UilNOlS HISTORICAL SURVEY '2£ 'zr Z^t ,s^^- 3-t * -£^ h^;h- >«5*f-. [IE greatest of English historians, Macaulay, and one of the most brilliant -writers of the present ceutur>-, has said: "The history of a country is best told in a record of the lives of its pec^jle." In conformity with this idea the Poutkait and BiooR.u'incAL Record of tj^ig county has been prepared. Instead of going to musty records, and taking therefrom dry statistical matter that can be appreciated by but few, our corps of writers have gone to the people, the men and women who have, by their enterprise ai| d industry, brought the county to rank second to none among those comprising this great and noble State, and from their lips have the story of their life struggles. No more interesting or instructive matter could be presented to an intelli- gent public. In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an iuduence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to succeed, and & records how that success has usually crowned their efforts. It tells also of many, very man3-, who, not seeking the applause of the world, have pursued "the even tenor of their way," content to have it said of them as Christ said of the woman performing a deed of mercy — "they have done what they could." It tells how that many in the pride and strenr''! of j'oung manhood left the plow and the anvil, the lawj-er's office and the counting-room, left every trade and profession, and at their countrj^'s J call went forth valiantly "to do or die," and how through their efforts the Union was restored and peace once more reigned in the land. In the life of every man and of every woman is a lesson that should not be lost upon those who follow after. Coming generations will appreciate this volume and preserve it as a sacred treasure, from the fact that it contains so much that would never find its way into puljlic records, and which would otherwise be inaccessible. Great care has been taken in the compilation of the work and every opportunity possible given to those represented to insure correctness in what has been written, and the publishers flatter them- selves that they give to their readers a work with few errors of consequence. In addition to the biograph- ical sketches, portraits of a number of representative citizens are given. The faces of some, and biographical sketches of many, will be missed in this volume. For this the publishers are not to blame. Not having a proper conception of the work, some refused to give the information necessary to compile a sketch, while others were indifferent. Occasionally some member of tlie family would oppose the enterprise, and on account of such opposition the support of the interested one would be withheld. In a few instances men could never be found, though repeated calls were mjidc at their residence or place of business. .July, 18'J2. Lakk Crrv rii-.LisiiiNG Co. M^ or THE jOYERNORS of ILLINOIS AND OF THE fa^^^ii ^ ' WmW' OFTHE ^%(S iimw 7 ■.■p■;,fr^.■^_ ^ _^^^^ ST Hmjf^^i^ HtS-'^i^itt-' ^m.f&s^k^ ^KW^ m ® ''J;^^£,V'''" y^lfj^ 6tf ^f^r^\V:-'-:^^^Mi S1BSD€% 9 FIRST PRESIDENT. : .' I '^^£S^i^(^(^f^i^iii,f,iSi>if^i^i^<^^'mi'^i^mi':iii>'m,'mif^^fim:*m\^m>'^*^ (BE 01?©] '•■gJa'^'SSi'^'g i' ,- || ; i' ;. i' ; l^; i'?.^'SJ^'i^'gi'^XiJg^ti^t:^,Hi^'i'^U;^'igi(^(giJt%)t^';^^ HE Father of our Country was m) born in Westmorland Co., Va., *-' Feb. 22, 1732. His parents were Augustine and Mary (Ball) Washington. The family to which he belonged has not been satisfactorily traced in England. His great-grand- father, John Washington, em- igrated to Virginia about 1657, and became a pros[)erous planter. He had two sons, Lawrence and John. The former married Mildred Warner and had three children, John, Augustine and Mildred. Augus- tine, the father of George, first married Jane Butler, who bore him four children, two of whom, Lawrence and Augustine, reached maturity. Of six children by his second marriage, George was the eldest, the others being Betty, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles and Mildred. Augustine Washington, the father of George, died in 1743, leaving a large landed property. To his eldest son, Lawrence, he bequeathed an estate on the Patomac, afterwards known as Mount Vernon, and to George he left the parental residence. George received only such education as the neighborhood schools afforded, save for a short time after he left scliool, ivlien he received private instruction in mathematics. His spelling v/as rather defective. Remarkable stories are told of his great physica strength and development at an early age. He was an acknowledged leader among his companions, and was early noted for that nobleness of character, fair- ness and veracity which characterized his whole life. When George was 14 years oldhe had a desire to go to sea, and a midshipman's warrant was secured for liim, but through the opposition of his mother the idea was abandoned. Two years later he was appointed surveyor to the immense estate of Lord Fairfax. In this business he spent three years in a rough frontier life, gaining experience which afterwards proved very essential to him. In 1751, though only 19 years of age, he was appointed adjutant with the rank of major in the Virginia militia, then being trained fot active service against the French and Indians. Soon after this he sailed to the West Indies with his brother Lawrence, who went there to restore his health They soon returned, and in the summer of 1752 Lawrence died, leaving a large fortune to an infant daughter who did not long survive him. On her demise the estate of Mount Vernon was given to George. Uixin the arrival of Robert Dinwiddie, as Lieuten- ant-Governor of Virginia, in 1752, the militia was reorganized, and the province divided into four mili- tary districts, of which the northern was assigned to Washington as adjutant general. Shortly after this a very perilous mission was assigned him and ac- cepted, which others had refused. This was to pro- ceed to the French post near Lake Erie in North- western Pennsylvania. The distance to I)e traversed was Ijetween 500 and 600 miles. Winter was at hand, and the journey was to be made without military escort, through a territory occupied by Indians. The GEORGE WASHINGTON. irip was a perilous one, and several limes he came near losing his life, yet he returned in safety and furnished a full and useful report of his expedition. A regiment of 300 men was raised in Virginia and put in com- mand of Col. Joshua Fry, and Major Washington was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. Active war was then begun against the French and Indians, in which Washington took a most important part. In the memorable event of July 9, 1755, known as Brad- dock's defeat, Washington was almost the only officer of distinction who escaped from the calamities of the day with life and honor. The other aids of Braddock were disabled early in the action, and Washington alone was left in that capacity on the field. In a letter to his brother he says : "I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet I escaped unhurt, though death was levelino my companions on every side." An Indian sharpshooter said he was not born to be killed by a bullet, for he had taken direct aim at him seventeen times, and failed to hit him. After having been five years in the militarj- service, and vainly sought promotion in the royal army, he took advantage of the fall of Fort Duquesne and the expulsion of the French from the valley of tlie Ohio, to resign his commission. Soon after he entered the Legislature, where, although not a leader, he took an active and important part. January 17, 1759, he married Mrs. Martha (Dandridge) Custis, the wealthy widow of John Parke Custis. When the British Parliament had closed the port ^f Boston, the cry went up throughout the provinces that "The cause of Boston is the cause of us all." It was then, at the suggestion of Virginia, that a Con- gress of all the colonies was called to meet at Phila- delphia.Sept. 5, 1774, to secure their common liberties, [;eaceably if possible. To this Congress Col. Wash- ington was sent as a delegate. On May 10, 1775, the Congress re-assembled, when the hostile intentions of England were plainly apparent. The battles of Con- cord and Lexington had been fought. Among the first acts of this Congress was the election of a com- mander-in-chief of the colonial forces. This high and responsible office was conferred upon Washington, who was still a memberof the Congress. He accepted it on June 19, but upon the express condition that he receive no salary. He would keep an exact account of expenses and expect Congress 10 pay them and nothing more. It is not the object of this sketch to trace the military acts of Washington, to whom the fortunes and liberties of the people of this country were so long confided. The war was conducted by him under ever)- possible disadvantage, and while his forces often met with reverses, yet he overcame every obstacle, and after seven years of heroic devotion and matchless skill he gained liberty for the greatest nation of earth. On Dec. 23, 17S3, Washington, in a patting address of surpassing beauty, lesigned his commission as commander-in-chief of the army 10 to the Continental Congress sitting at Annapolis. He retired immediately to Mount Vernon and resumed his occupation as a farmer and planter, shunning all connection with public lite. In February, 1 7 89, Washington was unanimously elected President. In his presidential career he was subject to the peculiar trials incidental to a riew government ; trials from lack of confidence on the part of other governments; trials from want of harmony between the diflerent sections of our own country; trials from the impoverished condition of the country, owing to the war and want of credit; trials from the beginnings of party strife. He was no partisan. His clear judg.nent could discern the golden mean; and while perhaps this alone kept our government from sinking at the very outset, it left him exposed to attacks from both sides, which were often bitter and very annoying. At the expiration of his first term he was unani- mously re-elected. At the end of this term many were anxious that he be re-elected, but he absolutely refused a third nominaiion. On the fourth of March, 1797, at the expiraton of his second term as Presi- dent, he returned to his home, hoping to pass there his few remaining years free from the annoyances of public life. Later in the year, however, his repose seemed likely to be interrupted by war with France- At the prospect of such a war he was again urged to take command of the armies. He chose his sub- ordinate officers and left to them the charge of mat- ters in the field, which he superintei.ded from his home. In accepting the command he made the reservation that he was not to be in the field until it was necessary. In the midst of these preiiarations his life was suddenly cut off. December 12, he took a severe cold from a ride in the rain, which, settling in h's throat, produced inflammation, and terminated fatally on the night of the fourteenth. On the eigh- teenth his body was borne wi'h military honors to its final resting place, and interred in the family vault at Mount Vernon. Of the character of Washington it is impossible to speak but in terms of the highest respect and ad-« miration. The more we see of the operations of our government, and the more deeply we feel the difficulty of uniting all opinions in a common interest, the more highly we must estimate the force of his tal- ent and character, which have be-^n able to challenge the reverence of all parties, and principles, and na- tions, and to win a fame as extended as the limits of the globe, and which we cannot but believe will be as lasting as the existence of man. The person of Washington was unusally tali, erect and well proportioned. His muscular strength was great. His features were of a beautiful symmetry He commanded respect without any a]. pea ranee qt haughtiness, and ever seiipus withouf l-^ine; dull. I '■""Vsv-jr, .^.w- ^^// .4^^?%, i/ SECOND PSESIDENT. |l OHN ADAMS, the second ■\ President and the first Vice- ' President of the United States, was born \\\ Braintree ( now Quincy),Mass., and about ten miles from Boston, Oct. ig, 1735. His great-grandfather, Henry Adams, emigrated from England about 1640, with a family of eight ''\ sons, and settled at Braiatree. The parents of John were John and Susannah (Boylston) Adams. His father was a farmer of limited means, to which he added the bus- iness of shoemaking. He gave his eldest son, John, a classical educa- tion at Harvard College. John graduated in 1755, and at once took charge of the school in Worcester, Mass. This lie found but a 'school of afflic-tion," from which hi endeavored to gain relief by devoting himself, in addition, to the study of law. For this purpose he placed himself under the tuition of the only lawyer in the town. He had thought seriously of the clerical profession but seems to have been turned from this liy what he termed " the frightful engines of ecclesiastical coun- jils, of diabolical malice, and Calvanistic good nature," of the operations of which he had been a witness in his native town. He was well fitted for the legal jiTofession, possessing a clear, sonorous voice, being ready and fluenc of speech, and having quick percep- tive powers. He gradually gained practice, and in 1764 married Abigail Smith, a daughter of a minister, and a lady of superior intelligence. Shortly after his marriage, (i7f'5), the attempt of Parliamentary taxa- 'ion turi'i'-jd him from law to politics. He took initial steps toward holdin^ i town meeting, and the resolu- tions he offered on the subject became very populai throughout the Province, and were adopted word for word by over forty different towns. He moved to Bos ton in 1768, and became one of the most courageous and prominent advocatesof the popular cause, and was chosen a member of the General Court (the Leg- lislature) in 1770. Mr. Adams was chosen one of the first delegates from Massachusetts to the first Continental Congress, which met in 1774. Here he distinguished himsell by his capacity for business and for debate, and ad- vocated the movement for independence against tb^ majority of the members. In May, 1776, he mcved and carried a resolution in Congress that the Colonies should assume the duties of self-government. He was a prominent member of the committee of .ive appointed June 11, to prepare a declaration of inde- pendence. This article was drawn by Jefferson, but on Adams devolved the task of battling it through Congress in a three days debate. On the day after the Declaration of Independence was passed, while his soul was yet warm with tha glow of excited feeling, he wrote a letter to his wife which, as we read it now, seems to have been dictated by the spirit of prophecy. "Yesterday," he says, "the greatest question was decided that ever was debated in America; and greater, perhaps, never was or wil be decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissendng colony, ' that these United States are, and of right ought to be, free and inde- pendent states.' The day is passed. Tlie fourth of July, 1776, will be a memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God, It ought to be solemnized v.'ith pomp, shows. 24 JOHN ADAMS. games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forward for ever. Vou will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil, and blood and treasure, that it will cost to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these States; yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of hght and glory. I can see that the end is Wurlh more than all the means; and that posterity will triumph, although you and I may rue, which I ho[ie we shall not." In November, 1777, Mr. Adams was appointed a ddegate to France and to co-operate with Bemjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee, who were then in Paris, in the endeavor to obtain assistance in arms qnd money from the French Government. This was a severe trial to his patriotism, as it separated him from his home, comiielled him to cross the ocean in winter, and ex- posed him to greatperilof capture by the British cruis- ers, who were seeking him. He left France June 17, 1779. In September of the same year he was again chosen to go to Paris, and there hold himself in readi- ness to negotiate a treaty of peace and of commerce with Great Britian, as soon as the British Cabinet might Ije found willing to listen to such pvoposels. He sailed for France in November, from there he went to H lUand, where he negotiated important loans and formed important commercial treaties Finally a treaty of peace with England was signed Jan. 21, 1783. The re-action from the excitement, toil and anxiety through which Mr. Adams had passed threw him into a fever. After suffering from a con- tinued fever and becoming feeble and emaciated he was advised to go to England to drink the waters of Bith. ^Vhile in England, still drooping anddespond- ing, he received dispatches from his own government urging the necessity of his going to Amsterdam to negotiate another loan. It was winter, his health was delicate, yet he immediately set out, and through storm, on sea, on horseback and foot, he made the trip. February 24, 1785^ Congress appointed Mr. Adams envoy to the Court of St. James. Here he met face to face the King of England, who had so long re- garded him as a traitor. As England did not condescend to appoint a minister to the United States, and as Mr. Adams felt that he was accom- plishing but little, he sought permission to return to nis own country, where he arrived in June, 1788. When Washington was first chosen President, John Adams, rendered illustiious by his signal services at home and abroad, was chosen Vice President. .Again at the second election of Washington as President, Adams was chosen Vice President. In 1796, Wash- ington retired from public life, and Mr. Adams was elected President,though not without much opposition. Serving in this office four years,he was succeeded by Mr. Jefferson, his opponent in politics. While Mr. Adams was Vice President the great French Revolution shook the continent of Euroije, and it was upon this point which he was atissujwuh the majority of his countrymen led by Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Adams felt no sympathy with the French people in their struggle, for he had no confidence in their power of self-government, and he utterly abhored the classof atheist philosophers who he claimed caused it. On the other hand Jefferson's sympathies were strongly enlisted in behalf of the French people. Hence or- iginated the alienation between these distinguished men, and two powerful parties were thus soon organ- ized, Adams at the head of the one whose sympathies were with England and Jefferson led the other in sympathy with France. The world has seldom seen a spectacle of more moral beauty and grandeur, than was presented by the old age of Mr. Adams. The violence of party feeling had died away, and he had begun to receive that just appreciation which, to most men, is not accorded till after death. No one could look upon his venerable form, and think of what he had done and suffered, and how he had given up all the prime and strength of his life to the public good, without the deepest emotion of gratitude and respect. It was his peculiar good fortune to witness the comjilete success of the institution which he had l)een so active in creating and supporting. In 1824, his cup of happiness was filled to the brim, by seeing his son elevated to the highest station in the gift of the people. The fourth of July, 1826, which completed the half century since the signing of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, arrived, and there were but three of the signers of that immortal instrument left upon the earth to hail its morning light. And, as it is well known, on that day two of these finished their earthly pilgrimage, a coincidence so remarkable as to seem miraculous. For a few days before Mr. Adams had been rapidly failing, and on the morning of the fourth he found himself too weak to rise from his bed. On being requested to name a toast for the customary celebration of the day, he exclaimed " In- dependence FOREVER." When the day was ushered in, by the ringing of bells and the firing of cannons, he was asked by one of his attendants if he knew what day it was? He replied, "O yes; it is the glor- ious fourth of July — God bless it — God bless you all.'' In the course of the day he said, "It is a great and glorious day." The last words he uttered were, "Jefferson survives." But he had, at one o'clock, re- signed his spirit into the hands of his God. The personal appearance and manners of Mr. Adams were not particularly prepossessing. His face, as his portrait manifests,was intellectual ard expres sive, but his figure was low and ungraceful, and h''- manners were frequently abrupt and unrourteous He had neither the lofty dignity of Washington, nri the engaging elegance and gracefulness which marked the manners and address of Jefferson. THIRD PRESIDENT. 27 HOMAS JEFFERSON was liorn April 2, 1743, at Shad- l^well, Albermarle county, Va. His parents were Peter and Jane ( Randolph) Jefferson, the former a native of Wales, and the latter born in Lon- don. To them were born six daughters and two sons, of whom Thomas was the elder. When 14 years of age his father died. He received a most liberal education, hav- ing been kept diligently at school from the time he was five years of age. In 1760 he entered William end Mary College. Williamsburg was then the seat of the Colonial Court, and it was the obodeof fashion a.id splendor. Young Jefferson, who was then 17 years old, lived somewhat expensively, keeping fine horses, and much caressed by gay society, yet lie was earnestly devoted to his studies, and irreproacha- able in his morals. It is strange, however, under such influences, that he was not ruined. In the sec- ond year of his college course, moved by some un- explained inward impulse, he discarded his horses, society, and even his favorite violin, to which he had previously given much time. He often devoted fifteen hours a day to hard study, allowing himself for e.x- ercise only a run in the evening twilight of a mile out of the city and back again. He thus attained very higli intellectual culture, alike excellence in philoso- phy and the languages. The most difficult Latin and Greek authors he read with facility. A more finished scholar has seldom gone fortli from college halls; anvi there was not to be found, perhaps, in all Virginia, a more pureminded, upright, gentlemanly young man. Immediately upon leaving college he began the study of law. For the short time he continued in the practice of his profession he rose rapidly and distin- guished himself by his energy and accuteness as a lawyer. But the times called for greater action. The policy of England had awakened the spirit of resistance of the American Colonies, and tlie enlarged views which Jefferson had ever entertained, soon led him into active political life. In 1769 he was choser. a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, In 1772 he married Mrs. Martha Skelton, a very beauti- ful, wealthy and highly accomplished young widow Upon Mr. Jefferson's large estate at Shadwell, there was a majestic swell of land, called Monticello, which commanded a prospect of wonderful extent and beauty. This spot Mr. Jefferson selected for his new home; and here he reared a mansion of modest ye^ elegant architecture, which, next to Mount Vernon became the most distinguished resort in our land. In 1775 he was sent to the Colonial Congress, where, though a silent member, his abilities as a writer and a reasoner soon become known, and he was placed upon a number of important committees, and was chairman of the one appointed for the draw- ing up of a declaration of independence. This com- mittee consisted of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. Jefferson, as chairman, was appointed to draw up the paper. Franklin and Adams suggested a few verbal changes before it was submitted to Con- gress. On June 28, a few slight changes were made in It by Congress, and it was jxissed and signed July 4, 1776. What must have been the feelings of that 28 THOMAS JEFFERSON. man — what the emotions that swelled his breast — who was charged with the preparatioii of that Dec- laration, which, while it made known the wrongs of America, -.vas also to publish her to the world, free, soverign and independent. It is one of the most re- markable papers ever written ; and did no other effort of the mind of its author exist, that alone would be sufficient to stamp his name with immortality. Ill 1779 Mr. Jefferson was elected successor to Patrick Henry, as Governor of Virginia. At one time the British officer, Taileton, sent.a secret expedition to Moniicelio, to capture the Governor. Scarcely five minutes elapsed after the hurried escape of Mr. Jef- ferson and his family, ere his mansion was in posses- sion of the British troops. His wife's health, never very good, was much injured by this excitement, and in the summer of 1782 she died. Mr. Jefferson was elected to Congress in 1783. Two ye us later he was appointed Minister Plenipo- tentiary to France. Returning to the United States in September, 1789, he became Secretary of State m Washington's cabinet. This position he resigned Jan. r, 1794. In 1797, he was chosen Vice Presi- dent, and four years later was elected President over Mr. Adams, with Aaron Burr as Vice President. In 1804 he was re-elected with wonderful unanimity, and George Glinton, Vice President. The early part of Mr. Jefferson's second adminstra- ■ tion was disturbed by an event which threatened the tranquility and peace of the Union; this was the con- spiracy of Aaron Burr. Defeated in the late election to the Vice Presidency, and led on by an uni^rincipled ambition, this extraordinary man formed the plan of a military expedition intc the Spanish territories on our >oathwestern frontier, for the purpose of lorming there a new republic. This has been generally supposed was a mere pretext ; and although it has not been generally known what his real plans were, there is no doubt that they were of a f:ir more dangerous character. In 1809, at the expiration of the second term for which Mr. Jefferson had been elected, he determined to retire from political life. For a period of nearly :3rty years, he had been continually before the pub- ■ic, and all tliattime had l)een employed in offices of the greatest trust and responsibility. Having thus de- voted the best part of his life to the service of his country, he now felt desirous of that rest which his declining years recjuired, and upon the organization of the new administration, in March, i8og, he bid fare- well forever to public life, and retired to Monticello. Mr. Jefferson was profuse in his hospitality. Whole families came in their coaches with their horses, — fathers and mothers, boys and girls, babies and nurses, — and remained three and even six months. Life at Monticello, for years, resembled that at a fashionable watering-place. The fourth of July 1826, being the fiftieth anniver- sary of the Declaration of American Independence, great preparations were made in every part of the Union lor its celebration, as the nation's jubilee, and the citizens of Washington, to add to the solemnity ot the occasion, invited Mr. Jefferson, as the framer. and one of the few surviving signers of the Declara- tion, to participate in their lestivities. But an ill- ness, which had been of several weeks duration, and had been continually increasing, compelled him to decline the invitation. On the second of July, the disease under which he was laboring left him, but in such a reduced state that his medical attendants, entertained nc hope of his recovery. From this time he was perfectly sensible that his last hour was at hand. On the ne.x* day, which was Monday, he asked of those around him, the day of the month, and on being told it was the third of July, he expressed the earnest wish tha; he might be permitted to breathe the air of the fiftieth anniversary. His prayer was heard — that day, whose dawn was hailed with such rapture through our land, burst upon his eyes, and then they were closed for- ever. And what a noble consummation of a noble life! To die on that day, — the birthday of a nation,- - the day which his own name and his own act had rendered glorious; to die amidst the rejoicings and festivities of a whole nation, who looked up to him, as the author, under God. of their greatest blessings, was all that was wanting to fill up the record his life. Almost at the same hour of his death, the kin- dred spirit of the venerable Adams, as if to bear him company, left the scene of his earthly honors. Hand in hand they had stood forth, the champions of freedom ; hand in hand, during the dark and desper- ate struggle of the Revolution, they had cheered and animated their desponding countrymen; for half a century they had lalwred together for tne good of the country; and row hand in hand they depart. In their lives they had been united in the same great cause of liberty, and in their deaths they were not divided. In person Mr. Jefferson was tall and thin, rather above six feet in height, but well formed; his eyes were light, his hair orit;inally red, in after life became white and silvery; his complexion was fair, his fore- head broad, and his whole cou]^»^enance intelligent and thoughtful. He possessed great fortitude of mind as Avell as personal courage ; and :.':s command of tem- per was such that his oldest and most intimate friends never recollected to have seen him in a passion. His manners, though dignified, were simple and un- affected, and his hospitality was so unbounded that all found at his house a ready welcome. In conver- sation he was fluent, eloquent and enthusiastic; and his language was remarkably pure and correct. He was a finished classical scholar, and in his writings is discernable the care with which he formed his style upon the best models of antiquity. -J y^g-^-t-'Lt, .c-C^ A<.x^-^r ^-^ FIFTH PRESIDENi: 35 _j^j,^kiLtdjQ^^ ha^^i^ pi]QESn]OI|ROE.u-, .;<■»*»■- »ii ©t WM ^^PPXCW^^^"^ AMES MONROE, the fifth I'residentof The United States, was born in Westmoreland Co., Va., April 28, 1758. His early life was passed at the place of nativity. His ancestors had for many years resided in the prov- ince in which he was born. When, at 17 years of age, in the process of completing his education at William and Mary College, the Co- lonial Congress assembled at Phila- delphia to deliberate upon the un- just and manifold oppressions of Great Britian, declared the separa- tion of the Colonies, and promul- gated the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Had he been born ten years before it is highly probable that he would have been one of the signers of that celebrated instrument. At this time he left school and enlisted among the patriots. He joined the army when everything looked hope- less and gloomy. The number of deserters increased from day to day. The invading armies came pouring in ; and the tories not only favored the cause of the mother country, but disheartened the new recruits, who were sufficiently terrified at the prospect of con- tending with an enemy whom they had been taught to deem invincible. To such brave spirits as James Monroe, who went right onward, undismayed through difficulty and danger, tlie United States owe their political emancipation. Tiie young cadet joined the ranks, and espoused the cause of his injured country, with a firm determination to live or die with her strife for liberty. Firmly yet sadly he shared in the mel- ancholy retreat from Harleam Heights and White Plains, and accompanied the dispirited army as it fled before its foes through New Jersey. In four months after the Declaration of Independence, the patriots had been beaten in seven battles. At the battle of Trenton he led the vanguard, and, in the act of charg- ing upon the enemy he received a wound in the left shoulder. As a reward for his bravery, Mr. Monroe was pro- moted a captain of infantry ; and, having recovered from his wound, he rejoined the army. He, however, receded from the line of promotion, by becoming an officer in the staff of Lord Sterling. During the cam- paigns of 1777 and 1778, in the actions of Brandy wine, Germantown and Monmouth, he continued aid-de-camp; but becoming desirous to regain his position in the army, he exerted himself to collect a regiment for the Virginia line. This scheme failed owing to the exhausted condition of the State. Upon this failure he entered the office of Mr. Jefferson, at that period Governor, and pursued, with considerable ardor, the study of common law. He did not, however, entirely lay aside the knapsack for the green bag; but on the invasions of the enemy, served as a volun teer, during the two years of his legal pursuits. ■ In 1782, he was elected from King George county, a member of the Leglislature of Virginia, and by that body he was elevated to a seat in tlie Executive Council. He was thus honored with tlie confidence of his fellow citizens at 23 years of age ; and having at this early period displayed some of that ability and aptitude for legislation, wliich were afterwards employed with unremittii^g energy for the public good, 36 JAMES MONROE. lie was in the succeeding year chosen a member of the Congress of the United States. Deeplyas Mr. Moinoeft;h the imperfections of the old Confederacy, he was opposed to the new Constitution, Thinking, with many others of *:he Republican party, that it gave too much power to the Central Government, and not enough to the individual States. Still he re- tained the esteem of his friends who were its warm supporters, aiid who, notwithstanding his opposition secured its ado[)tion. In 1789, he became a member of the United States Senate; which office he held for four years. Every month the line of distinction be- tween the two great parties which divided the nation, the Federal and the Republican, was growing more distinct. The two prominent ideas which now sep- arated them were, that the Republican party was in sympathy with France, and also in favor of such a strict construction of the Constitution as to give the Central Government as little power, and the State Governments as much power, as the Constitution would warrant. The Federalists sympathized with England, and were in favor of a liberal construction of the Con- stitution, which would give as much power to the Central Government as that document could possibly authorize. The leading Federalists and Republicans were alike noble men, consecrating all their energies to the good of the nation. Two more honest men or more pure patriots than John Adams the Federalist, and James Monroe the Republican, never breathed. In building up this majestic nation, which is destined to eclipse all Grecian and Assyrian greatness, the com- bination of their antagonism was needed to create the light equilibrium. And yet each in his day was de- nounced as almost a demon. Washington was then President. England had es- poused the cause of the Bourbons against the princi- ples of the French Revolution. All Europe w^s drawn into the conflict. We were feeble and far away. Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality be- tween these contending powers. France had helped us in the struggle for our liberties. All the despotisms of Europe were now combined to prevent the French from escaping from a tyranny a thousand-fold worse than that which we had endured Col. Monroe, more magnanimous than [jrudent, was anxious that, at whatever hazard, we should help our old allies in their extremity. It was the impulse of a generous and noble nature. He violently opposed the Pres- ident's proclamation as ungrateful and wanting in magnanimity. Washington, who could appreciate such a character, developed his calm, serene, almost divine greatness, by appointing that very James Monroe, who was de- nouncing the policy of the Government, as the minister of that Government to the Republic of France. Mr. Monroe was welcomed by the National Convention in France witn the most enthusiastic demonstr/^tions. Shortly after his return to this countrv, Mr. Mon- roe was elected Governor of Virginia, and held the office for three yeais. He was again sent to France tu co-operate with Chancellor Livingston in obtaining the vast territory then known as the Province of Louisiana, which France had but shortly before ob- tained from Spain. Their united efforts were suc- cessful. For the comparatively small sum of fifteen millions of dollars, the entire territory of Orleans and district of Louisiana were added to the United States. This was probably the largest transfcr of real estate which was ever made in all the history of the world. From France Mr. Monroe went to England to ob- tain from that country some recognition of our rights as neutrals, and to remonstrate against those odious impressments of our seamen. but Eng- land was unrelenting. He again returned to Eng- land on the same mission, but coidd receive no redress. He returned to his home and was again chosen Governor of Virginia. This he soon resigned to accept the position of Secretary of State undc" Madison. While in this office war with England was declared, the Secretary ot War resigned, and during these trying times, the duties of the War Departnien were also put upon him. He was truly the armor- bearer of President Madison, and the most efficient business man in his cabinet. Upon the return ol peace he resigned the Dei)artment of War, but con- tinued in the office of Secretary of State until the ex- ])iration of Mr. Madison's adminstration. At the elec- tion held the previous autumn Mr. Monroe himself had been chosen President with but little opiX)sition, and upon March 4, rSiy, was inaugurated. Four year? later he was elected for a second term. Among the important measures of his Presidencv were the cession of Florida to the LTnited States; the Missouri Comiiromise, and the " Monroe doctrine.' This famous doctrine, since known as the " Monroe doctrine," was enunciated by him in 1823. At tha^ time the United States had recognized the independ- ence of tlie South American states, and did not wish to have European powers longer attempting to sub due portions of the American Continent. The doctrine is as follows: "That we should consider any attempt on the part of European powers to extend their sys- tem to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety," and "that we could no' view any interposition for the ])urpose of oppressing or controlling American governments or provinces in any other light than as a manifestation by Europe.ni- powers of an unfriendly disposition toward the Unircr States." This doctrine immediately affected the course of foreign governments, and has become the approved sentiment of the United States. At the end of his f econd term Mr Monroe retired to his home in Virginia, where he lived unii! 1S30 when he went to New York to live with his son-in law. In that city he died, on the 4th of July, 1831 ^ J ■ «,^ , c/it i Ctyyy^ SIXTH PRESIDRNT. 39 A;Mrj/^^ 7^ '«»^;;.*#wLs^$;:S^-s-s#$;k^«s;s>^i::s-»&i;i^*i;:;$«&$;;s**Aicti. lOm QniI]6Y ^D^^EQS. 'l'^:&»J^:S--«^iS- ss-*s:s->s^is^s^is*^;gHpg!g.^^tg,». OHN QUINCY ADAMS, the sixth President of the United ^States, was born in the rural home of his honored father, John Adams, in Quincy, Mass., on the I ith cf July, 1767. His mother, a woman of exaUed worth, watched over his childhood during the almost constant ab- sence of his father. When but eight years of age, he stood with "' his mother on an eminence, listen- ing to the booming of the great bat- tle on Bunker's Hill, and gazing on upon the smoke and flames billow- ing up from the conflagration of Charlestown. When but eleven years old he took a tearful adieu of his mother, to sail with iiis falner for Europe, through a fleet ot liostile British cruisers. The bright, animated boy spent a year and a half in Paris, where liis father was associated with Franklin and Lee as minister plenipotentiary. His intelligence attracted the notice of these distinguished men, and he received from them flattering m;irks of attention. Mr. John Adams had scarcely returned to this cou/.try, in 1779, ere he was again sent abroad. Again (ol-.n Quincy accompanied his father. At Paris he applied himself with great diligence, for six months, to -.nidy; then accompained his fatlier to Holland, where he entered, first a school in .\msterdam, then the University at Leyden. About a year from this time, in t78i, when the manly 1 oy was but fourteen yea—, of age, he was selected by Mr. Dana, our min- ister to the Russian court, as his private secretar)'. Tn this school of incessant labor and of enobling culture he spent fourteen months, and then returned !o Holland thiough Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg and Bremen. This l(>ng journey he took alone, in the winter, when in his sixteenth year. Aijain he resumed nis studies, under a pn-'^te tutor, at Hague. Thence, in the spring of 1782, he accompanied his father ts Paris, traveling leisurely, and forming acquaintance with the most distinguished men on the Continent- examining architectural remains, galleries of paintings and all renowned works of art. At Paris he again became associated with the most illustrious men ol all lands in the contemplations of thcloftiest temporal themes which can engross the human mind. Afte" a short visit to England he returned to Paris, ana consecrated all his energies to study until May, 1785, when he returned to America. To a brilliant young man of eighteen, who had seen much of the world, and who was familiar with the etiquette of courts, a residence with his father in London, under such cir- CLunstances, must have been extremely attractive but with judgment very rare in one of his age, he pre- ferred to return to America to complete his education in an American college. He wished then to study law, that with an honorable profession, he might be able to obtain an independent support. Upon leaving Harvard College, at the age of twenty- he studied law for three years. In June, 1794, be- ing then but tv/enty-seven years of age, he was ap- pointed by Washington, resident minister at the Netherlands. Sailing from Boston in July, he reachea London in October, where he was immediately admit- ted^ to the deliberations of Messrs. Jay and Pinckney, assisting them in negotiating a commercial treaty wit): Great Brilian. After thus spending a fortnight i. London, he proceeded to the Hague. In July, 1797, he left the Hague to go to Portugal as minister plenipotentiary. On his way to Portugal, upon arriving in London, he met with despatches, directing him to the court of Beiiin, but requesting! him to remain in London until he should receive his instructions. While wr.iting he was married to ar. American lady to whom he had been previously en- gaged, — Miss Louisa Catherine Johnson, daughte' of Mr. Joshua Johnson, American consul in I ondon a lady endownd with that beauty and those accom- plishment which eminently fitted her to move in X.\a elevated sphere for which she w»s <^.«s''ioed. *o JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. He reached Berlin with his wife in November, 1797 ; where he remained until July, 1799, when, having ful- filled all the purposes of his mission, he sohcited his recall. Soon after his return, in 1S02, he was chosen to Ihe Senate of Massachusetts, from Boston, and then was elected Senator of the United States for six years, from the 4th of March, 1804. His reputation, his ability and his experience, placed him immediately among the most prominent and influential members of that body. Especially did he sustain the Govern- ment in its measures of resistance to the encroach- ments of England, destroying our commerce and in- sulting our flag. There was no man in America more familiar with the arrogance of the British court upon these points, and no one more resolved to present a firm resistance. In 1809, Madison succeeded Jefferson in the Pres- idential chair, and he immediately nominated John Quincy Adams minister to St. Petersburg. Resign- ing his professorship in Harvard College, he embarked at Boston, in August, 1809. Wiiile in Russia, Mr. Adams was an intense stu- dent. He devoted his attention to the language and history of Russia; to the Chinese trade; to the European system of weights, measures, and coins ; to the climate and astronomical observations; while he Kept up a familiar acquaintance with the Greek and Latin classics. In all the universities of Europe, a more accouiplished scholar could scarcely be found. All through life the Bible constituted an importart part of his studies. It was his rule to read five chapters every day. On the 4th of March, 1S17, Mr. Monroe took the Presidential chair, and immediately appointed Mr. .'Vdams Secretary of State. Taking leave of his num- erous friends in public and private life in Europe, he sailed in June, i8ig, for the United States. On the 1 8th of August, he again crossed the threshold of his home in Quincy. During the eight yearsof Mr. Mon- roe's administration, Mr Adams continued Secretary of State. Some time before '.he close of Mr. Monroe's second term of office, new candidates began to lie presented for the Presidency. The friends of Mr. Adams l.)rought forward his name. It was an exciting campaign. Party spirit was never more bitter. Two hundred and sixty electoral votes were cast. Andrew Jackson re- ceived ninety nine; John Quincy .\dams, eighty-four; William H. Crawford, forty-one; Henry Clay, thirty- seven. As there was no choice by the people, the question went to the House of Re[)resentatives. Mr. Clay gave the vote of Kentucky to Mr. Adams, and he was elected. The friends of all the disappointed candidates now :ombined in a venomous and persistent assault upon Mr. Adams. Tliere is nothing more disgraceful in •V»e nast history of our country than the abuse which was poured in one uninterrupted stream, upon this high-minded, upright, patriotic man. 'i'here never was an administration more pure in principles, more con- scientiously devoted to the best interests of the coun- try, than that of John Quincy Adams; and never, per- haps, was there an administration more unscrupu- lously and outrageously assailed. Mr Adams was, to a very remarkable degree, ab- stemious and temperate ui his habits; always rising early, and taking much exercise. VMien at his homein Quincy, he has been known to walk, before breakfast, seven miles to Boston. In Washington, it was said that he was the first man up in the city, lighting his own fire and applying himself to work in his library often long before dawn. On the 4th of March, 1820, Mr. Adams retired from the Presidency, and was succeeded by Andrew- Jackson. John C. Calhoun was elected Vice Presi- dent. The slavery question now began to assume portentous magnitude. Mr. Adams returned to Quiiicy and to his studies, which he pursued witii un- abated zeal. But he was not long permitted to re- main in retirement. In November, 1830, he was elected re|)resentative to Congress. For seventeen years, until his death, he occupied the post as repre- sentative, towering above all his [leers, ever ready to do brave battle' for freedom, and winning the title of "the old man eloquent." Upon taking his seat in the House, he announced that he should hold him- self bound to no party. Probably there never was a member more devoted to his duties. He was usually the first in his place in the morning, and the last to leave his seat in the evening. Not a measure could be brouglit forward and escape his scru'lin)-. 'I he battle wliich Mr. Adams fought, almost singly, against the proslavery party in the Government, was sul)lime in Its moral dating and heroism. For persisting in presenting petitions for the abolition of slavery, he was threatened with indictment by the grand jury with expulsion from tlic Houfe, with assassination but no threats could intimidate him, and his final triumph was complete. It has been said of President Adams, that when his body was bent and his hair silvered liy the lapse of fourscore years, yielding to the simple faith of a little child, he was accustomed to repeat every night, l)eforc he slept, the prajer which his mother taught him in his infant years. On the 2 1 St of February, 1848, he rose on llie lloor of Congress, with a paper in his hand, to address flie speaker. Suddenly he fell, again stricken by ]iar;ily sis, and was caught in the arms of those around liiin. For a time he was senseless, as he was convened to the sofa in the rotunda. With reviving conscious- ness, he opened his eyes, looked calmly around and said " This is the end of earth .-"then after a moment's pause he add'.'d, ''\T am eonteiif" These were the last words of the grand " Old Man Eloquent." SEVENTH FRESIl^ENT. 43 ,E 5'(T? -^cMisim^r i^)S-.©^fc@^'^ 4,¥©««^R |4.fl^|f jf. -■aiaiJ®^^^'''^^'^ ' .^-^J/SrjfJnn- £^ NDREW JACKSON, the seventh Presider.t of the United States, was born in Waxhaw settlement, N. C, March 15, 1767, a few days after his father's death. His parents were poor einigrants from Ireland, and took up their abode in Waxhaw set- tlement, where they lived in deepest poverty. Andrew, or Andy, as he was universally called, grew up a very rough, rude, turbulent boy. His features were coarse, his form un- gainly; and there was but very little in his character, made- visible, which was at- tractive. When only thirteen years old he joined the volun- teers of Carolina against the British invasion. In lySr, he and his brother Robert were captured and imprisoned for a time at Camden. A British officer ordered him to brush his mud-spattered boots. " I am a prisoner of war, not your servant," was the reply of the dauntless boy. -The brute drew his sword, and aimed a desperate Dlow at the head of the helpless young prisoner. Andrew raised his hand, and thus received two fear- ful gashes, — one on the hand and the other upon the head. The officer then turned to his brother Robert with the same demand. He also refused, and re- ceived a blow from the keen-edged sabre, which quite disabled him, and which probably soon after caused his death. They suffered much other ill-treatment, and were finally stricken with the small-pox. Their mother was successfi'-l 'i> >i".itainin5 their exchange, and took her sick boys home. After a long illnjss. Andrew recovered, and the death of his mother s;oon loft him e.itirely friendless. Andrew supported himself in various ways, s i:h as working at the saddler's trade, teaching school and clerking in a ge:ieral store, until 1784, when he entered a law office at Salisbury, N. C. He, however, gave more attention to the wild amusements of the times than to his studies. In 1788, he was appointed solicitcr for the western district of North Carolina, ol whicli Tennessee was then a part. This involved many long and tedioas journeys amid dangers of every kind, but Andrew Jackson never knew fear, and the Indians had no desire to repeat a skirmish witn the Sharp Knife. In 1791, Mr. Jackson was married to a woman who supposed herself divorced from her former husband. Great was the surprise of both parties, two years later, to find that the conditions of the divorce had just been definitely settled by the first husband. The marriage ceremony was performed a second time, but the occur- rence was often used by his enemies to bring Mr. Jackson into disfavor. During these years he worked hard at his profes sion, and frequently had one or more duels on hand, one of which, when he killed Dickenson, was espec- ially disgraceful. In January, 1796, the Territory of Tennessee then containing nearly eighty tliousand inhabitants, the people met in convention at Knoxville to frame a con- stitution. Five were sent from each of the eleven counties. Andrew Jackson was one of the delega'es. The new State was entitled to but one meml cr iv the National House of Representatives. Andrew Jade- son was chosen that member. Mounting his horse he rode to Philedelphia, where Congress then held its 44 ANDREW JACKSON. sessions, — a distance of about eight hundred miles. Jackson was an earnest advocate of the Demo- cratic party. Jefferson was his idol. He admired Bonaparte, loved France and hated England. As Mr. Jackson took his seat, Gen. Washington, whose second term of office was then expiring, delivered his last speech to Congress. A committee drew up a complimentary address in reply. Andrew Jackson did not approve of the address, and was one of the twelve who voted against it. He was not willing to say that Gen. Washington's adminstration had been " wise, firm and patriotic." Mr. Jackson was elected to the United States Senate in 1797, but soon resigned and returned home. Soon after he was chosen Judge of the Supreme Court of his State, which jjosition he held for si.\ years. When the war of 18 12 with Great Britian com- menced, Madison occupied the Presidential chair. Aaron Burr sent word to the President that there was an unknown man in the West, Andrew Jackson, who would do credit to a commission if one were con- ferred uix)n him. Just at that time Gen. Jackson offered his services and those of twenty-five hundred volunteers. His offer was accepted, and the troops were assembled at Nashville. As the British were hourly expected to make an at- tack upon New Orleans, where Gen. Wilkinson was in command, he was ordered to descend the river with fifteen hundred troops to aid Wilkinson. The expedition reached Natchez; and afteradelay of sev- eral weeks there, without accomi)llshing anything, the men were ordered back to their homes. But the energy Gen. Jackson had displayed, and his entire devotion to the comrfort of his soldiers, won him golden opiniotrs; and he became the most popular man in the State. It was in this expedition that his toughness gave him the nickname of "Old Hickory." Soon after this, while attempting to horsewhip Col. Thomas H. Benton, for a remark that gentleman made about his taking a part as second in a ditel, in which a younger brother of Benton's was engaged, he received two severe pistol wounds. While he was lingering upon a bed of suffering news came that the Indians, who had combined under Tecumseh from Florida to the Lakes, to extenrtinate the white set- tlers, were committing the most awful ravages. De- cisive action became necessary. Gen. Jackson, with his fractured bone just beginning to heal, his arm in a sling, and unable to mount his horse without assis- tance, gave his amazing energies to the raising of an army to rendezvous at Fayettesville, Alabama. The Creek Indians had established a strong fort on one of the bendsof the Tallapoosa River, near the cen- ter of Alabama, about fifty miles below Fort Strother. With an army of two thousand men. Gen. Jackson traversed the pathless wilderness in a march of eleven days. He reached their fort, called Tohopeka or Horse-shoe, on the 27th of March. 1814. The bend of the river enclosed nearly one hundred acres o." tangled forest and wild ravine. Across the narrow neck the Indrans had constructed a formidable brea^jl- work of logs and brush. Here nine hundred warriors, with an ample suply of arms were assembled. The fort was stormed. The fight was utterly des- perate. Not an Indian would accept of quarter. When bleeding and dying, they would fight those who en- deavored to spare their lives. From ten in the morn- ing until dark, the battle raged. The carnage was awful and revolting. Some threw themselves into the river; but the unerring bullet struck their heads as they swani. Nearly everyone of the niire hundred war- rios were killed A few probably, in the night, swam the river and escaped. This ended the war. The [jower of the Creeks was broken forever. This bold plunge into the wilderness, with itsterriffic slaughter, so appalled the savages, that the haggard remnants of the bands came to the camp, begging for peace. This closing of the Creek war enabled us to con- centrate all our militia upon the British, who were the allies of the Indians No man of less resolute will thari Gen. Jackson could have conducted this Indian campaign to so successful an issue Immediately he was appointed major-general. Late in August, with an army of two thousand men, on a rushing march. Gen. Jackson came to Mobile. A British fleet came from Pensacola, landed a force ujxm the beach, arrchored near the little fort, and from both ship and shore conmienccd a furious assault The battle was long and doubtful. At length one of the ships was blown up and the rest retired. Garrisoning Mobile, where he had taken his little army, he moved his troops to New Orleans, And the battle of New Orleans w hich soon ensued, was in reality a very arduous campaign. This won for Gen. Jackson an imperishable name. Here his troops, which numbered about four thousand men, won a signal victory over the Briiish army of about nine thousand. His loss was but thineen, while the loss of the British was two thousand six hundred. The name of Gen. Jackson soon began to be men- tioned in connection with the Presidency, but, in 1824, he was defeated by Mr. Adams. He was, however, successful in the election of 1S28, and was re-elected for a second term in 1832. In 1829, just before he assumed the reins of the government, he met with the most terrible affliction of his life in the death of his wife, whom he had loved with a devotion which has perhaps never been surpassed. From the shock of her death he never recovered. His administration was one of the most n^cmcrabie in the annals of our country; applaude'' oy one party, condemned by the other. No man had more bitter enemies or warmer friends. At the expiration of his two terms of office he retired to the Hermitage, where he died Tune 8, 1845. The last vears of Mr. Jack- son's life were that of a devoted Christian man. / 7 ^ZJ^/ ^c^jU^c.^^^ EIGHTH FRESIDENT. ')«s^^\2)(£)-/®>S^<®V^^€3i^^ ARTIN VAN BUREN, the eighth President of the United States, was born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1782. He died at the same Lice, July 24, 1862. His jody rests in the cemetery at Kinderhook. Above it is a plain granite shaft fifteen feet high, bearing a simple inscription about hall way up on one face. The lot is unfenced, unbordered or unbounded by shrub or flower. There is but little in the life of Martin Van Buren of romantic interest. He fought no battles, engaged in no wild adventures. Though liis life was stormy in political and intellectual conflicts, and he gained many signal victories, liis days passed uneventful in those incidents which give zest to biography. His an- cestors, as his name indicates, were of Dutch origin, and were among tiie earliest emigrants from Holland to the banks of the Hudson. His father was a farmer, residing in the old town of Kinderhook. His mother, also of Dutch lineage, was a woman of superior intel- ligence and exemplary piety. .le was decidedly a precocious boy, developing un- usual activity, vigor and strength of mind. At the age of fourteen, he had finished his academic studies in his native village, and commenced the study of law. As he had not a collegiate education, seven years of study in a law-office were required of him «)efore he could be ad.iiitted to the bar. Inspired with A lofty ambition, and conscious of his powers, he pur- sued liis studies with indefatig.ible industry. After spending six ye.ir-; in an office in His native village, he went to the city of New York, and prosecuted his studies for the seventh year. In 1803, Mr. Van Buren, then twenty-one years ol age, commenced the practice of law in his native vil- lage. The great conflict between the Federal and Republican party was then at its height. Mr. Van Buren was from the beginning a politician. He had, perhaps, imbibed that spirit while listenipiig to the many discussions which had been carried on in his father's hotel. He was in cordial sympathy with Jefferson, and earnestly and eloquently espoused the cause of State Rights ; though at that time the Fed- eral ijarty held the supremacy both in his town and State. His success and increasing ruputation led him after six years of practice, to remove to Hudson, tht county seat of his county. Here he spent seven years, constantly gaining strength by contending in tht courts with some of the ablest men who have adorned the bar of his State. Just before leaving Kinderhook for Hudson, Mi. Van Buren married a lady alike distinguished for beauty and accomplishments. After twelve short years she sank into the grave, the victim of consump- tion, leaving her husband and four sons to weep over her loss. For twenty-five years, Mr. Van Buren was an earnest, successful, assiduous lawyer. The record of those years is barren in items of public interest. In 181 2, when thirty years of age, he was chosen to the State Senate, and gave his strenuous support to Mr. Madison's adminstration. In 1815, he was ap- pointed Attorney-General, and the next year moved to All.)any, the. capital of the State. While he was acknovVledged as one of the most liiominent leaders of the Democratic party, he had 48 MARTIN VAN BUREN. the moral courage to avow that true democracy did not require that '' universal suffrage" which admits the vile, the degraded, the ignorant, to the right of governing the State. In true consistency with his democratic principles, he contended that, while the path leading to the privilege of voting should be open to every man without distinction, no one should be invested with that sacred prerogative, unless he were in some degree qualified for it by intelligence, virtue and some property interests in the welfare of the State. In 182 I he was elected ;. member of the United States Senate; and in the same year, he took a seat in the convention to revise the constitution of his .lative State. His course in this convention secured the approval of men of all parties. No one could doubt the singleness of his endeavors to promote the interests of all classes in the community. In the Senate of the United States, he rose at once to a conspicuous position as an active and usefullegislator. In 1827, John Quincy Adams being then in the Presidential chair, Mr. Van Buren was re-elected to .tie Senate. He had been from the beginning a de- lermined opposer of the Administration, adopting the 'Stare Rights" view in opposition to what was deemed the Federal proclivities of Mr. Adams. Soon after this, in 1828, he was chosen Governor of the State of New York, and accordingly resigned his seat in the Senate. Probably no one in the United States contributed so much towards ejecting John Q. Adams from the Presidential chair, and placing in it Andrew Jackson, as did Martin Van Buren. Whether entitled to the reputation or not, he certainly was re- garded througiiout the United States as one of the jnost skillful, sagacious and cunning of politicians. It was supix)sed that no one knew so well as he how to touch the secret spiings of action; how to pull all ;he wires to put his machinery in motion; and how to organize a political army which would, secretly and pter-'thily accomplish the most gigantic results. By these powers it is said tliat he outv.'itted Mr. Adams, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, and secured results which few thought then could be accomplished. \^\\i:\ Andrew Jackson was elected President he appointed Mr. Van Buren Secretary of State. This position he resigned in i83t, and was immediately appointed Minister to England, where he went the same autumn. The Senate, however, when it met, .'■etu:>ed to ratifv the nomination, and he returned home, apparently imtroubled; was nominated Vice President in the pLace of Calhoun, at the re-election of President lackson ; and with smiles for all and fiowns for none, he took his place at the head of that Senate which lud refused to confirm his nomination as ambassador. His rejection by the Senate roused all the zeal of President Jackson in behalf of his repudiated favor- ite ; and this, probably mure than any other cause, secured his elevation to the chair of the Chief Esecu tive. On the 20th of May, 1836, Mr. Van Buren re- ceived the Democratic nomination to succeed Gen. Jackson as President of the United States He was elected by a handsome majority, to the delight of the retiring President. " Leaving New York out of the canvass," sa_ i Mr. Parton, 'the election of Mr. Van Buren to the Presidency was as much the act of Gen. Jackson as though the Constitution had conferred upon him the power to appoint a successor." His administration was filled with exciting events- 'i"he insurrection in Canada, which threatened to in- volve this country in war with England, the agitation of the slavery question, and finally the great commer- cial panic which spread over the country, all were trials to his wisdom. The financial distress was at- tributed to the management of the Democratic party, and brought the President into such disfavor that he failed of re-election. With the exception of being nominated for the Presidency by the "Free Soil" Democrats, in 1848, Mr. Van Buren lived quietVy upon his estate until his death. He had ever been a prudent man, of frugal habits, and living within his income, had now fortunately a competence for his declining years. His unblemished character, his commanding abilities, his unquestioned patriotism, and the distinguished positions which he had occupied in the government of our country, se- cured to him not only the homage of his party, but 4 the respect ot the whole community. It was on the 4th of March, 1841, that Mr. Van Buren retired from the presidency. From his fine estate at Lind^nwald. he still exerted a powerful influence upon the politics of the country. From this time until his death, on the 24th of July, 1862, at the age of eighty years, he resided at Lindenwald, a gentleman of leisure, of culture and of wealth; enjoyirg in a healthy old age, probably far more happiness than he had before experienced amid the stormy scenes of his active life. I I Zt/. /5f /V/iS-'^.^-^TA.^ NINTH PRESIDENT. 5« wtjs8si4® aiiif a4Rass®s i ^ ILLIAM HENRY HARRI- ■f.^ SON, the ninth President of |S tlie United States, was born In at Berkeley, Va., Feb. 9, 1773. Q His father, Benjamin Harri- son, was in comparatively op- ulent circumstances, and was one of the most distinguished men of his day. He was an intimate friend of George Washington, ^\as early elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was conspicuous among the patriots of Virginia in resisting the encroachments of the ISritish crown. In the celebrated Congress of 1775, Benjamin Har- rison and John Hancock were both candidates for the office of speaker. Mr Harrison was subsequently chosen Governor of Virginia, and was twice re-elected. His son, i William Henry, of course enjoyed in childhood all the advantages which wealth and intellectual and cultivated society could give. Hav- ing received a thorough common-school education, he entered Hampden Sidney College, where he graduated with honor soon after the death of his father. He chen repaired to Philadelphia to study medicine under the instructions of Dr. Rush and the guardianship of lObert Morris, both of whom were, with his father, signers of the Declaration of Independence. Jpon the outbreak of the Indian troubles, and not- v/ithstandlng the 'emonslrances of his friends, he aDando'-'ed liis medical studies and entered tlie army, .laving obtained a commission of Ensign from Presi- dent Washington. He was then but 19 years old. From that time he passed gradually upward in rank until he became aid to General Wayne, after whose death he resigned his commission. He was then aj)- pointed Secretary of the North-western Territory. This Territory was then entitled to but one member in Congress and Capt. Harrison was chosen to fill that position. In the spring of 1800 the North-western Territory was divided by Congress into two portions. The eastern portion, comprising the region now embraced in the State of Ohio, was called '" The Territory north-west of the Ohio." The western portion, which included what is now called Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, was called the "Indiana Territory." Wib liam Henry Harrison, then 27 years of age, was ap ixjinted by John Adams, Governor of the Indiana Territory, and immediately after, also Governor of Upper Louisiana. He was thus ruler over almost as extensive a realm as any sovereign upon the globe. He was Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and was in- vested with powers nearly dictatorial over the n&w rapidly increasing white population. The ability and fidelity with which he discharged these responsible duties may be inferred from the fact that he was four times appointed to this office — first by John Adams, twice by Thomas Jefferson and afterwards by Presi- dent Madison. When he began his adminstration there were but three white settlements in that almost boundless region, now crowded with cities and resounding with all the tumult of wealth and traffic. Oneof these settlements was on the Ohio, nearly opposite Louisville; one at Vincennes, on the Wabash, and the third a French settlement. The vast wilderness over which Gov. Harrisoi» reigned was filled with many tribes of Indians. Aboi" IIBRARY 0NIVERSITY OP lll.lNniS 52 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. the year 1806, two extraordinary men, twin brothers, of the Shawnese tribe, rose among them. One of these was called Tecumseh, or " The Crouching Panther;" the other, Olliwacheca, or "The Prophet." Tecumseh was not only an Indian warrior, but a man of great sagacity, far-reaching foresight and indomit- able perseverance in any enterprise in which he might engage. He was inspired with the highest enthusiasm, and had long regarded with dread and with hatred the encroachment of the whites upon the hunting- grounds of his fathers. His brother, the Prophet, was an orator, who could sway the feelings of the untutored Indian as the gale tossed the tree-tops beneath which they dwelt. But the Prophet was not merely an orator: he was, in the superstitious minds of the Indians, invested with the superhuman dignity of a medicine-man or a magician. With an enthusiasm unsurpassed by Peter the Hermit rousing Europe to the crusades, he went from tribe to tribe, assuming that he was specially sent by the Great Spirit. Gov. Harrison made many attempts to conciliate the Indians, but at last the war came, and at Tippe- canoe the Indians were routed with great slaughter. October 28, 1812, his army began its march. When near the Prophet's town three Indians of rank made their appearance and inquired why Gov. Harrison was approaching them in so hostile an attitude. After a short conference, arrangements were made for a meet- ing the next day, to agree upon terms of peace. But Gov. Harrison was too well acquainted with the Indian character to be deceived by such protes- tations Selecting a favorable six)t for his night's en- campment, he took every precaution against surprise. His troops were posted in a hollow square, and slept upon their arms. The troops threw themselves upon the ground for rest; but every man had his accourtrements on, his loaded musket by his side,and his bayonet fixed. The wakeful Governor, between three and four o'clock in the morning, had risen, and was sitting in conversa- tion with his aids by the embers of a waning fire. It was a chill, cloudy morning with a drizzling rain. In the darkness, the Indians had crept as near as possi- ble, and j'lst then, with a savage yell, rushed, with all the desperation which superstition and passion most highly inflamed could give, upon the left flank of the httle army. The savages had been amply provided with guns and ammunition by the English. Their war-whoop was accompained by a shower of bullets. The camp-fires were instantly extinguished, as the light aided the Indians in their aim. With hide- ous yells, the Indian bands rushed on, not doubtii-.g a speedy and an entire victory. But Gen. Harrison's troops stood as immovable as the rocks around them until day dawned : they then made a simultaneous charge with the bayonet, and swept every thing be- fore them, and completely routing th^ foe. Gov. Harrison now had all his energies tasked to the utmost. The British descending Iruni theCan- adas, were of themselves a very formidal)ie force ; but with their savage allies, rushing like wolves I'roni the forest, searching out every remote farm-house, Imrn- ing, plundering, scalping, torturing, the wide frontier was plunged into a state of consternation wliich even the most vivid imagination can but faintly conceive. Tiie war-whoop was resounding everywhere in the forest. The horizon was illuminated with the conflagra- tion of the cabins of the settlers. Gen Hull had made the ignominious surrender of his forces at Detroit. Under these despairing circumstances. Gov. Harrison was appointed by President Madison commander-in- chief of the North-western army, with orders to retake Detroit, and to protect the frontiers. It would be difficult to place a man in a situation demanding more energy, sagacity and courage; bul General Harrison was found equal to the position, and nobly and triumphantly did he meet all the re- sponsibilities. He won the love of his soldiers by always sharing with them their fatigue. His whole baggage, while pursuing the foe up the Thames, was carried in a valise; and his bedding consisted of a single blanket lashed over his -saddle Thirty-five British officers, his prisoners of war, supped with him after the battle. The only fare he could give them was beef roasted before the fire, witliout bread or salt. In 1816, Gen. Harrison was chosen a member of the National House of Representatives, to represent the District of Ohio. In Congress he proved an active member; and whenever he spoke, it was with force of reason and power of eloquence, which arrested the attention of all the members. In 1819, Harrison was elected to the Senate of Ohio; and in 1824, as one of the jjresidential electors of that State, he gave his vote for Henry Clay. Tlie same year he was chosen to the United States Senate. In 1836, the friends of Gen. Harrison brought him forward as a candidate for the Presidency against Van Buren, but he was defeated. At the close of Mr. Van Buren's term, he was re -nominated by his party, and Mr. Harrison was unanimously nominated by the Whigs, with John Tyler forthe Vice Presidency. The contest was very animated. Gen Jackson gave all his influence to prevent Harrison's election ; but his triumph was signal. The cabinet which he formed, with Daniel Webster at its head as Secretary of State, was one of the most brilliant with wliich any President had ever been surrounded. Never were the prospects of an admin- istration more flattering, or the hopes of the country more sanguine. In the midst of these bright and joyous prospects. Gen. . Harrison was seized by a pleurisv-fever and after a few days of violent sick- ness, died on the 4th of April ; just one month after his inauguration as President of the United States. Tyn TENTH PRESIDENT. S5 -ife Presidentof the United States. He was born in Charles-city Co., Va., March 29, 1790. He was the favored child of af- fluence and high social po- sition. At the early age of twelve, John entered William and Mary College and grad- uated with much honor when but seventeen years old. After graduating, he devoted him- self with great assiduity to the study of law, partly with his father and partly with Edmund ! g fi Randolph, one of the most distin- guished lawyers of Virginia. At nineteen years of age, ne commenced the practice of law. His success was rapid and aston- ishing. It is said that three months had not elapsed ere there was scarcely a case on the dock- I et of the court in which he was 1. 3t retained. When but twenty-one years of age, he was almost unanimously ejected to a seat in the State Legislature. He connected himself with the Demo- cr;itic party, and warmly advocated the measures of lefferson and Madison. For five successive years he \vi;s elected to the Legislature, receiving nearly the unanimous vote or his county. When but twenty-six years of age, he was elected a niemiier of Congress. Here he acted earnestly and ably with ihe Democratic party, opposing a national bank, inu-nal improvements by the General 'Govern- ment, a protective tariff, and advocatmg a strict con- struction of the Constitution, and the most careful vigilance over State rights. His labors in Congress were so arduous that before the close of his second term he found it necessary to resign and retire to his estate in Charles-city Co., to recruit his health. He, however, soon after consented to take his seat in the State Legislature, where his influence was powerful in promoting public works of great utility. VVith a reputation thus canstantly increasing, he was chosen by a very large majority of votes, Governor of his native State. His administration was signally a suc- cessful one. His popularity secured his re-election. John Randolph, a brilliant, erratic, half-crazed man, then represented Virginia in the Senate of the United States, k portion of the Democratic party was displeased with Mr. Randolph's wayward course, and brought forward John Tyler as his op|X)nenf, considering him the only man in Virginia of sufficient popularity to succeed against the renowned orator of Roanoke. Mr. Tyler was the victor. In accordance with his professions, upon taking his seat in the Senate, he joined the ranks of the opposi- tion. He opposed the tariff"; he spoke against and voted against the bank as unconstitutional ; he stren- uously opposed all restrictions upon slavery, resist- ing all projects of internal improvements by the Gen- eral Government, and avowed his sympathy with Mr. Calhoun's view of nullification ; he declared that Gen. Jackson, by his opposition to the nullifiers, had abandoned the principles of the Democratic party. Such was Mr. Tyler's record in Congress, — a record in perfect accordance with the principles which be had always avowed. Returning to Virginia, he resumed the practice of his profession. There was a rplii in the Democratic JOHN TYLER. J arty. His friends still regarded him as a true Jef- ieisonian, gave him a dinner, and showered compli- ments upon him. He had now attained the age of forty-six. His career had been very brilliant. In con- sequence of his devotion to public business, his pri- vate affairs had fallen into some disorder; and it was not without satisfaction that he resumed the practice of law, and devoted himself to the culture of his plan- tation. Soon after this he removed to Williamsburg, for the better education of his children ; and he again look his seat in the Legislature of Virginia. By the Southern Whigs, he was sent to the national convention at Harrisburg to nominate a President in 7839. The maioritv of votes were given to Gen. Har- rison, a genuine Whig, much to the disappointment of the South, who wished for Henry Clay. To concili- ate the Southern Whigs and to secure their vote, the convention then nominated John Tyler for Vice Pres- ident. It was well known that he was not in sympa- thy with the Whig party in the Noith: but the Vice President has but very little power in the Govern- ment, his main and almost only duty being to pre- side over the meetings of the Senate. Thus it hap- pened that a Whig President, and, in reality, a Democratic Vice President were chosen. In 1841, Mr. Tyler was inaugurated Vice Presi- dent of the United States. In one short month from that time, President Harrison died, and Mr. Tyler thus -:und himself, to his own surprise and that of the whole Nation, an occupant of the Presidential chair. This was a new test of the stability of our institutions, as it was the first time in the history of our country that such an event had occured. Mr. Tyler was at home in Williamsburg when he received the une.xpected tidings of the death of President Harri- son. He hastened to Washington, and on the 6th of A;"ril v/as inaugurated to the high and responsible office. He was placed in a position of exceeding delicacy and difficulty. All his long life he had been opposed tc the main principles of the party which had brought him into power. He had ever been a con- sistent, honL:t man, with an unblemished record. Gen. Harrison had selected a Whig cabinet. Should he retain them, and thus surround himself with coun- sellors whose views were antagonistic to his own.' or, on the other hand, should he turn against the party which had elected him and select a cabinet in har- nr.ony with himself, and which would oppose all those views which the Whigs deemed essential to the pub- lic welfare? This was his fearful dilemma. He in- vited the cabinet which President Hanrison had selected to retain their seats. He reccomm-nded a day of fasting and prayer, that God would guide and bless us. The Whigs carried through Congress a bill for the incor[X)ration of a fiscal bank of the United States. The President, after ten days' delay, returned it with his veto. He suaeested, however, that he would approve of a bill drawn up upon such a plan as he proposed. Such a bill was accordingly prepared, and privately submitted to him. He gave it his approval. It ",vas passed without alteration, and he sent it back with his veto. Here commenced the open rupture. It is said that Mr. Tyler was provoked to this meas- ure by a published letter from the Hon. John M. Botts, a distinguished Virginia Whig, who severely touched the pride of the President. The opposition now exultingly received the Presi- dent into their arms. The party which elected him denounced him bitterl)-. All the members of his cabinet, e.xcepting Mr. Webster, resigned. The Whigs of Congress, both the Senate and the House, held a meeting and issued an address to the people of the United States, proclaiming tliat all political alliance between the Whigs and President Tyler were at an end. Still the President attempted to conciliate. He appointed a new cabinet of distinguished Whigs and Conservatives, carefully leaving out all strong party men. Mr. Webster soon found it necessary to resign, forced out by the pressure of his Whig friends. Thus the four years of Mr. Tyler's unfortunate administra- tion passed sadly away. iVo one was satisfied. The land was filled with murmurs and vituperation. Whigs and Democrats alike assailed him. More and more, however, he brought himself into sympathy with his old friends, the Democrats, until at the close of his term, he gave his whole influence to the support of Mr. Polk, the Democratic candidate for his successor. On the 4th of March, 1845, he retired from the harassments of office, to the regret of neither party, and probably to his own unspeakable relief. His first wife. Miss Letitia Christian, died in Washington, in 1842; and in June, 1844, President Tyler was again married, at New York, to Miss Julia (lardiner, a young lady of many personal and intellectual accomplishments. The remainder of his days Mr. Tyler passed mainly in retirement at his beautiful home, — Sherwood For- est, Charles-city Co., Va. A polished gentleman in his manners, richly furnished with information from books and experience in the world, and possessing brilliant powers of conversation, his family circle was the scene of unusual attractions. With sufficient means for the exercise of a generous hospitality, he might have enjoyed a serene old age with the few friends who gathered around him, were it not for the storms of civil war which his own principles and policy had helped to introduce. When the great Rebellion rose, which the State- rights and nullifying doctrines of Mr. John C. Ca\- houn had inaugurated, President Tyler renounced his allegiance to the United States, and joined the Confed- erates. He was chosen a member of their Congress; and while engaged in active measures to destroy, b" force of arms, the Government over which he had once presided, he was taken sick and soon died. ^.s^ ELEVENTH PRESIDENT. 59 AMES K. POLK, the eleventh |LPresident of the United States, was born in Mecklenburg Co., N. C.,Nov. 2, 1795. His par- ents were Samuel and Jane (Knox) Polk, the former a son of Col. Thomas Polk, who located at the above place, as one of the first pioneers, in 1735. In the )'ear i3o6, with his wife and children, and soon after fol- lowed by most of the members of the Polk famly, Samuel Polk emi- grated some two or three hundred miles farther west, to the rich valley of the Duck River. Here in the midst of the wilderness, in a region which was subsequently called Mau- ry Co., they reared their log huts, and established their homes. In the hard toil of a new farm in the wil- derness, James K. Polk spent the early years of his childhood and youth. His father, adding the pur- suit cf a surveyor to that of a farmer, gradually increased in wealth until he became one of the leading men of the region. His mother was a superior woman, of strong common sense and earnest piety. Very early in life, James developed a taste for reading and expressed the strongest desire to obtain a liberal education. His mother's training had made liim methodical in his habits, had taught him punct- uality and industry, and had inspired him with lofty principles of morality. His health was frail ; and his £ather, fearing that he migiit not be able to endure a sedentary life, got a situation for him behind the counter, hoping to fit him for commercial pursuits. This was to James a bitter disappointment. He had no taste for these duties, and his daily tasks were irksome in the extreme. He remained in this uncongenial occupation but a few weeks, when at his earnest solicitation his father removed hiwi, and made arrangements for him to prosecute his studies. Soon after he sent him to Murfreesboro Academy. With ardor which could scarcely be surpassed, he pressed forward in his studies, and in less than two and a half years, in the autumn of 1815, entered the sophomore class in the University of North Carolina, at Chapel' Hill. Here he was one of the most exemplary of scholars, punctual in every exercise, never allowing himself to be absent from a recitation or a religious service. He graduated in 1818, with the highest honors, be- ing deemed the best scholar of his class, both in mathematics and the classics. He was then twenty- three years of age. Mr. Polk's health was at this time much impaired by the assiduity with which he had prosecuted his studies. After a short season of relaxation he went to Nashville, and entered the office of Felix Grundy, to study law. Here Mr. Polk renewed his acquaintance with Andrew Jackson, who resided on his plantation, the Hermitage, but a few miles from Nashville. They had probably been slightly acquainted before. Mr. Polk's father was a Jeffersonian Republican, and James K. Polk ever adliered to the same politi- cal faith. He was a popular public speaker, and was constantly called upon to address the meetings of his party friends. His skill as a speaker was such that he was popularly called the Napoleon of the stump. He was a man of unblemished morals, genial and 6o /AMES K. POLK. courterus in his bearing, and with that sympathetic nature in the jo) s and gnefs of others which ever gave him troops of friends. In 1823, Mr. Polk was elected to the Legislature of Tennessee. Here he gave his strong intluence towards the election of his friend, Mr. Jackso:i, to the Presidency of the United States. In January, 1824, Mr. Polk married Miss Sarah Childress, of Rutherford Co., Tenn. His bride was altogether worthy of him, — a lady of beauty and cul- ture. In the fall of 1825, Mr. Polk was chosen a member of Congress. The satisfaction which he gave to his constituents may be inferred from the fact, that for fourteen successive years, until 1839, he was con- tinuec in that office. He then voluntarily withdrew, only that he might accept the Gubernatorial chair of Tennessee. In Congress he was a laborious member, a frequent and a po[)ular speaker. He was alwoys in his seat, always courteous; and whenever he spoke it was always to the point, and without any ambitious rhetorical display. During five sessions of Congress, Mr. Polk was Speaker of the House Strong passions were roused, and stormy scenes were witnessed ; but Mr Polk per- formed his arduous duties to a very general satisfac- tion, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him was passed by the House as he withdrew on the 4th of March, 1839. In accordance with Southern usage, Mr. Polk, as a candidate for Governor, canvassed the State. He was elected by a large majority, and on the 14th of Octo- ber, 1839, took the oath of office at Nashville. Ini84i, his term of office expired, and he was again the can- didate of the Democratic party, but was defeated. On the 4th of March, 1845, Mr. Polk was inaugur- ated President of the United States. The verdict of the country in favor of the annexalionof Texas, exerted its influence upon Congress ; and the last act of the administration of President Tyler was to affix his sig- nature to a joint resolution of Congress, passed on the 3d of March, approving of the annexation of Texas to the American Union. As Mexico still claimed Texas as one of her provinces, the Mexican minister, Almonte, immediately demanded his passports and left the country, declaring the act of the annexation to be an act hostile to Mexico. In his first message. President Polk urged that Texas should immediately, by act of Congress, be re- ceived into the Union on the same footing with the other States. In the meantime, Gen. Taylor was sent with an army into Texas to hold the country. He was sent first to Nueces, which the Mexicans said wis the western boundary of Texas. Then he was sent .nearly two hundred miles further west, to the Rio Grande, where he erected batteries which commanded the Mexican city of Matamoras, which was situated on the western banks. The anticipated collision soon took place, and wai was declared against Mexico by President Polk. The war was pushed forward by Mr. Polk's administration with great vigor. Gen. Taylor, whose army was first called one of "observation," then of "occupation,' thenof" invasion, "was sent forward to Monterey. The feeble Mexicans, in every encounter, were hopelessly and awfully slaughtered. The day of judgement alone can reveal the misery which this war caused. It v/as by the ingenuity of Mr. Polk's administration that the war was brought on. 'To the victors belong the spoils." Mexico was prostrate before us. Her capital was in our hands. We now consented to peace upon the condition that Mexico should surrender to us, in addition to Texas, all of New Mexico, and all of Upper and Lower Cal- ifornia. This new demand embraced, exclusive of Texas, eight hundred thousand square miles. This was an extent of territory equal to nine States of the size of New York. Thus slavery was securing eighteen majestic States to be added to the Union. There were some Americans who thought it all right: there were others who thought it all wrong. In the prosecution of this war, we expended twentv thousand lives and more than a hundred million of dollars. Of this money fifteen millions were paid to Mexico. On the 3d of March, 1849, Mr. Polk retired from office, having served one term. The next day was Sunday. On the 5th, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated as his successor. Mr Polk rode to the Capitol in tlie same carriage with Gen. Taylor; and the same even- ing, with Mrs. Polk, he commenced his return to Tennessee. He was then but fifty-four years of age. He had ever been strictly temperate in all his habits, and his health was good. With an ample fortune, a choice library, a cultivated mind, and domestic ties of the dearest nature, it seemed as though long years of tranquility and happiness were before him. But the cholera — that fearful scourge — was then sweeping up the Valley of the Mississippi. This he contracted, and died on the 15th of June, 1849, in the fiftv-fourth year of his age, greatly mourned by his countrymen. '7.ci.c>/i^:^c.-:>^/[^^^^ , TWELFTH PRESIDENT. 63 i -1C^V.V.j ? l^'■^•^^ ACHARY TAYLOR, twelfth President of the United States, -^<*\vas born on the 24lh of Nov., 1784, in Orange Co., Va. His 2io father, Colonel Taylor, was S^J^tJ-S'W^Jy'^ a Virginian of note, and a dis- tinguished patriot and soldier of the Revolution. When Zachary was an infant, his father with his wife and two children, emigrated to Kentucky, where he settled in the pathless wilderness, a few miles from Louisville. In this front- ier home, away from civilization and all its refinements, young Zachary could enjoy but few social and educational advan- tages. When six years of age he attended a common school, and was then regarded as a bright, active boy, rather remarkable for bbintness and decision of char- acter He was strong, feailess and self-reliant, and manifested a strong desire to enter tlie army to fight the Lidians who were ravaging the frontiers. There is little to l)e recorded of the uneventful years of his childhood o;i his father's large but lonely plantation. In 1808, his father succeeded in obtaining for him the commission of lieutenant in the United States army ; and he joined the troops which were stationed at New Orleans under Gen. Wilkinson. Soon after this he married Miss Margaret Smith, a young lady from one of the first families of Maryland. Immediately after the declaration of war with Eng- land, in i8i2, Capt. Taylor (for he had then been promoted to that rank) was put in command of Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, about fifty miles above Vincennes. This fort had been built in the wilder- ness by Gen. Harrison, on his march to Tippecanoe. It was one of the first points of attack by the Indians, led by Tecumseh. Its garrison consisted of a broken company of inf;xntry numbering fifty men, many of whom were sick. Early in the autumn of 1812, the Indians, stealthily, and in large numbers, moved uixin the fort. Their approach was first indicated by the murder of two soldiers just outside of the stockade. Capt. Taylor made every possible preparation to meet the antici- pated assault. On the 4th of September, a band of forty painted and plumed savages came to the fort, waving a white flag, and informed Capt. Taylor that in the morning their chief would come to have a talk with him. It was evident that their object was merely to ascertain the state of things at the fort, and Capt. Taylor, well versed in the wiles of the savages, kept them at a distance. The sun went down; the savages disappeared, the garrison slept upon their arms. One hour before midnight the war whooi) burst from a thousand lips in the forest around, followed by the discharge of musketry, and the rush of the foe. Every man, sick and well, sprang to his post. Every man knew that defeat was not merely death, but in the case of cap- ture, death by the most agonizing and prolonged tor- ture. No pen can describe, no immagination can conceive the scenes which ensued. Tiie savages suc- ceeded in setting fire to one of the block -houses- Until six o'clock in the morning, this awful conflict continued. The savages then, baffled at every point, and gnashing their teeth with rage, retired. Capt. Taylor, for this gallant defence, was promoted to the rank of major by brevet. Until the close of the war, MajorTaylor was placed in such situations that he saw but little more of active service. He was sent far away into the depths of the wilderness, to Fort Crawford, on Fox River, which empties into Green Bay. Here there was but little to be done but to wear away the tedious hours as one best could. There were no books, no society, no in- 04 ZACHARY TAYLOR. tellectual stimulus. Thus with him the uneventful years rolled on Gradually he rose to the rank of colonel. In the Black-Hawk war, which resulted in the capture of that renowned chieftain, Col Taylor took a subordinate but a brave and efficient part. For twenty-four years Col. Taylor was engaged in ;the defence of the frontiers, in scenes so remote, and m 'employments so obscure, that his name was unknown beyond the limits of his own immediate acquaintance. In the year 1836, he was seat to Florida to compel the Seminole Indians to vacate that region and re- tire beyond the Mississippi, as their chiefs by treaty, iiac' promised they should do. The services rendered he.c secured for Col. Taylor the high appreciation of the Government; and as a reward, he was elevated tc .he rank of brigadier-general by brevet ; and soon after, in May, 1838, was appointed to the chief com- mand of the United States troops in Florida. After two years of svich wearisome employment riHiidst the everglades of the peninsula. Gen. 'Faylor obtained, at his own request, a change of command, r.nd was stationed over the Department of the South- west. This field embraced Louisiana, Mississijipi, Alabama and Georgia. Establishing his headquarters at Fort Jessup, in Louisiana, he removed his family to a plantation which he purchased, near Baton Rogue. Here he remained for five years, buried, as it were, from the world, but faithfully discharging every duty imixjsed ujxin him. In 1846, Gen. Taylor was sent to guard the land between the Nueces and Rio Grande, the latter river being the boundary of Texas, which was then claimed .by the United States. Soon the war with Mexico was brought on, and at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Gen. Taylor won brilliant victories over the Mexicans. The rank of major-general by brevet was then conferred upon Gen. Taylor, and his name Was received with enthusiasm almost everywhere in the Nation. Then came the battles of Monterey and Buena Vista in which he won signal victories over forces much larger than he commanded. His careless habits of dress and his unaffected ■simplicity, secured for Gen. Taylor among his troops, \\\^ sobriquet of "Old Rough and Ready.' Tiie tidings of the brilliant victory of Buena Vista .