E., Chosun University, 1959 Yiu-Chung Li, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1963 Charles Robert Marek, B.S., 1963 James Edward McNeill, B.C.E., North Carolina College of the University of North Carolina, 1956 Richard Albert Miles, B.S., Utah State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, 1961 John Lewis Mooney, B.S., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1962 John Douglas Mullikin, B.S., Bradley University, 1962 Farhad Naghdi B.S., 1963 Robert LeRoy Nickerson, B.S., Bucknell University, 1958 Richard Eugene Norton, B.C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1960 Edward Spencer Perry, B.S.E., Princeton University, 1956 Richard Louis Plambeck, B.S., 1963 Quentin D. Quigley, B.S., Oklahoma State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, 1950 1278 board of trustees [ June 17 Colin Barry MacDonald Reed, A.B., University of Cambridge, 1963 Jack Herbert Rider, B.C.E., University of Delaware, 1962 John Lyndon Rosenblad, B.S., University of Texas, 1963 James Burse Royce, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1961 William Eugene Seltz, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1961 John Arthur Tremore, B.S., 1962 Emile William John Troup, B.S., Northeastern University, 1962 William Austin Welsh, Jr., B.S., Swarthmore College, 1961 Richard Roy Whitney, B.S., 1963 Robert Francis Zielinski, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1961 In Commercial Teaching Velma Grace Amling, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1958 Peggy Ann Engelhardt, B.S., MacMurray College, 1962 In Dairy Science William Allen Appelbaum, B.S., Cornell University, 1962 Samuel Robert Atai, B.S., 1963 Harold Leland Kincaid, B.S., 1962 Kunitake Koyama, B.S., Hokkaido University, 1959 In Dairy Technology N. R. Sundararajan, B.S., University of Madras, 1956 In Economics Abd Allah Abd El-Halim-Ahmed Abo-Baker, B.Com., Ain Shams University, 1960 Michael Aubrey Stevenson Blurton, B.Com., Sir George Williams University, 1962 Edwin Tremain Bradley, Jr., B.S., University of Rhode Island, 1962 Richard John Deering, B.S., Carroll College (Wisconsin), 1963 William Lynn Holmes, B.S., 1963 Phan Huy Kiem, B.S., 1962 Mabid Ali Mohamed Mahmoud, B.Com., Cairo University, 1960 John Blair McManus, B.S., Auburn University, 1961 Nicholas Michas, A.B., University of Alberta, 1963 Lanny Evan Streeter, A.B., Oberlin College, 1962 Melville Zacuta Wolfson, B.S., Louisiana State University (New Orleans), 1963 In Education Barbara Bisbee Clark, A.B., Rockford College, 1957 John Romney Pyper, A.B., Brigham Young University, 1961 In Electrical Engineering James Charles Ague, B.S., 1963 John Jerry Armstrong, B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1962 Robert Leigh Barnett, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1963; A.B., Oberlin College, 1963 Albert George Brejcha, B.S., 1963 Gary Sandy Brown, B.S., 1963 Yilmaz Can, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1962 Thomas Frederick Cecil, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1962 Arthur John Collmeyer, B.S., 1963 Thomas Francis Curran, B.S., I960 Frank Russell Denton, Jr., B.S., State University of New York College at Albany, 1955 Rodney Dwight Elmore, B.S., 1962 Gary Norman Fierstien, B.S., 1963 Dale Arthur Fogle, B.S., 1963 Thomas Edward Ford, B.S., 1963 Roderick George Fujaros, B.S., University of Alberta, 1963 William Jeffrey Greger, B.S., Lafayette College, 1963 Richard Elmer Herskind, B.S., Northeastern University, 1962 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1279 Kenneth Jablinskey, B.S., 1963 John Terence Jacobs, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1962 William Quentin Jeffers, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961 Charles Dean Johnson, A.B., College of St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, 1954; B.S., United States Air Force Institute of Technology, 1956 Tames Frank Kauffman, B.S., University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1960 William Floyd Keenan, B.S., 1963 Chong Sung Kim, B.S., 1963 Joseph Mackovjak, B.S., 1961 Edward Abraham Mark, B.S., 1963 John Edward Moroney, B.S., 1963 Owen Smoot Nibley, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1950; A.M., George Washington University, 1958 William James Parker, Jr., B.S., University of Maryland, 1963 Frederick Alexander Roberts, National Cert., Higher National Cert., Acton Technical College (London), 1948, 1955 Hollis Franklin Ryan, B.A.Sc, University of Toronto, 1962 Robert Allan Smith, B.S., University of Alberta, 1963 Carl Frederick Stubenrauch, B.S., 1962 Paul Glennon Weingand, B.S., 1963 Toshiyuki Yamada, B.S., University of Tokyo, 1961 In Entomology James Louis Krysan, A.B., Iowa State Teachers College, 1961 In Finance Marvin Arthur Hansen, B.S., 1960 William Frederick Landsea, B.S., 1961 Gordon Peter Wilson, A.B., 1963 In Food Science Anthony Joseph Cutaia, B.S., 1961 Moon Ja Kim, B.S., Seoul National University, 1958 Albert Joseph Lambert, B.S., Loyola University (Illinois), 1960 In Forestry Ronald Lee Russell, B.S., 1960 In Geology Peter Chapin Trescott, A.B., Williams College, 1962 In Health Education Arthur Jude Trybek, B.S., 1961 In Home Economics Leona Ann Kocher, B.S., 1962 Mary Anne Purdy Winstead, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1956 In Horticulture Roy Thomas Gregory Jenkinson, B.S., 1963 Arthur Dalrymple Leasure, B.S., 1957 Ralph Lawrence Snodsmith, B.S., 1963 In Journalism Jon Kurt Hahn, A.B., 1962 In Library Science Lois Wickham Beebe, B.S., State University of New York College at Geneseo, 19S7 Verna June Carter, B.S., Purdue University, 1962 Laura Alice Christopher, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1963 Donald Paul Chvatal, A.B., St. John's University (Minnesota), 1963 Margaret Rosalie Cuneo, A.B., Mills College, 1962 1280 board of trustees [June 17 Margaret Christy Danziger, B.Mus.Ed., College of Wooster, 1960 Rosetta Alice Daugherty, A.B., Southeast Missouri State College, 1963 Elayne Sooofakes Erickson, A.B., 1959 Cecil Phillippa Fray, Diploma, University College of Ireland, 1943; A.B., Un; versity of Dublin, 1951; D.V.P.H., University of Toronto, 1954 Shela Smith Fretwell, A.B., State University of Iowa, I960 Almeda Garn, A.B., Cornell College, 1961 Wilma Jean Geil, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1961 Carolyn Ruth Grundy, A.B., Grove City College, 1963 Ellen Joyce Herr, A.B., Sioux Falls College, 1963 Judith Anne Hickman, B.S., Purdue University, 1963 Amrit Lal Kapoor, A.B., A.M., Panjab University, 1951, 1953; Diploma, M.LS University of Delhi, 1955, 1960 Judith Frances Kuzel, A.B., Cardinal Stritch College, 1963 Donald Lee Lanier, B.S., Oklahoma Baptist University, 1961 Lee Harriet Lawrence, A.B., Indiana University, 1960 Anita Emma Liden, A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1963 Nancy Ru-woei Lin, B.Ed., Taiwan Normal University, 1960 Marie Ann Hermon Long, A.B., Kansas State University, 1961 Rose Mary Magrill, B.S., A.M., East Texas State College, 1960, 1961 Eileen Barbara McNamara, A.B., Bradley University, 1963 Helen Ledford Mitchell, A.B., University of Kansas City, 1963 Jesse Spiker Mullen, A.B., University of Missouri, 1963 Kenneth Leroy Nabors, A.B., Washington University, 1952; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1956 Brewster Porcella, A.B., Wheaton College, 1943; B.D., Faith Theological Seminary, 1950; A.M., Wheaton College, 1952 Marjorie Elliott Runge, A.B., Beloit College, 1960 Sandra Eppler Schield, A.B., Long Beach State College, 1963 Maria Svorenick, B.S., Indiana University, 1960 Margaret Lynn Thrasher, A.B., University of Kansas, 1961 Mary Frances Tunison, A.B., Blackburn College, 1963 Susan Finley Wikoff, A.B., 1963 William James Wiman, A.B., Loras College, 1959 Florence Ellie Wood, A.B., 1963 In Management Hamdy Fouad Aly, B.Com., Cairo University, 1960 Gabriel Medialdea Guinand, B.S., M.S., 1960, 1961 In Marketing Richard Rex Fisher, B.S., 1963 Joseph Fredrick Terranova, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1963 Burton Charles Usen, B.S., 1962 In Mathematics Jack Kirk Anderson, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962 Donald Frederick Behan, A.B., Cornell University, 1963 John Grant Bergman, B.S., 1962 Morris Jack DeLeon, A.B., University of California (Los Angeles), 1963 Vladimir Drobot, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1963 Clifford Meyer Gerstenhaber, B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1962 Philip Francis Gilbert, B.S., St. Joseph's College (Indiana), 1952; A.B., St. Charles Seminary, 1960 Arnold Dean Hammel, B.S., Central Michigan University, 1962 Martin Robert Hoffman, B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1963 Hing-Sum Hung, B.S., Stanford University, 1962 Charles Virgil Jones, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1963 Robert John Kubala, B.S., University of Chicago, 1962 Barbara Ann Kunze, B.S., Purdue University, 1963 Richard Lohmann Lunde, B.S., 1961 Maurice Lee Monahan, B.S., South Dakota State College, 1956 Michael Reeder Morrell, B.S., 1963 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1281 Alan Michael Norris, B.S., 1962 James Frank Presti, Jr., B.S., Wheaton College (Illinois), 1962 Julius Myron Rothschild, B.S., 1963 William Shelton Samuel, Jr., B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1938; B.D., Drew University, 1951 Robert George Staudte, Jr., A.B., B.S., Brown University, 1963, 1963 Thomas Anthony Tredon, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1963 Paul Michael Tyner, B.S., 1962 Renate Gompertz Watanabe, Licentiate, Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, 1952 In Mechanical Engineering Phillip Jerome Batchelor, B.M.E., Marquette University, 1962 William Zachery Black III, B.S., 1963 Burdette Leslie Boers, B.S., 1963 Eugene Francis Brown, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1963 Ward William Carson, B.S., Oregon State University, 1960 Stephen Colburn, B.S., 1963 William Frank Hahn, B.S., Valparaiso University, 1962 Gerald William Hartke, B.M.E., University of Dayton, 1962 Uffe Hindhede, M.S., Technical University of Denmark, 19S0 Robert Frank Hurt, B.S., 1963 Braj Bhushan Jain, B.S., Agra University, 1948; B.Eng., University of Roorkee, 1952 Glenn Willard Kahle, B.S., University of Missouri, 1956 Thomas George Leydon, A.B., University of Connecticut, 1953; B.S., 1964 Robert Leopold Pirman, B.S., 1961 Joel Slutzky, B.S. (Mechanical Engineering), B.S. (Electrical Engineering), 1962, 1962 Richard Dean Strunk, B.S., Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 1958 Milton Joseph Varous, B.S., 1955 Chi-hsiung Weng, B.S., Chinese Military Academy, 1960 In Metallurgical Engineering Frank Yale Fradin, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963 Ralph William Leonard, B.S., 1963 Robert Charles McAllister, B.S., Purdue University, 1959 In Microbiology Zarrine Jamshed Kerravala, B.S., M.S., University of Bombay, 1956, 1959 Grace Lih-Chuin Lee, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1960 Robert Stevens Long, B.S., 1961 Rebekah Kin Chao Wong Wu, A.B., Catawba College, 1961 In Music Education Duane Adair Bates, B.Mus., University of British Columbia, 1962 Donald William Feetty, B.S., 1962 Pauline Heinberg Gagliano, B.Mus.Ed., Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1961 Neal Myron Harris, B.Mus.Ed., Wisconsin State College (Stevens Point), 1963 Alford Jesse Holton, Jr., B.S., East Carolina College, 1963 Robert Stanley Kendrick, B.Mus.Ed., Murray State College, 1963 James D. Nelson, B.S., 1963 Ruth Marguerite Stoffel, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1963 William Arthur Wade, B.Mus.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1961 Tommy Howard Wardlow, B.S., 1962 Jeanine Hayes Zenge, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1961 In Nuclear Engineering Gerald Paul Beck, A.B., Southwestern College, 1943; M.S., 1948 Carl Louis Fies, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1963 Leslie Alford Horve, B.S., I960 Gary Edward Jones, B.S., 1962 1282 board of trustees [June 17 Marcus Lloyd Maklin, B.S., 1963 James Wyatt Peck, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958; M.S., 1963 In Physical Education Douglas Boelhouwer, B.S., Rutgers, the State University, 1959 Sherry Lynn Bovinet, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1961 Aghdass Farvar, Licence, Teachers Training; College (Iran), 1959 Gretchen Luella Gluesing, B.S., University of Dubuque, 1959 Melvtn Henry Gruensfelder, B.S., 1943 David Henry Mayhak, B.S., 1962 Nelles McKiee, A.B., University of Western Ontario, 1963 In Physics Arthur Roger Cooke, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962 Thomas Edward Fitzpatrick, B.S., Washington University, 1962 John Mills Foulk, A.B., Thiel College, 1962 Jay Richard Friedman, B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1962 Michael Louis George, A.B., University of California (Los Angeles), 1962 Francisco Alcides Germano, Electronics Engineer, Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (Brazil), 1960 Donald Urban Gubser, B.S., 1963 Pil Sun Han, B.S., Seoul National University, 1960 Dennis Paul Herzo, A.B., Rutgers, the State University, 1962 Gerald Eugene Hite, B.S., Case Institute of Technology, 1962 Jose Katz-Masson, B.S., 1963 Stephen Edwards Kiergan, A.B., Rice University, 1962 Sung Jin Kim, B.S., Korean Military Academy, 1955; A.B., Seoul National University, 1959 Marcus Lieberman, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1963 Terry Glenn Mahuron, B.S., Purdue University, 1963 Frederick Ira Mann, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1963 Lauren Richard Mather, B.S., Harvey Mudd College, 1963 Nasrallah Fares Nasrallah, B.S., American University of Beirut, 1961 Harold Claude Potter, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1963 George Herbert Needham Riddle, A.B., Princeton University, 1962 Charles Alva Rogers, A.B., Northwestern University, 1963 Bruce Michael Salvesen, A.B., Ripon College, 1962 Milo Arvid Schield, B.S., Iowa State University, 1962 David Eugene Stanfel, B.S., 1963 Ulrich Strom, B.S., Kansas State University, 1963 Gerald Edward Thiel, A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1963 Thomas Anthony Tumolillo, B.S., 1963 John Daniel West, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1962 Robert Hsiang-tao Yeh, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1960 In Physiology William Lewis Epperson, B.S., 1962 Peter Garrison Hanson, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1958 Janet Arlene Harris, B.S., Otterbein College, 1962 Kenneth James Kant, B.S., Ohio State University, 1958 Barry Richard Rifkin, B.S., Ohio State University, 1961 Joseph Henry Seurszewski, B.S., Duquesne University, 1962 In Plant Pathology Clinton Frederick Hodges, B.S., 1962 Donald Howard Scott, B.S., Purdue University, 1956 In Radio and Television Richard Garwood Battles, Jr., B.S., 1959 William Tarrant Dale, A.B., University of Minnesota, 1956 Francis Patrick O'Connor, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1950 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1283 In Recreation Edgar Leslie Barth, A.B., William Jewell College, 1958 John Allen Carroll, B.S., University of Arizona, 1959 Lawrence Willard Gahan, B.S., 1960 Samuel Eugene Hill, B.S., 1959 Lloyd James Paulson, B.S., Wisconsin State College (La Crosse), 1956 William Francis Robins, B.Mus.Ed., Murray State College, 1955 Lucile Nitsche Taylor, B.S., Purdue University, 1947 James Lynn Walker, B.S., 1963 Penelope Jane Wheeler, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1963 In Sanitary Engineering Kalyanpur Yeshavantha Baliga, B.Eng., University of Madras, 1958 Chu-Chuan Hsu, B.S., Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1959 In Speech Correction Jane Oyster Goebel, B.S., Ohio State University, 1958 Donald Robert Grewell, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1961 Jack Lester Rudio, A.B., Montana State University, 1962 In Statistics Toon Quee Wong, B.S., Nanyang University, 1961 Kim Yew Yap, B.S., Nanyang University, 1961 In the Teaching of Biological Sciences and General Science Robert Lloyd Arteman, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1961 Margaret Hind Jensen, B.S., 1961 Wayne Eugene Mathis, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1960 Robert William Rakitan, B.S., 1961 Carl James Scafidi, B.S., 1963 William Dale Unverferth, B.S., 1961 Catherine Sue Wineland, B.S., 1963 In the Teaching of Mathematics Kenneth Robert Conklin, B.S., 1962 Fred O. Flener, B.S., 1963 Paul Edward Halac, B.S., 1963 Claude Richard Kramer, B.S., 1963 Beverley Evan Mochel, A.B., Cornell University, 1962 Quentin Eugene Nosem, B.S., 1940 Betty Lee Withers, A.B., 1963 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Ronald Ernest Hudson, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958; M.S., 1963 George Rogers Robertson, B.S., United States Military Academy, 1958; M.S., 1963 Robert Edward Rowlands, B.A.Sc, University of British Columbia, 1957 Richard Allen Wenglarz, B.S., 1963 Jack Cleveland Wiley, B.S., Purdue University, 1962 In Veterinary Medical Science William Frank Schroeder, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1944; D.V.M., Iowa State University, 1949 Richard Franklin Wallin, B.S., D.V.M., 1961, 1963 Guang-Tsan Wang, B.S., National Taiwan University, 1958 In Zoology Victor Buka Eichler, B.S., 1963 Claudine Fern Lowder Long, B.S., Kansas State College (Pittsburg), 1960 Sharon Chalfant McDonald, B.S., 1961 Degree of Master of Music David Eiseman, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1963 1284 boakd of trustees [June 17 Fu-Ting Kiang, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1962 Charles Edmund Koch, Jr., B.Mus., University of Houston, 1962 Jeremy Lustig, B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1963 Rudolph Ronald Matas, B.Mus., 1963 Michael Richakd Rogers, B.Mus., 1963 Larry Joseph Solomon, A.B., Allegheny College, 1962 Karin Anna Swanson, A.B., University of Minnesota, 1961 Loren Charles Tice, B.Mus., College of Emporia, 1961 Laurine Rosetta Zautner, B.Mus., Lawrence College, 1962 Degree of Master of Education Harold Wickliffe Adkins, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1950 Mary Lou Doyle Allison, B.S., 1959 Earl La Verne Anderson, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1960 Mildred Bangert Angelo, B.S., 1961 Eileen Jones Bapst, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1950 Joan Marks Bartholomew, B.S., North Dakota State University, 1954 Thomas Anthony Beattie, B.S., Cornell University, 1950 John Howard Beaty, B.S., 1957 Donald Ames Bender, B.S., 1961 Max White Brantner, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1952 Kenneth Lee Brynjolfsson, A.B., 1961 Mary Alice Hargrave Bundy, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1952 Roger Kent Bushdiecker, B.S., 1961 Harriett Mitchell Campbell, A.B., Central College, 1930 Alan Remington Carlson, A.B., 1962 Helen Grubb Carpenter, B.S., 1956 Cynthia Lisann Cohenour, B.S., 1963 Carol Ann Coin, A.B., Augustana College (Illinois), 1951 William Robert Cole, B.S., 1963 Georgia Pasek Cook, A.B., Eastern New Mexico University, 1959 Harvin Andre Cook, B.S., 1958 Frances Gertrude Corrigan, A,B., College of St. Francis, 1951 Daren Lee Cox, B.S., 1957 Betty Cauthorn Crist, B.S., Northwestern University, 1943 Jeanne Marie Dent, A.B., Mount St. Agnes College, 1963 Harry Robert Elkins, B.S., 1962 Thelma Specht Elkins, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1950 Dorothy Eileen Smith Ernst, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1951 Glyneece Wilminia Eustace, A.B., Stowe Teachers College, 1948 Dorothy Long Evans, B.S., Winston-Salem Teachers College, 1949 Dale Homer Flach, B.S., 1959 Barbara Bolt Fletcher, B.S., Miami University, 1956 Dannie Elmer Franklin, A.B., Harris Teachers College, 1959 Charles Richard Frederick, A.B., B.Th., B.S., Goshen College, 1951, 1952, 1953 Marilyn Carol Frederick, B.S., 1962 Howard Garver, B.S., 1961 Frances Marguerite Golding, A.B., Beloit College, 1955 Raymond James Gornik, B.S., Lewis College of Science and Technology, 1953 Donald Robert Graham, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1959 Russell Thomas Hainline, B.S., 1963 Homer Johns Halverson, B.S., Wisconsin State College and Institute of Technology, 1956 Denver Wilbert Haney, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1947 Ruth Laraine Harris, A.B., Greenville College, 1963 Howard Ervin Hartke, B.S., Bradley University, 1955 Andrew John Hauptman, B.S., 1958 Sally Langhaar Havens, B.S., 1960 Norma Klinedinst Haworth, B.S., Ball State Teachers College, 1959 Darrell Gene Helm, B.S., Millikin University, 1962 Judith Ferne Lane Hess, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1962 Ronald Fay Holler, B.S., Millikin University, 1961 Daniel Helge Holmes, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1961 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1285 Carol Aileen Ivy, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 Patricia Ann Janssens, A.B., Marycrest College, 1957 William Donald Johnson, B.S., Bradley University, 1962 Paul Wilson Jordan, B.S., Murray State College, 1955 Joan Mortensen Josephson, A.B., Augustana College (South Dakota), 1954 John Bernard Joyce, B.S., 1963 Kinney Kaaumoana Kama, Jr., A.B., Miami University, 1957 Ann Kenward, A.B., 1960 Mel Robert Kieltyka, B.S., St. Bonaventure University, 1958 Shirley Quiring Knaupp, B.S., Oregon State University, 1960 Myrna Mae Bartelson Knilans, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1959 Marjorie Gallanter Kopel, A.B., Barnard College, 1956 Peggy Johnson Lippert, A.B., University of Oklahoma, 1957 Elizabeth Hwai-Ying Liu, B.S., National Szechwan University, 1948; B.S.N., College of Mount St. Joseph on the Ohio, 1954 Hilda Livengood Llewellyn, B.S., 1940 Raymond Orland Maddox, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1961 Clara Bow McGowan Martens, B.S., University of Texas, 1951 Carol Naomi Matsunaka, B.Ed., University of Hawaii, 1962 Carol Ann McCaffrey, A.B., University of Portland, 1963 Martha Sandusky Merritt, B.S., 1962 Gwen Campbell Molenaar, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 Lezlie Ann Morgan, B.S., 1961 Sharon Ann Morton, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1960 Eden Nicholas, B.Mus., 1943; B.D., Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1951 Richard Lee Nimz, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1962 Cynthia Nowak, B.S., Northwestern University, 1963 Sharyn West Paige, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1960 Harold Dean Pierce, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1960 Wayne Raynor Pillen, B.S., 1959 Roger Floyd Pohlman, B.S., Iowa State University, 1959 Thomas Francis Powers, B.S., Northwestern University, 1952 Evelyn Rasmussen Reeder, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1955 Wilbur Cornelius Rich, B.S., Tuskegee Institute, 1960 Karol Lundie Schulte, A.B., Michigan State University, 1961 Ferrel Roy Seaman, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1955 Rossie Jerrald Shive, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1958 Irene Gullan Slottow, B.S., Maryland State Teachers College (Towson), 1944 Mary Joy Stoeckl, B.S., 1961 Joe Dewey Stutsman, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1956 Marjorie Ann Sullins, B.S., 1963 Warren Noboru Suzuki, B.S., 1963 Sally Ann Swanson, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1959 Su Ann Johnston Thomas, B.S., 1961 Clarence Reed Tipton, Jr., B.S., 1957 Marilyn Zeiter Tucker, B.S., 1960 John Carver Turner, B.S. (Agriculture), B.S. (Dairy Technology), 1955, 1959 Mildred Thurston Turner, B.S., Franklin College of Indiana, 1957 Mary Emily Van Houtte, B.S., Western Illinois University, 1959 Virginia Ragar Waggener, B.S., Culver-Stockton College, 1959 Raymond Eugene Whitehead, B.Mus., DePaul University, 1958 Bennye Lucille Morris Wilder, B.S., Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1954 Louise Elaine Windmueller, A.B., Northern Illinois University, 1962 Nancy Ruether Wirtz, B.S., State University of New York College for Teachers (Albany), 1961 LoAnne Lillian Worth, B.S., 1961 Ruth Ann Helms Wurzburger, B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1959 Verniece Sylvester Yeazel, B.S., 1959 Degree of Master of Social Work Arthur Melvtn Afremow, A.B., 1955 1286 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Mola Charlotte Alphonse, A.B., Roosevelt University, 19S8 Mary Roberts Bailey, A.B., Johnson C. Smith University, 1962 Roger Ivan Bender, B.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1962 Marie Larson Brooker, B.S., Eastern Michigan University, 1957 Jon Alfred Chapman, A.B., Michigan State University, 1962 Thomas Albert Colbert, A.B., Millikin University, 1958 Lillian Belle Coy, A.B., University of California (Berkeley), 1937; A.M., San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1942 Nancy Wagner DeLap, A.B., Carroll College (Wisconsin), 1961 Manuel Desnet, B.S., George Williams College, 1950 Donald Eugene Dowe, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1961 Joel Fischer, A.B., 1961 Marilyn Jacobs Flynn, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1960 Dorothy Riddell Green, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1948 Betty Kostial Gutstadt, A.B., 1951 Sandra Beverly Habush, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1961 Carol Schmalz Hembrough, A.B., 1960 David Joy Herrell, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1958 Carroll Eugene Hughes, A.B., Westmar College, 1955; B.D., Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1958 Mary Jean Janszyn, Ph.B., Loyola University (Illinois), 1942 Judith Ann Johnson, A.B., Beloit College, 1962 Adele Mae Kaufman, A.B., Michigan State University, 1962 Edward Phillip Kaufman, A.B., 1962 Carolyn Fern Litwiller, A.B., Goshen College, 1961 Eugene Edward Love, A.B., Dillard University, 1962 James Henry Mackey, B.S., Florida Normal and Industrial Memorial College 1950 Troy Anthony Mayr, B.S., 1962 Donald Joseph Mockenhaupt, A.B., College of St. Thomas, 1962 Beverly Koehler Ohren, B.S., 1957 Donald Alexander Paton, B.S., Bradley University, 1952 William Quinn Patton, B.S., University of Minnesota, 1961 Karl Pemper, B.S., 1958 Diane Christa Pershing, A.B., 1962 Sheila Catherine Platt, B.S., 1961 Ann Palmer Priori, B.S., Loyola University (Illinois), 1961 Katrina Schuyler Reiseerg, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1957 David Lloyd Sexton, B.S., George Williams College, 1962 Olympia Dyer Spurling, A.B., 1962 Barbara Lou Miller Stone, B.S., Northwestern University, 1949 Madeline Jeanne Traastad, A.B., St. Olaf College, 1962 Edith Balceris Vanagunas, B.S., 1961 Eugene Robert Williams, A.B., Millikin University, 1961 Nathalie Silberstein Winkler, A.B., Goucher College, 1942 Clora Dumas Young, A.B., Oakwood College, 1949 Degree of Master of Fine Arts In Landscape Architecture Donald Joseph Molnar, B.F.A., 1960 In Painting and Printmaking Alta Wheat Alberga, A.B., A.M., University of Wichita, 1953, 1954; B.F.A., Washington University, 1961 Betty Jane Donaghe, B.F.A., University of Texas, 1961 James Emil Fagan, B.F.A., Bradley University, 1962 Gary Dennis Hagen, B.F.A., 1962 Kenneth Warren Lillquist, B.F.A., 1962 Anja Kuoppala Schrag, B.F.A., 1959 John George Wisnosky, B.F.A., 1962 Degree of Master of Laws Surya Prakash Sinha, B.Com., University of Poona, 1956; LL.B., University of Bombay, 1958; M.S., University of Arizona, 1962 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1287 Degree of Master of Architecture Richard Thomas Banks, B.S., 1962 Walter Edwin Bliss, B.Arch., 1963 Wichit Charernbhak, B.Arch., Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), 1959 Thomas Shigeru Katsuyoshi, B.Arch., 1963 Louis Joseph Narcisi, B.Arch., 1961 Ernest Otto Porps, B.Arch., 1961 Awb Wahba Wahby, B.Arch., Cairo University, 1956 Degree of Master of Accounting Science Paul Raymond Anderson, B.S., 1963 Douglas Roy Caemichael, B.S., 1963 Ching-Lan Chu, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1962 Paul Edward Duckworth, B.S., 1963 Stephen Kent Emery, A.B., Baker University, 1963 Andrew Amil Habied, A.B., Hastings College, 1962 Ralph Arthur Hoffman, B.S., 1963 William Bright Johnson, B.S., 1963 Richard Lee Keyser, B.S., 1963 Don Galen Lockhart, B.S., 1963 Thomas Joseph Loobey, A.B., Washington University, 1962 Oren Bernard Meyer, B.S., Northwestern University, 1962 James Warren Pellot, B.S., Miami University, 1963 Kenneth Spencer Smith, B.S., University of Oregon, 1963 Vernon Keith Smith, B.S., West Virginia Wesleyan College, 1963 Michael Hanes Weatherbee, A.B., University of Dubuque, 1960 Gary Elbert White, B.S., University of Colorado, 1963 Thomas Dennis White, B.S., 1963 Ronald John Witek, B.S., 1963 Degree of Master of Business Administration Jerry Anton Bilek, Jr., B.S., 1962 Peter Clough Bulkeley, B.S., 1962 Edward Joseph Cannon, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1959 Michael Richard Cervantes, B.S., 1962 Priscilla Shui-Fung Chow, A.B., National Taiwan University, 1962 Robert Louis Gendry, B.S., Millikin University, 1962 Elwyn Frank Henning, B.S., 1962 Ralph Theodore Hocking, B.S., 1962 Kenneth Kay Kauffman, A.B., College of Wooster, 1962 Charles Taylor Kerchner, B.S., 1962 Richard Edward Koler, B.S., 1962 Teerence William Kucharski, B.S., Loyola University (Illinois), 1961 Ralph Elmer Lindemann, Jr., B.S., 1962 Frederick Theodore Melberg, Jr., B.S., 1962 Michael Edward O'Laughlin, B.S., 1962 Howard T. Peat, B.S., Howard College, 19S7 Frederick John Reynolds III, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1961 Degree of Master of Comparative Law Mehmet Erdal Karataylioglu, Licence, University of Istanbul, 1962 Degree of Master of Extension Education Glenn Irwin Ash, B.S., 1951 Robert Walter Frank, B.S., 1959 Advanced Certificate In Education MAriNA Esther Axeen, B.S., St. Cloud State Teachers College, 1945; B.S. (Library Science), M.S., University of Minnesota, 1949, 1953 1288 board of trustees [June 17 Marolyn Genevieve Banner, B.S., M.S., 1948, 1953 Dennis Ellsworth Bapst, A.B., North Central College, 1938; A.M., Colorado State College, 1949 Joe L. Cain, B.S., Jackson State College, 1951; M.S., Indiana University, 1958 Meevin Louis Cronbaugh, A.B., Simpson College, 1959; M.S., Western Illinois University, 1963 Edward Anthony Crum, B.S., Ed.M., 1933, 1963 Jack Howard Cutler, A.B., Ed.M., I960, 1961 Delbert Dale Foust, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1955; B.D., Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1956; Ed.M., 1959 Floyd Robert Haff, Jr., B.S., M.S., Cornell University, 1959, 1961 Charles Joseph Hamed, Jr., B.S., 1953; M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1957 Kenneth Allen Holmes, B.S., Purdue University, 1951; M.S., Indiana State College, 1961 Gordon Clyde Hopper, B.S., M.S., Western Illinois University, 1954, 1955 Henry Anthony Hornbeck, Jr., A.B., Loras College, 1959; Ed.M., 1962 Harold Ralph Hungerford, B.S., M.S., Illinois State University at Normal, 1949 1953 Edward Garfield Johnson, Jr., B.S., A.M., Ball State Teachers College, 1947 1952 Charles Duane Patton, B.S., Colorado State University, 1953; Ed.M., Montana State College, 1961 Dominick Daniel Pellegreno, B.Mus., A.M., University of Michigan, 1958, 1959 Marion Eliza Sligar, B.Ed., Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers College, 1945; M.S., Millikin University, 1953 Hiram Williams, A.B., Arkansas Agricultural, Mechanical, and Normal College 1957; Ed.M., 1961 In Music Education James Clarence Mundy, B.S., M.S., Indiana State College, 1959, 1963 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Agriculture Thomas Clayton Ainsworth, Honors Eldon Wayne Askew James Linden Beckhart Daniel William Bock Darwin Lester Bohnenstiehl John Stevens Bolen, Honors Robert Perry Bosshart Bernard Miller Brakenhoff Virginia Lee Brown Maurice Henry Brucker Delmar Darwin Builta Robert Ellsworth Coombe Harold Ronald Cornwell Ronald Eugene Cornwell Robert Jerold Curry Gary Stover Dameron, Honors Robert Allen Daniel Aubrey Dean Decker Gary Lee Doolen John Stephen Drew Robert Lynn Drieslein John William Duis William Ray Edwards John Stewart Ellison Gary Martin Ellsworth John Albert Ensor Sheldon Wayne Farwell Larry William Ferguson Richard Donald Flynn Robert Volentine Fuhr Bruce Lynn Gardner, High Honors James Andrew Gardner Byron Richard Geissler Clement Eugene Gill John Russell Gordon, Honors Virgil Byron Gregg Earl George Gudeman George Anthony Barton Hall, Honors Horst Paul Hamann Robert Raymond Harris Jimmie D. Harrold Wayne Allen Hayenga, Honors Carl Joseph Heinisch Stanley Dean Heitz Daniel Edwin Hembrough Thomas Paul Henderson Russell LeRoy Higgins Douglas Allen Holler Albert Ray Hornbrook Earl Mulford Hughes, Jr., Honors George Patrick Huston Larry Marvin Irion Donald Ralph Jenkins Richard William King James Michael Kin sell a 1964] university ' William Frank Kirk George Frederick Kreider Eugene Allen Kroupa Donnie George Jacob Kunz Carlotta Kussel John Edward Lebeck Eugene Dale Leman Howard Timothy Lemons Rodney Kent Lindgren Roland Kay Littlewood, High Honors Robert Louis Lowe Fred Franklin Manhart Denzil Victor Marten Frank Merlyn McCully Leon Richard Miller Roger Douglas Montgomery Raymond Joseph Morman Lawrence Dean Muller Gerald Melvin Nolte, High Honors Stephen Dale Ortman Charles Wayne Overbey Joseph Warren Peek Donald La Verne Peterson Donald Edward Pritchard Gerald Eugene Raistrick Milan Alvin Rewerts Joseph Jacob Reznicek 5f illinois 1289 Ray Eugene Ropp Randall Howard Ross Vilas Eugene Scanlan Erman Edward Schairer Clifford Wayne Scherer David John Schingoethe Wilson Edward Schmisseur Donald Wayne Schreiber Walter Lester Schuttler Larry Snyder James Lee Stephens Gale Wayne Sunderland Donald Lee Tendick James Allen Thomas Gerald Arthur Townsend James Kenneth Trotter Weldon Carl Vierling Stanley Paul Vincent Daniel Theodore Walker Vebnon Lee Watt Harold Ward Watters James Roy Welcome Robert Francis Wheeler Max Brooks Whitney John David Wilken Harry Lewis Woods Kenneth Clarence Wrede, Honors In Dairy Technology Marvin Lynn Alwes Michael Floyd Campbell samuel e.ugene kossi Daniel Raymond Zehr In Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture K.ENNETH rENWtLL DAUMANM John William Beecher Bruce Lawrence Johnson Roy Glenville Klehm Donald Allen Neff Thomas Edmund Spaulding Robert Elwood Stadin Jeffrey Alan Wandell John Jerome Weixman In Food Science Daniel Leonard Fleischman Iraj Shayani In Forestry Paul Dean Chamberlain William Wright Cowen John William Dale David Roger Darr Lorin Daniel Edlund Richard Forrest Fisher, Jr. Martin Ernest Grose Joseph Edward Gummerson, Js. James Douglas Harper Donald Francis Holecek Ralph Ernest Monteen Richard Arthur Pozniak Ronald Michael Rockis Thomas Woodrow Root Richard Lee Smith Marlyn Lynn Trummel Robin William Turba Bruce Reynold ZumBahlen In Home Economics Barbara Louise Ahrling Theodora Andros Antalis Sandra June Bennett Nancy Ellen Blackmore Marjorie Himstedt Blunter Stephanie Kay Borleff Judith Ann Brown Lucinda Jean Butler Patricia Ann Clickener, Honors Marguerite Ellen Collier, Honors Laura Catherine DeWall Jean Ann Dunphy, Honors Joan Patricia Etnyre Sally Johnson Gehlbach, High Honors Judith Anne Green Janet Ella Holderman Carole Yvonne Holmes 1290 BOARD C Barbara Lou Howard Patricia Peters Jent Kathryn Ann Johnson Joanne Victoria Kay Catherine Eulalia Kerley, High Honors Linda Ann Kintzel Marlene Victoria Kolak Mary Claire Kratt Nancy Karen Lindberg Deanna Lipp Suzanne Elizabeth McWhinney Janet Earlene Merrifield Jane Rachel Moore Ann Baker Nemec Constance Maria O'Donnell Unity Ann Pettinga, High Honors Carolyn Louise Quade Shelley Anne Raudabaugh Phyllis Ruth Regnier Carole Sue Riddle Karen Joyce Rife Nancy Carol Safarcyk Merrily Ann Schade Mary Geraldine Sheay Ruth Lee Spaeth, High Honors Margaret Temple Taylor Gael Thomson Marlyn Diane Vales Sharon Joanne Vliet Connie Diane Von Behren Brenda Carrie Widman In Home Economics Education Loretta Louise Anderson Nancy Lager Ancerer Barbara Gwynn Baird, High Honors Sharon Ann Egan Sandra Lee Ervin, High Honors Carol Leone Fahnstrom, Honors Beth Vivian Hull Linda Essie McKown Susan Kay Munson Brenda Joyce Payne Barbara Lee Peterson Connie Buhrmester Peterson, Honors Judith Terrill Raleigh Ruthann Robinson Carolyn Kay Schrof Patricia Marie Sluga Nannette Carol Smith Joan Fsedrickson Tabor Susan Louise Wilken Elaine Margaret Wilms In Horticultural Food Crops John Maxwell Cruttenden COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Barclay Hudson Boirun William Bramblett Cotton, High Honors David Eskew Craig Howard Hanke Croxen Ronald Gene Custer James Richard Eyman Joel William Frenk Harlan Alfred Hannah Arthur David Jones Benjamin Eugene Kaminski Roy William Kessmann Peter Tsan-Chung Leung Ronald Alan Mays Stephen Arthur Patay Paul David Reback Kenneth Raymond Roth, Honors Kenneth David Shere Ronald Thomas Urbanik Gerald Cecil Weeks Richard Waldemar Whittaker Edward Glen Wilson, Jr. Edward Raymond Wogulis In Agricultural Engineering Marvin Lynn Janssen Owen Palmer Lee George Albert Puzey, Honors Thomas George Truckenbrod Richard Allen Werner In Ceramic Engineering William Lee Augur Richard Joseph Barry John Alexander Bonar Charles Joseph Cocagne Gerald Leonard Farina James Adolph Fiedler James Allison Gee Adrienne Lois Lucchesi Ricardo Montanez-Salcedo Robert Gunnar Palm Joseph Murry Recka Kenneth Emile Schubert James Patrick Sowman Donald Edwin Willetts 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1291 In Civil Engineering Ibrahim Akbas Jerrold Ray Asal Richard Allen Barton Robert Adam Becherer Leon William Bennett Theodore James Besta, Jr. George Richard Bird, Honors Robert Edwin Brown Larry Milton Campbell, High Honors Louis Thomas Cerny Woodrow Calvin Chenault, Jr. Vincent Paul Conoscenti Dominic Di Orio, Jr. William Carl Etter Stephen Earl Gritten Gurnie Cornelius Gunter Robert Francis Heavener Carlos Alberto Hernandez-Yamarte Curt Raymond Hildebrand Khaled Ismail Ismail Elmer Lowell Jacobs Roy Rodman Johnson Jack Lester Joines Clyde James Jones James Fredrick Kahle Hassan Kamalvand Jafar Kassaian Lawrence Earl Keim Charles Blain Kenison Roger Dale Koester Vernon Gunji Koike Stephen Alan Kurth James Raymond Levey, High Honors Robert Alan Longfield John Clayton Milkintas Oktay Oskay Ronald Anthony Owczarski Robert Clifford Pitchford II Eric Vincent Reelitz William Martin Reno Daniel Lee Rich, High Honors David Philip Riedel Charles Frederick Rodgers Russell Ramon Rudolph Cengiz Sarikcioglu Robert Tyler Scaggs Ronald David Schrotberger Algimantas Romanas Slapkauskas Edwin Graham Smith Jan Erik Sorlie Robert Glen Starkey Richard Reynard Stenzel Timothy Esping Swanson Selim Sirri Tarabus Leo Leonidas Tolia Charles Alphonsus Venskus James Bruce Voorhees In Electrical Engineering Andrew Joseph Affrunti Ekol Aksoy Arne Daniel Anderson Robert Louis Barch Edward Norris Barnes Horst Heinrich Becker William Gary Begue Raymond Quayle Benage Gustav Adolph Bergquist John David Blanke Mahir Bodur Albert Ira Bomchill Edward Burleigh Breck, Honors William Eldridge Carns, Honors David Paul Casasent, Honors Luis Alberto Chamy Richard Jenyi Chan Stewart Alan Clark Dale Carson Cowan Myron Dean Cowell Douglas Edward Criner, High Honors James Wilson Curd Edward Wesley Curtis Andrew Nicholas Dakis William Thomas Dawson Mustafa Dayar Gary Maurice Daymon Frederic Ronald DeKeyser Luis Alberto Diaz Castillo Robert William Dodd Daniel Paul Dorth Rodger Dwight Ericsson Dale Eugene Fleming John Alan Fox, Honors Gene Raymond Fruehling Vincent Michael Gaughan Leonard Steven Georgian James Joseph Gill, Honors Eugene Gowan III Marlin Everett Greer Albert Austin Griffin Carroll Gunter Richard Emil Hasselbring Lawrence Charles Heckler Harold Henry Heeren George William Henry, Jr. Karl Jackson Huehne Mark Allen Hutner Jon Arthur Jenny, High Honors Milo Reed Johnson, High Honors Richard Howard Johnson, Honors Mehdi Kayvanshokouhi Ok Kyun Kim William James Kopacz Richard John Kostelnicek, High Honors Karl Heinz Krey James Adolph Kriewall George Frank Kuchuris Albin Kulvinskas Jorge L De Guevara Orozco 1292 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Robert Joseph Lanahan, Honors Quong Hon Lee Lester Martin Lendrum, High Honors Frank Roger Lenkszus, Highest Honors Richard Johnston Lidicker Gene Victor Lindberg Ralph Barry Lindquist, Honors Ronald Dale Lowe Douglas John Madderom, Highest Honors John Ernst Nielsen Madsen, High Honors David Steven Maitland James Tracy Mansfield Ali Nawaz Memon Gerald Donald Miller Adolph Vincent Mrstik, Jr., High Honors Daniel Lee Mueller Wayne Thomas Musial Charles Ronald Musick, High Honors Christian Borden Nagel Fevzi Nergis Marvin Neil Norman Thomas Ward Olson Christopher Pamataitis Alvin Louis Pavik, Highest Honors Dennis Gaylord Peterson Reeve Douglas Peterson Robert Frederick Pfeifer Alexander George Platanitis, High Honors Charles Leon Pomernacki, Jr. David Arthur Potter Gary Bernard Probst Erich Radtke, High Honors Josef Wilhelm Rokus, Highest Honors Lawrence Rosen Dewey Merwyn Savage Richard Henry Schafer Curtis John Schubert, High Honors John Leonard Semmlow, Jr. Patrick David Shea Gary John Smith Joseph Terry Smith Peter William Sognefest Jerome John Stanisz William George Steiner, High honors John Edman Strong Dennis Eugene Stropes Warren Lee Stutzman Robert MacDonald Swaar James Andrew Talken Carmon Dale Thiems John Robert Thurston, Honors Cesar Ernesto Tinoco Dean Kay Tomlin Hyman Treibitsch Ralph Edwin Tygielski TJnal Uysal Robert Richard Valleni Stephen Earl Whiteside, High Honors Robert Dorn Wickersheim, Highest Honors Donald Robert Wilton, High Honors Bruce Roger Wunluck Raymond John Yarema, High Honors Scott Reau Zehr In Engineering Mechanics Joseph Arthur Brewer, Jr. Herm Jay Greeneerg Thomas Arthur Johnson, Honors Thomas LeRoy Kueck, High Honors Patrick Joseph Lehnerer Jerry Merten Ozanne, High Honors Roger Lawrence Plummer Robert Carl Reuter, Jr. Thomas Edgar Ricketts James Roy Roberts Frederick William Schierhorn Charles William Schwandt Carl Theodore Seaberg, Jr. In Engineering Physics Nasrollah Baniassadi Frank Wen Bao Thomas Lee Berger William Paul Bleha, Jr., Highest Honors Paul Bruce Campbell Charles William Christoe, High Honors Gilbert Edward Cooper, Highest Honors Lewis Selig Edelheit, High Honors David Edgar Edwards, Jr., Honors Robert Joseph Endorf, Honors Vance Allen Etnyre John Albert Hall Louis George Huszar, Jr. Ihsan Isak Bernard Vernon Jackson John Arthur Johnson, Highest Honors Deno Kazanis Thomas Dunster Knight, Highest Honors Elwood Albert Linney LeGrand Lynn Malany Ronald Eugene McKeighen, Honors William George Pigman Stephen Sidney Pinsky Charles Barry Polivka Jacob David Rubin Warren Eugene Shufeldt David Leon Steele, Highest Honors Eugene Haruo Tademaru, Honors Liudas Kestutis Volodka Fredrick Claus Zumsteg, Jr. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1293 In General Engineering George Richard Armstrong Douglas Arthur Behmer Michael L. Cline Calvin Howell Fitch Daniel Allen Gooze Ronny Herman Hausch Robert Eugene Lodygowski Robert Stanley Poremba James Ronald Sachtschale Robert Earl Seyler Merwin Fay Stroup James LeRoy Tomlinson Elden Leon Volling Donald Eugene Wilkinson In Industrial Engineering Roman Biliunas, High Honors Kenneth Robert Brown Gary Reed Coxon Roger Warren Daniels Arthur George Davis Steven Herbert Friedman Bernard Eugene Jordan, High Honors GUILLERMO MENENDEZ Tollef Owen Nasby, High Honors Garry Ira Neimark Donald Ray Proctor Peter Armin Pyhrr Kurt Radtke Raymond Paul Roschmann, Jr. David Charles Strege Dennis Victor Witt In Mechanical Engineering Kenneth John Albert Edwin Tully Alessandri Ronald Lawrence Balzer Ronald Alan Banister Sampatkumar Barnabas Klaus Beer David Roland Bishoff James Lee Bowman Richard John Buckwitz Charles William Burgner Stanley Joseph Burnicks Robert Angelo Colombo Thomas Wayne Degenhart Richard William Deller, Highest Honors James Carlyle Eckman David Alfred Erickson Donald William Fritz Clair Dudley Goodman, Jr. John Michael Gramza James Z. H. Han Jerry Byron Hawbaker Max Robert Heidenreich Richard Hayes Helgren David John Honiss Martin Donald Ignazito Raymond Edward Johnson Velimir Jovanovic Gary Jay Klow HlKMET KOPANOGLU Keith Richard Lewis Gary Arthur Long James Edwin Lovett Howard Byron Mason, Honors guillermo menendez David Alan Miller Sam Ross Montgomery Luis Fernando Nino-Rubiano Richard James Oxford ashokkumar maneklal patel Dalson Ravagnani George Henry Reed, Jr. Patrick David Riordan Chester Nobuichi Sasaki Robert Mac Schurter Marshall Mayer Shifrin Donald Ray Sittner Theodore Casimer Skierski Harry Martin Skolnik Edward Donald Smith, High Honors Bruce Walton Spencer, Honors John Joseph Standard John William Steinmeyer, Honors Richard Bogue Thomson Robert Trojan Mark Lawrence Turk Ronald Peter Vallort Robert Allen Ward Byron Lewis Webber Clifford Lawrence Winings, Highest Honors John Gilbert Wynne William Henry Yung Edward Joseph Zemanick In Metallurgical Engineering Charles John Anderson Ronald Eugene Bailey Edward John Efsic, Jr. Fred Max Fabricant Richard Leonard Forbes Kathryn Ann Miller Francis Robert Setlak In Mining Engineering James Edward Grimes, Honors (jary David Keysa 1294 board of trustees [June 17 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Home Economics Donna Lee Bonaker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In Liberal Arts and Sciences David Lincoln Ader Mary Ann Agacinsky, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Susan Kirkpatrick Alder Daniel Roy Allan Penelope Allderdice Gordon Michael Alfer Brian Kelly Anderson Thyra Ruth Anderson Oscar William Ansell Stephen Michael Aronin Leo James Athas Beverly Anne Augustine Nicholas Bachynsky Suzanne Marie Backs Stephen Gerald Baime, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Bruce Edward Baker Robert Avery Barnes, Jr. Ronald Francis Bartalsky Robert G. F. Bartels Paul Berge Barthelemy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Anthony Joseph Bassak Mary Ida Baumgart Ronald Neal Baumgarten James Harold Beaty Charlyn Ann Beauford, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ronald Craig Beck Michael Patrick Beers, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sandra Susan Bender, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Paul Daniel Benisek, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in English David Robert Berard Dimitri Harry Beres Donald Samuel Bernstein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Carol Ann Berthold, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ieva Bikernieks Carl Peter Birk, Jr. SlGRID BlRKE Ethel Eileen Bleichner Beknette Mae Bodanis Carl Donald Bonfiglio Carol Anne Bott Margot Ridley Bottrill, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Karen Lynn Bowden Leonard Allen Brady, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Margaret Elizabeth Brady, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Dale Lester Bratton, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High-est Distinction in Political Science Marcia Braverman Robert Stewart Breitzer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joseph Paul Brennan Judith Arlene Brenneman David Walter Briggs, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Karen Robertson Bright, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences William Benjamin Brown Susan Brownlee Phyllis Anne Bruns, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Mary Elizabeth Bryson Roxolana Maria Buraczynska Susan Georgia Burke Richard Mack Burkey Romuald Michael Burneikis Wynn Van Bussmann Harriet Alice Campbell, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in French Thomas Robert Caples Linda Elizabeth Carlin Richard Patrick Carmody Judith Ann Cavanaugh, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carole Jane Cavitt Judith Ann Chalcraft Susan Yee-Yue Chen Athena Penelope Chiames Paul Joseph Christman David Harry Cohen Zane Michael Cohn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Kathleen Helen Coluns William Gouinlock Conable, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Music Mary Elizabeth Condon Diane Tribble Connor, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology John Herbert Conroy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Robert Laurell Cook David John Cordes, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1295 E&win Charles Cornelius Dallas Wendell Cox, Jr. James Michael Cummings, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gerald John Cunico, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Dennis Martin Cunningham John Oliver Cutright Marvin William Daehler, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Psychology Julia Kay Dallas, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Clifford Robert Dammers, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Deborah Ann Dancey Jeffrey Charles Danek Robert Frank Dasher Luther Henry Dearborn Janice Lorraine Defenbaugh John Raymond DeLong Laurence Joseph De Mark Carol Jean DeVry Rachel Esther Diamond Joan Ida Diegel Daniel Anthony DiSabato Milan Jacques Dluhy Barbara Ann Dorini Kathleen Doyle Stephen Bruce Dresner Charles Leonard Duckman Diane Louise Dufourd Michael William Dundy Janice Louise Durkin Richard Osgood Duvall, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Douglas Clay Eadie, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Susan Marbell Eakins, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in French Martha Jo Edwards Judith Lynn Ehlert Paul Martin Eisen Evelyn Joyce Elenbogen Gwendolyn Evans Karen Diane Everson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Anthropology Sidney Ezra James Michael Fary Burton Feingold Sandra Lee Feld, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Raymond John Fencl Carol Ann Fitch James Prescott Flanders, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Elaine Ruth Fliesser, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Patrick Liam Flinn Martha Ann Fons, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English evelyne monique marguerite fotiadi Paula Marie Franciscovich Lee Hart Frank Ernest Frankovich Perry Lewis Frazar Gary Jay Freedman Janet Tansley Freeman Pearlee Freiberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Bette Sharon Friedman Carol Ann Friedman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Harvey Donald Friedman Jay Neal Friedman Rene Sue Friedman Shelley Merle Friedman Jerome Wright Fruin Patricia Jean Fulk Sally Jane Fuller Sarah Frances Gable Steven George Gabriel Gerald Louis Gaffner, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marie Louise Gagne Craig O. Gardiner John Middleton Garland, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Joseph Martin Garpiel Frank Edwin Garratt, Jr. William Lehman Garrison, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Kathleen Jo Gauen Sharon Ann George Jay Mitchell Gerber Gregory Alan Gergans, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Roger Joel Gewolb Carole Schulte Gibbens Edward Charles Gile Franklin Wesley Gilkeson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in History Bernard Andre Girod Mary Kay Glenn Suzanne Margaret Glowacki Maria Johanna Goldberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David Alan Goldman Michael Jay Goodkin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Martin Robert Goodman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Dennis Wayne Gorman, Jr. Michael Craig Gottlieb 1296 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Richard Jerold Greco Paul Michael Green Ronald Greenberg Neal Bruce Greenfield Ross Milton Grossman Sue Rochelle Grossman Judith Code Gruber Paul Richard Gruber Robert Ivan Gustafson Helen Roberta Gustavson John William Gwinn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Ronald Edward Haerle Trudy Haffron, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Political Science Dorothy Katharin Hagner Charlene Gayle Halama Dale Buel Hall Randall Dean Hall Donald Lee Halperin Nadine Louise Hamilton Bruce George Hand, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Dean Handbury, Jr. Lawrence Noel Hansen John S. Harbut Irene Kaune Harrell Joanne Magalis Harris, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Anthropology Arthur Elliott Harrison, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Terry Lee Harshbarger William Roger Harshbarger, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Evan Hart, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Darrell Lee Hartweg Darlene Elaine Hawes Barbara Ann Hawkinson Lois Ann Haznedl Alan Shaw Hegburg Elliot Heidelberger Peter Samuel Heller Paul Carter Hendren, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Harvey Alan Herman Ralph Kent Hermsmeyer Frederick David Herzon Gabriele-Martina Hevler, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Bonnie Kay Hillemeier Mary Virginia Hodges Richard Frederick Hodges James Daniel Houy John David Hustedt Thomas Steven Hyman Patricia Ann Jacob, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Theodore Rodney Jacobs Edward Alan Jacobson Francis Jerome Jahn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Lawrence James Jelinek Susan Marie Jenny, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology Michael Alan Johnson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology Thomas Arthur Johnson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Jerry David Jones Thomas Milton Jones, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Psychology Wilton Stanley Jones Roberta Louise Juster Karen Sue Kalemanoff Norman Herbert Kallen Katherine Janet Kammerer Paul Patrick Kantor, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Earl Marvin Karn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Jay Lawrence Katz Nelson Blaine Kauffman Vincent Joseph Kelley Peter Kempfer Laimute Kerulis Herbert Allen Kessel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Political Science Ralph Hillard Kessel Thomas Nelson Kias, Jr. Thomas Bernard Kirkpatrick, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sandra Louise Kisala Robert David Klafer Donald Alan Kline Judith Anne Kline Richard Henry Koch Nancy Ann Kochenderfer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Latin Myron Terry Koenig Charlotte Jane Kolp Marlene Beverly Kolton Steve E. Kontos Frank Joseph Kopecky John Joseph Korbelik Aaron Jay Kramer Walter John Kramer Stephen David Krashen Elizabeth Constance Krohne, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Karen Rosemary Krug Stephen Joseph Kushner 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1297 David Sather Kuypers, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology Ramune Veronika Kviklys Judith Gertrude Lahey George Juris Laivinieks Linda Lim-Dan Lam Linda Jayne Lang Janice Diane Lapine Ronald Merle Larimore Theodore Ray Lawler Spencer Craig Lawrence Merle Kay Leavitt Eomont Lee, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Gail Beth Lernes Stanley Alvin Levi, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Psychology Michael Lewis Levitas Diane Rae Levitt, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Loren Pressmar Lewis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ethel Lew Lichterman David Samuel Lieb Karen Helen Lilleberg Gloria Ann Linder Stephen Shaw Lipnik Judith Ilene Lipsky Martha Ann Little Julia Ann Long Jerilyn Ruth Loofbourrow Morgan James Lynge, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sharon Lou Lynn Kenneth Wayne MacMurdo, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Lon Francis Magaro Stella Marie Maggio Patricia Lynn Maitland Audrey Joyce Malinowski Ann Elizabeth Malmer Charles McDonell Malmgren Mary Kathryn Maloney John Aubrey Mann, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Claire Audrey Manning Oliver Ham Martin Thomas Manuel Martinez Linda Jean Matheson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in French John Wesley Maxedon Richard Barry Mazer Edward Herbert Mazur Adalgisa Mazzocco-Petitto Betty Jean McCartin John Patrick McCausland, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Pamela Arlene McCaw Kathleen Therese McDonald Thomas Edward McGuire Richard Lee McNabb, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Russian Dennis Charles Mesch Leonard Joseph Metz John Hallewell Meyer Martin Benjamin Meyerson Beryl Mae Michaels Philip Alan Miller Stephen Lee Miller August Elmer Milz, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Alexandra Mitchell Richard Alan Moldal Don Allen Monteith Dilys Elizabeth Morris, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in History Barrie Carol Morse Dale Melbourne Mueller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Sociology Mary Susan Mueller Thomas Frederick Mueller Rudy Alan Mulderink John Michael Mulherin Benjamin Edward Murphy Kevin Barry Murphy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Leonard Edwin Nelson Jerry John Nerad Peter Weber Nichols Carolyn Nisinson Rita-Marie Patricia Nordheden Greta Jean Normann Ralph Louis Oberlin Elliott Richard Ohannes Carol Estelle Olsen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Brian Olsen Dorothy Jean O'Neil Robert Lawrence Onopa, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John David Orsburn Hugh Merrill Palmer Leo Bruce Palucius Andrea Matysak Panichi Valentine Pantyuch Paul Edward Pappas Dominick Victor Parise Sheldon Parker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Penelope Anne Parks Sharon Lou Parsons, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Judith Sue Pellar Paul Jared Perlin Linda Elaine Pidgeon Brian Pine, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Terri Ann Pixley 1298 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Daniel Gareth Porter, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Judith Marion Price Roberta Ann Procker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Louis Norman Pyster Dennis Glen Rabideau, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Geography Patricia Ann Railton Lila Mae Rakauskas Roger William Rapp Gregory Charles Read, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sharon Kay Reilly Donald Nolan Rexroad Gary Edward Reynolds Elaine Barbara Rich JOELLYN RlCKETTS Arthur Richard Ricordati esperanza rlos trejo Marvin Gerald Robey Mary Ann Robinson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Diane Goldstein Rohatsch Larry Irving Roseman Marvin Neil Rosenzweig Alexander Ross Carol Faye Rothstein Frank George Roux, Jr. Royce Warren Rowe Philip Christopher Ryan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in English Bohdan Saciuk Cedric Allen Sampson Warren Carl Sanderson Ann Miril Sandler Stephen Frederick Satre Robert Scott Saunders, Jr. Wayne Peter Schaefer Harry Marshall Schaffner Carol Ann Schennum Lawrence Barry Schiamberg Linda Diane Schneider Thomas Baltazar Schubert John Frederick Schunk, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Speech and Theatre Robert Leslie Scott Janet Carol Sedjo, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sue Carol Seegren, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David Aron Shafer Sherry Suzanne Shafton Robert Larry Shell, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Linda Irene Shlaes Lynn Roger Shoemaker David Allison Shotts Effie Ann Shumaker Ronald Jay Shuman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in English Judith Siegel Linda Jean Siegel Gertrude Ora Simmons Manliff Michael Simpson David Harris Smith, Jr. Edwin Graham Smith Henry Adelmon Smith III Jerry Bruce Smith Karen DeWitt Smith William Arthur Sommerschield Peter Robert Sonderby David Nelson Spires Kathryn Anne Spitznas, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Rita Nancy Staller Pamela Diane Stapleton, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in History Michael Robert Stein George Edward Stern, Jr. Arleen Patricia Stewart John Charles Stokes IV Tibor Gabriel Stoll Katherine Louise Stubenrauch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Warren Lee Stutzman Terry John Summers David Lawrence Swanson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics Gary Lee Swanson Susan May Sweetow Elizabeth Corinne Swigart Judith Ellen Swigost John Robert Sype Maxine Phyllis Tanton Joanne Tavlos, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in English Daniel Allen Taylor, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Political Science Terby Neil Tesar James Wilson Thomas, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences William Hills Thomson Alfred Carl Tisdahl William Alexander Todd John Milton Trainer III James Roger Treat Lenore Gallin Troxel Peter Tschomakoff Stephen Alan Turner Rebecca Ann Upchurch David John Uphoff Robert Joseph Valko Delia Poole Venables, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1299 Maud Kimmell Walker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ruth Ann Watkins James Snyder Watson Mark Roche Weber Wilbur Allen Weder Sandra Jean Weidig Marshall Robert Weinberg Linda Perle Weissman Donald Larry Wennlund Henry William White, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Marvin Grover White, Jr. Andrietta Louise Whitfield Charles Max Whitman Linda Ayers Whitney Gary Gene Wilhelmi Douglas Russell Winger Carole Ann Winke Kenneth Allan Winsberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Rose Marie Wirtanen Leona Julie Wnukowski Steven Grant Wolf, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences mllford howell wolpoff Nils Lee Wurzburger Craig William Wyatt, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sandra Stoltz Yarling Bruce Benard Yurman Carla Roth Zelle August Joseph Zimmermann Robert Harry Zwick Judith Anne Ahearn Brenda Lappin Ameter, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Karen Elizabeth Holte Baker, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Pamela Ball Phyllis Baran Ruth Elaine Renken Barbee, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Melinda Brown Barth Barbara Lynne Burris, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Beverly Ann Buzzard Edith Elizabeth Castrogiovanni, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Jacqueline Lee Cook Susan Jeanette Curby, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Janet Diane Davidson Phyllis Louise Deerinck, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barbara Lynn Dodds, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Diane Ficke Ronda Stefany Fine Ann McDermott Fowler Viegilyn Emily Fuller, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Karen Ann Goetter Karen Rae Hansen Margie Faye Harris Karen Ann Heitmeyer Rachel Hirsch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Hyma Sylvia Jacobs Lila Eve Johnson Gloria Elaine Kaiz In the Teaching of English Anna Louise Kauffman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Patricia Ann Kimrey Martha Katherine Klage Barbara Hope Klaus Lynne Ann Knauerhaze, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Karleen Ann Knerr Nancy Louise Knuth, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Roberta Joy Levin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Roberta Ann Marks Jeri Kaye Martin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Nancy June McGrew Rita Gene McMurtrey Jeannette Rose Milo Catherine Ann Murphy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Frances Anne Naughton, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Martha Jean Neet Sandra Lee Pertle, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Diane Carol Peterson Sandra Brooks Peterson Terrilyn Mansfield Phillips, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Katherine Marie Prawl Rita Anne Ragsdale Joyce Ann Renard, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Merle Lois Reseen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Patricia Ann Robertson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum 1300 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Harriet Rose Rudnit Marilyn Judith Sagett, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Dorothy Marie Seils Gayl Anne Simonds Joan Marie Smilgoff, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gertrude Steinberg Phyllis Stockey, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Helen Beth Temple, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Nancy Jane Thinnes, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Pamela Veach Gail Eileen Wedding, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Carolyn Ann Widmer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barbara Ann Williamson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Sharon Ann Winterton In the Teaching of French Barbara Jane Barackman Madalyn Bernath Marion Louise Bloemer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Diane Rochelle Brooks, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Carol Jean Chase, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Martha Ann Daniels Olga Ferhmin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Maria Ninos Giffosd, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Suzanne Marilyn Sharp Grout, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Margrit Kuster Hale, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Joan Marie Jakaitis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Angela Marie Lukancic, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Ramona Rose Pound, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Lucille Rose Shapiro, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Linda Kay Walling Sharon Elaine Webb, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of German Barbara Susan Adler Sarah Elizabeth Bruss, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Lucy Biekbrauer Conner, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Brenda Joyce Godier, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Anthony Jung Carolyn Erna Schorfheide, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Willa Louise Spence Judy Wisshack, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Elaine Joyce Lineback In the Teaching of Latin Rebecca Jane Welch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Russian Franklin Bruce Divila Lucy Kreidich Nancy Elizabeth Gray, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1301 In the Teaching Margery Marzahn Ambrosius, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Patricia Anne Ball Elizabeth Boerner Herbert Karl Booth Ilene Ratcheson Cablk, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Charles Timothy Carey, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carol Ann Carpenter, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Lawrence Chavez David LeRoy Coon, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Sherry Lynne Enoch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Jessica Feinberg Aaron Earl Katz Margo Helen Kolom, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum of Social Studies Marcel Alan Lewinski Ernest Marquez Paul Frederick Morf Pamela Jane Pollard Kathleen Mae Rauth Shirley Jean Rippe Ann Louise Schneider, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Jane Eleanor Schooley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Dianna Mary Scott Michael James Shouba, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carolyn Joy Stahl Carol Jean Vander Mey, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Elaine Hedy Weil Adrian Lynn Weingart, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Judith Kay Winget, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Patricia Gwenn Workman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of Spanish Rose Ann Ardente Bonnie Bennett, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Roxanna Sue Buse Betty Johnson Butler, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Penelope Ann Chaloupka Dolores Anne Decaroli, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Linda Catherine Ewert, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Eileen Phyllis Holmes Diane Irene Neumann Phyllis Ellen Pergakes Judith Ann PlesKovitch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Martha Lee Smith, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Diane Frances Snodgrass Lois Diehl Upadhyay Judith Lynn Williams, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Judith Ann Wright, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of Speech Nancy Lou Arnold, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Patricia Anne Cassidy Dorothy Ethel Dewey Sharon June Holmstrom Kathleen Mary Kearney Hedda Mae Lubin Marilynn Gayle Magnus Margaret Joyce Burnham Malisch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barry Mark Opper Sheila Carlen Sundquist Degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering David Brent Bandy, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Weldon Kay Bell, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joseph Calverley Crowther, Jr. William Lloyd Flood Larry Joseph Frezek, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Richard Eugene Kloubec Gerhard Friedrich Kopke Rudeger Heinrich Adolf Wilke 1302 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Allen Frederick Bollmeier, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Larry Ray Camp Wayne Edwin Dudacek James Lindley Edholm Robert Engel, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Jon Pusey Engstrom, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Michael Eric Freeburger Roger Anthony Golec, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences James Howard Hageman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ronnie Dean Havelka, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Roger Montell Hawk Philip George Hohmann, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Richard Pierce Hosteny Gary Vernon Kaiser, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Richard Thomas Klingbiel Arthur Wayne Kruski Jaan Laane, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum In Chemistry Wai-Kee Li David Albert Lloyd, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High-est Distinction in the Curriculum Robert Louis Loeschen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Griffith MacConnell Richard Gregg Maguire, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Andrew Matuska, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Gene Howard Meyers, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Linda June Miller Jared Ben Mooberry, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum James Earl Nottke David Lawrence Ostfeld, Jr. Wendell Gary Phillips Wendell Eugene Rhine Henry Stone, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences James Frank Tamburrino, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences James Arthur Weatherbee, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Raye Ellen Witt In Howard Michael Addis Brian Elmer Albers Steven Don Allen, Honors Arts and Sciences David Billing Anderson Fontaine Andrews, Honors Arts and Sciences Robert Maurice Anthony Frank Stephen Baleiko Richard Dean Barnett Daniel MacCulloch Barr Robert Carl Baumgartner Leonard Eugene Beare, Jr. Robert John Belsole Bruce Mark Berkson Barry Berlin Ross Anthony Bertone Penelope Joyce Beyerau Perry Scott Binder Barrie Wayne Blase Susan Gail Bowes Ronald Eldon Brons Fred Joseph John Broviak Spencer Dale Brown Kristin Carolyn Browne In Home Economics Liberal Arts and Sciences Wing Sang Chan David Gilbert Chasin in Liberal Martin Myron Chemers, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology in Liberal Marscha Jean Chenoweth, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Harold Laukitz Christensen, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ka Mei Peter Chu Alan Mathew Cohen Charlene Paula Cohen Michael James Connely Irwin Cooper, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Zoology Jerome Paul Corbino Steven Markee Cox Wayne William Crouch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Dan Allen Danahy Charles William Decker Harry Dale Dixon, Jr. William Roger Doane 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1303 Judith Marie Draznik Michael James Duever John Richard Dugan Alva Thaddeus Earley Murray Steven Edelman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Leonard Ira Eisenstein Robert William Elias Robert Alvin Elschlager, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Juliet Enta Edward Epstein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Archie Alvin Estey Lee David Esworthy Malcolm Kenneth Evett, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Chemistry Wayne Charles Faatz John Robert Ferrell Harvey Carl Fink Leonard Anthony Flens Donald Lee Fox, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Psychology Richard Eldridge Francis Warren Frank Godfrey John William Goers Barry Herschel Goldberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Harris Seymour Goldenberg Phyllis Elaine Goldstein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Michael Allen Goodstein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Janet Sue Griffin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Susan Marie Grochmal Martin Edward Grosse Gene Irwin Gunsalus John Taylor Hackett Carole Suzanne Hall Valerie Jean Hall, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Richard Jolly Hancock Steven Charles Harris, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Michael Mason Harshbarger Diane Claire Hartman Ward Charles Haselhorst John Christopher Hastings Michael Terrell Haugan Kent John Hess, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences James Kenneth Hilton Geraldine Jane Hoelzel David Christian Hohn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Nicholas Lynn Hoobler, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Richard Anton Hough, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Joan Annette Houkal Merrill Craig Hoyt James Alfred Hubbs James Ray Hunsley Phillip Allen Jacobson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Bonita Vivian Jasch Barry Newman Jeffers Allen Harold Johnson Robert Edward Johnson, Jr. Lawrence Edward Jones, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Psychology Ancelo Louis Juliano Herbert Stacey Kaplan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics Sharon Ann Kasper Mary Ann Kasprzycki Lorraine Dorothy Kass, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Mathematics John Richard Kenny Barbara Sharon Keys Allan Craig Koch Richard Paxton Kolb Andrew Louis Kousoulis Karen Kuhlman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences ludmilla kurylak John Allan Lamb Harold Richard Lane Kwong Yee Lau Kenneth Dale Lawson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences William Theodore Leja John Muetzel Le Var Frances Anne Lewis, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Aaron Stephen Lifchez Dennis Arnold Long, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gladys Mae Lorenz Henry Allan Lowe Terry Lowe Allan Tessler Luskin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Frederick Lussenhop Susan Mary Lynch Ralph Gilbert Maertz Arnold Stephen Marks Elaine Brenda Marsh Michael Theodore Matthies, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Frederick Matz, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Botany Robert Kenneth Mazza Susan Carol McClintock Jane Ann McCulloch John Paul McMichael Terence Raymond Meade Linda Henke Meyer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences 1304 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Vivian Isabelle Miles, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in Psychology Michael Clayton Molay Richard Salisbury Morse Allen Jack Moses Harold William Moss Ned Toshihiko Murata Raymond John Nacin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David Drew Neer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Bernard Anthony Nemchausky Patricia Jane Nicolet Gaylord Don Noren Ervin Joseph Oberndorfer, Jr. Mary Ellen O'Grady Andrea Johanna Ouse Judith Ann Pachciarz Julia Lee Paluch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Nancy Anne Pardini Carolyn Jean Parks Stephen Allan Parrett John Mario Pascucci Robert Lee Pawelko James Kirk Pedersen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Joseph Piccione Liucijus Plenys Philip Gregory Plotica, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Regina Dalune Pocius, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Lawrence Poulakos Richard Clarence Prodoehl Thomas James Quinlan Wayne Thomas Ratay Ruta Marija Raulinaitis Donna Marie Reid Alice Eve Richter Allan Stephen Rim Richard Ray Ringenberg, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in Mathematics Hal Wesley Roads Martin Stephen Rochford, Jr. John Scott Rodeghiero Sandra Diane Romashko Paul David Rosen Stuart Michael Rothstein, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sheldon Bert Rubin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Howard Rudich Henry Dean Saberman Kenneth Wayne Samonds Robert David Satlow Donald Leo Schmitt Larry Thomas Schubert Jan Roger Schultz Burton Stewart Schwartz Norton Leslie Shapiro Musa Id Shubbak Daniel Rigge Shute David Michael Silberman Philip Michael Silverman, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences William Simmons, Jr. romualdas sljvinskas Douglas Dale Smith, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Allen Smittkamp, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Michael Hale Smolensky Robert Lawrence Smolin Stephen Jules Sogin Randall Ross Spitzer, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in Mathematics Margaret Jean Spraggins William Robert Stearns, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Virginia Mae Stellmacher Jay Robert Stelzer Anne O'Neill Summers Rett Sheridan Summerville June Michiko Takahashi David Laurence Thomas Clint Clay Tilton Gordon Russell Titus, Jr. James Milton Tomlin Beverly Elaine Toncoff Thaddeus Walter Trenton Joan Carol Trude, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Janet Antonia Trutter Larry Lowell Turner Lawrence Peter Urbaszewski Armand David Vine Charles Taylor Walter, Jr. Marilyn Pearl Warren Alvin David Wax Delano Paul Wegener Richard Walter Welch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Lewis Wheatley Leo Clarence Wiedenfeld Gerald Edwin Willey Stephen Dennis Winet, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Barry Wayne Winter Barry Michael Woldman Don Eldon Wood Marilynn Joyce Yezdauski Horst Ronald Zielke Nancy Joyce Zimmer Thomas Jay Zimmerman Lynn JoAnn Zinner Edward Joseph Zneimer Sharon Lee Anderson Zoars 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1305 Wayne Raymond Anderson Murray Michael Arnow, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Peter Michael Benda Howard Emerson Bond, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Burnace Frederick Brace, Jr. Bkuno Constantino Bucari Ronald Charles Carlson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Karen Ruth Christensen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Howard Allen Cozzi, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John Stuart Escher, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Howard Allan Gordon, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum In Physics Dennis John Helfritch, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Allen Francis Hrejsa James Alden Jackobs, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Robert Clarence Jacobson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Sheldon Levin William Franklin Norton John Edwin Reaugh, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David Jonathon Slate, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Capleton Irving Swanson Joseph James Tenicki Volker Rudolf Ulbrich In Speech Correction Katharine Church Brearton, Jr., Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Jill Marie Check, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Penelope Jane Dean Sylvia Ann Doherty Susan Slater Garrison, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ann Veeniere Griffey Keiko Harada Carolsue Harr Marcia Ellen Klain Patricia Komiss Judy Donahue Larsen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Patricia Lou McNally Joan Eleanore McNulty, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Linda Lou Peterson Sally Jean Peterson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Rose Marie Reasor, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Carol Marie Schmidt, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Adrienne Karen Schulman Susan Welden Whiteley, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General Science Constance Louise Anderson Barbara Ellen Bueschel Jeanne Anne Champion Carole Joyce DeLuca, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences John William Eater, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ruth Lynn Finlayson Mary Ann Harrison Martha Jane Hill, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Larry Michael Hovey Beth Rochelle Pedott, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Judith Alma Ruble, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Margaret Esterly Schelling, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Donna Lee Shindle Suellen Margaret Thompson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Elaine Paulette Weiss Susan Ethel Williamson In the Teaching of Chemistry Wyett Harbison Colclasure II, Hon- Donna Kay Fitzgerald ors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum Mary Sue Scheidenhelm In the Teaching of Geography 1306 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 In the Teaching Sharon Kay Ade Paul Eugene Birch, Jr. Helen Kathleen Curtis Brennan, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Sandra Mabel Campbell, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Eunice Diane Corren, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Ronald Lee Dug an Erwin Einhorn, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Merry Edna Elmstrom Alice Marie Gerdanc Lueva Lientz Irvin, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with Highest Distinction in the Curriculum Carole Ina Jackson Judith Kaplan Joan Frances LaFlamme, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Teaching of Physics Penelope Sue Kirk, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences COLLEGE OF LAW Degree of Bachelor of Laws of Mathematics Carolyn Virginia Lemen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Gloria Mae Lerman Nina Louise Miner Marsha Karen Osterbach, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Anabeth Judy Placko, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Harvey John Rosen Marilyn Joyce Rosen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences with High Distinction in the Curriculum Virginia Ann Taylor, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Rae Miriam Telengater Patricia Elaine Thompson, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Donna Lee Thomsen, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences Christine Anderson Wolfe, Honors in Liberal Arts and Sciences David Apter, A.B., 1961 Donald James Bader, B.S., 1962 Douglas Boyd Baily, B.S., Beloit College, 1959 Harvey Bert Bass, B.S., 1963 Richard Earl Brown, B.S., 1962 Angelo Paul Bruscato, A.B., Mar- quette University, 1961 William Thomas Caisley, A.B., 1962 Evelyn Alice Schindler Cannon, A.B., Brigham Young University, 1958 David Maurice Cohen, A.B., 1962; Honors Walter Lewis Crowley, B.S., 1962 Charles Henry Delano Frederick Homer Dickson, B.S., 1962 Alan Earl Edelstein Michael H. Eiserman, A.B., 1963 Robert Vernon Elder, B.S., 1962 Wayne Bernard Flanigan, A.B., Xavier University, 1961 Robert Gilder Freeman, A.B., 1961 James Edward Fuson II, A.B., Millikin University, 1959 Gerald Louis Gaffner Jane Gersbacher, A.B., Newcomb College, 1961 James William Gillman, B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1956 James Louis Hafele, A.B., 1962 Kenneth Leon Harrigan, A.B., 1962 Samuel Glenn Harrod III, A.B., Eureka College, 1963 David Barber Hipp, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1961 Harold Madison Jennings, A.R., 1962 Leslie Dean Kampschror, B.S., 1961 James Lee Kappel, B.S., St. Louis University, 1962 Lloyd Arthur Karmeier, B.S., 1962 Ronald Albert Kienlen, A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1961 James Daniel King, A.B., Pomona College, 1961 Kenneth Allen Knutson, A.B., Augustana College, 1961 David Lee Lange, B.S., 1960 Leslie Gene Lemon, B.S., 1962 Charles Dean Lewis, B.S., 1961 Frank Warren Lincoln, A.B., Del'aim University, 1961 James Elston Molenaar, A.B., 1959 James Joseph Morrissey, Jr., A.B., 1962 Richard David Nelson, B.S., 1961 James Bbuce O'Brien, A.B., 1962 Leonard Werntz Peirce, B.S., 1963 Philip Godfrey Reinhard, A.B., 1962 William George Rosing, A.B., 1961 Dennis Roland Schlemmer, B.S., 1961 Thomas Roy Smith, A.B., DePauw University, 1961 Martin Peter Spagat 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1307 Harry Effinger Stewart, B.S., 1961 Tames Carl Swain, B.S., College of Charleston, 1961 Earl Armour Talbot, A.B., Wabash College, 1961 Kenneth Robert Telleen, A.B., 1961 Bernard Anthony Vallero, B.S., Northwestern University, 1959 John Carl Weinman, A.B., 1962 William Cook Wetzel, A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1961 Charles Edward Whalen, A.B., 1962 Roger Leroy Williamson, B.S., Northwestern University, 1961 David Charles Wochner, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1961 Allan Lionel Wolynec Reuben Sun Fai Wong, B.S., University of Hawaii, 1958 Peter Anthony Zamis, B.S., 1962 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Education Valerie Olsson Anderson Linda Lemmon Bigelow Janet Sfrouls Bremicker Joe Luther Carter Virginia Ann Cheffer William George Clements Sharon Elizabeth Dittman, High Honors James Robert Dudley, Honors Patricia Ann Egan JoAnne Giallombardo Sharon Ehrnwald Gordon Sandra Elizabeth Heberling Sally Lynne Heidenblut Daryl Joy Jenks Carol Ann Johnson Ruth Ann Lenczycki, Highest Honors Joyce Ann Miller Ernest Guenther-Siegmar Noack Judith Marie Pitelka Judith Renault Reese Peggy Jeanne Simmons Anita Louise Slutzky Jane Elizabeth Trampe James Steven Unger Lawrence Robert Workman Janet Loraine Gaston Janice May Lindgren Sharon Kay Rathe In the Education of the Deaf Barbara Cullen Sheperd, High Honors Barbara White In the Education of Mentally Handicapped Children Carol Diane Bruno Susan Carol Fallon Sue-ann Friedman Nancy Stakis Haugen, Honors Michael Joseph Jakupcak, Jr., Honors Nancy Carol Petri Gail Elizabeth Porter, High Honors Jane Terry Ross Betty Greenspan Schenk, High Honors Janet Ann Stepanek Monica Irene Stephenson Carole Linn Zehr Carole Wilmarth Zissimopoulos, Honors In Elementary Education Bonnie Lee Aaron Carol Davis Anderson Donna Harry Arnstine Mitchell Fenton Asher Melvin Sanford Bagaasen Joy Mary Bartsch Carol Mae Baughman Rena Gail Baum Carolyn Sokol Beatty, High Honors Mary Jane Behrends Bonnie Phyllis Benson, Honors Carol Lynn Berman Mary Louise Berndt Betty Jean Borling, Honors Robert Owen Brady Juliann Beem Breeding, Honors Marilyn Kay Briglow Patricia Kay Buehlman Joyce Marie Buffo Sandra Marie Burger Benita Joanne Bushu Jean Marie Chuse Paulette Irene Condos Linda Liles Corwin, Honors Arlene Mae Costella Judith Ann Cox Patsy Hartman Cross Dorothy Jean Dabkowski Marianne Daneluk, Honors Carolyn Margaret Dekan 1308 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Linda Ann Dickerson Virginia Claire Drenckhahn Suzanne Marie Duffield JuLIANNE EASTLAND Judith Lavine Eiseeman Mary Ann Ritchie Enlow Judith Rose Epstein Florence Fasman Karen Enid Feinstein Judith Mabie Ficken Lynn Elizabeth Folkins Hedy Louise Freed Coralee Joan Freeland Shari Futorian Nancy Lawrence Gehlbach, Highest Honors Lourine Sanderfield Grant, Honors Joan Ann Habes June Carol Hamilton Sharron Leigh Hartstirn, Honors Carolyn Burke Hastings, Honors Helen Mayer Heien Judith Meryl Heim Carol Lynn Holderman Rhoda Elizabeth Holland Phyllis Ann Holtzman Theresa Marie Hopkins Diane Kiernan Hurd Susan King Hurd Joyce Ann Hurst Mary Ann Jakse Madeline Ann Janes Karen Sue Jensen Judith Ellen Joffe Margaret Johnsen Johnson Ann Carter Johnston Karen MacKay Joiner Arlene Goetz Jolly Donna Thomas Jones Marian Joyce Kadlec Charlotte Kay Karraker, High Honors Barbara Keller, Honors Sandra Claire Kendall Marvjane Kleisner Sara Crippin Knight Irene Jane Kolis Sarah Ann LaFlamme Gretchen Marie Lamoreux Carole Langer Janet Ann Larson Nancy Jaye Lazar Arlene Adrienne Lefkowitz, High Honors Evelyn Levin Linda Rubin Levqjson Jeanette Elizabeth Lewis Sharon Rae Lieberman, High Honors Carol Joan Lieberthal Theresa Ann Lierman Lucinda Lee Lobdell Vivian Jean Londos Judith Yannetta Lopez, Honors Wendy Lou Mackland Carol Louise Martin Nancee Leighton McCabe Phyllis Willard McKinney Sandra Honey Melman Anna-Marie Harriet Miller Barbara Claire Miller Vlasta Ann Minarich Judith Ann Murphy Sandra Joan Nisbet Carol Christine Norton, Honors Judith Helen Oppenheimer Charlene Sandra Packer Sandra Lynne Patterson Judith Ann Pearse Alice Adell Phillips Larri Lynn Potter Sally Prescott Annette Proteau Judith Lynn Retzer Karen Lois Ripes Diane Rosen Sharon Lynne Rosen Shirley Ann Ross, Honors Marcy Joy Rottner Nancy Jay Rottner Barbara Ann Rubin Regina Mary Ryan Sarah Mary Sager Judith Lee Salone Barbara Renay Schecter Mary Frances Scherer, Honors Mary Imelda Schultz Sharon Sue Schwartz Sharon Kay Shine Marlene Janice Silver Glenda Martin Skolaski Lillis Kay Flanders Small Jean Marie Smith Marcia Laurel Smith Sharon Rae Smith Louesa Pedigo Snyder Elta McDonald Speiser Kay Stepkin Johanna Cynthia Stone Carol Jeannine Storm Ellen Server Strusiner Susan Anita Studtmann, Honors Nancy Gail Sweet, High Honors Diane Annette Swenson, Honors Keren Louise Tasker Diana Kay Teel Ruth Woodruff Teel Karen Lee Tobecksen Karen Louise Tranquilli, Honors Gail Renee Tuler Emily Vance Mary Ann Vicars Linda Kay Wade Carol Ann Waller Dorothy Margaret Washburn Sally Dianne Watson 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1309 Barbara Frances Weinstein, High Honors Karen Beth Weintraub Beverly Helen White Janet Jo Wieand Veronica Juanita Williams Barbara Reynolds Wilson Susan Ann Witt Michele Sue Wolfe, Honors Nancy Leigh Wolff Norma Joyce Woolley Thelma Mae Woolley Virginia Lynn Young, High Honors Joyce Marie Zabinski Lynne Zelkin, Honors Ned William Bacheldor Theodore David Block Melvin Nicholas Jent David John Mihevc Herbert Haruki Okamoto In Industrial Education Donald Edmund Perrero William Ramsden Punkay Theodore Franklin Stranczek Bert Lloyd Sweat Lawrence Russel Trippiedi COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Accountancy Paul Alpern Paul Bennett Ankin James Jay Arado Harry John Ashner William Patrick Berry Dusan Andrew Blaho Allan Martin Block Neal Jay Block, High Honors William Howard Bloom, Honors James Lee Bollwinkle Jerry Dale Boose Alan Sanford Bramson Sheldon Arnold Bboder Charles Allen Brownfielb Terry Richard Burke Philip Edward Carey Norman Gustaf Carlson Stephen John Chobot Allen Roger Cottral, Honors Edward Norman Covici, Honors Donald Lawrence Dixton Alan Sessel Dockterman Donald James Donnelly William Darrell Dudley Burton Myron Eisenberg Robert William Ellis Terry Lester Engel Charles Benson Engvall John Kenneth Fairis Allen Howard Feige James Hal Fox Thomas John Friedl Michael Raymond Friedrichs, Honors Michael Lynn Friese Barbara Jean Fross Jordan Edward Glazov Allen Steven Goldberg Richard Alan Gordon Penelope Ann Grabos, High Honors Charles Leon Green Michael Grobstein, Honors Paul Otto Gross Nathan Melvin Grossman Miles Neil Hartman Mark David Hellman Margo Mae Hendrix John Edward Henry James Lansing Holbrook Seymour Joseph Horwitz Lynn Louis Humbracht Roy Charles Icenogle Jackie Lee James Darrell Russell Johnson Richard Alan Johnson Robert George Johnson Philip Howard Kaplan Richard Neal Kaplan Otto Herman Kauffmann Arnold David Kaufman Paul Stuart Kayman Benjamin Kendall Ronald Lane Kiddoo, High Honors John Joseph Killian, Jr. Thomas Eugene Kilpatrick George James Kotty Jerome Barry Krule Raymond Leslie Krupp, Honors Peter Andrew Larson, Honors Andrew Harry Lawrence Len Lawrence LeFebvre Morton Allan Levy Robert Jay Lewis Dennis Robert Litz Elmer Harry Lorek Linda Martin Steven David Masur, Honors James Wise Mathews Lawrence Elbert Maus Ronald William McCane James Arthur Meyer Donald Jack Millman Donald Reid Mitchell Ronald Marcus Moser David Edmund Moss Marilyn Velma Neumann Paul Martin Orzech 1310 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Phillip Roger Pearson, Honors Gene Allen Petersen, Honors Bruce Alan Peterson Robert Kevan Polovin, Honors David Lee Popejoy Kenneth Wayne Potenberg William Richard Price Richard Albert Pritchett LeRoy Joseph Przybylski Robert Hamilton Rennick, Honors Susan Elizabeth Reynolds Gordon Louis Ritter James Eugene Rose, Jr. Mark Robert Rosenthal David Allen Ross Jerry Ian Rudman Peter Mark Ruzevick William Robert Sarver Leon Jerome Schachter, Honors Gail Eileen Schiffer William Peter Schwarz, Honors Sue Ann Selby Lawrence Lee Senger Martin Seward Irwin Robert Shechtman, Honors Daniel Lee Shellist Charles Sheldon Simon George William Smith, Jr. Frank Lawrence Soline David Barth Joseph Sommer Thomas William Sowden Sandra Sue Stephens John King Stoeckert William Robert Temple, Jr., Honors William Lloyd Thomson Frank Charles Urban, Jr. Ronald Joseph Wedryk Robert Francis Weiland Arnold Weinberg, Honors Mabel Rossellyn Weir, Honors Bonnie Sue Wells Michael Bruce Werner Jerry Joseph Weygandt, Honors Jack Burton Wollman, Honors Michael Allan Zelmar In Commerce and Law Douglas Farrell Mitchell Clarence Owen Redman John Michael Seitman Richard Paul Vullo Ralph Spencer Beck John Dominic Breclaw Alan Earl Edelstein Allen Ephraim Kanter Ludwig James Kuhar In Commercial Teaching Linda Carol Brent, Honors Shirley Kay Janes Shirley Mary Buss Marjorie Kay Mitchell Michael Carl Celarec Geraldine Louise Szott, Honors Myla Gangwer In Economics Michael Irwin Brown Robert Carlyle Bumba Wesley Keith Caine Lyle Nielsen Clapper Robert Martin Cook William Joseph Evans, Jr. Darla Penelope Halleman Jimmie Lee Jenkins, Jr. John Patterson Myers, Honors Alan Osheff George John Repsold III, High Honors Paul Egon Roge Spencer Michael Star Paula Sue Sturgeon John Joseph Valentini, Honors Robert Le Roy Whipple, Honors Fred William Witthans Stephen Buddy Yachnin, Honors In Finance Robert Herman Becker Nick Brown Charles Anthony Bunis Barry Richard Duke Lloyd Stanley Epstein Joseph Robert Ferrini Charles Alan Finkel David Harold Fishburn Joseph Fredrick Foutch Daniel Jay Gallington James Francis Kadlec Donald Martin Leibsker Roland Frank Lfjsch In Industrial Larry Arthur Bear, Honors Roger William Brodt George Joseph Rodosky Michael Jay Ross Fred Armand Santogrossi, Jr. Donald James Schinker Donald Lee Schrumpf Ronald Mersitt Schutz Lewis Nevil Skyers Robert Wayne Smelser William Orren Staehlin Roger Bruce Swift Ronald Steven Urkovich John Philip Zentner Administration Robert Louis Getts Glenn Richard Hansen 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1311 Bruce Wayne Harris Tames Ernst Malmberg Gerry Charles Nelson Brian Albert Ruchalski Claude Louis Sabino James William Benson Ponald Allen Blum Ronald Keith Brink Michael Lewis Cohen Jeffrey Allen Eisenberg Rodney Lee Everhart, Honors Judith Ann Farber Alan James Folk Thomas Lawrence Giglio David Lester Hutchinson Stephen Wayne Koontz Alan Michael Lezak Robert William Lippert, Jr. Dean Kenyon Smith Wayne Karl Smith Frederick Henry Thompson James Scotfield "Underwood III In Management Gerald Lynn Long Ludwig Frank Mach Mark Vernon O'Daniell David Aaron Pashkow John Steve Patterson Donald Grey Puryear Richard James Ramstedt Henry Gunsaulus Schuelek Lynn J. Snyder Robert Wayne Storm James David Tibbetts Leonard Eugene Webster, Jr. James Lee Wilson, Honors Bruce Edward Bauman In Management and Marketing Joan Marie Barski Eugene Louis Bergeron Charles Kenneth Blood, Jr. Philip Sheldon Bloomberg Roger Scot Bowman Phillip Robert Budd Wayne Buettner Henry Shou-May Cha George Michael Charnota, Honors David Allen Dandurand Kathleen Marie Dawes John David Fox Howard Frank Daniel Griffin Gallagher Ronald Alan Gayer Paul Ernest Geddis James Paul Graziano Bruce Alan Grohne Roland Victor Holm James Craig Johnson James Arthur Kelly, Jr. Martin Allen Klingel Robert John Kurinsky Michael Jay Langdon In Marketing James Purcell Loser Patricia Ann Micheil Robert Henry Naslund Peter Cornelius Newkirk Frank Charles Noble Dennis Keith Omundson Richard Dermansly Padnos Arthur William Peters James Douglas Posey Frank John Pytel Kenneth John Sarsha Ernest James Schalk George Eugene Schhank Sandra Ann Springborn Dale Roy Stegemiller William John Sterritt Richard Lowell Stucker Otto Thomas Thomas Gary Allen Topper Florent Gerald Van Dyck Howard Leslie Wagner Charles Joseph Zeman Jerome David Zerkel \1yrna Kay Canfielb Gayle Hoffmann Chobot Rita Marlene Ennen Lois Ann Goodell In Secretarial Training Jane Ann Heller Barbara Jean Mayer Rita Jean Meiers Merrybeth Rosa Seavey In Urban Land Economics John Nevin Dickie, Honors George Anton Novy Ward Fulfer McDonald Robert Duquesne Stoothoff COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATIONS Degree of Bachelor of Science In Communications Gladys Harriet Ackerman, Honors Carole Belimow Annilee Lucille Armstrong Cynthia Louise Bellows 1312 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Margaret Grueningee Birk, Honors Robert Michael Blacher Jane Griffin Bodman, High Honors John Joseph Breen Elwood Allan Brent Thomas Edward Caruso Ronald William Casson Richard Keith Collopy James Edward Crackel Joseph Harry Dowell Barry John Durand Roger Joseph Ebert John Frederick Ferrell Dennis Michael Finneran John Charles Gawne Kathleen Marie George Marlene Denise Georman, Honors Robekt Peter Gundersen Bruce David Handler, High Honors Sheridan McCann Hansen James Michael Hanson Joel Lanning Hartman John Elmer Hendricks Donald Alison Henry III Judith Rieger Jennings Carol Ann Kasl, Honors John Michael Keefe, Jr. James Curtis Knox Richard Lee Knox Carole Marie Kolens Roberta June Kurtzman Joan Donna Lapine Lois Ruth Levy Janice Gayle Lind Beverly Kay Maeda Thomas Duane Mandeville Paul Martin Mazgaj Carolyn Alberta Mills, Honors John Paul Mockenhaupt Mary Schnittker Munson, High Honors William Louis Nack Merle Bettie Nadlin Thomas Joseph Neff Linda Marie Novack Floyd William Osterman James Francis Pecora Charles Edwin Quarnstrom Peggie Cristina Richardson Thomas Patrick Sabin, Honors Darrell Lynn Samet William Alfred Schiller Rochelle Harriet Sherling Betsy Ruth Siegel Theodore Leonard Sodergren Carol Ann Stevens Nancy Kathryn Stratman George Gregory Taubeneck, Honors Lyndell Dale Wallis Mary Frances Ware William Harry Weintraub David Joseph Weiss Janet Whitney John Patrick Wiese, Honors Jill Susan Wine Frank Charles Zahour, Jr. COLLEGE OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS Degree of Bachelor of Architecture OSMAN MOHAMED AbUSHAIRA Stanley Leonard Anderson, Honors Homayoun Mir Arjmand Warren Stannard Baker, Honors Barton Henry Barrow Wallace William Bates Nathaniel Boyd, Jr. Eugene Ronald Brese Kenneth Naylor Clark, High Honors Slobodan Vojislav Curcic, High Honors Robert John Deme John David Duell William Henry Dunn, Jr. Ronald Frank Edwards Thomas Lee Elliott, Highest Honors William Horace Erwin, Honors Alfred Lawrence Espinoza Jackson Hill Fahnestock, Jr. Alan Jeffrey Fox Robert Melvin Friedman Anthony Richard Frigo Joyce Michiyo Fujimoto Jon Albert Goedde Karl Hartnack Howard Herman Humburg Bennett MacCuaig Johnson Ronald Wayne Jones George William Kasper Roland Ray Kehe Dennis Hee Joong Kim Arthur Charles Kuehn John Robert La Conta James Kenneth Lee Ronald Dean Lindgren, Highest Honors Charles Clyde Lozar, Honors Eugene Anthony Maciaszek John Guy Marker John Ralph Massel John Edward McCool, Honors Charles Louis McNabb Chester Lee Michell George LeRoy Millen, Jr. Thomas John Miron Charles Raymond Nash Richard Joseph Pollak Deborah Macy Pratt Lester Edwin Rosenwinkel Derwood Dean Schrotberger Thomas William Sheehy Jerry Louis Smania, High Honors 1964] university Robert James Soeensen Jerome Allen Stefani James Philip Steinfels John Colburn Steinmann Michael Jay Stepner Laurence Elwood Svab, Honors OF ILLINOIS 1313 Raymond Lynn Tetzlaff Charles Milton Tinder, Jr. Ronald Edmund Wagner Ronald Emory Walkington, Honors Kenneth David Wertz Dennis Nicholas Wonderlick Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts In Advertising Desian George Calvin Bruce Jane Gayle Culley Carolyn Sue Davenport Georgia Allen Friggle Janet Anne Hamilton Brenda Sue Nelson Hayes James Carol Hertter Judith Ann Holpuch Harold Eldon Hussung Robert Emil Hutzenlaub Carol Lou Sizemore Isberg Darlene Elizabeth Johnson Brian Murray Katz Robert Henry Nelson John Helmut Pacyna Alford Lealous Rodgers, Honors Karen Joann Russell Kenneth Wayne Taishoff Guenther Tetz, Honors Dennis Alan Whitlock, Honors Bobbie Samuelson Zelip In Art Education adr1enne isehrstock aaronson Marlene Beth Andalman Linda Lou Stump Beazley, Honors Judith Natalie Bennett Gerald Kenneth Deasy Hong Tatt Foo, High Honors JoAnn Freehill Carol Jean Happel Albert Frederick William Jaeger, Jr. Richard James Karrels, Honors Penny Hult Linford, Highest Honors Jean Ann Magner Fern Alyce Marmis, High Honors Beverly Lynn Miller Marsha Lee Moskowitz Rosalie Janet Smotzer Barbara Jean Taussig, Honors In Crafts Raymond Thomas Sparks In Industrial Desian Robert William Dohm Jay Allan Doniger Norman Roland Furst Mark Edwin Houmard Terry Allan Johnson, Honors Richard Arnold Kriozere Fred Michael Marcus Frank Jack Merle Rimvydas Anthony Tveras Keith Lewis Wallach, Honors John Douglas Whitlow Philip Cleer Yenerich In Landscape Architecture John Robert Busch Gerhardt Henry Felgemaker Thomas John Flynn Joseph Lester Geraci Charles Harris Gouveia Vincent Frank Nauseda Joseph Noah Nevius Charles Hobart Peterson Thomas LeRoy Stephens Charles Hansen Thomsen Charles Sheldon Turofsky Robert Bruce White In Painting Sarah Hudson Bennett, Honors Sandra Harvey Bunning Joann Bernreuter Caldwell, Honors Mary Louise Cummins Susan Janet Fritz Sue Perry Gebhardt, Honors Roger Michael Gustafson Harold John Hansen, Honors Susan Levin, Honors Barbara Schucker Marquardt Regina Mary Matusevicius Holly Beth Meilstrup Nancy Morris, Honors Stuart Anderson Ochiltree Mary Thedford Parmelee, Honors Nancy Sue Reynolds, Honors James William Sajovic, Highest Honors Donna Mae Schlegman Evan Errol Sommerfeld Gordon David Wine, High Honors Dorothy Yaver, Honors 1314 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Frederick Vandova Glover In Sculpture Jay Stewabt Willis William Stewart Parsons, High Honors Degree of Bachelor of Music Karen Carlson Rogers, Highest Honors Lawrence Eugene Weller, Honors Degree of Bachelor of Science In City Planning Dale Gordon Bagby, Highest Honors Leon Thomas Kotecki In Music Education Freelyn Alice Arbeiter Thomas Clark Baker, Honors Darrell LeRoy Bartel John Craig Begun, Honors Patricia Joan Bertelli Mary Ellen Blanchette Ann Lorene Cervera, Honors Peggy Jane Curtis, High Honors Alan Chester Davis Grant Wittwer Dougherty, Honors Sandra Lee Eggert, Honors Reba Ann Humphrey Diane Sue Hurd, Honors Marilyn Kathleen Kemp John Stanley Lyon Ellen Marie Martin Curtis Lee McCarty Sharon Lee Mooney Janet McCabe Moore, High Honors Nancy Anne Nelmes, High Honors Roman Ray Palmer Norma Kay Riddle, High Honors Joey Royce Schwaegel Linda Kathleen Shontze, Honors Susan Rixmann Small Anna Mae Sokolofski, Honors Phillis Joyce Vahala Lawrence Eugene Weller, Honors Mary Estelle Greenway COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Dance George David Burgess Degree of Bachelor of Science In Health Education In Physical Education Patricia Raye Alexander Lenora Jean Bormet Riley Franklin Bridgers Gary Verne Burton Allen Barry Carius, High Honors Ellen Jane Carr Diana Lee Chern Hugh Francis Doran La Verne Rose Duleba Jeffrey Lee Ferguson Nancy Jean Ferguson Kathleen Kelly Finneran, Honors Albert William Fleming George John Galla Phyllis Jean Glienke, High Honors Gregory Dixon Gwin Douglas Alexander Jaffray Ronald Lynn Keller Ronald Lawrence Kiersch Alfredas Petras Kleinaitis Thomas Lee Koenig Ronald Arthur Kroll William Alfred LaPietra, Honors Alan Kent Larson, High Honors Chris Anthony Milesis Mary Ann Felicia Mitiu Dennis Harold Moll Robert Joseph Mulcahy Howard Sheldon Oleff William John Ormsby James Lemuel Plankenhorn Paula Marie Powers Marvinia Mae Randolph, Honors Frederick Dennis Robin Jay Ira Silverman Virginia Susan Sowizal Jane Frances Speiser Georgia Louise Steffens Laslo Ernie Tako, Honors James Milo Thomas Toni N. Tift, Honors Edward Ronald Toman 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1315 Judith Anne Torres Raymond John Urban Caryn Rosen Adelman Arleen Ruth Baker, Honors Sharon Beverly Coffman Austin Louis Duke Elizabeth Ann Erskine Raymond Joseph Froehlich Alan Frederick Gottlieb Dan Wilson Kennedy Norman Lee Willis Terry Robin Yeager In Recreation Susan Ann McMullen Sonya Ann Mensenkamp Carol Ann Peterson, Honors Donald Joseph Puchalski Sue Brona Rosenzweig Lawrence Henry Stern Mary Demmaree Sunkel COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science In Miriam Risa Anver, Honors Ronald Lee Baylor Yeshayahu Ben-Hur Gary Wayne Brandt Salvatore Michael Cirone Don Webster Coats Susan Mary Cotter, Honors [erry Wayne Davis Winfred Duane Dean, Honors Stephen Koch Derwelis, High William Bruce Douglas, Jr. Roger Gale Dozier, Honors Allan Fredrick Frank Robert Wesley Gibbons Dennis Robert Groom Richard Glenn Haars Gerald Lee Henriksen Dennis Kay Johnson Ronald Alan Johnson John Thomas Kelly, Jr. Robert Lee Lacey Veterinary Medicine Joseph Thomas Lowry Clyde David McLaughlin Edwin Lewis McLaughlin Karen Elizabeth McNeil Robert William Mead, Honors Rose Ann Pellegrino Curtis Allyn Perry David Alan Rhoda Michael Philip Riley Honors James Lloyd Rising Ernest Stephen Sauers, Honors Grady Leon Skaggs Carol Anne Spears Charles Dale Spence Thomas Brennen Steffen Dennis Ray Stubblefield Timothy Lawrence Swiecki Ted Clark Walters Joel Keith Wesson William Howard Wright Degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Sue Ellen Anway John Bruce Arensman Richard Fitzhugh Bevill, Jr., Honors John Allen Blake, Honors Ronald Wilber Camden, Honors Paul Lee Caron Harold Hallam Clark Edmond Arber Cocks Daniel Lee Cornell Donald Edward Coulter George Gerald Doering Joseph Lawrence Dorner Robert William Dygert Norman Lester Earp Jack Dale Franklin Austin James Furlong Cyril J. Greenspan Herbert Hard wick Virgil Eugene Hockgraver, Honors William Kent Kerr Arthur Franklin Lippoldt Wayne Edwin Lutz Jerald Michael Martell Richard Elmer Miller William James Moyle Willard Burton Nelson, Jr. Robert Aaron Niederman Chester Frank Palmer Neven Aleksandar Popovic John William Sagartz Delmar Wayne Schleder James David Small Nicholas Szluha James Milton Tucker Kenneth Lee Walker Barbara Cecile Westphal Larry Eugene Wilson James Arthur Youngren Barry Eugene Zonkel 1316 board of trustees [June 17 Degrees Conferred at Chicago HONORARY DEGREES Degree of Doctor of Arts Virgil Melvin Hancher, A.B., A.M., J.D., LL.D., L.H.D., Litt.D., LL.B., D.C.L. GRADUATE COLLEGE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Biological Chemistry John Ralph Edwards, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1959 Ralph Raymond Gantt, A.B., Blackburn College, 1958 Erich Leonhardt Gibbs, A.B., Harvard University, 1959 Caroline Elisabeth Hardy, B.S., Wheaton College, 1960 Leon Maurice Lerner, B.S., M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1959, 1961 Edward Paul Previc, B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1953 Robert F. Skora, A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1956 In Chemistry (Parmaceutical) Angel Sevilla Arambulo, B.S., University of the Philippines, 1950; M.S., 1952 David B. Katague, Jr., B.S., University of the Philippines, 1955; M.S., 1962 In Microbiology Robert Leander Gustafson, B.S., University of Chicago, 1959; M.S., 1962 Bernard Richard Tess, B.S., Loyola University, 1958 Eugene Maximillian Vaichulis, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1959; M.S., 1961 In Pharmacology Lorenz Martin Hofmann, B.S., M.S., 1959, 1961 In Physiology Gladys Atkins, B.S., Louisiana College, 1956; M.S., Louisiana State University, 1958 David Sherwin Mailman, B.S., University of Chicago, 1958 Degree of Master of Science In Anatomy Birute Pleskys Jakstys, B.S., 1960 Patricia Sclafini Tornheim, A.B., Rosary College, 1961 Elaine Blume Wilson, A.B., Swarthmore College, 1958 In Biological Chemistry Graham Arthur Rogeness, A.B., Dartmouth College, 1960 Arnold David Steinberg, D.D.S., Northwestern University, 1954 In Chemistry (Pharmaceutical) Vincent Chukwugozie Agwada, A.B., Eastern Nazarene College, 1955; M.S., Western Illinois University, 1961 Karen Rover Sandberg, B.S., 1961 In Histology (Dental) Emile Moores Davis, B.S., Fort Valley State College, 1942; D.D.S., Meharry Medical College, 1948 William Francis Malone, D.D.S., Northwestern University, 1955 Donald Horace Newell, B.S., D.D.S., 1956, 1958 Jaime Pietrokovski, D.D.S., University of San Marcos (Peru), 1955 Norman David Rotblat, B.S., 1961 Michel Tagger, D.M.D., Hebrew University (Jerusalem), 1959 Robert Eugene Williamson, B.S., D.D.S., 1960, 1961 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1317 In Microbiology James Vernon Kopp, B.S., University of Akron, 1962 Janet Joan Sieber Meyle, A.B., Valparaiso University, 1962 Leonard Thomas Molander, B.S., Loyola University, 1962 In Oral Pathology Lee Brian Silverglade, B.S., D.D.S., 1957, 1959 In Oral Surgery Harold Robert Bayne, D.D.S., 1961 Sidney Peskin, B.S., D.D.S., 1958, I960 In Orthodontics Norton Alvin Eisenberg, D.D.S., Ohio State University, 1962 Richard Grey Lord, B.S., D.D.S., 1958, 1960 Elsa Lo Ciocon Seiton, D.D.M., University of the East (Philippines), 1957 Major Adviser: Allan G. Brodie, D.D.S., Ph.D. David M. Solomon, B.S., Fordham University, 1956; D.D.S., University of Maryland, 1960 Lawrence Dexter Woodford, B.S., University of Toledo, 1958; D.D.S., Ohio State University, 1962 In Pedodontics John Aristidis Gallios, A.B., Wabash College, 1952; D.D.S., Northwestern University, 1956 Roger Kazuhiko Kuwabara, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1955; D.D.S., Howard University, 1959 In Pharmacology Edward Tracy Browning, B.S., Purdue University, 1961 Roger Gene Unzicker, A.B., Goshen College, 1961 In Pharmacy Ronald Louis Foreman, B.S., 1960 John Henry Lewis, B.S., 1962 Song-ling Lin, B.S., National Taiwan University (China), 1959 Robert Earl Pearson, B.S., 1962 In Surgery Robert Pleasants Gordon, Jr., A.B., Princeton University, 1954; M.D., Northwestern University, 1958 Roger Lee Mehl, A.B., University of Washington, 1957; M.D., University of Maryland, 1961 John James Minster, B.S., M.D., Loyola University, 1954, 1956 Hassan Najafi-Mahalati, M.D., Teheran University (Iran), 1954 Jerome Jay Vernick, A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1958; M.D., The Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, 1962 COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dentistry Conferred June 7, 1963 Arno Wilhelm Bartz Michael Vincent Farr John Marcellus Beatty, A.B., South- Howard Ivan Feig em Illinois University, 1961 Michael Edwin Fesler Jordon Charles Block Curtiss Orval Floyd Joel Leon Burman, B.S., 1959 Michael Joel Gebhart Patrick James Canaday Michael David Hayward Steven Paul Collins Robert Marshall Hewitt John Thomas Corsten Morris Alvin Hicks Robert Stephen Densford, A.B., De- Ronald Maurice Highton, B.S., Pauw University, 1961 Roosevelt University, 1961 Dale Richard Eisenmann, with Leo Lucas Jaeger, with High Honors Honors Robert Richard Jensen 1318 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Robert Earl Jourgensen George Irwin Kagan, B.S., University of Chicago, 1961 Frank James Kerous, A.B., Knox College, 1961 Karl Wylde Knewitz Gustav Robert Kozina John Charles Krischke, A.B., Northwestern University, 1961 Steven Yoshikazu Kumamoto Richard Melvin Lainson Thomas Wallace Mansfield, B.S., 1961 Richard Philip Martino Allen David Marks Vytautas Romualdas Mockus Kenneth Paul Molnar, B.S., 1960 Don Raymond Morris Robert James Nudera Brian Carl Painter Michael Stuart Patner James William Paul, B.S., St. Louis University, 1957; M.S., 1961 William Andrew Schackel Duane Eugene Soldati James Allen Spelich Robert Vincent Starvel Edward Stuart Sterling Lee John Stopoulos, A.B., Augustara College, 1961 Richard Lewis Tega Michael Andrew Turk Thomas Charles Vogt Wayne Robert Witt Robert Richard Zendt, A.B., Knox College, 1961 Conferred September 7, 1963 Erwin Gold Degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery Conferred September 7, 1963 Lewis William Exum, B.S., Youngs- Anthony R. Pustelnikas, B.S., town University, 1955 Roosevelt University, 1958 Erwin Gold Ronald Rubenstein, B.S., 1959, 1961 Roy Alfonso Jones, B.S., Howard University, 1959; B.S., 1961 Conferred December 21, 1963 William Dean Brown George Robert Cavaness, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1958 Conferred Allen Wendell Anderson, B.S., 1962 Guna Mara Anderson, B.S., 1962 Helmut Adam Awender, B.S., 1962 Kenneth Edward Bala, B.S., 1962; with Honors Robert Stanley Becker, B.S., Beloit College, 1960 James Allen Berens, B.S., 1962 Richard Jerome Berke, B.S., Drake University, 1960; B.S., 1962 Howard Theodore Block, B.S., 1962 Harold William Bonus, B.S., 1962 Melvin Burach Borg, B.S., 1962 Jefferson Columbus Brock James Wendel Buckman, with Honors Donald Anthony Carollo Richard Jay Chroman, B.S., 1962 James Michael Cocagne Nelson Thomas Crowell, B.S., 1962 Samuel A. Daniels, A.B., Macalester College, 1958 Michael Joseph Davey, B.S., 1962 Donald Joseph De Christopher, B.S., 1960, 1962 Maurice Dickman, B.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1953; B.S., 1962 Lonald Joe Fox Thomas Blair Frazier, A.B., Mon- mouth College, 1960; B.S., 1962 June 11, 1964 Jerry Dean Gardner, B.S., 1962; with Honors Gary Allen Gasbarra, B.S., 1960, 1962 Carl Richard Gilmore, A.B., Beloit College, 1960; B.S., 1962 James Elwood Gorman, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1958 Leon Floyd Harres, B.S., 1962 Stuart Harvey Hellman Charles Eric Johnson, B.S., 1962 William Nils Johnson, B.S., 1962 Richard Duke Jones, B.S., 1962 William Jackson Jones, B.S., 1961 Karl Wylde Knewitz, B.S., 1963 Peter Kobes Alex John Kramer Albert Henry Krause, B.S., 1962 William James Lambert, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1960 Stuart Elton Larson Wayne Dennis Larson Robert Michael Lazerson, B.S., 1960 Robert John Lowth, A.B., Southern Illinois University, I960 Allan Martin Malkasian Richard Philip Martino, B.S., 1963 George Birkland Maxwell, Jr., A.B., Southern Illinois University, I960; B.S., 1962 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1319 Armen Michaelian, A.B., Fresno State College, 1960 Robert Kay Mick, B.S., 1962 Alan Michael Miller Lafry Ray Mittendorf, B,S., 1962 Ronald Eugene Mizer James William Mooney Lawrence Robert Neimark, B.S., 1960 Ibwin William Pearlman, B.S., 1962 Michael Jay Pink Darryl John Pirok, A.B., B.S., 1960, 1962 Robert Joseph Pokorny, B.S., 1960, 1962 Gary Alan Quick, B.S., 1962 Robert Robinson Farel Arthur Rosenberg, B.S., 1962 Norman David Rotblat, B.S., 1961 Sheldon Arnold Rudnick, B.S., 1962 Alan Jay Shapiro, B.S., Roosevelt University, I960; B.S., 1962 Neil Howard Shulkin Dennis Lee Sluski Donald Clarence Sorensen Saul Sosin, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1948 Gene Richard Sterritt Arthur Stone, A.B., Roosevelt University, 1951 Jerome Michael Strofs Jerry Lee Todd, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1959; B.S., 1962 Michael Andrew Turk, B.S., 1963 Wilbur Eugene Van Horn David Eugene Voelpel Alfred Solomon Weiner, B.S., 1960 Donald Philip Weissman, B.S., 1962 Samuel Stuart Wexler, B.S., 1962 Thomas Edward Williams, A.B., Whittier College, 1960 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Conferred June 11, 1964 Harriet Secel Adelstein Beverly Elliott Catron, with Honors Margaret Miles Flynn Patricia Elnor Geissman Dorothy Louise Havens Georgia Helen Ida Holverson Monica Hyacinth Lopez Verna Lea Mengedoth Gladys Elaine Mueller Donna Scheckerman Orlove, with Honors Stacia Ann Woods Paxton Karen Louise Smedberg Karen Frances Tate Beverly Ann Westrom Degree of Doctor of Medicine Conferred Miles Franklin Adler Edwin April Gerald Francis Atwood John Lester Bardsley, A.B., 1961 Leon Irwin Bender, B.S., 1959 Roger Berlin Morley Jay Berman Norman Blair Besman Douglas Rudolph Bey, Jr. Norman Irwin Birndorf Kenneth Wayne Blecher John Ronald Bobitt William Joseph Bogard, B.S., 1960 Michael Frank Borysow Frederick Stamm Brichtbill, B.S., 1960 Anthony Lee Brown John William Buckner Joseph Louis Burke, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1960 Ralph Burrows, B.S., 1958 Russell Robert Carlson, A.B., Earl-ham College, 1957 Jude Anthony Caselton June 11, 1964 Lawrence Irvin Chapman, with Honors George Charnecki Frank Joseph Cipriano, B.S., 1961 Michael Bertram Coburn George Alfred Cochran, Jr., A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1960 Michael Anthony Colandrea James George Cravens, D.D.S., 1960; with Honors Frederick William Cubin, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1960 Harry William Darland, A.B., North Central College, 1960 Dale George Davis, B.S., 1960 Barbara Kay Dellenback, B.S., 1960 Allen Bernard DevlescHoward, Jr. William Roy Dugdale, B.S., Michigan State University, 1960 Corwin Roberts Dunn, A.B., Knox College, 1960 Charles John Eggerstedt, B.S., 1961 Theodore Samuel Eisenman Trudy Fox Eisenman 1320 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Robert Stephen Ellis, Jr., B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1960 Michael Harold Ellman, B.S., 1960 Esic E. Erickson, A.B., Northwestern University, 1959 Adrian Douglas Feinerman, B.S., 1960 Jay Michael Feldman Alvin Laddie Francik Louis Harvey Frase, B.S., 1960 Billy Ray Fulk, A.B., Southern Illinois University, I960 Woodson Carol Fuller, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1960; with Honors Leonard Joel Gardberg Don Earl Gehle, A.B., 1960 Michael Dewey Geis Kenyon Roger Gilbert Mark Gilden, A.B., Northwestern University, 1960 Ronald Lee Gillum, A.B., DePauw University, 1960 Howard Peter Girard Robert Wesley Glass Samuel Goldberg, A.B., 1961 Lee Mitchell Goldfine, B.S., 1960 Barry Goldman, B.S., 1960 Henry Aaron Goldstein, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1960 Theodore Benson Goldstein, B.S., 1960; with Honors Robert Allen Goodwin Ira Martin Grais, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1960 Richard Mearlyn Graven, A.B., Greenville College, 1960 Jan Larry Gray, B.S., 1961 Jane Dugdale Gray, A.B., 1961 Harold Walter Harding John Phillip Harris William Edward Harriss, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1960 John Milo Hattenhauer Norman V. Heintz Harold James Heyman Frederick Danner Hirsch Gene Wesley Hollingswqrth, B.S., 1959 Ronald Norman Horowitz Robert Dean Hunn Hester Jo Hursh, B.S., George Williams College, 1958 John Henry Ippensen, A.B., Knox College, 1960 Theodore Gus James, B.S., 1960 Anton Joseph Jirka, A.B., Knox College, 1959 Sheldon Solomon Kabaker Myra Joyce Kahn Stephen Howard Kassel, A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1960 William John Kennell Robert Thomas Kessles, B.S., Loyola University, 1960; with High Honors John Michael Kxrsch, B.S., Loyola University, 1960 Haig Aram Koshkarian, A.B., Grin- nell College, 1960 Mitchell Ivan Krieger Michael Kroll Ralph Fredrick Kuhlman Donald Heston Kull, A.B., Millikin University, 1957 Donald Dominic LaMarca, B.S., 1959 Edwin John Landherr Guilio Anthony Leone Ira Michael Lerner, B.S., 1961 Stephen Joel Leshin, with Honors Alan Scott Levin Richard Allen Malek Marshall Irwin Matz Helen Statia Maurer, B.S., 1960 Charles Peter Maurizi David Lawrence McCarty, B.S., 1959 Clark Richard McDaniel, A.B., 1960 Allen Daniel McLean, B.S., 1961 Seymour J. Melnik Charles Ronald Middleton, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1959 William Francis Middleton, B.S., 1960 Alexander Watson Miller Kent Maurice Monroe, B.S., 1961 Algerd Stanley Monstavicius, B.S., 1961 Mitchell Andrew Moos Charles Denzil Morehead Fred Fivel Nathan, B.S., University of Chicago, 1959 John Michael Nayden, B.S., 1960 Robert Ross Neal, Jr., A.B., Wabash College, 1960 Donald Robert Nelson, B.S., Beloit College, 1959 Kenneth Everett Nelson, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1959 Joseph Martin Nieder, with Honors Irwin Herschel Noparstak Raymond George Orenic David Ekern Ott, A.B., Northwestern University, 1957 Norman Joseph Pastorek, A.B., Augustana College, 1960 Raymond Walter Petkus, B.S., 1961 Jerold Alan Pick David Alois Platzbecker David MacCharles Pogue, B.S., Colorado State University, 1960 Jackie Eldrige Purdy Gene Herbert Purvis, A.B., August-ana College, 1960 Lon Dietrig Rademacher, B.S., 1960 Ronald Everet Ramstedt, A.B., Coe College, 1960 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1321 Donald Paul Riff Louise Jean M. Riff, A.B., Millikin University, 1956 John Arthur Robinson II, B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1960 Graham Arthur Rogeness, A.B., Dartmouth College, 1960 Roger Alan Rose, A.B., 1961 Joel Charles Ross Gary Lee Rudder Walter Richard Ruf, B.S., 1960 Lois Ann Ryan, A.B., 1958 Jon Drew Sandberg David Norman Sattem, A.B., 1960 Richard Warren Sauerman, A.B., Monmouth College, 1960 Jack Lloyd Saylor, A.B., Southern Illinois University, 1960 Doris Marie Schaaff, A.B., St. Xavier College, 1960 Gary Walter Schabacker Howard Owen Schechter David Harold Schultz, A.B., Blackburn College, 1959 Terry Keith Schultz Robert Denton Shaffer, A.B., North Central College, 1960 Charles Hershel Shallat, B.S., 1961 Virgil Delano Short Benjamin Shwachman, B.S., 1959 Daniel John Sigband Barbara Frances Silvestri Arthur Bernard Simon Howard David Simon, B.S., 1961 William Hugh Simpson, B.S., Bradley University, 1960 Robert George Slack, A.B., Northwestern University, 1959 John James Smalley, Jr. Robert Keith Smith, A.B., 1961 Roger Enos Smith, A.B., Monmouth College, 1960 Brenda Clorfene Solomon Wiluam Frank Stach, A.B., 1961 George Isidore Starr Dwight Oran Swaback Carl Ralph Tassistro, B.S., 1960 Robert Roy Taube, B.S., 1960 Arvydas Paul Tauras Marshall Bennett Taylor, B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960 Henry Michael Tufo Gerald Donald Vermeulen Thomas Abraham Victor Leo Gene Watson Herbert Weinstein, B.S., 1961 Marvin Ira Weintraub, B.S., 1961 John Lester Werner, B.S., 1961 Harvey James Whitfield, Jr., B.S., 1961 James Matthew Whittenberg Ronald Peter Wilbois, B.S., 1959 Eunice Ruth Wilson, A.B., 1952 James Edward Wilson, B.S., Purdue University, 1960 William H. Woodruff, A.B., Blackburn College, 1957 Robert Frederick Yario COLLEGE OF NURSING Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Conferred December 21, 1963 Patricia Ann Bean Dona Mae Gilbo Jane Penelope Bostrom Glenda Marshall Lane, with Honors Carolyn Alice Fuller Diana Louise Winn, with Honors Conferred Jurate Mary Abromaitis Joyce Sharon Ackert Kathryn Ann Bagley Marilyn Kay Bertha Patricia Laurel Binder Marilyn Hornick Bonaguro Celeste Irene Bongianni Caroline Slater Brown Carol Ann Bucher Sandra Henderson Densford Eleanor Glenda Ferguson Mary Kay Flynn, with Honors Jeannine Malzahn Frank Jerry Dale Griggs Hannah Theresa Harris Patricia Thompson Henschen Karen Sue Jones Louise Steinman Kanter Karlene Mary Ketelhut June 11, 1964 Lois Jean Kleidon Delores Jean Leusby Pamela Jean Backus Levin Ann Rosemary Magee Marian Ruth Martin, with High Honors Brenda Kay Newcomb Marilyn Ann Rush Kay Katz Schechter Dorothy Sue Shelton Christine Jean Skowronski Helen Rae Johnson Snodgrass Patricia Ann Stroupe Joyce Helene Suchinski Janet Mossberg Tornquist Barbara Jean Voight Anna Marie Wainio Caroline Lydia White 1322 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 1? COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Conferred September 7, 1963 Dennis Carl Prosch Walter Edward Roberts Conferred December 21, 1963 Arthur John Bohr, Jr. Herbert Jacob Jakel, Jr., A.B., Northwestern University, 1958 Margaret Catherine Jiambalvo Norbert Joseph Prokopek William Edward Scott Conferred June 11. 1964 Michael Salvatore Alberti Penrod Nicholas Alexander James David Berg John Calvin Blaufuss, B.S., Lakeland College, 1958 Peter Wiluam Bruno Ralph Abel Bryson Bernard Mitchell Bubman William Frederic Burrows, with Honors Arlene Sarah Crawford Harry Leo Friedman Christine Toshiko Fujimoto, with Honors avery overtis gordon Frederick William Heinkel Lawrence Jay Horwitz Ruta Kadikis Arthur Karl King William Frank Kortum Allen Howard Lasko Alvin Shiel Lipman Leona Lucille Lubanowski Allan Gilbert Mandell, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1960 Joel Uri Mann Grazyna Cecilia Niemczura Robert Michael Ramsden Alfred Samuel Reitman, B.S., 1960 John Charles Ritola William Robinson Raymond Earl Rosenberg Jack Robert Schaser, with Honors Donald Cayward Schultz John Francis Semetulskis Thomas Joseph Skerik Danny Lee Smith Ralph Henry Sprandel, B.S., Elmhurst College, 1954 Michael Howard Stolar John Wesley Swain, B.S., Tennessee State University, 1957 Shelia Kay Touquan, with Honors Gueilar Laurel Turner David Edward Ushkow Thomas Miles Vrhovnik Roger Dale Wienke SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; appointments of fellows made by the Dean of the Graduate College; declinations, resignations, and terminations; leaves of absence; cancellations of leaves of absence. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parentheses is the date on which the appointment was approved by the President of the University. C = College; S = Station; E = Extension.) Aaron, Howard B., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-26-64). Aberth, Oliver G., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $878 for the period (5-29-64). Abramoske, Donald J., Visiting Lecturer in History, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, 2/3 time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,200 for the period (5-12-64). Aggarwal, Jagdishkumar K., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (4-27-64). Anderson, Lynn R., Research Associate in Psychology, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,133.32; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-21-64). Anderson, Truman O., Assistant Professor of Medicine and of Microbiology, College of Medicine, two months from July 1, 1964, $12,000 a year, supersedes (5-7-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1323 Anderson, W. G., Visiting Lecturer in Educational Administration and Supervision, Summer Session of 1964, y2 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,100 for the period (5-21-64). Andrews, Rollin D., Ill, Project Assistant in Aquatic Biology, in the Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, three months from June 1. 1964, $1,320 (4-23-64). Auger, Ferris K., Assistant in Elementary Education, Summer Session of 1964, July 13-August 8, 1964, $567 for the period (4-19-64). Austin, Merlyn P., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-22-64). Babler, Bernard J.( Professor of Chemistry, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,800 for the period (5-19-64). Bailey, Albert D., Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,488.89 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment Barger, Allan R., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $977.76 (4-27-64). Bartlow, Robert M., Visiting Lecturer in History, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $900 for the period (5-12-64). Benson, Richard L., Theatre Therapist in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, 43/100 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $400 for the period (5-21-64). Bezkorovainy, Georgy, Research Assistant in Civil Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-19-64). Bianchini, Albert C, Associate Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $978 for the period (5-29-64). Blase, Barrie W., Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, two months from June 16, 1964, $933.32 (5-21-64). Bleyman, Mrs. Lea K., Research Associate in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,500 (5-11-64). Blomme, Richard W., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (4-27-64). Bohm, Larry G., Project Assistant in Aquatic Biology, in the Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, two months from July 1, 1964, $776, supersedes; and for one year from September 1, 1964, $4,656 (4-23-64). Borri, Robert P., Associate Professor of General Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, y2 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,034 for the period (4-23-64). Bowen, Kenneth A., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15- August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-19-64). Bowhill, Sidney A., Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,666.67 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-28-64). Briggs, Carleton W., Associate Professor of Art, Summer Session of 1964, 2/3 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,542 for the period (5-19-64). Brown, Gordon E., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, Vz time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $778 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-29-64). Brownlee, James L., Jr., Assistant Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,800 for the period (5-15-64). Buddenbaum, Warren E., Research Associate in Chemistry, three months from June 1, 1964, $550 a month (5-15-64). Bull, Mrs. Martha M., Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,400 for the period (5-19-64). Campbell, Jackson J., Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,667 for the period (5-25-64). Carter, Richard D., Housefather in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, 22/100 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $200 for the period (5-21-64). Casler, Darwin J., Assistant Professor of Accountancy, Summer Session of 1964, Vt time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,000 for the period; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-13-64). 1324 board of trustees [June 17 Chang, Herbert Yu-Pang, Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (4;27-64). Chen, Yuh-Ching, Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15- August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-19-64). Churchich, Joege K, Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry, academic year 1964-65, $7,400 (5-28-64). Clarke, Robert G., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, September 1, 1964- June 15, 1965, $4,644.45 (4-21-64). Clarke, Robert W., Assistant in Accountancy, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $949 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on Vz time (5-11-64). Clopton, Robert W., Visiting Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Education Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $3,520 (5-25-64). Coleman, Paul D., Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,733.33 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-28-64). Cooper, Thomas L., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $977.76 (4-27-64). Cornell, Harrison K., Assistant Editor, with rank of Instructor, in Veterinary Medicine Administration, College of Veterinary Medicine, May 18-August 31 1964, $7,200 a year, supersedes (5-26-64). Costin, Frank, Clinical Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, in the Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,170; this is in addition to his present appointment and to his Summer Session appointment on y$pD time (5-27-64). Craford, Magnus G., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $977.76 (4-27-64). Crane, Robert M., Assistant to Vice-President of the Chicago Undergraduate Division, one year from September 1, 1964, $14,500 (5-12-64). Cremer, Bennett J., Staff Physician in the Health Service, one year from July 1, 1964, $14,600 (5-4-64). Cross, Judy H., Counselor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, 16/100 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $150 for the period (5-21-64). Cullen, Donald E., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-1-64). Curley, Daniel, Associate Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964, \'i time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $967 for the period (5-25-64). David, Ariel, Assistant in Psychiatry, College of Medicine, two months from July 1, 1964, without salary (5-8-64). Davies, Michael S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,112 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on Yz time (5-19-64). Davis, Harvey S., Research Assistant in Mathematics, two months from July 1, 1964, $933.34 (4-24-64). Davis, Nuel P., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964, yi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $756 for the period (5-25-64). Dean, Mrs. Loraine P., Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,400 for the period (5-22-64). Degenford, James E., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering (S), three months from June 1, 1964, $750 a month, supersedes (5-19-64). DeMarco, William, Psychologist in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, 3/10 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $400 for the period (5-21-64). Denis, Marianne, Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,100 for the period (5-27-64). Denning, R. G., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $7,200 (5-15-64). Deschamps, Georges A., Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), June 16-June 30, 1964, $2,111.11 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-28-64). Diekhans, Herbert H., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,334 for the period (5-29-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1325 Dodd, George G., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,166.68; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-28-64). Doyama, Masao, Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Physics (C), one month from July 16, 1964, $944.44 (5-21-64). Dubinsky, Edward L., Visiting Lecturer in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $900 for the period (5-29-64). D'Zuriixa, Thomas J., Clinical Counselor in the Student Counseling Service in the Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,200 (5-26-64). Edwards, Ralph T., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-1-64). Eertmoed, Gary E., Research Assistant in Entomology, two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-27-64). Efsic, Edward J., Jr., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-25-64). Fairbanks, Robert P., Research Associate in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, two months from June 16, 1964, $2,000 (5-7-64). Fcmcucci, Richard A., Recreation Director in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, 19/100 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $175 for the period (5-21-64). Forsman, Roderick G., Research Assistant in Psychology, two months from June 16, 1964, $933.32 (5-25-64). Fox, Kenneth L., Instructor in Accountancy, Va time, academic year 1964-65, $3,750 (5-11-64). Fradin, Frank Y., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-27-64). Franz, Frank A., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), three months from June 1, 1964, $666.67 a month, supersedes (5-19-64). Fretwell, Charles C, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,377.78; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-25-64). Gage, Vivian E., Research Associate in Microbiology, May 15-August 31, 1964, $2,187.50 (5-6-64). Gallagher, James J., Professor of Special Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-July 11, 1964, $1,478 for the period, supersedes his previous Summer Session appointment (5-26-64). George, Mrs. Margaret Y., Assistant Professor of History, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, 2/z time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,150 for the period (5-28-64). Gerstner, Otto, Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, 1/2 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $834 for the period, supersedes his previous Summer Session appointment (5-29-64). Gerstner, Robert W., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, $2,000 for the period (5-21-64). Gieseking, Darrell L., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,111.12 (4-27-64). Gieselman, Robert D., Instructor in Business English, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $600 for the period (5-27-64). Gilmose, Gene, Assistant Professor of Journalism, two months from June 16, 1964, $912 (5-11-64). Gohde, William C, Counselor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, 16/100 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $150 for the period (5-21-64). Goldstein, Ladislas, Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $2,244.44 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-28-64). Gonnella, Joseph S., Assistant in Medicine, College of Medicine, one year from July 1, 1964, $7,200 (4-24-64). Goodrich, Herbert, Instructor in Business English, Summer Session of 1964, y$pD time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $656 for the period (5-25-64). 1326 board of trustees [June 17 Gore, Pearl M., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Summer Session of 1964 u time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $812 for the period (5-27-64). Hall, J. F., Visiting Lecturer in Educational Administration and Supervision Summer Session of 1964, June 15-July 10, 1964, $1,100 for the period (5-21-64)! Hamblen, David G., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-1-64). Hannah, Habold W., Project Director in the University Office of Agency fot International Development Projects (Office of the Executive Vice-President and Provost), under Contract AID/csd-349 to prepare a "Resources Handbook for Agricultural Universities," three months from June 16, 1964, $1,755.55 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-7-64). Harris, Richard E., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-1-64). Hartley, Arnold M., Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,978 for the period (5-13-64). Hartoch, Arnold J., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, $2,300 for the period, supersedes his previous Summer Session appointment on 1A time (5-12-64). Hayden, Edgar C, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,416.67 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-28-64). Hecht, Norman B., Research Assistant in Microbiology, April 1-September 15 1964, $2,566.69 (5-1-64). Heiple, Clinton R., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-27-64). Henderson, Robert A., Associate Professor of Special Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,223 for the period (5-27-64). Henry, John A., Counselor in the Student Counseling Service, Executive Vice-President and Provost's Office, Vl time, June 16-August 15, 1964, $1,260; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-27-64). Hepburn, Linda E., Housemother in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, 22/100 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $200 for the period (5-21-64). Herring, Tod, Visiting Lecturer in Vocational and Technical Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-July 10, 1964, $1,100 for the period (5-25-64). Herron, Robert E., Research Assistant in Physical Education for Men, September 1-15, 1963, $233.33, and June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,375, supersedes (5-1-64). Higgs, William J., Research Assistant in Psychology, two months from June 16, 1964, $933.32 (5-12-64). Hipskind, John P., Assistant Professor of General Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,600 for the period (4-23-64). Hoffman, Robert A., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-26-64). Holbrook, John C., II, Project Assistant in the Natural History Survey (Aquatic Biology Section) and in the Graduate College, June 1-September 15, 1964, $1,050 (5-7-64). Holmes, Roland W., Visiting Lecturer in English, academic year 1964-65, $10,800 (5-18-64). Hosken, Robert W., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $977.76 (4-28-64). Hovde, Helen J., Instructor in Speech, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,689 for the period (4-30-64). Hudson, Paul K., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,267 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on Ya time (5-25-64). Huffaker, Donald C, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,200; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-25-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1327 Huitema, Roy, Assistant to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, June 22-August 14, 1964, $2,800; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-28-64). Hunt, J. McV., Professor of Psychology, one year from July 1, 1964, $21,150, and on indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1965, to render service during each academic year (5-7-64). Ichimaru, Setsuo, Research Associate in Physics (C), three months from July 1, 1964, $1,000 a month (5-7-64). Itagaki, Eiji, Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $7,200 (5-15-64). Jackson, Joseph R, Professor of French, Vi time, June 16-August 8, 1964, $1,445; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-22-64). Jacobs, John T., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (4-28-64). Jenkins, Joe W., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15- August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-21-64). Johnson, Ellis D., Clinical Instructor in Neurology, Department of Neurology and Neurological Surgery and Epilepsy, College of Medicine, 4/10 time, five months from April 1, 1964, $3,000 a year (S-27-64). Johnson, John A., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,067 for the period, supersedes his previous Summer Session appointment on y$pD time (5-21-64). Tohnson, Peter, Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, two months from September 1, ' 1964, $1,445 (5-15-64). Johnson, Robert A., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, two months from ' June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-24-64). Kaiser, Dale E., Visiting Lecturer in Educational Administration and Supervision, Summer Session of 1964, July 13-August 8, 1964, $1,100 for the period (5-25-64). Kaplan, Jules B., Instructor in Mathematics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, academic year 1964-65, $6,500 (5-4-64). Kelley, Cornelia P., Associate Professor of English, nine months from September 16, 1963, $8,600, supersedes (5-18-64). Killip, Devore E., Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, College of Dentistry, three months from June 1, 1964, $12,000 a year, supersedes (5-28-64). Kinsey, Philip A., Visiting Lecturer in Chemistry, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,667 for the period (5-13-64). Kisk, Donald E., Instructor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), V2 time, two months from June 16, 1964, $555.56; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-4-64). Kobayashi, Makoto, Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, one year from October 1, 1964, $6,100 (5-28-64). Kramer, Daniel C, Instructor in Political Science, academic year beginning September 1, 1964, $7,800 (5-11-64). Ksysan, James L., Research Assistant in Entomology, June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,385 (4-27-64). Kupperman, David S., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-1-64). LaBach, William A., Research Assistant in Mathematics, two months from July 1, 1964, $933.34 (4-23-64). Lahey, James M., Instructor in Commerce Administration, College of Commerce and Business Administration, 14 time, two months from June 16, 1964, $277.78; this is in addition to his appointment as Instructor in Accountancy (4-24-64). Langston, Mrs. Genevieve R., Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,100 for the period (5-25-64). Larson, Arlyn J., Research Associate in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, June 1-August 15, 1964, $2,500 (5-4-64). Latta, Thomas M., Research Assistant in Chemistry, June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,072.93, supersedes (5-27-64). 1328 board of trustees [June 17 Leach, James L., Adviser in the Engineering Institute Program for Engineering Educators in India, for service under Contract AIDc-1220, for the period May IS through July 8, 1964, $1,356.66 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-7-64). Lide, Francis P., Jr., Instructor in Germanic Languages and Literatures, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,200 for the period (5-13-64). Lie, Taejourn, Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (Q two months from June 16, 1964, $977.76 (4-28-64). ' Liem, Karel F., Assistant Professor of Anatomy, College of Medicine, one vear from September 1, 1964, $10,000 (5-15-64). Livingston, William R., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964 June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-21-64). Loustaunau, Joaquin O., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964 June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-21-64). Manning, Eric G., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (4-28-64). Matsumoto, Yorimi, Instructor in Biophysics, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, three months from June 1, 1964, $6,100 a year, supersedes (5-19-64). McCoy, David W., Visiting Lecturer in Political Science, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $900 for the period (5-7-64). Melin, John W., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, 7/10 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,323 for the period (5-29-64). Meloy, C. R., Professor of Chemistry, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $3,300 for the period (5-19-64). Mendel, Clifford W., Jr., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,200 (4-28-64). Merideth, Charles W., Research Associate in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,800 (5-15-64). Merrill, Mary E., Assistant in English, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $978 for the period (5-21-64). Metropole, Mrs. Sonia, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,244.44; this is in addition to her present appointment (5-25-64). Michal, Edwin K., Research Assistant in Physiology and Biophysics, two months from June 16, 1964, $933.32 (5-4-64). Mignon, Charles W., Jr., Assistant Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964, y2 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $778 for the period (5-27-64). Millar, Barbara P., Cataloger, with rank of Instructor, in the Library of Medical Sciences, at the Medical Center, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,200 (5-18-64). Miller, Raymond P., Research Associate in Civil Engineernig (C), June 16- August 31, 1964, $1,750; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-22-64). Mock, Willis, Jr., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-1-64). Mohler, Hanspeter, Research Assistant in Geology, two months from June 16, 1964, $934 (5-15-64). Montgomery, Albert G., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-22-64). Mooty, Mary E., Visiting Lecturer in Elementary Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,100 for the period (5-21-64). Morgan, Bruce W., Instructor in Economics, Summer Session of 1964, June la-August 8, 1964, $1,889 for the period (5-25-64). Morris, Van Cleve, Visiting Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,400 for the period (5-22-64). Mracek, Jaroslav J., Instructor in Music, academic year 1964-65, $7,100 (5-28-64). Mueller, Thomas E., Research Associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), y2 time, two months from June 16, 1964, $570.84; this is in addition to his present appointment (4-28-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1329 Mullen, James, Visiting Lecturer in Advertising, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,534 (5-1-64). Murata, Tadao, Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.32 (428-64). Murphy, Lawrence W., Professor of Journalism, nine months from September 16, 1963, $11,400, supersedes (5-4-64). Nahorniak, Myra, Assistant in Physical Education for Women, Chicago Undergraduate Division, nine months from September 16, 1964, $5,000 (5-8-64). Neuhaus, Herbert, Clinical Instructor in Medicine, College of Medicine, five months from April 1, 1964, without salary (4-24-64). Nikolai, Robert J., Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,377.78 (5-25-64). Norton, John C, Project Assistant in the Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, April 15-June 30, 1964, $760 (5-5-64). Onaga, Kenji, Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.24 (4-28-64). Orr, Betty E., Associate Professor of Education, Chicago Undergraduate Division, indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1964, to render service during each academic year, $9,500 a year (5-8-64). Otting, William J., Jr., Lecturer in Physics (C), two months from July 1, 1964, $2,888 (5-22-64). Pennisi, Louis L., Associate Professor of Mathematics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,112 for the period (5-28-64). Peterson, Harold A., Supervisor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, June IS-August 8, 1964, $1,400 for the period (5-21-64). Pfeifer, Robert F., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.22 (5-21-64). Piper, Thomas C, Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,066.68 (4-28-64). Porter, Zigmund, Instructor in Periodontics, Department of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Dentistry, 1/2 time, one year from September 1, 1964, $4,000 (5-15-64). Powers, Donald J., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $978 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on Vi time (5-21-64). Prairie, Barbara B., Research Assistant in Chemistry, 2/3 time, five months from April 1, 1964, $1,527.75, supersedes full-time appointment (5-14-64). Prinz, Andrew K. Visiting Lecturer in History, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, 1/3 time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $1,036 for the period (5-7-64). Pumphrey, Fred H., Adviser in the Engineering Institute Program for Engineering Educators in India, for service under Contract AIDc-1220, June 5-July 20, 1964, $1,485 a month (5-7-64). Raddatz, Mrs. Anne C, Visiting Lecturer in Special Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,200 for the period (5-27-64). Rauch, Gary C., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16- August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-22-64). Rizzo, Frank J., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), academic year 1964-65, $6,300 (5-11-64). Roan, Vernon P., Jr., Research Associate in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (C), 1/3 time, two months from June 16, 1964, $444.44; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-27-64). Robinson, Marie L., Research Assistant in Chemistry, three months from June 16, 1964, $1,400.01 (5-18-64). Rosenbaum, Ralph L., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.22 (5-14-64). Ross, Robert C, Leader of Foreign Agriculture Visitors, in the Office of AID Projects, Vi time, one year from September 1, 1964, $6,750 (5-8-64). 1330 board of trustees [June 17 Ruelle, Robekt, Assistant in the Institute of Aviation, two months from Tune 16 1964, $933.34 (4-24-64). Russell, John K., Instructor in Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964. $1,133.34; this is in addition to his present appointment (5-27-64). Saam, William F., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-1-64). Sah, Chin-Tang, Professor of Electrical Engineering (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,666.67 a month; this is in addition to his present appointment (6-2-64). Sain, Michael K., Instructor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,111.12 (5-7-64). Sangster, William, Professor of Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, $2,578 for the period (5-28-64). Sauers, Ernest S., Research Assistant in the Center for Zoonoses Research College of Veterinary Medicine, June 1-September 19, 1964, $1,816.67 (5-26-64). Schafer, Elton D., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.22 (5-1-64). Schield, Milo A., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $933.34 (5-14-64). Schmitz, Roger A., Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $878 for the period (5-19-64). Schroer, David E., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $856 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-29-64). Shank, Max C., Professor of Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, $2,400 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on ji time (5-28-64). Sharma, Kamal N., Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Psychology and of Physiology, one year from August 16, 1964 $9,455 (5-28-64). Simpson, Elizabeth J., Associate Professor of Vocational and Technical Education, Summer Session of 1964, July 13-August 8, 1964, $1,112 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment (5-25-64). Smith, Cecil D., Assistant Dean of the College of Agriculture, with rank of Professor, on indefinite tenure, June 1, 1964-August 31, 1965, $15,000 a year, supersedes (5-4-64). Smith, David Y., Assistant Professor of Physics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,800 for the period, and Research Assistant Professor of Physics, August 9-August 31, 1964, $8,200 a year, supersedes (5-1-64). Smith, Thomas E., Jr., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), V2 time, academic year 1964-65, $2,800 (5-11-64). Snyder, David P., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,066.68 (4-28-64). Spitze, Hazel T., Assistant Professor of Vocational and Technical Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-July 10, 1964, $889 for the period (5-25-64). Spor, Robert W., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-22-64). Stallmayer, James E., Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,334 for the period (5-1-64). Steffen, Thomas B., Research Assistant in the Center for Zoonoses Research, College of Veterinary Medicine, June 1-September 19, 1964, $1,816.67, supersedes (5-26-64). Stein, Herbert J., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,000 for the period (5-21-64). Stotland, Victor G., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,022.22 (5-15-64). Stucky, Galen D., Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,734 for the period (5-13-64). Sward, Gilbert L., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-21-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1331 Tahim, Gurchaegan S., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,111.12 (4-28-64). Thayer, Frederick D., Assistant in Slavic Languages and Literatures, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-19-64). Thomas, Ian B., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), Va time, and Assistant in Electrical Engineering (C), U time, February 1-June IS, 1964, $2,333.33, supersedes (4-29-64). Thompson, M. N., Research Associate in Physics (C), one year from September 1, 1964, $8,500 (5-28-64). Thompson, Samuel R., Ill, Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-21-64). Thulen, Jack L., Field Assistant in the Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, four months from May 1, 1964, $1,060 (5-15-64). Tiebetts, Gary G., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $977.76 (4-28-64). Todeschini, C, Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), Y2 time, academic year 1964-65, $2,800 (5-11-64). Torok, Nicholas, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, 4/10 time, three months from June 1, 1964, $566.66 a month (5-7-64). Totten, Stanley M., Research Associate in Geology, two months from June 1, 1964, $1,000 (5-11-64). Trower, William P., Research Assistant in Physics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $977.78 (5-1-64). VanDyke, Patricia A., Counselor in Speech and Theatre --- Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of 1964, 16/100 time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $150 for the period (5-21-64). Vardaman, Hazel, Assistant to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, June 22-August 14, 1964, $2,622; this is in addition to her present appointment (5-28-64). von Hf.ntig, Ronald, Instructor in Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, \/i time, June 19-August 14, 1964, $556 for the period (5-28-64). Wakae, Masami, Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-21-64). Walett, Francis, Visiting Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,000 for the period (S-2S-64). Wallo, Edward M., Research Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (C), two months from June 16, 1964, $1,244.44 (5-25-64). Weise, Mrs. Ursula A., Assistant Editor of Publications, College of Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $7,000 (5-19-64). Wells, John D., Research Associate in Secondary and Continuing Education, College of Education, June 22-August 15, 1964, $2,100 (5-28-64). Westlake, A. H., Research Associate in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $1,050 (5-15-64). Wheeler, D. M. S., Visiting Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,000 for the period (5-19-64). Wilber, Gordon A., Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-22-64). Wilde, Robert R., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,034 for the period (5-21-64). Williams, David L., Assistant in Elementary Education, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-July 11, 1964, $567 for the period (5-19-64). Willner, Ernest S., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964, June 19-August 14, 1964, $2,112 for the period, supersedes previous Summer Session appointment on 2/3 time (5-12-64). Willson Robert H., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory (C), June 16-August 15, 1964, $1,022.24 (4-28-64). Wirth, David G., Jr., Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (C), 2/3 time, September 1, 1964-June 15, 1965, $3,800, and full time, June 16-August 31, 1965, $1,500 (5-5-64). 1332 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 Wong, Bing K., Assistant in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964, June 15. August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-21-64). Yoshioka, Takao, Research Assistant in Metallurgical Engineering (C), June 16-August 31, 1964, $1,277.80 (5-22-64). Youmans, Peter N., Visiting Lecturer in English, Summer Session of 1964 June 15-August 8, 1964, $2,500 (5-25-64). Young, Stanley, Visiting Lecturer in Industrial Administration, Summer Session of 1964, Vi time, June 15-August 8, 1964, $1,223 for the period (5-25-64). Yudin, Florence L., Assistant in Spanish, Summer Session of 1964, June 15-August 8, 1964, $934 for the period (5-11-64). FELLOWS (The following appointments made by the Dean of the Graduate College were approved on the date indicated in parentheses.) Abu-Salih, Muhammad, Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Alexander, Richard W., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Allen, Donald B., Summer Fellow in Geology, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Aixgood, William T., Special Fellow in Music, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800 (5-18-64). Anderson, Norman J. B., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Anderson, Stuart H., Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Andrews, Joan L., Special Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Aspnes, Edna J. H., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,800 (5-11-64). Bailey, Ronald B., Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Bassel, Byron A., Jr., Postdoctoral Fellow in Microbiology, five months from July 1, 1964, $2,500 (5-25-64). Becker, David H., Summer Fellow in Art, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Belzer, Edwin G., Jr., Summer Fellow in Health and Safety Education, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Boichot, Lance, National Science Foundation Trainee II in Civil Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,950 (4-30-64). Bonham, James A., Standard Oil (of California) Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,400 (4-22-64). Bouma, Marilyn, Summer Fellow in Spanish, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Bowers, Anne S., Special Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Brandt, Richard C, National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,100 (5-14-64). Braroe, Niels W., Summer Fellow in Sociology, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Brieske, George H., Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Brittain, Thomas M., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $3,225 (5-11-64). Brock, Jarrett E., Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Brown, Frederick S., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $489 (5-5-64). Buchholz, Allan C, Allied Chemical Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (4-22-64). Buchholz, Eugene K., Summer Fellow in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1333 Buffington, John D., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in Zoology, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Buffington, Sidney C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $5,428.75, supersedes (5-11-64). Bhnger, Melody P., Fellow in Creative and Performing Arts (Music), nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450, supersedes (5-18-64). Calder, John A., United States Public Health Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $466.66 (5-21-64). Cardenas, Mary J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-5-64). Carley, Mrs. Yvonne F., Summer Fellow in Home Economics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Carmean, Stephen L., Summer Fellow in Psychology, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Carmichael, Douglas R., Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from Tune 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Carter, Bradley K., Special Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Clayton, Lee S., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,100 (5-11-64). Collier, C. Patrick, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1963, $4,288.75, supersedes (5-11-64). Conatser, Charles W., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mathematics, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Cordero, Ronald A., Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Craig, George D., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Economics, June 16-August 11, 1964, $680 (5-7-64). Crouch, Stanley R., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-August 25, 1964, $850 (5-7-64). Cushman, David W., Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Fellow in Chemistry, eleven months from September 16, 1964, $2,500 (5-11-64). Cyr, Robert A,, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Dalton, William O., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, seven months from February 1, 1964, $1,457, supersedes (4-27-64). Das, Asit B., Summer Fellow in Physiology, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Davis, George C, Jr., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). DeBord, Warren A., Summer Fellow in Marketing, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Diaz, Modesto M., Summer Fellow in Spanish, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (5-19-64). Dixon, Daniel B., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Dodge, William J., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (4-20-64). Dolan, Thomas J., Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Nuclear Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-15-64). Donohue, John T., DuPont Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,400 (4-11-64). Doubleday, James F., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Eaton, John L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, one year from July 1, 1964, $2,880 (5-1-64). Ebner, Charles A., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Edgerton, Stephenie G., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). 1334 board of trustees [June 17 Epley, Troyl D., Monsanto Chemical Corporation Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from Tune 16, 1965 $400 (4-22-64). Evans, Kenneth E., Jr., Summer Fellow in Physics, two months from June 16 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Findley, Mildred M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-5-64). Forse, James H., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Foys, Robert M., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Frieberg, Robert J., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Physics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,100 (5-11-64). Frincke, Gerald L., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Psychology June 16-August 11, 1964, $680 (5-7-64). Gagliano, Felix V., Jr., Special Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-23-64). Gans, Daniel J., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Gass, David M., Chemical Industries Council Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (5-11-64). Gemrich, Edwin G., II, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, two months from July 1, 1964, $480 (5-1-64). Goff, James F., Summer Fellow in Geography, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Goldsmith, Leonard J., Summer Fellow in Psychology, two months from June 16 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Gray, Lewis R., Summer Fellow in Botany, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Greenlee, James W., Summer Fellow in French, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Griego, Richard J., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,100 (5-11-64). Gurak, Adriane M., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Gutman, David, National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Habacivch, William, National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Economics, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Hahn, William F., Summer Fellow in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Haley, Kenneth W., Union Carbide-Carbon Summer Fellow in Chemical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (5-19-64). Harmee, Richard S., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Ceramic Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (5-18-64). Harris, Richard E., National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,950 (4-21-64). Hartwell, George E., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Hendrix, Helen C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). Herlocker, David W., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Heur, Ronald E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Geology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,950 (5-11-64). Himan, Hugh K., Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Hucko, Leila E., Charles E. Merriam Fellow in Political Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,500 (5-11-64). Huseman, Richard C, Summer Fellow in Speech, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1335 Inman, Franklin P., Jr., Postdoctoral Fellow in Microbiology, three months from June 1, 1964, $1,875 (5-21-64). Ireland, Ronald G., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). Iacobson, Lewis A., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-5-64). Jasnow, David, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fellow (Trainee) in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (5-4-64). Jen, Linda C, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-5-64). Jensen, Clara S., Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Johnson, John A., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow I in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,900 (5-11-64). Johnson, Karen L., Summer Fellow in Botany, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Jung, Robert, Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-21-64). Katz, Jose, Summer Fellow in Physics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Keener, Ronald L., Phillips Petroleum Company Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000 (5-21-64). Keith, Harold D., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Kellehek, James J., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Kenjarski, Stanley, National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-29-64). Kessler, John E., Summer Fellow in Accountancy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Kindt, Thomas J., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-5-64). Kirk, Doris J., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). Knies, Earl A., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Kounas, Don A., Special Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Kraska, John R., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Chemical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,400 (4-15-64). Krukenberg, Claire E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). Kuenzi, Norbert J., National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16, 1963, $1,953.75, supersedes; and National Science Foundation Institute Summer Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1964, $380 (5-18-64). Lacey, James E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Geology, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Landon, Dale E., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Larson, Richard A., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow I in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1964, $2,900 (5-ll:64). LeMay, Harold E., Jr., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-August 11, 1964, $680 (5-7-64). Loos, James S., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,100 (5-11-64). Lucas, Paul A., Special Summer Fellow in Physics, two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Lynch, Richard W., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Chemical Engineering, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,100 (5-11-64). Macleod, Robert M., United States Public Health Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, one year from June 16, 1964, $2,666.04 (5-19-64). 1336 board of trustees [June 17 Madison, Kenneth G., Summer Fellow in History, two months from June 16 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Mahrt, Jerome L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,750 (5-4-64). Maier, Ernest L., Summer Fellow in Marketing, two months from June 16 1964, $450 (4-16-64). Mall, James P., Summer Fellow in French, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Mann, Lindsay A., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1954 $450 (4-14-64). Marco, Gary L., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Marino, Roberto S., Fellow in Mathematics, nine months from September 16 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-20-64). Maris, Ronald, Summer Fellow in Sociology, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Marisic, Ellin R., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Markos, Donald W., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964 $450 (4-14-64). Marlin, Marjorie J. M., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,800 (5-11-64). Martin, Lawrence L., Edward Orton Foundation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,600 (5-1-64). McGeary, David F. R., Summer Fellow in Geology, two months from June 16 1964, $450 (4-14-64). McKjnnon, Dana G., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Meredith, Connie G. W., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Psychology, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,100 (5-11-64). Meredith, Dale D., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Civil Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Midjaas, Carl L., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Milner, Billy E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (5-6-64). Mining, Lois E., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mathematics, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Mitchell, William T., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Chemical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $4,300 (5-11-64). Montague, John S., Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Nanzetta, Philip N., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mathematics, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Niblack, John F., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-5-64). Noethcutt, Richard G., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Zoology, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Nunnally, Nelson R., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Geography, June 16-August 11, 1964, $680 (5-7-64). Odell, S. Jack, Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). O'Neill, William P., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $4,800 (5-11-64). Pace, Norman R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology, June 16-August 31, 1964, $587.50 (5-21-64). Paliokas, Auste M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-4-64). Parsons, Michael J., Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Paulson, Hollace E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1337 Perez-Albuerne, Evelio A., Consolidation Coal Company Summer Fellow in Chemical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (5-19-64). Petersen, Harold, Jr., Chemical Industries Council Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (5-11-64). Peterson, Lance G., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Entomology, two months from July 1, 1964, $480 (5-4-64). Phelps, Catherine P., Summer Fellow in Business Education, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (5-19-64). Piepmeier, Edward H., Procter and Gamble Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,100 (4-22-64). Pontius, Paul E., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). Porter, Agnes R., Summer Fellow in French, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Pritner, Calvin L., Summer Fellow in Speech, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Puzey, George A., Wright Teaching Fellow in Agricultural Engineering, September 1, 1964-June 15, 1965, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (5-1-64). Randall, William J., Monsanto Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $400 (4-21-64). Rauch, Gary C, National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow I in Metallurgical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (5-11-64). Redenbo, James M., United States Public Health Fellow (Trainee) in Biophysics, three months from June 16, 1964, $666.51 (5-19-64). Reinking, Robert L., Summer Fellow in Geology, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Ripka, William C, Esso Research and Engineering Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,100 (4-22-64). Roth, Michael, Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Rubin, David L., Special Summer Fellow in French, two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Rupley, Lawrence A., Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Ruth, Robin, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-5-64). Sain, Michael K., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Electrical Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,300 (5-11-64). Scheurich, Venice A., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,600 (4-17-64). Schwartz, Harvey, Summer Fellow in Economics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Seaton, William D., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Shapiro, Thomas M., Part-time Medical Student Research Fellow in Physiology, Winter and Spring Quarters of the 1963-64 academic year, $400 (1-16-64). Shelton, Keith R., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-4-64); and National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600 (5-11-64). Shields, Ellen F., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Shucard, Stephen C, Summer Fellow in Classics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Silberstein, Ilan, Teaching Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-1-64). Slater, John M., Fellow in Agricultural Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500 (5-11-64). Sloan, William N., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Smith, David Q. Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). 1338 board of trustees [June 17 Smith, Francis W., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathe tnatics, one year from June 16, 1954, $5,310 (4-17-64). Smith, Gerald W., National Science Foundation Trainee I in Civil Engineerine one year from September 1, 1964, $2,900 (4-29-64). Sl Smith, James K., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). Smith, John E., Jr., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Physics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,800 (5-11-64). Smith, Steven R., Special Summer Fellow in Spanish, two months from June 16 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Smith, Theodore F., Fellow (Teaching Intern) in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200 (5-1-64). Soja, Dorothy M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-4-64). Sorensen, A. Don, Special Summer Fellow in Political Science, two months from June 16, 1964, $500 (4-23-64). Sowman, James P., Edward Orton Foundation Fellow in Ceramic Engineering nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,600 (5-1-64). Spruell, Richard O., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,740 (4-17-64). Stanton, Richard H., Fellow in Physics, nine months from September 16, 1964 $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (4-1-64). Stenson, Herbert H., Summer Fellow in Psychology, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-64). Stevens, Karl K., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Stone, Alexander P., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mathematics, June 16-August 11, 1964, $680 (5-7-64). Strom, Ulrich, Special Summer Fellow in Physics, two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Sturgul, John R., National Science Foundation Trainee II in Mining Engineering, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,600, supersedes (4-24-64). Sullivan, Constance A., Summer Fellow in Spanish, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Swain, Joan, Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Symons, John G., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,310 (4-17-64). Szurszewski, Joseph H., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Physiology, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Taylor, Bert A., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1964, $3,300 (5-11-64). Thodey, Alan R., Wright Fellow in Agricultural Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,200; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500, supersedes (5-11-64). Tienson, John, Summer Fellow in Philosophy, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Todeschini, Claudio E., Summer Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Toscan, Richard E., Special Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964, $375 (4-24-64). Treese, Gertrude, Teaching Fellow in French, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (5-1-64). Truitt, Catherine C, Summer Fellow in Mathematics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Tuedio, James, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Unland, Mark L., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Chemistry, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). VanArendonk, Arthur M., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee), in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $467 (5-5-64). Vandenberg, Donald, Summer Fellow in Education, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1339 VaNDER Hart David L., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64); and Fellow in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,000; and two months from June 16, 1965, $500, supersedes (4-29-64). Veach, Mary L., Summer Fellow in English, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Veldkamp, Arnold H., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Voils, Don L., National Science Foundation Institute Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $2,896 (5-11-64). Vold, Robert L., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Walker, Clinton B., John W. Dallenbach Fellow in Psychology, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,500 (5-1-64). Walker, Leigh E., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow II in Chemistry, one year from June 16, 1964, $3,100 (5-11-64). Wedekind, Gilbert L., National Science Foundation Summer Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, June 16-September 8, 1964, $1,020 (5-7-64). Weech, Terry L., Lois Wells Irwin Fellow in Library Science, nine months from September 16, 1964, $500 (5-1-64). Weller, Patricia F., United States Public Health Summer Fellow (Trainee) in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $466.66 (5-19-64). Wells, William L., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Whitecotton, Joseph W., Summer Fellow in Anthropology, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Whorton, Richard C, National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,880 (4-17-64). Wilber, Gordon A., Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation Fellow in Metallurgy, nine months from September 16, 1964, $2,400 (5-1-64). Williamson, Bruce M., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $5,310 (4-17-64). Willmore, Floyd E., National Science Foundation Institute Summer Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, three months from June 16, 1964, $496 (5-11-64). Wilmeth, Don B., Summer Fellow in Speech, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Wilson, David J., Summer Fellow in Germanics, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Winegardner, David K., Summer Fellow in Chemical Engineering, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Wise. Sherwood W., Jr., Summer Fellow in Geology, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Woeknle, Gunter, Fellow in Law, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800; and two months from June 16, 1965, $450 (5-11-64). Wood, Frank O., International Business Machines Fellow in Economics, nine months from September 16, 1964, $1,800 (4-23-64). Wreath, Patrick, Summer Fellow in Russian, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). Wright, Charles N., National Science Foundation Institute Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1964, $4,170 (4-17-64). Yntema, Mary K., National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow III in Mathematics, one year from September 1, 1964, $2,800 (5-11-64). Zanzucchi, Peter J., Summer Fellow in Chemistry, two months from June 16, 1964, $450 (4-14-64). RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, AND TERMINATIONS Abraham, Claude K., Assistant Professor of French --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Adams, James M., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation --- resignation effective May 1, 1964. Atlas, Amos, Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics --- resignation effective May 16, 1964. Aust, Richard B., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemical Engineering --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. 1340 board of trustees [June 17 Barry, Alan J., Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men---resignation effective September 1, 1964. Bennett, Wilma, Bibliographer in the Library, with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Birch, John W., Assistant Professor of Economics --- resignation effective Sen tember 1, 1964. v Bond, James A., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 19, 1964. Brown, Eugene F., Fellow in Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective Tune 16, 1964. Charles, Allan G., Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gyneocology, College of Medicine --- resignation effective May 15, 1964. Cohen, Jozef B., Associate Professor of Psychology, Summer Session of 1964 resignation effective June 15, 1964. Davenport, Richard, Fellow in Zoology --- declination effective June 16, 1964. Davisson, Melvin T., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1964---resignation effective June 15, 1964. Dill, Allen F., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Engineering Experiment Station---resignation effective September 1, 1964. Dixon, Robert D., Instructor in Mathematics --- resignation effective September 1 1964. Drowes, Sara R., Instructor in the Division of Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964 --- decimation effective June 19 1964. Edsall, James V., Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant (Planning Coordinator) --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Enata, Eloise C, Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Foster, Donald L., Cataloger in the Library, with rank of Instructor --- resignation effective July 1, 1964. Gamble, William L., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Gardner, Gene M., Katherine L. Sharp Fellow in Library Science --- resignation effective September 15, 1964. Glenn, Norval D., Assistant Professor of Sociology --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Godu, Jacques Andre Jean-Claude, United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Veterinary Medical Science --- resignation effective May 1, 1964. Golembiewski, Robert T., Assistant Professor of Management --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Gottlieb, Daniel H., Instructor in Mathematics --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Granirer, Edmond E., Instructor in Mathematics --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Grimm, Clyde L., Assistant Professor of English --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Guldner, Ruth C, Acquisition Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Gutman, David, Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Hale, Kenneth L., Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Headings, Philip R., Assistant Professor of English --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Hinely, Jan L., Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Hollingsworth, J. Rogers, Assistant Professor of History --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Huitema, Roy, Professor of Chemistry (Physical Sciences), Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 19, 1964. Hulsizer, Robert I., Jr., Professor of Physics --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Huncke, Mrs. Sheila C, Instructor in Medical Social Work, College or Medicine --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1341 Inman, Franklin P., Jr., Research Associate in Microbiology --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Jackson, Richard L., United States Public Health Service Fellow (Trainee) in Microbiology --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Kaske, Robert E., Professor of English --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. KaUFFman, Willis C, Associate Professor of Housing and Home Furnishings, Department of Home Economics --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Killby, Virginia A. A., Fellow in Zoology --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Klot, Steven E., Fellow in Political Science --- resignation effective September 16, 1964. Konz, Stephan, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. KorNacker, Mildred, Instructor in Sociology (Social Sciences), Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964---resignation effective June 19, 1964. Kunze, Barbara A., Fellow in Mathematics --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. LaGoudes, Basil E., Assistant in English (Humanities), Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 19, 1964. Lindley, Daniel A., Instructor in Secondary and Continuing Education, University High School --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Lindsey, Mrs. Susan B., Instructor in Library Science and in the International Cooperative Program --- resignation effective June 23, 1964. LONG; Chester C, Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Lord, William J., Jr., Associate Professor of Business Administration----resignation effective September 1, 1964. Lustig, Jeremy, Teaching Fellow in Music --- resignation effective September 16, 1964. Mason, Ralph E., Associate Professor of Business Education --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Matsumoto, Hideo, Research Associate in Pathology, College of Medicine --- resignation effective May 21, 1964. Mele, John J., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June IS, 1964. Mok, Chi-Hung, Research Associate in Metallurgical Engineering --- declination effective September 1, 1964. Moore, Charles A., Assistant in the Institute of Aviation --- resignation effective May 1, 1964. Munsinger, Harry, Fellow in Psychology --- declination effective June 16, 1964. Nadeau, Raymond E., Professor of Speech --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Olson, Lawrence W., Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June IS, 1964. Orland, George H., Instructor in Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 15, 1964. Osborn, Howard, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June IS, 1964. Pabarcius, Algis, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964---resignation effective June 19, 1964. Pasrott, Delores L., Instructor and 4-H Club Specialist, Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Pearson, Robert E., Pharmacy Resident, College of Pharmacy --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Perlmutter, Daniel D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June IS, 1964. Phillips, William D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education and in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Placek, Mrs. Cynthia B., Assistant Editor in the College of Veterinary Medicine with rank of Assistant --- resignation effective May 23, 1964. Praninskas, Mrs. Jean, Assistant Professor of English --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. 1342 board of trustees [ June 17 Pschorr, Helene, Registered Pharmacist, College of Pharmacy --- resignation effective June 9, 1964. Pullen, Linda G., Biology Library Assistant in the Library --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Rogers, Charles A., Fellow in Physics --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Runkel, Philip J., Professor of Educational Psychology, Bureau of Educational Research --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Shidle, Joseph J., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Sidebottom, Omar M., Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Stein, Allan R., Fellow in Chemistry --- resignation effective May 9, 1964. Stillinger, Jack C, Associate Professor of English, Summer Session of 1964 resignation effective June 15, 1964. Sutcliffe, Samuel, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Tagger, Michel, Instructor in Endodontics and in Periodontics, Department of Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Dentistry --- resignation effective May 11, 1964. Trainor, Claramay, Instructor in Art, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Trescott, Peter C, Fellow in Geology --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Troughton, Terence E., Field Biologist in the Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College --- termination effective June 1, 1964. Wheatley, James H., Assistant Professor of English --- resignation effective September 1, 1964. Williams, Vernita, Assistant Chief Pharmacist, College of Pharmacy --- resignation effective July 3, 1964. Wilson, George J., Instructor in the Institute of Aviation --- resignation effective June 1, 1964. Wingard, Mrs. Marilyn, Assistant in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Woodard, Margaretha, Visiting Lecturer in the Division of Biological Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Summer Session of 1964 --- declination effective June 19, 1964. Wright, Ramil C, Fellow in Geology --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Wyatt, Mrs. Marie G., Assistant in Education (University High School) --- resignation effective June 16, 1964. Wyman, Marvin E., Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 --- resignation effective June 15, 1964. Young, Loena B., Research Assistant in Chemistry, resignation effective July 1. 1964. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Bateman, Paul T., Professor of Mathematics and Associate Head of the Department--- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a visiting professorship at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Burnett, R. Will, Professor of Secondary and Continuing Education, and Chairman of the Department --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept an assignment on an Agency for International Development educational project in India. Currie, Leonard J., Professor of Architecture and Dean of the College of Architecture and Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division --- leave of absence, without pay, from August 13 through August 30, 1964, so that he may accept an assignment on a mission to Central America for the Agency for International Development. Davisson, Melvin T., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering--- leave of absence, without pay, for the first semester of the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a Visiting Professorship at the University of California at Berkeley. 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1343 Holshouser, Don F., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Engineering Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, for three months from March IS, 1965, in addition to his sabbatical leave of absence for six months from September IS, 1964, so that he may spend the full academic year at the National Technical University of Athens. Jensen, Aldon H., Associate Professor of Animal Nutrition, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station --- leave of absence, without pay, for one year from July 1, 1964, so that he may accept a Visiting Professorship in the Department of Animal Husbandry at the Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. McCuiaoh, Leon R., Assistant Professor of Mathematics --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may engage in study and research at Indiana University. Neal, James P., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering---leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept the National Research Council-National Bureau of Standards Postdoctoral Research Associateship for study and research at the National Bureau of Standards. Nishijima, Kazuhiko, Professor of Physics, College of Engineering --- leave of absence, without pay, for the second semester of the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept an appointment in the International Center for Theoretical Physics at Trieste, Italy. Flanty, Earl, Professor of Management --- leave of absence, without pay, for two years from September 1, 1964, so that he may serve as Dean of the College of Business Administration in Haile Selassi I University at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Robins, Harry, Associate Professor of English --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept an appointment as Visiting Professor of English at the University of Arizona at Tucson. Sayse, Robert F., Assistant Professor of English --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept a research fellowship in American literature at the Anglo-American Institute in Lund, Sweden. Scoles, Eugene F., Professor of Law --- leave of absence, without pay, for the first semester of the academic year 1964-6S, in addition to his sabbatical leave for the second semester. Shimkin, Demitri B., Professor of Anthropology and of Geography, and Senior Staff Member in the Center for Zoonoses Research --- leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1964-65, so that he may accept an appointment as Visiting Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University. Yamamoto, Mrs. Patricia, Mini Union Browsing Room Librarian, with rank of Assistant, in the Library --- leave of absence, without pay, from June 15 through August 31, 1964. CANCELLATION OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE Marx, Werner, Assistant Professor of German --- leave of absence, without pay, previously granted him for one year from September 1, 1964, has been cancelled. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS President Clement reminded the Trustees that the next meeting of the Board will be held in Urbana on July 22, 1964, according to a schedule to be determined by the President and Secretary of the Board. Consideration was also given to a meeting in August. No action was taken but it was the consensus that August 19, the regular date, be tentatively considered for a meeting of the Board or of its Executive Committee if the amount and nature of the business requiring Board action at that time justifies a meeting. Mr. Williamson suggested that consideration be given to holding another meeting in the near future in the Dixon Springs area. RECESS AND EXECUTIVE SESSION President Clement announced that an executive session was being 1344 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 17 ordered for consideration of property acquisitions and that this session would be held after luncheon recess and would be followed by meetings of Board Committees. On motion of Mr. Swain, the Board recessed. During the luncheon recess, Mr. Douglas R. Mills, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, reported informally on the new golf course, made possible by a gift of land from the late Mr. Hartwell C. Howard of Champaign to the Athletic Association of the University of Illinois, which is now under construction adjoining the present University of Illinois Golf Course at Savoy, Illinois. Mr. Charles D. Wagstaff, landscape architect and designer of both courses, was present and was introduced. Director Mills distributed a memorandum of his presentation and a copy was filed with the Secretary. When the Board reconvened in executive session, the same members, officers of the Board, and University officers were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes, except Mr. Ray Page who asked to be excused. The Board considered the following matters of business presented by the President of the University and by the Director of the Physical Plant. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 5O9 EAST DANIEL STREET, CHAMPAIGN (1) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend that the Illinois Building Authority be requested to purchase for the University the property at 509 East Daniel Street, Champaign, at a price of $47,500 pursuant to the Illinois Building Authority Act. The property is a lot approximately 50 feet by 175.25 feet (8,683 square feet), improved with a two and one-half story and basement frame rooming house. The land area will be used for parking. Possession will be delivered not later than August 10, 1964, on all but the east 10 feet of the south 57 feet; and the latter area will be delivered on or before August 10, 1969. The price is within University appraisals. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds has also recommended the purchase. I concur. On motion of Mr. Swain, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 912 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, CHAMPAIGN (2) The University has an opportunity to purchase the property at 912 South Fifth Street, Champaign. The property is a comer lot 59.24 feet on Fifth Street by 66.3 feet on Chalmers Street (3,928 square feet) and is improved with a two and one-half story and basement frame dwelling. The land area is not now required for campus expansion but is a strategic corner location where the University will later need to provide parking for single graduate students. In the meantime, the house can be used either as a staff housing unit or for temporary offices. The owner is willing to sell at a price of $28,500, the appraised value. It is recommended that the University request the University of Illinois Foundation to purchase the property and lease it back to the University at a rate to be determined. I concur. On motion of Mr. Williamson, this recommendation was approved 1964] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1345 by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 11O7 WEST SPRINGFIELD AVENUE. URBANA (3) University representatives have been negotiating for the purchase of the property at 1107 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, a lot 42.5 feet by 132 feet (5,610 square feet) with a two-story and basement stucco house used as a residence by the owner and for student rooms. The land is needed as part of the site for construction of the next unit of the Coordinated Science Laboratory. The owners were advised that a recommendation would be made to the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the property at a price of $23,000, based on University appraisals, but the offer is not acceptable and the asking price remains substantially in excess of the highest University appraisal. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller therefore recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the institution of condemnation proceedings for acquisition of the property. Funds are available in the state capital appropriations to the University for 1963-65 from the Universities Building Fund and have been released. I concur and recommend adoption of the following resolution: Resolution Authorizing Condemnation of Property at 1107 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana Be It, and It Is Hereby Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a body corporate and politic and a public corporation of the State of Illinois, that the following described real estate situated in the County of Champaign, in the State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot three (3) except the West Twenty-three Feet (23') thereof in Block Five (5) in the Urbana Railroad Company's Addition to the City of Urbana, situated in the City of Urbana, in the County of Champaign, and State of Illinois is needed by the University of Illinois, an educational institution established and supported by the State of Illinois, for use as part of the site for construction of the next unit of the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and for related educational purposes conducted and to be conducted by said University of Illinois and for the further expansion of the educational facilities of said University of Illinois and to enable said University of Illinois to discharge its duty to the people of said State and for public use; that funds have been appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois for the purchase of said land for said educational purposes; that this Board of Trustees has negotiated with the owners of said land through their duly authorized representatives for the purchase of said land at a price which this Board of Trustees considers fair and reasonable and which it finds constitutes the present market value of said land, but that said owner has refused to sell and convey said land, or any portion thereof, to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for such price and continues to refuse to sell and convey the same to it except for a consideration and price which this Board of Trustees deems unreasonable and excessive and is, therefore, unwilling and has refused to pay; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the compensation to be paid by it for said land cannot be agreed upon between this Board of Trustees and the owners of said property and they and it are unable to agree upon the purchase price to be paid to said owners for the sale and conveyance of said land by said owners thereof to said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; and Therefore, Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved, Found, and Declared by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that because of said need of the University of Illinois for said land for the purposes hereinabove set forth and because the compensation to be paid to the owners thereof for such land cannot be agreed upon between them and this Board of 1346 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Trustees, it is necessary for The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to take said land and acquire title thereto through the exercise by it of the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by law and to have the compensation to be paid by it to the owners thereof and any and all other persons who may have any right, title or interest in and to said land determined in the manner provided by law for the exercise of said right and power of eminent domain; and Be It, and It Is Hereby Further Resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that the necessary and appropriate action be taken for the acquisition of title to said property by said The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and to have the compensation to be paid therefor determined by the institution and prosecution to completion of a proceeding in eminent domain in a court of competent jurisdiction and that the Legal Counsel of the University be, and he is hereby, authorized to proceed accordingly, to institute and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding in the name and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the acquisition of said land and the determination of the compensation to be paid by it therefore, and to employ such special legal counsel, appraisers, and others as he may deem necessary or desirable to assist him in the institution and prosecution of said preceding. On motion of Mr. Swain the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Dilliard, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Kerner, Mr. Page. On motion of Mrs. Watkins the Board adjourned. A. J. Janata Howard W. Clement Secretary President INDEX AAA Saw ft Tool Service tk Supply Co. purchase, 1203 Aaron, Bonnie L., degree, 1307 Aaron, H. B., appointment, 1322 degree 831 fellowship, 816 Aaronson, Adrienne B., degree, 1313 Aaronson, D. W., appointment, 313, 758 Aaronson, N. R., degree, 644 Abad Arango, L. D., degree, 1073 Abbasi, A, S., appointment, 727 Abbit, Barbara T., degree, 154 Abbot, B. R., Construction Co., contract 270 271 Abbott, A. L., appointment, 71, 758 Abbott, B. C.j appointment, 29, 313 Abbott, K. M., book, printing, 1127 Abbott, Loralee J., degree, 632 Abbott Laboratories, gift, 287, 290, 306 949, 952, 961, 971 ... purchase, 1203 Abbott Power Plant, addition, contract, electrical equipment, 94 piping and equipment, 17, 774 thermal insulation, 94 boiler feed pump, rotating element, repair, electric motors, purchase, 373 turbine generator, overhauling, services of engineer, 715, 1259 Abboud, L. M., appointment, 251 Abdallah, S. H., degree, 1267 Abdel Aziz, A. H. F., degree, 210 Abdel Hady, M. A., degree, 1059 Abdella, Christina H., degree, 878 Abdella, S. M., degree, 1267 Abdel-Latif, Ata, appointment, 97S Abdcl-Salam, A. F. A., degree, 389 Abdel-Samad, S. R., fellowship, 509 Abdul-baki, A. A., fellowship, 656 resignation, 45 Abe, Carol S., degree, 138 Abel, W. R., degree, 1067 fellowship, 510 Abernathy, G. M., degree, 618 Aberth, O. G., appointment, 63, 1322 Abildgaard, C. F., appointment, 30 Ablasser, 6., degree, 1275 Abo-Baker, A. A. A. E., degree, 1278 Abraham, C. K., resignation, 1339 Abraham, G. R., degree, 1070 Abraham, Robert W., degree, 403 Abraham, Russell W., degree, 1080 Abrahams, J. E., appointment, 505, 770 Abramic, J. M., degree, 646 Abramoske, D. J., appointment, 1322 Abramovitz, Mrs. Gerald, gift, 311 Abrams, Al, Motor Sales, Inc., purchase, 1037 Abrams, H. K., appointment, 80, 768 Abrams, R. N., degree, 634 Abrassart, A. E., degree, 1272 Abromaitis, Juratem, degree, 1321 Absorbance recorder, Biological Chemistry, purchase, 1156 Abu-Salih, M. S., degree, 392 fellowship, 510, 1332 Abushaira, O. M., degree, 1312 Academic costumes, commencement, rental, 434, 1126 Academic freedom, amendment of University Statutes, 577 conference of General Policy Committee and Senate representatives, 920 referred to General Policy Committee, 578 report of General Policy Committee, 1166, 1178 request of Senates for further consultation, 1244 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, report, article concerning federal government written by faculty member, 1132 Academic staff, appointment of qualified Negroes, committee to study, 482 Academic staff, See also Staff. Accelerometers, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, gift, 303 A C Co., contract, 911 Accident and sickness insurance, University Extension, purchase, 1162 Accountancy, budget, summer session, 325, 988 Center for International Education and Research in Accounting, established, 269 gift, fellowship, General Electric Foundation, 288, 950 funds, Amsted Industries Foundation, 300 Dick, A. B., Foundation, 300 Ernst & Ernst, 300 Price Waterhouse & Co., 300 University Foundation, 962 Accountancy, Board of Examiners in, Davis, C. W., appointment, 706 Deeming, W., expiration of term, 2 Emery, W. W., expiration of term, 706 Grossman, H. I., appointment, 2 Johnson, P. F., expiration of term, 1240 Mauritz, E. W., appointment, 1240 Accountancy Committee, C.P.A. certificates, award, 2, 60, 236, 265, 324, 364, 422, 456, 484, 532, 679, 746, 850, 906, 934, 986, 1024, 1099, 1150, 1184, 1239 Accounting, area of concentration, established, 1187 Accounting education conference, funds, gift, 300, 963 Accounting equipment, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Accounting machine. Physics, purchase, 593 Ace Sprinkler Co., contract, 1009 Acid Products Co., Inc., purchase, 719 Acker, F. M., degree, 636 Ackerman, C. E., resignation, 412 Ackerman, Gladys H., degree, 1311 Ackerman, J., member of advisory committee, 5, 680 Ackerman, Leta A., degree, 639 Ackerman, Roberta R., degree, 395 Ackert, Joyce S., degree, 1321 Acosta Castro, A. J., degree, 839 Acoustical lockers, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1202 Acoustical tile, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 595, 866, 914, 1259 Acoustical work, minor alterations and repairs, contract, 95, 537, 1250 Acoustic attenuation, measuring, research, contract, change, 498, 1129 Acoustics, research, gift, 298, 959 Aero-Adroit, Inc., purchase, 244, 377, 1259 Acuncius, D. S-, degree, 622 Adam, W. S., fellowship, 256, 893 Adamczyk, S. D., degree, 646 Adamek, J. C, degree, 1076 Adami, A. E., degree, 397 Adams, C. H., degree, 145 Adams, C. W., degree, 628 Adams, D. F., degree, 603 Adams, D. W., degree, 623 Adams, E. C, degree, 388 Adams, George-Ann, degree, 1275 fellowship, 1140 Adams, H. E., degree, 618 Adams, Isabelle M., degree, 1069 Adams, J. A., leave of absence, 427 1347 1348 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Adams, J. If., appointment, 313, 1082 resignation, 1339 Adams, J. W., degree, 833 Adams, Joan, degree, 623 Adams, Joyce E., degree, 400 Adams, Judith 0., degree, 153 Adams, Mary, leave of absence, 136 resignation, 738 Adams, R., fellowship, gift, 287, 288, 949 Adams, R. B., degree, 839 Adams, Ralph E., fellowship, 510 Adams, Robert E., degree, 637 Adams, R. K., appointment, 195, 1004 Adams, R. S., Jr., degree, 208 Adams, Ruby F., degree, 211 Adams, S. D., degree, 140 Adams, Shirley E., degree, 401 Adams, W., Engineers, Inc., contract, 269, 431 Adams, W. B., Jr., degree, 405 Adams, W. C, appointment, 882 Adams & Nelson, purchase, 1126, 1157 Adams-Russell Co., Inc., purchase, 592 Adamstone, F. B., appointment, 30, 1003 Adcock, C. J., appointment, 63 Adcock, R. H., degree, 631 Adcom Corp., purchase, 1205 Addams, Jane, Hall, name given to classroom building at Chicago Circle, 1265 Addis, H. M., degree, 1302 Addressograph equipment, Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, purchase, 53 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., purchase, 25, 53, 99, 100, 376, 594, 1259 Addy, A. L., degree, 602 Addy, Sandra T., degree, 633 Ade, Sharon K., degree, 1306 Adell, J. M., degree, 619 Adelman, Alice G., degree, 147 Adelman, Caryn R., degree, 1315 Adelman, F. J., degree, 833 Adelman, G. S., appointment, 648, 680 Adelstein, G. W., degree, 646 Adelstein, Harriet S., degree, 1319 Aden, M. G., degree, 620 Ader, D. L., degree, 1294 Ades, H. W., appointment, 108, 920 Adkins, Eldora L., degree, 1069 Adkins, H. W., degree, 1284 Adkins, R. W-, appointment, 108, 920 degree, 1060 Adler, Barbara S., degree, 1300 Adler, Donatella G., appointment, 1082 Adler, F. T., appointment, 30, 999 declination, 132 leave of absence, 1107 Adler, H. M., Clinic, closed circuit television facilities, contract, 1028 Adler, L., degree, 1060 Adler, M. F., degree, 1319 Adler, M. L., degree, 875 Adler, S. M., appointment, 458, 750 Adler, Selma, degree, 603 Adlong, D. W., degree, 605 Administration and expense, general, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 87, 88, 778, 780, 781 Administration Building, appropriation, load lugger, balance reappropriated, 86 remodeling, balance reappropriated, 85 remodeling, funds, 852 addition, construction, contract, electrical, 488 general, 488 addition, 1113, 1215 heating and air conditioning, 489 plumbing, 488 ventilating and sheet metal, 489 cooling tower, contract, electrical, 1249 general, 1249 heating, 1249 plumbing, 1249 Admission, applications, policy and procedures, 180 enrollment demand, report, 1216 requirements, art, Urbana, change, 1189 foreign students, 6 high school seniors in top quarter of their classes, 6 Law, change, 1243 liberal arts and sciences, revision, 267 nursing, graduate program, 429 Admissions and Records, Chicago Circle, purchase, filing units, 1158 Medical Center, remodeling, contract, 91 Urbana, appropriation, equipment, 1152 balance reappropriated, 85, 86, 77g purchase, college qualification tests, 276 diploma covers, 99, 783 Aduss, H., appointment, 108 Advanced Research Projects Agency, gift, 965 Advanced Study Center, members, appointment, 458, 1110 Advanced Study certificate, librarianship, approved, 486 Advertising, budget, summer session, 325, 988 curriculum, requirements, revision, 341 gift, funds, Dimshee & Co., 963 Schick, Mrs. C. Dennis, 963 Advertising design, study, gift, 958 Advisory committees, Agriculture, 5, 680 Extension Division, 237, 749 Labor and Industrial Relations, 353, 1024 Pharmacy, 267 Physical Education, 1024 Research on Exceptional Children, 850 Veterinary Medicine, 484, 706 Advisory council, Graduate School of Library Science, members, 4, 1239 organization, 4 Aerial maps, Urbana-Champaign campus, engineers, contract, 348 Aerojet-General Corp., gift, 945 Aeromedical Laboratory, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 purchase, chromatograph, 22 data processing equipment, 1013 electronic testing equipment, 912, 1013 electron microscope, 1255 spectrofluorometer, 163 Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, appropriation, wind tunnel, 430 gift, fellowship, Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 950 scholarship, Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 284, 946 Aeronomic measurements in the lower ionosphere, conference, plans, contract, 915 Aero Services, Inc., purchase, 1122 Aetna Casualty Co., purchase, 1162 Affetto, B. A., certificate, 61 Affrunti, A. J., degree, 1291 Afifi, H. H. H., degree, 1065 Afremow, A. M., degree, 1285 fellowship, 203 Afremow, M. L., appointment, 67t 754 Agacinsky, Mary A., degree, 1294 Agashe, S. D., degree, 609 fellowship, 510 Agassi, J., appointment, 750, 999 Agassi, Mrs. Judith, appointment, 851, 1018 Agboola, A. A., degree, 618, 1276 Agency for International Development, contract, 50, 103, 380, 681, 867, 1210 change, 352, 381, 438, 869, 943, 1030 equipment and supplies for Indian institutions for higher education, purchase, policy, 187 gift, 302, 312, 965, 973 purchase, automobiles, 242 electrocardiographs, 1253 electronic instruments, 861 hospital equipment and supplies, 372 jeep, 939 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1349 Agency for International Development, cont'd laboratory equipment and supplies, 349 436, 470, 1200, 1253 machine tools, 1201 microscopes, 861 pacemaker, 434 polygraph, 690, 861 radiation counting equipment, 1035 recorder, 714 spectrophotometer, 1200 sterilizer, 372 testing machine, 1200 tissue processor, 690 tools, 1201 welding tools, 1200 wire strain gauges, 1156 woodworking tools, 1200 Wgarwal, J. K., appointment, 1322 Agnello, F. G., degree, 628 Agrella, Joan P., degree, 627 Agricultural Chemicals Division, Shell Chemical Corp., contract, change, 498, 1129 Agricultural college, establishing and operating, preparation of a resources handbook, contract, 1210 Agricultural Economics, advisory committee, S, 680 budget, summer session, 988 contract, drainage system, Allerton Farm No. 6, 784 gift, research, Illinois Agricultural Association, 956 Monsanto Chemical Co., 295 Prairie Farm Dairy, Inc., 958 Pure Milk Association, 958 Resources for the Future, Inc., 958 United States Steel Corp., 298, 959 Illinois Farm Record Book, printing, 100 purchase, fertilizer, 98, 374, 861, 1036 machine shed, 590 silo, 861, 1256 Agricultural Engineering, advisory committee, 5, 680 appropriation, equipment, balance reappro- priated, 778 transformer and power distribution system for research laboratory, 918 doctor's degree, approved, 907 gift, equipment, Illinois Farm Supply Co., 304 research, Alcoa Foundation, 952 American Oil Co., 291, 953 Container Corp. of America, 292 F. S. Services, Inc., 955 Granite City Steel Co.. 294 Illinois Farm Supply Co., 294 Mosinee Paper Mills Co., 296 New Holland Machine Co., 297, 958 Portland Cement Association, 297 Shemagro Corp., 954 Texaco, Inc., 298 Upjohn Co., 960 purchase, automobiles, 437 beef equipment plans, 469 camera, 786 chromatograph, 1122 computer, 435 leaflets, 469 recorders, 495 station wagons, 437 trucks, 437 Agricultural Engineering Building, appropriation, air conditioning, 1153 remodeling, 463, 918 balance reappropriated, 779 Agricultural Experiment Station, advisory committees, 5, 680 report, printing, 373 Agricultural Institute, gift, 949 Agricultural market planning and education, study, contract, 586 Agricultural mechanization, major in core curriculum, revisions, 7 Agricultural science, curriculum, revisions, 6 Agriculture, College of, advisory committees, 5, 680 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 86, 778 lounge equipment, 1152 core curriculum, revisions, 6 county extension councils and boards, establishment, legislation, 773 curriculum, home economics, foods and business option, approved, 342 degrees conferred, 151, 216, 394, 618, 838, 881, 1070, 1288 farm buildings, construction, contract, 273 funds, 273 farmland in LaSalle County, acquisition, authorization, 902 purchase, 983 farm records books, printing, 866 gift, bull, Harris, S. G., 966 equipment, Short, L., & Son, 304 funds, Central Soya, 963 Chicago Four-H Association, 299 Hales & Hunter Co., 963 Lilly, E., & Co., 963 Merck & Co., Inc., 963 Monsanto Chemical Co., 963 research, Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives, 294 Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co., 294 Central Illinois Light Co., 294 Central Illinois Public Service Co., 294 Commonwealth Edison Co., 294 Illinois Farm Electrification Council, 294, 956 Illinois Power Co.. 294 Interstate Power Co., 294 Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co., 294 Mt. Carmel Public Utility Co., 294 Union Electric Co., 294 various donors, 960 scholarship, Borden Co. Foundation, Inc., 946 Chicago Farmers, 946 Continental Grain Foundation, 284 Federal Land Bank Associations in Illinois, 284, 946 Federal Land Bank of St. Louis, 284, 946 Illinois Farm Supply Co., 947 Illinois Production Credit Association, 947 Kroger Co., 285, 947 Moorman Manufacturing Co., 285, 947 Production Credit Association, 286 Ralston Purina Co., 286, 948 Sears-Roebuck Foundation, 286, 948 ornamental plant diseases book, printing, 278 purchase, film transfers, 100 tape recorders, 99 winter short course, student service fee, revision, 370 Agriculture Committee, members, 1098 Agriculture Library, improvements, appropriation, 1193 contract, electrical, 1193 general, 1193 piping and refrigeration, 1193 shelving and stacks, purchase, 1202 Agriculture Mailing Room, purchase, graph-otype, 53 offset duplicator, 99 Agronomy, advisory committee, 5, 680 appropriation, South Farm heating system, 238 remodeling, Davenport Hall, 683 gift, fellowship, Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., 950 research, American Chemical Products, Inc., 290 American Cyanamid Co., 291, 953 Bear Hybrid Corn Co., Inc., 292, 954 13S0 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Agronomy, cont'd Climax Molybdenum Co., 292 Corn Industries Research Foundation, Inc., 293 Deere, J., Planter Works, 954 du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., Inc., 954 Ford Motor Co., 955 Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc.,, 956 Illinois Liquid Fertilizer Association, 295 Illinois Seed Producers Association, Inc., 295 Malting Barley Improvement Association, 295 Midwest Agricultural Limestone Institute, 295, 957 Monsanto Chemical Co., 295, 957 National Distillers & Chemical Corp., 296 National Soybean Crop Improvement Council, 296 National Soybean Processors Association, 958 Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., 297 Quaker Oats Co., 297 Rockefeller Foundation, 297 Rohm & Haas Co., 297 Stauffer Chemical Co., 298 Traux-Traer Coal Co., 959 United States Industrial Chemical Co., 959 head of department, appointment, 341 Northern Illinois Agronomy Research Center house, addition, contract, 716 purchase, calculators, 940 chromatograph, 784, 1037 dictating machines, 786 environmental growth chambers, 1014 equipment, 862 harvester, 374 illuminators, 1037 laboratory apparatus and equipment, 862 maps, 163 microphotometer, 911 microscopes, 862, 1037 nuclear system, 495 planchet counting system, 786 spectrometer, 913 spectrophotometer, 1037 stereomicroscopes, 1037 storage building, 1159 transcribing machines, 786 typewriters, 941 x-ray spectrographic unit, 862 Agronomy Storehouse, electrical service, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 779 Agruss, N. S., degree, 644 Ague, J. C, degree, 839, 1278 Aguilar, F., degree, 1079 Aguilar-Gonzalez, R., degree, 1064 Agustin, C. C, appointment, 354 resignation, 738 Agustsson, Magnus H., appointment, 77, 765 resignation, 977 Agwada, V. C, degree, 1316 Ahearn, Judith A., degree, 1299 Ahland, Margaret E., degree, 833 Ahlquist, G. F., degree, 612 Ahlstrom, F. C, degree, 1070 Ahluwalia, Saheb S., degree, 880 Ahluwalia, Sartaj S., degree, 1068 Ahrenkiel, R. K., appointment, 920 degree, 1060 resignation, 700 Ahrens, Dolores F., degree, 212 Ahrens, E. A., appointment, 336, 1001 Ahrling, Barbara L., degree, 1289 Ahstrom, J. P., appointment, 74, 762 Aid United Givers, gift, 311 Aigner, D. J., appointment, 2, 991 fellowship, 410 Ailion, D. C, degree, 1270 Aimone, J. A., appointment, 73, 760 Ainsworth, T. C, degree, 1288 Ainsworth, W. A., appointment, 975 Air cleaners, Medical Research Laboratory appropriation, 13 ' balance reappropriated, 780 Air compressors, purchase, Forestry, 101 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 497 Air conditioning, appropriation, Agricultural Engineering Building, 1153 Arcade Building, balance reappropriated Armed Forces offices, 918 Armory Avenue, building at 51 East 683 Civil Engineering Hall, 369 balance reappropriated, 779 Davenport House, 463 Geology offices, 918 Gregory Hall, balance reappropriated, 86, Huff Gymnasium, 683 Labor and Industrial Relations Building, Lincoln Hall, 488 Nevada Street nouses at 1205 West, 536 709 Photographic Laboratory, 463 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 182 Springfield Avenue, building at 1210 West, 683 Woodshop, 536 contract, Administration Building addition 489 Bondville Road Field Station, alterations, 1160 Chicago Circle, heating plant, 544 Chicago Circle Union Building, 572 Civil Engineering Building, 1120 Coordinated Science Laboratory, phase 2, 1192 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 90, 1154 Digital Computer Laboratory addition, 346 Dynamics Test Laboratory, 1248 Education Building, 59 Electrical Engineering Building, 775 Gregory Hall, environmental room, 58 Labor and Industrial Relations Building, 1112 Natural History Building, 909 Research and Educational Hospitals, 542 Student Residence Hall in Chicago, 490 Library, Urbana, engineering services, 371 Physics Building, contractor's claim for additional compensation, settlement, 1112 Urbana campus, study, engineering services, 853 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Fund, addition, gift, 963 Air-conditioning parts, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 782 Air-conditioning research, gift, 296, 958 Air-conditioning system, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 471 Air-conditioning units, gift, Medical Center, 973 Medicine, 312 purchase, Physical Plant Department, 436, 497, 1039 Aircraft engine, Aviation, purchase, 376, 591 Air Filter & Equipment Co., purchase, 786 Air filters, Allergy Clinic, gift, 973 Assembly Hall, purchase, 786 Air Force, contract, 21, 103, 191, 282, 3i . 380, 474, 586, 692, 720, 789, 915, 943. 1015, 1040, 1127, 1162, 1210, 1260 change, 21, 105, 193, 245, 283, 351, 352, 381, 475, 587, 721, 792, 869, 916, 943, 1016, 1129, 1163, 1211, 1260 gift, 302, 312, 965, 973 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1351 Air Force R.O.T.C, training program, change from compulsory to voluntary, 939 iir Force Science, purchase, overcoats, 377 shoes and socks, 717 uniform accessories, 56 uniforms, 594, 1161, 1208 \ir Force Students, instruction, contract, 103 Air-handling units, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 866 ir measuring devices, research, contract, 21 change, 721 gift, 291, 953 Airplanes, Aviation, gift, 303 ferrying service, contract, 1122 purchase, 376, 591, 789 Airport, apartment, lease, 104 buildings, cleaning and painting, contract, 54 fixed-base operation, application of Astro, Inc., request for hearing, 251 improvements, approved, 704 federal funds, agreement, amendment, 185 funds, 1029 land adjoining, acquisition, 1029 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc., purchase, 493 Air Reduction Co., purchase, 1124 Air turbine units, Fixed Partial Prosthodontics, purchase, 1255 Akagi, J. M., appointment, 30 Akagi, M., degree, 404 Akbas, I., degree, 1291 \kers, D. J., degree, 839 Akhtar, M., degree, 212 Akin, F. D., degree, 1273 fellowship, 656 Akitt, D. P., fellowship, 41, 734 Akre, O. H., appointment, 68, 755 Aksoy, E., degree, 1291 Alakus, M., degree, 143 Albala, M. M., appointment, 70 resignation, 412 Albee, D. L., degree, 614 Alberga, Aha W., degree, 1286 Albers, B. E., degree, 1302 Albers, H. O., authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 Albers, J. G., degree, 1071 Albert, F. L. B., degree, 639 Albert, J. A., degree, 387 Albert, K. J., degree, 1293 Albert, L. M., degree, 841 Alberti, Furio, appointment, 1005 Alberti, M. S., degree, 1322 Alblinger, Judy A., degree, 388 Albrecht, Jean A., degree, 638 Albrecht, P. H., Co., purchase, 691 Albrecht, R. F., appointment, 84, 772 Albright, Elsie F., appointment, 920 Albright, T. L., resignation, 820 Albright, J. P., degree, 623 Albright, Tacqulyn J., degree, 393 Albright, Mrs. Lorraine H., appointment, 251 Albright, W. G., appointment, 992 Albuquerque, E. X., appointment, 975 Alcalde, V. M., fellowship, 41, 734 Alcoa Foundation, gift, 283, 301, 945, 952, 963 Alcorn, F. S., appointment, 81, 768 Aldag, A. W., Jr., degree, 628 Alden Electronic & Impulse Recording Equipment Co., Inc., purchase, 1015 Alder, Susan K., degree, 1294 Alderson, C. R., appointment, 108 declination, 132 Alderson, J. J., appointment, 2 Alderson, Linda S., degree, 828 Aldrich, S. R., leave of absence, 1106 Aldrich, W. L., degree, 833 Aleshire, Irma, appointment, 67, 754 Alessandri, E. T., degree, 1293 Alexander, Barbara T., degree, 646 Alexander, C. F., degree, 144 Alexander, C. S-, appointment, 331, 706, 995 leave of absence, 444 Alexander, Carole J., degree, 630 Alexander, H. G., appointment, 920 Alexander, J. H., degree, 833 Alexander, J. M-, appointment, 79 Alexander, J. R., Jr., appointment, 997 Alexander, P. N., degree, 1322 Alexander, Patricia R., degree, 1314 Alexander, R. J., degree, 611 Alexander, Richard W., appointment, 108 fellowship, 1332 Alexander, Robert W., appointment, 76, 764 Alexander Lumber Co., purchase, 717 Alexandrou, N. E., appointment, 405, 882 Alexopoulos, G. G., appointment, 195, 405 Alfeld, W. W., appointment, 108 Alford, H. C, gift, 311 Alford Manufacturing Co., purchase, 471 Alfred Electronics, purchase, 277, 434, 864, 912 Alger, Nelda E., appointment, 1150 Alhadeff, A. V., resignation, 45 AH, Iqbal, degree, 1059 resignation, 1087 AH, Israr, appointment, 883 Ali, M. A., appointment, declination, 132 AH Akbarian, M., degree, 608 Alison, J. C, member of advisory committee, 680 Alkire, W. H., fellowship, 319, 926 Allabastro, W. A., degree, 1080 Allan, A. R., degree, 1074 Allan, D. R., degree, 1294 Allderdice, Penelope, degree, 1294 Allebach, R. S-, Jr., degree, 832 Alleman, Mrs. Winifred, resignation, 521 Allen, A. J., certificate, 61 Allen, A. R., resignation, 479 Allen, A. W., appointment, 108 invention, patent rights, release, 1147 Allen, Alexine S., degree, 147 Allen, Annabel V., degree, 825 Allen, Barbara L., degree, 828 Allen, C. M., fellowship, 1220 Allen, Cynthia J., degree, 615 Allen, D. B., fellowship, 1332 Allen, D. C, book, printing, 496 Allen, D. R., degree, 600 resignation, 820 Allen, E. D., appointment, 72, 759 Allen, E. K., degree, 156 Allen, E. L., degree, 833 Allen, F. P., degree, 623 Allen, H. K., appointment, 991 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Allen, H. R., book, printing, 496 Allen, J. B., degree, 144 Allen, j. H. D., Jr., appointment, 336 leave of absence, 427 Allen, J. S., leave of absence, 425 Allen, J. W., appointment, 883, 1134 degree, 829 Allen, Patricia M., degree, 402 Allen, R. Allen, appointment, 707 Allen, Richard A., degree, 400 Allen, R. R., fellowship, 1171 Allen, S. D., degree, 1302 Allen, W. L., degree, 152 Allen Aircraft Radio, Inc., purchase, 913 Allergy Clinic, gift, air filter, 973 Allerhand, A., appointment, 883 fellowship, 41, 257, 1171 resignation, 897 Allerton, Robert, gift, 284, 301, 945 greeting, 107 Allerton American Traveling Scholarship, gift, 284, 945 Allerton Farms, drainage system, construction, contract, 784 operation, report, 159 purchase, fertilizer, 98, 374, 861, 1036 machine shed, 590 services of Piatt County State's Attorney, 191, 867, 915 1352 BOARD OF TRUSTEES AHerton House, appropriation, maintenance projects and water tank replacement, 683 brochure, printing, contract, 789 operation, report, 159 reroofing, contract, 1193 Alleys, vacation, payment to city of Urbana, approved, 901 Allfree, C. S., degree, 831 Allgood, W. T., fellowship, 1332 Allhands, Jessie, appointment, 108 Allied Chemical Corp-, gift, 287, 290, 949 purchase, 54, 591, 787 AIlied/Egry Business Systems, purchase, 1201 Allied Electronics, purchase, 1037 Allied Equipment Co., purchase, 436 Allied Gas Co., easement, Carter-Pennell Farm, 686 Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., contract, extension of time for execution or termination, 264 lease, 475, 1040, 1162, 1260 Allison, C. E., degree, 628 Allison, T. R., degree, 840 Allison, Kathleen E., degree, 623 Allison, Mary L. D., degree, 1284 Allison, S. L., degree, 635 Allison, W. A., degree, 623 Alloy bars, Physics, purchase, 57 Alloys, study, contract, change, 1260 Allstate Foundation, gift, 284, 945 All-Steel Equipment Co., Inc., purchase, 56, 244, 719, 1158 Aim, C. E., degree, 622 Aim, R. F., degree, 398 Alma Mater statuary, relocation, approved, 27 Almond, R. L., Sr., degree, 396 Almquist, C. O., appointment, 81, 769 Almy, G. M., appointment, 1026 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Aloe, A. S., Co., purchase, 374, 434, 1203 Aloe Scientific Co., purchase, 494, 863, 940, 1121 Brunswick Corp., 717, 1159, 1160 Alper, G. M., degree, 1294 Alperin, Judith M., degree, 623 Alpern, P., degree, 1309 Alpern Foundation, Inc., gift, 961 Alpert, D., leave of absence, 425, 1107 cancellation, 824 Alpert, N. R., leave of absence, 1110 Alpha Delta Phi, gift, 947 Alpha Material & Fuel Co., purchase, 596 Alpha Phi Omega, gift, 287, 949 Alpha Phi Omega Student Loan Fund, gift, 287 Alpha Scientific Laboratories, Inc., purchase, 1256 Alphonse, Mola C, degree, 1286 Al-Radhawy, M. A., degree, 603 Alschuler Philanthropic Fund, Inc., gift, 287 Al-Shabibi, M. M. A., degree, 879 Alsobrook, J. M., Jr., appointment, 336, 367, 883, 1134 Alstetter, C. J., appointment, 30 Alston, R. H., degree, 398 Alt, G. S., degree, 1079 Alt, W. S., & Son, contract, 1112 Alta Products Co., purchase, 1126 Altenberger, W. V., degree, 401 Altenbernd, A. L., appointment, 330, 993 Alternating current, effects on corrosion of steels buried in soils, research, gift, 953 Altgeld Hall, chairs, purchase, 589 Althoff, J. H., degree, 213 Altig, R. G., degree, 628 Altaian, Charlotte H., appointment, 265, 766 Altman, R., certificate, 63 Altmin, D. C, degree, 637 Alton, D. E., degree, 146 Alton, W. L., degree, 623 Altschul, D. R., fellowship, 510 Altsehul, Sheldon, degree, 629 Altschul, Sol, appointment, 79, 766 Aluminum-silver alloy bars, Physics, pur. chase, 24 Alumni Association, Alumni News, Drintir"r 494, 1157 g' auditors, employment, 499, 1211 gift, 945 Alumni Committee, members, 1098 Alvarez, J., appointment, 251 Alvarez, J. B., certificate, 746 Alvarez, W. C, appointment, 67, 754 Alvarez Arango, M. J., degree, 152, 622 Alver, Judith E., degree, 826 Alves, F. M., appointment, 772 Alwes, Jomar C, degree, 1070 Alwes, M. L., degree, 1289 Aly, H. F., degree, 1280 Aly, Martha A., appointment, 1000 Amaral, E., fellowship, 130 Ambraseys, N., appointment, 63 Ambrose, j. E., resignation, 820 Ambrose, R. W., degree, 636 Ambrose, W. S., degree, 639 Ambrosius, L. E., degree, 398 Ambrosius, Margery M., degree, 1301 Amer, A., appointment, 1216 Amer, M. B., degree, 214 American Academy of Arts and Letters, gift, 966 American Academy of Pediatrics, gift, 306 American Air Filter Co., Inc., Herman Nelson Division, gift, 284 American Association of Anatomists, gift, 306 American Association of University Professors, censure of University, letter from faculty, 504 report, 499 Illinois Chapter, letter, censureship of University, 648 American Bird Products, Inc., gift, 290, 952 American Brake Shoe Co., Denison Engineering Division, purchase, 54 Raymond Atchley Division, purchase, 57 American Cancer Society, Inc., gift, 290, 307, 310, 952, 968 American Chemical Products, Inc., gift, 290 American Chemical Society, gift, 290, 952 American Cyanamid Co., contract, change, 191, 721 gift, 287, 291, 307, 953, 961 American Dairy Association, contract, 21 gift, 291, 953 American Dental Association, gift, 306, 307, 967 American Foundation for Management Research, Inc., gift, 291 American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education, gift, 305, 967 American Gas Association, contract, change, 791 gift, 291, 953 American Heart Association, gift, 291. 307, 953, 968 American history, publications, financial support, gift, 961 American Hospital Supply Corp., purchase, 23, 349, 372, 436, 494, 1156, 1157, 1159 American Institute for Research, purchase, 1121 American Instrument Co., Inc., purchase, 374, 788, 863, 1121 American Iron & Steel Institute, contract, 282 change, 105 gift, 291, 292, 953 American Limb & Orthopaedic Co., gift, 311, 972 American Linen Supply Co., purchase, 493, 590 American Mathematical Society, gift, 299, 961 American Meat Institute, gift, 960 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1353 \nierican Medical Association Education and Research Foundation, gift, 307, 968, 971 American Motorists Insurance Co., purchase, " 942 American Motors Sales Corp., Kelvinator Division, purchase, 1161 American Museum of Natural History, gift, 298 American Oil Co., gift, 291, 949, 953 purchase, 590 American Oil Foundation, gift, 950 Xroerican Optical Co., purchase, 470 American Pamcor, Inc., purchase, 716, 1159 American Petroleum Institute, gift, 291 American Physiological Society, gift, 950, 953 American Psychological Association, gift, 291, 961 American Red Cross, Chicago Chapter, lease, 491 American Rheumatism Association, gift, 307, 968 American Society for Engineering Education, gift, 961 American Society for Metals, gift, 287 American Society for Metals Foundation for Education and Research, gift, 284, 945 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, contract, 21 change, 191, 721 gift, 291, 953 American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers, gift, 950 American Steel & Wire Co., gift, 291, 953 American Steel & Wire Division, United States Steel Corp., contract, change, 192 purchase, 25 American Sterilizer Co., purchase, 278, 372, 374, 471, 590 American Textile Distributors, purchase, 1207 AMETEK, Inc., Riehle Testing Machines Division, purchase, 469, 691 Ameter, Brenda L., degree, 1299 Amin, R. B., degree, 209 Amino acid analyzer, purchase, Animal Science, 23 Clinical Research Center, 99 Psychiatry, 375 Amino acids, research, contract, change, 791 gift, 954 Amjadi, H., appointment, 1168 Amling, Velma G., degree, 1278 Ammonia, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, purchase, 434 methods and machines for application, study, gift, 298 Amon, A. H., appointment, 108 declination, 206 Amon. Rene, appointment, 750 Ampex Corp., purchase, 588, 913, 1123 Amplifier modules, Civil Engineering, purchase, 242 Amplifiers, purchase, Digital Computer Laboratory, 495 Electrical Engineering, 865, 939, 1036 Physics, Urbana, 58, 785 Psychiatry, 281 Ampoules, Inc., purchase, 1256 Amstead Research Laboratories, contract, change, 105, 868 Amsted Industries, Inc., gift, 291, 953, 974 Amsted Industries Foundation, gift, 300, 963 Amtman, L. E., appointment, 68, 755 Analab Instrument Corp., purchase, 189, 912, 1013 Analgesic agents, research, gift, 309 Analog computers, purchase, Otolaryngology, 940 Analogue computer, appropriation, balance reappropriated, Electrical Engineering, 779 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 86, 779 Analyzers, appropriation, Engineering Experiment Station, 13 purchase, Animal Science, 590 Botany, 591 Electrical Engineering, 941 Geology, 436 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 496 Physics, Urbana, 57, 58, 494, 593, 717 Anand, S. C., resignation, 977 Anatomy, clinical faculty, 66, 753 gift, funds, American Association of Anatomists, 306 research, Pfizer Laboratories, 309 United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation, 970 purchase, microscopes, 374 photomicroscope, 22, 1255 ultracentrifuge, 99 quarters, remodeling, contracts, 269 Anchor Scavenger Service, purchase, 493 Andalman, Marlene B., degree, 1313 Andelman, S. L., appointment, 78, 766 Andermann, R. E., appointment, 800, 1168 degree, 837 Andersen, A., & Co., gift, 963 Andersen, F. L., appointment, 423 Andersen, H. L., degree, 397 Andersen, J. R., degree, 144 Andersen, Joan E., degree, 633 Andersen, R. H., degree, 1063 Andersen, R. T., degree, 619 Andersen, S. D., appointment, 108, 727 Anderson, A. D., degree, 1291 Anderson, A. J., appointment, 71, 758 Anderson, A. K., gift, 310 Anderson, A. W., degree, 642, 1318 Anderson, B. K., degree, 1294 Anderson, Barbara D., degree, 399 Anderson, C, & Co. Foods Division, gift, 960 Anderson, C. A., fellowship, 1220 Anderson, C. J., degree, 1293 Anderson, C. W., degree, 839 Anderson, Carol D., degree, 1307 Anderson, Constance L., degree, 1305 Anderson, D. B., degree, 1302 Anderson, D. F., fellowship, 1220 Anderson, D. I., degree, 634 Anderson, D. W., degree, 621 Anderson, E. A., degree, 828 fellowship, 510 Anderson, Edmund G., appointment, 1150 Anderson, Ernest G., appointment, 313 Anderson, E. L., degree, 1284 Anderson, E. M., degree, 147 Anderson, E. T., appointment, 70, 757 Anderson, Edna L., appointment, 108 Anderson, Evelyn M., appointment, 78 Anderson, F. D., fellowship, 510, 1220 Anderson, G. D., degree, 643 Anderson, G. F., degree, 1277 Anderson, G. M., degree, 642, 1318 Anderson, G. R., degree, 396 Anderson, Gale Y., degree, 830 Anderson, H. D., degree, 403 Anderson, J. D., appointment, 335, 1000 Anderson, J. F., degree, 601 fellowship, cancellation, 738 Anderson, J. K., degree, 1280 Anderson, J. L., Jr., degree, 613 Anderson, J. P., appointment, 1168 Anderson, Jane E., degree, 840 Anderson, Joan D., degree, 155 Anderson, Joyce C, degree, 398 Anderson, Joyce L., degree, 623 Anderson, K. M., degree, 1081 Anderson, L. E., degree, 618 Anderson, L. R., appointment, 883, 1082, 1322 fellowship, 656 Anderson, Loretta L., degree, 1290 Anderson, Lorna J., degree, 615 Anderson, Marian, honorary degree, 1150 Anderson, Marilynn R., degree, 147 1354 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Anderson, Mrs. Mary P., appointment, 108 declination, S97 Anderson, Maud G., degree, 1076 Anderson, N. D., degree, 637 Anderson, N. J. B., fellowship, 1332 Anderson, P. A., fellowship, 893 Anderson, P. R., degree, 634, 1287 Anderson, R. C, appointment, 750 Anderson, Raymond $pD., appointment, 81, 769 Anderson, Richard E., degree, 1274 Anderson, R. H., degree, 384 Anderson, R. J., Jr., degree, 646 Anderson, R. R., contract, 1009 Anderson, R. T., degree, 151 Anderson, R. W., appointment, 800 Anderson, Rachel E., appointment, 195, 800 Anderson, Mrs. Ralph E., gift, 971 Anderson, Mrs. Roberta H., appointment, 30 Anderson, Mrs. Ruth C, resignation, 45 Anderson, S. H-, degree, 1066 fellowship, 1332 Anderson, S. L., degree, 1312 Anderson, Sonia R., degree, 1267 fellowship, 697, 926 Anderson, T. O., appointment, 476, 506, 1322 Anderson, T. R., certificate, 61 Anderson, Thyra R., degree, 1294 Anderson, Valerie O., degree, 1307 Anderson, W. D., fellowship, 1220 Anderson, W. G., appointment, 1323 Anderson, W. L., appointment, 108, 800, 883 Anderson, W. R., degree, 1305 Anderson & Litwack Co., contract, 52, 464 Anderson & White Supply Co., purchase, 1157 Anderson Mattress Co., purchase, 101, 1207 Andert, Katherine P., degree, 402 Andes, University of, Agency, funds, investment, 378 Andreasen, C, degree, 396 Andresen, P. D., degree, 1071 Andresen, R. H., appointment, 72, 759 Andrews, A. H-, Jr., appointment, 75, 762 Andrews, A. M., appointment, 354 Andrews, A. R., fellowship, 510, 1220 Andrews, D. K., appointment, 339, 1005 declination, 412 leave of absence, 1110 Andrews, F., degree, 1302 Andrews, J. A., appointment, 195 Andrews, J. H., appointment, 1216 Andrews, Joan L., fellowship, 1332 Andrews, Polly A., degree, 1078 Andrews, Richard D., appointment, 800 declination, 897 Andrews, Rollin D., Ill, appointment, 108, 1323 degree, 614 resignation, 820 Andrews, R. T., degree, 1067 Andrews, W. P., degree, 396 Androw, Hermine G., degree, 402 Anemia, research, gift, 308, 969, 970 Anemometer, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, purchase, 496 Anesthesia, research, gift, 307 Anesthesiology, clinical faculty, 84, 772 gift, research, Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc., 969 Anesthetic gases, Medical Center, purchase, 493 Ang, A., appointment, 1111 Angell, J. S., appointment, 73, 760 Angelo, Mildred B., degree, 1284 Angelo, S. J., degree, 392 Angelus, D. A., degree, 842 Angerer, Nancy L., degree, 1290 Angular distribution in effusion, study, contract, 380 Anhydrous lanthanum trichloride, Physics, purchase, 785 Animal breeding, research program, buildings, funds, gift, 301 Animal cages, Medical Research Laboratory, appropriation, 488 purchase, 863 Animal gastro-intestinal tract, research eif 290, 292 K "' Animal Genetics Laboratory, funds, gift, 302 remodeling, funds, 12 Animal nutrition, research, contract, 244 gift, 293, 957 Animals, study, contract, 587, 1040 change, 21 Animal Science, advisory committee, 5, 680 appropriation, farm improvements, balance reappropriated, 780 refrigeration walk-in room, balance reap propriated, 778 sheep metabolism unit, balance reapnroori ated, 77? swine nutrition farm, repairs, 463 gift, funds, Brehm, C. E., 961 research, Abbott Laboratories, 290, 952 Allied Chemical Corp., 290 Commercial Solvents Corp., 292, 954 Dawe's Laboratories, Inc., 293, 954 Ford Motor Co., 293 F. S. Services, Inc., 955 Grace, W. R., & Co., 955 Illinois Farm Supply Co., 294 Lilly, E., & Co., 957 Merck & Co., Inc., 295, 957 Merck, Sharp & Dohme Laboratories, 957 Moorman Manufacturing Co., 296, 957 Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc., 296 National Vitamin Foundation, Inc., 296 Pfizer, C, & Co., Inc., 297, 958 Smith, A. O., Harvestore Products, Inc 959 Soft Phosphate Research Institute, Inc 959 Upjohn Co., 960 VioBin Corp., 299, 960 Walker, H., & Sons, Inc., 299 silos, Smith, A. O., Harvestore Products, Inc., 303 head of department, appointment, 1242 purchase, analyzer, 23, 590 calculators, 1205 centrifuge, 53 chromatograph, 493 controlled environmental room, 714 electrophoresis system, 188 farrowing units, 495, 590, 864 feeding units, 495, 590 hog gates, 714 microscope stand, 495 polarimeter, 912 recording system, 349 silos, 716, 782 spectrometer, 470 spectrophotometer, 53, 866, 1256 sterilizer, 590 straw, wheat, and oats, 590, 1258 titrator, 1256 trucks, 374 sheep research building, construction, funds. 430 Animal Sciences Laboratory, appropriation, controlled environment room, 368 fluorescent lights, 13 remodeling, 488, 536 balance reappropriated, 85, 779 Anker, Jane A., fellowship, 893 Ankin, P. B., degree, 1309 Ankudas, Milda M., appointment, 30 Annable, Mr. and Mrs. L. F., gift, 310, 311 Anner, G. E., appointment, 329, 992 declination, 412, 1141 guest of Board, 1094 Anniss, J. K., degree, 395 Annuity program, staff, established, 1212 insurance companies approved, 1214 rules, 1213 Ansari, N. A., degree, 1267 Ansbro, J. F., fellowship, 734, 926 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1355 Ansel!, O. W., degree, 1294 \nselmo, G. M., degree, 620 Xnslow, Bonita L., degree, 398 \ntalis, Theodora A., degree, 1289 Xntczak, J. S., degree,.1071 ntenen, W. W., appointment, 108, 506 ' degree, 875 Antenna laboratory, construction, contract, electrical, 51 general, 51 heating and refrigeration work, 52 plumbing, 51 ventilating, 52 Antenna model pattern range, construction, contract, electrical work, 858 general, 858 plumbing, 858 Antennas, inventions, income, 668 patents, 668 research, contract, 21, 474, 943 change, 1129 Antenna system, design, contract, 104 change, 944 Electrical Engineering, purchase, 189, 1123 Antenna tower, Electrical Engineering, construction, contract, 857 purchase, 939 Anthony, Florence M., degree, 147 Anthony, R. B., degree, 833 Anthony, R. M., degree, 1302 Anthropology, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 86 field training program, balance reappropriated, 778 budget, summer session, 325, 988 gift, funds, Illinois Archaeological Survey, 294 research, Illinois Archaeological Survey, 956 Antibiotics, research, gift, 298, 953 Antibody formation in the pig, study, contract, change, 352, 869 Anticonvulsant properties in drugs, research, gift, 309 Anti-hypertensive drugs, research, gift, 309 Antiradiation drugs, research, contract, change, 105, 245, 283, 381, 587, 792 Anti-trust litigation, purchases of electrical equipment, engineering services, contract, 20 Antiviral agents, research, contract, 867 change, 1129 Antiviral influenza, research, gift, 954 Antlab, Inc., purchase, 1123, 1160 Anton, H., degree, 605 Anton, T. J., appointment, 30 Antonio, J. F., degree, 607 fellowship, 926 Antonson, J. R., degree, 397 Antony, K. S., appointment, 883 Antosiak, J. R., degree, 841 Antosz, S. C., degree, 620 Anver, Miriam R., degree, 1315 Anway, Sue E., degree, 1315 Anxiety, research, contract, 1040 Anzalone, Charlene, appointment, 108 Aoki, J. S., degree, 637 Aouad, R., appointment, 74, 762 Apex Motor Fuel Co., purchase, 472, 495 Appelbaum, B. E., fellowship, 130 Appelbaum, W. A., degree, 1278 Appelquist, April I., degree, 627 Apperson, R. M., degree, 402, 1070 Apperson, W. R., degree, 403 Apple, C, appointment, 73, 761 Applebaum, J. A., degree, 1273 Applebee, R. K., appointment, 405, 883 Applegate, Susan, degree, 629 Appleman, Jean, degree, 631 Applequist, D. E., leave of absence, 479 Applications for admission, policy and procedures, 180 Applied Development Corp., purchase, 784 Applied Dynamics, Inc., purchase, 434 Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, gift, research, American Dental Association, 307 purchase, dental manikins, 1037 Applied Physics Corp., purchase, 278, 375, 591, 593, 785, 787, 789, 866, 1014 Applied Research Laboratories, Inc., purchase, 862 Appointments, made by the President, 2, 29, 63, 108, 179, 195. 237, 251, 265, 313, 340, 354, 367, 405, 423, 439, 457, 476, 485, 505, 533, 648, 680, 695, 707, 727, 750, 799, 850, 882, 906, 920, 936, 975, 987, 1018, 1025, 1082, 1103, 1134, 1150, 1168, 1184, 1216, 1240, 1322 Appropriations, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 fund assignments subject to appropriation bills becoming laws, 678 funds for capital improvements, 799 nonrecurring expenditures, 13, 182, 237, 269, 368, 430, 463, 487, 536, 683, 709, 852, 917, 1008, 1152, 1191, 1247. Admissions and Records, Urbana, equipment, 1152 Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, wind tunnel, 430 Agriculture, lounge equipment, 1152 Agriculture Library, remodeling and equipment, 1193 Agronomy, South Farm heating system, 238 Allerton House, maintenance projects and water tank replacement, 683 Animal Science, swine nutrition farm, repairs, 463 Animal Sciences Laboratory, controlled environment room, 368 Architecture and Art, equipment, 238, 918 Art, Urbana, equipment, 369, 1153, 1247 remodeling property at 26 East Springfield Avenue, 18 Audio-Visual Aids Service, equipment, 238 Botany, equipment, 918 research facilities, 13 Chemistry, equipment, 488 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, equipment, 13, 238, 369, 536, 1153, 1192 remodeling, 13 Chicago Undergraduate Division, computer system, 182 equipment, 683, 709 remodeling, 683 Civil Engineering, equipment, 369, 430, 487, 918, 1191 testing machine, 238 Commerce and Business Administration, computer system, 1008 Dairy Science, fluorescent lights in Animal Sciences Laboratory, 13 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, remodeling, 1111 water system and fire protection, 1152 Education, equipment, 1153 remodeling, 13 Educational and Behavioral Sciences Library, equipment, 918 Electrical Engineering, equipment, 13, 369 Engineering, equipment, 269 Engineering Experiment Station, analyzer, 13 Engineering Publications, equipment, 1153 Entomology, equipment, 918 Extension Division, equipment, 1153 Food Technology, Burnsides Research Laboratory, moving into and equipping, 368 Forestry, pressure-vacuum cylinder, 13, 238 shear testing machine, 368 Geology, Urbana, air conditioners, 918 equipment, 13, 1192 remodeling, 13 Graduate College, fellowship, 1027 1356 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Appropriations, cont'd Highway Traffic Safety Center, traffic study vehicle and equipment, 918 Ice Rink, ice resurfacer, 238 Illustration Studios, equipment, 918 Industrial Education, equipment, 238 Labor and Industrial Relations, air conditioning, 1112 Language Laboratory, equipment, 369 Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, biological sciences equipment, 369 Library, Chicago Undergraduate Division, books, 238, 918 Urbana, books, 13, 369, 487, 1153 equipment, 238, 918, 1153 Life Sciences, equipment, 1192 Lincoln Avenue, property at 807 South, remodeling, 273 Mathematics, Urbana, equipment, 238, 463 McKinley Hospital, overbed tables and wall closets, 536 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, wind tunnel, 430 Medical Research Laboratory, animal cages and equipment, 488 electronic air cleaners, 13 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, equipment, 1153 machine tools, 369 moving expenses, 918 Music, equipment, 918 organs, 238 pianos, 238, 1008 Nuclear Engineering Committee, equipment. 918 Operating and Recovery Rooms, Research and Educational Hospitals, equipment, 488 Pharmacy, equipment, 238, 369, 1153 Physical Education, netting, 1008 remodeling, 13 Physical Plant Department, Chicago Undergraduate Division, remodeling, Architecture and Art, 269, 918 Medical Center, Medical Research Laboratory, ducts, 238 remodeling, Research and Educational Hospitals, 918 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 1153 Urbana, air conditioning, Agricultural Engineering Building, 1153 Armed Forces offices, 918 Armory Avenue, building at 51 East, 683 Child Development Laboratory, 182 Civil Engineering Hall, 369 Davenport House, 463 Gregory Hall, 488 Hun Gymnasium, 683 Lincoln Hall, 488 Mathews Avenue, houses at 606 and 6O6V2 South, 709 Nevada Street, houses at 1205 West, 536 Photographic Laboratory, 463 Springfield Avenue, building at 1210 West, 683 building construction, milk handling, 430 sheep research, 430 electrical distribution and supply systems, modernization, 918 electrical service, David Kinley Hall, 536 Old Agronomy Storehouse, 488 floor tile installation, McKinley Hospital, 1153 hearing testing chamber, 269 light fixtures, Smith Music Hall, 369 lighting, Architecture Building Gallery, 918 Horticulture Field Laboratory, 182 Krannert Art Museum, 1153 n, Appropriations, cont'd Library, 918 North Greenhouse, 918 moving houses at 606 and 6O6V2 South Mathews Avenue, 536, 709 painting, Large Animal Clinic, 369 Women's Gymnasium lounge, 369 remodeling, Administration Buildine 852 8l Agricultural Engineering Building, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 488, 535 Armory, 536 Bevier Hall, 1153 Botany dark room, 918 central receiving buildings, 488 Chemistry and Chemical Engineeri; Chemistry Annex, 536 City Planning Library, 1153 Civil Engineering Hall, 369 classrooms, 369 Davenport Hall, 683, 918 Electrical Engineering Building, 369 Engineering offices, 918 English Building, 13 Floriculture Building, 852 Goodwin Avenue, property at 205 South, 1153 Gregory Hall, 369 Harker Hall, 369, 1247 Horticulture Field Laboratory, 536 Hydraulics Research Laboratory, 369, 918 Illini Union, 852 Illinois Street, property at 1116 West 369 Library, 369, 918 Lincoln Avenue, building at 807 South, 536 Lincoln Hall, 369, 488 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 238 Mechanical Engineering Building, 1153 Men's Old Gymnasium, 369 Mining and Metallurgy Laboratory, 1247 Mumford Hall, 709, 1153 Natural History Building, 488, 1153, 1247 Nevada Street, property at 1205 and 1205V2 West, 1247 Noyes Laboratory, 536 Oregon Street, property at 1205 West, 918 paleontological laboratory, 536 Springfield Avenue, property at 1208 West, 369 property at 1308 West, 852 Radio Station, 1191 Statistical Service Unit, 269 Vegetable Crops Building, 852 Veterinary Medicine, 1153 Woodshop, 536 Wright Street, property at 1007 ana IOO71/2 South, 1247 repairs, Springfield Avenue, property at 1208 West, 183 resurfacing, tennis courts, 1191 track in Men's Old Gymnasium, 1191 roof repairs, Skating Rink, 13 sidewalk, Women's Gymnasium, 488 transformer and power distribution system for Agricultural Engineering. 918 ventilation system, Chemistry Annex, 536 water lines, Machine Shed, 488 welding system for sculpturing classes, 369 Physics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, equipment, 488 Urbana, metal building, 238 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1357 Appropriations, eont'd physiology and Biophysics, equipment, 536 plant Pathology, equipment, 238 press, University, inserting machine, 13 psychology, equipment, 238, 536 Public Information Office, multigraph duplicating equipment, 13 Radiology, Research and Educational Hospitals, equipment, 488 Radio Station, equipment, 1191 Research and Educational Hospitals, equipment, 13, 369, 918, 1153 operating expenses, 488 Speech and Theatre, equipment, 918 Statistical Service Unit, equipment, 182, 238 television studios, remodeling, 95 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, facilities and equipment, 487 University High School, equipment, 238, 917 library expansion, 238 University Honors Programs, equipment, 918 Veterinary Clinical Medicine, pathology building, 1153 Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, building for animal holding facilities, 430 Vocational and Technical Education, equipment, 369 Zoology, revamping water supply for Vivarium, 13 teaching materials, 487 Aprahamian, R., degree, 1067 April, E., degree, 1319 Apter, D., degree, 1306 Aptitude tests, Graduate College, purchase, 592 Arado, J. J., degree, 1309 Arai, Hisao P., took, printing, 471 Arai, Mary N., appointment, 251, 354 Arafliaki, S., appointment, 648 Arambulo, Angel S., degree, 1316 Arbeiter, Freelyn A., degree, 1314 Arbenz, Mary H., appointment, 1002 Arbo, A. L., Jr., degree, 145 Arbogast, Donna L., degree, 627 Arboit. Joan M., appointment, 78 Arcade Building, appropriation, balance reappropriated, air conditioning, 779 remodeling, 779 Archaeological materials, Natural History Museum, gift, 304, 966 Archaeological salvage work, contract, change, 791 Archdeacon, Maude, authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422 Archer, E. J., Jr., degree, 395 Archer, F. O., Jr., degree, 620 Archer, Jane B., appointment, 337 Archer, L. B, appointment, 329, 992 Archer, W. K., appointment, 30, 800 Arclier-Daniels-Midland Foundation, gift, 284, 291 Arches, analysis and design, study contract, change, 105, 381 Archibald, Kathleen, appointment, 313 Architectural services, contract, Architecture Building, Chicago Circle, 1115 buildings, new, 687 campus plan studies, 19, 687. 1131 Central National Bank Building, remodeling, 1152 Chicago Circle, site development and coordinating services, 1114 Civil Engineering Building, 185 classroom buildings, Chicago Circle, 1115 Digital Computer Laboratory, second addition, 908 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, superintendent's house, 96 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building addition, 185 Electrical Engineering Building addition, addition, 433 Engineering and Science Laboratories addition, Chicago Circle, 1115 Architectural services, eont'd Engineering and Sciences office building, Chicago Circle, 1115 Florida Avenue Residence Hall, 1010 Hull House restoration, 492 Illini Union, Medical Center, 347 Library addition, Chicago Circle, 1115 Life Sciences, east unit, 185 Mathematics Office Building, 492 Orchard Downs addition, addition, 97 Physical Education Building, Chicago Circle, 1115 Physical Plant Service Building, Medical Center, 241 remodeling work, 1114 Research and Training Building, Mental Health Center, 468 residence hall. Medical Center, 347 site selection for new buildings, 19, 687 Small Animal Clinic, 241 Smith Music Hall addition, 185 Electrical Engineering Building addition, funds, gift, 964 Graduate Student Residence Halls, payment, 98 Architectural studies, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87. 88, 779, 781 Chicago Circle, funds, agreement with Illinois Building Authority, 1042 Architecture, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, summer session, 1004 chairman of department, appointment, 1105 curriculum, approved, 1027 department, established, 1187 Urbana, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 86t 87, 779 budget, summer session, 325, 988 gift, fellowship, Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc., 950 funds, Deeter & Ritchey, 948 Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, 956 Tile Council of America, Inc., 300 loan fund, Koppers Co., Inc., 949 prize, Bradley & Bradley, Inc., 949 Illinois Society of Architects, 948 Kivett & Myers & McCallum, 948 Koppers Co., Inc., 949 Marggraf, Agnes V., 949 Synod of Illinois, 949 scholarship, Ailerton, R., 284, 945 Indiana Limestone Institute, 285 Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Co., 285 student award, Alschuler Philanthropic Fund, Inc., 287 Bradley & Bradley, Inc., 287 Deeter & Ritchey, 287 Kivett & Myers & McCallum, 287 Koppers Co., Inc., 287 Plym fellowships, appointment, 478, 1220 purchase, drafting tables, 23 Ryerson fellowship, appointment, 478, 1219 Architecture and Art, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 781 equipment, 238, 918 remodeling, 269, 918 curriculum, architecture, approved, 1027 dean, appointment, 50 report, state of college, 1021 departments, established, 1187 name, approved, 182 purchase, machinery, 1203 office furniture, 374 photographic equipment, 1013 Architecture Building, Chicago Circle, architectural services, contract, 1115 Urbana, lighting improvements, appropriation, 918 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Arcilla, Rene A., appointment, 77, 765 resignation, 1020 Ardente, Rose A., degree, 1301 1358 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Area Redevelopment Administration, gift, 965 Arenas, F. G., degree, 634 Arenburg Ultrasonic Laboratory, Inc., purchase, 691 Arend, J. D., degree, 839 Arensman, J. B., degree, 156, 1315 Arentsen, L. W., certificate, 364 Argoudelis, C, leave of absence, 702 Arias, B. A., appointment, 313, 759 Arias Gomez, A., degree, 152 Arias Limonta, J. A. R., degree, 141 Ariens, Phyllis J., appointment, 30 Ariens, T. F., degree, 154 Arithmetic curriculum, elementary school, study, gift, 292, 954 Arjmand, H. M., degree, 1312 Arkes, H. P., degree, 152 Arkes, Judy S., degree, 152 Arkin, A., appointment, 67, 754 Arlon, A. J., appointment, 800, 989 declination, 1141 fellowship, 1171 Arlt, C. T., appointment, 707 Arlt, Mrs. Phyllis B., appointment, 883, 1216 Armbruster, R. C, certificate, 746 Armco Foundation, gift, 301, 963 Armco Steel Corp., gift, 287 Armed Forces, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 Urbana, appropriation, air conditioning offices, 918 equipment, balance reappropriated, 86 Armentrout, E. L., degree, 631 Armington Illinois Community Chest, gift, 292 Armory, addition, equipment, financing, 742 air conditioning, appropriation, 918 bookshelves, purchase, 782 remodeling, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 contract, electrical, 16 elevator, 16 general, 16 heating and refrigeration, 16 plumbing, 16 ventilating, 16 rifle range, renovation, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 780 Armory Avenue, property at 51 East, air conditioning, appropriation, 683 purchase, 414 property at 53 East, purchase, 414 Armour & Co., gift, 960 Armour Pharmaceutical Co., gift, 292 Armstrong, Annilee L., degree, 1311 Armstrong, Beulah M., appointment, 727 Armstrong, Bonnie K., degree, 633 Armstrong, Claresa M., appointment, 79, 766 Armstrong, D. P., degree, 620, 1277 Armstrong, Elizabeth E., degree, 619 Admstrong, G. R., degree, 1293 Armstrong, J. J., degree, 1278 Armstrong, J. W-, appointment, 997 Armstrong, Marcia M., degree, 830 Armstrong, Pauline B., appointment, 30 Armstrong, R. T., fellowship, 510, 1220 Armstrong, R. W., appointment, 4, 1150 degree, 601 Armstrong, W. A., degree, 623 Armstrong-Blum Manufacturing Co., purchase, 940 Armstrong Cork Co., gift, 284, 945 Army, contract, 21, 103, 191, 351, 380, 437, 474, 498, 586, 692, 720, 789, 867, 915, 943, 1040, 1162, 1210, 1260 change, 21, 105, 193, 245, 283, 352, 381, 438, 475, 498, 587, 693, 721, 792, 916, 1040, 1129, 1163, 1211, 1260 gift, 302, 312, 965, 973 Army R. O. T. C, training program, change from compulsory to voluntary, 939 Arnett, E. M., appointment, 648 Arnett, H. E., degree, 383 Arnett, Joann M. L., degree, 147 Arnholt, J. E., degree, 147 Arnholt, Mary J., degree, 1076 Arnoff, W. H., fellowship, 41, 734 Arnold, A., appointment, 72, 759 Arnold, Barbara F., degree, 639 Arnold, D. W., degree, 394 Arnold, G. B., degree, 1072 Arnold, J. E., degree, 615 Arnold, J. P., appointment, 1168 Arnold, J. T., certificate, 746 Arnold, Joanne M., degree, 147 Arnold, Marjorie L., appointment, 108, 800 degree, 384 fellowship, 697 resignation, 701 Arnold, Nancy L., degree, 1301 Arnold, R. D., degree, 1081 Arnold, R. T., appointment, 405 resignation, 701 Arnoldi, Joan M., degree, 640 Arnoldi, N. L., degree, 640 Amove, Dora W., degree, 393 Arnow, M. M., degree, 1305 Arnstein, W., appointment, 996 Arnstine, Donna H., degree, 1307 Aro, Aurelia M., appointment, 195, 883 Aromatic rings, study, contract, change, 1040 Aronin, S. M., degree, 1294 Aronov, B. M., appointment, 79, 766 Arons, Harriet D., fellowship, 657 Aronson, A. R., appointment, 195, 757 Aronson, Ann, degree, 623 Aronson, H. G., appointment, 79, 766 Aronson, L. G., degree, 156 Aronson, N. G-, fellowship, 41, 257 Aronson, S. M., degree, 1080 Arrigo, T. E., degree, 1071 Arrington, Barbara L., degree, 402 Arsenicals, influence on reproductive performance, research, gift, 952 Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, summer session, 338, 1004 chairman of department, appointment, 851 department, established, 1187 organization, change, 851 Urbana, admission requirements, change, 1189 appropriation, equipment, 369, 1153, 1247 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 remodeling 1247 budget, summer session, 235, 988 gift, research, St. Regis Paper Co., 958 scholarship, Motorola, Inc., 285, 947 property at 26 East Springfield Avenue. lease, 868 remodeling, funds, 18 use, 18 Art, N. E., degree, 632 Art Drapery Studios, Inc., purchase, 436 Arteman, R. L., degree, 1283 Art exhibits, funds, gift, 962 Art gallery, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88 Arthritis, research, gift, 307 Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, gift, 307 Artificial breeding, research, gift, 958 Artim Equipment Co., purchase, 1254 Artis, Helen J., degree, 833 Art objects, Krannert Art Museum, gift, 966 Art-O-Lite Co., Inc., contract, 229 Artstein, Marlene A., degree, 631 Aruguete, J., degree, 644 fellowship, 41 Asal, J. R., degree, 1291 Asato, A. E., degree, 1076 Asbun, W. L., appointment, 1168 Asbury, R. H., certificate, 423 Asch, W. B., appointment, 340 Asgar, M. A., appointment, 439, 761 Ash, G. I., degree, 1287 Ash, R. B., appointment, 750 Ash, R. L., property at 907 West Green Street, purchase, 348 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1359 /Uhburn, Connie L., degree, 402, 1070 Ashby, W. R., leave of absence, 1107 Ashcraft, T. L., appointment, 84, 772 \sher K. G., certificate, 61 Aster, M. F., degree, 1307 Ashland Construction Co., contract, 432, 910 Ash and Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, IS, 269, 271, 432, 464, 911, 1154, 1250 Ashmore, Carla C, degree, 393 \shmore, Constance M., appointment, declina-' tion, 1087 Ashmore, S. A., degree, 395 Ashmore, V. D., degree, 841 Ashner, H. J degree, 1309 Ashurst, A. N., degree, 622 Ashworth, R. L., degree, 623 Asian Studies Center, development, grant from Ford Foundation, 1011 established, 1189 Asik, J. R., fellowship, 657 Asin, M., degree, 396 Askew, E. W., degree, 1288 Aslaksen, C. M., degree, 620, 1276 Aspen, Anita J., appointment, 920 Asphalt, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 26, 1255 Asphalt primer, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 714 Asplind, Linnea J., degree, 842 Aspnes, D. E., fellowship, 657 Aspnes, Edna J. H., fellowship, 1332 Assembly Hall, construction, contract, general, addition, 95, 353, 938, 1011 landscaping, contract, 370 parking lots, contract, 59 publicity services, contract, 1010 concerts, entertainments, and productions, contracts, authority to execute, 430 funds, investment, 248, 250, 378, 473, 723, 725, 793, 794, 870, 917, 944, 945, 1017, 1041, 1130, 1164, 1214, 1262 name, change, action deferred, 438 letter from the Governor, 974 referred to Committee on Buildings and Grounds, 975 purchase, air niters, 786 basketball floor, 190 chairs, 281, 472 coat and hat racks, 350 drapery units, 436 floor machine, 718 lamps, 281 light fixtures, 472 soft drink dispensers, 376 spotlights, 718 stage, 281 theatre draperies and stage skirts, 691 truck, 372 turnstiles, 281 utilities, appropriation, balance reappropri- ated, 778 Assistantship, gift, Chicago Bridge & Iron Foundation, 299 Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., 288 Associated Engineers, Inc., engineering services, Library, air conditioning, 371 Associated Medical Sciences, School of, established, 681 Associated Service & Supply Co., purchase, 594, 1124 Associate Provost, appointment, 267 Association for Higher Education, meeting, report, 446 Association of American Railroads, contract, change, 693 gift, 292, 953 Association of American Universities, invitation to President of University to visit British universities, 460 invitation to President of University to visit universities in West Germany, 1155 Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, meeting, attendance, 844 report, 250, 900 University representative, 28 Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, meeting, participation of Mrs. Frances B. Watkins, 1175 report, 1215 Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives, gift, 294 Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, contract, 1127 Ast, Mrs. Maria E., appointment, 883 Asthma, research, gift, 307 Asthmatic Children's Aid, f(ift, 307 Aston, Katharine O., appointment, 649 Astro, Inc., application for establishment of a fixed-base operation at Airport, hearing, request, 251 Astro-Mechanics, Inc., purchase, 1159 Astronomy, contract, transportation of research equipment, 590 purchase, astrophotometer, 1159 matting, 53 radio equipment, 372 Vermilion River Observatory, flood control measures, reconstruction, 188 Astrophotometer, Astronomy, purchase, 1159 Atabug, A. C, degree, 393 Atac, M., appointment, 1134 degree, 1067 Atai, S. R., degree, 618, 1278 Atchison, W. R., degree, 1275 Atchley, R., Division, American Brake Shoe Co., purchase, 57 Atco Corp., purchase, 1203 Athani, V. V., degree, 142 Athas, L. J., degree, 1294 Athen Stove Works, Inc., purchase, 1161 Atherosclerosis, research, gift, 291, 953 Athineos, E., appointment, 800 degree, 641 Athletic Activities Committee, appointment of T. A. Jones, 986 members, 1098 Athletic Association, appropriation, football band trip, 852 furniture, 430 grants-in-aid, 536 auditors, employment, 499, 1211 Board of Directors, appointment, 423, 1102 budget, approved, 679, 1239 staff, appointments, changes, 1143 Athletic groups, use of wheat germ oil, research, contract, change, 105 Athletics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, di- rector, appointment, 457 Atkin, J. M., appointment, 405 book, printing, 242 Atkins, G. D., degree, 143 Atkins, Gladys, degree, 1316 fellowship, 257, 319, 893 termination, 1087 Atlas, A., appointment, 108, 883 degree, 1268 resignation, 1339 Atlas Mess-und Analysen Technik GmbH, purchase, 23 Atlas of Illinois resources, funds, gift, 300 Atols, R. M., degree, 1073 Atomic energy, research, contract, change, 21, 721 Atomic Energy Commission, contract, 21, 103, 437, 474, 692, 720, 1040, 1127 change, 21, 22, 105, 245, 283, 352, 381, 475, 498, 587, 693, 721, 916, 943, 1016, 1040, 1041, 1129, 1211, 1260 extension, 250 nondiscritnination provisions, compliance report required, 276 gift, 302, 312, 965, 973 1360 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Atomic Energy Commission, cont'd purchase, 101 research in elementary particle physics, funds, increase, application, 713 Atomic Support Agency, contract, 1015 Atoms, research, contract, change, 587, 721, 1260 A to Z Equipment Co., purchase, 1254 Atsatt, P. R., degree, 141 Atterol Tool Corp., purchase, 1204 Attinello, Eleanor F. V., degree, 143 Attinello, S. J., degree, 143 Atwood, Barbara M., appointment, declination, 132 Atwood, G. F., degree, 1319 Atwood, G. J., fellowship, 203 Audi, L. D., degree, 147 Audiometer, Speech and Theatre, purchase, 1036 Audio-Visual Aids Service, appropriation, equipment, 238 balance reappropriated, 87 film inspection machines, claim of Harwald Co., Inc., employment of special counsel, 1215 purchase, report of special committee, 446 films, lease, 472, 1161 lease of office space, Green Street, property at 611 and 613 East, 776, 1128 Sixth Street, property at 704 South, 1128 purchase, films, 190, 243, 244, 280, 376, 718, 719, 786, 788, 866, 1206 Audio-visual equipment, University High School, appropriation, 238 Auditorium, Chicago Undergraduate Division, expense, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88 Auditorium seats, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 57 Auditor of Public Accounts, facsimile signatures, resolution, 422, 1097 Auditors, employment, 499, 1211 Auger, F. K., appointment, 1323 Augur, W. L., degree, 1290 Augustana College, summer speech clinic, approved, 486, 1191 Augustine, Beverly A., degree, 1294 Augustine, Judith E., degree, 623 Augustus, W. E., degree, 838 Aukamp, D. R., degree, 1071 Aukes, L. E., appointment, 313 Aurand, W. O., degree, 1272 Ausman, W. P., certificate, 749 Aust, R. B., degree, 1267 fellowship, 734 resignation, 1339 Ausrermiller, L. L., degree, 403 Austin, H. K., degree, 395 Austin, J. H.( appointment, 367 Austin, M. P., appointment, 1323 Austin, V. H., degree, 1081 Austin Woman's Club, gift, 311 Ausubel, D. P., leave of absence, 1107 Auten, L. J., fellowship, 1220 Auth, L. V., Jr., resignation, 132 Autoanalyzer, Home Economics, purchase, 189 Autoanalyzer attachment, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88 Automatic Signal Division, Laboratory for Electronics, Inc., purchase, 54 Automobiles, parking regulations and facilities, long-range program, approved, 574 purchase, Agency for International Development, 242 Agricultural Engineering, 437 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 714 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 26, 437, 597, 914, 1015 1127, 1209 State Natural History Survey, 437 registration fee, 575 Auto-mosaicism, erythrocyte, research, contract, change, 22 Automotive Safety Foundation, gift, 288 950 Autonomic drugs, action on central nervous system, research, gift, 969 Avalon Foundation, gift, 305 Avery, A. D., degree, 634 Arery, L. W., appointment, 72, 759 Aves, N. L., degree, 644 Aviation, Institute of, airport, cleaning and improvements, approved, 704 federal funds, agreement, amendment 185 ' grants, 1029 land, acquisition, 1029 appropriation, balance reappropriation, 85 778 ' aviation and space technology publication printing, 1203 ' ferrying service, contract, 1122 flight instruction fee, change, 1152 gift, airplane, anonymous, 303 General Motors Corp., 303 purchase, aircraft engine, 376, 591 airplanes, 376, 591, 789 cable assembly, 376 electronic counter, 376 electronic training assembly units, 376 equipment, 1122 frequency converter, 376 fuel oil, 716 gasoline, 590 heating and cooling equipment, 941 milliyoltmeter, 376 mowing equipment, 494 oscilloscope, 376 radar equipment, 913 signal generator, 376 Aviation training, visual displays, study, contract, change, 381 Avicola, K., degree, 401, 1067 Avizienis. Aldona, appointment, 251 Avner, Elaine S., degree, 141 fellowship, 510 Avner, R. A., degree, 1274 Avnet-Shaw Corp., gift, 954 Awender, H. A., degree, 642, 1318 Axeen, Marina E., degree, 1287 Axel, P., appointment, 109 Axelrad, D. R., appointment, 920 Axelrod, E. H., degree, 644 Axelrod, H. D., degree, 1276 Axelrod, I., degree, 646 Axen, C. S., degree, 396 Axtell, K. C, certificate, 364 Aye, R. F., degree, 623 Ayen, R. J., degree, 1058 fellowship, 510 Ayer, J. P., appointment, 76, 764 Ayer, W. A., Jr., degree, 629 Ayers, Mrs. Charlotte S., resignation, 738 Ayerst Laboratories, purchase, 589 Ayres, Maxine L., degree, 833 Ayton, W. B., degree, 216 Azuma, Y., appointment, 195, 800 Babb, B. D., degree, 397 Babb, D. S., appointment, 506 Babbitt, D. H., degree, 156 Babcock, M. L., appointment, 109 Babcock, R. W., degree, 1080 Babcock & Wilcox Co., gift, 299, 961 Babcock & Wilcox Research Center, contract, 943 Babesia canis, clinical study, contract, 915 Babiak, P. P., appointment, 405, 1216 cancellation, 820 Babler, B. J., appointment, 506, 1323 Bach, G. L., appointment, 506 fellowship, 816 resignation, 738 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1361 Bach, Lydia S., degree, 632 Bachknd, C. F., degree, 829 Bacheldor, N. W., degree, 1309 Bachynsky, N., degree, 1294 Bachli Paint Co., purchase, 1159 Bachman, R. G., degree, 142 Bachrach, J., appointment, 340, 1006 Backer, K. A., appointment, 992 declination, 1173 Backman, J. W., certificate, 364 Backs, Suzanne M., degree, 1294 Bacon, A. R., appointment, 405, 759 Bacon & Van Buskirk Glass Co., purchase, 1258 Bacteria, research, contract, 475 change, 245 Bader, D. J., degree, 1306 Bader, K. F., Jr., appointment, 83, 771 Bader, R. S., appointment, 109 leave of absence, 428 Badger, P. H., appointment, 334, 998 Badger, Virginia M., appointment, 251, 762 Baeder, R. 0., degree, 1074 Baehr, R. H., appointment, 81 Baer, J. R. F., degree, 623 Baer, R. A., degree, 640 Baer, R. E., degree, 1071 Baerson, C. R., certificate, 1099 Baffle, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 23 Bafus, D. A., degree, 209 Bagaasen, M. S., degree, 1307 Bagby, D. G., degree, 1314 Bagby, R. M., fellowship, 41, 734 termination, 521 resignation, 820 Bagley, F. L. and R. P., property at 1105 West Illinois Street, purchase, 348 Bagley, Kathryn A., degree, 1321 Bagwe, S. P., degree, 839 Bagwell, J. T., Jr., appointment, 975 Bahadori, M. N., degree, 1270 Bahmet, V., degree, 1273 Bailar, J. C, Jr., leave of absence, 1108 Bailey, A. C, degree, 1063 Bailey, A. D., appointment, 30, 1323 Bailey, A. H., Jr., degree, 390 Bailey, C. D., degree, 623 Kailey, D. E., degree, 879 Bailey, G. M., member of advisory council, 1239 Bailey, H. W., appointment, 681 Bailey, J. L., appointment, 999 Bailey, J. Z., degree, 612 Bailey, M. M., certificate, 749 Bailey, Mary R., degree, 1286 fellowship, 203 Bailey, R. B., fellowship, 510, 1332 Bailey, R. E., degree, 1293 Bailey, T. E., fellowship, 41 Bailey, W. E., appointment, 67, 727 Bailey & Himes, Inc., lease, 776, 1128 purchase, 1036 Bailitz, R. E., certificate, 746 Baily, D. B., degree, 1306 Baime, S. G., degree, 1294 Bain, R. A., appointment, 109 fellowship, 510 Bain, W. H., appointment, 883 Baines, A. R., Ill, degree, 636 Baipsys, V., degree, 395 Bair, W. E., appointment, 333 Baird, Barbara G., degree, 1290 Baird, G. R., degree, 623 Baird, J. R., appointment, 109, 649 degree, 600 leave of absence, 823 Baird-Atomic, Inc., purchase, 1014, 1035 Bakay, A. J., certificate, 1099 Baker, Arleen R., degree, 1315 Baker, B. E., degree, 1294 Baker, C. A., Jr., degree, 601 Baker, C. M. Ann, appointment, 251, 649 declination, 820 Baker, C. T., degree, 1064 Baker, Cheryl P., degree, 395 Baker, D. H., degree, 607 Baker, F. E., degree, 138 Baker, F. N., appointment, 251 Baker, H. A., appointment, 883 termination, 1020 Baker, H. L., appointment, 81, 769 Baker, I. L., degree, 610 Baker, J. J., degree, 1071 Baker, J. L. L., appointment, 195 Baker, J. T., Chemical Co., purchase, 54, 787 Baker, K. A., degree, 833 Baker, K. L., degree, 1065 Baker, Karen E. H., degree, 1299 Baker, Kay L., degree, 631 Baker, L. E., fellowship, 1220 Baker, L. S., appointment, declination, 132 Baker, L. W., appointment, 1143 Baker, Lynn V., degree, 1275 Baker, Marjorie G., appointment, 313 Baker, Mary J., degree, 610 Baker, Myrna L., degree, 623 Baker, P. M., appointment, 78 Baker, R., fellowship, 1019 Baker, R. A., appointment, 109 degree, 386 Baker, R. G., degree, 618 Baker, R. J., Jr., degree, 388 fellowship, 442 Baker, R. L.., appointment, 649 Baker, Sheila E., fellowship, 697 Baker, T. C, degree, 1314 Baker, W. S., degree, 1312 Baker-Hall Equipment Co., purchase, 497 Bakony, H. C., appointment, 80, 767 Bakri, Maarib D. L., appointment, 883, 1134 degree, 607 Bala, K. E., degree, 642, 1318 Balabanow, L. L., 639 Balbach, H. E., fellowship, 510 Balbach, Margaret K., degree, 1267 Balchunas, Carole S., degree, 1076 Balda, R. P., degree, 614 Baldacci, R., degree, 620 Balden, L. D., degree, 1072 Baldino, Evangeline C, appointment, declination, 132 resignation, 665 Baldridge, Marlena K,, degree, 832 Baldridge, Mary F., appointment, 30 Baldwin, D., appointment, 68, 755 Baldwin, F. N., Jr., degree, 150 fellowship, 41 Baldwin, G. N., appointment, 649 degree, 1066 Baldwin, J. E., appointment, 109, 326 fellowship, 1171 Baldwin, J. M., fellowship, 893 Baldwin, R. L., Jr., degree, 641 Baldwin, S. W., Jr., appointment, 336 Baldwin, T. W., book, printing, 1202 Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton, Export Division, purchase, 1156 Baldwin Piano & Organ Co., purchase, 1158 Baleiko, F. S., degree, 1302 Bales, Retta E., appointment, 195, 921 Baliga, K. Y., degree, 1283 Baligh, H. H., appointment, 326, 989 Balkan, Esther S., degree, 616 fellowship, 203 Balkin, C. R., degree, 637 Balko Tool & Machine Co., purchase, 715, 1157, 1254 Ball, G. T., certificate, 1099 Ball, M. A., appointment, 1168 Ball, P. L., certificate, 364 Ball, Pamela, degree, 1299 Ball, Patricia A., degree, 1301 Ballantine Laboratories, Inc., purchase, 941 1362 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bailard, G. R., degree, 151 Ballauer, Jo Anne, certificate, 61 Ballowe, J. C, degree, 385 Balluff, F. H., Jr., certificate, 1099 Balluffi, R. W., resignation, 1141 Balmain, K. G,, appointment, 728 degree, 601 invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 1146 Balzer, R. L., degree, 1293 Baltch, Aldonna L., resignation, 132 Baiter, Stephanie C, degree, 882 Balzarini, D. L., degree, 1072 Bamberger, J. E., degree, 620 Hammer, Elfriede, appointment, 338 Bancroft, B. R., Jr., appointment, 82, 770 Bancroft, J. H., appointment, 82 Bandelin, Valerie R., degree, 644 B. & M. Electrical Distributing Co., purchase, 596 Bands, budget, summer session, 326, 989 expenses of trip to Wisconsin, funds, 852 Handsaw, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 940 Bandy, D. B., degree, 1301 Bane, Lola A., degree, 830 Banerjee, A. C, appointment, 883 Bangs, D. A. W., degree, 635 Baniassadi, N., degree, 1292 Banister, E. W., fellowship, 1220 Banister, R. A., degree, 1293 Bank, T. P., member of advisory committee, 1025 Bankert, R. p., degree, 608 Banks, participation in United Student Aid Funds, Inc., 487, 860 Banks, E. M., appointment, 30 resignation, 412 Banks, M. D., degree, 831 Banks, R. B., appointment, 726, 800 report, state of College of Engineering, 1021 Banks, R. T., appointment, 800 degree, 1287 Banna, N. R., fellowship, 657 Banner, A. J., appointment, 707 Banner, Marolyn G., degree, 1288 Banta, F. G., leave of absence, 978 status, change, 935 Banta, G., Co., purchase, 100, 190, 242, 244, 589, 718, 865, 866, 912, 1012, 1013 Bantz, E. C, degree, 1063 Bao, F. W., degree, 1292 Bapst, D. E., degree, 1288 Bapst, Eileen J., degree, 1284 Baptist Electronic Supply, purchase, 23 Barackman, Barbara J., degree, 1300 Baraks, D. L., certificate, 364 Baran, Phyllis, degree, 1299 Baran, Walter John, degree, 395 Baran, Walter Joseph, Jr., degree, 1073 Barancik, M. B., degree, 628 Baranowski, E. J., appointment, 768 Barazani, M., appointment, 506 Barban, A. M., appointment, 1184 Barbee, D. G., degree, 1270 Barbee, Ruth E. R., degree, 1299 Barber, D., resignation, 521 Barber, H. W., appointment, 1006, 1188 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Barber, J. A., certificate, 484 Barber, Sotirios A., degree, 1074 Barber-Colman Co., gift, 945 purchase, 496, 786, 1014 Barber-Colman Foundation, gift, 284 Barber-Greene Co., purchase, 1159 Barbour, I. M., appointment, 1168 Barcelo, R., appointment, 251 Barch, R. L., degree, 1291 Bard, Beverly S., appointment, 195 degree, 147 Ba Tdeen, J., appointment, leave of absence, 740 1111 Bardeen, W. A., appointment, 30 Bardos, A. M., appointment, 1168 degree, 154, 613 fellowship, 510 resignation, 1141 Bardos, Denes I., degree, 831 Bardsley, J. L., degree, 1319 Barenberg, E. J., appointment, 405 Barenfanger Construction Co., purchase, 11 so Barford, G., degree, 398 Barger, A. R.f appointment, 1323 Bargh, G. H., authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 Barkan, S. Y., degree, 636 Barker, A. E., appointment, 1111 Barker, Janet C, degree, 626 Barker, M. W., appointment, 109 Barker, Mary J., degree, 833 Barker, R. C, appointment, 883 Barker, T. W., Jr., appointment, 109, 340 1007 Barker, W., painting, gift, 966 Barker, W. L., appointment, 82, 770 Barkley, Mrs. Clare E., appointment, 252, 728 Barley, research, gift, 295 Barlow, G. W., appointment, 109 Barmada, R., appointment, 75, 762 Barmann, M. G., degree, 620 Barnabas, S., degree, 1293 Barnard, H. M., appointment, 800 degree, 1268 Barn equipment, Dairy Science, purchase, 25, 470 Barnes, E. N., degree, 1291 Barnes, F. P., appointment, 327, 991 Barnes, Floride H., degree, 623 Barnes, L., member of advisory committee, 5 Barnes, Lorena D., degree, 632 Barnes, Mary W., degree, 143 Barnes, R. A., Jr., degree, 1294 Barnett, A. M., degree, 609 Barnett, Barbara K., degree, 216 Barnett, L. B., fellowship, 1220 Barnett, Marjorie C, appointment, 80, 768 Barnett, R. D., degree, 1302 Barnett, R. L., degree, 1278 Barnett, S., degree, 623 Barnett, S. G., degree, 152 Barnett, S. L., degree, 879 Barney, D. G., degree, 1277 Barnstead Still & Sterilizer Co., purchase, 1156 Baroid Division, National Lead Co., gift, 951 Baron, Rachel M., degree, 638 Barone, S., degree, 210 Baronian, W., degree, 396, 1065 Barr, D. M., degree, 1302 Barr, J. D., degree, 636 Barr, M,, appointment, 1240 Barr, Susan S., degree, 1075 Barrett, Irene M., fellowship, 893 Barrett, Nancy C, degree, 633 Barrett, Mrs. Sondra G., fellowship, 816 Barrett, W. B., degree, 208 Barrett-Christie Co., purchase, 1126 Barrette, H. J., degree, 639 Barrette, P. E., appointment, 331, 994 Barrington, D. W., degree, 1076 Barrington, E., fellowship, 1086 Barris, R. G., fellowship, 41 Barron, S. H., appointment, 77, 765 Barrow, B. H., degree, 1312 Barrow, J. M., appointment, 1168 Barrows, J. T., degree, 829 fellowship, 510 Barry, A. J., appointment, 335 leave of absence, 702 resignation, 1340 Barry, D. R., appointment, 30, 252 resignation, 929 Barry, Jo Anne, degree, 1077 Barry, Lynette F., fellowship, 510, 657 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1363 Barry, P. J-. degree, 618 Barry! R. J-, degree, 1290 Barsan, V. C, appointment, 331 Barsanti, J. P., certificate, 61 Barski, Joan M., degree, 1311 Barsky, S., appointment, 66, 753 Barta, D. P., certificate, 61 Bartalsky, R. F., degree, 1294 Bartel, Darrell L., degree, 1314 Bartel, Donald L., appointment, 313 degree, 830 Bartel, Joanne C, degree, 843 Bartels, J. F., appointment, 73, 760 Bartels, R. G. F., degree, 1294 liartelstein, M. A., certificate, 364 Barth, E. L., degree, 1283 Barth, M. C, degree, 1062 Barth, Melinda B., degree, 1299 Bartha, T. I., appointment, 109 Barthel, C. H., degree, 640 Barthel, H. O., appointment, 1134 Barthel, K. J., degree, 1072 Barthelemy, P. B., degree, 1294 Barthell, D. W., degree, 825 Bartholomew, H., & Associates, contract, 18 Bartholomew, J. M., degree, 1284 Bartky, Sandra S., appointment, 109, 883, 1134 degree, 877 Bartle, R. E., certificate, 746 degree, 634 Bartleson, Ruth L., degree, 147 Bartlett, I. E., appointment, 75, 763 Bartlett, J. H., appointment, 405 Bartlett, Mary C, degree, 633 Bartley, W. W., Ill, appointment, 1184 Bartlow, R. M., appointment, 1323 Barton, E. M., appointment, 67, 754 Barton, F. W., appointment, 109, 649 Barton, Helen M., appointment, 339 Barton, L. W., degree, 636 Barton, R. A., degree, 1291 Bartosik, Delphine B., fellowship, 203, 816 Bartram, H. G. H., appointment, 109, 333, 405, 997 declination, 1231 resignation, 1231 Bartsch, Joy M., degree, 1307 Bartz, A. W., degree, 643, 1317 Bartz, R. L., degree, 842 Baseball practice net, Physical Education for Men, purchase, 1036 Bash, T. J., degree, 1080 Basic Products Corp., Hevi-Duty Electric Co. Division, purchase, 496 Basile, J. L., degree, 143 Basketball floor, Assembly Hall, purchase, 190 Bass, A. R., appointment, 313, 439 degree, 877 Bass, C. E., degree, 393 Bass, H. B., degree, 402, 1306 Bass. R. F., degree, 1067 Bassak, A. J., degree, 1294 Bassel, Mrs. Alix I. R., appointment, 1168 Bassel, B. A., Jr.,. fellowship, 977, 1332 Basu, Gobinda L., appointment, 883, 1134 resignation, 929 Batch, D. L., appointment, 1003 degree, 146 Batchelder, D. N., fellowship, 41 Batchelor, D. K., degree, 614 Batchelor, P. J., degree, 1281 Batcher, K. E., degree, 1268 Batek, G. J., degree, 151 Bateman, Barbara D., appointment, 109, 800, 1002 Bateman, Felice D., appointment, 109, 800 Bateman, G. D., degree, 841 Bateman, J. J., appointment, 327, 990 Bateman, J. R., degree, 1076 Bateman, P. T., appointment, 313 leave of absence, 1342 Bates, C. P., appointment, 649 Bates, D. A., degree, 1281 Bates, F. N., degree, 623 Bates, J. Leonard, book, printing, 494 Bates, James L., appointment, 332 Iiates, Mary A., degree, 217 Bates, W. W., degree, 1312 liateson, C. E., degree, 639 Battaglia, T., degree, 399 Batten, G. W., Jr., appointment, 728 Batteries, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 596 Battershell, W. H., degree, 147 Battifora, H. A., appointment, 76, 764 Battin, W. J., degree, 876 Battle Creek Equipment Co., contract, change, 438 gift, 954 Battles, R. G., Jr., degree, 1282 Batts, D. D., degree, 146 Bau, M. M. K., degree, 643 Bauer, A. M., appointment, 1216 Bauer, D. F., degree, 623 Bauer, E. E., appointment, 1134 Bauer, F. C, Jr., appointment, 76, 764 Bauer, F. W., certificate, 746 Bauer, Frances M., memorial, 1265 Bauer, J. A., degree, 622 Bauer, R. O., resignation, 45 Bauer, R. P., appointment, 800 Bauer, W., degree, 211 Bauer, W. L., degree, 842 Baughman, Carol M., degree, 1307 Baughman, M. D., leave of absence, 425 Bauld, N. R., Jr., degree, 877 Bauling, D. B., appointment, 883, 1082 degree, 1276 resignation, 521 Bauling, F. G., appointment, 649, 1003 Bauling, J. A., degree, 613 Baum, D. C, appointment, 533, 996 Baum, H. C, appointment, 72, 759 Baum, P. M.. degree, 211 Baum, R. II., degree, 209 Baum. Rena G., degree, 1307 Baum, S. L., degree, 636 Bauman, B. E., degree, 1311 Bauman, C. P., & Son, contract, 537 Bauman, J. W., degree, 614 Bauman, Judith M., degree, 633 Bauman, P. A., appointment, 329, 992 declination, 1231 Bauman, S., appointment, 109 Baumann, J. F., degree, 151 Baumann, K. F., degree, 1289 Baumbach, Susan M., degree, 1078 Baumeister, R. L., appointment, 109 Baumgardner, C. A., degree, 1073 Baumgart, Mary I., degree, 1294 Baumgarten, R. N., degree, 1294 Baumgartner, D. E., degree, 1071 Baumgartner, D. H., degree, 1070 Baumgartner, R. C, degree, 1302 Baumrucker, G. O., appointment, 83, 771 Baus, Judith J., degree, 623 Bausch & Lomb, Inc., purchase, 861 Bautz, Friedlinde, resignation, 45 Baxter, E. G., degree, 395 Bay, Mrs. Ancilla S., appointment, 921 Bay, E., appointment, 439 Bay, W. E., degree, 837 Bayard, W. L., appointment, 74 Bayer, Margaret E., degree, 144 Bayer, R., appointment, 800 Bayley, R. B., degree, 829 Baylis, Bobbye W., degree, 608 Baylis, W. E., degree, 613 Baylor, C. E., degree, 1070 leave of absence, 444 Baylor, R. L., degree, 1315 Baym, G. A., appointment, 533, 883 Baym, Mrs. Nina Z., appointment, 800 1364 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Baymiller, Bonnie, degree, 629 Bayne, H. R., degree, 1317 Bayne, J. W., appointment, 333, 998 Bay State Abrasive Products Co., gift, 284, 945 Bazzaz, F. A. L., appointment, 883 degree, 873 Beach, F. H., appointment, 707 Beadle, G. W., honorary degree, 460, 599 Beak, P., fellowship, 410 Beal, R. D., degree, 154 Beals, R. J., resignation, 132 Beaman, D. R., appointment, 405, 921 degree, 1060 Beams, study, contract, change, 105 Bean, Norma H., degree, 833 Bean, Patricia A., degree, 1321 Beane, D. G., degree, 210 Bear, L. A., degree, 1310 Beard, J. W., certificate, 1099 Beardsley, J. and Marilyn, gift, 310 Beare, Joanne E., degree, 1071 Beare, L. E., Jr., degree, 1302 Bear Hybrid Com Co., Inc., gift, 292, 954 Beattie, E. J., Jr., appointment, 81, 769 Beattie, T. A., degree, 1284 Beatty, Carolyn S., degree, 1307 Beatty, J. E., degree, 140 Beatty, J. M., degree, 1317 Beatty, R.A., appointment, 83, 759 Beaty, Carolyn J., degree, 639 Beaty, James H., degree, 1294 Beaty, John H., degree, 1284 Beauchamp, J. W., fellowship, 203, 926 Beauford, Charlyn A., degree, 1294 Beaumont, R., purchase, 788 Beavers, J. E., appointment, 883 Beazley, Linda L. S., degree, 1313 Beazley, R. A., degree, 620 Beazly, Carol E. T., degree, 147 Beben, J. A., degree, 1277 Bebertnan, M., appointment, 109 Becherer, R. A., degree, 1291 Becherer, R. J., degree, 1067 Becht, P. F., degree, 387 Bechtel, L. G., appointment, 335 declination, 820 degree, 391 Beck, C. E., appointment, 883 Beck, D. G., Co., purchase, 1126 Beck, G. P., degree, 1281 Beck, Joanne P., degree, 144 Beck, P. D., degree, 400 Beck, R. C, degree, 1294 Beck, R. J., appointment, 1006 degree, 615 Beck, Roger Leighton, certificate, 1099 Beck, Roger Lyne, degree, 826 Beck, R. S., degree, 1310 Beck, W. L., certificate, 364 Beckenholdt, H. G., degree, 612 Beckenholdt, W. D., appointment, 1082 Becker, Alethia A. H., fellowship, 203, 926 Becker, Carol P., degree, 841 Becker, D. H., fellowship, 1332 Becker, E., degree, 643 Becker, F. O., appointment, 757 fellowship, 203 Becker, H. H., degree, 1291 Becker, Harriet M., degree, 402 Becker, J. L., degree, 147 Becker, J. O., degree, 1270 Becker, K. U, degree, 827 Becker, O. J., appointment, 75, 762 Becker, R. H., degree, 1310 Becker, R. J., appointment, 68, 755 Becker, R. S., degree, 1318 Becker, Richard W., appointment, 30, 109 Becker, Robert W., degree, 404 Becker, S. W., Jr., appointment, 66, 753 Becker, W. C, appointment, 30 Beckett, Mary D., degree, 1074 Beckhart, J. L., degree, 1288 Beckman, Mrs. Sherry M. L., resignation 820 ' Beckman, W. F., degree, 881 Beckman & Whitley, Inc., purchase, 100 Beckman Instruments, Inc., purchase, 23 24 99, 188, 189, 190, 243, 278, 349, 351 375 471, 592, 717, 783, 785, 787, 788 862 863, 864, 866, 912, 913, 940, 1037 1038 1122, 1156, 1200, 1204, 1254 Beckstead, R. W., degree, 875 Becktel, J. P., degree, 623 Bedesem, W. B., degree, 1059 Bedford, D. E., degree, 629 Bedford, N. M., appointment, 314, 988 Bed linen. Housing Division, purchase, 1207 Bednar, Judith V., degree, 1078 Bed pillows, Housing Division, purchase, 1207 Beds, purchase. Clinical Research Center, 434 Housing Division, Urbana, 594, 1124 1160 Research and Educational Hospitals, 939 Bed tables, McKinley Hospital, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 778 Beebe, Lois W., degree, 1279 Beebe, R. A., appointment, 72, 759 Beeby, G. J., fellowship, 893 Beeby, J. L., appointment, 649 Beecher, J. W., degree, 1289 Beef cattle, study, contract, 437 Beef equipment plans, Agricultural Engineering, purchase, 469 Beeler, Rebecca W., degree, 619 Beem, lone F., Estate, gift, 372, 967 Beeman, S. D., fellowship, 203 Beer, K., degree, 1293 Beermann, J. L., certificate, 1099 Beers, G. S., degree, 605 fellowship, 319 Beers, M. P., degree, 1294 Beers, R. F., Jr., appointment, 30, 195 Beevers, L., appointment, 800, 195 Beg, M. A., degree, 831 Begue, W. G., degree, 1291 Begun, J. C, degree, 1314 Behan, D. F., degree, 1280 fellowship, 1220 Behavioral sciences, research, gift, 293 Behm, E. J., degree, 147 Behmer, D. A., degree, 1293 Behmer, R. A., degree, 644 Behr, F. E., degree, 400 Behr, G. E., degree, 840 Behrends, Mary J., degree, 1307 Behrend's Inc., purchase, 718, 786, 1013 Behrens, J. H., appointment, 707 Behringer, Clara M., appointment, 336, 337. 1002 Beier, E. W., degree, 613 Beilin, D. S., appointment, 80, 768 Beilman, Nanci S., degree, 646 Beiriger, D. A., certificate, 746 Beisner, Judith H., degree, 1273 Beitz, D. C, degree, 879 Bejnarowicz, G. E., degree, 646 Bekermeier, D. C, degree, 1074 Bekiares, B. T., appointment, 800 degree, 607 Belasich, J. J., degree, 388 Belden, C. R., fellowship, 510, 1220 resignation 1173 Belding Engineering Co., Purchase, 714 Belford, Mrs. Geneva G., appointment, 1168 Belfort Instrument Co., purchase, 495 Belimow, Carole, degree, 1311 Bell, C. E., degree, 644 Bell, C. L., appointment, 338, 1004 declination, 521 Bell, Christel W., appointment, 883, 995 degree, 604 Bell, Dorothy, degree, 646 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1365 Bell, Eileen R., degree, 623 Bell, H. L., fellowship, 1220 resignation, 132 Bell, J. E., degree, 1273 Bell, ) '> appointment, 327 leave of absence, 425 Bell, Judith S., degree, 623 Bell, K. O., degree, 833 Bell, K. P., certificate, 61 Bell, Lorna J., degree, 843 Bell, M. W., degree, 613 Bell, Martha R., degree, 825 Bell, O. L., degree, 833 Bell, R- F., degree, 387 fellowship, 510 Bell, T. H., degree, 152 Bell, W. E., appointment, 533 Bell, W. K., degree, 1301 Bell & Howell Co., Phillipsburg Division, purchase, 277 Bell & Zoller Coal Co., purchase, 597 Bellco Glass, Inc., purchase, 374 Belleville, office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, 790 Bellis, F. S., contract, 528, 572 addition, 1196 Bellis & Miller, Inc., contract, 489, 1249 Bellows, Cynthia L., degree, 1311 Bell Telephone Laboratories, gift, 288, 954 Itehnore, Barbara, fellowship, 926 Belsole, R. J., degree, 1302 Belson, M., appointment, 74, 761 Beltone Institute for Hearing Research, gift, 311 Belzer, E. G., Jr., fellowship, 510, 1332 Bemis, J. D., degree, 615 Benage, R. Q., degree, 1291 Board, E. F., degree, 608 fellowship, 510, 657 Benches, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase, 594 Benda, P. M., degree, 1305 Benda, T. J., degree, 840 Bender, D. A., degree, 1284 Bender, Freda S., degree, 833 Bender, L. I., degree, 642, 1319 Bender, L. S., degree, 619 Bender, R. D., degree, 1069 Bender, R. I., degree, 1286 Render, Sandra S., degree, 1294 Benditzson, H. R., certificate, 364 Bendix Aviation Corp., gift, 292, 954 Bendix Corp., contract, change, 192, 869 purchase, 24, 100, 189, 279, 374 Bendone Manufacturing Corp., purchase 1208 Bendt, Jean C, degree, 213 Benedetto, P. M., degree, 155 Benensohn, S. J., appointment, 72, 760 Benesch, A., & Co., gift, 299 Benezra, E. E., appointment, 79, 766 Benford, M. C, appointment, 921 Ben-Hur, Y., degree, 1315 Bening, A. H., certificate, 61 Bening, R. G., degree, 608 Benisek, P. D., degree, 1294 Benivegna, V. N., degree, 1275 Benjamin, Anne, appointment, 78, 766 Benjamin, R., degree, 404 Benjamin, S. E., Jr., degree, 629 Benkert, K. G., appointment, 1134 Bennemann, K. H., appointment, 30, 728 Benner, Mr. and Mrs. T. E., gift, 966 Bennett, A. G., Jr., degree, 1063 Bennett, Bonnie, degree, 1301 Bennett, Constance E., degree, 138 Bennett, D. N., appointment, 109, 336, 649 Bennett, F. J., degree, 1059 "ennett, Grace W., degree, 154 Bennett, Judith N., degree, 1313 Bennett, L. W., degree, 1291 Bennett, M. D., degree, 612 Bennett, P. E., degree, 603 Bennett, R. C, degree, 144 Bennett, R. G. D., certificate, 1099 Bennett, Sandra J., degree, 1289 Bennett, Mrs. Sara A., appointment, 314 resignation, 820 Bennett, Sarah H., degree, 1313 Bennett, Wiima, appointment, 921 resignation, 1340 Benoit, Catherine, fellowship, 657 Benoy, G. L., Jr., degree, 634 Benson, Bonnie P., degree, 1307 Benson, Carol A., degree, 628 Benson, J. W., degree, 1311 Benson, L. M., degree, 1080 Benson, R., Inc., contract, 543 Benson, R. L., appointment, 1323 Benson, S. E.f degree, 617 Bentley Industrial Corp., purchase, 373 Benton, R. H., degree, 396 Bentsen, D. H., certificate, 746 Bentz, Marilyn G., fellowship, 816 Bentz, W. G., appointment, 109 Benway, Donna N., degree, 623 Benzel, J. F., appointment, 195, 649, 883 degree, 388, 1267 Bequest, Beem, lone F., 372 Burt, F. H., 938 Howard, C. P., 5 Lovellette, J. M., 1012 Zeigler, C. H. E., 860 Beranich, Carol A., degree, 623 Berard, D. R., degree, 1294 Berchert, E. S., Jr., degree, 1058 Berchtold, M,, appointment, 314 Berebitsky, S., degree, 634 Bereiter, C., appointment, 109 Berek, Roberta, degree, 646 Berens, J. A., degree, 642, 1318 Beres, D. H., degree, 1294 Bereskin, B., appointment, 109, 314, 800 cancellation, 206 Berezaluce, Elena, degree, 152 Berg, B. M., degree, 144 Berg, C. R., appointment, 800 fellowship, 130 Berg, Coralea G., degree, 639 Berg, I. D., appointment, 1240 Berg, J. D., degree, 1322 Berg, Judith D., degree, 630 Berg, M., appointment, 68, 755 Berg, R. A., degree, 1076 Bergailo, R. S., degree, 623 Bergamin, A. J., degree, 151 Berge, R. L., certificate, 364 Bergemeier Book Binding, Inc., purchase, 691 Bergen, D. J., degree, 1079 Berger, B. B., appointment, 4 Berger, B. M., resignation, 701 Berger, D. O., degree, 825 Berger, J., appointment, 109 degree, 1271 resignation, 738 Berger, J. J., certificate, 364 Berger, J. S., degree, 608 fellowship, 510 Berger, M. A., degree, 1081 Berger, S., appointment, 70, 757 Berger, Susan F., degree, 1075 Berger, T. L., degree, 1292 Berger-Kelley-Unteed, & Associates, architectural services, Mathematics Office Building, 492 Bergeron, C. G., appointment, 196 Bergeron, E. L., degree, 1311 Bergeron, R. T., appointment, 81 resignation, 1231 Bergethon, B., appointment, 334 Berglund, R. $pD>., degree, 643 Berglund, Winifred V., appointment, 339, 1006 declination, 1087 resignation, 738 Bergman, J. G., degree, 152, 1280 1366 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bergmann, G. E., fellowship, 1220 Bergmann, Mary A., degree, 633 Bergonz, F. H., degree, 607 Bergquist, G. A., degree, 1291 Bergschneider, Mary A., degree, 833 Bergsma, K. J., degree, 1073 Bennger, Mrs. Mary N., appointment, 109 Berke, G. M., degree, 629 Berke, R. J., degree, 1318 Berkelhamer, Bertha, gift, 30S, 967 Berkelhamer, Dr. R. C, Scholarship, gift, 305, 967 Berkhofer, G. H., degree, 1062 Berkman, I., certificate, 1099 Berkovitz, A., certificate, 746 Berkowitz, R. J., degree, 642 Berkson, B. M., degree, 1302 Berkson, G., appointment, 1082 Berkson, J. M., degree, 629 Berlande, J., appointment, 109, 728 Berlin, B., degree, 1302 Berlin, H. H., appointment, 84, 772 Berlin, L., appointment, 81 Berlin, R., degree, 1319 Berman, B. L., degree, 877 Berman, Carol L., degree, 1307 Berman, L. A., leave of absence, 1110 Berman, M. D., degree, 607 Berman, M. J., degree, 1319 fellowship, 130, 319 Berman, Mildred G., degree, 616 Berman, N. B., degree, 1319 Bermon, S., degree, 1060 Bernal, Emilia, appointment, 800 Bernal, R., degree, 155 Bernard, C. L., degree, 1079 Bernard, H. R., degree, 604 Bernardoni, G. P., degree, 646 Bernath, Madalyn, degree, 1300 Bernauer, E. M., appointment, 30 degree, 385 Berndt, Mary L., degree, 1307 Berner, Anna S., degree, 214 Bernett, W. A., fellowship, 510, 657, 1220 Bernhardt, Mr. and Mrs. W., gift, 311 Bernheim, H. L., certificate, 746 Bernickj Helene F., degree, 840 Bernstein, A., appointment, 67, 754 Bernstein, D. H., certificate, 1099 Bernstein, D. S., degree, 1294 Bernstein, H. E., appointment, 766 Bernstein, H. M., degree, 629 Bernstein, I. H., appointment, 883, 1001 Bernstein, J., fellowship, 893 Bernstein, L., appointment, 79, 766 Bernstein, L. M., appointment, 68, 755 Bernstein, Lenore J., appointment, 406 Bernstein, R. M., degree, 1073 Bernstein, S. C, member of advisory committee, 354 Bernsten, A. S., appointment, 768 Berrafato, P. R., appointment, 339, 1006 Berry, B., Jr., certificate, 61 Berry, C. D., Jr., appointment, 84, 772 Berry, E. C, member of advisory committee, 1024 Berry, E. S., Jr., appointment, 334, 999 Berry, L. E., appointment, 330 Berry, S. D., degree, 152 Berry, T. E., fellowship, 510 Berry, W. P., degree, 1309 Berryman, G. H., appointment. 68, 755 Bers, H. M., degree, 399, 1275 Berta, K. W., degree, 142 Bertelli, Patricia J., degree, 1314 Bertha, B. A., degree, 403 Bertha, Marilyn K., degree, 1321 Bertha, Mary H., degree, 398 Berthold, Carol A., degree, 1294 Bertland, A. U., II, fellowship, 657 Berton, J. A., degree, 1060 Bertone, R. A., degree, 1302 Bertram, Janice L., degree, 638 Bertram Construction, purchase, 861, 1256 Berwick, P. V., certificate, 61 Berzenski, E. A., degree, 623 Besant, L. X., degree, 143 Beshore, C. S., degree, 622 Bess, L., appointment, 252 Bessinger, H. E., appointment, 68, 755 Best, J. B., resignation, 412 Best, J. D., appointment, 70 Best, R. A., degree, 833 Best, W. R., appointment, 1082 Besta, T. J., Jr., degree, 1291 Bestor, A., book, printing, 496 gift, 303 Bestow, W. J., degree, 1073 Beta Corp. of St. Louis, purchase, 1124 Betancourt, del Rio, R., degree, 609 Betatron, Physics, purchase, analyzer system 494 Bethel, Mariam W., degree, 840 Bethlehem Apparatus International Co., Inc., purchase, 1159 Better Built Machinery Corp., purchase, 716 Betts, B. E., resignation, 132 Betz, A. R., certificate, 532 Betz, T. W., appointment, 800, 1003 Betzelos, A. S., purchase, 1162 Beube, L. G., degree, 143 Beuhler, A., member of advisory committee, 1025 Bevan, Margaret M., appointment, 109 Bevier, Isabel, Lectureship in Home Economics, funds, gift, 963 Bevier Hall, appropriation, electrical service, balance reappropriated, 778 remodeling, 1153 Bevill, R. F., Jr., degree, 1315 Bey, D. R., Jr., degree, 1319 Beyer, H. E., degree, 397 Beyer, R. K., degree, 404 Beyerau, Penelope J., degree, 1302 Beyle, T. L., degree, 877 lease, 104 Bezkorovainy, A., appointment, 252, 975 Bezkorovainy, G., appointment, 1134, 1323 Bezman, V. H., certificate, 746 degree, 634 Iihagavan, H. N., degree, 873 Bhalerao, V. R., resignation, 45 Bhan, S., appointment, 800, 1135 cancellation, 1087 Bharadwaj, R. K., appointment, 30, 506, 1216 Bialecke, E., appointment, 728 Bialecke, E. P., Jr., degree, 601 Biallowons, K. E., degree, 644 Bianchi, D. R., appointment, 110 Bianchi, R. F., degree, 398 Bianchini, A. C, appointment, 649, 1323 Bianco, T. C, degree, 215 Biba, K. R., degree, 833 Bickel, Karen L., degree, 633 Bickelhaupt, R. E., degree, 874 resignation, 897 Bickford, W. B., degree, 1271 Bickley Furnaces, Inc., purchase, 784 Bicknell, H. P., member of Citizens Committee, 484 Bicoff, J. P., appointment, 77 Bicycles, lanes, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 construction and maintenance, 274 parking areas, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 Biddle, Lowella S., degree, 1078 Biddle, P. R., degree, 606 Biddulph, D. M., fellowship, 926 Bidner, J. G., degree, 147 Bid proposal forms, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 942 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1367 Biedenharn, P. J., degree, 644 fliegler, T., appointment, 110, 800 Btefty, A. D., degree, 400 Bielenberg, Dixie R., degree, 881 Bielenberg, J. R., degree, 639 Bielinski, R. A., degree, 644 Bielinski, S., appointment, 66, 753 Serf,, W. G degree, 640 Bier, J. A., gift, 963 Bierly, Doral L., degree, 623 Bifano, Jacqueline, fellowship, 816 termination, 1173 Bigalke, B. J., certificate, 61 Bin Dutchman of Illinois, purchase, 590 Bigelow, C. D., degree, 1277 Bigelow, Llewellyn B,, appointment, 71 Bigelow, Linda L., degree, 1307 Bigelow, R. H., degree, 874 Bigelow, W. L., degree, 397 Bigg, G. W., degree, 1068 Biggs, A. D., appointment, 77, 764 Biggs, W. B., appointment, 1185 Bikernieks, leva, degree, 1294 Bilbo Electronics, Inc., purchase, 1126 Bilelc, J. A., Jr., degree, 1287 Bilger, H. R., appointment, 354, 406 declination, S20 Biliunas, R., degree, 1293 Bill, Shirley A., appointment, 340 Billings, A. G., appointment, 337, 800 Billingsley, J. A., degree, 619 Billingsley, J. F., degree, 878 Billington, J. A., fellowship, 657 Bilokur, B., appointment, 30, 336, 649, 1001 Bilow, D. N., degree, 620 Bilow, Nancy M., degree, 399 Bilsens, E., degree, 623 Bilson, Elizabeth J., degree, 608 Bilson, M., appointment, 999 fellowship, 1220 Rinder, Lee A., degree, 1078 Binder, P. S., degree, 1302 Binder, Patricia L., degree, 1321 Binding, books, Library, contract, 691, 862 Rinding of radionuclide metals in the chromosomes of plant cells, study, contract, 1127 Bines, J. A., degree, 609 Bing, R. K., appointment, 1151 Bingel, Audrey S., fellowship, 735 Bingham, F. W., appointment, 110 Binkele, Jane M., degree, 628 Binkley, J. E., degree, 615 Sinks Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1126 Binning, B. R., appointment, 30 declination, 45 resignation, 132 Binns, Lois E., appointment, 354 Binns, W. H., Jr., fellowship, 893 Binzer, Patricia M.. degree, 833 Bioacoustics laboratory, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 funds, gift, 302, 964 Biogen unit, Microbiology, Liberal Arts and Sciences, purchase, 471 Biological Chemistry, clinical faculty, 66, 753 gift, research, American Cancer Society, Inc., 307, 968 Leukemia Research Foundation, Inc., 308, 970 Matula, G., 308 purchase, absorbance recorder, 1156 centrifuge, 862, 912 chromatograph, 783 fermentation equipment, 862 laboratory equipment and supplies, 99 liquid flow monitor, 52, 783 pressure reaction vessel, 1121 spectrophqtometer, 862, 1121 ultracentrifuge, 783 ultraviolet analyzer, 22, 863 Quarters, remodeling, contracts, 14, 91 Biologically catalyzed reactions, research, contract, change, 22 Biological Sciences, appropriation, equipment, 369 balance reappropriated, 88 budget, summer session, 338, 1004 department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1187 purchase, physiograph, 373 Biological sciences graduate program, change, 708 Biology, graduate program, approved, 708 major, approved, 368 purchase, herbarium cases, 1158 refrigerators, 1202 Biology research, contract, change, 693 fellowship, gift, 968 Biophysics, See Physiology and Biophysics. Birch, J. W., fellowship, 410 declination, 412 leave of absence, 740 resignation, 1340 Birch, P. E., Jr., degree, 1306 Bird, G. R., degree, 1291 Bird, P. J., degree, 145 Birdwhistell, R. K., appointment, 110 Birdzell, Ruth A., appointment, 110 Birge, W. J., resignation, 206 Birk, C. P., Jr., degree, 1294 Birk, Margaret G., degree, 1312 Birke, S., degree, 1294 Birndorf, N. I., degree, 1319 Bischoff, C. G., degree, 404 Bischoff, M. E., degree, 215 Bischoff, Noyce L., appointment, 800 degree, 215 Bishoff, D. R., degree, 1293 Bishoff, J. H., degree, 613 Bishop, D. W., degree, 826 Bishop, G. B., degree, 646 Bishop, Inez E., appointment, 328 resignation, 738 Bishop, R. H., Co., contract, 16, 59, 229, 346, 537, 538, 539, 854, 1057, 1192 Bishop. R, W., degree, 640 Biskup, L. P., degree, 1072 Biss, Beverly B., degree, 631 Biss, Carol S., degree, 629 Bissell Laundry, Inc., purchase, 493 Bissey, T. E., degree, 1076 Biswas, Chitra S-, appointment, 695 degree, 599 fellowship, 130 resignation, 259 Biswas, D. K., resignation, 739 Bitzer, D. L., appointment, 1082 Bivens, VV. L., degree, 1072 Bivens & White Co., purchase, 1201 Bixby, Marvine, & Udell, Inc., purchase, 100 Blaauw, B. B., Jr., appointment, 71, 757 Blacher, R. M., degree, 1312 Blachford, C. W., appointment, 110, 649 degree, 384 Black, E. E., degree, 147 Black, J., appointment, 707 Black, J. El, degree, 1079 Black, M. S., degree, 1063 Black, W. C, Jr., degree, 391 Black, W. Z., Ill, degree, 397, 1281 Blackburn, N., appointment, 533 Blackmore, Nancy E., degree, 1289 Blackstone, H. G., degree, 623 Blackwell Wielandy Co., purchase, 494, 1202 Blada, H. F., degree, 634 Blaesing, L. L., degree, 1077 Blaesing, R. W., degree, 842 Biaha, G. C, appointment, 196 degree, 640 Blaha, J. J., degree, 833 Blaho, D. A., degree, 1309 Blaho, M. D., degree, 397 1368 BOARD OF Blain, Charlotte M., fellowship, 257 Blair, B. E., degree, 830 Blair, G. M., appointment, 327, 991 Blair, J. R., degree, 403 Blair, L. N., appointment, 30 Blair, R. L., degree, 1070 Blake, Charlene A., degree, 623 Blake, J. A., degree, 1315 Blaketnore, K. C, resignation, 133 Blakesley, L. E., Jr., degree, 623 lilakley, G. K., appointment, 333 fellowship, 1171 Blakley, J. M., degree, 403 Blakney, S. S., degree, 602 Blanas, G. C, degree, 138 Blanchard, D. L., degree, 396 Blanchard, M., degree, 403 Blancher, Housing Division, purchase, 25 Blanchette, Mary E., degree, 1314 Bland, B. R., degree, 637 Bland, Grace L. C, degree, 1076 Blandy, J. P., appointment, 83 cancellation, 356 Blanford, F. L., degree, 840 Blanford, Margaret C, degree, 619 Blank, D. L., degree, 646 Blanke, J. D., degree, 1291 Blankenburg, J. G., degree, 636 Blankenship, F. A., degree, 209 Blase, B. W., appointment, 1323 degree, 1302 Blatt, Alice P., appointment, 78 Blatt, Karen P., degree, 825 Blatt, P. E., appointment, 70 fellowship, 816 Blau, Zena S., appointment, 439 leave of absence, 136 Blaufuss, J. C, degree, 1322 Blaw-Knox Co., Power Piping Division, contract, 17 Blaylock, W. C, appointment, 110, 336, 800, 1135 Blaz, N. Y., degree, 401 Blazek, W. V., appointment, 70, 757 Blecher, K. W., degree, 1319 Blecher, M., degree, 1067 Bleha, W. P., Jr., degree, 1292 Blehm, H. E., degree, 615 Bleichner, Ethel $pD., degree, 1294 Blenkner, C. L., appointment, 110 Bleuier, K., appointment, 63 Blevins, Mrs. Marcia C, appointment, 314 resignation, 1231 Blevins, W. B., appointment, 31, 110 Bleyman, Mrs. Lea K., appointment, 1323 Bliesener, Ada M., degree, 833 Blind, Mary E., property at 204 North Romine Street, purchase, 348 Blinstrup, B. M., degree, 646 B-lipoprotein liability, study, gift, 291 Blischke, S. A., degree, 841 Bliss, I. L., degree, 644 Bliss, L. C, appointment, 31, 326 leave of absence, 426 Bliss, Lucia A., degree, 399 Bliss, Rachel, appointment, 801 Bliss, W. E., degree, 404, 1287 Bloch, A., painting, gift, 305 Bloch, B. L., degree, 1074 Bloch, H., degree, 635 Bloch, Hilde M., degree, 838 Block, A. M., degree, 1309 Block, B. L., appointment, 763 Block, H. T., degree, 642, 1318 Block, J. C, degree, 1317 Block, N. J., degree, 1309 Block, R. $pD., appointment, 1240 Block, R. J., degree, 876 Block, Susan T., degree, 1078 Block, T. D., degree, 1309 Block Drug Co., gift, 306, 967 Bloemer, Marion L., degree, 1300 Blome, G. J. F., degree, 637 Blomgren, R. D., degree, 212 Blomme, R. W., appointment, 1323 Blood, Blood Bank, purchase, 495 Blood, C. K., Jr., degree, 1311 Blood Bank, purchase, blood, 495 centrifuge, 589 Blood cell counter, Physiology, purchase, 375 Blood flowmeter, Surgery, purchase, 716 Blood gas analyzer, Medicine, purchase, 691 Bloodgood, D. P., appointment, 110 Blood lipids, research, contract, 21 gift, 291, 953 Blood pressure recording apparatus, Psychiatry purchase, 864 ' Bloom, L. B., degree, 403 Bloom, R. M., certificate, 364 Bloom, T. M., degree, 213 Bloom, W. H., degree, 1309 Bloomberg, P. S., degree, 1311 Bloome, G. W., degree, 637 Bloomer, Barbara J., degree, 1273 Bloomer Heating & Ventilating Co., contract, settlement, 463 Bloomfield, Betty L., degree, 833 Bloomfield, V. A., appointment, 1240 Bloomington office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease 790 Bloomington-Nortnal Illini Club, gift, 949 Blostein, M. L., degree, 875 resignation, 820 Blostein, Rhoda, appointment, 110 fellowship, 697 resignation, 897 Blount, J. T., degree, 1080 Blount, S. F., appointment, 179 Blount, W. C, appointment, 439 Blue, Dorothea L., degree, 833 Bluhm, Elaine A., appointment, 325 leave of absence, 1089 resignation, 1087 Blum, D. A., degree, 1311 Blum, I. D., appointment, 31 Blum, M. F., appointment, 110, 771 Blumenfeld, R. J., appointment, 763 Blumenshine, J. A., certificate, 364 Blumenthal, H., appointment, 75, 763 Blumenthal, J. S., appointment, 110 resignation, 259 Blumenthal, Shirlee, appointment, 884, 1135 Blumklotz, B., appointment, 75, 763 Blum's Office Machines, purchase, 1258 Blunier, Glenna J., degree, 610 Blunier, Marjorie H., degree, 1289 Blurton, M. A. S., degree, 1278 invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 1146 Blyth, C. R., appointment, 333 declination, 665 leave of absence, 1109 Blythe, Ethel A., degree, 151 Blythe, V. A., degree, 216 Boam, Jeanette Rl., degree, 400 Boardman, B. P., degree, 606 Boardman, Eunice L., degree, 1061 Boardman, Mary S., degree, 616 fellowship, 203 Boardman, R. P., appointment, 728 Board of Trustees, Chairman Pro Tempore, election, 1096 committees, standing, 1097 appointment deferred, 480 appointment of T. A. Jones, 986 Executive Committee, election, 421, 1096 office, relocation, funds, 852 officers, delegation of signatures, 421, 1097 amendment, 647 election, 420, 1096 members, appointment of T. A. Jones, 986 President Pro Tempore, election, 420 trustees citation for L. R. Lohr, approved, 1197 Boas, G., appointment, 110 declination, 133 Boatright, Jean R., appointment, 851 flobis. J- p-' degree, 875 Bobitt, J. R-. degree, 1319 fellowship, 926 Bobotek, H. G., appointment, 110 degree, 1061 Bobren, H. M., appointment, 801 Boch, F. C, degree, 1076 Bochner, K., appointment, 73 Bock, 1). W., degree, 1288 Bock, E. ]., certificate, 364 Uockman, D. E., appointment, 196 degree, 640 Bockman, K. R., degree, 212 Bocour, L., gift, 304 Bodanis, Bernette M., degree, 1294 Boden, Barbara L., degree, 153 Bodenkamp, R. W., appointment, 1135 Bodine, Virginia A. L., degree, 1272 Bodraan, Jane G., degree, 1312 Bodman, S. L., director of Athletic Association, 424 Bodnar, P., appointment, 110 fellowship, 410 Bodur, M., degree, 1291 Boeim, Joanne M., degree, 833 Boehm, R. G., degree, 1071 Boeing, P. A., degree, 620 Boeke, G. E., degree, 1079 Boelhouwer, D., degree, 1282 Boerner, D., degree, 216, 631 Boerner, Elizabeth, degree, 1301 Boers, B. L., degree, 622, 1281 fellowship, 657 Boeschenstein, Mr. and Mrs. H., gift, 302 Boeving, R. W., degree, 841 Bogard, M. R., degree, 212 Bogard, W. J., degree, 1319 Bogart, Elizabeth A., fellowship, 735 Bugart, H., appointment, 993 fellowship, 410 Bogdanska, Halina, appointment, 649, 884 Bogdonoff, Diana R., appointment, 314 Bogdonoff, M. L., appointment, 81, 768 Bogeness, G. A., degree, 1316 Boger, D. V., degree, 1064 Boggess, Mrs. Barbara S., appointment, 31 Boggess, S. F., degree, 629 Boggess, W. R., appointment, 1025 Hoggs, Mr. and Mrs. O. S., gift, 968 Bogner, V. J., degree, 1076 Bogolub, B. E., degree, 841 Bogue, C. H., degree, 1073 Boguta, J. J., degree, 1067 Bohan, T. L, degree, 1067 Bohl, R. E.. degree, 1068 Bohl, R. W., appointment, 31, 110 Bohm, L. G., appointment, 506, 695, 801, 1323 Bohmer, H., appointment, 110 I!ohn, E. M., degree, 621 Bolinak, A. J., degree, 623 Hohnenstiehl, D. L., degree, 1288 Bohner, Gertrude, degree, 632 Bohr, A. J., degree, 1322 Boichot, L., degree, 828 fellowship, 1332 Boie, J. M., degree, 609 Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers, Institute of, contract, change, 791 Boiler feed pump, Abbott Power Plant, repair, 589 Boirun, B. H., degree, 1290 Bojanowski, R. J., degree, 144 Bokenkamp, R. W., appointment, 331, 439, 995 degree, 404 Bokor, K. J., degree, 842 tolan, J. T., appointment, 76, 764 Boland, L. A., degree, 609 Boland, P. E., degree, 630 Boland, Sandra P., degree, 619 Holding, J. T., Jr., degree, 138 g$dGlen, J. S., degree, 1288 "oley, M. H., appointment, 72, 760 JMin, R., appointment, 79, 766 Boline, D. D., degree, 605 3F ILLINOIS 1369 Boling, R. T., degree, 403, 1065 Bolles, T. F., fellowship, 657, 1220 Bollier, J. R., degree, 1080 Bollier, Judith D., degree, 1078 Bollman, A. R., degree, 618 Bollman, Beverly J., degree, 619 Bollman, Dorothy A., degree, 1060 Bollmeier, A. F., Jr., degree, 1302 Bollock, Kathryn M., degree, 393 Bollwinkle, J. L., degree, 1309 Bolotin, Inc., purchase, 1202 Bolt, M. H., degree, 142 Bolton, R. L., fellowship, 130 Bolwahnn, L. p., degree, 637 Bolz, A., appointment, 2 Bomchill, A. I., degree, 1291 Bonaguro, Marilyn H., degree, 1321 Bonaker, Donna L., degree, 1294 Bonander, Jane L., degree, 829 Bonar, J. A., degree, 1290 Bonbrest, Helen C, appointment, 71, 649 Bond, H. E., degree, 1305 Bond, J. A., appointment, 338, 1004 declination, 521 fellowship, 410 resignation, 1340 Bond, Judith E., degree, 626 Bond, W. D., degree, 1076 Bond, Treasurer, 722 Bonds, Graduate Student Residence Halls, authorization, 712 legal services, 712 sale, 1046 Health Center, printing, 714 housing, printing, 714 lllini Union, Chicago Circle, authorization, 544 printing, 590 sale, 544 signatures of Board members, 544 Medical Center, authorization, 468 Urbana, addition, printing, 714 Illinois Street Residence Halls, sale, 218 Medical Center housing facility, authorization, 468 parking facilities, Chicago Circle, authorization, 544 sale, 544 revenue, housing, resolutions, amendment to provide for facsimile signatures of Board members, 694 Bondville Road Field Station, air conditioning, alterations, contract, 1160 electrical power, contract, 716 land, purchase, 901, 1144 Bonefeste, J. V., degree, 394 Boner, E. R., degree, 147 Bonertz, G. C., appointment, 73 Boness, Bonnie J., degree, 633 Bonfiglio, C. D., degree, 1294 Bonges, R. C, certificate, 364 Bongianni, Celeste I., degree, 1321 Bonham, D. W., appointment, 1152 Bonham, J. A., fellowship, 1332 Bonior, A. W., degree, 623 Bonnell, Mildred, appointment, 332 Bonney, VV. C, appointment, 110, 328, 991 Bonus, H. W., degree, 642, 1318 Booher, I. N., degree, 833 Book, Mrs. Imogene, member of advisory council, 4 Books, copyright, policy, 460 Library, Chicago Undergraduate Division, binding, contract, 691 Medical Center, binding, contract, 691 gift, 973 Urbana, appropriation, 13 binding, contract, 691, 862 gift, 304, 966 Nickell collection, purchase, 710 Bookshelves, purchase, Office Supply Storeroom, 102, 595, 867, 1208 Physical Plant Department, 782 Physics, 715 1370 BOAED OF ' Bookstore, Illini Union, purchase, cash registers, 719 Medical Center, purchase, microscopes, 1121 Boon, D. J-, degree, 642, 644 Boone, D. L., degree, 1067 Boone, W. W., leave of absence, 1109 Boonshaft & Fuchs, Inc., purchase, 1037 Boose, J. D., degree, 1309 Booth, A. W., appointment, 196, 995 leave of absence, 427 Booth, Gladys D., degree, 154 Booth, H. K., degree, 1301 Boquiren, Daisy T., degree, 1058 fellowship, 510 Borasky, R., appointment, 252 Borchart, E. K., appointment, 81, 695, 1082 Borchers, Gertrude L.? resignation, 665 Borchers, H. J., appointment, 31 Borden, D. L., degree, 402 Borden, E. A., certificate, 61 Bordenave, R. T., degree, 833 Borden Co. Foundation, Inc., gift, 946 Borders, D. B., degree, 384 Bordua, D. J., appointment, 750, 1001 Borecky, V. P., appointment, 533, 921 Boresi, A. P., appointment, 31, 1168 Borg, Jean M., degree, 147 Borg, M. B., degree, 642, 1318 Borg, Inc., contract, 229, 857 Borg-Warner Corp., gift, 968 Borkenhagen, R. H., appointment, 75, 763 Borkowski, R. \V., degree, 397 Borland, Lorelei J., degree, 629 Borleff, Stephanie K., degree, 1289 Borling, Betty J., degree, 1307 llorman, Karen L., resignation, 45 Bormanis, P., degree, 644 Bormet, Lenora J., degree, 1314 Bornhofen, J. O., degree, 828 fellowship, 510, 1220 Boros, Rhoda E., degree, 631 Borosage, L., appointment, 506 Borowitz, G. H., appointment, 80, 314 Borowski, J. F., appointment, 1135 Borre, Carol A., degree, 633 Borri, R. P., appointment, 331, 1323 Borror, F. D., degree, 640 Borrowdale, K. E., degree, 604 Borski, J. L., degree, 646 Borsoi, E. E., degree, 1275 Borus, J., member of advisory committee, 354 Borysow, M. F., degree, 1319 Bos, W. G., appointment, 439, 884 Bosco, J. S., degree, 211 Bosek, M. F., degree, 839 Bosely, Anna M., degree, 610 Bosen, N. J., degree, 623 Boshears, O. K., Jr., degree, 143 Bosma, E. G. C, appointment, 196 Bosnes, L. D., appointment, 851 Bosshart, R. P., degree, 1288 Bostic, D. L., degree, 605 fellowship, 203 Boston, R. C., appointment, 1240 Bostrom, Jane P., degree, 1321 fellowship, 478 Boswell, D. C, degree, 644 Boswell, J., appointment, 757, 801 Bosworth, D. L., degree, 1276 Bosworth, R. C. L., appointment, 110 declination, 206 Botanical charts, publication, rights, release to artist, 29 Botany, appropriation, equipment, 918 lighting and cooling North Greenhouse, 918 remodeling, darkroom, 918 research facilities, 13 budget, summer session, 326, 989 gift, equipment, Packard Instrument Co.i Inc., 304 fellowship, Kettering, C. F., Foundation, 950 Botany, cont'd funds, Kettering, C. F., Foundation, %? research, American Cancer Society Inn 290 DC-< Procter & Gamble Co., 297 head of department, appointment, 368 organization, change, 368 purchase, analyzer, 591 centrifuge, 23, 188, 470 counting system, 435 fraction collector, 591 laboratory glass-ware washer, 716 microdensitometer, 278 microtome, 1204 monochromators, 188 oscilloscope, 1122 spectrophotometer, 278 sterilizer, 374 ultracentrifuge, 278 Botany Annex, remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Botsford, T. K., degree, 623 Bott, Carol A., degree, 1294 Bott, H. S., Jr., certificate, 364 Bottorff, R. S., degree, 605 fellowship, 130, 478 Bottrill, Margot R., degree, 1294 Bouc, C. A., degree, 392 resignation, 206 Bouchard, J. A., degree, 646 Boudelle, A., sculpture, gift, 305 Boudreau, L., Jr., degree, 393 Boughton, Patricia A., degree, 1076 Bouknight, W. J., degree, 1072 Boulter, L. R., degree, 877 Boultinghouse, Barbara L., degree, 147 Boultinghouse, Janet L., degree, 646 Bouma, F. J., fellowship, 510 Bouma, Marilyn, fellowship, 1332 Bourassa, R. R., degree, 1067 Bourbulas, D. T., degree, 838 Bourgin, Rose C, appointment, 801 Bourn, H. J., degree, 879 Bourque, Sara M., degree, 629 Bouseman, J. K., appointment, 31 Bovine spermatozoa, research, gift, 299, 961 Bovinet, Sherry L., degree, 1282 Bovyn, P. F., gift, 310 Bowald, Rosemary A., resignation, 133 Bowden, Karen L., degree, 1294 Bowen, Barbara C, leave of absence, 930 Bowen, Elizabeth R., degree, 1076 Bowen, K. A., appointment, 1323 degree, 629 Bowen, V. E., fellowship, 410 Bower, J. E., Jr., degree, 603 Bowers, Anne S., fellowship, 1332 Bowers, J. E., appointment, 110 Bowers, K., appointment, 31, 801 Bowers, M. T., degree, 1064 fellowship, 510, 1220 Bowers, Patricia G., degree, 139 fellowship, 510 Bowers, W., leave of absence, 1106 Bowes, Susan G., degree, 1302 Bowhill, S. A., appointment, 2, 1323 Bowling equipment, Illini Union, Urbana, purchase, 719, 1161 Bowls, Housing Division, purchase, 718 Bowman, C. E., appointment, 337, 1003 declination, 521 Bowman, C. H., appointment, 332 Bowman, Lorelei K., degree, 632 Bowman, J. L., degree, 1293 Bowman, Mary A., appointment, 728 Bowman, R. S., degree, 1311 Bowyer, A. F., appointment, 70, 757 Boxer, R. W., appointment, 314, 757 Boyce, R. R., appointment, 314 book, printing, 942 Boyd, A. L., degree, 632 Boyd, C. J., Jr., degree, 1072 Boyd, James D., degree, 609 UNIVERSITY 0 Bovd, Joseph D., degree, 644 Boyd N., Jr., degree, 396, 1312 Boyd W. P., certificate, 749 Rover, P., appointment, 1135 Rnver S. L., appointment, 1135 degree, 1076 Boyers, A. S., degree, 1066 BoyHn, Arsene O., degree, 1061 Boyle, F. A., member of Citizens Committee, 484 nnvle, Mrs. Judith E., appointment, 196, 1135 Boyle, P. B., degree, 393 Boyle T. E., degree, 1059 Boyle! W. W., degree, 391 Roysen, H., appointment, 72, 759 Bozek, E. A., degree, 405 Eozone, Billie R-, appointment, 728 Braasch, M. E., degree, 629 Brabner, G., Jr., degree, 1268 Brace, B. F., Jr., degree, 1305 Brach, R. F., degree, 646 Bracken, F. L., degree, 629 Brackett, T. O., appointment, 83, 759 Brackmann, D. E., appointment, 760 Bradburn, J. D., degree, 629 Bradford, J., appointment, 31 Bradford, L. L., fellowship, 1220 Bradford, R., Jr., degree, 827 Bradley, A., Co., purchase, 1159 Bradley, E. T., Jr., degree, 1278 Bradley, G. T., degree, 147 Bradley, L. R., degree, 623 Bradley, W. E., appointment, 31, 649, 1216 Bradley & Bradley, Inc., gift, 287, 949 Bradley University, Military Property Custodian, Air Force R.O.T.C. Unit, purchase, 377 Bradner Smith & Co., purchase, 102 Bradow, Margaret A., degree, 830 Bradshaw, G. R., appointment, 325 leave of absence, 1107 Bradtke, W. H., degree, 831 Brady, J. F., degree, 152 Brady, K. E., degree, 402 Brady, L. A., degree, 1294 Brady, L. E., appointment, 801, 989 Brady, Margaret E., degree, 1294 Brady, Mary A., fellowship, 510 Brady, R. O., degree, 1307 Brady, U. E., Jr., appointment, 31, 1216 Braille writers, Rehabilitation-Education Services, gift, 966 Brain impairment in children, conference, funds, gift, 961 Brain research, contract, 943 change, 352 gift, 312, 973 Brakenhoff, B. M., degree, 1288 Braley, H. D., gift, 963 Braly, C. E., degree, 842 Brammer, J, B., degree, 1064 Brammer, Linda R., fellowship, 657 Brams, E. O., fellowship, 130 Bramson, A. S., degree, 1309 Brancaforte, B., fellowship, 510 Brancaforte, Mrs. Charlotte L., appointment, 801 Branch, Beverly, appointment, 196 Branch, C. D., appointment, 81, 769 Branch, P. R., degree, 396 Brand, J. D., degree, 620, 1277 fellowship, 511 Brandabur, E. J., appointment, 993 fellowship, 410 Brandau, H., degree, 840 Brandin, S., certificate, 364 Brand Insulations, Inc., contract, 14 Brandis, R., appointment, 327, 649 Brandon, S. D., appointment, 921 Brandow, R. A., degree, 1072 Brands, J. E.. certificate, 1099 Brandt, G. W., degree, 1315 Brandt, J.f member of advisory committee, 680 3F ILLINOIS 1371 Brandt, K. D., appointment, 1135 Brandt, R. C, degree, 1067 fellowship, 735, 1332 Brandt, Rita J., degree, 633 Brandwein, R. E., certificate, 746 Branit, J. T., appointment, 70, 757 Brann, Sylvia L, degree, 1063 Brantner, M. W., degree, 1284 Braroe, N. W., fellowship, 1332 Brasted, L. K., fellowship, 1220 Bratton, D. L., degree, 1294 Bratton, E. W., appointment, 110 Brauer, G., member of advisory committee, 706 Brauer, W. C, III, degree, 213 Braun, B. D., appointment, 81, 768 Braun, H. J., appointment, 335, 1000 Braun, L. J., Jr., degree, 642, 643 Braun, Lucille V., appointment, 336 Braun, R. H., degree, 386 Braun, R. L., degree, 841 Braun, S. D., appointment, 1240 Braun-Brumfield, Inc., purchase, 100, 782, 785, 1013 Braunfeld, P. G., appointment, 921 resignation, 929 Braverman, Marcia, degree, 1294 Brawner, D. H., appointment, 728 Braxton, Loretta M., degree, 139 Bray, R. H., retirement, 1235 Bray Landscape Service, contract, 371 Brazdys, Konstancija, degree, 1081 Brazier, L. J., certificate, 1099 Brazle, K. D., degree, 838 Brearton, Katharine C, Jr., degree, 1305 Brebach, G. T., Jr., degree, 397 Brecher, L. E., degree, 628 Breck, E. B., degree, 1291 Breclaw, J. D., degree, 1310 Bredehoeft, J. D., degree, 210 Bredek, R. §., degree, 829 Breeding, Juliann B., degree, 1307 Breeding, K. J., degree, 620 Breen, H. F., Jr., appointment, 328 fellowship, 1171 Breen, J. J., degree, 1312 Breeze, Carol L., degree, 626 Breeze, W. N., degree, 646 Brefeld, Gail L., degree, 837 fellowship, 203 Brehm, C. E., gift, 961 Brehman, G. E., Jr., appointment, 884 Breiding, Marilyn H., degree, 147 Breidt, M. P., gift, 311 Breimyer, H. F., appointment, 533 Breitbach, J. P., certificate, 364 Breitenbach, Barbara A., degree, 633 Breitzer, R. S., degree, 1294 Brejcha, A. G., degree, 396, 1278 Bremer, Mary G., appointment, 921 Bremer, N. R., fellowship, 1220 Bremicker, Janet S., degree, 1307 Brems, H. J., appointment, 110, 327 declination, 412 Bremser, A. H., fellowship, 926, 1220 Brendel, T. H., degree, 644 Breniman, G. W., degree, 209 Brenman, Sheila L., fellowship, 816 Brennan, Mrs. Helen B., leave of absence, 444 Brennan, Helen K. C, degree, 1306 Brennan, J. P., degree, 1294 Brennan, T. J., degree, 612 Brenneman, Judith A., degree, 1294 Brent, E. A., degree, 1312 Brent, G. W., appointment, 196, 801 Brent, Linda C, degree, 1310 Brent, M. C, degree, 403 Brent, R. M., degree, 395 Brese, E. R., degree, 1312 Bresich, Z., appointment, 506, 801 Bresler, M. B., degree, 398 Breslow, L., appointment, 77, 764 Bressler, Sandra L., degree, 1276 Bretz, Beverly C, degree, 1074 1372 BOARD OF Breuer, S. W., appointment, 921 Breuhaus, H. C, appointment, 67, 754 Brewer, E. G., degree, 833 Brewer, G. L., degree, 1072 Brewer, T. A., Jr., degree, 1292 Brewer, J. M., appointment, 921 Brewer, R. K., degree, 879 Brewer, Richard L., degree, 397 Brewer, Robert L., resignation, 45 Brewer, Stephanie B., degree, 605 Brewer Woodwork, purchase, 718, 782 Breyer, A. D., degree, 840 Brichford, M. J., appointment, 533 Brickey, Mary H., degree, 611 Bridgeland, W. M., degree, 833 Bridger, C. A., appointment, 921 Bridgers, R. F., degree, 1314 Bridges, study, contract, change, 192, 791 Bridges, T. W., appointment, 110 resignation, 665 Bridges, W., contract, 371 Bridgewater, F. A., degree, 881 Bridgwater, J. C, III, degree, 1080 Bridwell, L. B., degree, 145 Briel, A. W., certificate, 2 Brieske, G. H., degree, 1063 fellowship, 1332 Briggs, C. W., appointment, 325, 476, 1323 Briggs, D. W., degree, 1294 Briggs, J. L., fellowship, 657 Briggs, R. J., degree, 615 Bright, Karen R., degree, 1294 Brightbill, C. K., appointment, 336, 1001 member of advisory committee, 237 Brightbill, F. S., degree, 1319 Brightbill, L. J., appointment, 988 Brighton, C. T., fellowship, 926 Brighton, G. D., leave of absence, 1106 Briglow, Marilyn K., degree, 1307 Briley, B. E., appointment, 110 degree, 875 Brill, W. J., fellowship, 203, 698 Brimhall. Pauline N., resignation, 206 Briney, R. R., appointment, 1082 Brink, R. K., degree, 1311 Brinkley, H. J., degree, 383 Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., purchase, 54 Brinkoetter Tiling Co., purchase, 866 Brinton, G. B., degree, 605 Briody, F. A., certificate, 746 Brisach, E. M., degree, 828 Briscoe, J. W., appointment, 31, 649 Brissenden, Jane, degree, 619 Bristol Laboratories, gift, 968 Bristow Cancer Research Fund, gift, 310, 968 Britsky, N., appointment, 325 leave of absence, 1107 Brittain, T. M., fellowship, 657, 1332 Brittle fracture, research, contract, 104, 437 change, 869 Brixey, A. M., Jr., appointment, 68, 755 Broadbent, D. N., degree, 629 Broadcasting, gift, equipment, WTVP, 304 research, Council of Ten, 293 University of Chicago, 293 Broadcast transmitter, Electrical Engineering, gift, 303 Broadrick, K. W., appointment, 196, 336 Broadway Medical Supply, purchase, 691 Broadway Street, property at 602 South, lease for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, 790 Broady, R. M., degree, 843 Broccolo, E. A., appointment, 82, 770 Brock, J. C, degree, 1318 Brock, J. E., degree, 139 fellowship, 1332 Brock, R. A., degree, 152 Brockett, O. G., appointment, 63 Brockhouse, J. D., certificate, 1099 Brockman, D. D., appointment, 79, 766 Brockman, G. T., degree, 622 Brockmeyer, Margot G., degree, 611 Brockmeyer, R. L., degree, 605 Brockstein, A. J., degree, 396, 1065 fellowship, 511, 1220 Brockstein, Paula, degree, 1077 Brod, L. J., degree, 831 Brod, R. M., degree, 398 Bro-Dart Industries, purchase, 1258 Broder, A. I., appointment, 76, 763 termination of employment, 1093 request for hearing, denied, 1093 Broder, S. A., degree, 1309 Broder, S. I., fellowship, 478, 816, 926 Brodhead-Garrett Co., purchase, 22, 1201 Brodie, B., appointment, 801 Brodie, Barbara, appointment, 801 Brodie, Wanda W., degree, 841 Brodkorb, C. W., degree, 144 Brodt, R. W., degree, 1310 Brody, J. B., certificate, 1099 Brody, Lita H., appointment, 196, 801 Brody, R., degree, 606 Brody, Y. S., degree, 1080 Broga, K. L., degree, 629 Broghamer, E. L., appointment, 506 Brogly, E. R., degree, 838 Brokaw, F. L., certificate, 1099 Brokaw, K. J.. appointment, 110, 801 Broil, W. J., degree, 621 Broman, S. M., degree, 618 Bromberg, R. B., certificate, 1099 Bromels, E., degree, 608 fellowship, 511, 657, 1220 Bromide interchange assembly, Physics, Ur- bana, purchase, 375 Bromley, R., fellowship, 1220 Bronk, D. W., honorary degree, 459, 640 Brons, R. E., degree, 1302 Bronsky, D., appointment, 68, 801 Bronson, K. G., degree, 405 Brook, B. A., degree, 636 Brooker, E. W., appointment, 728 degree, 1059 fellowship, 41 resignation, 977 Brooker, Marie L., degree, 1286 fellowship, 203, 816 Brookhart, J. R., degree, 618 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Atomic Energy Commission, purchase, 101 Brooks, A. L., degree, 1070 Brooks, B. D., degree, 644 Brooks, Diane R., degree, 1300 Brooks, F. L., appointment, 110, 884, 989 Brooks, G. N., degree, 1070 Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. J., gift, 969 Brooks, M. B., degree, 644 Brooks, Rosa F., degree, 147 Brooks, W. S., degree, 614 Broom, G. M., appointment, 884 degree, 394 Broome, O. W., Jr., degree, 1275 fellowship. 511 Brophy, A. L., Jr., appointment, 991 Brophy, G. G., degree, 1081 Brors, D. P., degree, 837 Brosamler, G., fellowship, 657, 698 Brosemer, R. W., appointment, 314 fellowship, 657 Bross, E. C., degree, 1072 Bross, J. B., fellowship, 1221 Bross, Lois A. W., degree, 398 Brostoff, Vivian I., degree, 402 Brott, E. E., resignation, 133 Broudy, H. S., appointment, 327 leave of absence, 425 Brougher, Virginia L., degree, 216 Broughton, Sally W., degree, 633 Broun, K. S., degree, 631 Broussard, L., appointment, 252, 1005 declination, 1232 leave of absence, 1110 UNIVERSITY Hroviak, F. J. J., degree, 1302 Hrnwer, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 728 Brown, A. L., degree, 1319 J,.m), A. R., appointment, declination, 133 KS Barbara A., degree, 826 Brown, C. D., appointment, 82, 769 iirmvn, C, N., degree, 615 Brown, C. S., & Co., purchase, 1258 Brown, C. T., degree, 614 Brown! Carol T., degree, 1081 umwn. Caroline S., degree, 1321 Brown! Mr. and Mrs. D., gift, 311 Brown, D. A., book, printing, 496 Brown, D. B., degree, 842 Brown, D. E., resignation, 897 Brown, D. M., degree, 608 Krown, D- V. L., appointment, 74, 761 Brown! D. W.. degree, 1068 Brown, Doris R., degree, 154 Brown, E. E., member of advisory committee, 680 Brown, E. F., degree, 1281 fellowship, 511, 1221 resignation, 1340 Brown, Edna D., degree, 146 Brown, Elizabeth C, degree, 616 Brown, Esther L., appointment, 750 Brown, Eva F., degree, 838 Brown, F. A., degree, 139 Brown, F. C, leave of absence, 1107 Brown, F. S., fellowship, 657, 1140, 1332 Brown, G. E., appointment, 110, 333, 997, 1083, 1168, 1323 Brown, G. S., degree, 396, 1278 Brown, G. W., degree, 833 Brown, Glenda J., degree, 604 Brown, Grace R., degree, 386 Brown, H., gift, 966 Brown, H. E., degree, 833 Brown, I. D., degree, 140 Brown, Irene V., degree, 605 Brown, J., IV, member of Citizens Committee, 484 Brown, T. A., appointment, 83, 771 Brown, J. J., degree, 403 Brown, J. M., degree, 396 Brown, Judith A., degree, 1289 Brown, June E., degree, 1078 Brown, K. G., degree, 146 Brown, K. R., degree, 1293 Brown, Katherine L., degree, 636 Brown, Karen I., degree, 623 Brown, L. 1)., degree, 212 Brown, M. 1., degree, 1310 Brown, M. M., certificate, 364 firown, Marian I., degree, 1075 Brown, Mary K., degree, 841 Brown, N., degree, 1310 Brown. N. F., degree, 622 Brown, N. K., degree, 608 Brown, O. R., Jr., appointment, 110 Brown, P. R., degree, 622 Brown, Patricia C., degree, 1074 Brown, R. B., resignation, 133 Brown, Robert C, resignation, 133 Brown, Robin C, appointment, 76, 763 Brown, Ralph E., degree, 646 Brown, Richard E., degree, 1306 Brown, Robert E., degree, 1291 Brown, R. G., appointment, 68, 755 Brown, R. H., degree, 833 Brown, R. J. C, degree, 209 Brown, Roger L., degree, 829 fellowship, 511 Brown, Robert L., degree, 1063 Brown, Richard Martin, appointment, 884 degree, 214 Brown, Richard Maurice, leave of absence, 823, 1107 Brown, Ruby L,, degree, 154 {frown, S. D., degree, 1302 Brown, Sandra J., degree, 401 OF ILLINOIS 1373 Brown, Sharon L., degree, 1273 fellowship, 657, 926 Brown, T. B., degree, 634 Brown, T. L., leave of absence, 1108 Brown, Velraa D., degree, 841 Brown, Virginia L., degree, 1288 Brown, W. A., Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1161 Brown, W. B., degree, 1294 Brown, W. C, appointment, 70, 757 Brown, W. D., degree, 1318 Brown, W. K., degree, 1060 Brown, W. P., degree, 833 Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1126 Brown Boveri Corp., purchase, 1206 Brown, Manthei, Davis, & Williams, engineering services, contract, consulting services, 492 Coordinated Science Laboratory, addition, 185 preparation of technical data for overcharges on purchases of electrical equipment, 20 Browne, Julia, fellowship, 410, 1171 resignation, 897 Browne, Karen C, degree, 619 Browne, Kristin C, degree, 1302 Browne, S. H., degree, 1073 Browne-Morse Co., contract, 14, 92, 240, 270, 465 purchase, 863 Brownfield, C. A., degree, 1309 Brownfield, J. T., degree, 833 Browning, D E., degree, 215 Browning, E. T., degree, 1317 fellowship, 203, 893 Browning, L. C, degree, 151 Browning, T. O., appointment, 1025 Brownlee, J. L., appointment, 326, 1323 Brownlee, L., degree, 402 Brownlee, Susan, decree, 1294 Browns, H. L., appointment, 801 Brownstown Agronomy Research Station, storage building, construction, contract, 1159 Browski, Loretta A., appointment, 649, 1006 Bruce, Barbara A., degree, 138 Bruce, Eleanor A., resignation, 206 Bruce, G. C, degree, 1313 Bruce, R. N., Jr., degree, 209 Brucker, M. IL. degree, 1288 Bruckman, J. W., degree, 628 Bruckmann, G., degree, 395 Bruckner, W. H., leave of absence, 425 Brueggeman, Arlene A., degree, 829 Brueggeman, L. B., degree, 614 Bruegman, D. C., degree, 387 Brugge, J. F., appointment, 31, 649 degree, 602 Bruhn, Alma C, degree, 841 Bruinette, Konstant E., fellowship, 1221 Brumley, L. E., degree, 641 fellowship, 257 Brun, H. J., appointment, 801 Brunckhorst, Barbara L., degree, 1069 fellowship, 442, 926 Brundage, A., member of Citizens Committee, 484 Bruner, E. M., appointment, 988 Brungardt, G. A., appointment, 111 Brunmg, A. L., degree, 603 Bruning, C, Co., Inc., purchase, 1158 Brunk, Ann J., degree, 147 Brunke, F. W., degree, 397 Brunke, Sondra M., degree, 616 Brunkow Electric Co., contract, 346, 537, 854, 909, 1249 Brunnenmeyer, D. D., degree, 621 Brunner, G. A., degree, 1071 Brunngraber, E. G., appointment, 80, 768 Bruno, Carol D., degree, 1307 Bruno, P., gift, 304 1374 BOARD OF Bruno, P. W., degree, 1322 Bruns, Phyllis A., degree, 1294 Brims, R. E., degree, 397 Brunsman, K. S., degree, 634 Brunswick Corp., purchase, 717, 719, 1159, 1160, 1161 Bruscato, A. P., degree, 1306 Brush Instruments Division, Clevite Corp., purchase, 714 Brusick, D. J., degree, 631 Brass, Sarah E., degree, 1300 Brust, R. A., appointment, 331 degree, 1269 Bruun, G., appointment, 750 Bryan, L. A., director of Athletic Association, 424, 1102 Bryan, W. W., member of advisory council, 4 Bryant, T. K., degree, 60S Bryant, M. P., appointment, 1185 Bryant, P. T., appointment, 921 Bryant, R. E., appointment, 252 Bryant, R. H., appointment, 801 Bryant, R. L., degree, 640 Bryg, J. J., certificate, 364 Bryn, M. F., degree, 139 Brynjolfsson, K. L., degree, 1284 Bryskin, Larry, fellowship, 478 termination, 739 Bryskin, Lawrence, degree, 644 Bryson, Mary E., degree, 1294 Bryson, R. A., degree, 1322 Bubenzer, G. D., appointment, 1083 Bubman, B. M., degree, 1322 Bubula, T. J., degree, 622 Bucari, B. C., degree, 1305 Buchanan, J. N., degree, 395 Buchele, E. S., degree, 644 Bucheleres, H. G., appointment, 77, 765 Bucher, Carol A., degree, 1321 Bucher, Mary R., appointment, 340, 1018 Buchholz, A. C, degree, 1276 fellowship, 1332 Buchholz, D. L., certificate, 364 Buchholz, E. K., appointment, 111, 728 fellowship, 1332 Buchmueller, B. J., degree, 1071 Buck, D. W., appointment, 80, 768 Buck, Gwen J., degree, 626 Buck, J. J., Jr., certificate, 746 Buck, Julia A., degree, 627 Buck, R. L., degree, 840 Buckalew, R. E., degree, 1269 Buckler, G. D., degree, 831 Buckles, Karen L., degree, 400 Buckley, D. W., appointment, 31 degree, 1271 Buckley, S. S., degree, 403 Buckman, J. W., degree, 1318 Bucktnan, S., Furniture & Supply Co., purchase, 55, 101, 472, 589, 69f, 714, 715, 1039, 1125, 1208, 1258, 1259 Bucknall, Barbara, appointment, 994 Bucknam, R. E., degree, 1268 Buckner, D. M., appointment, 82, 770 Buckner, J. W., degree, 1319 Buckner, O. S., memorial scholarship, gift, 945 Buckner, R. B., degree, 151 Bucks County Enterprises, Inc., purchase, 1207 Buckstaff Co., purchase, 1258 Buckwitz, R. J., degree, 1293 Buczkowski, Z., fellowship, 735 Budach, Elaine M., degree, 632 Budd, P. R., degree, 1311 Budd Co., gift, 301, 963 Buddenbaum, W. E., appointment, 1323 Budget, annual, approved, 678, 1238 authority to make changes, 678, 1238 Athletic Association, approved, 679, 1239 biennial, adjustments, 360 appropriations requested by fund, object, classification, and function, 178 Budget, cont'd comparison of general and restricted funds, 165 estimates, approved, 164 fund distribution, 16S increases requested, analysis, 167 explanation, 168 Institution for Tuberculosis Research no modifications, authority of Executive Com mittee, 526 operating appropriations by object classi fication and fund, 177 operation of new buildings, 176 preparation, 166 recommendations of State Board of Hieher Education, 360 S staff increases, 177 summary, 167 summer session, 324, 987 Budinger, J. P., degree, 637 Budington, W. S., member of advisory council, 4 Budko, Lida, degree, 843 Budrys, Grazina M., degree, 1074 Budrys, Milda, appointment, 70, 757 Budzeika, Marianne P., appointment, 77 7 Buehl, W. M., degree, 1058 fellowship, 41 Buehlman, Patricia K., degree, 1307 Buehrer, S. R., degree, 145 Buell, D. L., degree, 1080 Buelow, E. H., Jr., degree, 394 Buenafe, F. N., appointment, 772 Buenger, R. E., appointment, 80, 768 Bueschel, Barbara E., degree, 1305 Buescher, D. A., degree, 636 Buesking, G. O., degree, 396 Bueso, G., degree, 152 Bueso-Taquechel, A., degree, 839 Buettell, M. A., member of advisory commit tee, 354 Buettner, Grace M., fellowship, 1221 Buettner, J. A., appointment, 79, 767 Buettner, T. A., certificate, 364 Buettner, W., degree, 1311 Buffington, J. D., fellowship, 1333 Buffington, S. C, degree, 1273 fellowship, 657, 1333 Buffo, Joyce M., degree, 1307 Buford, W. E., certificate, 746 Tiagg, W. E., degree, 842 Buhk, R. P., degree, 156 Building blocks, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 596 Building materials, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 596, 1209 Building program, biennial, approved, 236 Buildings, architectural studies, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 88, 779, 781 construction and equipment, agreement with Illinois Building Authority, 1042, 1115, 1165 electrical distribution and supply systems, modernization, appropriation, 918 improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 779 minor alterations and repairs, contracts, 536, 693, 1249 approval rescinded, 693 new, design, architectural services, 687 inspection by Board members, 251 movable equipment, financing, 742 site selection, architectural services, 687 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 779 architectural services, contract, 1114 use, policy, change, 682 review, 480 Twin City Bible Church, 573 Buildings and Grounds Committee, Alma Mater statuary, relocation, report and recommendation, 27 UNIVERSITY Building8 and Grounds Committee, cont'd appointment of T. A. Jones, 986 Assembly Hall, change in name, study, 975 bidder on Classroom Complex Building, hearing, 726 fixed-base operation at Airport, application of Astro, Inc., hearing, request, 251 meeting, 48, 159, 1148 members, 1098 undergraduate library, preliminary plans, study, 900 work session, 983 Builta, D. D., degree, 1288 Buinauskas, P., appointment, 111, 4/6 Buino, E. S., degree, 878 Bulin, R- J-, degree, 636 Bulinski, R. L., degree, 646 Bulkeley, P. C, decree, 1287 Bull, Agriculture, gift, 966 Bull Mrs. Martha M., appointment, 1323 Bullard, E., gift, 969 Buller, L. C, degree, 140 Bulletins, copyright, policy, 460 Bullock, Barbara M., appointment, 406 decree, 390 Bumba, R. C, degree, 1310 Buncher, J. E., degree, 150 Bundy, Mary A. H., degree, 1284 Bunge, G. H., certificate, 364 Bunger, Melody P., fellowship, 1221, 1333 Bungert, W. C, appointment, 252, 993 declination. 