-pread the wildest enthusiasm over the country. The name of Gen. Taylor was on every one's lips. The Whig party decided to take advantage of this wonder- ful popularity in bringing forward the unpolished, un- ■ "•■ed, honest soldier as their candidate for the I'residency. Gen. Taylor was astonished at the an- nouncement, and for a time would not listen to it; de- claring that he was not at all qualified for such an offtce. So little interest had he taken in politics that, for forty years, he had not cast a vote. It was not without chagrin that several distinguished statesmen who had lieen long years m the ])ublic service found '\.z\x claims set aside in behalf of one whose name had never been heard of, save in connection with Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista. It is said that Daniel Webster, in his haste re- marked, " It is a nomination not fit to be made." Gen. Taylor was not an eloquent speaker nor a fine writer His friends took possession of him, and pre- pared such few communications as it was needful should be presented to the public. The popularity of the successful warrior swept the land. He was tri- umphantly elected over two opposing candidates, — Gen. Cass and Ex-President Martin Van Buren. Thougli he selected an excellent cabinet, the good old man found himself in a very uncongenial position, and was, at times, sorely perplexed and harassed. His mental sufferings were very severe, and probably tended to hasten his death. The pro-slavery party was pushing its claims with tireless energy , expedi- tions were fitting out to capture Cuba ; California was pleading for admission to the Union, while slavery stood at the door to bar her out. Gen. Taylor found the political conflicts in Washington to be far more trying to the nerves than battles with Mexicans or Indians In the midst of all these troubles. Gen. Taylor, after he had occupied the Presidential chair but little over a year, took cold, and after a brief sickness of but little over five days, died on the 9th of July, 1850. His last words were, " I am not afraid to die. I am ready. I have endeavored to do my duty." He died universally respected and beloved. An honest, un- pretending man, he had been steadily growing in the affections of the people ; and the Nation bitterly la- mented his death. Gen. Scott, who was thoroughly acquainted with Gen. Taylor, gave the following graphic and truthful description of his character: — " With a good store of common sense, Gen. Taylor's mind had not been en- larged and refreshed by reading, or much converse with the world. Rigidity of ideas was the conse- quence. The frontiers and small military posts had been his home. Hence he was quite ignorant for his rank, and quite bigoted in his ignorance. His sim- plicity was child-like, and with innumerable preju- dices, amusing and incorrigible, well suited to the tender age. Thus, if a man, however respectable, chanced to wear a coat of an unusual color, or his hat a little on one side of his head; or an officer to leave a corner of his handkerchief dangling from an out* side pocket, — in any such case, this critic held the offi.'nder to be a coxcomb (perhaps something worse), whom he would not, to use his oft repeated phrase, ' touch with a pair of tongs.' "Any allusion to literature beyond good old Dil- worth's spelling-book, on the part of one wearing a sword, was evidence, with the same judge, of utter unfitness for heavy marchings and combats. Inshor* few men have ever had a more comfortarAe. '-'>^'^t. saving contempt for learning of every kind.' J^ i/s ^ f^^^-t^^-T^xru) thirteejsTth president. 67 'Hi ■MILLflRn FILLMnHE. -e-^ 4^ ILLARD FILLMORE, thir- ^ teentli President of the United States, was born at Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., N. Y ., on the 7th of January, 1800. His '^'^ father was a farmer, and ow- ing to misfortune, in haml)le cir- cumstances. Of his mother, the daughter of Dr. Abiathar Millard, of Pittsfield, Mass., it has been said tliat she [xjssessed an intellect of very high order, united with much personal loveliness, sweetness of dis- position, graceful manners and ex- quisite sensibilities. She died in 1831 ; having lived to see her son a ' young man of distinguished prom- ise, though she was not permitted to witness the high dignity which he finally attained. In consequence of the secluded home and limited raeans of his father, Millard enjoyed liut slender ad- vantages for education in his early years. The com- mon schools, which he occasionally attended were very imperfect institutions; and books were scarce and expensive. There was nothing then in his char- acter to indicate the brilliant career upon which he was about to enter. He was a plain farmer's boy; intelligent, good-looking, kind-hearted. The sacred influences of home had taught him to revere the Bible, and had laid the foundations of an upright character. When fourteen years of age, his father sent him some hundred miles from home, to the then wilds of Livingston County, to learn the trade of a clothier. Neav the mill there was a small villiage, where some enterprising man had commenced the collection of a village library. Tliis proved an inestimable blessing to young Fillmore. His evenings were spent in read- ing. Soon every leisure moment was occupied with books. His thirst for knowledge became insatiate and the selections which he made were continually more elevating and instructive. He read history, biography, oratory , and thus gradually there was en- kindled in his heart a desire to be something more than a mere worker with his hands; and he was be- coming, almost unknown to himself, a well-informed, educated man. The young clothier had now attained the age of nineteen years, and was of fine personal appearance and of gentlemanly demeanor. It so happened tha'. there was a gentleman in the neighborhood of ample pecuniary means and of benevolence, — Judge Walter Wood, — who was struck with the prepossessing an- pearance of young Fillmore. He made his acquaint- ance, and was so much impressed with his ability and attainments that he advised him to abandon his trade and devote himself to the study of the law. The young man replied, that he had no means of his own, r.o friends to help him and that his previous educa- tion had been very imperfect. But Judge Wood had so much confidence in him that he kindly offered to take him into his own office, and to loan him such money as he needed. Most gratefully the generous offer was accepted. There is in many minds a strange delusion about a collegiate education. A young man is supposed to be liberally educated if he has graduated at some col- lege. But many a boy loiters through university hal' ■ ind then enters a law office, who is by no means as 06 MILLARD FILLMORE. well prepared to prosecute his legal studies as was Millard Fillmore when he graduated at the clothing- mill at the end of four years of manual labor, during which every leisure moment had been devoted to in- tense mental culture. In 1S23, when twenty-three years of age, he v/as admitted to the Court of Common Pleas. He then went to the village of Aurora, and commenced the practice of law. In this secluded, peaceful region, his practice of course was limited, and there was no opportunity for a sudden rise in foitune or in fame. Here, in the year 1826, he married a lady of great moral worth, and one capable of adorning any station she might be called to fill, — Miss Abigail Powers. His elevation of character, his untiring industry, his legal acquirements, and his skill as an advocate, gradually attracted attention ; and he was invited to enter into partnership under highly advantageous circumstances, with an elder member of the bar in Piuffalo. Just before removing to Buffalo, in 1829, he took his seat in the House of Assembly, of the State of New York, as a representative from Erie County. Though he'had never taken a very active part in politics, his vote and his sympathies were with the Whig party. The State was then Democratic, and he found himself in a helpless minority in the Legislature , still the testimony comes from all parties, that his courtesy, ability and integrity, won, to a very unusual degn e the respect of his associates. In the autumn of 1832, he was elected to a seat in the United States Congress He entered that troubled arena in some of the most tumultuous hours of our national history. The great conflict respecting the national bank and the removal of the deposits, was then raging. His term of two years closed ; and he returned to his profession, which he pursued with increasing rep- utation and success. After a lapse of two years he again became a candidate for Congress ; was re- elected, and took his seat in 1837. His past expe- rience as a representative gave hmi sttength and confidence. The first term of service in Congress to any man can be but little more than an introduction. He was now prepared for active duty. All his ener- gies were brought to bear w\x>n the public good. Every measure received his impress. Mr. Fillmore was now a man of wide repute, and his popularity filled the State, and in the year 1847, he was elected Comptroller of the State. Mr. Fillmore had attained the age of forty-seven years. His labors at the bar, in the Legislature, in Congress and as Comptroller, had given him very con- siderable fame. The Whigs were casting about to find suitable candidates for President and Vice-Presi- dent at the approaching election. Far away, on the waters of the Rio Grande, there was a rough old soldier, who had fought one or two successful battles with the Mexicans, which had caused his name to be proclaimed in tiumpet-tones all over the land. But it was necessary to associate with him on the same ticket some man of reputation as a statesman. Under the influence of tliese considerations, tlie namesof Zachary Taylor ar.d Millard Fillmore became the rallying-cry of tjie Whigs, as their candidates fur President and Vice-Peesident. The Whig ticket was signally triumphant. On tlie 4th of March, 1849, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated President, and Millard Fillmore Vice-President, of the United States. On the 9th of July, 1850, President Taylor, but about one year and lour mcnths after his inauguia tion, was suddenly taken sick and died. By the Con- stitution, Vice-President Fillmore thus became Presi- dent. He appointed a very able cabinet, of which the illustrious Daniel Webster was Secretary of State. Mr. Fillniore had very serious difficulties to contend with, since the opiwsition had a majority in both Houses. He did everything in his power tocontiliate the South; but the pro-slavery party in the South felt the inadequacy of all measuresof transient conciliation. The population of the free States was so rapidly in- creasing over that of the slave States that it was in- evitable that the power of the Government sliould soon pass into the hands of the free States. The famous compromise measures were adopted under Mr. Fillmcre's adminstration, and the Japan Expedition was sent out. On the 4th of March, 1853, Mr, Fill- more, liaving served one term, retired. In 1856, Mr. Fillmore was nominated for the Pres- idency by the " Know Nothing " party, but was beaten by Mr. Buchanan. After that Mr. Fillmore lived in retirement. During the terrible conflict of civil war, he was mostly silent. It was generally supposed iha* his sympathies were rather with those who were en- deavoring to overthrow our instUutions. President Fillmore kept aloof from the conflict, without any cordial words of cheer to the one party or the other. He was thus forgotten by both. He lived to a ri])e old age, and died in Buffalo. N. Y., March 8, 1874. FOURTEENTH PRESIDENT. 71 (is\ ''-■*\ \ ?',:!*- -iiOT „„. ». , TI TT Tr mr TT' T Tmr Tt ■w-wt -rx -w-i -*-t u ._ ..„-'?': (■^i ' ^i- FRANKLIN FIEHEE. 3<: g^'^^'^y''y'--^-"-"t^-^^^ SI =S.p??C«'»*^' S5«— '"^irtrti :p^( RANKLIN PIERCE, the m ibiirteenth President of the Jr United States, was born in Hillsborough, N. H., Nov. 23, 1804. His father was a Revolutionary soldier, who, with his own strong arm, hewed out a home in the wilderness. He was a man of inflexible integrity; of strong, though uncultivated mind, and an uncompromis- ing Democrat. The mother of Franklin Pierce was all that a son could desire, — an intelligent, pru- dent, affectionate, Cliristian wom- an. Franklin was the sixtli of eight children. Franklin was a very bright and handsome boy, gen- erous, warm-hearted and brave. He won alike the love of old and young. The boys on the play ground loved him. His teachers loved him. The neighbors looked upon him with pride and affection. He was by instinct a gentleman; always speaking kind words, doing kind deeds, with a peculiar unstudied tact which taught him what was agreeable. Without de- veloping any precocity of genius, or any unnatural devotion to books, he was a good scholar ; in body, in mind, in affections, a finely-developed boy. When sixteen years of age, in the year 1820, he entered Bowdoin College, at Brunswick, Me He was one of the most popular young men in the college. The purity cf his moral character, the unvarying courtesy of his demeanor, his rank as a scholar, and genial nature, rendered him a universal favorite. There was something very peculiarly winning in his address, and it was evidently not in the slightest de- gree studied: it was the simple outgushing of his own magnanimous and loving nature. Upon graduating, ill the year 1824, Franklin Pierce commenced the study of law in the office of Judge Woodbury, one of the most distinguished lawyers of the State, and a man of great private worth. The eminent social qualities of the young lawyer, his father's prominence as a public man, and the brilliant political career into which Judge Woodbury was en- tering, all tended to entice Mr. Pierce into the faci- nating yet perilous path of political life. With all the ardor of his nature he esiioused the cause of Gen. Jackson for the Presidency. He commenced the practice of law in Hillsborough, and was soon elected to represent the town in the State Legislature. Here he served for four yeais. The last two years he was chosen speaker of the house by a very large vote. In 1833, at the age of twenty-nine, he was elected a member of Congress. Without taking an active part in debates, he was faithful and laborious in duty and ever rising in the estimation of those with whom he was associatad. In 1837, being then but thirty-three years of age, he was elected to the Senate of the United States; taking his seat just as Mr. Van Buren commenced his administration. He was the youngest member in the Senate. In the year 1834. he married Miss Jane Means Appleton, a lady of rare beauty and accom- plishments, and one admirably fitted to adorn every station with which her husband was honoied, Of the 72 FRANKLIN FIERCE. three sons who were born to them, all now sleep with their parents in the grave. In the year 1838, Mr. Pierce, with growing fame and increasing business as a lawyer, took up his residence in Concord, the capital of New Hampshire. President Polk, upon his accession to office, appointed Mr. Pierce attorney-general of the United States; but the offer was declined, in consequence of numerous professional engagements at home, and the precariuos state of Mrs. Pierce's health. He also, about the same time declined the nomination for governor by the Democratic party. The war with Mexico called Mr. Pierce in the army. Receiving the appointment of brigadier-general, he embarked, with a portion of his troops, at Newport, R. I., on the 27th of May, 1847. He took an important part in this war, proving him- self a brave and true soldier. When Gen. Pierce reached his home in his native State, he was received enthusiastically by the advo- cates of the Mexican war, and coldly by his oppo- nents. He resumed the practice of his profession, very frequently taking an active part in political ques- tions, giving his cordial support to the pro-slavery wing of the Democratic party. The compromise measures met cordially with his approval ; and he strenuously advocated the enforcement of the infa- mous fugitive-slave law, which so shocked the religious sensibilities of llie North. He thus became distin- guished as a " Northern man with Southern principles.'' The strong partisans of slavery in the South conse- quently regarded him as a man whom they could safely trust in office to carry out their plans. On the I 2th of June, 1852, the Democratic conven- tion met in Baltimore to nominate a candidate for the Presidency. For four days they continued in session, =nd in thirty-five ballotings no one had obtained a two-thirds vote. Not a vote thus far had been thrown for Gen. Pierce. Then the Virginia delegation brought forward his name. There were fourteen more ballotings, during which Gen. Pierce constantly gained strength, until, at the forty-ninth ballot, he received two hundred and eighty-two votes, and all other candidates eleven. Gen. Winfield Scott was the Whig candidate. Gen. Pierce was chosen with great unanimity. Only four States — Vermont, Mas- sachusetts, Kentucky and Tennessee — cast their electoral votes against him Gen. Franklin Pieice was therefore inaugurated President of the United States on the 4th of March, 1853. His administration proved one of the most stormy our country had ever experienced. The controversy ije tween slavery and freedom was then approaching its culminating point Ii became evident that there was an " irrepressible conflict" between them, and that this Nation could not long exist " half slave and half free." President Pierce, during the whole of his ad- ministration, did every thing he could to conciliate the South ; but it was all in vain. The conflict every year grew more violent, and threats of the dissolution of the Union were borne to the North on every South- ern breeze. Such was the condition of affairs when President Pierce approached the close of his four-years' term of office. The North had become thoroughly edien- ated from him. The anti-slavery sentiment, goaded by great outrages, had been rapidly increasing; ;ill the intellectual ability and social worth of President Pierce were forgotten in deep repreliension of his ad- ministrative acts. The slaveholders of the Soutli, also, unmindful of the fidelity with whicli he had advo- cated those measures of Government winch they ap- proved, and perhaps, ' also, feeling that he had rendered himself so unpopular as no longer to be able accejJtably to serve them, ungratefully drop[)ed him, and nominated James Buchanan to succeed liim. On the 4th of March, 1857, President Pierce re- tired to his home in Concord. Of three children, two had died, and his only surviving child had been killed before his eyes by a railroad accident , and b.is wife, one of the most estimable ajid accomplished of ladies, was rapidly sinking in consumption. The hour of dreadful gloom soon came, and he was left alone in the world, without wife or child. When the terrible Reljellion burst forth, which di- vided our country into two parties, and two only, Mr. Pierce remained steadfast in the principles which he had always cherished, and gave his sympathies to that pro-slavery party with which he had ever been allied. He declined to do anything, either by voite or pen, to strengthen the hand of the National Gov- ernment. He continued to reside in Concord until the time of his death, which occurred in Oclol er, 1869. He was one of the most genial and social ol men, an honored communicant of tlie Episcopal Church, and one of the kindest of neighbors. Gen erous to a fault, he conttibuted liberally for the al- leviation of suffering and want, and many of his lowrs people were often gladened by his material bounty. I Zlyy7z.^J a-^ur- /i^ly?7.€^^^'?/y I»» I .^r^^i^-3J>^:g^.^^^■t^l^Ss'l;^^as;^(!^ljS^rg3^^^li5^^l•^^'V'^^i^'g^^^'^ 'n>^^mi^^l;iVm^^mfmi^m^'^^^=^'^?^^mi^^^^^i^^^^^^^^ ^m «< « c •-< J»^- AMES BUCHANAN, the fif- jteenth President of the United States, was born in a small frontier town, at the foot of the .^^ eastern ridge of the Allegha- nies, in Franklin Co., Penn.,on the 23d of April, 179:. The place where the humble cabin of his lather st' od was called Stony « Batter. It was a wild and ro- mantic spot in a gorge of the moun- tains, with towering summits rising grandly all around. His father was a native of the north of Ireland ; a poor man, who had emigrated in 1783, with little property save his own strong arms. Five years afterwards he married Elizabeth Spear, the daughter of a respectable farmer, and, with his young bride, plun:ied into the wilder- ness, staked his claim, reared his log-hut, opened a clearing with his axe, and settled down there to per- form his obscure part in the drama of life. In this se- cluded home, where James was born, he remained for eight years, enjoying but few social or intellectual advantages. When James was eight years of age, his father removed to the village of iVIercersburg, where his son was placed at school, and commenced a course of study in English, Latin and Greek. His progress was rapid and at the age of fourteen, he entered Dickmson College, at Carlisle. Here he de- veloped reniarkalMe talent, and took his stand among the fir>it scholars in the institution. His application 'to study was intense, and yet his native powers en- abled him to master the most abstruse subjects wi '- facility. In the year 1809, he graduated with the highest honors of his clas:.. He was then eighteen years of age; tall and graceful, vigorous in health, fond of athletic sport, an unerring shot, and enlivened with an exuberant flow of animal spirits. He immediately commenced the study of law in the city of Lancaster, and was admitted to the bar in 1812, when he was but twenty-one years of age. Very rapidly he rose in his profession, and at once took undisjjuted stand with the ablest lawyers of the State. When but twenty-six years of age, unaided by counsel, he suc- cessfully defended before the State Senate ore of the judges of the State, who was tried upon articles of impeachment. At the age of thirty it was generally admitted that he stood at the head of the bar; and there was no lawyer in the State who had a more lu- crative practice. In 1820, he reluctantly consented to run as a candidate for Congress. He was elected, and foi ten years he remained a member of the Lower House. During the vacations of Congress, he occasionally tried some imix)rtant case. In 1S31, he retired altogether from the toils of his profession, having ac- quired an ample fortune. Gen. Jackson, upon his elevation to the Presidency, appointed Mr. Buchanan minister to Russia. The duties of his mission he performed with ability, which gave satisfaction to all parties. Upon his return, in r 833, he was elected to a seat in the United States Senate. He there met, as his associates, Webster. Clay, \Vright and Calhoun. He advocated tl-ie meas- ures proposed by President Jackson, of ra itiiig repn- 76 JAMES BUCHANAN. sals against France, to enforce the payment of our claims against that country ; and defended the course of the President in his unprecedented and wholesale removal from office of those who were not the sup- porters of his administration. Upon this question he Was brought into direct collision with Henry Clay. He also, with voice and vote, advocated expunging from tire journal of the Senate the vote of censure against Gen. Jackson for removing the deposits. Earnestly he opposed the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and urged the prohibition of the circulation of anti-slavery documents by the United States mails. As to petitions on the subject of slavery, he advo- cated that they should be respectfully received; and that the reply should be returned, that Congress had no power to legislate upon the subject. " Congress," said he, " might as well undertake to interfere with slavery under a foreign government as in any of the States where it now exists." Upon Mr. Polk's accession to the Presidency, Mr. Buchanan became Secretary of State, and as such, took his share of the responsibility in the conduct of the Mexican War. Mr. Polk assumed that crossing the Nueces by the American troops into the disputed territory was not wrong, but for the Mexicans to cross the Rio Crande into that territory was a declaration of war. No candid man can read with pleasure the account of the course our Government pursued in that movement Mr. Buchanan identified himself thoroughly with the party devoted to the pi'rpetuation and extension of slavery, and brought all the energies of his mind to bear against the Wilmot Proviso. He gave his cordial approval to the compromise measures of 1050, which included the fugitive-slave law. Mr. Pierce, upon his election to the Presidency, honored Mr. Buchanan with tlie mission to England. In the year 1856, a national Democratic conven- tion nominated Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency. The political conflict was one of the most severe in which our country has ever engaged. All the friends of slavery were on one side ; all the advocates of its re- striction and final abolition, on the other. Mr. Fre- mont, the candidate of the enemies of slavery, re- •eived 114 electoral votes. Mr. Buchanan received 174, and was elected. The popular vote stood t, 340, 618, for Fremont, 1,224,750 for Buchanan. On March 4th, 1857, Mr. Buchanan was inaugurated. Mr. Buchanan was far advanced in life. Only four vears were wanting to fill up his threescore years and ten. His own friends, those with whom he had been allied in political principles and action for years, were seeking the destruction of the Government, that they might rear upon the ruins of our free institutions a nation whose corner-stone should be human slavery. In this emergency, Mr. Buchanan was hopelessly be- wildered He could not, with his long-avowed prin- ciples, consistently oppose the State-rights party in their assumptions. As President of the United States, bound by his oath faithfully to administer the laws he could not, without perjury of the grossest kind, unite with those endeavoring to overthrow the repub- lic. He therefore did nothing. The opponents of Mr. Buchanan's administration nominalcd Abraham Lincoln as their standard bearer in the next Presidential canvass. The pro-slavery party declared, that if he were elected, and ihe con- trol of the Government were thus taken from their hands, they would secede from the Union, taking with them, as they retired, the National Capitol at Washington, and the lion's share of the territory of the United States. Mr. Buchanan's sympathy with the pro-slavery party was such, that he had been willing to ofTerthem far more than they had ventured to claim. All the South had professed to ask of the North was non- intervention upon the subject of slavery. Mr. Bu- chanan had been ready to offer them the active co- operation of the Government to defend and extend the institution. As the storm increased in violence, the slaveholders claiming the right to secede, and Mr. Buchanan avow- ing that Congress had no power to prevent it, one of the most pitiable exhibitions of governmental im- becility was exhibited the world has ever seen. He declared that Congress had no power to enforce its laws in any .State which had withdrawn, or which was attempting to withdraw from the Union. This was not the doctrine of Andrew Jackson, when, with his hand upon his sword hilt, he exclaimed, " The Union must and shall be preserved!" South Carolina seceded in December, i860; nearly three months before the inauguration of President Lincoln. Mr. Buchanan looked on in listless despair. The rebel flag was raised in Charleston : Fort Sumpter was besieged ; our forts, navy-yards and arsenals were seized; our depots of military stoies were plun- dered ; and our custom-houses and post-offices were appropriated by the rebels. The energy of the rebels, and the imbecility of our Executive, were alike marvelous. The Nation looked on in agony, waiting for the slow weeks to glide away, and close the administration, so terrilile in its weak- ness At length the long-looked-for hour of deliver- ance came, when Abraham Lincoln was to receive the scepter. The administration of President Buchanan was certainly the most calamitous our country has ex- perienced. His best friends cannot recall it with ])leasure. And still more deplorable it is for his fame, that in that dreadful conflict which rolled its billows of flame and blood over our whole land, no word came from his lips to indicate his wish that our country's banner should trium|ih over the flag of the rebellion He died at his Wheatland retreat, June i, 1868. I r high position. In February, 186 i, Mr. Lincoln started for Washington, stopping m all the large cities on his way making speeches. The whole journey was froughl with much danger. Many of the Southern States had already seceded, and several attempts at assassination were afterwards brought to light. A gang in Balti- more had arranged, upon his arrival to" get up a row," and in the confusion to make sure of his death with revolvers and hand-grenades. A detective unravelled the plot. A secret and special train was provided ta take him from Harrisburg, through Baltimore, at an unexpected hour of the night. The train started at half-past ten ; and to prevent ai.y possible communi- cation on the part ot the Secessionists with their Con- federate gang in Baltimore, as soon as the train hac started the telegraph-wires were cut. Mr. Lincoln reached Washington in safety and was inaugurated, although great anxiety was felt by all loyal people In the selection of his cabinet Mr. Lincoln gave to Mr. Seward the Department of State, and to other prominent opponents before the convention he gave important positions. During no other administration have the duties devolving upon the President been so manifold, and the responsibilities so great, as those which fell to the lot of President Lincoln. Knowirg this, and feeling his own weakness and inability to meet, and in his own strength to cope with, the difficulties, he learned early to seek Divine wisdom and guidance in determining his plans, and Divine comfort in all his trials, bo'h personal and national Contrary to his own estimate of himself, Mr. Lincoln was one of the most courageous of men. He went directly into the rebel capital just as the retreating foe was leaving, with no guard but a few sailors. From the time he had left Springfield, in 1861, however, plans had been made for his assassination, and he at last fell a victim tooneofthem. Ai^ril 14, 1865, he, with Gen. Grant, was urgently invited to attend Fords' Theater. It was announced that they would Le present. Gen. Grant, however, left the city. President Lincoln, feel- ing, witn his characteristic kindliness of heart, that it would be a disappointment if he should fail them, very reluctantly consented to go. While listening to the play an actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth entered the box where the President and family were seated, and fired a bullet into his brains. He died the next morning at seven o'clock. Never before, in the history of tlie world was a nation plunged into such deep grief by the death of its ruler. Strong men met in the streets and wept in speechless anguish. It is not too much to say that a nation was in tears. His was a life which will fitly become a model. His name as the savior of his country w-:!! live with that of Washington's, ils father; his c^v-ntry- men being unable to decide whii K is tl>e greater. \ >r^!>(_/2^?l-L^- 'y^^^^-:i-oi^f^ SEVENTEENTH PRESIDENT 8j} :S,U O K Sif W I NDREW JOHNSON, seven- teenth President of the United States. The early life of Andrew Johnson contains but the record of poverty, destitu- tion and friendlessness. He was born December 29, 180S, in Raleigh, N. C. His parents, belonging to the class of the "poor whites " of the South, were in such circumstances, that they could not c';nf:r ^.-er. the slight- est advantages of education upon their child. When Andrew was five years of age, his father accidentally lost his life while herorically endeavoring to save a friend from drowning, ^^nvil ten years of age, Andrew was a ragged boy abour the streets, supported by the labor of his mother, who obtained her living with her own hands. He then, having never attended a school one day, and being unable either to read or write, was ap- prenticed to a tailor in his native town. A gentleman was in the habit of going to the tailor's shop occasion- ally, and reading to the boys at work there. He often read from the speeches of distinguished British states- men. Andrew, who was endowed with a mind of more than ordinary native ability, became much interested in these speeches ; his ambition was roused, and he was inspired with a strong desire to learn to read. He accordingly applied himself to the alphabet, and with the assistance of some of his fellow-workmen, jearned his letters. He then called upon the gentle- man to borrow the book of si>eeches. The owner. pleased with his zeal, not only gave him the book, but assisted him in learning to combine the letters into words. Under such difficulties he pressed oi- ward laboriously, spending usually ten or twelve houi-s at work in the shop, and then robbing himself of rest and recreatior to devote such time as he could to reading. He went to Tennessee in 1826, and located z.t Greenville, where he married a young lady who pos sessed some education. Under her instructions he learned to write and cipher. He became prominent in the village debating society, and a favorite with the students of Greenville College. In 1828, he or- ganized a working man's party, which elected him alderman, and in 1830 elected him mayor, which position he held three years. He now began to take a lively interest in political affairs ; identifying himself with the working-classes, to which he belonged. In 1835, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives of Tennes- see. He was then just twenty-seven years of age. He became a very active member of the legislature gave his adhesion to the Democratic party, and in 1840 "stumped the State," advocating Martin Van Buren's claims to the Presidency, in opposition to thoSv of Gen. Harrison. In this campaign he acquired much readiness as a speaker, and extended and increased his reputation. In 1841, he was elected State Senator; in 1843, he was elected a member of Congress, and by successive elections, held that important post for ten years. In 1853, he was elected Governor of Tennessee, and was re-elected in 1855. In all these resixjnsible ]X)si- tions, he discharged his duties with distinguished abi'. ANDREW JOHNSON. ity, and proved himself the warm friend of the work- ing classes. In 1857, Mr. Johnson was elected United States Senator. Years before, in 1S45, he had warmly advocated the annexation of Texas, stating however, as his reason, that he thought this annexation would prob- ably prove " to be the gateway out of which the sable 50ns of Africa are to pass from bondage to freedom, (ind become merged in a population congenial to themselves." In 1850, he also supported the com- promise measures, the two essential features of which were, that the white people of the Territories should be permitted to decide for themselves whether they would enslave the colored people or not, and that the *'ree States of the North should return to the 3ouLh persons who attempted to escape from slavery. Mr. Johnson was never ashamed of his lowly origin: on the contrary, he often took pride in avowing that he owed his distinction to his own exertions. "Sir," said he on the floor of the Senate, " I do not forget that I am a mechanic ; neither do I forget that Adam was a tailor and sewed fig-leaves, and that our Sav- ior was the son of a carpenter." In the Charleston- Baltimore convention of i8bo, ne was the choice of the Tennessee Democrats for the "Presidency. In 1S61, when the purpose of the South- irn Democracy became apparent, he took a decided stand in favor of the Union, and held that " slavery must be held subordinate to the Union at whatever cost." He returned to Tennessee, and repeatedly imperiled his own life to protect the Unionists of Tennesee. Tennessee having seceded from the Union, President Lincoln, on March 4th, 1862, ap- pointed him Military Governor of the State, and he established the most stringent military rule. His numerous proclamations attracted wide attention. In 1864, he was elected Vice-President of the United States, and upon the death of Mr. Lincoln, April 15, 1865, became President. In a speech two days later he said, " The American people must be taught, if they do not already feel, that treason is a crime and must be rvinished ; that the Government will not always beat with its enemies ; that it is strong not only to protect, but to punish. * * The people must understand that it (treason) is the blackest of crimes, and will surely be punished." Yet his whole administration, the history of which is so well known, was in utter inconsistency with, and the most violent opposition to, the principles laid down in that speech In his loose policy of reconstruction and general amnesty, he was opposed by Congress; and he char acterized Congress as a new rebellion, and lawlessly defied it, in everything possible, to the utmost. In the beginning of 1868, on account of "high crimes and misdemeanors," the principal of which was the removal of Secretary Stanton, in violation of the Ten- ure of Office Act, articles of impeachment were pre- ferred against him, and the trial began March 23. It was very tedious, continuing for nearly three months. A test article of the impeachment was at length submitted to the court for its action. It was certain that as the court voted upon that article so would it vote upon all. Thirty-four voices pronounced the President guilty. As a two-thirds vote was neces- sary to his condemnation, he was pronounced ac- quitted, notwithstanding the great majority against him. The change of one vote from the not guilty side would have sustained the impeachment. The President, for the remainder of his term, was but little regarded. He continued, though impotent!--, his conflict with Congress. His own party did not think it expedient to renominate him for the Presi- dency. The Nation rallied, with enthusiasm unpar- alleled since the days of Washington, around the name of Gen. Grant. Andrew Johnson was forgotten. The bullet of the assassin introduced him to the President's chair. Notwithstanding this, never was there presented to a man a better opportunity to im- mortalize his name, and to win the gratitude of a nation. He failed utterly. He retired to his home in Greenville, Tenn., taking no very active part in politics until 1875. On Jan. 26, after an exciting struggle, he was chosen by the Legislature of Ten- nessee, United States Senator in the forty-fourth Con- gress, and took his seat in that body, at the special session convened by President Grant, on the 5th of March. On the 27th of July, 1875, the ex-President made a visit to his daughter's home, near Carter Station, Tenn. When he started on his journey, he was apparently in his usual vigorous health, but on reach- ing the residence of his child the following day, was stricken with paralysis, rendering him unconscious. He rallied occasionally, but finally passed away at 2 A.M., July 31, aged sixty-seven years. His fun- eral was attended at Geenville, on the 3d of August, with every demonstration of respect. i >^^ -^xi EIGHTEENTH PRESIDENT. «7 LYSSES S. GRANT, the eighteenth President of the ■United States, was born on the 29th of April, 1822, of _^^:j 5 Christian parents, in a humble -:'W home, at Point Pleasant, on the banks of the Ohio. Shortly after his father moved to George- town, Brown Co., O. In this re- mote frontier hamlet, Ulysses received a common-school edu- cation. At the age of seven- teen, in the year 1839, he entered the Military Academy at West Point. Here he was regarded as a iolid, sensible young man of fair abilities, and of sturdy, honest character. He took respectable rank as a scholar. In June, 1843, he graduated, about the middle in his class, and was sent as lieutenant of in- fantry to one of the distant military posts in the Mis- souri Territory. Two years he past in these dreary solitudes, watching the vagabond and exasperating Indians. The war with Mexico came. Lieut. Grant was sent with his regiment to Corpus Christi. His first battle was at Palo Alto. There was no chance here for the exhibition of either skill or heroism, nor at Resaca de la Palma, his second battle. At the battle of Monterey, his third engagement, it is said that ne performed a signal service of daring and skillful horsemanship. His brigade had exhausted its am- munition. A messenger must be sent for more, along a route exposed to the bullets of the foe. Lieut. Grant, adopting an expedient learned of the Indians, grasped the mane of his horse, and hanging upon one side of the anin^-il, ran the gauntlet in entire safety. ®)®®V3Xs)^^ From Monterey he was sent, with the fourth infantry, to aid Gen. Scott, at the siege of Vera Cruz. In preparation for the march to the city of Mexico, he was appointed quartermaster of his regiment. At the battle of Molino del Rey, he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and was brevetted captain at Cha- pultepec. At the close of the Mexican War, Capt. Grant re- turned with his regiment to New York, and was again sent to one of the military posts on the frontier. The discovery of gold in California causing an immense tide of emigration to flow to the Pacific shores, Capt. Grant was sent with a battalion to Fort Dallas, in Oregon, for the protecrion of the interests of the im- migrants. Life was wearisome in those wilds. Capt. Grant resigned his commission and returned to the States; and having married, entered upon the cultiva- tion of a small farm near St. Louis, Mo. He had but little skill as a farmer. Finding his toil not re- munerative, he turned to mercantile life, entering into the leather business, with a younger brother, at Ga- lena, 111. This was in the year i860. As the tidings of the rebels firing on Fort Sumpter reached the ears of Capt. Grant in his counting-room, he said, — "Uncle Sam has educated me for the army: though I have served him through one war, I do not feel that I have yet repaid the debt. I am still ready to discharge my obligations. I shall therefore buckle on my eword and see Uncle Sam through this war too." He went into the streets, raised a company of vol- unteers, and led them as their captain to Springfield, the capital of the State, where their services were offered to Gov. Yates. The Governor, impressed by the zeal and straightforward executive ability of Capt. Grant, gave him a desk in his office, to assist in the volunteer organization that was being formed in the State in behalf of the Government. On the 15 th of 83 UL YSSES S. GRA NT. June, 1 86 1, Capt. Grant received a commission as Colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of Illinois Vol- unteers. His merits as a West Point graduate, who had served for 15 years in the regular army, were such that he was soon promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General and was placed in command at Cairo. The rebels raised their banner at Paducah, near the moutli of the Tennessee River. Scarcely had its folds ap- peared in the breeze ere Gen. Grant was there. The rebels fled. Their banner fell, and the star and stripes were unfurled in its stead. He entered the service with great determination and immediately began active duty. This was the be- ginning, and until the surrender of Lee at Richmond he was ever pushing the enemy with great vigor and effectiveness. At Belmont, a few days later, he sur- prised and routed the rebels, then at Fort Henry won another victory. Then came the brilliant fight at Fort Donelson. The nation was electrified by the victory, and the brave leader of the boys in blue was immediately made a Major-General, and the military iistrict of Tennessee was assigned to him. Like all great captains, Gen. Grant knew well how to secure the results of victory. He immediately Dushed on to the enemies' lines. Then came the terrible battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, and the siege of Vicksburg, where Gen. Pemberton made an unconditional surrender of the city with over thirty thousand men and one-hundred and seventy-two can- non. The fall of Vicksburg was by far the most severe blow which the rebels had thus far encountered, and opened up the Mississippi from Cairo to the Gulf. Gen. Grant was next ordered to co-operate with Gen. Banks in a movement upon Texas, and pro- ceeded to New Orleans, where he was thrown from his horse, and received severe injuries, from which he was laid up for months. He then rushed to the aid of Gens. Rosecrans and Thomas at Chattanooga, and by a wonderful series of strategic and technical meas- ures put the Union Army infighting condition. Then followed the bloody battles at Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, in which the rebels were routed with great loss. This won for him un- bounded praise in the North. On the 4th of Febru- ary, 1864, Congress revived the grade of lieutenant- general, and the rank was conferred on Gen. Grant. He repaired to Washington to receive his credentials and enter upon '.hp duties of his new ofl^ce Gen. Grant decided as soon as he took charge of • the army to concentrate the widely-dispersed National troops for an attack upon Richmond, the nominal capital of the Rebellion, and endeavor there to de- stroy the rebel armies which would be promptly as- sembled from all quarters for its defence. The whole continent seemed to tremble under the tramp of these majestic armies, rushing to the decisive battle field. Steamers were crowded with troops. Railway trains were burdened with closely packed thousands. His plans were comprehensive and involved a series of campaigns, which were executed with remarkable en- ergy and ability, and were consummated at the sur- render of Lee, April 9, 1865. The war was ended. The Union was saved. The almost unanimous voice of the Nation declared Gen. Grant to be the most prominent instrument in its sal- vation. The eminent services he had thus rendered the country brought him conspicuously forward as the Republican candidate for the Presidential chair. At the Republican Convention held at Chicago, May 21, 1868, he was unanimously nominated for the Presidency, and at the autumn election received a majority of the popular vote, and 214 out of 294 electoral votes. The National Convention of the Republican party which met at Philadelphia on the 5th of June, 1872, placed Gen. Grant in nomination for a second term by a unanimous vote. The selection was emphati- cally indorsed by the people five months later, 292 electoral votes being cast for him. Soon after the close of his second term. Gen. Grant started upon his famous trip around the world. He visited almost every country of the civilized worid, and was everywhere received with such ovations and demonstrations of respect and honor, private as well as public and ofiicial, as were never before bestowed upon any citizen of the United States. He was the most prominent candidate before the Republican National Convention in 1880 for a re- nomination for President. He went to New York and embarked in the brokerage business under the firm nameof Grant & Ward. The latter proved a villain, wrecked Grant's fortune, and for larceny was sent to the penitentiary. The General was attacked with cancer in the throat, but suffered in his stoic-like manner, never complaining. He was re-instated as General of the Army and retired by Congress. The cancer soon finished its deadly work, and July 23, 1885, the nation wenf in mourning over the death of the illustrious General. S: ^^-^ O' V Uf NINETEENTH PRESIDENT. 91 UTHERFORD B. HAYES, the nineteentli President of the United States, was born in Delaware, O., Oct. 4, 1822, al- most three months after the death of his father, Rutherford Hayes. His ancestry on both the paternal and maternal sides, was of the most honorable char- acter. It can be traced, it is said, as far back as 1280, when Hayes and Rutherford were two Scottish chief- tains, fighting side by side with Baliol, William Wallace and Robert Bruce. Both families belonged to the nobility, owned extensive estates, ' and had a large following. Misfor- tane ovtrtaking the family, George Hayes left Scot- land in i6iSo, and settled in Windsor, Conn. His son George wai, born in Windsor, and remained there during his life. Daniel Hayes, son of the latter, mar- ried Sarah Lee, and lived from the time of his mar- riage until his death in Simsbury, Conn. Ezekiel, son of Daniel, was born in 1724, and was a manufac- turer of scythes at Bradford, Conn. Rutherford Hayes, son of Ezekiel aud grandfather of President Hayes, was born in New Haven, in August, t756. He was a fanner, blacksmith and tavern-keepyer. He emigrated to Vermont at an unknown date, settling in BraMleboro, where he established a hotel. Here his son Ruth- erford Hayes the father of President Hayes, was born. He was married, in September, 18 13, to Sophia Birchard, of Wilmington, Vt., whose ancestors emi- grated thither from Connecticut, they having been among the wealthiest and best famlies of Norwich. Her ancestry on the male side are traced back to 1635, to John Birchard, one of the principal founders of Norwich. Both of her grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The father of President Hayes was an industrious frugal and opened-hearted man. He was of a me- chanical turn, and could mend a plow, knit a stock- ing, or do almost anything else that he choose to undertake. He was a member of the Church, active in all the benevolent enterprises of the town, and con- ducted his business on Christian principles. After the close of the war of 181 2, for reasons inexplicable to his neighbors, he resolved to emigrate to Ohio. The journey from Vermont to Ohio in that day when there were no canals, steamers, not railways, was a very serious affair. A tour of inspection was first made, occupying four months. Mr. Hayes deter mined to move to Delaware, where the family arrived in 1817. He died July 22, 1822, a victim of malarial fever, less than three months before the birth of the son, of whom we now write. Mrs. Hayes, in her sore be- reavement, found the support she so much needed in her brother Sardis, who had been a member of the household from the day of its departure from Ver- mont, and in an orphan girl whom she had adopted some time before as an act of charity. Mrs. Hayes at this period was very weak, and the 92 RUTHERFORD B. HA YES. subject of this sketch was so feeble at birth that he was not expected to live beyond a month or two at most. As the months went by he grew weaker and weaker, so that the neighbors were in the habit of in- quiring from time to time " if Mrs. Hayes' baby died last night." On one occasion a neighbor, who was on familiar terms with the family, after alludnig to the boy's big head, and the mother's assiduous care of him, said in a bantering way, " That's right! Stick to him. You have got him along so far, and I shouldn't wonder if he would really come to something yet." " You r.eed not laugh," said Mrs. Hayes. " You ivait and see. You cau't tell but I shall make him President of the United States yet." The boy lived, in spite of the universal predictions of his speedy death; and when, in 1825, his older brother was drowned, he became, if possible, still dearer to his mother. The boy was seven years old before he w<;nt to school. His education, however, was not neglected. He probably learned as much from his mother and .'ister as he would have done at school. His sports were almost wholly within doors, his playmates being his sister and her associates. These circumstances tended, no doubt, to foster that gentleness of dispo- sition, and that delicate consideration for the feelings of others, which are marked traits of his character. His uncle Sardis Birchard took the deepest interest in his education ; and as the boy's health had im- proved, and he was making good progress in his studies, he proposed to send him to college. His pre- paration commenced with a tutor at home; bit he was afterwards sent for one year to a professor in the VVesleyan University, in Middletown, Conn. He en- tered Kenyon College in 1838, at the age of sixteen, and was graduated at the head of his class in 1842. Immediately after his graduation he began the study of law in the office of Thouias Sparrow, Esq., in Columbus. Finding his opportunities for study in Columbus somewhat limited, he determined to enter the Law School at Cambridge, Mass., where he re- mained two years. In 1845, after graduatmg at the Law School, he was admitted to the bar at Marietta, Ohio, and shortly afterward went into practice as an attorney-at-law with Ralph P. Buckland, of Fremont. Here he re- mained three years, acquiring but a limited practice, and apparently unambitious of distinction in his pro- fession. \n 1849 he moved to Cincinnati, where his ambi- tion found a new stimulus. For several years, how- ever, his progress was slow. Two events, occurring at this period, had a powerful influence u|)on his subse- quent 'ife. One of these was his marrage with Miss Lucy Ware Webb, daughter of Dr. James Webb, of Chilicothe; the other was his introduction to the Cin- cinnati Literary Club, a body embracing among its members such men as'^hief Justice Salmon P. Chase, Gen. John Pope, Gov. Edward F. Noyes, and many others hardly less distinguished in after life. The marriage was a fortunate one in every respect, as everybody knows. Not one of all the wives of our Presidents was more universally admired, reverenced and beloved than was Mrs. Hayes, and no one did more than she toreflect honor upon American woman hood. The Literary Cluu brought Mr. Hayes into constant association with young men of high char- acter and noble aims, and lured him to display the qualities so long hidden by his bashfulne.s and modesty. In 1856 he was nominated to the office of Judgj of the Court of Common Pleas; but he declined to ac. cept the nomination. Two years later, the office ol city solicitor becoming vacant, the City Council elected him for the unexpired term. In 1861, when the Rebellion broke out, he was at the zenith of his professional lif ,. His rank at the bar was among the the first. But the news of the attack on Fort Sumpter found him eager to take -in arms for the defense of his country. His military record was bright and illustrious. In October, 186 1, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and in August, 1862, promoted Colonel of the 79th Ohio regiment, but he refused to leave his old comrades and go among strangers. Subsequently, however, he was made Colonel of his old regiment. At the liattle of South Mountain he received a wound, and while faint and bleeding displayed courage and fortitude that won admiration from all. Col. Hayes was detached from his regiment, after his recovery, to act as Brigadier-General, and placed in command of the celebrated Kanawha division, and for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, he was promoted Brigadier-General. He was also brevetted Major-General, "forgallant and distinguished services during the campaigns of 1864, in West Virginia." In the course of his arduous services, four horses were shot from under him, and he was wounded four times In 1S64, Gen. Hayes was elected to Congress, from the Second Ohio District, which had long been Dem- ocratic. He was not present during the campaign, and after his election was importuned to resign his commission in the army ; but he finally declared, " I shall never come to Washington until I can come by the way of Richmond." Pie was re-elected in 1866. In 1867, Gen Hayes was elected Governor of Oliio, over Hon. Allen G. Thurman, a populai Democrat. In r869 was re-elected over George H. Pendleton. He was elected Governor for the third term in 1875. In 1876 he was the standard beaierof the Repub- lican Party in the Presidential contest, and after a hard long contest was chosen President, and was in augurated Monday, March 5, 1875. He served his full term, not, hcwever, with satisfaction to his party, but his administration was an average or\? TWENTIETH PRESIDENT. 95 %' 'III/' AMES A. GARi'IELD, twen- tieth President of the United States, was born Nov. ig, 1 83 1, in the woods of Orange, Cuyahoga Co., O His par- ents were Abram and EUza (Ballon) Garfield, both of New England ancestry and from fami- lies well known in the early his- tory of that section of our coun- try, but had moved to the Western Reserve, in Ohio, early in its settle- ment. The house in which James A. was born was not unlike the houses of poor Ohio farmers of that day. It , tic about 20x30 feet, built of logs, with the spaces be- .\/2en the logs filled with clay. His father was a aard working farmer, and he soon had his fields cleared, an orchard planted, and a log barn built, f he household comprised the father and mother and /.heir four children — Mehetabel, 'I'iiomas, Mary and Tames. In May, i823j the father, from a cold con- .racted in helping to put out a forest fire, died. At diis time James was about eighteen montlis old, and Thomas about ten years old. No one, perhaps, can fell how much James was indebted to his biother's toil and self sacrifice during the twenty years suc- ceeding his father's death, but undoubtedly very much. He now lives in Michigan, and the two sis- ters live in .Solon, O., near their birthplace. The early educational advantages young Garfield enjoyed were very limited, yet he made the most of them. He labored at farm work for others, did car- penter work, chopped wood, or did anything that would bring in a few dollars to aid his widowed mother in he' struggles to keep the little family to- gether. Nor was Gen. Garfield ever ashamed of his origin, and he never forgot the friends of his strug- gling childhood, youth and manhood, neither did they ever forget him. When in the highest seats of honor, the humblest f)iend of his boyhood was as kindly greeted as ever. The poorest laborer was sure of the sympathy of one who had known all the bitterness of want and the sweetness of bread earned by the sweat of the brow. He was ever the simple, plain, modest gentleman. The highest ambition of young Garfield until hi was about si.xteen years old was to be a captain of a vessel on Lake Erie. He was anxious to go aboard a vessel, which his mother strongly opposed. She finally consented to his going to Cleveland, with the understanding, however, that he sliould try to obtain some other kind of employment. He walked all the way to Cleveland. This was his first visit to the city After making many applications for work, and trying to get aboard a lake vessel, and not meeting with success, he engaged as a driver for his cousin, Amos Letcher, on the Ohio & Pennsylvania Canal. He re- mained at this work but a short time when he went iiome, and attended the seminary at Chester for about three years, when he entered Hiram and the Eclectic Institute, teaching a few terms of schoolin the meantime, and doing other work. This school was started by the Disciples of Christ in 1850, of which church he was then a member. He became janitor and bell-ringer in order to help pay his way He then became both teacher and pupil. He soon " exhausted Hiram " and needed more ; hence, in the fall of 1854, he entered Williams College, from which he graduated in 1856, taking one of the liighest hc*,,- ors of his class. He afterwards returned to Hiram College as its President. As above slated, he early united with the Christian or Diciples Church at Hiram, and was ever after a devoted, zealous mem- ber, often preaching in its pulpit and places where he happened to be. Dr. Noah Porter, President of Yale College, says of him in reference to his religion : 9« JAMES A. GARFIELD. " President Garfield was more than a man of strong moral and religious convictions. His whole history, from boyhood to the last, shows that duty to man and to God, and devotion to Christ and life and faith and spiritual commission were controlling springs of his being, and to a more than usual degree. In my judgment there is no more interesting feature of his character than his loyal allegiance to the body of Christians in which he was trained, and the fervent sympathy which he ever showed in their Christian communion. Not many of the few 'wise and mighty and noble who are called' show a similar loyalty to the less stately and cultured Christian communions in which they have been reared. Too often it is true that as they step upward in social and political sig- nificance they step upward from one degree to another in some of the many types of fashionable Christianity. President Garfield adhered to the church of his mother, the church in which he was trained, and in which he served as a pillar and an evangelist, and yet with the largest and most unsec- t,arian charity for all 'who love our Lord in sincerity.'" Mr. Garfield was united in marriage witli Miss Lucretia Rudolph, Nov. ii, 1858, who proved herself worthy as the wife of one whom all the world loved and mourned. To them were born seven children, five of whom are still living, four boys and one girl. Mr. Garfield made his first political speeches in 1856, jn Hiram and the neighboring villages, and three years later he began to speak at county mass-meet- ings, and became the favorite speaker wherever he was. During this year he was elected to the Ohio Senate. He also began to study law at Cleveland, and in 1861 was admitted to the bar. The great Rebellion broke out in the early part of this year, and Mr. Garfield at once resolved to fight as he had talked, and enlisted to defend the old flag. He re- ceived his commission as Lieut.-Colonel of the Forty- second Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Aug. 14, 1861. He was immediately put into active ser- vice, and before he had ever seen a gun fired inaction, was placed in command of four regiments of infantry and eight companies of cavalry, charged with the work of driving out of his native State the officer 'Humphrey Marshall) reputed to be the ablest of those, not educated to war whom Kentucky had given to the Rebellion. This work was bravely and speed- ily accomplished, although against great odds. Pres- ident Lincoln, on his success commissioned him Brigadier-General, Jan. ro, 1862; and as "he had been the youngest man in the Ohio Senate two years before, so now he was the youngest General in the army." He was with Gen. Baell's army at Shiloh, in its operations around Corinth and its march through Alabama. He was then detailed as a member of the General Court-Martial for the trial of Gen. Fitz-John Porter. He was then ordered to report to Gen. Rose- crans, and was assigned to the "Chief of Staff." The military tJstory of Gen. Garfield closed with his brilliant services at Chickamauga, where he woe the stars of the Major-General. Without an effort on his part Ge? Garfield wa» elected to Congress in the fall of 1862 from the Nineteenth District of Ohio. This section of Ohio had been represented in Congress for si.xty year* mainly by two men — Elisha Whittlesey and JoshuK R. Giddings. It was not without a struggle that he resigned his place in the army. At the time he en- tered Congress he was the youngest member in that body. There he remained by successive re- elections until he was elected President in 1880. Of his labors in Congress Senator Hoar says : " Since the year 1864 you cannot think of a question whicii has been debated in Congress, or discussed before & tribunel of the American people, in regard to whicL you will not find, if you wish mstruction, the argu- ment on one side stated, in almost every instance better than by anybody else, in some speech made in the House of Representatives or on the hustings by Mr. Garfield." Uix>n Jan. 14, 1880, Gen. Garfield was elected to the U. S. Senate, and on the eighth of June, of the same year, was nominated as the candidate of his party for President at the great Chicago Convention. He was elected in the following November, and on March 4, 1881, was inaugurated. Probably no ad- ministration ever opened its existence under brighter auspices than that of President Garfield, and every day it grew in favor with the people, and by the first of July he had completed all the initiatory and pre- liminary work of his administration and was prepar- ing to leave the city to meet his friends at Williams College. While on his way and at the dejxjt, in com- pany with Secretary Blaine, a man stepped behind him, drew a revolver, and fired directly at his back. The President tottered and fell, and as he did so the assassin fired a second shot, the bullet cutting the left coat sleeve of his victim, but in.licting no further injury. It has been very truthfully said that this was " the shot that was heard round the world " Never before in the history of the Narion had anything oc- curred which so nearly froze the blood of the people for the moment, as this awful deed. He was smit- ten on the brightest, gladdest day of all his life, and was at the summit of his power and hope. For eighty days, all during the hot months of July and August, he lingered and suffered. He, however, remained master of himself till the last, and by his magnificent bearing was teaching the country and the world the noblest of human lessons — how to live grandly in the very clutch of death. Great in life, he was surpass- ingly great in death. He passed serenely away Sept. rg, 1883, at Elberon, N. J., on the very bank of the ocean, where he had been taken shortly previous. The worid wept at his death, as it never had done on the death of any other man who had ever lived upon it. The murderer was duly tried, found guilty and exe- cuted, in one year after he committed the foul deed. TWENTY-FIRST PRESIDENT. 99 I HESTER A. ARTHUR, twenty-first Presi'^.^ni of the United States, was born in Franklin Cour ty, Vermont, on thefifthofOc'ober, 1830, and is the oldest of a family , of two sons and five daughters. His father was the Rev. Dr. William Arthur, aBaptisld'-fgyman,who emigrated to tb'.s country from the county Antnm, Ireland, in 'M his 1 8th year, and died in 1875, '" Newtonville, neai Albany, after a long and successful ministry. Young Arthur was educated at Union College, S( henectady, where he excelled in all his studies. Af- ter his graduation he taught school in Vermont for two years, and at the expiration of that time came to New York, with $500 in his pocket, and ewtered the office of ex- Judge E. D. Culver as student. After being admitted to the bar he formed a partnership with his intimate friend and room-mate, Henry D. Gardiner, with the intention of practicing in the West, and for three months they roamed about in the Western States in search of an eligible site, but in the end returned to New York, where they hung out their shingle, and entered upon a success^ ful career almost from the start. General Arthur soon afterward raaxped the daughter of Lieutenant Herndon, of the United States Navy, who was lost at sea. Congress voted a gold medal to his widow in recognition of the bravery he displayed on that occa- sion. Mrs. Arthur died shortly before Mr. Arthur's nommation to the Vice Presidency, leaving two children. Gen. Arthur obtained considerable legal celebrity in his first great case, the famous Lemmon suit, brought to recover possession of eight slaves who had been declared free by Judge Paine, of the Superior Court of New York City. It was in 1852 that Jon- athan Lemmon, of Virginia, went to New York with his slaves, intending to ship them to Texas, when they were discovered and freed. The Judge decided that they could not be held by the owner under the Fugitive Slave Law. A howl of rage went up from the South, and the Virginia Legislature authorized the Attorney General of that State to assist in an appeal, Wm. M. Evarts and Chester A. Arthur were employed to represent the People, and they won their case, which then went to the Supreme Court of the United States. Charles O'Conor here esjxjused the cause of the slave-holders, but he too was beaten by Messrs Evarts and Arthur, and a long step was taken toward the emancipation of the black race. Another great service was rendered by Genera! Arthur in the same cause in 1856. Lizzie Jennings, a respectable colored woman, was put off a Fourth Avenue car with violence after she had paid her fare. General Arthur sued on her behalf, and secured a verdict of $500 damages. The next day the compa- ny issued an order to admit colored persons to ride on their cars, and the other car companies quickly CHESTER A. ARTHUR. followed their example. Before that the Sixth Ave- nue Company ran a few special cars for colored per- sons and the other lines refused to let them ride at all. General Arthur was a delegate to the Convention at Saratoga that founded the Republican party. Previous to the war he was Judge-Advocate of the Second Brigade of the State of New York, and Gov- ernor Morgan, of that State, appointed him Engineer- in-Chief of his staff. In 1861, he was made Inspec- tor General, and soon afterward became Quartermas- ter-General. In each of these offices he rendered great service to the Government during the war. At the end of Governor Morgan's term he resumed the practice of the law, forming a partnership with Mr. Ransom, and then Mr. Phelps, the District Attorney of New York, was added to the firm. The legal prac- tice of this well-known firm was very large and lucra- tive, each of the gentlemen composing it were able lawyers, and possessed a splendid local reputation, if not indeed one of national extent. He always took a leading part in State and city politics. He was apix)inted Collector of the Port of New York by President Grant, Nov. 21 -1872, to suc- ceed Thomas Murphy, and held the office until July, 20, 1 87 8, when he was succeeded by Collector Merritt. Mr. -Arthur was nominated on the Presidential ticket, with Gen. James A. Garfield, at the famous National Republican Convention held at Chicago in June, 1880. This was perhaps the greatest political convention that ever assembled on the continent. It was composed of the 'sading politicians of the Re- publican party, all able men, and each stood firm and fought vigorously and with signal tenacity for their respective candidates that were before the conven- tion for the nomination. Finally Gen. Garfield re- ceived the nomination for President and Gen. Arthur for Vice-President. The campaign which followed was one of the most animated known in the history of our country. Gen. Hancock, the standard-bearer of the Democratic party, was a popular man, and his party made a valiant fight for his election. Finally the election came and the country's choice .vas Garfield and Arthur. They were inaugurated March 4, 1881, as President and Vice-President. k few months only had passed ere the newly chosen President was the victim of the assassin's bullet. Then came terrible weeks of suffering, — those moments of anxious suspense, wher the hearts of all civilized na- tions were throbbing in unison, longing for the re covery of the noble, the good President. The remark- able patience that he manifested during those hours and weeks, and even months, of the most terrible suf- fering man has often been called upon to endure, was seemingly more than human. It was certainly God- like. During all this period of deepest anxiety Mr. Arthur's every move was watched, and be it said to his credit that his every action displayed only an earnest desire that the suffering Garfield might recover, to serve the remainder of the term he had so auspi- ciously begun. Not a selfish feeling was manifested in deed or look of this man, even though the most honored ]X)sition in the world tvas at any moment likely to fall to him. At last God in his mercy relieved President Gar- field from further suffering, and the world, as never before in its history over the death of any other man, wept at his bier. Then it became the duty of the Vice President to assume the responsibilitiis of the high office, and he took the oath in New \'ork. Sept. 20, 1881. The position was an embarr.issing one to him, made doubly so from the facts that all eyes were on him, anxious to know what he would do, what policy he would pursue, and who he would se- lect as advisers. The duties of the office had been greatly neglected during the President's long illness, and many important measures were to be immediately decided by him ; and still farther to embarrass him he did not fail to realize under what circumstances he became President, and knew the feelings of many on this point. Under these trying circumstances Presidept Arthur took the reins of the Government in }-is i'\. hands; and, as embarrassing as were the condition ■■^' affairs, he happily surprised the nation, acting so wisely that but few criticised liis administration. He served the nation well and faithfully, until tlie close of his administration, March 4, 1885, and was a popular candidate before his party for a second term. His name was ably presented before the con- vention at Chicago, and was received with great favor, and doubtless but for the personal popularity of one of the opposing candidates, he would have been selected as the standard-bearer of his party for another campaign. He retired to private life car- rying with him the best wishes of the American peo- ple, whom he had served in a manner satisfactory to them and with credit to himself. y^i^rL^y;^^^ OyLyxJ'Ji TWENTY-SECOND PRESIDENT. 103 mir/>s.^m^ !«s;s-'«'i;:;j'i^;;;^"-»;\:>'^-^:;T'i'^;;:5-A$;;g<^;;S-#-S;C$**;:S^^ 'vTv- •£* ^A^ 000 TEPHEN GROVER CLEVE- LAND, the twenty- second Pres- ident of the United States, was born in 1837, in the obscure town of Caldwell, Essex Co., N. J., and in a little two-and-a- half-story white house which is still standing, characteristically to mark the humble birth-place of one of America's great men in striking con- trast with the Old World, where all men high in office must be high in origin and born in the cradle of wealth. When the subject of this sketch was three years of age, his father, who was a Presbyterian min- ister, with a large family and a small salary, moved, by way of the Hudson River and Erie Canal, to Fayetteville, in search of an increased income and a larger field of work. Fayetteville was then the most straggling of country villages, about five miles from Pompey Hill, where Governor Seymour was born. At the last mentioned place young Grover com- menced going to school in the "good, old-fashioned way," and presumably distinguished himself after the manner of all village boys, in doing the things he ought not to do. Such is the distinguishing trait of all geniuses and independent thinkers. When he arrived at the age of 14 years, he had outgrown the capacity of the village school and expressed a most emphatic desire to be sent to an academy. To this his father decidedly objected. Academies in those days cost money; besides, his father wanted him to become self-supporting by the quickest possible means, and this at 'that time in Fayetteville seemed to be a position in a country store, where his father and the large family on his hands had considerable influence. Grover was to be paid $50 for his services the first year, and if he proved trustworthy he was to receive $100 the second year. Here the lad com- menced his career as salesman, and in two years he had earned so good a reputation for trustworthiness that his employers desired to retain him for an in- definite length of time. Otherwise he did not ex- hibit as yet any particular " flashes of genius " or eccentricities of talent. He was simply a good boy. But instead of remaining with this firm in Fayette~ ville, he went with the family in their removal to Clinton, where he had an opportunity of attending a high school. Here he industriously pursued his studies until the family removed with him to a point on Black River known as the " Holland Patent," a village of 500 or 600 people, 15 miles north of Utica, N. Y. At this place his father died, after preaching but three Sundays. This event broke up the family, and Grover set out for New York City to accept, at a small salary, the position of " under-teacher " in an asylum for the blind. He taught faithfully for two years, and although he obtained a good reputation in this capacity, he concluded that teaching was not his S. GROVE R CLEVELAND. calling for life, and, reversing the traditional order, he left the city to seek his fortune, instead of soing to a city. He lirst mougnc ot Cleveland, Uhio, as there was some charm in that name for him; but before proceeding to that place he went to Buffalo to jisk the advice of his uncle, Lewis F. Allan, a noted stock- breeder of that place. The latter did not speak enthusiastically. " What is it you want to do, my boy.''" he asked. "Well, sir, I want to study lav," was the reply, "Good gracious!" remarked ih« old gentleman ; " do you, indeed .'' What ever put that into your head? How much money have you got?" "Well, sir, to tell the truth, I haven't got » any. After a long consultation, his uncle offered him a place temporarily as assistant herd-keeper, at $50 a year, while he could "look around." One day soon afterward he boldly walked into the office of Rogers, Bowen & Rogers, of Buffalo, and told Ihem what he wanted. A number of young men were already en- gaged in the office, but Grover's persistency won, and he was finally permitted to come as an office boy and Have the use of the law library, for the nominal sum of $3 or $4 a week. Out of tliis he had to pay for his board and washing. The walk to and from his uncle's was a long and rugged one; and, although the first winter was a memorably severe one, his shoes were out of repair and his overcoat — he had none — yet he was nevertheless prompt and regular. On the first day of his service here, his senior em- ployer threw down a copy of Blackstone before him with a bang that made the dust fly, saying "That's where they all begin." A titter ran around the little circle of clerks and students, as they thought that was enough to scare young Grover out of his plans ; but in due time he mastered that cumbersome volume. Then, as ever afterward, however, Mr. Cleveland exhibited a talent for executiveness rather than for chasing principles through all their metaphysical possibilities. " Let us quit talking and go and do it," was practically his motto. The first public office to which Mr. Cleveland was eiected was tliat of Sheriff of Erie Co., N. Y., in which Buffalo is situated; and in such capacity it fell to his duty to inflict capital pi'-'.ishment upon two cainiinals. Li r88i he was elected Mayor of the City of Buffilo. on the Democratic ticket, with es- pecial reference to the bringing about certain reforms in the administration of the municipal affairs of that cit" In this office, as well as that of Sheriff, his periormance of duty has generally been considered fair, with possibly a few exceptions which were fer- reted out and magnified during the last Presidential campaign. As a specimen of his plain language in a veto message, we quote from one vetoing an iniqui^ tous street-cleaning contract: "This is a time foi plain speech, and my objection to your action shall be plainly stated. I regard it as the culmination of a mos bare-faced, impudent and shameless scheme to betray the interests of the peopls and to wors3 than squander the people's money." The New York Sun afterward very highly commended Mr. Cleve- land's administration as Mayor of Buffalo, and tliere- upon recommended him for Governor of the Empire State. To the latter office he was elected in 1882, and his administration of the affairs of State was generally satisfactory. The mistakes he made^ if any, were made very public throughout the nation after he was nominated for President of the United States. For this high office he was nominated July It, 1884, by the National Democratic Convention at Chicago, when other competitors were Thomas F. Bayard, Roswell P. Flower, Thomas A. Hendricks, Benjamin F. Butler, Allen G. Thurman, etc.: and he was elected by the people, by a majority of about a thousand, over the brilliant and long-tried Repub- lican statesman, James G. Blaine. President Cleve- land resigned his office as Governor of New York in January, 1885, in order to prepare for his duties as the Chief Executive of ihe United States, in which capacity his term commenced at noon on the 4th of March, 1885. For his Cabinet officers he selected the following gentlemen: For Secretary of State, Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware ; Secretary of the Treasury, Daniel Manning, of New York ; Secretary of War, William C. Endicott, of Massachusetts ; Secretary of the Navy, WiUiam C. Whitney, of New York; Secretary of the Interior, L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi ; Postmaster-General, William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin ; Attorney-General, A. H. Garland, of Arkansas. The silver question precipitated a controversy be- tween those who were in favor of the continuance of silver coinage and those who were opposed, Mr. Cleveland answering for the latter, even before his inauguration. I 'idjz^c TWENTY-THIRD PRESIDENT. 107 »o»o..@JXl®"<>*«" I 'ENJAMIN HARRISON, the twenty-third President, is the descendant of one of the historical families of this country. The head of the family was a Major General Harrison, one of Oliver Cromwell's trusted follow- ers and fighters. In the zenith of Crom- well's power it became the duty of this Harrison to participate in the trial of Charles I, and afterward tc sign the death warrant of the king. He subse- quently paid for this with his life, being hung Oct. 13, 1660. His descendants came to America, and the next of the family that appears in history is Benja- rzin Harrison, of Virginia, great-grand- father of the subject of this sketch, and after whom he was named. Benjamin Harrison waa a member of the Continental Congress during the years 1 774-5-6, and was one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence. He wa^ three times elected Governor of Virginia. Qen William Henry Harrison, the son of the distinguished patriot of the Revolution, after a suc- cessful career as a soldier during the War of 1812, and with -a clean record as Governor of the North- western Territory, was elected President of the United States in 1840. His caroer was cut short by death within one month after jis innuguration. President Harrison was born at North Bend, Hamilton Co., Ohio, Aug. 20, 1883. His life up to the time of his graduation by the Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio, was the uneventful one of a coun- try lad of a family of small means. His father was able to give him a good education, and nothing more. He became engaged while at college to ths daughter of Dr. Scott, Principal of a female school at Oxford. After graduating he determined to en- ter upon the study of the law. He went to Cin cinnati and then read law for two years. At the expiration of that time young Harrison received th'. only inheritance of his life ; his aunt dying left him a lot valued at $800. He regarded this legacy as a fortune, and decided to get married at once, »aks this money and go to some Eastern town an '. be- gin the practice of law. He sold his lot, and with the money in his pocket, he started out wita his young wife to fight for a place in the world. Me 108 BENJAMIN HARRISON. decided to go to Indianapolis, which was even at Ihat time a town of promise. He met with sliglit encouragement at first, making scarcely an^'thing the first year. He worked diligently, applj"ing him- self closely to his calling, built up an extensive practice and took a leading rank in the legal pro- fession, lie is the father of two children. In 1860 Mr. Harrison was nominated for the position of Supreme Court Reporter, and then be- gan his experience as a stump speake; He can- vassed the State thoroughly, and was elected by a handsome majority. In 1862 he raised the 17th Indiana Infantry, and was chosen its Colonel. His regiment was composed of the rawest of material, out Col. Harrison employed all his time at first mastering military tactics and drilling his men, when he therefore came to move toward the East with Sherman his regiment was one of the best drilled and organized in the army. At Resaca he especially distinguished himself, and for his bravery at Peachtree Cl'eek he was made a Brig.adier Gen- eral, Gen. Hooker speaking of him in the most complimentary terms. During the absence of Gen. Harrison in the field he Supreme Court declared the office of the Su- preme Court Reporter vacant, and another person was elected to the position. From the time of leav- ing Indiana with his regiment until the fiill ot 1864 be had taken no leave of absence, but having been nominated that year for the same office, he got a thirty-day leave of absence, and during that time made a brilliant canvass ot the State, and was elected for another term. He then started to rejoin Sher- man, but on the way was stricken down with scarlet fever, and after a most trying siege made his way to the front in time to participate in the closing 'xcidents of the war In 1868 Gen. Harrison declined re-election as ;eporter, and resumed the practice of law In 1876 fle was a candidate for Governor. Although de- eated, the brilliant campaign hb made won ior him a National reputation, and he was much sought, es- pecial.y in the East, to make speeches. In 1880, as usual, he took an active part; in the campaign, snd wi^-: elected to the Vnited States Senate. Here uc sei-ved six years, and vas known as one oi the ftblest men, best lawyer' ^nd stronges*' debaters in that body. With the expiration of his Scnaioiia) term he returned to the practice of his profession, becoming the head of one of the strongest firms in the State. The political campaign of 1888 was one of the most memorable in the history of our country. The convention which assembled in Chicago in June and named Mr. Harrison as the chief standard bearer of the Republican party, was great in ever}' partic- ular, and on this .account, and the attitude it as- sumed upon the vital questions of the day, chief among which was the tariff, awoke a deep interest in the campaign throughout the Nation. Shortly after the nomination delegations began to visit Mr. Harrison at Indianapolis, his home. This move- ment became popul.ar, and from all sections of the country societies, clubs and delegations journeyed thither to pay their respects to the distinguished statesman. The popularity of these was greatly increased on account of the remarkable speeches made by Mr. Harrison. He spoke dail}- all through the summer and autumn to these visiting delega- tions, and so varied, masterly and eloquent were his speeches that they at once placed him in the foremost rank of American orators and statesmen. On account of his eloquence as a speaker and hir power as a debater, he was called upon at an un- commonly early age to take part in the discussion of the great questions that then began to agitate tlie country. He was an uncompromising anti slavery man, and was matched against some of tLe most eminent Democratic speakers of his State. No man who felt the touch of his blade der'red to be pitted with him again. With all his eloq^'ence as an orator ho never spoke for oratorical etfect, but his words always went like bullets to the mark He is purely American in his ideas and is a splec did type of the American statesman. Gifted witli quick perception, a logical mind and a ready tongue, he is one of the most distinguished impromptu speakers in the Nation. Many of these speeches sparkled with the rarest of eloquence and contained arguments of greatest weight. Many of his terse statements have alreadr become aphorisms. Origl- nal in thought precise in logic, terse In statement, yet withal faultless in elo'yience, he is recognized as the sound statesman and brilUan: or.ator c ta^ day -^^i ■% ^, l^il. ^"^^ CMO sf^WA lc^\ t I '^^^^-(^Crt^^^cyA^ GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. E^KS^-K!®'^®'^ jlP^HADRACH BOND, the first Governor of Illinois after its organization as a State, serving from 1818 to 1822, was bom in Frederick County, Maryland, in the year r773, and was raised a farmer on liis father's plantation, receiving only a plain English education. He emigrated to this State in 1794, when it was a part of the "Northwest Territory," continuing in the vocation in which he had been brought up in his native State, in the " New Design," near Eagle Creek, in what is now Monroe County. He served several terms as a member of the General Assembly of Indiana Territory, after it was organized as such, and in 1812-14 he was a Delegate to the Twelfth and Thirteenth Congresses, taking his seat Dec. 3, 1812, and serving until Oct. 3, (814. These were the times, the reader will recollect, when this Gov- ernment had its last struggle with Great Britain. The year 1812 is also noted in the history of this State as that in which the first Territorial Legislature was held. It convened at Kaskaskia, Nov. 25, and adjourned Dec. 26, following. While serving as Delegate to Congress, Mr. Bond was instrumental in procuring the right of pre-emp- tion on the public domain. On the expiration of his term at Washington he was appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Kaskaskia, then the capital of the Territory. In company wiih John G. Comyges, Thomas H. Harris, Charles Slade, Michael Jones, Warren Brown. Edward Humphries and Charles W Hunter, he became a proprietor of the site of the initial city of Cairo, which they hoped, from its favor- able location at the junction of the two great rivers near the center of the Great West, would rapidly develop into a metropolis. To aid the enter- prise, they obtained a special charter from the Legis- lature, incorporating both the City and the Bank of Cairo. In i8r8 Mr. Bond was elected the first Governor of the State of Illinois, being inaugurated Oct. 6 that year, which was several weeks before Illinois was actually admitted. The facts are these: In January, i8i8, the Territorial Legislature sent a peti- tion to Congress for the admission of Illinois as a State, Nathaniel Pope being then Delegate. The petition was granted, fixing the northern line of the State on the latitude of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan; but the bill was afterward so amend- ed as to extend this line to its present latitude. In July a convention was called at Kaskaskia to draft a constitution, which, however, was not submitted to the people. By its provisions, supreme judges, pros ecuting attorneys, county and circuit judges, record- ers and justices of the peace were all to be appointed by the Governor or elected by the Legislature. This constitution was accepted by Congress Dec. 30. At that time Illinois comprised but eleven counties, namely, Randolph, Madison, Gallatin, Johnson, Pope, Jackson, Crawford, Bond, Union, Washington and Franklin, the northern portion of the State be- ing mainly in Madison County. Thus it appears that Mr. Bond was honored by the naming of a SHADRACH BOND. county before he was elected Governor, The present county of Bond is of small limitations, about 60 to 80 miles south of Springfield. For Lieutenant Governor tiie people chose Pierre Menard, a prominent and worthy Frenchman, after whom a county in this State is named. In this election there were no opposition candidates, as the popularity of these men had made their promotion to the chief offices of the Siate, even Defore the constitution was drafted, a foregone con- ■clusion. The principal points that excited the people in reference to political issues at this period were local or "internal improvements," as they were called. State banks, location of the capital, slavery and the personal characteristics of the proposed candidates. Mr. Bond represented the " Convention party," for introducing slavery into the State, supported by Elias Ke It Kane, his Secretary of State, and John Mc- Lean, while Nathaniel Pope and John P. Cook led the anti-slavery element. The people, however, did not become very much excited over this issue until 1820, when the faraius Missouri Compromise was adopted by Congress, limiting slavery to the south of the parallel of 36° 30' except in Missouri. While this measure settled the great slavery controversy, so far as the average public sentiment was tempor- arily concerned, until 1854, when it was repealed under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas, the issue as considered locally in this State was not decided until 1,824, after a most furious campaign. (See sketch of Gov. Coles.) The ticket of 181 8 was a compromise one, Bond representing (moderately) the pro-slavery sentiment and Menard the anti-slavery. An awkward element in the State government under Gov. Bond's administration, was the imperfec- tion of the State constitution. The Convention wished to have Elijah C. Berry for the first Auditor of Public Accounts, but, as it was believed that the new Governor would not appoint him to tiie office, the Convention declared in a schedule that " an auditor of public accounts, an attorney general and such other officers of the State as may be necessary, may be appointed by the General Assembly." The Constitution, as it stood, vested a very large appoint- ing power in the Governor; but for the purpose of getting one man into office, a total change was made, and the power vested in the Legislature. Of this provision the Legislature took advantage, and de Glared that State's attorneys, canal commissioners, bank directors, etc., were all '" officers of the State' and must therefore be appointed by itself independ- ently of the Governor. During Gov. Bond's administration a general law was passed for the incorporation of academies and towns, and one authorizing lotteries. The session of 1822 authorized the Governor to appoint commis- sioners, to act in conjunction with like commissioners appointed by the State of Lidiana, to report on the practicability and expediency of improving the navi- gation of the Wabash River; also inland navigation generally. Many improvements were recommended, some of which have been feebly worked at even till the present day, those along the Wabash being of no value. Also, during Gov. Bond's term of office, the capital of the State was removed from Kaskaskia to Vandalia. In 1820 a law was passed by Congress authorizing this State to open a canal through the public lands. The State appointed commissioners 10 explore the route and prepare the necessary sur- veys and estimates, preparatory to its execution; but, being unable out of its own resources to defray the expenses of the undertaking, it was abandoned until some time after Congress made the grant of land for the purpose of its construction. On the whole. Gov. Bond's administration was fairly good, not being open to severe criticism from any party. In 1824, two years after the expiration of his term of office, he was brought out as a candi- date for Congress against the formidable John P. Cook, but received only 4,374 votes to 7,460 for the latter. Gov. Bond was no orator, but had made many fast friends by a judicious bect-jwment of his gubernatorial patronage, and these worked zealously for him in the campaign. In 1827 ex-Gov. Bond was appointed by the Leg- islature, with Wm. P. McKee and Dr. Gershoni Jayne, as Commissioners to locate a site for a peni- tentiary on the Mississippi at or near Alton. Mr. Bond was of a benevolent and convivial dis- position, a man of shrewd observation and clear ap- preciation of events. His person was erect, stand- ing six feet in height, and after middle life became portly, weighing 200 pounds. His features were strongly masculine, complexion dark, h.iir jet and eyes hazel ; was a favorite wiili the ladies. He died April II, 1S30, in peace and -ontentment id^^r-UA^ Cot agri- cultural society in the State. On account of ill health, however, and having no family to tie him down, he spent much of his time in Eastern cities. About 1832 he changed his residence to I'hiladel- phia, where he died July 7, 1868, and is buried at \V'oodland, near that city. ' O cP-C/u^iSi^-^ GO VEUNORS OF ILLINOIS. 119 I ill a ISM ••<-i<#<->^-^>-j- I INIAN EDWARDS, Governor Ironi 1827 to 1S30, was a soa of Benjamin Edwards, and "as born in Montgomery -^/o County, Maryland, in March, 1775. His domestic train- ^' ing was well fitted to give lis mind strength, firmness and oi.orable iirinciples, and a good foundation was laid fertile elevated character to which he afterwards attained. His parents were Bap- tists, and very strict in their moral piinciples. His education in eaily youth was in company with and partly under the tuition of Hon. Wni. Wirt, whom his father patronized and who was more than two years older. An intimacy was thus forin.