820, 1141 Bunis, C. A., degree, 1310 Bunn, Patricia M., degree, 612 Bunning, Sandra H., degree, 1313 Bunting, J. R., degree, 620 Bunton, R. W., degree, 612 Buraczynska, Roxolana M., degree, 1294 Burapharatana, C, degree, 1064 Burbridge, Virginia C, degree, 606 Burch, Virginia G., degree, 393 Burchall, J. J., degree, 384 Burcham, J. J., degree, 1072 Burck, P. J., degree, 209 Burd, J. R., degree, 604 Burd, Judith P., degree, 833 Burdette, Mary M., appointment, 1151 Burdette, S. D., degree, 395 Burdick, J. S., degree, 1080 Burdick Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 346, 710 Burg, Sally T., degree, 830 Burge, Alice, degree, 147 Burger, Sandra M., degree, 1307 Burger, W. H., degree, 623 Surges, A. W., appointment, 1135 Burgess, B. B., appointment, 67, 754 Burgess, G. D., degree, 1314 Burgess, J. E., degree, 397 Burgess, T. J., degree, 398 Burgess, V. W., degree, 156 Burgett, Helen L., degree, 637 Burgheimer, F. T., degree, 610 Burgin, Sybil S., degree, 833 Burgner, C. W., degree, 1293 Burgoyne, G. W., degree, 397 Burhop. R. W., degree, 155 Burk, J. E., certificate, 746 Burke, F. E., degree, 629 Burke, J. A., appointment, 801, 1168 Burke, J. L., degree, 1319 Burke, Susan G., degree, 1294 Burke, T. R., degree, 1309 Burkey, R. M., degree, 1294 Burkhart, Melinda G., degree, 623 Burkholder, D. L., appointment, 111 Burkholder, R. A., degree, 155 Burkland, Janet M., degree, 631 Burklund, Sue D., degree, 403 Burkman, A. M., resignation, 820 Burlison, W. L., Distinguished Fellowship, funds, gift, 950 OF ILLINOIS 1375 Burmac Electronics Co., Inc., purchase, 23 Burman, J. L., degree, 643, 1317 Burmeister, J. L., appointment, 801, 989 Burneikis, R. M., degree, 1294 Burnett, j. R., appointment, 328, 996 Burnett, Mrs. Jacquetta H., appointment, 801 Burnett, M. J., degree, 1074 Burnett, Marilou H., degree, 837 Burnett, R. W., appointment, 181, 327, 992, 1001 leave of absence, 1342 Burnham, Daniel, Hall, name given to classroom building at Chicago Circle, 1265 Burnicks, S. J., degree, 1293 Burns, Betty J., degree, 833 Burns, Cynthia J., degree, 826 Burns, Dorothy E., degree, 143 Burns, E. J., certificate, 1150 Burns, H., Jr., appointment, 1083 Burns, H. A., degree, 831 Burns, J. J., degree, 1081 Burns, K., appointment, 336, 1002, 1135 Burns, L. E., degree, 1272 Burns, R. E., degree, 881 Burns, R. O., Jr., appointment, 72, 759 Burns, Thomas Andrew, degree, 837 Burns, Thomas Arthur, degree, 1071 Burnside, T. E., degree, 389 Burnsides, Ethel, gift, 301, 964 Burnsides Research Laboratory, addition, contract, electrical, 239 general, 239 heating and temperature control, 239 plumbing, 239 ventilating, 239 equipment and moving, appropriation, 368 balance reappropriated, 778 funds, gift, 301, 960, 964 landscaping, contract, 370 Burns Machine Co., purchase, 375 Burpee, Mary C, degree, 825 Burr, E E., appointment, 506 Burrell, A. R., degree, 840 Burrill, Ann C. W., degree, 140 Burrill Avenue, contract, bridge, reconstruction, 431 tree-planting program, 371 Burrill Construction & Supply, gift, 298, 960 Burrill Hall, air conditioning system, replacement parts, purchase, 782 Burris, Barbara L., degree, 1299 Burritt, J. K., degree, 830 Burroughs, G. W., degree, 154 Burroughs Corp., purchase, 593 Burrqus, S. E., fellowship, 41 resignation, 133 Burrows, R., degree, 1319 Burrows, R. C, degree, 1058 Burrows, R. E., degree, 629 Burrows, W. F., degree, 1322 Burrows Co., purchase, 56 Burstein, A. G., appointment, 750 Bursztyn Vaimberg, A., degree, 1072 Burt, F. H., bequest, 938 Burt, Judith A., degree, 629 Burt House, lease, 104, 867, 868 Burtness, R. W., appointment, 329, 992 Burton, D. F., degree, 644 Burton, G. V., degree, 1314 Burton, G. W., degree, 1267 Burton, L. J., appointment, 111, 506 Burton, R. A., degree, 634 Burton, R. M., degree, 617 Burwell, W. G., degree, 639 Busch, J. R., degree, 1313 Busch, Louise M., degree, 623 Busche, H. E., degree, 603 Buse, Roxanna S., degree, 1301 Busenhart, Rosiland i-.., degree, 1069 Busey Residence Hall, mattresses, purchase, 350, 1207 residents, gift, 971 1376 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bush, D. A., degree, 615 Bush, E. J., degree, 147 Bush Brothers, Inc., purchase, 718 Bushdiecker, R. K., degree, 1284 Bushman, B. J., degree, 402 Bushu, Benita.J., degree, 1307 Business Administration, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 areas of concentration, established, 1187 budget, summer session, 338, 1005 dean, appointment, 367 report, state of college, 1021 name, approved, 367 Business Administration, Graduate School of, budget, summer session, 326, 989 Business district, University area, long-range planning, contract, 18 Business Education, budget, summer session, 326, 989 Business Envelope Manufacturers, Inc., purchase, 472 Business Interiors, Inc., purchase, 374 Business Law, budget, summer session, 326 department merger, 485 Business machines, lease, 282, 351, 381, 790, 915, 1016, 1128, 1162, 1210 Business Management, Bureau of, gift, research, Illinois Association of Insurance Agents, 956 Business mathematics, research, gift, 295 Business Office, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, equipment inventory, balance reappropriated, 88 Medical Center, gift, chairs, Royal Metal Furniture Co., 312 purchase, order and invoice forms, 1201 Urbana, purchase, Air Force shoes and socks, 717 crime insurance, 942 foreign workmen's compensation and employers liability insurance, 1039 overcoats, 377 typewriters, 377 truck, 1208 Buss, Shirley M., degree, 1310 Bus service, campus, contract, 13, 710, 909, 1015 financing, 14 Bussmann, W. V., degree, 1294 Busta, F. F., degree, 875 fellowship, 442 resignation, 897 Bustamante, J. I., degree, 1268 Bustard, J. M., degree, 615 Butler, B., fellowship, 442 Butler, B. J., appointment, 314 Butler, Barbara $pD>., appointment, 314 declination, 820 Butler, Betty j., degree, 1301 Butler, C. D., appointment, 77, 764 Butler, D. R., degree, 638 Butler, J. D., appointment, 801 Butler, Jacqueline A., degree, 633 Butler, Lucinda J., degree, 1289 Butler, M. D., degree, 825 Butler Roberts Associates, Inc., purchase, 1205 Butsback, Margaret-Mary G., certificate, 1099 Buttell, D. A., Jr., degree, 1074 Butterfat, effect on development of atherosclerosis, research, gift, 9S3 Butterfield, B. A., degree, 604 Butterworth, Clara M., appointment, 506, 768 Butterworth, D. S., fellowship, 657, 1221 resignation, 1173 Butterworth, R. G., degree, 629 Button, A. C, fellowship, 511 Butwell, R. L., appointment, 335 leave of absence, 1233 resignation, 665 Buxton, J. W., degree, 1065 Buyers, B. H., degree, 1079 Buzdygan, D. U., appointment, 314 Buzzard, Beverly A., degree, 1299 Byars, R. S., fellowship, 511, 1221 Byerhof, L. A., certificate, 61 Byers, Mary L., degree, 646 Byers, V. W., appointment, 111, 336 Byfield, G. V., appointment, 67, 754 Bylinowski, Genevieve, degree, 147 Byness, Inc., contract, 92, 240 Byng, D. E., appointment, 801, 1168 Byrne, Anne F., appointment, 354 Byrne, D. F., degree, 1271 Byrne, Karen D., degree, 156 Byrom, Tracy G., degree, 638 Byron, Janet L., fellowship, 511 resignation, 1087 Cabinets, purchase, Geology, Urbana, 101 Office Supply Storeroom, 719 Cable assembly. Aviation, purchase, 376 Cables, purchase, Digital Computer Labora tory, 716 Physical Plant Department, 26 Cablk, Uene R., degree, 1301 Cablk, J. M., degree, 1073 Caccavari, D. L., degree, 1081 Cacciapaglia, B. S., degree, 405 Cacioppo, Catherine C, authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 648, 1097 Cadigan, R. F., degree, 623 Cadillac Plastic Co., purchase, 163 Cadkin, L. M., fellowship, 319, 698, 926 Cadwalader, L. W., certificate, 61 Cadwell, W. C, degree, 620 Cady, A. B., appointment, 506, 758 Cady, D. R., degree, 138 Caffrey, P. J., degree, 1063 Cages, Medical Research Laboratory, purchase, 1121 Cagle, J. E., Jr., appointment, 82 Cahalan, H. F., appointment, 506 Cahill, M. E., fellowship, 1221 Cahill, P. F., resignation, 1087 Cahn-Bronner, C. E., appointment, 7fi 763 Cain, D. W., degree, 607 Cain, J. L., degree, 1288 Cain, J. R., degree, 1069 Cain, M. D., certificate, 61 Cain, R. F., degree, 150 Cain, T. E., degree, 618 Caine, W. K., degree, 1310 Cairns, J., appointment, 74 Cairns, J, F., appointment, 111 Cairns, S. S., appointment, 476 Caisley, W. T., degree, 1306 Cajet, A. N., degree, 615 Cake mixes, research, contract, 282, 1210 gift, 958 Calahan, D. A., appointment, 196 leave of absence, 823 Calamaras, Margo G., degree, 1275 Calams, J. A., appointment, 84, 772 Calcium, research, contract, 103 gift, 290, 957 Calcote, L. R., degree, 877 Calculators, purchase, Agronomy, 940 Animal Science, 1205 Educational Psychology, 1205 Caldarelli, D. D., fellowship, 698, 926 Calder, J. A., fellowship, 1333 Caldwell, A. C, degree, 403 Caldwell, Joann B., degree, 1313 Caldwell, P. R., degree, 1272 fellowship, 511 Caldwell, R., appointment, 31, 728 Caldwell, R. G., appointment, 83, 770 degree, 642 Calenoff, L., appointment, 252 California Avenue, property at 107 West, lease, 777, 868 property at 1101 West, purchase, 1176 property at 1112 West, lease, 777, 868 property at 1208 West, retaining wall, aj>; propriation, balance reappropriated, 8' property at 1210 West, purchase, 1089 California Chemical Co., gift, 292 California Co., gift, 284, 299, 946, 961 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1377 Calkins, Susan A., degree, 606 Si E. E., certificate, 746 rjlaghan, R- S., appointment, 771 Callahan, D. H., appointment, 84, 772 Callahan, G. D., resignation, 929 Callahan, J. P., appointment, 728 Callanan, T. P., degree, 825 Slender, R. W., degree, 878 fallistein, A. M., certificate, 61 Caltrider, P. G., degree, 211 falud, R- T., degree, 829 Calvin, R. E., degree, 1063 falvin Productions, Inc., purchase, 1161 Camden, R. W., degree, 1315 Camera Equipment Co., Inc., purchase, 377, 1160 Camera microscope, Oral Pathology, purchase, 913 Cameras, purchase. Agricultural Engineering, 786 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1014 Civil Engineering, 100 Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, 53 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 242 Illustration Studios, 1013 Ophthalmology, 375 Oral Pathology, 99 Orthodontics, 53 Print Shop, 1161 School Mathematics Committee, 279 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 190 Cameron, Constance A., degree, 623 Cameron, D. H., degree, 1079 Cameron, E. S., appointment, 884 Cameron, Karen H., degree, 1078 Cameron, N. M., appointment, 111 Carney. Mrs. Louise M., appointment, 728 Cammack, T. E., appointment, 330 Camp, L. R., degree, 1302 Camp, Mary J., appointment, 406 degree, 390 Camp, R. L., degree, 629 Campana, J. A., fellowship, 926 Campanelli, A. T., degree, 141 Campbell, A. N., appointment, 649 Campbell, Bonnie S., degree, 842 Campbell, C. B. G., degree, 644 Campbell, D. B., certificate, 61 Campbell, H. E., certificate, 364 Campbell, Harriet A., degree, 1294 Campbell, Harriett M., degree, 1284 Campbell, J. A., appointment, 67, 754 Campbell, J. D., degree, 144 Campbell, J. J., appointment, 1185, 1323 Campbell, J. L., appointment, 728, 801 Campbell, J. M., degree, 147 Campbell, Kathleen D., degree, 633 Campbell, L. L., appointment, 485 Campbell, L. M., degree, 1291 Campbell, M. F., degree, 1289 Campbell, Marilyn, resignation, 1232 Campbell, P. B., degree, 1292 Campbell, R. and Lily, gift, 310 Campbell, S. H., degree, 833 Campbell, Sandra M., degree, 1306 Campbell, W. J., appointment, 63 Campbell, Willie M., appointment, 337 fellowship, 41 Campbell Soup Co., gift, 288, 301, 960 Campus, Urbana, long-range development, architectural studies, contract, 1131 consulting services, contract, 97, 687, 777 streets and drives, improvements, contract, change, 51 topographic maps, contract, 348 tree-planting program, contract, 1027 Campus Businessmen's Association, campus business district, long-range planning, agreement, 18 Campus bus service, contract, 13, 710, 909, 1015 financing, 14 Campus Chest, gift, 284, 946, 949 Campus Planning Committee, parking regulations and facilities, report, 574 Can, Y., degree, 1278 Canaday, P. J., degree, 1317 Canal Industrial Corp., purchase, 279 Canan, Catherine M.( degree, 152 Cancellations of appointments, 206, 320, 356, 443, 700, 738, 820, 897, 929, 977, 1020, 1087, 1141 Cancer, research, contract, 104 change, 1261 gift, 307, 308, 309, 310, 968, 969, 970, 971 Candell, V., painting, gift, 305 Candeloro, D. L., degree, 1062 C & H Electrical Co., contract, 184 addition, 433 Cane, B. J., degree, 616 Canfield, D. L., appointment, 63 Canfield, Myrna K., degree, 1311 Canh, T. K., degree, 1066 Canham, R. G., appointment, 82, 769 Canine dermatitis, research, gift, 294, 955 Canine food, Veterinary Medicine, purchase. 593 Cannon, E. J., degree, 1287 Cannon, Evelyn A. S., degree, 1306 Cannon, J. P., appointment, 82, 769 Cannon, L. L., degree, 1081 Canter, I., appointment, 533 Canter, L. W., degree, 146 Cantwell, F. F., appointment, 921, 1135 Capacitors, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 592 Capital Film Laboratories, purchase, 189 Capital improvements, funds, appropriation, 799 Capizzi, S., degree, 144 Caplan, N. S., appointment, 936 Caples, T. R., degree, 1294 Caplinger, B. F., Ill, degree, 154 Caporal, Mary L., appointment, 252 degree, 831 Cappa, Laurel A., degree, 627 Cappelletti, R. L., degree, 1067 Capps, Joan P., appointment, 649 Capps, R. B-, appointment, 67, 754 Caquelin, H. J., appointment, 111 Caravelli, G. A., degree, 841 Carberry, J. F., degree, 637 Carbon, M., fellowship, 257 Carbonaro, Lynn, appointment, 340 Carbon dioxide, Medical Center, purchase, 493 Carbonneau, M. C, appointment, 680, 801 Carcass evaluation, study, gift, 959 Card, L. E., appointment, 1135 Card catalog cases, Library, TJrbana, purchase, 1258 Cardenas, Mary J., fellowship, 816, 1333 Cardinet, J. M., appointment, 63 Cardiovascular research, contract, 1127 change, 381 gift, 308 Card punches, lease, 475 purchase, 55 Card sorter, lease, 475 Cardulla, F. G., degree, 401 Carey, C. M., appointment, 72, 760 Carey, C. T., degree, 1301 Carey, T. C, appointment, 82 Carey, J. W., appointment, 406 degree, 384 fellowship, 1171 Carey, P., Manufacturing Co., purchase, 53 Carey, P. E., degree, 1309 Cargill, Inc., purchase, 597 Carillon, gift, 194, 966 Carius, A. B., degree, 1314 Carlassare, M. P., degree, 396 1378 BOARD OF Carl Chevrolet Co., purchase, 437, 914 Carle Foundation, gift, 292 Carleton, R, A., appointment, 68, 755 Carley, H. A., degree, 618 Carley, Mrs. Yvonne F., fellowship, 1221, 1333 Carlier, R. G., appointment, 196, 406 Carlin, D. J., certificate, 746 Carlin, H. S., appointment, 340 Carlin, J. W., degree, 1065 fellowship, 1221 Carlin, Linda E., degree, 1294 Carlinville, office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, 790 Carll, W. M., degree, 621 Carlock, W. D., degree, 644 Carls, G. A., degree, 628 Carlsen, T., appointment, 801, 1018 Carlson, Allen B., degree, 644 Carlson, Alfred B., degree, 1274 Carlson, A. R., degree, 1284 resignation, 479 Carlson, C. G., degree, 384 Carlson, C. I., appointment, 339, 1005 resignation, 665 Carlson, D. E., appointment, 1240 Carlson, D. G., degree, 620 Carlson, D. R., degree, 404 Carlson, Elizabeth A., degree, 830 Carlson, H. D., degree, 617 Carlson, H. L., degree, 147 Carlson, Helen B., appointment, 79 Carlson, Janet W., degree, 147 Carlson, John Raymond, degree, 1070 Carlson, Jon Ross, degree, 1067 Carlson, Judy L., degree, 638 Carlson, Kathryn H., appointment, 339, 1005 Carlson, L. G., fellowship, 657 Carlson, N. G., degree, 1309 Carlson, N. R., degree, 1074 fellowship, 1221 Carlson, R. C, degree, 1305 Carlson, R. E., degree, 396 Carlson, R. G., degree, 620 Carlson, Roger H., degree, 1076 Carlson, Ronald H., degree, 141 Carlson, R. J., certificate, 1099 Carlson, R. R., degree, 1319 fellowship, 257, 926 Carlson, Sybil B., appointment, 921 degree, 1062 Carlson Lee, Dorothy, appointment, declination 443 Carlston, J. A., appointment, 314 Carlston, K. S., appointment, 332 Carlton, M. W., member of Citizens Committee, 484 Carmean, Clara J. L., degree, 825 Carmean, S. L., degree, 879 fellowship, 1333 Carmer, S. G., appointment, 3 Carmichael, D. R., degree, 635, 1287 fellowship, 1333 Carmichael, J. W., Jr., degree, 388 fellowship, 735 Carmody, Lois J., degree, 147 Carmody, R. P., degree, 1294 Carnegie Corp., gift, 292, 954 Carnes, W. R., appointment, 406 degree, 1061 Carney, J. H., fellowship, 511, 657, 698 Carney, J. M., degree, 1081 Carnighan, R. H., degree, 600 resignation, 412 Cams, W. E., degree, 1291 fellowship, 1221 Carolan, J. A., degree, 646 Carollo, D. A., degree, 1318 Carolus, H. E., degree, 1076 Caron, P. L., degree, 640, 1315 Carothers, Z. B., appointment, 326 fellowship, 1171 Carozzi, A. V., book, printing, 1015 leave of absence, 427 Carpenter, A. F., degree, 833 Carpenter, Charles G., certificate, 364 degree, 387 Carpenter, Clark G., certificate, 61 Carpenter, Carol A., degree, 1301 Carpenter, D. M., degree, 602 Carpenter, Helen G., degree, 1284 Carpenter, M. L., certificate, 364 Carpenter, R. D., degree, 646 Carpenter, Mrs. Winifred, gift, 969 Carper, Mrs. Gladys, appointment, 884, 1135 Carpet, purchase, Commerce Building, 1159 Housing Division, 1160 Illini Union, Urbana, 25, 1125 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 867 Carr, E. H., degree, 833 Carr, Ellen J., degree, 1314 Carr, J. G., certificate, 364 Carr, K. R., appointment, 884, 1083, 1135 Carr, Mr. and Mrs. M., gift, 969 Carr, P. A., degree, 1269 Carr, R. B., degree, 1271 Carr, R. E., degree, 398 Carr, W. E., fellowship, 511, 1221 Carrara, R. A.; degree, 644 Carraway, Corahe A., appointment, 884 Carraway, K. L., fellowship, 657 Carreira, E., appointment, 84, 772 Carrel, R. L., invention, income allocation, 668 Carrier, J. D., gift, 286 Carrier Air Conditioning Co., purchase, 241 Carrier system, Civil Engineering, purchase. 784 Carrillo Sarmtento, G. D., degree, 1275 Carrington, Beverly B., degree, 147 Carroll, Carolyn j., degree, 626 Carroll, D. B., degree, 397 Carroll, G. T., jr., degree, 636 Carroll, J. A., appointment, 196 degree, 1283 Carroll, J. M., fellowship, 926 Carroll, J. R., appointment, 111, 801 Carroll, M. E., appointment, 74, 761 Carroll, R. J., certificate, 1099 Carroll, R. W., appointment, 1240 Carroll, T. S., certificate, 1099 Carroll, W. F., degree, 874 Carroll-Henneman & Associates, engineering services, electrical supply and distribution systems, modernization, 1114 Carroll Seating Co., purchase, 494 Carsello, C. J., appointment, 884 Carson, G. L., degree, 833 Carson, R. F., appointment, 1135 degree, 613 Carson, R. S., appointment, 314, 1168 degree, 1059 Carson, W. W., degree, 1281 Carss, B. W., degree, 1060 Carss, Majorie C. H., appointment, 31 Carter, A. M., appointment, 334, 999 Carter, B. K., fellowship, 1333 Carter, C. E., appointment, 439 Carter, D. R., degree, 214 Carter, F. C, appointment, 70, 756 Carter, H. E., appointment, 752, 884 Carter, H. H., Jr., appointment, 649 Carter, J. L., degree, 1307 Carter, M. R., degree, 637 Carter, M. W., degree, 638 Carter, Marjorie W., degree, 881 Carter, O. L., fellowship, 1221 Carter, P. B., certificate, 1099 Carter, R. D., appointment, 1323 Carter, R. L., degree, 1277 fellowship, 657 Carter, R. S., degree, 829 Carter, Verna J., appointment, 1216 degree, 1279 fellowship, 511 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1379 Cjfter-Pemiell Farm, easement, electric power transmission lines, extension, granted, 1251 pipeline, granted, 686 Cartwright, Jenifer M., degree, 152 Cartwright, Rosalind D., appointment, 63 Caruso, T. E., degree, 1312 Carveth, j. W., degree, 629 Carv. Arline F., degree, 140 Cary, S. E., degree, 1067 Casagrande, J. B., appointment, 325, 988 Casas, R. E., appointment, 406, 757 Casasent, D. P., degree, 1291 Casciaro, R. A., appointment, 75, 763 CAS Division, Raytheon Co., purchase, 1038 Case, J. I., Co., lease, 380 Case & Co., Inc., gift, 954 Casella, P., appointment, 66, 753 Caselton, J. A., degree, 1319 Casey, B. J., degree, 620, 1277 fellowship, 511 Casey Community United Fund, gift, 969 Cash, W. R., degree, 842 Cashdollar, S. E., Jr., degree, 1062 Cash registers, purchase, Housing Division, Urbana, 1258 Illini Union Bookstore, 719 Caskey, A. R., degree, 1082 Casler, D. J., appointment, 325, 1135, 1323 Casler, M. S., degree, 875 Casper, Dennis J., fellowship, 1221 Casper, Donald J., degree, 401 Cassel, D. K., degree, 394 Cassel, F. H., member of advisory committee, 1024 Cassell, R. L. S., appointment, declination, 133 Casserly Construction Co., contract, 273 Cassidy, Patricia A., degree, 1301 Cassidy, R. J., degree, 833 Casson, R. W., degree, 1312 Castaldj, Angela F., degree, 146 Castaldi, B., appointment, 328 resignation, 1087 Casteel, D. A., appointment, 111, 801 Casrellano, C. R., degree, 612 fellowship, 41 Casten, S. A., appointment, 111, 1006 declination, 1232 Castillo, J. M., appointment, 80, 768 Castillo, M., degree, 828 Cast metals education, research, gift, 291 Castritsis, P. E., degree, 642, 643 Castrogiovanni, Edith E., degree, 1299 Catalano, P., degree, 153 Catalipis in a stirred reactor, study, gift, 290, 952 Catalog, Chicago Undergraduate Division, printing, 434, 1036 Catalog card cabinets, Library, Urbana, purchase, 1036 Catching, J. D., degree, 1076 Cate, H. A., leave of absence, 424 Caterpillar Tractor Co., gift, 292, 954, 963 Cation, Vivian A., appointment, 74, 761 Catlett, G. R., director of Athletic Association, 424, 1103 Caton, C. E., appointment, 1000 book, printing, 496 fellowship, 410 leave of absence, 1109 Catron, Beverly E., degree, 1319 Cattell, R. B., appointment, 31 leave of absence, 1109 change, 1234 Cattle, study, contract, 244, 437 Cattoir, R. J., degree, 620 Caudill, R. W., certificate, 746 Caulking work, Staff Apartment Building at the Medical Center, contract, 92 Causey, M. E., degree, 646 Cavallito, C. J., appointment, 78, 766 Cavanah, Harriet A., degree, 623 Cavanaugh, Judith A., degree, 1294 Cavaness, G. R., degree, 1318 Cave, M. D., degree, 641 fellowship, 257, 926 Cavenaile, A. H., degree, 619 Caveny, C. C, appointment, 802 Cavitt, Carole J., degree, 1294 Cawley, J. E., appointment, 84, 772 Cazolas, A. R., certificate, 61 C-C Teleservices, Inc., purchase, 1160 Cece, J. D., appointment, 1216 Cech, Carolyn C, degree, 1081 Cecil, O. S., Ill, degree, 1277 Cecil, T. F., degree, 1278 Ceco Steel Products Corp., gift, 284 Ceide-Echevarria, Gloria, degree, 826 fellowship, 1221 Celarec, M. C, degree, 1310 Celewycz, B. S-, appointment, 77, 765 Celli, V., resignation, 206 Census tracts, Champaign County, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 778 Centennial of University, observance, plans, 429 Center for Advanced Study, members, appointment, 458, 1110 Center for Asian Studies, established, 1189 Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, name, approved, 1245 Center for International Comparative Studies, established, 1245 Center for International Education and Research in Accounting, established, 269 Center for Performing Arts, land, acquisition, 703, 1176 Center for Zoonoses Research, lease of space for research, Metropolis, 790 Central Engineering Sales Co., purchase, 784 Central Food Stores, construction, contract, change, 52 purchase, china, 1124 pallet racks, 350 trays, 56 Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co., gift, 294, 300, 956 Central Illinois Light Co., gift, 294, 956 Central Illinois Public Service Co., easement, Carter-Pennell Farm, granted, 1251 gift, 294, 300, 956 Central Illinois York Co., purchase, 1039 Central National Bank Building, acquisition, 1092 contract, architectural services, 1152 electrical service, 1195 use, plans, 1093 Central Receiving Station, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86, 779, 780 purchase, truck, 497 Central Scientific Co., purchase, 190, 1160 Central Soya, gift, 963 Central Vacuum Corp., purchase, 1157 Centrifuges, purchase, Animal Science, 53 Biological Chemistry, 862, 912 Blood Bank, 589 Botany, 23, 188, 470 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 188, 493, 1122, 1204 Dairy Science, 864 Food Science, 1038 Medical Research Laboratory, 863 Medicine, 241 Microbiology, Urbana, 189 Physiology and Biophysics, 717 Psychiatry, 913 Zoology, 1160 Century, B., appointment, 237, 975 Century Equipment Co., contract, 229, 271 Cephalometer, Cleft Palate Clinic, purchase, 1157 1380 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ceramic Engineering, gift, fellowships, Armco Steel Corp., 287 Lead Industries Association, 28S National Lead Co., 951 Orton, E., Jr., Ceramic Foundation, 289, 951 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., 951 funds, Orton, $pD., Jr., Ceramic Foundation, 300 research, Arasted Industries, Inc., 953 Avnet-Shaw Corp., 954 Bendix Aviation Corp., 292, 954 Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 292 Goodyear Aircraft Corp., 294, 95S Griffin Wheel Co., 294 Telecomputing Corp., 298, 959 scholarship, Aerojet-General Corp., 945 Alcoa Foundation, 283, 945 Bay State Abrasive Products Co., 284, 945 Columbian Enameling & Stamping Co., Inc., 946 Drakenfeld, B. F., & Co., 284 Emhart Manufacturing Co., 284 Ferro Corp., 284, 946 Globe-Union Foundation, 284 Green, A. P., Fire Brick Co., 284 Harbison-Walker Charitable Fund, Inc., 284, 946 Illinois Clay Manufacturers' Association, 285 Industrial Minerals of Canada Limited, 947 Mallory, P. R., Co. Foundation, Inc., 285, 947 Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corp., 286 Smith, A. O., Foundation, Inc., 286, 948 head of department, appointment, 267 purchase, furnace, 784 goniometer, 864 hydraulic press, 54 polishing equipment, 23 program system control center, 786 recorder, 470 time-temperature control system, 1014 x-ray diffraction equipment, 349 scholarship fund, investment, 869 Ceramic-metal combinations, research, contract, change, 192, 869 gift, 292, 954 Ceramic particles, research, contract, 1162 Cerasoli, A. D., degree, 615 Cerling, D. T., degree, 629 Cerne, R. C, degree, 635 Cerny, L. T., degree, 1291 Cerificate, advanced study in Librarianship, approved, 486 Certified Public Accountant, certificates, award, 2, 60, 236, 265, 324, 364, 422, 456, 484, 532, 679, 746, 850, 906, 934, 986, 1024, 1099, 1150, 1184, 1239 Cervantes, M. R., degree, 1287 Cervera, Ann L., degree, 1314 Cessna, K., appointment, 196 Cha, H. S., degree, 1311 Chabot, A., appointment, 765 resignation, 521 Chacko, C. I., appointment, 440, 802 degree, 385 Chacko, G. K., fellowship, 1221 Chadwick, L. E., appointment, 506 resignation, 443 Chainski, E. L., appointment, 75, 763 gift, 311, 972 Chairs, gift, 312 purchase, Assembly Hall, 281, 472 Chicago Circle, 1253 Education, 1124 Housing Division, Urbana, 594, 1156, 1206 Chairs, cont'd Illini Union, Urbana, 1125 Office Supply Storeroom, 190, 719, 112" 1259 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 494 589, 691, 715, 1157, 1203, 1255, 1259 Chait, W., appointment, 997 Chakravarti, 5. K., appointment, 111 declination, 133 Chalcraft, Judith A., degree, 1294 Chalfant, J. C, fellowship, 203, 657 Chalmers Street, property at 402 East, accmi. sition, condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 669 authorization, 415 purchase, 669 property at 404 East, purchase, 357 property at 406 East, purchase, 159 property at 408 East, purchase, 348 property at 510 East, purchase, 348 Chaloupka, Penelope A., degree, 1301 Chaltas, J. G., appointment, 63, 328, 993 Chalus, D. R., resignation, 133 Chamberlain, P. D., degree, 1289 Chamberlin, D. R., degree, 152 Chamberlin, W. J., leave of absence, 1108 Chambers, G. A., appointment, 1240 Chambers, Mrs. Hazel M., fellowship, 257 Chambers, L. M., degree, 384 Chambers, Marcia J., degree, 627 Chamot, D., fellowship, 1221 Champ, D. G., appointment, 884 degree, 1276 Champaign, city of, campus husiness district, long-range planning, agreement, 18 Champaign Asphalt Co., contract, 59, 162, 1193 purchase, 25, 102, 597 Champaign Blueprint, purchase, 692 Champaign Builder's Supply Co., purchase, 942 Champaign Clean Towel Service, purchase. 595 Champaign County, census tracts, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 778 Champaign County Health Improvement Association, gift, 299 Champaign County Seed Co., purchase, 376 Champaign County State's Attorney, contract, 693. 1128 Champaign Kennel Club, gift, 949 Champaign-Urbana City Lmes, Inc., contract, 13, 710 extension, 909 purchase, 1015 Champaign-Urbana Clean Towel Service, purchase, 595 Champion, Jeanne A., degree, 1305 Chamy, L. A., degree, 1291 Chan, K., appointment, 252 Chan, R. J., degree, 1291 Chan, S., appointment, 111 degree, 384 Chan, Stella Y. S. L., degree, 390 Chan, W. S., degree, 1302 Chance, W. R., contract, 1009 Chancellor, J. E., certificate, 1099 Chandler, C. H., degree, 147 Chandler, Mrs. Fremont A., gift, 971 Chandler, H. S., appointment, 196 Chandler, L., leave of absence, 428 Chandler, M., member of Citizens Committee, 484 Chandler, Margaret, appointment, 1111 leave of absence, 428 Chandler Research Fund, addition, gift, 971 Chandran, R. S., appointment, 31, 506, 113a, 1216 Chaney, B. M., degree, 634 Chaney, Sandra K., degree, 629 Chang, D., degree, 841 Chang, G. C, degree, 141 UNIVERSITY 0 Chang, H. Y., appointment, 1324 Chang, J- C, degree, 608 Chang, M. M. T., degree, 1072 Channon, H. O., degree, 643 Chanute Air Force Base Clothing Sales Store, purchase, 56, 717, 1161 Chao, B., appointment, 458, 802 Thao, Julia Y., appointment, 77, 765 Chao R. K. Y., degree, 1066 Chapdu, R. E., appointment, 111, 440, 1135 declination, 1173 Chapin, F. S. Jr., appointment, 111 book, printing, 1125 Chapin, Nan C, degree, 616 Chapman, C. A., leave of absence, 427 Chapman, H. H., degree, 643 Chapman, Henry S., degree, 637 fellowship, 1219 Chapman, Howard S-, certificate, 746 degree, 402 Chapman, J. A., degree, 1286 Chapman, J. H., degree, 154 Chapman, L., member of advisory committee, 354 Chapman, L. I., degree, 1319 Chapman, Laura H., appointment, 1185 Chapman, Mrs. Marguerite R., appointment, 884 Chapman, Mary L., degree, 147 Chapman, P. J., appointment, 111, 802, 884 fellowship, 735 resignation, 701 Chapman & Cutler, legal services, bond issue, Graduate Student Residence Hall, 712 housing facility, Medical Center, 468 Illini Union, Medical Center, 468 Chapman-Young, Inc., purchase, 350 Chappell, J. S., fellowship, 1221 Chard, G. E. H., degree, 400 Chard, Janet N., degree, 151 Charernbhak, W., degree, 1287 Charged colloidal sized particles for propulsion, research, contract, 351, 586 Charges colloidal sized particles for propulsion, study, contract, 943 Charged particle sources, research, contract, 1210 Charles, A. G., appointment, 73, 760 resignation, 1340 Charles, H. E., degree, 1272 Charleston, J. D., degree, 1066 Charnecki, G., degree, 1319 Charnota, G. M., degree, 1311 Charoenphol, D., degree, 609 Charron, R. E., fellowship, 893 Chart folders, Medical Records, purchase, 373, 1201 Chartoff, J., fellowship, 1221 Charvat, Iris D., degree, 401, 1064 Chase, Carol J., degree, 1300 Chase, H., gift, 966 Chase, Mrs. Sherret S., member of Citizens Committee, 484 Chase Metal Service Division, purchase, 57 Chasin, D. G., degree, 1302 Chastain, J. J., degree, 209 Chatas Glass Co., purchase, 243 Chatman, D. G., appointment, 1083 resignation, 320 Chato, J. C, appointment, 1240 Chatterjea, P. K., degree, 612 Chau, C, degree, 613 Chaudhuri, N., degree, 1271 Chavez, J. D., appointment, 975 Chavez, R. L., degree, 1301 Check, Jill M., degree, 1305 Checksfield, J. W., certificate, 1024 Cheek, B. K., certificate, 934 Lheema, M. A., appointment, 82 Cheesbrough, L. R., certificate, 1099 Cheffer, Virginia A., degree, 1307 )F ILLINOIS 1381 Cheifetz, D. I., appointment, 79, 767, 884 Chelapati, C. V., degree, 209 Chelate compounds, study, contract, 380 Chelin, H. A., degree, 629 Chell, S. L. W., degree, 604 Chemers, M. M., degree, 1302 Chemetron Corp., National Cylinder Gas Division, purchase, 493 Chemical compounds, research, gift, 295, 957 Chemical Industries Council, gift, 289, 950 Chemical kinetics, research, contract, change, 245 Chemical mediators, research, gift, 309, 970 Chemical Rubber Co., purchase, 1038 Chemicals, General Chemical Stores, purchase, 54, 591, 787, 1258 Chemical solvents, General Chemical Stores, purchase, 787 Chemical stabilization of soils, research, contract, change, 192, 791 Chemistry, Chicago Undergraduate Division, department, established, 1187 Medical Center, appropriation, equipment, 488 balance reappropriated, 780 budget, summer session, 338, 1004 gift, research, Abbott Laboratories, 306 Borg-Warner Corp., 968 purchase, equipment, 375 laboratory supplies, 22 spectrophotonieter, 783 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, appropriation, equipment, 13, 238, 369, 536, 1153, 1192 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 remodeling, 13, 536, 1153 budget, summer session, 326, 989 departmental history, printing, 716 gift, assistantship, Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., 288 equipment, Packard Instrument Co., Inc., 304 fellowship, Abbott Laboratories, 287, 949 Allied Chemical Corp. 287, 949 American Cyanamid Co., 287 American Oil Co., 949 American Oil Foundation, 950 Chemical Industries Council, 950 Corning Glass Works Foundation, 950 Diamond Alkali Co., 950 Dow Chemical Co., 288, 950 Eastman Kodak Co., 288 Esso Research & Engineering Co., 288, 950 Ethyl Corp., 288, 950 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 288, 950 General Electric Foundation, 288, 950 Gillette Co., Toni Co., 289 Johnson & Johnson, 288 Lilly, E., & Co., 950 Lubrizol Corp., 951 Lubrizol Foundation, 288 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., 288, 951 Monsanto Chemical Co., 289, 951 Parke, Davis, & Co., 289, 951 Phillips Petroleum Co., 951 Procter & Gamble Co., 289, 951 Pullman Foundation, 289 Roche Anniversary Foundation, 951 Rohm & Haas Co., 289, 951 Shell Companies Foundation, Inc., 289, 951 Sinclair Research, Inc., 289 Smith, Kline, & French Laboratories, 951 Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., 289 Standard Oil Co. of California, 951 Stauffer Chemical Co., 289 Sun Oil Co., 289, 952 Toni Co., Gillette Co., 289 1382 BOARD 01 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, cont'd Union Carbide Corp., Union Carbide Plastics Co., 289, 952 Visking Co., 289, 952 Universal Match Corp., 290 Victor Chemical Co., Stauffer Chemical Division, 952 funds, American Cyanamid Co., 961 Corning Glass Works Foundation, 961 Dow Chemical Co., 954 Glidden Co., 962 Kettering, C. F., Foundation, 300, 962 Standard Oil Co. of California, 962 Universal Oil Products Co., 962 Upjohn Co., 963 grants-in-aid, Chemstrand Co., 961 Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., Inc., 954 Esso Research & Engineering Co., 955 research, American Chemical Society, 290, 952 American Cyanamid Co., 953 Columbia University, 292 Corn Industries Research Foundation, Inc., 293 Dow Corning Corp., 293 Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., Inc., 293 Hercules Powder Co., Inc., 294 Kettering, C. F., Foundation, 295 National Lead Co., 296 Titanium Division, 957 Sloan, A. P., Foundation, Inc., 297, 959 Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., 298, 959 Union Carbide Corp., 298, 959 Universal Oil Products Co., 959 Upjohn Co., 298 scholarship, Archer-Daniels-Midland Foundation, 284 Chemstrand Co., 946 Monsanto Chemical Co., 284 Consolidation Coal Co., 946 Kennecott Copper Corp., 285, 947 Monsanto Chemical Co., Chemstrand Co., 284 Standard Oil Co. of California, 948 Stauffer Chemical Co., Victor Chemical Works, 286 Universal Oil Products Co., 286, 948 Victor Chemical Works, Stauffer Chemical Co., 286 purchase, baffle, 23 cameras, 1014 centrifuge, 188, 493, 1122, 1204 chromatograph, 278, 374, 469, 1122, 1204 computer, 1036 detecting system, 54 dichograph, 1014 diffractometer, 100 dry box, 1204 electrophorator, 588 electrophoresis apparatus, 54 fermentor drive assembly, 163 frequency synthesizer, 495 generator, 349 glass distillation apparatus, 276 goniometer, 54, 864 instrumentation laboratories, 435, 469 lathe, 1159 liquid nitrogen traps, 23 microscope, 1256 monochromator, 278 oscilloscope, 495, 941 photosommateur, 242 polarimeter, 54 pulse height analyzer, 54 pumps, 23 radio frequency unit, 786 recorder, 435, 784, 1159 refrigerator, 278 regulator, 349 signal converter and generator, 1122 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, cont'd spectrochrome analyzer, 1037 spectrograph, 591, 862 spectrometer, 23, 100, 469, 1037, 1122, 1256 spectrophotometer, 188, 349, 351, 591 716, 787, 789, 912, 1014, 1159, 1204 spectrum analyzer, 1037 ultracentrifuge, 787 ultrasonic impact grinder, 1038 vacuum chamber, 591 x-ray cameras, 1256 x-ray equipment, 787, 864, 1014, 1122 x-ray generator and control, 1256 x-ray goniometer, 716 quarters in Harker Hall, remodeling, 369 Chemistry Annex, acoustical tile, installation contract, 595 air-handling units, purchase, 866 electric power service improvements, contract, 345 remodeling, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 86, 780 temperature control equipment, purchase 867 ventilation system, renovation, appropriation, 536 Chemistry Building, plans, funds, gift, 301 Chemotherapy, research, gift, 297, 309, 969 Chemstrand Co., gift, 284, 946, 961 Chen, F., degree, 1276 Chen, H., certificate, 1099 Chen, J., degree, 392 Chen, K., degree, 612 Chen, L., degree, 387 Chen, R. P., degree, 619 Chen, Shirley S., degree, 1267 Chen, Susan Y., degree, 1294 Chen, W., appointment, 1135 degree, 1059 Chen, W. P., fellowship, 511 Chen, Y., appointment, 649, 1324 degree, 391 Chenault, W. C., Jr., degree, 1291 Cheney, Patricia K., degree, 639 Cheng, C, appointment, 1216 Cheng, H., resignation, 45 Cheng, S., degree, 1268 Chenoweth, A. J., degree, 1072 Chenoweth, C. D., degree, 1072 Chenoweth, Mrs. Lynn I. W-, appointment, 252 resignation, 739 Chenoweth, Marscha J., degree, 1302 Chenoweth, R. G., degree, 644 Chern, Diana L., degree, 1314 Cherney, J. M., fellowship, 1221 Cherniawsky, K. R., degree, 839 Cherrington, B. E., fellowship, 41 Cherry, B. H., degree, 612 Cherry, C. W., certificate, 364 Cherry, K. J., degree, 152 Cherry, R. K., degree, 617 Chertow, Laurel S., degree, 630 Chesney, G. W., degree, 620, 1065 Chesney, L. R., Jr., leave of absence, 426 Chesrow, Giselle, degree, 398 Chessick, B. S., certificate, 364 Chester, D. C, certificate, 61 Chester, K. S., member of advisory committee, 5 Chests, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase, 594, 1124 Cheung, K. Y., degree, 612 Chew, T., degree, 839 Chhokar, B. §., degree, 144 Chiames, Athena P., degree, 1294 Chicago, city of, Chicago Circle, easement, water, sewer, and fire alarm system lines, 795 land, additional, purchase, 1092 lease, 572, 712, 868 Chicago, University of, gift, 293, 309, 970 UNIVERSITY ( Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc., Chicago Aerial Survey Division, contract, 348 Chicago and Cook County Tuberculosis Institute, gift, 968 Chicago Apparatus Co., purchase, 22, 188, 243, 278, 714 Chicago Blood Donor Service, purchase, 495 Chicago Board of Education, agreement, clini* cal training for licensed practical nurse program, 461 Chicago Board of Education Warehouse, electrical service, agreement, 93 Chicago Bridge and Iron Foundation, gift, 299, 954 Chicago Carpet & Fabric Co., purchase, 1125 Chicago Central National Bank Building, acquisition, 1092 contract, architectural services, 1152 electrical service, 1195 use, plans, 1093 Chicago Circle, architectural services, contract, Architecture Building, 1115 Central National Bank Building, 1152 classroom buildings, 1115 Library addition, 1115 Physical Education Building, 1115 Science and Engineering Laboratories addition, 1115 Science and Engineering Office Building, 1115 site development and coordinating services, 1114 architectural studies, funds, agreement with Illinois Building Authority, 1042, 1115 buildings, construction, contracts, 527 addition, 938 change, 532 names, 1264 business manager, 1152 classroom buildings, heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control, bidder's request for hearing, 726 Commonwealth Edison Co. substation, agreement, 467 concrete testing services, engineers, 97 cost consultants, employment, 1010 easement, electric lines, 795 gas lines, 795 telephone lines, 795 water, sewer, and fire alarm system lines, 795 heating plant, contract, electrical, 544 electrical service, 774 extension of time for execution or termination, 60, 264 gas service, 774 general, 543 painting, 1112 piping, 544 plumbing, 544 ventilating and air-conditioning systems, 544 heating plant addition, engineering services, contract, 1114 Hull House buildings, utilities services, contract, 1196 land, acquisition, contract with Chicago Land Clearance Commission, amendment, 467 additional, acquisition, 1092 easements, negotiations, authority, 467 lease of Congress Parkway area, 572 transfer to and from Commonwealth Edison Co., 794 landscaping, contract, 528 movable equipment, design services, contract, 272 name for undergraduate division in Chicago, approved, 1191 parking facilities, bonds, authorization, 544 sale, 544 OF ILLINOIS 1383 Chicago Circle, cont'd path scheduling, engineering services, contract, 492 purchase, chairs, 1253 classroom seating, 1261 drafting equipment, 1158, 1254 evaporator, 1158 examining room equipment, 1159 filing units, 1158 fire extinguishers, 1122 herbarium cases, 1158 laboratory furniture, 1158 ladders, 1254 lecture room seating, 1261 painting equipment, 1159 photographic equipment, 1203 pianos, 1158 refrigerators and freezers, 1203 shelving, 1158 smoker stands and cigarette urns, 1202 stage platforms, 1254 tables, 1262 trucks, 1254 waste receptacles, 1203 soil-bearing test service, contract, 714 telephone cable, rerouting, contract, 89 television and communications system, contract, addition, 1196 television distribution system, rental, 89 See also Chicago Undergraduate Division and Congress Circle. Chicago Community Trust, gift, 952, 971 Chicago Copper & Chemical Co., contract, 1127 Chicago Dental Assistants Association, gift, 310 Chicago Departments Committee, members, 1098 Chicago Dermatological Society, gift, 969 Chicago Doll Collectors Club, gift, 971 Chicago Dysautonomia Society, Inc., gift, 307, 969 Chicago Farmers, gift, 946 Chicago Federal Reserve Bank Employees, gift, 308, 969 Chicago Four-H Association, gift, 299, 956 Chicago Heart Association, gift, 308, 969 Chicago Hospital Supply Co., purchase, 242 Chicago Mini, printing, 715 Chicago Junior Women's Advertising Club, gift, 285, 947 Chicago Ladder & Scaffold Co., purchase, 1254 Chicago lake front, development, study, gift, 956 Chicago Land Clearance Commission, contract, amendment, 467 Chicago Paper Co., purchase, 350 Chicago Pipe & Boiler Covering Co., contract, 270 Chicago Precision Supply Corp., purchase, 1254 Chicago Retail Druggists' Association, gift, 967 Chicago Retail Druggists' Association Women's Organization, gift, 306, 967 Chicago Rotary Club Women, gift, 311, 972 Chicago Supply & Tool Co., purchase, 1203 Chicago Undergraduate Division, academic departments, established, 1187 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 88, 781 computer system, 182 equipment, 683, 709 remodeling, 683 assistant vice-president, appointment, 681 position established, 681 budget, summer session, 338, 1004 catalog, printing, 434, 1036 contract, linen service, 590 1384 BOARD OF Chicago Undergraduate Division, cont'd towel service, 493 fees, deposit requirement, 1007 installment payment plan, 341 hospital and medical service plan, change, Illini, printing, 715 lease, computer system, 53 Drill Hall, 868 facilities, 712 Navy Pier building, 868 name for new campus, change, 1191 petty cash fund, increase, 535 Profile, printing, 434 purchase, computer system, 714 file folders, 377, 1014 paper, 1014 paper supplies, 1013 relocation, site, acquisition, contract with Chicago Land Clearance Commission, amendment, 467 easements, negotiations, authority, 467 student handbooks, printing, 434 See also Chicago Circle and Congress Circle. Chicoine, E. H., Contractors, Inc., contract, 92 Chicorel, Mrs. Marietta, resignation, 45 Chidichimo, A. C., degree, 639 Chiengmai Hospital Faculty of Medicine, assistance and cooperation program, contract, 50, 103 purchases, policy, 187 Chierico, R. V., degree, 140 Chihara, C. S., appointment, 3 fellowship, 410 resignation, 521 Child development, budget, summer session, 327, 990 Child Development Building, Medical Center, steam service, contract, 1010 Child Development Laboratory, air conditioning, appropriation, 182 Childhood, intellectual development, research, contract, 789 Child-rearing practices, study, contract, 867 Children, brain impairment, conference, funds, gift, 961 educability of psycholinguistic functions, research, contract, change, 21 gifted, elementary and secondary school programs, development, contract, 498 research, contract, 1127, 1210 training programs for specialists working with, contract, 1162 interest and personality changes in relation to school performance, research, contract, change, 105 kinship systems and emotional disturbance, research, contract, 21 mentally handicapped, teacher education curriculum, revisions, 9 psychosomatic diseases, research, gift, 312 six- and seven-year olds, shaping logical behavior, research, contract, 1162 Children and Family Services, Department of, steam service, contract, 1009 Children's Research Center, closed circuit television facilities, contract, 1028 design, approved, 900 Children's Research Foundation, gift, 308, 969 Chiles, Diana K., degree, 834 Chiles, Janet S., degree, 1061 Chilton, W. S., degree, 874 Chin, Cecilia H., degree, 390 China, purchase. Central Food Stores, 1124 Illini Union, Urbana, 56 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 1124 Chinese classics collection, Library, Urbana, purchase, 279 Chinnov, I. V., appointment, 649 Chious, J. M., degree, 638 Chisenhall, R. L., degree, 620 Ch.isb.olm, J. C., Jr., appointment, 758 Chisholm, Janet R., degree, 626 Chiss, G. D., certificate, 746 degree, 634 Chitty, J. L., appointment, 71, 1216 Chiu, R., appointment, 252 Chiz, Mrs. Elsie, gift, 971 Chizek, C. F., certificate, 423 Chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds as insecticides, research, contract, change, 498, Chlorine residuals in water, research, contract, 474 change, 1040 Chmelina, J. J., degree, 1079 Cho, B., degree, 384 Cho, F. Y., degree, 613 fellowship, 926, 1086 Chobot, Gayle H., degree, 1311 Chobot, S. J., degree, 1309 Chochola, R. G., fellowship, 698, 926 Choi, D. W., degree, 142 Choi, Nellie C, degree, 629 Choisser, G. P., degree, 643 Cholesterol metabolism, research, gift, 295 956 Choma, S., Jr., degree, 388 Choquard, P., appointment, 936 Chordikian, F. K., degree, 641 Chou, L., degree, 1064 Chow, H>. K.., appointment, 649 Chow, Priscilla S., degree, 1287 Chow, W. L., appointment, 31, 333 Chrapliwy, P. S., degree, 1061 Christenholz, Carol M., degree, 626 Christensen, C. D., Jr., certificate, 1099 Christensen, H. L., Jr., degree, 1302 Christensen, J., Jr., degree, 615 fellowship, 130, 203 442, 698 cancellation, 739 Christensen, Jerene I., degree, 395 Christensen, Judith A., degree, 143 Christensen, Karen R., degree, 1305 Christian, J. R., appointment, 77, 764 Christian, J. W., appointment, 533, 650 Christian, Patricia G.. degree, 623 Christiansen, A. W., degree, 400 Christie, D. A., degree, 828 Christie Electric Corp., purchase, 57 Christman, P. J., degree, 1294 Christoe, C. W., degree, 1292 Christopher, Joan M., degree, 402 Christopher, Laura A., degree, 1279 Christopherson, E. H., appointment, 77, 765 Chroman, R. J., degree, 642, 1318 Chromatogram scanning system, Physiology and Biophysics, purchase, 1160 Chromatographs, purchase, Aeromedical Laboratory, 22 Agricultural Engineering, 1122 Agronomy, 784, 1037 Animal Science, 493 Biological Chemistry, 783 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 278, 374, 469, 1122, 1204 Entomology, 913 Food Science, 471, 496 Graduate College, 23 Medical Center, 589 Microbiology, Urbana, 914, 1124 Radiocarbon Laboratory, 23 Chromatography-radioactivity analysis system, Radiocarbon Laboratory: purchase, 866 Chromosomal abnormalities in mental retardation, study, contract, 244 Chroszy, W. R., Jr., certificate, 746 Chryssafopoulos, Hanka W. S., degree, 1059 Chu, Ching-Lan, degree, 1287 Chu, Chih-Yu, appointment, 111 UNIVERSITY Chu, E., degree, 139 fhu G. C, appointment, 533 resignation, 739 chu K. M. P., degree, 1302 rhu S., appointment, 1216 Chua, L- O., fellowship, 511, 1086, 1221 resignation, 929 Chuang, K-, degree, 209 resignation, 320 Chuang, T. H., degree, 612 Chukerman Paper Co., purchase, 1013 Chung, P., appointment, 1103 Chung-Bin, A., appointment, 81, 769 Church, H. L., degree, 637 Church, R. W., degree, 1076 Churchich, J. E., appointment, 196, 252, 921, 1324 Church Street Building Corp., lease, 790 Churchwell, C. D., appointment, 1217 Cliurchwell, Mrs. Yvonne R., appointment, 111, 802 Chuse, Jean M., degree, 1307 Chval, Marylee, degree, 633 Chvatal, D. P., degree, 1279 Chynoweth, Grace L., degree, 615 Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., gift, 292 Ciboch, Lorraine, member of advisory council, 1240 Cicenas, Zinnia, appointment, 314, 695 declination, 320 resignation, 443 Ciesinski, R. J., degree, 395 Cicsla, R. W., degree, 620 Cieslak, R. H., degree, 1072 Cieslewicz, N. W., degree, 144 Cigarette urns, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1202 Cihak, F. J., degree, 397 Ciiiates, irradiated, study, contract, change, 587 Gilo, A. R., degree, 831 Cimo, E. A., Jr., degree, 147 Cinch Manufacturing Co., purchase, 470, 1123 Cincinnati Floor Co., purchase, 190 Cini, D. A., degree, 623 Cione, Jean S., degree, 145 Ciotola, Sandra R., degree, 646 Ciplijauskaite, D., appointment, 111 Cipolla, A. F., appointment, 66, 753 Cipriano, F. J., degree, 1319 Circuit boards, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 436 Circuit breakers, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 786 Circulation, research, gift, 308, 969 Cirese, R. C, degree, 609 Cirone, S. M., degree, 131S Cirzan, J. L., appointment, 69, 756 Ciskoski, R. J., degree, 644 Cisneros, O. L., appointment, 765 Cissna Park Dairy Equipment, purchase, 470 Cities and Villages Municipal Problems Commission, gift, 303, 965 Cities Service Oil Co., purchase, 595 Citizens Committee, associate director, appointment, 752 members, appointment, 484 Citron, S. R., degree, 635 City Planning and Landscape Architecture, appropriation, equipment, balance reappro- priated, 86 remodeling, 709, 1153 budget, summer session, 990 curricula, landscape architecture, degree name changed, 709 revision, 709. urban planning, name, 907 revisions, 907 department name, change, 907 gift, research, Lawrenceville Garden Club, 295 Ryerson fellowships, appointment, 478, 1220 See also Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture. 3F ILLINOIS 1385 Civil Defense Office, design and modification of public garages to meet emergency requirements for public shelters, contract, 1016 fallout shelter analysis and design, course, contract, 586 gift, 302, 965 Civil defense training, contract, 720 Civil Engineering, appropriation, equipment, 369, 430, 487, 918, 1191 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 remodeling, 488, 536, 918 testing machine, 238 balance reappropriated, 779 budget, summer session, 327, 990 gift, assistantship, Chicago Bridge & Iron Foundation, 299 equipment, Union Carbide Corp., 304 fellowship, Automotive Safety Foundation, 288, 950 Gregory Industries, Inc., 288 Raymond Concrete Pile Co., 289 funds, anonymous donor, 945 Benesch, A., & Co., 299 Keuffer & Essel Co., 962 research, Association of American Railroads, 292 Burrill Construction & Supply, 298, 960 Caterpillar Tractor Co., 292, 954 Commonwealth Edison Co., 960 Connecticut Light & Power Co., 298, 960 Corson, G. and W. H., 298, 960 Engineering Foundation, 293 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., 954 Gregory Industries, Inc., 294 National Lime Association, 298, 960 National Steel Corp., 296, 958 PhiladelDhia Electric Co., 298 Portland Cement Association, 297, 958 Poz-O-Pac Co. of America, 960 Fozzolan Products Co., Inc., 960 Reinforced Concrete Research Council, 297, 958 Welding Research Council, 299 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., 960 research assistantship, Chicago Bridge and Iron Foundation, 954 scholarship, Alcoa Foundation, 283, 945 purchase, amplifier modules, 242 camera, 100 carrier system, 784 computer, 242 constant temperature room, 864, 1157 dynamic load generator parts, 1204, 1256 flaw detector, 913 freeze-thaw unit, 588 interval timer, 940 mixer, 1159 oscillograph, 242 oscilloscope, 100 recording system, 242 shock absorbers, 913 steel plates, 242 stereocomparator, 1159 stereoscope folding mirrors, 588 stereoscopic point transfer device, 350 surveying instruments, 100 testing machine, 54 traffic monitoring camera system, 54 traffic movement recording assembly, 54 universal testing machine, 469 Civil Engineering Building, architectural and engineering services, contract, 185 construction, contract, electrical, 1120 general, 1120 heating and air conditioning, 1120 laboratory equipment, 1120 plumbing, 1120 temperature control, 1120 1386 BOARD OF Civil Engineering Building, cont'd ventilating, 1120 funds, agreement with Illinois Building Authority, 1042 lease with Illinois Building Authority, 1115 land, acquisition, 448, 451, 481, 669 condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 703, 844 authorization, 449, 481, 524 purchase, 525, 844 transfer to Illinois Building Authority, 1118, 1165 storm and water main extension, engineering services, contract, 853 storm sewer diversion, contract, 1113 utilities on site, rerouting, agreement, 685 Civil Engineering Hall, air conditioning, appropriation, 369 balance reappropriated, 779 remodeling, appropriation, 369 balance reappropriated, 779 sprinkler system, contract, 1009 Civil rights problem, letter from President of the United States, 726 Civil technology, post high school curriculum guide, preparation, contract, 474 Cizowski, R., appointment, 31, 314 Claassen, Betty A,, degree, 626 Claassen, Mary A., degree, 632 Claassen, Naomi K., degree, 826 Clabaugh, C. W., guest at luncheon, 900 Claggett, W. S., appointment, 884 degree, 631 Clairol, Inc., Research Laboratories, gift, 308 Clams, Veterinary Medicine, purchase, 785, 941 Clancy, J. W., degree, 623 Clancy Construction Co., contract, 936, 1113 Ciapper, Carol L., degree, 842 Clapper, L. D., degree, 623 Clapper, L. N., degree, 1310 Clarage, J. B., degree, 404 Clarey, P. T., degree, 403 Clark, Alice G., degree, 143 Clark, Mrs. Ardath M., appointment, 252 declination, 820 Clark, Barbara A., degree, 404 Clark, Barbara B., degree, 1278 Clark, Carole P., degree, 633 Clark, Dorothy D., degree, 834 Clark, Dorothy E., appointment, 31 leave of absence, 1107 Clark, F. M., appointment, 998 Clark, G. L., degree, 631 Clark, H. E., degree, 628 Clark, H. G., degree, 839 Clark, H. H., degree, 1315 Clark. H. J., degree, 1061 fellowship, 657 Clark, J. E., degree, 143 Clark, J. G., appointment, 71, 757 Clark, J. L., degree, 637 Clark, J. M., Jr., appointment, 252 leave of absence, 1108 Clark, J. W., appointment, 80, 768 Clark, Janet A., degree, 606 Clark, K. N., degree, 1312 Clark. L. p., degree, 877 fellowship, 511 Clark, L. W.. degree, 395 fellowship, 816 Clark, Lucie \V., degree, 606 Clark, M. E., appointment, 337 Clark, Mary M., degree, 619 Clark, R. R., degree, 629 Clark, R. T., certificate, 61 Clark, R. W., degree, 140 Clark, S. A., degree, 1291 Clark, Shirley A., appointment, 252, 802 Clark. T. A., Memorial Scholarship, funds, gift, 946 TRUSTEES Clark, T. D., degree, 391 Clark, Thomas Wayne, degree, 618 Clark, Thomas William, degree, 644 Clark, Valmai R.., appointment, 406 degree, 390 Clark, W. A. V., degree, 1269 fellowship, 511 Clark, W. H., degree, 629 Clark, W. R., fellowship, 1019 Clark, Daily, Dietz, & Associates, engineering services, contract, central trash disposal depot, 241 Oak Street paying, 241 parking facilities, 96, 241 parking lots, 1152 Clarke, D. A., degree, 1277 Clarke, G. B., degree, 385 fellowship, 203 Clarke, J. C, appointment, 750, 993 Clarke, K. S., appointment, 111 degree, 877 Clarke, R. B., fellowship, 41, 735 Clarke, R. G., appointment, 1324 Clarke. R. W., appointment, 988, 1324 resignation, 443 Clarkson, D. M., degree, 605 Clasen, R. A., appointment, 76, 764 Classics, budget, summer session, 327, 990 major and minor requirements, revision 368 Class of 1911, gift, 303 Classroom buildings, Chicago Circle, architectural services, contract, 1115 construction, contract, electrical, 528 general, 527 heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control systems, 528 bidder's request for hearing, 726 plumbing, 528 ventilating, 528 language laboratory equipment, purchase, 1125 lecterns, purchase, 1254 names, 1265 Classroom furniture, Education, purchase, 1123 Classrooms, lighting improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 779 remodeling and rehabilitation, appropriation. 369 Clausen, E. M., appointment, 111 degree, 388 resignation, 412 Clausing, A. M., appointment, 196, 884 degree, 876 Clay, W., appointment, 70, 757 Clayberg, L. A., degree, 145 Clavman, Sandra D., degree, 628 Clayton, G. T., appointment, 1217 Clayton, L. S., fellowship, 511, 1333 Cleary, E. W., appointment, 996 leave of absence, 899 member of Future Programs Study Com mittee, apppreciation, 353 Cleary, Theresa A., fellowship, 130 Cleaver, G. N.. degree, 623 Cleft Palate Clinic, purchase, cephalometer, 1157 Cleghorn, M, A., degree, 393 Clem, J. R., fellowship, 5n, 1221 Clem, Louise L., degree, 615 Clemencon, H., appointment, 1083 Clement, H. W., elected President of Board, 420. 1096 ex ofHcio assignment, 480 signature, delegation, 422, 1097 State Board of Higher Education representative, 1098 statement, article concerning federal government written by faculty member, 1044 Clement, Nancy T., degree, 216 Clements, Doris B., degree, 147 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1387 flements, J. R., degree, 607 Clements, W. G., degree, 1307 riendenen, R. L., degree, 1276 fellowship, 511, 1221 Cleveland, C. Lorainne K., degree, 147 Cleveland, Louise H., degree, 842 Clevenger, I. Carol, appointment, 1083 Clevenger, J. H., Jr., appointment, 73, 761 Clevite Corp., Brush Instruments Division, purchase, 714 Clickener, J. R., degree 1074 Clickener, Patricia A., degree, 1289 Clifford, j. J., appointment, 650, 1168 Climax Molybdenum Co., gift, 292 Chne, C. H., degree, 609 ("line, Kathleen J., degree, 639 Cline, M. L., degree, 1293 Clinical faculty, Medicine, 65, 752 Clinical Research Center, purchase, ammo acid analyzer, 99 beds, 434 inner rooms, 495 photometer, 783 spectrophotofluorometer, 863 spectrophotometer, 163 Clinical training, licensed practical nurse program, agreement, 461 Clinics, Research and Educational Hospitals, appropriation, furniture and equipment, balance reappropriated, 781 purchase, equipment, 22 furniture, 22 Clinton, Anna M., degree, 393 Clocks, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 588 Clopton, R. \V., appointment, 1324 Clothing Sales Store, Chanute Air Force Base, purchase, 56, 717, 1161 Cloud, M., degree, 403 Clow, R. S., certificate, 1099 Cluff, L. E., appointment, 4 Coal, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 590, 597 research, contract, 474 Coat and hat racks, Assembly Hall, purchase, 350 Coates, D. E., fellowship, 41 Coates, D. R., appointment, 331 Coates, F. C, degree, 146 Coat hooks, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Coatings Application Corp., purchase, 783 Coats, D. W., degree, 1315 Coats, Sharon E., degree, 1081 Cobb, A. C, appointment, 1005 Cobb, Fern, degree, 633 Cobb, J. A., degree, 144 Cohitz, R. A., certificate, 61 Coburn, M. B., degree, 1319 Coburn, R. K., degree, 878 Cocagne, C. J., degree, 1290 Cocagne, J. M., degree, 1318 Cocalas, J. A., certificate, 364 Cochran, D. E., degree, 618 Cochran, G. A., Jr., degree, 1319 Cockfield, D. \V., degree, 637 Cockrell, Beverly Y., degree, 640 Cocks, E. A., degree, 1315 Coddington, Mrs. Bertha M., appointment, 802 declination, 820 Coen, R. L., degree, 841 Cofer, L. W., degree, 827 Cofer, T. N., Jr., degcee, 400 Coffey, R. E., degree, 873 Coffey, Rosemary A., degree, 213 Coffey, W. C, appointment, 506 Coffman, Sharon B., degree, 1315 Cogan, Barbara G., degree, 833 Coggeshall, C, appointment, 68, 755 Coghill, H. T., Jr., degree, 631 Coghlan, G. D., degree, 1080 Cohen, A. I., degree, 399 Cohen, A. M., degree, 1302 Cohen, Charlene P., degree, 1302 Cohen, D. H., degree, 1294 Cohen, D. M., degree, 1306 Cohen, E. H., degree, 1080 Cohen, G., appointment, 1217 Cohen, H. R., degree, 623 Cohen, J. A., degree, 1067 Cohen, Jerome B., degree, 397 Cohen, Jozef B., appointment, 336, 1001 resignation, 1340 Cohen, J. H., certificate, 364 Cohen, L. I., appointment, 71 Cohen, L. J., degree, 1074 Cohen, L. S., appointment, 1135 degree, 1267 Cohen, M. D., certificate, 1099 Cohen, M. J., degree, 643 Cohen, M. L., degree, 1311 Cohen, M. M., appointment, 680 Cohen, M. N., degree, 622 Cohen, Marsha S., degree, 398 Cohen, Maxine L., degree, 623 Cohen, Nancy E., degree, 623 Cohen, Paul S., degree, 832 Cohen, Phyllis S., degree, 843 Cohen, R. B., certificate, 746 Cohen, S. H., certificate, 1099 Cohen, S. I., degree, 644 Cohen, S. L., degree, 400 Cohen, W. J., degree, 643 Cohenour, Cynthia L., degree, 402, 1284 Cohler, A. J., degree, 1074 Cohn, A. M., degree, 644 Cohn, A. R., degree, 646 Cohn, H., gift, 311 Cohn, L. M., certificate, 746 Cohn, R. G-, appointment, 332 Cohn, Z. M., degree, 1294 Coic, A. L., degree, 623 Coin, Carol A., degree, 1284 Coincidence system, purchase, Nuclear Engineering, 784 Physics, Urbana, 57 Colacurcio, M. J., Jr., appointment, 111 degree, 875 Colandrea, M. A., degree, 1319 Colbert, T. A., degree, 1286 Colburn, S., degree, 397, 1281 Colby, F. V., degree, 644 Colclasure, C. R., degree, 834 Colclasure, W. H., II, degree, 1305 Cold, transmission under controller conditions, research, contract, 586 Coldwater system, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, 15 Cole, D. E., appointment, 1135 degree, 646 Cole, E. R., appointment, 1185 Cole, II. C, appointment, 330, 802 fellowship, 1171 Cole, H. R., Jr., degree, 140 Cole, Jane, degree, 147 Cole, R. A., degree, 1073 Cole, R. B., certificate, 324 Cole, R. E., degree, 213 fellowship, 816, 1221 Cole, S. J., certificate, 61 Cole, W. H., gift, 969, 972 Cole, W. H., Society, gift, 305, 967 Cole, W. R., degree, 618, 1284 fellowship, 511 Coleberd, R. E., Jr., degree, 875 Cole Electric Co., contract, 91 Coleman, D. C, degree, 631 Coleman, H., degree, 834 Coleman, H. M., appointment, 111 Coleman, J. F., degree, 388 1388 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Coleman, Lynne, degree, 623 Coleman, P. D., appointment, 31, 1324 leave of absence, 136 Coleman, P. Y., appointment, 884 degree, 1059 Coleman, R. D,, appointment, 66, 753 Coleman, R. W., appointment, 367 report, state of College of Business Administration, 1021 Coleman & Associates, purchase, 26, 373, 597, 940, 1125 Cole Trust Fund, investment, 246 Coletta, J. T., degree, 1071 College qualification tests, Admissions and Records, purchase, 276 Colleges, general education, basic course sequences to be established, 268 graduation requirement, 268 Collegiate Cap & Gown Co., academic costumes, rental, 1126 purchase, 434 Collens, L. M., certificate, 61 degree, 826 Colleran, G. T., certificate, 746 Collier, C. P., degree, 1273 fellowship, 658, 1086, 1333 Collier, J. R., degree, 214 Collier, Marguerite E., degree, 1289 Collier, W. C., degree, 147 Collin, Elinor E., resignation, 133 Collins, Arnetta R., fellowship, 1221 Collins, Constance L., degree, 633 Collins, D. M., degree, 156, 639 Collins, G. W., degree, 396 Collins, J. F., degree, 398 Collins, J. J., degree, 639 Collins, J. L., lease, 104 Collins, Jacquelin degree, 1060 Collins, Kathleen H., degree, 1294 Collins, Kathryn J., degree, 881 Collins, P. A., degree, 644 Collins, Samuel P., Jr., degree, 608 Collins, Steven P., degree, 1317 Collins, W. E., degree, 621 Collins, W. R., retirement, 208 Collins Radio Co., gift, 288, 303, 950 purchase, 912 Collmeyer, A. J., degree, 620, 1278 Collopy, R. K., degree, 1312 Colombo, R. A., degree, 1293 Colonial Hospital Supply Co., purchase, 1256 Colonial Press, Inc., purchase, 471 Colsman, Donna L., appointment, 884 Colson, Virginia L., degree, 607 Coltman, J. E., degree 646 Columbia Dentoform Corp., purchase, 1037 Columbia Envelope Co., purchase, 1013 Columbian Enameling & Stamping Co., Inc., gift, 946 Columbia University, gift, 292 Colver, G. M., degree, 1066 Colwell, J. A., degree, 838 Colwell, R. J., appointment, 999 declination, 1141 Colwell, R. R., degree, 1078 Coman, E. J., Jr., certificate, 1099 Comber, F. J., degree, 637 Combes, Jane A., degree, 154 Comfort, T. H., appointment, 74 Comiskey, Carol A., degree, 638 Comito, J. N., appointment, 76, 763 Comley, R. E., degree, 611 Commencement, academic costumes, rental, 434 Commencement Committee, academic costumes, rental, 1126 Commerce and Business Administration, College of, appropriation, balance reappro- priated, 85, 86, 778 computer system, 1008 curriculum, general, revisions, 7 degrees conferred, 154, 217, 402, 634, 842, 882, 1079, 1309 Commerce and Business Administration, cont'd gift, fellowship, Ford Foundation, 950 General Electric Foundation, 950 scholarship, First Federal Savings & Loan Association, 946 Illinois Farm Supply Co., 947 Perine Development Corp., 286 lease of office space, 707-709 South Wriirhi Street, 868 " purchase, lounge furniture, 1256 Commerce and Business Administration Building, contract, landscaping, 1027 parking facilities, construction, 1193 sanitary sewer, construction, 370 utilities distribution system, extension 431 purchase, carpet, 1159 chairs, 1203, 1259 lounge furniture, 1256 office furniture, 1204 Commercial National Bank of Peoria, lease 790 Commercial Solvents Corp., gift, 292, 954 Committees, advisory, Agriculture, 5, 680 Extension Division, 237, 749 Labor and Industrial Relations, 353, 1024 Physical Education, 1024 Research on Exceptional Children, 850 Veterinary Medicine, 484, 706 Board, appointment of T. A. Jones, 986 executive, election, 421, 1096 standing, 1097 appointment deferred, 480 Citizens, 484 University, future programs, report, 352 Commonwealth Edison Co., contract, 774 change, 105 easement, Congress Circle, 795 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, 919 electrical service, Central National Bank Building at Chicago Circle, 1195 Laundry Building and Chicago Board of Education Warehouse, 93 Medical Center, 183 gift, 294, 300, 301, 956, 960 land, transfer to and from, 794 Vernon Park Substation, screening wall, 467 Commonwealth Foundation, gift, 969 Commonwealth Fund, gift, 310, 971 Communications media, use in education, study, contract, 103 Communications Research, Institute for, gift, assistantship, American Psychological Association, 961 funds, Osborn, E., 297 Wenner-Green Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., 963 research, American Psychological Association, 291 Human Ecology Fund, 294 Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, 959 Communication system, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 781 Community decision-making and change, study, contract, 474 Community Development, gift, research, Ford Foundation, 293, 955 Community Planning, Bureau of, gift, funds, Resources for the Future, Inc., 297 Community Publications, Inc., purchase, 7" Companion Shepherd Dog Club, gift, 946 Comparative Laboratory, furnishings and equipment, appropriation, 238 Comparator, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 1205 Complex variables, study, contract, 720 Composing machine. School Mathematics, purchase, 593 Composite materials, modes of fracture, study, contract, 1128 UNIVERSITY : $pDomposition major, music curriculum, revisions, 9 Cnmoounds, research, contract, 720 C0 P change, 1210 Comprehensive Servic Corp., purchase, 350 fompton, M. E., appointment, 196, 884 Comptroller, election, 420, 1096 reports, contracts, 21, 103, 191, 244, 282, 351, 380, 437, 474, 498, 586, 692, 719 789, 867, 915, 943, 1015, 1040, 1127, 1162, 1210, 1260 investments, 247, 378, 472, 722, 793, 870, 916, 944, 1016, 1130, 1164, 1214, 1262 quarterly, 106, 380, 498, 793, 915, 1039, 1211 Computers, appropriation, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, balance reappro-priated, 86 purchase, Agricultural Engineering, 435 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1036 Civil Engineering, 242 Electrical Engineering, 243 Nuclear Engineering, 434 Physiology and Biophysics, 1124 research, contract, 104 change, 1041 Computer components, design and development, contract, change, 283, 438, 944 Computer Division, Bendix Corp., purchase, 24, 189 Computer equipment, purchase, Electrical Engineering, 1205 Physics, Urbana, 1205 Computer Measurements Co., purchase, 941, 1038, 1257 Computer oriented education, funds, gift, 300 Computer program, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 781 Computer service, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 243 Computer system, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, 182 lease, 53 purchase, 714 Commerce and Business Administration, appropriation, 1008 Electrical Engineering, purchase, change, 374 Computer time, Library, rental, 863 Conable, W. G., Jr., degree, 1294 Conant, R. C, appointment, 992 degree, 389 Conatser, C. W., fellowship, 1333 Conaway, C. C, fellowship, 926 resignation, 1020 Concrete, purchase. Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 596, 942, 1209 research, contract, 282, 789 change, 193, 381, 438, 792 gift, 291, 297, 953, 958 Concrete testing services, Chicago Circle, engineers, contract, 97 Conde, D. F.. degree, 1066 Condit, Polly, degree, 623 Condon, A. C, appointment, 1003 Condon, Mary E., degree, 1294 Condon, R. J., degree, 618 Condon, R. L., degree, 829 Condos, Paulette I., degree, 1307 Cone, E. J., degree, 628 Cone, Judith, K., degree, 637 Cone, R. D., degree, 1069 Coney, Mary E., degree, 623 Congenital defects, research, gift, 970 Conger, A. J., fellowship, 735 Congress Circle, name changed to Chicago Circle, 1191 Congress Parkway area, lease, 572 Conigilo, B. L., Jr., degree, 644 Conklin, K. R., degree, 153, 1283 OF ILLINOIS 1389 Connally, E. A., leave of absence, 47 Connely, M. J., degree, 1302 Connecticut Light & Power Co., gift, 298, 960 Connector frames, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 278 Connectors, purchase, Digital Computer Laboratory, 53, 374, 470, 591, 941, 1038, 1123 Electrical Engineering, 23 Conner, G. H., appointment, 75 Conner, Lucy B., degree, 1300 Conner, W. V., decree, 615 Connick, L., appointment, declination, 133 Connolly, D. A., degree, 620 Connolly, D. L., degree, 1071 Connolly, J. M., certificate, 532 Connor, Diane T., degree, 1294 Connor, G. C, Jr., degree, 834 Connor, W. H., degree, 1076 Conoscenti, V. P., degree, 1291 Conrad, H. E., fellowship, 130 Conrad, J. R., degree, 1274 Conron, M. A., appointment, 111 Conrow, Margaret M., degree, 210 Conroy, B. J., degree, 638 Conroy, J. A., degree, 646 Conroy, J. H., degree, 1294 Considine, R. H., appointment, 1135 Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., gift, 292 purchase, 242, 243, 593, 784, 1038 Consolidated Vacuum Corp., purchase, 865 Consolidated Coal Co., gift, 284, 946 Constant temperature room, Civil Engineering, purchase, 1157 Construction funds, investment. 247, 378, 473, 723, 725, 793, 870, 917, 944, 1017, 1041, 1130, 1164, 1214 Consumer behavior, study, contract, 104 gift. 293 Consumers Construction Co., contract, 92 addition, 274 Consumers Roofing & Insulating Co., contract, 1194 Container Corp. of America, gift, 292 Continental Assurance Co., contract, 1247 staff annuity program, approved, 1214 Continental Can Co., gift, 299, 961, 966 Continental Grain Foundation, gift, 284 Continental Oil Co., gift, 288, 950 Contorer, Betty R.. degree, 155 Contractors Trading & Equipment Corp., purchase. 1200 Contracts, Assembly Hall events, authority to execute, 430 award, subject to appropriation bills becoming laws, 678 Comptroller's report, 21, 103, 191, 244, 282 351, 380, 437, 474, 498, 586, 692, 719, 789, 867, 915, 943, 1015, 1040, 1127, 1162, 1210, 1260 renewal of leases, policy, 572 Abbot, B. R., Construction Co., 270, 271 A C Co., 911 Ace Sprinkler Co., 1009 Adams, \Y\, Engineers, Tnc, 269, 431 Agency for International Development, 50, 103, 380, 681, 867, 1210 change. 352, 381, 438, 869, 943, 1040 Agricultural Chemicals division, change, 498, 1129 Air Force, 21, 103. 191, 282, 351, 380, 474, 586, 692, 720, 789, 915, 943, 1015, 1040, 1127, 1162, 1210, 1260 change, 21, 105, 193, 245, 283, 351, 352, 381, 475, 587, 721, 792, 869, 916, 943, 1016, 1129, 1163, 1211, 1260 Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Co., 475, 1040, 1162, 1260 extension of time for execution or termination, 264 Alt, W. S.. & Son, 1112 American Cyanamid Co., change, 191, 721 American Dairy Association, 21 1390 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Contracts, cont'd American Gas Association, change, 791 American Iron & Steel Institute, 282 change, 105 American Red Cross, Chicago Chapter, 491 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 21 change, 191, 721 American Steel & Wire Division, change, 192 Amstead Research Laboratories, change, 105, 868 Anderson & Litwac Co., 52, 464 Army, 21, 103, 191, 351, 380, 437, 474, 498, 586, 692, 720, 789, 867, 915, 943, 1040, 1162, 1210, 1260 change, 21, 105, 193, 245, 283, 352, 381, 438, 475, 498, 587, 693, 721, 792, 916, 1040, 1129, 1163, 1211, 1260 Art-O-Lite Co., Inc., 229 Ashland Construction Co., 432, 910 Ashland Plumbing & Heating Co., 15, 269, 271, 432, 464, 911, 1154, 1250 Associated Engineers, Inc., 371 Association of American Railroads, change, 693 Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, 1127 Atomic Energy Commission, 21, 103, 437, 474, 692, 720, 1040, 1127 change, 21, 22, 105, 245, 283, 352, 381, 475, 498, 587, 693, 721, 916, 943, 1016, 1040, 1041, 1129, 1211, 1260 extension, 250 increase, request, 713 Atomic Support Agency, 1015 Babcock & Wilcox Research Center, 943 Bailey & Himes, Inc., 776 Bartholomew, Harland, & Associates, 18 Battlecreek Equipment Co., change, 438 Bauman, C. P., & Son, 537 Bellis, F. S., 528, 572 addition, 1196 Bellis & Miller. Inc., 489, 1249 Bendix Corp., change, 192, 869 Benson, R., Inc., 543 Berger-Kelley-Unteed & Associates, 492 Beyle, T. L., 104 Bishop, R. H., Co., 16, 59, 229, 346, 537, 538, 539, 854, 1057, 1192 Blaw-Knox Co., Power Piping Division, 17 Bloomer Heating & Ventilating Co., settlement, 463 Borg, Inc., 229, 857 Brand Insulations, Inc., 14 Bray Landscape Service, 371 Bridges, W., 371 Brown, Manthei, Davis, & Mullins, 20, 492 addition, 185 Browne-Morse Co., 14, 92, 240, 270, 465 Brunkow Electric Co., 346, 537, 854, 909, 1249 Burdick Plumbing & Heating Co., 346, 710 Byness, Inc., 92, 240 C & H Electrical Co., 184 addition, 433 Carroll-Henneman & Associates, 1114 Case, J. I., Co., 380 Casserly Construction Co., 273 Century Equipment Co., 229, 271 Champaign Asphalt Co., 59, 162, 1193 Champaign County State's Attorney, 693, 1128 Champaign-Urbana City Lines, Inc., 13, 710 extension, 909 Chapman & Cutler, 712 Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc., Chicago Aerial Survey Division, 348 Chicago, city of, 572, 712, 868 Chicago Copper & Chemical Co., 1127 Chicago Land Clearance Commission, amendment, 467 Contracts, cont'd Chicago Pipe & Boiler Covering Co., 270 Chicoine, E. H., Contractors, Inc., '92 Children and Family Services Department Church Street Building Corp., 790 Civil Defense Office, 1016 Clancy Construction Co., 926, 1113 Clark, Daily, Dietz, & Associates, 96, 241 Clark, Dietz, Painter, & Associates 1152 Cole Electric Co., 91 Collins, J. L., 104 Commercial National Bank of Peoria, 790 Commonwealth Edison Co., 93, 183 7U 1195 ' ' change, 105 Consumers Construction Co., 92 addition, 274 Consumers Roofing & Insulating Co., 1194 Continental Assurance Co., 1247 Corboy, M. J., Corp., 572 Corite-Reynolds Corp., 270 Corson, G. and W. H., Inc.. 191 Creamer, Mrs. Eunice C, 868 Crome Associates, Inc., 1154 Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association change, 475, 1163 Cross Construction, Inc., 370, 431, 541 Crown Temperature Engineers, Inc., 911 Culberg Asbestos & Cork Co., 91, 857 Cunningham, N. M., 868 Cutler, L., Plumbing & Heating Co 240 271 Dairy Industries Supply Association, Inc 191 Dawe's Laboratories, Inc., change, 791 Dearborn Plumbing & Heating Service, Inc., 90 Deere, J., Co., 282, 381, 438, 1040, 1162. 1210 DeKalb County State's Attorney, 104, 915 Divane Brothers Electric Co., 240, 272 Dixon National Bank, 868 Dotten, H. J., 1010 Douglas County State's Attorney, 867 Downtown Electric, 16, 344, 489, 538, 857, 1120 Drewitch, E. T., adjustment, 22, 106, 245. 283 Duggan-Karasik Construction Co., 269 Duralab Equipment Corp., 1120, 1250 Economy Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.. 528, 857, 1120 settlement, 463 Edison Electric Institute, 191 Engineering Foundation, change, 587, 1211 English Brothers Co., 489, 857, 908. 1153 Epstein, A., & Sons, Inc., 185, 908 Evans, D., Co., 183, 540, 693, 1249 Eversman Manufacturing Co., 282, 1040 Ewing Plumbing, Inc., 240, 528 Farm Equipment Sales Co., 1040 Federal Housing Administration, 21 change, 1261 Federal Life Insurance Co., 689 Felmley-Dickerson Co., 58 addition, 19, 95, 347, 353, 777, 938, 1011 change, 52 Fettes, Love, & Sieben, Inc., 270, 490 Filberth, G. W. and Mattie L., 790 Fischbach, Moore, & Morrissey, Inc., 528. 544 Fisher, H. F., 95 adjustment, 283, 352. 381, 438, 475, 498. 587, 693, 721, 792, 869 Flood, W. H., & Co., 97 Floor Products Co., extension of time for execution or termination, 264 FMC Corp., change, 1210 Foundation, University, 855, 868, 1128 Francis, B., Plumbing & Heating Co., 684 Frazier, Raftery, Orr, & Fairbank, 492 Friedman, Alschuler, & Sincere, 241 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1391 Contracts, cont'd Fries-Walters Co., 15, 270, 542, 911, 1154 Fugard, Hurt, Wilkinson, & Orth, 185, 853, 1010, 1152 Gage Park Heating Co., Inc., 528 Gallaher & Speck, 936 Gallivan, Kathleen F., 868 General Electric Co., termination, 264 General Insulation, Inc., 229, 1057 General Paving Co., Inc., 466 change, 51 Gordon, R., Inc., 541, 774 Grace, W. R., & Co., 1162 Graham, Anderson, Probst, & White, Inc., addition, 433 Graman, T. A., 96 Gregerson, A. N. and Beatrice E., 868 Griffin Wheel Co., change, 192, 869 Grimmett, G. S., & Co., 537, 1250 adjustment, 869, 916, 944, 1016, 1041, 1129, 1163, 1211, 1261 Grundstrom, F., Landscaping Co., 528 Hammond Lead Products Co., 1127 Hanley, T. F., Corp., 90, 91, 92, 464 extension of time for execution or termination, 264 Harrison & Ahramovitz, 1131 Hascek-Melville Corp., 465 HatHeld Electric Co., 344 Healy Plumbing & Heating Co., 59, 538. 539, 854 Hedmark Heating Co., Inc., 684 Hedmark Sheet Metal Co., Inc., 1250 Heffernan, J., 437 Heller Construction Co., Inc., 271, 1250 Henriksen, C. O., Co., 1028, 1194 Henry Nurseries, 17, 370 Ilich Engineering Corp., 1194 Hitchins Roofing Co., 345. 1193 Hoffman Electric Co., 572 addition, 1196 Hoffman-LaRoche. Inc., 244 Holleran, M. J., Inc., 184 Hollett. M. E., adjustment. 22 Homewood Park District, 474 Hovey. C. J., Jr.. 790 Hurlhert, V. W., 790 Hyrc Electric Co., 543 Ice Capades, Inc., 1128 Ideal Heating Co., 16. 52. 1120 Illinois Archaeological Survey, change, 587, 791. 943 Illinois Hell Telephone Co., 89, 1028, 1197 Illinois Power Co., 1028 Illinois State Department of Agriculture, 1162 Illinois State Department of Conservation, 1162 change, 105, 475, 721. 1260 Illinois State Department of Mental Health, 21, 244, 465, 867, 943, 1010 change. 21, 105, 438, 943 Illinois State Department of Public Works and Buildings, 572 Division of Highways, change, 192, 193, 791, 792 Illinois State Library, change, 21 Illinois State Records Commission, 586 Illinois State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1127 Ingels, J. R., 370 Inland insulation Co., 184 Inskip, F. R., & Co., 16, 58, 488 claim for additional compensation, settlement, 1112 Inskip Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning Co., 909, 1248, 1249 Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufactures, change, 105, 791 International Boiler Works Co., extension of time for execution or termination, 264 Contracts, cont'd International Business Machines Corp., 104, 245, 282, 351, 381, 438, 475, 587, 720, 790, 868, 915, 943, 1016, 1128, 1162, 1210 International Harvester Co., 104, 282, 381, 475, 587, 1040, 1128 International Ice Attractions, Inc., 498 Irsay, R., Co., 14, 857 Isotopes, Inc., change, 282, 721 Iverson, H. E., Tuckpointing, 93 Johnson, Drake, & Piper, Inc., 857, 1192 Johnson Floor Co., Inc., 910 Johnson Service Co., 857, 1120 Julian, J. A., Co., 431, 540, 1248 Kaiser, H. S., Co., 271, 572 Kewaunee Manufacturing Co., 91, 1195 Korff. Florence K., 711 Korsgaxd, C. E., Co., 272 Krall, A. F., Construction Co., Inc., 239, 539 Kretschmer Corp., change, 105 Kuhne-Simmons Co., Inc., 229, 488, 541, 542, 853, 1248, 1249 addition, 19, 777, 911, 1113, 1196, 1215 change, 52 Laboratory Furniture Co., Inc., 538, 685, 857 LaSalle County State's Attorney, 104, 867 LaSalle-Madison Hotel Co., 104, 720 Leverenz Electric Co., Inc., 58, 1056 Lincoln Park District, 1127 Lippold. H., 790 Lilly, E., Co., 474 Local Electric Co., Inc., 270 Lowry, Mrs. Rosemund, 868, 1128 Lundeen & Hilfinger, 185 addition, 97 Lust. L. C, 95 MacCarthy Ford Tractor Sales, Inc., 282, 381, 1040, 1128 Manor Sheet Metal, Inc., 542 Massey-Ferguson, Inc., 282, 475, 1128, 1260 Maxwell, G., 438, 1040 McCarthy Bros. Construction Co., 1056 McCord.'S., 867 McCulley, R. J., 868 McGarry, Elizabeth, 1128 McGraw Wildlife Foundation, 1260 McKce-Berger, Mansueto, Inc., 1010 Mechanical Insulation Co., Inc., 854 Medical Center Steam Co., 184, 910 Mellish & Murray Co., 1120 .Merck & Co., Inc., change, 1129 Merlo, T., 776 Metalab Equipment Co., 528, 1112 Meyer, L., Co., 858 Meyer, P. E., 868 Meyne, G. F., Co., 465 Midland Ford Tractor Co., 1162 Midwest Interstate Electrical Construction Co., 240, 432, 490, 1250 Miller, H. S., 790 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., 229 Missouri Avenue Realty Co., 720 Monahan, R. V., 15 Montgomery Elevator Co., 238 Moorman Manufacturing Co., change, 192, 587, 791, 1211 Morris Animal Foundation, 915 change, 1040 Moto Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Corp., 1154 Moultrie County State's Attorney, 104 Mueller Construction Co., 1154 Munch, J. C, 789 Murphy, C. F., Associates, 347 Mutual Contracting Co., 14, 90, 91, 490, 542. 543 Nacey, P., Co., 528 1392 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Contracts, cont'd Narowetz Heating & Ventilating Co., 240, 270, 490 National Academy of Sciences, 789 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 103, 498, 692, 789, 943 change, 721, 791, 1260 National Attractions, Inc., 915 National Heat & Power Co., Inc., 344 National Institutes of Health, 104 National Korectaire Co., 490, 542 National Lime Association, 103 change, 105, 721 National Roofing Contractors Association, 103 National Sand & Gravel Association, 719 National Steel Corp., change, 283 National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, 51, 282, 790 Navy, 104, 282, 437, 475, 586, 587, 720, 789, 1015, 1128, 1162, 1260 change, 22, 106, 245, 283, 352, 381, 438, 475, 498, 587, 693, 792, 869, 916, 944, 1041, 1129, 1163, 1211, 1261 Newberg, G. K., Construction Co., 527 addition, 938, 1196 change, 532 Newgard, H., & Co., 90 New Idea Farm Equipment Co., 104, 381, 1040, 1162 North Town Refrigeration Corp., 543 Nu-Way Plumbing Service, Inc., 51, 58, 229, 528 O'Callaghan Bros., 92, 344, 544 Oman & Giden, Inc., 240, 432 addition, 713 O'Neil, W. E., Construction Co., addition, 273 Otis Elevator Co., 16, 59, 229, 538, 857, 909 Palatine Park District, 437 Papec Machine Co., 381 Parro Construction Corp., 59, 466 Pathman Construction Co., 16, 51, 538, 539, 1120 change, 572 Peace Corps, 943, 1162 Peoples Gas, Light, & Coke Co., 774 Perkins & Will, 185, 241 Peterson, I. L., 94 Petry, C. A., & Sons, Inc., 94, 344, 345, 1193 Petry Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., 17, 344, 431, 489, 538, 1193 Phillips, Getshow Co., 270 Piatt County State's Attorney, 191, 867, 915 Pillsbury Co., 282, 1210 Pope, W. A., Co., 528 Potter Electric Service, Inc., 94, 858 Power Construction, Inc., 572 addition, 1196 Powers Regulator Co., 1057 Pozzalan Products Co., Inc., change, 105 Prizant, H. G., & Co., 528 Randolph Building Corp., 104, 720 Ranieri, E., & Sons Plumbing & Heating Corp., 528 Reger, H. P., & Co., 14, 91 Reichard, D. W., Plumbing & Heating, 94, 239, 346, 489 Reid Mechanical Contractors, Inc., 1250 Reinforced Concrete Research Council, change, 438 Reisch, J. E. and Gladys W., 790 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co., 94, 239, 344, 489, 775, 854, 909, 1112, 1192, 1249 Reliable Sheet Metal Works, Inc., 344 Reynolds, S. J., Co., Inc., 544 Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, & Associates, 19, 185, 468, 687, 853, 1010 Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints, Research Council on, change, 587, 1211 Rochester, University of, 1162 Rohm & Haas Co., change, 245 Sangamon Home Savings Association, 720 Contracts, cont'd Sargent & Lundy, 852, 853, 1114, 1196 addition, 19 Sasaki, Walker, & Associates, 97, 777 Schmid, F., Associates, 853 Security Abstract & Title Co., 790 Shapland Construction Co., addition, 95 46 713 Sheldon, E. H., Equipment Co., 239, 854 Shell Chemical Corp., Agricultural Chemi. cals Division, change, 498 Sherman, A., Enterprises, Inc., 867 Shoemaker, O. L., & Co., 541 Siems, C. H., Co., 537 approval rescinded, 693 Sigma Phi Delta, Inc., 191 Simpson Construction Co., 240, 344 Skafidas, G. and S. F., 1128 Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill, 272, 1114, 1115 Smith, P. H., Co., 91, 542 Smith, Seaton, & Associates, 1114 Sodemann & Associates, 1252 Soft Phosphate Research Institute, Inc., 380 change, 1129 Space Craft, Inc., 1128 Space Technology Laboratories, 1210 Special Dairy Industry Board, 1210 Sprinkmann Sons Corp. of Illinois, 94, 540 541 Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., 16 94, 184, 239, 345, 488, 539, 1192, 1193* 1248, 1249 Starline, Inc., 381, 1040 State Department of Agriculture, 1162 State Department of Conservation, 1162 change, 105, 475, 721, 1260 State Department of Mental Health, 21, 244, 465, 867, 943, 1010 change, 21, 105, 438, 943 State Department of Public Works and Buildings, 572 Division of Highways, change, 192, 193, 791, 792 State Library, change, 21 State Records Commission, 586 State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 1127 Stearnes Imperial Co., 572 Strauch, B. A., 104, 868 Structural Waterproofing Corp., 92 Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1162. 1210 Sycle & Keefe, Inc., 790 Taylor, C. D., 790 Tee-Pak Foundation, change, 283, 943 Texas Technological College, change, 721 Thomas Plumbing & Heating Co., 94, 239, 537, 858, 1248, 1249 Trimon Elevator Co., Inc., 272 Truax-Traer Coal Co., 474 Twin City Landscape Service, Inc., 17, 370, 685, 1027, 1028 Union Health Service, Inc., 910 United States Agricultural Research Service, change, 21 United States Bureau of Public Roads, change, 943 United States Defense Atomic Support Agency, 1015 United States Department of Agriculture, 103, 437, 474, 586, 692, 720 United States Department of Commerce, 474 Bureau of Public Roads, change, 193 change, 943 United States Department of Defense, 103, 586 change, 869 United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 103, 104, 191, 3jl, 437, 474, 498, 586, 692, 720, 789, 867, 1015, 1040, 1128, 1162, 1210 change, 105, 106, 721, 916, 1261 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1393 Contracts, cont d United States Department of Interior, 789 United States Department of Labor, 104, 915 United States Federal Housing Administration, 720 United States government, nondiscrimina-tion provisions, compliance report required, 276 United States of America, 867 United States Office of Civil Defense, 720, 1016 United States Peace Corps, 21 United States Steel, change, 498 United Student Aid Funds, Inc., 860 University Place Christian Church, 587 Upjohn Co., 587 Utility Air Conditioning & Heating Co., 14, 240 Vaughn, C. W., 105, 868 Velsicol Corp., change, 106 VioBin Corp., change, 22, 193, 8(59, 916 Virginia, University of, 244 change, 916 Wadeford Electric Co., 14, 92, 271, 464,684 Wagner, E. A., Co., 541 Waldron Associates, Inc., 492 Walker, G. S., Plumbing & Heating, Inc., 16, 184, 541 Walrus Manufacturing Co., 857 Warren & Van Praag, Inc., 371, 1152 Weese, H., & Associates, 1115 Wells, T., 790, 915 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Elevator Division, 238, 854 Whetzel Construction Co., 431 Williams & Wilkins Co., 781 Wilsky, G. L., Downtown Electric, 51, 344, 489 Wilson & Anderson, 20, 853 Wisconsin Free Library Commission, 380 Wolf, A., 781 Zack Co., 543, 544 Zari, A. M., & Co., 684 Control Data Corp., purchase, 788, 1205 Controller environmental room, Animal Science, purchase, 714 Control system, purchase, Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 1156 study, contract, 1128 Converse, R. J., degree, 1071 Converter, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 277, 1205 Converters, Inc., purchase, 277, 1256 Conway, Anna M., fellowship, 894, 1019 Cotiway, C. C, Scholarship Foundation, gift, 301, 964 Coogan, P. S., appointment, 764 Coogan, T. J., appointment, 67, 754 Coogan, T. J., Jr., appointment, 71, 758 Cook, G. W., fellowship, 1221 Cook, Georgia P., degree, 1284 Cook, H. A., degree, 1284 Cook, J. E., certificate, 324 Cook, J. S., appointment, 1168 Cook, Jacqueline L., degree, 1299 Cook, Judith A., degree, 614 Cook, R. B., degree, 155 Cook, R. D., degree, 603 Cook, Ralph L., appointment, 31 Cook, Robert L., appointment, 31, 650 degree, 1294- Cook, Robert Martin, degree, 1310 Cook, Robert Merold, degree, 209 Cook, S. D., appointment, 63 Cook, Virginia A., degree, 139 Cooke, A. R., degree, 1282 Cooke, Pauline M., appointment, 79, 767 Cooke, W. J., degree, 143 Looksey, J. C, appointment, 758 Cookson, W. S., degree, 604 Cooley, H. N., appointment, 884 Cooley, Marcia J., appointment, 111 Cooling equipment, Aviation, purchase, 941 Cooling tower, Chicago Circle, contract, extension of time for execution or termination, 264 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, purchase, 1126 Cools, Aha M., degree, 626 Coombe, R. E., degree, 1288 Coombs, A. J., appointment, 75, 763 Coombs, F. S., appointment, 196., 802 Coon, D. L., degree, 1301 Cooper, D. B., Ill, degree, 155 Cooper, D. C, degree, 643 Cooper, D. R., degree, 145 Cooper, G. E., degree, 1292 Cooper, Mrs. Hugh E., Jr., gift, 916 Cooper, 1., degree, 1302 Cooper, Jeffery M., degree, 1066 fellowship, 658 Cooper, John M., appointment, 335 Cooper, T. L., appointment, 1324 Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, appropriation, remodeling, 1153 county extension councils and boards, director's authority, 773 establishment, legislation, 773 gift, funds, county farm and home bureaus, 301, 964 Ford Foundation, 299 market program, development and production, professional services, 100 office space in Chicago, lease, 720 purchase, addressograph equipment, 55 cameras, 53 dictating machines, 99 duplicating system, 1037 easei-flannnelboard combinations, 99 motion picture production equipment, 718 projectors, 53 Cooprider, D. O., degree, 390 Coordinated Science Laboratory, engineering services, contract, addition, 185 land, acquisition, 671, 672, 1093 condemnation proceedings, authorization, 844, 1345 phase 1, contract, electrical, 344 general, 344 heating, piping, refrigeration, and temperature control, 344 pIumDing, 344 ventilating, 344 phase 2, contract, electrical, 1192 general, 1192 heating and air conditioning, 1192 plumbing, 1192 ventilating, 1192 purchase, camera, 242 counter, 1038 electron beam evaporating unit, 864 electronic chassis, 1257 evaporator system, 188 generator, 864 gyro rotors, 188 magnet, 55 mass spectrometer type tube, 55 oscillator, 787 oscilloscopes, 1123 paper tape data preparation equipment, 23 power amplifiers, 1257 power supply groups, 1012 pulser, 23 recorder, 1123 storage tubes, 716 vacuum equipment, 866 Coorens, Elaine A., degree, 842 Coose, H. D., degree, 615 Coots, R. E., degree, 827 Copack, Paula B., fellowship, 1171 Cope, D. H., degree, 644 Cope, P. N., degree, 641 1394 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Copeland, L. I., degree, 643 fellowship, 894 Copeland, S. P., degree, 842 Copperweld Steel Co,, purchase, 23 Copyrights, policy, amendment, 460 Corbetta Construction Co., Inc, representative present at meeting, 529 Corbin, C. I?., degree, 145 Corbin, J. M., degree, 618 Corbin, Kathryn J., degree, 156 Corbino, J. P., degree, 1302 Corbitt, Anne L., appointment, 179, 332 Corboy, J. M., degree, 644 Corboy, M. J., Corp., contract, 572 Cordell, H. W., appointment, 111, 332 resignation, 521 Cordelle, L. G., degree, 834 Cordero, R. A., fellowship, 1333 Cordes, D. J., degree, 1294 Cording, E. J., degree, 388 Corey, Jean B., degree, 143 Corinth, R. L., degree, 608 Corite-Reynolds Corp., contract, 270 Corley, R. E., appointment, 340, 728, 1007 Corley, R. N., appointment, 326 Corliss, J. O., appointment, 111, 1187 Corn, research, contract, 1127 gift, 292, 293, 295, 297, 954, 956, 958 Cornelius, E. C, degree, 1295 Cornell, D. L., degree, 1315 Cornell, H. K., appointment, 111, 884, 1324 Cornet, JoAnn M., fellowship, 41 Corn Industries Research, Foundation, Inc., gift, 293, 954 Corning Glass Works, purchase. 276, 1257 Corning Glass Works Foundation, gift, 2S8, 950, 961 Corn oil, research, gift, 953 Corn Products Co., gift, 284, 946, 973 Cornue, A. D., degree, 634 Cornwell, H. R., degree, 1288 Cornwell, R. E., degree, 1288 Coroneos, D. L., degree, 1073 Coronet Films, purchase, 376, 718, 786, 1206 Correll, N., appointment, 82, 770 Corren, Eunice D., degree, 1306 Corretjer, C. A., degree, 828 Corrigan, Frances G., degree, 1284 Corrigan, Mary J., degree, 834 Corrosion, study, contract, change, 1260 Corsetti, Carmine, degree, 403 Corson, G. and W. H., contract, 191 gift, 298, 960 Corsten, J. T., degree, 1317 Corten, H. T., appointment, 31 Cortright, G. M-, degree, 1081 Corum, J. M., fellowship, 511 Corum, Janice D., degree, 639 Corwin, Linda L., degree, 1307 Cory, R. P., degree, 388 fellowship, 735 Corzine, Flo E., degree, 619 Cosmic Radiation Labs., Inc., purchase, 57 Cosmic rays, study, contract, change, 106, 693 Cosmopolitan Club, property, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 980 Costabile, E. A., certificate, 746 Cost consultants, Chicago Circle Lecture Center, employment, 1010 Costea, N. V., appointment, 755 Costella, Arlene M., degree, 1307 Costello, G. A., appointment, 650, ] 003 Costin, F., appointment, 32, 328, 1000, 1324 Coston, C. J., appointment, 802 Cote, M. G., degree, 614 resignation, 412 Cote, \V. E., fellowship, 658 Cotsirilos, Elaine H., degree, 393 Cotter, Alice W., appointment, 112 Cotter, S., degree, 1273 fellowship, 658 Cotter, Susan M., degree, 1315 Cottingham, K. B., degree, 393 Cotton, W. B., degree, 1290 Cottonseed, research, contract, 103 Cottonseed products, research, contract 720 Cottral, A. R., degree, 1309 ' Cottrell, Frances B., appointment, 884 Cottrell, R. S., Jr., appointment, 112 Cottrell, T. L. C, appointment, 84, 772 Cotts, G. W., appointment, 69, 756 Couch, E. L., appointment, 995 Couch, L. E., degree, 629 Couch & Heyle, purchase, 470 Coughlin, J. T-, degree, 1066 Coukoulis, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 112, 802 Couios, J., resignation, 133 Coulson, J. H., fellowship, 1221 Coulter, D. E., degree, 1315 Coulter, Patricia A., degree, 393 Coulter counter, Veterinary Medicine, purchase, 436 Coulter Electronics Sales Co., purchase, 37; 866 Council, H., member of advisory committee, 5 Council of Librarians, advisory, members ' -T 1239 ' ' organization, 4 Council of Ten, gift, 293 Counseling and guidance training personnel training, contract, 586, 1210 change, 106, 721 Counter, purchase, Botany, 435 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1038 Electrical Engineering, 242, 277 Country Life Insurance Co., gift, 956 Country Mutual Insurance Co., gift, 956 County extension councils and boards, establishment, legislation, 773 County farm and home bureaus, gift, 301, %4 Couri, P. J., appointment, 457, 760 Courtesy Motor Sales, Inc., purchase, 437 914, 1015, 1127. 1209 Courtney, H., appointment, 650 Courts, local and appellate, records series, survey and appraisal, contract, 586 Coveney, E. J., certificate, 7AG Coventry, Betty J., degree, 834 Coverdale, C. E., fellowship, 658 Covert, Nadine E., degree, 604 fellowship, 511 Covici, E. N., degree, 1309 Coviello, D.. appointment, 338, 1004 Cowan, B. M., degree, 1277 Cowan, D. C, degree, 1291 Cowan, Mary E., degree, 632 Cowan, N. N., degree, 644 Coward, N., degree, 140 Cowart, W. E., authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 Cowell, M. D., degree, 1291 Cowell, Mary J., fellowship, 1221 Cowen, W. W., degree, 1289 Cowin, J. W., appointment, 650, 1006. 121" Cox, D. L., degree, 1284 Cox, I). W., Jr., degree, 1295 Cox, G., appointment, 252 termination, 1232 Cox, J. L., degree, 827 Cox, J. S., certificate, 1099 Co.x, J. W., degree, 142 Cox, Judith A., degree, 1307 Cox, K.T painting, gift, 305 Cox, K. R., degree, 386 fellowship, 511 Cox, R. C, Jr., certificate, 2 Cox, S. M., degree, 1302 Coxon, G. R., degree, 1293 Coy, Lillian B., degree, 1286 Coyle, N. J., degree, 1069 Cozad, D. R., appointment, 73, 761 Cozza, Anna F., degree, 395 Cozzi, H. A., degree, 1305 Crabbs, W. C, degree, 618 UNIVERSITY Crabtree, Mrs. Elizabeth, memorial to, gift, 972 Crabtree, Elizabeth A., degree, 398, 1273 Crackel, T. E., degree, 1312 Crackel, W. C, appointment, 1135 degree, 618 Cracks, study, contract, 282, 1260 Craddock, B. F., degree, 1277 Craddock, Virginia D., degree, 1074 Craelius, L. J., degree, 636 Craford, M. G., appointment, 1324 degree, 391 Craft, D. E., certificate, 1099 Craft, E. M., degree, 1076 Craftsman Sheet Metal, Inc., purchase, 436, 1205 Crafts option, art curriculum, revisions, 9 Craig, I>. E., degree, 1290 Craig, G. D., fellowship, 1333 Craig, J- M-> Jr., appointment, 112 Craig, R. F., degree, 636 Craig, R. M., degree, 623 Craig, Susann E., appointment, 32 Craig, Virginia Y., degree, 1074 Craig, W. S., degree, 877 Craigle, W. S., degree, 619 Craigmile, C. S., member of Citizens Committee, 484 Cralley, J. C, fellowship, 658 Cramer, R. E., retirement, 931 Crampton, Mrs. Gertrude J., appointment, 406 Crandall, C, appointment, 112, 252, 406, 728 Crandall, D. B., appointment, 337 degree, 833 Crane, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 351 Crane, G. L., degree, 623 Crane, K. E., degree, 831 Crane, R., transcript, purchase, 1161 Crane, R. 11., appointment, 1185, 1324 Crane wheels, research, contract, 1127 Crank, F. L.. appointment, 314, 328, 650 Crater, Patricia L., degree, 395 Cratsenberg, Treva C., degree, 147 Craven, J. F., certificate, 61 Cravens. J. G., degree, 1319 Crawford. A. L., appointment, 802 degree, 1069 Crawford, Arlene S.. degree, 1322 Crawford, C, purchase, 590 Crawford, 1). E., fellowship. 1221 Crawford, Helen L., degree. 834 Crawford, lsabelle M., appointment, declination, 443 Crawford, J. E., appointment, 406, 885 Crawford, Lura E.. appointment, 997 Crawford, M. J., degree, 623 Crawford, I'. W., certificate, 364 Crawford, R. B., appointment, 332 leave of absence, 1233 Crawford, W. L., appointment, 77, 765 Crawford, W. R., Hi. appointment, 728 Crawley, R. E., degree, 1064 Crayne, J. K., degree, 617 Crayne, Teresa 11., degree, 147 Creamer, B. C, degree, 1079 Creamer, Mrs. Eunice C, lease, 868 Creamer, Linda J., degree, 152 Creamer, U R., degree, 212 Cream quality, research, gift, 294 Crean, M. R., Jr., degree, 1073 Creason, Jane S., degree, 626 Creekmur, R. E., and Nora E., property at 107 South Gregory Street, purchase, 348 Creep in structural concrete, research, contract, change, 193, 792 Creese, W. L., resignation, 701 Cregier Electrical Manufacturing Co., purchase, 281 Creinin, H. L., degree, 629 Lremer, B. J., appointment, 885, 1324 Cremer, S. E., appointment, 112 OF ILLINOIS 1395 Creole Foundation, gift, 964 Crerar Clinch Coal Co., purchase, 590 Crescent Paper Co., purchase, 377 Cressey, W. W., degree, 214 Creticos, A. P., appointment, 68, 755 Crew, J. E., appointment, 32, 728 Crews, Janice M., appointment, 1005 declination, 1141 Cribb, lone R., degree, 639 Cribbet, J. E., appointment, 996 leave of absence, 899 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Criegee, L., leave of absence, 667 resignation, 1173 Criley, B. B., degree, 215 fellowship, 511, 658 resignation, 521 Crime insurance, Business Office, purchase, 942 Criner, D. E., degree, 1291 fellowship, 1222 Cripe, M. W., Jr., degree, 151 Crippled Children, Division of Services for, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 gift, funds, various donors, 310, 971 lease of office space, Belleville, 790 Bloomington, 790 Carlinville, 790 Chicago, 491 Harrisburg, 790 Mount Vernon, 790 Olney, 790 Peoria, 790 Rockford, 790 Rock Island, 1128 Springfield, 790 Urbana, 790 summer speech clinics, approved, 486, 1190 Crist, Betty C, degree, 1284 Criticos, G. M., degree, 828 Crittenden, B. S., appointment, 1168 degree, 1268 fellowship, 511 Crnich, D. J., degree, 637 Crocker, Alice C, degree, 1069 Crockett, Barbara A., fellowship, 511 Crockett, Nancy T. I!., degree, 843 Croissant, Barbara M., degree, 140 Croll, J. H., degree, 402 Croll. M. P., degree, 1080 Cronbach, L. J., leave of absence, 47, 413 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 resignation, 1173 Cronbaugh, M. L., degree, 1288 Crone, li. L., degree, 1076 Crone Associates, Inc., contract, 1154 Cronin. Mary E., degree, 402 Cronin, R. M., appointment, 74 Cronin, T. E., appointment, 771 Crook, A. C., degree, 144 Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association, contract, change, 475, 1163 gift. 293, 954 Cropp, F. W., appointment, 331, 995 resignation, 1087 Crops, research, gift, 955 Crop yields, hailstorm and rainfall influence, study, contract, change, 1163 Cross, C. T., degree, 154 Cross, J. H., appointment, 82, 769 Cross, Judy H., appointment, 1324 Cross, Patsy H., degree, 1307 Cross Construction, Inc., contract, 370, 431, 541 Cross cultural generality of meaning systems, research, gift, 959 Crossett, Margaret L., appointment, 406 degree, 390 Crossiey Associates, Inc., gift, 946 purchase, 241, 278 1396 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Crossroads Interiors, purchase, 789 Crothamel, D. A., degree, 60S fellowship, 356 Crothers, M. H., appointment, 329, 992 Crotty, J. T., degree, 636 Crouch, R. J., degree, 141 fellowship, 816 Crouch, S. R., fellowship, 1333 Crouch, W. W., degree, 1302 Crouse, J. N., Dental Endowment Fund, gift, 969 Crouse, K. E., degree, 638 Croushore, J. E., Ill, degree, 634 Crouthamel, Elsie N., appointment, 63 Crow, L. T., degree, 212 Crow, M. R., appointment, 650 declination, 665 Crow, S. E., appointment, 196 resignation, 259 Crow, W. D. L., appointment, 650, 728 Crowder, J. R., appointment, 1083, 1135 Crowe, F. P., certificate, 1024 Crowell, N. T., degree, 642, 1318 Crowley, W. L., degree, 1306 Crown Office Supply Co., purchase, 373, 1201 Crown Temperature Engineers, Inc., contract, 911 Crowther, Barbara A., degree, 1078 Crowther, J. C, Jr., degree, 1301 Croxen, H. H., degree, 1290 Croy, L. I., appointment, 885 Crum, E. A., degree, 393, 1288 Crum, Lynn B., degree, 402 Crum, R. J., appointment, 921 Crum, R. L., degree, 1073 Crumback, D. T., degree, 403 Crumbly, I., degree, 390 Crumlish, B. J., appointment, 314, 406, 802 resignation, 1141 Crummey, R. O., appointment, 1103 Crumpacker, D., appointment, declination, 930 Crushed rock, purchase, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 588 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 596 Crutchfield, M. Elizabeth, degree, 834 Cruttenden, J. M., degree, 1290 Cruz, T. B., Jr., appointment, 32 Crystal growing furnace, physics, purchase, 24 Crystalline solids, research, contract, 692 change, 245, 916, 1040 Crystals, purchase, Electrical Engineering, 435 research, contract, change, 245 Csiha, J. J., degree, 647 Cubbage, Marjorie A., degree, 629 Cubin, F. W., degree, 1319 Cubit, Carolyn T., degree, 834 Cudia, D. F., appointment, 112 Cudia, P. J., degree, 400 Cudney, R. E., degree, 834 Cuervo-Salcedo, G., degree, 396, 1065 Culberg Asbestos & Cork Co., contract, 91, 857 Culbertson, D. S., resignation, 1087 Culbertson, Helen, authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 Culbertson, Nancy A., degree, 398 Culhane, R. H., degree, 644 Cullen, D. B., certificate, 364 Cullen, D. E., appointment, 1324 degree, 146 Cullen, Florence P., appointment, 335, 1000 degree, 1270 resignation, 1232 Cullen, J. M., appointment, 765 Culler, A. D., member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Culley, Jane G., degree, 1313 Culliton, T. E., Jr., appointment, 328 Cullop, S., Jr., appointment, 506 Culp, R. W., degree, 603 Culton, J. W., degree, 841 Culumber, M. J., degree, 402 Cummings, A. E., Memorial Fellowship, gift, 289, 951 Cummings, D. W., degree, 839 Cummings, J. M., degree, 1295 Cummins, H. E., degree, 644 Cummins, Mary L., degree, 1313 Cummins, R. L., appointment, 112 degree, 210 Cuneo, Margaret R., degree, 1279 Cuneo Press, Inc., purchase, 376, 1036 Cunico, G. J., degree, 1295 Cunningham, C. t., appointment, 533 Cunningham, Carol C, fellowship, 816 Cunningham, D. E., degree, 1068 Cunningham, D. G., appointment, 77, 765 Cunningham, D. M., degree, 1295 Cunningham, J. F., degree, 1074 Cunningham, M. P., appointment, 770 Cunningham, N. M., lease, 868 Cunningham, R. E., fellowship, 511 Cunningham, Sandra L., degree, 633 Curby, Susan J., degree, 1299 Curcic, S. V., degree, 1312 Curd, J. W., degree, 1291 Cureton, T. K., Jr., appointment, 335, 1000 Curless, J. V., degree, 156 Curley, D., appointment, 330, 1324 Curley, J. M., degree, 1072 Curley, T. J., Jr., certificate, 61 Curme, G. L., appointment, declination, 1087 Curnutt, J. H., degree, 384 Curnyn, A. p., appointment, 476, 762 Curran, Lucille B., degree, 147 Curran, T. F., degree, 1278 Curricula, advertising, revision, 341 agricultural science, revision, 6 agriculture, revision, 6 architecture, Chicago Undergraduate Division, approved, 1027 art, Urbana, admission requirements, change 1189 crafts option, revision, 9 city planning, name, change, 907 revision, 907 commerce and business administration, revision, 7 high school mathematics, study, gift, 292 home economics, foods and business option, approved, 342 industrial education, revision, 8 landscape architecture, revision, 709 linguistics, approved, 906 medical art, approved, 342 medical record administration, approved, 343 assigned to School of Associated Medical Sciences, 681 medical technology, approved, 342 assigned to School of Associated Medical Sciences, 681 military science, revision, 1189 music, composition major, revision, 9 occupational therapy, assigned to School of Associated Medical Sciences, 681 pre-law, revision, 11 teaching mentally handicapped children, revision, 9 teaching of English, revision, 10 teaching of Russian, revision, 908 veterinary medicine, revision, 11 Curriculum guide, civil technology, preparation, contract, 474 Currie, G. F., degree, 1268 Currie, L. J., appointment, 50 leave of absence, 1342 report, state of College of Architecture and Art, 1021 Curry, E. T., appointment, declination, 820 Curry, Eleanor S., degree, 619 Curry, R. J., degree, 1288 Curry, S. H., degree, 620 Curry, Sondra J., degree, 831 Curtm, W. M., leave of absence, 1108 Curtis, A. S., degree, 602 Curtis, Delores M., degree, 878 Curtis, E. W., degree, 1291 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1397 Curtis, H. J., appointment, 112, 339 Curtis, J. M., degree, 1080 Curtis. Leiia A., appointment, 196 Curtis, Patricia A., degree, 628 Curtis, Peggy J., degree, 1314 Curtiss, H., member of advisory committee, 5 Cusac, R. S., degree, 635 fusey, Noreen Y., degree, 14/ Cusey, R- E., degree, 1071 CushmE-Malloy, Inc., purchase, 471, 496, 783, 785, 1127, 1206 Cushman, D. VV., fellowship, 1333 Cusick, N. P., degree, 647 Cusick, T. W., degree, 1076 Custer, R. G., degree, 1290 Cutaia, A. J., degree, 1279 Cutler, A. K., degree, 395 Cutler, I}., appointment, 196, 314 Cutler, J. H., degree, 1288 Cutler, Janet A., fellowship, 42 Cutler, Jean V., degree, 212 Cutler, L. R., degree, 839 Cutler, L., Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 240, 271 Cutler, Mrs. Patricia P., appointment, 354 Cutright, J. O., degree, 1295 Cutright, R. W., degree, 1070 Cutshali, A. D., appointment, 1006, 1187 Cutting machine, Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, purchase, 1038 Cutts, R., degree, 1273 fellowship, 658 Cuyp, A., painting, gift, 305 Cyclone Fence Department, American Steel & Wire Division, United States Steel Corp., purchase, 25 Cyclopropene fatty acids in cottonseed, research, contract, 103 Cygan, N. E., degree, 210 Cyr, R. A., fellowship, 1333 Czaja. G. G., degree, 647 Czerlanis, R. H., degree, 1072 Czurylo, Christine E., degree, 637 Dabkowski, Dorothy J., degree, 1307 Dach, E. W., appointment, 406 Dachowski, L. W., degree, 386 Dachowski, Marjorie St., appointment, cancellation, 443 Dadant, C. C, director of Athletic Association, 424, 1103 Dadmun, S. E., appointment, 196 Dads Association, gift, 284, 946 Daehier, M. W., degree, 1295 Daehn, Marcia A., degree, 1076 Daggett, J. W., degree, 605 Dagis, R. B., degree, 145 Dagley, S., fellowship, 816 D'Agostino, A. N., fellowship, 735, 926 Dagres, J., fellowship, 511, 658 resignation, 897 Dahl. D. A., degree, 834 Dahl, D. B., certificate, 1099 Dahl. W. A., degree, 623 Dahlberg, A. V., appointment, 73 resignation, 412 Dahlberg, Inc., purchase, 101 Dahlenburg, L. M., authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 Dahlgren, T. W., degree, 839 Oahlstrom, Janice E., degree, 633 Dahms, R. E., appointment, 975 Dahncke, Adrienne E., degree, 393 Dai, P. K., appointment, 63, 196 declination, 820 degree, 600 Daigger, A., & Co., purchase, 863, 913 Dailey, Mary E., appointment, 112 "aily, J. E., degree, 1070 Daily, K. L.. degree, 394 Dainauskas, J. R., appointment, 764 Dainko, E. A., appointment, 82, 770 Dairy barn, lease, 438 Dairy cattle feeding, research, gift, 294, 955 Dairy Herdsman's Cottage, addition, construction, contract, 537 Dairy industry, study, contract, 191 Dairy industry in Illinois, market structure, study, gift, 956, 958 Dairy Industries Supply Association, Inc., contract, 191 Dairy Manufactures Building, electric power service improvements, contract, 345 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Dairy products, study, gift, 294 Dairy Round Barn, remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 stalls, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 77? Dairy Science, advisory committee, 5, 680 appropriation, milk-handling room, balance reappropriated, 779 minor buildings, balance reappropriated, 85, 779 fluorescent lights in Animal Sciences Laboratory, 13 remodeling, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 488, 536 building for milk parlor and milk handling, construction, funds, 430 gift, research, F. S., Services, Inc., 955 Illinois Dairy Products Association, Inc., 294 Illinois Farm Supply Co., 294 Northern Illinois Breeding Co-op, 958 Wisconsin-Minnesota Cooperative Bull Stud Group, 299, 961 major in core curriculum, revisions, 7 purchase, barn cleaners, 25 barn equipment, 470 centrifuge, 864 feed storage, grinding, and blending system, 864 metal building, 1013 silo, 55 spectrometer, 913 straw, wheat, and oats, 590, 1258 sublimator, 278 Dakis, A. N., degree, 1291 Dakshinamurti, K., resignation, 133 Dalbey, Marcia A., fellowship, 1222 Dale, D. O., appointment, 75, 763 Dale, E. E., guest at luncheon, 900 Dale, J. W., degree, 1289 Dale, T. D., Jr., appointment, 70, 757 Dale, W. T., degree, 1282 Daley, L. J., fellowship, 512 Dalheim, E. L., appointment, 334, 999 degree, 146 Dalitsch, Walter W., appointment, 75, 762 Dalitsch, Walter W., Jr., degree, 640 Dalla, F. C, resignation, 356 Dallach, R. L., Jr., degree, 1074 Dallas, Julia K., degree, 1295 D'Alquen, R. J. E., appointment, 995 fellowship, 1222 resignation, 1232 Dalton, W. O.. fellowship, 1171, 1333 Dalton, Yvonne Y., appointment, 650 Daly, E. B., degree, 389 Daly, M. W., certificate, 364 Daly, R. T., degree, 1065 D'Ambrosio, D. V., degree, 1080 Dameron, G. S., degree, 1288 Dames Club, gift, 310 Dammann, B. R., degree, 404 Dammers, C. R., degree, 1295 Dammers, W. R., appointment, 77, 764 Damon, J. E., degree, 644 Damron, M. A., degree, 615 Dams, evaluation of performance, contract, 1162 Danahy, D. A., degree, 1302 1398 BOARD OF Dana Laboratories, purchase, 242 Dancey, Deborah A., degree, 1295 Dandurand, D. A., degree, 1311 Danek, J. C, degree, 1295 Daneluk, Marianne, degree, 1307 Dangremond, C. E., appointment, 84, 772 Daniel, M. J., degree, 629 Daniel, &. A., degree, 1288 Daniel, R. B., degree, 640 Daniel, S. M., degree, 1072 Daniels, Arthur Hill, Hall, name given to Graduate Student Residence Hall, 1264 Daniels, J., book, printing, 496 Daniels, J. W., degree, 139 Daniels, Martha A., degree, 1300 Daniels, R. W., degree, 1293 Daniels, S. A., degree, 1318 Danielson, G. E., Jr., degree, 1067 Danielson, G. R., degree, 612 Danielson, W. K., certificate, 61 Daniels Supply Co., purchase, 1203 Daniels Surgical & Medical Supplies, purchase, 55 Daniel Street, property at 409 East, purchase, 669 property at 411 East, purchase, 448 property at 507 East, purchase, 348 property at 509 East, purchase, 1344 property at 603 East, acquisition, authorization, 902 condemnation proceedings, authorization, 980 settlement, 1235 purchase, 1236 property at 605 East, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 980 settlement, 1235 purchase, 1236 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Danielzadeh, A. B., appointment, 196 degree, 641 resignation, 443 Danko, J. H., degree, 636 Danley, Barbara L., degree, 640 Danna, G. L., degree, 155 Danville Electric Supply Co., purchase, 26f 98 Danziger, E. J., Jr., fellowship, 1222 Danziger, Margaret C, degree, 1280 fellowship, 512 Daoud, Hanna N., resignation, 206 Dapogny, J. E., degree, 833 Darland, H. W., degree, 1319 Darland, W. W., degree, 139 Darling, D. R., appointment, 71 Daro, A. F., resignation, 133 Darr, D. R., degree, 1289 Darrow, C. W., appointment, 78, 766 Dart, E. D., appointment, 1168 Dart, Marion F., degree, 623 Dartnell Press, purchase, 434 Darwish, D., appointment, 650 Das, A. B., fellowship, 512, 1333 Das, A. K., appointment, 112 degree, 641 Das, K. B., degree, 391 Das, M.S., degree, 606 Das, R. D., appointment, 802 Das, S., appointment, 802 Dasch, Madeline, appointment, 335 Daseke, D. R., certificate, 746 Dasher, R. F., degree, 1295 Daskal, J. L.., degree, 644 Dasso, J. J., appointment, 1217 Daszkiewicz, Beverly B., degree, 1076 Data processing equipment, purchase, Aero-medical Laboratory, 1013 Digital Computer Laboratory, 189 Electrical Engineering, 24 Physics, Urbana, 101, 243 Data sheets, Engineering, purchase, 592 Datex Corp., purchase, 101 Dau, L. T., degree, 1277 Daugherty, Rosetta A., degree, 1280 Daukantas, V., degree, 637 Daunoras, R. A., certificate, 364 Dauphin, K. P., appointment, 354, 802 Daus, D. G., gift, 971 Daut, D. P., degree, 644 Dauten, P. M., Jr., leave of absence, 259 Dauter, J. M., degree, 623 Davenport, Carolyn S., degree, 1313 Davenport, Mrs. Janice C, appointment, 1083 Davenport, R., appointment, 533 fellowship, 1171 declination, 1340 Davenport Hall, electrical supply and distribu tion system, modernization, engineerin" services, 1114 $dG remodeling, appropriation, 683, 918 balance reappropriated, 85 reroofing, contract, 345 sprinkler system, contract, 1009 Davenport House, air conditioning, appropriation, 463 Davey, M. J., degree, 642, 1318 David, A., appointment. 1324 David, G. S., degree, 1076 David, I. T., certificate, 364 David, R. J., degree, 1074 David Kinley Hall, acoustical tile, installation contract, 595 electrical service, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 779 elevator, modernization, contract, 238 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappro priated, 85, 86 Davidson, A. L., degree, 1072 Davidson, E. H., appointment, 330, 993 Davidson, Ellen W., degree, 633 Davidson, Janet D., degree, 1299 Davidson, Jean J., certificate, 61 Davidson, M., certificate, 986 Davidson, R. A., resignation, 701 Davies, J. H., degree, 635 Davies, M. S., appointment, 32, 885, 992, 132- degree, 389 fellowship, 512 Davieson, J., painting, gift, 966 Davis, A. C, degree, 1314 Davis, A. G., degree, 1293 Davis, A. S., degree, 142 Davis, Ann J., degree, 632 Davis, Arlene I., degree, 632 Davis, B. \V., member of advisory committee. 354 Davis, Beverley G., decree, 639 Davis, C. B.. jr., appointment, 81, 769 Davis, C. S., appointment, 196, 802 Davis, Champ W., Jr., degree, 621 Davis. Charles \V., member of Board of Ex aminers in Accountancy. 706 Davis, D. D., appointment, 440, 753 Davis, D. G., degree, 1319 Davis, Deborah A., degree, 843 Davis, E. E., appointment, 885, 1136 Davis, Emile M., degree, 1316 fellowship, 658, 816 Davis, F. O., degree, 644 Davis, G. A., Inc., purchase, 1254 Davis, G. C, Jr., appointment, 112 fellowship, 13.1, 1333 Davis, H. A., degree, 621 Davis, H. S., appointment, 1324 Davis, J. A., appointment, 69, 756 Davis, J. E., resignation, 45 Davis, J. L., degree, 142 Davis, Jerry W., degree, 1315 Davis, John W., degree. 398 Davis, Joan, degree, 615 Davis, Joan A., degree, 834 Davis, L. D., degree, 623 Davis, L. L., degree, 404 Davis, L. R., fellowship, 203, 894 termination, 133 UNIVERSITY navis, Lucille H., appointment, declination 1087 fellowship, 894 Davis, Lydia K., degree, 834 Davis, Mackenzie L., degree, 1071 Davis, Martin L., fellowship, 1222 Davis, N. P., appointment, 330, 1324 leave of absence, 823 resignation, 665 Davis, Natalie H., botanical charts, publication rights, release, 29 Davis, O., appointment, 80 Davis, P. M., degree, 842 Davis, Robert Duane, fellowship, 131 degree, 605 Davis, Robert Dykeman, degree, 640 Davis, R. E., appointment, 339 Davis, Steven, fellowship, 512 Davis. Stuart, painting, purchase, 494 Davis. S. R-, degree, 602 resignation, 820 Davis, T. N., Ill, appointment, 79, 767 termination, 930 Davis, Velma M., authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 Davis, W. H., appointment, 332 Davis, W. K., appointment, 112 degree, 617 [Javisson, M. T., appointment, 327, 990 leave of absence, 1342 resignation, 1340 Dawes. Kathleen M., degree, 1311 [lawf's Laboratories, Inc., contract, change, 791 pift, 293, 954 Dawkins, W. P., appointment, 728 Dawn, C. E., appointment, 332, 995 Dawson, I>. A., appointment, 1136 Dawson, J. L., degree, 1063 Dawson, Nancy L., degree, 1273 fellowship, 512 Dawson, P. E., degree, 153 Dawson, W. T., degree, 1291 Day, I). A., degree. 638 Day. D. L., appointment, 180 Day, J. W., degree, 401 Day, M. M., leave of absence, 427 Day. X. D., appointment, 112 resignation. 133, 320 Day, Mrs. Phyllis M., appointment, 1136 Day. R. L., degree, 620 Dayar. M., degree, 1291 Harmon, G. M., degree, 1291 Dayton, J. A., Jr., invention, patent rights, release, 979 Deacon, T. D. E., fellowship, 1222 Deaf, specialized personnel to work with, training, contract, 586 Heal, T. E., degree, 623 Heal, \V. C., Jr., degree, 209 fellowship, 42 Deal, W. L., degree, 615 Deain, E. L., appointment, 112, 885 Dean. C. W., appointment, 1083 Dean, D. 1., member of advisory committee, 484 Dean. D. L., degree, 842 "can, Juliette, gift, 304 Dean, L. A., degree, 398 Dean, Mrs. Loraine P., appointment, 1324 Dean, Penelope J., degree, 1305 !'ean, Vera R., degree, 619 'ran, W. F., Jr., degree, 873 Jean, W. I)., degree, 1315 'eanesly, Margaret, appointment, 252, 758 I'eAngelis, M. P., degree, 640 JtAno, J. M., degree, 839 rany, C. F., degree, 147 earborn, L. H., degree, 1295 dearborn Piumbing & Heating Service, Inc., contract, 90 OF ILLINOIS 1399 Dearden, S. W., degree, 388 DeArmond, M. K., fellowship, 478, 1140 Dearnbarger, N. E., degree, 644 Dearworth, W. E., degree, 147 Deasy, G. K., degree, 1313 Deaton, J. C, degree, 838 Debels, Maija, degree, 623 DeBoer, J. J., appointment, 328, 1001 leave of absence, 207 DeBord, W. A., fellowship, 1333 Debs Hospital Supplies, Inc., purchase, 1159 Deburn, D. E., certificate, 63 Debus, K. L., appointment, 992 DeCardy, W. D., degree, 1079 Decaroli, Dolores A., degree, 1301 Decatur Paper Co., purchase, 377 Decatur Paper House, Inc., purchase, 190, 1014 Decerebrate rigidity, research, gift, 970 de Charms, Desiree, leave of absence, 930 DeChristopher, D. J., degree, 642, 1318 Deck, J. C., degree, 1276 Decker, A. D., degree, 1288 Decker, B. D., degree, 394 Decker, Charles F., appointment, 66 Decker, Clarence F-, appointment, 753 Decker, C. W., degree, 1302 Decker, D. K., degree, 396 Decker, G. C, degree, 394 Decker, H. A., appointment, 334 leave of absence, 426 Decker, J., appointment, 921 Decker, J. C, degree, 145 Decker, J. D., degree, 151 Decker, L. E., resignation. 206 Decker, Margaret A., degree, 623 Deckowitz, P. A., degree, 839 Declinations of appointments, 45, 132, 206, 320, 356, 412. 443, 479, 521, 665, 700, 738, 820. 897, 929, 1087, 1141, 1173, 1231, 1339 DeCock, W. J., gift, 972 DeCook, R. N., degree, 637 Dederichs. D. A., certificate, 61 Dedmon, R. E., appointment, 70, 406, 757, 759 Deeb, Mrs. Barbara P., appointment, 921 degree, 640 resignation, 1020 Deeb, S. S., degree, 1058 Deeco, Inc., purchase, 591, 719 Dee Electric Co., purchase, 1204 Deeming, W., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, expiration of term, 2 DeEmo, D. M., degree. 842 Deen, Karen I., degree, 401 Deener, J. J., degree, 396 Deere, J., Co., lease, 282, 3S1, 438, 1040, 1162, 1210 Deere, J., Planter Works, gift, 954 Deerfield Area United Fund, Inc., gift, 308 Deerfield-Bannockburn United Fund, gift, 308, 969 Deerinck, Phyllis L., degree, 1299 Deering, Joyce A., degree, 631 Deering, R. J., degree, 1278 fellowship, 512, 1222 Dees, D. E., appointment, 197 Dees, J. S., fellowship, 1222 Deese, P. W., degree, 145 Deeter & Ritchey, gift, 287, 948 Defenbaugh, Janice L., degree, 1295 Defenbaugh, R. J., degree, 1080 Defense Atomic Support Agency, gift, 302, 965 De Feo, V. J., resignation, 897 de Figueiredo Filho, P. M., degree, 329 DeFilipps, W. J., certificate, 746 degree, 402, 1063 Defiiese, P. L., certificate, 1150 DeFord, J. W., degree, 211 DeFotis, W., appointment, 885 gift, 311 1400 BOARD OF DeFrees, P., degree, 647 DeFries, J. C, appointment, 802 leave of absence, 413 DeGarmo, J. L.., degree, 635 Degenford, J. E., appointment, 921, 1324 degree, 1268 Degenhart, T. W., degree, 1293 Degnan, Judith A., fellowship, 658 DeGrazia, E. A., degree, 405 Degrees, conferred, 137, 208, 382, 598, 824, 873, 1057, 1265 Bachelor of Architecture, Chicago Undergraduate Division, approved, 1027 Bachelor of Fine Arts, landscape architecture, change, 709 Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, approved, 709 Bachelor of Science, city planning, name changed, 907 medical art, established, 342 medical record administration, established, 343 medical technology, established, 342 Bachelor of Urban Planning, name, approved, 907 Doctor of Philosophy, agricultural engineering, approved, 907 biology, established, 708 honorary, approved, 459, 1103, 1150 conferred, 599, 640, 1266, 1316 Master of Arts, teaching of English, revisions, 10 Master of Landscape Architecture, approved, 709 Master of Science, biology, changed from biological sciences, 708 city planning, name changed, 908 landscape architecture, change, 709 nursing, established, 428 orthopaedic surgery, established, 1190 Master of Urban Planning, name, approved, 908 De Greiff, F. E., degree, 828 deGryse, Ruby V., appointment, 339 DeHainaut, Diane G., degree, 1078 Dehler Manufacturing Co., Inc., purchase, 691 Deicing agents, research, contract, 789 Deihl, W. D., degree, 217 Deinhardt, F. W., appointment, 71, 759 Dejong, G. A., appointment, 252, 756 Dejong, J., member of advisory committee, 5 Dejong, J. H., degree, 636 DeKalb County State's Attorney, contract, 104, 915 Dekan, Carolyn M., degree, 1307 DeKeyser, F. R., degree, 1291 Dekoker, W. J., certificate, 1099 DeLaCruz, R. J., certificate, 1099 De Lamotte, E., degree, 831 Delaney, M. J., degree, 612 Delaney, N. F., degree, 1070 Delano, C. H., degree, 1306 DeLano, W. R., certificate, 1099 DeLap, Nancy L., degree, 1286 De Larco, J. E. P., fellowship, 894 de la Torre, A., appointment, 79, 767 DeLaurier, J. D., degree, 1071 Delavan Community Chest, gift, 310, 971 DeLee, S. T., appointment, 72, 760 De Lemos, H. D., degree, 395 DeLeon, M. J., degree, 1280 Delevoryas, T., appointment, 32 DeLey, H. C, Jr., appointment, 331 fellowship, 1171 Del Ghingaro, V. B., certificate, 746 Delinquency prevention, research, gift, 293, 955 De.Lio, M. J,. degree, 629 Delivery cabinets, Housing Division, purchase, 1207 Dell, J. R., degree, 623 Dellenback, Barbara K., degree, 1319 fellowship, 131, 319, 817 TRUSTEES Deller, R. W., degree, 1293 fellowship, 1222 Dellinger, L. J., degree, 623 Dellinger, R. V., degree, 842 DeLoach, W. B., fellowship, 1019 DeLong, C. C, authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 DeLong, J. R., degree, 1295 DeLorenzo, E. P., degree, 151 DeLuca, Carole J., degree, 1305 DeLuca, W. H., degree, 389 Del-Vecchio, N., degree, 609 deMaine, Margaret M., appointment, 728 de Maine, P. A. D., appointment, 440 De Marco, W., appointment, 32, 885, 1324 degree, 139 Demaree, R. G., resignation, 665 DeMaris, E. J., appointment, 486, 650, 996 leave of absence, 425 cancellation, 930 De Mark, L. J., degree, 1295 DeMarr, Mary J., degree, 875 Dembski, W. J., resignation, 206 Done, R. J., degree, 1312 Demeris, G. T., Jr., decree, 403 Demetrakopoulos, G. H., degree, 825 DeMink, R. B., degree, 1076 Demkovich, Jeanette M., degree, 623 Demmin, Julia L., degree, 398 Demographic statistical study, Chicago Under graduate Division, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 Demonstrations, recordings, policy, 460 De Montlivault, J. G., degree, 142 DeMory, C. J., degree, 647 Demos, P. A., degree, 623 Demos, T. C, degree, 644 DeMotte, D. L., certificate, 1099 degree, 617 Dempsey, C. W., degree, 1060 DeMuth, N. S., Jr., degree, 612 Den Adel, R. L., fellowship, 512 Denham, E. L., resignation, 820 Denis, Marianne, appointment, 1324 Denison Engineering Division, American Brake Shoe Co., purchase, 54 Deniz, E., appointment, 84, 772 Denlinger, C. G., appointment, 650 degree, 611 Denmark, W. L., appointment, 197, 802 Dennen, Beverly, degree, 216 Dennen, D. A., degree, 641 resignation, 443 Denning, R. G., appointment, 1324 Dennis Fund, investment, 246 Dennis, J. R., appointment, 650 Dennis, Josephine, gift, 286 Dennis, Mrs. Nancy J., appointment, 650 den Ouden, G., appointment, 112, 252 Densford, R. S., degree, 1317 Densford, Sandra H., degree, 1321 Denson, E. M., degree, 1081 Denson, J. W., degree, 1077 Denst, Kathleen A., degree, 401 Dent, Jeanne M., degree, 1284 Dental Alumni Society of Ohio, gift, 311 Dental Clinic, purchase, furniture, 1157 Dental Education Fund, gift, 310 Dental equipment, Pedodontics, purchase, llJ Dental health, research, gift, 969 Dental laboratory service, Prosthodontics Clinic, contract, 1037, 1255 Dental manikins, Applied Materia Medica ana Therapeutics, purchase, 1037 Dental Radiology, gift, research, Crouse, J- N., Dental Endowment Fund, 969 purchase, photomicroscope, 863 polygraph, 1157 tape transport, 1157 x-ray film equipment, 913 Dental teacher education program, funds, gift, 310 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1401 Dental vacuum power units, Fixed Partial Prosthodontics, purchase, 1157 Dentistry, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 degrees, conferred, 642, 1317 financial aid to students, Health Professions Educational Assistance Act, 1154 cift, award, Block Drug Co., 306, 967 Midwest Oral Rehabilitation Study Group, 306 Tyiman, 3. D., 306 Wach, E. C, 306, 967 funds, Chicago Dental Assistants Association, 310 Fund for Dental Education, Inc., 971 Kellogg, W. K., Foundation, 310, 971 loan fund, American Dental Association, 306, 967 research, University Foundation, 971 scholarships, Medical Center Women's Auxiliary, 306, 967 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, first unit, attic alterations, contract, electrical, 911 general, 910 heating, refrigeration, and temperature control, 911 plumbing, 911 ventilating, 911 remodeling, contract, electrical, 14, 91, 240, 270, 1154, 1250 general, 14, 91, 240, 269, 1154, 1250 heating, 14, 240, 269, 1154, 1250 laboratory equipment, 14, 91. 270, 1250 pipe covering, 14, 91, 270, 1250 plumbing, 14, 91, 240, 269, 1154, 1250 steam fitting and process fitting, 91 ventilating, 14, 91, 240, 270, 1154, 1250 weatherproonng roof decks, contract, 465 funds, investment, 247, 249, 378, 380, 724, 870, 917, 944, 1130, 1164, 1263 incinerator, contract, 1028 power supply, contract, 184 addition, 433 remodeling, engineering services, contract, 853 second unit, air conditioning, contract, electrical, 90 general, 90 heating and refrigeration, 90 plumbing, 90 ventilating, 90 coldwater system, contract, 15 Demon, F. R., Jr., degree, 1278 Denture teeth, Prosthodontics, purchase, 495, 1256 DePalma, R., appointment, 728 De Pasquali, G., leave of absence, 425 DePeyster, F. A., appointment, 252, 769 declination, 206 DePinto, J. A., fellowship, 817 Depke Welding Supplies, Inc., purchase, 595 Deposit, requirement for admission, 1007 De Prano, M. E., degree, 600 Deran, Elizabeth Y., resignation, 45 Derber, Zelda, appointment, 112 Derby, R. A., degree, 394 Derby, R. J., degree, 604 Derbyshire, A. J., appointment, 458, 975 Derbyshire, W., appointment, 112, 885 oeRivera, J. H., appointment, 265 Dermatitis, research, gift, 294, 955 Dermatological books and periodicals, pur- chase, funds, gift, 971 Dermatology, clinical faculty, 66, 753 gift, funds, various donors, 310 research, Abbott Laboratories, 306 Chicago Dermatological Society, 969 Clairol, Inc. Research Laboratories, 308 Dermen, D., degree, 1274 DeRousse, T. J., Jr., degree, 639 Derrick, Lucile, appointment, 197, 338 Derwelis, S. K., degree, 1315 DeSa, R. J., fellowship, 131, 894 Desai, D. R., degree, 620 Desai, J. P., degree, 828 Deschamps, G. A., appointment, 1324 leave of absence, 1107 Descloux, J., appointment, 112 Descourouez, J. C, appointment, 1006 degree, 834 Deshpande, V. N., resignation, 443 DeSitter Brothers, purchase, 56, 867 Desjardins, Susan J., degree, 633 Desks, purchase, Education, 1124 Housing Division, 593, 1124 Office Supply Storeroom, 1125 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 715 Desks, Inc., purchase, 1121 DeSmet, D. J., degree, 613 Desmond, J. J., certificate, 746 Desmond, Nancy A., appointment, 325, 988 Desnet, M., degree, 1286 DeSollar, W. R., II, degree, 1074 de Tarnowsky, G. O., appointment, 1185 Detecting system, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 54 Detectors, Physics Betatron, purchase, 471 DeTella, R. E., degree, 1081 Deterioration of meat, study, contract, change, 943 Detert, D. G., appointment, 885, 975 Detonation waves, research, contract, 474 change, 1163 Detroit Stoker Co., purchase, 191 Dettmer, L. W., degree, 634 Dettore, D. D., degree, 644 DeTurk, P. E., appointment, 802 Detweiler, J. A., appointment, 68, 755 Detwiler, Betty C, appointment, 650 resignation, 739 BeWitt, W. G., Ill, fellowship, 735 Deuss, E., gift, 284 Deuss, H. O., appointment, 68, 756 Deutsch, E. H., certificate, 265 Deutsch, W. E., appointment, 74, 761 Devecchio, R. C, degree, 615 Devereux, J. J., certificate, 1099 DeVey, W. J., Jr., degree, 620 DeVillez, E. J., degree, 1270 fellowship, 410 resignation, 820 Devine, Janet J., degree, 639 Devine, R. A., appointment, 112 degree, 404, 1064 fellowship, 319, 894 DeVito, J. A., fellowship, 512 DeVito, R. A., appointment, 885 DevlescHoward, A. B., Jr., degree, 1319 De Vlieger, D., fellowship, 658 Devore, L. E., Co., purchase, 373 DeVries, R. P., degree, 403 DeVries, W. R., appointment, 354, 768 DeVrijer, P., appointment, 80, 767 DeVry, Carol J., degree, 1295 De Waelsche, T. L., degree, 636 DeWald, R. L., appointment, 74, 762 DeWall, Laura C, degree, 1289 De Wan, E., appointment, 32, 406, 921 Dewan, R. K., degree, 384 Dewar vessel, Physics, purchase, 24 Dewey, A. L., degree, 1072 Dewey, B. R., appointment, 1217 Dewey, Dorothy E., degree, 1301 DeWinter, T. A., certificate, 746 DeWitt, Carol H., degree, 608 DeWitt, Mrs. Carol L., appointment, 802 Deyo, A. W., degree, 831 De Young, H. D., appointment, 68, 755 De Young, J. A., degree, 394 DeYoung, R. W., appointment, 772 1402 BOARD OF TRUSTEES DeYoung, V. R., appointment, 77, 765 Dhar, A. I., appointment, 750 resignation, 930 Dhawan, Devindra, appointment, 885 Diab, I. M., fellowship, 257, 894 Diamond, Mrs. Anita M., appointment, 802 Diamond, D. B., degree, 637 Diamond, D. M., appointment, 32 termination, 1141 degree, 875 Diamond, Rachel E., degree, 1295 Diamond, S. A., appointment, 314, 754 Diamond Alkali Co., gift, 293, 950, 954 Diapers, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 864 Diarrhea, research, gift, 310 Diaz, A., appointment, 84, 772 Diaz, M. M., fellowship, 1333 Diaz-Castillo, L. A., degree, 1291 Diaz Hernandez, M. M., degree, 1275 Dibell, D. L., degree, 829 DiBiagio, E. L., fellowship, 926 Dibos, D. R., degree, 636 Dichograph, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 1014 Dick, A. B., Foundation, gift, 300 Dick, R. I., appointment, 112 declination, 821 fellowship, 926 Dickelman, Babette S., degree, 841 Dicker, G. K., degree, 611 Dickerhofe, T. E., degree, 647 Dickerson, D. R., degree, 210 Dickerson, Linda A., degree, 1308 Dickerson, O. M., gift, 961 Dickerson, R. E., appointment, 506 Dickerson, R. H,, appointment, 1217 Dickerson, V. M., resignation, 206 Dickey, R. C, appointment, 406 Dickey, R. I., appointment, 988 Dickie, J. N., degree, 1311 Dickinson, D. B., Jr., degree, 211 Dickinson, Irene V., degree, 147 Dickinson, J. O., appointment, 695 degree, 640 Dickinson, June E., degree, 626 Dickinson, Marsha, resignation, 665 Dickman, M., degree, 642, 1318 Dickman, M. J., degree, 1079 Dickson, F. H., degree, 1306 Dicpinigaitis, Birute M., degree, 400 Dictating machines, purchase, Agronomy, 786 Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, 99 Dictionary stands, Library, Urbana, purchase, 1258 Dictor, Bonnie I., degree, 1080 Didzbalis, Anna D., degree, 647 Diedrich, D. T., certificate, 364 Diegel, Joan I., degree, 1295 Diehl, Dorothy M., appointment, 1136 Diekema, A. J., appointment, 1103 Dieken, M. D., certificate, 746 Diekhans, H. H., appointment, 1169, 1324 degree, 1060 Dielectric and semiconducting solids, research, contract, change, 944 Dielectric properities, dependence on crystal structures, research, contract, change, 245, 869 Diershaw, B. W., degree, 1074 Diesel generator and distribution system, Medical Center, contract, 15 Diesing, P. R., resignation, 521 Dietary fat, research, contract, 21 gift, 291, 953 Dietemann, C. A., appointment, 988 Dieter, O. A., appointment, 1002 Diet kitchen, Research and Educational Hospitals addition, construction, contracts, 271 Dietrich, J. G., degree, 644 Diez, F. R., degree, 880 Diffenbaugh, W. G., appointment, 81, 769 Diffractometer, Chemistry and Chemical Ene neering, purchase, 100 8 Diffusion in metals, research, contract, chanm. 943, 1163 st| Diffusion mechanism, research, gift, 290 DiGennaro, J. F., degree, 143 Digestive disturbances from soybeans, study contract, 474 Diggs, A. E., appointment, 81, 769 Diggs, B. J., appointment, 708, 999 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 DiGilio, M. M., appointment, 69, 755 Digital Computer Laboratory, addition, coo tract, architectural services, 908 electrical work, 346 general, 345 heating and air conditioning, 346 plumbing, 346 ventilating, 346 funds, 346 land, acquisition, condemnation proceed ings, authorization, 981, 1144 negotiations, authorization, 1146 settlement, 1235 purchase, 1235 budget, summer session, 327, 990 equipment, lease-purchase agreement, 693 gift, funds, International Business Machines Corp., 300 National Science Foundation, 302, %i head, appointment, 1151 Uliac II, updating, labor and materials, 86-1 purchase, amplifiers, 495 cables, 716 capacitors, 592 connector frames, 278 connectors, 55, 374, 470, 591, 941, 103S 1123, 12S7 data processing supplies, 189 diodes, 495, 719, 784, 866, 1123 glass epoxy laminate, 1123 lathe, 1257 magnetic core matrix stack, 188, 1014 microdiodes, 1257 milling machine, 1257 oscilloscope, 374, 1038 pins, 1159 power supplies, 278, 435, 592, 784, 1204 power supply modules, 374 racks, 784 resistors, 1159, 1257 soldering machine, 1204 spray etcher, 435 tabulating forms, 435, 865, 1159 taper pins, 716 terminal boards, 279 transformers, 1038, 1123 transistors, 591, 787, 941, 1123, 1257 typewriters, 1205 vacuum tubes, 23 word memory system, 435 quarters at 1308 West Springfield Avenue. remodeling, funds, 852 Digital computers, research, contract, 104 change, 21, 498, 721, 1016, 1041 Digital magnetic tape unit, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 788 Digital recorder, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 242 Digjtalis toxicity, research, gift, 308 Digitronics Corp., purchase, 24 DiGiuiio, V. S., appointment, 72, 760 Dill, A. F., appointment, 921 deg/ee, 874 resignation, 1340 Dill, E. D., degree, 834 Dill, J. E., appointment, 70 Diller, Mary A., degree, 151 Dilley, C. A,, appointment, 650 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1403 pilliard, I., article concerning federal government written by faculty member, statement, 1133 inspection of new buildings, 251 member of committees, 1098 postponement of football game with Michigan State University, proposal, 932 pilliard, Mary S., degree, 143 Dillon, Erika R., degree, 840 pillow, D. D., degree, 151 Dilute nitrogen, fatigue behavior, study, contract, change, 105 Dimick, D. F., appointment, 70, 755 Dimick, R. C, appointment, 197 invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 1146 Dimmitt, D. P., appointment, 252, 802 Dimshee & Co., Rift, 963 Dinger, R. L., degree, 155 Dinger, Sharon, appointment, 197 resignation, 897 Dining furniture, Housing Division, purchase, 1206 Dinken, S. A., degree, 635 Pinkines, Flora, appointment, 339, 100S declination, 701 Dinmore, Mary P., degree, 147 Diodes, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 495, 719, 784, 866, 1123 Dion, J., degree, 1068 Di Orio, D., Jr., degree, 1291 Dipert, A. W., appointment, 32., 329, 476, 992 Diploma covers, Admissions and Records, purchase, 99, 783 Dippel, W. F., appointment, 770 Direction-finder system, contract, change, 105, 587 Dirks. K. R., degree, 395 DiSabato, D. A., degree, 1295 Disaster medicine, training program, contract, change, 587 Diseases, infectious, research, gift, 307 turf grass, research, gift, 292 Dishwasher, IIHni Union, Urbana, repairs, 102 DiSimone, Rita L., degree, 398 Dislocations and point defects, study, contract, 474 change, 1260 Diskin, M. H., degree, 1059 Disney, W., Films, purchase. 243, 866 Dispensing system, Hospital Pharmacy, purchase, 1256 Display fixtures and cabinets, Pathology, purchase, 1158 Distelheim, I. H., appointment, 66, 753 Distillers' solubles in swine nutrition, study, gift, 299 Dittman, Sharon E., degree, 1307 Dittmann, Marcia L., degree, 623 Dittmer, Phyllis B., certificate, 364 Divane Brothers Electric Co., contract, 240, 272 Diver, Judith A., degree, 1273 Divila, F. B., degree, 1300 Divilhiss, J. L., appointment, 197 declination. 206 invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 232 resignation, 521 Division of General Studies, budget, summer session, 331, 995 head, appointment. 368 fix, Florence D., degree, 633 Dixit, S. N., appointment, 476, 885 ttxon, D. B., fellowship, 1333 Nixon, Dixie L., fellowship, 927 Dixon, H. D., Jr., degree, 1302 Dixon, K. T., degree, 620 Uixon, M. P., degree, 388 Dixon, Margie K., appointment, 112, 802 Dixon, Monty L., degree, 629 Don, O. L., Ill, degree, 608 Dixon, R. D., leave of absence, 1233 resignation, 1340 Dixon National Bank, lease, 868 Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, name, approved, 1252 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, appropriation, balance reappropriated, improvements, 87, 780 laboratory repairs and replacement, 87, 780 staff houses, 86, 779 truck, 85, 778 remodeling, 1111 water system and fire protection, 1152 name, change, 1252 purchase, ammonia, 434 crushed rock, 588 fertilizer, 1124 greenhouse, 593 truck, 25, 714 superintendent's house, architectural services, contract, 96 Dixton, D. L., degree, 1309 Djerf, A. C, degree, 1070 Djorup, F. M., Jr., appointment, 112, 650 leave of absence, 740 resignation, 1141 Djuricich, M., degree, 400 Dlouhy, Elaine J., degree, 646 Dluhy, J. M., degree, 644 Dluhy, M. J., degree, 1295 Dmitrenko, Anna, degree, 1064 Do-All Midwest Co., purchase, 281 DoAU Rockford Co., purchase, 242 Doane, B. B., degree, 827 Doane, W., appointment, 975 Doane, W. R., degree, 1303 Dobbins, D. C, degree, 623 Dobrin, B. R., certificate, 61 Dobrinske, D. W., degree, 1081 Dobrovolny, J. S., appointment, 506 Dockery, L. A., degree, 395 Dockrill, M. L., resignation, 521 Dockterman, A. S., degree, 1309 Dockweiler, R. C, certificate, 746 Dodd, G. G., appointment, 406, 1325 fellowship, 42 resignation, 412 Dodd, G. W., degree, 842 Dodd, Marjorie A., degree, 403 Dodd, R. W., degree, 1291 Dodd, W. D., degree, 644 Dodds, B. F., appointment, 802 Dodds, Barbara L., degree, 1299 Dodds, Mrs. Doris, resignation, 45 Dodds, R. S., degree, 826 Doden, B. M., degree, 1072 Dodge, Jeanette P., degree, 140 Dodge, W. J., fellowship, 1333 Dodson, Carolyn J., degree, 635 Dodson, D. G., degree, 396 Doe, O. P., Jr., degree, 623 Doedtman, D. J., degree, 618 Doehren, J. V.. Co., purchase, 493 Doehring, D. C, certificate, 61 Doemland, H. H., degree, 384 Doering, G. G., degree, 151, 1315 Doerner, G. R., degree, 1072 Doeskin Products, Inc., purchase, 163 Dogs, study, contract, 915 change, 1040 Doherty, C. V., certificate, 749 Doherty, L. E., degree, 144 Doherty, Sylvia A., degree, 1305 Doherty, T. P., degree, 1276 Dohm, R. W., degree, 1313 Dohse, F. E., degree, 212 Dojnik, L. A., degree, 397 Dolan, Thomas J., release of instructional material to be used by United States Military Academy, 275 Dolan, Thomas J., Jr., fellowship, 1333 Dolan, W. J., Jr., certificate, 61 1404 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Doles, R. D., degree, 617 Dolinko, P., appointment, 265, 767 Dollinger, M. B., fellowship, 1222 Dollins, C. C, degree, 1074 fellowship, 1222 Dolly, E. D., degree, 629 Dolney, E. L., appointment, 197 resignation, 1173 Doman, Melinda R. degree, 827 Domes, analysis and design, study, contract, change, 105, 381 Domestic animals, ovulation control, study, contract, 587 Dominic, D. L., degree, 620 Don, E., & Co., purchase, 1202, 1203, 1207, 1208 Donaghe, Betty T., degree, 1286 Donahue, Anne M., certificate, 746 Donaldson, J. A., degree, 391 Donath, R., appointment, 71 Donath-Skjorten, Miriam A., degree, 405 Dondanville, L. E., appointment, 314, 757 Dondanville, Ruth K., degree, 1080 Done, A. A., degree, 873 Donegan, Rosa M., fellowship, 658 resignation, 930 Doniger, J. A., degree, 1313 Donley, Constance L. U., degree, 393 Donnel, C. W., degree, 1070 Donnelian, B. A., degree, 1268 Donnelley, R. R., & Sons Co., purchase, 1036, 1127 Donnelly, D. J., degree, 1309 Donoghue, J. T., degree, 600 resignation, 739 Donoho, R. C, degree, 639 Donohue, J. T., fellowship, 512, 1333 Donohue, T. J., certificate, 364 Donovan, C. V., appointment, 325 Donovan, D. G., appointment, 32, 112, 802 Donovan, W. H., Jr., appointment, 73, 761 Donovan, W. P., appointment, 327, 990 Doob, J. L., appointment, 1111 leave of absence, 1109 Doolas, A., appointment, 83, 771 Doolen, G. L., degree, 1288 Dooley, K. R., degree, 1276 Dooley, R. W., fellowship, 410 resignation, 479 Doolittle, W. F., appointment, 325 Doolittle, W. F., Jr., member of advisory committee, 237 Doornink, D. G., fellowship, 1222 Doors, purchase, Housing Division, Urbana, 718 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 242 Doppelt, P. H., degree, 609 Doran, H. F.. degree, 1314 Dorenfest, Ins C, degree, 1078 Dorenkamp, J. H., degree, 210 Dorfmeister, J. W., degree, 825 resignation, 443 Dorini, Barbara A., degree, 1295 Dormitory revenue bonds, investment, 249 Dorn, A. S., degree, 640 Dornberg, O., appointment, 331 Dorner, J. L., degree, 1315 Dorner, R. F., degree, 395 Dornseif, E. R., degree, 396, 1065 Dornseif, N. K., degree, 839 Doroschuk, E. V., degree, 211 Dorosz, L. C, fellowship, 42, 735 resignation, 1020 Dorris, A. F., degree, 608 Dorsett, H. L., appointment, 921 Dorth, D. P., degree, 1291 Doshi, M. M., degree, 641 Doshi, P. K., degree, 831 Dosho, Y., degree, 1273 Dosier, J. R., degree, 147 Dostoievsky, lithograph, gift, 967 Dotten, H. J., contract, 1010 Doty, Carol L., degree, 611 fellowship, 410 Doty, D. B., appointment, 885, 1136 Doubet, C. B., degree, 618 Doubleday, J. F., fellowship, 1333 Doudera, T. W., certificate, 61 Doudna, Jo Ann M., appointment, 506 Dougherty, A. L., degree, 1078 Dougherty, G. W., degree, 1314 Dougherty, N. R., appointment, 314, 757 Doughty, C. C, appointment, 66, 252 Douglas, B. L., appointment, 63 Douglas, G. H., appointment, 112 Douglas, G. S.. degree, 647 Douglas, Judith C, degree, 152 Douglas, Judith J., degree, 647 Douglas, L. H., appointment, 335 Douglas, N. S., degree, 615 Douglas, Stephen A., Hall, name given to classroom building at Chicago Circle, 1265 Douglas, S. A., resignation, 443 Douglas, Sara U., degree, 610 Douglas, Shirley A., degree, 400 Douglas, W. B., Jr., degree, 1315 Douglas, W. R., certificate, 1099 Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., gift, 284, 946, 950 Douglas County State's Attorney, contract 867 Douglass, Kathryn F., degree, 385 Douglass, P. M., degree, 1080 Douthart, R. J., appointment, 112 Douthit, Barbara A., degree, 834 Dove, W. F., appointment, 80, 768 Dow, T. E., degree, 621 Dow Chemical Co., gift, 284, 288, 303, 946 950, 954 Dow Corning Corp., gift, 293 Dowe, D. E., degree, 1286 Dowell, J. H., degree, 1312 Downer, R. G., degree, 1080 Downers Grove United Fund, Inc., gift, 972 Downes, W. L., appointment, 330 Downey, D. J., degree, 636 Downey, H. F., fellowship, 1019 Downey, J. M., degree, 636 Downey, W. S., Jr., degree, 638 Downing, R. W., appointment, 885 degree, 391 Downs, D. D., degree, 838 Downs, W. L., degree, 152 Downtown Electric, contract, 16, 344, 489, 538, 857, 1120 Downtown Gallery, Inc., purchase, 494 Doyama, M., appointment, 1325 Doyle, Anne T., degree, 385 Doyle, Ella A., degree, 826 Doyle, J. M., degree, 877 Doyle, Kathleen, degree, 1295 Doyle, R. F., degree, 623 Dozier, L. H., degree, 147 Dozier, R. G., degree, 1315 Draa, C, appointment, 72, 760 Draayer, D. R., fellowship, 1222 Drabanski, J. S., appointment, 84, 771 Drabik, D. G., degree, 147 Drafting equipment. Congress Circle, purchase, 1158, 1254 Drafting tables, Architecture, Urbana, purchase, 23 Drago, R. S., appointment, 650 Dragozetich, W. J., degree, 155 Drahos, Mary L., degree, 1071 Drainage laws and practices, research, contract, change, 192, 791 Drainage system, Allerton Farm No. 6, construction, contract, 784 Drake, D. M., appointment, 314 Drake, G. W. J., fellowship, 1222 Drake, T. W., leave of absence, 1109 Drakenfeld, B. F., & Co., gift, 284 Drapeau, R. E., degree, 1081 UNIVERSITY Draper, M. A., fellowship, 42, 658, 735 Draper, W. H., appointment, 995 Draperies, purchase, Assembly Hall, 436 Housing Division, Urhana, 1207 physical Plant Department, 789 Drawings, gift, Dean, Juliette, 304 Orawver, Pauline S., degree, 1269 Drayer, H. D., degree, 644 Draznik, Judith M., degree, 1303 Drenckhahn, Virginia C, degree, 1308 Drenkhahn, D. D., degree, 841 Dresback, F. F., degree, 156 Dresch, Mary T., degree, 627 Dresner, S. B., degree, 1295 Drew, J. S., degree, 1288 Drew, Lynne F., degree, 630 Drewitch, E. T., contract, adjustment, 22, 106, 245, 283 Drexel Venetian Blind Laundry, purchase, 1207 Dreyfuss, M. J-, degree, 139 Dribin, Sandra B., degree, 153 Drickamer, H. G., appointment, 458 Drieslein, R. L., degree, 1288 Drill, V. A., appointment, 78, 766 Drill Hall, Navy Pier, lease, 868 Drilling machine. Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 715 Drinan, G. J., degree, 620 Driscoll, G. M., certificate, 61 Driscoll, H. F., Jr., degree, 623 Driver, J. M., degree, 389 Driver education teachers, extramural classes, scholarships, gift, 284, 945 Drobot, V., degree, 1280 Droghetti, L. J., gift, 311 Drolet, D. L., degree, 629 Dium, Beulah J., appointment, 335, 1000 Drong, C. J., degree, 389 Dropped from a course for dishonesty, grade recorded, change, 268, 429 Drori, J., appointment, 759 Drawer, Sara R., appointment, 1005 declination, 1340 Drozt, R. A., degree, 647 Drucker, H., degree, 629 fellowship, 658 Drucker, R. W., degree, 1064 Druehl, E. W., certificate, 749 Druffel, L. E., degree, 396 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, addition, contract, electrical, 684 general, 684 heating, refrigeration, and temperature control, 684 plumbing, 684 ventilating, 684 appropriation, equipment, balance reappro- priated, 780 electric service lines, easement, Commonwealth Edison Co., 919 purchase, plant carts, 1201 stoneware jars, 1201 telephone service lines, easement, Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 919 "rugs, research, contract, change, 105, 381, 587 gift, 292, 309 Dmker, G. D., certificate, 1099 Uruliner, J. D., degree, 1276 Drums, Parsla A., degree, 646 Urummond, H. A., appointment, 112 leave of absence, 899 wury, R. E., fellowship, 512, 1222 1'rye, R. C., appointment, 79, 767 jfyer, Karen E., degree, 636 ry. ice, purchase, 493, 595 "rying of farm grains, study, gift, 291 Jrvsdale, W. H., degree, 619 fellowship, 512, 1222 resignation, 1232 OF ILLINOIS 1405 Dua, R. D., appointment, 921 Dubin, A., appointment, 66, 753 Dubinsky, E. L., appointment, 1325 Duboe, Lesley E., degree, 632 DuBois, W. R., appointment, 113, 1136 Dubow, J. C, certificate, 1099 DuBrow, I. W., degree, 629 fellowship, 698 Ducat, Judith H., degree, 647 Ducay, R. M., certificate, 365 Duckman, C. L., degree, 1295 Duckwall, J. W., appointment, 314 Duckworth, P. E., certificate, 746 degree, 634, 1287 fellowship, S12 resignation, 1232 Ducoff, H. S., leave of absence, 1109 Ductwork, Medical Research Laboratory, contracts, 543 Duclos, R. D., degree, 152 Dudacek, W. E., degree, 1302 Dudle, D. A., degree, 397 Dudley, J., appointment, 476, 803, 993 degree, 1271 Dudley, T. R., degree, 1307 Dudley, W. D., degree, 1309 Due, J. F., appointment, 456 Dueland, Mary E., degree, 393 Duell, J. D., degree, 1312 Duerinck, W. C, fellowship, 257, 735 Duever, M. J., degree, 1303 Duewer, L. A., degree, 214 Duewer, R. G., degree, 143 Duff, G. L., degree, 389 Duff, R. G., certificate, 679 Duffield, D. W., degree, 640 Duffield, Suzanne M., degree, 1308 Duffy, P. A., degree, 618, 620 Duffy, T., degree, 394 Duffy. T. J., degree, 1079 Dufner, W. J., degree, 634 Dufon, K. T., certificate, 265 Dufour, F., degree, 838 Dufourd, Diane L., degree, 1295 Dugan, J. R., degree, 1303 Dugan, R. L., degree, 1306 Dugdale, W. R., degree, 1319 Duggan, T. J., appointment, 113, 476 degree, 877 Duggan-Karasik Construction Co., contract, 269 DuIIamel, R. H., invention, income allocation, 668 Duhl, S., certificate, 365 Duies, L. D., degree, 394 Duis, J. W., degree, 1288 Duke, A. L., degree, 1315 Duke, B. R., degree, 1310 Duke Fund, investment, 246, 869 Duker, B. W., degree, 150 Duker, G. M., appointment, 989 Duker, N. J., fellowship, 698 Dukes, R. E., degree, 1072 Dulany, D. E., Jr., appointment, 32 Duleba, Laverne R., degree, 1314 Dumas, D. G-, appointment, 803 Dumbaugh, D. D., degree, 154 Dumbwaiter, Veterinary Medicine Research Annex addition, contract, 538 Dummy load, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 350 Dunavan, T. A., degree, 636 Dunbar, B. S., degree, 644 Duncan, J. A., degree, 636 Duncan, Margaret H., degree, 147 Duncan, R. F., gift, 284 Duncan Parking Meter Division, Nautec Corp., purchase, 191, 280, 719 Dundy, M. W., degree, 1295 Dunham, Lou A., degree, 646 Dunkel, C. A., certificate, 746 1406 BOARD OF ' Dunkelberger, L. F., degree, 644 Dunkin, M. J., fellowship, 203 resignation, 443 Dunlap, W. H., fellowship, 1222 Dunn, Barbara H., degree, 1077 Dunn, C. R., degree, 1319 Dunn, D. L., degree, 825 Dunn, F., appointment, 354 invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 231 Dunn, H. E., fellowship, 658 Dunn, Helen L., degree, 1069 Dunn, M. P., degree, 397 Dunn, W. B. degree, 400 Dunn, W. H., Jr., degree, 1312 Dunne, G. W., gift, 311 Dunne, W. J., appointment, 1005, 1018 Dunnigan, Elaine M., fellowship, 512 Dunniway, D. A., certificate, 365 Dunphy, E. J., appointment 695, 803 degree, 1276 Dunphy, J. H., degree, 396 Dunphy, J. V., appointment, 921 Dunphy, Jean A., degree, 1289 Dunphy, Patricia A., degree, 147 Dunsdon, R. O., appointment, 265 Dunwoody, W. K., degree 396 Dunworth, B. E., degree, 1071 Dunworth, R. D., degree, 647 Duo-Bed Corp., purchase, 26 DuPage County Health Improvement Association, gift, 287 Duplicators, purchase, Agriculture Mailing Room, 99 Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, 1037 Engineering, Urbana, 100 Language Laboratory, 715 Physics, Urbana, 1160 Public Information, Urbana, 244 Stenographic Service, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85 Dupont, J. A., degree, 644 Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., Inc., rift, 288, 293, 954, 969 Duralab Equipment Corp., contract. 1120 1250 Duran, Carol J., degree, 1078 Duran, Elizabeth C, degree, 876 Duran, Judith H., degree, 402 Duran, L. A., degree, 1081 Duran Castro, H., degree, 829 Durand, B. J., degree, 1312 Durand, D. A., degree, 1064 fellowship, 512, 1222 Durant, J. B., appointment, 340 Durdle, W. M., degree, 873 Durkin, Diane M., degree, 1074 Durkin, Janice L., degree, 1295 Durrett, R. H., degree, 613 Dusberger, R. H., degree, 1077 DuSell, R. R., degree, 842 Dusenberry, W. H., book, printing, 102 Dusendschon, D. W., certificate, 1099 Duskey, P. J., degree, 390 Dussan-Villaveces, B., degree, 622 Dust, P. C, degree, 1272 Dust, P. H., degree, 628 Dutta, T. R., appointment, 252 Dutton, Jo Ellen, degree, 639 Duvall, R. O., degree, 1295 Dvorak, P. F., fellowship, 698, 927 Dvore, Irene S., degree, 404 Dwight Bros. Paper Co., purchase, 102, 1014 Dworak, G. A., decree, 827 Dworschak, F., resignation, 977 Dwyer, Kathleen M. fellowship, 512 Dyben, J. P., degree, 620 Dye, W. S., Jr., appointment, 81, 769 Dyer, C. L., degree, 394 Dyer, H. D., degree, 152 Dyer, J. R., degree, 1S1 Dyer, Olympia P., fellowship, 203, 817 Dyes, research, contract, change, 352 Dygert, R. W., degree, 1315 Dyhr, P., fellowship, 817 Dynamic load generator parts, Civil Engi- neering, purchase, 1256 Dynamic loads, effects on soils and buried structures, study, contract, change, 193 283 Dynamics Test Laboratory, construction con tract, electrical, 1248 general, 1248 heating and air conditioning, 1248 plumbing, 1248 ventilating, 1248 Dynamometer, acquisition, contract, 789 Dysart, Margaret, appointment, 113, 440 Dysart, Margaret P., degree, 603 Dysautonomia, research, gift, 307, 969 Dyson, Iona L., degree, 1078 Dyson, J. D., invention, income allocation 668 Dyson, Margaret C, degree, 879 Dyson, R. D., degree, 388 fellowship, 894 Dysplasia of the uterine cervix, research, gift, 307 Dystrup, J. A., degree, 1073 D'Zurilla, T. J., appointment, 1325 degree, 1271 fellowship, 698 Eades, James L., appointment, 197 Eades, James Lynwood, degree, 210 Eadie, D. C, degree, 1295 Eadie, D. G. A., appointment, 770 Eadie, G. R., resignation, 412 Eagelman, J. G., appointment, 803 Eagon, J. A., appointment, 333 declination, 665 Eakins, Susan M., degree, 1295 E & I Cooperative Service, Inc., purchase, 1253 E & M Instrument Co., purchase, 373, 690 Earle, R. J., degree, 155 Earles, D., degree, 621 Earley, A. T., degree, 1303 Earls, D. E., degree, 628 Earnest, Sharon E., degree, 619 Earp, N. L., degree, 1315 Easco Products, purchase, 56 Easel-flannelboard combinations. Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, purchase, 99 Easement, Carter-Pennell Farm, electric lines 1251 pipeline, 686 Chicago Circle, electric lines, 795 gas lines, 795 negotiations, authority, 467 telephone lines, 795 water, sewer, and fire alarm system lines, 795 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, electric and telephone service, 919 Romine Street, rerouting water main, 686 Sixth Street, parking lots in 800 block South, telephone cable, 88 south farms, water service extension, granted, 775 Stoughton Street, property in 1300 block West, storm sewer, 346 Easley, J. A., Jr., appointment, 64 East Chemistry Building, addition, contract, electrical, 854 elevator, 854 engineering services, storm and water main extension, 853 general, 853 addition, 1196 heating, piping refrigeration, and temperature control, 854 laboratory equipment, 854 pipe covering and insulation, 854 UNIVERSITY rt Chemistry Building, cont'd M plumbing, 854 utility extensions, 1248 ventilating, 854 land, acquisition, 673 fast Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, addition, architectural and engineering services, contract, 185 air conditioning, contract, electrical, 344 general, 344 heating and temperature controls, 344 plumbing, 344 ventilating, 344 fume hoods, installation, contracts, 464 student lounge, furnishings, gift, 306 Easter Seal Research Foundation, gift, 961 Eastland, Julianne, degree, 1308 Eastman, Heidi S., degree, 623 Eastman, Nina E., degree, 619 Eastman, W. H., appointment, 82, 769 gift, 308, 969 Eastman, W., and Hurlbut, J., Gift Fund, gift, 308, 969 Eastman Kodak Co., gift, 288, 301 purchase, 941 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc., purchase, 497, 692, 1203 East St. Louis, room for use by University Extension Division, lease, 720 Eater, J. W., degree, 1305 Eaton, H. L., degree, 604 Eaton, J. L., appointment, 32 fellowship, 817, 1333 Eaton, L. E., Jr., degree, 631 Ebbcrt, Evelyn M., degree, 623 Bens, A. J., degree, 1066 Eberhardt, J. L., degree, 403 Eberhart, W. S., degree, 881 Eberle, Margaret A., appointment, 728 Ebersbacher, Mrs. E. C, member of advisory committee, 1024 Eberspach, G., appointment, 885, 995 Ebert, R. J., degree, 1312 Ebied, A. M., degree, 209 Ebner, C. A., degree, 613 fellowship, 658, 1333 Eby, E. S., degree, 1269 Ecanow, B., appointment, 338, 1004 E-C Apparatus Corp., purchase, 55 Eccrine sweating, research, gift, 956 Echols, H. L., appointment, 252 Me, W. D., degree, 826 Eckardt, R. C, degree, 621 Eckelberry, R. H., appointment, 329 Ickert, C. E., member of advisory committee, 750 Eckert, D. D., fellowship, 1222 Eckert, W. J., appointment, 1018 Eckhouse, R. H., Jr., degree, 609 Eckland, B. K., degree, 1271 Eckland, Bobette S., degree, 151 Ecklund, G. L., degree, 631 Ecklund, R. E., appointment, 650 Eckman, J. C, degree, 1293 Eckman, V., member of advisory committee, 5 Eckner, F. A. C, appointment, 252, 764 Ecological crops, research, gift, 955 Economic and Business Research, Bureau of, gift, funds, Ford Foundation, 955 University Foundation, 962 research, Ford Foundation, 293 Rockefeller Foundation, 297 Monomics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, area of concentration, established, 1187 urbana, budget, summer session, 327, 991 chairman of department, appointment, 456 gift, fellowships, Lilly Endowment, Inc., 288 funds, Laird Norton Co., 957 Lilly, E., & Co., 957 "onomos, J. N., degree, 637 tconomou, N. A., appointment, 533 tconomou, P. G., appointment, 70, 757 OF ILLINOIS 1407 Economou, S. G., appointment, 1083 Economy Implements, Inc., purchase, 1127 Economy Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc., contract, 528, 857, 1120 settlement, 463 Eczematous allergic reactions, research, gift, 308 Eda, K., appointment, 113 Eddings, J. A., degree, 608 Eddings, L. L., degree, 151 Eddy, R. E., degree, 155 Eddy, R. R., fellowship, 1222 Edelheit, L. S., degree, 1292 Edelman, M., book, printing, 1157 Edelman, M. S., degree, 1303 Edelstein, A. E., degree, 1306, 1310 Edelstein, G., appointment, 78 Eden, J. L., degree, 395 Edens, W. E., degree, 385 Eder, B. D., degree, 1070 Edgar, Alice M. C, degree, 834 Edge, C. K., degree, 141 Edge, T. W., degree, 1271 Edgerton, Stephenie G., fellowship, 658, 1333 Edgerton, Germeshausen, & Grier, Inc., purchase, 1257 Edholm, J. L., degree, 1302 Edidin, Fern H., degree, 633 Edie, Carolyn A., fellowship, 410 Ediger, Ardean J., appointment, 771 Edison, T. A., Industries, purchase, 99, 786 Edison Electric Institute, contract, 191 gift, 954 Edlefsen, B. E., appointment, 334 fellowship, 1171 Edlund, Judith L., degree, 639 Edlund, L. D., degree, 1289 Edsall, J. V., resignation, 1340 Education, College of, appropriation, air conditioning, 488 balance reappropriated, 85, 778 equipment, 1153 remodeling, 13 budget, summer session, 327 building, name, 469 curricula, revisions, industrial education, 8 teaching mentally handicapped children, 9 dean, appointment, 1104 degrees conferred, 154, 216, 401, 632, 841, 882, 1078, 1307 Educational Testing, name change to Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation, 1245 gift, funds, Life Insurance Institute, 300, 962 research, Grolier Foundation, Inc., 294 scholarship, Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, 947 Illinois Teacher of Home Economics, printing, 100 lease. Main Street, property at 1102-A West, 868 mathematics project, film series, improvements, 189 purchase, furniture, 1123 recorders, 1126 television equipment, 1123, 1160 reorganization, 181 Education, Division of, budget, summer session, 1005 director, appointment, 457 report, state of division, 1175 Educational Administration and Supervision, budget, summer session, 991 chairman of department, appointment, 181 department, established, 181 Educational and Behavioral Sciences Library, appropriation, equipment, 918 Educational directions at the University, report of Study Committee on Future Programs, 352 1408 BOARD OF "? Educational Grants Fund, additions, gift, 301, 963 Educational Psychology, budget, summer session, 991 chairman of department, appointment, 181 department, established, 181 purchase, calculators, 1205 educational psychology preprofessional courses, materials and methods of teaching, contract, 1015 Educational Research, Bureau of, appropriation, remodeling and air conditioning, quarters in Lincoln Hall, 488 gift, funds, National Educational Association, 300 testing program, scoring service, 716 Educational television programming service, contract, 588 Educational Testing, appropriation, microfilming records, balance reappropriated, 85 name, change, 1245 purchase, test books, 497 test scoring service, contract, 25, 716 Educational Testing Service, purchase, 592 Education Building, contract, construction, electrical, 58 elevator, 59 general, 58 heating and air conditioning, 59 plumbing, 58 sanitary sewer, 370 storm sewer, 541 utilities distribution system, extension, 431 ventilating, 59 water mains, 541 laboratory equipment, 239 landscaping, 1027 parking facilities, 1193 purchase, chairs, 1157 filing system, 1160 furniture, 1123, 1125 Edwards, D. E., Jr., degree, 1292 Edwards, D. G., degree, 647 Edwards, D. I., degree, 211 Edwards, E. A., appointment, 72, 759 Edwards, H., gift, 949 Edwards, J. R., degree, 1316 fellowship, 42, 319 Edwards, J. W., degree, 402 Edwards, Letitia A., degree, 640 Edwards, Martha J., degree, 1295 Edwards, R. F., degree, 1312 Edwards, R. J., degree, 1276 fellowship, 512, 1222 Edwards, ft, T., appointment, 1325 Edwards, R. W., appointment, 1103 Edwards, T. E., fellowship, 1222 Edwards, T. L., degree, 1073 Edwards, T. T., degree, 396 Edwards, W. H., Jr., degree, 144 Edwards, W. M., degree, 141 Edwards, W. R., appointment, 32, 113, 803 degree, 1288 resignation, 1141 Edwards Brothers, Inc., purchase, 436, 470, 718 Edwards High Vacuum, Inc., purchase, 23 Eeckhout, M. J., appointment, 506 Eertmoed, G. E., appointment, 1325 Effusion, research, contract, 380 Efrussy, Myrna M., degree, 402 Efsic, E. J., Jr., appointment, 1325 degree, 1293 Efting, Barbara A., degree, 404 Egan, Margaret K., degree, 151 Egan, Patricia A., degree, 1307 Egan, R. J., certificate, 1099 Egan, R. S., degree, 647 Egan, Sharon A., degree, 1290 Egbert, P. R., appointment, 329, 476, 992, Egert, M. M., certificate, 1099 Eggers, Lynn F., degree, 216 Eggerstedt, C. J., degree, 1319 Eggert, R. A., appointment, 76, 763 Eggert, Sandra L., degree, 1314 Eggleston, R. C, degree, 400 Eggleton, R. C, appointment, 975 Egli, C. T., degree, 644 Efiernberger, Nicoiette, resignation, 45 Ehler, J. T. Ill, degree, 620 Ehlers, Jeanne L., degree, 842 Ehlert, C. E., degree, 632 Ehlert, Judith L., degree, 1295 Ehlert, R. E., degree, 1073 Ehret, T. K., appointment, 113 Ehrhardt, M. E., degree, 1077 Ehrlich, D., appointment, 987 Ehrlich Donnan Foundation, gift, 284 Ehrman, J. R., appointment, 728, 885 degree, 602 Ehrman, R. J., degree, 152 Eichler, V. B., degree, 629, 1283 Eichman, M. L., appointment, 750 Eierdam, O. C, degree, 1272 Eigel, S. C, degree, 403 Eigel, Suzanne M., degree, 156 Eigelsbach, C. P., certificate, 365 Eilers, R. E., degree, 612 Eilers, Sue F., degree, 608 Eilert, J. W., degree, 875 Eilert, Mrs. Mary J., resignation, 133 Eilian, Hekmatollah, appointment, 1018 Eilrich, G. L., fellowship, 1222 Einhorn, E., degree, 1306 Eis, Loryann M., degree, 834 E I Sales, purchase, 1159 Eisele, J. G., certificate, 61 Eiseman, D., degree, 1283 Eisen, N. H., appointment, 113, 885 Eisen, P. M., degree, 1295 Eisen, S. B., appointment, 79, 767 Eisenbarth, R. G., degree, 147 Eisenberg, B. M., degree, 1309 Eisenberg, J. A., degree, 1311 Eisenberg, N. A., degree, 1317 Eisenberg, R. L., degree, 1074 Eisenberg, Sara, degree, 640 fellowship, 257 Eisenhour, S. L., degree, 211 Eisenman, T. S., degree, 1319 fellowship, 1019 Eisenman, Trudy F., degree, 1319 Eisenmann, D. R., degree, 1317 Eisenstein, L. I., degree, 1303 Eisenstein, R., appointment, 76, 764 Eiserman, Judith L., degree, 1308 Eiserman, M. H., degree, 623, 1306 Eisner, J. M., degree, 826 Eisner Food Stores, gift, 293 Ek, C. R., degree, 147 Ek, P. R., degree, 840 Ekdahl, F. E., degree, 1273 fellowship, 658 El-Adawy, Z. M. F. A., degree, 383 Elam, J. W., degree, 1072 El-Ashry, M. T., appointment, 1136 degree, 610 El-Assal, A. A. E. S-, degree, 874 Elazar, D. J., leave of absence, 522 El-Barrad, R., degree, 612 Elbert, V. L., certificate, 746 Elbrecht, P. G., degree, 826 Elder, L. W., degree, 1071 Elder, R. V., degree, 1306 Eldridge, J. L., degree, 1078 Eldridge, W. H., appointment, 32, 113 Electrical distribution system, extension, engineering services, contract, 852 modernization, appropriation, 918 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1409 g]ectrica1 Engineering, appropriation, analogue computer, balance reappropriated 779 bioacoustics laboratory, balance reappropriated, 87 equipment, 13, 369 balance reappropriated, 87, 779 budget, summer session, 329, 992 contract, antenna model pattern range, 858 antenna research tower, 857 engineering services, electronic equipment, 787 gift, equipment, Collins Radio Co., 303 electronic instruments, Hewlett-Packard Co., 966 fellowships, Bell Telephone Laboratories 954 Collins Radio Co., 288, 950 General Electric Foundation, 288 General Telephone & Electronics Laboratories, 288 International Business Machines Corp., 288 Motorola, Inc., 289, 951 Radio Corp. of America, 289, 951 Television Shares Management Corp., 289, 952 funds, Jersey Production Research Co., 962 National Science Foundation, 302 Western Electric Fund, 300 research, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 954 Ford Foundation, 293 General Motors Corp., 294, 955 Haloid Xerox Corp., 956 Iowa, State University of, 298 Magnavox Co., 957 National Electronics Conference, 957 Sonic Research Foundation, 298, 959 State University of Iowa, 959 Union Carbide Corp., 298 scholarships, Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 284, 946 Magnavox Co., 285 lead of department, report, growth of department, 1094 purchase, air-conditioning system, 471 amplifier, 865, 939, 1036 analyzer, 941 antenna system, 189, 1123 antenna towers, 939 card punches, 55 computer, 243, 1205 change, 374 connectors, 23 converter, 277, 1205 counter, 242, 277 crystals, 435 data processing system, 24 digital recorder, 242 dummy load, 350 electron gun system, 1036 electronic cursor components, 592 evaporator, 865 furnace, 496 gas analyzer, 1038 generators, 912 goniometer system, 592 grounding mats, 23 heart-lung mechanical unit, 496 interferometer base and precision screw, 496 klystron tube, 1205 lathe, 787 line coupler, 189 magnet system, 101 measuring assembly, 912 microscope, 279, 495 milling machine, 435, 1205 module tester, 435 Electrical Engineering, cont'd monochromator, 1205 multipliers, 55 oscillator, 24, 277, 434, 435, 912, 941 oscillograph, 55 oscilloscope, 24, 189, 471, 912, 939, 1013, 1014, 1201 photoelectric readers, 24 plotter, 55, 471 power supplies, 55, 435 pumping station, 189, receivers, 784, 912, 1123 recorder, 373, 1015, 1036, 1160 relays, 279 slicing machine, 242 spare parts kit, 435 spectrometer, 100, 471 spectrophotometer, 592, 1038, 1156 vacuum system, 1124 voltmeters, 912, 941 wave analyzers, 912 wave generators, 941 radio direction-finding project, air conditioning alterations, contract, 1160 electrical power, contract, 716 land, purchase, 901, 1144 Electrical Engineering Building, addition, architectural services, contract, addition, 433 construction, contract, change, 572 equipment, financing, 742 funds, gift, 301, 302, 964 inspection, 1094 air conditioning, contract, 775 antenna laboratory, construction, contract, electrical, 51 general, 51 heating and refrigeration work, 52 plumbing, 51 ventilating, 52 freight elevator, modernization, contract, 909 remodeling, appropriation, 369 steam service, extension, contract, 541 Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory, electric power service improvements, contract, 345 Electrical engineering services, consulting, contract, 492 Electrical equipment, contract, Chicago Circle, extension of time for execution or termination, 264 termination, 264 purchase, overcharges, engineering services for preparation of technical data, 20 Electrical heating, research, contract, 191 Electrically-generated sounds, research, gift, 957 Electrical power, Bondville Road Field Station, contract, 716 Electrical service, appropriation, Agronomy Storehouse, 488 balance reappropriated, 779 Bevier Hall, balance reappropriated, 778 David Kinley Hall, 536 balance reappropriated, 779 contract, Central National Bank Building at Chicago Circle, 1195 Chemistry Annex, 345 Chicago Circle heating plant, 774 Dairy Manufactures Building, 345 Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory, 345 English Building, 345 Huff Gymnasium, 345 Medical Center, 93, 183 Orchard Downs, 280 Smith Music Hall, 345 Television Studios, 1028 Transportation Building, 345 Veterinary Small Animal Clinic, 345 Women's Gymnasium, 345 1410 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Electrical supplies and equipment, Physical Plant Department, Medical Center, purchase, 281, 282 Urbana, purchase, 942, 1015 Electrical supply and distribution systems, modernization, engineering services, contract, 1114 Electrical system, emergency, Medical Center, contracts, 15 Electrical work, contract, Abbott Power Plant addition, 94 Administration Building addition, 488 Administration Building, cooling tower, 1249 Agriculture Library, 1193 Antenna Laboratory, 51 Armory, 16 Burnsides Research Laboratory addition, 239 Civil Engineering Building, 1120 Classroom Complex Building, 528 Chicago Circle heating plant, 544 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 344 Coordinated Science Laboratory addition, 1192 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 14, 90, 91, 240, 270, 911, 1154 Digital Computer Laboratory addition, 346 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station addition, 684 Dynamics Test Laboratory, 1248 East Chemistry Building addition, 854 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 344, 464 Education Building, 58 Graduate Student Residence Halls, 1056 Illini Union, Chicago Circle, 572 Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, 432 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 229 Illinois Surgical Institute, 240 Lecture Center, 528 Library, Chicago Circle, 528 Urbana, 16 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, 857 Medical Research Laboratory, 543 minor alterations and repairs, 537, 1249 Natural History Building, 909 Physical Plant Building, 528 Rehabilitation Center, 539 Research and Educational Hospitals, 270, 271, 542 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 92, 271 Science and Engineering Laboratories, 528 Staff and Administration Offices Building, 528 steam tunnel on Wright Street, 184 University Press Building addition, 489 utilities distribution system, extension, 541, 542 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex addition, 538 Electric door operators, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 867 Electric heating, research, gift, 954 Electric lines, easement, Carter-Pennell Farm, 1251 Chicago Circle, 795 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, 919 Electrocardiographs, Agency for International Development, purchase, 1253 Electrochemistry of fused salts, study, contract, 380 change, 1040, 1260 Electroencephatograph, Neurology and Neurological Surgery, purchase, 1157 Electro Impulse Laboratory, Inc., purchase, 350 Electro Instruments, Inc., purchase, 1036 Electromagnet, Mining, Metallurgy, and Petro leum Engineering, purchase, 279 Electromagnetic and ferret reconnaissance an tenna techniques, research, contract ill change, 1129 Electromagnetic radiation, research, contract 474 change, 1163 Electromagnetic wave interaction techniques research, contract, 474 ' change, 1129 Electrometers, Physics, purchase, 785 Electron beam evaporating unit, Coordinated Science Laboratory, purchase, 864 Electron beams, study, contract, change, 105 Electron density and collision frequence in the ionosphere, research, contract, 789, Electron gun system, Electrical Engineerin? purchase, 1036 *' Electronic Associates, Inc., purchase, 55, 243 435, 1036 Electronic Components for Industry Co., nur chase, 941 Electronic equipment, design and fabrication engineering services, contract, 787 funds, gift, 964 purchase, Aeromedical Laboratory, 912, 1013 Agency for International Development 861 Aviation, 376 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1257 Digital Computer Laboratory, 1257 Electrical Engineering, 592 Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 241, 281, 588 Nuclear Engineering, 784 Electronic instrumentation laboratories, purchase, Extension Division, 914 Industrial Education, 1124 Electronic Memories, Inc., purchase, 188, 1014 Electronic properties of nonmetallic crystals, research, contract, change, 245 Electronics, scholarship, gift, 946 Electronics Division, Indiana General Corp., purchase, 435 Electronics for Medicine, Inc., purchase, 1037 Electronics research center, established, 462 Electronic technology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 778 Electron microscope accessories, purchase, Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 592 Veterinary Medicine, 914 Electron Microscope Laboratory, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Electron microscopes, purchase, Aeromedical Laboratory, 1255 Zoology, 914 Electro-Optical Instruments, Inc., purchase, 242, 1160 Electrophorator, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 588 Electrophoresis apparatus, purchase, Animal Science, 188 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 54 Food Science, 866 Microbiology, Urbana, 189, 788 Veterinary Medicine, 24 Electro Powerpacs, Inc., purchase, 277 Electrostatics, research, gift, 956 Elementary Education, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 778 budget, summer session, 992 chairman of department, appointment, 181 department, established, 181 printing of books, Atkin, J. M., 242 Wyatt, S. P.; 242 publications, printing, 190, 865 Elementary particle physics, research, contract, change, 245, 381 funds, increase, application, 713 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1411 Flementary school, arithmetic curriculum, study, gift, 292, 954 programs for gifted children, development contract, +98 science concept development through inquiry training, study, contract, 104 change, 916 Elenbogen, Evelyn J., degree, 1295 Elevator, contract, Armory, 16 David Kinley Hall, modernization, 238 East Chemistry Building addition, 854 Education Building, 59 Electrical Engineering Building, modernization, 909 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 229 Library, Urbana, modernization, 238 seventh addition, 16 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, 857 Metallurgy and Mining Building, 1153 Mumford Hall, modernization, 238 Research and Educational Hospitals, rehabilitation, 271 H-Hadi, M. M., degree, 1269 Elias, C. G., Jr., fellowship, 658 Elias, R. W., degree, 1303 Elkins, H. R., appointment, 885 degree, 1284 Elkins, Thelma S., degree, 1284 Ellegant, H. S., degree, 1081 Ellenberger, E. P., certificate, 1024 Ellenby, J. D., appointment, 83, 771 Ellinger, J. P., degree, 405 Ellingson, J., appointment, 32 Elliott, B. D., appointment, 197 Elliott, Beverly A., degree, 647 Elliott, E. L., fellowship, 319 Elliott, R. E., fellowship, 131 Llliott, T. L., degree, 1312 Ellis, A. F., degree, 384 Ellis, B., Associates, purchase, 1158 Ellis, F. C, Jr., degree, 141 Ellis, J. A., appointment, 113, 803 Ellis, J. H., degree, 842 Ellis, L. E., appointment, 533 Ellis, Linda J., degree, 1081 Ellis, R. C, degree, 396 Ellis, R. E., Jr., degree, 392 Ellis, R. J., appointment, 133, 803 Ellis, R. S., Jr., degree, 1320 Ellis, R. W., degree, 1309 Ellis, Virginia, appointment, 113, 728 Ellis-Fluid Dynamics Corp., purchase, 913 Ellison, J. S.