-d between them which was lasting for life. He was further educated at Dickinson College, at Car- lisle, Pa. He next cimmenced the study of law, but before completing his course lie moved to Nelson County, Ky., to open a farm for his father and to purchase homes and locate lands for his brothers and sisters. Here he fell in the company of dissolute companions, and for several years led the life of a spendthrift. He was, however, elected to the Legis- lature of Kentucky as the Representative of Nelson •J-ounty before he was 21 years of age, and was re- jected by an almost unanimous vote. In 1798 he was licensed to practice law, and the fjllowing year was admitted to the Courts of Tennes- see. About this time he left Nelson County for Russellville, in Logan County, broke away from his dissolute companions, commenced a reformation and devoted himself to severe and laborious study. He then began to rise rapidly in his profession, and soon became an eminent lawyer, and inside of four years he filled in succession the offices of Presiding Judge of the General Court, Circuit Judge, fourth Judge of the Court of Appeals and Chief Justice of the State, — all before he was 32 years of age! Li addition, in 1802, he received a commission as Major of a battal- ion of Kentucky militia, and in 1804 was chosen a Presidential Elector, on the Jefferson and Clinton ticket. In 1806 he was a candidate Tor Congress, but withdrew on being promoted to the Court of Appeals. Illinois was organized as a separate Territory in the spring of 1809, when Mr. Edwards, then Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals in Kentucky, received from President Madison the appointment as Gover- nor of the new Territory, his commission bearing date April 24, 1809. Edwards arrived at Kaskaskia in June, and on the i ith of that month took the oath of office. At the same time he was appointed Superin- tendent of the United States Saline, this Government interest then developinginto considerable proportions in Southern Illinois. Although during the first three years of his administration he had the power to make new counties and appoint all the officers, yet he always allowed the people of each county, by an informal NINIAN ED WARDS. vole, to select their own officers, both civil and mili- tary. The noted John J. Crittenden, afterward United States Senator from Kentucky, was appointed by Gev. Edwards to the office of Attorney General of the Territory, which office was accepted for a short time only. The Indians in tSio committing sundry depreda- tions in the Territory, crossing the Mississippi from the Territory of Louisiana, a long correspondence fol- lowed between the respective Governors concerning the remedies, which ended in a council with the sav- ages at Peoria in 1812, and a fresh interpretation of the treaties. Peoria was depopulated by these de- predations, and was not re -settled for many je^rs afterward. As Gov. Edwards' term of office expired by law in 1812, he was re-appointed for another term of three years, and again in 1815 for a third term, serving until the organization of the State in the fall of 1818 and the inauguration of Gov. Bond. At this time ex-Gov. Edwards was sent to the United States Senate, his colleague being Jesse B. Thomas. As Senator, Mr. Edwards took a conspicuous part, and acquitted himself honorably in all the measures that came up in that body, being well posted, an able de- bater and a conscientious statesman. He thought seriously of resigning this situation in 1821, but was persuaded by liis old friend, Wm. Wirt, and others to continue in office, which he did to the end of the term. He was then appointed Minister to Mexico by President Monroe. About this time, it appears that Mr. Edwards saw suspicious signs in the conduct of Wm. H. Crawford, Secretary of the United States Treasury, and an ambitious candidate for the Presi- dency, and being implicated by the latter in some of his statements, he resigned his Mexican mission in order fully to investigate the charges. The result was the exculpation of Mr. Edwards. Pro-slavery regulations, often termed "Black Laws," disgraced the statute books of both the Territory and ihe Stale of Illinois during the whole of his career in /his commcnwealtli, and Mr. Edwards always main- tained the doctrines of freedom, and was an important actor in the great struggle which ended in a victory for his parfy in 1824. In 1826 7 the Winnebago and other Indians com- mitted soue depredations in the northern part of the State, and the white settlers, who desired the land? and wished to exasperate the savages into an evacu- ation of the country, magnified the misdemeanors of the aborigines and thereby produced a hostility be- tween the races so great as to precipitate a little war, known in history as the "Winnebago War." A few chases and skirmishes were had, when Gen. Atkinson succeeded in capturing Red Bird, the Indian chief, and putting him to death, thus ending the contest, at least until the troubles commenced which ended in the " Black Hawk War " of 1832. In the interpre- tation of treaties and execution of their provisions Gov. Edwards had much vexatious work to do. The Indians kept themselves generally within the juris- diction of Michigan Territory, and its Governor, Lewis Cass, was at a point so remote that ready cor- respondence with him was difficult or impossible. Gov. Edwards' administration, however, in regard to the protection of the Illinois frontier, seems to havj been very efficient and satisfactory. For a considerable portion of his time after his re- moval to Illinois, Gov. Edwards resided upon his farm near Kaskaskia, which he had well stocked with horses, cattle and sheep from Kentucky, also with fruit-trees, grape-vines and shrubbery. He estab- lished saw and grist-mills, and engaged extensively in mercantilebusiness, having no less than eight or ten stores in this State and Missouri. Notwithstanding the arduous duties of liis office, he nearly always pur- chased the goods himself with which to supply the stores. Although not a regular practitioner of medi- cine, he studied the healing art to a considerable ex- tent, and took great pleasure in prescribing for, and taking care of, the sick, generally without charge. He was also liberal to the poor, several widows and ministers of the gospel becoming indebted to him even for their homes. He married Miss Elvira Lane, of Maryland, in 1803, and they became the affectionate parents of several children, one of wiiom, especially, is well' known to the people of the " Prairie State," namely, Ninian Wirt Edwards, once the Superintendent c< Public Instruction and still a resident of Springfield Gov. Edwards resided at and in the vicinity of Kas- kaskia from 180910 1818; in Edwardsville (named after him) from that time to 1824; and from the lat- ter date at Belleville, St. Clair County, until his death, July 20, 1833, of Asiatic cholera. Edwards County is also named in his honor. ^/ ^^^^0^/0-1.-^/-^^?^^ GO VERAORS OF ILLINOIS. I2J 4^5^C3»^eV@)@@V(2)6'€^f(2) '((^HN REYNOLDS, Governor 1831- Iff^s^ 4, \v;is boil"! in Montgomery Coun- ig: ty, Pennsylvania, Feb. 26, 1788. His father, Robert Reynolds and liis mother, nee Margaret Moore, were both natives of Ireland, from wliich country they emigrated to the United States in 1785, land- ing at Philadelphia. The senior Reynolds entertained an undying hostility to the British Govern- ment. When the subject of tliis sketch was about six months old, hjs parents emigrated with him to Tennessee, where many of their relatives had already located, at the base of the Copper Ridge Mountain, about 14 miles northeast of the present city of Knoxville. There they were ex- oosed to Indian depredations, and were much molest- ed by them. In 1794 they moved into the interior of the State. They were poor, and brought up their children to habits of manual industry. In i8oo tlie fimily removed to Kaskaskia, III., with eight horses and two wagons, encountering many Hardships on the way. Here young Reynolds passed the most of his childhood, while his character began to develop, the most prominent traits of which were ambition and energy. He also adopted the principle and practice of total abstinence from intoxicating liquors. In 1807 the family made another removal, this time to the " Goshen Settlement," at the foot of tlie Mississippi bluffs three or four miles southwest of Edwardsville. On arriving at his 20th year, Mr. Reynolds, seeing that he must look about for his own livelihood and not yet having determined what calling to pursue, concluded first to attend college, and he accordingly went to such an institution of learning, near Knox- ville, Tenn., where he had relatives. Imagine his diffidence, when, after passing the first 20 years of his life without ever having seen a carpet, a papered wall or a Windsor chair, and never having lived in a shingle-roofed house, he suddenly ushered himseir into the society of the wealthy in the vicinity of Knoxville! He attended college nearly two years, going through the principal Latin authors; but it seems that he, like the rest of the world in modern times, had but very little use for his Latin in after life. He always failed, indeed, to exhibit any good degree of literary disciphne. He commenced the study of law in Knoxville, but a pulmonary trouble came on and compelled him to change his mode of life. Accordingly he returned home and re- cuperated, and in 1812 resumed his college and law studies at Knoxville. In the fall of 181 2 he was admitted to the Bar at Kaskaskia. About this time he also learned the French language, which he practiced with pleasure in conversation with his family for many years. He regarded this language as being superior to all others for social intercourse. 12/1 JOHN REYNOLDS. From his services in the West, in the war of i8i 2, he obtained the sobriquet of the " Old Ranger." He was Orderly Sergeant, then Judge Advocate. Mr. Reynolds opened his first law office in the winter and spring of 1814, inthe French village of (3ahokia, then the capital of St. Clair County. In the fall of 1818 he was elected an Associate Justice upon the Supreme Bench by the General Assembly. In 1825 he entered more earnestly than ever into the practice of law, and the very next year was elected a member of the Legislature, where he acted independently of all cliques and private inter- ests. In 1828 the Whigs and Democrats were for the first time distinctively organized as such in Illi- nois, and the usual party bitterness grew up and raged on all sides, while Mr. Reynolds preserved a iudicial calmness and moderation. The real animus ,if the campaign was " Jackson " and " anti-Jackson," 'he former party carrying the State. In August, 1S30, Mr. Reynolds was elected Gov- ernor, amid great e.xciteraent. Installed in office, he did all within his power to advance the cause of edu- cation, internal improvements, the Illinois & Mich- igan Canal, the harbor at Chicago, settling the coun- try, etc.; also recc mmended the winding up of the State Bank, as its affairs had become dangerously complicated. In his national politics, he was a moderate supporter of General Jackson. But the most celebrated event of his gubernatorial admin- istration was the Black Hawk War, which occurred in 1832. He called out the militia and prosecuted the contest with commendable diligence, appearing in person on the battle-grounds during the most critical periods. He was recognized by the President as Major-General, and authorized by him to make treaties vi'itli the Indians. By the assistance of the general Government the war was terminated without much bloodshed, but after many serious fights. This war, as well as everything else, was materially re- tarded by the occurrence of Asiatic cholera in the West. This was its first appearance here, and was the next event in prominence during Gov. Reynolds' term. South Carolina nullification coming up at this time, t was heartily condemned by both President Jackson and Gov. Reynolds, who took precisely the same grounds as the Unionists in the last war. On the termination of his gubernatorial term in • 834, Gov. Reynolds was elected a Member of Con- gress, still coiisidering himself a backwoodsman, as ^e had scarcely been outside of the State since he became of age, and had spent nearly all his youthful days in the wildest region of the frontier. His first move in Congress was to adopt a resolution that in all elections made by the House for officers the votes should be given viva voce, each member in his ])lace naming aloud the person for whom he votes. This created considerable heated discussion, but was es- sentially adopted, and remained the controlling prin- ciple for many years. The ex Governor was scarcely Absent from his seat a single day, during eight ses- sions of Congress, covering a period of seven year^, and he never vacillated in a party vote; but he failed to get the Democratic party to foster his " National Road" scheme. He says, in "My Own Times" (a large autobiography he published), that it was only by rigid economy that he avoided insolvency while in Washington. During his sojourn in that city he was married, to a lidy of the place. In 1837, while out of Congress, and in company with a few others, he built the first railroad in the Mississippi Valley, namely, one about six miles long, leading from his coal mine in the Mississippi bluff to the bank of the river opposite St. Louis. Hiving not the means to purchase a locomotive, they operated it by horse-power. The next spring, however, the com- pany sold out, at great sacrifice. In 1839 the ex-Governor was appointed one of the Canal Commissioners, and authorized to borrow money to prosecute the enterprise. Accordingly, he repaired to Philadelphia and succeeding in obtaining a million dollars, which, however, was only a fourth of what was wanted. The same year he and his wife made at our of Europe. This year, also, Mr. Reynolds had the rather awkward little responsibility of introducing to President Van Buren the noted Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, as a " Latter-Day Saint!" In 1846 Gov. Reynolds was elected a member of the Legislature from St. Clair County, more particu larly for the purixsse of obtaining a feasible charter for a macadamized road from Belleville to St. Louis, a distance of nearly 14 miles. This was immediately built, and was the first road of the kind in the State. He was again elected to the Legislature in 1852, when he was chosen Speaker of the House. In i860, aged and infirm, he attended the National Democratic Convention at Charleston, S. C , as an anti-Douglas Delegate, where he received more attention from the Southern Delegates than any other member. He supported Breckenridge for the Presidency. After the October elections foreshadowed the success of Lincoln, he published an address urging the Demo- crats to rally to the support of Douglas. Immedi- ately preceding and during the late war, his corre- spondence evinced a clear sympathy for the Southern secession, and about the first of March, i86r, he urged upon the Buchanan officials the seizure of the treasure and arms in the custom-house and arsenal at St. Louis. Mr. Reynolds was a rather talkative man, and apt in all the Western plirases and catch- words that ever gained currency, besides many cun- ning and odd ones of his own manufacture. He was married twice, but had no children. He died in Belleville, in May, 1865, just after the close of the war. GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '27 LLIAM LEE I). EWING, Governor of Illinois Nov. 3 ^^«s to 17, 1834, was a native of Kentucky, and probably of Scotch ancestry. He bad a fine education, was a gentle- man of polished manners and refined sentiment. In 1830 John Rey- nolds was elected Governor of the State, and Zadok Casey Lieutenant Governor, and for the principal events that followed, and the characteristics of the times, see sketch of Gov. Reynolds. The first we ^Ph/ see in history concerning Mr. Ewing, in- forms us that he was a Receiver of Public Mor.eys at Vandalia soon after the organization of this State, and that the public moneys in his liands v.'ere deposited in various banks, as they are usually W-aW i^resent day. In 1823 the State Bank was -ubbed,by which disaster Mr. Ewing lost a thousand- dollar deposit. The subject of this sketcli had a commission as Colonel in the Black Hawk War, and in emergencies ne acted also as Major. In the summer of 1832, when I "ras rumored among the whites that Black Hawk and his men had encamped somewhere on Rock River, Gen. Henry was sent or. a tour of reconnoisance, and witii orders to drive the Indians from the State. After some opposition from his lubordinate officers, Henry resolved to proceed up Rock River in searcii of the enemy. On the 19th of uly, early in the morning, five baggage wagons. cainp equipage and all heavy and cumbersome arti- cles were piled up and left, so that the army migli'- make speedy and forced marches. For some miles the travel was exceedingly bad, crossing swamps and the worst thickets; but the large, fresh trail gave life and animation to t!',e Americans. Gen. Dodge and Col. Ewing were both acting as Majors, and composed the " spy corps " or vanguard of the army. It is supposed the army marched nearly 50 miles this day, and the Indian trail they followed became fresher, and was strewed with much property and trinkets of the red-skin-, that they had lost or thrown away to hasten their march. During 'he following night there was a terrific thunder-storm, and the soldiery, with all their appurtenances, were dior- oughly drenched. On approaching nearer the Indians the next day. Gen. Dodge and Major Ewing, each commanding a battalion of men, were placed in front to bring on the battle, but the savages were not overtaken this day Forced marches were continued until they reached. Wisconsin River, where a veritable battle ensued, resulting in the death of about 68 of Black Hawk's men. The next day they continued the chase, and as soon as he discovered the trail of the Indians leading tow.ird the Mississippi, Maj. Ewing formed his battalion in order of battle and awaited the order of Gen. Henry. The latter soon appeared on the ground and ordered a charge, wliich directly resulted in chasing the red warriors across the great river. Maj. Ewing and his command proved particularly efficient in war, as it seems they were the chief actors in driving the main body of the Sacs and Foxes, in- T28 WILLIAM L. D. EWING. eluding Black Hawk himself, across the Mississippi, while Gen. Atkinson, commander-in-chief of the ex- pedition, with a body of the army, was hunting for them -.n another direction. In the above affair Maj. Ewmg is often referred to as a "General," which title he had derived from his connection with the militia. It was in the latter part of the same year (1832) that Lieutenant Governor Casey was elected to Con- gress and Gen. Ewing, who had been elected to the Senate, was chosen to preside over that body. At the August election of 1834, Gov. Reynolds was also elected to Congress, more than a year ahead of the time at which he could actually take his seat, as was then tlie law. His predecessor, Chailes Slade, had just died of Asiatic cholera, soon after the elec- tion, and Gov. Reynolds was chosen to serve out his unexpired term. Accordingly he set out for Wash- ington in November of that year to take his seat in Congress, and Gen. Ewing, by virtue of his office as President of the Senate, became Governor of the State of Illinois, his term covering only a period of 15 days, namely, from the 3d to the 17th days, in- clusive, of November. On the 17th the Legislature met, and Gov. Ewing transmitted to that body his message, giving a statement of the condition of the affairs of the State at that time, and urging a contin- uance of the policy adopted by his predecessor; and on the same day Governor elect Joseph Duncan was sworn into office, thus relieving Mr. Ewing from the responsible situation. This is the only time that such a juncture has happened in the history of Illi- nois. On the 29th of December, 1835, Gen. Ewing was elected a United States Senator to serve out the unexpired term of Elias Kent Kane, deceased. The latter gentleman was a very prominent figure in the early politics of Illinois, and a county in this State is named in his honor. The election of Gen. Ewing to the Senate was a protracted struggle. His competi- tors were James Semple, who af erwards held several important offices in this State, and Richard M. Young, afterward a United States Senator and a Supreme Judge and a man of vast influence. On the first ballot Mr. Semple had 25 votes. Young 19 and Ewing 18. On the eighth ballot Young was dropped ; the ninth and tenth stood a tie ; but on the 1 2th E.ving received 40, to Semple 37, and was accordingly declared elected. In 1837 Mr. Ewin^; received some votes for a continuance of his term in Congress, when Mr. Young, just referred to, was elected. In 1842 Mr. Ewing was elected State Audit-^r on the ticket with Gov, Ford. Gen. Ewing was a gentleman of culture, a lawyer by profession, and was much in public life. In person he was above medium height and of heavy builJ, with auburn hair, blue eyes, large-sized head and short face. He was genial, social, friendly and affable, with fair talent, though of no high degree o' originality. He died March 25, 1846. £ Jc^s'^/^^ ^ GO VEKNOKS OF ILLINOIS. !-!I 'i'^'isi££M^^lic Mon-'vs, and to fulfill the office more conveniently lie removed to the city of Quincy. While, in 1838, the unwieldy internal iin[)rovemeiit system of the State was in full operation, witli all its ex|)ensive machinery, amidst bank suspensions throughout the United States, a great stringency in the money market everywhere, and Illinois bonds forced to sale at a heavy discount, and the " liardest times " existing that the people of the Prairie State ever saw, the general election of State officers was approaching. Discreet men who had ciierished tiie hope of a speedy subsidence of the public infatua- tion, met with disappointment. A Governor and Legislature were to be elected, and these were now looked forward to for a repeal of the ruinous State policy. But the grand schenif; had not yet lost it-f dazzling influence upon the minds of the people. Time and e.xperience had not yet fully demonstrated its utter absurdity. Hence the question of arresting its career of profligate expenditures did not become a leading one with the dominant party during the campaign, and most of the old members of the Leg islatuie were returned at this election. Under these circumstances the Democrats, in State G)nvention assembled, nominated Mr. Carlin for the office of Gov-'rnor, and S. H. Anderson for Lieuten- ant Governor, while the Whigs nominated Cyrus Ed- wards, brotherof Ninian Edwards, formerly Governor, and W. H. Davidson. Edwards came out strongly for a continuance of the State policy, while Car!:;- remained non-committal. This was the first tunc that the two main political parties in this State were unembar'assed Ijy any third party in the field. The result of the election was: Carlin, 35,573 ; Ander- son, 30,335; Edwards, 29,629; and Davidson, 28,- Ui)on the meeting of the subsequent Legislature (1839), the retiring Governor CDuncan) in his mes- •36 THOMAS CARLIN. sage spoke in emphatic terms of the impolicy of the internal improvement system, presaging the evils threatened, and uiged that body to do their utmost to correct the great error ; yet, on the contrary, the Legislature not only decided to continue the policy but also added to its burden by voting more appro- priations and ordering more improvements. Although the money market was still stringent, a further loan of $4,000,000 was ordered for the Illinois & Mich- igan Canal alone. Cn'cago at that time began to loom up and promise to be an important city, even the great emporium of the West, as it has since in- deed came to be. Ex-Gov. Reynolds, an incompe- tent financier, was commissioned to effect the loan, and accordingly hastened to the East on this respons- ible errand, and negotiated the loans, at considera- ble sacrifice to the State. Besides this embarrassment X. Carlin's administration, the Legislature also de- clared that he had no authority to appoint a Secretary of State until a vacancy existed, and A. P. Field, a Whig, who had already held the post by appointment .hrough three administrations, was determined to keep the place a while longer, in spite of Gov. Car- lins preferences. The course of the Legislature in this regard, however, was finally sustained by the Supreme Court, in a quo ivarranio case brought up before it by Jchn A. McClernand, whom the Gov- ernor had nominated for the office. Thereuwn that dignified body was denounced as a "Whig Court!" endeavoring to establish the principle of life-tenure of office. A new law was adopted re-organizing the Judici- ary, and under it five additional Supreme Judges were elected by the Legislature, namely, Thomas Ford (afterward Governor), Sidney Breese, Walter B. Scales, Samuel H. Treat and Stephen A. Douglas — all Democrats. It was during Gov. Carlin's administration that the noisy campaign of " Tippecanoe and Tyler too " oc- curred, resulting in a Whig victory. This, however, did net affect Illinois politics very seriously. Another prominent event in the West during Gov. Carlin's term of office was the excitement caused by the Mormons and their removal from Independence, Mo., to Nauvoo, 111., in 1840. At the same time they began to figure somewhat in State politics. On account of their believing — as they thought, accord- ing to the New Testament — that they should have " all things common," and that consequently " all the earth " and all that is upon it were the" Lord's " and therefore the property of his " saints," they were suspected, and correctly, too, of committing many of the deeds of larceny, robbery, etc., that were so rife throughout this country in those days. Hence a feeling of violence grew up between the Mormons and "anti-Mormons." In the State of Missouri the Mormons always supported the Dem- ocracy until they were driven out by the Democratic government, when they turned their support to the Whigs. They were becoming numerous, and in the Legislature of 1840-1, therefore, it became a matter of great interest with both parties to conciliate these people. Through the agency of one John C. Ben- nett, a scamp, the Mormons succeeded in rushing through the Legislature (both parties not darinj» to oppose) a charter for the city of Nauvoo which vir- tually erected a hierarchy co-ordinate with the Fed- eral Government itself. In the fall of 1841 the Governor of Missouri made a demand upon Gov. Carlin for the body of Joe Smith, the Mormon leader, as a fugitive from justice. Gov. Carlin issued th^ writ, but for some reason it was returned unserved. It was again issued in 1842, and Smith was arrested, but was either rescued by his followers or discharged by the municipal court on a writ of habeas corpus. In December, 1841, the Democratic Convention nominated Adam W. Snyder, of Belleville, for Gov- ernor. As he had been, as a member of the Legisla- ture, rather friendly to the Mormons, the latter naturally turned their support to the Democratic party. The next spring the Whigs nominated Ex- Gov. Duncan for the same office. In the meantime the Mormons began to grow more odious to the masses of the people, and the comparative prospects of the respective parties for success became very problematical. Mr. Snyder died in May, and Thomas Ford, a Supreme Judge, was substituted as a candidate, and was elected. At the close of his gubernatorial term, Mr. Carlin removed back to his old home at Carrollton, where he spent tha remainder of his life, as before his ele- vation to office, in agricultural pursuits. In 1849 he served out the unexpired term of J. D. Fry in the Illinois House of Representatives, and died Feb. 4, 1852, at his residence at Carrollton, leaving a wife and seven children. I o. ■'^A-t^I'V-^A^ GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 139 N?>*- >gHOMAS FORD, Governor from 1842 to 1846, and au- thor of a very interesting history of Illinois, was born at Uniontown, Pa., in the year 1 800. His mother, after the death of her first hus- band (Mr. Forquer), married Rob- ert Ford, who was killed in 1802, by the Indians in the mountains of Pennsylvania. She was conse- quently left in indigent circum- stances, with a large family, mostly girls. With a view to better her condition, she, in 1804, removed to Missouri, where it had been cus- tomary by the Spanish Govern- ment to give land to actual settlers; but upon her arrival at St. Louis she found the country ceded to the United States, and the liberal policy toward set- tlers changed by the new ownership. After some sickness to herself and family, she finally removed to Illinois, and settled some three miles south of Water- loo, but the following year moved nearer the Missis- sippi bluffs. Here young Ford received his first 1 schooling, under the instructions of a Mr. Hum[)hrey, for which he had to walk three miles. His mother, though lacking a thorough education, was a woman of superior mental endowments, joined to energy and determination of character. She inculcated in her children those high-toned principles which dis- tinguished her sons in public life. She exercised a rigid economy to provide her children an education; but George Forquer, her oldest son (six years older than Thomas Ford), at an early age had to quit school to aid by his labor in the support of the family. He afterward became an eminent man in Illinois affairs, and but for his early death would jMobably have been elected to the United States Senate. Young Ford, with somewhat better opportunities, received a better education, though limited to the curriculum of the common school of those pioneer times. His mind gave early promise of superior en- dowments, with an inclination for mathematics. His proficiency attracted the attention of Hon. Daniel P. Co)k, who became his efficient patron and friend The latter gentleman was an eminent Illinois states- man who, as a Member of Congress, obtained a grant of 300,000 acres of land to aid in completing the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and after whom the county of Cook was named. Through the advice of 140 THOMAS FORD. this gentleman, Mr. Ford turned his attention to the study of law; but Forq;ier, then merchandising, re- garding his education defective, sent him to Transyl- vania University, where, however, he remained but one term, owing to Forquer's failure in business. On his return he aUernated his law reading with teach- irig school for support. In 1829 Gov. Edwards app;jinled him Pro-iecuting Attorney, and in 1831 he was re-appointed by Gov. Reynolds, and after that he was four times elected a Judge by the Legislature, without opposition, twice a Circuit Judge, oice a Judge of Chicago, and as As- sociate Judge of the Supreme Court, when, in 1841, the latter tribunal was re -organized by the addition of five Judges, all Democrats. Ford was assigned to the Ninth Judicial Circuit, and while in this capacity ne was holding Court in Ogle County he received a notice of his nomination by the Democratic Conven- tion for the office of Governor. He immediately re- signed his place and entered upon the canvass. In August, 1842, he was elected, and ou the 8th of De- cember following he was inaugurated. All the offices which he had lield were unsolicited by him. He received them upon the true Jefferson- jan principle, — Mever to a-.k and never to refuse office. Both as a lawyer and as a Judge he stood deservedly high, but his cau of intellect fitted him rather for a writer upon law than a practicing advo- cate in the courts. In the latter capacity he was void of the moving Dower of eloquence, so necessary to success with juries. As a Judge his opinions were ■'ound, lucid and able expositions of the law. In ,)ractice, he was a stranger to the tact, skill and in- sinuating address of the politician, but he saw through he arts of demagogues as w;:ll as any man. He was plain in his demeanor, so much so, indeed, that at one time after the expiration of his term of office, during a session of the Legislature, he was taken by a stranger 10 be a seeker for the position of door- Keeper, and was wai;ed upon at his hotel near mid- r.ight by a knot of small office-seekers with the view of effecting a " combination ! " Mr. Ford had not the " brass " of the ordinary politician, nor that impetuosity which characterizes a political leader. He cared little for money, and fiardly enough for a decent support. In person he was of small stature, slender, of dark complexion, with black hair, sharp features, deep-set eyes, a pointed, aquiline nose having a decided twist to one side, and a small mouth. The three most important events in Gov. Ford's r.dn".inistration were the establishment of the high financial credit of the State, the " Mormon War "and .he Me.xican War. In the first of tnese the Governor proved himself 'a be eir;inently wise. On coming into office he found the State badly paralyzed by the rui'ious effects of •.ne r.otocious "internal improvement" schemes of the preceding decade, with scarcely anything tc; show by w-iy of "improvement." The enterprise that seemed to be getting ahead more than all the rest was the Illinois & Michigan Canal. As this promised to be the most important thoroughfare, feasible to the people, it was well under headway in its construction. Therefore the State policy was almost concentrated upon it, in order to rush it on te completion. The bonded indebtedness of the State was growing so large as to frighten the people, and they were about ready to entertain a proposition for repudiation. But the Governor had the foresight to recommend such measures as would maintain the public credit, for which every citizen to-day feels thankful. But perhaps the Governor is remembered more for his connection with the Mormon troubles than for anything else; for it was during his term of office that the " Latter-Day Saints " becam? so strong at Nauvoo, built their temple there, incre.tsed their num- bers throughout thecount-y, committed misdemean- ors, taught dangerous doctrines, suffered the loss of their leader, Jo Smith, by a violent death, were driven out of Nauvoo to the far West, etc. Having i)een a Judge for so many years previously, Mr. Ford of course was no i-committal concerning Mormon affairs, and was therefore claimed by both parties and also accused by each of sympathizing too greatly with the other side. Mormonism claiming to be a system of religion, the Governor no doubt was " between two fires," and felt compelled to touch the matter rather " gingerly," and doubtless felt greatly relieved when that pestilential people left the State. Such compli- cated matters, especially when religion is mixed up with them, expose every person particijiating in them to criticism from all parties. The Mexican War was begun in the sjjring of 1845, and was continued into the gubernatorial term of Mr. Ford's su;ce5Sor. The Governor's connection with this war, however, was not conspicuous, as it was only administrative, commissioning officers, etc. Ford's " History of Illinois " is a very readable and entertaining work, of 450 small octavo pages, and is destined to increase in value with the lapse of time. It exhibits a natural flow of compact and forcible thought, never failing to convey the nicest sense. In tracing with his trenchant pen the devious operptions of the professional politician, in which he is inimit- able, his account is open, perhaps, to the objection that all his contemporaries are treated as mere place- seekers, while many of them have since been judged by the people to be worthy statesmen. His writings seem slightly open to the criticism that they exhibit a litile splenetic partiality against those of his con- temporaries who were prominent during his term of office as Governor. The death of Gov. Ford took place at Peoria, III., Nov. 2, i8i;o. I i — -^^^-^^=^^^^M^^^ GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 143 S-t '-...^'-if- I Augustus a French. {^ i:^ iUGUSTUS C. FRENCH, Governor of Illinois from 1846 to 1852, was born in the town of Hill, in the State of New Hampshire, Aug. 2, 1808. He was a descendant in the fourth generation of Nathaniel French, who emigrated from England in 1687 and settled in Saybury, Mass. In early life young French lost his father, but continued to receive in- struction from an exemplary and Christian mother until he was 19 years old, when she also died, confiding to his care and trust four younger broth- ers and one sister. He discharged his trust with parental devotion. His education in early life was such mainly as a common school afforded. For a brief period he attended Dartmouth College, but from pecuniary causes and the care of his brothers and sister, he did not graduate. He subsequently read law, and was admitted to the Bar in 1831, and shortly afterward removed to Illinois, settling first at Albion, Edwards County, where he established him- self in the practice of law. The following year he removed to Paris, Edgar County. Here he attained eminence in his profession, and entered public life by representing that county in the Legislature. A strong attachment sprang up between him and Ste- phen A. Douglas. In 1839, Mr. French was appointed Receiver of the United States Land Office at Palestine, Craw- ford County, at which place he was a resident when elevated to the gubernatorial chair. In 1844 he was a Presidential Elector, and as such he voted for James K. Polk. The Democratic State Convention of 1846, meet- ing at Springfield Feb. 10, nominated Mr. French for Governor. Other Democratic candidates were Lyman Trumbull, John Calhoun (subsequently of Lecompton Constitution notoriety), Walter B. Scates. Richard M. Young and A. W. Cavarly, — an array of very able and prominent names. Trumbull was per- haps defeated in the Convention by the rumor that he was opposed to the Illinois and Michigan Canal, as he had been a year previously. For Lieutenant Governor J. B. Wells was chosen, while other candi- dates were Lewis Ross, Wm. McMurlry, Newton Cloud, J. B. Hamilton and W. W. Thompson. The resolutions declared strongly against the resuscita- tion of the old State Banks. The Whigs, who were in a hopeless minority, held their convention June 8, at Peoria, and selected Thomas M. Kilpatrick, of Scott County, for Governor, and Gen. Nathaniel G. Wilcox, of Schuyler, for Lieutenant Governor. In the campaign the latter exposed Mr. French's record and connection with the passage of the in- ternal improvement system, urging it against his election; but in the meantime the war with Mexico broke out, regarding which the Whig record was un- popular in this State. The war was the absorbing and dominating question of the period, sweeping every other political issue in its course. The elec- tion in August gave Mr. French 58,700 votes, and Kilpatrick only 36,775. Richard Eells, Abolitionist candidate for the same office, received 5,152 vots>s 144 AUGUSTUS C. FRENCH. By the new Constitution of 1848, a new election for State officers was ordered in November of that year, before Gov. French's terra was half out, and he was re-elected for the term of four years. He was there- fore the incumbenl for six consecutive years, the only Governor of this State who has ever served in that capacity so long at one time. As there was no organized opposition to his election, he received 67,- 453 votes, to 5,639 for Pierre Menard (son of the first Lieutenant Governor), 4,748 for Charles V. Dyer, 3,834 for W. L. D. Morrison, and i,36t for James I.. D. Morrison. But Wm. McMurtry, of Knox County, was elected Lieutenant Governor, in place of Joseph B. Wells, who was before elected and did not run again. Governor French was inaugurated into office dur- ing the progress of the Mexican War, which closed during the summer of 1847, although the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was not made until Feb. 2, 1848. The policy of Gov. French's party was com- mitted to that war, but in connection with that affair he was, of course, only an administrative officer. During his term of office, Feb. 19, 1847, the Legisla- ture, by special permission of Congress, declared tiiat all Government lands sold to settlers should be im- mediately subject to State taxation; before this they were exempt for five years after sale. By this ar- rangement the revenue was materially increased. About the same lime, the distribution of Government !and warrants among the Mexican soldiers as bounty threw upon the market a great quantity of good lands, and this enhanced the settlement of the State. The same Legislature authorized, with the recom- mendation of the Governor, the sale of the Northern Cross Railroad (from Springfield to Meredosia, the first in the State and now a section of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific) It sold for $100,000 in bonds, although it had cost the State not less than a million. The salt wells and canal lands in the Saline reserve in Gallatin County, granted by the general Govern- ment to the State, were also authorized by the Governor to be sold, to apply on the State debt. \\\ 1850, for the first time since 1839, the accruing State revenue, exclusive of specific appropriations, was sufficient to meet the current demands upon the treasury. The aggregate taxable property of the State at this time was over $100,000,000, and the population 851,470. In 1S49 the Legisiivture adopted the township or- ganization law, which, however, proved defective, and was properly amended in 185 1. At its session in the latter year, the General Assembly also pasied a law to exempt homesteads from sale on executions This beneficent measure had been repeatedly urgecj upon that body by Gov. French. In 1S50 some business men in St. Louis com- menced to build a dike opposite the lower part of their city on the Illinois side, to keep the Mississippi in its channel near St. Louis, instead of breaking away from them as it sometimes threatened to do. This they undertook without permission from the Legislature or Executive authority of this State ; and as many of the inhabitants thera complained that the scheme would inundate and ruin much valuable land, there was a slight conflict of jurisdictions, re- sulting in favor of the St. Louis project; and since then a good site has existed there for a city (East St. Louis), and now a score of railroads center there. It was in September, 1850, that Congress granted to this State nearly 3,000,000 acres of land in aid of the completion of the Illinois Central Railroad, which constituted the most important epoch in the railroad — we might say internal improvement — his- tory of the State. The road was rushed on to com- pletion, which accelerated the settlement of the in- terior of the State by a good class of industrious citi- zens, and by the charter a good income to the State Treasury is paid in from the earnings of the road. In 185 r the Legislature passed a law autliorizing free stock banks, which was the source of much leg- islative discussion for a number of years. But we have not space further to particularize concerning legislation. Gov. French's administra- tion was not marked by any feature to be criticised, while the country was settling up as never before. In stature, Gov. French was of medium height, squarely built, light complexioned, with ruddy face and pleasant countenance. In manners he was plain and agreeable. By nature he was somewhat diffident, but he was often very outspoken in his con- victions of duty. In public speech he was not an orator, but was chaste, earnest and persuasive. In business he was accurate and methodical, and in his administration he kept up the credit of the State. He died in 1865, at his home in Lebanon, St. Clair Co., Til. GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 147 l0el %. plsi'ttes0tt !.<)EL A. MATTESON, Governor ^Mgst 1853-6, was born Aug. 8, 1808, 1^1 in Jefferson County, New York, to which place his father had re- moved from Vermont three years before. His father was a farmer in fair circumstances, but a com- mon Enghsh education was all that his only son received. Young Joel first tempted fortune as a small tradesman in Prescott, Canada, before he was of age. He returned from that place to his home, entered an academy, taught school, visited the prin- cipal Eastern cities, improved a farm liis father had given him, made a tour in the South, worked tliere in building railroads, experienced a siorm on the Gulf of Mexico, visited the gold diggings of Northern Georgia, and returned via Nashville to St. Louis and through Illinois to his father's home, when he mar- ried. In 1833, having sold his farm, he removed, with his wife and one child, to Illinois, and entered a claim on Government land near the head of Au Sable River, in what is now Kendall County. At that time there were not more than two neighbors within a range of ten miles of his place, and only ■ hree or four houses between him and Chicago. He opened a large farm. His fatuily was boarded 12 miles away while he erected a house on his claim, sleeping, daring this time, under a rude pole shed. Here his life was once placed in imminent peril by a huge prairie rattlesnake sharing his bed. In 1835 he bought largely at the Government land sales. During the speculative real-estate mania which broke out in Chicago in 1 836 and spread over the State, he sold his lands under the inflation of that period and removed to Joliet. In 1838 he became a heavy contractor on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Upon the completion of his job in 1841, when hard times prevailed, business at a stand, contracts paid in State scrip; when all the public works except the canal were abandoned, the State offered for sale 700 tons of railroad iron, which was purchased by Mr. Mat- teson at a bargain. This he accepted, shipped and sold at Detroit, realizing a very handsome profit, enough to pay off all his canal debts and leave hirn a surplus of several thousand dollars. His enterprise next prompted him to start a woolen mill at Joliet, in which he prospered, and which, after successive enlargements, became an enormous establishment. In 1842 he was first elected a State Senator, but, by a bungling apiiortionment, jC. m Pearson, a Senator holding over, was found to be in the same district, and decided to be entitled to represent it. Mat- teson's seat was declared vacant. Pearson, however with a nobleness difficult to appreciate in this day of [48 JOEL A. MATTESON. greed for office, unwilling to represent his district under the circumstances, immediately resigned his unexpired term of two years. A bill was passed in a few hours ordering a new election, and in ten days' time Mr. Matteson was returned re-elected and took his seat as Senator. From his well-known capacity as a business man, he was made Chairman of the Committee on Finance, a position he held during this half and two full succeeding Senatorial terms, discharging its im[X)rtant duties with ability and faith- fulness. Besides his extensive woolen-mill interest, when work was resumed on the canal under the new loan of $[,600,000 he again became a heavy con- tractor, and also subsequently operated largely in building railroads. Thus he showed himself a most energetic and thorough business man. He was nominated for Governor by the Demo- cratic State Convention which met at Springfield April 20, 1852. Other candidates before the Con- vention were D. L. Gregg and F. C. Sherman, of Cook ; John Dement, of Lee ; Thomas L. Harris, of Menard; Lewis W. Ross, of Fulton ; and D. P. Bush, of Pike. Gustavus Koerner, of St. Clair, was nom- inated for Lieutenant Governor. For the same offices the Whigs nominated Edwin B. Webb and Dexter A. Knowlton. Mr. Matteson received 80,645 votes at the election, while Mr. Webb received 64,408. Mat- teson's forte was not on the stump; he had not cul- tivated the art of oily flattery, or the faculty of being all things to all men. His intellectual qualities took rather the direction of efficient executive ability. His turn consisted not so much in the adroit manage- ment of party, or the powerful advocacy of great gov- ernmental principles, as in those more solid and enduring operations which cause the physical devel- opment and advancement of a State, — of commerce and business enterprise, into which he labored with success to lead the people. As a politician he was just and liberal in his views, and both in official and private life he then stood untainted and free from blemish. As a man, in active benevolence, social rirtues and all the amiable qualities of neighbor or citizen, he had few superiors. His messages present a perspicuous array of facts as to the condition of the State, and are often couched in forcible and elegant diction. The greatest excitement during his term of office was the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, by Con- gress, under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas in 1854, when the bill was passed organizing the Terri- tory of Kansas and Nebraska. A large portion of the Whig parfy of the North, through their bitter op- position to the Democratic party, naturally drifted into the doctrine of anti-slavery, and thus led to vi'hat was temporarily called the "Anti-Nebraska" party, while the followers of Douglas were known as " Ne- braska or Douglas Democrats." It was during this embryo stage of the Republican party that Abraham Lincoln was brought forward as the " Anti-Nebraska " candidate for the United States Senatorship, while Gen. James Shields, the incumbent, was re-nom- inated by the Democrats. But after a fewballotings in the Legislature (1855), these men were dropped, and Lyman Trumbull, an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, was brought up by the former, and Mr. Matteson, then Governor, by the latter. On the nth ballot Mr. Trumbull obtained one majority, and was ac- cordingly declared elected. Before Gov. Matteson's term expired, the Republicans were fully organized as a national party, and in 1856 put into the field a full national and State ticket, carrying the State, but not the nation. The Legislature of 1855 passed two very import- ant measures, — the present free-school system and a submission of the Maine liquor law to a vote of the people. The latter was defeated by a small majority of the popular vote. During the four years of Gov. Matteson's admin- istration the taxable wealth of the State was about trebled, from $137,818,07910 $349,951,272; the pub- lic debt was reduced from $17,398,985 to $12,843,- 144; taxation was at the same time reduced, and the State resumed paying interest on its debt in New York as fast as it fell due ; railroads were increased in their mileage fronr something less than 400 to about 3.000 ; and the population of Chicago was nearly doubled, and its commerce more than quad- rupled. Before closing this account, we regret that we have to say that Mr. Matteson, in all other respects an upright man and a good Governor, was implicated in a false re-issue of redeemed canal scrio, amount- ing to $224,182.66. By a suit in the Sangamon Cir- cuit Court the State recovered the jirincipal and a.ll the interest excepting $27,500. He died in the winter of 1872--3, at Chicago. '..^j^^i^^u^^e. GO VERJ^ORS OF ILLINOIS. 151 ^^e^ 1-5— # a<3!$->^®-t> [LLIAM H. BISSELL, Gov- ernor 1857-60, was born p A]5ril 25, 181 1, in the State of New York, near Painted Post, Yates County. His parents were obscure, honest, God-fearing people, who reared their children under the daily example of industry and frugality, accord- ing to the custom of that class of Eastern society. Mr. Bissell received a respecta- ble but not thorough academical education. By assiduous application he acquired a knowledge of medicine, and in his early manhood came West and located in Mon- roe County, this State, where he engaged in the practice of that profession. But he was not enam- ored of his calling: he was swayed by a broader ambitiori, to such an extent that the mysteries of the healing art and its arduous duties failed to yield him further any charms. In a few years he discovered his choice of a profession to be a mistake, and when he approached the age of 30 he sought to begin anew. Dr. Bissell, no doubt unexpectedly to him- self, discovered a singular facility and charm of speech, the exercise of which acquired for him a ready local notoriety. It soon came lo be under- stood that he desired to abandon his profession and take up that of the law. During terms of Court he would spend his time at the county seat among the members of the Bar, who extended to him a ready welcome. It was not strange, therefore, that he should drift into public life. In 1840 he was elected as a Dem- ocrat to the Legislature from Monroe County, and was an efficient member of that body. On his re- turn home he qualified himself for admission to the Bar and speedily rose to the front rank as an advo- cate. His powers of oratory were captivating. With a pure diction, charming and inimitable gestures, clearness of statement, and a remarkable vein of sly humor, his efforts before a jury told with irresistible effect. He was chosen by the Legislature Prosecut- ing Attorney for the Circuit in which he lived, and in that position he fully discharged his duty to the State, gained the esteem of the Bar, and seldom failed to convict the offender of the law. In stature he was somewliat tall and slender, and with a straight, military bearing, he presented a dis- tinguished appearance. His complexion was dark, his head well poised, though not large, his address pleasant and manner winning. Hi* was exemplary in his habits, a devoted husband and kind parent. He was twice married, the first time to Miss James, '52 WILLIAM H. BISSELL. of Monroe County, by whom he had two children, both daughters. She died soon after the year 1840, and Mr. B. married for his second wife a daughter of Elias K. Kane, previously a United States Senator from this State. She survived hi.oi but a short time, and died without issue. When the war with Mexico was declared in 1846, Mr. Bissell enlisted and was elected Colonel of his regiment, over Hon. Don Morrison, by an almost unanimous vote, — 807 to 6. Considering the limitad opportunities he had had, he evinced a high order of military talent. On the bloody field of Buena Vista he acquitted himself with intrepid and distinguished ability, contributing with his regiment, the Second Illinois, in no small degree toward saving the waver- ing fortunes of our arms during that long and fiercely contested battle. After his return home, at the close of the war, he was elected to Congress, his opponents being tlie Hons. P. B. Fouke and Joseph Gillespie. He served two terms in Congress. He was an ardent jjolitician. During the great contest of 1850 he voted in favor of the adjustment measures; but in 1854 he opposed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise act and therefore the Kansas-Nebraska bill of Douglas, and thus became identified with the nascent Republican party. During his first Congressional term, while the Southern members were following their old practice of intimidating the North by bullying language, and claiming most of the credit for victories in the Mexican War, and Jefferson Davis claiming for the Mississippi troops all the credit for success at Buena Vista, Mr. Bissell bravely defended the Northern troops ; whereupon Davis challenged Bissell to a duel, which was accepted. This matter was brought u)) against Bissell when he was candidate for Governor and during his term of office, as the Constitution of this State forbade any duelist from holding a State office. In 1856, when the Republican party first put forth a candidate, John C. Fremont, for President of the United States, the same party nominated Mr. Bissell for Governor of Illinois, and John Wood, of Quincy, for Lieutenant Governor, while the Democrats nomi- nated Hon. W. A. Richardson, of Adams County, for Governor, and Col. R. J. Hamilton, of Cook County, for Lieutenant Governor. The result of the election was a plurality of 4,729 votes over Richard- son. The American, or Know-Nothing, party had a ticket in the field. The Legislature was nearly bal- anced, but was politically opposed to the Governor. His message to the Legislature was short and rather ordinary, and was criticised for expressing the sup- posed obligations of the people to the incorporators of the Illinois Central Railroad Company and for re- opening the slavery question by allusions to the Kansas troubles. Late in the session an apportion- ment bill, based upon the State census of 1855, was passed, amid much partisan strife. The Governor at first signed the bill and then vetoed it. A furious debate followed, and the question whether the Gov- ernor had the authority to recall a signature was referred to the Courts, that of last resort deciding in favor of the Governor. Two years afterward another outrageous attempt was made for a re-apportionment and to gerrymander the State, but the Legislature failed to pass the bill over the veto of the Governor. It was during Gov. Bissell's administration that the notorious canal scrip fraud was brought to light ''mplicating ex-Gov, Matteson and other prominent State officials. The principal and interest, aggregat- ing $255,500, was all recovered by the State except- ing $27,500. (See sketch of Gov. Matteson.) In 1859 an attempt was discovered to fraudu- lently refund the Macalister and Stebbins bonds and thus rob the State Treasury of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. The State Government was impli- cated in this affair, and to this day remains unex- plained or unatoned for. For the above, and other matters previously mentioned. Gov. Bissell has been severely criticised, and he has also been most shame- fully libelled and slandered. On account of e.xposure in the army, the remote cause of a nervous form of disease gained entrance into his system and eventually developed paraplegia, affecting his lower extremities, which, wiiile it left his body in comparative health, deprived him of loco- motion e.xcept by the aid of crutches. While he was generally hopeful of ultimate recovery, this myste- rious disease pursued him, without once relaxing its stealthy hold, to the close of his life, March 18, i860, over nine months before the expiration of his gubernatorial term, at the early age of 48 years. He died in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. o< which he har» been a member since 1854. Go VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. •55 #^<^ >;( )HN WOOD, Governof 1860-1, and ft^ the first settler of Quincy, 111., was born in the town of Sempro- nius (now Moravia), Cayuga Co., N. Y., Dec. 20, 1798. He was the second child and only son of Dr. Daniel Wood. His mother, nee Catherine Crause, was of German parentage, and died while he was an infant. Dr. Wood was a learned and skillful physician, of classical attain- ments and proficient in several modern lai guages, who, after serving throughout the Revolu- tionary War as a Surgeon, settled on the land granted hiin by the Government, and resided there a re- spected and leading influence in his section until his deatli, at the ripe age of 92 years. The subject of this sketch, impelled by the spirit of Western adventure then pervading everywhere, left his home, Nov. 2, 1818, and passed the succeed- ing winter in Cincinnati, Ohio. The following sum- mer he pushed on to Illinois, landing at Shavvneetown, and spent the fall and following winter in Calhoun County. In 1820, in company with Willard Keyes, he settled in Pike County, about 30 miles southeast of Quincy, where for the next two years he pursued farming. In i82r he visited "the Bluffs" (as the present siie of Quincy was called, then uninhabited) and, pleased with its prospects, soon after purchased a quarter-section of land near by, and in the follow- ing fall (1822) erected near the river a small cabin, 18 X 20 feet, the first building in Quincy, of which he then became the first and for some months the only occupant. Aiiout this time he visited his old friends in Pike County, chief of wliom was William Ross, the lead- ing man in building up the village of Atlas, of that county, which was thought then to be the possible commencement of 3 city. One day they and others were traveling together over the country between the two points named, making observations on the com- parative merits of the respective localities. On ap- proaching the Mississippi near Mr. Wood's place, the latter told his companions to follow him and he would show them where he was going to build a city. They went about a mile ofifthe main trail, to a high point, from which the view in every direction was most magnificent, as it had been for ages and as yet untouched by the hand of man. Before them swept by the majestic Father of Waters, yet unburdened by navigation. After Mr. Wood had expatiated at length on the advantages of the situation, Mr. Ross replied, " But it's too near Atlas ever to amount to anything! " Atlas is still a cultivated farm, and Quincy is 3 city of over 30,000 population. In 1824 Mr. Wood gave a newspaper notice, as the law then prescribed, of his intention to apply to the General Assembly for the formation of a new county. This was done the following winter, result- ing in the establishment of the present Adams County. During the next summer Quincy was se- lected as the county seat, it and the vicinity then containing but four adult male residents and half 150 JOHN WOOD. that number of females. Since that period Mr. Wood resided at the place of his early adoption un- til his death, and far more than any other man was he identified with every measure of its progress and history, and almost continuously kept in public posi- tions. He was one of the early town Trustees, and after the place became a city he was often a member of the City Council, many times elected Mayor, in the face of a constant large opposition political majority. In 1850 he was elected to the State Senate. In 1856, on the organization of the Republican party, he was chosen Lieutenant Governor of the State, on the ticket with Wm. H. Bissell for Governor, and on the death of the latter, March 18, i860, he succeeded to the Chief Executive chair, which he occupied until Gov. Yates was inaugurated nearly ten months after- ward. Nothing very marked characterized the adminis- tration of Gov. Wood. The great anti-slavery cam- paign of i860, resulting in tlie election of the honest lUinoisan, Abraham Lincoln, to the Presidency of the United States, occurred during the short period while Mr. Wood was Governor, and tne excitement and issues of that struggle dominated over every other consideration, — indeed, supplanted them in a great measure. The people of Illinois, during all that time, were passing the comparatively petty strifes under Bissell's administration to the overwhelming issue of preserving the whole nacion from destruction. In 1861 ex-Gov. Wood was one of the five Dele- gates from Illinois to the " Peace Convention " at Washington, and in April of the sanr.e year, on the breaking om of the Rebellion, he was appointed Quartermaster-General of the State, which position he held throughout the war. In 1864 he took com- mand as Colonel of the 137th 111. Vol. Inf., with whom he served until the period of enlistment ex- pired. Politically, Gov. Wood was always acdvely identi- fied with tlie Whig and Republican parties. Few men have in personal experience comprehended so many surprising and advancing local changes as vested in the more than half century recollections of Gov. Wood. Sixty-four years ago a solitary settler on the "Bluffs," with no family, and no neighbor within a score of miles, the world of civilization away behind him, and the strolling red-man almost his only visitant, he lived to see growing around him, and under his auspices and aid, overspreading the wild hills and scraggy forest a teaming city, second only in size in the State, and surpassed nowhere in beauty, prosperity and promise ; whose people recog- nize as with a single voice the proverbial honor and liberality that attach to the name and lengthened life of their pioneer settler, "the old Governor." Gov. Wood was twice married, — first in January, 1826, to Ann M. Streeter, daughterof Joshua Streeter, formeriy of Salem, Washington Co., N. Y. They had eight children. Mrs. W. died Oct. 8, 1863, and in June, 1865, Gov. Wood married Mrs. Mary A., widow of Rev. Joseph T. Holmes. Gov. Wood died June 4, 1880, at his residence in Quincy. Four of his eight children are now living, namely: Ann E., wife of 'Gen. John Tillson; Daniel C, who married Mary J. Abernethy; John, Jr., who married Josephine Skinner, and Joshua S., who married Annie Bradley. The last mentioned now resides at Atchison, Kansas, and all the rest are still at Quincy. '59 T^^i gi^y^ .A'^v-V .^pV:c^f-.VT.-^>?V:yiS2a; UCHARD YATES, the "War Governor," 1861-4, was born Jan. 18, 18 18, on the banks of the Ohio River, at Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky. His lather '^ moved in 1831 to Illinois, and^ after stopping for a time in Springfield, settled at Island Grove, Sangamon County. Here, after attending school, Richard joined tlie family. Subsequently he entered Illinois College at Jacksonville, where, in 1837, he graduated with first honors. He cho-,e for his pro- fession the law, the Hon. J. J. Har- din being his instructor. After ad- mission to the Bar he soon rose to distinction as an advocate. Gifted with a fluent and ready oratory, he soon appeared in the political hustings, and, being a passionate admirer of the great Whig leader of the West. Henry Clay, he joined his political fortunes to .he party of his idol. In 1 840 he engaged with great =Tdor in the exciting " hard cider " campaign for riarrison. Two years later he was elected to the Legislature from Morgan County, a Democratic stronghold. He served three or four terms in the Legislature, and such was the fascination of his ora- Tory that by 1850 his large Congressional District, extending from Morgan and Sangamon Counties . OTth to include LaSalle, unanimously tendered him tne Whig nomination for Congress. His Democratic opponent was Maj. Thomas L. Harris, a very pop- ular man who had won distinction at the battle of Cerro Gordo, in the Mexican War, and who had acaten Hon. Stephen T. Logan for the same position. two years before, by a large majority. Yates wa? elected. Two years later he was re-elected, over John Calhoun. It was during Yates second term in Congress that the great question of the repeal of the Missouri Com- promise was agitated, and the bars laid down for re- opening the dreaded anti-slavery question. He took strong grounds against the repeal, and thus became identified with the rising Republican party. Conse- quently he fell into the minority in his district, which was pro-slavery. Even then, in a third contest, he fell behind Major Harris only 200 votes, after the district had two years before given Pierce 2,000 majority for President. The Republican State Convention of t86o met at Decatur May 9, and nominated for the offi.:e of Gov- ernor Mr. Yates, in preference to Hon. Norman B. Judd, of Chicago, and Leonard Swett, of Blooming- ton, two of the ablest men of the State, who were also candidates before the Convention. Francis A. Hoffman, of DuPage County, was nominated foi Lieutenant Governor. This was the year when Mr. Lincoln was a candidate for President, a period re- membered as characterized by the great whidpool which precipitated the bloody War of the Rebellion. The Douglas Democrats nominated J. C. Allen of Crawford County, for Governor, and Lewis W. Ross, of Fulton County, for Lieutenant Governor. The Breckenridge Democrats and the Bell-Everett party had also full tickets in the field. After a most fear- ful campaign, the result of the election gave Mr. Yates 172,196 votes, and Mr Allen 159,253. Mr. Yates received over a thousand more votes than did Mr. Lincoln himself. Gov. Yates occupied the chair of State during the l6o RICHARD YATES. most critical period of our country's history. In the fate of the nation was involved that of each State. The life struggle of the former derived its sustenance from the loyalty of the latter; and Gov. Yates seemed to realize the situation, and proved himself both loyal and wise in upholding the Government. He had a deep hold upon the affections of the people, won by his moving eloquence and genial manners. Erect and symmetrical in person, of pre- possessing appearance, with a winning address and a magnetic power, few men possessed more of the ele- ments of popularity. His oratory was scholarly and captivating, his hearers hardly knowing why they were transported. He was social and convivial. In the latter respect he was ultimately carried too far. The very creditable military efforts of this State during the War of the Rebellion, in putting into the field the enormous number of about 200,000 soldiers, were ever promptly and ably seconded by his excel- lency ; and the was ambitious to deserve the title of "the soldier's friend." Immediately after the battleof Shiloh he repaired to the field of carnage to look after the wounded, and his appeals for aid were promptly responded to by the people. His procla- mations calling for volunteers were impassionate appeals, urging upon the people the duties and re- quirements of patriotism; and his special message in 1863 to the Democratic Legislature of this State pleading for material aid for the sick and wounded soldiers of Illinois regiments, breathes a deep fervor of noble sentiment and feeling rarely equaled in beauty or felicity of expression. Generally his mes- sages on political and civil affairs were able and com- prehensive. During his administration, however, there were no civil events of an engrossing character, although two years of his time were replete with partisan quarrels of great bitterness. Military ar- rests, Knights of the Golden Circle, riot in Fulton County, attempted suppression of the Chicago Times and the usurping State Constitutional Convention of 1862, were the chief local topics that were exciting during the Governor's term. This Convention assem- bled Jan. 7, and at once took the high position that he law calling it was no longer binding, and that it :,ad supreme power; that it represented a virtual assemblage of the whole people of the State, and was sovereign in the exercise of all power necessary to effect a peaceable revolution of the State Government and to the re-establishment of one for the "happiness., prosperity and freedom of the citizens," limited only by the Federal Con^jtitution. Notwithstanding the law calling the Convention required its members to take an oath to support the Constitution of the State as well as that of the general Government, they utterly refused to take such oath. They also as- sumed legislative powers and passed several import- ant "laws!" Interfering with the (then) present executive duties, Gov. Yates was provoked to tell them plainly that " he did not acknowledge the right of the Convention to instruct him in the performance of his duty." In 1863 the Governor astonished the Democrats by " proroguing " their Legislature. This body, after a recess, met June 2, that year, and soon began to waste time upon various partisan resolutions ; and, while the two houses were disagreeing upon the question of adjourning «■«,? die, the Governor, having the authority in such cases, surprised them all by adjourning them " to the Saturday next preceding the first Monday in January, 1865 ! " This led to great excitement and confusion, and to a reference of the Governor's act to the Supreme Court, who decided in his favor. Then it was the Court's turn to receive abuse for weeks and months afterward. During the autumn of 1864 a conspiracy was de- tected at Chicago which had for its object the liber- ation of the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, the burning of the city and the inauguration of rebellion in the North. Gen. Sweet, who had charge of the camp at the time, first had his suspicions of danger aroused by a number of enigmatically worded letters which passed through the Camp postoffice. A de- tective afterward discovered that the rebel Gen. Marmaduke was in the city, under an assumed name, and he, with other rebel officers — Grenfell, Morgan, Cantrell, Buckner Morris, and Charles Walsh — was arrested, most of whom were convicted by a court-martial at Cincinnati and sentenced to imprisonment, — Grenfell to be hung. The sentence of the latter was afterward commuted to imprison- ment for life, and all the others, after nine months' imprisonment, were pardoned. In March, 1873, Gov. Yates was appointed a Gov- ernment Director of the Union Pacific Railroad, in which office he continued until his decease, at St. Louis, Mo., on the 27th of November following. GGVhRA'ORS OF ILLINOIS. 163 Michard J. Ogleshy -^3- %^rCHARD J. OGLESBY, Gov- ernor 1865-8, and re-elected in 1872 and 1884, was born July 25, 1824, in Oldham Co., Ky., — the State which might be considered the " mother of Illinois Governors." Bereft of his parents at the tender age of eight years, his early education was neglected. When 12 years of age, and after he had worked a year and a half at the carpenter's trade, he removed with an uncle, Willis Oglesby, into whose care he had been committed, to Decatur, this State, where he continued liis ap- prenticeship as a mechanic, working six months for Hon. E. O. Smith. In 1844 he commenced studying law at Spring- field, with Judge Silas Robbins, and read with him one year. He was admitted to the Bar in 1845, and commenced the practice of his chosen profession at Sullivan, the county seat of Moultrie County. The next year the war with Mexico was com- menced, and in June, 1846, Mr. Oglesby volunteered, was elected First Lieutenant of Co. C, Fourth Illinois Regiment of Volunteers, and participated in the bat- tles of Vera Cru2. and Cerro Gordo. On liis return he sought to perfect his law studies by attending a course of lectures at Louisville, but on the breaking out of the California "gold fever " in 1849, lie crossed the plains and mountains to the new Eldorado, driving a six-mule team, with a com- ^ pany of eight men, Henry Prather being the leader. In 1852 he returned home to Macon County, and was placed that year by the Whig party on the ticket of Presidential Electors. lu 1856 he visited Europe, .\jia and Africa, being absent 20 months. On his return home he resumed the practice of law, as a member of the fir.n of Gallagher, Wait & Oglesby. In 1858 he was the Republican noininee for the Lower House of Congress, but was defeated by the Hon. James C. Robinson, Democrat. In i860 he was elected to the Illinois State Senate ; and on the evening the returns of this election were coming in. Mr. Oglesby had a fisticuff encounter with " Cerro Gordo Williams," in which he came out victorious, and which was regarded as " the first fight of the Rebellion." The following spring, when the war had commenced in earnest, his ardent nature quickly responded to the demands of patriotism and he enlisted. The extra session of the Legislature elected him Colonel of the Eighth Illinois Infantry, the second one in the State raised to suppress the great Rebellion. He WIS shortly entrusted with important com- mands. For a time he was stationed at Bird's Point and Cairo; in April he was promoted Brigadier Gen> eral ; at Fort Donelson his brigade was in the van, being stationed on the right of General Grant's army and the first brigade to be attacked. He lost 500 men before re-inforcements arrived. Many of these men were from Macon County. He was engaged in the battle of Corinth, and, in a brave charge at this place, was shot in the left lung with an ounce ball, and was carried from the field in expectation of im- 164 RICHARD J. OGLESBY. mediate death. That rebel ball he carries to this day. On his partial recovery he was promoted as Major General, for gdlantry, his commission to rank from November, 1862. In the spring of 1863 he was assigned to the command of the i6th Army Corps, but, owing to inability froii the effects of liis wound, he relinquished this command in July, that year. Gen. Grant, however, refused to accept his resignation, and he was detailed, in December follow- ing, to court-martial and try the Surgeon General of tlie Army at Washington, where he remained until May, 1864, when he returned home. The Republican, or Uiion, State Convention of 1864 was held at Springfield, May 25, when Mr. Oglesby was nominated for the office of Governor, while other candidates before the Convention were Allen C. Fuller, of Boone, Jesse K. Dubois, of Sanga- mon, and John M. Palmer, of .Macoupin. Wm. Bross, of Chicago, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. On the Democratic State ticket were James C. Robinson, of Clark, for Governor, and S. Corning Judd, of Fulton, for Lieutenant Governor. The general election gave Gen. Oglesby a majority of about 31,000 votes. The Republicans had also a majority in both the Legislature and in the repre- sentation in Congress. Gov. Oglesby was duly inaugurated Jan. 17, 1865. The day before the first time set for his installation death visited his ]ij;ne at Decatur, and took from it his only son, an intelligent and sprightly lad of six years, a great favorite of the bereaved parents. This caused the inauguration to be postponed a week. The political events of the Legislative session of 1865 were the election of ex-Gov. Yates to the United States Senate, and the ratification of the 13th amendment to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery. This session also signalized itself by repealing the notorious " black laws," part of which, although a dead letter, had held their place upon the statute books since 1819. Also, la.vs re- quiring tlie registration of voters, and establisiiing a State Board of Equalization, were passed by this Leg- islature. But the same body evinced that it was cor- ruptly influenced by a mercenary lobby, as it adopted some bad legislation, over the Governor's veto, nota- bly an amendment to a charter for a Chicago horse railway, granted in 1859 for 25 years, and now sought to be extended 99 years. As this measure was promptly passed over his veto by both branches of the Legislature, he deemed it useless further to attempt to check their headlong career. At this session no law of a general useful character or public interest was perfected, unless we count such the turning over of the canal to Chicago to be deepened. The session of 1867 was still more productive of private and special acts. Many omnibus bills were prcpcsed, and seme passed. The contests over the iC-cation of the Industrial College, the dipital, the Southern Penitentiary, and the canal enlargement and Illinois River improvement, dominated every thing else. During the year 1872, it became evident that i( the Republicans could re-elect Mr. Oglesby to the office of Governor, they could also elect him to the United_ States Senate, which they desired to do. Accordingly they re-nominated him for the Execu- tive chair, and placed upon the ticket with him for Lieutenant Governor, John L. Beveridge, of Cook County. On the other side the Democrats put into the field Gustavus Koerner for Governor and John C. Black for Lieutenant Governor. The election gave the Republican ticket majorities ranging from 3S'334 to 56,i74,^the Democratic defection being caused mainly Ijy their having an old-time Wliig and Abolitionist, Horace Greeley, on the national ticket for President. According to the general understand- ing had beforehand, as soon as the Legislature met it elected Gov. Oglesby to the United States Senate, whereupon Mr. Beveridge became Governor. Sena- tor Oglesby 's term expired March 4, 1879, -having served his party faithfully and exhibited an order of statesmanship beyond criticism. During the campaign of 1884 Mr. Oglesby was nominated for a "third term" as Executive of the State of Illinois, against Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago, nominated by the Democrats. Both gentlemen "stumped " the State, and while the peo- ple elected a Legislature which was a tie on a join; ballot, as between the two parties, they gave the jovial " Dick" Oglesby a majority of 15,018 for Gov- ernor, and he was inaugurated Jan. 30, 1885. The Legislature did not fully organize until this date, on account of its equal division between the two main parties and the consequent desperate tactics of eacl: party to clieckmate the latter in the organization of the House. Gov. Oglesby is a fine-appearing, affable man, with regular, well defined features and rotund face. In stature he is a little above tiiedium height, of a large frame and somewhat fleshy. His physical a|)pear- ance is striking and prepossessing, while his straight- out, not to say bluff, manner and speech are wcL calculated favorably to impress the average masses. Arlent in feeling and si rongly committed to the pol- icies of his party, he intensifies Republicani.;n-. among Republicans, while at the same time hisjovia. and liberal manner prevents those of the opposite party from hating him. He is quite an effective stump orator. With vehe- ment, passionate and scornful tone and gestures. tremendous physical power, which in speaking he exercises to the utmost; with frequent descents to the grotesque; and with al)undant homely compari- sons or frontier figures, expressed in the broadest vernacular and enforced with stentorian emphacis, he delights a promiscuous audience beyond measure A-^^-'^^oc^ GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 1U7 O-v- J o HN M. Pa l mer r^'^'§§l'^'^^:;-■^^l^.;:l^V'l^i^|^^;'l^?a'■gl>:^';:'l '.^i'..'! •.-'.•..'.•..'■;. '■'•.'tgg't^-^i^t^t^ta;;' ':'^:OHN Mc AUl.EY PALMER, Gov- ernor 1869-72, was born on Engle Creek, Scott Co., Ky , Sept. 13, 1817. During his in- fancy, his father, who had been a soldier in the war of 18 12, re- moved to Christian Co., Ky., where lands were cheap. Here the future Governor of the great Prairie State spent his ciiildhood and received such meager school- ing as the new and sparsely set- tled country afforded. To this he added materially by diligent reading, for which he evinced an eaily aptitude. His father, an ardent Jackson man, was also noted for his anti-slavery sentiments, which he thoroughly impressed upon his children. In 1831 he emigrated to Illinois, settling in Madison County. Here the labor of improving a farm was pursued for about two years, when the death of Mr. P.ilmer's Kiother broke up the family. About tliis tmie Alton College was opened, on the "manual labor " system, and in the spring of 1834 young Palmer, with his elder brother, Elilui, entered this school and remained 18 months. Next, for over three years, he tried variously coopering, peddling and school-teaching. Dunng lire summer of 1838 he formed the ac- quaintance of Stephen A, Douglas, then making his first canvass for Congress. Young, eloquent and in l)olitical accord with Mr. Palmer, he won his confi- dence, fired his ambition and fixed his purpose. The following winter, while teaching near Canton, he be- gan to devote his spare time to a desultory reading of la.v, and in the spring entered a law office at Car- li;iville, making liis home with his elder brother, Elihu. (I'he latter was a learned clergyman, of con- siderable orginality of thought and doctrine.) On the next meeting of the Supreme Court he was ad- mitted to the Bar, Douglas being one of his examiners. He was not immediately successful in his profession, and would have located elsewhere than Carlinville had he the requisite means. Thus his early poverty was a blessing in disguise, for to it he now attributes the success of his life. From 1839 on, while he diligently pursued his profession, he participated more or less in local politics. In 1843 he became Probate Judge. Ir t847 he was elected to the State Constitutional Con vention, where he took a leading part. In 1852 ht. was elected to the State Senate, and at the special session of February, 1854, true to the anti-slavery sentiments bred in him, he took a firm stand in op- position to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and when the Nebraska question became a party issue he refused to receive a re-nomination for thi Senatorship at the hands of the Democracy, issuing a circular to that effect. A few weeks afterward i68 JOHN MC AULEY PALMER. however, hesitating to break with his party, he par- ticipated in a Congressional Convention which noini- T. L. Harris against Richard Yates, and which unqualifiedly approved the principles of the Kansas- Nebraska act. But later in the campaign he made the plunge, ran for the Senate as an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, and was elected. The following winter ne put in nomination for the United States Senate Mr. Trumbull, and was one of the five steadfast men who voted for him until all the Whigs came to their support and elected their man. In 1856 he was Chairman of the Republican State Convention at Bloomington. He ran for Congress in 3859, but was defeated. In i860 he was Republican Presidential Elector for the State at large. In 1861 fle was appointed one of the five Delegates (all Re- publicans) sent by Illinois to the peace congress at Washington. When the civil conflict broke out, he offered his services to his country, and was elected Colonel of the J4th 111. Vol. Inf , and participated in the engagements at Island No. 10; at Farmington, where he skillfully extricated his command from a dangerous position ; at Stone River, where his division for several hours, Dec. 31, 1862, held the advance and stood like a rock, and for his gallantry there he was made Major General; at Chickamanga, where his and Van Cleve's divisions for two hours maintained their position when they were cut off by overpowering numbers. Under Gen. Sherman, he was assigned to the i4lh Army Corps and participated in the Atlanta campaign. At Peach-Tree Creek his prudence did much to avert disaster. In February, 1865, Gen. Palmer was as- signed to the military administration of Kentucky, which was a delicate post. That State was about half rebel and half Union, and those of the latter element were daily fretted by the loss of their slaves. He, who had been bred to the rules of common law, trembled at the contemplation of his extraordinary power over the persons and property of his fellow men, with which he was vested in his capacity as military Governor ; and he exhibited great caution in the execution of the duties of his post. Gen. Palmer was nominated for Governor of Illi- nois by the Republican State Convention which met at Peoria May 6, 1868, and his nomination would probably have been made by acclamation had he not oersistenily declared that he could not accept a can- didature for the office. The result of the ensuir.j; election gave Mr. Palmer a majority of 44,707 over John R. Eden, the Democratic nominee. On the meeting of the Legislature in January, 1869, the first thing to arrest public attention was that portion of the Governor's message which took broad State's rights ground. This and some minor points, which were mare in keeping with the Dema- cratic sentiment, constituted the entering wedge f jr the criticisms and reproofs he afterward received from the Republican party, and ultim.itely resulted in his entire aleniation from the latter element. The Legislature just referred to was noted for the intro- duction of numerous bills in the interest of private parties, which were embarrassing to the Governor. Among the public acts passed was that which limited railroad charges for passenger travel to a maximum of three cents per mile ; and it was passed over the Governor's veto. Also, they passed, over his veto, the "tax-grabbing law" to pay r'.ilror.d subscriptions, the Chicago Lake Front bill, etc. The new State Constitution of 1870, far superior to the old, was a peaceful " revolution" which took place during Gov. Palmer's term of office. The suffering caused by the great Chicago Fire of October, 187 1, was greatly alleviated by the prompt responses of his excellency. Since the expiration of Gov. Palmers's term, he has been somewhat prominent in Illinois politics, and has been talked of by many, especially in the Dem- ocratic party, as the best man in the State for a United States Senator. His business during life has been that of the law. Few excel him in an accurate appreciation of the depth and scope of its principles- The great number of his able veto messages abun- dantly testify not only this but also a rare capacity to point them out. He is a logical and cogent reasoner and an interesting, forcible and convincing speaker, though not fluent or ornate. Without brilliancy, his dealings are rather with facts and ideas than with appeals to passions and prejudices. He is a patriot and a statesman of very high order. Physically he is above the medium height, of robust frame, ruddy complexion and sanguine-nervous temperament. He has a largo cranial development, is vivacious, social in disposition, easy of approach, unostentatious in his iiabits of life, democratic in his habits and manners and is a true American in his fundamental principle* of statesmanship. ^r^r^tn^Ji^^ if A£^ly^O^J-<4./6^ Gc' VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 171 "■^^^ ;y ^'?;^'g^'^t^'^t?^'^tjfi)tiga'j&^ ■ » s e ■sas- mw OHN LOWRiE BEVER- IDGE, Governor 187 3-6, was born in the town of Green- wich, Washington Co., N. Y., July 6, 1824. His parents were George and Ann Bever- ^-r'^^ idge. His father's parents, An- drew and Isabel Bcveridge, be- fore their marriage emigrated 1 from Scotland just before the \| Revolutionary War, settling in ^ Washington County. His father was the eldest of eight brothers, the younpest of whom was 60 years of age when tlie first one of the num- liL-r died. His mother's parents, James and Agnes Hoy, emigrated from Scotland at the close of the Revolutionary War, settling also in Washington Co., N. Y., with their fi sl-born, whose " native land " w.;s the wild ocean. His parents ar.d grandparents lived beyond the time allotted to man, their average age being over 8o years. They belonged to the " Asso- ciate Church," a seceding Presbyterian body of America from the old Scotch school ; and so rig d was the training of young Beveridge that he never heard a sermon from any other minister except that of his own denomination until he was in his 19th year. Later in life he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which relation he still holds. Mr. Beveridge received a good common-school ed- ucation, but his parents, who could obtain a livelihood only by rigid economy and industry, could not send him away to college. He was raised upon a farm, and was in his i8th year when the family removed to De Kalb County, this State, when that section was very sparsely settled. Chicago had less than 7,000 inhabitants. In this wild West he continued as a farm laborer, teaching school during the winter months to supply the means of an education. In the fill of 1842 he attended one term at the academy at Granville, Putnam Co., 111., and subsequently several terms at the Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris, Ogle Co., 111., completing the academic course. At this time, the fall of 1845, his parents and brothers were anxious to have him go to college, even though he had not money sufficient; but, njt willing to bur- den the family, he jiacked his trunk and with only ^40 in money started South to seek liis fortune 172 JOHN L. BE VE RIDGE. Poor, alone, without friends and influence, he thus entered upon the battle of life. First, he taught school in Wilson, Overton and Jackson Cos., Tenn., in which experience he under- went considerable mental drill, both in book studies and in the ways of the world. He read law and was admitted to the Bar, in the South, but did not learn to love the institution of slavery, although he ad- mired many features of Southern character. In De- cember, 1847, he returned North, and Jan. 20, 1848, he married Miss Helen M. Judson, in the old Clark- Street M. E. church in Chicago, her father at that time being Pastor of the society there. In the spring of 1848 he returned with his wife to Tennessee, where his two children, Alia May and Philo Judson, were born. in the fall of 1849, through the mismanagement of an associate, he lost what litde he had accumu- lated and was left in debt. He soon managed to earn means to pay his debts, returned to De Kalb Co., 111., and entered upon the practice of his pro- fession at Sycamore, the county seat. On arrival from the South he had but one-quarter of a dollar in money, and scanty clothing and bedding for himself and family. He borrowed a little money, practiced ^aw, worked in public offices, kept books for some of the business men of the town, and some railroad en- gineering, till the spring of 1854, when he removed to Evanston, 12 miles north of Chicago, a place then but recently laid out, under the supervision of the Northwestern University, a Methodist institution. Of the latter his father-in-law was then financial agent and business manager. Here Mr. Beveridge prospered, and the next year (1855) opened a law office in Chicago, where he found the battle some- what hard; but he persevered with encouragement and increasing success. Aug. 12, 1861, his law partner. Gen. John F. Farnsworth, secured authority to raise a regiment of cavalry, and authorized Mr. Beveridge to raise a company for it. He succeeded in a few days in rais- ing the company, of course enlisting himself along with it. The regiment rendezvoused at St. Charles, HI., was mustered in Sept. 18, and on its organiza- tion Mr. B. was elected Second Major. It was at- tached, Oct. II, to the Eighth Cavalry and to the Army of the Potomac. He served with the regiment until November, 1863, participating in some 40 bat- tles and skirmishes : was at Fair Oaks, the seven days fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville and Gettysburg. He commanded the regiment the greater part of the summer of 1 863, and it was while lying in camp this year that he originated the policy of encouraging recruits as well as the fighting capac- ity of the soldiery, by the wholesale furlough system It worked so well that many other officers adopted it. In the fall of this year he recruited another com- pany, against heavy odds, in January, 1864, was commissioned Colonel of the 17th 111. Cav., and skirmished around in Missouri, concluding with the reception of the surrender of Gen. Kirby Smith's army in Arkansas. In 1865 he commanded various sub-districts in the Southwest. He was mustered out Feb. 6, 1866, safe from the casualties of war and a stouter man than when he first enlisted. His men idolized him. He then returned to Chicago, to practice law, with no library and no clientage, and no political experi- ence except to help others into office. In the fall of 1866 he was elected Sheriff of Cook County, serving one term; next, until November, [870, he practiced law and closed up the unfinished business of his office. He was then elected State Senator; in No- vember, 187 1, he was elected Congressman at large; in November, 1872, he was elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor on the ticket with Gov. Oglesby; the latter be- ing elected to the U. S. Senate, Mr. Beveridge became Governor, Jan. 21, 1873. Thus, inside of a few weeks, he was Congressman at large. Lieutenant Governor and Governor. The principal events oc- curring during Gov. Beveridge's administration were: The completion of the revision of the statutes, begun in 1869; the partial success of the "farmers' move- ment;" " Haines' Legislature " and Illinois' exhibit at the Centennial. Since the close of his gubernatorial term ex-Gov Beveridge has been a member of the firm of Bever- idge & Dewey, bankers and dealers in commercial paper at 7 1 Dearborn Street (McCormick Block), Chicago, and since November, 1881, he has also been Assistant United States Treasurer- office in the Government Building. His residence is still at Ev- anston. He has a brother and two sisters yet residing in De Kalb County — James H. Beveridge, Mrs. Jennet Henry and Mrs. Isabel French. I GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 175 Shelby M, €vllom. HELBY M. CULLOM, Gover- nor 1877-83,15 tlie sixth child of the' late Richard N. CuUom, and was born Nov. 22, 1829, in Wayne Co., Ky., where his fa- ther then resided, and whence both the lUinois and Tennessee branches of the faiiily originated. In the following year the family emi- grated to the vicinity of Washington, Tazewell Co., 111., when that section was very sparsely settled. They lo- cated on Deer Creek, in a grove at the time occupied by a paity of In- dians, attracted there by the superior hunting and fishing afforded in that vicinity. The following winter was known as the " hard winter," the snow being very deep and lasting and the weather severely cold; and the family had to subsist mainly on boiled corn or hominy, and some wild game, for several weeks. In the course of time Mr. R. N. Cullom became a prom- inent citizen and was several times elected to the Legislature, both before and after the removal of the car>ital from Vandalia to Springfield. He died about '«73- Until about 19 years of age young Cullom grew up to agricultural pursuits, attending school as he had •DDortunity during tiie winter. Within this time, *v;ever, he spent several months teaching- ^rhool. and in the following summer he "broke prairie "with an ox team for tlie Lcij^hbors With the money o!)