( degree, 1288 Ellison Bronze Co., Inc., purchase, 242 Ellman, M. H., degree, 1320 Ellsworth, G. M., degree, 1288 Ellsworth, S. C, appointment, 64 Elmore, R. D., appointment, 314 degree, 152, 1278 Elmstrom, Merry E., degree, 1306 Elrod, R. B., degree, 1273 , fellowship, 512 Hsasser, Rosemary J., degree, 627 Elschlager, R. A., degree, 1303 Elsesser, T. M., appointment, 1003 release of instructional material to be used by United States Military Academy, 275 Elsey, J. C., appointment, 113, 197 degree, 601 resignation, 701 El-Shazly, T. A. R., degree, 1275 El-Sherazy, A. M., degree, 1063 EUon, Mary A., degree, 147 Elstein, A. S., appointment, 79, 767 Elwert, B. E., appointment, 1151 Elwood, C. M., appointment, 70 Ely, Dikka J., degree, 140 Ely, R. W., fellowship, 1222 Ely & Walker, purchase, 102 Elzinga, M. G., degree, 392, 1270 fellowship, 42 Embeita, Maria T., fellowship, 698 Embree, E. O., degree, 876 Emerich, J. P., degree, 1081 Emerson, M. W. C, fellowship, 1222 Emerson, R. R., certificate, 746 Emerson, R. Y., degree, 620 Emerson Piano House, Inc., purchase, 277, 434, 1126 Emery, S. K., degree, 1287 Emery, W. L., appointment, 329, 476 guest of Board, 1094 Emery, W. W., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, expiration of term, 706 Emhart Manufacturing Co., gift, 284 Emig, H. M., appointment, 338, 1004 Emmerman, R. Z., certificate, 365 Emotional disturbance in children, research, contract, 21 Emrich, R. E., degree, 641 Enata, Eloise C, appointment, 113, 330, 994 resignation, 665, 1340 Encyclopaedia Britannica, purchase, 244 Encyclopedia Britannica Films, purchase, 190, 280, 376, 472, 718, 788, 1161, 1206 Endevco Corp., gift, 303 Endicott, G. W., member of advisory committee, 680 Endicott, J. S., degree, 141 Endlcr, N. S., appointment, 1240 Endorf, R. J., degree, 1292 Endowment funds, investment, 246, 378, 472, 722, 725, 793, 916, 944, 1041, 1163 Endres, R. O., degree, 613 Energy Engineering, department, established, 1187 Eng, Mrs. Sara, appointment, 32 Eng, W., appointment, 729 Engandela, V. J., appointment, 113 resignation, 821 Engberg, Marlene S., degree, 882 Engberg, S. N., certificate, 747 degree, 402 Engbretson, C. J., degree, 146 Engel, E. A., certificate, 747 Engel, Frieda H., appointment, 265, 803 Engel, G. H., degree, 1074 Engel, J., resignation, 133 Engel, M. B., appointment, 885 Engel, R., degree, 1302 Engel, S. D., certificate, 747 degree, 402 Engel, T. L., degree, 1309 Engelbrecht, R. 5., appointment, 113 Engelhardt, Peggy A., degree, 1278 Engelke, R. R., degree, 637 Engelman, G. G., degree, 637 Engelsberg, S. J., appointment, declination, 133 Engen, Mae J., degree, 147 Engerbretson, D. C, degree, 145 Engineering, College of, Chicago Circle, purchase, furnace, 1202 Chicago Undergraduate Division, acting dean, appointment, 457 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 equipment, 488 budget, summer session, 339, 1005 dean, appointment, 726 report, state of college, 1021 departments, established, 1187 girt, scholarships, Foundry Educational Foundation, 974 purchase, electronic instruments, 241, 281, 588 oscilloscope, 278 pulse analyzer, 588 Urbana, administrative offices, remodeling, 369, 918 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 equipment, 269, 487 1412 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Engineering, cont'd degrees conferred, 151, 216, 395, 619, 839, 881, 1071, 1290 electronics research center, established, 462 visiting industrial associates program, contracts, revisions, 846 gift, fellowships, Eastman Kodak Co., 288 Ford Foundation, 288 General Electric Foundation, 950 Magnavox, Co., 951 Sloan, A. P., Foundation, 289, 951 funds, Babcock & Wilcox Co., 299, 961 Continental Can Co., 299, 961 loan funds. Ford Foundation, 949 Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, 287 research, Foundry Educational Foundation, 312 scholarships, American Air Filter Co., Inc., Herman Nelson Division, 284 Barber-Colman Co., 945 Barber-Colman Foundation, 284 Ceco Steel Products Corp., 284 Corn Products Co., 284 Duncan, R. F., 284 Foundry Educational Foundation, 312 Galesburg Builders Supply, 284 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., 285, 947 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., 286, 947 Owens-Illinois Glass Co., 286, 948 Procon, Inc., 948 Research and Engineering Professional Employees Association, 948 Scully-Jones & Co., 948 Texaco, Inc., 286 Union Carbide Educational Fund, 948 Western Electric Co., 286 Western Electric Fund, 948 Witt-Armstrong Equipment Co., 286, 948 production and engineering educational and research center, established, 462 purchase, data sheets, 592 offset duplicator, 100 Engineering and Science Laboratories, addition, architectural services, contract, 1115 plant growth chambers, purchase, 1125 construction, contract, electrical, 528 general, 527 heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control systems, 528 laboratory furniture, 528 plumbing, 528 ventilating, 528 Engineering and Science Office Building, Chicago Circle, architectural services, contract, 1115 Engineering Center, gift, 302 Engineering Experiment Station, appropriation, analyzer, 13 director report, research programs, 1094 electronics research center, established, 462 production and engineering educational and research center, established, 462 Engineering Foundation, contract, change, 587 contract, change, 12U gift, 293, 954 Engineering Laboratory, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 88 Engineering mechanics, award, gift, 949 Engineering Publications, appropriation, equipment, 1153 Engineering sciences, gift, fellowship, United States Rubber Co. Foundation, 290 Engineering services, contract, air-conditioning study, 853 Coordinated Science Laboratory, addition, 185 Engineering Services, cont'd Civil Engineering Building, 185 concrete testing services at Chicago Cir cle, 97 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building r, modeling, 853 electronic equipment for ultrasonic re search, design and fabrication, 787 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Build. ing addition, 185 electrical distribution system, extension 852 modernization, 1114 electrical equipment purchases, preparation of technical data on overcharges, 20 English Building swimming pool improvements, 20 heating plant addition at Chicago Circle 1114 ' Huff Gymnasium swimming pool improvements, 20 IUini Union Building, Urbana, remodeling food service areas, 853 Library, Urbana, air conditioning, 371 Life Sciences, east unit, 185 Men's Old Gymnasium swimming pool improvements, 20 Oak Street paving, 241 Orchard Downs addition, addition, 97 parking facilities, 96, 241, 1152 path scheduling at Chicago Circle, 492 Peabody Drive paving, 1252 power and steam for Urbana campus, analysis of purchase versus generation, 1196 Research and Educational Hospitals, remodeling, 853 Smith Music Hall addition, 185 steam distribution system, extension, 852 steam jet ejector, design and fabrication, 788 storm and water main extension, East Chemistry Building addition, 853 Civil Engineering Building, 853 test chamber, design and fabrication, 788 trash disposal depot, 241 utilities distribution system extension, Illinois Street Residence Hall, addition, 19 water distribution system, improvements, 371 water main extensions on south campus, 1152 Engis Equipment Co., purchase, 242, 469, 496, 1253 England, J. P., degree, 642, 643 England, I. W., degree, 154 England, Janet E., degree, 639 Englander, H. R., resignation, 133 Englander Co., purchase, 277, 594 Engle, R. S., degree, 404 Englerth, E. J., Jr., degree, 1063 English, Chicago Undergraduate Division, department, established, 1187 Urbana, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 779 budget, summer session, 330, 993 major and minor requirements, revision, 368 research seminar, contract, 351 teacher education curriculum, revisions, 10 English, D. L., degree, 636 English Brothers Co., contract, 489, 857, 908, 1153 English Building, appropriation, remodeling, 13 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 contract, acoustical tile, 595 electric power service improvements, 345 sprinkler system, 1009 swimming pool improvements, engineering services, 20 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1413 English programs, high school, study, contract, Fneman, R. L., degree, 630 Fncquis*. D. B., degree, 882, 1276 fngstrom, J. P., degree, 1302 EnKstrom, R. P., certificate, 1099 EngvalL C B., degree, 1309 Enke E. L., appointment, 650 Enlow, Mary A. R., degree, 1308 Ennen, Rita M., degree, 1311 Ennis, Dr. and Mrs. A. L., gift, 287, 949 Ennis, D. E., degree, 402 Enoch, Sherry L., degree, 1301 Enrollment, demand, report, 1216 Ensor, J. A., degree, 1288 Ent, Kay V., degree, 147 Ent, Susan, degree, 639 Enta, Juliet, degree, 1303 Entman, Ila J., degree, 631 Entomology, appropriation, equipment, 918 budget, summer session, 330, 994 gift, research, Rockefeller Foundation, 297 head of department, appointment, 423 purchase, chromatograph, 913 microscope, 913, 1126 spectrophotometer, 941 ultra-microtome, 787 Entomology Building, name, approved, 182 Entomology Laboratory, funds, gift, 302 Entzminger, R. B., degree, 636 Envelopes, purchase, 472, 1013, 1208 Environmental growth chambers, Agronomy, purchase, 1014 Environmental room, Animal Science, purchase, 714 Enzymes, research, contract, change, 869 gift, 307, 968 Eovaldi, T. L., certificate, 61 Epidemiology, research, gift, 290 Epley, T. D., fellowship, 1334 Epperson, E-, appointment, 32 Epperson, W. L., degree, 1282 Epstein, A., & Sons, Inc., architectural services, contract, Civil Engineering Building, 185 digital Computer Laboratory addition, 908 Epstein, E., degree, 1303 Epstein, Judith R., degree, 1308 Epstein, L., book, printing, 718 Epstein, L. S., degree, 1310 Epstein, R. B., appointment, 71 Equipment inventory, Business Office, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88 Equipment Manufacturing, Inc., purchase, 350 Erb & Gray Scientific, purchase, 592 Erfle, J. D., degree, 599 Ergometer, Medicine, purchase, 1013 Erichsen, A. \V., appointment, 315 resignation, 739 Ericksen, Janet R., degree, 646 Erickson, D. A., degree, 1293 Erickson, D. E., appointment, 252, 266 Erickson, D. H., degree, 825 Erickson, D. V., appointment, 113 Erickson, E. E., degree, 1320 Erickson, Elayne S., degree, 1280 Erickson, James R., degree, 627 Erickson, John R., appointment, 70, 1018 Erickson, K., appointment, 78 Erickson, R. D., degree, 1291 Erico Products, Inc., purchase, 23 Ericourt, D., appointment, 440 Eriksen, C. W., appointment, 32, 113 leave of absence, 136 Eriksen, R. G., appointment, 765 Erlandson, Barbara A., degree, 386 Erlandson, R, A., degree, 620 Erlenborn, J. W., appointment, 32, 252 Ernst, A. W., degree, 838 Ernst, C. H., degree, 397 Ernst, Carol S., degree, 623 Ernst, Dorothy E. S., degree, 1284 Ernst, E. W., appointment, 329, 650, 1217 Ernst, R. L., appointment, 650 Ernst & Ernst, gift, 300 Ernsteen, J. E., certificate, 747 degree, 634 Ernsteen, Marilyn S., degree, 1078 Ernsting, Mary E., resignation, 45 Errico, T. G., certificate, 1100 Erskine, Elizabeth A., degree, 1315 Ertl, T., appointment, 851 Ervin, G. N., degree, 881 Ervin, Sandra L., degree, 1290 Erwin, J. C, appointment, 76, 253, 803 Erwin, S. L., degree, 632 Erwin, W. H., degree, 1312 fellowship, 1222 Erythrocyte auto-mosaicism, research, contract, change, 22 Esbin, J. H., Jr., degree, 139 Esch, D. C, degree, 1277 Escher, J. S., degree, 1305 Eschner, W. A., degree, 839 Escobar, M. A., appointment, 70 Eshbaugh, Dorothy E., appointment, 76, 764 Eskandani, M. J., degree, 1277 Esmond, T. H., Jr., degree, 1079 Espenscheid, Ruth L., degree, 395 Espinoza, A. L., degree, 1312 Essak, R. D., degree, 643 Essley, E. L., Machinery Co., purchase, 279 Esso Research & Engineering Co., gift, 288, 303, 950, 955 Esterling, Patricia A., degree, 154 Estes, J. J., degree, 640 Estes, W. V., degree, 1272 Estey, A. A., degree, 1303 Estey Corp., purchase, 1202 Estin, R. W., appointment, 406 Estolas, Josefina V., degree, 617 fellowship, 257 Esworthy, L. D., degree, 1303 Etheridge, W. L., degree, 841 Etherton, R. C, degree, 147 Ethyl Corp., gift, 288, 950 Etnyre, Joan P., degree, 1289 Etnyre, V. A., degree, 1292 Etter, S. L., degree, 833 Etter, W. C, degree, 1291 fellowship, 1222 Eubank, A. A., Jr., degree, 623 Eubanks, R. A., appointment, 1025 Eureka United Fund, gift, 308, 969 Eustace, Glyneece W., degree, 1284 Eustice, D. J., fellowship, 410 Evans, C. R., degree, 620 Evans, Charlotte A., degree, 143 Evans, Claryce L., appointment, 197 Evans, D., Co., contract, 183, 540, 693, 1249 Evans, D. R., appointment, 266 declination, 356 Evans, Dorothy A., degree, 629 Evans, Dorothy L., degree, 1284 Evans, E. E., degree, 603 Evans, F. F., appointment, 79, 767 Evans, Gwendolyn, degree, 1295 Evans, Gwynne B., appointment, 330 Evans, K. E., Jr., degree, 621 fellowship, 1334 Evans, L. J., appointment, 1018 Evans, Linda J., degree, 1275 Evans, R. H., degree, 147 Evans, R. L., degree, 1271 Evans. R. N., appointment, 1104 member of advisory committee, 850 Evans, R. P., degree, 830 Evans, V. M., certificate, 1100 Evans, W. H., appointment, 328, 991, 993 Evans, W. J., Jr., degree, 1310 Evans, VV. R., degree, 1073 1414 BOARD OF Evans Hall, mattresses, purchase, 350 roofing, contract, 17 Evanson, I*., appointment, 253 Evanson, P. C., degree, 644 Evanson, W. K., degree, 152 Evanston Drama Club, gift, 306, 968 Evaporator, purchase, Coordinated Science Laboratory, 188 Electrical Engineering, 865 Physics, Chicago Circle, 1158 Zoology, 280, 593 Even, Jean A., degree, 637 Even, Mrs. John T., member of advisory committee, 1025 Evenson, D. E., fellowship, 478 Everakes, R., degree, 644 Evergreen hedge, Green Street, contract, 103 Everhart, R. L., degree, 1311 Eversman Manufacturing Co., lease, 282, 1040 Everson, Karen D., degree, 1295 Evett, M. K., degree, 1303 Ewald, L. D., certificate, 1100 Ewen, D. E., degree, 632 Ewen, R. B., appointment, 32 degree, 606 fellowship, 512 Ewert, Linda C, degree, 1301 Ewigleben, J. J., degree, 155 Ewing, B. B., appointment, 113 Ewing, L. L., degree, 210 Ewing, V. A., degree, 147 Ewing Plumbing, Inc., contract, 240, 528 Exact Electronics, Inc., purchase, 912 Examination books, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 244, 942 Examining room equipment, Health Service, Congress Circle, purchase, 1159 Excel Manufacturing Corp., purchase, 1207 Exchange program, Soviet Union, travel expenses, funds, gift, 300 Executive Committee, capital budget modifications, authority, 526 easements on Chicago Circle site, authority to approve, 467 election, 421, 1096 meeting, 50, 162, 846, 1261 report, 264 Executive Development Center, funds, investment, 725 Executive motivation, study, gift, 291 Executive session, 28, 60, 156, 230, 260, 357, 414, 448, 480, 523, 668, 703, 741, 844, 900, 931, 979, 1089, 1143, 1175, 1235, 1343 Executive Vice-President and Provost, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 associate provost, appointment, 267 consultant, appointment, 919 Instructional Resources Office, established, 1244 lease, office space at 627 yi South Wright Street, 868 office quarters, remodeling, funds, 852 Exercise program, effects, study, contract, 474, 1210 Exercise therapy, research, gift, 959 Exhibits, funds, gift, 962 Exline, G. L., appointment, 113, 650, 988 Expectations theory applied to musical listening, study, contract, 1128 Extension, University, advisory committee, 237, 749 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778, 779 equipment, 1153 gift, scholarships, Allstate Foundation, 284, 945 lease of office space, Dixon, 868 East St. Louis, 720 Green Street, property at 611-613 East, 776 Springfield, 720 Extension, University, cont'd programs, report, 159 purchase, accident and sickness insurance 1162 ' electronic instrumentation laboratory as semblies, 914 suit of O. Metcalf, special counsel employed Extractors, Housing Division, purchase, 280 Extramural classes, driver education teachers scholarships, gift, 284 Exum, Mrs. Dolores B., resignation, 521 Exum, L. W., degree, 1318 Ey, R., appointment, 762 Eyer, S. H., degree, 396 Eyerly, J. B., appointment, 67, 754 Eyestone, H. L., degree, 834 Eyman, D. P., fellowship, 512, 735 Eyman, J. R., degree, 1290 Eyzaguirre Philippi, J., degree, 384 Ezra, S., degree, 1295 Ezard, C. R., degree, 1069 Ezawa, H., appointment, 1169 Faatz, W. C, degree, 1303 Faber, L. P., appointment, 885 Faber Laboratories, purchase, 596 Fabian, R. G., degree, 386 Fabian, W. E., degree, 882 Fabijanic, P. M., fellowship, 1222 Fabricant, F. M., degree, 1293 Facchini Ferro, E., degree, 1072 Face, W. L., degree, 878 Facilities, use, policy, change, 682 review, 480 Facktor, Marsha I., degree, 1078 Faculty publications, list, printing, 1202 Fader, A. L., Co., purchase, 1157, 1254 Fafoglia, O., Jr., degree, 1069 Fagan, J. E., degree, 1286 Fagarason, L. A., appointment, 82, 770 Fagelson, D. L., appointment, 253, 763 Fagelson, H. J., appointment, 754 Fagelson, 3J. S., appointment, 763 Fagerman, P. R., degree, 1079 Fahidy, Ethel H., degree, 623 Fahling, Marie L., degree, 401 Fahnestock, J. H., Jr., degree, 1312 Fahnstrom, Carol L., degree, 1290 Fahrenbach, D. St., appointment, 73, 760 Failli, A., appointment, 354 Failon, K. A., degree, 605 fellowship, 1222 Failures in railroad rails, research, contract, change, 693 gift, 292, 953 Faiman, M., degree, 1067 Fain, G. U-, degree, 615 Fair, A. J., appointment, 197, 339, 1136 Fairbanks, G., resignation, 133 Fairbanks, R. P., appointment, 1325 Fairchild, F. D., degree, 639 Fairchild, Lila D., degree, 639 Fairchild, Sandra L., degree, 639 Fairchild Du Mont Laboratories, purchase, 1013 Fair Employment Practices Commission, legislation, cooperation and support of University, 695 Fairfield, R. T., degree, 837 Fairis, J. K., degree, 1309 Fairlamb, F. R., degree, 152 Falck, Irma M., degree, 830 Falconer, R., degree, 834 Falicov, Mrs. Celia H. J., appointment, *06, 921 Falk, A. B., appointment, 66, 753 leave of absence, 259 Falk, Barbara M., appointment, 113 fellowship, 257 resignation, 259 Falk, D. G., degree, 638 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1415 Falk, E., gift, 287 Falk R. H., degree, 1078 talk, S. T., degree, 832 Fallah, P. H., degree, 392 Fallaw, M. J., degree, 636 Fallen, J. P., degree, 609 Fallon, Susao C, degree, 1307 Falloon, E. L., appointment, 73, 760 Fallout shelters, analysis and design, course, contract, 586 license to federal government, authorization, 275 Fallucco, Marguerite, degree, 213 Family and consumption economics, option in home economics, approved, 429 Family finance workshop, funds, gift, 300, 962 Family housing projects, site design, study, contract, change, 1261 Fan, C, degree, 1270 Fan, K. T., degree, 1274 Fancher, C. M., degree, 829 F & M Scientific Corp., purchase, 493 Fang, S. M., appointment, 1004 Fantl, R. S., degree, 629 Fara, H., appointment, 113, 197, 406, 885, 1083 leave of absence, 1089 Farag, S., appointment, 340, 1006 Farag, S. E. H., degree, 827 Farago, P. J., appointment, 68, 755 Farber, H. O., elected Comptroller of Board, 420, 1096 Farber, Isadore E., appointment, 1188 Farber, Judith A., degree, 1311 Far Eastern language institutes, approved, 382 Farhi, A., degree, 215 Farhi, Edna S., appointment, 197 decimation, 821 iarid, M. M., degree, 830 Farina, Alfreda, degree, 831 Farina, C. P., degree, 623 Farina, G. L., degree, 1290 Farish, S. T., Jr., degree, 213 Farkas, D. H., certificate, 365 Farley, D. M., appointment, 72, 759 Farley, J. C, degree, 404 Farley, Jane C, appointment, 851 termination, 930 Farley, JoAnn K., degree, 156 Farm buildings, construction, contract, 273 funds, 273 lease, 1040 research, gift, 297, 952 Farm bureaus, gift, 301, 964 Farm Equipment Sales Co., lease, 1040 Farmer, M. L., degree, 1267 fellowship, 698 resignation, 1173 Farmer, Rosemary T., degree, 401 Farmerj Virginia, appointment, 999 Farmer s group buying of feed ingredients, appraisal, contract, 720 Farm grains, research, gift, 953 Farm machinery, lease, 104, 380, 381, 438, 475, 587, 1040, 1128, 1162, 1210, 1260 rental, 282 Farm record books. Agriculture, printing, 866 Farms, Animal Science, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 780 Farm tractors, maintenance, study, gift, 294, 955 Faro, J. E., degree, 152 Faro, Janet A., degree, 881 Farr, J. A., degree, 623 Farr, J. D., certificate, 1100 Farr, M. V., degree, 1317 Farr, R. D., certificate, 747 Farr, T. P., degree, 840 rarrand Optical Co., Inc., purchase, 163 Farrell, P., fellowship, 1171 Farrell, R. E., certificate, 1150 Harris, R. E., appointment, 406, 803 Farrowing units, Animal Science, purchase, 495, 590, 864 Farshi, B., degree, 828 Farvar, A., degree, 1282 Farvolden, R. N., appointment, 533 degree, 601 Farwell, S. W., degree, 1288 Fary, J. M., degree, 1295 Fashing, E. M., appointment, 253 Fasman, Florence, degree, 1308 Fass, M., appointment, 406, 1169 Fathauer, D. W., degree, 618 Fatherree, L. L., appointment, 80 Fatigue behavior, study, contract, concrete, change, 193, 792 dilute nitrogen, change, 105 plain plate or welded plate specimens, 282 steel, 437 change, 1129 welded beams and girders, change, 193 welded joints, change, 283 gift, welded joints, 296 Fats, research, gift, 291, 299 Fatty acid isomers, research, gift, 296, 598 Fatty acids in cottonseed, research, contract, 103 Fatty alcohols, research, gift, 297 Faulk, Carolyn S., degree, 601 Faulkner, W. H., degree, 147 Faulkner, W. W., appointment, 440, 1169 Faulstich, R. D., degree, 1073 Faustino, N. L., degree, 608 Favus, M. J., degree, 629 Fay, Alice M., resignation, 739 Fay, R. C, degree, 209 Fedder, E. H., appointment, 921 appointment, 1000 Feddersen, J. H., degree, 827 Feder, Cecile S., appointment, 197, 885 Federal Aviation Agency, funds, airport improvements, 704, 1029 agreement, amendment, 185 Federal Communications Commission, application, radio station in Chicago, 573 Federal correctional system, study, gift, 293 Federal funds, buildings and other facilities, gift, 302, 312, 964 graduate student residence hall, application, 712 research, gift, 302, 312, 965, 973 Federal government, article written by faculty member, motion of the Board, 1045 recommendation of President of University, 1133 report of Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, 1132 statement of H. W. Clement, 1044 statement of I. Dilliard, 1133 statement of President of University, 1044, 1131 Federal Housing Administration, contract, 21 change, 1261 Federal Housing Authority, gift, 965 Federal Land Bank Associations in Illinois, gift, 284, 946 Federal Land Bank of St. Louis, gift, 284, 946 Federal Life Insurance Co., contract, 689 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Employees, gift, 308, 969 Fee, automobile registration, 575 Feed elevator, Housing Division, purchase, 25 Feed ingredients, farmer's group or pool buying, appraisal, contract, 720 Feeding units, Animal Science, purchase, 495, 590 Feed storage, grinding, and blending system, Dairy Science, purchase, 864 Feed surface grinder, Physiology, purchase, 281 Feeney, J. W., fellowship, 1222 1416 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fees, deposit requirement, 1007 flight instruction, change, 1152 hospital-medical-surgical insurance, 689 installment payment plan, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 341 Medical Center, 341 service, revision, 369 Fehrenbacher, J. B., fellowship, 131 leave of absence, 136 Fehrenbacher, Judy F., degree, 633 Fehrenbacher, L. L., degree, 141 Feiden, J. D., degree, 144 Feiertag, R. H., degree, 1064 fellowship, 512, 894 Feig, H. I., degree, 1317 Feige, A. H., degree, 1309 Feiler, E. M., appointment, 82, 770 Fein. R. L., degree, 647 Feinberg, A. S., appointment, 885 degree, 1064 resignation, 1087 Feinberg, Arlene C, degree, 633 Feinberg, H., appointment, 851 Feinberg, Jessica, degree, 1301 Feinberg, M. W., appointment, 77, 765 Feinerman, A. D., degree, 1320 Feingold, A. S., degree, 632 Feingold, B., degree, 1295 Feingold, R. A., degree, 644 Feinstein, A., leave of absence, 136 resignation, 521 Feinstein, I. K., appointment, 339, 1005 Feinstein, Karen E., degree, 1308 Feistel, G. R., fellowship, 658 Feistner, D. C., certificate, 365 Fejfar, J, L., appointment, 253 degree, 603 Feld, Sandra L., degree, 1295 Feldman, A. R., degree, 152 Feldman, Betty T., degree, 830 Feldman, Eva E., degree, 398 Feldman, J. M., degree, 1320 fellowship, 894 Feldman, L., appointment, 67, 754 Feldman, Maureen F., degree, 632 Feldman, R., fellowship, 1086 Feldman, S., appointment, 113, 197, 406, 885 Felgemaker, G. H., degree, 1313 Feline hemobarton-ellosis, study, contract, 915 Felix, R. E., appointment, 68, 755 Fell, E. H., appointment, 81, 769 Feller, R. J., certificate, 747 Fellheimer, Carolyn L., degree, 629 fellowship, 817 Fellmann, J. D., appointment, 331, 650 Fello, M. A., appointment, 695, 1169 Fellows, Graduate College, appointment, 41, 130, 203, 256, 319, 356, 410, 442, 478, 509, 656, 697, 734, 816, 893, 926, 977, 1019, 1086, 1140, 1171, 1219, 1332 stipends, increase, 1027 Fellowships, appropriation, 1027 gift, Abbott Laboratories, 287, 949 Allied Chemical Corp., 949 Nitrogen & Plastics Division, 287 American Cyanamid Co., 287 American Oil Co., 949 American Oil Foundation, 950 American Physiological Society, 950 American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers, 950 Armco Steel Corp., 287 Automotive Safety Foundation, 288, 950 Bell Telephone Laboratories, 288, 954 Campbell Soup Co., 288 Chemical Industries Council, 950 Union Carbide Corp., 289 Chicago and Cook County Tuberculosis Institute, 968 Chicago Community Trust, 952 Collins Radio Co., 288, 950 Continental Oil Co., 288, 950 Fellowships, cont'd Corning Glass Works Foundation, 288, 950 Diamond Alkali Co., 950 Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 950 Dow Chemical Co., 288, 950 Eastman Kodak Co., 288 Esso Research St. Engineering Co., 288 950 Ethyl Corp., 288, 950 Evanston Drama Club, 306, 968 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 288, 950 Ford Foundation, 288, 950, 968 Gads Hill Center, 290 General Dynamics Corp., 950 General Atomic Division, 288 General Electric Foundation, 288, 950 General Foods Fund, Inc., 950 General Telephone & Electronics Laboratories, 288 Gillette Co., Ton! Co., 289 Gregory Industries, Inc., 288 Haloid Xerox, Inc., 950 Hull House Association, 290, 952 Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., 950 Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc., 288, 950 International Business Machines Corp., 288, 950 Johnson & Johnson, 288 Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 288, 950 Kettering, Charles F., Foundation, 950 Lead Industries Association, 288 Lederle Laboratories, 968 Lilly, E., & Co., 950, 968 Lilly Endowment, Inc., 288 Lubrizol Corp., 951 Lubrizol Foundation, 288 Magnavox Co., 951 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., 288, 951 Monsanto Chemical Co., 289, 951 Motorola, Inc., 289, 951 National Hemophilia Foundation, 306 National Lead Co., 289, 951 NoWe, C. M., 951 Orton, E., Jr., ceramic Foundation, 289, 951 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., 951 Parke, Davis, & Co., 289, 951 Parma Research Laboratory, Union Carbide Corp., 289 Phillips Petroleum Co., 951 Procter & Gamble Co., 289, 951 Pullman Foundation, 289 Pure Milk Association, 289, 951 Radio Corp. of America, 289, 951 Raymond Concrete Pile Co., 289, 951 Raytheon Co., 289, 951 Roche Anniversary Foundation, 951 Rohm & Haas Co., 289, 951 Shell Companies Foundation, Inc., 289, 951 Shell Fellowship Committee, 951 Sigma Xi, 289, 951 Sinclair Research, Inc., 289 Sloan, A. P., Foundation, 289, 951 Smith, Kline, & French Laboratories, 9M Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., 289 Sprague Electric Co., 951 Standard Oil Co. of California, 951 Stauffer Chemical Co., 289 Stauffer Chemical Division, Victor Chemical Co., 952 Sun Oil Co., 289, 952 . Television Shares Management Corp., 2S, 952 Texas Instruments, Inc., 952 Tobacco Industry Research Committee, 9W Toni Co., 952 Gillette Co., 289 Fellowships, cont'd Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County, 968 Union Carbide Corp., 952 Chemical Industries Council, 289 Parma Research Laboratory, 289 Union Carbide Metals Co., 289 Union Carbide Plastics Co., 289 Visking Co., 289 United States Rubber Co. Foundation, 290, 952 United States Steel Foundation, Inc., 290. 952 Universal Match Corp., 290 Upjohn Co., 290 Victor Chemical Co., Stauffer Chemical Division, 952 Visking Co., Union Carbide Corp., 289 Wieboldt Foundation, 290, 952 Wilson, W., National Fellowship Foundation, 290, 952 Woods Charitable Fund, 290, 952 Young Men's Jewish Council, 290 Young Women's Christian Association of Chicago, 290 Zeta Phi Eta, 290, 952 Felmley-Dickerson Co., contract, 58 addition, 19, 95, 347, 353, 777, 938, 1011 change, 52 Felske, E. E., certificate, 365 Feiten, R. L., certificate, 61 Feltner, C. E., appointment, 803 degree, 386 invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 1147 resignation, 897 Felton, R. P., appointment, 1136 Felts, D. A., certificate, 1100 Felts D. R., certificate, 1100 Felts, J. H., degree, 639 Felts, L. n., degree, 401 Feltskog. E. N., appointment, 803 Felty. Mary C. J., degree, 617 Fencing, purchase, Horticulture, 25 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 57 Fencken, D. H., degree, 620 Fend, R. J., degree, 1295 Fens, G. C., appointment, 1185 Fenger, H. R., degree, 397 Fenner. P., degree, 601 Fenner, W. R.. degree, 1067 Fennessy, Cecelia M., appointment, 180 Fensin, A. L., degree, 881 Fenstermaker, J. V., degree, 600 Fenves, S. J., appointment, 990, 1169 Fenzl, R. N., appointment, 32 Ferber, Mrs. Marianne A., appointment, 113, 506, 885, 1136 Ferchen, F. C., degree, 614 Ferdman, Nadine, appointment, 975, 1136 Ferguson, Brenda F., degree, 619 Ferguson, Eleanor G., degree, 1321 Ferguson, G. B., degree, 210 Ferguson, J. L., degree, 1314 Ferguson, Joan E., degree, 398 Ferguson, Julianne, degree, 616 fellowship, 203 Ferguson, L. W., degree, 1288 Ferguson, Marguerite B., degree, 215 Ferguson, Marie A., appointment, 113 Ferguson, Nancy J., degree, 1314 Ferguson, W. A., appointment, 333, 650, 997 Ferhmin, Olga, degree, 1300 Fermazin, Yvon E., certificate, 1100 Fermentor equipment, purchase, Biological Chemistry, 862 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 163 Microbiology, Urbana, 1160 rn, L., degree, 606 Fernandes, F. D., degree, 395, 1275 fellowship, 512 resignation, 821 OF ILLINOIS 1417 Fernandez, A. A., appointment, 315, 757 Fernandez-Sein, R., degree, 620 Ferraro, V., appointment, 533 Ferrell, Diana R., degree, 1077 Ferrell, J. F., degree, 1312 Ferreil, J. R., degree, 1303 Ferrell, R. E., Jr., appointment, 650, 995 fellowship, 1223 Ferrer, J. L., appointment, 75, 763 Ferrier, E. E., appointment, 651 degree, 875 Fernll, A. L., appointment, 332, 729, 996, 1018 Ferrjni, J. R., degree, 1310 Ferris, D. H., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 232 leave of absence, 1020 Ferris, I). R., appointment, 651, 803, 993 Ferris, R. F., fellowship, 1223 Ferrocene derivatives, study, gift, 290, 953 Ferro Corp., gift, 284, 946 Ferroelectric barium titanate, preparation and evaluation, contract, 1127 Fertilizer, purchase. Agricultural Economics, 98, 374, 861, 1036 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 1124 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 376, 1125 study, gift, 295 Feryanchik, Ann, authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422 Fesler, M. E., degree, 1317 Fess, P. E., appointment, 325 Fesser, Ruth M., degree, 631 Fethe, C. B.. degree, 606 Fetrow, K. O.. appointment, 315, 975 Fett, G.. appointment, 1169 Fetterolf. R. J., degree, 1071 Fetters, J. I., resignation, 930 Fettes, Love, & Sieben, Inc., contract, 270, 490 Fettig, L. P., appointment, 266 leave of absence, 740 Fetvedt, R. O., resignation, 412 Feuchtwang, T. E., resignation, 206 Fick, B. D., degree, 644 Ficke, Diane, degree, 1299 Ficken, Judith M., degree, 1308 Ficks, J. F., degree, 635 Fiedler, F. E., appointment, 32 fellowship, 894 leave of absence, 444 Fiedler, T. A., degree, 1290 Fiedler. Mary A., appointment, 113, 197 Field, M. G., appointment, 32 leave of absence, 136 Field, Marshall, & Co., purchase, 56, 102, 1123, 1158 Field, M. G.. resignation, 412 Field ground motions, model to simulate, development, contract, 586 Fields, J. R., certificate, 365 Fields, Janice J., certificate, 61 Fields, R. Joanne, appointment, 197 Fields, R. S., degree, 1072 Field tests, study, contract, change, 352 Fierer, Mrs. Martha J. S., fellowship, 203 Fierke, W. F., degree, 154 Fierstien, G. N., degree, 620, 1278 fellowship. 512 cancellation, 739 Fies, C. L., degree, 1281 Fifth Street, property at 905-9051/2 South, lease, 191 purchase, 348 property at 907 South, purchase, 348 property at 909-909V2 South, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 450 purchase, 524 property at 911 South, purchase, 448 property at 912 South, purchase, 1344 property at 1007 South, lease, 777, 868, 1128 1418 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Figura, R. M., certificate, 1100 Filberth, G. W. and Mattie Lee, lease, 790 Filbey, Mary L., appointment, 197, 729 File, O. N., degree, 151 File folders, purchase, Chicago colleges and divisions, 377 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1014 Medical Center Stores, 1014 Office Supply Storeroom, 377, 1014 Files, W. C, degree, 397 Filing system, Education, purchase, 1160 Filing units, purchase, Admissions and Records, Chicago Circle, 1158 Health Service, Chicago Circle, 1158 Filip, Janice E., degree, 632 Film as a retardant to meat deterioration, research, contract, change, 283, 943 gift, 298, 959 Film badges, Physics, contract, 717 purchase, 865 Film inspection machines, Audio-Visual Aids Service, claim of Harwald Co., Inc., employment of special counsel, 1215 purchase, report of special committee, 446 Film processing services, Photographic Laboratory, contract, 692 Film reader, Physics, purchase, 57 Films, lease, Audio-Visual Aids Service, 472, 1161 Television-Motion Pictures, 349 purchase, Audio-Visual Aids Service, 190, 243, 244, 280, 376, 718, 719, 788, 866, 1206 Photographic Laboratory, 692 Public Information Office, Urbana, 1259 University High School, 190, 243 research, gift, 296 Films, Inc., purchase, 190 Film scanning systems, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 57 Film transfers, Agriculture, purchase, 100 Filosa, A. Jv certificate, 365 Filter material in subdrains, study, gift, 292 Filters, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 350 Filurin, Ellen J., degree, 404 Finance, Chicago Undergraduate Division, area of concentration, established, 1187 Urbana, budget, summer session, 330, 994 gift, fellowship, General Electric Foundation, 950 funds, Illinois Savings & Loan League, 299 research, Loman, H. J., Foundation, 295 Finance Committee, members, 1098 report, investments, 245, 378, 472, 722, 793, 1016, 1129, 1163, 1214, 1262 Treasurer's bond, 722 Financial institutions seminar, funds, gift, 299 Finch, Freya L., fellowship, 817 Finch, T. E., degree, 398 Findlay, J. O., degree, 618 Findlay, Mildred M., fellowship, 817, 1334 Fine, E. M., degree, 637 Fine, K. B., degree, 841 Fine, R., resignation, 45 Fine, Ronda S., degree, 1299 Fine and Applied Arts, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 curricula, art, admission requirements, change, 1189 crafts option, revisions, 9 medical art, approved, 342 music, composition major, revisions, 9 urban planning, changes, 907 degrees conferred, 155, 217, 404, 637, 843, 882, 1080, 1312 departments, city planning and landscape architecture, name changed, 907 gift, funds, Alcoa Foundation, 952 purchase, paintings, 494 Finer, June R., appointment, 71 Finfer, K. N., certificate, 1100 Finfgeld, C. R., resignation, 133 Finical, J. A., degree, 403 Fink, B. E., certificate, 365 Fink, B. P., degree, 638 Fink, C. M., leave of absence, 823 Fink, G. L., appointment, 803 Fink, H. C, degree, 1303 Fink, R., appointment, 334 Finkbeiner, W. H., certificate, 532 Finkel, C. A., degree, 1310 Finlayson, Ruth L., degree, 1305 Finley, J. J., degree, 615 Finley, Janis K., degree, 829 Finley, Judith A., fellowship, 658 Finn, E. J., degree, 216 Finnemore, D. K., resignation, 45 Finneran, D. M., degree, 1312 Finneran, Kathleen Kv degree, 1314 Finnerud, C. W., appointment, 66, 753 Finney, Mildred I., fellowship, 410 leave of absence, 428 Finola, G. C, appointment, 72, 760 Fiore, J. C, member of advisory committee 5 FioRito, Carol A., degree, 398 Fire alarm system lines, Chicago Circle, easement, 795 Firebaugh, A. E., degree, 393 Fire doors, McKinley Hospital, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Fire extinguishers, Chicago Circle, purchase 1122 Firemanship Training College, site, annexation by Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District 491 Fire protection, Chicago Circle Union Building, contract, 572 Fire protection, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, appropriation, 1152 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., gift, 288, 950 First Congregational Church of Oak Park, gift, 310 First Federal Savings & Loan Association, gift, 946 First National Bank of Chicago, facsimile signatures, resolution, 422, 1097 loan, Materials Research Laboratory phase II, construction, 855 Fischbach, Moore, & Morrissey, Inc., contract, 528, 544 Fischbein, M. M., degree, 623 Fischer, D. A., appointment, 762 resignation, 977 Fischer, D. V., degree, 395 Fischer, E. A., degree, 841 Fischer, Freda S., appointment, 803 Fischer, J., degree, 1286 fellowship, 203, 817 Fischer, J. W., appointment, 67, 754 Fischer, W. D., degree, 397, 1066 Fischer Photographic Laboratory, Inc., purchase, 243, 593 Fischer-Wybregt, Susanna H., appointment, 315, 885 resignation, 1087 Fischinger, A. T., degree, 1076 Fischinger, P. J., degree, 644 fellowship, 42, 257 Fischmar, R. M., certificate, 61 Fiscus, G. W., appointment, 82, 770 Fiscus, R. W., degree, 394 Fish, study, contract, 587, 1260 change, 1163 Fish, J. A., degree, 840 Fishbein, Martin, fellowship, 410 Fishbein, Morris, appointment, 67, 754 Fishburn, D. H., degree, 1310 Fisher, B. W., degree, 634 Fisher, Barbara N., appointment, 1083 degree, 1064 fellowship, 658, 817 resignation, 521, 897 Fisher, D. L., degree, 643 Fisher, E. S., degree, 389 Fisher, F., fellowship, 658 Fisher, Gita W., degree, 842 UNIVERSITY Fisher, Gloria J., degree, 826 Fisher, H. A., degree, 622 Fisber, H. F., contract, 95 adjustment, 283, 352, 381, 438, 475, 498 587, 693, 721, 792, 869 Fisher, H. T., appointment, 1004 Fisher, M. D., gift, 308 Fisher, Margot E., degree, 628 Fisher, R. F., Jr., degree, 1289 Fisher, Roger J., appointment, 32, 113 resignation, 479 Fisher, Ronald J., degree, 146 Fisher, R. L., degree, 1064 Fisher, R. R., degree, 842, 1280 Fisher, R. T., Jr., Jeave of absence, 1109 Fisher, T. H., fellowship, 512 Fisher, Vira R., property at 507 East Daniel Street, purchase, 348 Fisheries, research, contract, change, 475, 721, 1260 Fisherman, E. W., appointment, 886 Fisher Scientific Co., purchase, 24, 54, 188, 436, 589, 787, 862, 1121 Fishman, Marjorie A., degree, 623 Fishman, Patti H., degree, 1077 Fishman, W. E., appointment, 70, 757 Fishmeal in swine nutrition, research, contract, change, 193, 869 gift, 960 Fissinger, E. R., appointment, 1188 Fitch, B. T., resignation, 259 Fitch, C. H., degree, 1293 Fitch, Carol A., degree, 1295 Fitch, H. M., appointment, 337, 729 Fitchen, D. B., degree, 211 Fites, R. C, degree, 827 fellowship, 204, 512, 817 Fitzgerald, D., appointment, 506 degree, 210 Fitzgerald, Donna K., degree, 1305 Fitzgerald. J. E., degree, 146, 1271 fellowship, 42, 204, 410, 698 resignation, 1232 FitzGibbons, J. P., appointment, 72, 759 Fitzjarrald, D. E., degree, 1073 Fitzpatrick, T. E., degree, 1282 FitzPatrick, W. J., degree, 643 Fixed Partial Prosthodontics, gift, research, various donors, 309 purchase, air turbine units, 1255 vacuum power units, 1157 Fizzell, J. A., degree, 143 Flaate, K. S., fellowship, 1223 Flach, D. H., degree, 1284 Flag, state, gift, 304 Flaherty, B. P., degree, 644 Flaherty, D. M., degree, 636 Flaherty, R. J., degree, 396 Flake, Janice L., degree, 139 Flammang, J. M., degree, 1074 Flanagan, G. C, appointment, 70, 757 Flanagan, M. J., appointment, 113 Flanders, D. P., leave of absence, 1106 Flanders, J. P., degree, 1295 Flanigan, W. B., degree, 1306 Flattum, R. F., fellowship, 817 Flaw detector, Civil Engineering, purchase, 913 Flax, D. B., degree, 1079 Fleck, L. H., degree, 879 Fleeger, J. L., appointment, 476, 886 resignation, 1087 Fleischer, W. R., appointment, 76, 886 Fleischli, D. J., degree, 644 Fleischman, D. L., degree, 1289 Fleites, A. L., appointment, 84, 975 Fleming, A. W., degree, 1314 Fleming, D. E., degree, 1291 Fleming, H. P., degree, 875 Meming, Joseph Edgar, certificate, 747 Hetmng, Joe Edgar, Jr., degree, 1080 Fleming, R. W., appointment, 1169 resignation, 1141 Fleming Printing Co., purchase, 865 Flener, F. O., degree, 632, 1283 Flener, Joen J. G., degree, 1068 Flenner, Mrs. Jacqueline W-, appointment, 113, 886 Flenner, R. H., appointment, 315, 651, 729 Flens, L. A., degree, 1303 Fless, G. M., degree, 1076 Fletcher, A. D., degree, 1275 Fletcher, Amaryllis A., degree, 843 Fletcher, Barbara B., degree, 1284 Fletcher, C. R., degree, 391 Fletcher, R. E., appointment, 335, 1000 status, change, 1143 Fletcher, Suzanne L., degree, 633 Flexo-writer, Graduate College, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 779 Fley, Jo Ann, resignation, 897 Flickinger, G. I)., degree, 618 Fliesser, Elaine R., degree, 1295 Flight instruction, contract, 915 change, 1016 Flight instruction fee, change, 1152 Flinn, Margot A., degree, 636 Flinn, P. L., degree, 1295 Flint, R. M., Jr., degree, 403 Floberg, F. O., appointment, 76, 764 Flood, K. U., resignation, 1232 Flood, M. L., degree, 639 Flood, W. H., & Co., contract, 97 purchase, 714 Flood, W. L., degree, 1301 Flood control, Vermilion River Observatory, contract, 188 Floor finish, Physical Plant department, Ur-bana, purchase, 497, 1259 Floor machine, Assembly Hall, purchase, 718 Floor Products Co., contract, extension of time for execution or termination, 264 Floor slabs, study, gift, 958 Floor tile, McKinley Hospital, appropriation, 1153 Research and Educational Hospitals, contract, 272, 910 Florek, N. A., certificate, 747 Flores, Ella I., degree, 639 Flores, J. S., appointment, 336 leave of absence, 427 Florey, F. G., degree, 139 Floriculture, research, gift, 955 Floriculture Building, laboratory furniture, purchase, 1127 remodeling, appropriation, 852 Florida Avenue, parking lot, construction, contract, 466 tree-planting program, contract, 371 Florida Avenue Residence Hall, architectural services, contract, 1010 Florini, J. V., degree, 1079 Florio, A. E., appointment, 332 leave of absence, 428 Florio, A. L., degree, 1082 Floris, F., painting, gift, 305 Florschuetz, L. W., degree, 1060 Flow detector and monitor, Pharmacology, purchase, 1255 Flowers, R. W., appointment, 114 Flow field packed bed, study, gift, 952 Flow mechanism, study, contract, change, 1260 Flowmeter, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 1124 Floyd, C. O., degree, 1317 Fluck, Dorothea I., resignation, 443 Flueck, J. A., appointment, 922 Flumbaum, H. D., degree, 834 Flummerfelt, J. R., appointment, 651, 922 Fluorescent fixtures, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 472, 942, 1259 Fluorine compounds, study, contract, change, 105 Fluoroscopic units, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 781 1420 BOARD OF T Flxible Co., purchase, 350 Flyer, Jill S., degree, 623 Flynn, B. J., degree, 834 Flynn, C. M., Jr., fellowship, 658 Flynn, J. D., appointment, 32, 197 Flynn, Jane M., degree, 834 Flynn, M. D., degree, 150 Flynn, Margaret M., degree, 1319 Flynn, Marilyn J., degree, 1286 fellowship, 204, 894 Flynn, Mary K., degree, 1321 Flynn, R. D., degree, 1288 Flynn, Rosamond L., degree, 834 Flynn, T. J., degree, 1313 FMC Corp., contract, change, 1210 gift, 958 Fodor, J. A., appointment, 64 Foerner, J. J., Jr., degree, 640 Foerster, S. A., degree, 1080 Fogel, J. S., appointment, 315 Fogel, M. H., degree, 647 Fogel, P., degree, 647 Fogel, S., fellowship, 894 Foght, J. L., appointment, 651 degree, 600 Foght, Mrs. Martha, appointment, 33, 114 resignation, 521 Fogle, D. A., degree, 620, 1278 fellowship, 512 Fogiesong, Marilee A., degree, 143 Foglesong, W. D., fellowship, 512 Foisy, H. B., degree, 139 Foisy, W. A., degree, 842 Foley, M. F., Jr., degree, 878 Foley, W. J., degree, 1271 Folger, D. F., degree, 1080 Folk. A. J., degree, 1311 Folkins, Lynn E.( degree, 1308 Folsom, Angela T., appointment, 253, 1136 Folsom, R. M., certificate, 61 Fondersmith, J. A., degree, 828 Fons, Martha A., degree, 1295 Foo, H. T., degree, 1313 Food, handling equipment, Illini Union, Urbana, purchase, 594 Food Machinery & Chemical Corp., gift, 955 purchase, 25 Food mixer, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase, 1208 Food products, radiation substerilized, research, contract, 720 Foods and business option, home economics, approved, 342 Food Science, appropriation, Burnsides Research Laboratory, moving into and equip-ing, 368 equipment, balance reappropriated, 778 gift, equipment, Continental Can Co., 966 fellowships, Campbell Soup Co., 288 Pure Milk Association, 289, 951 funds, American Meat Institute, 960 Anderson, Clayton, & Co. Foods Division, 960 Armour & Co., 960 Campbell Soup Co., 960 Glidden Co., 960 Hunt Foods & Industries, Inc., 960 Illinois Heart Association, 960 Mead Johnson & Co., 960 Monsanto Chemical Co., 960 Procter & Gamble Co., 960 Special Dairy Industry Board, 960 Wilson & Co., 960 research, American Dairy Association, 291, 953 American Heart Association, 291, 953 Archer-Daniels-Midland Foundation, 291 Armington Illinois Community Chest, 292 Illinois Agricultural Association, 294 Illinois Heart Association, 295, 956 Monsanto Chemical Co., 295, 957 National Livestock and Meat Board, 296, 958 Food Science, cont'd Pillsbury Co., 958 Tee-Pak Foundation, 298, 959 Whirlpool Corp., 961 name, approved, 535 purchase, building addition, 496 centrifuge, 1038 chromatograph, 471, 496 electrophoresis diffusion instrument, 866 fractionator, 55 hexotherm apparatus, 788 microdensitometer, 279 scanning system, 279 spectrometer, 243 spectrophotofluorometer, 374 ultracentrifuge, 243 Food service equipment, contract, Illini Union Chicago Circle, 572 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 229 Food Technology, name changed to Food Science, 535 Food warmers, Housing Division, purchase 1208 Football band, Wisconsin trip, funds, 852 Football game, Michigan State University postponement, 932 Foote, B. R., appointment, 334, 998 Foote, Beverly D., appointment, 253 resignation, 443 Foote, C. D., degree, 600 Foote, W. C, degree, 623 Foote, W. R., Ill, degree, 604 Foran, J. W., degree, 615 Forbes, Audrey E., appointment, 440 Forbes, D. J., degree, 1277 fellowship, 512, 1223 Forbes, L., degree, 829 Forbes, R. L., degree, 1293 Force, G. A., Co., purchase, 55, 56, 1156, 1202, 1208, 1259 Forcucci, R. A., appointment, 1325 Ford, F. E., degree, 383 Ford, J. L., degree, 621 Ford, Mary J., degree, 838 Ford, N. M., appointment, 729, 886 Ford, P. S., degree, 828 Ford, R. M., Ill, appointment, 803 degree, 837 Ford, T. E., degree, 620, 1278 fellowship, 735 Ford Foundation, funds for international programs, investment, 1163 Ford Foundation, gift, 287, 288, 293, 299, 304, 949, 950, 955, 966, 968, 1011 Fordham, E. \V., appointment, 81 Fordham, S. L., appointment, 339, 457 report, state of Division of Physical Education, 1175 Ford Hopkins Drug Co., gift, 305 Ford Motor Co., gift, 293, 299, 955 Fordon, Leona R., appointment, 74, 761 Foreign students, admission requirements and procedures, 6 definition, 6 Foreign workmen's compensation and employers liability insurance, Business Office, purchase, 1039 Foreman, R. L., degree, 1317 Foresman, R. P., degree, 644 Forestry, advisory committee, 5 appropriation, electrical service, Old Agronomy Storehouse, 488 equipment, balance reappropriated, 778 pressure-vacuum cylinder, 13, 238 balance reappropriated, 778 shear testing machine, 368 balance reappropriated, 778 gift, research, Miller, Mrs. C. Philip, 295, 957 purchase, air compressor, 101 nuclear measurement system, 1205 pressure vessel, 373 . printing punch, 374 shear-test machine, 691 UNIVERSITY forest vegetation, research, contract, change, 22, 693 Forgetting, research, contract, 351, 1015 Forgivable Predoctoral Loans to Future Engineering Teachers, gift, 287 Forman, L. P., degree, 623 Fornian, Lois R., degree, 1074 Fortnanek, Joan K., degree, 636 Forms, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 435 Fornof, J. G., degree, 637 Forrest, Ann L., degree, 404 Forrester, R. A., appointment, 114 decree, 150 Forsberg, J. L., book, printing, 278 Forsberg, P. L., degree, 644 Forsberg, R. J., certificate, 365 Forse, J. H., degree, 878 fellowship, 1334 Forsgren, K. F., degree, 879 Forsman, R. G., appointment, 1325 fellowship, 658 Forster, G. F., appointment, 72 Forster, M. H., appointment, 336, 1001 declination, 443 fellowship, 410 Forstner, Janet F,, appointment, 765 Forsyth, A. C., appointment, 33 Forsythe, D. N., degree, 830 Fort. M. L., appointment, 1018 Fortin, K. P., degree, 839 Fortin, R. F., degree, 403 Fortna, J. D., degree, 1070 Fortner, J. P., degree, 404 Fosdick, L. D.. leave of absence, 426 change, 702 Fossler, B. H., certificate, 1100 Foster, A, G., degree, 139 Foster, Barbara R., degree, 614 Foster, I). L., resignation, 1340 Foster, F., gift, 963 Foster, F. W., appointment, 331, 707 leave of absence, 427 Foster, G. N., appointment, 988 Foster, H. E., resignation, 133 Foster, J. M., degree, 605 Foster, J. R., degree, 644 Foster, Judith L., degree, 154 Foster, M. J., appointment, 695, 803 Foth, R. P., appointment, 70, 757 Fothergill, W., appointment, 1169 fellowship, 410 Fotiadi, Evelyne M. M., degree, 1295 Fouchaux, R. D., degree, 877 Foulk, C. R., degree, 876 Foulk, Mrs. Dorothy A., resignation, 739 Foulk, J. M.. degree. 1282 Foulkes, A. P., appointment, 533 Foulkes, P., fellowship, 1171 Foundation, University, antenna patents, income, 668 athletic grants-in-aid, funds from Athletic Association, 536 auditors, employment, 499, 1211 gift, 194, 301, 312, 949, 959, 962, 964, 966, 971, 974 land. Fifth Street, property at 912 South, purchase, 1344 lease, Goodwin Avenue Apartments, 868 Green Street, property at 601, 603, and 60S East, 1128 property at 6O6V2 East, 776, 1128 property at 611 and 613 East, 776, 1128 Hott Memorial Center, 868 Lincoln Avenue, property at 807 South, 273 movable equipment for buildings financed by State Bond Issue, 742 Race Street, property at 129 North, 868 Sixth Street, property at 704 South, 1128 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, construction, contracts, 857 financing, 855 lease to University, 855 OF ILLINOIS 1421 Foundation, cont'd site, lease from University, 855 parking lot, Healey Street, contract, 59 patentable discoveries, Balmain, K. G., 1146 Blurton, M., 1146 Dimick, R. C, 1146 Divilbiss, J. L., 232 Ferris, D. H., 232 Holshouser, D. F., 232 royalties, 452 Kopek, W. J., 231 Mayes, P. E., 1146 Mikenas, V. A., 1146 Mittra, R., 1147 Ries, R. P., 452 Satterthwaite, C. B., 452 Schuemann, W. C, 261 Soo, S. L., 452 Stephenson, D. T., 1146 Stifle, J., 231 Vassos, N., 232 Wahl, M. L., 1147 United Student Aid Funds, Inc., funds, allocation, 487 addition, 860 University representative on Board of Directors, appointment, 480 Foundry and Pattern Laboratory, gift, funds, Amsted Industries, Inc., 974 Foundry Educational Foundation, gift, 284, 293, 312, 946, 955, 974 Foundry research, gift, 297 Four-H Club, funds, gift, 299 Four-H Memorial Camp, funds, investment, 473 youth groups, accident and sickness insurance, purchase, 1162 Fourney, W. L., fellowship, 512, 1223 Fournier, M., degree, 389 Foust, D. D., degree, 1288 Foutch, J. F., degree, 1310 Fowler, Ann M., degree, 1299 Fowler, E. B,, appointment, 73, 761 Fowler, E. R., degree, 843 Fowler, Frances C, fellowship, 512 Fowler, W. B., Jr., appointment, 886, 1018 Fox, A. J., degree, 1312 Fox, Ann M., appointment, 332, 803, 997 declination, 1141 Fox, B. W., appointment, 68, 755 Fox, D. L., degree, 1303 Fox, J. A., degree, 1291 Fox, J. D., degree, 1311 Fox, J. H., degree, 1309 Fox, Jack M., appointment, 67, 754 Fox, James M., degree, 632 Fox, K. L., appointment, 1325 Fox, L. J., degree, 1318 Fox, R. A., degree, 841 Fox, R. E., appointment, 70, 757 degree, 404 Fox, R. P., appointment, 114, 330 declination, 412 Fox, S., appointment, 1005 Fox, S. A., appointment, 74, 761 Fox, W. E., degree, 1074 Foxworthy, D. T., appointment, 68, 755 Foys, R. M., degree, 604 fellowship, 1334 Fractionator, Food Science, purchase, 55 Fraction collector, Botany, purchase, 591 Fradin, F. Y., appointment, 1325 degree, 1281 fellowship, 513, 1223 Fraenkel, G. S-, appointment, 315 Frail. Catherine, appointment, 114 Fraker, G., degree, 398 Frampton, G. T., appointment, 332 declination, 412 leave of absence, 1108 Francik, A. L., degree, 1320 Francis, B., Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 684 Francis, F. C, appointment, 1083 1422 BOARD OF ' Francis, J. D., degree, 643 Francis, R. E., degree, 1303 Franciscovich, Paula M., degree, 1295 Francissen, J. W., certificate, 456 Frandsen, L. R., degree, 152 Frandzel, J., fellowship, 698 Frank, A. F., degree, 1315 Frank, C. B., degree, 1072 Frank, Elizabeth, degree, 628 Frank, Evelyn, appointment, 339, 803, 1111 resignation, 739 Frank, G. F., degree, 839 Frank, H., degree, 1311 Frank, I. M., fellowship, 927 Frank, T. W., certificate, 61 Frank, Jeannine M., degree, 1321 Frank, Joan D., degree, 1078 Frank, L. H., degree, 1295 Frank, Robert W., degree, 1287 Frank, Rudy W., degree, 1074 Frank, Sylvia W., degree, 834 Frank, W. W., degree, 831 Franke, W. H., leave of absence, 1108 Frankel, Leslie J., degree, 623 Frankel, M., appointment, 456, 975 Frankenberg, Natalie K., degree, 1078 Frankhouser, Mary T., degree, 209 Franklin, D. E., degree, 1284 Franklin, G. L., Ill, degree, 1273 fellowship, 658 Franklin, J. D., degree, 1315 Franklin, M., appointment, 67, 754 Franklin, M. L., fellowship, 1223 Franklin-Lee Co., purchase, 57, 1255, 1258 Frankmann, Mrs. Judith P., appointment, 197, 886 Frankmann, R. W., appointment, 33, 336, 991, 1001 Frankovich, E., degree, 1295 Franks, Linda L., degree, 632 Franks, R. L., degree, 1079 Franz, F. A., appointment, 1325 degree, 1270 Franz, J. C, degree, 1277 Franzblau, S. A., appointment, 68, 755 Frase, L. H., degree, 1320 Frase, L. T., degree, 879 Fraser, Constance, resignation, 821 Fraser, J. G., degree, 623 Fraternity alumni, gift, 287 Fraternity Alumni Emergency Loan Fund, gift, 287 Fraticelli, Joanne C, appointment, 197 resignation, 665 Frauenfelder, H., appointment, 33 Fray, C. P., degree, 1280 Fray, K. O., degree, 152 Frazar, P. L., degree, 1295 Frazee, V. F., member of advisory committee, 850 Frazer, W. D., degree, 875 fellowship, 513, 658 resignation, 897 Frazier, L. E., degree, 642 Frazier, T. B., degree, 642, 1318 Frazier, Raftery, Orr, & Fairbank, architectural services, Hull House restoration, 492 Frederichs, L. J., degree, 615 Frederick, C. R., degree, 1284 Frederick, J. A., degree, 402 Frederick, Marilyn C, degree, 1284 Fredericksen, L. L., certificate, 365 Fredericksen, R. D., degree, 1073 Frederickson, C. L., degree, 152 Frederiksen, C. H., fellowship, 698 Fredrickson, A. D., degree, 396 Fredrickson, L. T., appointment, 999 Fredrickson, R. E., degree 640 Freeburger. M. E., degree, 1302 Freed, Hedy L., degree, 1308 Freed, J. M., degree, 613 fellowship, 658 lKUMHES Freedman, A. R., certificate, 747 degree, 634 Freedman, G. J., degree, 1295 Freedman, M., appointment, 114, 768 Freedom, study, gift, 295 Freehill, JoAnn, degree, 1313 Freel, J. H., appointment, 771 Freeland, Coralee J., degree, 1308 Freeland, R. S., degree, 396 Freeman, Arleen E., degree, 840 Freeman, D. B., degree, 395 Freeman, G. W., degree, 629 Freeman, J. E., degree, 208 Freeman, Janet T., degree, 1295 Freeman, Jayne P., degree, 633 Freeman, Mrs. Nellie V., gift, farm land, request for return, 232 memorial, 195 Freeman, R. G., degree, 1306 Freese, C. H., degree, 396 Freese, G. P., degree, 1073 Freezers, purchase, Chicago Circle, 1203 Medical Center, 863 Veterinary Medicine, 691 Freeze-thaw unit, Civil Engineering, purchase 588 Freiberg, Pearlee, degree, 1295 Freiberg, R. J., degree, 391 Freid, M. A., appointment, 1083 Freilich, E. B., appointment, 67, 754 Freiman, Myra U., degree, 1078 Frein, E. C., degree, 1071 Freireich, I., certificate, 747 Freitag, R. J., certificate, 747 Frelinghuysen, J. S., Corp., purchase, 374, 942 Fremgen, R. I., certificate, 1100 French, Chicago Undergraduate Division, department, established, 1187 French, Urbana, budget, summer session, 330 994 gift, funds, Falk, E., 287 French, A. F., gift, 972 French, D. L., degree, 396 French, J. L., resignation, 45 French, V. R., degree, 1070 French, W. L., appointment, 197 degree, 212 French & Co., Inc., purchase, 789 Frenk, J. W., degree, 1290 Frequency converter, Aviation, purchase, 376 Frequency counter, Physics, purchase, 939 Frequency synthesizer, Chemistry and Chemi cal Engineering, purchase, 495 Fretty, D. W., degree, 1281 Fretwell, C. C, appointment, 1325 Fretwell, Shela S., degree, 1280 Fretzin, Liane J., degree, 840 Freud, W. I., appointment, 70, 757 Freund, D. C, certificate, 1100 Freund, E. C, appointment, 33, 197, 315, 803 degree, 388 leave of absence, 321, 522 Freund, G., appointment, 68 Freund, L. B., fellowship, 1223 Frew, Sandra L., degree, 619 Frey, J. R., appointment, 995 Freyder, J. G., degree, 1066 Frezek, L. J., degree, 1301 Friden, Inc., purchase, 23, 377, 940, 1205 Frieberg, R. J., fellowship, 1334 Friedberg, A. L., appointment, 267 Friedberg, S. A., appointment, 75, 762 Friedericb., A. G., appointment, 33 Friederici, Erica B., degree, 641 Friedl, T. J., degree, 1309 Friedland, Joan M., fellowship, 894, 1140 resignation, 1087 Friedland, S. W., appointment, 1136 Friedlander, R. A., appointment, 114 Friedman, B. A., certificate, 1100 degree, 634 Friedman, Bette S., degree, 1295 Friedman, Carol A., degree, 1295 Friedman, Mrs. Dorothy M., appointment, 803 1083 Friedman, E. A., appointment, 75, 763 Friedman, E. F., degree, 388 fellowship, 1223 Friedman, Mrs. Felice C, appointment, 922 Friedman, Francine M., degree, 152 Friedman, H. D., degree, 1295 Friedman, H. L., degree, 1322 Friedman, J. E., appointment, 763 Friedman, T. N., degree, 1295 Friedman, J. R., degree, 1282 Friedman, M. B., certificate, 1100 Friedman, M. L., degree, 1079 Friedman, Margaret J., fellowship, 513 Friedman, R. A., certificate, 1100 Friedman, R. B., appointment, termination, 701 fellowship, 257, 658, 735 termination, 1173 Friedman, R. F., degree, 623 Friedman, R. M., degree, 1312 Friedman, Rene S., degree, 1295 Friedman, S., appointment, 987 Friedman, S. B., degree, 211 Friedman, S. H., degree, 1293 Friedman, Shelley M., degree, 1295 Friedman, Sue-ann, degree, 1307 Friedman, T. A., fellowship, 257, 698 Friedman, Alschuler, & Sincere, architectural services, Physical Plant Service Building at Medical Center, contract, 241 Friedrich, L. M., degree, 1080 Friedrichs, J. R., degree, 620 Friedrichs, M. R., degree, 1309 Friend, Mrs. Beverly, appointment, 253 Friend. G. L., appointment, 114, 803 Friend, J., resignation, 133 Fries. Mary A., degree, 1069 Fries, R. B., degree, 151 Friese, M. L., degree, 1309 Fries-Walters Co., contract, 15, 270, 542, 911, 1154 Friggle, Georgia A., degree, 1313 Frigidaire Sales Corp., purchase, 594, 863, 1203 FrJKO, A. R., degree, 1312 Frincke, G. L., degree, 387 fellowship, 1334 Frisch, ). W., appointment. 82, 770 Frisch, R. J., certificate, 747 Krishman, G., certificate, 1100 Frith, D. E., appointment, 325, 988 leave of absence, 522, 1233 cancellation, 740 Fritz, D. E., degree, 397 Fritz, D. W., degree, 1293 Fritz, G. R., Jr., degree, 384 Fritz, Susan J., degree, 1313 Fritz, T. E., resignation, 206 Fritzsche, R. P., degree, 636 Frizzi, G., appointment, 458 Frobish, L. T., degree, 151 Frocht, M. M., appointment, 458 declination, 521 Frock, G., appointment, 999 Froehlich, R., degree, 1315 Froelke, D. R., degree, 623 Fromm, R. B., certificate, 986 Fross, Barbara J., degree, 1309 "ost, S. H., appointment, 33 degree, 829 fellowship, 1223 Frova, A., appointment, 440 rrowein, J. A., degree, 151 Fruehling, G. R., degree, 1291 Fruin, J. W., degree, 1295 Frmn, R. C., appointment, 68, 755 fruit, research, gift, 297, 954, 958 fry, Nancy C, degree, 399 'rye, J. C., appointment, 851 ' OF ILLINOIS 1423 Frye, L. L., degree, 637 Frye, Mary V., appointment, 336 leave of absence, 1089 Frye, R. J., degree, 622 Frye, Sally J., degree, 623 Fryman, R. F., fellowship, 513, 698, 1223 F. S. Services, Inc., gift, 955 Fu, Mrs. Helena S., leave of absence, 899 Fu, P. S., degree, 216 Fu, T. K., degree, 152 Fuchi, K., resignation, 133 Fuchino, R. K., degree, 620 Fucik, J. E., degree, 1060 Fuel oil, purchase, Aviation, 716 Physical Plant Department, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 495 Medical Center, 472 Urbana departments, 595 Fuenfer, Harlene S., degree, 1076 ruerst, Lams M., degree, 632 Fugard, Butt, Wilkinson, & Orth, architectural services, Central National Bank Building remodeling, 1152 Florida Avenue Residence Hall, 1010 Life Sciences, east unit, 185 engineering services, Research and Educational Hospitals, remodeling, 853 Fugate, W. H., degree, 618 Fuhr, R. V., degree, 1288 Fujaros, R. G., degree, 1278 fellowship, 513 Fuji;, M., degree, 400 Fuji;, Sakiko, appointment, 476 Fujii, T., appointment, 114 Fujimoto, Christine T., degree, 1322 Fujimoto, Joyce M., degree, 1312 Fujita, T., appointment, 651 Fujita, Y., degree, 1062 Fujiwara, T. J., fellowship, 204 Fujiwara, J. Y., degree, 141 Fukazawa, K., appointment, 197 Fulcher, C. E., resignation, 45 Fulk, B. R., degree, 1320 Fulk, Patricia J., degree, 1295 Kulkerson, Constance L., degree, 832 FuIIagar, P. D., degree, 876 Fuller, Carolyn A., degree, 1321 Fuller, E. S., appointment, 73, 760 Fuller, G. A., Co., telegram, bid for general work for Staff and Administration Offices Building, 529 Fuller, G. R., appointment, 114, 803 Fuller, J. B., appointment, 253 Fuller, Sally J., degree, 1295 Fuller, Virgilyn E., degree, 1299 Fuller, W. C, degree, 1320 Fullerton, B. J., degree, 834 Fullerton, Jane V., degree, 633 Fulmer, Judy S., degree, 633 Fulton, D. D., degree, 1073 Fulton, Idabelle, degree, 842 Fulton, R. E., resignation, 133 Fume hoods, East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contracts, 464 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, contract, 857 Physiology, appropriation, balance reappro-priated, 88 Fumento, R. L., appointment, 114, 1136 declination, 1173 fellowship, 1171 Fund for Dental Education, gift, 310, 971 Funds, assignments subject to appropriation bills becoming laws, 678 investment, policy, amendment, 460 procedure, amendment, 460 report, 245, 378, 472, 722, 793, 869, 916, 944, 1016, 1041, 1129, 1163, 1214, 1262 Fung, Alice S. C, fellowship, 659 Fung, O. Y., degree, 828 1424 BOARD OF 1 Fungicides, research, gift, 293, 296, 297, 954, 955, 958, 959, 960 Funk, M. W., degree, 616 fellowship, 204 Funk, E. C., degree, 627 Funk, V. M., degree, 147 Funkhouser, Susan J. K., degree, 615 Funston, N. E., degree, 389 Furby, D. H., degree, 620 Furlong, A. J., degree, 1315 Furlong, R. B., appointment, ,331, 995 Furnace, purchase, Ceramic Engineering, 784 Electrical Engineering, 496 Engineering, Chicago Circle, 1202 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 1124 Furnace heating, research, gift, 296, 958 Furniture, purchase, Architecture and Art, 374 Health Service, 101 Housing Division, Urbana, 55, 56 Illini "Union, 26, 56 Office Supply Storeroom, 25, 190, 244 Physical Plant Department, 714, 715 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Research and Educational Hospitals, 22 Furst, N. R., degree, 1313 Furuhata, K., degree, 1268 Furuhata, T. M., degree, 394 Furumoto, H. H., fellowship, 1140 Fused salts, study, contract, change, 1040 Fuson, J. E., II, degree, 1306 Fuss, Carolyn S-, fellowship, 927 Futorian, Shari, degree, 1308 Futterman, E., appointment, 1151 Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 352 report, 352 FXR Products, purchase, 279 Fymat, A., degree, 150 Gaarder, B., fellowship, 659 Gabai, H., appointment, 533 Gaballah, S., appointment, 66 Gabel, A., appointment, 82, 770 Gabel, J. B., fellowship, 410 Gabel, N. W., fellowship, 410, 1171 Gable, Sarah F., degree, 1295 Gabor, Irene E., degree, 148 Gabriel, S. G., degree, 1295 Gaburo, K. L., leave of absence, 426 Gaddy, O., appointment, 114 Gads Hill Center, gift, 290 Gaebe, Martha W., degree, 143 Gaecke, Jean L., degree, 633 Gaertner Scientific Corp., purchase, 57, 1253 Gaetani, S., resignation, 320 Gaffen, H., certificate, 365 Gaffner, G. L., degree, 1295, 1306 Gaffney, Anita E., degree, 615 Gaffron, D. W., degree, 842 Gage, N. L., appointment, declination, 133 leave of absence, 47 Gage, Vivian E., appointment, 1325 Gage Park Heating Co., Inc., contract, 528 Gagliano, F. V., Jr., fellowship, 513, 1334 Gagliano, Pauline H., degree, 1281 Gagliardo, N. L., degree, 1070 Gagne, Marie L., degree, 1295 Gahan, L. W., degree, 1283 Gaides, F. C, degree, 636 Gaides, G. E., appointment, 114 degree, 212 resignation, 701 Gaier, E. L., appointment, 329 Gailitis, R. G., appointment, 70, 757 Gain, B. R., degree, 397 Gaines, Martha K., degree, 880 Gaines, R. E., degree, 400, 830 Gaither, R. B., degree, 211 resignation, 133 Gaither, W., Jr., degree, 393 Galante, J. O., appointment, 75, 762 Galassi Motor Sales, Inc., purchase, 1203 Galbraith, Ruth L., appointment, 114 Galbreath, Alene C, degree, 215 Gale, H. H., fellowship, 410, 817 Galesburg Builders Supply, gift, 284, 946 Galis, VV. R., certificate, 61 Galkin, S. B., degree, 641 Galla, G. J., degree, 1314 Gallacher, P. J., appointment, 253, 729 Gallagher, D. G., degree, 1311 Gallagher, E. J., degree, 841 Gallagher, H. J., degree, 1072 Gallagher, J. J., appointment, 1002, 1018, 132? Gallagher, J. P., fellowship, 1223 Gallagher, R. E., appointment, 339, 803 declination, 521 Gallagher, R. H., certificate, 61 Gallaher & Speck, contract, 936 Galle, Gay A., degree, 619 Gallehue, Dena J., degree, 619 Galli, A., appointment, 197 Galliart, W. H., degree, 387 fellowship, 356 Gallington, D. J., degree, 1310 Gallios, J. A., appointment, 803 degree, 1317 Gallivan, Kathleen F., lease, 868 Gallo, D. A., degree, 644 Gallo, F., appointment, 988 declination, 1141 Galloway, J. C, degree, 389 Galluzzi, V. N., fellowship, 817, 1140 Gait, R, M., appointment, 68, 755 Galvan, G. P., degree, 1067 Galvanometers, Physics, Urbana, purchase 496, 717 Galvin, J. W., degree, 620 Galvin, P. V., fellowship, gift, 289, 951 Galvin, Mr. and Mrs. S., gift, 311 Gamal el-Din, M. K., degree, 608 Gamble, J. C, fellowship, 513 Gamble, W. L., appointment, 533, 990 resjgnation, 1340 Gamlin, Nancy K., degree, 629 Gamma counting system accessories, Medicine, purchase, 940 Gamma ray penetration of structural geometries, research, contract, 720 Gammill, H. L., leave of absence, 1233 Gammon, Juanita L., degree, 638 Ganan, C. I., degree, 152 Gandell, S. D., degree, 647 G & G Film Corp., purchase, 1259 Gangwer, Myla, degree, 1310 Gannett, F. E., Newspaper Foundation, Inc., gift, 946 Gannon, Maribelle, certificate, 1100 Gano, J. E., fellowship, 1223 Gans, D. J., fellowship, 1334 Gans, Rena, appointment, 114, 651, 1217 Gant, R. M., Jr., degree, 148 Gantt, C. L., appointment, 651, 803 Gantt, R. R., degree, 1316 fellowship, 42, 257, 319, 817 Garages, design and modification for use as public shelters, preparation of guide, contract, 1016 Garavalia, R. C, degree, 389 Garb, M., degree, 1077 Garbage bags, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 1013 Garber, C. A., degree, 628 Garbs, C. Z., degree, 834 Garcia, W. J., Jr., degree, 141 Garcia-Camilo, R. H., appointment, 756 Garcia-Moliner, Carmen, appointment, 315, 804 fellowship, 131 resignation, 320 Card, J. D., degree, 618 Gard, Marjorie A., degree, 626 Gardberg, L. J., degree, 1320 Gardiner, C. H., appointment, 332 book, printing, 1037 Gardiner, C. O., degree, 1295 UNIVERSITY i Gardiner, J. A., appointment, 68, 755 Gardiner, K. E., appointment, 1217 Gardiner-Atkinson, Mary J., degree, 148 Gardner, B. L., degree, 1288 Gardner, G. M., fellowship, 1223 resignation, 1340 Gardner, Mrs. Iola G., Student Loan Fund, gift, 949 Gardner, James A., degree, 1288 Gardner, John A., Jr., degree, 391 Gardner, j. B., certificate, 61 Gardner, J. D., degree, 642, 1318 Gardner, J. R., degree, 403 Gardner, Jeanne C, appointment, 114 resignation, 1020 Gardner, K. E., appointment, 407, 922, 1136 Gardner, R. E., degree, 1063 Gardner, T,, degree, 622 Gardner, T. L., degree, 634 Gardner, T. M., degree, 1069 Gardner, W. M., appointment, 73, 760 Gardner-Denver Co., purchase, 101 Garfield, D., degree, 155 Garfield, D. H., degree, 644 Garfield, R. S., fellowship, 513 resignation, 739 Garfien, Sharlene P., degree, 633 Gartinkel, A., degree, 400, 1275 Garfinkle, C, appointment, 74, 762 Gargasz, L. J., degree, 142 Garland, J. M., degree, 1295 Garland, R. E., degree, 1273 fellowship, 659 Garlich. B. R., degree, 640 Garlinghouse, B. A., appointment, 1136 Garlovsky, Carol A., degree, 623 Garman, P. L., leave of absence, 426 Garmony, Gail M., degree, 623 Gain, Almeda, degree, 1280 Garneau, Judith M., degree, 628 Garner Hall, acoustical tile, purchase, 1259 Garpiel, J. M., degree, 1295 Garr, W. R., appointment, 70, 757 Garratt, F. E., Jr., degree, 1295 Garrelts, W. E., degree, 1079 Garret, M. R., appointment, 336 Garrett, B. R., appointment, 476, 886 Garrett, Elaine B., degree, 629 Garrett, H. P., degree, 405, 1069 Garrett, M B.. fellowship, 1223 Garrigan, R. W., certificate, 1100 Garrison, Charleen M., degree, 834 Garrison, J. M., certificate, 61 Garrison, L. W., degree, 1069 Garrison, Susan S., degree, 1305 Garrison, W. L., degree, 1295 Garron, D. C, appointment, 80, 767 Garside, E., appointment, 81, 769 Garth, Nancy C. M., degree, 145 Gartner, Bonnie E., degree, 402 Garver, H., degree, 1284 Garverick, C. M., appointment, 906, 991 Garvey, J. C., appointment, 440, 729 Garvin, F. G., appointment, 729 Gas, Urbana departments, purchase, 589, 595 Gas analyzer, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 1038 Gasbarra, G. A., degree, 642, 1318 Gas chromatography technique for determination of adrenocosttcal steroids, development, contract, change, 916 Gaseous Electronics Laboratory, funds, gift, 302, 964 inspection, 1094 Gaseous Isotopes Sales, Monsanto Chemical Co., purchase, 788 Gaseous plasmas, research, contract, 915 change, 351, 498 Gaseous tissue nitrogen in animals, research, contract, change, 21 Gas lines, Chicago Circle, easement, 795 Gas loading facility, fabrication and installation, contract, 720 OF ILLINOIS 1425 Gasoline, purchase. Aviation, 590 Urbana departments, 595 Gasper, M. I., degree, 609 Gaspich, Virginia K., degree, 627 Gas pipeline, Carter-Pennell Farm, easement granted, 686 Gass, D. M., fellowship, 1334 Gass, Sandra J., degree, 619 Gas service, Chicago Circle heating plant, contract, 774 Gassman, A. E., degree, 843 Gassman, B. R., certificate, 747 Gast, C. F., Co., purchase, 788 Gaston, Janet L., degree, 1307 Gatch, L., canvas, gift, 966 Gatenby, A. E., degree, 644 Gates, R. H., degree, 1277 Gatzke, K. W., degree, 156 Gau, B. J., appointment, 338 Gaucher, G. M., fellowship, 927 Gaudette, H. E., appointment, 729 degree, 601 Gauen, Kathleen J., degree, 1295 Gauges, Agency for International Development, purchase, 1156 Gaughan, V. M., degree, 1291 Gault, Florence M., degree, 1074 Gavin, C. E., appointment, 75, 762 Gavin, Marjorie J., degree, 834 Gavoret, J. G., appointment, 440 Gawecki, F. M., appointment, 761 Gawne, J. C, degree, 1312 Gayer, R. A., degree, 1311 Gaylord, Mr. and Mrs. C. R., gift, 966 Gaylord, E. H., Jr., appointment, 327, 990 Gaylord Brothers, Inc., purchase, 1036 Gaynor, W. J., certificate, 61 Gazet, J., degree, 642 Gazet, J. C, appointment, 253, 355 Gazzolo Drug & Chemical Co., gift, 967 Gdalman, L., appointment, 253, 886 Geanakoplos, D. J., appointment, 332, 458, 804, 1018 Gebhardt, Sue P., degree, 1313 fellowship, 1223 Gebhart, M. J., degree, 1317 Gebuhr, C. A., appointment, 70 resignation, 412 Geddis, P. E., degree, 1311 Gedo, J. E., appointment, 180 Gedvilas, L. L., appointment, 339, 1006 Gedwill, M. A., Jr., degree, 391 Gee, Alyce M., degree, 156 Gee, J. A., degree, 1290 Geever, W. E., degree, 842 Gehlbach, G. D., degree, 618 Gehlbach, Nancy L., degree, 1308 Gehlbach, Sally J., degree, 1289 fellowship, 1223 Gehle, D. E., degree, 1320 Gehler, S. N., degree, 394 Gehrig, H. W., degree, 640 Geiger, D. S., appointment, 729 Geigy Chemical Corp., gift, 294, 955 Geigy Pharmaceuticals, gift, 308, 969 Geil, Wilma J., appointment, 804 degree, 1280 Geils, K. H., degree, 387 Geis, M. D., degree, 1320 Geise, H. B., degree, 1078 Geisler, Pamela A., fellowship, 513, 1223 Geislers, V., degree, 1272 Geison, R. L., fellowship, 131, 817 Geissler, B. R., degree, 1288 Geissman, Patricia E., degree, 1319 Geitner, C. E., degree, 140 Geittmann, W. F., appointment, 72, 760 Geldard, J. F., appointment, 729 Geldard, Winifred B., appointment, 339 Gelder, H. M., appointment, 729 Gelfand, Susan J., degree, 637 Gelman, W. T., degree, 639 Gelwicks, T. J., degree, 618 1426 BOARD OF Gemrich, E. G., II, fellowship, 478, 1086, 1334 Gendej Susan R., degree, 401 Gendein, A. R., appointment, 440, 768 Gendry, R. L., degree, 1287 Gene, Judy D., degree, 638 Genenz, R. H., degree, 636 General Assembly, legislation, acts affecting the University, report, 796 County Cooperative Extension Law, 773 General Chemical Division, Allied Chemical Corp., purchase, 54, 591, 787 General Chemical Stores, purchase, chemicals, 54, 591, 787, 1258 chemical solvents, 787 glassware, 243, 349, 372, 865 laboratory apparatus, 23, 54, 163, 243, 372, 784, 866 laboratory equipment, 243, 349, 717, 1038 pipettes, 374 plexiglass, 163 spectrophotometers, 784, 1038 General Dynamics Corp., gift, 950 General Atomic Division, gift, 288 Liquid Carbonic Division, purchase, 493 General education, graduation requirement, 268 General Electric Co., contract, termination, 264 gift, 303 purchase, 55, 373, 497, 715, 787, 913, 1156, 1259 General Electric Foundation, gift, 288, 294, 301, 950, 955 General Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, summer session, 1005 Urbana, budget, summer session, 331, 995 gift, funds, various donors, 963 research, Kearney & Trecker, Corp., 295 General Fireproofing Co., purchase, 1202, 1261 General Foods Fund Inc., gift, 950 General Insulation, Inc., contract, 229, 1057 General Motors Corp., gift, 284, 294, 303, 946, 955 purchase, 243, 278 General Paving Co., Inc., contract, 466 change, 51 General Plate Makers Supply Co., purchase, 435 General Policy Committee, amendments of Statutes, conference with Senate representatives, 920 report, 1166, 1178 request of Senates for further consultation, 1244 study and report, 578 appointment of T. A. Jones, 986 meeting, 48, 159, 1148 members, 1098 use of University facilities by candidates for public office, study, 480 work session, 983 General Radio Co., purchase, 861, 912 General Stores, Chicago Undergraduate Division, purchase, paper supplies, 1013 Medical Center, purchase, paper supplies, 1013 General Studies Division, budget, summer session, 331, 995 head, appointment, 368 General Telephone & Electronics Laboratories, gift, 288 Generator, purchase, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 349 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 864 Electrical Engineering, 912, 941 Engineering, Urbana, 588 Physics, Urbana, 58, 1206 Genskow, T. K., degree, 138 fellowship, 42, 927 Gensler, L. G., degree, 839 Gentlemen, Susan B., fellowship, 894 Gentry, R. E., degree, 607 Geoghegan, P. M., appointment, 114 Geography, Chicago Undergraduate Division department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1187 Urbana, appropriation, Illinois resources atlas, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 budget, summer session, 331, 995 gift, funds, Bier, J. A., 963 Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co 300 ' Central Illinois Public Service Co. Commonwealth Edison Co., 300 Foster, F., 963 Illinois Power Co., 300 Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co., 300 Northern Illinois Gas Co., 963 Union Electric Co., 300 Geology, Chicago Undergraduate Division department, established, 1187 Urbana, appropriation, air conditioners, 918 equipment, 13, 1192 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 remodeling, 13, 536 budget, summer session, 331, 995 gift, fellowship, Monsanto Chemical Co., National Lead Co., 289, 951 Shell Companies Foundation, Inc 289 Shell Fellowship Committee, 951 funds, California Co., 299, 961 Phillips, E. L., Foundation, 962 research, American Chemical Society 290, 953 National Lime Association, 296, 957 scholarship, California Co., 284, 946 purchase, analyzer, 436 cabinets, 101 microscope, 913 services of research vessel, contract, 690 George, H. E., degree, 1073 George, J. M., degree, 617 George, Kathleen M., degree, 1312 George, M. L., degree, 1282 George, Margaret Y., appointment, 1103, 1325 George, R. E., Jr., certificate, 747 degree, 150 George, Sharon A., degree, 1295 George, T. V., appointment, 886, 1018 degree, 1059 Georgian, L. S., degree, 1291 Georgiou, G. T.. resignation, 320 Georgoulis, E. A., appointment, 1136 Georraan, Marlene D., degree, 1312 Geraci, J. L., degree, 1313 Gerard, Roberta L., degree, 633 Gerardo, J. B., appointment, 886 degree, 601 invention, patent rights, release, 979 Gerbeck, Claire M., fellowship, 817 Gerber, H. C, fellowship, 1223 Gerber, J. M., degree, 1295 Gerber, L., certificate, 1100 Gerber, Q. N., resignation, 259 Gerber Manufacturing Co., Inc., purchase, 497, 1255 Gerbner, G., leave of absence, 426 cancellation, 1174 Gerbner, Ilona K., degree, 624, 1063 Gerdanc, Alice M., degree, 1306 Gerdes, C. L., degree, 635 Gergans, G. A., degree, 1077, 1295 Gergely, P., degree, 874 Gerhardt, J. W., degree, 152 UNIVERSITY C Gericke, D. L., degree, 615 Gericke, W., fellowship, 659 German, Chicago Undergraduate Division, department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1187 Urbana, budget, summer session, 331 department name, change, 851, 935 See also Germanic Languages and Literatures. German, V. F., appointment, 651 degree, 874 German, W. R., degree, 390 German Academic Exchange Service, gift, 955 Germanic Languages and Literatures, budget, summer session, 99S chairman of department, appointment, 935 department name, approved, 851 Germano, F. A., degree, 1282 Gernant, R. E., degree, 629 Gersbacher, Jane, degree, 1306 Gershon, R. R., degree, 839 Gershowitz, Beatrice, degree, 616 Gershuny & Epstein, Inc., purchase, 102, 377 Gerson, I. S., degree, 1072 Gersten, A. H., degree, 404 Gerstenhaber, C. M., degree, 1280 Gerstner, O., appointment, 804, 997, 1325 Gerstner, R. W., appointment, 651, 1325 Gerteis, R. L., degree, 874 Gertenrich, A, J., degree, 1080 Gertz, D. J., degree, 646 Getman, C. L., degree, 636 Getts, R. L., degree, 1310 Getz, B., fellowship, 1223 Getz, Evelyn M., degree, 627 Gewolb, R. J., degree, 1295 Ccyer, C. L., gift, 311 Geyer, W. A., appointment, 114 Ghearing, E. H., degree, 826 Gholson, C. A., resignation, 1232 Ghosh, A. K., fellowship, 894 Ghosh, B. K., appointment, 886 Ghosh, M. M., appointment, 440 degree, 146 Ghosh, S., degree, 613 Giacomino, G. L., degree, 620 Giacomoni, D. A., fellowship, 131, 894 Giallombardo, JoAnne, degree, 1307 Giannini Scientific Corp., purchase, 1124 Giannoni, A. J., certificate, 365 (iiaquinta, A. R., degree, 215 Giaquinta, Carolyn H., degree, 624 Gibb, Mary C, fellowship, 817 Gibbel, M. I., appointment, 82, 769 Gibbens, Carole S., degree, 1295 Gibbons, Mary F., fellowship, 698 Gibbons, R. W., degree, 1315 Gibbons, T. P., degree, 397 Gibbs, A. J., degree, 605 Gibbs, E., appointment, 197 Gibbs, E. L., degree, 1316 Gibson, Anne F., appointment, 114 Gibson, J. L., degree, 637 Gibson, R. D., degree, 139 Gibson, R. L., appointment, 72, 760 Gibson, W. R., fellowship, 513, 1223 Gieck, Evelyn F., certificate, 61 Gierman, P. E., Jr., degree, 403 Giese, E. R., Jr., degree, 621 Giese, J. W., degree, 208 Giesecke, M. H., degree, 635 Gieseke, Georgianne C, degree, 633 Gieseking, Audrey G., degree, 610 Gieseking, D. L., appointment, 1325 Gieselman, R, D., appointment, 114, 440, 1325 Giffin, J. V., degree, 1078 Gifford, J. L., degree, 615 Gifford, Maria N., degree, 1300 Gifford, W. A., certificate, 365 OF ILLINOIS 1427 Gifted children, elementary and secondary school programs, development, contract, 498 study, contract, 1127, 1210 training programs for specialists working with, contract, 1162 Gifts and grants, list, 283, 945 summary, 313, 974 Gift, Abbott Laboratories, 287, 290, 306, 949, 952, 961, 971 Abramovitz, Mrs. Gerald, 311 Advanced Research Projects Agency, 965 Aerojet-General Corp., 945 Agency for International Development, 302, 312, 965, 973 Agricultural Institute, 949 Aid United Givers, 311 Air Force, 302, 312, 965, 973 Alcoa Foundation, 283, 301, 945, 952, 963 Alford, H. C, 311 Allerton, R., 284, 301, 945 Allied Chemical Corp., 290, 949 Nitrogen & Plastics Division, 287 Allstate Foundation, 284, 945 Alpern Foundation, Inc., 961 Alpha Delta Phi, 947 Alpha Phi Omega, 287, 949 Alschuler Philanthropic Fund, Inc., 287 Alumni Association, 945 American Academy of Arts and Letters, 966 American Academy of Pediatrics, 306 American Air Filter Co., Inc., Herman Nelson Division, 284 American Association of Anatomists, 306 American Bird Products, Inc., 290, 952 American Cancer Society, Inc., 290, 307, 310, 952, 968 American Chemical Products, Inc., 290 American Chemical Society, 290, 952 American Cyanamid Co., 287, 291, 953, 961 Lederle Laboratories, 307 American Dairy Association, 291, 953 American Dental Association, 306, 307, 967 American Foundation for Management Research, Inc., 291 American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education, 305, 967 American Gas Association, 291, 953 American Heart Association, 291, 307, 953, 968 American Iron & Steel Institute, 291, 292, 953 American Limb & Orthopedic Co., 311, 972 American Mathematical Society, 299, 961 American Meat Institute, 960 American Medical Association Education Research Foundation, 307, 968, 971 American Museum of Natural History, 298 American Oil Co., 291, 949, 953 American Oil Foundation, 950 American Petroleum Institute, 291 American Physiological Society, 950, 953 American Psychological Association, 291, 961 American Rheumatism Association, 968 American Rheumatism Association Committee on Cooperative Clinics, 307 American Society for Engineering Education, 961 American Society for Metals, 287 American Society for Metals Foundation for Education and Research, 284, 945 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 291, 953 American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers, 950 American Steel & Wire Co., 291, 953 Amsted Industries, Inc., 291, 953, 974 1428 BOARD OF T: Gift, cont'd ( Amsted Industries Foundation, 300, 963 Andersen, A. & Co., 963 Anderson, A. K., 310 Anderson, Clayton, & Co., Foods Division, 960 Anderson, Mrs. Ralph E., 971 Annable, Mr. and Mrs. L. F., 310, 311 anonymous donor, accounting education conference, 963 Aviation, aircraft, 303 Chicago Undergraduate Division Illini Union, equipment, 312 Civil Engineering, funds, 945 Krannert Art Museum, funds, 961 Medical Center, equipment, 973 Surgery, funds, 972 Archer-Daniels-Midland Foundation, 284, 291 Area Redevelopment Administration, 965 Armco Foundation, 301, 963 Armco Steel Corp., 287 Armington Illinois Community Chest, 292 Armour & Co., 960 Armour Pharmaceutical Co., 292 Armstrong Cork Co., 284, 945 Army, 302, 312, 965, 973 Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, 307 Association of American Railroads, 292, 953 Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives, 294 Asthmatic Children's Aid, 307 Atomic Energy Commission, 302, 312, 965, 973 Austin Woman's Club, 311 Automotive Safety Foundation, 288, 950 Avalon Foundation, 305 Avnet-Shaw Corp., 954 Babcock & Wilcox Co., 299, 961 Barber-Colman Co., 945 Barber-Colman Foundation, 284 Baroid Division, National Lead Co., 951 Battle Creek Equipment Co., 954 Bay State Abrasive Products Co., 284, 945 Beardsley, J. and Marilyn, 310 Bear Hybrid Corn Co., Inc., 292, 954 Beem, lone Fisher, Estate, 967 Bell Telephone Laboratories, 288, 954 Beltone Institute for Hearing Research, 311 Bendix Aviation Corp., 292, 954 Benesch, A., & Co., 299 Benner, Mr. and Mrs. T. E., 966 Berkelhamer, Bertha, 305 Berkelhamer, Bert, 967 Bernhardt, Mr. and Mrs. W., 311 Bestor, A., 303 Bier, J. A., 963 Block Drug Co., 306, 967 Bloomington-Normal Illini Club, 949 Bocour, L., 304 Boeschenstein, Mr. and Mrs. H., 302 Boggs, Mr. and Mrs. O. S., 968 Borden Co. Foundation, Inc., 946 Borg-Warner Corp., 968 Bovyn, P. F., 310 Bradley & Bradley, Inc., 287, 949 Braley, H. D., 963 Brehm, C. E., 961 Breidt, M. P., 311 Bristol Laboratories, 968 Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. J., 969 Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D., 311 Brown, H., 966 Bruno, P., 304 Budd Co., 301, 963 Bullard, E., 969 Burnsides, Ethel, 301, 864 Burrill Construction & Supply, 298, 960 Busey Hall Girls, 971 California Chemical Co., Ortho Division, 292 Gift, cont'd California Co., 284, 299, 946, 961 Campbell, R. and Lily, 310 Campbell Soup Co., 288, 301, 960 Campus Chest, 284, 946, 949 Carle Foundation, 292 Carnegie Corp., 292, 954 Carpenter, Mrs. Winifred, 969 Carr, Mr. and Mrs. M., 969 Carrier, j. D., 286 Case & Co., Inc., 954 Casey Community United Fund, 969 Caterpillar Tractor Co., 292, 954, 963 Ceco Steel Products Corp., 284 Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co., 294 300, 956 Central Illinois Light Co., 294, 956 Central Illinois Public Service Co., 294 300, 956 Central Soya, 963 Chainski, E. L., 311, 972 Champaign County Health Improvement Association, 299 Champaign Kennel Club, 949 Chandler, Mrs. Fremont A., 971 Chase, H., 966 Chemical Industries Council, 950 Union Carbide Corp., 289 Chemstrand Co., 946, 961 Monsanto Chemical Co., 284 Chicago, University of, 293, 309, 970 Chicago Bridge & Iron Foundation, 299, 954 Chicago Community Trust, 952, 971 Chicago Dental Assistants Association, 310 Chicago Dermatological Society, 969 Chicago Doll Collectors Club, 971 Chicago Dysautonomia Society, Inc., 307 969 Chicago Farmers, 946 Chicago Federal Reserve Bank Employees. 308, 969 Chicago Four-H Association, 299, 956 Chicago Heart Association, 308, 969 Chicago Junior Women's Advertising Club, 285, 947 Chicago Retail Druggists' Association, 967 Chicago Retail Druggists' Association Women's Organization, 306, 967 Chicago Rotary Club Women, 311, 972 Children's Research Foundation, 308, 969 Chiz, Mrs. Elsie, 971 Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., 292 Cities and Villages Municipal Problems Commission, 303, 965 Civil Defense Office, 965 Clairol, Inc. Research Laboratories, 308 Class of 1911, 303 Climax Molybdenum Co., 292 Colin, H., 311 Cole, W. H., 969, 972 Cole, W. H., Society, 305, 967 Collins Radio Co., 288, 303, 950 Columbian Enameling & Stamping Co., Inc., 946 Columbia University, 292 Commercial Solvents Corp., 292, 954 Commonwealth Edison Co., 294, 300, 301, 956, 960 Commonwealth Foundation, 969 Commonwealth Fund, 310, 971 Companion Shepherd Dog Club, 946 Connecticut Light & Power Co., 298, 960 Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 292 Consolidation Coal Co., 284, 946 Container Corp. of America, 292 Continental Can Co., 299, 961, 966 Continental Grain Foundation, 284 Continental Oil Co., 288, 950 Conway, C. C, Scholarship Foundation, 301, 964 Cooper, Mrs. Hugh E., Jr., 961 UNIVERSITY OI Gift, cont'd [ Corn Industries Research Foundation, Inc. 293, 954 Corning Glass Works Foundation, 288, 950 961 Corn Products Co., 284, 946, 973 Corson, G. and W. H., 298, 960 Council of Ten, 293 Country Life Insurance Co., 956 Country Mutual Insurance Co., 956 County farm and home bureaus, 301 Crabtree, Mrs. Elizabeth, memorial to, 972 Creole Foundation, 964 Crop-Hai! Insurance Actuarial Association, 293, 954 Crossley Associates, Inc., 946 Crouse, J. N., Dental Endowment Fund, 969 Dads Association, 284, 946 Dames Club, 310 Daus, D. G., 971 Dawe's Laboratories, Inc., 293, 954 Dean, Juliette, 304 DeCock, W. J., 972 Deere, J., Planter Works, 954 Deerfield Area United fund, Inc., 308 Deerneld Bannockburn United Fund 969 Deeter & Ritchey, 287, 948 Defense Atomic Support Agency, 302, 963 DeFotis, W., 311 Delavan Community Chest, 310, 971 Dennis, Josephine, 286 Dental Alumni Society of Ohio, 311 Dental Education Fund, 310 Deuss, E., 284 Diamond Alkali Co., 293, 950, 954 Dick, A. B., Foundation, 300 Dickerson, O. M., 961 Dimshee & Co., 963 Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 284, 946, 950 Dow Chemical Co., 284, 288, 303, 946, 950, 954 Dow Corning Corp., 293 Downers Grove United Fund, Inc., 972 Drakenfeld, B. F., & Co., 284 Droghetti, L. J., 311 Duncan, R. F., 284 Dunne, G. W., 311 Du Page County Health Improvement Association, 287 Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., 288, 293, 954, 969 Easter Seal Research Foundation, 961 Eastman, W. H., 308, 969 Eastman Kodak Co., 288, 301 Edison Electric Institute, 954 Edwards, H., 949 Ehrlich Donnan Foundation, 284 Eisner Food Stores, 293 Emhart Manufacturing Co., 284 Endevco Corp., 303 Engineering Center, 302 Engineering Foundation, 293 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., 954 Ennis, Dr. and Mrs. A. L., 287, 949 Ernst & Ernst, 300 Esso Research & Engineering Co., 288, 303, 950, 955 Ethyl Corp., 288, 950 Eureka United Fund, 308, 969 Evanston Drama Club, 306, 968 Talk, E., 287 Federal Housing Authority, 965 Federal Land Bank Associations in Illinois, 284, 946 Federal Land Bank of St. Louis, 284, 946 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Employees, 308, 969 Ferro Corp., 284, 946 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 288, 950 First Congregational Church of Oak Park, 310 F ILLINOIS 1429 jift, cont'd First Federal Savings & Loan Association, 946 Fisher, M. D., 308 FMC Corp., Niagara Chemical Division, 958 Food Machinery & Chemical Corp., 955 Ford Foundation, 287, 288, 293, 299, 304, 949, 950, 955, 966, 968, 1011 Ford Hopkins Drug Co., 305 Ford Motor Co., 293, 299, 955 Foster, F., 963 Foundation, University, 301, 949, 959, 962, 964, 966, 971 Foundry Educational Foundation, 284, 293, 312, 946, 955, 974 fraternity alumni, 287 Freeman, Mrs. Nellie V., request for return, 232 French, A. F., 972 F. S. Services, Inc., 955 Fund for Dental Education, 310, 971 Gads Hill Center, 290 Galesburg Builders Supply, 284, 946 Galvin, Mr. and Mrs. S., 311 Gannett, F. E., Newspaper Foundation, Inc., 946 Gaylord, Mr. and Mrs. C. R., 966 Gazzolo Drug & Chemical Co., 967 Geigy Chemical Corp., 294, 955 Geigy Pharmaceuticals, 308, 969 General Dynamics Corp., 950 General Atomic Division, 288 General Electric Co., 303 General Electric Foundation, 288, 294, 301, 950, 955 General Foods Fund, Inc., 950 General Motors Corp., 284, 294, 303, 946, 955 General Telephone & Electronics Laboratories, 288 German Academic Exchange Service, 955 Geyer, C. u, 311 Gillette Co., Toni Co., 289 Gilman, Lizzie, 969 Gilman, M., 966 Gleesons, Mr. and Mrs. R., 311 Glick, Mrs. Rose, 311 Glidden Co., 960, 962, 964 Globe-Union Foundation, 284 Gloeckner, F. C, Foundation, Inc., 955 Goldenrod Ice Cream Co., 305, 967 Goldstein, G. J., 305, 966 Goodyear Aircraft Corp., 294, 955 Gould National Batteries, 311 Grace, W. R., & Co., 955 Grady, P., 304 Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, 956 Granite City Steel Co., 294 Grant, A., & Co., 963 Green, A. P., Fire Brick Co., 284 Greene, W. B., 305 Gregory Industries, Inc., 288, 294 Griffin Wheel Co., 294, 956 Grolier Foundation, Inc., 288, 294 Gross, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., 972 Haffa, T., 312 Hales & Hunter Co., 963 Haloid Xerox, Inc., 950, 956 Hamilton College, 298 Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. J., 966 Harbison-Walker Charitable Fund, Inc., 284, 946 Harrington, J., Jr., 946 Harris, Dr. and Mrs. C, 972 Harris, S. G., 966 Harris Trust & Savings Bank, 946 Haywood, E. B., 962 Hearth and Garden Club, 311 Henderson Manufacturing Co., 303 Hendrix, Gertrude, 298, 960 1430 BOARD OF 1 Gift, cont'd Hendrix, W. L., 960 Henner, Mrs. R., 973 Henry, D. D., 303 Hercules Powder Co., Inc., 294 Herzog, C, 310 Hewlett-Packard Co., 966 Higby, S., Camp Foundation, 306 Hinsdale Sewing Group, 310 Hiram Walker-Gooderham & Worts Ltd., 301 Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc., 969 Horder's, Inc., 973 Horseradish Growers of East St. Louis, 956 Howard, C. P., Estate, 285, 946 Hull House Association, 290, 952 Human Ecology Fund, 294 Humiston-Keeling & Co., 305, 967 Hunt Foods & Industries, Inc., 960 Hunt Foundation, 301 Illinois Agricultural Association, 294, 956 Illinois & Midwest Lawn Co., 303 Illinois Archaeological Survey, 294, 956 Illinois Association of Insurance Agents, 285, 946, 956 Illinois Cities and Villages Municipal Problems Commission, 303, 965 Illinois Clay Manufacturers' Association, 285 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, 285, 947 Illinois Council on Education in Politics, 956 Illinois Dairy Products Association, Inc., 294 Illinois Electric Cooperatives Association, 956 Illinois Farm Bureau Serum Association, 294 Illinois Farm Electrification Council, 294, 956 Illinois Farm Supply Co., 294, 304, 947 Illinois Federal Land Bank Associations, 284, 946 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 285, 305, 308, 947, 969, 971 Illinois Foundation Future Farmers of America, 962 Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., 950, 956 Illinois Health Improvement Association, 947 Illinois Heart Association, 295, 956, 960 Illinois Liquid Fertilizer Association, 295 Illinois Mining Institute, 285, 947 Illinois Occupational Therapy Association, 283 Illinois Power Co., 294, 300, 956 Illinois Production Credit Association, 947 Illinois Savings & Loan League, 299 Illinois Seed Producers Association, Inc., 295 Illinois Society of Architects, 948 Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, 287 Illinois State Academy of Science, 299 Illinois State Conference Building and Construction Trades, 962 Illinois State Council of Machinists, 301 Illinois State Department of Agriculture, 303, 965 Illinois State Department of Conservation, 303, 965 Illinois State Department of Mental Health, 303, 312, 965, 973 Illinois State Department of Public Safety, 303, 965, Illinois State Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, 303, 965 Illinois State Department of Registration and Education, 303 Illinois State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 303, 965 Illinois State Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, 285, 947 Gift, cont'd Illinois State Florist Association, 300 Illinois State Housing Board, 303, 965 Illinois State Library, 30J, 965 Illinois State Public Aid Commission, 303 Illinois State Superintendent of Public In struction, 303, 965 Illinois Turfgrass Foundation, Inc., 295, 955 Illinois Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary, 949 Indiana Limestone Institute, 285 Industrial Minerals of Canada Limited, 947 Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc., 288 950 Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufac- turers, 295, 956 Institute of Life Insurance, 300, 962 Institutional Cooperation, Committee on, 961 Intercultural Studies, Institute of, Inc., 960 International Business Machines Corp., 288 300, 301, 950, 964 International College of Dentists, 968 International Harvester Foundation, 963 Interstate Power Co., 294, 956 Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants, 300 Iowa, State University of, 298 Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co., 294, 300, 956 Ivy Cancer Research Foundation, 308 Jersey Production Research Co., 295, 962 Johnson, Jeanette M., 308 Johnson & Johnson, 288 Tones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 288, 950 Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicago, 285, 947 Kaplin, L. D., 972 Kappa Alpha Theta, 311, 972 Kappa Tau Alpha, 300, 962 Kearney & Trecker Corp., 295 Kellogg, W. K., Foundation, 310, 971 Kennecott Copper Corp., 285, 947, 964 Kettering, C. F., Foundation, 295, 300, 950, 962, 964 Keuffel & Esser Co., 962 Kidney Disease Foundation of Illinois, 308 King, L. S., 973 Kistler Instrument Corp., 966 Kivett & Myers & McCallum, 287, 948 Klineman, E. E., 311 Kloehn, J. S., 311 Kloehn, S. J., 311 Koch, Mrs. Eugene, 285 Koppers Co., Inc., 287, 949 Kraemer, Cheryl, memorial to, 972 Kretschmer Corp., 295, 956 Kroger Co., 285, 947 Kubacki, W. H., 972 Kulosky, C, 310, 971 Lag Drug Co., 305, 967 Laird Norton Co., 957 Lane, J. M., 285 Lasalle Steel Foundation, Inc., 311 Lawrenceville Garden Club, 295 Lead Industries Association, 288 Lcderer, Dr. and Mrs. F. L., 311, 972 Lederle Laboratories, 968, 970 American Cyanamid Co., 307 Leukemia Research Foundation, 308, 970 Leukemia Society, Inc., 308 Levee, Mrs. Polly, 308 Levis, W. E., 302 Lewis, A. B., 311, 972 Licensed Beverage Industry, 970 Life Insurance Institute, 962 Lilly, E., & Co., 950, 957, 963, 968 Lilly Endowment, Inc., 288, 295 Lincoln Memorial University Press, 304 Lindeman, S., memorial to, 972 Lions International Club, 970 Loman, H. J., Foundation, 295 Lubrizol Corp., 951 Lubrizol Foundation, 288 UNIVERSITY r.jft. cont'd Lumber Dealers Research Council, 957 Magnavox Co., 285, 947, 951, 957 Magnavox Foundation, Inc., 301 Mallory, P. R., Co., Inc., 285, 947 Malting Barley Improvement Association, 295 Manger, M. A., 973 Manilow, N., Foundation, 308 Marggraf, Agnes V., 949 Markle Foundation, 308, 970 Marsh, Mary C, 301 Marsteller, Inc., 301 Martin, Mrs. Henry T., 972 Martin, L. E., Memorial Fund, 972 Matula, G., 308 McArdle, Harrington, & McLaughlin, 312 McCarville, Bonnie, memorial to, 972 McKesson & Robbins, Inc., 967 Mead Johnson & Co., 308, 310, 960, 969, 971 Mead Johnson Research Center, 956 Medical Center Organization Fund, 968, 972 Medical Center Women's Auxiliary, 306, 310, 967, 968, 971, 972 Medicine Class of 1963, 967 Meehan, Mrs. Virginia, 310 Meilleur, Mrs. H., 311 Men's Residence Halls Association, 285, 947 Merck & Co., Inc., 295, 301, 957, 963 Merck Co. Foundation, 306, 968 Merck, Sharp, & Dohme Research Laboratories, 309, 957 Merrell, W. S., Co., 295 Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. C. J., 300 Meyer, K. A., 305 Midwest Agricultural Limestone Institute, 295, 957 Midwest Oral Rehabilitation Study Group, 306 Miller, Mrs. C. Philip, 295, 957 Miller, J., memorial to, 972 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Illini Club, 949 Minnesota, University of, 295, 959 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., 285, 288, 947, 951 Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Co., 285, 947 Monsanto Chemical Co., 289, 295, 951, 957, 960, 963 Chemstrand Co., 284 Montgomery Ward & Co., 311 Moore, Lulu M., 968 Moorman Co. Fund, 301 Moorman Manufacturing Co., 285, 296, 947, 957 Morris, M. L., Animal Foundation, 296 Morrison General Electric Co. Employees, 972 Morton Chemical Co., 296 Mosinee Paper Mills Co., 296 Moss, M. A., 305 Mothers Association, 285, 947 Motorola, Inc., 285, 289, 947, 951 Mount Carmel Public Utility Co., 294, 956 Mount Holyoke College, 962 Mrazek, R. G., 311 Mueller Farms Sod Nursery, 957 Muerche, R. C, 973 Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc., 296 Napier, Mrs. Marilyn, memorial to, 972 National Academy of Design, 305 National Academy of Sciences, 296, 302, 957, 965 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 302, 965 National Association for Mental Health, 309, 970 National Association of Home Builders, 947 National Association of Home Builders Scholarship Foundation, Inc., 285 National Association of Horseradish Packers, 957 OF ILLINOIS 1431 Gift, cont'd National Bureau of Standards, 302 National Council of Legal Clinics, 957 National Defense Education Act, 302, 965 National Distillers & Chemical Corp, 296 National Distillers and Chemical Foundation, Inc., 964 National Doll Collector's Club, 310 National Educational Television and Radio Center, 296 National Education Association, 300 National Electronics Conference, 957 National Foundation, 309, 970 National Foundation, Cook County Chapter, 971 National Fund for Medical Education, 309, 310, 971 National Hemophilia Foundation, 306 National Hog Cholera Fund, 957 National Institutes of Health, 302, 964, 965 National Lead Co., 289, 296, 951 Titanium Division, 957 National Lime Association, 296, 298, 957, 960 National Livestock and Meat Board, 296, 958 National Merit Scholarship Corp., 285, 947 National Roofing Contractors Association, 296 National Safety Council, 958 National Science Foundation, 302, 312, 964, 965, 973 National Secretaries Association, 947 Champaign-Urbana Chapter, 285 National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 296 National Soybean Crop Improvement Council, 296, 958 National Steel Corp., 296, 958 National Vitamin Foundation, Inc., 296 National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, 296, 958 Navy, 302, 312, 965, 973 Nelson, H., Division, American Air Filter Co., Inc., 284 New Holland Machine Co., 297, 958 New York University, 311, 972 Niagara Chemical Division, FMC Corp., 958 Nitrogen & Plastics Divisions, Allied Chemical Corp., 287 Noble, C. M 951 Nonacademic Employees Council, 286 Norcross, Mrs. Helen, 305 Northern Illinois Breeding Co-op., 958 Northern Illinois Gas Co., 963, 964 Northrup-King & Co., 958 Oak Park First Congregational Church, 310 Oberne, G. S., 309 O'Connor, G. P., 311, 972 Old Ben Coal Corp., 286, 947 Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., 297 Squibb Division, 958 Olkon, D. M., Estate, 305 Ortho Division, California Chemical Co., 292 Orton, E., Jr., Ceramic Foundation, 289, 300, 951 Osborn, E., 297 Osco Drug Co., Inc., 305, 967 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., 286, 301, 947, 951, 964 Owens-Illinois Glass Co., 286, 301, 302, 948, 964 Packard Instrument Co., Inc., 304 Page, D. A., 960 Pallat, H., 311 Parke, Davis, & Co., 289, 951, 970 Parker, N. A., 312 Parma Research Laboratory, Union Carbide Corp., 289, 952 Peace Corps, 965 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., 297 Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corp., 286, 948 Ferine Development Corp., 286 Peterson, Mr. and Mrs., 311 1432 BOARD OF T Gift, cont'd Peterson, W. F., 973 Pfaelzer, M., 298, 960 Pfizer, C., & Co., Inc., 297, 958 Pfizer Laboratories, 309 Pharmacy Alumni Association, 972 Pharmacy Class of 1959, 306 Pharmacy Class of 1961, 306 Pharmacy Student Council, 306 Phelps, Helen K., Estate, 286, 948 Philadelphia Electric Co., 298 Phillips, E. L.t Foundation, 962 Phillips Petroleum Co., 951 Photo Service, Inc., 305, 967 Physical Education for Women Alumnae Association, 286 Physicians and Dentists Foundation, 971 Picker X-Ray Corp., 973 Pi Kappa Lambda, 948 Pillsbury Co., 958 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation, 964 Population Council, Inc., 297 Portland Cement Association, 297, 958 Poz-O-Pac Co. of America, 960 Pozzolan Products Co., Inc., 960 Prairie Farm Dairy, Inc., 958 Presser Foundation, 286, 948 Price Waterhouse & Co., 300 Price Waterhouse Foundation, 963 Princeville Community Council Fund Drive, 310 Princeville Community Council, 972 Procon, Inc., 948 Procter & Gamble Co., 289, 297, 951, 960 Production Credit Association, 286 Prospect Heights' Annual Appeal, 309 Pullman Foundation, 289 Purdue Research Foundation, 300, 962 Pure Milk Association, 289, 951, 958 Quaker Oats Co., 297 Radio Corp. of America, 289, 301, 951, 964 Railsback, O. L., 312 Ralston Purina Co., 286, 948 Raymond Concrete Pile Co., 289, 951 Raytheon Co., 289, 951 Readers Digest Association, 962 Reinforced Concrete Research Council, 297, 958 Requarth, W., 311, 972 Research and Engineering Professional Employees Association, 948 Resources for the Future, Inc., 297, 958 Ridinger, Mrs. Jac C, 311 Riker Laboratories, Inc., 309, 970 Ritter Co., 973 R. M. Metal Products Co., 973 Roanoke Area United Funds Appeal, 309, 970 Roberg, N. B., 312 Roberts, Collete, 305 Roberts & Schaefer Co., 304 Roche Anniversary Foundation, 951 Rockefeller Foundation, 297, 301, 958, 964 Rogers Park Woman's Club, 310 Rohm & Haas Co., 289, 297, 951, 958 Ross, Betsy, 304 Ross Laboratories, 309 Rotary Club Women of Chicago, 311 972 Rourke, A. J. J., 310 Royal Metal Furniture Co., 312 Sager, Mrs. Harry, 311 Sahara Coal Co., Inc., 948 St. Louis Federal Land Bank, 284, 946 St. Regis Paper Co., 958 Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 309, 970 Sante Fe Foundation, Inc., 964 Sargent's Drug Stores, 306 Sberna, Mrs. C. C, 311 Schachter, J. J., 311 Schamberg, Mr. and Mrs. M. G., 967 Schering Corp., 309, 970 Schick, Mrs. C. Dennis, 963 Gift, cont'd Schroeder, Mrs. Ida M., 312 Scott, J. D., 972 Scully-Tones & Co., 948 Scully-Jones Foundation, 286 Searle, G. D., & Co., 309, 970 Sears-Roebuck Foundation, 286, 948 Sexton, H. O., 301 Shaw Process Development Corp., 297 Shell Chemical Corp., 297, 958 Shell Companies Foundation, Inc., 289 9s i Shell Development Co., 959 ' Shell Fellowship Committee, 951 Shemargro Corp., 954 Shephard, Mrs. Robert, 971 Short, L., & Son, 304 Sigma Xi, 289, 951 Sinclair Research, Inc., 289 Sinnot, Alice, 972 Sleppin, Mrs. Michael, 311 Sloan, A. P., Foundation, Inc., 286, 289 297, 948, 951, 959 Slobb, K. A., 311 Small Business Administration, 302, 965 Smith, A. O., Foundation, Inc., 286, 948 Smith, A. O., Harvestore Products, Inc 303, 959 Smith, Isabelle, Estate, 304 Smith, Kline, & French Laboratories, 297 309, 951 Snoot Boot Enterprises, 310 Social Security Administration, 965 Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, 959 Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., 289, 298, 959 Sod Growers Association of Illinois, 959 Soft Phosphate Research Institute, Inc., 959 Solomon, J. D., Memorial Foundation, 96/ Sondergaard, Mr. and Mrs. V. A., 311 Sonic Research Foundation, 298, 959 South Shore Service League, 971 Special Dairy Industry Board, 960 Sperms, H., 305 Sporlan Valve Co., 963 Sprague Electric Co., 951 Square D Co., 948 Squibb, E. R., & Co., 309, 973 Squibb Division, Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., 958 Stableford, L., memorial to, 971 Staley, A. R., 194, 966 Standard Oil Co. of California, 948, 951, 962 State Department of Agriculture, 303, 965 State Department of Conservation, 303, 965 State Department of Mental Health, 303, 312, 965, 973 State Department of Public Safety, 303, 965 State Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, 303, 965 State Department of Registration and Education, 303 State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 303, 965 State Federation of Labor and Congress o! Industrial Organizations, 285 State Housing Board, 303, 965 State Library, 303, 965 State Public Aid Commission, 303, 965 State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 303, 965 State University of Iowa, 959 Stauffer Chemical Co., 289, 298, 948, 9b-1 Victor Chemical Works, 286 Stineway Drug Co., 306 Stratton, P., 967 Strong, H., Educational Foundation, 28/, 949 Student Organizations Executive Board, 286 Sturman, G. D., 972 Sturman, H. A., 311 UNIVERSITY ( Sullivan Chevrolet Co., 962 Sundheim, H. G., Jr., 967 Sun Oil Co., 289, 952 Swanson, D. 974 Swanson, J. W., 967 Swift & Co. Foundation, 964 Synod of Illinois, 949 Tau Delta Tau, 287 Tcagle Foudation, Inc., 309, 970 TeePak Foundation, 298, 948, 959 Telecomputing Corp., 298, 959 Television Shares Management Corp., 289, 952 Tennessee Valley Authority, 302, 965 Texaco, Inc., 286, 298, 948 Texas Instruments, Inc., 952 Thomas, J. M., 306, 967 Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. R. P., 311 Tile Council of America, Inc., 287, 300 Titanium Division, National Lead Co., 951, 957 Titmus Optical Co., Inc., 964 Tobacco Industry Research Committee, 968 ; Toni Co., 952 Gillette Co., 289 Touche, Ross, Bailey, & Smart, 963 Town and Country Restaurant, 972 Trane Co., 286, 963 Truax-Traer Coal Co., 959 Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County, 309, 968 Tuberculosis Medical Research Joint Committee, 969 Tucker, A. Memorial, 305 Turner, H. E., 972 Tylman. S. D., 306 Union Carbide Corp., 298, 304, 959 Chemical Industries Council, 289 Parma Research Laboratory, 289, 952 Union Carbide Metals Co., 289, 952 Union Carbide Plastics Co., 289, 952 Visking Co., 289, 952 Union Carbide Educational Fund, 286, 948 Union Electric Co., 294, 300, 956 Union Starch and Refining Foundation, 302 United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation, Inc., 959, 970 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., Engineering Foundation, 954 Welding Research Council, 960 United States Bureau of Public Roads, 965 United States Children's Bureau, 965 United States Department of Agriculture, 302, 965 United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 287, 949 United States Department of Interior, 965 United States Department of Labor, 965 United States Engineering Center, 965 United States Industrial Chemical Co., 959 United States Office of Civil Defense, 302 United States Office of Education, 302, 965 United States Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, 302, 312 United States Public Health Service, 302, 312, 965, 973 United States Rubber Co. Foundation, 286, 290, 952 United States Steel Corp., 298, 959 United States Steel Foundation, Inc., 290, 952, 963 United Student Aid Funds, Inc., 949 Universal Match Corp., 290 Universal Products Co., 286, 948, 959, 962 University of Illinois Dental Alumni Society of Ohio, 311 University of Illinois Orthodontic Alumni Society, 972 University of Illinois Student Organizations, 948 Upjohn Co., 290, 298, 960, 963 OF ILLINOIS 1433 Gift, cont'd various donors, Agriculture, research, 960 Crippled Children, Division of Services for, funds, 310, 971 Fixed Partial Prosthodontics, research, 309 General Engineering, Junior Engineering Technical Society, 963 Home Economics, Bevier Lectureship, 963 Journalism and Communications, scholarship, 948 Pediatrics, memorial to S. Lindeman, 311 Preventive Medicine, research, 310 Surgery, memorial to April Legette, 311 research, 310 Women Students' Aid Fund, 287, 949 Vedder, J., 286 Velsicol Chemical Corp., 298, 960 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Skokie Valley Post 3854, 972 Victor Chemical Co., Stauffer Chemical Division, 952 Victor Chemical Works, Stauffer Chemical Co., 286 Vilter Foundation, Inc., 963 VioBin Corp., 299, 960 Visking Co., Union Carbide Corp., 289, 952 Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, 965, 973 Wach, E. C, 306, 967 Walgreen Benefit Fund, 967 Walker, H., St. Sons, Inc., 299, 964 Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Co., 310 Washington University, 299, 960 Watson Gailey Eye Foundation, 311, 972 Watts, Mrs. Jessie, memorial to, 972 Welding Research Council, 299 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., 960 Wenner-Green Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., 963 Western Electric Co., 286, 974 Western Electric Fund, 300, 948 Westinghouse Electric Corp., 286 Whirlpool Corp., 961 Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. M. R., 311 Wieboldt Foundation. 290, 952 Wiley, J., & Sons, Inc., 287, 949 Wilhelm, R. E., 967 Wilson, D., Family, 971 Wilson, W., National Fellowship Foundation, 290, 952 Wilson & Co., 960 Winesingers, 972 Wisconsin Free Library Commission, 963 Wisconsin-Minnesota Cooperative Bull Stud Group, 299, 961 Witkay, Mrs. Wendel A., 311 Witt-Armstrong Equipment Co., 286, 948 Woman's League, 301 Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center, 306, 310, 967, 968, 971, 972 Woods Charitable Fund, Inc., 290, 952 WTVP, 304 Yale University, 961 Yampolsky, Mrs. Esther, 972 Young, Mr. and Mrs. M., 311 Young Men's Jewish Council, 290 Young Women's Christian Association of Chicago, 290 Zeta Phi Eta, 290, 952 Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, 286, 948 Zim, H. S., 304, 966 Giglio, T. L., degree, 1311 Gilbert, Bonzie M., degree, 612 Gilbert, D. B., appointment, 1136 Gilbert, H. N., degree, 1275 Gilbert, J. E., degree, 634 Gilbert, Jean P., appointment, 180 Gilbert, K. R., degree, 1320 Gilbert, N. S., degree, 212 Gilbert, P. F., degree, 1280 Gilbert, R. B., degree, 1275 Gilbert, R. L., appointment, 197 1434 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gilbert, Susan C, degree, 1077 Gilbo, Dona M., appointment, 922 degree, 1321 fellowship, 478 Giichrist, D. G., degree, 618 Gilchrist, R. K., appointment, 81, 769 Gilden, C, fellowship, 1171 Gilden, M., degree, 1320 Gildersleeve, Hi, resignation, 45 Gile, E. C, degree, 1295 Giles, C. F., Jr., degree, 390 Giles, Doris G., degree, 826 Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc., purchase, 189, 435, 1156 Gilkeson, F. W., degree, 1295 Gilkison, J. M., degree, 398, 1067 Gill, C. E., degree, 1288 Gill, J. J., degree, 1291 Gill, I. V., degree, 155 Gill, Linda L., degree, 635 Gill, P. R., degree, 1080 Ciller, C. H., degree, 1082 Giller, Margaret R., degree, 638 Gilleran, N. F., degree, 622 Gillesby, W. J., appointment, 82, 769 Gillespie, j. H.. degree, 838 Gillespie, R. W., appointment, 695 fellowship, 410 declination, 412 Gillett, C. H., leave of absence, 428 Gillette, Elizabeth A., degree, 1069 Gillette, H. E., appointment, 355, 975 Gillette, Mrs. Nedra A., leave of absence, 444 Gillette Co., Toni Co., gift, 289 Gillette-Toni Fellowship, funds, gift, 952 Gillfillan, Nancy M., degree, 1074 Gillfillan, R. A., appointment, 33, 886 degree, 1063 Gillies, D. B., leave of absence, 426 Gillis, R. D., degree, 621, 624 Gillman, J. W., degree, 1306 Gillum, Janet G., degree, 632 Gillum, R. L., degree, 1320 Gilman, Alice, degree, 1067 fellowship, 204, 442, 817 resignation, 443, 1088 Gilman, Grace W., member of advisory council, 4 Gilman, J. J., appointment, 750 Gilman, Lizzie, gift, 969 Gilman, M., gift, 966 Gilmore, C. R., degree, 642, 1318 Gilmore, G. S., appointment, 750, 1325 Gilmore, Mildred M., degree, 151 Gilmore, Phyllis A., degree, 619 Gilmore, T. B., Jr., degree, 1059 Gilpin, J. B., appointment, 33 Gilson, Nancy V., appointment, 67, 754 Gilson, R. P., degree, 1077 Gilson Medical Electronics, purchase, 588 Giltner, W., degree, 620 Gilvydis, A. A., appointment, 114 degree, 144 Gimbel, D. L., degree, 622 Gimnig, E. J., degree, 396 Gin, E. G. G., degree, 647 Gingerich, D. F.( degree, 828 Ginsberg, A. L., degree, 1079 Ginsburg, I. S., degree, 387 Ginsburg, Sharon L., degree, 400 Ginther, J. L., degree, 1268 fellowship, 513 Ginther, W. R., degree, 1S4 Ginze, Carla M., degree, 1076 Giordano, C. B., appointment, 331, 729, 995 declination, 1141 Girard, H. P., degree, 1320 Girault, Emily S., appointment, 1103 Girdvainis, V. E., degree, 404 Girod, B. A., degree, 1295 Gist, R. R., degree, 1060 Gitles, B., degree, 882 Givens, R. W., fellowship, 1223 Glad, Betty, appointment, 1240 Glader, B. E., fellowship, 42, 735 Gladish, J. T., degree, 644 Gladney, F. Y., appointment, 651 Glas, J. P., degree, 141 fellowship, 698 Glaser, D., appointment, 33, 935 leave of absence, 445 Glasgow, Marcia, degree, 615 Glashagel, B. B., degree, 840 Glasky, A. J., appointment, 66, 753 Glass, J. P., Ill, degree, 1080 Glass, M. I., degree, 605 fellowship, 204 Glass, R. W., degree, 1320 Glasscoek, J. L., certificate, 1100 Glass distillation apparatus, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 276 Glass epoxy laminate, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 1123 Glasses, research, gift, 292 Glass fiber reinforced plastics, study, contract change, 587 Glassford, G. H., appointment, 82, 770 Glassman, S. F., appointment, 338, 506, 1004 leave of absence, 1110 Glassware, purchase, General Chemical Stores 243, 349, 372, 865 Medical Center Stores, 375 Glauser, G. L., degree, 1075 Glawe, J. F., appointment, 995 declination, 133 Glaze-body systems, research, contract, 1127 Glazer, A. J., certificate, 1100 Glazov, J. $pD., degree, 1309 Gleason, Diane M., degree, 627 Gleason, W. D., degree, 395 Gleave, Gwen, appointment, 84, 772 Gleesons, Mr. and Mrs. R., gift, 311 Glen, D. L., appointment, 407, 476 resignation, 739 Glenn, J. R., resignation, 701 Glenn, Mary K., degree, 1295 Glenn, N. D., leave of absence, 930 resignation, 1340 Glenn, R. W., appointment, 851 Glenner, R. J., appointment, 72, 760 Glennon, C. E., degree, 1074 Glennon, J. C, degree, 396, 1277 Gleser, Goldine C, appointment, declination, 930 Glick, M. M., degree, 643 Glick, Mrs. Rose, gift, 311 Glicken, Toby A., degree, 647 Glickman, Brona H., degree, 633 Glickstein, D., certificate, 1100 Glidden Co., gift, 960, 962, 964 Glidden Lecture in Chemistry, funds, gift, 962 Glienke, Phyllis J., degree, 1314 Gliessman, D., appointment, 440 Glissendorf, O. F., appointment, 886 resignation, 206 Globe-Union Foundation, gift, 284 Globe Wernicke Co., purchase, 1125 Gloeckner, F. C, Foundation, Inc., gift, 955 Glogowski, G. E., degree, 624 Glomb, R. A., degree, 622 Glover, F. V., degree, 1314 Glowacki, Suzanne M., degree, 1295 Glucklich, J., resignation, 206 Gluesing, Gretchen L.( degree, 1282 Glycerol type working fluid, electrical propulsion study, contract, 1210 Gobbel, Gertrude G., appointment, 114, 804 degree, 829 Gobel, Janice H., degree, 217 Gobert, Nancy A., degree, 395 Goddard, Mary E., degree, 155 Godden, W. G., appointment, 33 Godfrey, W. F., degree, 1303 Godier, Brenda J., degree, 1300 r'odman, Verna M., degree, 154 XL J. A. J. C, fellowship, 735, 817 resignation, 1340 Goebel, G., degree, 839 Goebel, Jane O., degree, 1283 fncdde, Florence R., degree, 615 Goedde, J. A., degree, 1312 Goeglein, J. W., degree, 831 Goeppinger, A. F., degree, 1079 Goering, Kathryn M., degree, 605 Goers, J. W., degree, 1303 Goetter, Karen A., degree, 1299 Goettsche, T. E., degree, 636 Goetz, C. L., degree, 638 Goetz, I., appointment, 114 Goetz, R. A., appointment, 73 Goft, J. A., degree, 839 Goif, J. F., fellowship. 1334 Gogan, VV. T., appointment, 764 GoRgin, J. E., degree, 396 Goggin, Joyce C, degree, 619 Goegin, Karen C, degree, 404 Cohde, W. C, appointment, 1325 Golieen, R. H., degree, 1076 Gohr, Carolyn E., degree, 1078 Goland, P., appointment, 114, 507, 886 Golbus, M. S., degree, 644 Gold, E., degree, 1318 Gold, L. A., appointment, 1086 degree, 146 fellowship, 513 Goldan, P. D., appointment, 1136 degree, 1060 Goldberg, A. S., degree, 1309 Goldberg, B., appointment, 67, 754 Goldberg, B. A., degree, 637 Goldberg, IS. C, appointment, 804, 1000 Goldberg, B. H., degree, 1303 Goldberg, M. D., degree, 402 Goldberg, Maria J., degree, 1295 Goldberg, Mrs. Norma B., appointment, 976 Goldberg, O. I., certificate, 364 Goldberg, P. E., degree, 1079 Goldberg, S., degree, 1320 Goldberg, S. I., appointment, 114 Goldberg, S. M., degree, 632 Goldberg, Susan L., degree, 624 Goldby, F., appointment, 750 Golde, J., degree, 842 Golden, B., appointment, 114 Golden, I. L., fellowship, 698 Golden, \V. M., appointment, 198 Goldenberg, E D., certificate, 1100 Coldenberg, H. S., degree, 1303 Goldenrod Ice Cream Co., gift, 305, 967 Goldnne, L. M., degree, 1320 Goldhirsh, H., certificate, 747 Goldin, E. G-, appointment, 771 Goldin, M. D., degree, 644 Golding, F. M., degree, 1284 Golding, S., appointment, 114 fellowship, 1171 leave of absence, 427 Goldman, B., degree, 1320 fellowship, 257, 698, 927 Goldman, D. A., degree, 1295 Goldman, E. H., degree, 620 Goldman, E. J., appointment, 764 Goldman, Elaine D., appointment, 476, 886 Goldman, Florence B., degree, 216 (joldman, G. A., degree, 634 Goldman, L. N., appointment, 729 Goldman, R. U., degree, 217 doldmann, M. A., appointment, 68, 7SS 'Joldsand, E., degree, 1079 fioldsand, S. R., certificate, 1100 Goldsmith, L. J., fellowship, 1334 Goldstein, A. D., certificate, 747 Goldstein, A. S., degree, 629 fellowship, 698 Goldstein, C. N., degree, 401 Goldstein, G. J., gift, 305, 966 i OF ILLINOIS 1435 Goldstein, H., appointment, 332, 997 Goldstein, H. A., degree, 1320 Goldstein, J. S., degree, 636 Goldstein, Julia D., degree, 633 Goldstein, L., appointment, 114, 1325 invention, patent rights, release, 979 leave of absence, 1107 Goldstein, M. J., degree, 624 Goldstein, M. N., certificate, 61 Goldstein, Phyllis E., degree, 1303 Goldstein, R., degree, 212 Goldstein, R. L., degree, 643 Goldstein, T. B., degree, 1320 Goldthwaite, S., appointment, 334, 998 Goldwasser, E. L., appointment, 33 Golec, R. A., degree, 1302 Golembiewski, R. T., leave of absence, 823 resignation, 1340 Golik, R. J., degree, 211 Gollakota, K., appointment, 33 Gollin, H. A., appointment, 73 Goltz, H. D., Jr., degree, 396 Golub, Marilyn I., degree, 638 Goluba, R. W., degree, 144 Golz, Barbara G., degree, 1077 Gomberg, Leah B., degree, 1078 Gombis, L. G., degree, 643 Gombos, E. A., resignation, 443 Gombos, G., appointment, 922 Gomoll, A. W., appointment, 114, 651 Goniometers, purchase, Ceramic Engineering, 864 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 54, 864 Electrical Engineering, 592 Gonnella, J. S., appointment, 758, 1325 Gonzalez, V. H., degree, 210 Gonzales-Ojeda, Dolores, appointment, 33 Gooch, J. D., appointment, 804 Good, 1). G., degree, 1062 Good, Joan $pD., appointment, 729, 1002 Goodale, B. G., fellowship, 513 Goodale, T. L., degree, 146 Goodall, F. R., degree, 385 Goodall. L. E., degree, 212 Goode, H. C, certificate, 365 Goode, J. W., fellowship, 42 Goodell. Lois A., degree, 1311 Goodfield, A. G., degree, 829 Gooding, F., Jr., fellowship, 1223 Goodisman, J., appointment, 804 Goodkin, M. J., degree, 1295 Goodman, A. B., fellowship, 659 Goodman, C. D., Jr., degree, 1293 Goodman, G, C, degree, 1064 Goodman, H. E., fellowship, 735 Goodman, L. I., appointment, 79 Goodman, M. K,, degree, 1295 Goodman, R. A., certificate, 747 Goodrich, C, L., degree, 618 Goodrich, H., appointment, 1325 degree, 1268 Goodrick, J. M., degree, 396 Goodstein, M. A., degree, 1303 Goodwin, L. S., degree, 640 Goodwin, Nancy-Lee, appointment, 804 Goodwin, P. T)., degree, 839 Goodwin, R. A., degree, 1320 Goodwin, R. I., degree, 834 Goodwin, VV. A., degree, 145 fellowship, 1223 Goodwin Avenue, property at 205 South, purchase, 980 property at 408 South, purchase, 348 property at 505 South, remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 property at 508 South, purchase, 1176 Goodwin Avenue Apartments, lease, 868 parking facilities, construction, contract, 162 Goodyear Aircraft Corp., gift, 294, 955 Gooze, D. A., degree, 1293 Gopin, S., certificate, 365 1436 BOARD OF Goppert, H. R., retirement, 137 Goradia, R. Y., appointment, 507 Gorchow, J. J., degree, 1074 Gordin, S., painting, gift, 304 Gordon, A., degree, 1067 fellowship, 659 Gordon, A. O., degree, 1322 Gordon, B. L,, degree, 842 Gordon, D. L, fellowship, 1223 Gordon, D. T., degree, 618 Gordon, H., certificate, 61 Gordon, H. A., degree, 1305 Gordon, J. J., degree, 1065 Gordon, J. R., degree, 1288 Gordon, Joan E., degree, 215 Gordon, L. I., appointment, 339 declination, 701 Gordon, M. C, degree, 629 Gordon, M. D., fellowship, 1223 Gordon, R., Inc., contract, 541, 774 Gordon, R. A., degree, 1309 Gordon, R. P., Jr., appointment, 83, 771 degree, 1317 Gordon, Sharon E., degree, 1307 Gordon, T. J., degree, 624 Gordon, W. P., Jr., appointment, 73 Gordon, W. R., resignation, 206 Gore, E. S., fellowship, 1223 Gore, Pearl M., appointment, 64, 336, 886, 1326 Gore, R. S., degree, 624 Gorfinkel, H. J., fellowship, 257, 698 Gorlicki, R. E., certificate, 1100 Gorman, D. R., degree, 210 Gorman, D. W., Jr., degree, 1295 Gorman, J. E., degree, 1318 Gornik, R. J., degree, 1284 Gorski, C. A., certificate, 365 Gorski, G. F., certificate, 365 Gorski, J., appointment, 33 Gorslin, C. S., degree, 148 Gorsuch, R. L., degree, 214 Gosnell, L. I., degree, 618 Goss, Agnes D. C, appointment, 78, 766 Gossard, A. H., degree, 152 Gossard, D. L., degree, 613 Gossling, Mrs. Jennifer, appointment, 115 Gossrow, R. W., degree, 826 Gossum, Sandra S., degree, 1273 fellowship, 659, 735, 927 Gotch, D. A., degree, 402 Gotoff, S. P., appointment, 77 Gotshalk, D. W., appointment, 335 book, printing, 376 leave of absence, 427 Gotta, J. B., degree, 634 Gottheil, F. M., fellowship, 411 Gottlieb, A., appointment, 340, 1006 Gottlieb, A. F., degree, 1315 Gottlieb, Carla, appointment, 115 Gottlieb, D. H., appointment, 115 resignation, 1340 Gottlieb, M. C, degree, 1295 Gottschalk, A., purchase, 1255 G6tz, Gertrude, appointment, 198, 922 Gould, D. C, degree, 396 Gould, E. F., degree, 618 Gould, Eleanor D., degree, 1081 Gould, M. H., certificate, 63 Gould, O. E., appointment, 315, 993, 1001 leave of absence, 321 Gould, R. R., degree, 1073 Gould National Batteries, gift, 311 Gour, S. S., degree, 827 Gourishankar, V-, appointment, 329, 651, 992 Gout, research, gift, 307 Gouveia, C. H., degree, 1313 Gouwens, D. W., degree, 618 Govaia, J. G., degree, 389 Gover, Jean L., degree, 1069 Governile, G. L., certificate, 747 Government subsidies in countries in Western Europe, influence on economic growth and stability, study, gift, 297 Govindan, T. S., degree, 209 Govindjee, appointment, 33 Govindjee, Rajni, fellowship, 131 appointment, 1217 Gowan, E-, III, degree, 1291 Grabarkewitz, P. M., degree, 139 Graber, Mrs. Doris A., appointment, 886 Graber, P., degree, 878 Grabos, Penelope A., degree, 1309 Grabow, E. F., appointment, 440, 762 Grabowski, L. S., degree, 647 Grace, A. G., appreciation of services, ligs Grace, C. D., degree, 400 Grace, Mrs. Helen M., fellowship, 894 Grace, Mary E., appointment, 84 Grace, S. G., degree, 1077 Grace, W. R., & Co., contract, 1162 gift, 955 Grach, Bonita J., degree, 1077 Gracie, G., appointment, 804 degree, 874 Grader, Robert Allerton Park, purchase, 280 Grading service, Graduate College, contract, 592 Grading system, change, grade of "DR" discontinued, 268 report, 429 Graduate College, acting dean, appointment, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 87 88, 778, 779, 780, 781 fellowships, 1027 associate dean, appointment, 456 catalog, printing, 376, 1036 certificate of advanced study in librarianship, approved, 486 dean, appointment, 931, 934 degrees conferred, 138, 208, 383, 599, 640, 824, 873, 1058,. 1267, 1316 doctor's degree, agricultural engineering, approved, 907 biology, established, 708 faculty publications, list, printing, 1202 fees, deposit requirement, 1007 fellows, appointment, 41, 130, 203, 256, 319, 356, 410, 442, 478, 509, 656, 697, 734, 816, 893, 926, 977, 1019, 1086, 1140, 1171, 1219, 1332 stipends, increase, 1027 International Comparative Studies Center, established, 1245 master's degree, biology, changed from biological sciences, 708 home economics, option in family and consumption economics, approved, 429 landscape architecture, name changed, 709 nursing, established, 428 orthopaedic surgery, established, 1190 urban planning, changed from city planning, 908 purchase, chromatograph, 23 examinations and grading service, 592 student exchange program, approved, 381 Survey Research Laboratory, established, 1246 water resources center, established, 858 organization, 858 Graduate Student Residence Hall, architectural services, payment, 98 financing, bond issue, authorization, 712 legal services, 712 federal funds, application, 712 funds, investment, 247, 1263 furniture, purchase, 1124 land, acquisition, 357, 448 , . condemnation proceedings, authorization, 450 land, purchase, 524, 669 name, 1263 parking facilities, construction, contract, lo third unit, construction, contract, electrical, 1056 general, 1056 . ,. heating, piping and refrigeration, ii' Graduate Student Residence Hall, cont'd plumbing, 10S7 temperature control, 1057 thermal insulation, 1057 ventilating, 1057 loan agreement, 1046 revenue bonds, sale, 1046 Graduate students, exchange program, approved, 381 Graduation requirements, general education, 268 advertising, revision, 341 military training, change, 939 nursing, graduate program, 429 Grady, J. E., appointment, 804, 1083 degree, 643 Grady, L. T., appointment, 338 degree, 641 fellowship, 42 Grady, P., gift, 304 Graebner, N. A., appointment, 995 leave of absence, 266, 357 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 ; Greening, E. T., degree, 611 ' Graettinger, J. S., appointment, 67, 754 Graf, E. C, appointment, 83, 771 Graf, L. E., certificate, 1150 Graf, R. G., certificate, 747 Graf, W. G., degree, 624 Graff, G. C, appointment, 115 Graff, R. M., degree, 396 Gragg, Mary L., degree, 626 Graham, A. L., appointment, 83, 771 fellowship, 1086 Graham, Barbara A. R,, degree, 616 fellowship, 204 Graham, Charlene S., degree, 1075 Graham, D. M., degree, 841 Graham, I). R., degree, 1284 Graham, K. L., degree, 881 Graham, L. L. F., degree, 154 Graham, W. K., degree, 826 Graham, Anderson, Probst, & White, Inc., architectural services, Electrical Engineering Building addition, contract, addition, 433 Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, gift, 956 Graham Paper Co., purchase, 1208 Grahn, M. G., degree, 637 Grahn, Mardonna A., degree, 399 Grains, study, gift, 291 Grais, I. M., degree, 1320 Graivier, L., appointment, 82 Graller, J. L., fellowship, 42, 735 Graman, T. A., contract, 96 Grammas, J. J., degree, 397 Grampp, W. D., appointment, 338, 1005 Grams, Barbara A., degree, 647 Gramza, J. M., degree, 1293 Gratia, C, appointment, 707 Granda, R. G., degree, 1079 Grandinetti, G., degree, 398 Grand Stage Lighting Co., purchase, 281, 718 Grand Tool & Supply Co., purchase, 1126, 1254 Granes Sellares, J., degree, 152, 613 Granger Associates, purchase, 189 Gramrer, E. E., appointment, 115, 507, 886, resignation, 1340 Granite, Delores M., certificate, 61 Granite City Steel Co., gift, 294 Grano, A. M., degree, 383 jrant, A., & Co., gift, 963 Grant, Barbara K., degree, 624 Grant, Dorothy I., degree, 398 i'atit, E. Rhoda, appointment, 198, 886 Grant, E. W., appointment, 198 declination, 821 Grant, Lourine S., degree, 1308 Grant, Michele, degree, 838 OF ILLINOIS 1437 Grant, R. D., degree, 400 Grant, Ulysses S., Hall, name given to classroom building at Chicago Circle, 1265 Grantham, D. B., degree, 620 Grants-in-aid, Athletic Association, appropriation, 536 Granzow, G. W., degree, 400 Graphic art chemicals, Illustration Studios, purchase, 470 Graphic Arts Equipment Co., purchase, 1208 Graphic art supplies, Print Shop, purchase, Graphic Book Export Co., purchase, 56 Graphotype, Agricultural Mailing Room, purchase, 53 Grason-Stadler Co., Inc., purchase, 1036 Grass, research, contract, change, 193, 792 gift, 292, 295, 956, 959 Grass Instrument Co., purchase, 281, 861, 1157 Grass seed, Physical Plant Department, Ur- bana, purchase, 719 Grater, H. M., degree, 139 Gratovich, E., fellowship, 513 cancellation, 1020 Graudins, J., degree, 624 Grauer, A. B., degree, 644 Grauer, T. P., appointment, 83, 771 Gravely of Chicago, purchase, 1254 Graven, R. M., degree, 1320 Graves, C. N., appointment, 115 Gray, E., appointment, 67, 754 Gray, Eva W., appointment, 804 Gray, H. M., appointment, 991 leave of absence, 1106 Gray, Tan L., degree, 1320 Gray, Joseph L., appointment, 1005 resignation, 320 Gray, J. S., certificate, 365 Gray, J. W., appointment, 64 Gray, Jane D., degree, 1320 Gray, June R., degree, 608 Gray, K. E., degree, 834 Gray, L. E., degree, 395 Gray, L. R., fellowship, 1334 Gray, M. L., appointment, 1151 Gray, Nancy E., degree, 1300 Gray, P. V., appointment, 198, 315 degree, 211 resignation, 412 Gray, R. D., degree, 211 Gray, R. E., appointment, 334, 999 Gray, S. E., appointment, 330 leave of absence, 427 Graybar Electric Co., Inc., purchase, 282, 472, 1259 Graziani, D. F., appointment, 804 Graziano, J. P., degree, 1311 Grazulis, Linda J., degree, 628 Great Lakes Microfilm Co., purchase, 433, 1201 Great Lakes Research Division, Institute of Science and Technology, purchase, 690 Greco, Richard J., degree, 1296 Greco, Robert J., degree, 405 Greek, W. J., appointment, 1103 Greeley, M. L., Ill, certificate, 61 Greeley, P. W., appointment, 81, 769 Green, A. G-, appointment, 79 Green, A. P., Fire Brick Co., gift, 284 Green, B. S., degree, 1274 Green, C. L., degree, 1309 Green, D. J., degree, 842 Green, Dorothy R., degree, 1286 fellowship, 927 Green, E. L., degree, 635 Green, Eunice M., degree, 148 Green, Judith A., degree, 1289 Green, Judith M., degree, 402 Green, M. H., fellowship, 42 Green, P. M., degree, 1296 Green, R., appointment, 82, 770 Green, R. J., degree, 155, 1065 1438 BOARD OF 1 Green, R. W., degree, 1277 Green, W. D., authority to sign name of President of Board, 422 Greenaway, W. K., fellowship, 1223 Greenbaum, M. S., degree, 386 Greenberg, A. C, degree, 1062 fellowship, 513 Greenberg, A. D., degree, 640 Greenberg, C. B., degree, 141 fellowship, 513 Greenberg, D. J., certificate, 365 Greenberg, G. $pD., appointment, 1240 Greenberg, H. A., appointment, 79, 767 Greenberg, H. J., degree, 1292 Greenberg, T. J., certificate, 2 Greenberg, J. W., degree, 636 Greenberg, M. H., degree, 636 Greenberg, M. J., appointment, 33 leave ot absence, extension, 1174 resignation, 1232 Greenberg, N. H., appointment, 651 Greenberg, Ronald, degree, 1296 Greenberg, Ruven, leave of absence, 3 Greenberg, Sally A., degree, 1081 Greene, A. M., degree, 1074 Greene, B. L., appointment, 79, 767 Greene, C. S., degree, 643 Greene, Lois D., appointment, 75, 763 Greene, Nancy K., degree, 626 Greene, P. C, appointment, 315 Greene, R. A., degree, 1074 Greene, W, B., gift, 305 Greenfield, G. B., appointment, 440, 886 Greenfield, N. B., degree, 1296 Greengard, J., appointment, 77, 764 Greenhouses, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, purchase, 593 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, contracts, 684 plastic covered for vegetable industry, study, contract, 474 Greenleaf, J. E., degree, 877 Greenlee, J. W., fellowship, 1334 Greenlee, Mrs. Nancy A., appointment, 886 resignation, 1088 Greenman, M., certificate, 906 Greenock, W. K., degree, 837 Greenshields, W. E., degree, 391 Greenspan, C. J., degree, 1315 Greenstein, C. A., certificate, 365 Green Street, property at 601, 603, and 605 East, lease, 1128 property at 6O6V2 East, lease, 776, 1128 property at 611 and 613 East, lease, 776, 1128 property at 907 West, purchase, 348 use for parking lot, 158 property at 1001 West, purchase, 348 property at 1009 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, 26 purchase, 348 property at 1202 West, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85 Wright Street to Mathews Avenue, hedge planting, contract, 103 Green Street Apartments, parking facilities, construction, contract, 162 Greenway, Mary E., degree, 1314 Greenwood, G. W., degree, 600 Greenwood, Mrs. Gertrude S., appointment, 729 Greer, T. L., degree, 615 Greer, M. E., degree, 1291 Greffe, C. D., appointment, 998 Greger, W. J., degree, 1278 Gregerson, A. N. and Beatrice E., lease, 868 Gregg, J. R., Jr., degree, 825 Gregg, V. B., degree, 1288 Gregor, D. H., degree, 156 Gregory, Mary E., degree, 626 Gregory, Nancy M., degree, 619 Gregory, V. H., degree, 834 Gregory Drive recreation area, hitting wall, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Gregory Drive Residence Halls, purchase benches, 594 sofas, 594 Gregory Ford Co., purchase, 436, 914 Gregory Hall, air conditioning, appropriation balance reappropriated, 86, 779 contract, 58 remodeling, appropriation, 369 balance reappropriated, 780 use by Twin City Bible Church, 573 Gregory Industries, Inc., gift, 288, 294 Gregory Street, property at 107 and 109 South, purchase, 157, 348 use for parking lot, 158 Greig, Patricia E., appointment, 33 Greiner, A. E., degree, 395 Greiner, R. D., degree, 389 Greinke, R. A., degree, 400 Greiser, J. W-, invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 260 Greiter, K. L,, degree, 837 Grelak, R. P., fellowship, 411, 894 Grenning, D. A., degree, 391 Grenning, Joan U., degree, 624 Gresch, Mildred I., degree, 627 Gresch, S. F., degree, 403 Greschuk, Corinne P., degree, 610 Gresick, E. W., fellowship, 257, 894 Grether, D. F., degree, 1067 Gretzeraa, J. A., degree, 1080 Greven, J. J., degree, 1074 Grewell, D. R., degree, 1283 Grice, R. H., degree, 1269 Gridley, R. E., appointment, 115, 729, 804, 1136 Griego, R. J., appointment, 1136 degree, 391 fellowship, 1334 Gries, D. J., degree, 611 Gries, Elaine W., appointment, 115 Grjese, R. W., degree, 155 Griest, Guinevere L., appointment, 1005 Griffey, Ann V., appointment, 651 degree, 1305 Griffin, A. A., degree, 1291 Griffin, A. J., degree, 637 Griffin, C. H., resignation, 133 Griffin, D. L., degree, 644 Griffin, Janet S., degree, 1303 Griffin, Mary C, appointment, 3 resignation, 821 Griffin, Mary Y., degree, 828 Griffin, Patricia A., fellowship, 42 Griffin, R. S., appointment, 355, 507, 804 Griffin Wheel Co., contract, change, 192, 869 gift, 294, 956 Griffith, J., member of advisory committee, 1025 Griffith, Mary E., appointment, declination, 82! Griffith, P. R., appointment, 66, 753 Griffith, T. E., appointment, 76, 763 Griffiths, E. K., appointment, 1083 Griffiths, P. J., certificate, 1100 Griggs, J. D., degree, 1321 Grike, L. J., Jr., appointment, 33 Grim, R. E., leave of absence, 1109 Grimelli, L. J., appointment, 69, 756 Grimes, D. M., degree, 620 Grimes, D. R., chairman of committee to raise funds for Medical Center Union Building. 727 Grimes, G. V., degree, 1273 fellowship, 659 Grimes, J. E., degree, 1293 Grimes, Janet R., degree, 633 Grittiley, R. G., degree, 402 Grimm, A., appointment, 253 Grimm, C. L., Jr., appointment, 886 degree, 601 resignation, 1340 Grimm, Carol J. O., degree, 393 Grimm, H. A., appointment, 76, 764 Grimm, Lucy E., degree, 611 Grimm. R. K., degree, 403 Grimaiett, G. S., & Co., contract, 537, 12S0 adjustment, 869, 916, 944, J016, 1041, 1129, 1163, 1211, 1261 purchase, 914, 1161 Grinding machine, purchase, Industrial Education, 373 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 783 Grinker, R. R., appointment, 78, 766 Grinnel!, Mrs. Eleanor E., appointment, 115, 729 Grison, B., degree, 215 Griswold, R. C, degree, 620 Gritten, S. E., degree, 1291 Gritton, R. L., degree, 1073 Gritz, N. J., appointment, 922, 1136 Grobstein, M., degree, 1309 Grochmal, Susan M., degree, 1303 Grochowiak, E. A., degree, 404 Groeschel, E. C, Jr., degree, 215, 875 fellowship, 42 Groeteke, C, member of advisory committee, 750 Groff, F. H., appointment, 695 degree, 877 Grohne, B. A., degree, 1311 Grohne, Marcia H., degree, 606 Grolier-Americana Award, gift, 288 Grolier Foundation, Inc., gift, 288, 294 Groner, Carolyn, degree, 633 Groninger, L. D., degree, 624 Gronlund, N. E., appointment, 328, 991 Grontkowski, Sandra T., degree, 640 Groo, J. F., degree, 1071 Groom, D. R., degree, 1315 Groom, J. M., certificate, 1100 Groppel, Ruth A., degree, 619 Grnoper, Mitzi S., degree, 1273 GrosboII, M. P., fellowship, 513, 1086 cancellation, 739 Grosch, K. J., degree, 636 Grose, M. E., degree, 1289 Gross, B. B., certificate, 365 Gross, D. P., appointment, 79, 767 Gross, E. R., degree, 622 Gross, H., memorial to, gift, 972 Gross, Harriett J., degree, 619 Gross, I., appointment, 328 fellowship, 817 Gross, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., gift, 972 Gross, M. D., appointment, 266, 767 Gross, P. O., degree, 1309 (iross, R. P., degree, 66 Grosse, M. E., degree, 1303 Grossfeld, A. I., degree, 215 Grosshans, F, D., degree, 629 Grossie, J. A., fellowship, 735 Grossman, B. S., degree, 624 Grossman, H. I., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 2 Grossman, H. J., appointment, 764 Grossman, M. W., degree, 602 Grossman, N. M., degree, 1309 Grossman, R. M., degree, 1296 Grossman, R. S., resignation, 133 Grossman, Sue R., degree, 1296 Grossman, Susan T., degree, 399 Grossmann, E. E., resignation, 821 Grosz, E., appointment, 69, 756 Grote, Carol A., degree, 633 Groth, R. A., degree, 151 Grothaus, R. M., certificate, 1100 Grotzinger, Laurel A., degree, 1269 fellowship, 659 Ground cover, study, contract, change, 192 Grounding mats, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 23 Ground motions, model to simulate, development, contract, 586 Grounds maintenance equipment. Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1254 Group interaction, study, contract, change, 352 OF ILLINOIS 1439 Group members, adjustment, study, contract, change, 193, 916 Group representation theory, study, contract, change, 352, 1163 Grout, Suzanne M. S., degree, 1300 Groutt, T. W., appointment, 115 Groves, D. T., appointment, 922 Groves, Penelope, degree, 216 Groves, W. E., appointment, declination, 320 degree, 209 Growth hormones, research, gift, 970 Growth stimulants for swine, research, contract, change, 1129 gift, 295, 957 Grubb, E. L., appointment, 440 Grubb, G. R., & Co., purchase, 594 Grubb, Gaynell M-, degree, 834 Gruber, G. H., certificate, 365 Gruber, Judith C, degree, 1296 Gruber, P. K., degree, 1296 Gruberg, E. R., degree, 142 Grucza, L., fellowship, 411 Gruen, Carol K., degree, 634 Gruen, G. E., degree, 387 Gruen, Karol S., degree, 1078 Gruen, W. T., degree, 396, 398, 1277 fellowship, 319, 894 Gruener, Jennette R., leave of absence, 1110 Gruener, R. P., appointment, 115 degree, 392 fellowship, 1086 Gruenholz, J. J., degree, 1071 Grueninger, R. W., degree, 880 Gruensfelder, M. H., degree, 1282 Grulee, C, appointment, 77 Grundke, Elaine H., degree, 1078 Grundstrom, F., Landscaping Co., contract, 528 Grundy, Carolyn R., degree, 1280 Gruner, Barbara J., appointment, 651, 1136 termination, 1141 Grusensky, G. H., degree, 387 Grush, H. L., appointment, 440, 976 Gschneidner, K. A., Jr., appointment, 64 Guard, Mary J., degree, 1074 Guariglia, C. J., degree, 640 Guback, T. H., appointment, 33, 115 degree, 1268 Gubisch, Nancy J., appointment, 71, 758 Gubser, D. U., degree, 621, 1282 Guccione, S. A., degree, 1072 Guckel, Ausrele M., appointment, 331 Guckel, G., degree, 1077 Guckel, H., appointment, 804 degree, 875 resignation, 1141 Guckel, Mrs. Mary V., appointment, 115, 922 Gudaitis, D. E., degree, 1074 Gudder, S. P., degree, 1269 Gudeman, E, G., degree, 1288 Guelich, R. A., degree, 138 Guemez-Garcia, J., degree, 828 Guemmer, G. E., appointment, 76, 763 Guerrero, L. A., degree, 840 Guerriero, A. J., degree, 605 Guertin, D. L., degree, 1073 Guess, A. W., appointment, 851 Guess, S., fellowship, 1223 Guevara, P. A., Jr., appointment, 886 Guevrekian, G., leave of absence, 426 Guffey, G. R., appointment, 729 degree, 1269 Guha, S. K., degree, 609 Guice, R. T., degree, 634 Guidance and counseling training institute, funds, contract, change, 106 Guide lines, highway, research, contract, change, 193, 792 Guillotte, H. P., degree, 605 Guillou, J. C, resignation, 930 Guimond, J., appointment, 729 declination, 821 Guin, R. L., member of advisory committee, 237 1440 BOARD O Guinta, Josephine A., degree, 646 Guire, P. E., appointment, 355, 440 degree, 600 resignation, 479 Guither, H. D., appointment, 1136 Guldner, Ruth C, appointment, 651 degree, 830 resignation, 1340 Gulick, Anna M., will, suit to contest, legal services, 1035 settlement, 1113 Gullakson, G. L., degree, 827 Guller, W. D., degree, 840 Gulley, H. E., appointment, 115, 336, 368 Gullicksen, W. A., member of advisory com' mittee, 5 Gulstad, Mrs. Wilma R., appointment, 804 Gummerson, J. E., Jr., degree, 1289 Gump, W. H., degree, 620 Gundersen, L. E., fellowship, 659 Gundersen, R. P., degree, 1312 Gunderson, Beverly J., degree, 1077 Gunderson, C. H., Jr., certificate, 365 Gunk Chicago Co., purchase, 1159 Gunlock, E. J., certificate, 1100 Gunn, L. C, degree, 644 Gunnar, R. M., appointment, 804 Gunsalus, G. L., degree, 1303 Gunter, C, degree, 1291 Gunter, F. E., appointment, 115, 989 declination, 1142 fellowship, 1172 Gunter, G. C, degree, 1291 Gunther, A., appointment, 68, 755 Gunther, G., appointment, 476 leave of absence, 1143 change, 1174 Gunther, H. M., Scholarship, gift, 284 funds, gift, 946 Gunther, J. K., fellowship, 817 Gunther, R. I., appointment, 886 Gupta, B. K., resignation, 206 Gupta, J. P., fellowship, 1223 Gupta, K. P., resignation, 821 Gupta, O. P., appointment, 886 resignation, 977 Gupta, S., degree, 608 fellowship, 513 resignation, 821 Gura, I. A., degree, 141 fellowship, 513 Gurak, Adriane M., fellowship, 1334 Gur-Arieh, C, degree, 875 fellowship, 513, 659 cancellation, 897 Gurczewski, D. L., degree, 842 Gurfinkel, G., appointment, 64, 729, 990 Gurley, E. D., degree, 1061 Gurley, R. C, degree, 834 Gurolnick, Carol S., appointment, 115 Gusfield, J. C, book, printing, 494 Gustafson, C. D., certificate, 747 Gustafson, D. H., appointment, 922 Gustafson, G. Q., degree, 619 Gustafson, M. T., degree, 138 Gustafson, R. I., degree, 1296 Gustafson, R. L., degree, 1316 Gustafson, R. M., degree, 1313 Gustafson, W. C, fellowship, 1224 Gustafsson, B. S. H., degree, 1063 Gustavson, Helen R., degree, 1296 Gustowska, Mrs. Irena, appointment, 804 Gutek, G. L., degree, 1268 fellowship, 513 Guth, S. L., degree, 603 Guthoff, R. R., certificate, 1100 Guthrie, H. W., appointment, 707 Guthrie, Virginia, appointment, 328, 332 Gutierrez, D., degree, 645 Gutierrez, L. E., degree, 620 Gutierrez, Norma B., fellowship, 817 Gutierrez, P. J., degree, 1074 Gutman, p., fellowship, 513, 659, 1334 resignation, 1340 f IKUSTlifcS Gutmann, R., degree, 394 Gutstadt, Betty K., degree, 1286 Gutzait, S., certificate, 365 Gutzmer, M. D., degree, 139 Guy, C. C, appointment, 81, 769 Guy, O. S., appointment, 115 Guynn, V. L., appointment, 82, 770 Guziec, R. A., degree, 645 Guzzetta, P. M., certificate, 747 Gwin, G. D., degree, 1314 Gwinn, J. W., degree, 1296 Gwyer, F. V., appointment, 79, 767 Gwyn, R. J., degree, 874 Gylys, V. B., degree, 876 Gynecology, See Obstetrics and Gynecology Gyori, G., appointment, 253, 764 Gyorke, Mrs. Antoinette, authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 1097 Gyorkey, J., appointment, 75, 763 Gyro interaction experiments, study, contract 474 change, 105 Gyro rotors, Coordinated Science Laboratory, purchase, 188 Haack, W. W., certificate, 1100 Haag, R., appointment, 804 leave of absence, 1107 Haag, R. W., degree, 1064 Haag Brothers, purchase, 1122 Haak, R. O., fellowship, 513 Haar, H. R., Jr., degree, 1277 Haars, R. G., degree, 1315 Haas, D. A., certificate, 61 Haas, G. R., degree, 629 Haas, J. S., appointment, 74, 761 Haas, M. L., degree, 634 Haas, T. J., degree, 396 Haase, G. H., appointment, 198, 804 Habacivch, W., fellowship, 1334 Habas, Linda B., fellowship, 42, 659 resignation, 821 Habbegger, Marie L., degree, 1074 Habbestad, D. T., certificate, 61 Habegger, J. E., appointment, 76, 764 Haber, F. J., degree, 620 Habermehl, Peggy J., degree. 629 Habes, Joan A., degree, 1308 Habley, D. E., degree, 145 Habush, Sandra B., degree, 1286 fellowship, 204, 817 Hachtel, Barbara M., fellowship, 257 resignation, 821 Hack, Renee E., appointment, 754 Hacker, M. W., degree, 396 Hacker, R. C, degree, 398 Hackett, D. D., Jr., certificate, 365 Hackett, J. T., degree, 1303 Hackett Farm, services of Moultrie County State's Attorney, 789 services of Douglas County State's Attorney, 867 Hackl, P. J., degree, 636 Hackleman, W. E. M., degree, 840 Hackler, R. E., degree, 1277 Hackman, j. R., fellowship, 513 Hackman, Mary J. D., degree, 840 Hadder, J. C, appointment, 115, 338, 1005 Haddock, G. L., degree, 1074 Haddon, J. T., degree, 153 Hadley, D. L., certificate, 747 Hadley, E. B., degree, 599 Haeberlin, J. B., appointment, 66, 753 Haefelin, Kathy J., degree, 633 Haeger, R. R., appointment, 84, 771 Haerle. R. E., degree, 1296 Haertel, Lois S., degree, 614 Hafele, J. C, appointment, 886, 1083 degree, 1060 Hafele, J. L., degree, 1306 Hafemeister, D. W., degree, 1270 Haferkamp, C. M., degree, 402 Haferkamp, Sara P., degree, 402 Hafertepe, R. A., certificate, 1100 UNIVERSITY Haft, F. R., Jr., degree, 1288 Haffa, T., gift, 312 Haffron, Trudy, degree, 1296 Hafley, N. C, feUowship, 1224 Hafstrom, Jeanne L., appointment, 1083 degree, 880 jjacran, J. A., certificate, 747 Uagan, T. A., property at 1013 South Oak Street, purchase, 348 Hagan, W. L., degree, 602 Hagberg, Sandra j., degree, 831 Hagelow, Ellen K., degree, 633 Hageman, J. H., degree, 1302 Hagemann, C. S., degree, 151 Hagen, G. D., degree, 1286 Hagen, Louise J., degree, 834 Hagen, R. L., degree, 1074 Hagcnberger, Cheryl M., appointment, 198 Hager, L. P., appointment, 33 Haggard, E. A., appointment, 1018 Haegerty, E. L., degree, 620 Haggerty, J. J., appointment, 729 Haggerty, W. A., degree, 1080 Haggerty, W. J., degree, 1072 Hagglund, R. R., resignation, 206 Haggstrom, G. W., fellowship, 659 Hagner, Dorothy K,, degree, 1296 Hagstrom, Annie, appointment, 804 Hahn, F. L., certificate, 747 Hahn, H. S., degree, 214 Hahn, J. J., appointment, 696 Hahn, J. K., degree, 1279 Hahn, J. T., degree, 829 Ilahn, Judith S., degree, 1081 Hahn, Kathleen O., degree, 631 Hahn, Marsha R., degree, 1077 Hahn, R. J., degree, 145 Hahn, W. F., degree, 1281 fellowship, 1334 Hahn, W. K., degree, 397 Haig, R. L., appointment, 440, 993 Haile, H. G., appointment, 533, 935, 995, 1136 Hailstorms, study, contract, change, 475, 1163 gift, 293, 954 Haines, Martha B., degree, 139 Haines, W. H., appointment, 78, 766 Hainline, R. T., degree, 618, 1284 Hair, B. M., appointment, 115, 886 Haire, Katie M., degree, 1069 Hajostek, J. K,, degree, 620 Hake. H. W., appointment, 33 leave of absence, 427 Haken, W. R. G., appointment, 64 Halac, J. C, degree, 1081 Halac, P. E., degree, 401, 1283 Halama, Charlene G., degree, 1296 Halasz, J. E., appointment, 79, 767 Halaus, Diana C, degree, 391 Halbasch, K. E., degree, 1274 Haldrone, use in infectious mononucleosis, research, gift, 957 Hale, J., appointment, 651 Hale, J. W., degree, 142 Hale, K. L., feUowship, 411 resignation, 1340 Hale, M, M., degree, 647 Hale, Margrit K., degree, 1300 Hale, W. T., appointment, 115 degree, 1268 Haleem, M. A., appointment, 922 Hales, B. T., degree, 647 Hales & Hunter Co., gift, 963 Haley, J. V., fellowship, 894 Haley, K. W., degree, 879 fellowship, 659, 1334 Haley, Mrs. Pamela V., appointment, 1137 Haley, R. G., appointment, 82, 770 Halfman, C. J., degree, 628 fellowship, 817, 1086 galford, G. R., appointment, 198, 1137 Hahn, Ann J., degree, 399 Halko, Arlene A., appointment, 81, 651 Hall, B., appointment, 68, 755 Hall, B. D., resignation, 701 OF ILLINOIS 1441 Hall, B. V., appointment, 33 Hall, Betsy C, degree, 633 Hall, C. A., degree, 209 Hall, Carole S., degree, 1303 Hall, Cleo, leave of absence, 667 Hall, D. B., degree, 1296 Hall, D. C, degree, 609 Hall, D. M., appointment, 886 Hall, Dorothy K., degree, 146 Hall, Edna J., fellowship, 659 Hall, G. A. B., degree, 1288 Hall, G. K., & Co., purchase, 279 Hall, J. A., degree, 1292 Hall, J. B., appointment, 77, 765 Hall, T. F., appointment, 1326 Hall, J. R., Ill, degree, 1070 Hall, Jean, degree, 1273 fellowship, 659 Hall, Juanita L., fellowship, 1172 Hall, L. E., fellowship, 513, 1224 Hall, L. R., degree, 1059 Hall, Marion A., fellowship, 1224 Hall, M. W., degree, 880 fellowship, 927 Hall, Margot L.., appointment, 315 Hall, Maude T., degree, 148 Hall, R. D., degree, 1296 Hall, R. H., degree, 404 Hall, R. J., certificate, 1100 Hall, R. N., appointment, 336 Hall, R. S., degree, 830 fellowship, 659, 1224 Hall, S. G., appointment, 328 Hall, Valerie J., degree, 1303 Hall, W. C, Jr., degree, 1268 Hall, W. J., appointment, 33, 327, 458, 804, 990 declination, 1142 Halleman, Darla P., degree, 1310 Hallendorff, R. C, degree, 839 Haller, J. E., certificate, 747 Halligan, J. J., certificate, 365 Hallowell, J. H., appointment, 1000 Hallworth, H. J., appointment, 329 Halm, A. T., degree, 607 Haloid Xerox, Inc., gift, 950, 956 Halophilism, research, contract, change, 245 Halper, I. S., fellowship, 131, 735 Halperin, D. L., degree, 1296 Halperin, L., appointment, 79, 767 Halperin, Phyllis M., degree, 638 Halpern, Hinda C, degree, 624 Halpern, L. J., appointment, 77, 764 Halsey, Stuart, & Co., Inc., bonds, Chicago Circle Union Building, 544 Halstead, E. G., degree, 647 Haltiwanger, J. 1}., appointment, 33 Halushka, P. V., degree, 647 Halverson, H. J., degree, 1284 Halverson. R. K., fellowship, 1224 Halvorson, Karen A., degree, 140 Halvorson, R. A., fellowship, 1172 Haman, R. L., degree, 838 Hamann, H. P., degree, 1288 Hamann, K. P., degree, 839 Hamblen, D. G., appointment, 1326 degree, 613 Hamburg, R. L., degree, 830 Hamburger, J. A., degree, 645 Hamby, W. M., appointment, 71, 757 Hamed, C. J., Jr., degree, 1288 Hamer, J. L., appointment, 922 Hamilton, H., appointment, 886 Hamilton, J. A., appointment, 330, 729, 993 Hamilton, Janet A., degree, 1313 Hamilton, Jean A., appointment, 115 resignation, 1142 Hamilton, Judith L., degree, 1064 Hamilton, June C, degree, 1308 Hamilton, Nadine L., degree, 1296 Hamilton, R. C, appointment, 115, 762, 1018 declination, 897 resignation, 977 Hamilton, R. J., appointment, 458, 999 1442 BOARD OF Hamilton, S. L., appointment, 82, 770 Hamilton, T. S., appointment, 115, 729 Hamilton College, gift, 298 Hamilton Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1158 Hamilton Standard, purchase, 495 Hamlin, H. H., appointment, 82 Hamlin, R. M., appointment, 887 resignation, 133 Hamm, C. E., appointment, 458, 476, 998 Hammar, A. W., degree, 832 Hammel, A. D., degree, 1280 fellowship, 1224 Hammond, J. J., degree, 618 Hammond, J. R., degree, 881 Hammond, J. W., degree, 152 Hammond, S. B., appointment, 804 Hammond Lead Products Co., contract, 1127 Haotmuda, O. S., degree, 841 Hampel, Elizabeth A., degree, 153 Hamrell, B. B., appointment, 758 Hamrick, D. K., degree, 403 Hamtick, R. L., degree, 398 Han, j. Z. H., degree, 1293 Han, P. S., degree, 1282 Hanagan, Elizabeth J., degree, 876 Hanashiro, P. K., appointment, 70, 757 Hancher, V. M., honorary degree, 1103 Hancock, E. B., fellowship, 698 Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. J., gift, 966 Hancock, J. D., degree, 637 Hancock, Judith A., degree, 398 Hancock, L. R., degree, 624 Hancock, R. J., degree, 1303 Hancock, R. N., appointment, 367, 887 Hancock, R. W., degree, 1074 Hancock. W. P., certificate, 365 Hand, B. G., degree, 1296 Hand, H. C, appointment, 328, 991, 1001 Hand, W. J., appointment, 68, 755 Handbury, J. D., Jr., degree, 1296 Handler, B. D., degree, 1312 Handler, Ellen I., appointment, 729, 922 Handler, J. F., appointment, 332, 1169 declination, 412 resignation, 1232 Handler, P., appointment, 33, 804 Handler, R. M., appointment, 67, 754 Handley, C. A., Jr., degree, 616 Handley, J. A., degree, 390 Handley, J. E., degree, 148 Handley, Myrna J., degree, 604 Hands, G. W., certificate, 1100 Handy, K. P., certificate, 61 Haney, D. W., degree, 1284 Haney, J. B., appointment, 1185 Hanft, R. W., fellowship, 513, 1224 Hang, D. F., appointment, 329, 335, 476 Haning, D. E., degree, 151 Hank, Marie T., degree, 1273 Hankin, Beth D., degree, 626 Hanks, R. D., certificate, 1100 Hanley, J. T., degree, 874 Hanley, T. F., Corp., contract, 90, 91, 92, 464 extension of time for execution or termination, 264 Hanlon, W. E., degree, 1071 Hann, J. R., degree, 1071 Hanna, K. M., degree, 1058 Hanna, L., member of advisory committee, 5 Hannah, G. J., degree, 397 Hannah, H. A., degree, 1290 Hannah, H. W., appointment, 1326 director of Athletic Association, 423 Hanni, J. W., appointment, 79, 767 Hannula, Pearl L., degree, 841 Hannula, T. A., degree, 1066 fellowship, 513, 659, 894, 1224 Hanover, S. J., degree, 838 Hanratty, T. J., appointment, 326 Hanscom, D. H., appointment, 70, 440, 507, Hansel), S. H., appointment, 651, 999 Hanselman, R. C, appointment, 82, 770 Hansen, D. S., degree, 1066 Hansen, E. L., leave of absence, 424 Hansen, G. M., appointment, 440 degree, 396 Hansen, G. R., degree, 1310 Hansen, H. J., degree, 1313 Hansen, J. G., degree, 843 Hansen, J. P., degree, 831 Hansen, J. R., fellowship, 817 Hansen, Karen R., degree, 1299 Hansen, L. N., degree, 1296 Hansen, M. A., degree, 1279 Hansen, M. T., degree, 153 Hansen, S. M., degree, 1312 Hansen, T. C, appointment, 73, 761 Hansen, T. H., certificate, 365 Hansman, R. H., appointment, 922 Hanson, D. D., appointment, 64, 507, 110! 1217 ' Hanson, D. S., degree, 398 Hanson, Mrs. Dolores M., appointment. 31 <; 804, 887 Hanson, E. M., degree, 834 Hanson, Edith F., degree, 637 Hanson, G., leave of absence, 1108 Hanson, J. F., degree, 636 Hanson, J. M., degree, 1312 Hanson, K. D., appointment, 995 Hanson, Mary L., degree, 143 Hanson, Peter G., degree, 1282 Hanson, Philip G., degree, 624 Hanson, R. F., degree, 148 Hanson, R. K., degree, 614 Hanson, R. S., degree, 211 Happel, Carol J., degree, 1313 Haque, M. A., degree, 1071 Haque, R., appointment, 804 Harada, K., degree, 1305 Harap, H., appointment, 750 Harbaugh, T. E., appointment, 887 Harbeck, J. C, degree, 643 Harbeson, R. W., appointment, 991 Harbison-Walker Charitable Fund, Inc., gift, 284, 946 Harbut, J. S., degree, 1296 Hardbeck, D. E., degree, 645 Hardenbrook, H. J., appointment, 805 Hardin. J., appointment, 407 degree, 151, 828 Hardin, R. J., degree, 876 Harding, H. W., degree, 1320 Harding, Joan T., degree, 1075 Harding, Mrs. Sarah K., appointment, I9S, 476 Hardinge Brothers, Inc., purchase, 435, 592, 785, 787, 1205, 1257 Hardman, D. G., degree, 1271 Hardt, H. G., Jr., appointment, 82, 770 Hardwick, H., degree, 1315 Hardy, A. H., Jr., degree, 620 Hardy, Caroline E., degree, 1316 fellowship, 42, 204, 735 Harewood, R. A., resignation, 49 Hargrave, Victoria, member of advisory council, 4 Haried, A. A., degree, 1287 fellowship, 513 Hark, W. A., appointment, 75, 762 Harker Hall, remodeling, appropriation, 369, 1247 balance reappropriated, 780 Harkess, T. C, certificate, 747 degree, 634 Harkin, D. A., resignation, 821 Harkin, Martha J., degree, 615 Harkness, B., appointment, 330, 1185 resignation, 821 Harlan, J. R., appointment, 440 Harlan, L. S., Jr., degree, 637 Harlan, Nancy K., degree, 633 Harlow, R. J., certificate, 1102 Harman, D. S., appointment, 79, 767 Harman, R. V., degree, 148 UNIVERSITY Warmer, R. S., Ill, appointment, 651 cancellation, 930 degree, 620 fellowship, 1334 Harms, A. G., appointment, 696, 922 Harms, P. G., degree, 618 Harnack, R. V., appointment, 1243 Harness, J. P., certificate, 747 Harnik, E., appointment, 64 Harnish, B. F., appointment, 477 Harnish, Geri, degree, 402 Harnly, L. W., degree, 637 Harp, Music, gift, 966 Harper, A. D., degree, 1063 Harper, Anne Y., appointment, 115 declination, 821 resignation, 665 Harper, G. N., degree, 600 fellowship, 659 Harper, G. W., leave of absence, 1107 Harper, Harriet L.., fellowship, 1224 Harper, J. A., appointment, 115 resignation, 356 Harper, J. D., degree, 1289 Harpring, Linda, fellowship, 698, 817 resignation, 1232 Harr, Carolsue, degree, 1305 Harrell, Irene K., degree, 1296 Harres. L. F., degree, 642, 1318 Harridge, W. H., appointment, 82, 769 Harrigan, K. L., degree, 1306 Harriger, D. L., degree, 396 Harrington, B. P. J., degree, 637 Harrington, D., Memorial Scholarship Award, funds, gift, 946 Harrington, H. J., appointment, 1025 Harrington, J., Jr., gift, 946 Harrington, J. A., degree, 213 Harris, B. W., degree, 1311 Harris, Bertha P., degree, 148 Harris, Mrs. Brigita, appointment, 315 resignation, 320 Harris, Dr. and Mrs. C, gift, 972 Harris, Carol J., degree, 398 Harris, D. L., degree, 639 Harris. E. P., degree, 392 fellowship, 513 Harris, Eleanor K., appointment, 339 Harris, Eugenie F., degree, 629 Harris, G. E., fellowship. 698 Harris, H. E., degree, 215 Harris, Hannah T., degree, 1321 Harris, I., appointment, 82 Harris, I. D., appointment, 79, 767 Harris, J. H., degree, 602 Harris, J. P., degree, 1320 Harris, T. W., degree, 606 Harris, Janet A., degree, 1282 Harris, Joanne M., degree, 1296 Harris, Jody A., degree, 633 Harris, Joyce H., degree, 400 Harris, M. D., degree, 1072 Harris, M. R appointment, 730, 994 Harris, Margie F., degree, 1299 Harris, Marjorie M., appointment, 335, 1000 Harris, Martha H., degree, 615 Harris, N. M., degree, 1281 Harris, R. E., appointment, 1326 fellowship, 1334 Harris, R. J., degree, 1073 Harris, R. R., degree, 1288 Harris, Ruth L., degree, 1284 fellowship, 513 Harris, S. C, degree, 1303 garns, S. G., gift, 966 Harris, T. A., degree, 216 Harrisburg, office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, 7.90 Harrison, A. E., degree, 1296 Harrison, C. J., appointment, 77, 764 Harrison, J. H., degree, 636 Harrison, Lucille, appointment, 115 OF ILLINOIS 1443 Harrison, Mary A., degree, 1305 Harrison, R. St., appointment, 922, 976 Harrison, Ruthann, degree, 386 Harrison, W. W., degree, 1267 fellowship, 659 resignation, 1142 Harrison & Abramovitz, architectural services, campus planning, 1131 Harriss, W. E., degree, 1320 Harris Trust & Savings Bank, gift, 946 Harrod, J. P., Jr., appointment, 72, 759 Harrod, S. G., Ill, degree, 1306 Harrold, B. L., degree, 622 Harrold, J. D., degree, 1288 Harry, Saundra B., degree, 611 Harshaw Chemical Co., purchase, 57 Harshbarger, C. E., degree, 879 Harshbarger, K. E., appointment, 407 Harshbarger, M. M., degree, 1303 Harshbarger, T. L., degree, 1296 Harshbarger, W. R., degree, 1296 Harshbarger Building & Supply Co., purchase, 496, 1013 Hart, Alice G., appointment, 115 Hart, C. R., degree, 645 Hart, D. M., appointment, 922 Hart, E. C, degree, 838 Hart, G. R., degree, 1078 Hart, H. H., appointment, 1137 Hart, J. W., appointment, 1143 Hart, Mary L., appointment, 976 Hart, R. E., degree, 1296 Hart, R. R., appointment, 355, 769 Hart, R. S., degree, 624 Hart, Sandra L.. degree, 624 Hartdagen, G. E., appointment, 1137 Hartke, G. W., appointment, 334 degree, 1281 Hartke, H. E., degree, 1284 Hartl, Adrienne L., fellowship, 514, 927 Hartley, A. M., appointment, 1326 Hartley, H. E., member of advisory committee, 680 Hartley, M. C, retirement, 208 Hartley, T. C, appointment, 33, 116 Hartman, Clara A., degree, 140 Hartman, D. P., certificate, 1100 Hartman, Diane C, degree, 1303 Hartman, Evelyn P., degree, 1074 Hartman, J. L., degree, 1312 Hartman, M. N., degree, 1309 Hartman, Martha D., degree, 825 Hartman, Nancy J., degree, 619 Hartman, R. D., degree, 603 Hartman, R. R., degree, 1273 Hartmann, J. F., appointment, 1103 Hartmen, R. R., fellowship, 659 Hartnack, K., degree, 1312 Hartnett, W. T., appointment, 78, 765 Hartoch, A. J., appointment, 339, 1005, 1169, 1326 Hartquist, C, Cancer Research Fund, gift, 308 Hartstirn, Sharron L., degree, 1308 Hartung, W. E., degree, 619 Hartweg, D. L., degree, 1296 Hartwell, G. E., Jr., fellowship, 1224, 1334 Hartwick, Lorraine E., degree, 611 Hartwig, J. F., Jr., degree, 151 Haruna, I., appointment, 116, 805 Harvester, Agronomy, purchase, 374 Harvey, D. L., degree, 834 Harvey, L. E., degree, 1072 Harvey, R. O., resignation, 821 Harvey-Wells Corp., purchase, 190, 279 Harvie, D. C, appointment, 922 Harwald Co., Inc., barred from bidding on University business for one year, 447 claim, employment of special counsel, 1215 Hascek-Melville Corp., contract, 465 Hase, C. W., degree, 645 Haselhorst, W. C, degree, 1303 Haseltine, W. S., painting, gift, 305 1444 BOARD OF 1 Hasenmyer, Catherine L., degree, 1S1 Hashbarger, T. T., degree, 834 Hashimoto, M., appointment, 116 Haskell, W. L., degree, 613 fellowship, 514, 1224 Haskett, Annette K., degree, 1S3 Haskett, L. F,, certificate, 934 Hasman, J. J., degree, 1074 Hass, G. M., appointment, 76, 763 Hass, M. R., certificate, 324 Hass, P. D., degree, 1064 Hass, R. L., appointment, 533 Hasse, A. A., degree, 217 Hassebrock, M. D., degree, 839 Hasselbring, L. W., degree, 401 Hasselbring, R. E., degree, 1291 Hassenzahl, W. V., degree, 1067 Hassinger, Mrs. Gail S., appointment, 922 Hassler, Mrs. Ida P., appointment, 116 resignation, 977 Hassler, Margaret L., degree, 1078 Hasterok, G. S., degree, 1059 Hastings, Carolyn B., degree, 1308 Hastings, D. C, degree, 1079 Hastings, G. W., degree, 151 Hastings, J. C, degree, 1303 Hastings, S. J., certificate, 1100 Hastreiter, A. R., appointment, 533 Hat and coat racks, Assembly Hall, purchase, 350 Hatano, S., resignation, 133 Hatch, B. W., degree, 397 Hatch, G. F., appointment, 116 Hatch, R. D., appointment, 805 Hatch. R. L., degree, 618 Hatfield, F. J., degree, 1071 Hatfield, W. E., appointment, 116 Hatfield Electric Co., contract, 344 Hathaway Instruments, Inc., purchase, 55 Hattenhauer, J. M., degree, 1320 Hatton, G. I., degree, 214 Hauch, J. W., certificate, 365 Hauck, M., appointment, 116 Hauck, R. B., fellowship, 1224 Hauer, W. R., fellowship, 514, 1224 Haug, Elsie L., appointment, 79, 767 Haug, H. P., degree, 838 Haugan, M. T., degree, 1303 Haugen, Nancy S., degree, 1307 Haugh, Mary E., certificate, 747 Haughey, J. J., certificate, 1100 Haupt, T. E., certificate, 1100 Hauptman, A. J., degree, 1284 Hausch, R. H., degree, 1293 Hauschild, R. L., degree, 1071 Hauser, R. L., degree, 620 Hauworth, W. P., II, certificate, 61 Havelka, R. D., degree, 1302 Havens, Dorothy L., degree, 1319 Havens, Sally L., degree, 1284 Haverkamp, A.D., degree, 645 Haverkamp, Mrs. Carol A., resignation, 739 Haverty, M. G., certificate, 365 Havran, R. T., degree, 388 Hawbaker, J. B., degree, 1293 Hawes, Darlene E., degree, 1296 Hawk, Addalein C, authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 Hawk, R. M., degree, 1302 Hawkes, R. C, degree, 826 fellowship, 204 Hawkins, Helen A., appointment, 116, 730, 1083 Hawkins, Patricia J., fellowship, 1224 Hawkins, R. L., degree, 621 Hawkinson, Barbara A., degree, 1296 Hawkland, W. D., appointment, 507 resignation, 1232 Hawley, C. J., degree, 396 Hawley, J. W., degree, 210 Hawley, S. A., degree, 827 Haworth, Helen E., degree, 1269 Haworth, Norma K., degree, 1284 Haworth, W. E., degree, 393, 615 Hawryluk, L. P., degree, 621 Hay, A. J., fellowship, 514, 659, 1224 Hay, P. H., appointment, 533 Hay, R. C, appointment, 1137 Hay, W. W., appointment, 477 fellowship, 411 Hayano, D. M., degree, 840 Hayashi, J. A., appointment, 66, 753 Hayashi, Makoto, appointment, 730 Hayashi, Masaki, appointment, 116, 805 degree, 211 Hayashi, Marie N., resignation, 259 Hayday, A. A., resignation, 259 Hayden, D. B., appointment, 75, 762 Hayden, E. C, appointment, 1326 Hayden, F. J., degree, 211 Hayenga, M. L., degree, 388 resignation, 413 Hayenga, W. A., degree, 1288 Hayer, Brenda E., degree, 1071 Hayes, B. A., degree, 622 Hayes, Brenda N., degree, 1313 Hayes, E. E., degree, 615 Hayes, E. L., degree, 155 Hayes, F. C, degree, 612 Hayes, F. D., certificate, 365 Hayes, G. W., degree, 834 Hayes, H. B., degree, 1058 Hayes, J. E., degree, 1080 Hayes, Mareta L., degree, 619 Hayes, R. A., degree, 841 Hayes, Susanne J., fellowship, 927 Hayes, Susie E., degree, 834 Hayes, T. H., appointment, 70 Hayes, T. M., degree, 1074 Hayes Building Account, lease, 1128 Haynes, R. R., degree, 384 Haynie, R. L., fellowship, 1224 Hayward, H. N., appointment, 651, 1083 Hayward, M. D., degree, 1317 Haywood, E. B., gift, 962 Haywood, J. L., degree, 148 Hazelbaker, J. C, degree, 148 Hazen, L. B., degree, 635 Hazen & Franks Builders Supply, Inc., purchase, 373, 434, 1201, 1202 Hazlett, T. C, appointment, 990 Hazlett, \V. H., appointment, 81, 769 Haznedl, Lois A., degree, 1296 Headache, research, gift, 309, 970 Headings, P. R., resignation, 1340 Heagarty, Mary A., appointment, 116 degree, 1269 Heagney, A. T., degree, 396 Heald, H. T., honorary degree, 459, 599 Healey, Ann S., degree, 834 Healey, J. J., degree, 832 Healey Street, parking lot at 601, 603, and 605 East, contract, 59 Health and medical factors related to future planning in the health professions, statistical analyses and consultative services, contract, 1202 Health and Safety Education, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 86 budget, summer session, 332, 995 gift, loan fund, Du Page County Health Improvement Association, 287 research, Armour Pharmaceutical Co., 292 scholarship, Illinois Health Improvement Association, 947 Health Center, funds, investment, 248, 250, 379, 473, 723, 724, 725, 793, 871, 91/, 944, 1017, 1041, 1042, 1130, 1164, 1214 inspection by Board Members, 251 landscaping, contract, 370 office furniture, purchase, 25 revenue bonds, printing, contract, 714 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, contract, 1210 Health Information Foundation, purchase, 1202 Health Professions Educational Assistance Act, University participation, approved, 1154 Health Science, name for course and staff titles, approved, 1190 Health Services, hospital and medical professional liability insurance, 1255 titles of courses and staff, change, 1190 Chicago Circle, purchase, examining room equipment, 1159 filing units, 1158 Medical Center, purchase, x-ray equipment, 1036 Urbana, gift, research, American Cyanamid Co., 953 du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., Inc., 954 Lilly, E., & Co., 957 Smith, Kline, & French Laboratories, 297 purchase, equipment, 55 furniture, 101 x-ray film processor, 101 Healy, J. H., appointment, 116 resignation, 739 Healy, M. J., degree, 618 Healy Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 59, 538, 539, 854 Heaty School residents, dental treatment, funds, gift, 973 Heap, F. K., certificate, 1100 Hearing aid, Speech and Theatre, gift, 303 Hearing; testing chamber, Speech and Theatre, appropriation, 269 Hearnes, R. E., certificate, 749 Hearth and Garden Club, gift, 311 Heart-lung machine, purchase, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 Electrical Engineering, 496 Heart research, gift, 292, 308, 309, 969, 970 Heater, W. E., Jr., degree. 138 Heath, C. P. M., degree, 390 fellowship. 514, 1224 Heath, E. H., appointment, 33 declination, 134 resignation, 46 Heath, J. E., appointment, 1185 Heath. Kathleen F., degree, 613 resignation, 206 Heath Co., purchase, 435, 469, 862, 914, 1124, 1206 Heating, appropriation, South Farm, 238 contract, Administration Building, addition, 489 cooling tower, 1249 antenna laboratory, 52 Armory, 16 Burnsides Research Laboratory addition, 239 Civil Engineering Building, 1120 Classroom Complex Building, 528 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 344 Coordinated Science Laboratory addition, 1192 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 14, 90, 240, 269, 911, 1154, 1250 Digital Computer Laboratory addition, 346 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station addition, 684 Dynamics Test Laboratory, 1248 East Chemistry Building addition, 854 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 344, 464 Education Building, 59 Graduate Student Residence Hall, 1057 Illini Union, Chicago Circle, 572 Illinois Street Residence Hall, 229 Illinois Surgical Institute, 240 Lecture Center Building, 528 Library addition, Urbana, 16 Library, Chicago Circle, 528 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, SC7 OF ILLINOIS 1445 Heating, cont'd Medical Research Laboratory, 543 minor alterations and repairs, 537, 1249 Natural History Building, 909 Physical Plant Building, 528 Rehabilitation Center. 539 Research and Educational Hospitals, 270, 542 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 92, 271 Sciences and Engineering Laboratories, 528 Staff and Administration Offices Building, 528 University Press Building addition, 489 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex addition, 538 Heating equipment, Aviation, purchase, 941 Heating plant, Chicago Circle, contracts, construction, change, 60 electrical, 544 general, 543 piping, 544 plumbing, 544 ventilating and air-conditioning systems, 544 electric service, 774 engineering services, 1114 extension of time for execution or termination, 264 gas service, 774 painting, 1112 Heating research, contract, 191 change, 791 gift, 295, 296, 954, 956, 958 Heavener, R. F., degree, 1291 Heberling, Sandra E., degree, 1307 Hebert, P. D.. degree, 878 Hebrank, E. F., appointment, 333, 998 Hebting, C, appointment, 887 Hecht, N. B., appointment, 1326 Hecht, Patricia J., fellowship, 204, 817 resignation, 1173 Hecht, R. J., fellowship. 