- tained by these various ventures, he undertook a course of study at the Rock River Seminary, a Methodist institution at Mt. Morris, Ogle County: but the sudden change to the in-door life of a stu- dent told severely upon his health, and he was taken home, being considered in a hopelesj condition. While at Mt. Morris lie heard Hon. E. B Washburne make his first speech. On recovering health, Mr. Cullom concluded to study law, under the instruction of Abraham Lincoln, at Springfield, who had by this time attained some notoriety as an able lawyer; but the latter, being ab- sent from his office most of the time, advised Mr. Cullom to enter the office of Stuart & Edwards. After about a year of study there, however, his health failed again, and he was obliged to return once more to out-door life. Accordingly he bought hogs for packing, for A. G. Tyng, in Peoria, and while he re- gained his health he gained in purse, netting $400 in a few weeks. Having been admitted to the Bar, he weat to Springfield, where he was soon elected City Attorney, on the .\nti-Nebraska ticket. ^ In 1856 he ran on the Fillmore ticket as a Presi- dential Elector, and, although failing to be elected as such, he was at the same time elected a Representa- tive in the Legislature from Sangamon County, by a local coalition of the American and Republican par- lies. On the organization of the House, he received the vote of tlie Fillmore men for Speaker. Practicir^ 176 SHE LB Y M. CULLOM. law until iS6o, he was again elected to the Legisla- ture, as a Republican, while the county went Demo- cratic on the Presidential ticket. In January follow- ing he was elected Speaker, probably the youngest man who had ever presided over an Illinois Legis- lature. After the session of iS6i, he was a candidate for the State Constitutional Convention called for that year, but was defeated, and thus escaped the disgrace of being connected with that abortive parly scheme to revolutionize the State Government. In 1862 he was a candidate for the State Senate, but was defeated. The same year, however, he was ap- pointed by President Lincoln on a Government Commission, in company with Gov. Boutwell of Massachusetts and Cnarles A. Dana, since of the New York Sun, to investigate the affairs of the Quartermaster's and Commissary Departments at Cairo. He devoted several months to this duty. In 1864 he enteted upon a larger political field, being nominated qs the Republican candidate lor Congress from the Eighth (Springfield) District, in opposition to the incumbent, JohnT. Stuart, who had been elected in 1862 by about 1,500 majority over Leonard Swett, then of Bloomington, now of Chicago. The result was the election of Mr. Cullom in Novem- ber following by a majority of 1,785. In 1866 he was re-elected to Congress, over Dr. E. S. Fowler, by the magnificent majority of 4,103 ! In i868 he was again a candidate, defeating the Hon. B. S. Edwards, another of his old preceptors, by 2,884 votes. During his first term in Congress he served on the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Expenditures in the Treasury Department; in his second term, on the Committees on Foreign Affairs and on Territories ; and in his third term he succeeded Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, to the Chairmanship of the latter. He intro- duced a bill in the House, to aid in the execution of law in Utah, which caused more consternation among the Mormons than any measure had previously, but which, though it passed the House, failed to pass the Senate. The Republican Convention which met May 25, 1876, nominated Mr. Cullom for Governor, while the other contestant was Gov. Beveridge. For Lieuten- ant-Governor they nominated Andrew Shuman, editor of the Chicago Journal. For the same offices the Democrats, combining with the Anti-Monopolists, Dlaced in nomination Lewis Steward, a wealthy farmer and manufacturer, and A. A. Glenn. The result of the election was rather close, Mr. Cullom obtaining only 6,800 majority. He was inaugurated Jan. 8, 1877. Great depression prevailed in financial circles at this time, as a consecjuence of the heavy failures of 1 87 3 and afterward, the effect of which had seemed to gather force from that time to the end of Gov. Cullom's first administration. This unspeculative period was not calculated to call forth any new- issues, but the Governor's energies were at one time put to task to quell a spirit of insubordination that had been begun in Pittsburg, Pa., among the laboring classes, and transferred to Illinois at Chicago, East St. Louis and Braidwood, at which places laboring men for a short time refused to work or allow others to work. These disturbances were soon quelled and the wheels of industry again set in motion. In May, 1880, Gov. Cullom was re-nominated by the Republicans, against Lyman Trumbull, by the Democrats; and although the former party was some- what handicapped in the campaign by a zealous faction opposed to Grant for President and to Grant men for office generally, Mr. Cullom was re-elected by about 314,565, to 277,532 forthe Democratic State ticket. The Greenback vote at the same tmie was about 27,000. Both Houses of the Legislature again became Republican, and no representative of the Greenback or Socialist parties were elected. Gov. Cullom was inaugurated Jan. 10, 1S81. In his mes- sage he announced that the last dollar of the State debt had been provided for. March 4, 1883, the term of David Davis as United States Senator from Illinois expired, and Gov. Cul- lo n was chosen to succeed him. This promoted Lieutenant-Governor John M. Hamilton to the Gov- ernorship. Senator Cullom's term in the United States Senate will expire March 4, 18S9. As a practitioner oflaw Mr. C. has been a member of the firm of Cullom, Scholes & Mather, al Spring- fit:ld ; and he has also b^en President of the State National Bank. He has been married twice, — the first time Dec. ii:, 1855, to Miss Hannah Fisher, by whom he had t\io daughters; and the second tipie May 5, 1863, to Julia Fisher. Mrs. C is a member of the Method- isl Episcopal Church, with which religious body Mr. C. is also in sympathy. i L i I GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '79 >^:?^1Sm:2^^ 'S^;;S^?"S*$;;:^>»s"?*;;;^^ m\\ ^«s-^^^ OHN MARSHALL HAMIL- j.., TON, Governor 188^-5, was born May 28, 1847, in a log house upon a farm about two Vf^^ miles from Richwood, Union County, Ohio. His father was Samuel Hamilton, the eldest son of Rev. Wm. Hamilton, who, to- gether with his brother, the Rev. Samuel Hamilton, was among the early pioneer Methodist preachers in Ohio. The mother of the subject of this sketch was, before her marriage, Mrs. Nancy McMotris, who was born and raised in Fauquier or Lou- doun County, Va., and related to the two large families of Youngs and Marshalls, well known in that commonwealth; and from the latter family name was derived the middle name of Gov. Hamilton. In March, 1854, Mr. Hamilton's tather sold out his Utile pioneer forest home in Union County, O., and, loading his few household effects and family (of six children) into two emigrant covered wagons, moved to Roberts Township, Marshall Co., 111., being 21 days on the route. Swamps, unbridged streams and innumerable hardships and privations met them on their way. Their new home had been previously selected by the father. Here, after many long years of toil, they succeeded in payii.g for the land and jiakii.g a conifortaM*' home. John was, of course, brought up to hard manual labor, with no schooling except three or four months in the year at a common country school. However, he evmced a capacity and taste for a high order of self-education, by studying or reading what books he could borrow, as the family had but very few in the house. • Much of his study he prosecuted by the light of a log fire in the old-fashioned chimney place. The financial panic of 1857 caused the family to come near losing their home, to pay debts ; but the father and two sons, William and John, "buckled to" and perse- vered in hard labor and economy until they redeemed their place from the mortgage. When the tremendous e.xcitement of the political campaign of i860 reached the neighborhood of Rob- erts Township, young Hamilton, who had been brought up in the doctrine of anti-slavery, took a zeal- ous part in favor of Lincoln's election. Making special efforts to procure a little money to buy a uniform, he joined a company of Lincoln Wide-Awakes at Mag- nolia, a village not far away. Directly after the ensuing election it became evident that trouble would ensue with the South, and this Wide-Awake company, like many others throughout the country, kept up its organization and transformed itself into a military company. During the ensuing summer they met often for drill and became proficient ; but when they offered themselves for the war, young Hamilton was rejected on account of his youth, he being then but 14 years of age. During the winter of 1863-4 'le attended an academy at Henry, Marshall County JOHN MARSHALL HAMILTON. and in the following May he again enlisted, for the fourth time, when he was placed in the 141st III. Vol Inf., a regiment then being raised at Elgin, 111., for the loo-day service. He took with him 13 other lads from his neighborhood, for enlistment in the service. This regiment operated in Southwestern Kentucky, for about five months, under Gen. Paine. The following winter, 1864-5, ^''- Hamilton taught school, and during the two college years 1865-7, h'^ went through three years of the curriculum of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio. The third year he graduated, the fourth in a class of 46, in the classical department. In due time he received the degree of M. A. For a few months he was the Principal of Marshall " College " at Henry, an acad- emy under the auspices of the M. E. Church. By this time he had commenced the study of law, and after earning some money as a temporary Professor of Latin at the Illinois Wesleyan University at Bloomington, he entered the law office of Weldon, Tipton & Benjamin, of that city. Each member of this firm has since been distinguished as a Judge. Admitted to the Bar in May, 1870, Mr. Hamilton was given an interest in the same firm, Tipton hav- ing been elected Judge. In October following he formed a partnership with J. H. Rowell, at that time Prosecuting Attorney. Their business was then small, but they increased it to very large proportions, practicing in all grades of courts, including even the U. S. Supreme Court, and this partnership continued u:il)roken until Feb. 6, 1883, when Mr. Hamilton was sworn in as E.xecutive of Illinois. On the 4th of March following Mr. Rowell took his seat in Con- gress. In July, 187 1, Mr. Hamilton married Miss Helen M. V/illiams, the daughter of Prof. Wni. G. Williams, Professor of Greek in the Ohio Wesleyan University. Mr. and Mrs. H. have two daughters and one son. In 1876 Mr. Hamilton was nominated by the Re- publicans for the State Senate, over other and older competitors. He took an active part '' on the stump " in tlie campaign, for the success of iiis party, and was elected by a majority of 1,640 over his Democratic- Greenback opponent. In the Senate he served on the Committees on Judiciary, Revenue, State Insti- tutions, Appropriations, Education, and on Miscel- lany ; and during the contest for the election of a U. S. Senator, the Republicans endeavoring to re- elect John A. Logan, he voted for the war chief on every ballot, even alone when all the other Republi- cans had gone over to the Hon. E. B. Lawrence and the Democrats and Independents elected Judge David Davis. .At this session, also, was passed the first Board of Health and Medical Practice act, of which Mr. Hamilton was a champion, agains* c; much opposition that the bill was several times " laid on the table." Also, this session authorized the location and establishment of a southern peri- tentiary, which was fixed at Chester. In the session of 1879 Mr. Hamilton was elected President //■(? /t'wz. of the Senate, and was a zealous supporter of John A. Logan for the U. S. Senate, who was this time elected without any trouble. In May, 1880, Mr. Hamilton was nominated on the Republican ticket for Lieutenant Governor, his principal competitors before the Convention being Hon. Wm. A. James, ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Judge Robert Bell, of '*^abash County, Hon. T. T. Fountain, of Perry County, and Hon. M. M. Saddler, of Marion County. He engaged actively in the campaign, and his ticket was elected by a majority of 41,200. As Lieutenant Governor, he presided almost continuously over the Senate in the 32d General Assembly and during the early days of the 33d, until he succeeded to the Governorship. When the Legislature of 1883 elected Gov. Cullom to the United States Senate, Lieut. Gov. Hamilton succeeded him, under the Constitution, taking the oath of office Feb. 6, 1883. He bravely met all the annoyances and embarrassments incidental upon taking up another's administration. The principal events with which Gov. Hamilton was connected as the Chief Executive of the State were, the mine dis- aster at Braidwood, the riots in St. Clair and Madison Counties in May, 1883, the appropriations for the State militia, the adoption of the Harper high-licensj liquor law, the veto of a dangerous railroad bill, etc. The Governor was a Delegate at large to the National Republican Convention at Chicago in June, 1884, where his first choice for President w.is John A. Logan, and second choice Chester A. .Arthur; but Ire afterward zealously worked for the election of Mr. Blaine, true to his party. Mr. Hamilton's term as Governor expired Ja.;. 30, 1885, when the great favorite " Dick " Oglesby was inaugurated. I ^**v 1 ( GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 183 '^USEPII WILSON FIFER. This V|: distinguished gentleman was |,;^^|»« elected Governor of Illinois "^f:)'®jjP% 'ill" November 6, 1888. He was p(>liularly known during the campaign as "Private Joe." He had served with great devotion to his country during the Re- bellion, in the Thirty-third Illinois Infantry. A native of Virginia, he was born in 1840. His parents, John and Mary (Daniels) Fifer, were American born, though of German de- scent. His father was a brick and stone mason, and an old Henry Clay Whig in polities. John and Mary Fifer had nine children, o/ whom Joseph was the sixth, and naturally, with so large a family, it was all the father could do to keep the wolf from the door, to say nothing of giving his children any- thing like good educational advantages. Joseph attended sciiool for a while in Yirgina, but it was not a good school, and when his fatlier removed to the West, in 18.57, Joseph had not ad- vanced much further than the "First Reader." Oursuliject was sixteen then and suffered a great misfortune in the loss of his mother. After the death of Mrs. Fifer, which occurred in Missouri, the family returned to Virgina, but remained only a short time, as during the same year Mr. Fifer came to Illinois. He settled in McLean County and started a brickyard. Here Joseph and his brothers were jiut to work. The elder Mr. Fifer soon bought a farm near Bloomington and began life as an agriculturist. Here Joe worked and attended the neighbciring school. lie alternated farm-work, and brick-Jaying, going to the district school for the succeeding few years. It was all work and no play for Joe, yet it by no means made a dull boy of him. All the time he was thinking of the great world outside, of which he had caught a glimpse when coming from Virginia, yet he did not know just how he was going to get out into it. He could not feel that the woods around the new farm and the log cabin, in which the family lived, were to hold him. Theopportunit}' to get out into tlie world was soon offered to jouug Joe. He traveled a dozen miles barefoot, in company with his brother George, and enlisted in Company C, Tliirty-lhird Illinois Infantry, he being then twenty years old. In a few daj's, the regiment was sent to Camp Butler, and then over into Missouri, and saw some vigor- ous service there. After a second time helping to chase Price out of Missouri, the Thirty-third Regi- 184 JOSEPH W. FIFER. ment went down to Milliken 's Bend, and for several weeks "Private Joe" worked on Grant's famous ditch. Tlie regiment then joined the forces oper- ating against Port Gibson and Vicksburg. Joe was on guard dutj' in the front ditches when the flag of surrender was run up on the 4th of July, and stuck tlie bayonet of his gun into the embank- ment and went into the city with the vanguard of Union soldiers. The next day, July 5, the Thirty-third joined the force after Johnston, who had been threatening Grant's rear; and finally an assault was made on him at Jackson, Miss. In this charge ''Private Joe" fell, terribly wounded. He was loading his gun, when a minie-ball struck him and passed entirely through his body. He was regarded as mortally wounded. His brother, George, who had been made a Lieutenant, proved to be the means of sav- ing his life. The Surgeon told him that unless he had ice his brother could not live. It was flf t^^ miles to the nearest point where ice could be obtained, and the roads were rough. A comrade, a McLean County man, who had been wounded, offei-ed to make the trip. An ambulance was secured and the brother soldier started on the journey. He re- turned with the ice, but the trip, owing to the roughness of the road, was very hard on him. Af- ter a few montlis' careful nursing, Mr. Fifer was able to come home. The Thirty-third came home on a furlough, and when the b03'S were ready to return to the tented field, young Fifer was ready to go with them, for he was determined to finish his term of three years. He was mustered out in Oct- ober, 1864, having been in the service three years and two months. "Private Joe" came out of the army a tall, tan- ned, and awkward young man of twenty-four. About all he possessed was ambition to be some- body- — and pluck. Though at an age when most men liave finished their college course, the young soldier saw that if he was to be anybody he must have an education. Yet he had no means to ena- ble him to enter school as most young men do. He was determined to have an education, however, and that to him meant success. For the following four years he struggled with his books. He en- tered Wesleyan University January 1, 1865. He was not a brilliant student, being neither at the head nor at the foot of his class. He was in great earnest, however, studied hard and came forth with a well-stored and disciplined mind. Immediately after being graduated, he entered an office at Bloomington as a law student. He had previously read law a little, and as he continued to work hard, with the spur of poverty and prompt- ings of ambition ever with him, he was ready to hang out his professional shingle in 1869. Being trustworthy, he soon gathered about him some in- fluential friends. In 1871 he was elected Corpora- tion Counsel of Bloomington. In 1872 he was elected State's Attorney of McLean County. This office he held eight years, when he took his seat in the State Senate. He served for four years. His ability to perform abundance of hard work made him a most valued member of the Legislature. Mr. Fifer was married in 1870 to Gertie, daugh- ter of William J. Lewis, of Bloomington. Mr. Fifer is six feet in height and is spare, weighing only one hundred and fifty pounds. He has a swarthy com- plexion, keen black eyes, quick movement, and pos- sesses a frank and sympathetic nature, and natur- lly m.akes friends wherever he goes. During the late gubernatorial campaign his visits throughout the State proved a great power in his behalf. His faculty of winning the confidence and good wishes of those with whom he comes in personal contact is a source of great popularity, especially during a political battle. As a speaker he is fluent, his lan- guage is good, voice clear and agreeal)le, and man- ner forcible. His manifest earnestness in what he says, as well as his tact as a pulilic speaker, and his eloquent and forceful language, make him a most valuable campaign orator and a powerful pleader at the bar. At the Republican State Convention, held in May, 1888, Mr. Fifer was chosen as its candidate for Governor. He proved a popular nominee, and the name of "Private Joe" became familiar to eveiyone throughout the State. He waged a vigorous campaign, was elected by a good majority, and in due time assumed the duties of the Chief Jlxecutive of Illinois. FORD COUNTY, Illinois. ©£ • — -e noticed to the credit of T. D. Thomp- son and the good judgment of the citizens of Mel- vin, that j\Ir. Thompson has been continually a member of the Board of Directors since 1H74, a term of eighteen 3-ears of directorshi]i in the schools. The schools afford the very best of practical edu- cation, and tiie pupils, when they have finished under Mr. Foreman, can readily pass the teacliers' examination for a certificate, as well .as being fitted to enter well in schools of higher instruction. 4^ =4^ W A. CRANIJ.VLL, a well-known farmer of JT)!) Pella Township, residing on section 9, i^^ was born in Cook County, 111., in 184 9, i^0) and is a son of Herman Crandall, who was born in Vermont, September 5, 1812, and in 1824 removed to Franklin Count\-, N. Y. AV^hen a young man, he emigrated to Illinois and made a claim in Cook County. He married Lydia Bush- nell, and engaged in agricultural pursuits for a niimber of years. The land which he purchased at $1.25 per acre he sold at ¥80 per acre. He was a prominent citizen of the community and a suc- cessful f.armer. In politics, he was first a Whig and afterwards a Republican. His death occurred in Ford County, ]\Iarch 12, 1890. His wife is still living and makes her home in California. Further mention is made of these worthy people in the sketch of C. C. Crandall on another page of this work. Their family nnmliered eleven chil- dren: Abigail, who is now in California; Ruey, who is living in Danville, 111.; Mary, a resident of Nebraska; Martha, who is living in Cook County; C. C, who served in the Thirty-ninth Illinois Infantry- during the late war and is now a resident of Pella Township; Imogene, a resident of Blue Island, Cook County; H. A., of this sketch; George, who is living in "Will County; Eva, who makes her home in Wisconsin; Alfred, of Nebraska; and Benjamin, in Ford Count}', III. We now take >ip the personal history of our sub- ject, who spent the days of his boyhood and youth in the county of his nativity, remaining upon the home farm until twentj' years of age. The edu- cational advantages which he received were those afforded b^- the common schools. In 1869, he came to Fcjrd County and purchased the land on which he now resides. He afterward returned to Cook County, where he spent the years of 1874 and 1875, but since that time has made his home continuously in Pella Township, where he owns two hundred and forty-one acres of valuable land, which he improved from the raw prairie. It is well equipped with good buildings and all the accessories of a model farm, and the well-tilled fields j-ield to him a good income. In the autumn of 1870, Mr. Crandall was joined in wedlock with jNIary Riche, who was born in Cook County, her father being one of the earl}' settlers of that region and a contractor on the Wabash Canal. They have a family of three chil- dren: Aliigail, who was born in Cook County, in 1875; William, in 1883; and Mary, in 1885. The family is well known throughout the community and the members of the Crandall household rank high ill the social circles in which they move. iNIr. Crand.all is a member of the Masonic frater- nity of Piper Cit}-, and his wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He has Iteen a member of the Drainage Commission and has taken .an active ])art in all that pertains to the welfare and upbuilding of town and county. For nine yeare he has served as Township and Drainage Com- missioner, a fact which indicates his faithfulness and fidelity to duty. He cast his first Presidential vote for Aliraham Lincoln and has since been a supporter of the Republican party .and has often PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 195 sciverl as a dclcirate to its conventions. Mr. Cranrlall lias a wide acqu.aintance throiigliout tlie comnuinity, and for his sterling worth and integ- rity is held in hi"h regard. -=^m>-M-<^ H ENRY SPELLMEYER, who is engaged in V general farming on section 13, Peach Orcli- ard Townsiiip, was born about fifteen miles from AVinden, Westphalia, Germany, on the 1st of .Januaiy, 1840. His parents, Godfrey and Caroline Spellnieyer, are represented on another page of this work in connection with Charles Spell- nieyer. They were the parents of eight children, of whom our subject is the fifth. In t-ilting up the personal history of Henry Spcllmeyer, we present to our readers tlie life rec- ord of one of the well-known citizens of Ford County. He received no special advantages in his youth. His education was .acquired in the com- mon schools and he was reared to manhood upon his father's farm. His home continued to be in Prussia until ISr^S, when he came to America, crossing the Atlantic in a sailing-vessel, which reached harbor after forty-two days spent upon the ocean. Our subject did not tarry long in the East, but came at once to Illinois, locating in Put- nam county, where lie began work upon a farm by the month, and w.as thus employed for about five .years. On the 26th of March, 18G7, lie was united in marri.age with Miss Louise Kteinmann, who was born in l.S.'^T. within two miles of her huslmnd's native pl.ace. The same year of his marriage, he came to Ford County and purchased eighty acres of land on section 1.'5, Poach Orchard Township. To this he has since added a tract of four luindred and eighty acres, making in all an aggregate of five hundred and sixty acres. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Spell meyer has been blessed with a family of six children: Caroline died in her sixth year; Henry, who aids his father in the oper.ation of the home farm; Mary, wife of Gust. Seabert, a resident farmer of Wall Township; Charles, Jlinnie, and Lena, all of whom arc still with their parents. The family has a pleasant liome upon the farm before mentioned, and in social circles parents and children rank high. The father operates the home farm in connection with his sons, and has one of the valual:>le pl.aces in the community, its neat appearance indicating the thrift and enterprise of tlie owner, while its many improvements attest the fact that he is a practical and progressive agriculturist, thoroughly conver- sant with his business in all its details. He is fair and honest in all his dealings, and thereby has won the confidence and regard of those with whom he has been brought in contact. Mr. Spellnieyer exercises his right of fr.anchise in support of the Republican party, whose princi- ples he has advocated since he became a voter. He Iws never sought public office but h.as served as Road Commissioner. Himself and family are mem- bers of the German Lutheran Church, and among the worthy citizens of the community who have aided in the upbuilding and developement of the count}-^, he is numbered. eAPT. FRANK O. WALRICH, a member of the firm of Walrich A Parsons, general merchants of Piper City, was born in the Province of Hanover, Germany, Deceml)er 21, 1844, and is a son of Otto R. Walrich, a farmer by occupation, who served in the army of tlie Fatlici- land for three j'ears and married Margaret Hemp- ken, who was liorn and reared in the .same locality as her husband. AVith their five children, they sailed to America In April, 1857, and after nine weeks and two d.ays spent upon the bosom of the Atliintic, landed in New Orleans, whence they went up the river to Alton, III. In the spring of 18,'')8. they settled on a farm near Washburn, Woodford County, 111., and in 18.5'.> came to a farm near Chatsworth, which is still in possession of the fam- ily. The father died upon that farm and the mo- ther there still makes her home. In politics, he wiis a Republican and himself and wife were mem- bers of the Lutheran C'liurch. Their family num- bered twelve children, one of whom died in in- 196 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPmCAL RECORD. fancy. The Captain is the eldest; Fredericka is tlie wife of .John McKinncy, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; Mary, wife of John Iliden, of Peoria, died in 1874; Tiionias resides in Piper City; Christina is the wife of G. W. Madden, a ijrain dealer and .lustice of the Peace of Charlotte, Livingston County; Magoie, wife of .Tames Kief, of Piper City; Hannah .1., widow of .Tesse I). Par- sons, is tlie (lartner of Ca[)t. Walrieh; Theresa, wife of F. Beckniann, of Cliatswortli, 111.; Cordelia, wife of M. IMadden, of SiiUivant, Livingston County; Elizabeth, wife of IL Flessner, who is living on the old home farm; and Willie, who was bitten by a rattlesnake at the age of four years and died in 1865. Our subject Iiegan his scliool life in Germany, attended for three montlis at Dorsey Station, Madison County, III., and in tlie winter of 1861-62 was a student in the scliools of Avoca, Livingston Count.y. Tliis completed his scliool life, for on the 21st of February, 1862, when a little past sixteen years of .age, he laid aside his books and entered his country's service as a member of Comp.any B, Sixty-fifth Illinois Infantry, which w.as organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago. He went on duty the first night after his arrival in camp, guarding prisoners captured at Ft. Donelson. In May, he was sent to Martinsbuig, Va., where he did guard duty until tlie 1st of September. The first engage- ments in which he participated were skirmishes in the vicinity of Falling Waters and Winchester, Va.; these were followed by the battle of Harper's Ferry, where he was captured but was soon after- ward paroUwl. Tiie succeeding winter was spent mostly at Camp Douglas, Ciiicago, and in the spring his regiment was transferred to Eastern Kentucky, where they saw much hard marching and service. In the fall, the troops prepared for the Knoxville campaign and the Sixt3--riftli Regiment suffered much during the siege of Knoxville. Mr. Walrieh re-enlisted, March 30, 1864, and went home on a veteran furlough. After his return, he took part in Sherman's campaign, and at the battle of Resaca the brigade lost live hundred men. He participated in the battles of Dallas Woods, Lost Mountain, Chat- tahoochee River, Atlanta, Rough and Ready Sta- tion, and Jonesboro; he then transferred to Pulaski, Tenn., to meet Gen. Hood. He was .also in the en- gagements at Columbia, Franklin and Naslu'ille, following Gen. Hood on his retreat as far .as Clif- ton, Tenn. Tiie Sixty-fifth w.as .sent by transports to Cincinnati, thence by rail to Washington and on to Annapolis, where the brigade assembled. Em- barking on transports, they proceeded, by w.ay of Fortress Monroe, to Ft. Fisher, experiencing the usual unpleasantness of a sea voy.age around Cape Hatteras. Capt. Walrieh was at the cai^ture of Ft. Anderson and subsequently took part in the en- gagement at Old Town Creek, when his regiment .and the Tweltli Kentucky captured a liriijade, in- cluding a battery; helped capture Wilmington and took part in the sharp engagement at Kinston, N. C, the last contlict in which he took part. Hav- ing marched from Goldsboro to Raleigli .and oji to Greensboro, where Johnston's army surrendered, the Fifty-sixth assisted in caring for the captured property. Capt. Walrieh w.as discharged July 1.3, 1865, and was mustered out of service at Camj) Douglas. Returning home, he resumed farming- He was a faitliful soldier, ever found at the post of duty, and his army record is one of wliich he may well be proud. On the 4th of August, 1870, Capt. Walrieh mar- ried Miss Sebrina C. Hamlin, daughter of Alonzo and Esther Hamlin, who came from Vermont to Illinois. With his wife, he came to Piper City and entered the employ of Mr. McKinney, a lumber and hardware merchant, with whom he remained three years, when, in 1873, he secured a positi(m with Conrow it Co., the successors to Montelius » > I > ? I ' I f I I I ROF. EDWARD H. MILLER, Principal of the public schools of Piper City, is a native of the llawkeye State. He was born near Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, on the 18th of July, 1864, and is a son of B. II. and Car- rie A. (Styer) Miller. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania and after their marriage removed to Iowa, in 1845, locating in Burlington, where the father followed bis trade of milling. His death occurred at the age of thirty-three years, and his wife also died when young. They were the par- ents of four children, but the eldest, Mrs. Alice A. Ballard, died m Burlington; II. II., who was edu- cated in Burlington, is now Professor of Mathe- matics in a business college of California; our sub- ject is the next younger, and J. E., who completes the family, is attending school in Iowa. Prof. Miller was a lad of only fourteen years when his parents died, since which time he has made his own way in the world, being entirely dependent on his own efforts. He went to La Salle County, where he worked by the month on a stock farm near Mendota for six mouths, and through the re- mainder of the year he attended school. He was desirous of securing a good education, and in order to do this he had to earn the money necessary to pay his expenses. He pursued a four-years' clas- sical course in the Normal School of Dixon, 111., 202 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRArillCAL RECORD. from which he was graduated in 1886, and then engaged in teaching for two years in Mendota, be- ing assistant Principal of the High School. In 188'.), he went to Paxtou where lie secured a posi- tion as Professor of Mathematics in the Rice Col- legiate Institute, serving as such for three ji^ears, when he came to Piper City and has since been Principal of its schools. Prof. Miller was married on ilie 6th of October, 1887, in Mendota, 111., IMiss Marcia M. Freeland becoming his wife. She is a native of that place and a daughter of John M. and Sarah Freeland, residents of Colfax, 111. Two children grace the union of our subject and his wife, a son and daughter: Stafford De Witt and Margaret. Prof, and Mrs. Miller are both members of the Presbyte- rian Church and are prominent people in this community and held in high esteem by their many friends. In his social relations, the Professor is an Odd Fellow and, in i)olitics, votes with the Republican party, but has never been an oflice-seeker. He is an intelligent, .iljle young man, a most suc- cessful instructor, and has won general favor in the communities where he has been employed as teacher. He may well be termed a self-made man, for since a very early age he has made his own way in life, never having a cent but what he earned himself. The industrj', enterprise and perseverance which have characterized his career argue well for a successful future. ,,.., LFRED PHILLIPS, who owns and operates (^'Ol ninety acres of land on section 12, Peach Orchard Township, has the honor of be- ing a native of Illinois. He was born Januar}' 15, 1857, near Caledonia, Putnam Couut}', and is a worthy representative of one of the pio- neer families of that county. His parents were George and Jane (Lights) Phillips. His father was born in England and when thirteen 3'ears of age came to the United States. His mother was born in Chester County, Pa. They came to Illinois in 1837, locating near jMagnolia, Putnam Count}-, where Mr. Phillips built a tlouring-mill on the bank of Sandy Creek. He also built a sawmill on Clear Creek. Until 1863, he made his home in that county and then removed to La Salle County, where he purchased a farm, upon which he made his home one year. The year 1864 witnessed his arrival in Ford County. He purchased all of sec- tion 12, Peach Orchard Township, and in the fall of the same year bought one hundred and sixty acres more on section 16. LTpon his farm, he made his home until his death in 1869. In 1866, he served his township as Justice of the Peace. He was a member of the Methodist Church and of the Odd Fellows' fraternity. Mrs. Phillips died in 1865. The family numbered seven children: Catherine, wife of John Tliackary, a farmer residing in Peach Orchard Township; Jane, wife of George II. AVar- ner, of Normal, 111.; Mary, deceased, wife of Will- iam Baxter; George, who is living in Slelvin, 111.; Alfred, of this sketch; Susan, wife of Frank Thomp- son, a retired farmer residing in Melvin, and Abra- ham L., an attorney at law of Gibson City. We now take up the personal history of our subject, who in his youth attended the district schools and acquired a practical English education. He began life for himself in 1875, when eighteen years of age. He engaged in farming for himself for two 3'ears, after which he worked as a farm hand by the month. Throughout his entire life, he followed agi'icultural pursuits and has been very successful in his business dealings. After his mar- riage, he removed to the farm on which he has since resided, and in connection with its cultiva- tion carries on stock-raising. His landed posses- sions are quite extensive. He owns ninety-eight and one-half acres in his home farm, eighty acres on section 8, Peach Orchard Township, a like amount iu Dix Township and one hundred and twenty acres in Wall Township. Sei)tember 29, 1879. Mr. Phillips married Miss Sarah, daughter of John and Lizzie Brooks, and they began their domestic life upon the farm which is still their home. Their union has been blessed with one daughter, Edna, who was born January 23, 1884. The parents are highly respected peo- ple of this communitj- and have many warm friends. In his political atliliations, Mr. Phillips is a Republican. i 1 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 205 I ON. ALFRED SAMPLE, Circuit Judge of the Eleventh .hulieial District of Illinois, has won honorable distinction in the line !s£)) of his profession and well deserves repre- sentation in this volume. A native of Ohio, he was horn in Butler County. November 27, 1846. His parents were .James and Jane (Beard) Sample. The father was a native of Kentucky and the mother of \'irginia. The father was a farmer and stock-dealer. With his fanuly he removed from Ohio to Livingston County, 111., in 1857, and was a resident of that and McLean County until his death, which occurred April 20, 1883. Ilis wife, the mother of our subject, a woman possessed of many excellencies of character, survived her lius- liand until April 13, 1892. Alfred Sample came to Illinois with his parents when eleven years of age and, when not attending school, was employed in agricultural pursuits on the home farm. November 24, 1863, when but sixteen years of age, he enlisted for the late war as a mem- ber of Company G, One Hundred and Twenty- ninth Illinois Infantry, and immediately went into active service. His regiment was assigned to Sherman's Army and participated in the Atlanta campaign. At the battle of Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864, the young soldier of wliom we are writing was severely, and at that time su|)posed to be mor- tally, wt)unded, being shot in the breast and through both arms. Thus unBtted for duty, he received an honorable disciiarge I)eceml)cr 6, 1864, on account of Ins wounds received on the field of battle. He carries with him through life a crippled arm as a memento of the so-called ''late unpleas- antness between the States." (Jn returning from the war, Mr. Samiile became a student in Eureka College, where he pursued his studies for three years, after which he entered Monmouth College, taking a special course in each, and giving particular attention to the classics and mathematics. While at college, he taught select school several terras during vacations and was engaged in teaching schooJ for one year after leaving Monmouth College. He then entered upon the study of law under the preeoptorship of the Hon. Robert G. Ingersoll, tiie famous Ameri- can orator and attorney at law of Washington, 9 D. C, then a jtrominent lawyer of Illinois and a resident of Peoria. In 1871, after the regular examination, Mr. Sain[jle was admitted to the Bar and that same year openeil an ollice at Paxton, where he entered upon a successful jji-actice of his profession. His talent and ability soon won for him an honorable position in the Bar of Eastern Illinois. In politics. Judge Sample is a Republican, but he has never sought or desired piominence in the line of political distinction, but has [Jieferred to de- vote his energies to the practice of his profession, and to .accept such preferment as is the legitimate outgrowth of success in that direction. The only purel}' political position he has been known to fill was that of Presidential elector in the campaign of 1880, when James A. (iarfield was chosen Presi- dent. He has served as State Attorney for eight years. City Attorney of Paxton for four years, and in June, 1885, was nominated and elected with- out opposition to the honorable position of Judge of the Eleventh Judicial District of Illinois. After serving a term of six years, he was again nomin- ated and elected for the succeeding term without opposition. The fact of Judge Sample being the unanimous choice of the citizens of that district on both occasions speaks volumes in his praise and is a compliment of which he m.ay well be jiioikL The Eleventh Judicial District of Illinois includes within its limits the counties of Livingston, Kan- kakee, Iroquois, McLean and Ford, and Judge Sample's associates are Judges Charles R. Starr and Thomas F. Tipton. In June, 1891, Judge Sample was appointed to the Appellate Bench of the Fourth District of Illinois, which position he holds at the present time. On the fifth of September, 1876, the Judge was mariied to Miss E'lorence A. Cook, a daughter of Col. H. D. Cook, a well-known and piomincnt citizen of Illinois, a sketch of whom a|)pcars else- where in this work. The lady was born in Cappa, Woodford County, 111. .Judge and Mrs. Sample have two daughters: Florence I. and Lois A., both born in Paxton. Socially, Judge Sample is a Ma- son and a member of the Grand Army of the Re- public. He belongs to Paxton Lodge No. 416, A. F. & A. M.; Ford Chapter No. 113, R. A. M.; Mt. 206 PORTRAIT AND EJOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Olivet ConiTnanclcry No. 38, K. T., and was in the j'car 1878 the Grand Orator of the Masonic (4 rand Lodge of the State of Illinois. He is also a mem- ber of Paxton Post No. 387, G. A. K. Tlie personal popularity of the Jndge has grown with the yeais of his service in a judicial capacity. He is comparatively a young man .and has the physical strength to hold court until the work on the docket is disposed of, not having lost a day on account of illness in about seven years. He li.as the executive ability to dispatch business with rapidity and without any undue haste, and his career as a lawyer has been successful from the start. He is studious by habit, possessing quick per- ceptive faculties and a mind well adapted to the in- tellectual profession of his choice. Asa judge, his rulings have ever been fair and impartial, so that lawyers and litigants interested feel at the conclu- sion that they have been fairly and impartially treated. In manner. Judge .Sample is unassuming, yet dignified, cordial and aflfable, gifted as a con- versationalist and always good company'. He has won his success in life by hard study and earnest application to business, and is essentially a self- made man. He is the owner of valuable tracts of land and has recenth' erected at Paxton a very comfortable and modern residence, which he de- signed for a permanent home. Several years prior to his elevation to the bencli, .Judge Sample distinguished himself by the able and successful manner in which he conducted suits against railroad companies to eomiiel tlie adoption of the legal rate of three cents a mile fare and to prevent the annoyance and loss to the traveling public of tlie illegal rate of four cents. This laih'oad litigation, which was of public interest at the time, attracted general attention and tlie marked sucttess attend- ing ihe efforts of Judge Sample won for him much favorable comment and well-merited praise. VILLIAM J. WILSON, president of the private banking house of Mattlnson, Wil- son & Co., of Gibson City, 111., is a na- tive of Clarke County, Ohio, and was born on the .29th of June, 1838. His parents, Washington and IMary A. (Forman) Wilson, were from Ohio. His father's birth occurred on the 18th of Octo- ber, 1811, near Fairfield, Greene County, and the mother was born in Clarke County. They were married May 22, 183(3, and lived together as lius- band and wife for nearly lialf ii century, when called to their fin.al rest. Wasliington Wilson died at his home in Si)ringfield, Ohio, on Sunday, April 2G, 188."), at tlie age of seventy-three years and seven months. His wife i)assed away on the 5th of Maj' following, surviving her husband only nine days. They had joined the Christian Church together in 1839, and remained worthy and con- sistent members of that society to the close of their lives. It is said of them that they were re- markably adapted to e.acli other and were pos- sessed of noble traits of char.icter. Michael Wilson, the father of AVashington Wil- son, was a soldier of the War of 1812, and died soon after his return from the war from tlie effects of exposure while in the service. His widow re- moved to Harmony Township, and later made her home with her son Washington in Springfield, where she died in 1880, at the advanced age of ninetj--two years. Washington and Mary A. AVilson were the par- ents of eleven children: Michael, William J., George W., Harrison, John, Addison; Luther, de- ceased; Nancy T., Harriet; Mary A., deceased, was the wife of Dr. Strain; Flora is now Mrs. Dr. Claience Kay; Michael and Addison reside in Spiingfield, Ohio; George W., who w.as State Sen- ator, makes his home in London, Ohio; Harriet is a resident of London, Ohio; Nancy T. is the wife of John J. (ioodfellow; Harrison is a farmer of Madison County, Ohio, and .hjhn resides in (iibson City. Washington Wilson made his home in Spring- field at an early day. He was industrious and frugal, and .accumulated a large landed estate, hav- ing nearly two thousand acres of land near Spring- field at the time of his death. He was one of the prime movers in the firgauization of the Christian Cliurch in Springfield, and was one of its oHicers and most earnest supporters. As a Christian, he was Biblically orthodox, and practically evangelical with charity for all. He was active as a speaker PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 207 and worker in duircli, prnvcr meetings and Siin- day-sciiool, and his iios|iitaiitv to tlie ministers was lilieral and nuicli iiartaken ot. He was noted for steadfastness of purpose, a broad C'liristian spirit and for liis efforts to do good in his eonimu- nity and to encourage and develop a true Cliris- tian siiirit in those who came witliin tlio range of his inrtuence. The sterling (pialities of this worthy nian and his estimable wife, wliieli gave them sucli high standing in their eomnuinity, have had their intluenee in forming the eharacter of their children, who have become useful and worth}' members of society. William J. '\Vilst)n was reared to agricultural pursuits and was educated in the i)ublic schools of Si)ringfield, Ohio. On the 17tli of September, 1863, he was married, in his native county, to Miss L3'dia Goodfellow, a daughter of John and Lucy (Bennett) (Joodfellow,and a native of Clarke Count}-, Ohio. On attaining man's estate, Mr. Wilson engaged in farming near his old home, and continued in that vocation until 1875, when he embarked in the grocery business at London, Ohio. In 1876, he sold out and removed to Gibson City, 111., and engaged in the grain trade, which he conducted successfully until the burning of his elevator. On coming to Gibson Cit}^ Mr. AVilson invested in farming lauds in Ford County, and has increased his acreage until he now owns fifteen hundred acres of agricultural lands, which are situated partly in the following counties: Ford, ^'ermilion and Lee. Two years after he settled in Gibson City, Mr. Wilson became a [lartner in the bank- ing house now carried on under the firm title of Mattinson, Wilson ife Co., the oldest bank in the city, and has maintained partnership relations with that institution continuously since. In addition to the business interests already mentioned, Mr. Wil- son has done an extensive business in growing, buying, feeding and shipping live stock. lie is also a member of the Gibson Canning Company, of which he is Vice-President. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. AVil- son, three sons and six daughters now living: ]\Iinnie B. is the wife of Evan IMattiiLson, of the banking house of Mattinson, Wilson & Co.; Luther B. is engaged in the real-estate lousiness in Dixon, 111.; Cora IMay resides with lier parents; Lucy V. is the wife of Albert Browning, a farmer of Drummer Township; William J., Jr.; Mary Maud, Grace, Mabel and Arthur Glenn. One died in infancy. In politics, IMr. Wilson is a Republican, but has never sought or desired public ollice. In their religious views, Mr. Wilson, his wife and older children are Presbyterians, and he is a member of the Board of Trustees of that church. The chil- dren older than Mary Maud were born in Clarke County, Ohio, while she and those younger are natives of Gibson City. Since his residence at Gibson City, Mr. Wilson has been actively and prominently identified with its commercial and linaneial interests, and it is no flattery to say of him that his record has been that of a man of strict integrity, enterprise and abil- ity. In his business career, he has been eminently successful, and has succeeded in accumulating a large and valuable property, while his uniformly upright course in life and just regard for the rights of others have entitled him to a place in the foremost ranks of the most respected and worthy citizens of Ford County. •^^ A. COAL, proprietor, editor and publisher of the daily and weekly Gilison City Enter- jmse, the leading Republican journal in the western part of Ford County, is a native of Washington, Pa., and was born November 28, 1856. His father is Dr. W. P. T. Coal, a retired physician, now of Bloomington, 111., but formerly of Washington County, Pa. He still owns the old family homestead in Steuben County, N. Y., that has been in the possession of the family since the patent was obtained from the Government in Colonial days. He was born in Steuben County, N. Y., on the 16th of November, 1818, and is of German descent, several generations remote. He was graduated from Bath Medical College and practiced his profession for forty years. He is a thorough scholar, though largely self-educated, and 208 PORTRAIT AND BIOORAPIIICAL EECORD, is a contriljutor to several Eastern majjazines and periodicals. His wife, the mother of our subject, was born in Breckenridge Count}', Ky., in May, 1819, and was descended from one of the oldest and most prominent of Kentucky families. She passed to her fmal rest many years ago, her death occurring in December, 1859. The subject of this sketch came to Illinois in 1858, and was educated in the High School at Tremont and at the Normal University, at Normal, spending about two j-ears as a student in the last- named institution. On completing his term at the University, he engaged in teaching school and was emplo3-ed in that vocation for nine years. He taught the Sibley School, the P^lliott School and what is known as the Dixon School, to the south of Gibson City. During a part of this time, he taught two different schools in the same year, so that he really taught twelve months in the year. In December, 1879, he started the Sibley Index, and on the 5th of June, 1883, established the Gib- son City Enterprise, a straight Republican weekly paper, still continuing the publication of the Index a year and a half later. He started the daily Gib- son Qity Enterprise in December, 1889. a six-column folio, still carrying on the weekly Enterprise, a six-column quarto. He has continued the publica- tion of both to the present time, having made a success of the venture and built up a prosperous business. He has in connection with his newspaper publishing a well-appointed job ofJlce and does an extensive business in the line of first-class com- mercial job work. On the 29th of December, 1879, Mr. Coal was married, in Gibson City, to Miss Sadie E. Black, a daughter of William and Sarah J. Black. Her father is deceased and her mother is now the wife of J. H. Dungan, of Gibson City. Mrs. Coal was bom in Clinton County, Ind.,and came to Illinois in childhood. She has become the mother of one child, a son. Earl H. D., who was born on the 26th of June, 1888. The parents are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the work of which they take an active interest. Mr. Coal is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of Gibson Lodge No. 733, A. F. & A. M.; of Gib- son Chapter No. 183, R. A. M.; of Gibson Council No. 72; and Mt. Olivet Commandery No. 38, K. T., of Paxtou. He is an active and earnest supporter of Republican principles and is a potent factor in campaign work. His acquaintance is extensive throughout the county and his friends are many and among the best of his fellow-citizens. He possesses a genial and fraternal spirit, is always courteous and cordi.al in manner with strangers as well as friends. He is a fluent, easj' writer and his papers are among the best published in this i)art of the State. He and his wife rank high in social cir- cles and are numbered among the prominent and worthy citizens of Ford County. ROF. JOHN D. SHOOP, who has been ) Principal of the Gibson City schools since S ^ September, 1890, was born in Sabina, Clin- I \ ton County, Ohio, March 3, 1857, and is a son of Jonathan and Margaret (Sn3-der) Shoop. His father was born in Pennsylvania, and his mother in Fleming County, \s.y. Our subject was orphaned in childhood, his mother dying while he was yet an infant, and his father passing away when he was but seven years of age. His parents were in limited circumstances, and John D. was left, at the early age of seven, to fight the battle of life alone and unaided. He was reared to manhood among strangers, and was apprenticed to a farmer until twenty-one years of age. His edu- cation was obtained at private schools and by self- culture. He began teaching in 1878, in Fayette County, Ohio, and was Principal of the schools at Blooiningburg, Ohio, for three years. Subsequently, he taught in the Institute at Washington Court House, where he remained until 1889. On the 1st of September, 1887, Prof. Siioop was united in marriage with Miss Jennie B. Perrill. Mrs. Shoop was born at Washington Court House, and IS a daughter of James and Rebecca Perrill. Her father is a prominent farmer of her native county, and one of the highl}' esteemed citizens. In 1889. Prof. Shooji came to Illinois, settling in Saybrook. McLean County, where he was employed c;!^^nding her earlier years in Bloomington. Since old enough to take an interest in politics, which was during the exciting da^-s of the Civil War, Mr. Cook has alway.s been an advocate of Repul)lican jirinciples. In 1880, he was elected State Attorney for Ford County, has been twice re-elected, and is now serving his twelfth j-ear in that position. He is a Knight Templar Mason, holding membership witli Paxton Lodge No. 416, A. F. A A. M.; Ford Chapter No. 113, R. A. M., and of Mt. Olivet Commandery No. 38, K. T., all of Paxton. He is also Vice-president of the First National Bank, and a member of the Board of Di- rectors. We find in Mr. Cook a lawyer of ac- knowledged ability, who occupies a foremost po- sition at the Ford Count}^ Bar. His life in Wash- ington, during one of the most interesting periods of our country's history, afforded him an oppor- tunity to observe, more or less intimately, tlie leading men in public life of that day, many of whom have become historic characters. A close observer of men and events, a good memory and a happy faculty for ex()iessing his thoughts and views, make Mr. Cook an entertaining conversa- tionalist and a most agreeable companion. \]^xETER PAPINEAU, of Paxton, is numbered Jl) among the early .settlers of Ford County. ^ He was born in Montreal, Canada, on the / \ 20th of June, 1837, and is a son of Joseph and Maria Papineau. Both of his parents were of French extraction. The subject of this sketch is a self-made man, and whatever success he has achieved in life is due entirely to his own efforts. He had very limited school privileges, only at- tending until about eleven years of age, and no special advantages of an}' kind. He remained un- 218 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. der the parental roof until seventeen years of age, when he left his father's home and started out to earn his own livelihood. His choice of an occupa- tion fell upon the blacksmith's trade, and after learning that business, he followed it for some years in his native land. It was in 1857 that he came to the United States, and his first location was made in Illinois. He be- came a resident of Kankakee, where he worked at his trade for three years, and then went to Galena, 111., where the succeeding year of his life wiis passed. He then spent one year in St; Ann, and in 18(53 we find him a resident of Ford County. He made a location in tlie city of Paxton, and soon afterward erected a blacksmith shop and began business. Since that time he has engaged in black- smithing and carri.age-making continuously, and, being an expert workman, has secured a liberal patronage, which he retains by his courteous treat- ment .ind earnest efforts to please his i)atrons. On the 6th of July, 1859, Mr. P.apineau led to the marriage altar Miss Caroline Beaugard, who is a native of Canada, and is also of French descent. Their union lias been blessed witli a family of thir- teen children, who, in order of birth, are as follows: Peter, Edward, Charles, Josephine; George, who died in infancy; Joseph, River, Reener, Arthur, John, Amy, Leo and Loraine. The parents and the children are memliers of the Catholic Church, and throughout Ford County the f.amily is well and favorably known. Mr. Papineau is an enter- prising business man, who by his own efforts has made liis life a successful one. lie is wide awake to tlie interests of the city, faithfully jierforms all his duties of citizenship, and is well worthy of representation in this volume. ^->^^<^^-!- ¥TLLIAM KENNEY, a prominent farmer residing on section 21, AVnll Township, claims Pennsylvania as tlie State of his nativity, lie was born in Washington Count3', on the 26th of April, 1828, and is a son of James Kenne}', wlio was l)orn on the s.ame farm as our subject and there still m.akes his home. His par- ents were Beniaminaud Elizabeth (Blair) Kenney. The former w.as liorn June 9, 1764; the latter, a daughter of John and Mary Blair, was bom Sep- tember 17, 1771, and their marriage was celebrated September 17, 1789. Tiiey became the parents of eight children: Margaret, who was born August 8, 1790; IMary, January 22, 1792; John Blair, who was born June 14, 1794. and died Septem- ber 14, 1808; Elizabeth, wiio was liorn July 6, 1802, and died on the 22d of December, of that year; Benjamin, who was born December 23, 1804, and died September 8, 1805; James, January 11, 1806; Wesley, May 8, 1808, and Rebecca, Decenil)er 31, 1810. The father of this family- died March 28, 1843, and his wife survived un- til .January 26, 1852, when she too was called to her final rest. The father of our subject. Rev. James Kenney, acquired his education in the log schools of that early day, and before he had reached the age of twentj' 3-ears he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church and began preacliing. For more than sixty years he has engaged in the ministerial work, in connection with which he h:is carried f>n the operation of that farm which has l)een his home throughout his entire life. About 1828, Rev. Mr. Kenney w.as united in mar- riage to Miss Ann Sproat, who was three years his junior and was a daughter of William and Mary Sproat, farmer people of Washington County. They l)ecamethe parents of four children: AVilliara of tills sketch; Elizalieth, wife of Asbury Greenfield, of California; C3'rus, who is living on a ranch in Ventura County, Cal.; John F., who follows agri- cultural pursuits in Wall Townshi|). The mother died when our subject was about ten years old, and a year later his father married Patience Moore, a native of Greene Countj', Pa. The\- became the par- ents of eight children: Benjamin F., who is farming in California; Eliza, who became the wife of John Freeman and died in Florida; INIargaret, wife of Wilson Ward, of Washington Counts', Pa.; James, who m.akcs his home in the same county'; Josephine, who died in infancy; Kate, twin sister of .Josephine, living with her parents, and ISIary M., wife of Lewis Cleaver, a merchant of AVashington Count3', Pa. The father of this faniiiy was one of the PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 219 most liiirlilv rcspeeterl citizens of tliat cominunity. In iiis social relations, he is a Mason and, in politics, is a Republican. He cast his first Presidential vote for John ()iiincy Adams, and afterwards supported the AViiig party until the rise of the Republican party. There was not much to vary the monotony of the early life of our sulijcct, which was spent in farm work and in the attendance at the common schools. As tiie family was in limited circumstances, he saw something of the harder side of life. His health not being very good, he learned the trade of a saddler, which he followed in the Keystone State until Ibi'iS, when, believing he could better his fi- nancial condition, he emigrated to Putnam County, 111., in the spring of 1854, and for two years worked by the day as a farm hand. He then en- gaged in farming for himself until 1856, when he removed to La Salle County, whei-e he rented land until 1K71, when he came to Ford County, and bought an unimproved tract of eighty acres. To this he has since added, until he now owns one hun- dred and sixty acres, a good farm well improved and highly cultivated. In 1850, in the county of his nativity, Mr. Ken- ney was joined in wedlock to Miss INIary Mc^'ain, who was born in Greene County, Pa., and is a daughter of Moses and Mary (Keys) ]McVain. Her father was a native of Greene County. I'a., and died when about seventy years of age. He was a blacksmith by trade and was an industrious man. In jiolitics, he was a Democrat. Ilis wife died when Mrs. Kenncy was only a small child, scarce!}- nine years of age. In the common schools, Jlrs. Kenney acquired her education. She is a kind and loving wife and mother, and hand in hand our sub- ject and his wife have walked for forty-one years. Unto them have been born twelve children, six yet living: Elizabeth A., a resident of La Salle County, 111.; Mary E. and Martha J., deceased; Mary M., wife of Charles Stoneljieaker, who resides in Rob- erts, 111.; James M., who is living in Vermilion County; Asbury G., deceased; Charles L., a farmer of Wall Township, Ford County; John "\V. and Maggie F., deceased; Leander S., a resident farmer of Wall Township; John F., at home, and Mabel who has also passed away. INIr. Kenney cast his first Presidential vote for Wintield Scott, and was an advocate of Whig princi- ples until 1856, when he voted for Fremont, since which time he has been a stalwart Rei)ublican. He has often been a delegate to the conventions of his party and served on its committees. For seven years he has been Supervisor of Wall Township, and was its Treasurer for about fourteen years. True to every trust reposed in him, his duties were faithfully discharged, and he won the confidence and regard of all with whom he had been brought in contact. He is a highl}- resiiected citizen of the community and one who has the best interests of the county at heart ENJAMIN STITES, a pioneer of Ford .^ County of 1855, settled on section 17, on j^M)jl! Government land, and made that his home for the remainder of his life. He was born in Butler County, Ohio, October 14, 1805, and w.as a son of Benjamin Stites. His grandfatlier was a IMajor in the German Army, and emigrated to the United States prior to the Revolutionary War. He took part in the struggle for independence, and held the rank of Captain. He and one Judge Syinmes had a grant of three million acres of land, which they located on the north side of the Ohio River. Mr. Stites located the town of Columbia, Ohio, and made that place his home. Of the tract so located, a considerable portion is still in posses- sion of the descendants of the original proprietors. In an early day, the subject of this sketch re- moved to Cincinnati, where he owned and oper- ated an extensive stone-quarry, which was located at what is now the head of North Sycamore Street of that city. He was twice married. His Qrst wife died in 1828, leaving two children, both now de- ceased. In his native State he afterward married Miss Susan E. Stewart, a native of Hamilton, But- ler County, Ohio, and a daughter of Charles and Susan Stewart. Eight children were born of their union: Benjamin F. wedded Miss Martha A. Dunn, and died in the fall c>f 1889; Sarah A. was the wife of Henry A. Dewey, and died in 1861; Hannah S. 220 PORTRAIT AKD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. is tlie wife of Eliliu Swisher, of Paxton; Plirebe A. is the wife of John White, of Paxton; Margaret E. married Jonathan Covalt, and is now a widow, residing m Oswego, Kan.; William H. married Clara A. MoKee. and resides in Paxton; Samuel S. is a resident of Elwood, Ind.; and Susan M. is the wife of Samuel Hill, whose home is in Cincinnati, Ohio. Pluebe A. and those 30unger were born in Illinois, while the elder members of the family wei'e born in Ohio. Mr. Stites continued to reside in Cincinnati until 1837, when, with his family, he emigrated West- ward and settled near Dan ville, Vermilion County, 111., where he was engaged in farming until March. ISofi, when he removed to what is now Ford County. In 1854, he came to this county and opened a farm on section 17, town of Patton, and on the site of the village of Prairie Cit^- (now Paxton), which he platted, and of which he may properly be called the founder, where he made his home until his death, wliich occurred December fi, 1860. Ilis good wife survived him until IMay 13, 1887, when she too passed away. Mr. Stites took an active interest in getting the territory, of which Ford County is composed, set off from certain counties. The county was very new and sparsely settled at the time, and he suffered from exposure in traveling to secure signatures to a petition to the Legislature of 18r)9 to have Ford Count\^ created. His death is said to have resulted from disease contracted while emplo^'cd in that duty. He was an earnest member of the Methodist Church, and sometimes served as local preacher while resid- ing in Illinois. His family were members of the same denomination. AVliile in Ohio, they be- longed to the Baptist Church, but on coming to this State, had found no organized society of that church, and attached themselves to the Methodist Chinch. For some years prior to the building of tiie house of worship in Paxton, religious meetings were held at the home of Mr. Stites, and he and his wife were ctmsistent members of the Paxton Church. In politics, f)ur subject was an original Aboli- tionist, and joined the Republican party in Illinois at its organization. He voted for Fremont and Dayton in 18.')(), and for Lincoln and Hamilton in 1860, which was his last vote, as his death occurred the following December. In manner, he was plain and unpretending, and in every act of life earnest and sincere. Integrity and rectitude characterized his intercourse with his fellow-men, and none knew him but to esteem and respect lum. ','D'.'."Ij Samuel Stites, the j'oungestson, was born in A'er- milion County, 111., September 20, 1849, received a common-school education, and was reared to agri- cultural pursuits. Until 1883. he was engaged in farming, and then embarked in the real-estate busi- ness in Kansas, subsequently extending his opera- tions into Colorado, Texas, Missouri, New Mexico, and the Indian Territory. In December, 1890, lie became interested in the real-estate business in the young and booming town of F]hvood, Ind.. a place that has sjjrung from a small village to a city of five thousand people in a short time, through its wonderful supjjly of natural gas, which furnishes heat, light and power for mechanical purposes, and which is rapidly developing into an important manufacturing center. N 4^S«^ y \ i^^ AMITEL EMMONS, one of the pioneer set- ^^^ tiers of F\)rd County, was born in Maniil- l^l/j| ton County, Ohio, September 13, 1836, and is a son of William and Rebecca (Pearson) F^mmons. The father was born in New Jersey, and when young removed to Ohio with his par- ents, who were among the early settlers of that State. In Hamilton County, he married Miss Pear- son, a native of that county. About 1838, thej' removed to Mercer County, Ohio, which was then a wilderness, their nearest neighbor being five miles distant. Having built a log house and cleared some ten acres of land, Mr. Emmons took sick and died, in 1840, when in the prime of life, being only thirty-six years of age. He left three cliildren, the eldest of whom was burned to death in childhood. Samuel was the next in order of birth, and Almira, the youngest, is now Mrs. Lind, of Cincinnati, Ohio. The mother afterward married again, but p,assed to her final reward in 1890, being .seventy- six years of age. PORTRAIT AND BlOGRAi'lIlCAL RECORD. 223 Our subjc't't is the only one of tlie family living in this county, and, sini'u about the age of nine years, has made his own wa\' in the world. Hav- ing worlced for wages for several years, he began farming for iiimself. Mr. Emmons wedded Mary U. George, on the SUlh of October, IbfJO. She was a native of Darke County, Oliio, and a hidy of French descent. Soon after tlieir marriage, tiiey removed to Le Ro_v, .AIcLean County, ill., where he carried on a farm until August 8. 1862. On tiiat date, Mr. Emmons enlisted in Compan}' (i, Ninety-fourtli Illinois Volunteer Infantry. The regiment was sent to Southern Missouri and North- ern Arkans.as. and the fust battle in whieli our suliject engaged was Prairie (irove, Ark., which was followed by the siege of Vicksburg, the cap- lure of Yazoo City and Morganza. In 186:5, the command crossed the Gulf and captured Browns- ville, after which it returned and captured Ft. Morgan, was engaged in the battles of Fish River, Pasca Gula, and Spanish Fort, which was the last engagement in which our subject participated. He was never wounded or taken prisoner, but soon after the battle of Vicksbuig, while on a march be- tween Yazoo City and Jackson, he received a sun- stroke from which lie has never recovered. He was a biave soldier, and was discharged at Spring- field, 111., in August, 1865, after the close of the war. Returning to McLean County, Mr. Emmons turned his attention to farming, and in 1867 re- moved to Ford County, but soon after went again to McLean County, where he spent a year and then returned to this county. Having farmed until 1872, he came to Gibson Cit_y, and has since made this place his home. In 1880, Mrs. Emmons was called to her final rest, leaving six children, of whorn Ave are still living: Addie, wife of J. S. Jloore, of Gibson City; William M., an expressman of Gibson; Amy, Min- nie, and Gertrude, now the wife of P. Ryan, of Gibson Cit}-. The mother was a member of the United Brethren Church, and a true Chiistian lady. On the 5tli of Maj', 1881, Mr.Emmons was .again united in marriage, this time to Mrs. Laura L. Moore, adaughterof A. N. and Delilah (Hamilton) Nevin, who emigrated from Brown County, Ohio, to McLean County, 111., aI)out 18.5.5, and in that county Mrs. Emmons married James Moore, by whom she had four children, two of whom arc still living, Blanche and Bertha. Mr. Moore died in 1874, and, in 1881, his widow married oursuliject, as is given above. Of this union two children were born, Mamie and Lucilc. Mrs. Emmons is a Meth- odist in religious belief, and in the church of that denomination is an earnest worker. Since coming to Gibson City, Mr. Emmons lias engaged in a variety of occupations, carrying on a meat market, a restaurant, and a draying and ice business. In political sentiment, he is a Repub- lican, and takes an active interest in the success of that party. Socially, he is member of Lott Post No. 7(), G. A. R., of which he is a charter meinlier, and has held all the ollices. In the war, he was a biave iind valiant soldier, and in peace is a true and worthy citizen. *»' OHN H. MOFFETT, Mayor of Paxton and the senior member of the law firm of Moffett ifc Day, is well known as one of the I prominent and highly-respected citizens of Ford Count3'. He was born in Cl.ayton, Adams County, 111., on the 2.5tli of I'el^ruary, 18.56, and is the son of Samuel R. and Mary (Strong) Moffctt, both of whom were natives of South Carolina. In 1834, the father left his native State, emigrating to Monroe County, Inc)., where he made his home until 1855, wliich year witnessed his arrival in Illinois. He located in Adams County, but after remaining there for a period of two 3-ears, the family returned to Indiana. It was in April, 1865, that they again came to Illinois and settled in Paxton, where the father died in 1879. The mother yet survives him and is still a resident of Paxton. The subject of this sketch went to Monroe County, Ind., with his parents in infancy and began his school life in that county. In 1865, he came with the family to Paxton and attended the public school of that city, where he iirepared him- self for college, after which he attended Mou- 224 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. mouth College, of Moiimoutli, 111., for two years. He entered upon the study of law, under the pre- ce[)torship of .Tohn R. Kinnear, of Paxton, and was admitted to the IJar in Springfield, in January, 1880, after which lie embarked in the prosecution of tlie legal profession in Rixton, in comijany with his former preceptor. That connection was continued until I\Ir. Kinnear removed to Seattle, Wash., in May, 1883. In tlie following Septem- lier, 'Sh: IMoffett liecame associated in practice with .ludge Tipton, of IMoomington, 111., he being the resident partner of the firm in Paxton. In .Tune, 1890, C. L. Day was admitted to i)artnersiiip, the firm becoming Tii)ton, Moffett & Day, which con- nection was continued until .Tune, 18'J1, when .Judge Tipton withdrew, and since that time the lirm has existed as at present, doing business under the firm title of .Aloffett & Day. On May 16, 1878, Mr. IMoffett was married in Loda, the lady of his choice being Miss Martha S.Gray, a native of Crawford County, Ohio, and a daughter of Samuel and Mary .T. Gray. Four children have been born of their union; two died in childhood and two survive: Samuel Claude and .lolin Carl. The parents arc both members of the United Presbyterian Church. In his political views, Mr. Moffett is a Republi- can, and in 1888 served as Cit}' Alderman of Pax- ton; while in the spring of 18'J1 he was elected Mayoi', and is now filling that otiice with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents. lie has been an industrious student and is well grounded in the theory and practice of his pro- fession. He possesses superior natural aljility, un- tiring energy and strict integrity, and while com- |)arativoly a young man, he has won an envhable reputation as a lawyer. «#■ -'*^-* ••• r^ '^> ^ AMES L. SAXTON, a leading merchant of Gibson City, a dealer in dry-goods, carjiets, boots and shoes, estalilished business in that ^_^ town on the 10th of April, 187;"). He was born in the town of German, Chenango County, N. Y., August 13, 1847, and is a son of Henry and Serenia (Brown) Saxton, both natives of ISIassa- chusetts. His father was born TNlarch 12, lM14,and his mother's birth occurred December 24, 1816. Both are still living and make their home in Cin- cinuatus, Cortland County, N. Y. When James L. was six years of age, he removed with his parents to Cincinnatus, where he received an academic education, after which he was engaged in teaching school until August, 1866, when he came to Illinois, and was employed .as a merchant's clerk in Henry, Marshall County, for three years. He was next engaged in the same capacity in Mackinaw, Tazewell County, for a year and a half, after which he became an equal partner of his brother William, of that place, and there continued merchandising until March, 187.^, when he came to Gibson Cit}', starting his present business. He was quite successful, and has now an annual trade amounting to 840,000 and upwards. lie is the oldest dry-goods merchant in the city in continu- ous j'ears of business, and, since the beginning, his trade has rapidly increased. On the 20th of June, 1871, Mr. Saxton married, in Henry, Marsh.all County, III, Miss Mary E. AVhitney. The lady is a native of Fulton County, 111., and is a daughter of John and Jane Whitney; the former, a native of Massachusetts, is now de- ceased. Her mother, who is still living, was born in Indiana, and is a resident of (Tibson Cit^'. In politics, Mr. Saxton affiliates with the Repub- lican party, and lie and his wife ai'e consistent members of the First Presbyterian Church of (Tib- son, in which he holds the oHice of clerk. In Sunday-school wiork, Mr. Saxton takes an active interest and part, having been Superintendent eight j'ears; President of the Ford County Sunday- school Association one term; Treasurer of the same three j'cars; President of the Sixth District Sunday- school Association two terms. In 1886, he removed to Owatonna, Minn., where for two years he carried on merchandising, and then returned toGilisoii City and resumed tnisiness there. With the excei)tii)n of the two years spent in Owatonna, he has been engaged in business in Gibson City continuously since 187.1. Mr. Saxton carries a full and complete stock of goods in his line, is alwajs up with the times in styles, and is 4 T^-^-'^^'tyCy , — ^^ (^^^^,^5^-i^.<^^:2^ 'yry — r « /iieui-i-^.^^^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 225 one of the most poiiular and successful mei-chants iu Ford County, where he is widely and favorably known. As a business man and citizen he stands deservedly high, and during his many years of business in Gibson lias won the good opinion of the best people in the city and adjacent country, will) whom ho has liad business or social vel.ations. RED W. BEARDSLEY, Secretary of ihe )) Gibson Canning Company, was the leading spirit in founding that institution and has been actively identifled with its successful man- agement ever since. He is a native of Ohio, born in Cantield, Mahoning County, on the Western Reserve, on the 27tli of November, 1831. His parents were Philo and Lois Smith (Gun) Beards- ley, botii members of old N(;w England families. The father was born in Warren, Litchfield County, Conn., August 14, 1794, and was of English de- scent. Tiie Beardsley family, of which our subject is a member, was founded in America by William Beardsley, an English emigrant, who first settled in what is now Stratford, Conn., in 1635. The mother of Fred W. w.as born December 24, 1797, in New Preston, Litchfield County, Conn., and was descended from Scotch ancestry, her family dating its settlement in the New World prior to the Revolutionary War. The parents of our sub- ject were married at New Preston, Conn., March 3, 1810, and the same year moved by ox-team to Oliio, settling on the Western Reserve, which, at that time, was a wild and almost uninhabited region. Philo Beardsley was a man of excellent business ability, and, in course of time, became a well-to-do farmer. In politics, he w.as a Whig until the agitation of the slavery question, when he became a strong Abolitionist. On the rise of the Republican part}', he espoused its pi inciples and ever remained true to them. Botli he and wife were active workers in the Congregational Ciiurch. In the days when each State required its citizens to spend some time each year in military drill, Mr. Beardsley held the office of Captain, and was ever afterward known as CM|)t. Beardsley. On the 27tli of August, 1818, his wife p.-issed from among the living. She wiis the mother of twelve children, six sons and six daugliters, of whom eight are still living. Mr. Beardsley died February 21, 1870. F'red W. Beardsley is tlie eighth of the above- named famil}-. After a preparatory course in the public scliools, he entered Mt. Union College, tak- ing a scientific course, but left during the senior year. F'or some six winters he engaged success- fully in teaching school, and at the same time conducted writing-schools. It is doubtful whetlier there is a finer penman in tlie county than Mr. Beardsley. In 1860, he was elected Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and ex-()tficio Clerk of the District Court for Mahoning County, and was re-elected b}- acclamation, serving in all six years. Wliile tlius engaged, he spent his leisure hours in reading law, and in 1866 was admitted to the Bar, in Cantteld, Ohio, where he practiced his profession until his removal to the West. In October, 1860, our subject was married, in his native county, to Miss Jaqueline Gee, a daugh- ter of Peter and Almira Gee. Mrs. Beardsley was born iu Berlin Centre, Mahoning Count}', Ohio. Her father was a native of Ellsworth, Mahoning Count}', and the mother of Deerfield, Portage County, of the same State. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley, of whom two are living: Almira Day, the eldest, is now the wife of Thomas Finnegan, of Kankakee, 111.; Lois G. died at the age of twenty-two years; and Bertha E. resides with her father. In 1872, Mr. Beardsley came to Illinois as busi- ness manager for an Ohio capitalist, who had large sums of money loaned and invested in this State, and in 1876 moved his family to Champaign County, where he resided three years, and in 1879 removed to Gibson City, where he still makes his home. He was in charge of the same business from 1872 until 1888, collecting and re-loaning, until the capital was withdrawn from the State. Much of that business covered investments in farmino' lands, which w.as conducted with ability and fidel- ity and to the satisfaction of the proprietor. Be- sides this, he was extensively interested in raisino- 226 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. live stock. In 1885, Mr. Beardsley interested himself in the organization of the Gibson Canning Factory. He was cliosen secretary, which position he has since filled. These works are tiie second largest in capacity in the United States, and in round numbers pack annually two million cans of corn, and in the summer of 18!)2 they expect to exceed that amount. In addition to his interest in the canning business, Mr. Beardsley is the owner of four farms, lying in Ford County, aggregating six hundred and seven acres. One of them, a farm of two hundred and forty acres, is situated at what is known as Switch 1), on the Lake Erie & Western Railroad; another, of one hundred and sixty acres, is a mile west of Gibson City; another, of fifty-two acres, joins the city on the soutli; and the last, of one hundred and fifty-five acres, joins Gibson City on the west. He keeps a herd of one hundred and fifty Sliort-horn and high-grade cat- tle, a flock of Oxford Downs sheep, besides Berk- shire and Poland-China hogs and Morgan horses. On the 21st of December, 1891, Mr. Beardsley was called upon to mourn the death of his wife, who had been his faithful and devoted com|)anion through the joys and sorrows, the hopes and fears, the trials and successes of his life for thirty-one years. She was an earnest Christian woman and for many years was a consistent member of the Jlethodist Episcopal Church. During all these years, she was faithful to every duty, devoted to her husband and children and always made her in- fluence for good felt, not only within the limits of her liome, but in the social circles and the com- munity where she dwelt. .lust a few weeks prior to her death, Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley had moved into their new home, which is one of the finest in Gibson City, and a model of convenience. Every department of the house is furnished with both hot and cold w-ater, supplied from a reservoir above which is filled by a hot-air pump; private gas apparatus lights the house, and the latest improved hot-water system furnishes it with heat. In short, it would be diffi- cult to conceive of a home more complete in its appointments. How different this edifice is from the pioneer cabin of twenty years ago! Mr. Beardsley and his daughter are members of the same church to which tlic wife and mother be- longed. In politics, he is a Republican and has always taken an active interest in the success of his party. In the days of slavery agitation, Mr. Beardslej', true to the traditions of the "Old West- ern Reserve," was an original Abolitionist, and during the war that grew out of the slavery troubles, he gave the Government a hearty and patriotic support, contributing more money to the cause than any other itjan in his native township. During his residence in ISIahoning County, Ohio, he was chosen and served as Secretary and Treas- urer of the County Fair Association, was Secre- tary of his local School Board, and was otherwise prominently connected with public affairs. Since his residence in Ford County, 111., he has always shown a laudable interest in local matters and has ever been found public-spirited. A thoroughly' practical business man, he enjoys in a marked degree the confidence and esteem of his fellow- citizens. ^'^"T^c ,,.,, MMON COOMES. Among the entcrpris- (.QSjO ing and successful business men of Paxtou lit should be numbered the popular druggist whose name heads this sketch. Mr. Coomes established business in this cit3' in May, 1882, with a full line of drugs, medicines, paints, oil, wall paper and toilet articles, and has continued the business with marked success to the present time, covering a period of ten years. Our subject was born in Licking County, Ohio, September 15, 1849, and is a son of Upton and Mary J. (Gregg) Coomes. The father was born on the 28th of July, 1828, in the same county as the son, and the mother on the 4th of June of the same year, in Virginia. The}' emigrated to Illinois in 1855, and settled in McLean County, near Grid- ley, and, in 1875, removed to Streator, where they now reside. For a number of years Mr. Coomes was a minister in the Christian Church. Amnion Coomes came to Illinois with his parents when a lad of six summers, and attended school at Gridley, preparing himself for college, after which ^*^^, t^rPi^rtl r ^H^-T^yMAj ^-<^(^kz:^^^^>^it^r>^ J' '^ 4 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 22!^ he entei-ed Eureka College, and was graduated from that institution in the Class of '73. He fol- lowed teaching school for several years as a voca- tion, serving as |)rlncii)al of village schools, but, not content to make this his life work, in JMay, 1882, he formed a i)artnershi|) with William Me- Taggart, under the firm name of McTaggart & Coonies, druggists at Paxton. Mr. Coonies made a study of the business in a practical way, and, after passing a very llatteriug examination before the Illinois State Board of Pharmacy, was awarded a diploma. In 1884, he purchased his partner's interest and has since conducted the business alone with marked success, having an excellent trade and the liberal patronage is certainly well de- served. In I'iper City, Ford County, on the 2.5th of No- vember, 1883, Mr. Coonies wedded Miss Margaret Clark, a daughter of Alexander and Eliza Clark, and a native of Paterson, N. ,1. With her parents she came to Illinois in 18(i4. Mr. and Mrs. Coomes hold membership with the Congregational Church of Paxton. They are well known throughout this community and rank high in social circles. Mr. Coomes exercises his right of franchise in support of the Republican part}-, and keeps himself well informed on the issues of the day, but has never sought or desired public otiiee. A!n^i - 1 1 > I > ]^i VAN MATTINSON, cashier and member of the banking firm of Mattinson, Wilson A Co., was born in Clarke Count}', Ohio, Sep- tember 30, 18.')7, and is a son of Matthew and Mar- garet (Evans) Mattinson. His father was iiorn in Westmoreland County, England, October 15, 1810, and came to America when about twenty-four years of age. He made his home in Clarke County, Ohio, where he was married, Decemlier 20, 1841, to Miss Margaret Evans, a daughter of Edward Evans. Mrs. Mattinson was born in North Wales in 1820, and came to the Fnited States in 1837. Both yet reside in Clarke County, Ohio. Evan Mattinson was reared on a farm and re- oeivcd his education in the schools of South Charles- 10 ton, Clarke County, Ohio, closing in the High Schools of that city. He was engaged in farming in his native State until 1880, when he came to Illinois and located in Gil)son City. He then en- gaged as clerk in the banking house of Burwell, Leffel & Co., of wliicli the present bank is an out- growth. When the existing firm was formed, he was made casliicr and has continued to serve in that capacity until the present time. On the 5th of JIarch, 1885, Mr. ^Mattinson was united in marriage, at Gibson City, to Miss Minnie Belle Wilson, a daughter of AVilliam .1. and Lydia (Goodfellow) Wilson. She was born in Clarke County, Ohio, and came to Gibson City with her parents in 187G. One child, M. Clarence, has been born to them. In politics, Mr. Mattinson is a Republican, while he and his wife are meiiil)ers of the Presbyterian Church. He is a Knight Templar Jl.ason, a member of all the Masonic bodies of Gibson City, and of Mt. Olivet Commanderv No. 38, Knights Templar of Paxton. He is also a member of Gibson Camp, Modern Woodmen of America. He has been City Treasurer of Gibson City several times, also Treas- urer of the Gibson Building and Loan Association, and of the Gibson Canning Comijany. As a financier and business man, Mr. Mattinson stands deservedly high. His management of the affairs of the bank has been such as to insure pub- lic confidence and make friends of its patrons. He is enterprising, yet conservative, and his integrity is beyond question. The successful career of the bank since his connection with it bears no uncer- tain testimony as to his right to a fair share of the credit, without detracting at all from the healthful influence of his worthy associates. R. DEKALB DENMAN is one of the well- known contractors and builders of Paxton, and his handiwork may be seen in many of the principal buildings of this city. The life record of this gentleman is as follows: He was born in Jlontgomery County, Ind., February 4, 1842, and was one of a family of six sons and four 230 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRArHICAL RECORD. daughters who grew to mature j'ears, but one son and two daughters are now deceased. The father, A. J. Denman, was born iu Ohio, April 20, 1811, and in 1829 accompanied his father, William Den- man, to La Fayette, Ind., where the grandfather settled with his family. About three years later, he removed to Montgomery County, becoming one of its pioneer settlers, and iu its development aided largely. He had served his country in the War of 1812. A. J. Denman acquired a good education and iu his younger life suceessf ull}' engaged in teaching school for a time. In Montgomery County, Ind., he married Nancy Smith, who was a native of Ohio, but spent the daj's of lier maidenhood in Indiana, whither she came witli her lather, Samuel Smith, who was born iu Virginia. They began their domestic life upon a farm in Montgomery County, where they resided until 1852, .when they removed to Fountain County, where Mr. Den- man is still living, a hale and hearty old gentle- man of eighty-one years. His eldest son carries on the farm. The death of his wife occurred De- cember 31, 1888. The educational privileges which our subject re- ceived were only those afforded by the common schools. The days of his boyhood and youth were passed upon his father's farm, but, wishing to fol- low some other pursuit beside that of agriculture, he served a four-3ears' apprenticeship to the car- penter's trade iij Montgomery County. He was united in marriage in this county on tlie lltli of February, 1869, to Elvira Lytic, a native of Mont- gomery County, Ind., and a daughter of Setli Lytic, who was born iu Ohio, hut when a young man went to the Hoosier State. He was there married and for some time resided in Montgomery Count}', but afterward became one of the honored pioneers of Ford County of 1859. He located on a farm near the city but is now residing iu Paxton. After his marriage, Mr. Denman returned to Indiana, where he worked at his trade for two years and then became a resident of Paxton. Since 187G, he lias engaged in contracting and building, and has done an excellent business which is constantl}' increasing. He has liuilt a large number of the residences and business houses of the city and also has been employed largely throughout the surrounding country. He eu!plo3's on an average about eight hands. As he al- ways does his work in a satisfactory manner and is known to be a straightforward, honorable busi- ness man, he receives the liberal patronage of which he is so deserving. Mr. and Mrs. Denman have four children: Ai- mer, who graduated from the Paxton Collegiate Institute, is now station-agent on the Wisconsin Central Railroad at Franklin Park, a suburb of Chicago; Eva, Clarence and Amy. They also lost three children: Ernest, who died at the age of f eight years; Delbert, who died at the age of six- teen months; and Gussie, who died at the age of two years. Mr. and Mis Denman hold membership witli the First Congregational Church of Paxton. He formerly exercised his right of franchise in support of the Democratic party, and, on account of his views concerning the temperance question, is now a Prohibitionist. He has never been an office- seeker, .but has served as Alderman of the city in an efficient manner. Mr. Denman commenced life a poor man, with his own way to make in the world. There were many hardships in his path and many difficulties to overcome, but by perse- verance and determination he has worked his way upward to success and is now in comfortable cir- cumstances. He has the best interests of the city at heart and is held in high regard by tiiose with wliom he has been l)rouglit in contact. M ■^[AMES R. PHILLIPS, an enterprising and successful farmer, residinsi; on section 28 Button Township, claims Ohio as the State of his nativity. He was born in Mahoning Count}-, May 16, 1831, and is a son of John Phil- lips, a native of Scotland, who emigrated to the New World when a child of three summers with his father, .James Phillips, the family settling in Ohio, among the pioneers of Mahoning County. The fatlier of our subject was there reared, and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 231 married Miss Elizabetli White, who was born in Pennsylvania. With his wife, he afterward re- moved to Cuyalioga County, which was then an almost inibrolven wilderness and, in the midst of the forest, he cleared and dovelo|)ed a farm, upon which he reared his family and spent the I'cmain- der of his life, lie i)assed away on tiie 1 Itii of .July, 1840, and was laid to rest in the old family cemetery, llo left a widow and four small chil- dren. Mrs. Phillips long survived her husband, her death occurring in Feliruary, 1881, when she was laid l)y his side. A beautiful monument now marks their resting place. Our subject is the eld- est of their four sons; Nathaniel White, the second, resides with his family in Cleveland, Ohio; David Little operates the old homestead farm; and Nich- olas Allen is married and also resides on the old homestead. Our subject remained with his mother until after he had attained to man's estate, and in his youth acquired a good English education. On the ytli of December, 185G, ni Mahoning County, he was united in marriage with Denisa Henderson, a native of Portage County, Ohit), and a sister of .John Henderson, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this W(.)rk. In the spring of 185U, they came to Illi- nois, locating first in Putnam County, where Mr. Phillips worked with his father-in-law for one3'car. In 1860, they removed to Kansas, settling near Lawrence, but, after one summer spent in that State, returned to Illinois, and again located in Putnam County, where Mr. Phillips purcliased a sawmill and engaged in the manufacture of lumber. After six years he sold out, and, in Ihe fall of 1«()7, came to lord County. In the meantime, on the 11th of May, 1861, he joined Comi)any 15, of the One Hundred and Tliir- ty-ninlh Illinois Infantry, and served until the following October. On his arrival in this county, he purch.ased a tract of wild laud of eighty .acres, and began its development, building fences, plow- ing and cultivating his land and making a good home. Ills farm is now one of the desirable places in this locality, and he is recognized as one of the thrifty and enterprising agriculturists of IJutttm Townshi|>. In 1882, Mr. Phillips w.as called uiion to unburn the loss of his wife, who died on the 13th of Octo- ber, leaving four children: William Henderson, who is married, and follows the printing business in Grand Crossing, 111.; Albert II., who operates the home falm; Elizabeth, wife of Henry France, of Sawyer, Kan.; and Ella Fiances, who is attending the home school. Mr. Phillips was again married, November 24, 1886, his second union being with Martha A. Ivoss, a native of Pennsylvania, and a daughter of Samuel II. Ross. They are both mem- bers of the United Presb3'terian Church of Rankin. In politics, Mr. Phillips is a stalwart Republican, having supported eveiy Presidential nominee of that party since he cast his first vote for Hon. .John C. Fremont. He has held the ottice of Commis- sioner of Highways for several years, and has been a member of the School Ikiard. His i)ublic duties have ever been faithfully discharged, and he is alike true to every private trust. =^^>^^f .lauesville, Wis., where he 232 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAI HICAL RECORD. learned telegraphy, at which he worked until he caiue to Sibley, in 1885. For some time after lo- cating here, he was emi)lo3ed in the Sibley estate oflice under Mr. Bicket as assistant book-keeper, and after three years took the contract of putting in all tiie tiling on the Sibley estate, and still is manager of that branch of the business connected with that vast property. In the year 1888, he had laid one hundred and flfty-flve miles of tiling. On the 8th of June, 1888, Mr. Diers married Miss Susan Robbins, daughter of James and Jane (Scott) Robbins. Unto them have been born three children: Frederick, born in 188i»; Raymond, who was liorn in 1890 and died on the 8th of May, 1891, and Cecil, born March 3, 1892. In connection with his other business industries, Mr. Diers established a nursery at Sibley in 1890, and the following >'ear added to this a greenhouse. He is also editor of the Sibley Gazette, which was establislied in 1892 and has a circulation of liiree hundred. In politics, he is a supporter of Repub- lican princiiiles and was elected Township Clerk in 1891. lie is a member of tlie Masonic order and a charter member of the Modern Woodmen. Ho be- longs to the German Lutheran Church, and is a public-spirited citizen and one favorably known throughout this community. ■^flAMES E. CRAMMOND, tlie oldest grocer in Gibson City in years of business at that place, as well as one of its most enterprising and (prosperous citizens, establislied trade there in July, 1873. In the fall of that year, he built the first bric]< building in the cit}', and tlie following year occupied it, carrying on business there for nearly ten years, or until it was destroyed by Are on the night of January 30, 1883. It was 23x64 feet, two stories in height, with a basement, and, in its day, was one of the best business blocks in the city. He rebuilt tlie following summer, but the second building is one stor}' in heiglit, with a basement, and is 25x100 feet. The store-room is sixteen feet high. Mr. Crammond does an annual business of from $8,000 to 810,000, and carries a full and complete line of staple and fancy grocer- ies, queensware, wooden-ware and provisions. The subject of this sketch was born in Hawes- ville, Hancock County, Ky., August 22, 1852, and is a son of John and Eliza (Augustus) Crammond. His father was born in Scotland, and came to America when a lad of fourteen summers, and set- tled in Kentucky', wliere he was afterward married. He was a steamboat owner, his boats plying on the Ohio River. His death occurred in March, 1867. Tlie mother was born in Louisville, Ky., in 1824, and died in August, 1878. James E. was educated in tlie i)rivate schools of his native State, and from an early age was em- ployed on his father's steamboats as a pilot on the Ohio, until the spring of 1873. On the 28th of May, of that year, he was married, in his native county, to Mary H. Davidson. Mrs. Crammond was born in Hawesville, Hancock County, Ky.,and was a daughter of N. C. Davidson, formerly of Kentucky, but now of Farmer City, 111. Imraediatel\' after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Crammond settled in Gibson City, Ford County, 111. In July, 1873, he began business as a grocer in Gibson, as previously stated. He has now been in business in that city for nearly twent3- years, having one of the best stores in his line. On the 3d of December, 1889, Mrs. Crammond passed away, leaving six children, three sons and three daughters: Daisy E., Maggie H., John D., .James E., AVilliam C, and Lucile M., all of whom were born in Gibson City. Mrs. Crammond was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, a kind and affectionate wife and mother, and her loss was a sad lilow to her husband and children. She left many friends in this community, where she was beloved by all who knew her. She was a lineal descendant of the Hardin family, one of the most distinguished families of Kentucky. Mr. Crammond is an active inemlier of tlie same church to which his wife belonged, and has been a mem- ber of its Board of Trustees for six years, and President of the same for four years. The older children also hold membership with the Presby- terian Church. In politics, Mr. Crammond is a Democrat and an earnest supporter of the principles of that party. '(MmaL- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 235 Although living in n Repuliliean town, he has through personal popularity- been chosen to fill various local otfices. He has been Village Trustee five years, and President of the Board for two years. He has served three years as Director of the Gibson School Board, and has recentlj' been re-elected for another term of the same number of years, and has also held the office of Clerk of the Board of Education. For three years he has been Chairman of the Ford County Democratic Com- mittee, being an active and influential man in the local councils of his party. He is a member of Gibson Lodge No. 542, 1. O. O. F.,and of Brothers' Encampment No. 158, of the same order. He has filled the official chairs of tlie subordinate lodge and encampment, has been representative to the Grand Bodies of the State, and is tlie present Dis- trict Deputy-. He holds membership with Canton Ford Patri.