1224 Hechtman, J. E., certificate, 747 Heck, Carol J., degree, 637 Heckel, Eileen, appointment, 84, 772 Heclcel, N. J., appointment, 83, 771 Heckenkamp, F. W., Ill, degree, 1066 Heckert, D. G., degree, 615 Heckler, L. C, degree, 1291 Heckmann, I. L., Jr., appointment, 333 declination, 413 Hecox, D. I., certificate, 365 Hedberg, D. D., appointment, 340, 1006 Hedblom, C. A., Jr., appointment, 69, 756 Hedblom, C. F., Jr., degree, 1073 Hedden, D. P., degree, 840 Hedges, F. H., III., degree, 1276 Hedges, L. H., degree, 1069 Hedges, R. A., appointment, 330 leave of absence, 1106 Hedges, R. N., Jr., appointment, 70, 757 Hedges, R. N., Sr., appointment, 69, 756 Hedin, Mrs. Darlene R., fellowship, 1086 Hedish, N. D., appointment, declination, 134, 206 Hedmark Heating Co., Inc., contract, 684 Hedmark Sheet Metal Co., Inc., contract, 1250 Heemstra, P. C, degree, 841 Heemstra, Valerie L., degree, 631 Heeren, H. H., degree, 1291 Heermans, Mary F., resignation, 134 Heffernan, J., contract, 437 Heffernan-Sherman Co., purchase, 101 Heifington, M. D., appointment, 116, 887 degree, 832 Heftel, D. L., appointment, declination, 1088 resignation. 701 Heftel, W. R., degree, 1077 1446 BOARD OF 1 Hefter, G. M., degree, 645 fellowship, 411 Hefter, June L., degree, 610 Hegburg, A. S., degree, 1296 Hegedus, M., degree, 214 Hegener, H. H., degree, 396 Hegener, R. D., degree, 405 Heggan, J. P., fellowship, 514, 1224 Hegie, Lucy, appointment, 1005 Heiberger, C. J., appointment, 72, 760 Heidari, M., degree, 622 Heidelberger, E., degree, 1296 Heidenblut, Sally L., degree, 1307 Heidenreich. M. R., degree, 1293 Heidorn, Mrs. Patricia A., registration, 821 Heidorn, R. D., degree, 877 Heien, Helen M., degree, 1308 Heifers, purchase, funds, gift, 961 Heigold, P. C, degree, 391 Heiles, W. H., appointment, 730 degree, 1272 Heihgenstein, J. N., degree, 1079 Heiliger, E. Si., resignation, 521 Heim, Carol L., degree, 827 Heim, G. E., Jr., appointment, 651 degree, 601 Heim, Judith M., degree, 1308 Heimann, J. H., member of advisory committee, 680 Heimburg, R. W., degree, 1060 Heimos, G. E., degree, 1081 Hein, F. V., member of advisory committee, 1024 Hein, O. V., degree, 627 Heineman, K. R., degree, 841 Heinhorst, R. T., degree, 1070 Heiniger, Patricia K., degree, 629 Heinisch, C. J., degree, 1288 Heinkel, F. W., degree, 1322 Heinmiller, R. W., degree, 635 Heins, A. J., appointment, 330 fellowship, 1172 Heins, M. H., appointment, 116 leave of absence, 445 Heins, R. W., appointment, 116, 407 degree, 1270 Heintz, N. V., degree, 1320 fellowship, 131, 319, 817, 927 Heintzen, E. H., degree, 1060 Heinz, G. p., Jr., degree, 647 Heinze, Shirley J., appointment, 116, 887 Heiple, C. R., appointment, 1326 fellowship, 514 Heischmidt, J. A., degree, 394 Heischtnidt, Margaret M., degree, 615 Heise, J. F., degree, 1080 Heiser, W. C, degree, 153 Heiss, Margaret R., degree, 624 Heitler, D. H., degree, 393 Heitmeyer, Karen A., degree, 1299 Heitz, S. D., degree, 1288 Heizer, K. W., degree, 210 Hejna, T., appointment, 73, 760 Hejna, W. F., appointment, 75, 762 Helbling, Margaret, property at 907 South Fifth Street, purchase, 348 Helbling, Sara Y., appointment, 805, 922 Held, A. E., degree, 840 Held, F. N., degree, 148 Held. H. E., member of advisory committee, 706 Helfand, S. A., certificate, 365 Helfritch, D. J., degree, 1305 Helgeson, Candace S., degree, 825 Helgren, R. H., degree, 1293 Helium gas, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 788, 1124 Helium purifier system, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 1039 Helix, purchase, 1203 Hellawell, Judith A., degree, 386 fellowship, 514 Heller, A., leave of absence, 13fi Heller, C. F., Jr., degree, 210 Heller, F. N., appointment, 34, 84, 651 Heller, G. F., certificate, 749 Heller, J. L., leave of absence, 426 Heller, Jane A., degree, 1311 Heller, P., appointment, 67, 754 Heller, P. S., degree, 1296 Heller, S. B., degree, 152 Heller, Sandra J., degree, 624 Heller Construction Co., Inc., contract, 27], Hellman, M. D., degree, 1309 Hellman, S. H., degree, 1318 Hellmer, L. A., leave of absence, 47 Hellwarth, R. W., appointment, 1240 Helm, Alice C, appointment, 116, 334 go; 998 Helm, D. G., degree, 1284 Helm, F. C, fellowship, 257, 698 resignation, 413 Helm, M. S., appointment, 329, 992 Helm, R. D., degree, 396 Helmich, T. O., degree, 154 Helmig, C. W., degree, 1078 Helms, Elizabeth B., degree, 627 Helms, L. L., appointment, 507 Helms, R. N., degree, 404, 827 Helper, L. C, appointment, 805 Heltzel, C. S., certificate, 1150 Hemathermatrol Corp., purchase, 241 Hematology, research, gift, 973 Hematopiesis, research, gift, 309 Hembough, Betty L., appointment, 116 Hembrough, Carol S., degree, 1286 fellowship, 204. 817 Hembrough, D. E., degree, 1288 Hembrough, F. B., appointment, 116, 922 degree, 392 Hemmer, J. C, degree, 1072 fellowship, 1086 Hemoproteins, research, gift, 290 Hempel, Joan, degree, 400 Hemstreet, P. B., degree, 398 Henatsch, H. D., appointment. 180 Hencley, S. P., appointment, 328, 730. 991 Henderleiter, W. M.. appointment, 730, 1006 Henderson, C. W., Jr., appointment, 116, 334 Henderson, D. M., degree, 396 Henderson, J. D., appointment, 750, 976. 997 Henderson, K. B., appointment, 328, 1001 leave of absence, 1107 Henderson, R. A., appointment, 328, 1326 Henderson, S. C, degree, 619 Henderson, T. P., degree, 1288 Henderson, W. R., degree, 145 Henderson Manufacturing Co., gift. 303 Henderson River flood control, archeologicai survey, contract, 789 Hendren, P. C, degree, 1296 Hendrick, J. T., degree, 624 Hendrick, L. H., Memorial Fund, gift, 2S> Hendricks, C. D., Jr., appointment, 34 Hendricks, E. C, degree, 640 Hendricks, J. E., degree, 1312 Hendricks, R. A., fellowship, 735, 927 Hendricks, R. C, degree, 645 Hendrickson, C. G., degree, 645 Hendrickson, F. R., appointment, 81, 768 Hendrickson, H. S., degree, 209 Hendrix, C. A., Jr., appointment, 533 Hendrix, Gertrude, appointment, 116 gift, 298, 960 Hendrix, Helen C, fellowship, 1334 Hendrix, Margo M., degree, 1309 Hendrix, P. A., certificate, 749 Hendrix, Virginia J., authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 648, 1097 Hendrix, W. L., gift, 960 Hendron, A. J., Jr., appointment, 887 degree, 874 leave of absence, 899 UNIVERSITY Henebry, Agnes C.f member of advisory council, 4 Henebry, Carolyn D., degree, 148 Henebry, W. F., appointment, 315, 768 Henegb-an, I. M., degree, 631 Henev, T. E., Jr., certificate, 906 Hengesh, J. W., appointment 83, 771 Henikoff, L. M., Jr., degree, 645 Hnk, R. C, degree, 1079 Henkes, R.. F., degree 829 Henkle, Jams, degree, 1078 Henley & Co., Inc., purchase, 434 Henne, B. W., appointment, 116, 651, 805, 1083 Hennecke, H., appointment, 1104 Kennedy, Marie C, degree, 1272 Henneike, H. F., Jr., degree, 400 fellowship, 698 Henner, Mrs. R., gift, 973 Hennes, J. D., appointment, 805, 1083 Henness, C. P., degree, 403 Hennessey, J. J., leave of absence, 136, 522 Hennessy, D. T., degree, 400 Henriessy, J. L., certificate, 1150 Henning, E. F., degree, 1287 Henninger, R. G., member of advisory committee, expiration of term, 267 Henninger, R. H., degree, 1073 Henrichs, N. W., degree, 1070 Henriksen, C. O., Co., contract, 1028, 1194 Henriksen, G. L., degree, 1315 Henry, A. C, fellowship, 514, 1224 Henry, Betty B., degree, 615 Henry, D. A., Ill, degree, 1312 Henry, D. V., gift, 303 recommendation, article concerning federal government written by faculty member, 1133 statement, article concerning federal government written by faculty member, 1044, 1131 visit to British universities, invitation, 460 visit to universities in West Germany, invitation, 1155 See also President of University. Henry, D. E., degree, 1072 Henry, Diana R., degree, 1071 Henry, G. W., Jr., degree, 1291 Henry, Helene R., degree, 604 Henry, J. A., appointment, 34, 1326 Henry, J. E., degree, 1309 Henry. J. P., appointment, 70, 757 Henry, Sheila A., degree, 1069 Henry Nurseries, contract, 17, 370 Henschen, H. H., Jr., degree, 647 Henschen, Patricia T., degree, 1321 Henson, J. M., degree, 397 Henson, J. R., degree, 1074 Henson, Suzanne, degree, 633 Henson, T. D., degree, 1077 Hepatitis, research, gift, 969 Hepburn, Linda E., appointment, 1326 Hepner, P. E., Jr., degree, 882 Heptachlor epoxide residues in meat and milk, research, contract, change, 106 Heras, F. G., degree, 635 Herb. W. D., degree, 636 Herbarium cases, purchase, Biology, 1158 Chicago Circle, 1158 Herber, W. J., degree, 1273 fellowship, 659 Herbicidal action of chemical compounds, re- search, gift, 295, 957 Herbicidal field testing, study, gift, 297 Herbicides, study, gift, 298 Herbold. R. F., degree, 1072 Herbst, G. F., degree, 619 Herbst, L. B., Corp., purchase, 25, 56, 594, , 1039. 1208 Herbst, R. J., degree, 874 resignation, 897 OF ILLINOIS 1447 Herbst, R. R., appointment, 74, 761 Herceg, J. E., fellowship, 514, 1224 Hercules Powder Co., Inc., gift, 294 Herd, T. J., degree, 622 Herder, H. J., Jr., appointment, 730 Herdt, Adele L., degree, 882 Hering, R. G., appointment, 998 Herlocker, D. W., degree, 1064 fellowship, 514, 1334 Herman, D. J., degree, 645 Herman, H. A., degree, 1296 Herman, M. I., degree, 1081 Hermann, Anita L., degree, 214 Hermann, H. A., Jr., degree, 639 Hermling, Barbara J., degree, 628 Hermsmeyer, R. K., degree, 1296 Hernandez, D., appointment, 336 Hernandez, F. S., appointment, 764 Hernandez-Yamarte, C. A., degree, 1291 Herndon, Mary S., appointment, 198, 332, 805 Herner, J. P., degree, 621 fellowship, 514, 1224 Herning, L. G., degree, 1074 Herr, Ellen J., degree, 1280 Herrell, D. J., degree, 1286 Herrera Trevino, C, degree, 622 Herrick, M. T., book, printing, 1202, 1206 leave of absence, 427 Herrick, W. D., Ill, degree, 392 Herrin, M., appointment, 327, 990 Herring, T. H., appointment, 1326 degree, 212 Herring Corp., purchase, 1204 Herron, R. E., appointment, 1326 Herron, R. L., degree, 880 Herschbach, K., resignation, 320 Ilershberg, T., degree, 624 Hershberger, D. D., degree, 609 Hershberger, L. D., fellowship, 1224 Herskind, R. E., degree, 1278 Herstand, T., appointment, 1240 degree, 877 Ilertel, R. R., member of advisory council, 4 Hertig, B. A., appointment, 1186 Herting, R. L., appointment, 70, 756 Hertko, L. J., appointment, 758 Hertter, J. C, degree, 1313 Hertzberg, A., appointment, 477 Hertzberg & Craftsmen, Inc., purchase, 691 Hertzberg-New Method, Inc., purchase, 862 Herum, F. L., resignation, 739 Herum, Melva L. H., degree, 392 Herz, Janice R., appointment, 253, 765 Herzing, W. J., degree, 402 Herzinger, Sandra O., degree, 611 Herzo, D. P., degree, 1282 Herzog, C, gift, 310 Herzog, Elaine Z., appointment, 116, 1006 Herzon F. D., degree, 1296 Hess, E. F., Jr., appointment, 1241 degree, 830 Hess, Judith F. L., degree, 1284 Hess, K. J., degree, 1303 Hess, R. A., appointment, 82, 770 Hess, R. V., degree, 638 Hesselberth, C. A., appointment, 477, 651 degree, 875 Hesselmann, P. R., appointment, 805 Hester, Carolyn R., degree, 1071 Hetherington, J. H., appointment, 651 Hetrick, Marjorie L., degree, 398 Hetrick, R. E., degree, 621 Ilettinger, R. E., certificate, 747 Heuer, R. E., degree, 396 fellowship, 659 Heuler, H. J., degree, 394 Heuman, J. P., degree, 1076 Heunemann, H. W., degree, 1273 Heur, R. E., fellowship, 1334 Heussman, J. W., fellowship, 1224 Heveran, Judith G., degree, 1074 1448 BOARD OF Hevi-Duty Electric Co., purchase, 496 Hevler, G. M., degree, 1296 Hewes, R. A., degree, 392 Hewitson, R. E., appointment, 887 Hewitt, B. W., appointment, 1002 Hewitt, J. D., certificate, 747 Hewitt, J. R., appointment, 805 Hewitt, R. M., degree, 1317 Hewlett-Packard Co., gift, 966 purchase, 24, 242, 277, 376, 435, 588, 787, 912, 939, 941, 1013, 1122, 1253 Hexotherm apparatus, Food Science, purchase, 788 Heydemann, J., appointment, 81, 769 Heyl, R. J., degree, 210 Heyman, H. J., degree, 1320 Heyman, Margaret M.( appointment, 750 Hiatt, T., degree, 400 Hibbs, G. G., appointment, 81, 769 Hibbs, W. G., appointment, 67, 754 Hibnick, H. E., appointment, 198 degree, 647 Hickey, B. D., degree, 619 Hickey, J. C, degree, 642 Hicklin, T. R., degree, 144 Hickman, Judith A., degree, 1280 Hicks, G. L., Jr., fellowship, 514 Hicks, H. K., degree, 1068 Hicks, L. B., Sr., degree, 834 Hicks, M. A., degree, 1317 Hielscher, F. H., appointment, 1217 Hietpas, O. J., certificate, 63 Higby, S., Camp Foundation, gift, 306 Higgerson, L. D., degree, 145 Higgins, J. O., degree, 404 Higgins, R. L., degree, 1288 Higgins, R. W., degree, 622 Higgs, W. J., appointment, 1326 degree, 1274 fellowship, 735 High-energy particle events, research, contract, change, 105, 1129, 1260 Higher education in Illinois, master plan, endorsement, 1098 High lift tower, appropriation, balance reap- propriated, 86 High school English programs, study, contract, 437 High school mathematics, conference proceedings, printing, 1156 curriculum, study, gift, 292 experimental textbooks, printing, contract, 190, 244, 718, 782 film project, improvements, contract, 189 photographic optical effects and titles, contract, 1257 High school reading interests, study, gift, 294 High school seniors, top quarter oE their classes, admission requirements and procedures, 6 Highsmith, C. C, degree, 829 Highstone, W. H., appointment, 69, 756 High temperature water systems, study gift, 291 Highton, R. M., degree, 1317 Fellowship, 42 Highum, C. D., degree, 611 High Voltage Engineering Corp., contract, 1194 Highway engineering, fellowship, gift, 950 Automotive Safety Foundation, 288 Highway engineering aides, course of study, development, contract, 498 Highway research, contract, change, bridges, 192, 791 drainage laws and practices, 791 guide lines, 792 medians, 192, 791 pavement, 192, 791 problems, 192. 791 seal coats and surface treatments, 792 structures, 192, 791 traffic-linkage patterns, 792 Highways, Urbana-Champaign area, maior plan, approved, 872, 1195 J Highway salvage program, funds, gift, 955 study, contract, change 587 Highway Traffic Safety Center, appropriation traffic study vehicle and equipment 9ls' gift, research, National Academy of S-i- ences, 296, 957 Higley, W. M., degree, 208 Hikawyj, Helen, degree, 400 Hiki, Y., appointment, 116, 315, 805 Hikida, R. S., degree, 400 Hildebrand, C. R., degree, 1291 Hildreth, M. L., appointment, 198 resignation, 739 Hildreth, R. J., member of advisory committee, 1025 Hilgendorf, Merle R., degree, 151 Hilker, C. F., Jr., appointment, 116, 805 Hilker, Gloria, appointment, 198 Hilkevitch, B. H., appointment, 68, 755 Hill, B. J., appointment, 81, 769 Hill, Barbara J., degree, 1077 Hill, D. A., appointment, 116 Hill, D. B., degree, 826 Hill, D. E., degree, 211 Hill, D. J., degree, 398 Hill, Elizabeth J., degree, 143 Hill, Enid, appointment, 340 resignation, 665 Hill, G. G., degree, 148 Hill, G. L., degree, 825 Hill, H. W., degree, 214 Hill, J. L., degree, 877 Hill, J. R., degree, 138 Hill, Jervis \V., degree, 638 Hill, John W., degree, 829 Hill, Judith A., degree, 153 Hill, L. D., appointment, 906 Hill, Laura J. W., degree, 139 Hill, Martha J., degree, 1305 Hill, O. G., appointment, 730 Hill, P. E., degree, 645 Hill, R. G., appointment, 730, 1006 Hill, Roberta B., fellowship, 1224 resignation, 1142 Hill, S. B., degree, 882 Hill, S. E., degree, 1283 Hill, S. V., certificate, 61 Hill, Stephanie O., fellowship, 514 resignation, 739 Hill, Susan J., degree, 624 Hill, T. D., Jr., degree, 386 fellowship, 514 Hill, W., appointment, 440 Hillcrest Lumber Co., purchase, 596 Hillemeier, Bonnie K., degree, 1296 Hillen, L. F., degree, 148 Hillman, Carol K., degree, 391 Hill-Rom Co., Inc., purchase, 434, 862, 939 Hillstrom, B. G., degree, 632 Hilquist, D. E., certificate, 747 Hilton, J. K., degree, 1303 Hilu, H. M., appointment, 116 Himan, H. K., fellowship, 1334 Himel, J., certificate, 747 Himwich, H. E., appointment, 78, 766 Hindhede, U., degree, 1281 resignation, 46 Hindley, R. D., appointment, 198 Hindman, T. L., degree, 645 Hinds, F. C, appointment, 1137 Hinds, G. A., appointment, 751 Hindsley, M. H., appointment, 334 Hinely, Jan A., appointment, 887, 994 resignation, 1340 Hines, J. P., certificate, 747 Hines, N. L., appointment, 1004 degree, 647 Hinkamp, J. F., appointment, 82, 770 Hinkle, W. R., certificate, 365 Hinomoto, H., appointment, 751 fellowship, 1172 UNIVERSITY Hinos, Frances J., degree, 148 Hinrichs, E. A., & Co., purchase, 56, 718 1124 Hinrichsen, C, appointment, 198 jjinsdale Sewing Group, gift, 310 Hinsoii, C. R., degree, 839 Hintz, N. C, degree, 394 Hinze, P. L-, degree, 402 Hipp, U- B-, degree, 1306 Hippl?> P- *> certificate, 747 Hipskind, J. P., appointment, 331, 1326 Hirai, K., appointment, 116, 887 Hiram Walker-Gooderham & Worts Ltd., gift, 301 Hirsch, Esther D., degree, 828 fellowship, 204 Hirsch, F. D., degree, 1320 Hirsch, V. E., appointment, 76, 764 Hirsch, J-, appointment, 34, 116 leave of absence, 136, 1174 Hirsch, J. G., appointment, 80, 768 Hirsch, J. S., degree, 635 Hirsch, R. L., degree, 1270 Hirsch, Rachel, degree, 1299 Hirsch, S. C, degree, 624 Hirsch, W., appointment, 367, 766 Hirschfeld, R. C, appointment, 1025 Hirst, R. K., degree, 1066 Hirst, Virginia A., fellowship, 514 resignation, 897 Hish, D. R., degree, 834 Histology purchase, microscope, 188 ultra-microtome, 940 vacuum evaporator, 589 Historical Survey, Illinois, director, appointment. 1242 History, Chicago Undergraduate Division, department, established, 1187 Urbana, budget, summer session, 332, 995 chairman of department, appointment, 266 gift, funds, Dickerson, O. M., 961 History and Philosophy of Education, budget, summer session, 996 chairman of department, appointment, 181 department, established, 181 Hitchen, R. L., degree, 1067 Hitchins Roofing Co., contract, 345, 1193 Hite. <;. E., degree, 1282 fellowship. 1224 Hues, Joyce A., degree, 842 Hittmcier. M. E., degree, 619 Hi-Yield Fertilizer Co., purchase, 434 Hjort, lllah IX, degree, 830 Hnilo. R., degree, 397 floadand, IS. D., degree, 831 Hoatslin, R. J., degree, 609 Hoar. V. SI., appointment, 922, 1217 Hobart Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1208 Hobart Sales Agency, purchase, 102 Hobbs, J., degree, 834 Hohhs, J. W., degree, 636 Hohin. T. J., degree, 611 fellowship, 1224 Hobson, J. G., degree, 139 Hoch, J. A., fellowship, 659 Hochberg, M. L., degree, 840 Hochfelder, A. R., certificate, 1100 Hochhauser, M., appointment, 253, 652, 805 Hochman, L. S., appointment, 198 degree, 641 Hochstettler, Sharon A., degree, 154 Hockett, W. A., degree, 141 Hocking. P. R., degree, 618 Hocking, R. L., degree, 139 Hocking, R. T., degree, 152, 1287 Hockgraver, V. E., degree, 1315 Hodge, D. A., degree, 831 Hodge, G. M., Jr., appointment, 325, 988 Hodge, J. E., degree, 876 Hodge, Margaret J., degree, 834 Hodge, R. W., appointment, 117 OF ILLINOIS 1449 Hodges, C. E., appointment, 730 Hodges, C. F., degree, 1282 Hodges, J. E., degree, 838 Hodges, SI. H., degree, 624 Hodges, Mary V., degree, 1296 Hodges, R. F., degree, 1296 Hodges, R. R., Jr., degree, 1268 Hodges, T. K., appointment, 198, 730 Hodgins, F. E., Jr., leave of absence, 427 Hodgman, D. R., appointment, 458, 696, 805 Hodyke, Janice B., degree, 1069 Hodyke, S. S., degree, 840 Hoech, G. F., degree, 609 Hoeg, Carol L., fellowship, 514 Hoekman, T. B., fellowship, 818 resignation, 1142 Hoelscher, R, P., appointment, 440, 887 Hoeltge, Inc., purchase, 1121 Hoelzel, Geraldine J., degree, 1303 Hoeppner, S. A degree, 1080 Hoeppner, \V. F., appointment, 69, 756 Hoeree, J. D., degree, 150 Hofer, J. H., degree, 636 Hoffman, A., appointment, 70, 1137 Hoffman, A. T!., degree, 628 Hoffman, B. J., degree, 1074 Hoffman, Catherine F., resignation, 134 Hoffman, E. L., fellowship, 42, 735 Hoffman, F., appointment, 198, 1083 Hoffman, G. K., appointment, 805 fellowship, 131 Hoffman, H. A., degree, 1063 Hoffman, H. R., appointment, 78, 766 Hoffman, J. L-., degree. 618, 633 Hoffman, Joan C, fellowship, 42 Hoffman, L. M., degree, 622 Hoffman, L. R., appointment, 64 fellowship, 411 Hoffman, Lucille M., degree, 629 Hoffman, M. R.. degree, 1280 fellowship, 514, 1224 Hoffman, P. T., appointment, 751 Hoffman, Ralph A., certificate, 747 degree, 634, 1287 fellowship, 514 Hoffman, Robert A., appointment, 1326 degree. 1067 fellowship, 894 Hoffman, R. L., appointment, 117 Hoffman, R. V., Jr., appointment, 76 Hoffman, S. J., appointment, 77, 764 Hoffman, \V. S., appointment, 67, 756 Hoffman Electric Co., contract, 572 addition, 1196 Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., contract, 244 gift, 969 Hoffman-LaRoche Fellowship, funds, gift, 951 Hoffmann, J. A., degree, 878 Hoffmann, J. R., appointment, 34, 117 Hoffmann, Joan C, fellowship, 257, 735, 1172 Hoffmann, Mary A., degree, 833 Hoffmann, Rita C, resignation, 320 Hoffmann, Wilma, appointment, 117 Hoffmann-Marquard Machinery Co., purchase, 715 Hoffmeister, P. H., certificate, 1100 Hofmann, L. M., degree, 1316 fellowship, 204, 894 Hogan, I). J., appointment, 330 fellowship, 1172 leave of absence, 1108 Hogan, G. R-, appointment, 117 Hogan, J. I)., appointment, 325 leave of absence, 1107 Hogan, J. J., appointment, 117, 805 degree, 1059 resignation, 1142 Hog barn, lease, 438 Hog cholera, research, gift, 294, 957 Hogen, Janet W., degree, 843 Hogg, Loretta A., appointment, 117, 198 Hog gates, Animal Science, purchase, 714 1450 BOARD OF 1 Hohe, D. G., degree, 879 Hohe, P. T., degree, 645 Hohlbaugh, D. L., degree, 618 Hohm, J. E., degree, 843 Hohmann, P. G., degree, 1302 Hohn, I). C, degree, 1303 Hohn, F. E., appointment, 652, 997, 1169 leave of absence, 1109 Hohulin Brothers, purchase, 57 Hoist mechanism, Physical Plant Department, Medical Center, purchase, 1202 Hoit, M., fellowship, 735 Hokin, J. J., degree, 403 Holbrook, J. C, II, appointment, 1326 Holbrook, J. L., degree, 1309 Holden, Joanne, appointment, 751 Holden, T. L., appointment, 334, 999 Holder, J. T., degree, 1067 Holder, W. L., degree, 1079 Holderman, Carol L., degree, 1308 Holderman, J. B,, appointment, 507 leave of absence, 899 Holderman, Janet E., degree, 1289 Holecek, D. F., degree, 1289 Holen, E., degree, 396 Holhubner, F. J., appointment, 64 Holladay, Dee M., appointment, 1217 Holland, E. J., appointment, 761 Holland, H. H., degree, 1070 Holland, Rhoda E., degree, 1308 Holland, W. R., appointment, 34 Hollender, A. R., appointment, 75, 762 Holler, D. A., degree, 1288 Holler, R. F., degree, 1284 fellowship, 818 Holleran, M. J., Inc., contract, 184 Hollerbach, R. R., degree, 1077 Hollett, M. E., contract, adjustment, 22 Holley, E. G., book, printing, 376 resignation, 46 Holley, E. R., Jr., appointment, 1185 Hollinberger, L. E., degree, 615 Hollingsworth, C. D., degree, 837 Hollingsworth, D. A., degree, 142 Hollingsworth, G. W., degree, 1320 Hollingsworth, J. R., leave of absence, 136 resignation, 1340 Hollington, M. A., degree, 1272 fellowship, 659 Hollis & Duncan Co., purchase, 377, 1014 Hollon, G. W., resignation, 521 Holloway, Patricia S., degree, 633 Holloway, R. E., degree, 1078 Hollowell, C. A., degree, 151 Holly, W. J., degree, 628 Holm, L. M., degree, 840 Holm, R. V., degree, 1311 Holm, R. W., degree, 621 Holmberg, J. M., degree, 1072 Holmen, R. L., degree, 605 fellowship, 659 Holmes, A. H., appointment, 440 degree, 605 Holmes, A. W., Jr., appointment, 70, 407, 757, 759 Holmes, Ann V., degree, 146 Holmes, Carole Y., degree, 1289 Holmes, D. H., degree, 1284 Holmes, E. T., degree, 1058 Holmes, Eileen P., degree, 1301 Holmes, H. Z., Jr., degree, 1081 Holmes, Janece B., degree, 637 Holmes, Mrs. Julia O., leave of absence, 1089 Holmes, K. A., degree, 1288 Holmes, K. M., appointment, 763 Holmes, O. W., degree, 145 Holmes, P. K., degree, 1270 fellowship, 42, 698, 1140 Holmes, R. L., degree, 620 Holmes, R. P., appointment, 887 degree, 837 Holmes, R. S., certificate, 1184 Holmes, R. W., appointment, 1326 Holmes, W. L., degree, 400, 1278 Holmes Serum Co., Inc., purchase, 593 Holmgren, Carla C., degree, 148 Holmsten, R. D., degree, 645 Holmstrom, Sharon J., degree, 1301 Holonyak, N., Jr., appointment, 751 Holovka, E. A., degree, 214 Holpuch, Judith A., degree, 1313 Holquist, J. M., degree, 624 Holquist, Lydia L., degree, 606 fellowship, 204 Holser, C. F., fellowship, 894 Holshouser, D. F., invention, patent rights release to Foundation, 232 royalties, 452 leave of absence, 425, 1343 Hoist, G. J., degree, 840 Holste, Frances R., degree, 1078 Holt, C. M., Jr., fellowship, 1225 Holt, Coralee D., degree, 148 Holt, H. W., appointment, 332 Holt, M. P., degree, 1271 Holtan, B. D., degree, 386 Holtedahl, H., appointment, 987 Holton, A. J., Jr., degree, 1281 Holtzapple, J., fellowship, 894 cancellation, 1020 Holtzman, Phyllis A., degree, 1308 Holverson, Georgia H. I., degree, 1319 Holzer, H. P., appointment, 440 Holzhauser, Karen E., degree, 838 Home building industry, scholarship, gift, 947 Home Bureaus, gift, 301, 964 Home Economics, budget, summer session, 332, 996 curriculum, foods and business option. approved, 342 gift, fellowship, General Foods Fund, Inc., 950 funds, various donors, 963 research, Corn Industries Research Foundation, Inc., 293, 954 scholarship, Borden Co., Foundation, Inc.. 946 Kroger Co., 285, 947 Sears-Roebuck Foundation, 286, 948 graduate program, option in family and consumption economics, approved, 429 purchase, autoanalyzer, 189 uniforms, rental, 595 Home Economics Education, Illinois Teacher of Home Economics, printing, contract, 785 Homer, L. W., degree, 153 Homewood Park District, contract, 474 Hommel, Virginia E., degree, 404 Homochlorcyclizine, research, gift, 306 Honcharuk, N., Jr., degree, 637 Honegger's & Co., Inc., purchase, 864 Honiss, D. J., degree, 1293 Honma, T., appointment, 117, 198 Honn, Peggy J., degree, 148 Honorary degrees, approved, 459, 1150 authorized, 1103 conferred, 599, 640, 1266, 1316 Honselman, Irlene A., degree, 834 Honsik, K. T., degree, 839 Honthorst, G., painting, gift, 305 Hoobler, N. L., degree, 1303 Hood, Judith F., degree, 637 Hook, C. B., degree, 404 Hook, J. N., appointment, 993 Hook, R. W., degree, 1071 Hooker, A. L., leave of absence, 1106 Hooks, Patricia L., degree, 834 Hooser, R. L., degree, 143 Hoover, Alice M., resignation, 46 Hoover, Blanche C, degree, 1078 Hoover, Em Ellen S., degree, 148 Hoover, Mrs. Jeanette J., appointment, 887 Hoover, W. J., degree, 385 UNIVERSITY ( Hopkins, C. A., appointment, 407, 759 Hopkins, D. C, degree, 211 Hopkins, E. L., resignation, 701 Hopkins, Theresa M., degree, 1308 Hopper, D. F., degree, 1081 Hoppe*% Dorothie MT, fellowship, 257 Hopper, G. C., degree, 1288 Hopper, L. D., degree, 1079 Hopper, R. K., degree, 1071 Hoppner, J., painting, gift, 305 Hopson, Sarah M., degree, 1078 Horan, D. B., certificate, 365 Horberg, Barbara E., appointment, 922 Horder's Inc., gift, 973 Horger, J. C, appointment, 751, 992 Horii, S., appointment, 922 Horkay, A. T., degree, 142 resignation, 134 Horky, C. J., Jr., appointment, 758 Hormones, research, gift, 970 Horn, J., appointment, 34 Horn, Wendy J., degree, 633 Hornbeak, H. L., appointment, 325 Hornbeck, H. A., Jr., degree, 1288 Hornbeck, P. L., resignation, 821 Hornbrook, A. R., degree, 1288 Home, E. B., appointment, 117 Home, Edna J., degree, 842 Hornick, Patricia A., degree, 881 Hornyik, K., fellowship, 1225 Horowitz, R. N., degree, 1320 Horseradish, research, gift, 956, 957 Horseradish Growers of East St. Louis, gift, 956 Horticulture, advisory committee, 5, 680 appropriation, farm improvements, balance reappropriated, 778 prefabricated chambers, balance reappropriated, 85 gift, equipment, Henderson Manufacturing Co., 303 funds, Illinois State Florist Association, 300 research, Horseradish Growers of East St. Louis, 956 Gloeckner, F. C, Foundation, Inc., 955 Illinois Turfgrass Foundation, Inc., 295 National Association of Horseradish Packers, 957 purchase, fencing, 25 laboratory furniture, 280 nuclear sample changing and counting system, 1038 Horticulture Field Laboratory, appropriation, lighting improvements, 182 remodeling, 536 balance reappropriated, 779 funds, gift, 964 Hortik, H. T., degree, 385 Hortin, D. J., degree, 839 Horvath, Helen S., degree, 1066 Horve, L. A., degree, 1281 Horwich, A. S., certificate, 1100 Horwitt, M. K., appointment, 66, 753 Horwitz, L. J., degree, 1322 Horwitz, Olga, appointment, 805 Horwitz, S. J., degree, 1309 Hosek, J. J,, appointment, 76, 253 Hosken, Charlotte F., degree, 151 Hosken, Cynthia E., degree, 156 Hosken, D. S., degree, 629 Hosken, R. W., appointment, 1326 degree, 613 Hoskins, C. R., appointment, 339 Hospital and medical professional liability insurance, purchase, Health Services, 1255 Research and Educational Hospitals, 1255 Hospital beds, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 939 )F ILLINOIS 1451 Hospital equipment, purchase, Agency for International Development, 372 Research and Educational Hospitals, 22, 53, 242 Hospital Equipment Corp., purchase, 53, 1159 Hospital linens, Physical Plant Department, Medical Center, purchase, 99 Hospital-medical-surgical insurance, Chicago Undergraduate Division, plan, 535 contract, 689, 1247 fee, 689 Hospital overbed tables, McKinley Hospital, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 778 Hospital Pharmacy, purchase, dispensing system, 1256 Hospital Residence, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 781 Hosek, J. J., appointment, 764 Hosken, W. E., degree, 832 Hosier, C. F., Jr., degree, 828 Hosteny, R. P., degree, 1302 Hostetter, Patricia A., degree, 639 Hotchkiss, Susan E., degree, 627 Hotpack Corp., purchase, 714, 864 Hottinger, W. L., appointment, 335, 1000 Hott Memorial Center, appropriation, equipment, 1153 lease, 868 Hot water heating systems, research, contract, change, 105, 791 Houchens, A. F., degree, 391 fellowship, 42, 514, 1225 Houck, R. L., appointment, 887 Hough, J. L., resignation, 1020 Hough, R. A., degree, 1303 Hough, T. M., degree, 636 Houghton, Florence M., appointment, 805 Houkal, Joan A., degree, 1303 Houlihan, J. F., certificate, 61 Houmard, M. E., degree, 1313 House, Helen, appointment, 332 House, Helen M., degree, 215 House, J. E., appointment, 331 resignation, 665 House, J. E., Jr., appointment, 117 declination, 821 House, L. E., II, degree, 638 Householder, D. L., appointment, 117, 328 degree, 878 Houser, T. S., resignation, 46 House of Vision, purchase, 375 Houses, sectionalized, research, gift, 957 Housholder, J., degree, 609 Housing, charges, installment payment plan, 341 Graduate Student Residence Halls, third unit, loan agreement, 1046 revenue bonds, sale, 1046 Illinois Street Residence Halls, loan agreement, 218 revenue bonds, sale, 218 revenue bonds, printing, contract, 714 revenue bond funds, investment, 247, 248, 249, 250, 380, 473, 724, 794, 871, 1164, 1263 revenue bond resolutions, amendment to provide for facsimile signatures of Board members, 694 student, report, 251 women, property leased, 776 Housing and Home Finance Agency, loan, graduate student residence hall, agreement, 1046 application, 712 Illini Union, Chicago Circle, authorization, 544 Medical Center, application, 468 Illinois Street Residence Halls, agreement, 218 Medical Center housing facility, application, 468 1452 BOARD OF 1 Housing Division, Urbana, laundry service, Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls, 102 lease, Goodwin Avenue Apartments, 868 temporary housing, California Avenue, property at 107 West, 868 property at 1112 West, 868 Fifth Street, property at 1007 South, 868 purchase, benches, 594 blanchers, 25 bowls, 718 carpet, 1160 cash registers, 1258 china, 1124 delivery cabinets, 1207 doors, 718 draperies, 1207 extractors, 280 feed elevator, 25 food mixer and bowls, 1208 food warmers, 1208 furniture, 55, 56, 593, 594, 1124, 1156, 1160, 1206, 1258, 1259 inspection conveyer, 25 lamps, 1207, 1208 linens, 786, 1207 mattresses, 101, 350, 719, 1207 paint, 1258 pallet racks, 350 pillows, 1207 planting boxes, 718 refrigerators, 25, 594, 1161 roaster ovens, 1208 rugs, 56 salt, 597 silverware, 1207 stoves, 1161 sundry items for Snack Bar, 101 trays, 56 Housing projects, site design, study, contract, change, 1261 Houston, Marjorie, appointment, 117 Houy, J. D., degree, 1296 Hovde, Helen J., appointment, 1326 Hovey, C. J., Jr., lease, 790 Hovey, L. M., degree, 1305 Hovey, Sharon R., degree, 624 fellowship, 927 Howard, A. H., appointment, 340 leave of absence, 428 Howard, Barbara L., degree, 1290 Howard, C. P., bequest, 5 Howard, C. P., Estate, gift, 285, 946 Hownrd, Dr. H. C, Memorial Fund, gift, 285, 946 scholarships, rules, 5 Howa-d. Jane A., degree, 633 Howard, K. I., appointment, 1185 Howard, L. C, Jr., degree, 605 Howard, L. G., degree, 639 Howard, M. E., degree, 832 Howard, Mary H., appointment, 407 degree, 390 Howard, Sarah J., degree, 606 fellowsh p. 204 Howard, T. H., degree, 612 Howarter, D. R., degree, 1072 Howeedy, M. F. A. E. R., degree, 1277 Howell, J. D., degree, 636 Howell, II. 11., appointment, 334 declination, 739 Howell, Sharon W., degree, 1071 Howell, T. G., degree, 152 Howell Co., purchase, 281 Howland, J. P., degree, 641 lloyman, Annelis J., appointment, 1000 degree, 602 Hoyman, H. S., appointment, 995 Hoyme, J. T., degree, 838 Hoyne, A. L., appointment, 77 Hoyt, D. W., degree, 620 Hoyt, M. C, degree, 1303 Hoyt, R. A., degree, 621 fellowship, 659, 1225 Hrechko, A., Jr., degree, 1074 Hrejsa. A. F., degree, 1305 Hromiak, A. W., degree, 396 Hrouda, J. G., degree, 827 Hryekewicz, B. W., resignation, 897 Hsia, K. Y., fellowship, 1225 Hsiao, C. C. M., degree, 622 Hsiao, T. C. T., appointment, 34 degree, 1058 Hsieh, H. S., degree, 142 Hsieh, W. T., degree, 874 Hsu, C. C, degree, 1283 Hsu, H. T., degree, 142 Hsu, W. T., degree, 602 Hsuan, H. C. S., degree, 389 Huang, A. B., degree, 602 Huang, E. Y., resignation, 701 Huang. S. J., appointment, 805 Huang, S. S. L., degree, 389 Huang, Y. C, appointment, 441, 730 Hubbard. A. W., appointment, 335, 1000 leave of absence, 1110 Hubbard. Dorothy L., fellowship, 514 cancellation, 1020 Hubbard, Elizabeth A., degree, 141 Hubbard, F. L., degree, 632 Hubbard, H. L., degree, 153 Hubbard, J. L., Jr., appointment, 315, 759 Hubbard, R. E., degree, 834 Hubbard, W. SI., degree, 830 Hubbartt, R. H., degree. 1069 Hubbell. J. T., fellowship, 514 Hubble, R. II., appointment, 72, 759 Hubbs, J. A., degree, 1303 Hubele, R. K., degree, 394 Huber, F. M., degree, 1068 fellowship, 735 Huber, F. W., degree, 619 Huber, J. G., degree, 880 Huber. J. P., certificate, 1100 Huher, R. S., appointment. 507, 758 Huber, T L., appointment, 696 Huck, J. M., Jr., degree, 632 Hucko, Leila E.. degree, 1074 fellowship, 1334 Hudaverdi, E. F., degree, 604 Hudek. J. J., degree, 1079 Hudelson. R. R., Student Fund, gift, 949 Hudock, E.. degree, 609 Hudson. C. L., degree, 398 Hudson, E. A., degree, 607 Hudson, G. E., degree, 155 Hudson. J. C, degree, 637 Hudson, James L., degree, 395 Hudson, John L., appointment, 751 Hudson, J. \\\, degree, 396 Hudson, janette C, appointment, 887. 113" Hudson, P. K., appointment, 34, 329, 4/7, 992, 1326 Hudson, Patricia A., degree, 611 Hudson, R. E.. degree, 608, 1283 Hudson, Valerie F., fellowship, 894 Huegy, H. W., appointment, 997 Huehne, K. J., degree, 1291 Huelmer, D. R., degree, 1074 Huehner, Sheila S., degree, 1076 Huenerneier, G. R., degree, 1073 Huff, Sara J., degree, 629 Huff, T. L., degree, 631 Huff, W. S., Jr., certificate, 747 TTuffaker, D. C-, appointment, 1326 fellowship, 42 termination, 134 Huff Gymnasium, air conditioning, appropriation, 683 electric power service improvements, contract, 345 fencing for athletic fields, purchase, 57 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappro-priated, 85, 87 swimming pool improvements, engineering services, contract, 20 UNIVERSITY Huff!"an> James W., degree, 155 Huffman, John W., degree, 1078 Huffman- L. C, degree, 148 Huffman, W. J., appointment, 332, 995 Huffnagle, J. D., degree, 1059 fellowship, 514 Huffnagle, Madeline A., appointment, declination, 134 resignation, 701 Hugery, J. F., certificate, 1100 Huggins, R. W., appointment, 887 Hugh, J. R.. decree, 1070 Hughes, C. E.; degree, 1286 Hughes, Earl M., Civil Service Merit Board representative, 978 member of committees, 1098 Retirement System representative, 1098 Hughes, Earl Mulford, Jr., degree, 1288 Hughes, Jane M., degree, 138 Hughes, Jane R., degree, 398 Hughes, P. W., degree, 601 Hughes, R. C, degree, 214 Hughes, R. L., degree, 645 Hughes, \V. D., certificate, 747 ; Hughes, W. F., appointment, 73, 761 Hughes Aircraft Co., purchase, 100, 375, 866, 1257 Hughes Oil Co., purchase, 716 Huitema, R., appointment, 1217, 1327 resignation, 1340 Iluizenga, P. H., degree, 632 Hulfachor, R., degree, 615 Hulin. C. L., appointment, 117 Hull, Beth V., degree, 1290 Hull, E. G., degree, 614 Hull. Geriann H., degree, 624 Hull, J. IX, degree, 1071 Hull, K. L., degree, 142 Hull. T. F., degree, 1061 Hull, T. G., appointment, 78, 766 Hull, William Lavaldin, appointment, 333, 998 Hull, William Lee, degree, 143 Hull, VV. M., degree, 618 Hull House, restoration, architectural services, contract, 492 memorial fund, chairman, 727 report, 727 Hull House Association, gift, 290, 952 Hulse. .1. A., degree, 390 Hulse, W. L., degree. 401 [Tulsey, Mrs. Elizabeth, resignation, 46 IluUizer, R. 1., Jr., appointment, 198 declination, 134 resignation, 1340 Hult, R. E., appointment, 325 llultzen. L. S., appointment, 336, 887, 997, 1002 book, printing, 1206 Human Ecology Fund, gift, 294 Humanities, appropriation, laboratory equipment, balance reappropriated, 88 budget, summer session, 339, 1005 Humbert, P. V., degree, 645 Humbracht, L. L., degree. 1309 Humburg, H. H., degree, 1312 Hume. R. W.. degree, 142 Humiston-Keeling & Co., gift, 305, 967 Humm, Margie A., degree. 840 Hummel, F. A., degree, 1067 fellowship, 659 Humphrey, Jane E.. degree, 880 Humphrey, L. J., appointment, 82 Humphrey, N. R-. degree, 396 Humphrey, Reba A., degree, 1314 Humphreys, D. S., degree, 384 Humphreys, L. G., appointment, 34, 336, 1000 member of advisory committee, 850 Humphreys, R. L., appointment, 887 Humphreys, S.. degree, 604 Huncke, Mrs. Sheila C, resignation, 1340 Hundlehy, J., appointment, 441 Hundley, R. A., Jr., degree, 148 OF ILLINOIS 1453 Hundman, R. J., certificate, 365 Huneryager, S. G., degree, 383 Hung, H. S.. degree, 1280 Hung, H. W., degree. 830 Hung, W. T., degree. 142 Hung, Mrs. Winifred H,. appointment, 1137 Ilungerford. H. R., degree, 1288 llunn. R. D., degree, 1320 Hunsaker, N. C, appointment, 1151 Hunsley, J. R.. degree, 1303 Hunt, A. R., degree, 404 Hunt, C. F.t degree, 1071 Hunt. C. K., appointment. 652 Hunt. T. G., appointment, 805, 996 Hunt. J. M.. appointment, 34, 117, 805, 1327 Hunt, Lileen R., degree, 834 Hunt, M. D., certificate, 747 Hunt, P. A., Chemical Corp., purchase, 1126 Hunt, 1'. II., degree, 834 Hunt, R. L., degree, 1072 Hunt, R. S., appointment, 340 resignation, 665 Hunt. Susan D.. fellowship, 42 Hunt. W. A., degree, 635 Hunter, A. E., degree, 391 Hunter, I). J., resignation, 46 Hunter, Doris P., degree. 881 Hunter, G. H., leave of absence. 426 Hunter, H. L., appointment, 68, 755 Hunter, J. E., degree, 879, 1271 fellowship, 42 Hunter, Marilyn G., appointment, 730 Hunter, Naomi \V., appointment, 337, 1002 Hunter, Ronda F., appointment. 34 Hunter. W. R., fellowship, 1225 Hunt Foods & Industries. Inc., gift, 960 Hunt Foundation, gift, 301 Iluntington Laboratories, Inc., purchase, 1259 Huntley, D. \\\, degree. 629 Huntley. Margaret i\., degree, 1074 Ilunzicker, Heulah A., leave of absence, 1243 Hupfer, P. L., degree, 403 Huppert. I!., appointment, 533 Hurd, Diane K.', degree. 1308, 1314 Hurd, Martha C. degree, 388 Hurd. Susan K., degree. 1308 Hurelbrink. M. (;.." degree, 842 Ilurlbert. V. W.. lease. 790 Hurley, C. H., degree, 396, 1277 Hurley, O. L.. fellowship. 204. 660 Ilursh, Hester J.. degree, 1320 Hursh, L. M., appointment, 507 Hurst, 1). O., degree, 828 fellowship, 736 resignation, 1173 Hurst, Joyce A., degree, 1308 Hurst. R. A., degree, 636 Hurt. R. F., degree. 397, 1281 liurtig, M. R.. appointment, 180, 805 fellowship, 411 Hurwitz, Bernardine W., degree, 398 Hurwitz", R. L., degree, 1071 Iluscinan, R. C degree, 387 fellowship, 1334 Uuss. C. E., degree, 624, 629 Huss, Rebecca A., degree. 398 Hussey. F. L.. appointment, 81, 769 Hussey, H. H., appointment, 987 Hussey, Mary A., appointment, 330, 994 llussong, Gladys H.. degree. 148 Hussung. H. E., degree, 1313 Husteau, Margaret L., degree, 834 Hustedt. J. I)., degree, 1296 Huston, G. P., degree, 1288 Huston, R. L., degree, 1276 Huston, R. T.. degree, 640 Huszar, L. 0.. Jr., degree, 1292 Hutchings, V. Z., appointment, 82, 770 Hutchinson, D., appointment, 117, 407 resignation, 320 Hutchinson, D. L., degree, 1311 Hutchinson, J. W., resignation, 1232 Hutchison. R. IS., degree, 629 1454 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hutchison, R. L., degree, 398 Hutler, Frankee D., degree, 633 Hutner, M. A., degree, 1291 Hutson, P. L., fellowship, 514, 1140 Hutson, R. E., appointment, declination, 930 Hutton, R. S., appointment, 117 declination, 320 Hutton, W. H., Jr., appointment, 80S Hutzenlaub, R. E., degree, 1313 Huver, C. W., appointment, 64 Hwang, Q. S., degree, 610 Hwang, S. Y., degree, 389 Hyde, J. S., appointment, 765 Hyde, V. A., leave of absence, 426 cancellation, 741 Hydraulic press, Ceramic Engineering, purchase, 54 Hydraulics Research Laboratory, remodeling, appropriation, 369, 918 balance reappropriated, 780 Hydrocarbons, research, gift, 290, 953, 958 Hydrogen, research, gift, 298 Hygiene, titles of courses and staff, change, 1190 Hylander, W. L., degree, 643 Hyman, H. M., appointment, 266, 995 Hyman, T. S., degree, 1296 Hypertension, research, gift, 308, 309, 969 Hypodermic syringes and needles, Medical Center Stores, purchase, 494, 1256 Hypoglycemia, research, contract, change, 438, gift, 970 Hypothermia unit, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 241 Hyre Electric Co., contract, 543 Hy-Yield Fertilizer Co., purchase, 1124 Iandolo, J. J.t degree, 390 fellowship, 818 Iber, H. J., degree, 1081 Ibuki, K., appointment, 477, 1137 Ice Capades, Inc., contract, 1128 Icenogle, R. C, degree, 1309 Ice Rink, reroofing, contract, 431 resurfacing machine, appropriation, 238 purchase, 243 roof repairs, appropriation, 13 balance reappropriated, 780 Ice show, contract, 498 Ichikawa, Y., appointment, 1151 Ichimaru, S., appointment, 117, 1327 resignation, 479 Ida, M., appointment, 117 Ideal Heating Co., contract, 16, 52, 1120 Iden Manufacturing Co., Inc., purchase, 22 Identification cards, Security Office, purchase, 494 Ifram, A. F-, degree, 876 Iglitzen, N. J., appointment, 70, 756 Ignazito, M. D.. degree, 1293 Ihrig, Ann H., degree, 1269 I jams, K. F., appointment, 117 Ikeda, H., fellowship, 514 Iliff, Kathryn M., certificate, 747 Ilia, Marion L., degree, 829 Illel, J., appointment, 84 Illiac II, updating, labor and materials, contract, 864 Illi-Bus, contract, 13, 710 extension, 909 financing, 14 routes, expansion, 576 Illini Center, quarters in LaSalle Hotel, lease, 720 Illini Grove, maintained for recreational purposes, petition from Urbana-Champaign residents, 469 Illini Hall, sound room, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 780 Illini Linen Service, Inc., purchase, 595 Illini Supply, Inc., purchase, 1157, 1203 Illini Union, Chicago Circle, bonds, authorization, 544 printing, 590 Illini Union, cont'd sale, 544 signatures of Board members, 544 construction, contract, electrical, 572 food service equipment, 572 general, 572 addition, 1196 heating, refrigeration, and tempera. ture controls, 572 plumbing and fire protection, 572 ventilating and air conditioning 572 funds, investment, 870, 871, 917, 944 1017, 1041, 1130, 1263 loan agreement, authorization, 544 name, 1265 soil-bearing test service, contract, 714 Chicago Undergraduate Division, gift, equip. ment, anonymous donor, 312 Haffa, T., 312 Parker, N. A., 312 Medical Center, architectural services, contract, 347 financing, loan, application, 468 report, 727 revenue bonds, authorization, 468 legal services, 468 food service consultants, employment, 347 Urbana, addition, construction, contract, general, addition, 19, 347, 777 contract, landscaping, 17 funds, investment, 248, 250, 379, 473 723, 724, 725, 793, 871, 917, 944' 1017, 1041, 1042, 1130, 1164, 1214 revenue bonds, printing, contract, 714 dishwasher, repairs, 102 flooring, replacement, contract, 1161 food service areas, remodeling, engineering services, 853 gift, print of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial University Press, 304 interior decorating services, contract, "11 paperback book center, established, 688 parking lot, construction, contract, 59 purchase, book center equipment, 1039 bowling equipment, 719, 1161 carpets, 25, 718, 1125 cash registers, 719 china, 56 food handling equipment, 594 furniture. 26, 56, 718, 1039, 1125 linens, 102, 594 lockers, 350 radio paging system, 190 room status system, 56 salt, 597 television receivers, 190 remodeling, funds, 852 uniforms, rental, 595 Illini Window Co. Division, H. E. Moore & Co., purchase, 692 Illinois Agricultural Association, gift, 294, 956 Illinois Alumni News, printing, 494, 1157 Illinois & Midwest Lawn Co., gift. 303 Illinois Archaeological Survey, contract, change, 587, 791, 943 gift, 294, 956, 959 Illinois Association of Insurance Agents, gift, 285. 946, 956 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., agreement, rerouting conduit and cables on site of Civil Engineering Building, 685 closed-circuit television distribution system, rental, 89 contract, 89, 1028 easement, Chicago Circle, telephone lines, 795 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, 919 Sixth Street, parking lots in 800 block South, 88 intercity facilities, increase, authorization, 1197 Illinois Biological Monographs, printing, 589 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1455 Illinois Building Authority, Chicago Circle, architectural studies, 1042, 1114, 1115 Civil Engineering Building, construction 1042, 1119 land, sale by University, 1165 title transferred by University. 1118 lease, 1115 pauipment for buildings, funds, 1042 lease, 1115 sale, 1165 land, California Avenue, property at 1210 West, acquisition, 1089 Daniel Street, property at 509 East, purchase, 1344 future building sites, acquisition, 1042 lease, 1115 John Street, property at 507 East, purchase, 1235 property at 509 East, purchase, 1236 title transferred by University, Water Resources Building addition, 1043, 1116 Veterinary Medicine Clinic and Hospital, construction, 1042 Illinois Central Railroad, license agreement, construct and use driveway off Stadium Drive, 688 purchase, 590 Illinois Cities and Villages Municipal Problems Commission, gift, 303, 965 Illinois Citizens Education Committee, conference on junior college development, report, 107 Illinois Clay Manufacturers' Association, gift, 285 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, gift. 285, 947 Illinois Council on Education in Politics, gift, 956 Illinois Dairy Products Association, Inc., gift, 294 Illinois Dental Alumni Society of Ohio, gift, 311 Illinois Electric Cooperatives Association, gift, 956 Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, operation, agreement with State Department of Mental Health, 275 steam service, contract, 184 Illinois Farm Bureau Serum Association, gift, 294 Illinois Farm Electrification Council, gift, 294, 956 Illinois Farm Record Book, printing, 100 Illinois Farm Supply Co., gift, 294, 304, 947 Illinois Federal Land Bank Associations, gift, 284, 946 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, gift, 285, 305, 308, 947, 969, 971 Illinois Foundation Future Farmers of America, gift, 962 Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., gift, 950, 956 Illinois Health Improvement Association, gift, 947 Illinois Heart Association, gift, 295, 956, 960 Illinois Historical Survey, director, appointment, 1242 Illinois Journal of Mathematics, funds, gift, 299, 961 printing, 436 Illinois junior college development, conference, report, 107 Illinois Lawn Equipment, Inc., purchase, 1254 Illinois Liquid Fertilizer Association, gift, 295 Illinois Mining Institute, gift, 285, 947 Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, contract, remodeling, 432 stonework along ambulance drive, resetting, 432 tuckpointing, 93 Illinois Occupational Therapy Association, gift, 285 Illinois Power Co., contract, 280, 1028 gift, 294, 300, 956 purchase, 716 Illinois Production Credit Association, gift, 947 Illinois resources atlas, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 funds, gift, 300, 963 Illinois Savings & Loan League, gift, 299 Illinois Seed Producers Association, Inc., gift, 295 Illinois Society of Architects, gift, 948 Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, gift, 287 Illinois Solution Service, purchase, 433 Illinois State Academy of Science, gift, 299 Illinois State Board of Higher Education, biennial budget, recommendations, 360 master plan for higher education in Illinois, endorsement, 1098 meeting at University, 1175 reports of new programs, 194 University representative, 360, 1098 Illinois State Conference Building and Construction Trades, gift, 962 Illinois State Council of Machinists, gift, 301 Illinois State Department of Aeronautics, grant, airport improvements and acquisition of land, 1029 Illinois State Department of Agriculture, contract, 1162 gift, 303, 965 Illinois State Department of Conservation, contract, 1162 change, 105, 475, 721, 1260 gift, 303, 90S Illinois State Department of Mental Health, clinic site, transfer from University, 937 contract, 21, 244, 465, 867, 943 change, 21, 105, 438, 943 gift, 303, 312, 965, 973 operation of Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, agreement, 275 steam service, 1010 Illinois State Department of Public Safety, gift, 303, 965 Illinois State Department of Public Works and Buildings, Highway Division, contract, change, 192. 193, 791, 792 gift, 303, 965 lease, 572 Illinois State Department of Registration and Education, gift, 303 Illinois State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, gift, 303, 965 Illinois State Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, gift, 285, 947 Illinois state flag, gift, 304 Illinois State Florist Association, gift, 300 Illinois State Housing Board, gift, 303, 965 Illinois State Library, contract, change, 21 gift, 303, 965 Illinois State Natural History Survey, gift, research, American Cyanamid Co., 291, 953 Shell Chemical Corp., 297, 958 Velsicol Chemical Corp., 298, 960 purchase, automobiles, 437 station wagons, 437 trucks, 437 Illinois State Normal University, summer speech clinic, approved, 486 Illinois State Penitentiary at Pontiac, purchase, 782 Illinois State Public Aid Commission, gift, 303, 965 Illinois State Records Commission, contract, 586 Illinois State Superintendent of Public Instruction, contract, 1127 gift, 303, 965 1456 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Illinois State University, summer speech clinic, approved, 1191 Illinois State Water Survey, gift, research, Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association, 293, 954 Illinois Street, property at 1103 West, purchase, 348 property at 1105 West, purchase, 157, 348 property at 1103, 1105, 1109, 1110, 1111 West, use for parking lots, 158 property at 1109 West, acquisition, 29 property at 1111 West, purchase, 348 property at 1113 West, purchase, 703 property at 1116 West, remodeling, appropriation, 369 property at 1117 West, purchase, 1176 property at 1118 West, purchase, 348 Illinois Street Residence Halls, building units, names, 1263 construction, contract, electrical, 229 elevator, 229 food service equipment, 229 general, 229 addition, 777, 911 heating, piping, and refrigeration, 229 plumbing, 229 temperature control, 229 thermal insulation, 229 ventilating, 229 funds, investment, 379. 473, 723, 725, 793, 871, 917, 944, 1017, 1041, 1164, 1214, 1263 interior decorating services, contract, 711 loan agreement, 218 revenue bonds, sale, 218 sanitary and storm sewers, construction, contract, 541 purchase, beds, 1160 carpet, 1160 china, 1124 draperies, 1207 food mixer and bowls, 1208 food warmers, 1208 furniture, 1124, 1156, 1206, 1259 lamps, 1207, 1208 linens, 1207 mattresses, 1207 pillows, 1207 roaster ovens, 1208 Illinois Studies in Anthropology, printing, 594 Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, printing. 589 Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, printing, 589 Illinois Surgical Institute, remodeling, contract, electrical, 240 general, 240 heating, 240 laboratory equipment, 240 plumbing, 240 ventilating, 240 Illinois Teacher of Home Economics, printing, 100, 785 Illinois Turfgrass Foundation, Inc., gift, 295, 956 Illinois Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary, gift, 949 Illuminators, Agronomy, purchase, 1037 Illustration Studios, appropriation, equipment, 918 purchase, camera, 1013 graphic arts chemicals, 470 photographic chemicals, 470 photomicroscope, 783 Image amplifiers, purchase, Medicine, 589 Pediatrics, 493 Tmboden, Ann B., degree, 639 Imhof, Violet I., fellowship, 660 Imhulse, D. W., appointment, 805 Immergluck, A. M., degree, 646 Inayatullah, M., appointment, 70, 757 Incinerator, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, 1028 Incremona, J. H., degree, 608 fellowship, 660 India, teaching project, training for Peace Corps, contract, 21 technical advice and assistance, contract change, 352, 943, 1040 Indiana General Corp., Electronics Division purchase, 435 ' Indiana Limestone Institute, gift, 285 Indianapolis Machinery Co., Inc., purchase 1257 Indian Institute of Technology, teacher-training programs, contract, change, 381 Individual freedom, study, gift, 295, 957 Individualized education, study, contract, 4/5 change, 1211 Indreika, M. A., appointment, 70, 757 Inductotherm Corp., purchase, 1202 Industrial Administration, budget, summer session, 996 department established, 485 head of department, appointment, 485 Industrial Cork Co., Inc., purchase, 278 Industrial design program, funds, gift, 952 Industrial Education, appropriation, equipment, 238 balance reappropriated, 85 curricula, revisions, 8 purchase, electronic instrumentation laboratories, 1124 grinding machine, 373 Industrial Engineering, See Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Industrial Instruments Division, "Barber-Colman Co., purchase, 786, 1014 Industrial Minerals of Canada Limited, gift, 947 Infancy, psychosomatic differentiation, research, contract, change, 105, 943 gift, 312, 973 respiratory disease, research, gift, 969 Infants, premature, research, contract, change, 438 gift, 973 Infectious diseases, research, gift, 307, 970 Influenza, research, contract, change, 105 gift, 954 Information, communication, logic, and meaning, study, contract, 915 Information Engineering, department, established, 1187 Ingalls, K. L., appointment, 652 Ingels, J. R., contract, 370 Ingersoll-Rand Co., purchase, 589 Ingle, Caroline A., appointment, declination, 821 Ingle, J., appointment, 117 Ingle, L., appointment, 34 Ingram, W. T., degree, 402 Inhaber, H., appointment, 730 degree, 1067 Inhalation acrosals, study, gift, 309 Inhelder, L. D., certificate, 1100 Inland Insulation Co., contract, 184 Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc., gif 288, 950 Inman, F. P., Jr., appointment, 1084 fellowship, 1335 resignation, 1341 Inner rooms, Clinical Research Center, purchase, 495 Innes, R. J., appointment, 768 Inorganic structural adhesives, research, contract, change, 1129 Inouye, T., appointment, 66, 753 Inquiry training, study, contract, 104 Insecticides, research, contract, change, Ui' 498, 721, 1129 gift, 291, 297, 398, 953, 958, 960 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1457 Insects, control information, contract, change, 21 Inserting machine, Mailing Center, appropriation, 13 balance reappropriated, 779 University Press, purchase, 277 Inskeep, D. L., degree, 618 Inskip, F. R-, & Co., claim, additional compensation, settlement, 1112 contract, 16, 58, 488 Inskip Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning Co., contract, 909, 1248, 1249 Inspection conveyor, Housing Division, purchase, 25 Installment payment plan of fees, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 341 Medical Center, 341 Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers, contract, change, 105, 791 gift, 295, 956 Institute of Life Insurance, gift, 300, 962 Institute of Science and Technology, Great Lakes Research Division, purchase. 690 Institutional cooperation, study, gift, 293 Institutional Cooperation Committee, Far Eastern language institutes, 382 gift, 961 graduate student exchange program, 381 Instron Engineering Corp., purchase, 24, 350 Instructional Research, consolidation with Instructional Television, 1244 Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation Center, name, approved, 1245 Instructional Resources, director, appointment, 1244 established, 1244 Instructional Television, appropriation, 1153 balance reappropriated, 778 consolidation with Instructional Research, 1244 gift, funds, Purdue Research Foundation, 300, 962 purchase, equipment, 588 monitoring system, 588 tape recorder. 913 television equipment, 25 Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc., purchase, (.91 Instrumentation laboratories. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase. 435. 469 Instrument sterilizer. Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 1202 Insulating solids, research, contract, change, 193, 245, 916 Insulation work, Abbott Power Plant addition, contract, 94 Chicago Circle heating plant, contract, 544 contract, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building. 270. 1250 Illinois Street Residence Halls, contract, 229 utilities distribution system, extension, contract, 540, 541 Insurance, accident and sickness, University Extension, 1162 crime, Business Office, 942 foreign workmen's compensation and employers liability, Business Office, 1039 hospital and medical professional liability, Health Service. 1255 Research and Educational Hospitals, 1255 hospital-medical-surgical, 689, 1247 fee. 689 liability, Nuclear Engineering, 374, 942 Veterinary Medicine, 1255 Insurance Co. of North America, purchase, 1039 Insurance education, research, gift, 295 Insurance scholarships, gift, 285, 946 Intellectual development in early childhood, research, contract, 789 Intercommunication system, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 781 Intercultural Studies, Institute of Inc., gift, 960 Interferometer base and precision screw, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 496 Interior decorating services, contract, Illini Union, Urbana, 711 residence halls, 711 Interior Steel Equipment Co., purchase, 595, 867 Interior Steel Products Co., purchase, 1158 International activities, assistance through Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc., 1011 International Boiler Works Co., contract, extension of time for execution or termination, 264 International Business Machines Corp., gift, 288, 300, 301, 950, 964 lease, 53, 104, 245, 282, 351, 381, 438, 475, 587. 720, 790, 868, 915, 943, 1016, 1128, 1162, 1210 lease-purchase agreement, equipment for Digital Computer Laboratory, 693 purchase, 55, 189, 350, 374, 714, 716, 941, 1008, 1013, 1205 International College of Dentists, gift, 968 International Comparative Studies Center, established, 1245 funds, grant from Ford Foundation, 1011 International Education and Research in Accounting, Center for, established, 269 International Film Bureau, Inc., purchase, 1206 International Harvester Co.. lease, 104, 282, 381, 475, 587, 1040, 1128 purchase, 25, 351, 374, 436, 497, 714, 912, 915, 940, 942 International Harvester Foundation, gift, 963 International Ice Attractions, Inc., contract, 498 International Medical Instrument Corp., purchase, 496 International programs, funds, investments, 1163 Interpersonal and psychological adjustment of group members, study, contract, change, 193, 916 Interrante, L. V., degree, 1058 Interstate Wood Bank, Inc.. purchase, 495 Interstate Power Co., gift. 294, 956 Interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc., purchase, 434, 592, 1036, 1203 Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants, gift, 300 Interval timer, Civil Engineering, purchase, 041 Intramural Activities, Division of, name, approved, 1 82 Intravenous fluids. Pharmacy, purchase, 1203 Inventions, patents, policy, amendment, 460 Investments, policy, amendment, 460 procedure, amendment, 460 report, 245, 378, 472, 722, 793, 869, 916, 944. 1016, 1041, 1129. 1163. 1214, 1262 Invoice voucher forms. Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 280, 942 Inwood, Nancy M., degree, 395 Ionic aggregation, research, contract, 103 change, 721 Ionosphere, research, contract, 474, 498, 789, 943. 1128 change, 105, 791 lovinelli, R. W., degree, 401, 1069 Iowa, State University of. gift, 298, 959 Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co., gift, 294, 300, 956 Iowa State University, Midwest Plan Service, purchase, 469 1458 BOARD OF Ipco Hospital Supply Corp., purchase, 716 Ippensen, J. H., degree, 1320 Ireland, H. O., appointment, 34, 327, 990 Ireland, R. G., fellowship, 1335 Ireland, W. A., certificate, 1100 Ireneus, C, Jr., appointment, 82, 770 Irgens, R. L., appointment, 887 degree, 876 fellowship, 736 cancellation, 897 Irick, Janet L., degree, 619 Irigoyen, M. A., appointment, 73, 761 Irion, L. M., degree, 1288 Irish, D. V., degree, 153 Irons, E. N., appointment, 67, 754 Irons, L., member of advisory committee, 1025 Irradiated animals, study, gift, 307 Irradiated ciliates, study, contract, change, 587 Irradiated foods, bibliography, publication, contract, 1210 research, contract, 1210 change, 283, 352, 1211 Irradiation, effect on seeds and seedlings of Zea mays, research, contract, change, 1016 Irsay, R., Co., contract, 14, 857 Irvin, Lueva L., degree, 1306 Irving, A. K., degree, 647 Irving, E. R., appointment, 328, 993 Irwin, Joan E., appointment, 117 Irwin, Judith M., degree, 635 Isaacs, K. S., appointment, 1217 Isaacs, M. R., degree, 624 Isaacs, R. J., degree, 403 Isaacs, Thelma J., appointment, 922 Isaacson, E. K., appointment, 77, 765 Isackson, C. A., degree, 647 Isak, I., degree, 1292 Isbell, D. E., invention, income allocation, 668 Isbell, H., appointment, 78, 766 Isberg, Carol L. S., degree, 1313 Isel, Mary L., degree, 638 Isenberg, H., degree, 647 Isenberg, J. I., degree, 645 Iser, G., appointment, 74, 761 Ishida, T., appointment, 355 Ising, T. }., degree, 1062 Ismail, B. E. D. S., degree, 1059 Ismail, K. I., degree, 1291 Isoline, C. J., resignation, 206 Isom, W. M., degree, 838 Isotopes, purchase, Radiology, 493 Research and Educational Hospitals, 1201 Isotopes, Inc., contract, change, 282, 721 Israel, N. L., certificate, U00 degree, 402 Israel, P., appointment, 355, 767 Israelow, Abby H., degree, 634 Israelstam, Frances R., degree, 1078 Issa, A. I). M., degree, 880 fellowship, 514, 1225 Issen, Marion B., degree, 398 Istock, C. A., appointment, 1241 Itagaki, E., appointment, 1327 Italian, See Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Itatani, H., appointment, 805 Ito, R., degree, 210 ITT Cannon Electric, Inc., purchase, 1038 Ittel, G. R., degree, 878 ITT Industrial Products Division, purchase, 495 Ivanof, I. P., degree, 839 Ivener, M. A., degree, 1074 Ivens, Virginia, appointment, 198 Iversen, Audrey N., appointment, 652 degree, 138 Iversen, Pamela R., degree, 624 Iverson, H. E., tuckpointing, contract, 93 Iverson, H. Victoria, appointment, 180 Iverson, Shirley, L., fellowship, 1225 Ivey, Hilma J., degree, 604 Ivy, Carol A., degree, 1285 Ivy Cancer Research Foundation, gift, 308 Izard, R. F., degree, 404 Izen, R., certificate, 747 Izokaitis, J., degree, 627 ablinskey, K., degree, 396, 1279 ablokow, V. R., appointment, 76, 764 ach, E. T., degree, 643 ach, F. L. R., appointment, 507 ackman, W. C, appointment, 1005 ackobs, J. A., degree, 1305 invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 1147 Jackson, B. M., appointment, 988 Jackson, B. V., degree, 1292 Jackson, C. O., appointment, 1000 Jackson, Carole I., degree, 1306 Jackson, Carolyn S., degree, 881 Jackson, Catherine W., degree, 401 Jackson, D. D., book, printing, 471, 1125 leave of absence, 428 Jackson, D. E., degree, 636 Jackson, D. J., degree, 840 Jackson, D. K., appointment, 806 Jackson, D. M., leave of absence, 425 change, 823 Tackson, Gladys L. P., degree, 148 Jackson, H. C, II, degree, 394 Jackson, J. D., appointment, 34 leave of absence, 425 Jackson, J. F., appointment, 34, 696, 1327 Jackson, J. L., degree, 1068 Jackson, J. N., degree, 1080 Jackson, Marian J., appointment, 117 Jackson, Mildred R., appointment, 77, 765 Jackson, R. L., degree, 629 fellowship, 1019 resignation, 1341 Jackson, Susanne L., degree, 629 fellowship, 818 Jackson, T. R., appointment, 3, 1005 Jackson, W. V., resignation, 46 , ackson-Fotsch Co., purchase, 783 . acob, Juanita K., degree, 155 acob, Monique, appointment, 117, 806 acob, Patricia A., degree, 1296 acob, W. C, leave of absence, 424 .acobs, A. E., fellowship, 514 resignation, 1142 acobs, A. H., degree, 636 . acobs, E. L., degree, 1291 acobs, E. M., degree, 605 acobs, G. J., certificate, 365 acobs, H. L., appointment, 34 acobs, Hyma S., degree, 1299 Jacobs, J. T., appointment, 1327 degree, 1279 Jacobs, Joyce, degree, 633 Jacobs, Mary A. H., degree, 148 Jacobs, R. H., degree, 1081 Jacobs, T. R., degree, 1296 Jacobsen, G. G., degree, 1080 Jacobsen, J. C, degree, 214 Jacobson, A. S., appointment, 117, 652 Jacobson, Barbara I., degree, 1078 Jacobson, Dorothea J., degree, 626 Jacobson, E. A., degree, 1296 Jacobson, L. A., fellowship, 699, 1335 cancellation, 739 Jacobson, M. A., appointment, 80 termination, 320 Jacobson, M. M., degree, 399 Jacobson, P. A., degree, 1303 acobson, R. C, degree, 1305 acobson, R. D., certificate, 747 acobson, S. K., degree, 637, 1276 ' acoby, J. P., degree, 635 aeger, A. F. W., Jr., degree, 1313 , aeger, L. L., degree, 1317 , aeger, R. T., appointment, 1137 ] aenke, Lynn S., degree, 638 UNIVERSITY laenke, R. S., degree, 640 Taffe, VV. A., degree, 144 'Taffray, D. A., degree, 1314 fafri, A. N., degree, 389 Jager, J. L., certificate, 365 agiello, Georgiana, appointment, 1111 'agnow, L. V., degree, 637 'aniel, E., appointment, 994 ahn, D. M., degree, 618 ahn, F. J., degree, 1296 aicomo, R. J., certificate, 365 ain, A. P., present at meeting, 164 'ain, B. B., degree, 1281 ain, C. M., degree, 608 ' ain, Genevieve L., degree, 604 'ain, K. K., degree, 608 ain, M. K., degree, 142 ain, S. C, appointment, 533 akaitis, Joan M., degree, 1300 akawich, Joan J., degree, 1077 akel, H. J., Jr., degree, 1322 akle, K. R., degree, 1080 'akobovits, L. A., appointment, 34 akse, Mary A., degree, 1308 'akstys, Birute P., degree, 1316 fellowship, 257, 927 Jakstys, V. S., degree, 396 Takupcak, M. J., Jr., degree, 1307 Jambois, F. L., degree, 615 Jamdar, M. N., degree, 392 James, E., Jr., appointment, 253 James, J. A., appointment, 887 James, Jackie L., degree, 1309 Tames, Judson L., appointment, 730 James, R. D., degree, 396 James, T. G., degree, 1320 Jameson, A. K., degree, 600 Tamieson, R. A., appointment, 70, 757 Jamieson, R. W., appointment, 82, 770 Janado, II., degree, 1269 fellowship, 131 Janata, A. J., elected Secretary of Board, 420, 1096 report, meeting of Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, 250 signature, delegation, 422, 1097 See also Secretary of Board. J & D Supply Co., purchase, 1161 Jandera, A. L., certificate, 365 Jane, J. A., appointment, 407, 759 Janes, Madeline A., degree, 1308 Janes, R. W., appointment, 887 resignation, 1088 Janes, Shirley K., degree, 1310 Janitor carts, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1203 Janka, D. E., degree, 620 Jankovics, Esther M., degree, 607 lankowski, G. K., degree, 1079 Jankunis, F. J., degree, 825 Janosky, M. J., degree, 396 Janovsky, C. F., degree, 637 Jancwski, T. M., resignation, 206 Jansen, P. K., appointment, 806 fellowship, 514 Jansen, W. P., degree, 629 Janssen, M. L., degree, 1290 Janssen, Pearl Z., appointment, 328, 332 Janssens, Patricia A., degree, 1285 Janszyn, Mary J., degree, 1286 Januszko, D., appointment, 887 Janzen, P., degree, 614 Janzow, E. F., fellowship, 1225 Jao, R. L., fellowship, 736 Japanese beetle infestations, control by spore dust, research, contract, 692 Japanese trade unionists, consultive services, contract, 104 Jargon, J. R., degree, 400 Jarosch, H. S., appointment, 117 OF ILLINOIS 1459 Jarrell-Ash Co., purchase, 471, 591, 911 Jasch, Bonita V., degree, 1303 Jasinski, 1). R., degree, 645 fellowship, 257 . asnow, D., fellowship, 1335 asper, E. A., appointment, 117 avaheri, H., appointment, 922 . avinsky, I. M., degree, 402 . avion Helen L., degree, 834 . ay, F. P., Chemicals, Inc., purchase, 54, 787 ; aycox, E. R., appointment, 367 . aye, M., degree, 1269 ean, W. H., appointment, 806 . eanblanc, J. K., certificate, 1100 degree, 634 eantet, Colette, appointment, 75, 763 ebelian, R. C, degree, 403 , edele, D. G. leave of absence, 1106 edliczka, Zofia, appointment, 923 ED Products Co., purchase, 867 eep, Agency for International Development, purchase, 939 I efers, W. Q., fellowship, 1225 ; effers, B. N., degree, 1303 , effers, W. Q., degree, 1279 efferson, Louise M., degree, 876 efferson, T., Hall, name given to classroom building at Chicago Circle, 1265 Jefferson Stationers, Inc., purchase, 280, 719 Jeffress, E. C, degree, 617 Jeffris, R. D., certificate, 61 Jegla, T. C, appointment, 34 degree, 1061 Jelinek, Darlene M., degree, 148 Jelinek, J. D., degree, 402 ; elinek, L. J., degree, 1296 ellen, J., degree, 1072 . en, Linda C, fellowship, 894, 1335 . endras, M., degree, 395 . enkin, N. S., appointment, 79, 766 ' enkins, X). R., degree, 1288 . enkins, E. D., degree, 634 enkins, F. B.. appointment, 997 Jenkins, F. L., appointment, 117 '. enkins, F. M., appointment, 1241 enkins, H. P., appointment, 81, 770 ' enkins, J. L., Jr., degree, 1310 . enkins, J. W., appointment, 1327 . enkins, Mary D., degree, 636 t enkins, W. B., degree, 621 ' enkins, VV. I., degree, 398 enkins, W. R., degree, 834 Jenkinson, R. T. G., degree, 395, 1279 Jenks, D. J., degree, 1307 Jenks, R. D., appointment, 806 Jenks, Shirley A., degree, 842 Jenks, W. S., degree, 828 Jenne, W. C, appointment, 806 degree, 1061 Jennings, C. A., appointment, 652, 1169 Jennings, E. S., degree, 645 Jennings, G. F., degree, 620 Jennings, H. M., degree, 1306 Jennings, Judith R., degree, 1312 Jenny. J. A., degree, 1291 Jenny, Susan M., degree, 1296 Jensen, A. H., leave of absence, 1343 Jensen, B. A., degree, 1077 Jensen, Clara S., fellowship, 1335 Jensen, H. L., appointment, 70, 757 degree, 401 Jensen, H. P., Jr., appointment, 1084 ' ensen, J. A., degree, 637 ' ensen, J. M. L., appointment, 82, 770 ' ensen, J. W., appointment, 332, 996 ] ensen, JoAnn L., fellowship, 927 ~ ensen, Karen S-, degree, 1308 \ ensen, Lloyd, appointment, 407 Jensen, Louis, appointment, 79, 767 1 ensen, Lee C., degree, 404 ] ensen, Leland C, degree, 389 1460 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ensen, Margaret H., degree, 1283 ensen, R. A., degree, 834 ensen, R. R., degree, 1317 ensen, R. S., appointment, 337, 730, 1003 ensen, Virginia C., degree, 624 ent, M. N., degree, 1309 ent, Patricia P., degree, 1290 Jepson, Karen S., degree, 1078 Jermo, Betty L., appointment, 976 resignation, 1142 Jerng, W., degree, 1066 Jerome, D. L., appointment, 763 Jerrard, R. P., appointment, 34 Jersey, Carol A., degree, 624 Jersey Production Research Co., gift, 295, 962 Jerz, J. W., degree, 624 Jeskey, G. V., degree, 398 Jesse, J. G., degree, 1080 Jessop Steel Co., Steel Warehousing Division, purchase, 912 Jessup, \V. S., degree, 637 Jester, H. S., degree, 838 Jesunas, K. P.. degree, 647 Jeter, L. T., degree, 1076 Jetmore, C. N., Jr., degree, 150 Jetton, Marcia M., degree, 830 Jewel, \V. R., appointment, 83 Jewell, n. S., degree, 390 Jewell, \V. R., appointment, 771 Jewett, Ann $pD., resignation, 413 Jewett, R. A., appointment, 995 resignation, 1232 Jezek, G. J., degree, 397 jezisek, II. R., degree, 622 JFD Electronics Corp., antenna marketing, payment, 668 Jiambalvo, Margaret C, degree, 1322 Jimenez Quinones, P., degree, 600 Jinkins, R. E., degree, 645 Jirgenson, J. A,, degree, 636 Jirka, A. J., degree, 1320 Tirka, F. J., appointment, 81, 769 Jirovec, R. j,, certificate, 1100 degree, 1079 Tirsa, J. O., degree, 874 Jobaris, J. E,, degree, 146 Jobes, R. W., degree, 1274 fellowship, 660 Job placement, study, gift, 299, 960 Jobst, R, G., degree, 629 Jochum, Irmgard, degree, 607 Joda, Millie B., degree, 834 Jodon de Villeroche, G. A., degree, 840 Toerns Furniture Co., purchase, 1124, 1160, 1258 Joesten, JI. D., degree, 209 Joffe, Judith E., degree, 1308 Jogdeo, S. S., appointment, 180 resignation, 665 Joh, T, H., degree, 143 Johannsen, R. W., appointment, 266, 995 ohansen, C. E., fellowship, 736 ohn, E. P., degree, 1275 ohn, H. R., degree, 387 ohns, Audrey, degree, 154 ohns, M. H., degree, 142 ohns, R., memorial fund, gift, 310 ohnson, A. A., appointment, 337, 1003 ohnson, A. B., II, appointment, 315, 730 Johnson, Alan Harry, certificate, 1100 Johnson, Allen Harold, degree, 1303 Johnson, A. L., degree, 639 Tohnson, A. T., degree, 827 Johnson, E. C, Jr., degree, 1080 Johnson, B. L., degree, 1289 Johnson, B. M., degree, 1312 Johnson, B. R., fellowship, 514 Johnson, C. A., invention, patent rights, release, 1147 leave of absence, 1110 Johnson, C. D., degree, 1279 Johnson, Carl E., Jr., certificate, 61 Johnson, Charles E., appointment, 328, 993 declination, 521 leave of absence, 740 Johnson, Charles Eric, degree, 642, 1318 ohnson, C. H., degree, 825 ohnson, C. M., appointment, 707 ohnson, C. W., fellowship, 1225 ohnson, Carol A., degree, 1307 ohnson, Charlotte K., appointment, 441 ohnson, D. A., certificate, 986 ohnson, D. B., book, printing, 785 ohnson, D. C, degree, 620 ohnson, David E., degree, 1074 ohnson, Duane E., degree, 1072 Johnson, D. H., degree, 1062 Johnson, D. K., degree, 1315 Johnson, D. R., degree, 1309 Johnson, Darlene E., degree, 1313 Johnson, E. D., appointment, 1327 Johnson, E. G., Jr., degree, 1288 Johnson, Edith, degree, 831 Johnson, Ellen M., degree, 153 Johnson, Evelyn L., appointment, 477 degree, 611 Johnson, F., degree, 209 Johnson, F. E., degree, 148 Johnson, F. R., appointment, 82, 770 Johnson, F. S., appointment, 339 Johnson, Frances L., appointment, 337, 1002 Johnson, G. C, appointment, 76, 764 Johnson, G. D., degree, 395 Johnson, (Jail A., appointment, 999 Johnson, Gail B., degree, 633 Johnson, H., appointment, 117, 999 Johnson, H. IX, degree, 618 Johnson, H. F., degree, 621 Johnson, H. H., degree, 826 Johnson, Harold J., appointment, 198 Johnson, Herman J., appointment, 339, 1006 Johnson, H. M., appointment, 534 Johnson, H. P., degree, 400 Johnson, Helen, resignation, 134 Johnson, J. A., appointment, 992, 1327 degree, 1292 fellowship, 1335 Johnson, J. B., degree, 403 Johnson, J. C, degree, 1311 Johnson, J. D., degree, 615 Johnson, Jerry G., degree, 834 Johnson, John G., degree, 401 Johnson, J. L., certificate, 265 Tohnson, J, R., certificate, 61 Johnson, J. T., degree, 64S Johnson, Janet E., degree, 153 Tohnson, Janette L., degree, 639 Johnson, Jeanette M., gift, 308 Johnson, Joyce H., fellowship, 42, 818 Johnson, Judith A., degree, 400, 1286 fellowship, 204, 895 Johnson, Judith M., degree, 626 Johnson, K. E., resignation, 134 Johnson, K. H., degree, 403, 1272 Johnson, K. L-, certificate, 747 Johnson, Karen L., fellowship, 1335 Johnson, Kathryn A., degree, 1290 Johnson, L. D., certificate, 365 Johnson, L. G., degree, 1073 Johnson, Lila E., degree, 1299 Johnson, Louise H., degree, 605 Johnson, M. A., degree, 1296 Johnson, M. C, certificate, 61 Tohnson, M. D., degree, 624 Johnson, M. E., appointment, 78, 765 Johnson, M. G., degree, 1077 Johnson, M. R., degree, 1291 fellowship, 1225 Johnson, Margaret J., degree, 1308 Johnson, Margaret L., appointment, declination, 897 resignation, 665 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1461 !: Johnson, Marjorie J., degree, 143 'Johnson, Marlys Z., degree, 633 lohnson, Mary G., degree, 393 Johnson, Mary L., appointment, 330 Johnson, Mata-Marie $pD., degree, 143 lohnson, Mildred S., appointment, 534, 1169 'Johnson, N. A., degree, 834 Johnson, Nancy G., degree, 635 tohnson, Norma J., fellowship, 895 tohnson, O. B., degree, 604 tohnson, O. K., appointment, 315, 976 lohnson, P., appointment, 117, 806, 1327 Tohnson, P. C, member of advisory committee, 5, 680 Johnson, P. F., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, expiration of term, 1240 Johnson, P. L., degree, 398, 1272 Johnson, Patricia L. D., degree, 1077 Johnson, Penelope L., degree, 1075 Johnson, Richard A., degree, 621, 1309 Tohnson, Robert Ackerman, appointment, 1084, 1327 degree, 635 Tohnson, Robert Alan, certificate, 61 Tohnson, Ronald A., degree, 1315 Johnson, Robert C, appointment, 730 degree, 1269 fellowship, 515 Tohnson. Ronald C, degree, 1269 Juhnson, R. D., degree, 398 Johnson, Raymond E., degree, 1293 Tohnson, Robert Edward, Jr., degree, 1303 Johnson. Robert Eugene, leave of absence, 1109 Johnson, R. G., degree, 1309 lohnson, R. H., degree, 1291 Tohnson, R. L., degree, 637 Johnson, R. M., appointment, 806 fellowship, 319 resignation, 356 Johnson. R. R., degree. 1291 Johnson, R. T., fellowship, 514, 1225 Johnson, Richard V., degree, 837 Tohnson, Robert V., appointment, 75, 762 Johnson, Ronald V., degree, 405 lohnson, Rosalie Y., degree, 14K Johnson, S. W., degree. 214, 1268 Johnson, Sharon Ij., degree, 1081 lohnson, Sylvia M., degree, 626 Johnson. Terry A., degree, 1313 Johnson, Thomas A., degree, 1292, 1296 Tohnson, T. I)., degree, 608 Johnson, T. H., degree, 638 fellowship, 478 Johnson, T. \V., degree. 1065 Johnson, Theodora M., degree, 150 Johnson. Wayne A., certificate, 747 fellowship, 515 Johnson, Weldon A., appointment, 730, 806 Johnson, W. B., degree, 402, 1287 Johnson, W. C, Jr., degree, 146 Johnson, W. I)., degree, 1285 fellowship, 204 Johnson, W. G., degree, 622 Johnson, William H., appointment, 34 resignation, 46 Johnson, William Hilton, appointment, 331, 995 degree, 210 Johnson, W. M., appointment, 806 Johnson, W. N., degree, 642, 1318 Johnson, W. S., degree, 842 Johnson & Johnson, gift, 288 Johnson County, soil maps, purchase, 163 Johnson, Drake, & Piper, Inc., contract, 857, r 1192 Johnson Floor Co.. Inc., contract. 910 Johnson Service Co., contract, 857, 1120 purchase, 867 Johnsrud, O. H., degree, 620 Johnston, A., Ill, degree, 830 Johnston, Ann C, degree, 1308 Johnston, Jeannette L., degree, 637 Johnston, K. C, appointment, 75 Johnston, L. C, appointment, 69, 756 Johnston, Su Ann K., appointment, 118, 315 Johnston, W. A., elected member of Executive Committee, 421, 1096 member of committees, 1098 State Hoard of Higher Education representative, 360, 1098 Johnston, W. F., degree, 397 Johnstone, J. R., and Virginia L., property at 109 South Gregory Street, purchase, 348 Johnstone, W. T., appointment, 771 John Street, property at 507 East, purchase, 1235 property at 509 East, purchase, 1236 Johs, H., fellowship, 1225 Joiner, C. A., appointment, 652 Joiner, Karen M., degree, 1308 Joines, J. L., degree, 1291 Joints, riveted and bolted, study, contract, change, 587 Jokela, J. J., appointment, 806 degree, 599 Jolley, J. E., degree, 151 Jolls, K. R., degree, 388 Jolly, Arlene G., degree, 1308 Jonas, Jiri, fellowship, 818 Jonasson, Olga M., appointment, 83, 770 Jones, A. D., degree, 1290 Jones, A. K. G., fellowship, 660 resignation, 930 Jones, B. G., appointment, 806, 999 resignation, 665 Jones, C. G., degree, 1065 Jones, Charkon H., degree, 397 Jones, Clay H., Jr., appointment, 77, 765 Tones, C. T., degree, 1291 Jones, C. V.. degree, 1280 'ones, Caiolyn G., fellowship, 204 ones, Charlotte N., degree, 393 ones, I). K., degree, 645 Jones, Deborah A., degree, 878 Jones, Donna T., degree, 1308 Jones, E. C, Jr., appointment. 329, 477 Jones, E. E., degree, 214, 1268 Jones, Estelle S., degree, 629 Jones, F. M., appointment, 333 Jones, F. W., appointment, 68, 755 Jones, G. E., appointment, 1169 degree, 1281 Jones, G. N., appointment, 989 Jones, G. R., degree, 151 Jones, Gwen E., fellowship, 515, 1225 Jones, H. B., Division, Cinch Manufacturing Co., purchase, 470 Jones, J. K., degree, 640 Jones, James C, degree, 619 Tones, John C, appointment, 70, 7S7 Jones, j. I)., degree, 1296 Jones, Janice E., degree, 604 fellowship, 515, 1225 Jones, Jewel A., degree, 637 Jones, Joan M., appointment, declination, 134 Jones, K. A., fellowship, 1225 ones, Karen S., degree, 1321 ones, L. E., appointment, 1137 degree, 1303 Jones, Lethonee A. H., fellowship, 927 Jones, M., fellowship, 660, 1225 degree, 1062 Jones, Maureen L., degree, 148 Jones, N. T., degree, 154 Jones, P. E., degree, 843 Jones, P. G., appointment, 337, 1003 Jones, P. N., appointment, 69, 755 Jones, Robert A., resignation, 701 Jones, Roy A., degree, 1318 1: 1462 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jones, R. D., degree, 642, 1318 'ones, R. E., appointment, 118, 887 ones, R. H., fellowship, 1225 "ones, R. L., appointment, 118, 806 ones, Robert Maxwell, degree, 1073 ones, Robert Millard, appointment, 652 degree, 1271 fellowship, 42 resignation, 1088 ones, R. S., appointment, 181, 991 ones, R. T. degree, 834 ones, R. W., degree, 1312 ones, Rose M. K., degree, 1068 ones, S. T., resignation, 134 ones, Theodore A., appointment to Board of Trustees, 986 member of committees, 986, 1098 Jones, Thomas A., certificate, 532 Jones, T. M., degree, 1296 Jones, Virginia L., degree, 840 Jones, W. J., degree, 1318 Jones, W. S., degree, 1296 Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., gift, 288, 950 Jonish, J. E., degree, 398 Joorabschi, B., appointment, 78, 765 Joppa, R. M., degree, 384 Jordan, A. G., degree, 380 Jordan, B. E., degree, 1293 Jordan, 1). M,, appointment, 315, 767 resignation, 206 Jordan, D. R., degree, 400 Jordan, E. C, report, growth of the Department of Electrical Engineering, 1094 Jordan, H. A., degree, 209 Jordan, H. F., degree, 392 Jordan, J. W., fellowship, 515, 1225 Jordan, Judith N., degree, 1074 Jordan, Laura J., appointment, 118, 887 Jordan, Louise C, appointment, 887 Jordan, Moreen C, appointment, 339, 1005 resignation, 701 Jordan, P. W., degree, 1285 Jordan, W. E., Sr., degree, 834 Jordan, VV. R., appointment, 34, 118 degree, 141 Jordan Ministry of Agriculture, assistance and advice, contract, 867 Jorgensen, D. R., appointment, 441, 762 fellowship, 1086 Jorgensen, E. E., degree, 397 Jorgensen, P. C, fellowship, 1225 Jorstad, Donna J., degree, 624 Joselyn, G. B., appointment, 118, 806 Joseph, R. D., degree, 635 Josephson, C. H., degree, 1274 fellowship, 660 Josephson, Joan M., degree, 1285 Joshi, J. R., degree, 1064 Joshi, Mrs. Padmini T., appointment, 730 Joslin, R. J., degree, 146 Jouett, Minnie F., degree, 142 Jourgensen, R. E., degree, 1318 Journalism, budget, summer session, 332, 996 Journalism and Communications, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 curriculum, advertising, revision, 341 dean, report, programs in radio and television, 446 degrees conferred, 155, 217, 404, 637, 842, 1080, 1311 gift, funds, banquet, 300 Kappa Tau Alpha, 962 Readers Digest Association, 962 scholarship, Deuss, E., 284 Gannett, F. E., Newspaper Foundation, Inc., 946 Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicago, 285, 947 various donors, 948 Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, 286, 948 office space at 606 Vi East Green Street, lease, 776 Journal of English and Germanic Philobav printing, 589 Jovanovic, V., degree, 1293 owasky, W. E., degree, 621 oy, Daphne C. F., degree, 616 oyce, J. B., degree, 403, 1285 oyce, Mary C, degree, 148 oyce, Nancy E., fellowship, 818 oyce, Patricia E., degree, 1062 oynt, J. A., degree, 634 ozwiak, R. L., appointment, 328, 806, 993 degree, 1271 Juan, Cynthia S., degree, 874 Tuchheim, Frieda, appointment, 765 Jucius, Joyce A., degree, 624 Judy, H., member of advisory committee. 1025 Juergensmeyer, J. E., degree, 841 Julian, J. A., Co., contract, 431, 540, 1248 Julian, J. W., appointment, 34, 198 degree, 877 Julian, P. L., member of Citizens Committee 485 Juliano, A. L., degree, 1303 June, Marjorie, certificate, 1024 Jung, A., degree, 1300 Jung, C. W., degree, 144 Jung, E. A., degree, 389 Jung, R. W., fellowship, 660, 1335 Junge, Linda R., degree, 630 Jungmann, R. A., degree, 1273 Junior Academy of Science, funds, gift, 299. 961 Junior college development in Illinois, conference, report, 107 Junior Engineering Technical Society, funds, gift, 963 Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicago, gift, 285, 947 Junker, D. D., appointment, 198 resignation, 443 Junkins, A. L., degree, 635 Jurayj, M. N., appointment, 770 Jurich, J. G., degree, 210 Jurisch, P. M., degree, 647 Jurs, R. A., degree, 155 ursinic, Joan P., degree, 393 urvich, R. K., degree, 839 uska, Aldona A., appointment, 74, 761 ust, Anne E., degree, 1076 ustema, E. J., appointment, 73, 761 usten, J. M., degree, 395 Juster, Roberta L., degree, 1296 Justinger, H. L., certificate, 61 Juvet, R. S., Jr., leave of absence, 1108 Kabaker, S. S., degree, 1320 Kabaza, Z., degree, 1273 Kabbes, Sarah M., leave of absence, 428 Kabis, Z. M., degree, 825 Kabler, M. N., resignation, 134 Kabrisky, M., degree, 1269 Kachru, B. B., appointment, 923, 1137 Kaczkowski, H. R., appointment, 64, 329, 806. 992 Kaderavek, M. R., appointment, 334, 730 Kadikis, Ruta, degree, 1322 Kadlec, J. F., degree, 1310 Kadlec, Marian J., degree, 1308 Kafer, K., appointment, 534 Kafka, R. W., degree, 601 resignation, 821 Kagan, A. A., degree, 647 Kagan, D., appointment, 996 Kagan, G. I., degree, 1318 Kagan, Sandra L., degree, 624 Kaganiec, Irene G., appointment, 70, 7a6 Kahane, H. R., appointment, 997, 1001 Kahle, G. W., degree, 1281 fellowship, 699 Kahle, J. E., degree, 639 Kahle, J. F., degree, 1291 Kahler, D. T., appointment, 198 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1463 Kahn, A. R., appointment, 477, 763 Kahn, E., degree, 646 Kahn, Linda K., degree, 644 Kahn, Lois R., degree, 629 Kahn, Myra J,, degree, 1320 Kahn, K. M., degree, 637 Kahn, S. C, appointment, 73, 761 Kahn, S. M., appointment, 118, 253, 507 Kahn, W. J., appointment, 74, 887 fellowship, 660, 818 resignation, 1142 Kahn Brothers Co., purchase, 719, 1125 Kahne, S. J., appointment, 198 degree, 601 resignation, 665 Kahrl, L. A., degree, 647 Kain, D. D., degree, 150 Kaine, Linda R., degree, 624 Kaiser, D. A., fellowship, 699 Kaiser, D. E., appointment, 1327 degree, 600 Kaiser, G. D., appointment, 82, 770 Kaiser, G. V., degree, 1302 Kaiser, Gertrude E., leave of absence, 207 Kaiser, H. F., appointment, 888 declination, 897 leave of absence, 357, 978, 1107 Kaiser, H. S., Co., contract, 271, 572 Kaiser Jeep Corp., Government Products Division, purchase, 939 Kaiz, Gloria E., degree, 1299 Kakuda, Y., degree, 641 Kal, D. L., degree, 1081 Kaiaskie, F. R., degree, 1081 Kalb, Kathryn J., degree, 638 Kale, V. R., degree, 608 Kalemanoff, Karen S., degree, 1296 Kalim, M., degree, 622 Kalinowski, J. J., fellowship, 1225 Kalkowski, R. T., degree, 1074 Kallas, Bessie, degree, 1069 Kallen, N. II., degree, 1296 Kallick, Harlene H., degree, 1078 Kallos, Betty, degree, 637 Kalman, Ann H., degree, 637 Kalman, J. L., degree, 637 Kalomiris, E. G,, certificate, 747 Kalus, S. D., degree, 634 Kama, K. K., Jr., degree, 1285 Kamalvand, H., degree, 1291 Kamara, A., appointment, 315 declination, 930 Kamaske, A. W., degree, 153 Kamerer, J. J., degree, 1079 Kamille, Melissa R., degree, 636 Kamin, D. J., certificate, 747 Kaminski, B. E., degree, 1290 Kaminski, E. F., appointment, 253 Kaminski, Paulette J., degree, 403 Kaminsky, Muriel, fellowship, 736 Kamm, R. E., degree, 647 Kamman, J. F., leave of absence, 1110 Kammerer, Katherine J., degree, 1296 Kammler, D. A., degree, 1077 Kampe, D. F., resignation, 320 Kampschror, L. D., degree, 1306 Kampwirth, T. J. J., fellowship, 818 Kanarish, S. H., certificate, 747 degree, 634 Kanawaty, G. D., degree, 600 Kanazawa, Kay K., appointment, 1018 degree, 1270 Kanazawa, Y. N., degree, 615 Kane, G. L., degree, 877 Kane, J. P., Ill, degree, 624 Kane, W. A., certificate, 850 Kaney, A. R., fellowship, 442, 927 Kanhere, G. K., degree, 608 Kanost, H. S., degree, 620 Kano-Sueoka, T., degree, 602 Kansas City White Goods Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1122, 1207 Kansky, R. J., appointment, 118 degree, 139 Kant, K. J., degree, 1282 fellowship, 257 Kanter, A. E., degree, 1310 Kanter, Louise S., degree, 1321 Kanter, M. J., appointment, 1004 degree, 841 Kantor, M., appointment, 64 Kantor, P. P., degree, 1296 Kao, A. M., degree, 142 Kapche, R. W., appointment, 923 Kapik, Joyce A., degree, 1078 Kaplan, A. I., degree, 647 Kaplan, B. M., appointment, 69, 755 Kaplan, B. R., degree, 1079 Kaplan, Barbara P., degree, 1069 Kaplan, E., appointment, 69, 755 Kaplan, H. G., certificate, 365 degree, 155 Kaplan, H. H., fellowship. 1172 Kaplan, H. S., degree, 1303 Kaplan, J,, appointment, 74 Kaplan, J. B., appointment, 1327 Kaplan, J. M., degree, 645 Kaplan, Judith, degree, 1306 Kaplan, Judith M., degree, 624 Kaplan, L., fellowship, 515 Kaplan, M., appointment, 78, 766 Kaplan, M. H., degree, 404 Kaplan, M. I., certificate, 1100 Kaplan, M. R., degree, 629 Kaplan, P. H., degree, 1309 Kaplan, R. N., degree, 1309 Kaplan, Ronna E., degree, 1082 Kaplan, Shelley, degree, 398 Kapiin, L. D., gift, 972 Kapoor, A. L.j degree, 1280 Kapoor, K. C., degree, 1073 Kappa Alpha Theta, gift, 311, 972 Kappa Tau Alpha, gift, 300, 962 Kappauf, W. E., appointment, 730, 991 leave of absence, 1109 Kappel, J. L., degree, 1306 Kapule, Holly, degree, 631 fellowship, 895 Kapps, K. J., degree, 403 Kaptain, R. P., degree, 613 Kaptan, S., degree, 401 Karakashian, S. J., resignation, 134 Karamitsos, Mary A., memorial to, gift, 972 Karataylioglu, M. E., degree, 1287 Kardos, J. L., degree, 214 Karel, J., certificate, 747 Karger, W. J., degree, 619 Kargon, R. H., appointment, 1151 Karian, Z. A., degree, 1274 Karim Conrado, A., degree, 142 Karipides, A. G., fellowship, 515 Karjala, T>. S., appointment, 992, 1084, 1169 degree, 389 Karlberg, S. R., degree, 391 Karlenzig, E. W., certificate, 61 Karlin, A. D., degree, 1267 Karlin, M. W., degree, 1274 fellowship, 660 Karlin, S. D., degree, 647 Karling, F. G., degree, 837 Karlowich, R. A., leave of absence, 357, 667 Karlson, S. V., degree, 624 Karlstrom, P. E., appointment, 652 Karmeier, L. A., degree, 1306 Karn, E. M., degree, 1296 Karnatz, V. L., degree, 624 Karner, F. R., degree, 385 Karnes, G. A., degree, 1073 Karnes, M. R., appointment, 181, 407, 923, 1003 Karoll's, Inc., purchase, 99, 282, 786, 1207 Karon, R. L., degree, 1080 Karp, H., appointment, 334 Karpinski, R. W., appointment, 1006 1464 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Karr, E. F., degree, 394 Karraker, Charlotte K., degree, 1308 Karrels, R. J., degree, 1313 Karsh, B., leave of absence, 522 cancellation, 823 Kartman, R. A., degree, 622 Kartsounes, G. T., degree, 622 Kaske, Mrs. CaTol, appointment, 1169 Kaske, R. E., appointment, 118 leave of absence, 118, 522 resignation. 1341 Kasl, Carol A., degree, 1312 Kasnak, D. A., degree, 610 Kasnak, Karen B., degree, 633 Kaspar, J. J., degree, 621 Kasparek, Eva, degree, 1077 Kasper, G. W., degree, 1312 Kasper, Sharon A., degree, 1303 Kaspin, A., appointment, 1185 Kasprzycki, Mary A., degree, 1303 Kass, Corrine E., appointment, 118 Kass, Lorraine D., degree, 1303 Kassaian, J., degree, 1291 Kassel, P. A., degree, 621 Kassel, S. H., degree, 1320 fellowship, 927 Kassen, W. N., degree, 150 Kassriel, R. S., appointment, 70, 757 Kassube, Mary K., degree, 403 Kasten, Mary E., degree, 840 Kasten, R. J., certificate, 747 Kastler, D., appointment, 3 Kastning, Ingrid M., degree, 627 Kasuba, J. A., degree, 1271 Katague, D. B., appointment, 199, 507, 806, 923 degree, 1316 fellowship, 43 resignation, 897, 1174 Kataoka, R. M., degree, 1275 Kathan, R., appointment, 118 Kato. R. T., degree, 639 Katsaros, J. A., degree, 1076 Katsuyoshi, T. S., degree, 637, 1287 Kattner, H. A., degree, 618 Katz, A. E., degree, 1301 Katz, I). M., degree, 1313 Katz, D., appointment, 84, 772 Katz. Evelyn W., appointment, 888 Katz, J., fellowship, 1335 Katz, J. F., degree, 642, 643 Katz, J. I., appointment, 80, 768 Katz, James L., certificate, 1184 Katz, Jay L., degree, 1296 Katz, M. \\\, appointment, 652 Katz, S. H.. degree, 624 Katz-Masson, J., degree, 621, 1282 Kauf, R., appointment, 339 fellowship, 1172 Kauffman, Anna L., degree, 1299 Kauffman, F. C, fellowship, 257, 895 Kauffman, J. F., degree, 1279 Kauffman, K. K., degree, 1287 Kauffman, N. B., degree,. 1296 Kauffman, W. C., appomtment, 996 declination, 1088 resignation, 1341 Kauffmann, O. H., degree, 1309 Kaufman, A. D-, degree, 1309 Kaufman, Adele M., degree, 1286 Kaufman, C C, degree, 842 Kaufman, E. P., degree, 1286 Kaufman, J. E., degree, 628 Kaufman, L., degree, 403 Kaufman, Marguerite S., appointment, 652 Kaufman, R. V., fellowship, 736 Kaufmanis, K., appointment, 477 Kaufmann, M. R., degree, 619 Kaufmann, U. M., appointment, 993 fellowship, 411 Kaulfers, W. V., appointment, 328, 996 Kauth, W. A., certificate, 934 Kavanagh, Jean, appointment, 407 resignation, 821 Kavelman, T. S., degree, 618 Kavin, H., appointment, 730 Kavin, S. E., degree, 647 Kawatra, M. P., appointment, 1137 Kay, Joanne V., degree, 1290 Kay, Vernita M., appointment, 1185 Kaya, I)., degree, 1073 Kaye, B. M., appointment, 72, 760 Kaye, Virginia A., degree, 632 Kaye, S. A., degree, 826 Kaye, T. J., degree, 841 Kayman, Kaurryne L., degree, 646 Kayman, P. S., degree, 1309 Kayton, L., degree, 645 Kayvanshokouhi, M., degree, 1291 Kazanis, D-, degree, 1292 Kazda, J. G., degree, 402 Kearney, Kathleen M., degree, 1301 Kearney & Trecker Corp., gift, 295 purchase, 281 Kearns, C. W., appointment, 423 leave of absence, 1109 Kearns, E. D., degree, 398 Kearns, J. A., degree, 629 Kearns, J. J., appointment, 76, 764 Kearns, J. T., appointment, 1169 Kearns, T. J., degree, 1066 fellowship, 736 Kee, D. A., degree, 624 Keefe, Dorotha M.. degree, 1069 Keefe. J. M., degree. 1312 Keeffer, \V. R., degree, 154 Keeling, H. L., appointment, 84, 772 Keen, E. W., degree, 603 Keen, Maria, appointment, 441, 994 Keenan, W. F., degree, 396, 1279 Keener, C. A., appointment, 329, 992 Keener, R. L., degree, 1064 fellowship, 660, 1335 Keer. K. R., degree, 645 Kefalides, N. A., fellowship, 736 Kehe, R. R., degree, 1312 Kehnemuipur, A., degree, 608 Keil, M. C, degree, 1081 Keil Engineering Products, Inc., purchase, 436 Keim, Helen L., appointment, declination, 134 Keim, L. E., degree, 1291 Kein, E. R., degree, 405 Keio University, cooperative research and training program, funds, gift, 955 Keiser, P. R., degree, 834 Keister, O. R., Jr., degree, 1058 Keith, C. W., degree, 1076 Keith. G. S., appointment, 988 leave of absence, 1107 Keith, H. D., fellowship, 660, 1335 Keith, W. M.. appointment, 118 leave of absence, 1107 report, operation of Robert Allerton Park, 159 Kelin. N., degree, 1074 Kellam, S. G., appointment. 851 Kelleher, J. J., fellowship, 660, 1335 Keller. Barbara, degree, 1308 Keller, C. E., lease, 1128 Keller, Elizabeth, appointment, 77, 765 Keller, J. F., certificate, 986 Keller, K. B., appointment, 806 Keller, Naomi, appointment, 118 Keller, R. J., appointment, 118, 335, 1000 degree, 602 Keller, R. L., degree, 1314 Kellerhouse, L. E., Jr., appointment, 888 Kelley, A. E., degree, 647 Kelley, Cornelia P., appointment, 1327 Kelley, E. L., fellowship, 515 Kelley, Haze! R., degree, 633 Kelley, J. C, certificate. 365 Kelley, Karl C, degree, 832 UNIVERSITY Kelley, Kenneth C, degree, 637 Kelley, V. }., degree, 1296 Kellogg, Mrs. Isabel M., appointment, 64, 6S2 888 Kellogg, Kv appointment, 334, 730 Kellogg, M. W., Co. Summer Fellowships, Kellogg,' Kosalind W., fellowship, 1225 Kellogg, VV. K., Foundation, gift, 310, 971 Kelly, C. B., appointment, 253 Kelly, D- A., certificate, 61 Kelly, D. L-> degree, 152 Kelly, Delores L., degree, 146 Kelly, E. F., degree, 402 Kelly, E. L>i degree, 212 Kelly, Elizabeth K., appointment, 1084 Kelly, Frank B., Jr., appointment, 70, 757 Kelly, Frank B., Sr., appointment, 67, 754 Kelly, J. A., degree, 1311 Kelly, 1. K., Jr., degree, 1081 Kelly, j. R-> appointment, 118, 334, 459, 806, 1111 Kelly, J. T., Jr., degree, 1315 Kelly, Mary T., degree, 615 Kelly, Nancy J., degree, 647 Kelly, K. J., degree, 622 Kelly, T. J., fellowship, 660 Kelly, T. S-, certificate, 365 Kelly, W. F., degree, 826 Kelly, W. M., Jr., certificate, 747 Kelsey, Patricia A., resignation, 897 Keisey, K- L., degree, 645 Kelsheimer, T. R., certificate, 61 Keltner, Gerlina L., degree, 1071 Kelvinator Division, American Motors Sales Corp., purchase, 1161 Kemmerer, D. L., appointment, 327 leave of absence, 425 Kemmerer, E. W., degree, 624 Kemmerer, Roberta J., degree, 615 Kemp, C. L-, degree, 873 Kemp, E. L., resignation, 206 Kemp, J. S., appointment, 730 Kemp, M. K., fellowship, 1140 Kemp, Marilyn K., degree, 1314 Kemper, J. S., Co., purchase, 942 Kemper, Janet S., degree, 1078 Kempfer, P., degree, 1296 Kemple, M. D., fellowship, 1225 Kempton, L. V., appointment, 80, 768 Kendall, I!., degree, 1309 Kendall, Lorene G., degree, 835 Kendall, Sandra C, degree, 1308 Kendeigh, S. C, appointment, 34 Kendell, H. W., appointment, 78, 766 Kendrick, R. S., degree, 1281 Kendzior, Elizabeth A., degree, 631 Kenison, C. B., degree, 1291 Kenjarski, S., fellowship, 1335 Kenneally, P. J., degree, 624 Kenneaster, D. G., degree, 398 Kennecott Copper Corp., gift, 285, 947, 964 Kennedy, D. W., degree, 1315 Kennedy, E. D.. fellowship, 515 Kennedy, J. F., letter, civil rights problem, 726 tribute, 906 Kennedy, J. W., leave of absence, 426 Kennedy, K. R., degree, 1074 Kennedy, Jo L., degree, 631 Kennedy, Mable K., degree, 154 Kennedy. R. M., degree, 645 Kennedy, S. O., degree, 145 Kennedy, T. W., appointment, 118 Kennell, W. J., degree, 1320 Kenney, D. E., degree, 835 Kenney, Mary F., degree, 1069 Kenny, T. R., degree, 1303 Kenny, T. W., fellowship, 43 Kenny, Margaret A., fellowship, 660, 736 Kent, D. L., degree, 396 )F ILLINOIS 1465 Kent, J., degree, 138 Kent, Mrs. Joann G., appointment, 806 Kent, M. E., degree, 1073 Kenward, Ann, degree, 1285 Kenwell, J. M., appointment, 82, 770 Kenwick, A. N., appointment, 73, 761 Kepco, Inc., purchase, 278, 435 Kepler, J. S., fellowship, 515 resignation, 821 Kepley, Rebecca J., degree, 619 Kepner, Nancy J., degree, 633 Keppler, Mrs. Nancy L. O., appointment, 118, 888 degree, 610 Keranen, Dolores, appointment, 118, 888, 1005 Kerchenfaut, Carol M., degree, 1074 Kerchner, C. T., degree, 1287 Kerchner, Leanne B., degree, 401 Kerkhoff, L. T., degree, 1081 Kerley, Catherine E., degree, 1290 Kerley, G. I., fellowship, 818 Kermer, G. G., degree, 153 Kernan, J. B., degree, 209 Kerner, C. L., Jr., degree, 605 Kerner, O., letter, change in name of Assembly Hall, 974 Kern Instruments, Inc., purchase, 100 Kerous, F. J., degree, 1318 Kerpelman, L. C, appointment, 1084 Kerr, J. R., degree, 385 Kerr, W. D., appointment, 118 Kerr, W. K., degree, 1315 Kerravala, Z. J., degree, 1281 Kerschner, M. L., degree, 634 Kerst, Karlene, fellowship, 736 Kerste, D. L., degree, 645 fellowship, 411 Kerulis, L., degree, 1296 Kesler, C. E., appointment, 118, 337, 1003 Kesler, L. O., degree, 621 Kesler, R. L., appointment, 69, 756 Kesler, R. P., appointment, 923 Kesner, R. P., degree, 1274 Kesscl, H. A., degree, 1296 Kessel, R. H., degree, 1296 Kessel, W. H., & Co., purchase, 22, 53, 58, 99, 163, 188, 189, 190, 241, 375, 436, 495, 588, 783, 785, 862, 863, 913, 940, 941, 1037, 1204, 1256 Kessler, H., leave of absence, 1107 Kessler, J., certificate, 365 Kessler, J. E., degree, 634 fellowship, 1335 Kessler, Janice K., degree, 842 Kessler, R. L., certificate, 365 Kessler, R. T., degree, 1320 Kessler, Shirley A., degree, 1075 Kessler, W. J., degree, 631 Kessmann, R. W., degree, 1290 Kessner, D. M., appointment, 78 Kestler, E. J., certificate, 61 Kestnbaum, J. D., degree, 155 Ketchum, P. W., appointment, 997 leave of absence, 427, 1089 Ketelhut, Karlene M., degree, 1321 Ketosis, research, contract, change, 438, 1129 Kettering. C. F., Foundation, gift, 295, 300, 950, 962, 964 Keuffel & Essel Co., gift, 962 purchase, 100. 1158 Keune, R. V., fellowship, 1220 Kewaunee Manufacturing Co., contract, 91, 1195 purchase, 863 Kewaunee Technical Furniture Co., purchase, 280 Keyes, P. L., fellowship, 515 Keyes, S., leave of absence, 357 Keynan, A., appointment, 34 Key punches, lease, 245, 351, 438, 475, 587, 720, 943 1466 BOARD OF Keys, Barbara S., degree, 1303 Keyser, R. L., certificate, 1100 degree, 634, 1287 Khachaturian, N.f appointment, 327 leave of absence, 667 Khan, N. A., degree, 880 Khatib, H., degree, 1063 Khatoun, Y., degree, 1277 Khedroo, L. G., appointment, 66, 806 Khettry, A. K., degree, 384 Khorshid, A. M., degree, 621 Kiang, F. T., degree, 1284 Kias, T. N., Jr., degree, 1296 Kibler, V. A., resignation, 46 Kibourne, B. C, appointment, 769 Kidd, R. G., degree, 838 Kidde, W., & Co., Inc., purchase, 1122 Kidder, G., degree, 1276 Kiddoo, R. L., degree, 1309 Kidney Disease Foundation of Illinois, gift, 308 Kidneys, research, gift, 307, 968 Kidwell, Patricia M., degree, 835 Kieckhefer, Barbara J., degree, 873 fellowship, 660 Kiefer, M. L., degree, 1064 Kiehl, C. A., degree, 1079 Kielar, K. L., degree, 1072 Kieltyka, M. R., degree, 1285 Kiem, P. H., degree, 1278 Kien, G. A., appointment, 34 resignation, 134 Kien, M. R., degree, 637 Kienlen, R. A., degree, 1306 Kiergan, S. E., degree, 1282 fellowship, 660 Kiersch, R. L., degree, 1314 Kieserman, D. H., degree, 1275 appointment, 1137 Kiesler, D. J., appointment, 199 degree, 1061 Kieso, D. E., certificate, 61 degree, 383 resignation, 320 Kiewit, R. F., certificate, 532 Kilbourne, B. C, appointment, 81 Kilbride, B. J., appointment, 118 Kilbridge, T. St., appointment, 758 Kiley, R. J., appointment, 78, 765 Killby, Virginia A. A., fellowship, 515, 1225 resignation, 1341 Killey, D. S., degree, 618 KiUian, D. G., appointment, 730 Killian, J. J., Jr., degree, 1309 Killian, Marilyn E., fellowship, 515 KiUian, Pauletta L., appointment, 118, 199 resignation, 701 Killian, T. J., appointment, 652, 1137 Killip, D. E., appointment, 987, 1327 degree, 879 fellowship, 131 Killmer, P. S., appointment, 1003 Killpatrick, A., fellowship, 1225 Kilpatrick, T. E., degree, 1309 Kilpatrick, T. L., degree, 830 Kilroy, J. F., degree, 605 Kim, C. S., degree, 396, 1279 Kim, D., degree, 1066 Kim, D. H. J., degree, 1312 Kim, Mrs. Eun K., appointment, 806 Kim, G. A., degree, 1072 Kim, H. C, degree, 155 Kim, H. K., degree, 830 Kim, M. J., degree, 1279 Kim, O. K., degree, 1291 Kim, S. J., degree, 1282 Kim, Serena, appointment, 888, 1018 Kim, Sun C, fellowship, 43, 131 resignation, 443 Kim, T. J., fellowship, 1225 Kim, W. S., appointment, 253 Kimble, C. M., degree, 148 Kimbrough, J. A., appointment, 118 Kime, C. R., degree, 829 Kimmel, M. G., degree, 148 Kimmell, W., member of advisory committee 354 ' Kimrey, Patricia A., degree, 1299 Kimura, H., appointment, 35 resignation, 320 Kincaid, H. L., degree, 1278 Kincanon, T. A., certificate, 1102 Kindelsperger, R. D., appointment, 806 Kindle, L. J., degree, 393 Kindt, Ann L., degree, 1079 Kindt, T. J., fellowship, 699, 1335 Kindwall, R. D., certificate, 1100 Kinetics, research, contract, change, 1129 King, A. D., degree, 614 King, A. K., degree, 1322 King, Mrs. Collene B., appointment, 35, 327 990 King, D. E., degree, 155 King, G. C, degree, 624 King, I. R., appointment 315 leave of absence, change, 321 resignation, 1232 King, J. B., degree, 152 King, J. D., degree, 1306 King, Jeralyn J., degree, 627 King, Joan M., appointment, 751 King, L. S., appointment, 76, 763 gift, 973 King, Nancy C, degree, 148 King, R. F., Jr., degree, 1272 King, R. W., degree, 1288 King, T. B., degree, 383 King, T. C, appointment, 1241 Kingery, A. R., degree, 635 Kingery, R. A., appointment, 730, 1137 Kingon, P. G., degree, 604 Kingsolver, J. M., resignation, 207 Kinigstein, j., painting, gift, 304 Kinley Fund, investment, 870 Kinne, T. R., degree, 640 Kinney, Janet R., appointment, 68, 755 Kinney, P. T., appointment, 35, 652 Kinney Vacuum Division, New York Air Brake Co., purchase, 589 Kino, T., appointment, 507 Kinsella, J. M., degree, 1288 Kinsey, P. A., appointment, 118, 326, 1327 Kinstle, T. H., appointment, 316 degree, 600 Kintzel, Linda A., degree, 1290 Kinzie, M. D., appointment, 507 Kipperman, L. I., degree, 624 Kirby, A. C, fellowship, 515, 1225 Kirby, D. B., degree, 383 Kirby, E. M., II, degree, 832 Kirby, H. L., Jr., degree, 386 Kirby, J. S., degree, 1071 fellowship, 927 Kirby, R. M., degree, 1074 Kirby, W. J., appointment, 69, 756 Kirchner, Mary L., degree, 619 Kirk, Colleen J., appointment, 999 Kirk, D. E., appointment, 1327 fellowship, 1019 Kirk, Doris J., fellowship, 1335 Kirk, E. S., appointment, 316 Kirk, Penelope S., degree, 1306 Kirk, S. A., appointment, 181 leave of absence, 357, 1089 Kirk, W. F., degree, 1289 Kirkby, L. L., fellowship, 660 Kirkland, W. W., Jr., appointment, 69, 756 Kirkman, M. A., degree, 1276 Kirkpatrick, B. $$., appointment, 996 Kirkpatrick, T. B., Jr., degree, 1296 Kirkwood, B D., appointment, 806 Kirsch, J. M., degree, 1320 Kirsch, Judith E., appointment, 118 Kirsch, W. J., degree, 387 fellowship, 1225 Kirschbaum, Deanna C, degree, 619 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1467 k'irschenbaum, M. B., appointment, 976 Kirschke, J. C., degree, 1318 Kirsh, I. E., appointment, 81, 768 Kirsteins. A., appointment, 82, 770 Kirtley, J- M., degree, 1079 Kisala, Sandra L., degree, 1296 Riser, M. J., member of advisory committee, 5 Kishi, G., appointment, 1151 Kisinger, E. D., appointment, 326, 334, 999 leave of absence, 1107 Kisinger, W. D., degree, 639 Kistler Instrument Corp., gift, 966 Kistner, A. L., appointment, 118, 407 degree, 385 Kita, G. K., degree, 622 Kitchen equipment, Research and Educational Hospitals addition, remodeling, contract, 271 Kitson, J. W., appointment, 119 declination, 897 Kitt, W., appointment, 79 Kittaka, R. S., degree, 1060 Kitzmiller, J. B., status, change, 1186 Kivett & Myers & McCallum, gift, 287, 948 Klaas, Rosalind A., appointment, 340 leave of absence, 1110 Klage, Martha K., degree, 1299 Klain, Marcia E., degree, 1305 Klama, 1). J., fellowship, 699 Klanderman, B. H., degree, 600 Klaper, R. D., degree, 1296 Klapman, H. J., appointment, 888 Klapman, M. H., degree, 645 Klarman, W. L., degree, 211 Klassen, C. W., appointment, 80, 768 Klassen, F. H., appointment, 119, 328, 1137 degree, 210 Klassen, P. P., appointment, 340, 731 leave of absence, 428 resignation, 739 Klassen, W., appointment, 731 Klatt, M. J., appointment, 407 Klattenhoff, Mary L., degree, 393 fellowship, 204 Klaus, Barbara H., degree, 1299 Klaus, Kay M., degree, 633 Klaus, T. R., degree, 639 Klausman, H. M., degree, 155 Klavins, A., degree, 395 Klawans, A. H., appointment, 72, 759 Klay, D. A., degree, 155 Kleese, W. R., resignation, 1142 Klehm, C, member of advisory committee, 680 Klehm, R. G., degree, 1289 Klehr, H., appointment, 888 Kleidon, Lois J., degree, 1321 Kleiman, M. A., certificate, 747 Klein, C. E., certificate, 365 Klein, H. P., degree, 1076 Klein, J. P., degree, 639 Klein, K., appointment, 806, 1001 fellowship, 411 Klein, K. J., degree, 1273 Klein, K. L., degree, 634 Klein, M. J., degree, 1079 Klein, M. V., appointment, 119 Klein, Nancy J., degree, 624 Klein, R. G., degree, 632 Klein, R. L., degree, 610 Klein, R. M., degree, 384 Klein, R. W., degree, 152 Kleinaitis, A. P., degree, 1314 Kleinschmidt, R. D., degree, 637 Kleis, Mary K., degree, 624 Kleisner, Mary J., degree, 1308 Klemptner, Maxine S., degree, 633 Klesse, W. R., degree, 1276 fellowship, 319, 927 Khck, Catherine L., degree, 155 Klicka, J. K., degree, 211 Khegl Bros. Universal Electrical Stage Lighting Co., Inc., purchase, 472 Kher, Joanne N., degree, 633 Khewer, K. L., degree, 1060 Kline, Christiane J., degree, 828 fellowship, 515 resignation, 821 Kline, D. A., degree, 1296 Kline, I). R., fellowship, 895 Kline, I. K., appointment, 76, 507 Kline, J. P., degree, 397 Kline, Judith A., degree, 1296 Khne, T. S., appointment, 806 Khneman, E. E., gift, 311 Kling, A., appointment, 80, 768 Kling, B. B., appointment, 64 leave of absence, 1233 Kling, Paulette B., degree, 140 fellowship, 204 Klingbiel, R. T., degree, 1302 Klingebiel, D. L., degree, 1071 Klingel, M. A., degree, 1311 Klmgenberg, B. H., degree, 1071 Klingenberg, Sue S., degree, 1078 Khngman, L. M., degree, 637 Klink, W. A., degree, 1080 Klinke, J. W., degree, 1077 Klock, P. W., appointment, 507 degree, 601 Kloehm, J. S., gift, 311 Kloehm, S. J., gift, 311 Klopman, H. N., certificate, 1100 Klopsch, R. A., degree, 210 Klosowski, J. A., degree, 404 Kloss, T. E., degree, 394 Klot, S. E., fellowship, 1225 resignation, 1341 Kloubec, R. E., degree, 1301 Klow, G. J., degree, 1293 Klug, M. A., appointment, 731 Klumpner, G. H., appointment, 79, 767 Klus, J. A., degree, 1070 Klystron tube, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 1205 Kmiec, W. F-., degree, 643 Knable, C. R., degree, 1077 Knake, R. W., appointment, 35 degree, 879 Knapp, Alphia E., degree, 1271 Knapp, C. G., appointment, 328, 991 Knapp, D. E., certificate, 63 Knapp, Nancy L., degree, 156 Knapp, P. J., degree, 841 Knauerhaze, Lynne A., degree, 1299 Knaupp, J. E., degree, 1274 fellowship, 660 Knaupp, Shirley Q., degree, 1285 Knecht, CD., appointment, 1018 Knecht, Eva A., degree, 1078 Knecht, T. W., degree, 624 Kneer, Karleen A., degree, 1299 Knewitz, K. W., degree, 1318 Knickerbocker, Gail A., degree, 401 Knies, E. A., appointment, 119, 806 fellowship, 1335 Knight, Alva A., appointment, 67, 754 Knight, F. B., appointment, 751 Knight, Sara C, degree, 1308 Knight, T. IX, degree, 1292 Knight, W. S., degree, 403 Knight, Wanda J-, appointment, 119 Knilans, Myrna M. B., degree, 1285 Knilans, R. E., degree, 1069 Knipmeyer, Joy W., degree, 645 Kniskern, J., memorial fund, gift, 311 Knittle, R. C, degree, 396 Knives, forks, and spoons, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 377 Knoblock, Dolores E., appointment, 77, 765 Knock, Frances E., appointment, 82, 770 Knoebel, H. W., invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 231, 232 Knoedler, Eustachia D., degree, 646 Knoles, K. L., degree, 1070 1468 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Knoll, Elta W., appointment, 72, 759 Knoll, J. B., certificate, 1100 Knopp, J. A., fellowship, 442, 660, 1141 Knowles, L. G., degree, 829 Knox, D. I., degree, 647 Knox, J. C., degree, 1312 Knox, J. E., degree, 643 Knox, R. J., degree, 397 Knox, R. L., degree, 1312 Knudson, Bonnie C, appointment, 35 Knudson, C. A., appointment, 994 Knudson, D. W., degree, 156 Knuepfer, W. j., II, degree, 647 Knuppel, Mary S., degree, 619 Knuth, G. E., degree, 1072 Knuth, Nancy L., degree, 1299 Knutson, K. A., degree, 1306 Knutson, R. A., degree, 647 Knutson, W. D., property at 1111 West Illinois Street, purchase, 348 Knutstrorn, K, R., degree, 640 Kohak, A. J., appointment, 72, 759 Koban, C, appointment, 119 degree, 601 Kobayashi, M., appointment, 1327 Kober, Carole S., degree, 635 Kobes, D., degree, 1080 Kobes, P., degree, 1318 Koch, A. C., degree, 1303 Koch, Anita, appointment, 652 Koch, C. E., Jr., degree, 1284 Koch, D. D., degree, 643 Koch, Mrs. Eugene, gift, 285 Koch, Gerda E., appointment, 119 Koch, J. L., degree, 148 Koch, L. F., dismissal, letter from students, 445 request of Elizabeth Krohne to address the Board of Trustees, 445 University's action censured by American Association of University Professors, 499 Koch, Marcia T., degree, 629 Koch, R, H., degree, 1296 Koch, W. G., degree, 874 Kochenderfer, Nancy A., degree, 1296 Kochenderfer, Patsy E., degree, 1075 Kocher, Leona A., degree, 1279 Kochs, A., Scholarships, gift, 286, 289, 948, 952 Kodama, R. M., fellowship, 257, 818 Kodras, R., appointment, 680 degree, 640 resignation, 1142 Kodros, A. G-, appointment, 75, 763 Koebbeman, W. F., degree, 397 Koehler, Gretchen M., degree, 627 Koehler, J. S., appointment, 35 leave of absence, 1107 Koelling, A. C, appointment, 1217 Koelm, W. W., degree, 1073 Koenecke, Alice P., degree, 215 Koenig;, A. R., degree, 634 Koenig, D. F., degree, 1066 Koenig, M. T., degree, 1296 Koenig, R. C, appointment, 79, 767 Koenig, T. L., degree, 1314 Koenig, T. W., degree, 600 resignation, 665 Koeper, H. F., appointment, 1185 Koertge, H. H., appointment, 807 Koester, P. W., appointment, 652 Koester, R. D., degree, 1291 Koets, R. W., degree, 1081 Koetting, D. J., degree, 619 Koff, R. H., appointment, 79, 767 Koffarnus, Joan M., degree, 624 Kofman, S., appointment, 69, 756 Kogan, Carla K., degree, 632 Kohl, T. H., certificate, 747 Kohlmeyer, F., appointment, 731 Kohlmeyer, Helen B., appointment, 807 Kohn, Kate H., appointment, 78, 766 Kohout, G. J., degree, 621 Koik, Juta V., appointment, 199, 807 Koike, V. G., degree, 1291 Koivum, C. W., appointment, 758 Kokalis, S. G., degree, 209 Kokatnur, M. G., appointment, 731 Koker, A. D., degree, 394 Kokernot, R. H., appointment, 707 Kokjer, K. J., fellowship, 818 Kokkedee, J. J. J., appointment, 407 resignation, 1232 Kokkotakis, JN., degree, 145 Kokorudz, Y., appointment, 84 Kolas, Marlene V., degree, 1290 Kolarik, Donna P., degree, 216 Kolb, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 253, 888 Kolb, P., appointment, 994 Kolb, R. E., certificate, 1100 Kolb, R. P., degree, 1303 Koleno, R. J., degree, 835 Kolens, Carole M., degree, 1312 Koler, R. E., degree, 1287 Kolesar, P. M., degree, 621 Kolesnyk, P., appointment, 1084 Koleto, B. C., degree, 613 Kolis, Irene J., degree, 1308 Kolodenko, M-, degree, 629 Kolodziej, M. D., degree, 636 Kolodziej, R. J., degree, 620 Kolom, Margo H., degree, 1301 Kolp, Charlotte J., degree, 1296 Kolton, Marlene B., degree, 1296 Koltveit, J. M-, certificate, 1100 degree, 634 Komamiya, Y., appointment, 180, 807 Komatsu, R., fellowship, 1141 Komenetzky, J., degree, 216 Kominek, L. A., fellowship, 660, 818 Komiss, Patricia, degree, 1305 Komperda, Geraldine A., degree, 1071 Kona, Mrs. Martha, resignation, 739 Konecnik, K. M., degree, 636 Konie, T. C, degree, 641 Konitzkt, J. F., appointment, 119, 199, 807 Konjevich, N., degree, 642 Konneker, Carolyn M., degree, 393 Konrad, Constance A., degree, 154 Konrad, F. K., appointment, 477 degree, 400 Kontos, M. H., degree, 643 Kontos, S. E., degree, 1296 Konz, M. J., appointment, 35 degree, 209 Konz, S. A., degree, 1270 resignation, 1341 Koo, Regina S., degree, 830 Koob, J. D., fellowship, 660, 1225 Koob, Judith L., appointment, 199 Koontz, S. W., degree, 1311 Koop, J. V., fellowship, 660 Kooperman, Marlene B., degree, 1078 Koopman, R. F., fellowship, 131, 736 Koorajian, S., resignation, 46 Kopacz, W. J., degree, 1291 Kopaczyk, Krystyna C, degree, 210 Kopanoglu, H., degree, 1293 Kopay, Carol J., degree, 840 Kopczak, Bernadette K., degree, 624 Kopecky, F. J., degree, 1296 Kopecky, J. A., certificate, 747 Kopecky, R. L., degree, 396 Kopek, W. J., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 231 Kopel, Marjorie G., degree, 1285 Kopke, G. F., degree, 1301 Kopman, B., painting, gift, 966 Kopowski, P. M., certificate, 63 Kopp, J. V., degree, 1317 fellowship, 895 Kopp, Linda M., fellowship, 515, 660 Koppe, R., appointment, 423 UNIVERSITY Koppel, J- L-> appointment, 82, 770 Koppel, L. M., degree, 628 Koppers Co., Inc., gift, 287, 949 Koppers Student Loan Fund, gift, 287 Kopplin, J. O., appointment, 35 Koppman, J. W., degree, 603 Korbelik, J. J., degree, 1296 Kord, V. G., appointment, 989 declination, 1142 fellowship, 1172 leave of absence, 137 Korff, Florence K., contract, 711 Korich, D. G-, degree, 1077 Korn, R. J-, appointment, 68, 316 Kornacker, Mildred, appointment, 316, 696, 1007 resignation, 1341 Kornatz, H. A., certificate, 365 Kornet, M. J-, degree, 641 Korngiebel, J. R., degree, 622 Korpan, Barbara D., degree, 1075 Korsgard, C. E., Co., contract, 272 Korsower, A. J., fellowship, 927 Korst, H, H., appointment, 35 Kort, Marcella G., degree, 148 Korte Scholarships, gift, 286 Kortkamp, Patricia M., degree, 882 Kortum, W. F., degree, 1322 Korzen, W. J., appointment, 119 degree, 647 Kosanke. R. M., resignation, 479 Kosel, H. C, degree, 404 Koshkarian, H. A., degree, 1320 Koskinen, P. K., degree, 837 fellowship, 131 Kosmalla, N., appointment, declination, 898 Kosman, Mary E., appointment, 316 Kosner, Mildred A., degree, 629 Kosolsreth, N., degree, 1272 Kosova, L. A., appointment, 316, 758 Koss, R. S., certificate, 62 degree, 155 Kostelnicek, R. J., degree, 1291 fellowship, 1226 Kostelny, J. R., appointment, 73, 760 Koster, F. J., certificate, 62 degree. 617 Koster, Yvonne B., degree, 627 Kostner, Mary C, fellowship, 927 Kot, F. D., degree, 829 Kotecki, L. T., degree, 1314 Roller, Nancy K., appointment, 888 Kotrba, R. W., degree, 152 Kott, J. W., degree, 403 Kott, Nancy, appointment, 888 resignation, 1020 Kotter, J. H., degree, 620 Kotty, G. J., degree, 1309 Koubek, VV. J., degree, 615 Koucky, C. J., appointment, 82, 770 Koucky, F. L., appointment, 331, 995 Koucky, J. D., appointment, 81, 769 Kounas, D. A., fellowship, 1335 Kouskolekas, C, appointment, 807 degree, !059 resifiation, 1020 Kousoulis, A. L., degree, 1303 Koval, J. J degree, 1070 Kowal, R. A., appointment, 75, 763 Kowalczyk, S. J., degree, 396 Kowaleski, Sylvia R., degree, 629 Kowalewski, R. E., degree. 396 Kowalski, J. A., degree, 1081 Kowalski, T. T., degree, 839 Jowalski, R, R., degree, 397 Kowalski, Renee C, degree, 626 Koyama, K., degree, 1278 K$dGza, Joan L., degree, 843 Kozak, J. A., appointment. 83. 772 $pD$dGzak. M. J.. rertificate, 1100 Jwzicki. R. T.. appointment, 807 <wmj, Vera M.. appointment, 119 OF ILLINOIS 1469 Kozil, D. J., degree, 645 Kozina, G. R., degree, 1318 Kozinski, A. A., degree, 628 Kozlow, R.. D., appointment, 407, 923, 1084 Kozlowski, Helen S., appointment, declination, 1088 Kozy, K. R., degree, 629 Kraatz, J., appointment, 923, 976 Kraemer, Cheryl, memorial to, gift, 972 Kraft, J. A., degree, 396 Krahl, N. W., degree, 874 Krahn, G. O., degree, 618 Krajec, W. A., degree, 624 Krajewski, R. J., degree, 146 Krakauer, D. C, certificate, 1100 Krakora, R. J., degree, 403 Krakoski, R., degree, 403 Krakow, M. E., degree, 1077 Krakower, C. A., member of advisory committee, 706 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Krai, E. F., Jr., degree, 639 Krai, Katharine P., degree, 1082 Krai, T. J., degree, 1273 Krall, A. F., Construction Co., contract, 239, 539 Kramen, M, A., degree, 629 Kramer, Aaron J., degree, 1296 Kramer, Alex J., degree, 1318 Kramer, C. H., appointment, 80, 768 Kramer, C. R., degree, 841, 1283 Kramer, D. C, appointment, 1327 Kramer, Mrs. Elizabeth B., resignation, 46 Kramer, K. B., degree, 624 Kramer, L. B., certificate, 747 degree, 634 Kramer, L. J., degree, 608 Kramer, Lois J., degree, 398 Kramer, M. L., degree, 389 Kramer, P. F., degree, 620 Kramer, W. J., degree, 1296 Kramzar, Judith K., degree, 841 Kranch, Linda L., appointment, 1169 degree, 1277 fellowship, 204, 660 Krandel, Pauline, fellowship, 818 Krane, R. J., degree, 839 Krannert Art Museum, appropriation, night illumination, 1153 gift, art objects, American Academy of Arts and Letters, 966 Ford Foundation, 966 Sundheim, H. G., Jr., 967 Swanson, J. W., 967 drawings, Dean Juliette, 304 funds, Alpern Foundation, Inc., 961 anonymous donor, 961 University Foundation, 301, 962 paintings, Bocour, L., 304 Brown, H., 966 Bruno, P., 304 Chase, H., 966 Ford Foundation, 304, 966 Gaylord, Mr. and Mrs. C. R., 966 Gilman, M., 966 Goldstein, G. J., 305, 966 Moss, M. A., 305 Morcross, Mrs. Helen, 305 Roberts, Collete, 305 Schamterg, Mr. and Mrs. M. G., 967 Spertus, H., 305 Tucker, A.. Memorial, 305 prints and lithographs, Meyer, K. A., 305 sculpture, Greene. W. B., 305 purchase, photographic prints, 1202 stained glass window and panel, 789 Krantz, P., appointment, 35 fellowship. 1226 Kranz, A. H., degree, 1076 Krapff, W. D., degree, 396 Krashen, S. D., degree, 1296 1470 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kraska, J. R., fellowship, 1335 Krasnitz, R. H., degree, 397 Krasnow, E. S., appointment, 70, 756 Krasnow, S. E., appointment, 68, 755 Kratt, Mary C, degree, 1290 Kraus, J. P., degree, 1072 Krause, A. H., appointment, 1137 degree, 642, 1318 Krause, C. D., appointment, 72, 760 Krause, G. A., degree, 139 Krause, H. D., appointment, 534, 996 Krause, M. L., Jr., degree, 618 Krauss, D. E., appointment, 316, 407 Krausz, N. G. P., leave of absence, 1106 Krautkramer Ultrasonics, Inc., purchase, 913 Kravitz, H., appointment, 77, 765 Krawitz, Lynne S., degree, 403 Krcmar, Cecilia A., degree, 638 Kregzde, Jone J., degree, 155 Krehbiel, R. H., appointment, 888, 976 Kreider, G. F., degree, 1289 Kreider, S., fellowship, 1226 Kreidich, Lucy, degree, 1300 Kreier, J. P., degree, 212 Kreimeier, P. E., degree, 1072 Kreitner, G. L., degree, 631 Krell, C. VV., certificate, 62 degree, 150 Krelstein, M. J., degree, 624 Kremer, A. K., degree, 640 Krenovsky, J. J., degree, 395 Krenzke, Patricia A., degree, 392 Kresse, R. L., degree, 151 Kretschmer, V. L., report, student housing, 251 Kretschmer Corp., contract, change, 105 gift, 295, 956 Kretzmann, N., fellowship, 1172 leave of absence, 1174 Kreutzer, R. D., degree, 401 Kreutzjans, W. A., degree, 620 Krey, K. H., degree, 1291 Krieckhaus, E. E., degree, 212 resignation, 134 Krieger, G. W., degree, 1272 fellowship, 411, 927 Krieger, M. I., degree, 1320 Kries, P. F., certificate, 1100 Kriewall, J. A., degree, 1291 Krimmel, E. F., appointment, 1185 Krimmel, R. G., degree, 839 Krimmer, B. M., appointment, 74, 761 Kriozere, R. A., degree, 1313 Krishnamoorthy, R. V., appointment, 1169 Krishnamurthy, V., appointment, 507, 807 Krishnan, K, R., degree, 610 Kristy, W. J., appointment, 70, 757 Krizan, T. F., appointment, 507, 1137 Krober, M. S., appointment, 1084 Krockey, R. S., degree, 155 Kroeger, H. K., certificate, 747 Kroeger, H. S., degree, 637 Kroeger, K., resignation, 46 Kroes, R. S., degree, 832 Kroff, L. W., degree, 622 Kroft, A. E., degree, 645 Kroger Co., gift, 285, 947 Krogstad, Nancy La degree, 1078 Krohne, Elizabeth C., degree, 1296 request, address the Board of Trustees concerning the case of L. F. Koch, 445 Krohn-Hite Corp., purchase, 592 Krolick, E. J., appointment, 334, 999 Kroll, C. L., appointment, 67, 754 Kroll, L. R., degree, 634 Krol!, M., degree, 1320 Kroll, R. A., degree, 1314 Kron, Tamara, degree, 398 Krone, H. V., appointment, 807 Kronik, J. W., appointment, 534 fellowship, 1172 Kronthal, A., appointment, 923 Kroupa, E. A., degree, 1289 Krueck, Emily D., degree, 644 Krueger, B. F., degree, 619 Krueger, O. A., degree, 1277 Krug, A. D., degree, 1074 Krug, Karen R., degree, 1296 Krug, R. S., degree, 606 fellowship, 699 Kruger, Peggy, degree, 398 Krugly, M. A,, appointment, 765 Kruidenier, F. J., appointment, 35 Kruk, J., Jr., degree. 1072 Krukenberg, C. $pD., fellowship, 1335 Krule, J. B., degree, 1309 Krull, Karen E., degree, 611 Krumdick, O. L., degree, 1070 Krumin, D. K., degree, 156 Krumplis, V. L., degree, 637 Krupp, R. H., appointment, 355, 1006 Krupp, R. L., degree, 1309 Kruse, Charles M., degree, 1073 Kruse, Curt M., degree, 1071 Kruse, M. A., Jr., degree, 830 Kruse, T. E., degree, 1072 Kruse, U. E., appointment, 119 Krusemark, A. H., degree, 635 Kruski, A. W., degree, 1302 Kruus, J., appointment, 119 declination, 821 degree, 875 Kruze, J. J., degree, 396 Krysan, J. L., appointment, 35, 507, 1327 degree, 1279 fellowship, 1226 Krysinski, Joan L., degree, 1078 Krzemien, D. C, degree, 1079 Krzyzek, K. E., degree, 151 Ksander, G. A., degree, 398 Ksander, Margaret A., degree, 639 Kubacki, R. D., certificate, 1100 Kubacki, W. H., gift, 972 Kubala, R. J., degree, 1280 Kubicek, D. H., degree, 141 Kubik, W. F., degree, 624 Kubis, J. J., fellowship, 660 Kubitz, O. A., appointment, 1000 Kubitz, W. J., degree, 145 Kubota, M., appointment, 35 Kubota, Phyllis T., degree, 835 Kucera, P. E., degree, 1079 Kucharski, T. W., degree, 1287 Kuchuris, G. F., degree, 1291 Kucia, E. S-, degree, 634 Kudish, Claire D., degree, 1075 Kueber, D. W., certificate, 1100 Kueck, T. L., degree, 1292 Kuehl, Jean A., fellowship, 1226 Kuehn, A. C, degree, 1312 Kuehn, Elaine K., degree, 1062 fellowship, 515 resignation, 1088 Kuehne, H. W., degree, 1270 Kuenzel, C. A., appointment, 851 Kuenzi, N. J., degree, 605 fellowship, 699, 895, 1335 Kugisaki, H. N., degree, 1081 Kugler, A. A., degree, 613 resignation, 739 Kuhar, L. J., degree, 1310 Kuhfuss, W. J., member of advisory committee, 484 Kuhl, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 923 Kuhlemeyer, R. L., degree, 396 Kuhlman, Karen, degree, 1303 Kuhlman, R. F., degree, 1320 Kuhlman, R. H., degree, 647 Kuhlmann, K. H., degree, 1071 Kuhn, A. J., degree, 397 Kuhn, F. X., certificate, 2 Kuhn, Marcia S., degree, 606 Kuhn, R. A., degree, 402 Kuhne-Simmons Co., Inc., contract, 229, 488, 541, 542, 853, 1248, 1249 addition, 19, 777, 911, 1113, 1196, 1215 change, 52 Kuhonta, P. C, fellowship, 515, 699 Kuisel, R- F-. appointment, 534 i fellowship, 1172 Kukla, Joyce L., degree, 633 Kuklin, Maxine J., degree, 636 ] Kulak, R. F., degree, 1073 Kulandaiswamy, V. C, degree, 1268 ] Kulikauskas, E. J., degree, 396 ] Kulikauskas, Tamara P., degree, 1274 ] Kulis, J- C., appointment, 199, 355, 652, 807, 1 1084 Kull, D- H., degree, 1320 Kulla, J. P., fellowship, 1086 Kulosky, C gift, 310 971 Kulosky, M., memorial fund, gift, 310 Kulseng-Hansen, J. S., degree, 629 Kulviuskas, A., degree, 1291 Kumamoto, S. Y., degree, 643, 1318 Kumarich, D., appointment, 888 Kumler, Joan E., degree, 148 Kundrot, R. A., degree, 619 Rung, Mrs. Mary R. W., appointment, 696, 807 Kung, S. H. L., appointment, 1084 Kunkler, L. F., certificate, 1100 Kunz, D. G. J., degree, 1289 ] Kunze, Barbara A., degree, 1280 fellowship, 660 resignation, 1341 ] Kunztnann, R. V., degree, 619 Kuo, B., appointment, 329, 992 declination, 1174 Kuo, M. H., resignation, 46 Kuo, S. C, degree, 839 Kupcis, Ruta L., degree, 387 Kupfer, H. N., certificate, 747 Kupferschmid, T. E., degree, 618 Kupferschmidt, A., degree, 1073 Eupperman, D. S., appointment, 1327 degree, 1073 Kupperman, Phyllis P., fellowship, 895 Kuppermann, A., appointment, 35 resignation, 701 Kuppler, L. L., certificate, 365 Kurahasi, K., appointment, 1084 Kuretski, F. L., degree, 399 Kurinsky, R. J., degree, 1311 Kurs, L. N., appointment, 340 Kurstedt, H. A., Jr., degree, 831 Kurth, M. E., appointment, 75, 763 Kurth, S. A., degree, 1291 Kurtin, B. J., appointment, 338, 1004 Kurtz, C. N., degree, 610 Kurtzman, Roberta J., degree, 1312 Kurylak, Ludmilla, degree, 1303 Kurz, D. A., appointment, termination, 134 Kushinsky, A., certificate, 365 Kuslmer, S. J., degree, 1296 1 Kusner, T. J., degree, 839 Kussel, Carlotta, degree, 1289 1 Kuszewski, J. R., degree, 209 Kutcher, Judith L., degree, 1062 Kutchins, M. J., degree, 155 Kutscher, C. L., degree, 212 Kutscher, Irene C, degree, 140 Kutska, M. R., certificate, 365 Kutz, J. P., degree, 612 Kuwabara, R. K., degree, 1317 Kuypers, D. S-, degree, 1297 fellowship, 1226 Kuypers, N. R., degree, 404 1 Kuzas, K. J., degree, 1072 kuzel, Judith F., degree, 1280 1 Kuzminski, R. B., degree, 146 Kuznitsky, J. M., certificate, 1100 1 Kviklys, Ramune V., degree, 1297 Jvwok, L. A., degree, 643 %ger, D. L., degree, 842 1 Kyndberg, R. W., degree, 211 Kypta, L. S., appointment, 807 Msar, J. E., appointment, 119, 316, 888 1 Kyuno, E., appointment, 731 1 faane, Jaan, degree, 1302 1 UBach, W. A., appointment, 1327 1 DF ILLINOIS 1471 LaBach, W. A., cont'd degree, 387 fellowship, 660 Labanowich, S., appointment, 888 degree, 146 Laber, D., fellowship, 1226 Labisky, Martha H., degree, 402 Labko, H. B., certificate, 62 Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, advisory committee, 353, 1024 air conditioning, appropriation, 1112 contract, 1112 building and equipment, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85 gift, funds, Commonwealth Edison Co., 301 Illinois State Conference Building and Construction Trades, 962 Illinois State Council of Machinists, 301 Magnavox Foundation, Inc., 301 Union Starch & Refining Foundation, 302 research, Washington University, 299, 960 research and training program, Ford Foundation, 955 Labor and Industrial Relations Building, inspection by Board members, 251 landscaping, contract, 17 Laboratory equipment, appropriation, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 13 Pharmacy, 369 Research and Educational Hospitals, 369 contract, Civil Engineering Building, 1120 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 14, 91, 270, 1250 East Chemistry Building addition, 854 Education Building, 239 Illinois Surgical Institute, 240 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, 857 Research and Educational Hospitals, 1112 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 1195 purchase, Agency for International Development, 349, 436, 470, 1200, 1253 Agronomy, 862 Biological Chemistry, 99 Chemistry, Medical Center, 22 General Chemical Stores, 23, 54, 163, 243, 349, 372, 374, 717, 784, 866, 1038 Medical Center Stores, 375, 494, 863, 913, 940, 1157, 1203 Medicine, 53, 783, 863 Microbiology, Medical Center, 375, 940 Pharmacy, 714 Physics, Chicago Circle, 1253 Physiology, 940, 1255 Laboratory for Electronics, Inc., Automatic Signal Division, purchase, 54 Laboratory furniture, contract, Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 92, 685 Science and Engineering Laboratories, 528 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex addition, 538 purchase, Chicago Circle, 1158 Medical Center, 863 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 470, 942, 1039, 1127, 1209 Physics, Urbana, 717 Plant Pathology, 280 Laboratory Furniture Co., Inc., contract, 538, 685, 857, 1039, 1127 Laboratory gases, Urbana departments, purchase, 595 Laboratory glassware, purchase, General Chemical Stores, 243, 349, 372, 865 Medical Center Stores, 375 Laboratory glassware washer, purchase, Botany, 716 Veterinary Medicine, 785 Labquip Corp., purchase, 717 LaCava, J. P., degree, 635 Lacey, J. E., fellowship, 515, 1335 Lacey, R. L., degree, 1315 Lach, R. L., degree, 1072 1472 BOARD OF ' Lacina, C. D., degree, 1071 Lacka, F., Jr., degree, 827 Lackey, Martha A., degree, 627 Lackman, T. W., degree, 826 La Conta, J. R., degree, 1312 LaCost, J. K., degree, 152 Ladd, j. A., appointment, 119, 807 Ladd, R. G., fellowship, 515 Ladders, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1254 Ladecky, R. J., certificate, 1100 Ladley, Winifred C, appointment, 332, 997 Laechelt, R. L., degree, 619 LaFave, W. R., appointment, 996 fellowship, 411 Laff, C. R., certificate, 747 degree, 634 LaFlamme, Joan F., degree, 1306 LaFlamme, Sarah A., degree, 1308 LaFont, Frances M., appointment, 316 degree, 215 LaForte, Merrilin J., degree, 1075 Lafuse, H. G., resignation, 134 Lag Drug Co., gift, 305, 967 Lage, G., appointment, 79, 767 Lagerquist, D. R., fellowship, 515, 1226 Lageschulte, R. E., degree, 632 LaGoudes, B. E., appointment, 253, 1005 resignation, 1341 LaGow, Joyce B., appointment, 923 LaGow, R. L., appointment, 407, 1169 Lahey, J. M., appointment, 1327 fellowship, 356 Lahey, Judith G., degree, 1297 Lahr, G. M., Jr., degree, 835 Lahr, Mary R. D., degree, 835 Lai, C. Y., degree, 874 Lai, Eileen W., degree, 830 Lai, J. Y., degree, 1277 Laibly, L. W., degree, 1080 Lain, R. F., fellowship, 818 cancellation, 1020 Lain, W. Y., degree, 1072 Laing, G. H., appointment, 68, 755 Lainson, R. M., degree, 1318 Laird Norton Co., gift, 957 Laitinen, H. A,, appointment, 888 Laivinieks, G. J., degree, 1297 Laivinieks, Margaret S., degree, 633 Laker, H. I., appointment, 76, 763 Lai, M., degree, 385 Lam, J. W., degree, 629 Lam, Jennette, painting, gift, 305 Lam, Linda L. D., degree, 1297 Lam, W., drawing, gift, 967 Lamar, J. R., degree, 640 Lamar, W. A., appointment, 807, 994 LaMarca, D. D., degree, 1320 Lamb, E. R., member of advisory committee, 680 Lamb, J. A., degree, 1303 Lamb, J. H., Jr., degree, 874 Lamb, Mary L., degree, 617 LAMBDA Electronics Corp., purchase, 1204 Lambdin, P. E., degree, 404 Lambert, A. J., degree, 1279 Lambert, Charlotte L., appointment, 534 Lambert, H. H., degree, 1069 Lambert, J. E., degree, 831 Lambert, R. F., degree, 1277 Lambert, R. G., degree, 632 Lambert, R. J., appointment, 696 degree, 1058 Lambert, R. L., Jr., degree, 148 Lambert, W. J., degree, 1318 Lambin, H. J., appointment, 807 Lambird, Donna D., degree, 404 Lambrakis, Helen C, degree, 127S Lameka, N. A., degree, 624 Lamendella, J. A., certificate, 365 Lamiot, J. D., appointment, 1084 Lamkin, Bonnie G., degree, 626 Lamkin, Glenna H., appointment, 996 Lamme, Linda L., degree, 1077 KUbTlSJSS amoreux, Gretchen M., degree, 1308 .-amp, Letitia S., degree, 631 l*ampe, J. W., degree, 154 ampertius, R. C, degree, 638 -amps, purchase, Housing Division, Urbana 1207, 1208 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 281 596 -an, T. K., degree, 394 -anahan, R. J., degree, 1292 Lancaster, Nadja B., degree, 1077 ance, Marlene J., degree, 639 and, acquisition, funds, agreement with Illinois Building Authority, 1042 lease with Illinois Building Authority, Airport, property adjoining, acquisition, 1029 Alleys, vacation by city of Urbana, 901 Armory Avenue, property at 51 East, purchase, 414 property at 53 East, purchase, 414 Bondville, radio direction-finding project purchase, 901, 1144 California Avenue, property at 107 West, lease, 777, 868 property at 1101 West, purchase, 1176 property at 1112 West, lease, 777, 868 property at 1210 West, purchase, 1089 Carter-Pennell Farm, easement for electric power transmission lines, granted, 1251 Chalmers Street, property at 402 East, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 669 authorization, 415 purchase, 669 property at 404 East, purchase, 357 property at 406 East, purchase, 159 property at 408 East, purchase, 348 property at 510 East, purchase, 348 Chicago Circle, acquisition, 1092 contract, amendment, 467 easements, negotiations, authority, 467 transfer to and from Commonwealth Edison Co., 794 Civil Engineering Building, sale to Illinois Building Authority, 1165 title transferred to Illinois Building Authority, 1118 Congress Parkway area, lease, 572 Daniel Street, property at 409 East, purchase, 669 property at 411 East, purchase, 448 property at 507 East, purchase, 348 property at 509 East, purchase, 1344 property at 603 East, acquisition, authorization, 902 property at 603 and 605 East, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 980 settlement, 1235 purchase, 1236 Dixon, lease, 868 Fifth Street, property at 905-9051/2 South, lease, 191 purchase, 348 property at 907 South, purchase, 348 property at 909-909 Vi South, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 450 purchase, 524 property at 911 South, purchase, 448 property at 912 South, purchase, 1344 property at 1007 South, lease, 777, 868, 1128 Firemanship Training College site, annexation by Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, 491 Freeman Farm, gift, request for return, 232 Goodwin Avenue, property at 205 South, purchase, 980 property at 408 South, purchase, 348 property at 508 South, purchase, 1176 UNIVERSITY Land, cont'd Goodwin Avenue Apartments, lease, 868 Green Street, property at 601, 603, and 605 East, lease, 1128 property at 606yi East, lease, 776, 1128 property at 611 and 613 East, lease, 776 1128 property at 907 West, purchase, 348 property at 1001 West, purchase, 348 property at 1009 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, 26 purchase, 348 Gregory Street, property at 107 South, purchase, 157, 348 property at 109 South, purchase, 157, 348 Hott Memorial Center, lease, 868 Illinois Street, property at 1103 West, purchase, 348 property at 1105 West, purchase, 157, 348 property at 1109 West, acquisition, 29 property at 1111 West, purchase, 348 property at 1113 West, purchase, 703 property at 1117 West, purchase, 1176 property at 1118 West, purchase, 348 John Street, property at 507 East, purchase, property at 509 East, purchase, 1236 LaSalle County, acquisition, authorization, 902 purchase, 983 leases, renewal, policy, 572 Lincoln Avenue, property at 807 South, remodeling, appropriation, balance reap-propriated, 780 Lincolnshire Drive, property at 1014, lease, 51, 282, 790 Locust Street, property at 1104-1106 South, purchase, 414 Main Street, property at 1102-A West, lease, 868 property at 1305 West, purchase, 451 property at 1307 West, purchase, 481 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, lease to Foundation, 855 Mathews Avenue, houses at 606 and 6O6V2 South, moving, 536 Mental Health Clinic, annexation by Ur-bana-Champaign Sanitary District, 491 transfer to state, 937 Navy Pier building, lease, 868 Navy Pier Drill Hall, lease, 868 Nevada Street, property at 907 West, purchase, 358 Oak Street, property at 1013 South, purchase, 348 Ohio Street, space at 43 East, lease, 491 Oregon Street, property at 1114 West, purchase, 524 property at 1206 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 673 action rescinded, 741 purchase, 741 property at 1208 West, purchase, 230 Race Street, property at 129 North, lease, 868 Robert AHerton Park, adjoining property, acquisition, funds, gift, 301 Romine Street, property at 106 North, purchase, 348 property at 204 North, purchase, 157, 348 property at 206 North, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 703 authorization, 449 purchase, 703 property at 208 North, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 844 authorization, 481 purchase, 844 OF ILLINOIS 1473 Land, cont'd Springfield Avenue to Main Street, vacation by city of Urbana, 901 Sixth Street, property at 704 South, lease, 1128 Springfield Avenue, property at 26 East, lease, 18, 868 property at 1103 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 671 settlement, 1090 property at 1103Vz West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 672 settlement, 1091 property at 1105 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 1090 authorization, 844 purchase, 1090 property at 1107 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 1345 property at 1109 West, purchase, 1093 property at 1111 West, purchase, 230 property at 1113 West, purchase, 230 property at 1304 West, purchase, 348 property at 1306 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 981 settlement, 1235 settlement offer rejected, 1092 purchase, 1235 property at 1308 West, purchase, 357 Stoughton Street, property at 1301 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 1144 negotiations, authorization, 1146 property at 1302 West, purchase, 448 property at 1303 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 675 settlement, 1091 property at 1304 Weot, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 669 settlement, 1091 property at 1305 West, purchase, 348 property at 1306 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 524 settlement, 1092 property at 1308 West, purchase, 348 property at 1310 West, purchase, 525 Romine Street to Mathews Avenue, vacation by city of Urbana, 901 Water Resources Building addition, title transferred to Illinois Building Authority, 1043, 1116 Wright Street, property at 627V4 South, lease, 868 property at 707-709 South, lease, 868 Land, Vera F. C, appointment, 119, 407, 888, 1005 Landau, W., appointment, 72, 759 Lander, H. B., appointment, 77, 765 Landes, R. C, fellowship, 258 Landgrebe, T. A., degree, 209 Landherr, E. J., degree, 1320 Landin, J., appointment, 119 Landis, Martha, resignation, 739 Landis, P. J., degree, 400 Landon, D. E., fellowship, 1335 Landon, Mary M., degree, 611 Landowski, R. R., degree, 1079 Landry, J. P. F., appointment, 652 Landscape architect, consulting, contract, renewal, 777 Landscape architecture, See City Planning and Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture. 1474 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Landscaping, contract, Assembly Hall, 370 Burnsides Research Laboratory, 370 Chicago Circle, 528 Commerce and Business Administration West, 1027 Education Building, 1027 Health Center, 370 Illini Union addition, 17 Labor and Industrial Relations Building, 17 Orchard Downs, 1027 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls, 17 Physical Plant Service Building, 370 Physics Building, 685 Student Services Building, 17 Urbana campus, long-range development, consulting services, 97 Landsea, Karen L., degree, 1077 Landsea, W. F., degree, 1279 Landsittel, D. L., certificate, 1100 Landsman, Helen, degree, 629 Landstrom, D. L., fellowship, 699 Landy, A. H., fellowship, 204, 895 Landy, Harriet M., degree, 624 Lane, A. L., degree, 608 fellowship, 515 Lane, G. H., certificate, 1100 Lane, Glenda M., degree, 1321 Lane, Harold R., degree, 1303 Lane, Harry R., degree, 839 Lane, T. M., gift, 285 Lane, Lorinne F., degree, 400 Lang, Linda J., degree, 1297 Lang, M., appointment, 652 Langacker, R. W., degree, 624, 1273 Langdale-Smith, R., appointment, 119 Langdon, M. J., degree, 1311 Langdon, Michel, degree, 1071 Lange, C. F., appointment, 66, 753 Lange, D. L., degree, 1306 Lange, Karlynn R., degree, 840 Lange, R. G., degree, 391 Langebartel, R, G., appointment, 333 declination, 665 Langenfeld, R. L., degree, 835 Langenheim, R. L., appointment, 35 Langer, Carole, degree, 1308 Langer, J. A., appointment, 407 Langford, Mildred A., degree, 842 Langhaar, H. L., appointment, 337 declination, 413 Langholf, Lynette E., degree, 1075 Langley, B. L., degree, 395 Langmuir, I., Collection, gift, 303 Langner, E. H., fellowship, 515, 1226 Langsjoen, R. J., appointment, 1084, 1185 declination, 1088 Langston, B. D., degree, 139 Langston, Genevieve R., appointment, 1327 degree, 1059 Langston, H. T., appointment, 81, 769 Language Laboratory, appropriation, equipment, 369 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 remodeling, 369 purchase, duplicator, 715 equipment, 494, 1125 Language-study materials for Peace Corps, release to author, 193 Lanham, Caroline C, degree, 1082 Lanier, D. L., degree, 1280 Lanier, L. H., Jr., degree, 1060 Lanier, W. W., Jr., degree, 1267 fellowship, 515 Lankard, D. R., appointment, 1137 Lannin, J., degree, 1067 Lanoux, S., appointment, 119 Lansbury, P. T., appointment, 807 Lansford, C. L., degree, 624 Lansford, W. M., appointment, 337, 1003 Lansing, K. M., appointment, 328, 807 leave of absence, 459 Lantz, R. F., degree, 153 Lanyon, Carmen M., resignation, 443 Lanyon, P. D., resignation, 821 La Page, V. Q., member of advisory committee, 1024 Lapcharoen, K., degree, 1066 LaPietra, W. A., degree, 1314 Lapin, H. I., certificate, 365 Lapin, M. L., degree, 632 Lapine, Janice D., degree, 1297 Lapine, Joan D., degree, 1312 LaPine Scientific Co., purchase, 375, 783 861, 863, 1037, 1038, 1253 Laping, H., degree, 396 LaPorta, M., degree, 643 Laprevotte, G., appointment, 1241 Laprevotte, Noelle, appointment, 1241 Large Animal Clinic, painting, appropriation, 369 Larimore, R. M., degree, 1297 Lark, R. G., fellowship, 258 Larkin, J. D., member of advisory committee, 354 Larkin, M. E., degree, 621 LaRose, R. B., certificate, 1239 Larrance, La Verne R-, appointment, 807 Larsen, C. W., degree, 389 Larsen, H. K., degree, 140 Larsen, J. R., Jr., appointment, 751 Larsen, Judy D., degree, 1305 Larsen, P. W., degree, 396 Larsen, R. E., degree, 634 Larsen, R. T., appointment, 71, 758 Larson, A. H., degree, 1081 Larson, A. J., appointment, 1327 degree, 1268 Larson, A. K., degree, 1314 Larson, B. G., degree, 1075 Larson, B. O., appointment, 477, 807 Larson, B. T., degree, 1080 Larson, C. M., appointment, 339, 696, 1005 resignation, 666 Larson, C. S., appointment, 119 fellowship, 660 Larson, D. F., degree, 835 Larson, D. L., fellowship, 515 Larson, G. E., degree, 624 Larson, G. L., degree, 875 Larson, G. N., certificate, 62 Larson, J. H., degree, 843 Larson, Janet A., degree, 1308 Larson, M. H., degree, 647 Larson, Myra J., fellowship, 1226 Larson, P. A., degree, 1309 Larson, P. L., degree, 396 Larson, R. A., fellowship, 1335 Larson, R. E., degree, 152 Larson, R. L., degree, 210 Larson, S. E., degree, 1318 Larson, Vivian P., appointment, 35 Larson, W. D., degree, 1318 Larsson, L. G., degree, 624 Laryea, Jemima U., fellowship, 660 LaSalle County, farmland, acquisition, authorization, 902 purchase, 983 LaSalle County State's Attorney, contract, 104, 867 LaSalle Hotel, quarters for Illini Center, lease, 104, 720 LaSalle-Madison Hotel Co., lease, 104, 720 LaSalle Steel Foundation, Inc., gift, 311 Laschober, R. R., appointment, 119, 407 Laser system, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 277 Lash, A. F., appointment, 72, 759 Lash, B. W., degree, 615 Lash, E. D., degree, 1060 Lash, Terryl A., degree, 148 Lasher, S., leave of absence, 1234 Lashof, Joyce C, appointment, 78, 766 Lask, Angela Z., degree, 153 Lasko, A. H., degree, 1322 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1475 Laskowski, C. W., degree, 624 LaSpina, P. A., degree, 645 Lasslo, A., appointment, declination, 739 Last, J. H., appointment, 68, 755 Laster, Nina L., degree, 835 Lathes, purchase, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1159 Digital Computer Laboratory, 1257 Electrical Engineering, 787 Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Engineering, 470 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 783 Physics, Urbana, 279, 592, 785 Lathrap, D. W., appointment, 1137 Lathrop, Dorothy C., leave of absence, 137 Lathrop, J. F,, appointment, 407 Lathrope, D. E., appointment, 35, 119 leave of absence, 667, 1110 cancellation, 414 Latin-American Studies Center, expansion, grant from Ford Foundation, 1011 Latko, R. J., degree, 622 fellowship, 515 Latshaw. Miriam A., degree, 605 Latta, Carla H.t appointment, 923 Latta, T. M., appointment, 1327 degree, 1268 fellowship, 661 Lau, A. Y. F., degree, 1072 Lau, Bonnie A., degree, 841 Lau, K. Y., degree, 1303 Lau. W. E., resignation, 46 Laubscher, H. P., appointment, 340 Lauer, J. A., degree, 401 Laugharn, L. E., degree, 393 Laughhunn, D. j., appointment, 696, 996 degree, 617 Laughlin, E. J., fellowship, 515 Laughlin, M. P., Jr., degree, 1071 Laughnan, J. R., appointment, 35, 368 Laundry building. Medical Center, electrical service, agreement, 93 Laundry Dryer & Equipment Co., Inc., purchase, 280 Laundry hamper bags, Physical Plant Department, Medical Center, purchase, 22 Laundry service, contract, Housing Division, Urbana, 102 Physical Education, Chicago LTndergradu-ate Division, 493 Urbana departments, 595 T-aurenson, J. G., degree, 622 1-aurenzo, F. E., degree, 878 Laurenzo, Gail D., degree, 153 Laursen, R. A., fellowship, 442, 1141 Lauterbach Memorial Fellowship, gift, 289, 951 Lavatelli, Anna H., degree, 1066 Lavatelli, L. S., appointment, 119, 477 Laveau, L. J., certificate, 1100 LaVelle, Faith W., appointment, 253, 731 Laven, H., appointment, 64 Laverty, J. C, appointment, 316 Lavieri, V. A., appointment, 72, 760 Lavin, L. M., degree, 148 Lavin, Mary F., degree, 148 Lavite, J. P., degree, 1075 Law, A. D., Jr., degree, 1272 Law, D. W., degree, 640 Law, College of, admission requirements, change, 1243 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 budget, summer session, 332, 996 degrees conferred, 154, 401, 631, 841, 1078, 1306 fees, deposit requirement, 1007 gift, loan fund, University Foundation, 949 research, National Council of Legal Clinics, 957 Law Forum, printing, 592 Law Building, auditorium renovation, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 sprinkler system, contract, 1009 Lawder, Jane E., degree, 148 Lawder, Sue A., fellowship, 131, 443 resignation, 444, 739 Law Forum, printing, 592 Lawler, T. R., degree, 1297 Lawless, C. P., degree, 629 Lawless, P. F., degree, 634 Lawn mower, gift. Horticulture, 303 Plant Pathology, 303 Lawn sprinkler system, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 1126 Lawrence, A. G., appointment, 82 resignation, 320 Lawrence, A. H., degree, 1309 Lawrence, C. A., degree, 403 Lawrence, C. H., appointment, 69, 756 Lawrence, D. K., degree, 1066 Lawrence, Katherine B., degree, 633 Lawrence, L. H., appointment, 807, 1002 degree, 826 Lawrence, Lee H., degree, 1280 Lawrence, M. R., certificate, 62 Lawrence, S. C, degree, 1297 Lawrence, Sandra L., fellowship, 699 Lawrence, T. M., certificate, 1101 Lawrence, \V. R.; appointment, 83, 770 Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, purchase, 865, 1039 Lawrenceville Garden Club, gift, 295 Laws, C. E., degree, 615 Lawson, Donna H., degree, 145 Lawson, K. D., degree, 1303 Lawson, N. C, degree, 632 Lawson, R. E., degree, 835 Lawter, O. R., degree, 398 Lawton, Irene, fellowship, 258, 736 Lawton, P. W., degree, 394 lawton, S. E., appointment, 81, 769 Lawwill. T., appointment, 441, 762 Laxen, R. G., degree, 637, 1276 fellowship, 515 Layer, E. J., degree, 1072 Layton, L. L., appointment, 119 resignation, 444 Lazar, J., degree, 1075 Lazar, Nancy J., degree, 1308 Lazar, R. O., appointment, 119 Lazar, Susan P. S., degree, 644 Lazarus, D., appointment, 35, 1111 Lazazzera, Gloria M., degree, 636 Lazell, J. D., Jr., degree, 393 Lazerson, R. M., degree, 1318 Lazerwitz, B. M., appointment, 336 Lazzaro, R. A., degree, 617 resignation, 46 L De Guevara Orozco, J., degree, 1291 Leach, J. L., appointment, 35, 731, 1328 Leach, R. W., degree, 835 Leader, S. A., appointment, 80, 768 Lead Industries Association, gift, 288 Leaf, Diana G., degree, 400 Leahey, W. J., appointment, 119, 333, 997 Leal, L., appointment, 336 declination, 444 Learner, A., appointment, 751, 923 Leary, D. J., appointment, 1137 degree, 1064 Leas, D. E., appointment, 1000 Leases, renewal, policy, 572 Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., 475, 1040, 1162, 1260 American Red Cross, Chicago Chapter, 491 Beyle, T. L., 104 Case, J. I., Co., 380 Chicago, city of, 572, 712, 868 Church Street Building Corp., 790 Collins, J. L., 104 Commercial National Bank of Peoria, 790 1476 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Leases, cont'd Creamer, Mrs. Eunice C, 868 Cunningham, N. M., 868 Deere, J., Co., 282, 381, 438, 1040, 1162, 1210 Dixon National Bank, 868 Eversman Manufacturing Co., 282, 1040 Farm Equipment Sales Co., 1040 Filberth, G. W. and Mattie L., 790 Foundation, University, 742, 776, 855, 868, 1128 Gallivan, Kathleen F., 868 Gregerson, A. N. and Beatrice E., 868 Hovey, C. J., Jr., 790 Hurlbert, V. W., 790 Illinois Building Authority, 1115 Illinois State Department of Public Works and Buildings, 572 International Business Machines Corp., S3, 104, 245, 282, 381, 438, 475, 587, 720, 790, 868, 915, 943, 1016, 1128, 1162, 1210 International Harvester Co., 104, 282, 381, 475, 587, 1040, 1128 LaSalle-Madison Hotel Co., 104, 720 Lippold, EL, 790 Lowry, Mrs. Rosemund, 868, 1128 MacCarthy Ford Tractor Sales, Inc., 282, 381, 1040, 1128 Massey-Ferguson, Inc., 282, 475, 1128, 1260 Maxwell, G., 438, 1040 McCord, S., 867 McCulley, R. J., 868 McGarry, Elizabeth, 1128 Meyer, P. E., 868 Midland Ford Tractor Co., 1162 Miller, H. S., 790 Missouri Avenue Realty Co., 720 National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, 51, 282, 790 New Idea Farm Equipment Co., 104, 381, 1040, 1162 Papec Machine Co., 381 Randolph Building Corp., 104, 720 Reisch, J. E. and Gladys W., 790 Sangamon Home Savings Association, 720 Security Abstract & Title Co., 790 Sigma Phi Delta, Inc., 191 Skafidas, G. and S. F., 1128 Starline, Inc., 381, 1040 Strauch, B. A., 104, 868 Sycle & Keefe, Inc., 790 Taylor, C. D., 790 University Place Christian Church, 587 Vaughn, C. W., 105, 868 Wells, T., 790, 915 Leasure, A. D., degree, 1279 Leasure, R. D., appointment, 758 Leasure, W. E., degree, 838 Leaves of absence, sabbatical, list, 424, 459, 1106 Adams, J. A., 427 Adams, Mary, 136 Adler, F. T., 1107 Aldrich, S. R., 1106 Alexander, C. S., 444 Allen, J. H. D., Jr., 427 Allen, J. S., 425 Alpert, D., 425. 1107 cancellation, 824 Aloert, N. R., 1110 Andrews, D. K., 1110 Applequist, D. E., 479 Argoudelis, C, 702 Ashby, W. R., 1107 Ausubel, D. P., 1107 Bader, R. S., 428 Bailar, J. C, Jr., 1108 Baird, J. R., 823 Banta, F. G., 978 Bardeen, J., 740 Leaves of absence, cont'd Barry, A. J., 702 Bateman, P. T., 1342 Baughman, M. D., 425 Baylor. C. E., 444 Bell, J. F., 425 Berman, L. A., 1110 Birch, J. W., 740 Blau, Mrs. Zena S., 136 Bliss, L. C, 426 Bluhm, Elaine A., 1089 Blyth, C. R., 1109 Boone, W. W., 1109 Booth, A. W., 427" Bowen, Barbara C, 930 Bowers, W., 1106 Bradshaw, G. R., 1107 Brennan, Mrs. Helen B., 444 Brighton, G. D., 1106 Britsky, N., 1107 Broudy, H. S., 425 Broussard, L., 1110 Brown, F. C, 1107 Brown, R. M., 823, 1107 Brown, T. L., 1108 Bruckner, W. H., 425 Burnett, R. W., 1342 Butwell, R., 1233 Calahan, D. A., 823 Carozzi, A. V., 427 Cate, H. A., 424 Caton, C. E.( 1109 Cattell, R. B., 1109 change, 1234 Chamberlin, W. J., 1108 Chandler, L., 428 Chandler, Margaret, 428 Chapman, C. A., 427 Chesney, L. R., Jr., 426 Clark, Dorothy E., 1107 Clark, J. M., 1108 Cleary, E. W., 899 Coleman, P. D., 136 Connally, E. A., 47 Crawford, R. B., 1233 Cribbet, J. E., 899 Criegee, L., 667 Cronbach, L. J., 47, 413 Currie, L. J., 1342 Curtin, W. M., 1108 Dauten, P. M., Jr., 259 Davis, N. P., 823 Davisson, M. T., 1342 Day, M. M., 427 DeBoer, J. J., 207 deCharms, Desiree, 930 Decker, H. A., 426 DeFries, J. C, 413 DeMaris, E. J., 425 cancellation, 930 De Pasquali, G., 425 Deschamps, G. A., 1107 Dixon, R. D., 1233 Djorup, F. M., Jr., 740 Doob, J. L., 1109 Drake, J. W., 1109 Drummond, H. A., 899 Ducoff, H. S., 1109 Elazar, D. J., 522 Eriksen, C. W., 136 Falk, A. B., 259 Fara, H., 1089 Fehrenbacher, J. B., 136 Feinstein, A., 136 Ferris, D. H., 1020 Fettig, L. P.. 740 Fiedler, F. E., 444 Field, M. G., 136 Fink, C. M., 823 Finney, Mildred I., 428 Fisher, R. T., Jr., 1109 Flanders, D. P., 1106 UNIVERS Leaves of absence, cont'd Flores, J. S., 427 Florio, A. E., 428 Fosdick, L. D., 426 change, 702 Foster, F. W., 427 Frampton, G. T., 1108 Franke, W. H., 1108 Freund, E. C, 321, 522 Frith, D. E., 522, 1233 cancellation, 740 Frye, 11. Virginia, 1089 Fu, Mrs. Helena S., 899 Gaburo, K. L., 426 Gage, N. L., 47 Gammill, H. L., 1233 Garman, P. L., 426 Gerbner, G., 426 cancellation, 1174 (iillett, C. H., 428 Gillette, Mrs. Nedra A., 444 Gillies, D. B., 426 Glaser, D., 445 Glassman, S. F., 1110 Glenn, N. D., 930 Golding, S., 427 Goldstein, L., 1107 Golembiewski, R., 823 Gotshalk, D. W., 427 Gould, O. E., 321 Graebner, N. A., 266, 357 Gray, H. M., 1106 Gray, S. E., 427 Greenberg, M. J., extension, 1174 Greenberg.R., 3 Grim, R. E., 1109 Gruener, Jeannette R., 1110 Guevrekian, G., 426 Gunther, G., 1143 change, 1174 Haag, R., 1107 Hake, H. W., 427 Hall, Cleo, 667 Hansen, E. L., 424 Hanson, G., 1108 Harper, G. W., 1107 Hedges, R. A., 1106 Heins, M. H., 445 Heller, A., 136 Heller, J. L., 426 Hellmer, L. A., 47 Henderson, K. B., 1107 Hendron, A. J., Jr., 899 Hennessey, J. J., 136, 522 Herrick, M. T., 427 Hirsch, J.. 136, 1174 Hodgins, F. E., Jr., 427 Hogan, D. J., 1108 Hogan, J. D., 1107 Hohn, F. E., 1109 Holderman, J. B., 899 Hollingsworth, J. R., 136 Holmes, Mrs. Julia O., 1089 Holshouser, D. F., 425, 1343 Hooker, A. L., 1106 Howard. A. H., 428 Hubbard, A. W., 1110 Hunter, G. H., 426 Hunzicker, Beulah A., 1243 Hyde, V. A., 426 cancellation, 741 Jackson, D. D., 428 Jackson, D. M., 425 change, 823 Jackson, J. D., 425 Jacob, W. C, 424 Jedele, D. G., 1106 Jensen, A. H., 1343 Johnson, C. A., 1110 Johnson, C. E., 740 Johnson, R. E., 1109 Juvet, R. S., Jr., 1108 Leaves of absence, cont'd Kabbes, Sarah M., 428 Kaiser, Gertrude E., 207 Kaiser, H. F., 357, 978, 1107 Kamman, J. F., 1110 Kappauf, W. E., 1109 Karlowich, R. A., 357, 667 Karsh, B., 522 cancellation, 823 Kaske, R. E., 118, 522 Kearns, C. W., 1109 Keith, G. S., 1107 Keith, W. M., 1107 Kemmerer, D. L., 425 Kennedy, J. W., 426 Kessler, H., 1107 Ketchum, P. W., 427, 1089 Keyes, S., 357 Khachaturian, N., 667 King, I. R., change, 321 Kirk, S. A., 3S7, 1089 Kisinger, E. D., 1107 Klaas, Rosalind A., 1110 Klassen, P. P., 428 Kling, B. B., 1233 Koehler, J. S., 1107 Kord, V. G., 137 Krausz, N. G. P., 1106 Kretzmann, N., 1174 Lansing, K. M., 459 Lasher, S., 1234 Lathrop, Mrs. Dorothy C, 137 Lathrope, D. E., 667, 1110 cancellation, 414 Lein, Marie E., 428 Leonard, J. W., 702 Levine, S., 667 Lewis, O., 426 change, 741 Lewis, W. H., 667 Lichtenberger, W. W., 667 Lieberthal, M., 1108 Liljequist, J. L., 823 Line, R. M., 426 Linsky, L., 427 Lipman, Vivian C, 1110 Loftus, Beverly G., 667 London, P., 47 Low, Mrs. Leone Y., 1143 Luscher, E., 479 MacRae, Edith K., 1110 Manwell, C., 321 cancellation, 823 Marx, W., 978 cancellation, 1343 Mayer, L. A., 740 McAllister, W. G., 259 McBurney, W. H., 1109 McCaffrey, L. J., 427 McCulloh, L. R., 1343 Mclntyre, C. J., cancellation, 824 McKenzie, J. H., 1108 McMahon,W. W., 425, 823 cancellation, 741 Melsted, S. W., 424 Miller, D. C, 208 Miller, Sonia, 428 Miller, W. E., 137 Millican, R. D., 425 Mistry, S. P., 424 Mitchell, P. M., 1109 Moores, R. G., 424 Moyer, F. D., 1234 Murphy, K. H., 428 Nagel, §. S., 1143, 1234 Neal, J. P., 1343 Neiswanger, W. A., 1106 Nichols, J. A., 522 Nichols, Marie H., 47 Nikelly, A. G., 47, 741 Nims, J. F.V667 Nishijima, K., 1343 1478 BOARD O Leaves of absence, cont'd Nosker, H. D., 47 O'Connor, D. M., 445 Ohlsen, M. M., 1107 O'Kelly, L. I., 427 change, 702 Omachi, A., 1110 Oppenlander, Renate, 823 Ormsbee, A, I., 930 Osgood, C. E., 426, 1108 cancellation, 824 change, 741 Otis, J., 260 Owen, F. W., 1106 Pabarcius, A., 1110 Page, D., 741 Page, T., 137 Paley, H., 1243 Palmer, J. D., 522 Patterson, C. H., 459 Paul, S., 899 Peltason, J. W., 1234 Peressini, A. L., 1234 Perlmutter, Mrs. Shirley, 522, 823 extension, 899 Pesavento, Mrs. Wilma W., 1234 Phillips, J. D., 425 Planty, E., 1343 Powell, J. M., 667 Price, L. H., 445 Prosser, C. L., 427 Pundt, H. G., 668 Radzimovsky, E. I., 425 Rapp, Marie, 321 Raushenberger, J. W., 426 Ravenhali, D. G., 425 Reese, Mary C, 668 Reiner, I., 137 Remeikis, Mrs. Nijole, 1234 Renfroe, E. W., 1110 Roberg, N. B., 321 Robertson, J. E., 260 Robins, H., 1343 Rohrer, R. A., 1234 Rosen, S., 523 Rosenthal, I. M., 428 Ross, O. B., 978 Rudin, Cecilia M., 321 extension, 899 Rueckert, W. H., 427 Ruina, J. P., 137 Runkel, P. J., 413, 425 Sah, C. T., 413 extension, 823 Salisbury, G. W., 424 Sampson, Joan M., 1089 Sandage, C. H., 321 Sanders, D. W., 426 Sargent, H. W., 1108 Savage, J., 1234 Sayre, R. F., 523, 1343 Schlosser, R. E., 1143 Schmitt, H. C, 668 Scholomiti, N. C, 459, 1234, 1243 cancellation, 1234 Schour, I., 1174 Scoles, E. F., 1108, 1343 Scott, A. L., 427 Scott, J. W., 427 Scott, R. E., 480 Seif, R. D., 1106 Selander, R. B., 1189 Seltzer, Natalie R., 1110 Shank, M. C., 1234 Shelden, Miriam, 741 Shimkin, D. B., 1343 Shipley, J. R., 426 Shoemaker, W. H,, 427 Simmons, R. O., 425, 1107 cancellation, 1089 Sinha, R. C, 260 F TRUSTEES Leaves of absence, cont'd Skadden, D. H., 1106 Smalley, W. L., 1109 Smith, C. D., 1106 Smith, R. J., 321, 668 Smoot, R. L., 445 extension, 823 Spargo, Mrs. Gladys R., 523, 1234 Spence, C. C, 445 Spera, F. X., 523 Sprague, M. A., 426 Starr, C. G., 523 Steiner, G. Y., 1174 Steiner, I. D., 1143 Stewart, W. N., 1108 Stice, L. F., 424 change, 741 Stillinger, J., 1109 Stippes, M. C, 425, 899, 1189 cancellation, 899 Stolurow, L. M., change, 321 Stravinsky, S., 1108 Streeter, JL, 1234 Strout, D. E., 459 Swenson, G. W., 1234 Tanenbaum, D. E., 428 Thomas, G. J., 523 Thomas, W. E., 459 Thomson, R. M., 931 cancellation, 357 Tiebout, H. M., Jr., 1109 Tiernan, Patricia A., 413 Tomasson, R. F., 480 Touchberry, R. W., 1106 Tovar, A., 1143 Triandis, H. C, 1108 Triandis, L. M., 1109 VanBortel, Dorothy G., 445 Van Holde, K. E., 1108 Varzandeh, M., 931 Von Foerster, H., 425 Voss, J. R., 1143 Wachowski, T. J., 899 extension, 1174 Wagman, M., 428 Walker, L. D., 445 Wallace, K. R., 427 Warren, C. P., 413 Weaver, H. E., 428 Weise, E. K., 47 Weiss, S. A., 428 Wells, P. J., 425 West, V. I., 424 change, 741 Westmeyer, P., 523 Wetmore, L. B., 208 Wiesinger, F. P., 428 Wijsman, R. A., 427 Will, F. L., 1089 Wille, Jane, 1234 Williams, A. R., 426 Wilson, F. G., 427 Wilson, Mrs. Jean G., 137 Wolin, M. J., 1106 Wyld, H. W., Jr., 425 Yamamoto, Mrs. Patricia, 1343 Young, H. C, 1107 Young, Olive G., 428 Ziegler, R. J., 48 Ziolkowski, E., 899 Zirner, L. E., 1108 Ziroli, Nicola, 1107 Leavitt, B. L., degree, 838 Leavitt, J. M., degree, 155, 827 Leavitt, M. K., degree, 1297 LeBeau, L. J., appointment, 807 Lebeck, A. O., fellowship, 1226 Lebeck, J. E., degree, 1289 Lebeda, D. L., fellowship, 515 LeBegue, M. K., degree, 622 LeBel, N. A., appointment, 652 UNIVERSITY Lebermann, K. W., fellowship, 516 LeBlond, R. K., Machine Tool Co., purchase 470, 592, 783 Lechner, T. B., certificate, 1101 Lecterns, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1254 Lecture Center, cost consultants, employment, 1010 construction, contract, electrical, 528 general, 527 eating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control systems, 528 plumbing, 528 ventilating, 528 lecterns, purchase, 1254 name given to Chicago Circle lecture center, 1265 Lectures, recordings, policy, 460 Ledakis, G. A., appointment, 266 Ledbetter, H. M., Jr., degree, 215 Ledbetter, K. L., degree, 601 Leddy, T. D., degree, 634 Lederer, Dr. and Mrs. F. L., gift, 311, 972 Lederer, R. J., degree, 841 Lederle Laboratories, gift, 307, 968, 970 LeDuc, M. W., degree, 393 Lee, A. W. F., degree, 396 Lee, B. D., appointment, 69, 756 Lee, C, appointment, 652 Lee, D. J., fellowship, 131, 818 Lee, D. M., degree, 608 Lee, Delias W., degree, 150 Lee, Dong W., degree, 1277 fellowship, 43 resignation, 701 Lee, E., degree, 1297 Lee, G., degree, 400 Lee, Grace L. C, degree, 1281 resignation, 134 Lee, H. G., certificate, 1101 Lee, J. H., degree, 645 fellowship, 258 Lee, J- K., degree, 1312 Lee, Julia T., degree, 611 Lee, K. F. W., degree, 1067 Lee, K. S., degree, 613 fellowship, 43 resignation, 444 Lee, Leah S., appointment, 888, 1169 degree, 632 Lee, M. B., certificate, 1101 Lee, M. R., appointment, 119, 888 Lee, O. P., degree, 1290 Lee, P. D., degree, 397 Lee, P. S., fellowship, 1226 Lee, Q. H., degree, 1292 Lee, R. J., appointment, 73 Lee, S. A., degree, 638 Lee, S. C, fellowship, 516 Lee, S. K., degree, 212 resignation, 207 Lee, Shung-wu, degree, 1065 Lee, Siu-Wah, appointment, 507 Lee, W. C, degree, 611 Lee, W. L. L., degree, 605 Leech, V. N., appointment, 74, 761 Leeds, R. G., degree, 621 Leeds & Northrup Co., purchase, 470 Leedy, K. M., degree, 614 Leef, G. S., appointment, 254 Lee Machine Tool Co., purchase, 1203 Leenerts, V. G., degree, 839 Leeper, S. L., degree, 397 Lees, R. B., appointment, 330, 407, 997 declination, 413 Lee School Supply Co., Inc., purchase, 190 LeFehvre, L. L., degree, 1309 Lefer, A. M., degree, 211 Leff, S. H., certificate, 365 Lefferts, H. L., Jr., degree, 604 OF ILLINOIS 1479 Lefke, Joan F., degree, 633 Lefke, L. W., degree, 614 Lefkowitz, Arlene A., degree, 1308 Lefkowitz, L. B., Jr., fellowship, 736 Leftwich, Janet A., degree, 633 Legal Counsel, appropriation, special legal services, balance reappropriated, 778 visiting industrial associates program of the Midwest Electronics Research Center, report, 846 LeGall, Mrs. Huguette, appointment, 119 LeGall, J., appointment, 120 Legal services, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85 Chapman & Cutler, bond issue, Graduate Student Residence Hall, 712 Medical Center housing facility, 468 Medical Center Illini Union, 468 special, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 778 claim of Harwald Co., Inc., 1215 claim of Ora Metcalf, 1252 will of Anna M. Gulick, 1035 Legate, W. C, degree, 835 Legette, April, memorial fund, gift, 311 Legg, E. L., certificate, 1101 Leggett, A. J., appointment, 1137 Legislation, General Assembly, acts affecting the University, report, 796 County Cooperative Extension Law, 773 Legislative internships, funds, gift, 950 Leherissey, E. S., degree, 839 Lehman, F. K., appointment, 120, 325, 1084 book, printing, 350 Lehmann, D. W., degree, 829 Lehmann, G. A., degree, 1274 fellowship, 661 Lehmann, G. W., degree, 138 Lehmann, J. R., appointment, 35, 120, 329, 652 degree, 1059 resignation, 821 Lehmkuhl, G. D., fellowship, 516 Lehn, L. L., degree, 1066 fellowship, 818 Lehner, J. A., degree, 396, 1065 Lehnerer, P. J., degree, 1292 Lehr, G. F., degree, 640 Lehrfeld, J., degree, 641 Leibe, R., degree, 608 Leibforth, G. W., degree, 631 Leibman, Myrna R., degree, 1078 Leibsker, D. M., degree, 1310 Leichenger, H., appointment, 77, 764 Leichner, E. Jeannine, resignation, 320 Leichner Manufacturing Co., purchase, 278, 787 Leifeste, Bertha V., appointment, 1084 Leigh, G. M., degree, 1070 Leigh, R. D., appointment, 335, 1000 Leiken, R. W., degree, 624 Lein, Marie E., appointment, 339 leave of absence, 428 Leining, Judith M., appointment, 120 Leininger, C. R., degree, 835 Leir, C. M., fellowship, 1141, 1226 Leisch, R. F., degree, 1310 Leiter, M., degree, 620 Leja, W. T., degree, 1303 Lejman, R. J., degree, 396 LeLito, Diane E., degree, 826 Lelko, M. S., degree, 622 Lemak, Rose A., degree, 1275 Leman, E. D., degree, 1289 Leman, J. W., degree, 156 LeMay, H. E., Jr., degree, 1277 fellowship, 1226, 1335 Lembke, D. W., degree, 635 Lemcke, R. C, degree, 140 Lemen, Carolyn V., degree, 1306 Leming, J. S., degree, 1076 1480 BOARD OF Lemke, D. H., appointment, 408 Lemon, L. G., degree, 1306 Lemons, H. T., degree, 1289 Lencek, R. L., appointment, 64 fellowship, 1172 Lenezycki, Ruth A., degree, 1307 Lendruro, Bessie L., appointment, 77, 765 Lendrum, F. C, retirement, 523 Lendrum, L. M., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1226 Lenit, O. S., Jr., appointment, 83, 770 Lenkszus, F. R., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1226 Letio, G. R., degree, 403 Lenz, R. J., degree, 401 Lenzi, E. V., degree, 614 Lenzo, C, degree, 1072 Leon, H., certificate, 1101 Leon, H. R., appointment, 84, 652, 772 termination, 356 Leonard, A. B., appointment, 337 Leonard, C. R., degree, 639 Leonard, E. H., degree, 618 Leonard, I., appointment, 120 Leonard, Tames W., leave of absence, 702 Leonard, John W., degree, 608 Leonard, R. D., Jr., degree, 1073 Leonard, R. W., degree, 398, 1281 Leonardi, G. A., degree, 1082 Leonardite, research, contract, 474 gift, 959 Leone, F. D., degree, 1062 Leone, G. A., degree, 1320 Leong, P. M. L., degree, 1072 Leonhard, C, appointment, 334, 998 Leonhard, Zelma B., appointment, 339, 923 1169 Leong, F. C, degree, 388 Lepper, M. H., appointment, 4 Leptospirosis, motion picture, preparation, funds, gift, 961 Leritz, Helen A. S., degree, 144 Lerman, Gloria M., degree, 1306 Lerman, H. D., certificate, 365 Lerman, M., degree, 636 Lerner, A. E., fellowship, 43, 736 Lerner, Barbara A., appointment, 888 Lerner, Gail B., degree, 1297 Lerner, I. M., degree, 1320 Lerner, J. A., degree, 832 Lerner, L. M., appointment, 888, 1217 degree, 1316 fellowship, 43, 204, 319 Lerner, R. H., resignation, 207 Lerner, S., degree, 153, 827 Leroy, M. D., degree, 624 Lesak, R. J., degree, 647 Lesemann, R. F., appointment, 120 memorial, 260 Lesh, C. P Paper Co., purchase, 244, 942 Leshin, S. J., degree, 1320 Leshner, Sandra L., degree, 638 Leslie, J. D., degree, 877 appointment, 731 Leslie, R. N., degree, 879 Lesnaw, Judith A., degree, 1064 Lesondak, M., degree, 397 Lessen, Grace L., degree, 144 Lessing, Elise E., appointment, 266, 767 Lessner, R. D., certificate, 62 Lester, J. T., degree, 403 Lett, R. G., degree, 608 Leukemia, research, gift, 308 Leukemia Research Foundation, Inc., gift, 308, 970 Leukemia Society, Inc., gift, 308 Leung, C. W., degree, 1077 Leung, P. T. C, degree, 1290 Leung, S. S., degree, 1269 Leung, W. C, degree, 610 Leusby, Delores J., degree, 1321 Lev, M., appointment, 764 Leva, H. A., degree, 842 LeVar, j. M., degree, 1303 Levato, J. P., degree, 647 Levee, Mrs. Polly, gift, 308 Leven, N. H., degree, 396 Levenfeld, Barbara S., degree, 633 Leverenz, C, C, appointment, 485 Leverenz, L. J., degree, 1081 Leverenz Electric Co., Inc., contract, 58 1056 Levey, J. R., degree, 1291 fellowship, 1226 Levi, S. A., degree, 1297 Levin, A. S., degree, 641, 1320 fellowship, 258 Levin, B. L., degree, 1077 Levin, Betsy, degree, 631 Levin, D. A., degree, 1267 Levin, D. L., degree, 400 Levin, E. N., degree, 645 Levin, Evelyn, degree, 1308 Levin, H. A., degree, 144 Levin, H. J., appointment, 83, 771 Levin, T., degree, 877 Levin, J. J., fellowship, 319 Levin, Judith, degree, 399 Levin, Melvin J., degree, 148 Levin, Myron J., appointment, 84, 772 Levin, M. S., degree, 629 Levin, Myrna B., degree, 216 Levin, N. W., fellowship, 319, 927, 1020 Levin, Pamela J. B., degree, 1321 Levin, R. J., degree, 645 Levin, Roberta J., degree, 1299 Levin, Rosalyn, degree, 627 Levin, S., degree, 1305 Levin, S. L., degree, 402 Levin, S. Z., degree, 645 Levin, Susan, degree, 1313 Levin, W. M., degree, 1068 Levin Bros. Paper Corp., purchase, 102, 716, 786, 866, 1013 Levine, J. Z., degree, 1080 LeVine, L., appointment, 73, 760 LeVine, L. M., degree, 643 Levine, M. I., certificate, 1101 Levine, Mrs. Myra E., appointment, 316 LeVine, R. B., degree, 645 LeVine, R. D., fellowship, 1172 Levine, S. B,, appointment, 1104 leave of absence, 667 Levine, Susan P., fellowship, 204 Levings, C. S., Ill, appointment, 199 degree, 383 Levinson, I). W., appointment, 1185 Levinson, Donnamae, degree, 627 Levinson, Janet E., degree, 402 Levinson, Linda R., degree, 1308 Levis, W. E., gift, 302 Levitas, M. L., degree, 1297 Levitin, P., appointment, 79, 767 Levitov, Edith S., appointment, 731, 1217 Levitt, Diane R., degree, 1297 Levitt, Judith D., degree, 1067 Levitt, M. B., degree, 392 Levitt, R. O., appointment, 68, 754 Levy, B., degree, 610 Levy, E., degree, 146 Levy, E. R., appointment, 1137 degree, 1059 Levy, H. A., appointment, 68, 756 Levy, H. B., degree, 629 fellowship, 818, 927 Levy, J. P., degree, 402 Levy, Lois R., degree, 1312 Levy, Lucretia, appointment, 120, 807 Levy, M. A., degree, 1309 Levy, W. H., fellowship, 736 Levy, W. L., certificate, 62 Lewellen, W. D., fellowship, 516 Lewerenz, W. T., degree, 619 Lewin, Dianne D., degree, 402 UNIVERSITY C Lewinski, M. A., degree, 1301 Lewis, A. B., gift, 311, 972 Lewis, B. J., degree, 622 Lewis, Barbara A., degree, 626 Lewis, C. D., degree, 1306 Lewis, D. C, appointment, 408, 923 Lewis, D. R., appointment, S3, 770 Lewis, E., appointment, 120 Lewis, Frances A., degree, 1303 Lewis, G. K., appointment, 75, 762 Lewis, J., member of advisory committee 1025 Lewis, J. E., degree, 829 Lewis, J. H., degree, 1317 Lewis, J. N., appointment, 751 Lewis, J. P., appointment, 70, 757 Lewis, J. R., degree, 624 Lewis, Jeanette E., degree, 1308 Lewis, K. R., degree, 1293 Lewis, L. D., appointment, 199 Lewis, L. P., degree, 1297 Lewis, Marcia S., degree, 214 fellowship, 516 Lewis, Marianna Y., degree, 153 Lewis, O., appointment, 1217 book, printing, 496 leave of absence, 426 change, 741 Lewis, Orda S., degree, 605 fellowship, 131 Lewis, R. C, degree, 400 Lewis, R. J., degree, 1309 Lewis, R. O., appointment, 408, 770 Lewis, R. W., Jr., appointment, 120 degree, 875 Lewis, Rita C, degree, 1079 Lewis, S. M., degree, 634 Lewis, T. E., degree, 1062 Lewis, T. J., degree, 624 Lewis, W. F., degree, 403 Lewis, W. H., leave of absence, 667 Lewis, \V. S., Jr., degree, 1077 Lewison, M. M., appointment, 77, 764 Lewke, Elizabeth K., degree, 1075 Lewkowicz, R. E., appointment, 180 Lewy, R. B., appointment, 75, 762 Leydon, T. G., degree, 1073, 1281 Lezak, A. M., degree, 1311 Lezeau, D. N., degree, 635 Li, H. C, degree, 387 Li, T. E., appointment, 120 Li, W. K., degree, 1302 Li, Y. C, degree, 1277 fellowship, 516 Lia, M. O., certificate, 62 Liability insurance, purchase, Business Office, 1039 Health Services, 1255 Nuclear Engineering, 374 Research and Educational Hospitals, 1255 Veterinary Medicine, 1255 Liang, P. N. C, degree, 635 Liao, P. C, collection of Chinese classics, Library, purchase, 279 Liao, Mrs. P. C, purchase, 279 Liautaud, J. P., degree, 397 Liay, L. D., resignation, 134 Libby, C. H., certificate, 265 Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 biological sciences equipment, 369 dean, appointment, 486 report, state of college, 1175 departments, established, 1187 purchase, language laboratory equipment, 1125 plant growth chambers, 1125 Urbana, admission requirements, revision, 267 F ILLINOIS 1481 Liberal Arts and Science, cont'd appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 equipment, 487 Asian Studies Center, established, 1189 curricula, linguistics, approved, 906 medical record administration, approved, 343 medical technology, approved, 342 prelaw, revisions, 11 teaching of English, revisions, 10 teaching of Russian, revisions, 908 dean, appointment, 1104 resignation, 852 degrees conferred, 152, 216, 398, 623, 840, 881, 1074, 1294 departments, German, name, change, 935 linguistics, established, 906 Russian, name change, 936 major and minor requirements, approved, biology, 368 revision, classics, 368 English, 368 music, 368 rhetoric, 368 sciences and letters, 368 speech, 368 Liberman, L. H., degree, 841 Liberta, M. J., Jr., degree, 635 Libman, M. M., degree, 393 Libman, Terry J., degree, 216 Libnoch, J., appointment, 71, 757 Librarianship, certificate of advanced study, approved, 486 Library, Chicago Circle, construction, contract, architectural services, 1115 electrical, 528 general, 527 heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control systems, 528 plumbing, 528 ventilating, 528 purchase, furniture, 1253 Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 books, 238, 918 computer system, purchase, 714 computer time, rental, 863 contract, book binding, 691 Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 contract, book binding, 691 gift, books, King, L. S., 973 funds, Chicago Community Trust, 971 Urbana, advisory council, appointment, 1239 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 87, 778, 779, 780 books, 13, 369, 487, 1153 equipment, 238, 918, 1153 lighting improvements, 918 remodeling, 369, 918 catalog cards for publications from India and Pakistan, cost, University's share, 785 contract, book binding, 691, 862 elevator, modernization, 238 equipment, financing, 742 gift, books, General Electric Co., 303 Grady, P., 304 Smith, Isabelle, Estate, 304 University Foundation, 966 papers, Bestor A., 303 paperback book center, established, 688 publications from India and Pakistan, cataloging, University's share of cost, 279 purchase, author and subject catalogs of Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Entomology Library, 279 card catalog cases, 1036, 1258 1482 BOARD OF Library, cont'd Crane transcript, 1161 dictionary stands, 1258 furniture, 1202, 1255, 1258 Journal of the Ministry of National Education, reprint edition, 56 Liao collection of Chinese classics, 279 Nickell collection, 710 offset duplicators, 470 shelving, 1258 typewriters, 1258 seventh addition, contract, electrical, 16 elevator, 16 general, 16 heating and refrigeration, 16 plumbing, 16 ventilating, 16 undergraduate, preliminary study, 900 Library of Congress, purchase, 279, 785 Library Research Center, gift, funds, Wisconsin Free Library Commission, 963 Library Science, Graduate School of, advisory council, members, 4 organization, 4 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 budget, summer session, 332, 997 certificate of advanced study, approved, 486 gift, funds, Haywood, E. B., 962 student award, Grolier Foundation, Inc., 288 Library Trends, printing, 592 Library Science, teaching of, study, contract, 474 Library survey, Wisconsin, contract, 380 Library Trends, printing, 592 Licensed Beverage Industry, gift, 970 Licensed practical nurse program, clinical training, agreement, 461 Lichodziejewski, W., degree, 621 Lichtenberger, W. W., appointment, 35 leave of absence, 667 Lichtenstein, L. B., degree, 624 Lichtenstein, M. R., appointment, 68, 754 Lichtenwalter, G. R,, degree, 403 Lichterman, Ethel L., degree, 1297 Licocci, S. J., degree, 148 Liddell, W. & Co., Inc., purchase, 594 Liddle, L. B., appointment, 120 Lide, F. P., Jr., appointment, 1328 Liden, Anita E., degree, 1280 fellowship, 516 Lidicker, R. J., degree, 1292 Lie, T. J., appointment, 1328 degree, 613 Lieb, D. S., degree, 1297 Lieb, Katharine B., appointment, 731 degree, 629 Lieb, W. R., degree, 613 fellowship, 736, 818 Liebchen. D. P., degree, 614 Lieber, A., Jr., certificate, 236 Lieber, H., Co., Inc., purchase, 279 Lieber, Roslyn, fellowship, 204, 818 Lieber, W. M., certificate, 365 Lieberman, Andrea, degree, 400 Lieberman, M., degree, 1282 Lieberman, P. L., degree, 635 Lieberman, Sharon R., degree, 1308 Lieberthal, Carol J., degree, 1308 Lieberthal, M., leave of absence, 1108 Liebman, S., appointment, 79 Liedberg, B. J., degree, 1071 Liem, Karel F., appointment, 1217, 1328 Lieman, D. S., appointment, 652 Lierman, Theresa A., degree, 1308 Lifchez, A. S., degree, 1303 Life Insurance, Institute of, gift, 962 Life Sciences, School of, appropriation, equipment, 1192 remodeling, 1247 gift, research, American Cancer Society, 290 Life Sciences Building, east unit, architec tural and engineering services, contract 185 ' funds, gift, 302 Lifshin, J. D., degree, 835 Lifson, B. I., appointment, 79, 767 Lifvendahl, R. A., appointment, 72, 759 Liggett, J. P., appointment, 731 Light, modulation and detection at microwave frequencies, research, contract, change Light, A., appointment, 74, 761 Light fixtures, appropriation, Smith Music Hall, 369 purchase, Assembly Hall, 472 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 26 98, 102, 472, 595 Lighting improvements, appropriation, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 13 Architecture Building Gallery, 918 classrooms, balance reappropriated, 87, 779 Krannert Art Museum, 1153 Library, Urbana, 918 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 182 Smith Music Hall, balance reappropri-ated, 780 Snack Bar at Chicago Undergraduate Di. vision, balance reappropriated, 781 Ligon, R. B., degree, 621 Likhite, Fern E., appointment, 83, 771 Likins, G. S., degree, 637 Likuski, H. J. A., degree, 1058 Likuski, R. K., degree, 1269 Lilegdon, Sandra L., degree, 633 Lilienthal, B., appointment, 1025 Lilienthal. P. A., fellowship, 1226 Lilje, G. W., fellowship, 516, 736 Liljequist, J. L., leave of absence, 823 Lilleberg, Karen H., degree, 1297 Lillquist, K. W., degree, 1286 fellowship, 516 Lilly, E., & Co., contract, 474 gift, 950, 957, 963, 968 Lilly Endowment, Inc., gift, 288, 295 Lim, C. S., resignation, 134 Lim, Elizabeth R., degree, 399 Lim, S. H., degree, 142 Limbers, S. P., degree, 620 Lime minerals, research contract, change, 721 Lime-pozzolan mixtures, research, contract, 191 change, 105 gift, 298, 960 Lime stabilization of soils, research, contract, change, 193, 721, 792 gift, 296, 957 Limestone chips, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 26 Limosani, M. A., appointment, 765 Limp, C. A., appointment, 78, 765 Lin, C, degree, 1067 Lin, Nancy R., degree, 1280 Lin, S., appointment, 1004 declination, 1174 degree, 1317 Linas, P., degree, 401 Linaweaver, R. 0., degree, 396 Lincke, L. W., certificate, 1101 Lincoln, A. E., degree, 1275 Lincoln, F. W., degree, 1306 Lincoln Avenue, property at 807 South, remodeling, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 780 contract, 273 funds, 273 lease, 273 Lincoln Avenue Dairy Barns, purchase, equipment, 470 silo, 55 Lincoln Hall, Chicago Circle, name given to classroom building, 1265 Urbana, air conditioning, appropriation, 488 remodeling, appropriation, 13, 369, 488 balance reappropriated, 86, 779, 780 acoustical tile, contract, 595 sprinkler system, contract, 1009 Lincoln Memorial University Press, gift, 304 Lincoln Park District, contract, 1127 Lincolnshire Drive, property at 1014, lease 51, 282, 790 Lind, Janice G., degree, 1312 Lind, T. E., degree, 400 Litidahl, Ruth G., degree, 611 Lindauer, T., fellowship, 131 Lindberg, G. V., degree, 1292 Lindberg, Nancy K., degree, 1290 Lindblad, N. R., appointment, 35, 652, 1217 Lindblad, W. E., degree, 210 Linde Co., purchase, 24, 593 Lindell, P. W., appointment, 807 Lindeman, S., memorial Fund, gift, 311, 972 Lindemann, R. E., degree, 153 Lindemann, R. E., Jr., degree, 1287 Lindemann, Rita E., degree, 830 Linden, C. T., resignation, 46 Linden, R. E., degree, 638 Linder, Gloria A., degree, 1297 Linderholm, C. E., appointment, 316, 652, 807 declination, 666 Lindgren, E. A., & Associates, Inc., purchase, 350 Lindgren, Janice M., degree, 1307 Lindgren, K. F., degree, 622 Lindgren, R. D., degree, 1312 Lindgren, R. K., degree, 1289 Lindley, D. A., Jr., appointment, 254, 328 resignation, 1341 Lindley, D. H., appointment, 120 Lindquist, Helen &., degree, 616 Lindquist, R. B., degree, 1292 Lindsey, C. L., purchase, 54 Lindsey, D. J., degree, 634 Lindsey, J. M., degree, 144 resignation, 1232 Lindsey, Mrs. Susan B., resignation, 1341 Lindsley, G., member of advisory committee, 1025 Lindstrom, D. E., appointment, 988 Lindstrom, D. H., degree, 620 Line, R. M., leave of absence, 426 Line, W. F., fellowship, 661, 895 Lineback, Elaine J., degree, 1300 Line coupler, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 189 Linens, purchase, Mini Union, Urbana, 102, 594 Physical Plant Department, Chicago, 282 Medical Center, 99, 282, 716, 1122 rental, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 590 Home Economics Cafeteria, 595 Illini Union, Medical Center, 590 Urbana, 595 residence halls, Medical Center, 590 Urbana, 595 various departments, 595 Lmford, J. R., degree, 610 Linford, Penny H., degree, 1313 Ling, Alice, degree, 1077 Linguistics, appropriation, remodeling, 1247 budget, summer session, 997 department, established, 906 programs, 907 -mk, M. G., degree, 647 Lmn, Pegeen J., degree, 1075 Lmn, R. L., degree, 1063 Linneman, R. E., degree, 144 Linnert, P. J., degree, 622 Lmney, E. A., degree, 1292 Unsky, B. E., certificate, 747 Lmsky, L., leave of absence, 427 )F ILLINOIS 1483 Linster, R. L., appointment, 477, 1217 Lmtronic Laboratories, purchase, 496 Lions International Club, gift, 970 Lipids, research, gift, 292 Lipinski, Joanne J., certificate, 1101 Lipkin, H. J., appointment, 3 Lipkin, L., appointment, 1005 Lipman, A. G., degree, 645 Lipman, A. S., degree, 1322 Lipman, Vivian C, appointment, 340, 1007 declination, 1232 leave of absence, 1110 Lipnik, S. S., degree, 1297 Lipnitzky, B. S., degree, 624 Lipomul, Pharmacy Stores, purchase, 281, 940, 1256 Lipousky, F. M., degree, 148 Lipowich, Shelley R., degree, 626 Lipp, Deanna, degree, 1290 Lippe, P. M., appointment, 72 termination, 444 Lippert, Dorris C, degree, 148 Lippert, Elizabeth L., fellowship, 818 Lippert, Peggy J., degree, 1285 Lippert, R. W., Jr., degree, 1311 Lippincott, M. L., degree, 1070 Lippold, H., lease, 790 Lippoldt, A. F., degree, 1315 Lipschultz, R. A., degree, 643 Lipsey, A. I., appointment, 764 Lipsich, M. P., degree, 645 Lipsky, Judith I., degree, 1297 Lipson, L., fellowship, 258 Liquid Carbonic Division, General Dynamics Corp., purchase, 493 Liquid flow equipment, Biological Chemistry, purchase, 52, 783 Liquid nitrogen, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 593 Liquid nitrogen shipping containers, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 375 Liquid nitrogen traps, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 23 Liquid scintillation counting system, Physiology and Biophysics, purchase, 24 Lis, E. F., authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 Lisle Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, addition, contracts, 684 Lissitz, R. W., appointment, 731 List, Merle S., degree, 629 Lister, B. M., fellowship, 661 resignation, 1142 Lister, J. L., appointment, 120 degree, 213 Listen, Joan W., degree, 402 Liston, Phyllis, appointment, 120 declination, 134 Liston, R. L., degree, 619 Liston, W. T., appointment, 254, 1137 declination, 821 Litberg, L., degree, 403 Lithograph, Dostoievsky, gift, 967 Litigation, electrical equipment, overcharges on purchases, preparation of technical data, engineering services, 20 Green Street, property at 1009 West, acquisition, settlement, 26 Gulick, Anna M., will, legal services, 1035 settlement, 1113 Inskip, F. R., & Co., settlement, 1112 Vreuls, D., injuries sustained during water fight, 162 Litney, Janet B., degree, 638 Litteken, A. H., degree, 1072 Littell, Barbara G., degree, 145 Litterick, Mrs. Elizabeth M., appointment, 120 Little, A. D., Inc., purchase, 1039 Little, E. B., appointment, 338, 1004 declination, 1088 Little, Martha A., degree, 1297 1484 BOARD OF ' Little, P. G., degree, 389 Little, T. H., degree, 607 Littledike, E. T., appointment, declination, 134 Littlefield, A. S., Memorial Fund, gift, 310 Littlemeyer, J. E., degree, 635 Littlewood, J. M., appointment, 120 Littlewood, R. K., degree, 1289 Liftman, A., appointment, 68, 754 Litvan, L. J., Jr., degree, 1072 Litvay, T. R., degree, 634 Litvin, F. D., degree, 840 Litwack, Marcia D., fellowship, 478, 736 Litwiller, Carolyn F., degree, 1286 Litz, D. R., degree, 1309 Litzen, C. W., degree, 636 Liu, E. J. T., degree, 608 Liu, Elizabeth H. Y., degree, 1285 Liu, W. Y., appointment, 1137 Liver, research, gift, 970 Liverman, R. E., appointment, 888 Livermore, O., appointment, 339, 1006 Livestock, study, contract, 474 Livey, W. B., certificate, 1101 Livingston, Elizabeth M., Memorial Fund, gift, 969 Livingston, D. H., degree, 838 Livingston, D. O., degree, 624 Livingston, G. S., appointment, 75, 762 Livingston, R. W., degree, 835 Livingston, W. E., degree, 140 Livingston, W. R., appointment, 1328 Lixvar, J. P., degree, 1073 LKB Instruments, Inc., purchase, 189, 280, 940 Llewellyn, Hilda L., degree, 1285 Lloyd, D. A., degree, 1302 Lloyd, E. R., degree, 637 Lloyd, J. P., degree, 1071 fellowship, 1226 Lloyd, Mary, Somatic Prosthesis Fund, gift, 309 Lloyd, R. A., degree, 1072 Lloyde, C. V., Piano Co., purchase, 1126 Lo, C. Y., degree, 1066 Lo, Renee T. H. C, degree, 825 Lo, Y. C, degree, 609 Load lugger, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, appropriation, balance reap- propriated, 86, 779 Loafing sheds, lease, 438 Loan agreement, Housing and Home Finance Agency, Chicago Circle Union Building, authorization, 544 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 218 Loan funds, gift, Agricultural Institute, 949 Alpha Phi Omega, 287, 949 American Dental Association, 306, 967 Bloomington-Normal Illini Club, 949 Bristol Laboratories, 968 Burt, F. H., 938 Campus Chest, 949 Champaign Kennel Club, 949 DuPage County Health Improvement Association, 287 Edwards, H., 949 Ennis, Dr. and Mrs. A. L., 287, 949 Ford Foundation, 287, 949 fraternity alumni, 287 Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, 287 Illinois Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary, 949 International College of Dentists, 968 Koppers Co., Inc., 287, 949 Medical Center Organization Fund, 968 Medical Center Women's Auxiliary, 306, 968 Merck Co. Foundation, 306, 968 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Illini Club, 949 Moore, Lulu M., 968 Strong, H., Educational Foundation, 287, 949 Loan funds, cont'd Tau Delta Tau, 287 Tile Council of America, Inc., 287 United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 287, 949 United Student Aid Funds, Inc., 949 University Foundation, 949 Health Professions Educational Assistance Act, University participation, 1154 United Student Aid Funds, Inc., University participation, 487 additional deposit, 860 Loar, D. R., degree, 402 Lobatz, Janet O., degree, 646 Lobb, L., degree, 391 Lobdell, Lucinda L., degree, 1308 Lobraico, R. V., appointment, 72, 760 Local Electric Co., Inc., contract, 270 Locke, R. F., appointment, 936, 1218 degree, 878 fellowship, 443 Lockers, purchase, Illini Union, Urbana, 350 Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, 1255 Lockett, Myra K., degree, 148 Lockhart, D. G., certificate, 747 degree, 634, 1287 Lockhart, Helen R., resignation, 821 Lockhart, J., appointment, 70, 1138 Lockhart, Susan W., degree, 395, 1069 Lockwood, S. M., degree, 155 Locust Street, property at 1104-1106 South, purchase, 414 Lodygowski, R. E., degree, 1293 Loeb, Hannah, degree, 633 Loeb, P. M., degree, 645 Loek, A. P., degree, 624 Loerakker, JoAnn K., degree, 1075 Loeschen, R. L., degree, 1302 Loeser, C. J., appointment, 889 Loevy, H., appointment, 807 fellowship, 43, 736 Lofgren, Alice L., fellowship, 1226 Loftiss, E. W., appointment, 120, 337, 889 Lofton, N. M., Jr., degree, 153 Loftus, Beverly G., appointment, 254 leave of absence, 667 resignation, 1088 Loftus, Joanne M., certificate, 365 Loftus, R. J., appointment, 64, 1138 fellowship, 411 Logan, J. F., appointment, 120, 335 resignation, 739 Logan Refrigeration Co., purchase, 588 Log Etronics, Inc., purchase, 941, 1208 Logging, study, gift, 291 Logical behavior in six- and seven-year olds, study, contract, 1162 Logic systems, study, contract, 282 Logsdon, J. G., Jr., degree, 640 Lohbauer, Jeanette L., degree, 835 Lohman, D. G., degree, 403 Lohmeier, D. G., degree, 1064 Lohmeier, E. A., certificate, 1101 Lohr, D. A., degree, 639 Lohr, L. R., chairman of Jane Addams Memorial Fund, 727 Trustees Citation, 1197 Lohr, Mary M., appointment, 64 Lohrenz, M. H., degree, 829 Loiseaux, P. R., appointment, 1218 Loiselle, R. L., degree, 621 Loken, Julie L., fellowship, 818, 1226 Lolans, Valentina T., appointment, 120 Lollino, F. V., degree, 405 Loman, Frances R., certificate, 365 Loman, H. J., Foundation, gift, 295 Lome, Gail R., degree, 1078 Lome, L, G-, degree, 645 London, P., appointment, 35 declination, 821 leave of absence, 47 Londos, Vivian J., degree, 1308 UNIVERSITY ( Londrigan, M. J., degree, 634 Long, B., degree, 835 Long, C. A., appointment, 731, 1003 declination, 1088 fellowship, 1172 Long, C. C., appointment, 199, 336, 807, 1002 resignation, 1341 Long, Claudine F. L., degree, 1283 Long, D. A., degree, 1303 Long, E. L., degree, 396 Long, G. A., degree, 1293 Long, G. L., degree, 1311 Long, Geraldine M., degree, 611 Long, J. L., degree, 632 Long, J. S., appointment, 72, 760 Long, Julia A., degree, 1297 Long, K. M., appointment, 807 Long, Karen p., degree, 213 Long, L., appointment, 83 Long, L. C, degree, 1080 Long, Marie A. H., degree, 1280 Long, R. S., appointment, 10S4 degree, 1281 Long. W. G., degree, 214 Longabaugh, T. B., appointment, 441, 757 Longacre, W. A., II, appointment, 1104 Longfield, R. A., degree, 1291 Longhi, R., degree, 384 Longini, Joan, appointment, 79, 767 Long Lumber Co., purchase, 596 Longmeyer, H. A., member of advisory committee, 5 Lonnon, G. D., degree, 835 Loobey, T. J., certificate, 1101 degree, 1287 Looby, W. E., appointment, 82, 770 Loofbourrow, Jerilyn R., degree, 1297 Loomis, F. W., appointment, 199 resignation, 356 IvOomis, Martha J., degree, 832 Looney, M. R., certificate, 747 degree, 634 Loos, J. S., degree, 832 fellowship, 661, 1335 Lopata, H. I., appointment, 80S Lopata, L., certificate, 62 Lopez, H. R., degree, 637 Lopez, Judith Y., degree, 1308 Lopez, L. A., degree, 609 Lopez, Monica H., degree, 1319 Lopez-Belio, M., appointment, 120, 652 LoPriore, V. M., appointment, 11, 765 Loquist, Pianne J., degree, 633 Loquist, L. C, degree, 396 Lord, R. G., degree, 1317 Lord, W. J., Jr., appointment, 441, 808, 989 resignation, 1341 Lorek, E. H., degree, 1309 Lorek, T. J., Jr., degree, 632 Lorenz, Gladys M., degree, 1303 Lortz, C. R., degree, 842 Losee, D. L., fellowship, 516, 895, 1226 Loser, J. P., degree, 1311 Loskove, M. D., degree, 215 Lossin, K. W., certificate, 365 Lothian, T. A., appointment, 340, 1006 declination, 666 Lott, J. L., appointment, 808 fellowship, 258 Lotterman, S., degree, 1072 Loubsky, W. J., degree, 395 Loudon, R. W., degree, 618 Loughman Cabinet Co., purchase, 1039 Louie, H. A., degree, 643 Ltrala, M. J., certificate, 365 Lounge furniture, purchase, Education, 1123 Housing Division, Urbana, 1259 Illini Union, Urbana, 1039 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 714, 715, 1039 Loustaunau, J. O., appointment, 1328 Louwenaar, Karyl J., degree, 1068 Love, E. E., degree, 1286 OF ILLINOIS 1485 Love, J. E., degree, 876 Love, Nancy B., degree, 154 Lovelace, W. J., degree, 622 Lovellette, Dr. C, Memorial Fund, gift, 1012 Lovellette, J. M., bequest, 1012 Lovett, J. $pD., degree, 1293 Loving, A. D., Jr., degree, 638 Lovitz, B., appointment, 71 Low, G. D. S., degree, 1079 Low, Mrs. Leone Y., appointment, 35, 199 leave of absence, 1143 Lowe, A. D., fellowship, 516 Lowe, H. A., degree, 1303 Lowe, J. C, II, appointment, 71, 757 Lowe, J. T., fellowship, 736 Lowe, L. J., degree, 838 Lowe, Mrs. Leone, appointment, 808 Lowe, R. D., degree, 1292 Lowe, R. L., degree, 1289 Lowe, T., degree, 1303 Lowell, J. N., degree, 634 Lowenstein, J. H., degree, 613 fellowship, 895 Lower, R. L., degree, 602 Lower, W. D., appointment, 731 declination, 821 Lowery, J. D., degree, 831 Low-pressure measurement, research, contract, 692 change, 1260 Lowry, J. T., degree, 1315 Lowry, Mrs. Rosemund, lease, 868, 1128 Lowry, W. L., appointment, 771 Low-temperature physics, research, contract, 21, 692 Lowth, R. J., degree, 1318 Loyd, L. B., fellowship, 1226 Lozar, C. C, degree, 1312 Lu, Chin-Pi, appointment, 120, 333, 808 fellowship, 1172 Lubanowski, Leona L., degree, 1322 Lubatti, H. J., degree, 392 Lubbert, J., appointment, 64 Lubin, Hedda M., degree, 1301 Lubin, J. J., appointment, 77 Lubricant-binder phenomena, study, contract, 282 Lubricants, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 719 Lubrizol Corp., gift, 951 Lubrizol Foundation, gift, 288 Lucas, G. D., appointment, 71, 757 Lucas, J. F., degree, 1274 fellowship, 661 Lucas, K. R., degree, 608 fellowship, 516, 1226 Lucas, Karen S., degree, 637 Lucas, P. A., fellowship, 1335 Lucas, R. A., appointment, 408, 923 degree, 604 Lucchesi, Adrienne L., degree, 1290 Luce, R. W., degree, 143 Luchs, J. R., degree, 645 Luck, M. D., degree, 618 Lucksinger, R. A., degree, 399 Luddeke, D. L., degree, 615 Ludington, G. j., Ill, degree, 1075 Ludlam, Patricia C, degree, 633 Luehring, R. J., degree, 636 Lueschen, W. E., fellowship, 1226 Lueth. H. C, appointment, 67, 754 Luhtala, J. L., degree, 643 Lukancic, Angela M., degree, 1300 Lukancic, Mildred J., fellowship, 699 Lukas, G. E., appointment, 325 Lukas, H. G., degree, 1073 Lukas, Ruta O., appointment, 120, 339 Lukas, V. T., appointment, 808 degree. 