-irch Militant No. 55, and of Drummer Lodge No. l,Gll,Iv. of H., being presiding officer of the last-named body at one time, and is the present F'inancial and Corresponding Reporter or Secretarj'. He belongs to the Board of Directors of the Building and Loan Association of Gibson Cit}'. Enterprise, public spirit and integrity have characterized Mr. Crammond's course in life, while his intercourse with both acquaintance and stranger is always marked b\- courtesy and kindness. •5'^E«= _V fflOMAS R. WT LEY, M. D., B. S., the pioneer physician and surgeon of Gibson City, or the oldest in years of practice now residing there, was born near Colfax, McLean County, 111., .June 19, 1844. His parents were Lyttle R. and Sarah R. Wiley. The father was a native of Ken- tucky, born near Lexington, on the 16th of November, 181K, and came to Illinois in 1840, en- gaging in farming in McLean County. His mar- riage was celebrated in Indiana, his wile being a native of that Slate, born in Switzerland County. He died in November, 1889, but her death occurred at her home in McLean County, this State, in Sep- tember, 1885. Thom.as R. was reared on a farm until twenty years of age and after attending the preparatory schools, took a full collegiate course at the Illinois Wesleyan University, being graduated with the degree of B. S. in tiie class of 1871. He then be- gan the study of medicine with Dr. Hill, of Blooni- ingtoii, and later took a course of lectures at the Michigan State University at Ann Arbor. Later he attended Rush Medical College of Chicago, where he further fitted himself for the practice of his profession, and was graduated in the class of Feb- ruary, 1874. The following March he established practice in Gibson City, which he has continued with marked success to the present time. He is a member of the Illinois Central Medical Association and of the National Railway Surgeons' Association. He has been the local surgeon of the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad for four years and is examining phy- sician and surgeon for the following named insur- ance companies and societies: New York Life, New York Mutual, the Equitable of New York, New York Home; Aetna, of Hartford; Nortliwestern Mutual, of Milwaukee, Wis.; Franklin, of Hartford, Conn.; the INIutual, of Hartford, Travelers', and others. On the 17th of June, 1874, Dr. Wiley was mar- ried in Bloomington, 111., to Miss Mattie E. Reeves, a daughter of O. S. Reeves. Mrs. Wiley was born in McLean County, and was reared in Lero}', 111. She is a devoted member of the Christian Church and one of its earnest workers. Her father died when she was a child and her mother, who still survives her husband, makes her home in Bloom- ington. Dr. and Mrs. Wiley have one child, a daughter, Beulali Belle, who was liorn in Gibson City. The Doctor is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church and, in political sentiment, is indepen- dent. He has been chosen by his fellow-citi- zens to various official positions of honor and trust. He was the second Piesident, of Gibson Village Board. For several years he has been a member of tiie Village School Board, for three years of that time serving as its President and has shown much interest in the advancement of edu- cation. He was one of the organizers of the People's International Investment and Loan Asso- 236 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ciatiou, of which lie has been its President, and a director. He is also interested in the land syndi- cate that h."i.s invested in tiie city real estate under the title of the Gibson Land Improvement Com- pany. In addition to valuable city property, Dr. Wiley is the owner of a fine farm of five hundred and thirty acres, situated in tlie town of Brown, Champaign County, which he leases. The Doctor is a physician and surgeon of recognized abilitj', thorough culture and large experience. He has been eminently successful in his practice, accumu- lating a valuable property, and has won a foremost place among the skilled of liis profession in East- ern and Cciitial Illinois. WALLACE SHUMWAY LAMB, the leading fui'niture dealer of Gibson City, is num- bered among the energetic young business men who are lapidly advancing that town to the first place in business importance of any in the coujit3'. His parents, John and Mary (Shumway) Lamb, were among the early settlers of Stephen- son County, 111., whither the father emigrated in 1840, his wife moving there at a later date. After their marriage, they located on a farm, Mr. Lamb becoming a well-to-do farmer. He was a native of Kentucky and his wife of Ohio, but since coming to Illinois they have made their home in Stqjhenson County, Mr. Lamb still residing in Yellow Creek at the age of sevent3'-seveu j'ears. His wife, who was an active member of the Baptist Church, died in that faith in 1886. Politically, he w.as a Whig, but when the question of al)olishing human slavery arose, he threw his influence in that direction, making public addresses as well as private argu- ments. Since the rise of the Republican party, he h.as been a strong advocate of its principles though not an otlice-seeker. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Lamb consisted of seven chddren, five sous and two daughters, all of whom are-still living. Our subject, who was born in Freeport, 111., May 5, 1862, is the youngest of the family, and until the age of sixteen j'ears he spent his time on the farm and in the district schools. He subsequently pursued a business course at Dixon, 111., graduate ing in 1881, and the following four jears was book-keeper for Seelej' it Read, of Freeport. Hav- ing served three years in the wholesale carpet de- partment of Marshall Field & Co., of Chicago, he established business on his own account in Wilcox, Neb. In 1888, he came to Gibson City and suc- ceeded S. L. Ilarnit & Co. in the furniture busi- ness, and the firm title adopted is W. S. Lamb ct Co. They carry the largest stock of furniture in the county, to which they have added an under- taking business. Their main store, one hundred feet deep, fronts on Galena Avenue, the principal business street of the town, while a fortj'-foot store- room fi-onts on the street on the south. Besides, they have a two-story warehouse, and all are filled with select goods. Mr. Lamb is a genial, wide- awake young man, justly deserving the success he has met in his financial undertakings. Mr. Lamb visited Shawneetown, 111., and wiiile there was married, on the 10th of March, 1887, to Miss Abbie A. Edwards, a native of that i)laee. By this marri.agc have been born two children: Wilber E. and Wallace S. In religious belief, both Mr. and Mrs. Lamb are members of the Presbyte- rian Church, and, in politics, he is a Republican. Socially, he is a member of the Masonic order and' of the Knights of Pythias. ^Y/ AMES D. HALL is an honored pioneer of what is now Ford County and resides in Paxton. He came to the county in F^ebru- ary, 1852, and soon after his settlement here, the Tax Collector called at his house and told him that there were then but eighteen settlers' cabins in the region now embraced in Ford Countj', that was set off from Vermilion. Mr. ILall was born in the town of Adelphi, Ross County, Ohio, April 10, 1821, and is a son of James and Hester (Hilleiy) Hall. His parents were from Cumberland County, Md.,and settled in Ohio prior to the War of 1812, in which his father and uncles took part. In his j'onth, our subject learned the blacksmith's trade and in 1830 worked in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 237 Indiana, locating near Attica, where he engaged in farm work and teaming, receiving for one j'ear's services only ¥!100. Two years later, he removed to Warren Connty of the same State, where he rented a farm for two years. In the summer of 1814, in company with nine others, he entered eleven hundred acres of Government land on the prairie by pre-emption, and the first _year a part of this was broken and planted in crops. The fol- lowing year, Mr. Hall had his share separated and afterward added to his farm by subsequent pur- chase. In a small wa}', he began dealing in cattle and continued buying, raising and selling until he did an extensive business in that line. In 1851, he took a drove of cows through to Northern Wis- consin, selling them in Oshkosh, that State. On his return, he prospected for a location in Illinois, and in February, 1852, settled in what was known as Henderson's Grove, then in Vermilion but now in Ford County. There he engaged in farming and stock-raising. Mr. Hall was married in Fountain County, Ind., in 1811. the lady of his choice being Miss Eliza A. Wisman, a native of Virginia, and a daughter of John Wisman. Five children were liorn of their union, but onl}' two are now living. Henry C, the eldest, wedded Miss Mary Pierpont and is en- gaged in the grain business inPaxton; Hester died in infancT; William F. was drowned in the Missis- sippi River when eighteen years of age; and Rebecca, widow of David II. Snyder, resides in Paxton. Mr. Hall made his home in Henderson's Grove until the spring of 1851, when he bought a tract of land on section 33, Patton Township. He is said to have built the fir.st frame house north of the Vermilion River, in what is now Ford County. His farm contained two hundred and eighty-six acres and was one of the best in the county. In 1860, he was elected Sheriff of Ford County and served a term of two 3ears in that office. On his election to the position, he removed to Paxton, re- turning to his farm at the close of his term of ser- vice and in 1865 again came to Paxton, where, in company with his son, Henry C, he engaged in the grain trade. In 1869, we again find him upon the farm but he also continued business as a grain dealer. Since 1885, he has resided in the city. He exercises his right of franchise in support of the Republican party, and in his views on the subject of religion is an avowed atheist. Mr. Hall is one of the oldest surviving pioneers of Ford County and well deserves mention among her early settlers. ICHAEL H. DOLAN is well deserving of representation in the history of Ford County, for he is an enterprising citizen of Roberts. He claims New York as the State of his nativity. He was born in Lockport, March 28, 1859, and is the eldest of ten children, six sons and four daughters, born unto John and Belle (Hooks) Dolan. His father, a native of Ire- land, was born in Ma}^, 1819, and was reared as a stock-raiser. On attaining his majority, he crossed the briny deep and became a resident of Canada, where he remained for two years, when he w^ent to Lockport, N. Y., and was foreman in a stone quarry for some time. He became one of the pio- neers of Farmer City, 111., removing thence when it contained only two stores. He is now one of the three oldest citizens of that place and himself and wife are classed among its prominent people. They are members of the Catholic Church and he has been a supporter of Democratic principles since coming to America. The seven children of the Dolan family yet liv- ing are Michael H., of this sketch; James, an em- ploye of the Illinois Central Railroad Company; Edward, who is agent on the Big Four Railroad at Farmer City, 111.; Robert, who is operator at the same place; Phoebe, who is clerking for Bu- ford Brothers, of Farmer City; Anna, who is one of the successful teachei's of Ford County, and Nellie, who is engaged in dress-making in Farmer City. Our subject was quite young when he came with his parents to the West and in Farmer City he acquired his education. He left the parental roof and began life for himself at the age of twenty-four years, and since August, 1880, has re- 238 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. sided in Roberts, being employed as a section fore- man of the Illinois Central Kailroad. Mis long continued service with one company indicates his faithful performance of duty and tlie confi'lence reposed in him Itj' his employers. On the 20th of December, 188.3, Mr. Dolan was united in marriage with ]\Iiss Sadie Eisaman, who was l)orn in Woodford Connty, 111., May 12, 1862. They were married in Paxton and their union has been l)lessed with two little daughtei's: Edna Pearl, aged seven, and Ina. The mother is a member of the Metiiodist Churcli of Roberts. The Dolan household is the abode of hospitality and its doors arc ever open for the reception of the many friends of (nii- suiijrct and wife. Mr. Dolan on questions of national importance votes with the Democratic party, but at local elec- tions votes for the man whom he thinks best qual- ified for the office, regardless of part\' aftiliations. For two j'ears he has served as one of the Village Trustees of Roberts, and has proved an ellicient oHicer. He is an honored member of Lyman Lodge No. 293, K. P., of Roljerts, which he joined on its organization and is n()w serving as Prelate. An open-hearted, generous man, he has given liber- ally for the support of all enterprises calculated to prove of ((ublic benefit, and is a citizen of sterling worth. ^ILLIAM A. HUTCHISON, engineer, of Clarence, Ford County, 111., is a native of Ohio, born in Holmes County, December 16,1850. His grandfather. Col. William Hutch- ison, was a native of Pennsylvania but of Scotch parentage. After attaining his m.ajority, he moved, in about 1800, to Holmes County, Ohio, where he became a prominent and influential citizen, being the first .Judge of Holmes County, and a C'olonel of the militia. His father, Samuel I. Hutchison, grew to manhood in Holmes Count}- and there married Mary Rodgers, a nativeof Wajne County, Ohio, and a daughter of John Rodgers, who was one of the pioneer settlers of tiiat county. After their marriage, he was engaged in agricultural pur- suits in his native county for a number of years. He enlisted in the one-hundred-day S(!rvice for the late war and served during the term of his en- listment. In 1868, he moved to Illinois and set- tled in Button Township, Ford County, where he opened up a farm on which he resided for a num- ber of years. He died in Clarence, March 4, 1892. His wife survives him and resides with her son. They had a family of three sons and one daughter, all of wliom are living and are heads of families. William A. is tiie ehlest; John, a farmer in Button Township, is the next in order of birth; Irvin is an engineer residing in Rochester, Ind.; and i;iizaljeth is the wife of R. M. Garsuch, a prosper- ous farmer of Button Township. William A. Hutchison came with his parents to Ford County when a young man of eighteen j-ears. His youth was spent on a farm and in at- tending the common schools of his native .State. He also attended school a short time after locating in Illinois. He continued in agricultural pursuits until 1876, when he gave up farming and en- gasjed in merchandisins' in the villasje of Clarence. He was appointed Postmaster of the place and served in that cap.acity for twelve years. When he sold out his mercantile business, he engaged in running a stationary engine in Clarence, in which business he is_yet engaged. He is the owner of a good farm adjoining the village and has also good residence propertj' both in Clarence and Paxton. Mr. Hutchison was united in marriage, in Lo- gan County, Ohio, in November, 1876, to Miss Margaret Ghormaley, a native of Ohio. By this marriage there are four children: Owen, Mary, Elsie and an infant. There are eight years' dif- ference in the ages of the last two children, and both were born on the same d.ay of the same month, the first, February- 29, 1884, and the latter, Febru- ary 29, 1892. Mv. Hutchison is identified with the Republi- can party, of which he has been an earnest sup- porter since his majority. He has served in sev- eral local positions, having been Collector of But- ton Township, also Clerk and Assessor. He is a man of good business habits and is one of the most enterprising men of the village, in which he has ^^5. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 241 resided for fifteen j-ears. He was tlie first to lo- cate at the place and weiglied the first load of grain marketed in the village. He and bis wife are mcmljers of the Presbyterian Church, and are held in the highest esteem by all who know them. A most worthy citizen, a good friend and neigh- bor, he well deserves reiiresentation in this volume. -^i ^-A^P= ANIEL 11. ANDREWS, a f.armcr rehidiug on section 7, Wall Township, is a native of Illinois, born in Fulton County, on the 2.5th of October, 18,50, and is a son of Ilarman Andrews, who was born in New York, and was of English descent. When veiy young, his father died, and he was compelled to begin life for himself. He worked for a time as a farm hand, but at the age of fourteen began learning the ship car- penter's trade, at which he was employed untd the age of twenty-two. He followed this occupation chiefly with his brothers, in New Orleans. In 1842, Mr. Andrews came to Illinois, settling in Fulton County, and began the cultivation of a farm, lie enlisted in this State under Col. E. D. liaker in the Mexican War, and was made Cor|)oral, serving one year. Harman Andrews was united in marriage in Ful- ton County, November 22, 1843, to Eliza Peter- son, who was a native of Ohio, but of German de- scent. They became the parents of eight children, three sons and five daughters: Flora, who died April 14, 1870; Benjamin C, a farmer of Wall Township, this county, was born on the 27th of September, 1846, and his sketch appears on an- other page of this work; Julia C, born September 24, 1848, died in 1878; our subject is the next in order of birth; .Tosiah S., born November 24, 1852, was called to his final rest October 15, 1854; Sarah E., wife of Charles Brandenburg, of Nebraska, was born on the 13th of March, 1855: James II., a farmer of Wall Township, was born September 25, 1857; and Eliza Jane, born June 13, 1861, was the ■wife of C. C. Broadus, and is now deceased. The father of this family served for two years' as Captain of Company (i. Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry, in the late war. Resigning that command. he returned home and raised another company, becoming its Captain. It wa.s mustered into the service as Company A, of the One Hundred and Fifty-first Illinois Infantry. With this company he served until the close of the war. He was wounded at the battle of Corinth, a piece of shell shattering his left arm, after which he was taken prisoner, but at the end of sixteen days was pa- rolled. Capt. Andrews participated in several im- portant engagements, including that at Island No. 10, luka. New Madrid and Corinth, and was in the Vicksburg campaign until the fall of that city. He received his discharge in January, 1866. From Fulton County, Capt. Andrews removed to IMarshall County, this State, where he laid his land warrant in 1855, and there engaged in farm- ing until his death, which occurred on the 27th of February, 1875, at the age of fifty-five years, his birth being on the 29th of January, 1820. His wife followed him to the final home only thirteen days later, and both were buried in Marshall County. In religious belief, he was a Methodist, and sociall}' was a member of the Odd Fellows' fra- ternity. He took an active part in political affairs, and was first a Whig, but on the organization of the Republican party, became one of its stanch sup- porters, and was a strong Lincoln man. He served for two terms as County Treasurer of Marshall County. Daniel H. Andrews was reared to manhood on his father's farm, where he remained until past the age of twenty-one, receiving his literary education in the district schools. At the age of thirteen, when his father was fighting for the Union, he as- sisted his mother in the management of the home farm. When he had reached his majority, he be- gan life for himself as a farmer in Marshall County, where he remained one year, and then came to Ford County, where he has since made his home. He is now the owner of two hiindrtd and seventy acres of arable land, but on coming to this county, he only purchased ninety acres. He is now en- gaged in general farming and stock-raising, being a breeder of fast horses, and is one of the enter- prising farmers of the community. Our sul)ject was married in Marshall County. March 5, 1872, to Miss Minnie Durfey. She is a 242 i'ORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. native of Oliio, born on the 29th of October, 1850, and the fourth in a family of eight chil- dren born unto Reuben and I^lmily M. (Vining) Durfey. Her parents were both natives of Ohio. Throughout the greater part of his life, her father has followed the occupation of farming. Attracted by tlic discovery of gold, lie went to California in 1850, making his way across the plains. He was quite successful in his mining operations, and after about a year, returned by the Isthmus of Panama. The old money belt whijsh he brought with him is now in the Durfey home. He is a member of the Presbyterian Cliurch. His wife, who died in 1874, was also a member of the Presbyterian Church. Of their family, five are yet living: Elmer, who is married and resides with his wife and three chil- dren upon a farm in Ohio; Sarah, wife of John Davis, a resident farmer of Delaware, Ohio; Mrs. Andrews, wife of our subject; Alice, wife of Clar- ence Manter, of Ohio; Elsie, who is married and resides in Delaware, Ohio; Girard, the eldest of the family, was one of the bojs in blue. He en- listed in Company C, Fourth Ohio Infantry, under Capt. Crawford, and his regiment was assigned to tlie Army of the Potomac. He was wounded at the battle of Bull Run, losing all the fingers of his right hand, after which he never enjoyed a day's health. In 1865, he was married, but liis wife died In 1876, leaving a son. In October, 1888, death relieved him of his sufferings while an inmate of Washington Hospital, where he had gone for treatment. Mrs. Andrews spent her ni.iidenhood days under the parental roof, and, after attending the common schools, was for two years a student in the select school and one and a half years in the female sem- inary of Delaware, Ohio, after which she tried teaching in her native county. She is a lady of culture and refinement, and pre.sides with grace over her hospit.able liome. Unto our subject and his wife have been born nine children: Frankie, born July 14, 1873, died Januarj' 15, 1876; Fannie, born February 22, 1875; Orville, July 17, 1876; Otis, December 28, 1878; Willie, March 24, 1880; Alice, February 8, 1882; Maggie, February 14, 1884; Minnie, M.arch 21, 1889; and Hazel, .lanii- ,ar}' 25, 1891; all of whom are with their parents. Mr. Andrews and his wife are consistent mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Melvin, and take an active interest in its work. He is a strong Republican in his political sentiment, but h.is never been an olHce-seeker, though he does much for the advancement of the party. Socially, he is a member of the Sons of Veterans, being the present Commander of Camp No. 369, of Melvin. He is one f)f the prominent citizens of Wall Town- ship, .and is liheral with his me.ans in the advance- ment of those enterprises for the benelit of the community. 'X, jiA LLI AM E. THOMPSON, who is recognized \/\/// ^^ ^"'^ °^ ^'^^ rising young business men ^^U of Melvin, is a memlier of the Thompson Company, dealers in farm implements, lumber and paints. Ijelinont County, Ohio, is the place of his nativity, and February 9, 1863, the date of his birth. With his parents, John M. and Jane (Day) Thompson, he came to Illinois in 1865, and since 1872 he has been a resident of Melvin. After leaving the public schools of that jilace, he spent two years in the liter.ary department of Wesleyan University at Bloomington, 111. Subsequently he pursued a commercial course in the same institu- tion, graduating with the Class of '83. Soon thereafter he entered his father's implement and lumber establishment, continuing until 1886, when he and his uncle, W. H. Thompson, became part- ners iji the implement and lumber trade, assuming the firm title of Thompson Company. They have an extensive patronage, which has been won by fair and honorable dealing. It is no ex:iggeration to say that thej', both as individuals and as a busi- ness firm, have the unallo3'ed confidence of the community. On the 11th of November, 1885, Mr. Thompson wedded Miss Maggie Stather. The lady is a na tive of Canada, but in girUiood came with her parents to Ford County, where she has since made her home. Unto Mr. and INIrs. Thompson were born three children, but Elma J. is the onl3' one surviving. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 243 two having died in infanoy. Both he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and, in political principles, he is a stanch Republi- can, taking an active interest in the success of his partj-. Socially, Mr. Thompson is a member of Lodge No. 179, K. P., having p.assed through all the chairs, and of the Odd Fellows' society. No. l.')9. For eiglit years he has served as No- tary Public. In all the relations of life he h.as shown himself a man. He is a gentleman of su- perior ability- and accomplishments. During liis school life, whether in public school or in college, he always stood among tlie best students in his cl.ass, and in business circles he takes a front rank. ?RANK B. FAGERBURO, proprietor of the ^l Bon Ton Boot and Shoe Store, is one of the leading young business men of the city, wide-awake and enterprising. He has been en- g.aged in his present line for only a few months but has already won a liberal patronage and his store is rapidly gaining favor with the public. Mr. Fagerburg was born in Shelbjville, Shelby County, 111., on the 21st of .September, 1863, and is a son of Alfred and Catherine (.Johnson) Fagerburg. His parents were born in Sweden and, leaving their native laud in 18.53, crossed the Atlantic to Am- erica, settling in Rockford, 111. They now reside in McLean Count}- of this .State, where the father is engaged in farming. We now take up the personal iiistory of tlie gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He re- ceived liberal educational advantages, attended Augustana College of Rock Island, where he learned the Swedish langu.agc, and w.as graduated from the Wesleyan University in the Class of '80, following which he took a course at the Business College of Bloomington, 111., and was graduated from that institution in 1881. Having thus been well-fitted for a business career, he then .accepted the position of .assistant p.aymaster of the Chicago it Alton Railroad Company, which he held for six and a half years, being a trusted employe of the road. He then went to Boston and for two years was secretary for the superintendent of motive power for the New York and New England R:iil- road Company'. At the expiration of tliat time, he came to Paxton, and since December, 181)1, has been engaged in his present business. In Bloom- ington, 111., September 25, 1884, he wedded .lessie L. Wolcott, who died about a year later. One child of this marriage, Rudolph F., died in in- fancy. On the 2d of May, 1890, Mr. Fagerburg was uni- ted in marriage with Miss Charlotte F. Anderson, a native of this State, born in Champaign, and a daughter of Peter Anderson. lie and his wife both belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and, in his political affiliations, he is a Reiniblican, having supported that party since he attained his majority. Soci.ally, Mr. P\agerburg is a Knight Templar M.ason, holding membership with Paxton Lodge No. 416, A. F. & A. M.; Ford Chapter No. 113, R. A. M.; and Mt. Olivet Commandery No. 38, K. T. He also belongs to Paxton Lodge I. O. O. F. He is one of the live young business men of Pax- ton, has a well-stocked and tasty store and is building up a prosperous and increasing trade, which he well merits. ' ^AUL KOESTNER, deceased, was for some Jl) 3'ears a well-known and prominent farmer ^ of Ford County, and it is but meet that this I \ sketch of his life be given in the history of his adopted county. He was a native of Bavaria, Germ.any, born on the 20th of August, 1851, and was one of eight children whose paren ts, .lohu and Catherine Koestner, where also of German birth. Our subject spent his early boyhood d.ays in his native land and in 1866, when a lad of fifteen years, came to America. Crossing the ocean, he Landed at New York City, continuing his Westward journey until he arrived in Henry, Marshall County, 111., where he began life for himself as a farm hand, working by the month. He there spent several years and in 1871 came to Ford County, where he continued to make his iiomc un- 244 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. til his death. For two .years, he continued to work upon a farm by the month and then rented land both in Wall and Peacli Orchard Townships. He also gave considerable attention to stock-raising and it was while on his wa}' to Chicago with stock that he met liis death in a railroad accident on the nth of .lanuar}', 1888. He was then but in the prime of life and his loss was a deep blow to his family and friends. His remains were brought back to Ford County and interred in Melvin Cemetery. In politics, he was a Demf)crat and was a worthy and respected citizen of the community. The lady who bears the name of iNIrs. Koestner was in her maidenhood Jliss Fannie Holmes, daughter of W. B. and Eliza (Wrenn) Holmes, who were tiie first white settlers to make a permanent location in Peach Orcliard Township. A sketch of their lives is given on another page of this work. Mrs. Koestner was the first child born in that township, and she remained under the parental roof until her marriage on the 23d of March, 1881. By this union were born three cliildien, two of whom are j'ct living: Frankie and William, who make their home with their mother. Henry, the eldest, died August 22, 1884. Mrs. Koestner, since her husband's deatli, has removed to Melvin, where she opened a boot and shoe store which she still carries on. She is a lady of good liusiness ability, characterized by industry and enterprise, and in her commercial efforts is meeting with good success which she justly deserves. W| AMES HOCK, a pioneer of the territorj- now comprising Ford County, who dates his first coming here from 1852, and perma- nently settled at what is now the city of Pax- ton in the winter of 1853-4, was born in Fountain County, Ind., November 5, 1834, and is a son of Jacob and Amy (Leatherman) Hock. His father was twice married and James was the youngest of the second family of children. There were eight children in all who grew to mature years. Mr. Hock, Sr., was a native of Pennsylvania, and dur- ing his childhood removed with his parents to Preble County, Ohio. In the Buckeye State, he was married and then took up his residence in Fountain County, Ind., where he spent the re- mainder of his days, dying at the age of fifty-two years. His wife, the mother of our subject, was born in Ohio, and died in middle life. In 1852, James Hock came to Illinois to what is now Ford County, but made no permanent settle- ment. The following summer he returned to Ind- iana and, in the spring of 1853, we once more find him in Illinois. During the greater part of the succeeding summer, he was employed in hauling timber for bridge and culvert building on the Illi- nois Central Railroad through Iroquois County, and also engaged at farm work. In the winter of 1853-4, he returned to Ford County and made his home a mile from Prairie City, now Paxton. For a while he rented land and was engaged in farm- ing. A few j'ears later, he removed to the neigh- borhood of Danville, where he followed agricul- tural pursuits. On the 27tli of March, 1859, in Prairie City, Mr. Hock was united in marriage with Miss Cordelia Day, a daughter of Samuel and Peggy (Puviance) Day. Siie was born in Preltle Count}-, Ohio, and came to Illinois in the fall of 1851 vvith her par- ents, the family settling in Paxton in the summer of 1854. A sketch of her father appears elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mr. Hock have two chil- dren, a son and a daughter: Clara, now the wife of George Laybourn, a resident of Duluth, Minn., and Ross, who is engaged in the lumber business in Peoria. In 1866, Mr. Hock purchased a quarter-section of land on section 34, township of Wall, Ford County, adjoining the north line of Patton Town- ship, and situated about four miles northwest of the city of Paxton, which he still owns and which is one of the best improved and most valucil farms of Ford County. There he engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1871, when he removed to Paxton and engaged in the live-stock business, continuing operations in that line very successfully for twelve years. Later he was engaged in the grain and farm implement business and for a time was in the groceiy business in Paxton, also was c^tr-^ ^^^^^^^-^^^JL PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 247 owner of a lumber yard for a year. At the pres- ent time, he is practically living a retired life, at- Icniling only to the care of his property. Himself and wife are miimbcrs of the Congregational Church and tlicir daughter of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and, in politics, Mr. Hock is a Republican, having supported that party siuce he cast his first Presidential vote for .John C. Fremont. AVilh the exception of an interval of two years, he has made his home in Ford County since coming here forty j-ears ago, and is highly esteemed for his integrity of character and the upright and manly spirit that has always marked his intercourse with his fellow- citizens. ■^ ^^- -h SHO.MAS M< NEISII. who was one of the most (irorainent citizens of Roberts, was born in Dumbartonshire, Scotland, March 2i 184.S. His parents were Thomas and Jean (Dun- can) McNeish. His father was a boot and shoe- )naker by trade and was an excellent workman. He crossed the Atlantic in 1832, and, after three years spent in Penusj'lvania, came to Ford County, where he [lurchased eighty acres of raw laud and made a farm. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland, and joined the United Brethren in Ford County. They were up- right citizens, who had the respect of all. Mr. McNeish was laid to rest in Benton Harbor, IMich., and his wife was buried in Roberts. They had two sons and three daughters: Margaret, wife of Mr. Watt, a retired boot and shoe merchant, of Scot- land; Marian, wife of John Mason, of Pennsylva- nia; and Thomas, of this sketch. Our subject was twent^'-one jears of age wlien he came to Ford County. He followed farming for a number of years, and when Roberts was laid out, purchased a lot in the village and began the manufacture of boots and shoes. He afterward engaged in the harness business. He commenced life for himself empty-handed, and, by his persis- tent efforts, acquired a comfortable competence. His example is well worthy of emulation. Mr. McNeish was joined in wedlock with Miss Isabella Burnett, a native of Dumfriesshire, Scot- land. Their union was celebrated September 1, 1873, .and unto them have been born nine children, three sons and six daughters, of whom three are now deceased: Jeanne carries on the harness and shoe store, with the aid of Frank L. Hanson. She was educated in the graded schools of Benton Harbor, Mich., and of Roberts. With her father, she took a trip to England and Scotland, in June, 1890. They sailed from New York to (ilasgow, and went to Cumbernauld, the old homestead of Mr. McNeish. They remained in Europe until the following September, and visited Edinburg, (il.as- gow, the Trossachs, Dumbarton Castle, Sterling, Perth, Rothesay, Inverness, Ben Nevis, Loch Lo- mond, Ellen's Isle, Ayr, Greenock, and Paisley. Over many miles of thLs delightful country they journeyed on foot, feasting on the beautiful Scotch scenery. They also visited the home of Robert Burns, and the great exposition in Edinburg, and spent eight days in the city of London, where they saw the Cr3'Stal Palace, Hampton Court Palace, the London Docks, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Cleopatra's Needle, the Sphinxes, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Prince Al- bert's monument in Hyde Park, which cost £1,- 000,000. They also visited the Zoological Gar- den, the British Museum, and Regent's Park. In September they returned from Glasgow as passen- gers on board the "State of Indiana." On the return trip they encountered a severe storm, but at length reached New York in safety. The other members of the family are Mary, Harris, Agnes, John Wilson, and Ellen Isabella, all of whom are at school, except the latter, who completes the family. Mr. McNeish was a Democrat and took quite an interest in political affairs. He was one of the honored members of the Town Council in Roberts, and socially, he was a Mason, and a member of the Knights of Labor. He was accidentally killed by a sk}' rocket, July 4, 1891, and his loss was de- plored by all who knew him, lor he w.as not onl\ a valued citizen, Ijut was an entertaining companion and faithful friend, lie was one of the kindest and best of iiusbands and his place in the family circle can never be filled. We here ipiote the words which were often upon his lips: 248 PORTEAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. "Again, the band of commerce was designed To associate all the branches of mankind; And if a boundless plenty be the robe, Trade is the golden girdle of the globe. Wise to promote whatever end He means, God opens fruitful Nature's various scenes; Each climate needs what other climes produce, And offers something to the general use; Nj land but listens to the common call And in return receives supply from all. This general intcrcoui-se and mutual aid Cheer what were else a universal shade. Calls Nature from her ivy-mantled den. And softens human rock-work into men." Mrs. McNeish still carries on the business in company with her daughter. .She has a pleasant home in Roberts and is one of its most estimable ladies, being held in high regard by all who know her. M. THOMPSON, a prominent merchant of Piper City, deals in dry goods, grocer- l ' ies, boots and shoes, and has one of the neatest and best-appointed stores of the place. He was born in Juniata Countj-, Pa., and Is a son of R. N. and Rebecca (Thompson) Thomp- son, the former born in Juniata County, and the latter in Chillicotlie. Ohio. The Thompson family was founded in America by a native of Scotland, in the early part of the seventeenth century. The great-grandfather of our subject served in the Re- volutionary War. R. N. Thompson was a farmer, and, in. 1851, emigrated to Hlinois, locating in Warren County. He came to Piper City in 1866, and engaged in farming in this localitj' until his death. He enlisted in the Eighty-third Illinois In- fantry for the late war, but was discharged on ac- count of disal)ility. In connection with Mr. Lewis, he served as land-agent for the Illinois Central Railroad. In politics, he was a Whig, and was among the first to espouse the cause of the Repub- lican part}-. He held membership with the United Presbjterian Church. His wife is still living, and makes her home in Colorado with her son. Unto this worthy couple were born the following children: A. M., of this sketch; Mary E., who died iu Piper City; Rebecca J., wife of J. J. Greenlee, of Kansas; Mrs. Sarah I. Williamson, also living in Kansas; Thomas S., who served for a short time in the Sevent>' -seventh Illinois Regiment during the late war; Mrs. Florence A. Shotwell. who makes her home in Kansas; Julia A., who went with her mother to Colorado for her health; David S., who is engaged in business in Greeley, Col.; and Ida, a teacher of Kansas. AVe now take up the personal history of our subject, who spent his boyhood days in AV'arren County, 111., and acquired a good education in the public schools and at Monmouth College. In 1861, at the age of eighteen, he left school to enlist in his country's service as a member of Company I, Fiftieth Illinois Infantry. The regiment assembled at (juinc}', and was sent into Missouri. The lirst engagement in which Mr. Thompson participated was at Ft. Henry. This was followed by the battles of Ft. Donelson, Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, Chattanooga, Rome, Resaca, and Altoona Pass. He saw the signals which Gen. Sherman made to "Hold the Fort," and with him made the celebrated march to the sea. The last engage- ment in which he took part was the battle of Ben- tonville, N. C. He then marched through Peteis- burg and Richmond to Washington, where he participated in the Grand Review. His term of service having expired, he then re-enlisted and served for four years as Corporal and Sergeant. He was honoral)ly discharged in Springlield, in 1865. Immediately upon the close of tlie war. Mr. Thompson returned home, and, in 1866, came to Ford County, where he embarkeil in farming in Brcnton Township, one mile south of l'ii>er Cily. He secured an unimproved tract of laud and en- gaged in its cultivation until 1869, when he began business with his brother-in-law, Jasper J. Greenlee, in a restaurant. A few years later, he bought out his partner's interest, and continued alone. For the past ten years he has been proprietor of a dry- goods and grocery store. In the meantime, he has spent three years in Dakota, but the business was carried on by his brother. In Dakota, he took up aGovernn ent claim in the Red River Valley, which he still holds. He began business with the small capital which he had saved iu the army and has (CC/tO^^nf PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 249 steadily worked his way upward until he is now a prosijerous merchant doing a thriving business. In 1876, Mr. Thompson married Miss Lizzie .Johnson, their union lieing celebrated in lilooni- ington, Tnd., her native city. She is a daughter of David and Jlary Johnson. Her father is now de- ceased, but her mother is .jij=^' 1)(;AR NORMAN .STEVENS, the efficient fe and popular Postmaster of Paxton since JL jj^ January 18, 1890, is a son and partner of Hon. N. E. Stevens, publisher, editor and propri- etor of the Paxton Record, the leading Republican paper of Ford County. (See the sketch of Hon. N. E. Stevens, elsewhere in this work.) The subject of this sketch claims IMinnesota as the Stale of his nativity, having been born in Wabasha County, on the 25th of July, 1858. His mother's maiden name was Adah Hulda Clark. t]dgar N. received his rudimentary education in the public schools of Paxton, during the years 1866 to 1874, inclusive. From that time, he was a student of the Paxton Higii School and graduated with hon- ors, after a three-years' course, in the Cla.ss of '77, being elected valedictorian of his class. This was the lirst class to graduate from the High School, the Principal at that time being Prof. T. L. Evans, and the Trustees, Col. Charles Bogardus, George W. Cruzen and W. 15. Travis. On leaving the High School, Mr. Stevens entered Knox Academy, where he remained to complete the classical fresh- man year of Knox College, in the spring of 1879, after which he took one term at the Illinois State University at Champaign, when he was forced by failing health to discontinue his studies. Mr. Stevens then entered his father's employ' in the office of the Paxton Record, having previ- ously served his apprenticeship while attending school, and, after a year and three months' service, was admitted to partnership in the business, on the 30th of March, 1881. He still maintains his connection with the paper. While in the Record olHce, Mr. Stevens edited the exchange column, was local editor several 3'ears and obtained a fair knowledge of journalistic work. At the same time, he waited on customers, read proofs, kept the ollice books, made contracts and, in the absence of the senior partner, had the management of the ollice. Soon after becoming a partner, he joined the Illi- nois State Press Association, of which body he is yet a member. During the session of the Thirty- fifth General Assembly, Mr. Stevens was chosen Clerk of the House Committees of Public Charities and Libraries, by recommendation of Representa- tive Charles Bogardus. He was elected Clerk of the Senate Committee on Judiciaiy, of which Sen- ator Hadley was Chairman, and of Agriculture, Horticulture and Farm Drainage, Senator Charles Bogardus, Chairman, during the Thirty-sixth Gen- eral Assembly. Since his appointment as Postmaster, Mr. Stev- ens has refitted and remodeled the post-office fix- tures and facilities and has furnished a good bur- glar-proof safe, the whole improvements costing about $850. The business of the office has steadily increased since the present incumbent took posses- sion. The business for the fiscal year of 1889, ex- clusive of the money order department, was 84,188; for 1890, it was $4,536 and for 1891, $5,404, the increase the first year being $347 and the second year, $868. During the fall of 1891, Mr. Stevens inspected the various post-offices in the county, by virtue of his position as Postmaster at the county seat. Our subject has been a member of the Congre- gational Church since fourteen years of age, was for a short time a member of the First Church of Christ in Galesburg, and has been actively identi- fied with church and Suiidaj-scliool work, lie is 250 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the present »Secretary of the Ford County Chris- tian Endeavor Union and was substitute Delegate to tlie International Christian Endeavor Conven- tion in Minneapolis in the summer of 1891. Mr. Stevens is a member of Paxton Lodge No. 416, A. F. &. A. M., of which he has served as Secretarj' for two terms. He is a charter member of Paxton Camp No. 259, M. W. A., and has held the ofllce of Clerk in that order two terms. Since the fall of 18U5, Mr. Stevens has been a resident of Paxton and enjoys an extended ac- quaintance in tliat city and the county at large. His course at school and college was distinguished by studious habits, success in examination and general good scholarsliip. He is a fine penman, and a methodical, exact and neat book-keeper. His books at tiie [)ost-olHce are fine specimens of cor- rect, plain and tasty book-keeping, and his admin- istration of the ottice has been most satisfactory to the postal authorities and the patrons of the office. j AMES WARREN, who is now living a re- tired life in Pii)er City, successfully engaged in farmi^ig for a number of years in this county. He is one of the worthy citizens that England has furnished to this community. He was born in the village of Munden, Norfolk, on the 7tli of March, 1829, and w.as one of a family of seven children. His parents were also natives of that community and were members of the English Church. His father, Richard AVarren, who followed farming for a livelihood, died April 1, 1889, at the age of eight^'-four ^uars. Of the family, Samuel and Annie are now deceased; .lames is the next younger; Harriet and George are also deceased; and Eliza is living in England. No event of special importance occurred during the boyhood of our subject, lie had no special privileges; indeed, his educational advantages were very limited. He worked upon the farm until about eighteen years of age, and then enlisted in the Royal Artillery service of his native land as a private. The troops were first stationed at Wool- wich, p;ngland, where they remained eighteen months, and the next three years were passed in Birmingham. Another year was then spent in Woolwich, after which they, were at Gibraltar for five years. Returning then to Woolwich, Mr. Warren joined the Royal Horse Artillery, and went to the Crimea in the spring of 1854. The first battle in which he particii)ated was at Alma, and he witnessed the famous charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava, made immortal by Tenni- son's poem. He next participated in the battle of Inkermau and the siege of Seb.asto[)ol, where he served as a gunner. His batterj- lost fifty men, and our subject had his coat-sleeve shot away by a ritle ball. At the close of the Crimean War, he re- turned to England, and then went to Gibraltar, where he remained for three 3'ears. He was for thirteen years in the service, and received his dis- charge in July, 1858. By the Governor of Gib- raltar he was presented with a silver medal in com- memoration of his services, and this memento is by him highly cherished. The year 1858 also witnessed the emigration of Mr. Warren to the United States. He sailed from Gibraltar, and a month later reached New York. He then went to Philadelphia, where he remained two years, employed in marble works of that city. He went to Ohio in 1860, and, after two years spent in farming in the Buckeye State, came by team to Ford County, and purchased eighty acres of wild land in Brenton Township, upon which not a fur- row had been turned or an improvement made. On the 8th of .lanuary, 1849, in his native land, Mr. Warren was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Snook, who was born in Sheffield, Eng- land, and is a daughter of William and Elizabeth Snook. She was with him all through his army life after their marriage. They have no children of their own, but have reared an adopted son. His name was Albert Finley, but he now bears the name of John Albert Warren. He was a soldier's orphan, and, at the age of four, came to live with our subject and his wife. Upon the farm he was reared to manhood, and acquired his education in the public schools. He is now engaged in black- smithing in Chicago. He married Delia Munson, whose father is a farmer of Brenton Township, and they have two little daughters. -4^^^ K 'S ^^, ^ W^ m r ^T^C^U^O^ ^JL C^, OuC, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPPnCAL RECORD. 255 For a. number of years, Mr. Warren gave his en- tire time and attention to tlie development of his land and transformed it into a rich and fertile farm, whicli yielded him a golden tribute for the care and labor he bestowed upon it. lie came here with only S50 and his team and wagon, but now has a handsome competence, and owes no man a cent. Since 1881, he has resided in Piper City, where he has a comfortable home, the hospitable doors of which are ever open for the reception of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Warren. In politics, be has been a Republican since he cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln, and has frequently served as delegate to the conven- tions of his party. Socially, he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and himself and wife are mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church. He has taken an active interest in all that pertains to the welfare aud upbuilding of the comnuuiity and in all i)OS- sible ways has aided in the advancement of the county's interests. "^^ z^ ROF. KOSCIE CL1ISE15ELL m.-ikes his home in Melvin. J. G. Holland truthfully says tbat the teacher's professi(jn is one of the most ennobling. In presenting tiie life records of those who have been conspicuous in the educational circles of Little Ford, that of Kos- cie Clinebcll should not be omitted, for he is well and favorably known as one of Ford County's most successful teachers, having followed that pro- fession in Ford County from the year 1875 until 1889, inclusive. Mr. Clinebell is a native of West Virginia. He was born in Monroe Count}', Ma}' 24, 1856, and is the eldest of a family of three children, born unto John and Minerva C. (Alford) Clinebell, natives of Virginia. His lirother, De Witt Clinton, is a resi- dent of Bloomington, 111., living with his mother. He IS now one of the head salesmen in the firm of Pixley ik Co., the largest clothing firm in the cilj' of Bloomington. He was educated in the com- mon schools of McLean County, and the graded schools of Noiinal, 111. He is a sterling young man 11 of business tact and ability. He belongs to the Knights of Pytliias of Bloomington, and is a stanch Democrat in politics. The only daughter in the Clinebell family, Laura Josephine, was educated in the common schools for a teacher, and resides in Danvers Township, McLean County. The father of our subject was one of the men who died in the service of the South during the great Rebellion. The motlier is still living at the age of fifty-seven years. She was reared and edu- cated in Virginia, having been a student in Staun- ton Seminary, of Staunton, Va. The first eight years of Mr. Clinel)eirs life were spent in the State of his nativity. While a small boy, he was stricken with typhoid fever and white swelling, which cri])pled him for life, but the All- Wise Being gave him a fertile brain and an in- domitable will-power, which has made him the successful man he is to-daj'. His education was commenced in the typical log school-house so fa- miliar to many of the Southerners. It was a sub- scription school, for the free-school s^'stem was not then known in the South. During the war, the family lost all of their property as well as the fa- ther. The mother and grandmother, with the three little children, came to Illinois in 1866, aud resided for a year in Fairbury, where our subject had a chance of attending the first graded free school he ever saw. Thence the}' removed to Sac City, Iowa, and after two years returned to McLean County, 111., where they were almost penniless. The chil- dren were scattered among entire strangers, and our subject found in William Paul, of Stanford, 111., a true friend. He made his home at the house of that gentleman for about two years, aud at- tended the district schools. He then obtained a second-grade certificate and secured a summer school in Mackinaw Township, Tazewell County, at 125 per month, the first money he ever earned. He made a success of his first school, and was re- engaged for the fall and winter terms at $33.33^ per month. Mr. Clinebell saved his money, and the spring of 1872 found him in Normal, 111., where he rented a little liouse, and his mother, brother and himself went to house-keeping, and Koscie entered the State Normal I'nivcrsity. His resources afterward 256 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. gave out, and he was compelled to quit school and go to teaching. He then attended school and en- gaged in teaching alternately until 1875, when he came to Ford County, where he engaged as a teacher near Melvin. After two years' successful teaching, he assumed the Principalship of the Mel- vin public schools, and retained that position until 1881. During his career as teacher in Melvin, his school took fourteen premiums, and the sweep- stake premium in the County Educational Exhibit at the Ford County Fair. On August 16, 1881, Mr. Clinebell celct)ratcd his marriage with ]\Iiss Ida Mae Marsh, a native of La- conia, Harrison County, Ind., born August 16, 1862, and a daughter of Jesse P. and Margaret (Fowler) Marsh, natives of Indiana. The lady was educated in the graded schools, and is well read. She has decided skill and talent in painting and artistic needle- work. She has been one of Ford County's brightest primary teachers, and was her husband's assistant for four years in the Sibley pub- lic schools. By their union were born two chil- dren, both daughters. The eldest is Edith Maud, a bright, winning little miss of nine summers, who is now a pupil in the Melvin schools. She has pro- nounced talent in music, and is bright in her schol- astic work. Ethel Inez died at the age of sixteen months and twentj'-two days. Mr. and Mrs. Clinebell assumed charge of the Sibley public schools September 5, 1881, and he was for eight years Principal of this excellent school, under the efficient Board of Directors, con- sisting of W. A. Picket, Eli Harvey and Swen An- derson. On the 4th of December, 1882, the beau- tiful and imposing Sibley school building, erected at a cost of 14,500, was dedicated by Dr. E. C. Hewitt, President of the State Normal University, of Normal, 111. In this school is where Mr. Cline- bell made his mark as a teacher and manager of schools. While Principal of these schools, he es- tablished a system of practical business education, which was a factor of great importance to the pu- pils as well as the parents. His school competed six years out of the eight in the State Educational Exhibit at the Illinois State Fair, and the school was awarded second sweep-stakes of the State Fair Educational Exhibit, besides 152 as premium money, fourteen ribbons and tvvo first diplomas of the State Exhibit. Between 1886 and 188;), with the aid of his teachers, pupils and Mrs. Hiram Sib- ley, Mr. Clinebell founded a school library, con- taining five hundred and seven volumes of the choicest literature. Hon. Hiram Sibley was a par- ticular friend of Prof. Clinebell, and when visiting in Great Britiau and Europe, he secured a valuable collection of engravings of historical scenes, which he presented framed to the school. Tiiisis said to be the finest collection of the kind in Central Illi- nois. Through Mr. Sibley's influence, Mr. Lamb, of Rochester, N. Y., presented the school with a J $125 outfit in microscopy. ■ After Mr. Clinebell had decided to quit teach- ing, his friends advised him to try for a position as .Superintendent of some of the Governmental schools. This he did, and his friends in Central Illi- nois, and the press of Bloomington and Ford County, strongly' endorsed him for the position. The following is a copy of a letter sent to United States Senator S. M. Cullom, and Congressman L. E. Payson,froin the prominent citizens of Faxton: To the Hon. S. M. Cullom and Hon. L. E. Pay- son: Gentlemen: — Prof. Koscie Clinebell, of Sibley, Ford Count\', 111., is an applicant for the position of Superintendent of a Governmental School. We have personally known Prof. Clinebell for many years, and know him to be a thorough and success- ful teacher, a gentleman of high character and in- tegrity, a thorough Republican, a most desirable ^ citizen, and one in whom we have entire confi- ? dence. IMr. Clinebell will, in the position to which he has aspired, do credit to himself, his friends and his party. (Signed by fifteen of the prominent citizens of Paxton, 111.) To the above, Judge AValter Q. Gresham, a friend of the family, added these words: Believing Prof. Clinebell to be cai)able, honest and deserving, I take pleasure in joining in the above recommendations. W. Q. Gkeshaji, Circuit Judge of the United States Circuit Court of Northern Illinois. Prof. Clinebell also received recommendations from W. O. Davis, editor and proprietor of the Bloomington Pantagraph, of Bloomington, 111.; also from Dr. Richard Edwards, State Superinten- dent of public schools, Dr. Seliin H. Peabody, Re- gent of the University of Illinois, and a strong PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPinCAL RECORD. 257 endorsement from Gov. Joseph W. Fifer, beside a letter from the faculty of the State Xonnal Uni- versity, and Prof. Clinebell's IJoard of Education in Sibley. His appointment was duly recognized, and he was tendered by the Commissioner of In- dian Atfairs, lion. John Oberly, the .Superinten- dency of the San Carlos schools in Arizona, but he preferred to wait until the next appointment, which woidd include his wife, and in the mean- time he entered the biographical field with the Goodspeed Building Company, and was upon the staff of its writers in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Louisiana. Mississippi and Ohio. In the spring of 1891, he entered the field with the Lake City Pub- lishing Company, by which he is now employed. Mr. Clinebell is known by his friends to be an indefatigable worker, and is ever ready to aid those in distress and need as far as he is able. In politics, he is a Re^)ublican, but in local affairs aims to cast his vote for the man, rather than the party. lie is an honored member of Lodge No. 17i), K. of P., of Melvin, and also a member of Camp No. 1,512, M. W. A., of Buckingham, 111. Himself and wife are members of the Methodist E|nscopal Church, and for many years have been connected with the Sundaj'-school interests of Ford County. Prof. Clinebell was Superintendent of the Methodist Sunday-school in Sibley for several years, and was a member of the Illinois State Teachers' Associa- tion, the Central Illinois Teachers' Association and the Teachers' Association, of Ford County. Him- self and wife are honored citizens of Melvin, where they have a neat and pretty home, and this sketch of these worthy people will be read by many who know them well and favorably. Their |)ortraits appear elsewhere in this volume. ^ NOCH S. HUNT, the original owner of the , ^ town site of Melvin, and one of the most ij^!^/ successful farmers of Ford County, claims Illinois as the State of his nativity, his birth hav- ing occurred in Marshall County, on the 15tli of October, 1H3.3. He is a son of Cornelius and Ann (Sidle) Hunt, who were pioneer settlers of his na- tive county, and a sketch of this worthy c(iu|ile is given on another (lage of this work. Our subject was reared to manhood upon a farm, and enjoyed but limited educational advantages, as schools were not only few Init poor in Marshall County in his 3'outh, and his services were reipiired on the farm in assisting his father. When fourteen \ears of age he removed with his parents to La Salle County, where he made his home until coming to Ford County. On the 21st of December, 1854, in Lacon, 111., Mr. Hunt was joined in wedlock with Miss jNIary Gnffln, who was born and reared in ^Marshall County, and is a daughter of David and Ruth Grillin, who were pioneers of that count\- of 1830, having come there from Pennsylvania. LTnto Mr. and Mrs. Hunt have been born three children who are yet living and they lost one. Esther, the eldest, is the wife of C. B. Ellis, a resident of In- dependence, Iowa; Jessie is the widow of S. A. Bookwater and resides in Melvin; Mary is the wife of W. P. Sreve, a farmer of Peach Orchard, and William Wallace died in 18G2, at the age of four- teen mouths. Mr. Hunt was successfully engaged in farming in La Salle County until 1867, when he lemoved to Peach Orchard Township, Ford County, and purchased a large farm, one half section of which is the site of the present village of Melvin. He made the original plat of that village and subse- quently platted two additions to the town. His farm house was situated near the northwest corner of the village plat and one hundied rods from the post-office. There he made his home until 1800, when he purchased and removed to his present line residence to the southeast of the depot. He still has three hundred and fifty acres of his orig- inal farm which he leases, besides fourteen lots in the village of Melvin, and his wife owns a farm of two hundred and forty acres, so their aggregate possessions amount to six Inmdred acres, all in Peach Orchard Township. In politics, Mr. Hunt is an out-and-out Republi- can, a stalwart supporter of that party's principles, and has served as Assessor and Road Commissioner for Peach Orchard Township, and held the office of Collector for many years in La Salle County. His 258 PORTKAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. wife and daughters are members of the Congrega- tional Church. For a quarter of a century', Mr. Hunt has been a resident of Ford County, and of Peacli Orchard Township; in fact, he was on the ground when the township was set off and organ- ized and is properly the founder of tlie village of Melvin. His life has been a busj' and useful one, and by untiring industry, the exercise of good judgment and by strict integrity has succeeded in acquiring a valuable property. His success is certainly well deserved. He has recently retired from active farming and is living comfortably with his family in the enjoyment of a well-earned competence and the kind regard of his old neigh- bors and friends. -^r ^., BRAM L. PHILLIPS, a laomiueut member (@i01 of the Ford County Bar, and a resident of Gibson City since 1884, was born in Put- nam County, 111., Jul}' 2, 1862, and is a son of George and Martha A. (Light) Phillips. His father was born in England in 1820, and came to America when thirty years of age. At first, he made his home near Pittsburg, Pa., where he mar- ried Miss Martha A. Light, a native of that State. In 1857, he came with his family to Illinois, set- tling in Putnam County, where he built the first steam sawmill erected in that county. He engaged in milling until his removal to Ford County in 1867. He was one of the first Justices of the Peace of Peach Orchard Township, which olHce he held un- til the time of his death, which occurred in the fall of 1874, his wife, the mother of Abram L.. dying about two years previous. They were highl}' re- spected citizens and made many ft lends in the community where they made their home. The subject of this sketch attended the district schools of his native covmty in childhood, there receiving his primary education. This was supple- mented by a course in the Wesleyan University of Bloomington, 111. He began the study of law un- der Gen. Bloomfleld and was graduated from the Bloomington Law School in the Class of '84. On taking his degree, he at once entered upon the practice of his profession at Gibson City, and has succeeded in building up a prosperous business. He is now one of the able lawyers and prominent citizens of Ford County. On the 17th of November, 1885, Mr. Phillips was united in marriage in Vermilion County, 111., to Miss Zadie Stevely. The lady is a daughter of George and Hannah Stevely, and is a native of Illinois, born in Vermilion County. Unto our subject and his wife has been born one child, a son, Wendell, born in Gibson City on the 3d of October, 1891. In political sentiment, Mr. Phillips is a Repub- lican, being a stanch supporter of the principles of that party. He served one term as City Attorney of Gibson to the credit of himself and to the sat- isfaction of his constituents. Socially, he holds membership with Gibson Lodge No. 733, A. F. & A. M.; is a member of Hesperon Lodge No. 123, K. of P., and also belongs to the Modern Wood- men of America, being a member of Gibson Camp No. 235. Mr. Phillips and his wife stand high in social circles and receive the respect and esteem of their many friends and acquaintances. In April, m 1892, Sir. Phillips was nominated by the Repub- lican party for the position of States Attorney, and the strength of his party, as well as his per- sonal popularity, assures his election in November. jENJAMIN H. McCLURE, familiarly known as '-Uncle Ben," is one of the well-known f(^') .)] pioneers of Illinois of 1824. He is a na- ^^^^ tive of Indiana, born in Posey County, June 8, 1818, and his parents were Thomas and Susan (Hines) McClure. The father was a native of Rockingham County, Va., born on the loth of July, 1765, and the mother was born in Kentucky, December 23, 1774. Thomas McClure went to Kentucky in 1782, in the pioneer days of that region, when the Indians were far more numerous than the white settlers and still had most of the land in their possession. In that State he was married, and moved to Indiana in 1815, but in 1824, still seeking the frontier of civilization, he PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 259 came to Central Illinois and laid a claim eight miles east of Springlield. Three j'cars later, he removed to McLean County, where his death oc- curred January 3, 1847, at the age of eighty-two years. Our subject, Benjamin H. McClure, accom- panied his parents to McLean County in 1827, being then nine years of age. He was reared to manhood on his father's farm, receiving little or no educational advantages, on account of the new- ness of the settlements. One of the important events in his life was his marriage, October 13, 1835, in McLean Count}-, at Stout's Grove, with Miss Frances Killiani, a daughter of Jolm and Sarah (Shackelford) Killiam. Mrs. McClure was born in Casey County, Ky., May 1, 1811, and in 1824 came with her parents to Illinois. Mr. McClure and his estimalile wife have be- come the parents of nine children: John T. mar- ried Jane Deal and makes his home in Drummer Township, Ford County; William F., a resident of Pearl County, Miss., wedded Augusta McClure; Sarah J. died in childhood, at the age of eight j'ears; Sus.an Elizabetli is the wife of Milton Bai- ley, of Gibson City; Mar^- Ellen died when eight yeai's old; James Marion was united in marriage with Josephine Hall and resides in Plaquomine, La.; Harriet Newell is the wife of the Hon. John H. Collier, of Gibson City, of whom see a sketch elsewliere in this work; Frances P. died at the age of four years; and one child died in infancj'. Mr. McClure was engaged in agricultural pur- suits in McLean County until 1868, when he re- moved to Ford Count}', settling in Drummer Township, some four miles northwest of Gibson City, where he made his liome until 1876, when he went to Gibson without disposing of his land. The farm contains one hundred and fifty-six acres of good arable land and is still the propertj' of our subject. In early life, Mr. McClure was an old-line Whig and cast liis first vote for William Henry Harri- son for President in 1840. He joined the Repub- lican party on its organization, and still supports it with his ballot. He has held a number of town- ship otlices, among which are those of Sui)ervisor and Road Commissioner. He was reared under the auspices of the Cumberland Presbyterian Cliurch, and united with that denomination in 1845. His wife joined at the same time, and they have now for nearly fifty years been devoted members of tiiat church and active workers in their Master's vine^'ard. Mr. McClure has been a Deacon since 1847, and w.as made an Elder in 1869, when he helped to organize the church in Ford County. He is one of the worthy pioneers of Illinois and early settlers of this county, and this work would be incomplete without his his- tory. He has led a bus}' and useful life, and is highly esteemed for his sterling worth and in- tegrity. Pt'RANK E. SHARP, proprietor of a livery, S)^ feed and sale stable in Gibson City, first ^ " opened his eyes to the light of day in Geauga County, Ohio, on the 20tli of November, 1857, and is a son of George and Sarah (Austin) Sharp. His parents were born in the State of New York. About 1858, the family removed to Rock County, Wis., and the following year came to Ford County, III., spent a year and returned to Rock County, where they made their home till 1864, when they again came to Ford County. They settled in Wall Township, but returned to Wisconsin, locating in Walworth County in 1890. Our subject accompanied his parents from Ohio to AVisconsin, and from there to this county, ar- riving in 1864. He received his educational training in the common schools and was reared to manhood under the parental roof. In 1877, he engaged in farming on his own account in AVall Township, and continued there until 1882, when he removed to Elliott. There he learned the harness-maker's trade and was engaged in that vocation for three years. He then bought a farm, which he operated one year, and then came to (iibson City, buying into the livery business, which he continued for only a few months, when he engaged in harness-making, which he carried on until he established his present business in March, 1892. In nddition to his livery stable, he 2C0 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. also owns and operates a dray line, which he is carr3'ing on very successfully, doing a good l)usi- ness. Mr. Sh.ari) led to the marriage altar, on tlie 30th of June, 1887, in Elliott, Miss Lou Miller. Mr.s. Sharf) is a native of Illinois and is a dauglitcr of .lames Miller. She is a consistent ineniber of the Methodist Church and by lier union with our sub- ject has become the mother of one child, Shirley, aged four years. In political sentiment, Mr. Sliarp is a stalwart supporter of the Democratic party, and takes an active interest in its advancement. lie belongs to tlio Kniulits (if Pythias fraternity, holding nieni- bcrsliip with llespcron Lodge No. 123. He and his wife are leading members of the .social circle in which tliey move, and arc jn'ominent citizens of (tilison. He is public-spirited and progressive, and is one of the enterprising business men of tlie community. ;^® '■ ^=^ ^. -g .^ii "ilJONATHAN DIXON WYl.IK, M. I)., was born in Chester District, >S. C, in 1825, and was a son of Samuel and Agnes Wylie. His parents were natives (>f Chester Count}-, S. C, and were descended from old families of tlie Palmetto State. The Doctor's ancestors were orig- in.ally from Scotland and the first to come to America were Associate Reform Presbyterians, who came from Scotland .and settled in South Carolina. Samuel Wylie was strongly opposed to slavery, al- though reared in its midst and served by slaves, the property of his father. When he had attained to man's estate, he made his home in the abolition State of Indiana, where he reared his childicn to a love of freedom for all the human family. Many of the family descended from the original South Carolina stock have achieved a prominence in the learned jirofessions and in statesmanship, and espcc- iall}^ in the medical profession. Dr. AVylie received his literary education in the .State University of Indiana, and w.ns graduated in 1850 from the Oliio INIedical College of Cincinnati. He came at once to Illinois and established himself in practice in Oakland, Coles County, then almost a wilderness. He was married in Beaver Falls, Pa., in 1851, to Miss Agnes Crawford. The ladj' is a native of Beaver Falls and a daughter of Samuel Crawford of that place. Dr. Wylie and his wife reared three sons: Samuel M., the eldest, is a prac- ticing physician of Paxton and his sketch is given elsewhere in this work; Allen 1). is in railway em- ploy in the West, and t)scar H., tlie youngest, is the present Deputy Clerk of the Court of Ford County and is in discharge of the whole duties of that oHice. In 18G2, Dr. AV3iie entered the service of the United .States for the late war as Assistant Surgeon of the Thirty-fifth Regiment, Illinois Infantry, was promoted to be Surgeon of the regiment and served until the close of the war, doing good and faithful service. On his return from the army, lie resumed practice in Oakland, where he continued to reside until 1868, when he canie to Paxton and w.as in active pr.actice in this cit}' until his fatal illness. His death occurred on the 5th of March, 1876. Dr. Wylie was a member of the .State Medical Societ}' of Illinois and of the American Society of the United States. He also held membership with the United Presbyterian Church of Paxton, as does his wife, and was an earnest Repulilican in politics. As a pliysician, he was talented and skillful anil throughout his days of activity maintained a large and lucrative practice. -^^z El*^^^ eOL. HARRY D. COOK. Among the promi- nent citizens of Illinois who were .actively identified with the war history of the State and soldier interest sul3sequent to the return of peace, few, if any, are deserving of more favor.able mention than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. Col. Cook was Ijorn in Oneida County, N. Y., in 1818, and was a son of .Joliii Cook. His father was a close friend of Gai'rett Smith, and was de- scended from an old New York family, the grand- father of the Colonel being a soldier in the Revo- PORTRAIT AND BIOaRAPHlCAL RECORD. 261 lutionary War. H. D. Cook received a liberal edu- cation, and in liis youth learned the carpenter's trade. In 1K41, he was married in New York to Miss .loanna Hall, daughter of AVilliam and Sally Hall. The lad3' was born in New York and comes of an old family of that State. In 1850, Col. Cook emigrated from the East to Illinois and settled in Fulton Count}', but after a year removed to McLean Country, locating on a farm near Bloomington. He was emplo3'ed on tlie Illinois Central Railroad as a bridge-builder, and in 18.53 removed to Woodford County. In 1860, he was elected to the Illinois Legislature on the Republican ticket, and in Maj' of the following year entered the volunteer service for the late war as Captain of Company G, Fourth Illinois Cavalry. He participated in the active service of the war, was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel and commanded his regiment. When mustered out after three years of service, he held the rank of Colonel. On his return to the North, Col. Cook was re- elected to the Legislature and after the close of the war was commissioned by Gov. Oglesb}- as military financial agent for Illinois and ordered to Washington to secure the payment of State claims against the general Government, growing out of the late war. So well did he discharge his duty, that he secured the payment of nearly all the claims due the State, manifesting superior busi- ness ability and tact. When the railroad and ware- house commission was organized by act of Legis- lature, Col. Cook was a[)pointed by Gov. Bever- idge a member of that boar<], and at its organi- zation was chosen Chairman. This position he filled with honor to himself and satisfaction to the people until his death, which occurred in No- vember, 1873, at his home in Normal. 111. The Colonel was an original Abolitionist and a warm friend of Owen Lovejoy. He was a man of positive views and was a popular speaker, widely and favorably known. The war afforded a field for distinction for men of nerve and strength of character, and Col. Cook's career developed the latent talent in his character for leadership, he be- coming prominent and inlluential in State and National affairs. For several years prior to his death, he had made his home in Normal, 111., where his wife, who survives her husband, still resides, though well advanced in years. Seven children were born to Colonel and Mrs. Cook, of whom four are living, three having died in childhood: Fiance L., the eldest, who married Miss Kate Anderson, is the present State Attorney of Ford Count}-, and resides in Paxton. .John W. married Lydia Spofford and is President of the State Normal University at Normal; Florence A. is the wife of Judge Alfred S.aniplc, of Paxton, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; and Ida is the wife of F. W. Gove, a resident of Den- ver, Col. Al felLLIAM HAMU/rON THOMPSON is WjJ// P'"'^"iii"ciitly connected with the busi- W^ less interests of Melvin, being the senior member of the firm of W. II. &- W. E. Thompson, dealers in lumber and farm machinery. He has been a resident of Peach Orchard Township, Ford County, since 1872, and has made his home in Illinois since 1865. Mr. Thompson claims Ohio as the State of his nativit}', his birth occurring in Belmont County, on the 1th of December, 1851. With his parents, he came to Illinois, the family settling in Marshall County, near New Rutland, La Salle County, where he attended the public schools. On attaining to man's estate, in the fall of 1872, he came to Ford County, and, locating in Peach Orchard Township, engaged in farming. He still owns a farm of eighty acres on section 36, but in later \'ears he has given no attention to agricultural pursuits, but has devoted his energies to the lumber business. An important event in the life of Mr. Thompson occurred on the 23d of September, 1875, when in Paxton he was united in marriage with Miss Ruth Hunt, a daughter of John S. and Jane Hunt. The lady was born in La Salle County, 111., February 20, 1856, and came to this county with her |)arents in 1867. Three children grace the union of this worthy couple, a son and two daughters: Zella Aim, Delmer B. and Delia. Mr. Thonii)son continued to engage in a"-ricul- •262 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPfflCAL RECORD. tural pursuits until 1876, when he left the farm and embarked in his present business as a dealer in lumber and farm machinery in Melvin, where he has since made his home. He is a straightforward, upright business man and is held in high regard by all who know him. He and bis wife are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in his |)olitieal alliliations he is a stalwart Republican, warmly advocating the principles of that party and laboring for its success and upbuilding. During his residence in Peacli Orchard Township, he has held various official ijositions of honor and trust, having served for one year as Collector, as Presi- dent of the Village of Melvin for two years, and as United States Census Enumerator for his home di.'st ict in 1890. Mr. Thompson and his partner have built up an extensive trade in their line, as the result of good management and an earnest de- sire to please their patrons, and are esteemed among the worthy and relial)le luisiness men of Ford County, llis entire life since attaining to years of matuiity our subject has passed in this community and h.Ts thus formed a wide and extensive acquaint- ance. — ^ ^g -^' ' OHN WOOLSTONCROFT, one of the ex- tensive land-owners of Lyman Township, residing on section 18, claims England as the land of his nativity and also has some Scotch l>lood in his veins. He was born in Lan- cashire, in 1810, and was one of a family of eight children, two sons and six daughters, whose parents were John and Mary (Woods) Woolston- ci''oft. His father was a weaver of cotton cloth. He died at the age of sixt3'-four and his wife passed away at the age of fifty. The only members of the famil}' yet living are three sisters of our sub- ject: Mary and Janet, both of whom are widows and reside in Lancashire, England, and Sarah, who resides in Philadelphia. Our subject began to earn his own livelihood at the age of eight j'ears, working at the weaver's trade from that time until twelve years of age, when he learned the trade of brick-making and also laid brick. Wlien about twenty years of age. he determined to try his fortune in America and, in 1831, sailed from Liverpool to New York. He was almost penniless when he arrived in this coun- try, a stranger in a strange land. He first secured work as a weaver in Philadelphia, where he re- mained for six years, and in the spring of 1837, he went to Ohio, where he spent about five months. He next located in Putnam County, III., and, making his home in Magnolia, engaged in weaving in the winter season and in brick-hying in the summer. While residing in Putnam County, Mr. Wool- stoncroft was united in marriage to Elizabeth Phillips, a native of England. Tlicir union was celebrated in April, 1838, and unto them were born six sons and six daughters, eight of whom are now living: David, tiie eldest, wedded Mary Warner, a native of this .State, by whom he has three children. He is a plasterer and brick mason and one of the prominent citizens of Roberts, and , in politics, is a stanch Republican. .John married Miss Hannom and follows farming in Kansas; he, too, is a Republican. Abraham married Miss Pettit and is a resident farmer of Kansas; Wilber was joined in wedlock to Miss Hawthorne, and follows farming in Kans.as; Alice is the wife of George Dykes, an agriculturist of Illinois; F^lizabeth is the wife of John Warner, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; Hannah is the wife of Ed- ward Owens, a farmer of AVall Township; Maria, who successfully engaged in teaching in Onarga and in F'ord County, is now the wife of Nelson Buzick, farmer, by whom she has six children, namely: Earl, who aids his father in tiie farm work; Flora, a student in Onarga Seminary; Maiy, Jessie, John AV. and James. Mrs. Woolstoncroft died May 7, 1864, and was interred in Magnolia Ceme- tery, where a beautiful monument marks her last resting place. In 1867, Mr. Woolstoncroft came to this county with John Hunt, and purchased four hundred acres of raw land. The towns of Melvin and Rob- erts were not then laid out, wild game ot all kinds was plentiful and at that day one could not have realized that such a rapid change was so st)on to take place. Our subject bought land at ^9 per acre and began the development of a fine farm. His ■t^^ ^^ I t * PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 265 labors were successful and he has become one of the well-to-do citizens of the community. In early life, he was a Whig and cast his first Presidential vote for William Henr}' Harrison, but since the organization of the Republican party, he has been one of its stanch supporters. Througliout the com- munity, he is held in the highest regard and the word of John Woolstoncroft is as good as his bond, for his upright life and sterling worth have won him the the confidence of all. He is now eighty-two years of age but is still enjoying good health. ^^ HARLES SPELLMEYER, who carries on (li tr S^'ieral farming on section 16, Wall Town- ^^;^ ship, was born in the town of Mahnan, in the Province of Westphalia, in Meinden County, Germany, September 17, 1831. His father was also a native of that localit3' and in later life emi- grated to America. Further mention is made of him in the sketch of George H. Spellme}'er on another page of this work. In accordance with the laws of his native land, our subject attended school between the ages of seven and fourteen years. When about twenty- three years of age, he determined to try his for- tune in America and sailed for New York in 1853, landing after a voyage of six weeks. Four 3ears later, he was followed by the family. Charles came on at once to Illinois, making bis first loca- tion in Putnam Count}', where he worked by the day or month as a farm hand for some time. Five j'ear.s later, he went to La Salle County, where he rented land and engaged in farming for himself. He is truly a self-made man, for he started in life empty-h.anded. and the success wliicli has crowned his efforts is due entirely to Ins industry and per- severance. After renting land for about eight years, during which time he saved some capital, he purchased eighty acres in La Salle County in 1876, and settled upon that land. A small shanty constituted the improvements, but onlj- a short time liad elapsed ere a great change was wrought in that place, and wliat was once a barren tract He now engages in gen- became a valuable farm, eral fanning and stock-raising and owns five hun- dred and twenty-eight acres of land, all in Wall Township. A marriage ceremony performed in La Salle County on the 17th of Ma}-, 1858, united the des- tinies of Mr. Spellmej-er and Miss Louisa Kotl- kamp, who was born in the same town as her hus- band and came to America in the year 1857. She is a daughter of Henry and Anna Marie Kott- camp, who spent their entire lives in Germany. Both parents passed away when about sixty-one years of age. They were members of the German Lutheran Church and the father was a tanner by trade. They had a family of ten children, six sons and four daughters, but only two are now living: Lottie is the widow of F'red .Schwartze, of St. Louis, Mo., and iSIrs. Spellmeyer, who is the elder. She was educated in the German schools, and at about the age of twenty emigrated to America. The other members of the famil}- all died in infancy except Henrietta, whose death occurred in Germany when about eighteen years of age. By the union of our subject and his wife have been bom nine children, five sons and four daugh- ters, as follows: George W., a farmer of Wall Township, who wedded Mary Carson; Mary, wife of Charles Kenney, of the same township; Henry C, a hardware merchant of Melvin, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; Frank, who makes his home in Vermilion County, 111.; Amelia, Charles and Lillie Louisa, all yet at home. The children have been afforded good educational privileges and reared to habits of industiy, thus fitting them to become useful citizens. Two other children are now deceased: Mina, who died in La Salle County when only six weeks old, and a son who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Spellmeyer are members of the Lutheran Church of Melvin and are worthy Ger- man people whose many excellencies of character have won them high regard. In politics, he is a stalwart Democrat, having supported that party since he cast his first Presidential vote for Stephen A. Douglas. He is also a good business man and a successful fanner, and his prosperity is but the just reward of his own efforts. He came to this 266 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. country a penniless young man. A stranger in a strange land, he commenced life here 120 in debt, but lias steadily worked his way upward until he has acquired a handsome competence. This record will be cherished and held sacred by their children when father and motlier have passed away. ON. DAVID PATTON, in whose honor the township of Patton was named, is the old- est surviving member of the Ford County Bar and was in practice in tiie territory' which is now Ford County, which was then a part of Vermilion County. Judge Patton located at what is known as Ten Mile Grove, situated about three miles southwest of Paxton,in October, 1849. He was born in Clark County, Ky., in 1806. and accom- panied his family to Butler County, that State, in 1810. When eighteen j-ears of age, Mr. Patton began the study of law in the office of Oliver H. Smitii, at Connersville, Ind., and while so engaged taught the district school to earn money to defray his current expenses. He was admitted to the Bar in 1828 and entered upon the practice of his profes- sion at La Fayette, Ind., where he secured a large and lucrative practice. Frank, upright and gen- erous in disposition, he was held in high esteem by the people and regarded as a leading lawyer by his brethren at the Bar. His unguarded liberality, however, proved a snare to him financially, and his earnings for ten years were soon swept away in the payment of debts for his friends, and he was compelled to start anew in life. With this object in view, he came to Illinois and located four hun- dred acres of land at Ten Jlile Grove, then in Ver- milion, now Ford County. The country was but sparsely settled, affording little, if any, field for business in the line of his profession, hence he turned his attention to farming and stock-raising, occasionally practicing in justice courts, not a few of the leading lawyers of Vermilion County ex- pressing surprise at being outgeneraled and beaten by the farm lawyer. To his efforts the passage of the act of the Legislature creating Ford County was largely due. At a special election held in 1859, he was elected Judge of the County Court by a large majority over his opponent, Gideon Camp, and he was re-elected at the succeeding elections of 1860-64-68. Before the close of his fourth of- ficial term, the weight of years and his extensive personal interests decided him to decline further public service. The monetary panic of 1873 and 1875, in connection with his losses as surety for some of his friends, again stripped him of nearly all his worldly possessions, but notwithstanding his misfortune in this i>articular, he lias the liigher and better consolation of having merited the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens by an active and useful life in their midst for more than thirty years. He was a good lawyer, a quaint, entertain- ing speaker, and at all times a kind and indulgent parent; a friend to the poor and needy, and an en- terprising and public-spirited citizen, and above all, a steadfast lover of justice and hum.anity. .Judge Patton still makes his home in Paxton, where he settled in 1865, but is in feeble health, and his ad- vanced age of eighty-six years admonishes his friends that his end is not far distant. The writer is under oliligations to the publishers of the late Coiintij Alias for the facts above stated. ■ -^1= crULm ^ ACOB BLESCH, one of the extensive land- owners and leading citizens of Lyman Township, residing on section 11, was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, April 9, 1839, and is the eldest in a family of three chil- dren born unto George and Elizabeth (Obennauer) Blesch. His father was a German farmer, and, in the spring of 1853, bade adieu to his old home and with his family crossed the broad Atlantic to America, sailing from Havre to New York, where he arrived after a pleasant voyage of forty-two Aoiys,. The parents located in Du Page County, 111., whence they removed to Cook County, where the death of Mr. Blesch occurred in 1870. He came to thiscountr3' in very limited circumstances, but by his industry and good management, at the PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 267 time of his death was the owner of one hundred and eighty acres of valuable land in Cook County. His wife, who was horn April 1), 1811, is still liv- ing at the advanced age of eighty-one years. She is a member of the Lutheran Church, to which lier husband also belonged. Our subject was a lad of fourteen years when, with his parents, he came to this country. He re- mained under the parental roof until his marriage, which was celebrated on Christmas Day of 1867, Miss Rosalie Gurard, who was born September 20, 1845, in IJyron, (Germany, becoming liis wife. She was only three months old when brought to America by her parents, who located in Cook Count}'. Her father was a manufacturer in (ier- man3'aud was quite wealthy when he come to the United States. Both he aud his wife are now de- ceased, and a beautiful monument marks their last resting place in a cemetery of Cook County. The maiden days of Mrs. Blesch were spent in Cook County, where she acquired her education. She became the mother of three sons and three daughters: Anna, who was educated in both Ger- man and English, is now the wife of A. jNIcDon- ald, who was one of the successful teachers of Ford County, and is now engaged in merchandising in Odell, III.; Reynold, who pursued a commeicial course of study in Valparaiso College, of Indiana, now aids his father in the laliors of the farm; George died at the age of three jears; Clara is taking a teacher's course in the Valparaiso Nor- mal School; Eddie died at the age of twelve years; and Lydia comi)letes the family. Mr. and Mrs. Blescli have resided in Ford County- since Fel)ruarj% 188.3, at which time our subject purchased three hundred and twenty acres of land conveniently' and pleasantly- located within three miles of Roberts. Since that time he has made many good improvements and the farm has be- come one of tlie beautiful and desirable places in L_yman Township. In addition to the fine resi- dence, there are outbuildings which are models of convenience, and many other improvements, both useful and ornamental. Mr. Blesch has served as School Director during almost his entire residence here, and the cause of education has found in him a warm friend. In politics, he has been a stanch Republican since he cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln, and he nnd his wife are con- sistent members of the Lutheran Church. They are justly classed among the licstand most promi- nent citizens of Lyman Township and well de- serve the high regard in which tliev are held. '' ' ^3- E^^ ENRY ATWOOD has longer resided in I Pella Township than any other of its citi- zens. He has here made his home for thirty-five years, and is now living on sec- tion 22. With the history of Ford County, he has been prominently identified and has ever borne his part in the work of upbuilding and ad- vancement. As he is widely and favorably known throughout the community, wc feel assured tliat this sketch will prove of interest to many of our readers. Mr. Atwood was born in Chelsea, Mass., February 6, 1832. His grandfather, Stephen Atwood, was born at Cape Cod, spent his early life as a sailor and afterward became a farmer. Ills son, William II. At- wood, father of Henry, was Iiorn on Cape Cod, and when about eight years old went to Boston with his father, who bought a farm at Chelsea. William went into a store and was ever afterward connected with mercantile interests. He learned to read by poring over newspapers, and w.as en- tirely self-educated, but through his own efforts became a well-informed man. With his brother, he did a large business as a wholesale and retail dealer in oysters. He was married in Chelsea, to Miss Lenora Atkins, a native of Cape Cod, who died when our subject was about twelve years old. He then married Ruth Newcome, and, after her death, was a third time married. He served .as Cap- tain of a military company and throughout his life was a Democrat. He died in the old home at Chelsea, in 1878, at the age of seventy-four years. The children of the Atwood family were Frank- lin, who died at the age of twenty-one; Henry, of this sketcii; Lenora, who died at the age of twentj-- one; Cordelia, who is living in Newton, M.a.ss.; Daniel, who served in the Twentv-seventh Massa- 268 POKTRAIT AND BIOaRAPHICAL RECORD. chusetts Regiment throughout the late war; Thomas H., who was in the Fourth Iowa Cavalry; and Otis, of Massachusetts. By the second marriage were born five children and of the fourteen, ten are now living. Our subject spent the first twelve years of his life in Chelsea and then went to Boston, where he attended the public schools for two years. He afterward went to night school for two j^ears and was a student in the Brocton School, but ill health forced him to abandon his studies. He was after- ward engaged for nine years in the wholesale drug business. In 1857, he determined to try his for- tune in the West. He spent a short time in Minn- esota for his health, and was at Minneapolis when the first building was erected in that city. Later in the year, he came to Illinois and purchased eighty acres of wild land in Pella Township, where he has since made his home. It was not long before he had his entire farm under a iiigh state of cultivation. A home was built, trees were planted and many other improvements made, which add both to the value and attractive appearance of the place. Mr. Atwood was one of the earliest settlers of the county and has been prominentl3^ identified with its growth and progress during all these years. He served on the first jury of Ford County, in Paxton, and has been called upon to fill many position of honor and trust, the duties of which he has ever discharged with promptness and fidel- ity. On the 16th of November, 1859, in Onarga, Iroquois County, Mr. Atwood wedded Miss Mary Wyllie, who was born in Warren, Me., and is a daughter of William and Harriet Wyllie. She taught the first school in Pella Township in her own home. Three children have been born of their union: Lillie A., who was born and reared on the old home farm and educated in the public schools and Onarga Seminary, is the wife of David E. Tufts, a farmer of Steele County, N. Dak.; Wyllie is a successful teacher of North Dakota, and Flora B. is a teacher of recognized ability in Pella Township. Mr. and Mrs. Atwood are charter members of the Presbyterian Church in Piper City, to which their children also belong, and he is now serving as one of its Elders. He cast iiis first Presidential vote for John C. Fremont and has since been a Republican, stanch and true. The cause of educa- tion has found in him a warm friend and he has done much for the advancement of the schools in this neighborhood. During the thirty-five years of his residence in Ford County, he has won the confidence and regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact and this work would be incomplete without the sketch of Henry At- wood. EBEN AVAIT, is a representative farmer and leading citizen of this county, residing on "' section 17, Button Township. His life record is as follows: He was born in Schuyler County, N.Y., February 26, 1823, and is a son of Abijah Wait. The father was born in Jlassachu- sctts, February 2, 17'.t(l, and when a .young man went to New York, settling in Schuyler County, where he married Hannah Calvert, a native of the Empire State. Upon their farm, they spent the remainder of their lives and were buried in the family cemetery. They had a famil3- of two sons and four daughters, all of whom grew to mature j-ears, namely: Phcebe, who became the wife of Aaron I'arish, of Schuyler County; both are now deceased. Nancy, wife of Frederick Stamp, a res- ident of Paxton; Henry, lately a farmer of Schuy- ler County, N. Y.; Eben of this sketch; Margaret, who is residing on the old homestead, and Sarah Ann, who is also living on the old home farm in New York. The educational advantages which our subject received were only those afforded by the common schools, and his boyhood days were spent in the usual manner of farmer lads. With his parents he remained until after he had attained his major- it}-, when, on the 26th of Februar}-, 1845, in Tomp- kins Cojinty, N. Y., he married Louisa Stamp, who was born and reaied in Schuyler County, and is a daughter of Daniel Stamp, one of the pioneers of that locality Unto them have been born two sons: Elbert A., a substantial farmer of Button Town- ship, and Adrian D., a j'Oiing man of sterling /\ (^/(T^^c^ L^^^T-iyViil ^Cic^f^^^^^L-C^i^^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 271 wt)rtli and good business ability, who iiiiis his fa- ther in carrying on the liome farm. After liis marriage, Mr. Wait engaged in fann- ing in Lis native county for a number of years, and in 1855 emigrated Westward, taking up bis residence in what is now Ford County, 111. There was no town where the city of Paxton now stands, the land was all in its primitive condition, and the work of progress and development seemed scarcely begun. He bore all the hardships and privations of pioneer life but his efforts were afterward crowned with success. He developed and im- proved a farm of eighty acres of valuable land, which is his present home. It is an excellent farm, supplied with substantial improvements, and its neat appearance indicates the thrift and enleri)rise of the owner. Mr. Wait has helped to make Ford Count}' what it is to-day, one of the best counties in the State, and is numbered among its honored pioneers. He was originally a Jackson Democrat, but on the or- ganization of the Republican party joined its ranks and is one of its stanch supporters. He has held several offices of honor and trust, including that of Commissioner of Highways, and has also been a member of the School Board. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church and are highly respected members of this community, well deserving representation in the history of their adopted county. OL. CHARLES BOGARDUS. To apiilaud worthy achievements is an instinct of hu- man nature, and when noble results have lieen accomplished by one's own efforts, thrice de- serving is he of praise. All delight to pay tribute to a self-made man, one who, despite great disad- vantages, has achieved distinction. Such a one is the well-known gentleman whose name heads this memoir. The progenitor of the different branches of the Bogardus family in America was Everardus Bo- gardus, a Dutch Reform clergyman, who emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam (now New York City) in 1633 and was the second minister in that citj'. residing on what is now Broad Street. In 1638, he married Annetje, widow of Roelof Jan- sen, who had obtained a grant of sixty-two acres of land in what is now the center of New York City. This farm, long known as "Dominie's Bowery," in time became vested in Trinity Church by unfair means and has caused continuous litigation sLaceii.'vL'.c He is the only one of the name that has come to'J^'" this country. Col. Bogardus is a lineal descendant of the above gentleman and is a son of James H. and Louisa Bogardus. He was born in Cayuga County, N.Y., March 28, 1841, and when only six years of age was left an orphan, both parents being taken away b}^ an epidemic. He was taken by an uncle, W. H. Bogardus, who gave him common-school advanta- ges until he was some twelve years of age, at which time young Charles entered a grocery store as clerk, at a salary of $1.50 per week, his kind uncle fur- nishing him both board and clothes. This position he held for four years, receiving increase in salary from time to time. His earnings were paid every Saturday night to the uncle, who, without the boy 's knowledge, invested the same for him, and subse- quently offered to turn all over to him, notwith- standing his uncle was a poor man. But the boy, although only eighteen years of age, declined the offer and the mone^' with thanks. Borrowing means, he went to Ridgeway, N. Y., to accept a clerkship in the store of another uncle at $S per month. In this position, he served until 1862, getting a yearly increase of salary. On the 13th of August, 1862, Col. Bogardus, having just attained his majority, enlisted for the war in Com- pany A, One Hundred and Fift^'-first New York Infantry. But before going to the field, as was not uncommon with the boys who feared some others might woo and win their sweethearts (hir- ing their absence, he married, August 17, 1862. Miss Hannah W., daughter of William H. Pells, whose sketch is found on another page of this work. It is difficult to comprehend just how much sacrifice and courage is necessary to leave a 3'ouug wife and face an armed foe. On the organization of the company. Col. Bogardus was elected First Lieutenant; was promoted U> be Caiitain of Com- 272 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. panyl, Decem))er 12, 1862; to Lieutenant-Colonel December 10, 1864; and was breveted Colonel by order of the President of the United States "'for gallant and meritorious services in the charge in front uf Petersliurg, Va., April 2, 1865." The letter from the Governor of New York accompa- nying the commission states the reason for grant- ing the commission, and is here given: "Colonel, 1 liave tlu' i)leasure to transmit here- with a brevet commission conferred by the Presi- dent, in recognition of your faithful and distin- guished services in the war. I feel a just pride in this acknowledgment of the gallantry and devo- tion of an oUicer of this State, which serves to heighten the re|)utation won l)y the valor and con- stancy of the soldieis of New York. "Veiy truly yours, "R. E. Fenton." The principal battles in which Col. Bogardus took part were the following: Mouocacy, Md., an engagement comparatively insignificant in itself, was important in its results. Three thousand Union trooiis, by the skillful management of Gen. Lew AVallacc, held in check nearly six times their number for twenty-four hours, thus giving Gen. Grant barely time to bring up the First and Second Divisions of the Sixth Armj' Corps, as the Confed- erate Gen. Early appeared in front of the outer defenses of Washington. Had that heroic little band of boys in blue given way, the Capitol City must have fallen a i)rey to the enemy. In the bat- tle of the AVilderness, the corps to which Col. Bo- gardus belonged was on the extreme right, and all well remember what a desperate effort Lee made to crush that part of Grant's army. The battle of Spottsylvania; Tolopotomoy; Cold Harbor, in which the One Hundred and Fifty-first lost five captains; Petersburg, Sailor Creek, and Lee s sur- render will ever be remembered as experiences in our subject's army life. At the battle of Monoc- acy, July 9, 1864, Col. Bogardus was so severely wounded that he could iKjt endure to be transferred by ambulance, hence was carried three miles on a stretcher to the Confederate hosintal at Frederick City, Md. Had his injuries been less, he would have been sent to Richmond or to Libby Prison. Frederick City soon fell into the hands of the Union troops, and he was transferred, about three months after, when able to travel, to the olliccrs' hospital at Annapolis, Md., where he regained his strength sufliciontly to come home on crutches and cast his tirst Presidential vote for Lincoln. As soon as he could get about liy the use « >i »• I 1 1 I "il/ ( )HN H. HOIiMES is the resident and manag- ing partner of the firm of Keiser, Holmes cfe AVhite, Elevator Company, of Gibson City. This coinpan3' was organized in De- cember. 188(). and does a general grain and lumber business. They have an elevator at Gibson which has a storage capacity of forty-five tliou.sand liush- els; one at East Lynn, of twenty-five thousand bushels, and handle grain at Switch D. They handle during the shipping season a total of three hundred thousand bushels of grain. Their lumber business, which is extensive, is limited to the Gibson City yard. Mr. Holmes was born in Pike County, 111., on the 22(1 of May, 1851, and is a son of Cyrus and Calista (Bennett) Holmes. His father was l)orn in Walthani, Mass., in 1817, and his mother was a native of the State of New York. iMr. Holmes, Sr., came to Illinois when about seventeen years of age, and the mother of our subject removed to this State in girlhood. They were married in Princeton, III., and made their home in Pike County, where Mr. Holmes engaged in farming. He continued that occu|iation in Pike County until LSO'.l. then moved on a farm near Ludlow, Champaign County, where he remained until his death, in 1886. Mrs. Holmes survived her hus- band five years, being called to her final rest in February, 1891. They were highly respected people and received the confidence of the entire community where tiiey made their home. Our subject was reared on his father's farm until twenty-one years of age, and received his education in the country- schools of Pike Count3-. 284 i'ORTRAlT AND JilOGRAPHIC AL RECORD. On tlic 31st of Decemlier, 1873. he was married in Ludlow, III., to Miss Maiy Clo^d, a daughter of Archie C'lo^^d, and a native of Mercer County, K3^ Unto Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Iiave been born four children, but throe are now deceased. Belva, their eldest, died at the .ige of six years; Bertha, de- ceased, was of the same age .as lier sister; F.ay died when eleven months old, and Stella, their only living child, is the youngest. In 1877, Mr. Holmes removed witli his family to what is now known as Fall River, Kan., and there made his home until 1880, when he returned to Illinois and eng.aged in .agricultural pursuits for two years. Tie came to Gibson City in August, lH,s-2, and engaged in buying and shipping hay until 188 married, May 28, 1884, to Adam Schafer, a merchant of Melvin; Henry, who was educated in Xapi'rvillo College, of Naperville, 111., and is Mr. Silialcr's [lartner in business, married Susanna Scliafcr October 6, 188(),and their home is in Mel- vin; Louisa .1., Frederick W.; Mary W., Emma jM. and Johnnie L. are still at home. The four eldest children were born in St. Louis, the others are natives of Illinois. The family is widely and fa- vorably known in this (■ommuiiity and ranks high in social circles. Mr. Stcmmann is one of the most prominent farmers of Wall Township, and is an influential and valued citizen. C. MAXSON, a practical and progressive farmer of Lyman Township, residing on section 14, claims Connecticut as the State of his nativity. He was born February 8, 1821, and traces his ancestry back to the days when the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the shores of Massachusetts. His parents were Amos Champaign and Elizabeth (Tinker) Maxson. His father was born in Connecticut, and was a carpenter by trade. In politics, he was a Democrat, and in religious be- lief was a Baptist. He died at the age of ninety- three years. His family numbered four sons and two daughters, but, with the exception of our subject, only one is now living, Nancy, who re- sides in Connecticut, at the age of ninety-two. The early boyhood days of our subject were spent un- der the parental roof, where he remained until fourteen years of age, when he shipjied aboard a sailing-vessel on the high seas, leaving New York on a packet bound for London. He followed this -? life for seven years, and became mate of a vessel. He has sailed to the Sandwich Islands, Havre, Rotterdam, Ital}', Sicily, Antwerp, and .around Cape Horn. He made fifteen voyages on the "Welling- ton" to London, one on the "Hector" to Mobile, one each to Liverpool on the "Metoka," the "Si- dons" and the "Cornelia," one each to London on • ■ the "Toronto" and the "Montreal;" was second mate on the brig "Republic" during three voy- ages, and the brig "Mettamora" on two voj-ages to Aitpalachicola, was boatswain on two voyages to Liverpool, was first mate on the "Sampson" on three voyages, on the barque "Curtis" from New Orleans to Philadcliihia, on the brig "Emeline," on the brig "Ocilla, which went around Cape Horn to California, on the barrpie "Mayflower," for two years, on the "Sir Robert Peel," during two V03'- ages, and the "Lenore," and the "American Con- gress" during one voyage. He was Captain of tlic ships "Tonera," and "Edwina" each a voyage. He w.as on the high seas for about a quarter of a century, during which time they encountei'cd many severe storms, and on one occasion the crew were at the pumps for seven days and seven nights. In 1852, Mr. Maxson was united in marriage with Miss Phojhe Elizaljeth Pierson, a native of Lime, Conn., and unto them were born three sons and three daughters, all yet living, namely: Ettie Louise, who was educated in Grand Prairie Semin- ary in Onarga, and is a successful teacher of this county; Laura, wife of Henry Clay Miner, of Gen- esee County, N. Y.; Bertha, wife of John Dopps, of Bloomington, III.; John Arthur, who is married and resides in Brentou Township; Pierson R., who is married, and is employed in the shops of the Chicago & Alton Railroad at Bloomington, 111.; and Wilber R., who completes the family. The mother dei)arted this life .July 19, 187',), and her remains were interred in Roberts Cemetery, where a beautiful monument marks her last resting place. In 18.59, INIr. Maxson came to Ford County, then a part of Vermilion Count}', and, although he has resided upon the same farm, h.as lived in two coun- ties and three different township organizations, Stockton, Brentou and Lyman. He entered one hundred and sixty acres of raw land ui)on which -i^. ■ &■ ^-^^K^> ^. 1 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPmCAL RECORD. 28H not a furrow had been turned f>r an improvement made. Gibson, ]\lelvin, Ui>l)crts and Piper City were not then laid out, and wild game roamed over the prairies upon wliicli those towns are now loeated. Mr. INIaxson now owns eighty acres of improved land and his valuable farm yields to him a good ineome. In his political allillations, he is a Republican, but has never sought or desired public otlice, preferring to devote his entire time and at- tention to his bu.siness interests. His career has been a checkered one, \'et one of honor, and he is regarded as one of the valued and representative citizens of Ford County. He is also numbered among its honoretl pioneers, having been an eye- witness of its growth and npliuilding for a third of a century. ' ARON BROWN, recently dccea.sed, was a native of Piper City. In presenting to /// 111 our readers a sketch of this gentleman, we ^(1 give the record of a self-made man, one who by his own efforts worked his way upward from a humble position in life to one of affluence, and his example in many respects is well worthy of emulation. He was born in Lancaster County, Pa., IMarch 29, 1836, and was a son of Christian and Elizabeth (Hoover) Brown, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. They removed to the West about 185(1, locating in Peoria County, 111., where Mr. Brown purchased a farm of one hun- dred and sixty acres, nine miles from Peoria, and there spent the remainder of his life, his death oc- curring December 2, 1879. His wife passed away March 6, 1881, at the age of seventy-three years, eleven months and twenty-nine days. Mr. Brown was a successful business man and made a good home. In politics, he was a Democrat and was a member of the Presbyterian Church. The family numbered ten children: John, deceased; Jacob and Samuel (twins), who died in childhood; Celinda, deceased; Reuben, who was killed by lightning; Henry, deceased; Elizabeth, now Mrs. Fisher, of Woodford County, 111.; Mrs. Mary L. Stoner, of Taylor Count}-, Iowa; Christian II., who is em- ployed in a corn-planter works in Peoria; .and Aaron. The boyhood days of our subject wei-c spent in the Keystone State, where his education was acquired in the primitive log schools with its slab seats. At the age of fourteen, he came to Illi- nois and before attaining his majority started out in life for himself. From 1858 until near the close of his life, he followed the occupation of farm- ing, but in 1865, he laid aside all business cares and, on the 16tli of Februaiy, joined Company G, of the Fourteenth Illinois Infantry. The regi- ment marched through to Raleigh and joined Sher- man's Army. After the surrender of Johnson, they went to Richmond, Va. Tlu^y were under Gen. Sherman at the battles of Parkersburg, Va., and Louisville, Ky., and participated in the grand review in Washington. Mr. Brown was in the ser- vice for eight months, during which time he trav- eled many hundreds of miles. On his return home, he resumed farming in Peoria County, where he remained for two or three 3ears, then went to Livingston Count}-, where he spent four- teen years. In 1883, he moved to Ford Count}-, which was his home until his death, and in Pella Township the family still owns one hundred and sixty acres of good land, although they now make their home in Piper City. Mr. Brown was married in Peoria County, Jan- uary 26, 1858, the lady of his choice being Miss Sarah II. Pierce, a native of that county and a daughter of John and Mary (Wilbur) Pierce, who emigrated from Massachusetts to Illinois in 1838, becoming early settlers of Peoria, where the father followed the occupation of carpentering. They had a family of eight children: Frank, who is now living retired in Oregon; Mary, who died in child- hood; Mrs. Mary L. Conover, of Peoria; Henry C, who served as Fife Major during the late war in the Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry, is now de- ceased; Mrs. Brown is the next younger; Charles died in infancy; and Charles, the second of that name, who served as a soldier in the late war, is a resident of Chicago; Samuel resides in Brenton Township. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Brown were born the fol- lowing children, viz: Mrs. Anna F. Ives, now of 290 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Forest, Livingston County; Elizabeth, deceased; Carrie P., wife of Thomas Claris, of Ciillom, 111.; Celinda, deceased; Ida, wife of Edward Hevener, a farmer, of Pella Township; Sadie, wife of Al- bert McKinney, of Piper City; Charles, who died in cbildliood; Lula, Mabel, Willie and Iva, at home. Tlie children have all received good edu- cational advantages and the older ones are now occupying useful and responsible positions in life. Mrs. Brown and all the children, save the young- est two, are Presb3'terians, as was also Mr. Brown, who served as a Trustee. They are worthy citi- zens of the communit}', and have the warm regard of many friends. In politics, Mr. Brown was a Republican, having supported that party since be cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lin- coln. On the evening of the 10th of May, 1892, he with his family attended a church social, returning home at lialf past ten o'clock. Within a few min- utes, he complained of not feeling well; medical aid was called, but nothing could be done to re- lieve him. At two o'clock the -next morning, bis spirit took its flight. IIis loss was mourned by bis family and man 3- friends, for lie was a kind fatlier, husliand and valued citizen. His remains were laid to rest in tiie Cliatsworth Cemetery. -^=^^>-^^l IS— w ^J^/UGUST BUCHHOLZ, one of the extensive im/Ul land-owners and a prominent and intlu- ifc ential citizen of Ford County, residing on section 1, Peach Orchard Township, claims Prussia as the land of his nativity, and the date of his birth was August 14, 1824. His parents were Christopher and Elizabeth Buchholz, and their fam- ily numbered four sons and two daughters: Henry, Elizabeth, William, Rica, August and Charles, but our subject is now the only surviving one. His father was a shoemaker and followed that trade in pursuit of fortune. Both he and his wife have also passed away. August Buchholz attended the common schools until fourteen years of age and then learned the shoemaker's trade, at which he worked with his father until twenty years of age, when he enlisted 292 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAIHICAL RECORD. 1 in the army in his native land, serving a term of three years. He coutinucfl to reside in Prussia until 1852, when hebade good-bye to home and friends and embarked for America upon a sailing- vessel which reached New York about a month later. He then continued his journey across the country to Chicago, tlien just beginning to be a town of some importance, and there commenced to work at his trade for 14 per month. After a short time, however, he began work on the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad, which was then in process of build- ing, and was thus employed for about a year, after which he went to Magnolia, Putnam Countj% and established a shoe shop, cavrj'ing on business in that line until 1865. In that year, he removed to Marshall County, where he engaged in farming for two years, after which he came to Ford Count3'and purchased three hundred and twenty acres of land, located on section 1, Peach Orchard Township. Here he has made his home continuously since, car- rying on general farming and stock-raising, and in all his business undertakings he has met with that success which comes as the result of industry, en- terprise and perseverance, supplemented by good man.agement and close attention to all the details of l)usiness. As his financial resources have in- creased, he has added to his possessions, until his lands now aggregate al)out fifteen hundred acres. Besides his liome farm, he now owns eighty acres on section 35, and one hundred and sixty acres on section 10, Peach Orchard Township; one hundred and sixty-eight acres in Lyman Township; three hundred and twenty acres in Oceola County, Iowa; and six hundred acres of improved land m .Jack- son County, Minn. On the 14th of October, 1855, Mr. Buchholz was united in marriage with Miss Caroline Funte. Their union has been blessed with eight children, and the family circle is still unbroken at this writ- ing, the spring of 1892. The three eldest, Charles, Albert and William, are all business men of Mel- vin; Amanda and Emma are at home; Frank and Laura are attending the Normal College of Bloom- ington. 111., and May completes the number. The Buchholz household is the abode of hospitality and its members rank high in social circles. In his political alliliations, Mr. Buchholz is a Re- publican but has never sought or desired public offlce, preferring to devote his entire attention to his business, which he has followed with signal success. He maj- truly be called a self-made man and his life should serve to encourage others, who, like himself, have to start out to fight life's battle empty-handed. He is now one of the wealthy cit- izens of the count}' as well as one of the leading men, and it is with pleasure that we present this sketch to our readers. J****,* i,****!- =l***+^^''M"i-+" \t|O.SEPH FARLIN, deceased, was born in Tazewell County, 111., April 10, 1858, and died at his home in Drummer Township, on the 9th of September, 1887, respected by all who knew him. His parents were Jonas and Mar- tha (Lattimore) Farlin,the former a native of New York and the latter of New Jersey, although both were of English descent. In early life, they emi- grated to Ohio, where they were married, and unto them were born six children, as follows: Samuel, Pernielia, Charles, Harriet, Thomas, John and Joseph. The parents were both members of the Methodist Church, and the father w.as a Republican in political sentiment. Joseph Farlin, whose name heads this record, acquired his education in the common schools of the neighborhood during the winter months, while in the summer season he aided his father in the farm work. At the age of twenty-seven, he en- gaged in farming for himself and secured as a com- panion and helpmate on life's journey Miss Ellen Roberts, their union being celebrated on the 23d of November, 1876. The lady is a native of Taze- well County, 111., born January, 18, 1858, and is a daughter of Joseph and Catherine (Bosserman) Roberts, who reared a family of ten children. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts came to Ford County in 1877, and he purchased five hundred and twenty acres of fine land, known as one of the best farms in this community. Upon it he made his home for a num- ber of years, but sold in 1886 and removed to Jas- per County, 111., where he again purchased land, now owning some thirteen hundred acres. In PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 295 politics, he is a supporter of Rei)iil)Iican principles. Hie wife died February 28, 1891, in the faith of the Methodist Church. After his marriage, Mr. Farliu embarked in farm- ing in Tazewell County, 111., where he remained for three years, when, in 1881, he came to Ford County and purchased eighty acres of land in Drummer Townshij). He afterward added to it another eighty-acre tract and this farm of one hun- dred and sixty acres he placed under a high state of cultivation, making many improvements thereon which added greatly to its value and attractive ap- pearance. He was an industrious and enterprising man and met with well-deserved success in his un- dertakings. He continued farming up to the time of liis death, which occurred September 9, 1887. Since the death of her Inisband, Mrs. Farlin has left the farm and removed to the village of Proc- tor, where she is now living, but the management of her land is still under her personal supervision. She is a most estimable lady and has many friends throughout this community'. Her two children, Clementine and George Bruce, are still with her. OHN ROHRBACH, who is engaged in gen- oral farming on section 26, Brenton Town- ship, has the honor of being a native of l}}^/. Illinois. He was torn in Tazewell County, September 22, 18.51, and is a son of Conrad and Mary (Dingledine) Rohrbach, both of whom were natives of (iermany. The grandfather was a Ger- man soldier and served under Napoleon through tlie Italian campaign, until the battle of Waterloo. Tiie father of our subject came to America in 1832, when thirteen years of age, sailing from Havre to New Orleans and up the river to Havana, 111. After one vear spent at that place, he went to Peoria, 111., which was then called Ft. Clark. He learned the cooper's trade, which he followed some years and also engaged in teaming to Chicago when that city contained onl}' a hotel, a fort and a few cabins. He could have bought a quarter- section of laud in that locality for a yoke of oxen. Mr. Rohrbacli was married, in Tazewell County, to Miss Dingledine, who came from (iermany to this country when a maiden of sixteen summers. In that county he cleared and improved a farm and also followed his trade until the winter of 1858, when he came to Ford County and purcliased one hundred and sixty acres of land, the farm upon which our subject now resides, to which he removed his family in 1861. The land was all wild and uncultivated and much of it was still in the possession of the Government. His nearest neighbor was two miles away, and wild game of all kinds was plentiful. Mr. Rohrbach resided upon his farm until 1875, when he removed to Piper City where his death occurred July 12, 1884, at the age of sixty-three years. His wife died Au- gust 14, 1889. She was a member of the Lutheran Church and .ifterward joined the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Rohrbach held memliershii) with the Reformed Cliureii. He took considerable interest in political affairs and supported the Democratic party until 1860, after which he voted with the Republican party until 1880, when he again su|)- ported the Democratic party. He held a number of local offices and was a member of the Masonic fra- ternity. From the .age of thirteen years, he made his own way in the world, and for his success in life deserved much credit. Four children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Rohrbach: Henry, now deceased; Kate, wife of B. E., Laraborn, a resident of Thawville, Iroquois County; .John, of this sketch; and Mary Matilda, dece.ised, who was the wife of W. W. Post, of Piper Cit3'. All of these children were born in Tazewell County. Our subject has been a resident of Ford County since nine years of age. His early education, ac- quired in the common schools, was su|)plemented by a course in Onarga Seminary, after which he engaged in teaching school for four years, and at the same time read law under the instruction of Gilbert Wyman, of Chatsworth, and then engaged in teaching school in Indiana for three terms. He w.as admitted to the 15ar in that State in l«76,and engaged in practice for some time at North Man- chester, Wab,ash County, when he aliandcmod that profession and returned to the old home farm, of 296 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. which he assumed the management. He has re- sided upon the farm since 1877, and tlie liighly cultivated fields, witli tlieir many excellent im- provements, tell that his life has been a busy and useful one. On the 17th of .June, 1884, in Piper City, Mr. Kolirbach led to the marriage altar Miss Alice Jef- fery, daugliter of Thomas .Jeffery, whose sketch ap- pears elsewhere in this work. .She was born in Brenton Townshi[). By their union, they have three children: Marietta, .John Henry and Eva Isabel. The family hold a high position in social circles. Sir. Rohrbach is a member of the Masonic fra- ternity and the Odd Fellows' society of Piper City, and cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. Grant in 1872, since which time he h.as been a stalwart Republican. He aided in the organization of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Brenton Township, and was First Lieutenant of the com- pany of militia in Piper City for some years. He is an intelligent, well-informed man, industrious, energetic, public-spirited and progressive. He is numbered among the representative citizens of the community where he has so long made his home. >» i 1 1 1 p I ■ 1 » 1 > I < . I -. ELIAS B. BEIGHLE resides on section 3, Lyman Townshii). It is said that the his- tory of a county is best told in the lives of its people, so we here record the sketch of one of the representative citizens of this community. Mr. Beighle was born in Butler Ccnuity, Pa., February 14, 1836. His parents, Daniel and Catherine (Kifer) Beighle. had a family of si.x; sons and six daughters, of whom he was the third in order of birth. The father was born in Penns3'lvania, was a carpenter and joiner by trade, and also followed the occupation of farming. Bidding good-bye to his old home in 1856, he emigrated to Adams County, Ohio, and, in 1868, removed to St. Clair County, Mo., where he purchased land and en- gaged in farming until his death, which occurred at the age of seventy-seven years. In politics, he was first a Whig, and then a member of the Know- nothing party, and afterward became a Republican. Himself and wife were members of the Lutheran Church in early life, but afterward united with the Methodist Church. The lady w.as l)orn in Pennsyl- vania, in 1810, and died in .January, 1892, at the advanced age, of eighty-two years. Si.x of their children are yet living: Elias, of this sketch; Caro- line, wife of Mr. Baumgardner, a farmer of Indiana; Sue C, wife of Mr. Brooks, a carpenter and joiner of St. Clair County, Mo.; Benjamin, a farmer of Cowlitz County, Wash.; Isaac Newton, who is mar- ried, and is a lumberman of Cowlitz County; and Melissa, wife of Mr. Gardner, a farmer. Mr. Beighle of this sketch remained in tlie State of his nativitj'' until nineteen years of age, and was reared to agricultural pursuits. At the .age of twenty-two, he began earning his own livelihood, working as a farm hand in Pendleton County, Ky., at $14 per month. After a short time, however, he went to Adams County, Ohio, where he spent eight years, and during that time led to the marriage altar Miss Catherine Wallace, a daughter of .Tosiah and Eliza (Smith) Wall.ace. They were married on the 1st of January, 1862, and unto them have been born five sons and four daughters, seven of whom are yet living: INIary, who was educated in the Normal School of Danville, Ind., has successfully engaged in teaching in this county for six terms, and is a member of the United Presbyterian Church; Roscoe W., who was educated in Danville and the Valparaiso State Normal of Indiana, is one of the professors in Clark's Universit^y; Anna Ketura, who was educated in Grand Prairie .Seminary, of Onarga, 111., is a teacher of recognized ability in this county; Calvin Spence, who was educated in Onarga Sem- inary, follows farming; Marcus M., Leila Louisa and Ernest, are yet at home. In 1884, Mr. Beighle was called upon to mourn tlie loss of his wife, wIk) died on the 6th of March and was laid to lest in the cemetery of Roberts. She was a kind and lov- ing wife and mother, and was a devoted member of the United Presbyterian Church. During the late war, Mr. Beighle gave evidence of his loyalty to the Government by enlisting, in .Tune, 1863, .as a member of Company A, Second Ohio Heavy Artillery, under Capt. George F. Son- ner. The troops were first ordered to Rolling PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 297 Fork. Ky.. where they did guard duty, and were then sent to Chattanooga, and to Clevehiud to guard the raihoad. We next find them at Knox- ville, Tenn., after whicli they went to Church Gap. At the close of the war, our subject was mustered out in Nashville, Tenn., in August, 1865, and was honorably discharged at Columbus, Ohio, on the 28th of August. He was a faithful soldier and was never off duty, except when sick in the hospital for about six weeks. He now receives a good pen- sion in recognition of his faithful service. jSIr. Beighle cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln, and is an inflexible adherent of Republican principles. He has been officially con- nected with the public schools of this community for many years and has done much for their ad- vancement by securing good teachers. With the United Presbyterian Church of Piper City he holds membership, and in the community where he re- sides lie is recognized as a gentleman of irreproach- able ciiaracter whose word is as good as his bond. He now owns one hundred and twenty acres of good l.aud, and is accounted one of the substantial farmers of the community. ll@"©@l" W^\ EY. EDWIN vS. McCLURE, Pastor of the [Urr Presbyterian Church of Piper City, was born i4i\\\ in Des IMoiues County, Iowa, February 6, '^^1 1861, and is of Scotch descent. The great-grandfather of our subject, the founder of the family in ,\moriea, was a native of .Scotland. The grandfather, William IMcClure, removed from Ohio to Iowa in 1850, and there engaged in farm- ing until his death, which occurred during the war. John McClure, the father of our subject, was born in Illinois but reared in Iowa as a farmer. He graduated from the Yellow S|>rings College, of Kossuth, Iowa. In 1859, near Sparta, 111., he mar- ried Miss Jane Campbell, a lady of Scotch descent. In 1861, at the first call for three-year men, he en- listed in October as a member of the Fourteenth Iowa Infantry, and participated in the battles of Ft. Henry, Ft. Donelson and Shiloh. He was in the thickest of the fight on that memorable Sunday afternoon and was taken prisoner and for tliree months confined at Macon, (ia., where the prisoners were almost starved. On his release, he rejoined his regiment at St. Louis and participated in the siege of Vicksburg, the Red River campaign and the campaigns under Gens. Grant and Sherman. He was in the service for three years and one month. On his return home, he continued to en- gage in farming in Iowa for a few years, and then accepted a professorship in the Deaf and Dumli Institute of Omaha, Neb., where he remained for fifteen years. He then resigned on account of failing eyesight, resulting from his army experience. He is now living on a fine farm near Sioux City, Iowa. In politics, he is a stanch Republican and is a member of the Grand Army Post. Hiin.sclf and >vife are both active members of the Presby- terian Church and are highly respected people. The McClure family numbered eight children, two of whom are deceased. Our subject is the eldest; Addie, who has been a teacher in deaf and dumb institutes both in Kansas and Minnesota, is now at home; William is engaged in merchandising in Omaha, Neb.; D. F. is a professor in a deaf and dumb asylum in Faribault, Minn.; Lillie died in 1887, at the age of fourteen years; Bertha and Grace are at home. The Rev. Mr McClure was educated at Parsons' College, of Fairlield, Iowa, Lake Forest University and the Seminary of the Northwest, now called the McCormick Theological .School. He siient three years in that school, studying for the ministry, and after his graduation at the age of twenty-five, he- came Pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Lenox, Iowa, where he remained for two years. During that time he was united in marri.age, on the 27th of June, 1888, to Sarah M. Gordon, a native of the Hawkeye State. Their union has been blessed with one daughter, Edna Lucile, who was born July 27, 1889, and died March 20, 1892. On leaving Lenox, ]\Ir. McClure accepted a call from the church in Red Oak, Iowa, where he re- mained for two years, when he engaged in mission work in Oinalia, Neb., spending one year in that city. On the 1st of April, 1891, he came to Piper City, and has since been Pastor of the Presbyterian 298 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Church at this phice. His labors have been very successful. During the past year he had sixty-one additions. He is held iu the highest regard, not only by the members of his own congregation but by all who know him, his upright life and court- eous manner winning him high esteem. He is a man of great energy and perseverance and his church is now in a flourishing condition. In pol- itics, be is a stanch Republican, having supported that party since he attained his majority. AC015 DELLO MELMXfJKR. Prominent among the lai'ge farm owners and stock men of Drummer Township should be mentioned the gentleman whose name beads this sketch, and who has been a resident of Gibson since April, 1873. He was born in Lan- caster Count}', Pa., August 13, 1841, and is a .son of Jacob and Martha (Ilertzler) Mellinger. His parents were also natives of Lancaster County, and his father was descended from an old Penn- sjlvanian family of German origin, whose settle- ment in the Keystone State dates prior to the War of the Revolution, five generations remote. Jacob Mellinger, 8r., was born Jul}' 28, 1802, and on the 30th of August, 1831, married Martha Ilertzler. He removed to Clarke County, Ohio, in 181!). He was a farmer by occupation, and fol- lowed that pursuit throughout his entire life. His death occurred April 23, 1888, at the age of eighty-five years, eight months and twenty-six days. His wife was born in 1812, and died in Oiiio in 1890. They have two daughters and two sons: Mar}', who resides in Clarke Count}-, Ohio; John II., who wedded Rachel Rosser, and is living in Yellow .Siirings, Greene County, Ohio; Martha, wife of Montgomery Patton, of Clarke County, Ohio: and Jacob D., of this sketch. Our subject was but eight years of age when his parents removed to Clarke County, Ohio. He was there reared to manhood, attended the common schools in his childhood and later took a regular course in Antioch College, of Yellow Springs, Ohio. On reaching man's estate, be began farming and stock-raising for himself and, as a helpmate on life's journey, chose Miss Martha Ellen Wheeler, their marriage being celebrated in S|)ringHeld, Oiiio, on tlie 7th of December, 1871. The lady .vas born in the city of Springfield and is a daugh- ter of the Hon. Stephen and Mary (Thompi )n) Wheeler, both of whom were natives of CI; ike County, Ohio, and were of Scotch-Irish descent. Her father, who was a man of fine scholarly at- tainments, was a member of the Ohio Legislature. He died when liis daughter was nine years old, but his widow still survives and is living with our subject. Two children were born unto Mr. and JIis. Mellinger, the elder of whom, Dello, was born May 18, 1877, and died at the age of sixteen mouths. Frank Ilertzler, the younger, was born December 5, 188G, and is a bright and |)roniising boy of nearly six years. In addition to their own family, Mr. and Mr.s. Mellinger took, at the age of seven years, Louie J. Mellinger, whom they educated in the Gibson City schools and iu Lake Forest University, where she pursued a musical course, becoming quite noted as a vocalist. While in the university, she became sick, was brought home and died five weeks later, February 27, 1887, aged twenty years. In 1871. our subject and his father bought a half interest in a fine tract of land, C(jnsisting of nine hundred and sixty acres, in Drummer Town- ship, now adjoining (iibson City, the land at that time belonging equally to J. H. Mellinger and Jacolt Ilertzler. In 1875, our subject purchased Mr. Ilertzler's remaining interest and removed here with his family. He at once erected fine buildings on the premises, tiled, fenced, and other- wise improved the land. In 1883, be purchased his father's interest, tlie tract now being owned by J. D. and J. H. Mellinger, ecpially. In the past nine years about two hundred and eighty acres have been .sold at from $75 to $100 per acre. The remaining land is considered worth not less than $125 per acre. JSIr. Mellinger has lately i>latted a number of lots and is putting them on the market. In addition to the half interest of the land of J. D. and J. H. Mellinger, our subject owns indi- \ I 1 PORTRAIT AMD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 303 viiUmlly n fine lioine .•irljoininij; Gibson City. Fie luases liis f'ainiiiii,^ huid, and has the luniainder in glass, lie deals extensively in cattle and hogs, buying, feeding and selling. He also bieeds stand- ard-l.u'ed horses ijuite extensively. In his political atliiiations, Mr. Mellinger is a stalwart I\e|)ul)lican, but has never been ambitious of ofiicial distinction. He attends the First Pres- byterian Church regularly with his wife, who is a consistent member of that congregation. For many 3ears he has been a Director of the (iibson Building ife Loan Association, and is now a mem- ber of the Gibson Land Improvement Company, recently organized. He was one of the fust to advocate the advisability of bnihting pike roads with gravel in the region of (iibson, and, while serving as Commissioner, inaugurated that im- portant public improvement, which has since proved a grand success and aided materially in fa- cilitating travel and transportation. There are now many miles of road leading to Gibson City, that through the piking .system have made good roads even in the wettest weather. In all the relations of life, Mr. Mellinger has proved himself an upright, honorable business man, a good neighbor and worthy citizen, and enjoys, as he merits, the respect and good-will of all who know him. "02" RTIIUK S. CATRON, who owns one of the finest farms of the county, located on sec- tion 3."), Drummer Township, has the honor of being a native of Illinois. He was born in Fulton Count}', August 24, 18.'5i),and is a son of Israel M. and Savina (Smith) Catron. His father was born and reared in Virginia and throughout life followed agricultural pursuits. In an early tlay, he emigrated to Illinois, locating in Fulton County, where he rejnained fifteen years. He was there married, in 1838, to l\Iiss Smith, who was born in Fast Tennessee, and with her parents came to Illinois before the Black Hawk War. On leaving this State, the parents of our subject went to Polk County, Iowa,where the father resided until 13 1881, when he went to Walla Walla Valley in the State of Washington and operated the farm which he yet occupies. His wife died in 1844 and was buried in Fulttm County. They had a family of three children: Arthur S., of this sketch; Nancy E., now deceased, and George E , an engineer in Ari- zona. Our subject acquired a common-school education, and at the age of nineteen Ijegan teaching, which I)rofession he followed until the 1 1th of October, 1861. Promi)ted by i)atriotic impulses, he re- sponded to the call for troops, and enlisted as a member of Company D, Second Iowa Cavalry, for three years. On the expiration of that period, he veteranized and was in the service until the 7th of October, 18()5, when he was mustered out at Sel- ma, Ala.,as First Sergeant of hiscomi)anv. He par- ticipated in eighty-three engagements, including the siege of Corinth and the battles of luka, Cor- inth, Tupelo, Nashville, Jackson and Moscow, and many others. On his return home, Mr. Catron embarked in merchandising in Ipava, Fulton County, 111., fol- lowing that business for a year, and then began fanning, to which occupation he has devoted his energies continuously since. He is one of the most extensive farmers in Drummer Township. He has twenty-nine head of horses and makes a specialty of raising an excellent grade of horses of the Nor- man stock. He has some of the finest mares in this section of the country. Ere leaving Fulton Count}', Mr. Catron was united in marriage, July 20, 1866, the lady of his choice being Mary S. Lacey, who was born in that county April 25, 1849, and is a daughter of John and C'loe (Hurd) Lacey, natives of the Empire State and of English and Irish extraction, resi)ect- ively. Eight children have been born of their union, but Manning C, their eldest, and Lyman C, their fourth child, are now deceased. The living are Roscoe M., Arthur B., Bayard D., Mary D.. Bruce and John. In politics, Mr. Catron exercises his right of franchise in support of the Republican party, of which he is a stanch advocate. He cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. While residing in McLean County, he served as Justice 304 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of the Peace two terms and was also a school officer. Socially, he is a member of Bloomington Post No. 146, G. A. R. Ill 1892, he located on the celebrated Roberts' farm on sections 8, 26, 34 and 35, Drummer Township. It contains five hundred and three acres, for which he paid $75 per acre. It is highly improved, well cultivated and one of the most desirable places in the county. Mr. Cat- ron is recognized as a pul)lic-spirited and progres- sive citizen of Drummer Township. «^»= ^ NDKEW P. UREMER is iiigaged in farm- ing on section 8, Patton Township. Svveden has furnished many worthy citizens to Ford County, and not the least of these is our subject, who was born in that country August 28, 1845. He had no special advantages in his youth save fair school privileges. His childhood dajs were spent upon his father's farm, where he was early inured to labor; he later learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for a time. With the adventurous spirit of young men and also with the hope of bettering his financial condi- tion by emigrating to the New World, of whose advantages he had heard so much, Mr. Bremer sailed for America on a steamer which left Gotten- burg on the 7th of Maj-, 1869, and dropped anchor in the harbor of New York on the 7th of June, an entire month being consumed in making the trip. He at once came to the West, stopping first at Chicago, and thence came to Paxton. He found himself a stranger in a strange land, with no friends near and no one to whom he might look for aid. He spent the first two summers after his arrival in a brick-yard near Paxton, then began working bj' the mouth as a farm hand, which oc- cupation he followed until 1877. In April of that year, Mr. Bremer led to the marriage altar Miss Nellie Anderson, who was born and reared in Sweden and is a daughter of A. W. Anderson, now deceased. Mr. Bremer had pre- viously purchased eighty acres of land and the young couple began their domestic life upon that farm. Their home has been blessed by the pres- ence of four children: Anna, Harry, Hilina and Agnes. Harry and Ililnia are attending the home school. Anna is attending school in Paxton. Mr. Bremer at once began to clear and improve his farm. It was covered with a good crop of cuc- kleburrs, and a small frame house wa-s the only im- provement. Not a tree or bush was to be found upon the place, but furrows were soon turned, un- til acre after acre had been placed under a high state of cultivation and the fields were tiled and fences built, so that now it is one of the fine farms in the community. There is also a substantial and comfortable residence and a good orchard has been planted, while, with the additional forty acres that has been purchased, a valuable tract of one hundred and twenty acres now pays a golden trib- ute to the care and cultivation of Mr. Bremer. Like many of his fellow-countrymen, our subject came to America empty-handed but he was pos- sessed of a thrifty and industrious nature and was not afraid of hard work. His life has been well and worthily spent, and he is justly regarded as a man of sterling character and integrity. In pol- itics, he does not affiliate with any party but votes for the candidate whom he thinks best qualified to fill the position. He has served as a member of the School Board and is a warm friend of the cause of education, believing in good schools and competent teachers, if the children are to be trained for useful and responsible positions in life. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran Cliurch of Farmersville. ■^=m>^^<^ /^ ARY M. CONGER, a retired farmer, resid- (|( ^.^ ing on section 7, Drummer Township, was ■^^ born in Licking County, Ohio, on the 24th of May, 1826, and is a son of Aaron and Mary (McVay) Conger, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, while the former was of Scotch and the latter of Irish descent. They were married in the Keystone State, and, about 1820, removed to Licking County, Ohio, which was then an almost unbroken forest. The father was crippled by rheu- matism in his arms, not being able to raise his PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 30.5 liands to liis face. He was thus Incapacitated for labor, but was a good manager. His wife was one among a tiiousand women, of good business ability and an industrious and self-sacrificing lad3-. Both died at the age of seventy-four years. The mother was a member of the Christian Church. In their family were twelve children, live of wliom are yet living. Our sul)jecl was the fourth in order of birtli. He was reared in a wooded couutr\-, and as soon as old enough to pick brush, he began to aid in clear- ing the farm. Wlien about thirteen years of age, he was taught to weave and, from that time until he attained his majority, wove the cloth with which the family were clothed. This was done during rainy weather and after the fall work was finished. His lime being thus largely occupied, his educa- tional advantages were necessarily limited. Having remained with his father until twenty-one years of age, he hired out at ^9 per montli, clearing land and farming m among the stumps. In iiis early life he used an old-fasiiioned sickle in reaping the grain and afterwaid cut it with a cradle, lie be- came expert in this direction, being able to cut five acres of oats in a day. In Licking, Ohio, Mr. Conger was married Sep- tember 21, 1847, to Miss Rebecca Marriott, a native of Licking County. In 18.54, he came with his young wife to McLean County, 111., locating near Towanda, and in 1877, he removed to Ford County, and became Superintendent of a section of Sud- deth farm, four miles west of Gibson City. He there continued to reside until 1889, when he re- moved to Gibson City, where he has since lived retired. Unto Mr, and Mrs. Conger have been born live children: William M., who operates the Suddeth farm; Aaron R., a farmer of Oregon; Mary; Elmer, who is engaged in agricultural pursuits in Drum- mer Township; and Rosa. In politics, Mr. Conger is independent, voting for the man he thinks best qualified to fill the olHcc, regardless of part}- atlilia- tious. In life he has had much to contend with, but nevertheless he has worked his waj' upward and is now able to live retired. W. M. Conger, son of the foregoing, was born in Licking County, Ohio, June 12, 1848, and ac- quired his education in liie common schools. On attaining his majority, he started out in life for himself, renting land in Ford and McLean Coun- ties, and has made farming his life work. He is now the overseer of the noted Suddeth farm. In Jlarch, 1879, he entered u\Km the duties of that position and now operates four hundred acres of good land, the neat appearance of which indicates his tiirift and enterprise. On the 9th of Sei)teinber, 1874, Mr. Conger was joined in wedlock with Louise Donner, who was born in Iowa, September 10, 1854, and is a daughter of Greenbur^' and Mary Ann Donner, both of whom are now deceased. Seven children have been born unto our subject and his wife, namely: Cary Roy, born July 11, 1875; HattieE., March 1, 1878; Mandy M., Novem- ber 5, 1880; Grade P., on the 2d of January, 1884; Harvey M., November 6, 1886; Orville W., Janu- ary 21, 1890; and Goldie, March 7, 1892. The parents are both members of the United Brethren Church and the three eldest children also belong. Mr. Conger has served as Church Trustee for four years, was Sunday-school Treasurer two 3'ears and Steward two years and is now serving the third term as District School Director; he was also Superintendent of the Sunday-school for three terms. The family is well and favorably known in tliis community and its members rank high in the social circles in which they move. IL^ENRY H. LEININGER, who for twenty- two years has made his home in Ford County, is now living retired in Piper City. He was born in Stark County, Ohio, August 15, 1839, and is a son of Jacob and Eliza- beth (Sclusser) Leininger, both of whom were na- tives of Pennsylvania. They were married in Ohio and came to Illinois in 1857, locating in Eden Township, La Salle County, where Mr. Lein- inger spent the remainder of his life. He died in 18fi8, at the .age of seventy-three years. His widow is still living at the age f)f eighty-six and makes her home with our subject. He was a life- 306 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. long member of the Methodist Churcli and a highly respected citizen. The family numbered nine sons and two daughters, three of whom are still living: George S., who makes his home in Vir- ginia; J. W., a resident of Tonica, 111.; and Henry H. Our subject was the sixth son. His boyhood days were spent upon a farm in Ohio until six- teen years of age, when he came to Illinois. He had begun his school life in his native State and completed his education in select schools of Peru and Tonica. On attaining his majority, he started out in life for himself, and, in 18G0, made an overland trip to Colorado, arriving at his destina- tion after four weeks of travel. He spent three years in the Empire mining district and helped locate the village of Georgetown. In the winter of 1863-64, he returned to Illinois and began farm- ing in Lee County on land given him by his father. He there made his home for three years, when, in the autumn of 1867, he sold out. The following jear, he purchased land in Ford County, where he has made his home since 1870. He owned all of section 8, in Pella Township, and en- gaged in agricultural pursuits until 1874, when he removed to Piper City, where he is now living a retired life. In 1876, he was proprietor of a drug- store in Chatsworth. He still owns three hun- dred and twenty acres of land, which jields to him a good income. December 6,1864, in La Salle County, Mr. Lein- inger was united in marriage with Miss Alice G. McPherson, who was born in that county and is a daughter of Harvey McPherson, of Iiish descent. They have one child, .Jennie, wiio was born in Lee County, and is now the wife of Albert Doo- little, of Dixon, 111. She graduated from the Piper City schools, and completed her education in Onarga Seminary. Mr. Leininger cast his first Presidential vote for Lincoln in 1860, and has since been a stanch supporter of the Republican part3- and has often served as a delegate to its conventions. He has served as Trustee of Piper City, and also as Presi- dent of the Village Board. Socially, he is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternit}', and his wife holds membership with the Methodist Church, to the support of which he contributes liberally. He is one of the highly respected citizens of the commu- nity and has made his own way in life. He is now well-to-do, having acquired through his own cf- h)rts a handsome competence. f(^\ ETII LYTLE, who is ^^^^ life in Paxton, is a xJLi^ was born near Somci [=~ ETII LYTLE, who is now living a retired native of Ohio. He r Somcrsville, Butler County, March 25, 1817, and is a son of William Lytle, who was a native of Pennsylvania and of Irish descent. His mother bore the maiden name of Annie Glines, and was of English lineage. They became the parents of eight children, the eldest of whom, Melinda, died at the age of six years; Seth is the second in order of birth; .John died in infancy; Daniel resides in Butler County, Ohio; James, a weaver by trade, resides in Butler County; Samuel carries on farming in Champaign County, 111.; Mary Ann is the wife of Isaac A. Rockhill, a resi- dent farmer of Richland County, Wis.; and .Jane P. died at the age of eight yeais. The father of this family was born August 12, 1792, and died November 6, 1869. The death of his wife occurred August 2.5, 1889, and had she lived till March 25, following, would have been ninety-six years old. Both were members of the Methodist Church. Seth Lytle was reared to manhood upon his father's farm, and the first school which he attended was in a small log-cabin, built in the woods, three miles from his father's home. During nine years, he was able to attend school but ninety-five days, which was the extent of his schooling. At the age of seventeen, he bought his time of his father, pay- ing him $65, and then began to work as a farm hand in the neighborhood by the month. He continued to reside m Ohio until 1841, when he emigrated Westward to Montgomery County, Ind., where he was again engaged in agricultural pursuits. In that county, in the autumn of 1843, Mr. Lytle was united in marriage with Miss Maria Fink, daughter of John and Mary (Climer) Fink. Having rented a farm for some time, he moved to Thorntown and engaged in huxtering. Going to PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 307 La Fayette, Ind., he engaged in the grocery busi- ness a year, when he went to Montgomery Count}', Ind., and after farming five years bought a tannerj' and ran it six years. Tlie year 1859 witnessed his ar- rival in Ford County. He made his first settlement in Wall Township, where he purchased two hundred and sixty acres of land on section 19, the purchase price being 13.50 per acre. It continued to be his home for twenty years, or until 1879, when he came to Paxton, where he has since resided, with the exception of five years which he spent in Kansas. He was tliere extensively engaged in farming but is now living a retired life, having gained a suflieient competency to enable him to lay aside all business cares. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Lytle were born ten children: Annie, who died in infancy; Elvira, wife of D. 1^. Denman,a contractor and builder residing in Pax- ton; William, a farmer; Mar}', wife of Samuel Long who follows agricultural pursuits in Republic County, Kan.; Melissa was the wife of Albert Haw, but is now deceased; Emma, wife of .lames Apple- gate, a resident farmer of Indiana; Alfred died in Indiana; Albert, who is in Kansas; Etta, wife of Frank Carr, living in Paxton; .and Hulda who died at the age of twelve years. In political affiliations, Mr. Lytle is a Prohibi- tionist, but at local elections votes for the man whom bethinks will best fill Ihe olfice. He has never sought or desired political preferment for himself, having been content to devote his atten- tion to his business interests. He is a well-known resident of Paxton, and is a public-spirited and progressive citizen who does all in his power for the interests of the community in which he resides. \l/_ IRAM Y. SIDESINGER, who is engaged in general farming on section 22, Drum- mer Township, was l)orn in Adams County, Pa., January 29, 1829, and is a son of Leonard and Nancy (Elcook) Sidesinger. The father was also a native of Adams County .and was one of three children born unto Grandfatlier Sidesinger, of Germany, who emigrated to Amer- ica in an early day. The children were Leonard, Margaret and Nancy. The first-named, the father of our subject, remained in Pennsylvania until 1830, when he came to Ohio, locating in Cham- paign County, where he engaged in farming until 1850. He then became a resident of Logan County, Ohio, where he made his home until his death, December 21, 1869. His wife, born .June 6, 1786, died a number of years previous, passing away about 1841, and was interred in Champaign Ceme- tery. Both were members of the Lutheran Church and the father spoke the German language. In politics, Mr. Sidesinger was first a Whig and after- ward a Republican. The family nvimbered ten children, as follows: Samuel, deceased; AVesley; Sarah, deceased; Alvina; John, of Logan County, Ohio; Harriet, deceased; Hiram, of this sketch; Gordon, Alfred and Rebecca, all of whom, with the exception of our subject, have passed away. In taking up the history of our subject, we present to our readers the life record of one of the worthy citizens of Drummer Township. Mr. Sidesinger acquired his education in the common schools and in an academy, where he pursued a long course of study, preparing him for a busi- ness career. He then engaged in teaching for a quarter of a century and also followed civil en- gineering. He w.as very successful in these lines, and with the money thus acquired, in 1876 he purch.ased a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres under a high state of cultivation and well improved. He brought the same energy and in- dustry to .agriculture that char.acterized his other pursuits and is likewise meeting with success in this undertaking. On the 20th of May, 1861, Mr. Sidesinger was united in marriage to Miss Catiierine Wiles, who was born in Brown County, Ohio, February 14, 1839, and is a daughter of Fred. M. and Cath- erine (Foley) Wiles, also of Brown County, and of French and Scotch extraction, respectively. The union of our subject and his wife has been blessed with three children: .loliii C, a resident of Tippecanoe County, Ind.; U. S. (Jrant, deceased; and Cora M.ay, now the wife of Charles Moreland, an expressman on the Big Four Railroad at Fiirmers' City, I)e Witt County, III. 308 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. In politics, Mr. Sidesinger is a supporter of Re- inil)lic'aii principles iiiul has served as Deputy Sur- veyor for two terras. He cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. .Tolm C Fremont. lie and his wife are adheients c)f tlie Methodist Church. The^' lo- cated in Ford County in l.ssi.and have a pleasant home in Drummer Township, the hospitable doors of whicli are always open to their raau\' friends. ART.TON I. REMSBURG, one of the hon- 11 died veterans of the late war. who served his country faithfully and well in her struggle to preserve the Union, is engaged in gen- eral farming on section 3, L3-nian Township. He was born in Frederick County, Md., April 6, 1845, and is a son of Solomon and Mary Remslnirg. His father was a native of Mar\land anfl is now a re- tired farmei' of Bureau County, III. In early life, he was a Whig and east his first Presidential vote for William Henry Harrison. He is nf)w a .stanch Republican and a valuable citizen in the commun- ity where he yet resides. lie has reached the age of sevent^'-five years. Ilis wife died when our subject was an infant and her remains were interred in a cemetery of Ohio. She left two sons: Isaiah, who served for about eighteen months in Company I, Twelfth Illinois Infantry, is now married and follows farming in liuroau Count}'; Carlton is the next younger. By a second marriage there were three children but one died in infancy. Anna R., who is Postmistress of Ohio, Bureau County, 111., is the widow of James Ruff, who served as a soldier in the late war and was cashier in a bank in Ohio. George is married and is a successful farmer and stock-de.aler of Bureau County. The educational advantages which our subject received were those of the common schools. He was a lad of only fourteen years when he accom- panied his father to Bureau County, 111., where he remained until nineteen years of age, when, prompted by patriotic impulses, he enlisted in Com- pany A, One Hundred and Forty-cigiith Illinois Infantry in Janu.ary, 18(15, at Princeton, 111. The regiment was ordered to Quincy and then to Camp Butler, whence they were sent to Nashville and assigned to the Army of the Cumberland under Gen. Thomas. They were then ordered to Tulla- homa, Tenn., on guard duty. They afterward did guard duty in McMinnville, Tenn., and subse- quently returned to Nashville, where they were mustered out of service September 5, 1865, and honorably discharged at Springfield ten days later. During his service, Mr. Remsburg was taken .sick and confined in the Cumberland Hospital at Nash- ville, Tenn., for aboiit six weeks. With the ex- ception of this period, he w.as always found at his post of duty, faithful to the cause for which he had enlisted. On the 12th of December, 18G9, our subject was united in marriage with Sarah A. Ilauenstein, who was born in Indiana, July 23, 1849. Her father, Abraham Ilauenstein, w.as a native of .Switzerland and a farmer by occupation. He was born June 21, 1822, and died in Ford County in March, ls,S(i, at the age of fifty-eight years. His wife bore the maiden name of Susan Kindle, was a native of New Jersey and died at the age of forty yeai-s. Both were members of the Episcopal Church and the family numbered three children: Mary, wife of James Goodrich, a resident of Thawvillc, 1 11.; Sarah, wife of our subject, and Josei)h who married Miss Minnie T.aylor and is a landlord of Dwight, 111. Mrs. Remsburg w.as educated in the common schools and is a lady of genial and social disposi- tion who has proved a valued helpmate to her hus- band. They have three children: Josie, Blanche and Harold, and the family circle yet remains un- broken. Their home is pleasantly situated within two and a half miles of Thawville, upon a farm of (me hundred and thirty-seven acres, under a high state of cultivation and well improved. In politics, Mr. Remsburg has been a stanch Republican since he cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. U. S. Cirant. He has been a faithful school otiicial for nine j-ears, and the cause of education has found in him a warm friend, but he has never sought or desired the honors or emoluments of public office. Socially, he is a member of the Grand Armj' Post of Piper City, and its present Commander. He attended PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 309 the State Encampment at Springfield on the 6th, Till and 8th of April, 1892, as a delegate from his post. Ill' and his wife are held in tlie liighest re- gard tliroughout the community, and hy their upright lives and sterling wortli have won tlic confidence of all. ( I I * I 'I ■ I ' ^ ILTON T. SNYDI:R, who resides on sec- tion 22, Wall Township, is not only a A\ representative farmer of this coinraunit3', hut is also one of the early settlers. He was born on a farm near Keedysville, Washington Count}', Md., October 14, 1848, and is a son of Christian and Jane (Wright) Snyder. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and of German de- scent. By trade he was a weaver, but followed farm- ing throughout much of his life. The Snyder fam- ily numbered ten children, the eldest of whom, Adeline C, became the wife of David Bombarger and died in 1866; Elizabeth is the wife of David Snider, a shoe-maker residing in Odell, Ind.; Su- san, dece.ised, was the wife of William McBride, M. D.; Jacob is a real-estate agent residing in Indiana; Samuel follows farming in Wall Townshiji; John W. is engaged in farming near Harrison, Boone County, Ark.; iNIary J. is the wife of Perry Coon, an agriculturist of Indiana; Alfred follows farming near Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa; David is now deceased; and our subject completes the fam- iiy- It was in 1862 that Christian Snyder, accompa- nied by his wife and children, came to Illinois, lo- cating in Ford County. He rented a farm near Paxton, which he operated for two years, and then inirchased one hundred and sixty acres of railroad land on section 22, Wall Township, where he made his iiome until his death, a respected and valued citizen of the community'. In politics, lie was a sujiporter of Re|)ublican principles and was a member of the United Brethren Church, lie passed away on the 17th of April, 1873, and his wife died on the 11th of March, 1883. Milton Snyder, whose name heads tiiis record, was a lad of fourteen years when, with his parents. he came to Illinois. In this county he was reared to manhood, and in the district schools, which he attended until eighteen years of age, he completed his education. Under tiie [laiental roof he re- mained until he attained his majority, and then took charge of his father's farm. That place has been his home since the first location of the family here, thirty years ago. He now owns eighty acres of the old homestead, and engages in general farm- ing. His lields are well tilled, the place presents a neat and attractive appearance and everything is in keeping with the idea of a model farm. An important event, in the life of Mr. Snyder occurred on the 22d of December, 1870, when he led to the marriage altar Miss Maggie Rolib, daugh- ter of John and iNIary (Latimer) Rolib. They have a pleasant home, which is the abode of hospitality, and their friends in this community are many. The lady is a member of the United Presbyterian Church of Paxton. B3' their union have been liorn five children, two sons and three daughters, but two are now deceased. Those living are Zelda May, and Oscar and Nannie, twins. In his politi- cal alliliatioiis, Mr. Snyder is a Reiiiililican. He is also a member of the United Brethren Church, and one of the iirominent and well-known citizens of Wall Township. •^^1 .H^^;'Ei: 1^^^^ l)EV. JEREMIAH ALLGAIER, pastor of the ir \il German Lutheran Church of Melvin, is of iii W German liirtli. He was born in Wurtem- berg, Gerinanj', on the 31st of December, 18.55, and is a son of David and Rosiiia (Muehler) Allgaier. His parents were born and reared in the Old Country, and still reside there. The subject of this sketch was partially educated in his native land, where he remaiiKKl until the au- tumn of 1882, when he emigrated to America, and on reaching the shores of this country, came at once to Illinois. For two years, lie was a student in the Mendota Theological Seminary-, and was as- sistant pastor of the church of his denomination in Compromise, Chamiiaigii County. After complet- ing his studies, he was ordained, in 188.'j, a minister 310 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of the Gerniaii Lutheran Church, anrl served as pastor at Compromise until xVpril, 1887. when he came to Melvin to accept the pastorate of the Mel- vin chureli. Its pulpit he has since filled, cover- in_o' a period of five years, and from this it will be seen that his services are very acceptable to his people. On the 18th of .September, 188;'), Mr. Allgaier was joined in wedlock to Miss Annie l.artell. the wedding being celebrated in Compromise, now R03'al, Champaign County. The lady is a native of Adams County, 111., Iiorn on the 4th of Febru- ary, 1861, and is a daughter of Fred and Agatha r.artcU. Four children have been born of the union of iMr. and Mrs. Allgaier, two sons and two daughters: Kose Agatha, born .Tuly 10, 188(1; Fred Godhelp, April 27, 1888; ISIartha :Mary, IMay 29, 1890; and Emanuel David, December 26, 1891. The German Lutheran Church of INIelvin was organized in 1872, the first p.astor being the Rev. George Suessc, who served from tiiat year until A)H-il, 1875, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Henry Ilebler, whose term of service continued from April, 1875 until April, 1878, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Helwig Staehling, who left the pastorate on the 15th of December, 1886. At that time the Rev. Mr. Allgaier became pastor, and has since filled that position. This society embraces about thirty-five families, and the present church edifice was erected in 1888. The church is in a flourishing condition, and prospers under the management of the pastor now in charge. v_ r~ 'JOSEPH .1. BROWN, an early settlor of Ford County, is now living a retired life in Piper City. For a number of years, he was a leading farmer of the community, and by his industry, perseverance and good management acquired a competency, which now enaliles him to rest and enjo}' the fruits of his former toil. Mr. Brown is of English birth. He w.as horn in Nortii- hamptonshire, January 10, 18;?9, .and is one of four sons and five daughters, whose parents were George and Louisa (White) Brown, natives of the same locality-. Our subject spent his early life in the usual manner of farmer lads, no event of special impor- tance occurring dining his childhood. At the age of seventeen, he left home and liegan earning his own livelihood. He worked on the railroad, or at any labor which would earn him an honest dollar, until he had attained liis majority, when he entered the military service of his country. He served in Ireland, was in Gibraltar for one year and five months, was on the Island of Malta for two years, in (Juebec and ISIontreal, Canada, for three years and then returned to (Tl.asgow, Scotland, where he was dischai'ged after eight years of service. Dur- ing a part of the time, he held the office of Cor- poral. On leaving the army, Mr. Brown visited his old home, after which he spent sf)me time in London, and, in March, 1868, sailed from Liver- pool to New York. He spent three years in the Empire State, engaging in farm work, spent one winter in the pineries of Michigan, and in the spring of 1872 came to Ford Count\'. For a time, he was employed upon the Sibley farm, after which he worked on the section of the railroad at Piper City and operated a hay-press. He also carried on a livery-stable, and when he had acquired a sufticient capital, purchased eighty acres of land in Pella Township and engaged in farming from 1878 until 1892. He now owns two hundred and twenty acres of fine land, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation and well improved. During the present 3ear, lie removed to Piper Cit}-, where he has a Ijeautiful new resi- dence and the pltiasant home is supplied with all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. On the 21st of June, 1877, Mr. Ihown was united in marriage, in Chatsworth, with l\Irs. Car- rie White, a daughter of David and Sarah Ruff. She was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., when fifteen years of age went to Indiana, and in Val- paraiso was married to David White, a native of Hadley, Hampshire County, Mass. On coming to Illinois, they located in Ford County, where Mr. White died about nineteen years ago, leaving two sons: Charles F. and David M., both of whom are engaged in farming in Pella Township. Mrs. •SbBfc ■" iia^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 313 Brown has resided in Ford County for twenty- three years, and has seen it« development from a wild, uncultivated tract to one of rich fertility. She is an estimable lady who has nianj' friends throughout the community. Mr. Brown is a Re- puhlican in politics, having supported that party since he cast his first Presidential vote for R. B. Il.ayes. Soci.ally, he is a meuihcr of the Odd Fel- lows' fraternity. He is a worthy citizen of the community, who takes a commendable interest in all that pertains to the welf.are and upbuilding of the county. c^^^ J. SOWERS, who resides on section 23, f/^^s Pella Township, is a native of the Keystone ^^^'' St.ate. He was born in Perry County, De- cember .30, 1840, and is a son of Daniel .and Eliza- beth (Reiber) Sowers. Both were of German descent; the former w.as born Mai-eh 14, 1813, and the latter in 1820. He gave his attention to farm- ing and, in politics, was a Whig and afterward a Republican. His wife died in 1857, and his death occurred when about seventy years of age. They had a family of eight children, three of whom arc now living: Thomas, of this sketch; Barbara E., widow of B. F. Bender, of Pennsylvania, and Sarah A., wife of Jacob Bender, of Perry County, Pa.; Caroline died at the age of eleven years; Margaret w.as married and died at the age of twenty-two; Samuel, who died at the age of thirty-four years; P>lizabeth, who died at the age of eighteen; and William H., who died at the Jige of eight years. The subject of this sketch acquired a good com- mon-school education and remained upon the home farm until he had attained his majority, when he worked at carpentering for one year, or until August, 1863, when he enlisted in the Thirty- sixth Pennsylvania Regiment of Home Guards, raised at the time of the Gettysburg invasion, and served two months. In September, 1864, he en- listed in the Two Hundred and Eighth Pennsyl- vania Infantry, and was Orderly Sergeant of Com- pany F, until the close of the war. The regiment was organized at Harrisburg and commanded bv Col. A. B. McAlmont. They did guard duty on the banks of the Apjiomattox and in the last of November were in front of Petersburg. At the battle of Ft. Stedman, on the 2.5tli of March, l.S6,5, in the charge the regiment lost one hundred men. The troops of the Two Hundred and Eighth parti- cipated in the ong.agement on the 2d of April, when Petersburg was captured, and followed Lee's Army, participating in the engagement at Ai)pomattox Court House, where Lee surrendered. They parti- cipated in the Gr.and Review at Washington and, returning to Harrisburg, were mustered out on the 6th of June, 1865. Mr. Sowers returned to Blain, Perry County, where he resumed work at the carpenter's trade. On the 22d of August, 1865, he was there united in marri.age with Miss Addie Snyder, a native of that county, and a daughter of John and Susan Snyder, who were natives of England. They began their domestic life in the Keystone State, where Mr. Sowers followed his trade until the spring of 1869, when he came with his family to Ford Count}', 111., and embarked in farming in I'ella Township, where he has since resided. In 1872, he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who died on the 7th of June, leaving one sen, John L., who was born July 2, 1866, was educated in the public schools, the Paxton Collegiate Insti- tute and the Normal School of ^"alparaiso, Ind. He successfully engaged in teaching for some time, and for the past two years has been in the railw.ay mail service. On the 3d of June, 1873, in Piper City, Mr. Sow- ers was again married, his second union being with M.aggie E. Taylor, a native of Pennsylvania and a daughter of George and Sarah Taylor, both of whom are still living. The father is now sixty- six years of age and the mother seventy-one. Our subject and his wife had a family of four children, but one is now deceased, Delmar Miles, the second child, who w.as born September 29, 1879, and died March 8, 1880. Those who still survive are George T., born September 6, 1874; Charles Roscoe, No- vember 6, 1882; and Lester Floyd, September 12, 1886. For nine j-ears Mr. Sowers has resided upon his jjreseut farm, a one hundred and twenty acre tract 314 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of rich lanrl. well improvefl and under a high state of cultivation. lie has Iteen successful in his busi- ness career and is now nunihered among the sub- stantial citizens of the community. He has been called upon to serve in positions of public trust, having filled the otKcc of Township Clerk for four terms, was Collector and Supervisor for one term each, and is now serving his eleventh term as As- sessor. He has been Township Treasurer of schools since January, 1875, and for ten years has filled the office of Justice of the Peace. His long con- tinued service in these positions indicates his fidel- ity to duty and his faithfulness to the trust reposed in him. He cast his first Presidential vote while in the army for Aliraham r>incoln, has since been a stalwart Republican, and has often been delegate to the count}', congressional and State conven- tions. His wife is a member of the Methodist Church and a most estimable lady. Socially, Mr. Sowers belongs to the Grand Army Post of Pi)jer Clity, the Odd Fellows' lodge of Mt. Dempsay, Pa., and is Master of the Masonic lodge of Piper City. He has been Vice-president of the Fair Association since its organization and has been a Director of the Fire Insurance Company of IJrenton and Pella Township since it w.as organized. He is a promi- nent and valued citizen of the community and well deserves representation in this volume. i^ «•* t Hrf" WJLLIAM A. CAMPBELL, a worthy repre- sentative of one of the honored i)ioneer ^, ^ families of Ford County', now engaged in general farming on section 35, Wall Township, was born in Northumberland County, Pa., March 29, 1843. His parents were Obadiah and Margaret L. (Po3'er) Campbell, both of whom were natives of the Keystone State. The father was a carpenter by trade and made his home in the East until 1856, when, with his family, he emigrated to F'ord County, 111., settling in what is now Button Town- ship, where he purchased eighty' acres of unim- proved land and began the development of a farm. He here made his home throughout the re- mainder of his life, being called to his final rest February 17, 1885. His wife had passed away in February, 1865, and his remains were laid by the side of her who had gone before in Paxton Cem- etery. The}' were the parents of nine children: Rob- ert F., who is engaged in farming and carpenter- ing near Kirksville, Adair County, Mo.; Abraham L., an agriculturist; William A., who is the next younger; Francis M., a resident of Chicago; Jos- ephine, who died in 1881; Oscar L., a farmer of Button Township; Henrietta, wife of Daniel Moudy, also an agriculturist of Button Township; Ann L., wife of J. N. Swinford, a retired farmer residing in Paxton, and Lee Britt, who is engaged in agricul- tural pursuits in Button Township. As our subject has so long made his home in the county, he has here a wide acquaintance, and we feel assured that this record of his life will be received with interest by many of our readers. His early life passed uneventfully in attendance at the district schools, where he acquired a fair English education, and in work upon the farm, to which he devoted his energies during the summer months. He remained at home with his father until his marriage, which was celebrated on the 23d of April, 18(57, the lady of his choice being Miss Elizabeth Irvin, daughter of William and Mary (Hock) Irvin. Her father was a native of Virginia and was of Irish descent. By occupation, he was a farmer and died at the age of thirty-nine years. His wife was a native of Ohio, and died when about fifty years of age. Mrs. Campbell was educated in the common schools and has been a valuable helpmate to her husband. Their union has been blessed with two sons and two daughters: Marguerite, the eldest, w.as a student in the Busi- ness College in Terre Haute, Ind., where she took a full course of instruction in stenography. She then went to Chicago, where she worked as a sten- ographer and was also a student in the Polytechnic School of that city. She afterwards entered the Bryant and Stratton Business College and is now at home with her parents. B. Pearl is also at home. Pain aids in the cultivation of the home farm, and Lowelll. completes the family. After their marriage Mr. Campbell rented land in Button Township, and there the young couple began their domestic life. With the exception of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 315 one year spent in Cli.iniiiaign County, he continued to engage in the operation of that farm until 1874, when, having acquired some capital through indus- try and perseverance, he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land located on section ST), Wall Township, where he now carries on general farm- ing and has ever since resided. He now owns two hundred and fourteen acres of arable land and his beautiful country residence indicates his thrift and enterprise. He is an energetic and suc- cessful business man and all that he possesses has been achieved through his own efforts. He began life with scarcely any capital, but by industry, frugality and care, he has made a handsome com- petency. He takes no very prominent part in public affairs, save in the faithful discharge of his duties of citizenship. He cast his first Presiden- tial vote for Gen. George B. McClellan, and has since been a Democrat, but has never sought or desired political preferment. — J^ i>-^^<^ -s-- W UCAS T. BISHOP has for a third of a il (^ century been a resident of Brenton Town- ,[*'— ^^ ship, and now makes his home on section 17. He has seen the entire growth of the com- munity, for he came here when Ford County was almost an uninhabited tract of wild land. In its upbuilding and growth he has aided, and has ever borne his part in the work of development and progress. To the pioneers all credit is due for what they have done for the county, and promi- nently among them should be mentioned our subject. Ml-. Bishop was born in Broome County, N. Y., November 26, 1829, and is a son of Isaac Bishop. The great-grandfather of our subject served in the Revolutionary War and participated in the battle of Bunker Hill. For many years the family resided in New London, Conn., where Isaac Bishop made his home until al)out thirty' years of age, when he became a resident farmer of Broome County, N. Y. In later years he went to Tioga County, Pa., and afterwards to Illinois. He died at the home of our subject, at the age of eighty-five years, in 1872. He served in the War of 1812, near New London, Conn., guarding the river and the city. In politics, he was first a Democrat and afterward a Republican. His wife died in Broome County, N. Y., in ISGG. Our subject was reared to manhood under the parental roof and at the age of twenty-one liegan learning the cooper's trade, which he followed for about eight 3'ears. He came to the West in 1858, and purchased land in Ford County, III. — a tract of one hundred and sixty acres in Brenton Township. He now has a good home, and wiiat was once wild land has been transformed into rich and fertile fields which 3'ield him a golden tribute. He has planted trees and made other improvements which add both to the value and beauty of the place. In Mr. Bishop we see a self- made man who, though he had to begin life empty-luanded, has overcome all difticulties and obstacles in his path and has worked his way up- ward to success. Mr. Bishop is a friend to education and all in- terests calculated to benefit or improve the com- munity-. He has served as School Trustee since the township w.as organized and not a cent of money h.as been lost during all this time. He may well be proud of such a record. He cast his first Presidential vote with the Know-nothing party in 1856, w.as then a Republican until Grant's second term, when he voted with the Greenback party. He is now a Prohibitionist. He h.as served several terms as Supervisor and is now Assessor of Brenton Township. For a third of a centuiy he h.as made his home in this county and is well and favorably known throughout its borders as a public-spirited and progressive citizen and one of the prominent fanners of the community. He and his wife have been members of the Presby- teri.an Church of Piper City since its organiza- tion. Mr. Bishop was married in New York, in 1850, to Miss H.annah Watson, a native of the Fnipire State, and a daughter of Ira and Mary (McCul- lough) Watson, both of Scotch-Irish descent. Six children Imvc been born of their union, four sons and two daughters: Robert died at the .age of nine years; Minnie, who was born in New York, 316 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. is now the wife of David Hanna, of Nebraska; Watson is a carpenter of Broken Bow, Neb.; Clara B., who graduated from tlie Normal University, of Normal, 111., is now engaged in teaching in Harvard; Clarence died when about a 3ear old, and Edward aids in the operation of the home farm. ^I^DWARD M. LYMAN, who is engaged in fe] general farming on section 17, Lj'nian j l' — ^ Township, is a worthy representative of the honored pioneer family for whicli this township was named. He was born in Soutliampton, Mass., May 23, 1850, and was the youngest of live sons, whose parents were Samuel and Lucetta (Burk) Lyman. The father was born in the Bay State, July 1(3, 181 ], followed the occupation of farming, and emigrated to the West in 18.56. Locating in this county, he purchased two hundred and thirty acres of wild land and his home was the only one between Del Re}' and Oliver Grove. The township first bore the name of Stockton, which was after- ward changed to Brenton, and later was named for JNlr. Lyman. Deer, geese, ducks and all kinds of wild game were plentiful and the experiences of pioneer life were all borne by the Lyman family. The parents were both members of the Congrega- tional Church and instilled into the minds of their children lessons of industry and morality. In politics, Mr. Lyman was a stanch Republican and was a widely-known citizen of this community, held in high regard for his sterling worth and in- tegrity. His wife died in Onarga, Septembei- 2.5, 1875, and he passed away on Christmas Day of 1877. They were laid to rest side by side in Rob- erts Cemetery, where a beautiful monument has I een erected sacred to their niemor}-. Three sons of this worth j' couple are still living. The eldest, Samuel B., was born in Massachusetts, was reared to agricultural p\irsuits and acquired a common-school education. During the late war, he donned the blue and served throughout the en- tire struggle. At Harper's Ferry, he was taken prisoner but was afterward exchanged. Later, he enlisted in an Illinois regiment and was given a place on the detective force in securing "bounty- jumpers." When the war was over, he received his discharge and returned home. He has lieen twice married. He first married Samantha Harris, who died in 1873, leaving four children, after which he was joined in wedlock to Mrs. Maggie Rams.ay. They now reside in Rolfe, Iowa, where Mr. Lyman is living retired. He was one of Ford County's honored citizens for a number of years and served as Sheriff from 1875 until 1882, proving one of the most efficient officers that the county has ever known. George P., who for some time was a lead- ing merchant of Roberts, 111., resides in Pasadena, Cal., where he is engaged in the milling business. He married Helen Searls. Our subject is the third son. He spent the first six years of his life in his native State, then came with his parents to Illinois. His education was acquired in the Grand Prairie Seminary in Onarga and he is a well-informed man. At the age of twenty-four, he started out in life for him- self with no capital, but is now a well-to-do farmer of Lyman Township. On the 26tii of November, 1874, Mr. Lyman was imited in marriage to Miss Harriet Samantha Hard- ing, a native of Illinois. She was educated in the common schools and for six terms was a successful teacher in Tazewell County. Her mother is still living and resides with Mrs. Lyman. She was born in May, 1824, and is now about sixtj'-eight 3-ears of age. Our subject and his wife have one son, Eugene H.. who is attending school in Roberts. The parents are both devout members of the Con- gregational Church of Roberts, to which Mrs. Harding also belongs, and they have been .active workers for its interest and upbuilding. Mr. Lyman is one of the Deacons of the church, also a member of the Board of Trustees and ,i worker in the Sunday-school. His wife is a member of the Christian Endeavor Society anwa; Hannah; .John, of this sketch; Margaret, Amanda and Sarah. John Van Nostin, whose name heads this record, has S|ient almost his entire life in lUinoi' his par- ents locating in McLean County when he ,j a lad of only four summers. He aided in the lors of the farm during the summer montlis ar . in tiie winter season, when his services were not needed at home, attended the district schools of tl > neigii- borhood, where he acquired a limited education. He remained under the parental roof iiiilil his fa- ther's death and tiieii began working as a farm hand by the mouth and took care of his widowed mother. On the ytli C)f .lanuary, 1861,in McLean County, Mr. Van Nostin, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Martha S. Pliillips, a native of Kentucky, born in Nicholsville in 1844. Her par- ents, Beauford and Lucy (Settles) Phillips, were natives of Kentucky. For thirty-nine years, Mr. A'an Nostin engaged in farming in McLean County and then, accompanied by his wife, removed to this count}' in January, 1875. Soon afterward, he purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of eighty acres of arable land, under a good stiite of cultivation and well improved. In connection with general farming, he engages in stock-raising, making a specialty of thoroughbred horses. In politics, he is a Democrat liut has never sought or desired puljlic oHice, preferring to de- vote his entire attention to Ins business. His wife is a member of the Protestant Methodist Cliurcli. They are worthy citizens of this community and are held in high regard by their many friends. ■lit/ Jilf Ui. c--^riS '^^^i^^^i^/HJ 0-t*K, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 325 ^1 BEL C. THOMPSON, now deceased, was WLm one of the prominent and influential bus- iness men of Paxton, and his name is in- separably connected witii the upbuilding and history of the city. lie was born in Luzerne County, Pa., August 6, 1818, and was a son of John and Mary (Gardner) Thompson. His father, also a native of the Keystone State, was descended from Scotch-Irish ancestors, and was a man of character and worth. The family of John and Mary Thom[)Son consisted of eight children: Fan- nie is the wife of Benjamin Sailor, a merchant of Franklin, Pa.; Sallie is the widow of George Swal- low, a capitalist of Abington, Pa.; Jesse, a mer- chant of Carboudale, Pa.; James, a retired farmer of the same place; Enoch, a farmer of Shenandoah, Iowa, and Rebecca, wife of Thomas Whait, of Wav- er ly, Pa. Abel C. Thompson, whose n.ame heads this article, was reared to manhood upon his father's farm, receiving such education as the district schools of those days afforded. At the age of eighteen, he began the battle of life for himself by working on the farm at 112 per mouth. Not sat- isfied with his educational attainments, he invested his careful!}' husbanded earnings in a course of higher studies in the schools of Hartford, Pa. Having accumulated !)>' industrj' and economy a small capital, he opened a general store in Exe- ter, Pa., which he r.an successfully some two or three years. Removing to Ransom, in the same State, he again embarked in mercantile pursuits, continuing with marked success for many years. In 1852, he disposed of his interests in Ransom, and moved to Pittstown, Pa., where he w.as also engaged in trade for some time, when he sold his store and turned his attention to journalism, be- coming editor and proprietor of the Fillstuwn. Ga- zelle. A man of varied ability, he proved himself capable in this field, as well as in business affairs. Other interests claimed his attention, for he had ownership in extensive coal fields. But nowhere did his excellencies of character more clearly man- ifest themselves than in the home circle. To him home was the haven of rest from annoyances that must come to every business man. On the 20th of October, 1845, Mr. Thompson 14 married Miss Catherine, daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth (Searle) Brown. Mrs. Thompson is one of seven children, as follows: Daniel is a farmer of Exeter, Pa.; Catherine; Elizabeth and ]>awrence, deceased; Rasselas; Clara, wife of F. A. Thompson, of Paxton; Myron, a resident of Exeter. I\Ir. and !\Irs. Thomiison became the parents of two children. Lawrence died in infancy. Their only surviving child, Marian, was born October 12, 1846, received her education in Miss Anabel's College, of Philadelphia, Pa., and on the 22d of September, 1868, became the wife of I. J. Sutton, manager of the Roller IMills of Paxton. They have one child, Stanley T., the eflicient book-keeper for the Ford County Bank. Failing health caused Mr. Thompson to seek a home in the AVest. It was his intention to go to Min- neapolis, Minn., but on the way he stopped to visit relatives at Paxtou. His healtli improved so rapidly that he determined to locate in Paxton. The fall of the same year, 1808, he returned to the East, disposed of his interests and moved his family to their western home. Having purchased an inter- est in the Ford County Bank, he was made its President, which position he held continuously to the date of his deatii. He was public-spirited and liberal toward all worthy enterprises, and whatever he took hold of he pushed with his char- acteristic energy and determination. Through his personal efforts the old gristmill of Paxton was converted into one of the best roller mills of East- ern Illinois. Ill tlie truest sense, Mr. Thompson was a self- made man; beginning as a wage-earner, he arose by persistent and well-directed effort to a position of infiuence and wealth, his intercourse with his fel- low men ever being m.arked by honesty and jus- tice. In political affairs, ISIr. Thompson always took an active part, working for the triumph of the Republican principles. In Pennsylvania he served as Justice of the Peace and after coming to Paxton held the office of Mayor of the city two terms. He w.as not a man that sought places of public trust, but when he once accepted such trust, he performed his part with conscientious fidelitj'. A record of the life of Mr. Thompson would 326 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. lack in the most essential element were it not to speak of his religious faith and works. In early life he was converted, and became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he was ever a zealous and cheerful worker. If a superin- tendent of the Sunda3--school was needed, he was capable and willing; when a class-leader was wanted Mr. Thompson was available; was financial support necessary, he could always be relied upon to do his share. In a word, he was a pillar of the church. Is it any wonder that family, friends, and commun- ity should mourn the loss of one so helpful in all that tends to make life brighter and mankind bet- ter.? On the 24th of September, 1890, while at the mill, Mr. Thom})son met with an accident that re- sulted in his death six days later. In Glenn Cemetery, at Paxton, his remains wei'e laid to rest, but he will long be remembered as one of nature's noblemen and one of God's faithful servants. ■jflOHN C. KEN WARD has been identified I with the history of Ford County since 1869. He now resides in Roberts, and is half _ owner and foreman in the tile factory. He was born in Sussex, England, October 2, 1832. His parents, John and Mercy (Standing) Ken- ward, never left their native land. The father died at the age of eighty-six years, and his wife passed away at the age of fifty-five. Both were mem- bers of the Baptist Church. They had a family of three sons and two daughters: Mercy E., wife of Mr. Johnson, grocer and draper of Stenning, Sus- sex Count}', England; John, of this sketch; Sam- uel S., who was one of the boys in blue of the late war, and died in the service in 1863; George, a commission merchant, who is married, and lives in Spokane Falls, Wash.; and Sarah J., wife of John Stacey, a merchant of East Grinstead, England. Our subject attended school until thirteen years of age, when he began serving an apprenticeship to the miller's trade, working in that capacity un- til seventeen years of age. By an uncle, he was advised to come to America, and, acting upon his advice, in May, 1850, sailed from Liverpool on the "John McKinzie," and, after seven weeks, landed in New York with only $25 in his pocket. He had formed the acquaintance of a young man on board, and together thej' went to Buffalo. There they fell in with a man who robbed Mr. Ken ward's friend of ^200, and the poor boys found themselves with only three sovereigns, which belonged to our sul)ject. At Sandusky, Mr. Kenward was offered §2.50 for a musket which he carried, and he gladly exchanged it for the money. The young men started to walk to Per- rysburg, Ohio, where the friend secured work as a mechanic, and our subject found employment in a mill. A short tune afterward, however, he left that place, and at length went to Marshall, Mich., where he worked until the si)ring of 1851 in a mill, and then returned to Detroit. In May, of that .year, he landed on Rock Island, in AYisconsin, and there engaged in fishing through the summer, but his employer failed to pay him for his ser- vices. The following winter he spent in Wau- kegan, where he did chores for his board, and in the spring went to Washington Island, Wis. While on that island, in November, 1852, Mr. Kenward married Miss Nanc}' Westbrook, daugh- ter of Joel and Lucinda (Kilbourn) AVestbrook. Unto them have been born ten children, seven sons and three daughters, eight of whom are j'et living: Joel, who was educated at Normal Union and successfully engaged in teaching for a num- ber of years, is now married, and is engaged in the jewelry business in Roberts; John, who was edu- cated in the AVesle^'an University, resides in Los Angeles, Cal.; Ira, who was graduated from the Weslej'an University in 1888, and for a time en- gaged in teaching, is now married and practices law in Protho, Utah; Samuel is married and re- sides on the old homestead; Aaron is an agricul- turist of AVall Township; Patience, .lanieand AVill- ard, at home. In 1869, Mr. Kenward came with his family to AVall Township. For eighteen years he had en- gaged in fishing on Washington Island, and now turned his attention to farming. He purchased onediundred and sixty acres of raw land, at $10 per acre, and transformed the uncultivated tract PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 327 into rich and fertile fields. The boundaries of his farm he also extended, until he now owns three hundred and tn-enty acres of highly improved land. In 188,5, he came to Roberts, and ha.3 since Iwen foreman of the tile factor.)', in which he owns a lialf interest. It has a eapacitj' of about six hundred thousand tile annually and the sales of brick and tile amount to from *8,0()0 to * 10,000. A poor friendless boy, he started out for himself in America and for iiis success in life deserves great credit as he has worked his way uitward to a position of affluence and also to a higli position in the esteem of his fellow-townsmen. Himself and wife are members of the Metliodist Cliurch and the lady is a member of the Foreign Missionary So- ciety. Tliey have given freelj' of their means for the erection of churches and to all benevolent and charitable considerations. Mr. Kenward cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. Fremont, and since the organization of the Republican p.arty has been one of its stanch advocates. He has served as Assessor of Wall Township for about six years, was Collector, School Director and is School Trustee of Lyman Township at the present time. He was also liglit-house keeper on Pilot Island, Wis., for three years. While only twenty- two years of age, he served as .Justice of the Peace, and laugliingly tells of how he was called upon to marry a couple when his embarrassment was as great as that of the contracting parties. In the summer of 1882, Mr. Kenward paid a visit to his old home in England, wliere he spent four months. f'«j'*j**j»»j*F W;ILLIAM HURST is numbered among the early settlers of Ford County, where he has made his home for the past thirty- four j'ears. He is a native of Lancashire, Eng- land, born on the lOtli of January, 1838, and is the ninth in order of birth in a family often children, three sons and seven daugliters. The parents were Joseph and Maiy (Bowers) Hurst. The father was a native of Lancashire, was a well-educated gentleman and was emploj'ed as book-keeper in a cotton manufactory. About 1847, accompanied by his wife and family, he determined to emigrate to America, and crossed the Atlantic from Liver- pool to Philadelphia. He made a location at Gloucester, N. J., and there remained until his death, which occurred June 23, 1849. His remains were interred in AVoodbury, N. J. His wife came to the West and died July 26, 187.5. She was laid away in Peach Orchard Cemetery, where a beauti- ful stone marks her last resting iJace. Both were members of the Society of Friends. The children of the family areBettie, a resident of Lj'man Township; Alice, wife of James Roberts, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; Ellen, who is living on section 30, in Lyman Township; Ann, wife of Joseph Tucker, a railroad employe, residing in Camden County, N. J.; Mary, wife of Jlatthew Biichenough, a farmer of Iro- quois County; Joseph, a prominent agriculturist of Lyman Township, whose sketch is given in this vol- ume; William, our subject; and Hannah, who is living on section 30, L^-man Township. William Hurst was a lad of nine years when with his parents he came to America. He worked for his mother upon the farm between the ages of nineteen and twenty-four years and then began life for himself, his property consisting solely of a team. As a companion and helpmate on life's journey, he chose Miss Mary Jane Roberts, daugh- ter of James Roberts. Their union was celebrated February 13, 1867, and has been blessed with a family of five children, but the only son, Walter, died at the age of fifteen years. Lizzie is now the wife of David Kenned}^ an agriculturist of Rob- erts, and unto them have been born a son and daughter. Mary is attending school and has also received instructions in instrumental music. Cynthia is also in school, and Elsie is the baby of the household. Mrs. Hurst, who is a native of Sussex, England, is a well-educated lady and en- gaged in teaching prior to her marriage. Mr. Hurst exercises his right of franchise in support of the Republican party, with which he has been identified since casting his first Presi- dential vote for Abraham Lincoln. For nine years, he has served as School Director and the cause of education has found in liim a waim friend, He 328 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD, and his wife are members of the Congregational Cliiircli, are benevolent and worthy people, and the poor and needy are never turned from the door empty-handed. Mr. Hurst is now living re- tired. For man^^ years he followed farming and was very successful, so that now he can lay aside all business cares. He first became owner of one hundred acres of raw land, but transformed it into rich and fertile fields, and extended tlie bounda- ries of his farm until he now has a richly culti- vated tract of one hundred and eighty acres. His sterling worth well entitles him to representation in this volume. -^1 ^+^ (^_ "^ \t7 EVI MILLER, an enterprising farmer and I (j^ one of the prominent early settlers of this jlL^^ county, now resides on section 24, Wall Township. He is a native of the Keystone State, born in Berks County, April 9, 1831, and is a son of Frederick Miller, also a native of Pennsylvania and of German descent, his ancestors having come from that country in an earl_v day and set- tled in Mar3dand. Frederick Miller removed to Ohio in 1833, settling in ISIontgomery County, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred in 1842. His first wife was in her maideniiood Miss Rieagle, and by her marriage became the mother of the following chil- dren: Isaac and Jonathan, both now deceased; Alvina, a resident of Darke Count}*, Ohio; and Harriet, who died near Salem, Oliio. Mr. Miller was again married in Pennsylvania to Catherine Whitman. She passed away in that State, leaving two children to mourn her loss, our subject and Jeremiah, who resides near Sidney, Ohio, where he carries on farming and is one of the County Com- missioners of Shelby County. The father of this family was a United Brethren in religious belief, and in politics was a Jackson Democrat and a stanch supporter of his party. Levi Miller was taken by his parents to Ohio when but eighteen months old and was there reared. His father died when he was eleven years of age, and he was then bound out for six years. His educational privileges were limited, he only at- tending school three or four months in a year. At the age of seventeen, lie began learning the carpenter's trade, at which he worked for three years. After liis marriage, he removed to Darke County, (Jhio, making his home near Greenville, where he followed his trade. He then came to Illinois and settled in La Salle County, where he engaged in the same occupation for ten years, when, in 1864, he came to Ford County, purchas- ing his present farm. At that time the country was so thinly settled that he could get on his horse and ride straight to the court-house in Pax- ton witliout turning either to the right or the left. His farm consisted of eighty acres of wild prairie land, and on the whole amount there was not a single tree. All this is now greatly changed. On his fine farm is a comfortable and commodious resi- dence, surrounded l\y a grove of beautiful trees. This has all been accomplished by industrious and enterprising efforts of our subject, who is one of the successful farmers of Ford County. He has now one tree on his place which is two feet in diameter and over sixty feet high, which he set out, it being a slip that he cut off with his plow while at work. On the 29th of July, 18.52, in Preble County, Ohio, Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Maria Werts, a native of that county. The union of our subject and his estimable wife has been blessed by the birth of nine children, namely: Mary, wife of James Harris, of Loda, 111.; Jere- miah makes his home in Cliicago; Viola is a resi- dent of Big Bend, Kan.; Hamer and Theresa, now deceased; Lee lives in Loda; Charles is in Chicago; and Lucretia and Arthur make their home with their parents. All of the children have had com- mon educational advantages and have had the benefit of a good district school. Mrs. Miller is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and her children attend Victor Church. Mr. Miller takes an active part in public affairs, .and helped to organize Wall Township and was its first Commissioner. He was Clerk of the Board of Commissioners some time and made out the first road tax. He has held four different offices at the same time, thus showing the high regard in (7^/^'^ f i • \ I I ( I ^jp5^ AMUEL DAY. Among tlie early settlers ^!^^ of the territory now comprising Ford Ifl/J)}) County, was he whose name heads this sketch, and whose family has been promi- nently identified with the business interests and development of the county since its organization. Mr. Da}^ was born in Kenton County, Ky., on the 16th of April, 179i), while that region was still a wilderness. I lis father was the Kev. John Day, a native of Maryland and a jiioneer of Kentuck}-, when the red men held almost undisputed sway in that region. In 1803, he removed with his family to Preble County, Ohio, where, by the help of his sons, he cleared and improved a farm in that heav- ily timbered region, which was his home for the remainder of his daj-s. His wife died in middle life and was buried in Preble County. The hus- band survived till old age, remaining single. He was a minister of what is now known as the Chris- tian Church, and was ever faithful in the discharge of his duties. His death occurred in Shelby Connt3', Ind., while on a visit to his children, and he was there buried. Samuel Day was reared on his father's farm and in his youth learned the carpenter's trade, although he made agricultural pursuits the iirincipal occu- pation of his life. On the 8th of March, 1821, he was joined in wedlock to Miss Peggy Purviance, a daughter of the Hon. David Purviance, and a native of Kentucky. Her father was a prominent man of that State and distinguished himself by his open hostility to slavery, lieing an original Aboli- tionist. In earl}' life he had settled in Kentucky, where he was elected to the State Senate, and from his peculiar and then unpopular views on the all- exciting subject of slavery, he became renowned for the bold defense of his opinions and for tlie hostility he encountered and successfully com- batted. In 1807, he removed to Preble County, Ohio, where he passed the latter years of his life. Mr. and Mrs. Day had a family of nine children, all born in Preble County, of whom only four are now living: Eliza, the eldest, died in her native State at the age of seventeen; John P. married Miss Melinda Swisher, and is a well-known pioneer business man of Paxton, 111.; Mary A., the next j'ounger, died at the age of twelve years; Sophia became the wife of Alonzo Loutzenhiser and died in Champaign County, III., November 11, 1854. Samuel L. wedded Susanna Swisher, who died in April, 1858, and in 1860, he married his present wife, wlio was Miss Jennie Lj'cm; he is also a pioneer business man of Paxton and is represented elsewhere in this work. Nicholas B., the third son, married Barbara Stoner and is one of the oldest merchants of Paxton; the next in order is a daughter who died in infancy; Cordelia is now the wife of James Hock, of Paxton; and the youngest of the family, a son, died while a babe. Mr. Day continued his residence in Ohio until August, 1851, when with his family he removed to Miami Countj', Ind., and settled on a farm near Peru. In November, 1853, accompanied b}- his wife and children, he emigrated to Illinois, trav- eling with teams and driving the stock. They lo- cated near Danville, where, after sjiending a year, Mr. Day and his sons, Samuel and Nicholas B., came to what is now Ford County, then a part of Vermilion. Mr. D.ay, Sr., ])urchased a partly im- proved faim of one hundred and twenty acres near Prairie City, now Paxton, where he contin- ued to reside until his death, which occurred in February, 1858. He was in feeble health when he came to Illinois and died soon after coming here, so that he was not actively identified with the affairs of the county. Politically, he was a Whig from early manhood until tiie disruption of that part}', after which he was a Kepublican and alwaj'S anti-slavery. He filled the position of Assessor and other minor ollices in Ford County. He and ills wife were consistent members of tlie Christian Church in former years. Mrs. Day survived her husband many years and later in life, not having an organized society of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 333 her own church at Paxton, she joined the church of the United Brethren of that place. Her death occurred on the 9th of August, 1890, in her nine- t^'-third jear. She was possessed of a remarkably strong constitution and superior mental force and preserved her faculties almost unimpaired up to the day of her death. She was devoted to her family and reared her children to habits of in- dustry and frugality, and inculcated the lessons of sound moralitj' and Christian faith that resulted in their becoming worthy and respected members of society. She was a noble woman and her mem- ory is held in great veneration by her children and surviving friends of the pioneer days of Ford CountJ^ WAN PETERSON, the leading florist of Ford County and the only one of Gibson City, established business at that place in 1882. Mr. Peterson is a native of Sweden and was born in Kristianstad, December 29. 1860. His parents' Christi.-in names were Jens and Mary, respectively, and they were also natives of the same country. The subject of this sketch was educated in his native land and served a regular apprenticeship to the trade of a florist. In 1880, when not quite twenty years of age, he emigrated from Sweden to America, coming direct to (iibson City. For two 3'^ears he worked at whatever he could lind to do, by which he could eain an honest dollar, and in the meantime learned the English Language. In the spring of 1882, having accumulated a very small capital whicli he had saved from his earnings, he began raising flowers in a small way, under glass. His business prospered and he invested the profits in improvements, until he now h.as an extensive establishment with Ave lots, ."iOxlGO feet e.ach, situated in the eastern part of the city. He has 5,500 square feet of glass, and all the facilities for a first-class greenhouse. His princii)al liusiness is in cut flowers and his specialties are carnations and violets, while he has a fine collection cf roses and otlier plants. His principal markets are in Chicago and St. Louis. He has a commission mer- chant in both cities who handle his goods. In addition to the business he does in Chicago and St. Louis, he has quite an important trade at home and in neighboring Illinois cities. His annual trade is large. Supplying floral decorations for weddings and funerals constitutes an important part of his business, and his good taste in such matters is conceded by all. Mr. Peterson was united in marriage, on the 16th of May, 1886, to Miss Sarah Moline, a daugh- ter of Swan and Permelia Moline. Mrs. Peterson was born in Southern Sweden, and emigrated to America with her parents when six years of age. Three children were born to our subject and his wife, one of whom is now deceased, Freddie, the only son, who died at the age of two and a half years. The living are Freda Maria and Anna p]lizabeth. In politics, Mr. Petersf)n is a Republican, casting his vote in support of that party. He and his wife are consistent members of the Swedish Evan- gelical Lutheran Church, and are highly respected in this community. He is an upright and honest citizen and is greatly esteemed for his sterling worth. ILLIAM BAKER is a prominent joung ^ I^ILLJAM 15AKEU is a promine \/sJ/' f'^''i"'''' <^'f Wall Township, who has spent y^^ alnu)st his entire life in Ford County. He now resides on section 2, where he manages a large estate. His father, Henry Baker, was born in Han- over, German3-, on the 19th of September, 1834, and his people for some generations were fanning folks. He grew to manhood upon a farm and ac- quired his education in the i)ublic .schools. When a boy, he was put to work herding sheep, but as he much disliked that work, he determined to seek a home in America, and at the age of sixteen left his native land. After (piite a while spent upon the Atlantic, he landed in New York, in 1850, and from thence made his way Westward to La Salle County, III., where he worked as a farm hand by the month for some time. He afterwards 334 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. purcliased land and engaged in agricultural pur- suits for himself. He had owned several farms in La Salle County prior to 1871, when he carac to Ford County, settling upon the farm which is now the home of our subject. He there resided until 1889, when he removed to Streator, 111., where he is now engaged in mercliandising. In La Salle County, in 1858, Henry Baker mar- ried Miss Louisa Eberhart, a native of New York. Her father was a Frenchman by birth and her mother was born near Straslnirg, (iermany. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Baker were born six children who are yet living, and they have also lost one. Henry is now a merchant of Streator, 111.; William is the second in order of birth ; Edward is now a student in the V.alparaiso Normal School of Indiana, and makes his home witli his parents; John is now en- gaged in clerking in Chicago; Benjamin and Caro- line are at home. Mr. 15aker came to this country witli no capital, but accumulated a fine property. He now owns one and three-quarter sections of land, besides business and residence property in Streator. In politics, he is a Republican and is a member of the Evangelical Association, to which his family also belongs. Our subject was born in La Salle County, on the 8th of September, 1864, and in the usual manner of farmer lads spent the d.ays of his boyhood and youth. He attended the public schools, and the education which he there acquired was supple- mented by a six months' course in the High School in Streator and also six niontiis' study in Naper- ville. When six years old, he came to Ford County, where he has resided almost continuously since. When his father left the farm in 1889, Mr. Baker took charge of it and is now engaged in gen- eral farming and stock-raisuig. He is a successful young business man, wide-awake and enterprising, and is well and favor.alily known in this commun- ity. On the 14th of June, 1888, Mr. Baker wedded Miss Mary Rienenschneider, a native of Will County, 111., and a daughter of August and Bar- bara (Klingert) Rienenschneider, who reside in Lyman Township, that county. Their union has been blessed with one son, Samuel Walter, who was born on the 6th of July, 1889. The parents are both members of the Evangelical Church, of which Mr. Baker is a Trustee. He also serves as Superintendent of the Sundaj'-school. He cast his first Presidenti.al vote for Gen. Harrison, in 1888. He has served as School Director for three j'ears, but has never been an office-seeker. His fellow- townsmen recognize in him an honorable and up- right young man, and he is regarded as one of the prominent and representative farmers of the com- munity. •'^^S^' ■': =r-~|^- , ■«^=^ S)^?^ ellARLES C. PEARCE, as a breeder of standard-lired horses and a stock-raiser, is well known to tlie people of Ford County. He comes from Kentucky, a State noted for its fine horses. He was born in Flemingsburg, Fleming County, April 5, 1866. His father, Edwin E. Pearce, was born on the 3d of August, 1822, in the same county where he has p.assed his entire life. His career has been a remaikable one. Beginning his business life as a clerk in a store at $50 per year, he has become a man of infiuenceand wealth, much of his time being devoted to the raising of standard-bred horses. In an early day, Mr. Pearce, Sr., purchased lands in different counties in Illinois at a nominal sum, which have since become very valuable through the rise in the price of land and the improvements he has made thereon. Besides owning several farms in Kentucky, he is president of the banking house of Pearce, Fant & Co. of Flemingsburg. Notwithstanding he owned a large number of slaves, he was an advoc.ite of emanci- pation, and when the war broke out gave his sup- port to the Union cause. On the 10th of Novem- ber, 1857, Mr. Pearce was united in marriage to Miss Anna J. Clarke, a native of Mason County, Ky., born April 4, 1838, and called to her final rest on the 4th of October, 1878. Unto this worthy couple were born five children, four of whom are now living. Charles C. Pearce, the subject of this sketch,who is the third child of the family, spent his early life on the farm. In the private schools of his native county, he began his education, which was com- 'J^?^./? 2j^- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPinCAL RECORD. 337 pleted at Lexington University. Having remained on the farm until 1881, he entered the liank of Pearce, Fant & Co., as book-keeper, remaining in that position for tliree years, and since 188G he has been a member of the Board of Directors of that institution. In August, 1887, Mr. Pearce came to Gibson City and began farming and stock-raising on a section of land which his father had purchased many years before. The following year our sulijcet returned to Ken- tucky and there, October 3, 1888, near Tallesboro, married Miss Hattie M., daughter of Madison M. and Mary E. (Means) Walker. Mr. Walker still lives, his wife having died some years ago. ]>oth were born in Kentucky and their only surviving child is INIrs. Pearce. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Pearce was born a son, Edwin M., who lived to be nearly two years old, when he was called home. The mother is a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, in the interests of which she is an active worker. In political sentiment,Mr. Pearce is a Republican, and is a stanch supporter of that party, as is also his fatiier. He is now devoting himself chielly to the raising of standard-bred horses, of which he has eleven at the present time on his farm, being .some of the flnesthorses of the county. In early boy- hood, he learned to handle horses and has acquired more than a local reputation as a good horseman. He is enterprising and progressive and is numbered among the worthy citizens of Ford County. .^ M ^— 'ff|OIIN PURYIANCE DAY, a pioneer business man of Paxton, Ford County, who located ^^ here in March, 1857, and for the past thirty- (^^ three years has been prominently identified with its real-estate and other business interests, was born in Preble Count}', Ohio, on the 8th of September, 1824. He is a son of Samuel and Peggy (Purviance) Day, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work, and was reared on his father's farm in the woods of Preble County, Ohio. He enjoyed the limited educational advan- tages of the public schools of those da3's in that i-egion, and was early inured to hard labor, clearing the heavy timber and fitting the land for cultiva- tion Having attained to man's estate, Mr. Day was united in marriage, in IMiami County, Ind., on the 25th of September, 1845, to Miss Malinda Swisher, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Bassett) Swi- sher. The lady was born in Ripley, Ind., and was reared in Preble Count_v, where she was a neigh- bor and associate of her husband in childhood. Soon after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Day made their home on a farm in a heavily timbered section of Miami County, Ind. For seven years, Mr. Day swung the ax and tilled the soil, enjojing life keenly in the possession of the substantials of life, where all were on a common footing, never long- ing for or missing the luxuries of more modern civilization. In the fall of 1853, he and his family, with teams and a portion of their household effects, joined his father and brothers in their emigration to Eastern Illinois, and in November reached a point near Danville, where they located %ind bought land. John P. Day and family remained on their farm at that place until March, 1857, when they removed to Paxton, in what is now Ford County. He be- came interested in merchandising at that point and later sold his farm near Danville and concen- trated his business at Paxton. In .Tune, 1859, Ford Count}' was organized and at the first election of the county officers, which occurred the follow- ing fall, Mr. Day was elected County Treasurer. He was re-elected at the two succeeding elections and subsequently filled an unexpired term on the death of the Treasurer, serving from March 22, 1866, to November, 1867, making his entire service in that office amount to nearly eight years. In politics, he was a AVhig in early life and joined the Republican party at its organization in Illinois in 1854. AVhile serving as County Treasurer, he be- came very familiar with the land of Ford Count}', and .acted as agent for many non-residents in the settlement of taxes and in buying and selling real estate on commission. On retiring from office, he naturally turned his attention to the real-estate business, which he has carried on successfully ever since. His official and land business did not, how- 338 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ever, occupy his time exclusively, as he has been interested three different times with his brotliers in merchandising, and at this writing is a partner of his brother, N. B. Da3', in one of the largest dr^^- goods and general stores in Paxton. He and his brother, Samuel L., were associated in merchandis- ing, farming, real estate and general trading. Mr. Day handled live stoclv extensively, buying, feed- ing and shipping. Thej' began merchandising in Paxton, in March, 18.58, having the second general store in tliis place. In 18G0, ,Tohn P. Day cm- barked in the land business, since which time lie has bought and sold, either as principal or agent, many thousand of acres of land in Illinois and other Western States. At this writing, he is the senior member of the real-estate and loan agency firm of Day Brotliers, of Paxton. This firm does an extensive business, not only in Illinois, but in Kansas, Iowa and Missouri lands, and in city property. Three children were born to Mr. and IMis. Daj': Cordelia E., tlie eldest, now tlie wife of George Wright, of Chicago, and the muther of three chil- dren, two sons and a daughter. Margaret died at the age of six years, and Alice M. married Tlieodore M. King, a leading druggist of Paxton; they have one son, Claude. The parents and tlieir daughters are members of the Congregational Church. Mr. Day was the first President of the town of Paxton, to whicli office he waselected April 15,1861, on the incorporation of the town or village. He was also a member of the first Grand .lury of F^ord County, in November, 1859, as well as the first County Treasurer to serve a full term. His life has been an active and useful one, and his business relations have been sucli .as to give liim an extended acquaintance throughout Ford and adjacent coun- ties, where his opinion and good judgment, espec- ially on the suliject of land values, are generally accepted as authority. It is gener.all3' conceded that no man has liad a wider experience or pos- sesses more reliable information in that direc- tion than Mr. Day. In all his intercourse with his fellow-citizens and the world in general, he has alwa3's been found upright and reliable. While conservative and prudent in all his business trans- actions, yet he is enterprising and ready to ven- ture where his good judgment sanctions invest- ment and he seldom makes mistakes. Perhaps that is one reason why he has been so successful in business and is so generally respected. It is now forty-six years since Mr. Day began business on his own account and in all that time he has never sued or been sued in a court of justice, a record an3' man might be proud of. ^ /^^S\ IIARLES O. HAYES, a prominent and rep- (I ^-^^ resentative citizen of Roberts and the pop- ^^^J ular host of the Glencoe House, is a native of Clinton Count3-, N. Y. He was born June II, 1834, and was the eighth in a family of seven sons and three daughters, born unto Asa and Laura (Larkin) Ilaycs. The father was born in the Green JMoiiiitaiii State, where he remained until eleven years of age, and then removed to New York, where he spent the greater part of his life and engaged in Ijusiness as a lumberman. In his childhood da\s, when the Revolutionaiy War was in i)rogross, he fre(iueiitly carried dis[)atches from Plattsburg to Ogdensburg, N. Y., through the un- broken forests. In politics, he was a .lefferson Democrat. lie emigrated to McLean County, 111., in 1863, and, purchasing f)roperty, there made his home until his death. His wife died at the age of fifty and her remains were interred by the side of her two daughters in the cemeteiy of Beekman- town, N. Y., while Mr. Ha3'es was laid to rest in Livingston County, 111. They were highly re- si)ected people and their lives were worthy of the warm regard in which they were held. Five children of their family are 3'et living: Hiram, who served as Ca|i1ain in the late war, is now married and lives a retired life in Whitewater, Wis.; Mary is the wife of the Rev. S. P. Alford, a Methodist niinister; Charles is the next younger; .John, who wore the blue during the late war, is mar- ried and lives a retired life near Plattsburg, N. Y.; and .loel P.. who was (^uarterni.aster of his company during the late war, is engaged in farming near Neosha P'alls, Kan. The following are now de- PORTRAIT AND BlOGRAPinCAL RECORD. 339 ceased: Lo^-al. who was horn in New York, fol- lowed farming and died in Vermont, wliere his wife and famil3' reside; Christiana became the wife of L. 8. Robinson, a farmer of New York, and died at about the age of thirty-live jears; Harriet, who became the wife of Levi Stafford, a mechanic, died in New York, and since her deatii her family hus emigrated to JMichigan; P^noch and Lorin died at about twelve and fifteen years of age, respectively. Our subject acquired his education in the com- mon schools and is a self-made man who had to begin life for himself empty-handed. In f.act, he borrowed $5 with which to come to the West. On attaining his majoritv, he emigrated to Illinois, and in 18.56. began working as a farm hand in Kendall County. He spent the year 18.58 in AVal- worth County, Wis., hut with tlie exception of that time has since made his home in Illinois. On the .5th of ()ctol)er, 18.5',), he married Lucenia R., daughter of Wesley .and Cornelia (Randall) Alford. Her father was a native of New York and emi- grated to this State in 185.5, locating in Kendall County, where our subject and his wife were mar- ried. She w.as born October 30, 1842, and w.as one of live sons and four daughters. Her birth was followed by that of Hannah, who became the wife of William Skinner, a farmer, now deceased, who resides in Fiirest, 111.; Setli, of Cropse^y, 111.; Emma, wife of Sherman .lohnson, a farmer of Livingston County, III.; Lorenzo, a merchant of Cropsey; fleorge, who makes his home in the same place; and Allen, who is employed as a .salesman b_y his brother Lorenzo. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Hayes have been born four daughters: Ada, who was educated in Saybrook, .and passed the teachers' examination, possesses considerable musical talent and was instructed in that art by Prof. Hugh Kilso, now of t,he Conser- vatory of Music in the Auditorium of Chicago. She became the wife of Orville CUieney, who was educated at Wesle3"an College, and is a well-known farmer of INIcLe.an Count}\ He cast his first vote for Gen. Grant and is a stalwart Republican. Julia is the wife of Andrew .1. O'llarra, a con- tractor and builder, of Englewood; Nellie, who was educated in Saybrook, is the wife of N. F. Davis, a contractor and builder, of Gano, III., and a iirominent member of the Patriotic Order of Sons of America. Ilattie is the wife of Roy M.ah.aflfey, who is now engaged in merch.andizing in Englewood, III. Mr. Hayes proudly cast his first Presidential vote for .John C. Fremont and has since been a stalwart Republican. He was Constable of McLean County for four consecutive years but has never been an olhce-seeker. Himself and wife are faithful mem- bers of the Methodist Church and contributed liberally to the erection of the beautiful church edifice. He is one of the Trustees and was also .Steward. His wife was President of the Ladies' Aid Societ}', and is a member of the F'oreign Mis- sionary Society, and botli have been identified with the .Sunday-school work. Glencoe House is one of the leading hotels in this part of the county and has found favor with the traveling public. Everything is kept in first- class order which insures it a liberal jiatronage. Besides this, Mr. Hayes owns other valuable prop- erty' in Roberts luit expects soon to go South on account of his health. In his removal the county will lo.se a valuable citizen. |r^)OBERT POLLOCK is a prominent and rep- ILiir resentative farmer of Patton Township, residing on section 24, and it is with ple.as- ure that we record his sketch in this vol- ume, for he is well worthy of representation in this history of his adopted count3'. Indiana is the State of his nativity and his birth occurred in La Fayette, November 28, 1840. The Pollock family is of Scotch origin and was founded in this country' in earl3' Colonial days by ancestors who settled in JIaryland. The name, however, was originally Polk, and was thus written l)y the grandfather of our subject, Robert Polk, a Revo- lutionarj' soldier, who emigrated from Mary- land to Ohio in an earl}- d.ay. He w.as accom- panied by his s(m William, father of our subject, who was then a lad. It w.as William and his brothers who changed the spelling of the family 340 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. name. He remained in the Buckeye State until eighteen years of age, and then removed to Indi- ana, locating in La Fayette. Mr. Pollock was there united in marriage to P0II3' Ann I'atton, a native of Indiana and a daugliter of Judge David Patton, an earlj- pio- neer and prominent citizen of Ford County, wliose sketch appears elsewliere in this work. After tlieir marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Pollock resided for tliree years in La Fayette, and then removed to Kanka- kee County, 111., where he engaged in farming for a few years. Later, he engaged in agri- cultural pursuits in Monee Station, Will Count}', and in l>i.')l removed with his family to what is now Ford County, settling at Ten Mile Grove, where he was engaged in farming for more than twenty years. He now resides near the city of Maryville, Nodaway Count}', Mo., where he has made his home since 1880. The Pollock fam- ily numbered eight sons and four daughters and, with one exception, all reached adult age. Robert Pollock, whose name heads this record, came with his parents to this part of Illinois in 1851, a lad of eleven years, and hence almost his entire life has been passed in Ford County. The days of his boyhood and youth were spent in the usual manner of farmer lads, he aiding in the farm labors during the summer months, while in the winter season he attended the public schools. His primary education was supplemented by a course in Abingdon College, and he further pur- sued his studies in Lombard University. He be- gan teaching when only seventeen years of age, and followed that profession for several terms, but at length left the schoolroom for the farm, and for several ye-ii'S engaged in agricultuial pm- suits. In Kankakee County, 111., in the spring of 18G3, Mr. Pollock wedded Miss Margaret Olson, a na- tive of Sweden. He has always taken quite an interest in political affairs, and has been honored with several positions of i)ublic trust. He served as Marshal of Paxton, was also Constable and Deputy Sheriff, and filled other official positions a number of years. On questions of national im- portance, he casts his ballot in support of Demo- cratic principles, but at local elections votes for the man whom he thinks best qualified to fill the office, regardless of party alHliations. In 1880, he located upon his farm, three miles from Paxtou, where he now resides, and has since given his time to agricultural pursuits. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Pollock has been blessed by the presence of three children: Freder- ick J., who lives at home and follows farming; William, who aids his bruther in the operation of the farm; and Irena C, wife of Charles Graham, of Paxton. The parents attend the Congrega- tional Church and contribute to its support, al- though they are not members. Since a lad of eleven summers, Mr. Pollock has resided in Ford Count}', wiiere he has a wide acquaintance and is held in high regard, for he is esteemed Iiy his fel- low-citizens as a man of sterling worth and ex- emplary character. Ilis life h.as been a busy and useful one and, as a result of his own enter|)rising efforts, he has accumulated a comfortable compe- tence. -5- -^^ -^ AVID RKEP, who is engaged in general farming and stock-raising, owns and operates one hundred and eighty-nine acres of valu- able land situated on section 28, Patton Townshii). The farm is pleasantly situated aliout three and a half miles from Paxton. It is under a high state of cultivation, well im])roved with good buildings and stocked with a fine grade of horses and cattle. In- deed, the owner is regarded as one of the enter- prising and successful agriculturists of the com- munity. Mr. Reep was Itorn in Butler County, P.a., Dec- ember 3, 1845, and is a son of Isaac Reep, who was born in 1812. The grandfather also bore the name of Isaac Reep, and was likewise a native of the Keystone State, where the German ancestors of the family settled at an early day. The grand- father served as a soldier in the War of 1812. The father of our subject spent his boyhood days and youth in Butler County, and afterward m.arried Lydia Barnhart, who was born in that county and was a daughter of Andrew Barnhart, also a native of Pennsylvania and a soldier in the War of 1812. ; I ri /d-^A^/CfJ^^^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 343 Mr. and Jlrs. Reep located upon a farm in the county of their nativity, and there reared their family. The father still resides on the old home- stead, and, at the age of sevent^'-nine 3'ears, is liv- ing a retired life. He has been an ardent supporter of the Republican party since its organization and has held numerous local olliccs. In religious be- lief, he is a Lutheran and takes an active interest in church work. David Reep, whose name heads this sketch, was reared to manhood upon his father's farm, acquired a good common-school education and remained under the parental roof until after he had attained his majority, wlien he left home, and on the 22d of October, 1867, was joined in wedlock to Miss Nannie Jane Kinkaid, who was born and reared in Butler County, and is a daughter of James and Elizabeth Kinkaid, who were also natives of the Keystone State. They began their domestic life upon a farm near the old Reep homestead, and our subject there engaged in agricultural pursuits for a number of j'ears, after which he sold out. It was in 1879, that he cauie to Illinois, locating first in Kankakee County, where he rented a farm for a year. He then came to Ford County, and pur- chased a tract of land — his present farm. He first bought only one hundred and nine acres but has since added to it an eighty-acre tract, and to farm- ing and stock-raising has devoted his entire atten- tion continuously since. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Reep have beeu Ijorn eight children, the eldest of whom, John F., is now em- ployed in the railroad shops at Evansvillc, Ind.; Minnie, who has engaged in teaching, is now at- tending the university at Bloomington, 111.; Lib- bie is attending the Collegiate Institute of Paxton; Alexander is attending the public schools of Pax- ton; James C, Albert and Iva May are attend- ing the home school, and Charles Everett com- pletes the family. They have lost two cliildren. The Reep household is a hospitable one and the members of the family rank high in social circles. Both Mr. and i\Iis. Reep are members of the Methodist Church at Paxton. In politics, he was formerly a supporter of the Republican party, but, being a stanch advocate of the cause of tera])erance, his views on that question led him to identify himself with the Prohibitionist party. He is a friend to all social, moral and educational interests, and whatever tends to benefit the community' or promote the general welfare is sure to receive his hearty support and co-operation. He is indeed a valued citizen and one deserving of representation in the history of his adopted county. r^^ OBERT BLACKSTOCK, of the Ford County '^t' Bank, of Paxton, of which Thompson, Blackstock & Co. are proprietors, is an '■^- earl 3- settler of Ford Count\' and has been identified with its financial history for nearly twenty-two years and a resident for thirty-eight years. He is a native of Ontario, Canada, his birth having occurred in Peterboro, of that province, on the 3d of August, 1825. His parents, the Rev. Moses and Jane (Morrow) Blackstock, emigrated from Ireland to Canada in 1818. The Rev. Moses Blackstock was a clergyman of the Methodist Epis- copal Church and was distinguished for his earnest Christian piety and consistent and faithful work in his holy calling. His wife was in full sj'mpathy with her husband and possessed in a marked degree the true Christian virtues that adorn and perfect the character of a woman whose husband is a min- ister of the Gospel. Tlie families of both were of Scottish origin. The paternal grandfather of our subject was a Presbyterian clerg3-nian of Scotland, w)io became chaplain for a Scottish colony under Lord Farnham, which located near Dublin in County Cavan, Ireland. The Rev. Moses Black- stock, after attending the meetings in Dublin of an English Methodist missionary, named Gideon Ous- ley, united with the Methodist Church. After his conversion, he went to Canada as a Methodist mis- sionary, taking with him his wife, whom he had married two years previous. He was continuously and successfully engaged in ministerial work in that country' until 1855, when he emigrated to the United States and located near La Fayette, Ind., where he united with the Northwestern Indiana Conference and labored faithfully and industri- 344 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ously in that field until his death, which occurred in September, 1876. His wife had died some eight- een years previous, in La Fayette. Robert Blackstock was reared and educated in Canada under the best moral influences and the strictest Christian discipline. At the age of nine- teen, lie began learning the trade of harness-maker and was employed in that vocation for the suc- ceeding eight 3ears. In 1852, he went to Shaw- nee Mound, and engaged in farming. In Feb- ruary, 1853, he was united in marriage to Miss Emily Meharrj', daughter of Hugh and Susan (Ambrose) Meharry, of Shawnee Mound, Ind., whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Blackstock, of whom three died in childhood, while a son and a daughter are yet living. Ira B., the elder, is now engaged with his father in the management of the Ford County Bank, of which he is one of the pro- prietors, and R. May presides over her father's household. In the year 1856, Mr. Blackstock removed from Indiana to Ford County, 111., and commenced farming about three miles west of the site of the present city of Paxton, which occupation he pursued with marked success for a period of twelve years and accumulated considerable prop- erty. In 1870, he removed to Paxton and became interested in banking, and on the 1st of Novem- ber of the follovving year, in company with A. C. Thompson, Edwin Rice and C. E. Ilendenson, he participated in the incorporation of the First Na- tional Bank of Paxton, in which he was a stock- holder. In the spring of 1874, he was chosen cashier of the bank to succeed S. J. Toy, and con- tinued to serve in that position until February 10, 1876, when the bank went into voluntary liquida- tion. Then the existing firm of Thompson, Black- stock & Co. organized the Ford County Bank, which has since conducted a safe and increasing business and which is now under the management of Mr. Blackstock and his son, Ira B., resident part- ners. In January, 1890, Mr. Blackstock was called to mourn the loss of his wife, who passed to her eternal rest on the 9th day of the month. In politics, our subject is an earnest Republican but has never sought or desired prommence in public affairs. His life has been distinguished by the strictest observance of Christian duty and an earnest and active interest in the cause of the church of his choice, the Methodist P^piscopal, of which he has been a consistent member from his youth up. He was one of the constituent members of the first church established in Paxton, and has been an ac- tive and efficient worker in the Sunday-school and in all that pertains to the advance of the best in- terests of societ3' aud the Christian religion. He and his brother-in-law, Francis Meharry , were the priucipal contributors in the construction of the Meharry Chapel, the Methodist house of worship, situated at a point four miles west of Paxton. It was built at a cost of ^1,400 and was the first reg- ular meeting-house erected in Ford County. He was also a liberal contributor toward the building of the Methodist Church in Paxton. Mr. Blackstock is one of the organizers of the Building, Loan and Savings Association of this place and was chosen Treasurer of the association. In all the affairs of life, he has proved true to the high moral princi- ples inculcated in his youth by his venerated par- ents and is esteemed a most worthy and respected citizen by a wide circle of acquaintances. V^^^^ICHOLAS BALFOUR DAY, a well-known I jjj early settler of Ford County, and a pioneer lAS^ merchant of Paxton, now the manager and junior partner in the mercantile firm of J. P. Day & Co., was born in Preble County, Ohio, on the 12th of November, 1835, and is a son of Samuel and Peggy (Purviance) Day, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. The childhood and youth of our subject were passed on his father's farm. He attended the dis- trict school and learned to swing an ax about as early as he learned to read. His home was in a heavil_v timbered region, where every acre of land represented an immense amount of hard labor, compared with the land whereon he subsequently made his home in Illinois. When he was sixteen years of age, he removed with his parents to Miami PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 345 Comity, Iiid., and after there rosidiiiij upon a farm for two years, the family, eonsistiiiif of the parents, two married sons and their families, and one mar- ried daughter and iier family, also Nicholas 11. and his younger sister, emigrated to Illinois. They left Indiana in the fall of 1853, with teams and wagons loaded with houseliold goods, in addition to whieh they drove eonsideraI)le live stock, making (piite a caravan. They made their way to N'ermilion County, 111., and settled on land near Danville. The fol- lowing siiring they put in crops, hut decided to go farther to the Northwest where the country was more newly settled, and land cheaper. In August, 18.'54, Mr. Day and his sons, Samuel and N. n.,came to what is now Ford County, and settled near the site of the jjresent city of Paxton, then a wild prai- rie. An incident illustrating the primitive condi- tion of the situatKjn is given by our suliject, who relates the story of his one day running a prairie wolf down while out on horsehack, and his killing the animal at a point tliat is now the center of the city of Paxton. The killing was accomplished by the common method in pioneer da3's. The rider having tii'ed the wolf out, took off one of the stir- rups with the strap attached and struck the wolf over the head without dismounting. He also helped to build the first house in Prairie City, now Paxton, so that he may be said to have been in prett}' near the beginning of civilization at the county seat of Ford County. Mr. Daj' spent the fall and winter of 1854 in assisting his father in getting a home established, and was back and forth between the new home and the farm near Danville, aiding in securing tiie crops. The next winter he helped break prairie, and on the loth of December, a month after his twentieth birthda\', was married at the lady's home, to Miss Barbara, the eldest daughter of Daniel C. and Susan Stoner, who was one year his jnnior. She was born in Tippecanoe Count)-, Ind., and came to lord County with her parents in 1852. The \'oung couple who at so early an age had launched their ship in life upon the sea of matri- mony', were rich only in youth, hope and energy, and a determination to succeed in making their way in the world. Mr. Day's worldly possessions consisted solel}- in the ownership of a horse and saddle, whieh may have been very useful for pur- poses of locomotion over the prairie, and no doul)t might carry double on a [linch, but could not very well be utilized for shelter, food or raiment. The bride's father was well-to-do for a settler in the new country, and was evidently shrewd and sensi- ble, and instead of reaching for his [locket-lxiok and making the opening chapter of the married life of iiis daughter and son-in-law cheerful aTid easy, took Mr. Day at his word when lie said he only asked him for his daughter, and let the young folks learn by experience tliat married life without means was no summer holiday. And the^- learned it. But their independence and pluck, backed by in- defatigable energy, soon made the road smoother. Sir. Day rented a partially improved farm, where he and his wife worked with all their strength and endurance to make a start. Those were hard times, too, in the history of the West; produce brought but small return for labor, and money w.as scarce, especially in the years 1857, 1858 and 1859. After a few years, hoping to better themselves, they rented land near Danville and removed there. IMr. Stoner had evidently watched with satisfaction the manly independent course of his son-in-law, and had made up his mind that the time had come when he might safely lend a helping hand, espe- cially as he had learned that a valuable farm near by was on the market at a very low figure. So he wrote Mr. Day that lie wanted to see him .at once. On our subject's arrival, he was surprised to learn that it was the desire of his wife's father that he should buy this farm of two hundred and twenty .acres at a cost of about ¥3,000, and that the first pa3'ment of §1,000 w.as made by Mr. Stoner, he taking Mr. Da\"s note for the same. The old gentleman then took from all the holes in the walls of the rude cabin that amount in gold, for which he took a note on a long time. When Mr. Sto- ner was fully satisfied that his son-in-law was a financial success, he made his wife a present of that % 1 ,000 note as a birthday present. The purchase was made, and Mr. Day found himself the owner of a fine farm partially improved, but he was also deeply in debt. He had given his notes for the deferred ])ayments in amounts of $500, running one, two and three years. Then came the tug of war. He 346 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. raised a big crop of corn the first year, but on liaul- ing a load into Paxton, was offered onlj' ten cents a bushel for it. lie finally sold it for twelve and a half cents per bushel, but decided not to sell any more at those figures. The date of payment of the first note came round, and, for the first and last time in his life, he had to admit that he could not meet his obligation. He had a lot of corn in store and some cattle, but to sell at going prices would only make his ruin more complete. So he got an ex- tension of time. This was during the first year of the war; gold had disa|)peared from sight, and prices were tending upward. To make a long story short, he sold his ten-cent corn for seventy-five cents per bushel, and his cattle, that had been held at two cents per pound, for six or seven, and he soon had his land paid for and money to spare. After the farm was clear, Mr. Day found that both he and his wife, by their long continued strug- gle, were broken down in healtii. and they decided to let the farm, move to Paxton and take a3car's much needed rest. The change was made in the fall of 1863, but the result was not what they an- ticipated. The sudden change from active and continuous labor to idleness was terrible to Mr. Day, who became so uneasy that he had no com- fort or pleasure in life. It happened that an ac- quaintance offered him a position as clerk in a gen- eral store at a modest salary, which he gladly accepted in order to have something to occupy his time. He learned to like his new work, and con- tinued in it about two years, or until he had thor- oughly learned the mercantile business, when he started in the dry-goods trade for himself in 1865, and has followed it almost continually since, mak- ing him the oldest merchant in Paxton in years of business experience. During all this time, he has still held the title to his farm, which is one of the most productive and valualile in the couiit3'. His wife inherited one hundred and sixty acres ad- joining it, which IS also valuable land. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Da}-, a son and two daughters: Florence A., the eldest, is now the wife of William P. Martin, of Paxton; Viola E. married Wilnier Wright, and is now re- siding in Chicago; Curtis, the only son, is single and in business with his father in Paxton. Recently a partnership was formed between Mr. Day and his brother, .John P., in the mercantile business, under the firm name of J. P. Day & Co. While this partnership has existed only a year, they have been associated in business, in one way and another, for the greater part of their mature j'ears. It has been a marked characteristic of the Day brothers, that they have always worked to- gether in harmony and mutual confidence; the younger ones looking up to John P. as the head of their family, and their counselor and adviser. N. B. Day has alw.ays been a Republican in poli- tics, and while he has served as Supervisor of his township for six years, he has never been an aspir- ant for public office. His religious training in early life was under the auspices of the Christian Church, to which his parents belonged, lint later in life he became associated with the Methodist Church as an oHScial member, and with his family attends that church. Mr. Day has lieen known to the citizens of Ford and adjacent counties from early manhood, with whom he has maintained in- timate social and Ijusiness relations, and it is no flattery to say of him that his integrity is above question, and his character without reproach. He is genial, cordial and unassuming in manner, and is always to be relied upon for a fair and honorable discharge of the duties devolving upon him in all the relations of life. ENRY C. RAWLINGS, a member of the Rice Grain Elevator Company and of the Wabash Valley Coal Company, is a promi- yj nent citizen of Paxton, and well deserves mention in this volume. He claims Indiana as the State of his nativity', his birth having occurred in .Jennings County on the 23d of July, 1848. His parents are Henry and Caroline (Amnions) Rawl- ings, the former a native of Kentucky, and the lat- ter of Jefferson County, Ind. Both are still living and reside in Jackson County, Ind., near Seymour. Henry C. Rawlings,whose name heads this record, was educated in the country schools of his native State, where the days of his boyhood and 3-outh *■ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 351 were passed. Thinking Paxton fui-nished a good opening, lie came to this city in the latter part of 187.'5, and engaged in the harness-making business. Some time afterwards he embarked in the dry-goods trade and continued merchandising until 1890, when lie became connected with the Rice Grain Elevator Company of Paxton. When a young man, in December, 1 864, Mr. Rawl- ings responded to the country's call for troops to help crush out the rebellion and became a member of Company F, One Hundred and Forty-fifth In- diana Infantry. He went into the service as a drummer boy, being then less than seventeen 3'ears of age, and served until the close of the war, when he was honorably discharged. He is now a mem- ber of Paxton Post, No. 387, G. A. R., and of Mt. Olivet Commandery, No. 38, K. T. He exercises his right of franchise in support of the Prohibition party, and as every true American citizen should do, takes an interest in political affairs although he has never sought public ofHce. The lady who is now Mrs. Rawlings bore the maiden name of Margaret Cooper. She is a native of Springl'icld, Ohio, and a daughter of James and Elizabeth Cooper. Their marriage was celebrated on the 22d of February, 1876. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rawlings are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is widely and favorably known as a popular merchant and successful business man and both he and his wife are highly respected members of Paxton societ}'. fp^REDERICK J. .lOHNSON, who owns and pHcTji operates two hundred and forty acres of jk^ laud on section 15, Patton Township, is numbered among the earl}^ settlers of the county, bis residence here covering a period of twenty- seven years. He was born on the 6th of July, 1842, in Sweden, and is a son of John and Johanna (Anderson) Johnson. The family crossed the At- lantic to America in 1853, taking passage at Guten- berg on the 24th of July, in a sailing-vessel, which reached Boston on the 22d of October, after thir- teen weeks spent upon the broad Atlantic. Mr. 15 Johnson at once came West, locating in La Fayette, Ind., where he made his home for a few years. It was in 1865 that he came to Illinois and settled in Ford County, where he bought a tract of land of two hundred acres near Paxton and began its de- velopment. His wife died the following year. Mr. Johnson still resides with his slev- enth Indiana Infantry. The regiment first went to New Orleans and from there to Fortress Monroe, and then on to Washington. Going to Shenandoah Vallev, they took part in the battles of Ilalltown, Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, where Sheridan made his famous ride. At the battle of Winchester, he received a wound in the left arm, besides having his canteen shot off and a ball passing through his haversack. After leaving the Siienandoah Valley, he was on ' detached duty at Baltimore, Md., where he was mustered out. being discharged at Indianapolis in August, 1865. After the close of the war, Mr. llaupt went to Covington, Ind., and began to learn the harness- making business. He was to have served an appren- ticeship of three years, but after a year and a half he left his emplo3'er and came to Fairbur}', 111., in 1867, wliere lie worked under instructions for six months and then worked as a journeyman. In October, 1864, he came to Gibson City, and opened a harness shop. As his trade increased, he extended his business and has now a fine trade and is widely known as a first-cla.ss workman. In Covington, Ind., on the 10th of July, 1872, Mr. Haupt led to the marriage altar Miss Adella C, daughter of Abraham and Susan (Wertz) Royer, both of whom are of German descent. About the year 1845, they removed to Fountain County, Ind., in which State Mr. Royer still lives at the age of eighty years. To Mr. and ]\Irs. Royer were born eight children, all girls, of wliom Mrs. Haupt is the sixth in order of birth. Mr. and Mrs. Haupt have become tlie parents of six children: Frank C, who assists his father; Bertha G., Lela L.,Guy I., Pearl A. and Edna F. Mr. Haupt, his wife and their three oldest chil- dren are members of the Presbyterian Church, and, in politics, he is a Republican but not an office- seeker. Socially, he is a member of the Odd Fel- lows' society and the Knights of Pythias fraternity, having been Deputy of the latter order for some eiglit years and having held about all the ottices of both lodges. He also belongs to Lott Post No. 70, G. A. R., of Gibson. As a business man he has been quite successful, having accumulated a good property and si cured a good trade. For eighteen years he has been in the mercantile business in Gibson City, and is the only one in his line that lias made no chanoe in the firm title. AMUEL LEVI DAY, of the firm of Day real-estate and loan agents of Pax- is one of the very earliest settlers of the city of Paxton, and was the first Clerk of the Circuit Court of Ford Countv. He is well deserving of representation in this volume and it is with pleasure that we present his sketch to our readers. Mr. Day was born in Preble Count}', Ohio, on the 25tli of February, 183.3, his parents being Samuel and Peggy (Purviance) Day. In the month of August, 1851, the family of our subject removed to Miami County, Ind., Sam- uel accompanying them. The succeeding two years of his life were passed on a farm in the vi- cinity of Peru, and in the autumn of 1853 they all emigrated to Eastern Illinois. Their first home in this State was fixed near Danville, where land was occupied, and the following year a crop planted. In the summer of 1854, Mr. Day, Sr., 356 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. accompanied by his sons, Samuel L. and N. B., came to what is now Ford County. The father made his liome near Prairie City, now Paxton, where he spent the remainder of his days. Samuel L. Day was married in Illinois, about 1856, to Miss Susanna Swisher, who died in 1858, leaving no living children. In 18&0, lie was again married, his second union being with Miss .Jennie Lyons, a daughter of Alexander Lyons, of Or- leans County, X. Y. She is a member of the Con- gregational Church. Her birth occurred in Onon- daga County, N. Y., and she came to Illinois in 1857. Three children, sons, have been born of their union, as follows: Mark L. married Libbie Daley, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and resides in Chicago; Fred L. married Ella Blackstone and also resides in Cliicago, where to them was born, in 18!)1, a daughter named Doroth3'. Mark L. and Fred L. are now classed among the most prosperous cloak salesmen of Chicago. Cljde A., who was born in Paxton, June 25, 1869, was educated in the public schools and the Collegiate Institute of his native citj', studied law under the direction of Cook & Moffett, of Paxton, and passed a satisfac- tory examination before the committee of .Judges of the Supreme Court of Illinois, when he was but eighteen years old, but his license was with- held until he became of age. He was probably the youngest law student to pass a successful exam- ination in the State. For a time after securing his license he was in practice alone, but in June, 181(0, became a member of the law firm of Tipton, Moffett & Day, now Moffett & Day. He is a Knight Templar, belonging to Paxton Lodge No. 416, A.F. & A.M.; Ford Chapter No. 113, R. A. M.. and Mt. Olivet Commandery No. 38. On the formation of Ford County, in 1859, Mr. Day, of this sketch, was elected the first Clerk of the Circuit Court and Recorder of the new county, which position he held for two terms, or four years. He opened the books of the office and served under Judge David Davis. On leaving the service of the county, he engaged in the hard- ware business in company with Gen. L. A. Dodd, which connection continued several years, when he became a member of the dry-goods house of Day Bros. & King. Later, he joined J. P. Middle- coff in the same line and continued that connec- tion until 1876, when he became connected with the real-estate firm of Hanley, Sutton, Cloud & Day. Subsequently, he became a member of tlie real-estate firm of Da}-, Bogardus dr Jlorris, and, in 1877, he went to Champaign, where he repre- sented the Illinois Loan & Trust Company until 1879, and has since been engaged in the real-estate business with his brothers, under the firm name of Day Bros. In politics, Mr. D.ay was a Republican until 1872, since which time he hits affiliated with the Democrats. In 1872, he was a delegate to the Democratic Convention which nominated Horace Greeley for the Presidency. While but a middle- aged man, Mr. Day is one of the oldest in busi- ness 3'ears in the city of Paxton, and is one of the most highly respected citizens of that place. -^^ ELMER ENOCH, one of the most extensive stock dealers of Ford County' and a promi- ' nent resident of Roberts, is so well known in this community that he needs no special introduc- tion lo our readers wlio will, we feel assured, re- ceive this record of his life with interest. He was born in McLean County, 111., April 10, 1860, and is a S(m of Joseph and Sarah (Mitchell) Enoch. His father was born in McLean County, in 1832, acquired a common-school education and is now a ^ dealer in real estate and live stock. In politics, he is a Republican and is a member of the Methodist Church, to which his wife also belonged. Her death occurred in 1869. Our subject has two sisters: Lottie, who is married and resides in Chi- cago; and Louisa, who is married and makes her home in Mcl^ean County. Elmer Enoch acquired a good practical education in the common schools, and at the age of seventeen commenced life for himself with no capital sdve a disposition to succeed and a pair of willing hands. He gave his attention to the pursuit with which he had been familiar since his boyhood, that of stock raising, and until 1884, resided in McLean County. In that year, he came to Roberts, where he has since PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 357 made his liome. Duriiiij 1891, lie sliippcfl over the Illinois Central Raih-oad one hundred and fifty-five car loads of stock, the largest shii)inent made on this division of the road in that year by one man. He purchases all kinds of live stock and makes a specialty of hogs and cattle. He deals directly with the Chicago markets and liis sales in the past year amounted to about ¥l-oungest of the fam- ily. Of tliose deceased, three died in infancy-; Francis Marion died October 7, 1883, at the age of eighteen years; and Carny died at the age of se\^n months. Ml'. Trickel is an old Jackson Democrat and a stanch advocate of the principles of that partly. He cast his first Presidential vote for Martin Van Buren before he had attained liis majority. He commenced life a poor man, witliout capital, save an enter[irising disi)Osition, 3'et is now one of the thrifty and well-to-do farmeis of Patton Town- ship. His success is not due to any good luck, but is the result of his own industiy, good manage- ment and the exercise of correct business princi- ples. He is straightforwai'd and honest in all that he does and has the confidence of the entire com- munity. He has long made his home in P'ord County, and has tluis been an eye-witness of al- most its entire growth, has seen the advance of progress and civilization and has aided largely in its development. Much is due the early settlers who bore all the hardships and trials of pioneer life to make homes in the Far West, and were thus founders of the county. Amcmg these was Mr. Trickel and we take pleasure in presenting this brief record of his life to our readers. OIIN II. MOXTZ has for seventeen years been identified with the interests of Ford County and is a practical and progressive agriculturist, residing on section 33, Lj-- man Township. A native of Germany, he was born in Hesse Cassel, April 13. 1847, and is the eldest in a family of two sons and two daughters. His brother Luther is a stone and brick mason, residing in Roberts. He married Miss Yanda Sliambrook, and they are members of the Mctliod- ist Cliurch. The father of our subject crossed the briny (lee|) in 185(1, landing at Baltimore, whence he went lo Chambersburg, Pa., where he resided for tliuty-seven years. He and his wife now make their home with their son John. They are hale and hearty old people, and are members of the German Reformed Church. Our subject was onl}' three years old when brought by his parents to America. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and acquired his educa- tion in the common schools, but b}' reading and observation lias made himself a well-informed man, who can converse readil.y and fluently on the current topics of the day. He resided in the Keystone State until he was tliirt3"-two years of age, when, in 1870, he came with his family to Ford County, which was then a swampy region, containing more water than land. On the 29th of October, 1871, Mr. Montz was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Hoover, a native of Pennsylvania, and a daugliter of Mich- ael and Susanna (Etter) Hoover. Unto them have been born eight children, five sons and three daughters, six of whom are yet living: Mintie V., Maggie S., Anna Florence, Irwin Y., John II., Cliarlie, Roy and Clarence M. The parents are de- vout members of the Methodist Church of Roberts, and Mr. INIontz lias been a leader of the choir for A.^ Q-#;^^^^^^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 367 seven years. He has also been closely identified with the .Sunday-Sfhool work and has acted as delegate to the county conventionsof the Sunday- school many times. lie has been Steward and Trustee of tiie church for many years, and is As- sistant Suijerintendent of the Sunday-school. His consistent Christian life has won him thehigh reg.ard and confidence of all. In politics, he is a stalwart Rci)ul)lican and cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. George B. McClelland. The cause of edu- cation finds in him a warm friend, and while serv- ing for nine years as one of the Board of Directors, he has done effective service for the schools of this community. Socially, he belongs to the Meadow JNIound Grange, of which he is now Sec- retary. Of a benevolent disi)Osition, he gives liberally to charities and his aid is never withheld from any interest calculated to prove of public benefil and promote the general welfare. ^ ON. .JONATHAN P. MIDDLECOFF, presi- dent and general manager of the Paxton ISrick and Tile Company and of the Paxton ^S^J Canning Company, is one of the prominent business men of Ford County, having resided in Paxton since the pioneer days of the city. He was born in Richmond, Ind., on the 20th of February, 1838. His parents, Daniel and Theresa (New- comer) Middlecoff, were natives of Maryland, the father born in 1800, and the mother in 1809. On removing from that State in 1827, they located in Indiana, where they resided until 1849, which year saw them residents of Cincinnati, Ohio, where Mr. Middlecoff, Sr., carried on the wholesale grocery business for many years, and in 1861, came to Ford County, III., locating in Patton Townsiiip, where his death occurred in 18C6. His wife still survives him and now resides in Paxton. Our subject was a lad of eleven years when he i-emoved with his parents from Indiana to Cincin- nati, where he attended the city schools and later pursued his educaticni in St. .John's College and Farmers' College of Ohio. In 1857, he came to Illinois and embarked in the mercantile business in Ludlow, Champaign County, where he remained until 18fi2, when he removed to his farm in Ford County. He then engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1867, when he came to Paxton and opened a hardware store, which he carried on for sevei'al years. In 1881, he became associated with C. Bogar- dus, P. Whitmer and F. L. Cook in the manufac- ture of drain tile and brick, under the style of the Paxton Brick and Tile Companj', of which he was chosen president and general manager and has since continued to hold that position up to the present time, covering a period of eleven years. During this time, the company has prospered and has built uji a large and successful business, which has not only benefited the proprietors but has proved a lasting advantage to the farmers in the vicinity. In 1888, he helped to organize the Pax- ton Canning Company, of which he is president and general manager, and which has now been in successful operation for four years, and in addition to his manufacturing interests above alluded to, he has an extensive real-estate property, including several valuable farms and city property. In .January, 1864, Mr. Middlecoff was married in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Miss Mary F. Fox, a daugh- ter of Richard Fox, the original starch manufac- turer. The lady is a native of Cincinnati and in that city her education was acquired. Three chil- dren were born of their union, hut ail are now de- ceased. Alice, the eldest, died at the age of six- teen months; Samuel died at the age of twentj^-two months; while Addle, who lived to be an accom- plished and attractive young woman, died March y, 1891. In polities, Mr. Middlecoff is a Republican. He was several times elected Supervisor of Patton Township, serving as such during the years 1866, 1867, 1872, 1877, and 1878. The two Last years, he was chairman of the County Board. In 1872, he was elected a member of the Twent3--eighth General Assembly, .where he served on the Com- mittees on Public Buildings and Grounds, and Corporations, aI»o on the Committee on County and Township Organizations, and proved a useful and inlluential member of the House of Representa- tives. He has twice served as Mayor of Paxton 368 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and has ever been active in the promotion of the citj's best interests. It was during his second term as !aa\or that the city established its present effleient s^'Stem of water-worlvs. Mv. Middlecoflf is president of the board of trustees of the Rice Col- legiate Institute of Paxton. A Knight Templar Mason, he holds meml)ership with Paxton Lodge No. 416, A. F. ^li and Ethel. Mrs Pool is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Clarence and although not a member, Mr. Pool contributes liberally to its support and also gives freely of his means to charitable and benevolent enterprises. The cause of education finds in him a warm friend and his support is never withheld from any interest calculated to promote the general welfare. He is indeed a val- ued citizen of the community and one most highly f >^-^--^-7^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 369 esteemeil in this locality. In politics, he was a Democrat, but of late years has been independent, voting for the man, regardless of party affiliations. His residence in Ford County covers a period of almost twenty years, during which time he has won many friends and the confidence and regard of all witli whom he has been brought in contact. ^SGOOD THOMPSON is now living a retired life in Melvin, resting after many years spent in toil and labor which brought him the competence whicii now enables him to lay aside all business cares. We have in our subject a native of the Pine Tree State, who was born iu Somerset County, on the 30tii of December, 1821. His father, James Thompson, was alsoanative of Maine, and was of English descent. He married Sarah Bacon and they became the parents of four children, as follows: Timothy, a cooper and carpenter bj' trade, who died in 1884; Osgood, of this sketch; Lemuel, who died iu 1850; and James, a resident farmer of IMaine. The mother was called to her final home in 1832, and a few years 'ater the father was again married, his second union being with Matilda Stiles, by whom he had five children: Sarah, wife of Benjamin Moody; Hannah J., wife of Robert Sehaddock; John, a farmer of Maine; Mary E. is married and lives in Maine; and Lydia, wife of Albert Small; Arietta is married and lives in Maine. The educational advantages which our subject received were those afforded by the district schools of his native State, which he attended until fifteen years of age. He tlien began learning the carpen- ter's trade and made his home under the parental roof until he had attained his majority, when he started out in life for himself, working on a farm by the month and also at carpenter work. As a companion and helpmate on life's journey, he chose Miss Hannah W. Wentwortli, daugliter of Reuben and Sarah Wentworth, the marriage ceremony be- ing performed on the 18th of December, 1842. The 3'oung coujile began their domestic life in the Pine Tree State where they resided until 1866, when thej' came to Illinois, and in Highland, Grundy County, Mr. Thompson rented land and began farming. The following year, be Hime to Ford County, purchased eighty acres of raw land in Wall township and made some improvements thereon, after which he returned to Grundy County, where he continued to reside until 1869. In that year he brought his family to the farm in Wall township, and now devoted his entire time and attention to its cultivation. His fields were well tilled and, in consequence, abundant harvests re- warded his efi'orts, so that in the course of time he was enabled to lay by some money and is now the possessor of a competence. After carrying on general farming for some time, he purchased prop- erty in Melvin and, as before stated, is there living a retired life. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have been born a family of seven children, namely: William, who is a retired farmer of Mindeu, Neb.; Frederick G., district sergeant in one of the police stations in Chicago; Ann B., at home; RovelloG., a farmer re- siding in Grund3' County, 111.; James S., who oc- cupies the position of overseer in the tile factory of Melvin; May, wife of Charles Vananthro]), also a resident of Melvin; and Byron O., who makes his home in Chicago. In his political views, Mr. Thompson is a Repub- lican, have long supported that party, although he has never sought or desired public office. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church, and he is a worthy and respected citizen of Ford County, where he has now made his home for about twentj'- three years. He has lived the (juietand unobtrusive life of a farmer but his true worth has been recog- nized by the high esteem which is tendered him. _y (^p^IMOTHY ROSS, a grain merchant and a /^>;, member of the County Board of Supervisors ^^^ from Drummer Township, has been a resi- dent of Ford County for twenty-six years and for nineteen years has made his home in Gibson City. Mr. Ross is a native of the Keystone State, born 370 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in Greene County on the 18th" of October, 1846, and is a son of Abuer and INIarinda (McClelland) Ross, wl# were of Scoteli and Irish descent, respect- ively, but of American ancestry many generations remote. His parents both died while our subject was hut a child. He was only seven \ears of age when he lost his mother, who died in Pennsylvania, and his fattier died in Iowa when he was ten 3'ears old. Timothy Ross was brought up by an uncle in his native State until he reached the age of eighteen years. He then solicited and received the amount of his patrimony, $200, with which he determined to gratify a craving to see the West and seek an opportunity to make his way in the world. In pur- suance of this desire, he made his way to Chicago in 1866, but soon afterward continued his journey to Ludlow, where he made the acquaintance of Thomas Stevens, an extensive farmer and prominent stock- man of Champaign County. The acquaintance l)roving mutually agreeable, he engaged to work for ^Ir. Stevens, whose home was just to the south and near the Ford County line. He continued in the employ of Mr. Stevens until 1869, when he entered upon the business, but still made his home with that gentleman for four j'ears, when he estab- lished himself in the grain business, in 1873. in Gibson Citj'. On the 30th of September, 1875, Mr. Ross was united in marriage at the home of her father in Drummer Township, Ford County, to Miss Julia A. Stevens, her father being the earl}' friend and employer of her husband. Mrs. Ross was born in Champaign Count}', 111., and her motlier's maiden name was Hannah Catherine. Four children, two sons and two daughters, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ross: Charles E., Beulah May, William Chalmers and Clella, all of whom were born in Gibson City. In political sentiment, our subject affiliates with the Republican party and has held a number of official positions, proving a faithful and efficient officer. He has been School Director and Village Trustee and was appointed Supervisor for Drum- mer Township on the 1st of June, 1891, being elected his own successor in April of the following year, without opposition, for a term of two years. He is a member of the present Village Board and Director of the school district. Socially, he is a Mason, holding menibershii) with Gibson Lodge No. 733 A. F. & A. INI.; Gilison Chapter No. 183 R. A. M., and Mt. Olivet Commander}' No. 38 K. T., of Paxton. Mr. Ross has a line farm of two luindred and eighty acres, situated in Brown Township, Champaign County, which he rents. He has been in the grain business for fourteen years and has built up a large and lucrative trade. He is now buying at four different stations besides Gibson City, namely: Harpster, Guthrie and Lud- low, on the Illinois Central, and Garber on the Wabash Railroad. The grain bought consists of corn and oats, and the aggregate annual business amounts to about seven hundred and fifty thousand bushels. Mr. Ross is one of the prominent citizens of the county and highly respected throughout the community. OIIN C. AMM is one of the widely-known and highly respected farmers of Patton j_-^. Township, his home being on section 35, '^^ where he has a valuable farm. We are pleased to record a sketch of his life in this work, for we know it will be received with interest by his many friends in this community. Mr. Amm was born in Bavaria, Germany, on the 21st of Ma}', 1834, and is a son of Henry Amm, also a native of Bavaria. The father there grew to manhood, was married and reared his family. He never left the land of his birth, but there followed farming throughout his entire life. Our subject was one of a family of ten children, eight sons and two daughters, all of whom reached the years of maturity. At the age of six, he en- tered the public schools, where he remained until a youth of fourteen. In 1853, when a young man of nineteen years, he bade good-bye to his old home and started out to seek his fortune in the New World. It was the 5 th of June that he sailed from Bremen, and on the lltli of August, he ar- rived in Baltimore, Md., after a pleasant voyage of sixty-seven days. He did not pause long, how- ever, in Baltimore, but went directly to Preble i Ji^^/0^^^ <9: e^«-ci-^ I'ORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 375 County, Ohio, where he secured work in building stone fences. He then worked upon a farni bj' the month for three years, .after whii'h, in 185(), lie came to Illinois. Mr. Amm's first location in Illinois was made in Shelb.y County, where he continued to work as a f.irm hand, by the month, for a year, when, in 1857, he went to Peoria County. Three years Later we find him a resident of Tazewell Count}^ where he was employed as a farm hand for four years. He had been industrious and economical in all this time and thus havina: .accumulated some capital, in 1864 he m.ade his first purchase of land, bu3'ing an improved farm of ninety acres, which he operated for three years. On the ex[)iratiun of that time he removed to Logan County and rented a farm for four years. It was in 1874 that Mr. Amm came to Ford County and bought a one hun- dred and sixty acre tr.ict, the same upon which he now resides. It was then but slightly improved, but he cleared and broke the land, planted crops, and the fertile fields were soon 3'ielding him abundant harvest. He has erected good buildings and the Amm homestead, which is pleasantly lo- cated five miles from Paxton, is considered one of the valuable farms in the township. While residing in Tazewell County, Mr. Aram was united in marriage to Miss Hannah J., daughter of .Jesse and Emily M. (Davis) Dillon. Her father, a native of Ohio, w.as one of the hon- ored pioneers of Tazewell Count}-, where the daugh- ter was born. Their union was celebrated on the 5th of September, 186.5, and has been blessed with a family of five children: John Henry, wlio is now married and resides on a farm in Champaign County; Leo Leroy, who is living on an adjoining farm in Ford County; Saphrona Alice, Mar}- and Thomas Davis, who complete the family. They have also lost two children: Theresa A., who died at the age of seven months; and Martin L., who died at the age of five years. Mr. and Mrs. Amm are memliers of the Christian Church of Ludlow, and are highl}- respected peo- ple, esteemed for their many excellencies of char- acter. In politics, he is a Republican, having sup- ported thatparty since he cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He has served for 16 nine consecutive years as a member of the School Board, and the cause of education has found in him a warm and faithful friend. In the summer of 1891, he made a trij) to (icrmany and visited his old home and the scenes of his youth. lie thus spent two months very pleasantly, after which he returned to his home. AURICE II. WE.WER is the owner of a fine farm of two hundred acres, situated on sections 15 and 22, Wall Township, and his landed possessions here and elsewhere aggregate five hundred and sixty acres. He is a prominent and representative farmer of the com- munity and one who has a wide .acquaintance throughout the countj-. He was born on the 19th of August, 1833, in Oneida County, N. Y., .and is a son of Henry and Louise (Si)encer) Weaver. His father was born in the Empire State, .lanuary 6, 1804, and followed the occupation of farming. In politics, he was a Whig, and liimself and wife were members of the Methodist Church. His death occurred February 22,1846, and his remains were in- terred in the cemetery of Deerfield Corners, Oneida County, where a l)eautiful monument marks his last resting place. His wife was born in New Eng- land, October 6, 1807, came to the West in 1874, and spent her remaining days with her son jNIau- ricc. She died July 6, 1888, and was buried in Ijoda Cemetery. Their family numbered six children, four sons and two daughters: Catherine E., wife of John K. Gray, a speculator and gardener of Oneida County, N. Y.; Albert, who served as a soldier in the late war as a member of a New York regiment, died in Ford County; George Henry died in New York; Maria Louisa, wife of Josejih Mansfield, is living in Toledo, Ohio; Maurice is the next younger; and Joseph H., who has also followed agricultural pur- suits, resides with his brother Maurice. We now take up the personal history of our subject, feeling that it will prove of interest to many of our readers, .as he is widely and favorably known. Nothing occurred to vary the monotony 376 POETEAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of bis boyhood days, which were spent upon his father's farm and in attendance at the district schools until about sixteen years of age. His father died when he was a lad of fourteen ^ears. after which he went to live with one of his uncles. On leaving school, he began life for himself and for five years worked as a farm hand at $8 per month. In 1855, he went to Ottawa, III., where he worked upon a farm for one year, and it was thus that he got his start in life. Ho next rented land near Ottawa, where he made his home until 1865, when he purchased an eighty-acre farm with the means he had accumulated through his own laliors. He afterward sold out at an advance and then purchased sixty-five acres. Upon that farm he continued to make his home until 1870, when he sold and came to Ford County, purchasing two hundred acres of land on sections 15 and 22, Wall Township. There he has made his home continu- ously since, covering a period of more than twenty- two years. He is truly a self-made man. He com- menced life empty-handed but has prospered since coming to this county, his l)usiness ventures have proved successful and he is now the owner of five hundred and sixty acres of land, all situated in Wall Township. On the 8th of November, 1860, Mr. Weaver led to the marriage altar Miss Nancy Snelling, who was born March 8, 1842, and is a daughter of John and Rebecca (Shaver) Snelling. Her father was born near Culpeper Court House, Va., March 11,1812, and was a carpenter and joiner by trade, but fol- lowed farming through much of his life. He came to Illinois in 1840, and in 184',>, attracted by the discovery of gold in California, went across the plains with an ox-team and remained on the Pacific slope for twenty-two months. The trip was very successful, and he returned home by way of the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Missis- sippi River. In politics, he was a Democrat. His wife is a daughter of David and Nancy (Grove) Shaver, both of whom were of German extraction. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Snelling were born three sons and three daughters, five of whom are yet living: Mrs. Weaver, of this sketch ; .fames, who resides in Wall Townshi|) and is represented elsewhere in this work; David, who is mairied and follows farming in La Salle County; Annis, wife of Hale Francis, a resident farmer of La Salle County; George, who was graduated from the Wesleyan Law School of rsioomington, is now married and en- gages in the practice of his |)rofession in Anthony, Kan. There are two children now deceased: Eliza- beth, who w.as educated in (Jalesburg, was a suc- cessful teacher and died at the age of thirty-eight; and Olive, who died in infancy. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Weaver h.as been born a son, John Henry, who aids his father in the operation of the home farm. He was educated in the public schools of Paxton, the Paxton Collegiate Institute, the Normal of that place, and in 1887 and 1888, was a student in the State Normal University. He has been one of Ford County's successful teachers and also taught in JIcLean County. He married Miss Allie Augustine, a native of Pontiac, 111., their union being celebrated Februaiy 23, 1892. The lady was educated in the Normal University of Normal and w.as a teacher of recognized ability. The young couple are people of high social stand- ing in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver have also had Miss Lenora Gibson with them since she was five and a half years of age. .She is a most estimable young lady and is a member of the Meth- odist Church of Wall Township. The Weaver household is the aliode of hospital- ity and its members rank high in social circles for they possess that true worth of character which entitles everyone to respect. In his political affilia- tions, Mr. Weaver is a Democrat but has never been a politician in the sense of office-seeking. He cast his first Presidential vote for James Buchanan and his son voted first for Grover Cleveland and is a warm advocate of the Democracy. ILLIAM CYRUS WRIGHT, a member of w/ '''"^ '^"^ ^^ Cooper & Wright, dealers in ^^ lumber, of Roberts, was born in Brown County, Ohio, February 25, 1841, and is a son of James and Melinda (Bayne) Wright. The father was born in Biown County, Ohio, January 21, 1808, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 377 and in early life engaged in carding wool, but afterward turned his attention to farming, which occupation lie followed in Decatin, Ohio. In liS/il, he started Westward with his family, their destina- tion being Washington, III. Mr. Wright purchased one hundred and eighty acres of partially- improved land, but after some years removed to C'enterville, Iowa, in 1883. and his death occurred on the 1st of June, following. He always voted with the Re- pnltlican party and was a stalwart supporter of its principles. His wife was a member of the United Presbyterian Church. Siie was born September 14, 1810, and died at the age of seventj'-five years. Both patents were buried in C'enterville, Iowa. Their family numbered seven children, four sons and three daughters, six of whom are yet living: Carey C, a retired farmer who resides with his fam- ily in Ottawa, Kan.; Eleanor E., deceased; Samuel N., who is married and is foreman in the round house of the Texas & Pacific Railroad, his home being in Dallas, Tex.; William, of this sketch; Julia A., who is engaged in teaching; .lolin T., who fol- lows farming in South Dakota; and ]\Iargaret E., who is also living in Rapids Cit^'. Under the parental roof, our subject spent his boyhood days, leaving home on attaining his ma- jority. He was married October 17, 1876, the lad^y of his choice being Miss Jennie C. Wilson, a native of Allegheny County, Pa., and daughter of Samuel and Susan P. McCannahan. She is a well-educated lady and prior to her marriage engaged in teaching. Unto them were born five children: Julia B., who is studying music; Linnie P. and Morna E., who are attending school; Jesse M., who died at the age of four years; and Wilson Bayne, who completes the family. Prior to his marriage, Mr. Wright went to C'he- noa, in 1870, and engaged in farming in Yates Township, where he spent ten j'ears. He then re- moved to Gardner, (Jrundy County, 111., where he engaged in the lumber business with his uncle, M. Bayne. After one year he bought out his uncle's interest and carried on business alone very success- fully for five and a half years. He also had an in- terest in a lumber yard in Winona, 111. In 1887, he sold his business in Gardner to Harry Snyder, and on coining to Roberts bought out Lisk Bros., dealers in hardware, lumber, and furniture. He continued to operate in those lines until July, 1891, when he sold the hardware and furniture to Landel it Son and soon afterward admitted A. Cooper toi)artnerslii|) in the lumlicr business, whrle at the same time he purchased an interest in the agricultural implement business of Thompson & Co., Mr. Cooper being the company, and the firm of Coojier A Wright now deal in coal, lumber and agricultural implements. They also carry a full line of wagons, Iniggies, surreys, carriages, carts, etc. They have about « 10,000 invested, and are numbered among the leading and enterprising busi- ness men of Roberts. Their fair dealing and court- eous treatment have secured them a liberal patron- age. Mr. Wright is recognized .as one of the sub- stantial citizens of the communit}- and ranks high in business circles. - ^ ' ' y • I ' 6 •T^-pi-r^ HRISTIAN JACOB BUCHNER, an early settler of Ford County, and a leading ^^■' blacksmith of Gibson City, does general blaeksmithing, carriage and machinery repairing and horse shoeing. He w.as born in the State of Wurlemlierg, Germany, September 8, 1835, and is a son of Johannes and Christiana Buchner, both natives of that country. lie acquired his education and learned his trade in his native land, serving a regular apjirenticeship. On the 25th of December, 1854, Mr. Buchner emigrated to America, sailing from Antwerp in a sailing-vessel. They encountered several severe storms and after nsuch discomfort and considerable hardship, in a voyage of forty-five da^'S, they reached New York City. On arriving in the New World, Mr. Buchner found employment at his trade, working in JSTewark, N. J., until May, 1855, when he went to Northumberland, Pa., where he engaged in the same occupation for one year. In 185G, he removed to Chicago, being there emploj-ed for a year in Wright's Reaper Factory, where he made the first self-rake used in the country-. On leaving Chicago, he went to Champaign, where he was engaged in building cattle-guards from that 378 PORTRAIT AND EIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. city to Danville, on the line of the Great Western Railroad, now the main line of the Wabash. The winter of 1856-57, Mr. Buclmer spent in a shop at Homer, and the following spring went to Urbana, where for six months he worked in a machine shop. He then made his home in Big Grove, Champaign County, until Ma^' 23, 1858, when he located at Ten Mile Grove, Patton Town- ship, Ford County, and engaged as a journeyman in the blacksmith shop of AVilliam Trickel, and continued in his emplo.v one j^ear, when he bought out that gentleman and carried on business there for six years on his own account. From Ten Mile Grove, he went to Paxton, where he opened and ran a shop for four years. At the expiration of that time, he removed to Dix Township, where he purchased a farm, which he improved and culti- vated until April, 1873, when he came to Gibson City, engaging in his present business, and has since made that place his home. Mr. Buclmer was joined in wedlock, on the 12th of April, 1859, in Urbana, Miss Louise Lohmann becoming his wife. Mrs. Buclmer was born in Hanover, Germany, and is adaugliter of Christian and Caroline (Pieper) Lohmann. Her fatlier died in the old country, in 1857, and her mother, who came to the United States in 1863, lives in Cham- paign, ni., aged ninety-two years. Mr. Lohmann was a farmer by occupation. Mrs. Buclmer came to America with her brother in 1855, locating at Chicago. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Buchner were born six chil- dren, as follows: John W. died at the age of twelve 3'ears; Viola C. died in her second year; Louis A. is Secretary of the International Building and Loan Association of Gibson City; Charles died when fifteen months old; Edward F. is an in- structor in Yale University, and Minnie Etta is pursuing* post-graduate course in music in Gotts- chalk Lyric School at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Buchner are members of the church of United Brethren in Christ, and are act- ive workers in the Master's vineyard. In politics, he is a Republican, and while at Ten Mile Grove served as School Trustee for two terms, and since coming to Gibson City has been a member of the Village Board and has held the office of Trustee for five years in succession. He and his wife own a fine farm of three hundred and twent3- acres, situated in Dix Township. Mr. Buchner is widely and favorably known to the citizens of Ford and adjoining counties, as an industrious, hard-working man, who has, hj' the help of his wife, acquired a valuable property. He has always shown a warm interest in the growth and improvement of the town, and is highly esteemed by his fellow-citizens for his integrity' and honesty in all the affairs of life. In }-ears to come, his children and children's children may well point with pride to this record of the father, and also of the grandfather, who is entitled to the credit of being the founder of his family in America. €^ W?OHN P. SMITH is the senior member of the firm of Smitli & Ha|)l)ron, grain deal- ers of Roberts. He was born in Canada, .July 17, 1855, and is a son of James F. Smith, an honored pioneer whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. He acquired his education in the common schools, after wliich he learned telegraphy and was employed as telegraph operator for about seven years in Cornland, 111., on the lUinoij Central Railroad. He commenced life empty-handed, having only an industrious dispo- sition and a pair of willing hands, but by his energy, good management and close application to business, he has won success. On the 6th of October, 1880, Mr. Smith married Miss Sarah N. Day, a native of Logan County, 111. Three children have been born unto them, but the son, Clyde, died at the age of nine years. The two daughters, Edna and Delia, twins, eight years of age, are attending school. The parents rank high in social circles and have many warm friends throughout the community. In politics, Mr. Smith has been a Republican since he cast his first Presidential vote for Ruther- ford B. Hayes. He has served as a member of the Town Council since its organization and is now President of the Board. He w.as one of the mem- bers who framed the constitution of the village of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 379 Roberts. He has also been connected witli the School Board for some time and has done every- thing in his power for the educational, moral and social interests of the community. Himself and wife are members of the Methodist Church and take quite an active interest in its growth and upbuilding, lieing especially active in Sundaj'- school work. In the fall of l^M, Mr. Smith embarked in the grain business in Roberts, erecting a new elevator at a cost of ^4,000, and the annual shipments amount to one hundred thousand bushels. He has met with signal success in his undertakings and has won the confidence of all as an upright and straightforward business man. He also handles coal, both bituminous and anthracite. He owns a pleasant and commodious home on IMain Street, besides other property in Roberts and Lyman Townshi]), and is now in comfortable circum- stances. He is a worthy representative of an honored pioneer family and it is with pleasure that we present his sketch to our readers. ^^I@' •Q \^ RANZ GOTTLIEB LOHMAN, who has been prominently connected with the edu- cational interests of Ford County and is a prominent citizen of Roberts, was born of German parents in Watertown, Wis., January- 7, 1849. In the summer of 1851, when he was only a jear and a half old, Ijoth his parents died of cholera, which at that time raged with unparalleled fury. Young Franz was now left to the care of his grandfather, a widower. Without doubt he loved his grand- child dearly and cared for him tenderly, but he was of such a type that but few pleasures entered into the early life of the 3'oung lad. Indeed, it was the grandfather's ardent desire that Franz should become a German Lutheran minister. When our subject was nearly thirteen years old, his grandfather died, leaving some means which he had set aside for the education of his grandchild. He was accordingly sent to a select school for a j-ear and then entered the preparatory department of the Northwestern University of Watertown, an institution under the auspices of the Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin. Franz was bright and stud- ious and before he was seventeen years old he had successfully passed an examination for the fresh- man class, but the means for furthering his educa- tion being now exhausted, he seized upon this op- l>ortunitv as an excuse for discontinuing his studies fitting him for the ministry, as he was averse to making that profession his life work. So he left school, notwithstanding members of the faculty and private citizens proffered him aid. Mr. Lohinan now entered the field as a teacher, first in the primary department of a (4ei'man paro- chial school in Watertown, Wis., and afterward as a teacher in the grammar department of a German school in Milwaukee. His health liecoming im- paired, he returned to Watertown and accepted a position in a steam sawmill, where he had worked during vacations and in his bojhood days. In April, 1869, he was attacked with hip disease, which dislocated the hip joint and left him in a somewhat lame condition. Thinking that the climate in Wisconsin was too severe, he came to Ford C'ounty, III., where he worked upon a farm for several years. In August, 1878, Mr. Loliman was united in marriage to Miss Florence Belle McCann, and by their union have been born two sons and three daughters, namely: Sherrill B., Leona A., Howard A., Florence B. and Adelaide L. The parents are widely and favorably known in this community. In the fall of 1875, Mr. Loliman again entered the ranks of teachers and was exceptionally suc- cessful in his work. In .June, 1882, he received the nomination for Count}' Superintendent on the Republican ticket and was elected the following November by a large majority. Having faithfully served for four years, he was again elected in 1886. Politically, he had been a Republican, but when the tariff was made the issue, in 1888, he voted with the Democratic party, which drew upon him the hatred of the leaders of the party which had twice nominated and elected him. In 1890, he announced himself as an independent candidate for County Superintendent, and was endorsed by the People's Convention. Although the Republican majority is three to one, Mr. Loh- 380 PORTRAIT AND BIOGKAPHICAL RECORD. man was defeated by only twenty-five votes, which fact indicates his personal popularity, not- withstanding his withdrawal from the old partJ^ Since that time, he has withdrawn to private life. He is especially successful as an instructor and de- serves much credit for what he has done for the schools of Ford Countv. <| felLLIAM KEITZMANX owns and operates \/\j// two hundred acres of arable land on sec- W^ tion 9, Wall Township. His first purchase of land in this county consisted of one hundred and sixty acres but he has since bought an addi- tional forty-acre tract. His farm is one of the best in the neighborhood. On it is a pleasant home, good barns and other outbuildings and neat rows of liedge fence. He also has the latest improved machinery and other modern conveniences found upon a model farm of the nineteenth century. Our subject is one of the worthy citizens of Ger- man birth residing in Ford Count}-. He was born in Prussia, April 22, 1842, and is a son of Michael and Wilhelmina (Zabel) Keitzmann. His father followed farming throughout his entii'e life and died in the land of his nativity. His mother came to America in 1885, and spent her last da3'S in Roberts, Ford County. Both were members of the Lutheran Church. Of their seven children, Au- gust is now living in Germany; Julia is the wife of William Guderjahn, a farmer of Wall Township; William is the next younger; Lewis is employed in tlie tile factory in Melvin; Augusta is the wife of August Schultz, a farmer of Wall Township; Gus- tave is engaged in agricultural pursuits in the same township, and Emma is the wife of Gustavo Sabel, a resident farmer of L3'man Township, this county. All of the children were l)orn in Ger- many. The educational privileges which William Keitz- mann received were those afforded bj' the common schools of his native land, which he attended until fourteen j'cars of age, after which he worked as a farm hand. He was twent3'-seven years of age when he bade good-bye to his old home and, ac- companied by Lewis and Augusta, sailed from Hamburg to New York in 1868, where he arrived after nine days. He came on at once to Illinois and made a location in Marsliall Count}-, where he worked by the month for three years. He then rented land and engaged in fanning for himself for four years. In 1874, he purchased his present farm as before stated. It was then all raw prairie land and much of it was under water. Horses could swim where the tilled fields now are and one would not then have imagined that the ponds would be replaced by waving fields of grain. With $16, Mr. Keitzmann had begun life in Am- erica but he also possessed an indomitable will and energy and has thereby acquired a liaudsome com- petence. On the 26th of November, 1874, in La Salle Count}-, he led to the marriage altar Miss Emilia Schoenneshoefer, daughter of a German phj-sician. She was born in the Rhine Province of Prussia, November 26, 1854, and cnme to America in 1867. By their union have been born six children: Ilil- arius, who was born in La Salle Countj-; .Uilia, Otto, Freddie, Emaline, and William, deceased, at the age of five and one half years, all born in this count}'. The parents are members of the Lutheran Church and, in politics, Mr. Keitzmann is a Re- publican, having cast his first Presidential vote for Hayes. He has served as School Director and Com- missioner of Highways, also as Pathmaster, and proved an efficient and competent officer, faith- fully discharging his duties. ylLLIAM BOND, senior member of the firm of Bond & Reinhardt, druggists, is one of the leading business men of Roberts, and has been identified with the history of Ford County since 1864. A native of Manchester, Lancashire, England, he was born February 4, 1841, and is a son of Zacharia and Mary (Dixon) Bond. The family numbered nineteen children, of whom the following are yet living: .John, who IS married and follows fanning in Peach Orchard PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 381 Township; Mary, widow of John Stone, and a resident of England; Ellen, widow of Thomas Old- ham, residing in Roberts; Eliza, wife of Josej)h Bar- rington, a packer residing in Manchester; Will- iam, who is the eighteenth in order of birth; and James, who is married and is a veterinary surgeon, of Streator, 111. Tlie father was a native of Lancashire, England, and a cabinet-maker by trade. In 1859, he sailed from Liverjiool to Amer- ica, and after landing in New York, came to Illi- nois, locating in Streator, where he lived retired until his death at the age of sixty years. His wife died in her native land at about the age of tifty- six. Our sul)ject had only limited educational privi- leges, but tlu'ough his own efforts he liecame a well- informed man and has ever been a friend to tlie cause of education. In his youtli, he learned the trade of brick-making, and in September, 1858, in company witli his brother J.imes, bade adieu to his native land and crossed the Atlantic to Amer- ica. He went to Livingston County, 111., where he remained from 1858 until 1863, since which time he has been an honored resident of Ford County. His success in life has been due to his own efforts, and from an humble position he has worked his way ujiward to one of affluence. Mr. Bond has been three times married. His present wife l>ore the maiden name of Sarah Bar- nett. She is a native of Illinois, and their union was celebrated in 1873. Unto them have been born seven children, three sons and four daugli- ters, namely: Delia, wife of Henry Stcinman, a merchant; Fannie, William A., Arena, Edwin, Jessie and an infant. As before stated, Mr. Bond is engaged in the drug business. The firm of Bond & Reinhardt carrj' a full line of staple and fancy drugs, chemi- cals, oils, varnishes, fancy perfumes, brushes and a full line of wall-paper, paints, etc. Their busi- ness amounts to about $2,000 annually, and, in addition to this, Mr. Bond is a partner of William Halm in the wagon and f^arriage making business. They repair both spring and lumber wagons and buggies and have a good trade. Our subject owns two hundred and sixty-four .acres of imi)roved land in Lym.an Townshi|). which yields a golden tribute to him and adds not a little to his income. He is an industrious, persevering and sagacious business man, and by close attention to business and fair and honest dealing has acquired a com- fortable competence. Mr. Bond cast his first Presidential vote for Al)raham Lincoln and has since been an ardent Republican. He takes considerable interest in political affairs, and by his fellow-citizens has been called upon to serve for six years as School Di- rector, and for three consecutive terms was unani- mously chosen Highway Commissioner. Socially, he is a member of Lyman Lodge No. 293, K. T., and serves as Inner Guard. (^^HE FORD COUNTY BANK, Thompson, (f((^^ Blackstock ifc Co., proprietors, successors to v>^^ the First National Bank of Paxton, is the oldest bank in the direct line in Ford County. This is a private banking house, doing a general lianking business, and is conducted under the man- agement of Robert and Ira B. Blackstock. The Ford County Bank was established, January 1, 1866, by S. J. Toy. In August, 1868, A. C. Thomp- son joined Mr. Toy, and the firm name was Toy & Thompson. On the 1st of November, 1871, the bank was converted into the First National Bank of Paxton, S. J. Toy, A. C. Thompson, Robert Blackstock, Edwin Rice and C. E. Henderson in- corporators. The capital stock was •t50,000. A. C. Thom[)son was made President and S.J. Toy, Cash- ier. In the spring of 1874, Mr. Toy sold his inter- est to J. M. Clevenger, and Robert Bl.ackstock be- came Cashier. The bank continued business until the 10th of February, 1876, when its proprietors closed it out by voluntary liquidation, after which A. C. Thompson, Robert Blackstock and William Blackstock organized the present Ford County Bank, of Thompson, Bl.ackstock & Co., successors to the First National Bank. Business was contin- ued under their management until April 15, 1883, at which time W. M. Blackstock withdrew from the firm. On the third of May following, Edwin Rice, a citizen of Paxton, bought an interest in 382 PORTEAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the bank, which has continued with marked suc- cess to the present time, without cliange of firm name. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Rice are both now deceased, and the present proprietors are Mrs. A. C. Thompson, Mrs. Rice-Miles, R. Blackstock and I. B. Blackstock. The Ford County Bank has al- ways maintained its good name and is widely and favorablj' known as one of the solid financial in- stitutions of Eastern Illinois. ARMON STRAYER, who is living a retired life in Paxtou, is one of the well-to-do citi- zens of Ford Coiintj' and a man of promi- nence in the community. A native of Ohio, he was born in Fairfield County, September 20, 1820, and is a son of Jacob Straj-er. The family is of German descent and was founded in America at an early day by John Strayer, the great-grand- father of our subject, who left his native land and became a resident of Pennsylvania in his youth. In that State, he was married and from there re- moved to Virginia in 1782. The father of our subject was born in Berkeley County, Va., June 7, 1796, spent his boj'hood days in that State and when a young man went to Ohio, where he mar- ried Elizabeth Harmon, who was born in the Buck- eye State in 1803. Her father, Jacob Harmon, was also a native of Germany and came to the United States when a young man. He served as a soldier in the Revolutionarj' War and was taken prisoner at the battle of Monmouth, but succeeded in making his escape. Jacob Strayer and his wife began their domestic life upon a farm in (Jhio, and in 1824 removed to Indiana, locating in Fountain County. They settled in the wilderness, there developed a farm, and aided in the upbuild- ing and growth of that countj'. It was in 185-1 that Jacob Strayer brought his family to Illinois, locat- ing in what is now Ford County. He was one of the first settlers in Button Township, and there made a farm, upon which he resided until his death, which occurred January 3, 1869. His wife survived him for a number of years and died on the 22d of June, 1883. Thej^ were laid to rest in Mt. Olivet Cemetery' in Button Township. The subject of this sketch is the eldest in a fam- ily of five sons and four daughters who grew to mature years. The second in order of birth is Mary, wife of Moses Stroup, of Iroquois County; Susanna is the wife of Robert Robertson, of Foun- tain County, Ind.; ISIilton makes his home in But- ton Township; Elizabeth is the wife of David Robinson, a resident of Fountain County, Ind.; .John M. grew to manhood, married and reared a family, but is now deceased; Thomas B. has also passed away; Josephine is the wife of Joseph Har- ris, of Benton County, Ind.; and H. S., a resident of Paxtou, completes the family. No event of special impottanee occurred during the boyhood of our subject. He had but limited school privileges and spent his time in the usual manner of farmer lads, remaining under the par- ental roof until after he had attained his majorit}'. It was in 1851 tiiat they came to Illinois, locating first in Champaign Country, where he entered a quarter-section of land in the northeast portion of tiial county. Upon it he built a house, and broke and fenced about thirty acres of land. In 1855, he sold, and settled on land in Button Township, F"ord County, pre-empting a tract of one hundred and sixty acres. He afterward extended the boundaries of his farm by additional purchase, un- til he had three hundred and fifty acres, and made his one of the most desirable country homes in that part of the county. Mr. Stra3'er came to Illinois a single man but in 1858 returned to Fountain County, Ind., and on the 29th of November of that 3-ear led to the mar- riage altar Miss Martha McClure, daughter of Samuel and Anna (Watt) McClure, who settled in Ohio in an earl}' day. She was born in Ohio, but spent her maidenhood days in Indiana. They had four children but lost two in infancy. Thomas B. is the elder of the two living and Lizzie A., the younger, is the wife of J. C. Martin, of Paxton. They have two children, Willie H. and an infant daughter. Mr. Strayer continued to engage in agricultural pursuits until 1886, when he removed to Jackson County, ]\riini., and there opened up a farm which ..-™w-»s^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 385 he carried on for about six years. He tlien sold that land and returned to Ford County, since which time he has made his home in Paxton, where he is now living a retired life. In politics, he was first a Wliig and ctist his first Presidential vote for Henry Clay. He then supported Martin Van Buren, but since the organization of the Re- publican party he has been fovuid in its ranks. For five years, he has served as Assessor of Button Township and in 18.58 was Assessor of Patton Township wlien it Iielonged to Vermilion Count}' and included all of what is now Ford County. He was also Highway Commissioner, and in eacli posi- tion that he h.as been called upon to fill he has proved an able and efficient officer. Tlic best in- terests of the community ever find in him a warm friend, and himself and wife are members of the Christian Church. He is now living a retired life in Paxton, enjoying a well-earned rest. =-^-^+^^ ~^ ON. .lOIIN H. COLLIER, the pioneer hard- ware merchant of Gibson City, has been a leading Inisiness man of that place since its inception. He was born in Sangerfield, Oneida County, N. Y., March 29, 1844, and is a son of Joseph and Mary A. (De Forrest) Collier. His father was born in Buckinghamshire, England, on the 3d of August, 1820, and was descended from an old English family of that region. When nine years of age, he emigrated with his parents to America, the family locating in Oneida County, N. Y., wiiere he was married and made his home. Five sons and two daughters were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collier, of whom John II. is the eldest, and in order of birth the others are, .Tames, Chauncey, Scott, Sophia, George, Martha. James and Chauncey were soldiers of the late w.ar, mcm- bersof the Seventeenth Illinois Cavalry; Chauncey died in 1865 from wounds received on the field of battle; Sophia became the wife of Edward Leiber, of Antioch, Lake County, 111.; and Martha is the wife of Wall.ace Arnold, of Chicago. In 18.55, the fainilj- came to Illinois and settled on a farm in L.ake County, where the wife and mother died in 1860. The husband and father survives and re- sides with his son, John 11., in Gibson City. The subject of this sketch attended the district schools of Antioch, acquiring a good Finglish edu- cation. (Jn the 29th of July, 1862, when only eighteen years of age, he enlisted for the late war as a member of Company D, Ni: ety-sixth Illinois Infantry. The following year, he was promoted in regular order to be Second Lieutenant, First Lieu- tenant and Captain, a very high rank considering his j'outh. At the battle of Chiekamauga, on the 20th of September, 1863, he was wounded by a gun- shot in the left tliigli, and again at the battle of Nashville, December 1 G, 1864, by a gun-sliot wound in the left arm. His service was mostly in the Army of the Cumberland. He was mustered out of ser- vice in 1866. On his return to Illinois, Mr. Collier engaged in merchandising in Antioch, Lake County, where he continued to reside until 1871, which year wit- nessed his removal to Gibson, Ford County, where he, with II. J. Ring, opened the first hardware store in that place, later on purchasing Mr. Ring's inter- est, thereby becoming sole owner. With marked success, he has carried on business continuously since and has one of the most complete and well- iissorted stocks of goods in the way of general hardware and farm implements to be found in the county. In his political affiliations, Mr. Collier is a Re- publican and has held various public offices of honor and trust. In 1873, he was elected Supervisor for Drummer Township, was re-elected and served several consecutive years. He was a member of the first Board of Trustees of the town of Gibson, has served several terms since, and has been Presi- dent of the Board. In 1876, he w.as elected to the Thirtieth General Assembly of Illinois, was twice re-elected, serving in the Thirty-second and Thirty-third Assemblies, representing Ford and Livingston Counties. In 1888, he was elected a member of the State Board of Equalization for a term of four years. Ilis course in official life has ever been such as to win him the commendation of alU concerned and has gained him the respect of even his political enemies. .Sociall}-, Mr. Collier is a Knight Templar iVIason, belonging to Gibson 386 POETRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Lodge No. 733, A. F. & A. M., Gibson Chapter No. 183, R. A. M., and Mt. Olivet Commandery No. 38, K. T., of Paxton. He is also a member of Lott Post No. 70, G. A. R., of which he was First Commander. He also enjoys the distinction and honor of being a member of the military order of the Loyal Legion Commandery of Illinois. On the 5th of May, 1875, Mr. Collier wedded Miss Harriet McClure, who was born in McLean Count3-, 111., and is a daughter of Benjamin H. and PVances McClure. Two children were born of their union, a son and daughter: Ben, born October 1, 1878, and Kate, on the 25th of August, 1882. The lady is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Collier is interested in agricultural pursuits, as well as mercantile, and is the owner of a well- improved farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Drummer Township. In (jursuit of the hardware business, he ac(|uired a comfortable competence, for he has labored to please his customers, and his deal- ings have been characterized b\' honesty and up- lightness. Thus has he won a liberal and well- deserved patronage. J'J*'5''?''5" i if****!- "•5**j**5**{**^S^P*4*4*4f EREMIAH CLEM is a practical and pro- gressive agriculturist living on section 36, Button Township. He was born in Warren County, Ind., on tlie 25tli of September, 1850, and is descended from one of the old Revolution- ary heroes, his paternal grandfather, Henry Clem, having fought in the War for Independence. He removed from Butler County, Ohio, to Warren Count}', Ind., about 1830. Tlie father of our sub- ject, Abraham Clem, was born in the former county about 1826, and was therefore only four years old when he went to the Iloosier State. He there grew to manhood and married Margaret N. Stary, a native of Virginia, wlio came to Indi- ana when a young maiden, and there resided until after her marriage. Her father, Nicholas Star}', was one of the first settlers of Warren Count}'. After his marriage, Mr. Clem engaged in farming, and now resides upon a farm adjoining the old homestead. He has reached the age of sixty-six years and is living a retired life. In politics, he has long been a Democrat, but has never been an office- seeker, and himself and wife are members of the Methodist Church. Their family numbered five sons and three daughters, who grew to mature years, the eldest of whom, Israel, is now engaged in farming in Warren County; .leremiah is the next younger; Elmira is the wife of Peter Lowe, of AVarren Count}-; Cornelius is also an agri- culturist of Warren County; Louis makes his home in the same county; .losephiue is the wife of Ed Spencer, a farmer of Warren County; Charles aids in the operation of the old homestead in In- diana; and Mary completes the family. Jeremiah Clem, whose name heads this record, spent the days of his boyhood and youth in the county of his nativity, remaining witli his parents until after he had attained to mature years. He received tlie educational advantages afforded by the common schools, and after he had attained his majority began working upon a farm for himself. It was in the siniiig of 1871t that he first made his home in Illinois, locating in A'ermilion County. He there resided upon a farm for two years, after which he removed to Champaign County, where he purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land and upon tliat farm resided for about four years. On the exjiiration of that period, he came to Ford County and purchased one liundred and fifty-two acres of land — an improved farm, which is yet his home. He has since bought a tract of one hundred and twenty acres near Paxton, and a flfteen-acre tract of timber land, making in all an aggregate of two hundred and eighty-seven acres. He keeps his farm well improved, his fields are well tilled and he is a successful agriculturist. In Vermilion County, on the 29tli of December, 1878, Mr. Clem wedded Miss Maria E. Campbell, who was born in Fountain County, Ind., and, when a maiden of fourteen siunmers, went to Vermilion County, 111., in company witli her father, William Campbell, one of the substantial farmers of that county. Their union has been blessed with two children: Auiil and Orville B. The family is well and favorably known throughont this community, although their residence here covers a compara- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 387 tively short period. In politics, Mr. Clem has lieen a lifeloug Democrat anil takes a deep interest in ti\e success and growth of his party. He is one of the enterprising and substantial farmers of Ford County, and his sterling wortli and upright char- acter well entitle him to representation in this volume. SiIIE IIIRA3I SIBLEY ESTATE, of which William A, Bicket is general manager, is an important part of the original Sullivant purchase in Ford and Livingston Counties and comprises twenty-one thousand two hundred and seventeen acres, valued at $1,326,73,5, and is di- vided into one hundred and thirty-six well-im- proved farms. Each farm has a tasty, roomy and comfortable tenant house and suitable farm and outbuildings. AVell-im proved roads run on section lines, and many hedges mark farm boundaries, di- viding the land into farms of one hundred and sixty acres each. These farms are rented to a su- perior class of tenants on shares, or for cash rent, as the tenant may choose. Wlien on shares, the tenant gives for the use of the land two-fifths of the corn crop and one-third of the small grain and hay. The rents for the year 1891 amounted iu round numbers to $90,000. The crops of that year were represented by three hinidred thousand bush- els of corn, two hundred thousand bushels of oats, and seeds and other products not enumerated. Garden and field seeds are grown extensively but not so much so as during the life of the proprietor, who was one of the greatest seed-growers and deal- ers in the Union. The soil of these farms is a black prairie loam, very rich and fertile, and well adapted to general farming and stock-raising. A system of tiie drain- ing has been extensively adopted with marked success, and farms that were held at from $12 to $15 per acre in Mr. Sullivant's day are now worth from $60 to $80. Thirt^^ sections of the property are situated in the township of Sullivant. Ford County, and five sections in Fayette Township, Livingston County. The town of Sibley, .an in- corporated village of five hundred inhabitants, is situated in the township of Sullivant and in the geographical center of the estate. It is astation on the Wabash Railroad and is situated on the main line between Chicago and St. Louis, being one hundred anil three miles south of Chicago and one hundred and eight3'-two miles north of St. Louis. The railroad, then the Chicago & Paducah, was built to this point in 1873, since which time Siblej' has grown to be a thrifty and prosperous town. The village has three churches and four religious societies: the Methodist Episcopal, Swed- ish Evangelical Lutheran, German Lutheran and German Methodist. The town is noted for its ex- cellent schools. Social and secret societies are represented by the following-named: Masonic, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, Good Templars and the Clover Club. The town has a good hotel, several mercantile houses and two important manufactories: the Illinois Canning Works, which have a canning capacity of the pro- duct of one thousand acres of sugar corn, and the drain tile works that supply the farmers of the surrounding countiy with a very necessary article for improving their land. The Sibley property in- cludes the grain elevator, having a storage capac- ity of fifty thousand bushels and facilities for loading thirty cars a day, being the largest on the Wabash Railroad between Chicago and St. Louis, with one exception. The tenants of the Sibley estate are of various nationalities, Americans, Germans, Swedes, English, Irish and French being represented, and tiie total number included in the tenant population is about an even thousand. The educational wants of the farmers' families are provided for by ten good country schools which are conducted under the State laws as district schools and are governed Ity officers elected by the people. A beautiful and in- teresting feature of the Sibley landscape is the little lake adjoining the village, which is well stocked with fish and adds much to the attr.active- ness of the place. Under the careful and judicious management of Mr. Bicket, the estate has attained a degree of thrift that has not only brought profit and large increase in value to the owners but competence, 388 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD, comfort and contentment to the industrious and enterprisini"' tenants. It is safe to assert that tlieie is not another property of like extent on the face of the globe that is occupied under leases where the tenants are as prosperous, independent and contented as those on tlie Sibley estate. The causes for tliis happy result are easily discovered. First may be mentioned the wonderful richness and fertility of the soil, a plentiful sup|)ly of good water, cheapness of fuel and salubrity and health- fulness of the climate; secondly, the convenience to market; and last, but not least, the wise, liberal and judicious policy of the management, which af- fords every man a fair leturn for his labor and the advantages of schools and churches for his family. So popular have the leases of this property become that they are sought for as most desirable by the most respectable and worthy renters. For twenty years the manager has been weeding out the objec- tional)le tenants and supi)lying their places with the wortliy and desiralile lease-holder, until at this date the land is peopled by a model tenantry. The town contains a good library of well-selected books and many elegant works of art, and the High School can boast the most complete set of scientific ajiparatus for educational purijoses to be found in the county, all furnished through the liberality of Mr. Sibley and the efforts of the pu- pils, and should be credited to the broad-minded system of management, which has been so faith- fully and successfully carried out by the Board of Education. H ■ ■ ! I f ^ rf . * <* M ^ ' 'i'jOHN ORTLEPP is engaged in general merchandising in Roberts, and is recognized as one of the leading business men of the community. He was born in Hanover, Germany, May 14, 1841, and is the only son of Johann and Elizabeth (Busch) Ortlepp. They had one daughter, however. May, who married A. Greenfeldt, a boot and shoe maker b}' trade, and is now deceased. Johann Ortlepp w.as born in December, 1H17, was a basket-maker by trade and a fine workman in that line. In 1872, accompanied by his wife, a native of Hanover, he sailed from Bremen to New York City and came at once to Illinois. He located in Iroquois County, but after a year came to this county and has since made his home with his son John. He is a member of the German Lutheran Church, to which bis wife also belonged. Her death occurred in Roberts in 1882. Our subject learned the butcher's trade in his youth and was .also a sailor. While on the high seas he visited St. Petersburg, London, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. He fol- lowed a sea-faring life for nine years and during all that time was never ship-wrecked. In the fall of 1871, he bade adieu to his native land and once more crossed the briny deep, sailing from Liver- l)Ool to New York City. He came at once to Livingston County, 111., where he began husking corn at $1 jier day. In June, 1872, he resumed his old trade of a butcher and after working at Fairbury for fifteen months, came to Roberts, where he has since made his home. At that time there were only four stores in the village. For a, year he was emi)Ioyed in a warehouse and in 1873 began business for himself as a butcher, continuing in that line until 1887, when he added a stock of groceries and attended to both branches of trade. He has recently purchased a stock of hardware and a stock of furniture, and has already secured a liberal patronage from tlie people of Roberts and the surrounding community. Mr. Ortlepp was married, June 28, 1884, to Miss Emma Twarnoske, a native of Germany. Her parents were natives of the same place and now reside with their daughter. Five children have been born unto our subject and his wife: Lizzie, Mary, Alma, Ida and Lena. The parents are both members of the Lutheran Church, to the support of which they contribute liberally, and they have also given of their means to other enterprises of interest calculated to ui>build the community and promote the general welfare. In politics, Mr. Ortlepp is a Democrat. He has now been a resident of Ford County for many years. He came with a cash capital of about i<80() and is now the owner of a large general mercantile establishment, and in connection has one hundred PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 391 and sixty acres of valuable land and his pleasant and commodious home located on Maple fStreet. He is truly a self-made man. liy the exercise of good business principles, supplemented by indus- try and perseverance, he has acquired a handsome property, and tlie prosperity wiiich has crowned his efforts is certainly well deserved. He is now numbered among the substantial citizens of the community and it is with pleasure that we present this record of his life to our readers. ■^S* EMANUEL LOWRY, editor and proprietor of the Gibson Courier, is a resident of Ford ,. County and has made Gibson City his home since 1875. He was born in ^Somerset County, Pa., January 22, 1837, and is a son of Michael and Salome (Moyer) Lowry. The parents were Ijoth natives of Pennsylvania and passed away in that State, greatly beloved by all who knew them. Emanuel Lowry received his primary education in the common schools of his native count}' and afterward took a classical course in Bethany Col- lege, in West Virginia, graduating in the Class of '66. lie served a regular apprenticeshij) to the printer's trade in Somerset, Pa., and then spent some years teacliing in the public and normal schools of the county. In 18G0, he went to Beth- any, W. Va., where he followed the occupation of printing, devoting his leisure hours to study, and 111 this way working his way through college. In 1870, he left Bethany and bought a half-interest In a paper in Wadsworth, Ohio — the Wadsworth £!ii- terprise, with whicli he was connected for one year. He then sold out and came to Illinois, settling at P'ureka, and there purchased the Eureka Journal, in .January, 1872. He conducted tliat paper for tliree years, and in 1875 came to Gibson, purchas- ing the Courier, which he has since carried on, with the exception of one year, 1884-85, which he spent at Pontiac, 111., where he bought a half- interest in the Pontiac Senlind, which lie still holds. The SvnUnel is the leading Rei)ublican paper in Livingston County and is very ably and well conducted. A marriage ceremony performed on the 24th of September, 1862, in Somerset, Pa., united the des- tinies of MissPluebe Colliorn and Mr. Lowry. Tlie lady is a daughter of Sylvester and Olive Col- born, and was born in Somerset County, Pa. She was a sucessful teacher in the public schools of her native county at the time of her marriage, oc- cupying a front rank in her profession, and is a lady of culture and fine literaiy taste, a true helpmate to her husband in his literary work. Unto ]Mr. and Jlrs. Lowiy have been born seven children, but two died in infancy, and one daugh- ter, Emil}', died at the age of twenty- j'ears. The living are: diaries E., who is in the Courier office with his father; James P. and John A., who are students in the University of Illinois at Cham- paign, 111.; and Russell, the youngest of the famil}'. Mr. Lowry and liis wife are members of the Christian Church and take an active interest in its work. The}- are botli members of the Society of Royal Templars of Temperance, and in active sympathy with every movement which has for its object the moral and intellectual uplifting of so- ciety. Mr. Lowry is an experienced and success- ful journalist, and in his hands the Courier has been a potent f.actor in the development of good moral sentiment in tlie community and in promot- ing the cause of temperance. His outspoken ad- vocacy of temperance sentiment in his paper has done much to crystallize public sentiment against the saloon and drive it from the community in which he makes his home. The good effects of his teaching and example will live after him. f^-_^ UGH MEHARRY was born in Connellsville, Pa., February 12, 17!I7, and the next year moved with his parents to Adams County, Ohio, where he resided until 1828, when he married Miss Susan Ambrose and at once moved to Montgomery County, Ind., near Shawnee Mound, where he and his new bride settled for life. By Industry and economy and the great oppor- tunity there offered for buying land of a superior 392 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD, quality very cheap, he amassed a large fortune. His father died before he left Ohio. About two years after the son removed to Indiana, his mother also moved from the Buckeye State with six other sons and one daughter, and settled at Shawnee Mound, near Hugh. The sisters and brothers all married and settled in the neighbor- liood, and, like Hugh, were very prosperous, and became wealthy, notwithstanding their large dona- tions to colleges, churches and benevolent institu- tions. Prominent among our subject's philanthropic deeds was the endowing of a professorship in the Central Tennessee College, iu Nashville. He also contributed largely to the building and endowing of the Illinois Wesleyan University, of Blooming- ton, 111. When this part of Illinois was comparatively new, 3Ir. Meharry came here and secured a large amsL/C'X> ■SO~ I? EWIS E. ROCKWOOD, Assistant Cashier of Co., of Gibson City, has been an employe of that company, as book-keeper and assistant cashier, continuous!}' since 1883. Mr. Rockwood was born in La Salle County, 111., October 15, 1855, and is a son of .lohn A. and Sarah J. (Lewis) Rock- wood. In 1863, he removed with his parents to Normal, this State, and there received his educa- tion in the |Hiblic schools, completing his literary studies in the High School. He came to Gibson City in 1872, wlien it was but a hamlet of a year's growlli, and made his home with his parents on a farm in Drummer Township until 1880, since which time he has resided in the city. During the years of his residence on the farm, he engaged in agricultural |)ursuitsand in teaching school, having taught in all nine terms. The two years just pre- ceding his coming to Gilison, he devoted his time almost exclusively to teaching, and was very suc- cessful in that occupation. Until 1883, he wasem- plojed as a book-keeper by a Gibson grain firm, and at the expiration of that time, lie entered upon the duties of his present position in the bank. Mr. Rockwood has been twice married, the first time in Paxton on the 10th of July, 1884, to Miss Florence Moffett, a daughter of S. R. Moffett. Mrs. Rockwood was born in Indiana, and accompanied her parents to Paxton in childhood. She was called to her final rest on the 1st of November, 1885, and her death was deeply mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. On the 9th of May, 1889, Jlr. Rockwood was united in marriage in Gibson to his present wife, whose maiden name was Ida Baird. Mrs. Rockwood is a native of Illinois, born in McLean County, and is a daughter of W. .1. Baird. of Gibson Cit}-. One child graces this union, a son, Roscoe, who was born in Gibson, Febru.ary 20, 1890. In politics, Mr. Rockwood easts his vote with the Democracy, and is a stalwart supporter of the i)arty principles. He has been a member of the Village Board two terms, and now holds the position of President of the City School Board. He and his wife hold membership with the Methodist Church, and are earnest Christian people. Our subject is a Knight Templar Mason, belonging to Gibson Lodge No. 733, A. F. & A. M.; to Gibson Chapter No. 183, R. A. M.; to Gibson Council No. 72; and to Mt. Olivet Cominandery No. 38, K. T., of Paxton. He was ISIaster of his lodge in 1877, 1878 and 1879, and is an active member of the fraternity. Mr. Rockwood h.as now been emplojcd in the bank of Mattinson, Wilson A' Co. for nearly ten 3'ears, and has, by the strict and faithful discharge of the duties of his position, grown in favor with the firm, and is honored with their confidence and trust. His services in the School Board have ^~e.-'^^^*~\^ ^^/Ck. ^^^t7- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 397 helped to advance the educational interests of the city, which are now grown to important dimen- sions, while his courteous liearing- and e-orroct busi- ness methods in the discharge of liis duties at tlie bank liave won for him the respect and c<.inlidence of its patrons. •!'==:^*=4' ;yv ETKR LAlvSUN (deceased) was tlie pioneer merchant tailor of Paxton, and the founder of the clothing house of Peter Larson it Co., the largest mercantile liouse in Ford County. He was born in Olmstad, .lonkopings l>an, Sweden, December 12, \S'd'S, was reared and educated in his native country and there learned the tailor's trade. In 1854, he emigrated to America and made his first location in Attica, Ind., wliere he was engaged in business and where lie was married, in 1857, to Miss Lavisa Gustafson, a daugliter of Jacob tJustafson. Tlie lad^' was born in Linderas, Sweden, and came to America in 1853. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Larson was blessed by a family of six children, four of wliom are yet living: Charles Albert, the eldest, is now at the liead of the mercantile house of P. Larson & Co., of Paxton, with branch stores at Gilison City and Watseka. Jacob Theodore wedded Kmily Peterson, and conducts the Gibson store. Peter Edward is the resident partner and manager of the branch store in Watseka. Kmil and Ida Ottilia died in infancy; and Ida Ottilia, tlie second of tliat name, resides with her motlier in Paxton. In 1864, Mi'. Larson came to Paxton and en- gaged in merchant tailoring, also doing business as a dealer in ready-made clothing, in company with William Liudberg and John Nelson, under the firm name of Lindberg, Larson & Nelson. From 1870 until 188.3, lie was alsne in business and suc- ceeded in building up a large and successful trade. In October of the latter year, he sold out to his sons, C. Albert and J. T., and C. A. Englund, the firm name of P. Larson & Co. being retained for business advantages. In 1887, a younger brother, Peter E., became a member of the firm and, with 17 those above named, constitute the companj'. This house does a general trade .as merchant tailors and dealers in ready-made clothing and gents' furnish- ing goods and the aggregate business of the three stores amounts to an even ^100,000 annu.ally. The firm has succeeded to the good-will of the custom- ers of Peter Larson and still maintains the reputa- tion of the house for selling good goods and for fair and honest dealing. While they have the largest trade of any house in their line in Ford County, they also enjoy a corresponding popular- ity. The branch store at Gibson City was opened February 27, 1887, and tliat at Watseka in August, 1891. Charles Albert Larson was born in Attica, Ind., F'ebruary 1, 1859, came to Paxton, III., with his parents in 1864, was educated in the public schools, and received liis business oducaticm in his father's store, beginning when he was but thirteen j-ears old. In October, 18«3, he became the head of the house as previously stated. He was married in Paxton, on the 13th of .lanuary, 1887, to Miss Annie Larson, who was born in Chicago and is a daughter of Andrew Larson. Tiie3' have one child, a son, Clarence Raymond, who was born March 12, 1888. Mr. Larson and his wife are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and by his ballot he supports the Republican party. He is also a Di- rector in the F^irsl National Hank of Paxton and is accounted one of the foremost business men of the citj'. l^+^i OIIN NEWMAN is a member of the firm of Newman it Peterson, undertakers and deal- ers in furniture, of Paxton. lie is a native of Denmark, his birth having occurred on the 6th of March, 1848. His parents, Hans and Cecelia Newman, who were also natives of the same countrj', are both deceased. lie was reared to manhood in his native land, acfpiired his educa- tion in its public schools and learned the trade of a machinist, at which he worked until 1869, when he determined to seek his fortune in Ameriga, 398 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRArHICAL RECORD. Bidding good-bye to home and friends, he crossed the Atlantic and came direct to Illinois, locating in Kankakee. He remained there, however, only a short time, after wliicli he went to Wilmington, where he was employed in cabinet-making. Later, he returned to Kankakee, and thence came to Pax- ton in 1871. Ills residence in this city, therefore, covers a period of twenty-one years. In 1873, he formed the existing partnership with J. Peterson. This is the oldest house in their line of business in the count}' seat and one of the most popular in the county, as their customers can always depend on getting well-made goods at reasonable prices. On the 12th of March, 1874, Mr. Newman was united in marriage to Miss Anna Nelson, the wed- ding being celebrated in this city. The lady is a native of Denmark and a daughter of Nils Nelson. Five children have been born of their union, two sons and three daughters: Jolin C, Cecelia, Ileniy, Hazel and Leta, all born in Paxton. Mr. Newman and his wife are members of the Lutheran Church. In politics, he is a supporter of Republican principles, having afliliated with that party for many years, and is a member of the Paxton Board of Education. He also belongs to Paxton Camp, Modern Woodmen of America. The firm of Newman & Peterson has now been in busi- ness nearly twenty years, without change, and is classed as one of the successful houses of Paxton. They are enjoying a well-deserved prosperity, which is the reward of industry, perseverance and earnest and well-directed efforts. =1***+^ "^ OHN S. JOHNSON, a farmer residing on sec- tion 26, Patton Township, is a native of Sweden, his birth having occurred on the 10th of August, 1841. His father, Jonas Johnson, was also born in that country, there grew to manhood, was married, reared his family and spent his entire life. Our subject was the only son and the youngest child in a family of nine chil- dren. He remained in his native land until fi'fteen years of age, spending the greater \)a.rt of his time in school, where he acquired a good education. It was in 1856 that he emigrated to America in com- pany with his married sister and her husband. They sailed from (Jottenburg in June, and after seven weeks spent on the bosom of the Atlantic, arrived at Boston in the latter part of July. On the loth of August following, the_v reached La Fay- ette, Ind., where Mr. Johnson joined a brother- in-law, and worked for about a year and a half to pay for his passage to this country. He also at- tended school in the winter seasons for a time, and remained in La Fayette for about thirteen years. The year 1869 witnessed liis arrival in Illinois, and saw him a resident of Ford County. In this count}', in October, 1879, Mr. Johnson w.is married, the lady of his choice being Miss So- phia Johnson, wiio was also a native of Sweden, and when a young lady came to this country, mak- ing her home with a sister in Paxton. Unto them have been born five chihlren: Helen R., at home; Eva, Hannah and Norma, who are attending the home school; and Otto S., the youngest of the family. For several years after locating in Ford County, l\Ir. Johnson rented land, I)ut at length, having ac- cumulated some capital through his industr}' and economy, he purchased a part of the farm on which he now resides. This was in 1874. He became the owner of one hundred and twent^'-one acres, and with characteristic energy be began its cultiva- tion and improvement. The boundaries of his farm he has since extended by an additional purchase of eighty acres, making in all two hundred and one acres of valuable land which pays a golden tribute to the care and labor he bestows upon it. It is all under a high state of cultivation and well im- proved. There is a good home and other neces- sary buildings, and the owner is regarded as one of the substantial farmers of Patton Township. Mr. Johnson is a man who takes an .active inter- est in all that pertains to the welfare of the com- munity in which he resides, and is a true friend to all educational and moral interests. He has been honored with several local offices of trust, and to those who know him it is needless to say that, his duties were ever faithfully performed. Himself and wife are church members, and are well and favorably known throughout this community. Mr, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 399 Johnson is a self-inade man. At the early age of fifteen years he began life for himself and worked his way upward, overcoming all dilliculties and obstacles in his path. He may well be proud of liis success, which has licen achieved by his own un- aided efforts. rise. Mr. Strong is a native of Indiana, his birth hav- ing occurred in jMoni'oe County, .January 1',), 1836. The family is of Irish descent and the original ancestors were among the first settlers of the Fair- field district of South Carolina, wheie Samuel M. Strong, father of our subject, and Robert Strong, the grandfather, who served in the War of 1812, were born. The maternal grandfather, .lolin Weir, was also a native of South ("arolina, and his 400 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAIHICAL RECORD. daughter Lutecia, who was born in the Chester district, became the wife of Samuel Strong. After their marriage they removed to Indiana, becoming honored pioneers of Monroe Count\'. They set- tled in tlie wilderness and in the midst of the for- est Mr. Strong developed a farm which he made his home until his death in 185.5. His wife sur- vived him about twenty years, passing away in 1874. In the family were six sons and two daugh- ters, who grew to manhood and womanhood, the eldest of whom is Robert; .lohn enlisted for the late war in the Eight3'-second Indiana Infantry, was taken sick and died in the service in Tennessee, August 4, 1863; .James died in Indiana, in 1890, leaving a family; .Jennie died in earl>' womanhood; William B. is a resident farmer of this county; Rev. Charles S. is the minister of the United Pres- b^'terian Church in Lawrence, Kan.; Samuel W. is engaged in agricultural pursuits in Monroe Count}', Ind., and Sarah, widow of .John Harris, resides in Colorado. The childhood and youtii of our subject were spent upon his father's farm in the county of his nativ- ity. As soon as old enough, he aided in its opera- tion and his training at farm labor w.as much more extensive than that received in tiie school room, his educational advantages being very meagre. After arriving at years of maturity, he remained upon tlie farm with his mother for a time, after which he was joined in wedlock to Miss Martha .J. Miller, daughter of .James Miller, a native of South Carolina, and a pioneer of Mon- roe County, Ind. Their union was celebrated on the 13th of October, 1859, and unto them have been boin four sons who are yet living: Samuel O., who operates a farm adjoining tiiat of his father; .James, who follows agricultural pursuits in Iroquois County; .John T., a farmer residing with his father, and Charles D., a lad of twelve years, attending the home school. For five years after his marriage, Mr. Strong followed farming in Monroe Ctuuity, and in 1864 came to Ford County, 111., since which time he has resided on the farm which now yields to him a golden tribute for the care and cultivation he be- stows upon it. He started out in life empty- l)ande^^<^ -J— JAMES D. H'DLOW, in wliose honor the village of Ludlow, 111., was named, was born at Ludlow Station, Hamilton County, Ohio, in the old block house that was built by his ancestors in the pioneer days of Cincinnati, when it was necessary to guard against the attacks of hostile Indians. The paternal grandfather of our subject drew the chain in the survey for the original plat of Cincinnati and erected the l)lock house alluded to above. It continued to be the home of his children and grandchildren for many years. The site of the old house was within tiie limits of what is now the Twenty-fifth Ward of Cincinnati, and the station established there bears the family name of Ludlow. The subject of this sketch was reared and edu- cated in Hamilton County and on attaining man- hood was emplo3'ed on Covernment surveys in Tennessee. In 1856, he came to Illinois and lo- cated in Champaign County, within about six miles of Paxton. There he established his home and engaged in farming. In 1862, he returned to Ohio, and was united in marriage with Miss Susan Middlecoff, a daughter of Daniel Bliddlecoff, and a sister of the Hon. J. P. Middlecoff, of Paxton. Mrs. Ludlow was born in Lebanon, Ohio. After their marriage, the young couple came to Illinois and occupied the home Mr. Ludlow had pre- pared in Champaign County. In the course of time, a village, with post-oflice, church and schools, developed at the site of his settlement and was given the name of Ludlow, by which it is still known. Two sons and five daughters were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow: Samuel, the eldest, who married Miss Adella Martin, a daughter of .James Martin, IS a resident of Paxton, wliere he is en- , gaged in the insurance business; Belle died at the age of three j-ears; Theresa is the wife of John L. Benedict and their home is in Indianapolis, Ind.; Edmund, who is single and resides in Paxton, was named for Edmund Ludlow, one of the regicides of King Charles I, of England, and a memlier of the Ludlow family prior to the settlement of the Ainciican branch in the New World; Charlotte died in infancy; Catherine is single; Clara, the youngest, died in infancy. Mr. Ludlow was engaged in farming and stock- raising in Cliampaign County until 1883, when he removed to Paxton and made that city his home until his death, which occurred on the Dth of Oc- tober, 1886. He was a Republican in politics and a consistent member of the Christian Church, held in the higliest regard by all who knew him. i\Irs. Ludlow survives her husband, and still resides in Paxton, where she is most highly respected. Mr. Ludlow was a man of most excellent character and unquestioned integrity and long before mov- ing to Paxton was well and favorably known to the old settlers of Ford County. - <><• - cvo \T AMES II. FLAGG, a prominent citizen of Ford County, now living a retired life in Clarence, was born in Maine, July 29, 1822. The founder of the family in America was the Rev. Mr. Flagg, who emigrated from England, his native land, and became a pioneer Episco))alian minister of New Hampshire, where he reared his famil}'. His son James, grandfather of our sub- ject, was a youth when he crossed the broad At- lantic. The father, Henry Flagg, wasltorn in New Hampshire in 1784, and was one of a family of two sons and two daughters. In Warren, Me., he mar- ried Sarah OIney Head, daughter of Col. Henry A. Head, a wealth}- and prominent merchant of War- ren, and a native of England. He located in Waldoboro, Me., where he carried on business for a quarter of a century, after which he lived a retired life in Bangor. His death occurred in 1878, at the advanced age of ninety-four years. His wife survived hiin two 3'ears and passed away 406 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD, in 1880, at the age of eighty-seven. Both lie buried in Mt. Hope Cemeter}", where a monu- ment marks their last vesting place. Mr. Flagg was a ver}' active and successful business man and accumulated considerable propertj'. He lived an upright life and was a consistent member of the Congregational Church, to the support of which he also coutril)uted liberall3'. In the Flagg family were six children who grew to mature jears: Frances Maria, who became the wife of Frederick A. Jarvis, of Castine, Me., but is now deceased; Henrj' J., who was engaged in merchandising in Chicago and died in that city in 1866; James H., of this sketch; Kdmund W., who engaged in the practice of law in Bangor, Me., until his death, when he was laid by the side of his parents in Mt. Hope Cemetery; William H., a retired merchant, of Bangor; and Arthur, an honored pioneer of Ford Count}', now deceased. We now take up the personal history of Mr. Flagg, whose name heads this record. With his parents lie went to Bangor when a lad of nine summers and in the public schools acquired a good education, which was supplemented by a two years' course of stud}' in South Boston. He afterward entered the store of his brother and engaged in clerking for two years, but becoming tired of that life, he shipped as a common sailor before the mast and followed the high seas for a period of ten 3'ears. He won promotion and finallj' became master of a vessel, sailing as such for two years. During liis experience as a sailor, he visited many of the ports of Europe, made twelve voyages to the West Indies and sailed around Cape Horn on the Pacific Ocean to California. This was in 1849, and the gold fever was then at its height. On arriving at San Francisco, the entire crew left the ship, Mr. Flagg with the rest, and with others he went to Sacramento and on to Bear River, where he spent about a month. He then went to Telona, where the first discovery of gold was made, and there found einplo\'njent as the keeper of a toll gate at a good salary and continued that occupation for about a year and a half. Ill 1852, Mr. Flagg returned to his family in Bangor. In Surry, Me., on the 6th of November, 1846, he had wedded Miss Mar}' Ann, daughter of Capt. F. A. Garvis, who was captain of a Govern- ment revenue cutter. He left liis wife in Bangor while he followed the sea and during his stay on the Pacific slope. After his return, he removed with his family to Buffalo, N. Y., where with an older brother he engaged in merchandising untQ 1857. He then emigrnted to Wisconsin and pur- chased a tract of land in the town of Mt. Pleasant, Racine County, where he first engaged in agricul- tural pursuits. After two years he sold out his interest there and came to Illinois in 1850, settling in Button Township, Ford County. He first pur- chased eighty acres of land, and when he had it under cultivation bought an adjoining eighty- acre tract. He built a substantial and pleasant residence, good barns and other necessaiy build- ings, and is the owner of one of the desirable places in that township. At length he determined to lay aside all business cares, and, in 1889, went to Clarence, where he is now enjoying the rest wliich lie has so truly earned and richlj' de- serves. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Flagg were born eight chil- dren: Frances Maria, wife of AV. T. Patton, a sub- stantial and prominent farmer and stock dealer of this county; James W., a prosperous agriculturist of Vermilion County; Ella, wife of W. H. Goodwin, an enterprising farmer of Button Township; Charles H., a merchant of Clarence; Carrie L., at home; Frederick E., a substantial farmer of Button Town- ship; Lyman, who also follow.s that pursuit in this county; and Edmund, who is a graduate of the Chicago School of Pharmacy and is now employed in Paxton. Mr. Flagg has been identified with the Repub- lican party since its organization, having supported each Presidential nominee from Gen. John C. Fremont to Hon. Benjamin Harrison. He has tiiken quite a prominent part in public affairs and has served as a delegate to the county, district and State conventions. He has held the office of Commissioner of Highways, was Assessor of But- ton Township for several years, was a member of the County Board of Supervisors for five years and its chairman f(ir two years and is now Justice of the Peace of Button Township. The cause of education finds in him a warm friend. He believes PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD 409 in hiring competent teachers in order to have good schools and, while serving as a member of the School Board, did effective.service along that line. Himself and wife are among the original mem- bers of the Pleasant Grove Methodist Church and are active workers in its interest. His life has been well and worthily spent and it has also been a prosperous one. At the same time that he was winning his competence he was also gaining the high regard of those with whom he was brought in contact and none are more favorably known in this comnuinitv than James H. Flagg. ylLLIAM B. HOLMES, a prominent citizen of Ford Count3', now living a retired life in Melvin, 111., was born in Derltyshiie, England, September 23, 1820, on a farm which had been in the Holmes family for four hundred years. His father, AVilliam Holmes, Sr., who followed agri- cultural pursuits, married Miss Mary Woniack. Seven children graced their union, as follows: John, who died March 9, 1881; Lizzie, wife of Aaron Fletcher; Jane, deceased, wife of William Green; Charles, a carpenter, now living a retired life in Danville; William, of this sketch; and Henry also deceased. The father died December 15, 185',), and the death of his wife occurred in 1842. The}' were both members of the Methodist Church. The boyhood days of our subject were spent upon the farm, and at the age of fifteen, his father apprenticed him to a coach-maker for a term of six years, during which he received no wages. He continued that work in Ilngland until 1849, when, with the hope of meeting a more successful busi- ness career, he crossed the Atlantic on a sailing- vessel from Bristol to New York Citj', accompanied b}' his brother Charles. Forty-nine days they were upon the bosom of the Atlantic, and then landed at their destination. Jlr. Holmes started for the West by way of AUiany, Buffalo and the Lakes, and, locating in Milwaukee, began working in a sash and door factory, where he was employed for a short time. Having purchased forty acres of Government land in Fond du Lac County, Wis., which was covered with heavy timber, he began the development of a farm. He built a small log cabin, bought a team of unbroken oxen, and made his first attempt at agriculture. He cleared several acres of his land, placed it under cultivation, and at length sold, removing to Georgetown, Vermilion County, 111., in 1852. His brother Charles was liv- ing there, and with him he engaged in carpenter work until 1855, when he came to what is now Ford County, but was then Vermilion County, and purchased three hundred and twenty acres of Gov- ernment land on section 27, of what is now Peach Orchard Township. He liroke ten acres and made other improvements, including the erection of a house, after which he returned to Georgetown, and two years later, in 1857, brought his family to the home which he had prepared for them. i This family were the first white settlers in that township. They experienced many of the hard- ships and privation of pioneer life, but as years passed by, all these obstacles were overcome, and the pioneer home, once unadorned by scarcely more than the necessities of life, was provided with its comforts and many of its luxuries. About the time of Mr. Holmes' coming, Joshua Nicholson also settled in that community, bringing with him about one thousand peach sprouts, which he set out on his new farm, and thus the name of Peach Orchard was given to the township. On the 26th of December, 1844, Mr. Holmes w.is united in marriage with Miss Eliza, daughter of William and Sarah D. (Bennett) Wrenn. Her fa- ther, who was born in the city of Gloucester, Eng- l.and, was a professor of music, and a descendant of Christopher Wrenn, the great architect of Lon- don, who built St. Paul's Cathedral and many other noted buildings. In the Wrenn family were eight children: William, who died in 1845; Ann, who became the wife of James Thorn, died in 1860; Henry, who occupies a Government posi- tion in London; Eliza, wife of our subject; and Alfred, a resident of Chicago; the other three died in infancy. The father died in 1855, and the death of the mother occurred in 1844, and both are buried at Bristol, England. Mrs. Holmes was born in Bristol, England, October 5, 1820. 410 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Holmes were born ten chil- dren: Henry, who died in 1845; Bart, whoengages in buying and shipping horses in Melvin, was born in Crewe, Clieshire, England; Lizzie, who died in 1852; Henry C. died aged twenty-one years; Will- iam, an attorney-at-law, of Ellingham, 111.; .John W., who runs a dray and express line in Omaha, Neb.; Fannie, the first native white child in Peach Orchard Township, who was born May 29, 1857, is now the widow of Paul Koestner, and a resident of Melvin; Mary, who died in 1887; Sarah E. and Alfred L., both of whom died in infancy. The children were all reared on the old homestead farm, and those younger than Bart were born on this side of the Atlantic. Mr. Holmes there continued to reside until 1888, when he removed to Melvin, where he is now liv- ing a retired life. He still owns the farm upon which he located in 1857. To its early settlers the county is indebted for much that it is to-day. Among these is our subject, who has long been iden- tified with its history. He resided in Peach Orch- ard Township for ten ^-ears before there were set- tlers enough in the town to organize a Board of Directors. He was one of its first Supervisors, was Township Assessor, Highway Commissioner, School Trustee, and for about fourteen years served as Justice of the Peace. In politics, he is a Democrat, and a strong supjiortei' of party principles. He attends the Congregational Church, of which his worthy wife is a faithful member. Throughout Ford County, Mr. Holmes has a wide acquaintance and is highly esteemed by all who know him for his sterling wortli and the upright life which he has ever led. -^] -^} ^+^[ ylLLIAM T. PATTON, farmer and stock- dealer, resides on section 33, Button Town- ship, his post-ofiice being Clarence, 111. He is a native of Indiana, born in Fountain County, October 20, 1845, and is a son of David and Jane Patton, who were among the pioneers of this county', and whose .sketch ap[)ears elsewhere in this work. He came to this county and State with his parents when a lad of nine years, and here grew to manhood. His primary education was obtained in the public schools, after which he attended Illinois College for a time, and then took a course in tiie Agricultural College of Champaign. After fin- ishing his studies, he was engaged in teaching in Ford County for aliout three years. On tlie 25th of November, 1875, he was united in marriage to Miss Fannie Flagg, a native of Maine and a daughter of James H. Flagg, of Clarence, another of tlie honored pioneers of Ford County, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. Mrs. Patton was mostly reared and educated in Ford County. After his marriage, Mr. Patton settled on a farm and engaged in agricultural pursuits, also deal- ing in and shipping stock. Of late years he has given most of his time and attention to the stock business and is the largest dealer and shiiJi)er in the eastern portion of Ford County. An enteii>ris- ing and thorough business man, he has been (piite successful in the stock business. He is the owner of a farm of about six hundred acres, all good and well improved land, located about four miles south of Clarence and adjoining the south line of Ford County. Formerly, Mr. I'atton was a Republican in (loli- tics, but of late years he has identified himself with the Prohibition party and is an advocate of the principles of temperance and prohibition. He was candidate on the old Creenback ticket for County Treasurer, but was defeated, although he ran ahead of his ticket. He was elected and served as one of the members of the Board of Supervisors of his county and has also held the office of Assessor and other local official positions in his township. He has served as a delegate to county conventions and is one of the Central Committee of the Pro- hibition party. He is a friend of education and believes in good schools and good teachers. For 3'ears he has served as a member of the School Board. Mr. and Mrs. Patton have a family of five chil- dren: Ada, David, Charles, Carrie and Elsie, all of whom are attending school. Mr. Patton and his wife arc active members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, of which he is one of the official mem- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 411 hers. He is an active worker in lioth cliiircli and Sunday-school and has served as Superintendenl of the Sunday-school for a nural)er of years. He was one of the charter members of the Pellsville Lodge, I. O. (). F., and also one of the cliarter mem- bers of the lodge at CUirence. Mr. Patton has been a resident of Ford C'ounty, and of Button Township, almost his entire life. He h.as grown from a child to mature years among its people and is regarded as one of its foremost citizens. No man stands higher in pulilic esteem than does William T. Patton. a4'*'5"!',^^-3"5"5"5'r --• 5-**->i t^^^^i f^EY. OSCAR V. IIOLMGIJAIN, the efficient v^ County Treasurer of Ford C'ounty, who \V ranks among the best citizens of Paxton, was born on the 11th of March, 1852, in the Parish of Simtuna, near the cit3' of Westeros, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, cit3-of Sweden. His father was a professor of music. Oscar at- tended the public schools and afterwards entered college, from which he was graduated on the 19th of May, 1871, at tlie age of nineteen years. He also studied philosophy for a short time in the un- iversity of Upsala and was thereafter admitted to some of the Government departments in Stockholm, but all of these departments were crowded l)y those seeking preferment, and seeing the hopeless task of expecting to gain a competency for man^^ years to come, Mr. Holmgrain resolved to try his fortune in America, where he believed that better opportu- nities were afforded young men than in the older countries across the Atlantic. Carrying out his resolution, he landed at New York on the 6th of May, 1872, and went to Phila- delphia, Pa., where he first obtained a position in a wholesale establishment on Market Street. After- ward he was employed in a jewelry store in Pitts- burg, Pa., until the spring of 1879, when he deter- mined to fit himself for tlie ministry and enter upon gospel work. To this end, he made his way AVestward, and as a student entered Auguslana College and Theological Seminary located in Rock Island, III., and while studying theology was em plo3'ed as assistant teacher in the college depart- ment. In .June, 1882, he was ordained for the ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church and accepted a call as pastor from the congregation in Beaver, Iroquois County, 111. He labored there for more than threes-ears, or until the fall of 188,'), when he removed to Worcester, Mass., to take charge of the Elvangelical Lutheran Cluuch in that place. He there continued his pastoral labors for two years, when, in the autumn of 1887, he again came to Illinois, accepting a call from the church at Farmersville, Ford Count}', 111. (Farmersville, by the wa}', is no village at all, but merely a settle- ment without fixed boundaries, covering some eight or ten square miles and situated some six or eight miles southwest of Paxton. The settlers are mostl}' Swedish and Norwegian farmers). On the 24tli of June, 1882, Mr. Holmgrain was united in the hoi}' bonds of matrimony with Miss Jennie Christina Linderholm, of Sterling, 111., and unto them have been born two children: Elmer Frederick, born August 21, 1888, and Erick Oscar, the 3d of March, 1891. Entirely unsolicited by him, in September, 1890, Mr. Holmgrain was nominated for the position of County Treasurer on the people's ticket and elected to fill that position for a term of four years from December 1, 1890. He is proving a capal)le and efficient officer, ever prompt and faithful in the discharge of his duties. His life has been an up- right and honorable one, and not only l)y the people of his own church but by all who know him he is held in the highest rearard. ^^^USTAVE FREDERICKSON follows farm- ing on section 21, Patton Township. Among ^J the substantial agriculturists of foreign birth who have commenced life empty-handed in Illinois and acquired a competence and an honorable name, should he mentioned the subject of this sketch. He was born in Sweden, Novem- ber 4, 1845, and his youth was spent on a farm in his native country. He received fair oduca- 412 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tional advantages in the mother tongue, but is wholly self-educated in English. When a young man of twenty-tiiree years, he emigrated to Amer- ica in 1868, crossing the Atlantic in a steamer, which dro|ij)ed anchor in the harbor of New York after seventeen days spent upon the Atlantic, during six of which they encountered very severe weather. It was on tlie 22d of April that Mr. Frederickson first set foot on American soil. Our subject came direct to Paxton and joined an uncle who had located here some three 3'ears previous, and resided on a farm about three miles south of the cit}'. lie then secured employment with M. L. Sullivant, one of the most extensive farmers of Ford County, at that time employing over four hundred men. Mr. Frederickson began working l)y the month and remained in the employ of this prominent farmer seven jears, five years of which time he was one of the foremen. Dur- ing that period he lost only two weeks' time from work, and that was caused by sickness during the second year of his service. In the meantime, another important event in his life occurred — his marriage to Miss Anna Peterson, a native of Sweden, who came to the United .States when a maiden of nineteen summers. Their union was celebrated on the 13th of October, 1872. In 1875, Mr. Frederickson rented land and en- gaijed in farming for himself, continuing to rent for about ten years. During that time he pur- chased one hundred and sixty acres of raw land, which constitutes his present farm, and placed it under cultivation, fenced and tiled it, and built the necessary buildings thereon. To that farm he removed in 1887, and it has since been his home. He has built a commodious and substan- tial residence which, with the other improvements on the place, stands as a monument to the thrift and enterprise of the owner. As the years have passed and his financial resources have increased, he has also extended the boundaries of his farm, until it now comprises four hundred and eighty acres in one body on section 21. It is a desirable and valuable place, and the owner is one of the progressive and prominent farmers of Patton Township. In 1884, Mr. Frederickson embarked in the mercantile business at Henderson Station, liut did not discontinue farming, and carried on a success- ful trade there for six 3-ears. He also bought and dealt in grain. In 1890, he sold out his business, and has since given his entire attention to the farm and stock-dealing. He has been most suc- cessful in all his undertakings, and liis success has been all the greater when we take into considera- tion the fact that he began life with 0UI3' a pair of willing hands to aid him in climbing the hill of prosperity. He is a man of unblemished charac- ter, straightforward and honorable in all the re- lations of life, and is highly esteemed by his neigh- bors .and friends. He and his wife are members of the Farmersville Lutheran Church, and, in politics, he is a Republican. He takes quite an active part in local politics, and has served for six years as Commissioner of Highways. Mr. Frederickson in manner is pleasant and courteous, and tlie respect tendered him by all with wliom he comes in con- tact is well merited. i^^ ETF.R RASMUS is a photographer engaged in business in Paxton, 111., and his life record is as follows: A native of .Sweden, he was born in Gamalstorp, on the 12th of September, 1862, his parents being Ake and Ida Rasmus, natives of the same countiy. With his parents, when a lad of five years, he crossed the Atlantic to America, the family settling in this city. His father died in 1882, aged fifty-nine years and three months:, Ijut his mother j'et sur- vives and is still a resident of Paxton. The subject of this sketch spent the days of his boyhood and youth in the usual manner of farmer lads and acquired his education in the common schools of the neighborhood. In 1885, he began learning photography with (). D. Noble, of Paxton, with whom lie worked about a year, and then went to Chicago, where he worked a year, perfecting himself in his business. He then returned to Pax- ton and formed a partnership with Mr. Noble, under the firm name of Noble & Rasmus. On the 9tli of February, 1886, he estal>lishcd a branch \ d^iCiyiy-Ci'.^^O' / ^ >~e...^^~~€^'^\ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 415 gallery in Gibson, Ford County, which he con- diK'terl for two years, while Mr. Noble liad charge of the one here. After two years lie closed it out and returned to Paxton, and, purchasing his part- ner's interest in the business, has since carried on the gallery alone. A marriage ceremony performed in Paxton on the 1 1th of December, 1890, united the destinies of Mr. Rasmus and Miss Hannah K. .Swanson, who was Ijorn in Pntton Townsliip, Ford County, and is a daugiitcr of John and Emily Swanson. llcr father is now deceased and her motlier is living, being the wife of Gus Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus are members of the ^Evangelical Lutheran Church and are people of sterling worth, widely and favorably known in this community. In his political views, Mr. Rasmus is a Republican, and in his social relations, is a Knight of Pytliias, belong- ing to Gibson Lodge No. 123. His gallery has been longer in existence in Paxton than any other, and he does all kinds of work in the line of his art in first-class style. The coming summer, he designs makinga specialty of dning view work, in the way of farm and \\nc residence views. He earnestly desires to please his customers, and his efforts in tliat direction, combined with his courte- ous treatment, have won for him a liberal patron- age. 4^ EDWARD BABCOCK, who is general farming on secti^^^ICIIOLAS M. KEMP, a farmer and stock- [| jfj raiser residing on section ll,Patton Town- /iyi^ ship, has long been a resident of this county and is well deserving of representation in this volume. A native of Pennsylvania, he was born in Fayette Count}-, on the 4th of January, 1844, and comes of an old family of New Jersey. His grandfather, Charles Kemp, a native of that State, became one of the pioneer settlers of Fayette Count}', Pa. He was of German descent, the fam- ily being founded in New Jersey in Colonial days. Jacob Kemp, the father of our subject, was born in the Keystone State, Novemlier 25, 1821, and after attaining to mature years married Sarah Parnell,a native of Fayette County, where her father, Israel Parnell, was a substantial farmer. The young couple began their domestic life on a farm, but after a number of years removed Westward in 1856, locat- ing in Marshall County, 111. The father is one of the honored early settlers of that county, and is -•'•? \ ^-z.-^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 423 still living on the old homestead there. He has been thre