840 Lukas, W. G., degree, 402 Lukas Microscope Service, purchase, 1126 Luke, Carol F., degree, 830 Luke, E. D., appointment, 333, 998 1486 BOARD OF Luke, Elma K. C, degree, 607 Luke, M. K. L., degree, 607 Luken, R. L., degree, 841 Lukenbach, E. R., fellowship, 818 Lukens, Shirley A., appointment, 889 Luker, Mrs. Carol W., resignation, 46 Lum. Doris J., degree, 619 Lumber, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 596, 1209 Lumber Dealers Research Council, gift, 957 Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Co., purchase, 1255 Lumeng, J., appointment, 758 Lumiansky, R. M., appointment, 64 Luminescence of marine organisms, study, contract, change, 106, 869 Lumsden, Sharon L., appointment, 989, 993 degree, 1272 Lundberg, W. L., degree, 398 Lunde, Andrea, degree, 624 Lunde, Karen A., fellowship, 1226 Lunde, Lorinne L., appointment, 808 Lunde, R. L., degree, 1280 Lundeen, Connie M., degree, 629 Lundeen, D. C, degree, 156 Lundeen & Hilfinger, architectural services, Smith Music Hall addition, contract, 185 engineering services, Orchard Downs addition, contract, addition, 97 Lundergan, June F., degree, 1075 Lundin, R. F., degree, 210 Lundman, A. T., retirement, 824 Lundquist, Karen L., fellowship, 516 Lundstrom, R. R., degree, 1073 Lundy, C. L, appointment, 68, 755 Lundy, J. E., degree, 842 Lundy, L. J., degree, 637 Lunsford, G. H., degree, 1067 Lunt, H. W., degree, 614 Lupi, F., degree, 880 Lupinski, Delphine M., degree, 647 Lurie, F. M., degree, 877 Liischer, E., leave of absence, 479 Lusk, F. B., appointment, 67, 754 Luskin, A. T., degree, 1303 Lussenhop, J. F., degree, 1303 Lussie, W. G., degree, 153, 1067 Lust, L. C, contract, 95 Lustfield, Susan C, degree, 644 Lustgarten, M. D., degree, 645 Lustig, J., degree, 1284 fellowship, 1226 resignation, 1341 Lustig, N., appointment, 120 Luther & Pedersen, Inc., purchase, 1257 Luthi, Pauline T., degree, 835 Lutsch, E. F., appointment, 64 Lutter & Maremont Co., Inc., purchase, 863 Liity, F., appointment, 367 Lutz, R. J., degree, 835 Lutz, W. E., degree, 1315 Lutz, W. W., degree, 603 Lux, D. G., appointment, 1003 Luxford, B., degree, 1073 Lybrand, Ross Brothers & Montgomery, employment, 499, 1211 Lycoming Furniture Industries, Inc., purchase, 715 Lydy, D. L., degree, 600 Lyke, J. B., appointment, 334, 999 degree, 612 Lyman, E. M., appointment, 36 Lyman, Mrs. Elisabeth R., appointment, 120 Lymphangiography, research, gift, 968 Lynch, Asta V., appointment, 652 Lynch, J. D., degree, 1075 Lynch, J. H., appointment, 988 Lynch, R. W., degree, 1276 fellowship, 661, 1335 Lynch, Susan M., degree, 1303 Lynch, Virginia R., degree, 140 Lynge, M. J., Jr., degree, 1297 Lynge, W. C, degree, 841 Lynk, F. H., Co., purchase, S3 Lynn, J. R., degree, 214 Lynn, Sharon L., degree, 1297 Lyon, Charlotte E., degree, 835 Lyon, J. S., degree, 1081, 1314 Lyon, W. F., appointment, 81, 769 Lyon & Healy, purchase, 1158 Lyon Metal Products, Inc., purchase, 1255 Lyons, D. J., certificate, 1101 Lyons, E., Jr., degree, 638 Lyons, Linda F., degree, 400 Lyons, Mary M., appointment, 84, 772 Lyons, R. H., Equipment Co., purchase, 1203 Lype, M. E., degree, 401 Ma, H. T. K., degree, 1081 Mac, T. P., degree, 152 MacAlpine, Sara F., degree, 611 MacCarthy Ford Tractor Sales, Inc., lease 282, 381, 1040, 1128 MacConnell, J. G., degree, 1302 MacConnell, R. M., degree, 624 Maccubbin, R. P., degree, 604 MacDonald, R. B., appointment, 334 MacDougall, Carolyn S., fellowship, 1226 MacDougall, Sandra L., degree, 627 Macgregor, A., degree, 1070 Mach, L. F., degree, 1311 Machado, R., appointment, 772 Machin, J. H., Jr., appointment, declination 666 Machine design, research, gift, 295 Machine elements, research, contract, change, 475 Machine equipment, appropriation, Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, purchase, Agency for International Development, 1201 Architecture and Art, 1203 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 56 Physics, Chicago Circle, 1126 Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, 1254 Machinery, lease, 282, 380, 381, 475 Machine shed, Agricultural Economics, purchase, 590 Orchard Street, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 780 Plant Pathology, water lines, appropriation, 488 Machino, Jeanette, degree, 399 Machne, Xenia, appointment, 36 resignation, 207 Machol, R. E., appointment, 1243 Maciaszek, E. A., degree, 1312 Maclver, L., painting, purchase, 494 Mack, L. A., degree, 612 Mack, P. L., certificate, 934 Mack, R. B., appointment, 77, 765 Mackenroth, Pamela F., degree, 1075 Mackenzie, J. K., appointment, 987 MacKenzie, K. S., degree, 636 Mackey, J. H., degree, 1286 Mackin, T. H., Jr., appointment, 339, 696, 1005 Mackin Sales Co., purchase, 1123 Mackland, Wendy L, degree, 1308 Mackler, H., appointment, 254 Mackovjak, J., degree, 1279 Mackovjak, P., degree, 396 MacLean, T. J., certificate, 62 MacLeod, R., appointment, 976 Macleod, R. M., fellowship, 699, 1335 MacMorran, K. C, degree, 397 Mac Murdo, G. A., degree, 402 MacMurdo, K. W., degree, 1297 Macnamara, Patricia E., appointment, 120, 731 MacNeil, Elizabeth, appointment, 199 UNIVERSITY C MacPherson, R. F., degree, 831 jlacPhie, R. H., degree, 601 resignation, 444 MacRae, Edith K., leave of absence, 1110 Macy, Marjorie J., degree, 835 Madden, Diana M., resignation, 207 Madden, J. J-, appointment, 808, 1218 Madden, J. T., degree, 148 JVtadderom, D. J., degree, 1292 Maddox, A. L., degree, 1068 Maddox, J. V., fellowship, 1226 Maddox, S. O., degree, 1285 Madenberg, F., appointment, 120, 808 Madenberg, M. L., certificate, 1101 Mader, G. J., certificate, 62 Madison, J. M., appointment, 1138 Madison, K. G-, degree, 826 fellowship, 1336 Madison, K. M., appointment, 338, 1004 Madison Silos Division, Martin-Marietta Corp., purchase, 55, 716, 782 Madori, Lois A., degree, 624 Madrilejo, Nora G., appointment, 254, 772 Madsen, A. G., appointment, 120 degree, 208 resignation, 521 Madsen, C. H., Jr., degree, 1274 Madsen, E. K., degree, 1062 Madsen, J. E., degree, 1292 Madura, Adrienne M., degree, 832 Maduros, B. P., appointment, 731, 756 Maeda, Beverly K., degree, 1312 Maertz, R. G., degree, 1303 Maganini, R. J., appointment, 1138 Magaro, L. F., degree, 1297 Magee, Ann R., degree, 1321 Magell, J., appointment, 889 Magenheimer, Meredith M., degree, 644 Maggio, E., appointment, 458 Maggio, Stella M., degree, 1297 Maggos, Esther, degree, 638 Maggs, P. B., appointment, 1185 Magidson, M. A., degree, 629 Magill, C. W., degree, 618 Maginn Office Equipment Co., purchase, 244, 470, 1015, 1160 Maglione, F. D., Jr., appointment, 889 fellowship, 43, 204, 736 Magnabosco, P. T., appointment, 335, 808, 1000 Magnaflux Corp., purchase, 279 Magnascanner, Research and Educational Hospitals, appropriation, 13 Magnasyne Corp., purchase, 691 Magnavox Co., gift, 285, 947, 951, 957 purchase, 372 Magnavox Foundation, Inc., gift, 301 Magner, Jean A., degree, 1313 Magnet, Coordinated Science Laboratory, purchase, 55 Magnetic core matrix stack, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 188 Magnet system, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 101 Magnion, Inc., purchase, 101, 1202 Magnus, D. P., fellowship, 319, 699, 927 Magnus, Marilynn G., degree, 1301 Magnuski. Marilyn J., degree, 1076 llagrill. Rose M., appointment, 1218 degree, 1280 Maguire, J. T., appointment, 330, 993 Maguire, June E., degree, 646 Maguire, r. G., Jr., degree, 1302 Mah, Rosemary G., degree, 1061 Mahaffey, Anna K., appointment, 889, 989 Mahany, R. P., fellowship, 516 resignation, 898 Mahayni, M. A., degree, 209 Maker, D. B., appointment, 74, 761 Maher, J. T., degree, 638 Mahler, G. R., degree, 832 Mahmoud, M. A. M., degree, 1278 3F ILLINOIS 1487 Mahoney, R. W., degree, 624 Mahony, T. D., appointment, 76 resignation, 1020 Mahood, R. W., degree, 140 Mahrt, J. L., fellowship, 1336 Mahuron, T. G., degree, 1282 Maichel. J. G., degree, 622 Maier, E. L., fellowship, 1336 Maier, K. J., appointment, 81 termination, 320 Maik, T. A., degree, 386 Mailing Center, appropriation, inserting machine, 13 balance reappropriated, 779 Mailman, D. S., degree, 1316 fellowship, 43 Mainord, W. A., appointment, 458 Mainous, B. H., appointment, 330, 653, 994 Main Street, property at 1102-A West, lease, 105, 868 property at 1112-1114 West, remodeling, appropriation, 95 contract, addition, 95 property at 1305 West, purchase. 451 property at 1307 West, purchase, 481 Maintenance Supply Corp., purchase, 497 Mairinger, F., appointment, 316 Maisch, W. F., fellowship, 1020, 1141 Maitland, D .S., degree, 1292 Maitland, Patricia L., degree, 1297 Maize, study, gift, 297 Majernik, Agnes I., degree, 615 Majeske. F. J., degree, 152 Majidzadeh, K., degree, 600 Major and minor requirements, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Urbana. approved, biology, 368 revision, classics, 368 English, 368 music, 368 rhetoric, 368 sciences and letters, 368 speech, 368 Major-Monroe Dental Laboratory, purchase, 1255 Majorowicz, R. L., appointment, 325 Majors, J. S., appointment, 36 Major street and highway plan, Urbana-Criampaign area, major plan, approved, 872 approved, 1195 Makarski, R. A., degree, 401 Maksic, D., appointment, 808 Malagaris, Kaliopee C, degree, 637 Malany, L. L., degree, 1292 Malcolm, I). E., certificate, 1101 Malecki, E. S., Jr., degree, 632 Malek. R. A., degree, 1320 Malelo Camera Co., purchase, 1013, 1203 Malhotra, O. P., appointment, 199 resignation, 898 Malik, B. B., degree, 1277 Malik, G. I., degree, 1073 Malik, R. K., degree, 215 Malik, S. K., degree, 830 Malina, J. S., certificate, 62 Malinosky, A. T., appointment, 338, 1005 Malinowski, Audrey J., degree, 1297 Malinowski, R. D., degree, 1073 Malis, H. A., certificate, 365 Malisch, Margaret J. B., degree, 1301 Malisch, W. R., degree, 609 Malkasian, A. H., degree, 1318 Malkus, S., degree, 629 Mall, J. P., fellowship, 1336 Mall, Joan A., degree, 638 Mallaney, E. A., certificate, 365 Mailer, O., degree, 1061 Mallin, Leah M., fellowship, 516 resignation, 739 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, purchase, 54, 591, 787, 1258 1488 BOARD OF Mailing, G. F., degree, 388 Mallory, P. R., Co., Inc., gift, 285, 947 Malloy Lithographing, Inc., purchase, 277 1156, 1206, 1259 Malm, R. 0., degree, 1079 Malmberg, J. E., degree, 1311 Malmer, Ann E., degree, 1297 Malmgren, C. M., degree, 1297 Malone, A. J., appointment, 1084 Malone, W. F. P., appointment, 1169 degree, 1316 Maloney, J. E., appointment, 76, 764 Maloney, Mary A., degree, 626 Maloney, Mary K., degree, 1297 Maloney, R. L., member of advisory committee, 680 Malter, R. F., appointment, 199, 254 Malting Barley improvement Association, gift, 295 Mamby, Audley R., appointment, 69, 756 Mammals, meiotic abnormalities, research, gift, 970 Mammoser, W. J., certificate, 365 Man, C. Y., degree, 628 Management, Chicago Undergraduate Division, area of concentration, established, 1187 Urbana, budget, summer session, 333 department merger, 485 gift, research, American Foundation for Management Research, Inc., 291 Manaligod, J. R., appointment, 764 Manaugh, Cynthia J., degree, 624 Manchester, R. R., bond, 722 elected Treasurer of Board, 421 Mancoff. N. A., certificate, 1101 Mandarino, R. J., Jr., certificate, 62 Mandell, A. G., degree, 1322 Mandell, R. B., degree, 624 Mandeville, M. J., appointment, 333 Mandeville, T. $pD>., degree, 1312 Mandex Manufacturing Co., Inc., purchase, 279 Mandolini, A. M., certificate, 747 Mandrea, E., appointment, 923 Mandy, W. J,, appointment, 653 degree, 876 fellowship, 43, 443, 736 resignation, 444, 666, 739 Manelis, L., certificate, 1101 Mangan, K., appointment, 808 Mangel, W. F., degree, 399 fellowship, 89S Manger, M. A., gift, 973 Mango, F. R., degree, 638 Manhart, F. F., degree, 1289 Manifolds, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 436 Manilow, N., Foundation, gift, 308 Mankin, P. A., appointment, 330 Mankowski, M. J., member of advisory committee, 267 Mann, D. K., degree, 1068 resignation, 207 Mann, F. I., degree, 1282 Mann, J. A., degree, 1297 Mann, J. U., degree, 1322 Mann, L. A., appointment, 889 fellowship, 1336 Mann, Linda, degree, 627 Mann, R., certificate, 62 Mann, R. A., degree, 1073 Mann, R. L., appointment, 70, 923 Mann, W. S., fellowship, 258, 895 Manning, Claire A., degree, 1297 Manning, E. G., appointment, 1328 Manning, J. P., appointment, 808 Manolakes, T., appointment, 993 Manometer, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, purchase, 788 Manor Sheet Metal, Inc., contract, 542 Maaos, C. T., degree, 876 Mansfield, J. T., degree, 1292 Mansfield, J. V., appointment, 507 Mansfield, M. E., appointment, 707 Mansfield, P., appointment, 120 Mansfield, T. W., degree, 1318 Manson, J. D appointment, 987 Mansour, C. N., appointment, 83, 770 Mansueto, M. D., appointment, 75, 763 Manthe, J. L., degree, 618 Mantik, D. W., degree, 832 Manufacturing pharmacy, remodeling, appro. priation, balance reappropriated, 87, 7gp Manwaring, M. G., degree, 387 Manweiler, A, B., degree, 634 Manwell, C., appointment, 36 leave of absence, 321 cancellation, 823 resignation, 1174 Manyik, R. L., degree, 1071 Maps, Agronomy, purchase, 163 Mar, T., degree, 1067 Marcacci, Jolene M., degree, 842 Marchetti, S. D., degree, 624 March;, M., degree, 645 Marchiando, P. J., degree, 1071 Marco, G. L., fellowship, 1336 Marcum, H. B., fellowship, 736 Marcus, D. A., appointment, 254, 768 Marcus, F. M., degree, 1313 Marcus, N. H., degree, 1082 Marcus, R. A., appointment, 1241 Marcus, R. E., appointment, 75, 763 Marcus, Mrs. Ruth B., appointment, 1105 Marden, P. W., degree, 877 Marek, C. R., degree, 396, 1277 Marek, Margaret R., degree, 1077 Marfort, C. T., appointment, 64, 988 Marggraf, Agnes V., gift, 949 Margolin, N. E., certificate, 365 Margolese, B. J., degree, 828 Margulis, M., resignation, 444 Marin Dominquez, J., degree, 142 Marine organisms, research, contract, change, 106, 869 Marinkovich. Bonnie, degree, 1080 Marino, R. S., fellowship, 1336 Marin-Ricaud, L., appointment, 199 Marion, C. I*, certificate, 747 Marion, M. G., degree, 619 Maris, R., fellowship, 1336 Maris, T. A. J., resignation, 666 Marisic, Ellin R., fellowship, 1336 Marisic, M. M., degree, 624 Marjancik.J. R., degree, 398 Mark, A. E., degree, 600 Mark, Barbara D., degree, 1078 Mark, C. K. W., degree, 837 Mark, E. A., degree, 621, 1279 Markel, E. M., degree, 647 Marker, J. G., degree, 1312 Markese, Jean A., degree, 1069 Market buy program, Cooperative Extensio Service m Agriculture and Home Ecc nomics, development and production, prc fessional services, 100 Marketing, Chicago Undergraduate Divisio area of concentration, established, 1187 Urbana, budget, summer session, 333, 99 gift, research, Eisner Food Stores, 293 Illinois Agricultural Association, 95 Merrell, W. S., Co., 295 University Foundation, 959 organization, headship form, retained, 1026 Market planning and education, study, co tract, 586 Market research, gift, 956, 958 Markey, D. A., degree, 621 Markham, D. D., fellowship, 1226 Markham, Eileen M., degree, 400 Markle, J. and Mary R., Scholar Award, funds, gift, 970 Markle Foundation, gift, 308, 970 UNIVERSITY O: Markos, D. W., fellowship, 1336 jtarkovic, M. A., appointment, 254, 1084 Markowitz, D., degree, 602 ; Marks, A. D., degree, 1318 : garks A. R., degree, 638 Marks, A. S., degree, 1303 Marks, Colleen J., fellowship, 895 Marks, J. A., degree, 643 Marks, Judith C, degree, 637 Marks, Leslie L., degree, 638 Marks, Roberta A., degree, 1299 Markstrom, J. A., degree, 1079 Markvaldas, Irena L., degree, 153 Markwalder, D. A., appointment, 534 fellowship, 1172 Marlin, M. L., degree, 398, 1282 Marlin, Marjorie J. M., fellowship, 818, 1336 Marmis, Fern A., degree, 1313 Marquardt, Barbara S., degree, 1313 Marquardt, W. C, appointment, 36, 707 Marquart, J. R., degree, 874 Marquez, E., degree, 1301 Marquinez, Ana, appointment, 80, 768 Marros aplasia, research, gift, 308 Marry, T. F., Jr., degree, 835 Marschak, R. P., certificate, 1101 Marsden, Judith L., degree, 645 Marsh, B. A., degree, 392 Marsh, Elaine B., degree, 1303 Marsh, J. O., Jr., appointment, 339, 1005 Marsh, Mary C, gift, 301 Marsh, Virginia M., degree, 633 Marshall, B. E., appointment, 316 degree, 634 Marshall, D. R., degree, 1081 Marshall, J. A., fellowship, 736 Marshall, J. D., certificate, 365 Marshall, K. R., degree, 156, 614 Marshall, Mary K., degree, 403 Marshall, R. F., fellowship, 516 Marshall, Satia Y., degree, 1078 Marshall, T. C, resignation, 134 Marshall, W. A., appointment, 74, 762 Marshall, W. J., appointment, 254, 760 Marshall, Wihna J., degree, 633 Marshall & Huschart Machinery Co., purchase, 281 Marshall Field & Co., purchase, 56, 102, 1123, 1158 Marshallsay, L. R., certificate, 1101 Marsho, R. S., degree, 397 Marsi, J., appointment, 70, 758 Marsteller, Inc., gift, 301 Marston, H., appointment, 808 Martell, J. M., degree, 1315 Marten, I). V., degree, 1289 Martens, Clara B. M., degree, 1285 Martens, G., appointment, 653 Marthaler, K. A., degree, 638 Marti, R. L., certificate, 1101 Martia, D. F., appointment, 1138 Martin, A. D., appointment, 120 Martin, B. K., degree, 396 Martin, Belva J., degree, 633 Martin, Mrs. Beverly B., appointment, 808 Martin, Carol L., degree, 1308 Martin, D. E., degree, 624 Martin, D. F., appointment, 326, 989 resignation, 1232 Martin, D. M., appointment, declination, 822 degree, 1063 Martin, D. W., fellowship, 131 termination, 134 Martin, Ellen M., degree, 1314 Martin, F. J., degree, 621 Martin, H. C, degree, 151 Martin, H. T., memorial to, gift, 972 Martin, Helen R., degree, 148 Martin, Mrs. Henry T., gift, 972 Martin, J. B., degree, 826 Martin, J. D., degree, 614 F ILLINOIS 1489 Martin, J. E., degree, 153 Martin, Jeri K., degree, 1299 Martia, L. E., Memorial Fund, gift, 972 Martin, L. L., degree, 620, 1276 fellowship, 661, 1336 Martin, Linda, degree, 1309 Martin, Marian R., degree, 1321 Martin, Millicent V., appointment. 731, 990 Martin, Nancy L., appointment, declination, 1088 Martin, O. H., degree, 1297 Martin, P. E., degree, 825 Martin, P. H., degree, 624 Martin, P. J., degree, 155 Martin, P. K., fellowship, 661, 736 Martin, Patricia C, appointment, declination, Martin, Ralph E., degree, 621 Martin, Richard Edward, degree, 1079 Martin, Richard Edwin, degree, 214 Martin, Roger E., degree, 879 Martin, R. J., report, research programs of the Engineering Experiment Station, 1094 Martin, R. T., fellowship, 516 Martin, S. M., Jr., degree, 609 fellowship, 661 Martin, W. D., degree, 144 Martin, W. O., appointment, 653 Martinek, Joyce B., degree, 647 Martinez, T. M., degree, 1297 Marting Manufacturing Co., purchase, 495 Martin-Marietta Corp., Madison Silos Division, purchase, 55, 716, 782 Martino, R. P., degree, 1318 Martin-Trigona, Helen, appointment, 121, 731 Martirano, S. J., appointment, 731, 1084 Martisius, D. j., degree, 643 Martoglio, G. L., degree, 620 Martoglio, L. D., degree, 1070 Martyniuk, Ivanna, degree, 399 Martyniuk, J. R., degree, 635 Martz, H. D., degree, 143 Marvel, C. S., honorary degree, 460, 599 Marvel, C. S., Fellowship, funds, gift, 950 Marvin, D. F., degree, 403 Marx, R. D., fellowship, 699 Marx, W., appointment, 331, 808, 1138 leave of absence, 978 cancellation, 1343 Maryland Clam Co., Inc., purchase, 785, 941 Marzorati, T. H., degree, 647 Marzullo, E., degree, 1066 Masalski, W. J., appointment, 36 Maslin, K., degree, 404 Mason, C. C, appointment, 76t 764 Mason, C. E., degree, 645 Mason, D. A., certificate, 747 degree, 402 Mason, H. B., degree, 1293 Mason, J. H., appointment, 83, 696, 889, 976 Mason, Karen A., degree, 629 Mason, M. L., degree, 1070 Mason, Norma, appointment, 79, 767 Mason, R. A., resignation, 46 Mason, R. E., appointment, 326, 989 resignation, 1341 Mason, R. M., appointment, 653 Mass, Gloria, degree, 154 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., staff annuity program, approved, 1214 Massari, F. S., appointment, 76, 763 Massel, J. R., degree, 1312 Masser, Frances J., degree, 605 Masser, M. H., degree, 399 Massett, C. M., degree, 842 Massey, J. W., degree, 398, 1066 Massey-Ferguson, Inc., lease, 282, 475, 1128, 1260 Massie, D. R., degree, 388 Mast, P. E., appointment, 36 1490 BOARD OF Masten, Barbara B., degree, 148 Mastent lona M., degree, 148 Masterton, D. A., appointment, 808, 1004 Masur, E. F., appointment, 1188 Masur, R. W., degree, 624 Masur, S. D., degree, 1309 Matas, R. R., degree, 404, 1284 Matayoshi, L. N., degree, 152 Mate, G. E., degree, 1081 MATEK, Inc., purchase, 1205 Materials, research, contract, 103 Materials and Mechanics, department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1188 Materials Research Corp., purchase, 24 Materials Research Laboratory, particle accelerator, contract, 1194 phase I, construction, contract, 539 financing, 540 phase II, construction, contract, electrical, 857 elevators, 857 fume hoods, 857 general, 857 eating, piping, and refrigeration, 857 laboratory equipment, 857 pipe covering and insulation, 857 plumbing, 857 temperature control, 857 ventilating, 857 financing, 855 lease, 855 site, lease to Foundation, 855 steam tunnel, contract, construction, 540 plumbing, 710 use by Atomic Energy Commission, charge, 103 charge, 245, 352, 587, 1016 utilities distribution system, extension, contract, 431 Matern, Susan C, appointment, 808 Matesi, Jeanette A., degree, 647 Mathematics, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, summer session, 339, 1005 department, established, 1187 Urbana, appropriation, equipment, 238, 463 budget, summer session, 333, 997 gift, fellowship, Continental Oil Co., 288, 950 International Business Machines Corp., 950 funds, American Mathematical Society, 299, 961 research, General Electric Foundation, 294, 955 Minnesota, University of, 295, 959 National Educational Television and Radio Center, 296 Mathematics, high school, conference proceedings, printing, 1156 curriculum, development, gift, 292 experimental textbooks, printing, contract, 190, 244, 718, 782 film project, improvements, contract, 189 photographic optical effects and titles, contract, 1257 Mathematics Building, architectural services, contract, 492 land, acquisition, 675 Mathematics for business, research, gift, 959 Matheos, G. P., degree, 624 Mather, L. R., degree, 1282 fellowship, 895 Mather, Mary E., appointment, 328, 1003 Matheson, Linda J., degree, 1297 Matheson, R. B., degree, 628 Matheson Scientific, Inc., purchase, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1255 Mathews, J. W., degree, 1309 Mathews Avenue, bicycle lane, construction and maintenance, 274 houses at 606 and 6O6V2 South, moving appropriation, 536, 709 ' contract, 714 Mathewson, Judith A., degree, 153 Mathieu, Jean M. V., appointment, 36, 121 Mathis, G. R., resignation, 46 Mathis, YV. E., degree, 1283 Mathur, N. C, degree, 1059 Mathy, W. E., appointment, 70, 756 Matisse, P., Gallery Corp., purchase, 494 Matlaw, R. E., appointment, 336 resignation, 666 Matlin, S., appointment, 69, 756, 1218 Matlon, R. J., appointment, 121 Matrix representations of boundary value problem solutions, study, contract, 1040 Matson, B. W., certificate, 1101 Matson, Donna J., degree, 636 Matson, K. L., appointment, 82, 770 Matsui, H., appointment, 1084 Matsumoto, H., appointment, 808, 1138 resignation, 1341 Matsumoto, Y., appointment, 441, 808, 1018 1138, 1328 Matsunaka, Carol N., degree, 1285 Matsushita, S., degree, 829 Mattenheimer, H. G., appointment, 66, 753 Mattes, R. G., degree, 835 Matteson, H. H., degree, 877 Matteson, M. R., appointment, 121, 80S Matthes, R. 0., degree, 634 Matthew, G. R., appointment, 808 Matthews, Mrs. Dorothy E.. appointment 889 Matthews, Mrs. Elizabeth W., appointment, 1218 Matthias, W., Jr., appointment, 889 degree, 1271 Matthies, M. T., degree, 1303 Matticks, Wanda L., degree, 142 Matting, Astronomy, purchase, 53 Mattison, D. C, Jr., resignation, 977 Mattox, J. H., appointment, 761 Mattresses, purchase Housing Division, Urbana, 101, 350, 719 1207 Research and Educational Hospitals, 277 Mattson, D. E., degree, 875 Matula, G., gift, 308 Matula Fund, investment, 246 Matusevicius, Regina M., degree. 1313 Matuska, J. A., degree, 1302 Matuzek, Mrs. Ida S., appointment, 1138 Matwiyoff, N. A., degree, 384 Matz, C. F., degree, 1303 fellowship, 1227 Matz, D., appointment, 121, 254 Matz, M. T., degree, 1320 Matz. O. N., Jr., degree, 151 Mauney, M. H., resignation, 46 Maunpr, M., degree, 390 Maupin, D. L., degree, 636 Maupin, R. A., degree, 645 Maurath, J. D., appointment, 923 degree, 606 Maurer, Eva D., degree, 879 Maurer, F. D., appointment, 707 Maurer, Helen S., degree, 1320 Maurer, R. J., appointment, 36 Maurice, C. G., appointment, 121 Mauritz, E. W., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 1240 Mauritzen. J. H., degree, 645 Maurizi, C. P., degree, 1320 Maurizi, D. G., appointment, 75, 763 Mauro, M. F., degree, 604 Maus, L. E., degree, 1309 Mautz, R. K., appointment, 316, 325 UNIVERSITY 0 Mauzey, A. J., appointment, 72, 759 Mavon, G. A., Scholarship Fund, gift, 285, 946 Maxedon, J. W., degree, 1297 Maxwell, C. L., degree, 1070 Maxwell, G., lease, 438, 1040 Maxwell, G. B., Jr., degree, 642, 1318 Maxwell, G. W., degree, 1071 Maxwell, J. M., certificate, 365 Maxwell, Sandra L., degree, 615 Maxwell, W. H. C, appointment, 1185 itav Charlotte E., degree, 616 av D. R., fellowship, 516 May W. H., appointment, 199 May'all, R. P., degree, 835 Mayberry, Harriet S., degree, 153 Mayberry, J. P., degree, 391 fellowship, 516, 1227 Mayer, Barbara A., degree, 615 Mayer, Barbara J., degree, 1311 Mayer, Constance J., degree, 622 JIayer, H., appointment, 751 Mayer, Joan M., degree, 832 Mayer, L. A., appointment, 121 leave of absence, 740 Mayer, Margaret, authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 Mayer, Marilyn J., degree, 1075 Mayer, Mary A., degree, 613 Mayer, P. S., appointment, 69, 756 Mayer, R. J., degree, 636 Mayer, R. W., appointment, 994 Mayer, S. A., degree, 152 Mayes, P. E., invention, income allocation, 668 patent rights, release to Foundation, 1146 Mayes, S. C, degree, 148 Mayfield, E. D.. Jr., degree, 1276 fellowship, 736 Mayhak, D. H., degree, 1282 Maynard, G. B., Jr., appointment, 751 Mayo, F. P., certificate, 1150 Mayoh, B. H., fellowship, 516 resignation, 666 Mayr, T. A., degree, 1286 fellowship, 516 Mayron, B. R., degree, 645 Mayron, L., resignation, 46 Mays, R. A., degree, 1290 Mays, R. V., degree, 618 Mazgaj. P. M., degree, 1312 Mazmanian, P., degree, 842 Mazumdar, B. N., degree, 610 fellowship, 131 Mazur, B., appointment, 1185 Mazur, E. H., degree, 1297 Mazza, R. K., degree, 1303 Mazzier, A. G., degree, 643 Mazzocco-Petitto, A., degree, 1297 McAdams, R. L., certificate, 1101 degree, 402 McAllister, E. F., certificate, 850 McAllister, J. T., degree, 140 McAllister, R. C, degree, 1281 McAllister, W. G., appointment, 336, 1001 leave of absence, 259 McAndrew, J. R., appointment, 83, 770 McArdle, G. W., degree, 835 McArdle, J. F., degree, 152 McArdle, Harrington, & McLaughlin, gift, McArthur, Carolyn O., fellowship, 516, 1227 McAuIay, R. J., degree, 829 McAuley, J. E., certificate, 62 McBride, H O., degree, 397 McBride, J. D., degree, 386 fellowship, 516 McBride, L., member of advisory committee, 237 McBroom, Margaret S., degree, 835 McBurney, T. R., degree, 1080 )F ILLINOIS 1491 McBurney, W. H., leave of absence, 1109 McCabe, J. I., Jr., certificate, 1101 McCabe, Nancee L., degree, 1308 McCabe, Nancie M., appointment, 36, 121 resignation, 666 McCabe, P. A., degree, 387 McCabe, W. R., appointment, 69 McCaffrey, Carol A., degree, 1285 McCaffrey, L. J., leave of absence, 427 resignation, 1232 McCahan, J. F., appointment, 78, 766 McCaig, R. J., appointment, 121, 1005 McCall, Barbara A., degree, 606 McCall, R. B., degree, 1274 fellowship, 131 McCamish, Joan, appointment, 199, 334, 923, 998 McCane, R. W., degree, 1309 McCann, A,, purchase, 1126 McCann, D. D., degree, 637 McCannon, R. L., degree, 617 McCarrey, Leona P., degree, 154 McCartan, Mary A., degree, 626 McCarthy, D. J., degree, 1072 McCarthy, J. G., degree, 610 fellowship, cancellation, 739 McCarthy, J. J., certificate, 324 McCarthy Bros. Construction Co., contract, 1056 McCartin, Betty J., degree, 1297 McCarty, C. L., degree, 1314 McCarty, C. G., degree, 874 fellowship, 319 resignation, 259, 739 McCarty, D. L., degree, 1320 McCarville, Bonnie, memorial to, gift, 972 McCausland, J. P., degree, 1297 McCaw, Pamela A., degree, 1297 McCleary, L. E., appointment, 181, 328, 991 McClellan, G. H., fellowship, 516 McClintock, J. R., degree, 403 McClintock, N. E., appointment, 731 McClintock, Susan C, degree, 1303 McCloud, Merline D., degree, 826 fellowship, 258 McCloud, T. E., degree, 838 McCluney, D. C, Jr., appointment, 1187 McClung, G. L., degree, 629 McClung, R. O., degree, 215 McClure, J. P., degree, 1269 McClure, L. M., certificate, 747 degree, 634 McCollem, D. E., degree, 615 McColley, R. M., appointment, 121, 996 book, printing, 1161 McCollum, J. T., degree, 154 McCombs, S. M., degree, 397 McConaghie, J. H., Jr., degree, 621 McConnell, A. B., member of advisory committee, 484 McConnell, R. R., degree, 1062 McCool, J. E., degree, 1312 McCord, K. L., degree, 614 McCord, Marilyn A., degree, 1075 fellowship, 1087 McCord, S-, lease, S67 McCormick, Barbara H., degree, 154 McCormick, D. B., appointment, 696 .McCormick, D. E., degree, 621 McCormick, D. R., degree, 618 McCormick, J. L., degree, 214 fellowship, 661, 1227 McCormick, M. R., fellowship, 411 McCormick, T., degree, 638 .McCosh, J. R., degree, 878 McCowen, T. A., appointment, 199 McCoy, D. W., appointment, 1328 McCoy, G. L., degree, 835 McCoy, Judith K., degree, 1069 McCoy, M. Eleanor, appointment, 121, 808 McCoy, Mary C, degree, 835 1492 BOARD OF McCoy, R. A., appointment, 696 McCoy, Sally, degree, 1065 McCoy, Susan V., degree, 399 McCracken, D. E., degree, 632 McCreary, Patricia A., appointment, 70, 758 McCreath, D. W., degree, 616 fellowship, 204 McCrimmon, Mrs. Barbara J. S., appointment, 36, 507 McCrimmon, J. M., appointment, 121 McCrorey, H. L., degree, 641 McCulley, R. J., lease, 868 McCulloch, C. S., degree, 618 McCulloch, Jane A., degree, 1303 McCulloch, H., appointment, 77, 764 McCulloch, H. W., Ill, degree, 624 McCulloh, L. R., leave of absence, 1343 McCullough, E. R., degree, 621 McCully, F. M., degree, 1289 McCune, S., appointment, 919, 1084 McCurley, Joyce I., degree, 1063 McDaniel, C. R., degree, 1320 McDaniel, D. D., degree, 399 McDaniel, D. S., appointment, 74, 762 McDaniel, Marguerite A., degree, 842 McDaniel, R. A., degree, 387 McDaniel, R. T., fellowship, 699 McDaniel, T. J., degree, 1275 McDaniel, W. L., appointment, 458, 808 McDaniels, H. E., appointment, 80, 768 McDavitt, Karen L., degree, 604 McDavitt, R. D., degree, 1082 McDermott, J. A., degree, 645 fellowship, 319 McDermott, J. P. J., fellowship, 516 resignation, 740 McDevitt, Marilyn N., degree, 842 McDiarmid, C. G., degree, 212 McDonald, B. E., appointment, 653 McDonald, D. R., degree, 394 McDonald, J. H-, appointment, 121 McDonald, J. R., degree, 1269 McDonald, Kathleen T., degree, 1297 McDonald, M. L., degree, 148 McDonald, O. G., appointment, 199, 889 McDonald, R. A., fellowship, 1227 McDonald, Sharon C, degree, 1283 McDonald, V. J., appointment, 36 McDonald, Ward F., degree, 1311 McDonald, William F., degree, 1274 McDowell, A. J., appointment, 334, 998 McDowell, C. J., certificate, 484 McDowell, G. F., certificate, 62 McDowell, L. K., degree, 830 McDowell, L. K., fellowship, 661 McDowell, W. P., degree, 621 McEldowney, H., appointment, 254 McElroy, D., appointment, 121 McElroy-Roland Machinery Co., purchase, 280, 351, 1157 McElwain, R. J., degree, 395 McElwee, E. J., Jr., degree, 839 McEnroe, J. E., certificate, 365 McFadden, Lois A., appointment, 754 McFadden, R. F., degree, 835 McFarland, Ann E., degree, 646 McFarland, N. T,, appointment, 121 McFate, Patricia A., appointment, 121, 254 resignation, 1088 McGann, D. G., degree, 639 McGarrell, J., appointment, 180 McGarry, Elizabeth, lease, 1128 McGarry, H. Isabelle, appointment, 74, 761 McGeary, D. F. R., fellowship, 661, 1336 McGee, R. L., degree, 393 McGee, W. F., degree, 210 McGehee, Nan E., appointment, 340, 1007 McGill, J. E., appointment, 181, 328, 991, 992 McGill, J. N., resignation, 413 McGinness, L. P., degree, 619 McGinnis, E. A., appointment, 81 McGinnis, L. J., degree, 616 McGlade, Judith A., degree, 395 McGlamery, M. D., fellowship, 661, 1227 McGoon, D., degree, 404 McGovern, T. A., degree, 647 McGowan, E. S., certificate, 1101 McGrae, J. D., Jr., appointment, 754 McGrath, Patricia L degree, 633 McGraw-Hill Book Co., Text-Film Division purchase, 376, 1206 McGraw Wildlife Foundation, contract, 1260 McGreevey, Julia A., appointment, 808 McGregor, J. C, appointment, 988 McGrew, J. P., degree, 1071 McGrew, Nancy T., degree, 1299 McGuire, C. E., degree, 841 McGuire, Douglas, appointment, 121 fellowship, 818 resignation, 1020 McGuire, E. J., appointment, 199 degree, 641 resignation, 666 McGuire, Frances J., degree, 646 McGuire, J. B., degree, 402 McGuire, Janice G., appointment, 923 McGuire, Mary R. K., degree, 148 McGuire, O. S., degree, 210 McGuire, P. T., certificate, 365 McGuire, T. E., degree, 1297 McGunnigal, J. V., degree, 400 McGurk, D. J., fellowship, 516, 699, 736 resignation, 1088 McGurk, Florence F., appointment, 889, 923, 1170, 1218 Me Hale, T. J., degree, 139 Mcllrath, W. O., degree, 1276 Mclntosh, C. L., fellowship, 319, 927 Mclntosh, W. R., member of advisory committee, 237 Mclntyre, C. J., appointment, 1245 leave of absence, cancellation, 824 report, educational television programs, 448 Mclver, J. M., appointment, 199 McKaughan, L. S., fellowship, 661 McKay, Patricia B., degree, 835 McKee, D. C, degree, 403 McKee, J. W., Ill, degree, 624 McKee, R. V., member of advisory committee, 706 McKee-Berger, Mansueto, Inc., contract, 1010 McKeighen, R. E., degree, 1292 McKellar, A. C, degree, 610 fellowship, 516 McKelvey, Gail C, degree, 1076 McKenty, S. B., degree, 1069 McKenzie, J. D., degree, 1072 McKenzie, J. H., leave of absence, 1108 McKeone, Carol A., degree, 631 McKesson & Robbins, Inc., gift, 967 McKibbin, B., appointment, 199 termination, 898 degree, 642 McKiee, N., degree, 1282 McKiel, C. F., Jr., appointment, 84, 772 McKinley Hospital, appropriation, balance re-appropriated, 86, 778, 779 floor tile installation, 1153 overbed tables and wall closets, 536 purchase, equipment for blood work, 866 nurse-call system, 101 wall closets, 862 McKinney, D. G., degree, 636 McKinney, Georgia B., degree, 626 McKinney, J. K., degree, 1072 McKinney, Phyllis W., degree, 1308 McKinney, R. G., degree, 622 McKinnon, Dana G., appointment, 808 fellowship, 1336 McKinnon, Sylvia C, degree, 402 McKnelly, L. O., appointment, 83, 771 McKown, Linda E., degree, 1290 McLain, L. G., fellowship, 131, 319, 895, 1020 McLain, M. D., Jr., degree, 831 McLaren, Barbara J., degree, 625 UNIVERSITY McLaughlin, C. D., degree, 1315 McLaughlin, E. L., degree, 1315 McLaughlin, Susan J., degree, 153 McLaughlin, T. C, appointment, 808 McLaurin, Mesel L., degree, 835 McLean, A. D., degree, 1320 McLean, D. D., certificate, 62 McLean, H., appointment, 534 McLean, R. L., appointment, 809 McLean, W. R., degree, 605 McLeister, Elizabeth O., fellowship, 818 McLellan, C. G., degree, 395 McLellan, R. B., appointment, 809 McLeod, Elizabeth, degree, 625 McLick, J., degree, 400 McLouth, P. D., degree, 1079 McLure, J. W., degree, 138 McMahon, V. A., appointment, 254 degree, 599 McMahon, W. W., leave of absence, 425, 823 cancellation, 741 McMann, Marsha K., fellowship, 516, 699 McManus, H. F., degree, 615 McManus, J. 13., appointment, 696 degree, 1278 McManus, J. T., appointment, 81, 769 McManus, Judith M., degree, 625 McMaster-Carr Supply Co., purchase, 1254 McMasters, 1). L., appointment, 408, 653 McMichael, J. P., degree, 1303 McMillan, $$. L., appointment, 81, 769 McMillan, J. C, Jr., appointment, 68, 755 McMillan, Joyce A. S., degree, 1058 resignation, 134 McMillan, R. G., appointment, 78, 766 McMillan, Sheila A., degree, 835 McMillan, W. G., certificate, 747 McMillan, W. L., degree, 1060 McMullan, Arda T., degree, 145 McMullan, J. C, degree, 145 McMullen, C. W., appointment, !21 resignation, 259 McMullen, S. Y., resignation, 930 McMullen, Susan A., degree, 1315 McMurray, C. D., appointment, 653 McMurray, F., appointment, 328, 996 McMurray, W. J., appointment, 36 degree, 384 McMurry, Laura M., appointment, 809 McMurry, M. B., degree, 1072 McMurtrey, Rita G., degree, 1299 McNabb, C. L., degree, 1312 McNabb, R. L., degree, 1297 McNally, Patricia L., degree, 1305 McNally, R. E., appointment, 83, 770 McNamara, Eileen B., degree, 1280 McNatt, J. L., degree, 613 fellowship, 516 McNeal, R. R., degree, 835 McNee, J. D., appointment, 338, 1004, 1218 McNeil, Karen E., degree, 1315 McNeiland, Brenda B., degree, 639, 843 McNeiland, W. J., degree, 404 McNeill, J. E., degree, 1277 McNeill, T. W., appointment, 762 McNelly, C. B., property at 1308 West Stoughton Street, purchase, 348 McNelly, Caroline A., appointment, 121 McNulty, Joan E., degree, 1305 McNutt, Martha A., degree, 140 McPherson, J. P., appointment, 763 McPherson, R. J., degree, 839 McPherson, W. G., appointment, 79, 767 McQueen, R. D., appointment, 889 degree, 1061 fellowship, 736, 818 McQueen, W. A., Ill, degree, 210 JlcQuiety, Mary E., appointment, 653 McQuiston, I. B., appointment, 1138 McRae, C. L., degree, 636 McReynolds, Helen P., degree, 830 McRoberts, J. W., degree, 825 OF ILLINOIS 1493 McVay, M. S., appointment, 329, 992 resignation, 1142 McVinnie, W. W., degree, 389 fellowship, 516, 1087 McWhinney, Suzanne E., degree, 1290 Mead, G. C., degree, 208 Mead, R. W., degree, 1315 Meade, T. R., degree, 1303 Mead Johnson & Co., gift, 308, 310, 960, 969, 971 Mead Johnson Research Center, gift, 956 Meador, P. A., Jr., degree, 1061 fellowship, 516 Meadows, E. S., degree, 612 Meagher, G. B., resignation, 522 Meaning systems, research, gift, 294, 959 Means, J. B., degree, 387 Means, Marilyn J., degree, 627 Meany, R. P., appointment, 74, 762 Meara, Naomi M., appointment, 121, 731 Mearns, D. C, book, printing, 496 Measurement, low-pressure, research, contract, 692 Measurement Research Center, Inc., purchase, 25, 716 Measuring apparatus, development and construction, funds, gift, 295 Measuring equipment, purchase, Civil Engineering, 242 Electrical Engineering, 912 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 279 Meat, research, contract, change, 106, 283, 943, 1211 gift, 298, 959, 960 Mech, W. P., fellowship, 1227 Mechanical and electrical engineering services, consulting, contract, 492 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86, 779 remodeling, 238 wind tunnel, 430 budget, summer session, 333, 998 contract, engineering services, steam jet ejector, 788 test chamber. 788 gift, equipment, Endevco Corp., 303 Esso Research & Engineering Co., 303 General Motors Corp., 303 Kistler Instrument Corp., 966 fellowship, American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers, 950 funds, Ford Motor Co., 299, 955 Sporlan Valve Co., 963 Trane Co., 963 Vilter Foundation, Inc., 963 research, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 291, 953 Amsted Industries, Inc., 291 Case & Co., Inc., 954 Foundry Educational Foundation, 293, 955 Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers, 295, 956 Jersey Production Research Co., 295 National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, 296, 958 Shaw Process Development Corp., 297 Union Carbide Corp., 298, 959 scholarship, Foundry Educational Foundation, 284, 946 Magnavox Co 285 Scully-Jones Foundation, 286 Trane Co., 286 purchase, analyzer, 496 anemometer, 496 cooling tower, 1126 manometer, 788 melting unit, 1206 oscillograph, 243 plasma jet heater, 1124 1494 BOARD OF Mechanical Engineering Building, remodeling, appropriation, 1153 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, roof repairs, contract, 783 Mechanical Insulation Co., Inc., contract, 854 Mechrolab, Inc., purchase, 863 Medenis, Mrs. Rute, fellowship, 43, 736 resignation, 46 Medenis, V., appointment, 70, 758 Medernach, R. W., degree, 640 Medialdea Guinand, G., degree, 1280 Medical art, curriculum, approved, 342 Medical Center, appropriations, balances reap- propriated, 87, 780 budget, summer session, 338, 1004 business manager, appointment, 1152 contract, architectural services, campus plan studies, 687 electrical service, 93, 183 emergency electrical system, 15 linen service, 590 power supplies, 184 addition, 433 towel service, 493 fees, installment payment plan, 341 gift, equipment, anonymous donors, 973 Corn Products Co., 973 Horder's, Inc., 973 Muerche, R. C, 973 Peterson, W. F., 973 Ritter Co., 973 R M Metal Products Co., 973 Swanson, D., 974 funds, Chicago Doll Collectors Club, 971 Lovellette, J. M., 1012 housing charges, installment payment plan, 341 housing facility, financing, loan, application, 468 revenue bonds, authorization, 468 legal services, 468 petty cash fund, increase, 535 purchase, anesthetic gases, 493 carbon dioxide, 493 chromatograph, 589 dry ice, 493 file folders, 377 furniture, 863, 940 laboratory equipment, 863 microscopes, 434 notebooks, 244 oxygen, 493 refrigerators and freezers, 863 scientific equipment and supplies, 863 x-ray equipment, 1156 x-ray film, 493 x-ray solution, 433 radio station, application, 573 working cash fund, decrease, 535 Medical Center Organization Fund, gift, 968, 972 Medical Center Steam Co., coal, purchase, 590 contract, steam service, Child Development building, 1010 Children and Family Services Department, 1009 Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, 184 new buildings, 465 Out-Patients Health Service Building, 910 Medical Center Steam Plant, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 fuel oil, purchase, 472 Medical Center Stores, purchase, file folders, 1014 hypodermic needles, 494, 1256 laboratory equipment, 494, 913, 940, 1157 laboratory supplies, 375, 1203 operating room packs, 277 Medical Center Stores, cont'd paper, 1014 paper supplies, 1013 stainless steel flatware, 22 sterile disposable supplies, 1256 Medical Center Women's Auxiliary, gift, 30fi 310, 967, 968, 971, 972 Medical education, research, gift, 310, 968, 969 Medical Education Research Office, gift, re-search, American Heart Association, 307 purchase, spectrophotometer, 1158 remodeling and equipment, funds, gift, 9?i research services, contract, 1121 Medical record administration, curriculum, approved, 343 assigned to School of Associated Medical Sciences, 681 Medical Records, purchase, chart folders, 373 1201 Medical Research Laboratory, appropriation, air cleaners, balance reappropriated, 780 animal cages and equipment, 488 ductwork, replacement, 238 electronic air cleaners, 13 ductwork, replacement, contract, electrical, 543 general, 542 heating, refrigeration, and temperature controls, 543 ventilating, 543 funds, gift, United States Public Health Service, 312 pathological incinerator, contract, 1194 purchase, animal cages, 691, 863, 1121 centrifuge, 863 Medical Sciences Building, construction, contract, general, addition, 713 equipment, financing, 742 Medical Social Service, gift, research, University of Chicago, 309 Medical Social Work, clinical faculty, 67, 754 gift, research, Chicago, University of, 970 Medical technology, curriculum, approved, 342 assigned to School of Associated Medical Sciences, 681 Medications, reactions, study, gift, 292 Medicine, ultrasound in, research, contract, change, 693 Medicine, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 Chiengmai Hospital Faculty of Medicine, assistance and cooperation program, contract, 50 clinical faculty, 65, 752 curricula, medical record administration, approved, 343 medical technology, approved, 342 degrees, conferred, 644, 1319 financial aid to students, Health Professions Educational Assistance Act, 1154 gift, fellowship, Lederle Laboratories, 968 funds, American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation, 971 Daus, D. G., 971 National Fund for Medical Education, 310, 971 Rourke, A. J. J., 310 loan fund, Bristol Laboratories, 968 Merck Co. Foundation, 306, 968. research, American Heart Association, 968 American Medical Association Education Research Foundation, 307 Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. J., 969 Carr, Mr. and Mrs. M., 969 Cole, W. H., 969 Commonwealth Foundation, 969 Commonwealth Fund, 310 National Fund for Medical Education, 309 UNIVERSITY C Medicine, College of, cont'd Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 970 University Foundation, 971 scholarships, Avalon Foundation, 305 Beem, lone F., 372 Beem, lone F., Estate, 967 Class of 1963, 967 Cole, W. H., Society, 305, 967 Medical Center Women's Auxiliary 967 Solomon, J. D., Memorial Foundation, 967 Wilhelm, R. E., 967 Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center, 306 purchase, blood gas analyzer, 691 centrifuge, 241 ergometer, 1013 furniture, 1121 gamma counting system accessories, 940 image amplifier, 589 laboratory equipment and supplies, 53, 783, 863 polygraph, 863 recorder, 1037 scintillation system, 863 spectrophotometer, 783, 1255 School of Associated Medical Sciences, established, 681 Medicine, Department of, clinical faculty, 67, 754 contract, laboratory furniture, 685 gift, equipment, Roberg, N. B., 312 fellowship, Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County, 968 funds, Busey Hall Girls, 971 Delavan Community Chest, 310, 971 Kulosky, C, 310, 971 Princeville Community Council Fund Drive, 310 Snoot Boot Enterprises, 310 Squibb, E. R., & Co., 973 Stableford, L., in memory of, 971 research, American Cyanamid Co., Lederle Laboratories, 307 American Heart Association, 307, 968 American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation, 968 American Rheumatism Association, 968 American Rheumatism Association Committee on Cooperative Clinics, 307 Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, 307 Asthmatic Children's Aid, 307 Chicago Heart Association, 308 Geigy Pharmaceuticals, 308 Kidney Diseases Foundation of Illinois, 308 Lederle Laboratories, 970 Markle Foundation, 970 Merck, Sharp, & Dohme Research Laboratories, 309 National Foundation, 970 Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, 309, 970 Schering Corp., 309, 970 Searle, G. D., & Co., 309 Smith, Kline, & French Laboratories, 309 Squibb, E. R., & Co., 309 purchase, polygraph, 470 Medicine Class of 1963, gift, 967 Medicon Division, Quality Precision Products, Inc., purchase, 716 Meilnick, R., certificate, 62 Mednieks, Maija I., degree, 641 fellowship, 258 Mtdrow, E. H., degree, 636 Medrow, R. A., appointment, 199 fellowship, 1227 Medtron Associates, Inc., purchase, 1013 Medvesek, Milena M., degree, 626 )F ILLINOIS 1495 Meece, C. M., degree, 393 Meeden, G. D., degree, 1062 fellowship, 517 Meehan, Mrs. Virginia, gift, 310 Meek, C. C, fellowship, 1227 Meerman, Gerardine, appointment, 199, 809 Meerse, D. E., degree, 1062 Meerse, Peggy C, degree, 825 fellowship, 517 Meersman, R. L., degree, 212 Meginnis, P. J., II, degree, 842 Mego, J. M., degree, 1073 Metal, R. L., appointment, 83, 771 degree, 1317 Mehlick, F. D., Jr., degree, 1071 Mehlick, G. J., degree, 1071 Mehlman, J. S., appointment, 69, 756 Mehr, R. I., appointment, 809, 994 Mehta, R. K., degree, 392 Mehta, S. P., appointment, 1004 Meier, D. L., degree, 634 Meier, J. C, degree, 1079 Meiers, Rita J., degree, 1311 Meilleur, Mrs. H., gift, 311 Meilstrup, Holly B., degree, 1313 Meinecke, F. K., fellowship, 1227 Meinel, F. M., degree, 635 Meiners, K. E., degree, 1071 Meinert, D. W., degree, 621 Meinhardt, W. L., appointment, 1001 Meinhart, W. A., degree, 1058 Meissen, M. F., appointment, 36, 696 degree, 614 Meissner, Judy A., resignation, 444 Meisterling, II. E., degree, 619 Meitzler, R. L., degree, 842 Meizlesh, Janice S., degree, 842 Mejzr, Mirka M., degree, 141 Melachouris, N. P., degree, 609 Melaik, L. L., degree, 643 Meland, W. S., degree, 831 Melberg, F. T., Jr.. degree, 1287 fellowship, 895 Melby, W. R., appointment, 84, 772 Mele, J. J., appointment, 992 declination, 1341 Meleney, F. L-, memorial to, gift, 972 Melhorn, W. N., appointment, 331, 1138 Melhouse, L. G., degree, 618 Melin, J. W., appointment, 327, 1328 Melinder, R. G., degree, 146 Melkonian, A. M., degree, 396 Melliere, A. L., degree, 1064 Mellish & Murray Co., contract, 1120 Mellody, Margaret, appointment, 809 Mellon, E. D., degree, 835 Mellskog, Beverly N., degree, 632 Melman, M., resignation, 134 Melman, Sandra H., degree, 1308 Melnik, S. J., degree, 1320 fellowship, 1172 Melone, A. A., degree, 398 Meloy, C. R., appointment, 1006, 1328 resignation, 1232 Melson, Elizabeth R., appointment, 328, 989, 1003 Melsted, S. W., leave of absence, 424 Melton, D. C., degree, 396 Melton, Marilyn B., degree, 835 fellowship, 205, 736 Melvin, 1. W., appointment, 121 Melvin Electronics, purchase, 786 Melvoin, P., degree, 399 Melz, P. J., degree, 392 Memon, A. N., degree, 1292 Memorial, Stelle, J., 27 Memorial Stadium, tree-planting program, contract, 371 Menachof, I., appointment, 74, 976 Menas, J. J., certificate, 747 Mendel, Clifford W., appointment, 653 1496 BOARD OF : Mendel, Clifford W-, Jr., appointment, 1328 Mendel, Gisela, resignation, 666 Mendelblatt, F. I., appointment, 74, 762 fellowship, 1087 Mendelsohn, M. J., appointment, 1084 Mendelson, A. C, degree, 625 Mendelson, Marcia M., degree, 640 Mendelson, R. A., degree, 840 Mendlowski, B., degree, 614 Menefee, S. G., retirement, 931 Meneley, W. A., degree, 1269 Menendez, G., degree, 1293 Mengedoth, Verna L., degree, 1319 Menger, C, book, printing, 244 Menguy, A. F., appointment, 75 Mennef, E. L., degree, 634 Mensenkamp, Sonya A., degree, 1315 Mensik, B. M., Jr., degree, 647 Men's Old Gymnasium, remodeling, appropriation, 369 balance reappropriated, 780 swimming pool, reconstruction, engineering services, contract, 20 track, resurfacing, appropriation, 1191 Men's Residence Halls, funds, investment, 250, 380, 473, 724, 872, 1131 Men's Residence Halls Association, gift, 285, 947 Mental Health Center, site, annexation by Urbana-Chainpaign Sanitary District, 491 transfer to state, 937 Mental illness, research, gift, 969 Mentally handicapped children, teacher education curriculum, revisions, 9 Mentally retarded children, teachers of, scholarships, gift, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 285 Mental retardation, research, contract, 244 gift, 973 Mer, S. B., appointment, 763 fellowship, 737 Mercer, G. A., degree, 647 Mercer, M. E., degree, 1075 Mercer, W. E., certificate, 747 Merchant, F, J., degree, 647 Merck, G. W., Loan Fund, gift, 306, 968 Merck & Co., Inc., contract, change, 1129 gift, 295, 301, 957, 963 lectures fund, investment, 246 purchase, 54, 787 Merck Co. Foundation, gift, 306, 968 Merck, Sharp, & Dohme Research Laboratories, gift, 309, 957 Mercury lamps, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 281 Meredith, Connie G. W., fellowship, 1336 Meredith, D. D., degree, 839 fellowship, 517, 1336 Meredith, G. M., appointment, 809 Meredith, J. E., Jr., certificate, 63 Meredith, P. A., appointment, 70, 756 Merenfeld Dulberg, J., degree, 828 Merenkov, D. C, degree, 154 Mergenthaler, P. W., degree, 395 Merideth, C. W., appointment, 1328 Merkelis, Rita E., degree, 625 Merkelo, H., appointment, 121, 809 fellowship, 443, 737 Merkelo, Maria P., degree, 1075 Merle, F. J., degree, 1313 Merlo, T., contract, 776 Merlo, T. and Josephine, lease, 1128 Merrell, W. S., Co., gift, 295 Merret, J. G., Jr., degree, 402 Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. C. J., gift, 300 Merricks, J. W., Jr., appointment, 83, 771 Merrifieid, Janet E., degree, 1290 Merrill, M. D., degree, 1062 Merrill, Mary E., appointment, 254, 696, 809, 1328 resignation, 444 Merrill, T. N., fellowship, 737 Merritt, J. L., appointment, 36 Merritt, Martha S., degree, 154, 1285 Merson, D. H., degree, 633 Merson, R. L. degree, 1267 Mertens, Cherie L., certificate, 62 Mertz, J. C, fellowship, 895 Mesch, D. C, degree, 1297 Mesetz, T. E., degree, 617 Mesons, research, contract, 191 change, 21 Messamore, D. L., degree, 1082 Messenger, M. A., degree, 645 Messer, W. R.. fellowship, 1227 Messman, H. A., appointment, 121 Messman, Marcia J., degree, 625 Messman, Marjorie S., degree, 393 Metabolism, research, contract, 1040 change, 105, 943 gift, 290, 295, 296, 312, 956, 973 Metal, Physics, purchase, 57 Metalab Equipment Co., contract, 528, 1112 purchase, 1209 Metal building, Dairy Science, purchase, 1013 Physics Betatron, appropriation, balance re-appropriated, 779 purchase, 238 Metal complexes of starch, research, gift, 293 Metal coordination complexes, research, cift 298 ' Metal-cutting machine, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 715 Metallurgy and Mining Building, elevator, contract, 1153 laboratory furniture, purchase, 942 Metallurgy Laboratory, name, change, 1263 Metal pyrophosphates, research, gift, 298 Metals, research, contract, 103, 1162 change, 475, 943, 1129, 1163 gift, 292, 959, 961 Metcalf, C. W., appointment, 731, 758 Metcalf, G. E., resignation, 134 Metcalf, L. E., appointment, 328, 1001 Metcalf, Ora, suit, special counsel employed. 1252 Metcalf, R. R., degree, 396 Metheny, Marilyn A., degree, 840 Methicillin sodium, Pharmacy Stores, purchase, 691 Methode Electronics, Inc., purchase, 591, 941, 1257 Metropole, M. A., degree, 393 Metropole, Mrs. Sonia, appointment, 889, 1328 Metropolis, building for zoonoses research, lease, 790, 915 Metz, A. D., degree, 609 Metz, A. L., degree, 840 Metz, L. J., degree, 1297 Metzger, D. G., appointment, 534, 1084 Metzger, Mrs. Erika, appointment, 254, 441 Metzger, M. M., appointment, 331 fellowship, 411 declination, 413 Metzger, Mary D., degree, 1069 Metzger, T. R., degree, 622 Metzger, W. I., appointment, 78, 766 Metzl, E. A., degree, 1078 Metzler, R. L., degree, 402 Meuser, Mary F., appointment, 1025 Meuwese, W. A. T., appointment, 36, 199, 336 Meux, M. O., appointment, 316 Mews, S., appointment, 995 Meyer, D. L., degree, 1276 Meyer, E., appointment, 889 termination, 1174 fellowship, 131 Meyer, E. R., Jr., certificate, 747 Meyer, G. M., degree, 1071 Meyer, H. C, degree, 617 Meyer, H. I., appointment, 82, 770 Meyer, J. A., degree, 1309 Meyer, J. H., degree, 1297 Meyer, Janet V., degree, 878 Meyer, Jayne A., degree, 405 Meyer, Julia, appointment, 199, 809 UNIVERSITY o: Meyer, K. A., gift, 305 ] Meyer, L., Co., contract, 858 "Meyer, Linda H., degree, 1303 Sever, M. M., appointment, 69, 756 Meyer, O. B., degree, 1287 Meyer! P. E., lease, 868 Meyer, Richard A., degree, 874 Meyer, Roger A., degree, 153 Meyer, Robert H., degree, 1073 Meyer, Ronald H., degree, 601 Meyer, W. A., degree, 607 Meyer, W. C, appointment, 84, 772 Meyer, W. L., degree, 609 Meyer Canillas, L. F., degree, 389 Meyerholz, G. W., appointment, 680, 731 Meyers, Barbara E., resignation, 207 Meyers, C. K., degree, 622 Meyers, D. A., degree, 1080 Meyers, F. E., degree, 403 Meyers, G. H., degree, 1302 Meyers, Meredith G., degree, 631 Meyers, S. R., degree, 645 Meyerson, B. L., appointment, 809 Meyerson, M. B., degree, 1297 Meyerson, Meiody, degree, 629 Meyle, Janet J. S., degree, 1317 Meyne, G. F., Co., contract, 465 M. H. Equipment, Inc., purchase, 372 Mica Corp., purchase, 1123 Mich, J. D., degree, 1073 Michael, F. W., fellowship, 1227 Michael, J. J., degree, 830 Michael, Martha A., degree, 148 Michael, Rayna J., degree, 644 Michael, V. R., certificate, 679 Michaelian, A., degree, 1319 Michael Reese Research Foundation, purchase, 495 Michaels, Beryl M., degree, 1297 Michaels, J. R., degree, 634 Michaels Art Bronze Co., purchase, 1258 Micliaelson, A. I., certificate, 62 Michaely, A. R., degree, 639 Michal, E. K., appointment, 1328 Michal, Leila A., degree, 400 Micha!, Marilyn J., degree, 636 Michalcik, J., degree, 629 Michalec, E. L., degree, 643 Michalski, Kathleen M., degree, 633 Michas, N.. degree, 1278 Micheil, Patricia A., degree, 1311 Michejda, A. M., degree, 843 Michejda, Maija D., degree, 840 Michel, J. D., degree, 396 Michel, P. E. J., appointment, 121, 441 declination, 479 -Michel, R. W., degree, 1066 Michel, T. F., appointment, 1218 degree, 647 Micheil, C. L., degree, 1312 Michelsen, R., degree, 622 Michener. Elizabeth L., degree, 606 fellowship, 205 Michener, W. E., Jr., degree, 830 Mick, R. K., degree, 642, 1319 .Mick, R. M., resignation, 740 Micklesen, L. R., appointment, 1105, 1218 Microbial ecology, research, contract, 475 Microbiological studies, gift, 960 Microbiology, Medical Center, clinical faculty, 71, 759 gift, fellowship, Lilly, E., & Co., 968 research, Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County, 309 purchase, laboratory equipment and supplies, 375, 940 microscopes, 1156 Urbana, budget, summer session, 334, 998 gift, equipment, Packard Instrument Co., Inc., 304 fellowship, Upjohn Co., 290 research, American Cancer Society, Inc., 290, 952 head of department, appointment, 485 F ILLINOIS 1497 Microbiology, cont'd purchase, absorbance recorder, 189 biogen unit, 471 centrifuge, 189 chromatograph, 914, 1124 electrophoresis apparatus, 189, 788 fermentor, 1160 monochromator, 189 spectrochrom, 471 spectrometers, 471 ultracentrifuge, 189, 471 Microdensitometer, purchase, Botany, 278 Food Science, 279 Microdiodes, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 1257 Microdyne, Inc., purchase, 788 Microfilm, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 433, 1201 Microfilming, appropriation, balance reappro- priated, 85, 778 Micromech Manufacturing Corp., purchase, Microphotometers, purchase, Agronomy, 911 Physics, Urbana, 717 Microscope, gift, Otolaryngology, 973 Microscopes, purchase, Agency for International Development, 861 Agronomy, 862, 1037 Anatomy, 374 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1256 Electrical Engineering, 279, 495 Entomology, 913, 1126 Geology, Urbana, 913 Histology, 188 Medical Center, 434, 494, 1121 Microbiology, Medical Center, 1156 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 189, 436, 1160 Ophthalmology, S3 Oral Anatomy, 241 Orthodontics, 22 Otolaryngology, 1158 Physics, Urbana, 190 Physiology and Biophysics, 785 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 190 Zoology, 190, 785 Microscope stages, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 57 Microscope stand, Animal Science, purchase, 495 Micro-Tek Instruments, Inc., purchase, 471, 1204 Microtome, Botany, purchase, 1204 Microwaves, research, contract, 351 change, 1040, 1211 Micucci, Mildred II., degree, 835 Middaugh, K. L., fellowship, 737 Middendorf, Lynda K., degree, 619 Middendorf, W. T., degree, 837 Middle-aged workers, placement, study, gift, 960 Middleton, A. G., appointment, 771 Middleton, Alma L., degree, 825 Middleton, C. R., degree, 1320 Middleton, W. F., degree, 1320 Midjaas, C. L., degree, 148 fellowship, 1336 Midland Ford Tractor Co., lease, 1162 Midland Paper Co., purchase, 1014 Midwest Agricultural Limestone Institute, gift, 295, 957 Midwest Electronics Research Center, established, 462 visiting industrial associates program, contracts, revisions, 846 Midwest Equipment & Litho Supply Co., purchase, 280 Midwest Interstate Electrical Construction Co., contract, 240, 432, 490, 1250 Midwest Oral Rehabilitation Study Group, gift, 306 Midwest Plan Service, Iowa State University, purchase, 469 1498 board or Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc., funds, grant from Ford Foundation, 1011 organization, 1011 Miech, R. J., degree, 602 Mier, Mrs. Sally J., appointment, 923 Miericke, Lynnea M., degree, 625 Miesel, J. L., fellowship, 737, 1227 Mieure, L. O., degree, 615 Miflin, B. J., degree, 141 Migala, Barbara S., degree, 625 Migala, D. R., degree, 152 Migdal, Jacqueline V., degree, 633 Migielicz, E., degree, 617 Mignon, C. W., Jr., appointment, 681, 1328 Mihevc, D. J., degree, 1309 Mihlbachler, G. L., certificate, 62 Mihm, T. R., degree, 839 Mika, Dorothy E., degree, 616 fellowship, 205 Mikenas, V. A., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 1146 Mikesell, Deloris J., degree, 145 Mikesell, R. D., degree, 874 MIKROS, Inc., purchase, 593 Mikrut, R. T., degree, 636 Mikulski, J. A., degree, 1081 Mikulskis, T. C, degree, 1077 Milbrandt, Marion O., degree, 148 Milbratz, W. P., fellowship, 478 Milburn, Nancy T., degree, 387 Mildred, Flora L., degree, 1069 Miles, F. D., resignation, 898 Miles, H. J., appointment, 333, 997, J218 Miles, John I)., degree, 876 Miles, Joseph B., degree, 628 Miles, L. N., degree, 1075 Miles, M. H., appointment, 507, 1138 Miles, R. A., degree, 1277 Miles, Vivian I., degree, 1304 Milesis, C. A., degree, 1314 Milesko, Diane M., degree, 399 Milewski, J., appointment, 976 Miley, G. H., appointment, 335, 999 Military and disaster medicine, training program, contract, change, 587 Military application techniques, development, contract, 1210 change, 498 Military Science, curriculum, revisions, 1189 uniforms, laundry and dry cleaning, contract, 497 purchase, 594, 1208 Military training, change from compulsory to voluntary, 939 Milk, research, contract, 1210 change, 106 gift, 295, 298, 957, 959, 960 Milk-handling room, Dairy Science, appropriation, 430 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 779 Milkintas, J. C, degree, 1291 Milk marketing, study, gift, 958 Millar, Barbara P., appointment, 1328 Millar, P. W., degree, 611 Millard, D., Ill, degree, 632 Millen, G. L., Jr., degree, 1312 Miller, A. A., appointment, 78, 809 Miller, A. H., appointment, declination, 134 Miller, A. L., appointment, 180, 316, 889, 1138 Miller, A. M., degree, 1319 Miller, A. W., degree, 1320 Miller, Adrienne M., degree, 154 Miller, Anna-Marie H., degree, 1308 Miller, Arlene J., degree, 646 Miller, B. A., degree, 405 Miller, Barbara C, degree, 1308 Miller, Beverly L., degree, 1313 Miller, Clarence M., degree, 148 Miller, Clayton M., Jr., degree, 1066 Miller, Mrs. C. Philip, gift, 295, 957 Miller, C. R., degree, 636 Miller, Carol, appointment, 8Q9 fellowship, 1172 Miller, David Alan, degree, 1293 Miller, David Archer, degree, 145 Miller, D. C, leave of absence, 208 resignation, 1088 Miller, D. G., appointment, 995 Miller, D. L., appointment, 1241 Miller, D. M., degree, 145 fellowship, 661 Miller, D. W., degree, 1071 Miller, E. B., appointment, 71, 758 Miller, E. I., appointment, 81, 769 Miller, E. M., appointment, 81, 769 Miller, Elizabeth A., degree, 832 Miller, F. C, fellowship, 43 Miller, G. D., degree, 1292 Miller, G. E., degree, 629 Miller, H., Inc., purchase, 1254, 1261, 1262 Miller, H. D., degree, 394 Miller, H. L., degree, 1058 Miller, H. M., degree, 831 Miller, H. S., lease, 790 Miller, I. M., appointment, 36, 809 Miller, Iris L., degree, 1078 Miller, Jerald, appointment, 731, 809 Miller, oseph, memorial to, gift, 972 Miller, ulian, appointment, 79, 809 Miller, . D., degree, 394 Miller, . P., degree, 622 Miller, . S., degree, 1074 Miller, anice E., degree, 646 Miller, oyce A., degree, 1307 Miller, K. J. G., Jr., degree, 621 Miller, Kathryn A., degree, 1293 Miller, L., certificate, 365 Miller, L. B., degree, 391 Miller, L. F., appointment, 74, 762 Miller, L. H., appointment, 199 Miller, L. J., appointment, 355 Miller, L. L., fellowship, 661 Miller, L. R., degree, 1289 Miller, Linda J., degree, 1302 Miller, M. A., appointment, 121 Miller, M. L., degree, 628 Miller, Marilyn T., fellowship, 818, 1172 Miller, Marolyn S., degree, 400 Miller, Martha K., degree, 628 Miller, O., appointment, 1005 Miller, P. A., degree, 1297 Miller, P. E., appointment, 328 member of advisory committee, 749 Miller, Robert Alden, resignation, 1232 Miller, Robert Arnold, appointment, 534 Miller, Richard E., degree, 1315 Miller, Robert E., appointment, 1003 Miller, Ronald E., fellowship, 1227 Miller, Richard H., Jr., degree, 1073 Miller, Robert H., degree, 625 Miller, R. J., degree, 148 Miller, R. N., appointment, 316, 768 Miller, R. P., appointment, 923, 1328 fellowship, 205, 258 Miller, Rona G., degree, 402 Miller, Rosemary J., appointment, 923 Miller, S. J., certificate, 1101 Miller, S. L., degree, 1297 Miller, Sandra E., degree, 1075 Miller, Sonia, leave of absence, 428 resignation, 46 Miller, Susan K., degree, 399 Miller, T. C, degree, 625 Miller, W. A., degree, 605 Miller, W. D., degree, 138 Miller, W. E., guest of Board, 1094 leave of absence, 137 Miller, W. G., degree, 152 Miller, W. H., appointment, 334, 731 Miller, W. J., degree, 1073 Miller, W. R., degree, 828 Miller, W. S., appointment, 458, 760 Miller Fund, investment, 246, 378, 793, 1041, 1214 Miller Industrial Supply, purchase, 715 Millet, S., appointment, 330, 441, 809, 993 UNIVERSITY 0 Alillican, R. D., leave of absence, 425 irilligan, B. A., appointment, 993 jfilligan, B. V., fellowship, 517, 1227 jlilligan, R. A., degree, 625 Milligan, R. L., degree, 148 MiUikan, D. F., degree, 647 jlilliken, T. J., degree, 620 Milling machines, purchase, Digital Computer ' Laboratory, 1257 Electrical Engineering, 435, 1205 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 470 Physiology, 281 jlillis, L. E., degree, 640 Millivoltmeter, Aviation, purchase, 376 Millman, D. J., degree, 1309 Milloy, F. J., Jr., appointment, 82, 809 jlills, Carolyn A., degree, 1312 Mills, D. R., report, progress of new golf course, 1344 Mills, G. H., degree, 638 Mills, R. J., degree, 148 Mills Hospital Supply, purchase, 99, 1122 Milner, B. E., fellowship, 1336 Milner, L. S., fellowship, 699 Milo, Jeannette R., degree, 1299 Milo, R., degree, 1073 llilosh, J. E., Jr., appointment, 121 degree, 875 Milton, L. J., degree, 630 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Illini Club, gift, 949 Milwaukee Chair Co., purchase, 715, 1253 Milwaukee Metal Furniture Co., purchase, 190, 719, 1157 Milz, A. E., degree, 1297 Mims, Rosemarie S., appointment, 731, 809 Min. K. K., degree, 877 Min. Y. W. K., degree, 3S7 Minarcine, R. A., degree, 629 Minarich, Vlasta A., degree, 1308 Minas, J. S., degree, 602 Minch, R. B., degree, 215 Miner, Nina L., degree, 1306 Miner, R. N., degree, 841 Mingee, Connie A., degree, 632 Mingle, J. C, certificate, 1101 Minhas, Kareem B., resignation, 1020 Mini, D. L., degree, 140 Mini. Mrs. Patricia D., appointment, 809 Minier site, testing and excavation, contract, change, 943 Mining, Lois E., fellowship, 1336 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, appropriation, equipment, 1153 balance reappropriated, 779 machine tools, 369 moving expenses, 918 gift, equipment, Roberts & Schaefer Co., 304 Union Carbide Corp., 304 fellowship, Inland Steei-Ryerson Foundation, Inc., 288, 950 Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 288, 950 Union Carbide Corp., Union Carbide Metals Co., 289, 952 funds, American Society for Metals, 287 research, American Gas Association, 291, 953 American Petroleum Institute, 291 scholarship, Alcoa Foundation, 283, 945 American Society for Metals Foundation for Education and Research, 284, 945 Dow Chemical Co., 284, 946 Illinois Mining Institute, 285, 947 Old Ben Coal Corp., 286, 947 Sahara Coal Co., 948 Purchase, control system, 1156 crystal accessory device, 1206 electromagnet, 279 electron microscope accessory items, 592 furnace, 1124 lathe, 470 machining tool, 56 )F ILLINOIS 1499 Mining, cont'd measurement instrument, 279 microscope, 189, 436, 1160 milling machine, 470 monochrotnator, 588 oscillator, 691 oscilloscope, 691 recorder, 57 tensile testing machine, 24, 350 vacuum coating system, 56 wafering machine, 1038 x-ray machine, 189 Mining and Metallurgy Laboratory, remodeling, appropriation, 1247 Minn, F. L., degree, 1058 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., contract, 229 purchase, 188, 242, 496, 784, 717, 1015, 1123 Minnear, J. E., degree, 621 Minnesota, University of, gift, 295, 959 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., gift, 285, 288, 947, 951 Minnis, Joanne E., degree, 1062 resignation, 701 Minomura, S., appointment, declination, 320 Minow, M. A., degree, 153 Minowitz, Francine H., degree, 633 Minsek, R. C, appointment, 76 Minster, J. J., appointment, 83, 771 degree, 1317 fellowship, 1087 Mintek, V., appointment, 79, 767 Mintz, A. P., degree, 645 Mintz, L., degree, 143 Mintz, S., degree, 635 Minutes, approved, 2, 50, 264, 420, 532, 678, 706, 746, 986, 1045, 1150, 1238 Miquel, Mrs. Anne-Marie, appointment, 976 Miquelon, Margaret A., degree, 605 Mirko, wax pastel, gift, 304 Miron, M. S., appointment, 121 book, printing, 25 Miron, T. J., degree, 1312 Mirza, J., degree, 632 Mirza, M. B., appointment, 889 Mischio, G. S., degree, 142 Mischke, R. E., fellowship, 661 resignation, 1232 Mishkin, D. J., fellowship, 661, 1227 Mishkutz, S. J., degree, 840 Misra, R. S., degree, 827 Misse, Altricia O., degree, 140 Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Co., gift, 285, 947 Missouri Avenue Realty Co., lease, 720 Mistry, P. J., language-study materials for Peace Corps, release, 193 Mistry, S, P., leave of absence, 424 Mitchell, Alexandra, degree, 1297 Mitchell, C. D., degree, 600 Mitchell, D. F., degree, 1310 Mitchell, D. R., degree, 1309 Mitchell, G. A., degree, 607 Mitchell, Helen L., degree, 1280 Mitchell, J. A., degree, 401 Mitchell, J. E., degree, 388 fellowship, 517, 1227 Mitchell, J. H., appointment, 66 Mitchell, J. P., degree, 394 Mitchell, June D., appointment, 122, 732 Mitchell, M. G., degree, 405 Mitchell, Marjorie K., degree, 1310 Mitchell, Mary P., certificate, 62 Mitchell, P. M., leave of absence, 1109 Mitchell, S. D., degree, 395 Mitchell, Sharon K., degree, 625 Mitchell, W. T., degree, 1064 fellowship, 517, 1336 Mitiu, Mary A. P., degree, 1314 Mitlyng, E. P., certificate, 365 Mitochondria, research, gift, 307, 968 Mitrovich, M., degree, 385 Mittendorf, L. R., degree, 216, 1319 1500 BOARD OF Mittra, R., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 1147 Mitze, W. C., degree, 835 Mixer, Civil Engineering, purchase, 1159 Mix-Mill, Inc., purchase, 864 Miyasato, F., appointment, 889 Miyashiro, Jane Y., appointment, 122, 441, 1019 degree, 1277 Miyazaki, M., degree, 141 Mizer, R. E., degree, 1319 Mizukami, H., degree, 599 fellowship, 43 invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 231 resignation, 259 Mizukami, I. $$., degree, 599 Mizuno, H., appointment, 122 Mizuno, Y., fellowship, 895 Mlade, N. J., degree, 399 Mnemotrou Corp., purchase, 242 Mnemotron Division, Technical Measurement Corp., purchase, 1124, 1157 Moake, F., appointment, 330, 441, 993 Moberg, G. P., fellowship, 818 Mobil Oil Co., purchase, 595 Mobley, M. D., degree, 148 Mobley, Sybil L. C, degree, 1058 Mocega, Hilda E., appointment, 408 Moch, J. A., degree, 637 Mochel, Beveiley E., degree, 1283 Mochel, R. P., degree, 842 Mock, W., Jr., appointment, 1328 Mockenliaupt, J). j., degree, 1286 Mockenhaupt, J. P., degree, 1312 Mockford, j. J., degree, 153 Mockus, Ruta N., degree, 625 Mockus, V. R., degree, 1318 Modai, D., appointment, 254 Modder, R. J., certificate, 747 Mode, EIsi H., appointment, 254 Mode, V. A., Jr., fellowship, 517 Model Souders, Inc., purchase, 595 Modern Learning Aids, purchase, 786 Modern Water Equipment Co., purchase, 497 Modesitt, K. L., degree, 400 Modes of fracture of composite materials, study, contract, 1128 Modi, N. M., degree, 839 Modi, V. V., resignation, 46 Modica, J. M., degree, 405 Modine Manufacturing Co., representative present at meeting, 529 Modjeski, E. R., degree, 827 Modulator, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 1160 Modules, Physics, purchase, 436 Module tester, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 435 Modzelewski, J. A., degree, 403 Moehlis, R. D., degree, 1274 fellowship, 661, 928 Moelis, Irvin, degree, 877 Moeller, A. H., degree, 617 Moeller, G. E., certificate, 62 Moeller, K. K., appointment, 653 Moellman, D. E., degree, 629 Moffat, Jean E., appointment, 316, 889 Moffett, R. P., degree, 643 Mogan, Kathaleen M., appointment, 771 Mohamed, M. O., degree, 214 Mohan, Judith L., degree, 619 Mohler, H., appointment, L328 Mohr, J. E., degree, 394 Mohr, R. M., degree, 396 Mohraz, B., degree, 142 Mok, C, appointment, 1170 declination, 1341 Molander, Bonnie L., degree, 216 Molander, L. T., degree, 1317 Molay, M. C, degree, 1304 Molbo, Doris, resignation, 740 Moldal, R. A., degree, 1297 Moldavsky, M., degree, 389 Mole, P. A., degree, 145 Molenaar, Gwen C, degree, 1285 Molenaar, J. E., degree, 1306 Moline, Ruth E., degree, 835 Molitor, Martha, degree, 634 Moll, D. H., degree, 1314 Moll, E. O., degree, 833 Moller, Patricia A., degree, 626 Molnar, D. J., degree, 1286 Molnar, J., appointment, 316 Molnar, K. P., degree, 1318 Molteni, A., resignation, 207 Molyer, Necati, degree, 1072 Monahan, M. L., degree, 1280 fellowship, 928, 1227 Monahan, R. V., contract, 15 Monarch Machine Tool Co., purchase, 1126 Moncreiff, W. F., appointment, 73, 761 Moncrief, L. E., degree, 615 Money, V. M., degree, 152 Monfort, T. N., appointment, 1170 Monge, R. P., degree, 835 Monigold, G. E., appointment, 477 Monin, M., appointment, 316, 768 termination, 1174 Monitoring behavior in complex tasks, research, contract, change, 721. 869 Monitoring system, Instructional Television, purchase, 588 Monk, D., degree, 881 Monnard, R. F., degree, 1274 fellowship, 661 Monochromators, purchase, Rotany, 188 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2?S Electrical Engineering, 1205 Microbiology, Urbana, 189 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 588 Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology, 940 Physics, Urbana, 243, 865, 1157 Mononucleosis, use of haldrone, research, gift, 957 Monroe, Arlene A., degree, 627 Monroe, B. M., degree, 1277 fellowship, 43, 737 Monroe, C, appointment, 81, 769 Monroe, K. M., degree, 1320 Monroe Calculating Machine Co., purchase, 940, 1205 Monsanto Chemical Co., gift, 284, 289, 295, 951, 957, 960, 963 purchase, 788 Monstavicius, A. S., degree, 1320 Montague, J. S., fellowship, 1336 Montague, W. E., appointment, 367, 809 Montanez-Salcedo, R., degree, 1290 Montavon, P., member of advisory committee, 680 Montcalm, B., appointment, 340, 1006 Monteen, R. E., degree, 1289 Montcith, D. A., degree, 1297 Monteverde, D., appointment, 72 Montgomery, A. G., appointment, 1328 Montgomery, C. A., appointment, 200, 254, 508, 756, 809 Montgomery, C. I.., degree, 842 Montgomery, F., appointment, declination, U> Montgomery, G. G., appointment, 122, 809 Montgomery, G. K., degree, 399 Montgomery, R. D., degree, 1289 Montgomery, S. R., degree, 1293 Montgomery Elevator Co., contract, 238 Montgomery Ward & Co., gift, 311 purchase, 596 Month, M., appointment, 1218 Monti, L. J., degree, 400 Monticello Field Station, air-conditioning system, remodeling, contract, 471 UNIVERSITY Montone, K. A., degree, 638 Monypeniiy, P., member of advisory committee, 749 Mooberry, J. B., degree, 1302 Mooberry, J. C, degree, 1073 Moody, B- A., appointment, 316 Moody, B. W., certificate, 1101 Moon, G. R.t authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 Mooney, ) F., certificate, 1101 Mooney, J- L., degree, 1277 Mooney, ) W., degree, 1319 Mooney, S. A., degree, 629 Mooney, Sharon L., degree, 1314 Moore, A. C, degree, 835 Moore, A. D., fellowship, 411 Moore, C. A., appointment, 653, 809 resignation, 1341 Moore, C. C, degree, 138 Moore, D. M., appointment, 36 degree, 385 Moore, E. G., appointment, 79, 767 Moore, E. R., Co., academic costumes, rental, 434, H26 Moore, E. S., appointment, 78, 765 Moore, E. W., degree, 835 Moore, G. E., Jr., degree, 630 Moore, H. E., & Co., purchase, 595, 692, 718, 1259 Moore, H. G., degree, 605 Moore, H. W., degree, 384 Moore, J. C, degree, 636 Moore, J. IX, degree, 843 Moore, J- E., resignation, 135 Moore, J. L., degree, 1071, 1277 fellowship, 699 Moore, J. N., fellowship, 517 Moore, Jane R., degree, 1290 Moore, Janet M., degree, 1314 Moore, Lulu M., gift, 968 Moore, Nancy N., degree, 625 Moore, Phyllis E., degree, 835 . Moore, R. A., degree, 396 Moore, Virginia R., degree, 878 Moore, W. J., appointment, 328, 993 Moore, W. P., Jr., degree, 1268 fellowship, 517 Moore Business Forms, Inc., purchase, 785 Moore Farm Building Co., purchase, 590 Moores, K. G., leave of absence, 424 Moorhouse, R. E., degree, 621 Moorman Co. Fund, gift, 301 Moorman Manufacturing Co., contract, change, 192, 587, 791, 1211 gift, 285, 296, 947, 957 Moos, M. A., degree, 1320 . Mooty, Mary E., appointment, 1328 Moraine, F. E., appointment, 339, 1006 Morales, S. D., appointment, 77, 765 Morales-Becerra, J. E., degree, 622 Morava, W., Scholarship Fund, addition, gift, 961 Morch, E. T., appointment, 84, 122, 772 Sordini, J. T., certificate, 366 Morehead, C. D., degree, 1320 Morehead. H. R., degree, 634 >Ioreira, J. E. de C, degree, 1067 Morel, J. L., appointment, 889 fellowship, 131 Moreland, R. W., degree, 835 Morellq, Mary R., resignation, 701 Jloressi, \V. J., appointment, 423 Morctta, M. J., degree, 638 Movctz, Marjorie A., degree, 391 Morey, L., bronze bust, gift of Class of 1911, JJorf, P. F., degree, 1301 :organ, B. \V., appointment, 653, 1328 Morgan, E. P., degree, 1062 ''organ, G. L., degree, 384 Morgan, G. N., certificate, 1101 ' OF ILLINOIS 1501 Morgan, L. B., certificate, 1101 Morgan, Lezlie A., appointment, 889 declination, 207 degree, 1285 Morgan, Martha A., appointment, 122, 408 resignation, 930 Morgan, R. E., appointment, 441 Morgan, Ramona L., resignation, 46 Morgan, T. T., appointment, declination, 135 Morimoto, T., appointment, 1218 Morine, C. H., degree, 835 Morley, A. R., appointment, 1170 Morley, L. J., fellowship, 1227 Morman, R. J., degree, 1289 Mormino, R, T., degree, 615 Morokoff, G. E., degree, 601 Moroney, J. E., degree, 621, 1279 Morowitz, D. A., degree, 645 fellowship, 43 Morowitz, H. S., degree, 1077 Morrell, M. R., degree, 629, 1280 Morrill, J. S., Hall, funds, gift, 302, 964 name, approved, 182 Morris, A. H., degree, 645 fellowship, 661 Morris, A. O-, appointment, 1104 Morris, Alan Roy, degree, 1080 Morris, Allen Ray, certificate, 1101 Morris, C. E., Jr., appointment, 56 Morris, C. G., II, fellowship, 661 Morris, D. J., appointment, 340, 1007 Morris, David R., fellowship, 205, 895 Morris, Don R., degree, 1318 Morris, Dilys E., degree, 1297 Morris, E. E., degree, 613 Morris, J. R., appointment, 732 Morns, J. S., certificate, 747 Morris, K., painting, gift, 966 Morris, Nancy, degree, 1313 Morris, P. E., degree, 835 Morris, S. A., certificate, 747 Morris, V. C., appointment, 1328 Morris Animal Foundation, contract, 915 change, 1040 gift, 296 Morrison, D. A. R., appointment, 78, 766 Morrison, S. W., appointment, 200 Morrison, T., appointment, 69, 756 Morrison General Electric Co. Employees, gift, 972 Morrissey, J. J., degree, 1306 Morrissey, R. L., degree, 640 Morrow, F. E., certificate, Z66 Morrow, JoDean, appointment, 36 Morrow, L. W., degree, 835 Morrow Lumber Co., purchase, 495 Mors, R. J., Jr., degree, 405 Morse, Barrie C., degree, 1297 Morse, K. M., appointment, 80, 768 Morse, R. S., degree, 1304 Morseth, L. N., degree, 139 Morshed, H., appointment, 889 Morsy, F. A. E. A., degree, 389 Mortara, D. W., degree, 392 Morton, R. B., appointment, 809 Morton, Sharon A., degree, 1285 Morton Chemical Co., gift, 296 Morvis, G. M., degree, 637 Morwitz, S. M., appointment, 75, 762 Mosaic, G. S., degree, 647 Mosbarger, J. A., degree, 620, 1276 fellowship, 517 Mosca, A. J., degree, 1069 Moscati, G., appointment, 122 Moschella, F. P., degree, 637 Moseley, F. L., Co., purchase, 57, 190, 277 Moser, Mrs. Karen D., appointment, 1218 Moser, Mary R., degree, 838 Moser, R. M., degree, 1309 Moses, A. J., degree, 1304 Moses, N., appointment, 809 1502 BOARD OF Moses, R. H., appointment, 809, 989 declination, 1142 fellowship, 1172 Mosier, H. D., appointment, 765 Mosillo, F. A., appointment, 653 Mosimann, Ella B., degree, 393 fellowship, 43, 205, 443 Mosinee Paper Mills Co., gift, 296 Moske, W. T., degree, 607 Mosko, M. M., appointment, 68, 755 Moskovitz, D. H., degree, 156, 1068 Moskowitz, Marsha L., degree, 1313 Mosquito, research, contract, 915 Moss, D. E.j degree, 1309 Moss, H. W., degree, 1304 Moss, J. W., resignation, 479 Moss, M. A., gift, 305 Moss, M. H., certificate, 366 Moss, S. A., degree, 1274 fellowship, 661, 819 Moss X-Ray & Medical Equipment Co., purchase, 493 Mostow, M. H., degree, 610 Mothers Association, gift, 285, 947 Motil, J. M., degree, 610 fellowship, 43 Motion and stability of a small mass, study, contract, 103 Motion picture equipment, purchase, Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, 718 School Mathematics Committee, 350, 691 Motion pictures, use in education, study, contract, 103 Motion Picture Service, Photographic laboratory services, contract, 1161 Motivation, research, gift, 955 Moto Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Corp., contract, 1154 Moto-Oka, T., appointment, 122 resignation, 444 Motorola, Inc., gift, 285, 289, 947, 951 Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc., purchase, 190 Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., purchase, 787, 941, 1123, 1257 Motors, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 373 Motor vehicle laws at railroad grade crossings, study, gift, 958 Motor vehicle registration, study, gift, 296, 957 Motor Vehicle Regulations Committee, parking regulations and facilities, report, 574 Motto, H. L., appointment, 889 degree, 1267 Moulder, B. C, degree, 146 Moulton, Elizabeth C, degree, 619 Moulton, G. L., degree, 149 Moulton, J. R., degree, 838 Moultrie County State's Attorney, contract, 104, 789 Mound Laboratory, Monsanto Chemical Co., purchase, 788 Mount Carmel Public Utility Co., gift, 294, 956 Mount Holyoke College, gift, 962 Mountjoy, Joseph B., member of advisory committee, 5 Mountjoy, Joseph B., Jr., degree, 625 Mt. Sinai Medical Research Foundation, purchase, 495 Mount Vernon, office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, 790 Mountz, R. E., Ill, degree, 403 Mourning, M. C, degree, 400 Mouse cages, Medical Research Laboratory, purchase, 691, 1121 Moutray, W. H., degree, 835 Mow, A., degree, 643 Mowat, B., appointment, 122, 889 Mowder, G. L., degree, 628 Mowers, gift, Agriculture, 304 Horticulture, 303 Plant Pathology, 303 purchase, Aviation, 494 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 37; Mowrer, O. H., appointment, 991 Mowrer, Willie M., appointment, 332 declination, 522 Moy, A. B., degree, 400 Moy, G., degree, 843 Moy, H. C, degree, 830 Moy, L. B. C, degree, 1077 Moy, P., degree, 647 Moyar, G. J., resignation, 135 Moye, VV. C, degree, 601 Moyer, C. A., degree, 404 Moyer, F. D., appointment, 122 fellowship, 1220 leave of absence, 1234 Moyer, F. H., appointment, 64 Moyer, J. E., appointment, 325, 988 declination, 1232 Moyes, Kolleeta Y., degree, 619 Moyle, Evelyn M., degree, 617 Moyle, W. T., degree, 1315 Mozer, J. D., degree, 389 Mozer, P. I., appointment, 75, 763 Mracek, J.J., appointment, 1328 Mrakava, T. F., degree, 1081 Mraz, J. A., degree, 401 Mrazek, R. G., appointment, 1084 gift, 311 Mrotek, Sharon F., appointment, 889, 924 Mrstik, A. V., Jr., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1227 Muck, G. A., degree, 210 Mudra, E. J., certificate, 748 Muehrcke, R. C, appointment, 69, 756 Mueller, D. L., degree, 1292 Mueller, D. M., degree, 1297 Mueller, E. A., appointment, 36, 653, 1085, 1218 Mueller, E. L., Jr., degree, 634 Mueller, G. E., degree, 621 Mueller, Gladys E., degree, 1319 Mueller, H. F., appointment, 653, 1218 Mueller, H. J., appointment, 340, 1006 Mueller, H. L., appointment, 1002, 1138 Mueller, J. E., appointment, 36f 732 Mueller, J. VV., degree, 621 Mueller, K. H., appointment, 508, 762 fellowship, 928 Mueller, Linda L., degree, 630 Mueller, Mary S., degree, 1297 Mueller, R. K., degree, 1082 Mueller, T. E., appointment, 653, 1328 Mueller, T. F., degree, 1297 Mueller, T. J., appointment, 36 resignation, 701 Mueller, V., & Co., purchase, 22, 372, 1158, 1159 Mueller Construction Co., contract, 1154 Mueller Farms Sod Nursery, gift, 957 Muenster, J. J., Jr., appointment, 69, 756 Muerche, R. C, gift, 973 Muesing, R. A., degree, 1277 fellowship, 661 Mueth, Rita A., fellowship, 819 Mugg, S. C, degree, 1071 MuhJstadt, W. J., appointment, 36, 200 resignation, 666 Muhm, J. B., degree, 393 Muhs, R. W., certificate, 748 Muir, W. E., fellowship, 517 Mukherjee, K., appointment, 696, 810 degree, 602 Mukherji, P. N., fellowship, 737 resignation, 930 Mulcahy, L. D., certificate, 1101 UNIVERSITY Mulcahy, R. J-, degree, 1314 Mulcahy, T. M., degree, 614 Mulderink, K. A., degree, 1297 jfulberin, J. M., degree, 1297 Mulhern, J. H., Jr., certificate, 748 Mulholland, R. W., fellowship, 661 Mullane, Mary F., degree, 840 Mullane, Mary K., report, state of the College of Nursing, 321 Mullen, J., appointment, 1329 Mullen, J. J.. appointment, 73, 760 Mullen, J. S., appointment, 1218 * degree, 1280 Mullen, L. E., fellowship, 737 Muller, L. D., degree, 1289 Muller, Therese A., degree, 633 Mullikin, C. M., degree, 396 Mullikin, J. D., degree, 1277 Mullin, R. J-, degree, 1067 Mullins, W. N., appointment, 924 Mtillins, W. R., degree, 618 Multigraph equipment, Public Information Office, appropriation, 13 Multilith machine, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 Multipliers, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 55 Mulvihill, R. J. appointment, 1138 Mumford Hall, elevator modernization, contract, 238 remodeling, appropriation, 709, 1153 balance reappropriated, 86 sprinkler system, contract, 1009 Munch, J. C, contract, 789 Munch, J. T., degree, 640 Munday, J. C, Jr., fellowship, 443, 895 resignation 666, 1142 Mundt, G. H., Jr., appointment, 74 Mundy, J. C, degree, 1288 Mundy, Kathleen M., degree, 631 Municipal Park Administration, See Recreation and Municipal Park Administration. Munin, L. G., certificate, 1101 Munoz, H. I., degree, 1081 Munro, H. P., degree, 603 Munse, W. H., appointment, 36, 327, 990 resignation, 740 Munsinger, H., appointment, 681 fellowship, 1172 declination, 1341 Munson, Barbara S., degree, 631 Munson, D. G., degree, 637 Munson, K. F., appointment, 122, 653 Munson, Mary S., degree, 1312 Munson, R. E., degree, 621 Munson, Susan K., degree, 1290 Munsterman, A. J., Jr., certificate, 748 Munter, H. S., Jr., appointment, 441, 653 degree, 402 Munton, J. W., degree, 618 Munzell, D. H., degree, 630 Murata, N. T., degree, 1304 Murata, T., appointment, 1329 degree, 1065 Murayama, S., appointment, 122 Murdock, J. W., appointment, 1003 Murdy, W. H., appointment, 36 Murphy, B. E., degree, 1297 Murphy, C. F., Associates, architectural services, contract, Illini Union at Medical Center, 347 residence hall at Medical Center, 347 Murphy, Catherine A., degree, 1299 Murphy, Christy A., degree, 393 Murphy, D. R., degree, 1075 Murphy, Dorothy A., degree, 393 Murphy, Dorothy N., appointment, 754 Jurphy, E. T., certificate, 366 Murphy, F. G., appointment, 74, 762 Murphy, H. R., certificate, 748 degree, 150 OF ILLINOIS 1503 Murphy, J. E., degree, 1077 Murphy, J. T., fellowship, 661 Murphy, Judith A., degree, 1308 Murphy, K. B., degree, 1297 Murphy, K. H., appointment, 339 leave of absence, 428 Murphy, Kathleen M. degree, 640 Murphy, L. W., appointment, 1329 Murphy, M. D., degree, 396 Murphy, M. L., degree, 396 Murphy, Marcia J., degree, 625 Murphy, Patricia R., degree, 155 Murphy, R., appointment, 336 Murphy, R. H., appointment, 74 Murphy, R. J., degree, 647 Murphy, S. L., degree, 1073 Murphy, W. T., degree, 625 Murphy, W. W., degree, 605 Murray, C. P., degree, 1274 fellowship, 661, 699 Murray, E. C, appointment, 254, 768 Murray, E. F., fellowship, 411, 1172 Murray, J. C, degree, 647 Murray, J. S., degree, 638 Murray, J. W., degree, 145 Murray, Karen M., degree, 1075 Murray, M. A., degree, 1076 Murray, Ruby H., fellowship, 928 cancellation, 1142 Murray, W. H., appointment, 79, 767 Murray's Uniform Co., purchase, 594 Murtha, J. P., appointment, 1104 Murty, N. R., appointment, 200 Muscarello, M. J., degree, 632 Muscles, study, contract, change, 105 Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc., gift, 296 Musial, E. M., certificate, 366 Musial, W. T., degree, 1292 Music, Department of, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1188 purchase, pianos, 1158 Music, School of, appropriation, equipment, 918 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 organs, 238 pianos, 238, 1008 remodeling, 1247 budget, summer session, 334, 998 curriculum, composition major, revisions, 9 gift, carillon, Staley, A. R., 194, 966 equipment, Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. J., 966 fellowship, Magnavox Co., 951 research, Magnavox Co., 957 scholarship, Alumni Association, 945 Pi Kappa Lambda, 948 Presser Foundation, 286, 948 major and minor requirements for students in liberal arts and sciences, revision, 368 organ, lease, 587 purchase, pianos, 277, 373, 434, 1126 pipe organs, 277 tape recorders, 1036 Musical listening, application of theory of expectations, study, contract, 1128 Musick, C. R., degree, 1292 Musi), F. M., degree, 405 Muslin, H. L., appointment, 37, 653 Musliner, W. J., fellowship, 699, 1141, 1227 Mussulman, D. L., degree, 618 Mustafi, A., degree, 389 Mutation in corn, research, contract, 1127 Mutual Contracting Co., contract, 14, 90, 91, 490, 542, 543 Muu, L. T., fellowship, 1227 Muzzy, G. D., degree, 634 Myer, Virginia T., degree, 633 Myers, B. R., resignation, 135 Myers! D. D., fellowship, 43, 205, 411, 661 1504 BOARD OF Myers, D. J., degree, 643 Myers, Edwina L., degree, 605 Myers, Fran, memorial, 1265 message of sympathy, 1024 Myers, J. L., degree, 388 Myers, j. P., degree, 1310 Myers, L. A., degree, 842 Myers, M. J., degree, 396 Myers, Mama J., degree, 631 Myers, N. J., degree, 212 Myers, Nancy F., degree, 625 Myers, Sharon L., fellowship, 1227 Myers, T. P., appointment, 1085 Myhill, J., appointment, 1241 Myles, K. M., degree, 385 Myles, L. J., degree, 607 Mynard, F. H., degree, 635 Myran, C, appointment, 122, 767 Myrick, fane $pD., degree, 639 Myslinski, S. V., degree, 1062 Na, H. H., degree, 1269 Naborowski, B. A., certificate, 748 Nabors, K. L., degree, 1280 Nacey, P., Co., contract, 528 representative present at meeting, 529 Nachman, F.J., degree, 621 Nachtmann, F. W., appointment, 653, 994 Nacin, R. J., degree, 1304 Nack, Judith W., degree, 138 Nack, W. L., degree, 1312 Nadeau, O. E., appointment, 81, 769 Nadeau, R. E., appointment, 336, 1002 resignation, 1341 Nadel, A. J., appointment, 924 Nader, Enid, certificate, 1101 Nader, I. A. W., degree, 1061 Nadlin, Merle B., degree, 1312 Nador, F., fellowship, 737 Nagashima, T., degree, 826 Nagata, S., appointment, 37, 810 Nagata, T., appointment, 254, 889 Nagel, C. IS., degree, 1292 Nagel, H. T., appointment, 77, 765 Nagel, S. S., fellowship, 411 leave of absence, 1143, 1234 Naghdi, F., degree, 396, 1277 Nagorsky, S., certificate, 62 Nagurski, Irene, appointment, 122 Nahorniak, Myra, appointment, 1329 Naik, M. P., degree, 827 Naikelis, U. S., appointment, 200, 339, 1006 Nail, B. R., degree, 139 Naitnan, Mrs. Sandra M., appointment, 889 Nair, P. N. II., degree, 142 Naito, H., appointment, 810 Najafi, H., appointment, 83, 732 Najafi-Mahalati, H., degree, 1317 Nakagawa, K., degree, 1072 Nakagawa, M. F., degree, 622 Nakai, S., appointment, 122, 810 Nakamura, H., appointment, 508 degree, 599 Nakamura, K., appointment, 316, 810 Nakamura, W. M., degree, 1071 Nakamura, Y., appointment, 122 Nakayama, Patricia M., degree, 832 Naktin, Adryan C, degree, 625 Nalbandov, A. V., book, printing, 1259 Nalbandov, Mrs. Olga G., appointment, 37, 122 Nam, N. H., appointment, 200 Nambury, C. N. V., resignation, 822 Namin, E. P., appointment, 78, 765 Namtvedt, Mrs. Mary J., appointment, 200 Namyst, S. L., degree, 638 Nance, J. F., appointment, 989 Nance, J. R., fellowship, 737, 819 cancellation, 822 Nance, Jill L., degree, 632 Nance Refrigeration, purchase, 691 Nannelli, P., appointment, 122, 408 Nanney, D. L., appointment, 37 Nanousi, Sophie C, appointment, 810 Nanthivachrintr, L., degree, 609 Nantkes, D. L., degree, 625 Nanzetta, P. N., degree, 611 fellowship; 1227, 1336 Nanzetta, Virginia G., appointment, 999 degree, 1068 Napoli, G., painting, gift, 304 Naranjo Rojas, J., degree, 152 Narasimhan, R., appointment, 122, 810 resignation, 46 Narasimhan, Mrs. Sita, resignation, 46 Narasinga-Rao, K. V., appointment, 37, 200 resignation, 522 Narayanasamy, H.t appointment, 200 degree, 875 resignation, 740 Narbutas, J., degree, 399 Narcisi, L. J., degree, 1287 Narducci, Kosemarie C, degree, 647 Narkinsky, S. S., degree, 605 Narowetz Heating & Ventilating Co., contract 240, 270, 490 Nasatir, S. H., appointment, 976 Nasby, T. O., degree, 1293 Nash, Blanche G., degree, 835 Nash, C. R., degree, 1312 Nash, D. A., degree, 1267 Nash, E. L., degree, 139 Nash, W. V., resignation, 1232 Nash Engineering Co., purchase, 595 Naslund, R. H., degree, 1311 Nasrallah, N. F., degree, 1282 Nast, Lottie F., degree, 627 Nasution, H., degree, 155, 617 Natelsky.A. R., degree, 405 Nathan, F. F., degree, 1320 Nathan, I. S., certificate, 748 Nathan, L. I., degree, 638 Nathan, M. L., degree, 634 National Academy of Design, gift, 305 National Academy of Sciences, contract, 789 gift, 296, 302, 957, 965 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, contract, 103, 498, 692, 789, 943 change, 721, 791, 1260 gift, 302, 965 National Association for Mental Health, gift, 309, 970 National Association of Home Builders, eiit, ,947 National Association of Home Builders Scholarship Foundation, Inc., gift, 285 National Association of Horseradish Packers, gift, 957 National Attractions, Inc., contract, 915 National Bureau of Standards, gift, 302 National Cash Register Co., purchase, 719, 1258 National Council of Legal Clinics, gift, 957 National Cylinder Gas Division, Chemetron Corp., purchase, 493 National Defense Education Act, gift, 302, 965 National Distillers & Chemical Corp., gift, 290 National Distillers and Chemical Foundation, Inc., gift, 964 National Doll Collector's Club, gift, 310 , National Educational Television and Radio Center, gift, 296 purchase, 58, 350, 588 National Education Association, gift, 300 National Electronics Conference, gift, 957 National Foundation, gift, 309, 970, 971 National Fund for Medical Education, gift. 309, 310, 971 National Heat & Power Co., Inc., contract, 344 National Hemophilia Foundation, gift, 306 National Hog Cholera Fund, gift, 957 National Institutes of Health, contract, 10* gift, 302, 964, 965 UNIVERSITY National Instrument Labs, Inc., purchase, 278 National Korectaire Co., contract, 490, 542 National Lead Co., gift, 289, 296, 951, 957 purchase, 377, 914 National Lime Association, contract, 103 ' change, 105, 721 gift, 296, 298, 957, 960 National Live Stock and Meat Board, gift, 296, 958 National Merit Scholarship Corp., gift, 285, 947 National Nuclear Energy Commission, research reactor program, evaluation, contract, 437 National Park Service, contract, 789 National Roofing Contractors Association, contract, 103 gift, 296 National Safety Council, gift, 958 National Sand & Gravel Association, contract, 719 National Science Foundation, gift, 12, 302, " 312, 964, 965, 973 National Secretaries Association, gift, 285, 947 National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, gift, 296 National Soybean Crop Improvement Council, gift, 296 National Soybean Processors Association, gift, 958 National Spectrographic Laboratories, Inc., purchase, 717 National Steel Corp., contract, change, 283 gift, 296, 958 National Survey Co., purchase, 163 National Survey Instruments, Inc., purchase, 1254 National Vitamin Foundation, Inc., gift, 296 National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, contract, 790 gift, 296, 958 lease, 51, 282 Natof, H. E., appointment, 84, 772 Natural History Jiuilding, electrical supply and distribution system, modernization, engineering services, 1114 remodeling, appropriation, 488, 1247 balance reappropriated, 86, 780 contract, electrical, 909 general, 908 heating and air conditioning, 909 plumbing, 909 ventilating, 909 funds, gift, 302 sprinkler system, contract, 1009 Natural History Museum, gift, archaeological specimens, Zim, H. S., 304, 966 Nature of materials, research, contract, change, 916 Naughton, Frances A., degree, 1299 Naughton, Kathleen M., degree, 399 Nauseda, V. F., degree, 1313 Xautec Corp., Duncan Parking Meter Division, purchase, 191, 280, 719 aval Science, officer students, instruction, contract, 104, 789 Navarrete, Delia A., appointment, 200 degree, 880 resignation, 822 Nave, W. R., degree, 607 "avid, Ruth P., degree, 1069 Navilio, Theresa M., degree, 154 wy, contract, 104, 282, 437, 475, 586, 587, 720, 789, 1015, 1128, 1162, 1260 change, 22, 106, 245, 283, 352, 381, 438, 475, 498, 587, 693, 792, 869, 916, 944, 1041, 1129, 1163, 1211, 1261 Sift, 302, 312, 965, 973 navy Pier, facilities used by Chicago Undergraduate Division, lease, 712, 868 OF ILLINOIS 1505 Nay, D. A., certificate, 236 Nayden, J. M., degree, 1320 Naylor, Susan C., degree, 832 Nazarian, M. J., degree, 152 Neal, Carolyn M., degree, 1271 Neal, J. A., appointment, 1085 degree, 146 Neal, J. P leave of absence, 1343 Neal, R. H., appointment, 732, 758 Neal, R. R., Jr., degree, 1320 Nealey, S. M., appointment, 1241 Nebraska, J. E., degree, 609 Necheles, J. R., appointment, 69, 756 Nedelsky, L., appointment, 316, 732 Nee, M. D., fellowship, 131 Neece, J. R., degree, 634 Needles, J. J., degree, 645 Neely Printing Co., Inc., purchase, 789 Neer, D. D., degree, 1304 Neet, Martha J., degree, 1299 Neff, D. A., degree, 1289 Neff, D. R., degree, 616 Neff, R. J., degree, 150 Neff, T. J., degree, 1312 Nefkens, I). M., appointment, 3 Negis, T., degree, 1071 Negroes, appointment to academic staff, committee to study, 482 Neibel, D. W., degree, 614 Neibel, Mary J. B., degree, 400 Neice, T. E., degree, 1272 Neidinger, J. W., fellowship, 43, 258, 737 Neidorf, D. I., degree, 386 Neil, Patricia E., degree, 630 N'eill, D. M., appointment, 200 resignation, 207, 822 Neilson, F. T., degree, 405 Nejlson, Mrs. Nancy V., resignation, 822 Neiman, W. J., degree, 638 Neimark, G. I., degree, 1293 Neimark, L. R., degree, 1319 Neiswanger, W. A., appointment, 653 leave of absence, 1106 Nellessen, E, P., degree, 392 Nelmes, Nancy A., degree, 1314 Nelms, G., degree, 152 Nelms, K., degree, 152 Nelson, A. G., degree, 1075 Nelson, B. G., appointment, 68, 755 Nelson, Barbara C-, degree, 399 Nelson, C. M., certificate, 1101 Nelson, C. M., Jr., appointment, 653 degree, 603 Nelson, C. R., Jr., resignation, 46 Nelson, D. F., degree, 634 Nelson, 1). R., degree, 1320 Nelson, I). T., degree, 1070 Nelson, D. W., degree, 879 Nelson, Dixie L., degree, 626 Nelson, E. R., degree, 642 Nelson, Fern A., degree, 1078 Nelson, G. A., Jr., appointment, 71, 758 Nelson, G. C, degree, 1311 Nelson, G. G., degree, 625 Nelson H., Division, American Air Filter Co., Inc., gift, 284 Nelson, H. R., degree, 835 Nelson, Hope 15., degree, 835 Nelson, J., appointment, 84 Nelson, J. A., appointment, 508 Nelson, J. C, appointment, 37 Nelson, J. D., degree, 639, 1281 Nelson, J. O., degree, 612 Nelson, K. E., degree, 1320 Nelson, Kathryn L. M., degree, 149 Nelson, L. E., degree, 1297 Nelson, Lyn-Marie, degree, 627 Nelson, M. A., degree, 613 Nelson, N. M., degree, 636 Nelson, N. N., degree, 1274 fellowship, 661 Nelson, P. F., degree, 1071 Nelson, Patricia A., appointment, 316 1506 BOARD OF Nelson, R. D., degree, 1306 Nelson, R. H., degree, 1313 Nelson, Severina E., appointment, 336, 1002 Nelson, T. W., Jr., degree, 1071 Nelson, Wayne B., appointment, 37 fellowship, 819 Nelson, Willard B., Jr., degree, 1315 Nelson, W. F., certificate, 62 Nelson, W. H., appointment, 732, 924 Nelson, W. J., degree, 403 Nelson, VV. O., appointment, 122 Nelson, W. W., degree, 404 Nelson's Cleaners, contract, 497 Nema, IS., degree, 141 Nemchausky, 15. A., degree, 1304 Nemec, Ann B., degree, 1290 Nemec, E. J., certificate, 748 degree, 634 Nemecek, J. G., appointment, 79, 767 Nemecek, W. R., degree, 636 Nemergut, E. C, certificate, 62 Nemoto, H. H., appointment, 340 Nemoy, N. J-, degree, 645 Nephritis, research, gift, 308 Nerad, J. J., degree, 1297 Nergis, F., degree, 1292 Neruda, Marlene J., degree, 625 Nerve tissue, immunochemical characteristics, research, gift, 970 Nervous system, research, gift, 969 Nesbit, J. A., certificate, 749 Nesbitt, D. E., degree, 404 Nesheim, O. N., degree, 395 Nesheim, R. O-, appointment, 1242 Nesmith, Charlotte L., degree, 638 Ness, F. E., degree, 153 Nesselroade, J. R., appointment, 37 Nesset, R. J., appointment, 75 Nessim, N. Y.. degree, 1066 Nessinger, T. J., certificate, 748 Nessler, F. A., appointment, 653 Nessler, Frances A., degree, 149 Nessler, Joan, resignation, 46 Nesti, Mary A., degree, 138 Netting, Physical Education, appropriation, 1008 Nettl, B., appointment, 1085 Network synthesis, study, contract, 380 change, 105 Netzel, J. P., degree, 622 Neu, Irene D., appointment, 810 Neubauer, W. G., degree, 149 Neufeldt, L. N., appointment, 122 fellowship, 517 Neufeldt, V. A., fellowship, 1227 Neuhaus, H., appointment, 1329 Neuhauser, Irene, appointment, 66, 753 Neuman, C. H., degree, 877 Neutnan, D. F., degree, 383 Neuman, Marilyn J., degree, 399 Neuman, R. B., degree, 1073 Neuman, Roberta, resignation, 822 Neumann, A. L., resignation, 1232 Neumann, Diane I., degree, 1301 Neumann, Helen M., degree, 633 Neumann, Joan E., degree, 637 Neumann, Lorena, appointment, 122, 810 Neumann, Margaret L., degree, 1062 Neumann, Marilyn V., degree, 1309 Neural metabolism, research, contract, change, 105, 943 gift. 312, 973 Neureuther, A. R., degree, 621, 1065 fellowship, 517 Neurology and Neurological Surgery, clinical faculty, 72, 759 gift, funds, Annable, Mr. and Mrs. L. F., 310 Beardsley, J. and Marilyn, 310 Bovyn, P. F., 310 Campbell, R. and Lily, 310 research, Riker Laboratories, 309 scholarship, Olkon, D. M., Estate, 305 purchase, etectroencephalograph, 1157 Neurons, research, gift, 312, 973 Neuropharmacology, research, gift, 970 Neuropsychiatric Institute, tuckpointing contract, 93 Neustadt, J. E., appointment, 70, 758 Neustein, Sylvia J., fellowship, 517 Nevada Street, property at 907 West, purchase, 358 property at 1203 West, remodeling, appro. priation, balance reappropriated, 86 property at 1205 West, air conditioning appropriation, 536, 709 ' relocation and remodeling, appropriation balance reappropriated, 780 ' ' property at 1205 and 1205V2 West, remodeling, appropriation, 1247 tree-planting program, contract, 371 Nevel, D. E., resignation, 207 Neville, C. W., degree, 1066 Neville, W. E., appointment, 340, 770 Nevjus, Donna R., degree, 628 Nevius, J. N., degree, 1313 Newberg, G. K., Construction Co., contract, addition, 938, 1196 change, 532 New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc., purchase 163, 862, 1160 Newbury Industries, Inc., purchase, 281 Newcomb, Brenda K., degree, 1321 Newcomer, H, L., appointment, 508 Newdelman, B. L., degree, 1081 Newell, D. H., degree, 1316 Newell, E., degree, 1068 Newell, J. T-, appointment, 122, 338, 508 1005 Newell, R. M., degree, 393 New Era Optical Co., purchase, 716 Newgard, H., & Co., contract, 90 New Holland Machine Co., gift, 297, 958 New Idea Farm Equipment Co., lease, 104, 381, 1040, 1162 purchase, 25 Newkirk, P. C, degree, 1311 Newland, T. E., appointment, 328, 991 Newlin, L. V., degree, 403 Newman, A., appointment, 810 Newman, B. B., appointment, 77, 765 Newman, 13. E., resignation, 701 Newman, D. L., degree, 154 Newman, G. A., appointment, 200 Newman, J. S., appointment, 70, 758 Newman, K. J., degree, 645 Newman, L. M., degree, 1274 fellowship, 661 Newman, R., certificate, 1239 Newman, W. H., appointment, 254, 762 Newmann, Carol A., degree, 635 Newmark, N. M., appointment, 37, 327, 653, 990 Newport, M. G., degree, 873 Newton, D. J., degree, 621 Newton, Dorcas A., degree, 831 Newton, Geraldine S., degree, 840 Newton, S. B., fellowship, 819 Newtson, L. H., certificate, 748 New World Research Corp., purchase, 1200, 1201 New York Air Brake Co., Kinney Vacuum Division, purchase, 589 New York University, gift, 311, 972 Ng, S. J., degree, 1070 Ngonrath, Joy, degree, 390 Niagara Chemical Division, FMC Corp., gift- 958 Nibbe, A. F., appointment, 71, 758 Niblack, J. V., fellowship, 819, 1336 Nibley, O. S., degree, 1279 Nicholas, E., degree, 1285 Nicholas, Natalie, degree, 1078 Nichols, G. O., appointment, 732 degree, 878 Nichols, J. Alden, leave of absence, 522 Nichols, Jerry Alan, degree, 843 UNIVERSITY C Nichols, Marie H., leave of absence, 47 Nichols, P. W., degree, 1297 Nicholson, L. i.., appointment, 122 Nicholson, Mrs. Marilyn J., appointment, 1170 Nicholson, Nellie M., degree, 619 Jiickell, L. F., Library, purchase, 710 tiickerson, K. L., degree, 1277 Nico, Marlene J., degree, 1078 Nicolet, Patricia J., degree, 1304 Nicolette, J. A., degree, 877 Nicoll, Patricia O., degree, 153 Nicoll, Ruth O., degree, 153 Nicpon, P. E., degree, 628 Niebel, H. H., appointment, 851 Nieder, J. M., degree, 1320 Niederman, R. A., degree, 1315 Siederroan, Sara C, appointment, 1138 Nicderwimmer, Helen B., degree, 825 Niedvares, R. P., degree, 149 Niedzielski, R. J., degree, 384 Niehi Y., appointment, 1085 Nieiioff, P. H., degree, 825 Niehus, E. L., degree, 138 Nielsen, Elinor A., degree, 843 Nielsen, J. L., appointment, 316 Nielsen, Linda A., degree, 1075 fellowship, 1141 Nielsen, N. N., appointment, 1185 Nielsen, VV. A., degree, 839 Nielsen, W. R., degree, 1273 Nielson, P. E., appointment, 78, 766 Niemczura, Grazyna C, degree, 1322 Niemyski, Dorothy E., fellowship, 819 Nieto-Ramirez, J. A., appointment, 408, 889 degree, 1059 Nievergelt, J., appointment, 122 fellowship, 517, 1227 Niezproda, J. R-, degree, 1082 Nihei, Y., fellowship, 819 Nikelly, A. G., leave of absence, 47, 741 Nikels. R. A., degree, 391 Nikolai, R. J., appointment, 408, 1329 Nikolaus, M. G., degree, 638 Nikoulin, Mrs. Dilara, resignation, 701 Nilsson, Anna, appointment, 890 resignation, 1142 Xims, J. F., leave of absence, 667 Nimz, R. L., degree, 1285 .Ning, R. Y., fellowship, 1141, 1227 Ninomiya, T., appointment, 122 resignation, 822 \ino-Rubiano, I.. F.F degree, 1293 Xinos, N. P., degree, 645 Nisbet, Kathryne R., degree, 838 Nisbet, Sandra J., degree, 1308 Nishida, Hiro I., fellowship, 205 resignation, 444 Nishida, Mrs. Sakiko, resignation, 1232 Nishida. T., appointment, 122, 810 Nishida, Y., appointment, 508 resignation, 898 Xishijima, K., appointment, 37 leave of absence, 1343 Nishikawa, Y., appointment, 653 Nisinson, Carolyn, degree, 1297 Nisonoff, A., appointment, 123, 810 Niss, J. F., degree, 825 r fellowship, 517, 1227 Nitrogen, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 593 research, contract, 474 change, 21, 105 Nitrogen & Plastics Divisions, Allied Chemical ... ,c"rP-. gift, 287 Nitzberg, Fern A., degree, 1071 Nix, C. J., degree, 839 Slx> W. J., degree, 402 Nixon, James E., appointment, 37 resignation, 444 Nixon, Joseph E., fellowship, 319, 699 mziolkiewicz, Pauline M., degree, 149 jalla College, establish and develop, contract, 867 change, 869 >F ILLINOIS 1507 NJE Corp., purchase, 374, 784 Noack, E. G. S., degree, 1307 Noble, B. J., appointment, 810, 1000 degree, 1270 Noble, C. M., gift, 951 Noble, p. C, degree, 1311 Noble Motor Co., purchase, 26 Nock, F. J., appointment, 331 Nogle, L. E., degree, 1062 Nogle & Black, Inc., purchase, 471, 941, 1160 Nolan, A. S., degree, 142 Nolan, Grace M., appointment, 732, 1006 Nolan, K. S., appointment, 77, 765 Nolan, M. J., degree. 630 Nolan, Nancy, J., degree, 635 Nold, Patricia J., degree, 625 Noll, W. W., degree, 614 Nolte, G. M., degree, 1289 Nolle, W. W., degree, 149 Nona, D. A., appointment, 890 degree, 642 Nonacademic employees, salary and wage adjustments, retroactive, policies and procedures, change, 106, 682 Nonacademic Employees Council, gift, 286 Nonacademic Personnel Committee, members 1098 Noname, Inc., purchase, 589 Nondiscrimination provisions in government contracts, compliance report required, 276 Nonlinear discrete and sample-data control systems, study, contract, 1128 Nonmetallic crystals, research, contract, change, 245 Nonnetnan, J. J., degree, 1073 Nono, P. A., Jr., degree, 1079 Nunpratein nitrogen in sheep nutrition, research, gift, 955 Nonverbal awareness, research, gift, 298, 960 Non-Western programs, expansion, grant from Ford Foundation, 1011 Noonan, F. D., degree, 391 Noor, A. K., degree, 874 Nooter Corp., purchase, 373, 788, 1256 Noparstak, I. H., degree, 1320 Nora, J. R., appointment, 69, 756 Norherg, P. A., certificate, 748 Norcross, Mrs. Helen, gift, 305 Nordahl, Anita K., degree, 154 Nordberg, B. W., degree, 151 Nordell, W. J., degree, 874 Nordheden, Rita-Marie P., degree, 1297 Nordmann, Carolanne M., resignation, 135 Nordsieck, A. T., invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 231 Nordtvedt, D. W., degree, 627 Nordwall, Mary T., degree, 633 Nordyke, A. L., degree, 404 Norehad, E. A., appointment, 771 Norem, Q. E., degree, 1283 Noren, G. D., degree, 1304 Norena, I)., appointment, 71, 758 Norling-Christensen, O., member of advisory committee, 706 Norman, D. I., degree, 1073 Norman, M. N., degree, 1292 Norman, R. H., degree, 145 Norman, W. P., fellowship, 1172 Normandin, Diane K., appointment, 37 Norman Machinery Co., purchase, 281 Normann, Greta J., degree, 1297 Norman-Willett Co., purchase, 1013, 1203 Norris, A. M., degree, 1281 Norris, J. D., degree, 1081 Norris, S., degree, 647 Norris City Cancer Research Fund, gift, 970 Norsen, Jeanette, appointment, 254 Norsworthy, W. D., degree, 1077 North American Philips Co., Inc., purchase, 1253 North American Press, purchase, 1202 North Central Publishing Co., purchase, 25, 102, 278, 1125, 1157, 1161 1508 BOARD OF Northcote, R. S., appointment, 890 Northcutt, K. G., fellowship, 1336 Northern Hank Note Co., purchase, 590, 714 Northern Illinois Agronomy Research Center, house, addition, contract, 716 Northern Illinois Ureeding Coop, gift, 958 Northern Illinois Gas Co., gift, 963, 964 Northern Illinois University, summer speech clinic, approved, 486, 1191 Northern Illinois Water Corp., agreement, extension of water service on south farms, 775 rerouting water main on site of Civil Engineering Building, 685 easement, Romine Street, 686 North Greenhouse, lighting and cooling, appropriation, 918 North Park Sales & Service, Inc., purchase, 242 Northrop, J. L., Jr., certificate, 62 Northrup-King & Co., gift, 958 North Town Refrigeration Corp., contract, 543 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., staff annuity program, approved, 1214 Norton, A. H., appointment, 80, 768 Norton, Alice L., degree, 144 Norton, Carol C, degree, 1308 Norton, J. C, appointment, 1329 Norton, M. C, degree, 608 Norton, R. E., degree, 1277 Norton, R. H., appointment, 254, 810 fellowship, 895 resignation, sog Norton, W. F., degree, 1305 Norton, Mrs. Winifred, appointment, 976 Nosker, H. C, leave ot absence, 17 Notebooks, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 244 Noteboom, W. IX, fellowship, 319, 928 Nothman, W. L., certificate, 366 degree, 155 Nottingham, W. H., degree, 619 Nottke, J. E., degree, 1302 Notzold, R A., appointment, 200 Nourallah, F. S., degree, 827 Nourse, H. O., appointment, 1185 Novack, Linda 11., degree, 1312 Novak, 1). K., degree, 404 Novak, J. F., degree, 647 Novak, Lynn K., degree, 633 Novak, M. P., degree, 881 Novak, P. J., degree, 154 Novak, R. F., appointment, 254 Novar, L., appointment, 732 Novelle, Marjorie L., degree, 638 Novick, Sharon P., degree, 1078 Novo, A. M., appointment, 772 Novotney, R. J., degree, 1073 Novy, G. A., degree, 1311 Nowak, Cyntliia, degree, 1285 Nowakqwski, W. T., degree, 402 Nowicki, N. J., appointment, 74, 761 Nowlan, T. D., degree, 625 Noyes, W. A., jr., honorary degree, 1103 Noyes Fund, investment, 870 Noyes Laboratory, electrical supply and distribution system, modernization, engineering services, 1114 remodeling, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 86, 780 Nozu, K., fellowship, 258, 356 NRC Equipment Corp., purchase, 24, 56, 1124, 1156 Ntailianas, H. A., appointment, J23, 810 Nuclear-Chicago Corp., purchase, 435, 495, 691, 786, 863, 865, 940, 1038, 1205 Nuclear Data Inc., purchase, 471, 941 Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association, purchase, 942 Nuclear Engineering, appropriation, equipment, 918 balance reappropriated, 779 multi-channel analyzer, 13 remodeling, 1247 budget, summer session, 335, 999 purchase, coincidence system, 784 computer, 434 electronic timer, 784 liability insurance, 374, 942 pulse height analyzer, 243 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, name, approved, 1263 Nuclear Engineering Liability Insurance Association, purchase, 374 Nuclear equipment, Engineering, Urbana, appropriation, 269 Physics, Chicago, purchase, 375 Nuclear measurement system, Forestry, purchase, 1205 Nuclear research, contract, change, 693 Nuclear Research Instruments, purchase, 243 Nuclear sample changing and counting system, Horticulture, purchase, 1038 Nuclear science, equipment, grant, 21 summer institutes, contract, change, 475 Nuclear system, Agronomy, purchase, 495 Nuclear weapons, residences for reducing effects of, preparation of manual, contract, 103 Nucleonic Corp. of America, purchase, 375 Nucleophilic attack of aromatic rings, study, contract, change, 1040 Nudelman, M. D., appointment, 79, 767 Nudera, R. J., degree, 1318 Nuese, C. J., fellowship, 132 Numbering device, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 Number theory, research, contract, change. 245, 1163 Nunemaker, J. E., degree, 607 Nunnally, N. R., fellowship, 1227, 1336 Nurry, B. E., appointment, 508 Nurse call system, McKinley Hospital, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86, 779 purchase, 101 Nursery, relocation, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 Nursing, Research and Educational Hospitals, appropriation, furniture and equipment, balance reappropriated, 781 Nursing, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 dean, report, state of college, 321 degrees conferred, 646, 1321 gift, scholarships, Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center, 306, 967 graduate program, approved, 428 Nuss, Janice A., degree, 835 Nussbaum, F. I)., degree, 647 Nutrition, research, contract, 244 change, 791, 869, 1211 gift, 290, 292, 293., 296, 299, 954, 955, 957, 958, 960 Nutritive value of major nutrients of irradiated food, research, contract, change, 283 Nuttall, J. L., Jr., appointment, 200 resignation, 356 Nuttall, Mildred, appointment, 477 Nu-Way Plumbing Service, Inc., contract, 51, 58, 229, 528 Nygaard, A., appointment, 3 Nyhus, K., degree, 828 Nykiel, F. R., appointment, 76, 763 fellowship, 1087, 1172 Nyman, C. O., appointment, 75, 762 Nyman, E. E., appointment, 73, 760 Nyquist, R. E., appointment, 80, 768 Nyunt, K., degree, 613 UNIVERSITY 0 0, I. Y., degree. 616 Oak Park First Congregational Church, gift, Oak Ridge Technical Enterprises Corp., purchase, 471 Oak Street, improvement, contract, 466 paving, engineering services, contract, 241 property at 1013 South, purchase, 348 Oakwood, Ethel I., degree, 616 Oates, G. D., appointment, 890 Oat hybrids, study, gift, 297 Oats, purchase, Animal Science, 1258 Dairy Science, 1258 Veterinary Clinical Medicine, 1258 Obenchain, Loretta J., degree, 630 Oberembt, K. J., degree, 825 Oberhelman, R. H., appointment, 73, 761 Oberlander, M., degree, 400 Oberle, D. L., degree, 140 Oberle, W. H., degree, 838 Oberlin, R. L., degree, 1297 Oberndorfer, E. J., Jr., degree, 1304 Oberne, A. M., Cancer Research Fund, gift, 309 Oberne, G. S., gift, 309 O'Block, F. K., fellowship, 205, 1227 O'Boyle, R. F., appointment, 70 Obriecht, J. H., certificate, 366 O'Brien, D. E., appointment, 69, 757 O'Brien, D. F., degree, 209 O'Brien, J. J)., degree, 1306 O'Brien, Kathryn G., degree, 829 O'Brien, Margaret A., fellowship, 737 O'Brien, Marilyn }., appointment, 764 O'Brien, N. R., degree, 601 O'Brien, T. J., fellowship, 1227 : O'Brien, T. R., degree, 640 ; 0'Bryan, G. R., degree, 403 ( Obstetrics and Gynecology, clinical faculty, 72, 759 ( i-ift, research, American Cancer Society, ( ' Inc., 307 0'Byrne, A. K., degree, 647 O'Callaghan Bros., Inc., contract, 92, 344, ( 544 Occupational Therapy, appropriation, remodeling, 1153 gift, funds, Anderson, Mrs. R. E,, 971 Dames Club, 310 First Congregational Church of Oak Park, 310 Hinsdale Sewing Group, 310 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs 971 Medical Center Women's Auxiliary 971 Meehan, Virginia, 310 National Doll Collector's Club, 310 Rogers Park Woman's Club, 310 Shephard, Mrs. Robert, 971 Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center, 310 scholarships, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 285, 305, 947 Illinois Occupational Therapy Assi- ation, 285 status, change, 681 Ochiltree, S. A., degree, 1313 Ochoa-Gomez, G., degree, 389 I Uchsenschlager, M. M., degree, 842 < JConnell, D. C, degree, 877 OConnell, D. F., certificate, 366 < OXonnell, G. W., certificate, 366 Utonnell, J.., appointment, 1185 Conner, Hazel L, degree, 151 "Connor, B. R., degree, 1268 fellowship, 737 resignation, 1233 Jtonnor, D. M., leave of absence, 44S resignation, 1174 J Connor, F. P., degree, 1282 ' )F ILLNOIS 1509 O'Connr, G. P., gift, 311, 972 O'Conor, J. N., certificate, 1101 O'Conor, J. T., appointment, 890 O'Conor, Linda H., degree, 1277 felhvship, 517 O'Conor, P. II., certificate, 748 O'Daiell, M. V., degree, 1311 O'Da, P. C, degree, 216 Odell R. T., appointment, 408 Oder S. I., degree, 645 Odel S. J., degree, 213 febwship, 662, 1336 Odei J-, Jr., appointment, 69, 757 Ode, R. J. E., appointment, 81. 769 Ode, D. A., fellowship, 517 Ode, L. G., degree, 645 Odl, R. D., degree, 638 Odian-Hecker & Co., Inc., purchase, 596, 1209 Odm, I. E., degree, 601 O')onnell, Constance M., degree, 1290 OTonnell, J. R., degree, 620 ODonnell, P. E., degree, 839 OJonnell, R. E., resignation, 135 ODonnell, R. J., degree, 835 QDonoghue, D. J., degree, 642 CDriscoll, T. E., degree, 149 Gchsle, L. E., degree, 393 Cehmke, R. W., fellowship, 662 (elke, D. E., degree, 630 (ertel, Anna M., degree, 1078 *esman, S., degree, 155 testereicher, E., degree, 606 Jestreich, D. J., certificate, 366 Jetting, G. D., appointment, 200 3ffer, D., appointment, 80, 768 Offer, D. F., appointment, 123, 441, 890 Office Equipment Co. of Chicago, purchase, 56, 1259 Office machines, lease, 1128, 1162, 1210 Officers, Board of Trustees, delegation of signatures, 421, 1097 election, 420, 1096 Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, bid proposal forms, 942 bookshelf units, 102, 595, 867, 1208 cabinets, 719 chairs, 190, 719, 1259 containers, cups, straws, and sandwich bags, 786 envelopes, 472, 1208 examination books, 244, 942 file folders, 377, 1014 invoice voucher forms, 280, 942 knives, forks, and spoons, 377 notebooks, 244 office furniture, 25, 244, 1125 paper, 102, 163, 190, 350, 377, 1014 paper cutter, 244 paper napkins, 866 paper pads. 497, 1039 paper supplies, 102, 163, 377 purchase order forms, 280 recording tape, 786 ring binders, 783, 1259 tape, 497 verifax matrix, 280, 719 wastebaskets, 1259 Officine Prevost, purchase, 57 Otfner Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc., purchase, 24, 717 Offset duplicators, purchase, Agriculture Mailing Room, 99 Engineering, 100 Library, 470 Physics, Urbana, 1160 Print Shop, 280, 594, 1259 School Mathematics Committee, 376 Stenographic Service, 25, 53 Vocational and Technical Education, 1015 Ogden, J. S., degree, 402 1510 BO.RD OF ' Ogle, M. E., degree, 826 Oglesby, D. D., degree, 839 O'Grady, G. L., resignation, 135 O'Grady, Lois $$., appointment, 758 O'Grady, Mary E., degree, 1304 Ohannes, E. R., degree, 1297 Ohaya, Hyacinth O., degree, 839 Ohlemiller, T. J., degree, 628 Ohlsen, M. M., appointment, 976, 991 leave of absence, 1107 Ohlson, Virginia M., appointment, 751, 085 Ohman, L. R., degree, 1079 Ohn, K. K., degree, 390 Ohren, Beverly K., degree, 1286 fellowship, 819 Ohren, J. A., degree, 1065 Ohringer, L., appointment, 70, 758 Ohslund, J. J., degree, 145 Ohtaka, Y., fellowship, 132 Ohuche, R. O., degree, 152 Oils and fats, study, gift, 291 Oil Specimens, analysis, contract, 596 Oishi, R. K., fellowship, 1228 Okada, K., appointment, 732 Okamoto, H. H., degree, 1309 O'Kelly, L. I., leave of absence, 427 change, 702 Oken, D., appointment, 79, 767 Okonkwo, A. I., degree, 832 Okuyama, D., appointment, 924 Olander, G. A., appointment, 82, 769 O'Laughlin, M. E., degree, 1287 Olcay, D., degree, 397 Old Agronomy Storehouse, electrical service, installation, appropriation, 488 Old Ben Coal Co., gift, 286, 947 Oldfather, Margaret, appointment, 333 Oldham, C. M., degree, 404 Oleari, V. P., appointment, 74, 761 O'Leary, K. D., fellowship, 928 O'Leary, M. H., degree, 400 O'Leary, R. E., degree, 841 Oleck, A. R., appointment, 73, 761 Oleff, H. S., degree, 1314 Oleksy, Mrs. Margaret H., appointment, 508, 810 Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., gift, 297, 958 purchase, 493 Olivares, R. P., degree, 1275 Oliver, D. L., degree, 396 Oliver, E. E., appointment, 485 Oliver, Earline M., degree, 835 Oliver, J. G. L., degree, 630 Oliver, R., appointment, 67 Oliver, R. P., article written on federal government, motion of the Board, 1045 recommendation of President of University, 1133 report of Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, 1132 statement of H. W. Clement, 1044 statement of 1. Dilliard, 1133 statement of President of University, 1044, 1131 Oliver, R. S., degree, 619 Oliver, W. K., degree, 1073 Oliver Machine Co., purchase, 1157 Olkon, D. M., Estate, gift, 305 Olle, W. R., degree, 621 Olmsted, Judith E., degree, 626 Olney, office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, 790 Olschwang, A. P., certificate, 748 degree, 634 Olsen, B. H., degree, 1075 Olsen, C. E., appointment, 339, 732, 1006 Olsen, Carol E., degree, 1297 Olsen, E. A., degree, 213 Olsen, I. S., appointment, 1005 Olsen, J. B., degree, 1297 Olsen, K. H., certificate, 679 Olsen, R. K., degree, 388 fellowship, 895 Olsen, R. L., degree, 634 Olsen Tool Corp., purchase, 1254 Olsher, H. J., certificate, 366 Olson, B. A., degree, 1070 Olson, C. E., Jr., resignation, 822 Olson, Claudette E. G., degree, 155 Olson, D. J., degree, 395 Olson, E. A., Co., Inc., purchase, 53 Olson, G. A., degree, 1080 Olson, Gladys L., appointment, 81, 769 Olson, Karen S., degree, 842 Olson, L. R., degree, 1080 Olson, L. W., appointment, 123, 336, 1002 resignation, 1341 Olson, Loraine B., degree, 835 Olson, Margaret H., degree, 619 Olson, R. G., appointment, 758 cancellation, 977 Olson, R. P., appointment, 73, 761 Olson, Mrs. Sally, appointment, 37 Olson, T. W., degree, 1292 Olson, Walter E., degree, 642 Olson, William E., degree, 621 Olstad, R. G., appointment, 534, 992 Olwin, J. H., appointment, 81, 769 Otnachi, A., leave of absence, 1110 Oman & Giden, Inc., contract, 240, 432 addition, 713 O'Meara, E. T., degree, 617 O'Meara, J. H., degree, 625 Omer, F. W., degree, 145 Omori, Dorothy K., appointment, 890 declination, 898 resignation, 135 Omundson, D. K., degree, 1311 Onaga, K., appointment, 1329 Onanian, E. D., appointment, 123, 408 declination, 822 degree, 600 resignation, 666 Onder, J. J., degree, 1068 Onder, Janice B., degree, 1075 Ondrak, T. B., appointment, 339, 1006 O'Neal, Margaret H., appointment, 78 O'Neall, J. D., degree, 394 Oneida, Ltd., purchase, 22 O'Neil, Dorothy J., degree, 1297 3'Neil, W. E., Construction Co., contract, addition, 273 VNeill, Carolyn L., degree, 1069 ? 'Neill, J. H., member of advisory committee. 850 C'Neill, J. J., appointment, 976 CNeill, J. P., appointment, 266 CNeill, W. P., fellowship, 662, 819, 133; resignation, 740 Oig, Gregoria S., degree, 617 Oio, Dorothy Y., degree, 605 Oiopa, R. L., degree, 1297 Oitman, Marilyn A., fellowship, 517 Opil, K. E., degree, 396 Oprating and Recovery Rooms, appropriation, equipment, 488 balance reappropriated, 781 Opeating room packs, Medical Center Store-! purchase, 277 Opeating table, Research and Educational iospitals, purchase, 278 Ophtialmology, appropriation, equipment, lalance reappropriated, 87 clirical faculty, 73, 761 gii\ funds, Watson Gailey Eye Foundation. 311, 972 pur.hase, camera, 375 ricroscope, 53 ortical goods and services, 470 peoptophor, 53 project-o-charts, 716 vtrtometers, 716 Oppetteim, J. H., degree, 211 UNIVERSITY Oppenhetmer, Judith H., degree, 1308 Oppenheimer, Zelda V., appointment, 976, 1138 Oppenlander, Renate, appointment, 924 leave of absence, 823 Opper, B. M., degree, 1301 Opsahl, R. B., degree, 632 Optical communications, study, contract, 474 Optical goods and services, Ophthalmology, purchase, 470 Oral Anatomy, purchase, microscope, 241 Oral malignancies, early detection, demonstration program, contract, 720 Oral Pathology, purchase, camera, 99 camera microscope, 913 spectrophotometer, 375 Oram, R. W., appointment, 1019 Oran, C, appointment, 534, 890 cancellation, 1142 Oravisual Co., Inc., purchase, 99 Orban, D., appointment, 73, 760 Orchard Downs, addition, construction, contract, general, addition, 468, 713 engineering services, contract, addition, 97 landscaping, contract, 1027 electrical services, contract, 280 funds, investment, 248, 249, 379, 473, 723, 725, 793, 871, 917, 944, 1017, 1042, 1130, 1164, 1215, 1263 purchase, desks, 593 furniture, 55, 594, 1124, 1258 mattresses, 719, 1207 refrigerators, 25, 594, 1161 storm sash, 692 stoves, 1161 seal coating for Orchard Street area, contract, 783 Orchard Place, sanitary sewer connection, contract, 936 Orchard Street, machine shed, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 780 Orchestra, Latin-American tour, contract, 867 Ore, D. E., appointment, 810, 890 Ore, F. R., appointment, 441 Oref, Shoshana O., degree, 630 Oregon Street, property at 1114 West, purchase. 524 property at 1205 West, remodeling, appropriation, 918 property at 1206 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, action, rescinded, 741 authorization, 673 purchase, 741 property at 1207 West, renovation, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 property at 1208 West, purchase, 230 O'Reilly, M. F., appointment, 810 Orenic, R. G., degree, 1320 Orentas, A. A., degree, 396 Organic reaction mechanisms, research gift, 953 Organic solids, research, contract, 1162 Organization and procedure, general rules, amendment, copyrights and recordings, 460 use of University facilities, 682 Organizations, study, contract, 282, 943 Organo-metallic chelate compounds, study, contract, 380 Organs, Music, appropriation, 238 . lease, 587 Orland, G. H., appointment, 123, 333, 653, 997 declination, 1341 fellowship. 411 declination, 413 Orlandini, Mary V., degree, 400 Orleans, E. L., degree, 153 Orloff, C, degree, 840 OF ILLINOIj 1511 Orlopp, D. 4 appointment, 696 degree, 14i Orlove, Don|a S., degree, 1319 Ormbrek, G|G., degree, 619 Ormiston, E|E., appointment, 441 Ormsbee, A, I., leave of absence, 930 Ormsby, W.J., degree, 1314 Orndorff, J<8., appointment, 82, 769 Ornstein, R, appointment, 993 Orr, Betty E., appointment, 534, 992, 1329 Orr, C. R., degree, 397 Orr, D. J.,degree, 399 Orr, Margfy A., fellowship, 662 resignatiti, 822 Orrico, J. F., appointment, 75, 763 Orsburn, J D., degree, 1297 Ortho Diviion, California Chemical Co., gift, 292 Orthodontijs, gift, funds, Braidt, M. P., 311 llliipis Dental Alumni Society of Ohio, 311 Kltfhn, J. S., 311 Kliehn, S. J., 311 Levis, A. B., 311 Levis, A. G., 972 Soachter, J. J., 311 Stirman, G. D., 972 Sorman, H. A., 311 Utiversity of Illinois Orthodontic Alumni Society, 972 purchase, camera, 53 miccscopes, 22 phot)rnicroscope, 1037 Orthodoxies Special Alumni Fund, gift, 311 Orthopafdic Children's Assistance Fund, addtion, gift, 971 Orthopaedics Center, rehabilitation, appropriation balance reappropriated, 87, 780 Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical faculty, 74, 762 gift, equipment, Schroeder, Mrs. Ida M., 312 felbwship, Evanston Drama Club, 306, 968 funds, American Limb & Orthopedic Co,, 311, 972 Chandler, Mrs. Fremont A., 971 Chicago Rotary Club Women, 972 DeCock, W. J., 972 Dunne, G. W., 311 Kappa Alpha Theta, 311, 972 Kraemer, Cheryl, memorial to, 972 New York University, 311, 972 Rotary Club Women of Chicago, 311 Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. R. P., 311 Turner, H. E., 972 Winesingers, 972 visiting professorship, Higby, S., Camp Foundation, 306 graduate program, established, 1190 Ortaian, S. D., degree, 1289 Ortolano, T. R., appointment, 1138 Orton, E., Jr., Ceramic Foundation, gift, 289, 300, 951 Orvedahl, J., appointment, 508 Orvis, H. H., appointment, 534 Oryshkevich, R. S., appointment, 78, 766 Orzech, P. M., degree, 1309 Osborn, Cloe L., degree, 611 Osborn, E., gift, 297 Osborn, H., appointment, 200, 997 declination, 1341 Osborn, J. E., appointment, 1152 authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 Osborn, Mary K., degree, 1075 Osborn, R. S., certificate, 366 Osborn, T. R., degree, 625, 1067 fellowship, 662 Osborn, Velva J., degree, 213 Osborne, H. W., degree, 625 Osborne, J. E., degree, 647 1512 BOARD OF Oscillators, purchase, Coordinate! Science Laboratory, 787 Electrical Engineering, 24, ?77, 434, 435, 912, 941 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 691 Oscillographs, purchase, Civil EEineering, 242 Electrical Engineering, 55 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 243 Otolaryngology, 281 Oscilloscopes, purchase, Aviation, 376 Botany, 1122 Chemistry and Chemical Engneering, 495, 941 Civil Engineering, 100 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1123 Digital Computer Laboratory, 374, 1038 Electrical Engineering, 24, 18'., 471, 912, 939, 1013, 1014, 1201 Engineering, Chicago, 278, 58S Mining, Metallurgy, and Petrtleum Engineering, 691 Physics, Urbana, 58, 279, 914, .206, 1257 Physiology, 375 Physiology and Biophysics, 785 Psychology, 691 Osco Drug Co., Inc., gift, 305, 96: Osgood, C. E., book, printing, 25 leave of absence, 426, 1108 cancellation, 824 change, 741 O'Shea, T. B., degree, 1064 O'Shea, J. W., appointment, 355, 7(5 O'Shea, P. F., degree, 1071 Osheff, A., degree, 1310 Osika, T. W., degree, 839 Oskay, O., degree, 1291 Osman, Elizabeth M., resignation, 521 Osman, S. A., degree, 1268 Osmanski, C. P., degree, 641 fellowship, 258, 895 Osmometer, Pharmacy, purchase, 86 Osofsky, G., appointment, 707 fellowship, 1172 Osorio de Velez, Berenice, degree, 1018 Ossman, E. T., appointment, 339, IOCS certificate, 748 Ostdiek, G. R., certificate, 1102 Oster, M. O., fellowship, 699 Osteras, M., degree, 141 Osterbach, Marsha K., degree, 1306 Osterman, F. W., degree, 1312 Osterman, R. H., degree, 842 Ostermeier, Martha E., degree, 625 Ostfeld, D. L., degree, 1302 Osthus, W. T., degree, 640 Ostrander, Linda W., fellowship, 1228 Ostresh, H. R., degree, 638 Ostrowski, Helen E., degree, 213 Osver, A., painting, gift, 967 Oterholm, A., fellowship, 895 Otieno, O. S., fellowship, 895 Otis, J., leave of absence, 260 resignation, 666 Otis Elevator Co., contract, 16, 59, 229, 538, 857, 909 Otolaryngology, clinical faculty, 75, 762 gift, funds, Abramovitz, Mrs. Gerald, 311 Beltone Institute for Hearing Research, 311 Chainski, E. L., 311, 972 Lederer, Dr. and Mrs. F. L., 311, 972 Meilleur, Mrs. H., 311 Sager, Mrs. Harry, 311 Witkay, Mrs. Wendel A., 311 microscope, Henner, Mrs. R., 973 research, Manilow, N., Foundation, 308 purchase, analog computer, 940 microscope, 1158 oscillograph, 281 Otrosa, S. S., degree, 1071 Otsuki, S., appointment, 123 Ott, D. E., degree, 1320 Ott, R. A., appointment, 83 Ottaway, M. C. C fellowship, 1228 Otte, K. H., appointment, 810 Otting, W. J., Jr., appointment, 1329 Otto, R. L., degree, 632 Ottwein, M. \v. G., member of advisory committee, 706 Ouchi, A., appointment, 355 Ourth, L. L., degree, 393 Ouse, Andrea J., degree, 1304 Out-Patients Health Service Building, steam service, contract, 910 Ovadia, J., appointment, 81, 769 Ovens, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase 1208 Overbed tables, McKinley Hospital, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 778 Overbey, C. W., degree, 1289 Overby, L. R., fellowship, 895, 928, 1228 Overcoats, Air Force Science, purchase, 377 Overseas' projects, assistance through Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc., 1011 Overstreet, R. J., appointment, 83, 770 Ovson, R. G., degree, 1075 Ovulation in domestic animals, research, contract, 587 gift, 957 Owcarz, Patricia R., degree, 399 Owczarski, R. A., degree, 1291 Owen, A. F., degree, 390 Owen, Audrey M., fellowship, 1228 Owen, Barbara L., fellowship, 928 Owen, Frankie C, degree, 1063 Owen, F. W., leave of absence, 1106 Owen, M. N., certificate, 748 Owen, P. J., degree, 1075 Owen, Virginia S., degree, 828 Owens, J. E., certificate, 366 Owens, J. J., certificate, 1101 Owens, J. N., degree, 389 Owens, R. E., appointment, 810 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., gift, 286, 301, 947, 951, 964 Owens-Illinois Glass Co., gift, 286, 301, 302, 948. 964 Owiro, Zephaniah, degree, 609 Oxford, R. J., degree, 1293 Oximeter, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 Oxygen, purchase, Medical Center, 493 Research and Educational Hospitals, 493 Oxygenator, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 53 Oyama, Lois J., degree, 1082 Oyen, W. D., degree, 831 Oyer, D. J., degree, 634 Oyster, Carol L., degree, 639 Ozanne, J. M., degree, 1292 fellowship. 1228 Ozen, A. M., degree, 621 Ozerol, N. H., degree, 1269 Ozmon, Bette R., degree, 646 Ozoglu, S. A., degree, 632 Paarlberg, W., degree, 1069 Pabarcius, A., appointment, 508, 1005 leave of absence, 1110 resignation, 1341 Pabin, Judith A., degree, 153 Pac, K. M. K., degree, 830 Pace, J. R., appointment, 1085 degree, 1269 Pace, N. R., fellowship, 1336 Pacemaker, Agency for International Development, purchase, 434 Pacer, D. W., degree, 1073 Pachciarz, Judith A., degree, 1304 Pacheco, F., degree, 875 UNIVERSITY 0 Pachman, D. J., appointment, 77, 764 Pachmuss, Temira, fellowship, 1172 Packard, Susan H., degree, 644 Packard-Bell Computer Corp., purchase, 55 435 Packard Instrument Co., Inc., gift, 304 purchase, 24, 52, 163, 243, 375, 470, 471 783. 913, 914, 1015, 1160, 1255 Packer, Charlene S., degree, 1308 Pacyna, J. H., degree, 1313 Paden, D. W., appointment, 327 Paden, Mrs. Elaine P., appointment, 653 Padgitt, Lynn E., degree, 1078 Padnos, R. D., degree, 1311 Paetsch, H. E., degree, 647 Page B. F., appointment, 810, 890 Page, D. A., gift, 960 leave of absence, 741 Page, J. L., appointment, 331, 995 Page, Janet R., degree, 149 Page, K. C, appointment, 654 Page, R., elected Chairman Pro Tempore of Board, 1096 introduction, 264 Page, R. A., degree, 149 Page, R. F., certificate, 748 Page, R. R., appointment, 340, 810, 1007 Page, T., appointment, 123, 1170 leave of absence, 137 Pagel, Geraidine R., degree, 154 Pagel, Mary E. Y., degree, 213 Pagel, R. L., degree, 153 Pahel, K., appointment, 123 Paige, J. P., degree, 1274 fellowship, 662 Paige, Sharyn W., degree, 1285 Paik, C. M., appointment, 707, 989 resignation, 1233 Paint, purchase, Housing Division, Urbana, 1258 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 1161 Painted surfaces, study, contract, 104 Painter, B. C, degree, 1318 Painter, Genevieve B., degree, 640 fellowship, 1141 Painting, appropriation, Large Animal Clinic, 369 Veterinary Clinic, balance reappropriated, 780 Women's Gymnasium lounge, 369 contract, Chicago Circle heating plant, 1112 minor alterations and repairs, adjustment, 22 Painting equipment, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1159 Paintings, gift, Barker, W., 966 Bocour, L., 304 Bruno, P., 304 Davieson, J., 966 Goldstein, G. J., 305 Kopman, B., 966 Morris, K., 966 Moss, M. A., 305 National Academy of Design, 305 Osver, A., 967 Pickins, A., 966 Prohaska, R., 966 Roberts, Collete, 305 Seibert, G., 966 Spertus, H., 305 Tocque, J. L., 966 Tucker, A., Memorial, 305 Paintings, purchase, Fine and Applied Arts, 494 Pak, I degree, 1269 Pal, D. K., appointment, 37, 123 declination, 135 degree, 601 Palacios-Tobon, J., degree, 152, 622 Palatine Park District, contract, 437 Palciauskas, R., appointment, 890, 1005 Palciauskas, V. V., degree, 621 )F ILLINOIS 1513 Palen, J. W., fellowship, 1228 Paleontological laboratory, remodeling, appropriation, 536 Palermo, J., degree, 620 Paley, H., appointment, 997 leave of absence, 1243 Paley, Jean P., degree, 630 Paliokas, A. M., fellowship, 1336 Paliouras, J. D., degree, 605 Palladino, D. J., degree, 828 Pallat, H., gift, 311 Pallet racks, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase, 350 Palm, R. G., degree, 1290 Palmer, B. B., degree, 404 Palmer, C. F., degree, 1315 Palmer, H. M., degree, 1297 Palmer, J. D., appointment, 123 leave of absence, 522 Palmer, J. L., fellowship, 43, 443, 819 member of Citizens Committee, 485 resignation, 444 Palmer, J. R., appointment, 328, 996 Palmer, J. S., degree, 1069 Palmer, Janet L., degree, 401 Palmer, Margaret K., degree, 611 Palmer, Mary P., degree, 605 Palmer, Pearl Y., degree, 1069 Palmer, Rex A., appointment, 123, 890 Palmer, Richard A., fellowship, 662 Palmer, R. R., degree, 1314 Palomino Cardenas, J. R., degree, 610 Pals, D. T., degree, 877 Palubinskas, F., degree, 1058 Paluch, Julia L., degree, 1304 Palucius, L. B., degree, 1297 Paludan, Marsha M., resignation, 1233 Paluga, M. J., certificate, 1101 Palumbo, S. A., degree, 880 Pamataitis, C, degree, 1292 Pampe, J. A., degree, 621 Pamphlets, copyright, policy, 460 Pamplin, R. A., degree, 383 Pancreatitis, research, gift, 309 Pandey, B. D., degree, 837 Panelboards, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 786, 942 Panepinto, Joan C, appointment, 654 Panichi, Andrea M., degree, 1297 Panichi, R. M., degree, 625 Pankin, Kate, appointment, 37 Pankowski, D. J., appointment, 924 Pantagraph Printing & Stationary Co., purchase, 350, 373, 376, 434, 494, 496, 589, 592, 594, 716, 1015, 1036, 1039, 1125, 1202, 1206 Pantone, A. M., appointment, 1138 resignation, 207 Pantowich, S. H., certificate, 1101 degree, 402 Pantyuch, V., degree, 1297 Pap, Lucia T. F., appointment, 317, 758 Pape, D. L., degree, 145 Papec Machine Co., lease, 381 Paper, purchase, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1014 Medical Center Stores, 1014 Office Supply Storeroom, 102, 163, 190, 350, 377, 497, 1014, 1039 Paperback book center, equipment, purchase, 1039 established, 688 Paper cutter, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 244 Paper mulching, research, gift, 296 Paper Service Co., purchase, 102 Paper supplies, purchase, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 597, 1013 Medical Center, 597, 1013 Office Supply Storeroom, 102, 163, 377, 786, 866 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 597 1514 BOARD OF Paper tape data preparation equipment, Coordinated Science Laboratory, purchase, 23 Papierniak, F. B., appointment, 84, 772 Paplenas, J. A., degree, 625 Papp, R. C, degree, 645 Pappademos, J. N., appointment, 123, 408 fellowship, 1172 Pappas, P. E., degree, 1297 Paprikoff, S. K., appointment, 84, 772 Paradis, W. O., degree, 1064 fellowship, 517 Paralysis agitans, research, gift, 309, 970 Pardee, W. D., appointment, 1170 Pardini, Barbara J., degree, 611 Pardini, Nancy A., degree, 1304 Pardini, R. S., fellowship, 43, 895 Pare, Eileen, appointment, 340 Parent child-rearing practices, study, contract, 867 Parise, D. V., degree, 1297 Park, Betty M., degree, 138 Park, C. E., degree, 149 Park, S. H., degree, 622 Park, Y. H., degree, 1274 Park and recreation areas, study, contract, 475 Parke, Davis, & Co., gift, 289, 951, 970 Parker, Adah D., appointment, 1001, 1138 Parker, E. B., appointment, 37 resignation, 46 Parker, E. T., appointment, 1241 Parker, H., appointment, 751 Parker, H. S., appointment, 77, 765 Parker, J. L., degree, 1077 Parker, M. L., appointment, 81, 769 Parker, Mary M., degree, 843 Parker, N. A., gift, 312 Parker, R. H., appointment, 333 Parker, R. N., authority to sign name of President of Board, 1097 Parker, S., degree, 1297 Parker, W. J., Jr., degree, 1279 Park facilities, Lincoln Park District, appraisal, contract, 1127 Parkhurst, T. S., degree, 881 Parking, long-range program, approved, 574 development, 18 Parking facilities, Chicago Circle, bonds, authorization, 544 sale, 544 Urbana, appropriation, balance reappropri- ated, 87, 779, 780 construction, contract, Assembly Hall, 59 Commerce Building, 1193 Education Building, 1193 Florida Avenue east of Oak Street, 466 Graduate Student Residence Hall, 162 Healey Street, 59 Illini Union, 59 Student-Staff Apartments, 162 engineering services, contract, 96, 241, 1152 improvement, Green Street, 158 Gregory Street, 158 Illinois Street, 158 Parking gates, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 914 Parking meters, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 191, 280, 719 Parking signs, letters, and numerals, purchase, 782 Parklane Co., Inc., purchase, 914 Parks, Carolyn J., degree, 1304 Parks, J. M., appointment, 254, 1085 fellowship, 258, 928 Parks, Penelope A., degree, 1297 Parks and recreation, Palatine Park District, long-range plan, contract, 437 Parma Research Laboratory, Union Carbide Corp., gift, 289, 952 Parmelee, Mary T., degree, 1313 Parmet, P. D., degree, 630 Parnas, Mrs. Hanna G., appointment, 890 resignation, 1233 Parnas, I., appointment, 654 Parochetti, J., appointment, 37 Parola, J. F., degree, 609 Parr, C. A., fellowship, 662 Parrack, D. W., degree, 1061 Parrett, S. A., degree, 1304 Parrish, J. A., degree, 634 Parro Construction Corp., contract, 59, 466 purchase, 26, 783, 1255 Parrott, Delores L., degree, 390 resignation, 1341 Parry, D. S., degree, 610 Parry, E. W., degree, 152 Parsa, P., appointment, 83, 771 degree, 642 Parsons, J. B., member of Citizens Committee, 485 Parsons, J. R., degree, 1060 Parsons, M. J., fellowship, 1336 Parsons, M. O., Jr., resignation, 259 Parsons, Sharon L., degree, 1297 Parsons, W. S., degree, 1314 Particle accelerator, Materials Research Laboratory, contract, 1194 Particle physics, research, contract, 103 change, 1016, 1041 Partridge, M. R., degree, 835 Partridge, R. W., Jr., appointment, 477, 508 Parzen, Z. D., appointment, 123, 768, 924 Pascucci, Ellen D., degree, 842 Pascucci, J, M., degree, 1304 Pashkow, D. A., degree, 1311 Pashniak, D. W., degree, 391 fellowship, 43 Paskind, J., appointment, 79, 766 Passikoff, Barbara C, degree, 145 Pasta, J. R., appointment, 1151 Pasternack, R. F., resignation, 479 Pastika, C. W., appointment, 84 Pastika, Maddalena F., appointment, 37, 8-t. 772 Pastnack, G. L., appointment, 83 Pastorek, N. J., degree, 1320 Patarini, V. M., degree, 214 Patay, S. A., degree, 1290 Pate, G. S., degree, 146 Pate, N. C, degree, 831 Pate, Patty H., degree, 142 Patel, A. M., degree, 1293 Patel, J. P., degree, 141 Patel, Roda K., appointment, 924 Patents, policy and procedure, amendment, 460 Allen, A. W., release to inventor, 1147 Balmain, K. G., release to Foundation, 1146 Blurton, M., release to Foundation, 1146 Carrel, R. L., income allocation, 668 Dayton, J. A., Jr., release to inventor, 976 Dimick, &. C, release to Foundation, 1146 Divilbiss, J. L., release to Foundation, 232 DuHamel, R. H.. income allocation, 668 Dunn, F., release to sponsoring agency, 231 Dyson, J. D., income allocation, 668 Feltner, C. E., release to sponsoring agency, 1147 Ferris, D. H., release to Foundation, 232 Gerardo, J. B., release to inventor, 979 Goldstein, L.. release to inventor, 979 Greiser, J, \V., release to sponsoring agency. 260 Holshouser, D. F., release to Foundation, 232 royalties, 452 Isbell, D. E., income allocation, 668 Jackobs, J. A., release to sponsoring agency, 1147 Johnson, C. A., release to inventor, 1147 Knoebel, H. W., release to sponsoring agency, 231, 232 Kopek, W. J., release to Foundation, 231 Mayes, P. E., income allocation, 668 release to Foundation, 1146 Mikenas, V. A., release to Foundation, 1H Mittra, R., release to Foundation, 1147 UNIVERSITY ( Patents, cont'd ilizuKarm, n., release to sponsoring agency, Nordsieck, A. T., release to sponsoring agency, 231 Paul, } T-> release to inventor, 1147 Perkins, R. B., release to inventor, 452 Presley, Sophie J., release to inventor, 1147 Ranke, K. Jv release to inventor, 1147 Ribeiro, S. T., release to sponsoring agency, 1147 Ries, R. P., release to Foundation, 452 Roux, M. R., release to inventor, 979 Satterthwaite, C. B., release to Foundation, 452 Schuemann, W. C, release to Foundation, 261 Sod, S. L., release to Foundation, 452 release to sponsoring agency, 261 Stephenson, D. T., release to Foundation, 1146 Stifle, J., release to Foundation, 231 Swank, R. K., release to sponsoring agency, 230 Thornberry, H. H., release to inventor, 231 TJihelyi, G. K., release to sponsoring agency, 1147 Vassos, N., release to Foundation, 232 Venables, j. A., release to inventor, 979 Verdeyen, J. T., release to sponsoring agency, 260 Wahl, M. L., release to Foundation, 1147 Weston, P., release to sponsoring agency, 231 Willmore, T. A., release to inventor, 1147 Yntema, G. B,, release to inventor, 231 Patent Scaffolding Co., purchase, 1254 Patents Committee, appointment of T. A, Jones, 986 members, 1098 Pathak, P. K., appointment, 751, 997 Pathak, P. N., degree, 214 Pathak, R. C, degree, 146 Pathman Construction Co., contract, 16, 51, 538, 539, 1120 change, 572 Pathological incinerator, Medical Research Laboratory, contract, 1194 Pathology, Medicine, clinical faculty, 76, 763 gift, research, American Cancer Society, 307, 968 purchase, display fixtures and cabinets, 1158 quarters, remodeling, contracts, 269 Research and Educational Hospitals, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropri-ated, 781 Patient Admissions, Dentistry, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 780 Patient Drug Fund, addition, gift, 971 Patlogan, Sylvia, appointment, 123, 408 Patnaik, Nityananda, degree, 386 Patnaik, S., degree, 602 Patner, M. S., degree, 1318 Paton, D. A., degree, 1286 Patten, C. A., degree, 399 Patten, J., fellowship, 662 Pattengill, M. D., fellowship, 1228 Patterson, C. E., Jr., degree, 385 Patterson, C. H., appointment, 991 leave of absence, 459 Patterson, D. G., degree, 838 Patterson, G. J., fellowship, 1228 Patterson, H. R., appointment, 123, 696, 994 Patterson, J. S., degree, 1311 Patterson, L. E., appointment, 890 Patterson, M. N., resignation, 207 Patterson, Maxine M., degree, 835 Patterson, R. G., appointment, 761 Patterson, R. L., degree, 835 Patterson, Sandra L., degree, 1308 Patterson, Virginia N., appointment, 254, 890 Patterson, W. W., degree, 829 Patu, C. H., degree, 625 OF ILLINOIS 1515 Pattison, J., appointment, 123, 408, 890 Pattison, Valerie, appointment, 508, 890 resignation, 898 Patton, C. D., degree, 1288 Patton, E. D., appointment, 37 Patton, F. D., appointment, 331, 995 fellowship, 517, 1228 resignation, 356, 666 Patton, T. H., Jr., degree, 215 fellowship, 928 Patton, Una L. M., degree, 616 Patton, W. Q., degree, 1286 Patton, W. T., degree, 385 resignation, 207 Paul, E. G., appointment, 83, 771 Paul, Florence, appointment, 1138 Paul, G. L., fellowship, 895 Paul, H. A., appointment, 83, 771 Paul, I. C, appointment, 1241 Paul, J. T., appointment, 68, 755 invention, patent rights, release, 1147 Paul, T. W., degree, 1318 Paul,.M., appointment, 255, 317, 408 resignation, 444 Paul, O., appointment, 67, 355, 756 Paul, S., appointment, 459, 810 leave of absence, 899 Paul, S. L., appointment, 990 degree, 384 Paulikas, A. P., degree, 621 Paulin, J. J., degree, 833 Paulins, Baiba, degree, 153, 1066 Paulmar, Inc., purchase, 719 Paulsen, Joanne D., degree, 619 Paulson, G. C, fellowship, 1228 Paulson, H. E., fellowship, 1336 Paulson, L. J., degree, 1283 Paulson, R., resignation, 701 Pauly, T. J., resignation, 740 Pausig, R. J., certificate, 1101 Pavelick, R. A., degree, 1073 Pavement, study, contract, change, 192 Paveska, D. R., degree, 1077 Pavik, A. L., degree 1292 Paving, Gregory Drive recreation area, contract, 102 Pavlidis, J., degree, 1075 Pavlik, S. L., degree, 149 Pawelko, R. L., degree, 1304 Pawl, R. A., appointment, 759 Pawlan, Barbara A., degree, 1078 Pawlik, K., appointment, 123 Pawlow, R. S., degree, 405 Pawlynskyj, S., appointment, 77, 765 Paxton, Stacia A. W., degree, 1319 Paychl, Jean A., degree, 633 Payens, T. A., appointment, 1241 Payne, Brenda J., degree, 1290 Payne, Corliss G., degree, 633 Payne, D. A., degree, 608 Payne, Dorothy I., degree, 400 Payne, J. H., degree, 621 Payne, J. R., degree, 389 Payne, J. W., appointment, 72, 760 Payne, M. N., degree, 1077 Payne, W. H., degree, 620, 1276 fellowship, 517, 737 Payton, D. R., degree, 619 Pazand, M. H., degree, 1064 P.D.Q. Printing Service, purchase, 100 Peabody Drive, paving, engineering services, contract, 1252 Peabody Drive Residence Halls, funds investment, 248, 379, 473, 724 Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Library, author and subject catalogs, purchase, 279 Peace Corps, contract, 21, 943, 1162 gift, 965 language-study materials, release to author, 193 Peacock, D. W., fellowship, 205, 895 Peacock, Nancy K., appointment, 654 Peacock, R. N., appointment, 3 1516 BOARD OF Pearce, R. W., Jr., degree, 149 Pearl, A. S., Jr., appointment, 66, 753 Pearlman, I. W., degree, 642, 1319 Pearlman, S. R., certificate, 748 degree, 634 Pearman, Martha, degree, 1061 Pearse, Judith. A., degree, 1308 Pearson, T. E., appointment, 408 Pearson, P. R., degree, 1310 Pearson, Robert Earl, appointment, 37 degree, 1317 resignation, 1341 Pearson, Robert Edward, degree, 384 Pearson, R. W., degree, 146 Pease, D. W., Jr., appointment, 37 Peat, H. T., degree, 1287 Peck, A. M., fellowship, 699 Peck, J. W., degree, 828, 1282 Peck, R. B., appointment, 327, 990 declination, 1142 Peck, T. R., appointment, 266, 810 Pecora, J. F., degree, 1312 Pecoraro, G. A., degree, 608 resignation, 701 Pedersen, C. P., degree, 1070 Pedersen, D. M., degree, 212 Pedersen, J. K., degree, 1304 Pedersen, Joanne M., resignation, 47 Pedersen, W., Jr., appointment, 810 Pedersoli, W. M., appointment, 200, 890 Pediatric Residents Education Fund, gift, 310 Pediatrics, clinical faculty, 77, 764 gift, funds, Austin Woman's Club, 311 Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D., 311 Downers Grove United Fund, Inc., 972 Droghetti, L. J., 311 Gould National Batteries, 311 Gross, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., 972 Harris, Dr. and Mrs. C, 972 Hearth and Garden Club, 311 LaSalle Steel Foundation, Inc., 311 Lindeman, S., memorial to, 972 McCarviUe, Bonnie, memorial to, 972 Mead Johnson & Co., 310, 971 Morrison General Electric Co. Employees, 972 Ridinger, Mrs. Jac C, 311 Sberna, Mrs. C. C, 311 Scott, J. D., 972 Sinnot, Alice, 972 Town and Country Restaurant. 972 various donors, memorial to S. Lindeman, 311 Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. M. R., 311 Young, Mr. and Mrs. M., 311 research, Abbott Laboratories, 306 American Academy of Pediatrics, 306 Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, 307 Chicago Heart Association, 308 Leukemia Research Foundation, 308 Leukemia Society, Inc., 308 Mead Johnson & Co., 308, 969 National Foundation, 970 Parke, Davis, & Co., 970 Ross Laboratories, 309 Searle, G. D., & Co., 970 Tuberculosis Medical Research Joint Committee, 969 United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation, 970 purchase, image amplifier, 493 polygraph, 939 Pedodontics, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriatea, 87 gift, funds, Fund for Dental Education, 310 purchase, equipment, 1158 Pedott, Beth R., degree, 130S Pedreira, A. L. S., appointment, 771 Peek, J. W., degree, 1289 Peek, L. J., Jr., appointment, declination, 135 Peeples, Julie N., degree, 625 Peirce, C. S., biography, research, gift, 958 Peirce, G. R., appointment, 329, 992 Peirce, Helen W., appointment, 477 Peirce, L. W., degree, 402, 1306 Peison, B., appointment, 764 Pekara, Jean H., degree, 832 Pekas, D., appointment, 1085 Pekin, JoAnne B., degree, 399 Peklay, Roberta, degree, 153 Peklenik, J., appointment, 1242 Pekny, R. E., degree, 1071 Pelekoudas, Lois M., degree, 877 Pelkowski, R. W., degree, 155 Pellar, Judith S., degree, 1297 Pellecchia, Elba C, degree, 153 Pellegreno, D. D., degree, 1288 Pellegrin, A., degree, 399 Pellegrini, V. J., degree, 841 Pellegrino, Rose A., degree, 1315 Pell Farm, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 7713 water supply system, contract, 95 Pellicore, K. J., appointment, 74, 762, 924 Pellot, J. W., degree, 1287 Peltason, J. W., appointment, 1019 appreciation of services, 1198 leave of absence, 1234 resignation, 852, 1233 Pelton, Barbara C, degree, 625 Pemper, K., degree, 1286 Pence, G. E., degree, 140 Penchina, C. M., appointment, 810, 1019 cancellation, 898 Penev, L. C, appointment, 200, 355, 654, 810 1085 Penhollow, J. O., appointment, 123 degree, 210 resignation, 320 Pennel, C. A., degree, 210 Penniman, Mrs. Marian V., appointment, 123 resignation, 1088 Penniman, \V. D., degree, 215 1'ennisi, L. L., appointment, 810, 1329 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., gift, 297 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls, contract, acoustical tile, 914 general, addition, 19 change, 52 landscaping, 17 funds, investment, 249, 379, 473, 724, 725, 793, 871, 917, 945, 1017, 1042, 1130. 1215, 1263 laundry service, 102 library, books, appropriation, 13 purchase, electric door operators, 867 furniture, 55, 56 rugs, 56 trays, 56 Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corp., gift, 286, 948 Pennsylvania Pump & Compressor Co., purchase, 377 Penny, W. J., appointment, 1138 degree, 145 Penrod, D. D., appointment, 811 degree, 1061 resignation, 1088 Penrod, O. R., degree, 839 Pensinger, R. j., degree, 645 Peoples Gas, Light, & Coke Co., contract, 774 easement, Chicago Circle, gas lines, 795 Peoria, office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, "M Peoria Commercial National Bank, lease, 790 Peoria Musical Instrument Co., purchase. 373, 1126 Pepper, G., appointment, 760, 976 Pepper, M., appointment, 83, 770 Pepsi-Cola Champaign-Urbana Bottling Co., purchase, 376 Perce, Frances C, appointment, 80, 767 Percival Refrigeration & Manufacturing Co.. Inc., purchase, 1014 Perdrisat, C. F., appointment, 508, 924 Perelmuter, S., appointment, 1170 UNIVERSITY C Peressint, A. L., appointment, 508 leave of absence, 1234 Perey Manufacturing Co., Inc., purchase, 281 Perez, A. A., appointment, 765 Perez, Carolyn R.( degree, 626 Perez, I., appointment, 77, 765 Perez-Albuerne, E. A., degree, 608 fellowship, 517, 1337 Performing Arts Center, land acquisition, 703 Pergakes, Phyllis E., degree, 1301 Ferine Development Corp., gift, 286 Periscopes, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 865 Perkin-Elmer Corp., purchase, 53, 101 243 436, 591, 716, 783, 788, 862, 865, 866' 914, 1038. 1205, 1255, 1256 Perkins, C. W., degree, 387 Perkins, D. E., degree, 621 Perkins, E. G., appointment, 3, 123 Perkins, G. L., appointment, 79, 767 Perkins, J. C, appointment, 71 fellowship, 737 Perkins, P. A., degree, 831 Perkins, R. B., invention, patent rights, release, 452 Perkins, W. E., fellowship, 662, 896 Perkins & Will, architectural services, contract, East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building addition, 185 Small Animal Clinic, 241 Perkinson, L. B., degree, 618 Perkinson, Susan S., degree, 638 Perl, A. E., degree, 632 Perlia, C. P., appointment, 70, 758 Perlin, P. J., degree, 1297 Perlman, E. F., degree, 607 Perlman, L., appointment, 68, 755 Perlman, R., appointment, 325, 654 Perimutter, D. D., appointment, 123, 989 resignation, 1233, 1341 Perimutter, Mrs. Shirley, appointment, 732 leave of absence, 522, 823 extension, 899 Perlstein, S., appointment, 67, 754 Perman, J. M., fellowship, 517 Perona, Nancy D., degree, 1080 Perpich, J. J., certificate, 986 Perrero, D. E., degree, 1309 Perrin, C. E., degree, 622 Perrone, A. D., Jr., certificate, 748 Perron, Sandra J., degree, 143 Perry, Mrs, Aiko K., appointment, 200 Perry, C. A., degree, 1315 Perry, D. L., appointment, 333 Perry, E. S., degree, 1277 Perry, G. T., appointment, 696, 758, 1085 Perry, H. J,, appointment, 123 Perry, Judith V., appointment, 74, 761 Perry, K. W., appointment, 988 Perry, R. W'., degree, 831 Perry, Susan B., degree, 831 Perryman, Ertha T., degree, 149 Persaud, P. D., degree, 604 Pershe, E. R., fellowship, 896 Pershing, Diane C, degree, 1286 Pershing, Joyce C, degree, 630 Pershing, R. L., appointment, 811, 1085 degree, 1276 fellowship, 1228 Pertle, Sandra L., degree, 1299 Pesavento, Wilma W., leave of absence, 1234 Pesek, J. R., degree, 1073 leskin, S., appointment, 811 degree, 1317 Peskind, Sarah R., appointment, 80, 768 Pessall, N., resignation, 822 Pesticides, research, gift, 954, 958 Prtak, G. M. P., degree, 1071 Petchenik, Jacklyn M., degree, 633 Petergnani, G., appointment, 1185 ters, A. H., certificate, 1239 Peters, A. W., degree, 1311 Peters, Catherine A., fellowship, 928 Peters, D. B., degree, 604 3F ILLINOIS 1517 Peters, E. R., guest at luncheon, 900 Peters, G. L., degree, 620 Peters, T. D., degree, 600 Peters, J. W., appointment, 654, 997 Peters, Martha L., degree, 832 Peters, Paula J., degree, 637 Peters, R. A., degree, 630 Peters, R. C, certificate, 748 Petersen, G. A., degree, 1310 Petersen, G. G., degree, 826 Petersen, G. W., degree, 606 Petersen, H., Jr., fellowship, 517, 1337 Petersen, L. J., degree, 638 Petersen, W. R., appointment, 75, 762 Peterson, A. C, Jr., degree, 388 Peterson, B. A., degree, 1310 Peterson, Barbara C, degree, 1290 Peterson, C, Too! Co., purchase, 1254 Peterson, C. A., degree, 1075 Peterson, C. H., degree, 1313 Peterson, C. L., certificate, 1101 Peterson, C. V., degree, 1070 Peterson, Carol A., degree, 1315 Peterson, Connie B., degree, 1290 Peterson, 1). E., appointment, 441 degree, 601 Peterson, D. G., degree, 622, 1292 Peterson, D. L., degree, 1289 Peterson, D. M., degree, 1063 fellowship, 43 Peterson, D. R., appointment, 200 Peterson, Diane C, degree, 1299 Peterson, E. D., retirement, 931 Peterson, E. G., degree, 621 Peterson, H. A., appointment, 654, 1329 Peterson, H. C, degree, 621 Peterson, H. W., certificate, 62 Peterson, Helen C, appointment, 317 resignation, 479 Peterson, 1. L., contract, 94 Peterson, J. E., degree, 149 Peterson, j. M., degree, 638 Peterson, J V., degree, 149 Peterson, Karla j., appointment, 37 Peterson, Lowell F., appointment, 72, 760 Peterson, Lyn F., degree, 1072 Peterson, L. G., fellowship, 819, 1337 Peterson, L. V., resignation, 898 Peterson, Linda J., degree, 637 Peterson, Linda L., degree, 625, 1305 Peterson, M. A., degree, 618 Peterson, M. N., degree, 1066 Puterson, Margaret A., fellowship, 517 Peterson, Mr. and Mrs., gift, 311 Peterson, P. H., degree, 400 Peterson, R. C, degree, 1072 Peterson, R. D., degree, 1292 Peterson, R. G., degree, 634 Peterson, R. J., certificate, 62 Peterson, S. W., degree, 625 Peterson, Sally J., degree, 1305 fellowship, 1228 Peterson, Sandra B., degree, 1299 Peterson, Sharon A., degree, 1078 Peterson, T., book, printing, 1039, 1206 report, programs in radio and television, 446 Peterson, T. E., certificate, 1101 Peterson, W. A., appointment, 423, 988 Peterson, W. E., certificate, 748 Peterson, W. F., gift, 973 Petkus. R. \V., degree, 1320 Petokas, M., degree, 396 Petran, A. S., certificate, 366 Petrauskas, C., degree, 396 Petravicius, I. V., degree, 840 Petri, Nancy C, degree, 1307 Petrie, D. H., degree, 1067 Petro, L. G., degree, 874 Petrolane Chief Gas Service, Inc., purchase, 589 Petroleum, research, gift, 290, 953 Petrosino, J. J., degree, 146 Petroski, H. J., fellowship, 517 1518 BOARD OF Petrovich, J. P., degree, 141 fellowship, 662 Petrowich, Muriel G., degree, 151 Petry, C. A., & Sons, Inc., contract, 94, 344, 345. 1193 Petry, Pamela J., degree, 638 Petry Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., contract, 17, 344, 431, 489, 538, 1193 Petterchak, J. J., degree, 403 Pettinga, P. S., appointment, 334 Pettinga, Unity A., degree, 1290 Petty, E. W., Co., purchase, 494, 1157 Petty, Joanne E., degree, 619 Petty cash fund, increase, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 535 Medical Center, 535 Pfaelzer, M., gift, 298, 960 Pfaller, Shirley B., appointment, 1170 Pfau, Janet H., degree, 1078 Pfeffer, L., guest at luncheon, 900 Pfeifer, R. F., appointment, 1329 degree, 1292 Pfeifer, R. J., appointment, 1138 degree, 392 Pfile's Camera Shop, Inc., purchase, 53, 494 Pfizer, C, & Co., gift, 297, 958 Pfizer Laboratories, gift, 309 Pflederer, Marilyn R., appointment, 124, 334 degree, 878 resignation, 1142 Pflueger, P. G.. degree, 621 Pfroender, G. L., degree, 1069 Pfuetze, K, H., appointment, 67, 754 Phagocytosis, research, contract, 692 Phan, M. C, degree, 153, 1273 Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology, gift, research, Chicago Dysautonomia Society, Inc., 307, 969 purchase, monochromator, 940 Pharmacological depression of eccrine sweating, research, gift, 956 Pharmacology, clinical faculty, 78, 766 gift, funds, Abbott Laboratories, 971 research, Abbott Laboratories, 306 Geigy Pharmaceuticals, 969 Licensed Beverage Industry, 970 Riker Laboratories, Inc., 970 Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 970 purchase, automatic sample changer converter, 691 now detector and monitor, 1255 polygraph, 281, 940 spectrometer, 913 tape recorder, 1157 Pharmacy, College of, advisory committee, 267 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 equipment, 238, 369, 488, 1153 budget, summer session, 338, 1004 degrees conferred, 646, 1322 gift, scholarships, American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education, 305, 967 Chicago Retail Druggists' Association, 967 Chicago Retail Druggists' Association Women's Organization, 306, 967 Ford Hopkins Drug Co., 305 Gazzolo Drug & Chemical Co., 967 Goldenrod Ice Cream Co., 305, 967 Humiston-Keeling & Co., 305, 967 Lag Drug Co., 305, 967 McKesson & Robbins, Inc., 967 Medical Center Women's Auxiliary, 967 Osco Drug Co., Inc., 305, 967 Photo Service, Inc., 305, 967 Sargent's Drug Stores, 306 Stineway Drug Co., 306 Stratton, P., 967 Thomas, J. M., 306, 967 Walgreen Benefit Fund, 967 Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center, 306 purchase, intravenous fluids, 1203 Pharmacy, College of, cont'd laboratory supplies, 714 osmometer, 863 spectrophotometer, 1037 tetracycline capsules, -2, 373 tolbutamide tablets, S66 Pharmacy, Department of, budget, summer session, 338, 1004 Pharmacy Alumni Association, gift, 972 Pharmacy Class of 1959, gift, 306 Pharmacy Class of 1961, gift, 306 Pharmacy Stores, purchase, lipomul, 281, 94Q 1256 ' methicillin sodium, 691 primodone tablets, 589 tetracycline capsules, 188 tolbutamide tablets, 22, 351 vitamin capsules, 277 Pharmacy Student Council, gift, 306 Phatate, B. B., degree, 150 Phebus, J. W., degree, 152 Phelan, J. F., appointment, 890 degree, 1269 Phelan, W. H., appointment, 70, 758 Phelps, Betty B., degree, 149 Phelps, Catherine P., fellowship, 1337 Phelps, F. K., certificate, 748 Phelps, Helen K., Estate, gift, 286, 948 Phelps, W. D., degree, 613 Philadelphia Electric Co., gift, 298 Philco Corp., TechRep Division, purchase, 376 Philcox, M. E., appointment, 1218 Philip, M. B certificate, 1101 Philipps, E. A., degree, 1268 Philippson, E. A., appointment, 995 Philippson, Susanne L., degree, 639 Philips Electronic Instruments, purchase, 54 100, 349, 787, 862, 864, 1122, 1256 Phillippe, Irene L., appointment, 124 Phillips, Alice A., degree, 1308 Phillips, B., resignation, 1142 Phillips, B. W., appointment, 3 Phillips, C, appointment, 328, 333, 993, 997 Phillips, E. L., Foundation, gift, 962 Phillips, E. M., Jr., certificate, 679 Phillips, Freda J., degree, 835 Phillips, T. A., degree, 825 Phillips, J. D., leave of absence, 425 Phillips, J. L., fellowship, 1228 Phillips, J. W., degree, 605 Phillips, Joan R., degree, 625 Phillips, Johnnie L., degree, 611 Phillips, Mrs. Josephine, appointment, 3, 924 Phillips, M. Jean, appointment, 180, 329, 992 Phillips, M. L., appointment, 477, 995 resignation, 1142 Phillips, M. R., degree, 622 Phillips, R. D., fellowship, 517, 819, 1228 Phillips, Richard L., appointment, 769 Phillips, Robert L., resignation, 822 Phillips, S., Jr., degree, 152 Phillips, Terrilyn M., degree, 1299 Phillips, T. N., appointment, 124, 811 Phillips, W. D., resignation, 1341 Phillips, W. G., degree, 1302 Phillips Bros., Inc., purchase, 58, 244, 496 Phillipsburg Division, Bell & Howell Co., purchase, 277 Phillips Getshow Co., contract, 270 Phillips Petroleum Co., gift, 951 Philosophical foundations of education, major topics and literatures, identification and organization, contract, 1210 Philosophy, Chicago Undergraduate Division, department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1105 Urbana, budget, summer session, 335, 999 chairman of department, appointment, 708 gift, research, Rockefeller Foundation, 958 Phipps, C. M., Jr., resignation, 47 Phipps, Dorothy B.. appointment, 124, 1000 Phipps, T. E.j appointment, 1170 Phoenix Precision Instrument Co., Inc., purchase, 1121 UNIVERSITY ( Plpn, Janet I., Agree, 646 plonograph, IUini Union, Chicago Undergraduate Pivision, gift, 312 Biosphate, research, contract, 380 change. 1129 gift, 2, 957, 959 "hosphoric acid, study, gift, 291, 953 Photoelec-'ric readers, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 24 Photoengraving service, Print Shop, contract, 594 Photographic chemicals, Illustration Studies, purchase, 470 Photographic equipment, purchase, Architecture and Art, 1013 Chicago Circle, 1203 Photographic Laboratory, appropriation, air conditioning, 463 contract, film processing services, 692 purchase, film, 692 photo enlarger, 1208 photographic materials, 692 Photography print processing system, 941 Photographic laboratory services, contract, Motion Picture Service, 13 61 School Mithematics, 593 Photographic materials. Photographic Laboratory, purchase, 692 various departments, purchase, 497 Photographic prints, Krannert Art Museum, purchase, 1202 Photograply print processing system, Photo- graphc Laboratory, purchase, 941 Photometer, Clinical Research Center, pur- chase, 783 Photomfcroscopes, purchase, Anatomy, 22, 12(5 rtntal Radiology, 863 I.lustration Studies, 783 Orthodontics, 1037 Phooscanner, Radiology, purchase, 277 Phrfo Service, Inc., gift, 305, 967 Phitosommateur, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 242 Iliotosynthesis laboratory, scientific instruments, purchase, funds, gift, 962 Photothermoelasticity, study, contract, 943 Physical chemistry, research, gift, 292 Physical Education, College of, advisory committee, 1024 appropriation, air conditioning, 683 balance reappropriated, 85, 86, 778, 779 netting, 1008 remodeling, 13 degrees conferred, 1S6, 405, 639, 843, 882, 1081, 1314 purchase, ice resurfacing machine, 243 Physical Education, Division of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 budget, summer session, 339, 1006 director, appointment, 457 report, state of division, 1175 laundering service, contract, 493 purchase, station wagon, 1037 Physical Education Building, Chicago Circle, architectural services, contract, 1115 Physical Education for Men, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 780 Urbana, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 budget, summer session, 335, 1000 gift, research, Battle Creek Equipment Co., 954 Kretschmer Corp., 295, 956 University Foundation, 959 VioBin Corp, 299, 960 head of department, appointment, 1242 purchase, baseball practice net, 1036 Physical Education for Women, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 budget, summer session, 335, 1000 gift, scholarships, Physical Education for Women Alumnae Association, 286 OF ILLINOIS 1519 Physical Education for Women Alumnae Association, gift, 286 Physical Environment Unit, director, appointment, 1186 Physical fitness, research, contract, change, 22, 43S, 916 gift, 299, 954, 956, 960 Physically disabled individuals, buildings and facilities to accommodate, study, gift, 296 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, clinical faculty, 78, 766 gift, equipment, Schroeder, Mrs. Ida M., 312 Physical performance tests, study, gift, 295 Physical Plant Building, Chicago Circle, construction contract, electrical, 528 general, 527 Heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control systems, 528 plumbing, 528 ventilating, 528 Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, contract, soil-bearing test service, 714 purchase, acoustical lockers, 1202 grounds maintenance equipment, 1254 janitor carts, 1203 lecterns, 1254 lockers, 1255 machine equipment, 1254 painting equipment, 1159 snowblower, 1203 snowplow, 1203 sweepster rotary broom, 1203 tractor, 1254 truck, 1203 wash systems, 1203 waste collectors, 1203 woodworking production machines, 1157 Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, building rentals, and insurance, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 operation and maintenance, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 remodeling, Architecture and Art, 918 renewals and replacements, balance reappropriated, 88 contract, rubbish removal, 493 purchase, fuel oil, 495 paper supplies, 597 Medical Center, appropriation, ducts, Medical Research Laboratory, 238 balance reappropriated, 780 operation and maintenance, balance reappropriated, 87 remodeling, balance reappropriated, 780 Research and Educational Hospitals, 918 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 1153 renewals and replacements, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 contract, refrigerator rehabilitation, 241 window-washing service, 493, 1203 purchase, air-conditioning units, 1039 coal, 590 diapers, 864 doors, 242 electrical supplies, 281, 282 fuel oil, 472 furniture, 714 garbage bags, 716, 1013 hoist mechanism, 1202 laundry hamper bags, 22 lawn sprinkler system, 1126 linens, 99, 282, 716, 1122 paper supplies, 597 snow blower and loader, 99 truck, 278 water still, 1156 Urbana, appropriation, air conditioning Agricultural Engineering Building, 1153 Armed Forces offices, 918 1520 BOARD OF Physical Plant Department, cont'd Armory Avenue, property at 51 East, 683 Child Development Laboratory, 182 Civil Engineering Hall, 369 Davenport House, 463 Gregory Hall, 488 Huff Gynasium, 683 Lincoln Hall, 488 Nevada Street, houses at 1205 West, 536, 709 Photographic Laboratory, 463 Springfield Avenue, building at 1210 West, 683 Assembly Hall utilities, balance re-appropriated, 85, 778 building construction, milk handling, 430 sheep research, 430 balance reappropriated, 779 building improvements, balance reappropriated, 779 coat hooks, balance reappropriated, 86 electrical distribution and supply systems, modernization, 918 electrical service, David Kinley Hall, 536 Old Agronomy Storehouse, 488 floor tile, McKinley Hospital, 1153 furniture, balance reappropriated, 86 hearing testing chamber, 269 lighting improvements, balance reappropriated, 779 Architecture Building Gallery, 918 Horticulture Field Laboratory, 182 Krannert Art Museum, 1153 Library, 918 North Greenhouse, 918 Smith Music Hall, 369 load lugger, balance reappropriated, 86, 779 moving, Mathews Avenue, houses at 606 and 6O61/2 South, 536, 709 operation and maintenance, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 painting, Large Animal Clinic, 369 Women's Gymnasium lounge, 369 prevailing wage rates unassigned, balance reappropriated, 85 remodeling, Administration Building, 852 Agricultural Engineering Building, 463, 918 Animal Sciences Laboratory, 488, 536 Armory, 536 Bevier Hall, 1153 Botany dark room, 918 central receiving buildings, 488 Chemistry Annex, 536 City Planning Library, 1153 Civil Engineering Hall, 369 classrooms, 369 Davenport Hall, 683, 918 Electrical Engineering Building, 369 Engineering offices, 918 English Building, 13 Floriculture Building, 852 Geology laboratory, 536 Goodwin Avenue, property at 205 South, 1153 Gregory Hall, 369 Harker Hall, 369, 1247 Horticulture Field Laboratory, 536 Hydraulics Laboratory, 369, 918 lllini Union, 852 Illinois Street, property at 1116 West, 369 Library, 369, 918 Lincoln Avenue, building at 807 South, 536 Lincoln Hall, 369, 488 Machine Shop, 238 Physical Plant Department, tont'd Mechanical Engineering Building, Men's Old Gymnasium, 369 Mining and Metallurgy Laboratory 1247 Mumford Hall, 709, 1155 Natural History Building, 488, 1153 1247 ' Nevada Street, property at 1205 anrl 12051/2 West, 1247 Noyes Laboratory, 536, 1153 Oregon Street, property at 1205 West, 918 Radio Station, 1191 Springfield Avenue, property at 1208 West, 369 property at 1308 West, 852 Statistical Service Unit, 269 Vegetable Crops Building, 852 Veterinary Medicine, 1153 Woodshop, 536 Wright Street, property at 1007 and IOO71/2 South, 1247 renewals and replacements, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 resurfacing, tennis courts, 1191 track in Men's Old Gymnasium, 1191 roof repairs, Skating Rink, 13 sidewalk, Women's Gymnasium, 488 transformer and power distribution system, Agricultural Engineering, 9is ventilation system, Chemistry Annex, 536 volatile storage building, balarce reappropriated, 779 water lines, Machine Shed, 488 welding system, sculpturing classes, 369 boiler feed pump, repair, 589 contract, campus bus service, 1015 electrical service, Orchard Downs, 280 hedge planting on Green Street, ltj moving, houses at 606 and 6061/2 South Mathews Avenue, 714 oil specimen analysis, 596 paving, parking areas and alleys, 783 recreation area, 102 roof repairs, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, 783 towel rental service, 595 gift, screen house, Henry, D. D., 303 funds, Illinois State Academy of Science, 299 lease of office space, Green Street, property at 601, 603, and 605 East, 1128 Sixth Street, property at 704 South, 1128 portraits of former presidents, repair, 472 purchase, acoustical tile, 595, 866, 914, 1259 air compressor, 497 air-conditioning units, 436, 497, 782, 1039 air-handling units, 866 asphalt and limestone chips, 26, 1255 asphalt primer, 714 auditorium seats, 57 automobiles, 26, 437, 597, 914, 1015, 1127, 1209 bandsaw, 940 batteries, 596 building materials, 596, 1209 carpeting, 867 coal screenings, 597 concrete, 596, 942, 1209 crane, 351 crushed road stone binder, 596 crushed rock, 596 draperies, 789 drilling machine, 715 electrical equipment, 786, 867, 942, 1015 UNIVERSITY ( Physical Plant Department, cont'd fencing, 57 fertilizer, 376, 1125 floor finish, 4?7, 1259 furniture, 470, 472, 494, 589, 691, 715 942, 1039, 1127, 1157, 1203, 1209' 1255, 1259 grass seed, 719 grinder, 783 lathe, 783 light fixtures, 26, 98, 102, 281, 472 595, 596, 12& ' lubricants, 719 lumber, 596, 1209 metal-cutting machine, 715 motors, 373 mowers, 377 paint, 1161 paper supplies, 597 parking gates, 914 parking meters, 191, 280, 719 parking signs, letters, and numerals, 782 pavement markers, 1161 plywood, 596, 1209 police uniforms, 497, 1255 power apron brake, 715 projectors, 377 pump, 377, 595 refuse containers, 26, 373, 597, 1125 refuse container frame, 940 refuse packer, 1125 road oil, 26 road patching material, 597 salt, 597 sand, 596 shear, 715 shelving, 782, 1202 sodium hydroxide, 719 station wagons, 26, 437, 1015 stoker parts, 191 storm sash, 692 sulphuric acid, 719 sweeper, 191, 715 telephone cable, 26 temperature control items, 867 tile flooring, 1161 tractor, 376, 1037, 1127, 1157 truck, 351, 436, 437, 912, 914, 940, 942, 1255 water filtering equipment, 497 white lead paste, 377, 914 turbine generator, overhauling, services of engineer, 715, 1259 Physical Plant Service Building, Medical Center, architectural services, contract, 241 Urbana, equipment, financing, 742 landscaping, contract, 370 Physical Sciences, budget, summer session, 340, 1006 purchase, scientific apparatus and supplies, 861 spectrophotometer, 434 Physical sciences, gift, fellowship, United States Rubber Co. Foundation, 290 scholarship, Corn Products Co., 284 Research and Engineering Professional Employees Association, 948 research, contract, 586 Physicians and Dentists Foundation, gift, 971 Physics, Chicago Circle, purchase, evaporator, 1158 laboratory equipment, 1253 spectrophotometer, 1254 Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, equipment, 488 balance reappropriated, 88, 781 budget, summer session, 1006 department, established, 1187 Purchase, machine equipment, 1126 nuclear equipment, 375 OF ILLINOIS 1521 Physics, cont'd Urbana, analyzing magnet, transportation and handling charges, 101 appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 86, 779 budget, summer session, 335, 1000 contract, film badge service, 717 gift, fellowship, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 288 Eastman Kodak Co., 288 General Dynamics Corp., 288, 950 General Electric Foundation, 288, 950 Haloid Xerox, Inc., 950 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., 288, 951 Raytheon Co., 289, 951 Sprague Electric Co., 951 Texas Instruments, Inc., 952 Union Carbide Corp., Parma Research Laboratory, 289, 952 United States Steel Foundation, Inc., 290, 952 grants-in-aid, Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., Inc., 954 research, Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., Inc., 293 National Academy of Sciences, 957 Sloan, A. P., Foundation, Inc., 297, 959 Welding Research Council, United Engineering Trustees, Inc., 961 scholarship, Crossley Associates, Inc., 946 Railsback, O. L., 312 head of department, appointment, 1026 purchase, accounting machine, 593 alloy bars, 57 aluminum-silver alloy bars, 24 amplifiers, 58, 785 analyzer, 58, 593, 717 anhydrous lanthanum trichloride, 785 bromide interchange assembly, Z75 book shelf units, 715 circuit boards, 436 coincidence system, 57 comparator, 1205 computer equipment, 1205 computer service, 243 crystal growing furnace, 24 data read-out system, 243 data recording system, 101 Dewar vessel, 24 digital magnetic tape unit, 788 duplicator, 1160 electrometers, 785 enclosure, 350 equipment, 862 film badges, 865 film reader, 57 film scanning systems, 57 filters, 350 frequency counter, 939 galvanometer, 496, 717 generators, 58, 1206 helium gas, 788, 1124 helium purifier system, 1039 jigmil, 1257 laboratory tables, 717 laser system, 277 lathe, 279, 592, 785 manifolds, 436 metal, 57 microphotometer, 717 microscope, 190 milling machine, 1257 modules, 436 monochromator, 243, 865, 1157 multichannel analyzer, 57 nitrogen, 593 oscilloscopes, 58, 279, 914, 1206, 1257 1522 BOARD OF Physics, cont'd periscopes, 865 polarized viewers, 279 potentiometer, 496, 717, 1015 power supplies, 57, 58, 189, 1206, 1257 preamplifiers, 58 precious metals, 788 prism, 243 sealer-timers, 58 scanning and measuring projector machines, 1039 scintillators, 865 sheet-metal housings, 436 shipping containers, 375 sodium iodide crystal, 57 solenoid, 101, 1202, 1205 spectrometer, 592, 593 spectrophotometer, 101, 436, 593 stabilizer, 190 switches, 785 tape-to-plotter conversion system, 788 testing machine, 717 toolmakers microscope stages, 57 typewriters, 350 voltmeters, 1206 Physics Betatron, appropriation, metal building, 238 balance reappropriated, 779 purchase, analyzer system, 494 detectors, 471 pulse height analyzer system, 471 steel building, 373 tape perforator, 471 tape reader, 471 tape to typewriter converter, 471 Physics Building, air conditioning, contractor's claim for additional compensation, settlement, 1112 chairs, purchase, 494, 589 equipment, financing, 742 furniture, purchase, 1039 inspection, 900 laboratory tables, purchase, 470 landscaping, contract, 685 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Physics of solids, research, contract, 586 Physiograph, Biological Sciences, purchase, 373 Physiology, appropriation, fume hoods, balance reappropriated, 88 clinical faculty, 78, 766 gift, research, American Cancer Society 307, 968 purchase, blood cell counter, 375 feed surface grinder, 281 laboratory analyzer, 940 laboratory supplies, 1255 mining machine 281 oscilloscope, 375 plastics injection press, 281 retractometer, 1121 saw, 281 remodeling, contracts, 91 Physiology and biochemistry, laboratory facilities, renovation and equipping, funds, 12 Physiology and Biophysics, appropriation, equipment, 536 balance reappropriated, 86, 779 budget, summer session, 335, 1000 department name, 12 gift, fellowship, American Physiological Society, 950 research, Abbott Laboratories, 290 American Physiological Society, 953 Carle Foundation, 292 Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., 292 Mead Johnson Research Center, 956 purchase, centrifuge, 717 chromatogram scanning system, 1160 computer, 1124 Physiology and Biophysics, cont'd liquid scintillation counting system, 24 microscopes, 785 oscilloscopes, 785 recorder assemblies, 785 recorder dual chart system, 24 recording system, 717 Physiology Research Laboratory, funds, gift 302 Piana, A. J., degree, 879 Piana, G. D., appointment, 992 Pianos, Music, Chicago Circle, purchase, 115J Urbana, appropriation, 238, 1008 purchase, 277, 373, 434, 1126 Piatt County State's Attorney, contract, 191 867, 915 Piccione, J. J., degree, 1304 Pichler, J. H., appointment, 317, 355 degree, 828 Pick, J. A., degree, 1320 Pickard, M. B., appointment, 71 Pickard, Naomi R., degree, 633 Picken, E. R., appointment, 83, 771 Pickens, L. F., appointment, 108S Pickens, R. B., certificate, 934 Pickens, W. F., fellowship, 737 Picker X-Ray Corp., gift, 973 purchase, 101, 277, 493, 589, 592, 716, 1014, 1256 Pickett, L. K., degree, 141 Pickett, P. F., Jr., degree, 138 Picking, R. R., degree, 402 Pickins, A., painting, gift, 966 Pickrell, J. A., degree, 640 Pidgeon, Linda E., degree, 1297 Piech, Marilyn K., degree, 625 Piel, I. J., degree, 630 Piell, J. L., degree, 625 Pieper, W. J., appointment, 80, 317, 355, 654, 924 Piepmeier, E. H., fellowship, 517, 662, 1337 Pierce, Gail, appointment, 477 Pierce, H. D., degree, 1285 Pierce, Helen W., appointment, 37 Pierce, J. E., degree, 1080 Pierce, M. C, degree, 1275 Pierce, T. S., appointment, 75, 763 Pierdos, Theodora A., fellowship, 518, 1228 Pierret, R. F., appointment, 1218 degree, 613 fellowship, 737 Pierson, F. C, degree, 618 Pietramale, A. M., degree, 1073 Pietras, R. J., appointment, 124, 811 Pietrokovski, J., appointment, 255 degree, 1316 resignation, 740 Pietrzyk, E. J., degree, 403 Pifer, J. H., fellowship, 132, 662, 1228 Pigg, C. R., degree, 634 Piggott, R. W., appointment, 1218 Pigman, W. G., degree, 1292 Pig rations, research, contract, change, 19-: 791 gift, 957 Pigs, research, contract, 352 change, 869 gift, 293, 296 Pi Kappa Lambda, gift, 948 Pike, j. R., appointment, 811, 890 Pike, N. C, appointment, 654 Pilchard, E. I., Jr., degree, 1271 Pilchen, M. H., certificate, 62 Pilcher, G. W., degree, 876 Pill, M. P., appointment, 73, 760 Pilien, W. R., degree, 1285 Pillowcases, Housing Division, purchase, 786 Pillows, Housing Division, purchase, 1207 Pillsbury Co., contract, 282, 1210 gift, 958 Pilot, I., appointment, 68, 755 Pilot Chemicals, Inc., purchase, 865 UNIVERSITY ( pils, C. M., degree, 630 Pinckard, J. T., Ill, degree, 645 Pinckert, R. E., degree, 1064 fellowship, 737 Pine, B., degree, 1297 Pineo, C. W., appointment, 732 Pines, D., appointment, 654 Pines, Roberta L., degree, 633 Ping, J. R-, degree, 149 Pingry, R. E., appointment, 328, 991 Pink, F. G., degree, 632 Pink, I., memorial fund, gift, 311 Pink, M. J., degree, 1319 Pink, P., appointment, 441 resignation, 701 Pink, R. J., appointment, 1218 Pinkcrton, Mary, appointment, 200 resignation, 666 Pinkstaff, T. H., degree, 645 Pinnell, Minerva, appointment, 989, 1151 Pinney, G. F., degree, 1063 Pinney, M. C, degree, 839 Fins, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 1159 Pinsky, S. S., degree, 1292 Pinter, Joyce K., resignation, 135 Pinter, K. A., degree, 620 Pinto, J. D., appointment, 811 Piontek, Annette R., degree, 631 Piontek, M., degree, 1073 Piorkowski, Geraldine J. K., appointment, 408 degree, 1271 Pipe covering, contract, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 14, 91 270, 1250 East Chemistry Building addition, 854 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, 857 Pipeline, Carter-Pennell Farm, easement granted, 686 Pipe organs, Music, Urbana, purchase, 277 Piper, T. C, appointment, 1329 Piping, contract, Abbott Power Plant addition, 17, 774 Agriculture Library, 1193 Chicago Circle heating plant, 544 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 1250 Graduate Student Residence Halls, 1057 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 229 minor alterations and repairs, 1249 utilities distribution system, extension, 540, 541 Pipkorn, D. N., degree, 1270 Pirkle, W. H., appointment, 1241 Pirman, R. L., degree, 1281 Pirnazar, C, appointment, 772 Pirok, D. J., degree, 642, 1319 fellowship, 43 Piroplasmosis in dogs, research, contract, change, 1040 Pisarevas, Margarita M., degree, 1078 Pischel, E. E., degree, 394 Piskie, R. A., degree, 825 Ptszczek, E. A., appointment, 80, 768 Piszek, P. S., degree, 607 Pilchford, R. C, II, degree, 1291 Pitelka, Judith M., degree, 1307 Pitt, C. A., appointment, 1218 Pittman, Joanna B., degree, 835 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Foundation, gift, 964 Pituitary gonadotrophins, research, gift, 968 Pzer, J. M., degree, 838 Pivan Engineering Co., purchase, 281 "xley, Terri A., degree, 1297 Pizer, Esther R., fellowship, 43, 737 Pace, J. R., degree, 630 Placek, Mrs. Cynthia B., appointment, 811, 1170 resignation, 1088, 1341 I acek, R. J., degree, 603 Placement of middle-aged and older workers, st"dy, gift, 960 OF ILLINOIS 1523 Placko, Anabeth J., degree, 1306 Plager, S. J., appointment, 751 Plagge, J. C, appointment, 255 Plain, Eleanor, member of advisory council, 1239 Plambeck, R. L., degree, 620, 1277 Plamenac, D., appointment, 334 declination, 444 Plamondon, M. A. A., degree, 1064 Planchet counting system, Agronomy, purchase, 786 Plank, G., member of advisory committee, 237 Plank, W. S., degree, 1071, 1075 Plankenhorn, J. L., degree, 1314 Plant carts, Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, purchase, 1201 Plant cells, study, contract, 1127 Plant growth chamber, purchase, Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1125 Plant Pathology, 434 Planting boxes, Housing Division, 718 Plant Pathology, appropriation, equipment, 238 remodeling, 536, 918 water lines, Machine Shed, 488 gift, equipment, Illinois & Midwest Lawn Co., 303 research, California Chemical Co., Ortho Division, 292 Diamond Alkali Co., 293, 954 FMC Corp., Niagara Chemical Division, 958 Food Machinery & Chemical Corp., 955 Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., 956 Illinois Seed Producers Association, Inc., 295 Illinois Turfgrass Foundation, Inc., 956 Morton Chemical Co., 296 Mueller Farms Sod Nursery, 957 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., 297 Northrup-King & Co., 958 Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., Squibb Division, 958 Rohm & Haas Co., 297, 958 Shell Development Co., 959 Sod Growers Association of Illinois, 959 Upjohn Co., 298, 960 purchase, laboratory furniture, 280 plant growth laboratory, 434 spectrometer, 1015 Plant physiology research, quarters, remodeling, funds, 852 Plant sciences, gift, fellowships, Campbell Soup Co., 288 Plant Sciences Building, See Turner Hall. Plant transpiration and evaporation, study, gift, 297 Planty, E., leave of absence, 1343 Plasma jet heater, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, purchase, 1124 Plasma research, contract, 498, 915 change, 498 gift, 970 Plastering, minor alterations and repairs, contract, 95, 537, 1250 adjustment, 22, 106, 245, 283, 352, 381, 438, 475, 498, 587, 693, 721, 792, 869, 916, 944, 1016, 1041, 1129, 1163 change, 1211, 1261 Plastic deformation of solids, research, contract, change, 283, 916 Plastics, research, contract, 475 change, 587 Plastics injection press, Physiology, purchase, 281 Plastic wrapping material, gift, 303 Platanitis, A. G., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1228 Platelet stimulating factor, research, gift, 306 1524 BOARD OF Platt, Sheila C, degree, 1286 fellowship, 205, 928 Platzbecker, D. A., degree, 1320 Plaut, Hannah M., fellowship, 896 Pleck, M. H., degree, 1073 fellowship, 1228 Plenys, L., degree, 1304 Pleoptophor, Ophthalmology, purchase, S3 PlesKovitch, Judith A., degree, 1301 Plevan, R. E., degree, 827 fellowship, 662, 1228 Plexiglass, General Chemical Stores, purchase, 163 Pliml, G. J., degree, 398 Plotica, P. G., degree, 1304 Plotkin, W. H., appointment, 408 Plotter, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 55, 471 Plucinski, T. E., degree, 840 Plumbing, contract, Administration Building, 488, 1249 antenna laboratory, 51 Armory, 16 Burnsides Research Laboratory addition, 239 Chicago Circle heating plant, 544 Chicago Circle Union Building, 572 Civil Engineering Building, 1120 Classroom Complex Building, 528 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 344, 1192 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 14, 90, 91, 240, 269, 911, 1154, 1250 Digital Computer Laboratory, 346 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station addition, 684 Dynamics Test Laboratory, 1248 East Chemistry Building addition, 854 East Deatistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 344, 464 Education Building, 58 Graduate Student Residence Halls, 1057 Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, 432 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 229 Illinois Surgical Institute, 240 Lecture Center Building, 528 Library, 16, 528 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, 857 minor alterations and repairs, 537, 1249 Natural History Building, 909 Physical Plant Building, 528 Rehabilitation Center, 539 Research and Educational Hospitals, 270, 542 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 92, 271 Science and Engineering Laboratories, 528 Staff and Administration Offices Building;, 528 steam tunnel, Materials Research Laboratory, 710 Wright Street, 184 University Press Building addition, 489 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex addition, 538 Plumlee, H. R., degree, 389 Plummer, R. Ly degree, 1292 Plusquellec, P. L., appointment, 1170 Plym fellowship, appointment, 478, 1220 Plywood, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 596, 1209 Pochan, J. M., fellowship, 1228 Pochyly, D. F., appointment, 1085 Pocius, Regina D., degree, 1304 Pockross, K. M., degree, 1079 Podbelsek, A. R., fellowship, 1228 Podesta, Margaret D., degree, 835 Podjasek, J. F., Jr., degree, 1079 Podlin, G. B., degree, 835 Podolosky, Judith, fellowship, 896 Podolsky, Phyllis R., degree, 631 Podore, I. D., appointment, 408 Podowski, R. R., degree, 1072 Podwika, L. S., degree, 1073 Pogany, D., appointment, 338, 1004 fellowship, 662 Pogue, D. M degree, 1320 Pogue, Doris J., appointment, 124 degree, 153 Pogue, H., member of committees, 1098 Retirement System representative, 480, 1098 Pohlman, E. R., appointment, 76 Pohlman, R. F., degree, 1285 Pohorecki, Larissa A., degree, 647 Pokorny, R. J., degree, 642, 1319 Polarimeters, purchase, Animal Science, 912 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 54 Polarized viewers, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 279 Polaron, study, contract, 1127 Polaski, D. N., degree, 1073 Police uniforms, Physical Plant Department Urbana, purchase, 497, 1255 Poling, J. R., degree, 632 Polio, research, gift, 308, 969 Polishing equipment, Ceramic Engineering, purchase, 23 Political Science, Chicago Undergraduate Di-vision, department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1188 Urbana, budget, summer session, 335, 1000 gift, research, Illinois Council on Education in Politics, 956 Political speakers, use of University facilities, policy, review, 480 Polivka, C. B., degree, 1292 Polk, H. H., degree, 643 Poll, A. P., Inc., purchase, 53 Pollack, M. J., degree, 634 Pollack, R. H., appointment, 266, 767 Pollack, W. J., degree, 647 Pollak, R. J., degree, 1312 Pollak, V. E., appointment, 68, 811 Pollans, A. A., certificate, 2 Pollard, Pamela J., degree, 1301 Polley, T. Z., appointment, 68, 755 Pollock, M. L., appointment, 200, 508, 1138 Polniaszek, Mildred J., appointment, 77, 765 Polo, Judith J., degree, 635 Polovin, R. K., degree, 1310 Polsky, R. N., fellowship, 699, 928 Polterock, J., degree, 645 Polycrystalline N10, research, contract, change, 193 Polygraphs, purchase, Agency for International Development, 690, 861 Dental Radiology, 1157 Medicine, 470, 863 Pediatrics, 939 Pharmacology, 281, 940 Surgery, 716 Polymers, research, contract, change, 1163 Polyploids in maize, study, gift, 297 Pomerantz, L., purchase, 472 Pomernacki, C. L., Jr., degree, 1292 Pontiac State Penitentiary, purchase, 782 Pontius, P. E., fellowship, 1337 Ponzo, P. J., appointment, 811 degree, 1059 Ponzo, Z., degree, 610 Pool, Cornelia R., degree, 149 Pool, R. B., degree, 874 Pool buying of feed ingredients, appraisal, contract, 720 Poole, F. G., appointment, 534 Poon, C. P. C, degree, 1271 Poothai, C, degree, 390 Pope, M. S., degree, 405 UNIVERSITY C Pope, Penelope A., degree, 639 Pooe. Shirley A., degree, 1062 fellowship, 411 resignation, 320 Pope, W. A., Co., contract, 528 Popejoy, D. L., degree, 1310 Popovic, N. A., degree, 1315 Popper, R. J., degree, 643 Population Council, Inc., gift, 297 Porcella, B., degree, 1280 Poremba, R. S., degree, 1293 Porous solid media, research, contract, change, 475 Porps, E. O., degree, 1287 Port, Sharon S., degree, 1078 Porter, A. M., degree, 614 Porter, Agnes R., fellowship, 1337 Porter, D. G., degree, 1298 Porter, E. W., authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 Porter, Gail E., degree, 1307 Porter, J. A., certificate, 1101 Porter, J. A., Jr., appointment, 124 fellowship, 662 resignation, 666 Porter, K., book, printing, 785 Porter, Laurellen, appointment, 37, 124, 732 Porter, M. G., appointment, 408 Porter, R. E., degree, 836 Porter, W. L., degree, 396 Porter, Z., appointment, 1329 Portland Cement Association, gift, 297, 958 Portney, G. L., fellowship, 1087 Portugal, F. H., fellowship, 662, 819 Portuguese, See Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Porzemsky, J. M., degree, 400 Posey, J. D., degree, 1311 Poske, R. M., appointment, 69, 755 Poskozim, M. F., degree, 1072 Post, E. L., degree, 610 Post, F., Co., purchase, 1254 Post, F. L., degree, 404 Post, G. L., degree, 396 Post, J., appointment, 69, 756 Post, W. E., appointment, 67, 754 Postgate, J. R., appointment, 64, 408 resignation, 479 Postma, T. E., degree, 389 fellowship, 132 Poteet, D. P., II, fellowship, 518 Potenberg, K. \V., degree, 1310 Potentiometer, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 496, 717, 1015 Potter, B., appointment, 64 Potter, D. A., degree, 1292 Potter, D. H., degree, 1072 Potter, D. L., degree, 1071 Potter, H. C, degree, 1282 Potter, J. M., degree, 1073 Potter, L. L., degree, 1308 Potter Electric Service, Inc., contract, 94, 858 Pottle, C, appointment, declination, 135 Pottle, Marcia S., appointment, 37 Poulakos, L., degree, 1304 Poulos, Katina M., degree, 149 Poultry nutrition, research, contract, change, 587, 791, 1211 gift, 293, 294, 296, 954, 955, 957 Pound, Romona R., degree, 1300 Powell, E. B., Ill, degree, 403 Powell, F. E., degree, 605 fellowship, 443 Powell, J. M., fellowship, 411 leave of absence, 667 Powell, Jay R., degree, 841 Powell, Jerry R., degree, 1072 Powell, J. T., degree, 1270 Powell, Lorraine M., degree, 626 Power, G., fellowship, 699 3F ILLINOIS 1525 Power amplifiers, Coordinated Science Laboratory, purchase, 1257 Power and steam, Urbana-Champaign campus, analysis of purchase versus generation, contract, 1196 Power and temperature controller, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 190 Power apron brake, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 715 Power Construction, Inc., contract, 572 addition, 1196 Powers, Claudia A., appointment, 1170 Powers, D. J., appointment, 992, 1329 degree, 621 Powers, J. J degree, 828 Powers, Lillian M., degree, 1069 Powers, Paula M., degree, 1314 Powers, R. E., Jr., certificate, 62 Powers, R. J., appointment, 924 Powers, T. F., degree, 1285 Powers Regulator Co., contract, 1057 Power supplies, contract, Medical Center, 184 addition, 433 purchase, Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1012 Digital Computer Laboratory, 278, 435, 592, 784, 1204 Electrical Engineering, 435 Physics, Urbana, 57, 58, 189, 1206, 1257 Power supply equipment, purchase, Digital Computer Laboratory, 374 Electrical Engineering, 55 Pownall, G. A., appointment, 37, 1170 degree, 877 Pozniak, R. A., degree, 1289 Poz-O-Pac Co. of America, gift, 960 Pozovich, G. J., degree, 400 Pozzolan Products Co., Inc., contract, change, 105 gift, 960 Prachand, N. M., degree, 142 Pradia, Imelda, degree, 142 Prairie, Barbara B., appointment, 924, 1329 Prairie, R. L., appointment, 751 fellowship, 928 Prairie Farm Dairy, Inc., gift, 958 Prairie State Equipment Co., purchase, 99 Prall, R. A., degree, 605 Pranger, R. J., appointment, 124 Franinskas, Mrs. Jean, appointment, 732 degree, 600 resignation, 1341 Prater, Diane M., degree, 146 Prather, D. R., degree, 1069 Pratt, Deborah M., degree, 1312 Pratt, Joanne E., degree, 392 Pratt, L. D., fellowship, 662 resignation, 822 Pratt, P. L., degree, 841 Prawl, Katherine M., degree, 1299 Prazak, L. C, certificate, 748 Preamplifiers, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 58 Prec, Klara J., appointment, 77, 765 Prec, 0., appointment, 69, 756 Precipitation, research, contract, 1162 change, 693 Precision Instrument Co., purchase, 281, 1157 Predental students, Howard scholarship, rules, 5 loan fund, gift, 285, 946 Prefabricated chambers, Horticulture, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85 Preiss, K., appointment, 1241 Prelaw curriculum, revisions, 11 Premedical students, Howard scholarships, rules, 5 loan fund, gift, 285, 946 Prentice, Diane R., degree, 616 Preo, F. E., degree, 1082 Prescott, Sally, degree, 1308 Prescott, W. C, certificate, 1101 1526 BOARD OF ' President of Board, election, 420, 1096 ex officio assignments, 480 Pro Tempore, election, 420 signature, delegation, 422, 1097 President of United States, letter, civil rights problem, 726 tribute, 906 President of University, article concerning federal government written by faculty member, recommendation, 1133 statement, 1044, 1131 consultant, appointment, 919 report, censure of University by American Association of University Professors, 499 topics of current interest, 2, 60, 164, 236, 265, 324, 364, 422, 456, 484, 532, 746, 850, 906, 934, 986, 1024, 1099, 1150, 1178, 1238 visit to British universities, invitation, 460 visit to universities in West Germany, invitation, 1155 See also Henry, D. D. President's Office, quarters, remodeling, funds, 852 staff associate, appointment, 752 Presley, Halina J., appointment, 1005 Presley, Sophie J., appointment, 756 invention, patent rights, release, 1147 Press, University, appropriation, inserting machine, 13 balance reappropriated, 779 building, addition, construction, contract, electrical, 489 feneral, 489 eating, 489 plumbing, 489 ventilating, 489 land, acquisition, 414 copyrights, policy, 460 gift, funds, Ford Foundation, 293, 955 printing of books, Abbott, K. M., 1127 Allen, D. C, 496 Allen, H. R., 496 Arai, H. P., 471 Baldwin, T. W., 1202 Bates, J. L., 494 Bestor, A., 496 Boyce, R. R., 942 Brown, D. A., 496 Carozzi, A. V., 1015 Caton, C. Ey 496 Chapin, S., Jr., 1125 Daniels, J., 496 Dusenberry, W. H., 102 Edelman, M., 1157 Epstein, L., 718 Gardiner, C. H., 1037 Gotshalk, D. W., 376 Graduate College catalog, 376, 1036 Gusfield, J. C, 494 Herrick, M. T.. 1202, 1206 high school mathematics textbooks, 190, 244, 718, 782 Holley, E. G., 376 Hultzen, L. S., 1206 Illinois Biological Monographs, 589 Illinois Studies in Anthropology, 594 Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, 589 Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, 589 Jackson, D. D., 471, 1125 Johnson, D. B., 785 Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 589 Lehman, F. K., 350 Lewis, O., 496 McColley, R., 1161 Mearns, D. C, 496 Menger, C, 244 Miron, M., 25 Press, cont'd Nalbandov, A. V., 1259 Osgood, C. E., 25 Peterson, T., 1039, 1206 Porter, K., 785 Randall, J. G., 1206 Schramm, W., 436 Scott, R. E., 1206 Shannon, C. E., 496 Shelford, V. E., 58, 1206 Student Directory, 783 Time Table, 244, 470, 912, 1036 Undergraduate Courses, 434, 1013, 112; Undergraduate Study, 277, 376, 1012, 1036 Van Dyke, V., 1015 Weaver, W., 496 Znaniecki, F., 496 purchase, inserting machine, 277 offset duplicator, 1259 Presser Foundation, gift, 286, 948 Pressman, Marcia E., degree, 154 Pressure in ultra-high vacuum chamber, study, contract, change, 381 Pressure-vacuum cylinder, Forestry, appropriation, 13, 238 balance reappropriated, 778 Pressure vessel, purchase, Biological Chemistry, 1121 Forestry, 373 Pressure vessel design, research, contract, change, 245, 792 Presti, J. F., Jr., degree, 1281 Preston, Ann, appointment, 317 Preston, Joyce R., degree, 633 Preston, M. M., certificate, 366 Preventive Medicine, clinical faculty, 78, 766 gift, funds, National Foundation, 309 research, American Cyanamid Co., Lederle Laboratories, 307 Chicago Federal Reserve Bank Employees, 969 Chicago Heart Association, 308, 969 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Employees, 308 Merck, Sharp, & Dolime Research Laboratories, 309 Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, 309, 970 various donors, 310 Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Co., 310 purchase, sterilizer, 589 Preves, D. A., degree, 621 Previc, E. P., degree, 1316 fellowship, 258 Prevo, Mrs. Dorothea M., appointment, 811 Prewitt, D. L., degree, 1080 Pribble, J. H., appointment, 82, 770 Price, G. A., Jr., appointment, 71, 757 Price, H. B., Inc., purchase, 495 Price, J. M., degree, 1081 Price, Judith M., degree, 1298 Price, L. H., leave of absence, 445 Price, M. B., degree, 399, 1062 Price, K. M., appointment, 457, 890 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Price, R. N., degree, 1073 Price, S. E., degree, 840 Price, Sandra H., degree, 139 Price, W. R., degree, 1310 Price Waterhouse & Co., gift, 300, 963 Prichard, H. E., degree, 616 Priebe, D. H., degree, 1076 Priel, U., degree, 1072 Priest, F. O., appointment, 72, 759 Priest, P. F. H., degree, 1274 Primack, Sharon, degree, 404 Primodone tablets, Pharmacy Stores, purchase, 589 Prince, M. R., degree, 634 Prince, T. R., certificate, 63 UNIVERSITY C Princeville Community Council, gift, 310, 972 Principe, Marilyn M., degree, 647 Pringle, R. A., degree, 1271 Printing punch, Forestry, purchase, 374 Prints and lithographs, Krannert Art Museum, gift, 305 Print Shop, contract, photoengraving service 594 purchase, camera, 1161 graphic art supplies, 692 offset duplicator, 280, 594, 1259 remelt furnace, 1208 Prinz, A. K., appointment, 1329 Prior, Carol J., degree, 1071 Priori, Ann P., degree, 1286 Pripstein, M., appointment, 534 Prism, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 243 Prisuta, Evangeline, degree, 625 Pritam, Bebe 1., degree, 153 Pritchard, D. E., degree, 1289 Pritchard, J. C, appointment, 764 Pritchard, J. D., fellowship, 258 Pritchard, Karen L., degree, 145 Pritchard, Linda, degree, 1272 fellowship, 518 Pritchett, R. A., degree, 1310 Pritner, C. L., appointment, 654 fellowship, 1337 Pritjker, I. L., certificate, 748 degree, 634 Privan Engineering Co., purchase, 1157 Prizant, H. G., & Co., contract, 528 Probst, G. B., degree, 1292 Procedyne Associates, Inc., purchase, 1122 Prochnow, Judith A., degree, 619 Prock, Anne C, degree, 149 Prock, I)., degree. 139 Procker, Roberta A., degree, 1298 Procon, Inc., gift, 948 Procter & Gamble Co., gift, 289, 297, 951, 960 Proctor, D. R., degree, 1293 Proctor, R. A., Jr.. fellowship, 132 Prodoehl, R. C, degree, 1304 Production and Engineering Educational and Research Center, established, 462 Production Credit Association, gift, 286 Production Steel Co. of Illinois, purchase, 863 Proehl, J. D., degree, 395 Profant, M. J., degree, 144 Proff, F. C, appointment, 328 Proffer, J. L., degree, 391 Proffitt, M. M., appointment, 83, 771 Profile, Chicago Undergraduate Division, printing, 434 Progestogens, research, gift, 960 Programmer-reader, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 190 Program system control center. Ceramic Engineering, purchase, 786 Prohaska, R., painting, gift, 966 Proix, F. R., degree, 392 Project-o-charts, Ophthalmology, purchase, 716 Projectors, purchase, Cooperative Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, 53 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 377 Radiology, 53 Prokopek, N. J., degree, 1322 Propst, F. M., appointment, 200, 477 degree, 602 Propulsion, research, contract, 351 Prosch, D. C, degree, 1322 Prospect Heights' Annual Appeal, gift, 309 Prosser, C. L., appointment, 38 leave of absence, 427 Prosser, Jean V., appointment, declination, Prosthodontics, dental laboratory service, contract, 125 5 purchase, denture teeth, 1256 )F ILLINOIS 1527 Prosthodontics Clinic, purchase, deneal laboratory service, 1037 denture teeth, 495 Proteau, Annette, degree, 1308 Protective construction course, participation of University faculty member, expenses, payment, 103 Protein nutrition and metabolism symposium, funds, gift, 963 Proteins, research, contract, 943 gift, 299, 970 Prothe, Clara E., degree, 625 Prothe, W. C, appointment, 477 Provenzale, D. J., degree, 643 Provenzauo, A. F., degree, 625 Provost, Associate, appointment, 267 Provow, L. D., degree. 836 Prudential Insurance Co. of America, staff annuity program, approved, 1214 Pruitt, Betty H., degree, 154 Pruitt, G. W., degree, 1271 Pruitt, J. H., Jr., degree, 400 Prust, C. A., certificate, 265 Pryor, T. R., degree, 1067 Przybylski, L. J., degree, 1310 Pschorr, Helene, appointment, 317 resignation, 1342 Psittacosis, research, gift, 290, 952 Psychiatry, clinical faculty, 78, 766 gift, research, Children's Research Foundation, 308, 969 Markle Foundation, 308, 970 National Association for Mental Health, 309, 970 Teagle Foundation, Inc., 309, 970 scholarship, Olkon. D. M., Estate, 305 purchase, amino acid analyzer, 375 amplifiers, 281 blood pressure recording apparatus, 864 centrifuge, 913 spectrometer, 375 residency training, contract, 244, 867 funds, gift, 973 Psycholinguistic disabilities, research, gift, 959 Psychological and interpersonal adjustment of group members, study, contract, change, 193 Psychological Corp., purchase, 276, 497 Psychological factors in war and peace, monograph, funds, gift, 297 Psychological journals, study, gift, 291 Psychological phenomena, study, contract, change, 106, 869 Psychology, Chicago Undergraduate Division, department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1188 Urbana, appropriation, equipment, 238, 536 balance reappropriated, 779 budget, summer session, 236, 1000 contract, care and maintenance of dogs and cats for research project, 788 gift, funds. Committee on Institutional Cooperation, 961 research, German Academic Exchange Service, 955 Yale University, 961 laboratories, remodeling, 369 lease of office space, Race Street, property at 129 North, 868 purchase, oscilloscope, 691 recorders, 788 recording assembly, 717 tachistoscope, 782 Psychosomatic differentiation in infancy, research, contract, change, 105, 943 gift, 312, 973 Psychosomatic diseases of children, study, gift, 312 Psychotominetic agents, research, contract, 789 Pu, Lena C, appointment, 1138 degree, 1269 1528 BOARD OF Public affairs and responsibilities, educational program, funds, gift, 299 Publications, accountancy, funds, gift, 962 faculty, list, printing, 1202 scholarly, funds, gift, 293 Public garages, design and modification for use as public shelters, preparation of guide, contract, 1016 Public Health, clinical faculty, 80, 768 Public Information Office, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, remodeling, balance reappropriated, 88 Urbana, appropriation, multigraph duplicating equipment, 13 state fair exhibit, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 gift, funds, Illinois Foundation Future Farmers of America, 962 purchase, duplicator, 244 library film, 1259 Publicity services, Assembly Hall, contract, 1010 Public Roads, Bureau of, contract, change, 193 gift, 302 Pucel, D. J., degree, 836 Puchalski, D. J., degree, 1315 Puckett, R. T., degree, 608 fellowship, 518, 1228 Puckett. W. F., degree, 149 Pudil, E. C, degree, 881 Pugsley, J. H., appointment, 124 degree, 601 resignation, 822 Pukala, D. R., degree, 637 Puleo, P. C, degree, 647 Pulford, A. W., Jr., degree, 152 Pulford, Patricia C, degree, 154 Pullen, Linda G., appointment, 508 resignation, 1342 Pulliam, W. E., appointment, 255 declination, 930 Pullin, Marcia B., degree, 842 Pullman Foundation, gift, 289 Pulmonary research, gift, 310 Pulos, P., appointment, 71, 758 Pulse analyzers, purchase, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 54 Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 588 Nuclear Engineering, 243 Physics Betatron, 471 Pulse Engineering, Inc., Velonex Division, purchase, 865 Pulse generators, Engineering, Chicago Undergraduate Division, purchase, 588 Pulser, Coordinated Science Laboratory, purchase, 23 Pumping station, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 189 Pumps, purchase, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 23 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 377, 595 Pumphrey, F. H., appointment, 1329 Pundt, H. G., appointment, 124, 408, 988 leave of absence, 667 Pung, J. P., degree, 1081 Punlcay, W. R., degree, 1309 Punzak, J. M., degree, 397 Pupius, N. J., degree, 153 Purcell, F. P., resignation, 135 Purcell, K. F., fellowship, 662, 737, 1228 Purchase order forms, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 280 Purchases, 22, 52, 98, 163, 188, 241, 276, 349, 372, 433, 469, 492, 588, 690, 713, 782, 860, 911, 939, 1012, 1035, 1121, 1155, 1200, 1252 equipment and supplies under contracts with Agency for International Development, policy, 187 Purdue Research Foundation, gift, 300, 962 Purdy, J. E., degree, 1320 Purdy, R. R., resignation, 444 Purdy, W. C., degree, 399 Pure Carbonic Co., purchase, 595 Pure Milk Association, gift, 289, 951, 958 Puri, Y. K., degree, 1065 Puritt, P., appointment, 732 Puritt, Mrs. Sheila, appointment, 38 Purlee, R. L., degree, 149 Purvis, G. H., degree, 1320 Puryear, D. G., degree, 1311 Pusey, W. A., Fund, addition, gift, 971 Pushkin, E. A., appointment, 74, 761 Pustelnikas, A. R., degree, 1318 Pustmueller, C. S., degree, 836 Pusztaszeri, S. F., appointment, 441, 477, 811 resignation, 444, 930 Putnam, Grace T., degree, 646 Putnam, W. M., Co., purchase, 101, 163, 49; 1039 Puzey, G. A., degree, 1290 fellowship, 1337 Pyburn, R. E., certificate, 1101 Pyhrr, P. A., degree, 1293 Pyle, Marjorie M., appointment, 69, 755 Pyper, J. R., degree, 1278 Pyrofax Gas Corp., purchase, 589 Pyster, L. N., degree, 1298 Pytel, F. J., degree, 1311 Pytel, R. J., appointment, 124 declination, 135 Quade, Carolyn L., degree, 1290 Quaintance, L. T., fellowship, 43 Quaker Oats Co., gift, 297 Quality Precision Products, Inc., Medicoti Division, purchase, 716 Quality Service Press, purchase, 163 Quan, \V., degree, 647 Quane, D. E., degree, 1076 Quantum and solid state electronics, research, contract, 474 Quamstrom, C. E., degree, 1312 Quast, T. E., Jr., degree, 825 Quay, H. C, appointment, 485, 654 Quay, Lorene, appointment, 993 Query, Elizabeth L., degree, 149 Quiambao, Teresita B., appointment, 1019 degree, 1066 Quick, Betty B., degree, 836 Quick, G. A., degree, 642, 1319 Quick, Margherite E. M., degree, 825 Quigley, Q. I)., degree, 1277 Quigley, S. P., appointment, 266 Quill, H. E., certificate, 324 Quilter, D. E., degree, 212 Quine Library of Medical Sciences, gift, books. King, L. S., 973 funds, Chicago Community Trust, 971 Quinlan, T. J., degree, 1304 Quinn, E. J., degree, 625 Quinn, E. R., degree, 630 Quintero, E. A., degree, 216 Quinton Co., Division, Merck & Co., Inc., purchase, 54, 787 Quirk, L. W., degree, 618 Quirk, R. P., fellowship, 518, 1228 Quonset building, remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 Eaamot, T., degree, 209 Rabaut, D. R., degree, 138 Rabb, M., appointment, 124 Raben, R. A., degree, 626 Rabideau, D. G., degree, 1298 Rabin, M., appointment, 38 Rabinowitch, E., appointment, 38 Rabold, Judith E., degree, 625 Rabold, W. F., degree, 1082 Race Street, property at 129 North, lease, 868 Rachel, F. M., degree, 213 Rachlin, Donna L., degree, 633 Rack, L., appointment, 80, 768 Rackin, D., degree, 1059 Racks, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 784 UNIVERSITY ( Racster, R. L., appointment, 317, 890, 1139 degree, 143 fellowship, 122S Radar, measurement of precipitation, research, contract, change, 693 Radar equipment, Aviation, purchase, 913 Raddatz, A. P., fellowship, 205 Raddatz, Mrs. Anne C, appointment, 1329 Rademacher, L. D., degree, 1320 Rader, J. T., Ill, appointment, 1241 Rader, T. W., degree, 145 Rader, L. F., degree, 836 Radiation and propagation problems related to antennas, study, contract, 943 Radiation counting equipment, Agency for International Development, purchase, 1035 Radiation Instrument Development Laboratory, Inc., purchase, 54, 57, 58, 243, 588 590, 717 Radiation substerilized food products, study, contract, 720 Radical reaction mechanisms, study, gift, 953 Radice, C, appointment, 696, 1218 Radio, use in education, study, contract, 103 Radioactive chemistry and chemical kinetics, research, contract, change, 245 Radioactive isotopes, Radiology, purchase, 493 Radioactivity research, contract, 103 change, 282, 5S7, 693, 721, 1260 Radioactivity analysis system, Radiocarbon Laboratory, purchase, 375 Radio astronomy, research, contract, change, 283, 1041 Radiocarbon Laboratory, gift, research, Abbott Laboratories, 290, 952 National Vitamin Foundation, Inc., 296 Upjohn Co., 298 purchase, chromatograph, 23 radioactivity analysis system, 375, 866 spectrometer, 375 Radio chemistry, research, contract, change, 475 Radio communication system, Rehabilitation-Education Services, purchase, 497 Radio Corp. of America, gift, 289, 301, 951, 964 purchase, 25, 1160, 1255, 1257 Radio direction-finding and radio-location system, design, contract, 1040 Radio direction-finding project, Electrical Engineering, land, purchase, 901, 1144 Radio Doctors, purchase, 99, 1036 Radio equipment, Astronomy, purchase, 372 Radio frequency unit, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 786 Radioisotope Laboratory, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88 Radioisotopes, Radiology, purchase, 99 Radiolocation, study, contract, 586 change, 1261 Radiology, Dentistry, gift, research, Crouse, J. N., Dental Endowment Fund, 969 purchase, photomicroscope, 863 polygraph, 1157 tape transport, 1157 x-ray diagnostic system, 787 x-ray film equipment, 913 Medicine, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 87 clinical faculty, 80, 768 gift, equipment. Western Electric Co., 974 research, American Cancer Society, Inc. 307, 968 purchase, photoscanner, 277 projector, 53 radioisotopes, 99, 493 spectrometer, 163 x-ray camera, 1253 x-ray film processing unit, 588 x-ray image amplifier, 53 x-ray solutions, 1126 research and Educational Hospitals, appropriation, equipment, 488 OF ILLINOIS 1529 Radio paging system, Illini Union, Urbana, purchase, 190 Radios, Medical Center, gift, 974 Radio Station, appropriation, equipment, 1191 remodeling, 1191 educational station in Chicago, application, 573 lease of office space, Green Street, property at 6O61/2 East, 1128 purchase, transmitter, 1255 Radio telescope, asphalt matting, purchase, S3 dedication, 261 site, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 Radio tracking techniques and equipment, development, contract, 437 Radio wave direction-finding techniques, study, contract, change, 587, 721 Radjavi, H., appointment, 1241 Radler, C. M., degree, 874 Radtke, E., degree, 1292 Radtke, K., degree, 1293 Radtke, R. P., degree, 620 Radway, R. M., certificate, 1101 Radys, Diana A., degree, 153 Radys, R. G., degree, 396 Radzimovsky, E. I., appointment, 333 leave of absence, 425 Raether, 11., appointment, 1019 Raetzman, Mrs. Barbara L., appointment, 124 resignation, 822 Rafelson, M. E., Jr., appointment, 66, 753 Raff, L. M., appointment, 38, 200 degree, 209 Raff, M. I., degree, 607 Raffe, Rebecca E., degree, 836 Raffeld, W. F., appointment, 890 Raffensberger, j. G., appointment, 83, 771 Rafferty, Jean M., degree, 633 Rafferty, Sadie, appointment, 999 Raffl, J. D., degree, 397 Rafinski, T. L., degree, 1081 Rafuse, R. W., Jr., appointment, 654, 991, 1170, 1218 Ragade, I. S., appointment, 924, 1139 Ragain, M. D., degree, 825 Rager, D. E., appointment, 758 Ragland, Sylvia S., degree, 616 Ragsdale, J. D., Jr., degree, 387 fellowship, 518 Ragsdale, Rita A., degree, 1299 Raheja, K. L., appointment, 1218 Rahman, A. H. A., degree, 638 Rahn, G. H., degree, 625 Rahn, S. W., appointment, 890 Railroad crossings, motor vehicle laws, study, gift, 958 Railroad rail failures, study, gift, 292, 953 Railroad rails, research, contract, change, 693 Railroad right-of-way across University land, driveway for access to, construction and use, license agreement, 688 Railsback, O. L., appointment, 124 gift, 312 Railton, Patricia A., degree, 1298 Railway car wheels, research, contract, change, 192, 869 gift, 294, 956 Rain, D. W., degree, 1059 fellowship, 699 resignation, 1088 Raines, H., degree, 616 Rainey, T. B., Jr., degree, 1273 Rainfall, influences on crop yields, study, contract, change, 1163 Rainout of radioactivity in Illinois, study, contract, change, 282, 721 Rains, Ruth R., appointment, 732 degree, 601 Rainsford, D. T., degree, 836 fellowship, 205, 896 Raistrick. G. E., degree, 1289 Raisys, V. A., fellowship, 928 Raja, K. G. V., fellowship, 518, 1228 Rajagopalan, M., appointment, 1241 1530 BOARD OF Rajan, N. S. S., appointment, 38 resignation, 207 Rajan, S. M., degree, 628 Rajkumar, T. V., appointment, 408, 811 degree, 641 Rakauskas, Lila M., degree, 1298 Rakestraw, J. L., degree, 1070 Rakitan, R. W., degree, 1283 Rakove, M. L., appointment, 340, 1007 resignation, 666 Raleigh, Judith T., degree, 1290 Ralley, T. G., appointment, 654 degree, 611 Ralston Purina Co., gift, 286, 948 Ramaiah, K., appointment, 654, 732, 811 Ramaley, L., appointment, 811 Ramalingam, S., appointment, 334, 998 Raman, A., appointment, 1218 RamaRao, C. V., degree, 392 Ramaseshan, S., degree, 1268 Ramey, D. W., degree, 635 Ramey, J. D., degree, 143 Ramey, Mary V., appointment, 78, 765 Ramlachan, B., degree, 634 Ramsay, Sue A., degree, 619 Ramsay, W. G., degree, 1070 Ramsden, R. M., degree, 1322 Ramsey, A. L., fellowship, 356 Ramsey, G. R., degree, 643 Ramsey, H. A., appointment, 64 Ramseyer, Linda M., appointment, 124 degree, 393 resignation, 320 Ramstedt, R. E., degree, 1320 Ramstedt, K. J., degree, 1311 Randall, J. G., book, printing, 1206 Randall, R. F., appointment, 508, 1170 Randall, W. J., degree, 388 fellowship, 662, 1337 Randel, Sharon K., degree, 829 Randell, M. W., degree, 643 Randolph, Edytlie A., degree, 627 Randolph, J. L., degree, 634 Randolph, Karen P., degree, 402 Randolph, Marvinia M., degree, 1314 Randolph, Mary >"., degree, 399 Randolph Building Corp., lease, 104, 720 Randolph Paper Co., purchase, 597 Raney, M. R., degree, 634 Ranga Rao, R., appointment, 124 declination, 522 Ranhotra, G. S., appointment, 1170 Ranieri, E., & Sons Plumbing and Heating Corp., contract, 528 Ranjhan, S. K., degree, 141 Ranke, E. J., appointment, 68, 755 invention, patent rights, release, 1147 Rankin, Carolyn, fellowship, 518, 737 resignation, 1142 Rankin, W. D., degree, 614 Ranky, Klara G., appointment, 79, 767 Ranney, J. A., resignation, 413 Ranninger, J., appointment, 508 Ransford, R. E., appointment, 200, 811 Ransom, Kathryn A., degree, 836 Rao, C. R., appointment, 38 Rao, M. R. R., appointment, 1219 Rao, P. J., appointment, 124, 200, 317 resignation, 259 Rao, R. R., appointment, 333 Rao, T. V., degree, 391 Rao, V. P. R., degree, 831 Rapheal, Edna E., appointment, 987 Rapley, H. J., degree, 616 Rapp, D. H., degree, 145 Rapp, Marie A., leave of absence, 321 Rapp, R. W., degree, 1298 Rappaport, A., degree, 599 Rappaport, 11. 2., appointment, 67, 317 Rardin, J. A., degree, 143 Rardin, W. C, degree, 617 Rascher & Betzold, Inc., purchase, 349 Rasidi, degree, 155, 837 Rasina, I., degree, 622 Rasinski, T. M., degree, 397 Rasmussen, A., appointment, 83 Rasmussen, Beverly A., degree, 391 Rassogianis, Pauline, degree, 633 Ratay, W. T., degree. 1304 Rathe, Sharon K., degree, 1307 Ratko, A. L., appointment, 75, 763 Ratner, M. S., degree, 403 Rats, study, contract, 437 gift, 296 Ratti, G. E., degree, 1270 Ratz, Janet M., degree, 399 Raubenheimer, Anna E., appointment, 811 degree, 395, 880 Rauch, G. C, appointment, 1329 fellowship, 1337 Raudabaugh, Shelley A., degree, 1290 Raulinaitis, Ruta M., degree, 1304 Rausch, P. J., degree, 386 fellowship, 43 Raushenberger, J. W., leave of absence, 426 Rautenkranz, K. C, degree, 606 Rauth, Kathleen M., degree, 1301 Rauth, Phyllis E., degree, 616 Ravagnani, D., degree, 1293 Ravas, R. A., degree, 622 Ravenhall, D. G., leave of absence, 425 Ravenna, P., appointment, 68, 755 Rawlinson, J. D., degree, 1070 Rawls, R. A., certificate, 748 Rawson, K. A., degree, 636 Ray, J. H., degree, 634 Ray, R. B., Jr., certificate, 366 Ray, R. K., appointment, 124 fellowship, 1172 Ray, R. T., degree, 404 Ray, S. R., appointment, 327 Ray, VV. H., degree, 638 Rayhorn, C. E., degree, 1070 Rayhill, D. E., degree, 836 Rayl, M., fellowship, 819, 1228 Rayle, R. E., appointment, 337, 1003 Raymon, F., Jr., appointment, 84 Raymond, Patricia G., degree, 825 Raymond, R. W., degree, 839 Raymond Concrete Pile Co., gift, 289, 951 Rayniak, Mrs. Eleanor R., appointment, 1135 Rayson, G. E., appointment, 124 Raytheon Co., gift, 289, 951 purchase, 495, 716, 1038, 1123 Raz, A., appointment, 924 fellowship, 662, 1228 Razim, E. A., appointment, 75, 763 Raznick, A. S., degree, 625 Rea, J. B., degree, 638 Rea, Mildred M., degree, 216 Rea, P. E., degree, 635, 1274 Reach, D. K., degree, 1277 Reactions, study, contract, change, 1041 Read, Eileen C, degree, 1081 Read, G. C, degree, 1298 Read, Helen J., resignation, 740 Read, J. S., degree, 1081 Read, Mrs. Margaret K., appointment, 1139 Readers Digest Association, gift, 962 Reading interests, high school, study, gift, 29-1 Ready, R. D., certificate, 748 Reagon, Marjorie M., degree, 142 Real estate values, effect of highways, research, contract, change, 193, 792 Ream, N. W., appointment, 71, 758 Reasor, Rose M., degree, 1305 Reaugh, J. E., degree, 1305 Reback, P. D., degree, 1290 Reber, R. J., appointment, 732 degree, 618 Reb Steel Equipment Co., purchase, 118 Rebuck, M. B., degree, 402 Receiving system, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 784, 912, 1123 Recka, J. M., degree, 1290 Reckamp, L. L., degree, 639 UNIVERSITY O: Reckitt, F. B., Jr., degree, 638 i R E. Common Equipment Co., purchase, 1255 I Recorder dual chart system, Physiology and I Biophysics, purchase, 24 j Recorders, purchase, Agency for International Development, 714 I Agricultural Engineering, 495 Animal Science, 349 I Ceramic Engineering, 470 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, T 435, 784, 1159 Civil Engineering, 242 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1123 ] Education, 1126 Electrical Engineering, 373, 1015, 1036 I 1160 Medicine, 1037 Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, 57 Physiology and Biophysics, 717, 785 Psychology, 717, 788 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 190, 277 Recording & Statistical Co., purchase, 942 Recordings, lectures and demonstrations, policy, 460 Recording tape, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 786 Records series, Illinois local and appellate courts, survey and appraisal, contract, 586 Recreational facilities, use, policy, change, 682 Recreation and Municipal Park Administration, budget, summer session, 336, 1001 Recreation area, Gregory Drive, paving, 1 contract, 102 Lincoln Park District, appraisal, contract, 1127 Stadium Drive, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 Reddy. D. V., appointment, 681 1 Reddy, Redlarepaka R., appointment, 976 Reddy, Rodda R., degree, 831 ] Redenbo, J. M., fellowship, 819, 1337 resignation, 1142 ] Reder, B., painting, gift, 304 Redey, T. G., degree. 152 1 Redneld, A. G., appointment, 3 ; cancellation, 320 ] Redman, C. O., degree, 1310 : Redmond, R. L., degree, 828 Rednour, G., degree, 386 " Reed, Mrs. Barbara L., appointment, 255, 317 ] Reed, C. B. M., degree, 1278 Reed, D. R., appointment, 71 : Reed, G. H., Jr., degree, 1293 Reed, George M., degree, 1082 Reed, Gerald M.. degree, 643 Reed, J. A,, appointment, 508 Reed, K. \V., appointment, 924 Reed, Mary R. B., degree, 616 fellowship, 205 Reed, Mary V., appointment, 124 Reed, Mildred E., appointment, 326, 989 Reeder, Charlotte P., degree, 636 Reeder, Evelyn R., degree, 1285 Reeder, J. R., degree, 836 Reedy, G. T., degree. 630 Keedy, S. G., fellowship, 737 Keel, J. R., degree, 613 Reeland, A. R., certificate, 748 Reelitz, E. V., degree, 1291 Rees, Mrs. Candida, K., resignation, 479 Reese, Judith R., degree, 1307 Reese, Mrs. Mary C., leave of absence, 668, 1142 Reese, Sandra J., degree, 625 Reese, W., appointment, 124 resignation, 740 Reeve, D. W., degree, 831 Reeve, Gail A. T., degree, 1272 Reeve, Sydney J., degree, 391 Reeves, A. N., degree, 828 F ILLINOIS 1531 Reeves, H. H., degree, 645 Reeves, Mary E., appointment, 1186 Reeves, R. B., degree, 640 Reeves, R. E., member of advisory committee, 5 Refeeding stress, research, contract, 1127 change, 381 Refractories, research, contract, change, 105, 868 Refrigeration equipment, Chicago Circle, contract, extension of time for execution or termination, 264 Refrigeration walk-in room, Animal Science, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 778 Refrigeration work, contract, Agriculture Library, 1193 antenna laboratory, 52 Armory, 16 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 344 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 14, 90, 911 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, addition, 684 East Chemistry Building addition, 854 Graduate Student Residence Halls, 1057 Illini Union, Chicago Circle, 572 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 229 Library, 16 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, 857 Medical Research Laboratory, 543 minor alterations and repairs, 1249 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex addition. 538 Refrigerators, contract, Medical Center, 241 purchase, Biology, 1202 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 278 Chicago Circle, 1203 Housing Division, 25, 594, 1161 Medical Center, 863 Refuse containers. Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 373, 597, 1125 Refuse container frame, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 940 Refuse packer, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 1125 Regal, R. K., certificate, 62 Reger, H. P., & Co., contract, 14, 91 Reger, T. G., certificate, 366 Regier, Charlotte L., appointment, 255 Regnier, E. H., appointment, 508 Regnier, Phyllis R., degree, 1290 Regulator, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 349 Rehabilitation Center, construction, contract, electrical, 539 general, 539 heating, 539 plumbing, 539 ventilating, 539 steam service, contract, 936 Rehabilitation-Education Services, Division of, gift, equipment, University Foundation, 966 funds, Sullivan Chevrolet Co., 962 research. National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 296 name, approved, 182 purchase, radio communication system, 497 Rehaut, J. P., certificate, 748 Rehm, A. S., degree, 1269 fellowship, 662 Rehn, R. G., degree, 618 Rehnberg, J. G., degree, 404 Rehwald, R. T., certificate, 62 degree, 150 Reich, Marcelene M., degree, 616 Reichard, D. W., Plumbing & Heating, contract, 94, 239, 346, 489, 539 Reichard, G. W., degree, 1068 Reichart, W. A., degree, 152 Reichelt, F. H., degree, 634 Reicher, E. M., certificate, 366 1532 BOARD OF Rekhmann, M. E., appointment, 1186 Reid, D. L., member of advisory council, 4 Reid, Donna M., degree, 1304 Reid, H. G., appointment, 890 Reid, J. C, degree, 645 Reid, R. F., Jr., degree, 398 Reid, R. M., degTee, 400 Reid, S. J-, degree, 397 Reid Mechanical Contractors, Inc., contract, 1250 Reidy, J. W., resignation, 47 Reiels, Darlene C, fellowship, 205, 819 Reifsteck, Sharon F., degree, 619 Reighard, Judith A,, degree, 1276 Reiland, J. C, appointment, 811 Reilly, D. T., degree, 604 Reilly, J. R., appointment, 201, 654, 811 Reilly, M. J., degree, 1276 fellowship, 737 Reilly, Marjorie A., degree, 633 Reilly, R. C, appointment, 1139 Reilly, R. E., degree, 389 Reilly, R. R., degree, 875 Reilly, Sharon K., degree, 1298 Reiman, D. H., appointment, 330 Reiman, Rita B., degree, 609 Reimer, B., appointment, 977 degree, 878 Reiner, I., appointment, 38 leave of absence, 137 Reiner, Mrs. Irma, appointment, 811 Reinforced concrete, research, contract, 282 change, 381, 438 gift, 291, 297, 953 Reinforced Concrete Research Council, contract, change, 438 gift, 297, 958 Reinhard, P. G., degTee, 1306 Reinking, R. L., fellowship, 1337 Reints, R. E., Jr., degree, 607 Reints, Ruth H., degree, 619 Reinvald, I., degree, 638 Reis, Barbara J., degree, 627 Reis, E. E., Jr., degree, 152, 880 Reis, R. L., degree, 398 Reisberg, Katrina S., degree, 1286 Reisch, J. E., and Gladys W., lease, 790 Reisner, A. N., degree, 635 Reisner, Ann M., degree, 633 Reisner, S. H., appointment, 201 Reitman, A. S., degree, 1322 Reitman, S., certificate, 62 Reitz, Carol C, degree, 149 Relativity, experimental test, contract, 789 Relays, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 279 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 94, 239, 344, 489, 775, 854, 909, 1112, 1192, 1249 Reliable Sheet Metal Works, Inc., contract, 344 Relos, Janet M., degree, 149 Relyea, D. L., degree, 388 Remec, M. J., degree, 875 resignation, 898 Remeikis, Mrs. Nijole, appointment, 732 leave of absence, 1234 Remeikis, T., degree, 603 Remelt furnace, Print Shop, purchase, 1208 Remeniuk, E., appointment, 811 Remington, G. A., degree, 1271 Remlinger, J. E., appointment, 84, 772 Renard, Joyce A., degree, 1299 Renaud, O. V., appointment, 83, 771 Renfroe, E. W., leave of absence, 1110 Reninger, R. W., certificate, 748 Renken, D. H., degree, 1073 Renken, Harriette M., degree, 399 Rennick, R. H,, degree, 1310 Reno, W. II., degree, 1291 Renpenning, H. j., appointment, 74, 762 Renwick, F. W., Jr., appointment, 1025 Renz, P., degree, 384 Renza, L. A., degree, 825 Repke, Anna M. T., degree, 616 Replinger, J. G., appointment, 325 Replogle, J. A., degree, 1059 Replogle, Louisa R., degree, 149 RePP Industries, Inc., purchase, 278 Repsold, G. J., Ill, degree, 1310 Republic Coal & Coke Co., purchase, 597 Requarth, W., gift, 311, 972 Resch, W. A., degree, 397 Reschke, E. A., degree, 146 Research, Inc., purchase, 190 Research and Educational Hospitals, addition, contracts, construction, settlement, 463 laboratory furniture, 685 remodeling, electrical, 92, 271 general, 92, 271, 274 heating, 92, 271 kitchen equipment, 271 laboratory furniture, 92 plumbing, 92, 271 ventilating, 92, 271 appropriation, balance reappronriated, 87, 780, 781 equipment, 13, 369, 488, 918, 1153 operating expenses, 488 remodeling, 918 Broder, A. I., termination of employment 1093 request for hearing, denied, 1093 clinical training, licensed practical nurse program, 461 contract, elevator rehabilitation, electrical. 272 general, 271 equipment, 272, 1112, 1195 floor tile, 272, 910 maintenance work on drip joints and lintels, 92 microfilm service, 1201 power supply, 184 addition, 433 remodeling, electrical, 270, 542 engineering services, 853 general, 270, 542 heating, 270, 542 plumbing, 270, 542 ventilating, 270, 542 weatherproonng roof decks, 465, 1194 gift, equipment, Manger, M. A., 973 Picker X-Ray Corp., 973 funds, Medical Center Women's Auxiliary, 972 National Foundation, 971 Physicians and Dentists Foundation, 971 South Shore Service League, 971 hospital and medical professional liability insurance, 1255 purchase, equipment, 22, 53, 242 furniture, 22, 939 hypothermia unit, 241 mattresses, 277 microfilm, 433 operating table, 278 oxygen, 493 oxygenator, 53 radioactive istotopes, 1201 sterilizer, 53, 1202 time clocks, 588 ultrasonic cleaning equipment, 783, 862 Research and Engineering Professional Employees, Association, gift, 948 Research and Training Building at the Mental Health Center, architectural services, contract, 468 Research Apparatus, Inc., purchase, 865 Research Laboratory and Library Building, power supply, contract, 184 addition, 433 UNIVERSITY I Research on Exceptional Children, Institute for, advisory committee, 850 gift, funds, Easter Seal Research Foundation, 961 research, United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation, Inc., 959 Research Specialties Co., purchase, 22, 589. 1037 Reseen, Merle L., degree, 1299 Resek, Lois D., appointment, 355, 654 Resek, R. W., appointment, 327, 991 declination, 479, 1233 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, military science curriculum, revisions, 1189 training programs, change from compulsory to voluntary, 939 uniforms, purchase, 594, 1208 Resh, J. A., appointment, 317, 811 degree, 875 Residence hall, Medical Center, architectural services, contract, 347 food service consultants, employment, 347 Residence halls, Urbana, funds, investment, 247, 248, 249, 250, 379, 380, 794, 1131 interior decorating services, contract, 711 uniforms, rental, 595 See also Housing. Residences for reducing effects of nuclear weapons, manual, preparation, contract 103 Residency training in psychiatry, contract, 244 Resignations, 45, 132, 206, 259, 320, 356, 412, 443, 479, 521, 665, 700, 738, 820, 897, 929, 977, 1020, 1087, 1141, 1173, 1231, 1339 Resistors, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 1159, 1257 Resko, J. A., degree, 873 Resmondo, Betsy M., degree, 1069 Resource development programs, agricultural market planning and education, studv, contract, 586 Resources for the Future, Inc., gift, 297, 958 Respiratory Center, gift, funds, National Foundation, 309 Respiratory diseases, research, gift, 969 Respiratory illnesses in man caused by viruses and nonbacterial agents, manual, contract, change. 916 Resser, A. M., degree, 635 Ressman, R. B.. fellowship, 699 Restaurant Equipment & Supply Co., purchase, 56 Restrepo Lopez, F., degree, 841 Retarded children, educability of psycholinguis-tic functions, research, contract, change, 21 Retherford, R. C, appointment, 1186 Retirement, Collins, W. R., 208 Goppert, H. R., 137 Hartley, M. C, 208 Lendrum, F. C, 523 Lundtnan, A. T., 824 Retirement System, auditors, employment, 499, 1211 quarters, appreciation, 978 remodeling, 273 University representative, 480, 1098 staff annuity program, established, 1212 insurance companies approved, 1214 . rules, 1213 Retiring allowances, supplemental annuities, Retractometer, Physiology, purchase, 1121 Rettger, Alison C, degree, 1075 Rettig. M. F., fellowship, 819 Retzer, Judith L., degree, 1308 Reuss, R. C., degree, 643 Reuter, R. C, Jr., degree, 1292 OF ILLINOIS 1533 Revenue bond funds, investment, Assembly Hall, 248, 250, 378, 474, 723, 725, 794, 870, 917, 944, 945, 1017, 1041, 1130, 1164 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 247, 249, 378, 380, 724, 870, 917, 944, 1130, 1164 dormitory, 249 Graduate Student Residence Hall, 247 Health Center, 248, 250, 379, 473, 723, 724, 725, 871, 917, 944, 1017, 1041, 1042, 1130, 1164 housing, 247, 250, 380, 473, 724, 794, 871, 1164 Mini Union, Chicago Circle, 870, 871, 917, 944, 1017, 1041, 1130 Ulini Union addition, Urbana, 248, 250, 379, 473, 723, 724, 725, 871, 917, 944, 1017, 1041, 1042. 1130, 1164 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 379, 473, 723, 725, 871, 917, 944, 1017, 1041, 1164 Men's Residence Halls, 250, 380, 473, 724, 872 Orchard Downs, 248, 249, 379, 473, 723, 725, 871, 917, 944, 1017, 1042, 1130, 1164 Peabody Drive Residence Halls, 248, 379, 473, 724 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls, 249, 379, 473, 724, 725, 871, 917, 945, 1017, 1042, 1130 Student Services Building, 248, 250, 379, 380, 473, 724, 726, 871, 872, 917, 945, 1018, 1042, 1164, 1165 women's residence halls, 249, 380, 474, 724, 794, 872 Revenue bonds, Graduate Student Residence Halls, authorization, 712 legal services, 712 sale, 1046 Health Center, printing, contract, 714 housing, printing, contract, 714 resolutions, amendment to provide for facsimile signatures of Board members, 694 Illini Union, Medical Center, authorization, 468 Illini Union addition, Urbana, printing, contract, 714 Illinois Street Residence Halls, sale, 218 Medical Center housing facility, authorization, 468 Revsine, L. S., certificate, 1101 Revzen, M., appointment, 124 Rewerts, Ardis M., degree, 619 Rewerts, M. A., degree, 1289 Rex Metal-Craft, Inc., purchase, 54 Rexroad, D, N., degree, 1298 Rexroad, W. M., degree, 1079 Revher, J. L., degree, 643 Revnolds. D. L., Jr., certificate, 1101 Reynolds, F. L, III, degree, 1287 Reynolds, G. E., degree, 1298 Reynolds, H. A., Jr., appointment, 255 degree, 614 resignation, 207 Reynolds, J. A., degree, 142 Reynolds, L. H., degree, 836 Reynolds, M. E., degree, 1072 Reynolds, Ivancy S., degree, 1313 Reynolds, S. J., Co., Inc., contract, 544 Reynolds, Susan E., degree, 1310 Reysa, G. D., degree, 1293 Rezabeck, W. J., degree, 647 Rezek, G. H., appointment, 72, 759 Rezek, J. R., degree, 1072 Reznicek, J. J., degree, 1289 Reznik, A. C, degree, 404 Rhetoric, major and minor requirements, revision, 368 1534 BOARD OF Rheumer, G. A., appointment, 124, 340 Rhicard, C. P., degree, 612 Rhie, Y. H., appointment, 890 Rhine, W. E., degree, 1302 Rhoda, D. A., degree, 1315 Rhoda, Rosalind A., degree, 151 Rhodes, Mrs. Daphne I., appointment, 811 Rhodes, H. J., appointment, 367, 1004 Rhodes, M. U, fellowship, 258, 699 Rhodes, Y. E., Jr., degree, 1058 Rhodes Chevrolet, purchase, 1015, 1127, 1209 Ribeiro, S. T., appointment, 124, 696, 732 degree, 601 invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 1147 Ribonucleic acid in accumulation of ions by plant cells, research, contract, change, 22, 283, 943 Riccetti, Patricia A., degree, 631 Riccomi, Eileen A., degree, 140 Rice, A. K., appointment, 74, 762 Rice, A. L., degree, 145 Rice, J. H., degree, 625 Rice, J. W., degree, 152 Rice, P. C, degree, 616 Rice, R. K., degree, 153, 1066 Rice, Sheila Dr, appointment, 124 Rice, U. M., fellowship, 518 Rice, W. C, degree, 397 Rich, Catherine L., appointment, 201 Rich, D. L., degree, 1291 fellowship, 1228 Rich, D. R., degree, 1072 Rich, Elaine B., degree, 1298 Rich, I. B., appointment, 75 Rich, J. U., degree, 625 Rich, W. C, degree, 1285 Rich, W. L., degree, 625 Richard, Mattie H., degree, 1069 Richards, A. F., appointment, 1026 Richards, A. L., degree, 397 Richards, Arlene E., degree, 138 Richards, Claire L., appointment, 998 Richards, Florence S., degree, 836 Richards, J. L., degree, 830 Richards, J. O., degree, 211 Richards, J. R., appointment, 125 degree, 405 Richards, Jean S., degree, 1070 Richards, L. K., degree, 645 Richards, L. L., degree, 643 Richards, N. E., Jr., degree, 140 Richardson, A., Children's Research Center, design, presented to Board, 900 undergraduate library building, plans, presented to Board, 900 Richardson, D. E., degree, 392 Richardson, E. R., degree, 642 Richardson, Elizabeth F., appointment, 71 Richardson, Fredericka L., degree, 1076 Richardson, G., appointment. 890 Richardson, Genevieve, appointment, 337, 1002 Richardson, J. F., appointment, 1219 Richardson, Judith E., fellowship, 1229 Richardson, M. I)., degree, 839 Richardson, Peggie C, degree, 1312 Richardson, R. E., fellowship, 1229 Richardson Manufacturing Co., purchase, 57, 591 Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, & Associates, architectural services, contract, architectural design for new buildings, 687 campus plan studies, 19, 687 Civil Engineering Building, 185 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, remodeling, 853 Florida Avenue Residence Hall, 1010 Research and Training Building at the Mental Health Center, 468 site selection for new buildings, 19, 687 payment, Graduate Student Residence Halls, 98 A JV U J JL ttXiJ Richartz, L. E., appointment, 255, 326, H7q degree, 213 Richetelle, Alberta L., degree, 611 Richey, M. D., degree, 645 Richman, J. F., certificate, 748 Richman, Lois A., degree, 140 Richmond, Bernice A., degree, 836 Richmond, D., degree, 1059 Richmond, Etta M. H., degree, 149 Richmond, K. R., degree, 404, 639 Richmond, Mary A., degree, 144 Richter, Alice E., degree, 1304 Richter, F. E., degree, 1071 Richter, I. B-, appointment, 77, 764 Richter, L. A., degree, 829 Richter, L. R., degree, 399, 1274 Richter, L. T., Jr., degree, 841 Richter, Mary J., degree, 402 Richter, N. T., degree, 398 Richter, R. W., degree, 141 Rickert, Joy P., degree, 633 Ricketts, G. E., appointment, 9S7 Ricketts, Joellyn, degree, 1298 Ricketts, T. E., degree, 1292 Rickey, Cynthia D., degree, 633 Rickhoff, W. L., degree, 610 fellowship, 43 Rickman, Grace C, degree, 404 Ricks, P., Jr., appointment, 477 Ricks, R. D., degree. 625 Ricks. V. E., appointment, 457 report, state of Division of Education, Il?5 Ricordati. A. R., degree, 1298 Riddle, Carole S., degree, 1290 Riddle, G. H. N., degree, 1282 Riddle, Norma K., degree, 1314 Rider, J. H., degree, 1278 Ridha, R. A., degree, 609 Ridinger, Mrs. Jac C, gift, 311 Rieck, V. T., degree, 880 Riedel, D. P., degree, 1291 Riedy, Mrs. Sonia C, appointment, 732 Riegel, R. W., purchase, 494 Rieger, Patricia A., degree, 825 Riehle Testing Machines Division, Ametek, Inc., purchase, 469, 691 Ries, D, G., appointment, 317, 811 Ries, R. P., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 452 Rietveld, R. D., degree, 1273 Rifas, R. A., degree, 403 Rife, H., appointment, 654 Rife, Karen J., degree, 1290 Riff, D. P., degree, 1321 Riff, Louise J. M., degree, 1321 Rifkin, B. R., degree, 1282 Rigdon, R. E., purchase, 590, 1258 Rigg, E. L., degree, 642 Riggleman, B. M., degree, 600 Riggs, Sharon K., degree, 1068 Riha, J. J., degree, 1080 Riker Laboratories, Inc., gift, 309, 970 Riley, Brenda J.. degree, 625 Riley, H. H., degree, 619 Riley, J. L., degree, 634 Riley, James W., degree, 397 Riley, John W., Ill, appointment, 758 Riley, M. J., degree, 404 Riley, M. P., degree, 1315 Riley, W. H., Jr., degree. 209 Riley, W. W., degree, 1073 Riley Music, purchase, 277, 1126 Rim, A. S., degree, 1304 Rimas, A. K., degree, 397 Rimawi, W. H., appointment, 125 Rimland, J. P., degree, 625 Rimpila, Roberta V., degree, 1074 Ring binders, Office Supply Storeroom, pur chase, 783, 1259 Ringenberg, R. R., degree, 1304 fellowship, 1229 Ringer, A. L., appointment, 998 UNIVERSITY 01 Ringer, Patricia H., appointment, 732 ] degree, 830 j Ringler, E. J., appointment, 732 ] Ringler, Suzanne, degree, 404 Ringstrom, Sonia J., degree, 146 l Rink, M. G., degree, 618 ] Riordan, P. D., degree, 1293 ] Rios, Trejo E., degree, 1298 ] Ripes, Karen L., degree, 1308 i Ripka, W. C, fellowship, 662, 1337 ] Ripley, J- W., degree, 638 ] Rippberger, D. F., degree, 1080 ] Rippe, Shirley J., degree, 1301 i Rippel, R. H., Jr., degree, 1267 ] Rippie, W. L., degree, 209 Rips, Rae E., appointment, 997 j Ripskis, S. T., degree, 842 ] Rishling, J. L., degree, 1081 Rising, J. L-, degree, 1315 Risk, Antonia, degree, 842 Risko, J. J., degree, 1081 Risley, W. O., appointment, 408 Riss, Judi A., degree, 635 Rissman, Susan L., degree, 399 Ritch, C. O., appointment, 84, 772 Ritchhart, B. R., certificate, 749 Ritchie, D. W., degree, 616 Ritchie, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 125, 733 Ritola, J. C, degree, 1322 Rittenhouse, E. F., degree, 139 Ritter, Diane S., appointment, 125, 977 Ritter, G. L., degree, 1310 Ritter Co., gift, 973 Ritz, Helen H., certificate, 1024 Rivera, P. M., appointment, 84, 772 Rivers, Wilga M., degree, 210 Riveted and bolted structural joints, research, contract, change, 192, 791 gift, 293 Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints, Research Council on, contract, change, 587, 1211 Rixie, H. W., degree, 397 Rizzo, F. J., appointment, 1329 R. M. Metal Products Co., gift, 973 Roach, W. R., degree, 392 fellowship, 662 Road oil, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 26 Road patching material, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 597 Roads, H. W., degree, 1304 Roadside cover equipment, research, contract, change, 192, 791 Road stabilization, research, gift, 296 Roan, V. P., Jr., appointment, 1085, 1329 Roanoke Area United Fund, gift, 309, 970 Roaster ovens, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase, 1208 Robards, J. M., degree, 403 Robarts, j. R., degree, 875 Robb, S. E., appointment, 125, 696 Robb, W. D.. degree, 636 Robbin, D. M., degree, 635 Robbins, Anita, appointment, 71, 757 Robbins, C. E., degree, 603 Robbins, C. G., degree, 613 Robbins, D. E., Jr., degree, 385 Robbins, P. C, fellowship, 737 Robbins, W., member of advisory committee, 5 Robbins, W. L., appointment, 332 Roberg, N. B., appointment, 125 gift, 312 leave of absence, 321 Robert Allerton Park, brochure, printing, contract, 789 land adjoining, acquisition, funds, gift, 301 operation, report, 159 parking area and service drives, resurfacing, contract, 25 purchase, grader, 280 water tower, 861 Roberts, C. E., Jr., fellowship, 1229 F ILLINOIS 1535 Roberts, Collete, gift, 305 Roberts, D. D., degree, 877 Roberts, D. M., appointment, 38, 733 resignation, 1233 Roberts, E., appointment, 125, 355 Roberts, F. A., degree, 1279 Roberts, F. K., degree, 1070 Roberts, J. L., degree, 645 Roberts, J. R., degree, 1292 Roberts, K. E-, degree, 618 Roberts, Karen L. B., degree, 1065 Roberts, L. G., degree, 832 Roberts, Larry J., degree, 1079 Roberts, Leo J., appointment, 441, 762 fellowship, 819 Roberts, Madeline J., certificate, 1101 Roberts, Margaret R., appointment, 477, 654 resignation, 898 Roberts, Marthan D., degree, 612 Roberts, P. C, appointment, 326, 996 Roberts, R. E., degree, 1079 Roberts, R. G., Jr., certificate, 748 Roberts, Susan H., degree, 1077 Roberts, V. L., degree, 1271 fellowship, 44 Roberts, W. E., degree, 1322 Roberts & Porter, Inc., purchase, 692 Roberts & Schaefer Co., gift, 304 Robertson, A. M., appointment, 79, 767 Robertson, C. W., fellowship, 1229 Robertson, Carole J., degree, 646 Robertson, G. B., appointment, 890 Robertson, G. R., degree, 609, 1283 Robertson, J., appointment, 999 Robertson, James E., degree, 1073 leave of absence, 260 Robertson, John E., degree, 838 Robertson, L. E., appointment, 83, 771 Robertson, Lynn A., degree, 646 Robertson, Patricia A., degree, 1299 Robertson, R. C, certificate, 748 degree, 634 Robertson, R. E., appointment, 78, 766 Robertson, R. G., degree, 825 Robey, M. G., degree, 1298 Robie, R. R., appointment, 73 Robin, F. D., degree, 1314 Robin, L., degree, 1075 Robin, M., appointment, 66, 753 Robinet, M. J., appointment, 338, 1004 Robins, H. F., appointment, 330, 993 leave of absence, 1343 Robins, M. H., degree, 625 Robins, N. I., degree, 396 Robins, W. F., degree, 1283 Robinson, A. R., appointment, 38 Robinson, Brenda J., degree, 826 Robinson, C. E-, degree, 399 Robinson. D. A., degree, 613 Robinson, D. J. S., appointment, 811 Robinson, Derek W., appointment, 125 Robinson, Dwight R., degree, 838 Robinson, G., appointment, 355, 811 Robinson, G. M., degree, 645 Robinson, H. W., degree, 1271 Robinson, I. B., appointment, declination, 207 Robinson, J. A., II, degree, 1321 Robinson, Joyce L., degree, 402 Robinson, K. E., degree, 1065 Robinson, L. K., degree, 384 Robinson, L. M., degree, 876 Robinson, L. R., Jr., degree, 1061 Robinson, Marie L., appointment, 1329 degree, 1277 fellowship, 700 Robinson, Marjorie E., degree, 633 Robinson, Mary A., degree, 1298 Robinson, P. C, appointment, 1170 Robinson, R., degree, 1319 Robinson, R. C, Jr., degree, 879 Robinson, R. P., degree, 625 Robinson, Ruthann, degree, 1290 1536 BOARD OF Robinson, S. C, appointment, 891 report, operations of Allerton House and programs of Division of University Extension, 159 Robinson, T, H., certificate, 748 Robinson, T. T., appointment, 924, 1139 Robinson, W., degree, 1322 Robinson, W. E., certificate, 1101 Robinson, W. W., degree, 621 Roblee, C. L., appointment, 508 Rocah, Barbara S., appointment, 80, 768 Roche, H. T., degree, 621 Roche Anniversary Foundation, gift, 951 Rochelle's, Inc., purchase, 472, 718, 940 Rochester, University of, contract, 1162 Rochford, M. S., Jr., degree, 1304 Rock, purchase, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 588 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 596 research, contract, 474, 1162 Rocke, Virginia L., degree, 836 Rockefeller Foundation, gift, 297, 301, 958, 964 Rockets, research, contract, 1210 change, 105, 245 Rockford, office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, 790 Rockford Furniture Associates, purchase, 593 Rockis, R. M., degree, 1289 Rock Island, office space for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, 1128 Rockstad, H. K., degree, 1060 Rock tunnels, study, contract, change, 587 Rockwell, D. C, degree, 1072 Rockwell, Sheila S., degree, 630 Rockwell-Barnes Co., purchase, 497 Rodbart, N. H., certificate, 423 Rodda, E. D., degree, 1065 Rodeghiero, J. S., degree, 1304 Rodell, J. T., degree, 397 Roderick, B. L., degree, 612 Roderick, R. D., degree, 880 Rodgers, A. L., degree, 1313 Rodgers, C. F., degree, 1291 Rodgers, D. E., appointment, 1019 Rodgers, F. A., degree, 149 Rodgers, R. A., degree, 155 resignation, 259 Rodi, J. L., certificate, 366 Rodkiewicz, C. M., degree, 831 Rodosky, G. J., degree, 1310 Rodriguez, E., appointment, 812, 891 Rodriguez, G. A., appointment, 73, 760 Rodriguez, M. V., appointment, 84, 1139 termination, 356 Rodriguez, P. J., degree, 391 Rodriguez-Marciales, A., degree, 831 Rodwan, A. S., appointment, 38 degree, 212 Roe, L., appointment, 38, 84, 772 Roeder, P. J., appointment, 654 degree, 395, 1276 Roeder, R. C, appointment, 38, 125, 355 degree, 383 fellowship, 411, 478 Roepke, H. G., appointment, 331, 508, 995 Roeschlein, R. C, degree, 622 Roesel, R. W., appointment, 771 Rogard's, purchase, 1125 Roge, P. E., degree, 1310 Rogeness, G. A., degree, 1321 fellowship, 700 Rogers, Charles A., fellowship, 518 degree, 1282 resignation, 1342 Rogers, Coleman A., degree, 149 Rogers, D., degree, 399 Rogers, D. P., appointment, 1139 Rogers, Karen C, degree, 1314 Rogers, L. F., degree, 599 Rogers, M. C, Jr., degree, 1072 Rogers, M. R., degree, 639, 1284 Rogers, P. E., appointment, 125, 733 Rogers, R. L., degree, 622 Rogers, R. W., appointment, 1104 member of Future Programs Study Commit- tee, appreciation, 353 Rogers, Ruth M., degree, 1275 Rogers, T. J., degree, 826 Rogers Chevrolet Co., purchase, 26 Rogers Park Woman's Club, gift, 310 Rogers Printing Co., purchase, 718 Rogge, Philippa W., degree, 616 Rogge, W. M., appointment, 125, 812 degree, 386 Rogier, Constance M., degree, 607 Rogier, T. G., degree, 634 Rogina, R. A., degree, 1072 Rogness, Barbara A. W., degree, 149 Rogosin, H. M., degree, 397 Rogoski, W. E., degree, 631 Rohatsch, Diane G., degree, 1298 Rohatsch, F. A., appointment, 696 degree, 613 Rohde & Schwarz Sales Co., Inc., purchase, 55 Rohmaller, P. L., fellowship, 518 Rohm & Haas Co., contract, change, 245 gift, 289, 297, 951, 958 Rohn Systems, Inc., purchase, 939 Rohrer, R. A., appointment, 751 leave of absence, 1234 Rohrs, L. J., resignation, 666 Rokus, J. W., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1229 Roldan Alvarez, R. H., degree, 389 Roley, P. L., fellowship, 1229 Rolfe, A. F., certificate, 236 Rolfe, S. T., resignation, 47 Rolland, P., appointment, 334, 998 Roller mill, Agricultural Engineering, gift, 304 Rollins, L. D., degree, 640 Rollins, R. L., member of advisory committee, 354 Rollins Burdick Hunter Co., purchase, 1039 Roloff, E. R., degree, 1072 Rolston, D. O., degree, 153 Romack, K. D., degree, 395 Romani, M. C, degree, 636 Romanyak, Joan C, degree, 626 Romashko, Sandra D., degree, 1304 Romberg, R. P., degree, 625 Romer, R. A., degree, 1079 Romig, Lois L., degree, 151 Romine, V. M., memorial, gift, 299 Romine Street, easement to Northern Illinois Water Corp., 686 property at 106 North, purchase, 348 property at 204 North, purchase, 157, 348 property at 206 North, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 703 authorization, 449 purchase, 703 property at 208 North, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 844 authorization, 481 purchase, 844 Springfield Avenue to Main Street, vacation, payment to city of Urbana, approved, 901 Rommel, A. C, degree, 638 Romsdahl, M. M., appointment, 83, 771 fellowship, 1020 Rone, J. W., appointment, 409 degree, 389 resignation, 479 Roney, R. J., degree, 618 Ronnow, Ii. K., degree, 616 resignation, 207 Roof deck, weatherproofing, contract, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 465 Research and Educational Hospitals, 465 UNIVERSITY C Roofing, appropriation, Ice Skating Eink, 13 balance reappropriated, 780 contract, Allerton House, 1193 Davenport Hall, 345 Evans Hall, 17 Ice Skating Rink, 431 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, 783 study, contract, 103 gift, 296 Room Service, Inc., purchase, 56 Room status system, Illini Union, purchase, 56 Roos, Frank J., Jr., appointment, 325 Roos, Frederick J., appointment, 72, 760 Roos, N., degree, 638 Roosa, W. B., appointment, 891, 1007 Roose, W. Q., degree, 397 Root, R. B., fellowship, 1229 Root T. W., degree, 1289 Ropp, R. E., degree, 1289 Rorah, J. E., degree, 1080 Rosauer, B. C, degree, 638 Rosby, H. T., degree, 1273 Roscetti. B. F., degree, 1080 Roschmann, R. P., Jr., degree, 1293 Rose, C. A., appointment, 125, 201 resignation, 898 Rose, E. E., degree, 838 Rose, E. L., degree, 880 Rose, J. E., Jr., degree, 1310 Rose, L. G., degree, 618 Rose, R. A., degree, 1321 fellowship, 258, 928 Rose, R. E., degree, 620 Rose, R. F., appointment, 84, 772 Roseman, D. L., degree, 645 Roseman, K. A., appointment, 338 Roseman, L. I., degree, 1298 Roseman, T. J., degree, 647 Roseman Tractor Equipment Co., purchase, 1254 Rosen, D. S., degree, 405 Rosen, Diane, degree, 1308 Rosen, Diane J., degree, 1077 Rosen, E. L,, certificate, 62 Rosen, Elaine G., degree, 832 Rosen, H. J., degree, 1306 Rosen, J. S., degree, 645 Rosen, Janice S., degree, 402 Rosen, L., degree, 1292 Rosen, Marilyn J., degree, 1306 Rosen, P. D., degree, 1304 Rosen, R. A., degree, 630 Rosen, Samuel, appointment, 328, 812 Rosen, Seymour, appointment, 76, 764, 1085 Rosen, Sidney, leave of absence, 523 Rosen, Sol, degree, 625 Rosen, Sharon L., degree, 1308 Rosenbach, Judith A., degree, 632 Rosenbaum, Allan S-, degree, 617 Rosenbaum, Arnold S., degree, 1072 Rosenbaum, F. J., degree, 601 Rosenbaum, R. L., appointment, 1329 Rosenberg, A. H., appointment, 71 Rosenberg, Annelie G., degree, 399, 1066 Rosenberg, D. L., appointment, 1241 Rosenberg, F. A., degree, 642, 1319 Rosenberg, H. C, degree, 1274 fellowship, 662 Rosenberg, j. R., degree, 878 Rosenberg, Karen W., degree, 637 Rosenberg, M. S., appointment, 69, 758 Rosenberg, R., appointment, 1085 Rosenberg, R. E., degree, 1322 Rosenberg, R. G., appointment, 765 Rosenberg, R. L., degree, 1274 fellowship, 662 Rosenberg, R. P., degree, 630 Rosenberg, S. H., certificate, 366 Rosenberger, G. L., certificate, 1101 Rosenblad, J. L., degree, 1278 Rosenbloom, C, fellowship, 737 termination, 1174 3F ILLINOIS 1537 Rosenblum, A. H., appointment, 68, 756 Rosenblum, M., appointment, 1170 Rosenblum, S. H., appointment, 68, 755 Rosenborg, R., painting, gift, 304 Rosendhal, J. D., degree, 613 Rosendale, V. M., degree, 1276 Rosene, G. L., fellowship, 258, 896 Rosenfeld, S., appointment, 125 Rosengren, Gretchen F., degree, 625 Rosengren, T. J., degree, 638 Rosenkrantz, S-, degree, 625 Rosenkrantz, W. A., degree, 602 Rosenkranz, W. K., appointment, 125 degree, 611 resignation, 666 Rosenston, A. M., degree, 397 Rosenthal, B., art work, gift, 966 Rosenthal, B. J., degree, 622 Rosenthal, D. I., degree, 155 Rosenthal, I. M., leave of absence, 428 Rosenthal, J. A., degree, 621 Rosenthal, M. M., appointment, 79, 766 Rosenthal, Mark R., degree, 1310 Rosenthal. Michael R., degree, 388 fellowship, 1229 Rosenthal, S. I., degree, 617 Rosenwald, A. K., appointment, 78, 766 Rostnwmkel, L. E., degree, 1312 Rosenzweig, M. N., degree, 1298 Rosenzweig, Sue B., degree, 1315 Rosetter Motor Co., purchase, 914 Rosing, W. G., degree, 1306 Roske, R. J., appointment, 332 Roskelley, R. C, appointment, 69, 757 Roski, G. L., degree, 621 Roslansky, J. D., resignation, 898 Rosman, M. D., degree, 630 Rosnagle, R. S., appointment, 76 Rosner, M. A., appointment, 73, 760 Ross, A., degree, 1298 Ross, A. H., appointment, 125, 508 Ross, Betsy, gift, 304 Ross, C. S., honorary degree, 460, 599 Ross, D., appointment, 74, 762 Ross, David A., degree, 1310 Ross, Donald A., appointment, 768 declination, 479 Ross, G. E., appointment, 508 Ross, H. L., appointment, 1219 degree, 843 Ross, J. C, degree, 1321 Ross, Jane T., degree, 1307 Ross, Johnnie A., degree, 606 fellowship, 411 Ross, Mrs. June R. P., appointment, 201, 924 Ross, M. J., degree, 1310 Ross, O. B., leave of absence, 978 resignation, 1142 Ross, R. C, appointment, 201, 812, 1329 Ross, R. H., degree, 1289 Ross, Shirley A., degree, 1308 Ross, Suzanne M., degree, 619 Ross, T. P., Jr., degree, 1071 Ross, Will, Inc., purchase, 864, 1122 Rosset, D. S., appointment, 71, 758 Rossetter Motor Co., purchase, 26, 597, 1015 Rossi, Harriett, appointment, 654 Rossi, S. E., degree, 1289 Ross Laboratories, gift, 309 Rossmann, P. I., appointment, 762 Rosswick, R. P., degree, 642 Rotary Club Women of Chicago, gift, 311, 972 Rotblat, N. D., degree, 1316, 1319 Rotchford, G. D., degree, 647 Roth, Adelheid M., degree, 1076 Roth, Cynthia M., appointment, 317 resignation, 898 Roth, H. A., resignation, 13S Roth, K. R., degree, 1290 fellowship, 1229 Roth, M., fellowship, 1337 Roth, Nancy L., degree, 1077 1538 BOARD OF Roth, R. J., certificate, 1101 Rothacker, Betty J., degree, 646 Rothbaum, M., appointment, 65 Rothchild, J. L., certificate, 1101 Rothenberg, E. D., appointment, 73, 760 Rothenberger, D. L., degree, 636 Rothman, H. H., degree, 1276 fellowship, 896 Rothman, N. J., appointment, 65, 333 resignation, 666 Rothman, Robert J., appointment, 25S, 762 Rothman, Ronald J., certificate, 62 Rothrock, R. W., Jr., degree, 1071 Rothschild, Barbara K., degree, 1075 Rothschild, Barbette J., degree, 638 Rothschild, J. M., degree, 621, 1281 Rothschild, L. F., & Co., bonds, Illinois Street Residence Halls, 218 Rothstein, Carol F., degree, 1298 Rothstein, S. M., degree, 1304 Rottman, K. P., degree, 642 Rottner, Marcy T., degree, 1308 Rottner, Nancy J., degree, 1308 Roudez, Judith M., degree, 149 Rouffa, A. S., appointment, 125, 1004 Roughead, W. G., Jr., degree, 1274 fellowship, 896 Rouk, D. J., fellowship, 737 Rourke, A. J. T., gift, 310 Roush, F. D., degree, 638 Roussin, R. W., degree, 1067 Routson, J. C, degree, 1267 Roux, F. G., Jr., degree, 1298 Roux, M. R., invemton, patent rights, release, 979 Rowan, J. P., certificate, 366 Rowand, Elisabeth S., degree, 630 Rowden, C, appointment, 999 Rowden, Leila R., degree, 836 Rowe, Barbara D., degree, 638 Rowe, H. C, degree, 839 Rowe, J. A., appointment, 696, 758 Rowe, J. W., Jr., degree, 142 Rowe, K. A., degree, 1270 Rowe, R. L,, appointment, declination, 135 Rowe, R. W., degree, 1298 Rowe, W. L., appointment, declination, 135 Rowen, K. H., degree, 153 Rowitz, Esther G., degree, 606 Rowitz, L., degree, 606 Rowlands, Mrs. Mary R., appointment, 924 resignation, 1088 Rowlands, R. E., degree, 1283 Rowley, E. A., degree, 836 Rowse, Jean, degree, 831 Roy, H. E. H., degree, 600 fellowship, cancellation, 701 Roy, J. A., appointment, 988 fellowship, 411 Roy, P., appointment, 125 Royachoti, G. R., degree, 828 Royal Metal Furniture Co., gift, 312 Royce, J. B., degree, 1278 Royer, R. R., degree, 636 Royer, S. D,, degree, 155 Royster, R. S., appointment, 1219 Rozinsky, J. P., certificate, 366 Rubbish removal, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Undergraduate Division, contract, 493 Rubel, L. A., appointment, 1111 Ruben, E. B., appointment, 83, 771 Ruben, Elizabeth F., appointment, 758 Rubenis, Mary E., appointment, 201 Rubens, S., certificate, 1101 Rubenstein, Mrs. Alicia S., appointment, 1085 Rubenstein, D., fellowship, 44 Rubenstein, J., degree, 1075 Rubenstein, R., degree, 1318 Rubin, Barbara A., degree, 1308 Rubin, D. L., degree, 1273 fellowship, 1229, 1337 Rubin, J. D., degree, 1292 Rubin, L., appointment, 67, 753 Rubin, S. B., degree, 1304 Rubin, S. R., degree, 634 Rubinstein, D., appointment, 891 degree, 1267 Rubinstein, Mrs. Virginia, resignation, 522 Rubio Bernal, J., degree, 1067 Ruble, J. G., degree, 842 Ruble, Judith A., degree, 1305 Rublein, G. T., degree, 876 Ruchalski, B. A., degree, 1311 Rucker, J. J., degree, 390 Rucker, W. E., appointment. 38, 696 Ruckrigel, R. J., degree, 639 Ruddell, R. L., degree, 1072 Rudder, G. L., degree, 1321 Ruddock, H., degree, 634 Ruder, B. E., appointment, 761 Ruderer, C. G., appointment, 654 degree, 620 Rudich, H., degree, 1304 Rudin, Cecilia M., leave of absence, 321 extension, 899 Rudio, J. L., degree, 1283 Rudman, T. I., degree, 1310 Rudman, M., degree, 154 Rudnick, S. A., degree, 642, 1319 Rudnit, Harriet R., degree, 1300 Rudolph, G. C, degree, 616 fellowship, 205 Rudolph, R. R., degree, 1291 Rudy, L,, appointment, 79, 766 Rueckert, W. H., leave of absence, 427 Ruehr, H. L., appointment, 79, 767 Ruelle, R., appointment, 1085, 1330 Ruess, A., resignation, 135 Ruf, W. R., degree, 1321 Rugge, G. B., degree, 1073 Ruggie, A. N., appointment, 69, 756 Rugs, purchase, Housing Division, Urbana. 56 Illini Union, Urbana, 718 Ruhl, J. R. E., certificate, 62 Ruhmann, D. C, degree, 1074 Ruina, J. P., leave of absence, 137 resignation, 701 Ruiz Audabram, P. M., degree, 144 Ruksza, Geraldine M., degree, 637 Ruminant nutrition, research, gift, 290 Rummel, M. L., appointment, 812, 1006 Rumsfield, J. L., certificate, 1101 Rund, J. V., Jr., degree, 1080 Rundquist, J. F., member of advisory committee, 5 Rundus, R. E., appointment, 38 Runge, E. C. A., appointment, 936 Runge, Marjorie E., degree, 1280 Runge, R. R., degree, 873 Runkel, P. J., leave of absence, 413, 425 resignation, 1342 Runyan, H. J., Jr., degree, 1273 Ruoss, Marjorie, appointment, 255, 317 Ruotsala, A. P., appointment, 327 Ruptey, L. A., degree, 878 fellowship, 518, 1337 Ruppeck, M. P., degree, 1081 Ruppel, R. W., appointment, 125, 999 Ruppert, T. R., degree, 404 Rurak, Carol A., degree, 1277 Rural electrification, research, gift, 294, 297, 956, 958, 960 Rural library development, study, contract, change, 21 Rurik, Eleanor, resignation, 666 Rus, L. L., degree, 1070 Rusch, R. G., degree, 1071 Rush, Charna J., degree, 1079 Rush, Marilyn A., degree, 1321 Ruskin, B., appointment, 76 termination, 479 Ruskin. S. B., degree, 645 Russ, D. R., appointment, 255 Russell, C. K., degree, 1267 Russell, D. H., degree, 621 UNIVERSITY 0 Russel'. G. A., appointment, 3, 441 Russell, H. B., appointment, 1005 Russell, J. K., appointment, 508, 812, 1170 1330 Russell, Karen J., degree, 1313 Russell, M. B., member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Russell, K. L., appointment, 1139 degree, 1279 Russell, R. N., degree, 610 fellowship, 44 Russian, budget, summer session, 336 department name, change, 936 teacher education curriculum, revisions, 908 Russian Language and Area Studies Center, funds, contract, 692 Russian Languages, department, established, 1187 Russman, B. A., appointment, 74, 761 Russo, A. J., appointment, 38, 201, 733 Russo, T. F., appointment, 1006 degree, 836 Rust, R. D., appointment, 654 Rutenschroer, H. E., Jr., degree, 1065 Rutgard, M. D., appointment, 72, 760 Ruth, R., degree, 397 Ruth, Robin C, fellowship, 662, 819, 1337 Rutherford, T. M., certificate, 62 Rutherford, Jeannette L., degree, 149 Rutherford, Melinda D., degree, 840 Rutiezer, H, A., degree, 630 Rutkowski, Lydia S., degree, 403 Rutledge, A. T., appointment, 125 Rutt, T. C, degree, 1067 Ruttenberg, R. S., certificate, 62 Rutter, D. E., certificate, 62 Rutter, \V. J., appointment, 125 Ruvinsky, Thelma B., degree, 402 Ruys, J. P., degree, 841 Ru2fvick, P. M., degree, 1310 Ruzicka, Marie R., degree, 400 Ryan, D. G., appointment, 477, 1139 declination, 522 Ryan, D. P., degree, 625 Ryan, H. F., degree, 1279 Ryan, K. F., degree. 387 Ryan, L. C, authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 Ryan, Lois A., degree, 1321 Ryan, P. C, degree, 1298 Ryan, R. P., fellowship, 662. 928 Ryan, Regina M., degree, 1308 Ryan, Sheila P., degree, 1274 fellowship, 662 Ryan, T. J., certificate, 1101 Ryan, W. G., appointment, 441 Kyckman, D. B., fellowship. 662. 928 Rydel, E. )., certificate, 1101 Ryder, \V. R., appointment, 201 degree, 831 Ryerson, J. T., & Son, purchase, 863, 1201 Ryerson fellowship, appointment, 478, 1219, 1220 Ryerson, S. J., degree, 836 Rypstat, W. B., degree, 635 Rzeszewski, T. S., degree, 1072 Saad, E. J., degree, 645 Saad, M. W., degree, 1072 Saadeh, I. Q., appointment, 201 Saam, W. F., appointment, 1330 fellowship, 1229 Saari, Elaine E., appointment, 355 Sabacky, M. J., degree. 608 fellowship, 518, 1229 Sabal. Patricia L., degree, 840 iabalaskey, J. E., degree, 149 saballus, R. J., degree, 839 jabbatical leaves of absence, list, 424, 1106 Sabel, C. L., appointment, 891, 1139 aaberman, H. D degree, 1304 $pDabes, E. M., degree, 636 'abet, T. Y., appointment. 74, 762 )F ILLINOIS 1539 Sabin, E. A., appointment, 84 Sabin, T. P., degree, 1312 Sabino, C. L., degree, 1311 Sable, A., appointment, 79, 767 Sachs, Arline R., degree, 630 Sachs, K. S., degree, 1077 Sachs, M. M., certificate, 62 Sachtschale, J. R., degree 1293 Sacir, F. H., degree, 151 Saciuk, B., degree, 1298 Sackett, D. L., fellowship, 132 Sackett's Furniture Store, purchase, 718, 1159, 1160, 1207 Sackheim, G. I., appointment, 340, 1006 resignation, 666 Sacks, L. J., appointment, 125, 201 Sacks, M., appointment, 77, 765 Sadler, H. I., degree, 401 Sadlon, Patricia L., degree, 644 Sadzewicz, J.T., degree, 620 Saeger, Kay E., fellowship, 44, 662 Saer, Mary E., degree, 639 Safanie, A. H., appointment, 812 degree, 212 Safarcyk, Nancy C, degree, 1290 Safety Education, See Health and Safety Education. Safety with high temperature water systems, study, gift, 953 Safford, E. L., degree, 874 Safiuddin, M., fellowship, 1229 Safran, Joan L., degree, 1275 Sagar, R. H., degree, 1064 Sagartz, J. W., degree 1315 Sagen, H, B., appointment, 924 resignation, 1233 Sager, Mrs. Harry, gift, 311 Sager, Sarah M., degree, 1308 Sagerman, E. W., degree, 155 Sagers, R. D., fellowship, 44, 663 Sagett, Marilyn J., degree, 1300 Sagi, Mrs. Ana M. M., appointment, 125, 812 Sah, C. T., appointment, 1330 leave of absence, 413 extension, 823 Sahara Coal Co., Inc., gift, 948 Sain. M. K., appointment, 125, 1330 fellowship, 44, 663, 1337 St. Clair, K. H., degree, 607 St. James, W. D., appointment, 812 St. John, W. E., degree, 836 St. Leger, J. B., degree, 611 St. Leger, T. R., Jr., certificate, 62 St. Louis Federal Land Bank, gift, 284, 946 St. Regis Paper Co.. gift, 958 Saji, G., degree. 1067 Sajovic, J. W., degree, 1313 Sakamoto, G., degree, 1065 Salama, A. A. E. A., degree, 212 Salamon, G. L., degree, 1079 Salaries, retroactive adjustments, policies and procedures, change, 106, 682 Salatino, Raffaele, degree, 1082 Salberg, S. R., appointment, 69, 756 Salem, M. T., degree, 389 Salerni, O. L., degree, 641 Salinger, R., appointment, 654 Salisbury, G. W., leave of absence, 424 member of Future programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Salley, J. R., degree, 828 Salm, Kristi M., degree, 634 Salmonson, R. F.. certificate, 366 Salomon, Lawrence, appointment, 317, 509, 924, 1139 Salomon, Luis, appointment, 78 Salone, Judith L., degree, 1308 Salt purchase, Housing Division, Urbana, 597 Ulini Union, Urbana, 597 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 597 Saltenberger, C. O., degree, 620 Salts, research, contract, 380 change, 1040, 1260 1540 BOARD OF Saltzman, S. \V., appointment, 924 Salvesen, B. M., degree, 1282 Sslzer, R. T., degree, 213 Salzman, C. W,, degree, 882 Samachson, J., appointment, 66, 753, 1139 Samal, B. A., appointment, 71, 758 Samara, E. A,, degree, 389 Samet, C. W., appointment, 81 Samet, D. L., degree, 1312 Samlin, Mary R., degree, 836 Samonds, K. W., degree, 1304 Sample, Jeanne B., degree, 1078 Sample, S. B., degree, 610 fellowship, 737 Sample changer converter, Pharmacology, purchase, 691 Sampson, C. A., degree, 1298 Sampson, J. A., appointment, 73, 760 Sampson, Joan M., leave of absence, 1089 Sampson, L. M., degree, 645 Sampson, W. L., degree, 618 Samuel, W. S., Jr., degree, 1281 fellowship, 663 Samuels, A. H., fellowship, 258 termination, 479 fellowship, 700 Samuels, M. W., certificate, 366 Samuels, R. B., fellowship, 44, 819 Samuelson, R. A., certificate, 366 Sanazaro, P. J., appointment, 266, 755 Sanborn Co., purchase, 373, 470, 716, 863, 939 Sanchez, Antonia, appointment, 317 Sanchez, J., appointment, 339 Sanchez Ramos, C, degree, 609 Sand, purchase, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 596 research, contract, 1260 Sand, D. S., degree, 388 Sandack, I. S., degree, 647 Sandage, C. H., leave of absence, 321 Sand and gravel pits, site development problems, study, contract, 719 Sandberg, C. E., degree, 1072 Sandberg, J. D., degree, 1321 Sandberg, Karen R., appointment, 201, 733 degree, 1316 Sande, G. R., degree, 143 Sandeen, J. A., degree, 881 Sanders, B. D., degree, 638 Sanders, C. D., degree, 1072 Sanders, C. W., resignation, 1088 Sanders, D. W., leave of absence, 426 Sanders, J. E., degree, 612 Sanders, Jacqueline B., certificate, 62 Sanders, P., fellowship, 928 Sanders, R. L., degree, 639 Sanders, T. G., fellowship, U72 Sanders, W. A., degree, 611 Sanders, W. J., appointment, 733 Sanderson, E. W., degree, 396 Sanderson, G. C, appointment. 1025 Sanderson, H. B., purchase, 590, 1258 Sanderson, Kathleen E., degree, 144 Sanderson, Leta M., degree, 149 Sanderson, T. R., appointment, 1170 Sanderson, W. C, degree, 1298 Sandford, Colleen M., degree, 386 Sandford, P. A., fellowship, 663, 896 Sandhu, H. S., degree, 622 Sandier, Ann M., degree, 1298 Sandier, R. A., degree, 152 Sandoval, Esperanza F., degree, 632 Sandoval, P. R., degree, 599 Sandow, L. W., degree, 839 Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., gift, 309, 970 Sandrolini, J. A., appointment, 83, 771 degree, 642 Sands, Carolyn M., degree, 1075 Sands, E. A., degree, 390 Sandstrom, N. F., degree, 399 Sandstrom, R. R., degree, 397 Sandwick, Linda J., degree, 404 Sandy, L. W., appointment, 1219 Sane, L. S., degree, 880 Saner, J. L., degree, 1072 Sanford, J. W., degree, 601 Sanford, P. F., degree, 841 Sanford, R. F., degree, 398 Sanford, R. J., degree, 625 Sanganvon Home Savings Association, lease 720 ' Sanghvi, I. S., appointment, 201, 812 Sangster, W., appointment, 1004, 1330 SanHamel, Jane M., appointment, 924 Sanitary sewers, construction, contract, Education and Commerce Buildings, 370 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 541 Orchard Place, 936 Sankaran, B., appointment, 255 Sanquist, Joyce A., degree, 1082 Santas, Constantine, degree, 138 Sante Fe Foundation, Inc., gift, 964 Santelices, V. B., appointment, 84, 772 Santogrossi, F. A., Jr., degree, 1310 Santow, L. J., degree, 1059 Sanwal, J. C, appointment, 125, 997 Sanzone, G. J., appointment, 891, 925 Saphir, W., appointment, 68, 755 Sapienza, A. R., appointment, 69, 756 Sapora, A. V., appointment, 1001 Sapp, D. H., degree, 1268 Sarachek, B., degree, 209 Sarafa, S. N., degree, 391 Sarafa, Z. N., degree, 211 Sarah, N., degree, 617 Saran wrap, gift, 303 Sard, R. D., appointment, 38 Sarewich, P. W., degree, 836 Sargeant, D. G., degree, 61S Sargent, E. H., & Co., purchase, 23, 54, 99 717, 784, 862, 863, 866, 912, 1037, 1256 Sargent, F., II, appointment, 38, 355, 756, 812 Sargent, H. W., leave of absence, 1108 Sargent & Lundy; engineering services, contract, air-conditioning study, 853 Chicago Circle heating plant addition, 1114 steam and electric distribution system, extension. 852 utilities distribution system extension, Illinois Street Residence Hall, addition, 19 power and steam for Urbana-Champaign campus, analysis of purchase versus generation. 1196 Sargent's Drug Stores, gift, 306 Sarginson, Rose A., degree, 842 Sarich, S., degree, 616 Sarikcioglu, C, degree. 1291 Sarkissian. J. L., appointment, 338, 812 resignation, 898 Sarlas, Sophie H., appointment, 125, 812, 1170 Sarma, P. S., degree, 828 Sarnat, H. B., degree, 630 fellowship, 700, 928 Sarner, H., appointment, 812 Sarnowski, L. A., degree, 1075 Sarrafpour, H., degree, 622 Sarsany, R. M., certificate, 366 Sarsfield, J. J., degree, 149 Sarsha, E. F., degree, 643 Sarsha, K. J., degree, 1311 Sarver, W. R., degree, 1310 Sasago, K., appointment, 125, 812 Sasaki, C. N., degree, 1293 Sasaki, Walker, & Associates, Inc., consulting services, contract, renewal, 97, 777 Saskill, R. K., appointment, 80, 768 Saslow, D. U, Co., Inc., purchase, 1256 Sasner, J. J., Jr., appointment, 477, 733 Sasson McKeown, A. M., degree, 610 Sassoon, H., appointment, 812 Sassoon, Mabel I., appointment, 125 resignation, 898 Sastri, A. V. K., degree, 827 Sathe, Toni L., degree, 638 UNIVERSITY 0 Sather, G. A., degree, 637 Satlow, R. D., degree, 1304 Sato, Tadashi, appointment, 125 Sato, Takeo, appointment, 126 Satoh, M., appointment, 1139 Satre, S. F., decree, 1298 Sattem, D. N., degree, 1321 Satterthwaite, C. B., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 452 Satti, J. A., degree, 622 Satz, L. A., appointment, 75, 763 Sauer, G. W., degree, 394 Sauer, Margaret E., degree, 149 Sauerbier, Madeline S., degree, 831 Sauerman, R. W., degree, 1321 Sauers, E. S-, appointment, 1330 degree, 1315 Saunders, G. F., fellowship, 132, 205, 663 Saunders, Josette N., degree, 138 Saunders, R. L., Jr., degree, 1062 Saunders, R. S., Jr., degree, 1298 Sauter, F. E., degree, 1079 Sava, F. R., degree, 640 Savage, Catherine B., degree, 1064 Savage, D. M., degree, 1292 Savage, Elinor, property at 408 South Goodwin Avenue, purchase, 348 property at 1118 West Illinois Street, purchase, 348 Savage, Elizabeth A., degree, 633 Savage, J. A., appointment, 126, 654 fellowship, 1172 leave of absence, 1234 Savage, L. D., Jr., appointment, 266 Savage, L. EL, degree, 609 Saville, B. G., appointment, 71, 758 Saving behavior of consumer, research, contract, 104 gift, 293 Savitt, A. E., appointment, 317, 759 Savitt, L., appointment, 75, 762 Savory, P. B., appointment, 1139 Savoy Lumber & Materials Co., purchase, 1209 Savvas, M., degree, 1075 Saw, Physiology, purchase, 281 Sawtell, W. B., certificate, 366 degree, 150 Sawyer, J. A., fellowship, 518 Sawyer, R. K-, degree, 827 Sawyer, W. W., degree, 1072 Saxinger, W. C, degree, 400 fellowship, 411, 819 Saxton, J. H., certificate, 748 Saylor, J. L., degree, 1321 Sayre, R. F., fellowship, 411 leave of absence, 523, 1343 Sbalchiero, G. J., degree, 643 Sbarbaro, J. A., appointment, 759 Sberna, Mrs. C. C, gift, 311 Scadron, R. B., degree, 403 Scafidi, C. J., degree. 401, 1283 Scaggs, R. T., degree, 1291 Scala, R. A., appointment, 69, 757 Sealer-timers, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 58 Scalzitti, P. D., appointment, 73, 761 Scamman, W. W., appointment, termination, 135 Scanlan, V. E., degree, 1289 Scanning and measuring projectors, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 1039 Scanning system, Food Science, purchase, 279 Scapino, R. P., degree, 641 fellowship, 896 Scaramella, L. F., appointment, 76, 763 Scarce, R. J., degree, 149 Scardino, A. M., appointment, 71 Scarlatis, N. G., degree, 404 Scarnavack, A. M., degree, 154 Scavnicky, G. E. A., degree, 1063 Scavone, D., appointment, 812 Schaaff, Doris M., degree, 1321 fellowship, 819, 928 bchaar, S. H., degree, 1275 IF ILLINOIS 1541 Schaar Scientific Co., purchase, 54, 163, 784, 862, 1253 Schabacker, G. W., degree, 1321 Schabow, Margaret E., certificate, 748 Schachner, M. J., degree, 1075 Schacht, F. W., appointment, 84, 772 Schacht, J. H., appointment, 996 Schacht, R. E., degree, 616 Schacht, Mrs. Sylvia N. appointment, 255, Schachter, J. J., gift, 311 Schachter, L. J., degree, 1310 Schad, Carol j., resignation, 1233 Schade, Merrily A., degree, 1290 Schaefer, Claire J., degree, 217 Schaefer, Donald L., degree, 836 Schaefer. Douglas L., degree, 1274 fellowship, 518 Schaefer, Lynn L., degree, 619 Schaefer, M. W., degree, 645 Schaefer, Margie, degree, 138 Schaefer, W. P., degree, 1298 Schaeffer, D. G., degree, 621 Schaeffer, F. R., degree, 1080 Schaejbe, F. W., fellowship, 1229 Schaer, L. R.. degree, 647 Schafer, Dorothea, appointment, declination, 822 Schafer, E. D., appointment, 1330 Schafer, Norma J., degree, 631 Schafer, R. H,, degree, 1292 Schafer, \V. J., degree, 640 Schaffenacker, Judith A., degree, 842 Schaffer, A. H., degree, 1075 Schaffhauser, A. C, degree, 840 Schaffner, Harry M., degree, 1298 Schaffner, Herbert M., certificate, 62 Schairer, E. E., degree, 1289 Schakel, W. A., degree, 1318 Schalk, Carole M., degree, 625 Schalk, E. J., degree, 1311 Schall, S. M., appointment, 74, 761 Schal I hammer, W. L., degree, 621 Schamberg, Mr. and Mrs. M. G., gift, 967 Schaner, K. I., certificate, 748 degree, 402 Schapanski, T. G., degree, 630 Scharbert, R. D., degree, 1082 Scharf, Marianne J., degree, 628 Scharlach. D. R., degree, 397 Schaser, J. R., degree, 1322 Schatz, H., fellowship, 319, 819, 928 Schauble, T. H., appointment, 654 degree, 874 Schauer, R. F., degree, 636 Schaufelberger, G. L., degree, 618 Schaumburg, S. J., degree, 841 Schechter, Carol L., degree, 1075 Schechter, H. O., degree, 1321 fellowship, 928 Schechter, Kay K., degree, 1321 Schechter, L. M., degree, 638 Scheck, D. E., appointment, 331 Schecter, Barbara R., degree, 1308 Scheer, C. E., degree, 839 Scheidegger, A. E., appointment, 201 Scheidel. T. M., appointment, 534 Scheidenhelm, Mary S., degree, 1305 Scheinman, M., appointment, 266 Scheirman, Karen S., degree, 1075 Schelling, G. T., degree, 618, 1276 Schelling, Margaret E., degree, 1305 Schemensky, R. T., degree, 620 Schenck, Sandra L., degree, 138 Schenk, Betty G-, degree, 1307 Schenk, C. J., degree, 608 Schenk, H., degree, 397 Schenk, M. T., certificate, 1101 Schenk Ramirez, K. F., degree, 1072 Schennum, Carol A., degree, 1298 Scherer, C. W., degree, 1289 Scherer, J. A., degree, 1066 Scherer, Mary F., degree, 1308 1542 BOARD OF r Scheribel, K. J., appointment, 74, 761 Scheriger, J. M., degree, 634 Schering Corp., gift, 309, 970 Scheurich, Venice A., fellowship, 1337 Schewitz, L. J., appointment, 73, 760 Scheyer, F. D., appointment, 38, 126, 655 declination, 135 Schiamberg, L. B,, degree, 1298 Schiappa, F. B., appointment, 655, 772 Schick, A. F., appointment, 68, 755 Schick, Barbara A., degree, 156 Schick, Mrs. C. Dennis, gift, 963 Schick, G. A., appointment, 655 Schield, M. A., appointment, 1330 degree, 1282 Schield, Sandra E., appointment, 1219 degree, 1280 fellowship, 518 Schier, R., appointment, 812 Schierholtz, Sue A., degree, 619 Schierhorn, F. W., degree, 1292 Schiff, M. L., degree, 621 Schiff, S. K., appointment, 767 Schiffer, Gail E., degree, 1310 Schild, H. L., degree, 397 Schild, Joyce A., appointment, 76, 763 Schilke, R. E., degree, 630 Schill, R. J., degree, 617 Schill, W. J., appointment, 38, 328, 733 Schiller, A., appointment, 812 Schiller, A. G., appointment, 812 Schiller, H. I., appointment, 534 Schiller, J. W., appointment, 891 Schiller, W. A., degree, 1312 Schimanek International, Inc., purchase, 244 Schimbor, R. F., fellowship, 663 Schindler, J. W., degree, 1072 Schingoethe, D. J., degree, 1289 Schinker, D. J., degree, 1310 Schinker, L. H., degree, 1079 Schisler, H. E., degree, 1073 Schizophrenia, research, gift, 309, 970 Schlade, T. M., certificate, 748 degree, 635 Schlaefli, A. P., degree, 396 Schlaeger, Margaret C, degree, 1269 Schlaf, R., fellowship, 928 Schlafer, J. L., degree, 395 Schleder, D. W., degree, 1315 Schlegman, Donna M., degree, 1313 Schleicher, Jane E., appointment, 334, 999 Schlemmer, D. R.( degree, 1306 Schlenker, J., Jr., degree, 149 Schlesinger, C. V., fellowship, 411 Schlichting, Marie L., degree, 632 Schloesser, E., appointment, 1139 Schlorff, K. J., degree, 402 Schloss, B. P., appointment, 812 Schlosser, R. E., appointment, 988 declination, 1233 leave of absence, 1143 Schlueter, M. A., degree, 622 Schlueter, Rita L., degree, 619 Schlueter, Sylvia J., degree, 616 Schmadebeck, W. H., degree, 1081 Schmale, J. D., degree, 645 Schmenk, T. R.. degree, 638 Schmerold, W. L., appointment, 67, 754 Schmid, D. R., degree, 395 Schmid, F., Associates, food service consultants, Illini Union, Medical Center, 347 Urbana, 853 residence halls, Medical Center, 347 Schmidt, A. H., degree, 388 Schmidt, Ann J. S., degree, 151 Schmidt, Carol M., degree, 1305 Schmidt, E. J., certificate, 1101 Schmidt, J. $pD>., appointment, 83 Schmidt, J. H., degree, 620 Schmidt, J. L., appointment, 84, 772 Schmidt, M. O., appointment, 327 Schmidt, P. H., degree, 836 Schmidt, P. J., appointment, 509, 891 Schmidt, Patricia K., degree, 842 Schmidt, R. H., degree, 635 Schmidt, R. M., degree, 645 Schmidt, R. P., certificate, 366 degree, 640 Schmidt, R. R., degree, 394 Schmidtke, W. H., appointment, 83, 771 Schmieder, F. J., degree, 635 Schmisseur, W. E., degree, 1289 Schmitt, D. L., degree, 1304 Schmitt, Elaine H., degree, 616 Schmitt, H. C, leave of absence, 668 Schmitt, J. J., degree, 836 Schmitt, R. E., appointment, 1139 degree, 1070 Schmitz, Carolyn A., appointment, 317 Schmitz, K. C, degree, 1079 SchmiU, R. A., appointment, 65, 326, 1330 fellowship, 1172 declination, 1233 Schmitz, R. F., appointment, 812 degree, 643 Schneider, A. J., appointment, 339, 1005 Schneider, Ann L., degree. 1301 Schneider, Barbara J., fellowship, 518 Schneider, Carole W., degree, 1079 Schneider, J. M., appointment, 126, 1170 degree, 1269 Schneider, L., status, change, 935 Schneider, Linda D., degree, 1298 Schneidermeyer, M. J., degree, 639 Schnell, Judy M., degree, 831 Schnelle, R. E., degree. 836 Schnobrich, W. C, appointment, 126, 327 resignation, 666 Schnurrenberger, P. R., appointment, 1025 Schob, Barbara 1., degree, 616 Schob. P. F.., degree, 881 Schoen, F. I., degree, 1063 Si'hoenbeck, F. C. fellowship. 1229 Schoenbeck, Ruth C, degree, 637 Schoenberger, J. A., appointment, 68, 755 Schoenberger, M., degree. 389 Schoenburg, F. E., certificate, 906 Schoenholz, W. K., appointment, 1241 Schoen-Rene, O. E., appointment, 1241 Scholar, E. M., fellowship, 258, 928 Scholarly publications, funds, gift, 293 Scholarships, gift, Aerojet-General Corp., 945 Alcoa Foundation, 283, 945 Allerton, R., 284, 945 Allstate Foundation, 284, 945 Alpha Delta Phi, 947 Alumni Association, 945 American Air Filter Co., Inc., Herman Nelson Division, 284 American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education, 305, 967 American Society for Metals Foundation for Education and Research, 284, 945 Archer-Daniels-Midland Foundation, 284 Armstrong Cork Co., 284, 945 Avalon Foundation, 305 Barber-Colman Co., 945 Barber-Colman Foundation, 284 Bay State Abrasive Products Co., 284, 945 Beem, lone F., Estate. 372, 967 lierkelhamcr, Bertha. 305 California Co., 284, 946 Campus Chest, 284, 946 Ceco Steel Products Corp., 284 Chemstrand Co., 946 Monsanto Chemical Co., 284 Chicago Farmers, 946 Chicago Junior Women's Advertising Club. 947 Chicago Retail Druggists' Association, 967 Chicago Retail Druggists' Association Women's Organization, 306, 967 Cole, W. H., Society, 305, 967 UNIVERSITY 0 Scholarships, cont'd Columbian Enameling & Stamping Co., Inc., 946 Companion Shepherd Dog Club, 946 Consolidation Coal Co., 284, 946 Continental Grain Foundation, 284 Corn Products Co., 284, 946 Crossley Associates, Inc., 946 Dads Association, 284, 946 Deuss, E., 284 Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 284, 946 Dow Chemical Co., 284, 946 Drakenfeld, B. F., & Co., 284 Duncan, R. F., 284 Ehrlich Donnan Foundation, 284 Emhart Manufacturing Co., 284 Federal Land Bank Associations in Illinois, 284, 946 Federal Land Bank of St. Louis, 284, 946 Ferro Corp., 284, 946 First Federal Savings & Loan Association, 946 Ford Hopkins Drug Co., 305 Foundry Educational Foundation, 284, 312, 946, 974 Galesburg Builders Supply, 284, 946 Gannett, F. E., Newspaper Foundation, Inc., 946 Gazzolo Drug & Chemical Co., 967 General Motors Corp., 284, 946 Globe-Union Foundation, 284 Goldenrod Ice Cream Co., 305, 967 Green, A. P., Fire Brick Co., 284 Harbison-Walker Charitable Furtd, Inc., 284, 946 Harrington, J., Jr., 946 Harris Trust & Savings Bank, 946 Howard, C. P., Estate, 5, 285 Humiston-Keeling & Co., 305, 967 Illinois Association of Insurance Agents, 285, 946 Illinois Clay Manufacturers' Association, 285 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, 285, 947 Illinois Farm Supply Co., 947 Illinois Federal Land Bank Associations, 284, 946 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 285, 305, 947 Illinois Health Improvement Association, 947 Illinois Mining Institute, 285, 947 Illinois Occupational Therapy Association, 285 Illinois Production Credit Association, 947 Illinois State Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, 285, 947 Indiana Limestone Institute, 285 Industrial Minerals of Canada Limited, 947 Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicago, 285, 947 Kennecott Copper Corp., 285, 947 Koch, Mrs. Eugene, 285 Kroger Co., 285, 947 Lag Drug Co., 305, 967 Lane, J. M., 285 Magnavox Co,, 285, 947 Mallory, P. R., Co., Inc., 285, 947 McKesson & Robbins, Inc., 967 Medical Center Women's Auxiliary, 306, 967 Medicine Class of 1963, 967 Men's Residence Halls Association, 285, 947 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., 285, 947 Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Co., 285, 947 )F ILLINOIS 1543 Scholarships, cont'd Monsanto Chemical Co., Chemstrand Co., 284 Moorman Manufacturing Co., 285, 947 Mothers Association, 285, 947 Motorola, Inc., 285, 947 National Association of Home Builders, 285. 947 National Merit Scholarship Corp., 285, 947 National Secretaries Association, 285, 947 Nonacademic Employees Council, 286 Old Ben Coal Co., 286, 947 Olkon, D. M., Estate, 305 Osco Drug Co., Inc., 305, 967 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., 286, 947 Owens-Illinois Glass Co., 286, 948 Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corp., 286, 948 Perine Development Corp., 286 Phelps, Helen K., Estate, 286, 948 Photo Service, Inc., 305, 967 Physical Education for Women Alumnae Association, 286 Pi Kappa Lambda, 948 Presser Foundation, 286, 948 Procon, Inc., 948 Production Credit Association, 286 Railsback, O. L., 312 Ralston Purina Co., 286, 948 Research and Engineering Professional Employees Association, 948 Sahara Coal Co., 948 St. Louis Federal Land Bank, 284, 946 Sargent's Drug Stores, 306 Scully-Jones & Co., 948 Scully-Jones Foundation, 286 Sears-Roebuck Foundation, 286, 948 Sloan, A. P., Foundation, 286, 948 Smith, A. O., Foundation, Inc., 286, 948 Solomon, J. D., Memorial Foundation, 967 Square D Co., 948 Standard Oil Co. of California, 948 State Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, 285 Stauffer Chemical Co., 948 Victor Chemical Works, 286 Stineway Drug Co., 306 Stratton, P., 967 Student Organizations Executive Board, 286 Tee Pak Foundation, 948 Texaco, Inc., 286, 948 Thomas, J. M., 306,967 Trane Co., 286 Union Carbide Educational Fund, 286, 948 United States Rubber Co. Foundation, 286 Universal Oil Products Co., 286, 948 University of Illinois Student Organizations, 948 various donors, Journalism and Commun- cations, 948 Victor Chemical Works, Stauffer Chemical Co., 286 Walgreen Benefit Fund, 967 Western Electric Co., 286 Western Electric Fund, 948 Westinghouse Electric Corp., 286 Wilhelm, R. E., 967 Witt-Armstrong Equipment Co., 286, 948 Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center, 306, 967 Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, 286, 948 Scholfield, J. F., degree, 836 Scholly, G. S., appointment, 71, 758 Scholomiti, N. C, appointment, 733 leave of absence, 459, 1234, 1243 cancellation, 1234 Scholten, M. G., degree, 1072 Schon, G. L., appointment, 355 Schonemann, P. H. degree, 1271 Schonfeld, Marjory R-. degree, 1075 1544 BOARD i Schonlau F. W., degree, 1079 Schoof, J. L. degree, 1082 Schooley, Catherine E. B., degree, 393 Schooley, Frank E., present at meeting, 44 Schooley, Frederick E, degree, 1082 Schooley, Jane E,, degree, 1301 Schoolman, H., appointment, 69, 756 School Mathematics Committee, contract, photographic laboratory service, 593 purchase, cameras, 279 composing machine, 593 motion picture equipment, 350, 691 offset duplicating machine, 376 television equipment, 350 quarters, remodeling, 369 Schopp, T. J., certificate, 850 Schoppet, F. L., certificate, 456 Schorfheide, Carolyn E., degree, 1300 Schorn, R. A., degree, 383 resignation, 135 Schotanus, Helen M., degree, 633 Schott, Anne M., degree, 836 Schour, I., leave of absence, 1174 Schrader, C. W., degree, 836 Schrader, L.. E., fellowship, 518 Schrader, R., appointment, 534 declination, 930 Schrag, Anja K., degree, 1286 Schrage, S., appointment, 1006 Schramm, A. R., appointment, 925 Schramm, W., book, printing, 436 Schrank, G. E., degree, 1311 Schrank, H. P., Jr., degree, 830 Schreiber, P. W., degree, 1289 Schreiber, Nancy J., degree, 616 Schreibman, M., appointment, 338, 1004 Schriber, Pauline P., degree, 616 Schrieffer, J, R., resignation, 47 Schroder, K. S., degree, 829 Schrodt, M. J., degree, 645 Schroeder, D. E., degree, 618 Schroeder, G. G., degree, 1079 Schroeder, Mrs. Ida M., gift, 312 Schroeder, Linda J., degree, 633 Schroeder, P. W., appointment, 266, 995 Schroeder, R. E., degree, 402 Schroeder, R. W., degree, 1077 Schroeder, W. F., degree, 1283 fellowship, 44, 518, 700 Schroer, D. E., appointment, 201, 812, 997, 1330 Schrof, Carolyn K., degree, 1290 Schrotberger, D. D., degree, 1312 Schrotberger, R. D., degree, 1291 Schrote, Barbara I., degree, 216 Schrumpf, D. L., degree, 1310 Schubert, C. J., degree, 1292 Schubert, J., degree, 635 Schubert, K. E., degree, 1290 Schubert, L. T., degree, 1304 Schubert, S. R., degree, 602 Schubert, T. B., degree, 1298 Schudel, J. L., degree, 1066 Schueler, D. R., certificate, 366 Schueler, H. G., degree, 1311 Schuemann, W. C, appointment, 317 degree, 152 invention, patent rights, release to Founda tion, 261 Schuessler, R. R., appointment, 71, 758 Schuetz, P. F., degree, 1068 Schuetz, W. H., degree, 1272 Schuffler, M. D., fellowship, 700, 928 Schuh, M. K., degree, 618 Schuhmann, F., degree, 397 Schuhmann, Martha, degree, 826 Schuhr, Lorna J., degree, 399 Schulman, Adrienne K., degree, 1305 Schulte, H. F., appointment, 812 resignation, 702 Schulte, Karol L., degree, 1285 Schulte, R. H., degree, 826 fellowship, 700 DF TRUSTEES Schultenover, B. L., degree, 139 Schultz, D. G., degree, 1322 Schultz, D. H., degree, 1321 16 SchuRz, G. E., degree, 635 Schultz, J. E., appointment, 126 degree, 874 Schultz, J. R., degree, 1304 Schultz, K. S., degree, 1072 Schultz, L. J., degree, 397 Schultz, L. W., appointment, 81, 769 Schultz, Mary I., degree, 1308 Schultz, P. F., degree, 1067 Schultz, R. C, appointment, 83, 771 Schultz, R. L., degree, 838 Schultz, Susan G., degree, 627 Schultz, Suzette M., degree, 633 Schultz, T. K., degree, 1321 Schultz, W. H., degree, 1081 Schultz, W. P., degree, 400 Schulz, A. R., appointment, 38 Schulz, Jeanette, appointment, 851 Schulz, Joan E., degree, 601 Schulze, E. E., Jr., degree, 829 Schulze, R. F., degree, 639 Schulze, V. E., Jr., degree, 397 Schumacher, Barbara A., degree, 619 Schumacher, G., appointment, 317 resignation, 822 Schumacher, W. J., degree, 639 Schumann, R. F., degree, 403 Schunk, J. F., degree, 1298 Schurter, R. M., degree, 1293 Schuster, J. L,., degree, 622 Schusterman, L., degree, 1064 Schuttler, W. L., degree, 1289 Schutz, R. M., degree, 1310 Schuyler, N. R., appointment, 891, 977 Schwab, A. M., degree, 1075 Schwab, Anne L., degree, 1078 Schwada, P. L., degree, 1268 Schwaegel, J. R., degree, 1314 Schwalbe, Pauline S., appointment, 126, 995 Schwandt, C. W., degree, 1292 Schwanebeck, L. C., degree, 1071 Schwartz, A. B., degree, 1073 Schwartz, B. S., degree, 1304 Schwartz, D. D., appointment, 80, 768 Schwartz, D. L., degree, 1079 Schwartz, D. Y., certificate, 62 Schwartz, G. J., certificate, 1101 degree, 402 Schwartz, H., fellowship, 1337 Schwartz, Hilda A., degree, 608 Schwartz, Hope K., degree, 1082 Schwartz, J,, degree, 874 Schwartz, T. H., degree, 625 Schwartz, L., appointment, 84, 772 Schwartz, M., member of advisory committee, 680 Schwartz, P. M., fellowship, 1229 Schwartz, R. B., fellowship, 518 Schwartz, R. I., certificate, 1101 Schwartz, R. M., degree, 634 Schwartz, S. A., certificate, 1101 Schwartz, Sandra B., degree, 633 Schwartz, Sharon S., degree, 1308 Schwartz, Susan S., appointment, 925, 1219 degree, 388 Schwartz, T. B., appointment, 67, 754 Schwartz, W. A. J., certificate, 1101 Schwarz, E., appointment, 1139 Schwarz, G. R., member of Citizens Committee, 485 Schwarz, M., appointment, 79, 767 Schwarz, W. P., degree, 1310 Schwarz, W. R., appointment, 3 Schwarzlose, P. F., appointment, 329, 992 declination, 413 Schweitzer, A. W., appointment, 76, 764 Schweitzer, F. J., degree, 635 Schweitzer, R., appointment, 478 Schweizer, W. C, degree, 636 Schwiesow, W. H., degree, 635 UNIVERSITY Science and Engineering Laboratories, name given to Chicago Circle engineering and science laboratories, 1265 ourchase, lecterns, 1254 lockers, 1255 Science concept development in elementary schools, study;, contract, 104 Science of materials, research, contract, 103 change, 869 Sciences and letters curriculum, majors and minors, revision, 368 Scientific apparatus, Physical Science, purchase, 861 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc., purchase, 1123 Scientific equipment, funds, gift, 302, 964 Scientific Glass Apparatus, purchase, 53 Scientific Products Division, American Hospital Supply Corp., purchase, 23, 349 572, 375, 436, 1156, 1157 Scientific Prototype Manufacturing Co., purchase, 782 Scintillators, purchase, Medicine, 863 Physics, Urbana, 865 Sclafini, Patricia A., fellowship, 205 SCM Corp., purchase, 940, 1205 Scoggin, Marilu, degree, 646 Scoggins, J. L., appointment, 126, 409 degree, 385 Scoles, E. F., appointment, 332 leave of absence, 1108, 1343 Scoring service, Educational Testing Office, contract, 716 Scortino, F. J., degree, 1080 Scott. A. L., leave of absence, 427 Scott, A. N., appointment, 1019 degree, 141, 1268 fellowship, 663 Scott, C. R., degree, 1079 Scott, D. II., degree, 1282 Scott, Dianna M., degree, 1301 Scott, E. J., appointment, 317 Scott. T. D., gift, 972 Scott, j. W., leave of absence, 427 Scott, L. D., appointment, 769 Srott, P. J., certificate, 62 Scott, R. A., degree, 1060 Scott, Richard E., degree, 636 Scott, Robert E., book printing, 1206 leave of absence, 480 Scott, R. L., degree, 1298 Scott, R. N., certificate, 62 Scott, S., degree, 622 Scott, T. G., appointment, 266 Scott, Walter A., appointment, 327 Scott, William A., Ill, degree, 153 Scott, W. E., degree, 1322 Scott, Mrs. Winifred P., appointment, 409, 1019 Scott Aviation Corp., purchase, 1126 Scotton, D. W., appointment, 333, 478, 997 resignation, 522 Scoville, R. L., degree, 405 Scranton, Margaret J., resignation, 47 Screen, T. R., degree, 398 Screen house, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, gift. 303 Scribner, Susan L., degree, 631 Scruggs, W., appointment, 925 Scruggs-Drake Equipment, Inc., purchase, 191, 377 Scuderi, C. S., appointment, 74, 762 Scullion, P. J., certificate, 366 Scully-Jones & Co., gift, 948 Scully-Jones Foundation, gift, 286 Sculpture, gift, Greene, W. B., 305 Sculpturing classes, welding system, appro- priation, 369 Scupham, W. K., appointment, 71, 758 Scygiel, T. F., degree, 621 Seaberg, C.T., Jr., degree, 1292 Seabright. Mrs. Frances K., appointment, 340, 655, 1006 OF ILLINOIS 1545 Seacord, A. W., II, degree, 1072 Seager, B. C, degree, 145 Seal coats and surface treatment of highways, research, contract, change, 193, 792 bealy, A. P. E., appointment, 126 Sealy Mattress Co., purchase, 719 Seaman, F. R., degree, 1285 Searcy, H. L., degree, 876 resignation, 47 Sear], J. E., degree, 630 Searle, G. D., & Co., gift, 309, 970 Searle, R., degree, 874 Searles, P. W., appointment, 84, 772 Searles, R. W., degree, 138 Sears, Helen W., appointment, 339, 733, 1006 Sears, W. D., degree, 1070 Sears-Roebuck & Co., purchase, 25 Sears-Roebuck Foundation, gift, 286, 948 Seaton, S., appointment, 925 Seaton, W. D., fellowship, 1337 Seavall, E. N., degree, 642 Seavey, J. A., degree, 839 Seavey, Merrybeth R., degree, 1311 Sebastian, L. G., degree, 155 Sebastian, R. F., degree, 636 Seta-ing, G. M., degree, 1075 Sechrest, J. D., degree, 836 Secondary and Continuing Education, budget, summer session, 1001 chairman of department, appointment, 181 department, established, 181 Secondary schools, counseling and guidance training for personnel, contract, 586 programs for gifted children, development, contract, 498 social science courses, study, contract, 867 Secretary of Board, contracts for Assembly Hall events, authority to execute, 430 election, 420, 1096 reports, 29, 108, 195, 251, 313, 354, 405, 439, 476, 505, 648, 695, 727, 799, 882, 920, 975, 1018, 1082, 1134, 1168, 1216, 1322 signature, delegation, 422, 1097 amendment, 647 Secter, I., appointment, 317, 409, 442 Sectionalized houses, research, gift, 957 Security Abstract & Title Co., lease, 790 Security Medicine Co., purchase, 277 Security Office, purchase, identification cards, 494 Seday, Ann J., fellowship, 896 Sedgwick, Marcia M., degree, 616 Sediments, study, gift, 290 Sedjo, Janet C, degree, 1298 Sedjo, 'R. A., degree, 825 Seed, L., appointment, 81, 769 Seeds and seedlings of zea mays, effect of x-ray irradiation, research, contract, change. 105, 721, 1016 Seefeldt. Pauline L., degree, 619 Seegren. Sue C, degree, 1298 Seely, F. B., Award, funds, gift, 287, 949 Seely, Lyndra M., degree, 633 Seely, O., degree, 608 fellowship, 132, 205, 896 Seely. Susan A., degree, 630 Sefansky, Sandra, degree, 155 Segenreich, H. M., appointment, 80, 767 Segovia, J. L. D., resignation, 740 Segre, D., appointment, 478 Seib, K. L., degree, 880 Seiber, D. R., degree, 398 Seibert, G., painting, gift, 966 Seif R. D., leave of absence, 1106 Seikku, A. R. O., fellowship, 896 Seiler, J. L., certificate, 748 degree, 634 Seller, W. M., degree, 1072 SeUheimer, R. A., appointment, 201, 8S>1-Seils, Dorothy M., degree, 1300 Sein, K., degree, 1067 1546 BOARD OF Seinfeld, Men, fellowship, 1229 Seismic research, contract, 21 gift, 291 Seltman, J. M., degree, 1310 Seiton, Elsa L. C, degree, 1317 Seitz, F., appointment, 126, 813, 931, 934 Selander, R. B., appointment, 255 leave of absence, 1189 Selby, Sue A., degree, 1310 Selicovitz, J. B., degree, 634 Selig, D. B., certificate, 1101 degree, 634 Seline, Helen, fellowship, 319, 1020 Sell, M. G., Jr., fellowship, 663, 1229 Sellers, J. K., degree, 836 Sellers, P. F. J., certificate, 748 Sellett, T., appointment, 82, 770 Seltz, W. E., degree, 1278 Seltzer, L. F., degree, 1272 Seltzer, Natalie R-, leave of absence, 1110 Semantic and syntactic properties of systems of logic, study, contract, 282 Semetulskis, J. F., degree, 1322 Semiconductors, research, contract, 1040 change, 498, 869 Semi-Elements, Inc., purchase, 785, 788 Seminerio, A. J., degree, 156 Semmlow, J. L., Jr., degree, 1292 Sen, A. K., appointment, 126 Sen, D. K., degree, 612 Senates, Student, officers, guests of Board, 931 invitation to April meeting, 414 University, amendment of University Statutes, 577 conference of General Policy Committee and Senate representatives, 920 referred to General Policy Committee, 578 report of General Policy Committee, 1166, 1178 request for further consultation, 1244 Senescu, G. J., certificate, 1101 Senger, L. L., degree, 1310 Senicka, Elizabeth F., degree, 1063 Senkus, Gloria J., degree, 626 Sennello, L. T., fellowship, 411, 700 Seno, W. M., degree, 398 Sensabaugh, R. G., fellowship, 663 Sered, H., appointment, 72, 759 Seri, A., degree, 1068 Serlin, J. E., certificate, 748 Sermonte, W. M., appointment, 76, 763 Serum cholesterol levels, study, gift, 291 Serven, Caroline S., degree, 400 Service fee, Urbana-Champaign, revision, 369 Seshu, Mrs. Lily H., appointment, 813 Seshu, S., appointment, 1111 Seskind, C. R., appointment, 759 Sessions, W. L., degree, 640 Sestak, E., degree, 397, 1065 Sestak, M. E., degree, 1271 Sestieri, Valeria, fellowship, 1229 Setchell, Patricia R., degree, 402 Seth, S. K., appointment, 813, 891 Setlak, F. R., degree, 1293 Settees, Medical Center, purchase, 940 Setterstrom, C. A., degree, 645 Seubert, B., appointment, 126 resignation, 135 Sevastikoglou, J. A., appointment, 255 Severson, R. F., Jr., degree, 875 Seward, M., degree, 1310 Sewer lines, Chicago Circle, easement, 795 Sewers, sanitary, contract, Commerce Building, 370 Education Building, 370 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 541 Orchard Place, 936 storm, appropriation, improvements, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 contract, Civil Engineering Building, 1113 Education Building, 541 Sewers, cont'd Illinois Street Residence Halls, 541 easement, Stoughton Street, 1300 block West, 346 Sexton, D. L., degree, 1286 Sexton, H. O., appointment, 334, 733, 998 gift, 301 Seyfarth, F., appointment, 509 Seyler, R. E., degree, 1293 Seymour, D. G., appointment, 84, 772 resignation, 978 Seymour, J. E., degree, 1081 Sgontz, L. G., degree, 1268 Sgoutas, D. S., appointment, 813, 1170 degree, 601 Sha'afi, R. I., degree, 607 fellowship, 44, 700 Shabbona Lumber & Supply, purchase, 716 Shachter, H. I., degree, 397 Shackelford, W. C, degree, 606 Shadman, D., degree, 1068 Shady, A. M., degree, 383 Shafer, D. A., degree, 1298 Shafer, R. R., degree, 839 Shafer, W. D., degree, 632 Shaffer, K. T., degree, 1075 Shaffer, L. L. D., degree, 383 Shaffer, P. R., appointment, 267, 409, 995 1139 Shaffer, R. B., degree, 1321 Shaffer, W. M., degree, 390 Shaffer, H. A., appointment, 201, 756 Shafton, Sherry S., degree, 1298 Shagam, D., degree, 632 Shah, B. K., degree, 391 Shah, B. R., degree, 628 Shah, C. P., appointment, 765 Shah, H. L., degree, 392 Shah, M. H., degree, 391 Shahan, M. S., appointment, 707 Shain, P. B., degree, 398 Shain, S. A., degree, 400 Shaiova, C. H., appointment, 80, 767 Shakelford, R. C, appointment, 126 Shakerin, M., appointment, 76, 764 Shalabi, Madelaine, appointment, 340, 1005 Shalek, P. I")., fellowship, 518, 1229 Shalla. L. P., degree, 144 Shallat, C. H., degree. 1321 Shallat, R. F., fellowship, 700, 928 Shallcross, Margaret E., degree, 616 Shallenberg, F. R., degree, 878 Shambaugh. P., appointment, 82. 770 Shanberge, J. N., appointment, 65, 764 Shaner, G. D., resignation, 702 Shank, D. E., degree, 636 Shank, M. C. appointment, 338, 1004, 1330 leave of absence. 1234 Shanmugam, A. V., degree, 875 Shanmugam, M., degree, 1065 Shanmugam, V., degree, 393 Shannon, B. O., certificate. 906 Shannon, C. E., book, printing, 496 Shannon, IX L, certificate, 366 Shannon, D. T., appointment, 38. 1001 declination, 1174 Shannon, J. C, degree, 208 Shannon, J. R.. appointment, 754 Shao, T. S., fellowshio, 518 Shapiro, A., degree, 613 Shapiro, A. J., degree, 642, 1319 Shapiro, B. H.. degree, 1079 Shapiro, Brenda, appointment, 891 Shapiro, F., appointment, 74, 762 Shapiro, F. E., degree, 630 Shapiro, Freya J., degree, 153 Shapiro, J. S., appointment, 255, 762 fellowship, 896 Shapiro, L., certificate, 1101 Shapiro, Lucille R., degree, 1300 Shapiro, M. D., certificate, 748 degree, 634 Shapiro, N. L., degree, 1304 UNIVERSITY Shapiro, T. M., fellowship, 1337 Shapland Construction Co., contract, addition 95, 468, 713 Sharma, D. L., degree, 603 Sharma, K. N., appointment, 485, 813, 1330 Sharma, L. C, degree, 617 Sharma, S. D., appointment, 906, 1139 Sharp, J. B., Jr., degree, 614 fellowship, 44, 700 resignation, 930 Sharp, J. T., appointment, 69, 755 Sharpe, T. R-, fellowship, 518, 1229 Sharpitis, W. J., certificate, 748 Shauger, C. D., degree, 636 Shaughnessy, H. J., appointment, 355, 442, 977 Shaughnessy, J. B., Jr., appointment, 813 degree, 837 Shaul, D. C, degree, 637 Shaw, G. E., appointment, 38 Shaw, K. A., degree, 836 Shaw, N. G., appointment, 77, 764 Shaw, P. D., appointment, 733 Shaw, P. V., degree, 600 fellowship, 44 resignation, 666 Shaw, Susan A., degree, 632 Shaw, T. Z., degree, 1063 Shaw, W. W., degree, 638 Shaw Process Development Corp., gift, 297 Shay, Mary L., appointment, 332 Shayani, I., degree, 1289 Shea, J. H., degree, 1269 fellowship, 518, 896 resignation, 522 Shea, P. D., degree, 1292 Sheaff, H. M., appointment, 67, 754 Sheagren, D. K., degree, 647 Sheahan, M. J., degree, 403 Shear, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 715 Shear testing machine, Forestry, appropriation, 368 balance reappropriated, 778 purchase, 691 Sheay, Mary G., degree, 1290 Shechtman, I. R., degree, 1310 Sheean, J., purchase, 25, 102 Sheehan, D. E., degree, 604 Sheehan, E. F., certificate, 62 Sheehan, Mary J., appointment, 1151 Sheehy, T. J., certificate, 1101 degree, 1312 Sheely, C. Q., Jr., degree, 600 Sheely, Nancy R., degree, 153 Sheep, nutrition, research, contract, 244 Rift, 955 Sheep research building, construction, appropriation, 430 balance reappropriated, 779 Sheet-metal housings, Physics, purchase, 436 Sheet metal work, contract, Administration Building south addition, 489 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex addition, 538 Sheets, Housing Division, purchase, 786 Sheets, Stephanie A., degree, 633 Sheets, W. W., degree, 1069 Shefsky, L. E., certificate, 1101 Sheinblatt, M., resignation, 135 Sheinhlatt, Tehila A., degree, 632 Micinkop, M. B., degree, 630 Shekelle, R. B., appointment, 126, 255 Shelby, Janon T., degree, 627 Shelby, R. L., degree, 839 Shelby, W. L., degree, 402 Shelby Salesbook Co., purchase, 914 snelbyville reservoir area, archeological survey and site salvage, contract, 789 sheden, Miriam, leave of absence, 741 Sheldon, E. H., Equipment Co., contract, 239, 854 Purchase, 470, 942 OF ILLINOIS 1547 Shelford, V. E., book, printing, 58, 1206 Shell, R. L., degree, 1298 Shell Chemical Corp., contract, change, 498 gift, 297, 958 Shell Companies Foundation, Inc., gift, 289, Shell Development Co., gift, 959 Shell Fellowship Committee, gift, 951 Shellist, D. L., degree, 1310 Shellow, R. A., degree, 643 Shells, research, contract, 692 change, 105, 381 Shelly, M. B., degree, 829 Shelton. Dorothy S., degree, 1321 Shelton, G. H., certificate, 1102 Shelton, K. R., fellowship, 1337 Shelton Laundry, purchase, 102, 595 Shelving, purchase, Chicago Circle, 1158 Library, Urbana, 1258 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 1202 Shemagro Corp., gift, 954 Shen, F. C, degree, 1268 Shen, Jane H., degree, 389 Shenoi, B. Anantha, resignation, 207 Shepardson, D. E., degree, 1062 Sheperd, Barbara C, degree, 1307 Sheperd, G., appointment. 509 Shephard, Mrs. Robert, gift, 971 Shepherd, J. E., degree, 1070 Shepherd, L. H., Jr., degree, 209 Shepperd, T. E., certificate, 748 degree, 1079 Sherbert, D. R., appointment, 333, 655 Sherbon, Florence E., appointment, 1186 Shere, B. J., certificate. 62 Shere, K. D., degree, 1290 Shere, Marie O., appointment, 337 Sherer-Gillett Co., purchase, 434, 1125 Sherling, Rochelle H., degree, 1312 Sherman, A., Enterprises, Inc., contract, 867 Sherman, D. T., degree, 397 Sherman, D. R., degree, 1268 Sherman, E. O., Jr., degree, 384 Sherman, F. W., degree, 149 Sherman, M. A., appointment, 126, 335, 891, 1000 degree, 145 resignation, 1088 Sherman, M. E., degree, 622 Sherman, Marilyn J., appointment, 255, 999 Sherman, R. M., degree, 1073 Sherwood, S. L., appointment, 78, 766 Shewmaker, R. E., degree, 609 Shichman, H., degree, 610 Shidle, J. J., appointment, 992 resignation, 1342 Shieh, I. M., degree, 140 Shieh, W. T., degree, 880 Shields, Dolores D., fellowship, 518 Shields, Ellen F.. fellowship, 1337 Shier, G. D., fellowship, 737 Shier, J. S., fellowship, 663 Shifrin, E. M., degree, 635 Shifrin, M. M., degree, 1293 Shima, A. T., appointment, 84, 772 Shimamoto, Y., appointment, 987 Shimbel, A., appointment, 79, 767 Shimkin. D. B., appointment, 325 cancellation, 822 leave of absence, 1343 Shimoda, S. S., appointment, 71, 759 Shimony, Z., appointment, 813, 925 Shin, Y. K., degree, 1066 Shindle, Donna L., degree, 1305 Shindo, H-, appointment, 733 Shine, Sharon K., degree, 1308 Shinoda, K., degree, 617 Shipboard antenna system, design, contract, 104 change, 944 Shipkowitz, I., appointment, 73, 760 Shipley, Dorothy A., degree, 625 1548 BOARD OF Shipley, J. R., appointment, 442 leave of absence, 426 Shipp, Sally J., degree, 619 Shipping containers, Physics, purchase, 375 Shipping fever, research, gift, 952 Shipton, G. E., appointment, 1085 Shirai, T., appointment, 925 Shirey, R. N., fellowship, 1229 Shirwo, D. M., degree, 1073 Shive, R. J., degree, 1285 Shively, R. R., appointment, 696 degree, 601 Shkolnik, A. A., appointment, 765 Shlaes, Linda I., degree, 1298 Shmigelsky, Irene, appointment, 77, 765 Shock absorbers, Civil Engineering, purchase, 913 Shockley, W. K., degree, 1077 Shoeb, N. A., degree, 1065 Shoeb, N. K., degree, 1075 fellowship, 1229 Shoemaker, A. K., degree, 392 Shoemaker, H. H., appointment, 337, 1003 Shoemaker, L. R,, degree, 1298 Shoemaker, O. L., & Co., contract, 541 Shoemaker, W. H., appointment, 1001 leave of absence, 427 Shoemaker, W. L., appointment, 328, 991 Shoffner, J. P., appointment, 338 fellowship, 44, 663 Sholder, S., appointment, 72, 760 Sholl, Joyce E., degree, 627 Shontze, Linda K., degree, 1314 Shook, C. D., degree, 1080 Shores, J. H., appointment, 328, 993 Shorey, W. D., appointment, 82, 770 Short, E. B., degree, 643 Short, L., & Son, Inc., gift, 304 purchase, 376, 1037 Short, V. D., degree, 1321 Shortino, N. C, certificate, 748 Shotton, J. A., Jr., degree, 398 Shotts, D. A., degree, 1298 Shotts, L. D., degree, 622 Shotwell, Joan S., appointment, 813 degree, 1061 Shotwell, Karen L., degree, 630 Shouba, J. W., degree, 1068 Shouba, M. J., degree, 1301 Shoulders, Betty K., appointment, 126 Shove, G. C, appointment, 355 Showalter, Sandra L., degree, 626 Shriner, W. N., degree, 625 Shroff, S. D., degree, 828 Shrub planting, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 103 Shtohryn, D. M.t appointment, 201 Shubbak, M. I., degree, 1304 Shubert, H. A., appointment, 891 degree, 1269 Shucard, S. C, fellowship, 1229, 1337 Shuck, L. D., degree, 622 Shuck, R. F., Ill, certificate, 748 Shufeldt, W. E., degree, 1292 Shugrue, M. F., appointment, 696 fellowship, 1172 resignation, 135 Shukla, R. S., degree, 610 Shulkin, N. H., degree, 1319 Shull, Terry A., degree, 637 Shulman, H. S., appointment, 180, 891, 1219 Shulman, M., appointment, 925 Shult, E. E., appointment, 1219 degree, 1060 Shultz, Martha C, degree, 142 Shumaker, Effie A., degree, 1298 Shuman, F. H., appointment, 126, 201, 255 Shuman, Janet L., degree, 627 Shuman, R. J., degree, 1298 Shunk, J. F., degree, 621 Shupack, Martha J., degree, 616 Shupe, Ruth E., degree, 633 Shupp, F. R., appointment, 327 Shurts, F. B., degree, 1080 Shurts, Sue C., degree, 633 Shurtz, R. C, degree, 1080 Shute, D. R., degree, 1304 Shwachman, B., degree, 1321 Sia, Ming B., appointment, 813 Sibinovic, S. M., appointment, 38 Sibinovic, Mrs. Sarah K. H., appointment, 891, 1170 Sibley, K. E., degree, 394 Sibrel, D. W., degree, 152 Sickness and accident insurance, University Extension, purchase, 1162 Siddiqui, I. A., fellowship, 1229 Sidebottom, O. M., appointment, 337, 655, 1003 resignation, 1342 Sidell, D. M., degree, 402 Sidell, Edith P., property at 1009 West Green Street, purchase, 26, 348 Sides, B. A., degree, 618 Sides, C. F., degree, 836 Sidewalks, Illini Union area, contract, change, 51 Women's Gymnasium, appropriation, 488 balance reappropriated, 780 Sidhu, Nancy D., degree, 840 Sidney, Mary C, appointment, 126, 339, 509 Sidorewicz, W., degree, 403 Siebach, M. J., degree, 142 Siebert, F. M., appointment, 999 fellowship, 411 Siebert, R. A., degree, 397 Siedentop, K. H., appointment, 76, 763 Siefert, T. E., fellowship, 518 Siegel, Betsy R., degree, 1312 Siegel, F., appointment, 338, 1004 Siegel, H. J., degree, 882 Siegel, Judith, degree, 1298 Siegel, Linda J., degree, 1298 Siegel, N. B., degree, 620 Siegel, P., appointment, 760, 977 Siegel, R. J., degree, 636 Siegel, Sharon R., degree, 645 Siegert, R. F., degree, 645 Siegfried, R., appointment, 38, 201, 697 resignation, 702 Siegriest, L., art work, gift, 966 Siemens, J. C, appointment, 442 degree, 874 Siemens America, Inc., purchase, 864, 1206 Siemens Medical of America, Inc., purchase, 1158 Siemens New York, Inc., purchase, 189 Siemer, E. G., degree, 1267 Siems, C. H., Co., contract, 537 approval rescinded, 693 Siepert, H. G., certificate, 532 Sierecki, L, G., degree, 400 Sieren, D. J., appointment, declination, U7-t Sierra, R. J., Jr., certificate, 1239 Sierra Leone, Njalla College project, contract, 380, 681, 867 change, 869 Peace Corps project, contract, 943 Siesennop, W. W., degree, 391 Siess, C. P., appointment, 38, 327, 990 Sieveking, N. A., fellowship, 44 Sifferd-Men's Residence Halls Association Scholarship, funds, gift, 285, 947 Sigband, D. J., degree, 1321 Sigborn, Frances J., degree, 213 Sigborn, T. W., degree, 839 Sigel, C. W., degree, 628 Sigel, Virginia M., degree, 633 Sigler, J. M., degree, 612 Sigma Phi Delta, Inc., property at 905-905B South Fifth Street, lease, 191 property at 1103 West Illinois Street, purchase, 348 Sigma Xi, gift, 289, 951 UNIVERSITY i Signal analysis system, research, contract, 474 change, 1211 Signal generator, purchase, Aviation, 376 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1122 Engineering, 588 Signatures, Board officers, delegation, 421. 1097 amendment, 647 Silas, B. E-, appointment, 332 Silberg, Idell J., degree, 633 Silberman, A. D., degree, 878 Silberroan, D. M., degree, 1304 Silberstein, I., degree, 1073 fellowship, 518, 1337 Silins, Astrida I., appointment, 84, 772 Silins, V. R., appointment, 71, 758 Silkett, A. F., appointment, 339, 1006 Sillas, S. H., degree, 620 SilUker, J. H., appointment, 409 Silos, gift, Animal Science, 303 purchase, Agricultural Economics, 861, 1256 Animal Science, 716, 782 Dairy Science, 55 Silurian reefs, study, gift, 290, 953 Silver, B. E., degree, 645 Silver, Marlene J., degree, 1308 Silver, R. A., fellowship, 928 Silverglade, L. B., degree, 1317 fellowship, 258, 737, 1141 Silverman, Barbara R., degree, 632 Silverman, J., appointment, 71 Silverman, J. I., degree, 1314 Silverman, Loretta E., appointment, 813, 925 Silverman, P. H., appointment, 266, 1186 Silverman, P. M., degree, 1304 Silverstein, L., degree, 879 Silverstein, Merle N., degree, 1079 Silverstein, N. S., degree, 882 Silverstein, R., degree, 153 Silverstein, Rosalind D., degree, 1079 Silverton, M. A., degree,. 840 Silverware, Housing Division, purchase, 1207 Siivestri, Barbara F., degree, 1321 Silvia, D. S., Jr., degree, 210 Sim, G. A., appointment, 1242 Simaitis, Ryma V., degree, 625 Simak, R. E., degree, 399 Simandl, D. L., certificate, 62 Simberg, Sylvia P., degree, 1077 Simcox, R. W., degree, 1271 Simek, D. E., degree, 647 Simel, S. A., certificate, 324 Simer, D. L., degree, 836 Simic, I., degree, 1073 Sirflkin, D. A., degree, 602 Simmonds, S. H., degree, 209 Simmons, D. W., degree, 213 Simmons, Gertrude O., degree, 1298 Simmons, H. J., appointment, 38 Simmons, J. L., appointment, 126, 509 fellowship, 1173 Simmons, Peggy J., degree, 1307 Simmons, R. O., appointment, 38 leave of absence, 425, 1107 cancellation, 1089 Simmons, W., Jr., degree, 1304 Simon, A. B., degree, 1321 Simon, C. S., degree, 1310 Simon, E. W., appointment, 266 Simon, Mrs. Ellen M., appointment, 478, 697, 891 Simon, G. S., degree, 625 Simon, H. D., degree, 1321 Simon, J. E., degree, 404, 1276 Simon, J. K., appointment, 707 fellowship, 1173 Simon, J. L., appointment, 534 Simon, J. N., degree, 633 Simon, Judith L., degree, 1081 Simon, L. B., degree, 396 OF ILLINOIS 1549 Simon, R., degree, 630 Simon, R. W., certificate, 532 Simon, Rita J., appointment, 534 Simon, S. I., degree, 402 Simonds, Gayl A., degree, 1300 Simone, D. R., degree, 627 Simone, J. V., appointment, 71, 758 fellowship, 738 Simonelli, L., appointment, 697 Simonin, Mary E., degree, 639 Simonsen, Elaine, appointment, 39, 201 resignation, 444 Simplex Time Recorder, purchase, 588 Simpson, Alice A., appointment, 891 Simpson, Elizabeth J., appointment, 328, 1003, Simpson, F. J., appointment, 936 Simpson, T. D., degree, 1270 Simpson, J. E., degree, 639 Simpson, K. H., appointment, 977 Simpson, M. M., degree, 1298 Simpson, Martha O., degree, 149 Simpson, R. D., resignation, 47 Simpson, R. H., appointment, 328, 991 Simpson, R. J., degree, 602 Simpson, R. K., degree, 877 Simpson, W. H., degree, 1321 Simpson Construction Co., contract, 240, 344 Sims, A., degree, 1081 Sims, A. L., appointment, 655, 1219 Sims, B. L., appointment, 355 Sims, C. A., degree, 600 Sims, Edna N., degree, 606 Sims, J. 1)., degree, 400 Sims, L. B., fellowship, 518 Sims, N. K., degree, 841 Sims, R. E., degree, 1072 Sims, Shirley M\, degree, 840 Sinclair, G. M., appointment, 39 Sinclair, K. E., degree, 1069 fellowship, 518, 1229 Sinclair, R. A., degree, 618 Sinclair Research, Inc., gift, 289 Sincock, D. L. C, degree, 1075 Sinder, C. J., degree, 1078 Sinderman, B. M., degree, 1071 fellowship, 1229 Sine, R. C., appointment, 126 degree, 211 Singal, M. K., appointment, 65, 751, 891, 998 declination, 207 Singer, A. C, degree, 389 Singer, G. L., degree, 630 Singer, H. J., degree, 622 Singer, 11. B., appointment, 334, 998 Singh, A. H., fellowship, 663 Singh, Balbir, degree, 1063 Singh, Bahvant, degree, 829 Singh, I)., degree, 1063 Singh, H., appointment, 75 Singh, H. D., appointment, 39, 655 Singh, L. M., degree, 614 Singh, S. N., degree, 601 Singh, S. P., appointment, 813, 997 Singh, Udita N.t appointment, 987 Single family residences, storage space needs, study, contract, 21 Singletary, W. C, Jr., degree, 146 Singletary, W. E., degree, 1270 Singman, B. H., degree, 625 Singman, Nancy A., degree, 216 Sinha, Mrs. Indu B., appointment, 201 resignation, 320 Sinha, R. C, appointment, 255 leave of absence, 260 Sinha, R. D., degree, 873 Sinha, S. K., resignation, 135 Sinha, S. P., degree, 1286 fellowship, 443 Sinhaseni, S., decree, 1272 Sinn, V. C, degree, 1080 Sinnamon, G. K., appointment, 39 1550 BOARD OF "I Sinnissippi Forest Trust Fund, addition, gift, 957 Sinnot, Alice, gift, 972 Sinohara, H., appointment, 126, 753 Sion, Clotilde, property at 907 South Fifth Street, purchase, 348 Sipes, G. E., degree, 608 Sirbasku, D. A., fellowship, 663 Siregar, F. P. A., degree, 394 Sirich, T. B., appointment, 332 Sirkis, M. D., appointment, 39 Sirugo, A. C, appointment, 76, 763 Siskind, Mrs. Caroline C-, appointment, 126 Sister Mary L. Berkes, degree, 831 Sister Marianne Brock, degree, 829 Sister Claudette Burkel, degree, 606 Sister Mary L. Collins, degree, 1275 Sister Mary M. Connor, degree, 836 Sister Mary K. Fellin, degree, 1274 fellowship, 663 Sister Marion Johnson, degree, 1276 Sister Mary V. McCoppin, degree, 832 Sister Mary J. McGrath, degree, 836 Sister Mary P. Overbeck, degree, 836 Sister Mary St. M. Pumphret, degree, 1274 fellowship, 663 Sister Alfred M. Russell, degree, 647 Sister Mary A. Smith, degree, 836 Sister Mary W. Smith, degree, 140 Sitch, Sharon A., degree, 1064 Site design of family housing projects, study, contract, 720 change, 1261 Sittner D. R., degree, 1293 Siwe, T. V., degree, 404 Sixth Street, parking lots in 800 block South, easement to Illinois Bell Telephone Company, 88 property at 704 South, lease, 1128 remodeling, appropriation, balance reap- propriated, 779 contracts, 93 property at 907 South, remodeling appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86, 780 Sjoblom, L. R., appointment, 339, 1006 resignation, 702 Skadden, D. H., leave of absence, 1106 Skadeland, H. M., appointment, 339, 1006 Skafidas, G. and S. K., lease, 1128 Skaggs, G. L., degree, 1315 Skaggs, J. R., degree, 621 Skalitzky, T. A., certificate, 1101 Skaperdas, D. U., appointment, 813 Skartvedt, R., appointment, 891 Skating Rink, reroonng, contract, 431 resurfacing machine, appropriation, 238 purchase, 243 roof repairs, appropriation, 13 balance reappropriated, 780 Skeath, J. E., degree, 876 Skees, W. I>., degree, 1066 Skehen, J. W., degree, 611 Skemp, W. F., certificate, 748 Skerik, T. J., degree, 1322 Skidmore, W. R., degree, 639 Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill, architectural services, Chicago Circle, Architecture Building, 1115 classroom units, 1115 Library addition, 1115 Science and Engineering Laboratories, 1115 Science and Engineering Office Building, 1115 site development and coordinating services, 1114 design services, Chicago Circle, movable equipment for buildings, 272 Skierski, T. C, degree, 1293 fellowship, 1229 Skilbred, C. O., degree, 1080 Skin, research, gift, 1015 Skinner, J. S., degree, 877 Skinner Madeline D., degree, 829 Skin-stiffener panels, research, contract, 69? change, 792 Skirmuntas, Julia A., degree, 604 Sklansky, M. A., appointment, 80 Sklar, L., appointment, 655 Skoff, Susan J., degree, 636 Skoglund, Janet W., certificate, 1101 Skoglund, M. L., degree, 645 Skolcie Valley Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3854, gift, 972 Skolaski, Glenda M., degree, 1308 Skolem, T. A., appointment, 423 resignation, 522 Skolnik, H. M., degree, 1293 Skolnik, M. D., certificate, 62 Skor, Marilyn A., degree, 637 Skora, R. F., appointment, 201 degree, 1316 Skornia, Lorene M., appointment, 126, 733 resignation, 135 Skorochod, L., degree, 1081 Skorpinski, E. J., degree, 388 Skowronski, Christine J., degree, 1321 Skroder, C. E., appointment, 329, 992 Skrupskelis, Viktoria, appointment, 126 Skyers, L. N., degree, 1310 Sky-Peck, H. H., appointment, 66, 753 Slabs, reinforced concrete, study, contract, change, 381 Slaby, Marilyn C, degree, 633 Slack, Andree P., degree, 1273 Slack, R. G., degree, 1321 Slagel, R. C, degree, 209 Slagle, J. R., degree, 145 Slagley, Patricia A., degree, 1080 Slama, L. P., appointment, 126 resignation, 702 Slanker, Mrs. Barbara O., appointment, 12o Slapkauskas, A. R., degree, 1291 Slate, D. J., degree, 1305 Slate, D. M,, appointment, 534, 989 Slater, D. W., fellowship, 132, 700, 738 Slater, J. M., fellowship, 518, 1337 Slater, Verna R., degree, 836 Slatt, B., appointment, 442, 762 Slavic Languages and Literatures, budget, summer session, 1001 head of department, appointment, 1105 name, approved, 936 Slavik, C, degree, 645 Slayton, R. E., appointment, 69, 756 Sleigh, R. C, Jr., appointment, 655 Sleppin, Mrs. Michael, gift, 311 Slepyan, A. H., appointment, 66, 753 Slicer, A., member of advisory committee, 1025 Slichter, C. P., appointment, 39, 459, 813 Slicing machine, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 242 Slick, Gretchen, degree, 637 Sligar, Marion E., degree, 1288 Sliger, H. J., degree, 836 Sliter, G. E., degree, 1271 Slivinskas, R., degree, 1304 Sloan, A. P., Foundation, gift, 286, 289, 297, 948, 951, 959 Sloan, D. E., fellowship, 700, 928 Sloan, E. D., fellowship, 258 Sloan, I. H., degree, 625 Sloan, R. H., appointment, 891 Sloan, T. O., appointment, 336 fellowship, 1173 Sloan, W., member of advisory committee, 850 fellowship, 1337 Slobb, K. A., gift, 311 Slomka, Janet M., degree, 636 Sloniger, C. R., appointment, 891 Slotin, Donna, degree, 1075 UNIVERSITY C Slotnick, B. M., appointment, 39 cancellation, 444 degree, 603 Slotnick, Nancy L. K., degree, 603 Slottow, Irene G., degree, 1285 Slovacek, R. E., degree, 839 Slucis, A., degree, 1074 Sluder, J., property at 510 East Chalmers Street, purchase, 348 Sluga, Patricia M., degree, 1290 Sluski, D. L., degree, 1319 Slutkin, G. N., degree, 389 Slutzky, Anita L., degree, 1307 Slutzky, J., degree, 152, 1281 Slyter, L. L., appointment, 317, 813 Small, E., appointment, 813 Small, H., appointment, 76 Small, H. G., degree, 625 Small, J. A., degree, 404 Small, J. D., degree, 1315 Small, Lillis K. F., degree, 1308 Small, Susan R., degree, 1314 Small, W. G., degree, 636 Small Animal Clinic, architectural services, contract, 241 electric power service improvements, contract, 345 Small Business Administration, gift, 302, 965 Smalley, 1)., appointment, 993 Smalley, J. J., Jr., degree, 1321 Smalley, W. L., appointment, 337 fellowship, 1173 leave of absence, 1109 Small Homes Council-Building Kesearch Council, gift, research, Edison Electric Institute, 954 Lumber Dealers Research Council, 957 National Roofing Contractors Association, 296 research house at 1014 Lincolnshire Drive, lease, 790 Small particle physics, research, gift, 956 Smania, J. L., degree, 1312 Smashey, J. L., fellowship, 1229 Smedberg, Karen L., degree, 1319 Smelser, R. W., degree, 1310 Smerda, Susan M., degree, 1077 Smiley, A. K., degree, 639 Smiley, Marilynn J., fellowship, 1230 appointment, 75 Smiley, W. A,, appointment, 763 Smiley, W. C, degree, 831 Smilgis, Ruth T., degree, 401 Smilgoff, Joan M., degree, 1300 Smilgoff, R. C, degree, 155 Smith, A. E., certificate, 366 Smith, Allan J., fellowship, 1230 Smith, Andrew J., degree, 638 Smith, A. L., degree, 1274 fellowship, 663 Smith, Albert M., degree, 155 Smith, Austin M., fellowship, 738 Smith, A. O., Foundation, Inc., gift, 286, 948 Smith, A. O., Harvestore Products, Inc., sift, 303, 959 Smith, A. R., degree, 640 Smith, A. T., appointment, 977 Smith, Alma J., degree, 838 Smith, Mrs. Anita C, appointment, 891 Smith, Annabel L., appointment, 1085 Smith, Arlene J., appointment, 80, 768 Smith, Barney, & Co. and Associates, bonds, Illinois Street Residence Halls, 218 Smith, Bobbie D., degree, 830 Smith, B. M., degree, 1068 Smith, B. O., appointment, 328, 996 Smith, Barbara J., degree, 402 Smith, Barbara S., degree, 638 Smith, C. A., degree, 397 Smith, C. D., appointment, 1330 leave of absence, 1106 Smith, C. F., degree, 1276 3F ILLINOIS 1551 Smith, C. H., degree, 614 Smith, C. O., appointment, 72, 760 Smith, C. W., degree, 640 Smith, Carol L., appointment, 126 smith, D. D., degree, 1304 South, D. E., degree, 149 smith, Donald Gene, degree, 635 'n Donald O\en, report, operation of AUerton Farms, 159 Smith, D. H., Jr., degree, 1298 Smith, D. K., degree, 1311 smith, Danny L., degree, 1322 Smith, Donald L., degree, 143 Smith, Dale M., degree, 397 Smith, David M., appointment, 326 resignation, 1233 Smith, D. Q., fellowship, 1337 Smith, D. S., fellowship, 518 Smith, D. Y., appointment, 1330 Smith, E. B., appointment, 655 Smith, E. D., degree, 1293 fellowship, 1230 Smith, Edwin G., degree, 1291, 1298 Smith, Everett G., authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 Smith, E. M., appointment, 67, 753 Smith, Evangeline P., degree, 149 Smith, F. W., fellowship, 1338 Smith, G., appointment, 201 Smith, G. E., degree, 635 Smith, G. F., degree, 841 Smith, George H., fellowship, 1230 Smith, George H., Jr., appointment, 126, 255, Smith, G. J., degree, 1292 Smith, Garmond S., appointment, 891 declination, 822 Smith, George Samuel, certificate, 62 Smith, George W., Jr., degree, 1310 Smith, Gerald W., fellowship, 1338 Smith, Georgia, degree, 637 Smith, Harold A., degree, 149 Smith, Henry A., Ill, degree, 1298 Smith, H. C, Jr., degree, 213 Smith, H. D., Trucking, purchase, 596 Smith, Mrs. Harriet W., appointment, 126 Smith, Helen U, appointment, 478, 1139 Smith, Isabelle. Estate, gift, 304 Smith, J., appointment, 39, 055 Smith, J. A., degree, 625 Smith, J. B., degree, 1298 Smith, J. E., Jr., degree, 613 fellowship, 663, 1338 Smith, J. G., member of advisory committee, 680 Smith, James H., appointment, 39, 127 Smith, James Hibbard, certificate, 366 Smith, John H., appointment, 813 Smith, J. J., degree, 621 Smith, J. K., fellowship, 1338 Smith, Jack L., appointment, 127 fellowship, 132, 738 resignation, 135, 822 Smith, James Lp, appointment, 201 degree, 828 resignation, 822 Smith, J. O., appointment, 337. 1003 declination, 522 Smith, J. T., degree, 1292 Smith, James W., degree, 401 Smith, Joel W., certificate, 366 Smith, Jean M., degree, 1308 Smith, Tessie C, degree, 1269 Smith, Judith J., degree, 625 Smith, Judith K., degree, 619 Smith, K. L., degree, 618 Smith, K. S., degree, 1287 Smith, Karen D., degree, 1298 Smith, L. E., degree, 1074 Smith, Leone M., appointment, 39 degree. 213 Smith, Mrs. Lucille M., appointment, 127, 409 1552 BOARD OF Smith, Lucy E., degree, 149 Smith, Marcia U, degree, 1308 Smith, Mrs. Margaret A., appointment, 891 Smith, Margaret M., degree, 630 Smith, Martha L., degree, 1301 Smith, Mary M., degree, 646 Smith, N. H., degree, 829 Smith, Nancy E., degree, 625 Smith, Nannette C, degree, 1290 Smith, P. C, appointment, 813, 1007 Smith, P. H., Co., contract, 91, 542 Smith, Robert A., degree, 1279 fellowship, 519 Smith, Roger A., fellowship, 519 Smith, R. B., appointment, 990, 999 Smith, Robert C., degree, 1272 Smith, Rodney C, degree, 838 Smith, Ronald C, degree, 634 Smith, R. D., appointment, 76, 764 Smith, Robert E., degree, 873 Smith, Roger E., degree, 1321 Smith, R. F., degree, 384 Smith, R. G-, appointment, 127 degree, 387 Smith, R. I., degree, 144 Smith, R. J., leave of absence. 321, 668 Smith, Richard K., appointment, 201, 340 declination, 444 resignation, 413 Smith, Robert K., degree, 1321 Smith, Richard L., degree, 1289 Smith, Robert L., degree, 645 Smith, Randal M., degree, 617 Smith, Robert M., appointment, 39 degree, 213 Smith, Roland M., appointment, 330, 993 Smith, Richard Raymond, degree, 1072 Smith, Richard Ross, appointment, 39 degree, 827 Smith, R. S., resignation, 822 Smith, Rozella B., degree, 611 Smith, S. R., fellowship, 1338 Smith, Sara W., appointment, 813 Smith, Sharon R., degree, 1308 Smith, Shirley K., degree, 627 Smith, T. E., Jr., appointment, 1330 degree, 146 fellowship, 44, 519 Smith, T. F., degree, 622 fellowship, 663, 1338 Smith, T. G., certificate, 62 Smith, T. M., degree, 839 Smith, T. R., degree, 1306 Smith, V. K., degree, 1287 Smith, W. D., certificate, 366 Smith, W. G., degree, 149 Smith, Willard J., appointment, 84, 772 Smith, William J., degree, 144 Smith, W. K., degree, 1311 Smith, W. L., appointment, 39 Smith, W. V. H., degree, 841 Smith, Bradner, & Co., purchase, 102 Smith, Kline, & French Laboratories, gift, 297, 309, 951 Smith, Rawdon, Associates, Inc., purchase, 715 Smith, Seaton, & Associates, architectural services, remodeling work, 1114 Smith Music Hall, addition, architectural and engineering services, contract, 185 carpeting, purchase, 867 electric power service improvements, contract, 345 lighting improvements appropriation, 369 balance reappropriated, 780 Smithers, F. S., & Co., bonds, Graduate Students Residence Halls, third unit, 1046 Smittkamp, R. A., degree, ,1304 Smoker stands, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1202 Smolensky, II. H., degree, 1304 Smoler, J., appointment, 76, 763 fellowship, 258, 738 Smolin, R. L., degree, 1304 Smoot, Patricia H., degree, 827 Smoot, R. L., leave of absence, 445 extension, 823 Smotzer, Rosalie J., degree, 1313 Smutny, W. K., certificate, 1101 Smythe, D. W., resignation, 822 Smyth Research Associates, purchase, 784 Snack bar, Chicago Undergraduate Division appropriation, lighting improvements, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 Urbana, sundry items for resale, purchase 101 Snapp, M. J., appointment, 71, 758 Snell, G. A., degree, 842 Snell, Marjorie A., degree, 604 Snitman, M. F., appointment, 75, 762 resignation, 1088 Snively, Melba J. 0., degree, 216 Snodgrass, D. J., degree, 6i8 Snodgrass, Diane F., degree, 1301 Snodgrass, Helen R. J., degree, 1321 Snodgrass, R. P., degree, 388 Snodsmith, R. L., degree, 395, 1279 Snoke, M. D., resignation, 207 Snook, V. M., degree, 139 Snoot Boot Enterprises, gift, 310 Snopko, Gloria J., degree, 832 Snow, R. Y., appointment, 78 Snow, W. J., fellowship, 319 Snowblower, purchase, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, 1203 Urbana, 99 Snowplow, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1203 Snydacker, D., appointment, 74, 761 Snyder, D. O., appointment, 771 Snyder, D. P., appointment, 1330 Snyder, E. M., authority to sign name of President of Board, 1097 Snyder, E. T., degree, 1072 Snyder, G. F., degree, 1072 Snyder, H. R., appointment, 39, 697 Snyder, Judith P., degree, 635 Snyder, L., degree, 1289 Snyder, L. J., degree, 1311 Snyder, Louesa P., degree, 1308 Snyder, Ray, purchase, 1258 Snyder, Robert, fellowship, 258 Snyder, R. A., certificate, 366 Snyder, R. R., certificate, 1101 Snyder, T. A., degree, 155 Snyder, W. R., degree, 149 appointment, 509 So, K. C, degree, 152 fellowship, 1230 Soares, A. T., degree, 213 Soares, Louise G., degree, 213 Sobel, S., fellowship, 896 Sobieski, J. H., certificate, 1102 Sobotka, E., Co., Inc., purchase, 190 Sobral, M., Jr., appointment, 1085 degree, 1059 Social factors and traffic, research, contract, change, 193, 792 Social science courses for secondary schools, study, contract, 867 Social Sciences, budget, summer session, 340, 1006 gift, fellowship, International Business Machines Corp., 288, 950 Social Security Administration, gift, 965 Social Work, Jane Addams Graduate School of, gift, fellowship, Chicago Community Trust, 952 Gads Hill Center, 290 Hull House Association, 290, 952 Wieboldt Foundation, 290, 952 Woods Charitable Fund, 290, 952 Young Men's Jewish Council, 290 Young Women's Christian Association of Chicago, 290 UNIVERSITY ( Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, gift, 959 Sociology, budget, summer session, 336, 1001 gift, research, Ford Foundation, 293, 955 Population Council, Inc., 297 head of department, appointment, 935 Sociology and Anthropology, department, established, 1187 Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., gift, 289, 298, 959 Sodaro, D. E., certificate, 62 Sodemann & Associates, engineering services, Peabody Drive, paving, contract, 1252 Sodergren, T. L., degree, 1312 Soderman, J. G. W\, degree, 210 Sod Growers Association of Illinois, gift, 959 Sodium hydroxide, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 719 Sodium iodide crystal, Physics, purchase, 57 Soe, K., degree, 831 Soebagjo, R., degree, 155 Soebbing, H. W., degree, 145 Soeria-Atmadja, R., degree, 876 Soerianegara, I., degree, 607 Soerja Atmadja, R. O., degree, 155, 837 Sofa beds, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase, 594 Sofas, purchase, Education, 1124 Housing Division, Urbana, 594 Soft drink dispensers, Assembly Hall, purchase, 376 Soft Phosphate Research Institute, Inc., contract, 380 change, 1129 gift, 959 Soger, L. Z., degree, 839 Sogin, S. J., degree, 1304 Sognefest, P. W., degree, 1292 Sohn, D. M., appointment, 201, 733, 813 Soil aggregate mixtures for highway pavement, research, contract, change, 192, 791 Soil-bearing test service, Illini Union, Chicago Circle, contract, 714 Soil exploration and mapping, research, contract, change, 192, 791 Soil loading system, study, contract, change, 283 Soil management, research, gift, 295 Soils, research, contract, 191, 474 change, 192, 193, 283, 791, 792 gift, 293, 295, 296, 298, 957, 959, 960 Soja, Dorothy M., fellowship, 663, 928, 1338 resignation, 1142 Sokalski, T. P., degree, 1082 Sokatch, R. J., degree, 647 Sokkar, T. A., appointment, 84 termination, 356 Sokolofski, Anna M., degree, 1314 Sokolow, A. D., degree, 1270 Sokolowski, J. H., degree, 640 Solberg, B. D., degree, 402 Solberg, W. U., appointment, 127 Soldati, D. E., degree, 1318 Soldering machine, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 1204 Solenoid, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 101, . 1202, 1205 Solid film lubricant-binder phenomena, re- search, contract, 282 Solid media, research, contract, change, 475 Solids, research, contract, 586, 692, 1260 change, 193, 245, 283, 916, 944, 1129 gift, 291 Solid solutions in metals, research, contract, . 1162 Solid state electronics, research, contract, 474 solid state physics, research, contract, 21, 692 Soline, F. L., degree, 1310 goll, S., memorial fund, gift, 310 aolhsh Linda A., degree, 140 Sollo, F. W., Jr., appointment, 317, 409, 655, Solmundson, D. L., degree, 636 OF ILLINOIS 1553 Solomon, A. P., appointment, 78, 766 Solomon, Brenda C., degree, 1321 Solomon, D. M., degree, 1317 Solomon, D. S., degree, 645 Solomon, Diane, fellowship, 1230 Solomon, H. R., degree, 637 Solomon, J. D., Memorial Foundation, gift, 967 Solomon, Judith C, degree, 832 Solomon, K. I., certificate, 748 degree, 635, 1275 fellowship, 519 Solomon, L. J., degree, 1284 Solomon, Pauline S., degree, 401 Solomon, R. R., degree, 635 Solomon, S., degree, 645 Solovy, K. M., appointment, 1004 Solway, J., appointment, 1085 Somerndike, J. M., Jr., appointment, 83, 771 Somers, A. J., degree, 838 Soraers, Judith 2., degree, 631 Somers-Barr Co., Inc., purchase, 596 Sommcr, D. B. J., degree, 1310 Sommer, J. B., Jr., degree, 827 Sommer, J. T., degree, 1080 Sommerfeld, E. E., degree, 1313 Sotnmerfeld, M. J., degree, 643 Sommerschield, W. A., degree, 1298 Somprayoon, S., degree, 390 Son, J. S., fellowship, 663 Sondee, Carolyn J., degree, 632 Souderby, P. R., degree, 1298 Sondergaard, Mr. and Mrs. V. A., gift, 311 Soneson, C. S., degree, 1072 Sonic Research Foundation, gift, 298, 959 Sonnenberg, R. O., degree, 1072 Sonnenkalb, Brigitta H., appointment, 317, 355 Soo, S. L., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 452 release to sponsoring agency, 261 Sood, S. K., degree, 144 Soo Hoo, C. F., degree, 385 Sopala, S. E., degree, 638 Soper, Mary E., degree, 611 Sopher, C. D., degree, 879 Sopranos, O. J., certificate, 748 Sorensen, A. D., degree, 139 fellowship, 519, 1338 Sorensen, D. C, degree, 1319 Sorensen, R. J., degree, 1313 Sorgente, N., degree, 630 Sorkin, Carol, degree, 156 Sorlie, J. E., degree, 1291 Sorscher, A. J., appointment, 71, 759 Sorum, Virginia R,, appointment, 72, 759 Sorvall, I., Inc., purchase, 53, 188, 189, 241, 470, 493, 787, 862, 864, 912, 1204 Sosa, G., appointment, 1219 Sosin, S., degree, 1319 Sosrodiningrat, S., degree, 880 Soucek, R. A., degree, 836 Souder, Marjorie A., appointment, 335 Sound room, appropriation, balance reappro- priated. Illini Hall, 780 Speech and Theatre, 85 Southern Illinois Stone Co., purchase, 588 Southern Illinois University, summer speech clinic, 486, 1191 South Farm, heating system, appropriation, 238 water service, extension, agreement with Northern Illinois Water Corp., 775 South Shore Service League, gift, 971 Southwest Airmotive Co., purchase, 376, 591 Southwick, H. W., appointment, 81, 769 Sowden, T. W., degree, 1310 Sowizal, Virginia S., degree, 1314 Sowman, J. P., degree, 1290 fellowship, 1338 Soybeans, research, contract, 474, 692 gift, 290, 296, 955, 958 Soyer, R., painting, gift, 304 1554 BOARD OF Sozen, M. A., appointment, 39, 127 Space Craft, Inc., contract, 1128 Space Technology Laboratories, contract, 1210 Spada, A. T., certificate, 366 Spaeth, Ruth L degree, 1290 Spaeth, Virginia A., appointment, 891 Spagat, M. P., degree, 1306 Spak, L. M., degree, 635 Spanish, department, established. 1187 Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, budget, summer session, 336, 1001 Spanski, G. T., degree, 880 Spare parts kit, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 435 Spargo, Gladys R., leave of absence, 523, 1234 Sparks, Carolyn L., degree, 625 Sparks, R. T., degree, 1313 Sparks, S. D., degree, 153 Sparrow, Rita L., fellowship, 519 Spatzek, R. M., degree, 152 Spaugh, J. M., degree, 396 Spaulding, R. L., appointment, 328 resignation, 666 Spaulding, T. E., degree, 1289 Spear, N. E., appointment, 127 Spears, Carol A., degree, 1077, 1315 Spears, F. R., degree, 399 Spears, L. D., degree, 399 Specht, F. L., certificate, 748 Special Dairy Industry Board, contract, 1210 gift, 960 Special Education, budget, summer session, 1002 chairman of department, appointment, 181 department, established, 181 Species produced in a shock tube, study, contract, 1127 Spectrochrome, Microbiology, Urbana, purchase, 471 Spectrochrome analyzer, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 1037 Spectrofluorometer, Aeromedical Laboratory, purchase, 163 Spectrograph, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 591, 862 Spectrometer, purchase, Agronomy, 913 Animal Science, 470 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 23, 100, 469, 1037, 1122, 1256 Dairy Science, 913 Electrical Engineering, 100, 471 Food Science, 243 Microbiology, Urbana, 471 Pharmacology, 913 Plant Pathology, 1015 Psychiatry, 375 Physics, Urbana, 592, 593 Radiocarbon Laboratory, 375 Radiology, 163 Spectrophotofluorometer, purchase, Clinical Research Center, 863 Food Science, 374 Spectrophotometer, appropriation, Medical Center, balance reappropriated, 87, 781 gift, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 963 Spectrophotometers, purchase, Agency for International Development, 1200 Agronomy, 1037 Animal Science, 53, 866, 1256 Biological Chemistry, 862, 1121 Botany, 278 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 188, 349, 351, 591, 716, 787, 789, 912, 1014, 1159, 1204 Clinical Research Center, 163 Electrical Engineering, 592, 1038, 1156 Entomology, 941 General Chemical Stores, 784, 1038 Medical Research, 1158 Medicine, 783, 1255 Oral Pathology, 375 Spectrophotometers, cont'd Pharmacy, 783, 1037 Physical Sciences, 434 Physics, Chicago Circle, 1254 Urbana, 101, 436, 593 Veterinary Medicine, 58 Spectrophotometer equipment, gift, Botany 304 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 304 Microbiology, 304 Spectroscopy, research, gift, 968 Spectrum analyzer, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, purchase, 1037 Speech and Hearing Clinic, budget, summer session. 337, 1002 Speech and Theatre, Chicago Undergraduate Division, department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1243 Urbana, appropriation, equipment, 918 hearing testing chamber, 269 prefabricated sound room, balance reappropriated, 85 remodeling, 369 budget, summer session, 336, 1002 gift, equipment, Henry, D. D., 303 fellowship, Zeta Phi Eta, 290, 952 funds, Champaign County Health Improvement Association, 299 University Foundation, 962 major and minor requirements, revision 368 purchase, audiometer, 1036 Speech clinics, Division of Services for Crippled Children, approved, 1190 Speed regulation, vehicular, study, contract, change, 192 Speirs, B., memorial fund, gift, 311 Speiser, Elta M., degree, 1308 Speiser, Helen S., degree, 841 Speiser, Jane F-, degree, 1314 Spelich, j. A., degree, 1318 Spellberg, M. A., appointment, 68, 755, 1219 Spellman, H. A., degree, 621 Spellman, J. L., degree. 610 Spellman, Mrs. Mary S., appointment, 733 degree, 830 resignation, 11 74 Spellmeyer, Judith L., degree, 625 Spellmeyer, R. E., certificate, 366 Spelman, Penelope, degree, 630 Spence, C. C, appointment, 332 fellowship, 896 leave of absence, 445 resignation, 666 Spence, C. D., degree, 1315 Spence, L. II., degree, 625 Spence, P. H., appointment, 813 Spence, Willa L., degree, 1300 Spencer, Ann B., appointment, 925 Spencer, B. W., appointment, 998 degree, 1293 Spencer, D. S., degree, 635 Spencer, Elizabeth F.. degree, 213 Spencer, J. D., appointment, 255 Spencer, J. F., certificate, 62 Spencer, J. W., degree, 837 Spencer, N. M., degree, 152 Spencer, Patricia D., appointment, 127 Spencer, R. H., degree, 625 Spencer, T. E., degree, 600 Spencley, K. J., degree, 138 fellowship, 519, 1230 Spenney, J. G., degree, 645 Spera, F. X., leave of absence, 523 Sperling, R. L., degree, 645 Sperry, Martha C, degree, 625 Spertus, H., gift, 305 Speyer, H. J., degree, 638 Spicer, L. D., fellowship, 663 Spickerman, J. A., degree, 643 Spiegel, F. X., degree, 391 Spiegel, Manuel, appointment, 760 UNIVERSITY C Spiegel, Michael, appointment, 72 Spiegel, R. M., degree, 843 Spiegelman, S., appointment, 1110 Spies, A. G., degree, 647 Spies, H. W., appointment, 78, 766 Spigolon, S. j., degree, 874 Spikre, Judy M., degree, 633 Spilky, Gail c-. degree, 1075 Spillman, C. K., degree, 388 resignation, 259 Spinco Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc purchase, 23, 189, 190, 243, 278, 349 471, 783, 785, 787, 788, 862, 863, 864' 866, 913, 940, 1037, 1038, 1122, 1204 ' Spingola, R. C, certificate, 1102 Spinka, H. M., appointment, 67, 754 Spinolo, G., appointment, 127 Spinosa, F., fellowship, 663, 1230 Spinrad, B. I., appointment, 1026 Spirakis, C. N., appointment, 127 Spires, D. N., degree, 1298 Spiro, Barbara, appointment, 74, 761 Spitze, Hazel T., appointment, 65, 509, 1330 Spitzer, R. E., degree, 140 Spitzer, R. R., degree, 1304 Spitznas, Kathryn A., degree, 1298 Spiwak, R. S., degree, 647 Spor, R. \V., appointment, 1330 Spore dust, research, contract, 692 Sporlan Valve Co., gift, 963 Sporleder, D. E., resignation, 898 Spotlights, Assembly Hall, purchase, 718 Spotts, G. D., degree, 612 Spraggins, Margaret J., degree, 1304 Sprague, A. W., degree, 401 Sprague, M, A., leave of absence, 426 Sprague, R. L., appointment, 1241 Sprague Electric Co., gift, 951 purchase, 592 Sprandel, R. H., degree, 1322 Spratt, K. C, degree, 838 Spray etcher, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 435 Sprecher, C. R., degree, 155 Spreitzer, J. J., degree, 1082 Sprenkle, C. SI., appointment, 733, 991, 1139 Sprenkle, D. E., degree, 393 Spriet, C. C, degree, 604 Springs, G. H., degree, 616 fellowship, 205 Springborn, Sandra A., degree, 1311 Springer, E. M., degree. 625 Springer, J. A., degree, 836 Springer, K., appointment, 76, 763 Springer Motor Sales, purchase, 1208 Springfield, property for use of Division of Services for Crippled Children, lease, 790 property for use by University Extension Division, lease, 720 Springfield Avenue, property at 26 East, lease, 18 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 780 funds, 18 storage room, lease, 868 property at 1103 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 671 settlement, 1090 property at 11O3V5 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 672 settlement, 1091 property at 1105 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, action rescinded, 1090 authorization, 844 purchase, 1090 Property at 1107 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 3F ILLINOIS 1555 Springfield Avenue, cont'd property at 1109 West, purchase, 1093 property at 1111 West, purchase, 230 property at 1113 West, purchase, 230 property at 1210 West, air conditioning, appropriation, 683 property at 1208 West, remodeling, appropriation, 183, 369 balance reappropriated, 780 property at 1304 West, purchase, 348 property at 1306 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, settlement, 1235 settlement offer rejected, 1092 purchase, 1235 property at 1308 West, purchase, 357 remodeling, appropriation, 852 Springfield Electric Supply Co., purchase, Springfield Mattress Co., purchase, 350 Sprinkler systems, contract, Civil Engineering Davenport Hall, 1009 English Building, 1009 Law Building, 1009 Lincoln Hall, 1009 Mumford Hall, 1009 Natural History Building, 1009 Sprinkmann Sons Corp. of Illinois, contract, 94, 540, 541 Sprowl, C. R., Jr., degree, 155 Sprudzs, A., appointment, 851 Spruell, R. O., fellowship, 1338 Sprunger, K. L., degree, 876 Spudich. J. A., degree, 628 Spurgash, A. J., fellowship, 44 Spurling, D. F., degree, 839 Spurling, Olympia D., degree, 1286 Spurlock, Jeanne, appointment, 80, 767 Square D Co gift, 948 Square Deal Electrical Contracting, Inc., contract, 16, 94, 184, 239, 345, 488, 539, 1192, 1193, 1248, 1249 Squibb, E. R., & Sons, gift, 309, 958, 973 purchase, 22, 99, 493, 1201 Squier, Beverly J., fellowship, 929 Squiller, Nancy J., degree, 154 Squire, Fay H., appointment, 80, 768 Srilenawat, R., degree, 390 Srinivasan, R., appointment, 733 Srinivasan, T, M., appointment, 509 Srinivasan, V. R., appointment, 813 Srivastava, S. P., degree, 610 Sroka, Collette M., degree, 639 Srygley, T. F., degree, 611 fellowship, 44 Stabilizer, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 190 Stabilizing agents, evaluation of effectiveness, research, contract, 789 Stableford, L. B., memorial fund, gift, 310, 971 Stablein, R. D., degree, 1069 Stabler, Juanita G., degree, 1069 Stach, W. F., degree, 1321 Stack, M. T., degree, 1081 Stadelbacher, E. A., degree, 1269 Stadin, R. E., degree, 1289 Stadium, tree-planting program, contract, 371 Stadium Drive recreation area, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 Stadt, R. W., degree, 213 Stadwiser, J. B., degree, 645 Staehlin, W. p., degree, 1310 Staff, academic, appointment of qualified Negroes, committee to study, 482 academic freedom, amendment of University Statutes, 577 conference of General Policy Committee and Senate representatives, 920 referred to General Policy Committee, 578 1556 BOARD OF Staff, cont'd report of General Policy Committee, 1166, 1178 request of Senates for further consultation, 1244 annuity program, established, 1212 insurance companies approved, 1214 rules, 1213 automobile registration fee, 575 hospital-medical-surgical insurance, contract, 689 premium, 689 parking regulations and facilities, long-range program, approved, 574 retired, supplemental annuities, 859 salary and wage adjustments, retrocative, policies and procedures, change, 106, 682 tenure, amendment of University Statutes, 577 conference of General Policy Committee and Senate representatives, 920 referred to General Policy Committee, 578 report of General Policy Committee, 1166, 1178 request of Senates for further consultation, 1244 Staff and Administration Offices Building, Chicago Circle, construction, contract, electrical, 528 general, 527 heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic temperature control systems, 528 plumbing, 528 ventilating, 528 Staff Apartment Building, Medical Center, caulking work, contract, 92 Stafford, Marion B., degree, 840 Stage, Assembly Hall, purchase, 281 Stagen, R. L., degree, 393 Stage platforms, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1254 Stager, R. A., appointment, 509 degree, 600 resignation, 479 Stage skirts, Assembly Hall, purchase, 691 Stagg, Camille T., degree, 619 Stahl, Carolyn }., degree, 1301 Stahl, G. L., degree, 879 Stahl, R. N., degree, 622 Stahl, S. M., degree, 630 Stahler, T. R., degree, 1080 StahlUe, J. L., degree, 152 Stahly, D. P., fellowship, 132, 819 Staif, J. E., degree, 1081 Stainless steel, study, contract, 720 Stainless steel flatware. Medical Center Stores, purchase, 22 Stake, Dalia T., degree, 152 Stake, R. E., appointment, 851 Stalder, Mary J., degree, 1065 fellowship, 819 Staley, A. R., gift, 194, 966 appreciation of Board, 194 Staller, Rita N., degree, 1298 Stallman, J. C, degree, 636 Stallman, R. K., degree, 1067 Stallman, Sandra J., degree, 402 Stallmeyer, J. E., appointment, 39, 478, 655, 1330 Stamatis, S. P., degree, 625 Stambaugh, Mrs. Mary K., appointment, 201, 409 resignation, 444 Stambaugh, R. L., degree, 388 resignation, 413 Stamos, D. E., certificate, 366 Stancey, T. H., degree, 647 Stand, D. L., degree, 606 fellowship, 663 Stancy, W. T., degree, 405 Standard, J. J., degree, 1293 Standard Oil Co. of California, gift, 948, 951 962 Standard Photo Supply Co., Inc., purchase 1013, 1203 Standard Safety Equipment Co., purchase, 495 Standard Scientific Supply Corp., purchase, 1200 Standard Stationery Supply, purchase, 783, 1014 Standard Wood Products Corp., purchase, 715 Standeford, L. V., degree, 1064 Stanfel, D. E., degree, 630, 1282 Stanfield, R. E., Jr., degree, 389 Stanforth, J. G., certificate, 366 Stange, R. D., degree, 841 Stanfsz, J. J., degree, 1292 Stanke, F. B., degree, 399 Stanko, J. A., fellowship, 738 Stanley, Barbara S., degree, 625 Stanley, Edith D., appointment, 751 Stanley, Kathryn S., degree, 630 Stanley, W. E., degree, 142 Stanley, W. O., appointment, 181, 328, 996 Stannard, J. W., degree, 139 Stannard, Mabel L., degree, 149 Stannard Power Equipment Co., purchase, 377 Stanton, R. H., fellowship, 1338 Stanton, R. M., degree, 1078 Staples, C. E., appointment, 127 Staples, J. W., degree, 1068 Stapleton, H. J., appointment, 39 Stapleton, Pamela D., degree, 1298 Stapp, L. G., degree, 622 Star, S. M., degree, 1310 Starches, research, gift, 293, 954 Star Dental Manufacturing Co., Inc., purchase, 1255 Star Engraving Co., purchase, 99 Stark, E. W., appointment, 534, 1002 Stark, F. R., degree, 646 fellowship, 44 Stark, J. A., certificate, 748 Stark, K.( appointment, 655 Stark, K. H., appointment, 317 degree, 386 resignation, 413 Stark, Margaret A., degree, 836 Starkey, A. M., Ill, degree, 138 Starkey, R. G., degree, 1291 Starkey, R. L., certificate, 366 Starkman, R. A., degree, 152 Starline, Inc., lease, 381, 1040 Starnes, R. R., degree, 640 Starnes, T. C, Jr., appointment, 127, 332 Starnes, \V. J., degree, 1267 Starns, Matilda P., degree, 611 Starr, C. G., leave of absence, 523 Starr, G. I., degree, 1321 Starr, W. R., appointment, 71, 758 Starshak, T. J., appointment, 255, 977 Starvation, cardiovascular eifects, study, contract, 1127 change, 381 Starvel, R. V., degree, 1318 Stasell, R. G., degree, 620 State Board of Higher Education, biennial budget, recommendations, 360 master plan for higher education in Illinois, endorsement, 1098 meeting at University, 1175 new programs, reports, 194 University representative, 360, 1098 State Department of Aeronautics, grant, Airport improvements and acquisition of land, 1029 State Department of Agriculture, contract, 1162 gift, 303, 965 UNIVERSITY C State Department of Conservation, contract 1162 change, 105, 475, 721, 1260 gift, 303, 965 State Department of Mental Health, clinic site, transfer from University, 937 contract, 21, 244, 465, 867, 943 change, 21, 105, 438, 943 gift, 303, 312, 965, 973 operation of Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, agreement, 275 steam service, contract, 1010 State Department of Public Safety, gift, 303, 965 State Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, contract, change, 192, 193, 791, 792 gift, 303, 965 lease, 572 State Department of Registration and Education, gift, 303 State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, gift, 303, 965 State fair exhibit, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 778 State Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, gift, 285 State Housing Board, gift, 303, 965 State Library, contract, change, 21 gift, 303, 965 State Natural History Survey, gift, research, American Cyanamid Co., 291, 953 Shell Chemical Corp., 297, 958 Velsicol Chemical Corp., 298, 960 purchase, automobiles, 437 station wagons, 437 trucks, 437 State Penitentiary at Pontiac, purchase, 782 State Public Aid Commission, gift, 303, 965 State Records Commission, contract, 586 State Superintendent of Public Instruction, contract, 1127 gift, 303, 965 State University of Iowa, gift, 959 State Water Survey, gift, research, Crop-Hail Insurance Actuarial Association, 293, 954 Station wagons, purchase, Agricultural Engineering, 437 Physical Education, 1037 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 26, 437, 1015, 1209 State Natural History Survey, 437 Statistical properties of two-phase flow, research, contract, 244 change, 916 Statistical Service Unit, appropriation, equipment, 182, 238 remodeling, 269 purchase, tabulating forms, 102, 785, 914 Statkus, Giedre M., degree, 1075 Statkus, N. J., degree, 404 Statuary, Alma Mater, relocation, report and recommendation of Buildings and Grounds Committee, 27 Statutes, amendment, academic freedom, 577 conference of General Policy Committee and Senate representatives, 920 referred to General Policy Committee, 578 report of General Policy Committee, 1166, 1178 request of Senates for further consultation, 1244 Senates, 577 conference of General Policy Committee and Senate representatives, 920 referred to General Policy Committee, 578 report of General Policy Committee, 1166, 1178 request of Senates for further consultation, 1244 3F ILLINOIS 1557 Statutes, cont'd tenure of academic staff, 577 conference of General Policy Committee and Senate representatives, 920 referred to General Policy Committee, report of General Policy Committee, 1166, 1178 request of Senates for further consultation, 1244 Staub, E. W., appointment, 771 Stauber, E. C, appointment, 335 Staudte, R. G., Jr., degree, 1281 Stauffer, D. T., degree, 639 Stauffer, R. E., degree, 625 Stauffer Chemical Co., gift, 286, 289, 298. 948, 952 Stauter, Jane, degree, 1078 Stayart, C. F., degree, 403 Stayton, Mary I., degree, 616 Steam and condensate flow in pipes, research, contract, change, 191, 721 gift, 291, 953 Steam and hot water heating, research, contract, change, 105, 791 gift, 295, 956 Steam distribution system, extension, engineering services, contract, 852 Steam fitting and process piping, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, first unit, contract, 91 Steam jet ejector, design and fabrication, engineering services, contract, 788 Steam service, contract, Child Development Building, 1010 Children and Family Services Department, 1009 East Chemistry Building addition, 1248 Electrical Engineering Building, 541 Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, 184 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 541 Materials Research Laboratory, 540 Medical Center, new buildings, 465 Out-Patient Health Service Building, 910 Rehabilitation-Education Building, 936 Steam tunnel, construction, contract, Illinois Street Residence Halls, 541 Materials Research Laboratory, 540, 710 Wright Street, 183 Stearnes-Imperial Co., contract, 572 purchase, 1203 Stearns, Mrs. Carole M., appointment, 255 Stearns, R. P., appointment, 332, 655 Stearns, W. R., degree, 1304 Steben, J. D., resignation, 666 Stebinger Memorial Library Fund, investment, 1016 Steblay, R. W., appointment, 78 Steck, I. E., appointment, 68, 755 Steckline, Dorothy M., appointment, 127 Steed, W. D., appointment, 79, 766 Steel, purchase, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 912 research, contract, 437, 720 change, 193, 791, 943, 1041, 1129 gift, 291, 294, 953, 958 Steel building, Physics-Betatron, purchase, 373 Steel casting refractories, study, gift, 953 Steele, D. L., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1230 Steelograph, Inc., purchase, 1158, 1160 Steel plates, Civil Engineering, purchase, 242 Steel Warehousing Division, Jessop Steel Co., purchase, 912 Steen, J. R., degree, 632 Stefani, J. A., degree, 1313 Stefanos, Amelia, degree, 633 Steffen, Gertrude L., degree, 149 Steffen, T. B., appointment, 1330 degree, 1315 1558 BOARD OF Steffen, W. W., fellowship, 519 Steffens, Georgia L., appointment, 655 degree, 1314 Steffensen, D. M., appointment, 39 Steffy, Agnes 0., degree, 837 Steffy, K. A., degree, 603 Stegemeier, H., appointment, 331 Stegemiller, D. R., degree, 1311 Steger, A. L., certificate, 366 Steggerda, F. R., appointment, 39 Stegman, E., certificate, 748 Stehno, E. j., degree, 622 Steier, W. H., resignation, 207 Steigehnann, E. F., degree, 209 Stein, A. R., degree, 1268 fellowship, 519 resignation, 1342 Stein, H. J., appointment, 202, 409, 813, 891, 1139, 1330 degree, 1059 resignation, 1088 Stein, J. H., Jr., appointment, 127 degree, 606 Stein, Jocelyn J., degree, 625 Stein, Kim O., degree, 832 Stein, M. R., degree, 1298 Stein, N., appointment, 127 degree, 1270 Stein, R. C, degree, 1075 Stein, Sondra K., appointment, 697, 813 degree, 612 Stein, T. R., degree, 1076 Stein, W. C, certificate, 366 Steinbeck, Paul W-, appointment, 409 cancellation, 1020 Steinbeck, Paul W., Jr., degree, 607 Steinberg, A. D., degree, 1316 Steinberg, Gertrude, degree, 1300 Steinberg, H. H., appointment, 78, 766 Steinberg, Judith A., degree, 1075 Steinberg, S. A., degree, 400 Steiner, D. G., degree, 1076 Steiner, G. Y., leave of absence, 1174 Steiner, I. D., appointment, 39 leave of absence, 1143 Steiner, J. F., appointment, 340, 1006 Steiner, K. R., degree, 1072 Steiner, M. A., certificate, 748 Steiner, W. G., degree, 621, 1292 fellowship, 1230 Steinfels, J. P., degree, 1313 Steinfink, S., degree, 647 Steinhardt, C. K., degree, 874 Steinhardt, Mary D., fellowship, 738 resignation, 898 Steiniger, Susan I., degree, 144 Steinkamp, S. W., appointment, 327 declination, 479 fellowship, 1173 Steinmann, J. C, degree, 1313 Steinmeyer, J. W., degree, 1293 Steinrauf, L. K., resignation, 1142 Steinrisser, F., appointment, 1019 Steinwald, O. P., Jr., appointment, 771 Stelle, J., memorial, 27 Stellmacher, Virginia M., degree, 1304 Stelzer, J. R., degree, 1304 Stelzer, R. S., degree, 398 Stemke, G. W., degree, 384 Stendler, Celia B., appointment, 328, 993 declination, 479 Stengel, Sally A., appointment, 655 Stenographic Service, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, equipment, 709 Medical Center, purchase, offset press, 53 Urbana, appropriation, duplicating equipment, balance reappropriated, 85 purchase, offset duplicator, 25 Stenson, Baby, memorial to, gift, 972 Stenson, H. H., fellowship, 1338 Stenstrom, R. H., appointment, 127 Stentz, D. D., certificate, 366 J. J.v w u * ii? Stenzel, R. R., degree, 1291 Stepan, C. E., appointment, 77, 765 Stepanek, Janet A., degree, 1307 Stepenske, L. D., degree, 398 Stephan, Naomi I., degree, 213 Stephan, P. H., appointment, 331 Stephan, R. C, certificate, 366 Stephens, Connie L., degree, 836 Stephens, Dorothy F., degree, 616 Stephens, T. K., degree, 606 fellowship, 663 resignation, 930 Stephens, J. L., degree, 1289 Stephens, J. M., degree, 1070 Stephens, N. L., appointment, 127 Stephens, Mrs. Nancy A. Y., appointment, 1085 degree, 1066 resignation, 1174 Stephens, Sandra S., degree, 1310 Stephens, T. L., degree, 1313 Stephenson, D. T., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 1146 Stephenson, J. C, degree, 632 Stephenson, Monica 1., degree, 1307 Stephenson, W. A., degree, 155 Stepkin, Kay, degree, 1308 Stepner, M. J., degree, 1313 Stepp Equipment Co., purchase, 1202 Stepto, R. C., appointment, 72, 760 Sterbis, E. E., degree, 1076 Stereocomparator, Civil Engineering, purchase 1159 Stereomicroscopes, Agronomy, purchase, 1037 Stereoscope, Zoology, purchase, 190 Stereoscope folding mirrors, Civil Engineering, purchase, 588 Stereoscopic point transfer device, Civil Engineering, purchase, 350 Sterilizer, appropriation. Medical Center, balance reappropriated, 87, 781 purchase, Agency for International Development, 372 Animal Science, 590 Botany, 374 Preventive Medicine, 589 Research and Educational Hospitals, 53, 1202 Sterkel, R. W., appointment, 751, 988 Sterkowicz, L. M., degree, 403 Sterling, E. S., degree, 1318 Sterling Television Co., Inc., purchase, 349 Stern, B. E., degree, 832 Stern, Carol A., degree, 632 Stern, D. H., appointment, 337, 1003 fellowship, 519 Stern, G. E., Jr., degree, 1298 Stern, H., appointment, 127 Stern, J., appointment, 65 Stern, L. H., degree, 1315 Stern, Margot, degree, 840 Stern, Myrna, degree, 405 Stern, Rochelle, degree, 1079 Stern, Mrs. Ruth S., appointment, 442 Stern, S. A., degree, 635 Stern, S. W., degree, 647 Sternberg, H. L., certificate, 364 Sternfield, S. F., certificate, 748 Steroids, use in ovulation control, research, gift, 957 Sterrett, Helen J., degree, 625 Sterritt, G. R., degree, 1319 Sterritt, W. J., degree, 1311 Stettbacher, L. L., appointment, 759 Steur, L. R., degree, 1070, 1071 Stevens, A., degree, 149 Stevens, A. M., degree, 643 Stevens, Carol A., degree, 1312 Stevens, G. R., certificate, 748 Stevens, G. W., degree, 625 Stevens, K. K., degree, 832 fellowship, 1338 UNIVERSITY C Stevens, K. M., degree, 1065 Stevens, K. R., fellowship, 519, 896 resignation, 898 Stevens, Kathleen A., degree, 633 Stevens, R. E., appointment, 423, 478, 997 Stevens, R. L., degree, 397 Stevenson, A. E., honorary degree, 1103 Stevenson, D. P., degree, 155 Stevenson, R. F., degree, 840 Stevenson, T. M., Jr., degree, 1268 Steward, J. H., appointment, 1111 Steward, O. W., appointment, 409, 509 Stewart, Arleen P., degree, 1298 Stewart, Mrs. Beverly J., appointment, 127, 318 resignation, 740 Stewart, C. A., certificate, 62 degree, 1070 Stewart, C. J., degree, 603 Stewart, D. C, appointment, 1139 Stewart, E. B., resignation, 47 Stewart, G. S., appointment, 66 Stewart, H. E., certificate, 748 degree, 1307 Stewart, J. M., degree, 400 Stewart, Judith A., degree, 617 Stewart, M. F.. degree, 139 Stewart, R., Oil Co., purchase, 595, 719 Stewart, R. E. D., degree, 152 Stewart, T. B., degree, 386 fellowship, 205 Stewart, W. N., leave of absence, 1108 Stewart, W. R., degree, 841 Stice, L. F., leave of absence, 424 change, 741 Sticha, P. E., degree, 881 Stickler, R. L., degree, 618 Stiefel, Hylene M., fellowship, 896 Stiegel, K. W., degree, 643 Stifle, J. E., appointment, 813 invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 231 Stiies, M. E., degree, 600 Stiles, Shirley L., degree, 606 Stillerman, J. J., appointment, 1139 Stillerman, M. L., appointment, 74, 761 Stillinger, J. C, appointment, 993 leave of absence, 1109 resignation, 1342 Stillman, Roberta A., degree, 1062 Stillwell, G. B., appointment, 330 Stillwell, H. S., director of Athletic Association, 1103 Stillwell, Mary P., degree, 149 Stines, P. H., degree, 643 Stineway Drug Co., gift, 306 Stinson, L. W., degree, 1078 Stipends, Graduate College fellows, increase, 1027 Stippes, M. C, appointment, 39, 697 leave of absence, 425, 899, 1189 cancellation, 899 Stitzel, R. D., appointment, 892 resignation, 1088 Stiven, F. B., Memorial Scholarship, funds, gift, 948 Stivers, R. M., degree, 836 Stocke, R. F., degree, 632 Stockey, Phyllis, degree, 1300 Stocking, D. L., certificate, 366 Stockman, Janis L., degree, 604 Stocum, D. L., degree, 881 Stoddard, M. D., degree, 625 Stoecker, W. F., appointment, 334 Stoeckert, J. K., degree, 1310 Stoeckl, Mary J.t degree, 1285 Stoedefalke, K. G., degree, 1270 Stoevener, H. H., degree, 599 Stoffel, J. J., degree, 155 Stoffel, Ruth M., degree, 1281 Stoker parts, Physical Plant Department, Ur-bana, purchase, 191 )F ILLINOIS 1559 Stokes, E. F., degree, 618 Stokes, J. C, IV, degree, 1298 Stokes, R. F., appointment, 82, 770 Stokes, Wilma A., degree, 140 Stolar, M. H., degree, 1322 Stolfa, Rosemary F., degree, 631 Stoll, C. H., degree, 622 fellowship, 663 Stoll, D. if., degree, 622 stoll, Gail M., appointment, 892 degree, 647 Stoll, T. G., degree, 1298 Stolldorf, D. W., degree, 620 Stolpe, S. G., appointment, 335, 1000 Stoltz, Elizabeth A., degree, 832 Stoltz, S. N., degree, 1072 Stolurow, L. M., appointment, 39, 127, 318 leave of absence, change, 321 Stone, A., degree, 1319 Stone, A. L., Jr., degree, 836 Stone, A. P., fellowship, 663, 1338 Stone, Barbara L. M., degree, 1286 Stone, C. R., degree, 398 Stone, Dianne F., degree, 633 Stone, Elaine B., degree, 633 Stone, G. G., degree, 1070 Stone, H., degree, 1302 Stone, H. B., appointment, 71, 758 Stone, Johanna C.. degree, 1308 Stone, Mary A., fellowship, 663 Stone, Nellie M., degree, 154 Stone, P., appointment, 925 Stone, R. A., degree, 646 Stone, R. E., certificate, 62 Stone, Robert G., appointment, 73t 760 Stone, Robert G., fellowship, 1230 Stone, R. J., degree, 630 Stone, R. K., appointment, 330 degree, 385 Stone, R. L., certificate, 748 Stone, V. J., appointment, 996 Stone, W. II., degree, 647 Stonecipher, A. K., resignation, 666 Stoneking, J, L., degree, 643 Stonelake, R. P., degree, 1081 Stoneware jars, Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, purchase, 1201 Stonework, Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, resetting, contract, 432 Stoops, Betty, appointment, 202, 733 Stoops, Jeanette M., appointment, 1085 Stoothoff, R. D., degree, 1311 Stopoulos, L. J., degree, 1318 Storage building, purchase, Agronomy, 1159 Veterinary Medicine, 717 Storage space needs, study, contract, 21 Storage tubes, Coordinated Science Laboratory, purchase, 716 Storch, Kay E., fellowship, 1230 Storch, R. H., appointment, 39, 509, 1171 Storey, D. A., resignation, 930 Storey, G. A., appointment, 772 Storinger, R. L., degree, 625 Storm, Carol J., degree, 1308 Storm, G L., appointment, 813, 1140 Storm, R. W., degree, 1311 Storm and water mains, extension, engineering services, contract, Civil Engineering Building, 853 East Chemistry Building addition, 853 Storm sash, Physical Plant Department, Ur- bana, purchase, 692 Storm sewers, appropriation, improvements, balance reappropriated, 87, 780 contract, Civil Engineering Building, 1113 Education Building, 541 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 541 easement, Stoughton Street, 1300 block West, 346 Storz, W. A., degree, 400 Stotland, V. G., appointment, 1330 degree, 613 1560 BOARD OF ' Stotler, R. L., degree, 840 Stotz, C. H., director of Athletic Association, 1103 Stoughton Street, property in 1300 block West, storm sewer, easement, 346 property at 1301 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 1144 negotiations, authorization, 1146 property at 1302 West, purchase, 448 property at 1303 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 675 settlement, 1091 property at 1304 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 669 settlement, 1091 property at 1305 West, purchase, 348 property at 1306 West, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 524 settlement, 1092 property at 1308 West, purchase, 348 property at 1310 West, purchase, 525 Romine Street to Mathews Avenue, vacation, payment to city of Urbana, approved, 901 Stout, G. E., appointment, 127 declination, 321 Stout, R. E., degree, 625 Stout, W. T., Jr., degree, 391 Stover, F. G., degree, 138 Stoves, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase, 1161 Stowell, Nancy J., degree, 145 Strahs, G., fellowship, 356, 929 Strain, R. J., appointment, 127, 655 degree, 601 resignation, 898 Strainis, F. W., degree, 1082 Straka, P. J., degree, 638 Strance, J. C, degree, 842 Stranczek, T. F., degree, 1309 Strand, K. H., appointment, 697 degree, 640 Strandberg, G. A., degree, 399 Strange, R. P., appointment, 655 Strassburger, G. A., certificate, 1102 Strassenburg, C. G., degree, 639 Stratman, Nancy K., degree, 1312 Stratton, J. R., degree, 877 Stratton, P., gift, 967 Strauch, B. A., lease, 104, 868 Straus, Elizabeth K., appointment, 69, 756 Straus, F. H., appointment, 81, 769 Strauss, J. F., Jr., appointment, 69, 757 Strauss, M. R,, certificate, 62 Strauss, R. C, degree, 621 Strauss, Sidney, appointment, 67, 754 Strauss, Sidney, degree, 836 Stravinsky, Soulima, leave of absence, 1108 Straw, purchase, Animal Science, 590, 1258 Dairy Science, 590, 1258 Veterinary Clinical Medicine, 590, 1258 Strazzante, S. R., degree, 841 Streator Air Service, purchase, 591 Streeter, H., appointment, 995 leave of absence, 1234 Streeter, L. E., degree, 1278 Streets, improvements, contract, change, 51 Urbana-Champaign area, major plan, approved, 872, 1195 vacation, payment to city of Urbana, approved, 901 Street sweeper, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 191 Strege, D. C, degree, 1293 Strehl, F. W., appointment, 255 declination, 207 Strein, G. W., degree, 149 Streit, E. L., certificate, 1102 Stressteel Corp., purchase, 1204 Strickland, C. L., degree, 827 Strickland, Eleanor M., degree, 1275 Striegel, L. E., Jr., certificate, 366 Strimling, M. D., appointment, 256 Stringer, T. L., degree, 1076 Strnad, G. J., appointment, 340, 1006 Strobach, D. R., appointment, 127 fellowship, 700 resignation, 702 Strode, J. B., degree, 1075 Stroehlein, J. R., degree, 630 Strofs, J. M., degree, 1319 Strohbehn, Cheryl B., degree, 402 Strohl, E. L., appointment, 81, 769 Strohman, R. D., degree, 151 Strom, C. R., resignation, 666 Strom, U., degree, 1282 fellowship, 1338 Stromberg, R. P., degree, 622 Stromfeld, R. M., resignation, 207 Stromsta, R. R., degree, 398 fellowship, 519, 663 Strong, H., Educational Foundation, gift, 287 949 Strong, J. E., degree, 1292 Stroom, L. M., appointment, 925 Stropes, D. E., degree, 1292 Strougal, Patricia E. G., degree, 144 Stroup, L. D.( degree, 620 Stroup, M. F., degree, 1293 Stroupe, Patricia A., degree, 1321 Strout, D. E., leave of absence, 459 resignation, 702 Strout, R. P., appointment, 334, 998 Strout, Shirley K., Scholarship, funds, gift, 286, 948 Strubbe, J. M., appointment, 813 Structural concrete, research, contract, change 193, 792 Structural elements, research, contract, chance, 351, 475 Structural joints, research, contract, change, 192, 587, 791 gift, 293, 954 Structural members, research, contract, change, 352 gift, 292, 954 Structural Waterproofing Corp., contract, 92 Strunk, D. W., degree, 395 Strunk, R. D., degree, 1281 fellowship, 663 Strusiner, Ellen S., degree, 1308 Struss, A. W., degree, 153 Stuart, T. A., degree, 621 Stubblefield, D. R., degree, 1315 Stubbs, F. G., Jr., appointment, 330, 994 Stubbs, J. C, appointment, 1151 Stubenrauch, C. F., degree, 1279 Stubenrauch, Katherine L., degree, 1298 Stucker, R. L., degree, 1311 Stuckey, Frances E., degree, 632 Stuckey, J. R., degree, 155 Stucky, G. D., appointment, 751, 1330 Student Directory, printing, contract, 783 Student handbook, Chicago Undergraduate Division, printing, 434 Student Organizations Executive Board, gift, 286, 948 Student Rehabilitation Center, name, change, 182 Student Residence Hall, Medical Center, air conditioning, contract, electrical, 490 general, 490 heating, refrigeration, and temperature controls, 490 plumbing, 490 ventilating, 490 Students, guests of Board, 931 hospital-medical-surgical insurance, contract, 689 fee, 689 loan funds, United Student Aid Funds, Inc., University participation, 487 Student Senate, officers, guests of Board, 931 invitation to April meeting, 414 UNIVERSITY Student Services Building, funds, investment 248, 250, 379, 380, 473, 724, 726, 793' 871, 872, 917, 945, 1018, 1042, 1164' 1165, 1215 inspection by Board members, 251 landscaping, contract, 17 sun-control draperies, purchase, 789 Student Welfare and Activities Committee, appointment of T. A. Jones, 986 members, 1098 Studtmann, Susan A., degree, 1308 Stuebe, Gloria A., degree, 633 Stuebe, J. E., degree, 1079 Stueber, R. A., degree, 1074 Stuebner, Elaine A., appointment, 127 Stukel, J. J., appointment, 334, 998 degree, 612 Stulik, C. K., appointment, 77, 764 Stull, J. F., degree, 635 Stutnm, R. L., degree, 635 Stumpt, Janet M., degree, 842 Stumpf, Joyce M., degree, 842 Stupian, G. W., degree, 392 Stuppy, Elizabeth A., degree, 626 Stuppy, G. W., appointment, 67, 754 Sturdyvin, J. E., certificate, 62 Sturgeon, Paula S., degree, 1310 Sturgeon, R. A., degree, 149 Sturgul, J. R., fellowship, 519, 1230, 1338 Sturies, Clara R., degree, 627 Sturies, Nancy A., degree, 140 Sturm, R. W., degree, 1073 Sturman, G. D., gift, 972 Sturman, H. A., gift, 311 Sturmthal, A, F., appointment, 39 Sturrock, J. W., degree, 1065 Stusrud, Julie A., appointment, 813 degree, 140 Stutsman, J. C, degree, 1081 Stutsman, J. D., degree, 1285 Stutz, A. j., degree, 646 Stutzman, W. L., degree, 1292, 1298 Su, Julia K., fellowship, 519 Su, T., degree, 1065 Subat, J. E., degree, 1070 Sublimator, Dairy Science, purchase, 278 Submillimeter wave receiver techniques, research, contract, 586 Suchinski, Joyce H., degree, 1321 fellowship, 896 Suconick, Naomi, degree, 1272 fellowship, 663 Sudhoff, H. A., appointment, 478 Suddes, Helen L., degree, 155 Suddleson, R. L., degree, 828 Sudhoff, H. A., resignation, 898 Suedfeld, P., appointment, 1186 Sueoka, N., resignation, 135 Suess, A. R., degree, 213 Suess, M. J., degree, 392 Suggs, H. N., degree, 402 Sugiura, M., appointment, 892 Suh, D. K. S., appointment, 39, 127 Suh, H. C, degree, 619 Suhr, Betty J., degree, 616 Suhre, M. P., degree, 1072 Suhren, Sally R., degree, 142 Sukowski, E. J., degree, 641 Sula, N. M., degree, 1078 Sulfur-nitrogen compounds, research, contract, 191 Sulhoff, F. VV., degree, 403 Sulich, F. J., degree, 842 Sullins, Marjorie A., degree, 402, 1285 Sullivan, Constance A., fellowship, 1338 Sullivan, D. G., appointment, 335 fellowship, 1173 Sullivan, E. E., appointment, 892 Sullivan, F. V., appointment, 256 degree, 1061 Sullivan, J. M., degree, 1070 Sullivan, M. D., certificate, 748 OF ILLINOIS 1561 Sullivan, Mary E., appointment, 708 Sullivan, P. F., Memorial Library Collection, funds, gift, 962 Sullivan Chevrolet Co., gift, 962 purchase, 437, 915, 1209 Sulphuric acid, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 719 Sultan, S. M., degree, 142 Sumino, K., appointment, 814 Summers, Anne O. N., degree, 1304 Summers, G. W., appointment, 1186 Summers, J. C, degree, 874 Summers, Joan L., degree, 625 Summers, Margaret A., appointment, 814 Summers, T. J., degree, 1298 Summer session, budget, 324, 987 student service fee, revision, 370 time table, printing, 1013 Summer speech clinics, Division of Services for Crippled Children, approved, 486, 1190 Summer term, student service fee, revision, 370 Summerville, R. S., degree, 1304 Sumodirono, S., degree, 155, 837 Sundararajan, N. R., degree, 1278 Sunderland, G. W., degree, 1289 Sundheim, H. G., Jr., gift, 967 Sundquist, Judith H., degree, 631 Sundquist, Sheila C, degree, 1301 Sundstrom, L. E., degree, 1080 Sunkel, Mary D., degree, 1315 Sunlin, R. C, Jr., degree, 397 Sun Oil Co., gift, 289, 952 Sundstedt, Joan R., degree, 151 Superconducting metals, research, contract, 103 Superintendent of Public Instruction, contract, 1162, 1210 Supper, C., Co., Inc., purchase, 1014 Sur, L. M.; degree, 1072 Suresh, K. S., resignation, 702 Surface phenomena in phase contacting, study, gift, 290, 953 Surface treatment of highways, study, contract, change, 193 Surgeon, J., member of advisory committee, 680 Surgery, clinical faculty, 81, 769 gift, funds, Aid United Givers, 311 Alford, H. C, 311 Annable, Mr. and Mrs. L. F., 311 anonymous donor, 972 Bernhardt, Mr. and Mrs. W., 311 Colin, H., 311 Cole, W. H., 972 Crabtree, Mrs. Elizabeth, memorial to, 972 DeFotis, W., 311 Fisher, M. D., 308 French, A. F., 972 Galvin, Mr. and Mrs. S., 311 Geyer, C. L., 311 Gleesons, Mr. and Mrs. R., 311 Glick, Mrs. Rose, 311 Klineman, E. E., 311 Martin, Mrs. H. T., 972 Miller, J., memorial to, 972 Montgomery Ward & Co., 311 Mrazek, R. G., 311 Napier, Mrs. Marilyn, memorial to, 972 O'Connor, G. P., 311, 972 Pallat, H., 311 Peterson, Mr. and Mrs 311 Princeville Community Council, 972 Requarth, W., 311, 972 Sleppin, Mrs. Michael, 311 Slobb, K. A., 311 Sondergaard, Mr. and Mrs. V. A., 311 various donors, memorial to April Legette, 311 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Skokie Valley Post 3854, 972 Watts, Mrs. Jessie, memorial to, 972 1562 BOARD OF Surgery, cont'd Yampolsky, Mrs. Esther, 972 research, Abbott Laboratories, 306 American Cancer Society, 307, 968 Boggs, Mr. and Mrs. 0. S., 968 Bullard, E., 969 Carpenter, Mrs. Winifred, 969 Casey Community United Fund, 969 Chicago Heart Association, 308, 969 Deerfield United Fund, 308, 969 Eastman, W. H., 308, 969 Eureka United Fund, 308, 969 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 308, 969 Johnson, Jeanette M., 308 Levee, Mrs. Polly, 308 Lions International Club, 970 Oberne, G. S., 309 Prospect Heights' Annual Appeal, 309 Roanoke Area United Fund, 309, 970 various donors, 310 Wilson, D., Family, 971 purchase, blood flowmeter, 716 polygraph system, 716 Surgical instruments, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 Civil Engineering, purchase, 100 Survey Research Laboratory, established, 1246 functions, 1246 organization, 1246 Survis, J. A., appointment, 76, 764 Surwill, B. J., Jr., appointment, 655 Susina, S. V., appointment, declination, 135 resignation, 207 Suslick, A., appointment, 80, 767 Susman, N. B., fellowship, 519 resignation, 740 Susmano, A., appointment, 71, 759 Suson, E. B., appointment, 442 Sussman, B. D., degree, 386 Sussman, H. C, appointment, 814, 892 Sussman, K. M.. appointment, 7$, 761 Sussmann, Rosalina, fellowship, 664 Sutcliffe, S., appointment, 327, 990 resignation, 1342 Sutfin, D. C, resignation, 47 Sutherland, D. W., degree, 612 Sutherland, Karen E., degree, 611 Sutkowski, E. F., degree, 632 Sutrina, Jean M., degree, 619 Sutton, Peggy R., appointment, 814 degree, 828 Sutton, R. F., Jr., degree, 628 Sutton, R. M., appointment, 1242 Suvetor, Helene S., degree, 402 Suwanwilai, C, appointment, 764 Suzuki, M., appointment, 39, 1111 Suzuki, W. N., degree, 402, 1285 Svab, L. E., degree, 1313 Svihla, G. C, degree, 1077 Svob, M. J., appointment, 127 fellowship, 519 Svorenick, Maria, degree, 1280 Swaar, R. M., degree, 1292 Swaback, D. O., degree, 1321 Swago, A. W., resignation, 898 Swai, S. N., degree, 395 Swain, Eleanor E., degree, 633 Swain, J. C, degree, 1307 Swain, J. W., degree, 1322 Swain, Joan R., degree, 399 fellowship, 1338 Swain, M. D., appointment, 127 Swain, Timothy W., member of committees, 1098 signature, Chicago Circle Union Building bonds, 544 Swain, Timothy Whitzel, II, degree, 401 Swaljug, Alice L., degree, 144 Swalley, J. C, degree, 398 Swallow, D. R., degree, 616 Swallow, R. J., degree, 1267 fellowship, 44, 664 resignation, 522 Swallow, R, L., degree, 630 Swan, D. G., degree, 1058 Swank, R. K., degree, 211 invention, patent rights, release to sponsor. ing agency, 230 Swanson, A. N., degree, 149 Swanson, Bonnie M., degree, 619 Swanson, C. C, degree, 640 Swanson, C. I., degree, 1305 Swanson, D. L., degree, 1298 Swanson, D. W., appointment, 256, 768 Swanson, D., gift, 974 Swanson, G. J., degree, 403 Swanson, G. L., degree, 1298 Swanson, Joel L., fellowship, 1230 Swanson, John L., degree, 625 Swanson, J. W., appointment, 336, 1002 gift, 967 retirement, 931 Swanson, Judith E., appointment, 202 declination, 898 Swanson, Karin A., degree, 1284 Swanson, L. C, degree, 403 Swanson, P. A., degree, 646 Swanson, P. J., Jr., appointment, 994 fellowship, 519 Swanson, Richard A., appointment, 332 Swanson, Ronald A., degree, 640 Swanson, R. M., fellowship, 519 Swanson, Sally A., degree, 1285 Swanson, T. E., degree, 1291 Swanson, T. S-, degree, 399 Swanstrom, Beverly H., degree, 153 Swanstrom, O. G., degree, 640 Sward, G. L., appointment, 1330 Sward, Marcia P., appointment, 655 degree, 387 Sward, S. E., degree, 635 Swarts, C. L., appointment, 77, 765 Swartwout, R. E., degree, 385 SwarU, Carol J., degree, 149 Swartz, D. E., certificate, 748 Swartz, E. M., degree, 643 fellowship, 412 Swartz, K. D., degree, 392 Swartz, R. J., appointment, 814 fellowship, 1173 Sweat, B. L., degree, 1309 Sweeney, D. B., degree, 635 Sweeney, J. p., degree, 836 Sweeper, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 715 Sweepstcr rotary broom, Physical Plant De partment, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1203 Sweet, Nancy G., degree, 1308 Sweet, R. M., degree, 826 Sweetow, Susan M., degree, 1298 Swengel, E. M., degree, 616 Swenson, Diane A., degree, 1308 Swenson, G, W., appointment, 40, 128 leave of absence, 1234 Swenson, H. W., degree, 214 Swenson, R. H.. appointment, 334, 998 Swenson, W. M., appointment, 83, 771 Swerdlow, A. B., appointment, 318, 771 Swerdlow, M. A., appointment, 76, 764 Swetman, G. D., fellowship, 1230 Swiatek, K. R., appointment, 1171 fellowship, 44, 258, 819 termination, 1174 Swick, G. A., certificate, 62 Swieca, J. A., appointment. 655 Swiecki, T. L., degree, 1315 Swift, Eleanor A,, degree, 841 Swift, R. B., degree, 1310 Swift & Co. Foundation, gift, 964 Swigart, Elizabeth C, degree, 1298 Swigost, Judith E., degree, 1298 UNIVERSITY C Swihart, T. L., appointment, 3 Swimming pools, alterations and improvements, engineering services, contract, 20 Swine, research, contract, 1162 change, 193, 869, 1129 gift, 290, 292, 294, 295, 296, 297, 299, 954, 955, 957, 958, 960 Swine nutrition farm, hog gates, purchase, 714 repairs, appropriation, 463 Swing, J- H-i appointment, 325 Swinson, H. W., degree, 604 fellowship, 519 Swinson, W. F., fellowship, 519 Switchgear equipment, Chicago Circle, contract, extension of time for execution, or termination, 264 termination, 264 Switzer, L. P., certificate, 366 Switzer, Marilyn D., degree, 833 Swofford, H. S., Jr., degree, 209 Swoiskin, B. L., appointment, 925 resignation, 136 Swords, E. I., member of advisory committee, 237 Sycle & Keefe, Inc., lease, 790 Sykes, J., appointment, 40 Sykes, J. E., degree, 401 Sykora, L. J., appointment, 73, 760 Syler, R. S., degree, 389 Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., purchase, 866 Sylvester, E. B., appointment, 73, 760 Symes, R. O., Jr., degree, 836 Symons, J. G., fellowship, 1338 Synergists, research, contract, 474 Synod of Illinois, gift, 949 Sype, J. R., degree, 1298 Sypherd, A. D., degree, 621 Syse, S. D., appointment, 128 Systems Analysis and Design, department, established, 1187 head of department, appointment, 1243 Systems with mind-like behavior, study, contract, 380, 1260 System theory, research, contract, 1210 Systron-Donnor Corp., purchase, 940 Sytko, T. H., degree, 398 Szabo, S., appointment, 40 Szalczynski, J. B., degree, 842 Szapsik, Simenstein C, degree, 609 Szekely, J. F., degree, 155 Szentkiralyi, A., fellowship, 1230 Szilvassy, I. P., degree, 1068 fellowship, 738 resignation, 1142 Szluha, N., degree, 1315 Szott, Geraldine L., degree, 1310 Szurszewski, J H-, degree, 1282 fellowship, 1230, 1338 Szweda, R. J., degree, 150 Szymankowski, J. S., degree, 1081 Tabachnick, J., degree, 1077 Tabatabai, M. J., appointment, 76, 764 Taber, M., appointment, 987 Tabin, M. S., appointment, 80, 768 Tables, appropriation, McKinley Hospital, 536 balance reappropriated, 778 purchase, Education, 1124 Housing Division, Urbana, 594, 1124 Illini Union, Urbana, 718 Office Supply Storeroom, 1125 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, 472, 715 Tabor, Joan F., degree, 1290 Tabor, N. B., fellowship, 1087 Tabulating forms, purchase, Digital Computer Laboratory, 865, 1159 Statistical Service Unit, 102, 785, 914 Tachihata, C, degree, 1066 DF ILLINOIS 1563 Tachistoscope, Psychology, purchase, 782 lackitt, R. D., degree, 647 Tademaru, E. H., degree, 1292 Taekman, M. S., appointment, 771 Taft Hall, name given to classroom building at Chicago Circle, 1265 I agger, E. S., appointment, 128, 814 lagger, Michel, appointment, 733 degree, 1316 resignation, 1342 Tahim, G. S., appointment, 1331 Tai, Julia M. J., degree, 384 Taishoff, K. W., degree, 1313 Taji, H. A. H., degree, 397 Takahashi, June M., degree, 1304 Takano, T., appointment, 318, 1140 Takayama, T., appointment, 509, 892 Takekoshi, J. T., degree, 643 fakeuti, G., appointment, 751 Takizawa, B. H., fellowship, 1230 Tako, L. E., degree, 1314 Talbot, E. A., degree, 1307 Talbot, G. A., appointment, 733 resignation, 898 Talbot, J. E., Jr., appointment, 892 Talbot, R. C, degree, 643 Talbott, J. H., appointment, 367, 756 Taliaferro, M. E., Jr., degree, 1082 Talken, J. A., degree, 1292 Talley, J. N., appointment, 1002 Tally Register Corp., purchase, 471 Tamai, T., appointment, 202 declination, 822 Tamburrino, J. F., degree, 1302 Tamkin, M. S., degree, 621 Tamosiunas, Vida A., degree, 1062 Tan, C. W., degree, 876 Tanaka, R., appointment, 202, 733 Tanaka, Y., degree, 875 Tanenbaum, D. E., leave of absence, 428 Tang, C. H., appointment. 40 Tang, F. C. Y., degree, 602 Tang, S. J. Y., appointment. 509, 988 Tannenberg, A. M., fellowship, 132 Tanton, Maxine P., degree, 1298 Tanton, R. R., degree, 622 Taoka, G. T., degree, 1271 Tape, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 497 Tape converter, Physics Betatron, purchase, 471 Tape perforator, Physics Betatron, purchase, 471 Tape reader, Physics Betatron, purchase, 471 Tape recorder, gift, Speech and Theatre, 299 purchase, Agriculture, 99 Instructional Television, 913 Music, 1036 Pharmacology, 1157 Taper pins, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 716 Tape-to-plotter conversion system, Physics, purchase, 788 Tape transport, Dental Radiology, purchase, 1157 Tar, Judith I. B., degree, 625 Tarabus, S. S., degree, 1291 Tarbah, Martha W., degree, 1066 Tarliah, S. M., degree, 153. 1066 Tardif, J. R., certificate, 1102 Targ, H. R., degree, 139 Tarizzo, R. A., appointment, 83, 771 Tarr, D. S., degree, 142 Tartt, Mrs. Laura C, appointment, 655 Tarun, D. W., appointment, 69, 756 Tarvin, Diana C, degree, 1075 Tarzynski, M. S., appointment, 71, 758 Tasch, A. F., fellowship, 519, 664, 1230 Tasch, T. J., degree, 639 Tasker, Keren L., degree, 1308 Tassistro, C. R., degree, 1321 Tasso, P., appointment, 128 1564 BOARD OF Tatar, J., appointment, 74, 761 Tate, J. W., degree, 614 Tate, Karen F., degree, 1319 Tate, W. L., resignation, 1143 Tateiwa, T., appointment, 761 Tatraan, D. I., degree, 622 Tatnall, J. C, degree, 399 Tatnall, T. W., degree, 635 Tatsui, H., degree, 625 Tatsuoka, M. M., appointment, 509, 892 Taub, A. H., resignation, 1088 Taube, R. R., degree, 1321 Taubeneck, G. G., degree, 1312 Tauber, J. F., degree, 646 Taubman, Joanne H., appointment, 256, 758 resignation, 1088 Tau Delta Tau, gift, 287 Taugner, Agnes B., degree, 617 Taulbee, D. B., appointment, 202, 409 degree, 1271 Tauras, A. P., degree, 1321 Tausig, C. M., Jr., degree, 838 Tausk, K., appointment, 69, 757 Taussig, Barbara J., degree, 1313 Taverna, J. T., degree, 404 Tavlos, Joanne, degree, 1298 Taxe, S. M., certificate, 1102 Taxey, P. J., appointment, 338 Taylo, C. J., degree, 1080 Taylor, A. C, degree, 636 Taylor, Alice W., degree, 149 Taylor, B. A., fellowship, 664, 1338 Taylor, C. D., degree, 646 lease, 790 Taylor, C. E., appointment, 1003 Taylor, D. A., degree, 1298 Taylor, D. E., degree, 836 Taylor, D. H., fellowship, 519, 700, 896 resignation, 1233 Taylor, D. L., degree, 630 Taylor, D. P., appointment, 892 Taylor, H. P., fellowship, 929 termination, 1174 Taylor, J. K., degree, 622 Taylor, J. W., appointment, 814 fellowship, 929 Taylor, Jane U., degree, 1275 fellowship, 519 Taylor, Josephine G., appointment, 67 Taylor, L. D., degree, 842 Taylor, Lucile N., degree, 1283 fellowship, 1173 Taylor, M. B., degree, 1321 fellowship, 1020 Taylor, Margaret T., degree, 1290 Taylor, P. L., fellowship, 1141 Taylor, R. P., appointment, 256, 769 Taylor, Susan, appointment, 202 Taylor, T. N., degree, 1267 Taylor, Virginia A., degree, 1306 Taylor, W. W., jr., degree, 625 Taylor Brothers Welding, purchase, 374 Tay-Sachs disease, research, gift, 308, 969 Teacher education, dentistry, funds, gift, 310 mathematics, use of film demonstration, study, gift, 296 scholarships, gift, Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, 285, 947 Teacher education curricula, revisions, English, 10 mentally handicapped children, 9 Russian, 908 Teacher Placement Office, appropriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 85 Teachers' Insurance Annuity Association, staff annuity program, approved, 1214 Teacher-training programs, Indian Institute of Technology, contract, change, 381 Teaching, rule-guided behavior and strategies, study, contract, 191 Teagle Foundation, Inc., gift, 309, 970 Technical education, curricula content, study, contract, 692 Technical Materiel Corp., purchase, 1012, 1257 Technical Measurement Corp., purchase, 494 593, 1157 ' Technical occupations, training and recruitment problems, evaluation, contract, 915 Technicon Chromatography Corp., purchase 99, 375 Technicon Instruments Corp., purchase. 189 783, 940 Technicon International, Ltd., purchase, 690 Technipower, Inc., purchase, 189 Technipress, Inc., purchase, 589, 942 TechRep Division, Philco Corp., purchase, 376 Tech Sales & Marketing, purchase, 280, 1036 Teehan, R. E., certificate, 986 Teel, C. R., degree, 393 Teel, Diana K., degree, 1308 Teel, Ruth W., degree, 1308 Tee-Pak Foundation, contract, change, 283 943 gift, 298, 948, 959 Teerlink, R. F., certificate, 366 Teeter, J. O., certificate, 1102 Tefft, Mrs. Gloria B., appointment, 925 Tefft, S. C, degree, 611 Tefft, W. E., degree, 1270 Tega, R. L., degree, 1318 Teigen, B. C, degree, 612 Teigen, D. O., certificate, 748 Tektronix, Inc., purchase, 24, 58, 279, 281 374, 471, 495. 588, 691, 785, 912, 914 941, 1014, 1038, 1122, 1123, 1201, 1206' 1257 Telecomputing Corp., gift, 298, 959 Telengater, Rae M., degree, 1306 Telephone cable, Chicago Circle, rerouting, contract, 89 Civil Engineering Building site, rerouting, agreement, 685 Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 26 Telephone lines, easement, Chicago Circle. 795 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station, 919 Telephone service, intercity facilities, increase, 1197 Medical Center, centrex system, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 88, 781 Television, closed circuit facilities, Children's Research Center, contract, 1028 instructional programs, funds, gift, 300 use in education, research, contract, 103 Television, Instructional, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 778 purchase, equipment, 25, 588 monitoring system, 588 Television system, Chicago Circle, contract, addition, 1196 rental, 89 Television equipment, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86, 87, 779, 780 purchase, Education, 1123. 1160 Illini Union, Urbana. 190 Instructional Television, 25, 588 School Mathematics Committee, 350 Television-Motion Pictures, newsletter, printing, 163, 865 office space at 60614 East Green Streei, lease, 776 programming service, contract, 58 purchase, films, 349 Television recorded materials, survey of development and use, contract, 720 Television set, gift, Illini Union, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 312 Orthopaedic Surgery, 972 Television Shares Management Corp., gi"i 289, 952 Television Studios, educational television programming service, contract, 588 electrical service, contract, 1028 inspection, 448 remodeling, appropriation, 95 Telkamp, R. D., certificate, 1102 UNIVERSITY ( Telleen, K. R., degree, 1307 Teller, S. J., degree, 604 Telling, Mrs. Fern H., appointment, 128, 734 Telser, Elsa B., appointment, 509, 768 Temme, Leigh F., degree, 144 Temperature and power controller, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 190 Temperature control, contract, Burnsides Research Laboratory addition, 239 Civil Engineering Building, 1120 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 344 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 911 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 344 Graduate Student Residence Halls, 1057 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 229 Materials Research Laboratory phase II, 857 minor alteration and repairs, 1249 Temperature control items, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 867 Tempest, D. W., appointment, 128, 814 Temple, D. B., degree, 1066 Temple, Helen B., degree, 1300 Temple, W. R., Jr., degree, 1310 Temple Farm, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85 Templer, R. D., degree, 630 Temples, Nancy J., degree, 630 Tenczar, P. J., degree, 630 Tenczar, T. R., appointment, 1219 Tendick, D. L., degree, 1289 Teng, C. Y., appointment, 814 Tengamnuay, W., degree, 1063 Tenicki, J. J., degree, 1305 Tennant, G. H., Co., purchase, 715, 1254 Tennant, M. M., appointment, 84 Tennenbaum, A. E., appointment, 74, 761 Tennenhouse, G. J., degree, 874 Tennenhouse, Lenore O., degree, 626 Tennes, B. R., degree, 620 Tennessee Valley Authority, gift, 302, 965 purchase, 98, 374, 861, 1036 Tennis courts, resurfacing and improvements, appropriation, 1191 balance reappropriated, 86 Tenny, D. M., degree, 1273 Tensile testing machine, Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, purchase, 24, 350 Tenta, L. T., appointment, 76, 763 Tenure, academic staff, amendment of University Statutes, 577 conference of General Policy Committee and Senate representatives, 920 referred to General Policy Committee, 578 report of General Policy Committee, 1166, 1178 request of Senates for further consultation, 1244 Teplitz, R., appointment, 69, 757 Tepper, M., degree, 636 Tepper Electric Supply Co., purchase, 26, 595, 596, 942 Terando, R. P., degree, 630 Ter Bush, L. F., Memorial Scholarship, gift, 285 Terchek, ~R. L., degree, 1074 Terkun, V., degree, 1068 Terminal boards. Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 279 Terminations of appointments, 320, 356, 412, 443, 479, 521, 665, 700, 738, 897, 929, 1020, 1087, 1141, 1173, 1231, 1339 Ternay, A. L., Jr., appointment, 814 Ternes, Dorothy E., degree, 825 Ternes, J., degree, 387 fellowship, 519 Terranova, J. F., degree, 1280 Terras, V., appointment, 336, 655, 1001 OF ILLINOIS 1565 Terreault, B., appointment, 655 Terrell, G., Jr., appointment, 486, 655, 734 report, state of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1175 Terry, R., fellowship, 258 Terry, R. B., fellowship, 896 Tertel, R. J., degree, 621 Terwilliger, J. S., degree, 212 Terzian, G. A., degree, 832 Tesar, T. N-, degree, 1298 Tesk, J. A., appointment, 1104 Teska, Betty J., appointment, 318 Teska, Diane L., degree, 626 Teska, J. A., fellowship, 205 Tess, B. R., degree, 1316 Testa, D. P., appointment, 202 fellowship, 1173 Testa, Mrs. Janice M., appointment, 734 Test books, Educational Testing Office, purchase, 497 Test chamber, design and fabrication, engineering services, contract, 788 Testing machine, appropriation, Civil Engineering, 238 balance reappropriated, 779 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, balance reappropriated, 86 purchase, Agency for International Development, 1200 Civil Engineering, 54, 469 Physics, 717 Test interpretation, study, contract, 1162 Test scoring service, Educational Testing Office, contract, 25 Teton, J. B., appointment, 73, 760 Tetracycline V capsules, Pharmacy, purchase, 22, 188, 373 Tetrev, G. L., degree, 647 Tetz. G., degree, 1313 fellowship, 1230 Tetzlaff, Nancy R., degree, 635 Tetzlaff, O. W., degree, 825 Tetzlaff, R. L., degree, 1313 Teuscher, J. S., degree, 618 Texaco, Inc., gift, 286, 298, 948 Texas Instruments, Inc., gift, 952 purchase, 591, 784 Texas Technological College, contract, change, 721 Text-Film Division, McGraw-Hill Book Co., purchase, 376 Textor, C. S., II, appointment, 318, 734 Textoris, D. A., degree, 876 fellowship, 1173 Thackston, E. L., degree, 832 Thailand University of Medical Sciences, Chiengmai Hospital project, contract, 50, 103 purchase, policy, 187 equipment and supplies, 372, 470 pacemaker, 434 sterilizer, 372 Thalberg, 1., appointment, 1186 Thall. J. R., certificate, 62 Thane Buildim; Service Co., purchase, 593 Thatcher, R. C, degree, 613 Thayer, C. C, fellowship, 258 Thayer, F D., Ill, appointment, 336, 656, 1331 degree, 1063 Thayer, J. E., degree, 636 Theatre draperies, Assembly Hall, purchase, 691 Theilman, W., appointment, 330 degree, 1059 Thein, K. M., degree, 880 Theis, F. V., appointment, 81, 769 Theis, Ruth A., degree, 836 Theiss, P. E., fellowship, 205 Theobald, Georgiana D., appointment, 73, 761 Theobald, P. W., appointment, 75, 763 Theobald, VV. H., appointment, 75, 762 1566 BOARD OF Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, appropriation, facilities and equipment, 487 testing machine, balance reappro- priated, 86 budget, summer session, 337, 1003 gift, award, Wiley, J., & Sons, Inc., 949 research, American Iron and Steel Institute, 291, 292. 953 American Steel & Wire Co., 291, 953 Association of American Railroads, 292, 953 General Motors Corp., 294 Griffin Wheel Co., 294, 956 purchase, camera, 190 flowmeter, 1124 instructional apparatus, 1126 microscope, 190 modulator, 1160 programmer-reader, 190 recorder, 190, 277 steel, 912 temperature and power controller, 190 recorded program of instruction, use by United States Military Academy, 275 Therapeutic agents, effect on perceptual and psychometric tests in man, study, gift, 309 Thermal contact resistance, research, contract, change, 721 Thermal insulation, Graduate Student Residence Halls, third unit, contract, 1057 Thiede, R. W., degree, 826 Thiel, G. E., appointment, 656 degree, 1282 Thielees, J. R., degree, 630 Thietns, C. D., degree, 1292 Thier, H. D., appointment, 656 resignation, 822 Thinnes, Nancy J., degree, 1300 Thode, E. W., appointment, 697 Thodey, A. R., appointment, 734 fellowship, 1230, 1338 Thoits, C. F., Ill, appointment, 697, 814 Thomas, A. R., appointment, 334 Thomas, C. G., fellowship, 1230 Thomas, C. H., degree, 622 Thomas, C. R., appointment, 814 degree, 401 Thomas, D. L., degree, 1304 Thomas, G. C, Jr., degree, 643 Thomas, G. J., leave of absence, 523 Thomas. I. IS., appointment, 1331 Thomas, J., degree, 625 Thomas, James A., degree, 1289 Thomas, John A., fellowship, 479, 700, 929 Thomas, J. D., fellowship, 664 Thomas, J. G., member of Citizens Committee, 485 Thomas, J. L., degree, 613 Thomas, James M-, degree, 1314 Thomas, Julius M., gift, 306, 967 Thomas, J. M. and E. M, Scholarship, funds, gift, 967 gift, 306 Thomas, J. W., degree, 1298 Thomas, K. D., Jr., degree, 618 Thomas, M. G., certificate, 1102 Thomas, Martha F., degree, 156 Thomas, Mary R., appointment, 202 Thomas, O. T., degree, 1311 Thomas, R. E., appointment, 3, 334, 999 Thomas, R. J., degree, 1060 Thomas, R. W., degree, 217 Thomas, Ruth, appointment, 340 Thomas, S., appointment, 77, 765 Thomas, Su Ann J., appointment, declination, 822 degree, 1285 Thomas, W. A., appointment, 67, 754 Thomas, W. E., Jr., appointment, 325 leave of absence, 459 Thomas Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 94, 239, 537, 858, 1248, 1249 Thomassen, Cora E., appointment, 332 Thomasson, W. N., degree, 880 fellowship, 700 Thompson, C. T., degree, 622 Thompson, Carol A., degree, 145 Thompson, D. R., degree, 1072 Thompson, Dorothy M. P., degree, 832 Thompson, E. C, appointment, 318, 925 Thompson, F. H., degree, 1311 Thompson, G. W., degree, 826 Thompson, H. E., certificate, 62 Thompson, J., appointment, 1151 Thompson, James H., degree, 390 Thompson, John H., degree, 1271 Thompson, J. R., appointment, 76, 764 Thompson, K. A., degree, 839 Thompson, Lois F., degree, 829 Thompson, M. N., appointment, 1331 Thompson, M. R., appointment, 128, 925 Thompson, Mrs. Margareta O., resignation, 357 Thompson, P. L., degree, 386 Thompson, Patricia $pD., degree, 1306 Thompson, Phyllis W., degree, 842 Thompson, R. E., degree, 622 Thompson, R. L., degree, 140, 1071 Thompson, S., certificate, 366 Thompson, S. I., fellowship, 664 Thompson, S. R., Ill, appointment, 1331 Thompson, Suellen M., degree, 1305 Thompson, T. G., degree, 403 Thompson, T. J., certificate, 366 Thompson, Wayne N., resignation, 702 Thompson, William N., appointment, 1019 1171 Thompson, William R., appointment, 656 declination, 702 Thompson, William Ray, degree, 638 Thompson Lumber Co., purchase, 1209 Thorns, R. L., degree, 212 Thomsen, C. H., degree, 1313 fellowship, 1220 Thomsen, Donna L., degree, 1306 Thomson, A., appointment, 423, 756 Thomson. G., degree, 1290 Thomson, I., certificate, 1102 Thomson, J. \V., appointment, 734 Thomson, Nancy D., degree, 640 Thomson. Richard B., degree. 1293 Thomson, Robert B., Jr., degree, 1078 Thomson, R. M., leave of absence, 931 cancellation, 357 Thomson, W. H., degree, 1298 Thomson, W. L., degree, 1310 Thor, D. E., degree, 646 Thorek, P., appointment, 81, 769 Thornberry, H, H., invention, patent rights, release, 231 Thornborough. R. J., degree, 397 Thornburgh, P. E., degree, 149 Thorne, M. D., appointment, 341, 409 Thornton, H. R., degree, 600 resignation, 522 Thornton, Mi. and Mrs. R. P., gift, 311 Thornton. W. A., appointment, 1104 Thorogood, Elizabeth, appointment, 128 Thorstenson, D. C, degree, 1277 Thorstenson, Gail J., degree, 1275 Thorstenson, R. L., degree, 836 Thrasher, J. E., degree, 398 Thrasher, Margaret L., degree, 1280 Thrift, C. B., appointment, 69, 757 Thromboporesis, research, gift, 306 Thulen, J. L., appointment, 1331 Thuma, W. A., Jr., degree, 154 Thun, E. H., appointment, 409 resignation, 522 Thunderbird Electric Co., bid, rejected, 270 Thunderbird Restaurant, property, acquisition, condemnation proceedings, authorization, 980 Thunderstorms, study, contract, change, 1260 Thurman, R. G., fellowship, 896 Thurmon, J. C, appointment, 40, 814 UNIVERSITY ( Thurn, R. E., degree, 647 Thurson, W. A., degree, 621 Thurston, J. R., degree, 1292 Tibbetts, G. G., appointment, 1331 degree, 392 Tibbetts, J. D., degree, 1311 Tice, L. C, degree, 1284 Tichenor, D., appointment, 40, 128, 734, 814, 1219 Ticho, K. E., appointment, 74, 761 Tickner, L. D., degree, 405 Tideman, Susan C, degree, 630 Tiebout, H. M., Jr., appointment, 335, 656 leave of absence, 1109 Tiecke, R. W., appointment, 237, 656, 734 Tiedemann, D. A., degree, 609 Tiedt, D. F., degree, 404 Tien, C. C, degree, 617 Tienson, J., fellowship, 1338 Tiernan, Patricia A., leave of absence, 413 Tietsort, Jacqueline E., degree, 156 Tietz, G. F., degree, 1272 Tiezzi, Beverly K., degree, 405 Tift, T. N., degree, 1314 Tigerman, S., appointment, 1171 Tile, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 595, 866, 1161, 1259 Tile Council of America, Inc., gift, 287, 300 Tile Specialists, Inc., purchase, 1160 Till, A. J., degree, 882 Tilling, J. R., fellowship, 519, 1230 Tillman, A. C, appointment, 330, 994 declination, 1088 Tillman, P. W., appointment, 409, 766 Tilney, N. L., appointment, 771 Tilson, Lavina C, fellowship, 519 Tilton, C. C., degree, 1304 Timber testing machine, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85 Time clocks, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 588 Time Table, printing, contract, 244, 470, 912, 1013, 1036 Time-temperature control system, Ceramic Engineering, purchase, 1014 Time valve, development, research, gift, 954 Timmer, H. G., degree, 1058 T:musk, T., appointment, 987 Tinberg, L. R., degree, 155 Tinder, C. M., Jr., degree, 1313 Ting, Emma C, appointment, 772 Ting, Y., degree, 390 Tingleff, P. H., degree, 611 Tingley, Patricia A., degree, 630 Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Co., purchase, 54, 1200 Tinkham, R. A., appointment, 128 Tinoco, C. E., degree, 1292 Tipler, P., appointment, 1219 Tippett, G. R., degree, 611 Tipsword, T. N., degree, 149 Tipton, C. R., degree, 1285 Tipton, Chelsea, degree, 831 Tirva, A. A., appointment, 697 degree, 1066 Tisdahl, A. C, degree, 1298 Tison, L., member of advisory committee, 680 Tissue culture of neurons, research, gift, 312 Tissue processor, Agency for International Development, purchase, 690 Titanium chemistry, research, gift, 296, 957 Titanium Division, National Lead Co., gift, 951, 957 Titchener, E. B., appointment, 256 Titmus Optical Co., Inc., gift, 964 litrator, Animal Science, purchase, 1256 Titus, G. R., Jr., degree, 1304 Titus, Muriel H., degree, 149 4.}vin> F., degree, 1059 Tkacik, A., fellowship, 896 loan, N. T., degree, 1065 lobacco Industry Research Committee, gift, 968 OF ILLINOIS 1567 Tobari, Y., degree, 1062 Tobe, M. L., appointment, 40 Tobecksen, Karen U, degree, 1308 Tobey, R. A., degree, 1060 fellowship, 44 Tobias, E., appointment, 72, 759 lobmski, R. F., degree, 153 Tocque, Jean L., painting, gift, 966 A j5' t ' appointment, 1086 d, J L degree, 642, 1319 Tdd, K R Jr., certificate, 748 Todd, W. A., degree, 1298 Todeschini, C. E., appointment, 1331 degree, 614 fellowship, 1338 Todoroff, J. A., degree, 392 Todorvic, R., fellowship, 1087 Toepke, Ival L., degree, 1073 Toft, D. O., fellowship, 819 Togashi, Grace T., degree, 1063 Toigo, A., appointment, 69, 756 Tolani, A. J., appointment, 1171 Tolbutamide tablets, Pharmacy, purchase, 22, 351, 866 Toledo, F., appointment, 128, 256 resignation, 898 Toles, G. E., Jr., degree, 150 Tolia, L. L., degree, 1291 Toller, J. B., degree, 1072 Tolwinsky, N., appointment, 73, 760 Tomac, Inc., purchase, 714 Toman, E. R., degree, 1314 Tomaschke, H. E., appointment, 892 degree, 1060 Tomasek, Nancy A., appointment, 1005 Tomasson, R. F., appointment, 128, 336 fellowship, 664, 1173 leave of absence, 480 resignation, 479 Tomaszek, E. F., degree, 836 Tomato constituents, influence on flavor of irradiated meat, research, contract, change, 1211 Tomczyk, J. R., appointment, 40 Tomecek, F. J., degree, 1073 Tomita, M., appointment, 202 Tomlin, D. K., degree, 1292 Tomlin, J. M., degree, 1304 Tomlinson, J. E., certificate, 62 Tomlinson, J. L., degree, 1293 Tomlinson, R. M., appointment, 906, 1003 Tompkins, W. A., degree, 383 Tomsik, W. J., degree, 1080 Tomsovic, R. J., certificate, 366 Toncoff, Beverly E., degree, 1304 Tonelli, Marie P., degree, 154 Tong, H. VV., certificate, 748 Toni Co., gift, 289, 952 Tonjum, J. F., degree, 628 Tonkens, S. W., appointment, 67 Toohill, R. J., appointment, 76, 763 Toolmakers microscope stages, Physics, Urbana, purchase, 57 Tools, Agency for International Development, purchase, 1200, 1201 Topographic maps, Urbana-Champaign campus, engineers, contract, 348 Toppe, Louise E., degree, 644 Topper, G. A., degree, 1311 Torbeck, L. R., degree, 155 Tornheim, J., degree, 646 Tornheim, Patricia S., degree, 1316 fellowship, 929 Tornquist, Janet M., degree, 1321 fellowship, 929 Torok, N., appointment, 128, 509, 656, 814, 1331 Torr R.. Memorial Scholarship, gift, 284, 948 Torres, C, appointment, 71, 892 Torres, D., fellowship, 519 Torres, G. M., degree, 839 Torres, Judith A., degree, 1315 1568 BOARD OF Torriente, L. R., appointment, 356, 759 Torry, R. R., degree, 149 Toscan, R. E., fellowship, 1338 Toscano, W. J., degree, 638 Tosovsky, C, member of advisory committee, 680 Toth, J. C, appointment, 906, 991 Toth, R. E., degree, 622 Totten, S. M., appointment, 1331 Touchberry, R. W., leave of absence, 1106 Touche, Ross, Bailey, & Smart, gift, 963 Touquan, Sheila K., degree, 1322 Tourlentes, T. T., appointment, 80, 767 Toussaint, Eunice, resignation, 740 Tovar, A., appointment, 485, 697 leave of absence, 1143 Towel service, Chicago colleges and divisions, contract, 493 Tower, R. E., fellowship, 1230 Town and Country Restaurant, gift, 972 Towner, Linda S., degree, 843 Townsend, E. J., Hall, name given to unit of Illinois Street Residence Halls, 1264 Townsend, G. A., degree, 1289 Townsend, J. W., degree, 1072 Townsend, R. B., appointment, 65 Toyooka, E. T., appointment, 84, 773 Traastad, Madeline J., degree, 1286 fellowship, 205, 819 Trace elements, study, gift, 292 Tracey, R. J., fellowship, 519, 1230 Track, Men's Old Gymnasium, resurfacing, appropriation, 1191 Tractor maintenance, study, gift, 294, 955 Tractors, purchase, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, 1254 Urbana, 376, 1037, 1127, 1157 Tracy, D. J., degree, 1059 Tracy, Judith A., degree, 639 Tracy, Sharon A., degree, 1076 Trade unionists, Japanese, consultive services, contract, 104 Traffic monitoring camera system, Civil Engineering, purchase, 54 Traffic movement recording assembly, Civil Engineering, purchase, 54 Traffic research, contract, change, 193, 792 Traffic study vehicle and equipment, Highway Traffic Safety Center, appropriation, 918 Trafton, C. L., appointment, 40 Trahern, J. B., Jr., appointment, 814, 892 fellowship, 1173 Traina, V., appointment, 509, 772 Trainer, J. M., Ill, degree, 1298 Trainor, Claramay, appointment, 814, 989 resignation, 1342 Trampe, G. M., degree, 647 Trampe Jane E., degree, 1307 Trane Co., gift, 286, 963 purchase, 497, 866 Tranquilli, Karen L., degree, 1308 Transcribing machines, Agronomy, purchase, 786 Transformer and power distribution system, Agricultural Engineering, appropriation, 918 Transformers, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 1038, 1123 Transistor network synthesis, study, contract, 380 change, 105 Transistors, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 591, 787, 941, 1123, 1257 Transition element alloys, study, contract, change, 1260 Transmitter, Radio Station, purchase, 1255 Transportation Building, electric power service improvements, contract, 345 Trapa, E. J., degree, 398 Trapp, T. J., degree, 395 Trash bags, Physical Plant Department, Chicago colleges arid divisions, purchase, 716 Trash collection depot, construction, contract, 241, 466 Trash container, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 26 Trask, Anne E., appointment, 751 Traut, E. F., appointment, 67, 754 Trautman, J. E., degree, 1079 Trava, Marie F., appointment, 256 Traver, D. L., degree, 881 Traver, P. G., degree, 1068 Travers, K. J., fellowship, 519, 1230 Traxel, W. L., certificate, 62 Traxler, R., Jr., purchase, 590 Traylor, C. E., degree, 145 Traynor, Sharon G., degree, 640 Trays, Housing Division, Urbana, purchase, 56 Treacy, D. P., appointment, 814 fellowship, 664 Treadwell, Nancy C, appointment, 73, 760 Treasurer, authority to receive moneys, 421 bond, 722 amount, 421 election, 421 investments, authority, resolution, 460 report, 475, 1165 Treat, J. R., degree, 1298 Tredon, T. A., degree, 1281 Treece, J. M., degree, 138 fellowship, 44 Tree-planting program, contract, 94, 371, 1027 Treese, Gertrude, fellowship, 1338 Treibitsch, H., degree, 1292 Trejbal, Sally R., degree, 1075 Trekell, Marianna, appointment, 534 Tremore, J. A., degree, 1278 Tremper, D. B., degree, 1079 Trendler, R. C, degree, 389 Trensky, P. I., appointment, 128, 409 resignation, 1233 Trenton, T. W., degree, 1304 Trepton, M. O., appointment, 81, 769 Treptow, R. S., degree, 1064 fellowship, 519, 1230 Trescott, P. C, degree, 1279 fellowship, 520 resignation, 1342 Tresley, J., appointment, 74, 761 Trevino, L., appointment, 256 Trexler, W. H., degree, 612 Trezek, Joan A., degree, 825 Triandis, H. C, leave of absence, 1108 Triandis, L. M., leave of absence, 1109 Trickovich, R., degree, 214 Triebel, Marilyn F., degree, 628 Triefenbach, E. L., degree, 395 Triffo, R. P., appointment, 442 degree, 389 Trigger, K. J., member of advisory committee, 237 Trimble, D. E., certificate, 748 Trimble, J. A., decree, 622 Trimble, R. F., appointment, 814 Trimble, R. W., fellowship, 664 Trimmer, R. W., appointment, 67, 754 Trimon Elevator Co., Inc., contract, 272 Trine, J. A., certificate, 748 Trinkner, C. L., appointment, 997 Trinko, J. P., degree, 142 Tripp, G. E., degree,-400 Trippet, Mary M., appointment, 128,-734 resignation, 413 Trippiedi, L. R., degree, 1309 Tritium, research, contract, change, 587, 1260 Trjitzinsky, W. J., appointment, 40 Trobaugh, F. E., Jr., appointment, 68, 755 Troester, R. A., degree, 1068 Trogdon, R. L., appointment; 814 Trojan, R., degree,- 1293 Tromater, L. J., degree, 214 . Tromblee, C. W.', degree," 1072 . :' Tropp, Anne, degree, 878 UNIVERSITY Troppe, F. G., degree, 401, 1075 Trost, J. F., degree, 1066 Trost, R. F., degree, 829 Trott, B. D., appointment, 40, 128, 409, 442, 814 Trotter, J. J., degree, 392 Trotter, j. K., degree, 1289 Trotter, J. L., degree, 1072 Troue, H. H-, degree, 397 Troughton, T. E., appointment, 925, 1171 termination, 1342 Troup, E. W. J., degree, 1278 Trouail, Elaine B., appointment, 892 degree, 841 resignation, 1142 Trowbridge, G. C, fellowship, 664 Trower, Katherine B., degree, 825 Trower, W, P., appointment, 1331 degree, 392 Troxel, Lenore G., degree, 1298 Troyka, Gail F., degree, 825 Truax-Traer Coal Co., contract, 474 gift, 959 Truchly, V., appointment. 73, 760 Truckenbrod, K. D., degree, 640 Truckenbrod, T. G., degree, 1290 Trucks, appropriation, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 purchase, Agricultural Engineering, 437 Animal Science, 374 Assembly Hall, 372 Business Office, Urbana, 1208 Central Receiving Station, 497 Chicago Circle, 1254 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 25, 714 Physical Plant Department, Chicago, 278, 1203 Urbana, 351, 436, 437, 912, 914, 940 942, 1255 State Natural History Survey, 437 Trade. Joan C, degree, 1304 TrudgiU, P. W., appointment, 814, 892 True, J. C, certificate, 1102 Truelick, R.- W., certificate, 748 degree, 609 Trueman, A. G., degree, 630 Truitt, Catherine C, fellowship, 1230, 1338 Truitt, W. J., fellowship, 520 Trammel, Marlyn L., degree, 1289 Trumpinski, D. P., degree, 398 Trupin, J. S., appointment, 256 degree, 875 resignation, 822 Truppman, E, S., appointment, 83 Truss, H. L., Jr., appointment, 202 resignation, 667 Trustees, See Board of Trustees. Trustees citation, presentation to L. R. Lohr, U97 Trutter, Janet A., degree, 1304 Truyman, A. A., degree, 150 Trybek, A. J., degree, 1279 Tsaloff, V. N., appointment, 1140 Tsang, F. Y., appointment, 814 degree, 874 Tschampe!, P., degree, 1059 Tschomakoff, P., degree, 1298 Tsivoledakis, J. G., degree, 839 Tsuchiya, G., appointment, 72 resignation, 259 Tsuda, M., appointment, 40, 128 Tsukuno, H. H., certificate, 265 Tsutsui, A. H., degree, 1081 Tubb, J. B., Jr., degree, 601 Tubercle bacillus, research, gift, 309 Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County, gift, 309, 968 iuberculosis Medical Research Joint Committee, gift, 969 OF ILLINOIS 1569 Tuberculosis Research, Institution for, budget, biennial, 179 Tuchscherer, T. H., degree, 825 Tucker, A., painting, gift, 305 Tucker, D. D., degree, 395 Tucker, Eleanor S., degree, 149 Tucker, J. B., degree, 212 Tucker, Tames M., degree, 1315 Tucker, John M., certificate, 62 degree, 394 Tucker, L. L., degree, 1062 Tucker, M. T., degree, 1273 Tucker, Marilyn Z., degree, 1285 Tucker, Patricia, fellowship, 1173 Tucker, R. W., degree, 616 Tucker, W. P., resignation, 136 Tucker, W. R., appointment, 71, 758 Tucker Memorial, gift, 305 Tuckman, I. E., appointment, 992 declination, 1088 degree, 621 Tuckpointing, Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, contract, 93 Tuckwood, D. O., appointment, 40 Tuckwood, Mrs. Jo Ann, resignation, 1174 Tuedio, J., fellowship, 1338 Tufo, H. M., degree, 1321 Tufts, T. B., appointment, 734 degree, 138 Tuition fees, deposit requirement, 1007 installment payment plan, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 341 Medical Center, 341 Tulcea, A. I., appointment, 1186 Tulcea, C. I., appointment, 1186 Tuleen, D. L., degree, 209 Tuler, Gail R., degree, 1308 Tulipano, L. J., degree, 1082 Tuman, V. S., appointment, 40 resignation, 136 Tumolillo, T. A., degree, 621, 1282 Tumor Clinic Cancer Registry, funds, gift, Tumors, research, contract, change, 352 gift, 306, 307, 968 Tung, H. C. degree, 385 Tung, Mrs. Sandra L., resignation, 207 Tunilla, W. J., Jr., degree, 626 Tunison, Mary F., degree, 1280 Tunnell, C. D., resignation, 136 Tunnel liners, evaluation, contract, change, 1211 Tunnels in rocks, study, contract, change, 587 Tunstall, K. R., degree, 1072 Tuomi, D., appointment, 1026 Turba, R. W., degree, 1289 Turbine generator, Abbott Power Plant, overhauling, services of engineer, 715, 1259 Turbulence, research, contract, 943 Turck, M., appointment, 256, 814 Turf disease, research, gift, 297, 958 Turf grass, research, gift, 292, 295, 956, 957, 959 Turik, H. A., appointment, 656 degree, 215 Turk, C. E., fellowship, 738 Turk, M. A., degree, 1318, 1319 Turk, M. L., degree, 1293 Turley, Esther T., degree, 149 Turley, Marcia K., degree, 402 Turley, T. A., degree, 155 Turnbaugh, R. C, appointment, 697 Turner, B. C, degree, 616 Turner, Carroll R., degree, 1070 Turner, F. A., degree, 641 Turner, G. L., degree, 1322 Turner, H. E., appointment, 74, 762 gift, 972 Turner, J. C, degree, 1285 Turner, J. T., appointment, 1026 Turner, L. L., degree, 1304 1570 BOARD OF Turner, L. P., fellowship, 738 Turner, Linda L., degree, 626 Turner, Margaret A., degree, 146 Turner, Margretta L., degree, 1075 Turner, Mildred T., degree, 1285 Turner, R. A., degree, 395 Turner, R. G., degree, 836 Turner, S. A., degree, 1298 Turner, T. M., degree, 635 Turner Hall, construction, contract, general, addition, 273 equipment, financing, 742 Turnipseed, E. K., certificate, 366 Turnquist, C. E., degree, 620 Turnstiles, Assembly Hall, purchase, 281 Turofsky, C. S., degree, 1313 Turpin, G. L., degree, 646 Turyn, A. S., degree, 144 Turzer, J. P., degree, 152 Tushaus, R. J., degree, 403 Tussing, R. C, appointment, 656 Tuteur, P. G., fellowship, 929 Tuttle, G. E., degree, 606 Tuttle, Mary J. T., degree, 402 Tuttle, P. H., appointment, 1140 degree, 603 Tuttle, T. D., degree, 640 Tuveson, G. R., appointment, 83, 771 Tvaroh, T, B., degree, 621 Tveras, R. A., degree, 1313 Twaranovica, J. A., appointment, 328 fellowship, 819 Twedt, Barbara K., degree, 399 Tweedie, J. A., appointment, 3 Twentieth Century Dental Laboratory, Inc., purchase, 1037 Twietmeyer, Yvonne J., degree, 1075 Twin City Bible Church, use of University facilities, 573 Twin City Equipment Co., purchase, 594 Twin City Landscape Service, Inc., contract, 17, 370, 685, 1027, 1028 Twiss, A. C, appointment, 71, 758 Twombly, J. J., degree, 878 Two-phase flow, statistical properties, research, contract, 244 change, 916 Tygielski, R. E., degree, 1292 Tyler, N. F., degree, 396 Tyler, Priscilla, appointment, 534 Tyler, R. S., degree, 639 Tylman, S. D., gift, 306 Tymick, R. C, degree, 1071 Tymoszenko, Anna, degree, 1274 Tyner, P. M., degree, 1281 Typewriters, gift, Rehabilitation-Education Services, 966 purchase, Agronomy, 941 Business Office, Urbana, 377 Digital Computer Laboratory, 1205 Library, Urbana, 1258 Physics, 350 Tyrey, E. L., degree, 841 Tyroler, R. L., appointment, 256 Tyson, N. R., certificate, 1102 Tzeng, K. K. M., degree, 143 Tzouras, G. E., appointment, 1086 degree, 1077 Uarco, Inc., purchase, 102, 280, 865, 942 Uchimaru, F., appointment, 814 Uddenberg, T. D., certificate, 1102 Uddin, D. E., fellowship, 664 Uebel, J. J., degree, 1268 Uecker, F. A., appointment, 318, 331, 409 degree, 209 Uecker, W. L., degree, 1074 Ujhelyi, G. K., invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 1147 Ulaszek, T. J., degree, 610 Ulbrich, V. R., degree, 1305 Ullmann, L. P., appointment, 751, 1171 Ulloa, Margot, resignation, 667 Ulman, R. K., degree, 622 Ulrich, A. Celeste, appointment, 1000 Ulrichson, D. L., degree, 879 ULTEK Corp., purchase, 1124 Ultracentrifugc, purchase, Anatomy, 99 Biological Chemistry, 783 Botany, 278 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 787 Food Science, 243 Microbiology, Urbana, 189, 471 Zoology, 190, 471 Ultrarnicrotome, purchase, Entomology, 787 Histology, 940 Zoology, 280 Ultrasonic equipment, purchase, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1038 Research and Educational Hospitals, 783 Ultrasonically-irradiated muscle, research, contract, change, 105 Ultrasonic research, electronic equipment, design and fabrication, contract, 787 gift, 298, 959 Ultrasonic supplies, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 862 Ultrasound in biology and medicine, research, contract, change, 693 Ultraviolet analyzer, purchase, Biological Chemistry, 22, 863 Urn, S., degree, 143 Uman, M. F., degree, 143 Umstot, Marcia K., degree, 632 Undergraduate Courses catalog, printing, contract, 434, 1013, 1127 Undergraduate library, Urbana, preliminary study 900 Undergraduate Scholarship Fund, gift, 286 Undergraduate Study catalog, printing, contract, 277, 376, 1012, 1036 Underhill, D. K., degree, 614 fellowship, 664 Underwood, J. S., Ill, degree, 1311 Unger, J. S., degree, 1307 Unger, Marcia R., degree, 626 Uniform accessories, Air Force Science, purchase, 56 Uniforms, laundry and dry cleaning, Air Force Science, 497 purchase, Air Force Science, 594, 1208 Military Science, 594, 1208 police, 497 rental, Home Economics, 595 Illini Union, Urbana, 595 residence halls, Urbana, 595 Unikel, I. P., degree, 606 fellowship, 44 Union Carbide Corp., gift, 289, 298, 304, 952, 959 Union Carbide Educational Fund, gift, 286, 948 Union Carbide Metals Co., gift, 289 Union Carbide Plastics Co., gift, 289 Union Electric Co., gift, 294, 300, 956 Union Health Service, Inc., steam service, contract, 910 Union Starch and Refining Foundation, gift, 302 United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation, Inc., gift, 959, 970 United Engineering Trustees, Inc., gift, 954, 960 United States Agricultural Research Service, contract, change, 21 United States Bureau of Public Roads, con tract, change, 193, 943 gift, 302, 965 United States Children's Bureau, gift, 965 United States Defense Atomic Support Agency, contract, 1015 United States Department of Agriculture, contract, 103, 437, 474, 586, 692, 720 gift, 302, 965 UNIVERSITY i United States Department of Commerce, contract, 474 change, 943 United States Department of Defense, contract, 103, 586 change, 869 nondiscrimination provisions, compliance report required, 276 United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, contract, 103, 104, 191, 351, 437, 474, 498, 586, 692, 720, 789, 867, 1015, 1040, 1128, 1162 change, 105, 106, 721, 916, 1261 gift, 287, 949 United States Department of Interior, contract, 789 gift, 965 United States Department of Labor, contract, 104, 915 gift, 965 United States Department of State, Agency for International Development, contract, change, 352 United States Engineering Center, gift, 965 United States Federal Housing Administration, contract, 720 United States government, contracts, nondiscrimination provisions, compliance report required, 276 fallout shelters, license, authorization, 275 grants and research contracts, 302, 312, 965, 973 United States Industrial Chemical Co., gift, 959 United States Military Academy, use of instructional recorded program in theoretical and applied mechanics, license, 275 United States of America, contract, 867 United States Office of Civil Defense, contract, 720, 1016 gift, 302 United States Office of Education, gift, 302, 965 United States Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, gift, 302, 312 United States Peace Corps, contract, 21 United States Public Health Service, contracts, nondiscrimination provisions, compliance report required, 276 gift, 302, 312, 965, 973 United States Rubber Co. Foundation, gift, 286, 290, 952 United States Steel Corp., contract, change, 498 gift, 298, 959 purchase, 25, 242 United States Steel Foundation, Inc., gift, 290, 952, 963 United Student Aid Funds, Inc., Burt loan fund, deposit, 938 gift, 949 student loans, University participation, 487 additional deposit, 860 Universal Match Corp., gift, 290 Universal Oil Products Co., gift, 286, 948, 959, 962 Universal Tank & Iron Works, Inc., purchase, 861 Universal testing machine, Civil Engineering, purchase, 469 University Civil Service System of Illinois, Merit Board representative, election, 978 University Club, gift, funds, Boeschenstein, Mr. and Mrs. H., 302 Levis, W. E., 302 Owens-Illinois Glass Co., 302 University Extension, See Extension, university Ford, purchase, 26, 436, 437, 597, . 1127, 1209 University Hall, name given to Chicago Circle administration and staff building, 1265 OF ILLINOIS 1571 University High School, appropriation, equipment, 238, 917 balance reappropriated, 85, 778 improvements, balance reappropriated, 85 library expansion, 238 gift, funds, Mount Holyoke College, 962 research, American Museum of Natural History, 298 Carnegie Corp., 292, 954 Hamilton College, 298 Hendrix, Gertrude, 298, 960 Hendrix, W. L., 960 Intercultural Studies, Institute of, Inc., 960 Page, D. A., 960 Pfaelzer, M., 298, 960 lease of space, Main Street, property at 1102-A West, 868 purchase, films, 190, 243 school mathematics project, quarters, remodeling, 369 University Honors Programs, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, remodeling and equipment, balance reapnropri-ated, 88 Urbana, appropriation, equipment, 918 remodeling, 918 University of Illinois Dental Alumni Society of Ohio, gift, 311 University of Illinois Orthodontic Alumni Society, gift, 972 University of Illinois Student Organizations, gift, 948 University Place Christian Church, lease, 587 University Press, See Press, University. University Theatre, budget, summer session, 337, 1002 Unland, M. L., degree, 1064 fellowship, 1230, 1338 Unnerstall, R. W., degree, 829 Unroe, J. A., degree, 626 Unti, E., appointment, 1086 Unverferth, W. D., degree, 631, 1283 Unz, Irma E., degree, 836 Unzicker, J. D., degree, 610 appointment, 202, 814 Unzicker, R. G., degree, 1317 fellowship, 412, 896 Upadhyay, J., degree, 211 Upadhyay, Lois D., degree, 1301 Upchurch, Rebecca A., degree, 1298 Uphoff, D. J., degree, 1298 Upjohn Co., contract, 587 gift, 290, 298, 960, 963 purchase, 22, 188, 281, 351, 373, 866, 940, 1256 Upper, C. D., degree, 1059 Upper, R. H., degree, 1074 Upton, B., degree, 403 Upton, G. L., degree, 622 Urban, F. C, Jr., degree, 1310 Urban, Judith G., degree, 1076 Urban, R. J., degree, 1315 Urbana, city of, bicycle lane on Mathews Avenue, negotiations, 274 storm sewer, Stoughton Street, easement, 346 vacation of streets and alleys, payment, approved, 901 Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, University land, annexation, 491 Urban and regional survey, funds, gift, 297 Urban development program, study, gift, 293 Urbanik, R. T., degree, 1290 Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, bachelor's degree, change, 907 curriculum, urban planning, changes, 907 name, approved, 907 See also City Planning and Landscape Architecture. Urban problems, research, gift, 293, 955 1572 BOARD OF Urban real estate values, effect of highways, research, contract, change, 193, 792 Urban universities, staff, space, and curriculum problems, study, contract, 1210 Urbaszewski, L. P., degree, 1304 Ureel, D. M., certificate, 749 Urena, R. A., appointment, 71 Urethral substitute for the canine and feline patient, research, gift, 296 Uretsky, M., appointment, 1186 Urick, R. W., degree, 404 Urist, M. J., appointment, 74, 761 Uriu, S. A., appointment, 409 Urkovich, R. S., degree, 1310 Urology, clinical faculty, S3, 771 Urquhart, R., certificate, 1102 Urse, V. G., appointment, 78, 766 Ursin, G. H., degree, 621 Urwiller, S. L., degree, 139 Usen, B. C, degree, 1280 Ushkow, D. E., degree, 1322 Usiewicz, J. A., degree, 398 Usiskin, Z. P., degree, 630, 632 Uszynski, Constantin D., appointment, 534, 1001 Utilities distribution system, extension, contract, Commerce Building, 431 East Chemistry Building addition, 1248 Education Building, 431, 541 Electrical Engineering Building, 541 Gregory Hall to Administration Building, 183 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 541 addition, 19 Materials Research Laboratory, 431, 540, 710 rerouting. Civil Engineering Building, agreement, 685 Utility Air Conditioning & Heating Co., contract, 14, 240 Utsumi, T., degree, 610 Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University, chairman of board of management, present at meeting, 164 Uttar Pradesh Government, land-grant type university, organization and development, contract, change, 438, 943 Utter, E, H., member of Citizens Committee, 485 Utz, W. J., degree, 630 Uwanno, S., degree, 389 Uysal, U., degree, 1292 Uzgiris, Ina C, appointment, 442, 892, 1086 degree, 212 Uzzardo, Vivian A,, degree, 633 Vacca, A. J., degree, 403 Vacketta, C. L., degree, 635 Vacuum chamber, purchase, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 591 research, contract, change, 381 Vacuum coating system. Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, purchase, 56 Vacuum-Electronics Corp., purchase, 100, 189 Vacuum equipment, purchase, Coordinated Science Laboratory, 866 Electrical Engineering, 1124 Vacuum evaporator, Histology, purchase, 589 Vacuum Tube Products Division, Hughes Aircraft Co., purchase, 375 Vacuum tubes, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 23 Vagner, D. E., degree, 842 Vahala, Phyllis J., degree, 1314 Vahlkamp, F. J., degree, 622 Vaichulis, E. M., appointment, 814 degree, 1316 fellowship, 44, 664 Vail, C. F., degree, 1275 Vail-Ballou Press, Inc., purchase, 376, 494, 1037 Vaiser, A., appointment, 442, 762 Valaitis, J., appointment, 76 Valenta, J. C, appointment, 84, 772 Valenti, D. A., appointment, 84, 772 Valentine, R. C, degree, 211 Valentini, J. J., degree, 1310 Valentino, P. E., degree, 622 Vales, Marlyn D., degree, 1290 Valette, Sally T., degree, 1075 Valko, R. J., degree, 1298 Vallas, G. S., certificate, 748 Valleni, R. R., degree, 1292 Vallero, B. A., degree, 1307 Vallort, R. P., degree, 1293 Valpey Crystal Corp., purchase, 435 Vana, P. J., degree, 1075 Vanagunas, Edith B., degree, 1286 Vanagunas, S., degree, 828 Van Allen, S. K., degree, 398 VanAlyea, O. E., appointment, 75, 762 Van Arendonk, A. M., fellowship, 820, 1338 Van Arsdell, P. M., director of Athletic Association, 424, 1102 Van Beaumont, Sheila L-, resignation, 136 van Biljon, L., appointment, 697 Van Bortel, Dorothy G., appointment, 318 leave of absence, 445 Van Brandeghen, J. T., degree, 632 Van Buer, F. D., fellowship, 520 Vancata, B. J., degree, 1079 Vancata, Janet H., degree, 619 Vance, Emily, degree, 1308 Vance, G. A., appointment, 68, 755 Van Cleave, J. R., degree, 839 Van Cleve, R. R., degree, 1075 Van Cura, Nancy J., degree, 215 Van Daele, G. A., degree, 1072 VanDemark, N. L., appointment, 814 resignation, 1088 Vandenberg, D., fellowship, 1338 Van Der Aa, M. H., degree, 396 Vanderbilt, M. D., degree, 600 Vanderbilt, P. C, degree, 646 Van-Derek, Mary E., degree, 626 Vander Hart, D. L., fellowship, 1231, 1339 Vanderhorst, K. M., degree, 404 VanderKloot, A., appointment, 67, 754 van der Linden, R. R., appointment, 409 degree, 153 resignation, 1143 Vander Mey, Carol J., degree, 1301 Vandermolen, R. H., degree, 839 Van der Naald, Anie C., fellowship, 520, 1231 van der Rohe, L. M., honorary degree, 1103 Van Der Sluys, W. A., degree, 614 Vander Vennet, K. R., appointment, 83, 771 Van Der Voorn, P. C, fellowship, 664, 1231 Van De Voorde, R. L., certificate, 324 Vandi, A. F., appointment, 128, 318 VanDongen, C. G., degree, 142 Van Duyne, D. W., degree, 403 Van Dyck, F. G., degree, 1311 Van Dyck, P. C, fellowship, 700, 929 termination, 1174 VanDyke, Patricia A., appointment, 656, 1331 Van Dyke, R. L., degree, 153 Van Dyke, V., book, printing, 1015 Van Dyke, V. R., certificate, 748 Van Egeren, L. F., appointment, 768 degree, 826 fellowship, 44 Van Etten, A. B., degree, 836 Van Etten, J. L., degree, 392 van Goethem, Marilyn, appointment, 266 Vangor, D. W., resignation, 47 Van Groenou, W. B., appointment, 1241 Vanguard Instrument Co., purchase, 22, 279, 591, 863 Van Haarlen, C, painting, gift, 305 Van Hise, J. R., degree, 874 Van Holde, K. E., appointment, 40 leave of absence, 1108 UNIVERSITY i Van Horn, C, appointment, 128 Van Horn, W. E., degree, 1319 Van Houten, Sandra K., degree, 633 Van Houtte, Mary E., degree, 1285 Van Mieghem, D. P., certificate, 62 Van Niekerk, L. H., degree, 153 Vannoy, J. S., appointment, 1140 VanNuys, J. D., appointment, 256, 763 Van Pelt, J. D., appointment, 80, 768 Van Pelt, J. S., Jr., certificate, 748 VanPelt, L. E., appointment, 128 Van Pemis, P. A., appointment, 76 Van Proyen, H. A., degree, 1074 Van Reenen, J. E., degree, 1S2 Van Reuth, E. C, degree, 1060 Vanselow, D. G., degree, 1080 Van Tassel, R. D., degree, 139 Van Thyne, R. J., certincate, 62 degree, 155 Vantrease, G. W., certificate, 906 Van Vleet, J. F., fellowship, 896 Vardaman, Hazel, appointment, 1331 Varhula, Adrianne N., degree, 626 Varian Associates, purchase, 188, 375, 786, 864, 866, 913, 1037, 1122 Varityper Corp., purchase, 593 Varous, M. J., degree, 1281 Varsa, E. C, fellowship, 520 Varzandeh, M., appointment, 202 leave of absence, 931 Varzino, L. S., appointment, 75 Vasconcelles, J. M.. degree, 620 Vasil, I. K., appointment, 128 resignation, 667 Vasil, V., appointment, 478 Vassos, N., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 232 Vastine, R. J., Jr., appointment, 318, 758 Vaughan, H. E., appointment, 256 Vaughan, L. Pauline, degree, 882 Vaughan, R. W., fellowship, 664 Vaughn, C. W., lease, 105, 868 Vaughn, Susan R., degree, 841 Vaughn, T. N., degree, 642 Vayo, H. W., degree, 876 fellowship, 664 V.C.V. Farm Supply, purchase, 714 V-Day Coal Co., purchase, 597 Veach, Mary L., degree, 604 fellowship, 1339 Veach, Pamela, degree, 1300 Veatch. G. E., Jr., degree, 1072 Vedder, Dietrich, degree, 839 Vedder, J., gift, 286 Vedder, K. K., degree, 604 fellowship, 1231 Vedral, Mrs. Rose H., appointment, 734 Veeck, S. J., degree, 398 Vegetable Crops Building, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 86 laboratory furniture, purchase, 1039 remodeling, appropriation, 852 Vegetable industry, plastic covered greenhouses, study, contract, 474 Vegetable storage research, gift, 961 Vehicular speed regulation, research, contract, change, 192, 791 VeJdkamp, A. H., fellowship, 1339 Velek, J. P., Jr., appointment, 76, 763 Veletsos, A. S., appointment, 40 resignation, 1233 Velez-Vasquez, E., appointment, 815 Veljovich, W.. degree, 1275 Vellenga, D. R., degree, 394 Velocity logging, study, gift, 291 Velonex Division, Pulse Engineering, Inc., purchase, 865 Velsicol Chemical Corp., contract, change, 106 Rift 298, 960 Venables, Delia P., degree, 1298 Venables, J. A., appointment, 1086 invention, patent rights, release, 979 OF ILLINOIS 1573 Vender-Droguett, C, degree, 1275 Venezky, Diane A., appointment, 892 Venkus, T. P., degree, 1080 Venskus, C. A., degree, 1291 Ventilating, Chemistry Annex, appropriation, 536 Classroom Complex Building, bidder's request for hearing, 726 contract. Administration Building south addition, 489 antenna laboratory, 52 Armory, 16 Burnsides Research Laboratory addition, 239 Civil Engineering Building, 1120 Classroom Complex Building, 528 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 344, 1192 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 14, 90, 91, 240, 270, 911, 1154, 1250 Digital Computer Laboratory, 346 Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station addition, 684 Dynamics Test Laboratory, 1248 East Chemistry Building addition, 854 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 344, 464 Education Building, 59 Engineering and Sciences Laboratories Building, 528 Graduate Student Residence Halls, 1057 Heating Plant, Chicago Circle, 544 lllini Union, Chicago Circle, 572 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 229 Illinois Surgical Institute, 240 Lecture Center Building, 528 Library, Chicago Circle, 528 Urbana, 16 Materials Research Laboratory, 857 Medical Research Laboratory, 543 minor alterations and repairs, 537, 1249 Natural History Building, 909 Physical Plant Building, Chicago Circle, 528 Rehabilitation Center, 539 Research and Educational Hospitals, 92, 270, 271, 542 Staff and Administration Offices Building, 528 University Press Building addition, 489 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex addition, 538 Ventilating research, gift, 296, 958 Verbeski, Arlene J,, degree, 612 Vercellotti, D. J., degree, 643 Verdeyen, J. T., appointment, 40, 128 invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 260 Veremis, N. G., degree, 836 Verette, R. M., degree, 877 fellowship, 258 Vergin, Marcia A., fellowship, 664, 929 resignation, 1089 Verhey, Mrs. Catherine A., appointment, 337 fellowship, 896 Verhey, L. J., degree, 1068 Verhoeven, J. A., degree, 636 Verhoog, C, certincate, 62 Verifax matrix, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 280, 719 Verley, F. A., degree, 1268 Verley Marguerite M., degree, 1272 Vermeulen, C. W., degree, 388 fellowship, 738 Vermeulen, G. D,, degree, 1321 Vermeulen, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 318, 892, 1086 resignation, 898 Vermilion River Observatory, asphalt matting, purchase, 53 flood control measures, reconstruction, 188 Vermont Research Corp., purchase, 864 1574 BOARD OF Vernctti, R. A., degree, 620 Vernick, J. J., degree, 1317 Vernon Park Substation, Commonwealth Edison Co., agreement, 467 Versen, W. G., appointment, 892 Versulis, D. G., appointment, 892 resignation, 1088 Vertometcrs, Ophthalmology, purchase, 716 Verts, Bobbie j., appointment, 128, 815 Vesely, Laurel E., degree, 627 Vesely, W. E., Jr., fellowship, 1231 Vessel design, research, contract, change, 245 Vessell, Rita M., appointment, 318 Vestljng, C. S., appointment, 697 resignation, 667 Vestljng, Mrs. Christina M., appointment, 202 resignation, 702 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Skokie Valley Post 3854, gift, 972 Veterinarians liability insurance, Veterinary Medicine, purchase, 1255 Veterinary Clinic, electric power service improvements, contract, 345 painttng, appropriation, balance reappropri- ated, 780 Veterinary Clinical Medicine, appropriation, pathology building, 1153 gift, research, Morris, M. L., Animal Foundation, 296 purchase, straw, 590, 1258 oats, 1258 wheat, 1258 Veterinary Medicine, College of, advisory committee, appointment, 484, 706 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 778 remodeling, 536, 1153 contract, construction of animal building, 1202 remodeling barn, 1201 curriculum, revisions, 11 degrees conferred, 158, 640, 882, 1082, 1315 gift, loan fund, Burt, F. H., 938 Champaign Kennel Club, 949 Illinois Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary, 949 scholarship, Companion Shepherd Dog Club, 946 liability insurance, 1255 purchase, building for research farm, 373, 434, 717 canine food, 593 clams, 785, 941 coulter counter, 436 electron microscope accessories, 914 electrophoresis apparatus, 24 freezer, 691 laboratory glassware washer, 785 spectrophotometer, 58 Veterinary Medicine Clinic and Hospital, construction, funds, agreement with Illinois Building Authority. 1042 Veterinary Medicine Research Annex, addition, construction, contract, dumbwaiter, 538 electrical, 538 general, 538 heating, piping, and refrigeration, 538 laboratory furniture, 538 plumbing, 538 ventilating and sheet metal work, 538 funds, gift, 301 Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, appropriation, building for animal holding facilities, 430 gift, funds, Abbott Laboratories, 961 research, Abbott Laboratories, 952 American Bird Products, Inc., 290, 952 Geigy Chemical Corp., 294, 955 Illinois Farm Bureau Serum Association, 294 National Hog Cholera Fund, 957 Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, ap. propriation, equipment, balance reappropriated, 86 gift, research, Armour Pharmaceutical Co 292 Veterinary Research Farm, barn, remodeling contract, 1201 building, appropriation, 1153 construction, contract, 1202 purchase, 373, 434, 717 Vetter, J. L., degree, 395 Vetterling, J. M., fellowship, 700, 1173 Vevang, C. B., degree. 839 Veverka, G. J., degree, 638 Via, J. A., appointment, 734, 815 Vicari, F. A., appointment, 66, 753 Vicars, Mary A., degree, 1308 Vicars, R. J., degree, 635 Vice, J. L., fellowship, 738 Vice-President, Chicago Undergraduate Division, assistant, appointment, 681 position established, 681 Medical Center, health professions, statistical analyses and consultative services 1202 Vice-President and Comptroller, appropriation, microfilming records, balance reappropri-ated, 778 contracts for Assembly Hall events, authority to execute, 430 revenue bonds, printing, 714 Vice-President for Research, appointment, 931, 934 position established, 931, 934 Vickers, T. H., degree, 609 Vickers, Pamela, appointment, 442 Victor, E. G., certificate, 62 Victor, S. A., appointment, 80, 767 Victor, T. A., degree, 1321 fellowship, 259, 700, 929 Victor Chemical Works, gift, 286, 952 Vidal Lamilla, A., degree, 840 Videotapes, use by Army, contract, 437 Videtich, D. A., fellowship, 259 Vieceli, L. V., degree, 1073 Vierling, Elizabeth S., degree, 611 Vierling, W. C, degree, 1289 Vigil, Helen M,, degree, 154 Viking Industries, Inc., purchase, 55, 374 Vil, C. S., appointment, 69. 757 Vilter Foundation, Inc., gift, 963 Vilutis, R. J., degree, 842 Vincent, A. L., degree, 1078 Vincent, S. P., degree, 1289 Vinci, A. J., resignation, 667 Vine. A. D., degree, 1304 VioBin Corp., contract, change, 22, 193, 869, 916 gift, 299, 960 Virginia, University of, contract, 244 change, 916 Virnala, W. E., certificate, 62 Virobik, P. F., degree, 610 Virology laboratories. Medical Research Laboratory, ductwork, replacement, contracts, 543 Virus, Carolyn R-, degree, 619 fellowship, 664 Viruses, research, contract, change, 105 gift, 290, 952 Viruses and nonbacterial agents causing respiratory illnesses in man, manual, contract, change, 916 Visco, R., property at 408 East Chalmers Street, purchase, 348 Visco, R. E., degree, 384 Vish, Yvonne F., degree, 140 Vishny, B. L., degree, 626 Visking Co., Union Carbide Corp., gift. 289, 952 Vission, R. S., appointment, 892 Viste, K. M., Jr., degree, 153 Visual Electronics Corp., purchase, 588 UNIVERSITY Viswanathan, L., appointment, 128, 815 resignation, 978 Vitacco, W. R., degree, 143 Vitallq, N. J., certificate, 62 Vitamin capsules, Pharmacy Stores, purchase, 277 Vitamins, research, gift, 292, 296, 954 Vitrungs, R. V., appointment, 84, 772 Vitullo, Roseanne, appointment, 766 Vitzthum, Sharon K., degree, 153 Vivarium, water supply, revamping, appropriation, 13 Vivas Melean, V. E., degree, 828 Vlasis, G. P., appointment, 73, 760 Vies, E. J., appointment, 128 resignation, 259 VHet, Sharon J., degree, 1290 Vocational and Technical Education, appropriation, equipment, 369 balance reappropriated, 778 budget, summer session, 1003 chairman of department, appointment, 181 department, established, 181 purchase, offset duplicator, 1015 Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, gift, 965, 973 Vodicka, R. J., degree, 831 Voegele, Marilyn R., degree, 611 Voelkner, A. R., degree, 216 Voellinger, J. F., certificate, 366 Voelpel, D. E., degree, 1319 Vogel, A. J., degree, 628 Vogel, Carol A., degree, 646 Vogel, W. H., appointment, 128, 734, 1086 Vogenthaler, J. L., fellowship, 1231 Vogler, D. E., degree, 618 Vogt, Anna W., degree, 150 Vogt, J. L., degree, 837 Vogt, P. G., degree, 1071 Vogt, R. M., degree, 876 VoRt, T. C, degree, 1318 Voich, D., Jr., fellowship, 520 Voight, Barbara J., degree, 1321 Voigts, C. W., certificate, 1102 Voils, D. L., degree, 606 fellowship, 700, 896, 1339 Volatile Storage Building, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 779 Void, Barbara S., fellowship, 820, 1231 Void, R. L., fellowship, 1339 Volk, Barbara H., degree, 402 Volk Radiochemical Co., purchase, 717 Volling, E. L.. degree, 1293 Volner, Patsy R., degree, 836 fellowship, 44, 205, 738, 929 Volodka, L. K., degree, 1292 Voltmeters, purchase, Electrical Engineering, 912, 941 Physics, Urbana, 1206 Volunteer attitudes, measurement in accordance with Peace Corps expectations, contract, 943, 1162 Vote, E. W.. degree, 831 Vote, Ruth W., degree, 836 Von Behren, Connie U., degree, 1290 von Dessonneck, Karen, degree, 607 Vondrasek, E. A., appointment, 69, 757 Von-Feldt, J. R., degree, 612 Von Foerster, H. M., appointment, 356 leave of absence, 425 von Hentig, R. T., appointment, 128, 1331 Von Kerens, J. J.. degree, 825 Von Lanken, Marilyn T., degree, 836 von Lehmden, Alice A., appointment, 202, 1140 Vonnahme, D. R., degree, 1072 von Neumann, R. A., appointment, 325 Von Riesen, R. D., degree, 215 fellowship, 520 Voorhees, j. B., degree, 1291 Vorbeck, J. F., appointment, 128 resignation, 1089 OF ILLINOIS 1575 Voris, D. C, appointment, 815 Voris, H. C, appointment, 759 Voris, R. H., member of Citizens Committee, 485 Vormelker, Rose L., appointment, 129 declination, 136 Voruz, T. A., degree, 395 Vosbury, N. A., degree, 150 Voss, J. A., Jr., certificate, 63 Voss, J. R., leave of absence, 1143 Voss, Mary L., degree, 1076 Voth, B. W., appointment, 815 Votoupal, R. L., degree, 621 Voy, Phyllis G., degree, 393 fellowship, 132, 205 Vozenilek, Kay J., degree, 824 Vrankin, Lynne A., degree, 402 Vreuls, D., claim, injuries sustained during water fight, 162 Vrhovnik, T. M., degree, 1322 Vucmich, A., appointment, 1151 Vuk, M. M., degree, 1075 Vullo, R. P., degree, 1310 Vuthisathira, S., degree, 1273 Vye, M. V., appointment, 76, 764 Vygantas, C. M., degree, 646 Wabash Magnetics, Inc., purchase, 1038, Wacaser, L. E., appointment, 72 termination, 413 Wach, E. C, gift, 306, 967 Wachowski, T. J., leave of absence, 899 extension, 1174 Wachsman, J. T., appointment, 129, 318, 815 Wachtel, P. L., appointment, 78, 765 Wachter, R. L., degree, 632 Waco-Porter Corp., purchase, 281 Waddick, J. W., degree, 833 Waddick, Laura J., degree, 626 Waddington, H. K., appointment, 72, 759 Wade, D. M., degree, 156 Wade, Linda K., degree, 1308 Wade, W. A., degree, 1281 Wadeford Electric Co., contract, 14, 92, 271 464, 684 Wadhwa, S. K., degree, 391 Wadia, P. K., degree, 828 Wadman, W. J. F., certificate, 748 Wadsworth, M. R., degree, 396 Wadsworth, P. A., appointment, 330, 459, 815 resignation, 1233 Waech, T. G., degree, 628 Wafering machine, Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, purchase, 1038 Wagar, J. E.. certificate, 364 Wagers, P. W., appointment, 759 Wages, retroactive adjustments, policies and procedures, change. 106. 682 Waggener, Sara E., fellowship, 520 Waggener, Virginia R., degree, 1285 Wagman, A. B., appointment, 815 Wagman, M., leave of absence, 428 Wagner, Audrey D., degree, 214 Wagner, B., Co., purchase, 1126 Wagner, C. A., fellowship, 664 Wagner, E. A., Co., contract, 541 purchase, 188 Wagner, H. L., degree, 1311 Wagner, J. W., degree, 1058 Wagner, Judith A., degree, 154 Wagner, L. E., resignation, 702 Wagner, Mary K., degree, 1062 Wagner, Merlee N., appointment, 1219 Wagner, N. R., degree, 1274 fellowship, 897 Wagner, Robert E,, fellowship, 520 Wagner, Ronald E., degree, 1313 Wagner, R. J., certificate, 366 Wagner, T. J., fellowship, 44 Wagon crane, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 351 1576 BOARD OF Wagstaff, C. D., designer of University golf course, present at luncheon, 1344 Wahby, A, W., degree, 1287 Wahl, E. C, degree, 622 Wahl, F. M., appointment, 995 declination, 1143 fellowship, 412 Wahl, M. L., degree, 880 invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 1147 Wahl, P., appointment, 1019 Wahlgren, D. E., degree, 156 Wahlstrom, F. W., degree, 155 Wahrer, Joan P., degree, 638 Waiau, A., Jr., degree, 397 Waineo, D. K., fellowship, 1231 Wainio, Anna M., degree, 1321 fellowship, 479 Wainwright, R. L., certificate, 63 Wainwright, W. J., appointment, 129 Wakae, M., appointment, 656, 1331 Wakat, E. A., Jr., degree, 621 Wakefield, H., appointment, 67, 754 Wakefield, N. IX, appointment, 325 Walbaum, R. S., degree, 156 Walbridge, Ann L., degree, 1273 Walch. D. B., degree, 144 Waldbauer, G. P., appointment, 707, 994 Walden, J. D., appointment, 129, 328 degree, 878 Waldfogel, Carol R., degree, 626 Waldman, H., degree, 139 Waldman, M. R., degree, 842 Waldron Associates, Inc., engineering services, Congress Circle, path scheduling, 492 Wales, H. G., appointment, 509 resignation, 740 Wales, Janet M., appointment, 697 degree, 399 resignation, 822 Walett, F., appointment, 1331 Walgreen, C. R., Jr., Scholarships, funds, gift, 967 Walgreen Benefit Fund, gift, 967 Walgren, H. N., appointment, 81, 769 Waligora, J. M., degree, 613 Walker, A. B. C. degree, 211 Walker, B. L., appointment, 356, 815 degree, 385 Walker, C. B., fellowship, 1339 Walker, C. C, appointment, 318 Walker, C. E., degree, 392 Walker, C. W., degree, 399 Walker, Celine F., degree, 153 Walker, D. E., resignation, 444 Walker, D. L., Jr., appointment, 815 degree, 216 Walker, D. T., degree, 1289 Walker, Elsie K., degree, 399 Walker, Mrs. Eunice, appointment, 1086 Walker, G. H., degree, 145 Walker, G. S., Plumbing & Heating, Inc., contract, 16, 184. 541 Walker, H., & Son, Inc., gift, 299, 964 Walker, H. H., degree, 401 Walker, James L., degree, 405, 1283 Walker, Jerry L., appointment, 65, 328, 991, 1001 Walker, J. M., appointment, 925 Walker, K. L., degree, 1315 Walker, L. D., leave of absence, 445 Walker, L. E., fellowship, 664 fellowship, 1339 Walker, M. C, Jr., certificate, 748 Walker, Maud K., degree, 1299 Walker, Norma G. E., degree, 1075 Walker, P. D., degree, 836 Walker, R. D., appointment, 129 degree, 602 resignation, 822 Walker, R. E., fellowship,. 4.4 Walker, W. H., appointment, 892 degree, 874 Walker Electric Supply Co., Inc., purchase, Walkington, R. E., degree, 1313 Wall, F. T., appointment, 815, 1086 appreciation of services, 1198 Wallace, A. J., degree, 840 Wallace, C. S., appointment, 129 Wallace, D. M., appointment, 40 Wallace, J. B., appointment, 325, 988 Wallace, J. D., appointment, 202 Wallace, J. T., appointment, 1003 fellowship, 520 Wallace, K. R., leave of absence, 427 Wallace, Linda, fellowship, 1231 Wallace, R. W., degree, 636 Wallace, Ruth S., appointment, 129 Wallace, V. E., appointment, 84, 772 Wallace, W. H., appointment, 40 degree, 210 Wallace Business Forms, purchase, 1159 Wallace Press, Inc., purchase, 376, 435 Wallach, K. L., degree, 1313 Wall closets, McKinley Hospital, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 778 purchase, 862 Wallen, B. L., degree, 1080 Waller, B. F., Jr., degree, 401 Waller, Carol A., degree, 1308 Waller, Mrs. Edna I., appointment, 815 resignation, 898 Waller, G. R., appointment, 334, 999 Waller, R. A., appointment, 656, 892, 996 degree, 876 Waller, W. W., degree, 401 Walley, Barbara B., degree, 138 Walley, J. E., appointment, 256, 851 Wallheiser, L. M., appointment, 73, 760 Wallin, R. F., degree, 640, 1283 Walling, Linda K., degree, 1300 Wallis, L. 1)., degree, 1312 Wallner, L. J.. appointment, 75, 762 Wallo, E. M., appointment, 1331 Walls, J. C, degree, 389 Walls, Mrs. Wanda J., resignation, 702 Wallstrom, R. J.. degree, 610 Wall turbulence, research, contract. 943 Walraven, H. D., appointment, 129, 892 Walrus Manufacturing Co., contract, 857 purchase, 717 Walsh, F. J., appointment, 73, 760 Walsh, G. M., certificate, 749 Walsh, J. B., fellowship, 664 Walsh, J. L., degree, 603 Walsh, J. T., certificate, 1102 Walsh, Mary C, degree, 630 Walsh, P. J., degree, 215 Walsh, Patricia J., fellowship, 44, 259, 320 Walsh, T. G-, appointment, 925 Walston Aviation, Inc., purchase, 376, 789 Walt Disney Films, Educational Film Division, purchase, 243 Walter, C. E., degree, 151 Walter, C. T., Jr., degree. 1304 Walter, J. H., appointment, 202, 459, 815 Walters, C. G., degree, 1058 Walters, IX G., degree, 635 Walters, Elaine F., degree, 150 Walters, F. E., degree, 383 Walters, Isabel A., degree, 638 Walters, J. B., degree, 393 Walters, J. P., fellowship, 520 Waiters, Jacqueline M., degree. 640 Walters, R., degree, 1082 Walters, T. C, degree, 1315 Walters, W. B., fellowship, 520 Walther, Joan M., degree, 626 Walton, E. W., degree, 604 Walton, Georgia M., degree, 150 Walton, M. C, degree, 842 Waltrip, D. A., degree, 630 Waltz, J. R., appointment, 771 Waltz, R. K., degree, 395 Walulis, Marlene J., degree, 634 UNIVERSITY I Wandell, J. A., degree, 1289 WandeH's Twin City Landscape Service, Inc., purchase, 103 Wang, C. C. T., degree, 1059 Wang, Catherine Y. C, degree, 830 Wang, G. T., degree, 1283 Wang, H. C, appointment, 442, 734 Wang, I. C, appointment," declination, 930 degree, 877 Wang, Marilyn A., degree, 1066 Wang, R. S. C, degree, 1065 W'ang, Shao-fu, appointment, 129 Wang, Shu-Yung, appointment, 202, 892 Wang, Theresa S. Y., degree, 613 Wang, Mrs. Venetia, resignation, 978 Wang, Y. C, degree, 1064 Wanka, A. A., degree, 1079 Wanka, F., appointment, 129, 697 resignation, 822 Wanless, Karen M., degree, 401 Wann, E. V., resignation, 978 Wanninger, Mary K., degree, 626 Wantland, L. R., degree, 838 fellowship, 1141, 1231 Warburton, F. W., appointment, 509 Ward, Frank Allen, degree, 1081 Ward, Frank Anthony, II, degree, 632 Ward, F. W., degree, 1072 Ward, J. A., fellowship, 929 Ward, T. J., certificate, 1102 Ward, J. R., degree, 1069 Ward, Linda G., degree, 616 fellowship, 44, 205, 443, 738 Ward, R. A., degree, 1293 Ward, R. G., degree, 611 Ward, R. S., degree, 1068 Ward, W D., degree, 1075 Ward, W. F., degree, 606 Ward, W. J., HI, degree, 608 fellowship, 520. 1231 Ward, W. W., fellowship, 412 Wardall, Ruth A., Hall, name given to unit of Illinois Street Residence Halls, 1264 Wardlow, T. H., degree, 156, 1281 Ward Machinery Co., purchase, 715 Ware, E. E., appointment, 40, 202 Ware, Mary F., degree, 1312 Warfield, R. W., degree, 399 Wargo, Dorothy M., certificate, 63 Warm-air furnace heating, research, gift, 296, 958 Warman, H. R., certificate, 749 Warne, T. M., Jr., degree, 608 W'arner, D. B., degree, 620. 626 Warner, J. E., degree, 155 Warner, W. J., degree, 1073 Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Co., gift, 310 Warnock, J. E., appointment, 129, 815 Warren, C. P., appointment, 340, 1007 declination, 1089 leave of absence, 413 Warren, G. H., degree, 621 Warren, Mrs. Irvina P., appointment, 892 Warren, Marilyn P., degree, 1304 Warren, Pamela S., degree, 830 Warren, R. E., degree, 152 Warren, T. F., degree, 616 Warren & Van Praag, Inc., engineering services, water distribution system improvements, 371 water main extensions on south campus, 1152 Warren Farm, services of Piatt County State's Attorney, 191, 867, 915 Warshawsky, L., degree, 832 War Veterans, Division of Special Services for, degrees conferred, 156 Warwick, C. E., appointment, 906 Washburn, Dorothy M., degree, 1308 Washington, E. D.. fellowship, 820 Washington, T., Jr., degree, 1275 Washington University,' gift, 299, 960 OF ILLINOIS 1577 Wash systems, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1203 Wasick, M. M., appointment, 82, 770 Wasilevich, E. P., degree, 638 Wasilkofi, N., degree, 1077 Wasiolek, E., appointment, 987 Wasleff, A., Building Maintenance Co., purchase, 493 Wasleff, A., Window Cleaning Co., purchase, Wasser, P. D., degree, 150 Wasserman, Margo A., fellowship, 520 Wasserman, R. R., appointment, 78, 766 Wasson, J. K., degree, 150 Wasson, R. H., appointment, 994 fellowship, 412 VVastebaskets. Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 1259 Waste collectors, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase. 1203 Waste receptacles, Chicago Circle, purchase, Watada, N., appointment, declination, 136 Watanabe, D. P., degree, 399 Watanabe, Renate G., degree, 1281 fellowship, 664 Watanabe, Shigueo, appointment, 535 Watanabe, Shosuke, appointment. 40, 129 Watanabe, T., appointment, 202 Water, research, contract, 474 change, 126"0 Water boilers and pumps, Chicago Circle, contract, extension of time for execution or termination, 264 Water color. Wilt, R., gift, 966 Water distribution system, improvements, engineering services, contract, 371 Water droplet coalescence, study, contract, 437 Water filtering equipment, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 497 Water heating, research, contract, change, 105 gift, 295, 956 Water in body fluids, refractometric analysis, contract, 1162 Water lines. Chicago Circle, easement, 795 Machine Shed, appropriation, 488 Water mains, construction, contract, Education Building. 541 Illinois Street Residence Halls, 541 extension, engineering services, contract, Civil Engineering Building, 853 East Chemistry Building addition, 853 south campus, 1152 relocation, Civil Engineering Building site, agreement, 685 easement granted, 686 Waterman, T. E., appointment, 893 Waterman, J. L., degree. 154 Water Resources Building, addition, land, transfer to Illinois Building Authority, 1043, 1136 Water Resources Center, established, 858 organization, 858 Water resources planning, instruction, contract. 720 change, 916 Water service, extension, south farms, agreement with Northern Illinois Water Corp., 775 Water still, Physical Plant Department, Medical Center, purchase, 1156 Water supply, Vivarium, revamping, appropriation, 13 Water system, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, appropriation, 1152 ' " Pell Farm, contract, 95. research, contract, 21 change, 721 gift, 291, 953 Water tank, Allerton House, replacement, appropriation, 683 1578 BOARD OF Water tower, R. Allerton Park, purchase, 861 Watkins, Mrs. Frances B., conference on junior college development in Illinois, report, 107 elected member of Executive Committee, 421, 1096 elected President Pro Tempore of Board, 420 inspection of new buildings, 251 meeting of Association for Higher Education, report, 446 meeting of Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities, attendance, 1175 report, 1215 meeting of Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, attendance, 28, 844 report, 250, 900 member of committees, 1098 signature, Chicago Circle Union Building bonds, 544 Watkins, S. W., appointment, 75, 762 Watkins, Ruth A., degree, 1299 Watkins, W. E., appointment, 771 Watland, Inc., purchase, 470, 1125 Watland's Camera Shops, purchase, 1203 Watrach, A. M., appointment, 202 Watrach, Mrs. Marian N,, appointment, 202, 815 Watson, Alice L., degree, 879 Watson, E. A., appointment, 202 Watson, F. R., appointment, 129 Watson, J. A., fellowship, 1087 Watson, J. R., degree, 1078 fellowship, 44, 320, 1020 Watson, J. Stroud, Jr., appointment, 409, 815 Watson, James Snyder, degree, 1299 Watson, L. G., degree, 1321 Watson, R. A., degree, 622 Watson, R. H., degree, 620 Watson, R. L., degree, 632 Watson, R. W., degree, 150 Watson, Sally D., degree, 1308 Watson, T. R-, degree, 1080 Watson-Gailey Eye Foundation, gift, 311, 972 Watt, V. L., degree, 1289 Watters, H. W., degree, 1289 Watters, R. D., appointment, 129 Watts, Mrs. Emily S., appointment, 893 degree, 601 resignation, 1089 Watts, Mrs. Jessie, memorial to, gift, 972 Wauterlek. J., degree, 151 Wave analyzers, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 912 Wave generators, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 941 Wave research, contract, 586 change, 1163, 1260 Waverly Press, Inc., purchase, 436 Wax, A. D., degree, 1304 Wax, N., appointment, 40, 1111 Waxman, J. D., appointment, 71, 759 Waxman, S. R., degree, 626 Waxmonsky, R. W., degree, 1062 Wayland, B. B., fellowship, 738 Wayman, C. M.. appointment, 40 Wayne-George Corp., purchase, 592 Wead, S. E., degree, 1080 Weatherbee, J. A., degree, 1302 Weatherbee, M. H., degree, 1287 Weatherproofing, roof deck, contract, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 465 Research and Educational Hospitals. 465 Weaver, D. W., degree, 1073 Weaver, H. E., leave of absence, 428 Weaver, Janet C, degree, 626 Weaver, L. A., appointment, 129, 815 fellowship, 45 Weaver, L. D., degree, 140 Weaver, Mildred L., degree, 150 Weaver, R. C, guest of Board, 1143 Weaver, R. R., certificate, 749 Weaver, W., book, printing, 496 Weaver, W. L., degree, 620 fellowship, 520 Webb, C. G., appointment, 1104 Webb, D. R., degree, 600 resignation, 413 Webb, E., degree, 836 Webb, H. D., appointment, 40, 656 Webb, Marilyn K., degree, 626 Webb, R. J., appointment, 707, 815, 925 Webb, R. L., degree, 647 Webb, R. S., Jr., appointment, 129, 202, 697 Webb, Ruth C, degree, 600 Webb, Sharon E., degree, 1300 Webber, Alice J., degree, 153 Webber, B. L., degree, 1293 Webber, C. R., degree, 1078 Webber, J. C, degree, 636 Webber, Jo G., degree, 1076 Webel, Kay M., degree, 880 Weber, A. A., certificate, 456 Weber, B. A., fellowship, 897 Weber, Barbara A., degree, 626 Weber, C, appointment, 815 Weber, C. E., degree. 603 Weber, C. S., fellowship, 520, 1087 Weber, D. F., degree, 641 fellowship, 45, 259 Weber, Evelyn J., appointment, 129, 815 fellowship, 738 resignation, 702 Weber, F. E., degree, 390, 1060 fellowship, 356. 520 resignation, 1089 Weber, G., appointment, 65 Weber, G. I., appointment, 656, 991 declination, 1233 Weber, H., appointment, 1219 Weber, J. G., degree, 601 Weber, L. F., appointment, 66, 753 Weber, M. R.. degree, 1299 Weber, Marcia G., degree, 1272 Weber, W. E., degree, 1070 Weber Farm, adjacent farmland, acquisition, authorization, 902 purchase, 983 services of La Salle County State's Attorney, contract, 867 Weber, Hilmer, & Johnson, purchase, 1125, 1204, 1206, 1256, 1259 Webster, F. H., appointment, 1219 degree, 1070 Webster, L. A., fellowship, 520 Webster, L. E., Jr., degree, 1311 Webster grammar, Library, gift, 304 Wedberg, Joan K., degree, 630 Wedding, Gail E., degree, 1300 Wedekind. G. L., fellowship, 1231, 1339 Weder. W. A., degree, 1299 Wedryk, R. J., degree, 1310 Weech, T. L., fellowship, 1339 Weed, J. A., degree, 1066 Weed control, research, gift, 954 Weeks, F. W., appointment, 330 Weeks, G. C, degree, 1290 Weeks, R. M., certificate, 1102 Weese, H., & Associates, architectural services, Chicago Circle, Physical Education Building, 1115 Wegener, D. P., degree, 1304 Weger, R. C., degree, 1062 Weger Institutional Designs, purchase, 715 1123 Weher, Feme S., degree, 837 Wehlagc, G. G., degree, 138 Wehmer, B. F., Co., purchase, 1157 Wehring, B. W., appointment, 335 Wehrle, R. R., degree, 611 Wehrmeyer, A., certificate, 532 Wei, E. L., degree, 628 Wei, L., appointment, 256, 1086 Wei, P. S. P., degree, 608 UNIVERSITY 0 Weibel, J. R., degree, 620 Weichsel, P. M., appointment, 65, 333, 893 declination, 667, 898 Weidemann, J. A., appointment, 75, 763 Weidert, J. F., appointment, 40 resignation, 522 Weidig, Sandra J., degree, 1299 Weidman, T. A., degree, 641 fellowship, 205 Weihl, Linda K. S., degree, 399 Weihl, R. A., degree, 1079 Weihofen, W. H., degree, 1068 Weikel, Mary A., fellowship, 1231 Weil, Elaine H., degree, 1301 Weiland, R. F., degree, 1310 Weimer, Clara B., appointment, 237 resignation, 522 Weimer, R. C, degree, 1274 fellowship, 664, 1087 W'eimer, T. A., degree, 153 Weinberg, A., degree, 1310 Weinberg, J., appointment, 78, 766 Weinberg, M., Jr., appointment, 82, 770 Weinberg, M. R., degree, 1299 Weiner, A. S., degree, 1319 Weiner. Phyllis, degree, 1079 Weinert, O. R., degree, 1064 Weingand, P. G., degree, 839, 1279 Weingart, Adrian L., degree, 1301 Weingarten, Susan S.. degree, 401 Weinhold, Mrs. Jean K., fellowship, 929 Weinman, J. C, degree, 1307 Weinman, Karla P., appointment, 202, 409, 815 Weinsheim, A. G., certificate, 63 Weinstein, B. L., degree, 635 Weinstein, Barbara F., degree, 1309 Weinstein, H., appointment, 80 degree, 1321 Weinstein, H. L., degree, 1080 Weinstein, J. A., degree, 626 fellowship, 520 Weinstein, S., appointment, 67, 754 Weinstein, S. I., degree, 1079 Weinstein, S. J., certificate, 366 Weintraub, D. J., degree, 212 Weintraub, Karen B., degree, 1309 Weintraub, M. I., degree, 1321 Weintraub, W. H., degree, 1312 Weinzierl, J. E., degree, 628 Weir, M. W., appointment, 40 Weir, Mabel R., degree, 1310 Weirauch, D F., appointment, 893 Weis. J. R., degree, 636 Weisberg, S. W., appointment, 69, 756 Weisdorf, Miriam R., degree, 1075 Weisdorf, \V., appointment, 80, 767 Weise, E. K., leave of absence, 47 Weise, Mrs. Ursula A., appointment, 1331 Weisgerber, D. W., fellowship, 520, 1087 Weiskopf, J. M., degree, 626 Weisman, J. D., degree, 636 Weiss, Adrien E., degree, 1079 Weiss, B. J., appointment, 509 Weiss, B. R., degree, 646 Weiss, C. M., certificate, 366 Weiss, D. J., degree, 1312 Weiss, Elaine P., degree, 1305 Weiss, M. S., degree, 399 Weiss, S. A., appointment, 339 leave of absence, 428 Weissman, D. P., degree, 642, 1319 Weissman, H. B., appointment, 318, 339, 1006 Weissman, I., appointment, 893 Weissman, Linda P., degree, 1299 Weissman, Miriam R., degree, 1075 Weissman, R, A., degree, 646 Weissman, S. H., fellowship, 929 weiszer, I., appointment, 759 Wdtzel, W. F., Jr., degree, 826 Weitzman. W., degree, 830 Weksel, W., degree, 875 welch, J, D., degree, 646 )F ILLINOIS 1579 Welch, R. J.v degree, 1081 Welch, R. W., degree, 1304 Welch, Rebecca J., degree, 1300 Welch, T. L., degree, 1066 Welch, W. L., degree, 635 Welch Scientific Co., purchase, 783 Wecome, J. R., degree, 1289 Welded beams and girders, research, contract, change, 193, 943 Welded highway structures, research, contract, change, 192 Welded joints, research, contract, change, 283 gift, 296, 958 Welded studs, research, gift, 294 Welded wire fabric, research, contract, change, gift, 291, 953 Welders, Medical Center, gift, 973 Welding, research, contract, change, 245 gift, 299, 960 Welding Research Council, gift, 299, 960 Welding system, sculpturing classes, appropriation, 369 Welding tools, Agency for international Development, purchase, 1200 Weldon, C. W., guest at meeting, 933 tribute, 421, 445 Weldon, J. W., appointment, 1006 Welford, N. T., appointment, 77, 764 Welker, Dorothy H., appointment, 77, 764 Welker, N. E., appointment, 442, 816 fellowship, 132 resignation, 413 Welker, R. A., degree, 602 Weiland, Mrs. Marie-Louise, appointment, 1086 Wellek, M. A., degree, 646 Weller. A. S., guest of lioard, 1143 member of Future Programs Study Committee, appreciation, 353 Weller, J. M., degree, 830 Weller, L. E., degree, 1314 Weller, Patricia F., fellowship, 1339 Welling, R. L., degree, 393 Wellman, J. H., certificate. 749 Wellman, J. J., degree, 1289 Wells, Bonnie S., degree, 1310 Wells, Mrs. Catherine N., appointment, 129, 734 Wells, J. D., appointment, 1331 Wells, L. IX, degree, 398 Wells, P. J., leave of absence, 425 Wells, T., lease, 790, 915 Wells, V. E-, certificate, 1102 Wells, W. L., degree, 1277 fellowship, 1339 Welsh, A. L., degree, 875 fellowship, 520 Welsh, R. F., appointment, 1241 Welsh, R L., degree, 145 Welsh, T. L., degree, 641 fellowship, 45 Welsh, W. A., Jr., degree, 1278 Weltman, Adele M.. fellowship, 205 Welton, J. D., degree, 1070 Wemhoener, J., degree, 635 Wenberg, R. D., degree, 618 Wenda, R. L., degree, 1073 Wendt, A. T., degree, 622 Wendt, I. W., certificate, 1102 Wene, Donna L., degree, 401 Weng, C, degree, 1281 Wenglarz, R. A., degree, 397, 1283 Weniger, J. F., degree, 1082 Wenker, Leslie R., degree, 840 , . , Wenner-Green Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., gift, 963 Wenning, G. T., degree, 1068 Wenninger, Mrs. Nancy R., appointment, 129 resignation, 740 Wennlund, J>. L., degree, 1299 Wente, H. L., appointment, 318 resignation, 978 1580 BOARD OF Wentworth, R. A. D., appointment, 734 Wentzien, P. W., certificate, 366 Wenz, P. H., degree, 1275 Wenzel, H. G., Jr., appointment, 1186 Wenzel, J. W., appointment, S3S degree, 386 Weprm, L. S., degree, 630 Wercfa, Mrs. Agnes S., appointment, 893 Werehus, C. Y., appointment, 82, 770 Werly, C. L., degree, 843 Wernegreen, J. O., degree, 397 Werner, B. L., degree, 621 Werner, C. A., certificate, 360 Werner, D. J., certificate, 749 Werner, J. L., degree, 1321 Werner, Joyce C, resignation, 47 Werner, M. B., degree, 1310 Werner, Richard A., degree, 1290 Werner, Ronald A., degree, 1073 fellowship, 1231 Werner, R. C, degree, 647 Werner, W. W., certificate, 1184 Wert, Lucille M., degree, 611 Werth, J. L., degree, 620 Werth, W. F., certificate, 749 Wertheim & Co., bonds, Illinois Street Residence Halls, 218 Wertheimer, M. ]., certificate, 1102 Wertz, K. D., degree, 1313 Wesley, T. D., appointment, 1140 degree, 643 Wesner, C. O., degree, 618 Wessel, D. L., degree, 1077 Wessels, L. S., degree, 150 Wesson, A. G., certificate, 1150 Wesson, J. K., degree, 1315 West, H. B., degree, 1274 fellowship, 664 West, J. !>., degree, 1282 West, L. D., degree, 150 West, K. P., degree, 619 West, L. A., degree, 621 West, Sally A., degree, 646 West, T. G., certificate, 366 West, V. I., leave of absence, 424 change, 741 Westall, W. G., degree, 839 Westberg, R. J., degree, 609 West Coast Machinery Co., purchase, 1254 Westemeier, R. L., appointment, 1140 Westerland, M. E., degree, 622 Westerlund, Mrs. Paula S., appointment, 129 Western Electric Co., gift, 286, 974 Western Electric Fund, gift, 300, 948 Westervelt Paper Co., Inc., purchase, 163 Westfall, H. J., degree, 841 Westgate, Inez W., degree, 614 Westhoff, W. J., degree, 389, 612 Westine, J. R., degree, 641 Westinghouse Air Arm Scholarships, gift, 286 Westinghouse Electric Corp., contract, 238, 854 gift, 286 purchase, 101, 435, 588 Westinghouse Electric Supply, purchase, 102, 786 Westlake, A. H., appointment, 1331 Westlund, Suzanne M., degree, 393 Westman, L. F., appointment, 129 Westtneyer, P., appointment, 129 leave of absence, 523 resignation, 1089 Weston, C, purchase, 1202 Weston, E., photographic prints, purchase, 1202 Weston, Janet L., appointment, 991 Weston, M. H:, degree, 1075 " Weston, P., invention, patent rights, release to sponsoring agency, 231 Weston Hall, acoustical tile, purchase, 1259 Westphal, Barbara C, degree,. 1315 Westrom, Beverly A., degree, 1319 West Virginia Pulp & Paper, purchase, 1014 Westwater, J. W., appointment, 989 Wetenkamp, H. R., release' of instructional material to be used by United States Military Academy, 275 Wetmore, L. B., appointment, 697, 990 guest of Board, 1143 leave of absence, 208 Wettering, F. L., degree, 213 Wetzel, Dorothy D., degree, 637 Wetzel, H. E., certificate, 906 Wetzel, \V. C, degree, 1307 Wexler, M., degree, 155 Wexler, S. S., degree, 642, 1319 Wexler, Sandra L., degree, 637 Weygandt, J. J., degree, 1310 Weyter, F. W., degree, 210 Whalen, C. E., degree, 1307 Whalen, T. M., degree, 1075 Whaley, D. R., degree, 614 Whaley, Susan S., degree, 843 Whalon, M. W., degree, 1273 Wheat, H. E., degree, 392 Wheat, S. L., degree, 404 Wheat, purchase, Animal Science, 1258 Dairy Science, 1258 Veterinary Clinical Medicine, 1258 research, contract, change, 721 Wheat germ oil, research, contract, change. 22, 105, 916 gift, 295, 299, 956, 960 Wheatland, J. A., degree, 1082 Wheatland, Maria K., degree, 639 Wheatley, T. C., appointment, 41 Wheatley, J. H., fellowship, 412 resignation, 1342 Wheatley, R. C, appointment, 478, 1219 Wheatley, R. L., degree, 1304 Wheelchair, Physical Medicine and Rehabili tation. gift, 312 Wheeler, B. D., degree, 216 Wheeler, 1). M. S., appointment, 1331 Wheeler, J. E., appointment, 325, 977 degree, 214 Wheeler, Penelope J., degree, 1283 Wheeler, R. E., degree, 839 Wheeler, R. F., degree, 1289 Whetzel Construction Co., contract, 431 Whipple, J. H., Ill, degree, 604 Whipple, R. L., degree, 1310 Whirlpool Corp., gift, 961 Whisler, F. D., degree, 1267 Whisler, W., appointment, 72, 759 Whitaker, To Anne, appointment, 752 Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. M. R., gift, 311 Whitaker, S. M., fellowship, 738 White, Barbara, degree, 1307 White, Beverly H., degree, 1309 White, C. A., degree, 150 White, C. F., degree, 646 White, C. R., degree, 837 White, Caroline L., degree, 1321 White, D. D., certificate, 1102 White, D. E., degree, 636 White, F. M., degree, 837 White, G. E., degree, 1287 White, G. P., degree, 1073 White, G. W., appointment, 331, 409, 995, 1140 director of Athletic Association, 424, 1102 White, H. W., degree, 1299 White, J. J., appointment, 337, 1003 resignation, 667, 1233 White, J. M., fellowship, 520 White, Mrs. Joan F., fellowship, 929,. 1173 White, Judith B., degree, 606 White, Julie E., degree, 212 White, L. C, degree, 630 White, M. G., Jr., degree, 1299 White, P. B., appointment, 41 White, Robert Allan, degree, 876 resignation, 822 White, Robert August, degree, 628 White, R. B., appointment, 83, 770 degree, 1313 White, R. M., degree, 610 UNIVERSITY i White. S. W., Jr., member of Citizens Committee, 485 White, T. D., certificate, 749 degree, 635, 1287 White, W. L., certificate, 749 White, Weld, & Co., bonds, Congress Circle Union Building, 544 Whitecotton, J. W., fellowship, 1339 Whited, M. T., degree, 616 Whitehead, R. E., degree, 1285 Whitehead, K. J., degree, 636 Whitehorn, W. V., appointment, 356 Whitehouse Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1157 White lead paste, Physical Plant Department, Urbana, purchase, 377, 914 Whiteley, H., degree, 646 Whiteley, Susan W., degree, 1305 White Line Laundry, Inc., purchase, 595 Whiteneir, P. J., Jr., degree, 397 Whiteside, S. E., degree, 1292 Whitfield, Andrietta L., degree, 1299 Whitfield, G. D., appointment, declination, 136 Whitfield, H. J., Jr., degree, 1321 Whitlatch, W. R., degree, 837 Whitley, Verity A., degree, 627 Whitlock, D. A., degree, 1313 Whitlow, J. D., degree, 1313 Whitman, A. B., degree, 839 Whitman, C. M,, degree, 1299 Whitman, J. M., appointment, 80, 129 Whitman, R. S., degree, 387 Whitman, T. L., fellowship, 132 Whitmarsh, Ruth J., degree, 837 Whitmer, R. G., appointment, 509, 925, 1004, 1140 Whitmore, Mariana, degree, 1071 Whitney, B., degree, 840 Whitney, G. I., degree, 632 Whitney, G. R., appointment, 925 Whitney, Janet, degree, 1312 Whitney, Linda A., degree, 1299 Whitney, M. B., degree, 1289 Whitney, R. F., degree, 842 Whitney, R. R., degree, 396, 1278 Whitsel, B. L., fellowship, 1173 Whitsell, D. C, appointment, 74, 761 Whittaker, E. W., degree, 636 Whittaker, F. H., degree, 603 Whittaker, Judy S., degree, 619 Whittaker, L. D., Jr., degree. 646 Whittaker, R. W., degree, 1290 Whitted, Eileen L. F,, certificate, 63 Whitten, Betty J., degree, 830 Whittenberg, J. M., degree, 1321 Whtttier, D. H-, appointment, 535 Whittington, J. A., degree, 395 Whorton, R. C, fellowship, 1339 Wichiarajote, W., degree, 394 Wickersheim, R. D., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1231 Wickert, L. I., degree, 837 Wickiser, R. B., degree, 838 Wkkiser, Rhea O. F., degree, 150 Wickramasinghe, D. N. T., degree, 214 fellowship, 520 Wicks, A. J., degree, 1075 fellowship, 929 resignation, 1143 Wicks, Carolyn, degree, 630 Wicks, E. C, appointment, 1219 Wicks Organ Co., purchase, 277 Widdows, Ellen G., degree, 627 Widman, Brenda C, degree, 1290 Widmann, Nancy D., degree, 627 widraann, Ruth L., degree, 1272 fellowship, 520 Widmar, <<, $pDt degree, 150 Widmer, Carolyn A., degree, 1300 Wieand, Janet J., degree, 1309 Wieboldt Foundation, gift, 290, 952 Wieck, Grace N., degree, 833 OF ILLINOIS 1581 Wieczorek, C, appointment, 256 Wied, Daga M., appointment, 80, 768 Wiedenfeld, L. C, degree, 1304 Wiedenmayer, F., appointment, 893 Wiehle, H. R., appointment, 256, 318 declination, 321 resignation, 321 Wieland, Anna M., fellowship, 412, 820 Wielgosz, Barbara A., degree, 636 Wiemers, G. H., degree, 1065 Wienke, R. D., degree, 1322 Wierenga, H. E., certificate, 749 Wiersema, C. R., degree, 403 Wiersma, A. F., appointment, 73, 760 Wiese, J. P., degree, 1312 Wiesinger, F. P., appointment, 339 declination, 413 leave of absence, 428 Wietlispach, Susan M., degree, 637 Wiggett, R. G., degree, 832 Wiggins, J. S., appointment, 180 Wiggins, M. C, degree, 150 Wiggins, Mrs. Nancy A., appointment, 893 Wiggins, T. M., fellowship, 929 Wiggishoff, C. C., appointment, 84, 772 Wiiki, L. E., degree, 1073 Wijsman, R. A., appointment, 41 leave of absence, 427 Wike, W. R., degree, 626 Wikholm, Clara O., property at 905-90516 South Fifth Street, purchase, 348 Wikoff, Susan F., degree, 626, 1280 Wilber, D. L., degree, 632 Wilber, G. A., appointment, 1331 fellowship, 1339 Wilbois, R. P., degree, 1321 Wilbur, J. W., appointment, 1006 Wilcox, F. B., degree, 1063 Wilcox, H. G., appointment, 71, 759 Wilczewska, Izabella M., resignation, 16 Wild, G. S., degree, 840 Wilde, C. O., fellowship, 1141 Wilde, R. R., appointment, 1331 degree, 389 Wilder, Bennye L. M., degree, 1285 Wilder, H. L., appointment, 442, 761 Wild Heerbrugg Instruments, Inc., purchase, 350, 588, 1159 Wilding, T. G., degree, 141 Wildlife, research, contract, change, 105, 721 Wilen, Jacquelin L., degree, 141 Wilen, R. D., degree, 622 Wiles, H. J., certificate, 366 Wiley, Carolyn A., degree, 626 Wiley, J., & Sons, Inc., gift, 287, 949 Wiley, J. C, degree, 1283 fellowship, 520 Wiley, R. F., degree, 1079 Wilf, H. S., appointment, 41 resignation, 136 Wilfong, Anne E., appointment, 129 declination, 136 Wilgus, C. A., degree, 621 Wilhelm, G. O., degree, 1065 Wilhelm, R. E., gift, 967 Wilhelmi, G. G., degree, 1299 Wilhelmi, S. L., degree, 150 Wilke, Ekkehard-Teja, degree, 387 Wilke, R. H. A., degree, 1301 Wilken, J. D., degree, 1289 Wilken. Susan L., degree, 1290 Wilkens-Anderson Co., purchase, 23, 434 Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc., purchase, 23, 278, 374, 469, 783, 784, 1037, 1122, 1124 Wilkerson, R. G., Jr., degree, 646 Wilkes, Rachel, member of advisory council, 1240 Wilkey, R. A., degree, 1062 Wilkie, B. F., appointment, 535, 994 Wilkin, F. R., Jr., appointment, 409 Wilkin, R. G., degree, 622 Wilkins, G. T., tribute, 322 1582 BOARD OF Wilkins, J. L., appointment, 318, 442 Wilkins, J. W., degree, 602 Wilkinson, D. E., degree, 1293 Wilkinson, J. W., degree, 1274 fellowship, 664 Will, F. L., appointment, 459, 656, 816, 999 leave of absence, 1089 status, 708 Will, K. J., degree, 622 Will, R. L., appointment, cancellation, 930 Willard, R. E., appointment, 129, 816 degree, 610 Willard, Sandra L., degree, 404 Wille, Jane, leave of absence, 1234 Wille, R. P., certificate, 63 Willenborg, D. O., degree, 630 Willenborg, G. R., degree, 621 Willett, Maurita F., appointment, 656 Willetts, D. E., degree, 1290 Willey, G. E., degree, 1304 Willheim, I., degree, 385 Williams, A. J., degree, 153 Williams, A. R., leave of absence, 426 Williams, Ann M., fellowship, 897 Williams, B. E., degree, 612 Williams, Barbara R., degree, 877 Williams, C. A., degree, 606 fellowship, 132, 205 Williams, C. E., appointment, 337 Williams, C. H., appointment, 83, 773 Williams, C. I., purchase, 784 Williams, C. L., appointment, 409 Williams, Charles Randolph, degree, 1272 Williams, Charles Richard, degree, 1071 Williams, D. H., appointment, 773 Williams, David L., appointment, 478, 1331 Williams, Dick L., degree, 626 Williams, Donald L., fellowship, 478 Williams, E. A., certificate, 749 Williams, E. B., appointment, 656, 766 Williams, E. C, appointment, 999 Williams, E. E., degree, 647 Williams, E. L., degree, 608 Williams, E. R., degree, 1286 Williams, Edna )., degree, 144 Williams, Esther A., degree, 150 Williams, G. A., appointment, 69, 755 Williams, G. L., degree, 1077 Williams, H., degree, 1288 Williams, J. D., degree, 1079 Williams, J. E., appointment, 329, 992 Williams, T. H., degree, 837 Williams, J. L., appointment, 69, 756 Williams, J. M., degree, 1073 Williams, Jean C, degree, 627 Williams, Judith L., degree, 1301 Williams, Judith A. O., fellowship, 520 Williams, Judith S., degree, 626 Williams, K., appointment, 41 Williams, M. S., appointment, 423 Williams, M. T., degree, 638 Williams, R. A., degree, 646 Williams, S. B., Jr., degree, 630 Williams, Susan L., degree, 637 Williams, T. E., degree, 1319 Williams, T. H., resignation, 136 Williams, V. T., degree, 143 resignation, 136 Williams, Vernita, appointment, 356 resignation, 1342 Williams, Veronica J., degree, 1309 Williams & Wilkins Co contract, 781 Williamsburg Drapery Co., Inc., purchase, 1207 Williamsen, J. A., fellowship, 45, 700 Williamson, A. R., appointment, 318, 771 degree, 1272 Williamson, B. M., fellowship, 1339 Williamson, Barbara A., degree, 1300 Williamson, D. W., certificate, 749 Williamson, H., Jr., appointment, 1219 Williamson, H. B., degree, 881 Williamson, J. E., degree, 630 Williamson, K. E., inspection of new build- ings, 251 member of committees, 1098 Retirement System representative, 1098 University of Illinois Foundation representative, 480 Williamson, R. E., degree, 1316 Williamson, R. L., degree, 1307 Williamson, Susan E., degree, 1305 Willick, G. E., fellowship, 206 Willis, B. F., degree, 646 Willis, E., appointment, 41, 256 Willis, Jay S., degree, 1314 Willis, John S., appointment, 266 Willis, Mrs. Judith H,, appointment, 409, 893 Willis, N. L., degree, 1315 Willis, R. E., degree, 1071 Willis, Sharon F., degree, 830 Willmore, F. E., degree, 606 fellowship, 700, 897, 1339 Willmore, T. A., invention, patent rights, release, 1147 Willner, E. S., appointment, 1005, 1331 Willock, A. D., degree, 837 Willoughby, Ethel B., degree, 830 Willoughby, Jewell B., degree, 617 fellowship, 320 WILL Radio Station, lease of office space. Green Street, property at 606 yi East, 1128 Willrich, K. L., appointment, 80, 768 Wills, J. R., Jr., degree, 826 Will Scientific of New York City, Inc., purchase, 349, 470 Willson, R, H., appointment, 1331 Wilmeth, D. B., fellowship, 1339 Wilmot, Mrs. Candace, appointment, 977 Wilmot Castle Co., purchase, 53, 589, 1202 Wilms, E. V., degree, 603 resignation, 207 Wilms, Elaine M., degree, 1290 Wils, F. C. M., appointment, 129 Wilsey, R. G., Jr., degree, 150 Wilsky, G. L., contract, 51, 344, 489 Wilson, A. J., degree, 837 Wilson, A. P., degree, 833 Wilson, Barbara R., degree, 1309 Wilson, Betty R., resignation, 740 Wilson, C. A,, resignation, 47 Wilson, Carolyn A., degree, 155 Wilson, D., Family, gift, 971 Wilson, D. B., degree, 878 Wilson, D. E., degree, 638 Wilson, D. J., fellowship, 1339 Wilson, D. W., degree, 613 fellowship, 520 Wilson, Deneith L., degree, 606 Wilson, E. B., degree, 646 Wilson, E. G., Jr., degree, 1290 Wilson, Elaine B., degree, 1316 Wilson, Mrs. Eleanore, appointment, 925, 1019, 1219 Wilson, Mrs. Euline D., appointment, 129. 202 Wilson, Eunice R., degree, 1321 Wilson, F. G., leave of absence, 427 Wilson, G. E., Jr., fellowship, 820 Wilson, G. J., resignation, 1342 Wilson, G. P., degree, 626, 1279 Wilson, G. S., degree, 388 fellowship, 664 Wilson, Grace E., appointment, 334, 999 Wilson, Grace M., degree, 550 Wilson, H. B., degree, 386 Wilson, H. C, degree, 613 Wilson, H. \V., appointment, 330, 993 Wilson, J. D., degree, 613 Wilson, James E., degree, 1321 Wilson, John E., fellowship, 664, 738 Wilson, j. G., degree, 1068 Wilson, J. L., degree, 1311 Wilson, J. R., degree, 626 Wilson, Mrs. Jean G., leave of absence, 13' UNIVERSITY Wilson. Joanne, degree, 832 Wilson, Joanne I., degree, 156 Wilson, Larry Ervin, degree, 397 Wilson, Larry Eugene, degree, 1315 Wilson, L. N., degree, 385 Wilson, Lucy W., degree, 830 Wilson, Marilyn L., degree, 639 Wilson, O. D. and Minnie M., property at 1001 West Green Street, purchase, 348 Wilson, P. R-, fellowship, 664 Wilson, Patricia J., degree, 611 Wilson, R. G., appointment, 256, 356 degree, 642 fellowship, 738 resignation, 667 Wilson, R. H., degree, 395 Wilson, R. J., degree, 404 Wilson, S. $pD>., degree, 626 Wilson, T. D., fellowship, 1231 Wilson, V., Jr., fellowship, 45 Wilson, Velma K., appointment, 478, 1219 Wilson, Vivian A,, degree, 87 Wilson, W., National Fellowship Foundation, gift, 290, 952 Wilson, W. E., Ill, degree, 385 Wilson, W. H., degree, 618 Wilson & Anderson, engineering services, contract, English Building swimming pool improvements, 20 Huff Gymnasium swimming pool improvements, 20 Men's Old Gymnasium swimming pool reconstruction, 20 storm and water main extension, 853 Wilson & Co., gift, 960 Wilt, R., water color, gift, 966 Wilton, D. R., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1231 Wiltrakis, T. A., degree, 1080 Wiman, W. J., degree, 1280 Wimmer, M. J., Jr., degree, 638 Win, S. M., degree, 1269 Winans, L. M., degree, 150 Winans, R. M., fellowship, 1231 Winch, N. R., degree, 153 Winchell, H. H. F., appointment, 1019 Winchester Electronic Laboratories, purchase, 1205 Winders, T. L., degree, 397 Windesheim, K. A., appointment, 1002 Windier, D. D., degree, 145 Windmueller, Louise E., degree, 1285 fellowship, 929 Windom, S. V., degree, 1069 fellowship, 206, 929 Window-washing service, Medical Center, contract, 493, 1203 Windsor, D. A., appointment, 41 Wind tunnel, Mechanical, Industrial, Aeronautical, and Astronautical Engineering, appropriation, 430 Wine, G. D., degree, 1313 Wine, Jill S., degree, 1312 Winegardner, D. K., fellowship, 1339 Wineland, Catherine S., degree, 1283 Winesingers, gift, 972 Winet, S. D., degree, 1304 Winfield, Inc., purchase, 1036 Wingard, Mrs. Marilyn, resignation, 1342 Winger, D. R., degree, 1299 Winger, Sue A., degree, 138 VVinget, Judith K., degree, 1301 Winget, W. G., degree, 1079 wmgfield, M. W., degree, 383 vVmgo, E. O., degree, 874 Wmiarski, Genevieve C, appointment, termination, 667 fellowship, 259 Wmikates, J., certificate, 1102 VVmings, C. L., degree, 1293 VVmings, J. V., degree, 401 Winke, Carole A., degree, 1299 OF ILLINOIS 1583 Winkel, Sharon L., degree, 634 Winkelman, R. D., degree, 825 Winkelmann, D. P., degree, 879 Winkelmann, M. B., appointment, 410 degree, 399 Winking, C. R., degree, 145 Winkler, J. K., resignation, 47 Winkler, Nathalie S., degree, 1286 Winkler, R. L., degree, 630 Wmland, E. C, certificate, 749 Winn, Diana L., degree, 1321 fellowship, 479 Winnikow, S., appointment, 202 declination, 413 Winsberg, K. A., degree, 1299 Winstead, J. A., degree, 1268 Winstead, Mary A. P., degree, 1279 Winter, B. W., degree, 1304 Winter, D. J., degree, 635 Winter, G. H., Ill, degree, 1080 Winter, K. L., degree, 643 Winter, M. E., degree, 151 Winter, P. L., appointment, 71, 758 Winterbauer, Katherine B., degree, 401 Winterbauer, W. L., Jr., fellowship, 664 Wintergreen, R. S., degree, 638 Winterton, Sharon A., degree, 1300 Winzler, Joan A., degree, 626 Winzler, R. J., appointment, 256 Wirakusumah, R. A., degree, 617 Wire fabric, research, contract, change, 192 498 gift, 291, 953 Wirtanen, Rose M., degree, 1299 Wirth, D. G., Jr., appointment, 1331 Wirth, D. J., degree, 392 Wirth, H. D., certificate, 1102 Wirtz, E. H., Jr., degree, 1080 Wirtz, J. H., degree, 837 Wirtz, Nancy R., degree, 1285 Wirtz, R., appointment, 65 Wisconsin, library reference resources and facilities, survey, contract, 380 Wisconsin Cuneo Press, Inc., purchase, 376, 1036 Wisconsin Free Library Commission, contract, 380 gift, 963 Wisconsin library reference resources, survey, funds, gift, 963 Wisconsin-Minnesota Cooperative Bull Stud Group, gift, 299, 961 Wise, E. S., degree, 1276 Wise, F. G., degree, 213 Wise, F. S., degree, 1079 Wise, Louise B,, degree, 150 Wise, R. A., appointment, 367 Wise, S. W., Jr., fellowship, 1339 Wiseman, D. E., appointment, 41 fellowship, 664 Wiseman, R. A., degree, 1072 Wiser, B. G., degree, 395 Wiser, Charlotte C, degree, 628 Wisnosky, A. P., Jr., degree, 843 Wisnosky, J. G., degree, 1286 Wiss, E. J., appointment, 69, 756 Wisshack, Judy, degree, 1300 Witanowski, M. F., appointment, 83, 770 Witelc, R. J., certificate, 749 degree, 635, 1287 Withers, Betty L., degree, 626, 1283 Withnell, LeeAnn R., degree, 632 Withnell, M. C, degree, 606 Witkay, Mrs. Wendel A., gift, 311 Witkowski, L. J., appointment, 82, /70 Witsken, j. R., appointment, 656 Witt, D. V., degree, 1293 Witt, Raye E., degree, 1302 Witt, Susan A., degree, 1309 Witt, W. L., degree, 630 Witt, W. M., degree, 404 Witt, W. R., degree, 1318 1584 BOARD OF ' Witt-Armstrong Equipment Co., gift, 286, 948 VVittber, F. J., degree, 643 Wittenberg, P. C, degree, 404 Witthans, F. W., degree, 1310 Witting, L. A., appointment, 65, 977 Wittke, D. D., appointment, 335 Wittmann, V., degree, 1275 Wittmeyer, W. J., degree, 837 Witz, K. G., appointment, 816, 997 Witzig, D. K., degree, 640 Witzig, J. D., degree, 618 Wnukowski, Leona J., degree, 1299 Wochner, D. C, degree, 1307 Woerner, J. L., appointment, 129 degree, 879 Woerner, L. K., degree, 627 Woerner, R. A., degree, 1065 Woernle, G., fellowship, 1339 Woese, C. R., appointment, 936 Wogulis, E. R., degree, 1290 Wohlwend, Sherrill L., degree, 839 Wojciechowski, Janina, degree, 1065 Wojcieszak, K. A., degree, 636 Wojcik, T. J., degree, 839 Wojniak, F., appointment, 75 Wolcott Street, property at 805 and 817 South, entrance doors, purchase, 242 Wold, F., fellowship, 45 Woldman, B. M., degree, 1304 Wolf, Alexander, appointment, 69, 756 Wolf, Arnold, book, printing, 781 royalties, 781 Wolf, A. A., appointment, 77, 765 Wolf, F. D., certificate, 63 Wolf, G. K., degree, 843 Wolf, G. L., certificate, 366 Wolf, Janet L., degree, 626 Wolf, Mrs. Linda M., appointment, 925 Wolf, Louise A., degree, 631 Wolf, N. W., degree, 630 Wolf, S. G., degree, 1299 Wolf, W. E., appointment, 509, 773 Wolf, W. W., certificate, 749 degree, 635 Wolfe, B. E., fellowship, 665 Wolfe, C. K., Jr., appointment, 69, 756 Wolfe, Christine A., degree, 1306 Wolfe, D. E.r degree, 138 Wolfe, M. S., appointment, 130, 656 declination, 823 degree, 384 Wolfe, Michele S., degree, 1309 Wolfe, R. E., degree, 146 Wolfe, Mrs. Sharon, appointment, 130, 203, 925, 1140 Wolff, B. L., degree, 642, 643 Wolff, J. R., appointment, 72, 759 Wolff, Nancy L., degree, 1309 Wolfley, L. C, degree, 626 Wolfson, Barbara A., degree, 634 Wolfson, M. Z., degree, 1278 fellowship, 520 Wolfson, R. L., fellowship, 700, 929 Wolin, M. J., leave of absence, 1106 Wolin, Mrs. Sally, memorial fund, gift, 311 Wollack, S. E., certificate, 749 degree, 635 Wollenweber, Martha J., degree, 840 Wollersheim, D., appointment, 816 Wollersheim, Janet P., fellowship, 665 Wollman, J. B., degree, 1310 fellowship, 1231 Wollock, A., degree, 212 Wolnak, B., appointment, 1019 Woloshin, A. A., appointment, 80 Woloshin, Gabrielle S., appointment, 80 termination, 321 Wolpoff, M. H., degree, 1299 Wolter, Constance K., degree, 1273 Wolter, J. H., certificate, 1102 Wolter, Janet M., appointment, 1219 Wolter, K. H., degree, 617 Wolter, W. R., degree, 396 Wolynec, A. L., degree, 1307 Womack, E. P., degree, 1070 Womack, Sharron J., degree, 634 Woman's League, gift, 301 Women's Auxiliary at the Medical Center gift, 306, 310, 967, 968, 971, 972 Women's Gymnasium, athletic fields, fencing purchase, 57 ' electric power service improvements, contract, 345 lounge, painting, appropriation, 369 sidewalks, appropriation, 488 balance reappropriated, 780 Women's residence halls, funds, investment 249, 380, 474, 724, 794, 872, 1131 Women students, housing, property leased, 776 Women's Student Aid Fund, gift, 287, 949 Wonderlick, D. N., degree, 1313 Wong, B. K., appointment, 1332 degree, 606 Wong, C. Y., fellowship, 45 Wong, L., degree, 622 Wong, R., degree, 1079 Wong, R. S. P., degree, 1307 Wong, T. Q., degree, 1283 Wong, Tessa S., degree, 604 Wongprecha, C, degree, 1065 Wongprecha, K., degree, 1065 Woo, J. Jr., degree, 404 Wood, D. E., degree, 1304 Wood, I). M., appointment, 1000 Wood, E. V., degree, 394 Wood, F. O., fellowship, 1339 Wood, Florence E., degree, 626, 1280 Wood, G. L., degree, 839 Wood, Jean M., appointment, 893 Wood, Patricia A., degree, 1076 Wood, R. F.t authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 Wood, W. L., appointment, 67, 754 Woodard, D. W., degree, 150 Woodard, M. R., degree, 139 Woodard, Mrs. Margaretha W., appointment, 893, 1005 declination, 1342 Woodel], Martha C, degree, 605 Woodfin, Beulah M., degree, 600 fellowship, 45, 665, 820 cancellation, 740 Woodford, L. D., degree, 1317 Wood ford, W. P., fellowship, 929 Woodhall, B. J., appointment, 203 Wooding, F. J., degree, 618 Woodmansee, D. E., fellowship, 520 Woodring, M. J., degree, 613 Woodring, R. E., degree, 600 Woodruff, B. W., Jr., degree, 612 Woodruff, W. H., degree, 1321 Woods, G. T., appointment, 130 Woods, H. L., degree, 1289 Woods, J. E., degree, 213 Woods, J. P., degree, 618 Woods, K. D., degree, 622 Woods, Kathleen M., degree, 647 Woods, Lynne, degree, 882 Woods, Paula M., fellowship, 520 Woods Charitable Fund, gift, 290, 952 Woodshop, air conditioning, appropriation, 536 remodeling, appropriation, 536 balance reappropriated, 779 Woodward, Glenellen M., degree, 394 Woodward, R., appointment, 130 degree, 1061 Woodworking production machines. Physical Plant Department, Chicago Circle, purchase, 1157 Woodworking tools. Agency for International Development, purchase, 1200 UNIVERSITY < Woody, R. W., appointment, 1241 Woody ground cover, research, contract, 792 change, 192 Wooldridge, jo A., degree, 627 Wooley, W. T., Jr., degree, 626 Woolley, D. E., appointment, 130 Woolley, J. J., certificate, 366 Woolley, Norma J., degree, 1309 Woolley, Theltna M., degree, 1309 Word memory system, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 435 Work, T. H., appointment, 1025 Workers, middle-aged and older, placement, study, gift, 299, 960 Working cash fund, Medical Center, decrease, 535 Workman, L. R., degree, 1307 Workman, Patricia G., degree, 1301 Workmen's compensation insurance, Business Office, purchase, 1039 Works, B. R., appointment, 1002 Wormley, J. T., degree, 1070 Worona, Natalia M., degree, 626 Worstell, R. A., degree, 614 Worth, LoAnne, L... degree, 1285 Worthington, Phyllis L., degree, 639 Worthington Corp., purchase, 788 Worthy, C. M., appointment, 752 Wortman, R. H., degree, 609 Wozniak, L., degree, 389 fellowship, 665 Wray, J. J., degree, 1068 Wreath, P., fellowship, 1339 Wrede, K. C, degree, 1289 Wren, D. A., degree, 1267 Wren, E. A., degree, 145 Wright, C. A., appointment, 130, 339 Wright, C. N., fellowship, 1339 Wright, Carolyn J., degree, 1081 Wright, Cynthia R., degree, 880 Wright, D. E., certificate, 1102 Wright, D. G., appointment, 80, 767 Wright, D. L., degree, 832 Wright, E. W., degree, 142 Wright, G., appointment, 681 Wright, G. E., degree, 647 Wright, G, N., fellowship, 1231 Wright, H., appointment, 707 Wright, Judith A., degree, 1301 Wright, M., degree, 394 Wright, R. C, fellowship, 521 resignation, 1342 Wright, R. L., appointment, 893 degree, 837 Wright, R. N., Ill, appointment, 327, 990 Wright, R. P., degree, 837 Wright, R. T.. degree, 614 Wright, W. C, degree, 1078 Wright, W. H., degree, 1315 Wright Farm, services of DeKalb County State's Attorney, 915 Wright Farms, silo, purchase, 861, 1256 Wright Street, property at 6271/2 South, room 200, lease, 868 property at 707-709 South, lease, 104, 868 property at 1007 and 10071/2 South, remodeling, appropriation, 1247 tree-planting program, contract, 371 Wrone, D. R., degree, 1269 Wrzeszcz, O. E., degree, 1274 fellowship, 665, 738 WTTW-TV, WTTW Video Tape and Film Division, purchase, 100 WTVP, rift,' 304 Wu, E. M., degree, 614 Wu, Rebekah K. C. W., degree, 1281 Wu, S., fellowship, 521, 1231 Wulf, W. A., degree, 610 \Vulff, Margrit, degree, 604 Wulfstat, A. A., certificate, 366 Wunderle, S. L., appointment, 697, 816 OF ILLINOIS 1585 Wunluck, B. R., degree, 1292 Wursten, R. B., degree, 1068 \Yurster, Diana M., degree, 627 Wurzburger, K. B., degree, 1274 Wurzburger, N. L., degree, 1299 Wurzburger, Ruth A. H., degree, 1285 Wuttlg, M. R. G., appointment, 318 Wyatt, A. R., appointment, 325 Wyatt, C. W., degree, 1299 Wyatt, Mrs. Mane G., appointment, 256 resignation, 1342 Wyatt, S. P., Jr., appointment, 509 book, printing, 242 Wyld, H. W., Jr., leave of absence, 425 Wylder, J. G., Jr., degree, 1274 fellowship, 665, 820 Wyle, Helen, authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 422, 1097 V\ylie, Joyce F., appointment, 329 Wyman, M. E., appointment, 335, 999 resignation, 1342 Wyne, Barbara M. S., degree, 150 Wynn, D. M., certificate, 366 Wynne, C. I., degree, 397 Wynne, J. G., degree, 1293 Wysong, D. S., degree, 1270 Xanthakis, M., degree, 1065 X-ray cameras, purchase, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1256 radiology, 1253 X-ray equipment, purchase, Agronomy, 862 Ceramic Engineering, 349 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 716, 787, 864, 1014, 1122, 1256 Medical Center, 1036, 1156 Radiology, 53, 787, 913 X-ray film, purchase, Medical Center, 493 Urbana departments, 493 X-ray film processing unit, Medical Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 87 purchase, Health Service, Urbana, 101 Radiology, 588 X-ray irradiation, effect on seeds and seedlings of Zea mays, research, contract, change, 105, 721, 1016 X-ray machine, Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, purchase, 189 X-ray solution, purchase, Medical Center, 433 Radiology, 1126 X-ray view room, Research and Educational Hospitals addition, construction, contracts, 271 Yachnin, S. B., degree, 1310 Yackel, A., degree, 394 fellowship, 206 Yackel, R. W., degree, 156 Yaeger, J. A., appointment, 318, 1086 Yaffe, B., appointment, 67, 754 resignation. 1233 Yahiro, E. I., appointment, 926 Yale University, gift, 961 Yamada, S., appointment, 816 Yamada, T., degree. 1279 Yamamoto, Eileen A., degree, 401 Yamamoto, Mrs. Patricia, leave of absence, 1343 Yamamoto, T., appointment, 893 Yamane, T., resignation, 136 Yamashiro, R., degree, 384 Yamashiroya, fL M-, fellowship, 665 Yamashita, Eikichi, degree, 390 Yamauchi, K., appointment, 203 Yaminy, R. R., degree, 621 Yampolsky, Mrs. Esther, gift, 972 Yan, T., degree, 397 Yang, C. Y., appointment, 65 Yang, H. C. H.. fellowship, 521, 820 Yang, T., appointment, 771 Yang, J. H., degree, 840 1586 BOARD OF Yang, K. S., appointment, 442 Yang, Louisa, degree, 1064 Yang, Peng-chih C, appointment, 237 Yanke, R. E., certificate, 1102 Yankofsky, S. A., appointment, 697 degree, 876 fellowship, 132 resignation, 702 Yao, P., degree, 1066 Yap, K. Y., degree, 1283 Yapp, W. W., appointment, 130, 442 Yarbrough, S. L., degree, 153 Yard, G. J., degree, 837 Yarema, R. J., degree, 1292 fellowship, 1231 Yario, R. $$., degree, 1321 Yarling, Sandra S., degree, 1299 Yarros, Rachelle S., Fund, gift, 967 Yarwood, D. L., resignation, 259 Yashon, D., appointment, 318, 759 Yasuda, M., degree, 394 Yatabe, J. M., degree, 214 Yates, T. P., degree, 630 Yaver, Dorothy, degree, 1313 Yavin, A. I., appointment, 237, 816 Yeager, T. R., degree, 1315 Yeazel, Verniece S,, degree, 1285 Yefsky, H., certificate, 749 Yeh, R. H., appointment, 656 degree, 1282 Yeh, R. T. Y., degree, 387 Yeich, \V. G., Jr., degree, 215 Yeidel, D. G., degree, 401 Yellin, Jean F., degree, 386 Yen, S. L., fellowship, 665 Yen, Y., appointment, 41 degree, 390 Yenerich, P. C., degree, 1313 Yeomans Distributing Co., purchase, 436, 1039 Yerby, Nikki E., degree, 626 Yesulaitis, Mrs. Mary P. C, appointment, 816 Yethon, A. E., degree, 384 Yeung, H. C, degree, 1073 Yezdauski, Marilynn J., degree, 1304 Yi, S. O. L. Y., degree, 215 Yingling, E. L., degree, 831 Yingvorapant, S., appointment, 766 Yntema, G. B., invention, patent rights, release, 231 Yntema, Mary K., fellowship, 1339 Yockey, R. L., appointment, 509, 759 Yocum, P. S., Jr., appointment, 410, 761 Yoder, W. E., degree, 827 fellowship, 521 Yokoyama, M., resignation, 702 Yon, M. K., appointment, 656 Yonikas, P. J., degree, 839 Yontz, jane E., degree, 399 Yontz, Marlene S., degree, 619 Yoon, T. S., degree, 1270 York, Barbara L., degree, 637 York Corp., purchase, 782 Yoshida, Michiyo M., degree, 395 Yoshihara, T., degree, 384 Yoshjkawa, H., resignation, 136 Yoshioka, T., appointment, 1332 Yoss, K. M., appointment, 1186 Yost, S. R., degree, 842 Youmans, P. N., appointment, 1332 Young, Anne L., degree, 840 Young, B. A., degree, 1068 Young, Mrs. Biloine W., appointment, 893 Young, C. R., appointment, 3 Young, Clora D., degree, 1286 Young, D. D., degree, 609 Young, D. E., fellowship, 1087, 1231 Young, D. L., degree, 155 Young, D... M., degree, 626 Young, F. M., certificate, 1102 Young, G. H. K., degree, 1073 Young, G. M., degree, 399 Young, H. C, leave of absence, 1107 Young, Heartsill H., appointment, 997 Young, T. N., appointment, 996 Young, J, W., appointment, 237 Young, J. W., Fund, addition, gift, 963 Young, Lillian, property at 106 North Romine Street, purchase, 348 Young, Lorna B., appointment, 130, 816 resignation, 1342 Young, Mr. and Mrs. M., gift, 311 Young, Mary C, degree, 1069 Young, Olive G., appointment, 335 leave of absence, 428 Young, P. A., degree, 151 fellowship, 738 Young, P. T., appointment, 130 Young, Patricia K., degree, 388 Young, Q. D., appointment, 410, 766 Young, S., appointment, 1241, 1332 Young, S. A., degree, 840 Young, S. H., property at 1304 West Spring. field Avenue, purchase, 348 property at 1305 West Stoughton Street, purchase, 348 Young, Virginia L., degree, 1309 Young, W. G., member of advisory committee 750 Younger, C. 13.. Ill, degree, 405 Youngerman, W. D., fellowship, 700 Young Men's Jewish Council, gift, 290 Youngmire, Eleanor, member of advisory council, 4 Youngren, J. A., degree, 1315 Young Women's Christian Association of Chicago, gift, 290 Youngworth, R. J., appointment, cancellation 207 Ytterhus, J. A., degree, 1270 Yu, J. S., degree, 1270 Yu, K. H., appointment, 893 degree, 830 Yu, Mary F. T., appointment, 816 Yuan, R. L., degree, 1064 Yudin, Florence L., appointment, 1140, 1332 degree, 1061 Yufit, R. I., appointment, 80, 768 Yukevich, S. F., Jr., degree, 397 Yunaska, M. R., degree, 1064 Yung, W. H., degree, 1293 Yuravich, J. T., degree, 152 Yunnan, B. B., degree, 1299 Yusem, M., appointment, 340 declination, 444 fellowship, 412 Zabierek, A. W., degree, 395 Zabinski, Joyce M., degree, 1309 Zable, A. L., certificate, 366 Zabriskie, N. B., degree, 144 Zacek, J. F., degree, 211 Zachman, Helen, degree, 830 resignation, 357 Zack, Mary A., degree, 825 Zack Co., contract, 543, 544 Zagorski, Barbara A., degree, 1075 Zagorski, E. J., appointment, 988 Zahaitis, J. J., certificate, 366 Zaharko, D. S., appointment, 734 degree, 602 Zahorszky, U. I., appointment, 697 Zahour, F. C, Jr., degree, 1312 Zaiden, L. H., degree, 630 Zaidi, S. M. N., degree, 612 Zak, A. R., appointment, 1151 Zak, D. F., degree, 642 Zakes, R. A., degree, 1073 Zalar, J. A., Jr., degree, 646 Zalar, R. W., appointment, 356, 758 Zalis, O., appointment, 80, 768 Zalkind, Susan L., degree, 640 Zaloudek, J. N., certificate, 1102 Zalusky, L., .certificate, 63 Zamboni, F. J., & Co., purchase, 243 Zamis, P. A., degree, 1307 UNIVERSITY Zamora, J. A., degree, 397 Zandell, Jeanette L., degree, 634 Zander, J. C, degree, 396 Zanello, R. A., degree, ISO Zant, B. J., degree, 1070 Zanzucchi, P. J., fellowship, 1339 Zapel Studios, Inc., purchase, 1257 Zar, J. H., degree, 1276 Zare, R. M., degree, 839 Zarghamee, M. S., degree, 609 fellowship, 1231 resignation, 667 Zari, A. M., & Co., contract, 684 Zaring, VV. M., appointment, 130 Zartman, W. B., degree, 401 Zarycky, Oksana M., fellowship, 45, 259, 738 Zautner, Laurine R., degree, 1284 Zavett, E., degree, 632 Zavrel, E. E., degree, 398 Zawacke, R. J., degree, 842 Zayas, A. M., resignation, 321 Zbaraz, D., fellowship, 700, 929 Zbick, R., appointment, 734, 772 Zbinden, W. R., degree, 616 Zcbell, Deanna R., degree, 1077 Zebell, R. A., degree, 153 Zethel, G. L., appointment, 66, 753 Zeder, R. H., certificate, 1102 Zeh, II. D., appointment, 1171 Zehme, D. F., appointment, 130, 203 Zehner, R. R., degree, 403 Zeliner, Sylvia R., degree, 399 Zehr, Carole L., degree, 1307 Zehr, D. R., degree, 1289 Zehr, S. R., degree, 1292 Zeidel, A., appointment, 130, 768 Zeigler, C. H. E., bequest, acceptance, 860 Zeigler, C. S., degree, 618 Zeigler, E. F., appointment, 708, 1000, 1242 Zeigler, M. L., appointment, 535 Zeilenga, Suzanne G.. fellowship, 929, 1020 Zeisler, E. B., appointment, 78 Zeisset, Carolyn II., degree, 837 Zeissler, Martha H., degree, 1082 Zeitlin & Ver Brugge, purchase, 1161 Zekman T. N., appointment, 74, 761 Zelan, J., appointment, 1140 Zelip, B. S., degree, 1313 Zelip, F. B., degree, 1081 Zelkin. Lynne, degree, 1309 Zelle, Carla R., degree, 1299 Zelmar, M. A., degree, 1310 Zelnick, S. C, fellowship, 521 Zeman, C. J., degree, 1311 Zemanek, Janice R., fellowship, 1231 Zemanick, E. J., degree, 1293 Zemlin, W. R., appointment, 65, 318, 336, 1002 Zendt, R. R., degree, 1318 Zenge, Jeanine H., degree, 1281 Zenge, M. W., degree, 833 fellowship, 521 Zenith Radio Corp., purchase, 1036 Zentner, J. P., degree, 1310 Zeppetella, A. J., degree, 619 Zerkel, J. D., degree, 1311 Zerwekh, R. P., degree, 612 Zeschke, R. H., degree, 1077 Zessar, VV. L., degree, 632 Zeta Phi Eta, gift, 290, 952 ta Tau Alpha Foundation, gift, 286, 948 Zettas, J. P., appointment, 656, 762 Zeunert, D. W., degree, 638 Zewadski, R. M., appointment, 1140 ihitomirsky, Vivian E. A., degree, 1079 Ziccarelli, R. F., degree, 151 Zieff R. A., degree, 635 Ziegler, Donna M., degree, 402 sieger, P. J., appointment, 766 $pD;eK|er, R. A., appointment, 656 ijegler, R. J., leave of absence, 48 ". H. R., resignation, 47 OF ILLINOIS 1587 Zielinski, G. R., Jr., degree, 1071 Zielinski, M., fellowship, 259, 897 Zielinski, R. F., degree, 1278 Zielinski, Wanda L., degree, 153 Zielke, H. R., degree, 1304 Ziembo, D. L., degree, 639 Ziemek, R. S., degree, 1072 Zientava, J. F., degree, 1080 Zikich, Darlene, degree, 401 Zim, H. S., gift, 304, 966 Zimbrich, W. J., certificate, 532 Zimbroff, E. J., degree, 630 Zimiles, M., degree, 639 Zimmer, Nancy J., degree, 1304 Zimmer, Norma R., degree, 617 Zimmer, R. \V., authority to sign name of President of Board, 422, 1097 Zimmer, T. ML, degree, 621, 626 Zimmerman, J. E., Jr., degree, 142 Zimmerman, J. L., fellowship, cancellation, 740 degree, 603 Zimmerman, K. \V., degree, 640 Zimmerman, L. L., degree, 395 Zimmerman, M. D., degree, 618 Zimmerman, Marie, appointment, 130 Zimmerman, Pamela R., degree, 626 Zimmerman, Sarah J., degree, 1069 Zimmerman, T. J., degree, 1304 Zimmerman, V. K., appointment, 988 Zimmermann, A. J., degree, 1299 Zimmer-Ramsay Associates, purchase, 783, 862 Zinky, F. A., appointment, 130 Zinner, Lynn J., degree, 1304 Ziolkowski, E. M., appointment, 71, 318, 759 leave of absence, 899 Ziomek, L., appointment, 1006 Ziporyn. M., appointment, 80, 767 Zirbel, Gladys J., degree, 644 Zirner, L. E., appointment, 334, 999 leave of absence, 1108 Ziroli, N., appointment, 325 leave of absence, 1107 Zissimopoulos, C, degree, 638 Zissimopoulos, Carole W., degree, 1307 Zitzlaff, F. E.( degree, 1081 Zivin, S., appointment, 69, 756 Zlogar, J. J., degree, 155 Znaniecki, F., book, printing, 496 Zneimer, E. J., degree, 1304 Zoars, A. S., degree, 1077 Zoars, Sharon L. A., degree, 1304 Zobrist, O. R., contract, 1009 Zogg, C. A., appointment, 410 degree, 210 Zohrer, K., degree, 1080 Zoller, R. M., Jr., degree, 642, 643 Zollner, M. E., degree, 632 Zolt, N., appointment, 72, 759 Zon, C. L., degree, 399 Zonderman, Joan M., degree, 1275 Zonkel, B. E., degree, 1315 Zoology, appropriation, equipment, balance re-appropriated, 86, 779 remodeling, 1153 revamping water supply for Vivarium, 13 teaching materials, 48" budget, summer session, 337, 1003 chairman, appointment, 1186 gift funds, National Science Foundation, 964 research, Velsicol Chemical Corp., 298, 960 purchase, centrifuge, 1160 electron microscope, 914 evaporator, 280, 593 microscope, 190, 785 stereoscope, 190 ultracentrifuge, 190, 471 ultramicrotome, 280 Zoonoses Laboratory, funds, gift, 302 1588 BOARD OF Zoonoses Research, Center for, lease of space for research, Metropolis, 790, 915 staff, appointment, 3, 706, 1025 Zubinas, J., degree, 622 Zuckerman, M. A., degree, 635 Zukauskas, O. Eugenija M., appointment, 1140 degree, 642 Zukerman, Elyse S., degree, 1075 Zukowski, D. L., decree, 637 ZumBahlen, B. R., degree, 1289 Zumdahl, S. S., fellowship, 1231 Zummo, B. P., appointment, 73, 760 Zumsteg, F. C, Jr., degree, 1292 Zurastein, W. E., degree, 630 Zumwalt. G. A., degree, 396 Zurawski, T. J., Jr., degree, 621 Zurschmit, D. K., degree, 397 Zussmati, R. A., decree, 641 Zvetina, J. R., appointment, 70, 757 Zwick, R. H., degree, 1299 Zwier, Marcia D., appointment, 734 Zwoyer, R. E., appointment, 130 degree, 139 Zychowski, E. M., Jr., degree, 1073